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The Blyth Standard, 1925-10-08, Page 1
0444 N4*!'4.i4 , 44 Sr1l0(11 ''1111111i('S. A full line of f'ul:lic and 1 Iieh School Supplies at r II -1E, STANDAI�n, ; ,x a. 4444.4444444-14444.4444444444-4444444,444 w..1•.w+...r••...wwr.w..rw.....-...,.+ww...w.n.wx..+.wr.....+•«w••.•.r.n w.-. O•tiM.. bath VOL XXXVII BLYTH, ONTARIO, Tg SDAY, OCTOBER 8; 1925 44444.44444444.4,44+4,4,444•,;,444,,;--W :.+,,14..!..:44.'t,+44 4+.t,'$f4.44+lG YOU WILL LOOK RIGHT, IN ONE OF OUR NEW O'COATS. in which ,`'o11 1v1l1 find new colorings. style, comfort p�'.11and l�l'icol 1'lght.q Young Men Men and ',`.; (',f'l'ints f 1 2.50, READY TO WEAR SUITS in new Heather '1'wecds as well as 13Iue and Grey Serge;4. Our sleek i.; complete in ]fats, (;ups, Hosiery, Underwear, tncl Siveate-I', If not possilde to Suit or (i'Coat you in Ready 110 Wear Dept. \e Will glum nl11 ee to suit you in MADE TO ORDER DI P11, a0 w S. H. GIDLEY, (:It tl,ie.t, M e tr ;led 11w) Messrs. Chas Cole and Kenneth Tn Phew: cru d firs 6 i 1 y 1 i t. , fi ill 111 1' 11) , lor, of Strathrny. motored up and spent Sunday at their homes here, 44+ b++++ 4,441.4,4 +! 4.4.30-v z.4.4444 4 -9.4.1,.-It+4.,(.,SO4, 4t" 4.4-.C'f 1444::44 . _ng A meeting of the. 11is=i'm Band will k be held in Queen Street United Church' on Saturda•., October 10, at 3 p. m. A Iiallmxc'en Dance will ba held in Memorial Ifall on the night of Friday, Octuber 30, under the auspicesof the Map le Leaf Club. se Dr. and Mrs. D. 'I'. Smith, of Omer, l+Ii�1i , motored over last ..eek and .pent a few days with his father, Alex. Smith, Ifensall and sisters, Mrs. J. Craig and Jirs, A. Smith, Morris. Remember the tea to be served at the home of Miss E•nigh today (Thursday) from 5 to 8 p. m., udder the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of. Trinity Church. Everybody welcome. Admission 15c Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lyon, Hullett, cele• brated the silver anniversary of their well- ; dint; on October 4th. They were the rc• cipienls of numerous congratulation:, among which was a wireless mess :gefroni their son, Dr, E. K. Lyon, wh9 way on the ocean, two days out from liullftAc! , 1 y F'ery British subject. 21 years of age, has been in Ctnada for one year and has resided in the district since July 5 last is entitled to a vote at the comilng elec. tion on Oct, 29. It is the duty of every citizen to ee that his or her name is on the list, and also to exercise the franchise and vote, Be sure your natter is registered -w Local News. Live fowl taken every 'Tuesday. Powell. Mr and Mrs. Chas. 13e11 visited Hamilton friends over Sunday. WANTED --Ari apprentice girl to taiiririug, Gidley's '1'ai'or Shop, Miss Code. of Alvinstun, was the gu of l.er cousin, Mrs. 1t. J. Powell, Ills week. Mee. (.neo. A1�N.rll, wits has been`'; Detroit for tonic time, returned `;ome I°a' week. The condittian of ,Mrs T. J. trucketo t, who has been quite ill, seems ”mnyltit improved, A quantity of Duchess pears for cheap. Apply at once to Edward Haar, Sr. Blyth. edo .f1UTO NJSHES ake the old car look like nen*.' coats of EFFFCTO ENAMEL and a little time will change the weather beaten car info a real auto. A 11 sizes and colors. xy....w.,,......,+....................«.rw,...,.w'.......... COLIN flNOLAND, HARDWARE P.I TEP,CHANT. BLYTH ONT. ew old eMaff'a27'4't ',•`X11;'•.` 7 '2/V1'r�'111x' �c� saasn;0:411 Mi2i.„*.,vr :is.wr d .use �4f44•F4�G•!�$�{'•I•� •F�E•44�'44'4. t. t..l:.i„pts 1.4+ '4.rr,y.•,, 441- l,i,{,.1.4444i•+ 7'44.4i•f 44 k• 44 rI, '4: ,ii Pauer OUR NEW WALL PAPER FOR FALL HAS JUST METED 200 PATTERNS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM We have also a few room lots of last years patterns at 2 prl.Ce. V R, Aft McKAY 'O11I1�`.l'IL1.S'I' BY EXAMINATION IBI.,Y'I'k-H, ONT. •14 4 4 '4• r:.��>•�rti••>F�ks,..l,.;..;.q..l,�,.p.S.;,.1,.,,.p.l..; .;.,1..1„1, .�...l,q,.y;.�,�t..r..;•.;.,�.,t,,.l..;.q..;,,i•4�'� ��•i�4•�3��Fele (311-l=:;=1 It-__.�.a� E_ZI EiUY YOUR FLOUR Now WE CARRY A FULL S'T'OCK THE FOLLOWING I.,INES PURITY, FIVE, ROSES, CLINTON. BLYTH, AND EXETER Improved lh~t'uil Jar, in 'all Sizes. Try a bag of granulated Sugar at a very close ,price , . , FRESH FRUITS IN SEASON Cherries, Pe !rice, Renenes. ()lenges end,Lemons. FRESI:I VEGETABLES. GREEN PEAS, GREEN i3EANS, TOMATOES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID'FOR BUTTER AND EGGS G. M. Cl.AMBh 6'S9. 101 tr :r-ru.r -r-k NTT The afternoon of election day, Oct. 20 will be a half holiday in the Dominion, as an Order-inCouncil passed last Friday and signed Saturday noon, This innovation or the coming Federal polling day is due o the efforts of Hon. James Murdock, Sinister of Labor, having rectified a cur• error in the routine of legislative sc- ion last session. Be sure and attend the illustrated lee• lure in Memorial Hall tonight. (Wcdner• day) by Mr. I -I. J. Moore, Toronto, under the auspices of Blyth Community Horti- cultural Society, Everybody welcome Only a sil1rer collection at the door and if you haven't a nickle pass in any way. After the lecture Mr. Moore invites the audience to ask him questions for inform- ation on any kind of flower you wish to know about. 133ring yuur note book and pencil and have all your questions ready. Come and bring your friends to the McLeen Mission 13and Supper to be held in the basement of St, Andrew's Church, Saturday, October 10th from 5 to 8 p, m. Sealed tenders fur the beautiful auto- graph gailt will be received that clay. The quilt goes to the highest bidder. MEN U Meat Loaf Scalloped Potatoes Salad Bread and Butter Cake Pie Tea Admission -Adults 35c., Children 20c. The anniversary of Quecen Street Unit- ed Church was fittingly observed Sunday, October 4th, when Rev, M. M. Bennett, 13. A , of Wingham, lately of Yorkton, Sask., preached to appreciative audiences both morning and evening, Mr. Bennett is a clear thinker and applies his message tb modern day needs and problems. The choir was in line form and gave unstint- ingly of their services iii the beautiful an- thems rendered. A lift ing ending to a very successful and inspiring day came in the thank -offering of over $500 which_was placed upon the plates. A rink of Blyth bowlers composed of F D. Stalker. R. Somers, R, 1-1, Rubinson and M. W. Telfer, Skip, won the Joynt Challenge Trophy at Goderich or. Sept. 24th. and on Friday last they defended this cup against a liensall rink on the local green by a score of 17 to 0. Then - on Monday night a rime from Wingham came here- to play for the Aero Cup and Blyth wu9 successful in retaining it by the scute of 15 to 12. Blyth b'owlcrs now have no less than three trophies on cxhib• ition In the 'Standard Book & Stationery ' • IWrltinge'I'ablets, A Targe assortment of Writing Tablets, Papeteries and Envelopes at TI -IE STANDARD. 444#44444444444444444444* Notes on Horticulture, When n horticultural Society isurgan- ized in a community the main objective of becoming a member is not merely to belong to an organization that c 0 supply almost endless varieties of bulbs and shrubs at lees price than they can be se• cured in any other way to the average buyer. If (hat we e all it would mean very little because a very large majority of men and women of today, know corns paralive little about the cultivation and care of flowers and Shrubs. Therefore there is very little use iu making an in- vestnlent in the, floral line unless we know how such flowers and shrubs FhouId be cultivated and treated in order to gr t the It )est resu ts, otherwise our planting is more or less n( ant xperiment all the time and very often ends in disaster and disap- point ment. Now, in order to eliminate to a very large extent our experimenlieg and diss• appointments the horticultural societies have come into being and it is a means through which the genteel public at larce can receive the benefit of the experience of those who have made this work a life long study. Information from this source puts • us in a more favorable position to not only- obtain better results from our planting but to very often do so at .ess trouble and expanse. '1'o become a member of any horticnl- tural society m-ans very little to us or to the society unless our main objective is to make use of the means put at uric disposal to get all the information we may require in regard to any certain flower or shrub and ill .t such knowledge wi I put into practice nat only for our sole benefit but for the benefit of others as 'well. This is one 'of the ways to learn obout flowers. Tell what you know to others. In the interest of horticultural societies there are only a few publications both in vegetable and (lural lines which can be obtained every month at a very small sum and which gives a lot of very valu- able infordtation as to the cultivation and treatment of flowers. ',Vic -Late` William Buddy There 'passed awes on Sept 29th In the Goderich Hospital, a well known resident of East 1Vawanosh in rhe person of 117m. J. Ruddy. About four wesks ago he received a kick frrm a colt playing in the yard Ile was rushed to the hospital and operated on and fur a time appeared to be progress ing, but on Tuesday became suddenly worse and passed away that evening. He was born in 1838 near Hamilton and when a child moved with his parents the late John and Mrs. Ruddy, to the t)th con. where he continued to reside until 18 years ago when he moved to a farm one mile east of Auburn. - Mr. Ruddy was a kind. good neighbor, genial in disposition, he made many friends, as was evidenced by the beautiful floral tributes and by the large crowds that assembled at the house and grave to pay their last tribute of respect, there be- ing unwards of twa hundred autos in at- tendance, l'he funeral was held on Sunday to Wingham Cemetery. (hi service being conducted by his pastor. Rev. P. S, Ban- es of Auburn Union Church. 13y his sorrowing widow, formerly Mary L, Irwin, an., son, Lewis, he will be great- ly missed, as also by his brother, Joseph, of Bel rave, and three sisters, Mrs Stew- art, of Fargo, N, D.; Mrs. Linde, of Gal- esburg, N. D.; and Mrs. Jas. Rintoul, of Simpson, Sask. To all these friends is ex tended the sympathy of the community. Mrs. Stewart and daughter, of Fargo, arrived on Sunday to attend the funeral. Mrs. A. Spafford and baby boy. of Goderich visited with Mrs. C. Spafford, here, over the week end. Mrs. Chas. McCrea, of Sault Ste. Mar- ie. was the guest of'her cousin, Mrs, J. 1-I. R,.Elliott, during the week. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, of Toronto. were guests of the latter's cousin, Mrs. F. G. Kershaw, during the week, FOR SALE -Pure bred Tamworth brood sow. due to litter about Nov. 1st. Apply to Geo. Machan, Blyth. Rev Mr. Lundy, of Kippen. conducted the service in St. Andrew's Church on Sabbath morning, The pastor, Rev, G. Telford. was in charge of anniversary ser- vices at Kipped. Mr. Hilliard McGowan, who has been teller in the Canadian Bank of Commerce, left on Monday for Dunnville where he will serve in like capacity. Weregret the removal of Hilliard from town but trust that abundant success may he his in his new position, The last twa Sundays in October will be of special importance in St. Andrew's church, On the 1lth the fall communion service will be held. with preparatory ecr- vice on the Thursday evening preceeding No'15 REAM WANTED PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton. will pay farmers F. O. B. 39c. to 42c. per lb. fat for all cream delivered at C. P. R. Anyone Interested kindly Lend for cte ns and, you will be assured of a fair deal. PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL A. F. CLARK, Prop. Box 203, Milverton' An Open Letter A BRITTISII CHALLENGE Dear Mr. Editor: it is far from my thought to enter Into any n:wspaper controversy. However, the electors of North Iluron are asking, an•) have a right to ask that the issues of the day be presented openly, and nut re- tailed priv.,tely with a different message to each voter, 1 therefore registered to my opponent the following letter, and, as us- ual, be, f.rr reasons best known to Limself, has completely ignored it and made no re- ply. Nothing then remains, but, to make it an ',pen letter to the press, Wingham, Mr. J. W. King, Ex. M. P., I3lucvale Ont. Dear Mr King: - You will recollect that at the beginning of the 1021 campaign. I wrote you and Mr. Fraser, suggesting that we hold joint meetings throughout the Riding. Mr. Fraser accepted. but you either. declined or ignored my request. Afterwards it was commonly reported that the reason that Mr. King did not agree was that he thought Spot ton might be abusive on the platform. This of course was a mere subterfuge. because it was well known that in my -twenty five years campaigning that the various Liberals whom I had met upon the platform throuhout the province were life long friends thereafter, Of course the great historic Liberal ('arty had traditions of which it was truly proud, and a policy on which it stood; therefore they had something to present to the electors,. • Now Mr. King,'if the Progressive party has a policy which -can be, ubbelys pro. claimed and not merely peddled private. 1 would again respectively request you to hold joint meetings with me. Mr. Fraser and 1 went into the last campaign friends, and we came out of it friends. You made many promises to the electors four years ago and I would be glad to be with you when you tell them how you kept those promises or attempted to keep them. We can both lay our political gonds on the table in the varions halls in North Huron and let the peop'e take their choice This will do away with a whispering cam• paien! I will be glad to leave the dates and places of meetings with you so that you can arrange everything to suit your- self If you wish to have any other speak er with you I will have no objections. This has always appeared to me to be a manly and economical way of campaign- ing. For any further details about these arrangements, I would he glad to meet you any where and any time. Yours respectlully, GEO. SPOTTON Optometry -Its Value to the Public BY R M. McKAY, BLYTII Explain the duties of the Optometrist and the Optician. The Optometrist is a professional man who deals only with defects of the vision - their detection and ccrrection, The Option's duties are mechanical. He pre- pares lenses, adjusts frames, etc. Do optometrical students receive in- structions in both these branches, Yes, practically every Optometrist is an Op* tician, but many Opticians are not Op- tometrists. Londoietiore. The Methodists will hold their annual fowl supper. Mr. and Mrs. McCool were Belgrave visirors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, W. Lyon, of Blyth, were visitors here on Saturday. Mr and Mee; Richards and family, motored to Stratford on Sunday, The many friends of Mr. Jas. Snell will be sorry to learn he is not improving. Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Brundson, of Blyth, visited at the home of Mrs, Wm. Brundson, last Thursday. ' Mrs. J. Brown, who spent the past two months with Toronto and Hamilton friends, returned home Thursday. Mrs, (Rev) Medd, of Dutton, and Mrs. Ainsley, Leamington! are guests of their sisters, Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. Eisley The pulpit of the Methodist Church was ably filled last Sunday by Rev. Mr. 1-Ioltnes. of Wesley St. Church, Clinton. while Rev. Mr, Sneil took his work at Clinton. Tisa' Q11'i'110. SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have now ,in ;stock a complete line of Public and High School supplies:' - Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books,. Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c. The Stannard Book 8c Stationery Store r W. R. GOULDING, A T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster St, James Unitedthurch. Exeter. Instructions in Vocal -Piano, -Theory Will be in Blyth each Wednesday.. In. formation'. and terms may be obtained -fronwMies'Pearl•Gldleyo. -e- FOR SALE 1 wooden pump in first class repair, works easy. four strokes will fill an ordin- ary pail. Will accomodate a well 10 feet deep from platform. ` 1 office safe Ford & Featheretore make in first class repair, inside dimensions are 20 inches wide, 26 inches high, and 14 inches deep. Spaced for books and pap- ers. Price 175.00 cash. E. W. Geddes. FOR SALE That desirable property situated on the corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. this being two storey and attic, solid brick This property is ceatrally situated, For further particulars apply to Mrs. Chas. Harvey, Blyth, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 ecres of good land in Grey Tp. On the premises is situate a 1¢ storey stone dwelling. bank barn, straw barn, driving shed. Windmill with water in barn. This is a very desirable property and we will take Blyth residential property as part payment. For further particulars apply at The Standard Real Estate Agency. Blyth, Ont. CARD OF THANKS We des're to thank neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown tie durirg the illness and death cf our dear mother, Martha P. Wilson Mrs, Jas Crerar Jas T. Wilson, Tho Late Mrs. Rath, On Friday night, Sept. 25. there passed peacefully away into her eternal home Catherine Marshall, beloved wife of Wm.: Rath, at her home Concession 7, East Wawanosh. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mershall, who came from Lanark County In the sixties, sett. lin on lot I0, Concossion 9, Morris, she was born in the year 1808, and where she lived untill she was married to her now bereft partner in the year 1893, when they settled on their farm in 1Vawanoah, where she has ever since resided. She wa% the last surviving member of a family of five girls and one boy, all having prede- ceased her a number of years ago. Be- sides her sorrowing husband. she leaves to mourn her loss a family of two boyo and two girls, Wesley. of Blyth, Clarence, of Windsor, Jean, attending Business Col-, lege in Clinton. and Verna, at home, A short service was held at the house on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 p. m. by Rev. Mr. Scoble, of Belgrave. Interment - was made in the Union cemetery. Blyth. The pall bearers were:—Frank Marshall. James Marshall, Robt. Powell. Alex. Porr. terfield, Wm. Laidlaw and Robt, Wells, - The floral tributes were beautiful and many. among them being a beautiful pill. ow from the family. also a lovely' wreath ...--.--- _£.L_ • c:w ells GiroterYour iii I.i.� d:l,�.1 J..GI I.p� ���.LI. V,��Ii II F, .., • ,I ,i, ,V i. i.w .�, .i �.i�.�.�.y�l. !I Ing, and some things that were alma But the lace, save that it was thin,' Incredible about the atrango new land had hardly altered, At eight of its to which Ile had come, ineffdn, mhing d Ile heard stories of the old Dawson Toterable Garvocksaessby soth%ietthroat, grippeand ho days, when the gold -born city was in could have stood still in the roadway ilio full grip of lawlessness and loaf; and cried lilts n child, heard, too, how the troops came over The beautiful head was quickly the White horse Pnss to proclaim turned, a pair of startled eyes dwelt lnartial law; and many stories of On the fare of the approaching siren personal heroism and adventure which, ot'I', then ensued silence, abhnlute, and put into the shade all the fiction of p''foun(1• i adventure he had consumed in itis .lien Rankine ookcd precisely as n 8872 youth, In fact, he felt inclined to'Alan might look who suddenly found ask himse f whether he was in his himself face to face with some deni- sober senses, rind listening to tales l'e,en of n,nother world. of actual life, ' In the last week he had dwelt much nnoi,R (reams and shadows, and lis- tened by day and through the silent night wntches to the meanderings of a sick and dying plan, and he had now Have you tried it? h The tiny rich. flavored leaves and tips are sealed s it..tight. Finer than any Japan or Glunpowd(r. Insist upon SALADA. Love Gives Itself THE STORY OF A BLOOD FEUD nY ANNIHI 8. SWAN. 'Loire gives ttaeif and IS not bou btr"—Longtellortt. I,IIAI Tr.. ' • t' XXX.—(Cont'd.) "The Klondyke?" repeated Garvock Arrived at his journey's end, tind- questioningly. ing hi►ilself amid the happiest condi- The banker nodded, 1 h tol'd't talk it out tions and the most exquisite sur- "They're near one of the mining made no sign that she even recog-1 IIe made for a bench in front of i roundings, Garvock naturally found it camps where the biggest run was on nized his existence, Tho sight of the shack, but Rankine looked round difficult to realize the Klondyke in in 'ninety-eight. Yes—its practically smoke a little distance off indicated at the door with a somewhat wavering winter. To him it was now a region played out now. But there are still the proximity of a wig-wam or shel- smile. of enchants►?nt and of dream; and a few cranks mouching about the old ter of some kind. Presently he de- "There's a dead man inside, Peter. whether or 'lot he was to bo success- dredgers, and making raids on the scended upon the left bunk of the Mypal—the best pal every man had in gGod-forsaken world!" tui in his search, he must for the creeks. You don't know Affery, I Kioedske Rover,f and began to find this God-forsaken aghast, had premaienetratedder of ls soufe farinttoad thel►nt he heart suppose?"Garvock replied that he had never oflicretumble-down and re he shack, the remw the nant Rankine iPiAetr'nodded; then all at once, ns seen him. of Alns!:a. "IIe was here in 'nicety -eight, rind 1 of a disused gold dredge, a heap of as if feeling tho infinite comfort of On the morning after his arrival he he knows more about that queer page; tin pannikins and cans, eaten through n kent face and a friendly eye, he put sallied forth from his comfortable in Alaskan history than anyliving' with red rust, and at rare intervals his hand on Peter Garvock's arm, hotel to find the Canadian Bank of man,I do believe! Ile made n hit a thin line of smoke curling upward "Let us go into the scrub a bit, and Commerce, which was only n stone's- himeilf; but what he's cranky on is j to the sky, indicating that humanity sit down. Peter Garvock in the flesh throw off. His inquiry for the man- a fortune he imagines was hidden by I was to be found its these strange and on the Klondyke! Gosh, but its a ager was courteously met, end when it pal of his called Arizona Red, whol desolate solitudes. funny word! he was ushered into the private room,. was one of the biggest boosters on the I Presently, low down upon the creek, Ile laughed then, the strangest he was politely received by a thin,, trail. According to nil accounts he 1 he came upon an old grizzled man laugh! It was without mirth, and clean-shaven man whose appearance' was a holy terror. He staked one of ' sitting on his hunkers, n black and sounded, in Garvock's ears, sadder suggested that of a lawyer in prac-1 the first claims on the Klondyke, and I foul pipe in the corner of his cheek, than tears. He cast a swift glance at tire rather than a Klondyke banker. I it is a known fact that he was luckier 1 and a pannikin in front of him, in his cousin's face, which Alan enught "Morning! And what can I do for • than most of then,; but nobody ever I which he appeared to be washing the and fully understood. you sir?" he inquired, with an un -1 knew what he did with the nuggets.1 precious dist. (To be continued,) doubted American roll on the "r." I He used to come into Dawson and 1 The ice was moving out of the "My name's Garvock. You don't have a blow-out once in a blue moon, » Klondyke now, and its mid -channel Making Music Well -Balanced know me, and it would be hopeless to but he never exceeded a certain limit. was clear but at the edges it had to epee Nobody ever cleaned out Arizona. Af- be .broken and pushed aside to get at Feature in Sunday School. explain," said Peter quietly. I ve S the running water—no difficult task, "A Very essential feature in a well - CHAPTER XXXI. GREATER LOVE. On Friday, about ten of the morn- no doubt that his imagination had ing, he got on board the stage once, run away with him. more, bound for the nearest point to I Bili this wraith was very real, for Gold -water Creek. In the lata after -soul trct Vied heit stepped iedpneake nearer, thean►e wet d with atnthe lrest-house aleft nd reis ceivedall fuin-1handbag "It's Peter Garvock, Alan—come to ds: structions, he set out on foot to find take you home!" Gold -water Creek Aril the shack' "Peter Garvock!" stammered IZAIl- whero Alun Rankine and Affery were kine• "But how have you come? How lending the simple life. did you know I was here?" I To the death Garvock would rens-' "I made it my business to find out, ember that day of heavenly beauty old chap," said Garvock joyfully, for, the entrancing blue of the skies, the 1 DOW that Rnnkino spoke, the strain vivid coloring on the mountain and of the moment almost anguished in its wood, the glow of the summer sun on Intensity, was relaxed. h1AlI. THIS COUPON the snows, and the wealth of wild "I don't understand," said Rankine flowers—frail creatures of a day, dully. "It's the queerest thing I've; many of them, but incomparably beau- over heard—that you should seek and tiful, find ale here!" Tho only living thing he encounter- "There's nothing queer about it, I ed on the way was an Indian squaw Alan," said Peter Garvock, still cheer-' of unimaginable ugliness, who stared' fully. "Let us sit down here and just at hint with the utmoststolidity i y anda gil,CAMBLINC.INVESTING? or • Wheal you buy spoon/alive shares which have no Earning Record and no Market Value you aro simply gambling,— with the overwhelming probability that you will lose your money, Why take this long chance when you can Invest your savings in sound, dividend -paying securlttoe of known value and earning power (slime readily marketable) and be safe, You can do this by availing yourself r Pay hi A Year Plan (Example, $500 Invested). 8800 invested (pay In a year•) will buy the following socurltleel 110 SHARES Canadian Industrial Alcohol .. •' • , . ., YIELDING YIELDING 7.7%9 10 8HARE8 Steel of Canada 10 SHARES Canadian Car Foundry (Preferred) ,YIELDING 8.8% Ase11+•ming the market on the above shares fuivanoes 10 points wit'btn a year, your profit would bo ;850 plus dividends paid. (Other group enlection-s for Swaler or larger aunts on request.) Our new booklet, "The Road to Financial Independence," gives a oonlplete record of Canadian dividend -paying se unties, with their hlglt• and low market prices, and explains how you can start investing small or largo sums' with abet lute eatety by our "Pay In a Year Plan." Send for it today, No obligation. Financial Agents Wanted as Local Correspondents. made s long journey from Scotland fery and he were thick palls, and lie's to inquire whether you know the never been the sante man since Ari- now that a sun of daily -increasing m' ordered Sunday School Is the music," whereabouts of a man named Affery zonas death. He nursed him through tensity was blazing high in the hen- claims a superintendent who is in a —I don't know his Christian name, his last illness in the shack they vens. good position to judge, "There Is a but I think I've got the surname shared together on Goldwater Creek. To this dishevelled and uncouth old , �" And he's there now with Rankine. figure Garvock addressed himself He added that because he saw the vast difference," he claims, "between right. I They've been there since Rankine civilly, asking for the location of Jingle and music," came to the Yukon." Afiery's shack. "The very best kind of music only," gleam of quick intelligence on the 1 a single word, He stood up stolidly, and without he says, "should be found In the school. banker's face. "Doing what?" The banker shrugged his shoulders. utteringpointed with a There is so much nleaningleas sluff g "You have, sir. Mr. Affery is a "Prospecting in the good old-faeh- skinny and blackened hand, from printed under the name of good music, client of ours, and i do happen to Toned way, I'in told. Washing out the which two fingers had gone in the which Is only jingles. There 1s no in- : know where he is at this very min- goad dust in their pannikins on the, frost -bite, to a little wooden frame splratfcn to be found in words or tune, ! ate." house hanging sheer on the edge of I "Oh!" said Garvock with a little creek when it happens to be there; i g K +•uric which causes the feet to move and in their odd minutes hunting for j the hank overlooking the river. It "olt�tde body to sa by should be avoid Igo him of relief. Is he "Can acyou ywhere int ethis 1 a hest pile. Affery thinksiihe has was Garvock tout five hankedhundred h m, and s distant. 1 ed In the Sunday school service. This district?" a boost on it, and will find it before pondered I 1 dies." whether he might otter some honor- is characteristic of the jingle stuff, The banker nodded, and made his he„But you don't think that?” said nrium for service rendered, but was and Is but another means of adding to mouth into a long, queer line which'1 restrained by the reflection that per- the disorder of the Sunday school teemed to indicate that he knew much Garvock significantly. more than he would put into words,' Once more the banker shrugged his I3onahs e+mking ntrbenoffteriiinng ad scorn some it, !ifs, Slog example, we have not intro i boulders k+quently seen boys during the reading even under severe pressure. 1 s "I don't believe for a second that 1 As he walked away face to face with "What do you want him for?—if there's any treasure. I put it to you the fact that so short a distance now it's a fair question," he asked as he intervened between himself and the pushed n chair towards Garnock, at ---rs it 1}lcely, after all these years, the same tine studying him keenly. and with the crew of prospectors ihof journeman y todfind made was rtovercome oby "Scotland, didyou say? Affer ''s Irish have been oyer every blessed inch of 'journey Y b y the ground a thousand times? You s that strange sort of reluctance which --fit !east three parts Irish, He has see, the story of Arizona's buried, causes men of his nationality end tens- mont of the other leachers and the an.coverings, hent Ings --everything! bought a place in his (other -country tresure got about, and a good ninny perament to shrink from scenes of noyance of the teacher, Such unties A very lately frock for the little in Donegal, i of the tenderfoots and some of the! enotion or personal feeling. It is 1 not only added to the disorder of the tot, and n most practical apron for veri I)lantond Dyes --no other kind--- "We:l, as a matter of fact, I don't old hands as well have had a tryfor within the mark to say that that was her olds' sister have been evolved fwd ta11 your druggist whether the knee Mr. Affery, and my cniy inter i alts the most of Want moment in 1 school, but Int the prime time prevent-_ , = material you wish to color Is wool or it, q , p g 1 e(1 serious study. We need bright from the eimp. design of pattern No, est in him is on account of a third , , ' Peter C arvock s momentous under- I silk, or whether It is linen, calico or You fie seen andtspoken with my I music in the school but worshipful, 1177. Very clever effects may be ob-I party- tt relative of my own, who was cousin'' He isn't the kind of man to talang, p mixed goods, inaniratlonal and dignified music mined by combining contrasting color i of the lesson and recitatIub period 1111111 ono of these catchy songs, and keep time by moving their arms and swaying their bodies and stamping with their feet, much to the anutse- Monett Saints Clair A Co., Investment aanksre, Canada Cement aulldlno, Montreal, Quebec. You may send me Your Daoklet, "The Mood to ►laanelal Indeoendena" and Mall, of your Investment plan, without t.bllobtIon on ay part Name Addrue City ...........ift.f. ff....ff Dept. W. ' wrareminetwilliti PRACTICAi. ANi) NN l'Y. Fifty-Flfty 1 The Secretary of State for Alr, Sir Samuel Hoare, told an tanning story a little while ago of an airman who took a friend for a trial flight at a Harlon gathering. When they wore about 3,000 feet up, the pilot executed a nosedive. "There!" he exclaimed, as ho sight- ed the aeroplane. "Jolly exciting, wasn't !l? 111 hot you that fifty per cent. of the people clown there thought we were falling." "Very likely," said his pr. ssenger. "'And fifty per cont. of the people up hero thought eo, too." 11111111.1.11111141 BEAUTIFY IT WITH us "DIAMOND DYES" Dip to Tint or Bc11 to Dye Each 15 -cent pack- age contains dire-• lions so simple fury woman clue tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors in lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, at one time in his company, and who, be taken in with a fairy-tale like this, But puling himself together, he it is surmised, came out to Alaska 1 should have thought " advanced in a straight line towards with him." 1 A queer, indefinable expression flit- the indicated shack, It stood alone I see. Name of Rankine perhaps?." ted across the banker's lean face, in the midst of a clearing, with a hill The blood rushed, full and hot, to' I +_A man is not the same man her© rising behind it, every available inch Garvock's face, Ile knew now that I as elsewhere. There's something in of which was ablaze with flowers. In though he was in close touch, he had the air that nips the blood, 1 loathe front Iny the winding river and hills hardly expected this, rt but till the same I'll never leave it, upon hills beyond, with snow -peaks "That's the name! He's my cousin. ' I'm her(; really on behalf of his wife And things have happened here that, rising to the sky, and his other near relatives. He's!' f they were written in books, would He marched on, stumb+ing now and been lost to them for over two years," never be beJeved, It's n }and of mys- again over some rut ir, the track, and The honker nodded understand- tory this! And it's my belief that it keeping his eyes fixed on the half -open Hover was intended to be conquered I door. And, presently, it was drawn 1ngly, by civilization—like the rest of the buck from within, and a man cattle "I see. Well ---he's been here in the world—and that they few who have out—a long, gaunt man, in top boots Yukon with Affery for the last six made good here will have to pay thohinto which his trousers were pushed, came montlin October,s—let me just beforeithe Wavle price, sooner or later," and a diggers shirt of greys flannel, gation was closed, 1 believe he camel Queer idea! But it's��a gorgeous open at the throat, and guiltless of down the Yukon on the last boat of country,"said Garvock, "It's the tin a cohnr. the season." "And isn't he here now?" asked Garvock feverishly. est in the world, surely. I've never seen anything to touch it!" "Nor anyone else. But don't for- get that you see it now under the most "Not in the city. But he's get -at- favorable conditions. We have eight able, Ile's no further off than on one months of an Arctic winter when the of the creeks in the Klondyke. Yukon comes to its own, returns to its primal silence and desolation. - You ci n't get over eight months of Arctic winter, It'll effectually bar the wily to further progress—in the ordinary sense, I mean. Personally, I think the Yukon in its primal state is some- thing nearer heaven and all the mys- teries of eternity than any other bit of the earth! And I'm a hard-headed Yonker from Albany—and don't you forget it!" 31 FrER, EVERY 14A44 Probably one ' reason for the popularity of WRIGLEY'S is that ft lasts so long and returns such great dividends for do small an outlay. • It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh and full•flavored always In its wax.wrapped package. SUE No. 4C--'26. "Well now," said Garvock, trying to shake off the singular spell he felt being woven about him, "this Gold- water Creeks -how does ens get to it?" "You'll have to go baon the tralll ck about forty c'• fifty miles—nothing In thin weather! The day after tomor- row the stage starts on the return journey --probably the Inst of the sea- son. Would you like ale to go with you?" Garvock hesitated a moment, and the Yankee was quick enough to grasp the significance of that brief hose - tithe yy. "No, Of course you don't want Any strangers messing about ''the family gathering. I ought to have 'known hotter. Well, then, where are you ' stopping? Will you comp and lunch' with m3 at my piece? , I'm a bachelor, hut I can do you fairly well." 1 Garvock thanked hint and accepted,' for the man was vory friendly and kind; and during the next •four -and- ! twenty hours of forced inactivity. In' Dawson he had ample opportunity of hearing much more that woo interest - —their legs wouldn't become so tough. As it is, Pork is rather indigestibleandyournusf eat mustard with it. ' Mustard aids digestion of pork and all othor moats by lmprov- Ing the flavor and stimulating the flow of gastric Juices. Freshly mixed mustard ntial at ovary which will instil within the soul that materials arid using fancy trimming; spirit of reverence," braids to make the frock, In this .—� instance a plain material was chosen, and the sleeve section joined to the front and back with colored silks in a blankeltstitch. The seine stitch' outlines the round neck and the top! of the patch pockets. A wide sash is joined to the sides, tying in a bow at the back. To make the apron, the I sleeve section is omitted and the cor- ners of the front cu(, round, Sizes•1 2, 4, 6 and 8 years, Size 4 years re -1 quires 1% yards of 82 -inch, or 1' yards of 36 -inch material. Price 20c,1 The designs illustrated in our new; Fashion Look are advance sty:es for 1 the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled To Get the Straight Dope. 1 in our patterns, Price of the book 101 "Don't you think n man's t;hnaactor cents the copy. can be found out by reading his HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. palm?" "A better way Is to ask his neigh. Write your nems and address plain. hors, I think."ly, giving number and size of such r•, , patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in' games or coin (coin preferred; wrap, A Mining Problem' it carefully) for each number, anal address your order to Pattern Wilson Publishing Co., 53 West Ade -1 laide St., Toronto, Patterns sent by return mail. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house, A youth Kogan work In at mine, and his flrst•joh consisted or driving one of the pony wagons used for carrying the coal to the elevator. JIB got along very well indeed until one day he came 10 n. place where the roof: of the "gallery" was far too low to a17ow the pony to peso. Consequents Soap inust never be rubbed on to ly, ire took a pick and (.eminence(' to white Bilk, but must be dissolved in hack away print of the root. • I the water before you begin to launch^ immediately a foreman dune on the the garment. Rinse in warm water, scene and• wilted what he wits doing, I To this you may add a few drops of The lad 'explained that he was mak• , blue ink to prevent a yellowish ap- ing a way for, the pony to pans. pearance. "Now, tht's a very dangerous Every Woman Needs A Sink Why get along withouta kitchen sink any longer? Here is a new SMP Enameled Waro Sink, the very latent. Made of rust -resisting Armco Iron, with three coati of purest white enamel, same as on bath tube. Sire 20' x 30" x 6" deep, with 12" back, complete with strainer, brackets, all fittings and directions for setting pp. Price, complete, $12,00. The SMP Enameled Drain Board Nown above is made to fit, the SMP Enameled Wore Sink, or all standard sinks: Size, 20" x 24". Has the same material and enamel as SMP Sinks and is complete with brecZas and fittings for setting up. A great labor saver. • Price, complete, $6,00 For sale by plumbers and hardware stores throughout the country, or write ''SHEET Mt'TAL PRODUCTS Co'u"nit MONTREO.t. TORONTO WINNIPEG. ,(DMONTON VANCOUVOR CALGARY t111i1g to do,'' d(ll(1 the foreman, "Yon '•s.,�L• .i.r. ado 2.•.1.4.n.im..0ae..rr.ri.,..klw0•..•l alighte bring the whole roof down. ; s9 'Whet you ought to 'do Is to cut away the floor. - "ll!}'o think I'm a fool?" retorted the lad.. "ll's the pony's head that won't 1 go through --not his feet." US ar 'Two hundred and twelve thousand two huhdred 'and ten tons of fish pass through Billingsgate market yearly, Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians. 201 s fine "P CK ME 001.0ii-i BOTTLES ONLY •;.1.25 rw-ilYi, 6i�.1.J �. tai. ,I ii 11id �q r, I�. ,I tl��i i ��n �.1�i %•Y/r'-�{•""b. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE OIL IN YOUR CAR? Two Things Are Continually Occurring When It is in Use. BY V. C. PARIClia Lubricating oil is the life blood of greater wear produces more gritty your engine. Stop the oil eirculatioa particles of metal to bo picked out but a moment and your motor le gone. by the oil. Contamination is frequent - An autopsy at the nearest garage may ly nggravnted by quantities of road 'disclose complications such as scored duet and fine particles of carbon cylinders, burned bearings niol the which also work past the piston rings like, but the lack of oil will leo self and get into tho oil. evident. Some engineer' claim that the thin - So well recognized is this danger ning out of the oil by dilution would that most cars are now provided with have lint little effect on the engine if a visible oil gauge as a sort of me- contamination could be prevented and chanical pulse for tho engine, by the oil kept clean, Other engineer' memo of which you can assure your- aro Just as positive that the fine par- e, !self, from time to time, that oil cite ieles of dirt which constittife contain - of fellation is normal. Few engines fail, fruition would bo harmless if tho work - these days, from n lack of oil, Ing parts wore separated by a film of thick undiluted oil. But suppose the blood stream be - Engineers may take their choice of conies poisoned and instead of that - these theories, but the repair man re- lating a life-giving, wear -saving flow quires no higher mathematics to de- er clean oil, it carries a thin dirty monstrate tho results of operating an stream laden with particles of abra- engine on thin, dirty oil. Ho sees too Rive grit. The oil gauge will continue many motors•which show evidence of to show normal circulation and there will probably be no sudden and spec- excessive wear after n few thousand ill HOMO cases, only hundreds of Willer breakdown of the engine but, or,1, little by little, the working parts be- mu"' Now that wo know tho dangers of come infected and an insidious dis•• I running our engines on diluted and ntigration, heralded by sundry knocks contaminated all, what can wo do and rattles creeps upon it, until at about It? the end of a few thousand Tulles a major operation, known in automobile IVIIAT IS TIIE REMEDY? circles as n "complete overhauling" is This question has been the subject necessary to make it again deliver of extensive scientific investigations quiet and satisfactory eervice. on the part of experts for the past If you would avoid such a situation three or four years, and these learned as 1 have described, you must see that gentlemen, after much experimenting, your engine has not only plenty -of oil aro now able to draw some definite but that it Is clean oil that is being conclusions which can be used by tho circulated when your motor runs, average car owner to prevent these Two things are continually happen- troubles to conte extent. leg to the oil in your engine when Briefly, these engineers have found you use your car, It is constantly that the causes of dilution, in tho thinning out or losing its lubricating order of their importance are as fol. body, and it is constantly nccumulat- lows: ing abrasive particles of dirt. En- 1. Operating engine at too low a &co's apply the terms "Dilution" temperature, and "Contamination" to these condi- 2. Excessive use of the choker. tions, • 3. Use of an over -rich mixture. Dilution is due to the presence In 4. Use of poor gasoline which does the lubricating oil of considerable not vaporize readily. qualities of gasoline. It accumulates To make prnctical application of !toter In winter than In summer; this information and avoid additional more rapidly in cold weather than in repair bills as far as we can, let us wtirm, It is at _its` worst in cars resolve for the good of our engines to; driven by physicians or salesmen, who First: Keep the engine warm by Make frequent stops and darts, al- covering the radiator in cold weather, lowing. the engine to cool down in be- or even by throwing a robe over the tWN11. It frequently becomes so pro- radiator until the water gets hot after flounced that the engine apparently starting up on a cold morning, uses no oil at all and the crankcase Second: Use the choker only when Reims to be full even after several necessary and never drive with it on, hundred miles, but an examination A motor in good mechanical condition will show that the oil is thin and should pot require excessive choking black and has entirely lost its slippery to start. feeling. It leis no lubricating 'body," Third; Use the cleanest mixture at The fact that an engine is apparenty all times and it possible overcome the using less than a ;torrent amount of temptation to "give her more gas" lubricating nil is generally an indioa- every timethe motor spits on a cold tion oevere dilution, morning. )01- CAUSE IS A MY8TERY. Fourth: Buy gasoline from n de- penciable refining organization How doe 3 the gasoline get into the maintains a uniform product, oil to thin It out? '1'o many peep.° Finally, we must recognize the fact who aro familiar with the results of that we will always have a certain dilution, the cause is still , a mystery. amount of dilution and contamination When you started your car this , of our lubricating oil under even the morning, partictilarly if it. had stood best operating conditions, and that all night in a cold garage, you pulled I eventually the oil in the crank case out the "choker" before you started! I will become too thin and dirty to Pre- to crank it, and very likely you drove, i le proper luindcation and prevent several blecks before you considered 1 v I wear, When this time arrives there 1 the engine warin enough to run with - is n out using the choker to some extent. nothing to do but draiout the dirty oil, throw it away, and refill the The "choker" siinply gives your en- gine case with clean, fresh oil of the gine an additional amount of gasoline; proper grade, In winter, this should probably frcon three to ten times as be done every five hundred miles to much as is necessary to form an ex - . be safe, and even more often for cars plosive mixture."rich" Yon use a which aro started and stopped a great mixture on n cold dny becnuse the nir deal in cold weather, does not contain heat enough to read -1 Oil is cheaper than bearings and In Hy:vaporize the gasoline and you must this case it certainly pays to follow beve a vapor to get started. the mnpufacturer's instructions. But what happens to the remaining 41•••••••/..r••••• gasoline that enters tho engine cylin- ders in liquid form? It condenses on When Manure Starves a Crop. the cold cylinder walls and dissolves Menure applied fresh from the the lubricating oil off of the piston stable usually works n temporary In - rings. On the down stroke of the pis- jury to a new -planted summer crop. ton, some -of it is carried down into Manure, like cheese, reaches perfec- tho crank case to mix with the oil tion through n ripening process. The there, ripening of manure is brought about Now we depend on the oil around thrckugh the work of countless }mc- tho piston rinr, to form a seal -and teria, nude our cylinders gas tight, as well When manure is applied to land as to lubricate, the moving parts, and when in a green or new state bacterin if this oil seal is dissolved by gaso- sets to work ripening it right in the line, we no longer have a tight cy.in- soil. In the main these bacteria are der, More gnsoline and even the pro- working at the job of breaking down duets of combustion can then work the strnw or other cellulose material their way, pert the piston rings and in the Mall Pt% Such material is not into the crank case. it very well-balanced, ration for bac- Gasoline mid oil are chemically very Orin. They need extra nitrogen ii 1 similar, both being Products Of crude the diet, so they proceed to take this petroleum, and is very easily dissolved nitroesen from the soil,' in gasoline in any proportion. That When fresh mnnure is applied to, la why we tiee-it as a cleaner to take the land in the summer, when the grense spots out of our clothes, tel is at a height to- encour- Any gasoline reaching tho crank age bacterial growth, these tiny dent- ca.so in immediately absorbed by the' <oil and =ken it just that'inuch thin- zoos of the soil will take up 'In 06..1 bodies practically all the available 'nen As the oil gets thinner it loses nitrates. A plant 'can't get nitrogen its "body" nnd becomes a poorer and WIcich is tied up in the carcass of n poorer lubricant. This thin oil does bacteria, hot give ns good lubrication as thick- A young seedling put out at the 1 er oils and more wear takes Place 1?°-• same time as fresh manure Is there-, tween the moving parte of the engine. fore forced to go on a low nitrogen Further,: thls thin oil does not make diet for the first month or six weeks. as good n piston seal as thicker oil Filially the 'bacteria 'finish ripening and therefore allows more gasoline to the manure and themselves die and work peat- the pluton rings the next, become available as -plant food... But , time the car is started. .. while the manure -ripening process Is '111 other words, the effects of dilu- 'going on there is really, far less nitro. tion aro cmitUlntive, Tho gnso- gen available in tho land than if no line getting past the 'piston rings the manure had beeii put out. , : greater the dilution. The. greater the The moral IS that fresh manure dilution,- the more gasoline will get should never be applied to land just: past, until the process becatties- aae a crop is •planted. Tho manure vIcieue circle and tends to continue shotild either bo composted before ap-, indefinitely ns long as you- stop and plication or else go out moral months start your cer, before tho crop. Cositaminntioe neirks in. the •same wv.y. Th'- ll elle oil, containing grit- Clean -hens:In clean quttrters Make , a. Taillike; sseeres craftier wear and for poultry profits: A NEW ERA FOR FARM WOMEN Economic, Social and Cultural Conditions on the Farm Aro Improving. . BY J. T. HORNER. The discussion was about the ills city life which appeal? The vigorous, nnd welfare of agriculture, Women I rapid life in the city appeals to youth were there who had spent. years of mere forcibly than the quiet hard toil toil in rearing u family and doing a of the farm. The vim and vigor of woman's work on u farm. They youth seeks the activity of city life, showed stains of weary toil and self- longs for the now sights and iu lured sacrifice undergone, that their chi:- by the recreational side of life within dren might have a better lot in this, the town. Youth is ever eager to see world. Their hands gave signs of I new things and learn. The city, with doing tasks which are thought of as its many phases of industry, com- belonging to men. Their faces show- merce, and pleneura offers wide flields ed rule of dial"' winds, the bites of for new experience', Industry in the soe . cold and the blisters of heat. city also offers a greater immediate .s. . ... These women were the kind that reward for the services of the young made the conquering of the wilderness man or woman, so naturally the trend possible, for without woman the of population Is cityward, . farmer is helpless. These women were Farm folks who have toiled a life- ; ; • se aas. s•'e,. the kind who underwent hardships time to clear up and improve a farm, and suffering of the hour in hope of dislike,to see their children leave and better things in later life. They faced go to town. Every man really wants' privation, loneliness, and hard toil, to to establish an estate and family -- s' the end that a civilization be founded which will continuo down through the. SPORTS FOR AUTUMN DAYS and farther back. and the frontier be beaten farther generations. This, in his mind, should be on tho old farm where ho has spent At this meeting these women were his life of toil. The family home for looking forward with hope of a better years to come should be on tho old FOX AND GEESE. floats, hooks and sinkers, are attach- agriculture in the future, as their farm where the pioneer bus given his Tho players choose ono of their ed to the shaft. Then as tho wheels mothers looked forward with hope in lifo labor, These old pioneer farms number to be the fox and ono to be turn the lines aro slowly drawn up- the pioneer days. They had faith In have really a part of the character of the gander. The rest are all geese stream until they aro completely agriculture and their desires were to_ the !nen and women who have wrung and stand in a long single file behind tvound up. remain on the farm, them from the wildernees, The cb11- the gander, each with hands on the Use a double set for wide streams. Regret was expressed that the farm dren like the dear old farm, but it is shoulders of the player in front, the For creeks, only ono shaft need be boy and girl were being educated away not a part of their lives as it is of first one's hands on tho shoulder of used. The ehaft • should be a light from tho farm. It was thought that their parents. It does not mean the the gander. The object of the game rod of hardwood. Cut out a block of some effort should be made to educate same years of labor and hardships. is for the fox to tag the lag goose in wood two inches thick and about four these growing children in such a way Youth looks to the future. Age looks the line, who then becomes fox, inches square for the paddle wheel that they would prefer farm to city backward. Where the brightest pros - But this is not an easy thing, for hub. Bore a hole through it for the life. pects are there goes youth, while sen- tho gander and the long line of geese shaft. The shaft should fit tightlyCHANGES IN FARM WORK. timent perishes. all try to protect the last goose. The so it will turn when the wheel does. FARM VS. CITY REWARDS. gander will dodge around in front of Each wheel has four paddles of tin, The lures of the city and attractive - the fox with his arms outspread side- Thespolces are of either light rod iron ness'ef city employment have two In- In the march of econmoic progress, nfl,uee,nces on rural life and rural peo- family ties, ambitions, ideals, go by ways to bar tho fox from dashing —still' wire will do—or straight- back toward the lino of geese; and of grained wood about half an inch in r, In the first place, it takes the the wayside. Youth forges ahead into course whenever the gander moves, diameter and twelve or fourteen Inch- strong, virile young manhood and those activities which seemingly offer womanhood of the rural community the most. Mothers and fathers back the line has to move with him, being a es long. Set these In hoes bored In continuous chain. If the chain is the wheel hub. . and. it causes a shortage of labor on on the farm may regret the movement broken the fox wins, Now drive',stakes acmes the stream many farms. from the country to the city, but it days much more labor will continue just as long as the city If the fox gets past the gander, and either Wore hoes through them In pioneer then the end goose will try to make near the tops or notch them for the was needed on the farm than at 'pres- offers more comforts and a fuller life. ent, The land needed clearing. There Youth should bo taught the real The Swoose, an oddity at Boston Zoo. It Is a cross between a Canadian goose and an Australian 8W1111. it Is the only known specimen In the world. the line double back to get out of his shaft. were fences to build, hind to plow and conditions in the city and be able to way, or tho geese in front, will loop It will take only n few minutes to drain, houses and barns to build, and compare the rewards of city and farm the lino to bar his progress. let out the lines again after they have nuiny operations to perform which aro occupations followed for a lifetime been wound up. Set them nbout four WHEEL FISHING. feet apart on the shaft, and if sev- now done in the town, rather than compare the weekly Did you ever fish with n water eral hundred feet of line aro to be The changes which have coma about wages. in industry during the past ono hun- The past generation experienced the wheel? You probably exclaims, glow _used, it will be well to place tin disks 1 dred years, have caused many of the change from a hand to a machine in the world can I fish with a water On the shaft four incites apart on each operations once performed on the farm ngriculture, and from a self -sufficing wheel?" This is how you do it: side of tho line so that it will wind: A small shaft is set up across the up in one place and prevent fouling.' to be done in the city factory. Ma- to a commercial agriculture. The gul- 1 chinery is made in the city. Flour is eration prior to that forged its way stream with n paddle wheel on one When the wheels stop turning or, made at the mill and in many in- into the wilderness and made the de - end, If tho stream is rather wide, actually revolve in the opposite direc-I stances is baked into the loaf before velopment of a civilization possible. the shaft is cut in two and a wheel lion you may rest assured that youi it gots to the farm. Wool is washed, During both these periods the tasks of put at each end. Fish lines, with have a fish on a line,—D. R. V. II. I spun, woven, and mado into cloth. tho farmer were hard. He lived a , Feed for live stock comes from distant strenuous life and underwent many such tin experience as a pond offers, in sections of the country. The farmer's hardships. The signs of the times eros ;apparent happiness and contentment. meat is no longer a product of "butch- seem to indicate that the agricultural A great deal of time should be ering dm," but comes from one of the accomplishments of this nation dur- spent in deciding upon the site, as large packing centres. ing the next generation will bo a this .is the most important element In There are not so many people need- 'popularization of science among rural building n pond. Drainage is another ed on the farms to -day, because there people and a marked improvement in factor that should be looked out for aro fewer things done in the country. living conditions, social life, and et'', before constructing the pond. A pond Also, the general use of improved inn- ture on the farm. to be sanitary may have to be drain- I, chinery mnkes it eossible to get along The day of the farm woman is ed and cleaned. With the above fac- 1 with less help, about to dawn, Not much longer will tors in mind choose a place that is This trend of population from the she be expected to toil like a slave, low and one that will not receive toocountry to the city is just n natural live in undesirable quarters, deprive much surface drainage, as there is a , , consequence of our nntional develop- herself of wholesome social life, and possibility that the mud and soil from ' ment. It is not due to the use of city forego those dainties and cultural the adjacent hillsides will be carried text books in our country schools or things dear to every womnn's heart, to the pond and fill it up. i the farm boys and girls being educat- The fruit of the vision of the farm The time to make tho pond is this cd away from the farm. Economic women of days gone by is on the tree. fall when the ground -"s dry. If there conditions and economic changes are Tho harvest is about to be gathered is n flowing spring that may be made the reasons for the trend away from and with it will come the rural lifo over into n pond it will he much more tho farm. which has, heretofore, existed mainly Would Save Money at That,serviceabe. There are many attractions about in vision. , l "Sorry your salary's been tempor- I In digging the pond be sure that it . 'e arily cut—great lora, no doubt," I is deep enough but thnt there are no ...\, "Not at all. I won't bo able now to , "jump-offs" or sudden deep places take the family on that ex -pensive trip ' where tho animals might get, into north this summer," deep water and drown, Efficiency crept into shops after A Pond for the Farm. 1 senaibe book-keeping found its place In the offices of manufacturing con - There are many farms that !level one. Farming will have to puss the no dependable running ditches 01'1 same stages of evolution, It is corn - other oval:fib:0 watering places forsirtge, for the subject of farm accounts the live stock, Then, too, n good pond is now being promoted in the country serves tis a bath for the hogs, as i --- rechoo:s. The plan is to tench this mane where the horses and cows may subject in the habit-forming seventh stand and keep the flies off of their. eighth glad— feet and legs. This Thi 18 a service that cannot ho estimated in dollars and cents, The significance of it may be The muscles of a bird's wings," are, party realized by watching the farm proportionately, twenty time -3 more animals on a hot day as they enjoy powerful than thous of a man's arm, What He Was Doing. THE TEST OF SPORTSMANSHIP •••••••••••11, There are few things in this world that go, as far in developing good sportsmen as do our county fairs. It is here that our young live stock men ',mat were you doing all mese Mx get their first lessons in showing live months you were away from home?" I stock, und naturally they have m'ich to lenrn. "Six months," • It takes" a great deal of grit and deterniination and Hems and clever - When knitting or crocheting, put ness and hard work to take live stock your bakof yarn in a smallPnrri to the fairs and prepare them to win sack, tie it loosely so the ball will the "b,ue" in competition. There is have room te) turn as you work, and but one "blue" in ench nnd after the thread runs smoothly, 1•• • ..i I 1 1 ill 1.i add 1 d4 dd,d1.1. ild lli .!..Said II 11 I II • 1144 , • , Ituuiteulau dancers at the Ex 11 baton, Their 'flotilla coetennee attract e.! 1.1esprcad- atteatton, fighting hard for it, it is not easy to let the other fe::ow take it. Here is the test of a good sportsman:—to work and strive rind fight for the prize, and then, if he must accept the red or the white or the. green In tho same spirit us the blue. It takes courage and patience, a strong spirit of fairness .to be a good Ism.. The. act of doing one's best nt. 1 these fairs is where the benefit comes I in, and then to take defeat gracefully .• I for ourse;ves and our choice animals I is the teet of the real sportsman,. , First vs. Second Year Queens, An experiment conducted for two years by the Dominion Apiarist at Ottawa shows that the average crop of honey obtained from ten co:Onies headed by n queen less than one year old was larger than that obtained from the sante ,flamber of colonies headed by a qu.-m in her second,year. In 1923 the crop obtained from the yearling queens was 243 pounds, 2 entices greater than that Obtuined.,., s'soin the queens in their second year, In 1924 the difference WW1 379 pounds, 12 ounces in favor of the yoe.vg, queens. Alt'iough it has n huge teneme . whale has very lite° sons o Of taste Nu miii.ritiviIW ■Il milli 11.1 THE A rims" VP-- tinA D1.r1 11'1 0.1 All VAALam--uCtuutr C 1:141) 11�....L_!J .1 III+.11.11. ugSJ� t.I a 1.11.1ii. +J lel .HL ..._Y...,.11.f.1. ARM� °. ARKET Low Tariff Politicians belittle its importance. Are they right? What are the Facts? 31 ROBABLY no part of the business of farming is lass under- stood and less appreciated than the value of the home market to the average Canadian fanner of to -day. First and foremost, given a Govcrr meat that is sympathetic with you, the home market is one that you can cabsohi i;ely con- trol, at all times. at lea;:t against the foreign farmer t. ho would invade it. On the other hand, the foreign market ir, one that you may be leg,isl;."ed out of at ary moment by the vol.? of a foreign government that has decided that it wants to give its 0\V11 fr..rmcrs an advantage over yea! Ne:{t, the market that .s hist %vcrth culti.'ating is a:ways the market that absorbs the largest part cf your pre duction. The fellow who year after year buys more than half ye ur crop is worth more to you than the fellow who only buys 2:; 3 of it. That's fileriamental ! There's no getting away from it! From•..le figures below we prove absolutely that the hc;re market absorbs at the •very least 63 ! . • of the r ro(l.uce-- • nct ,sf the Ontario farmer --but of the average Canac`.in t farmer, Including the wheat farmer of the West. If we were tc leave the 'Western wheat farmer out of it, it could be proved that over 80% of what the Ontario farmer produces is consumed by this home market, The reason some people have an exaggerated idea of the im= portance of the export market for farm produce is that they have looked at it solely from the standpoint of wheat! It is true that we export 'n one form or another about 75 per cent of our entire whcat crop. But the wheat crop, important and all as it is, re- preyonly about one-fourth of our total annual agricultural production, and it is only when we take into account what be- comes of tile other three-fourths that we can arrive at a true es- timate of the value of the home market to the average Canadian farmer! Here is our calculation. Check up our figures from the Canada Year Book, the official statistical publication issued by the Gov- ernment. Subject our deductions to the most searching investi- gation and you will find that if we have erred at all, we have under -estimated, rather than over-estimated the importance of the farmer's home market. TOTAL EXPORTS, FISCAL YEAR 1924, OF Agricultural and Vegetable Products.' including freh j:kd t; ps:s-rved trt.it-;, grr.ins, fiur and milled products, bakery products and prepared foods,' vegetable oils, tobacco, fre:•h and pre,+..areal cgrt,:hlcs, r.,ap1e h;; rup, mnp;c shear and r iscelle.nrota, hut excluc'ing rubber, sugar (other than maple), molal.+ea and coo`rrtic't:erg+ r p•n.'nctu not. of Canadian nricultural origin; also excluding alcoholic beverages whose export value is out of all re1Util,:, to t':: V i't e c•t the u,;riccltur:,l products .,sed in their production. - - - - - • • Animals anti Animal Products. including lite ani', ale, hie'rs c.rd ski:,, Irr.ther, fresh meati, cured and canned tneets, milk and its products, oils, fats, greases, eggs, honey and miscellaneous, but cxcluc:ing fish oils, seal and whale oils, and furs other than black and silver fox skins, as products not of agricultural origin. -• - - - - - - - - Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products. including all vo 1 and woolens, also fax, jute end hemp products, but excluding binder twine, manufacturers of cotton and silk, mann• lecturers of mixed textiles, and certain kinds of wearing c.pparel, as products not of Canadian agricultural origin, Grand total exports, all kinds of farm produce - - r • - 0 • $394,407,246 91,939,305 2,747,573 $489,094,124 Now the gross agricultural revenue of Canada for crop year 1923 is given as $1,342,132,000. Deduct- ing the grand total exports, e.s above of $189,094,12.4, leaves a balance of $853,037,876 to represent what must have been consumed Ey the Dome market. In other words, the export market took only 36A% of our tarm production. The Lala':ce, C3! <, was consumed in Canada! TWO THIRDS OF WHAT THE CANADIAN FARMER RAISES, HE SELLS IN CANADA Export Prices that Fail to Govern Hone Price3. In attempts to belittle the home market, the argument has been used over ar.d ever again that the prices obtainable in the export market always govcrn the vices obtainable in the ckmestic nlarl.�t. Statements of that kind ccnstitutc Or» of the meanest fors ;s c;f dislicnecty. It is probably true that, in the E.lrence r f an effective wheat pcol, the Livrrpce I price pretty nearly fixes the dcniesfie price of wheat. But the Liverpcol teri of hay, or of potatoes, is ahncst nes :til lc in its effect upon, the local prices cbt&in :,h'.e for those commodities in Canada. And the reason for the difference ia that v,hec.t, besides being a ccmmcdity that can 1 stored indefinitely, has been prcvidcd with terminal e'acilities that enable it to be handled cac a minimum of,erpcnse, and i3 carried at the lowest of all freight rate,, whereas transportation costs on hay and potatoes substantially protect the. pro- ducer against surpluses only a hundred miles away! Hay and Potatoes for Instance. In 1923, for instance, farmers in Nor- folk County received an average cf only 811/3 cents a bushel for their potatoes, while farmers in Welland Ccunty, less 3 than fifty miles away, received $1.00 fcr heirs. In that same year farmers in Perth County received an average of only 49.28 tcn for their hay, while farmers in he edjoining County of Middlesex re- ceived $11.05 fcr theirs. Lis eat the illustrations as much as ycu 1 'ce cr, the ground that differences of 4tl:lli' ' had something to do with the difit a nets in price, yet do they, not serve to sl; -kc your faith in the man v l :Q would have yeti, believe that Liverpocl prices c.lva7- ; govern domestic prices? Did Thun- der i. I,y forme's, fcr instance, get $19.64 fcr 11L•Lir hay in 1923 b;rcause it was of snrh :;apericr quality, cr did they get it because. of the high cost of bringing $8.98 hay ;'rem Hurcn Ccunty, cr $10:11 hay frcm Lambton County? If Liverpool • priced gc+v.rned hay in the way and for the an ; e reaa,n3 that they do wheat, Ontario farzry :•s r: ouid have to pay shippers a premium to take their hay away! Wit:c:¢','l Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander. 13el:.t:tlers cf the home market assert that a tariff on farm products is of no benefit to oui.' farmers. Is the United States tariff on fan products of no benefit to United tate a farmers? Is it no detriment to Cyan^.dial farmers?,If a fcrcign t::triff is a detei::ieirt to Canadin farmers, why should not a Canadian tariff be a detriment to foreign farmers and consequently a benefit to our own? What a New Industry, in your Market Town, Means to You! 4 It increases the prosperity of the town, gives work to the unemployei, adds to the population, gets the empty houses rented and starts the build- ing of new ones. The town immediately has more money to spend cn the butter and eggs, the vegetables, fruit,' milk avd grain your farm produces. The foreign market is admittedly an important market, but after all what does it consist of? Isn't it made up entirely of town and city dwellers--- wage-earners--who cannot obtain from their own farmers as much food as they require so they must buy from you.? Is the city dweller an asset to the Canadian farmer only when he happens to dwell in a foreign city? If we persuaded him, by the offer cf a better job tha:i he now has, to come and live in Canada, would he not be a bigger asset •to our fanner than he is at present ? Those who scoff at the home market would en• courage those dwellers in a foreign city to stay where they are, thus leaving our farmers in the position where they must take a chance on ship- ping their products long distances, and then selling them in competition with other producers from all over the world! Isn't the plan of those who would build up the ho: ne market a vastly better one? A higher tariff will give more workers good jobs in this country. Canadian workmen with good jobs are the beat customers the the Canadian farmer will ever have. 1 FOR HIGHER TARIFF AND FOR LOWER TAXATION • The Tongue of Or. The tongue of Oc, language of the auclent settlers of the Southwest of Prance and still apoken by hundreds of thousands of natives, in seven de- partments to the exclusion of French, is to ho taught in French schools as part of the regular curriculum, Ten years ago, however, its use was for- bidden in the schools, with the result tliat ware children are now unable to speak properly with their own parents, who know no French. The nJw rule is to correct this situation. The tongue of Oc has no word of Drench In it, In sound and In pro- uttnelation• It approximates more closely the Spanish, and some of the words 'are of Spanish origin. But trimly come from the English, due to the long English occupation of the southwest. Thus the word that" la the sante in Oa as in English. Other words are derived from the Italian, And few show Moorish derivation. " Busiest Railway- Stations. Waterloo, the largest British rail- way station, occupying 24% acres, his 1,180 ,trains In and out each day, Clapham Junction, which comes next in slap with 2414 acres, exoltisive of about 10'4 acres of sidings, gena 1,730 train a day, and Liverpool Street has 1,190, 7'renhnetit for Bot Fly Larvae. Heavy infestations may cause in- The Standard Club digestion. Give the horse a chane; help him to bo comfortable by re- moving the too numerous bot fly lar- vae from his stomach, Fast The horse twenty-four hours and give three capsules of carbon bi- sulphide, to be given ono at a time, i Standard and Daly Globe at three hour intervals. The larvae generally pass from the stomach In June; go into the soil for six weeks and then re -appear to start bing List: $6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire,,, 6.75 Standard and Daily World 6.75 Standard and Sunday World 4.27 their devilish work over again.' Standard and London Advertiser 6.75 Dept, of Extension, O.A.C., Guelph. -- `Standard and Free Free r 6.75 Mineral Mixture. I Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6.75 The following mineral mixture is I Standard and FamilyHerald 3.50 used in the swine feeding at the IS and Farmer�s Sun 3.90 Ontario Agricultural College. It is Standard and Can. Countryman 3. 40 E Liberal-Coajervativo V'lotory Commtetee, 330 Bay OL. Tatwtt* 2 *+4t+++++'F+++++++. • ,4.++f++4 4-141.4.444.4.+ 11444 M4314 '4444§ HARNESS ANDSHOE REPA!R!NG Prompt attention and first-class work guaranteed in all Harness and Shoe re- pairing. 0.4 MODERATE PRICES, j:'::s. BARRY 1 Blyth, •• - Ontario. +4+414444+++44,11.44+44.244.444.64140411441.-a4 0.644.e4w.4.4,6 MK.± giving good satisfaction:--- Standard and Farmer's Advocate 3.50 Nig.. UT_TT'1VI''QT'I�T�r!' TINSMTTHT 4 bushels ,Charcoal or Hardwood Standard and Wlel;ly Witness 3.50 s Ashes. s ea. tt pounds Salt. quarts Air Slaked Lime. Standard and 1 recbvterian 2 Standard and Work: Wide 3.90 STEAM 'FITTING. 1 pound Sulphur. We make a specialty ;of Family Mon. This preparation 1s kept 1n a suit- able box In each pen where it may be taken by the ,wine at will. 4.50 10 pounds of Bone Meal Standard and Poultry Journal 2.90 1 laments and invite your inspection. Standard and Yo'ith'sCompanion 4.50 flet Air. Turnaees. Eavetroughing, y y Inscriptions neatly, 'darefull y and d St ft A. McINTYRE, L. D. S,, D. D. S n10N'r1NT Office hours --9 to 12 1 to 6 Will visit Auburn each Tuesday afternoon, 'Phone 130. Dr. W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CVONER COUNTY OF HHUltON. Office --Queen Sheet Residence--Dinsley Street, BLYTH, • - ONTARIO =ON Lir: ASSOCIATION, 54 VICARS 01' H01.11) PR0011KHH Local Representative Wanted. 0. H. CAVANAGIH. General Agent 'Phone 428 Goderich, Ontario J. H. R. ELLIODf, NOTARY PUBLIC & CONVEYANOi(it Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer', Liability, Plate Glass, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, ('Phone 104) ONTARIO, LOF'TTUS E. DANCEY. BARRISTER, Sor,lCITolt,NOTAIIY Pt1I3L1C, CONVEYANCER. MONI•.Y 'I'0 LOAN, Office- Queen Street, BLYTII, ONT SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO, OF WAR, , PROSPhliOUPROSPEROUS& PROOItESSIVII It loads the field among Canadian Companies. I{. R,,I.ONG, District Manager, Goderich THU'1IAS (I UNl)Itir AUCTIONEER, QODERICH, • ONTARIO Farm Stook Saies a specialty. Order Telt at the Blyth Standard Office will be promptly attended to. Telephogo me Wes at my expense, JOHN M. STALKER, AUCTION EER, AUBURN, • I ONTARIO Farm S'cok Sales a specialty. Orders lett at the Blyth Standard Moe will ht promptly attended to 'Telephone m dated at my expense. Dr. H. W. Colborne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Medical Representative D. S. C. R; Phone No. -Office 51; Residence 46 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN WlltteHttg Drug Store DR. W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH %WAI III MORRIS AND HVLLDTT FARMERS' CLUB. Co-operative Buying and Selling. 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. It RICHMOND, JAS CUINGPresident. Shipper C. K. '1'AI'I,OIi, Sec'y Treas.' WHITE BROS., Butchers Boiled Ham , 60c Breakf,st • Bacon 38 40c Back Bacon 48 5 0c Pork Sausage 22c Bologna 20c Head cheese 15c Co�tage Roll 32c Lard 22c Beef Steak 20c 22c Beef Roast, I5c 20c Beef Boil 12c 15c Pork 20c 25c We carry a c+;tnplete line of frest- and cured meats: ': RAE WlNGRAM DGONV�9�NRA1 WORKS has the largest and most complete stock, the most beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD- IAN GRANITES. The Calves. Keep pent of pure water before the calves and nice bright hay or pasture grans. It is surprising how much water they will drink, _.. r...Y.r.,r andard an Northern Messenger essenger 250 Corrugated -Iron Roofingand Steel arns promptly done. , Standard and Can, Pictoral 3.90 Electric tonis for carving and letter• ing. • Call and see'us before placing your order. Rol>tt..A. Spotton, W iNGHAM, • • ONTARI Q Standard and Rural Canada 2,75 - a Specialty Standard and Farrn & Dairy 3.00 . Standard and Saturday Night 5.10 • Orders Promptly attended to Standard and McLean's Magazine 415 he Tiytit ,standard, J. H, LEITH, Blyth, Oiit, PAGE 5—TAEBLYTH Marroolow THE SECOND ANNUAL Plowing Match OF HURON COUNTY PLOWMAN'S ASSOCIATION Will be held on the farm of Adam Sholdice, 1 Mile West of Walton Thursday, October 8, 1925. Competition open to residents of Huron County. $350.00 in Prizes Program will be as follows: CLASS 1 -Wish high cut pl lws, in sod, Free-for-all. CLASS 2- General purpose. wooden handled plows, in sod. Free-for-all Skimmers barred. CLASS 3 - Men from 19 to 25 years, with general purpose plows, In sod with skimmers. CLASS 4 -Boys 16 and under 19 years, in sod, Skimmers allowed. CLASS 5 -Boys urder 16 years, in stubble, Skimmers allowed CLASS 0 -Single Ridirg Plows in sod. Free-for-all, Skimmers allowed. CLALS 7 -Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. Special Prizes: J. F, Daley, Seaforth, offers a special prize, a belt guide valued at 510,00 for the best crown in the '1'rector Class. 'I'ractur must be driv- en by farmer or farmer's son in his district. J. W King. M. P., Bluevale, offers mu for best finish in the walking class. Mr. King also makes a donation of $10.00 to the Association. E. R. Wigle, M P. P.. Goderich; offers $10.00 divided in $5, 33, and 52 in the boys' class under 16 years; for the best crown. "George Spotton, Wingham offers $5.00 for the best plow team on the field, also makes a donation of 55.00 to the Asscciaiien. Andrew Lamont. Grey Township, offers 05.00 divided $3 and $2 for the best outfit driven by any boy under 21 years. Lyle Gordon, Cranbrookl offers pair of shoes, valued at $5,25 to the yr ungcst boy plowing. The Association offers an outer casing 30x30, for the hest crown in sod, in the walking plows. The Assciation offers 35 for the oldest man plowing. Rules and Regulations Amount of land to plow, left for CommItee to decide, Teams to be on grounds at 9 a. m. to start plowing at 9 30, Finish to be made at 4 p in. Average depth of furrow 6 inches. No shaping of furrow after 2 rounds on crown. Judges' decision. to be final. No shifting of stakes after start is made. Each Plowman allowed one helper only. Plowman to Gee 6 rcunds on crown. Prizes to be paid on ground More leaving. No entrance fee outside of the 25 cent Membership Ticket. Directors to be on grounds at 9 a. m. wearing official badges Meals will be provided fur Plowman, FRIZES-There will be 4 prizes in each class viz; -$15.00, 810.00 and 38,00-- either cash or its value. Tractor Class- Prizes $20,00' $18,00. $15.00 and 510 00. Grand Concert in Evening "Finnegan's Fortune" Presented by Foidwich Young People in Church Shed, Walton Musical Selections between Acts. Program starts at 8.15. Admission 25c and 35c L. E, CARDIFF, W. SPEIRS, R. L. McDONALD, A. ADAMS, Sec•Treas, Vice -President President, Pon. -President Auction Sale OF FAEM-STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. Robt. Johnston, jr., to sell by public auction on Lot 34. con. 3, East Wawanosh, commencing at 1 p. m. sharp on FRIDAY,the following, thais to say: HORSES Gelding horse, rising 5, gelding horse, rising (, driving mare 9 years old, CATTLE Cow, 5 years old, milking, due in May, cow, 5 years old, milking, due to freshen in March, cow, 9 years old, calv ed 3 weeks, cow 8 years old. milking. Pure bred cow, (Scotch) with calf at foot, due to freshen May 11, pure bred Shorthorn bull, 2 years old; 5 steers 2 years old, 4 heifers rising 2 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 5 yearlings, 6 spying calves, 2 young calves. SHEEP, PIGS, FOWL 5 ewes. 8 chunks, 8 suckers, 2 geese, 1,gander, 50 hens. IEP, LEMENTS Massey -Harris binder 7 ft cut, 1 McCormick mower, Deering cultivator, Massev-Harris fertilizer drill, nearly new; Massey -Harris hay loader. Fleury walking plow, two furro plough, wagon, set Yankee bob sleighs, hay rack, stockrack, nearly new, top buggy, set team har- ness, set single harness. , GRAiN . 1000 bushels mixed grain, 400 bushels seed oats,. 50 bush els .two. rowed barley, ,75 bushels fall wheat, , 25 tons mixed hay, 2.5 tons alfalfa, Gurney Oxford range, heat-. ing stove. - All purchases of $10.00 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months' credit on purchasers furnishing ap- proved joint notes, . 4 per .cent, straight off :for cash on credit amounts, 2.QP.1T, JQHNSTON, Jr, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. ' 16 Atactinnsat r TAMAAf9'---Oc CONFEDERATION? LiFE ASSN POLICY Uo1• OJCftVNMOL General Agent, 8, 1925 The most urgent requirement in Canada's Agricultural Products ANADA produces every year 1 trge quantities of wheat, oats, barley, butter, cheese, bacon, beef, eggs, apples, potatoes, grass seed and clover seed ('Oat she cannot consunl.:. Her natural outlet for these pro- ducts k, of t..ourse, Great Britain—the one great consuming country of the world with an open market, linfortul.atcly, nearly every other country wish any surplus of food products scans to want to send its surplus to illi same market. The l::!cnness of the competition on this, our only market, and the enerf;y and resourcefulness of our competitors began to impress them- selves upon the Department of Agriculture some time ago, but it is only within very recent years that the real and only way to grapple with this problem has been discovered, or nt lent put into effect, This Department now believes, as do also Inst of the farmers of this country, that the "grading" of our agricultural products is the policy and practice that is seeing us through the struggle and will assure us of our rightful place on the Britich market. "Gradill!;‘," means the classifying of products, whether they be hog(;, but- ter, cher::e, eggs or anything else, into what might be cc'led i m a general way "BEST", "G©t:'D", "FAIR" and "POOR" classes, These exact words are not used in describing the grades, but that is what is incant. The purpose served in grad- ing is threefold -- (1) t',CdU!Cationi.11. When the pro- ducer secs the relative quality of his product !te is spurted on to maintain that quality if it is the "best" or to improve the quality where necessary. (2) Fair Play. When products are not graded the inferior article for various reasons often brings as mdch as the superior article, and the credit and advantage of putting the superior pro- duct on the market is lost to the one who really deserves it. (3) Facilitating Trade. The dealer learns to have confidence in the article he is buying and buys more free- ly, because it is guaranteed by grading, and gradually everybody gets to know what the "test" article really looks like or tastes like. In short, grading brings about standardization and ensures to the producer the best price, Canada now grades her cereals, grass seeds, hay, potatoes, apples, eggs, hut - ter, cheese, wool and bacon hogs. The results have been in every case bene- ficial and in some casts quite markedly so, even though the grading system has been in cffect in some cases for only two or three years, thus:- Cheese—Grading began April lst, 1923, Canadian cheese the year before had fallen into such disfavour on the 13ritish market that New Zealand cheese was quite commonly preferred, Today Canadian cheese commands cents per pound higher than New Zealand, Butter—Grading began same time as for cheese. The reputation of our but- ter was then indeed at low ebb. Canadian butter today, while not the best on the market, is rapidly improving in quality and gaining in reputation, Hogs—Over two years ago the De- partment of Agriculture began to grade live hogs al the packing houses and stock yards, The 10% premium paid by the packers for'"select" bacon hogs as against " thick smooths"has classed by departmental graders has done wonders to improve the quality of our hogs and develop the bacon industry. Best Canadian bacon, which ordinar- ily was quoted two years ago from 10 to 18 shillings a long hundredweight below Danish, has gradually grown in the esti- mation of the British wholesale buyer eatil it is now quoted at only from 1 or less to at most 5 or 6 shillings per long hundredweight below the best Danish. This improvement in price is, of course, due to quality and has come about very gradually, the spread nar- rowing down by a shilling or two a month until now it is not at all a rare occurrence to see best Canadian selling . on a par with the Danish article. Eggs—Canada was the; first country to grade and standardize eggs. These grades and standards apply not only to export, interprovincial and import ship- ments, but also to domestic trading. The basis is interior quality, clean- ness and weight, Standardizing Canadian eggs leas established confidence between producer and consumer and between exporter and British importer, and has resulted in a greatly -increased demand for the Cana- dian egg both at home and abroad. Other products might be mentioned where grading has worked to the great advantage of the producer and to the advancement of Canadian agriculture. Already Great Britain recognized our store cattle, wheat, cheese, eggs, apples and oats. as the best she' can buy. It is for us to so improve our other products, particularly our butter and bacon, as to bring them also into this list of "the best on the British market" and consequently the highest priced. Grading enabled us tb do this for cheese, wheat, eggs and apples. Grading is helping us to do it for butter and bacon. Quality Counts Quality is thus the first objective for the Canadian export trade, and, then steady, regular supply. It It along these lines the Department of Agriculture is working by educational methods, and the result of this policy le seen in the `rowing volume of Canada's agricultural exports Look at these figures :— Canada's Principal Exports of Farm Products 1920-21 1924.25 129,215,157 191,764,537 6,017,032 11,029,227 982,838 1209,7 21 296,611 08,084 0,739,414 24,601,981 1,360,203 1,269,632 1,358,499 1,406,237 14,321,048 32,775,761 8,669,653 22,820,494 3,201,430 7,524,895 819,781 8,867,039 Wheat thus.) Flour Odds.) Macon and Yams (cwL),. Beer Cattle .....................„ Butter (lbs.) Cheese Irwt,l Apples (hide.) Oats (IAN,/ ,) Burley flats.) Rye Ibus,) Bran Shorts and bliddlinrs (cwt.) Oatmeal and Rolled Oats (cwt.) 597,266 830,046 Clover Seeds (bus.) ,,,,„,„, 179,265 417,907 'robneco (lbs.) 200,163 1,631,422 Cream ((Tate,) .. „...,.....„,- 1,279,195 1,184,180 Flux Seed (bus.),,.,,-,,.,,.,, 1,143,691 3,030,106 For further information and publications write DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA TI -IE STANDARD REAL. ESTATE AGENCY. We have at the present time listed with us some very desirable villa; e and farm property. 1f you contem- template buying. call on us and we will, give you full particul Is. The !allowing are some properties that arc wall worth investigalin�:— Two storey solid brick dwelling Modern Also a good stable. This property is in good repair and has hydro installed. Frame dwelling on King Street with 1 acre of land. This property is in good state of repair and can be pur• chued on reasonable terms, Brick dwe'ling nn Queen Street, in nod repair. Apply for fuller particu. 141s, i3rick dwelling on Hamilton Street Cement garage on I. t. 3 acre oI land. This property is a good buy fa, anyone desiring a comfortable home, Frame dwelling on Di ummond St., in •good repair IA acre or. land. Brick dwelling on Queen Street in first.cls ss repair. If you• desire to purchase a firm get particulars Irom us. The Stan i1r rd Real Eotate A r eney, 131 , Ont. Box, 426 I, FOR SALE GoderichOnt. That very desirable property situate on Queen Street North, Blyth, comprising one acre of land, on which is situate a ( I+leiee. iona req; Without obltratioi bd less comfortable ten "roomed dwelling, There +ct �eosstea1are .of, roue Monthly, 1»ooai is also for sale 54 hives' of bees and full equipment for handling. This is An ex - Nam. „„- , cellent chance to secure a comfortable home and a gond paying business besides. Will he sold as It stands or in paart: For particulars apply at The Sionrlirfi I}ehl Ohl The First Photographs. In the first attempts to make a photograph in the early part of the eighteenth century, the subject to be photographed sat between the source of light and a sheet of sensitized paper fastened on a board. Ilia sha- dow blocked off a certain proportion of the light rays, and as a result his profile in silhouette was left on the paper. This image, however, Laded in a few minutes, Even fifty years ago, taking a sin- gle picture was often a day's work, and required such skill and expert knowledge and such elaborate, costly, and cumbersome equipment that the few who had mastered the art were glad to capitalize their knowledge by utilizing it professionally, The earliest sunlight picture of a human face is supposed to be a daguerreotype of Mise Dorothy Dra- per, and was taken by her brother, Prof. Draper, in 1840. The subject had to sit motionless in bright sun- light for about six minutes, Whore Is 0? In America the number of cities, towns, villages, and !mullets bearing the illustrious name of Washington is over two hundred. Yet there is but one Washington to which a letter would go it its destination were not marked in some other way. Names which consist of a single letter are not uncommon. France has a river and Sweden a town named A, There is a river Y Holland, and one of the bays of the Zuyder Zee bears the same name. Two Chi- nese towns are named Y and Er re- speotively, while In Normandy there is a town named 0, Says Dra McCollum, the great apes ciallst on human nutrition: "Milk is the great factor of safety in making good. the deficiencies of the grains which form and must Continuo to Lorin the principal source of energy In our diet. Without the continued use of milli pot only for feeding our ihildron gilt in liberal amounts in ur (cooper, Ivo cannot as a nation I nitilitnip the position as a world 501 Trial Conducted at the Experimental Station for Southwestern On- tario at Ridgetown. Twenty-threo steers, averaging in weight 1,146.6 pounds, were fed for 113 days, leaking a daily gain of 1,04 pounds or 219 pounds per steer. Tlio total gain for the twenty-three stead was 6,046 pounds made at at cost of 8.15 cents per pound. These steers were fed in an open shed and yard. Silage and grain were fed in a manger running the full length of the shed and handy to the silo and feed room. The rough - ago composed at cornstalks and straw was fed in the yard. The grain feed- ing consisted of a mixture of corn, barley, oats, oil meal, and Boy bean meal. The Soy bean meal was start- ed in very small amount and grad- ually increased in the ration to one pound per, day. The total grain ra- tion at the commencement of the trial was two pounds per day, thine was increased gradually to eight pounds per day near the close of the feeding period. Tho steers co4astpmed a total of , 46 '4 tons of silage; ten loads of 'oorn fodder and grain valued at $281.16 market price. The total feed coat, valuing silage at $3.00 per ton and, fodder at 310,00 per load, was 3411.69. Tho spread between purchase price and sellingprige was 31.25 per hun- dred pounds live weight„ The gain over cost of steers and, feed was $176,39. Tho manure may, also be, considered a gain suftiolent to cover the cost of, labor.—L. Stev- enson, Dealing With We Broody Hen. Extensive and thorough experi- ments dealing with the broody hen problem have proved conclusively that broodiness can, to a vety► large extent, be bred out of a flock. To achieve this end, the prime essential is • never to hatch chicks from eggs laid by the hen that le prone to broodiness. This, naturally, . is a method that takes time, One or two .years will not eliminate broody hens' CANAD1AN FORESTS AT WEMBLEY Comprehensive Exhibit Impresses Visitors With Quality and Range of Our Wood Products. Canada's part enliuence as the "soft- rolls of Canadian newsprint aro woods storehouse of the Empire" is I i4110tv11„ Near by is n group of ginnt furrufttlly impressed ou the wind of , timbers whish includes 2 solid blocks 1 of Douglas fir, each twelve feet high visitors to the British Empire 1'lxhibf- land practically live feet square; a seg- tl M at \Vetnbluy, England, by the: ment of Douglas fir eleven feet In large and colnpreheneive exhibit of diun►elti, and a limber sixty-fot' feet the forestry lfirunch of the Depart- long, sixteen inches wide, nmi eight m'it of the interior. Inches thick, t u►ada, with her more than one aril• Between the panels, which aro lion squares miles of timber lands cov- ranged along the walls, are eight glass 1 creel with forests containing about 160 cases containing specimens of all tree species, ]produces the finest strut- Canadian woods; ml3ce11nneous forast 1 Iii;.•al timber in tho world as well its, products, strf.lt as ar•liflelal silk, yarns, woods for many other industrial pur-textiles, well -board, maple eugnr, poses; and this fact i+as been strik- spruce guar, cascara extract, cedar oil; tnkiy brought out in the Wembley dig- results of distillation ot hardwoods, play, ! including charcoal, wood alcohol, ace Latmebi ng of ]1.11.5, Nelson, tit Newcastle. When c; mt•:c!:cd It w1:1 Prominent In the exhibit Is a won• tato of Bore; musical instruments; and the most. up•to-elate ship In the world, derfui array of 184 panes of 40 differ -1 models showing timber testi; as car. -- enc woods, most ut whieh it is deanon•j sled out in the Forest Products Lab- wood morale depict Inmbcr.'Ing scene stiatett are obtainable In largo quanti- ,oratories. Tho panels and wall cases In Western Canada, tics. The woods are grouped according aro separated by larger exhibits show- in the Industrial section is exhibited to character, each group being septa- Ing the commercial application of the u comprelteusive greed of articles Do It Now. If you have hard work to do, Do it now, The Automobile AUTO CONQUERS SULLEN HEART OIF DARK AI,YRICA, in faro of wet: -nigh every obstacle gi+catest barrier was tho Sahara des and difficulty that untamed nature ert. The route through Northern Rho - could prin'ide the Citroen Motor Ex- desiu to the Cape was, however, that peclition batt succ'y.ded in passing worst one could possibly imagine, Int right through the heart of Africa some cases it seemed as though wej from the shor:fs of the blue Meditel- would never get through—practically' raaean 11) 1113 Cap And co twice impossible to circumvent, We had to. wiihin shout n month the swamps, wollnigh cut our way through the' jungles and forests of Africa have woodlands. It Will n rather nerve) been coacfuc'r'ed by the motor ear, A racking, and very dangerous under) few weei'r• back n French expedition biking, but, hero wo are all safe nnct succeeded for the first time in defying sound. nature, And now we have to report n „ENCOUNTER w1Tt[ WILD RIJns'FS, second occasion when the ane -time "p think during our expedition we impenetrable part of Africa has land saw every reptile that South Africa) to surrender to progress, claims to possess, We encountered Opt his arrival at Cape Town, C.,apt• the wild beasts of tho forest and Brun, who was in charge of the ex- pedition, remarked: "Yes, wo aro very forest and jungle, but we escaped all Kind to get here, We have covered, ference from them was concerned: ns far as I can judge, between 10,00') Quite possibly they were much mor and somewhat arduous journey. We start - unci 11,000 tastes, and it has been n afraid of us than we tver•9 of them.. i ed from Colonlb-Bechar, on October gasping and at times snorting motor, �8 101 and then trttve:ed across the car was, I think, quite sufficient to Med by various exhibits of sfirectlres various species, stick as aeroplane lllanufitcturd from wood, ranging fromToday the skies+ are clear anti blue, vast Sahara desert to the Niger River.- )'cep the nnhnnls at buy, The illltive and aititals made of these particular parts, organ fronts and pipes, piano it complete bnrlga.ow of Iwo taenia, ]o'")arrow clouds may Louie to vlew, At that time the expedition consisted gave us no trouble. They seemed to, woods, The first object that attracts sounding hoards, etc. and giant Hilal for the storage of farm : Yesterday is not for you; show a very keen (111(1 friendly inter of eI ht th t le De It note, unpleasant incidents, as far as inter - rho eye upon approaching the forestry Tho history of Canada's forests 1s fodder, to wooden spoons. exhibit is a large portico In the middle also eloquently told on tllo wails, : The exhibit has attracted a great of the main wall, the columns support- above the panel's and wall cases, in a deal of attention as shown by the :If you have a song to sing, lag which consist of ten•foot sections series of stage settings, showing the large crowds widish have constantly! Sing it now. of western yellow pile, with the bark growth of the lumber Industry through gatherers about it and by the Many in, I,et tho notes of gladness ring Icft on, Looking through these col- out the past four centuries, the stages quirles matte of the attendants., and I (' enr as song of bird In Spring, mmns a spacious landscape may bo of Its development being represented also by the numerous articles and bet every day some music bring; >;uen, the stain feature of which is a by the Explorers, tate Pioneers, the paragraphs that have appeared in tho I Sing it now, model of a groundwood. pulp -mill, with Rattsmen, and the Steam -loggers. British press, and there Is no doubt I water flowing in the river and out ot Four mural paintings tell tlio story of that fu thus malting known iso quality I If you have kind words to say, the spillway and tail-rr.ces. As part the journey of the log front tho forest and range of Canadian forest products I Say then) now, of this feature of the exhibit great to the mill, and two large pictures In to the citizens of the Empire, the ex- 1 To-ntorrow may not come your way, sending back to France something like celebrated artist and an export film high will aid powerfully In the de- Do a kindness while yeti may, 800 hides and tusks, producer, We have gathered together, valopntent of this grant industry. Loved ones will not always stay; all sorts of curios and works of art Say them now, FORESTS PRESENT RAIkRiEts, from the natives, while special reel, "Leaving Bangui, wo next made search work was urllertaken by Al )y 10 If you have a Iloilo to show, tracks for Stanlcyville, on the Congo doctor, g cars, WI ' rel rs, - ant est in the car and its occupants, ant seventeen white people, We kept to no doubt regarded us as a phenomen the Niger River, and leached Lake on for which there was no accounting, , Chad on December 14, thus linking "It was a very successful trip, the up for tiro first time in French term- real object of which was for scientific' tory, the Mediterranean with the purposes. Wo have during the who) great lakes in Central Africa, From journey collected every kind of dote- Dort Lamy we went on the Bangui, mentation, together with photographs,) and then turned north into the Anglo - paintings and 90,000 meters of flhns Egyptian Sudan for htlntirig. Wo re- —all In connection with research mailed there some six weeks, and had work, Tho expedition included a quite a successful time with our guns, CROSS -WORD PUZZLE 3 ..`;r4 5 6 .7 I 6 Show 1t now, River, and this journey" p ' Make hearts happy, proved to b0 I was res onsib,e for mineralogical roses grow, rather difflcu:t owing to the thickness research, and we were successful in: 13 It{ �) f Let 1113 friends.around you knave of the forest. Progress was anything) caning across sonic very valuable oro I The levo you have before they go; but fast. We then crossed due east in the French Sudan. I am now pre= Show it now. I to Lake Albert, and thence into Tan- paring to go to Madagnscnr and from (!)` ----o--. ganyika Territory, We crossed the' there buck to France," And so ends 1-1 lake and cut �cuth to Lake Victoria! the clary of on expedition which adds Holiday Savings Banks, and here wo parted. One section of it new and vitally important chapter Many people take their holiday In the expedition went east to Mombasa; tothe history of African exp:oration; llol:and on the instalment system, another to Beira, and a third to Dar- /: to the ears used on the expedi• 11'orkmen subscribe weekly to conecs-Sn:dam, The idea' underlying these tion, they were 10 horsepower, pro. panleA that aro recoged by the Gov journeys to the coastal towns WAS 111! vidod with n standard engine and a . eminent, tlizorder to make reports as to rho best "caterpillar," which was equipped When the workers have paid Ina pions of embarlcaiion en the cost in with rubber hands, and two gear box. sum of money sufficient to cover ex. relation to Madagascar. This was done. es, giving six forward and two re- { 32 33 36 ) penses, they are taken cn conducted at the special request of the President) vert•e, The caterpillar sustains a , � tours to !Franco, Germany, Italy and • of France, who takes a very keen in-� t:ailer carrying all the camping out other European ettilrlea, I teresti in 1110 economic development of lit, together with over twelve gallons Handicapped, Tlils wily of getting a vucullon Is that Island. 1of drinking water and eighty gallons "Daughter, how aro you coming 1'ecemino increasingly popular, \Vhat I "My section of the expedition re. 'I of retro!!. Also carr:cd 'vas a-spccinl ilr)Tn[ INTERNATIONAL $YNO1cATC, SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in the worda of which you feel reasonably sure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they In turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white apace, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1Large package of goods 1—Infant 4 --Interdict 2—Garment worn In Arabia 7--A horse, native of Barbary 3 --Old name of Island of Mltytenb1 11—Mans name (familiar) Aegean Sea 1 12—Confuse 4—Astringent Asiatic nut 14 --Derivation (abbr.) ti—One of the continents (abbr.) ' 15—Shor•t•tegged hunting dog O --Exalted In character 16—Author of "The Little Minister" 8—One of several popes f77. 17 --Secluded valleys 9 --Portuguese coin 10—Fen 10—To make by fermentation 21—To recline 12—Resting place £2 --Basso (abbr.) 13—To talk nonsense 24—A city of N, Switzerland 18 --Alighted 28—An Alpine peak 19—Commonplace 28 -Preposition 20—Very cool (poet,) 29—Part of the mouth 22—Commenced 30—Dally record of a voyage 23—Ago 81 --Point of compass (abbr.) 24—To cut short 32—An aromatic plant 26—Girl's name (familiar) 36—An Island of Dutch E, Indies 20—Thick•set horse 37—A university degree (abbr,) 27—Ocean 88—Exclamation of disgust 33---A plain in W. Palestine 40—French for "born" 34 --To obstruct 42—A city of W. Afghanistan, Asia 36—A kingdom between Tibet and Irl --Boat India 47—Islands of British W. Indies 38 --Prohibited drink (pl.) 49 --Combining form meaning "life" 39'—Custom SO—Mind 42—Center 42—Center of anything 62—Town where Marshal Ney de- 43—A color feated the Austrians, 1805 44 --Side of a doorway 63 --An English queen (1714) 46 --Scotch for "own" 64--Rested48—ModernLanguage Association (abbr.) 65 --To tattle 61—Associate of Arte (abbr.) MUTT ANiD JEFFBy Bud Fisher. Yes tS:- You wtsH TO COM/C.R,76 WITH J E (= t= ? HoLb THc verge WONbE21 Ujk4AT tje WANTS along with your swimming practice?" , Is more it breves nn education factor manned to strike south for the Calm, "Father, every time I try to learn, in rho life of the Dutch working matt, 1, My route lay through northern Rho - those horrid life guards rescue me," who gets to know a great dent about desire Victoria Falls, L'u:awayo, 1,1v - the customs, institutions, and politica ingstone, Mafeking, Kimberley, and :�---e of other land besete lits crew then dead south for Cape Town. The On the Cloud of Witnesses. condensing spparntus. Use for Her Hcad, "How do you oxpoct to drlvo a nail worst part of the journey wns un- into the well with a clothes brush?" Juvenile Logic, doubted:y from hliznbeth, Northern demanded an Irnto husband, who was Oh, do not wrong the generations past TWO Email girls, says the Tatler, Rhodesia, downward. I knots that welching his wife as sill) attempted an 13y SC(811, cr bitter prating of dead wore playing together uno afternoon 1 many tvili be surprised at this, as his- "unusual feat," "I"or goodness sake hands; 1 in the park. tory has told us in the past that the use your head, my dear." It Is not chance that their achieve- "1 wonder what time It is?" .rani one menta last, . of them at fust. Nor whim of fortune that 11101r i "\Veil, u can't be four o'clock yet," building elands, replied rho other with rnn;ni(10011 It was for us they strove; we are the logic, "because my mother sell I was hens ' to be home at fours -sand I'm not," Of u11 their agony and sweat and l tears; And, willing cr ungt'nteful, each one shores in lite vast legacy of toilsome years, They would not bind us; theirs no selfish trial To chitin the future to their hulling place. They mourn our failures, glory in our fame, Thrill with our struggle In this mor. pal Inco, iA (Maud of Witnesses, 0 doubtful Soul, Ale:Janda your struining footsteps to- wards the goal, —George illeason \Moller, Gift Frcm Britain, Answer to last 1veek's puz^:e' • .H05TESS -,SLAVERY MA PR EM S0 A GR OF WE R S A P 1 0 5 D U L A R ry D R 0 w 1 NG In a park in Buenos Afros Is aluuul• How to Tell a Musician, aceto elects tower given by Great. lits ('fort faces with eyes for apart aro (11111 an 1110 occasion of lho one 11111)• sold to bo the churilcterL;lis typo of dredth anniversary of the city, 1)001)18 with musical talent, Two Fruits Rich In Fat. Tr, rlcvent paint looking dull after The olive and the avocado or (1111. washed, wnsh dt with tho follow- gator pen', aro the only two fruits on ep. mixture: Into a quart of hot • 1111111'1 11101111 that are rich In fut, water pour it tablespoonful of turpen- tine, m'pen-tine, half a tab:espoonft0 of milk, and I It iso not what the neighbors say half a tablespoonful of soap je•ly or about you, but tha ;ova and respect powder, it is a splendid reviver for of your wife and litt:e ones that ntaka "tired" paint. I life worth :will cttccRto, SPIUtsI. l WHAT'S ON YOUR , MIN© ? SURe t CAN SPALL it : ! IT'S ,5PGLLC-D R- 1.1.1•P -P-0. n t. n' FLIMERICKS NQrVEY Pepn'tt t` 'LvWitiWiifAILiriiifYirdliluJdlilk: lii4i4killlitliwan.ndatuiWillUidlllruli Lbii1 i .al ii1H�I There..once was a parrot who (said in a loud tune) "1 am sure that somebody has (told an untruth) When an owl queried =' (�call of an owl) Saki the parrot, "Not (the person ad,n-' d) You're even too dumb to have ." .(made an effort) "Upon the line write the word that is defined below 1t -• • d3f�tl7...,-! �',�,/pyA..G7l+4AMJ4M atlf.WI, _._.�...__.... ... .._._.. _....-__.--... .. __._.-- .__.. Y1111MMYQMIMIaC/atYrclflOtM1:Wv.1Me,../.iitlL..t1G.Ysfilruv..... ..... H-I•P-P•o- --MMm- --,- ,IU$T A SCcoND . Now— Z AIN'T. OWE SU%es CF TNG- Next' LGTTGR. N•I,P-P•O-- Joe Sp:vis is Doping Out a Cross Worcs nuzzle, Tile wog 0 (.5 SPcLLGU H -I -P -p -0- P -o=1' -A -M -urs: U u 1 L I',t ! 1+.`l i t••) l' (r.-.-_ _• TO Sc.,)(.-:, Lt. ct)Ou,Atil HYPOCRITE:, �.., .- eta A JUNGLE `,• i3eA`,r. . ,_--7---. — '1' • LOA frvnur,!I e!, M, 44 i A•.n •t , v• Mem. Mnm,A t jJ ) 1,3y�tr, WE WANT CHURNING The library has a chained 131bta and A copies of rho ' "Vinegar, Ifible," and varloua others In whish are misprints, The Hebrew !toll of the Law, which 18 supposed to be 400 years 0'd, WI1H found 111 a cave near Damascus. It k written on sixty sheepskins cul;l con• tains 204 volulnl's of writing. The "Houldler's 131ble," tempered by Cromwell for his sunny, presents u great contrast in size to the little kliakl volume issued to the British sol- diers In the World War. Yet it con- tains extracts only which "doe show the qualifications of his inner man, that Is a Houlder to light the Lord's Batte:H both before ho fight in the fight, and after the fight." CR E Wo supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To cbtain the top !,rice, Cream must be tree from bad flavors and contain not loss than 30 por cent. Butter Fat. Bowes Company Limited Toronto For references --Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. S H 1 P US Y01.12~,,,~‘• ' 'POULTi,Y,GAME,EGGS, - BUTTER AND FEATHERS 'WE BUY ALL YEAR,ROUND • Mile today forprieos-u'os1ffaranfov thc'nl for a wed ahead P. POULIN &COLIMITED tNdblhborl �+Pur (())eUr$ V30-39 Bonrorntirr Market - Monlrpnl ;WS,TORM WINDOWS 0.t.Jo I' TOR T//EMSELPES iStop Fuel Wane. Insure Winter t zath<I Comfort with Storm Wind wt. low I l i d i "Freight rind" prices, ready•slared: I N J safe delvny guaranteed Free price 1, ,/ Int and easy linesmen' chart. ^iHALLIDAY v- tvHAMILTON 572 LANCUAGES USED BY BIBLE PRINTERS TREASURES OF BIBLE HOUSE IN LONDON. 400th Anniversary of First English New Testament by William Tindale. A main from Corea arrived recently in London with his. two sons. Ile could not speak a word of English, but he showed an address inside a little Bible npd was guided to the Bible House, in Queen Victoria Street. Then he pour- ed out a heap of money on the table and pointed to his two sons. When an Interpreter was found, writes a London correspondent of "'The Chris• ttan.Selence Monitor," the mall re- lated how he -knew ot nothing else in England but,the place. which had sent his Bible to him in Corea, and he had come !hero with his coni because he wanted them to be educated as Chris- tians. In the windows of the Bible Heinle are bibles which show the link with little peoples and great peoples all er the world. Because of this work, the Bible, or parts of the Bible, are printed in 672 languages to -day. By reason of such efforts the Gospel has been publislhed in a fresh language every six weeks for the last ten years, To Honor Tindale's Work. The work of the first translator to put the New 'restaiuent Into printed 'English—William 'Tindale --its being commemorated at the I3ible IIouse this ttutunal in its 400th anniversary. t'opies of all the earliest editions of 'l'Indaile's 'Testament have been gath- ered -together in an exhibition in the library, A long line of translators both be- fore and after Tindale are commemor- ated In this library of 10,000 bibles, or part bibles, in different languages, There is the Latin Bible, written by hand, probably to the twelfth century, Book Written With Twigs. In many curieus ways have the bibles been written, The Batts char- acters are written with a twig and into made of soot. upon bamboo stoves and the bark of trees. Photographs usual- ly aro mad% of the pages of the bibles written by hada, and plates for print- ing are trade from the photographs, The printing Is done as much as potsr St, Peter's, Item(., Is the !airiest. (Ole in the colnitries where, the 1)11)105 cathedral in the world. It covens an are to be sold. But even so, 434 tons of Scripture have been sent out from area of 227,069 square feet. Its length the Bible blouse during the last year• is 718 feet, and Its dome rises to a r. • • 1 i Y 1 1 1 it *moo. ,.Y. •.Y••1 1 LI 1 111 1 111 1 11 ,1, Y' 1, 'I he M(uI(1e, AliinInlsen'3 vessel, ‘N hien lin:, pal ;n ai f1fa..t.1, }t,. r' ser unsuccessful attempt to drift over th0 North Pole. She started out three years ago. saori lt(,fra . !foils il!! !lawn If you'd like -a little . better, tea than you are using, please try "Red Rose" OBE "is good tea 60 The same good tea for 30 years. Try it I Somewhere a Woman. Classified Advertisements SolllrW1,1're a w'011nt11, thrusting fear (i nowt'AI:u WHITING INCREASES RAI(NlNt1 ilN'a}' (, power. We shop the atsy. Students leen Work before through course. !loos. effective, MAW rases the future bravely for your Hrhonls, 'r,nontr, Fnrt)••two Inner West. 1111 dart(, from day • NATURE'S WARNINGS , to flay, World's Biggest Cathedrals rights back her tears, Bibles by weight is the measure in height of 448 feet., 85 feet. higher than the warehouse, for the boxes have to the cross of St. Paul'., London, be made up according to the loads the Spanish cathedral at Seville, which native porters, 11111103 or camels can covers tin ureas lime more than half carry In the different countries. A that of St. Peter's. its fewer Is 400 man's head 101141 In Nyasaland is fifty feet high. S six. pounds, while In Nigeria it is sixty When coulplete(1, St. John's Cttthe pounds, dral in New York will take third place. 11 1111e3 do IPt, 0130 into forbidden It is designed to cover 109,082 square areas. People coming flown from Af feet, and beats all the others In the The next in order of size Is the glia niatan, where the Alahonlefans d° height of Its tower, which Is 500 foot. not !ileo any Western inlluence at a311, The famous cathedral at Milan are given the forbidden Bible and take It heals with them. People from Tibet, covers an area of 407,000 square feet, also, where ChrJHtlan missionaries aro It is 600 feet long ande its tower is not allowed by the Buddhists to settle, 365 feet in height, 'Three EngHs�h cathedrals come next in size. 13y far come across• to India and go into the largest cathedral in England when China, whore they llnd the Sculptures, it is completed will be the 118W one at In China itself, during the last year, Liverpool, designed to cover 101,000 when the country has been in con - square feet. York 'Minster comes tlnual chaos, 716,000 volumes of the next, but it covers Sculptures'—more than in anyan area of only 83; year be- 800 square feet. fore—stave been circulated. St. Paul's London, conies seventh on At present it is not possible to send the Bible into Russia. The authorities will not allow It across the frontier, Yet there 1s evidence that the re- ligious Russian peoples have not lost their love for the Scripture's. 'There are Siberian peasants who would will- Ingly give a cow for a Bible. In the words of William Tindale, the Bible Society is asking: "WhQ Is so blynde to axe why lyght shulde he sheaved to them that walks In dercknes?" NO BETTER MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby, or growing child --one that the mother can feel assured is absolutely safe as well Rs efllclent—is found in Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country. 'These mothers have found by actual experience that there is no other medicine for little ones to equal then!, Once a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, Tancook Island, N,S„ writes: "I have ten children, the baby .being Just six months old, I have used Baby's Own Tablets for then for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that 1 know of no butter medicine for little ones, I always keep a box of the 'Tablets in the house and would advise all other mothers to do so," Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all said to have belonged to Luther's ;1)1ediclne dealers or will he mailed up - ons rend, Melunchthon, tile. German re• by I'll heiDt of cents price, 25 Williams' Medicine ICo,, former; there is 1Vycliffe's Manuscript New Testament in English, of 1420, beautifully illuminated; there is the earliest New Testament printed In an Indian language and the first in any language printed in America, trans-. kited by John Eliot, "the Apostle of the Indians"; there is St. John's Gos- pel in Tahitian, written in 1820 by Ponure Ii., King of 'Fuhttl, And there is the greatest treasure of all ---a page of oldest manuscript of St. John, in Coptic, the old language of Egypt, Which Wals found about two years ago during excavations in Egypt, It was written o1) papyrus --reeds of the Nile —about 400 A,D,, and was found in- RADCLIFF.' closed in 8 string bag in an earthen -1 Variation—Radcliffe. ware pot. Racial Origin—English, Signs of Persecution Shown. ; Source—A place name. Brockville, Ont. A little booklet, "Care of the Baby in Health and Sick- ness," will be sent free to any mother on request. If your loot nip, you may re^over your balance. but If your tongue slip, you can not recall your words. -- Telugu. Ask for Minard's and take no other. the world's list of big churches, cover- ing 59,700 square feet, being 460 feet! stores the appetite and gives perfect long, and its famous (10010 rising to a health. A11ss lintel Berndt, of Arn height of 363 feet. prior, Ont., has proved the great value of this 1110(1lcine and says:—"1 ata a young girl and have been working in a factory for the past four years. For two years i had been in such poor health that at tithes I coald not work, I was thin and pale, and troubled with headaches and fainting spells. I doc- tored nearly all this tinge, but it did not help 111e. My mother advised ale to take I)r. Williams' Pink Pills, and after using them for a while I could notice an improvement In my condi- tion. I used nine boxes and can truth- I "Size, Please, Madam?" hilly saythat my health Is restored. Women's hats aro now made in dif- When I began taking the pills I ferent sizes in the same way as hale weighed 97 pounds and now I weigh headgear. This is due to the preval- 114. I Peel that I owe my good health , ence of shingling. to Dr, Williams' Pink fills and hope bitter ache; She loves you, trurts you, breathes in Danger Signals That Everyone prayer your mime Sell not her faith in yoo u by Mn or Should 'rake Seriously. bhitnle, nor heeds' the Pain Is one of Nature's warnings that something is wrong with the body. Indigestion, for instanee, is characterized by pains in the stomach, and often about the heart; rheuma- tism by sharp pains in the limbs and joints; headaches nre a sign that the servos oa' stomach are out of order, In Home ailments, such as anaetnlu, pain Is not so prominent. in this case Nature's wau•ning takes the form of pallor, breathlessness after slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, and loss of appetite. Whatever form these warnings take, wise people will not ignore the fact that many diseases have their origin in poor blood, and that when the blood is enriched the trouble disappeara. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are most helpful In, such cases because they purify and build up the blood to its normal strength. In this way it tones up the nerves, re - Went Very Deep, "'That scientist goes very deep into things, they say." "yes; lie's studying the boblmn of the ocean now." The Common Law. The tree that never had to tight For sun and sky and air and light, That stood but in the open plain, And always got its share of rain, Never became a forest king, But lived and died a scrubby thing. The man who never had to toll, Who never had to win his share Of sun and sky and light and air, Never became a manly inan, But lived and died as,lie began. Good timber does not grow in ease; The stronger wind, the tougher trees. The farther sky, the greater length, The more the storm, the more the strength; 13y sun and cold, by rain and snows, In tree or man good timber 'grows. Whore thickest stands the forest growth We find the patriarchs of both, And they hold converse with the stare Whose broken branches show the sea's Of maty winds and much of strifo— This is the common law of life. Over 1,000 British families will emigrate'to Canada next spring under the Empire Sett:ement Scheme. Surnames and Their Origin Many of the bibles beau' witness to; the persecutions which attended th0111, I A Bible In the Aladngascun languages sho)vs signs of having been burled dur- tiip< the great persecution; another wast rescued friiiu the' 1lalue3 and 111(1- (1011 underground by the Christians Family names which were in the first place but the, names of Localities in which the original bearers lived are not so very difficult to trace, for the names of places seem to change less in their spelling' than the names of during the Boxer movement. The families, and besides, there is always earliest bibles printed in Chinese had a wealth of historical data in cunnec' a false• label on the paper cover, put lion with place' names which _is so of- 111ere by the ('hhleHo printer "Ill view -ten lacking in the caro of family of the grave risks Involved," names, and which makes it easy 'to identify the ancient forms of place names. Thus, you meed only a good atlas to come to the conclusion that tin family name of Radcliff is the saute as that of Radcliffe, 1u place in Lancaslilre, England. 0f course, the original form of the faintly name was preceded by "de" (nteanlug "of") and indicating that the person referred to had conte from or formerly lived in that place, 1n the case of Radcliffe, the moaning 'of the place 1181110 is not hard to ascer- tain either, though It is not quite ap• parent at first, owing to the change of tt sin.glo vowel. Spell it "Radcliff" and yorA have it. • FURposLS "Make! old Ilk° Nowr1,. REFLEX FLOOR WAX RENUALL FURNITURE POLISH Tho Oepo Polhill', Ltd., Hamilton Somewhere a woman-- mother, sweet - heti rt, wife-- W'uits betwixt hopes and fears for your return; Her kiss, her words wild cheer you in the strife W11en death Itself canfronts you, grim and stern. But let her linage all your reverence clalinm, When base temptations scorch you with their flame. Somewhere a woman watches, thrilled' with pride— ! (:are -word, nerve -exhausted women I need Ilitro•Phosphate, a pure organic Shrilled in her heart, you share a place with nous; 1 phosphate dispensed by druggists that. She falls, she waits, she prays, lilt !New York and Paris physicians pre - 81(10 by lido scribe to increase weight and strength You stand together when thin fight I and to rovlve youthful looks and feel - is Bono, Ings. Price $1 per pkgo. Arrow Oh, keep for her (leer sake a stainless Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. New Fruit for America. East Indian irangos(oen trees, the fruit of which tastes like lemon ice and vanilla ice cream, are now being grown in tropical America. The Atlantic, the second largest of the five great oceans, has an area of 30,000,000 square miles, URIs TOne mnotBoy New Eyes dal you con Promote a Clens, deafhyc.ndlfil►a OUR eS Mori and EyeMoItem y Pop your Eyes Clean, Clear and Maltby. Write for Free Eye Care Book. tdugiro valid/coup Cul0hts.sI. I ifrgp look Younger name, Bring braek to her a nunhood free from shame. New Steel for Ships, A new ship of 6,300 toes, the first vessel built of the new material known as elastic limit steel, has been launched irn England. Pouring Up the 011. Over 1,500 barrels of crude oil a mluute !a the production record of the United States at the present 1.inme, other ailing people will give them at Seaside Boarder (to newcomer) --- fair trial." "I say, old man—I don't think I'd You can get these pills througll'anytouch the rice pudding if I were you medicine dealer or by Mail at 50 cents I —there was a wedding in this street a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medi- I yesterday." cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Going Too Far. "Manana," sobbed Willie, '"do my Oars belong to any neck or face?" "Why, what's t.11o matter?" "Well, you told nary to wash my face, and she's washing my ears, too;," Minard's Liniment for Distemper. The New Testament translated into Esperanto, was published thirteen years ago; it is now stated that an Esperanto edition of the Old Testa- ment has been prepared and will be issued shortly. WENDELL Racial Origin—English and Dutch. Source—A locality or an occupation. There are WO sources of the name Wendell. One ot them is English and ono of them is Dutch. In the indivtd- gu1 case you•will have to decide from (some knowledge of ancestry as to which explanation applies. Wctn(lle is the .name of a river in Surrey, and' nothing would be more na- tural than the development in many cases of a funnily name based upon it, as indicating the place from which the first hena•ers had come, or with which they were identified itt some peculiar way. ' Records prove, however, that in it great many lustances this family name 1 is not from English but from Dutch sources. `And in this case it repro - scuts a shcyl'tnod form of the Dutch word "waudelaar," which signified literally an "walker," figuratively and more generally, a traveler, or one who ha.s been a traveler, In this 0(180 lite original descriptive form of the sur- name ,would have been "De \Vanda, Mari" But don't confurre this "de," with the Norman-French "de," which meant "of' and was a development from the Latin- "'de," meaning "frons." The Dutch "de" was. equivalent to the English "the" and the Germnan "der." I Jf-1re fives r INUONO. CANADA SAW CO, eco. IUD O,.:NOAe OT. W., 10.ON10 IONTRIAL VI NCOUVee ' .T. JOIN, N.A. i 'I'0 CORNS Rub them frequently with Minard's and got speedy relief. BOTHERED WITH ECZEMA IN RASH Face Was Disfigured. Healed by Cuticura, " Some time ago I was bothered with eczema which broke out on my face in a rash. I took no notice of it at first until the trouble began to spread and the irritation caused me to scratch. My face was disfig- ured and the trouble lasted about three months. " I tried different remedies but none seemed to do any good. I heard about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and purchased some, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint- ment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Gladys Pahl, 353• - 31st St., N. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 29, 1924. Use Cuticura to clear your skin. Simple Each Free by bail. Address Canadian Depot: `Reahouse, Ltd., Montreal." Price, Soap 2Fr.. ointment r.6 and 60c. Talcum Ma ta`�►- Cuticura Shaving Stick 25e. HER NERVES BETTER NcJW Received Much Benefit by 1Takirlg Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ontario.—"I started to get weak after my second child was born, and kept on getting worse until 1 could notdo my own house- work and was so bad with my nerves that I was afraid to Stay alone -at any time. I had n girl. wol'lcing for me a whole year before I was able to domywashing again. Through a friend I learned of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and took four bottles of it. I gave birth to a baby boy the 4th day of September, 1922. I am still doing my own work and washing. Of course I don't feel well every day because f don't get my rest as the baby is so cross. But when I get my rest I 'cc1 fine, I am still taking the Vegetable Com- ! pound and am going to keep on with it until cured. My nerves are n lot better since taking it. I can stay alone day or night and not bo the least frightened. You can use this letter as a testimonial and I will answer letters from women asking about the Vegetable Compound." --Mrs. CHARMS (ARSON, 27 Forsythe Street; Chatham,. Ontario, Mrs. Carson is willing toWrite to any girl or woman sutfer:elg from female troubles. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain. Headache Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism I DOES NOT 'AFFECT THE HEART Ala! ons `,`Bayer'; package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets 'Also bottles of 24 and 100• --Druggists. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered to 0rnada) of Boyer Manufacture of iltonoacetic• aeldester of 8altcylicaeld (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A, B. A."). while it in well known that Aspirin menus (layer tuauuraenire, to mishit the public against Itnitallona, the Tablets of Bayer' Company will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "!layer Cron." i ISSUE No, 40--120u P SEE OUR NEW LINES IN Ladies, Boys and Mens Sweaters New lines in Boys and Mens' SUITS & OVERCOATS Special Offerings in CHILDREN AND LADIES HOSE For a good strong work shirt buy BULL DOG SHIRTS For a good strong work Boot buy CREB BOOTS E. BENDER, momm—IIIIIIEWM&Ode„ BLYTH, ONT. East Wawanosh Counoll. Council met on Sept. 22nd with all the members present. Minutes of last regu• lir and special meetings were read and ap proved on motion of Councillor s ,Thomp- son and Campbell. PAGE 8--T1-IE I3LYTH S'iANI)ABI--Octol,c1' .1 Io25 X + •"d 4' s + + +• 4ri+ + i• + + 4. + + it + + ti+24 ')If: lC !t, alC **it;%*C*i *fi**3h* ***4on + + :C. : H B LI + ,,,I, + * Good ";4itsiness ' ,,,,, „.,. ,, + * .,.,. ..,,, 7 u�:7 t 1 w •t1(i,�n.*111 Cr r} Q YOU .,v4.0,:..‘,..1E.P. 34 inch White Flannelette -'; .�, . A a' regular 3 0c. sale _ . 25c a!: ,� The new fall sant- .Les are fere - large singe to cLoc:3e from of all• + roil: Scotch l..toch Shirting Flannelette v. + the latest cloths 4) , dark _COWS, very heavy quality, reg 40, 32 v. �' NEW CAPS *;' i r" 65c Genuine 'eathe>t•pa'ocf Tick'g59 a. New fall caps in the latest color and stye English Crc:`onl�e, fancy shapes. - x sale ,t. 1: esIgns 86 ruck., sale 45 E,374.. : : 0 �_.: t a v ,1; English Shirting Chambray rs„ \Ve handle only the best makes, ,4- plain grey, blve t;re,y, splendid for + Queen Alexaudt a and Cainsboro „4. •', dresses, aprons, shirts, (.)louses, etc, i'ar '�,�CiiTtei.r], +eye regularlar 25c, „ale.... ... _....__._ . 21 .and King Edward ana Ascot for + ;�, 4, Men in tire scac:l s and in heavy Ladies' Art Silk 1 -ore f:l.>.a)eS. ,' Jack rabit, fawn, log :.'tthin, aircdaip 1!. -,, . �; r 1,tlnbul'rl' black.. regular 50c, ;gale... ; JLi•ls g •. Phone SS w�M I1 ({ tit • . ..1". el. el- a ..1�, .>}...3. vn..y.e.",.l. 44, 4. ,r. I.Iu , � .1�'r ; o i i{� r7 12, ate. Jodds >e t • �� err l:; l T.11. ()��a'i.' , ate The Late Frederink flutforus. Frederick II. Ruberus Wiegham's o!d• i est citizen in point of residence acd one of Huron County's oldest Otargemen, died on Sept. 291h, at his home at the corner of Patrick and Josephine streets, Communnication from Dan McGowan Wingham illi Rodcrua v ho was in A tU L A"SORr1 IENT OF 'r e e .. . his 80th year, had hued in W nghain for received asking that the Toll drain be gleaned out cn the s. h. lot 39, Con. 3. 69 years. He was severa time s a mem IV.VieleF'.f r r � tr l � ' �r The Reeve and Councillor Stalker were ap ger o the ' own uunci . se r ir.1 on the p'.inted to attend to this matter. The Collector presented his hoed the same being accepted as satiafactry.. Ap- t;iications were made for a grant in aid of the Huron plowing match to be held shortly at Walton. No grant will be given this year for the purpose There tenders were received for the construction of the Cook drain, Con. 9, the tender of Walter Cook $700 from crake 0 to 28. and the tender of R. Buchanana of $672.25 from stake 38 to 113 were accepted, Geo. W. Snell was p• pointed inspector in charge of the con- tract, The following accounts were paid; Gordon Snell, shovelling gravel...$ 125 (a Wightman, do do 2.25 J Stoneheuse, underbrushing 1.00 M. Bruce, putting in culvert,.. 15.00 .1. 1-lenderson, til' 50 95 G. Naylor, work on grader 1.00 ,f. Elliott, cutting weeds 210 Lelgrave School Fair grant 10 00 Wingham & Blyth Fairs, each40.00 l� Cook, gravel 95 R. Harrison, gravel 30 A McDougall, gravel 1.80 W J Purdon. gravel 2 00 1' WVyett. gravel 4.20 M Ilenry gravel.... 1.25 Vv*In. C Ecett, gravel .. 8.00 Thos Bradnock, gravel 6.20 J C Downey, gravel 8.25 11. Fothergill, gravel .. 7.35 Next meeting on Tuesday, October 20.h A. Porterfield, Clerk, (Birth Counoll. Bluth Council met in the Council cham her on Monday evening, October 5, with Reeve Dodds in the chair and Councillors Burling, Leslie, White and Heffron pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting were adopt- ed on motion of Councillors White and Burling. The following bills were passed on mot - len of Ccuncillors White and Leslie ,irio Ferguson, Sept. salary $70,00 \\'m. Thuell, Sept. salary 50.60 Municipal World, account 9 45 1'. Kernice, work on streets38 C. Burling, work on streets.,1 25 C P. R. rent scale space 5.90 Movrd by Councillor Leslie, seconded by Councillor Heffron that the Treasurer he instructed to collect all outstanding accounts owing the village under the old electric light System. That a notice be sent to each one giving until Nov. 1, for etttlement. After that date Councill will lake legal proceedings to collect same. Carried. Moved and seconded by Councillors Leslie and Burling that we do no.v ad- journ. Carried. Myth School Report The following is the Primary Report for the mon t I. of September: J unit r -Helen Telfer. Isabel! Claming Evelyn Wightman, IreneBrunsdon, Milne Barr. First—Alice Leith, Donald McMillan. Duncan Munro, Annie Craig, Wallace Bowen, Tom Haggit, Charlie Thompson, Leslie Garniss. Primer A—Kenneth Lyon, Doris Barr, !Zeta Bowes, Edwin Bell, Irene Cole. Tom Cole, Harvey Thompson. Ptimer B—Ernest Robinson, Irene Tay- lor, aylor, Lena Munro, Jack Kershaw, Jackie Bowes. Beginners—Billie Riei, Everett Scrim. geour, Alice Hawkins, Ross'Thueil J. Is Babb, Teacher. t'innirta Mnry C'nla f Ittinhvth Mille. council which rode on the fir.t trains out I of Wingham on both the Londan, Huron & Bruce and the C. P. R. Fur many ! years he conducted a boot and shoe eture in Wingham.ryri li�r' �Tt;• tri Mr. Roderus was one of a half dozen 1,VF i � Lei,! A E'kJ.". tit.a'�.t . Y settlers who occupied the site of what is ,, now Wingham when it was still in the'+ii BUI. rr I i t E E t.; derress stage. I -Ie had been an Anglican, all his life and before Sr. Paul's ;lur- ch was established in Wingham 02 yrs. ago, he and the other settlers jellied in service: held in their various homes. A man of strong religious sentiment and de- voted to his church, he was respected by all who knew him. He was equally ar dent in the Orange order his niembership in which dated back olmost as long a, his membership in.St.*Paul's Church. He attended the celebration of the last '12th' He married a Miss Moore. who with five children, Furvives him. The children are: Harriet at home: Mrs. John Cran- dall. of Wingham Mrs Laur,dy, Myth: Mrs. Stanford, of Detruit. ai,d 11'iliaiii of California. The funeral took place last Thursday at 2.30 p m from St. Paul's Church to Wingham Cerneter y. Rev, 11, W. Snell rector of the cliuic'� conduce- ing the services. The funeral was under the auspices of the Orange order. roceries .� ri)�'m anned Rots—Williams Alhambra United Church was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding, Wednesday evening, Sept. 30th, when Hilda Frances Williams daughter of Mrs. A. Trewin Londesboro. became the bride of Alexan- der M. Ross, son of Mr. Lockhart Ross, Toronto. Rev. J Ewing Reid officiating. The bride, who was given away by Mr. A Trewin, entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's Br dal Chorus played by the organist. Mr. White, ho also render- ed soft music throughout the ceremony The bride, w' o was attended by Miss Marie Robson, looked charming in a French ensemble of cocoa brown coat and beige frock. blonde shoes. hose and hat to match. and carried an arm bcquet of Ophelia roses and Baby's wreath. IIe•r bridesmaid wore a log cabin shade dr, ss with rose" ood hat and hose and a corsage boquet of Premier roses. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr Robt. Ross. and the ushers were Mr. Arthur Stagg and Mr. E H. Legarg. After the reception was held at the home of Mrs. ie Robson, 31 Bedford Avenue The groom's gift to the bride was a string of pearls. to the bridesmaid a platinum bar pin and to the best man, gold cuff links. On the re- , turn from theirl.oneynioon. Mr. and Mis Ross will reside at 221 MacDonnell Ave. Toronto. • Young People's Union The following is the result of the elec- tion of officers of the Young People's Uri - ion held on Monday evening: Honorary Presidents, Rev. Dr. Barnby, Rev. G. Telford, M. A., B. D. President, Miss Worsell Vice President, Alexander Elliott Secretary, Edna Bell Treasurer for Queen Street Church, I-la- zel Petu ; fur St. Andrew's C. utch, Ida McGowan. Convenor of Devotional Committee, C. Fingland. Convenor of Missionary Committee, Edna McGowan. Convenor of Citizenstip Committee, Harold Wightman Convenor of Literary and Social Com- mittee, Florence Slater. LCL "i 4, 1. 7 r, y ,+ is �, e �. r R. J. POWELL Blyth, TIIOT\TE 9. - Ontario. tc1b• . .RN' f!+ AV µ:r47/ t✓ s"V �k'Y' V'�t�' Wf'11✓r°t.r �S� / 41'/Zig, OF Ent'to. rir, , ) e� .; • The undersigned auctioneer has' received instruct- ions from Mr. S. J. Creighton to sell by'. public auction on Lot 34. con. 10, Mullett, commencing at 1 p. m. on ',�� 0.4 164 .;�. er •°� rig II t a 'to FRIDAY, OCT. 9TH, 1925 the following, that is to say: HORSES 1 matched team of bay geldings, 1 driving horse 8 years old, 1 aged driving marc. CATTLE 1. black cow, 9 years old, due Febinary 24th, 1 red cow, 6 years old, calved short time, 1 Holstein cow, 8 years old, 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, 1 red heifer, rising 3 years old, due Dec. 22nd, 1 Holstein heifer rising 3 yrs, old due Jan. 2nd, 1 black heifer, rising 3 year; old, due Jan. 13th, 3 yearling heifers. 2 ,yearling steers, 3 Spring calves, 1 young calf. IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick binder,. 7 foot cut, In good running order, 1 Massey -Harris mower, nearly new; 1 steel ,rake, 1 set harrows, 1 steel drunk rollor, 1 steel cultivator 1 disc, 1 13 Fleury plow,1 scaler, 1 seed drill, 1 fanning mill, 1 set sloul) sleighs, 1 wagon, 1 hay rack 1 gravel box, 1 pair gravel box sides. 1 rubber tire top buggy, 1 steel; tire top buggy, 1 steel tire open buggy, 1 light waun, 1' cutter, 1 sat team harness, 2 sets single harness, 1 set nearly new, 5 collars, 1 set slings complete, 1 hay fork) rope, 1 De Laval Cream Separator No. 12, 1 ceal heater n 1 extension table. about 8 tons hay, about 800, bushels 9 grain, folks, chains and other articles too 13umcl'ous tot mention, Silk Mix Check Silk Hose, Shoe grey lawn A white, nude� . white, goo(( winter 1-00, 90 Men's Sill: & Wool Cashmere Socks, sale prices 58c, 75c, 90c 45 ler '. e4, Code's l- eavy Winter Sox 6O sale 49 - li 16 •, ti 64 16 75 " 63 -y " 85 .' 68 10 ounce Clark Twill Denim heaviest gr .ids. sale. 59 9 ounce Clark Twill Denim, next weight, sale ........ . ...... _.. 49 1 ounce Clary •6 Denim medium weight sale ..... .................... 37 Kingest & Dominion Textile shirting at following sale prices, 23c, 27, 32, 39 Buy your Fall l r r Winter Shoes for men from us while our stcck is falx ly complete. We carryVal- entine & Martin's, Coy: 's, Hydro makes. Our shoes wear worth the money. None better. sa•ost not so good Euy from FF•!A 1 a % ►� ray F?!+k 'i' R. SL Il FA3 33.,133.. - - • C)l1tario 41L, .11:. .1• •.41 • • t; • IL IA i' OP.* q♦ 99, .1, 't, ate • <i, A1-• 04 „# •4.� - <li a1..I, < t <i <I �t 1, •1, :t ti '.71�'i,C%1�i,`/I►,j jf( /.%a\,a.iy�i� i..%iI�C%4i',�•4; �/ �Vie A ++++++.444+++^:^+++/+++++++r, "i ICE CREAM BRICKS + +. Certo, 4. Fly Tox. . +Wilson's Fly Pads ' + qa ,74 Blyth and Purity Flour. 67,, + • Perrins 8.i; esttons Biscuits, ' .t: is Apex Canned Goods, • + Fruits of all Kids. i. N Sealers, Rubbers, . a eviZinc Rings, si, w:u wp — 4v 4ii's, op + 14 4. •w GOODS DELIVERED /t � r rf /yt�%(�'{SIks V T '�i�.•u�-iy{.>°} 11 SJS, TJN + BLY111, O'IT 'PHONE +++++44++++++++++++4444+4414 TERMS O ALE All purchases of $10 and under, cash; over that amount six months' credit on purchasers J•ui Dishing; approved joint notes. A discount of 3 percent. straight, oif for cash 011 credit amounts. Terms 011 farm made; known on day of sale, S. J. CREIGHTON, T. CUNDRY, fating..traiNsu .rf {•f'w to Ataft. 1•i ..YLRSAN Vie, {u'�. is found in these ! 1. ; 1I Cllestelf field Suite, "�` ' built by the well- ; -,-` rlI I X41, ! known Kroehler Co =. They may be had ;* i*?r;_ r-►�i'�`s'��' In a number of good jry�7f -- i��� �,y �.1 ,\V(.a].11J� coverings' - l ng' mohair, � �� :�--�_� including , `"�'and tapes- �� velour ,:::j1 try, Our prices .�„ `�y •�' ,�%� - will be found most :tiv� k modest, .consider - the high,quality of the goods. �i..f� �1.,..•' 11—X r e tin[ .E.3 .1r.: �1 .,il..Jti:'.. h o r nr.. t_ _ -era•.......w.r.�..ew.w..•rn,..n.'af.►r 1 i•