HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-04-18, Page 141.11........ VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1907. N0. 36. astern Canada Lands 1 take this opportunity of notifying my friends and the residents of this district that 1 have lately opened offices In the Union Stock Yards, Gillette°, Live .Stock Exchange Bldg,. and in partnership with 11r A, M. Lundeen not pushing the allle of Western Canada Lando exclusively, 41'e have many largo blocks for sale suitable for subdivisioln, also inatiy smaller unproved farms and lots iii the growing city of Calgary, Al- berta, Wo list only much pr• parties us tvn cnnsid• er of special vaIue unrl lawn un hand now one or two rnnpti which aro dirt cheap and will give a Large return on the purchase price. One Special Snap—Seetion land, 1t milol from Calgnry, all fenced, good house and well, $17.50 per acre --homestead in adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purchaser of the section, Land fill around this section selling at 825 per acre, We invite all those contempinting settling fn the (Vest or who are looking for investments to coin• tnunicate with us at once, No batter or More profitable Investment can bo found than Western Canada Lunda, John S. Laidlaw LUNDEEN & LPdDLP W Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock Yards 17-20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago The Summer Sun . .. Will paint your cheoka a nice heal- thy looking tan It you live much out et doors. 1)nn't you like it? Why, than, in that ease we can give you eomething that will undo the work of Old Sol In a jiffy. It will take the tan off quicker than the sun puts it on. '1'bls preparation Is called Cucumber Cream You know how your face burns and smarts after hcing out In the sun? Well, you rub a little of this on after corning Inside, you immediately feel relieved, It Is gratefully cooling. Menders the skin soft and smooth, (les rid of the tan In just about no time --and we think you'll thank us for bring. Ing it to your attention It you try it once, 25 ciente a bottle. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W.J. MILNE Seaforth. We understand that the woollen mill plant will begin operations this week with Mr, Lockridgo ns n1aI lt;er, James Cowan secured a number !of prizes for thoroughbred cattle at the Hurou Stock Show which was held In Clinton, J. P, 13e11 has leased the vacant building at tho rear of Wm, Pickard & Sone, and intends moving his laundry there shortly, W. Kidd, who owns the building, is having several improve- lnonts made before !dr. Boll takes pos- session. Roger Roberts, the well known musi- cian of Stratford, fell down the cellar steps at his music store on Monday morning and received slight injuries. The shock was undoubtedly it severe Rev. John Lincoln Small, B. A. Inducted Pastor of St. Andrew's Church ............ Thursday afternoon of this week at one o'clock Rev. John Lincoln Snai), B, A., will bo inducted pastor of St. Andrew's church, Myth, Rev, N, M. Leckie, Moderator of the church, will preside, while Rev, Mr. Urquhart will prear,h, ltev, Mr. Anderson address the minister, and Itev, Mr Smith will nil - dress the people, On Sunday. November 11th, 10011, thio pulpit of St, Andrew's church was de - dared vacant by Rev. 11r, Martin. of Exeter, and since that time the con- gregation has 1)00(1 listening to ser- mons preached by ministers of tiro 00s• pal who were willing to ho Balled to the church, At the meeting of thn 1'reshy- tort of Huron on ylttreli 5th, Rav, 1Ir Small, Moderator ranted that his mute had been inserted in the call. At this meeting ltev Mr Leckie, of Lon- desboro, was elected M. -Aerator of Blyth chnrch, and at the Presbytery meeting held on April 1st the call to ltev, \Ir. Small, signed by 265 members And 78 adherents, was presented and sustained, In the evening at eight p. m, a recep- tion will be held when addresses and music will be given. THE N E W PASTOR REV. J, L, SMALL, B, A, Rev, John Lincoln Small, B. A., the new Minister of St. Andrew's Church, was born thirty -Dight years ago in the one, but no notions results are amici- Village of Arthur, in Welliugton Co, pitted, Mr. Roberts is a brot.hor•ir', b tvu years of his youngmanhood were law of Mrs, J. S Roberts of town, spont post-oflico assistant in his as R. S. Hays, the assignee, and Mr,native village. After choosing the Parkes, of the Bank of Commerce, were in Toronto this week trying to arrange matters with the outside creditors of the W, H. ‘Villf9 Shoe Co, with the view of getting the affairs of the com- pany wound up as speedily as possible, Ari advertisementin Turk STANDARD pays, SPRING SVITINGS What about your new Spring Suit. J ust received a big shipment of new F ancy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black.and Blue Worsted Trouserings. 50 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure, Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof t.)vercoatings, In the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for. Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats, Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictitor Shoe at $3 50 and our Turple Shoe at $5. This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts, Every Shoe is Guaranteed idley Blyth ministry as his life -work, he studied in on the part of the beloved pastor and Orangeville High School and in Mani- cheerful, generous and pia fuI core cra- toba College, IVinnipeg, graduating tion on the pert of the congregation is from the latter in arts in 08 and In 'required i, py and r;uc- theology in '90, In theology Mr Small than tho Ion h,t ► i yy won first•clnss honors and a couple of the vlvarious between them, is ofe church sr,holarshlps, Soon after graduation Mr, Small was called to Keewatin told aro notion and full of zeal, indicative of Norman, on the Lake of the Woods, where he had already spent. fifteen months ns ytndent missionary, turd re mai tied as minister for four years and a half, In 1002 Mr. Smell settled in Auburn as pastor of Knox Church, Auburn, and Smith's Hill, Daring his five years in this field there have been 122 additions to the tivennorship of the church, tutu 1110 splendid new church at Auburn, costing 80000, hits been built raid almost paid for, Thus the new minister of St. Andrew's brings con- siderable experience to help hitn in his ne N peetorate, and TIM STANDARD wishes hint tsood tinr'cea8 in his work here in Blyth, THE OLD PASTOR, REV, DR, .))CLEAN, (From the Blyth Standard of Nov. 8, 1000) It is very seldom n newspaper has the opportunity of reporting the conclusion of a pastorate covering it period of 40 yours as is the ease this week in con rection w th the removal of Rev. Dr, McLean from St, Andrew's Church, Blyth, fIo was not the first pastor, as Rev. Arch. Currin took charge in 1850, preaching for.26 years, and was follow- ed by Rev. John Stewart, who came from Kincardine and ministered to the congregations- Blyth, Manchester and Burns' for thio same number of }}•0ttrs as his predecessor. Both of these faith• ful expounders of the'1'rut h have passed away to their reward, In what ap- penred to be clearly defined providen- tial leading, Rev, Mr, McLean received and accepted the call and was inducted into the pastorate on November 0th, 1866, Beigrave being' associated with Blyth for the first 10 yenrs. Feeling they were in a position to be self- sustaining ;ho congregations were sop- arated, the pastor retaining Bl,ytll. The old church, rt frame structure, was built on Dinsley street, some dis- tance East of the present one and did service up to January, 1878, when the more modern and more commodious edifice was opened for worship, The. Irate Rey, Principal McVicar, of the Presbyterian Collego,'Montreal, preneh• ing eloquent sermons on that occasion. 'I'Ite church cast 87,000, but is entirely free from debt. Present membership is 886, as compared with 68 forty yenrs ago, No better index of faithfulness bounding life, [Next week we will publish a report of the induction service and the recep- tion in the evening,) Goderloh, John Butler has been appointed police magistrate of town. The production by the Menesottine. Minstrels in Victoria Opera (louse last Wednesday evening was highly sue,- cessful, both in the quality of the pro- gram given and in the attendance, Mr. Blackstone received through his town water service a two and a quar- ter inch minnow If the supply will only come in snfiielent quantity Mr, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WIIER 9 RVICES WERE HELD, NDUCTION This Is Your Store 11• you want the newest and best in Lace, Neck- wear and "Pies, Shirtwaists and Belts, We're devoting more attention to this department this spring %yith more to see and more worth seeing than ever before A feature of our trade is the fact of new styles constantly, instead of repeat- ing Tines that prove themselves popular. �,��'�.. 4141 ;,�,,,.���y...lr:-,,4141 ri,�'=•-^�(�'�Y�1"=�� New Dress Goods SY2RING 4%n, The rush in our Dress Goods department continues unabated. Last week was a record breaker in this department, our sales being about double any pre- vious year. Every week new goods are coming in and we take pride in keeping our Dress Goods de- partment right up-to-date in all the newest cloths that are turned out by the manufacturers. The fame of our Millinery is evidenced by the throngs that daily fill our show rooms, purchasing their spring head - wear, A touch appreciated feature of our productions in this department is the limited reproduction of any particular style, G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. NMI .41_41 Blackstone may establish a sardine running factory, for which the town might be induced to inske n loan, The following nutritiers have left during the part wed; for the purrs nettled : Ceppt. 1V. H. Baxter. ,1. Jinr- ray and 1V, 13e1I for ))..pot )(arbor ; Wm, Craigia for ,lshtttInt lu. ()Ilio ; Capt. W. Sutherland for ,Sarnia ; 1). Marwick for Tnhermm•,t,t via \Viru•ron, and 1'' 0. Sheppard for Duluth, 51 ,nn, Al, A, Pigott & Co, are marking the Pxenvxtion for the cement retraining wait they have the contract for build- ing neer the elevator atal they have their cement mixing plant in position for the work, The last girder for the bridge over the (i '1', It. tracks is he• ing put In position rothty and when the revetting is completed rho bridge will be finished. Division Engineer Rob errs and a atnff of Winn have been en- gaged the past t tvo weeks malting final Ineasnretneuts in the vicinity or 1llytlr. Jamiesoiellnid, tvho has been absent for some weeks in tho old laud, had somewhat of a surprise for his friends here when the news reached town that he wits returning from his yisi'. to Ire- land with it ,young bri.to, ,lir. R.nid went across the ocean on tt holiday trip but it was not exp•Ttod to turn out n wodding trip. 11r, livid turd his bride rine returning via Now fork and will probably arrive home in a fete days, when they will receive the hear- ty good wishes of 11111113' blends, lionsall. Bert Stoneman again headed his de- partment in the Exeter iligil School, We understand that George Perkins has eloctel to bo tried by the county judge, "Darkey" Small'tcotn he got his muz- zln off the other day and at tacked two good sized dogs at, once. ')'Ire members of the Rennie family received an invitation to attend n birthday celohrtttiou of n very rare character. S. Itannie's aunt celebrated the 100th anniversary of liar birth on Thursday fit her home iti Berlin. Wo understand that the venerable old lady is well preserved and may possibly live a few years longer. Clinton. A celebration of 11 ay 21111 will be held hero tinder the auspices of the hletb, n, C. 1lcicltinClunochtssicnl'nester in the At Battle Collegiate, was in town during the holidays shipping his household goody to Barrie. Alis. )leEinnou ac- companied him when ho returned, Recently while D,Can tclon was busy louping Iogs he shoved about 885 loose- ly into 0110 of his packets, and' some time nftrr'tt•ards discovered that be had the misfortune to lose it, Diligent, search failed to give any clue to it, The Clinton of Huron County seems to be fairly well known. One of one townswomen tho other day received a letter from Bolton, Lancashire, Eng- land, which bore only the inscription Mrs, Jerome Andrews, Clinton County. Thus addressed, duly stamped and poytmnrked the letter way delivered hero. Tho contents however, would indicate that it was intended for some person of thn sante name in the Liver- pool district, but evidently the post- master 110,9 been reading so ]ouch about Clinton, Ont„ as to forget for the time being that there are other Clintons. 11.•••••••• —Subscribe for Tin STANDARD, W1NGlia MAI Affiliated with Clinton B. C. Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. Geo. epotton, Prin. 1111 SPRING TERM from April 2nd merges into our summer sesalon for July and Aug- ust. Enter any time. No vaca- tions. alp out, sign thfb and re - (wive our catalogue by return mail. Name Address ..............II* 0 II ... ,. IF e a Send to Central Business College, Toronto. W. II. Shaw, Principal. ur !ig. Offer To all new subscribers from • now on' . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 19o8 for the small sum of 75c Subscribe . Now T[RI[IC BATTIK B[TWt{N IUNATICS. Negro Mangled to Death by Fellow Patient at Philadelphia Asylum, Lockport, .1pri1 15. Est Ito:, the 11• lent tuanial's, one of them it 110gro of giganfi' build, locked ie a death :tr::y• gie at 131ocklev, the city iii*ue ho.sto tal, at 0 o'clock yesterday morning, A hundred other hunt t ios yelled 311,1 fought to get in n blow at the pros. trate Mack after he had been dotvtted by his opponent. When guards 'named to quell the madmen they found the negro, Thud'le• tr Johnaon, with all his ribs (Twilled, as arm nearly torn front his body sail his face beaten into pulp. Ile lived fora few hours atterwa•rds, For a tint' there was grave danger of the whole : IGO or more lunatics escaping and over- running the hospital. VW There wonly one attendant to the ward, the violent one, yesterday morn• ittr, t.1u'rt ,1, '.' ! 1+>+., j,olu 10+ le''t .,•'.,'ti ,.1'11 the 1 ).,,t,,, !'' 111, lit•,( of 1)r, 1I" I,:ol:;.,',, !1tt. ••11.1ir 1l0',vu upon the lotuses of ;lis' 1^'1.114' +t','pi:ilz along 'h.11 t o•A path 111 (he Neil rid .\t the t'tilcr erti was i',wtriek \darted', an 1rishllla.n, a)!d one of the must dan- gerous in tho department, who threw' himself out 1)l' his cot and rushed at the negro. 'The two flow at catch outer, striking and bitiegg and tearing at e,1CJJ other with nail, and fingers, The at• fondant went in an )alarm and ran for help. When he returned all the lung• ties were around the negro like a pack of wo1yei. 7 hes were beaten into sub• 1111491011 Olt ty ,(iter the Iarde'tl I:inll of a fight. shouted. "I'm SCARED TO DEATH. HIS SON DIED, And Doctor it Assaulted by Bereaved MAN DIES FROM RABIES OR OVER Father. ANXIETY, .1 Toronto despatt'ii: Dr. .1. Eadie, of ?99 Quetta street west. wee assaulted Now York, April 15. --.John .1. Clark, yesterday tld \iiit,tta< Noble, fruiter. 819 , who watt superintendent of a cotton hill *twit ,t„ ''1t, at Jewett City, Ot., died to -day from a 1)r. 1•;4tlf1l' Sr,ls :''e1i11, :)long QuOnrl• violent attack of rabice, dor' to an 0141 4trl't't a10-olt noon wo411'rd:1v, whit Noble dog bite. IJe Was heir; brought to this ran out of hi, ,,ole :)4)'J bit him several cit.) for treatment at the Pasteur la- times w:tli the 1)1111 of :1 whip. knol'k- stitate. Ing hitt oft Vs '1,110,'1 and r;ttirllliog idled, Clark was bitten by his setter dog *, long eat 011 the tenlpie and $41Y& ? last January, and p'tid 4)o attention to bruises 4),t, the result of the punish - the bite on hie wrist, The wound -ee!n• 1)).rlt• el to heat i11 a few duly-. The vilage , Sol,:e watt :molted ItV Inslh+.:tel• Dick• ggtt)4-4l 1s !talked over the bite 1') ('lark, .sou and Its,k0,1 up, charged with as - his !hind %with fears of the effects ,ault. Ih' W:.t+ bailed out later in the day of a dog bite and filled his ears with in two ,,uretic*.4 of {500 each, I tnrkte of the agonies of death by rah• It 6et11ir that several weeks ago itrt and the CnnVtti.IOn3 that ucuompurlie,i l )1)i'. ,ell, :I,e11 111, t,.1)!: violently ill, each attack.',r I 1 ''4) i 1'110 sal 1'+ ;10' \\•o -tent IlospiIIII The swelling grew on his wrist, The and opera led o4) for appendicitis, H' dirt about rubies imereaaed with the sire dint, 1)r. 1'::tdie:tatj the ease, of the swelling and ('lark worsted him- ( Since then it is alleged that Noble has self into sueh anxiety that I)r. Ilobvet made threats against, the physician, and his brothers decided to take him to more :hen one!. to neighbor.. and !icy - 1 New York to allay hie fears. plc %) sting; his utero, -bout midnight he %sent into e1)uvul• I 1.1441 night three rieett,rr were sem, moue and the wrist swelled 1)p more moiled to the Medio home. Dr. '['esk')y than ever,, This morning he showed the stated that n.:t1I0)l1 I the condition of the fiats! mRt►iferltaiti°n of rabies. 1)1..bete,' man ',V114 serious, he wouldroe• Holmes believes Clerk's e0mtitioti of nwnd brou_ht on the rubies, INTERCOLONIAL PREFERENCE. Possibility of Arrangement Between Canada and Australia. London, April 15. ---The Morning; Yost regrets the circulation of ;ten,1:Itionet rumor's regarding the ('olonbi1 contin- ence by pertain sections of the Cninniet press, and :suggests that thie informal :conference of Premier, annnunee(1 by the Expresso %V)1.t probably fmindel on the old report, which may well be true, that tho Premiers of Conant and Ans• tralia intend to toke advantage of the oecasinn to deviai a system of prefer- tn ee such es Iraq already ben arranged between the Common wee Ith and South Africa. Replying to the Expre.ee repreeenta• tive's question as to whether it. rrnttld 1>e possible for the colonic) Premiers to get together and develop a scheme of intereolonial preference, Mr. Deakin field all things are poo-ible, corer. OUGHT TO REACH POLE, Chug -Chug Men After the Arctic Blue Ribbon, New York, Apeil 15.- Admiral B.S. Ole born, secretary or the .1retie ('full, which has headquarter", at 111'' East 'Twenty- third street, is authority for the state- ment that it automobiles are being built here and abroad for individual "Minium" to the north pole, The Secre• tart' says that tee, of the ears have been perfected by 1)r. Frederick A. Cook, of Brooklyn, why °nee w,'11t to the ter north with C'nnu0144)1 1. Peary. [le point• lx) to the model of an automobile which Mang in the cluh rooms and said: "Each of the six automobiles which are intend- ed for polar r1'sear''b is either copied otter or k an improven►ent on that ntodel up there. This model was built by a letter carrier in Alaska 'Territory, Hie has a route eoveriug hundreds of miles near the Aretie regions, and he 114.9 an autemi bile, of which that is a uunlel. 110 uaV)rateo innurn:!' Nod(• 4 01 water with his Inaelliu(', for it is a Water trareller, II, well lay au ice trotter, The tete-dying gear tt'llrl'li 14)404 the rear 54)leels while the machine is on solid ice or land is fitted with blade,, which drop flown 41111 i4 ta Jlel the 'craft' w•1►0)1 open totter etwoltrtt.ered, 'Throe blades, 1i( • ted in on the idea of n paddle trlieel, are tarred up and severed the moment they mute in centael with anything firer. So' that the adaptability of the automobile for land i, a1n PI' (PP( ite 10, ter water, "The uod'l Skews the all10nu)hil0 +kapott something like a lifeboo1, so fill' a, the eoel.l,it 01' lit ing 113 11 re enm- rernod, .11 ni';h( 1111' lo.lrlline ion he ear. 'mitt ntl'r for sleeping tlunrrer•, and it, 00e11p(1lll.4 Ill',' in i 110I way p4 01 ee4 (' 1 f1',ryll 111' 1'101111'111 4. "An automobile i, the only safe thing to use (u lenrltine the pole, II is quicker rued n)ore reliable than sledges and Es - quintet' d1);!'+• It 1Vn: a Iwo -mile Tad: or open water, whirl,'tnpped Pe4ry'4 ad- 1•ane in his late dash Inward the poli. 1 nal tire'' that the man 51111 diseovert the n)ysteiy wide]) is buried SI Ih' pnle will do so with the as,i,tane'' 0f Ian unto• nu)hil0." THE TIMBERS GAVE WAY. One Man Killed and Several Injured at Calgary, Calgary, .\pil 15. -On Saturday a serioll.; accident occurred t 5vo WRVS cast of here 41t the C. P. It. irrigation anal head gates, resulting in one death, two scriolrsly and three slightly injured. The company has been building n scow for dredging purposes and eix men were working underlie:(th the bottom of the structure, which way raised on timbers five feet from the ground. 'They re - gloved the centre timber to finish spik- ing the bottom, thinking the end tiin• hers would support the weight, but the ground underneath gave way and the t'()5%' Way precipitated, Three men were slightly hurt. but one man named Alirtor) was pinned on top of the timber with the edge of the scow resting 111 11110, ,\nothi', luau received three broken silo and n badly gashed head, They were brought here on the train. :11ieton 11:1s operated nn, blit died early HO, Morning. Ile woe 11 yrlrigg sentehnlun from 1)un• dee and had only been here a few months. The other injured will relOrer, ♦.♦ " BOILER EXPLOSION, One Man Seriously Hurt in Mirimachi Pulp Mill at Chatham, N. B. Chatham, N. B., April 15. --Ons of the betters in tIu' JLiramiehi Pulp &, paper C mpany'e mill eeploded to -eight. The fireman, Edward llaelloneld, was seri- molly hurt, hitt eight or nine other men in the Iniilding es:;aped unhurt. About half the slate roof was torn off the building and p:u•Is of it carried one hundred yards away, RUN OVER BY TRAIN, E. J, McMillan, Lately of Stratford, Mangled at Strathmore. Strathcota, April 1.5.- h;, ,I, J1e1'1(Ilan, a well-known eitiz')), whose parents and family reside at 81 realm], Ont,, was run over by the midnight express in front of the C. 1', lis station last night, Both legs were out off, and the unfortunate young luau stie(umbed to his injuries a few horn', later. He formerly was it medical student in To- ronto 1'niversit.v, Put them on with no tools but a hammer,' and tinner's shears, ---can't go writing, They lock on all ;'our sides, are- self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run, Made of 28- - gauge toughened sheet steel --only one quality used and that the best— hent cold and double -galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other 'natal shingles heavily - painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. ` Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a s q u a r e, 1.0 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. L e t us send you FREE booklet about this roofing- question—tells some things you may not know. Th "PePE Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for TwentyFive Years Ought to Last a Century , .., „, 4 4.,.,,tIV,,. ,,.,.,. Send for FREE Book—"Roofing Right" Oet Our Offer 2efore You Roof a ming 4 ddres out' MONTIt AL 1 eareet Warehouse ; 1-iI R Oratg 8tt. W. TORONTO 11 Colborne St. OTTAWA 429 Susserr St. 7 LONDON 09 Dundrta 81, h :;. 1iva anada WINNIPEG 10 Lombard St. VANCOUVER 616 Pandora. DOG BITES OFU A CHILD'S NOSE. r'Iad Animal Attacks Little Girl While She is Giving a Party. I'hitadlphie, 1':1., .\ori) 15, Two viie year old daughter of Allan) \1'rhner, 1)t i':,wornlst'ille, Erie muni)', 11x4 1)t• turkl'(I by a (tog yesterday atte1'nm,n while itis:; 11 tlirlhdly p;tlt!' in 1( 1 tath:'i's barn to a number of yullt)l, friend;. The brute, 11)111 belongs to n neighbor, flew at the child, seizing her bt' the no,', )soler' her enmrnde, conal drive tk' :11linte off with 'dubs and bolts it had wrenched oft the '1)d of the girl's nine, That the ant - mai sw1Ill0sved the 11e41 is believed, hr' eA us' it PH 111101 he 1011)1(1, '1'11 add 10 the horror of the affair, it is said the dug showed signs of hydrophobia.. Neighbors scout -ell the country round with gulls, but were unable to locate the maddened brute. Nattier was brought. to Lockport and u. delicate operation performed by 1)rs. Crosby and Baker, A strip 1)f flesh Wad take.) from the el►ild's neck near the nose told grafted o4) the end of the no+e. She has recovered from the Alma and is doing well today. TOASTS OF KINGS. KING EDWARD AND ALFONSO EX- CiLANGE COMPLIMENTS. Banquet at Cartagena—Wishes Express- ed That Community of Interests and Real Sympathy May Be Strength- ened. Cartagena, April 15. --At n 1/11 1111 lar,% night Ming Alfonso proposed the health of King Edward and Queen .11exandra,•suying: "Sire, l feel, itt curl)• 1110)1 with the royal family, the Govern- ment and the whole Spanish nation, deep pleasure in receiving Your Alajesty and your august consort in Spanish %venter.!. Thi,• feeling is shared by Queen Victor,% in the midst of her keen regret that she is unable to meet the gracious sovereign who reigns with Your Majesty in Ile hearts of your eubjecte." He went o4) to :fifer to his visit. to London, in 11105, end concluded by say- ing: "The closeness of the relations existing between the Spanish nation and (treat Jlritoin can he only to their mutual advantage, and will not fail to contribute to the generous task your Majesty has uuderl11l:en, that of strengthening good feeling and harmony Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 111,— bet\\'een all the Stoles, 1 drink, Aire, to I)uringg the pant few days according to the happiness of Your Sfn jesty and your enneort, to the grey iness of sour eon - pine, and to the glory of the British navy so brilliantly represented here to- night." King Edward replied: ,'The Queen and mvaelf are deeply touched by your kind words. We deeply regret the ab- sence of Her Majesty, the Queen, out' dear niece, but we rejoice. at the reason which detains her in the capital, We an American syndicate. Stories ed vest have not forgotten the official visit: of wealth in the hilly! started the bigglrs1 his (address 11t the said: "It is •ti111))!y all aesietanee to exis- 1i11g d00nnlinutional organizations (1) 01' - der that they may bettor ae('unlpli:h the purpose they have in view," .11r, .1, (.'aulpbell \\'kite of Now York, ill a practical talk of what emit,' be done by systerluttie 11110 eon.'erted ae, tion of the laymen of North -luaioa, gave some interesting figurive in rispeet, t.o the present needs of th non -( )halt world. Ale 1, A. \faednn1111 (Niteroi! a powerful address on the 'subject of %\'hat This Movement Means for Can- ada," 111, Robert, Speer, of New York, advanced ,wine interesting opinion( •t to the things needful to cgrry the movement. to success. All the addretesea were followol with great intermit and heartily llpplanded, and one of the fea- ture of the tweeting was the hcui-t.y 'singing of tb familiar rtier-iortary hymns by the ebree hundr'o1 or more glen pre.ent--•rnen representing all pro• feesions and trades, Rinner, when he RUSK TO LARDER. VALUABLE CLAIMS FOUND—THOU- SANDS GOING IN, n report brought here by a miner, Ores thousand meal have invaded Larder Lake dtietriet, where ores rivalling the Cobalt are claimed to have been found. More erre corning every day. and teamsters are getting $60 n load for hauling sou• pliee. The only building in the place hue twelve bunks, and it is a hard problem to handle the rush. One miner claims he was offered $400,000 for his claim by Your Majesty to London, and we re- eipro'ate the desire that the ties be %ween our two houses and ono coun- t ries, which are founded not only on historical traditions, hut also on come ntmity of interests and a. real sym- pathy, may be strengthened and drawn filmier by these happy event& I raise my glass to the health of fourlfajee- ty, fling Alfonso, fuer Majesty, Queen Victoria, end Queen Christiana, and 1 wish prosperity, progress and !wave to the Kingdom of Spairl.' MINISTER IN DIVE., CLAIMS HE WAS THERE TO SECURE MATERIAL FOR A 1300K. New \'ark. April 16.- -'('ke Rev. Mr. Mears, formerly assistant rector of $1, 11a1Olen''.a Prote.stt 111 Episcopal Church, tt•dlo was arrested in a 7111 Avenue negro dive a few weeks ago, will have another e.luuiee to convince Coadjutor Itishop I)avid H. Creel' that hie tour of the'I'en- derloiu wee. solely for the purpose o1' gathering material fora book on 40(.101- oggy. 11 wolfs antioulee(1 today that Ail', Mears had asked for a further hetr- ing and a personal interview with Bishop (freer b0fOre a final deeieinn is rendered, melt ever known itt Canada, 11 is ex• peeted that 10,000 people will arrive dur- lug the next few weeks, Handro'JH corn ing; frond the Unite Statts+. SUICIDE AT PORT HOPE. Young English Girl Throws Herself Intal the Lake. Port Hope deepetch: A suicide occur• red at the harbor about 13,90 10-nighf, as the schooner Oliver Mowat wa:1 clear' ing for Oswego. An English domestic named Jamieson, about twenty years of age, went down to say good-bye to a young • man on the schooner who half been keeping eolnpnny with her for Hot4) months. lust as the vessel had clear• ed the harbor the unfortunate girl at• tempted to throw het:9elf into the lake, but was prevented by some men whq noticed her strange actions, Apparently repenting of her purpose, she started for the town, hut later trade rt second and :successful attempt at the decd, illeMithon Brothers recovered the body after two hours' Ilraggiig1 but life was extinct. RECRUITING TILE LAYMEN. Rev, John McVey Added to the Forr:a:t of Progress. BayesD., .lpril 1:,, -13y thrashing; That lh0 police were °ver rulxin114 two drunken who tried to malto to mato. i1 appear fletf \fl', .Mears was:, j him "111" "1(11 Ileo), the 111'5. ,t•,hn li;. not bent on gcai1erir.it' u!n1-1la! fur sir Inun., it 1 Le euu4)9411)) l'0(-:011 by i be I "y, a ,\!r t h: 144•;1 riret:it : 144,'1 0414- you:igr etuat'. 110 wlll prodncl' (1 wait•) r;\'lollary, has lnud0 Iilmsr'11"i(11'11.:0 uua4t i' 1)'144 to corroborate this alleged, fact. :\rehdeaeon Nelson said today at the See llntc40 (1)nt. the report and recom- mendations of the inquiry board, of 1%hirh 0x-Alaror Seth tatty w•114 1hr, \1 hl'1' t'arucy 11 11(1 I)o„ T4114114e, h• 'u fihi'f Illy tll'111lfr, 15az, it' the 111lmt4 of lliIhop flreer, .1 (1(01;1041 (4 'xpe'tect this w•eelt. pular presence• 111 Sot'tl 1>Itkvta, Ate, \I\'e1• wile going to a ([Mont (duveh lae1 Saturday, and, just after' fording Bull (-Peek, was sit 11p'ul by O+9 WORK FOR LAYMEN. cowboys, 'I'll's- tries! to make 1111, preach- er drink and threatened. lo pnr wh(ykey down his throat. 1(l'. Ile\'ey; %vim %‘.11s 101 the fo1)thalt team while at `X11001. 1iek'(i both nun) and so urou,ed their admiration that they 151')1( will hill to the tneotint; SIXTH POLE DASH. i'EARY WILL START IN JUNE --EX- PENSES NOT YET RAISED, ('oulntunlie I nuounre'! t1'• •,:1., '.,ill 'Incl in .lune on Ili:, r(a)h Irip ct .lrctie, )1:- plait, :11'.. all mole contingent on 1,10-)l : ow 'levess:try fund, w'!.it•1,, !.t," et e), his 1'1 iced- are confident l e i 1 _1:e(tl•e, ll11b0i'l Burt'lt, li bl. Jule: \. l'., th11 -itili41(( )nn -tor of the 111(w•e• :rel' ht+t n„rtiI\V114d trip, h,a., 11 n tfltit',l by t'leglilph to omit. ; rt, it fiat' to begin the fitting out et t1; commander Peary 'will personally -e- :, e1 )I(- own crew this time, to atr'id n}. ectie 114un of diseetisfaclion of the 1411,: • t', -hi) %vela north in the 1t)+),,-01; •,In, olds piekt:1 14)04 twill be 1Ikc11 1;1 5 )burl in, as naturalist, and Dr, 1.'1tti• 1t'niff, it, surp('u's, are►to 44(1)- ':1e.\pl lI'r'r a.+ illelltbct's 1)l 111- • a 11111 stud: t4, the ltmetir.11 l in his t'ifort to reat'h the pole, il'• •1'111 111)1 the balloons of 410t.rlo• will adhere to his original pot• 1:1•i"'nding upon sledge,, dog- (1111 '(*I''' i1'e1-esrlt i,, at S1lootot' I- tall, litlell with 11(154 1)01 101's, 1111,1 (- !_caecal repair,. w•i'-1 b,e 11:41. ''nal►, • N 1 FROZEN IN ITIS SHACK, Body of Saskatchewan Farmer, Missing Four Months, is Found, ,\pril 1.5,-- French seienlit- al' d1 I, a farmer. aboral one mile t,o,;: Ji •tl'une, hu, been fount) 1101111 in his ll' Rev..,Mr, Tomlinson, tt mini:. t 1•:', lis ilex in the neigghborhoo,l. 51:01,'1 1..--ut1pl,'NI to have left for,tlern:al,d ilrert!lber, and 11'11011 11e was tee '')' ..,,not it 31,13•, iuf-rrelt th.1t 1II' ,.,'11 s:e I'1 the obi, country, 1L now al'• , ;t t • Coat l,e went to -pend a hast night ilio dole':, and 453!4 there frozen to '! :a4 h. he body 55na frozen stiff, nit)'. 1,111 r: r!utine'! umbo, it 14 s11pp041d, Ir n,011th NICOTINELESS TOBACCO NOW, Sold in France as Result of Experiments on Rabbits. ileggiva, Sash., April 15. —Adolph t,te- iteeel -,(m, the quietion 4l wheeher niet+• 1' all he extracted! front telae(' , .:rids_ 11!'1 batter all its charucteri-ti'' Yee, t,r. The ( tovernnleut, ,1t hick 1::!- a 1(-'t11t 1„11,,' of the manufacture and sell' to'.,aeen, 11th on the market I:I-t 01 - ;1 5 3)b't of Caporal, (1• col4)014 0 •'til: of pipe 11)41 cigarette, tolaeeo. ',iv): ;lad hien freed of nicnlbl0. Ti:i• -top 4'4). 11)14011 01 11 10.11(1 of 1 _ 1: 7I erut- o4) rabbit:. An infu•iou t,f ortliu:l14' ('llp(lral tobacco \Vn5 inject• 1 11:111 the 1'0111~ of a rabbit, tvldell ':i'•'( five wve'k,, later, A post. ninrt'ut (t:linntion showed that the aorta wet- eever,''I with large spots, due t(1 artert'>• ;:''1))•i. Another rabbit, %)'1),y wllbjeell4'1 1.0,1 with 11ieotill(t4 , (`,1g•• eel:, 'Weis rabbit lived two )n0ntllt and '.':1• :lien put to death, The (tort:) %''a, to be perfeetld' healthy. QUAKES MW PROCESSIONS, C?'cbrztio:ls of Last Yettr's Eruption rpt Vesuvius. (:pule, Allied I.,, 'I'he5eweeersnry of 'll -1 -trot's eruption of Mount \'' ii• ;: la -t weer win; marked ;;osler(:ly :! eimple of harmless nartht(uakes , :'1 (111:lel:t 11181 monster 1'eligious pop -41.:1, lit the tuvele ar)urrrl the col- ' The st 141 1)t of the \lallultua \vas 4.1 role( in 4riutuph by the, deity acyl 11 olI l4) r(ti's, 111111 win.•+ fnllo4te(1 by h,tr, :11:1(• of the faithful. 'i t,,t processional feast, a t \eerie l4• ' it lit' ended in i1 riot, arising, it 1s •1), f)n)(4 exeit(I1('Ilt r'itt)N:•tI b;! 11. ir1 lie i !hal mother 418((1,' of ',iv' 1.1.;I,1,,rot.,t \4'11s opening 11101 4itlltli'•1'1 its 1i 11s' this shonll( have led C., not np(rtr')(, but knives 0tlt within the eillt eel. :1141 1' t,cr.' )Il(lel! (u ,1)1(11( I1I,' di-• DOG WITH n5o LIVES. -range Adventure of Runaway Collie in Underground Railway, !1 ))..lpril (,i,• -_\ passcng vr's sodic in 111;441 from the platform of the • :'t;•:"t;!romnl )':tilw'a5' duffing the busiest it,!1 ye-tmrdu}• and dashed into the w'4:; not semi for eight 1h1)•in; service Temple arose :ld told ;t 1)r wilco his ew'ac'onrpall(0d ly MOVEMENT TO AID MISSION WORK 01 the mecurrc'ume, nut( he lust Carney ;1 oit(e(I:I, : ou'• hot h premised to quit drinking, l'.1•1( 1114)4 41111 found 11(111 ,4 Toro() ABROAD. STRIKERS FOUGI-IT LABORERS. d'sp8te1): The Laymen's )liseionary lio\eu)ent, one. Of the ' greatest religious enterprisers of tho pre• sent, day, which l)ld Itsgenesis 111 they Hamburg. April Li.- fnlporfed l:tborert United States on the 14th of November, who were unloading the steamier I,01(:3e, 190(1, was louneh'd 10 Canada 1)t a on, returnil ' from supper Lust night, meeting held yesterday afternoon and a dinner last night in the Temple build- ing in title city. The. gatherings svere re- presentative of the laymen of all the ernugelienl deu0nuuint.iuns of 'Toronto and tho l'rovilee, and the ds'liheratiuns 1)41(1 spetthes %were eltlu•uete.rized by an carnee1 thoughtfulness wide!' augurs, well for the suecerls and ,stability of the movement. in Ilii.s country, '.l'IIe purpose of the movement is per- haps bwt slated in the words of Mr. \, %V, ltnlvclL K, 1., in the course of of the 1:ug;l)sltm,'n aro returning,' Bullet Wounded Fleeing Englishman in the Thigh, found they were bluekc''.t by :t ('0)')1))11 of !strikers, who drove the striko'brettkers off +with sticks 1111d stones, (lite striker fired 11 pi.etol ttt the fleeing Englishmen, wounding one of then) in Hut thigh. t1}1 e(n'go eouggest ion el the harbor (:nntinues, Nearly 300 4tc)lmers :Ind over o)) sailing vessels 4114' waiting to disellarge or take on cargoes. Foreign • long .-114(41'' 1ne•rt continue 1)r• . riving here. 14'o11r hundred and eighty reached Hamburg yeet'rday, but Toter :r'lei!iu:; within 11 Petr inches of at live rid!, '1'110 :11:1))11! was e4h(ulSl'4l 11n'ntq:11 1:7)4 ‘vtis not ;Idling!, '1'l: eir- P".,m...1:11)eei 1))(11'!)1 111111 141' 111(1( t't,w• t'r('ti in floe 4111140 position (all the time that .2.511 trains passed over him. THE PIPs, WAS LOADED. Laborer Found It, Lit It and Will Die a5 a Result. April 13. --_)like \'0r - ,k(, a litborer, picked ftp a pipe on Alain street this afternoon. It 5%445 tilled With %',11111 \'orslu supposed. 1(4 be tobacco and lit it, Immediately (here was a ter' tilde explosion, 1iotit •Vorak1'rs 01'(': 4'r° 11(5144 nttt, his nose flattened out and his 1 1111) partly torn off, The flesh o4) his face was reduced to it pulp. Ile will l[ie. „ ,. ! 4 IS PURE! ►-I-sir; r:, THE PARAMOUNT FEATURE OF Free from A.rtif:clal Colorinh, Dust, Dirt, rr.d All 1,'o: -e on Lead Pa1:kets Only. 'J(Ic, rI1r, rend (iO;. Pin AT ,11.►. CRO•'_ F'RS, HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, ; ;10 t. to• -'11 her pre1lt IiI;I1l 11Ifianliy ;lull' impatiently at, 111;• „:ta.iu 1104/4, but :t vivid ,c:trlet Irl '11 441101 h'I 411ee1:4, •.Ito\ring Mini, 11,. 1' I: I. •1,,I1_Ilt!_1 1111:4'0, 11111 Wit 11.11:111`t' 'At:', 1).1111,;1 elulilnu';I, with ilrrrr:l`ln.1. ,'III: "'1 1111 and Ill'' young' cll!pl'll fit iii' -1 (4f ;Itll'a(11411 (hiring ynlll' 1l'I!• '1•, ;:t I le cp!,.otle, and, I 11011111 1141, 111• everyba(ly lllllll::llt 1-'111 \Yl'I'I' I:Ik- it; ,I t;,';irt-liroktii Ira\'i' elf ;von:, lover, �:I-,,-:•i of .1 l it pl'n1r,0 .:I !I„1411, 11'1.• your philanthropic nt'l • h., 1 IA,',:1'11 i'::t 'ha I •Iarle'l violently as 1i:', siedie of Earle a; her ';ntr•r,' 1i' limning. 1,1,11111. r11,11•0(' in :I 1!1111:1 1/1'1,'11' ,4101' 11(1,1 !wok, 11'1'111.; :114.1 , 711 :..I'- J It 1. .1 til,' 1 elv 11.1,1• 1 1141.! It 11" p11 1111(• 111:11 •11,' 11111 !ll•. i,1!1..,i 111 ",} 1111111111tit'll.1y .1. 1.11:1:111"I', 111:,{ , 4 ., „• g.!!1in'J 1111111;1 tide sac!) 11!1 1:11• ',• 1\';1yui, her !over! 4'11 r 111111 such a 1 hoii :1i1. !' '.It a eti",1nge thrill :loo 11,1'11;', Jr; nn't, buil§n;; Ihr 414(;:1111, ,1111• "'1 114:41, awl (//liking the ':ice": 4!! unit hall' ;;4111 ill•. ,1;IIeLI\ ,I'illiell, 411,1, fu• i:!_ :1;:^', I i," W41‘1's 4f Muir from I11'r 1111 •hl .I _'I,• I,i vI'.t' returned 10 1.!I.' ello,• he 11'el•r,. ...1.r :1P 1111''/,'-•- 1it Ii:iv Sail of hill!, Irapa. 1 proud of 111,!1, and- 1',I ,to 1i 11, too, I'd n1,i'I'y lum- .;n!1:'1 �11i Il; soon a; !'Ter hi u.1i u;lh (heir!' halefnl Hiroo ,1e.;, •: .::I i •1111' 111(ol'et(I her Itol'tl; tvith ':';,',iritic to;, of her ,mall font. :4.,. Da!tun leaned bill: in (Ito i1lrTitt:,''e 111,, i 1.l;�al'.t heartily at this spirited out - Oa the \thine, hf,' rat her enjoyed.seein!' daughter ill 11, passion. 11 ,S',ti not often that he had the np- •11C:'ltin1ty, for she 1v11s genexa1I'y the 1Ipp:,.-1 and pipit (4f n1:1liden<, and, 'bt'itig ;n1, only child, 1,u► cloud. hall ever be,':t :7 14•,111:1 1a otrruht4lott !:tit ,\I;', 1)n!t•un had. hceu ',NI 'tune! y iu1,111'cd lit idle scene in the cuurl-room, (lel.luing it. ting(/,/ in the extrema to he No !e -1) con$picaa4,lls before l'Iie rabble, a n.! lir had uttered ;I 1Ppel' 11'4/(11 than 4►1 111'1 I'11t•)' been nd,lroised to Ih' .petteal 4:111:1 before Burin; all 'her life, lint. I':1110111, vii ti'uc 11 11(1 loyal 10 the eon,. and, 11'11/(/ once she had mile It (loud, 114 nl!ver:iity cold(' turn her frotn that friend; and her whole nature had arisen to arms against the cruel injust• i1" 0; ,1 wretched! fate which had con- doul:let! one Ho noble and good ns Earle t4 41411'ttnce \'ill. III'/ father's laugh cupped the climax; excitement, the pain in her heart, ;11d, above all, his last insinuation, had 1,i e;1. almost more 1.h111 she could bear; bltf. \limn his hearty laugh rang oat so fall of nn,cking amusement., she could en- dure 110 more, 011(1, girl fashion, she bar -t, into tears, believing, herself the :nue.:. deeply injured and abused maiden ill existence, "f'„Ilii, elute, pot. don't 1•Ike it +o tel heart; but; in the futon' ivy and be It little less; demunstiittIve, 111,. ])lit on said, somewhat (/loved by her tra.rS. 11111 1?tlitlut \vas deeply wounded; her teal', must lutl'e their way now, 11rnl not it anther word was !spoken during their (lily..', (ince at, htinie, she darted into . the lions', and up to her own room, where, after she 11141 wont her weep ant• alone, ;Intl something of the burden from ttrr hrlu'�, 411(1 sit. dmvit to think. l i''1 cheeks burned hotly every time nht' recalled Iter father's light words. "Earle 11'aync tit' lover!" she 11nU'mlir- rd, 'v11It tremulous 111)13, and burying Ilei :;lee in her ltnnds, with n' feeling of rhntns! that; she shnnld (1111'e to thiel: of it, \1 •hen Earle, doubtless, had nrv,lr •111•!1 ;1111!' t..,'1!11'1t•''. 111 1.';r„`:; 11,1-•l'h�c,l a rtr..ii.i0 1;1 e :In:1411 f.', her, 11'114;1 I14, knelt in prayer 4411 s;In:l' Ili II;'I.;t', "1'!Illllll'1 11,:11'411'^ II'nlll')','�1. r-;!;•1, for 1he s,uitten 411", 11'o 1' 11'11141:1 111;•11 ,t t#u'nrt' to her 1,h+el;, I1:c thrill In Ill!' I"':1.;'!, "Eli le \11(/1.1:/ !(}1' Inver!" ;he repeat• 11, 'i:'.�'. „ :he laid her :0111 11X(/1 I:er [:III 1.U', 1111:1 t+r•r 11!'1';1:11- V,:01:11 fill' of a 11:1'.111l ;Hive, \CIIII 111`1'1'. 11:11''; 1.1'1':, III :':1,!I •II„n1, n l;; hl 1411.11'/ :11111 Imo., 11 111'- 11};11 ICtr}'i :! ',14th,' i1' sviceeI'- "Id , n; 11 n'4r0a41'•, hut, -neh 114 \1''1',11 Ili• ('i'1,' 1':'i"" f'Ir 1;'e', .till-1.'on4v1 111 f'1,1 lho 'I p 111 1"":}1!, 11;11 1141:11,!11 ,'f hi, lutt'•,;!h'I;:II \;4111;-, :111,1 t!It' 1}1:1•01:' U' !I1- 11'11'1'; ;111'1• / 411.'1 , t' :I,:1!4 •'b1, „ e1' \('ll11 111'• ! • 1.1 11 �'. 1: \';,. , 1,11:•1 ! , 1.'!, tli,l 1,);,1;:14 1'1, 140;14} \ ,.rater, (!1.1;111'1' !i;' ,1 !441:!'41 11114. 4f 1101' -111 !1.l' '.r; ,I•, �!Ir ;1'.'4.0 al,;l,i1r,;-1141 lin'•, 11, i„'GI!11' . :I!I,t ':",-i•4:1 !4:111 set - :dorm 1.t t!4 s:ni!in:' and 11:11!'\' t :1th, and :Ili t'dt' \"I(4l,l had ,! 1.l"1111"r me11!Iia: 11 tl:au ,',41' before, !! 11.': :: .. ;!!t' 11'1'1'0 "til'In1'in!' ititll reluctant fe..t, 1\'bell 1!:1, 4;•ne1; 1;1t.1 ritrr 111"1,l. \Volo an!41v1 :1.:u! II tl'r� • :f .11 ' 10111 41'10 ills' turi0,'! 110:!',•1, 1111'1 1'1."U! (hereon-enu'!I;i1,!! \o del: 17';:•' 111 ural:(' 1,11.1. 1;1). i': 110. flit 111'0 t,t4,i' 1,01'Ittifol !1411 :111:1 '1 0111411 lou#!;'111 with i!„' i t:''i411r4, >r.11l"Itllll!' Ili t'1'_'ret for t'le 111'I;i!i; an.1 I',:rete,, 14%11'. 11:4' !tulle tors 1114:. �h0 I','tl'4,!II!il'I'0a (111!1 ti11� \va•, i::Ir: sir•! 11;11 in p;'i•'41, -- tbo fir -1 of 111,4.0 1441;;, 1•1ii' 111101' \•1.,!r ;!!1'i the 14:11'= ,pang to her rte.:, r sot) trembled nn her 11 IC:I- 11;311' a ("1'. hours ,int'(' ::til' int,i seen hint, and it scorned as if 1t'r:'k; hal bras'(': and, it Il!01' it:;,! 4mm11 till lone/ to her, %Pint 11t',itl (1141 Imre 11111 to Ilial, ('nnld lie ever /(/hili it ? ('ouid ()tet' \v:';t with hio1ivuce ;o long? 1-'r rnuld 11(11• go to hn1--,110 had snit! Ile roof(' not hear to 'wive lier see hint there--awlso she had nothing to Ito trait. "Jillt. I will 1101 frlt•g('1 111th," site mur- mured; "let paint say 1dt:it Itt linty, f hire prnnti;rd la he ti friend to hint, and t shill) ku(lp 1)1,' pr4mirl'. lie has nn one in all the ltol'Id, 1.u' £0Cms to hove no one, save Unc'lc llie11nrd and Inc. i:v- ;1141: 1 will send him something, just to iet hits know ant, thole is one, at 1(';Ist, who eares n little and is .worry for hint." C'l 1:11''1'1:11 11'. .1 year 11'0111 by. 'l'o �1':Ilithu 1)ulton it seemed to fly 11s if with magic wings, fot' oho was yet a, school -girl, and this • hast ycni' was filled full with study' and practice, and \vi'th all the bustle :old exeitttutunt at- tendant upon preparing for grndnat in'i, 'I o Earle \\'ayur it passed ill a slow, tedious, 111tirntutiolis tintiltll't', milli its changeless tinily routine, to and !'rola the \vort:shops, and simple meals; its never -varying sights and, sounds, bolts and bars, But notwith�landing Ito grew !Ilter,•e1'. wilily/1 1','itIt all this, and of- t1111tilitt 1'1'011 11Ca.1'L`11.'l:, 1,'('l Il is 0011l'ilgo and 1115 purpose never wavered. Every day leas filled to the list moment %rllh u,icinlnoss. J.;ver} day, \then itis task \1'119 00nlploi(.'(1, he droll' 1'ura1 hi; book 111111 spent the remaining hours tit istutly, storing his bind, ineraa'sin4 his 1:1101\'- lcllgo of his chosen profession, and pre- paring to carve ant for himself a future lrllirll, i11 Spite 'If his prusunt misfor- tune, he fondly hoped \would cl)Jl(iii nd the respect. of all \1^ho blow or : It,ntl;l ever I:nuw )lint. ile 11'14 rhrerftll and patient, perform-.. ell his 1.0,51:5 wi1'lt alacrity, and without the gi'outllblillg so usual [11113111g coIIVins ; and, by his never•varyiug court/1,4y and gond 'behavior, he w,lm for himself the commendation of the officers, the snood will of his companions, Inti. beli,nr than 00000000000'1' 00��0' 'J 000000000 The effect of ,Scott's Ernut�'ion on thin, pale children magical. magical, It makes t�iem plump, rosy, active, happy. It contains' Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerines to make fat, blood, and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ,p ALL q,,DpR,UyaaISTS ;,,,�pgq60c. A�,N,DI���It'�'$��II!��.,,OO. 241 i 0 Y 0 (/111111 ttt���^^^ �` ik/ t till, the days of gratia [allotted '.4 I;:osm 11:111/ b"r i1 1:'I ,•nll'11,I;11:' my o„•; I;111 "�� ! _- Ill ` t tI11W THE G1�11.VS fl JI S • IS w111 are not 1'npl'Illlnlltlrll, II!., t,' ti ,' ! 1. 1 li.l l 4' 'love,' 4"4,11 fib' ' ! ., SPRING O C ` ����D• Every %%t'1lk on Saturday --the day 411 !'o to ;,:II,,I, not, to 144;,1' ;n 11!1'1,;} - \1hicll any (i![ nal) I4( I •I1 rl•In1•ulllrunr. ,1. 1;;1'.I, 1:'a !1:1 I:Irtii ;n1, 1.r'„ • Dr, Williams' Pint,. I'ilis 1\I;1ce Rich, Iicd ! II''101,t; 1''.:,',.!r, 11,1 !.,,,:it' \\,';'l,' .! friends I I I' 1 k 1 '\ I G Blood. (!i 11'(/111 Illt'il' 1'11'111 Ili ( (14 way 41. fruit, 411,'1 I 1 ' '1, 1 1 . 11'4,, lfealtll 1111(/' UUL. !I t t, H."11:11 14:I,Ilatdi 11011'1'1'8 :111(1 (/1.111!1' Ih'lir01•.i0" -111494., +'11111' II!li ;}1; ! tt1'a,!,',+ 1., . t"! :! 11) 111111 1101110 little 041(1!11 11:11, Ill:t1(t II1r1 14 ". ,' lit! ,1, 11111'1:) d 4 • 1 114 !}11.-t 1 4 ,1; 11':1 1,1;1 \1'llil,'1' 1:1/1:1 ii •t 114 -; !r 1.'.'t," i, 1,l ! 1:,:t'" .u. 1111 heart 'eat mut Ill rill ltith pteasme, 1 I';,!:Itll"ilt''nl ill r,\'4'I''Itf',lt' 1, '1. 1 "1 ;I•rl' Sometimes it, 11.':14 11 1141' of 11111', 4 f a 11,,1!, ;,. ;,,.1 I Irl ;111:1:1,11,1:lll;lle41 In'na, 111 11 L n,•i"li'1',1r 1 i'ri 11111 'codify, til' 1'1014•14, til' I;401l4lr 1 "' , , 41 I' '.1'.. ! ,. ,' i 1'''41 .:! '! ,r ,,t' ,, , (,i t ' lt'ttil . 11' ,11.4.;it:tl,t, !I'1,: '1 t, I , 4 \�1ii ., Ii 1 1' 1111+ 141 I; (. 1/011• ie. '1, 1111 myrtle 111'111-:olilti; ;it (41111'1'1 1.l :, 4111'1; )f 4 .I ! e,•!t'441 j 11 ,i ,l,•1nL• t „ ! t tlr } , 11, , t , basket. (if fruit, ;I, II:,4 1: 4 1,, i:1 t Ila' 1411 \\lilt I,i 11'111/' '..e !4 ,1 „1111. 1,,1' :i. I,I'-,,1,1 I:; n i' 1 'II,,,II JI 1. }• i I t ! , :4 !" 'I', 114,4 t 1. 1.r, 114 .4 t1! 111 some hind; a1111 ['.,!i'!1.: keel% ;!I'll 111❑ : 1:i . i J 1 ;+ 111'111• 1111 lid lot(' 1141, Im (1111 1 i'l'l, ' 1- 14 411'1'. 3. ^11th tiro „4.JL' In,1 til ,1 ,, 0 1 1 1;,tr- 11:. :11 11},,•1:r'„ 1, lt{• 11, 1111,, '.1 a1'1I 111 "'1,• '. '1 v''tl tV1'at to 1,,.1.: I'iii1Iii llll� , Ifl•\4.1. In.",I I:;; it rt44 1 ,t, �t. .. 111" ,i 1'11;• , they came for ii ve.ir, when I.I''i /14,14 "i• ! 1i''ll,lrl< 14IT#' b1,,,,!;Irie' ,.4, of 1,t, i 1:1-1,',1:::‘..:, ' 11,,; ''.4::;,41[11;11 4}' ll,l!:.4: !:,t, t 1.1: rt 1 I'I'nnl'tl 1111,1 In, ''"''.,•,I .I, 1., Ili"I'•. II: 1 .t! 11111 i` 1114 r"1' II!i111 411 ill; :I'4:1'! u; rn'1`• ;t. .,,'r., ,,4rrt 41.; "1`, I. 1.1/11' i'!4 1' "1' �,1) 11114 1':111 1'1';11{%e;'Itt, 'till' 11,'01' lei, ! n tt,.114;l - • i'' ,I" 1•''1'1'11 -1,:: ,` J1 411: ,t• -r 1.'1 :1.!!R :S 144/1: i+• , 41.41 a!'',t!!la tat .rt•, : (,111 Illln ;y1. Lbl'•P i!1e h \'I,ir p,, r ,t• 11 1 ,1' 11,'- • ill 114011 1' mit. di, /1 i,v ;1 11'1/:,,4 i 1;: :he ,. ,.11, 1! ill, 1/'',1'1 ',At I.1' `, '\11:11', ' .1: !.,tit' it 4'J ,' •,!,•r '' 11 111'111' -11,',' 1.;', \\1.,111:"• 1 11. 1 i,i'• '1.41'••' 1. ••11 11111::'11112 111:11 till() a 1111/1•, ,,.,1 11'' 1(14111111•111('4', 1144' 111,44 4,1 tilt' 1'1, slid 11. 1 11. 11' (•t }.. t \' 111111;1'11 for 111''111 t't'l'1'1• Saturday for :1 ,1• 1.1.1 It i'itt� lith tilt!' ,, 111: 'I !!.1 . 1,'1 :1111 it 1.t 1 ,' 11 „ 44!11,' .1/111' ;ti,t.t,` !, 41,, !t.' ', 1' 1 r , l 11111! 1411(', tlitttt illg L11;11. h11'1'1ti 11- I,II;I ):. 11 1 1 tti'y 1/.'!1,11 it ;t 12,111, I ill'. ,,. rt )+r. •- ,( ! "1.l -,t,:!4;, :1 lr•1,•..:ti 1f;, '' ,1, r ill,! sic1 ,''''on 1 4,:- ,' 1.,'.t !„0111; (!41. !I •,I ti, `, 1114! I'1(41l,ltt tl, 41, 1Ji:C 4 in 4!•1,',' 11 •14 111,11 ,t ,• " -1.,'t was nor 1, 1' ao,. 1111(1 could ;I(;1. .+,'.:,t `,1, 'i ( 11111 r .1;'1.,1 1,1 1;1 ;'' ' 111'1'4 111 1.l"111111' I, 111,1'/ �''1' :.1' !.71' 1 .,i' 11.11 '11 11'1 (114111 1111' Ills' tlllll!• 1.,t .,, ! ;:I 1 ',1:: f:4' ,1 , •1,'1. 't 1 t -,,,i I' IIP has 1nl';111:('n In!' ;!1111' .I% 111' 71!}11 1;!!1111' 14't'. r,,', 1'11. 1.'l 1111:/:}Ir 1'1!11; . ,1 ' ,11 -•,• 1 ,`t !:iii t 1,1,11! 1..:,i' 111}1 • rt:' -, , ' ; , r ;11,11' 1111: . ,t .!' . !'. . hlf?11P11, . ildly, 11141' `I'l'I'1'tll '114 1! 11.11 J ,'I ! i 1'41t� ;1111' alt Htr`,t1-1,t":,. Ot'to , !: 1.,' t"f, f ,411 , r 1,i 1,1.1"t -'; ;;.'' • I; ! 1 111 v. t \1 41 .04 '1 , ;' 1 (!`t-0 St 1.!,/ 4 74 4 :!1'\ ,'t,:1 \11:11 ,1 4 ,U"1'41 "1 'r p,1:;041 •;11!11 L4 1'141 441 lee -iv a ', ,y - ., 1; 1,i+'1t, t' t 11.4«/.1. I'.`,'1.' .' 1;1,`!: �i1 I'' ,' i!I !I ',1111!'1, illi i .1!: -t .ii, ;1 ' 1! n .(, •,,. , „ •1}I;;I4! 'Itu1C1•I'. 111111 It tit'1•Ilit'l1 ,'1.irool „� 4 411 Ott U1 n1.'\\' Ill' 'I lit 4 4 ,/,}1',(11,,1 1 I. J 1",I' r 1, Ili- :1'- .t ,; If death had 111't4411'C'I! Ilan of :.-o1114 c.,; I' 111(' 41e1'tt'1,r't'0d „ ,4 -, ,,,'1 r!,• . 1,i, ,'1'.• 111 1.;.1' , ., !'. _ 1,111 ;S P, hitt ,,, 111: ',,h „4 ' I' P.I.. ;i'}1.. it;', .: t' ,#1,!1 ...'i•'2'' .. ,.- ,,, • ,' ,;-, ill! 1','!;11'111',1 1.0 illi 111111'!:' 11'11'.,1 ,; nl',i !1111 rli},'r , :lte ..'t',ti• ' i til^t•,+- '?,:!•t• J::,1.•r!'. like ' {: , ,I. it .! till' 1141;/' 11'.1: 111 llll'llt' 11111'. 1:14 11111}' 111,1: 1'.:14 1111101, 11,11 , 41., .. It11111 ,111,! 1}111!1'- _1 ., , ,,,'11 tie:,:}('.4 4,. ,.,t' tL44, 1'1Ni ::i! ,14I''n••,, 1',1:, 1(!:.,'i 1,..ill, 1,,l o,J, t., w. L41 lilt ,l' 1.1;.;4:1,I1:1 ':,'� :I'1. ^N'1'I't 1,1't'fll I:' to ,,, "1110; 1'1,1! .I'll 1 ;1.11 4'J i I, :!;, i pi- ',.:4,y, 111 1 1114:11 1411 11' 1;1 1 :1 :11 i 1,, :" '.t, 1,a 1.t ,, '' ;;1'i'I'i. 111;11, 1;1, I,I'I;;it 1)itl•• ,III•, 1,u I'll,"1 1.l :!" r' ,,.'i !'1.r !}".1!'111, "1'}'111 11 a1 1,1 1!le r4i 111,, „1::#e'',, ,111 , 1,1;11, '1114• ,/111.1. ht; ••411/1 11, 11 . t•., 1'1,• him, \. '11:1,, .11('1)nn;t 111, ' i1 a:' ( ;i: ', 014,„ `,1' •: '+r . :I11r1 11'114'!1 41111.1' 1.,.r itPt.i111 ,` . 1 ,,: All 1il,tt rrtll:titt0d (o comfort, !I III '','its 1' 'i''''''. 4,I' 11',!11 1014,111' tial! ,11.1'.1 was (,•1111 1.1111 1! 1 ,4 P4,'}ilii, •1' '1 " t' I'1' 11'1':11; 111,1 !11;;1 111- ;l'airlr'1`'r C:+•1.'4' a;1, :,! 1:41 :t Ili ;Iv Irtt!, fired 1'1111 dried and (1#1!(41 11}71.1 t•, !'4 7 4 'I' •I, 1,1„" Ili '1;1), _ ;1;:1., , 1111 i. ,! !,1 ,I. • ,�1 1441 hail u, ! •l:i I 1, 1:1,,' 'iul�li:'•t, it '. •;n'1'ri'^In:; 111)'.,' 11:: 1..,y' h'. !'I:,tv't'rs that he had not had t!}1.! 11e.irt 1401 v.1 4 ,1 :'a ., i1,, 11;14' i"111111,: 14!1-t • drag' 1111';ell 1114111 .I, ,I 'It Ill ll ,.....,•:wt. . 1',;lb,1, 1:1 kliI'!. In 1111'.1\1' 1111';I t, 1111'1 Illi' itieti1'll'�' I i 11111 1''111!'', 1, 1 1111 It4l ;'''t n`;°114''1, I -1.:l' 1111(/11 Iia; glu\',Ii ; V',nf 1 i• \tt"(' 1114 !wt -1' II^'• 1rt"1i in':'1141/:s t11‘41'11'1,11 at I11111110'1)41:::11.11;11/1 nd l,or,ll, 1'1.'. ' 1 N„ 11• l;40 :t fit': Itnl!, 1:14,'1.: 4,,}1 I'll 1.4 try' 1)1,, 1'.....:.;,.1!....*. , , ,. art i r- I , 'r ! r 1 .11' I f '1,1:11.-1 I r'',1";;11. 1'111); 1'111- It li1'ir!rt i' '4111. large 11. Ore. t„ )1:1i1+ I' ?ll`d \lul It'1111f 11':ti 114 rill;nn of 'I 11 11i h::l'' - iI h ,;; 1.1:1I IH'Iurt 1 111}11 :1•i(I n ,14„'.:4 I:;,:1,-. 1 1\.f, "''.ittrrett ;il,0111 111,4 rnt_r, :-,''tt- : ,it'll Had 1•,11111111 for'�Iittl'n? ;'';t''ihel' II1'\' 0\(,111' nit' 11111, ll.; !iti'tIt a; 0111'. .\t ti,irrilll' it'iitti "'1 L!' !n 141'1' 1.'1- .'Ir'S11 t1111:I1It1' :.�tll'' :::‘1‘. 11:111 ;tlr, Ittttl#1 11444 1"1tiy c11r1.'s 11'llit'11 ,l,ltell 1 (';4111 '::t'i n,!,\ 10 11:}'.1: 14;1.4, t mill 1 11111 II4w 111.1'' 1•I '1' IL\' 11101-"1',441: 1171 111},. off !I;• 1,141;, 11'^1.1,11, f,t"ll i:11.11 1.!a, 41.1'11 t't,,ll 111'1' 11111(' ;111,1 altelllitn :it. Ilii; .1;11 11i'(nl'1', 1' irt\' ;;'Ili:', .v;ll it.,i In'I'' ', trithutil tilling ,:,1;11 ,1.11 , 1 (l}:1ii: 1!r. 1411' 1414! 141!"1' t!,, fe,'t, Irmo'. 11,1.. 0 oil 1 III('[ '1,'4 4 it l'111'e11 111111 it' 4 11 '11th? I'''' }}1,l; \vei'11 !1:11,, 141'' al:'1::i 1 'J1.• •t 1\ IItt,iii,s' 1'}111; 1'111: 1:}1, 1,"• 1' h:- 1,;:1'1: 1}!1'1 itLtitr 0,o1 ;(}'1,11!4([ 111:11, t') ` 11:.11' t:, 11, I; ,',111,,,1 „ 111 ',I'' !I' t 1.'110 N4, It 11:111,1'11ed ill this 11';11': ( .I 1:1, 41 18" 14,'t',I•!',III [Gat i.) .I!! 11:/1'1• 1,,l li!i,.t1i'fat. ,\1. the 1'11(1 id' a year alit' gralllnttt.d, '11'`I'li''' I ! 11 ;;,-.1 ;I1, 111'/,1-i :.! I'.'l1l i,:1 I1, I; ;1 II11•l,lkr• ;'I 24!:" pill' 111111,'• ,II 1111; nn:•r: w4i l .'Ihr I'1, ,t til"3'1.'+rib :}'.1t- 4! 'i1Jl-; 1141101• to 1111111 her ills: rtl:'l'Irs 1111,1 ;.I i I , •111;1 .1 . pl'lll�. ,11111'4 ,'will I' : ,. :!14 ,h4`lor Irl NLtI 11:31 Iw 11 1.l'+'in,' 4-,\J ;,y'1. 0, ,,..,i eil!1 1114',0!(, '•l 111'111 1,1''111/41, :.1)11 are tilt' 4,!,!1.• 71',11 it11:11I Ili! Ill'.: ,.11.141 :4111---1rt11'g111;;r; tl'14•IL•e of Irl^ 1:::1!1 0.1", f,1;4 40001 ,11IIV 11101'4 11':Iti 1.l day `1'1. apart, for 1 1)11,' fi'II'lld; 1 ('111111(.'1. 011111!41 le; 1"11 •,40,' -illy 1.':t'; hI'}}, It 1•i 11 lil''1„'lilr' to 141.1 441 -0'11111•, 1!11}1 \''1111 1•ea:,;!vitt 11,111- 4; 4,11 e':ereise;, \shell the 1!r;tditatiag ria -4 al).\\ II;It .•hall 1 d4 without ; 1,u i'' ! 1 1111• , r the 1,11,4,1, not l',:,1.' 10 0c1 4n 1,1' I,n1'i 't , 111:11 1;01.1,. i 111111 fl ,1!1 L ';,i I + 411 :`1 11/111411 lit (110 1.11011' !Ili}tly (1'1''11111 114 "!':1111', di:!r, tit U}ilst lint :;:1 11':11' \1•Ilit'll 0 111'1'1• --,Irv, 1:,', \\ Illi,! ttlo' hid; 1:111 I'4 It !!11'31 ',41111' 1}10 :1::;114••,'-;4?'11011, ^1141,'/ 11'11(/1 1!tl'ti' 11'''11 19}(1111111' 4( 111 1110 11111 -4411 Illll^1. b0 11/4.'1/ 1.1'1'1 '';lIII1: i! 1:1111,1,":., .t:''' .I 1,1111,1• ti i 11. 4.}1'-•-111"t 111:11:1' 111111 tlu• 11'P;i0 t''� i(i1,t!.t1 "�1,,:;4. 14 11 44',ty 411 (4,''t1'1, P°01114.Illlll 41!t('1' 1004111• 4'1.4'1111: IIID 11:0)1' 1'l}lllt w!ti1";.1'!11:' I'!'1,' ''+ 114111 1'041 1144'1, .:II'' I 1111\4' t;1110,!'/',' III' 1%.,11i1;1, 11';1 \C•'::., 111:', 111111111'lll;, 1111(1 to rt ('I'ltl! their d11114111i1 �4'r' }'411 !:1'11'1'(1 •'I, Iii -:1111, I''1' . i' ;1,.i t , l 1(111. f II"1 1 1 . ' , 0101'1' organ 1110 111 �+"' 1!1;11 1,114 L'4t11'1' eI"[lila 1110 fall^ ",II! "..I I': I':lith;1,'4 purul 1114 lltt 1(41 wit It en. hi; [ill; pressed 1!.'1 alining ou,I' 1441 l:is r I1,ll ti Citi , "I1!•, \\ i'tliltt' -' I'i:i1; I'M- f' , ''!1'•t'i1 :11,iturl, e'!":1-, Liu} 11 .,,111'1 "f 1111: Iluiiot;In, a perfect, storm of nppl;!n;c t+yr 1111//1 (/'1111 irnr, uto till' :1 ;I!'nrl;lf1411 of 1!10 ;;he 1',tt-N1 Ivo. III':11! lit 1 t�i:1, ,.1,,1 1'11!1 ]hill'," prii.te11 on 111 U':apirir ;1.:'1! 11111! other' ub!1 •1 0- !, . . 4 1111,, 1e•tifying p, 4/411:'1.l rarh 14`;. 111 roller n'vtl!4,1 1.L( +u if 1111 111(./,1- i4. LI;, 1,i 4111 public, \1 die floral offerings \veil, shn\C• 111:11!1' :111 ('1141'; :1i 1111 ('Itltl,l'U1' Hui'. hili L;' ll',. I rtf I' actor :Ill 1111 i:" •tllr'r,,l ! 1'111 ! ! 1.1': i'1,' ell "'1 !111} 1 4111! !I.1) ?t'1,,111!r 1' 1 ,•!;1• ,'0' , ! i.1,' '"! I:il"Ill, 1! ,I ,11 it " ',Ida 11; 111.1' !001, eat I ;1.0re l !'. ,10:: t !! ! ;1,1111 o1,11 in have stuc!;eli n fieri=t in ;I 1,!;)1! 1'or,rit1 int•'' and her 1'1,'1 !iL +11'11:. i! 1' I' i, r i' 11,;til Jt 4 Lr t', 1 I!' rro ; 1 I 111(/.`1 , 14 itaitt :illy Il!11.i'li, ,Ir) 4'4111 a fu,.: 'r: •!;: 1.(i if c f 1' ''' 1O 141.1 lit• 1- 1::.•111 (l ',i': f ,. it 1 4, 11',11' , from lie" 1)1'. \\ 1111:1;.,• "ll',til:l:l'' 1.•0,, ,,1.,,,,'1•• of 111..111 1:,•, 1,1 1411;',4 ,', ' .J `4eleeting the ehoive;t. of theta all, she "Thal is right, dear; do iv't, I:',;. ibis, Iirorkrille, O!1'., e4•;u 114',1, inllosed 1(/111 bouquet and poen!, loge- our last hour, 1.I 1'1 np:, I:i' :','„•ce't in o+�, Early4ill Tii• tr. 1.1! :,',I .' Ther 1'1111 a little explanatory note, in a tela',; wunl 1114 1t>'ret;. 11/14 l; n. [':,lie, Lox. 1441 dispatched it, to ]4iitl . hu Collt(Itt t i. aftln n. feti 71111111ie>' el Pi yc:, algid 1111 41, * '4111! he 14 4111 <", 1.l l'nfurlunately \f•. I)ati0n etleounlere(1 though, "or, 111, least, f .sni,p44•e y(11 114.\IIIII;�1 to it tll:lt !4„ 44111 not 11;10•'1, ,.I , he hOy, (x4,11, 4111' I!'',:1Y'lll}" Father.IL'I, 1,1'1'11 11:'':!;,::1 1.4 ;;d,1. ?:;,I 1 :t the ;erviint \1'ho 1141 hearing illi,; box 10 1:41,111 111811 I nut Butt,;tlerril 141 be VI'1,;: '1'11011 know ;1 the end from the begin. t1,I!luny rider pill n!1, ;n , n•;!l :! is .41• the 1'X II'1'.;4 uftt;'l', ('01111;001411 11, 11 1111 rich." :1111" 111111 001. 111110; 111',! 111 .1 141 11:1 11(1; 11•L' , 1 ,«, 111411 Il Ulll 1101% 1'11111' [III;' I .'i: ''111 enj4tn111 ;;limn upon the, 'rarer regard- "1',';: bat, oh! 11' 1;c (uut1 01!11 •:1.e pray for ,111('4 to commit otir,elve4 en- [,net•, (Itt1 111' 1,;a; t tIIi a ",I . .'i1ii is it,i uuutrly fate. '1'114 pnl e pt 411 1111h;ll'c you \tell it tin,'[ '111 t;rely to Thy 1•.;-e ,':Ire awl ;laird:lute. 11 real rider 1;11;1'; 1.!I„ ,;:;,•(• 1f 1±;" mi.�Iititl, butit. the fl.Itcrr \toren(ruthleIl're-l}' iuu,ln'n;l 1 Thou host. 11::111/1 u;, O (,1.,l; and ..vi, d`a;r 1 i my, d;owe\1•r, e• fe, ;:111.1/ 1:14' • ;.,Iy (91.41 into the ft:llut;, "1'45; gold i; /41(/41/:•s 1'.114)! 41,(' that the 1 rt� pntr; and faculties 1:1(1'11 1(4/;4 ha; 1,,,,,:i 00.,„1,411 all 111''•4• ' ''1,i "11'/'11 pat, a ;tap to :1.l) this nonsense. 1011(11 to lie 1/114//! I and 1,u day, :,an! Chou ha:t. he-tot':wl it (itt u; 1414 b1, 1111(?e;, he 4'111 •0uleti;n4; sulk, I": ;lit he mutierr41 ,a4 lir 4'01.0114'41 ,ht it 114,11111 1111•rtt i; 110/11100 (/tan \1•ouhl not g;1'C i:;01ttfiea and 4,o(/;rrrt 41 to Thy ,r r bi;14 11 13 and shrivel Up411 the 1`1411;ng tit r ;rbatigo fin his life' but. that isr g . !•i event the 111 iuer _i1,'': !liar "4,1 • ,. ,, vice.el \1 (' d4 1141 ;1,5!: for 1,l1,f, e•1,, dill nil'',;; the f riint lir'-. 1•:Itil ;4 1‘.;.','f . :I 1!41 4(/11:1 4441 f'nnl 111nt d,ty hr tool, 1tit' ',olnrI!tIt;. oti('r 1111;eh 4 o eilO have no we ll !4' for?Inti 1,h anti 1/t 1,, t4 1111 :herr i, no ii(Ire •ulf:init;iit'.r t;' 11, that the lonely pri;#tuf'r ,114(/111 tr,'e1i1'I' (1)1 11(41 and sn ll is well ;1i all 11(/41; f;tour daily dut\•, \1 (4 it be 4411' highest 1.1,„ inlp111) tun 4t 1111 hi' li fir• r'"i1, no more flowers or 14LItis (if 1,l n1. la•1:, b1 i<ad'y 1 1\1144 "0;..1 te ;Irl 4111411• au1111? 011 Ihr 41,1/41 of aur auprenle (,e. hr:ince from 111; 11111/ friend. 11'114, Iliuit 'It [tut. 1 hunt 11,:r111' '11 �'uu i.;,ai ;'i', n1, .ire, to Ila Ih(' 11'111 of I;n,i, �11re 73; :rein 1' Illi;lllnent, I, n la,l,hof 41, • ,'1 • ':1, she! novo.once 1111/11 14 keep her pI411(1 volt 1, n;;'n .1 ntndr a. 14111 141,1 1111,14• you ,ell'i41uu'-s, \1,n} lye de i1,(' net only 0:;i' :III, 114'1,,^ 11-11i111.1'. i; -,'',11H,':!:".;r. i:e, was yet destined, 1k/me t the (limity iffy. liehr.t:•: ride ))rtes II id 141 un+' own n•elfure but that of our brethren :1111 r Lo "011.1 him. of another, to appeal' unfaithful to her to luxe :1.9 1 1411•/ loud you, 14111 ,ii) 1111 il!,;o; and may 111,, r11oo;r' rather to int �4,nlU burse , \till break til 1114 .t promises,114111, 1 arcnnnllntr41 1,a., laid b} fur yon, ler (/'rung than to infli"t nn injury upon Irltu�11t,h's;1,i,t'011rldcrl"`,11'ull•;he ,•i1, 71111 ?.4'i til year pati -1,11, x1:11 it 4144 n 141114 unit - 1 41, I 1, throwing 11 nnolher, in ,his and till thing; n,ahe u= l f1, filo , it d, 11141 a lu4k of trouble a ml tri:t li I b,' tl:l,m0nt hr es•n t: n s'.1!: :. ''It �•rnr 1'(/(//111 111th otrnt4 Ilf pain lull! =n1,• 11 ! lobe 4141 Lord.:1mcn. rutv for our hralltiful lsdithn. nnxirfy sltepl, over Ili; lenlure,, ...♦ this enrrally i� found to I)1" i!1.' f„ .,f JII'ti, 1)altllll 111'41 11 `1.1'') 111111,1,'11. Ilf i;i Ii1411 tile ri411'1', S(i(tl(!, N'it11 i, 1,•i G1 it(II, 11•Ital Y" Edit![:. a:=keat; 4iitnl'e yon r Tula fully, 1141 nlltnys, in her t.ay, 111 luiy 41114/ 111;11 4411, 1411(/11 441 4;414. and QAiiY 5 FRrEND. ,lundi:tg in 1141' [,Mice too 1(1.1!', I:diiha; and though thele had never ,ltertdhtnl, ;hall be jn;t 114 ym; U'tJuld 11414/4 (gut 11 Ity• 11\1`4 '1'(/1:41, i1,} 11 11 :(1}1}11:11 O, 1.41 h 11tier n 1:11111'4 :',4:. . i;, been 1,4 (/140]1 1,1' sympathy and lllu'nlolly Iikc i1,. to be," baby ‘vas troubled \\ illi colic and vomit• hint In kick aid �g110111 111(/1 1,l:;:'; :a hr111'arn thea: as there shnnld be beltt•0131 'Thank 1,(/u, 11(411 and titwll. i; ,1411 Ing and cried night 4411 Olay, and 1 was lithrr\vise :1ti,tir prTfurnl;,,'i"e, ilia. ,'len (/14114/ 1411 daughter, yet it. left her lho Itn;rll'i,-h ;piril, 111111 1 like In sIr eiu 111n4nst 11'nrtl out. lint after giving hits lbe ritlrr h:! to be request ,..1 t, ::11/11 11//11 teTy lonely, and occasioned her 1.411, and 1 1:11(111' that ;1'011 trill mak, 111! '.I'alteta for 0 1411' day: the trouble 444(/1 more 41, the horse; back. hu Ihr del l/ t grief that the one \vbmu she. ngooci 11(0 of ynur I'at'lirn�', 11111, 1 hate disappeared 11101 you \could not know It 1crt 1,1 an $Xpin'itnt('d Title:'. '4411 '"411 I had always called by that, sneretl name another v.i;h; it, is �,nnrlllitt that. 1 was the same /111111 he i; so healthy and (41„//1/1 i1 yon take (/0131' , ;,1,t' 1. should he token from her. intended chin! all= .hi but 6114 unn isr good•tiitnrell 144)\1," '1hi4 is the grate• 111 nae :1101- frit• Inure 141(114 un i}1,' ;:i1,.; ,. Richard Forrester , , ,,, , lllry al'r eull�tU!ttIt' all Ihr 4141'/, ',, ,.: 4,1.-, nlontlhs litter h 1,y I:rp1, lnlltinn it off, and 4411 11141.1. fol testimonial of .1 r. (,col r lloltrll suddenly sickened, and from the first. 14414 i1,. for you in rally nal," ~14(11 Iteurll, 11,44,, and it till; usher Ing much u.; n 1,1111ct dw111(11 5 11/11 they I:r,ety that, it 11'4; nntu 11('111!' 1'14411: inn fur lru;ting me t(4 iirl ,o, mothers 111111 are 1t4rn•ont caring tot' 11, teach 11141 to 1:4441, time!). hi ; '1'111.5 l,Itt ' npprlu'ed likrl:; 1I) //11;11 iii t ot•ii it Inn'• hr''' J1:!ilea :i1;41, flr1• ern,!; s.ielay ellildfen, how they can hying 1/1111 the lthip 111141 1111 11! the gf1,4:r. i:at 1?dilhn for "1:(/414 1 1(11ld" had always° him down gently with trip ,'t1.':1;t•. It! iltg druply tonl'hed and grnlrfnl Ihnt In' heolt11 to the little one turn ease to Ihem- r I been her friend and sympathizer. m. shnnld doom her 1tualhy to carry out any ,.rile;. ]1:(111'; lilt(/ "l't41c14 promptly foot al n time. 1'114 14)1(/111 =141:1.1 ''' ' 1.T To Ilial sill! had nlltny4 (11111(1 411 'lou plan of his. clue Ihr minor ailments of little ones, kneecaps in this �chuuling, ;o n, I;,.i to griefs, her hopes and fears (fur 'which ''1"1•olu the fiat,'' he ;lit!, `'I 11(/14 i en :1114 1.11414! are un ern.; Sirkly children intimidate or make hits ;LuLburn, 1. t one 4111 appeared to 1141/ neither time deeply int'rlrvfed 111 Earle--- , 1 'in" doll'(/ 1,tetic, use the :'.ant'.' :Ito 1.(I she /tel fonud him ill the homes t':nere �ho 'Tablets are 11/41.(1, aur iullll,L), n1. c4mfo►11,,11 1?1111111 41a►'tod 11t; lite nil 1111' :3 1.1 till' 'old by all 1114i!)4tne de:ilei, 4r 1,1' Wali! `traps, 6nppling hint in n it111 Top ready IitileuaT, and conn' 4114} ,1.r it, rosy 11(14 s11'/q41 mr.T her fair :,tee. 11'11114 at •',i cents a !\1,x from The Dr. \\'it• gently on 1(/111 knees 111th 1114 \\ 'lip, and lightened of bel 1111rd011, 11'hal` I her eyr4 llroup{'i1 11)111 gi.)tilt!Iy, 11it ,.Ile Hams' "t! divine 1,'o;n1,"11y, Pr0(1t91,1, have 1114 IIruo!n pull on 1111 -.trap,. 01, fern hr snitrtird F,omet'hi" of vahilt her (int. duivtt pm; the 1101?c on h;; k'irt' . ;':•'x1. ':11:15s1: , Hhr \vitlle,l 11 part;int;1,r 1111.01' II' falhor hurl 11!nird s1) 10ii itgn 1,r;;;1ltiliog J _ pull down on the rein; ;4111 14(/411 111/1 whip lightly o1, the hip, Sometimes tJi In ', evp 11ichikl she 11111 ,)1. 111 Earle. Danger and Expense of high Speed, beginner \\'ill flu 1 he;!.rill'. 111 1111 4 \ 'n1. „'rntii!w! etrrr rhildi�!I tell;1,u o1. \1 1;111 Thr si,'I: (/nut 411/'/1/11 it and 111,, 1.'e (Hallway al r.) f (4 411;0'; 1/11(/1 it \';a4 1,r II'!:a i. ,,,,:p.,• 0,,,, gtnliod her keenly far :1 nunnent, 1111111 111,1 trai1101' dolt? the fall all over o;',ai!, time, or 1/(/111 ;t intolted' brave([ It deep ,sigh. 111);11 -speed trains way properly be called both he and the groom itr;bang 11 ;ainst It, \1':14 1/141 rnitfldallt, In�i; ell IIrT 111-- il i 1 „ vast testing nuu:hlacs, and though they do 1114 111111411 n. ! Ifo r;unc lo' ata you 1:(/411, dear," h(' comes 41(1 11 to h4ty I llrr4,huul•"ird 41'crr(; were 1tbi.`;nret, Int. , :lot men4ure maximum strese= In Ira^t n o}', I'; hi 1111111 un, tilt poor, friendless 1)' V n1,' equipment they nrr relentless in showing 1114E (1111ing cli-ily, trill not 11:4'1 hint. 1'eerl'1'( 111y 111 1111 !'ill', 1111,1, :I, • !I 'seventeen, 114(1 I, 11113lleil'll by 111; hon.Itchk p01111n G11(1 Ilfe 1110 most potent 1441 I'S Such 1111 14(411('t•li''1111 I; ►1:,1!,1111• 1,1 lid I pi:,n; were ,011:ii;ttea t4 'In buwgeslln improvements 111111.11 tend to effective, ,; „ (/1414/, ;1'1,. i::'1, I „ , u 1.!t'! t ')i 1,':I, fust: 11(/11 engaging m;411111 ;4111? the bcttcr1111 13 of lee scrtir0 and to (1(44 h p :\pplei 1(1141 sn;. !r ar,r . eil I!:', 1111-! l.li 1';11.1. l' Id1,l.l I Ilial w ii;!'C Ili 111\' tllfl'(', 1 1\':i 1:41 )1111; alt f'io't? ,t,( !4 [Citi 3 !11:1!{e r1IIR'lly ti'n'JC1 fri'l'ly as :1 1•e11':tl'll f1111 \';ell'!: 11•''•11 1:11}1/, either (:!11111 1,11 !(/other I ,, Ir• III d;:1!overiltg Iltllt l 111/1 InIl1i11 114 ut•d!i0 voter and wore ruunIt:rlblo, lllglln pectll The 111 Lilly 111) (1111 111(! ll;lllll 'ht' , 1; ;1''''!:'1. Ill a!tta�; (1,i=ell-' ed 111441 \1`1111 .1 1 1 art' 1 1 1411'trr, and f re>1nlled that. I mind Is 4snen9lte tr,,, r•i(r; , 1111 of !dished liy lifting on the retu-, '`,'1,11:;u 141 u: i1 Lil4,y 11\1//1' asceInsumptlon of fuel 1-: etu:rnlnusly incrert 1 +' K 1\ 11.11 tut equal, ,t I :1111 \1'11111' i cultivate his talents, make a, lawyer of ed, more ex,prn:iltt equipment I requlr^.d, the horse gently, �n he fines not w,1, t to it:•1are=1111(/, to 11'14 n.; in h t 1. ,1. Itiin, 1111(1, when he shnnl(1 (/1411(/ n. pro. 1114: cost of ntnlul:11111 . arrack largely nu.;- ,hill)))) III) and rim 41tray,. 1t•hi1•!t i; 111(1 hc'r ,pnlruts (/cell liable 11, ;;'y, nlo.11;,' ;per n!1,, make him (11 equal pn1lttt1 in nu'ultd and rratu or 1(411 (1;e capacity Ina natural 1(/411(//1 with the be i;in''r. eut!y, yet, 11th elidtnt nutl'ny,4lrac! !n tui' ilnsinr.5.�. Ilut fou lnnly tntfort,unnlr 1,1111!3 reduced 4.0 Should lie !owe (lone wrong, ',v11'../1 i,' 1,1.!• "114 t1, \'4111 I;k,', cu11h1, 41.,1 I .1.n Un•n5 to the 414111(/ the trainer H it+ "No 441"t In attend (u n11)1l mitg of 1,4' l;;n 1, 'ire11 i' 1tnncC; 1th;elt '11111(. blighlyd IIiS Stick to the Old Dtet, r carver :Ind will mar it n1,) his li(r--" tipples to•dny, sir," n1. 1,111. ,:•1':I" time \,:'. irrom the nul!!:':'nl of 1111; 111.'1 j "No, linelr lliehm'd, I du not, believe Professor irvhtg filcher, of Yale, lin,! dein- TWO hint 411 u ! 114 51.1(1111;1111.,1,11i nd f,1,!:; l'11'1111,1 r,'•''ll;, 11 it 114;1)/"'.let !;i -,I ird 41:;41 141 t' 1„ 114111" l,difhlt interrupted, firmly 411 nti 1rutcd 1.'y tests that vegetarians hove tar a\vny 11(143 1ILt,1,;111 lulu Ln sine• i •,i it. i „ of 1':dtt•Ilu ll;s bell=ode, ;:1 l 11.1 t• , greater rudurfutee than tient eaters ,n r'_ „'Irl in l:unw \''ell nnungll th'a't ]Eagle is imlucelth npect to "holding /1411 the orals 114 longas1't1•o 4)r three experience, 4f t!';•+ r;m•t ht}' nna ltulrhe,! her, 111111 his L ,1.f arty 111(/14, oral 1 belie\t' he will 1,isr noaxlblc, deop knee 1(7111116 Ind leg razing 110d the animal sees (1 great. Ji:_!:t„ ile his, eyi , us if hi 1;41'11' 111(/1 hl' I'„I+ ,;,hme all i(15 irnublet" 1\'1111 ,(ub)ort lying nn 111 bark, Persons Ilan horn •,110111(/, 1(4(/1;111,, Ili 1;111 n 1411 die fair f','i! Ill: I who desire to excel in those, thing!?, thera- " I "Y1:4, I, loo, hrlieve him innocent, and fore, 11(/11 better ehethtu from flesh roods. 1atttti,-h,lit'e(I 11411(1 111(1 hall Iletin s'1 1.l''' i' ; suffering A gl'ir1'o114 \1'1'nllg; 1111.(, 1141/51 Gibers, ileo earl! tholt' livelihood at differ- ent 11.1:n far tin 4:441' ('n;'<' I Illi, ivaul0nm9? is prnvr11 io 1144 world, Illi' employments, will probably stick more 114: i1:1+1 'nen `11'il'.::'!'ll 1\11,1 L11'ti;•-i4 dir�J'lll•n n1.' itis illlpl'i5011111C11't, \vii] 0111) 1,l' less clnfely to their old plot. 1111;1, illoa':li'n:\' 11 '.':I,1, i 1 144 r4nrl•ri''I'I' 1114 [tint 1111 his life --tile, 1vorld 11'111 nl- and IV'I;I 4ror1;1111 to 11;1 I:i,tue ni••. et In 11(11' ;neer 4t, (111(1 9('')I'll hiul:, heat' It again tttllil lo' was 1101':1" forth ' !9'11 ,,h I'OT't111111!II,J 1)y other .feet and hill itIvity (roto 111(' ;ipIl1 (4f -1110.11 101.01101', t:lte Straight Line, Ilii 11ud;V 1141; 1111114;1, eulirrll' p:uIII lyi tipotlkiug in Now 114/1: o1, the 11,111 ell, 1141, .;Irltnge In :11y, hi; 11/1(/1 1111/ I'ie111L prublenl," 1lltich he had Ilttnt r4'' (:1('1111.:111111,I,0111(.:1 ', 111!'11 111! ilrliltlgt'd t'I"r',llrllill,t 1.111' It1•• tltitllited 11'01'(! llet'(11'(: Itllll, 11U1't't'tlnl' pn 411'1 of 3111111;1' things 1rlt;eh Ire" nal Hughes said: "'there are prehletn;, but 1111-1111.1(11101 in Ili,5 11'111, 111141 "1,,l''''111,111.',2.'1,11' ;nail'holy they1111jiL4t, themselves to a 1'4(4 serl•ier',; that '11'4'1'4 to hr 410"11411 1'41;1' nitllplr and fuudluuentatl rule of mer hi !oleo bully, " bemtdneL, ] t is far easier to wall; n. "\I',' 111114 !;'h'I;a',1, 411;d, 1°1111'..11.1', 14 strnigllt Zine than to find one's 11•:11' ],1lilhn, one day, ni she sal, beside 'him. lllrongh n. Iilhyrinlll,'' Governor 114„111/,; hnldil:',, (411'1 of .hit" 11,11.4111 "11111 11'11114:1 'h 11114 illus 1'11' walked the "straight line" lut.tr,l;, 0011 longing to d0 401111i1 Ring 111 of public duty, Other tneni follulting it, relieve his he!•iilc,;nrr';, ''you hate :1'I• have found that it; led. to the (/'Mile miy.i, Iotr,I 1'1irie ittelnirda Itt 1 I:', Lowe, --Boston ',Herald. intvea'1 yon?'' -♦.-'►- ''.\ 'littler she said, Thi king 4141; a ',1'111' Bank of ,1(t'futlt lois five tine's ll ;ob. "Ni) tine ill illl idle 1t'(,T111 I'•1» iter n' :ah cash on hand :is iI; , :;tire capital :won f In 10'0 tvlilit you have t}Cvn, 1'1)it !loci', Roars of Mouth Warrior's, \\'a1,; and rumor- (if ..vars. Of comfort !el no (/1141 speak, (.'apt a1:1 lii,'lnnond Pop 1,5011 1141.4(/ i; 111Ilwing 1!n'utt'T11 his hl'Iiir,1',11t, hat, `'.l"111401' Perkins has nlli!ed hi; 1' ,!or, to the mast that once h" sailed before. Ile inn'Is ('114 lour de- finu,'e owl i, 1,,',t,]}• t4 sign, nrlieles. 1l'in- ;';; •I i1:1; stttt'itil l:} to \1''41) �101111r11)L 1" 11', 4,4073 '11'i!11 1 !114:1 t Ilt'eatrnr; 1,4 de- (larl: 1,rtr 014 Ihr I;uiied S1:1 1.11S if i'(, (lol}'L ;41'41;114 'i1:f:es for rv('ry 1,10450(1 hnr-4 thief 411 the nntch•cexcd island. '.Chu 1114' :.1".1‘. /40;4 terribly, Her Mistake, (l:':clinitge.) A troliry collided with a milk wagon and /tilt the milk I:pint'hing on tho pavrn'ont, "Goodness!" exclaimed tllo rano. "What qh nwfu'! waste!" • A \T11 ',tout lndv turned and stluvl at "Just mind your oven butdvosa'• sbe said, JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , PAGE 1�OUlt•-•�'InE 131..'1')1'11 STA NDAR1)---;11'Itlt, 1S'1'i►, tgl) , Vtlith S wing Time J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. -+ THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1,07 't`ItANSACT ED, Londesboro. Our now tailor ltr. (.green. of Dun - ,las, iy already doing a good huaiuess, Mr. and Mrs, Rad:well, of London, returned after visiting the ittrmer'e mother herr, Rev, \Ir. Jones, of Auburn, gave Sale Notes aspeolalty. Advances made a very interesting address to the 1.ea- to fitrn►e's on thele owe noted, No gee en Wednesday evening, additional security required, M hicCellutu has reunited to her home in Kingston after spending the INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates tviutcr with her brother, Dr. 'McCallum We offer every accommodation con• here, t,istent with sato anti conservative bunking principled. ('iltine ,NATES, BL TIE ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Tho financial statement of Trinity To loan on ]Zeal ]:state at lowest rates church is in 'Tun STANDARD otlice and of Interest, will be ready for distribution on Sun clay. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Li fe Assurance cornpanics, and respect• fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a.m. to 13 me, Business Cards. A. 13, MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suo• censor to G. F. Blair. Ounce over Stan. lard Bank, r3ruseels. Soliultor for Metro. politer' Bank. rt'JL'DFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices -Those formerly jey Messrs. Canieron and Holt, Goderlch. W. I'roudfoot, K.C. ; R, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of 'Toronto University. Office over .lames Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. .1t Auburn every Monday 9 a,ru. to 5 p.m, W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M, Physician and Surgeon. M,D.C.M., UnI. varsity of Trinity College; M,D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Hurou. Otllce, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. ISCOTP BRUSSELS, ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the otlice of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables OO GO OO 1-)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. g O0 GO WG W Firr►t•elaes Horses and MRs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. ._..._.....-,q,.. ••••••-----... KING ...--. -.- KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, Cteptral: Was established 20 years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known enm►ner- clan colleeee in the province, Tho de. mand upon us for commercial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. \Ve assist graduates to positions. Students aro entering each week. Cata• Logue free. ELLIOTT 8 *LACHLAN, Principals, ((j/c ez0<agssees•a" 7/erta.hasnaZ' 1 upwards Rasmb Tho annual Sunday school convention and puri I)ecoual meeting of the Dean- ery of Huron will be held in St. John's church at Brussels on May 71h and 8th. Last Sahhnth morning Rev. Mr. Urquhart, of Kippen, took as his text ir, St. Andrew's (thatch, "It is finished" John 19th chapter uud 110th verse, LI the evening his topic was "Character building." * On friday moaning Inst, the Metho- rlist Mission Rooms, Toronto, received a telegram from Chentu, Chinn, an- nouncing the safe arrival of the party of Missionaries, that left Vancouver, Nov. 26th, Miss Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vollwocd, of Wingham, was one of the party. Brussels. Norman Forges :,pent Sunday in town. The holly creditors met, in Brussels on Monday, 1{ev, Mr. Powell exchanged with Rev, Mr. Currie, of 1Valton, on Sun- dt, y. W. H. herr, of the Post, has been under the doctor's care during the past week. Station Agent Henry is on the sick list. The releaviug agent came Mon- day afternoon. Thos. Maxwell has been dangerously ill during the past week. Lorne Max- well came home from Toronto on Mon- d ay. Jas. 13. Stratton, of Brussels, and Miss Effie Fox, of Cranbrook, were married Wednesday evening of last week by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, George Thomson, who commenced his career with the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, hag been appointed Manager of a now branch of the Fanners' Bank of Canada at Hawkstone, Simcoe Co. Peter Ferguson, son of James Fer- guson, left last Monday for the West, He was not decided where be would locate but he has two brothers there ahead of him who will be well able to give him pointers, George Iiarklay is moving his house back on his lot and will utilize k for a stnhle after the fine new residence he contemplates erecting is completed, The site is a most desirable one for a house. The annual organization meeting of Brussels Foot Ball Club was held when the following officers were elected for 1907: -Hon. President, A, 1i. Mc- Donald ; President, J. F. Rowland ; Sec.•Trette., R. 1). Cardiff ; Manages', jos. Ballantyne; Managing Committee the above ofiirers and R. Brown, 0. Querin and 11, D. Cardiff. Last Friday evening the annual organization meeting of Brussels Bowl- ing club sits held. Mere were elect- ed as follows : }ion. Proi„ 'P, Farrow ; Pres., A. B. ,McDonald ; Vico Pros„ It, r.entherdalo ; Secretary -Treasurer, W, I., Leathert]nJe ; Managing Com., R. Downing, D. C. Russ, lt, P. Foild, Ed, Nicholson, J. F. Rowland, Milton Me- Arter and Ed. Kerley. *Wills is Council. The Council•mot pursuant to nd journ- ment at the Council room 011 April 8th. Members all present, the Iteeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting Tread and confirmed. Jas..lturruy appeared in reference to an outlet for a tile drain fit lot 28, con, 10. On tnotion of Shaw and Taylor, Mr, McCutcheon wne instructed to attend to the matter, A copy of the Engineer's report on the Ewan drain was road by the Clerk. On )notion of McCutcheon and Campbell the above mentioned rot,ort was adopted and the clerk was instructed to prepare a By. law in accordance therewith, The Engineer's report on the proposed Cole drain was received and on motion of Taylor and Shaw the same rune ordered to be read at next Council meeting of which the interested parties will have due notice, On motion of Campbell and McCutcheon, Mr, Shaw was instructed to interview the Council of Grey in respect to the amount of money on hand for the construction of highway culverts in the Morris portion of the Lamont drain. On motion of 'Taylor and Campbell the Council decided to purchase four sot of moulds for making cement tile, tho following accounts woro ordered to be paid : J. McCaughey repairingculvert 89 60 ; T. Hell, de- benture orms 88.50 ; Jae. Time gravel 82.10 ; J. Miller culvert 88.00, On motion of Campbell and Taylor the [reeve and 'Treasurer was instructed to borrow 81000 to meet current expendi- ture, On motion of Shaw and Mc- Cutahoon tho Council then adjourned to moot again on the 27th of May next for Court of Revision and other busi- nese. `V. CLARK, Clerk. Representatives of Canedinn rail- roads met in Toronto to discuss a pro- posed new code of operating signals. At band Is London Conference In Godes rich This Tear. A notable gathering willlaic !ince in tit)derich in It fete weeks vied the tt1'enty-fourth session of the Loudon Going to sow any conference will ho held in that, town. The meeting:4 will take place in the handsome edifice iecenrly erected by These warm days toll you that it's time the North street congregation. The to begin thinking about it if Iw; to ems eretttii,u of this sea church created so mence to work. much interest among the .1lethodistu of 1Vester•n Ontario that al a sleeting of H'e're interested, liccxute we can sup• the conference last year it general de• ply the heeds. ;Hire was expressed that the next annual They aro the dependable kinds too meeting lee held within its nettle, Ate which is quite important, cording;ly North Street (,hutch way chosen 114 the mooting place of the con - The Bad, .AIslko and Lucerne Clovers fereneo for 1907, and Timothy are the htghn,t grader, ut►d The general seesious of the confer - the 1tlau e); Sugar Meet, 'Turnip and Lu• once will commence on 'Thursday, Nifty rot aro all new stock. also a lull line of ;;alii ; bur, tin stationing. arid othee Flower and Garden Seeds, eominitteee will meet during the first When you are ready to sow pall around. part of theween:, 801110 01 the Iueutiugs being held in 1'ictoria Street Methodist ----- (:hunch, About 1100 ministers and laymen will be present at tilis gathering "t ho program of the conference has been issued aid is as follows : Monday, May 27-3 p. in , tneet.ing of etationiug couiniittco in 1'ictoria St. Church. Tuesday, htav 28-S p. 111., nominat- ing, Sunday Scl►ool, Epworth League, statistical end state of the work com- mittees will convene 111 conference church. 8 p. nt,, Sunday School and Eptvot•th League' auuiyorsary : chair- man, Rev, 1L J, 1Jren ; addressee by Rev. .1. 1V. Baird, 13. A., and Rev. A. E. ?t.'Thompson, M. A., Ii, U. Wednesday, .luy 29 -Devotional ser- vices during conference under direction of I{ey..1. It. Gundy, U, D. ; music under the direction of Rev, W. E. Millson. A :short sermon oft Bible reading each morning, not exceeding 20 minutes in length, 9 a. in., Rev. Dr, Gundy, 9 35 a, nt., ministerial res• r+iOl) opens, 4.80 p, in., jubilee : Itevs. A. Langford, 1). 1) , 3 eines .Kennedy, E. Fesstnt, E. Holmes, 1F. M. Smith, 8 p. lit., temperrtnce and moral reform anniverrtlu•y in 1'tctorin Street Church ; addres'es by A.'1'. Cooper and Rev, !1'In. Kettluweli, Thursday, May 80-9 a. m., devo- tional service ; N. R, McVitty, 9.45 a, tn., ministerial session. 2 p. tn., gen- eral session opens, 8 p. in., education- al anniversary ; addresses by ltuvs, II, W, Locke and J. W. Graham, 13, A„ Assochtto Secretary of lductttion. Friday, May 81-9 a, in., Rev. W. A, Findlay. 9,45 a. in., general ses- sion of couferett o. 8 p. m,, Woinon'e liiseiunar,y Society, temperance and other delegations, 4. p. ul,, memorial service. 8 p. in., reception service ; the resolution to ho moved by Rev, .1, A, Ford and seconded by Rey, M. L. Pearson. Saturday, June 1-9 a. m., Rev, A, W, Barker, B. D. 9.45 tt, m., general soseiou. 10 A. nt., election of eXttttlili. ing board. 1,30 p. in., entitutl meeting of Laymen's Association in Victoria Street Church ; J. 1-I, Chaputin, Presi• dent (subjects for discussing will be published later), 8 p. m., Historic So- ciety ; subject, "The Genius of Iletho• Auctioneer for Huron Co, (lisco," taken by Rev. E. W. Edwards, 13, A., B. I). 8 p. in,, 'Theological Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for Union ; "Religion and Music," tnuen at Ttts STANDARD office, 1Jlyth, by ltev, 1'7. F. Armstrong, B. 0. Sunday. Jun(12-9.50 a, in„ confer- ence love feast ccndncted by Rev, A. L. Mussell, 11. D. 11 a, m., ordination eormou by Rev, I). JRtogers, President of Conference ; ordination of young men by President-elect, 8 p. nl., Sun. 'day School ; addresses by 1V 11, Kerr and Rev. A, J.'rtiuma9, M. A. 7 p. m., Rev. '1'. Alarming, B. A., will preach followed by conference s tm'itmeutal service condncted by Rev, .1. W. Holmes. Victoria Street Methodist Church- !! a, tn., Rev. S. L. Toll, 13. A ,, 13, I). 7 p. ni., Rey, E. B. Lanceloy ; ;i p. m., Sunday S; pool ; addresses by ,John Kerr and Rov.R. S. Baker, Al, A, Presbyterian Church -11 It. ►n., Rev, J. Livingstone ; 7 p. in, Jtev, A, Brown, Baptist Church -11 A. Al., 11ov. S, Salton ; i p. in,, Rev. W. U. Howson, Seaforth---Itev,'1'. E. Stove -me Clinton (1Vctrley)-iter'. C..1. hloore- hou, Clinspton (Ontario) -Rev, W. A, G if. ford, 13, A. Blyth-•Itnv. J. \V. Hibbert, 3loltneswilln-7 p. m„ Rev, J, Hussey. Monday, jun() 3-0 n, in., Rev, '1', W. Cosnns, 9,45 11, tn., general ses- eion, 8 p, in., utissiouary anniversary; Rev, Geo, Jackson, chairman ; ad- t)t1cg by C. 13. Jte ltyI 13. A., and Jtev,'1'. E. 1:, Shore, M. A., 13, D., Associate Secretttl'y of NIissiottN. Tuesday, Juno 4-0 A. tn., Itey, W. A, Smith, B. 1). 0,45 a. in., general 9e';sion It is suggested that district meetings he held between tho 12t h and 19th of May, Will the sniterintendents of cite snits kindly rnmetnbor the Barbara Meck Memorial and pay the saute to the chairtuan itt district meetings, Field or Garden Seeds ? 01511 FOR AL1, KINDS OF PI{ODt'CS JAMES CUTT 313L TII In Every Hoene There aro generally a number of articles of jewelry which are laid aside because of tome little break that they have sustained, Some of these are prabably quite valuable and would again bo of service if a few ceuta were spent in having them re- paired. Our repair depirtmeut will he glad to attend to any of your requirements in Its line. It will give you careful workmanlike attention, This Is a good time to hunt up and bring in that thrown -aside Jewelry and let us tit it up for you. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ROBERT H. GARNISS BLUE VALE -- -- ONTARIO Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the quark's. Get =prices. We employ no agents, WILSON a HUNTER BRUSSELS - ONTAli10. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBINC LIST. The Standard , 81 OU The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser . 1 05 The Standard and Weekly Wit - 1 00 'Tho Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Tile Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 65 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times1 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Prose 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly San 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator1 80 The Standard and Toronto gaily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Deily News , 2 25 Tho Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Scaudard and Evening Free Prose ... 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World „ •.. 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Profit; .,., ,., 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 00 'rho Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 50 The;Standardand Daily Mail and Etnpiro 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe4 50 Send all subecriptione direct to THE STANDARD, I3L�"r17, ONT. Subscribe for THE ,STANDARD. News along the Line. It is thought that tho Leeisle tut o flay prorof.rue this week, The Attorney -General has ordert-d ,tt investigation' into the Clieplean tvrppk. ~Penland Canal was opened ,donde and t he first boats were locked throng', 1'ire at Ila:rines destroyed two leo s and never business establisl►mete . LOSS $80,000. 01ti11n IIt18 110w full possession .s Manchuria, the troops of Russia els Japan helitg withdrt:wn, The Government w111 greet it gra hike of 84,000 to Airy, ,l. W, St, John ttnd $1,000 to Mi9s Wilinie St, John. There wits an accident to the Tees - water way freight of the Canadian Pacific at Bolton .]unction and foto' cars were wracked, Lord Aberdeen is said to be nn- poptilar tit Dublin , because of his economy in the management of the vice -regal household. iwasai waveramw...w...w..M...........W'rcNrilov.PrmRYir•rtuarf1M.1YMl•.q 0000's0 C.) 0:elOi::5 C. ' ,0.0 • . � lr Swot 4� Fo o elling Speoials II key lej 0 t.^VA y- �r •ll ()0•:.1(.�00. y�aCif. 000 00.jr�•'ei� r:rw•w�'.,,,�a ns, . ^e r�,0/� ' 01,v��.-r • A Fancy 'rowelling., 17 inches \Vide, ShOul(I he sold at Sc. Our price 5c per yard, .........-a,on..a Glass 'Towelling, 23 in, wide, good \Weight, smooth finish, just what you want for dish tow- els, roc per yard. Yas►Y1i4NJN44W..r. Heavy Pure Russia Crash Towelling, IS in, Wick, I t looks like 1 2C goods. Our price roc. .....,,a...,..o,......AM..- .a-_ 11 tick -back Towel- ling, 24 inches wide, worth 20C, Our price r 0 lit 15c per yard. tLVT�' C:.RPETS and LINOLEUMS Drop in and inspect our immense stock r,f Fluor C.;verings, Thn patterns are more beautiful than eve. The paces;fru Lie I Irv, tr, tint '.rr.t Carta'•rati Ir+ 'told at, Union Csrpeta, 25p, 115c, 450. All Well Carpet,, 65p, 75e, $1.00. Euglish Tapeetre, •IOc, 50e, 60c, English Brussel-, 85'x, $1, $1.25, Carpet Squares, any si;:,t to fly. your roots. All Carpets cut, and matched free. J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH FEW Itt) LIR ti, ol "RI IV ear We have just received a fine assortment of Spring Shoes in all linen which will be placed on sato et extra low prieee, Gents' Furnishings A full and complete stock of Men's Goode, also Hate and Caps. Trunks and Suit Oases We have a largo stock In this lino and wonld he pleased to have you look thorn over. Subscribe kw Tilts STANDARD, Another big storm enveloped the whole west iu snow rural the railways turd again in hart shape. Flames destroy 75 yer:rs' work at 1I ca ill College, '1'upsd ay . lI tispi n) famed throughout America, (bistro., ed with medical buildings, spnortd lir'. iu tln'eu wee.lcs.. Loss hash' It million new insurance just put on, BOISE ANI) LOTS E0R SALE,-'Tllo u'-.;er.Igr►tcd otiitrs fur sale Lnit 88 and 89, 11', rt' nue t•I,..d street, In the\elute( of Ji;yt i., 0,t (0.: pcenu';ea theta 1.g a r eta nl 1)1 t , vene•.tred residence 20x25, itbrown101(22 attached, hard and soft %%wet, ...d C,•mpet 41,a 1p, 17nst I)( of : ,ts pr,tlu irtr..r I, ,;tntiv,, `Vel , For 01101,-t. 1p,,rt ic,rl•tr-, Apply to JOHN F. N►v►, s, l3lyt):, iL7��.J�`�Qiati���`)�'4r�":�::;Srn:_.,r;�;•, ,,Y;: �;���:-'r.!,i)C:�:;err.•.;::,t �. Are You in Business For Business? If yon had an opportunity of addressing; 1,0tl0 people In a hall with the privilege of delivering un tuldret:.; on your bn;ciuess and Ilia wares you sell, yon would be apt to make that address as interest- ing as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, It is just the same with on advertisement in Tim; STANDARD. You have the privilege of talking overy mak to hundreds of people and if you aro selling honest goods and tell the peopiq abort them in a straightforward manner ,you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. Wo stand ready and willing at all times to assist oar patrons itt preparing their advertisements -yes, give thorn ashistance that would cost from $5 to 820 if a city advertising expert/ were consult- ed --and do it frog of charge, But hour in mind that! no man can got out tag good an advertisement for your businea as you can, You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about itL The Standard, B1 th, Ont. rMalz 18T11, Igo7--.T1.1 E 13LV'1.1i S'l'A,N 1)A1tD PAGE / A 7J4. EgitZI 1 i ii2 :i ani '.4i■.1/.7- 41 d'a LL My ).L lur ""1 _, THE RIG -HT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITII WOitTITY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES VUlt CA811 ANI► FARM PRODUCE, e, This is Crockery Time We are ready with the choicest range of Din- ner Sets, "Tea Sets and 'Toilet Sets that you'll like- ly see this season and all at the lowest going price. $12 for full Porcelean Chinn Dinner Seats, plain chino body with neat blue and careen floral de:,lgns, Wold stripped and g:,1d traced, our leader. (neat value and very neat. 20 Dinner Sets to chootie from, prices ranging frmn $0 to e1'. Toilet Sots -We have a large display. You will have the importunity to make year choice not of 'IU sets --our loader, $2,75. Prices ranging from 51.I0 to +0. In Lige Lino Sprig and WhItowear we have a linger variety than ever before, and you will be able to find In our stock just what you aro looking for, Call and see our display in Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums. We carry full lines, For a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods, ba PAI VA E. BENDER, BLYTH • i%s.39f; t :rl °l :tiff molal aQrnits :.n n ten._._... Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. BUTTER & EGGS WTD As we make a specialty of handling, produce we are paying the highest cash rices for Butter and Eggs at our store. When yon have any of these for sale get our prices before going elsowhero. TROUT fishing commences in two weeks. I In'. Entree ce examinations will be held on June 26, 27 and 28. DON'T forget that the 12th of July is to be celebrated in Blyth this year. Ttir; bowling green will be put into shape ab soon as the weather Grain ekecks paid after banking hour-, peI'mits, MARKET REPORT. •- Wheat 70-70 ; Barley 48-48 ; Oats 36-36 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 16-17' SPRING housecleaning time is y rapidly approaching, but a matter of T()WTN' TOPTCS. much more Vital iinpnrtanee tit tills ------._-- —.. season of the year is the numerous back yards where all hinds of vege. table matter" is tlUinpcd throughout the winter months with little thought of the pestilence.breedirhg nature of the kitchen refuse. Citizens Cannot engage too soon this sprint; in having every vestige of the accumulation removed and their yards put in the hest, possible sanitary condition. Mrs, W. A. Carter. 'Phis appli'.s to the merchant as well Sonforth Expositor of last•as the housekeeper. Clean up ! week says :—Carbert & Beiattie, who have been in partnership In the livery business here for some titne have dissolved partnership. Mr, Carbon continues fn the business, The IIuron Old l3ovs' Excursion from Tot onto will be Held on July 6-8, Two special trains will leave Toronto at 7.30 axe, July 6, the 'official' train running to Wingham, the other to Godorlch, 1VITIi the openi e. of spring those who patronize one merchants will find better stocks to select from than were ever Shown in this town, Our business men have been making a study of the wants of their customers, Give them a chance ou everything you buy this season. at our store. ► MoMILLAN & CO. Dinsley Street Myth TO ADVERTISERS All advertisements must bo in this office by Monday noon to insure inser- tion in issue of current week. APRIL. showers and snow storms are frequent. WANTED Itt once -two girls to learn the dressmaking, Apply to SPRING P '1 TRY.—The following verse is clipped from a daily which speaks for itself :— Although the mete Cury may climb, Do not infer It's changing. tirne, So have a en re, And do not strip (et Its, it now 'PRINITY CiTUnc'I1 VF'ATRY MEET- ING,-- I'he adjourned vestry meet- ing of Trinity Church was held on Monday evening in the church The financial statement, its presented by the wardens and vouched for by the auditors, was the most gratifying re. part ever presented, Nearly $loo was contributed to missions, all cur- rent expenses were met, 8150.2o was paid on church debt, and a bal- ance of $133.57 remains. A hearty vote of thiniks was tendered the wardens of the past year for the efficient way in which they per- formed their duties. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows :-- Minister's —Minister's warden, Frank llletcalf ; people's warden, Thomas Code ; -idcsrnen, J W. Bell, Jabez Walker, ChrIstoplhet' Johnson and George Powell ; usher's, Rupert Powell and Wm. Watson, J. W. Bell was ap- pointed vestry clerk and Frank Met- ealf was reelected lay delegate to the Synod, HIis Lordship the Bishop is stated to be in the parish on lion- dlty, April 29th, and will hold con - 'Em oft'. Beware 1 lirnett.ion In •St. Mas'k's Church. There's still the grip. Auburn, at 7.8o that evening. r,,::;:. .'.,t.,' i;t;.., •alga. "HINT -STAYS" MAKE DILLON TWICE AS STRONG Short, stiff, hard, steel wire stnyomalco a"hlugo•liko" joint at (ivory littoral who ou the Dillton fence. 'Photo "Ilhtge•stays" biro our (once a groator degroo of elasticity -tumble It to withstand groator strain. They not liko, and really aro, hinges -make our fence awing or springg back into nhapo after receiving a heavyblow,orthoum►sunl pressure canoed by a furious bull or other anttnnl ondoavoring to pooh Ilia way through to freedom. Catalogue tells more about this twice no strong"tones. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. s AIoPHERSON 0110S., BLYTH ; JOIN JOHNSON, LONDESB0110 ; Aicl'siERSnx linos, received u cur of cement, this week, Sod1F farmers In Morris commen- ced seeding Inst week. IT ii reported that William Emigh has disposed of Ills hotel at Walton, I'e is rumored that a business change may be Inlale in town short- ly. '1'Itir poles for the telegraphic ser- vice 011 the C. I', IL lino are up and ready for the wire. Toile town took an a city appear- ance last 'Thursday night with the All night service of electric lights, No sign 01' the ballast train 8ri'iv- ing in Blyth yet. The C, P. It, will have to hurry if the line is to he opened to Bl y th by the 12th of July, TILE season for getting out (horse hills is nein' at hand. Don't forget that every one getting bills printed at Tu.; STANDARD olliee will receive a 'mice in our columns. Ufa 'Thursday night a special train was 1811 Pram Witighan► to Blyth to carry the invited guests to the dance given by Mr. and Mrs, lleMurehie, The train arrived Mere about 8.30 and left about 4 a. m, Tilt, creditors of the Kelly estate met at Brussels on Monday nIorning in Barrister Macdonald's office, It i3 stated that vie liabilities will amount to over $9000 besides the mortgages, Rumor Ilea it that there my be some law cases. DEER SEASON CHANGED.—By an Act of the Legislature, the Henson for (hunting deer is changed from November 1st to 15th to November 5111 to 20th, For rugose and caribou, the open dens 'n north of the C. P. R Main line is froth Oct. 21 to Nov, 20, but south of the C. P. It it is the same as fur deer, Nov. 5 to 20. TiiE Wingham Advance iii report. Ing the meeting of the Board of Trade in that town says a proposi- tion Is before them for the establish. meat of a knitting factory there. The same proposition, we under- stand by the siune person, Is 11130 before the people of Blyth. Dent procrastinate and lose the plum. To THE CIIULDRk.N --Bv mistake III a shipment of goods to THF STAN. DARDoftlee It ease containing dozen boxes of drawing crayons was placed in the order, The wh,.Iesale house advised tis to sell them so we offer then] for sale to the childret'. In each box there are 14 colors and it sheet of six models to he colored, 'PIte regular price is 10e a box, but 10 elear 1110111 out we will sell thea! at 5.1 a box. Colne earls' andsecure a box. IN the report upnl Public Li- braries of' the Province of Ontario for the year 1906 we take from Table A., a rep 'rt of the receipts, expenditures, assets and liabilities for the •!Lyth Public Library :— Legislative grants, $18.36 ; munici- pal grant, $35 ; members' tees, 824 : balance and other sources, $37,57 ; total receipts, $114.93 ; total expen- diture, 855.95 ; balance on hand, $58.98 ; number of members, 103 ; number of' volumes in library, 1758 ; number of volumes issued, 1550 ; assets, $670, LAST Thursday evening in Indus- try hall AEr. and Mrs J. McMurehie gave the dance of the season to their friends in Blyth and surrounding towns, The hall was decorated with flags and hunting, and with the addition of electric lights looked very pretty. The London Iiat'pers of 4 pieces played excellent music for the dance. About 80 guests were here and all enjoyed them. selves. A tasty lunch was provided. The assembly broke up about four It. in, Las'. Wednesday night the check- er players of town drove over and played the Brussels team and easily defeated them again. After the grlllies supper Was sel'vtd at the Central 11Idl. 'Following is the names of the players and the score : w w d Jackson 2 Carter 2 2 Cameron 4 Johnston 1 , 1 Stewart 1 1lcKenzin 5 0 Ilalektrlc 1 i3ainton 4 1 Stretton 0 Begley 6 0 8 18 4 The C P. 1t. have found the Lord's Day act unworkable as far ' as their yards in Winnipeg aro concerned and will iunorn the law in future.. T', ''1eCulla, of Loadhury, delivered to Jetties Archibald lust week a very fine mare for which he received 51105, The animal weighed close onto 1800 pounds and was Sired•by Sunlight. In tilde of three years,lir, McOulla has . sold t0 the same buyer four horses, all his own raisins , which brought hitt AGENTS. I the snug stun of $055, HAVING I'UIICAA:-ED 'I'IIE BLACKSMITH r. SHOP belonging to the late R. R. Douglas, I beg ler.vo to ask all old customers and new onos to call on tae. llorseshoeing and General Blacksmithing a specialty. WORK PROMPTLY DONE. H. M, BRADFORD, People We Know Mr. W. J, Fyle was in town over Sunday, Mr, iI. R. Brewer, of Brussels, WAS in town 011 Wednesday. Hiss Norma Dinsley, of WIngh:un, was visiting Mrs, J. McMureble, Miss Eva Cartel' attended the nein. steel show in Godorlch Inst weak. Mr. John Sherr'itt, of London, is renewing old friendships in town Mr. Thomas MCCI'eight left on Monday for Hamilton to take a situ- ation. Miss Manning and Miss Copp, of Clinton, visited Miss McCaughey re- cently. Mr. David Campbell, of Walton, left I3lyth station on Monday for Bay City, Miss Della Gracey, of WI'Igham, was a visitor in town during the past week, Mr. C. W. and Miss ICatrine V Scott spent Thursday at Mr. W. J. 1''etl wick's. Misses Mary and Jean McMu1'ehie worts visiting at Wingham during the past week. Mr. Duncan McDonald, of James- town, was a visitor at Mr, James Cutt's this week. Mr. hiller Begley left on Mon' ay for Leamington, where he has se- cured a situation. The daily papers report that Bob McKay of tows) 1188 signed to play lacrosse with Mitchell, 11r. J S. Golden is on the sick list with an attack of qulnsey. We hope he will anon be hetter. Barrister A. B. Mncdonald, of Brussels, was in town last week, combining business with pleasure. Miss Jeanie Henry, of ICincardine, is a guest at the home of her broth. er, Air, G. M. Chambers, this week, Mr. David Scott, sr., of East IVa• wanosh, visited at 11r. W. M. Scott's, Drummond street, on Monday of lust week. Messrs J. Mcllurchie, G. Powell, J. E. Coombs and John Ilefl'ron were in Brussels on Monday attending n meeting of tho creditors of the Kelly estate. Mrs. J, W. Mason, Mrs. J, E. Fells, Master J. Elliott Fells and Miss Patience Scott spent Saturday in town, the guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. M. Scott. Wo aro sorry to state that Mr. Wm, Fenwick is lying dangerously ill at his home. Mr. b'enwick bus not been well during t.le past win- ter and tittle hope is held out now for his 'recovery. The Zurich Herald says :—Miss Freda Hess, daughter of F. Hess, sr,, left for Blyth last Saturday near which place she has secured a school for the present term, Icer duties commenced on Monday last, Mr, Wesley Walker, who ran a furniture and undertaking store in town a few year's ago, has opened up a store in Clinton, His manv friends will wish him success in that town. Mrs. Walken', formerly Miss Sloan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Sloan spent a fo w. days in town this week. lir. Thomas Litldlaty of town re- ceived the sad intelligence on Sat- urdav of the depth of his brother, Ms•. John 5. Laidlaweat Vancouver, B. C., on Thursday last from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, at the age of 78 years, The deceased its one of the seventh Wetly to settle In the Township of Morris, settling on the 91,1) line as early as 1851 when that 11 Iv well•poptll'tted township was nn unbroken. forest. IIe was married to Miss Waldy, sister of Mr. John Waldy the well known lumber king of Toronto, this being the first tnnrringe ceremony ever p''rformed In Blyth, Mr. Lnidla v of town is the last surviving member of the original Laidlaw family. Prince Leopold, a nephew of Ring Edward, is at Montreal, 11~onew for That STANDARD, I■/+!nI■►1rpp44111• ` •►'a\/1 ► If 1 g► /■► I\f n/ r ./ r iI 6l /ti%il.l l:iJii`iCii:L311;'5 . 1 Si i`i if ►. 1 i/ etter Than Ever °11 Bigger Stock Than Before pi.:eti+ rang', from :.Ingle roll to 25c. Our stook of Wall Paper exc •u- in pattern ara1 (potties our pre'vious year. The designs are artivt r a,,d dc•r,.ril!vi', tone ti pattern showing a distinctive idea in the n,ln't of I lie art i, 'loot, •.ea"on brings out new ideas In wall paper deeerat ion that have, te.v.:r been shown heretofore. Wall Papers Showing a neat pattern of at floral design with ground work 3 cents of broken check. Bordering and ceiling to match. 'Wall Papers Fine glimmer, also gilt papers, at a splendid assortment of de - 5c and 6e signs and colorings, printed on good stock and easy hangers. Bordering and ceiling to match. Wall Papers Beautiful gilt and silver glim- at mer papers with 9 inch and 18 7c and 8c inch borderings, very decorat- ive ceiling. These papers are suitable for any room of a house. Wall Papers Dimity, silver, gilt and em - at bossed papers, with ceilings 10c and 12%c and borders to match. These lines consist of florais, set fi- gures, elegant stripes, also conventional designs. An immense range at these prices. Wall Papers Heavy embossed gilt papers, at also silver tinted and heavy in - 15c and 20c grains, in all shades popular in in Wall Papers, suitable for li- braries, halls, dining rooms, etc. Wall Papers Tapestry papers, suitable for from dining room, hall, living room, 10C to 20c bedroom, parlor and sitting room papers, in light shades of cream, blue, nile green, pink, outlined in gold and plains, exceptional value in each paper. A big stock at these prices. MEM Linoleums in 2, 3 and 4 yard widths 13".•t Sootch w',ee. We dairy only Nairn's goods and can :recom- mend thent to you. They are au extra heavy grade, always unitormdn quality and tnade to stand hard wear. Tho patterns this season are n w and will be popular a4 they are of fine medallion tile design, hand- some Ilutal watt.-rns on neutral hack ground, neat leaf and floral clue• tors, alio wend n►n,,aie block design. 4 pieces of 2 yard wide, 1. piece of 3 yar'i wide, 3 pteees of 1 yard wide, to relent front. 18 ueav pieces of English Tweed Dress Goods, at per yard MI POPIESTONE CARDINER immwOmmOOMMW •?• 6•• `ri •! ••• 1:1 iii • 44,1 .6. iitI . 4i r •• fl1 44,0 i;► r r 444 (70 •i .4, 4.. 4 4,, . •,•• 4 4.M.4t•.w41 1E-13SIEL.113114...G-E'i'J M Better than all other Stock Foods, Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl-- 5oc and 25c packages. e0UF- Be'.t Manitoba, nr.de from No. 1 hard wheat, also Choice Family. ALL MINDS OF GROCERIES, LIVERPOOL SALT FOR BUTTER MAKERS. Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR MliiATS, BLYTH Your Pri:ti r + SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR .BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. The Standard Job Printing Dept. stdpplies only the better kind—won't pay us to turn out any oth r. High-priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do—and do --better work than inexperi= enced help. 0e64•4410e00.0••••e We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. v CURREN T COMMENT loomImams '1111'10 are 11 11101(1'11 S„'ctl,'n nt1C00-i•tftli1':t n 1)1 t t Ittr Uil1i. 1'iiil;t1141 (o le:;i••1411e, the a1.11'01 1111111-;I1i Tt;,1; ru,:e,.• 1 l;ttif it; IPt '. ,.i , '4'.•I a it de -ire 411 ',owlet-, t Il'i41 1 , I! ; �•• Boman t attelli• e. t► - '1'1!cre are :io.elid clilbllen ,,l :,1'1,, 1 1.• schools ;till lin, )roto 01' (ti111b'r ''I1)' 114,'114' 111141 r.!';- ' i' 1,1 nnfferiag, Vier, )1ft' rio.lato ;11,1!';1 child:•e:1 h hon _c „1)4,1 de, t• ,t, 1- tlt,t )1101Gh'1!. I'lle' ,41,1.5 Thal 4:(14((11, 1 \\"iail,' nP• td 1110 ))1111 1,1 0.1.1(!1 he waw a PI b( t' S(;h0,1.1 !l w 1;;;;; \\ a1 lnlrnl,•1.1•4 b\• 1 14(1\',- 111111'; 0444 (u 111' Nlt't'e 1' :rust lir int 4"11 ion to. til;' 'Phar, r, taina'r . \1 nut ' i4 it isle",' 11:1'1`, imweter, a4 1 ! f.i• enI?,; Coll 1)t . rt treasur„ \rill ht. ..01,1 1 1 4'u( or 1)0.11!, furontu is :111 torn n} tlm kn.!: the quest io'.! 11111 t ger t be l ,hole •L1, !: sllollht l e t;u\1'll 1111 It): tett' !411!,'•!1 •:•ltt.e! !wilding, of ;1`0 tit' 114) the '11„ ;;h of July in honer of king \`,•illia n) a111.1 t!:' C:title 1)1 the iluvn1'. If on the 'Int -Bili, wiry not on the '(Velrteelttl of 1)' land. in honor of 11: i:1)1 lloru and 1),ul t n(')!'! -4r *4 it \cin) bI a great feather in 1',11"1,1'. i_ l 1i1)i maul's cap if he ilal?a_,'- 1» 111)(1;: the potvers of '1'111'1{alt;lh' ('(4;t1,'i41:'i;4 ilt.;l'40 to 0 limitation of 4!•1!1,,:114`::t.,. •1".1,' million., upon millions 0f 114"11P:- upon 14"11":llpon trarshilt- ;lad 11141111 the innucti-,, standing armies form a t''rr'ilile bur.'w,) alp„n tll'' people, '1'11at money ,'"11)41 1a• left in the pockets of the people 4,t' n-"•) for 1Ii'ir betterment, t::;-)fayur 1)unie of ('Liras;_' ,, is on, 11(4' nppultnnists 1510-arcriiice '4ery'1!;:1)1, ("r Lope "f pre:.en( ,U(ee "1l' 11';(- 1;'- the liiffalu New', ":4 Fc-i1Oe•tal l,• magi -trate 41'Fcelt taken off the 141.0,.11 to 11)' -et i0 the \I;lyor'' chair but he bad no butine,s faculty to speak of ;Hot 11i• a(1)4lini,t.rutiou has been a di-tin't wrn in every l'1' -peel, The very Ir,leti'iat 11t'tiini;ntes alpproved 114' the people 4,er�' drown np by ilinr-clf and sent to (tic; ('n)4l110l round! with ('\pr,'•s appl•lisarl. i;ut "Alien passed Iv that bully with 11'',n'- 11' a4 (ltlatlil11)11' 10)4' 1(4' \eten'd, thein no good reason. 1'o gaill al re•4'lr'yti'rt1 _\favor Dunne allied hint -elf wits the wisest element,- in the city until it lee carne, almost an open -candid,” h:cen with the aid of Hearst and a curls of work('re he and hie ;twiulietic ,cheese went (!ow» 1's defeat. Chicago is fres' of \.Ile illen44114', fb4' rite of Clev('l:aid 1)11(1 1011,4 l,rell noted for it, un"ttilatlllel'1(•i' for t)I 4 slfilibletl with lung trouble. But three }cats ago it tool: the n1:4(1er tip in puniest, and the oil-nulllpox 4'l"tendon hospital war opened as 1t tnli'reu14'i, sanitarium. Its `neve?:. ;ay. Leslie', \Veckly, i, slimy» by the number of men 14114 WOnu'n who entered its 'lours on -tretclu'rs and cattle ol(t fully. re -toyed t 1 health, hen' the benefit 0f tl4404' ill- ieretited in the trark 14f our own sani- tarium we subjoin a description of the course of treatment riven the patients at Cleveland: The patient; are requirr'11 111 -114.111 four hours each (lay i1) bed on the 11 ratld1l , ath,olutely 1)t rest, This. rub' is rigidly enforced, irres c'•tiVe of weather eolditinnS, 111 ease 11f rain or .11041 the )reds tri', e4l'cred tvit11 intrekil'- t",1'1' The, it'^atllllellt 01 r'i111Vie, 11111 ('1aelilg, \\'ben al patient ar'r'ives he 44 bathed and put to bed. Then follows a 1bnl'o11!41, (';;1141inati(ul by the ph;:,i1inn and from that, (1:41' until he i -a cured or passes nit of this life the pr"lire•.: of ! nae disease i4. I'c("rd('d, \\'arn) clothing is provided, ills" It long flannel gown and slipper; far sleeping oit of doors. lleated ,oupstoues are placed i1) Poch lied, and ('very pree:u)ti(i1 is taken to 4441)1;c the pidient cun11(111ah))'. \\1n'ln dressin;;- ronhu, etre provided. Sput1111) teles sue always( Il -ed, and these, as \veil as the 211 11Z0 luuldlcerehiefs, 111'V eollee.ted three times a day 1)4(1! hurtled. The bedding is ()tanged twice 1t wr('IL, and oftener if rlece;.-iiu',t', .l';ggs and 10i11( fore) the chief diet, though one hundred and sixty.flve pounds of beef and four bushels of pota- toes etre used each date. 'Three fit)] meths are served, and toil): is give) every hoot' daring the day, and as often throughout the night 11.1 the patient a,)cs1 for 110r1r- 1411411e111, Eggs 044' ta14011 ad pleases the iash% raw', with 1(:111011, milk or ovine. 0)1 k also used, 11)4(d ('oCOiL 1R st')'1'Irl (hiring the reset. ]hours. Patients 110' never rehelli4ute, and are usually pm. losei1) their t.hanl:, to the nurses for 4411111 is done. '1'110 Whole 111)))01111here of the phtue i4 pleusnnt, and there is 110 gine)1l anywhere. Marriages, Celibacy (Inca not pay, A good mai'rlage Is the supreme human tellelty; e. tolerable ma rr(uge is tut ruueh ns the tolcralblo ma - levity bf people deserve; but even n. 'rad :..,,..«loon 4a "hotipr t.hnn no marriage at all. rnaka Over 0 T1me r� + L'c'llu:v:d ):at'J;n:odC no cooking ----Just 'OAP '' cold water and tis "• ,' lcr on t ettccad . l w(yet gives a better gloss, with less iron - rubbing, than any r/'r''s starch you know, �,,� Its price is little, ' 1 Your dealer sully It. 4` Try it this week, 2,4 1'.••a(L. tir.i,%•,(4'4:'44 :C.Pty t4..1'y+t; posificol 131111/01C1 0•,,,,,,,,,t-itt,...rch <#f t t4 7 Kissed the Book, A curious incident at Raleigh, N p„ the other day illustrates the absurdity of nonsense. 111 the Supreme Court in that city there are hitt two bibles --one o1) which to emelt' white t4'itneeee:• and the other to 4,\car ncgrues. A seho1:1r1y gentleman, a prefeeeor of law in Shaw University, Wag cul the 4)41(1w• stand, and the Sheriff gave him the ,lint Crow Bible to kiss, whereupon the judge sharp. 1y reprimanded the officer for giving it to a white mare; s" the other Iliilde was given him and he kissed it. Sow, is that Bible profaned, for it turn; out, that the professor is really a negro, though to all 5).)111' appearn1u'es whit(' as ruts other man "---independent, Steel Trust Saving on Fuel. (Philadelphia Press.) Someone has pl'odueed au cng:ne which ten)' 4o a great deal toward eheap(•cing the price of steel. The United States Steel Cor- poration le ineta)ling twelve mott.'+ter en- gines at various plants, the unique feature about thein being that they do rot require o11, Croke, coal, wood or ordinary gas. for fuel. They are to he opera ell 9014'ly w ith the gas which 16 getter:.red an the eennyteire '( blunt furnaces during the proae'S of steel manufacture. This gas has heretofore one to a 'sate, but hereafter it will tet made to turn 1111 the wheels. rot• a steel ,pl:.nt to be able 10 etavn the eoet of its full is taking a very big stride toward elr,nomy. T1s t ' able to abolish ?111&(4' 411 the tante time will add to Its popul•!r•!t;' In communities where the )''moue.-bele'hing '(ta('ks 'have smothered the air whet bla(kuees. 1'F . e' BETTER THAN SPANKINi. Spanking does not euro children of bed- wetting. There is a constitutictel ,114'.;se for this trouble. Airs. M. Summers, Sex W. s. Windsor, Ont., will send free to my mother her successful Home treatment, eith full lnetruMtons. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you In this tray. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help It. This treatlr,rta also c,;:es adults and aged people troubled 1', l:1) e:: tt:- difficulties by day or night. ♦•♦ Keep the Straight Goods at Home. (Philadelphia Preen.) "I nottoe, major,” raid the inquisitive man, "that you always take your whisky straight, Don't you Kentuckians ever put Wsz er In your liquor?" "Rome Kentuckians do, sub,"'rep)te'd Major Bluegrass. "Indeed?" 'Yes, sub; but they se!! it," 4.* Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. LAST EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON $10.00 round trill from `suspension bridge, via Lehigh Valley 1t, R„ Weft- nesdey. April 24t•li, Ticket4s good 10 days, Visit the Jamestown Exposition front \\ashington. Dor tickets and further particulars call on or write Robert S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, L,\'.N., 54 Icing 1,1 ret't ('a.t. Toronto, *- Stylish Though a Freak. (Detroit free Press.) 110—That )'aster hat of yours i:, a regular freak! She—I know it is, dear, but think bow ety- 11'b 1t 1$1 4e Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia, a.♦ Neighborly Amenities. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) The steamer W. E. Corey made a wonderful record Met season, 'Phe big freighter, which was in commission 2.10 days, covered 41,529 miles and curled 302,547 tons of Iron ore, She delivered thirty cargoes, which means that the average cargo was e. little over 10.000 thous, Most of the Corey's tripe were from the head of Lake Superior to Lake J*rle Dort,. The Corey carried more trelpht Met eeason than was ever moved by one vessel In the same time In (ho •world, For Strains —of hack —of Shoulder —of Stifle —of Hough —of Whirlebone —of Knee —of Fetlock —of Coffin Joint —of Pastern Swelling and all Lame- ness in Horses use Fellows' Leeming's Essence Two or three teaspoon- fuls in a little Runt or Brandy, cures Sprains, Bruises and Lameness in 24 hours --takes out all the soreness --and puts horses "on their feet again," sec, a bottle, If your drug - gust does not have it, send to National flrug & Chemical Co. Lb ted, McCreal. tT HAY HUNG OUT TO DRY. One of Norway's Peculiar Sights During Harvest Season. One of the most peculiar harvest scenes in the world is to be wilneist'tl 1)1 some parts of Norway, Those are (iia- trh'ts in which the rainfall is excessive, a eutnmon boast of the country folk there being; "\Vo are sure to have one dry day in a year," \Viten the hay is cit, to 1ca1'0 it upon the ground to dry would, instead, mean that it won]) rot and b4'' rendered 4:11,10- lesra, says ('assell's Saturday ,loltrnar', Therefore, long !tutees are built in row, i','a't'lli:lg 1'4 1):! ,.'Ines 1'• :,!„ fle! is. and to these the grass is brought. in cart•. In the daytime the hay is tossed about 0n the ground, but toward even- ing it i:` 1111 carefully hung upon the fence; to dry, In very damp Weather it renl:lin1 all day on the fence,. The 1C' n s .ay, Cur �11m1 a and men do the same work, only while the women hang out clothes. the men hung out hay to dry." Before deciding where to locate In the \Vest, let, us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields the richest grazing land ----are in this Province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and apoo:al railroad rates, etc. Love] representative wanted in each county. TELF[R &OSGOOD Eastern Soiling Agents 200 CORiSTINE BUILDING MONTREAL The Best Speaker in Germany. (Washington Herald.) "The most fint slled and effe:tire epe'etker in GerniROy," rays Professor Ern(t Schna- bel, of Ik'rlin, "is Herr Bebe!, the leader of the Socialist party, This 1411:)) hs.d no ad- vantages of early training, no university ed- ucation, and inked pined his knowledge of literature through hire own unaided ef- forte, lie worked at the trade+ of a wheel_ w•r1)l'',4 t to 1115 younger days, but even whilo Ft•ugglir,g for as living he ons a clone stu- dent, particularly of governmental Affair?, and political econntny. Ills News are ob- noxloll_' to a great majority of his felloer members of the Reichstag, and yet when- ever he riffs to speak he 001111lan16 the -.o,c-St attention of Cho l"gls1nt(145, Aulong 111s followers he Is idolized, and they obey him as implicitly es If he were their king. Ile is a man of austere life and Is said to be without even the smaller vices of man- kind," rrcH Mange, Prairie &re.tches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals, cured In 30 miir;tes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotton, It never fails, Sold by druggists, 4..-e. Utopia 1 - Utopia a Long Way Off, (w'at;hfngten Post.) fiecause all mien are ere/tied equal and endowed by their Creator with equai cape- tety for accumulai$ng property; because score men are cont;tltut!onal'ly Indtretrione, economical and ambitious: because many 4'o"n naturally prefer criminal methods of k%11 111g r,, loans' while other men 1:1,hor that course—for these reseeona, poverty and riches, betaury and comfortable eubslst(•nu' haLSO abode side by side ever t111c1) the rorord of the human family began. Numberless have been the attempts of well-mea0ning ;Yreons to abolish poverty end equalize 10(11141 con- ditions, but, all have failed rignr(ily In such efforts to amend the work of nature. Pos- ribl)' the 11m0 may come when a universal commune will be instituted and all the in- hnhltants of the earth, being free men and fellow citizens, will dwell together in fra- ternal unity and serial equality, But there is at tills writing no lndlentlon, hint or in- timation that such a consummation is im- mediately tmpendtog, ••b ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, 80re and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Sate $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. 4"0 A TALE OF TWO LOVING CITIES. In. Tacoma it is difficult to get anyone to admit that Seattle has a harbor at all. During the few hours that we spent there as allnquetees 1 happened casually to mention the mat tet' of harbors. The Tacoma man smiled—sadly, tolerantly, as he might at a foolish child, "My dear sir," he said, gently, "1 pre- sume you 1110 aware that a ship ie about as safe in the harbor of Seattle as she would be in 11011 (late. 1)o you ever read the papers'" Ile regarded mi with that saute sad smile, "Of coil'se not everything gets into the papers, There' is hardly a day—hardly a day, sir --that, 80111e ship doe1llt 45)1)1: in Seattle harbor while site's tied up to the dock, Harbor! Jlarborl" Ile threw up leis hands, "fly (.lod1" Then, in a few swift, passionate phrases he blocked out the superlative- ness of the harbor of Tacoma, and as we parted he grubbed the lapels of toy coat and whispered hoarsely: "And y/oli can mail a letter in 'Tacoma to—any— piece—in—the—world—and ,vote will eget an answer to it one.—whole—day quick- er than you wotl)d if you trent it from Seattlel"--Front "111 the Banquet Belt," by Arthur Rub), in the Outing 6fagazine for April, _ d1►e` Tn a crowded street ear it generally takes a pretty girl to make a Alan rise to the occasion. c=P._9'0'E DRS$MAKING SCNOOL 'renrhen Dress Cut- ting rend Making In n11 its branches by Mail til Lessons). The best system ever In- hr 1o dal d 111 Canada, Cost of full course 13 now only $15, includ- ing ono of the most perfect fitting systeuls In use given free. Adopt this method and Ines( ate your in - 0 0 in 0. Satisfactory b'ult references given (04 In your 1(nfoNy In remitting mune)- to us. For full particulars write to -da). ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL !11rs Valens, feett'ttetor P. 0.BOX 91 tD V live•! S, -r. 41001.11.411.1141101r owner ay. Settled a Serious Question. A poor working girl noted for her pru- dence and practicality has lately been pondering the problem +4f whether to buy an umbrella, which she neett, very much, now the rainy ,('avid) is eumil14 on, but doesn't, at all Avant, or all Angora kit• ten which she doesen't exoet Iy need, but Wants scl much that it. keels her awake nights. The other (14 she settled it to her 014'11 811 isf11e601 by deciding 01) the kitten, which she thinks is ever ,n much more praetieal than an umbrella, because you eau only use an nnlbrt•1l:t when it 15 training, but a kitten you have with you always, Peside4;, you eon borrow an umbrella, Int nobody would lent] an An- gora. --Topeka State Journal. Power From Long Distances. Among the application; of power at, long distance 1'1V111 its ...intact! Is the lighting of the interior passages and chambers of the Brea( Pyramids by elec- tric currents generated at, the cataract of As50uan, several hundred miles away. The same power is intended to operate pumping stations and rotten milts along tate Nile. he Sun h e:ticket) it iR proposed to obtain 10,001) horse -power, for use in that city, from the water now running to waste on the slope;; of the Sierra Ne- m)» )lounluins. 110 miles distant.. I w'as cured of Acute Bronchitis by ;11INAKD'S LIN1)1ENT. Bay of islands. .1, )1, t"•A)lPIIE1,L, 1 w1L4 eared of 'r'aeinl \euralggia by. MINAllIt',S 1,1N1)1EN'1', Springhill, N. S. W11, 1).1N1E1,S. 1 was cured of (1)1(1nic Rheumatism by MINARD'S I.INIMEN'''. Albert. Cn,, N. B. (11):0. Superstitious as to Earthquakes. Scientists still study the cause and meaning of earthquakes, but, according to an exchange, uncivilized peoples long aro s0111() the questions involved to t heir 041')) c itnplebe ea41 isfaetion, In Mongolia it is the breathings and skip - pings of a huge frog that enuse the mis- chief; in china, a gigatrtic dragon; in 1 radia, as world bearing olepn:utt; in Cele- bes, a hog. and. in other countries the idea is varied by the introduction of a bull and a tortoise: Earthquakes in Si- beria are believed to be due to the fro- lic; of n)anun01115 widen live it) the en- tre of the earth, lrhi)e in \'nnenuver is. land it is the spirit of evil, villl his Mar. slotted hods of all int' Wicked people who have ever lived, 4.l• Interested in the Wedding. (Louisville Courier -Journal,) "Are you related to the bride or groom elect?" inquired the busy usher. "Then what interest have you in the cere- mony?" "I'm the defeated candidate," ♦•► Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. .4+s What's This? (Broadway' Magazine.) When bridge enters the smart hottso takes on the atmoephet'0 of tt public gatnbling plaice and the boaters, to the flush of the excite- ment, this tura-about-flare of the law of hospltallty, lodes ele.ht of the foot that those vresent are bei' guests. She maker no ef- fort to keep the poor ones from bolug flooced nor (loos RDC protect the amateur from sharpers—end "(Harpers" there are 1n the most exclusive drawing rooms, They may bo clothed as the lilies of the fleld and their hands show tont they toil not, neither do they (min, yet they are there to make a liv- ing. The hos'tese who hes become an avar- icious gambler—who le often, In fact, an ar- rant cheat—bas lost all regard for tho wel- fare of her guests, nor does oho dtacrlrnlnate as to their moan`, The Impecunious youth, maid and matron are forood to play away beyond their slender pocketbooks, In many cases to their utter desperation and conoe- quent ruin, Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Stubborn to a Degree. "haven't you and t our friend got through that, argument 81'.1,1" ,l -ked tt parent of his youngest ::un, "11 isn't any ureniticnt," au14ecrcd the boy. 1'7. 11 ill merely telling Jimmie the )nets in the case, and he 14 so belultly stubborn that he w'on't uuder43tund," -- Chums. YOUR SUMMER OUTING If you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camp - Dig or the study of wild anneals look tip the Algonquin National Park of Ontar'lo for your summer outing, A fish and gamo preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers In awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature eau bestow, Mag- nificent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet, above !sea level. Pure and exhilarating eAmoephero, Suet the ,'place for n young anon to put in hie stammer holidays. An lntereetlnll and pro- fusely illustrated deecrlptivo publication tell - Ing you all about it sent free on application to .4, D. McDonnid, Union Station, 'Toronto, not. THREE BORN TOGETHER, And Still Alive at the End of Sixty- eight Years. In thio city yesterday, say's the New t)r leans Picayune, March '17, two of lice eldest end meet e)tavpeetcd 4'Itlzenel, bt'othere, of the saint) like, 11 111.1 yet no) twins, but of n l sot of triplets, c( ►eG1:Ued then btL birth- day. 1r•tll-day. ' 444')' are J. N. and 1l, I'. Price, who have t4'1, 1.11' the!r bonne here for several 841114'1', steel whn10 triplet eisttu', :dye. ;saucy Phillipe, 84111 11`148, and 1s a re:;pouted resi- dent of Calhoun count)', The intent -AIN; trio came from North Carolina with their parents when 17 or 1S years or age, and lived In 1laul011 (Dant)', where they 1rt•l,t 11111( when the war between the ,at-(t'r4 , broke out, and the 145(1 Trutf•'tih a., wile til 011,er young men 1)t Itiulkin, ,101od t i the ealae,e of the South. The brothers, and their ('418(4)', 151)0 atter the war be0.ture 1111'• i'hli• flue, resided in Hankie until after the oute- )' 0 ' of the 1.411(1', when they removed to 0X11'(411, where they hove s1004' resided. It i8 believed that th1.1 Ia the oldest set of trIblets to 11118 Suite or ,o -rhea, if not In the United States, tinct the brothcns Price exemplify fu their life lied 4'o versatien ,til that la best tool noble41 In the qualtive that (Morn good and honest 1itizen:,hip.--1'11113- dolphin Record. • TRAP IE I WANT MUS;:;RATS J LARGE OR SMALL LOTS Write for price list, W. C. GOFFATT ORILLA ONT, COSTLY COIFFEURS, I1) 1':)is a subject which is agitating all fashionable women nt, the present moment is than of the coiffure, The prices aeked for some le' the 1)40,1 costly gowns which have almost reduced their ower(: to banln'llptey alppo:1' nwbottite bc't ide the sinus paid for the brilliant, leeks which 11'04011 the (reads of Parisian elego des, A well known opera singer who recent ly altered the slyly of her coiffure to sheet the e\igt»t demand, of fashion has bre» heard to deplore the fact, that her Mend had rest her quite a fortune, and her case eon hardly be term- ed at unique one, No pains are spared in matching the exact shade of the wearers own hair and both the real and the sup- plementary lock are subjected side by side to the most careful treatment at the hands of an expert, 80 as to give them exactly a corresponding brightness and glossiness, One grent chanfee which has almost re• 4'0lutionixc'd the steroty-ped style of hnir- dressing is the introduction of the thick plait whicli is arranged in a (tomtit] round the crown of the heed, few fad- ionable French women being seen with- out it. IJoax--1I4's always looking for trouble. coax—\'Ceti, I guess he can find it with- out any trouble. 1ssiii'' N(1. I(►, 1S)()7. HELP WANTED—FEMALE, WAN'1'1 1) (H)OD 1'l,', ('ooh Vito family of five, on the metent tin lee. Iinmilton: all modern one: lit • be,a. malt) and gardener kupt ; food w n),••, Ad- dress d-dress Mr's. 11, A1. Breckenridge, ((,union. MISCELLANEOUS. V-JbNV ••••"" l•M 09. Lt:>r'ioY'8 FEMALE PILLS A Mb', FUM rind Ie11Ar,,e modhlr raRt11F• ter. rrc,e 1'1141 hale been (1(414 tit Flatue (ort -r O l; n yr1.r., eon !'ull h+raluehle htt1ao purp'.,e ettien,nt and 44511 pant ted by w48 1114)1444 Pectose Atarnp for Fealnl circ, ini. (1)re 51 (4) 14.1 ba»( or (111(4,00 ; pr r 1(1111, ('rlurly tented, oa reer )l t of mos LA ROT PILL 00.. Ilox 42, ltaruuton, Oa.A, 4 . Nuggets of Success, A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any m11Fk('t. I'4'ac for a shim, 1lenwlry as to ill un- .\ pxipty tn- .\t(xicty never yet successfully bridged 1)41.4' ani' eha,Rl. (ae11111, 11;1. al 141)41 bl'etil('t• whose mune i4 )c:!letter. "1f you Hate but at word of cheer Speak it \chile I and alive to Clear.' Fouu'one asked '110n)4IS A. Edison, "i toff pot ludic(0 I h.; 410111118 Iq inspil- etion:" "Nu," ll,' replied, "genius istier- epi 4'a t int:," l;y rp,lniim ourselves lhc' daily task we lig the rlrate of Dir higher potsibi)i• ties. "The 4501ir1 raises it, ioftiest shaft to the man ‘N 110 "delivers the goods," 'True merit is like a river, The deeper it is the )4.4 noise it snakes, \"tat trill not find poetry anywhere on- lets'tt you ),ring sante with rot),--Sucee)f )tauez)n1', 1'RA0. MARK PEt:1t,'(l ALD. ramediea cure all skin and blood disealot—Eczema, halt Rheum, ,Sora, hies, Conrtipetion, (ndtgeation and other result' of impure b)ood, They coned the; cause and destroy the evil condition, Nita Ointment roolhn a,al /,eels all diseasnl.akin, Mira Rloud Tour and Alit a 7a 1let.+,'la na e lifeblood and ferntoruts stoma, It, let or, .fume`s and birds. Ointment and Tablets, each 50s. Blood Tonics, $1. At drug -store- --- or (rota The Chemiltti Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamlett—. Toronto. Advice to a Yeung Doctor, (Life.) "Now, James," bays the old physician is his non, who lies returned from modloml college and i4 about to std up for lllrnneU, "there Is Piet one piece of ndvleo I will Kt(0 you, and if you follow It. you mum/ fail to be popular and succesetul," "What to 11, father " "Tell every wwnon she neees n cbange of scone and tell every man he is working too hard," The Horseman's Friend ' ---Sale and Sure, If you haven lame horse, get Kendall's Spavin Cure, If you have a horse that you can't work on account of a i3praiu, Strain or Bruise, get Kendall's Spavin Care, If you have a horse, that even the veterinary can't cure of Spavin—or any soft Bunches or Swellings—get Kendali's Spavin Cure, Be sure you get KENI)ALL'S. Two generations—throughout Canada and the United Atate4—ilnve used it and roved 11, roved Rrts'r, )',)„J,, INT, " 1 b:avc barn (odor; nendall's Apav04 Curr for !be lost it) years, 141:41 tau:1) s find it isle, anti sure," 111 B1;4T 1', eleNEII,l„ 1'x,1 f 1, n bottle -0 for U. Write for a copy d ;a of (ler greet book "Treatise On The I Horse," it's a mile of information for fat met sand horsemen, who want to keep their stock in prince condition, Ainlled free. 25 Dn. n. J. KENDALL CO,, Cr(oeeuno 1'ALLe, - VERMONT. U.S.A. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Dose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess EgYPt 1'i Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery Manulaotured for tho Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN•HOLTON KNITTINO COe, LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, E VIOU 511EAT IN In three and six-foot rolls, Is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of summer housed, refrigerator plants, etc. GET OUR PRICES. The E. 13. EDDY CO. Limited HULL - CANADA Agencies in all principal cities. vent= ,nnrmratutattwt „rinevv- Sal?(14y thr„ Wir2R :.t .1:1111; ott. try. I, made taler 11S. I'd... ';;t• •1.1 yam - Isiters of ancieat .1 -.ted jil the nutra;..nmient 1,f -1:0- aifair, I)%' the advice of the itto,t di-tii.;41.1.11441 mom• bels of the priat1:4 erder; ac• Lefori, ;0[0,0; lag . 11 the new and iixtraehlinaly office that 1,va,, ti) 1,0 alint.,(i4v, were e44le.'111 1.11 11..; 10 the 0.9401•14.00' 111111 pro. priety 110' Ilppoint 114044:4 .'411611 11 (MP 1 -.1i011111 the 14i-414.1'. .1(:seph had been told Pliaroli Hod hi, servants, and they ,:aw that, hi: long. experience !with Potiphar 104 \lel' him preeellt ‘ViSd011) 15'0111(1 espeeially fit hint nthe proposed work. The Spirit of (loil is --- }fere is 11:1 acknoivledgment Of the ex- istence and, power of the true God, ,10-01)11 hail expressly told Pharaoh (v. 101 that, tile 11)tOrill'01:1 1 1011 of the dreams was not in him, .Init that Ged would give. the answer; and now (lie king attrilnites Jo‘epli's ii.16(1,0m to the 1.4pirit, of God in hint, Such an one \voila have wisdom, could be truisted nnd would be attended with tho biasing of (;nl. 30. 1)iscrei.it— "Intelligent, having n clear insighi t n.to matters'," Wise—'"I'llis denotos a rapacity to devise and employ. proper measures to capacity to devise and employ pro- pel' measure.s to pia the ends desired." 40, '1'11011—This ivas vers. unexpected In Joseph and also to Pharaoh's servants. AVIteit ,Jo48p1t WUS counseling the king til malt to gather grill'', Ile 'mild not, have had the renaitest idea that he would be the man; and the servants who ivcro .0 very willing Hati 1)1;111 should he earviot out (v, :1-0') are silent now. when 1110 j1)1.1)• 1711)41 tity word- -.1011.1411 11+111011.41 1....0/1 11(1010 l'huraelt and Cod liotawed in the sight, of Pharacit..l little tome ago he wa-t traditeed oat. of 1,110 of mon; nOw the king honour 11 1111 11A OHIO of incomparable wOrth, ll'e may leant from this not to 1)I uretttiv deject• 0,1 1)1. 74.protteh, not. paf fed tip by Rake, The hest 4.; 111111 !MVP 1,11-,eil through report and evil report. ---111F1). Shull all, ...be rated -- Ili rally, ".1 I thy mouth .hall al! my people hi...." In the hater)) 0,011 11 19 uit.tioHary to kis noy• thing that, tomes from it superior. They rdlow relove: and submission. -- Clarke, fiver all ono Moir hath ehanked his fetters into a th:iiiof gold, hi. raginto titin hi• stook* into 1) eltatiot. ))4 0)1 into a 1, dce." 12. Took: off Id, ring --This was lol;en of the higlic-t dignity and also 413 01.41.1110.,...0, of power, for 11 molottlit• 1.1114' gave %1II)Iit%' hip OW (101.11701111.1 1)) which 11 tvas tariNed. '(11114 ,1041/11 %Vioi ;ivo;i chief authority rI Egypt. "People in the East do 11't ,ign their 11a814, They have seal, in 01I81 (hoir ulloh,„; ;old 111 109 axe Nigro viol, and Vi1R v111e11 tivike! :111 1 111111T 4".11111 frith thick ink, on all occasions for whieli we use the signatare."—Iiitto. 1.191, linvir-A costly foltrie, %writ by per -o11$ 4O rank as it mark of honor. "it exceedingly soft and of dazzling whiteness, and lias 1,ti hold fur twice. its .tveight in gold.' - .Trench. A gold chain --This was a badge of high offiee: an emblem of (ill, authority, 43, The second chariut---The setiond state chariot iti the public proves. sion. Ilercalotus tell.; us that Egypt was noted fur chariots both for peaceful end ilike purposos,-- -1101)), coin, 'rhe' (lied before hitn—That i ,the heralds, who•ti duty it we( to go lwfore and nimounee the eomin(1 i)r op! royal papssioll. now :Ito knee —The heralik ":11)1%.,ek!" h supposed to ha to: Egyptian word, and IN meaning I; 11,41 definite!), koov,,11, 13 31,40. !moo -re. or "tve Ill the :401Tiell," 01,11el'A thillk it means "Cast yourselves (Iowa-- ilo homage," Sr.! him over 1111 the land 11. V.)—This high position to which Jo-epli was exalted Wai 11 full rein - for his ymira of pal lent suffering. 11 1309 81411 a proof of Ill' equity 1)1141 g'44011110t4 01 (1041, 4-11011111 ho 1))) i'llrotirlIgell1011t 1ti AI goo(' 14./ (10(1. 4 1. J. am Pharintli-21.11i: was the same as though he said I am king, for "Viler. ;lob" %vas the common title of the SOVVY- eigni of Hgypt,..--Charke. ll'it limit thee-- -.1o.ppli's authority wit., to he absolute t0.1 universol," Thu, did 141 put 1)0111)1' 1;:.. tt ',hi, youth, .1o.0.1111 1:;ol hien test• cd am! hatt steed the .1115 111014.. City. volintgv, JOlth)11),0, rid( fithipss faith in God had helot thoroughly tiled', 1)4011-- '11)19 name has . had vari•itts interpretations. some ot whiell are as folltuvs "Preserver o "The revcaler of secrets." "The I1.e.„14111y of ploriom. comfort!, ..Govtoll- ,ip rti! Living (111','' "nroad of imp." '':'Viol' of the 1‘:or111,'' Clar1:0 [WHIN it %Yu,. merely ''11 11 Egyptian epithet, (les)g. wiling, tial office to irhich 110 was now raised.' leaning "sacred to Ni,,iths, the 1g.,,..ptiall 01' Imps a combinatiou.of his and Ncith, names of two deities—Jsis-neith, ri name very likely to be given to his daughter I) StIll Egyptian priest." ---Terry. this union ,(ostuill IJP.Ca111P 14. 111011114er ol d 1...tinily of bigli diqinclion. rah-Ale:ming "devoted to 11),' the sun god. On—Or Ileliopolis. mennim "sun," or "light;" called .Avett (Ezel:. ;10, 17), 1140 130t1I.shentesh, (jer, 43, 13), "This eity was about t wo hours' ride north- east of Cairo, 111)11 its site Is 11013) marl: - id by loiv mounds inelosing it space of about three.quarters of 11 nolle in length by half a mile in breadth."—IVIted, Cont, "On, being founded by tin Arab. eolony, Pellphera, lilze Jethro, priest; orAlidian, might he it ivorshipper of the true God; and Gins Joseph, 1 pious 111118, wuitkl be freeil from the charge or morrying 1111 idolatress for Worldly ends," 11. ;Joseph gathering grain (vs, 16.41)). 40. Thirty years old--'rhis wos the age which was appointed fur entering the IllItYMNIAIMM401141.0•11.141.114414,41110,111111101 • 01.1.01111.0~1...0011.0.0....1.•11.•••••legillftelatIMOINIMI• " Cheap " paint is the kind you DON"r want. " High price " paints cost more than they arc worth, because you can buy better for less, Ramsay's Paints are the happy medium. All the goodness of the most expensive kinds—with none of the faults of the " cheap." They are mixed just right—always the same—and hold their surface and their 2olor through zero snows and torrid suns. Write us for Post Card Serioi "C," showing how some houses are painted, RAMSAY & SON CO., Peat Makers slam 1812, IMONT1EAL el mem entered upon bis ministry* of love and mercy.--lanite, 1741oo1 !Jetta.: Phavoali -This means that he ivas munit• led into the immediate pre -envy of the and had his unlimited confidence. '.11nong. the .‘latie princes, the privil• ege of coming to their 3e1I1, and standing 111 ):loll' ill'Ot44•11414 1111 granted only to the 111;:he,1 fa yo ri -,10,4.111: though fq) suildent,‘ and remarkably raked i, not puffed \vith pride," \Vent out '- 0) once entered upon the performance 0`,. no dune,. lie t‘tott throttglmut the land 1414 jug direction, 101' 1 111. ereetion of stiocaloi.c, and Milking preparlItioll to - 14:) lowing the great ha rve,t, I. Ily romItuls -"A sittgalar esprel. siona, alluding not only to the \ or. lance of the crop, Ina to (le! practi... of the tearer, grasping the grain in heir hands," "Thi, proltald,- ,.. r• principally to dee. a, it 111 tait 11 4-1 )081. number of stalks 10•,),..04.,10114 from OW 501111. •44.4.41," 1;1 -'1.114'ro 1101 11 111110' 111 1 III' 1.11311 St 4441,1 rill 43)011 adapted to till! production ot grain art Egypt." (1.11hered up - Thi• was according to the adeire given Pharaoh (v. :1 I J. 1)13)1 a fifth part lie ..t.atherell up, "This was the government tax, or \vas h«tight up al, 14)w prices such 11, woukt then pre% ail, ft:1lI,tte:4s the people al.° stored up grain for themselve,, hal according to their faith, whirl was :011011 t hint th):1- (.)11)''4." .131. ,(4..-eplt .fttiltered —The king and lth sithject.4 owed their livt.• 1.) eph, and through the 1.1c,,iag, of (1.)11 was 11311) 144 ..111/1/13' 1114- 1)111y 1 the Egyp- t 111 IN, 1111 1, 1/1 1111 11111‘, ',111 1 11 (411,41 1)11 ftlIllille 1111., L API'Llt A 11.)". Josi.pli111 .l.:gypt. 1, lion/fled ...Pharaoh sai.t.,.cao, we find it one as this man iii ‘‘ holm the Spirit of (it'd is'," iv, 1i8i. From being traduced as one of 1344' 1 1/1 Men J11411111 Is pr11 414.1 11 1/111' 1.111' 4(11)1' 14141' '‘b 1,111111' ilk3m 'Il-4Iqi 1.%' lilt '011ie his honors meol;ly. His exaltatiou is au illustiation of the Joseph's preparation for future i";alta• thin in the palace. Faithfulness in little 1:11111g91 11,iI411".11A. (1 large, weful• iwss, alga exporienceA and Wide influence, 1Im 4S'a,4 econonikil, ''((4 gathered tip all the food of the seven years" (v. 48). The ee3)1.11 years of plenty ivere spent in pre• paraihni for thi, seven years of famine. DISASTROUS The People Who Know By Practical txpeiience TRAIN wilfritt• have Unanimously Pronounced Lt, II tven Persons Burned to Death Nuir 1,,113 Ont.. April 1 1. In for. 00111'))) 4111 114i 11.2 (..P.1 1, (ITt, 1esterday 1,0 1 1 .1.1 1111,4) in-' detailed 0t4011111 1. Tile tat,,;.0,,, Hon 1, 44 the 0)34') that when .co. I. t 1 thromdi t rain from .110uti4.8l icaelied a point l‘velity utiles card of Chaplean h041)111 cars left the track 11:1,I 11 Icit two woe overturned into the ditch 1,3) soine me tos the ears caught five 1131,1 lip. 911.10' a number (if pass.yugers w)!), underneath an iiivful scene ensiled. ,Ii;•1 how 1181113 hst, their lives it 'on141 hi. difficult to state, but it is known that si pelsons %veil. burned praetic• :illy to cinders and ao, till identification ripe.. were consumed %dill theta it. ttill he 'Ione t 1111O Moro it call 144determined tie.y w.ro, (44111 eXciteinctit 15 manifested, in 1,7)1')), 31....everal citizen," had friends 011 No, 1 and they are aux- ion-ly. w.1!1814' pat tienlars, There must 1)- a large number (if pas.ellgeri 0)) (110 1 Il.1111.11 1i.. 1,1:3 I 11 fol'Ohl loll 04 to their identity 1, unavailable. Later--' '\ord htt. just arrived that eleven 41 100 1)1111441 144 death., eight tLuIts and 1 rye children, and that from thirty t", The ear wow!' ealt;ht 101.e w.as :1 tourist. Further Particulars, STEAD'S the inaitagett• \11,;;tr,.:11, April 1 1. Accordingr to the tl.e tleday, Ivith refer• 11,,, 1,, 1!44 1,•1'1•11410 di -1101'1' ill 110 1.. HE WANTS MORE THAN' OLD-FAS'i- 1. , e‘pri..- yesterynat. da. e 4 , t:111.1. w..ry 15 11%.,-, 111.1, as' IONED "AMENS." l,c •idtoment puts it. nnHicr 11 1111 4 ,111,1, N1111' :1(11111,4 ;Id -H; !111L1:',11 41'1911 111)W11 to their and their remain. It ere cremated. II, ir !,0111,..• are Witliain Itay, London. 1.1 4'. In:lifted and Susan Horton, Tells Methodists He Doesn't. Care Any- thing for "Amens" Unless Something Practical Follows Them, !;0:1111, I\ ; (1,11.(iing N " I ;II „3 - I inithur '. • 1111 a '. and 'IV York, 1.1. The old.1.0.11- : 0 Valli.ow. Es•ex, ioned ...mien- recoiled 11 11 1.111(411 1 I). ;11:11 V111111 • l)IW lhii 11111111111g 11) 1);» .4,'..-111 11 of ill', ; Aft-. It. IL It.- Nu‘k Vold.; conference of the NI...thollist Iturch, (root T. Stead, of llit. Euglidi Review of 1!,,vi„,, Stead had outline:1 Id, plait to lune Hague 1 'oact:cm:4! 11 it. condo' mak,. 10101.4011 for slIffieiellt delay. ill 1!!! i' ellt ill l‘l'o nation; 111.9plI1il1g With ''.1111 other, 4.(4 Ohl 111114 'Hight 1)' op- portunity for ...ober second thought, and the intenention of other friendly pow - or:, to 4)3)4)1 it Vial% rrolll OH 4'or 11119 1.14;01. Of 1 10' -18th *:,(14)4,1 A10,110(1111. l'11111,.11, he 1'1111 14,1'0110. WO 44 .it 311)14', calm; tilt, 1301413: 1,!1111'1: as 1 flash, Stead re- plied: "Nobody earl's a- damn for your unless you do somethilig," It the co:lulu:kit Steall's ;ol- d res.; the Dev, (1. Strohridge 1114)3)e11 that the conference extend )i, 141(4 of 1(1)11115 for his address, Ilefore there lime for the motion to he seconded, .11r. stead jinn 11011 t 11 Ilk 1.1.0, 11 lilt (lied "1 111)11.1 WU 11 1. 11 Ily Vilte (1111 11 1i$ 1V:1 11 word of God; •"1.11081 1(1:11 honor 1111' I 10 104011. ‘1.101..10,1, .1,00 01,1, going 1i do will tumor I. San 2, :10.1, ti w11,9 I11" anything to help hi this work. 1)nti't I 101 3. 143111 11. that made Joseph tattlitul 4-11. me the mockery of thanks rind thou in the perkitinauce of the least, duly. ,4,11 :114.0.4. am? forgo/. all about, my )Il-- 11.1/11 11 1' 141 all tru-t, cheerfully pant tie0,„,,,,,,, 1 aa t,v0., April 15. E. Ilesehanips, :i..teil 111811')' unparalleled trial', stn.:1g In tilt' Th.,. 4,0,11',.11.14(,), al,1),,iiii,,,1 11 minniii top-.-, ,,,,, a diver, iva..; 1/1 clovi4,1 fet,t of -mit 1,1. /10111' 01 temptatioa, forgoing towar.11 of three to eonsider .11r, Stemrs iuldress, enemies, able to haerpret. t111' 1411114.4 and deterolow idiot in.Oon Ille couter• w,19 y,,..t.„,t 301.0‘. 1181101, „unit, „top 141,:t,,, ;it woil: in the 11 ull water main, \diem he di 1,0 00,,, 871,1 4.0 1.01.01 14) 11-1piddle po•a• (.1,) ,, 110.,.,..h 1, 1,,1, 1 lion, toil 11 it 11 -1. a ild.• 1 si, v,,,,, 1 litiwii .ilion., four 8181 ,, 1,44.1f non onk• for dm 11e1efit of other,. It i. 43) ,,:i . 11 t; '' ' '('''''''' "A"...011''' 111111 tliv 8113'.• hotir, and when taken toll: tvai 111.4 4(M1 II, We 111'0 'ill the 14)41)8 and iv.alk iii the 111m. 1,1 p,141101) B(.1.1.e, idly wit,, 1,1,,i,3. 1 1ft, :)..robablv 4 4 111 nwovvi., The .(0,0189 Spirit. Ivo, too, 5111111 11111,1 illiln:('-" .',II intr.. Hull, "Itt, `;tcall is it dannerons man I it„‘eii0;,, 11 101 00ta;1011 ‘.1,1.5. 1,(,;,,..1. who come 111 contact v,'11 It 11,.. et( 1111. 111 to Ilwal;," :1 11111 Id/111111i l'oto Of 1 ?ill 111i, f woi..k, ut,, 0111' 141 11111 1. 11.1,1 1 1111r-, or :4,40,10.1 (.1),14),V• (1H,, (4'spre4,;(,,I. 1 1.11VOl'zi 0011111 114)1 (('3(4.;' 11101115, 111' 1111)1111,45 cores, or church cote . di • a 1 111' man. and the log.4 lind to 1.1. shift...II. noel ions. I I. 1)iplonia tie. "Pharaoh ,a id. , . t herA '. o ii0THER's !VI Em SSAGt i CIGARS FIT FOR A ICING, p., 1801,4 „.,0 ilisei'eel 1111„1 ,‚4j,, a,, thou1 ill 1y. 39/. .\s -‘10,v(1 sugg°'-tsi 11(11141P" . TO MOTHERS They Aye Worth S2.0.5 Each and Are in that which go.). II / 0.3(1)11 MOS t ill ritlenlqi 1 ,000 Lots, 131 the court ivas not his interpretation of 1111' dream, but his 43)),.),, sta 1 t.,mitillil:e London, .\ pril 15. ,\ it inolien,e boN .___ polie,v, 1, WHAT ZAM-BUIC DID FOR HER 1'""1"'1"1":' 1.1" Pi:'")'. "'''''''d "I Exalted, "Pharaoh said, „. Thou CHILD, I 111,•ki..c,.1,:r1, (';hl -c 010 id 1161' day. It t.lialt be over my lnt.-.1. and, according --- •.....rs 0 1.1' '.-1"1; 1.1.0111 1%4 l'ioll 14411SC111111 :111:11.1111111:1:.1,11114111,1111,11111‘1111.1i1:11‘',1.1L°113.11. 11' h !.418311:.(11tle1..111-,tte1.11,11:i1::1:::,111'1.'':144I.1 1).ii.1v:(11e::1:434:,)47111t(i1p:.,111,)):.,hi- '1;..1....iv,a :1111:1ar 1r- ,..0.1.::1:11111:,111:11:1,t:it:1111,4:/;:ii. ..::.;e,:::i11111,0.1::.:.1111,441I. 4ol.,1,,11114, 11.1Ir11: a prkonehe ne:t 301111lainkte1 Idto loIthnI ll la34)4 1! 44,11111 ,.,.1.1,5 4.01.1,. Hi; degradation 1,02t3it Iii5 training til' :,-111 :.itys ,4 1 1....,„ 1.,:, \\•ni(1i11, „f :)); Foplit, 111/111111y; 1I.' hid 111111 10 the plt 1641.4 hi 4 av,,„„,,,, Alow,/.4,„!, 01141 ,.„„.,1„1"; ..m.v. 14,1 step toward ilipiticz; lit.,, ka.c coat I , was. shipped oft' that he might put 4111 i.‘, . \\*I'lk'r (3)).. while allendin.a royal purple; the march With 1 he ..hlse ,V0, ...4 1'4111 1'3(1641 soon. so1.44,4. TI1,0, 2 1i 11 g W:t!. (1,111 rol. ritling in the clidl'ita ,1:1111, and liccliiro ,,./P 1(0(3 1 ha 1, .11114. imst the 1:11,:', Ile lltIli't 10"r" to I"' III' ..' 111(.01 ...I:. the heel and anl;le 111011.. der authority hefurt. he :90:11.1 la.c.ent. pii. a 14 d 1,0 , ; 11. I hi vill son 1111)1 to 141' 14111.;11 41:11,- nlynt %1-11, running, at tht. trotal COI:1'9'00TE EXPECTORANT The Quickest Sate:it Surot Throat and Cough CURE IN TME WORLD The reason is it f`l'ItES everybody who takes It --young and old :IVO.. The children love 11- -Ill 1110:4 like honey. It is alisolutely free from hurtful It is the greatest household remedy of the age. No home should In without it. It acts immediately upon the irritated S pOt topping the cough, allaying in - (lamination, strengthening the throat, voice and chest, making breathing easy, and giving quick and permanent rel;e1 to those having coughs, eold', (loop, whooping cough, soro throtil, bronchi:1., asthma and long troit1 I „tti it! fool 11113 (4':' who 1;Iim‘,, "I have no hesitancy In reconituenip.2; Colt6footo Expectorant, which 1 hir.'e tried Cam and again, and I eonsItt.w tt the best retnedy on earth for coughs sad cold9. Wo keep in constantly In our borne, and it ts the hest honeehold rem-edy I have known. Collsfoote Is like no other cough remedy 1 have ever 04011, It is AO .../.101/Ing. prid 14044113.2, and 1 feel sure 11 I urely ve,..,etab1.1 1' 1011at10u," M.I.TIONV, 127 Catheart street, Hamilton, Out, .11ollier! l'ather! I/0 not let that boy', girl', cough run on %Cullom, aitett- nen, 1:411, 4-1141,1agt.ring their li‘:es, when '11(.. 4)) t:'111.foote Fectoram. will 1111'1' if . 1;11 it front .41111. IN:cep it in 33)1' 11,111-4! 3)18)3)4, KAISER GOT A BUMP. Thrown Around in Auto in Avoiding a 1-!.. I41'111, April I 5. -The tviN 4)11 hi, 0114' 114-143) to iit1011/1 break 18,41 SANFORDS UVAL TILE S3IIT/IS. 1414401 14v officer., of :1 regiment sta. 1 1611011 111-1(4' 13)111.11 his motor in hold a 7amilv Reunion With Two Ilun• 1 1'1'11111g a eol'lles• 1.0111111 heavy trans• dred of Them There. pt within a l'iNv feet. The i 131 :..:t.1 lt.111:11i'11*.1 \1111"1111(VII1.\111 ( {'1.11 11 41101 .111 ;11 114'1/1::1 111111Ii:S11/'11 1 11.' :**•011 1.4.1,11 ',•1):'1:1 11111 01 :41110611, in. With 4114.11 effect that 11!' car slt:ivoll vitnliag ;411 the ..,:ttiford, thiq country, around, I Itro‘ving the kaiser violently ea.; t v,,. litiaitred strong for a reunion to G1 . other midt. 114 Ilie car. There wal I;tt night. Il(presetitatives no further 4111 1»:11,41., 0... tm.' ilii'ferent Sanford f;tmllies from Nut for lVacoec'i iiiiiekocss the ear y.(I /O'er 1 le count 1,4 Nvert‘ there, would have crashed into the wagon, for )141 of 11)''.: prespnt wore 111(4.1.1 4149- wh,,o w:t.: stopped only a fey.' inchei I nib( it I I/1 '1 homas :Sanford. 011P Of 1 lie sena rated (3)4! w.o. foionlers. to' the first coltaly hi New 1 l' 3(14''!,, • - 4111, IN WATER MAIN, HULL MAN SWEPT UNDER SOME STOP LOGS. \\Tar's Huge Harvest. la Ii' .called "4-41ori107s" 41'14.. 4,1 l' ;1 Million 1116,1 10.11...16:,1 4.40 "1:'iat 441 in 140 11)1';44:44•4; 44' 11111'' 1'.4 111 10411-4 01 1 1130, of a 1:111,1 „411(..,0 1! 111.11.4•4 11..111111 lo 1Valli, hit Vt. beell !AIL 0111:1101tat, 1 11-14,1 3)1)10o11.4 61111 IllelltS, 11111 the 0 1.1 "1 1,6. 114413' 441 i'van...." 2,103411'111 1V, 1:01111 bled, "Plit-:ll!a (.0111.41 ()Ile dtl,t' %vas 4-.61e., 1'1 4111 ten yeell . . name /11141110t1 1:•11:011.4.1th 3 45.) Atter 1.".o..)1111•11t1r11, 1111(1 ‘v1 ,l)1 1 51313111y. 43 1 1,;1 Vor1 ',•1111111441. IR. 4,4,4;•:,1, year, of Moat etwation ,11114e1)11 gel, 11 ,,e.:01c(1 to r;y,4,1 1,000,111311 0,141 1115 )t'Slll'i'OCli"ll mime, 411.H.I.iptiVe or ..f 1 1:e place to 1,yltich it 33)1(5, 3,1:11,11),1.14011,1...41 of 11ropert v, eltaraelet and 1.11! 11.1 siguir.cant of 11,1311 413,11y, um! the 13)011,?',1,„,14,1 11 („ 110 "1111010 11111611 1.- 14111' name- heal, In about 11 Hu, 1111,01 of the comluiwil 3a1g014 of 11, (1.'(111, '2, 0), and hide, lyithite 1144.11 such ‘vhicl, and defied lith:')' treat. 4'11 0.11. -tate, of Europe are devoted -To ititnittiti;,. as "1 1ppo-er of Sin,” "Reveal- 111eniortwe ettnildetply healvtl, ;lad there "1'4 0)4 '1011' 01' ;11.:11('(11,1)''','111141 1(' 4))14110)11,' "I0"0:111:.:1101." 111111 "1.41iViOr i•• 11 t03011 111 1114 jyt. 131.3)3. 10.:11.', iv:Illy 1 hip 4p-1(1.11* V:Iirti, 10 tic. 1,001),11.11ti‘.,,ty in,i;441ifii,;1111 43)0ur In. floors England lost nion and spent ilei0i1,111111.1)(III. '111144' hundred and fi(Iv 111911 were ‘vithilrolvo her ronti 30411111)) 14''' to tntgage itt the destruction :If tv;tr. expenditures 111 tlie United States during the Inst eight years hove al,sorlivil 141,5;10,01111,11t1(1,--laternii• tional Journal of Ethics. ()film World." SI, our divine .1e.eph 4,34' 3)4)5111 sin even to the sheddiog of His ileocialls Hood; (.0 .11e, the tirend of Life and Hie Saviour of the tvorld, reveals to his own the divine mysteries..the Yen: secrets of the heart of God (Eli)). 1, 1), 10; 5, :32). V, 1Vedded. "Pharaoh....gave to wife, Asentilli, the daughter of Priti• pherali, priest of On" (v. 45). Rejected by brethren, ;,losepit takes a bride from the Gentile:, „Before he succors 111A brethren he IS 111111011 1.0 1114 bride, "(00). his cluirelt, Ilk heavenly • bride, .10s11t'4 is content to be as if lie remembered not llis relationship ivith ills people of (dd." I believe %atm -11111c to he 1 In. 140,4 halm eVer 3)14)? (1(11(1,'' \l'hen 11 mother rolc, on In eat'1:14111 of ehiliheit 11 balm or salve, she needs to be as eareful as if she were giving. 11 child on internal re- medy. Zino -link is pure --free front ;ill animal fat and all mineral mat. ter. ond may he. applied with, won (torrid benefit even to the 81:311 of young lrIibs Zam-11111: heals sores, eaves eczema, spring skin eruptions, 111001.9, ringworm, itch, barlwr's hash, blood poisou, bud leg, snit 1.11011m, abrasions, abscesses, ents, burns, sealds, and all shin Injuries 1111(1 31140)1So:4, Of a II storea and druggists at 5(1 cents, or Cigars an Index of Prosperity. (New York Thues,) The number of clgnra .sinotted Is 1111 111,110g Of the nation's prosperity. The cigar 11131 11- V 1. AVOVIdug, "Joseph recut out oVer 111111 /0111•11111i CO„ Ot03lt,0, for priee. ufactortes have doubled their outunt Bagelitai.pi#0. and ynars, the number for, tho flsest yoar pncIttimpd; and we will remember that all ihCland (it Egypt' (vhoses for $.50; , 45.) A right 11 11 1908-D(1 'bang 8,070,02,01k C0111110,1V11 WIlIl 1:/iiwas the age iVlieli the New Testa- tilid or the present 111 Ow 1)116011 was 11(11114VA fill11 It best embroontIon, 4,e•I1t1n11,097 to the year ended' June oo, 19s. WOOD FAMINE IN WINNIPEG. 64 Impossible to Get—Snow in Bush to Blame. Winaipeg„kpril 1,1,- -11'inttipegger4 aro confronted with jt!-), :Is ;.ireat of fuel 43454) Os at ally time during the 1.1011114 91111(1.11e preiaileil darieg the winter. Love Eternal, Freo and Boundless. (Au Bolo,) (Written for the TInat,) liejeetcd by Ills own nation and ebtruyl,t. by one of the chosen twelve, 'mowing that. very ,-0011 the others would desert Pim, that In L1 wItness, scourging, mooking mot oruottixion stwattod Dim, 01.11' LOW outdo pruyer to Ills Fittlier—John xyll, 1-23 1Jia reuueiics 4110 (ILA, for Jilmaelf, vertu* 1-5; s,ecoud, for Ills disciples at that time, vorses 11-3:1; third, for all holWvors for all verr.es With Oleo object for lila goal, the wluffing over of tbo world. "That, they may be one, that the world ,lnay kuow (1) that Thou dldst send Ma, and. (Z) lov- edit thew oven us Thou lovedst hie," 110 (los 003 despair of the world, Yareifiki -Now Is the judgment of this world, now the prlure of t'hls world (Sataul) bo east out, pod 1, if 331 bo lifted up -1/111 dras 1(33 tata umo layecilf."—John x11., 4. Wiwi, 1 the Son of God behold, Plereed by the Itomun nails and. bpwar, 1 MT 11_10 Lore that from of old, }la:, bought to draw the world more near. 1 .so e the suffering Sou of God 1 1 conflici with our mighty foe; oil. Love, how high, how deep, how broad, To drata for us that cup of woo. b'pr 1.1m utwxliy, atcuped In Ilo died; let this God's Love (amend, For its that victory lie dld win, God's siuiess Son, the sinners' friend. Oh. holy Lord, uplifted high, With outstretrhed arms above each. foe, That oufferiug Love shalt yet bring nIgli Einiul world that lkt b42101Y, 1 :ie., our toe o'ercome by Thee. The runKuu of each soul manila(); A world-wide empire Thine shall be, Yea, all must bow at Thy pierced feet. I3.:vim:4We In righteousness Thou for the human raco luis stood; Cot's enangele413 lore Thou didat express lu covenant seulell with Thine own blood. '70 Time who 414191 reveal God's grace • boundless as the air, as free, Flach member of our bunutu race Shall loyalty swor, aud bow the lince. Castles in the Air. (11y a Banker.) Proha bly (h& ivitote 0(tho 1111111L111)11(f1 1'9111 0:110 to time indulge in the pus- -lin)? 1,1 18)11(111)'' "castles in the air'''; Lo private soklier, for instance, picture the time when he will wield the fichl•marshars baton—which every private -eldier is supposed to carry. itt. inagination, in his knapsack; the clerk, dreams that he will be the head of the great badness wherein he is employ - the young (11.0001), who conjurels 1,1, vi -(on in his enthronement OS bishop, in he nailst of maga ificonti sorrOtiltding.., 3.4414 Ji 1)114941 in gorgeous fait re and cope. .411,1 the.t. rhapsodie:4 of the imagine. - t 11:,1 vary according to the idiosyncrasies of the individual. chill, the head, for in- s!anc,.., of an important and eminent busincs•-• hou.e, who has no "hobbies" citatever. who in the InitM of the gra11de43 natural scenery S('OR nothing. whii..11 particularly interests him, unit whole soul and life are concen- trated in his business—the greatest joy NV1liell 1 01- one ean picture to himself is to go on 11.0//1 sin:elms to success. and. Ger, to /lie, if (l)e he must, in harness, .1nut tier. similarly situated, but who ap- preciates the beautiful, who is thrilled t h rough nod t 0 rough with rapt emotion when surrounded. with the 7lories of na• ure, wilther midst 1 he icy glaciers and peak:A and plateaux of the bigher A11,-; or on the rockbound shore the mighty ocean rollers thunder in the fis•mres and tavines cleft in the rock. by their continuous onslaughts The simply of eorthvo,,,i1)1 poj11;rtinglanit the ages; or midst the Own - 111.4141,1* i loraetieally nil. and 11111'! 41 0 1 1tither adornments with tho 1114,411 40 (hi: e0111111o41t V 'Will 1,03)., 0 141-14 3111181 of 1101111 nature has ND III INC ('41)1 111 114 111i1uV, 1.11.1113 b..11 11 1 11V1E -1 11 1,1 V11.1111 --this 1110. 44 13m principol 1.1 )hu »te• ideal 1... imving 111t11 illed 3113 11 1111/10 (4)1))- 51(13 li i 110 113)011 110 lia.or6:14 1 ',donee, to leave the carezt of loudness „f Him 111 behiiIi nil winter. 1,i Ili- sucre-sors, to shaloi (lie (lust from lik.c04.111)(Tyrol ;on, of wt,. 4.13 hts f,et. and quit, the smoky grime coupled %vitt) this 1-• the partially erip• ,;f t:;,• (•ity., and to 1140 his talents, in pled t ot11..1. • 0,, Hill perhaps the ca-tle building whirl ACT IS UNWORK.1BLIT,, r0-0 to the most sanguine flights of 111, imagination ji (3vo, having C, P. 1. 1)2114e to I.,14re Siti 1PH210 1''I th''ir troth. lipi; forivar(1 ivith „ , ( a, Law allticipalioa to 1111' (3700 33)11011 in kli-itinitic.g Yards. hard in hand they ,Will go dawn the \‘'111161,0,.„44,1.11 1,-, .1.110 eliiii,i,„; str,..in., 1.1 to 1)1401 343), slurring its joys. the 1.01d*5 Act regulating railwav its sorrows; (1181 '(1 11.;,0 1 Hi.] in I 4„. 1 3)111,!. 11, 1 111..1' 11/i1k 101'11'11 111 11011'11 1111! 1011.14,, 1 110 1 I'. 14. ncl 1.11. 11:111.‘411111 411* (i111" t(3q ("14.4,1) in' furred. 111141 111160 10.011 4'141111+1 li14,641111)41‘. 111111,8' in 111141 111114'443 111115 of 113. oo‘vorkamo. Empluyo,,,, find 0 011(104,!. lection. It joy. and of abounding Itappi• He to handle the 3tte4iness \viten 43)11111 11,.-• which ,11011 molar), end pontinimity stopped throughout he Sabbath, anument until their ,:pao of life 91111111,'' 1 ht. tonlimity has itec4114(1 1 1, c111101,4 hilnO41 1 10. order complying (13.' (4111 there ore other 0:141(9 in lin' nir: law, 4110 110' flushort of the ryal. ';;^• UBEE3 "Royal Crown" 'azel Toilet Soap (individual size) At the Chateau Frontenac—at 'lace Viger Hotel, Montreal—at Bantr—Royal Alexandra, Winnipeg —On their Pullmans and ocean litters —guests and passengers arc provided with "Royal Crown" Witch-1137.el, It's a medicated soap, and a toilet soap, Two snap in mi e for the price of one 10c. a cake, 3 tar gt cakes for Ilk, In51ton having "Royal Crown" ' Witcle-Hazol Toilet Soap. 111' the future \vItielt however ...1131111.o. ;111,1 fervid, however stalely and sublime, yet must he utterly triflinkt. and ..igrificaut compared with the supremo reality, For in the Great Hereafter, for 1110.41 ‘t Ito have served their Coal awl sell!) by the aid of the .11 o1' Spirit have pleaded the Saviour's atonement, as complete 4i:faction for their sins, are II -41010.d joys and pleasures which the infinite mind ni 11)1111 is altogether 11n- ; tad,' to colict.ivp. not alas! there are • those ivho. continually. putting it off un• 111 3.4. more vonvenient, 1,11)11!, which never vomes, will hoar the ltiworder"s utter. ;ince, "The harvest is past, the stuniner is ended. and they are not In a Moment of Excitement. 11'e made rather it serious Wunder last level; whca we set the 8)13)0(11140)113' 1)1 uf 111(1 Farmers' Bank, Instead of saying -over 50(1 thrifty. people have itecounts hi this bank, with total dipositss to their . credit of m.o. $15(1,000." ns Ave. should , have 541 id, We 511111 $511,000, TItis lens liitle matter of dropping out $1.00,000 of deposits, '.E'lle fact, Is Ow time we set the 8(1 we were exeite(I. .A subscriber had just called and timid its 449 on bitelt subscription, and, (loin you know, that $150,000 tvhiell the hank hag looked so small beslde the $2 alit we, bad that it didn't look like much inoro• than $5t1.0(1(1. aild Named.if we didn't .1 11 1, forget and set it that Avny.--- ! 1(nn., (lay,ette. Pal? EIcur--THE IiLYT!-i STANDARD—At'I;li, 18TH, 1907. Londoeboro. On tiVedncsday evening the 1;ptrnrth League met for the election of otlicers for tho ensuink year, the following, being elected ; (fou, Pres., ltcv. 11. E. Carry ; Pres., Dias C, Itueston ; 1st Vice, 0, Henry ; 2n1, Miss A. Bell ; Ord, Miss E, Carter ; 4th, 'Miss 13. Kirke ; Sec., C. Watson ; '('rens., 1). Carter ; Organist, is, Z. 11'biticy ; Assistants, Miss M. 1'odtittn and Miss A. Brigham. The annual stenting of the Sabbath School Committee. worts held for the pur- pose of reorganizing the school. 'I'Ire various reports presented showed the trchool to be in u most satisfactory con- dition, Increase wits reported titian - chilly, mimetically and spiritual' The following officers were rt•electe ; Win, Lynn. Smits ; Wm. Sampson, Assistau:t ; G. \';ilius See, ; J. Brans - don, Treas. ; Robert and George Snell, Librarians. Mr, lirunsdon, who has been 'Treasurer for au years, asked the Committee to relieve him of his duties in connection with that office, bur. the Committee 'assured hitn that be had server( so long and faithfully, that they hoped he would continue, '['itis he con - rented to tlo for another year. 110 ES For Settlers W WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Made and How Reached Write for free Copier of SETTLERS' GUIDE tlivintf mn War. o! rpwtdal train service ter d.etttere travelling with live stock and efroots to the Northwest iu Marsh and April. with passenger and freight rates. WESTERN CANADA o rtL ootid c west and western ui dittoaae. Mu psisv of information invaluable torettJere, food;' maps and statistusa. TtiaIME TAB�Jg°wyn� � Wiuu;pegdx„. train TOURIST SLEEPING CABS Leave Toronto dally. Comfortable, roars berths at moderate rates. }wily equipped with be eoo_king range and every con- veniwce ;(tarts• shook be reserved ueareeaC.P.R emttatlawntwo itis before departwra t• today for free kinks and aaythbot n want to know about, ttse west acrd yaw retadt it. Address C. a. TOMS. Did. J?us.. A.GPt.lawre(I• .1. McMUfCIIIE, Agent BI,r111. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days' treatment §tt, ;i0 days' treatment 25c. For vale at Dr. 111i1ne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERBS AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the I)c,- minion Government to piece In). migrants from the l;uited King- dom in positions as farm laborere or domestic servants in this riclu• ity. Any person requiring such help should notify mu personally or by letter, slitting fully the hind of help req ulred, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar• riving may not be sufficient to supply nil reegnerts, but every ef• fort will bo made to provide each applicant with help required. ANDREW W. SLOAN Canadian Government Employment Agent, Blyth I', 0, TURKEYS We matt to buy your Turkeys and will pity the highest Market price. 1Vrite for particular✓; and state how many you have, The Canada Poultry t& Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGAAl1I BRANCH. SOUTH. NORTH. RIR pm tun DM 040 3 au lVlnghattt 11 10 7 35 11 13 3 33 W1nr<hranl:let. 11 00 7 25 0 52 3 11 Jlelgrave 10 51) 7 13 7 00 3 5t1 Blyth 10 3i3 7 00 7 14 4 04 Londesboro 10 30. 8 52 7 ,I7 4 211 Minton 10 15 9 35 8 05 1 39 lrueofleld 0 53 (I 19 8 15 4 47 Klppen 11 5') 6 11 8 22 4 52 Iiensall U 41 6 05 8 33 5 05 Lxeter N 30 5 51 h 49 5 15 Contralin U 18 5 4:1 8 59 5 211 Olaudeboyo 0 09 5 114 u 05 5 311 Lucan Crossing 1) 08 8 30 9 12 8 37 Dentleld 8 515 5 25 O 21 C► .111 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 U 29 5 51 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 1) 35 5 IIS Hyde Park Crossing 8 211 5 02 11 37 6 iie Hyde ''ark Jot. 8 21 5 00 1t 45 6 10 , London 8 15 4 50 Connections aro made at Winghnm for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin - cardiac branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all etattons on the Buffalo and. (loderiolt branch, and all stations from Stretford to Toronto. ' Connections are made nt Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the' Main line. 1 Those who use it get well. A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for insomnia. THE PROOF. The follewtug Is a sample of thousands of testimonies to the wonderful merits of PSYCHiNE In Oho mast difficult cases. Dee - tore are prescribing PSYCHINE in their satisfactory result "Several years ago my wife was so seri- ously ill of lull( trou- ble se for months to be unable to walk, at which tirne x noted physician told me that the next dress that 1 would buy for her would be a shroud. Sly used PSYCHINE and is now reasonably well. Ray. C. E. BURMA., "Baptist Minister, Forest(, Ont.' For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE, For Throat and Lung- trouble take 1='SYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy talce PSYCHINE. USED PSYCHINE 20 YEARS A('O. "Years ago I was ulnen a physical wreck, mai was suffering with lung trouble, Friends and neighbors 1110110rt 1 wuul+l never tree hence. 1 brgati to ter ;pair myself, losing IMO] in my phy,ieion, I procured anetherone tda'recommended the um: of 1'SVt211INi'. 1t V, L. ,uu•pri.,ieg; beyond description the elli•,a it hall, 1 seenwil lu g;.,in with every slow, inside .,t two wt;c1:,+ 1 was able to utlend 10 my huu,ott'ork attain, There aro no symptoms olcunsnntption about Inc now. "`,11th;. I l l'.: DE1tSON, tit. J elin, NAL" For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. hor Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE, For Chills or Fevers tzi.ke PSYCHINE, For Rue. -Dowel System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet. Leadbury. Cecil Uowland, teacher in S. S, No. 9, spent his Easter holidays at his home near Fergus. Mrs, John Minden has not been en- joying very gond health lately but we dop)e, for a speedy recovery. Wilson and Lloyd Dennis left on Tuesday for the (Vest where they per - pose pushing the fortunes of life, ;Much sympathy is felt for 11'nt. and Mrs. Clark through the loss of their infant baby which was called away from a world of sin to adorn the man- sions of Glory and which will he just another Tittle star throwing; out its little light beckoning loved ones to that celestial city. eolprave. David Farrier was Ironto last week visiting among old friends. Mrs. J. Clegg and son visited her father, C. W. Lawrence, of Buffalo, John and .Ml's. Crowe, of Dobbiuton, are visiting at W. 1Vruy's and George Daley's, James McCallum visited in the vi- cinity of Newmarket last weelc. He reports the fall wheat looking quite brown, and riot nearly so good us it does hero. R. E. McKenzie has purchased the company's scales in llolgrave, end in- tends putting them in first-class order as soon as possible, Fanners have felt the want of scales for 11 year or more in the village, Auburn, Joe Irwin is hired at A.,:quith's livery and fend store, On 'Tuesday last Ernie Smith left for Mitchell whore Ile will reside, Miss Mabel Straughan left to take a stenographic course in the Clinton Business College. The congregations of Manchester and Smith's Hill had a joint meeting here to arrange for the filling of the vacancy in the pastorate when Rev. Mr, Small takes charge of Blyth. The name of Rev, J. A, Hamilton, formerly of Lon- desboro and at present stationed in Leamington, was highly spoken of. 'rho fooling expressed at the meeting was in favor of giving Mr. Hamilton a call a: once. Hallett. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mri. 'linos Cartwright. Miss h'arquhar spent last week as the guest of hor friend, Miss Iloselle Weymouth, Dominick and Mrs, Reynolds and fatnily have moved to their old home on the WI COI). Df.rs. W, Weymouth spent last week es the guest of her sister, 'Mrs. Coven• try, of \Vinghatn, Thomas Blake, of Detroit, and Rich- ard and Michael, of Berlin, who spent a few days at home, returned last week, Eddie( and Harry Bedard, who have been teaching at Dover South, spent their vacation with Goderich township and Hallett friends. Arch. Cadzow, who many years ego lived in Hullett and subsequently in Clinton, died in Buffalo on Monday of last week. The remains arrived in Clinton last Wednesday and wore taken to Burns' cemetery for interment. The services were coudocted by Nev. Dr, ,Stewart, of Clinton, Windham. Elmer Mdore's restaurant is under- going renovation, and papering is mak- ing is snaking it pleasing change in the appearance of the interior. Invitations aro being issued for en "At Home" to be given by Mrs. 0, P. Smith and Miss May Smith in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, April 28141. 11[iss Lillian Baer met with a painful necidont recently. She was standing on it fence adjusting a carpet on the lino when she felt herself falling back- ward, To avoid falling she jumped forward, and in doing so the jar snap- ped the nendons of the shoulder, She suffers Intense pain, and her physician is of the opinion that she Mot lie per- fectly still on her back for perhaps a month. Site is at present lying on it lounge and cannot be even moved Into a had, Our highly esteemed townsmen, .John Quirk, received word last week that lie had been made an honorary member For sato at all druggists, 30o. and 31.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, I.Iwiltod,17'9 King St. W., Toronto for life of Northern Light Lodge, A. P, I honlo last week shortening up their .it A, 11., tit Kincardine, Mr, Quirk I visit with obi friends fere, 11'e hope %vas for tunny Yeats a resident of the lake town and is held in high esteem by his old friends there, M r. Quirk has for upwards or thirty years liven an honorary member of St, Lawrence Lodge, A, F. & A. d., n,t Southampton, Few amen have the honor of being on honorary member of two Jlnsonic Lodges. House Cleaning Time. The chairs are on the table, The beds are on the floor, There ain't a blessed curtain On a window or a door ; The range is in the parlor, The piano's in the shed. We've got to seek it restaurant Iu order to get fed. The library's an awful sight, Books all over the floor, The hall's jam full of furniture, 011e can't get near the door ; The billiard table's in the barn, The buggy's on the !stoop, My opera hat and evening clothes Hang in the chicken coot). The sideboard's in the drawing room, The hat rack's in the yard. 11y brush and cornet ere on a barrel Beside a crock of lard ; The butter's in the coal bin, The bread is in the bath. Now isn't it enough to make A plan rise up in wrath ? " Morris. Farmors are beginning to plow in this neighborhood. Miss Edna Watson has gone to Brus- sels to learn dressmaking, Miss Gillespie was visiting hor sister at Henfryn over Sunday, Robt..Shaw, of Michigan, is visiting his sister, Mrs, John Boll. Wrr1. Armstrong spent the Easter holidays visiting friends in Petroliae, Mrs. John Bell, sr,, is slowly recov- ering front a serious attack of la grippe, Miss 1"indlater, o[ Detroit, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. John Clegg. Edwin Armstrong has moved on the farm he lately purchased frotn It. T. Armstrong, 5th line. Edwin is a hust- ler. F.'1'. 131'yans, a former efficient and popular teacher of S. S. No. 5, was ro• nnwlug old friendships in this part for a fats days. A fine Costumer roadster has been sold by Robert Scott, Oth line, to John Robb of the same line at a fancy price, Both gentlemen aro up•to•date horse- men, Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg and Grace and Lizzie Ferguson have re- sumed their studies at \Vinehnm High School rafter spending their Easter holi- days under the parental roof. Owing to the illness of it nephew of Mrs, (t)r.) Lambie at .Midland, ;Bich., she and Dr. Lnmhie were called to their to sett them beck nest hall. [)c)uniaa Iii itEAyt1Jl13NT,—Word WWI received by Itobert Seneh,fird line, that his brother 'Phomas, of Orono, Out„ 1►+ul passed away on Sunday, IIo was 70 years of age. Three weeks previous u not Iter brut her. ,Tanto,+, of Tyrone, 1)urhnrn Co., died of pneumonia at the age of t;:3 st'e's. 1[is wit() gelid Natures debt, about a week later from the same ailment, Mr, Souch, of Morris, has been a in'isoner to his home for the past :; years. In addition to the loss of his eyesight lin suffered a stroke of para. ',psis %'bell has interfered with his lo- comotion we rine sorry to state. 01.n'l'In1:s.—At n 5001a1 gAthering nt the home of Harry Jackson nn (local Friday (;en, Jackson and wife., NV in. McCall and wife and George Kelly rind wife met, The particular feature of it being; that. they \Vero tunong the pion• eel's of Morris having spent over 50 years hero. John Jackson, ex -Coun- cillor Jackson's father, came to this township t'it.I► (; sons and 4 daughters froth the township of 1VoeItyleh, 1Vrtt- erloo, 51 years caro anti took up 260 acres on the cab line. 11 r, Kelly ar- rived alma 1110 shale limn, its slid lir, ,McCall, the latter coming from 1)uni• fries. From a stern battle Wit)) the forest and the privations of those pion• ear days they have emerged with gond farms, enmfortahle homes and pleasant surroundings. Better than all they en• �uy the respect and e,sreem of the neigh- porhnod ns rt reward of their integrity and honorable dealings with every- body. ,Many of the old scenes were rc- oelled nt that Good Friday gathering that were most entertaining to the younger font. dor the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Aycr's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The stinkers cannot possibly have good sant, unlet the bowels aro apt proper condi. ton. A sluggtsb liver QIron a coated teniae bel hnwfb, ennitipated bowels. Ournct alt thew by giving small laxative doss of Ayer'a Ms. All vegetable, vugar.cwted, ado by J. 0. Ayer Ca, Lowe! ht*u A aasnnflreturera •f i NAIR mon. {S natio CURE. talaRY P CTORAL. HERE Is AN OPPORTUNITY to reach the consumer direct. Your advertisement in this paper would be read as you are now reading this. We will be pleased to give you particulars so why not Grasp the Opportunity 40000000000004046 THE ST;ND BLYTH .411 RD ONTARIO 2020 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED BEGINNING APRIL 15th OUT OUT AND PRESENT 20 20 20 riinLH,.®IVEINItll-AI.luY1M,.Mb..l..A This coupon represents 20 per cent on any purchase made at N. B. G-erry's Hardware, except wire and wire goods. 20 20 111114WIVIMM110.111211taittMLINAMMIll 20 All goods will be quoted at regular prices. INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT .4naiS...aa.s.s.w 1� Cad DC) Velis