HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-07-11, Page 1VOL, XX, BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. No. 47. WHY You should have your photo taken at i\lcArter's Studio, Blyth. BECAUSE We buy in sn1111 lots and therefore our stock is right up -to -elate, We use the best stuff in finishing that can be pro- cured. We don't dabble with cheap paper and card board like so many photograpers do. Our work is right up-to-date and just a little better than the ordinary. Look at our show window and judge for yourself. Studio open on July 1 2th. It would be a pleasure to us to have you call. Ground Floor Gallery =T. B. McArter Walton. Rev, Mr, Currie, B, A„ who has been at Galt for the past month, resumed his pastoral duties iu connection with the Methodist church hero last Sabbath. 1), A. Lowry, of Brussels, has com- pleted the brick veneering of John Watt's new house in this place. Mr. Watt will movo to tho village as soon ns the residence is completed, Ho twill engage in the drover business. Thos, AIca''ldzea!' was laid aside from his usual activity owing to a badly strained foot. Ho had gond into the conch at Brussels depot the morning Fall Term OPENS SEPT. 2nd This management during tho past year trained over two hundred young ladiesa n d gentle. m 0 11 al s 200 steno gym) h- ors, book- keopers and telegraphers, and placed them in excellent situations in lending Cana- dian and American cities. Individual Instruction. Write for catalogue. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal his wife left for a visit to the West and in getting off tho car mot with tho ac- cident, Wo lope ho will soon bo all right. The C. P. R. train passed through hero on Monday night and returned Tuesdny morning for the regular ser- vice. Following is the time table :— Arrive from oast -0.83 a. in., 8.25 p. and from the west at 1,05 p. in., and 9.80 p, tn. The freight trains will start right away, The tnorning and night trains run to and from Toronto with- out change, Now Much are Tooth Brushes ? That depends. Denenda quite a bit on the KIND of a brush you want. Not a bad ono at all for 10c— It's a real good ono for the motley. But around aquartcr we prom. Ise you something really extra —bristles of the finest mater. lel and there to stay. Small brushes for the children trent t'io up. Aud by the way, you'd save dentlsts' bills If the children were taught to take proper care of their teeth. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr,. W. J. MILNE SP1461 D?J L BAIA OF MEN GO This is the kind of weather puts us in mind of our hot weather apparel. Wo have the boat that e;an bo had and are going to clear them out at special prices. Straw and Folt fiats and Caps, also a new line of Wilton Stiff' Hats, all sizes, Just a few Linen Elate left, anyone 50o. Negligee Shirts, collar attached or with. out collar, etas attached or without, at all prides. A special line of Fancy Lustre at 50o to $1.00. Fancy Wash Vests, White Duck and Flannel Trousers, Belts, Toes—everything from,Ilats to Shoes at special prices. Just in, a line of Fancy Wash Ties, all shapes, 2 tor 25c, 25e and Mc, all new stuff' We still have your size In our big range of "Porosknit" Underwear, three colors— white, blue and dealt, from 32 to 42, Fancy Lisle and Cashmere Half Flose from 15o to 50o, Call in and look at Coat these goods and get Shirt our special price list. It will make you feel like buying. Open all the way down the front. Slips on and off like a coat. The bosom fits better and doesn't get rumpled. Made in styles for business or dress oi wear. Doesn't cost any more than the old uncomfortable kind, 201 Fast colors in the newest patterns or plain white. ® , %,c?j Makers, Berlin, Canada BeIOrave. Jannis AteCnllnm, sen., loft for Mani- toba 1(11(1 the great west, Alias Clark, of Hamilton, is home on her holidays with her parents. Charley Belt has purchased Mr, Era- ser's house and lot in Bolgravn. \lrs, James, of \Vinghau►, and firs, Caspell, of Cleveland, visited at Mr, Daley's, Mrs. Proctor, of Palmerston is visit• 1118 her daughter, \I►'s. Cameron 1{o• hortson, and her brother, (Garner Ni- cholson, Mrs, Percy Scandrett and Mrs, Jas. Taylor are spending their holidays at Centralia with their sister, Mrs. Brooks. Wo are sorry to !tato that John L. Stewart, who got 11114 foot, injured at lirydgos' raising, has had his great toe amputated, Mies Bolla Allison is taking a tour to Winnipeg and will visit her brother and sister before returning, We wish her a pleasant time and safe return, Jos. Chimney's spirited young horses made a lively run from the hotel sheds to the station last Friday. About the only damage apparently done was the top of tho buggy torn off, Morrie. The crops aro looking good. We are all coining to Blyth for the 12111, The roads aro very dusty and needs a good ruin, Quito it number attended the garden party M.G. Nicholson's last Thursday evening. Henry Mooney and daughter from the west are renewing old acquaint- ances, Miss Minnie Kor, teacher of S. S. No, 3, has returned to her home in Clinton to spend the summer vacation. We aro glad to state that Jatnes Grasby, 5th line, has recovered from his recent indisposition caused by a slight attack of the thumps, '1'Ile new brick residence of James Nichol, 0th line, is being pushed ahead well. Brick walls are completed and 1lie roof on ready for the slaters. D. A, Lowry dict tho brick work and 'Phos, Nowsotne has the carpentering. Rohert Nichol, 6111 line, has purchas• act the 100 acres belonging to James Pete'', of Medora, Manitobit, and gets possession next, March. The price is as good as $4,400. As the farm lies int- tnediately alongside of Air. Nichol's it will constitute an A 1 property, P. S, Scott, of I3russols, made the sale, Clinton. Miss Olive Cooper, daughter of Mrs. W. Cooper, has been engaged to teach a school six miles from Toronto at $500 a your, Ono of the largo plate glass windows in Walker & Ross' furniture store was broken last Wednesday, apparently by a stone thrower. With tho division registrar, D, L. Macpherson, there were recorded for the six months ending June f3Oth, the following : — Births, 23 ; marriages, 14 ; deaths, 25, W. H. Watts has bought from Mrs, Couch the old pest dice property, pay- ing therefor the sum of $850. Though the building is in bud shape as the re- sult of the fire, the site is ono of the very best in town. Rey, Ft', Hanlon went to London on Tuesday to participate in the colebra- tion of the 25th anniversary of the or- dination of Right ltov. Bishop McEvay into the priesthood, '1'I10 priests of the diocese presented him with an episcopal ring, chain and cross, valued at $000, W, K. Peerce, the former manager of the Seaforth branch of the Dominion Bunk, and later of the St. 'Phomas branch, has been appointed to the man- agership of this institution at Hamil- ton, Mr. Pearce is well known in Clinton, being a brother-in-law of Mr. T'isdall, On Sunday last Rev. Dr. Stewart proac)to I his last sermon before enter• fug upon his two months' vacation, and as the congregation will this mouth puss the half century marls ho made reference to it and road from tho re- cords facts of interest, The congrega- tion was organized in 1857 and thirty names were on the roll which was pre- sented to the Presbytery of London, which appointed Rev, John Ross and Messrs. Carnochau and George Walker of the Brucefield congregation as the first session. On July 20th of that year the first communion was admin- istered, and of those who took part Mrs. Wm. Murray of town alone re- mains. In 1859 tho first session wi s elected by the congregation which ex- Miss Maud Petty, who has com- tended a call to Rev, Dr, Macdonald pieted her course at London Business who thus became the first regular pats- College, is spending a few days 1(t tor. After a few years ho was suc- ltotne prior to leaving for Winnipeg cooded ;by Rev. Findlay McCuaig, of whore she has secure,( a good position. Welland, Both these gentlemen have 'On Friday evening the annual district joined the groat majority and though meeting of the 1. 0, 0, P. was held in they died several years after severing 1-Ionsall. , District Deputy Stu nbury their connection with Willis church, presided. He was re-elected to the at their request their remains wore in- position for another year. Hensall de- terred in Clinton cemetery. On July gree team put on some work which 31st, 1878, Rev, Dr, Stewart was in- was creditably done, There were ducted into the charge and year by quite a number of delegates present year during his long pastorate bo has from lodges in the district, continued to grow into the osteone and confidence of not only his own people, but the citizens of Clinton rogitrdless of Godorloh. denominational lines, Since 1878 over One of M. A, Pigott & Co.'s Italian 900 names have been added to the mem- laborers lost a finger getting it caught buskin roll, . During Dr, Stewart's ab-, in the cos of a convent -mixer, John Mitchell, who for over 40 years sence Ms work will bo in charge of The Wheel Rigs Company have a I has conducted a tailoring business in Rev, Mr. Hackney, a graduate of '1'o. Tonto 'University and Knox College, MARK ET Hgro►rr.-- Wheat 85- 85 Barley 40-40 ; Oats 10-40 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 16-17 ; Eggs 16--17. ase 11 Milverton vs. Blyth JULY 12 SOH BLYTH PARK These teams are playing good fast ball and are the champions of their respective districts, so a good game is assured. Game called at 3,30. Admission, 15 cents. The Store for Quality. A Big Bargain in Dress Goods We place on sale this week 30o yards of Dress Goods worth from 5o cents to 75 cents per yard to be sold within ten days at the quick sale price of 39 cents per yard. These goods are all new this season, comprising Shep- herd Checks, hancy Tweeds, Etc,, but they must be sold to make room for fall goods. Come early and secure the best bargains ever offered in Dress Goods, Cash for all kinds of produce. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. BLYTN The Guelph & Goderieh Line Now Open to Blyth. GUDefilchi LA KE Nu1oN . 5r TFORD ..... LAKE ER «' The first train of the C. P. R. to ar- rive over the G. & G, lino for regular passenger service arrived in Blyth on Monday night of this week 1(t 10 p. m,, and it big crowd of citizens were down 1(t the new station to witness the open- ing, The train loft at (3,20 on Tuesday morning for the return trip to Toronto, 'i'ho dotted lino in the accompanying illustration indicates the route of the now lino, The construction was start- ed in tho fall of 1904 and it has been a long time getting finished, On Monday of this week the wort was taken oft Contractor Gibson's hands and the C. P, R. now have the line in working order up to Blyth to PORT PovER the "Y." The stations from Guelph Jct. to Blyth aro :—Guelph City, Elmira, Linwood, Milverton, West Monkton, AfcNaught's (ling station), Walton and Blyth, Mr, F. L. Crawford is the relieving agent at the station at present, but the regular agent is expected to arrive in a week or so, Tho new time table went into effect on Monday evening at 12 p. m. and the trains will leave and Blyth 1(t the following time, Leave —Blyth - 0.20 a. In. 8,00 p. 111. arrive in Arrive 1,30 p. l t. 9.45 p, m, ( —Walton - 6.83 a. in. 1..05 p, m. 9.25 p. en. . . , .. 9,80 p, m, Tho train leaving Blyth at 0.20 a, m. runs through to Toronto without change and the train leaving Toronto at 5 50 p. in. runs through to Blyth without change, Tho other two trains just run to Guelph Jct, Owing to some of the electric lights fixtures not arriving the station was in darkness on Monday evening but it is now lighted. Besides the C. P: R. station, tickets may bo purchased froin J. McMurohie who has the local agency for both rail and water lines of the C. Hensall. Walter Osborne recently lost a valu- able colt for which he had refused $250. Mrs, Dick we think led the proces- sion in garden stuff for this season, having new potatoes and beans for Dominion Day. The Methodist church of Hensel' bo - comes a station this weep, Rev. Mr, Toll preached his farewell sermon at Bethesda last Sunday, and Rev, Mr. Hart his farewell at Hillsgreen. number of men digging out the foun- dation for the company's 11n(in build- ing as a temporary office. The old dwelling behind tho town hall, offered for sale, is the old school house that over 60 years since was a loading school room of the town. Tho Kensington Furniture Company have the brickwork of the Fecond storey of tho main building well ad- 'vnneed, and it looks as if the whole ad- dition will be ready for work in the early fall. The G, T. R, authorities have put a yard engine at Goderieh. The addition should help the shipping interests of the town. J. J. McDonald has been appointed yard master at the depot, a new appointment, A gats buoy arrived on Tuesday last to mark the outside breakwater for the safety of navigation, The buoy comes from the Dominion Lighthouse Depot 1(t Prescott and is consigned to Harbor Master J. R, Craigio. A landslide occurred in the G. & 0, Railway lino near whore the • steam shovel Is at work, Several thousand yards of earth camp down from the upper part of the bank and shifted tho dump -car track a little, this town, has been compelled to gghte up tho trade in consequence of failing eyesight. Being an old member of the Huron Rifles in '66, having done fron- tier service during the Fenian troubles, his old comrades and friends will re - regret to learn of his affliction, as, being no longer able to thread a needle, Ile is compelled to go to Clinton and accept the hospitalities of the House of Re- fuge. —Subscribe for Tnn STANDARD. 11 TELBGRAPR OPERATORS are wanted badly by our Canadian Railway Companies, They are forced to advertise for them today. With 3000 miles new road building the demand will be still keener. Why not get ready 7 The work Is clean and nloe and the salary very good. We prepare you quickly and at little Dost. Write us for free particulars. Central Telegrnph School, Gerrard East, Toronto. W. H. Shaw, President. 138 BOMBS THROWN IN THE STREETS OF NSW YORK. Garbage Strike Caused Riot and Police Attacked by Crowd. Reckless Mob Pelt Them With Bombs, Bricks and Fire Crackers. New Yank, July 8r --Bomb throwing and riots took place in the northern part of Manhattan, despite the fact that ' the strike of the garbage cart drivers ' Was declared officially ended at belt - pest three o'clock yesterday afternoon, when a delegation of the tstrikere called on Mayor McClellan and, told hint the seen would conform to his request and ' return to work at six o'clock next more - ' in, leaving their grievanoee to be taken up at a later date. For more than three hem after this violeuce and disorder were reported in I Harlem. Men and horses were knocked down by bombs, windows were broken by the concussion and 400 polioemen were unable to control the reckless mob. Sev- ' eral policemen were injured, one seri- ' may, by the bursting of a bomb at his feet. Showers of bricks were rained from windows and houeotops, scrap iron and stones were burled front every eonceiv- able hiding place, and hundreds of wo men from the foreipi quarters took part in the disorder. Fu'ly five thousand per - .Bone curer�d in about the police reserves, oonstantly pelting thein with firecrack• ens and more dangerous missiles, and keeping up a continuous fusillade upon the non-union cart drivers whont the pee lice wore trying to protect Bomb throwing began early this af- ternoon at 107th street and First ave• nue, when an infernal machine dropped from a housetop exploded within a fins feet of five policemen who were escort- ing a cart and driver. The roar of the bomb was heard for blocks and fifty I additional police were hurried to the apot- No sooner had the police charged the crowd where the first bomb fell than the windows were shattered by a second ex- plosion a Black beyond at Second avenue 'and 107th sst.reet, At this spot the bomb was apparently hurled from an upper window, but exploded just before reach. ing the pavement, knocking down a doz• ' en persona close by and causing geperaJ panic. Tho cart and driver it wai aimed at did not suffer. j At Second avenue and 116th. street an• other bomb had been toed to the street, striking about ten yards in front of Ser- i n William J. Dhtgsm, of the Wee 1162d street station, who. with five police• 1 (neat, wag escorting a cart from the stab- les at ] 18th street and the East River. !The bomb had torn a large rent in the paremerit, broken tt';ndown pear and knocked down Aevernl pemona, but no one was serinuely injured. Sergeant Duggan disregarded the ex- • plosion and sent the pohrrtnen hack to give closer protection to the driver. Sur- ; rounded by a howling mob hurling epitie etc at them in all the tongues of South. ern Europe, the policemen moved on until j they had reached Second avenue and 116th street, when another bomb explod ed very core to the feet of the .police men who were walking with Duggan, Two of the policemen were hurled, sev eral yards, where they lay writhing on the pavement. Sergeant Dunaut lay still and unconscious where be fell. The driv er was thrown from his cart, and the horse sent sprawling to the ground Scores of police ran up and charged the crowd. When Sergeant Duggan was ex mined it was found his trousers had been torn into shreds, his shoes were ripped as if by lightning and the flesh of his feet and legs were badly lacerated. but no bones were fractured. He was removed to the Sydenham Hospital, in 116th street. The other policemen soon recovered froin the shock, and were ap- parently not seriously hurt, By this time the excited mob had grown to many thousands, and the pollee guard numbered four hundred. Again and ngrain the police charged the crowd, driving the sten and women first. in one direction and then in another, but five times the number of police could not have restored order. After 7 o'clock another riot took place at 130th street and Brendway, during which many negroes and white encu were Badly hurt, four being taken to the J. Hood Wright lfospitnl and eight to the station house in n badly battered con - tuition. White worsen and negresses threw beer bottles and Bricks from windows end fire escapes nt Ow police, and Police- man James Donlin, of the West 125th street station, was badly injured, A beer bottle struck hits in the knee and he was taken to the hospital. When he wns' hit the women on the fire escape shrieked in delight, and a score of thein set upon him when ho was rescued by two other pnlicemen, The pnlicemen used their night sticks freely, and many head were cut open. Another riot took place at the J. Hood Wright Ifosptnl when the negroes were taken there in ambulances and a patrol wagon. They were followed by a orowd of two hundred negresFes and hoodlums, who aurroundcd the hospital and de- manded adnrission, while throwing mis- siles in all directions, The hospital at- tendants were powerless to keep them back, and when the police reserves ar- rived the place was practically in the hands of the snob. So determined were the negreesea that the police were oblig- ed to use force to drive thee) out of the hospital yard and into the street. The fighting kept up spasmodically until late laid night. While nil this was going on Mayor Me- Clellan was negotiating terms of peace with the strikers in City Hall. It was ar- ranged that the men shall go back to work, with pay for all extra.time, until the streets are cleaned of garbage, and that when they are again regularly em- ployed by the city they may come to him with their grievances, • THOUGHT DEAD; ALIVE, A Missing Bo Discover,ed in Hope 'Search, Forlorn Ottawa, July 8.—On Dominion Day n little boy named Lapwortlt, four years of age, was missed from a picnic pn.rty at Caectuks, Que. He was thought to )be drowned in the rapids there, but search ties looked through the bush until 11 o'olodk at night for him. Ile was then given up as lost, and his par- , entt returned to Bull, thinking he was drowned, and such a story was publish - A forlorn hope party of farmers went out at 3 o'clock this morning, how- ever, and searched the bush at the back of (Jaecadea. Tho little fellow was dis- ooyered in a deep gully two miles away, where he had wandered through the ;heavy storms of the day and night, but seemed little the worse after being 27 beure messing. This was a surprieing and happy end- ing to the story as be lied been first missed missed on the very banks of the swift -flowing Gatineau River. STRAWBERRY ACIDS. ?hip Make People Sulky and Irritable After Eating Them, London, July 8.—Hygienists who de- , light in raising alarms against popu- lar foods, aro now tilting against strawberries. These are accused of eleaving a bad effect upon the tempers of their eaters, who, it is alleged, be- come sulky and irritable after eating them. A hygienist is quoted as saying ' that 'edict, are particularly suecep- tibio in this respect. Some of them will eat a pound or more of strawber- ries at a time, and then become so morose that people are glad to avoid !them. The fact is, they are physically ill without knowing It. They are suf- i faring from the strawberries disease, the symptoms of which are slight die- ' ease, a desire to be alone, and in - 1 tO .ranee of being questioned, The errlee which have the worst aao . the large ones, The small de are usually harmless, The trouble is ascribed to the strawberry acids. Indeed, the frnit is more whole- some without cream or sugar, and no- bo:}yy should eat more than a dozen at a time, Eustace Miles, the tennis player, as a vegetarian dietist, confirms the dan- ger to some persons from strawberries. He says they eontaln three acids, pholf- phoric, sulphuric and silicic. Ise believes that the last named crown the trouble, In addition to irritability, sufferers have strawberry rash and strawberry head- ache, e•*' BLINDED BY CANT -HOOK. Distressing Accident to a Young Team- ster Near Wallaceburg. Chatham despatch: A harrowing acci- dent is reported from near Wallaceburg, Henry Lowes, son of Bush Foreman Gor- don Lowes, in the employ of W. M. Drader, Chatham, was teaming in the bush on Saturday when in some way, the victim doesn't know how, the cant hook struck him in the eye and so in- jured the optic that he lost its eight, The other eye was never of any service, so as the result of the accident he L now totally blind. ALREADY OVER HALF MILLION, T, Eaton and Senator Fulford Estates Swell Succession Duties. Toronto, July 8,—Payments from some nineteen estates are included In the re- ceipts on the Ontario succession ditties department for the past month. `lee to- tal sum is $50,217. For the half year ending June 30 the sum of $541,417 was received. For the same period last year $300,746 was paid Into the department. This year's receipts include about 1100,- 000 each from the Eaton and Fulford es• totes, which are not yet closed, Hon, Mr, Matheson, Provincial Trea- surer, estameted early in ,the year that the receipts of the.sutcoaeion ditties de- partment would total $700,000, and It would seers that even this. large num would be noticeably exceeded. LANDS, FORESTS, MINES, Report of Minister Has Just Been Issued. Toronto, ,ittly 8. --Thr report of the Jfinister of Lands, Forests and \liars for 1000 ha$ just been issued, end con- tains some interesting information. The area of clergy iands sold during the year was 785 acres, aggregating in value $1,- 387. 1;387. Common school lands sold amount- ed to 3015 acres, for $70; grammar school lands, 711 acres for $133, sad \cr,dty lends 1111% acres for :705. '!'here have !cell sold for agricultural ,urposes during the year, 60,4011 acres for $72,204, and for mining purposes 4.877 acres for $11,088, 'There was leased for mining purposes 13,384 acres for $13,177, The Teuliskauning region has continued to attract the greatest number of settlers, The department has continued to insist upon a strict compliance with the regulations as to settlement duties. The comment en the Rninv (liver and Thunder Bay dis- tricts is in pert as follows : "Their proximity to the prairie regions tells against them, but the fact remains that the valley of the Rainy River is one of the most fertile and beautiful areas in the Province." The total collection from all services was -$2,266,387.04. Of this $260,020.06 was from i;unis sold and leased; $1,000,- 014.02 was from woods and forests; $85,250.06 from mining licenses and frees, and roynity on mines. The gross expenditure of the depart• ment for the pastyear was $616,250.80, The principal services were t Agents' salaries and disbursements, $42,351.04; forest ranging. $45,165.61; fire ranging, $.57,611.05; mining development, $28,- 105.' forest reserves, $27,913.10; sur- veys, $125,003,39; refunds, $32,844,62; Algonquin Park, $11,501.70; Temagami timber cutting, $80,412.95; veterans' commutation, $71,800, The lumber trade has continued in a prosperous condition, and there has, been a marked increase in the value of stumpage BAR1'ENDER ARRESTED. PRISONER IS CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER, Was Employed at Haileybury Hotel When Dispute Arose Over Change— Boylan, the Victim, Died at Ottawa. Cobalt despatch: The bartender of the Vendome hotel, Haileybury, Gardner Ilunter, was arrested this morning. He is said to be locked in n room at the hotel, together with Joe }Ilion, the proprietor and chief witness to an as- sault committed in the hotel about ten days ago in a dispute over change. Hunter ie said to have jumped acroaa the bar and hit Ed, Boy- lan, of Muttawe, in the face, breaking his jaw. Boylan was sent eo Ottawa Hospital to have silver put in his jaw, and died at St. Luke's Hospital there yesterday. Hunter is charged with manslaughter, and the heating will take place at Hai. leybvey to -morrow morning. Boylan Is said to have been a gentle - mealy, inoffensive fellow and merely asked for the change due )tits, The proprietor of the hotel liar very little to say, but is said to admit that it is a serious matter, Ottawa, July 3,—Edward Boylan, of Cobalt, who died yesterday nt kit. Luke's Hospital, made an ante-mortem state - mut charging that injuries from which he was suffering had been received in an assault committed on him at Cobalt, The Cobalt police were notified yester- day of his death and the suspected parties have been placed under arreet, .An Inquest will be held here next Fri- day, STUDENTS IN ROME BEATEN. British, American, German, Austrian and Turkish Assaulted, Rome, July 8,—'twelve students for the priesthood at the College of the Propaganda Fide, were mobbed yester- day on the Plaza Spagne by toughs, who were elated by the recent victory of the anti•clericals in the untnicipal elections, The studeuts were beaten, kicked and spat upon. They compininod to their respective Ambassadors, namely, the British, American, German, Austrian and Turkish, who, it is expected, will send a joint note to Signor Titoni, Min- ister of Foreign Affairs, asking that pre- cautions be taken in the future, and pointing out the groat number of for. eign clergy and students here. INSANE MAN ESCAPED, Alfred Lessard, of Toronto, is Arrested at Detroit. Toronto despatch: Alfred Leasure', an ineane man, who escaped from the Pro- vincial Asylum on Queen street west three weeks ago, has been arrested in Detroit, and will be brought back to this city immediately by a provincial officer. Lessard got away by hiding himself be- hind a building and leaving the grounds while the attendants were not looking. He was regarded as harmless and was not kept in clone confinement, On Monday evening he rushed into the office of John N. Anhut, an attor- ney in Detroit, He i mid he had es- caped from an asylum and. he wanted to know if there was not some way to avoid being sent back, The police were called and he was locked up. Lessard's wife is a Detroit woman, and is now liv- ing in that pity. THE GUGG[NI1[IMS' PRIVATE WAR. Warlike Preparations for a Fight With the Brur.- ers Over Right of Way. Seattle, Wash., July 8.--A special to the Post Intelligcncer from Va des, Alas- ka, speaks of the preparations for arm- ed conflict between the Copper river and Northern railway forces, and the Alas- ka -Pacific railway, sten at K.rttalla, The Copper River railroad, which is known throughout Alaska as the Guggenheim proposition, Hinting to tap the Cupper ]liver district, is attempting to cross the right of way of the Alaska•1'ncific Company, known as the Bruner Line, which also nuns for the Dopper River district by way of Lake Charlotte. The Bruner people have applied to Governor IIoggntt, of Alaska, for the protection of United States troops, anew rl� f lull the Guggenheim forces coutem• plate an armed attack upon them, Auth• oritiee nt Valdez ndnit that the situa- tion is serious, The launch Pioneer, which arrived at Valdez yesterday frau Katalla, brings word that the Bruner road has erected a "go -devil" nt the crossing, which the Guggenheims are trying to make. The machine, by means of a donkey engine, swings continually across the trucks, making it impossible for mon to come within a radius of 60 feet of the Bruner line. The same launch brings the report that blockhouses of thick timbers have been erected along the right of way ty the Bruner people, and that the Gug- ganheinis are paving $2 an hour to fighting sten wit)) n bonus of $100 to the flint man who crosses the Bruner right of way, The Copper River road is now built about thirty miles from Kntallu, The Bruner road so far has done nothing but terminal work at Ka. t,llla. Since its strut a few months ago there has been constant trouble be- tween the Bruner road and the Gug- genheim people. Several times the right of way of the Guggenheim rood has been dynamited when the Bruner engineers claimed the Copper River road has crossed their ter- ritory. An injunction asked recently by time Alaska -Pacific Rahway and Ter- minal Company against the Guggenheim road was denied. PLOT TO KI[[ COUNT WITTE. Reactionaries Sought Death of Former Russian Premier. St. Petersburg, July 8,—h'ronn revolu- tionary sources there have been ob- tained and published full details of a sensational reactionary plot to compass the murder of Count 11'itte, the former Russian Premier. '('his assassination was planned by the Moscow branch of the Union of True Russian People, the organ- izotion to which the Emperor sent a communiention on June 17, conveying his blessing to the ultra -reactionary party and his hopes for the success of its purposes. The execution of tho plot was en- trusted to the leader of the Moscow branch, a man named Kazantseff, who CRITIC to St. Petersburg the latter part of May and secured employment in n fac- tory as a common laborer. He be- friended several of his fellow workmen, and after announcing himself as an An- nrchist, he enlisted four men to assist him in carrying out his commiesiou, It was planned to throw a bomb at Count Witte's carriage from the window of a cheap boarding house on Ha.rnenny Island while the count was on his way to attend a meeting of the Council of the Empire, The plot, however, was betrayed by the revolutionist bureau, which gave Count Witte warning, The four work- men continued to pretend loyalty to Kazantseff in order not to ar'otrso his suspicion. The day for the asaaaetnation was fixed, and that mornlug Kn.zantseff led his supposed assistants to a wood in the vicinity of St, Petersburg in order to get the bombe from a secret hiding place, but at this point the four mon turned on Kazantseff and killed him, carrying out the sentence of death passed upon him. TOOK ALL TH[ CASH ME COULD FIND. Bank Teller Packed Nearly $100,000 in His Suit Case and Quit, So the Story Goes. New York, July 8,— Detectives throughout the United States are scareh- ing to -day for Chester 13, Runyan, hay- ing teller bf the 'Windsor Truse Cone pany, who, the directors allege, is mis- sing with $fl0,217 in cash. The case is being handled by. private detectives, Geo. W. Young, a director of the Trust Co., confirms the reports of the defalcation, which the detectives say is one of time most remarkable ever re. ported, Runyan is accused of having placed $90,317 in currency in a suitcase last Saturday, and, after shaking hands with his banking associates, left the trust company. Since then be has not been seen. Runyan, it is said, did not even go to his apartment to bid good-bye to his wifo to whotu he had been married for five years, He is said to have taken all the cash available in the bank last Sat- urday, The directors, it is staked, have made up all the lose of the defalcation. Banyan was n man of exemplary habits so far ats known and his conduct was such net not to aromo any suspicion, When the auditors wont over his ac- counts on May 1st they were found to be all right. A PERILOUS FEAT. STRICKEN BLIND IN WALKING WIRE 583 FEET FROM GROUND. Daring Performer Loses Sight Over Can- yon in Colorado, But Keeps His Nerve and Gains Safety. Denver, Co,, July 8.—Stricken sudden- ly blind while walking a wire rope etretehed serosa the South Bowlder can- on, at Eldorado Springs, lvy Baldwin fin• dished sa'ely the last 60 feet of what is regarded as the most perilous walk ever undertaken by a man, The wire was stretched 683 feet above the ground, and from end to end was 650 feet. The greatest previous high walk was made by Biendln across Niagara Falls on a wire, "'The principal difficulty to contend with was the wind," said Baldwin later, "Soon after I started, and when I was probably forty feet from the side of the canon, a gust of wind struck me. It caus- ed me to sway, and I took a step back- ward, but managed to balance myself. I started agntn. In one or two places the guy wires holding the rope wore loose and caused it to sway, This caused me inconvenience, but I got by all right. Then another gust hit me, Again 1 swayed for a moment, but managed to catch myself and went on, "I thought I was getting along all right, when suddenly I was stricken blind, and could not see a thing, 1 knew there were men on the othee end of the wire, and began calling. They answered, and 1 began talking to them all the rest of the way. In this manner I was able to keep my nerve, and, feeling the way across, finished In safety. "lint let me tell you one thing: When- ever attempting to walk a rope, do not move the heed or eyes one -sixteenth of an inch. If you do you're gone, Had, I looked down, or even turned my head once in going across I would have fall- en," 4.♦ WORKMEN BURIED IN DEBRIS. Thomas Moguln Badly Injured at the Temple Building, Montreal, Montreal despatch: Two men were in- jured, one of Ilion seriously, nt the Tem- ple buildinri this afternoon, Two work - teen were imprisoned in a inn.ss of debris which fell twenty feet into a room which they were demolishing in the Temple building. Ono of the parties was hauled out almost uninjured. The other, Thomas Moqutn, of Bonsecours street, was badly cut about the head and Bruised on his chest, There is fear of internal injury, A huge derrick, whish was being used to lift material out o a foundation excavation, collapsed ns the full bucket was hnlf Ivey up. TALL BUILDING COLLAPSED. Buried Forty Workmen, But All Escaped With Their Lives. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 8.—Ten men were hurt in the collapsing of a four - storey business block of Main street this afternoon. Forty-two others es- caped injury. The accident was caused by the weak- ening of the foundations by an excava- Hon for a new ten -storey building. Thal outer wall of tho building fell over into the excavation, where forty' . labore's were eating their mid-dpy meal, In the wrecked building were a dozes other men, some of whom wore shot out through the windows and wreckage int* the street, The falling timbers, how- ever, formed arches which protected the sten, none of whom were dangeroutly hurt. a.♦ 'To new wine frauds' act haa been pro- mulgated by the French Government. • , AI RN AFTER ALS. BRIBE FORCIBLY TAKEN TO TtIE CHURCH ALTAR in Wedding Gown, She Changes Her Mind, Then Reconsider Again, Mak- ing Merry, Chester, I'll„ July s. \.tire,l in hear wedding trnn,.>e:tu, Ali-:, :lv. I., a lonhely ;;ire, stood in i•sr lssu , , u \I est, `ecoid street, surrounded .hy I,••1' relatives, t•uitiug for the r;;b that to convey her to St. Iletitvi; ,i'uiisil (.'ate olive Church, there she tv,l, 1,1 1,c married to Joseph steniti.l:y, The cub finale; arrived. hot %%lieu tl.e time arrived to enter tt.e t ii i, Alts, :lrululwk drew bail: is Ilei 61'0t11e1 .Ip - to escort her to ,i1, exclaiming: "I have changed my 1111101. 1 h.'yc 11e- eided not to get married." The ,utidea annoti i;•.•nl•,I;t coni 4euiiation among her feta friend,, They endeavule.l to her that it was not lite ,gaper t;:,.(. t , detsl, but the votllig \1Ip:1i11e ob- durate, and, after trying 1 p, r•:I,I ,. `, r for half an hour to n've,,uI i !cr, sir, live picked her up !sail\ , . I , ..r:;..l her to the cab, The untvilliug bride 'xi., the church. tvhielh wt, tilled shed r.,e•;•, who tvonderell what tut, cat -iter. t!o delay. It tuts expected that Ali, - would ,leeline to (liter the thtral,, kat 1,110 had evidently concluded ti:,.; t':,, easiest way %vas the beat, t,1 r i. ,tined her pawl in the uupti;ll r. rooreiy, apparently satisfied again with ti•i. •i1'p site was taking .\flet Phe evroaumy the couple %veil. driven to the bride's home, %there Li;t , were tendered n reception, 14*1\1VITAT KAISER'S WILLIAM NOT SURE THAT FE CAN VISIT THE KING. licrlin, Jnly 8,---I•:nlper,-r \\'i!li, : 11;1, aclutowledged Iiilu_' Edward's invitation to visit \\'indsor (:u -I11. for live Ilan, in November, in a most courteous manner, but ivill,nlit ,leet'pt1l.! 11 Illleuiu lit:cutely, saying, it is understood, that he will only he able to give a1 final aulstver niter ;clue also:.l iuu,, red;uding 1x11;!ie interest aro settled, No ane, however, dntll,l5 that the Ial,peror ulliaul:eiy v,i11 :o•rcpt, hilt he i; not disposed to ...eel pt haytiiy, as the invitation ha, Keen it long time cuming. TO BE CREATED. GARIBALDI'S REMAINS TO BE EX- HUMED AND BURNED. lionte, July 8.--011 the several wills in the handwriting of 1iui,eppc 1htuibaltli, the Italian liberator, l''uud recently in Leghorn, the instrument bearing the latest date eoetaiuu the isq;:eq that his remains be incinerated "a the Island of Capron', his home, at a spot he marked with an iron stake. and that, his ashes then lie interred in the Jauieuluui, Rome, near his equestrian statue, A. hill was introduced by :t number of deputies to exhume the remains of the liberator and comply with Isis request, on condition that his family consents, SAW THE CZAR Y, M. C. A, REPRESENTATIVES PRE- SENTED TO THE EMPEROR, St. Petersburg, .lily 8•1tichnrd 1... )louse, of New lurk, g act;tl Mteut :try of the international committee of tho Young Alen's (Thristian Association, and Frunl:liu .1. (htylord, of New lrorl;, ;.;en- eral secretary of the Allied St, Peters- burg .Issonintton, were presented to Em- peror :�ichuius nt 1'cterl:u!'. AI:, Morse is nual:ing 0 lour of the world, visiting, Young Alen's L'hrisstiau Associations in various countries, THE NEST SPARED, Building of Temple Suspended While Robin Hatches Her Brood. Afton, \V).o,, duly 1;, --In order that u. robin might lintel' lu'r eggs undisturbed, work en the new Alorua.,u tabernacle here was suspended fur seven 'lily's. 'lute robin built n nest in a pile of planks intended for use in the construction of the building, It was decided that if the nest were moved l,sfurc the eggs hatched, the mother bird would n.banduu it, and rather than destroy the pros- peclive family the anon erecting the tobernnele laid off until the young robins made their appearance, JESUITS IN PERU, Attorney in Supreme Court Demands. Expulsion of the Order, Limn, Peru, July 8.—In the Supreme Court yesterday 1111 attorney address- ed the Government, and denounced it for permitting the re-cstnblielnuent of the Jesuits in !'cru, declaring that such action Inns a breach of the law, Ile asked that the members of the order be expelled from the country, and said' that if this were not done he would appeal to Congress, 4.►' Ml'. J. W. Maitland, a prominent lum- ber ntnnnfnctnrer, died at Owen Sound'. The Righhfi 1 eir The fir,( ol,jtr'l they restcrl upon was Editha, Who hail turned toward hila -when he Mover. and who looked' Iiia sonic fair, beautiful creature from are ot11rr sphere, as she Was standing there 11'11)1 the flickering Tight falling full 4(l 1101111111111111111. 4011111 slid,' Ler (relsa71'es." 111 i.,h, ,10!1:1, ple',;4 W11i�)r're(I !lis ;sourly 1(i+lr(;.;e1I, "`;n, .\I ri:l; ! \wont to toll her all about it now, it i4 Miss 7)altun, isn'i. handsome, and bore iL without u %tidal• pm , j "How conl(1 you?" I?ditlln alight ash:• (d, Irpllachl'nlly. 1 1110'1 know, Miss Dalton, hut f'I!ks girl harIelle+l ti, allllnrit anything 11011' udng-,•' hr rci,II1.11, 341i11g. "11 ‘vas risky Inkiness for Its to r;it 11:1'10, 1', illi >,onu' of thus, Very dhununlls 1:111 I,i1Ik(t, hidden 111V1ly un nur per. slots, Ileal 11.1 another 111911 be tried for 1V '1 11.4' 179,1 done.,, Edith!' shuddered. "I must confess," he went1111, "that I 11011' 1,su 1110n11 in all lay life :I; %%hen I .saw hill) turn white about the month when the ,;ur1' brought, in 1(1 11 41rd0'!; and then, when yule jumped 111) she saw this dreadful man. ,n )11•iIVl' null 'ngl'1•, ir0! (lr(hlred he 1v,' 11011, Inks, the invalid cu17(inmea, )' 1111 l lie ,,e:le:wiI 1)(r !':Ice engvrly, as not !'lilts', I 7.a.; so near confessing the aboral tied rnl,4(r, hery; 1141 pl�uln0'd lu on her face, 1)and golden hair ul ries if no 1.03' ! II 11!;4)( pu,.;il,l} 173‘.1.173‘.1.111(1(7 Whole thing Mutt 'I'nlll I1i(1 a heavy hand the thing -' rather, bed plrlu' robes. n 1111 ks , sed it all, and 1 was to help do the dirty work, a long, long time before Nye found a chalice to carry it out. 11'o'cl got all the bearings and knew just how ev• ery room in the house Icy lrforu 7.o ever Cnlerel it, "i)n that night—it was cloudy and dark, if you remember --'foul cut out a pane of glass from one of the ar4t 1Vindows With n (1ia10u0(1 he has on pur- pose, while I Watched to see that. no one was around, "11'( then easily entered 1)y 11111 win- dow. and made as short work 113 pos- sible of clearing Writ everything of value that ave could lay our hands on in Ilse Molise. "It was about the neatest and most profitable job that was ever done in a private 11011E0, and not n Enl'! 1:11'.hlae 1111'011(411 It 1111. Were the silver spoons and gull(linl'(I snll•eellars and a lot of other stuff in the china closet )lit Of the din• iug•room, all clean, solid silver, too. 11'o (Tacked the stile in the library, nnld, though We Jid not get noteh moitio', we got a lot of diamonds belonging to yon(' mother, miss, like CIoiegll, and then We Went upstairs to ser:. What We could find there. "I didn't Illnell 11)11'.)! taking the things we found below; 1'11 got, hardened to stealing a good 44'llile heflrr. that ; but when 11•e t'ltllle to ynlll' I•on111 11'11(1'( you lay asleep, looking so innocent and Pr(t• ly. with all that soft stuff ruffled rotund your neck and Wrists, my Ilea •t foiled ane, for I though of dilly here, whom 1 suppose 1 love .just as well as rich folks love their children, and f kr.ew just (lav she'd have hived all the pretty things 170 saw !I1y111g about dotlotongf hent y"(111, I begged 1'41111 to leave your rings, 11/01 1rink(t-, and ktlickknncks„ but he growled at 11(y nonsense and grabbed everything he could lay his hands upon, 1 heldiil the lantern and revolver all talc Willie, -Once t•hohl,ht what I should do !f you a!'; nice and found us there. And. Iii=;, 1'! have =hot •1'!171, bad 4(i I 7.:13 myself, and 1nl)nut as much to blame for that dirty business, before I would have him hay 0 7111ICh as a finger upon gull,', t'Lr 3ie1: 1111111 Iva; here seized wit11 a violent fit of coughing, which so ex - "lie is II tall, broal•shouldercd, burly• looking nein, with an ugly face nn hila, setups, Leavy jaws 11711 Ili(1(0 hl,r,f I eyes. "fiis (lair is red, too--soowllning you )1nt1't 11(1(11 ser 111(1) black ey''':', '1'11011 i; a piece gone, leu, from the 11)1' of his left ear, where be 11'118 4(111(1 811111 b7 a 1/1,111T11111 77 11111 ('111110 11(4(1' I(,ing Ili,; We. lie has a Near under his right rye, and tle little firer 1'n his ;loft hood k missing; that was dune in blowing open n safe 47t one lisle," J?ditha did not think she could fail In I.nuty hit, after this description, 111111 she already felt a sort Of eras ping hor- ror in her ‘,ins, as in her mind's ('ye on Inc and told nm', with 1 look 111 hi; (ye that MealthusilleSi, thnt 1)('d hill IIIc 11 111110 spot if 1111a(14' s4( much as a n, Of ('mere., I did not dare to move after that," h( %•(111 00, 151111 1 dep11(141ing Trek into the fair girl', re- proachful (yea. "lint there i; 4url it thing n; turning �I.4t('s (Viscus(. ('oti!dn't you have flue' 114111, 111111 1111'11, if this other one 1':11; more guilty than you, he would '1'110 man no sooner saw her than 111) "1'es. I rel 1,Ir,; 1)11 1111: an! if yen expression of recognition and fear stole 411't' aide, 1 11'1101 you to t:'li 1111' 1i1011t over his features. the nigh) 01' Wl:ie l •.4111 s1 . "; " I ,.', 1?(1111)11 "Sir lel.; cone'! She has hunted m+: nn41y1'rcj. (1074'11 at last!" he cried in 11(4114147' 107)0:1 "1',! 11,11'+. In'ell g1:111 ! 11 ('(111 :41 it then, and shrinking ferther down in the heli, rn(1'r than lot that fine rode.; fe!loty 9)ut• tyil h his oyes still fastened 1s if ,.,, t11 prison," he cool muss. with n deep by magnetism upon ',Akira. ;lull; "let '1(41(1 declared he'd hill ale if "Father," cried 11{Ily, ehcorfully, "I'll I ',coshed, 411111 so l--• -hall to hold 4()y "No, 1111; don't lot t!I+'111 take 1110 away 11111:11(," to jail; I ain't able to go to prison," he 110 paused for I,real!:, :lel Mrs, Laker, have something nice for you, in a 1111)' (nrn1m,. 1,(ser1IlingI ' l0 1:1111(11, said: nlent•" "11!33, I (17 Hoot Inv( 11(11r him to run 111011 fled. feebly an'1 trPnlblillg as if 741111 on s(1, 1','un't you !dense go?" fear. I:4(t Edith(' 11' (s 111'141'1111111 1 s114. W0l111 41'lfr 11115t0ned (0 hie 5111''• nal. 111 x( s!,1' 1);111, in 1110 strangest Haul \u, Job 11; nn nae •11(111 (lislnrb « e1' tier imaginable, stumbled aerus1 one of 11:7 110 you. she said, soothingly. 111, toe b:u'geirs 11.118 (lad so stieeeS.lfull ' mind is WOnk, ma'am, When he first y cnuul,iticd 0 "1('111 1011)018 111111 then Wakes," ,he vont Poled( turning to 1?111• esenped punishment, %.'hilt, :mother had tha, "\o, in 7, mind isn't Welk," the man replied, impatiently. '1 know her, and she's (14111ld 1110 wit at last ;" 111111, raising his 001:101:ltl(I hand, he pointed With one long, bony finger attheir visitor. ".101111, be quiet, You do cul knots' the lade; she i:; n stranger, 441)0 carne With hill~' to help us." returned his %riff', try- ing to quiet hila. ",•4111''s found 111) not at last," he re• pestes, his ryes still fixed 4111 1:(1il1111. "she's the Heil (.113p's girl, whose house We -Toni i)r11k' and I cracked three or four years acro. She 4vns asleep when We went IIIl1, her 1•'10111 11791 stole ln'r trinkets; but she looked so beautiful that 1've never forgotten her face. I tried to make 'funs 1(971 her bracelets x111 tillg4, 1)1'; h( wouldn't. It's Miss Dalton, '71a'ia, and 1 tell you she',( come to 401+1 1110 111 pri;nn." 11117.0 suff7rod the penalty, nal sun 11.011111 have gone free?" I?ditlln n0;1;ot eagerly, "1 thought of ant, miss, and i know Tom ,mspycl:'(1 111e, 100, for he dogged 4(l( all the time; and then, I'd horn 0n- tenitll'll in so 9 418' other things, i should Keel:filly have got deeper into the mire, 11'1' reasoned that they would be easy with the young 011111 -- Niel the penalty; and she W; s resolved 100(1 only have a short sentence—when, to Iran the Whole .story now, 1f :melt a if they'd (;;;1'ht 111, a%0'O lhnVe hail ten or fifteen years for bring old hands at the business," "it Was a t1'icl:rd, 11101 Idling to d1,. to let an innovent mein suffer 1a be snf- (147''1!" Edilha exclaimed, forgetting for a Incn:ent. in ,her indignation, that she spell:ing to a dying man. "1 know i(--1 see it now, miss, 1114 I've been afraid (o sir With that nn MY Mind; )r'rhlp;, .if 1 confess the whole. 1' slha1!I feel easier. I'll it'll you the whole story, if you 111:1'," he ret lu•nr11, lovably. "1•e: (111," she cried, d9Igeriy. "It 011 11 o no harm to rollft•1 it now, and it %,ill 1)c :111 act of justice to the inu,nc.'nt No, she must sing land learn 1y11:It she —11 win 'le:I1 111. 11'1y11r fre'u the 111: could; tutfirst s:1( fell (lett the sufferer '-carr 11)'11 0LhrrWis( n1l11 IIIW1y; tr;t. alight Ill 11.1V1. 4411110 IIo11I'13!I!n(Ilt; 110 77'1111 11'1'1(11 111111.' aIn.ad} 1)171V11(:di:MA.cd from hiss recent '•11'aynr! 1'(s, that \rag Ili; 11:11111. 11'•1;111 Wa; 1110 1/111(1? 1t. Wa; n ser( of ilig!I•`oitud111:', 0111.', if I I'oIn1'lnber 1'krllt," Lei asked, "1.1)110 \\';tyre Was the Immo," 1:11th;( replied, %%i(11 n rising flush as she pro- nounced it, \1'hether if 1y'lt; "hi!.;'h•sounsine or not, it 734 the clearest name in 1111 11)( World to her, and 1=17(7 could not speak it without a t'hril.l, "Ile (7•(15 n 'pa•tieular friend o' yours, Wa'n't le?" lc inquired, with. n quick, :ee11•ebing look into the glowing face "Yr7, but I'm ready to hear yule• story )11)14'," �4^ did not decor it at all to cnt'r into (lir particulars of ler rely• t{un1hip with l:ou'!r for his benefit, "11'(411, 1.5 you say, it can do no herrn to c011ft;s it now, mild '1'11111 1)rako enn't hurt me, rider—nobody twill dare 1011011 17 (lying man, though lie (1i(1 =.era• he'd ale if I ever lir•pe(1 ct word of it: 1 1�ho shrank from the disgraceful can I:nnl7 he meant 4yhat he said; and, miss, fessiun she saw he had determined to though i've been drawn to stealing for It u7ake, i1Vir;, yet I've always 100041 my Wife and '1l:tl•iit, 81)11 keep stir.," he returned, 11111(1," with some slow (If impatience; ''you 1[e peused abruptly rind glanced at ono"' ins heavy this thing lits lain on those two faithful ones—the only one In 1118 cunsri0nce ever since that young.1111 the world 1%'1141 care(! that 17e Was 41,'7' 101)11, to pH," ill 1114' stead; nail '18111;, (old Who Would 'Insss him when )l1', 4045 :1(1, ''ft(1(4'=. 1.:':'n torture to line 'lately'," he went on, With emotion, "If 000 111001 go- ing cold and hungry, taking the bread from their ot1•n months to keep Iifo a Little longe' in my W'o'thl(s: body; but, miss, folk(; that lire down in the world nl::) driven into a comer can love ,11181 113 strowg as those who never knew u Want." "in'deed, 1 do not doubt. it," Edith;( nitnt ! exclaimed the sick man, grow snit(, feelingn deep pity for 'l!m, nal• face in 1117 elnth('s with n groan, in„ mare excited, Shr sbn.11 stn news i )?,lith gladly took the seat 11119 %a•withslandin's that he hell so deeply in - and d 11 tell her all about it, if she'll only : (,sled for ler, fur she too, Was weak ,jureil one whole she so fondly ,loved, promise not to send 1110 to prison." 11111(1 trembling trill► excitement. "I know it is but adding inlnit to in- „ �e (ale shall send you there, John, ' „ ,^ jury; 1111. miss, if sun --if 1 could only \[1's, Loker tried to say quietly, though long,” �, cls ser that I cannot live t)1' 11441,11'01111)(8 nerd nal want for her:tel 1':ditlln could are that she wa8 v0ry mI)•; lobo T.)hcr said to her; am!1 boldin;,, up hi_= thin hand between his w,lrn a I gun(' it w'nnl(1 b: el !,malt nll'1(hle lopportunilyalso. w'ns one that must ' ey'e's and the Tight, it 'looked almost 71I11f0r(," 1 r 1(1(1(11, 47411 n lwistfllhul,9 I lost, I transparent, 11:7i brought 1(1119 f.4( 1111 (yrs, She felt that the elan Was dying—he , , c n 19 ere , could 11411 lies Wooly days; 111111 if lir, gently, Will 5(1' 11),11 they den not suffer," she 1)11111 :nlyf11in, ih;►t Wnulal «1(91' Earle "\flat's become of that young chap `:lisle he(rlily, from his honor, she must, discover it who ens sentenced for that roll!''1'y'" 17011•, Ile demanded, abruptly, after a moment. She 10x11:011 trickly aid softly to the "lir i9 in Europe 11011',,, bedside, 111111, spenlcii g very kindly, said: "lie had true grit !n him; hr never Loker, do not he disturbed. I Winced nor slowed the, wIlito fenthel 1n'culisr you Lhnt 110 1)11111 shall come to once during the trial," lie said, in all 1711• you, 1111.1 you 4111111 have every comfort miring tone, 118 ion; ns you live, if you can Provo to "117)71' do you 1:11)74'?" rdithn asked, in ane, that what you Imre just stated is se.r,mrise, true," 1 "Tom I)rn!:o and I ant by and heard 11 yr tone ens so gentle, and her eye's 1.111 whole thing through." so mild and 1(111(1, that he was instantly "You (1i)1?" she 011011 out in pain, "Oh, ren:+sured, 11070 could yon?" Ifs full Intel: upon his pillory patting ('lily to think of it—the real criniin- for breath. 11114 s4( near to justice and Earle con - "1)u you hear, Mnria? She says—no yicted instead; 1t was horrible! harm shall—come, I've dreamed—of her "1'es, 70e heard the ease clefts through; for weeks—ns she Inv there sleeping— Ivo heard the sentence passed upon 111111; .y4( iauncent—flus beautiful— while—IVC and he stood 11p so proud, aid calm, and thou; Way poaiible, II' Ile mu 11 should die w•ithunl, confess- ing the guilt 11111 seemed to lir so 1(('4108 1111 111.1 (4)14'!7n('e, 1111 possilllity of edea'• ing Earle from suspicion :1n11 restoring Isis fair fame would be forever lost. She disliked to give the suffering ten* 1111111 pais, tut 1:111)711 character 70ns ,Ismer to her than angst else, and it would lie 0 cruel 15rong to him to heed 1101. request nal 1'o. '1'111 ease Was (yi(10ntly a1Xlons 10 col- f(s.7 his ::hilt, it lay he.lyy on his heart. 117 deli 1 ess 1.'1.'1; !0' (uutl net live long, and he desire! to nl:l!u' a 11e:1n I,r('9st (.I (v(rs1!rig before he '<hunitl (lie 1'11.\I''I'ER XVII 1, excitement, and his strength would cut The man had (!sen on his elbow, and 111)1,1 out utiles; he could first have soiree WO; sl:u'iug with Ilse 111031 abjeet fear 7)t 1111114 to eat, 1�:11; (8, trembling and shivering until I:tlithu teem to 1lilly null assisted her his teeth chattered in his held, to prnp:7r4 lir broth, which Was already Ili; )Hind evidently was very Weak— warm, anal the chill then, with grateful so weal: that, under the influence of the thanks, 100k it to hill 111)41 fell hint (with 811(1111'11 +)lock caused by seeing the young 1)01' ny011 hands. girl. be was babbling secrets whi017 0th. 110 eagerly' look 1111 she _ave hila, as ends,' he 7001)1,1 newer 11801. dared lube• if he assn 1741:1 nearly famished, and then tray. s0!;:')l 1171' 40('( roll Which alar hill 111 her His first words( h:ld caused Edlthn hand, eating it with evident relish, only surprise, brit 418 l0 wont on 1)(r His banger satisfied, lie becIto;l�:1 heart gave a sudden, wild hound that 1•:(1111),1 n;':c{u to his 111117, for the Moment turned her giddy' and "How came you hero to -night, .11is.t faint. Litton?'' he asked, She comprehended 11t once, When he She ('Xplaia1(1 how it had happened, spoke of hating "cracked" her father's and he muttered, half to himself: Infuse and laking her "trinkets;' that "Yes, yes, I sec; you were sent here Itlu w':15 in the presence: of one who that justice alight at 111st be done." knew something. 111)0111, and dmll)tless "John1)1011110d 11171 Wife, anxiously', hall participated in, that robbery so "you are not strong enough to talk 111). long :Igo, and for %Odell error(' Earle had more." s4( unjustly suffered, :1 cry of thankful- ne=5 nearly escaped hot• lips at this al- most overwhelming knowledge. Early would he free 4(t last—every taint. 100111(1 be obliterated, and he could( henceforth wall: the earth as proudly' as the proudest. 'I'Ihis 08.. the 0110 thought Hint was up- permost in her mind as she waited 11l• now lhnt fate hes opened a way', 1 nal 1)11)1. hreatlllessly for hint to say more, ;;ting to 70nk4 it right, or Its right IN 1 "Vett see, miss," 1(11 wife here inter- ((11, If 1 die the next 117111)1te. Miss (10(11, turning 11 white, noxious face to Dili 1013 011111101 st1n'1,'' he added, with her, lie dot's not know what lie 15 say considerate lboughtfuh7css; "let her ing, and he is getting very much ex' hatyr yule choir, and you sit on the cited. [f—if—[ thank yon—I bless you 1)(d," ' for your kindness 111111 the comfort you Iu obedience to his request, Mrs, Lo - have lo'01Ilrht us; but if you 0111 please ker arose from the choir, but, instead of go nway now While I quiet him--" sitting upon the bed, she sank down )f11• ''\'o, no, Maria, you shall not send her on 114(7 floor beside it laid buried !ser no he os , however, I leu tool( very 111 ser" s1) answered, '''1'fiuy 511'111 not.—I promise you 111:11 I .000000000000 0000000000000 Rickets. Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones are not forming rapidly enough. , 0 0 Lack of nourishment is the cause. 0 ,Scohrl'j Emulsion nourishes baby's �, ,14 0 40 entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. I Exactly what baby needs. 16 ALL DRUGGISTSI 50¢, AND $1,00 0010,004400011 1" 61404":40 CO "1 (1) not deserve it from you, .hiss !):Ilton, 1fLer using slim so," 10 slid, Hp seemed to finye nn intuitive idyl of hmv tealter4 stood between 1101' 11141 Earle, all her lcimduoss moved hila deep- ly: and Etlilha just then 1)0;11'11 a smoth- ered sorb from the evoin:4(l kneeling be• side the .1071, "(law' you n pencil nal n piece of 119l)el' (1bo111 foil?" .1:)111) Loiter risked, Il f• ter resting a few moments, "1 want you to write down what .T nm going to tell ;you, mid 'then 1 %%PI sign it. It Will be it will do 115 11171711 ,noel 1147 if l left a 11 strange 'Inst 11!11 and testament,'" he l'(l(kd. with a bitter snlidc; "but penhrlp.s will du 114 nueh good 119 if I'd lett a i1)lore fot't1771)'." Editha thought it would, tno. Ycss, she 11nd a pencil, and there was some paper in her French 1)001 that she hail taken to write en exerciso on, rind hail not used. She produced' these, and, using her books for n. Lubin she was ren(,y' to %%rile down the confession that would secure to her betrothed an un- spotted mune and place him where no Haul's scorn would dere assail flim, CHAPTER X1X, "I'll give you a description of Tom Drake first, se you will not fail Oa know 111111 If you 5110111(1 0101' see 111111," John 1',oker said, when Edith, motioned him to begin. "1Ie's it scamp, if there ever 70418 one abroad 111 111e world, and it would he a good thing for the public if he should yet have to serve n term of. years some. where. SECRET SKIN TROUBLES have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption, or oczemuus patch, which, hidden from the gado of others, yet causes t•pu hours and hours of pain and illca)nveniencu l If so don't overlook tbisconitoriingfaot••thst Zam•lluk is daily curing lust such chronic) cares as yours l It heals skin diseases, ulcers, festering soros, ringworm and sores due to blood poison. Write Zam'Iluk Co., Toronto, for tree trial box, rending lc, stump. All storm and druggists soil at 60 oonts $ box. Electric Housecleaning. Almost every city 1111W b1111,111 14 of one or mere professional houseelrllnl'r's, t\ telephone call and the nein %vim makes a business of electrical hygienic house' cl(ankig will assume all the respOnsibil• sty, had work, and profanity of the bi• ,;molal reign of terror in the 11011W. 'I he old nicthud of stirring up the crust and allowing it to resettle is 11014' obso• tete. ')'110 new housecleaning apparatus such:e 11p the dust and germs through tidies trent flour;, upholsters, carpets, rues, 11 1141 any other p!at( where it au- ruurllllles, and collects is in a rIeeptacle, In addition to it; hygienic perfection, this seheme has the lulvantage of case 4(4:,d 1 heapn('ss. The eXhnlwt collector is drive) b7. n 511)1111 electric motor. :\ large tlumlor of theatres, office buildings, (diuretics, and private resi• (levees are being crinippell %with 111(1141(1• nal h,ii 'i'1onning systems, The exhaust 4111(1 dust collector etre cenVeaieniIy locals eft in the basement end connected by pip• ing with the various rooms where swill• lir (ievil,le eonneetien4 van l8' 1)141(le. :Sat only caul the house 14e'clelul041 by "I((Iricity, but it eon be kept close by el( el('rt1'. .lust its the (death' Tight has banished the 51171'I:y and ill smrllin, kern. sine nil lamp, 90 Will ('Irctrivity ultilnnte• ly 1nk7 the piney of the dirty cook stove. '1'111,11 the eo411(n4 %rill be done by elec- (ri1:s(0 and the llnunlry %work %will b' ac. r,':11p!i•lu (1 1)1' the seine agent. Small meter: vy111 117' 1150(1 to drive the floor '.4(!i -All's and e;u'p01 sweepers, lire sell. e1in'., fans, 1entiletnra, and the lion:, .7 )41el's, Thr 114(11-45 1%111 be h(at• (11 1, o)relrieity in.;(rad of the bother - sone. (lusty fern:'(r, and the home Will cleaner, healthier. more comfort• 1101 '1'r('lU 1( 411 \l'ul'ls. 1.1 MOUS INDIGESTION. A Stvere Case Cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. STORY OF SPEAKER'S MACE, Origin of Emblem of Legislative Authors ity Used in Ce4gress, .1t t1 right of the Speaker's desk in the hall of the ]louse of Representatives in the elapitnl 1t 11'ashington stands n 'erg() cylindrical pedestal made of high• ly polished green marble. When the .1 Ions() is ('died to order each day the 11(rgeatit 11t-arns, or one of his deputies, plares upon the pedestal :le' man., Wlli(11 is the symbol ui author- ity !n Ihr noose. 11'hen the body ad. jour,„ be removes it and keeps it in safely' unlit the house meets again. This mere is of very' nnrient and 11ur1- orllblc origin. tinder the old Roman rclaubli: the magistrates passed on foot from one place to another administering justiep, trying public offenders and int- pie nt• poemg penalties, Each of these magistrates was attend, 1'.I by a small body of leen known as lietor.s, Whose duty it was to make way for the officers of the law, preserve or- der, make arrests and inflict punishment on cunde11ined citizens. 1':11('1) of these Beton!) carried With )dim a 1,w1c11 of rods tied together with thongs and having an axe hound to tho ol,tride of it. The thongs were used for scourging and the axe for behead - Mg. Sentences imposed by the uulgis• Ir1tes were at once carried out. Those bundles of rods were known as fasces. nen the Normans conquered Britain the use of the fasces as a symbol was brought with them and many other Iso• I.I:10 customs remained with the British people, 11 hili it was 1►o longer used for in• fiitting punishment, it continued to be used as a symbol by the early English uu(gistral(74 and when nil officer nppear• +'d carrying the f11s('Cs his authority was immediately accepted by all. 11. was, in effect, his badge of offive. 'I'h( English loran of the fasces was slightly changed in that the axe was p!reed inside of the bundle of rods with the blade protruding from the top. '1'111 great councils of the early Saxons gradually developed into one general body, which in the fourteenth century beestne known as the (louse of Com- mons. 171 call these (n-rlier councils the use of the fasces was ('untimed, bra, it their mine to be known as the mace, 14111117 has remained as the emblem of legislative authority in that body down to the present day. 'the Nouse of Representatives of the United States was 1110(1011d closely oiler the )louse of Commons by the framers of our constitution and the usage of t)^ mace was borrowed from the Eng - hill custorn. Thr first nonce adopted by the house was destroyed by fire when the British burned the capital in 1814. From 1814 until 1842 a mace of painted wood did ''1 ,11;171'11 yu much trout uerrou; circ. 1 t ' tl 1 tt t1) !:1 that feared 1 1511u1d become 111• s(rylcr, Al 111 le 1 e1' year the • '•' of e1' the model o 117'1'^ t .1t 111,17.. was inade t sane," s;V:( .firs. )!feed Austin, of Var.ill, original enc.—St. Nicholas, new, Ont. "Fur' months,' says 11rs'aus• t111, "1 was prostrated with lhl.s trouble. I got s41 bud (could not Cat it uwu11119) IMMIGRANTS FOR HAWAII. 41 f1)t,(l Without it nearly choking me. 1 Thousands Have Gone to Island From 71',1:; affected With such terrible feelings Strain and Portugal, t haustt'tl 1►!m that it W11, g(�llle tithe !)e• of tliz:' less sell 11(ltisclt that I had t,) g It. i' lie (11:1111 1'C;tt11)C 1)13 C01lfe:4sio11 1n^1'lt that table sometimes 40111) ;list "ll(t'�'!(if i- enVQL . .1,g {he llllllligl'a• u rain' 1',%4( or (111(0 uultUhtuls ofa took fora tion of EuropeeliA, Se ae to populate !Atha beekntlyd .hilly to 'bring hint 171(1(1. 118 nerve; 400rc add unatrn)I, the Territory with those Who will in 0400 1)101'0 of the 8111111 broth, which s!)1' and 1 grew 80 Weal: that 1 could not tin►(, become good American citizens," ':n(1 1 ne4'r amt s4( much as a 'penny's (1(i1 11,8701) the floor, 111 fact, my said Edward R. Stncknble, United States hr ten,; 511011 able. to go on, 1171'1'1.'1 affected 1410 to such 1111 extent Collector of Customs at Ilonolulu, Mr. "1[4180 yen gut all 1 have told you that 1 feared to b0 (cit aloe', 1 could per - Stackable is on his way home after a 47)111(71 110711)7' lie risked, ;lancing 141 1110 act sleep ut nights, and used to lir year in Spain and Portugal, where he luq:e)' in Iter Ialp. awake until I feared my reason Wou1(1 MIA instrumental in sending 4,;110 per• "•►`c',, everything," %lithe answered, leave nu', 1 was laking Medicine con. Sons across the self. to settle iu the Ter - She had 1(1(1 ample time to do so, for scantly, but it (1111 not so Ise 11 bit of ritory'. les Was obliged to ;top every little while good, I had used 1)r. \1'illion►s Pink "The Territory wants those hcsc to rest and^recover his Il)renth, tills 4111 a furnu'r oc(nslutt with good re grandchildren Will be able to inter- Pills is right," he said; "don't leave sults, and at last determined to try Oven ')tarry with the descen(1nn1e7 of the best out anything, for i must make n cleat ng4lin, 1 c:t4( s;ly uuthing better thiol citizens now there," continued \Ir. ,Stuck• breast of It all, note that I have begun; flint these pills have been a blessing to able, It wants those who Mill be stable, and, miss, if the thing cart be done, 1 nu' 4(i they have etude me a well industrious and honorable. I found that want that 'land.3nrine young 01141)1—and woman. .Esrey trace of the 11dig0,• surf of people in Spain 111111 1'ortugnl, 1 IIe's ,l la type., I hear—to bring 'Torn thin is grltl, and lily nerves are as secured the assistance of 0111' 11111111,4,ril Drake to jnst)ec, for n bigger rascal devil +(run;_ 1111)1 81)77)1(1 1',s (1708 Were 111 lion agents over there, and they helped not walk the earth. \\'hy, miss, if you'll 4!1'1110011, Now I cart eat anything me to pick Out some of the best people ' that is on 1110 table, and 1 *0t sound, who ever emigrated to another country, believe Inc, he pocketed all the swag,6 "Some of the best blond that guilt up 1‘1%.303(11.1111 n(ewr got so nlucll 11.1 n 1)01114)'7 refreshing sleep at nights. all 1111; I California 111111 the Southwest in 1110 0f it for 111 share in bhat night's airs to the faithful use of 1)1', 11'11• early days was that of the Spanish and job,' limns' fink 1911s, which 1 shall never , , ", cease to nPortuguese, None 'bettercan be found Lilt I thought you told ale that. you praise." in all the world. The Spaniards and P)7'- wor'e it ca11cealed upon ,your person at 1)r. 1\'illinnis' Pink Pills fill the veins4tuguese are intelligent and the better the time of 11r, \l'nyne's trial?" Edith(' with 1)041', 11011, 1111 1)100'1. 'That 171 1118 h btt r :111(1, 1'r(+'ar(1!n�* 111111 in war nI4) , ; they strengthen the n(rwe9 1111(1 every (0111clases today are as hardy as their an. ^ I 1111' 1 ceslors who followed Cortez and Pizarro tlilllkillg Ilia well. 11l'11t9 (11/1 not C01'7'. 074:777 in the body'. '1'llt is wily they criltui'ies ago in the Western world. 1141111 very sail. l'ut'e 1111 troubles due to hail blood or "Those "And.; (hose we =sleeted 1110 ,len With fam• ! 0 we (11111, miss—the diamonds— week, shuttered nerves, such a; near•slits, Families were given the pfefereuee, 1Vr didn t d: i'e 111(10 t11rn1 With the ot.hrr min, with its grin(1iug, v%Cnring b:iek 111111 single women were not taken at all. Olaf(, fur fent• they anl4ht bnpp0n to b0 (771115, II^n!achrs a)d 1lrl0nchr1, 1111'111)17- We examined 01701) 01uul!,late, We looked toluol, 1111(1 s4( they neer sewed into Ibe (13111 1111(1 n(urnl;;ilI, lhcltrt psl101nlion, at a plan's birth mid n1a'ringe certifi• Ruing (1f 0111' 0(5ts; but after n' whit:' . !n'1!4rstlnn. St. Titus' (knee. pestle par' cotes, which %v, got from the church, 1111(1 the sold 'he'd found n 01)11101' to 5011(11 111yis, kidney trouble;, and those ePo• 1119 record in the pruviuce where he lend them off and tun's thea into 1710110y, noel 1sal ailments that render the lives o1 11%111 and in the army, vwhieh 7%0 got 111111: 11)11.;0 i Iliad away from 110, I've SO 111:1111' w'u:nrn and growing girls a from the Government. the gut, We 11(1(1 each np- 1)000r ;ren nnyt•hing of them since—hr l)ln•dcn, glut you Must get the gen- plieant examined by 17 physician also, so 100er Would tell me whether he had Ilene' pills %,, ilk the ('1111 1111nm', "Dr. that we bully got a fine set of 171011. s411(1 11)(111 or not, 111111 Pse newer 'hada 11'illiam.,' fink fills for 1'4717 Pot'' During the yen( 4,700 were sent, and the dollar for my slurry. in that job. 1 wits l'i1'," 1(11 1114' Wrlppe't' n1'0un11 (1101 box, movement will continuo .ft'onl this time ill 7ing'mad over it, until I lind Unit fall, Sold by ell 1l1('divin( dealers, or l;, moil on, None will be bound in 14118 way to and then since I've been sick and hal a "t 410 coaly n hos or six bore; for $2..11! any corporation or field of effort, Work chance to think it all over, I've been from the I)1'. Williams' Medicine Co., will be found for all, but there will be l;lu)1 that I (111111'1 get nnythinq++ Brockville, l)ut' nothing resembling peonnge. 'J'lie intnli- ('J.'o be continued.) ---` — grants and their children will he among , ,d, o Wis.., Dog Plays Trick; Gets a Chair. the future respected citizens of Hawaii. Tf opportunity doesn't knock nur 507,1.81 y0llus n; ll nu elderly' Indy "The last chartered ship that left friends will, 11111111 1 11144(4 sunrnrr place 4(t Fox Spain was the Heliopolis, enrrying 2,203 Lake, 111„ :Ind with the house, stables Spanish men, 700m0n 1111(1 children, For A�lee a girl 1)119 here disappointed !n 1111,1 41)1111111 1hvrC 15(7)1 le (1( which sonic time before they 798110(1 I remained (To lute for the first 111110 471)0 feels that v7e,-5 11)111411 iu for good mrltsit1'p, In on board with them. I asked if any were she can stand anything, the librlr•y of the house Wn9 a large, rlig9atisfied and wante(1 to 1rU1'0 the Ship, rnnlfnrtnbl(' "Morris 01)1111, the qualities but none took advantage of the offer. 011 the evening before they left the part they were playing their banjoes and sing- ing merrily. I suppose they kept it up half way around the world.—rrom. the \lrnshington Post. 0113"Qltl'Ir;uda' iia, ,- 1I4eli tIJ13he p, splus i!d C4" 9 m i In ) of which appealed strongly to the old 11111;'. but also unfortunately these same rin3litr(4 had impressed the dog, and when ever the 4(141 holy %oill+l g4( to sit in the chair she would fin(( the dog curled 4(1) in it. ]dein;: afraid of the dog, she (lid not (1ar4 to order him out, but 700111(1 go to 11144 window and call "cats." 111110 dog Would 11751) to the window and while he 11:r•k1114 and lnulc{ng for his natural enemies 1110.111(y would slip quietly into the elm Ir. (aur 111,v, however, the lady reached the chair first, and the dog coaling in, found her eonlforin1)ly rending, TTe 1111 - media 1(41;7' 111•mediately Irma to the Window null began barking furiously. �. The Long Wait. Rill Nye, when a 8011114 man, once 1111(1(4 811 engagement'V1111 a lady friend of his to take her driving of it Sunday afl0rnnnn. The appointed clay came, but 7)t the livery stable all the horses were 11)11011 out save one old, shaky, exceed- ingly bony horse, says\ Harpers 1\re0k- ly, lir. Nye hired the nag and drove to 1115 friend's 1'esidence. The lady let 11!11) w•nit nearly 111 Motu' before s170 707114 'I'1)( old Indy W0711 .10 see what the ready, and then on viewing the three,' 100111)1e \'ns, nnJ the dog ran back and 1)111)11,1( outfit flatly refused to ncconl• jumped into the chair. puny \1r, Nye, JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A Gi.NERAL BANKING BUSINESS 'PRA N5:10'1'EI). -II [ATI I, ONT. J311.1th Bete icbttt•b. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. Tit l.i ItSDA V, 1 i' LY 11, 1907 People We know v PAGE Po iit—'1'11E 1.)t4Y'F11 STA N1-)Akt') u1.V 11'(11, 107, • FOR Sall:, --The following are to he sold before the flat of August as the pro. prietor Is leaving town :••-A good driving maw six years old, i untie'' neatly new, 1 opal buggy, 2 knitting machines nearly new- Riese machines will be sold cheap and full instruction will he given how to operate thorn. Terms cash. 1iEt). D:1\VSUN, Myth. Ilt'i.I.S FOR SALi?.•-Two 'I'horo'bred Miss McIcii), of lioilisay, is a V14 ; Durham hulls, aged 21.2 years and It _________ it0r at Mr, lien j, Mason's., ltobt. W4410111,01,1 111, th P. 1.)., Lot '2, Cou, 11, Mol rib, 11r, Henry1Vettlaufer, o1' Berlin, . ____--____._._..._,._.- ---__ Sale NuteY u speelulty, Advances mimei' 1'L,It.lni,' at his home here,POLLED AN(IL'S BULL FOR SER- I» farmers on their own notes. No 111'. A. M. Babb, 01 l resw11t('1', VICK.---Thr undersigned has for stir. additional Security required, was a Myth visitor 00 :sanctity. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates 11 r. 1V"'' Bell, of Truncate, i8 re eve otter every accommodation c.on• 1 NOTES DISCOUNTED, new•ing old friendships in town. Miss slstent with safe and conservative I ,y 5l'Il!1111 Bell, of Toronto, 1'151t Executor's ►Sale• banking prinuiples. ed Myth friends (luring the week, lir. hiller, of Fairport, N, Y., is vlkitiyg his sister, Mrs. C. ll. 1Jeese. Miss Baker, of Walkerton, is vis- iting her sister a uti other friends here, Conductor and Mrs. Nethery, of Sarnia, are visiting their parents here. Miss France Moore, of Toronto, was a visitor at her home here over Sunday. Mr, James McDonald, V. S., of Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. T. J. 11uekstep, on Sunday, 11 r. and Mrs. Frank Bainton 1tt'- rived home from the wedding trip OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. on Monday evening of this week. Mr. Win, Neal and Mr. Wm. Blake, of IValton, were the first 'Is - 'tors in town from Walton on the 0. I'. R. on Tuesday, A, B.MACDONAL1), Barristers Vanstone and 1Iolmes, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Sue. of 1Vingham, and Blair, of (lode• cessor to 0. F. lllatr, Otlloo aver Stau• rich,were in town Monday attend• devil Dank, Brussels. Solloltor for Metro. politau Bauk. Mg Division COnrt, Mr. Ed. Flood y, of Toronto, spent clt')UD1'0OT, HAYS & BLAIR, Sunday with his mother on Dinsley Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Yublic, street, He ca0)0 up on the Huron Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied bv Old Boys' Excursion. lie i4 an Messrs. Cameron and Bolt, (Ioderich, W, Proudfoot, K.C.; it. C. Hays, 0. F. Blair, honorary President of the Associa- tion. vioe on lot .l!), eon. 11, 11 ullett, a Regis. Ore(' Polled•Angus Null,—.lofts 1VAt.• nr.s. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS '1'o loan on ileal Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. (tents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent tbo leading Fire and Life Assurance coulpanles, and respect- fully solicit your account, 0, E. LONG, L.D.S., Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Au honor graduate of 'Toronto University, (Mise over James Cutt's store, Peeturin block, Blyth, :1t Auburn every Alunday 9 non. to ., p.m. 11'..1, ll ILNE, M, D,C.M. Physician end Surgeon. M.D.C.11I., iJn1- ver:vtly of Trinity College; M,1)., queen's University; .Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and urenlher of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Coy - otter for the County of Huron. Unice, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. B. (BRUSSELS, O\'['. Auctioneer for Huron County Term- reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oili:e of '!'in: STAN luau), myth. Blyth Livery ......AND Sale IE'tables (riJ (it a CV I_)r. J. N. Perdue, A'.S. PROPRIETOR. Wg DQ W First•elass horned and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Beet of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, Cr rno. Was established 211 years ago and by Its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known commer- cial colleges in the province. The de. round upon us fur commercial teachers unci office resistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Cate. Logue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals, 1 ,F,e,„„) • upwaras Messrs. Albert, David and Whit- field Sellars, of' Chicago, and Wesley, ul' 14t ,Tuns,(, Kansas, :tie visiting at the home of their parents, lir, and 1l's, IL Sellars, Mr, Russell Sellars, of Chicago, is also expected home this week, ------. .. ,4. ---.....-- Estate of John Cutulnp, st'„ Lot 22, Con. cessluu 18, Township of Hallett. This excellent 150 acre farm will bo offered at auction on Wednesday, August 7th, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. HI, at Brown's Hotel, Londesborough. This Is a tirst•elase farm, has good build- ings including commodious brick house, lunge bank barns with stone stabling and other outbuildings, all modern farm inn• provemetrls and conveniences, good water and a good hardwood hush ; near to school and market, Information will be promptly given upon request. Blyth Council. The regular sleeting of' Myth Council was helot hist Wednesday evening with Reeve Milne in the chair ; Councillors Chellew, 11111, Gerry 00(1 Johnston present, Minutes of last regular meeting and special meetings, ,June 10th and 211th, were read and declared correct, aIso :11'41 sitting (►t' Catlt't Of' llevision Was read and ennlirme(I, It was moved by b. 11ill seconded by N. B. Gerry that the following accounts be paid Carried, E. Livingston, •t week';( water and moving 2 in. piping 819 00 .1, 1'inccnt, material repairs for engine 11el1 'Telephone Co,, account for 19(15.... ti 2u (t.'1'. li.. freight on hose 111)(1 rent of scale sire to ,I nnn 80, 1907... 2 19 A. Elder, election Livingston By-law . 10 00 5, Westlake, salary June.,...... 40 50 (i. N. W. Telegraph Co., account 8 oo 1. Brawn, tile for culverts 6'2 41) Till STAND R0, printing Living - 41U11 by-law, and scale books Joseph .Johnston, wood for fire Ball B. Bradford, catch 1414111 and re- peirs to sprinkler.... R. Sellars delivering wood to Mrs Fawcett end .1, 31c.Dorinld 11, Se11((1's delivering tile HelTron Bros , removing dirt from streets 7., Geo. White, Cllttillg grass and drawing engine (i 75 Jos, E. Taman, cutting grass and work on streets and gravel..., G 05 8210 28 1loyed by L. hill seconded by N, terry that the Reeve and Clerk notify the Chairman of Finance Committee of Presbyterian church, Blyth, that should said Committee put in 1:'. inch tile across the Church property that this Corporation will have art engineer brought at once 00 to decide the size of tile to be used. Carried, Moved by W. Johnston seconded by N. 13. Derry that John 1Vey- hlouth he appointed to act its special constable on the 1 2th of July, Car• ried, It was moved by IV. Johnston seconded by N, 13, Gerry that the Reeve and Clerk consult with A rch, Taylor, respecting cement walk on Drtlmtnotld street and that he be asked to postpone construction at present. Carried. Moved by W, Johnston seconded by N. B, Gerry that the Clerk and Councillor Coellew arrange with John Barrett respecting Dl's. l3ai'- I'ett's hoard while in the London Asylum, Carried. It was moved by W. Johnston seconded by L. Hill that we do now adjourn. Carried, •10 SO 5 GO 13 00 75 4U 1 00 EDMUND LEAII, Blyth Ont„ Executor. W. lilt YI)ON E, Clinton, Ont., Solioltor for the Estate. A Successful . Wedding Business Tralninu. A Wino( '1'hnt Filo For 1lre ilemnudr of Act tool Esportutu'r, The demand for tirst•elass steno. gra pliers, book•keepers and tele- graphers is constantly increasing with the great development ul Can- ada, 81)(1 a thorough training in any ul' these branches 18 a valuable asset to the young man o1' woman. The success of the Central Business Col. lege, Toronto, in fitting graduates fur the very hest positions 111 the 1)t1SllleSs world commends it 10 the consideration of parents and guar- dians. 'l'llis is 11 school which cum - bines superior service 80(1 appoint. meets with reasonable rates, It really consists ot'three schools under the same root', and each school is under the supervision of a stall' of competent teachers specially quali- fied for their work. A six months' course costs $50 and this free entitles the student to tuition in all schools. The school Initialling an employ- ment department which looks care- fully after all students who have completed their courses. It also maintains and conducts a correspond- ence department through which a number of excellent courses, includ- ing chartered accountancy, advertis• ing and illustrating are given with the r110St satisfactory results to thous- ands of students who cannot attend college. All who are looking for the best in the business school line should send for catalogues and infor- mation to 1V, iI, Shaw, principal, Yonge and Gerrard streets, '1'ut'outu. • Soaf tro h. Dundas won the senior cup by a score of 4-3 on the round, In Dun - des they won 3.0 and the game in Seaford) lust Friday was a tie 1-1, J. 0, Crich is in Blyth, Ile has a carload of railway signs there to paint for Edge d: Gutteridge for use on the (Guelph & 0oderich blanch of the C. P, R. "Queen of Woodelitf;" owned by D. T. Pinkney, took second money in the 2.24 trot at the races in Stratford on Tuesday. A short poem, entitled ''A June Question," composed by Miss 11, Isabel Graham, of Egmondvtlle, ap- peared in the illustrated page 01 the Toronto Globe of Saturday last, On Tuesday evening'uf Inst week, the Epworth League of the Metho. dist church presented Rev, A, IC Birks, li, A., with it farewell address and a beautiful quartered oak arm- chair and rt copy of "Quiet talks on Service" by S. J. Gordon. I)r. Thomas ,J, Wilson, second non of D. 1). Wilson, Ives in town this week visiting his hither and other friends, Dr. Wilson has been in ilium, India, for the past six years 1(11d this is his first visit home, He has built up n large dental practice there ; he likes the country, al- though the elimitte is very trying, and intends returning in the fall. Notwithstanding the backward Season McEwen & Geiger, of the Senforth flax mills, have a field of ten acres on the farm of Alex, Gor- don, on the iird can, of Mclilllop, which Illeltstlres two feet ten inches. 'The flax was sown 011 the 20th of May, It is perfectly clean and not a weed or 11 thistle is to be seen in the whole field, This is an evidence of good hand and good tillage, while the field is the admiration of all who see It, Robert Willis happened with what alight have proved a very serious accident on Dominion Day. Accom- panied by Mrs, Willis lie had been spending a day with friends at Princetun and was driving from Princeton to Druulho to take the train for home. The horses they were driving became frightened at an automobile and Dir. and Mrs. 1Villis were both thrown from the rig. Tho letter escaped any injuries but Mr. Willis was not so fortunate. IIe will be 11tic1 up for a number of weeks, having sustained 501'1008 in- juries about his head, also one limb was badly hurt so that he Is unable to walk, Is impossible without the help of a jewelry store. Try to think what such an affair would be without the presents, Try to imagine a riugless, giftless wedding. it's unthinkable. So you would find it hard to get along without us at such it time. We have a great Ing interesti:'g a :'ray of gift articles, And the beauty of it is that the majority of thein are anything but expensive, We suggest Silverware, Clocks, Fancy Chinn, Etc. Call and take a good look through, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ROBERT 1-1. GARNISS MAI EVA I,I: — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. 'Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at 'rim STANDARD ollice, Myth, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the quarks. Cot our prices, We employ no agents. WiLSON & HUNTER BRL'SS1:i.S ON'I'AIliO. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard 81 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser,1 65 The Standard and Weekly 1Vit, ne44 The Standard and Weekly Globe The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star Tire Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire ................... The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly '!runes The Standard and Weekly Free Press The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun ... ' The Standard and Hamilton Twice-a•aveelt Splectator........ The Standard and. Toronto Daily SLAUGHTER SALE of Ladies' 'I'ritnnled Hats and heady -to -wears, $4 Hats for $2, $3.50 Hats for 51.75' $3 Hats for $1.6o, $2.50 Hats for 9$C. Don't hiss this chance. The stock is large and there are bargains See our window. for everyone, OCi euros iCrOty0 0Cl)COi. 1 00 1 115 1 70 1 65 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 Stu r 2 The Standard and Toronto Daily News .. .,., 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate.....,..,,.. 2 30 The Standard and Dally Adver- tiser ... 2 50 Tho Standard and Evening Free Press .,. ..,. 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 6060 3 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press , . , 11 60 The Standard and Evening' Globe 0 5U The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire., .... 3 60 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 Tho Standard and Daily Globe,— 4 60 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. 25 GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency," "Bobs" and "Stat;" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the sante. 9-601,111,400.0 Fall Fairs for 1907. Exeter Sept, 16-17 Sear orth Sept, 19-20 Blyth ......... . ........... . Sept. 20.24 Ripley.... Sep'. 24-26 (lode rich , , , , Sept, 24.25.20 1Vingllnur Sept, 20.27 Milverton,.,. ,.....Sept, 20 27 Atwood Oct. 1.2 Brussels ,,,.Oct, 11.4 `I'eeawater...... ....Oct, 13.4 In the recent rush for Doukhobor reserve homesteads 1,360 quarters were taken up. U SH Warm weather is now upon us. The next thing is some- thing neat and cool for summer, White Canvas Shoes will be worm this season ; we have them in all sizes, Infants' White Shoos .50 Infants' White Ox, Shoes 75c and ,145 Child's White Ox. Shoes .........., „ ,85 Misses' White Ox. Shores 1,00 Ladies' White Ox, Shoes ........ 1,25 1,101108' Gilson Tie Turn .......... .... 1,50 ,Hen's Bluchers, extra 'ise...... . . ..... 1,51) Lily White Shoe Dressing keeps there) clean and white, quick, no trouble, Ice a bottle. We also have a full line al Shoe Dressings, iu tan, patent leather, creams and black, Trunks and Valises, a full assort- ment always on hand. FaN, * YTH THE LOST NU'IER FOUND As Mr, George Uenstedt has declared the exchange of business off, I take pleasure in announcing to the people of Blyth and vicinity that I will still be doing business in the old stand, and will do my best to please and make dealings the most profitable to both customers and myself, Cash is the word, Thank the customers for the past, and invite all for the future. Yours sincerely, Hardware & Tinware, N. B. GERRY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTRLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT UV I 1 'Ell, 1907—THE BLYTI 1 STANDARD 'PAGE 1 IvF. A T A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY (GODS ON SALE AT MODERATE 101101:9 FOR (AMI% AND 1'Aa11 1'lt(1DUU8, THE RIGHT HOUSE A Y V Colored Baltics and Muslins A large variety to choose from In dots, spots, figures, flowers, colored, white and blank grounds, Fine Sheer and Medium Weave Seo our leader In irisin Grey Cotton Dress (foods at 1.; vents per yard. Some special prices in Ladies' White Shirt Waist s. For a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods. Men's Shirts In pleated fronts, laundered duffs and nook bands, otrfl'i attached or detached, smart nobby patterns and plenty of choices. Highest prides paid for Farm Produce. A V A A . prAi rAi i►� • E. BENDER, BLYTH igngriainnasmanmsgrig gnmnt;i. BUTTER & EGGS WAlNi'TED As we slake a apeolalty of handling produce we are paying the highest oas(r rices for Butter and Eggs at our store. prices you have any of these for sato get our prIoes before going elsewhere. • (train choke paid atter banking hours at our store. MoMILLAN & CO. Dinsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. GiLT our your flags for Friday. il,vE you had a free ride on the C. P, R. yet? LET ns hope there will be rain. Tho roads aro fearfully dusty. Tilt STANDARD will do your job work quickly and neatly, Give us your next order. WOOL WANTED, — Any quantity, highest prices, also large quantities Mutter and Eggs. GEO. E. KING, iVinghain. DIVISION Count—Last Monday Judge Holt held court in town when a number of casts came before him. The only jury case was W. J. Car- roll vs, N. Johnston ; judgment for Johnston that amount paid into court was sufficient, The other eases were Manufacturers' Life vs. Samuel Lee, judgment reserved ; McCall Bros, vs. E. Livingston, nd. journed, Court will not be held again till the 10th of October. THE following Letter of condolence has been sent to Mrs, John I3allan- tyne, late of Kincardine :—Deur Madam,—The hand of Providence having removed from our midst the late John Ballantyne, the presiding member of the Board of Directors of the West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co., we, the members of the Board of Directors who for many years have acted under his guidance and profit- ed by his example, being desirous of testify[hg our respect for his mein. ory and expressing our earnest sympathy for the members of his family do condole with the faintly of our deceased friend and co. (11rcetor in the huur of their afflic- tion and devoutly commend them to the keeping of Ellin who looks with pitying eyo upon the widowed and fatherless, In our natural sorrow at the loss of a very highly respected friend and associate, we find conso- lation in the firm belief it is well with him ; we mourn, and while we sympathise with those who were bound to him by the nearest and dearest ties, we have wlth•them the hope of it .reunion in that betel' world where there are no more partings Hence we wish this reso- lution to be transmitted to the fain• fly of the deceased as a token of our high regard and respect for the Christian character of a good man gone to rest and of the Interest felt by us In those he loved and cherish ed. Signed on behalf of the Board of Director's : F, Andersen, Vice - President; J, M, Roberts, Secretary. At Blyth on the 12th. --- SPEAKERS), Bro. Fred Dane, of Toronto, De- puty (rand Master of Ontario West, !lira, Rev, Win, Lowe, of London, Grand Chaplain of Ontario West. I)r, W. J. ,Milne, Reeve of Blyth, address 01' welcome, 1{cv. T. S. Boyle, o1' Wingtiain. Resident ministers, (HANDS, 33rd Regiment Band of Godos'ich, Citizens' Bund of 1Vinglutnt, Milverton Band, Clinton Band. File and Drum Bands, ATTRACTIONS, M11yerton vs. Blyth, baseball match, 810 fur best brass band, $5 for second, $10 for best life and drum band, $5 for second, $10 for lodge coaling greatest dis. tante, 810 for best dressed lodge. $10 for lodge with greatest num- ber on roll and in procession, $5 for best fifer and drummer. EVENING, The Eckardt Family, boll ringers, etc,, in Industry Hall, THE roads are dusty, 'I'nu Orange lilies are out in bloom, DOMINION Day is over. Civic holiday next. When ? IT's about time new potatoes were coming on the market, '.l'HE frost damaged tlic crops in a number of places. S'iRAW BERRIES are likely to bring fancy prices this season. THE lawns and gardens show theh' usual midsummer beauty, SUMMER visitors to and from town are unusually numerous now. FRIDAY Is ills glorious twelfth. Get your flags out and decorate. A ma crowd from here attended the garden party at Belgrave last Thursday night. LAST week Isaac Cowan pur- chased a lot adjoining his own prop- erty from Frank Metcalf. THE Goderich lacrosse team passed through town yesterday on their way to Wingham where they play a C. L. A. match, The home team won. THE corner at Anderson's store has been let to Jcs, Soothers fur the 12th for a booth and the Bank of Hamilton corner goes to T. C. Mc- Elroy. LAST Friday A. Elder, Jos, Carter, J. Beattie, G. King, J. Emigh, Wm. Brown, h'. Metcalf, J, Wilford, T. Code and W. McElroy attended the nominating convention of East Hur- on Conservatives at Brussels. BRUSSELS plays the final game of football in Brussels on Monday even- ing against Plattsville, This will he the final game In the W. F. A. Our best wishes go to the home boys for the winning of the cup, KINCARDINE HOME GATIIERING,-- Dul'ing the week of July 22.27, Kin. cardine will hold an Old Boys' and Old Girls' Reunion, Great pre- parations have been made for a grand homecoming, and one week of solid enjoyment may bo expected, Promises of a big gathering aro in evidence as many have signified their intention of being home for the fun. This is an exceptionally (Inc place to spend a week on the shores of Lake Huron and is one of the prettiest towns in Ontario. Railway rates erre on the convention plan and a good program of sports fur the en- tire week has been arranged. VACATION 'TIME, Vacation time is here again, We're all on the "go," l'ather's got the salve old job Putting up the dough, [le says he needs some holidays, Mother says he don't ; He thinks he's going to have some, But then I guess he won't, LATER, Mother's In Muskoka, Grace is by the sea, Auntie's going to Burwell Along with Jim and tic ; Jennie's going to Buffalo To visit sister Nan, We're all having holidays i3ttt my old man. THE residence of Mrs, Young is being painted, GARDEN PARTY.—Last Thursday a garden party was held at the farm of G. Nicholson, near Belgrave, in aid of the Wingham Hospital, In the afternoon two baseball matches were played, the first between the juniors of Blyth and Belgrave which ended in a victory for Belgrave, the score being 13.9. To all appear- ances the juniors had an attack of stage fright and did not do as well as they have clone on the home grounds. Baxter McArter was the umpire. The second game was be. twecn Winghutn and Blyth and was well worth the admission fee. Con- sidering the shape of the field the fielding was good. Cralgie started to pitch for Blyth but retired In favor of McArter in the third, while Flem- ing, of Wingham, retired in the 3rd to let Dunlop stop the hitters on the 131yth team, In the 7th innings Wingham had the buses full with none out when McArtc' struck the side out, and in the ninth with two out and two on bases fanned Dunlop and thus Blyth won the game by a score of 10.7. Alex. Porterfield, the popular Clerk of East Wawanosh, acted as umpire in his usual fair style which added greatly to the game. Fallowing aro the names, position and score of the two games : Blyth— R o Somers, c. , .. 2 3 McKay, 3rd b 1 8 Johnston, 1st b ..,., 1 8 Oidley, of 0 6 Kerr, ss, , , , 1 ti McArter, p..,. ,.., 0 4 Watson, rf, 1 1 McMillan, 2nd'b{ 2 3 Craig, If . 2 2 10 27 Wingham— R o Moore 1 b 0 8 Longman 1f ,,,0 8 Britton a ...... . . . . . .......0 4 Aitchison ss. 0 4 Poarin 2 b i 2 Cruickshank of 1 8 Allison rf............ .... 8 2 Dunlop 8b & pp, 1 8 Flemming p dC 8b ....1 8 7 27 A noon rain would do good. THE fine home of 1). 13, McKinnon was painted last week, 'Pim Orangemen are erecting a new flag pole at the Orange Hall, The C. P. R. expect to run a spe• tial train on the 12thfrom M11 ver• ton. Tut: terrace owned by B. Milson has been brightened by the painter's brush. TM: new water tank Is now ready. The pipes were COrliiected yesterday. LAST week J. G. Moser was brightening up Itis residence with the paint brush. GILT your seats reserved nt An• derson's store for the Bell Ringers on the evening of the 12th. THE merry•gu•round has arrived in town for the 12th and has been placed on the Drummond property. Mosie.—Last Thursday 11 ve pu p- ils went to Clinton to try the exams, of the Toronto Conservatory of ,IlIastc before an examiner al' that institute and were successful in their mule, In the primary Class Miss Lizzie Carter took honors while Miss Gladys Cutt and Erie Anderson passed, both equal and only two marks below honors, In the junior Miss Reid, of Londcsboro, passed and i11 the intermediate Miss Pearl Laid. ley had a pass. In passing the pup. 118 showed good work and much of the honor must go to their teacher, Miss Edna Carder, in the manner in which she has prepared theta for the exams, %%re wish both teacher and pupils success for next year's ex. amination. . BASE BA1.[..—A gond game of base ball was played on the park hero on Tuesday evening of the 'Greysteads' of Denfield and Blyth. The visitors aro one of the very best amateur teams in Ontario and did not lose any of then' honor here, The score at the finish was 12-0 in favor of the 'Greysteads.' Although the score was one-sided the game was a gold one as Blyth team was play- ing good enough ball to beat any team in this section. Tho leading features of the game were the batting of the visitors and the pitch- ing of R. Siddall, who served up the benders in a manner quite new to our hard.hitting team. The umpire, who was from Denfield, handed out justice and competency in a manner which stands to his credit, We lost simply because we were up against a team out of our class. Following Is the score :— Blyth— u o Somers, c.... ........ 0 2 McKay, 3rd b .... 0 4 Johnston, 1st b 0 4 Oidley, cf.. . 0 '1 Kerr, ss ... , 0 .9 McArter, p 0 8 Watson, rf 0 8 McMillian, 2nd b 0 2 Craig, If . 0 2 By innings— Blyth,.,,0 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 8-10 11 inghaul0 3 0 0 0 1 0 13 0— 7 Umpire—Alex. Porterfield, Belgrave-- it o Allison 8 1 Campbell 1 2 Watson ...... .......1 8 McCallum ...,..8 0 Bell 0 8 Nethery 0 2 Henry 2 1 Porterfield ..,,2 1 Wheeler 1 2 13 15 Blyth Juniors— it 0 Bull ..,. ....2 1 Craig . ....,0 3 Tamen .... ...... .........0 1 A Sims.... ,,.,....,.0 3 Solvers ..1 1 AicOill .... 0 11 Willows ...... ...... 0 0 Coombs ... , ,,,0 8 It, Sims .,,.. 8 0 9 15 By innings— Belgrave-0 1 8 G 8-18 Blyth..,,.t 2 0 8 8— 9 In the evening a program was given on the lawn when quartettes were sung by mixed quartette of \Vinghant and ladles' quartette of Brussels. Speeches wore made by Drs. Chisholm and ilicDonald, Messrs. James Bowman, W. H. Kerr and Thos, Bell, Rev, J. J. Kastle, of Bolgrnvo, was chairman, The The Wingham Citizens' Band sup- plied the music. The garden party was a great success, 0 27 Denfiold— R o Robson 13b.... .. .2 1 Burnes c ..,,,. .....1 8 R. Siddall p ...2 4 Shipley 2b,.,. 1 4 McIntosh 1b 1 4 J Siddall ss ...1 2 Charlton if 2 2 Hedloy rf ..., 1 4' Noyes cf. ....... ...... 1 8 12 27 I3y innings— Blyth.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 0 Dentield..4 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 0-12 Por quality and q ntity nsk your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes. Remember the Mammoth Store of Blyth on July 12th We are offering the following specials for one day only, July 12th. (1) Dress Goods In small check, large pvercheck and stripes. Regular price pc, for 39e Regular price 75c, for. 621C Regular price $1.00, for 821/2C (2) Double threaded Flannelette, extra heavy, in one pattern, regular price 12 I -2C, for 10C Ladies' Buff Shoes, medium weight, regular price $ [ . i 5, for 99C (3) 4) Ready=to=wear Clothing (a) Men's Suits, in light and dark tweed, regular price $5, for....$3,99 (b) A large number of suits, ranging in price from $5 to $lo ; your choice for $2.50 CASII PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. * POPLESTONE & CARDINER 001 Successors to McKINNON & CO. i************************* Westfield. Mrs, David Ramsay who has suf. fered from nervous trouble for some time is not improving at present. Tho plc-nie under the auspices of the Sunday School on July 1st was a MUCH, John Redmond, formerly of West. field, now of Calgary, Alberta, was married to Miss Kenny, of Dublin, They will reside in the western province. W. A. Harrison, of Lueknow, is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Wm. Campbell. Frank and IL's, Campbell spent a few days at Kirkton, the guests of their uncle and aunt, W. R. and Mrs. Carr. Wm, and Mrs. Taylor, of St. Helen's, spent Dominion Day with relatives hero, ICenneth and Mrs, Cameron, of Lucknow, and Robert and Mrs, Taylor, of St. HIelens, spent July 1st with friends at Westfield, IJarry Craig is doing a rushing business in the line of cutting wood for the farmers. The Cradle. ALEXANDER,—On July 5th to Mr, and Mrs, J. Howard Alexander, "Lincoln Cottage," Lincoln Park, Winnipeg, i daughter, Bargains in Furniture and Carpets This mammoth store with its 0750 feet of floor space Is crowded with beautiful goods ready for your Inspection. We offer two specials this week, Solid Oak Bedroom Set Dresser, stand and bed, bevel plate glass, 21x36, worth $82, for 425. Parlor Suite, 5 Pieces. Sofa, rocker, arm chair and two reeep. tion chairs, regular $25, for x{20. J. H. CHELLEW CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A 1'tJLL LINE OF— Fresh I?'Fresh Groceries —ALWAYS ON HAND. Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLOR • BLYTH Are You in Business For Business? If yen bad an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that address as interest• ing as possible, so that your bearers would listen and you profit by it, It is just the same with an advertisement in 'Tis STANDARD, You leave the privilege of talking every reek to huadred8 of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about theca in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit, We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to $20 if a city advertising expert were consult- ed—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no man can get out as good an advertisement for your business as you can. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at q bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk alma it, The Standard, Blyth, Ont. CURRENT COMMENT New Zealand is to be made a "du. Ininion," tau), Mahe them all Criti,lt "dominions," 1Itlaid; Twain has been convi►tcetl that there are seine things llreat Britain can 1" better than the [lilted Mate;. treat lu'opo,,es tit at!laudon the principle of etntreknit' of wars as far as the co:to:eree sof neutral nations is con- cerned. The [lilted ,States proposes to exempt from oeizurc the property of neutral, except contratbauul. Perhaps something may conte out of the confer- ence after :ill. .l large quantity of valuable timber is being destroyed by for"st fire., itt North- ern Outeri°. This is an ever constant danger, to be lessened only by good methods and vigilance. .1,nd fire is the greatest enemy of all schemes of timber cutting, regulation and reforestation. Statistical tables relating to the husi- ne.,, of friendly societies in Jlunitoba have been prepared by the Insurance In- spector, 11r. Ilam, and submitted by him to 11l•..1gli1v, the Provincial 'Treasurer. These societies have a membership in the Province of 1ti,391. Incomplete re- turns show that in Manitoba alone the life assurance in force through the agency of friendly societies i5 $17,331,- 418, and the cash benefits paid out dur- ing 19Uli amounted to 92,.233. Most of the 8ocietiei represented have their headquarters in Ontario, but etre regis- tered in :Hauitoba. Over in England they are spraying the roads with boiling tar to keep down the dust raised by the automobiles. Shef- field has recently sprayed several utile. of streets. The tar is ejected front a travelling tank under high pressure, and thus finds its way a little under the sur- face of the road, giving the work greater permanence. This spraying costs .Lit) to .00 a mile, somewhat costly, no doubt, but if it surves the purpose for which it is intended it will he a boon to both pedestrians and merchants. Goldewin Smith notes that the trouble in India has passed away, as it was pretty sure to do, but he is not clear as to the future. "Nature," lie says, "is still there, forbidding the rearing of English children in Hindustan, and there- by the permanent occupation of tato country by the English race. Military occupation may be carried on long, but it can hardly be carried on forever. When it ceases, what will be the. condi- tion of India?" It is too early to de- spair yet. Perhaps British precept and example may in time make all present guesses worthless. ilaif a century or so is but a small period in the life of a nation. When the report against gambling twaa up for discussion before the Angli. can Synod at London several speakers spoke strongly on the subject of "bridge." One lay delegate wanted to know ,`why the clergymen dirt not get after the women who gaathic in their own 11011103 ill file afternoons." A canal of the church "thought that gambling behind closed shutters in the afternoofls was becoming very common in the cities and evert in the villages. Poor Chinese were arrested for playing fan -taus, while the 1)aughters of the Empire allowed gambling at their recent function." An archdeacon said that some people ap- peared amazed when he told them that he did not play bridge, and he added that it was becoming very unpopular now to denounce bridge front the pulpit. "Our boys and girls," he said, "aro be- ing taught in their homes to piny cards, and 1. wonder what do the servants think of Christian women who Meet together to gamble. 1. thank (sod that we are trying to help our people in those plat- ters. The result of the discussion was that the Synod passed a resolution de - T !,..ling the prevalence of gambling, s1te.- t,ttet' in social circles or in sports or collo—acre,. Not being posted in the mys- teries c i bridge, nor leaving personal knowled,'e of its lavages among the w011lell, t e are scarcely in al pOilt101t to emollient intelligently upon the stem': taken by the Synod, but evidently its members 3ce111 to think that it has a demoralizing effect upon those who en- gage in it. 11'e are loth to think, how- ever, that tunny otherwise respectable ladies would continue in this life of sin, or t;c:, or witotever one may call it, if they did not think that the gauze was at wort but a harmless amusement. l'; chaps if We had the devotees' vie',v of the matter presented 1) us we should he better 111)le to judge. The defence has the floor. RUSSIAN COTTAGE FACTORIES. Village of Which the Chief Industry is Manufacture of Padlocks. Russian cottage factories are passing. Politico -economic tumults have driven tailors, joiners, grocers, bakers and can- dlestick makers to lumbering stonepick• ing and other labors more remunerative, Pavlov() is a typical industrial village of the old style. The chief employment of the village, (lays the Chicago Tribune, is theroduction of articles of metal, the manufacture of locks alone giving em- ployment to 1,400 cottages, with 1,500 male artificers, The pot object of manu- facture is the padlock, With the excep- tion of the bows and epringe all the parts of the padlock are made by the aztifiiser and the members of hie family of 10 yearn old and upward. The elm eat of outeldereio the exception. ne /may manufaottues weekly from DO to 130 Locks, according to size and kind. Latterly an industrial eehool with model wo[kallope bee been opened in the village and box and door looks have been attempted. Barring the products of the larger factories, which find their way di- rect to Moscow and the larger cities, the satire trade of the district is in the hands of the local middlemen. Many steps already have been taken with a view to ameliorating the lot of the soar and of giving him a larger share hs product of his industry, Digby, N, 8, Winard'e Liniment 0o., Limited, Gentlemen, --Lent August my horse wascat in eleven places by a barbed re fence. Three of the cute, (arli>a►U ones), healed soon, but the others became foul and rotten, and though I trietd many kinds of medicine they had no beneflelai result. At last a doctor ad- vised me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT and in flour -weeks' time every sore was healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition. The Liniment is certainly wonderful in its working. JOHN R. HOLDEN'. Mimeo, Perry Anker. A Woman's as Old as She Feels. Men fall in love with women nowadays who are thea' equnrs, women who can en- terbaM them and who know enough not to bore them with a lot of what our grandmothers used to call politely vap- ors. And, besides, age is not a matter of roars at all. I know two sisters, one of them ie 40 and the other 30. The 30 - year -old woman is faded and dull -eyed and erushed and uninteresting. You'd mill her an elderly woman if you didn't know her. The 40 -year-old woman is brisk and buxom and full of fun and the Joy of living. ••• Carried Unanimously. (Chicago Tribune.) The idea that the smoke has any effect on the contour of the nose may be dis- missed u merely fanciful, but its effect on shirt collars and Panama hats is Int- medtate and unmistakable, Teething Babi are saved suffering—and motb,est given rest—when one uses ' Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves—regnlates the bowels — prevents convulsions. Used So years. Absolutely safe. At ehn�boren t5e. 6 bottles, fi. NationalDrugChemical Co., Limited, Sore Proprietors, Montreal. at Pre -Existence. (Bohemian.) Do you remember that life, my love, As dimly it seems, do I, When you were the flower I flitted above And I was a butterfly. • L IT CLEANS AND IT CURES "Royal Crown Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap tf It's a toilet soap and a medicated soap -- for the price of ordinary soap. Only Ioc. a cake. 3 cakes for 25c. At all DiugQists ud Dealers. e Way for the Summer Girl. Now doth the aunimer girl venture blithely from her winter furs. Into the street and into the park, into the sun- light and under the trees she trips dain- tily. Shyly site comes, for she has watched the whimsies of the weather and thinks aim must beware, But she comes. That is the groat, cheering, thril- ' ling fact --site conies, Almost any girl who is prose at other seasons may be verse in summer. In two more weeks the summer girl will not steal forth so shyly, for she will be in the height of her season then. ,She will rule in a king- dom all hers.—Louisville Courier -Jour- nal. 5ves I.;Tire Celluloid 1 uloid Starch needs no cooking—just cold water and 'tis ready. 'Twon't stick, yet gives a better oforogloss with leas iron- rubbi'ng, than any starch you know, Its price is little. Your dealer sells it. Try ft this week. sol Ceu1oid i 1911 Stu.rcI 11 f.3t' M1'' When he Showed Heroism, "Did you ever perform any great or heroic act?" "Yep." "Then why didn't you say something about it when Mre. Jones was bragging aboutthe braver of Jones?" "I don't feel like bragging about it." "What was: it, I'd like to know?' "I married."—Houston, Tex., Post. �•. ENGLISH SPAVIN • LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War. ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. Nightingales in Scotland. The nightingale favors some districts and shuns others, Seitland it does not visit, but a century ago a patriotic Scotsman tried to establish the night- ingale in that country. Ile commissioned a London dealer to purchase nightin- gales' eggs, one shilling each being given for them. These wee well packed in wool and sent to Scotland by mail coach, A number of glen had previously been engaged to take special cure of all robin redbreaats' nests in places where the eggs could be hatched in safety. The robins' eggs were removed and replaced by those of the nightingale, which were hatched and reared by theik foslter mothers. When full fledged the young nightingales seemed perfectly at lame near the places where they first saw the light, and in September, the usual period of migration, they departed. But the nightingales never returned to Scotland. It has been suggested that it was not the climate they objected to so much as the difficulty of acquiring the accent.—Glasgow News. 4•. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Man's Woman, Ho says she is gentle. He lauds her soft voice. Ho declares she is very amusing. He insists she is such a jolly good frieud, He enthuses over the fact that she be sympathetic, He says she bas a mind that takes him far above the sordid world, You may safely wager your quarter's income that alio has a little system of flattery by which she draws him out on his strong quality, and then laughs (yes, at a '40 joke) or smiles r,arily, "looks volumes," or casts down her lids, accord. Ing to the requirements of the situa- tion. It Wall His Dog. An automobile dashed along the coun- try road, Turning a curve, it cam suddenly upon a main with a gttn on hilt shoulder, and it weak, siek-looking old dog beside him. The dog was directi, in the path of the motor car. The chauw- four sounded the horn, but the dog did not move—until he was stnlck. After that he did not move, The automobile stopped, and one of the leen got out and cn►ne forward. Ile had once paid a farmer $10 for killing a calf that belonged to another farmer. This time he was wary. "Was that your dog?" "Tess" "You own him?" "Looks as if we'd killed him." "Certainly looks so" "Very valuable dog?" "Well, not so very." "Will $5 satisfy you?" "Yes," "Well, then, here you are." Re handed a five -dollar bill to the man with the gun, and added, pleasantly, "I'nl sorry to have broken up your hunt." "I wasn't going hunting," replied the other, as he pocketed the 11111. "Not going hunting? Then what were you doing with the dog and the gun?" "Going down to the woods to shoot the dog."—Youth's Companion, The Tonic "You Need 11 you are suffering with Boils, Pimple Scrofula, or other disease, duo to impure Wood, 0 the stomach n upset, bowels, liver or kidneys out of order, digestion poor—you need 0 TRADE MARK Rtalsvcmie. ,T Blood Tons This Tonic builds up the rydcm. Aad while puriiyins the hloo4 it also restores the domach, liver, bowels andWwys to healthy fad natural action. You can fed your -all gkg bests when you take Mira Blood Tonic. $1 bottle --b for $5. At druggists or Chemists' Co. of Canada, Umked, Hamilton—Toronto. No Changing the Log. On a certain ship the mato was too fond of the cup that cheers, according to Judge's Library. The captain did his ut- most to break him of this habit, and, everything else failing, told hirn that the next time he was drunk he would write it in the log. For a long time after this the mato stopped drinking. Thereupon the captain wrote the follow- ing entry in the log : "August 12, 19—; 60 degrees north longitude, 70 degrees west latitude. Mate Jones is drunk to -day," The mate begged him to take thin off, eaying that it would spoil his chances of ever being made captain of a shit. But the captain said, "It's true, isn't it?" "Yes; but"—eeplied the mate. "Well," said the captain, "the record stands." A few days later the mate had to write the entry. On looking over the log the amazed captain saw this entry: "August 15, 10—; 80 degrees north longitude, 67 degrees west latitude. Cap- tain Smith is sober to -day." Ile sent for the mate and demanded what he meant by such an entry, order- ing him to take it off. "Well," said the state, "it's true, isn't it?" "Of course, it's truel" roared the cap - fain." "Then the record stands,' replied the mate. 4•. Spoken With Patriotic Pride. "You have nothing that enrries with it the charm of antiquity," said the Euro- pean. "Oh, yes, we have" answered the rich American. "It won't be long before we have the market in that line cornered. We're just buying up antiques faster than you can _make 'eat" —Washington Star. 4.► I TO 1-i Wangs, Prairie Scratches and every form of, mutations Itch on human or animals eared in 30 mtamies by Woltord'e Sanitary Lotion, It sever falls, Sold by druggists. •.• Effective Check on Lynching. Suit for damages has been brought by the widow of a man lynched in Missis- sippi against a railroad company which supplied n special train to carry the lynchers to the scene of the crime. Dam- ages are put at $100,000. Recently sever- al sheriffs who failed to protect priaon- ors in their care have been called to ac- count in the civil courts. The game of lynching may become an expensive sport instead of the cheapest of pastimes, When it does there will be a consider- able decrease in the number of its vic- tims.—New York Sun. ♦•. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. .e.• Auntie Wasn't Busy. Norman Hapgood, journalist and essay- ist, was discussing veracity. "Truth telling," he said, "is not always) wise or praiseworthy. Indeed, it is sometimes the reverse. "Thus a young marl called on a young woman early one spring morning, He had his automobile along. IIe wanted to give the young. woman a morning spin through the country. "A little girl, the young woman's niece, answered the bell. "'Is your auntie in?"' said the young man, "'Yens, sir,' said the little girl. "'Tlhat'a good. Where is she?' he wont on. "'She's upstairs,' said the little girl "in herr nightie looking over the railing."f —New York Tribune, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. . -* Many a poet might have kept the wolf from the door with the money he has spent on return postage, When a Horse Gets Hurt usasc FeBews'Leening's Essence Bat don't wait until an animal is Injured. GIST IT NOW --and you Bane the remedy that CURES all lames In.borsee. If your deader does not handle it, send 50c. to . National Drug R Chornrad Oo., Limited, MOegR[AL 13 Women and Dry Goods Stores. It is a fact that a dry goods store is a happy part of a woman's life. Watch them Doane, each with a little purpose in her heart or some fancy to satisfy or some dear anxiety to dispel, like blos- eoma In a gale, fluttering here and there, now at this counter and now at that, picking up a piece of lace here or a ribbon there or a soft texture yonder and throwing out a dainty question ev- oveytrhere as she gods on and on. Isn't it a vision, As the tides respond to the moon so does the dry goods store to the woman, Either is the fulfillment of the other, One cannot think of one and not the other. They began in the garden long ago. It was a greater evolution than Burbank ever directed --this developing of a fig tree into a dry goods store, but the woman did it and she will enjoy it till the worlds chum together. --Ohio State Journal. ••14 BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking dons not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for Me trouble. Mrs. M. Sinn - mere, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will Fond free to 'any mutter her successful home treatment, with full Instructions. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or ntnht. Young man—But Is the lady yon re- commend well educated? Matrimonial agent-- Well, she has n fine library of savings bank books.- 111tzblatt. ISSUE NO. 28, 1907. Do TOU WANT IMPAIR= AIRED ltI U* ' a PIANO FOR $ 145 ? Send for tree Illustrated cats e. II. A. SIMIAN, wilt& Oast. A Heartless Swindle. In the June American Magazine Ray Stannard Ilaker tells the following story: "Ono day while walking in one of the most fashionable residence d striote of Atlanta I saw a magnificent grey stone residence standing somewhat from the street. I said to my companion, who was a resident of the city: "'That's a fine home.' "'Yes,; stop a minute; he said, 'I want to toll you about that. The anti• kink man lives there: "'Anti -kink?' I asked in surprise. "'Yes; the man who occupies that house is one of the wealthleet men here. He made his money by selling to negroea a preparation to smooth the kinks out of their wool. They're simply cr on that subject,' " it work? "You haven't seen any straight-hair- ed nogroes, have you?' ho naked.' WILSON'S FLY PADS KIN thins alt. No dead Ales lyIa about when used as dlrsotsd. — SOLD sY — DRDCCIBTS, GROCERS *en OENERAI SioRI$ 10a. per packet, or s pawkete fbr ZSa wall last a whole season. Too Much Reason for Love. "0, mntnma, I'm so unhappy!" sobbed the bride of two months. "George doesn't lova ale any more?" "What makes you think that, dear?" asked the mother anxiotuly, "Because he expecte tea to give in whenever ho is in the right."—Baltimore American. Minard's LlnimMst CCure�eDiplrtbKia, •... in Automobiledom. (Bohemian.) Scientist --Light travels at the rata o fabout 187,000 miles a second. Chaufeur—Leel That's going Dome! Auto Ent usinet (slightly deaf)—Par- don me, sir. But what, make machine was it you just mentioned? The Horseman's Friend —Sale and Shire. If you bare a lance home, get Keadafl'e Spay% Cure, _Tl have a.; horse shat you can't wort on account of n Sprit 8es In Ot Bruise, get Kendall's Spatia Cure. II yon dare a hone, cn the veterinary can't cure of Spain—ar any Soft Bunches or Kendall's Sp aavin Cure,�g Datta s teed St tetcs—bare used 1 and •pQro�ms d it.tons—throt�6out Canada modem TAAVsrLaaM Rapt, P.E.I. Dec, I '06. " I bare been using Kendall's Sparta Cate for lire last XI years, and Maaya find it Dale and sure." IfUlliltRT P. Mc 11. a bottle -8 for $3. Write fora eon of our great book "'treatise On The Horse." It's a mine of inforrnation for farmers an horst men, who want to keep their stock 1m prime condition. Hailed tree. 29 DR, 13. J. KENDALL CO., ENOISURO FALLS, • VERsrowT, U.a.A, 11. 1 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine xy FaLadka Rock Rib and Hercules smolt Hess Strong as Gibraltar !halt of Strength Princess Egyptiaa usu Foe cin'g Fier Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lamb' Wool and $lIk Tips All Wool Pbte Hosloty Manulaoturod for the Wholesale Trade by dile CHIPMAN-HOLTON ONITTiNO CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, pros IMPERdIOUS SIiE3 Is three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for ell building and lining lam poses,' indde walls of summer homes, refrigerator plants, eta OZT OUR PRICES. The E. B. EDDY CO. Limited MULL - • CANADA Agencies In all principal cities. Talks on.. Banking byfrfail NNW NT an Experiment Seven yearn ago Banking by Mail was an experiment, but to.day it is like the telephone or the railway train —a perfected fact, Not everyone, however, knows of the advantages of Banking by Mail, because it has not been brought eutfi- ciently to their aUentfon. People saving even in the smallest way, who have heretofore bees drawing only 3 per cent. interest on their money, ate enabled through Banking by Mail to secure the benefit of 4 per cent., corn. )pounded quarterly, and at the same time have equal security for their money. 4% Compounded Quarterly i7 is paid-up Capital and Reserve of $2,900,000 places the ',Union Trust Company in the front reek among Canada,s strongest financial iostitutione, end is a guarantee of absolntt security to depositors. Our booklet E sent free on re• quest, gives full information on Banking by Mail at 4 per cent. interest. Write for it to.day. The UNION TRUST •, Company IL Limited TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO Capital sad Reserve, $2,900,000 • L IT CLEANS AND IT CURES "Royal Crown Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap tf It's a toilet soap and a medicated soap -- for the price of ordinary soap. Only Ioc. a cake. 3 cakes for 25c. At all DiugQists ud Dealers. e Way for the Summer Girl. Now doth the aunimer girl venture blithely from her winter furs. Into the street and into the park, into the sun- light and under the trees she trips dain- tily. Shyly site comes, for she has watched the whimsies of the weather and thinks aim must beware, But she comes. That is the groat, cheering, thril- ' ling fact --site conies, Almost any girl who is prose at other seasons may be verse in summer. In two more weeks the summer girl will not steal forth so shyly, for she will be in the height of her season then. ,She will rule in a king- dom all hers.—Louisville Courier -Jour- nal. 5ves I.;Tire Celluloid 1 uloid Starch needs no cooking—just cold water and 'tis ready. 'Twon't stick, yet gives a better oforogloss with leas iron- rubbi'ng, than any starch you know, Its price is little. Your dealer sells it. Try ft this week. sol Ceu1oid i 1911 Stu.rcI 11 f.3t' M1'' When he Showed Heroism, "Did you ever perform any great or heroic act?" "Yep." "Then why didn't you say something about it when Mre. Jones was bragging aboutthe braver of Jones?" "I don't feel like bragging about it." "What was: it, I'd like to know?' "I married."—Houston, Tex., Post. �•. ENGLISH SPAVIN • LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War. ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. Nightingales in Scotland. The nightingale favors some districts and shuns others, Seitland it does not visit, but a century ago a patriotic Scotsman tried to establish the night- ingale in that country. Ile commissioned a London dealer to purchase nightin- gales' eggs, one shilling each being given for them. These wee well packed in wool and sent to Scotland by mail coach, A number of glen had previously been engaged to take special cure of all robin redbreaats' nests in places where the eggs could be hatched in safety. The robins' eggs were removed and replaced by those of the nightingale, which were hatched and reared by theik foslter mothers. When full fledged the young nightingales seemed perfectly at lame near the places where they first saw the light, and in September, the usual period of migration, they departed. But the nightingales never returned to Scotland. It has been suggested that it was not the climate they objected to so much as the difficulty of acquiring the accent.—Glasgow News. 4•. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Man's Woman, Ho says she is gentle. He lauds her soft voice. Ho declares she is very amusing. He insists she is such a jolly good frieud, He enthuses over the fact that she be sympathetic, He says she bas a mind that takes him far above the sordid world, You may safely wager your quarter's income that alio has a little system of flattery by which she draws him out on his strong quality, and then laughs (yes, at a '40 joke) or smiles r,arily, "looks volumes," or casts down her lids, accord. Ing to the requirements of the situa- tion. It Wall His Dog. An automobile dashed along the coun- try road, Turning a curve, it cam suddenly upon a main with a gttn on hilt shoulder, and it weak, siek-looking old dog beside him. The dog was directi, in the path of the motor car. The chauw- four sounded the horn, but the dog did not move—until he was stnlck. After that he did not move, The automobile stopped, and one of the leen got out and cn►ne forward. Ile had once paid a farmer $10 for killing a calf that belonged to another farmer. This time he was wary. "Was that your dog?" "Tess" "You own him?" "Looks as if we'd killed him." "Certainly looks so" "Very valuable dog?" "Well, not so very." "Will $5 satisfy you?" "Yes," "Well, then, here you are." Re handed a five -dollar bill to the man with the gun, and added, pleasantly, "I'nl sorry to have broken up your hunt." "I wasn't going hunting," replied the other, as he pocketed the 11111. "Not going hunting? Then what were you doing with the dog and the gun?" "Going down to the woods to shoot the dog."—Youth's Companion, The Tonic "You Need 11 you are suffering with Boils, Pimple Scrofula, or other disease, duo to impure Wood, 0 the stomach n upset, bowels, liver or kidneys out of order, digestion poor—you need 0 TRADE MARK Rtalsvcmie. ,T Blood Tons This Tonic builds up the rydcm. Aad while puriiyins the hloo4 it also restores the domach, liver, bowels andWwys to healthy fad natural action. You can fed your -all gkg bests when you take Mira Blood Tonic. $1 bottle --b for $5. At druggists or Chemists' Co. of Canada, Umked, Hamilton—Toronto. No Changing the Log. On a certain ship the mato was too fond of the cup that cheers, according to Judge's Library. The captain did his ut- most to break him of this habit, and, everything else failing, told hirn that the next time he was drunk he would write it in the log. For a long time after this the mato stopped drinking. Thereupon the captain wrote the follow- ing entry in the log : "August 12, 19—; 60 degrees north longitude, 70 degrees west latitude. Mate Jones is drunk to -day," The mate begged him to take thin off, eaying that it would spoil his chances of ever being made captain of a shit. But the captain said, "It's true, isn't it?" "Yes; but"—eeplied the mate. "Well," said the captain, "the record stands." A few days later the mate had to write the entry. On looking over the log the amazed captain saw this entry: "August 15, 10—; 80 degrees north longitude, 67 degrees west latitude. Cap- tain Smith is sober to -day." Ile sent for the mate and demanded what he meant by such an entry, order- ing him to take it off. "Well," said the state, "it's true, isn't it?" "Of course, it's truel" roared the cap - fain." "Then the record stands,' replied the mate. 4•. Spoken With Patriotic Pride. "You have nothing that enrries with it the charm of antiquity," said the Euro- pean. "Oh, yes, we have" answered the rich American. "It won't be long before we have the market in that line cornered. We're just buying up antiques faster than you can _make 'eat" —Washington Star. 4.► I TO 1-i Wangs, Prairie Scratches and every form of, mutations Itch on human or animals eared in 30 mtamies by Woltord'e Sanitary Lotion, It sever falls, Sold by druggists. •.• Effective Check on Lynching. Suit for damages has been brought by the widow of a man lynched in Missis- sippi against a railroad company which supplied n special train to carry the lynchers to the scene of the crime. Dam- ages are put at $100,000. Recently sever- al sheriffs who failed to protect priaon- ors in their care have been called to ac- count in the civil courts. The game of lynching may become an expensive sport instead of the cheapest of pastimes, When it does there will be a consider- able decrease in the number of its vic- tims.—New York Sun. ♦•. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. .e.• Auntie Wasn't Busy. Norman Hapgood, journalist and essay- ist, was discussing veracity. "Truth telling," he said, "is not always) wise or praiseworthy. Indeed, it is sometimes the reverse. "Thus a young marl called on a young woman early one spring morning, He had his automobile along. IIe wanted to give the young. woman a morning spin through the country. "A little girl, the young woman's niece, answered the bell. "'Is your auntie in?"' said the young man, "'Yens, sir,' said the little girl. "'Tlhat'a good. Where is she?' he wont on. "'She's upstairs,' said the little girl "in herr nightie looking over the railing."f —New York Tribune, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. . -* Many a poet might have kept the wolf from the door with the money he has spent on return postage, When a Horse Gets Hurt usasc FeBews'Leening's Essence Bat don't wait until an animal is Injured. GIST IT NOW --and you Bane the remedy that CURES all lames In.borsee. If your deader does not handle it, send 50c. to . National Drug R Chornrad Oo., Limited, MOegR[AL 13 Women and Dry Goods Stores. It is a fact that a dry goods store is a happy part of a woman's life. Watch them Doane, each with a little purpose in her heart or some fancy to satisfy or some dear anxiety to dispel, like blos- eoma In a gale, fluttering here and there, now at this counter and now at that, picking up a piece of lace here or a ribbon there or a soft texture yonder and throwing out a dainty question ev- oveytrhere as she gods on and on. Isn't it a vision, As the tides respond to the moon so does the dry goods store to the woman, Either is the fulfillment of the other, One cannot think of one and not the other. They began in the garden long ago. It was a greater evolution than Burbank ever directed --this developing of a fig tree into a dry goods store, but the woman did it and she will enjoy it till the worlds chum together. --Ohio State Journal. ••14 BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking dons not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for Me trouble. Mrs. M. Sinn - mere, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will Fond free to 'any mutter her successful home treatment, with full Instructions. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or ntnht. Young man—But Is the lady yon re- commend well educated? Matrimonial agent-- Well, she has n fine library of savings bank books.- 111tzblatt. ISSUE NO. 28, 1907. Do TOU WANT IMPAIR= AIRED ltI U* ' a PIANO FOR $ 145 ? Send for tree Illustrated cats e. II. A. SIMIAN, wilt& Oast. A Heartless Swindle. In the June American Magazine Ray Stannard Ilaker tells the following story: "Ono day while walking in one of the most fashionable residence d striote of Atlanta I saw a magnificent grey stone residence standing somewhat from the street. I said to my companion, who was a resident of the city: "'That's a fine home.' "'Yes,; stop a minute; he said, 'I want to toll you about that. The anti• kink man lives there: "'Anti -kink?' I asked in surprise. "'Yes; the man who occupies that house is one of the wealthleet men here. He made his money by selling to negroea a preparation to smooth the kinks out of their wool. They're simply cr on that subject,' " it work? "You haven't seen any straight-hair- ed nogroes, have you?' ho naked.' WILSON'S FLY PADS KIN thins alt. No dead Ales lyIa about when used as dlrsotsd. — SOLD sY — DRDCCIBTS, GROCERS *en OENERAI SioRI$ 10a. per packet, or s pawkete fbr ZSa wall last a whole season. Too Much Reason for Love. "0, mntnma, I'm so unhappy!" sobbed the bride of two months. "George doesn't lova ale any more?" "What makes you think that, dear?" asked the mother anxiotuly, "Because he expecte tea to give in whenever ho is in the right."—Baltimore American. Minard's LlnimMst CCure�eDiplrtbKia, •... in Automobiledom. (Bohemian.) Scientist --Light travels at the rata o fabout 187,000 miles a second. Chaufeur—Leel That's going Dome! Auto Ent usinet (slightly deaf)—Par- don me, sir. But what, make machine was it you just mentioned? The Horseman's Friend —Sale and Shire. If you bare a lance home, get Keadafl'e Spay% Cure, _Tl have a.; horse shat you can't wort on account of n Sprit 8es In Ot Bruise, get Kendall's Spatia Cure. II yon dare a hone, cn the veterinary can't cure of Spain—ar any Soft Bunches or Kendall's Sp aavin Cure,�g Datta s teed St tetcs—bare used 1 and •pQro�ms d it.tons—throt�6out Canada modem TAAVsrLaaM Rapt, P.E.I. Dec, I '06. " I bare been using Kendall's Sparta Cate for lire last XI years, and Maaya find it Dale and sure." IfUlliltRT P. Mc 11. a bottle -8 for $3. Write fora eon of our great book "'treatise On The Horse." It's a mine of inforrnation for farmers an horst men, who want to keep their stock 1m prime condition. Hailed tree. 29 DR, 13. J. KENDALL CO., ENOISURO FALLS, • VERsrowT, U.a.A, 11. 1 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine xy FaLadka Rock Rib and Hercules smolt Hess Strong as Gibraltar !halt of Strength Princess Egyptiaa usu Foe cin'g Fier Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lamb' Wool and $lIk Tips All Wool Pbte Hosloty Manulaoturod for the Wholesale Trade by dile CHIPMAN-HOLTON ONITTiNO CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, pros IMPERdIOUS SIiE3 Is three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for ell building and lining lam poses,' indde walls of summer homes, refrigerator plants, eta OZT OUR PRICES. The E. B. EDDY CO. Limited MULL - • CANADA Agencies In all principal cities. VIM I this sin does not eve» Inffe the excuse of surlday serlooi, „ i„„ breeding. The profane iiii lt the lospeet, of others told also losci; select LESSON II,—JULY 14, rgo47, for himself. No reentleman will use pro• hue language, "'IIs commandment also The Ten Commandments—Duties Toward forbids all thitt largo clit:s of liy-)vords may Is:. called ‘iibstitithonary God.—Exod, 20: 1. 011ihR, Tilt! V ' i int 111WirS drill ground t'ontontary,-- God's gseatness (vs. I, for )ofaulty, and recroiting office ifor And t;g.it spalo- the glorious I hiaim% of ) f I rOilne i;We;1111,4.". Polon. Mill 11.11111111h/1H display of Ilie special bet, Coliltli--The Lord will not treat presgitco of 10141 401 iount had him as innocent mut allow him to go un- soh-rod:1(1 the mintk of the peopls nod ,P8t1i5l1Il. \ eNcited their a)) tut expectations, It may The fourth (sonmandment (vs, 8. las sopposisl that the sound of the Glum 11), 8, Itemenilao.—This \vas not emtet1111 • ces-e,l, amt 4vIsivall Himself iminc• ing IL new law but reviving an old one. lIiitIV I''' 16 0, ‘oiso 10841 onotigh to It may have been forgotten by the Ile- lw di•iinctly heard by ilia immense, bre‘vs, or possibly denied to them while Egypt, The Sabbath day—S:11)1mill saint:1(4,i nitil ittele. eesit I, A Itstwa I:11d 1.1W 81111 1 1 i 811 finger nwitus rest, and this (lay was to be it on two 1 itt" I :1 11110, a:1(1 0-11;ly 1 1 1VA1 11/1y. 10(1) 11 1101.%' ---The i%I,IIIilIi 1 1 1 1111 h iiishly tables to our must te kept, 1. ..1s a (lay of rest holy exercise. 0, Shalt thou labors.-"Iibor is heat 4," \vont, spo..• 181i1111I161 .1 (llity 1vel1 115 a n)cessity," "Hee is . 1i2tI ii cit 1:ever.dlv ea!Vil thy 1..,11 they are :iii1ilit 11 posiliW(' •.,111i1i11t1i Of vest," 11). The called the meial law, °because tiks. lily seventh (18y --Every seveeth days One deo a 6lis for the conduct of 11110.'1 li,v" 11 .;l111111 tlii'ken 11)gliO, Ii tIi 1 11,1 C-1,;,,,:HIL 1 they aro 001.. 'giant I 1,•n1. I, 13), ty:•tinioay, "They are I:le ',v"I'11.4 or "(Ills i"viM eovcoant. kis pooplc, unit not ar1/1- 1.1.:try ('1.1411111,Vi.d.liWill .4 1 1) His sulijisos:' 11"roiliP of til" e is proti by their astonishing un- 111;es: • to anytiging :11.11 has evar lei:li- b is 110.:liag voll,pa ra tile to I1011 in ail the literatlIrt, of Egypt, from wh:('." M"'s )I 1114 I a:o ',old thy illitopeintent, eternal, the for.:itaiii of all heilei powcr. that gives hying, may gi).. law, there. fore De able to 1 e‘varil oltyllienco, and 1uni,11 dis,olwilienae. Though till the peopie are hero itteltithad hi his addre.ts, it intended for them individually, DLit each 'Mehl, feel that lea was bounil fee himself to heti. and obey all these ,..,•hi(.11 (8 (0 linilght dup., IlilililIt tlo ,y \rose bound in gratitude to Id ey him, hey had 1,14.n eye. wit. 114.'`e of 1 he great things 10(1 done for their deliveistoet.. They \yore. now the trui1:1 of their awl 444 • LI .;• s.,t• 44k F,y 110111 lo i1t'11:1/1 I'd it fin (litr ri;Iit. t,) 11110 them. IL '! h.. 1i6,1 eommatolotent (v. I. 3, '1.11t,i4 In the sittgghtr, and personal, be. Ilil•.4 0114411 'eolith...tit must olesy 1,4r him• self, 8:111( have --.The conianindinents with l"litil"rilY• re 'lei' mite :1111 positive, :6, other gods before 1111-- 1 alone most be your (14)11, 1 Heist has,. the whole loeirt. This is sea- somible. I. Be'aus' there 44 ne ofts14 true ( O. Ile is 4,1(4. Creator. 3, NV6 ors eetirely dependent «:1 IL, is a heiy being rohl Hie nature 44 W1.1Ally Of, our supreme affection. 5. Ito I 1 no, we 'evolve the ;sue:Host good aml the highest II:yeah...is that eau possibly come te us 111 Iltis werld, (1. 1.0 love lliiii is the foundation of all true reli• won. 7•1'_4i:.s. apart foul Him the's' 15 no trim happiness. It is not necessary to nein:111y how down before 41111111) idols to lre spiritual 1110130114, \VIMIC.Vur IVO hold first in our affections is our god. It way be ourselves, or onr possessions, or tin, honors and delights of this world, or it may be our heavenly l'ather. eyelid' of 41111. time should he !siren to God. Not (I() any AvOrk--The command- ment was to la, npplied (4) beasts of bur- (1en, It Wai-; 111.'0 11 1)1111V11 OW stranger, or foreigner, who settled in any of the cities; of Israel." 1 1. For 111 six days, ete.--God's rest, at the elese of the erealive week 1,1 made it reaeon for the sanctity of the seventh day, fn the now dispensation we have the Christian S.1114101 whieli is olis441v- m1 tho first (lay o[ the week. called the Lord's day, bccau,,e on that (lay Christ rose from the tomb bringing new hope and life to t he world. 1. Love bus'it other go)')'' (v. 3). \\lien we love God with all the Insist (l)'ut, vi. 5), which "is the first and !Tont commandm(nt" (:\latt, 22. 38), we put neither friend:4, folio., mono' 111)1 14118111V 441 111S 1/111e0, IVe t.(k always his glory, knowing it is our highest good, \Ve do not, love anything for ils mike, nor for eur sake, so we any love every• thing for his sake nil ‘ve can. 2, Love Millet:. no "(41111111 image" (v. 1). The most perfect.object in the uni• wive is utterly inadequate to reveal God. No image of (hid that 111(114 can make can in the. slightest degree portray Love resents every effort to re• present its object as bird or boast or serpent. Love sees the thel-man, Chri•I its "the image of the inviellile (Iter ((ol. 1. 15). "the express image of(1,4 person" (Deb, 1. 3), 117411 1ti .1011 1- (415 Of a113' Oilier. 3, Love reverences God's name (v, 7). Love tvill (1) never use profane lenge nage; (2) never lake an oath (Matt. 5. 1.37; ,fas, 5, 12); (3) never titter (10(1's 1131110 friV(11011S1' or lightly; (4) never speak irreverently of 1 lis book, His (lay or llis works; (i') never jest about holy thineo; ((;) never 4400 511(11 111 tri1)111 ('S of the Almighty ris "Good, n(5,' "Gracious," ".Nlerey," "Patietwer (7) never surround a Bible verse or hymn with a ludicrous or unholy association; (8) never criticize the Scriptures or put theni no :1 level with common thilitr;; (0) never miter into an intellectual, emi- troversial diseussion of divine doctrine; ( 10) never indulge in "wooden swearing," the anger which vents itself in slamming doors or kicking furniture, 4. Love keeps the -Lord's day (v. 8). The Sabbath, or seventh day, was a .Iew- ish institution. The Jew was commanded III. The second commandment (vs. to keep it. It belonged -to !sum1 itmi to 4.(i). 4. any graven image—Sculpture molly rest, It pertained to law, "Ism 11011 plittiling are not hero forbidden; haft dominion over a »1811 (19 long as he 1(lees himself was commanded to con- livens" "Whosoever Abell keep the whole street cherubim for 1110 holy of holies, law, and yet etumble in one point, he is Idolot (01)4; images repreenting God and become guilty of op (.J1,3 2, 10, ll, V.) 4)), 11111)1 for worship are forbidden. Atd- voctites of idol worship declare that toe If rt anon were suspended over n preci- pice by iL chitin of ten links and one of inatei.ial images are merely to call 1 it the nwntal idea of Clod, but this is 11(.1;1. them were to break. bis death would be lively forbidden 11' this commandment. its certain and terrible ns If every link 118(1 been broken, The least infringement , ONTARIO'S 13IG SUBSIDY, Those who worship ;Jehovah not of the least commandment puts the law- 11"IYinia14(' 11101°' to ('11(61-, breaker under the ns surely as if 1.Neie'11"id their (lev°°°11' he had broken them all, "The law Ina Israelites broke the second coulinano- been our tutor to bring 11.9 to Christ, 1110111 when they made the golden 12111 0(4 0 symbol of God. that is in heaven— that we might be justified by faith, But Every species of idolatry known to have now thnt faith ia come we are no long- licen practiced by the Egyptians is includ• er under a tutor" ((tal. 3, 24, 25, II, V.) ell here, The ibis, stork, crane and 1Ve "aro not under the law, but tinder 11‘11(;11.2eiduillttsi:,111.1111.(:!g;‘,'1111111111eliali,:!1;:i111,11.13::dilersit.... geiltItilesee wIeViainret Ilvnew 78.1.71:,(11)::1 the 81111, 10(1011 or stars, in the earth be- forbid" (Rom (1. 14. 15,) twath--The ON, heifer, crocodile, serpent God's authority. Ilis right to declare mei Wen, eiRo oideets of Eg3,11. His will as expressed by the deealogue Is thie idolatry. in the water—All fish unquestioned. 11thrin we consider the were considered sassed among the Egyp- fact that Ile is our Creator, that He hos thins, 111 Dout. “which passitge endowed us with reason and the know,. IS an inspired commentary on this sec- (.:(ilge of right, and, has bestowed 111)011 us tale power of choice, we readily admit nod commandment," the ,formation of a god in the similitude of 71 41011) or a wo- Iris authority. lie knows the depths nt Inn 74. of (1, pen sr, a fowl, n oroviiing. thinr, nur natures, lie knows our purposes, I -1e or of "the host -of heaven" is clearly for- knows, not, the past and present only, bidden. but all the future, and has ife not the right to direct us? Who is it that ols 5, jealous Cosl—(oil is not willing that 11113' her 5110111d OCCUPY the first plsce in the it ffections of his people, visiting the iniquity, etc',-11'hile this is not intended to teseli that the punish- ment of the persons! sins of the parents will he inflicted on the children (Ezel:. 1S20), and while it is true flint we shall not be m1(1011111141 by divine jos- tieo for crimes of which we were never guilty; yet the law of heredity is such that even "remote descendants inherit the consequences of their fathers' 51115 111 liAeaSel poverty and CaPtiVitY, 1111 Ole illifilellet'S of bad example and evil conuminicntions." A child may, government, For each command. physieally and mentally, suffer (!vii con. 111 1118 1110111 given there R l'ellS011. 11 is be- tin..ive"aces lives 1450 of It parent's sins, Ivi11(1 entirely free from ally g1111t, be. cause that ninn's condition is the best 0, who loves and worships only the true (4100 of having no part in the sin: and the living „God, that lie lins pro. shewing merey—Mercy (Ind's delight, claimed the first 101(111(4111(17110111, 1117(1 (1150 (11 shows hie favor and kindness to die second. Ile who loves, adores and l'aris, July 8.-1)r. Berger, an emin- tlioneande of generations, while his ('411 susgeon of the Neelcer Hospital, judgments reach only to the third or revelellees C10(1 is as peaceful and happy fourth, as a mortal can be; hence lie has given has just removed several pounds of Iv. The third cominandment 7). 7. us the third commandment to r(?strilin nails, button -hooks, needles, pins and The 11(1111(1-1(3' the mune of (.la)1l we tire us from it course of irreverence, lte- watch chains from the stomach of a to understand llis titles by which Ile cause 1111411 1100118 0110 day in BeVell for man named ily. The patient fOr111. 11111 kl'It 11i111140lf 1010W11 to its. In vain-- rest and Ivorsiiip, (Ind has appointed ow eriy earned 17 livelihood 118 sword Either by false oaths, common swearing, Sabbath to be obServed throitgli all time, swallower. Finding that occupation or light or irreverent mention of God. jest's emphasized this truth when :Ile no longer remunerative he decided Our prayers and all our utterances that said that "'lite Sabbath was 111)7(10 for to train as a human ostrie11, Ile 00141- ref(4r to the 1)eity should lie with rover- man." ( 1(01's day spent 111 111118111p. la inelimi 177 sententher, and oII went, Well once and in the spirit of deep piety, listening to His truth, in holy inedita- until last month, when severe internal Common, rash swearing is the most fool- thin, with worldly cares and thoughts pains necessitated his removal to an Itos- bill sin in the world. "The two great ))tit, aside, inevitablv results 111 an in- IMO. He announces bis intention of bolts 'hy which 1111 devil 1 MPS 111011 to (lease of spiriticlity. 11 matters not resittning his nail diet after his recov- 'wickedness are profit and pleasure," bul which of the ten commandments we ex- cry. amine, 55'e are certain that its proper observance will Itring to the 0111. 53)11) 10.118 it ini4slinsilde benefit, This is true of communities and nations as well as of individuals. 4••• THE TOMBS TOO NOISY, Thaw and Other Prisoners Disturbed by the Racket Made by Lunatic in Cell. New York, ,fuly 8.- -Complaints by Harry 'Thaw and other prisoners on his tier that they could not 4li14p because of the noise Made every night by the thirteen InalliacS in the cells under then( made Warden 14131111, of the Tombs, alter consultation Mtn Commissioner eaggey, decide yesterday to send one of the des molted prisoners to the psychopathic ward at Bellevue as a test. They picked out Thomas Alcievergiiii, 23 years old, a fugitive from Ruxbury, Conn. Ile tried to bent his brains out against his cell door Saturdaynight, \\11n a prisoner is committed to the nbs by it itigistrate he must remain there, whether sane (o. demented,until his rase 45 disposed of, Usually 8 Judge of Denerill Sessions when the eastis called at once appoints 11 commission 111 lunacy. Fortunately for the comfort of the warden and lits prisoners most men who are really insane 1(41 quiet nod make lit- tle or no more trouble than his other wards. 11)11 it so happened last. week that out Of thirteen of this unfortunate plight tile majority were violent, 'nese included ex•Policeman floss and an btu 11(11114(1 Tony Esophio, 1111(1(41. indiet• ment for grand larceny. Judge O'Sullivan, in Part 1. of General Sessions will be appealed to toglay by the warden for some remedy for the ex. isting conditions. SENLAC RUN DOWN. ----- Daughter of Mark Twain Among the Passengers. 'Halifax despatch: During 0 thick ieg early to -night the Red Crust( liner Dusa- 1111(1, Copt. Clark, from Now Y-orl;., lamed in, coliide,1 the 'ohs (sued stennier Serdae, Capt. ,Nteliirsion, \vont lotinil for t. John, N, 11. via we.itern Filore ports, The IltLialind St 1.1101: the Seulne amidships near the rugine room, which soon filled with WI4,1r, put I Mg the fires wat, The steam8 was crawtit'd with Passollizilst hat there was no panic, as the officers assur. ed them that the steamer \vas uninjured. lily tourists Well! 011 UV! ii61411 1111(1, among them being Nliss Clara l'lemen:;, daughter of Mark Twain, 4• PRISONER TAKES STAND, MMICAL COUNCIL DR, SW:NIUE, PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL. Retiring President Announces That a Site for v' Council Building Will Be Decided Upon Soon—Dr, Pyne Retires, delis': 11; The ('4(1)1 o college of Physicist's and •-..:111.),;eoli•-. 11 I nit a P1SSi1/11I\illg'tl!l.1.11(7 11 .4'V6'i hill 11114148 1.1 \very elected ; President, Dr, 11'. Spout:iv, Kingston; Vick -Presi- dent, hr. P. h'88It, 111.gb.trar, 14..1. I.. 11ray, Chatham; Treasurer, 1)4. 11. 1Villterforn. .1ikins, Toronto; Conn. sel, 11, 8, Oster, Toronto; Auditor, Dr. 1. ( . Patton, Toronto; Prosecutor, (.:111o,, Rose, Toronto; Official Stenographer, Ati;Jits, Toronto. Ilefore the 1114111• bunions Hon. Pyle, announced that he in,eitiled retiring from the position of 11,(12).,1 nu* 1V116'll lir had occupied 8111121. SSII. 1115'; , of I ing-t on, is ;1 (,)111,e11's The retiring President, Dr. )1(mr- hews., of London, 111 :his whines, said the'. a site for the ctinneil building 1me1(1 111111111 111' 111Pi111.11 1.1411.• 1111 tc Dr. Creighton's appeal and subo witted judgment. The Hoard of 14'doi141- hives he 41(181(1 competent truste worthy, Man Accused of Murder Causes Sensa- tion by Giving Evidence. Hopewell Cape, N, 11,, 14713' 8.—A great deal of surprise came out in the Collins llI1II'd(l' to.ds), when Theme Collins, who it few mouths ago Will C(111. vieted of the murder and allowed it 110W trial, owing to what the full beneh con- sidered the unfairness of the judge's charge, tool: the stand 111 hisNowil do' fence, Ile denied that he nrardered Miss MeAtilay and told • it sed story of n life of hardship. At the conclusion Hon, Mr, :Me - his counsel, said: "I want to, tisk yoti, Collins, if you struck ,\Itiry 31('t 111113' with (717 axe." Collins replied in it firm voie:', "No, sits" He stood cross-examination well. jeets to this arrangement? 11 19 he who imagines himself to be independent of God, who is self-sufficient, who ie self. centered, The arm of Mail Is ridged 111 V11 ill ilgflillSt the authority of God, If lie' does not become the happy possessor of the blessings of obedience to the (1i - vine commands, lie will suffer the pen- alty affixed to the violation of thnt 811 1110 111 W. a 0 WS in W is and even i[ justice is seasoned with mercy the punishment attached to the trans- gression of the commands will surely follow. :man cannot deceive God, man's welfare. God is not arbitrary TWO PROFESSORS DROWNED. Their Canoe Upset on Connecticut River and They Went Down. Masi„ K. Geeen ,i11tructor of English and mile, - and Professor David A. Bur ward, i'..-sistssit in h.Agrii.alltural partinent in 110 Minna I lerniall 11.1)1' I(l)V,4, 5,140 di'MV1111 thiS lateri01011 1'1161" canoeing in the Connecticut, Riser by the upsetting of thyir (Taft. Prille-i,or I 11I1Watil WaS V -ars of cultural class of Pail:J. EARTHQUAKE SOMEWHERE, Province Will Hereafter Receive Over $2,100,000 Annually. Toronto, dilly 8,-1'liere was some speculation indulged in itt the Parlia- ment buildings yesterday as to when ties increased Dominion Government subsidy for Ontario, agreed upon at the t3onf(4r- Nice of Premiers, will be received, By the new Itrrangemed Ontario will re• eelee annually about $2,128,772, 1111 111• crense of about $800,000. The usual cheque for the half -yearly payment had not Isen received nt the Parliament buildings yesterday, and Provincial Troll - surer Matheson thinks that possibly' the delay is occasioned by an intention to pay the ilicreased aninunt at once. 4... STRICKEN AT LORNE PARK, Mr. W. G. Finlay Was Overcome in • Dominion Day Tournament, Toronto despatch: ?[r. IV. 0, Philay, manager of the Alontrose paper mills at Tlioroid, but who resides on Ontario street, St. Catharines, was stricken with paralysis in bowling tournament et borne Park on 1)otninion 1)11y. )1r. Fin, lay wits overcome just after lunch and wits promptly attended by Drs. Hawke and Cooper. Dr, Greenwood and (1 nurse arrived in the evening from 81. Cathay - hies and took 111111 home yesterday morn- ing. 14)1', Finlay is about (10 years of age and was noted for being one of the best bowlers in Canada. 4 * A DIET OF NAILS. Evidences of Heavy Seismic Disturb- ances. THi. KAM U,41)F1D SULTI1 N 01' MOEOCCY.; csET:E1?1,.L HELD PRISONER BY PAISULl. The Roadmender's Song, Tunpit.i., .1 illy I;;ii I oa thus the :tonc:, frwit the ‘vinding 1 1.1 rt.. .111 12 I- A Ow 1 41 11:•11,' a 18 1- giOriOUS IlIr 1,3 11611-1111, 1 18- 11;. j, ii,il a1,18A1, Li, majesty skits, Nvi!I he held • a ;1 I,,tass (3' (Lei 1141171 the SuIta ti 8;2 Fee, 4,1 pardon Itid. ,.11,i ‘‘i114 1111.,:( 11,111O\1\-1i,;1,11ftjttflittli. 411;1111;iti:;:(11:14ditli 1511, 1112.1)tiiitilig' 5.1 ith 1.H•olier.Your 110,11 4, ;tot )(dee, Idend. G1.111,1.11 Mgcn l.ea)),ts .1 1..)1 1,411.01' . 'If the lIriti,h autty. .11; 1,i, igittlet,ce I reptile a eeing.113\1t11 you,. might, 541)1) 8)1 11,44 11 ha:- 1441.1: 1"111-1- .1 141 1 IR. the 4181(.11 fUr interests of civili4 11i,11 011,1 fr„ni ('111' (1„ng the Floating in 1,0,nling and he i, neiser...11y 1, 11 11111071! the fimotio 11 81 111- 11S pave for His feet 11 royal \\.(iy, w. "1181 i 31()01:...1 7641 rind, The !I; I. '1 II( 1141 to your worl: \5itb bi cngth, urine F.eitl Coutent! sir 11.Irry .11,tet. .5111! pith for Owl! billy- the voted 1, ili111 s; 4sss Gott sties ;t perisfi 01 is is, I.ift up your Less fi."1 5)11(41 141 song, Unguent. .1140!.-111 is 1,1 1,6.1 Lia glattie.— fill voar tiol, man in And his, the 11,n'al outstretched to Fave, v.•111, 1,1-;61.16-,,! !.1:1 1iijI. );HI' :- al illy who '080)11 next to th4 1das, t'oeu. ,t4orssers from the hill and dale, in the praetieal (441shiet 11,11 ,,;. Hi., co 10 is 1,,4,, 15'e gall's.. V. go, 'map ,n I 4,I; , oVo a, you tve",,,ise to our thrseg, 111 i lirinkfur the 55nters flow, his forms). capture; 1 1;irris, the hitter the Lee ',se -poll:101a iry:) ,it Nor leavy 1.114 (':(r1110TC, inwvailing :11t11 1; ; 181111 otir bodies down. 114114(1 1)11)1 Is of their (Tees lion-, Hat j.14!;r:,- tiri:1't!'it"1 .1;4:i(i)tfigli;.1141.111.(4),r5vt1111.1 101)41 lhe moiritain iaaralid,r, 1711;tli.• —11. T if prize, with while!' to ti;u,.,(1',ialy . captor ,. of correct the ha(tlit ha, )1611-61143i/1 Beemeville, Ont. Stilto5vit It Frawt. 11:1,1 en, "Every One That Loveth." n, and po...11,1y v.'ith Moon 11ael.eint ,4111 1011,1-4 itIlegi Ts, ;1.141 shares,' with the istesnati ,:;:t1 osiieisg It is the Sou of 'Man before whom roesis the Hat ion,4 (if the \\*Orig.l shall be gether- Hi 11 is in the presimee of Ilumnnity BURNED HUSBAND. (lint 556 shall be cliereed. Anil 1140 epee - tittle itself, the mere glit of it, will silently judge crteli one. Those be there 5v17)111 551 have met and helped; \l'eshingten, July 8,—The coast and geodetic F.erVicvs report that an earthquake wais rovorded at the Cheiten• ham, observatory this 11(10' Ili, hvgianing at 8 hours 14 minutes and 5:1 second,: ainl lasting an hour. The principal disturbance was from S.2 to 8,25 o'clkek, the largest motion being in a north•south direction. shock was cianparatively greater than that nt Kingston, but not so great as the San Francisco earthquake, 4.•••• OLD MAN WILL SWIM. Although He is 85, Will Try New Stroke oa East River, London, July 8,—Prolessor, the Mar - 111') liebbino, who says he is 80 years old, announces his intention of visiting New 1'ork this autumn und swittiminc, the East River from Alanliiittan to Brialy'', making use of a new style of propulsion invented by himself, which he calls the turbine stroke. lk.bbino says he lived in America for it lime, itiul gave physical culture lessons to many remittent Amer- icans, including President Garfield. 4 • • BADLY SHOCKED. --- South Western Traction Co. Superin- tendent Has Narrow Escape. A. London, Ont., despatch; Mr. George Northcott, superintendent of the South- -Western 'Traction Company, met with it painful accident while repairing the over- head wire of the line at (Ilendale this morning. Ile wits working on the top of the ear and in some way entablislied circuit for the current while he held the wire in both hands. He wns severely shocked, 011(1 it wns feared that he had been killed. lie received two bad burns on Niels hand 1171(1 considers his escape from death Wan almost miraculous, (18 he estimates that at least 1,000 volts passed through each 111111d: 4 • ALL WELL IN FAR NORTH. Sword Swallower Goes to a Hospital, But Will Resume Mcnu, 0 77. 3 T.. ") WAT7T.ZD 'PO 111Alt2":: ANOTHER 141.6.;`.7.. ide Her Stows Druck, Thcn Poured Kcsosene on Bed Where He Lay Stupeficd—Lamp Set Bed on Fire— Man Dead, Woman Confesses. Scra1it1111, 34,, 11.113' 8.—.11rs. Kindrit aged eighteen year.., 110,11., is in the e..ra.uty jab, c4,,11g".1 :ii:t ,;l Iivrlteil 4e.1* 1(8,11,61 10 11:411) that she 8011111 Is. free lo marry per 1101414. lever, Ignatz Ilittio, es.1) is 1414)) ill jai), With 11: ing tit: y. Tile idiet. (lir:el:di say 1.1.4i 1 1.:1‘Yl*:Ail has eulliesseri i1:4:1 11.,.01 all the details of the erialis Aesoriting 14 1Il4Ii'vuL'4 confe,- ,i011, Hutto 1•141:11. 10 OW 11,1141, CM .51 011(1:1' and s.tig.,.;...sted that sir.. do 4\V1)3' 4.vith 1101' hushand so) thst they eould he married, Viiliir.vitig Ilatro's slIgg(“ition tile Woman got 101' huslimul and NVIi1,11 111 tvas p,t1iir2:'iel in lied she \vent to the room with the kerosene lamp. She poured 011 from the lamp on the bed, and then, sly6 s41y4, the lainp dropimil 011 111' belt setting it. afire. .At the siglit. oi her husband roast- ing and sydrining 111 the flaming lied. she became horrified, and rushed Isom the house, crying, "Fire!" Neighbors extingliklwd tln. flames, and hod 1 lowrste sent to the hospial, where he died ‘vithout is,saining con- sciousness. 1 I 11040 11(4112(1 kno\vtedga of the crime. Mounted Police Department Receives News From Hudson Bay. Ottawa, .1111y 8.—The Mounted l'olice Department has received 71 mail from 1104 police posts on the shores of Hud- son Bay, One is from Fullerton, dat- ed January last, and the other front )Iajor )100die, who wintered at Church- ill. It was Written in February. At both these outposts of civilization the men passed, up to the time of writing, uneventful Winter experiences. There were no deaths, no sickness, and no suffering. The neighboring natives are reported to have been in good health. The mail was sent to Norway !louse and brought, down by Hudson Bay Company cour- iers when navigation on Lake Winni- peg opened. 4 • • CIGARETTES ON THE STAGE. London County Council Asked to Put a Stop on the Habit; . London, dilly 8.—The Tined:11m Com- mittee of the London County Council has been esked to intervene and pre- vent the baneful influence on audiences' at the music halls of actresses smok- ing eignrettee on the Ship, Kitty (101.- (14in smokes a cigarette et the Pavilion Alusie Hall while singing a song, and the eommitte, responding to the request of a member of the Comity Connell, Will consider the "harmful example to boys and girls who ,visit the halls." SHOT OFFICHL A DARING EXPLOIT AT PORT ARTHUR. Young Man II/emended That Canadian Northern Constable Release His Prisoner, and on Refusal Find Point Blank. A Port Arthur despatch: At 2 o'clock this morning Offieer A. Grant, of the C. N. H. local force, arrested it man then asking; in its wider sense it is real- ly communion \vith tied, and is the lier- who wn, tics:lassing on the company's ft 11 '4' natural net of every Christian. property and wits prtweeding with him ppose a child has no request to make to the cells when near the Bank of of his father, does ht', therefore, refrain )Iontreal they enconn t oriel 3.oting from taildug with him? Surely not. And man itpparently under the influenee of if it were possible that we hail no Ye - 111)1101', 11 101 Nr110 ordered the policeman quests to nuke of God we would still to release his prisoner. lle threatened 1(43')'10 talk with him. 'Pile communion to shoot if his (summit{ Was llot stontly obeyed. is the essential point; the reqnests are 1) 111th to that communion. The The policeman made a mave secure his OW11 "1111, 1)514 the latter had his re - so; and when tliccr is this real 'Minn talks to (20(1,and. !use.; (0 ne, volver mit, in it minute (411(1fired. The 01)(1)11111111011, prayer takes on a different bullet strnek the officer in the jaw and phase. It is filled with living topics; the ploughed its way along -to a point just ,oys and FirroWS, the deep purposes and. In front of and below the ear. One of intense fee!ings., in fact, the whole of the oily night, men heard the shooting the intensely real human life is breathed and linstened to the scene. The wounded into the eel. of the infinite Father. I)oes Mail Was taken to tlit. hospital and 41 lie give me v, -hat, I want? Yes, often, search instituted for his assailant. 1,f11),,steri. si1)105illnee.4tIliluti.1h (14s,"11:111dwyll'i.14tt 1111(111 ';'110'11:1i.'1114;figei The Christian pvays as he breathes, be - 31 18 liettCl 4)0, thur Carman. enlist, itis unitise'. and lee cannot quit 01(11 live S:0-) 11111, after t)ll, it is hut a IT WAS'NOT WHISKEY. , useless and foelieli thing to tisk. "NV.hy Western .German —Settler by Mistake 51(10141 we cannot ('1180141,but ))1113'. 13471 will we pray 1 f WO NI Christians, Drank Methylated Spirits, God aliewer prayer? IN'hy 11(11? To (lo( Olds, Altate S. ---On Sunday even- there is no law. The laws that hold our ing. June 30, deco)) Neulutri, a German world and its in nnrelaxing grip, and living near Simuyslope, about fifteen slacken not their hold for otom or for miles south:4;1st of Olds, died after it world, but expressionsmof l few hours' illness, Cormier Little, of ; They bind us; yet, with hods tni swit may Olds, was called, who early tide morn- , not be 1)401'. '17i but they rench. not Him ing held an 1111111(4st, resulting in the wt.\ made them, It is not a question of feta, or renson alone, Int, of fails Goa verdict that ilvevased came to his death from poisoning, having imbibed a con- lass auswered prayer; God does (mover siderable quantity of methylated prover; and we cannot doubt that God spirits, believing 11 t() be whiskey. svill answer prayer, (.1 there, the Viipitivil Whom we neglected or despised. No other \Vitiless need le. ,siliononed. No other eharge than lovelessness shall be pre - (erred. Pc not deceived. The worde wide!! 611 of us shall one Day hear sound mit of theology but of life, not ot ehurches and saints but of the hungry end poor, not of creeds and doctrines but of shelter clothing, not of Bibles and prayer books but a cup of cold water in the »ante of Christ. Think (Jml the Christianity of to -day is emit- ing nearer the world's need. Live to help that on. Thank God men know bet- ter by a lisir's breadth, what religion is, whet Goil is, who Christ ie, where Christ, is. \Vito is Christ? Ile who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick. .14e1 where is Christ? \l'here --whew) shell receiVe 11 little (hili) in INly name reeeiveth Me. And W110 n TO Christ's? Every one that Ioveth is born of God.-11(2nry 1)1.17111mnd, In Memoriam. Admirers of )lark Twain believe he bas never written anything more ('11141' 1138! thou the little verse lie had cut in the modest, black of marble which marks the resting -place of his wife in \\rood - lawn Cemetery, Elmira, New York: \\'a11)1 summer situ. Shine kindly here. Warm southern wind, Now softly here. Green sod above, Lie light, lie light. Good night, dear heart, Geed night, good night. Why Should We Pray. To Amite people prayer is simply a re- puest for nid, 4)11(1 1110 only reason why a man should pray is bevause he neede something. To such a man the question will sometimes come, "Virhy should 1 ))l4)\' 1'' God be good', will Ile not give what I 'wed, whether 1 ask for it or not?" The 4)114511011 seems reasonable, and it sometimes puzzles men. Is it real- ly a fair or correct putting of the case? \Ve do not think so. Prayer is 3110144 PAGE Eiwit•---Cf1E 13LYT11 STANDARD—JULi' i1ru, 1907. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of NMI. mien lands in Maultoha, Saskntehe. wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and `_'tl, not reserved, meg be ho,nt steaded by any per - bon who is the sole head of a family, ur any male over la years of age, to the ex• t.out of one-quarter bectlon of 111 acres mere or less. Entry may he made personally at the local land olicu for the diaLrict in whirh the land Is situated. 'l'he homesteader is resolved to perform the conditions therewith under one of the following plans (I) At least six month's residence upon and cultivation of the land lu each year for three years. (.') If the father (or mother if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides Upon a fern' in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may be satielled by such person re- ,ldinv with the father or mother. (3) 1t the settler has his permanent rest - deuce upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of ills homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may be satis- fied by residence upon said land. Six months' notice iu writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. \V. W. COl; Y Deputy of the Miuisttr o) Interior. N. B. --.Unauthorized publication of thin advertisement will not be paid for. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver. Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days' treatmeut ttI, 30 days' treatment 25r. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Einc'►rdine, Ont. TURKEYS WANTillin We want to buy your 'T'urkey's and will pity the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many you have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. sou'rrt. NORTrf. ant pun x111 nln 6 40 3 30 Wingbam 11 50 7 35 6 43 3 33 Windham Jut. 11 48 7 25 0 52 3 •I1 Belgrave 11 40 7 13 7 03 3 Sri Blyth 11 28 700 7 14 4 04 Londeshoro 11 20 6 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 11 35 8 05 4 39 Brucelteld 9 58 9 11) 8 15 4 47 Rippers 9 50 6 11 8 2'2 4 52 Ifensall f) 44 6 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 a0 5 54 8 46 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 8 59 5 20 Clandeboye 9 09 5 34 —1) 05 5 30 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 3)) 9 12 5 37 Dentleld 8 55 5 25 9 21 5 46 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 9 29 5 51 Rttrick 8 35 5 07 9 35 5 58 Iiyde Park Crossing 8 211 5 02 9 37 tl 00 Hyde Park Jct. 8 21 500 9 45 9 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wingharn for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin. eardlne branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and (;oderich branch, And all stations from Stratford to Toronto, Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Conneetiots are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Our dig e Offer To 311 new subscribers from now 011 . . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 1908 for the small sum of 25c Subscribe Now Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the Clair at the sante time, a regular hair -food. Well-fedhair will bestrong,and will remain where it belongs— on the head, not on the comb! Ms best kind of a testimonial— "Sold for over sixty years." ISAids stanafrwturorc Lowell, � is 3Aa1PJi^1W1. Ptus. cIIEftVY PWTOL1L. FARM LABORERS ANO DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place lm - migrants from the United King- dom in positions as farts laborers or domebtiu servant; in this vlc(n- ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally or by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted And wages uttered. The number ar• riving may not be sulli3leut to supply all requests, but every et• fort will be tirade to provide sues applicant with help requited. ANDREW W. SLOAN C median Government Employment Agent, Blyth P. 0. Guard Your Eyesight. It is priceless and should not be neglected. If your eyes trouble you, came to Loudon and see what Modern Optical Science can do towards correcting your defects. We have the most complete optical laboratory in Canada, and our specialists are able to cope with the most complicated cases of the errors of refraction. All glasses are made on the premises to suit each particular case. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO, EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 'hulas SI., Loudon, Ont. IIOMESEEKERS' SECOND-CLASS ROUND•TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN n r ALBERTA OATESExcursions leave Toronto Tuesdays, June 4,1a 1 July 4,107 301 August 13, 271 Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets cod to return within sixty days from going good RATESArs the same front all pointe in Ontarlo, ranging from 332.00 round-trip to Winnipeg to 842.50 round-trip to Ed. mouton. Tickets to alt points in theNorth•west, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping etas will be run on cob exoureiou, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Swart porter lu charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days Wolfs excursion leaves. COLONIST SLEEPERS In charge7r r berths, pueceugers supplying their own bedding, will be used as far as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Hates and full information contained In fres Homesoekera' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.U. agent for a copy, or write to O. B. FOSTER, District Pus, Att., C,P.R,, Toronto For tfeketu end full information nee f, hfl'Mi;RCIIIE AGENT ]3LV'I'II. East Huron Conservative Nomination. A large and euthusiastiu nnnvontiou of the Liberal Conservative Astio'is1ion of East Huron wits held in the 'Gown Hltll, Nrunnels, last friday, On the platform were Messrs. Dudley Holmes, Janus Bowmen, ,los. Leach, Born. \\', .1. 1111111111, Hey. 1I, 11. 1.nngFurd, Dr. Chisholm, \I. P„ 13 (terry, F. Metcalf, Alex, Elder, .1. 8, Ctustuirs. 1)t. Chisholm was nominated by ,Ins. Bowman, seconded, in it stirring speech, by .Iat1liew Lockhart. 1)r. Chisholm, two wits received wit 11 hearty cheers, thanked the convention for unnmitnrnlsly tendering hint the nomination. lb could not, however, say definitely that Ile would accept it.. Ile world continue to look after the interests of the Conservative party and evert if Ire were not the standard- bearer in the next election, still Bast Huron would not fall into the !muds of the enemy. Hon. \V, J. Hanna pointed out hew the Whitney Government hoe fulfilled it: promises, the numbered ballot bad gone, t election turd other laws wore enforced. The T. & N. 0, Railway to- day earned a fewer number of free passes than any other road. One of the );mat questions was, "How shall we get hack the timber areas that have passed from usRoss Govern- ment had given them away in per- potnit.v, hilt under 1110 present. system the areas returned to the State, with- in 50 years, In the only great sale mince 1905 they had obtained the rate of $60,000 per square mile instead of 4430,000 tinder the old regime. The Government in its eduetttional policy did not say to the public, you must pay a big salary to teachers. It said, "You ought to pay more, for every dollar you pay above $300 they will give forty cents up to $1100.'' lfe contrasted the farcial report of the school book commission of ten to twelve wears ago with the recent lab- ors; of the Whitney school book com- mission, Books, notwithstanding the Globe's sea serpent yarn, were sold now for 49 cents instead of $1.45, frotn the publishers directly for 37 cents. 'l'hn school book combine took from the public $200,000 unfairly, ,Inures Bowman twee nominated for the Legislature by B. S. Conk, ,seconded lis Edward Bryans, Mr. Bowman ad- dressed the meeting and asked for time to consider. After a few words by .T. S. Carstairs the meeting closed with the national anthem. Exeter. On July 1st the quoiters fixed up their grounds and they are now down to practice. During the past week several bicycle riders were fined for violating the by- law against ridine on the sidewalk. J. W. L. Davis, of the Al olson's Bank, Clinton, has been trt.nsferred to the branch here in place of Jlts. Bow- den, removed to Port Arthur. Mr. Davis commenced his now duties on Tuesday-. On the request of a telegram from the high constable at Goderich, John Battier, formerly' of Exeter, has been arrested in \Winnipeg on a charge of theft of a quantity of grain. Ino will likely he hl'ouuht here for trial, E. 1T. E. Mathews, who spent the hnlirlay here with 1:d. Dyer, uf, firnnt- rot(1, unfurled the new 1111: recently sent from Exeter. England, for the first time 011 thp'I'rivit1 :Memorial church on Dominion Day, The act of performing rho trick is antique and he displayed skill in doing it, At the local Liberal Conservative Association meeting the following ofii- Pern were Fleeted :--Prepident, 'P, 13, C+u'Iine. ; Viee•Pres., L, it, Diel;son ; 2.1,1 \'ice, W. G. Bissett ; Treasurer, ,Jos. Davin ; Secretary, O. f{., Sanders, The voters' list for the township of Stephen hay just been ennlpleted ; the nit'nher of voters in the township 1256, ORS of whom are entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elections to ter Legislative Assembly ; 186 et mnni0ipnl eleetlo e only and 85 at elec. tinny 10 the Legislative Assembly only. Thr number etltitled to serve as jurors is r,2S, lie mid Bissett, while playing hall one day Inst week, collided wit 1 an- other player giving his ankle a bad (Wier. He was able to wall; around for a few days and attend to his work brit on'I'hno:drty the leg swelled so badly and t he Imre !mined so much t.hnt lie had to remain at home. An advertisement in T111•: STANDARD pays, The only way to start a Savings Account Is to stat its Good Inten- tions do not bear interest --neither does idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high- est current rate, compounded quarterly, BLYTII I3RANCH All Sorts of Dishes 111 All Sorts of \\Tare. It's (randy to know that you van come right straight to this Afore the minute you need something In told line. And yon can he sure before you conte that what you wish you eau get. Some Elegant Dinner Sets Beautiful and attractive designs, new patterns, 'Toilet Seta, the latest Ideas. patterns, Inure a large import order arriving this week. CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT ]BLAY' TII Wingham. 1Vinghnm hada celebration for the Huron Old Boys and Girls on Saturday afternoon. Robert hiller, tie inspector for the C. P. It,, wtts calling on old \Vingham friends. 'rho factories of the Canada Furni- ture 11 frs. in town, have closed down for a couple of t'eeks for repairs and stock -taking. With Inst week's issue the present Editor of the 'Times entered the 11th year as Editor of the paper and Clearly 20 years connection with the Times. .1, J. Ball left for Fort William, where he will assist in the furniture and undertaking tinniness for the past few Mouths conducted by his brother Luther, \Vingham Orangemen intend cele- brating vt'ith their brethren at Myth on July 12th. The Citizens' Blued has been engaged and will accompany the local lodge, W. D. Pringle's now !house on Leo• poll street is completed and ho is now occupying it, t1r, Pringle has the honor of being the first in town to complete rt dwelling this year. At the special meeting of the town council on Friday evening George Allan wits appointed to the position of chief constable for the town of Wing - ham, No other npplications had been received. The new chief took his dut• les on holiday last, • Chief Allan landed a young lad in the cells on 'Tuesday evening, He hails from London and being the worse for liquor, was in danger of getting under n train at the station, so the chief put hint in a safe place for the night. The officers of Winght11n Lodge, A. & A. M., were installed by 11, W, Bro, Ur, .1, E, '1'(unlyn, Dr, 1{. E. W. 'tinnily!) was installed us nurster, end it is not often that a father hits the honor of installing his sol into an important office of tisk kind. The annual hone•eomin" of the Huron Old Boys of '1'oronto'brought a great fanny visitors to our bountiful town Sntur(lay. 'I'I1e special train conveying the (tome-c0►1101's was an hotu' late. '1 he tn%wn council and Citi- zens' Band its well us r1 great number of citizens awaited its arrival, after which n procession headed by the hand 1111d councillors, proceeded to the Town Hall where addresses of welcome were read, Brussels. The hay 01) the Agricultural Pack gees to It. Lentherdale & Son as their's was the hest offer. Last week Men, 13rown bought the nen' rPaidence of 0, Lowry and will nl0t'e into it in August, The Orangemen go to Blyth on Fri. day, They attended service in ,tit. John's church Sunday evening, Among the old 13r11ssel11es who were in town during the Huron Old Boys' excursion were :—Miss Annie Beattie, Miss Vera 1Jnn(ord, Oeorge Irwin, W. Forest, Jltts, Wheeler, Jas. Strachan, Wo congratulate Miss Afarglu•et ,Mc- Lauchlin of town on snccesr:fnlly pass- ing her examination at the 'firm -into Conservatory, She is a; fine pianist and we wish her success in the further - mice of her r11115i001 studies, Last Friday evening as Rev, E. 0. Powell was going into the Cranht't ok 1Iethodist church he stopped on a ba- nana peeling; and fell striking his right side on the Steps. A couple of ribs were cracked and he has boon quite poorly during the week, After at red-hot game before a great crowd on Saturday night Brussels beau the Toronto Scots by 1 to 0, Two other l:ottls were kicked, lint not counted by Referee Kerr, of 131y1 h. In the latter half of the game the Queot► City httst- lets were outplayed at all points. and took their defeat good-naturedly, Brus- sels plays Matches next wee]: in the finals, Their record so fat' is 18 goals goals won and 1 lost, The line-up was its follows :—Scots—(foal, hush ; baelcs, Gilding, Wheeler ; half -backs, Gib- bous, Dowdell, Hirons ; forwards, For- rest, Tyner, Strachan, Thoums, Steph- ens, Brussels—Goal, Atidernol ; haus, ltohinsol, Dlellonald ; hnlf•baclts, 13ry- r1ns, Brown, Querin ; forwards, lCarley, McLeod, Cardiff, Stevenson, McGilliv- I'tty, TO ADVERTISERS. All advertisements must bo in this office by Monday noon to insure inser- tion in issue of current week, ur Bi'. Offer The Standard will be sent for the balance of year to all New Subscribers, in Canada only, for 25 Cents We want 400 New Subscribers and this will be easy if the parents send The Standard to their children in the Northwest and other points. Figure it up and see what the postage will amount to if you send it yourself, The Standard is the only thoroughly in- dependent paper in Huron County and the circulation is increasing steadily since last September. Do you wish to reach the people? This is the first consideration of every advertiser. The next is what locality to cover. The homes in Blyth and surrounding country. are reached each week by our paper. You ' ave : of Your Eyes on This Advt. If it were only your own, think of the thousands that would see it and read it and come your way to buy your goods. Advertising pays when insert- ed in a home paper like he Standard DO IT NOW. - - 'Phone No. 4. Your PrintinE SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind—won't pay us to turn out any other. High-priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do—and do—better work than inexperi- enced help. •••••••••000•00•• We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order.