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The Blyth Standard, 1907-04-25, Page 1
1 VOL. XX. * esters Cnada 1 tnlcn this opportunity of notifying my friend's and the residents of this district that i have hotly openers ollieos in the Union' Stock Yards, Chirigo, Live ,Stook [ xcheng;u 131dg., and in partnership with lir A, 11, Lundeen au, pushing the sale of Western Canada Lando exclusively. 1Ve have slangy largo blocks for sale suitable for subdivision, tilso many smaller improved farms end lots in the growing city of Calgary, Al. bi:rta, 11'o list only sue,h properties es %vo consid- er of special video runt have oil hind now one or two i•'napti Which aro dirt (:heap and will give It largo return on the purchase price. Ono Special Snap -Section land, II mile4 from Calgary, all fenced, good !muse and well, $17.50 per acro -honmestend in Adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purehaset of the section, Land all around this section selling at $25 per acre, 11re invite nil these contenpleting settling in the West or who aro looking for inveslnl/n1s to COW. 1111111icrtrn with us rat once, No Netter or more profitable investment can be found than Western Canada Lir mit, John S. Laidlaw LUNDEEN & LAIDLPrW Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock Yards 17.20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1907. ****e****** j�* e******;, *' ** How Much are Tooth Brushes ? That depends. Depends quite a lilt on the KIND of a brush you %vivat, Not n bad one itt all for 10c - It's a real good one for the money. But around equarter wo prom - Ise you something really extra -bristles of the Ilnest meter - lel and there to stay. Smell brushes for the children from 50 up. And by the way, you'd stave dentists' hills If the children wore taught to take proper Dare of their teeth. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Mr, Bron foot, of Seaford), was n visitor at Alm. L. McDonald's this week. .Joseph 1icTeegaI t and family, of Bermidji, Minn,, are visiting Oran Alc- 'l'agg.wrt Alis, Christian Ran is hom0 from Stratford fleshless College, having completed her course ill shorthand rued typewriting there, Rev, D. Johnston, %who Inc been vis- iting relatives in Grey, called on it few friends 111'10 this week, Mr, Johnston hits It000pte(I It call to Ildie ton. Ilel11' Loddon, '1110 Sovereign Bank have had their now fixtures put in which aro the teed modern. 'l'Iie beck part is also fitted up es sleeping apartments for the intim. , work will not be iu vain, tiger and staff, Rev. John Lincoln Small, B. A. Inducted Pastor of St. Andrew's Church .•o•.•.,o..o As stated lest week this induction of the call is not only a strong and hearty Itev. J. 1.. Small, 13, A,, took plied iu 0110 from St. Andrews's church, but we believe also from God. , 1Ve hope that you will never regcrut the step you have taken in corning Itlllorlg IIs es our pastor, 11'e can its. B11111 you that you have. the Ileitrty s11l port of the session and the cougrcgn• tion, \Vo aro sure that by t, oil'. 0 race you will fulfil the highest (lopes of ,your many Mende hero, You aro really no stranger to us, for idiom live years we have hoard of your increasing; and self denying Labors St, Andrew's church hast Thursday af- ternoon before a large congregation, Before the servi.se was opened Itov, U►'. MCLeatl asked if any cf the people as- sembled had any objection t.) (Rev, \11, Small being irtductuil as pastor of :t) [0 (tl,p0(LI' 1)010l'0 tale, inmrll4- 10 !)'tt+(!111etet. As there %sore none t 110 service proceeded. 1tev, N. AL Leckie, moderator, open- ed the service by the singeing of I';uhn 131, Which wits followot1 by the reading of the lesson 11, Kings and 211(1 chap- among our good friends itt Auburn and ter. Tho Moderator led in prayer, Smith's Hill. After singing hymn 1112 Rev. Mr, (Jr- 11'e have called you not only nn tllo quhart, of Kipper', preached the soy- testimony of your good work and your mon, taking his text from the first part noble character, hut on the testimony of die Hth verse of the 19th Psalm, of the spirit of God who has sot flim '"I'hn statutes of the Lord aro right," murk upon you, 111111 preached a very strong sermon Let nu say ww'itb ill modesty, yet showing that tho stntntee of the Lord %with pardonable pride that you conal are right (1) in their form, (2) in their not to a field unworked or neglected, history, (II) in their doctrim!, 11)1d (•1) in For 10 years oar former pastor was their result. Al r, Urllullnrt's Merinos with us and Is with us today to testify was listened to attentively and the to the loving tie tint still hinds us, speaker showed that he had put notch We can have no better wish for you time and thought on his sertnon for its our pastor than that you shall be this special occasion. After Hymn 471 spared to us as long and blessed to us Rev, .1' L. Smell, 13, A., was called to in as many ways as was our late b the platform and answered the gees- loved pastor, Dr, McLean, %whose wor tions put forth by the Presby1nrleul and personality his college has dcerue church, after which Itov, Mr, Ander- worthy of its highest distinction, con son, of 0odl'rich, addressed the new furring on hint the honorary degree o pastor taking ns his subject what the D, 1), Lord gevo his disciples, "Go ye and Wu feel you will prove a worthy sue preach the Gospel," liov, Mr, Smith, cessor to the esteemed father of ou of Ilensall, addressed the people end Presbytery, his advice was worthy to be taken to '!'(lore are difficulties before you and heart and (allowed, fur if the congro- burdens to sharp, sorrow smitten lives gado!) of St. Andrew's church did it and horses to corn(ort, yet wo feel there the church would grow and the work are joys before ycu, joys of a people's of the pastor would be successful. The love and fidelity, induction service was closed by Psalm To -day we join hands in the battle 70 and the beuedictia11 was pronounced for the right, in the care of puor, in the by Itov, Dr. McLean, the former pastor megnify'ing of God'e name, in the up. of the church, lifting; of the principles of the Cross, '1'u the fig majority of the con grogn• the spreading of ourSayiout•'s gospel 111 tion an induction service wits some- this world, May Jehovah, the God of thing; new as the old beloved pastor, our fathers, be our refuge ; luny Jesus, Dr, McLeen, had occupied the pulpit his on, be our Saviour rand friend and for 40 years. The service was impress- 111113' the Holy Spirit be our comforter Ivo and the congregation should from and guide, now on work with the pastor and their 1Ve welcolnn you, and by God's grace we will 110 true to you and give you every assistance in building up Hi• IKingdoen in our midst, Signed in behalf of the congregation of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth ; H, AIcQuerric, R. Somers, D. B. MclCinnon, A, AleNitlly, \Vin, l'umpbcll, k d • f r Win, Enligh, the popular proprietor of the 1Valton Hotel, has disposed of his hotel property to M r, Timmer, of Milverton, The price is said to bo in the neighborhood of $1000, At die last Public Library commit' the meeting it was decided, starting May 1st, to have the Iibrin'',' open only t wo nights it wook instead of three as Dr' J.MILNE 1 heretofore, 11'cdnesdny from 7 to 9 p, • • tn. and Friday from 4 to 7 p, 1n. H• GrIDILA 1E lir A man should be very par- ticular in selecting his fur- nishings to select something 'that is becoming to him as some men can wear what other nen could not wear at all. We have a bigger and larger range to select from as we devote all our time to this one thing, viz. : To dress you from Hat to Shoes Look at our Marconi Italian Felt IIitt, Dur Mar- lor'R English Still' Hat, black or brown, big variety of Light Linen 811(1 Strew Iints, our Perfection Brand Clothing, 'Pies and Shirts all newest designs, also our King and Dictator Sltocs from $3 to $5, Remember we, taro tho Only Exclusive Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers in Blyth S.H. ............ idley - w:I r th T110 111 11113101'S present were Revs, Dr, 31eLenu .1. A, Anderson, B. A,, and Janes Hamilton, 13 A., of Goderich ; E, F. McL .Smith, 13. A,, of Hensel! ; N. Al. Leckie, 13, D,, of Lundesboro ; 1), 1V, S. Urquhart, 13, A,, of liippeu ; ll, Cn1'811'01I, of \IcKillop mud Win- throp churches, The elders present from it distance were 'I'Ilos. Andel•sou, of Auburn ; 11r, Linklater, of Leo - burn ; Mr, 1[illam, of McKillop ; A, Elliott, of Burns' church, and Arthur Jiunieson, of Londesboro, 1''rain live o'clock till nearly eight p. in. the congregational supper was served in the basement at which place the pastor met the people who no is to labor among, 'T110 supper was maty and the good things were in abund- ance. The flowers were loaned by Mrs, 1V1n, Campbell and were prettily ar- ranged. THE ItECt31''I'10N, At eight o'clock Rev, Mr, Leckie called -the sleeting to order in tho audi- torium, and after op011iug remark, the following program was glean :-Au- thors, "Onward Christian .Soldiers," by choir ; address, Roy, 1V, 1I, Hartley ; duet, "Congo Unto Ale," Aliss A1, [and Frank Anacreon ; address, Rev, A. Mc- Lean, D. ll, ; nntIom, "Softly Prado the Shades of Ev,oning;," choir ; ad- dress, Rev. D. W. Urquhart : solo, "Calvary," Miss Sadie Souders ; ad - dross, \Vin. Campbell ; reply, Rev, J. L. Small ; duet, ",11y Redeemer," Aliss- Os Jessie Sonleesand Kate Cuuling ; ad- dress, ltov, 5, Andersen ; anthem, ''In the Cross," by choir ; "God Save the ]Ging," The following is n copy of the address which wtt8 1.011 11 to 1.110 new pastor :- Ruv, J. L, Smell, 13, A., Pastor of St, Andrew's Church, Myth Dear Pastor,-1Vo, the members and ndhoroute of St. Andrew's Church, Blyth, wish to convey to sett our 'teeny thanks mid appreciation for your kind acceptance of the cull we have giyeu you. We feel certain that Auburn. Rev. Dr, McLean, of Goderich, de. - dared the pulpit of the Presbyterian church vacent lust Sabbath. Tho Lu.lteran congregation intend leaving preaching every alternate San - bath for a %while, until they can arrange for a settled pastor, The Presbyterians have the thither on the ground for the erection of the naw ,pegs, which will be proceeded with us soon as the weather will por- trait, ]a, Phillips, blacksmith, has rented the blacksmith shop of John Phillips and has moved into it, 11r, Phillips has also rented the house lately oc- cupied by James Young. We aro glad to be able to state that Mr, Anderson basso far recovered from her recent illness that she is able to be up for a short time each dny, She Tuts not recovered the power of speech, however, The .Epworth League of the tlfetll- odist. church has elected officers ,as follows :-President, J. E. Robertson ; 1st vice president, hiss E. A. Blair ; '2nd, Mrs. A, E. Jones ; Bred, Miss May Ferguson ; 4th, Aliss ,\label 13, Erratt ; secretary, John H. Jmcicson ; treasurer, Miss Effie Knsx ; organist, Mies Cepha Echlin, 1' SPRING TERM from April 2nd merges into our Hummer session for July and Aug. est. Enter any tinge. No vacs. tions. Clip out, sign this and re. (wive our catalogue by return mull, Name Address ,.,,,,*..................... Send to Central Business College', Toronto. W. Ii, Shaw, Principal. It No. 36. This is the store to come to if you are look. ing for tastefulness and quality. Our new Spring Curtains are the best we have ever shown, exclusive designs. If you have any idea of purchasing curtains, see ours. Lace Curtains at 25c a pair Two dilt'.lenr Innes of i,se . Curtsies, `21, wards long, gruod ikiti • : 1;cuiltl at 2.13 and 3 is per lair, Noll "vlraeu Lice (;urtah,s, :3 yard,' longs and i2 inches V•ble, very 1'.p& ittI at .-Arc per pair, Lace Curtains at 75c Nottingham Lace Curtains, :13 yards long and 12 inches %%Ide, special at 7•,t; per 3111[1', Lace Curtains at $1.25 a pair Nottlighant Ince CurtaInr, a1', yard~ long, 48 Inches t%idi, edges all lock htll111. ed, beautiful (Whig'', exceptional value at 41,25 per pair, Lace Curtains at $2.50 Double 'Thread Curtain, nice design, tiplendld wearing curtain, edges well Iia• imbed, extra well Ilnithed, extra value at per pair [31,50, Lace Curtains at $4 One of our special fine, double thread Nottingham Curtains, plain centre with beautiful border, exact dopy of the real Brussels net, very special at $4. Lace Curtains at $6 3} yards long, extra line thread, Batten., burg pattern. Ask to see this line, splen. did value at $Il per pair. Bobbinette Ruffled Curtains Plain net with ruffle edges, with lace and ono row of insertion, 42 inches wide at 11iu and 25c per yard. Swiss Curtain Muslin We have a full line of Swiss Curtain Muslin, all sire spots, 12o to 2.1c a yard. Door Drapes 2 special lines at $1 and $2 each. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. BZ-.YTIz Godorich. No fewer than five cnse4 of npper.di• citis are being treated at the hospital at present, '['he cold weather is delaying; build- ing[ operations 1111 the Masons Cannot get 0r' with their work. Jamieson and Mrs, Reid have reach - I d home, hsvintr had it very tempest- uous trip over the Atlantic, The premises 111011 to the C, P. R, ticket ofliee are being fitted up for Lloyd & Hill, the fruiterers who are comiui' from Stratford, Lornt{e C. Todd, n ,Star graduate, who 1111s held a responsible position In Sal'• nia, is now with A, Talbot & Co,, Lon- don, high class job printers. A m1111 from the North of the county wits sent up by P. Al, Butler to the Juno Sessions, on n charge uu'Ier the Charlton Act, the girl concerned being about 14 yenrs of ego. John Linney end David Pithlndo nr• rived in town direct from Glasgow, Scotland, They have 001110 with the intention of remaining in Cnnadn, and Mr. Linney has already secured em- ployment in town and will send for bis family to join him. Fred 1Villi:tins, tho nnfortunnte vic- tim of the accident lest summer on the Guelph and Goderich lino, hes left the hoseito1 after spending several months there recovering from his injuries, He and Mrs, 1V3llintns loft for Sutton \Vest, his mother's house, - Exeter. T. E. lln.ndford lost n $950 horse through infinmlttion, John'friebner %von the m0da1 at the Gun Club Shoot, getting 19 out of 20, Al It meeting of the AI;riculttn'nl So- ciety it was decided to rent rho grounds for )astute for the corning summer to Richard Elston for the HMO of $70. Col, Young and Mr, McIntosh, of Goderich, were in town attending the Canning Factory meeting, The for- mer was elected a director of time Colu- pnny, \i1', Cozins, of tho Grand 'Trunk rail- way, was hero ii`ild rigs"till 'i1101110w with tho Renvs stated 1hut the new station would bo commenced about the I5;h of Al ay. The Independent Order of Oddfel- lowws of Exeter Lodge, No. (37, will at- tend divine service in the Trivia, Me- morial church on Sunday, April 28th, itt 11 o'clock in the morning when Rev. Collins will preach. lir Seawright, who carne to fill his 3)09111011 its processor tat the ctuining factory it few weeks ego and was called to his I10111e in Westfield, N, Y„ owing to t ho death of his father-in-law, re- turned to town 'Tuesday and comuleu- cod his duties Wednesday, At a meeting of rho howlers iii the '('own hell the following officers were elected :-lion. Pres., W, H. Lovett ; Pres., 1? V. 0lidmcu ; Vice -fres., N. U, llurdon ;l Chap , R•ov, ll. 1V, Col- - WINGRAM BUSINESS COLLIG: Affiliated with Clinton Il, C. IndIvidunlinstruction. Write for hnnd'onie catalogue. Uoo. spottou, Prin. fins ; Sec.•Treas., W, J. Heaman. Tho officers wore empowered to select the different committees for the year. The club expects to get on the new lawn in July, Tho Victoria Day celebration this year promises to bo away ahead of the one given last year. At a meeting of the directors of the Agricultural'So- ciety held last Saturday afternoon the lists of sports es arranged by the sports comnlittee'was adopted and something good is promised for the 24th, The Newsboys' Bend of London, consisting of about 80 pieces, has been engaged for the day. This band is made up of little fellows and make a hig hit wher- ever they appear, The Exeter Band has also been engaged. Sowing Time Is At Hand Going to sow any Field or Garden Seeds ? These warm days tell you that it's time to begin thinking about It if not to com- mence to work. We're interested, because wo can sup- ply the seeds. They are the dependable kinds too which is quite important. The Red, Alsike and Lucerne Clovers and Timothy aro the highest grades, and the Mange), Sugar Beet Turnip and Car- rot are all new stock. Also a full line of Plower and (Garden Seeds. When you aro ready to sow call around, CAS[( FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES OUTT BLYTH FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the Ao- minlon Government to plane lm• migrants from the United King - dont In positions as farm laborers or domestic servants In this rioln- ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally er by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. Tho number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all requests, but every ef- fort will bo made to provide each applicant with help required. ANDREW W. SLOAN Canadian Government Employment Agent, Blyth 1', O. • w.o.,...•..ribt...rr••••••saw*.A.*b...V..11/1,..MMM.I/I...W.INIIMIM/1/0.......O.V....I....muroob.....M.III•Mll•...IMONII. 11111•1111.1.4 King award's f•!'1- ino- With Kin Emn-lanual Displeases Germany. i‘it,o;e0 coy, Apro 2,2, The ex. pa, in the Slate ColorPora, )11 sioo, tent. of and I le, damage 1),\Wore d(•stroyed I)V an van the ettielitomke are .,,e'eliter Hiatt hiiher• oualo• Iasi night, The jot 0,1 moos to has been reported. The fir -t belated that fiCly 1.000 peopk were killed in rese teiegranie to retie), HO, Hy t!it• t‘vi, lkft-11-“, \‘pri, ri,,ycj%el at lo'chick ortilit it in 11",' ;11)•v1100 Of 1111 li•plItoti 11114 nit q1111,U1. cor1•(11/01,11i'111. From 1.111 it ‘V;1=. 10;1111t'll 111;11 Meeting of Two Kings, towel ) t11('t \03II1111',), and not far (non the )'acitie etetet, end Bei lin, .1 pril 22. •- King Ed‘vtird's ap• to the vest f thaetepee, Iwo boen pot,. ore„, ;delete,: \vitt! Kig \'itin Ini- tici1lv (lest royed. elatoto. .itiratting much attention ili '1'hcontinued ;it chi:pith-Hoe, Ile, German linos, emoneinte on 125 miles eolith of here, ;ill lestiiht, i he mem tie being an effort to isoiate and were ,pd te eevere, )Ia try of the Cerea to- t. Icel 1 Oily it‘ya v from t he Ituiltlitoas that, w,9,, left 11:111 ointling1 iih Wale e. 11 celegne Gazette says by thtpreviens trembling were leveled toth'le 1,oinien ill ;'Tii' si*e 111 to ground. I' i' 'U. mr. an at t'Iipt to disturb 'No. last ehoili at chilpaneineei 'tie -or- the European equilibrium, which is eel - red at 4 oleles,k this inernine. The pen- t ehtted to aoiii:(91 misgivings regtirding eral iu committed of the treops was se- his di-eine:uncut proposeal, and tinnily vet,ely injured, The jail, the hoepit le weens Grea1 Britain t hat, "war wit and the eehool bedding.: ;It this tewn Genueny would he dangerous for uny were destroyed, The priseners ere now opponent or any eoalition of opponents," being tenanted the ruled guard. The Tide eIii p hingtmoe is interpreted hy ilesertiel the Hoyt', tool are the Tagliche 1-tundeehe ;is meaning that Jiring in improvised struet tires in the , t he German Goverement 114 gpown open air, aeary of the plale of hide and Isle. federal government is extentl• se,O, met the ..••elet,:e of pone', II 11,1 dis- ing nite the town of Chilpaneingo, armement," but it will be impossible tel t' --tore colt!! 'Ea II( rthm or the 1O -reign Offiee, untithe shtk eva4e. The 111111111er 01 Wai railed to the 'olVT1e, GaZelie'S arti- deal hs mported to date is 37. h'our-teen eie, with the ree'111 that 0 -was etetetl persons were killed in one houee. he that it ,,xlit.tee, nuinber of injured is plat at 39 l'he ; es . Lk' ()aver. Ille G-0111111 Gov• fipires, however, are not exaet and it is rnnint wie 1„ ,„ w„o r,,..,r,,e0,1e, fur believe that the etteualt y liet eventually such %hey., mid that the government will be fourd to he notch larger. officio]: 1%e:ill! lieve 1 l ells to pre• Traffic between lexiet; City and Vera vr,111 1 lo it puliiiteo ien, if tio,y had been Crie has been eompletely suepended. as 1;nolvti11 al none,. The Foreiern Mike t•petions of the (reek of both the ; (eve not -te• ato- re:: -fn for disquiet in international H1 Nfexiean natIroads are eonneel i )11 with the meeting of the sinking. Kings ..1 Eitel:Hid end Italy. miliee Italy The port of Aearleo is reportts1 to he knows then her independence is better partially submerged. gun ra tit (eel ir being a member of the The entire Pacific coitet, between Ace- 'triple ethanol, than if she is thrown polo° told Salina Cruz, a distanee of olmoN• ;yen .t!o-Frenoll support, 60111v 590 mi:es, is said to have suffered more or less severely. Thousand Lives Lost. cities of Chinpancingo id Great Britain's predominant position in 1,0 weetern part of tIlr! IIIeliterran• eau is fl reeegeized by Germany, hes no letts there. OMER ACQUITTED JURY FIND HARRIET DEWITiG'S DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. Evidence at the Inquest Held at Strat- ford—Doctors Testify That Burns Were Sustained Before Death, Which Was Due to Shock—Woman Was Mentally Weak. 1:,tratford de -watch; in the opinion of medical mea the death of Hemet ing on 'Illureday morning hoo, wet; ca Ib - 4&I by tillucte. Au inquell, was held here t000ght before Cormier 11eviin. liar- .riet Laming, it woman 53 years old, met, her tate in the home of lieupold koeller, Romeo areet, Un the day alter the tragedy lioeller Wil3 arrested. oil it charge of molder. 11 wit, claimed that time were a lillalber Of Cif- cuiswitauew iit connection 1',1L11 the cues?, but the evidence this evening tailed to substantiate any. 'Smeller denied ail knowledge of being the CILlaze uf the Woulau'es death. He claimed, as he has eluitned all along that hu went, to the room of deceased uniy to find her in flainels. The medical teetiniony support- ed Koeller's story, since the doeture said that tile burning took pi I40 beton., death. Other wituesses, who hail knewn the deceased for yeale, testified thair.she watt not really ot averiigu inentel abil- ity. She could not be trusted with fire. Czuwu Attorney tlIciiherson pro:L:tilted, and .1r, E, '1'. Harding defended the prisoner. At I u'elock Ilis morning the jury returned a verdiet t hat death was duo to burning and Mat tile burning woe aecidental. Koeller was diselierged, the Crown Attorney saying then, ‘vas 111) evidence against him. Thomas Punt, the neighbor to whom Koeller had first gone atter the tragedy, corrected his previoue evideuee, To- night he agreed with Koei11.s slatenent that it was about lialf-paet three! o'cluck in the morning when he was aroused. The bed covering used by Keeller to I woith1 net lnist her with n, lamp. She was queer. She generally took a match or t wo to ber room at night," "Hid you know her "No; yhe eniy \V!!‘. called Ihiltie," BAIL FOR THAW. EFFORTS TO GET JEROME TO CON- SENT TO HIS FREEDOM. New York, April 22. When District Attorney Jerome returned to his office from Lakeville, Conn., to -day, it is ex- pected that arrangeenints will he made for a conference between him and Harry K, Thaw's lawyers with reference to the possibility of having Thaw admitted to bail. The eneferenee probebly be held nT 'fliuredity. It is lotto,1 Oita the de- fendant's family, retiring the effect on Thaw's health of the confinement li prison during the long summer months, are most nnxious to arrange for his tempornry releuse, luid if rIr. Jerome omit1 be persuaded to listen to their pleadings they are %tilling to give a5. suranee that Thaw would be properly eared for and he produced for trial. CUPID'S AIDE JAILED, Accused of Bigamy and Fraud on Two Wornen—A Matrimonial Agent, Philadelphia, April 22.--James Mar- shall, manager of a matrimonial agency in this city, WAS held in $1,000 bail to they, charged xvith higamy and desertion, Tenie Marshall, who assisted him in the ninnngement of the agency, is charged with obtaining money under false pretences. Marjorie Fryel, and Mrs. Jennie Matthews appeared against .the prison- -er. Mrs. Fryel married Marshall in this city, after he had informed her that he owned gold mines in California put out the flumes was filled with cot- 11 fel A laska. She refilled to ad venue ton wadding, said Mrs. Susan licher in him money, nnr1 was deserted. Mrs, her evidence, 1.1 might have 1111..eq Matthews married ..Ilarshall, who had for putting out flare, end yet shim, lisetuntel the Dente of Williams, in New little indication of Iniving been burn- VIld< City. She met him in Buffalo ed, tool advanced him $1,400 to operate Join wiiheim stated that ti;„„ alleged mines. Hattie Dewing ..vas at his place he —early 2(11) letters from women desir- would never Homo li 1,„ low a lamp, iIlg to Revue husbands vere seized. '1(1)e eta rsha I 1 is a Iso the wife of Marshall, butfor the purpose of the agency, assumed the relations of a 4! tighter, According to him, the deceased wee "not all there." "in our opinion death was caused Ii.' Shonk," said Dr. .1. A. Roberteon, in concluding a report of the postenortem ex in illation, "1 tun innocent of all this. I do not know anything about how it happened," aid Leopold loellvr to a repute'. to- night in reference to the charge of mut.- dering Harriet lkwing, which has been !laid at hie door by the Crown proserat- ' tore, "New do you explain inatteir81" "1 cannot explain it, 1 went up. stairs, jest lie you have heard, And found ber hi flitinee," "Did yott ever have any quarrel with er7" "No, never,", "Why did /roil not give .her a lamp In !ter room'!" "I never did, because 4 •,e. BOY'S FACE SHATTERED, --- Reggie Clarke Killed by Accidental Dis- charge of Gun. Brockville deepetch:Reggie, the 4- year.old son of Robert Clark, of Horton, MI5 fetidly shot by the accidental dis- charge, of a gun. He and hie brother, two years older, secured possession of a breech -loading gun, The older lad lump - ped a barrel and the charge tore across the little fellow's face, shattering the nose, tearing out the right eye and in- juring the other. He died shortly after- wards, CANADIAN. .ktiuriwy.(;,i 11,15 ordered a. n ewe:lies lion into the chapleen %neck. Libernle have ilomilial(1 (.. -\• AlcCeel tor the t'seellene. Five at Haetiegs :klentlay destroy. (el two hotels and seven business estrtto lishments, 1,.:i•Sotiod, Vowr thoneeml thdlers eantributed by reeple of thitario to the Chinese famine 1)r, Kirkendall resumed his work, fend, will he sent to Shanghai to -day, lowever, and eoglectill to cauterize the vowel alien he got. through. The little girl 411:0 hit him is S:1111 10 be1 1 (I:molder of one of Ithava's most prominent families, but her mute is re- gmtnied hy 1)r. lirkenclall and the toireve til thts !Hid liirken- •••-••.m.•-••••••••••• • 9.1••••••• 1••••••11 _MM.* • • • 1.101 t•••••••••••••••••••1•001.111.1•04* Brit Of Clil[D PEONS DOCTOR. CANADIAN BLUE MASWil CRAZE. Teeth Sank Into the Flesh of His Arm While Operation Was in Progress. Mimeo N. Y., Apsil 22 I 1r„1111111 S. Of 1111, 1110:41 11(1tvil 1.4e ..preialists Iveeteni New 'ie, is 'qlfl'eVillg (rota a leolly-sIvollen arm, the result of blood poisoning eithetel by the bite of a .1-year•old-girl on %dhoti he %vats operating, The child's teeth peneteat- al ;Bums( to the bone. The iinnivereary of ti sil %roll; of Hie Salvation ANN' in 'kinetic, 40:1.5 volt" evening at 0 Ji' ittlend• ett litte.ting 1 .Iito-sey Hell. 'Coronto diteoeists htive lieked the as• sidinie of Hoe klinio• Aeetetiatit,n woo; a coey1 curtailiog the heurs i 111,4 Iabor, r. Georto, Thema; Vorman. brother of i0, Jaime-. Vorarin, Toronto. Ility Aset.esinent tOommiseioneralied in the 1,. 1! tieeeral A Calgary despatch seol.e Hint, lousiness is parely7tel by the (q):11 miller;4,(111111 ‘‘'Ork, alid VaillVay.4 will be tied, lip for want, 01 eoal in a Nvet,k or two utihoos the mines nre operated. Michael Burns, tie (till laborer, who hall been 1 'Intuit for ebout a week, died yesterday in n cell oi the Esther street pollee eotiti..11, \vlt'r 1 Nvas Itick• ed lip for tieing drunk. There is a (;:inters' stiJot; in Lon- don, and it is ineoevenieticieg citizens. The painters ore todeitoe, for a minimum tvage of :10 ceets an hour. The loses refuse to pay the settle indieeriminatetv. 'fht, painters have ouit ‘vorlo loss to Ilitiversity by the fire that destroyed the medical building told museum will be altout heli a million. 'foroitio leather workers wi'd \yeit on 11 their employers with a reipteel for an increase in The Red River is very high and fears of it flood ere entertained et el letter to the 'Oecretary of the 'lor- e/Ito Board of TrIde ti'Lltes that naviga. Hon is not exp, 'ted J )J0l at I.'ort lian till May I, Fifteen girl; and over a dozen lnen, employed et the Erootenae Cereal Com- pany'work:, Kinston, went out 011 . A Bowmarville Woman,'eAged Eighty - strike l ..e.t,.:1•,Itty for more imy, Tile addiliollal Ill.;::,'y wa 4 not forthcoming nine Years, the Victim of Midnight end now they are looking for other cm. Attack by Immigrant. ployment. _.._ ...... dell's brother physicians are keeping the mere( well guarded. The juvenile society belle ‘vrta being operate41 on fur adenoids and watt un• rely under the anaesth(tic, 1)r, Kirkendall has for many years been physician to the State Hospital ler the Insane at 11'illard, but being 111. .1s he i3 it surgeon 44114 makes a spoilty of Ilelicat °pet:Biome on the eye, ear, noir and throat, his poisoned 1lVlIl threatened his professiond life and gave the greatest concern to his femily and friends. It 4414 s reported to -(lay thnt, there Nvas no longer any 50. 11)115 11`111that n1111)1040 1111 of the suot• len member would be neceseary. bitty!' 10/15 14 now vxpeijoici, for hi ••••••••••• .......1.41•001e....111•01.ms...1•••••••••••••••••41006111..••••• ••••••41111•11•1.111.• 11,••••••Yon COMMIT SUICIDE WhiA LIUSED hal) Work of Eamine' Relief Con-imittee Arnow!, the Starving Chinese Sufferers. Shanghai, April 22. — InvcetigitHou money, food or pawneble articles end il.sniembers are too weak to work. Often the thatch roofs and timbers of houses (1'4 sold, lid families, because they had n table left, have been re. fuestel relief, and utterly discouraged, they have committed suicide, Second, where) they are q1iyt iiift 11011 One member of each deetitlite family is giv- en work which is paid for iu food, Third, the Chinese Government is pitying to :emu, families one and one half cents per day. Tickets are given to these fam• Hies entitling thom to purchase famine supplies at cost, Fon7 is furniehed to shows that the plane of the famine re- lief committee are admirable. 'lliere has been no leakage of the Finkle atiminis- ered by foreigners. A bone 'to houee inspection has needled in 90,000 famil- ies, totalliiro 5.10,000 famine euffers, lo iia. enrolled by the committee which is ntlempiing to provide food for them until Hie harvest, Additions to that list of families will he mode only AVIlell fIllIdti available justify. Three kinds of relief ticketo nre iesued, The first are free food tiekete, which an, not issued ticket holden; at relief.subentres at state unless the family has absolutely no ed times, Oi.D LADY ATTACKID ond has been forced to take the di. • fenisive beealtst, of the atta,cks made upon her by Mr. Delinne in his cloning addreee to the jun.. She denies that HOISTED FLAG OF DISTRESS TO 6he 01,1,,d the 40:riet attorney itt any TELL .OF VILLAINOUS CRIME, N1'lly, "FrOVellee," saye, "wag in love with the s (mo6o." She did everything to discourage Is r, but it wag useless. The elory of Florence's first meeting with Stanford White, she says, i3 sub - /41;1.041 Ily as told by the former on the witness stand When Florence return. 13(11111011111 Ie le(1( toh: Ait hish Ifl1elle told her mother she had met migrant named T. J. Aloore, who lots the grandeett :man White, oho nape warned her speeifically against several been in this country about a. year, ap• paired before Police Nlagietrate Horsey young ,menwith whom Florence had been acquainted, but (lid not refer to ei it, charge of breaking into the reef- ,Thinv. Nis manner, words and ns - thee of .\ Irs, Deacon, 811 years of age, Hans were the personification of whole - who resides near the cemetery, east of hearted, disinterested generosity, Mrs. Holman says, and if ever n, woman the town, It seems that week ago reposed implicit confidence iu a man Monday night Mrs. Deacon was !twat:- she Says shedid. Mrs. Holmitn then aeserta that if Florence underwent the experience that is gain to have befallen ber ho did not tnke her into her confidence. Continuing, she says; " Had she told, me what elle told the Thaw jury It would not have been neceeetry, for TIan'y Thaw to kill Stanford White. I would have done it myself," "My love for any daughter is RA deep and Intense an it lens when I firot, held her in my arms ah_elopless baby." 0 John 1e.!",r1liiir. an Englishman, 21) years oh!, who claims to be n sailor, applied to No, .2 police station, Toronto, on Ifonday night, for shelter, and was taken to the oells, Shortly afterward he was (mind Foriously ill and Se.rgt. Charltoil summoned it doctor . It was discovered that the man had, to allay hunger, eaten the scraps of cigars and cigarettes ti Wadi he had found in the etreets. BRITISI-I AND FOREIGN (mod about 12 o'clock by someone trying her door. She called out, enquiring A bonito') firm has started a motor car elm wee there, and, not understanding service betweeri London!) :1 id Paris, the reply given, got out of bed and roeeeded to dress, ifowever, the pasty It rnmored tied the Prince and continued to Inieg againet the door, Princess of '1Valee (sill pay another vieit and, after breaking through three to Canada in the near future, doors, got into the room. Ile then The illness of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain caught hold of the old Indy. In the is so Ferious that his wife's mother and struggle she cut her face againet the brother have left Boston for his bedside. Ride of the door, She filially swooned Governor Hughes vceeertley signed the ewes', end when she ennie to the num Bingham police Mil, which will permit told her lie was sorry he frightened her, practically it reorganization of the New and asked her to say nothing about it York City pollee force, and greatly in. and he would get her n present, and, crease the powers of the Commissioner lighting his pipe, went away. The old of Police. holy as soon as morning came hoisted Charles Strauss, n negro, who wa.s a flag which she has been accustomed charged with attempting an assault on a to *do tyke!) wanting nitything, and hor white woman near Bunkie, La., en Sun. neighbor, Mr. 11, Witheridge, came day, wits taken from officers by a mob and hung to a tree about six miles from Bunkie, while being talfen from the jail. Ills body was riddled with bullets, ITALIANS FOUGHT DUEL, ....••••••••••• over, when she related the events of the night. lle ut once cultic up town and interviewed Chief of Police Jarvis, who from the description given 80011 located Moore, e1fter hearing the evi- dence, the Police Megistrate committed the prisoner for trial at the comnig As - sine at Cobourg, However, it has since One of Them Killed—The Victor Com- transpired that ..11oore committed a mitted Suicide, criminal assault, on Mrs, Deacon, the old lady being afraid to tell it when New York, April 22.—Speaking to the the court WIN ill seeeion, college meeting of the Peace Conference it is one of the most villainous things that lute ,ever occurred here, Mrs. Dea- in Carnegie Hall this afternoon E'dwin eon is one of the oldest residents in D, Mead, director of the Old South His- this sicinity, having lived for Emilie torical Werrkstated that Canada and years in the township before removing the United Statein agreeing in 1815 to, town, and is universally respected, to keep no armaments on the lakes or 11 seems that Mooie, who buried his on the frontier, had pointed. out the true svife beat ,January, then residing at way for the reduction of armaments Newcastle, had been thinking at 011e ot among the nations. If they had kept up the hotths all day. their fotes and frigates, their garri. sous and inarieee, there would probably have been friction a wore of times, and STANFORD WHITE there might have been war; without them there has boon pence, security and. mutual respect. It pays for nations, 148 well as mei, to net like gentlemen, in- stead of like cowboys, HEAVY OHRE 34 YEARS FOR ROBBING A CHILD'S BANK, New York, April 22. --Clifford M. Smith, a 22.year-old youth, who was detected in the act of extracting pennies from a child's bank in a house which --- he had entered by force in the night, was sentenced today to nerve thirty-four yettra'and four mouths in Sing Sing Pri- The statement ,opeas by Raying that son, Thirty years of the term was ini. two nights after the night upon which Winnipeg, April 22,—M, E. Nicholle posed on the burglary charge, and the Harry Thaw shot Stanford Mite she editor of The Telegram, was arrested; four years and four months for having roeetved this telegram froin her daugh- elinrgN1 with minified libel, tot the T1. assaulted Mr, and Alre, John Ocetreieher ter: "It is most important for yott to !stilt of the publication of tot article le, with a loaded ((crew delver when they say absolutely nothing," ferring to 0, W, Woode, wh 44Ii le.. Interrupted him. Until now she has remained silent etesed of operating a bucket shoo. EVELYN THAW'S MOTHER WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM. Says She Never Knew the Truth Con- cerning His Friendship With Her Daughter—Would Have Saved Thaw the Trouble of Murdering White. Pitteleirg, April 22.—The Pittsburg Leader this afternoon prints a 61I.001- Itinn statement from Mrs. Charles J. Holman, mother of Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, In which she defends herself against the accusations expressed and implied agains tier during the Thaw AMENDMENTS TO OAME LAWS During the present sculpt' of the Le- gislature, amendments to the game laws have been made, A summary places the following u; the open seasons for vari. ons kinds of game in this province. Open season for deer—From Nov, 5 to 20, Moose and eariboo Sellfi011—South of the main line of the C. 1'. R., Nov. 5 to 20, and north of that line, from Oct, 21 to Nov, 21), Grouse, pheosntits, prairie fowl, part- ridge, woodeocke—Sepl, 15 ill 15. Quail, wild. turkeys, black and grey squirrels—Nov. 1 to Dee, 1. Swans and geese—Sept. 15 to April :io. Ducke and other water fowl—Sept, 1 to Dee. 31, Snipe, rail and plover—Sept, 1 to Dec, 31, Capercailzie—Sept. 15 to Pee, 15. Hares—Oct, 1 to 1)ee, i1. THEY POINTED THE WAY, Canada and States Took First Step To- ward Disartament, New York, April 22,—A fter a querrel over a girl to whom both WPTO puyin g attention, two Italians fought a ditel with 101)14' 0V11 0/,01115 Park, 1, 1., to. day, tteit result of which one of them, Suca Piandiane, was instnntly Vincenzo Cica, the other duelist, was found hiding in a closet; in the home of his victim, As the police buret in the eloeet door Cleo :hot end Id 110(1 The two men had been close frietele until they disagreed. CRIMINAL LIBEL CHARGED, Mr, M. E. Nicholls, Editor of the Win- nipeg Telegram, Arrested, WALES SETS A NE\V nv.;11 Must Magnificent Marble Palace in Lorden 'NW* Have L;ixty Tons of Sodalite Coftlicc3 id Pauels—Prin• es:is, (4 Waits the "Promula.r," lattolon, .1pril 22. -The l'rim-ets of has it, ner 1.1.•,l11 one 01 the oteeitie-i eel.: ;owe...11hoilding no:tenet in many teite-, itiohilig hos twiti tuin re• tet1otilll'11011 (II “1,1141(' 1;101111('" ter intele ier Me -motion, It is 'heed in 1 he outer valValive 1.1! 41 br I gleat 1,;18e as."el iiL 1.‘Vo irola 1 ‘ad lhveetl• menth aril that he ti 111101 Hi) in inande eoti t' a i(lineee, (.1 thetail that even 11.• cIi s ;hoer die.ont Tht, %‘erl, nee., metriiig teolipieteri make, laoiden eoire, The main stall...tee tem - tains e.440 toils el eitititary niatlele from , \ en1 (1111 111 14 114 1 1.15a 1 111-11-110,1, amazed at 1 1,1, 'wanly •,1 this ut.t1erial, awl it 11,:; 1,,f I be Pup: de- r.mi 111,11 1114 ($111:1i11 :11ttji 1 11 fer his o\vil ••eulptioto, hrom 111'Mit, An- .et-ltde inastteleecto tvere thl-td bit II) -) l)\ .I It centre i 11'1111 this de/sib:et, ‘vhite marlde i- the ;Jese entetnee hall, pilastosci tineple blue 11;10, 1: 111 ,11.111 1.11,11.11 for the tido 4114 1 0' l'FiltI15 t.r Wales, ‘,.11,1-1., ;Ito -lithe' %yes tirawn to some 1 I. -temente of the blue Ilene pooented to her el Hie lino, of her ‘ey• • ,..0 \Col! Ile him,. to Caleithi. %ea, weler• going overl.ouling tool improvements 10, Prilicese ,sieleed her epecineme 1.) Mr. 1., their 1,0,144ty i,f celor .is! hoe (kohl,' t",pite•-ing erent eolliesni as to have the quorry flaind end the. beau- tiful Wee todelite mode it -e .11r. Albeit mil to poisiaaa, Ir the tilte.. wormy. „od woh tli o1,1„ „1 !he (eelleeical Survey 1)elirt input of oda dheevertel the niint. in Ilaetieoe (1)11.11 1. % 1) rf 00 ly hout.dii ll1 Itt itt niol1 1111 1110 Ii100 0,)10 ruall.%' .01 1.110 I'VilloOrz \\*;II' 'Ilio 11 1 \‘l,:11);i1(;;,,,viii)tf 1, 111111,.:(11 lila(' I)d 111111 bon' and IlaVe 1)0011 e`cpellded, 1111 1 at; IASI, (la' ilifliulIt process of cutting and moulditto appears to le• At Itreel: ll)nee the same lilm, (';iii' ‘1‘1;11 11 when it is complt.ttel, Ilundreds 4,1 111411 ;tn. nolv Iverking le gel 1111' nevessin'y toientit.\- (,1 sixty toies mouldy/1 to form the cornices ;1 nil pilaso,res of the epartment. COMMA-NONA!. CONFMENCE. SET,II-ANNUAL MEETING 01' WEST- Elti11 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION, I ;ran t feel despateli To -day witneseed a rueh of bueineee at lho eiehi-annual se—ion of the It ester]) uattitio Congre- gational Ae,oeiation, assembted 11 tliis eily. iii id probabi!ily the next eon• ven1iou ‘,.111 be held at 1 111‘rood, al - loll 11 (101:ailely 1 11. '1 he 011,e1i in of offieer..4 r,,,,u11(91 to (91- 1001; Irilil Rev, (lutrie,4 8. Ped- hy, 7('11.1113', 111.‘'. IV, E. 1;iIroy, PrAntiord; Trynsurpr, Ilo IV. II, .1, clerk Lundell; llome elksion ltop- ri ivv, lliv, Alettlitev 1Vat• feel; Chainnao of Credentials, It(4v. I), S. Ilemillon, Lonoon, The retiring offi- cer, oen, eomplimented oil their goot1 it' trl; end Ile, mot' offivitils Ivere warmly temeteiltileted. Letters of pastoral sup- ply eo eraeti 11 1.'„ 11 Hee fietd, Bell- o -mat, end T. Ite Cersey Ileyner, of ilaiti• Mon, The cenirdit le n Church Union, which 111 111,1.11 vo-operoting with the other ilipinniiitees of the union. reported 4,,111 1 brief dieenesion which foiltoved nil members endorsed the move- ment fur 111:. Onion a thi, limp bellies, .k repot 1 01 ellallgoA in the constitution of the Coeeregtitioliel Union Ivas tolopt• el. 11', Cherlee l'edle,v, of 1I'ootIstoel. dealt 1111 11 'The Ethics of Hie Crows," ad - \emit ino in line with The newer thought wits formerly called tht, morel in- fluence of the ill:element, Rio. Edwin llobbe geve n paper on Speeiet :11ission tf rengreottliood- km." A theught fill review of " Coto ;ereenreinti!isin in England loot ()mole 4445e given by Rev, \V. E. E RiJiay, Ilrant• rum, Thpologivoi c'olit.rovo•sy" Ira?, revielytello Ile'. .1. 1'. (lerrie, of Stratford, who !Hostl 111.4 reinerlzs 11 ltey, 11 1, c•iteptedre feed; outlining the ivw 1 licidoey, Netiorte 111 inieeionau \York itlioved good effort tit loom, lind Owned, 1.'oreign Ivor?: %%111 be extendeel to the westor11 perl of rid ibm MIMI! 11(v. T, Will go in llay. '1'he Brethree vowelise n sect of thirty vinvehes, rx xiaufirit Listosvel. They lieve Heeled to unite with ihe emigre - kola 1 hody, end unnouneed to -(lay that 1111 leen' difficulties have been prnr- ivally overcome ond that it WIN hoped to consumninte the union in June next. when the Coneregationtil Union Of Can. Iola meets, 1101', Ung- weirt 11, a ihilliinoli,(14.11%*CEP(f 1111 address 011 "TP11111'116'9 in the 1!t'111;4)1114 LII.O Of 1'111)1(111," in WIliell Ile dealt With relic (4111 111.5es find progress, eml Rev, 11, A. 11'illreet1illy spoke on "The Church and. the People'' ST' � ONG Yt>f! 1'Y 1. 6t14)1•\1(1111I1f• lath 1r1'11'ilt11 Ill',IN'1'r (/f 1111.11. 1 /11: 011 Irurratiter's 111[4, u.11hula ;I .111, Ila( IUu 8101111 by rhafiug 11I, her ullj!ii1111Q', ;11141 11111gillg to arc for hila, ell" what it (x)l((444 4)')! `he found, mA 1)h+' exp(•^I rd, 1lir 11,;01: 1(go hrinn;;im;( to Earle, of whi)11 h4r undo hull 5111/h(11, "\1'111(1 1111 Vo yen Mere, h:lli1•1111?" h)'r fill her asked, as. after etanllning il; ad)r(,.s Hill .nal, she vas about In re• turn it, to the dr11\Ol'. "It, is something- some paper., I think * (1I,I,t 114!loll;re11 to 1 t' „ (1;11itllu. iais or• G1 -i .. N TEArd, and be nuti(lvl the flush that spramt, io her cliis'1; IIs rho pruIOIln01+•I his mune. �4�i 3 I �, ► :f r v: ;' I >.''r i �1/_ _ �: i E7 f• t,! (.'_ • . z E A A I/!1}'111 "Let Ins (4, it,," he 0.1(;11, holding 4401, 11„1)d fol' It. "furl 4111 4', 4):;'n: the 444)1-H)' papa, 11 l',i:.11.) 1':1;'1;}:T(' 4f�i,1' 1041, 5(?c, Orre. 1,'nr Peun:[-A'1' ALL Cl1OClRS, "I :;hall 1101. 1'411'11' R!ehard; then he )'01111'; h;til; 14) us, I shall he his friend just as I :tllt'nvs hale liven, 1(11.1 1 sh:lll defend hilt n'hen:vet' 1 t,,, " Itirhnrd Porr,'sler•'.4 eye, light.• 4,1 lvilll u)!lairetiun ;is they rotted tip,H the spirited face beside hint, dull he lis" tercel 111 1114.;4' hrnvc 11111 f4:ler(-; 1V 1r1s, "I amt proud of you, Edith, for 1't;tnrl- ing up so bravely for the right, even ihough others may ctrl the lip at, yen for for doing it, 1t, is 4)u wander that I love ,you, dear," lie added, lvilll t4i;l,flll tr.11erne•;: "if if 1 111111' mi1!I11 II:UI -all! 11.1011 was 1 1'a}'int:?" Ile stopped sieldenit•, lvhilr 1I .Ildder •bulk him, and I';dilha, not understald- ing his la:l 7(0011'4, feared his (1)114(1 (v:) w:lndering. Presently, however. he resumed) "But 11'11;11 1 voided 11) tell you 1t,,(; this; ,'ince Eerl4', 1Ilk.fortl4I I !;.11e planned to (l1) something for idol ;14 , 0'111 11. 1444 14111" rxl:dr4�, Ile hill be [1111011 f'lr the her by ll::l( time if he [(Wiles the rulr'�e i hate 41444110)1 14111 for 141111, 81111 1 intended offering Ilial 0 i'';rtner';l4fl, %vitt) me; 4)r, in ease he dill not feel lila IelllOilllllg here, git 111;: hint 4nllletlllll'. haml.onu' \sith lvhieh to start life some- where else, Ihlt 1 e;l1) d(4 neither 11.171" Ini,'lit Imre helped Ihr'o inn degree if' 11:1(1 tlie11, 1:111 if- if you should eve! hear 11nything that seems sll'argr, 4)r 11'000'_ l4) you, you 1ili 1l'V taut 111 hlaule 4)u will 101441 mm ,till?" he pleaded, yea l'niugly. "1'loc!e diehard, you valued ever have 110111' alll'tlli(Ig 11) 11'1'1' 1VI'nll'!. 1'„II 1111111 not t'llk !:u; if yon d1), 1 shell not be able to listen to you calmly. 14111)11 break hnvr 4;1 .4:14(4 of ll:'1ilf. 1!1141 i must not far voter sake," Edith:, said, brokenly, and feeling n; if her heart must burst 44';1h its; w'eig)l, of s.,l'rnw, say no nun':', mid it i; preArial tl!, � , ,.,1 )(Y you 1 rust (Ile n '1.011 (1(1111111 'Kilo 11' 11011' IIIIICII I have alw,Iy:4 loved you, You have been 1!I;1' ;1 little greet) oasis i4) the de- sert of my heart.; 11l11•ayn 11 sonny of u'If ,''1 :,11 1 toe. 1 hope, Illy brute!, that nothing, hill ever cloud your filture: but if there should, you twill ,till love end think of ale you 1:'411 not hien) 17nele diehard for you like; but the Ilend:age it,•, not In he 1)i,:'lH I,'' she ,,.1;11, es she relu('l.:iltly handed it,. to lalll, "Indeed! and by 77'hntie mill:Orlly Ila )441(1 .114:)k .0 emphatically?" .11r. I):tlton (ed, with n .neer, us, In' cnrwu;:y ex:rnin)41 1h-' hold, clear 11'riting (yob the w1')l'lr, and wondered %eleil piecrrts it ,:0111;1illl1, '•)t,1' 1'ii' :' Ili(Lr'11'n, papa," Edith(' ): 110:1('11, 14101ly, 1114 (111'.!) gl•Uwhig deeper Irl( her cheek et h!14 sneer. 11 ' spoke oftener now to her 11. 11en4 way 111:111 he had ever done before, 41111 not 41 1111,1" 11;1.9?ml (hat he dill not 77•ollllel r deeply, and Make hl+r feel as 11 1)e( 11:1' 1.1"ertiIIil!:i fl'l('I1I 11':1 1)1',!)110118 nIienolel [011111 her, .110, 1):111 on, on hti part. tya' 01:1111 ela'rrdieel that she shoirat presume to :0't so independently. It 11:1,4 n ;,r(1(( di.1u11/0ir,linent l4) him 111:44 he could not ('(44111'0,; tier 1,11*,„,i! I0' '0me, 11-11411 he bad inteltt!rll ;;;0011111 cull• I�':I,ule:I' much to his 011'0 eHjoyminr ;1, to hors. Money 11,(4. Ili., go.!; 001 to 11(4,40.1 ;I:hl keep, hill fur the Henson, he cam!! from 11 ; ,eel he l:m'1v holy to 14 fur that end a., well as ::'r}' one ill (.he wnrlrt. lint 1!41120), after nellua)inlin_' !ren=1'lf I!1or4H',1111• 11'4111 1.114' 11'iuij(; 44f I1'4 "1 •1' 1:!00 as '!ler mode's heiress, hod a:; int 100411nitae1 everything into the 11,111'1; :1'l 1i-. Furnisher', lawyer, 11r, Felton, 4ov du;t he 14401 t, nla.n'.1,g:' for her, ,j11�t o. be had dory' for 4!rinl, (0111 it 11':Is lotto he ,lintlhl Ile '!1'e:'t'Ihie:;, tl(01l to It+;11,:' ,Int' 4;1:1112.0. •'I;1 14,100 1'1elr I(dc;l•u'(!', r.11 ; , p4e,tteil .lir. IL111(m. u,; he still r4!''are)e11 the !1a41e41'I' b.dun'_ir,;f to ['midi' "Ye-. sir, the Last d:I7 4)I' old. life he '111'.'111)1144':" II" .1111 ile7'.4d(1, ;I4 if 4(4I"41 1',11'1' , 1111' 44)111:' (111'1411011S, 111401 11111110,g retreat mill 11111111'll fell' 1:al1 111'('01:11;00 0)4,1';1' l!iin;('. 0(4!I11111tt(!ll 1'111'-o paper; 10 4d11 01 the 1111 ►nolllenit, 1:1y k1•e111u_ 0.„l it J',ll,I'll''l 1 i:me rhollrt I'\. '•\n- --n(1, 111111411, 1 va1111nt hear if, pier', 11101 C1111 l'gl•d Ino 010100 1111 C111'411.1- 1 11/1r 1111111g(.1 i' you I:Ilk'" (In' fair gds! '.tolyl . In allow the seal l4) be broken. 141(111101 even 1('111 ;1 rodiril to any lyil! -:lid. deeply distressed ht• his words. and •'1'',haw1 v'IPa; a fu•.; over m lit 11.1+ nll'47 FPal'l11,'.f III44! death yl•as tal;Illg strength of p).l,er;. 01:41 77.11;1t 01111 it 1110(1)'1• to as i 70)11'1 lite 111 1111, 111 11); 1';1+'00.1 111(1 yitrm, of Ids Mind. lonroll:' if 4)e loot; in: id)'? (1. i; se:ll''l nm 1'n helpless;" and hr 4411011'411 11111%1'l "i 1111(17; -1 knot:'; i umght 1101111 tr./11' o"il ho 114,:11144 seal, lou. 1 .have v0n1101- :11 iris palsied hands with it Meaty sigh. Ile full 1110.; Int"-. 114;11( 0 d0e,•de:77-It )r I I4 e o< !'hath i. jn;t. like yen, ['111414 l'' 'ill'''. , i a 1, rel ,I) to k.roly 1h1at -''•J ,0e- 4'1(1 ,--•'ther) 11r(' s0 Illalll' salt things 11) 1';) t!,:' 1'441111;4 41(41'1;'1 1'1 O'U'l(, •,1 • 1(1'', •t but he van l have the , money efru if you lif''', 11(44! b1)14 you, Illy darling --- lay 1y.'' Ills 4)L :'hti ill 1))0 'fl l)ange y mi. 77'NII," 1;11'- 1)7.11 dill'iill'r -- (.;011 m4cr bless' and keep "i Ito mal (!link it i 1001 !;i yell (toll) '111 :(11'1'011• (111(1 harm." I. I, ell', 1'0.4, flat is wlutt i want; 77hrll he Ile LI)' 4;!4111 for several minutes look-lVI 4he,lk 1.14 Eerie in HO way; arid, dune:; out from that dismal place h0 W1ll in,/ i4)1 into her faro 11:; if be hne%1. 11 11111 1100 it i, Ally yr not, it i> h',, secret. feel ;14 ('we3'y 111;01'4 )11x11(1 14 a11;2141 hlnl, ' II)U1 no 4111' 111(11( ;111'1' 1'1'0111 to 11 IPI) Illrr • fedi 77'a4lt hill) I' be11. --independent, toll). was the last lime, 110+1 he must fix its ;01f," I;tl11'h;l ;ir,w,'re+l, %',ith'ii;:11ity al:,) II" 411111 will his way and esl.nhlish him• ('Ver lin'';unenl np11n his, n)emurJ' lir .;,ale .ho VI. 01 'ph;'i1. self sommvher0. f 77'11111 you, I':dithn, t,) G)1')' the )00)'1(1 uulnu%`u 71 rapped hila in "It 1',4400; to nu, ,1'111 :4)'e 0111,^,4'"0400• 14(4 1117-4114 lvlds. , give him ire thou=;Ind 111111004; I shallt ably inter( -41,1•11, mad very Ialient in tom). 10101'0 you It thy httnd4nnlo dollars; nay •\I.'!(404.1h he whisper1'1l: )h'fenee, of a (IUVi('te;l erllulncrl," retort- leave 111•; no., dear, and go „)1t into nI All'. 1/111. 1/11, 0(411;;;l4'ra.Ily 4:11)4:Led by dear ---more then :1 hundred 111111 fifty the fresh air. i have livid you tun long tib•, daughter's ildra thousand, and you will not )1l1sl that 1 1 001001(, 011;111," 1'0111' )'hlI'k.; aro 1)1110, 1'0111 (')"P.; :11'41 ;till (1RI'11!)' iulerrnlr;l in Earle1'11, indeed! 1;11010 ,hull hare ;.wire' diol. f fear 1 have hecu.41(11411 to l;cel( \1'a\'im, pap(t1 he 17,14 my friend before (h fluff, if You would like. 1 do 11',1 110011 von 1140)' �'o much,"1:4 wy4)4 so luiforinnalle; he is my 11'1011(1 t. mII WII for l1 hale (1"11 to tag)! 1 J':11ithn stooped wills a soh and kis;-el still." she bratel,t- returned, 4'044 „f 0111 you know.' hunt upon his lips, his cheek, his eyes, his "I suppose you even 111(01111 to 1;11;0. huh', with 1,ah4i)1111t1 f(I l•al, I1 1o! then him 1111'dol' the shnduly of your 4.10(1: l')14g lyJ 01)411(1 Inst 11'0110114 lips olllal)v 71;me77' weal 00011,1. 4411111 111 I0 0111114 for a lit win;; elicit 11(4 euulrs out 'o( prison'," he NO II better than he, 11071' 5 11 111 11 0 1• Dalton had '' '1411'14. 11)01 she might give vont int 1',;01',17'11, 04'41r;lined Io her nearly breaking heart, "1 ;hall l'eNliimly not 0iLhhold '!'y 110011 able to provide as uaplsnnlely, 1(4 'ill(' h0 had for his family 11110;11 ► the past e 4iok 1111E11 1lticl►Itl her 'lith loud fr.ete.s,ril) (Voni him, 71'h:le he i•1' ill 710ry 1" 1 n)1d longing mhm, 1)y she glided from the 7(111 lural to retain it; and le..;141.4 •- y)'nt'. 1301. i1'. 411;11, positively: �' "X44, 1:11 1141 jest, ten tvely: 1'l,',1111,_" room, nnil thele murmured, prn'ye'fmlly: ''I;0sides what Sumner 1)nitoe asked, 110 nulrm; nmd, if 1 m 144 the Inns I thn]leaven grant that that sin may eel'• with brl,:ill;: e'y'e;., u; she hesitated, hr 111) be Will dunhlm it iId)1l1110 dm (I lit- o x11(1017' her life. Iitrelv,II, my 4.14)1• 11)' 110(1 no idea that there .(1.); •4) tier while. Earl() 11'uyne 11'.11 make a ],,dithl-the „Illy gienin of real buppi• Iaueh 'fee and ,'1/101;, 1).tllcd Irl( in the (le 1 m;ul, blit -therm is Smnr m)4tr--1'y !(less my life hos ever ]tnow'n•" tittle lad(', who until 110'01 r)'Ioutly ,hurl „ 1\rlie l early morning came, dint 11)1d 11!11'al'ed t0 hint only at light •Ill's: t,0. conceded with his (arty life. d'l quiet and shill with Ole hearydew, the sweet -temper( ( eh0•A uJ1lery! Of what nature?' palsied limbs had grown cold and stiff, !rue, s1' 1),[d been 77•;1)[01 1)t lime;, "1 du not tom \v; le would not tell the 1,')'41(6 heart, 14(141 0(',ltsn(1 its, sl)gg6sll blit be 111111 (rut Minded it 11'1)011 it 1V11•3 Ins, and that br.:+in0+s 1)l' )lis that me beating; the sightless eyes 17(44(4 ((used; 1,1111[;11011 l4) 1.114' little 1hi11t4'; of )'1111(1- 1VenL to tl•ltnsact on the dal' before the the noble Nee hn(1 sett led into peals., 11401 hood; and, 1101'00 hnl'iflg Ind awl • other rnl,hery, ym a1c)1r'nl11er, IR! said 1708 coo• 1110 ,„4)l Ind passed through (lotth')i par- I'lllhla'rn it hod heel) bill pleasure m 1' 'meted with his pest, 011(.1 l)0 would not lel and waked in l'nrlulise. pet, her �a t and indulge her in ever\t,hin_, t , reveal it; 411111 fl„i was one reason why ,; 1'(K, 1'1)171,•(11�0)i(141)1 17110 11('11111 111/ had hi(he.rfu always laughed whenthe 110)1 11(114 a (,nst hint;' and thus; his life flh11ed ort from its she opposed t. in.. and often teased her 11(.3„1 r)'nm'nlh(rl; and I. have often mlyst(n•i)us urn into the great unl;111100, for the rake of alomsing her antagonism. fondled what it cnll(1 Ile," the young 1 CIL J'TI;I1 V. whhli 1110)11' her mpprir so 1)11111)' 11 11(1 ;;ill answ7'r)'d, 11)ougRitIlll'' I,rillianl. You leu perfectly '14;11111144 that he 1 lliehni'(1 1..orrestws. affairs were drat). r.ltonld have 4. 11)01;00 of your [0110114?4 {ultkl, caul 1111' prullct'ly tel ex7'crdillg Nutv, llolere4, it 77es another matter, l J' ly hand ol)le lm•uperiy, tau--pas4nJ d11lu Ste ives setting up her will in stub• lie ar'l;ell, nig:halin!; her intently. Zorn (411/nsi11m1 t(1( his, rind up1)u 1111111004 -Sol, only 77';11;11;;', hal, ye4,y glad, VII'1411 hawk,. 4)t .►;dilha J)al(oll, of 0111 l ;1)r ;414 )011111( l4) 11;01, ton, els Richard,' she rephoil, heartily. 1,1 110 )'Mule 440'1 Mid f;lolvn wonderfully 1(1100000e,11Jua' . ° 0'0 elle 0011 di' 0;[;1'11 010;L'ul. II" hdd 1111 1116011 of mllowim)f 111'1' 10 Ile heaved a sigh of relief', 1)4 if tII!tt 1r(1tuprunli.4c hlv 44'![ 1.1:,. hi friuudnllr 1I. nlis- 77•„s 0 horde)) off his Iniad. y 11)' 400111 out lo'rall ' 4110;111 anvtlliii,, i , `'ll, was Huh like the 1.41'0105;, spark'. (0.01)112 crimlinel, end he was bound to r^ J g) Ills, impulsive Edell.... ho had so (1mmlt- !lo! a. 41111) to it in some wily, "Iir;'Ides 1Vhul , he repeated, as :;114 (lit! 110! im11medhtl)'ly reply, :1141 101ked at his 1141;1(11')', es if she W1s 440Hnewliel doubtful of the pi'oprdcly 111' telling Ilial anything more, I!tiL at length sir said: "You knew that, Filch. I(ich:uel 7(a 1lsr) d('eply i)1llrest),I in, and enterlal)1c a high regard for 1 4l1'le-----" "Please adopt a different' 1)11,1' of speol;iiig of (lin); i do not like you 111 tl,;e, 1(i1; name 4o familiarly," irlt(rrepted .lir, Dalton, with en angry tap of his foot, "feel. 7(1 II, for 110, 1\'gyne, thee," she `4!4(1, IIeI.Ili11'.:; "and. dtll•ile.t Illy 1;1:'1, in. teryiely (41lh him, t,0 said ho regarded. him as a, ,voting 1111111 of great •111'olnll:l, 11)01 that he had intended, as soon as he was filled for the lar, l4) midi() hint 0 partner in his 104;11044, :\11 this he was going 1)) 110 for ane 111)„111 ,yon ap- pear to hold i4) such contempt, ;lad as mom) es his time should expire, if he would eceepl, it.,, "1 (l4) believe 1..lull. Bichard Forrester 11'114 horn \will) II soft spot, after all-" began hie father, impatiently. "Yes, sir, nmd it 1118 l4) his heart," 1':111;140 interrupted, quietly, but with ,tut ominous sparkle in her blue 411'4$. She could not (00)01)' listen even to her father If anything disparaging was said of her beloved Uncle Richard. Dir, 1htllon glanced at her as if re - NTH if Ill. 1,110.10 n. Ill( 771411 to give hint less1y stood up in the crowded 00111 -- thim. h ""1"41 ll) "'1111 1('3ves yon cyc1;Y• mom and defoIl 1 ' thing; but you hill settle upon him this lel Ihn h(!4) of our story amount ns soon as his time is out?" un that cull day Mum i'1'c7'dyed 1t, ' I 4)1(1)1.4 doom,"1r111„111154 thawil(10x „. ale as more Brave 11)1d cJ('•cuulained, 041 1) al,, you 1141); and, (iiiel llichnr(l' more thoughtful 411(1 dignified, but not she added, lith 4 little smile, "you 1.11011' I. whit1491' 1'131(1 and attractive. that you have 1!1170)', taught ala (hut ' II' enytJliJg, the gentles gravity of the 1 !01!;1 keep 'ly promises." deep bloc (.yen, with their stlti„ly, search - "Thal 1s I'igllt; (11)11 11117, (.1101')! Is one 111 gloms!, I(144r'45(!d I1 greater (harm 'I 1 I.bi:l;r nlnro, 111 the ilIVnte 11011141' of , I j h.4) 1 , than whoa they had hce11 :so fon of mirth )111 ,01fo 1101'e is a slll11(01 pil('ktlal' ht'• '(111(1 latlglll-UI•; till, ('411111 st•If-)esti.. ('ll 11111;,in;; to 1?nrle,'11111,".1),i„°11 h0 Cnnunit• i ' , r 1 manner011was 111011 Inerinalulg Ih1in thl. ted 10 lay rare for te mo u( Ili:; 1111' lrnrales4 g'llyef;v u)' tile, liryltlrhea'ted I11•i.;nnn set, This i also rive into ynlll' 11'houl 11;01. h111d4 to keep for 11in1, and when you titin ar4irled 111111'11 lo her father's NIA 110 the 1)10ney 11111)1) 1)11)1 you can ro-'war(( 1vexation and disgust, (1 111,11.1, I'ur he had i )1rn 111, to 111!7; 1(11)1 !1111(1' mo circum• : fumrlly hupcd to have the handling of st4)4)404 allow 1110 4(44)1 to 111' hrnken, ;her money 4)l(11101:; -in going over all "C0rtai11ly not. f. 0(1)'111; 011N118 It alt cher tnsele:'s papers, ;old becoming t.hur- cre(' trust, and 1. will he (.ldlhfl 1 t') the onrhl,lr ucquadnfed. wifh nit Lilo 14);)11.; letter.' 1 of buaiu7':3s pertaining l4) them. "'1'11:111; )•011, dear; Hunt is all, i be- Jho Ind said he felt emrly Rho weltid 1107(1; 11nil 11o1" -with It yearning look mn,ko good 117(7 of the fot'(ouo whduh .he into 1.1l7' sweet, fflnslied fnv0---"you till Ioft Irl' nod 4110 1014077' ihn1t,, da order 14) 1101 (01'1.!41 'Uncle, 'ltiehnrd'-you will 4)1- do 40, Rho 1)11146 understand inn, the bp- u•ltya think kindly of 111m1" ginning everything concerning it, As it' 1 (amid ever think of you hl So she listened with the sLl'kt(:it at - 1)!n' other \vuy','' 1;11111)1 said, reproach- 1Cniiml while 1Jlcs prosy Wryer whom fully, 01111 with Blurting tears. Itichard Forrester had appointed to set. "Aly life has not been all 8111(1ot11, tie his affairs explained, now 1(1111 then 1100;;11!'. in my younger &nye there patting am Intclligomt intention, which were Luings that happened \hiell T could showed that her Jnind wits, dta'ong and tint help; and yet -and )'et". -with a, char to grasp every (letatil, dhaduw of pain on his brow-"pc]•llap14 Silly '000111 allow no one 1'07(41 herself ren leg the Interception, and (hen 'initia- lled: "111' 14':)14 kern enough i:l hn4in"41' anti :;) 144 4Is4l1 111, !14')', blit 114' has ,,:1111)'0 11,1(1• 411 minuet ;11 imlbeeile mbuml' some 4)i 11- .,.111;2- 0,1!;4;' IL)' 1 4))' 14,;1'4 Ilcl: 110 .4(4 1. "palm, do Jou [1'1141. thatyou are • p4,li..41:;l' of the deed ," 1:1)t11,1 4141;011 111 , .S i UJN CUL! I U. S. lMiAUC AS i'0;./.1.1:1111011 11,111'.. ' ':\11; but 1 11111'0 10) lli4(ieaIe Will! ;Hell (i it 4' ,, , Il, l feolislIIIey'f :113 Ill' 11118 111+,)'41 111x11 4)1114)' " II . ''f "11.'" • , been ;-;;Mill' of," was the impatient. 1•e. ' l'(`(" 1...i' 1 111 ,.::ii'. l , ', l,iy, I Id, ., 1 " la Ni,,!: 1' 1 1,', 1 • ;•tt',m, :,, "11'hat. hay 1.1111,11.1.1111,11.1'll.ichurll 110110 1.111(1 1!1 III !;f, i- ;1 1110'11 00. 11;, \114:!i;l:;l Is 1111 Vel'l' 10UII611? 111' 11,1,1 1111' 1111 (.1011 I'''II; 1':.'' 11.1%1 ..,I4:4 111„14' :or:. (I'1., 1'", .11),1 110) that, his litre had not been all 4.• .14;! I,,.. :;l iler 11.,11! 41,1{ 1114e1' smooth. \\ Iliit has lie (lone?" Elh1ha I111'db1'I0'', ( 11.0 1'0.)' ;0;14'1' (.':10411 ;1114)' inked, 1V1111 evident anxiety, :;I 1111100 1:11;1 1:. ! [,1111'+!. :I 111 Il:e 411(:14 "N., matter -00 mattter," Mr, 1),llton . u(.'11r. \\'fills Ilerrn,l:I, of Sl, (';ltharinen, said, hastily; then, as if anxious to (11!1„ whit o;I%r:: •'1 tied been afflicted (deluge the subject, asked: "IS that all '.!::.yr.h !all!;:esti 111(1)11 e;tunulcll trouble for you ale going to tell ale?" yIs:IL 1;0141' my 4uffi'ring 17(1(1.9 0t, ' \'(); but Int afraid you 1(411 Ile even 11(4.,) ilnl(s+'rihahie. 5.�nn0'tinies for whole more displeased with the rest of it than 11,418 1 ',,1414 totald' to touch food, 1 diet. 1(1111 what 1 11111')' 1111•)'011 ytold you,"the 1 ed 1(11+1 1(1 different, limey lrllfi treated young girl said, doliblfnny. 11y six doctors but. they slid not help me; "At all events, let ale hear it,." 1441(1►• grew \verse. For it time I was 'me said if he had not been 40 help- living in Hely York 0011 while there C011 - less he 7(001(1 1)17(7' 1(1111411 11 codicil l4) his stilted a specialist but lie 7(a.'4 unable % ill, !Ind given Ear,--JIr. 1Vayne s4)mle• 11) ;rive 111c any relief. I then decided (!ling handsome to start 111 life with, to try Dr, ll'illia is' )'ink Piller and in when Lis three years should eruire-----" !e;; than (1 month I felt 1(1111141 relief, 1 "Atilt!" reutinue(1 their us)' for a couple of ",Ind be elude hue promise that. 1 ' 1)u,ntdly longer and gained in weight; 1))J 111)11111 settle len tbuuc.411(1 delhtrs upon improved; the pains left me and 11111) just as 80011 4)y he should be free, 1 5 1100' feel better 1.11.10 1 halve 4)t any and at the same time return his pa(kag'• 1 L!nl4 1100;11', the past 1%0411(,1 -Tice yo;r'), to him(," 1 hill alai(':'!I:t,lly 1'0(20111111+'1111 1)1'. \1'i!• "Tee thousand dollars!" exclaimed 1;41111;' Phil: Puts to other sufferer:! be• 1<:00)4410 1)alton, aghast, I!evin;r that they will surely do for oth• „1'1',;, 1'i►'," cry what they have done for ale." "1 (11,1'1 believe it, Editlut 1)111(1111. )1. 11.111111 ie.() I)1', 11'illianls' Pin!; Pills is :0104' like 17 sickly, scntimcntal l,rm?' a', ;l blood purifier ;hal 11;'01'41 tonic you of your 0071," 1t'a; th CVC!ted 11101'1. :,l1'. 1)1(.1100 7(a!± furious1':t thethought.are not experimenfirle--they' here been trice awl proved sit:'e-,'.,sin! in thousands 'fen thousand (11dern 111 1':41;11:0'1' fortune of 41(.:01', 1t, is 110';0 poe•rr to actually 11) Le given away to It beggar and a 1111(1:4 n"114, rich, reel hln0'!, 1!0,11 enables criminal;them to cure such trouble, 414 anaemia, .'Paint!" !n+l!:'entinn, rheumatism, kidney trouble, "1 (10 not believe it, I say! `110!1 n S't, 1'it':a (lance, partial peralysi.1 and 111,111)1'011, I,I'ul'ee.!llh ('0111(1 11+7('1' 11111':' [.hose 'he(;l((1 :1'11114(11.; (4 girlhood ori";01114'! 1111 the 1111;11 r f •v ' F and After Si:( be of [Benefit. .1 .,4 to rip 11,11, t;:c 7'1.c'. I•i'� ,: 14,-,1, 04 ill ,:Ie! 111:' :1'0, 11• , , ,l sant' 10:111, W1111411111,0)11 11101 ('411141' 4 � 11.0)..1 misery. "1',11/11. 1114 1 eyes g)1iity of telling you ]•4)r sale by all m14dleine (kali 1's or by .1 f;ll4ri4)41l'," the young giI'1 demand- mail at ;1 I0 vel 041, turning upon hint, all the pride of 111 -01 le n lox or six boxes for her nature ermined by his svurds, ,(), from til" 1)1'. \1'illi:un.;' ,Medicine "Not 11101 I knew of; but-----", l;roekyille, (111[, „Then do not 11;1 re to 4)7:')11' 1110 of �• 11 now, (Ira 1)'11;11;; you only truth, yi'ODU, NOI" 'I'AI(I' Fr : 41AR1:. 4)11d 111e wishes of a dying man, 1'11''14 I Jlicluu•(l'14 11-Ish04 i4) Illi; respect are 4;1 ('red to ine, even if 111)' own heart. ;lla1 111y friendship fur 110, \I'ayn( 'lid 1101 prnne,d hue to do hila this little kind - mins mil of 111y abundance." "Little hinder.;;! It v:011141 out take (4'00 11111117 such lit lie kindnesses to 111014 n beggar of ylurscll,' sneered 1!1'. Dal- ton, wrathfully. "1 pledged myself In r xecll!o this wish just a4 soon as Earle's time expire;, anti 1 shall fulfill 111)' pledge to the letter,' Edith,) returned, somewhat proudly. "Not if I ).now it, Mins Dalton, Stich folly -such rashness, 1 enuld neve;' 1(1• low you to be guilty 1)f.' ',!'apo. ,he brv'al. pb'allil::'I) her face full of pilin, her eyes full of tell',, "why are you n„ changed towa'l! 1110 lately'? 17011 011:1 1 are all that are left of our 1Ve have 110 near relatives; 11.1' tire almost moue in the world, ]10 Hui, please (l4) not, 1e1 there be any es- 41rllllr'l'rm)'nt, any disagreement betweenIIs," 41r, Dalton's face softened for the 141(4110'1)1. "('ertainly not, my dear," he replied, ;ldepling his usual fond lune (1101 man. 1141'; "there need be 11r, estrangement, 110 dism,reelnent, if you will he reasonable; but, of 0011141', I cannot allow you to squander your 1110114,,1' i4) the way you propose doing," "11y money! Tfnw )'ante it. mune Il'hose \vas it before it became aline?" "l)lell''011 I" i'i' ster's, of 411)11'54," 114 Said, 11'1(11 some 1111('(,111441), "Vent 11111 hefnr4 it boonnl, 1111114 he lTo ('n nnnt1imnd,l ♦.4 SUFFERING BABIES Mothers min find sure relief for (.heir suffering little ones in Baby's 1?1)•n :Tablets. These 'I'ublmia :4).0 a gentle 11lxllliVe that du not gripe. the 111.1lo ane, and clue all the minor ills of 1,111i('4 and ynmrlg children. They are 111e:l4vll 111 take, 1,run1pf• i4) 111)1;0 net 1ou 111141 netlike '14(4(1lling" 14111('(;, they 11)11'00 do 111.11)1, 111111 the mother has the guarantee of a. Government nunly0;t Ihnt they vontaln no drugs harmful to oven Ilse youngest baby, Thousands of mothers give their lit• tie )IL'(",. iIo(1111L, else 11111 i ahl'.s (Pap. 'Tablet; 11!1(71 ('01);;1 ;pat dull, 4(u1Hu)il trouble, indigestion, col+(, 4)1. 1(;101114 bother the baby, 4)r when the dreaded l(edIim;f 111)111' 0011104. 11'1';, .1'1/11 )11're1Cr, 111e1;l;1l111e, 1' lathy Was a groat- .stutterer ri..1111 1-til0uion, 1)111. 111;1o1.; fu Ifaby's (!7(u 'I':lhl'ls, 11)0 ta'oltb)(' 1141• d11ltp• 114;4).(1." The 7'4111101.3 are 14,11(1 by :111 iulg.4.ists or by (mail et ''5 cents e I:ux front The 1)r, lvdi,'ine Uel. Wooten Indoors Too Much. ((toed ]leallh,) indoor Ilio with the numerous 1u'tlfIri;141 end unwholesome conditions which It lm - 14140v, is a powerful factor In tow•erlug the vitality, diminishing the power to resist. 411:4 1,0'. r 4t, la I,inlntolnln;r .1 r' 01710al 00111:401 ai(11 cuud1;14ns t redul.tire:I- k,'ys and ilea, other wild animals deterior- ate r0)11(1ly 14 captivity 1(0(10411 of the de- t'rivn(lou of the fresh 4)L• end 4mm5hlue to which they aro naturally udapied, Clvlllr4'd 71001(n aro 141mnst rollplll(d to live seedn- tnry lives. "Phis filet Icl:0unls In 1411(41' ile• )avec for the ulmust 11:?lvrr: al 111(011111,01 1101011)1 then(. �M Strangs Lacic of a University, (Sprl11'gfield, Mass., Republican.) There is no professorship of English Ittera' (tiro In the great English university of Caul bridge, Thls Is queer, and no doubt Bur Prises Americans who suppa'•.a to know some thing about English schools. But after t1:e •, f many conturles Professor Sltalt )onkel 4p parontly tbo first itppoatl for such ;t clod; quoting an American university presider who assured tits that "In our unlvel'slt1C president tattoo .tho first place," and nddln4 that In England "lt takes tbo n!r.th or tonlh, If that." 0111114' :+,1)110 el' !lac('hits. A flyll- drlyo rtgo a reveler in Purls, according to an account 111 the Petit J 1'i ;'nal', rondo a ravager that • he could ((rink twelve glan:scs of ab- ecint'1.,O while the clock Was striking the }toll.*, bf midnight. When the clock began to 1vtrike he began to drink, anti when lho clock had ceased Ntrlking ha had finished drinking the twattlt t;!'. -vs of a11sintlte. While 11141 compo lone, leaping upon chairs, W ere cheertmg luHt[I,r, the absinthe thinker fell to the floe:, dying in- Utantly. 'I'1I? 10)111 (lte(1 ns tlb(4 fool dfe.th. IIo 1•cnlly took him owe 1Lfe. On Wednet-111411.,1•, Juno 17, a lot of )nen were 'laratlsing in tho little town of Yoakiun, iii TeXIttl. After drinking a great deal and long the rovelerti all agreed that each. would drink a. pint of whikikoy within n ported of ton minnte%1. In tho eonl- jutny wale oleo known ate "Dr." Jack- son. "V(13on thn others got through 11'ltli thole (141x1441," said the report, "srnno alleged wage put smoking 10- baoea and a largo amount of alcohol into the glass propared for Jackson. 1 -In (frank the ntl-tture, ettaggored to a seat, and died within a abort time. No one," atkk''e the roport, "W11.9 hold rol;ponfrib1e for JltcJts+on's death." 1Vui1, EOM VA110 11'11 73 l'e:414)n1ib11, for t11114 man'( death. The act of tllw/e "allogod wage" Was little less than ono of murder, and it should have boon so regarded and so punitalled. "TJloro aro some men who wUi lot,lo their beta frlonds," says Car- lyle, "in order to crack a joke." Tido ob' orvatlon of the sago of Chelsea 1100)18 to be reI'i.e3(1 and brought down to (tato. 'Vlore aro evidently in Yoa- kum, Tex/Ig, some hell who aro will - 1111; to do to (1041,th an Innocent and hulple,w maul "in order to crack a Joko." 'Chcro aro cluiee in which 1 ho "practical Joker"' becomes n prac- tical .criminal. In civilized society thee(' Ira 1)a pia ,o for himoutside walla. Indians Fond of the Dance. Like all t1:e rest of his r7'(( -skim!:;'(, brethren, the ('row; Indian dearly level the dete.e, :1n Indian will drop hay. Ieh ill t!(e face of a. thunder dorm to .j.) 1 )) Il. (1:111(!0 111111 a squaw 0111 forget mil her hifalutin college e(liwetia)1 111 the prospect of keepine4 step to the 1100,' is heating of 1,110(e taint ems. The 11111`114 of the (knee represents the c11111iim ; of 111e ages -it is the call of the wild which'thc Indian can not 1.411'141, '1The 1.-t a11d, most industrious succumb til lir 77'111'4. The gC1'(l'lllllil'lll is trying t0 >lu1) lndinn (lancing on all the re.-Low;lt.lvas. for the reason that, an Indian will d4' nothing but (lance 'when he is elven free rein• -1)41111'410 ](cplll,lie:ll. .......,1M1*........,.... ..... ....:d.7(... M l.);`1:i:.1t1' (.(iC „',.r ` ;`14.1: 1,) 111/411) Ju_l,p;ic:s, ;4111 t,7::0 ,,iuthli:j; \>'h 141: iu1g ciaU9 Could licit Do as Vital•-1(u:ic Dcx- trous I'eat.s. Charles I0l'trau, 1):( Lay11:'11 cooiti'cr, whose deathk wan recently nnnounevd In the Now Yul'h 11111, mode three U•1(,a to India, where hu studied the tricks for which tho Iii dhln juggltra have long b,'.ou !wools, Ifo came b1141: with W+, opinion taut n'avollcre had exaggerated Lbelr old I I. "1 have 4)u tioanat1Lu 111 sayl143," he said to u (rlcnd on 111s last visit to this country, 'tont 4(,1(40 4(0(11144 lib dufw'aut Hindu rx)n- jureru, who welt/ gathere(1 11) vurtuus parts of Lao cuuntl'y by the Waferent itujabd be- fore whoa) 1 performed, there is not a alright trick which the 1ud1:7(s per1ural that t11u Ourupoau or Amerlutn magicians cannot do u1( well, and even bettor. "'They are clover et ewallowing long chains, w'h1c11 aro made to clink In 14th stomachs, 1111(1 sk)Uul at ewallowing swords, uutiug fire, chewing glu,sw and encircling the body with red but chains, but they are really 4)o nwru adopt at lbusu things than the ordinary fretuot and human aalu)uaudcrl that play the dime museum circuit. "As for the lope trick, the throwing up of u rope into the air, up which a maw or boy clambers hand over band, and le 110011 no more, all that 1 7(n say 111-lnouusbine, There fa no such trick "Dialog ray tours of the far cast 1 asked for that special trick, 1104 not a aingle soul did I fled who could do It or vibe had ever seen It, 1 hoard of )nen who had hoard of others who had seen It; but 1 could got no dirosa evidence. "All that 1 could discover about 1t from the Indians themselves was volcod by ono loan, who said to 1)1e In his curious English: 'All In lmegln;ltlon, all 111 travellers' taloa; 1'1.4 bean all over 111(1111 looking for tricks; would not I Love that if I could get I11' "Thorn Is a rope trick that the Indian Jugglers do and willch la very dexterous. It consists In laking a coil of rope] eevoral feet long, tossing It Into the alr and balanc- ing It on the open palm, Tho rope, how- ever, has u very thio wire running down the middle, so as to euable It to remain surf for nine or ten seconds, during which 11 Is balanced, nod that is how the trick is (tome, although u great deal of delicacy !4 involved In throwing the ropo up with tbo exact unlount of force 11) straighten out (ho coils, for anything 0 6111010 under or over would Interfere with the succc'as of the teat, which at its best Is only a juggling Interlude. "The other two great tricks of the Ilindus are tho brisket trick and tbo mango tree trick. In the first trick a boy is put Into a basket, a sword Is passed through It In vari- ous directions and the boy is seemingly kill- ed, while later ou he appears either froru tho basket or else fa discovered some dis- tanee away, perhaps up a tree, "Tho eecrot la simple, The basket le pecu- liarly shaped, tieing much larger at the bot- tom than at the top, There la ,plenty of room In the bottom of the baeket for a wiry iIlndu lad to curl 'round it colwlse, The performer In driving the sword through the basket takes excellent care to miss the boy, although to the spectators it seems as 11 the sword penetrated every ,part of the basket, Tho mango trick is even more simple, end the reports of travellers that they had witnessed with tllulr own eyed the growth of the trca le as absurd as their talus of I11ndu lads who climb up ropes and disappear, a la Jack and the Iltanstalk, In thin air. Tho mango tree is really a small twig, not more than eighteen inches high, which la deftly Introduced into a can of dirt while the latter le being covcrod with a cane made of oloth and bamboo. Tho moat startling trick I saw in the far east 7()u) performed by n mendicant In the Dlnlny Peninsula, While waiting for the mango true to 'grow' he did a few Ilfndu hanky lanky wrinkles. "Ifo took a little ball of rough cotton about the alzo of a walnut and threw it to a wo- man who formed ono of the party that were assisting him. The jerk unravelled about three rude, and she broke the end off and kept tho ball. Tho conjurer placed the end which he held In hie mouth, and by a deep breath tho cotton flew Into his mouth, and he ap- pcnred to chow It. Then ltf/ borrowed a penknife from me, and with the big blade made a motion as 1f ho would stab himself In the throat, the woman preventing him with a rather artlatle simulation of horror end excitement. "Presently she turned her Pack and the loan seized the opportunity to plunge the knife into his abdomen. That part of the trick 110 diel so realtaticnlly that I confess 1 felt rather faint, lio then put his band un- der the loose linen shirt ho was woaring and began to draw out tho piece, of cotton. "When he had drawn out Ilo4rly ns much as the length of the piece that had boon broken off he lifted hie shirt slightly and showed the end of the cottou apparently embedded 1n the skh), Ile then took the knife and moved It upward :utmost the (111111, as If he were pressing out tho last bit of thread, which was tinged with red as If with blood. "TLIs was an admirably exeraltoi Ilttlo heck, although by' no means difficult. Tho sucking In of the cotton is ehllful, but 1)l'17 14! acquired renally nfto:• 1, little practice. Of course tho dirtying of the cutlou la mere - Iv n :ncthod of secreting It (lad another piece of cottou of similar length Is roiled 7(p pre- viously and put 111 it:; pl:o'e writh the end 1olored W'1t11 00)110 1)84111, "A 11014 brown malerlal Js )tut over tbo sl(111 w•Ith a scrap of cottu11 attached lo ft, so that It really looks ns If It wore sticking out of the skin. The upward movement of the knife serapes this off 81111 It can be easily concealed in the hand 01111 conjured avruy 1(d the performer's pleasure, 1t. li a vory neat trick, but hardly adapted to the (')e4.denraw'im. "AlnoIgtaldtheng mr000st rlexterous of tho vaga- bonds and (attire of India. aro lho she',t stealers, I do not refer to the clumsy oper- ator who taken the clothesline In the watches of the night, but the bold and skilful man- ipulator who takes the sheet off your hcd 1)1)10 you 1114 sleoping on it. '1'1143 11' n 1011411011 1:1)91. Indlau trick, and lho tray the knaves manage it 19 ingenious. Tho swarthy admirer of !Inca before outer- 111t- ; bIIIUH.low or tent unolnls 11ln)801f thor- 410,0(4 4!;Cil 4'i�((:::Illi 0!!, 1•;1;1'•'l 1'1 (10110 I4) order that should any one be •twallo uud seize hie) lie may Ito enabled to wriggle from his grasp 111(4 (1a eel, Thus prepared, hu creeps Into the house as uoiselea(ly as possible. rba nights In Judie nm generally waren and onpresslvo, mud the sleep of most people, though heavy, is unensy and disturbed, 'Ma the thief fa well more of and ho takes ad• ynratal;o of It, "Ito eeroaelloe at tho 91110 o the bed null with tt feather );eptly tldtles the novo ^': lho sleeper, who, half dozing, rubs his 710140 and tu•nl3 over. While Ito is turning a little of the alleet le withdrawn from under him, 11'1140 fust asleep tho fentlter Is hpplled ag)eln, and this procose le repeated until tko ontlro sheot is withdrawn, clo city 103 oealblo toetl nobody otthe she tsleeper' 111111 when thu uneasy orcupant of tbo bed turns over ho rolls oft the sheet, '1'hls In about the cleverest trick that la performed In tho Orient," hAt,;E Fou —TIIL 13LYT11 STAN DA RD.—APRIL 25'rll, 1007. JAS. McMURCHIE 64c=��#tittYii�tlt�i:_ BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, MATH, V N'l'. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmere on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates Wo offer every accommodation con. sistent with date and conservative banking principleu. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS '1'o loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property ou our list for sale, Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect. fully Solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to S r'.tat, Lusinoss Oards. A, B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Suo• coital. to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. FitOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, I3arrisrers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich, W. I'roudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Au honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cult's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to5p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni- verstty of Trinity College' M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. oner for the County of Huron. Otl'iee, ono door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. V. E. SCQTT I1IdUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the olilee of TfU. STANDARD, Myth. Blyth Livery .,,..,AND Sale Stables 0 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 0 00 00 00 0 First•class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. ___ . ..wr• ..�..----- RING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, (rental:: trattrd,�Ont. Was established 2(1 years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patron$ has become one of the largest and most widely known onmmer- clal colleges in the province. The de. mend upou UN for commercial teschers and office assistants greatly exceeds the os supply. ��-eassist g;raduatea t ,op ttion.., Students aro entering each week. Cata- logue free. ELLIOTT & sifcLACNLAN, Principals. co<4^4?"74272...e.e.,..0 1.4e7-44z/ZZ J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, APIIIL 25. 190; People We Know Miss Ethel Barr spent Sunday in \1'inghatn. Mrs. Henry is visiting iter laugh. ter in Clinton. Mr, Jos. Cudrnore, of Clinton, was in town on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott visited in Auburn last week. Mr's, A, Tunney and children, are visiting Westfield friends. Mr, John Ilirons returned to Dur- ham to work on tate railroad. Miss Ida Turney is spending a few days at Westfield this week. Miss Edith Gilley is visiting at Walton for a few days this week. Mrs. Frank Schuler, of Seaford:, is visiting under the parental roof. Airs. John Cunningham, of Bros. sols, was a visitor in town this week, Messrs. A. Carter and W. Lfabkirk were in Brussels un Sunday after- noon, iniac Maggie McGowan, of Wawa. nosh, visited her aunt, Mrs. Steinhoff hist week. Misses Inas and Margaret Hirons, of Brussels spent Sunday at their home here. F, MCCAUGHEY of town has sold his farm on the 8th line of Morris to Henry Richmond for $2150. Mr. James Leach has secured a position as baker at Ottervillo and will leave for that place shortly. Dr. Milne and Mr. Isaac Brown made a business trip to Goderich on Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Brown's auto, Mr, henry Carpenter, near Dun. grunion, spent Thursday and Friday in Blyth the guest of Mr. John White, Drummond street. Mr. Thomas Tunney, of Westfield, who has been seriously ill from blood poisoning at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Cole, has recovered, Mr, T, E. McTaggart, who has been the operator at the G. T, R. for sometime, left Iast Thursday for Port Perry where he has a situation at the station. Mr. George Fells, of IKnnsas, ar- rived in town Saturday. Ile is at present visiting his father at Mr. Littlefair's. His father will pro. bably accompany him home, Mr. John Young, of Kansas City, Visited his aunt, Mrs, Tunney, last week. Mrs, w. A. Cole, accompanied Mr, Young as far -as Clinton and spent the day with their aunt, Mrs. Mitchell. Mr, T. W. Scott, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, has been granted a six months' leave of absence owing to ill health. Mr. Scott will visit for a time with relatives and friends near London. He left town on Wed- nesday morning. The Clinton New Era of last week says : — Mrs. Taylor, of Blyth, mother of Miss Taylor, of the Public School staff, underwent an operation in the hospital here last week, and is doing as well as could be expect- ed. She is at present the only in. mate of tho hospital. Brussels. The salt works aro in operation, There is some talk of a baseball team in town, Mrs, W. H. Kerr is on tho sick list with an attack of pleura -pneumonia. Tho foot ball boys are talking of getting new uniforms for this season Miss Bessie Wilson, of Gorrie, was visiting at the home of R. and Mrs, Leatherdale. Miss L Jean Brown went to Toronto this week where she will wisit with friends for some time. Jack Little, formerly of the Standard Rank here, has been moved to ]:loom field, near Picton, whore he becomes teller. Mrs. John Lawson, of Goderich, was spending a week at her home near Brussels and also at her sister's home, Mrs, 1". Stretton in town. Saturday of last week the License Commissioners of East Huron stet at the American Hotel, to consider ap- plications for hotel licenses. Brussels Butter factory will com- mence operations for the season of 1007 on Monday, 29th inst., in the new premises built lest Gall hy W, W. Harris, It will be up-to-date in every particular. Word was received hero Saturday morning that Mr;►, Jas, Dunford, of Clinton, had dead with heartfai1ure, Mrs. Dunford's home was formerly near' Brussels and her inaiden nano was Emma .Smalldon. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her;loss, Miss Mabel, the oldest, wits here attending her grandmother, who was sick, when the word arrived. Mrs. Dunford's ago was 89 years and 5 months. She loaves it sister in town Mrs. Allan Lamont, The body arrived here on Monday afternoon to the home of Mrs, Dunford sr„ an'] the funeral was on Tuesday to the Brussels ceme- tery. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community, TENDERS FOR DREDGING. TENDEIRS addressed to theunrleisi,rned, and endorsed "'render for lh'edg;lnt," will be received up to and including ale..• day, May nth, 1907, for the drtdaIng required at the following plate, in the Province of Ontario during the ptosent yeti*: Belle !liver, (Menai Eo.ute, (ode• rich, Kincardine, fort Elgin, Port Bur. will, Point Edward, l'urt Stanley, lio.t• deitu, 11Iver Thames, 1Viartnn, Blind 11,ver, Sydenham River, I3.nvertou, 13rontc', Bracebridge, Monfort', 0 ver Sound, Thornbury, Toronto, Watihau• shone, Wingfield Basin, Nigger and Tel,— graph Islands, Trenton l iarbor and 1).0 k C' anne1, Ponetangutshene, Midland, I(smitten, Cobuurg, Combined speeltleation and form of tender can be obtained at the 1)epaitment of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders nowt include the towing of the plant to a+'d from the works, Only dredges can be employed which are registered In C.lnad,► at the time of tiling of tenders. Contract • ora must be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have been notified of the acceptance of their tender. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed by the aotual signature of the ten. derers. An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, piyyable to the 11,onourable the Min- ister of ]while Worse, for ono thousand dollars (131,0(1(1) must accompany each tender as seegrity deposit in connection with the dredging to bo performed. The cheque will he returned in easeof non- aer+Pptare3 of tender, The Department dons not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By nrder, FR(ED, GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Pablio Works, Ottawa, April 17,1907, Newspapers will not be peld for thta a.i. vertisement it they insert it without authority from the Department, DEBENTURES FOR S&LE,—Sealed ten• dere will be received by the under. atgnod to Tuesday, inclusive, at 8 p. tn., the 11th day of May neat, for the put.. chase of $3000 Village of Blyth debent- ures, dated the 15th day of May, 1007, bearing interest at 5 per cent., repavahte yearly in 15 annual payments of $2:30,03 of principal and lutercet at the Bank of Hamilton, Blyth, Any tender not ne• cessarily accepted. Further informu. tion may ho obtained by ceiling at the Clerk's office. A. hLDER, Clerk, In Every Hone There are generally a number of articles of jewelry which are laid aside because of seine little break that they have sustained, Some of those are probably quite valuable and would again bo of service it a few rents were spent in having thont re- paired. Our repair department will ho glad to attend to any of your requirements in Its line. It will give you careful workmanlike attention. This is a good time to hunt up and bring in that throwra•aside ,jewelry and let us tit it up for you. FRANK ETOALF Jewelry and Stationery. ROBERT 11. OARNISS BLUEVALE •— — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at Tar STANDARD omce, Myth, CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . 81 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser ,. 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 05 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Too Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire ,, , 1 65 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press180 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun.. . 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week SpLectator.,,, .,,, 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily �3tur 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo - 2 2 80 The Standard ,ga,ff, Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Pre' 2 i5 The Standard and Toronto Daily World ... 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press , ... 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globo 0 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 Tho Standard and Daily Globo. , , rl 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLY'Tli, ONT, Subscribe for THE STANDARD, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries, (ret our prices. We employ no agents. WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS ONTARIO. A vcrdi3t of "not guilty" was brought in by the jury in the ease of lira. Perkins, of Canfield, on the charge of poisoning her husband, A SPECIAL train arrival here over the new C. 1', R. line fruul Toronto en Saturday, accompanying the train were Mr. Murphy, general manager at Toronto, and ,111', Sullivan, 1)resi dent of the 0. & 0. line. SOME of our citizens are trying the experiment of burning their coal ashes, and find it fairly successful. The. method 19 to take one part coal to three parts ashes and mix with a solution of salt and water. WHAT is the rnntter with our base ball club ? All of hast year's players are here and it good team could be put on the diamond, The 24th oi' May is not far off and a game should be arranged for that day. (Ji:lt,l1.D GRAVES, formerly of town, has signed to platy tr'Ith Nett'• Market fur this season. Ile was with Collingwood Inst year, R. M. McNay is in receipt of a good olrer tD go to the Toronto Tecuinsehs in the N. 1,, 1J. senior series. Thn Altar. Slur rrox—Fox.—At the residence of the br'ide's uncle, iu (i req, on April 10th by .Rev. 11, M. Laug-herd, of Brussels, 11r, Jas. 13. ,Stretton, of Brussels, formerly of JJnlgrave, to Miss Ellie May Fox. The Cr. itlo. CASEMORf.—In Morrie, on April7rh, to Air, and Mrs. .1. J. Uaseutore, a daughter, Rota)ctts,—Iii East \Vatyanosh, on April lt►tli, to Mt'. unci J1rs, Wm, Roger:► it 9011, The Torn. lluNronn.—Tn Clinton, on April 19th Enema Sinallclon, beloved wife of Jaynes Dunford, aged Sit yours and 5 mon t Its, Lox(LE V,—In Winnipeg, Man,, the infant son of Rev. and Mr,. Long- ley, tut0 Poeilie nveuuc, TAY1,01t,-1 n ;110111s on April 17th John 'Taylor aged 80 sears and 1 month, Cfft)JCII NO'T'ES, The prayer meeting in St. Andrew's church will hencelorth be held on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. '+':1: The 1V. C. 'l', T1, have cirettlated a petition for the entire suppression of the sale or gift of intoxicants and opium to the native races, of the far east. The inaugural sermons of B.ev..T. L. Small, 13, A., the new minister of St. Androw,s church were preached last Sunday, Itis morning topic was "Jesus Christ the 810110 yesterday, to- day and forever." In the evening his sermon was "The first Gentile service" when Peter was at the house of Cornelius, I/Yeualgid. Quarterly meeting will be hold on Sunday, May 5th, ltobt, Harrison entertained his friends to as taffy pull. Miss Ida Tummy, of Blyth, is visit- ing Wnatfield fiends, J. H. Illclliuton left for Regina, with a carload of horses, Fred. and Mrs, Tubb, of Goderich, were visitors here on Sunday, Will..lol)oweil k all smiles, a little boy arrived to cheer t heir home, .11 r. and Nits, Baldwin, of Asidield, were Sunday visitors with Westli••Id friends, John Vincent, of Blyth, and Roland, of Chianti, spout Sunday with their parents here. Benj. Taylor has et gaged Mr, O.+k- ridge, 12th concession, who has moved into his %%Catnt 11ulte0, A. m,'eting vi11 be held on Wedge•• (lay evening next to mho preparations for the coming., anniversary, Rev. H, E. Carrie, Of Lot► lesboro, address the League on Friday evening May aid, in tl.o interests of \1issiouar,t work. John Young, of Abelono, Kansas, son of Wm. Young, formerly of Hui. lett., visited friegds hero during last !sees!, Epworah League met Friday evening Ian subject a 13iblo contest, Sides were chosen by Misses Mildred Mc- Carty and , diary Taylor and the questions were given from the Bible by itt'v, A. E. Jones, The decision was made in favor of hiss McLarty, DnA'Cit,—Clare Whitman Longley, infant and only son of Rev, and Mrs. Langley, 1(110 Pacific avenue, Win- nipeg, died suddenly while pin,yhtg from a paroxysm caused by whooping cough and was interred at the Brook- side cemetery on April 18th. 'their many friends from here extend sym- pathy, Four Tokie11rng 0 S.ecials poi .�..�..... ...rte... iY•t A Fancy "Towelling, 17 inches, wile, should be sold at Sc. Our price 5c per yard. (;lass Towelling, 23 1n wide, loud weigh t, smooth finish, just what you want for (Dish tow - cls, t oc per yard. J. Heavy Pure Russia C' ash Towelling, 18 in, «wide. It looks like 1 2C foods. Our price loc. I uck-b ck "I owcl- lins.;, 24 inches wide, worth 20C, Our price 1 5c per }'arta. 0 �O( alPir IHI (i 0) (wt .5) Is BABIES' COMFORT WE ASK YOU '1'0 INSPECT' 01'1t Carriages, Folding Go -Carts, Folding Carriers and Wagons Never have we offered such fine goods for the price asked. J. H. CHELLE W Beavtij NW Wear - 'Rat a Shoo OoIn inatiof WOMEN DELIGHT &PRESS It sopplit's all that, buyers could demand. A shoe (I('signe(l after the !West fashion, hon. est.I Iuade and .honestly sold, ant, (is fur all that helps to make shoe excellence. 'I'Ite Enlpn'l's Shoes fin' women sold at the follc,wing pl'lees-1,2.50, 2 7n, :;3.25 3.75, Also Empress Oxfi,rds, turn soles, (Iainty, 82 25, Gents' Furnishings See 001' spring; stock o1' Men's 1''t.nev Shirts, fast colors, gloat large fitters, all size's, only $1. GROCERIES ITIS OUP A full and complete stock a hvays on hand, PCCIqLTY 13utler a t d Eggs Wanted, FOR WOMEN �`. (1 amsmstaismommil Cif �/�a� ��► „D)11, U Are You in Business 4 For Business ? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in n hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your htrsine,;,t and the wares you sell, you would Le apt to make that, address ars ia.rerest- ing as possible, so that your 11031'ers would listen and you profit by it. ]t is just the same with an advertisement in Tum STANDARD, You have the privilege of talking every molt to hundreds of people and if you aro selling honest goods and tell the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reapingg at benefit. We stand ready and willing at all tunes to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisotnents—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to $20 if a city advertising expert were consult- ed—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no man 0:x11 gat out ars good an advertisement for your business as you eau. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about it, The Standard, Blyth, Ont. V rAvA rAFA1 PA1 FA wrIA frAkYl Ana, 25TII, 1 9o7—T1.1 1 BINT1-1 STANDARD—PAGE FivE. ,...••••••••611.1•101.41~••••••••••••••■••middirladmabiroakagaraniNginkmordisommo LP:-P%riEdri-"Erii:arialiE41721 THE RIG -HT HOUSE A RELIA 131,14; TORE W ITII WORTHY (MODS ON SALE AT MODURATIt: PitIOES FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE. •••••11.1111MMINNIMIMP•MAMNIM PAI Our Greatest Display of Wash Goods Never were we heti er prepared to meet your wants, It assort - mtt was all you wanted it would Inv you to come here, but the goal. ity heltInd and the bottom prices, Your advantages hero are indis• putable, Make up your mind that you want nothing but the newest both Ili fairies and pat turns and you will not he disappointed when looking through our thitiortment. Lace Curtains We are r1lIrig the newest designs in Curtains. When you come you vill 011401 ye that our large iviNortanotit In this line will give buy ing a pleasme and sutlefuet ion. We are ready to show you goods you will see nowhere else, and ready to show you prices that you will not du oh cate. We earry n full line of Carpets, Moor 01E, Linoleum and Floor R ugs, CLII and get our prices on Hugs. For a good dress VrIalelavalparNIMI buy Priestley's Dress Goods, 011.11MINIMPS•••••••••• Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. BUTTER & EGGS TOV.A.DOPTI3MD As vk e make a ein•clalty of bundling produce w.• are payont i he highest, cash priqeh to. 11.11 yr aim E at our htore. When you hove any ot thN& for salt. got our [deem before going elsewhere. Grain docks paid after banking hours at our htore. MoMILLAN & CO. Dinsley Street Myth Tow TOPICS. TO ADVERTISERS. All ad vertkoments must be in this office by Monday noon to insure inser- tion in issue of current week. • — • '1111E early gardener gets the first P'tatoes. Cu'r's delivery yago!) is ort the road again. Tn0 next public holiday will be lortilaN', May 210, THE Sehool Board meets on Friday evening of next week hi the School House. t it SALE.—Soine second-hand buggies for sale toit my livery stable. J. N, Perdue, V. S. Bovril Lodge L. 0. 4, No. 963, will meet in their 1.all on Motidity evening to make arrangements for the 12th of July, WR Mice the following from the Toronto World of Wednesday of last week ; "Jimmy Reynolds, who was put nut of commission on account of his connection with the Wayne Kiog• C. 'notch on the 1)etroit speedway several years since, is in the hotel business in Blyth, liy the result of this race the Goldburg l3ros., of Detroit, were separated frotn a lot of g 1011 United States dol lars, found their way over to \\Tindsor, Wayne ICing's record was 2.04, tied VilIhuii C's, The former it his rec o.d at Wind• stir on July 13111, 19:13, and it is a that his health Is excellent and his curious coincident that. the latter got 900908, WW1 the exception of sight, his record the saint) (lay at Rol)ie, Uninipaired Ile attends regularly N. Y. Neither horse was ever able the church of his assistant and sue - to reduce his record, cessor, Rev, James Pyper. CouN, ii, meets next Wednesday in Industry 1 la 1 1. Coo gardeners are longing. for fine weather so they can get at their go rd en og. MARK ET REPORT.— \V heat 70-70 ;' Barley 48-18 ; Oats 36-36 ; Peas 74-75 ; 13tuter 21-22 ; Eggs 1 5-1 6, Tins week I3enj. Mason bad his household effects moved to his new residence in the terrace on Dinsley street. LAsT week the excavating of the cellar of the new residence of J. G. on Dinsley street, was COM- menced, THERE were a few from here at, tended the dance given by Mrs, and hiss Smith in Witigham on Tuesday evening. Fni fltni 11 y of II. Bradford has moved to town and are settled In their new lnane recently purchased from Mrs. R. R. Douglas. AN auction s:ile of part of the Kelly estate was held yesterday, and another will he held on Friday, P. S. Scott, of Brussels, is the atm. tioneer, Holisnim. —You want a gond job on your horse bills at at reasonable price, with good cardb and and it good cut. THE STANDARD gives you all these and also 0 notice of your horse and route free of charge. You want it in THE STANDARD bee0050 11 covers all the ground more thor- oughly than nny other advertising medium. It is to your Advantage to get your work dune here, IT was at surprise to Mrs, James Porter to notice in at British news- paper that her uncle, Rov. F. Buick, ot Alloghel, County of Entrain, Ireland, was still alive and in good health, although 98 years old, It was he who married Wm, Moody and Margaret MeGeo—the present Mrs, Porter of 1.31N 11)—In the year 1856. Ile was ordained a minister of the Irish Presbyterian church two Years prior to the ascension of'Queen Victoria and it is surprising to hear ••••••••••••••• .1011•1•••••••••••111.1••••••• . . •••••••••••••11131.3.011 MOM.. rumor On common fences tho continuous wire stays aro sure to bend and tho locks to lotto their grip under continual pros. sure of your horses or cattle. And onco they do, the top wire, soon followed by those below, will sag and dostroy tho °Moloney of your fonco. Nothing liko that can happon to our Dillon Hinge•Stay Fence, pi° short, stiff hard steel wire in our hinge -stays cannot bond when the lato: al wires aro weighted down, owing to their being so short and jointed at each strand wire. Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings tho "hinges" in the stays into notion and prevents them front bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs back into place again, Tho lateral wires aro High•Carbon Hard Stool and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and aro also crimped atilt° Internet ion of the ways and strands to provent tho stays from slipping uldowaya-therutoro 110 100k8 aro nemlod. Buy the Dillon IlingmStay Fem. Its "twin as strong," Twlco as good an 10V0/010ellt. Catalogue free. Tho Owen Sound Wire Form Co., Limited, Owon Sound, Ont. MerfIERSON BROS., BLYTH ; JOHN JOIINSON, LOND'ESI10R0 AGENTS, Too Alcomelca agency has been taken over by W. Jackson 01111 N. Cuming who have their show room in the Hamilton block, Tn E section men from town are at work again down near Hyde Park, where the G. '1', It Co. are elevating the road into London, FOR SA1E,-1 Idtenen range, heater with oven, 1 washing m i. chine, 1 wooden tub and wringer— all practically new, :wply to L. (toodday. WHAT is the matter that the grad• er can't. be put on Dinsley street to level up the road ; when it rains the road is a regular inud hole. Good work eould be done freln the front street to the station. Donixo the past week L. Hill, our local contraetor and indium, has been getting ready for the erection of his new factory which he is to erect this summer. The foundation on the south side is nearly laid, A TEA m of horses, belonging Patrick Kelly, of Morris, ran away from the G. T. R. station on Satur- day. They went up Dinsley street to Queen, then to the boundary and turned up 13radnoch'9 sideroad, being finally caught at W, P, Hallahan's in Emit Wawatiosh. Movixo,—.1enies Leach has stored his furniture in the house vacated hy %Vm, Hahltirk ; Robe! Wee is moving into Mr. Leach's house ; Adam McKenzie is moving into the house B. Mason moved out of and W. Enaigh, of Walton, will move in the house Mr, McKenzie has left. THE following from the Clinton New .Era of last week refers to a ''weary willie" who was in town on Sunday evening. of last week, and claimed to be working for a farmer near here ;--A husky looking fellow who gave his name as Albert Ley - man went to a couple of places in town, and representing that he was working for Wm. Ball of the base line, got several articles on the plea that he was sent in for them, At Johnson's harneSS Store he got at hal- ter and a whip, and it is said that he got a lantern at Courtice's store, Holmesville, on the plea that a trac- tion engine he was hauling had broken down, and he wanted to use the lantern to ilx it up. He was ar- rested on Tuesday night by Chief Wheatley, and tried before Police Magistrate Andrews the next day, who committed him to Goderich jail for sixty days. To SUBSCRIIIERS.—We are revis ing the mailing; lists of THE STAN. DART) and take this method of noti- fying all in arrears with the view of squaring off all subscriptions be. fore May 2.ist. Although trifling in itself the multiplication of these amounts makes too large a sum to have scattered over the country. Running. a newspaper at $1 per an- num, with the increase in cost of paper, type, ink and postage, leaves a very small margin of profit and it becomes a matter oC necessity to adopt the cash principle as this is the law administered to us by the wholesale houses and the Postoffice Department. Will you kindly com- ply with this item and remit so as to aid us in providing for accoun Ls that we have to meet in the coming months. We are very grateful to 0 goodly number who have straight- ened up their accounts, and while we would like to be lenient and gen- erous there 0011105 0 time when we must have a squaring off and In some cases we fear more severe nueisures will have to be adopted, viz., placing our collections in the hands of our solicitor, W Elmira}, —A quiet wedding took place at the Ontario street parsonage hi Clinton 011 Tuesday evening., 911) inst., when Miss Eva Grace liawden, second daughter of Mrs, C. 13awden, became the wife of W. A. Wiltse, second son of Levi IViltse, of the London Road. 'Phe bride is 11 very highly esteemed young lady, who was recently employed with the Jackson Manufacturing Co., the es. teem in which she is held beim; shown by at gilt of a dozen silver telt spoons from the factory, together ith it number of Ol, beautiful presents The groom is well known as 011 ittilu,trktis mid popular young farmer. 1311(1cm:tffl and grooms - n1110 were dispensed with. The bride's weddieg suit was of seal brown chill' lo broadcloth, made military style, with cream silk chif- ion waist 11'! 111 with lace insets- : tion and baby ribbon, She wore 0 hat tuscan leghorn trimmed with tusciiti 611 k roes nod foliage and rib. bon to match the stilt. Itnmediately after the ceremony they repaired to their home, The bride Connelly re- sided In Blyth and has many friends Saskatoon on Sunday, Mr, Mason here who join in extending eon- is a cousin of the Mason Bros, of the gratulation Queen's Hotel. RAVING PURGIIA TIIE BLACKSMITH SI -1013 belonging to the late R. It. Douglas, I beg leave to ask all old customers and new ones to call on me, orseshoei ng and General 131acksmithing a specialty. WORK PROMPTLY DONE. H. M. BRADFORD. NExp 1Vednesday is May -day. CRAWFORD V, TILDEN.—The fol- lowing item appeared in the Toronto daily papers on Tuesday of this week :--Judgment (E. 13, 11) ap peal by plaintiff from order of a di vision uourt (8 0, W, 11 518) rover sing jadgment of Clute, J., in favor of plaintiff in an action to enforce a mechanics lien against the defend ant railway, the Guelph and Gode- rich Railway Co. Plaintiff W104 011e of a number of' men employ, d upon construction of the railway by de. fendants '111(1011 & Co , Sul) contract ors. The Guelph & Goderich 11111 way Co, were incorporated by a Dominion statute, 4 Ed wsrd VII., c. 81, which declared the rail Way, though wholly Within the Province of Oatario, to ho it work litr the gen oral advantage of Canada, The Di visional Court held that the railway being a Federal Fail way, exclusively under the legislative coutroi or the Dominion, it was not competent for the Legislature of Ontario to enact any law which would derogate from the status and rights and property enjoyed and held by the Federal coeporation under its constitution created by the Dominion of Canada. Plaintiff' contended that the Mechlin. id Lein Act, having been amended since King v. Alford, 9 0. W. R., 613, so 118 to extend to railways, there 11, no exception as to Federal rail ways, at all events, if wholly within the province. Tile court agreed with the Divisional Court. Appeal dismissed with costs. E L. Dickinson, Goderieh, for plaintiff E. D. Armour, K. C , for defendant railway company. A. M. Stewart for defendants M. A. Pigott & Co , the principal contractors. C. E. MASON IS DEAD —Many of our readers will regret to leant of the death of Charles E Nilson, for- merly of BruceIleld, which took place at his home in Saskatoon, Sask., on Fridav, April 1 2th. Mr. Mason had been ill about a week, suffering from an attack of pnyuinonia. It was at first hoped that his robust, constitution would enable him to survive the attack, but these hopes were not realized and he sank very rapidly tewards the last, and passed away with apparently very little suffering, Mr. Mason was 67 years of age. Ho hnd been a resident of Tuekersmith nearly all his life and resided on the Mill road for over 35 years, About two years ago he seld his farm to jollies McGee who now occupies it, and soon afterwards re moved to the Northwest, settling it) the rapidly growing town of Saska- toon, where in company with his sons he engaged in the hotel busi- ness. Few men were better or more widely known in these parts than Mr, Mason, He was one of the first to import heavy draught stallions from the old country and for many years engaged entensively in that business, llo usually crossed the Atlantic himself and personally se. lected his importations and there are few men in Ontario who have done more for the promotion Of the horse breeding industry 11111 11 Mr. Mason, Frequently he met with heavy loss es but these eeetned only to inspire him with renewed courage and d(! - Le rin I in den to Sneeerd, 1418) purchased and shipper! large num- bers of horses to the old country and the Nothwest. Ile was a genial, good hearted man, who had many friends and few enemies and his death will he deeply regretted by is inamv old friends nod a4sociates among our readers. 110 was an uo eo111prom1Fing Conservative in poli tics and was an active and valued worked in the Conservative ranks at election times, but lie never allowed , his political convictions to interfere with his personal 01' inisineSs friend. ships. Ile leaves a widow and grown up family. The remains wore laid to rest in the cemetery in (11 811 88h1 8' ip NI iii in ot: 0:] eni 0144 4 i 144 4n...141 Beautifully Printed Silk Mulls Made by Arnold's, of North Adams, U, S. Only a few pieces to tone up the stock, lovely toned colorings with blending effects of hello, grcen, tassore metaden, blue, pink on plain white grounds and also dimity stripes. "Islie,,e goods makepretty waists or summer dresses, at per yard 5oc. •••1111.11.1110.01•01MIMWICIVIINOMMOIMPIIIWONNINNOMMI.b. Corset Embroideries at 25c, 35c, 40o and 60o. Our import have given us+ hotter Values and pat- toros (lth Nri.ry fine Swiss Cambrics, with well wurki.(1 pal 'erns evelei 40ms, at per yard '25c, 85e, 40c and 50e, 111•0•40•11111•111101•111111110•11.111.111•111•11111.111•1111/11111.1. Persian Lawns at 25c & 30c Never have we boil •i11t111 values in Persian Lawns. We think 11113' 010 worth :35 por cont more than we marked them. We 801%' Pi 11.ilft II 14aw; I worth 35c for per yard 26c, also one line as good as the usual 45c for per yard 30c. India Linens at 15c, 20o, 25c and 35c. India Linens, with fine silky finish, even threaded, the best values we have had fur some t itne, at 15c, 20c, 25c and 85c. 125 Wall Paper Designs to select from at per single roll 3c to 25c. tibPLESTONE & CARDINER 141 Successors to NicKINNON & CO. 11 144 irgL: t:1;:13t1i1C:r;r1:C1111.;:irligailargraggigg •••••••1110 .4%4.0'4414 Butter and Eggs Wanted Cash or Trade. le more for pound prints of butter, A full line of Groceries and Woodenware at the cheapest Prices. Salt an.ol .A. 1 Flour A. TAYLOR BLYTH Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness, The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind —won't pay us to turn out any oth r. 1-1 igh-pric(-d, experienced workmen only are employed, because They should do—and do—better work than inexperi- enced help. 6400.4•••••••••••• We will,convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. CUIRRENT COMMENT On trine cars ut ore the O'llricn aline has paid a royalty of $3 Luna;. 'C11err is silver in t'ub;O1. The Standard) Oil Cu. has been fouu,l guilty 1711 I,Ili3 counts of the indictment for rebating, and becomes liable to a tulle of $29,20,07)0 Under the Eakins law. lint the fine has not been collcctOil yet. .1 Winnipeg paper has been mulcted iu $I,0011 For publishing a story about a cert ;tin house bring hnted. And this i, 1J07, and long -faced judges draw big salaries for giving such judgment,! The toll() capitalization of Cobalt com- panies !.s nus' nearly 100,000,000, It n.aa : 3(hi,5hi,IN10 on Jlarch '_'ll, if Cobalt in to pay even five per cent, on the cltpi- t1Ili ;atiun of it; thine; it will 111lte 10 earn :I clear profit of $20,000,000 a year. 11'ill it ,1.7 it? If so, then it will be ;t record- breaking money maker. Of stents of foodstuffs aggregating $43:1,5J3,600 imported 1 y (treat Britain in 11)06 the United .States supplied $1.13,- ii0i,•100, 01' a little over one-third. Hol- land and 1.lennuu'k sent her about $;I),• (010,000 'o1'111 of butter, and :1uslr:alia sent $23,00f.r,000 of frozen mutton, -\..1Io1i1rea1 merchant hat( ban fined 5100 for not keeping ;t. proper reeUrd of Jia Lusiurs.g trluiaaetiuns, Ile failed and the ;agency appoiuttrl to investigate the estate brought a change against him of not. keeping any book's, with the above result. Tllc lacy is n good one, inhere u. amu dues credit buying. The public is beim; notified that it is illegal to spear carp, It should not be illegal; on the contrary every effort should be put forth to exterminate this fresh water shank, We owe to it the disappearance of many good fish from our waters. It was an evil day when it found its way to Ontario. The Caynor•(ireene ease is 81111 before (Ile Louisiana courts, The two convicts arc contending that they were tried for a different offence than that for which they were extradited, It looks as if they 10I1 hate to serve their terms, however. 1t is now more than seven plias since. ,11"eeel.'tli)lgs were begun against. them fur swindling the )United States Government out Of over half a million in a Sltvannall harbor contract. .•ea Some druggists i►1 Kentucky are ask- ing that the sale of carbolic acid, except o1) a physieiau's prescription, be forbid. 111'11, They slay that as it. is ono of the poisons in Most demand for various household applications, ►uul they put that forward as the reason for the re. itricti011. But is that logical? Would special poison bottles not be of more benefit? If a person wishes to eonrtnit uicide, there are scores of ways open, But if anything can be dune to pt'event uecidents, it should be considered, i':l teurizing milk was at 17110 bole IP- ;:arderd las a great gain, but. of late the system lens been repeatedly attacked 113 11 dou11fu1 value. Prof. Behring, to whom the owe so notch fur the anititox- iu0 of diphtheria, strongly deuonnees it las 1' method of substituting an artifilial for the nal ural product. Ile. also con- denl, the sterilization of milk. and the neater to render 111(.711 inuucn- . Ile said boiled milk tea.; 1101 snit:;lar (c)od for iIfanls.:11ld the boiling of water killer) the elements therein in iended by nature to make Lone and sinew. What is really necessary is euro nater and healthy cotes, Doubtless pure ivoter and pure natural milk are most 1,1 I,1 desired, and health departments ,h"ulii nils at securing them. But 1) Glen tauter and pa,teuriz7.71 silk are 17111(.7 than Crater and milk alive with disease germs, ..b 'rho 'fhilW trial has ended in it dis- agreement of the jury, n'1li -Il nil thy.' final ballot is said to have divided seven for cunvic'tion of murder in the first degree and five for aclnilt:l on the ground of insanity, and the brutal de• generate goes back. to prison to await, retrial, The failure of ,justice in the case is not so gross us 1111 ne1luittal would have been, allhough in the end 11 may mean the.sntne, The trial has been as long and cosily as the story it dis- closed tuns filthy and disgusting. 11 stoney and influence can save'i'hnty from a murderer's doom, life cannot be said to Ise sacred in New York, And it seems probable that he nuts escape to boast of tufo decd and to be a standing imita- tion to other rich moral degenerates to develop into murderers. Fine muslins, dainty lin- berie, iron easier,ilook etter, last longer f the Iaundress uses the ons cold -water (no boiling starch that really saves work and really won't stick, Try it, Get BRLARWOOD IS .1N DEMAND. Supply for Pipes Being Sought in Medi- terranean Countries. Here's an item of interest to all fond of the solace of pipe and tobacco, In answer to a letter from an Ameri- can manufacturer of briar root pipes re questing information as to the market for briar root In Spain, Consul General B, H. Itidgely, of I3areelona, replies as follows: "There is no briar rout, industry in Spain and pipes are virtually not manu factored in this country. The compare t1vely few which are used are imported from Englund and France. In the dis trict of (lualha there are forests of cestnut trees and the country people in that region occupy their spore time dor fug the winter eating this woad into rough shapes of pipes, which are sshipped from Barcelona to .ilnrseil1es, where they are finished and marketed, l was also advised in the course of lay invrstiga tion that briar root was largely found in Corsica. and I at once wrote there for information on the subject, "The result nag a. letter, from which I take the following interesting para• graph: Briar root is unobtainable just now. The two Corsican mamlfaccurers here have nlreadv refused orders from America nmonnting to 15,000 bags. A commission firm has a great many or- ders, amounting to thousands of hags per month, hut the goods eon not be had. There is an immense demand for the article, and I repeat that this can nit be supplied in Corsica." ♦e1 Growth of a Great Horse Remedy. No better illustration can be gives of great things coming from small beslunlns than KIDNDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It waa com- pounded and used In a small way about 30 years ago by Doctor 13, J. Kendall, In the then obscure village of Enosburg Fal! , Vt. SPAVIN CURE" has gone to all parts of the world. The merits, and the merits alone, of the remedy have douc II. While 1)r. Kendall was practicing he wrote • Ilttle book entitled "A Treatise on the Horse and Ills Dh:eaves." 1t Ls safe to any that no more popular work on this subject has even beau produced down (o the present day. It was originally handed out to the horsemen with whom be came In perwonal contact. It to bald that now upwards of 12,000,000 of these little books have been pub - /tithed and gratuitously distributed. The cures of spavin, curb, ringbono, splint, wird cute, sores, etc., and the expense and tabor saved to horse owners by KENI)ALL'S SPAVIN CURE are beyond cornprehension. For the greater part of these 30 years KI:N- DALL'S SPAVIN CURE hers been tho chlor, end with thousand(' of horsemen, the only remedy used. It meet be remembered that. It is not confined to North America. It is decidedly a world remedy, With the Ittlo book mentioned above to guide, and with KENDALL'9 SPAVIN CURE; at limn(' to treat promptly any came of wain, wound, lame- ness, Incipient bone growth, etc., the ordin- ary horse ownex Is well fortified against all the common ()potents to which horse flash le liable. It In unguestlonabby n more efficient romp ly, and adapted to 4110 cure of more of the ollmeut6 10 which rho horse Is liable. than any other now on the market. He Over Did It, She—You remember what you promis• 1 before we were married? l'ou said would make every effort to matte yourself worthy of mc. Ife—Yes; and the result was that I overdid it, and innrle myself better than you deserve.—Punch. 4.•' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ,lir. Oityman (looking ,for tt redorrlrtn dome)--•B1)t t,hp a.dn•ertitemcnt said the place wasOulu' ten minutch' walk 'front the station. �Natite-15'('11, the fellow who wrote that odve.rtir'me,nt used to be the amateur len;;•-distance walker of the United States, Matt Before deciding where to locate In the West, Int 715 tell you about those lands, The hest wheat fields --the richest grazing land--nre in this Province, Write u.s for full information about crops, climate and special ailroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted le each county. TELFER &OSGOOD Eastern Selling Agents RO0 CORISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL Largest Things in the World, The largest bank in the world is in London, The largest church i$ in itonle., The lnrgeat stock exchange is in New I'ork, The loftiest structure in the world is 111 )'arty, The largest i7rewery i`< in St. i,olliv. There, n. yo, is the hugest tobacco fac- tory in the world. The Large:;( suspension bridge Is in Nett furh. The lou';gest hn,pirill in the world is in Paris. 'rhe largest shine structure in the world k in Egypt.. The largest falls are ill Africa. Tho largest public gardens aro in Paris. The largest river is in ,South America, 'lite largest, monument, in the world is In Washington. The largest life insurance companies are in New York. The greatest stove factory ie in De- troit, Mich, The largest match fnetory is in Ohio. The largest gun works in the world nre in Essen. FOK ALL HUMOURS Eczema, Salt Rheum, Pustules, etc.—no remedy heals more quickly than Min Ointment. Min relieves inflammation, soothes pain, causes )sew tiuue to corer raw surfaces, and restores the skin to healthy smoothness. Mrs, J. IFebb, its Dymond Sired Tommie IDn7is: 'll u a wonder cure." J. Trended, Moil/on, sal:: "1 M1k moutn.endyour Mira Oinlmeel ur Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a mon thorough cure. At drttggili—or from The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton— Toronto, Insist on getting 40 MADL MARK RIG1ITIA New Engines for War Vessels, (Savannah, Oa., News,) A day or two ago wo commented on an interview by Lowis Nixon, the naval archt- toct, In the course of which he Bald the eteaun engine was doomed In ocean ships and predicted that the time was not far dletant when heavy vessels would be pro- 41011ed tby ptUnnnubaaulo,Con enginoa dal seems, as a matter of fact, tlwlt the British admiralty has already had plans made for the construction of cruls,'r, and even batllo- ships driven by such engines, end may be- gin the construction of such vessels before a great while, That will moan lbs disap- pearance of all tophamper, such as masts and funnels, from warsbitsi and the fight- ing craft will to outward nplrearnnce bo hard- ly more than a flaatieg gun platform, •I Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Pneumonia the Great Terror. (Kansas City Journal.) To -day pneumonia stands as the most fear ful danger to whkh the American people aro normally exposed during the winter and spring season. Statistics prepared by In- syrance actuaries furnlah a gruweonlo ex- hibit of the devastation wrought by It. Not only bas It had more deaths to Its credit during the pest winter than consumption, but 1t Is becoming more virulent each year, while corletwlption Is of ICFs deadly effect, as It is being studied and climatically troat- ed. Consumption la generally of slower Progress and Its vkxltes are given time to seek remedial ageucles. But pneumonia at- tacks tbo vigoroup es well as the woak and it throttlea in days or hours, Against con- sumption there are many remedies and regl- mona to stay its progrsgs. Dut the victim of pneumonia bas little chance, and It Is the very Irony of fate that the stronger ono la physically the quicker will be succumb to its fatal attack, ♦tete Demagogues and Gamblers, For business undertakings there is no way to success save through husincrinliko management. 'i'he exploitation and loot- ing of railronl systems for private gain in as unbusinesslike ns the exploitation and paralyzing of them for political gain. The people of the country ought to pray with equal fervor to be delivered froth the demagores on the ono han4 and from the nlantpulafora on the other. Both are dangerous.—New Yorl: Times. ITCH Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured In 30 minutes by Woltord's Sanitary Lotion, It never falls, Sold by druggist,, His First Country Visit, A little 3 -year-old was on his first vis• it in the country, I,rtys 1iippincott's Mag. (zine. itis mother nllowerl hint lo go out and see the fowls, fed end the cows mint- ed. Soon he came running to her in great excitement and concern, "linnlmat, mamma," he caller), "the calf is eating up the cowl" -••• e••,) Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, Bishop Potter's Question, A. y'oun'g clergyman in it remote coun- try district wrote mice to Bishop Pot- ter, saying that lie was about to take a wife, and asked if, to crate some other clergyman a lung and weary journey, he could not marry himself. The hishop's reply teas inarv(lnngly concise, It said: "Could yon bury yniir(CJf?" Wise IlIan, 11'isc 'Ife doe.5n't feel that he's eligi- ble for member=lisp in your Browning society, 11'0ud1)y-1'oI1 11r1u1 because he doesn't know anything about poetry, wise --Not at ell. 1 mean became he's sensible enough to admit it, --Philadel- phia frees. 4•o Good Man to Leave Alone. Atchison, Kan., Globe,) Wo havo noticed that the man whose only comment not he react! the paper Is a "kick" on the things bo does not lilts 1e rho Ramo ono who "kicks" on hiss friends; thinks the town ho 1lvois in Io the dullest on earth; comelalns because it rains too mud or doos not rain enough; think_ 1110 weather le too hot or too cold, 1t In no uuo to discuss any- thing In tho world with a plan of that kind. The only sensible thing to do is to give him time to thlui: by letting hon alone. .111000 ELET DRESSMAKIN�'CUOOL Teaches Dream Cut - Ig and Malting In all iia branches by mall (8 lessons). Tho bent e'—"um ever In- troduc In Canada. Coq of full course le now only $15, includ- ing oue of the most perfect fitting systems In use given free. Adopt this method and increase your In- c o m e, Satisfactory bunk references given 03 to your safoty In remitting money to us, For full particulars write to -day. A Pattern for the Cook. "Children," said ,Judge Hillard Mc- Ewen, at a dinner in Chicago, "are the great home builders , A lack of children (menus ttnhlppiaess, divorce, 1u the ma- jority of the divorce suite that I pass puss on n. hundred a month -- the couples arc between 30 and 40 years of lige ,and childless, ",tin children yhonld be prized and cher. despite their faults . Faulty they have, I will admit. "Only the other day I heard of a lit- e, girl,, lunching out, w110 was detected u the act of cramming a large yellow handful of Spanish omelette into the pocket of her pint: frock, "'Why, you little plg,' exclaimed suer other, 'whet on earth are you about? Put that back on your plate at once. 'Why, 1 never heard of such a thing. Mint, on earth do you mean by ill' "',It's so good, mower,' tho child ex- plained, 'tlint 1 thought I'd take a piece home to our cook for a pattern.'" ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL MINN VRlenw, inetrnotor P. 0. BOX 91 t©VN�A3, ©NT. A clergyman was talking with awe about J. Pierpont Morgan's determina- tion to stop the production of "Salome" in New York, and his willingness to re. itnbursc Mr. Conried to the extent of $60,000 rather than allow the music drama to be seen at 'the Metropolitan Opera House, "Doubtless," mild the clergyman, thoughtfully, "Mr. Morgan's $50,00( could have done more good than stop It music drama that is, 1 have been told, a great work of ort. But, all the saute, I admire the spirit of the man. Ile is a than who achieves what he wants—a rare gift. "1 remember )tow, one Easter, a Meth- odist minister in the south wrote to Mr. Morgan and asked hien to subscribe to the erection of a new church. "'Since 1 and an Episcopalian,' Mr. Morgan wrote back, 'I can't conscien- tiously join this Easter subscription to the building of it hfethodist church. Be- fore erecting your new church, though, you are going, I understand, to tear the old church down. For that purpose 1 gladly inclose my cheque for $'250,00,' " ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. %Var- ranted,the mpst wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. 4•♦ A Big Man. (London Canadian Gazette.) 1Ve cordially wekonie the selection of Colonel the 1Lon, J. M, (libson as com- mandant of the Canadian 13isley team of 1001. It will bo a year of big things, and we want big teen to honor the year. Mr. (Mason has 11ecu president of the Dominion Rifle Association; he has been in command of a C'untdian team before in the 1Vimblodon days of 20 years ago, and no man, has done more to give Cana- dian riflemen their place or honor among the. marksmen of the Empire, The ad- jutant is to be Captain Duff Stuart, of the (Ilh Rifles, Vancouver—an excellent shot. '1'o whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used RIINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well ns prescribed it in my pracliee where n liniment was required, and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, lf. I). • INDIANS FOND"OF BILLIARDS, Some of Their Favorite Dishes, Times of Feasting and Dancing. The liiotva, Comanche and Cheyenne tribes in woulhwestcrn Oklahoma consid' er dog iiwat better eating than any oth' er mcnt, When the lilowns have a• feast dog )neat is given the first place las n. special honor to the invited guests, When the guests happen to be n. while man, he dares not refuse the proffered delicney if he desires to preiiert'e the friendship with 111e rad than, Many a paleface has thus been compeller) to eat dog meat or lose his Indian friend's good will, and as a result comes away with at longine• to again taste tho toothsome meat, ,', white 111(1) in Oklahoma, who have eaten dog meat will say Hint it is not good. ]fere in ,Mountain View most any day it is 00111111011 to see neatly dressed Kio• wits riding into town on the finest c'qui• pages then money caul buy. They are principally blanket Indians, wearing their long hair hanging' in neat brnids clown their hacks or plaited with ]right colored strips of muslin, gaudy blue, reel and yellow intermingled with white. The squaws carry the Indian babies in cra- dles or "ponikas" strapped un 'their 1)11)04, road )!o 111)0111 the 81.1'0e1.8 appar- ently not illy. lens), hampered by their burden8, The young bucks are fond of playing biliiuids, but seldom are seen in the bowling alleys, presumably because bil- liards; to the average y'oune Indian re- quires less exertion. At night not an in• din•n is seen on the streets or in the plac- es of amusement. They return to the rrtaervation before sundown, March 16 is the clay they are paid off by the Goverrnment. Thin is followed. by feasting and dancing till 'the money is all spent, Their credit, is good at the stores and they are ttlwnys prompt to pay off their debt'i on receiving their money front Uncrlo Sem—Mountain View cot', St. Louis Globe -Democrat. MInard'e Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, TRAPPERS MUSKRATS LARGE OR SMALL LOTS ,,,,J1 Write for price list. s.st1 W. C. GOFFATT ORILLA ONT, The Pocketless Woman. It Is maid the women do not want pockets. Of course they don't. They are loyal to rho style. Tbev don't "mike themsolvos unhap- py thinking what ought to be, They take the fashions as they come and wake them - ',elven as happy and benuttful as 1t 1s pos- siblo to be and they succeed wonderfully. But when Jennie comes home and tells Wil- liam that eho doesn't know where mho left her pocketbook, and nays there was $21,45 in It be arses In a state of Eubuhorgod wrath and goaq up Into rho bath room and de- nounces M. Blanc and all his Parisian gang In words almost profane. Ilut does that do any good? Not n particle, The world mini along as before and In (he swim tho pocket - Ices woman, as radiant and serene as If there were no husbands In the world to crows their flowery paths. So what's the use—the birds slug their owu tunes the flowers breathe their own fragrance and tbo women go without Tockots just the carne, Teething Babie are saved suffering --and mothers given rest—when one nses Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves—regulates the bowels — prevents convulsions, Used so years. Absolutely safe, At drug -stores, 21c. 0 bottles, *1.85. National Drng& Chemical Co., Limited, Soie I'roprlctore, bfoaltrcal, 41 Fears Which Seem Ill Founded, (Cleveland Plain .Dealer,) The inference that the comic opera "The Mikado," the Gilbert and Sullivan maeterpieee, will not be included in the London revival of the author's works because the Government fears the Jap- anese might be offended by it will strike the Atnericnn reader as highly umusing. The characters of the piece are so ob- viously, burlesqued that it doesn't seem possible that any real )'ooh Bah or Ko Ko or Nnnld Pooh or the Mikado him- self could be offended by the far-fetched imitations. 11 is to be feared the dip- lomatic llritishers give Elle_ Japs too lit- tle credit for a reasonably developed sense of humor, �.__ A...Os- __._• IInd the Example handy. Teacher—A tyrant is u ruler that's hated and feared. Now give me a sen- tence with the word in it. Scholar—The teacher swut.ted de pupil wid his tyrant. ISSUE NO. 17, 1907.. HELP WANTED --FEMALE 1)ANThL}-0000 PLAIN COOK FOR I family of five, 013 the mountain top, Hamilton; all rnode:n convenient:am; hones- maid and gardener kept; good wages, Ad- dress Airs. 1t, M, Breckenridge, llarnllton. MISCELLANEOUS, R. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS A sore. run anti telltale monthly re'nMl- or. There rills hare been used In Peers or oral' fifty yen's, anti !•noel InnluxbL .r the pin Imo deepened, mol an Irwar Ittrl by 0 u 7u.ken ntlw ae dam for circular. l'11ee 11,00 per Dox of to l or by nu11),',curdy ertled, on retell)) of p.m Lia ROT PILL 00, Do= 4i, Bamlltoc, Canals. He Sold Bad Goods. Sir Thomas Lipton, whose grocery chops, "Lipton's Limited," are as this k in London las the fog, was talking to a New York reporter on his last visit about pure food laws. "And that reminds lee," said Sir 'Phomas, "of my yrnith, when I was run- ning my first grocery and sleeping under the counter, "A rival in the next street was selling notoriously ' nd goods and 1 heard a story about hila with delight. "It seems that a customer entered his shop and asked for a pound of butter. "'Yes, sir,' said my rival, 'the real or the imitation, sir?' "'What was it you sold me yester- day?' inquired the customer. "'That R'118 the real, sir; "'Then give rue the imitation.'" fY .• Cure Yoar Horse. with Kendall'e Spavin Cure— the one tell* bit cure for all Hone Diseases, and Lameness. PAIS Clump, , Ont., May 3 'cc4b "I have used Ken dall's Sparta Cure with great success, and think it an excellent remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, Sprains, etc. Wu. LINDSAY. Accept no substitute, ;t a bottle -6 for H. Write for free copy of our great book—"Treatise on the Horse." ss De. 1,1. Mo*LL CO, Dubin idle, breast, l.U. Warned Away From Danger. (Laramie Boomerang.) A Laramie woman went to the theatre the other night with 501110 friend', but when they were seated she -roe eoparated from her friends by a man and woman who woem- od to pay no attention to each othor, The woman figured out that If the two people would sit over a seat she would tilt with per trtende. Bracing up her nerve, she said sweetly to the man: "Beg pardon, are ran bete alone?" Tho man starod at the cur- tain es If he were drawing a salary for It. "1 bog pardon," the woman gild a little louder, 'aro you alone?" "Get who," wills - corner of hie mouth, "this 4s my vette," YOUR SUMMER OUTING it you are fond of fishing, mooing, wav- ing or tho study of wild antmeb loots up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 scree Iotersporsed with 1,200,1eta and rivere In awalgng you, offering all the attraottons that Nature out bestow. Ma* ntticent canes tripe, Altftuda 2,000 feet abbe* sat level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just rho .plow for you•g teas to gut in his summer holidays. Aa lotm?ooting and pro- fusely Illustrated desscriptive publication tell- ing you all about tt neat tree on al) eaddon to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, to. Ont, Orders Must Be Obeyed. 6 Manses City Times.) "The best disciplinarian I ever know," nays a retired army otfloer, "s a colonel 1 served wtlh during rho ctvlryawar. ('esus we were reconnoitering n position wlkh the enemy bold with a considerable toren. "'We will take that place to-morlow," he said, "'wahy, colonel,' I exclaimed, '!t'a tm- pcmalblo!' "'Iulpoealblo! Nonsense, air,' he snorted, 'i have tho order In my pocket.'" ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladles Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess Egy'ptlan Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambe Wool and Silk Tips All, Wool Vino Hosiery P,Panufaotured for the Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON I(NiTTi119 CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ..-..., ,., -.. a.••,r,”r.+•HMT,IrMn.rr.te•+rtmae awamnta+seaengan!'nflin artntarr ao ••••••.• . . Ed 1- THING In three rind six -font rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of summer houaes, refrigerator plants, etc, GET OUR PRICES. 1 _,•1 The E, iHULL, w • EDDY C00 Limited CANADA Agenclea in all principal cities. e Sunday School. 1.ELL'..C11 tg, 1907. 1, 1.1.1. I, \\ ho 1:111::red • 1.'"% , ; 1 (0. 1. '111(i -ti are 1 he 11.11M isi a 1'1011 iiiiii111011 ,ii• :.,".11hyte...1-,,itIi jiIiIi 11 1'1 Itrilier I lo it „it ,,,•,1•11ii Mile, Mid Mlle - of \111011 yol le a -died I line, " if Clod. 1 her. ;'. (ii;;L iiI 11114 11 A1)1,1111111 lil)11.01) illril11(1111 " is (.11:111)Iliillg 11,1Vir 111"..i.:1,1.hp 1111,1111er 1V1.1t1. WIL from eXo,.1 11-4.4 A 111111 as to the 1,1 f :110 111111,1.11111(Is may he pained 1 1 ; i',101 1 1111 11 A111.0111', liolll'1101(1 'Th; Moll %VIM e011111 111," 11:••11. 1, 1 1.) '1'111. ;;;.rvalits ret.lo nil; di p,irt if the 11(11.1,ihold. :11 3,11161 ti t ht. CO1.1.11,110, ill111. oleo, 1 7, n Hoy ,This includes of i:dnilies (,e0 hi, ti ;,(111,, aud, 1),-•• .11 ird imorinmon," :de inyluded. Thc. 0111.v tv,•o w.ralcu ore melitiou• , 1. 1 ;:on 11:11m,1111 r. and St1-.1 `,\ iii IliviviInd .crvaill, awl lhi ir famine; 1:11.i 11 11i Wei/11111 11 11'111 111' 1-4'011 tV 1'.11!(' num1ier UI person, 6. ,1, .0:.11 '11(.1 "Thai, k, had 111, as also ztll hi, hi and all the 1.;;;ypli.til, vii, p1 1 I mid 1114 tIvolve :-.0114; ;(1,! ,1 1, ;t•.;I: .A;iy 1111! important 1..11,11 1.y ,11,11 were for. 1 Y.011 icluov,., th,. most titnI lin a 6,1 !amide,. .111 that yaH,•,; 1;1ram of that age," v,.,11 15 l•raelites. '6011:111.• 11 1 H1Y,it Lips 1111,..111 if their v, • ,11111," Nil Willa is yr clitiroli or state, ".;,1;1( (!od I( ("00.7 IL Thy ;....1y,it (t-, 7). 7. \Vcre fluilful- Thee!' pro,,ion, Itt L.inplia- niS 1 :1 ttt 11111 itt 1111c 11.',1,1 11 IT. 111111111)1(1 11(1'14'11T 1(1 OW 1 ac!'n t. (titi. 1111101 that; they inerease tie fishos 111-;`('1-.. it0111 1 itt Pit) 111•0111 at. I la,111 ti I )ell' 111'11V1111C0 111)111 1y1/1 Wa, .1:111 yeal,,ltutit the 111,1 lliev had in..rc:!prtl lo only ,ev...111.): Hies; but during lb., latter hall of L1,0 lime, %%oldie they were in Egypt, they inereas4.,41 to over 600,11110 figlithig mon, wimp!! ;rid ;id 111.11yri min 1,(1(,V1111.%1 111111114 ttit ,"11111 1111%-1)11 11)11A 10 1111'011 1 111.y 11T1'1" h1111i011111. 11 is thus elently idlov,o1 that "lie blesiiiig 1,i (lot' is the great secret. of trite prosperity. The laid - f and cliildrcu, are ial.en lulu iu:count it tihI be seen Doti there must have been :1 great host, :1 conservative estituote has plated the number at 2,0'10,010 souls. There \Val' 111111Y 11.111(101s f111' 1 1115 l'11111(1 1111-11 1. 1.101 1110111g 01 1 10,1, 2. .\ gull climate, 3, A healthful oecupation, ,I, "They were comparaltively free from moral impuri1 ieA." 5, They \veil! a vigor. 00-5 1i°°1'10 110 1•110 1" whiell they were subjected tended to inola; them healthy owl strong. • II. Oppressed in tigvilt, (vs. till). 1-1 \ 11(..V; 14ing--thie of another family, ay. voiding to ..loseplturi. The old rulers un• iter Idiom Joseph served were' 0 1.1.11.- 1.111Th1'11, 111111 1111 tit 0 ely new dynasty came into pier, that had no knowlislge of, 01. interest in Joseph, it, is now gen' erallv agreed, for very strong reasou.s that the l'hapolt of the oppre:-..cdou was the great Itaini...:es 11, the Sesostris of "v("! -'k ltistttiy,wri0se oxtell'lea over sixty-seven years and \vhose son, Alene- phial! 1. was the l'haraoh of lite exodu, 'chore have lately been made soon; very remark,able diseuveries titre \ring light on this portion of the _Bible, 'there is nosy in 1 he Inuc,ettni of Billog, !war Cairo, i:Lvjit.the actual burly of Banieses 11, E;.,„vitt, the outdid hotly 11 Ranwse„; 11. di,coverc4 jit luly, 1SSI, together wilit thirty-five other mummies of biugs, queens, princes and high priests in lite ruins of the temple near '1'11(41VA by l'rofestson; .11asioivo \\Title!' papyri preservtd with the mum. 111,y, and markings on the ca..\;.\ andon the bandages it was easil,v. identified. •---l'eloubet. 1111iielt knew not Joseph -- This ne\v king tvits not, in sympathy with (1011's plans and purposes; he was envious 111 Ilia ttbspositien (v, 0), shrewd iti his plans (v. 11)), and cruel in his, r('- quiremonts vs. 11, 12). Those \vim know ,losrpll lured hin, anti Irere kind to the liebrews for his sake; bit vhen. lie \vas (load lie WaS S0011 10114011 ell. 1), 8111(1 111110 1111 I/el/de-11 le probably summoned It council of his nobles; and elders to consider the subject." lttie and hod risco to great prosperity, for (luring the lifetime of Joseph and his royal patron they had probably pnjo,yed a' free 1...rrant, of the land," 10. Deal Ivisel,v-Their policy tVt slire\rd, but it \vas not wise. Sin 11 111'11)'fi roily, such it polies is at euee slmrt•sIghted and wicked; short•sighte(I, since kind treatment would have 11111de this 1'11111(11y growing people their fast frienils and helpers; wicked; beeansv 11 violates coninum morality.-Colvles.Lest 1 hey multiply -As well might the mon- arch of l'.,g,ypt, have sought to stem, tvillt his puny hand, the ocentes tido, as to prevent the inereose of those who were the subjects of dedlovall's (tt'elliLKl- iitg •1)11rpose,-0. IL ;loin -our en°. !Ides -The greatest enemies of Egypt were on tile east. nod the first great danger the king fill \V 1V1114 Ulla the 1 lc. brews would join themselves to sonio in• vmling nrmy n rid fight against the Eg,srptiatts. Out of the land -The king WIN a 150 afraid the Ifebre\vs might es. cape, The Egyptians would lose nlargo fkererMSYMI.M.1.•1101NMOtotwaretot“,./ vometwouttoma... amarney,.. *deterr000.......etsawalov.o.41•••••••••toodomompolootaftemoodoomonl..M1.0•••••11011•0•14116.1.1.*Slan `,11NYWIllet~.111116.1111•1111110.111111•11/1111001111111111•Yen, THE RIGHT PAINT Ramsay s Paints -made right -paint right -cover right -look right -wear right -ARI right 'I! MA LIONILD, 1!EL01',S OF Willi? IN LOill)Off. 13artquet 1 t 1, l'ransvaal Vill1 Justify 1114.tisli imit11,.o. pril 22, (me 1;i.. most 1..11 it Ho. •• 6111. fre,.,1;;;11 'hi. .1" \ ,•1 1.,!..1iot to the L.:Wed:it i'lettikTs, a; the 10 Our 65 years expt..rivut:u in mixing paints is ;, • Vit.% rli)it to pro TO the hest guarantee of the quality of Ramsay's • 1,1 ;14-141 1,, the Paints. iut.i • ,111,1 riot have been leer,. PA 1 NT Write for °lir Post Card Series "C," show- 1)/11, itt finl to RIGHT tfig Ifotv sonae houses arc 1)aitited. i‘ai:!111;1!1, re.!eivel all n ovatio. . folld A. RAMSAY & SON CO„ Ptinl Makers, • MONTREAL. 1812. 47 1,1 1..laricr, ritprosinding I Inoire , great - .1! 11,,ugliter nations, sat. at the hand, and ri'sptinited tel "(Mr 1111',Is." 0 1110 ilk :1/(4.01 itt Sail! IMANI.••••••••••••••••modo.mmin..m•• .0Am. ••••=1•101M•mol•••••••• masa. •••••••••.•••••mms••••••••••••••••••••=mn••••=•••••m...........eam......•••••• al. 001111161'S repri,sefited 113, Ids ',.,1 Premiers alai himself tin,Iiui'Iis ,110111,1'iV fru:tin" (v. 'i) ThiS NVI)11. tL ulteoljoil (if 1 Ile Iwoille of 1 111'111. and At+.1)-; weft' lakyll to lau‘';.'d do.1;11 l'olVt11, 1 lus 11 1111-11:1 1 )rospol'it,', ii ti \von. datoginor nations.. till 4. 1 1. T;1A%111:1,1(.1-i - "1 111V111'.!, fli-t V, 1, :1 t11/hitt nf 11 Itonhti Itt :I, 01 1 f the earth they maitl. theoi, it is Ilspite111, to ply a 1 1 e/t '1.6%11 ion/ ii itttiij =0:::(1 ht. rttiitii. -tit,:1111 iitiituI 1111:'1 11 ttittifn I \yid thernt 11 ht!, t ;.raeat ! Tar.h..! he 11;111 learned that great pnItic,,, 11." !.ev,: i9 1011' 11^ 1 011 111 11V0 la 11101 (' 111111:1".; "f :I 1:t,.,10,,1 to 'Ilk ;Toe (102,1';11t.,1 ";In(1 tp. 1,0(•1,10 ‘v,,re i,,ars 10..1 if heel 1o !Thy- (.4t:y t itt tiont I than i ,t 1,11ilire. 'Hien! 11Hi 105. Hit r.i11 DA fuilttl :11'1' in 1 111' 111'0,1111, (111' (ill'iV1‘11 Ili l'I/in- 1V. l'ersi,igila.,(1.";\:.'ll1:4 \ 1.1.1 • 1.11 lir.:111•;), in rearing Ir. pnblie "Egypt" is it t,\ -pi. ()I this lives( 111 .0.10111 1., p,i1:„11 bit, Iva.; ir,t, wid.k„; 1v;(1) 1.,kinNsit.i.;, %rho loica pte,-;:„ir Of it,1111.1, :di 1 .1 III 111'. , 1,, 1,11. Min tttuitI 111111 1,1 the "prince ;;;' hi; \vorld" (John ILA) • .7'orroended 1;(• • "I' HIP 1 (to Ir.:I:nil:I." atIversor.., our t. ;di ot !ter Th., 1 ott'lit'gv \Vt4 under 1 4 I %vim binds 1 allii ftti'tt tf t rumpets hil- 1 (he liothbofi, of sin; tintl Imsti, i2 Tint. 2. 211), itt •, ,1 Itt. 11,0 ha's a pp.,:trait-v, 11111w-di- t'r ilttit rot' 110 nuttomr itt witilt 2. 0, 11)), and ilcstro;.'s 1,1ohn 4.11. iv1rivh a military Bent plavt' ;4I tan driv.,-; man 'whirl, lois vritvl 111,11. "E;1!.11,1." 1 \ jtt (if Chi' 11c.r.) The mirouv,.rti.,1 111111 'IA 111 11011(11, 1.101'e 111111'11 "FRO 11 111 1 11'11 011('" 1 1 ,11111 5. t nummitiary livsitalion. as if (pH ,t• cruel I hail 1 11I of Phi 1',1 tP,1,-..;.1. 11), 11. 'V.), In his i:;f:1•.y its ;in said. "1 VII ctovi..'r commit Ito 11,Avn into 1.:,,.:,;‘*10 that I lv might he ittir for him, servant, n; ,41;," Trita sun, cif h.:- folcrilliner itt vontin;.; out f ji t „Id, Hit and nth.aneed. cith..4," I:, \', Cil 11'1 tv110.. a;•tv „„,1 -Out of h',,.!ypt ha v., I called 1Iy Son" 'reveive th, .ord for \rim trio. of 1.•,rael (Ilos. I I, II, via, A fe‘‘, ;Ind ''11';11':'11+,pi; .....‘1,,,w;;,! FP(' 11? 115114 tLuiL 215/, :111(1 11 I, S111111:1 1r11,1 "11 111 1.1'011. 111111'." TIIIA'.11':18 t tit t' 1.1.1i1, 01. 1(1.11•Y (1111(1 1 1 .1011. \Vi. 111.1. HI, 1 1,1)....!1:11 Lord Itidjort:4, ‘‘110 1.1111er 1':?yp1, sit 11 t',I on Itt t t to- "Ili "I Itt t II, 1"):'1 t ll' ill his oic (1.0 Th • vo "" "f lb" ‘v"f"1" It thint in t tliteriti• ltante-cs, It tvas prob.:lily near lc... (.1"!.11 17. 1 1, 1 1 %• :11.11,11.11 rite 11 1 hy„ Itt til ti tI itt itt,„•,•it ilarthly hurl, and Canaan, the heilvt.11,',' the di.L.tslor 01 I..ravlit-; for Pharaoh, were both in Lind, aro ,liarply vont ; /;,,;;,0 ami 4:it-lion, I:a incsoi wits lhtt point from :di I 111 1' Il 11 cril,hushstic3 Ily, 1 1,.10.0%vs .4f urt1 11 1'1'1' V:1 111'.1'S 01;11 1111111111.1111ti 111 1:1111111, 1, 11 i 1,f tin' ‘,111„01...,,is. if bit txbtu4. :1tit it 11%14 1 l'fl'l.11(11 tv 11';:1 or from la.;t. r, 1, 1'11111,-1 by the N. The more the \' -cTInt 1)"ld • 1' 1U-, 12') GO) o iv' ors to -Hight 1`111g /1((1' 1/111V opore,s041 the pi..)tde, i , " ,""'"' ":"1 .P.'111,1c 44.'1rocef ,1! lv,(1 urthr a etlyntions. Tho 1 1 hie ,,,igneu for in km.n,„ srf.nfikry f Shit for tis fetvwco,'101..v. 1,, SOR'r. :CEi11,; VI iv Fli r f.f, ,74 ; f 4 :t.. ., i ;:;:, iir ) r::11.1 ' (44)Vill;.:Ai r :Ci .1., ''•: 1%; t: ii 1 ,., R. Noro iltIdfi,C1 to l:!..! 1.eraf:, 1,1a 01 Curos V.:Taloa ; f --- Thin 'otirt;.,, lady, v, L0 II\ (..tt yille, fienr mi., 1' 1 Iter own Otory in a fow 0 ttt 1 how Om obtained deliverance ft nu Go( terriido grip of ive,'.(knet.:1 1 here to thank Pcitimtfrrini 10. health, wo yealu ego 1 v (.1,111.1 rdly (nag mytt,..V. aurut.. 1 uult1 nut sweop the cari.ei, If 1 ieIu1 fur drive! had to Ile flown when 1 cams back, 11 1 went for a vilio ,• • OD two on my wheel 1 was too - weak to lift It through the gate- ,t.r it way, awl telt time 1 came la , • trqrn haring a 1pin 1 (hopper) utterly helpleso from fatigue. My lather would rive °appetite until procured Pep V " • , °blue, knowinit • e decline or weak - Wig excellent or :::‘;:(-t.;..4,1,", . ,....,,.., 'i.:.:''''' nee& 1 mit say 4 the r en ill to are wonderful, in ti people reutar...erl t- mprovement. Insteid td s 111tle, pie, 11,)110/1 checked, notice', melancholy girl. 1 ant t0..lay full of life, reedy (Or g;;10!;11 match, or all everting 1,.irty with eayt.:,e, ntt'l a w feinnuthe ego 1 r,r1;;;..,:a i loneh, roit'li from lay home. 1 have 111,Yer ltuttt 0111 Just a Little Farther On. 'lust a little farther on. -just a little fa rt la,r the happy days tha I. 1111'1, tis when thcse days of stre,, are gone, 1)lyS 1)1 reA11111111'SS ;1 11(1 pleasitte, tlity, and 1 roasuro, All the harvest -homes of dreamland -- just a little farther 011, \lIttt t hope to keep them smilitig - fact's %vist fiti, fact's wan \Vital- a spur to faint critic:Ivor till cru,hing 1 v't is done! (1, '1 would be a $111.1‘' itoivitt. life would make for 1:011's be,to‘ring if Ow good titin, not Itockon -just ti lilt h. farther Storm. is Itt kit from • of llimry A Witty," I). .119110 on & CO3, 'New York, copy' ight, 1 110 1: 'The pelt day died in thi, rain to-nighl, Its gil()81. III" gm's by; 'flit, mountains loom in their sibuit 1111;(111, Ill (hi! kly frown at t sit a nil sky. The pit;tornvul:, ings 1 0 hi 4 surging Anil stabs \yin' a shriek tin, :4111111111'r. night ollgrAterl canoe to fear cur retail, ELLA MUttlEl. V,"i 11)0, no. mad wax,.ii'ikttitlinitis of 4) Eru.rupc,:lie. Ont. foam 'flint:rand! of women aro ening I'SY- Dipped in the blood of the sea tower's 11 1 1 N E, because they kr).,v from exia,r• ;Net deliverf.r. Ps) elline Is u, woroleliol ietfc., th:at in it, they have a safo friend So. in iiign.livi'lleart, is a storm to -night, v7ile, purifying the blood, driving out (doom and 1 minill that will not eel 40; :x. -t. germs, itives a ravenous arils -Cite, t „ait, my soul, in hill einess, longs for the ni,13 lEre.,ftion anti essindlation of food, j mai is a positive and cbsollit9 cure for For lite;vaking bird and the dawn of !;1:0t of throat, ebeet, lungs, stomach Lif;,1 otlifa• orgara. It quickly builds up peace, !lift tIlilt vytttcln, making sick poople ti i%htPt Gaining by Losing. Wei il'n;; weak people strong. ▪ "1 la ppy 1 ha t I ea 11 be crossed and x,f letfiri. :lir (1 :11',1,1(1!..iiS ui ,t ,111111: .111111,1)t aplo, ,..; A.,;. ;.... i 41 11 ti :do,si It sumo( h lifv. ,i,.„,i at hpar(, : "KLEIN)a Tame in earth's paddoeli as her prize." f; r ,. ,t., it All (1,,Irr-..1.(i.; at :100, and $1,00 lvvry life has its diseouragements, its hisses, ili,appointimods, adversities and or io 1)- T. A, Storm, Limited„ 1'• 1'1 1:J' Si' W't' in)rnlIt°' (114:!iti -ttli:11:.11t!s' hitr'il si:viti,g.slitil In' ri lifil:fi(:Nitif li;l .0111 il)f o kii!!1.",' Pills aro a Etre and Her demlens the ‘ensibilities so that i! vi;rc, fcm 1 Ilivtima,tisin, Bright's th0ri. is no pain, All that. seems loss is ...".'.1. PIO the more Pharaoh :tf• the wildel.";'"' wilily (‘""""" 14 14 " 1.`"ii ..1' '-ii.l. ill 11:.' 1'.1111'''' "i 111'i ,.11",.1 II; ' .... , ... . , , ii... ,.,., 1,:lin 'di f..1...1 11:te's ()rid all forme 1,',1. growth. AA 1 Ile plant is primed. so flirl 4,(I 1 hf!,11 the more Hod 1,10ssel them. uf "1.ilik """i 1"'"`'Yi "ffli 'r!'"ilai's' itiNiii." "I. "', \''''''.1''''"'' 1 "'-'w 1,",wr'll a14'1,1)11g., II' • ..' ..1(•!s. 1.: 1...-,c,o) iniur.)1,,.,. ...L42 per box, &t ill j..; ti1,. (11 rkt i;ia. S) ii 1111•1 11S11111 1' 1/(4'11 101 11 t111' 1111,11.iP.11,11.E.,11'' ,:'"."-111..:;; a III., :11,1...11.,11(''",..1'V''.' 1 ,21'11('1'.1 1, 10(1, Wit :1 W111101 : Have you not ivi,,1 that the gardener church. iio4s lia..-,, Hied ;41 r-41my i Ile . . , i. ma r1:6 over (item tasxmastery :i,,, 1 1 ;.,1..iii fand f Are goitc..; to tug representing lalmiers cltrrying (day ft t \-. 1 1), Lpon a 't'llebon tomb 1' :1 paint- \-..r.ii,„ ide;,sore of conferring ia re• c.„4-1:.? 4.„ 1,/: nN BRoADwAv in vvssvii, or mingling it with straw, or ,. iiiiii:ii o Milt eiti tit ifeeili Of tile Eel - tAil-1 :'il ij u 1:11;ing the brick,i, tillt of the feral :Intl placing dicta in rows or trait:Tort:n:4 thein upon flash' backs. :111 these have HO:masters lie,,i(14, them holding uplifted stieks. "They !milt for Pliarach trea• (loin ltt!! truth, the 'tilde, Hu, ladpil, thy religions pr4,.,s. to bondage; Itnt the fiercer their despot i I Itt mori! savala, their at,rocitlf!;, Hot 'intuit' ;1 1111 slrfalf.fi.r tit s 1)0, church become." -Exell, 1 ions s!!rve I In, porpmg, (ff developiim 1 he moral i•lia raft 01., "1/ivinf, elnist keinent tend more to griityth than 111 destrue• 11'ere ;,:ril",.4,11- -1 1 ere dislres,,,ed, 4-11 it fear mul 13. To serve only prunes tho plaids \viten they be - collo! strong; so (toil prunes the Christ - Ma when he 411. she has arrived at some Ili, i (t-. 1 1). ,..ria,„,j s‘,e1,(! en. the land allotted to them. The kite, s HI (dr sfrengt li against them se! yes. 111 rigor 7-." 1 III ending to ilppr,,ss their spiritsfoil to rob them of everything /1‘. "IP" f1)1.ge "w" voinH ao: to elmins; their sins are their tashmai(- : ters, nwre they induly,e in any lust, shorten their ;lays, and so diminkli their •1-11(, word the more ti weight drags Olean down, 11 11 4rive oily. It is dorit,01 from it 1VItosever commit loth sin it; the bond word wilkh means "to I;reak in pieces," (L V.) 111111 "the, fulness of Christian grace or activity. •\ nil no Christian will fail in the test- lif;tlia made ill which 11... saitl: "The INDIANS !N WAR PAINT FOUGIIT ing time who accepts the ,sense of loss, who acetyls the pain in a spirit, of se,- quieseemp, believing that the Father do - nit things well. Them ji an old leg. cud which '1 \'S that when the wings were brought and laid on them, tho birds uomplaincil at being compelled to vary the burden, but when they had ac- cepted, lo! their burden, width they so nnieh dreaded 11111.4 them." So it is with every burden which ollr Father lays !t1tt 411 PIS 1Tite :1:lft:lm: t ee lifotrgt way lo conic (lie -4(115(4 of loss it, to be up and 0 with our what our hands find to do, not to fold our bands idly and drift, Won!, in dull discontent and so fritter our 7lives away, but to have every minute filled with loving, helpful service, for the III -aster says, "1111oso loseth his life for my sake shall fini(,'' d How dn ow.hearlod ,JOSPPII 111115t have felt, when at the time he hail suell dreams as showed to him that ho was (Testified to greatness, lot his brothers throw hint into 11 pit 11,1111 then S(1111 11 111 Iiiltt t far eountry as It slave. But he kept his faith in (od, Again after reach. ing ambitious heights and appointed head over his master's household, he tvas falsely tteciisitul 11 1111 ell 14 1, ill 14) priS011. littt still be did not. lose faith, and fin- ally became the exalted character of his later years. --Mary Scott Drynan, Strathroy. Ont., in Presbyterian. The Stormy Petrel. StorIlly petrel skimming Watery glen, Bast thou a message for tho sons of Ilit 11 So far(int home amid the prospects drear, Comest thou with tidings bright. with cheer"? confidence shown , C.N CIZOV:'DED STREET. ht v , it:' rriti,li it) the people of the - A frica, \ye wiii I wove Two Feather-bedecir.ed Sioux Quarrelled 'i raii-NI 1 is the .1;est seed ever sown , While Out for Walk -Revolver Shot ar. aid., iliat ',vi, are tynrfliy of this . f'iliale, Oar Cover:11mm( is as : Fir:A.-bleu Parted by Police and jeaHas of the hiolor of 1 he itt,ilisli flag. a3 any other eolou,y in the Eh!. Placod Under_Arrest. pire, The ine.-i.sitge frail the Trans• I is thal she wants to tr sengtheit '',,,'ew l'ork, .1prit '22,, -The spectacle the bonds of co. operatkil, and live awl of the Co..° t-dot..x. fliaiitiii in fiiii war it) (1.11,11.,.„ Hawnikon. ,01 sin is death" (John s, 31; Hunt, 0, 1.0 41 t1,t..17 of the L111 tire," P31111 in. +0111 t ;night 11.11e been a fight 1 1, Their lives Ititter---"This Gull per- 231, __,.........- 1,'/ ON death if inkrfereace tail not a punislinient for their idolatry, into 1 ired, tiktraeted merchant, with a pits• TIJ.1".1ROU(.1IT.I.?•_RED HOGS QLD, mil hT f„t, lykt, ,.111,1 iii,4t, 1.,,asolis: 1, As ti.amnion is 11 hard 111!71i1 111Sier. 'I he come, or,:.(,•,‘-: ;almost a panic is crowd• faiiii. 2,1•0 wi.on Ellyn' from Egypt, Lit 11,11 Li a 1-01.0ilt I(!tii likkill11.7tVr, Ile First SI.ep id Movement to Ini prove l'itt ni i \r,,Iti,(:)Iiirl,v;i1 .i'le to02.41,:tii!.:ie r8 -B, ilgl 1.(:21it,ici,ityleit.iiii:11,..1.111, which it appears many of them hail -'''ll for 1:';',ili, is ill hitter 1)011(111"o. Am - which Iva; n many respeets 0 desirable ilrivei and lashof and wvoiries, and Eastern Ontdlio St oc, 111Test: . . .1 C0111w1111 dell:ItchAt t : he ll! 'I' "1 il'hey were Walking down liroadwa:, din . :t, l'it (fineken their desires for hie,ws no pity, Plensure 1a 1 1,vraiiniciii 1 11111.0111!11,1'011 (iWille 11»(11'1' the iniiiingv- together in all the splendor of their Commit, .I. That Hwy might be aroused 1:1,-1.111,1,,ter. Ile natio in the', face of moat of the Pork Packers' Committee of \,..ir mint In i f,iiti , •, .1 ,tt 1 1 „ to earnest, prayer ior deliverance, 5, his restle,•;s, discontented slavv, seekinir ., Tkai, ltd !tonal. Itti;4111.. lat (1101)110ml iii . otm.t1 Lin!! now av I never fit ' Li. . lin' .1ofitreal Produce llereliants' ,,1s3o• got into an argument over Cluirger's coil ion. tvidli the co7operation of the flit- \die, ;my dead. Tilt, mill tipp ,in.i„I their freetI011)." \ VII It hard hon(1:1 ire - : :,11.1,10011r. f,1 ii “r. ' "Iiiiii.:6)111t, thrill i)111111'1,1111'111 111 Agriculture, here tit: to imt,„no, iinlo•%•, mid Eioldonly cinart,:i. tin 1 he bnd:Te which 1.11 t an puts time 1 iff,-,1 14 ff ' l..:. IvIj:.er ''Ir1118 i fur - ' 'Li" dov, :+evoilleell llogs won" sold 31' Pl'IN's drew a revolver and, pointio;. iu :it his servants i:s hard and nial.o.s the llif , • dist, .' . '1/4'''' ",'rat: lirm ilti vulitill(''8 :1111 raiwinfr from ,,:."i to $27, At Morrishurg \vows heii,i, fired. twice. 110111 1,101,4, hitter. The way of the tratisgresitor is - iini.•Yiliior. "l'ii'fe,1111Velsr-f';11 ik.m,s1,iive(9:4 lia(.1.1i, t?'llsiii<t: yesterday 37 sold tit prices ranging up went wide, .,,mti us the crowd in ow "hard" And "full of iniaery," But a (lc- tor wit h hard boirla fro" • 1 I . ' ' 1° $611. The 110115, "'Idyll "re 1)14"g s"I`i SI rt,et, scattered, the men nroparoil to livvrer waa provided, vent so iti Christ wretchill yid ims of ihrvir ()(‘',11 It-It'ii., wlitillitlili flmli clusi \rill I)" alli'll()"1 1 "Imrl'inv continue the fight, but a policeman and we 11184 1111 he set free 1.!01111 13 MD. And lid 0111' 11(), !ill' ' ' 1 - ' L at Lancaster, ;1 11(1 WI Saturday II 1; FIllell. a bystander sprang upon C'hariter aiel in brick-- ! tiiiiti of groat Iwkl: buildings litim.iniiy 1'ill Ili'll'isti:'111!)‘i,e itt linoto;:;111.1'11(1)11'.8riti)1111.: This is the first step of it radical inove• ‘rreliriii,,i the 1,t,voivm, from ids /11,,,,,..; are fermi in 11 11 ports 0; 'Egypt, cpprcssion than ally human bung could utent to improve Eastern Ontario stock. heron, by evui(i fin, 11:,niii. 111 no Cuit's Ancient People. pos,111y put upon him" Iltimaai task. 4) 0* Stant 1Volf sprang to his erstwit;le en. 1, Peculiar, " I be children of Israel" 1'" 11,6 "14 , kilt,the, h,"(1).• Alan de• USED A RAZOR. may's aid and attempted to free him (v, 1) w. -re (wl's chosen, covenant 1)1:11).l'itct; IIIA ci1v11. witty altu uustroys his own pie, whotti, laws and morAtip and asp0.- . hi'' !..:elf ;41.111,1 II" tir'11 R114; i'" 11 rim"- tiona had been wholly unlike those of the , "ge wtit'It 1lILt'.' "ile "'en.° IviL11 rigor" (v. 13.) A young man said, "I am sure heathen, They had observed the rite of (11'(',11111Ck11111 RA 11 recognition of the cm'. ' I"). I'll'e 15 1".i"""g "1', 1"11. "'"I'`' 1 "r" eitaiit, God of Abraham; tlicy, had offer. • lain that to give it op would add fifteen ml sa,..i.ifices 10 f hit, (mut (lot!, 1 1111.; 11c. i, yi..t.i 1 0 nt',' lily. I eould, not do it." "'Flu, krmwit,cigii,g lin, i.,.iiiit ,•'t. si,, iti,A Li t,:,..„ :' 1!!‘a..! they aff1i:!te,1 them, the Inirre Hwy pittLion ( l'Ixott, 11), 25); 111;1, hail h..vpi, i mulliplied and glow' (v. 12.) tsrael's ex - It( Sableith as typical of the rot that i (remits ti,,,;,; iloirs 1,11,,rtimity. 'flier(' is so seriollid,v wounding Levi, T1,1,"11111.v4,e' coaifo,11,41 blessing in every cross, l'er• .of Lindsay, in the throat arm of tier ports rem:tilted for them fins Ily in C...tnalii. I "- II). f,11,..,,cri,i,d,. ‘,1,11rsi! nri, the mimes •;,c,,it.ion :italos the ehildron of Clod 1.11;lt fen rti 1111.1'11 1(1.01 1110(1 fOr 11 IS re- INTERESTING INCIDENT BY .A of the children of 'Israel" (vs, 1.0, As .A, Crud 111 11 wl'..1 doll 1';11111 'wade 1111N'oe covery. Ile also wounded several other persons before he Ives arrested. FAMOUS PATENTEE. front his captors. llo was not sutecess• Levi Thorndyke, of Lindsay, Seriously fill, nod s,i011 1461 iiIii/ans Wounded at Peterboro, 111-lilly lit the Until Royal ii• stranger, - who 1.,:ktoi his wow, tit Frank Well' locked up. Canadian Inventor's 4.• ii s iit- ,w(.npants „i har_rnwn n razor, Experience, Inxivnito. tnn nnd uttnok,,d tho ir. tierdell ;111ime,4iii the good Shepherd "I. till' `,'.."11''''''' Illilldi"g "Itm ""d r''"1"1"1' 'calleth his own sheepm by nae and lead• ; ha t t Hey 'went eveTywitere pre:wiling At tin; station he was s,,ordwil anti 0 :ill.. 111m, 11-ilson, of Craigie Villa, eth them out" (John 10, 3), Exodus is (bit 1.1."1" (Acts 8' .3' 4') 11; "'its "'hill viiiiiiiiiiiis "ir'' "" 1117.°1. l'ikll fr()Ill '' the Apo' of the leading out. Si) the -1' lit' ''i ''," ' I" I" "I ii IL' . , . . ‘.811opinlit of hir:tyi, Hint iondoiii Joseph hands to vex certain of the church" that iik,, ,1 fi.,,,kfi (No. 50, 1), calls his rilli,01, "the word. of (lotl grew and multiplied" 113- their names as he puts himself at (:"'t'i 12' 1' 21.) This iifflitithill was Per' their head to lead them out of their i mil 1 cd as a_p_ztii&lo....iii,nt far _idolatry. vaptiyity, ypt, wv find the names not : merely in the genealogiesi record, not ' The l'rovincial Clovertimont \NT' retinal merely on the army roll of service (Num, f ti Al. 1 .,,e ,,..10 ...Mitred Hirer 1)11111 & Paper 1•15), but upon the breast of the high Company the $20,000 which the company priest (Exod. 28, 29). ' forfeited at the time of the cantsdla 111 . Prospered, ".:lild 1.1 -le children of tion of the pulpwood lease. hini, 1 11. I rie!1 to seize the and uso tendon (Ont,), 1112 inventor of the 11 11 - it On a constable, and resisted catering ;am Fruit Caso, now adopted by the 10, 0011 so 1 hat a club had to used, BODY BURIED IN CEMENT. Canadian Government tells an interest- ing eNperiewe which shows the healing and antiseptic value of Zuni -Bid:, the Theodore Ilullett Interred accordia,o; to -- His Own Desire. herbal balm, ile says: "I had two Niagara Falls, N, l'., April 22.- - Fol. poisoned wounds on 111,4' leg, which were lowing tho funeral of Theodore O. Hui- 1 hough 1 tried s6yera I ha liveA tIol, re' me • mut.11 pain and suffering, and al - very sore and inflamed. They caused P..........••••••••••••••••111.10..11•121.••••••••••••••••MMO •••••=1•111•011.•••••••••• 800•110•10•111...•••••••11•14. •••••••••••••••••••••.....ar two •as......m.e.........,,,,..! 1711;!...V[i'l\ ing ("A ilbli`11110111. WIIM. OW IV" .I.Htl'i'd'IS 11)(‘ 1")1IS W" l'I'llin"ti t" to heal. Zam•Iltil: was recom- 1 lo‘.1. irs:rnelion,, .,11' the ducca,:e,1 wpi'v splendidly and i 11 11 Very killOtt time 1 mended, and 1 applied some, ft acted 4"0/ .2) 4304 *44 4000443 iiii (13(10.11,„,, ,ii uni. !:10',11 li,";!" pi.11.i,i,t) "..u, nnotiwi. Him. I sustained n misty' healisl the wounds. SOD A New Orlean's woman was thin. 41..,„! :1-)1.,1'''' c."'"L"ii"1 ul hi" 1")11•P! Th" cut, Zain•Ituk, tool: away the soreness w i-1.:111 \\. 1, ,11,11.11(10 ti Y the 'lead almost instantly and soot) (dosed and 0 Because she did Plot extract sufficient ni. ! mall Yolll'" :IP. Till." lool:os "I* ou- healed Ihe wound. I have also used Zant• ditv I ntofil was first placed in 1 III, Imp, 'OD am. [Lowed lo harden. Bilk for other injuries, and I have no • lap nourishment froan her food. 4), ,,c,,:rf,,i,Iiiiiei, ii.w,„ cuithminpii, ,ohti:siT:ti,(,),Iii,n.exiptreisss,11,,,gitill)?),,ithigdito,oLtiti:ioan She too lt Scott' .s. ,E.,Ir2altsion. • I was laid, 'you this foundation and t hi, splendid household balm!" 011 1 coffin was then filled up with venom( i Zain-link cures blood poison, cuts, Result: 4) !until (ht' body was three Nelms hi'llM" bridsys, old wounds, running sores, She gained a pound a day in weight. io, 1 the surface, it will be aHowed to standulcers,boils, for twenty-four hours. : ulcers, boils, spring eruptions, scalp 1 sores, eczema, itch, barber's rash, burns, 40 , .1 heavy dray will he used I() earry the ! scolds and all skin injuries and dig. 1)011v to tlit! vt'llwievY. " (Ill "rkliiiiii..V ; eases. All druggists and stores sell vet .hearse ‘votihl mit carry it. fifty cents n box, or front Zam-Buk Co., tt ALL DRUGGISTS: 50o, AND $1,00 0010404 11403010000101411016.041100 waves Nvith never•re.sting swing Seem destitute of food for fin or wing, l'he tiny morsels like the nianim, driven, ti'vr ow wild waste, stilt toll of bread from heaven. In valla1 can see thdust thou hide nrocky isles with comrades by thy side?ee; Or But, when fierce squalls declare the Lord's abroad, '1'11011 emnest near to cheer all liamls aboard. --From IL Beainsville. Prayer. 'Eternal Father, we bless Theo that from Thy throne in heaven Thou (lost behold 118 who dwell upon the earth and that Thou cattiest for lis, 11Te have wandered from Thee into sin and hove incurred sin's deadly penalty. But it is not Thy will that we should perish. Thou (11(151 send to earth Thy Son to save 119 our sins. And still Thou (lost draw near to us by the visitations of Thy providence and by Thy 11 oly Spirit. Wo have heard Thy voice, 0 God, we have been conscious of Thy striving. 0, for- sake 118 not until, in humble petiltence and faith, we accept Thy mercy offered us in Christ and dedicate these livor of ours to Him who made us and redeemed Willett was the, West, ri,Hideirt of' NI- Toronto, for price. Remember, it is tis and in whose service alone true peace. agora Falls„ purely herbal! and gladness eau be found, Amen. HOMES For Settlers Ile WESTERN ONTARIO MIAN1TOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached Write for tree coytea of SETTLERS' GUIDE s'�'i'+t tr1 r'ie' ul&rt lit .pedal train service focsctthus travelling withlive stock and uReete to the Northwest in March and April, with paa;sen`er curd freight rates. WESTERN CANADAcripauo utt t went and wee teru couditiorts. tlu pages ut information invaluable caricature, Vestal maps azuln;atitt1ei, TIME TABI,ESddoableuser daft tion W Wicrulpug and Cary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto daily. (leadortabla roomy berths at moderate rates, Fully equipped with bedding evoking range and ever" eon- venience. bedding, ebonld be retorted (thtougit nearest C.P.R. AY'cut) agleam, Leto weeks before departure Write tads for tree beokaand 'twitting Ton want W know &boat the Mre't mud low to reach )t. Addrsut C. Ilk. VOWEL Met 1'atat.dgi. C.t'.R.ia►trsesN J. A10 11'110111i , agent BI, elf. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver. Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days' treatment $1.:1u days' treatment 25c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY K 1nclydine. Ont. TURKEYS We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. SOCTrl. am pm (i 40 '3 :ill 043 1;i:1 (3 52 1 44 7 00 i 5(3 7 14 4 04 7477 4'"3 8 03 4 ;t9 815 447 8 22 4 52 835 505 4 40 3 15 4 59 5 20 9 05 30 912 58 921 5413 9 29 5 34 9 35 i, 54 9 37 6 00 915 610 !'WRTII. ata pen Windham 11 10 7 35 Wingham Jut. 11 00 7 25 Belgrave 10 50 7 13 Blyth 10 323 700 Londesboro 1030 8 52 Clinton 10 15 0 33 Brucelield 9 58 6 19 Kippers 0 50 6 11 Hensall t) 44 (3 05 Exeter 9 30 5 54 Centralia tl 18 5 43 Clandeboye 9 09 5 34 Lucan Crossing 9 05 5 30 Denfield 8 55 5 25 Ilderton 8 45 5 13 Fsttrick 8 35 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 Ilyde Park Jct. 8 24 5 00 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all stations on the Palrnerston and Kin- cardine branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderich branch, and all stat(one from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luean Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Otu Big ,Offer To all new subscribers from . . I10W 011 . , THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 1908 for the small sum of 75c Subscribe Now PAGE Emir—THE 1 I.1`Tli STANDARD --Amir. 2 5Tu, 1907. Who ? Who, whou our honeymoon was o'er, Arrived with packages galore, And said she'd stay a month or more ? ('Think real herd.) Who trade me weary of my life, Who luted to stir connubial strife, And always sided with my wift, ? (Don't give it up.) Who confiscated my latchkey, Sat up till the sine' hours for me ; 11'Ito mails inc us a big, big 1) ? ([lhylne8 with "jaw," yes) Who loved to catch inc when 1 "fell," And such sweet stories used to tell, Until my life became a --well (The word isn't nice.) Who dressed my wifo in clothos so gay And ran 1111 bills for me to pay. And minded nothing I diel sat• ? (lyes. that's it,) Who sniffed my "bacey" from afar, And could not bear a ,Wild cigar, 1Vho said—" What wretches all amen are ?" (Heaven bless her ?) Halloo. 1). Reynolds has moved on to his farm on the 61 h con. Miss Kathleen Quigley is visiting with her stunt, 91►'s. E. McIntosh, this week. William Morrison visited with friends in Blyth and Morris during the past week, Michael Morrison has sold his driving horse to D. Kell', of Morris township, receiving therefor the handsome stun of $l;.i. Clinton. 11'. 1T, Perrin, of town, is this year farming 500 acres of land -100 in 1lur- ou and 100 in Brant, Physical apparatus to the value of about t3100 was added to the equipment of the Collegiate laboratory, Owing to the dAA►th of his wife, H. Baker has decided to spend the summer away from town, and he will leave shortly on a trip to California and other points. He has a neico residing in San Franciso with whorl he may spend the summer. T. Jackson, jr., has recently been superintending the mechanical work of the Jackson factory, but has too much other work to look after, has en- gaged Joel McLeod, of Hamilton, as superintendent ; his wife will move here as soon as a house can be secured. Douglas Goodwin, son of A. Good- win, tvho recently finished his course as mechanical draughtsman de connection with the Scranton Correspondence School. has received his diploma with honors, and left last week for Detroit to take a position, His many friends in Clinton wish him all kinds of sue. cess. 0.0.04.. Seaforth. The dates fixed for the annual howl- ing tournament are Tuesday and Wed- nesday, July 9th and 10th. While working at W. Ament's saw- mill, John Cooper, son of James Cooper, of town, met with a painful accident by losing one of his fingers, The Willis Shoe Company factory, which has been closed for the past ten days, resumed operations on ,Monday. It is expected that steady employment will be given to the staff, as the com- pany are rushed with orders for next season's goods, The Toothed match between the Fall River Rovers of Pall Rivers, ,Maass., and the Hurons, of Seaforth, has been arranger) for May 24th. The locals are already getting into Shape for a 01'411 of practice games and will no doubt make it en interesting game for the Rovers on Victoria day. LloydeC, Hodgens, M. A., oldest son of [Rev, ane[ Mrs. J, W. Hodgens, of Holy'Prinity Rectory, Chatham, form- erly of Seaforth, has rocnlvc'd the ap- pointment for next year, as Senior English toaster of St, Paul's school for boys, of Concord, New Hampshire, with a initial salary of 4;1.700 per year. This is one of the most famed boys' schoo18 on the continent, Ur, Hodgins is 2:1 years of age, The following officers were elected at the Bowlers' ineeting ;—Patrons, 1i. 1i. Gunn, M. P., If. Eilber, M. P. P., Geo, AlcEwan, ex'A[. P, ; president, .Tarnes For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children ? Are they thin, pale, delicate P Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. it, shoetree cannot possibly have Rood hsattb anl.0 t . bow& lie In proper eondf. t)en. ♦ grgigieh )leer daze a eostsd tongw bad breath, constipated bowels. Comet all thea. by ciring small k:attre dose! of Aye's rlu.. 11 re#etab(., eu�ar.eoat.d. DOCTORS USING PATENT AIEDICINES The Honest Physician Is Anxious to Curtis and Uses the Best Available Remedies. The proposed legislation through the Dominion 1'arlianleut for the reg. elation of the manufacture and sale of patent lir proprietary utctliriue>; is of the utmost importance, and it is receiving n great deal of attention, not only by the proprietary medicine manufacturers, but also by the loading doctor's and druggists. Every muuu- fteturer of reliable and high clu.s remedies wolconu's the hill a step in the right direction. Tho diseusibon has brought out the feet that the best physicians in Canada and on the con- tinent approve of and prescribe Psy. chino in crises of the most difficult character. In a recent inqaticc of very serious throat and lung trouble the patient had been using 1'syel►ine. 'Pato leading United States spec.iulist•s were consulted, in addition to two eminent Canadian physicians. upon learning what the patient was using, a sample of P.sye11ino was taken and analyzed, with the result. that the physicians advised its continuance. They prescribed no other medicine but Psyching, with the result t hat the pa- tient has fully recovered and is a splendid walking slid talking ntivt•r- tisontent for the wonderful curatire potter of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest professional criticism and analysis. As a builder up of the system and restorer of all wasted t'onditions, 1'syclllne has I10 equal, and the hest. and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. " At the age On my lungs were in a terrible Mate. I had In grippe the year before; 11 Denied eu my lunge and 1 kept bteadily gmw1ut; worse WI 1 got down ,o low 1 was lu bed for aux weeks. I had a consultation of cleeton;, end they mid they could do nothing more for ane. Then .1 tstarttd 40 use Psych Me. 1 took the medicine for none than a year. It certainly did wonders tar me. I am now as aiming u I was before my sickness," MRS. II. IIOPB, Xorpetb, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is the greatest of tonics, building up the sys- tem, increasing the appetite, purify- ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts directly upon the throat and lungs, giving tone and vigor to the entire system. At all druggists, 50c. and $1. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 Xing Street West, Toronto. McMichael ; S'ice president, G, E, Parkes ; secretary -treasurer, 11'. 1)., .\1cLeun ; executive committee, J, A[. Best, R. S. Hays, J. (3, Greig, ,J, C. Steele, W. D. Bright, A. Wilson, 1V, 0. Willis ; auditors, R. D. Black and 0, 1', Coiling, Ilonsall. Mrs. 1[cMorrirt, of Chicago, 111., is here visiting relatives. The engineer has not made his award yet respecting the drainage along Mill street. Never in the history of Hensel) were the roads lending into it as bad as they have been this sprint; HORSE See Our Catalogue of Cuts before placing your order for -Cards. We have the largest and best assortment in this part of the country. You will make no mis- take by leaving your order with us. Route cards printed on short notice. that the men had unhitched the horse and gone home to supper, halving cat e - fully removed .the ladder. A friend passim; replaced the ladder, anal those on the roof lost no time descending. Grow Ontario Wheat. Why do not the farmers of Ontario grow nrore tvhent? Why 110 1101 the people of Ontario bay blended limns containing. their own house -groan wheat ? Manitoba wheat flour makes a big Thirty members of the }[sena)) Lett- strong loaf, hitt the bread is coarse Fee drove to Exeter and visited the rp leas ilg in inviting tin rhattrinade'tofca Main Street League, furnishing the blender flour, When it conies right program' down to quality blended )lose' makes AV, Moir has opened out a new street the best bread and pastry in the world, which he named Alexander, It runs Yet many of our owe people are using parulell with Oxford being unmediately 1(nnitobu flour not. aware of the facts, south of it, It may be opened to the helping rho Manitoba fanner to Rot London Road ns tiro lots aro {;fling richer, and driving tho Ontario farmer rapidly. to raising lens profitable crops, On the l lth of May, 1884, or there• 7'oront0 seems to he about the only abouts, a spring fair was held in Hen - sell, the snow drifts being so high that place in this province 111111 really knows some of the citizens saved the ndlnis- the worth of blended flour, And it is cion by standing on them and looking largely Ie 1Veston ` due to tt►he efforts of that man— (1 is over the fence, ,..,,,,.,_ le case. When Manitoba wheat Hut' first eppeared it became ver,',' i,opular Wingham. becalm it made a big loot', hut, the The annual excursion from this di.s- breed wart coarse.. At that. time lfes- trict to the I'aperimental Farm et ton was running only two 0'.'0114. 11e Guelph will ho run this year on Friday, thought that there worn eitough people Jtine '2181, in Toronto who would appreciate the The contract for the building of the dilferenco between qu11ntiLf end goal• new brick smokestack at the Bell fur. ity, and he determined tr bake it real niture factory lams been awarded to old-time Itoine'made loaf, using a 1V, 11. Green, blended flour. When he finished Isis 1). 1), Wilson for sonde years cashier first baking he found that the loaf was at the Doruinion Bank has been trans- the regulation weight but r;nutllet' than ferred to the branch at Montreal and a loaf made of Mnnitobtt flora•. 11'es- left on Monday for that city. His ton carried his bread to Vnriou5 groe.- friends were sorry to hear of his re- ers, asked them to oder it In their cus- !novel, but will wish him well in his tonlers, and if it was not sold he world new home, take it back, The next day every loaf On Thursday last a horse attached was gone told the grocers had orders to Kelly's milk wagon met its deans, for twice as much, In it week he had While being driven up Diagonal street, to Sttu't nets ovens and 11 was not long the animal fell breaking ono of its legs, before hu was selling 50,000 loaves a It was decided to shoot the horse as week. This is what blended flour dill there was no probability of it ever for one bilker, Of cour,te, ethers sen - being of any use again, The loss tons ing tho success of George Weston nat- pluced at nearly 8200, urally adopted blended flour. Today A vor,v unfortunate accident oc- 75 per cent of the brand Naked in To- curred at the Home of P. N. Tansley t'outo is made of blended flour, There shortly after the dinner hour on Wed- is no doubt but what blended flol;rs— nesday of last week when Allister Carl trilled of Ontario wheat with 501110 '1'nnsley, aged about (1 }'ears was Manitoba—not only make the best drowned in rho cistern, A. trap door bread nod pastry, but yield moro bread over the cistern had been left open and etc. to tite barrel. the little follow walked into the open- By using blended flours it would ing and fell into the water. The child create a demand for Ontario wheat, in - wan promptly taken from the water duce farmers to grow moro wheat, and and medical aid summoned but the keep all the money spent for wheat and vital spark had fled, flour right hero in O11taria, thus adding John Wilson, V. K. is preparing to to the value of Ontario farms, build his blockon Alain street, The frame building, lately occupied by Atr, William Mack was drowned near Hower, was moved from the plane Brockville by his boat upsetting. whore it had boon for so many years, It 18 stated that If r, liourltssn, M. P. and by Monday night hail been Moved will soon take control uf Le Natioua- as far as the corner of Patrick street, listo of ,Montreal. stn amusing incident occurred just Beginning on Juno 1 the C. 1?, R. about 0 p, tn. on Monday. Two of our will run two exnres8 trni118 0110)) catty respected citizens were induced to go over its lino from Montreal to Viot- ti)) on the roof to Hold up the telephone couver, and electric light wires while the build. Mr, Hyman'n resignation of his seat ing Was moved under then), They in the House of Commons wee received waited patiently. for the building tp by the Speaker and communicated to move, but after a while discovered the liouse. INTEREST PAI D QUARThRLY .rV" A• '. .4,,ri*:rr.�,1r199 �'t1 'tp .4.� ipX17-M�r �4• 1 ' ,. !+6�t%, fit, 1 r1�� (f r ►, �t�_q �lr= ' •�'� �'i'i:i�:l��l: V16; ArVil�`,t� �r� `4,w�.rq:40 •� atii v-r�, 'M'J' ?t ;;,,' ,i.,, ,d,ur t . 7;s..r�, 7� !i';i�.,�'�'h'�K}'W.�..,. ;�;,ti56Si•}. • .,t�;:.14 ‘,71 Rio r ociA3 This brand—on a bag or barrel—is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millet's in Ontario. Ask your grocer for a Mended Flour --and look for, the above brand wherever you buy. "Made in Ontario's