HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-04-11, Page 1roiN VOL, XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1907. NO. 34. ************************** Western Canada Lands I take this opportunity of notifying my friend; and the residents of this district that I have 1►fely opened offices in the 'Milos' Stock Yards, (. hicil,'o, Live Stock Exchiuigo 131dg,. and in partnership with Mr A. id. Lundeen ant pushing the sale of Western Canada Lands exclusively. We have ninny largo blocks for sole suitable for subdivision, also many smeller improved fern's and tots its the growing city of Calgary, Al- berta. We list only such properties as wo consid- er of special value and have on hand now one or two snaps which are dirt cheap and will give a largo return on the purchase price. One Special Snap—Section land, 11 mile; from Calgary, all fenced, good house and well, $17,50 per acre —homestead in adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purchaser of the section. Land all around this section selling at $25 per acre, 'We invite all those c:ontenlplating settling in the West or who are looking for investments to cotn- municnte with us at once. No better or more profitable investment can be found than %Vesture Canada Lands. John S. Laidlaw LUNDEEN & LAIDLAW Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock Yards 17.20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago The Summer Sun . .. Will paint your cheeks a nice heal- thy looking tan if you live much out of doors. Don't you like it? Why, then, In that case we can give you something that will undo the work of Old Sol in a jiffy, It will take the tau o4' quicker than the sun puts it on. This preparation is called Cucumber Cream You know how your face burns and smarts atter being out in the sun? Well, you rub a little of this on atter coming inside, you immediately feel relieved. It is gratefully coolingq. Renders the skin soft and Smooth, l,'c'.s rid of the tan In just about no time—•and we think you'll thank us for bring- ing it to your attention If you try it 01100. 25 cents it bottle. WHITE CiTY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE East Wawanosh. (Intended for last issue) The assessor is an his roundsngain. P. Corley, of Wingha n, holidayed at his home on the 6th line. A. Williams, of Stratford, spent Easter at his home hero, Wm. Snell Las engaged with M. II, Craig for the corning season. Wm. McVittio disposed of his hand- some driver to Thos. Healy for a good SUM, Miss Annie Noble, of Clinton, was an Easter guests of her brother 'Thomas Noble. Jas, and Mrs, Noble have been made happy by tho arrival of a baby boy to cheer their home, Rev. Austin Budge delivered a lecture in school No. 18, on the evening of Good Friday taking for his theme "Bonnie CI.arlio." Loadbury. Miss Alice Dundas spent Luster with friends in Toronto. Isnitc .McGnvin and \Vin, Clark in- tend doing improvements to their barns this Sutnnior, Adult' )Gill and John Robinson ;n- teutl leaving for the West with n car of horses shortly, SPRING SVITINGS What about your new Spring Suit, Just received a big shipment of new F tncy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings, 50 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure. Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Overcoatings. In the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for, Try one of our new flight -weight Stiff Hats, Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks. One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3 5o and our 'Purple Shoe at $5. This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts, Every Shoe is Guaranteed S. H. Cidley Blyth \l'In. Knechtel has ptu•clinsed from If, .1. 1)aeis, of 1Voodstook, an import- ed large Yorkshire hog bred from some of the hest herds in England. For length and bone he is very 1111111 to hent 1111(1 the IIILVe no 11011118 lilt that he will proven valuable houefit to tho hog raisers of this Iocalit.t', Mrs. Coats has sold her (ant to \Vm, 1folim's, the consideration being in the neighborhood of $1,800, This is one of the bast farms for mixed fanning in the township and Mr. Holmes has a cheap elite°, AVo have net heard cher° \1ts. Coates and Miss .Mary in- tent! making their home, Wingham. Miss Murry Endicott, of Pilot Mound, Man„ who is attending St. Margaret's, Ladies' College at Toronto, spent the holidays at the lnotne of Chits. Barber, Daniel 11ckenzie, who has been brakeman on the L. 11. & i3, express train for some yours, has moved to St. 'i'homas and taken a position on the Michigan Central. hied Smyth takes Mr, McKenzie's place on the L. H. & 13. A Meeting of the finishers of the Can- ada Furniture Manufacturers was hold this week in Waterloo, The repre- sentatives from \Viuglutnt wore Chas. 1ngles from the Chair factory, Ed. For - ler from Bell's and Chas. Green from the Union, Now that the Summer is approach- ing. we might note that the flag staff in the part: should he in condition to raise the flag on public holidays. The wooden supports of the park battery aro giving away, and the cannon re- quires a eemont foundation. Geo..Spotton, of the Winghan Busi- ness College, has mot with harked suc- cess since opening this college some two years ago anis it is now regarded as it permanent institution of the town. Moro students aro now in attendance than at any previous time. Last year Mr. Spotton opened a college at Clin- ton and there too has been meeting with splendid success. L.tst week he visited Walkerton and leased premises and is opening college in that town. Walkerton should he a good centre for such tui institution, i► c1 the people of that district aro fortunate in securing a college which will bo very ably man- aged and a school that will bo perman- ent—not the here to -day and some other place to•nlol'roty kind, The' graduates of the Winghain Business College aro always given tho very best of instruction and positions are in waiting for students before they aro able to take them. \(r. Spotton has secured good teachers for the Walker. ton College and he should be at suc- cessful there as he has been in Wing - ham and Clinton, Mullett. Mrs E. Cunning has rented )ler farm lot' 22, colt. 18, to II, and F. Little stud Al.. Bruce for it term of ono year, u, Peacock, of the second, has given a contract to Stun. Cooper, of Clinton, for it new houso. It will he built of cement brick, and will improve this locality, Sinton \IeVittie, of the 18th con, who had the misfortune to have his barna hurtled and 111so received bad personal injuries, tvi'.hes through this paper to thank the many friends and neighbors who ably assisted him by contributions of grain and also a good purse of money, A very highly esteoniol resident of the 8rd coil., passed away on Monday, April 1st, in the person Of Mrs, W. 11, Bayley ; she was one of the pioneer settlers, having resided here for a great many years ; her husband pro -deceased her sone eight years, She had reached the ripe age of 83 years, and leaves a family of three sons, William, in,llichi• gas ; John and Richard, and two daughters, one at, home and the other the wife of J. \1', Rtiid, of Clinton, Un- til infirmity made it impossible for her to do so, she was regular hi her attend• ance et the Clinton Ontario street church, '.rho funeral took piece on 1Vodnesday to Clinton cemetery. The death of Edtvtrd B1•ickenden, of the 21a1 concession, on Saturday even- ing 80th ult., was entirely utlookcd for, During the week he had gone to town in his ordinary health, to undergo and operation for hernia, This wits successfully performed, and ht, seethed to bo recovering from the ()heels thereof test well as could he expected, until Sat- urday afternoon. when unfavorable complications set 111, ant ho passed away in spite of all that cool I be done for hint, He was nn old and Id 414 respected resident of tie t0whship, and leaves a wife, two sons and two SPRING TERM from April 2nd merges into our summer sest.ion for .fuly and Aug- ust, Enter any time. No vaca- tions, Clip out, sign this and re• calve our catalogue by return mall. 1 Name Address Send to Central Business College, Toronto. W, II, Shaw, Principal, it a, daughters ; One of the daughters is at Irene, the other is the wife of Arthur Dale ; ono of the sons lived at home, the other is in British Columbia. In religion \Ir, lHrickcnden tvns a Metho- dist ; in politics it Conservative, A singular circumstance in connection with his dead►, is the (set that, he is the third brother who has died away from his hone. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended, •-1♦-". Belgravo. ifamesTaylor had the misfortune to lose ono of Isis teals horses on Monday last, from iulh►nimation. ))avid Geddes Hail rhe misfortune to break Isis thumb, while splitting wood the other day, causing hint to suffr r severe pain. John t 'atson, the township of Mor- ris assessor, has been over the villnL e and raised the assessn►Ontconsiderably ; no doubt owing to the new school which is yet to pay for. The contract for building the new sehoo! house hits been awarded to urn, Watson, of the village, at 51788, '1'1►e trustee:; are to supply the brick, fur - n:100, desks, etc. The COfltrnctor t0 supply everything eke and do all the work. A. nuc,tul;, or tho ratrpa4•ers was hell on Wednesday to unction the raisins, of money by debentures to pay for the school. Over half the brick are already on the "round curd the bal- ance will be drawn as soon as the roads permit, — ..,...• Ilonsali, W. Mutuart is here moving his effects and family to Michigan. Frank McGregor was home for the holidays, lie holds a good position in Detroit. Jas, Humphreys, of Seaforth , has re- sumed his old position in the moulding shop of the foundry here, Our council have acted wisely in having the imus and ncciimulatiotls of winter removed from our ,slain street. Harold Walker, of Poterboro, was ih town last Monday. IIe brought his wife, who has been in Guelph since the accident, to her 110100 in Kippen on Friday. She has nearly recovered, George Perkins a boy of about 17 was arrested on Monday by Chief Whiteside on a charge of indecent assault on a young girl named McMartin. He was brought before Squire Petty who com- mitted him for trial and he was taken to Goderich jail on Tuesday. It is so seldom that the law is broken in this fine community that the above was like a ball out of a clear sky. .+rPw Exeter. The Epworth League and Sunday School of the James Street Church last week installed a lleintztnan piano, J.'1'. Hawke, editor of Ilse Transcript, Moncton, N. I3., was the guest of Mrs, Iticha'd Harvey and others tor a day last week, Word has been received from Ed. hoopoe, who recently went West, that he is greatly pleased with the West and has a good position in the lend office of the Hudson Bay Co, at Winni• peg, It has boon stated that John Ford, former caretaker of the cemetery, has purchased the house and lot south of the bridge f1'oin Wm, Biitnacoinbe. Mr. Brinnlcombe intends moving to London where he expects to 800111'0 it position W1111the.Street Railway Co, )(cove 130bier last week received a letter from the mayor of Exeter, Eng- land, asking if our Public School would accept n flag to he sent by the school of the English City, and wishing the pupils of the Exeter, O11tario school to send a ling of Canada. The letter wits handed over to the principal, Mr. Flem- ing, and it is likely it subscription will he taken up among the scholars for the purchase of a flag to be sent to tho school at Exeter, England. The Exe- ter, Australia, school wits also asked to exchange flags. V!a2ton, Herbert Christopher is home from Toronto 'hero Iso has been taking a course i11 telegraphy. Miss Francis DIM and \fisc Camp - boll, of Strut hroy were visitors at the \Vttlion hotel this week, Id iss Violet Carter. who of late hast boon in Toronto, is spending her holi- days under the parental roof. \V, H. Shol'lice, our popular livery man, spent It day or so at Ltcau, visit- ing a friend who wen seriously ill. Mrs, George Baldwin, of Galt, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, (ltov.) Currie, at the ,Methodist Parsonage here. We aro sorry to state Jas. Carter has not been in the best of health of late, His tunny friends slope he will soon be 0. k. again. Mrs, Neil McNeil had the pleasure of the cmnpany of her mother, Mrs, Thos. \\lighten, stud sister, Miss Mary Wigh- ton, of Durham, for a few days last weak, Contractor Gibson is again hero with a largo force of then and the work of ballasting will bo pushed its quickly as possible. The telegraph Bee has been put up. Seaforth. C. Sheffield, late bookkeeper with the Canada Furniture Company, moved with his family to Toronto on Satur- Thi,J Is Your Store If you want the newest and best in Lace, Neck- wear and Ties, Shirtwaists and Belts. We're devoting more attention to this department this spring ‘vith more to see and more worth seeing than ever before. A feature of our trade is the lact o1- new styles constantly, instead of repeat- ing lines that prove themselves popular. New Dress Goods ]i10FL EilI PLING The rush in our Dress Goods department continues unabated. Last week was a record breaker in this department, our sales being about double any pre- vious year. Every week new goods are coming in and we take pride in keeping our Dress Goods de- partment right up-to-date in all the newest cloths that are turned out by the manufacturers. The fame of our Millinery is evidenced by the throngs that daily fill our show rooms, purchasing their spring head - wear, A much appreciated feature of our productions in this department is the limited reproduction of any particular style. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. day. Robert Wright, proprietor of the Sea(orth dray, has been nursing a sore kg for the past week, the result of a kick from a horse. 13. 13. Gunn, M. P., is home from Ottawa His son Gordon, who is at- tending the Medical College in Toronto, is also home for It visit. 1). Shanahan, local agent for the Massey -Harris Co., had a busy titne last 'Tuesday making his spring delivery of machinery to the different farmers, had placed their orders with slim. The A. Y. P. A. of St,'I'hotnas church have made arrangements for it concert in Cardno's Opera house, on Friday evening, April 10th, and have secured for the occasion the following well known talent : Donald 3lcGregor, b.u•itone ; Harry Bennett, comic vocal- ist and ;Miss Lois \Piano', cellist, A very pretty wedding Was solemniz- ed in the Seaford' Methodist church, on Tuesday, April 2nd, at high 110011, lvlteti Ada Louise Beattie, eldest daughter of James and Mrs. Beattie, was united in marriage to Allan Shepley Bond, as- sistant C. P. It solicitor in tho firm of Aukens, Robson & Co., of tVintli leg, and son of Rev. Stephen and Mrs, Bond of Atwood. HAVING PURCHASED '1'Ifl'i BLACKSMITH SHOP belonging to the late 11. R. Douglas, I beg leave to ask all old customers and new ones to call on me, Horseshocing and General Blacksmithing a specialty. WORK PROMPTLY DONE. H. M. BRADFORD. An old -age pension bill has been intro- duced in the Nova Scotia Legislature. Wilfred Leonard was found asphyxi- ated in his room at the Grand Hotel Montreal. Ho had been drinking, ancd was unconscious when found. ur Big ..Offer To all new subscribers from now on . . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 1908 for the small sum of 75c .....••••••••••••••••Po-. Subscribe Now Spring Term Begins April ist During January and Februarythe Windham Business"'College had Attendance is always smallest during April twenty -live tines as many culls fr Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book• keepers and College Teachers as we had graduates to send. May and June, ooneequently each student gets more individual attention. This is the best term of the year for the student. Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome oats. logue of the— Best Actual Business School In Ontario The "btelcward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student Is in. strueted at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher, 'Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time. WINGIIANI BUSINESS COLLEGE (Militated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON . PRINCIPAL HUNDREDS OF MEN'S LIVES IN DANGER Big Fire in a Boiler Room of Excavation for McAdoo Tunnel Terminal in New York. New York, April 5.-- Fire caused by n during the progroesf th.. fire, Deep spark from Ire of the boiler rooms in 4I'm 1 11 1111 11 11 ill 1 the I" and the exertvation for the AleAdoo tunnel "'lire oreilIIlj.r"""I:L 141, the 14)(11141M 14411, 4,1* terminal at 1)ov, Fulton uLd. C,Iirch ; olg• to it upon. wo.n. between .".(e) and etreets, to•day did damage estimated at Moo men et more, toilet, it o '11 1 hat about tio50,000, and a delay of :10 (lays there was drieeo.i. oof the fin. •niereling to all ot 111e coogree 1: :t' eouth of Dev in the vompletion of the work on the street. elotitting off the eupplv 4)1 nir, huge terminal buildings will result. Five the pressure of o'Ii: enabloet Cheer, men :nen were injured during the fire by be• to eork under ground. and the whil- ing caught in one of the deep caissons, drawal of %Odell eootold meat' serious dace two of them eo severely that it 1119 ie• get., if noi oleath to many of them. the ceissary to take thent to a hospitel. danger eignal. was gii en and the buckets fire ertarted on a high 1VO4/411 structure hollered into the caisson to bring elle midway between trey and Oorland tunnel workers too the surface. etreet, used to eupport a hoisting en. Aroun(I scone of the derricks used to gine. By the time the fire apparatus hosier and hoist the 1)111.1;141e the Hewes arrived the shower of sparks and embers raged fiercely, and in two instanees the front the burning boiler house had set, men in elintge I tbe donkey hoisting p» - fire to a dozen other boiler 'loupes and gines loet their nerve and deserted t similar structures trucure ji the excavation. posts, leaving the !nen eighty feel lw- TheRe, together with several lig derrieke neath the surfer- of the ground to their were 'badly burned, and the temporary fate. 1114deeertel hoists were quickly Irootlen flooring over the eurface 1f 13ey reananned by toluitteme, however. and etreet covering the excavation was the new men ewe', to their posi•, with ruined. the flameroaring mound them until There were many thrilling rescues and the last me. Of the 1 ,1100.1 11.4 several instanees of personal bravery brought up sa1(.1. CAN'T All GO. PITTSBURG SOCIETY IN A STEW OVER INVITATIONS TO BANQUET. There's Room for Only Fifty, and at Least 15,000 Will Raise Merry Ned if They're Not Bidden to the Exclusive Feast. Pittsulorg, April S. Pittsburg eoeiety is in a fearful stew, There will be but fifty local poets at the big banquet which will be giveu here to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie after the dedication of the new $16,000,000 Carnegie Institute Ji,eie next tt'eek, and the burning goes - tam of the hour now i. abuse 1111Mtli Will be on the list. IL has been attnouneed that there will , be about 290 personat the banquet and 1Ju14 wihl, of couree, include t he visiting guests from plates outside of Pittsburg tut well as from foreign partsllie trustees of the institute, too, will be there with their wive, and when there 'have been taken care of there will yet remain plates for abunt fifty, Chairman Williatn N. Frew, of the Board of Trustees of the thornegie In- stitute, finds hinuocH coufronted with a proposition that would make s. brave mnit quail. He cern and will make fifty friends, but it is likely that in so doing he will make at the lowest, count 14,500 e»emiee, for unless figures lie, he hue al- ready that many anxious ones waiting for the word of invitation to the ban- quet. There are a lot of the get•rielequiek billionairee here who would give their right hands as well 'as Mom' of thetr brewery stock 14) be on the Het, for it is well known that immediately after that .batiquet those of the local Yet tvho were kilted will form an (occlusive little band of their own, nee ivhiell 101 !nuke the ."Four Hundred" of New York look like a tennis club. lt is underiolood here that one tiler will not be at the loanqiiet is H. C. Frick. Mr, Erick will not be in Pittelourg on flhet date. 111' and Mr. Carnegie have not been the best of friends for years Fist, and there iv little or 110 chance of those minting thie banquet 'inviting 'Trunk. Mr, Frick to break bread with Mr. Car - nee, nor iveuld there be any chance of Mr. Frick accepting if invited. G. T. R. CHANGES. TWO OFFICIALS RESIGN TO FOL- LOW MR. M'GUIGAN TO G, N. R. Division Engineer McLeod and Assistant Superintendent Ennis Amongst First to Go—Other Nantes Mentioned— No Appointment Now to Fourth Vice -Presidency. Toronto, April 11. The neceptance of the First Vire-Presidency and Heneral A1111111pl'Aill k't ibe creat Northern Mil, w;i. by .11r, 1, 11, aheluigne evidently means thou there will be several other elianges among the officials of the (rand Trunk. .1Iready .11r. (1, It. .11el.tood, divi• sI(14 engineer at Toronto, has resigned ;yid on west, it it believed, to become .onneeted with the oreat Northern Rail- -ay. De will be succeeded bv Mr. E. C'ousins, who has for some time been connected with 1 110 engineering de- partment of the (1. '1'. B. Mr, S. En - ii. Asseistront, Superintendent at Ole (awe, has also resigned. and ill oleo go to 1 he Great herii, but the 1114 111' of t h. person who will helue. him has not yet been arinouneed, Other names are mentioned in eonneetion with the shake•up, bet 1 here is welling de- finite yet, IL i generally believed that no appointment will be made to the Fourth Vice -Presidency of the (1. T. R, until Mr, C. AL llays returns from Eng land. connectioe .101 the (tdoauges which may 1 a ke place it is 11 llhje0T of con- versation in railway circles that Mr, WIl. c7ott er, flow 1;0n4 -U1 .Nbuniget of the Pere Marquette, arid formerly Super- inte»deut at Moetreal and Detroit. on lb,. G. T. 11., end Ate er„ S. reinning. hair. Superintendent, of the southern di• vision at Si. Thomas, will also go to the Coreat Northern. They are both moo possessing the C011fidence of )Ir. Mei-lodge'', They left with 111111 on Sundae-, nevomparlie,1 also by loll., W. fk Brownlee, Stoperinteodent of the middle division for Chivago. :\fr. M1.eoil and \1j. Ennis were nuts recently appointed to the ,posi• lions 1 hey have left the (orand It is underetood the invitations will be issued quietly within the next. forty- eight hours. MRS. EDDY'S CASE. BILL IN EQUITY CAME UP TO -DAY, BUT NOTHING DONE, (koneord, Nt )., April S.-- The bill in Equity filed lee( lehruary, by Heoreom Washington Cllover„ of Lead, S. and others, in behalf of (Hover's mother, Mrs. Mary Baker C. Eddy, against a number of Christian Science offieilds to OMI/e1 an accounting of her le.operly and to bring about the appointment of e re. oeiver, was returnable in the Merrimac County Superior Court here to -day, There was much interest in to -lay's pre- eeedings, but, according to 1 horeittorneys connected with the ease a hearing by the court at this time MIN not anthdpat- ed, Under the laws the defendants are called upon to file a demi:ilea in reply to the bill in equity or else ask for an extension of time, Portlier Senator Wil- liam E. Chniuller, hi'f promise' for the plaintiffs, is in Washington, and will nut come here men 11 hearing in court is held, S PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE BREATH, 'Intportant Help to the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Berlin, Avril S. -Photography of the breath to the Klee esti-mei, 'riots was esetalned at tie annual meeting, of (ho Roentgen stay Oonterenee, et whloh etuematoeraehle etc - tures of the breathing of pith and healthy wean/ wore thrown upon ercen. The Inventor of the method IR Dr. Koehler, of Vi'losbadth, 1113 oyetem ,ehowe accurately step empathetic action of the lunge tiled heart la "enaction with ineplration and expiration, k evaded that the distort/IT wlli play an tonsortant tole In'tne diagnoolk ot rube:yol- ks% a.ad atmliitr revoratory J. J. HICLIESIGNS. RETIRES FROM PRESIDENCY OF GREAT NORTHERN, • — Elected to New Position of Chairman of Board of Directors—Louis W, Hill Becomes President and F. H. Mc- Guigan First Vice -President of Road. St.l,i ItI, 11ini4e April 8. .1, .1, 11111 lute resigned lie Proeident Ilf Ihi Hreat Northern, end will he chairman of the Board of Directors, Al 11 meeting .41f the Hoard of "rave - tors of the (1yeat Northern Railway held here this iillernean the orgunization of the (.(mipany edis enlarged by the the - tion of a Chairman of the flourd of Di. rectors, .1, .1, Jlill wits eleeted Chair - Huth; L. INN. his 31011, 11 11.1 l'it".'tek1 President, 111111 Frenh J[. MeGnigati, First Mr, McGuigan %till 11:4 IL direst (merge of the operatiog de- partment, the Offleillk of the liOarti re- maining ;le preeent. The eompany's lousiness has doubled in the poist Fite or sixi ears, Which rendeis necessary the ineretose the (operating. sta f 1. dame,1. 11111 i lv birth Canadine, haringh'ejiborn ever 1 litelph in 1838. 1 It wn.., nt Rockwood ,Au•adeiny and ;Tent his youth on ill°. ill t11141'S flume teitelling the western fever at 844 itgp, he left ()uteri() Ofl the death of his father, and for some years clerked in various mercantile houses in St, Paul, 4111111‘ 1805 be became agent If the Nortiowmt ern Packet Crompeny, and WO y111111 later entered the general trarisportation 08(1 fuel leisineem, acting et the s,anie time IIS agent and consignee Of the St, ,Paul & Pacifie Reilway Co»n- patty. In 18;0 Mr. [1111 established the lied !tiver "Cransportutiou (Amorously. which for the first titue opereel it]) eorronotni• (lotion bet %%'I) St. Pod rond the leeoi.ie he„, Peg. llis work in this yowl(' !ion hromeht him into centre t \Collo sir 1/.al ald Smith, 11111 the two neeh (444 the 1hre6cli1 1.1111 11,11111( •Ii11)41:1, Itt 114111:, nfler formed a 4.‘l I) 11 !CR.!) 1 11.411; over the St, Paul leoilioa,v, ton wee meth. teneehig. de.eder. Out of this syndicate •proeig the or• gement hoe aftereerd., built the Cumuli:in Nellie, w.:411 in I le. OJIII\11;ly, lIr. 1 1 111 1; ;I,. i'111,1.1\ 1111111 1. 1.1111, 1 11 11114 1'( I E. 111, •i•14) (1111 110, in 1 In/ C. 1'. 1, Ilil l/.‘01(.,1 linI '.11 In lin. Lund, he 11114 ;1:111, 111'• V1441104 1111 41 the (11.;14 Northelll, Sli11'1• 111:! 1%11 11 :1 11:1111,1 11111 liti, 111' 'in, 1111111 It V(1110110111 111 ".9,1(.111, 1111(1 doll(' so kiitholll 81,1 of land grants or sub.idie,, Jit' bas attempted to .tipplement roads with line, of steanteit on the lakes and 4.11 the 1:IitI 4 /veal), lint in 1 he has not 11111 101 11 1•11(.11 et11111/10(. 7411141.,. ll7', hill's l4i1111 1 i101 111174 1101 111'011 1111. 11' 1111/4 71014 11)01041 1eaCh1.11 the FIVIl- 11411 alai has for some time been placing his hoino. in order for his retirement. :•4everttl times rumors of hie eitlelnowal from acti‘e v been bet 411oareulatiott, but until the present have I)((841. met eh II 1111 emplootte. dee CHARGE MADE AT T11} ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. BLOODY CHRISTENING, ALIENIST SAYS THAW CE/ - A/ ...Y. Declares That Thaw's 5uaf!estion5 to Delims Em- anated From a Diseased Mind. Nee vele!, \Ire" s, Yam' 111 II: Thaoe end I le. le, 1, emenieel 1.moac,v o hto 1•,c111 hir I III'lh1hb0 1)4111 Thtl44. j," II(?) in I /1(4. 't1 1)11).1° 11) I" /1/0 :1,1/10*in:,..1/1.tsno 1)1411 ihr-11 arill'iTi111 111,1! 1 111' 11;11 Me :11114 IMI le the (11111 74'. 11r, 1 111,. chargi, 111111 or of ration - Allan llosk •nprrial endow of ally advh i1174 hie 101111.1 I 111 Stoic Hospital ter 111 ij1hIl1' I);', 1 1'04(.11614 htv1/1.‘-111111' page, of inailc 11.v Thini lo 11r. 1,1ehnas (411hiq nioniiint up aildre,s enminited from a dispa4o,1 !wain. 1 he coniiiiis!don asked the I% itiless to point (ou %%1110 he ennsidered evidetives emoieg 1 114. ineworantio. 1)r, lriclenderf Jl(ilIt 741 out Imssage, which l)11riil .1ttorney .1proonstarled to read aloud. Clifford ‘‘. proti stiql 11437411. 104411, Conn,. 111111 Prole...or of Iloeitiol 111111 Ne111111. et Vale I)i)ojitli' 1itil for the Stith, 41 1 lo. Tim v 11101, ,i,„„hiring 1114 1110 knew the 11111 quality of his act when he lisot Stanford IVItite, et't nes wrong. To the 1•)•,110 1 be alletiinl eltiretl 1)114) from 1)111(11/1. 11:111 11111 1/1 GET POOR PAY. After Naming the Baby, 1)tinkirl: For- eigners }lave Merry Fight, Ininkiris. April s4.- Peter Pyse lies el the Brook, 311110111 Ilielatal ill a Hil. icai condition 1 lie reoilt of a fight 111 a houlo. 5111111 i4V4'11111al 12 o'clock 4.11 Sunday, 11' has 141111' 3111111 440upd41 1,11 the heed, imp 1111 the neet: and one het e pen I lie shoulder- which penetrated :1 lung, The %sounds \yen! inflicted with a table lurk 1111.1 111741,4 dirt jaek-k nib. blade, All Sunday and threughoul the night, a number of men been celebrating the cliii,t9ning Of 14 klb,N. They drank hap, quantity of beer and whisky and filially 8 fight st Fled. 11- len 1 he polito and ambidance readied th4, place, the injured noun was tome1 lying in a poet 111 blood on the floor and grouped about him Were half a dozen mei; and women. The man wa,- removed 1 I. thr. hospital lind four 111(.11 found in 1 he house were taken to 'mike stalion and lurked One of 1 he pri,one,t s is badly ha 1 I erect about the head and face. , This afternoon t Iie prisoinere \nee tak• en to the hospital end brought before Pysz. The injured 1111111 positively iden- tified our, id them, Peter Zinnia, as be- ing implicated in the a‘slinit upon him, bolt Maid the roliers took no ac•tivc part in it. Upon information given by him 1(atherine Zenk hes 111,441 been arrested and 1 he police a 1 e looking for n 1 third suspect, a man, 4.. SPLIT ON A NAME. Baptists and Disciples Still Far From Union. Toronto, April 1- The het'Olid meeting of the committee,. of Diseiplee awl liap• tist3 11, consider the question of 1111i1411 Wag held in the B4lpt041 .11174741ee rooms en Tuesda,v. Dr. .1. M. Van Horne. p11. - tor of flevil 1treet. Ditwiple Chureh, ore envied the chair, and Rev, IV, E. Ilortom acted as econinittee olisenespd (loot dual poeilions and the queetioe of n name. As was stated in the reeert of the laee, meeting. the two bodies were found to be very close to eaelo other in most respects, and yet the points of divergence Wel'e, felt to be of a kome. what serious character. On the question of a Baffle for 1110 moiled churehee no apparent progress wros made, as neither body seemed to be willing to make the neeeseary floe- ceeeions, 11, WIIS decided to adjourn until af- ter the Disciples' convention in ;Hine, when it is hoped that some nee. light might COme to thee imininittee which would open the way to the union which has been so long hoped for, (en the whole the tueelleg could not he said to have accomplielied any real advance toward the union of the 1 two churches. • ea, THE BLACK HAND BLAMED, Thought to Ilave Caused the Death of Brooklyn Young Woman. New York, .1pril 8.- The body of Ali- l'ellerito. a young Italian woman, ivas found in her tenement in Beach Otos., Brooklyn, to.day 11 11 bullet ivomill in her temple and her throat cut. The police were tumble to deterninie whether she vonintitted suicide or was murdered. 111.1' hiedlatel was missing, 11 1:4 suspected Dint. I he woman was mur- dered hy a 11111414 1111181 gang, 10110 mis- took her for 11 poing minion form- erly metipied 1111' tenement. 111111 11111740 1111181' was murdered, This young \roman loud threntened to revenge her 14)1 111131 death. POPULATION Ulf MOI:',flIEAL. Civic Statement Gives It as 350,000— Statistics of Cily. Montreal. April 8, --According to a etntement issued at, the City 11111) to- day the population of 31Ontren.1 is 350,- 000. The taxable properly is valued at $200,000,..1.1 4, mid the exempted property at $54,048,705, The city's debt 131 1360,000, mod its area, 7,714 neves; it hna 220 ?Miee. of streets, :15 mile( of paved streets and 214 miles of brick sewevet 35 public, padre, with a total are.a. of 816111.1neerets. .11111e of ,Prol (+slant Pliblio Flehool property in the eh y is returned ILL $1,325./171, and the 1)41110 of Catholic! Public! School proper( y al $1,100,058, The pupils rittending the former sehoole number 10,991. mid the numbeee at- tending the Ootholle schools are 21,515, Salaries of Teachers—Dis.cussion Over the Formation of a Union—Move- ment to Raire the Status of the School Teachers of the Province. 1.41111111/1 411'Se:dell: The 4 hltario Ede. (40t11.1)411.\Ssoeilll1o71 began lis IM 11 .4,iNt 11 Li 4,41.44441M8 11 11)0 1 'ooiovisini of Toone to yes.,terday dill 11 131.11er 31 1/111,51 nip than 111 p144i11131 4(14... rifill 10111' 111111' (11111 registering (luring (14. day, and more being expeeled to arrive to dot. The public seheel dm. of epartent\Odell Mr. C. E. minntim. is Chair- mau, noel.11r. C. C. Eraeme Toronto. Secretory, disetietseci n drnft constitu• time mu) tho high wheel Plineiptils' sec- tion of the oollege and high sehool de - pertinent also voliNitlecred it. 11r. 5, Martin edi (sea fed 1 he forma• tion of a genern1 teeehere' organization, on the ground that it would make 1114' opinions of traeliere 711)10 1.01e4, with (140 educational noithorities. and euell e union might elrenetheor the hande of progres.sive poilolie men in their efforts to advance the interests of edit - ea time !HA suggestions ere endorerel in a reselution of the high school 'trite In lois Presidential address before the Greeted Associution last night Ilr. 1Vin, Seett, 11, A„ Principal of the Toronto Normal Schoel, pleaded the come, of the teneliers as deserving of better PalaricA, being now in many eases paid lese than scavengers, Mr. .A, 11. U. Colquhroun. 11, A. T,I.,D., 1)epu1y Minister of Education, spoke on Moira Ilona] administ 1111 1011, The question ef hiliiigua 1 sehoels 11.419 brought Loftinthe roseceintheo loy 1)r. Queo114.1 of llawkosburv. lopresenting Promeoli, Comity Council. The present latioleolable condition nf floral eehoole (488 et triton! ed by 110. '11189, E. Elhi1 1. of Ilagersville, in 111 birth school prineipols' seelien of the, eollege and high edify)! della rt 1110111. the elounee in ploblie sehools ovensioned by 1.1e limiting of their Burk to the ',louden] of the eetranee examitontion. whereby tentobera of less knowiNlee oml experience began to sleeper eta thr ma- ture]. and noore ex eerietoorel rolorried men. The 1,11erary Seeiety in high re.hrole and rolleeinte ('031 said by Principal '1', Henry to be reoe of the most effeotive instruments in the direr - (ion of welt hog boys and f!irls to 1 like brond rood miscolfieli view of life, not seeking first their own pleueure and prre fit, but rather to make themselves truly bellyful to (others, 1110 paper mete given hi the high school peitivipale* seelion, Various inethode of 1 reelline modern languages were diseuesed by 31r. E. S. Ilogralle in his l'residentitil niblrese be- fore the modern hingunge 740(1 18 of the college rind high €.111001 department - The President, Mr, .1, P. Hoong, spoke on the relntion of public, librnriee to pule lie ;old secondary echnels, indienting how they (e)1ir! be 111111 tially }whole!. 31111111 had Iseen done in the rnited eaelee, 111(11 Brant ford., St. Thom a 11 nt1 ttIIIll1. and made ro goed beginning, n rnle the !milli(' libraries in Ontario, lie said, Wrre 11111(1) 1)4/11.111/1 1 he 1 knee.. The horedeetioe 01 Hee- moiled Int 0 the or the boy's e011rS0 114 manual trainiog was advoented by 117'Painter, of the Consolidated tluelph. in the manual arts 1(1'- (1041, The imporlative 1 'll'l('hlting 1118811111 nris with the 74(.11001 subject.. MIS Urged loy Mr, Sugden Piekles, President of the mimed torte seethe', lirrulinte" was 1 111. 'sti1,:p.e1 of pre.i. 11(.111 F, 1:01beek's nddre.s in 1 he 011131' 311(1)1 seetion of (he college 11 111 high school departmente, The opening address in the 1 reining dr,pariment, by the (airline:in, 11r. ol. Dearuess, 11, A., 1100.1)r1111411111 of Lon „ - (1„plruded for a view of mluention that would (Hill;)' e cor- related cluing with 1 hinking, The elinuees 4111., he, 4111d, it'll to 011(' I lot 1110 ehild tvho wins the medal for the youngest in the Pruvince too pass the extunimition is. to be pitied rather than (emend Mottled. The high school Priudents adopted n resolution favoring the 1)18101181 raking of the stroulard of junior inntrieulation, recommending that forty per Pent. he ex- neted e14011 eubject, and thirty•illreP 1)10' Celli:. 014 (etch paper 3141 on the Nub - Yet. The (.1eeflon of9(fiers resulted in the choice of Mr, A, Steel, as l'resident, and Mr. F. (1, Colle.014 as SN.returv. on. President, P)esident, Maurice 1 Ni - 1 on, LL.D.; President, 11. a. Cra wfol B.A.;\il'l'-l'iosi1lolIt, c. A, muybo.r.k., JI..., 4ecielier;'-'fre1Iure1, 1), A. (11n', 14 ..1.; Connell, Hot). inwon, 11, Pro, A, carriithers, H. 11. 11, Kenner, B.A., Priln.ipal 11, ‘‘, .‘11(11.1), ALA, Speaking of the kindergert en from 1111 in.peutor's stotelpoint, Mr, 1', 11, 1.:(1• ward, iin.pector of 1111 bilk' beil(10k 111 1.074' don, eaid that the kindergarten is e potent influence in developing the child along lines both natural arid benefieial. .1 fine address on "Applied Design" it as given in the manual 1111 soolion by Miss Aula P()Nvell, director of ;at for Convrolp illestration (las af- f)rded in a number of eommon useful tir• tivles made by lemdmo puldir.. teamed pupils, tvIdell were rendered beautiful by simple but ellitable design, The exhibition of pupils' work it, Man. led training was arrunged in the west, eorridor hi a local conunittee of the matitial arts seetion, tinder the (tireetion uf 1r, ‘V. 1.. Itiehurdhon, Superintend, etit uf Manual l'raining, Toronto, AJJ grades of pupils( contributed, from junior firet of the public schools to aenlor (lessee; In high and normal eohools, and the following cities and towns( were rep- re,,eilted: Toronto, 01 en woo . I aindon, 11'00(100a, Hamilton, Berlin, Ntratforn, Onelph. Ingersoll. Essex, Alrinston, Cornwall. 'rho exhibits comprise wood- work, metal work, baeketry and other forms. 44 GRAND TRUNK REPORT, Half -Yearly Statementinereate.sShaw' LargeIncreajea. London, 4pnil 8. --The half -yearly re- port, of the Ornud Trinik Railroad show that the gross receiple, amounting to X3,584,847, weer .C295,864 larger t,han for the last corresponding half-year, with the expenditure of £2,561,493 was ;C215,780 heavier. 'rhe ratio of the latter to the former, excluding taxes, wan 60.45 per cent. as against 09.75 per cent. /including taxes, it new 71.45 per cent. as against 71.32 per cent, 'Pile net traffic reeeipte, £1.02:1,305; were more; the net revenue reeeiptai £1,11511,1211, showing 0.11 increase of ItIP2,526. Of the augmented expendi- ture, the heaviest item was £217,42 more for maintenance of equipment, 18.11, lo whish transportation took 188,- 584 more, while taxes were L20,370 henvier, Against theee lbCre WM) a de- crease of .1:1 1 1.1186 in the ooat of mau- 1 mintier. of wa r and et rueturee. The earnings per train mile were 80,5'211, en improvement of 4,92d, 4.., FLOGGED NATIVES. Vengeance of East African Whites for Insults to Women Avenged, Mombasa. East Africa. April 8, --The reeent‘ flogging of 71411 IV lee Euro - peens at iNuirold for ineulting white woknon brie been followed by the prose- eution of those accused of the flowing and those who abetted them. An a reritill, Capt. Grognn, president of the Colonists' Association, has been sen- tenced to it month's imprisonment and te pay li fine of 500 rupees. Two other prominen 1eolonks :Messrs, llowker 1111d Grity, have wee heel! sentenred to two weelce' hurls - oilmen( and fined 250 rupees. Two of their abettors, who lire oleo prominent, Were eentenced to a forinight'a im- prisonment. The whites ore very indignant over the Selltellel'S. flflpttlill Offig1111 well 11104011 explorer and writer, Ile walked from Cape Town to C,niro, 0,500 miles. in 1898.00, *4. GOING NORTH. COMMANDER PEARY TO SAIL IN MONTH OF JULY. N/V Yerk. April 14,- Conmeinder Hole e, was '1:1(11 141741 night. now 11114 1111' 1(10,000 neveliSili'y for his coming expedition to the far north, and expeete to set out ;demi, the la,st of junt., arrangement., tire under way. li00ecet.1 I, the bent which wee designed especially for Alt 117 explore. Hon, is tit the ship yards mi Shooters .Ishind, receiving the neve.st4ary repalre, 111 it, Commander Peary rind his party will steam 119 far north roe possible der - ling the coming summer and then will go into winter quarters; 11ml couserre their energy fur the final (hell the fol. owing Ammer, The Commander snys hi The Classical Amsoeintion, a section firmly believes lie will Attain hie goal of the College ntel 3 Hell Seim()) Depart- this time, if the R1111111101: of 1908 Is 0, nole. mettle 'elected the following officers; mal Arctic. summer. THAW IS SANE 11,,•••111i:‘ 11 .1.110 1 ,111111% 1 101,,i1 li::1d0 1.1 1111: 1 1 1/ .111(1'll' :'11 :':1 1;1 1 1:1:. 1 ,0'11",1':, 1 10;111•1 1, V;;i1 11 0,4 '.1110 444' 44,; 1) 1111‘ ; ',1111 IV/ :1 , 10 1 11:' Hi hi, y.H, 4 11 11114 1.:11 lin, '1 1,„. voiporl 441- -11) I 11 1:e A HUNDRED WIVES. MATRIMONIAL BUREAU SCHEME UNEARTHED AT PHILADELPHIA, James Marshall Accused of marying All the Women Who Applied for Hus- bands at His Daughter's Office—Said Ile Wedded Six Within Last Month. New York, April 8. The Herald has ereeiteil the 'idiom hog despatch hem 1'161:1(1(.110de: .1•set1 iltg that ,loolees 1!;dins dames lloes, hool ;mei her et 14 eietrimenioll loureau I me sie 14,) ,'ll 4'. lend o•euseil allot Ili., daughter t' he 1 idd on 1 he ii.onina! 4..11a 1.444. of (10.'0 loe. 1)117 11111101' 110.1 ,1 / (111,C 1(111(1 '1 he Ilao....!.ter oothlueleil the 'nal 1 111,4',IIttgto Air,. 1111, nod I orned 101 V,' a 11.0111.1 HIS 1(1 1111' lath. cr. 11 11// 111 1/11%-crliwil i1S 11 1 11-1111 gentleloao; enxiolli 1 11 11111, till 1111' 440 110-, 11 1141 .11174, 1'iil 31ll'•11:1 11 110',111 tI )1U1' (wi lI4I,4 alter ‘vv(iding, 1.4 living collrel(41 IP; .11.1 1(114.•1v. 1111 1 (In 11111) 11(' nilvil Sloe, )ui•!;t1 in a 11 tempt 1' •11101 11111 .1101.:,11;t11 nia;r;, 441 111: gpliliveittls 1111(1 111111 11(' 11',%\ 1HN 1118hundred wives scattered 1/1' 1 1,t Reports, from out of town I 1, liningli( 1'11:charges of bigamy against.111 . Marshall in many,‘ places. 'That Marshall.11:111 married six persons 1111 11111 the hi month is one '1 the things Mrs. Friel 1„ JI 4, Mrs, Friel; eo n;', (11:11 she loud loo. o.:enoleol by 11;orsleoll intro turning ,oier 1)11/1 1.1 14. 1 teotte,and valuables ,n1.1 le.tore disappearance, 1.%, pro.. to prin.. 1 11:11 this Ivas himeth- .,(1 of 1' '1 iv hell'', 41 otlier ••-•••••••,, NO SHOOTING IN TORONTO, Judge Winchester's Way of Stop- ping It. Termite, .lioril 8. "There ie reeeen ler ...homing in Tortoni.) %viten the polio. 4)/// :1)1,' 1 111111' 111111 111114 iii$d • -41 ry 41151 ',Hill .1 ii(igt. \‘' 114' le,1 night, in committing Joseph 11*. 1tirof.ky 40 the central Prkon for t ear tor %%minding Dominic.) •111l undor In'nfillent in Of/ 111/, "Slit',/1 ing 111)11 using knit ve must he diselouraeo.41," eentionnel the Judge, -mid the on11,4. iia,tto do it is to ;woke 1/11 /11 the offenders. It is a serious thing to use IL l'I'VOIVer jo it t•ro0',111.11 thorollghiate, '11 1/111 1111141 111. 111.01 111 11.' WARNING TO ICIDNAPPERS, Forty Years in Prison the Penalty in New Jersey. )•01)4, April 8, _ 1414,4 (14' 14(1 111. tolltncing d(SJ)a1 eh from Trent on: As.emblyinan Buck's bill ninkilig the penalty for kidnapping folly r-, in retool,' prison 14.114 1111.....eil Itt 1 he ii1111,1' 1+1.1111,1. Speaking of 1? 11111, :Mr, linch said Unit the 1)01)11 10111 , hog grief of 1)1.. 111trvin ever the hoe f hi, little boy hwild induce the House In gime' ageinst, a similar offence in No.e. dere.yby making the pemilty as. severe as pp -elide, No votes Iver(' re- el ;1;2;011.1 1 he measure. The House also passed the diee hill 11,11/i/1/1 ing 1 by ;110 of eigarettee 1, Itihl' Imo under delete). 4 • 40 ADVICE TO GOVERNORS, Circular Note Issued by Colonial Secretary, kende)), April 5, --The is• seed hy l'y l'f Stale fa. Hie 1 11n. Eitrl !If i111 1..rnior 601.1.111,1N 1 e:11(1:11PS 11 I'Vr111, 1 11111:,.7111.L 141 0111111111114:11 111 1 111' l';'111 it. 011111 1.1114' r01'1/11.1.1). b. IT741111 1'11 111 1",.1 111111Pdl. ' ing 1 111' ft/A 1 11;11 1.111.10 11:18 1111.11 :1 11 ill. (.;Hing, icwh-tley of late years on 11111 of 111 111 -tiovernors of the 74811al1..1- prominent, part 11 1111' 111011'.14,2141111.111 lit' companies whiell hail. eleeined prefitelde coneeesioile in such donetins. A inintber of rer I lie •oilojecl eery loslierl in the 11111150 I/1 110 past I firm intimating ihal l'x' Hoe o.rnoos hod need their pow hee pen too secure 011.4 181)4, DID 11' "OR FUN. Three Chicago .Urcliins Set Fire, to a 130y. Chionge, .1 pril 8, Throe boye, \41m5( /Ow,. rillIgra from! titerlteo fourtemt ,‘ car were erreet oil 1181111 chergeol.‘vi1i1i( eletine fire to the clothiug of Alielnier'N laweco. u eeveleemoyenr-old boy, 4011110 Hoe letter lay iieleep in 11 hallway. Tho boys gave the names of lister 1 loll, \VIt11(n. Leonard 111)1 ./11 Als, to their story the net Ives( (lone for "fun," The berys bought, it bottle (of eleehol, 401)101) the,y poured over the sleeper's elething. and lighted the blue. 'memo rushed, about the etreet, and 1)1111 ll' 111 uneortseirms. 31114 condition wee said to' le. serious.' HEALTHFU PECAU.SE OF ITS PURITY AND NRFU DOM FROM COLORING MATIT3R Sold only in Scaled I I'll Pa...!4'ets at oc, r,(4c, and 6oc por Ib. At all grocers. •••••••••••••••••• Th.- Yot that, of Edillia Dalton, ;rid, she 1.4 inied al the o11114.: man, a 1 1, 1-111. '0%1 11111111' 1111' %VH' arra i14111 man 11.111j.il, 14,111 '111'. 1/1110n ;11.10,, IiN 11d, 11111, f1.. Ir,olirPni;1 11 ,111.1,1141. It I.J01,11(1 had, "1)1 11'01 11:' 14111111/, Id 1Ail ILI. 1 .1 1111 1 he 11140,0111 0 HI' I/1.. --(.)11111'11 /1,1 1 11 111 11. 11111, ;1 111 .1 11 I'l!,11 1 111.‘V, :0 10111 111'014 11111? Ile ' •'fif, 1).11 1,11 y1141 1(1.)11, :1,144, ••;;4114. 44 111 i•1 1/' l•rinurill•;1 ‘)1 10 11, hero 1010:fli4." fir., young' ;tr.-111;0nm, x•on'i; in,-,,,ft,ittion firmed that a :00 letura. 41.1)111 '11 "t ;114 yr 111.1 .111 I 1.1:1"".' 11" Tlii -,v1,1,11 'In 1(1 his I11'10 V.11 44 I!II' 1 41 0 ruffian,. Ilut he !hlII only ov,pi ivited 44 ;Ili 1,i 140 1 le it!! Ili,' 4.4 ideni' 4f,l1'.41 II.s ,,tory did sound rt,ip.011- 4111,., il, uly partienlitrly tr• 1,,111,, a to hi. hat nee of hi, 1111-iiir• the of the fart of the hew - h lir liren 1.11;1•1 posse -1 .44, .1. 44(411 1ll111.1,00.11 1.1 thl. .-111111. 111411-4 t 411 11. 111';1* 1 4'11 1'11;1; •`.••• 1111 ;111) •••4 pi•y1111 14., Ir.:41,1114 111, ;0111. 1 10 '1011101 111111.' 1,0: 41; 4 1 1114111 I i'1141 101.4" ;11 l'.0 ia.-ter 1 :H. Itad in 61,, -4•••"4 ' point of hi- 1 11,11 1 I '1') -04 "I e.innot, -Tv. 1 is carmerted %%WI ',•1”.1141 r..inrt err, and in,,,4,4,, 1 um,' a illy ifliptlicly. I can - 441.„4.41 1 be p:1,1 leder, t lie curio 1, ra;41114. 4milletel hoe no. 44, if 1 11,1 4. 144 ve 44411 a ten scut• cm 4. 1.,c 1;4 4.14i4L 'tent," Lite said. 1-41 %%Oh 4144,,p emotion. ;we • ...lac.. .1144 1‘.1.• 1.44 .4. 4.4 "VI' 11 11.1 1'1', ,14( h.. kW' 11:.111 t rurt 1.11 ,I; :dill 1:• I ;) 11.0111H 111.1;. 1'‘ 1'11 1 111/11::11 14 11 11 4,P,'11 ,•1•10.1..iik.o. I w.;oi !If 1",vith 1. oft rt,-cete 1 !lief 11111 1;11 4';:1 41 11 1111• '11111 I 1'11111'r -111'A 11 1,'v;1 gill 44 ,i111 ratl.,1 11:1 4'11 414111 111'1. 11111.2 1111 1,14 11 1YA"11 1 1.,0 11 1 4*11 11(1,111 1•!;(1!1": 1', 1 441 11. 141114•11 1111:1 "'4 0.2;611.41 111111, 1::11 HI' 44'01 ):111":3,14::ti4i!."1. •••"' told the .4,114- inne, 11.•‘-1•1, tim I hi-, first nient s. 14;11' v.-14, !tied to hint 4.,,ht,41414 lii- •„, hitt% 44.144 !PT '4 11110 1 '.1( i'.11111,01 ;nu int illinjf 01:11 11. In13•1 lid 1 I; hail on" 1 1' 1.;111; 1144 41. 10 11'11 -.111:..qino 1;;-;;; 1,1y 4.t t ` 4.1' h-nov, had hect1 ieidied: •;:t1 tithe, 1.441 111.-4111141.1. of the 111.,i(4•, • 11' 1•111,(.1)" 9114.•1 111111.4 s "1 li;il! 1111 ;11 1.11 ‘, !Wit II' t,. 11111 hi • ovi;mw,h.•,..... Ltd 110 111;(1111,.,1 !//,11 i;\,cyillc.1 1111,4' roldh,",‘,' 110 ' -Cut. pin a• -•,.e; III!44 11 111Vi: r•1',111' 'L:1111'111.- 4%1'1 :•:11/111 11 ;I 111111 1 111 "ll" • 111,1 " ,,f ).anint; ":41 "1 " hal.. Nikki Iik.,1 .1 t 1,1111,,,, ,:teimutere.1 4,4,1 men ;1 ht. "'414,4' .0( Mr, !Winn', Imin-e; ion. I sntnri-....1 •. 111x., 1,, 4.;1 111 114.. v4.1 II 111 1,1 111.1 I he -aid, 1„ ,to, and 1''!,!1,1 the gp•entill, 0 nil 1111')) gr l'f• 1.1,V II111411111 111 1 Hid.' Ill 1:1',//' V.',11'1"/11 111' 111111111 16111.11i, ••1 ''• •1 114: 1;:••111 (111' • 111'11'., 41:I %‘4:11.• ;1 1 1:11. 41 I•1 1 he 111 1101. 1!111.1 111' 1"q1 1:1:11,1•„.: 4(4 •44/11 ;I 1 0 1/11111 144w4.1., 1 `1 :4 ,1 \%;;,1; 1. 11 1,1 4t, pH I 4,1 .'11' 1 114 1.11 11 1 r0"):01,6 „„,11,1, cmitaiii, .1 thrir 1,0,,1.„ I !len; e-el.i).4.11 1)1.1•,‘• 44114•-•tdini"•1 :III no, ,'„wil 0 01 1.,‘ " 1 • 111441 11.111 1111'• 44 ,'14' 1.11!1 ;)1 I hi, "V". .v"; 1 NMI 1 ai 1,11 4''. ...!4.1 1144,14i .1l !, 4, :41111,2 11111 14',4 14,1:114 1 (1 1 141,1' 1111.011g "4,1111, ow, f‘(y I, ::1 .110 I ‘) I h. !Id 4114' 4111,1 1 (.:1 is :I I 1%.:IN, 4„ I /0'1! ;Pa Hionieent.latiglicd the policeman, Lii..!•2•••.1.1 14 41,1 1 '•'',1/orritc•s 1,1 mit- g,0011•n1l(tired ..„ ;it, ,-141.• 1 hi ;4J4p,4\' •4) 111(41 l,t9111, 114 his. in contocl with ‘oilit. l'r' e :1141'!' Hy ea.,. ;yds o,ie).1 11111 sent it ,pinning before thl rni fur...her 19-'111 *Woo. 4.'1 .',1,1; 1y1111 I hl, :14,11c. 14,, II' ,11)1111,1111 . Ho ,tit‘ 11141 10 pick it Ilp. luni. ns (11, 1,.,1 1...r 1 4 191. fell !you 11, he sow that it was 11 ;:temir i E 4r1.4 •-1 cr. a lawyer 444 19,t" c.,1,4. bracelet, set ‘villi a solitaire dia- .1 i a 1)1141(49' ni .1h.., l'Iallon. in wIro-,0 1144,11.1 stieromuled wilh emeralds, 4,44104.-y 1 'II' % MI l;',.: :111H1 11:111 1/14.11 tOr " nla t 11111k!, 'ililiC(1.111 ,('9 it HOW." ', • (1„,,.!' 1 lir 1( 41:11''.j191:10,1j,i 1 4.1y ''4) 414 11;, -.;11,1. iltdding it up to the light. Ivith i di ;•4,) - 1.1. ll'ini to 1 lie ;unman( of tell (19)11. a . , , 313, 1 .14:1.114, an1 ft!..." the 1111X1. 1 Ilree "That 11i )1 is 1)111 1011'S 19111M1111,1 1'Ve 111.411 111- ii;.14(11.1,1! 11;11.-,C-1 1. ;11,"sid 11011:.l4' 1u Fel'it bey wear it." the younma liwio 1:ia_.p Co. 4niplicated c.w.o.t 114„e;te‘sly and injiiilcioady dmit. The 11,144' for Earle 1Vayin.'s tri01 (''41)4',lea!, nd ..).. flit. failioving facts 4.04114. ti, 'Oh, 1''S, 4)0 doubt; and you thought a light: 111.1,v1taps tbat, them glittering .4011(N might, bring n pretty little sum. 1 ('1 1111' His ,1/.1 1.11:•1 /1-, Op t 0 1 il'.' n.ight in just in time 1,1 stop this flit(' game. (111c-11401. Its 1:11' 1, anilint, kl11AV, was Conn. I thin': I eon neeonimodale 'von miluipea4-1141 141c. with lodgings twilight, 1111' 1101111Ly." 11',' 111.i 11411 ilt A111. rinTester'i 4.11- .11. 111i1 moment, o man ('111)14' 4)431 Of iiii,.% 4141' 4.1.4r4).• '11 14, ;Lad Iluri1ti.4.1hal the hot's() upon the halemiy in great ex- niine had g.tined that gent lemon's col ire eitemptil. c..tefidrnee ,ind kind re.go,led, ;iiul he had 4,1 leipii hplotio he tried, "live ile„,, 1.0). 4 ..,:., rontemplated mar...big him a parI• lied! Stop thief! slop---- ner in. Ili, husine,, ni..• mon lis 114. 19141 'Ay, 1 hni. stopped him, nial jiii1 in 4.4011ple1ed 1114 courew of stmly and :won ' 1 he niek of lime, sir," responded the po• 11,14411;1 4,1 to the btr, lending Elide into Ilew,, 111' -poke 01 s.uiiii. 1011,41.11. 01141 in ./;14)))... "Earle \‘'ityne1" exelaimed Mr. Dal• 4741! tiemis. 01 hi+ honesty 011,1 industry, ton, in g1'eale9t asleinishimild, as his a 41.1 •a id he had 1' enict hint. i onv• g•Iiince fell upon him. 1 1; 11g. 1,4444 1.,..1; 1 a 41 I ;in.:141;11y roinimene '''es sir, if is 1: Inst I om no thief, 0.' 'Ion, lipini 1,11111 seemed lo him points 3.nti very \yell linolv," or whlor "so, this does not, lool: like it!" in. A•'l 11 1 ii ' , ..poIte %Yell for 1 he prison•ro., LeIT111)kx1 1•11° P°11"n11111 f1"1111111illg Ill(' Iall it did 110,, -,41114.1t upon 1.114, nhit ter lireet.14.t conspicuously, 11)1,111' l'1/11,•idl'Iil 1.1(.414 .11111 ('U1111.1 not I here• '41 1111.‘10 C0111111i11N1 no robbery," il.., fore le, oceepted I'4 0'1114,11cl% (!l'IPII Earle) with (1914 dignItY; "4144,11 I 11 •4,1,114 1 hilt. 111991 (19' 111 4111100}1 19' (1111 11111, set that bracelet 1111111 you pick- f ,,,,,e 01,, ri,iii„,,ry Kiri), '119.11 iii.heil for ed 11. up and showed it to me, 11, must permi,•ion to go 11)11 of lown 0)4 Int -'j. 111;4•44 been dropped by one of the robbers. nes., fat. 16111,4.1f, Ile :lad moi slate,1 ivInt fled 41 ('(P3' 1 ll'as knorked down:" 1 14)114 44)94 111149110.t,-: Was, neither hod NIr. 1111(1 11(1 went on 10 eNplain how he 11"P'1,'oretster !Int:tir lted h ed l heard, . pe10 e there, ond wind. ho had seen ••••1,1), ".0)7,..)i.r. IL./ TT -.lion ('H''4'i, 141,, ow1,111 . 'rt's it likel,v story 31041', isn't; it, Fade reiused 1, state if, and (l)is Ill it,,,I..; throe,' the ale strong against sir," slicore.41 his captor, irlio W1113 1111 too eager for the ('('1411t of havingliin (11111- 4' 1 1, /11:1 (1011.i111,1 11-1 l'i. 10 .1.0:1VI, 1 lie CIIIT'll 4(41' perpcli•otor of so daring a win, icu, eity nu it train 4(441 left III 1.9')) 11) Ili' theft, "ivlien Eve found him. booty right here on the spot 'f" aftert.,,,,n, 91;.1 1441,1 ,,./;!llo lo 1(11. 4.11,;:1.4. ,... r, 1)41lln11," Earle appealed, fearing ---, 4)111,4' 1.9.till''''" 11111" 4)111, 1141 1141(1 got moveIf into o had prinuen. ;le tran•aeted his Inisiurs..s., .whiell elm- inent, “yon know 11,e11 enough ow' 1 /Trued 011,1y hi, liri‘•titt. int,evesist, he said, would tint do such a thing, porticulorly 111'11 1 111` 1E4101 It" co11111 111,1) 4'11,1, "will tun1 in, emnih...ted '41(1(4 the, events of' his )n)rIV in this house of 1111 othrs;" glanced III a troubled 4V114' up at tha( 1111',' 11.1111 "10100'1 to 1•111' 613' 11,1' lb° la t 4. .1 rain. which orrivod about midnight. Ivhite-robed figure in 1,11.e. window. 'No, certainly, not, Popo, we lowly ((44 (•111. 111, wit,t 11')'?)) 11))' station to '11111 Elioe 4‘,011111 mil; be guilty of nilything lothenti„.,..- In. 44-1(5 obliged. to pass •!411.. 1)91. of the kind, 111111 T believe every 11(1111 111' twl',4 '«"'', "l'''" I"' "14", 1" "91':I'IIY deserilied, Iht, lipla within (1110 of the hog said 131,0)11 the encounter win" [110,44 men," 141iss Dolton osserteel, ('onfidently. 1041.1,4. rooms, Ile ,tated ilia( lits first Inuortse 41114 "1)1(1 you Pee or hear any one else, Edina?" osked het- halm.. to .,..1) for o .polier officer, but fearing thc ii,Not 1 heard n. heavy /fa old after mail- he .11.`,1 :not thouglit, there would listening a minute f came to the ‘vindow 1)1! 11191e 1 1141 !I n1111.---4111/11111 he 'Off 1411/11 where f sole F,orlo just gelling up from.1,5 1 1 ; .100. 1 1 .‘" .11,101')! 110 C0111(1 4.01.111'11, he the ground; and see- ns 1.110 light shines resolved I 9_, remain, eneowntisr I lie v11 - upon him he Inol:s os if he hail liven 111111 sin:411.-11:11okt, and briirg 101114u i118. having- RH owounter 40111 50111e 0/1(;;1 (((.4', ...*.***m*..m•••••u•mm=***.*.*.**.**•*N 04010000 0)00410010110.0.0.41144404 Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. 0 Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and -Scott' Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS; EiGc. AND $1.00. 494+1121§400000440:900 (11111114! 10 I110 rules of that instithilint. to 4•011114)..v 4.044:1111.1114..111. Earle 14\',14'ne'5 44114. 444 1)1' 9.1.1 1f up 1,0 and 4;1in ergiet,, (1 1 111.,•111,1'.4,,,ii'41'r-„1..4 Iii%1:•!,1 ,11114,,t) ) ,911111, and dead to 1111 410",,,,;1,1, e14,1 h!, • pet r9i of 1, lard 1, t1i,•., f 111 1.41 1 y 1:1111 hi' 1;:11. 111 1' 4•9' '‘; •11",411,1 ,•'11 111111' 1,19 11 1.11 1 111 111111. \ i11111,! 1•011111, 1•1 11 .4., dud I le. 1,4- hold ;; • 11,1..1,.11. 1,• Iti- lir ...; .-.;,1;i:iiitt; 14' 4)11111 ''\',',( 1,1,..1.1* 1131 "I)' 14,10 ' 3 '111(',11 "14. (r, t hj; (imp, I )1i1:1 111 r,-.;1 1 i - 11 '1h cv- 111:J I 111 0; O.,. 1i1 101 11 jr!i, 11f. iP fur h" , ;11'.."•4 44('11 111 .01 11 I; 4) 1111',(' 1,„••1.; Le II, 1t! •n :I ne,1111-,1 a 1,1.in Im• him to f..1e '',4- 14, 1'h. 11,1' 1s. 1," 7 1- 1 in 1.1:1,4' 111,114 11. Ir. i.-14rd 1,00 the t.1.4111-•• .1;„9,'1,; ;i ,111,1 1„; ,•1: 111. 11'111114 '4'211..:1.‘ • 1) .1;1 1,f OW :,..C4(111] 11 11(' i',.1 I • . 414161 ;1,12. t 11.1,, .14,1(.. 111,11 be g4111 I ;.111 4;1 (' j ,4 • ;HI 114• ii1 lin 44 1;,;1* ill" ('4 1/4',1 :1 )1,1 1(1111,9 )11;19' 41411'!)! lift1), 1‘ 111 '114' 1:1 '1•••; 4... 114' 1"9. 4 1,,• hints, and then, %doll he 4.111114,, in) 111 16, 115,7, -In, 1. 1.1•1'11 ',VI411 941 1 GM 1'2 1 1'11'1: V; :1 11 111111, '1116.-4 '.i•i- het.; 14:,1 1.-1* P,T114 "t„ duing hi„ t„ ,dame with re•olut1-tis - .1 a t'a, "":°'1 11"- "Hi." .111"3 19,44., I. fills,- 41 fIag -•.;•- th 1..4111 fit•• on 1,44 i.1931,,i",1,4 1,y chatlic1; eq- -•141:11 .,4;;;9 ll- Inn .!_-; p to 3," 11 11'.11•1 tux ; 1 "1 -1'1 I 1.1 '4 c), )';r1'41' ••I'• IN; I 141(, ;114 94. 'API .ware 1/1,110.1.11,, 11 " 4-t ,net att.; .1, I:10 p ;0;\• ;II 91,1,4 41, .1 01' 1.1;1111' ;1/ I/11 r1i, 1,4 !,*.H iteport0114 es ..1 11-4 ldtt Intportont Fighting .1.1dr,---)411.;;;48,4.1 Not Often Idol,. s 1)(11.11 44:1 41 1°11 1,f 11 i.; (111 10`; /1111' 01 Illy 4! 4,4414 IV, ...I 14'-, I j, ,0;10.1114:!1.t. t.! „.• ; ivill (1941' it.: hon di • 411111 14;11 or 1:' ‘1.1!, 1P,*,‘„,;14,. :• ioty, •.11)'! ,`;;I vy 14,.. 4.' •• imoolt iirtny 1St C retf.,3$'4,1 . • 1 1,, ; ma)! It 40Id " 91.t aro -1.•,) • • ' 14rus...,• Is ,IL1 rentiee the •-•,.--. I • LI," ;ht' 1.,,, 1 ) The •;,.., 11•-• • -..., 14 ,t,;; 1 :,,,yr,114411 1111'! (.1".01 111. v,';is 11111111 Oral 111(•01 ill•.• 44 (;;,' ;1,',1, t,C,1,, ; 4-, -. ;IP, 1,,;•9.! - ',\ 111411 114' 11,141 114 011 4411'1•, ".4e)11 1 14`:; 111' LI Ir ;1 1 ('.4,-i-. ,1; 114.,, l 4, .„. "1'.,11 11., 111.1.. 1).1‘, h.; soioi al (pH» 1 400', I ‘611 la• 19,) -eetions. The fir -f. .,., 11, 1,•,• Hill indlo. 0 bettor la 44.yer ilian 1, -rniteeenv,1 ','III: iiiilk111 1,14,.i's.,- ;'.4.4 a HIT 1 di, Wit ...Pi. IV III.n. Y' ill fin(' 16111. l'ul. ill.11y.,1 11/11r', )ll( • .''111I1,1 V. ;1 11 1!;: r,'4;•;;, 1. 1 1,,i; :, o11 11;1 1 4' 11.•11,111,1. • 1 11'' ja•ohlinir4 of int:. 1:) ,;;,.,i.e,.. •4 !I, r•••;- '1 hi, 1,, not 9(02. 4.1 distract itly mind t gre,s )..-ill 4.401-1•4 ot lirltfi.til 1,11,1 1,1;(', pill Idilfr‘%', 111111 1 Vi111 11(.1 11140011 0%01' I, )110:11ber, %%110 1111 1 1"114,- ';110-:1 1;1 4; 1:',Ii1 ,-I, In:, (Aft." 11,4 01)111.11, WIIII 11 7..111 ,..:111110 1 1 110 -,1111) 01 :IP (14d1,....; (:,:; 4/.9„1, lc,' j,, 4 1 ,; ,-• 1r43 *."- 9 f. 1 hi .4 '49' (tot), ' .e., -,„ ta i., ,,;:,‘ to rolicrittNI I r 111)• 1 lanii.i.)11 , !tut inn for 1 In. prole,' Hi or '99,! •,,,, ' •., 311' ;,' ",.!.: ... id 1(9 ',,,.;., 4,214 1 ,IV, ;1i1;1 1 1, 0111 rill/1111\ ," 1 11194,' 114 1'0111'4'4.111 41 16; ;1 41t.1",,1)4' , •-1. ;!.., .1- •....i !,-; 1..99i. , 1o, .010y. /c.,1ig; ..if,;,,,, 11111,,h 14,1 , 4,1. i, \,..,,,il,i 6', f;,„. all ; V. 11, -e 111(1111' Ili.' :;l1,, ; 'rill ..,q1 ,9,,1,1 *.,., ' , ''..; ;:: .4:1.•ilir,,,,,- ;....)1 4,,44999; nillV 1 h1;,.; pillo. fill.rw-, 11,re if 1114... 4,01111 do ; p11d,1:' '.1. fid I ;it ,:c:41!% ;101 :II. 'r0:1 '.; I.:1 it 1 111• -41;110, 11:111 1/4. 111011911 •1 1.111' 11 111'1 ("1: •‘11 "11.11)i 1 ilill (41 ilitii0 41:1 :11', /' ',1 :i1 : . •':'..4,1'1;14i.t 1 1! 1i 41111!, 14.1 I, ‘',1,•pil 1 11111' 1 11111' iS 4,9," 1111 '11', lh. org,tini.•cd :111,1 f,poir .4 14111:19:2 1 :I . ,. I- 12-. "("4" 1',' 11i, .* 94.4 itrinl 1,',14 Iliff ',.1 14,•4,1'. 1;41...•1 IV411V. ,1141'es,, 4.1!:.:.1, 111:4 1,1::1s 1111 1i1,1 90,.11:11:1) 411 1911 ,,l' 1 1,1Hi. i11,10.1.1. .1rt. ,; 11...,- Ir.% • 111" '4 ,i ,,':iqf ',-. s dti.in, ail “1,--,.•144( ..1 • .1....;;It .,..-,• 04 --2,4. .1i. 4c,. fr. to it, la t1.4.• t,,I.,44 ',vol.., ,.1 I,,444o 4,.,.11;;;... o; ; and I I, -4,io :il 1, 1.1111k 1 11.1: t1,11`1' `, 4 l.k 111'*,1 A SPilli'Jr; DAI'siGER. a ; 1.4 ...r . t • t •t t ).'t! t-or'II:111(ls lloti 4 t . -.• t-n:itt• ( I OH. 1;,34, in -1011'1 ' 1' vt.(111'1!!111;.44 10 11 1:'.0-14 CI" II IIIIIIIg"Il- :Lfbny l'en4):c Vit -...41:21; Titeir SyFter;)s 94,, ..).-•,s."141.14 littri!-...;;‘,.e ::41.14dicines, -1•1:4 ,, 1.0 ...,,011,1 y at .1. 1, il 11 them? 1 i ,,,i.i..,,„ :11,,,ii, ,:i a iii lettlt 4v..4:,. ;441110. 1 k•dow 110I 1'.111'I 14 it:•411.' I., ,11:1.41' fur 11 1'1 'H."' , \'''';•"1 ' 1.1.14,,,1 ow, ;;;;41 4,11,,:1 1 4.,ino; to 1;;;,-.11. .ri... y Hoi; 1 10:111 l• 1 1 11, I'l ,` 11'14). 114'•''''4, , 4.,•.1;: 111';11.,.'”.,11.0;1L1 ;;;,:ii,i; 111.;:;:i.; ivillt) ,ii.i..,;., W. Ci1.1101 111,111 111 ( 111.11 11111 11d.'1. ;1 1111 1 "TIN' 1 :-1 1 1.;11.; :I I hry ih, 9)4 (4444 , II r, 1::11.0..1,1.,. I ii,tt 140)2 ft, -11111111.',1.• 1 1111,14T111. of :ii1y 1.01npliPil:. in Cll., 1 11"; ,11.-41-4 11" PI 11.1'''''' 4 14"V '.II' II° l'.. "..1 1;11ill/l,' I h;f in,holr :1 fo a 1/10. . ..; lh Illilf.114:1:11 IVil 4 id' /III 1V;li! 014 1111.1 49" :;P, 1 t !,;:11(; 1) d1;siiv 11,1i1 hill 119111 tin' ', "• ', ' 1 441'44144 i''' (.4 :44"4;14)' -.1 11.1i : -.y.1: 1.;:: 111 r/I'd4'1' 1 41 l'411'11! 111,411, ( if ., , „II: 1 pfisili4-4. eyiden.... 1•,-bieli 01)11.1,4 .1. 111411, or! hie,114.1. an,1 lietter things, I thiie,Is ieitly ,,:"; ,1,.:1411:11.:4,14,":',,,444'.11:li.;:ii.:„-‘,..,,,,,,f"1.\41111.11 '11::11'.1r1,1•1i 1111' fatal verdict N\ iN 4'1101091, (1'i id 1'.1- -,11,-11 191 11 :is are man:lied 1,,, toe 4.64.44:i• „1.40:i,,..,„ Thi, i, 0 tit",. fal I ,ett(ein 1. penitotinced. 11'1Y 1'11 1"1' "11111 ho ‘‘.1i1 (..., prinrip14., - men 1114.' are lealest. . , • - l'olnilor i•t•ilipit 1 hy inelined 1 4 r.e.n..-,!,v 11)114 4'. ;Ind frit(' ---ilioniti lie 1411,141*(41 14-) Li -a.:1 i•,1 the unfort.111:1 14. yoting 111011, 1,94111 man.... 1111.4). ;Ind l'f.;s1dvilf.r1 103- lli, hi: 111-1 1 9 s;;;ink.s.; c11111'.11011, 1‘ Iiih, hi; 11:;' (i111,0)1‘;,:,n1r11:,(1s1)(1(;1-1114111:,k11::1111,1t.lk01:11.1 041:1:,trei: 1.111,1!;:.., 111';:,).‘4;1-;,Yt1.41,1111'4;)4111;1“'.11!:li'..1111:1r1 11111111- lippv,i1'111(-1., so 11(11.110 1111(1 Manly, pre• 9111 i.,,,,j,,.,,,,,,,,,,i,1:1:,),.,::01,,,i1.1,;.1,1tviii::,:‘3.4,1,11,...1v1 11,,111111:1,1viti;;:iii,11,,,Ii.,ii,:t.,,1,11:1•:,,iiiii..: :al 1.1:i-.,.1,1114:11(.1111.-9,,1,1.41„.;••1140.1.1itiin,i, Ili:1111-s; 4)) 1111' i.1:1,;,l1V1,1.(''''11‘..'','."1"1.,'.1.1(.1 11:1111:: li,111:11.1-::Li;1,1111'ig-1:1'11. 91,1r. men 14•11T 44 -mild not lie guillY of :iv"' """"4 '4`; 11(1,; \\*11"44" 11"4,1',11 teen, m4.1;in(1 for 1-0)11:, ;3111 i11,' :21%,;(1, :1 meall 11)* 11 l'1141111/1.1111111 llel. 91111 14110, IL 1-01111:, II 116 111(1 014I'l- 40119! 1111Ii11* III‘V,Vel: 11;1(1 11111(1101(1(1 111111 11S 0111e0 )1:.,y, 4v11i1v thvr 4":11 (11.1's' 111"' 'All h killillit;:',41 l'N.:,'1illi::":!..,1'"I''.1.111:1"l'ii11:-11vt 4) 41 111),,' 4,3' owl if. ‘vois 1101, Jong 111,101't, 111,, cal111. lc) 1111(1 1'4.'011 N)111'11-s,V. ye( (1(110;10 oxiict ii f1141 11 deen 1414ere41 hl tile intelligent, lad. "1111P1'11 11 tint; oltedienee. It is :1st ouish- 1144.4 1110.1teitie netliall,v !mikes 111-11., ,011 .t H11 1 11:1 1 13(9 11,11 cf 1111;" al 1%11 011:1,-1,1', I11 1 11141 311» W:111- lif a pri4,01, No ot; van 4111111(91 1) ;my real good 141(41) an do,•ities 44 eliken 19., 44 44111 ;I 1141 ..1.:„.111.;,114.,,,,.‘,..,1:;:4: I('-.11', 14:11*,,. 4:;',.;4:,:l:',.iii • 44,L ,, :;,,; (just 11 111 ;i11,11;94! N','1•j4,,41 ,,,,' , • 11, .',;:1 a;'.' 1%1 1 1;11' i:,. m 44;'],.! 4 11,11) , '' et - ,•;,,,11 ....,4 4,,H )14,211 4 are 4.;;;,1-,4-„i 4:, : of erry WI turd 4,1;•!inr, is: '3:4, 11,4' eitint, \. throw a 14.....; ",.•, 114 01;11 iii4,11.,::,, 4•440 siyrehlight '1 Ji's 1: .,:li 1 1- 1,.„ 1,ri;..;,4 131911,49, and 11110 WM1144 1 ,..(.I'1.1 11ff014c1 1111 1111sy 11111 14k, 114' Sall' that ho 101 11 whn 1, 1:1 vor, ti,),Iii jug, and suniethileS 111111.11-111,V, 1,, 11.1.111I'Ve r11 11 1111p011, 11 11,1 th1S 4 t,V,- 1,110,i( 1 1 9,-, l:,', 11 found, 99011' '91', 114t4.1 ...0- '•11 long head,'anti could grasp all the Ith'y 1141141.4'144 1Y 1 11'4Y nry "Pe"ted 1)11)1 ;:11111.,(1.11,1'41.1"i'11,1', t:;,s:1'..‘'.1:S urga 14 'Id "'"'4' li,..;:eil Lial, time tn delermi»e H., -x- iletalls of a ram, almost 11r; re11dily OS he 111111seif e1111111, 11 191 he resolved that lic ttca 1041 trent the other,. ' "You believe, then, that 1 hem, men 101)11 1114 l'i.-1.13 1111111111'1 and 1111,;Ightl.:.' Ilnit , • \vity th,s4.4 ;1.4,,,,,,",,i4i:-.,:ilitti‘i.1,1 1' 39" 0111!1/14111114, liit 1:14,1niii4,;:,14.t 24.4;6:110g; would edueolt. him for the prnfe,sion. 1111(1111,,i,,0s1 ii.):.,lii,;,ifi(e,irlite::,,,,i 1,4,, kilitilr.,,,s and juin, .4.1:1 erli11.1011S. T11;11. ili why they 4111' itcivniiial1e of 14 fixed ;van alai 44 0•1t4). Mr, FOITVSter With a bachelor of great cdre 1:call:14.114.s, bael;:iclics, 1 heti- parativaiy 1..1.f!M 4.44g,t, v,-hrfeas 1 he ,•,,ip wealth, and exceedingly fond Ii.if Ids ,,1 do!, mid,. 1.,,,,ii,,i, gravely; ea nudism, oloiral,...•iii. and a lint of 14;:s an iiii,Irtuly gun liose•ond a '.4-1•14' (1011141, then' are ..xceptions, Init I really. i othcr troubles that come from poor Ana 11 1.;rget, in fact not 114,41.e them ( ;(.(4)t, beautiful and vivacious nieci.4. Ed i Out bril'ess, illit)(1:r1)l1/41.11C11:le kiMill;91(1;i:j‘1111l11'111(:111";1.1 9(01(11 i 501141' o( ,lis' ' :111‘,4.1111:11.11:1'‘‘',‘;141,,:s11111)(:.1,1,4111: um1.,,,,,i1:118341111sdeissil(‘,/:,t.11.1Y \\v‘1,:1141141' ia":111:14.s,111' .1.1"1 It1; j 1 0.1 I:I: i ,‘:17';all fi.111; ;111111.1.:141411)1.:1111.1! ( °(v11'):: 1,11 , „11::‘,1,r, Dalton, who, reporl said, tvas to be his . She %vas :1 slighl„ sprightly girl 44f 4 11.,°' 41-'1`4('" 14'11"‘P'"„ , ,ed of flity t.44 1dt the projector, intirinint 41111111 Kale ‘Vavni, 'vamp into a ft l'r years ne tint :•ce it 1 lied. feel active ::11,1 1'1 1011g• ;4\ H."; :oni,pi ..1 ,,,.,,, ..vrry ,,v(0,1, then, 44 111 until dav-.41,:lit, 11Pr tillele's 4.1119144Y, and a'nuitlial admir- 'Ind "I. 4))) 1.°4111 4 wo 11"v" P.1 4" 11'11. 4 •-.1 • * ':,‘4);(441 1, Lisle, ont., -44' : ;011 1,1,,t,. away at the silielter 1401.11- in 1111 11:(41111 ss111(1'.:1)(1111..irlyup ill11(;,1•1.\:'Iti'sec,11,1.ttle111n1111i1114. 011:,1)114 ,10,114 1041 4)19! the (quirt room wi1 11 her from headaelms, and I found 17othin.., pa 1.4 and weak and sii f fp red 44re,,, t 1, v 'A 91,11 the 1,411111 is kept," is said. Ow 9)44. of Hu, ponz Ina 11. it tna,,‘, 1 11 Leer. after bidding 1.1atle good•hy, to help Il' mail I began 1 a 1:111,r 1)1n', 1. 0:11:.• 4 110 'll ('1' 111104', '1)1(1(1' 11(41.11:'.] war A very g,,, i id ?. elle up, , Very good 1991 pa, ini 0 a (imp mid 11191111143' 104,9, othowrii Editha appeared very much disturbed, \‘'iliiiiins' Pinl; Pills. These have coin. 9141,114191114. ii mostly a blind and. (..on. he had never presumed to belrit1' i . i -)v a 44.1 1:ept shooting indi(4nant' glances pletely re,..tor,11 11)4,' health and, 1 t,:ess 4,1ins noilling. Eor tile latest type of so much as n look ni. tope. , from 14(411)11) her 1eil at her iumonscious the ,1,ar 1 befrait 1 31,:j1p: diNo." Edit. 1111, at SeVellteell 111111 1101 as vet 1 eet111444°444(;44' itui, be 111.4. pm got the ronni'ne 11,1 ..141i;1;1is 3)1(1113)1(11111191b on a motor 4...1., analyzd her 4)013) feelings tiovard ',11,15`4111'11411!';:1041s:.1tl111IiII'‘4i11)ih'f"11 1411141';;;1)1..\1;1.ve,1 liko the servee ghost. is never .41.- unele's proteg; and thus e find herhi,1,:,111411;,.11111110li11(1s;1)(194.4'. i,(11cj,p,fur :1:,1.01(41,,44411o,1)11.1w dayone. iiiiti,litnliliesil‘.,iciliicelflittIslealtriiiiglpecfmriiiiiigtiiiieuti,111(s41., 4411,4'1 101)3(4', uniesen,l,you'Pampiat , 1wh).owrlaintnh ik1,1)494'1,1)494'1,1)494'da'fusrh11a1'b ,y of ' thoonfilotrhekai).‘(1v:rappoeldr 4)91(11)1. 1111(1 buox----011 4 • e(1manier,ibemto udk yl eb, niid iiu114spink nbu1 CAUSE OFLEAV ES TURNING', ..v heart 44(45 filled 011111 keenest 01119)011 4,4914-,1414 " 114 4 10 g"1111444" '!414 1414 4 14.44' fur 9',- mail a 1 i';11 emits a, box or •ix lox's 'Pie cn(‚'4)1114(111 idea tegitr(hng au.lan a1tthe fate 0( 14141' beim 19)111 1of all man, "Illn! owonll ienr ;'• 2•.;;(,1 fr om T...Il', N Viliiains' 4'''''' coloring k ti:at fros(II )1til94 the )rilEaot . I do no( loas I particuary ((1- • .,oilOt .)excellence. :.ire to sloke bands tivitlior HisI ex;eio.rckv, ('1414:1' of the loave, 'Fiis popular fallacy As for Mr, l/alton, he did 111)1 ;hare -«---'.1 1 4f1r ,.-id, (('1101140 :1114' reat almd ogutnuis ‘vithoitt any foundation in £:1'£:1'.',, for toa1h 41; 11,,rh,all.,,1(I,,iilkg -..4.117,Th\o tiro'her.iu.hiw;and1104,4itli,)tiolii,he-v1;11411:.f-, the 41:1;I who i:'4194144114(".l 1 orry Worse Vt. frost has absoiutely nothing Iyhato e,. to Ivas vastly uslimislicil upon discovering (14 1'14"; ei,liiitti 1 , 1'l'ull'ir"li1nv..1. 411111.11141 ' 1 1% i l l I. ar\Vol ry 14 :W;I(94 extra 'work, 1 he (10 with 11341)14'' te levcsexIeVc'p`,4 iae,1t3- . 1,:i 1 \V 1011 4411,1 eX3SrIltIllg oto;ferene, , , ityneinHu,handsotheponvo.1'444r''It"f.411194101','(".7 114' \Tay110crra;1441 44011' awl tear for NvIiieli withastens their furl. 11(1111 at 1)144 ((4111 (louon 11111 1114111 99 nntrob you 114 Ireil ti 1 dolitha never 11141 11 1lwals hinderhut Let those 41)40 do not ()4'(4(3,•9 th,k ;he11111bery,4),i11v111„n411:111 44)1iti1111"Ps 111144144111141S.4"4,4neve14)11 It means ineapaeity foaninent go out in the swampto 111 4,19k,111,114,44. It1Im,„(0114,11IIH,4)1 ticipat 4 d ( (forts ;HO .111 We MIN 1;1 r.1 ly or 0141 :t. month h, ll from, aril 411ey out, whom he dislil;c11, -,,yert MO, 11 44141? could ,11014' ;1.11',:e1' blame eireinnstanees„ rather than otir in- 'avill find 14(4 1,4(9141 maplei :Is -.0.11.)ot He did dislik, Earh,, simply hiyause "Pun n''''''41'.1"41' "'\ ill ''''' fill!. "Y.'"'''f." ii ; 1 1 ! , ...v,(ma. •‘,.%.1... Tili, ma 11 wil. is 4)11 (4 11i tliP1y evil. arc -,efli jo ,S•]1ttmihfr or Editlia showed him so nmell farm: :11111 '.(41v1i/I'led• '''Pirih'ill'Y' "1 III". 1",I,ril ready :11111 takes time to be sore before October. lie \vas rather glad than utlier4l.ise lion., .'11.1.i.,11r:111,1c11,1,.,.44,4•1111'11!)11.(11)11111111i1t1111',,,11.11,11k1,11 i ,1101 141, 1.1141..inls,t.fi(r,111,sr,111111.11.:iii., itilei;;1441(4111)1111;ir,,vu.:14trly!NV1,1)!;11:3:1; (l( 1114. tilsienilerstitriotiotsift:Irent it:el:la:1 .Ay1011111111ngintreto:cis. lump, 1,4-1,,i , if the truth were 1;nowit that this very e01111.,,,, the bre;1 1410 41.11 which is so often fascinating young kn.° IV118 if) 1/1. re- 1110119 4" gr‘;'''4 '11'1", 4,44 4n•v C.41"44)1 4411014 eg is actually due to oxidization, moved flann 11144 path, even though h1, Ilk term expires ono am conies among t'. 11(111(1(1 111 nom. ov141.4611.1:. In ninety- ‘vbielt is. caused by the action of 1.;;;I11 414)14 lo bevoine 11 111'1414114'l'. Ile 19egan to II4X41:111." : 1, 11111. eases hi a hundred it is the xvorry, and heat, sometyhat, similar to rot! 'list. felt 1. that she had already grown 114 ad• 'Ver' likelY4' Th'• I 1316'11 "11'4'1VO4.1"' 11(11111:i111,41.isillil.lil)Nll,lie.:1,1,1111,01 irkf'41;111eltrla111,11.1V 444 ll on iron. ‘Villi leaves it is due to the fact, IblIon, heiress-expeetind, to fall in love calltlot,v• R111 4 91 11 • 1 41111.1.1. ' 1 1." 1 40111 11 11 office boy. proper, considering the would nuv,,I. do /01. ow iirist,„.1.0 iv Ni.,..,., your bilitrg: 'orritter of Iiiiii in 4111114:4•4! any ; in t heir rein 1 ire stmial positions ; and it I I min,. Idol inure thoi wits nit,"1,41, wke or siireitslicolly, his (111ill 1i111t; ell 1.11141.! 111 41 And 1.,0 Eliot, IvIlyne \volt to piii,4011. wild /01, 0 yollit2., 194 to 4,,,,ur,,,:„., 11,1. 900t1') 4)44 itilsals‘:).0.3;Isiniv,‘becia,(titisienirthlen%0.iiii(i„rr4,44 vast, difference 'vent; "lifter the very marked exhibition gii:11 1111,1' 11101.0 190111, it; il-'i all very Babies do not ery ..04.11y, 1 should be prepared to know of , ,.,. 1,1 ' 9.. „( N,' , ' I. 1 :1 1, 111.i little stt CRYING BABIES. •.• for the fun of it, 1 (11 )0 ),s elinmtes the loaves dry up tiiltleilly and, ors are 11,01 U.'!1111113' Very 1)11)11 1, 11S ill conto choked by their o‘vii exoitk 4, and the adds thits forinekl arc acted 4... by the oxygen, Eughtml, for example. ..linl 111 very dey' that in fulfilling their mission 4,1,4 4, b.., In extremely moist ittlimiipheire the col - and solid IvallA. a, niatilr eourage 111111 vet..‘. I.,,N% 1,,,,,,,,; per way .4)91 at :1, proper I 10.44; but it, 111'111 Of yens behind bolts. and hors. 410,v 10 1.:ce y111 l'arrY (pate sn 11111"11 still. ' 4'1 111 1 1 14:11.11(1'. -1401.101'A will flint ly I 41 t t 11 11 1 ,, , 400 lin 11000„.41 In drag „„1 a w4,11..1, ;,v11:4 1.Nce('11111,gly 11)01'lifyill.g to 1114 to• 4,1.4. 11111111.1 i 1,,, 1.1 .1 But, 111. \vont. Ivitli 11. 41011 1 hour( opt ,ymplitIty 1111(1 111101)01 fCclin..4 ill 11 )l1()o- an ,11i colitillOill1.1 ---......-4.-__. .0111,.; in 111111.11's 1 1w11 T/11)1v1S. ."A few ' 1 11 s 1 a ii 1 re, .44 f fo r 1 heir 1-11f ferinir li t 1 le ..01311 111)Iti:ii-411111,.e.i.1 In° t1}11,) 0 1‘.v(w ii)11714 1‘,;:tr,),evvti 1)11'-'10' .. . .., , . )111.1111 ttlheier,s,kin,, which is very thiek to prevent, , le slap, of mokturt), is 1101, 811 1r10;e111.- . autumn foliiiilge is most vivid an aver- unp.J.ER )1 1. 1 First Aid. 11g4) season produce& the finest colors. 4114..es ..,ill eure the most obstinate ' '1 did not do il. I have not that on my ' eases of emislipation. indigestion Or ,i e011SeielleV 10 1Vcill111, 111e (10‘V11. 1 141)1 1414roil,lah 11 fpr TronFull,011 le 11.111-:, fuOni vom(ting, and n T.9,,3, , (4'l' 4) )9\•Asitlier 11, very dry nor very wet. sout- h' i';iiillei. 1'01' 111101 IlvE'd Cl'illlil, 111111 thinigh ..vliegointi. 111:L10r:41 11/11 thrl! 10 lio. 9'H eal'i 1 . IIIIInny- ('4141, 11"P''' """" 9041)43 1\13"" tiltlit‘,‘,1.1.1ily.s;\lr',"1.\1411'1111,':.;s 9.14 Itt:::.:;, 4 '1,:''41144‘1‘41.14s, it, is 11 bitter trial, yet il. is better so . than Ilial 1 111115 1111111 4!1(I)IV111111 1.01110 111r: fainted. .44) ftee, I bail rather lie in my 111111.0, 1 .iiiitier,-'ui re, pm this tro-doittie 1011 hi her 1111‘,9 ill,,,ii 0 .!,1,,,411 lion, i41 vi Inv (9(001)9 lis 9 ki, 1 1111 11 91 Ilia "f thv 1)1;loil, 1 0 moonlit 1,l,1.). :in, srys s'Ic, loob,I. They have made him Imppy, real thief, and 1 4v1l1 make iny iiiisfor• 4,4493,4 11,11 111111•", 4'4-0- (11' 4).49j 14111,111,0:;01n11114,11111,1.,1,1,1h‘;',1:,:;il J' 99',4 111" .'t.1.1.1-' 11144 a g0(141 11)11) 111 spilt: of all. I will f it, myself for the very highest :more enittfert 4vitli 111111 ,i11.... c',..iin, Marled 11:xcliange in Values. him 1111' Tablets than I' (-ter had be. 901411(01? in life, and thou, when my three ,)'ears aro mills!, I. 1)111 go out and tie- "l'im don't egret' ‘vith the sage who 1 1%114'. III' 1l''%' 4i444 ;'11 4.PlaYs 0191 0111.‘' il • 1 will 1106941 crushed. 1 41'ill 14141(1 dna learning. is better than 114111-0 laugliF, while 1 do ioy .‘‘441 b, NN'hat (13440 11101V(4 -: -1 he disgra.ce. .1 will live rsit or laend ?" 4,11,:,.t.a, (1)11)44'144, (.9,„ •1 ,t:.'.“ ' (3991''41 1)111 (low?), null men4111111) 4,01 N. proud. to ('11)1 i4.\\reil, if itwas ;rue 101(0 th. .141)4!)!.Tql411,1," '14. -a14, A ILI'114:12jintA 111 1111' friend." t thn rind ':411te has gone lip 511140 r :y n)it 4?! 1!) 11nt.4,, l'''x from Tn, ,1 •:. 4,,,, 0 mused nmhero asfothfilearning has 111)11 (111 awful hiin1491)\Villiils141,111'14'11•k111"1,1 „a ay in -prson, he w114 doomed, c- Ilrooklyn Ji14, 11orypartm.'o?,.f 1rogres is made 11)) of not doing 1hius. 1., ,t;:,1 491. ' f eh 4.14-01 "614,, lil4 Ile, in .1: in Oh. 4:1••..1 .1 1 1 444 •;.41';,1,9 tio. 9, '74. 11n- 19' '%]n,,' ,..11 691. ;h(,1, '4(91'''(!14(1. (. • ;;;': -the 1.4.01); 1,4 )011. 1: •4 .9f- "1 1..,h, oinni! ,i, 114 l, ',i.e.); "':" 4 44,' 44, ,;:14.11 (111-1 i;• 4145 111.* 11.1 ;911 (''''14111(3,) ilii;(''",!* •. ''14 W.() 1!(,Vo.t"t'er, II 9e411..144.r 4111'.. 11111, early autumn vi11 reoult 111 lunch brilliancy. The extraordinary range of colorti 19 trees of 11 single species is 44441:1eriable, porCiettlarly so with the sugar maples, and it remarkable that alt individual tree 14'ill enuti»ne the same color year 141'- 1 tet .;eitr; not only that but, the same b1'in„,;1 will 149001 the first tinge of color year after year, !..tiod.nilding in ditoan employs 10,000 !Iwo Al 1s.111144.itt ;1 11,1 :I,. 141111 'nt 04:ako. .‘,11 the lapatic10 4,4'4144 Nor Fault --THE BLVTi L STAN IDARD- Arim 1111 , tgo7, JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 'PRA.NSAC'I'ED, BGYTII, oNT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspeolalty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We otter every accommodation con- sistent with sate and banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Ileal Estate at lowest rates of Interest. !ttjt,! Jtutlt ptttlt yttrb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. WANTED.- A good general servant girl, I Blyth Council. .Apply to Mns, W. Estion, Walton. THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1907 Our 25c Tea PRESBYTERY OF I11'IUJN. The Presbytery of Huron met in \\'illi I i LI' 11 I s r 1111( 1, niton, 011 . 0111 83 morning of last. week. 1)r. Stewart, of Clinton, ryas appointed chairman, The Moderator of Sr. And rew'schurch Blyth, reported that he had completed thework of moderation, and that a call in favor of Hes. J, L. Small, lis A., of Auburn, signed by 285 member's 11111 7:l adherents, was now ready lot' the ap- proval of the Presbytery. Commis - conservative stoners from Blyth- Messrs. Somers, Comings, Brigham and Campbell were heard in support of the call, Messrs. Fingland and Waite, of Auburn, and Messrs. G. Young, It. Young, and J. dellwain, of Smith's Hill, pleaded for the retention of Mr. Small as pastor of their congregations. The Presbytery sustained the roll, placed it in Mr. Small's hands and he signified his acceptance of it. Arrangements for the induction were mode as follows : Mr. Leckie to pre- side. Mr. Urquhart to preach ; Mr. to. Anderson to address the minister ; and Mr. Smith the people, The induction was fixed for Thursday, April 18th, at ono o'clock. The pulpits of Auburn and Smith's Hill will be declared vacant on the 21st of April, Mr. Small acting as interim Moderator. , REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Parsons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE (HOURS : 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Business Cards. A, B. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suo• cessor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. F't(UUDF'OOT, HAYS & BLAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto. Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderioh. W. Proudfoot, li.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. U. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over .lames Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. .At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Unl. versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Con oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F'. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of THF, STANDARD, Myth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Rabies vpoc5�c0oo Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 00 00 00 43 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commerclai Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. ..►----- KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. 40.tral. !?,'S trattord, nt, Was established 20 years ago and by its thorough work and -honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known commer- cial colleges in the province. The de- mand upon us for commercial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Cata- logue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. ja;eritm,Me, 1 upwards --- N.r• Westfield. Jackson Wightman expects to leave shortly for the west. Thomas Tummy, of Detroit, holiday- ed with Westfield friends, Gordon \Vightman, of Godcricb, is at present here visiting friends. Miss Martha Wilson,' of Blyth, is visiting her brother Jas. Wilson. Miss Annie Buchanan, of Blyth, spent Easter under the }parental roof. Miss Belva Campbell, of Godericb, spent Easter holidays at her home here. John Vincent, of Blyth, end Miss Mary Mitchell, of Clinton, spent Easter at Westfield. Miss Mary T, Clark who spent the Easter vacation at St. Helens returned to her school on Monday. Wesley and Mrs, 'Taylor and son, Preston, of Guelph, spent Easter holirr days with relatives here. John and Mrs. Kernick and littln daughter, of Roland, Man., who visited Mrs. Kernick sr., returned to their home last week. Mr. Ashcroft and family who recently arrived from England aro employed with Samuel Morton moved to Mr. Morton's vacant house. .John R. Clark addressed a large con- gregation on March 81st, His subject was Moral Heroism of Reform. His address was very interesting and touch appreciated by all present, Brussels. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, was in town on Sunday. Prof. and Madam O'Brien left on Monday for Winghem. Chris, Zilliax, of Toronto, a former 13russelite, was in town this week on business. Miss Bachelor, the instructorof fancy work, loft on Monday for Listowel to instruct there for three weeks. Constable Oliver now wears the official can and when you see the golden lettered Chief coming toward yon it is time to be civil, Dr. P. and Mrs, Lambie are renew- ing old friendships in Brussels and community while enroute from Toronto to Midland, Mich., were the Dr. retains his veterinary practice, He 1 .s been on the teaching staif of the 'Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, during the past \'inter and was presented with a purse of gold by the students at the close of the session, Dr. Lambie 15'111 climb the ladder all right. At the Council meeting the Clerk re- ported that the by-law dealing with the dis-establishment of the town market site submitted to the ratepayers was earried by a majority of 11, After a general discussion on the Carnegie Libray it was moved 'by Jas. Bal- lantyne, seconded by S. T. Plum that Architect Ireland be asked to prepare plans for a building not to exceed 98x75 feet, with auditorium, cost not to ex- ceed $10,000 complete, building to be placed on corner of Turnberry and Flora streets at Town Hall, For the motion Councillors Ballantyne, Pluto and Backer voted yea and the Reeve and Councillor Graham voted nay, the Reeve taking the ground that the by- law should be read the Ord time and passed thereby carrying out the 'Dau - data of the people before and further action was taken. Council adjourned to meet on Monday the date set out in the By-law for the final passing of the by-law, viz 80 days from the first date of publication. The idea of the Council appears to be to allow the Town Hall to stand until Carnegie Library is built Carnegie Library is built alongside and then utilize new building for Town Ball bpurposes. This is not in line with the ylaw nor Mr, Carnegie's offer of the 510,000. The Toms, \V1r,r„tHD,-In Wrest Wnwanosh, on April 4111, Mary Ellen Me,Mulleu, beloved wife of Johnathan Willard, aged 71 years, 2 months and 22 days. BRAn{vrN-Suddenly, at St, Joseph's Hospital London, on April 4, J. E. Perry Bradwin, in his 82nd year. SIMMONS.-In Brussels on April 9th, Clare Victoria, eldest daughter of John and Mrs. Simmons, aged 14 years. TO ADVERTISERS. All advertisements must be in this office by Monday noon to insure inser- tion in Issue of current. week, It's as good as we say It is. Maybe bet ter than you think it is. Just one thing against it The price is too low It keeps people who are too particular from trying it, Our nquest : -Will you be prudent and economical and try this 25o Toe of ours f One little sip of the stewed beverage will do more than a ralurun of talk. Our other Teas at other prices are also considered to be of more than average merit. LI ASII FOR A1,1, K I N 1)S OF 1'itODl'CE JAMES CUTT BLYTI3 In Every Home There are generally a number of articles of jewelry whloh are laid aside because of some little break that they have sustained. Some of these are prabably quite valuable and would again be of service if a few cents were spent In having them re- paired. Our repair department will be glad to attend to any of your requirements In its line. It will give you careful workmanlike attention. This Is a good time to hunt up and bring in that thrown -aside ,jewelry and let us fit it up for - you. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ROBERT H. UARNISS BLUEVALE -- - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at THE STANDARD office, Blyth. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries, Get our prices. We employ no agents. ' WiLSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS - ONTARIO. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . SI 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser, 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness t 110 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 65 The Standard and HIamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Pres, 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun . . .. 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator,....... 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Stat' 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily saws . 2 25 Tho Standard and Panner's Advo- cate .. 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser , .. 2 50 The Standard and Evening Pree Dross 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World O 25 The , Standard and DailyFree 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Etnpiro 8 50 m Tho Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Doily Globe, , , 4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. Subscribe for THE STANDARD. The regular meeting of Iilytit Comte 1 wos 110111 in 1111111Stl'y 1101 011 \\'wines• day evening, April 8rd. Present Iteeve Alilut+, Councillors, (ferry, hill and Johnston. . Minutes of Inst regular meetinit rend and declared correct, \loved b� N. 11, Gerry, seconded by \V. Johnston that accounts as follows be paid : Tilt; Sr.tstitsitu. printing 531; 10 \innicipal \\'orris pull book awl supplies 72 S, \Vestlake, salary larcit 40.u) " " postage and station- cn'v, Collert(i' 1 ut:► poises :1. 11111 bls e.'ection ex - 10 011 l', Livingston, Electric lights for Mnrcl► . .... a1 25 .Joseph 'famous 1 18011(1 salary tdrenutn 83 Joshua Sherman, 0 months sal• ary . 2 50 wI33 10 Moved by \V. Johnston, seconded N. 11. berry that by-law No. 4, 1907, as now read the third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by N, 13. Gerry, seconded by W. Johnston that by-law No. 4. 1907, be completed by the Reeve and Clerk, and that the Treasurer have the said by-law registered remitting therefor the sum of two dollars payment for regi- stration, Carried, Council then adjourned. CIIUIWII NOTES, Next Sabbath Rev, Me, Urquhart, of Kippeu, will preach both morning and evening at St. Andrew's church, The induction service will bo held in St. Andrew's church on 'Thursday of next week commencing at one o'clock. Last Sabbath Dr. Stowell, of (;lin• ton, occupied the pulpit in St, Andrew's church. His morning text was "The brevity of Life" and in the evening, "Contrast bot ween God's dealings with us, and our dealings with ono another," The annual vestry meeting of Trinity church was held on Monday evening of last week with a good attendance of the members. Messrs, F. Metcalf and T. Code were appointed wardens and P. Metcalf was chosen as the represent- ative to the synod. (Morris. Township Council mot on this week. Miss Bolla McCall, who spent Easter at home, returned to Chatham. J. D. and Airs, Scott have got nicely settled in their new home on the 7th con. Mrs. .James Ireland, 3rd line, was holidaying with relatives in Kincardine during the past week, Everett Walker, who is attending the Normal College at Hamilton, was home for the Easter viteation, Lots week Geo. McCall, 8th line, fell from the granary door to the ground, a distance of 8 feet, end received quite a shaking up. We hope he will soon be as well as oyer. The following is the names of those who were successful in passing the ex- amination held on larch 21st Lind 22,0 in S. S, No, 1, Morris, in order of merit : Jr, IV.-llabol Colclongh, Thomas Phelan, Florence Rogerson. Sr, 111. - Ella Rogerson, Maggie Phelan. Sr. II, -Janes Brown, Gertie McCall. Pt, IJ, -Olga Colelough, Homer Brown, Willie Phelan, Tillie Rogersoi,--Ala•y McArtor,'d'encher. We are sorry to hear that Wm, Kelly and sons, of the 7th line, who were large farm owners, having become involved in the payment of the same have handed over all their possessions to their creditors, F, 5. Scott, of Brussels, is the assiunno, A meeting of creditors will be held in A. B. llacdonald's law office; Brussels, on Monday, 15th inst., at 10 o'clock, We have pleasure in stating that James, son of Quintin Anderson, Ord line, was successful in passing his final exam. tit the Ontario Veterinary Col - loge, Toronto, He captured honors in four subjects in his difficult examina- tion, Wo have not learned whore he will locate but in the meantime le as- sisting a Veterinary at Tavistock, lit•. Anderson is a hard worker, level head- ed and bright and should do well, Iie is to bo congratulated on his success and it wag no discredit to A1, If, Moore, V. S., Brussels, who was his preceptor, DIED, -Lest Wednesday morning the spirit of Mrs. Alexander Mechlin Smith, sr., was called away from earth at the ago of 88 years and 8 cnonths, Mrs. Smith's midden nacho was Lily Nelson, youngest daughter of John Nelson and was born in Bushy, Scot- litnd, in 1811), She had two sisters who died over 80 years ago and a brother who served in the Civil War In the United States Lind died two years ago. Mrs, .Smith was married to her deceas- ed husband in Scotland and came to Canada, settling in the County of Lan- ark over 50 years ago. They then moved to Morris township and built up their Immo ou lot 2, con. 8, Mr, Smith died in 1890. Seven children were born but oily five are living -now, a daugh- ter having died in infancy and John in 1000, The children living are :-An- drew, in Morris ; Alexander, in Hen- sall ; Janes on the homestead, and Misses Minnie and Margaret living on lot 6, con. 8. of this township. Do - calved was a member of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, Mrs, Stnitlt had been a healthy woman all her life, but the past two months she Item just failed and passed peacefully away. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon from the residence of her daughters to Union Cetnetery, Rev, ,J, L, Small, 13, A., officiating, ;00,0��1�)t',l�)Y`►�/lel+t�• •� •' • �l.J'o�•'t ; r'Mso, :Zf,A,li.`�.7Y•": ;o f01 t0� Le 101 io J. A. ANDERSON Four lin 'T'owe g Speeials �O} • �0 �0 r�Q lr� r�. r - A Fancy 'I'owc 17 inches wide, should be sold at Sc, Our price 5C per yEtrd, Glass 'Towelling, 23 in. wide, good weight, smooth finish, just what you want for dish tow- els, roc per yard. 1 {cavy Pure Russia Crash Towelling, 18 in, wide. It looks like i2C goods. Our price loc. Huck -back Towel- ling, 24 inches wide, worth 20C. Our price I 5C 1)CI' )'arta, 0 )• (Y^1Y rr r ,�^<Yv.'-t --- - r --. - „- r --,y .,. - „ U' -:v yr ,r- �P0 glAWW 1�0,0e0.'00r0Qp0C.00;;0 :�OQ;bO 0 CARPETS and LINOLEUMS Drop In and inspect our Immense stock of Floor l-'sverings. The patterns are more beautiful than evd,r, The prices are the tow•+st 111,51 'rood Carpets van be sold at. Union Carpets, 2'w, 35e, die, All \Vool Carpets, trw, 755 $1.00. English Tapestry, •10c, 50c, 00c, English Itruc,seb, 855, $1, 51,25, , Carpet Squares, any sin to Ii: your room. All Carpets cut and matched free. Monday of J. H. CHELLEW MAnit:ET RErort'r.-- Wheat 70-70 ; Barley 48-48 ; Oats 36-36 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 20-21 ; -Eggs 16-17, - - BLYTH �oR P's /Et INT Ur We hava just rec3tved a fine assortment of Spring Shoo In all lines which will bo placed on sale at extra low prices. Gents' Furnishings A fall and complete stock of Men's Goods, also Hats and Caps. .1111MIIMM.._... Trunks and Suit Cases We have it large stock In this line and would be pleased to have you look them over. GOL RI Till Londosboro. Mr, Holmes is this week visiting friends itt Meaford. A. tailor hits again commenced busi- ness in the village. T. Moorehead, of Stratford, visited at the home of Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. Cumhng had a Tory successful auction sale ou Wednesday. \It', and 11t's. Smith, of \VIngham, were guests of friends here on Sunda•. Rev. 31r, Swain, of 1-Iolmesvi1le, preached two splendid missionary sermons here last Sunday while Rev. Mr. Currie preached in 1lolntesvi1le, HOUSE ANI) l,O'1'S FOR SALE,-'I.'he undersigned oll'ers for sale LOIN 88 and 89, Westmoreland street, In the village of Blyth. Oa the promises there is a eennent-bloek veneered residence 20x28, kitchen 10x22 attached, hard and soft water, good cement stable. Must be sold as proprietor Is going West, For h►rther particulars apply to JOHN F. NIVINs, Blyth, TO \\'IUOM iT MAY CONCERN. -All itccounts owing to the late R. It, Doug- las are asked to be paid by Saturday, April 13th, by calling at the hone in the forenoon or afternoon, when i\L•, P. II. Douglas will attend to the business. On common fences the continuous wire stays ensure to bond and the locks to lose their grip under continual pros. suro of your horses or cattle, And' once they do, tho top wire, soon followed by those below, will sag and destroy the efficiency of your fence. Nothing liko that can happon to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fonco. Tito short, sttiP hard stool wird in our hingo•etays cannot bond when the lateral wires aro „„d0 weighted down, owing to their being so Wort and Jointed at each strand wire. Press oro of a horse on the top wird brings tho "singes" in the stays into action and prevents them from bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs back into place again, The lateral wires urn High•Carbon Hard Stool and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and aro also crimped at the intersection of the stays and strands to provont the stays front slinpIng sideways -therefore no locks aro needed, Buy the Dillon (lingo -Stay Fence, It's "twice as strong," Twice as good an investment, Catalogue free. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co,, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. ILLO lifixasTArC� McPHERSON BROS., BLYTII ; JOHN JOHNSON, LONDESBORO ; AGENTS. • ► APRIL t ITB, 1907--TI-IE BLYTII STANDARD -PAGE FIVE, nnlea IgE gn,,E s1s! tro!ar~.` ; o H A M Spring Clothing A A A THS RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STOItI; WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES FOR UASI! AND FARM I'ItODUOE, lteceh'od a shipment of Clothing for men, youths and boys which gives us now a most complete stock and we are In a position to sell men the most style, the most quality, the best values, andivo the biggest rallection to choose from, and the beauty of our stock is that no matter whether you want a business snit, a working suit, or a suit for Sunday best, we can supply your wants. Come and see. YOUTHS' SUITS In handsome light grey and darker grey and brown shades, neat checks and fancy striped patterns, single or double breaste(t, eanluo style, good Italian cloth linings and trimmings, sold at close prices. BOYS' SUITS 13oys' New Oxtord Suits, in handso►no groy mix effects, coat made with box plait and belt and finished with good quality Italian lining. Our leader, $:3, r A Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. r � •r E. BENDER, BLYTH ri r A complete line in Boys' hnickers, For a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods, BUTTER & EGGS WANTED As we make a specialty of handling produce wt' are paying the highest Dash prices for Butter and Eggs at our store. 'When you have any of these for sale get our prices before going elsewhere. Grain ekeuks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILLAN & CO. 'Mislay Street Blyth TOWN TOPICS. WANTED Itt once --two girls )earn the dressmaking, Apply Mrs. W. A. Carter. N. 13. GI.RRY is the man who hand- les lightning rods, and he's the than who can put thein on, Call and see hhn, TI!E late supreme chief of the Foresters leaves tt mune that anyone who has ever tried to spell it will column, has had charge of the band I'or' a year or more and by patient endeavor developed the embryo tal- ent in most of the youngsters who in a niijority forth the energy of the band. 'There are a few old-timers to steady the boys, about six, but the musical strength of the band is veru young blond, liowevr,r, they have been drilled and disciplined to that extent by the tireless leader until they are creditable performers and Mr, Cade is proud of the results, The boys consider it a rare privilege to play in the band and aro prompt and ever ready at practice, which means two nights every week, when they gather at the band room in the city hall and labor under the leader's baton. IIURov's PoeuLA'rIox.-Co, Clerk IJatne has compiled his return of the population of the various Millet - polities of the County of Huron for the year 1906 to be sent to the Gov. eminent as the basis on which school grants are made. The figures are EASTER WEDDING. --The Ripley as follows, with the figures of 1905 Express of last week refers to the for comparison, The population in wedding of n young lady well known . 1906 is twenty better than for the to Blyth people and a grand•daugh- tet' of George and Mrs. lllool'e of town :-Wedding bells pealed forth merrily in Ripley on Tuesday, April 2nd, when Dr. Knight, of (-adillac, Mich., was united In holy wedlock to Miss Mabelle, eldest daughter of Thomas and Airs. 11cBrien, The in. tercating event took place precisely at eleven a, m. at, the li line of the br'ide's parents in the presence et a to to 'I'IIE old pioneer will tell you that the frogs must be frozen up three tinges before, spring is here, TIiE household effects of John 13101r arrived 'Tuesday from Ailsa Craig and was hauled to his resi- dence above the store. Qurrr it few are involved in the assignment of the Kelly family in Morris. The creditors'nlect in 13rui• sols on Monday, 15th inst., at ten o'clock at A. 13. Alacdonitld's office. 1". S. Scott is the assignee, TIIROOGFf an error between N. 13, Gerry's store and THE S'rA NDARD office we placed the suet of $100,000 as the stock to he reduced at his big sale ; this should have read $7,000. lir. Gerry has a change of ''aid" in this week for his coupon stile, TUE BANDMASTER.• -=The Kalispell Bee, of Kalispell, Alontana, of Aiai'ch 29th has the following to say of a former typesetter on THE STAN- DARD : " Ueorgo II, Cade, whose smiling countenance ornaments this not soon forget. A NEW customs regulation went into effect March 1st throughout the Dominion, whereby all horses iln. ported into Canada to remain must be tested for glanders. • WHEN cleaning house always place tacks ori the floor points down- ward, this may require a little head work but it will avoid pointed re- marks. when the tacks are stepped on at midnight's calm hour. CHANGE Or Anvru'T'ISIt11EN'r,-- BuFIness people are asked to have changes of advertisements at STANDARD not lutes' than Monday noon each weds, We cannot guar• antee to attend to the necessary work unless this rale is complied with, In the mn,jority of cases the advta. can be written as easily on Monday as Wedt1esrlay. We desire to be accommodating but can't do impossibilities. Don't forget, Mon- day noon at the latest and if earlier all the better. year previous, but the population in 1904 was 450 greater than Inst year's, being 56,851 Township - Ashfield Colborne Godorich GreY , Hay 3.1 ow ick Hallett .,, McKillop Morris ,,.. 1900 1905 2781 2910 1605 1079 2994 2.108 8121 8010 8112 11295 8075 8008 .. 2557 2064 2830 2888 2272 '2290 8797 8755 87197 13755 2121. 2073 . ,. 1990 2028 2056 212 1000 1755 18813 1894 0111111141.101, 13t.v'rit Checker Club played at Brussels yesterday evening. Tms week IV, I', IIabkirk moved his household goods to the house owned by Allan 13aintoe, formerly the hone of 0. Hamilton. ANYONE: mailing picture postal cards with what is known as "dia- nrond (lust" on them, may expect, to be destroyed, as 110 order from the P. 0. Department forbids their transmission through the mails. 1)El.A vs are daltgl'I'ous. 1.0:)k over your stock and see if you don't require some note heads, letter heads, envelopes or business cards. THE STANDARD carries a large stock of all and executes the work with cheapness and dispatch. 'I'11E annual meeting of the \Vest Huron License Board will be held at Auburn on the 22nd, to consider the granting of licenses in the riding. 'I'Ite only new applicant is Jonathan Miller, of Smith's hill, who supports his application by a petition signed by one hundred ratepayers. Anou'r a week ago License In. spector Asquith laid informations against the five hotel keepers in Clinton for infraction of' the law and every case was established and pub- lished as follows : Normandy, Rat. tcnbury, Commercial and Waverly, each $50, and ,Graham house ,10, all with costs. One \Vingham hotel keeper was caught and paid the higher fine. Do. ,J. ,J. 1)ut.'ststosD, a former resident of our village, but who is now a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy and conducting a successful practice in La .Junta, Colorado, in renewing his subscrip• tion makes the following remark : "Don't forget that I look forward every week to the time when 1 re- ceive the Blyth paper, It is just like a letter from home ; I can't get along without it." DEATH OF PERRY 13RAD11•tN,-'1'hc London Advertiser of Friday refers to the brother of A. E. 131'adwin, for. mer Editor (.f THE STANDAR.) :•- '1'he death of ferry I3radwin, which occurred yesterday forenoon, re tnoves a young man who had been a well-known resident of the city for the past ten years. Mr. Brad win had been ill only since Monday last. At noon on that day he %% as ebm- pcllcd to give up work, and later it developed that he was suffering from pleuro•pnetunoin, Ills condition be- came such that he was removed 'to the St. Joseph's hospital on Wednes- day, but it was not until yesterday morning thnt his case was considered critical. The deceased was born 'at Lyn(Icn, Ont., 32 years ago, and for the past ten years had resided in city, where he was employed by the T. E. Mara Co, He was a prominent member of the Liberal Club, Ile is survived by his parents, Joseph and Mrs, Brad win, of IVinghanl, and five brothers, Frank, of Hamilton ; Ed- win, of New Liskeard ; Lorne, of Saskatoon ; Fred, of Kamloops, :tnd A, E., of the Galt Reformer. The remains will be token to Paris to. morrow for interment. PREsrN'l'.1TtOy.',- 1Jast 'Thursday evening, after the prayer meeting 111 the llethudist Church, the members and adherents presented Rev, Mr, Anderson with It stun of money as a token of recognition of his servi`ses during the recent revival meetings. Following is the address : "Dear Pastor, --As this Easter time coin tnenhorates the death and resurrec- tion of' the Redeemer of the world., we, the members, adherents and children of your congregation, think it it fitting time to acknowledge in some tangible way your unselfish and untiring efforts to lead us to see the beauty gine grandeur of living the in of which this Saviour is the great example, and •to accept hint as our living head in all things. 'Those of us who have had trouble of afflic- tion come to our homes have found in you a sympathetic friend and wise counsellor, Wo know that your highest aim is to spend and be spent in the Mas- ter's service, May our heavenly. Father spare you in health and strength to continue this good work and may he more abundantly crown few friends, 1'Ile interestit'g words 1 Stanley .. .. your services with success and even - that made tho.conple one being pro 1.,S:11)111311.•:. smith ... tut►Ily present you faultless before uuunc(td by Rev. Thos. W. Blatcll rl' rn city Ills throne, We desire Also diatom. ford, 13. A, The hride was charm Usbot'so gond wishes be extended to your ingly attired In a dl'essof' Crean) sill: Ens' Wtw:.nosh estimable wife and Interesting boys suhliule, triultued with 0800/1111 ftp \\ est 1\ atauo�h. and girls, \Ve ask you to accept, plaque, Her gnlllIr n 01 simile \ this hox, nut as tt measure, lint its 0 witS a suit ()I' iueautiful brown FrenchHayfield mark of ourand appreciation ml as a Venetian trintued aItt tnifitllre, 1 token of our gratitude for put.put.(dc with hat Io aunt(;It, lir and At18, votien 11)11111' highest, interest. Sign- Kniglht were greeted tit, the G. '1'. R. ed on behalf' of the congregation, A. depot by a large gathering of .citi W. Sloan, James 13eattle," Rev,An• zeas, who extended. congratulations Seafot'th •,,...', ,. 2200 2211 derson replied briefly, •thtatlting the up to the time of the rlepartul'e of Whigh (an . 2':47 '221(1 members 110(1 friends of the colgre• the 1,95 trail for Ctuli1iac, Alich., Wcoxotor 421 411 within for this very tangible 'testi- where they will wake their home, Total „„. „„, 5'3101 66;)8I molly of their' affection and especial - Towns and Villa:trrs- lil th .. .. ..... 948 9913 . , .. 407 5113 Brussels s 1072 1154 Clinton ...... ......, 2985 2097 Exei or 1679 1585 0odorieli Ifelisllll . 941(3 923)5 8213 908 Iy for their many kindly references to himself and family in the beauti- ful address presented to him. Noth• Ing, lie said, in his judgment, could be more fitting than that two repre- sentatives of those who had recently espoused the cause of Christ should have been chosen to make this pre- sentation. Ile exhorted every iueut- ber r,1' the lame class to faith in 4_1u(1 and fidelity toward the 1-.nrd Jesus Christ and commended all to bring to Ilia), gold that they might be made rich. People We Know Mr. \V. P. Spaulding, of Clinton, was in town this week, Mr. '1'. AI, Corbett., of Sellforth, was in town this 1yeek. \1r. and Mr;, P. Gardiner and son, \ve1'e visitors in Exeter tlliS week. ,\il', Ed. AleMilian is visiting at K10e11rdine corn few days this week. Miss lava (,ricey, of \1'ingham, is visiting with relatives and friends in town, \l iss Martha Wilson is visiting her brother, Mr. .James Wilson near Westfield, Alr, and Airs. John Hartley have returned from spending their holi- days at Wroxeter. Miss Ella 'Taylor entertained a few of her friends on Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. and Airs. Joshua Sharman left this week for Clinton where they will reside in future. Mr, Wilfred Weir has resumed his studies at Blyth, after spending his holidays at Wroxeter. Alr. and ,31rs. 13. Gerry, of Brus- sels, were visitors at 3!r. and ,\It's. N. 13. Gerry', over Sunday. Miss Annie Cowan, who spent her holidays at her home here, leis re- turned to her school at Grand Bend, Mr. Jos. Carter, is in 13russeIs this week placing an autolllatic boiler cleaner in the electric light power hoose ).iss May Cole, Graduate nurse, who has been spending the past month with her parents here, re- turned to London on Saturday. The many friends of Mr. W. I. McLean, M. A., are pleased to know th:it lie is rceoyering from his sick• .less sold will soon be as well as ever. Miss Pearl 'Toll has secured a school in hlesherton and left for that place on Saturday, where she intends remaining until raid -summer holi- days. On Wednesday of this week Mr. P, 11. Douglas left for Regina, to re. 50100 his position in the Northern Bank, His many friends here will wish him a safe journey. IVo are are pleased to hear that lir, Dr,n, )McLean has been appointed principal of' the Cargill School at a salary of' $500. '1'rl:. STANDARD joins with his man friends in wish• ing him sul.cess in his calling. Dr, Will. Sloan left on IVednes (lay afternoon for 'Toronto, from there he will leave next week for Ungava, where he will represent a company in prospecting for minerals, )\[r. Robert Sloan will icave next week and ,juin his brother at 'Tor- onto, We wish the two young gentlemen a safe and profitable trip, WINGI;AM BUSINESS COLLEGE Affiliated with Clinton B. C. Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue: (:eo, spotton, fill. Auburn. .J. 'Voting is getting his mill ready for the season's saving ; he has been fixing the smoekstaeks which were blown over during it heavy gale last winter. Among fhesl who spent more or less time at their homes hese during the Easter holidays were Al iss'l'ena Sprung of ,,\larkdale, Llt\ iu ,\l uslro of Si rat- ford. Cecil Echlin of C-Ioderich, Miss Rattle Ferguson, of lily► h, ,,3l iss Maud Ferguson of Clinton, Art Ferguson of 1Vingli all, 11 iss Ida Neagll• of Clinton, \\rill I-lelwig of Lueknot', Alts, Stelz e of Guls, find Miss Zella McDonald ,•f Winghanl. .\its. Jolly 'Taylor spoilt the holidays in Toronto, also .W's. All Asquith, The friends of Mrs. Johu(lthau Wil- bu d, of Wast 11'"tt auush, illS1 hell r 1 h� villu>^o, were not surprised 10 hear .0 her death which 00011)1'P(1 on 'I'harsdio morning: after an illne'.s in bell of 11'� months, sulloriug from dropsy. Do ceased \v11s burn in Kingston and trey lluu•ried there, moving t o the farm near ,1 'Omni about 87 years ago, Besides tll0 husband it fancily of t,,reo suns and two daughters are left to mourn the loss of a kind and 11ffect100,110 wife and mother three children have been buried, Mrs, Willard had always been a kind healthy \vomit!' and ryas a kind neigh- bor, always ready to give a helping hand in time of need, Icor ago was 71 years, 2 months and 22 days, She was It member of the Methodist church, .►V•IVR .Hv■►U•►1■•rV•ry.►►�.•►�r•ryn1� � .V r. it:Sftt�Sf:iiSf tiltsrSftt(fs:Sft:StuSf)::rt:Sfu�fS��f��:ftj�����`t����f��?� iflirlJ INU►Iu►h.►I r►I.IN•.►JY.►h L/N IN I I►AI � I 1 I We; (i/1 f:J :1; of: (iii rt . ,Pi. t.$) L:1; tit] rite Ln; f�1J t ; (iii :j 13 tit r;i3 (tt' (2 11 :iia z1,;* tit] 0130110g3f::if:: 00: 3fi:301201 10:3 .130 wttl(tit�f: i<rt?�ft31ti8531 .11..►I........►L. H■LAKJ►■ I.r IJ.■ll•/ JNI.►.NUN /l1 ►A.► ./ Iu New Spring Coats for Ladies EXCLUSIVE STYLES 1 2 styles sacquc fitted and three-quarter length, good materials, high-class tailoring and priced to duet your highest expectation of good values, Our prices are $5 00, 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8;5o, 9.00, 10.00 aIle 1 2 00. Jacket Cloths at All Prices ',I loch Fawn and Grey Cravenettes, made by Rigsby and priced at w1 (N! and 81.70. F,twn Covert ('10,11, 51 Inches wide, a splendid weight for Spring ,Jackets, r•"uniru' 82. for 81, 75. Ki at'ant,t.picket Cloth, black only,:,) Inches wide, thoroughly sponged, regular 83, for +2,:,0. Khar,tnta (blue:,) 11 est of England Bristol Cloth, fast dye and sponged, regular 13.50, for $3. Seamless Cotton Hose FOR LADIES AND MEN In plain black, black with Bream soles, black with natural wool soles, pl tin 'trey.. l' d r+hht',t black. We p'trtieularly mention the "SKIN'. CiiLEY NASI' t)YI:" which stands boiling soap and soda, hardwear 11,1! perspiral1011, wo .'t stain, wash out, turn green or fade, stainless and acid woof. pair guaranteed by dyer. We have Isostery at per pair 10e, 1'2.1 , 150, 20e, 2i 35e, 50e, New Ready-to-wear Suits FOR MEN Have you tried any of our good sults. It not, why not ? We present to you the new natty tweeds in our made•up Clothing for spring. These goods are shrunken, sewn with linen thread and silk, well wade and splendid litters, at per suit $5, t 6, $7, $7.50, $8, $0, $10, $12. $11, $15, No better values can be hand. We want your clothing trade, See our stock. -..a Your Shoe Stock can be replenished at popu- lar prices and new goods. Two shipments just re- ceived. of Albert and Victoria and Williams' Shoes. POPIESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. The funeral took place on Saturday af- ternoon t, Ball's cemetery. the deceits- e(l's pastor, .Hey. A. E. Jones otliciat- int:. The children livine are : George, in Alberta ; Itoyal in Parry Sound ; Charles, in (Hamilton ; Mrs Coors, at Canadian Soo, and A11.s. Pollock, in Flint -Mich, Charles and \1r's, Pollock The Altar. KNI(ii1T-Mehl a. -In Ripley, on April '2nd, at the home of the bride, Arthur W. Knight, dentist of Cadillac, 3lich., to Miss Mabelln Mclirion, eldest (laughter of Thos, and Mrs. AIcBrien, of .Ripley. April were the only ones who were alio to I3AI,n\1'ts-1'lxT.-eft Auburn, on get here for flu' funeral, 1 o the mourn - Baldwin by Rev. Mr, Jones, Mr, Wm.ers the sympathy of tht� community' is L'uld\vin to Hiss Jano, youngest extended, daughter of Mrs, .fames Vint, of Renew for THE 5I'ANDA01), East IVawanesh, I-3EM Ft.E3A.GMTJM Better than all other Stock roods. Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl -50c and 25c packages, 351131 -10T -Tri. Best Nanitoba, made from No. 1 hard wheat, also Choice Family, ALL KiNDS OF GROCERIES, LIVEIRPOOL SALT FOR BUTTERR MAKERS, Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR M1 ATS, BLYTH Are You in Business For Business? If yen had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a' hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would bo apt to make that address as interest- ing as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, It is just tho same with an advertisement in Tito STANDARD, You have the privilege of talking every reek to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. Wo stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements -yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to $20 if a city advertising expert were consult - .ed -and do it free of charge, But bear in mind that no man calif get out as good an advertisement for your business as you eon. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a'talk about it. Tho Standard, Blyth, Ont. CURRENT COMMENT •'-mora e tar's t 1.1,11•,11 Diu to I11rlud4 i1) 1!+' 111:1ar11':'u1' n; 1{ sill ( •4 lnft'1'rtll'l' 1114 '' I •:' , n ?\4X$\11111 of the 110111.11 10:1 020:111:•':,: The \(wry 1'rul,4,,,11 01 motel, 11 grtin for peace. (!;4140 nf.:.11' ;!e ell 4b�111:,,1 !' :tt •110\1 a +'•+Ill+'!+'!'''+'. It tvi1) not duwn. t":111Nda'.I1P\v ;let for the ',retention 11 4tl'lk,i and I,,ckl llt.s 111,1\ - „111 he .bud 111e public \\ill t1";''' ti.lt it Amy brute etfi,rari+,11-. '1'11,re -moil,' 1e no round tete stlik4 or due!„1114 (l'I (t1de, '+il 1,011w11, for in .'081 Wine. Ili 411(- 401111- t•y. in 1'4:01 th1 �f:l•'••U111' L, tat•."f a Lill to 1,1:\14 the playi1lg„r 1111! e 4'•Ili t t(:- ltloney of v:il)1a11c I+l'Ve,, ,l ''1111''. it %y0u11 1(e 1 sad thin). if Illi, to iliorl,.l,l,' tliversiun of 1.110 2:4att i',1/, \1•.'t'' Ida, (el un ;1 pal' with the• l';1-11i,111,1i !e eli\11' Sion of rite ulh'ywac,4. 11;il 4' 11111,4 and crap•' Gracious! The Illiuui- Ltgi•latu: ' a bill 10 ,Ill,pre.- 414 .hate, and 0 i- -aid that it i- etre' to p;t,-. 11 i- n 'limo_I'are t int -It/ It 14111 1-1lolt l 111' ;otn4.i ,144 4 <-,(''\, 1111' ►11,11111 ,b 1111,•:1l of ally 1';;144\' tri file lit'' lending- 1(141 -''If to the illegal pr.l'•- 1 ice ought to 14 ')ll l!l1 to lent .112 end 1,4 it. \o1\, here coin,, the 1.l'11'1.'1 Leine+; with a pronouncement, >I4I-er(t,e'1 to 1,\ 'i\t4(41 lt'ldnig l\Pirie) 1111y•i''NI11-4 114:(? in (1i -,sap alcohol i, n rapidto-;- wwl'tlly rt'-t(,r;(tive. 4411i)1 a. an :;bile\, of (11('t, in moderation. for I1,!'llt,. It I- 1 )o'lieia 1. 1\ cell have to -et 41e Pro. after 414)44 phy-ici.111 1i1'u\el' ('love!:uld. t'\-I'1e-(111'ut ''t 1 I'rlitltl 'tato,, ty:t- .44('114' 1.4:11, 4'!,: 4)'1 181.11 of this month, 1'11til til' Vey,' - ruela i11cideut ll4 4444' a How f3.meldl' 11.111 Ow Brit i-11. Now he 1, 11''11:1' 40''):- 1i4n4d. :1s a p0!itical lore,. i1 !1i- country. 1e may be d1.1l 11411 10 be of it. 1)1•, Torrey 1111)1- ;!ore t.hn11-044) c'; - \,'rt., as 11w 047-)4\4 of his 0111 rlt)112?) 14- yi\al campaign in 1;mffa10, In this eou 11(411011 it would 1t' intoe-til;;to knee• hnn nl:ntt' (,f hi 'i'nrnnl(4 4nn41rt- :u''' still trite to t11('Ir prole -,1,40- 1(101 leu4( ing the simple life. •.s 'There is danger of the (ii'eontinn ?c,. of the medical inspection of the \4(1)14• real public schools, begun three months ago, owing to the luck of fund=. 1101. 11011.1.t'ettl oonld letter affo111 to dl'np .onletl)ing else than this medie:l1 i0 -pee• tion. The mortality among t1e young there, especially in the ,un41144. sea,4n, is frightful. it i; always henry. The .tehoods are gl'o'at propagator, and dl,- seminntor:t of disease, and anything that can remedy this ,tate of affairs ..-hould not be cast aside because of cost. The \\'itnes says that it is morally certain that already the inspection has been a means of preventing the-prelld (1l (111e4- 1(ou4 disease. 4.• Iinffalo's Health ('onimi--i'ti'r has sued an order prohibiting the e:111Y111iing of bodies before the au'rival of 0 physis elan to determrine as to 11:4 ea 11-e 01 death. The undertakers. have p:'ltc''te 1, but the C'olnrnission"i' is uldl'a','. 114; say.: \)'item they embalm -11111 bodie,. thee' destroy evidence before the \Iedi,.!1 I:•: :!miner gets there in 411 -es of poi -nn or deaths that might have anyst4'r,4' 01111111- 1,1 to ticnl, 1!;mbalnliug (5 ((1114- a 40'ml- p:u'0tilely,1\410 thing. Veers ago they )sed to let n body go and evervtllin;f was all right. Up to ton yellr- ago they had it cooling hoard, and people who wanted to throw away $11), only, hail bodies embalmed. 1 have di, -,(;tell 10,1104 ill July aryl ,1ug•ust, and there w'a.;n't odor any worse than is; found in 41 dwell- ing house, and not half as much as i.; to he found i14 butcher shops. The laws )rives iiivl:tiin,d 'unlit -4 to the )nedieal eolleges. "No polverfnl nation e('4'r trl'a1.111 n 4an(I1li4hell foe after 0 hardly contested and coaly war, tn,ro generously and mug'n1lnlinoll,(ly than the !bilis(' govern- ment has Irra fed the litters of Uu''I'rnn-- rut1 and South Orange stntcs,'' declares •tle Itmftal() ('onnucrvia1. Premier Botha evidently i; 111 the 4f11111' 0pininn, fur he said reeclllly that "Loyalty to the )feat empire, (4t' 10'1101 we are 1)041' a se11•,g01•• lulling part, is dietnted to us, not 010' I>.y honer and i)Ilereq, but 12y gratitude. is it possible for Boers ever to forget such geuero4iity? hoe this generosity and the boon of sell -government, the Boers ore iud(;bled to the. (inyernment 0f l'luupb,ll-Ihuulerlunu, which, in direct op- positiun to the wishes of the'I'4n'y pant', granted them 1 constitution. 'May they 1)ever have reason In regrell the 110011• 41vuce repeated in thele by the (great Lib- eral nerdy. ELITE DRESSMAKING SOMOOL Teaches 1)ree. cut_ 1 end (ppn1(e.I 11'1411 in the 'trept it tine; and Making ;41 41111'' •11„11' (- on 4104 ground to See the nil iti bri:twil,•', ''s kT1 'it:;0'.' !lallie, 11111/ Ore )y/10,1 flee up 1(t nl,,r IS 1,'e-0-,,1 "•' •:1411 carriage, 1\1\11 4y c, quite ten t1/• hest system ever 1!:- A4''y,\;' i• I I trtxlneed In ('anada, tt jJ' '' ' 4" III) from 11e 111111• e'4( of full ,un,'-,• ,. `; ," 'I his is 1,0) "1)''ll':14 at w...\ lime. 1(10 now only t1:,, 1,\441(„i- - , •.,''1 il:,' 'toot glare it is r(a114 rlallgrr• tug one of tile Itl,-,,t h''t•',n pert/tot Mom:: }'!1114 ".1•, eer, 1, no i'I,,,,11„t1 1„ the 1' ,s \ 1n use given free. t('.nl t1.)' !(011e 01111-, and net 4'1''.!1;11 Mout 1 his met!, "t !Hon 4 el!,. ,\ 'lar1,1')))'') -.had,' -.31.01;,1 i,' and lticrtase your in- ` t 011, 1 !!"',l )i11' 1'4,'141 +•;11'11:1 y', I i 111, 4 -,11' - Qu ID P, s1t'Idfa''t4r1' ] t t 1 i.te.• ito- a hood 1, g)'e4'4) !?1.4.1 1,Iil0 ' 011 Gari i( refet'000(•( i""' ' / \ ' 68 1') y0tll (a°'tile �h ' ( '1.,l\ be '111:!1; 011 :4 1,1144 ,114,1 14-•1 :1.':'''11 remitting money to us. 4.t.) F '14' 10„1':1 ''f the 110441 iihe n 0011:1111. 'Chia For full 1,:,r:i''n.,1r.' i, wed Away front the baby- (.lee. gil- %Ilte 10-d44'', ' r:;; ti (40 (11 t 141 ;111', and at ill'' •'.(I),'• 111114 ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL 1 !11',41„11011. „ay, ;1 ,'.1ite)' (n The New \ oil: I? 4 ' n i 11'4 ' i',' ! e'_ r; t l n • P. 0. BOX 81 I1 the'•0riaoc h:0- utt 11 10 041 tem -ante 0V IV 0A5, 0r T. thin!, 144111 he ,10010 1y tnl•.ing 0 piece of 1.0!1:111 ;111,1 1e1111i11; 31 into the carriage GUARDING BABY'S EYES. Girlie of the Sun on the Snow is Ruinous, Jl root Valens, i".tru('t 1/r ..SIIIM11111•••••••••.•, 411101•Milm 1111111 1',14 -1,10 1-1 tile hack (if the -oat, Substitutes the Catd of a Society Lender It -'.14') -prim;! will h01+1 it in place wit 1 - for aFriend's Diana. out otherfa,1e11111':, Philadelphia lie- ',or41. 1'nlold dl'pills of •n''• •.! 1.'-- .:tr,,:1;g freeborn :1►nerit'an; "(till by it rc'ettt incident that w,e.th4' :I piaet' in literature, :1 \1.,:;1'',, at, ,121• lured family of good eller-4' ,, kit 4110' did not happen to figure .2- - :•4t 512,1,.1.- 11, certain city. rerei\'' 11 1'.e i:,•ti''o t"r a wociding among peep;.. knew rely 'well, tut 4yh11•4' 1 1'.2,1 1,10144 were rather \twee' ),r„!;' t than their own. The gift ;4141 (4d t,': the 1':i,i. 14144 a beautiful and )lpe0-i•;.'3net;. 1: \Ins bought at elle 0t the 10.44 '1 p•. ;ltd ; 414 cards of t11)' gl\''l's 1\1'1',' tl C.1 1,4 (14' With the clue): 01 0 t•en:tin ?l:'te, Time passed, the 1v'd'ling '•0))414 off, 1111 11( acknnwlodgnlenl rea'•1od 4141' t (op1e who bent the cluck. '1'144 (1''rl: 114 l)1' nllered S lippint4 it with the ,'art\•, l.'it n•'thing further 41'(4 known 0011 is :] 40:112101 1!'ien'1 of the Iwo families 148' 1!'"44,1 to omk41 inquiries 444 the bride's ne.ti'' :. holy serene,! to 14e, '13441, Vague about it. dolt it ev,tit)l'llly 'ra'tsl'ired that the amilitiml< <''-un hide 14,1 re• moved the enr'l of t11,' done'- -s and had BUlst1141) ',1 Iliat 11 a 4"Il pt'.'':14'il •'','lely leader w'it14 whom ,1o: ha('; 44! to have the merest eal)i4t; 11,1111 (l?11::nee. 11nr• per's \\*eel:iy. ]Before deriding w hey, 10 ‚1',:t - In the \\'est, let vs t4:, y• , ,4 'tet these Iambi, The best wheat 11(:,1- -- the ri".hest grazing lane'. are in this Province, \\'rite us for tail ir'fonin4tion about crops, climate 02,(1 ,I•eeia) railroad rates, eta'. Local representative •.'r.cte,i in each county. TRIER & OSG00D Eastern Selling Agents 200 C0;2ISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL Most Aggravating Man. "1 ser by the paper." said ler''. at the breakfast table, "t.h:tt. a. delega- tion of w0nllen suffragette( i4 coming 1U this country." Mr. Blinks said nothing. "And they're going 10 invade 1\'a�b• ington and make a spoer'l, to the ptesi- dent and A:i." B11111:s still ,dent, "I declare," snapped the lady, "you're the most tantalizing nnlu in ('xi,terice. There you sit like it statue, never 1 -ay - frig a word to show t hat yon don't, know what you're talking 01)out."-- Atlanta Constitution, 4 .4t. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, Nprains, sore and swollen tlu'oat, coughs, ete. gave $50 by use of one bottle, Wnr. rented the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by druggists, *.♦ Embarrassing to Father -in -Law. (Washington Star.) 'Now do you get on with your titled Non - i0 -law?" "Pretty well," answered .111'. Curnrox, "only ft's kind of embarrassing to have to address a man as 'your grace' when you are calling him down for spending too much money." Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia, 4.o Wars Started by Trifles. Countries get ready to fight. grudges Accumulated, principles 11.40' 1 4')'?? y 12(1 on Dither side 11.41 enetl puts :t. c•hil, on its shoulder. To dislodge it, only requires u trifling ineident, Net bunny wars have had 1.17e speetaenlnr prelude which went before Amrrice'(4 whirl with Spain. 'Ishe destruction of the Maine sent a flame rushing Over the pout\ ry whie11 nothing but; avenged deaths could put. out. it was like the irumlortn1 shot. fired 1/t Concord bridge, But for every internp- tional war that. 11)14 had such n, thuncler- 0119 introdlleliol 11 citizen have been set orf by the nlrre0t trifle,--1'lciladelphia Prose, -644- fellow --64 4. - fellow 11'!10 :11ar1•lt'. 11 willow 1s sometimes known ulc'r•el''' 11:1 t:i'i wife's second husband, • J • trck Saves time, because it makes ironing easier. Saves linen, because it !s; gives a bettert;loss with half t iron -rubbing, 1!4 Saves bother, because it ill` needs no cooking, .. just cold water. And it 111 CAN'T stick. Buy it #' ,v tlgti. Millionaires and Professors. Aur "millionaire" alit endow',, 0 ,n1- (cgc 4)r found: :1 chair under the impres- sion that his opinion.; t 1i) be taught therein must. bo tilt as,, some profe',ro1', are ".lover (')'lil)rs," lint as a class they arc dennier•1tic• and indepoudont, '1'h('1' think loo 402011 of their 1/pllll011- 14) bor• row allyhod\' (11-4tet-, 4101(1, being 111(1.111' pour and proud folk 11'ln-4114-. they 4spccially de<pise the rich. No doubt, there ;re a few college ((rr,•iih'llis who will toady for a big! gift or )egoist, but the ('tote -sore are mostly It stiff- necked generation. In the few reported rases '41 interference personal gllldge 011' (Taillike-, lots been 4(t the 1oitom 0f the 40111!4, .1, a matter of fact., the Smith pl'(les•O' ((i poll) lea) econolliy, for instance. is apt. to .'are clll.,lderllbfy les; ;)114)114 Smith ihal he 011111, 1114,111. the of man, Smith diet. The prefe.,sorship goes 11), 111(1 11) the ('1!11':'(1 of 1. felt' ;ear, only the college antiquary can tell who smith was, Ills money keeps on talking, but it talks the prof, --Dr's (pin- ions. New \'url: Surd, Not a Total Loss, "oh, John)" exclaimed 'nil- canary bird's dead..' "ltenlll'?'' replied her hugban,l. "11'0\1, you don't appear to b1.• gri?'t ing, very much," "No: you Dep I can ha ye it. 1.111ffed for m1. Spring hat 111111 40 4114' rest 01 the !nn. 1)rin1 won't cu -i you s1/ (11)111." Phil- adelphia Press, YOUR SUMMER OUTING It you ere fond of !lulling, canoeing, camp- ing or tho study of wild antrnals look up the Algonquin National I'nrk of Ontario for your summer outing. A flab and gamo preserve of 2,000,010 acres Interspersed with 3,200 lakes and rlvera In awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can bestow. Mag- nificent canon trips. Altitude 2,000 foot above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere, Just the pl'tce for n young 'man to put in his summer holidays. An interesting and pro- fusely illustrated descriptive publication toll - Ing you all about it Fent fres on application 10 .T. D, McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont, Electricity From Waves, Al. Young's Pier, Atlantic city, y nut' 41'11 V1! 1110101 is lighting n portion of the pier, It is the first really stievessful 4'tntri\nuee of the kind ill use. it. is 11 ill!; float 'n' buoy, 1111(1 so arranged that the 100(1011 of the swells will work it., no matter at what angle the W)IVOS run, The motor (10X44 tt 104111)1 448441 air en- gine, whieh fills large tanks. The tanks in turn fed 1 compressed lir motor, ''Mich drives the dynamo that, furnishes the current for the lighting. -4-4• Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. The iso ire of the Day. "You have been engaged more than a year, haven't you?" "Yes." "Any talk of marriage" "No, .And there won't be rt.. Jong :Hi l'ni Jinxing such a good One," --Cleve. land 1'11in Dealer, 4.O Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, •.' ".,, .. What the Stork Learned. (Puck.) The owl -Twins, eh? Ain't you afraid they'll (displease your patrons? Tho stork -Certainly not.. Cupid says he otters hears 'em telling eneh other that two ort) live an cheaply as one. 11 Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure -moat reliable medicine for baby. Used over 50 years. Rat compounded by Dr. P. E. Picault in 1855, Makes Baby Strong Rrctores the little organs to perfect health. Gives round )')rep, without resort to opium or otter injurious drugs, ,(.a At druggist'', 25e, 6 bottles $1.25. National Drug& Chemical Co. IA., hto4114nd THEE CROPS. IN ESTIMATING COST, LONG TIME TO BE CONSIDERED. .1 4403- important Ili -tint lion hetn'en le 00'.11 of 40445 1(11,1 a 11011 of grail! or other 1:11)1) ptudn,e lies in the length 01 tlllt' It take- to produce 1:4, 11 et (1111. .1 farmer, for i)) -tun,',, -1111. the gltil) in the spring of the year. It sprout,, g o's tlll'utl�ll lite (ill 1) 1e/11 4t;)r1' 111 the 11;1,14 0101 tnr 11'a(1. 1111 1111('1,, all in a few 11)11)111,, and in 111' 141t)' -hutted' I• 1a1\ested, 'Che Pili -lug of 1 404)1)') ('101) i, n ditfen', t 11:11441' ,Mired\, 114 tree 1:114!1 , if ever, i- fit to (tit (4) 4' ,:1\1- 11)1 )', I, at 11:1-) 4 hetero it 1- 1(I1\ 0l' lift\' y4;(1- vtd. 1:444 it elle 1n0a;(1 crops ti.c., the 101- c11r11 01 1.10:1:' 11.11 and the anima( amour) of ante) put 111 the lt(')'') are 0g11a1 i0 1a1u4, yet the ;til alit age 1.v• 111:1111 \1'1111 114 4,'1'1)111 11'))p-, Io'( 11, •rep• 11041' 114' 14114 ;4n a41'1' of 101,9 4411)111 11111-t ;.'11)44 hat 31:11'• ,'1 04001 their hest at Formers have the nlll'cull:;;e over 1(1i1- 1\(111'11 tele\' 0:111 (,e Itull'keterl, ;14141 :11'4 (311L'tll'e-, a4rn1'dtllg l', David (:I•tlystll, north ,ul),:ue1 11a1 w)' 1:444 111 -id, 4111, who. in the .\t401'(r;In \lagn1'inr for an :1(•11' 10 1:111d 111 10111411 4111111101 ('21(!), '11 \itll't 11, reports ;111 argument lo' bed 11'uin ;(1r grtwn, I'(1r 111'104,1 duller". h,t.ly with .1(4111 �lurkwrnther, 14 4'ery uil'ideJ int:) 1111.,1. ;:1‘4'' 41- l'U',l'!t41r, 411 befell onto. Here is a little of the plaits t1.' veru, of the animal growth of the (Ilik O'1ie), h:un(r (r)1y,on;;41ye 1(4 trees, Let 1.e1 1/i ;Ippt-e ;11-( t1:11 the net lionnirt Stnri:w'e;llher: 10111e 114 elle ;;1':U)I 4,111144?) on tee other "We dig and p11)11 1n1 produce and acre i, :d-1/ 1,n tlnllar4, for purpo,('4 111 lo;r(ug ''ao'll 1( the first 11,1114' w, 1118s what i- left to the bankers and luillion- sires. Did 1(111 peer tilinl:, stranger. that Strength All in Het' Wishbone, She is a very young girl, but she 4x - pre -'e(1 the different'' het viten pos'ssing tits' Aspiration, 44.0 all hate for dying. •„n:, 111111;' 8101 (he ia'r;rl'er';tu,'e 10 4I1e- ('('1(1 in doing it, "nll,'' si'hed her hest girl friend, coming 1)11e 1141' 140th))) (ole 41.14 :11141 ,'+,Illl11(';lllllg 1111011 snllle lq her set r'- •, "i ;.!'•t,.t aulnler hurl' it i, 1 (lett \044 -Il,'''''t'+l I0 doing 1hin'g, N, w.'4'I). It-rrlll'• le 1111' i1le11 ('very till), 1',111 11'y' 1+111" 1 thing you 1(0(11age to 4101 it, N„11, (t'•- 11i1'f('rc'nl with (t'. 1 41'1,11 to 41/ ;1 1(401 1)1,1111 4!,in;:.s, 1111 sum,11u11' 1 pl.\er ,1'. 1 L411, 1 44,1101,)' tl 113' 11 1,,?" \\ 114. ' 1;+11);11111'!!\ 1 :,e't;lllll.',I the afl,l'('- -:l i,) ' 0'' y our., I:nl '. 14110 had probably ,4\10,1 41to 0•(;(1,41 4, 0f her visiting 11'(4'1141. "1')) tell yob )(}ly it i-. Illy dear, ld' 111 4 ;111-e '111'1 41 rent -411'11 14 1'1'1'1' strong wishbone and '.11411 11 Very 44('81: )1:'),h,91/0" I'1(Indr!plli;) RrOurd. • APP[ I WANT 1 M IJSKRA'TS LARGE OR SMALL LOTS Writ). for price list, W. C. GOFFATT ORII,I.A ONT. Farmers Before Millionaires, comparison. Now runlllaro rile harvests. (in the 4414ud'lol the 410.1 i• ;1110we(1 4(1;:1114' OH - (11S1 Wiled ter the fill} }0,11-. soul 111'11 41111.11 Ont off, bliligh file I(11Idred dul- 1:cgs, 1)11 the gra111 114'0)', 00 the 0(he1' hand, 1) crop 141)4.41 len dollars is taken of at the cu'! 01 the first y4:)) lnrty. nine years before any crop wha le%el 1, 1ake1 ofd' lho \l oud lot. :-:np(wse this tom dollars is put :}way in the laud: for the 114\t furly•nine yrur,. Again. 01 the end (if he s('e•• nn11 year (1. e„ two years from 1 1)011 the (Tee seed`• ;Ire -))\111) 144 got 0111)111• ( 11)11 dol!:Ir, front the gr.'in nerd', Sup- po-e this. tut, is put in the look this time for fnril•0ight ,vena. ,(11 O0rse. :\1/d 441p1)0'41' farther, that this is done 11'1111 each telt dollars revel%ea for the grain during all the ye:4)'' foil,n jog audit the wood lot is cit. if those yearly dep)42(4 of ten dollars ere left Init(nc'hed, we shall. 1(t the end 1/l fifty yea's, have the following am- ounts, according to the rates of interest: \Cith interest at 2 per cent. per annum .. .. .. .. .. ..$2.09348 With interest 11t 4 per cent, per 01111)1111 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 1,52880 11'141 int('re.st 1t .1 per vent. per 11111111111 .. .. .. , , .... 1,127 95 \\'it•ii iiitere.t at :1 per cent. per annum .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 8455 80 A eal(u'.111i4)11 411e1 as the above gives very good reason why (1n11. if fertile en- ough 10 produce agricultural crops, should be devoted to Mese crops ruder than to forest, 'frees trill grow 'satis- factorily on land that is altogether too p1or Ing 1)4rienitnral er(p.4, and nIl that the 11(141(4(11(1'4 (4f l'('•fore (ing tisk is that the 1111(1 whirl is too pour forae•1'ienit.uf- ltl er0p4 41011 be perman1.111 devoted to forest, \Then that is done, there will be 811ffiviont, forest to provide employ- 111en1, for :1 large number of foresters, The English Language, Of the common European languages 1':nglish is the most widely spoken at the present time, and seems to be increasing in popularity more rapidly than any of the others, In 1800 about' 21,000,000 peo- 1.(o spoke English. and in 1900 )(bout 120,000,000, In the same interval of time the number speaking Russian in- creased from 31,00(1,01111 to 80,000,000; tle111lnn, from :10,0(10,000 to 80,000,000; Frcmeh from 31,450,000 to 55,000,0011; Italian from 15,000,0)10 to 33,000,000; Spanish front 20,00(I,000 to 45,000,000, and Portuguese from 7,480,00(1 to 13,- 000,000. ----Chicago Chronicle, Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, 4.• Champion Jumper of the Ocean. The most stup.1141ous of all leapers of the sea is' the whale --but the whale is not a fish, 1 have seen n monster weigh- ing hundreds of tons, possibly eighty feet in length, rise slowly and deliberately out of the water until it appeared to be dancing on 111(2 surface, entirely clear of it, then sink slowly back. Such a leap is on record in the annals of the British navy, .\, large whale eletu'cd a bout, going completely over it, an estimated leap of twenty feet in air ---how many in it lateral direction was 'not known: - From "The 1')igh Leapers," by Charles h, Holder in the Outing Magazine for Feb- ruary. 4.0 (Yonkers Statesman.) lfother--Tommy, tittle boys should be seen and 1101 heard when taking their soup. Tommy -How long will it lie before I can take n1y soot) like papa? 1111-t 1)f 414 10(14 1)1' (1e oi,rld have been fought for the control of this farmer's second 1a11e? \\'o farmers sitIntel: coil- f0rt11,ly after .dinner, and joke with our wive~ and play w•itll 0114' babies, and yet all the rest of yon fight for the crumbs that full from our abundant tables.' i con -ides \If\.IIIU't' t,INt\Il?N'1' the Itl'.S'I' liniment in 1)4r, I got my foot badly jammed lately, 1 bathed it well with \I1NA1I1)'S I.INI- 31EN'I', and it was as well 144 ever the next day, Yours, very truly, T. (i, .\1 '311•i,l.1:N, Mistake of a Lawyer, CJliclluclli, who had to leave on a jou!, ney before the end of tt case begun against him by a neighbor, gave orders to his lawyer to let 11im (snow the result by telegraph. After sev'er'al days he got the following telegram: "Bight has triumphed," 11e 1)t once telegraphed back: "Appeal immediately," -11 11 undo Um. oristico, ♦.0 ie you encourage tint! Bell/ -41a, ;,1st, Vs keep my hand in. ISSUE NO, I4'?, UM,, HELP WANTED--FENNALE, %y' ANTED-G(1M) 1'LA11 !, ,lo P„It (11n1ily of five, on '1,!' metint0,:1 tot,. , Hamilton; all ntnderlt , 4,1.1 1) !.l, 1/r.. MR 1(1 anll µ11111411c:• Ite44. ,r"ud 14,.,;' 4 Ari - (treat; JIra, 12. 1,1, Irl e. i,ru:'Idre, 11rtw1ua. MISCELL .ivI'.(1ttS, v.rw.MN,n+�n••rv..-vw,i,i+.,n-v...1/..•,; ..•......... V( . LE\ROY'S FEMALE PILLS A 4nfe, nn,o 4)111 „41,1, M t': ml11 teFuln tnr. 4\4,1'1( 1'11111 bu,n 1,.•4 ti-' r tet )114/1. for over are, 4 nu •. lam !•11,:1,1 0.73.1%114e for rbe pwp"en') 'l;;m.:, 41111 :1)o goa"t1.. 14441 i.y the:t(V.rt4 l.url,'n041,111,far 1441(11c',1441141.bile)' (.14)) 4114 )'I of 1' )000. f',',11 0,e'1-) of 1,1.,. LII) ROY PILL CO.. Bolt Ott, 'Lunt tion, Cann to. What the Spaniard Thinks of Us. The 4"piuli:u'(1 rli,d:;ire. us, Ile 144)) 101)4. of a-, \\'hat (lues he (sur for our psalm singing? \\ hat. 4\011, fur Ong ,1)1)411,' (1011111'5? Beholding with a kind of -toL'I ees(acy the 114e111 '1/11 tli-.IO,ur'', \•110111 11:114 04 el()k,n hig11 fin:lute in the 1'11• fled States, hr points with pride to a line of eorruptiou n lluuSand yoarS old, begat 12,1 system, born in tradition, 1 x• ),ling 1y'-uffor11n01, one layer of p1,4•11. Indult re -til); upon another, al) pertect• ly umdclsl(4 0! Dud nobody res.+istilg or oyell protesting, "'there," say's he w'ilh 111 air of triumph, "wit!? its it is live and let live; with 3'041 it is dog cat dog. (vivo IIIc the good old \i(es of Spain,''----Ilcrlry 11'1111 crson's Letter, Scaly Sitin Diseases --Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, etc. --yield quickly to the healing power of Mita Ointment. Why sutler with the burning and itching? Why let the thing go on ? Don't be miserable ? Mira costs only 50c. a box --6 for $2.50. Get one today. At druggigi -or from The Chemins Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -- Toronto, "Arai' hours after Mt if til npph'talti4,t," writs fin Cbntjl,tu, im Firfutun Av., A'., liatrrillon, "011 great t ettrf. Alma has wonted wanders for we." (Ile had 1:rzema furpat s, \0.444 en o:ttiog the centime, with tdi. trsck:ark- icft.1 .(�. Pit(:enc MA/0( RLGISTLR 0. A' Ytt0us')' Burglar's and the Underwriters. Burglary is getting' to 1e too m?loh like an exact s,.'ienc4 in this city of Newt/ York, Families t have been robbed a•0 much d'(<s:c(ie,f(. 11\ith their experi• pinto. 1 t1111(ip that have not bent 1'00, bed dislike the f4o'..ing tint they 1n214t 14110(1 et 300)1e like pigeon, waitp11s.,r 1(I I, lolled. Iu0'uraftee 1)g•; in21 burglary in, getting to be Os comitm)) among 1(11,4' holders as in''',u'unee 11agitist fvre, Pos. :Ably relief may rump from this very praeti01 of insurance ngo,!I1 (. burglary. The board of undcr''rilelt, ,is (.+on11):'11)91 by' its busint'la to be iy'.(4cntativolly 1).k -t to diminish the chance of tiro 1014(4(1). It bun'hlnry in"1)11411(11 bets ones prevalent enough there may be a board of Imre:•ltta' fighters, whose hunin(ess it is t4) ttbatb honsebrat kinfer, )Inr.per'st 1Vccelrly, I'T'CH Mange, Prairie 6cralche!e and every form al contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lottoa, It never falls, bold by drugglets. One Kind -Hearted Chauffeur. "Yen, nand the Ilrs( chauffeur, '1 attrays give a aeries of loud toots whoa I see a Inas in 't111) rod." "What!" cried, the second chauffeur, 'you don't mean to mare you give hien warning?" "'leavens, no! 1 11101411 T toot when 1 Floe hind lying in the road htu'k of me to the neem) may come 1(11(1 take him away." ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchessand Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess Egyptian Lisle For Children's Finc Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery Manulaotured for the Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNITTING C01, LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, IMPE ;! V[ I U 51iEAT: ING In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, etc. GET OUR PRICES. The E. B. EDDY CO, Limited HULL - - CANADA Agencies int all principal cities. "11111f atutIVC(11enm ,Danner• Mado of high Carbon Wire, -we'll prove it to yott. COILED -nut Primped, This makes it still stronger 111 sorvico, 11 stays taut, Painted WHITE over heavy TILE :M As C;,4,?, WIRE ire NCII: C©M),PeN1l, 1LIMITZD, 0, gnl\'Itn1zlna•--rust proof, Experienced dealers to ('root lt. Load.! all in sale. 2011 --114 in merit, Got iilustrated booklet; and 1007 prices buforo buying. Wnlitar rr.P) o, Torozat'o, 1'+Zontrer3, St, John. W9csniperIC „_,..,...,.......,,..•,......,..,.,„,,,.w.........11••.._........ .,..».••••_._row ........•.....••..___•.............. _ ”" ".. .« 4 1.. --MAY jos;o!1 1 • - ., 1, f II I: 1, J' '! I:;;I!•, It:III• I• "Oki i al, 4041'.11i11r'y4,1I I ; 1111 I ';, VW .% 111',1 Irl: , ;,.1 L1'( .11114.''2 I!apl. 111.:1 I','1 •, 1 ,111111 nu; I. 14.;1111 "'1'111 111'. 11', 11 111::'11 I• 44'1'1 1.01p;!,ifi • :11!11 ,j!!Illfa'; lo 111, r'' I Ile, •1•1,1, 111 1111 n;llrl!Illllr u!!:1i:1 I 11011114.4.. ,11,•414.11 4.11111,1 t]o longer ,•,•I;,t ",1111 bl!I:•)'lt. The • e%erit y 111 1118 11.1:1•\ 118P Ilmei•tl'.I11' giNes ugly I11 the oat,lilli I'1'!jllr, 1.1 t111. IIx111 !11x1 1112! brother. 'I') go nut '1'11114 121 the I:;:ypliuu,. 'I hi, 110, I Il) order that. Ito might gjle frac and !'1111 re)pe 111 his It t+us the part of lrradnnco I., pre est the ,ins of hi, brethren front I'1 'tris, knn\vn. _!. 11'ept 1111)1111 Front the fu1ii'.s of eveito:l mnlnti0ns, "'''his i; the 11.11,11 t<a3 121 vide)) (Menials express ex• is et feeling,. I'ulpit ('(1111, Heard- -- 1 (2' may 1(11111 the r'rvent, 1411)) mai. 11,11" blm within the bound of hi; voice, 111 'the \14.(14 fluty only signify that th1, 1'')4'1'2 11'141, I,r1111;:I1( to l'Ildrltnll'; house' I. 14'.) :I. 111111 J0,=1'111l 1'111 11ulln'u1 41!1:" I) 1212111'1 tongue, the long tem. tlll'I.,11.r.it tcator'', \void.' all 12t once •I 4.i!:, the a'ppl'e111ll.iux of the brothers. - 1Iiiplla. Troubled-. They betrayed their it rr„r by shringim; from his pr(,• )'111,'. Thr memory 1I tell' -in; I10'y 111112 2': iI milled against Jo.I'1)h 1.,11112' from 1141,1 111111 great force, 1, l'ul'l near to no- "lie ids OP:, 1114111 II) 1111 free 1114„1•, "u )411' Jl,r'ph (If the gospel hid; 11s 4041:, to hint." The gospel 1111. ,alge "2'1,11.1 moo met" it is the 4 ntreat 3' 111 1 11.' '''111 into I':rypl 11 4:15 IIIIpu,,i• 1,1•' to isiele allu•inn to their early trick• 1,111'.so hot I hi, Joseph dor; in a spirit ie.', of angry' upbraiding. but of el'1'ulid 1,11'(1 mid (ender rbm11it3'.-Pulpit ('4)111, :,. Ile out -"111 =poke 01 11x'11' 11,11'111 ! .11111 111111 1101 11., tl0111111 1)11!11' 14.4.11424.';, b(1 Li w'11111111' 41111111 171 his j4le1,1ila ; 1111 than 10 era, -arc I1i111!r, 111' 1lalIl l 1111 agl'111'1' 11 :111 04(1' I;1bli;r too\id••t,1l1 111 h1; exile all( )II'',ent. !loom," Ohl :'11111 1111` "1111,1 11;111 their 1 it 1') aecnmpli.,h hi. purpose, Ile did el); need t11(1r cvjl; 12' 110.; It. t11011-uud I 'I'1) pre- serve111 ur�oolpli•iling hi. 111( •. seri')' Ill.. Net, only )(114. lire;, btu the 1:::3 pilaus unit the people of the neigh. Lerills ,1404..21 ries. The prineipl), !121(1 down by •3n,1.111 111'), 1. —That 4411)11 .in• nor- arc 1 uc„ttl'a:.;''1I 111 11upc 111 GA'S 0114.1'1'. 11114' Iii'' 1141 1/1110112 1\111.1` for 111114. -in," That God jI aide to make )f the \412.114..1 (Minns of wiel<ed men J`ur the ndNitle.ein1nt4,f;iIcorkn/ith ti. Neither h( tearing ----"Shall "(Oa paintnd wOUR�HOU HOUSE instouide of color for freshness, beauty and strongth. TO koop YOUR HOUGH) cheer- ful and br1(tht throughout 'um - mor and winter. TO brand YOUR HOUSE with quiet ele(4anco amongst Its fol- io -we. Price lust right for the purest and beet. Write for our Post Card Series "C," showing how some houses are painted. A. RAMSAY a SON CO., • Moidrul, Est, 1541: 45 PAINT MAKERS therm, fearing that now .1.1s1 ph would hate them, again plead for I'urgiv'(I1)4 , '1'1214" -:lid 111111 their father before h1 died 1!111) tool them to ask Joseph to for- give thein. 'Ghly had probably' aa:(d their lather io help then! 111 their trio'. 111'. Jae,), must have advised Them to h111nL1'' Ih'twelves before th:'2r brother, and .4111,1141 it fresh t1,111'allll'a of fort. ivI'• 111.,, I.. Forgive, t'1(', -.-'these 14nrds need' .pulcin in II 54 1y (n 11)1)1('111 111 1114 1110.1 I'ur,'iblr manner to ,Joseph's piety +11121 filial affection. Joseph 44(4.- "111 '44pl out of .3'nip111hy 111th their dell sorr)u of Illu.11t' years," Is, 1''1)1 ,!01111 I'hns again and again 1111 w( '1'4. tb) iunu'nt of .10;ep11'; (II'1'alll, ju a r'nx22'LA111m Illauliler (,hap. 37, ,i"y I. I!1. ,1111 I in the plate of (loll --- I bar' forgiven Volt and the mutter i; 111,4v be; 21'111 yon anti God, 1 and not your Illd:1 to punish 3011. 20. \ i' meant 4.22) III, \',) .Ind what they dill 11'0'4 hist n• nicked as: though the 4.e.oill + bad been tlisa t1'ou;, • 2'1)2'. lyltlr:?, I, 1'4 ;.1.iVe t2'1ld(111'. ''.1 t ,11 (1)1111) not rehab' 1111111„'11 IV, 1,) "Ile wept ,11141d” Iv, .2.1 "Ili. kis4ed all his brethren and wept" (v. 1:1.1 1\.11( n Joseph's brethren, r ith n\I'akvnlll 'uns.('ience, said Inc O another. "11'4 are verily guilty eu)1em4•t]- i!1;' (4(11 18.01 101," J1s1.1/11 "iIIi'In'll IIIIil?1')1 :I boat 1241111 1111111 and 4x1)1" 1lieu. \Iji. LI•'_'I,1 \111)'11 after Inn;; year: of ,,par• allot] 114,„)111 agrlin looked into the f:l('1! 1)1 111'1110111111, "111' r:)Ilgllt• 55114'1'(: to 45('2')), and ler mitered into his eleau1)1(1' and wr'.t 2!'re” ;:en, x!iii, :10,) 11.11'ii once 111«1:1 '' l21( :. from their grateful testi• 11111''' 11:' mil- clasped in 11)1' 111'111)4 of )115 1!!1415', From 1111.;1' the following 11 (1'e fon'' faIher, 11' "n vitt on his noel: a good 1011) at 4.'11.111111: 01' )d)21'ing n0►• 11ar4(sit. • R. \'. "1'.422' is wilily" ii 4,11, 'hl, 20,) \\limn after til' "1 \\u, Iyou lIr41 for ,11111.4! week; 1122 4)141 Eng6h word meaning 11 plow. 7. death (i ,Ionil his brethren donbt'.,l 111': with :,alt rheum in hlual, and .tl'll 01111 Creat deliverance --'Phut i,, 111111: you, who lu40 and prayed t1 "forgive" t.!um), ".lu,• Esu', ;king' a ,,)ly1 wh2(11 did 1111' 111 110 2))"! new but a handful, i!apiug tri' 1.1)11 11e!)t Mien they spathe lilt) )4111' pod, Ih1 11'11ving 0 .upP13 of %tn• danger, might. grow 1111(1 IL Vast 11111111' I4t1 i. 111, 17.) J0-•rp11, ten:', In let".1) 111111 1 2I) 2)li('al it, and it really se(uled Iu(1e, --Henson, 8. lather to Pharaoh11)11' ail through 1111' yr,l.r, ilii 21et.rt to aro like magic! 414.1! itching :221d burn. "I lis prinelpll ekeinseler (1f ,;(ate, and to 11,'1(1 only I(nderne-s for thus( 1.11 (tad in); (''111(1 122111 111 It few day, the skin hu 1'c the authority, re.,pre; 1111(1 pu\Vi i' w2"rge)l 1,1111. Sorr(1V hail not 1(nl) him was 411121) 1 111111 11111 1hv." Si) writes 11)111 for the .oke of blue and 111411 1,'. of 1), father 1.2411 11101,'' 21, (lo 11p 10 1113' 111t''r. The !;winery of his wr1,ng; 14111 .bliss 1'., .1, fiutrhard, (1f North Kypp1'1• ''1n ,r i2. ‘v0111,1 not he pos,ih!' 1)11 •-nrh father --"sly, desires that his fat her( might 11.11 r:ull:lyd, Iluw like hint rebs ''4.111111! "'2114.'4 11uxes of YAW -1111k cured 1114' nn 11('';1.110 a; this, 1 11111.1 201 muter speedily be made glad with the tidings 11111(1 his win, 1111'.1 his 11411 received him of Eczema, frust 4.;111411 I had .;1112111'.1 into I}1)' i.,uc, which 4,14.4./ raised either of his life and honor." 111. Land ill' Gosh- 11i1" (,11,1111 1, Ill, 3'''1 1514,4 life was 11 lung tins'," 'u •ay; Alt's. Wadden, be 411!1 Lieutenant(,vlrnur u4. by 41 III' en--l'Iohubly this district had I,t'('n al- one lux,, emt])assionl Jens wept m,'1' of 11un)nn4jlle, 1111,!' old 24.14.11,1 11 r, Ilubl21'in Smith; but lotted to Jrtnel►11 by the king of Egypt, Je1u•:Ileln (Luke 10, •I1) 1 hr wept at t.1)4' /.11111 IJuk ('112 (1 11 ease 1, l' 11!11,)'•1 (1111 I will -0y, 1111, I will 414: yon lo else we can mear'ely think he could have grate' ill' 1,,14..114.11; (11(11111 ll, .1;.); he \rel►t poison in Ino 2;1111113', 11111) 1 y,i,11 to ,us)11nd yourjudgment ;pun all the., promised it ho positively, without first 114 Ill;, g;n41rll Illeb, .1, 7.1 :\1)d t).1113 ;haul): you for the I.9( bl(ssii1g 11. hu; 11110!,,I i)u; in whi(11 it k alleged 411111 114.1• obtaining Pharaoh's eonse«t.--Clarke. Go' III! i; the 'ams ;;and Sul)ultitul4 1)l mow ,4.114/41," k the .(feel of a teller from tis11 diPlnlnaa'y tial; not dune its h(+;1, shorn way u. port of Egypt, east, of toe 1'1'11:r -1;111110 1)l, -i)1) 2) iiI ! 10, 3:112)(! 1:1,) '12'201.4d3"::""111.)11.111411)1/.1 111•.1413 , wrlrr'll .4214. 11'rbh, of 1)c14(reohli 1. for pub l« I hch1 matters you have Nile, 1'elf•watelrO and fit for rutile, and II,,, Elle prulligul, h1' has cnmPnssil'll \Ind ;u num 4.011111 g1) 111 rluntillg mx• only heard 4.)111! side of Ill,' vas', (nil 1 not; only • - - - ..♦ _ i...4 also .l.1). (I,uk(' 1120); seeing the 11un;ry, sheL) therefore, most proper for the Isr2lites, or Eruct niter 1x44.1144, showing how %5m- ''eel it is 4413 duly to m3 10111114.3 and bird(' -s nl2iU1ttide 1113 hats con1pa"1)111 link' enre., ('hemi' sore,, ulcers, absee.;s- to the Government which 1 reptesenl 20 in (;ad's time they alight 1vit)1 the least ;\1,114.' 2(1.:111. , , es, bad leg, hell, and blood poison: tuke.s toll you this that I believe you 1119' en- dir,advwttagel return to ()mann, It wn'9 li, Pel;i4y priVate,3, ('1411;4. (44.4'3 1111 ;04.4111-- 1111 ill But; nod burns, 1111(1 2irmly Ins-tAkru if yon 41111114 Ihnl, 114211. (cry fertile, for it was stated to be 111`' 1112411 t)\g„uut ll'm(1411„” 14", l 511;1; .bus v • ►I 11 NInrisit ice • Pharilr•lt I'''1",',4112,211,'%." 1-'4. 414.; 12)54•, hrn11hy ;kin nvr'r in•jnl'm41. nr j,ll !i)IInulry ha, 21(4'11 j(l)IIf e'mnt t1 114 e- 1)fth1 the of 1,-31. „ I lie.. (.m8111.11111. Nlntl tdi's:'a,ed )I::,v 111 ,tore; end drlirrl,t5 4'0110410 .o' I(Is not (1111"thy lint jl CallI41 Ulle('--It j4 1,21(2 (11113' of children, 11 the r f hjs su11j(mtl< \4'),P. 1411! th..1.: t a ;t„all at nifty m);t.\ a box, 424. 4114. %14.111• fur (',Inu2lu. n'c'('s)lty ill' their parents does at am /r'; 44.1141)0 bru11'ltt tum inti 1.gVj(l I.inlu re uire it, to support Inld supply (len 411, 1.,,) luil.hfIltl3• he (;12212. \•tt11 ilul: (')nlpat713, 'j')1'1ntn, 1'111 1111111 for "Having said Ont. 1,'t In( say' for the thein to the ItlmoSt, „f their ability. -- there , future, (s 1 eau prove for the past, that, 4 c 101(1---l1) verse 18 thele in private; 11!1.04'• rl,huke of child- 111'11'4.. thee' i• i; every s(1Li)n 1t' 110 British Henry, And 1113 hon,11ren should to.. 14.10'11 1e are absolutely A MODERN SODOM. Joseph sp(nkis of "th'!1• hottieholds,' givr•nrks luteld F^ _ p'uplr 4.111 warmest sympathy for ('nn 11111;14. milli 11111111; oar fur a'!: and every d($ii'' 11(111 all w1 can s21rnyiIIg (.22221 each of the patiri!u'uhS 1(2)41 l„' mxl '11, 1 1 when all )111(1'10 hot L10°n 1, r t Fails ! now his own family, besides the !dill 'ho 11.14, „ff'n411)I ns 1,r' 4;)1(11 "tut Ill sbl 4.F Chamber of Commerce Fa 11 to l . ,hall b) dune 11 see11r justice for Find Fifty Hottest Men. • ('all!uda in '441•)' rr.peet. 01'1'11111,4.) larger family belonging to J5cu1t' fried' us. ,' y \ud I 114:13 "'III!” t(1 -2131 sur 1113 ,1''f 12. 11y month --Up to this time he hod In lorgIVe and sect: reeollel,m•t)l►il. 1'iti,h,n'g�, April 8,- .1t the 111101151 din- ' Fp(I<en to theta ll►rough )22► interpreter, ;e Ih 1140.14 himself lnu,ten nolo hi, for of 1110 ch.' who'. of 2'unlmrre) n1\t,' 1111(1 1 111 11111 (1111114 axyuxe all! 0111«) but 11154 he, speaks in the 1l1brPW longue, 11' l,, „ (v, l ,'('here j4 ;11 4.(0111( {102 'I'htu,11uy the Immo, 1)f i54(nl3''irIIL hell' IN :1ntbA�sndl11 rrrl0iula 111'4111111 1 lu'5tht, n ) nut • -11 I were 1)"t 14.4.-1111.1)y Ih1)1 thud 1:1.:111 my glory -11y 41110111; this 11114 out Joseph's brethren tried to discover Elim, 11114hilrg 111'1 whom tar l'he11nO'r 14110111'. 011• , . 1)I' pride, inti from live O 11is1 aged• fa . •I brother who had been haled, envied -.Mils really righteous ail' b' 1111 ! is 4.111 feeling ill' the linlis11 prnplr, And titer l<now!ng w1111t )lensnre, j2. 440(11(1 I l.l'. ht reveille(' himself. 1. Ile revealed ; meed. Thi, is 11x' 2'41111 1,1 ow 1,111,. ! that it i; buy duly, in 11 re)11'1,elaali41 �, 1 road 11411.1 i e 5 u' "L Am Jus( )11" (v, 3), Si) the iic;lti)n o2 int edilurinl in al 11151',1 moon• , e:,p:lrily, ' dilly 1f paruneoltni ililpnrl ti11iy'innr reek,; the sinn(!r (Luke 1!). 11)).1 Ery 41(55: 08181.'•1ha1 if l'ittsI;4.g had (':• 1 ;;Ic(, lo -1'114.)' Jnstic' for ( 1110.1,1, (,1P• , . 1 ali1us,'.) '1'114. 112:11 of Soli() .,es fleet ir4enls Elim- I j,t(d in 1h) 0141)'11 111111!; il, 21•onld have I _ �._.. born tip.; 4.,'y ell ;1,, •4111 Sodom nth! Como 1 R • .11e n- J'cn,; b;r;nl,' "ll' hull �a5e' 4 l ' (0.1.;,,11, 1 VAA'COU\PER CARPENTERS, (Mutt, 1, _I 1. 111 are';1s the ler;14:2lor------ 4.40111., — Iiiir1•ying to 1)llll;lsel,; 11)111 in answer to I''h1' "ill of ('„IIlnl('('('1! ,l u;lg 1)l' 1lllli'$ qnP;tion bays. "1 111)1 ,Ie'=11':'' I.\('tel tins (onnnrnt, started out to fin41 fifty Reject Proposal to Arbitrate Sti'ike Under !►, .i1, _'. 111 revealed his ulfemtiun, "I>ofh !Pully righteous men, '('11ca have (hiitIly, 1 New Dominion Act. Ina' father yet liVyf (\. 3). Nut.'' ward sel'et(l twenly.1'igllt Mimi' (hey tllinl: 1»ncouscr. .1L'riI :•i,•- '''Iii' Vancouver of re•pr4aueh, 1111 al lhre!It'. not a denim' will Lla-a latish'''. Leslie 11111111'5 Inv being ('ary:'nl(r,' '1.111011, 1111 ir1•.'111ber- „f c'ji(jun. only a boring inquiry tIi kept '2144.11, 0(141 ni,t )ern 111);;'n thew- which u') 1n strike. he111 11 rnufer)'11t"' dear old father, .111(1 when "t 114'Y wiry .(IVP; 1:71044 J:at. they Lure been s'• 1111') uflml'I14r;2; 2)2(41 ;4'2142 nut 0 -101,',11)1;; lrunbled at, 1114 pre:;(('('," and ;111111: 11,,,11,,1, 111101 41114.4. 1111)11421, u�;o Ih' liuilde;'s' I:'; 54421\•, by solid, "Comte Ileal' 211 the, 1 1'llrlllll!•,!' 4: a'I'P 112111(1('1 iilill `'t, ll) 1'''' 1) 14 Vint'' (\;.:1, d), '1141+ turd say,,"C.(1111(1THF SPREADING RAII. AGAIN. )(1',114 b( asked lifter ,1p2jI 1st, 1, iron, Illld lei:, us 1''{It;011 logethrt Ifs', I. `,sinister of 1,0111!2 1p10',tled 11 by 'be 18 "Come 111114) me„111141 I: 44.2)) give you It Sent a C, N. R, Train Into Ditch at bl11il:ler,, -11.40-ted a11111lation 1x8411.1. 111;, IrruSi;i)nH were nuulm, :11. I'irsl; Jucub'4 l,(,sL'' l\1011', Il. l."►l; "('isle 1.1,11.1:11 elm 011:) Rosthcrn. la' •11('411'1 flIIl)l'd, 21111 u'Iml) he sass' Ili drjllk” (.111)111 7, 1)7) i ''l'0Itl121121 122c •(4.n `1,.,k„ aprtl 5.-9'114 Cnundlnn "w2lgu ," and 1111 ''gold things of ! wilt el. of life freely" (liey.'22. 17); "(',illi(' itosworthies 1 1 o,ngrr tra1,1 goliIg north 5408 de- I' 1_!111 It," his IOirit reviv.(+1 11)01 ht believed ' •1ak'd 11)1; it.11lt►)n4Ilip, ''1 41111 Jos- 111111311 here ut :4.:A the,; uio'ning, llnly oar )11111!.1 lie fallllll1113. Iter,' :I lh 111.11:0 de - 4v11111 Ili, suns Enid. So Christ makes 4 II(. Ilyour brother'' (v. ')I, The.., 11111 cure remained on the rails and the mill calx 11111 're jllVulV)411 Noon' 118 4) 11'24 the 11 II ! 1'4 1't 11 )4 for I ;n .r c' , PL(11, n ti, I)'' •!1111 411111' 111•utl:el , 1!t(' 1; )veltt11'ne'1 In the I1111')l. Mall( Clerk Cieorge )',t''. I III ( j I) I . 11, . I I ill 111. „, ,1).l• 111111„I t 4. I I1a141:I11s !pt., lord Injuries' to 1113 bae1: ;old _. The tourney 11 lgr)1t. (411, 1.27). ')'ht' 1 rnoer 12.01) "I ),vld.' hut' yuut' 111'')111''1'; t.; iuldly sliul)cn up, but not seriously in- able n - 4- -4 4422011! family with their flocks 11)1(1 12104'• ' go hilt 3',11)1' hrot'hel', hared, her1rul pnsre'agers' wero shrines up, \\TILL RETURN TO 1 E2.1"A,`.'T, 111121 your jnll� , 211)11, ))1'))144'13 made the journey (1111,1)1, „ 1 n -) hot noun hurt baldly. ' Engineer 1It ,i' nests and ! 11'. 1'017111( 113111 comfort I: ('o r. -. 1 1'h'e;xul 1Valpolo .''tuck 20 (heir nests and Rev. W. McCaughan, n Former Toronto 25O 11111125) 2.,' Eg,Vpt, :).:I'he meeting of .,Joseph sal,, "I'4! not giifVmd, nor angry ur'IIIIrP 14114 hurt, ,4 eprending roll 54.119 4110J. fi ' 1111'014. 1111)1 Joseph (del, '�fi•:)4), I, '1'11) 5Vit11 yourue1Vctii, t1n•t 3'4. sold 7211' {ihit22(r; er.nee of oho acuhlelt. Pastor, Will Go to Ireland. meeting of .Jacob and pharaoh (17, 1.10). I'o' (and djd 91311(1 atm befufu 30(1 141 ')11''!' Lu:ul/n, :1pr11 8, The Irish I'r1'sby Joseph tiI1044.5 11!4 nuhlcue5g (1f yhat'nl')4')' srr4'e life.” Ile comforted thein with 1114. BANQUET AT LONDON, ter11 n ('Onrh has agreed nnuninnlu;ly 11 by not 114111114 1141111111'.1 )I' hiA ugmd father. t'han�l)L 411(12.1 tem, m411 JtIII'Lln) e \Vas Cold's 204.2113 1141•, W111innt .1(1)11 \ie('aogfian. r,,, .Illcob blessing 1214 x11119 (Phrps, 48, '111). roof, providence, "Tile pn1riv'e1', moved First Annual Gathering of the Canadian pastor 1)f til 'l'h1rd p2esh3•21rien ('11umh .111(1)21 takes Joseph's sons, I':plu'A2)71 and with Ienvy, sold Joseph! into F.gyp2'' Club a Success, of ('1114.11;;4), 11 become polster of 1114 May ,\Iuuu4,eh, As 1114 own 81118 (48, 5) and (Acts 7. 0), but (God !'sent" hint (1'sa1 Loudon, qnt., Aprll il.—ler, Thmntl.9 .5[ar• 4124.'1 congregation its Belfast, makes them hinds of Iribcs, n11rl 111111(1'1 105, 17). "1'e sold hem, .lon(L)l► said, Ile• tindale, tbo 1'hllndolphtn merchant, 1111(1 a ,I 1111111) 11111 leading tribe front which the de nut dung 1wi truth of throe stn, but oek'c,1ent Loudon . .).old boy, MI r 11'111dita g© 114., Jt(('nnithnn (gully fi no IlelfasI. 1)q ------- "Shiloh" was to spying. (2,.l'aeob's death hr covered it with 41111 1111111114., of 11114!' C, 02bbone, 1(,42„ wc►o Apcakers at the drat successor to (1213 late Rev, .1, 1). 32u(• 1111(1 burial (411, 211 to 50, 11), J«cob wits "(sod ,lid send ate" (l.ph, 4 15; 1 Pet, umlaut banquet of the Canadian Club of tho .111)1111'11 114 pn4lnr (If tit ,111drrw'. P1'1'4 - hurled Years of 11ge when he died, ler 12.114 4; 8), They could never have sold him if eel td cltlrclue/w roltprti�ei 1, 8111 Its 24) 8(1(0 to bytrrinn (jhln'c'11, 'I'nrnnt(i, 111111 21ftea' n. burii'd ht 4144 mu4'e where :\hralutnt «1)d rod hod ll)t tltalseu in send 111111, .111144 wv It 54111) the most successful event rot ennlpnt•ntiVely short. pastorate accepted Isaac were buried, plots evil; Clead makes it; work "for good" held In London, Ittr, Itlnrtludnla- replied to the caul to Chicago from the rhl)rch in 11, ,fose1►II forgiven his brothers (.,0, (Reim, 8, 28), man curses; God changes on toast of "our Brothers in l9t(k,"I And lvliIch he is 1)t present pastor. sly ware 15-21), ,\211'4. Jncub'a (14.11114 Joseph's bro. 4110 cut's'' into n blessing (Dent, 23, fi). 'Country "k' .1111.1 sir \511(Inm to Our nit active member of the 'I. (1,' F. 4'. Forgive readily. Joseph's forgive. 114245 w1); ready blcanr413 2.111'011;411 2111311)r4 Lr had dwelt 1111.111 the gond that, grew out, of his brother,' sin, and not 111x111 the 14i1 intended 111 it, It, is (';1,;3' to forgive Iwh(11 you dwell upon laud'). providential purpose in your life, rind not upon the 1.11lg Ruing 1f 0111'1'5; W11e1 1'111 It'. member Paul'; injunction in Phil. '1. 8. 4'I. 11114.; iv' r)n,ron-ly, Jo 'pb gave 1111 brethren the handl of Goshen, that. theyalight be "near'' 111111, land promi-ed 1, "nouri,,l1'' them 01111 1heir lit (le ones yl.. !1.1 I), do 0111' .1)51)122 1111 Only for• gives our Pin,, bot "i, able to deo exe1('d• in;; abnnrbinlJy above all that +1' Iola or think'' (Epll. 3. 20). Ile him given u9 "('$(veiling great :1n11 pl'l'12)1). promises" 1'2 1'1.1, 1, 4, 4 .�-- PEEPS INTO WOMEN'S LITTERS If .1111' reader, could spend one 1111)en- in�r 111:'kin's through tel(! karts receiv- ed (111111 11)1 over Canada 113' the '/,iun- 12111: ('o., it. 11(111)4) bring, hunt' to thele with irresistible force the heading \i4.• tors of this great household halm, (11(1 women, young ammo', wiviei, mothel':1 .111d 1'4'111 y111)1:r girl, 2224'' something to -a3' 471),x( how Z11111.11111; 111.1 this or that rota ()filet! in their home, 11871y of tell'.' writers rive permission to DONE ilS BIS L1::; iii int i7li'Lt}i1i..:;1' T1 O'. 21111 I' ! :ltEN '':) CAVA Or. S! cu:�x' end W3043 7 I7rV}..,.4 ) :8.) A2'1 i'( �Iotl, Jit 1(42 Call:.11011 C!ua 1,xnc/leoti 4.;3! 'ic 11..• ! (PItON000ICEU al KistO Desire to have Intens'! 1111 Future Negotiations 1`111411 Uaittd Uused 411,�yi?ir,,a'ft1:11d9 off, Homes in Ct.a,�ti�,th States. 1')1.411'11 d! pol,'ll: 11 Ili,' high, !;111, i;.;,;1•• .11:1) Ir,llllrrd 2(0th1'I' ,1-,II;'a;ee '•2 1111 lie -Ile 111 '`.Ill;l.l;l Ih,2l. her otter ''sl ••!7.116,1 Int' .1111111+ L,I'.4leel4'1l 1:1 111(111'1' !2l 2l01.111on, 111111 211' 4'111(4,1 1'1,111'•, 1110442 0-',1l.11100 4111., 11.!14)11 ill 1111 111114 ,(1111!1'11 111:1 111:11 al 1(1' I111101o:1i 112 the ( .ulalli,ln ( 1111, s1irh the British .1111- !1,1•-:010!' addrr,•c11 ,4' 1'lda3". 111, 1':\• celilIley Ver el .1 5ill1111111I :111111'1 O4 011 il' 2,)(01' 111111 Lott;int11ges of dl'lllueral'y as shwl'n 1)3' the example of Su'itzerlan11, :11111 l,,lln11'In, (l' (u111111'tjon 0f that ad- (1re,a ,'.1111'' a Illllliuli 1)f (1111111:, by I,ieu- tel);(Il 4Int'erllor (:lark, which prc'ipit• 04e11 0 11enlnnstrlttion of feeling on dip- lomacy ip• )' imi's' of the past and future sshich left Ila doubt a, t1 1111 feeling, of Canadian, 511 fou' a, the 2'aniiiun ('tub reprc,)nt• 'Il them, His )tuner the i,ienlemult• (1l4'1'1101 began (225 brief 1,411!4.13„ 113. 11 retereuee to the filet that .41)'. Itr,v4' 1:;11) represented the-I�rak'r'- our) mit- t+' city of Aberdeen 111 Peril:tweet 1)r 1 I'nlr•tbro. 41ar• "And any 1111111 wO) vain d., Iltt,"'-aid hi- Ilonor, "i' II. 1111111 'l ,ta4'lllr 1pl:IIIIj'r, 114 butt -I bl' 1,1 1111111 1)!(4 b1•lirvr, '1111111 1 1111 1.1' 1 will hold,' :lid 1111211): (hal j- not a bald .'n1,inn'rlt 1' 1:11:' 111111 111(11 714.4'1)-; 1114' [Inc, :11. fill, ) 1iIll wl I'c11'rrllr,' 111'1"r a 11, it 11 1'11u1'lll„11- (11'11011.1 rat 1'114 1if estlln,i• ;t:-111 1,y the synth/I; of the 11'1,, the ap- pla1t1•' and ,Ile,''' lasting for •)Ill)' 21(11'. Ili• Ilun1r 1•.'I:IIx111'1: "In the 11(0.1 in• 4.14.4•-I;nr 011;14.1-- s (i1h 211 bar' ju,l Ii,• limed Io hi, I'1;e I11'u,'y 111- rt.f01red to I I i 1!11 41111!1141.4n, 11111'1! 02141 lou' .1111(''2 ; 4 ^uG-'ll1!aIV 11,4. N1Vi„ I•(plllllje, Ile -215'- 111;11 ''72 1f 1,111+( eol,dition= 1• 7!Ir fill'; 111:11 they (11(1'e been -1111)1'11 t( :e little ',queuing from the lu•i�,l.hur�, (Laughter and a)p!au•4.) 1 did II,.1 -;I5' all("1111114. gent 0011''!, ;!141'111 11114 e.tse 2,1)1)11011-l'1. (;111.111in �l)ljlh, 41110 ,rr.111d1d t1,, 1ult. of thanks, r(lnllri.(,l that the 'kit )i tell I)ritist; :lnlba.;a1lor• 111 Canada opened a 11('w 1'1,1')1 111 o111• Ilist,,l'y. hitherto there had been I'2 )lu'n1 1111' pos01. that (:t da '.11)111,1 -10x1 all eu 1'"4 ill It, 115422 (11 V041111;2 1111, Ili 1111 sp(nk'r'k n)1injun 1b01 w'1iI11 11)11km (he 4 0 111 11 11 111 hull worse, 1.11(' issues .1I' p(a(4 and \4111' lyre',' not in elle hands 44 I2 2- 4'llnitr4. "kV(' 11111.1 nut ex)1e't Ino.•) !1,0!21 144.121.!) diplou)0ey run 111'.'' '('111' 1,114 having 11111, b)4.:l raised, Air. I:ryre found it u1er,,:;ry to wilh41r:ew from 211. hiding place of '111tH ':alit. s,l• fence, and it: his uelonov t llt'nlont of 1 he (ole of 11.41141:, he -old: "1 11;1111: you cordially not only for the \ut ' ol'lh,txl.,, for the attention u'illl %Odell you to lltV adder,,. 1 Il?1Nt Ilut, give hint,••-J.icnson. No 41111)1 haste-- It 11!11. heel; Lwollt)•two y'4104 5ille(7 110;• 1l11 1111(1 :won his 1!i 111'4., and it 11114 only 1!2tlnrul fur him l0 11x11 them t., hasten their journey. 14. Itis brother .-.-- Benja- min 1'115 the only one who was full bre. 1Icr to .111,41ph. 1,i, 'Kissed all }IL•s brethren --.As n. token 1)l' lure and forgiveness, Tampa will, 21111. were note 1)t rod. 2.11P' P1 2 'for- given, the 111(2;1311t full of 'hope, and they could null' tell the t11o15and thingla ,lis - 'ph wished to know 'bunt t.lx'nl, and learn his history from 111111 r) 5s t1 re- peat, elle marve101111 tale to their leather,'' Int /reeling history, -1, ,12rsrph s(nd iig for his father (elutp. •15, 17.28). (tree 1V 1)01111112011 all, bill 1 hp 1.011:0111"1'. Io 1111141(1) idle:•fermi: I11)410' Illl'Ilt or 0t 1II'I•tVi;l'. ;I ltd ,11 \' 111,11i1 r2 lull Ti1OSE WHO don't know what 1';)4.1,:!14 it and what it (111!:1 are about it, THOSE \VIIO do la:)w what 1'r3chine ie and what it dr,es aro using j(, 'Hwy regard 14 as their bust physician ulld friend. THOSE WIlO neo it are being quickly and permanently cured of all forms of throat, chest, lung and fit() Mach troubles. It is a scientific prepara- tion, destroying n1l dit.e 4413 gennn in the blood tend system. 1t is a womb tful tonic and system building remedy, and is a certain cure for COUGHS, LA GRIPPE, Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Weak Voice, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Malaria, Anaemia, Bronchial Congbs, Chills and Fever, Dimfcult Breathing, General Weakness Female Troubles, Fickle Appetite, Hemorrhages, Night Sweats, Consumption, Catarrh of the Stomach. All these diseases are se1'1011s in !j4 -t1)• 1131414•, and It not promptly (ored jet i110 early Magee are the certain foreru!,:lc'rs u( Cent.11111pljon In its rnnst 4:1711)1• form.. J'8ychiue conquers and cures 2'1114u111)' - tion, but it to much easier and r;,!. prevent its development by 11.in' chine, ]sero 19 a sample of t)1(a141inte. (,t voluutary and unsolicited etaterceute Ire,,,, all oyer t'atlada I!4.. 1', A. Slocum, 1,ImlteA: tientleruen,-1 feel ft my duty to %lithe w(u of the remarkable cure aArctcd by your 1'•4.''. it, and Oxomulaton, which have cone under n,, Female observation, Three wen, well kr,uso lu roe. Albert Townsend, 11ac1 222 ., l atilt John itehay, all of Shelburne County, were pro• moulted by the beat incites) men to tare cur.!.utu ,tlou, and to be incurable sod her"ad 1 b resell or luedirvtl ofd. They 11•''1 i heel;2;11 ,r,! Oz,nnul,lon and they are row lu good hea111,. I feel !t u duty 1 owe Iu 114(2,-1111!! h'1n,.ri'r I'1 ,t1,o'those facer fur the lam lit &4 elh.'r t 14,4(24 !rem 1I4:.; terrible,(!+rase. Pours very truly, e LEANL,tat Mrgryzr , J.1', Greer, Ilrlrbor, `:,r l'trelline, pronounced ("i'•!:een, is tor rape 1)t all 1)p -to -date dealers. 1f Vonr 1lrtiggic•t or genera! store cannot e;lpply "111), write 1)r. '1', A. Slocum, 'Aniline., 1719 int; 4.'t r('et \Vest, Toronto, LIBRARIANS OFFICERS. ONTARIO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CHOSE MANAGERS FOR YEAR. ' Linrarians ?flay Shut Out Cheap U. S. Mages:ines—Norman Gurd, of Sarnia., Re-elected President of the Associa- tion. .4 'I'oroxlo de•pal''1,7 The 4 h17,Irio Lite 1'01'0" .l4..0421;111011 r.4lll'lllllIIi I; • 't'- •RIO' ycsierdvy 10I1'llill, Norman (1111,!, 11 ,4,arllia, %tits 'leen',. Pre -bleat -1)t ; .1, tih:•I- (trick, of rho th:;in, first l Me I'4.'-i,!"u; ; 11,5, 11 .1. Iltu)11r5, of 11'4.1111, :-'e(3i!!! 1'ice.Pre-idem; 1:, .1. Ha rd3, "2 'JiAlt0x retar ; I'roi. ,1. loin, of '20701140 t'xillrsity, 'll,.i.eter. The lull„5wj11!,1 1',1'1'1. 'leered lul111se!lorr; I)4., 1'011. 'Jotuxto; .1, 11', I'a,t0111,'1!, tit re'2;'ille, Judge II,Ir(iy, I,. .I. 1;11Ipee, O111Assu; 1\.1'..11112.!.', !),I,, anal .1. tite,'i', S1.I'1l ford, It 5,,,' thougI(t 11!,11 boards should k1'l'''I their 1w11 book, 1lld,'p'ltdl'llll\' 1)l )1lblt••!Ie'r,' suggestions. A. strong feeling \vil- ex pressed in favor of (1111i(g off t111 411"011 .11111'4.111171 11(71(211,2i111'4. :1n 111)114. 1111• ,peal in a di•4l•-;nn 1f future 54'1)1: ut 1111 a7'0r18l jos, ,111'11 It; 1110 diS1l111111i01I of 1111,111' ,I„ralurnl', 1111' !I)IIIgi1Ig 112 pictures in the lillreric... null the publjelll inn of al list of (',t(adj:1( Ili-t„ri(, and historical 14)5''Is, .4 lively .111,eu.5.lux u!l 2I' 1111.111111 1,1 11111'r'111ISO 0( bunks (y1,, 0:111'1011 all 111' I., J. 1;111'ilcl, 01.tnwa: )lis' 1'..1, 11o')'. 111'01.11 1'1111.1 ,11i•s Sutton, Smith's, Valls: 41', J. Itoberl,1n, SI. (21)111(1 s; .1. \1'. 4'0(11'1'011, SOri')IAVM111. 01!11)- X2.1 1.0" Wan. `•,1'111111 .4, Sbe)111'i,'k. l'll,111011,1, .1 1'0,0111(11ln iptiroVing of the in.pector of Libraries Leavitt was, lamed with melt 'nl11.1a;2(. ROYAL HORSE BOLTED, Crown Prince and Princess of Germany in Runaway. li1'riiu.:1)1ril ti. ('row') P12111 e \\•111111111 :22111 the (:I'.4\CII Pi Niel"; 1147,1, ;I ;1:;1'1''111' e-vapo front 111ei111 (72 111- 144"; 1;!11!1' 11ririn:;' 11'•11;1 in a 1l g':n't Ir,,e1 ;1 +2121 to Prince Eitel I'r)d,!'i'k, 1'111 kor,:' foul: right at an 0;10011;iljle 011,2 bolto.!. For ;11111c '11,1011-'t' tel,' Ilii• 11121! tall 111:!1!!)'. 11112 111111 20s'41,1,In e, :I "al•,'1':11 1!11! t')1,4'.:I Prince ill ala... „1;41', ,,1 ,'111,,., ,, .;l2 , gate in t:1) 1121) :1214.1' that 11e. 11'14.,4 continue) quietly. Neither of Co, 03x!21• Leant, )f the h1gi'all', wore hurl. Eight Imported 'Longshoremen injured at l-Ianlburg, 11111nburh, April S.—Flight Engllelt 'iong- shoruteu were badly injured and uul2y oth,rs were slightly hurt lost, night 1n a figxt wlih local Inckc'd'oul. 'longshoremen. The Englishmen had been on an esc01r;l011, contrary to avarning which they had received, null wore assailed 011 their return to ;be wharf where they were enlbnrk►111; tui' the ships In the harbor on board of which they were housed In order to iteop them front getting Into contact 151(h tho locked -out men. A mob of the hatter toll upon the l:ngllab- men with stones, au141 n strong force of ,police had to be hurried to tho seen» lu order•% rescue the imported laborers,. EASTER POETRY. Bungs That Were Timed for the Creat Resurrection Day. 1, he 1:1'4 nut,' of the I:l,lcr port - i'4"• cheerful 1•I,1einh of glad rejnio- i,,r ;11,1111 the lviieal Easter !next like Eliiit'den ill: "Lu from the 11(111b I've the new dao mounts the skit's '-.2,1,22 the tion of 11wl nrinel Now he burst e, I/oat It's strung i1r1Htol! 2.4, the IA.111. i, lieeli1 risen! 'Cit 11 Irhite angel guards ullvnd,'ll, ('111174 of holy heraphl, 91P)11141I 1011111 +lith all her myrtlut voices (111 this bh'msed morn rejoices Noe,- Hurn death the ,,til);; 21, 40'en, our Christ, .111Th reign!” (11, hope of ilnnturfulitt', which is the 110.1 the -sage of returning miring, has 1)2 4.11 14411 01111;; by May ltile3' Smith: .41 Ea'117 time, 1)l(, a bo can doubt Ti,4.2 114' a ho 'ails the siolett, out; (if tlit it bllr'u 11 graves beneath the rinse, 11'!!) wake u,•. too. in his gond tinge? ,11,• Ise not more thou many flowers? 06, •ll1 el the leE,,ltl 4,f the flours .4t Easier time," It 111' the venerable iter. 1)1', henry .11'1 ok, the pamtor of the Tabor• 11;1''11 Pm2,I/3 terial) Church of l'hilnd'2- pllia, who tvl'ote: "14 -lint if, at last, this mortal day, tihull dim tend diirken into night? Ant dearth with icy hands will lay tin life's .21('(1 flotter4 thi3 fatal 4rl ip,h t The Easter 'turn !•.1,411 break (way, The bb(:kest shades that pall our sight, .411,1 life 4111111 441114' di%iuely blight, 111d hole) through heaven nn endless twa1," - '1'h' f...Ifirf joy 4.,f 1::rs!•'r eorn.;s in the ait111' ill 4ietury 01'11' (IV'nth, and 1.9 1.e 11012.f that, the (21:14'4 xr!txl 'MA, he E. 4 411141110m, tliiis in- terprets the 1'e,llrl'eetiorl idea! 4.I -013)9'2' from tbv' death's 41Ark night, Arise! and Christ. 1ha)1 give. thee 'light; 1' lung 112141 mode the grave the bed, dost them know, that `t))ou art (110(1, 110.11 slothful Cake that, wraps Ihco round , Ilan', appetite that holds thee bound; luat11401m. tomb of foul (100223', lie i his I Ila I'm..urrleti011 day" And :1. ,1411,.4•0n lllli !••Ilys: -Thy 4.':1! (.4.14:11 j7) r44nl'metinn. I. »21t dead maple newly bol•'; lila lift, as riving Inward perfection, .1 little nobler 'a411 new limn." '1'0, ::Pi',011 41x, los.'' bis se0u1:22, r,e1f- is14 lift'. the 1?jister poets like to renlinel es, iinds the inward hpiritual and eternal Ijf•' ac presaged in the words of Christ (11/ vet. more appr))ltiafPly 11'111'Ixberet' then ill Toaster time): "ifs that fiutlelll his life s)1111) los' it; he who 11,44411 his life for .1fy state 41;01 find it." ,II,P)L1u•. of fill• 111;; I1 Llfl11 'ngf„eslioin the prayer -ppm of Phillips 11rnuk5, In which h1'. says: '2) I'i,l n (`111'1,1., 1) haslet' flowers! Ilou 111110 'I113 graee 1o,1') grown! 11'0!:1 1.1n.41, to \\'e)1,, \\it1, lovulgr power, .41112.4' all the 1111'1(1 thine own. .40.1 mal:e our 1104111,i Thy giu'dens, Marin. ' In then), .1(41)' lord. null be T.e. r 111e of life, till life gi4ce roost, 'I'1 i11!2(!(11:11i(3'.'' ( 211e' for the pillient (oiler comes fn IOP 17,1144c1' 4ah2)1181 111. yni(mr1 fly Jessie 11111;1)1?04. `huu•: ".1 1011 hcr to 111! 11111('14 fair, 11 hat snt within and smile.(; \\'illi 1':11911'2 bretking overhead, 1•; be who walk- • '111j)1 thorn and care, I'1) ,'i4' 211e world its only prayer '1'11 limb) of earth it 11011)41 1f bread, Poor 421(red nil on pilluwing rock, I) son• of Labor's great estn.te- 1,1t (tell'1'.42 sleep in thorn and frond, ,1, y)it ,:Iv,' .10)11, Heat' heaven's gate." Prayer, Almighty Clod, Who did.4 bring again 11.811 1 h head the Lord Jesus, We praise Thee for the immortal hope 4vhi(h hits 40111', to 114 wit11 111' resurrection of 0(12' 1.0111, 11'0 r'juiem in the as;nt•alle0 that; 11; 111.11; 4111'.1 and t'ncn again, ('ve1) 50 t.in'ul :814(1 411011 Are (alert 1141O4'l) in Jesus, (lid will bring with flint. bet 211)4 hope he nn am'hur to our 4)111)4, and I:nlid life's difficllltie; 111111 discourage meats. 812,1) it; toil- ;111d sorrows, may jt keep o; steadfast and immovable, Help 11•:, 2) 1,1121, to -1x01)1 this earthly life as 111,1-, 2111,) 1;1'1 1 1 1: :'1, ,''' .+.4 w4. 11:0 1)') 1111'111 1.14.1 1'hrjst hereafter. grant that we may ilave fellowship with Inn now, and Indy begin the life of joyful ,•erVice which will be. mall,' 1)0!'feet ' ' in 1'111'('11. '('114214'' bies4211g; 14'0 119k for our- 111li'es and Ileo,.' 1•e iov.. Grant to 114 all an ahn11du1l• entt'nncl into the house of many 11)111141011-, through (:'hri5L our iledoen 1)r. amen. Proves the Republic Grateful, (Wasbinstbn Star.) "Aro you nuro your motives aro not mer- cenary rather than patriotic?" "My friend," answered :lenntor Sorghum, "if 1 have not been 'neglected of thea world's good it wan merely beeauno I wanted to cheek eoine of tho idle gossip about my beloved • country being ungrateful to those who have served ft," PAGE Etmir--TIEI LYTII STANDARD--Ariw.il, i bell, 1907, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT Take Rival Herb TaIliets for Stomach. Liver, kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 201 days' treatment tl, 311days' treatment 2.1•. For sale at Dr. 111iltte's Drug Store \Vholesnle from the RIVAL HEBB AGENCY Kincirdinc. Ont. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS I hate been appointed by the 11;.• minion Government to place tau• migrants from the United liing- dom in positions as farm laborers or domestic servants in this vleln- ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally er by letter, stating fully the kind of help required. when wanted and wmmes offered. The number ar- riving ntay not be sullicieut to supply all requests, but eters ef- fort. will be made to provide each applicant with help required. AN 1)IQE\V W. S1,0ANT ('anadian Government Employment --.--. Agent. Blyth1', U. --v- - TURKEYS TNT.A TTED We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state holy many you have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON •ANI) HINGHAM BRANCH. A0111.1l. NORTH. nm pm ant nm (1 40 3 30 Wingham 11 10 7 35 n 43 3 33 Winahanl Jet. 11 (M) 7 25 (1 52 :1 41 13e1grave 10 50 7 13 7 06 :3 Ni 13lytb 10 38 7 (a 7 14 4 04 Londesboro 10 30 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 35 ti 05 4 30 Brueefleld J 53 tl 19 8 15 1 47 Kippen it 50 ti 11 ti 22 4 112 Hensen 13 4-1 0 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 :33) 5 M 8 40 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 20 Clandeboye J (ll) 5 31 it 445 n 30 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 30 11 12 11 :17 Denfleld 8 »5 5 25 0 21 5 41$ Ilderton 8 45 5 15 0 29 5 54 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 it :35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 2ti 5 02 11 37 (3 00 Ilyde Part: Jct. 8 21 5 00 9 15 6 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Hingham for all statlone on the Palmerston and Kin- cardine branch, Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderleh branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luean Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the plain line. HOMES For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached write for free copies of SETTLERS' GUIDE u►ar.go 11, train service for settlers travelling with live stock and effects to the Northwest in March and April, with passenger and freightr'atea, WESTERN CANADA C1iuiionott°th west and western conditions. 80 pages of Information invaluable to settlers. Useful maps and statistics. TIME TABLES showin` donblo dal? passenger train service t) Winnipeg and Calgary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto dally. Coru.fortablo, mart berths at moderate rates, Fully equipped with bedding cooking range and every con- veulonce. Bertha should be reserved (through nearest U. Pa Agent) aticnutttwo weeks before departure. Write today for free books and anything yon want to know about the west and low to reach it. Address C.1111/057E1. Dist. Paso. Agt., C.P.S,?oena. J, tfc\MT'RCfiIE, Ticket Agent, Blyth �'i►:hili 1.LA;itA'iiO a►�. \ o wish it to lie distinctly understu.r. thal. we do not hold ourselves respu„ sifor ii:i opinions of our corres- pondetlts.--1'.I)rron. 1'0 T)tI; Etoron of Tut; 8I'AN1),tRI/ : Dear Sir,— By inserting the following contradition you will oblige. In your recent issue, concerning the Smith and Pollock case. 1 notice your correspondent conveys to 11m public an incorrect statement concerning the case. It states that the family held curious religious views and one of the sisters being a "Spiritualistic :Medium" and on aa'count of his wife's religious beliefs, ,Smith got an order from the court that the children should be given up to 14iin anis that they sh(cld not he taken out of the jurisdiction of the court. This question had nothing whatever to tlo with the case, neither wore rho children to be taken from her on ac- count of her religious views, But Dr. Sylvester, of Toronto, chosen as an expert and as capable of judging it the children were in a healthy condi- tion and capable of roughing it without a mother's care. according to the judg• ucent which he gave they were strong and healthy and looked like their keep and care, Ile at the same time assured her that his decision would be favor- ! able, Now, this we know, that the eldest one was very frequently troubled with bronchial trouble which required immediate care and relief, and on set'. erns occasions was obliged to call the aid of her fancily physician, Dr. Milne, besides consulting hits at times. This decision of 1)r. Sylvester was a direct contradiction to f)r. Milne, the attending physician, and who had given his attention when required from their infancy, and for other reasons showing ho required special Care, reas- on would teach us that the physician who witnessed for himself from time to time ought to be the best judge. If Dr. Sylvester is an expert to judge the certainly did not exhibit much judg- ment at least in that case, regarding those peculiar views as he calls it an which he refers to so impractically. I cannot understand %%here the peculiar- ity comes in for my part. Because a person or persons may en- tertain different views regarding spir- itual things from the majority in tho locality in which they reside does not follow that it is an error, nor yet to be 1)t all condemned. We should first learn to acquire some knowledge of an unsolved question before we can take the stand to denounce it, or to pass kudgment upon that which we have no nowledge of and know nothing about, I felt some regret for my questioning attorney, Mr. Smith's lawyer (Mr, Proudtoot), when he attacked the on the subject tending to scoff and ridi- cule and perhaps thinking to excite and confuse me. Every person's religious views are sacred to them, He simply showed to ace Itis barren mind regarding spiritual knowledge and mental enfoldment, Were his eyes opened to that harmoninl philo- sophy ho would shrink from the idea. 'Phis great truth, which is at the present tine swaying the minds of a vast majority of eminent scholarly in - We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Ask him about it. Yon must look well after the condition of your liver and bowels, Unless there is daily action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, canning headaoho, biliousness, nag. sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Bar. eaparflla frons doing Ito but work. Ayers Pills are liver Mils, Act gently, all vegetable. Tho dose is only one pill at bedtime. Made by J. 0, Ayer Oo„ Lowell, Ms.s, Also menufaeturers o IIAIR VIGOR. arsCIII3RRYUREPECiORAL, Anil C. intellects who have grown to bo giants from years of thorough investigation and mental un(oldmont until they have henry able to prove beyond ft doubt what they now are prepared to tench, Il lid at the same time stooping at the shine of children who are so gifted with that divine power as to be able to demonstrate a knowledge far in nd- l'nnco of their years regarding that all important question, "If a Hurn die shall ho live np;ain.e we lutvi' many necounts of those gifts and blessings which the God of all good has bestowed upon his children. Then, why ('eprudiate, scof and scorn at those sacred teachings and Wilt those who lure thuS sacredly gifted, It makes 41)0 foal when I hear it that Om gospel teachings are but little un- derstood, We cannot dispute the teachings of our elder Brother and the record of his teaching which are so sacred to many of us. To think of people talking so in this onlightned age ; they aero simply to be pitied. It carries rue back in thought, when Jesus lived upon earth he was scoffed at by the ignorant people and treated as though he was 11 murderer among them. Why not have at least it little respect and charity for another's views 81411118113, even if it is not in harmony with yours, criticise bot not condemn. Alt honest man tvill strive to live his religion in its flu' as he can. "A two is known by its fruit," Respectfully, Wm, Pollock, Huron Live Stock Show. Highly successful in every way was the 1141'01) County Live Stock Exhibi- tion held in Clinton on 'Thursday Inst. Besides the visitors to the short', ser• eras thousand strong, there were a large number of buyers present and consid- erable stock changed hands. Below trill be found a list of prize winners Clyde stallions, 3 years and over—J. E. Brooks, W. Forsyth, J. Lniper. Stallions, 2 years and under --Thos, Ingles, Jantes Morton, Shiro stallions, 13 years and oyer—H. Nutt. Percheron stallions, " years—Fred Davis. siert\ y draughts, brood mares, 8 years and over—Alex. Innes, John Denholm, 'l'Ihos, McMillan, Brood mares, 2 years and under—A. Innes, Richard Blake, ,ins, Horton. Geldings, :t years and over—'1'hornas McMillan, Sid Smith, W. J. Elder. Gelding, 2 year's and under—George Tozer, Sid ,Smith, It. Blake. 'l'eanl in harness—Thos. McMillan, 3, & N. Pair, John Denholm. Family of '1 colts, 1906—Alex. Innes, J. Liberian, Agricultural teats in harness—P, H, Petrie, John Itanaford, Alex. lanes, Brood inures, 8 years and over—John Ransford, Angus McLeod, Alex. Innes, General purpose team in harness— 'Tames Forster, H. Jackson, P. H. Petrie, Hackney Fred Davis. Roadster stallions, 16 hands and over, 3 years--Goyeulock Bros., P. H. Pet rie. Stallions, 16 hands and under, 13 years—Peter Scott, 8, McPhail, Geo. Henderson. Single horse in harness, 151 hands— J. McNaughton, 3, Heffron. Saddle horse—P, II. Petrie 1 and 2. '1'eauc in harness, 151 hands and over —Charles Walker, Jaynes Jones, Single pacer in harness—Peter Scott, H. Davis. Roadster team, Hagan Bros. Roadster team, under 151 hands—P. H. Petrie, J. Cornish, High jumping --P. II Petrie 1 and 2. Shorthorn bulls, 8 years and ever— James Snell. Bulls, 2 years and under—J. Cowan, E. Wise. Bulls, 1 year and under—James Mc- Intosh, James Snell, Harry Smith. Cows, 8 years and over—Harry Smith 1 and 2, James Snell, Heifers, 1 year old—Harry Smith 1 and 2, James Snell. Heifer, 2 years—Harry Smith; James Snell, Harry Smith. Polled -Angus bull, 2 Ransford. Polled -Angus bull, 1 Butts, Hereford bull, 1 year—Sheppard Dale, Dairy cotes—Mrs..7. Fair jr. Fat heifer—.Tames Snell. stallions—Thos. S'iipley, over 151 hands— years—John year—Lorne ..►ate+ Hallett Council, The Council met on Saturday the 80th ult., when tenders were received from the following contractors for the concrete work of. two bridges ; S. S. Colo, A, Cousins, Hiram hill, Nagle & Looby, and (4. 1'. McKay, For the steel supe' -structure, from Hill & Co„ Mitchell, and Jinks & Dresser, Sarnia. N'eagle & Loohy's offer for the concrete work was accepted, find thst of hill & Co,, for the iron top rued cement flooring, At n former inseting of council a pro- posed county by-law to set npau't a sum of money not to exceed $20,000 dnuual- ly, for the improvement of highways in the county, was submitted for the consideration of the council, and it seemed to thein desirous of shitl'iing in the said sum of money so set apart ; a by-lrtw Was therefore prepared Mill passed, designating certain portions of the public highways in the township for permanent improvement, according to the provisions of the said county bp law, that is to say : Commencing et the northerly limit, of the Huron road be. tureen lots 5 and U, proceeding north- ward a distance of 13!; miles ; also from the norther' jf limit of conceNSlons 13-14 along S. 13, 20-21, to the 131yth corpnra- tion, 2 miles ; 11180 from 3ho.linlit of rho Clinton corporation northward to the village of Londeshoro, (i tulles ; and from the southerly limit of the Men - chaster Police Village, along the hnso line Southward, a (118111nce of 2 mhos, The 9uostion of rho payment of teachers Balnrinfi quarterly, instead of yearly, came op for consideration, as several of the trustee boards ltnd made application for 11(0 same, No provis- ion having been made to moot thin emergency, the council was undecided 118 t0 33)4(31 eourse should be pursued, the ground being tlakeu that as no monies had been raised for this pur- pose, the council could not make the pigments without borrowing money for the purpose, and the opinion of the townshii) Solicitor sustains this view, as it appears council has nu power to borrow money' for this purpose, until sada time as the annual estimates aro sent in, Council ndjoilrned to meet on May 27th, the same day ns the Court of Re- vision. J. Campbell, Clerk, Londosboro. l Iuteudod for last lseuo.l James Campbell was to Clinton on business Tuesday. Mrs, Whitley visited her daughter, Miss Lizzie, in London this week. The Misses 0, and A. Brigham and Miss 0. Moon visited Toronto friends this week, Edwin Adams who is attending* the wittCh-lilakel'9 College, Toronto, is home for a fete days, On Sunda}', April 1.111), Rev. Mr. Swann, of Ilolnlesville, 13131 preach in the Methodist church here. Not unexpected, but sad was the dearth of 'Phonies Crisp on friday, March 29th. The funeral took place on Sunday last to Londesboro cemetery, and the general sympathy of the people of the vicinity wits shown by a very large attendance, He leaves to mourn tate loss it widow, daughter A1111 801). Clinton. George Hot:e0ns loft for .Manitoba and $aslcntchewan ns the representa. titre, of the Gale Mfg. Co, of Toronto. Jacob Taylor contemplates the erec- tion of three or foto' houses to rent ; if others as well would do this it would "till a long -felt want." C. ('. Mance, the popular representa- tive of the Jackson Mfg. Co,, leaves for the Eastern Provinces in the inter- ests of the famous Lion Brand Cloth- ing. Last week Mr. french tendered his resignation 115 ,tinpe►'irttendent of the House of refuge ; it wits to have been considered by the County Council Com- mittee but action on it has been in- definitely deferred. Hiss (.lark, sister of Mrs. J. E. Ca n- telr-n, who hes been attending business college here, has gone (0 Toronto where she will take the position of steno- grapher for her brother, the Editor of the Saturday Night. W. 13. Lough has been suffering from a severe attack of la grippe from which he is slowly recovering, but hopes to be able to resume Ids duties at the Model School next Mendny, This will prob- ably be Mr. Lough's last term as prin- cipal, the position he has filled for the past '24 years, A horse, owned by tV, Steep, team- ster, met with an unusual accident. It stepped on a piece of scrap iron that had fallen 0n the need, and this eta an artery in its leg. FOF a time it seemed impossible to stop the Clow of blood and it looked as if the horse would bleed to death, but it was finally checked. While engaged in carpentering at the Commercial Hotel barns C, M. Brown had the misfortune of meeting with an accident which will cause him to eat the bread of idleness for some days. He was descending a stepladder when it shot out from under him and lie was thrown heavily to the ground, the contact causing a fracture of his left arm at the elbow, AMP Minister SpeaRs to Mothers Tells His Wife's Experience for the Sake of Other Sufferers. The following letter has been sent to Dr, T. A, Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited :—Dear Blre: Within the last two yuan my wife (who iv of a delicate constitution) has had two severe attacks of la grippe, both of which have been speedil corrected by the use of Prychine. tie ha ve such filth in the efficiency of your remedies that as a family we use no other. For toning up a debilitated system, however run down, rt,stonng to healthy action the heart and lunge, and as a spwflie for all wast- ing diseases, your Psyehine and Oxomulsion are simply peerlers. Yours sincerely, Iter. J..1. Rice, . 61 Walker Avenue, Toronto. PSYCH 1NE, Pronounced Si -keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, •LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. CMIIE (PRONOUNCED' 56KEEN) is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1,00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. 'I'. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy `(Just as Good " as PSYCH I NE. Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure forltheunoatisw, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Batik and all ferns of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at all dealers, 4111101, Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. •••••••••••• The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind—won't pay us to turn out any other. High-priced, experienced workmen only arc employed, because they should do ---and do --better work than inexperi- enced help. We will convince you of tliis if you will trust us with your iiext order. ••••••••411••••••• HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY to reach the consumer direct. Your advertisement in this paper would be read as you are now reading this. We will be pleased to give you particulars so why not Grasp the Opportunity ••••••••••••••••• THE STANDARD BLYTH - - - ONTARIO 20 20 20 Great Coupon . Sale BEGINNING APRIL 15th CUT OUT AND PRESENT . 20 20 20 N This coupon represents 20 per cent on any purchase made at N. B. G-erry's Hardware, except wire and wire goods. O r. 20 20 20 All goods will be quoted at regular prices. N. B. • EI A T •