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The Blyth Standard, 1907-03-21, Page 1
VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1907. .....1010_____ :plc **314+**** ?N*** ***** K•** a I F Western ' anada Lands I take this opportunity of notifying my friends and the residents of this district flint I have Irtely opened ofTices in the Union Stock Yards, Chicaeo, Live Stool: I;xeliange Bldg,, and in partnership with 1Ir A. U. Lundeen ant pushing the sale of Western Canada Lands exclusively. we litre many large blocks for sale, suitable for suhdivi,ion, 11ISO 11111113' s11utller inlprnved farms and Tots in the growing city Of Calgary, Al- hilts. l•htrttt. We list only such properties us we consid- er of special value mei have on hnud ants one or tt'o snaps which are dirt cheap and will give a largo return on the purchase price, One Special Snap—Section land, I t mile: from Calgary, all fenced, good house and well, $17.50 per acre --homestead in adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purchaser of t.ha Neel ion. Land all around this Section selling at $25 per acre, \Ve invite all those contemplating sailing in the West or who are looking for investments to eonl• muuicate with us 1(t oncp, No better or more profitable Investment can be found than \\ester, Canada Lands, John S. Laidlaw *A LUNDEEN & LP rI1 L1 rW Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock Yards 17.20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago 7 C * * * * Grammar and Drugs I cough, you cough, he coughs, wo cough, you cough, they cough. That's before taking White Mu Virgin Pine and Tar I and well, you are well, he is well, wo are wol,, you aro well, they aro well, That's after taking it. It costs only 50c to snake the change, Wo sell it. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH Auburn. Dave Lockhart hag a "wee girl." Norman Series has again engaged with James Raitllby for the summer months, Miss Ernut Symington went to Gado - rich lust week to resume millinery work with Miss Cameron. lir. Halstead, tinsmith, of Goderich, has been employed by James Young to look after his business -In that lino, and has moved into the dwelling house be- hind alto hardware, A lecture and entertainment, under the auspices of the Auburn Public Li- brary, will bo given in 1114+ Ten:perunce Hall on Good Friday night. John R. Clark will deliver his celebrated lec- ture '"ro ec•ture'"Po and Fro' in London." A first- class nlusic:al program will he rendered by well known talent, 11luch st mpitthy is expressed at the serious illness of Bertha, younger daughter of License inspector Asquith. She suffered from a prolonged and ob- stinate attack of the measles, from which she did not recover her usual health, but up to a few days ago showed no serious symptoms, But what has 1)ee11 pronounced spinal meningitis 11it9 developed, anal et time of writing 110 hope is given for recovery. SPRING SUITINGS What about your new Spring Suit, Just received a big shipment of new Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings, 50 Pieces of Fancy. Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure. Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Overcoatings. In the Exeter. Sandy Bawden, who last week un- derwent on operation for it varicose vein, is able to be around. Edward Hall, of Exeter North, was taken to the house of Refuge at Clin- ton 011 Saturday at the suggestion of the Exeter Council. The Exeter Gin Club gave a con- tract to Henry Gould for the erection of a club house at their shooting ground, There is nothing too good for the Huron Indians. 'The council has decided to offer a re - ward of $25 for the apprehension and conviction Of the party or parties who on ;Monday night last shewed them- selves to he despicable, contemptible and low lived ignoramuses by throw- ing eggs at the home of Mr. Fleming A stiff fine would he good lesson Thomas Martin. M. P. for North Wellington, died last 'Tuesday morning. in the (hospital at Ottawa, Mr. Martin had Leon attending to his duties in the !louse until the week previous tt'lien he went into, the hospital to undergo an 0p21atien for ;:all trouble, Ile was 11 1,wi►1 Ret•, M r. \lau'tin of t 111 tott'n, lt'110 attended the funeral at Mount Forest. '1'aos0 w a.J own warebou,ses on the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for, Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats, Everything new in Shirts, Collars, 'Pies and Socks. One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3.50 and our 'Purple Shoe at $5, This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts, Every Shoe is Guaranteed Sismemillilloommorie H. Godley 1V'ththe characters in costume at the carnif - gists, 0,,'1'. It. Iarids at the station hove re- ceived notices to remote the buildings as soon its possible. It is expected the superintendent will he here in it fete days to decide whore they shall be lo- cated. This is possibly the first move towards the building of anets station at this point, Depot Agent J. .1 Knight states that it is the intention of the company to continue Victoria street across :he tracks to the cattle pens, thus ,laking 1.wo 1app1.oaehes to the station grounds, and which will be greatly appreciated by shippers, giving them it much shorter haul from down tow ii. Clinton. \V, Doherty has sold his pacing colt, '1'110 Liar by Anaiiilas 2.05 for 81200. A crowd of Clinton Oddfellows as- sisted in tjie initiation of a lot of new members at Seaforth on Wednesday.A movement is on foot for the or- ganization of a football club. We un- derstand the material in Clinton this season, if all trill play, will he suffi- cient to tnako the old Hurons play hard and Inst. Efforts are being put forth for the organization of a bsso ball team in Clinton this 901(8(.1. It is evident that there will be no lack of sports it our town this summer Arrangements should be made for at sporting colo- brntion on May Zit h. • Miss Maggie Wiseman, daughter of Collector Wiseman, who has been em- ployed with the Clinton Knitting Go, as stenographer, has 1000ived an ap- pointment in the office of the Minister of the Interior at Ottawa as steno- grapher and typewriter at 8500 a year. James Smith. milkman, had an un- pl0asent experience on Sunday while nln•king his usual rounds. The horse took fright. and rim away : Smith was thrown off and landed on his head, for- tunately without serious injury, A hont 20(1 bottles of milk (ntne to grief how- ever. A meeting of the Canadian Lacrosse Association is to be held in Toronto on the 29th Inst. Clinton well be repre- sented again this season, and in all probability will Have as stronger ngare gttion than than, of last season. 1t is rumored that Seaford' will not hnt'e 1111 intermediate team this yottr, and the c,mstitution of this group will not be known until after the meeting in To- ronto, 11 iss Dot Baker, youngest daughter of Richard Maker, leaves in acouple of weeks for the West, At Winnipeg she will bo mot by Russell Andrews, son of Police Magistrate Andrews, and they will ho married in that eity. They will make their home at Cupar, where Mr. Andrews is engaged in the newspaper business. Both are swell k nown popu- lar Clintonians, and the good wishes and congratulations of their tunny friends go out to them, . -sew val Thursday night, and lie hall the misfortune, tiering one of his perform- ances on the ice, to fall with another lean on top of Ilial. The result Wats a dislocation of the sllou der end a frac- ture of the collarbone. The following is the list. of raises for the spring as;izt.t•s before tiro 11ot1. l(r. Justice Magee, beginning. ort Tuesday, 11'1111 jury : I)insdale vs. Colart ; Berry' vs. Morton ; Champion vs, oor0 ; Quaid vs. Hamilton et aI ; Smith vs. Pollock ; F 1tyards vs, Oiule• rich Planing Mills ; Bruce vs. I)otli• Ilion 1''1811 Co. ; Dean vs. G. T. 11. Co. \Vitliout jury : liernick et ill vs. Mc- Clinton et ill ; Guelph & tloderich llailway Go. VS. Mac1)o11n1 1 & 1►rety. Polis' Magistrate Humber fell down stairs in the house of 11, A.'l'hompson, one of Ili~~ telnnts, hast, Friday lifter - noon, and died on Saturday nloriiiog front concussion of the brain, He was fixing up the house at the time, the fiunily being away. As the large hath tub was found at the head of the stairs it issep{msed that he attempted to take it down the stairs single-turn+led and watt overbalanced. The accident must have occurred between .t o'clock and -, 15, as 111'. Humber was seen i11 his workshop about 4. Mrs. Humber grew anxious about hint and gei11i. to look about 5.15 fount hits nneon 'ions at rho foot of the stairway. Ei t Wtmwanostt. Ret'. Mr, Bartley, of Blyth, visited at David Scott's, sr., last week. JamesJaes Noble, (itis line, oircliaral 8 pias from L. Williams, of Morris, last week. East \Vawttlosh Township Council will 111001 ut Belgvitve ou Friday, March '?'?nil, 10111 \Vightnute and family, of Mor- ris, spent a flay last week with friends on 01 11 line, John Scott, nth line, disuosed of a tine two year old bull to Robert Mc - Dowel last, week, Wm. McDowell, tit line., purchased it fine mare from John Marwood, sr,, of Donnybrook, Inst, week, Owing to the stormy weather the literary ill the Lith line school hon ie has boon but poorly attended. Chas, Wightmun had a wood -bee on Wednesday of last week, The day was fine and the boys worked well. Miss Vera McDowell, tlth line, re- turned home from Goderich last week. where she has been spending; the past four months with her uncle, Jackson \Vightntun. The many friends of Samuel Burchill will be sorry to learn that he was stricken with paralysis on Sunday evening last, He has been very sick since that day, but his Wends will bo pleased to learn that he may soon re- cover and be able to be mound again. Goderich. His 1Tonor Judge holt held,+curt in Stratford and St, Marys for Judge Bar. von. J. A. Ilumbnll, manager of the Ken- sington Furniture Co., who has been seriously ill, is now r0ported much bet- ter, Harvey l3eattie was charged before the P. AI. Inst, Monday with stealing from the till or the Icing Edward Hotel and committed for trial to the June Sessions. A few cellars and basements were flooded by the thaw on Tuesday last, but complaints of the inrush of water are not nearly so numerous as they Aero last -spring. Work is still progressing all arenas the 0, P• 1t, works itt the harbor ; the' round house is rowed, as is also the freight shed, and the station house roof is ready for the slates. But little work was 110110 011 the track the past week, but It seems as if preparations 1(1.0 being made for an early start all along the track. The boys aro glad to see "happy 1looligaul' out again after a confine- ment of several days in the custody of --the doctor, "happy Hooligan"— alias G. Lionel Parsons—was one n -4 r • _ Morris. A number of people in this locality complain of grain being stolen from their granaries, If the sneak thief is found he will be mado en example of. ''1'114+ following is it list of the dele- gittes attending the Nominating Con - yen Ion for the Enst .Uiding of Huron in Brussels from ,Morris : (ino, Taylor, Chairman ; James Scott, A. Robertson, \V in. Taylor, Rnhort Sloan, W. C. Laidlaw, Jonathan 1looro, I). 31el.)on- J. Nichol, 0, W, Jackson, IL Bewley, Sant. Nicholson, Wn1. Geddes, H. John- ston, A. Nicholson, W111, Ferguson, Janis Spelt., James Shurrie, Allan Adams, A. Taylor, John 31carter, A, D, Kerr, Wm, Isbister, \V..1 Hender- son, Chris. Oarniss, \\'m. Elston, Mil- ton 31cVittie, Geo. Ilenderson, .1...1, Sellars, P, ofrat and D, linintiey. Last Friday morning the spirit of 1118: Lizzie, eldest daughter of Quint in and Mrs, Amlerson, 11rd 11110, was beck• ouid away. 5110 had been in felling health for the past year her lungs and (heart being itIL'eted, largely developed from a cold contracted last Juno. De- ceased was horn on the farm on which she died. 811(1 was in her 29th year and beloved by at large civele of friends. The funeral Sunday afternoon %vats largely attended, Rev lir, \Vishart, of Brussels, conducting the sel'wiee. 'I'11e pall -bearers wero four brothers, Wal., .1111108, Alex, and Charles, and two cousins, Wm,'Forsyth nus \Vatter 11air, the latter living at (;hesloy. The floral contributions were beautiful. it wreath being presented by the brothers of deceased and a bouquet of carnations front the girls in the dressmaking shop where a sister of 3liss Anderson's worked. lir, and Mrs, Anderson and family, who will share in the sympathy of the 00111111 Unity, desire to record their sincere t.hitlks to the many who were thoughtful and helpful in their bereavement, This was tile first break in the Wilily, Sited ford council will probitr+ly im- pose 825 license for selling cigarettes and 85 for cigars, ECZEMA, 'VET'TER, SALT it1111BM, ITCII, 111N0 WORM, 111:It1'1.S, BARBERS' ITCH, All of these diseases are attended by intense itching which Is almost in- stantly reliever by itpnlying Chamber. loin's Salve and by its continued 1180 a ppertnattent cure may be effected. It has, in fltet, cured many cases that, lied resisted all othot' treatments, Price 25 cents pot' box, For sato by nil drug• N0. 33. .. .Pring . . illinery Opening FRID".Y and SATURDAY, MARSH 22 and 23rd AND FOLLOWING DAYS Every woman who has the desire to know and see what Millinery Paris, London, New York and Toronto will *ear this season is invited to come Friday and Saturday and view the best and largest display the store has ever made. .\s the rainbow promises to mankind cessation of the rainfall, and the robin foretells the sure coming of spring, so Minim's' Spring fflilllnerg Opening will he accepted as announcing the commencement of a new season, and promises, as woll as leadership in display and se- lection, betterment oa even our own past best. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO, Dr. A. A. Stockton, 11. P., of Si' John, N. 11,, died at Ottittva last Fri- day, smilinallanueststaressnalEussa W. H. SHA Principal Central Business C1llege of Toronto, Invites you to clic out this card and send it as a r' q lest for Information about the b0Nt way to get into lino for earning a good salary. None Address 11q FARM LABORERS ANO DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place lin• migrants from the United King- dom in positions as farm laborers or domestic servants in this vioin- Icy. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally er by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all requests, but every et - fort will be made to provide eaoh applicant with help required. ANDREW W. SLOAN Canadian Government Employment Anent, Blyth P. 0. liow to I1ark Your Ballot Next Tuesday. FOR X THE BY-LAW /100.111.001•10•111MOMMISIIINIFIAMINIONMENNIP AGAINST THE BY-LAW Spring Term Begins April 1st During January and February the \Vingham Business ;College had twenLy•Iive tinges iw many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book- keepers and College Teachers ay we had graduates to send. Attendance is always smallest during April May and June, consequently each student gets more individual attention. This Is the beet tern of the year for the student. Learn of tho success of our graduates by writing tor a handsome oata- logue of the -- Best Actual Business School in Ontario The "b)ekwtu'd" 1(r "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student Is In- structed at his own de•k by it painstaking, sympathetic teacher, Graduates guaranteed situations, Plater any tinge. WI1 JG IIANI BUSINESS COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton 13tisiness College) G•]O. SPOTTON — PRINCIPAL FRENCH wARSHiP obut f the ye>3ael ie cennpletely 'rice 81 no further, explusi(tus arc occur• ring The Iena is a turret ship /14% 11,S01 BLOWN TO Pl[CS tons displacement and 1f (Md Ile ver•eel has an nrinore4 ;.,.1 1, of from 6 to 13 3.1 inches of 4t'eoh mounts four 12•iiich, eight II. -1- ine;n, tight 3-9 incl!, sixteen I.S inch and about 20 rsmoiler rapid-fire gins, Iles crew ((it; of 11.(1 nffi(et•s and Ilkll. FRUIT GROWING. The lenl) trot the flagship of Rear.:,,tamest ,a1„.0.4,,colunulndiiig ono of the dirk/mi.; of the Prom) Jlellitcrran- --- eon squadron. Captain F. 11. C. \'1,r- A SERIES OF IMPORTANT MEET, tier was the chief of stuff. and 111.1' cont. INGS HAS BEEN ARRANGED. 1118md4.i !sus 1'uplai)1 1>..111igar1!. 11'hrn the first explosion 'recurred the \Itu•itinie Prefect called for .six men to The Organization of Co-operative Fruit - open the, vales of the dock behind the gtowers' Associations is to be En- ikna. The leen voluplerred for Do. work, couraged—The Object of the Work. Ens'igu Mousse' first Iril'11, nail n shell — decapitated. him. Another nmol inunedi• Toronto, ilarch IS. The Oolong i)e• atrly took his place amid 11 hail of pro• partament s1 .\gricultoe, the Ontario jectilis. :111 %rho took Inert in till' work t'I•lllt 1;row'er,' o,,,,eIlllion, various local Here injlll'ed. but not seriously, :11111 district a,,oci111or1•, and the Iariii. The day M. t'ii..inli"•I'erier 111s elected , r,' Institutes are at lh. pres(nt. time i'nsidynt a Imo der nmgnziu4, m ToulonA's' in :1 Ally vigorous cam - :blew up. killing 1(11 persons, His death poigt for the furtherance of the troll• 'lrrday" coincides wit 11 'T0111011's latr•t growing industry. Ole phare is lel n1.. OtItiIFIr111114,' rangement fol'1 . series of 1110r1lllgs to :A sailor who escaped said That when promote the org:- IJtiun of 1u•uperatiye the first explosion neenrred it was frail gru\,cr,' a•,oci01ions, This ldorlc thought by some that the .Lena hall hegon at Lcanlingtun fuer years ago, slipped off the hloeks 114111 fallen against and has been followed 11p with much sue. 1 he duck wall, hill the men un dela< raised Ow cry' for ovorvludl to sire ''''•'• .\Ireally there :ire t\emty-eight themselves. At the solar moment the `dell il •uciations, The o ,l'k of these srcollll explosion ca me. There ;!10.1 it oi•g' • ,ll'I as fellow's; I'm.- en. of anguish. a::d 111(11 110'01' 1110111 hiring of 11:;11"::11.1 t 'r sluily lig plants and np• l',Illult 111 lr •alae 111 elle fight ;Igalll t selves in every dirrelinn. Some ,jnnlprd u1,11,)i.d a "t'' el'eetl011 of Ira lig of m•rrbourd and dashed themselves to I Niece; on ihr bottom of the dock. Sow parking :rill sIull (' bore,, wlu,I.snln were torted against the walls of build.;•trcha-1 of pAct:ages, lowiern packing ing•, fruits and the shipping of the combined By 5 o'clock the fire was alulnst mos- product: of the members of the associ• tered. hal it was some haul': before any ilium. search of the wreck was possible. \tosses..1, E. Sherrington, 1',f Walker - The theory of spoilt:imams combust ion Lille, Harold Jones, of Maitland, 1\'. D. is generally 1e111, 11: the hlu•k powder .1. flus:, of ('I1110'1110, 1). Jolnl,ton, elf wit h wide!' the shells were charged is forest. and liuhert "Thompson, of St, 11111114, to alteration:. The dills well, 4'ii t)Iorini , have been appoint ed by the often examined for this reason. ()rltario I'ntit o;1'wel.,' .\s -Il iatioll to The fiat attempt to let the water into addle -s the meeting:. 1111' rn'k war 110-iceessfmI. I1 is reported '► 11 the necessary keys could not be cared. Toulon has become n city of mourn. ing;. The shall; are closed, and to•nieht Ihr' theatres gave on perfurmanee,, The \lltyor has prochlinied 11 period of gen- eral mourning. This evening he visited hr parents of the baby who w•n; killed. infant 1d11s lion yards from the Jena An offle then called out ''Save your \1'len it ten, hit, r• se1vc," and all 1.'he workmen and 01hurs t ominandint ;Wigan! was ill the cabin made as rush for the nearest exit from schen the explosion occurred. Ifo had the arsenal. ordered 11 Lout to go ashore in, but his Later squads of workmen and sailors cabin was reduced to fragment`. London, .lar It 18.• No truce lilts yet approached the scene at the peril of Holt Ifnitrerun,1hough wound- been discovered of Miss 11a•giret, Bea. their lives, and as they neared tile ed. lead to he forcibly prevented from re• trice Nell, the .\uttiugli:uu school teach. Ienu'a dock they could dimly observe turning abo114(1 leis ship. 1,r, ivho vanished lay-t:riunsly trolls her through dense smoke hunnui remains An officer says that several Minutes home a month ago. flying .constantly in the air, following befork the explosion el dynamo worked 1100 relatilcs, however, noir express further explosions on the doomed 1'esso1 \'''''Y irrrgulnl'ly the fear that as 1u1'e affair may 11111 VC which ,prevented it terrifying specti.ele The basin in which ihr Tena was lying Jtcycit np.,n the girl'• mind, and thut to and caused the arsenal employees to •be careened 11':IN dry, 111111 when the: 11.11 11:Is the c:unse of her disappear - explosion wring their bunds with horror, ooeurrrd is became imperative 11ncc Suddenly blackened forms, with hag. to flood the doll; to 'mend! the fire c'd.eral years afro Ills: Neal bec11mt? i gard eyes, rushed madly through the aboard and prevent further explosions. engaged to a young 111:111 in Nottingham, lines spectators slut knowing where they :lreofdiiig to one version of the affair, h , pec 6 seven gallant dockyard moll. takingtheir who a few ito tai 1nt0i. left for ('11n - were going. K tido, For soil,' time a regular curves. The official; declare that the m;►„• lives in their hor ind.;, worked their way, o I azines of the Lena were completely” fill• amid a hail of projectiles. to where tho lu,nd.nce was carried on Ioi004,41 thein, nit eventually, it is said, the young ed with ex llosiyns and that the re mechanism of the lock gates is controlled, I mean ceased writing, stating a; an ex - 1 current detonations indicate that they 11rm1 succeeded 111 opening thein anno cos., that his prospects Ireehtded the are all on .fire, s letting in the water, Another report J sl ( 1 '11te number of injured is nosy knownstates that the key opening the dock Iden. of nulriltig(. 1.11.,t cos., he o could not he found, and after a vain, ret.urtuiI to Not4iiuzlurn 011 0 visit to to 1>c about three hundred, including; his relatives but it. rs said that he took marry officers, who were seriously burn• Iranti(' scorch, 411. warship La Patric w•as ordered In open the Sluices by bombard- ed. au "tops to renew the former friendship ed. It is impossible as ;yet to estimate I with Itis, Neal, and that she was a olid the number of dead. Admiral \lancr'ron merit, She fired two shots. One, was 1.3 was among the injurer. Many of the effeclit'0. The other flew over the tit..d.;ll trnnhllll in consequence, crew savedthem9elyestryellmbing down ()Imola, serial. nearly killing a nlnuber of distant rin, lirmlFebruls'ryr8 IJehunft r Liverpool iv rlthc Leger i laddersand rcaehing the quays, whence onlookers. sel in idhirh he siIil4,l left sort, 11iss they fled to places of safety or to the Ono sten describes dishevelled tarn l j telegraph offices in Toulon in order to and woolen rushing about Toulon calling Neal disupprnrrd from her npnrtnunts, ' notify their relatives of their safely(10wn imprecations upon the head of the It. seems that for sense days previously 'The injured men and officers are bring Jlinister of Marine nod the (lovernnn'nt, s11(' had hI ll umisually quiet and roti* lie - transported to the hospitals. .4 signall and demanding vengeance. Others cent n1. home. man of the Jena Dalliediiudieel11, who "'ailing Inst friends, clamored for news (40 the day of her O. sapp44nrnn.o she n1. the antes, 1'11111)4 down front her bedroom about 6 escaped, says' that many members of the g o'clock attired in the cont dress and 1 crew were gathered in the forepart of \'bile fragments were being burled by , the explosion Irl official ashore was hat she 111111 worn est school, and remark - the ship listening to a lecture by an officer when the first explosion occur felled and seriously injured by 11 Int Mall i'il casually to the 1111111111(1y, "01,. s, I red. Most of these 'escaped. leg, which was driven into his shoulder, ('use, f nit\ e got ml appointment," '1'ltk FiftyKilledRegarding the damage done, the rte- ing the latch -key, she \vent out, leaving, . however, her valuables behind, Since Over fifty Sailors Killed in the Ex- plosion. Blackened Bodies Were tlurkd Through the Air. Compressed Air Torpedo Exploded and Magazine Blew Up. A 'Toulon, France, cable: The ex- plosf,' of the powder magazine of the battleship lona in the harbor hero to- day completely wretkevl the ship and brought death or injury to huudlre.s of men. The number of casualties is out ' known, but it is probable that over fifty were killed and possibly three hull - , deed lir more injured. The lent was uudergoiig an inspvc• tion of her machinery iu the first basin . of the .1nssic:eay duck when the ex- plosion occurred. The concussion ca1('Nt i by the explosion of a compressed air torpedo set fire to the utter Is,wder magazine, bluldiva the 44'1o11 lifter part of the vessel up. 'There were about (130 officers and lieu on board at the time of the disaster, but many" of them jump- ed into the water. Further explosions on the lena continued to (weer every moment, and de1ri,4 was sent flying over the ,dockya'r'd fur a distance of 5uu yards. i Ire windows of the workshop, around the scene of the explosion were all broken. :\ shell weighing (\lolly potuids was hurled a 11uarter of a toile before striking and sinking into the ground. A complete .panic prevailed among the employees of the arsenal who were re- turning to work from lunch when the powder magazine of the 11111, blew up, and many of them utade a rush towards the Jlissiessy duck, whence clouds of thick smoke were rising. No one seem- ed to know what had hnppened 111)1 it someone shouted: "The lens has blown up. painfully burned on the face and hands. A gunnery lieutenant was wounded. Ile says that the bulk of the 1•iethns were suffocated by the poisonous fumes ark - Mg from the explosions. it seems that several were injured by jumping or by being thrown into the drydoek, They would have been unhurt had they fallen into the water, STOLE JEWELS THE CHARGE. ALLEGED CLEVER TRICK OF LORD W. B. NEVILL, Exchanged Box Containing Jewelry With Box Containirig Pieces of Coal—A Lord With a History—Was Re- manded on Bail, London, IIa•rh 18,-- Lord 11'illiann Ikauchmup Neville, fourth sun of the 'Marquis of ,•llergnyenny, is !gain in tiw hands of the authorities and to -day was remanded n1 a police 4001.1 charged with stealing jewelry by mans of n. trick. Lord Neville was sentenced to five years penal servitude ni the Old Bailey on Feb, 1i'', 18118, for fraud in connection with it promissory nolo, the llr'osts'lltor being ('apt. Spencer Clay, who in 11141, married I'ailiue, d:Iughier of William 11'11 141011 Aske', In I 11 present. rase Lnr41 Nevill is cliw•gcd with :healing a box containing $2,1100 worth of pearls and diamonds jewelry by ix(hang11g it, for a similar lox apparently containing the jewels but 44111(h when opened was found to c(ntnil two piescs of (sell wrapped in tissue paper, According 10 the testimony Lord Novill isndn.'11 articles of ,jewelry at different times and sulsoquently re• quested the pawnbroker to bring the jew• els to his hurts( with n 110w contract co4- ering all the transtc'lions..1.fter the cut• tract had been siga+ll Loon \ellill pro- duced n green 11 11Iter box in which the pawnbroker placed the ,jewels lied up and sealed the box, Lord Nevill lheu di- verted the pawnbroker's attention In a bureau in another pm'I of the room. The 1111111 turned away for a moment 111 ex- New furl:, March 18.— At last the end amino the bureau and Lord Novi!! rlmrl• of the Thaw ease seems to he in sight, Jy afterwards ,joined iris visitor and hand. The pru4ccutiul has practically finish- ed Irina ;a box which the pawnbroker Sup• ed its rebuttal with the exception of its posed contained the jewelry, On exanlill• experts and by tonight District :\ttur- ing a couple of months later, howovor, noy Jerome %rill have examined all of his ISSIZE IN CANADA? he found that it had been changed while 1%iturssra, except three 11101'0 al • his buck was turned, Lord Nevill wax z44 ieldsts, who will be called to show by ._ m:lnded in $25,(11111 bail. their ntsi'el' to it hypothetical question SCHOOL TEACHER IN NOTTINGHAM, that in their opinion Ilarry 'Thaw was ENGLAND, DISAPPEARS, stool when he. shot Sanford, 11'hite. This mw')1itg Jur. Jerome will call Abraham 1lum mel 14)1(1 his (14 rk, in an Miss Margaret Neal Leaves Her Lodgings - attempt to secure the admission in et•i• a Few Hours After Former Lover KILLED CONDUCTOR AND WRECKED donee of a ropy of the affidavit mak• Sailed From Liverpool for This A GORGE CAR. ing (ha.rges against Thaw, which Evelyn Nesbit 'Thaw says she w•115 tricked into to like nn interest in his daughter-in- law, and 08 he could not disinherit Jets son, lm' not, only forgave the couple, but entered upon it determined campaign to establish a social status for the Miura Indy of 1)nffryu, Lord Aberdare an - meowed that he had found that she was the daughter of a noble soldier of for- tune who had liven banished from his 0411 0100try, 11nd had taken his child with hint in his 4(ig.'t. Then the young woman confessed to het father-in-law that she 'hail been a servant in a 1'114160nuhlc 110uschuld ill 11041011. and 111111. while in the Maine woods she had formed nue of it group of 111111 servants where Ilhutogritph had been taken by an itinerant photograph- er. She gave it►to the possession of lord :\bcrdatre the copy of the photograph that she had preserved, 'J'It're were thir- teen others in exis1e1101', 8110 4111dd, as each one of the group had bought n copy at $I knoll, Lord .1 hostels, forwarded 0 copy of the photograph to the. Pinkerton Detec• live Agency with the sweeping commis- sion to find the thirteen other prints of the plate and the plate itself, and to de- stroy the plate inlniediitt'1' it calor in• to pnssessien of the detectives and send hint the bits, '1'111, wool: has been faith- fully done. but at the very lust the 4e.- cl.et• leaked o111, 44 4.. THE THAW TRIAL JAMES C. SMITH AND ABE HUMMEL TESTIFY, The Case Nearing an End—Miss May Mackenzie and Miss Mazie Follette May be Witnesses—Trial Adjourned Till To -morrow. FIFTY -TON ICICLE Country—No Trace of Her Since, signing ..._.__ Six Passengers Also Injured—Huge slay ;MacKenzie, hheIyu Thaw's chorus Blocks of Ice Crashed Down While girl friend, and 1lazie Follette, her Crew Was Clearing Obstruction From chorus girl enemy, are both under sub - the Track, 'sena by the prosecution, and, both of thein were at the court building yesLer- ' A Niagara Falls despatch: With a \yildivhbbutoeaallitedis, doubtful if either of them roar like thunder filly tun, of ice broke .fames Clinch Smith, Stanford White's loose, (rune the cliff of the. Niagara brother-in-law, was called again as a Gorge to -day and plunged down on the trucks of the (!urge Railway, wrecking witness in the Thaw triol this morning, u passenger (a1'', killing Conductor Men. lir. Smith was late in arriving and Mr. zee, and it ear, llnturuuut Iltut' n. Jerome summoned Abraham Hummel to zee bend, injuring passengers. The tied- the stand, Hummel 'hid scarcely taken tdent occurred six near the Cantilever tie et his seat when Smith put in his appear - dent e, ante. Therefore Hummel was temporal - The cls ban *some 111) the Gorge line ily excused and Smith took his place. from 44111'tuu, surd was about to ageelin Hummel had answered two questions put to him by the District Attorney, ]3e the grade to the city, when it switch was said he knew Evelyn Nesbit, Thaw and found to he obstructed with ice, and saw her in the office on October 27,1003, both condlietor and motorman gut off following 'her return from Europe, to clear it tawny. Just then the great Mr. Smith was questioned by 31r, Del - mass of ice hanging far above them intra for the defence, having been recall - broke loose, ha ring Iseeu weakened by ed to testify as to the cablegrams he re - the warm weather and ruin. Ilotorman ceived from District Attorney Jerome Hyatt heard it coming 7111)1 shouted and early in February, summoning him to run. (:hunks of ice crashed all around return to this country. hila, and he was struck and knocked 111.. Smith said he did not have either down three lieu's, Conductor Meltzer the original of the cablegram or a copy, was (ought under the nt•nlunehe and in- 11r. Jerome offered a letter press copy sluutly killed, his skull being (-rushed but Mr, Debut's refused to accept t)tis, and his body hurled in the pile of ice. i\lr. Smith said he returned on Febru- '1'Ise ice went through roof and win- ars' 17 last, and met Assistaant Distriot (lows into both passenger compartments Attorney Girvan on the 10th, 1111., Smith of the eau', and injured six passengers, said he 110(1 reduced to writing his con - though none of the injuries were ser- versation with Thaw on the Madison tour, Squire roof garden and had showed the 'l:he crew lure Canadians, Meltzermemoranda to his counsel and to Mr. leaves a widow, formerly .hiss Drew, of Garvin, 'Jl►ey both said it was good. Chippewa, and three small children, Mr, Snaith \vas excused and Abraham Ilumniel once more took the strand. "Did you, after a conversation with Evelyn Nesbit, on Oetober 27, dictate something to a stenographer," asked 111r. Jerome. LORD ABERDARE DETERMINED TO Mr. pedants objected that this was not in rtlnttel of any testimony offered' by the dtl'e1)04, but was overruled. "l'es." answered the witness. (011111s a1, very conflicting. ' Some de - A Toluon cable: Septi -official fi - scribe the dnrkyurrl uud pert of the then ndl I.rare of her is lost, urea stated that over 50 of the Jena s arsenal cls almost. wrecked, One says ill an interview, n. relative_ of the unser that, the dockyard did not suffer seri- ing girl said that her friends olid not and 200 slightly wounded, The officials omsly, and nrlds that 110 damage whatever think she had gone to Canada, in their may that these returns aro probably was done to the shipping in the harbor. 011itliou, hid she 'intended following her under the real numbers. The captain It is stated that six officers were killed furrier lover by the next, liner there and the first lieutenant are believed to and three wounded, Admiral Manccron's would have been no necessity for secrecy be among the victims, The aftcrpa.rt injuries are not serious, but, he was nor for smell n hurried departure, crew were killed, 100 seriously injured Your Grandsons W i 1 J ,> H B e Old Men Before This "Oshawa" Roof Wears o u t Roof your buildings with "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles this year and that will be a GOOD roof in 2007. We will give you a written guarantee, backed by $260,000, that such a roof, properly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at least twenty-five years. HAi Gl aivanized Hi GLE S ,STEEL ,: ',. make roofs watertight, wind -proof, weather-proof, rust -proof, flre-proof for a century,—our plain guarantee keeps it so for 26 years without a cent of cost to the man who buys it.' Made In ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 28-guage,' semi -hardened STEEL double -galvanized The They lock on all FOUR sides—the ONLY METAL Get tete tecta shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on—a ham- befororeof mer and a snips (tinners'shears) are tools enough. Cost e al oar you LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the a thing, surface area of any roof on your place and we will .aDP1 a of Oshawa tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. Montroof Toronto Ottawa London Winnipe ',Winnow 11314 Orals at. W. U Colborne Mu US Bums 81 00Dunks 1,E. 70 Lombard R. 0 Pender 8t; spa MAKING A PEERESS. ENNOBLE CAMILLE CLIFFORD. Costly. Search for Photographs in Which Did :Airs, '1.'Jtnw tell you that 'Thaw His Daughter-in-law Appears Among wanted to injure \Vhite and put him in Maid -servants and in Maid'servant's the penitentiary and that Thaw had beg- Rress—Outlay of Over $I25,000, god her time and time again to swear documents he bud prepared, involving White rind charging that lie had. drugged New )'ort:, \lurch 18,—The, lust trail and ruined her, and that 'flimsy had beat - leaving New I'ut'L fur England carried ell her because She would not sign the la registered' package, fur which Lord paper.i" asked lir, Jerome. Aberdare of 1)11ffryn is noxiously wan, Air, i)eltuts interposed to nsk lfum• fig in London. Jt contains a photo- mol if at the time of the (0nversatliou graph of fourteen young women in the with :Miss Nesbit he was acting as her neat house liveries of upstairs servants legal advisor and attcn'ney, in fashionable houses. '.The picture was "1 w04 acting only for Stanford token i11 a picturesque spot in the Maine 11''hite," replied the witness, woods. Also, Jn a chamois jewel hag, "Did you out (o0tennpllt,te some ex- am the broken lits of the negative tion in lfiss Nesbit's bchulPeIt,, from which the photograph was printed. "No, there tdits nn legal action ceinti.,m- Possesssing no intrinsic value, ale 0011- plated so fm' as she wits cnntWriled,' Lents of this package represent Ito out- ''1'In!re was no cu,ulnunitllliun 11rlwten lay of between $1'111,00( and tl+i1,000 by you and "Miss Nesbit, a8 C0111181'1 11111 ell• Lord A1/011111 IT in 0110 of the 111084 thor- entt" ougll and rem10i'kable stirehes ever 1111- ''None.,, dertukou by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, which was concluded only a few Clays ago by the, recovery of the plate and the photograph, the last of feur- tcen prints trade from the negative. Ono of the young 44011100 iti servant's livery in the group is Camille Clifford, the actress mid cu -star \vith Edna. May In the London production of "Tho Belle of .Mayfair," whose romantic mar- riage to Henry Lyndhurst Bruce, only sun of Lord Aberdare, erected a great stir in society in England only a short while ago. Lord Aberdare had at first absolutely refused to recognize Ills son's bride, lint after itis first burst of anger he begau LAZIEST MAN REPENTS. Twenty-nine Years in Bed, He Says He Will Now Hustle About, Belfast, March 18,-7Tho TI•I!1llr thtIl, Tisomnp- non, of Lurgan, who spent 20 years la bN, and who has earned the distinction of being the "Inzlest mut on earth," has reeented, end deehlres he will "sleep no snore,' ' He rose from hln couch n fortnight ago when his mother, his solo attendant, was re- moved to the workhouse infirmary, lin re- fused to walk to the Infirmary, and hail le he taken on the ambulance. Ilo walked hack, however, 1111(1 the sight of the flelen and trees null the busy world cmu- i Iotely eltnnged has hind, lle doclaresho will now make amends for his nlls►,pent life, and will go to bed no more, MYSTERIOUS DEATH..' NO POISON IN CAKE THAT EVAI. SHAW AND SISTER ATE, 'I'urnnlo 411,p11f1)1 \\•h:ll cai•(t the' dealIi ul E(1, `ii1.11, the girl of 1', 1rle, w34 1`uund 1101111 111 11011 it 1.'1 I,Itlu'rs Immo, 11L5 Spadima 1110)1110, thee' w•crk•i ilgu, 11 1111 rbc hill 0111011 a;1.10'$ (1 101 1111'1»,• Will !OWN' 111! '11'l'lo•e1I, The report of Prof, Ellis, who amide 1111 analysis tui dead girl's stomach, was pt r•"nlrl 111 l'nonfr (;ruham's jury lost night, 1111(1 It stated that it 41'its impossible to determine \diethyl' III„11li had 1'r. stilted 11'1111 gas poisoning 111` I.10111,111W4, Al a l,reyions mill 111;2 01 the inquest I)1'. Siliorthorn, who performed the 11,1-t- Inurtetn, soon, thlll in his opinion d'.';lll 1%'a; (1111 to ,llllocallul+, VIII the edaiemre of those in the hom-e showed that. 11wIr was lin glen 10. other ea 11;0 1' It Inch -he might. h11ye 10,00 smut 11(.1'011, The only wilness hoard 1;1.1 might. wits 11 butcher from ())ll -en s(i '' \1'e•t, who soon. 111 the cuiilynit • 4,1 bulugnu saus:+gc which the giii 111(1 1411011 un tat' night before her death. The jury bro1114!l( in 0 rcrdict 1 11..1. all the v0i11en11, submitted they were ir,nl 11' 111 a;('1'1'1:lilt 1111' e111I.1' of Ill'ai!I,I Ile' 11.1 • 11 dni:, ilt l'1' of 1•.Id1:1,l;110e1 Imtw. 11 (iAils maker hi 411' the I,:ui nriir l'on,p:lay. 4.4 BREAKS THE FARO RECORD. Tonopah Sport Loses $3oo,000 in Otte Session With the Bank, 'I'onepah, Nev., llarcll 18. .111 re,urds for plunging in gambling grimes Ida5 broken herr %d;len .11re ;Irulyn, 11111 It 114111.1• ul' (li 'runup h ('11111, the futuuu; gam - Ming resort of southern Nevada, lost *3(11,(1110 III ollt' sitting. \\'Nile Keown ga1111101 11441(}' a31N),IJO0 in lo„ 111:111 4IInly•four hours, he is actually loser but *2l(u,11(0, us he is 11 on1' Ihir11 u\yurt' ill !ht. g:r:lc in wlticl+ be lust Itis forl11114 111111 unc•lhird of his loss i; his winning as part proprietor. The Tonopah tsunbling ('hub is owned fry 11ro4•a, Ionmody and (;cargo 11'itg- field, the millionaire 111111a owner of cold - field. Brown started in to play faro in 01.11 house 111111 it a short lino. lost over $.-',Onus Jle 4111uted Do. limit token off the game, but the dealers could not du so ivilhuttl the consent of the other two partner, ill the game. .lccordilgly. (;.urge 11'iugfield was culled up at (iuid- I'ield and the situation (xpluiull to hiur, 1\•ingfi.ld told 4lo manger of tilt' I1011se to raise the limit to 11,1,0(10, The regula- tion IIatity. is $60. I(rew'n stated into bol $5,000 on n, single cnr11. buck w•11, with flim Itt first, and in n short time he \vas nearly ,$I0II,- 011(1 ahead of the gall!., but fortune sud- denly s1"it(hld to the other side of the, fart) I:lyoul, 4)11(1 lirutyn lost heavily. According to 411c best reports the battles of dollars waged for nearly twenty hours, 1111(1 finally Brown had $300,000 in mak- ers standing against him in the layout drawer, IIt'own was as enol as a cucumber after' hu had lust his fortune, ile rose from the l.ab11', sauntered to the bar, where he look a drink, and bidding his friends gond-night he 4'.111 off to bed, 4.1 ESCAPED FROM JAIL FRED FORBES DOES A CLEVER . TRICK AT WOODSTOCK, Had Plain Clothes Under His Prison Garb, and When the Jailer Left the Door Open Forbes Made a Quick Change and Got Away, 1Vo0dstoek, (Int., despatch: I?redeIitk Forbes, of '1'111 ollburg, who was confined in Woodstock jail, pending removal to the Central Prison to serve one year for larceny, escaped this morning. He has 1101 yet 11010 (01411, Spring cleaning has leen 111 progress. 111 the jail for setrral days. 'I'llis morn- ing (loytvmbr Cameron opened the rear iron door prim. to taking it ladder out. Ile noticed Forbes comm' downstairs, and told hint lo 1!o to the kitchen to !.m( some 44111.1 rind start serihhing, 'j'Ile governor's attention was culled 111.113' for 11 fear minutes, .!lout three minutes Inter he went hitt through the door he bid opened, IIe noticed a door into one of the small yards spelt. Looking in, the sit41' is pile of jail clnt11e8 in the corner. A srti1'111 was inlntellinlely walk, 1111,1 Furl(; was missed, :\pp:u'ently Forbes had 11 suit of civilian clothes under his ,jail uniform. Ilk pulled the prisoner's garb off in the 5011111 yard, and rat out by the big gates to the outer yard 111111 were open. Forbes i.1 a young moot with 11 police record, DANGER FOLLOWING HIM, When Commandant Appeared People Scurried for Shelter, 1)I'ssn, Morel' I8, --It dcvelirped to (lay that the revisit transfer of (tenfold Nipluefl', eonlmtulder 0f the fortress n1. tebislopol, was due to the inhubit;ulta of that ells', Min sent 11 penton 111111• I hki1' nerves 4'010 beemning shattered through the'datger widen they incurred 4yheney(r the commandant, appeared in p11l1ie, 'I'4'o attempts to kill the (,mnnnndam1• failed, but tunny eitizen.s were 1,11(11 and 401111(14411. 11'hlu(t'er he appeared in piddle there Iy114 11 general s(urry 1111' sh0ltcr. The 11011'0119 w•ou11ln Ili the dent isls's chair 'begun to screams. "What are .you afraid of?” demanded the dentist; "don't' hu gfrnid of ane. 1 might be a great .(14441: lt'oIse tlutn I tau, T 111Ighht be a Millan,, for instance, A Refreshing Stimulant That is perfectly harmless because it is free from all adulteration 1 GREEN TEA A Perfect Luxury for Japan Tea Drinkers Lend packets only, t5e, 30c, 40c, b0c and bOc Per Lb. At all grocers. 441111.01116.'0"t•1vllislibelllo 11'rvAll1rVrYvlti♦"11.- JACQUETTA ell .1I''1'F.I1 XXiV. II Iva, a happy seen() on which the gala( sunshine streamed the nest, morn- ing, as it caul' in long, slanting beams between the folds of the danu:k Curtains and itr:(tiiated the faces on which it sell. They Avert. in .Ia•iluttta's parlor at the lsote! Jlr. Ue fere, .ltguita, Writ. and ' 1)i;hrotwe, "S1 shit", s11'ange most sI range!" nnunaule.l sir, Ili' fere, as he Iistenc;I iuJacquetta repealing the storyI)isbrotwe had 101'1 hint the arida before. "11h, .lal'llmetta! \dial nu es(npe you have lll. 11'110 an :uvfsl fate might have liven yours to I4. buried alive. the most ,II'eittltill of all (1iit,1 \1 ila1 a debt nl gratitude we all elle to I.:Iptitiu 'fend. pea at last!" "Ile teas very kind to ole; nnd I owe him nao'() than 1 e:111 titer ropily; but 1 lite '.I, wealth (di! e,l ;i; 11is 1011 1101'11, I chill not; and sat we pained." "I wonder he let yon g()" sail JIr. 1)0 veil., "11,, st.t tin l bt.nt un ,rbtnin• ing you that dew that terrible day. I will ora er forget.' "1)11 not think of it, sir. No; strange to say. he matte no objection 1() tits re;u• htti41n. f believed h0 loved no' itt fi sn;t ht :a Tway that is, he ,till not care two pin, for Java:tette 1)e \•erI: Inst he ,till fondly duel:Iied the memory of his Inst Lelia. :111d set.iiig how desperately in earnest 1 wits, he did not ()pose m0. .loll ;41 we parted in Havre; Ile to g" In 11111a and I to go to Paris. under the name of \ladanl Lelia, and tnal:e any first app.:u'nn0e on the stage." "1\'haat it strange life yams; ha• been! n teal romance in life. \111aI it brave, strong heart you oust hate, my ,leer ehil,I, to endure sit much and stake Iw sign! .1nd all through nue! Oh, .bac• quett 1, h0tV, how' ('1111 you ever forgive me?" "Very easily, sir. Tett Ila not think ole stall as w'indietive little monster, I hope," "Ihlt yott have been so smelly wrong- ed; so deeply injured --deprived Of at name, of a 111,111x, of friends, of it child, of it father, till in one (lily. 1)1t, ,inrquetta.; you truly forgive ole, but I ea11 never forgive myself." "'Nets papa," she said, calling hint for the first (line by the old familiar name, "why will you ntke over the ashes of a fire that, went out Zang ul;i? Let the dead past tarry its dead, and, remember nothing; but ,that 1 and the happiest laxly has something to do with it, then," ".111 you ore dying to knots, 1 see; but I shalll't tell you—tit hast, until Norma give, ase leave. So, for ten mit• rites, slut reveir." .111tI the bright little vision a'as gone. ha if all hour' 'alert', the whole party drew up before the stately portal of 'I'relustin Ilan -l', and were ushered into the drawing•riunt, where they found Norm alone. "1Iy dearest Norma!" "Jay clear dear ,lnegtettu!" And the two friend; mere ()tripod iu each oth- er's amts, "`a, my lord, the wanderer is found,,, said Lady .\11 -sissy, \viten the first greetings w, 1'e over, honing, with it sulilt., to Uishro\we, "Yes, and if I do not mi'.take gri'ttl• 1,v, it,. have to Omni: your ladyship for it, She laughed. "Ilow is this, Madame Lelia? !have yam been telling??" "Not I though it was not for Want of coaxing, t can assure you." we have seen I;dishing enit'ii1• it's ()n her which, it she hall not hall a heart as hard its the nether millstone, sea ()told not resist. 11'iIl Laity .1 ms. trey be more merciful, ;Intl eep11i11 the mystery?" She 11hl-lii't and Inu1: at Jtte'luelttt, "Shall 1 tell hitt?" "Just al; you like. 110 1t'ill die of a rush of curiosity to the gratin, if you don't," .1s she spoke the dour opened, unit \Irs. 'I'rentain and her daughter entered. l (/1'111711 gt'i't'Ialga itt'ft' itt1t•('hatt:�i'tl; and, finding the rest were in the midst of an animated conversation, Norma beckoned to Disbrow,. and trade roam for him beside her. ''Si you would like to I:now how .tae• (pod fit and I (ante to know each oilier?," "ltoully f oustplead guilty. I fear. S'ott knew her before you met in Italy." "Yes --1st nae sue--nenr!f• a year he• fore." "whys how?, "Kell, you needn't ().claim in that way, and draw attention -it is simple enough when you come to understand it." "Ilii, my clear 111;1(111 111, a year before, she Ivens in ,America!" "I know ill "n 1114 1!" "what 1'' woman in nal I':I10.4'1au\d to•Ihty." "Why. hots' 1,1runler'trutk Toil Ino\:! Shp looked at I)ishrotye with a snmil„ is my visiting that country, as iyi'It as and 1n'a• bright (awes were full of love other prhople, such an unheirrtl•ol' thing?" :and trust. bot, really • w'hy, nay &mi. Myatt, " " she said, I never heard you were there," he cried,N()\t• 1 mast run uw•ay, "I want.to see Norma—I meat Lady completely astounded, Aus(rey—this morning, So, though it "Very likely-- yet I w.os there, newrr• i; yet unfashionably early, I will litke theless. Ilow is Captain 'Tempest. and the privilege of a friend, and dress int• my friend, (frizzle lluwlet., and Jlr•, Row - mediately for the visit." I lie, of the \iernaid !nn?" "13y the way, ,fneguelta," said 1)is- She half laughed, yet, then. wit 1111 bans(), ns she arose to go, '`when an I unusual flush on her pearly face, Dis- ,to learn the myset'y of this strange brow() sat mute WitAl r111u►ztment. intimacy bettl-een you aid Norm? :lids Dunlh, I see! Ily the way, may lord, trey told ore 11is wife fainted, or some- have you heard of your Spanish friend, thing, the moment she saw;you," Jn.ciml(), lately ? "My dear sir, is it such n very uta- A Tight broke upon hind 1Vith it usual thing for a hilly to faint suddenly, hal f-rtpprassed cry fie nearly sprang that 1 11411 to be brought to task for it? from his seat. Lady :lustrey ntight faint a thousand "Good heaven;! were yet—could yon time;, and Jacquetta have nothing to do , -- -? Oh, Norma, was it you?" wit.li it." She pus ()Hinson to lips temples, yet; ''Tru.! But when Lady .1ust'ey' int• she met Ali; startled eyes firmly, and said atrclialely gets into it statte. of mind, and "fes." insists on seeing; Jncquetta, surely that ''.\nd I never knew it—never suspected -., r 44100404004664343004041.04)4010444041 (Grippe or Influenza, luenza, whitchey er you like to call it, is one of the Most' Vtredl ening diseases known. �, t" .n a ? "? i�2:.d.... is Cod, hr;'i' ,.ii t.5, � ?,i I,� e tL ,• r .:. t 7 Liver Oil and ��y�"JCx�'.7Z.(7'.'►4".+�dzc:'_.rl in easily t �', gested form, is the greatest r eng h.builde'i' frown t o :medical science. It is c© easily digested sitar 3inic•1 into the system, i.aaking new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Sc©“'.r EtisuL6'aon after Influenza. Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUGGISTS) 50o. AND $1.00. eirio 44100,044,101000004000000.04000 it, Normm -Norma! what an idiot I have been!" "Held Swills, any lord; hall, of ()taus', t'ott know hest," "And yon Ivel'e.. you followed me there! i)id ,lnegu('ttit loom. it, Norma?" "1'e;; her keen eats diseovertd one at once; and 1 fold her all. 1)11 you modes• stand, new, the scene in ntv roost.," "(111! everything 1.s t19 1'll't11' 115 (1:11' MAO 11otr1 11141 11`111 holy i should have been s() blind! 1)0es yoiA• father hnott', Norma?" "Nu; no one knows hitt you nod •I:ac gnttta; I ought to have tolyl (ienrg,', 1 suppose; bill really 1 fell ashiunt.d to Iell bite I had made stall :1 fool of tis• self, *wings. ignn':t11 ' is bliss,' y�nl L11 01', '1 is folly In be wise.' Perhaps, ;\iso, yoK understand the mystery of the painting now, ton?" "()it, v(ry'thing is as elem. 115 noonday; but this is so strange f can yearcely be- lieve f am not dreaming,,, "'Think it n dream, if you like, I wish it was. But, my lord, don't flatter your- self too oaten. You know how intensely ronnntie 1 always was, nnd it Was quite :Is nitwit for the sake of adventure ,ns for the sitke of Captain I)ishrowe, that I went. it had haunted my imagination for years, an escapade like that; and, when the opportunity offered, I'seized it. Papa was abroad on the continent, find %vottld not return until you did; so it Arils easy enough feigning a trip to Scotland, and going to America in• stead, Yon remember illy disguise, my dyed hair, and walnut -barked complex - ;on, and how completely it ()hanged me, when you failed to recognize toe? At 'S41mthitnlpton, I think it \rats, 1 first met Captain 'Tempest; and, finding he Ives to sail flip next day, took passage with him to America. A few days after my ar- t ival u'•tit'nl we met; .btequettn dfsenv'ered my Secret; f told her my history; nnd, though she blamed me for my wild fre:tl:, yet she consented to ke(p my secret. And so—finis!" Ile smiled, and looked at her with at (bang( glance. She met it with one half stornfnl, half 5117. "No, my lord; .have no doubts on the subjeel. I have completely got over my sebonlgirl penehnnt for the dashing guardsman. I live any husband with my whole heart, and hint alone. ‘Then Ilan 1 In congratulate Lady 1•::u•net'lifi,'. nt,, lord?" "Next week," he answered, lois eyes filling with love and pride, its they rested on Ja(gtetta. ".111. 1 tam ;:Ind1 1)"tu' .Iaequrtta, how happy she will be!" "1 hope so --I tt'nst so, If the devotion of a life caul snake her so, she w•il1 be indeed." Sone other visitor, were announced as he spoke, and our party rose to go. Jar. 1)e Vere had pi'om1ised to take 011ie somewhere, So they started off on fent, while Augusta and .lttcqttt't itt entered the earl's bronghanl to be driven home. :Is they drove on, laughing and ' chatting gaily, their attention ons arrested by it ltoh that bad gathered around a drunken woman in the street. :1 sudden cheer arouse, ',s they approached; and the horses, only half-tanuvl things at hest, saw fit to take fright; and the instant after \vers dashing along like mad. T)is- brmve strove to (heel: their mad eart)r, hitt in vain; and they flew like lightning on in the direetion of \Vesltnittsttrbrdg(. t111'eatetlillg eyl'I'y IIInlllellt 111 (1(1511 tilt' carriage to pit'et.s. People cleared the road in terror, and lot then) Gosh 011 to certain destruction—without making any attempt to stop thele. Augusta lay in a lend swoon, and Jaequetta sat. white its marble, perfectly still, They were on the bridge; and the pas- sengers sltrnnl: to either side. in display, \when. suddenly, n null, whose eagle eye ()aught sight of the fate's within, uttered a wild shout, and springing forward, heedless of danger, seized the nearest horse ho the bridle, and In spite of their mad plunging and rearing, held thein in at grasp of iron for one moment: 'lite text, a wry of horror brol:c' from the 'crowd; he was down, trampled under the feet of the fsrions 11 11 1 111 11 1 9, hat u dozen hands i101V held iht111 Inst: and, the next, nulu1enl, 1)isbrnwe was out of the carriage, fereing his way through the ermwd 141 where the w'omultd man lily. l'rushed. trampled, bleeding, a t'ea'fu) spiedtele, he Itty there, with the mother." pitying crowd bending over hint, "Is he dead?" erie(1 Pisbrnwte, I:n(ul- is r beside the bleeding Iona. "No, Illy lord," sail) the Well he ad- dl.essell, totalling his cap, "Not dead yet, hot soon will he, Skull frucinrrd, 1 "None, my lord; Ile must die. No hu• ul;111 power eau save Itis► num-1" "I knew it myself ,and could have told vett so," said the Wuttucled man. "When a nutu'a skull is fractured, 1►e is not likely to gu cruising around the world much longer. 1 say. doetor, how many hours before I'm in port?" "You may possibly, live four or five hums,-- not longer," said the physician. as be erose to go. "Humph, short notice to :t.tlly om'; ae• counts; but it imst do, l suppose. Lelia!" "Here, father," she answered, kneeling beside him. "Shall I send fora clergy - mat?" "For a elergytm:w. No .\flint do you suppose ('aptain Niel: 'Tempest has to do with at clergyman? (.'attic here, niy girl, alai tell me; for the wrong your old father has done you, c:111 you forgive him now?" "Froin the bottom of in' heart, --as II•eely as I hope to be forgiven," she ills• 1l'l'l'nll t'itl'llest13. ":Int! you. my lord—they say you are a turd now? \I'r have not been very good friends hitherto; but will you shake hands with the rough oil sailor before he goes?" Ile held out his haul, and 1)i;hrnw'e took it between both his. "'Then we are friends, mw Inrd? "11'e are, with ;III my heart." "'Thant: you. It was all toy fault, I was a rough enstenicr, I I:now. but the world and I were nater on Ivry good terms, ,and 1 gut reekle.s, ki: i king about its shale cornet,, It itis 'rides ut)' Bunte pretty Iuaril cups, lily !tot, until it has 11011' ole Whitt y'it st•' sit' 11411w. 11111. 1 Hull nut IiIU'II' (41 tt table it much longer. Lelia, you have been an actress ,ince; are sun one yet?" "Nn, captain Tempest." interrupted Dishy"()•(); "she 14 Leith, 110 aetrew, ata langer..1 I't.\y (acs trill nt:tke her Cour t.ess of 1 iittlt't'liffe." ":111:" said the captain, while his dull eye lit up. ".1 countess--- my daugh- ter a countess!'.' Sntuthing bi,licrou•s i't the notion sr(nu'tI to :strike Ilial; and he laughed 'insight. N;] 1' (not mind that, father --do not think of it. Remember how few are the sours you have to lite," .said ,btcquet• tat, gravely. "Lolls; enough for what I have to do, Tell ate, Leli;a urs rather, do you tell nit., my Iol'd, were you ever engaged to Itc nlatril'tl to a ecrtain Nurnra lb u'ib it• n ld'?" "" .;aid I)i•,browe, surprised at the question, "11 ells why did you not marry Iter?" "Fur 11111117' reasons, captain. She re- fused nae, and married another," "Is she null• in England?" „1st,, "I should like to see her. Send for Isar, Lelia." "11'11t, father, do you lataty her?" "No, but 1 should like to. li:dc 7011 ewer mot her, Lelia?" "Often,' fattier. She is lilac a. 'isles to ane." Again the captain langhel. .I:c,lnet• to turned to Ilishruwyt', with HI look that plainly said sop feared his bruin was 11 aidel'iirg, "No, I alit rot insane, Lelia. I know what i sant saying.. Lelia, Normal \lite' douuld is your hull -sister!" "Fit ttion•!" "It is rtes Liati m; suit I:nolo• when sun were a little child, your mother \eloped, through the machinations of that :u'cursed hags, Grizzle ltow•Iol" `fmli:t, it Ives with Randall Alateltn• a.ld--bel' father! You both had the smite think." "Ile tot;sl he removed instantly,- staid I)isla'out', shirting 111), ''Da holy of w•atl l:llmwl' hila?" No; no nate did. Ile visa, :1 sailer. they thought, and. :'ery likely, a stranger. l':wem 114 he ::puke the Soundest In;tn's eynss opened, and fixed themselves on 1)isbio\w'e, Lelia 1()11:11 \vilely 1• L.I:a'.'' he et it'll, 'I'hatt voice! 11 reached ,Inetlnet lit where she sal ; aid, the next moment. as l , '' 1 11 ,11111lett cry of grip!' ;Hid lnrrnr Iile 11.11•, tentltmt; ower Bial, nth, Heaven,. it k lay' father:" "I'm dune for. Leib). II'; :til no r• i1'n old Nick 'Tempest, at hast," 1e said. halal• imlt out his hand, with something like, a smile. .Iaegutt is wrong her hands, "l)Ii, Alfred, 0'111 nothing be dhow? \Ittst he rhe heves-in this dreadful pate)," "Heaven forbid, lima) my men, lying rt enh iustumtlS--tf ill sun?" AK it' 111y magic one was found, and wits beside hint immediately, The wound- ed man was lifted in, (invguatte, and n sua'geom, who providentially hnppeted to be among the erowl, entered after him, and drove off, while Dlshrbtwe re- ontereti the brougham, where Auguste Inial illy IitEettFible, raid followed. And so the two mortal foes had stet again, GIIAvrE1t 1XV, "Alii. there Is• no hope; doctor?" Jacque( to and 1)ishrotwe were dumb with surprise. dais ludo•--h'r father—if it is not lime; and let him deny it if he dare. Lelia. yon ,and Normal :Macdon- ald are sisters!„ • "1 felt it --I knew ill 1 was Fur(' we were not strangers," said Jtetptetta. itt a low. Iiteathdess voice. "Thi; is most \wotdr'rftl!" exe.hcinn,l h)isht:awe, "1 know, naw•, why )Ir. may. (humid wield never speak: of Norn;v's naaf11wr. Itnt to thiol: that she ant Jnegueta should be Asters! 1 \wander what Att't'ey will say," "\\'here is your little (laughter, heli.: —masers Is 011ie?" aske(1 the c'tptain. nf• tor a pause. , 1 "Here, London; ' tut not m the II Il in I n 1, Ionise at present. \Vosld you Tike to star' It^i'?" "1"I•-: I always til:ed the little one, Mott vain(' she Isere??" "JIr. Pe Vert! brought Let." '')Ir, .I)' \'ere, ht' I'utltllt? k Ile !here, ion?" "Yes, lie and his (latghet,r," "flit! his daughter! By the ww,ty, lath reminds me. 1 1111e 5$(w11m'lhing to say abottt that daughter. "J'hereby hang.; u tale,' She has appeared in trouble late, ly---'has she not?" "Trouble'," t'XelttIdel tlnequettn, ":ate has been like a galvanized corpse for the litst two fears --,lend in life." "Alt! ,just so! 11'e1.1, 1 I:now• the valise," "You!" exclaimed Dishrowe, " i`t's, 'nip-; Haut • I eau ' minister to n mind diseased, tau, 1)o you know the t'lt.usno, my lord?" "Yes," • "'Then she tltdttks she has married her brother, does she mol?" Jncgm'tI t uttered an ('xcltttnation of horror. "Yes," "\1'ell, she may set her mind at \rest, then; she has done nothing of hhe I:itld." "\ Plait 1" "It is true, 1 have it from 'Till -old 'rill, you know- -grizzly's brother -and Icp nits )it to I:noww•, if anyone does." "7'luutk Iieat four, unhappy Aii• '_nista 1 But are you sure, ('ttptitin Tem- pest?" "certain! Old 'fill will ,'nnfirnt the -tory, if you only threaten him with a little hanging." "11'here is he to ht' foundt" ".1t the Sailor's hest, Sl. Mile:. 1'd<' ne trouble in finding ]tins, 1'4111 .see, old OrLale knew about the mar- riage, and trumped up the w'hoh' ,tory to frighten the young holy, ;Ind sate herself." '•11'1'11, but Augusta's • hitsintnd -I.!f aekmowh',igetl its truth." 1'I'o be continued.) A SPRING RED, hint - Weak, Tired and Depressed People Need a Tonic to Put the Blood Right. Spring blood it, bad blond. Indoor Life (luring the winter month, i, re- spoesible for tweak, watery, impure blood. 1'uu nerd it tonic to build up the blood itt ,spring just a, much as the trees need new sap to give them vitality for the summer, lu the spring bad blood shows, it in many ways, 1 i soul. it breeds pim- ple, and eruptions, In other, it 11111, be through occasional headache,. a variable appetite, pedlar- t tt juges ut neuralgia or rheumatism, or a lazy l sling in the morning and a desire to avoid exertion. For the -e spring ailments it is u tonic you need, and the greatest hlts)d•nud:itg. leal1 h• giving tonic in the world is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Every dose helps to snake new, rit'h, red health - giving blood, which rt ;legit: every nerve and every organ in the loly. bringing health. strength and energy to weak, despondent, ailing 111e11 and flumen. here 14 proof. Mr,, t;eo. \lerritt, Saltily (.'owe, N. S., . ass: "I was tweak, feeling miserable Net terribly run down. 'J'Ile doctor Shun, 1. col)sttlted, said the trouble was anaemia, but he slid not help nm', .1 friend advised me to take 1)r. 11'i! - Hams' fink fills and it i:, simply impossible for me to over-estimate the good they have done ole, t shall s.tlway, ►•etttmmend them 'tx, aiNtig friends." But if you wont new health cost must get the genuine 1)1., 11'iili,t,ms' Pink 1'ills for Pale Temple, ntutufat•- toted in Canada at. Brockville, Jut. Other sti•eulled pink pill, are fraudu- lent imitations. The genuine 1)r. \\'il• liunls' fink Ills are sold by all repot• able medicine dealers or sent by mail at ,-,U cents a box or six boxes for a2.50 by writing the I)1., \\lilian's' Medicine Itrocktille, Ont. Nations Preparing for War. There was a tame when men talked of beat- ing the sword into tho pruning hook and melting cannon into plowtihnros or something of the kind,. But they wero misguided men who had Itttlo understanding of the true sat• nation. War is to bo prevented by no nig- gardly subscription to domantLs for disarma- ment. Tho opposite is the ease. Germany will therefore build a 25,000 -ton battleship presently and other (later. Tho addition of n battleship four-flftlts this size ninth, Eng- land preeminent for the minute. Then Japan built one and began others, The Untte'l States adopted plans all specifications and heron, tate trials of the Dreadnought had been completed England's preeminence wll9 threatened, Germany wants the. record. If n 20,0U0 -ton battleship mode all others obsol,'te a 25.000 tonna will do the tutnle thing nnd the rivalry will be progressive. We eau not forme the end. The Shinto Bogy Man, \1'0 have heard many weak, foolish and contemptible incitements to tore hatred ;tannest the Japanese, but. we are inclined to think the worst of the lot is that which i; now being put forward to the effect that :llnericaut (di •islianitl• is in danger of subversion by the Shintoist of Japan, '\'Ile fact, is, of course, that Christianity is gl'u11•ing in Japan fat' faster Guilt the Japanese colony is grow- ing in .anterial. \Io•e .101)1'116o itt Japan htn•e been cutterteti to ('hristia1113' in the last lett yeaos than all the Japanese who have edam to our shores. 11'0 have faith in our Christian civilization. to lie. Zieve it (tut hold its ground. even n_'aill,t a 1 per cent, admixture of ,Japtuu';e,. - New fort: 'Tribute, BABY'S SMILE. Iltby's sIll ilr indieute; that he is and happy. It i„ only the sick: chill t'Lu is cross and restless, .And the mother eua depend upon it that when her 1:10). he is not crying simply to be ugly -- that is not itis mutase --he is (.r) ing. me - cause he is in pain ---must probably itis little stoutuelt is out of order. The mo- ther will find !ttb3's Own Tablets It newer failings cure for all 11e minor a.il• monk of little ones. In the 1101005 I1(lt're the '.I'ttllet't are used there are no ,'rocs, er,'in!: 11a11ie; nhlhing but bright. happy 'nml' playful babies -111e kind that are tt joy to the home. Jars. Jas, Legrec. Cara - (pad, \, II., says: ":1t the lime I sent for flahy''s own 'Tablets any lift. • o, \pus weak and failing. ile 1wu ,d ' y night; and day, and 1 did not, stspin able to get anything to help glut.':11'' »r sw- ing him the 'Tablets there wits 1'- .1l,,t, ()gunge and he has since tlt•iwtvl : The 'Tablets are sold 1y druggists ,Ir by mail at '.!.i emits a box from_ Th.!'I)r, \1'illians' \ledirine ('u,, liroev'.U..', t et Record of a Lake Steamer. (\Vttsldngton 11erakt.) Count Mont De Cnstelhtno has reconsidered the matter and will not eommit suletcf0 yet, but soon. The count's threat didn't seem to aroma) the widov r(ul4 cylrprehont Ioa and Camay be Probably anticipated.' In the \liming ---Soy, old matt, 1 feel like a :piing; chicken "(tush, you don't Lo,tt lilac uti'." Looked like lit►sinttss - Ala, 1 believe Harry i, going to propose to 1:111)1, "11'hat makes you think so, Willy?" "For a lents time he's given ate tut' to go and pity, but tonight he's made it a quartet'." alis Experience'--Sttuclg{e: "What Ito you think of editors?" Fudge: "'They don't seem vent'• o'i�i• nal," "lt's all off between 11.reen and Itis girl." "Ohl What happened?" "Ile asked her to ,share his lot and she asked hint if there was a house on it." Ilii Sense Of Iltwtor--"ll(m't you ever go to unlike' comedies?" "Not when the departmental stores ore open evenings." John's a quiet man, (.'articularly at home. Ile doesn't say titch ithout the hired girl for instance. Yet she made hint Hurd all right. "Aly dela'," he began (to his wife), "what'; the difference between Ethel (that's the hired girl) and u loaf of bread?" "Tell itt said his wife. "When a loaf's been made too long it gets stale. when Etl►(1's been maid tou long she gets fresh." 'That's us much as he dare say. Milking the Best of 11.—"1 1)0liove you had a bad fall on the street." "1 did; but there was a. redeeming feu• tut e," "1ndeed, what was it?" "I didn't recover cottt(cuou9nrss lultil 1'tl been carried out of the crowd." "Ifuw did Perks find out his wife was it'a31ittg Ht tl()ttble tale?" "11t' took a glass too much. and 1 guess he saw double." ,`top a minute. 1)o consider, 15 it really very wise, Thu; to hurry, scurry, flurry, Every morning,. when you wise? Would it not be slightly better, 1f success it is you seek, To get up tett minutes earlier, Every day throughout the week? "1 hear old Caahem has made a for- tune, yet lie still keeps at it though it'd ruining his health. What do you think of that:" "He'll have an expensive funeral soots.' An Icy Observation—"It's wonderful," the old tinter was saying, "how the cold affects the Canadian speech. Here, in summer people often addretati you with "Say." when they begin a sentence. But, in winter it's 4'1 say" ♦•♦ SOME THOUGHTS FROM RUSKIN. '1'h0 first of all English games is mak- in!, money. -1 little ;roup of wise hearts is better than :t wilderness of fools. You du not learn that you may live -- you lite that Soli 11111y Iettru, 1)t' fill wastes, the gt'eutest waste than you can commit is the waste of labor. Jt is useless to put your beads togs• th''r if vett can't put your hearts toge- ther. All :ut:trehy is tate forerunner of pov- erty, ;Ind all prosperity begins with obe- dience. The fact i; that there are idle poor and idle rich; and there are busy pout' and busy dell. \fork faithfully, and ,you will pot yourselves fn possession of a glorious and enlarging happiness, 11'ilful error is limited by the will, bus what limit is there to that of which we are tnlconsciuu99 If our right hand is not to know what our left dues, it must not be !weans() it would be ashamed if it did. Nobody does anything well that they cannot help doing; work is only dune well when it is done with it will. All healthily -minded people like mak- ing mosey ---ought to like it, and to en- joy the sensation of whining it, 11'hut wi'e like determines what we are, and is the sign of what we are; and to teach taste is inevitably to form char- acter. Borrowers are 'nearly always ill -spends ers, and it is with lent money that all evil is mainly done, rind all unjust wet- protracted. No mats who is truly ready to take part• in a noble quarrel will ever stand long in doubt by whom, or in what cats(), his aid is needed. No lonelier can truly promtote the, cause of education until he knows till mode of life for which that education is to prepare lli9 pupil,• 1Vhnt we think, tit' what we knew, o►• \I•hut. we believe in is in the pod of ails lie consequence, The only thing of con- sequence is what we do. "Platy" is an exertion of body or mind, made to please ourselves, and with' no determined end; and work is n thing, done because it ought' to be (lone, and wit,' a determined end. , There must be work done by the arms. or none of us could live. There must bo mirk dune by the brains, or the life we *el: would not 'be .worth having. And the.' same nu'n cannot do both,' Many it beggar is as lazy as if he had ten thousand a year and aunty n man of Iarge fortune is busier than itis errand boy, and notes would think of utoppfng in the street to play ntarbleH, 1f the busy rich people watched and t'e- Iitiked,the idle rich people nil would be right among them; and if the busy poor people watched nnd rebuked the idle pooh People, all would be right among them, PAGE FOUR --'1'1.1E 131,\'1'11 S'1'ANDARI.)2.;i', 1c)0;, JAS. McMURO. iIE BANKER. A flENE1tAT, BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAr,TED, BLY'I'it, ONrr. vie giutit tlXtlbartt. I are now on exhibition and redo inn Londosboro. '000000 :r �d,�,�,f'0,(>�:/,5:,/,�y <'47l ;f•1Y4'.1 ;;/i�`:,+'1✓.4���+/.1,�1,�:1i/4'� store near tl►e Moya' 1[otel herr, 'These I milli -11°v ''rue's a 1 tl�neled the Prov• �� J, L, KERB, PUBLISHER. I paint lege are the work of Nlr, Nlt:l)unn!li 1 i►lrinl lraud I.adt'• 11f Uutnri1 tt'ewt 1,, - Hn artist of no tneulr "bili' c, who IIHw • 'CHURSDAY, \I Alt �I, 1st 7, +fent alnl0;lt n year in exploiting; U. L nr I)r"nKi•ville ln�t ttenk, i Q. To Northern Algoma from ,Sean lite, I In 11ullett Inst. \In nlny morning t ho � \'aril to Jones Buy, noel rrcnrding': \I►rsl'AIoon, t(ls4e\lnitda, of tay at the age Henry ' points of interest and't►eenty by excel.'' anths and dn I I .ps 11 foe' 11 Nhshortlent, paintings, tvhntot'er rimy ler 1111', monthsilhless Or days with 14"""1"0"1", 'I'hn -'- value of 1110 diett•ict its en eat tmu11 nr111 ! funeral took place an Wednesday niter lir. willf)a%'ja was hi (h lt'l'ich region, it is rlrnrcely surpasses' in thr' noon 10 1110 Lon1\\4 l l cemetery t 'Peek, herlgty of its Sct'n0t'1'. , • , __....__.....�. ___ It her' 1111• inlr r Inc nt was inedo. whet People We Know NOTES DISCOUNTED, 1, Mr. Fred Lewis, of Berlin, spent Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made 1 �ttn(1:iy 10 tnw'n, to farmers on their own notes. No! ell'. 1). 1). Crittenden will visit in additional security required. London this %%'Pelt, 1)r, Shaw, M. 1)., of Clinton, was ^spring Shaw IlateF, The Cradle,makes it sad another little girl is sick I00 but we (lope for a speedy recovery. nro,..._At, west Hem on march Int It to Mr. and Mrs, Frank ('Kulp Brussels. bell, a volt, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates in town on Tuesday, We oiler every a000mmodatiun eon. ,1(r, Melvin Elvins left on Monday Clinton,I'hursdlt)' I A lril 4th, sistent with Nato and conservative oinking principles. for Lethbridge, Alan. Brucelield, Wednesday, April 21tlh. plugs Grace L'awden, of Clinton, visited in town this week. FOB S.\L1': The blacksmith shop, took, 1?ev, S. Anderson visited friends thliele( telot thee lat 11tc11tLr,Dougllts Is in Kirkton ou 11'edneslluy trf' th'S otl'ared for sale and must be Hold at week, Once. - •Mets. Dot'l;t,AS. Air. Bert 11cCotntnins left Tuesday of last week for his old position in Listo%1'e1. Mr. Christopher Grhnoldby, of That Are Easy to Remember Owen Sound, is visiting his uncle, Mr. David Carter...,.. Mr. Fred Solvers is oil duty at We represent the leading Fire and Popleetonc & Gardiner's stole on rte. Life Assurance companies, and respect. COIL II t 01 the grip. fully solicit your account. ,Miss Hattie Ferguson, of Auburn, lily th,'CuPsday, April 2nd. UNLIMITED PRIVATE To loan on of interest. Beal FUNDS Estate at lowest rates REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. SIX FACTS OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to ti r.u. A. 13. 11ACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, .Notary, Etc. Sue• cement to G. I''. Blair. 011tcu over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politen Bank. tiOUDFOO'T, HAYS d't BLAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ise, Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderloh. W. Proudfoot,K.C, ; B. 0, Ilays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. TONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University, Office over ,lames Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday a a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. M1LNE, Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Unl• versify of Trinit College; M.D., Queen's University; Mellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor• otter for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Illyth, 3b". S SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the orrice of Tor STANDARD, Blyth, Blyth Livery ANO...... Sale Otables w foci 1t) Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. COQ ti) Met -class Ilotoes and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, Spring Term Opens Tuesday, April 2nd This school, .which Is the largest and most prokreeeivo commercial and short. hand seehool in Western Ontario, on,joys the reputation of doing the beet wore in busiueFs education In Canada, Our graduates are In demand as commercial teachers and ollice asaistante, Write for our free catalogue and you will get full information concerning our school. ELL/OTT e3( MCLACHLAN, Principals. has taken a position In ler. R. Me - Cummins' tailor shop, Miss Sarah Bentley expects to leave next Tuesday for Winnipeg ; we wish her a pleasant visit, 1r, (.len. Springford, Mr. John Putter, Mr, Frank Gibson and Mr. Geo. Loekle left on Friday for Sas• Itato)n. Mr. •John Pickett, who has lived is East Wtltvanosii for a number of years, left Illyth station on Monday fel' the west, Mrs„I, J. McCaughey was in Walkerton last week attending the funeral of her brother•In•Iriw, the late Jlr. Patrick Cummings, Mr. and Mrs, John 'door and fam- ily are visiting at the Queen's. Mr, Illoor sold his bakery in Ailsa Craig and is looking around for a new business. On IVedncsday morning of this week Miss Agnes Babb was taken to the London Hospital for treatment. Mr, Frank Metcalf accompanied her to London, We are pleased to hear that. Mr. A. F, Carr, a Blyth boy, is now (1s- sistant secretary at the City Rail- road Department Toronto Young Men's Christian Association ; we tvisli hint success In his work. G. T. R. Agent McTaggart no Friday morning ticketed the follow - lug persons to different points in the west ;--,Miss Maggie Bruce to Dan. ;Min, N[an, ; Mrs, Ed. Krachiing and son John to Arcola, Sask. ; Mr. Bert Pierce to Carlyle, Snsk. ; Mr. Ilert Logan to Manor, Man. Air. Peter Douglas, oi' Regina, Sask., at rived home last week to he at the bedside of his father. lir. Douglass is now accountant in the \'nrthern Bank in that city. 1lis many old friends were pleased to see him hack once more in their midst, It is over throe years since he left the Bank of Hamilton in this place, Mr, John Wilford returned on Monday from attending the Provin- citil Grand Lodge of' Ontario \Vest L. 0. L, at Orangeville last week, where he obtained the promise of two Provincial Grand Lodge Officers to attend our 12th of July celebra- tion, further notice of which will be given later. After the session Mr, Wilford went to Toronto where he spent a very enjoyable time in corn - pony with his son, H. C., who is at. tending the university, All lectures were called off owing to the death of Cul, Peters, one of the head sur- geons of the hospital, who was buried with military honors and the attend- ance of the medical fatuity of the city. CHURCH NOTES, Itnv, 8, Anderson and ltev, Curry. of Walton, will exchange supplies next Sunday, K .t * Rev, 1), A, \1eLean, 13, D., of Tor- onto, again occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church and preahlied two fine sermons. His morning topic wits "Tho fellowship of Christ's suffering," In the evening his topic was "Co- laborers with God," * 4s1 I t is expected. ;hunt `some one of the ministers neat"Y31yi:Il will supply the pulpit of St, Andrew's church next ,Sunday, Soaforth. Mrs. MacKay, of Ooderich street, is holidaying; with her son, W, C. 11Jac- Kay, barrister of !Toronto. Mrs, J. 0. Clrelft Spent the beginning of the week with relatives in the county town, Much interest is being token in it col- lection of beautiful paintings which FiRST-That If there is any pert.Irularly right piure to do .iewelry shopping It k here. SECOND -That It Is the right, place only beonuse we sell the right goods, THIRD --And don't charge too much for thein. FOPRTII-We have special goods for all special maidens Fue41 as birthday an. nivorsarles, wedding souvuniers and such like. FIFTH -11'e have c.lntldence In every bit of our stock and ask you to exsmlue it critic illy. SIXTH -There Is no best time to call. Any day is the right day. FRANK METCALF 11'. [T. Ken, ntre'►Illing the ()rand Lodge of the .\, O, U, \1'. in Toronto 1 his week. The wind storm of Snudsy week blew down tha smoke stock at 1), Ewan & Cos, Canine() works, Brussels, Somebody Ila~ been defacing plate glass w'iudows with a diamond or other xhnr), instrument and the authorities are after the wrongdoer, I•;ust I[11r0n License Commissioners met nt the Centre) Hotel, Brussels, last Saturday, .1110. Cardiff was reelected ULHirnllul and Inspector Clegg Socre. tory. Their eext Meeting will he in r\'pits 11 r, I'ryne, who recently pnrohased the National Flour Mill, Brussels, has lensed the Fred Adams house, Mill street, told will trove his family from Toronto to town, A gravel hauling bee wee 00 the program on 'Tuesday rind Wednesday afternoons the material being intended fur a new cement stable at the Mediu. dist Parsonage, G. Mc1)otvcll %yes [w'arr'ed the coutrnct for the ccmelet work his being he lo,vnat tender. The Toronto Saturday Night of last week has the fnllot'ing item in 1110 society 00111011► which refers to n former young lady of town :-(r. A. end Jiro, Powell, tits llaw'11trd avenue announce the engagement of their eldest (laugh. ter, hiss Ethel Lillian Powell, to ')wen Arthur Sn►ily, son of Thomas and 'lass ,Sillily of Avenue road. The weddiul,' will take place in )ley. Morris. Miss Annie I,>twson, of Londosboro, wits the guest ,of Miss \Iar'y Scott, Stli lino, for o couple of days this week, (;oi'xcli, 11Foertxtt.-'Cha Council met in the Council room on ,\barch lith uc Jewelry and Stationery. cording 10 adjournment ; members all )n'esent, the lteeva in I 11 Chair, M Utes of last sleeting read and passed, A request, tt'as received from Hey, A, MCNahh, of ‘Talton, asking for aid to the Public Library. Ou motion of Taylor and Shute e5.00 WAS grlulted in aid of will library. Ott n►oriorl "shotty nod Campbell he Clerk was inotructed to notify the. Grey Council that we require II►e 00111)Ileti0ll of 11,0 Lemont th'ain in 1lorris en of before 111'' lirtit shay of 1 tor ober next, A mile%' of e lro• posed liy•hlw of the ('aunty sof 11 mem in respect to t he %;,nal ro:uis Illnt'enl.'nt w'8.4 t'rl'NeII'PII lel,Il (III mor inn of 'Vey leer anri Shaw the 1'',Illi lI a',lerove'sl of the passing. td 11.e said 13v -law by rhe Cit (711"11(1'. :\rcaurl1'4 WIWI' 1.1101'011 to Ill, laid ne follows : -I'. (Iiit firider. remold tile, :!IO,,'►; 11r►nitensil 11'nrnl, bhulk asseesin.'Ut Rod ct•Ilnote s's 1'.,l!4 iii 1111 ; Jas /1.:111,11.''•0(1. hall 1e111 fel ltf.yisiut Court, ,+",:1,0') ; (,;r, or'0t•ee of .�Irl(..non, 13 line acrnunr, $In eft ; 1''. \',11(0(01,0, gravel 011 Nortel betindtry Bei iit, ; ,Ins. Terms reasonable, Seism arranged for Henderson, ingest 00 hots blltulrinre at lux STANDARD office, Blyth. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be received by the Councll of the Township of Itullett up to 2 n. tn. on Saturday, the :31l.,,h of March, 1007, for the erection of concrete abutments to support two steel bridge?. At the same time and place tenders will be neelved fur the steel superstructure of the said two bridges, length between abutments being 50 feet and 2)1 feet and 14 feet roadway, (Joe of these bridges will be over Sprung's (.,reek in the ,11Aitland Block, and the other will ben Slderoad 10 and 11, Con. 1.2, The lowest or any tender not nem, - eerily accepted. Specifications for the concrete work e'ru be seen at the 'Town• ship Clerk's office, Londes.boro. --.'.tales co.N11'1E1.1., Clerk, ROBERT H. OARNISS L'I,UEI'ALE -. ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the oarload direct from the queries, (let our prices. 1\'e employ no agents, WiLSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS --• - ON'TAIRIO. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . $1 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser „ „ 1 05 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 110 Tho Standard end Weekly GJlobe 1 83 The Standard arid Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 'file Standard and Weekly \'nil and Empire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 05 '\'Ile Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Titres 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press, . 1 80 The Standard and Toronto \\'eek• ly Sun .., 1 80 Tho Stundard Heti Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator..., .,1 80 The Standard end Toronto Daily Star .. 2 1215 Pho Standsrd and Toronto Daily News. 2 25 Tho Standard and Farmer's Advo- cltte• „ 2'30 The S;audnl'd and Daily Advor- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Prose ,.,... 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free 1160 The Standard and Evening (-lobe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire....,, 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empires.,., ,,,, . 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe, , , 4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTfi, ONT, $3,7,)' .111e. Fowler, 1111t•1 -I all north boundary ti::1.30, :\ cagy of the Pngt•i• )►Pers report all it p1•olas0li (11e110 111 11111 toltn,hil, of (fn y, kuutvu ns III) l;ttftti 11 rain %env hllnded ill I,y the ('ll•rl( of Grey, On million of \li'Ctltcheon end Campbell the (ollticil 'pert ndjonrl,etl meet again on the 8111 (ley of April next At 1.30 p, In, nt which pl'''ating the report on the proposed Ewan drain will be read, W. Clark, Clerk. Nowe along the Line, ONTARIO apple grower's would do well to take special pains this coming sea- son to spray their fruit. The north• west inertial was opened largely for tide promise last year and by a continuance of good clean tvell•pncked fruit into fluff part ice Will be assured of good prices and n steady market, The clause providing for licenses for those cti'•rying guns and rifles wits struck out of tllo proposed fish and game bill. 'l'11e London, Eng., city school boys have invited a contingent of Cnnndiun hogs to contest for a miniature rifle itt the Bisley meeting this summer, It is said that. 1', 1f. MiGuigan, fourth vier -president of the G, '1', I:t,,, has accepted a position with 'bones J, IIi11, the railway magnate of the west- ern States, The report says that ler. \IcCJuigarl will sever his CoIIIIPCtIOtt with the Grand Trunk on April 1st, Tho Provincial 'Treasurer's Depart. meat has received a cheque for 1)1011,000 all account of the succession Unties on 111e estate of the tete Timothy Eaton. The full 811100111 has not yet been nscet'. Mined, Arrangements have been practically completed for the re•orgeni?Htion of the ,1. 1). King bo t and shco company in 'Toronto, Liadsny Malcolm, M, A., has been appointed City Engineor of Stratford in ace of iN[r. Parsons, who has resigned. A proposal to lessen 1 ha number of districts %vrts discussed b,y the Ex- ecutive, 111111111111 +frFa►r iI/il M 'lil•trrtif .i iA�iriiii wt ILLON -STAY FENCE PuINT:, wltlloiIlu.l�are the Ullluu IIIYek• STAY Pollen 'All lost a Ilrelhun. 1'lioursod, tremor alloy It. Maya du not dip aur bend when toil wires ore uurue dawn, Illuur,0.1 Ctlaluruo nee -Ilse 11011111 waned. WIRE sr rrA IIX iLIMITED. ■t'TT 'i'11" S.T., the Ladies of Blyth and vicinity We respectfully invite you to 011 r Millinery and Dress Goods Opening Friday and Saturday, March 22nd and 23rd 0 All the latest hesig►lis and Novelties are here for QS your inspection, 1\Iiss Anderson is in charge of 0 the Millinery Department. Deady for early buyers now, 13L.T.—1 Spring Is coming and with It canes the usual amount of sewing. You will find a gond reliable machine a useful nl•tlele in vow' house.. 1\'u sell the Drop Head New Williams and the latest improved Now ll tynlond 51 whines. These machines are sold with a written guarantee for 10 years. You eau sate from $5 to $10 ler coaling to this marc for a machine. J. H. CHELLE W - .._..._.1110101 - BLYTH We are too busy to advertise, LDEN 0 MYTH Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stom'tch, L't'ar, XiduryH and "fur elea►eing the Blood, 200 dealt' treatment $al, 30 days' treatment 25c. For bale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store 11'holceale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kleetrdtne, Ont. Our 25c Tea Tee as good ns we say It Is, Maybe bot ter than you think it is, Just one thing against it The price is too low It keeps people who are too particular 0111 trying It. Our rrgn,st :---WllI you he prurient and oonoinieel end try this 25e Tea of ours '1 Ono little rip of (ho stewed In:retake will do more than it column of talk, Our other Tens at other prices aro alFo considered to bo of more than average merit. CASII F()R ALL KINDS 01? PIRODUCE JAMES CUTT HOUST, IND TOTS FO11 SALE, --Thu nurcr..lgntd oll'ers for sale Lots 88 and 611, 1V,'stutol•uhuul street, In the village of Blyth, 01 the prernlses there io it cun►0nt•hlnek veueered rostdenee 20x23, kitchen 10x22 nttached, hard and soft waterold as proprietorg tort camera Is goinggeW West, or turtle r per:lculnrr apply to JOHN F. NIVINS, Blyth. TIME TABLE, LONDON AND IVINGHAl11 BRANCH, SOUTH. NO1tTHI, nun pm AM put 1140 3 30 Wingharn 11 10 735 0 43 3 33 Wingnam Jot, 11 00 7 '15 0 52 3 41 Ilellirave 10 50 7 13 7 00 3 50 Blyth 10 38 7 let 7 14 4 04 Londesboro 10 80 6 52 7 47 4 23 Clleum 10 15 0 85 8 05 4 34) 13rucefuld 0 58 0 19 8 l5 4 47 Kippeu 1► 50 0 11 8 22 4 52 hlenerill 11 44 0 01 8 35 i, (15 Exeter 9 :10 5 54 8 40 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 214 Clntldeboyo 0 00 5 :1.1 0 05 5 30 Wean °ramming 0 05 5 30 0 1`2 5 37 Denfleld 8 55 5 25 0 21 5 40 llderton 8 45 5 15 9 20 5 54 l,ttrlek 8 :35 5 077 0 35 ti 58 Hyde Park Crnssing 8 20 5 02 0 37 0 00 Hyde Park Jet, 8 24 11 11) 0 45 0 10 Londou 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Winghnnl for all stations on the 1'alnlereton and Kin. anrdine branch. Connections fire made at Clinton for all etatlone on the Buffalo and Gnderioh hrauoh, and all st"u"ns from Stratford to Tnron to, Coupcotions aro made nt Lnoan Crossing for ell star Ione west to Sank, Connections are made fit London for all rtatloas east and west on the main line. 'J'lln Alberta Legislature wits pro' rogued last Saturday, ha1'ing completed the entire program of important ,lt'ltislatiou. M ARCH 2 1 >'J', 1 007 •--'I' i t rAngna ici f.is, Fil THE RIGHT HOUSEHrA RELIABLE STORE 1V1'I'I[ WORT'([(' ((ODDS ON SALE � AT MoUICItATh 1'ltll,!•' AND PAIN 1'Itonll(ll'b Volt gA911 ' �, FAI 7 1►ra SPRANG . GOODS The constant growing demands on our stock has necessitated our buying a larger and better assort- ment of Dry G-oods for the Spring of 1907 than ever before. It will ap- peal to the one who is looking for the best values and closest prices. Highest prices paid for .mall. -Y.•.•., Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH firo BUTTER & EGGS WA.N'TEtD As we slake a spy elalt) of Imitating produce w,' ale paste.' the highei,t ens', priers, for Bailer alio EZWM'tr, our ,lore. priers, you auvr an) of 'heir fur -ale gat our prlee, before going elr.u►, here. Grain ckeokH paid after brooking hours at our stare. MOMILL14N & CO. °Insley Street Blyth TOW N aro p i cs, Teti: Laster bonnet Crop is nearly ripe, 'fats week C. II, l3eese shipped a car of flour to Glasgow, Scotland 'ITIS Grand Lodge of the A, 0. IJ. N. is being held in Toronto this week. . UoN he afraidton Z n al let us know f 13LY'!'!1 STA Nki---•PA(:r I'JVE, A ON ,lluuday of this weld: C. 11. 'vP l3eese received 11 CII' of corn, Iht vs: port laid for your paper for A the Culling' v(;nr ? 11 not, wiry lint? tV,1Lurr.H:4i' Itf':(hirr,-- IV hen 70-70 ; Barley '18-48 ; Oats 3G--31; ; yeas 74-75 ; Butter 20 21 ; 14'4'gs lfi^-17, TIIEItI:Is n"thilig. in the new Sul (lay Ohservttlee Act to prevent a young loan from waiting at the eI'nreli until his lest girl canter one, Kull. DI Ko. --Last Prides the in- fant child of 1). IV, and Mrs. Sowers Classed away. 'I'1► the par'('tlt9 the s,ynlp'tthy of the community is ex- tended, IN the rural schools of Ont,tri, the average salon. of Illlde t'•aelie'.r in- creased front $385 in 191)1 t , 8102 in 1905, and I'i' female teachers from 8291 in 11101 to 3311 in 1905. Lily(' tvech Micllill:ut Bros, re- ceived it car load of stockers 01.21 (lead to put on grass on their farm just east of town, The cattle are coming 3 bears and aver'age'd 98;1 politick, '1'111', 'hits team rain ;sway ''esterdtt w morning Iron) the Commercial 1I"t''1 when attached to the lilggpge wilg •n VII and tIiro ' olio a trunk in froit , 1' I)r. Alllne'3 residence 'lite Wain [ik ran to the station --no damage done. VII S'r, P,1'11 iCic's DAY was this year jtA1 of served as a public holiday, All VA business was suspended, and banks PA1W and other utensils of e' mmerce, ill- 1rA eluding betels, were dosed, This is a tribute to the ;;rent snake killer 41 aid IIIc Emerald Isle. :Neither l.nnrier nor IVIii'ney were respou• 13 a :a,,, Ex...:% sill, for this, Till, voting for the 13y1;tw to Ih:rn the 11 It. 11111 Co, $3,009 takes THE marbles and the skipping place next Teesd;l l' and 'Pirie SrAN fo'rt'y ill'(' again 1n conlil1ission, 0,11tO lope's every voter will (db' his Gioia~ are talkinrr or nl'gluilzhig it duty both to I►iln,ell and the Lown Union prohibiting Its mt^nthel'y front by 1'nt.ing for the ht' law, 11'1(1 tints being engaged Mere than three deep. start and build Blyth np If you ON Wednesday of this week Hoot,' stay away from the pills you vote Cumin;', of this place, was married against the by-law. Vote early and to ,Mss thrall 1'hirse;r'vice tit the resi- see that pail' neighbor votes ton, d+'nee of' the bride's parents in 11111- I)tu you ever stop to think that Tett. when ti business Ivan looks for help , RECENTLY the children of lira, that he does not Zook for rho vont)) Charles i''Ioudy preso,lte(d her with a who talks ''sassy," uses slang, snn'k- Mnrris chair on the occasion oI' (ler es cigarette, or plays pool ? 'Thee eightieth birthday, Ed. 1''luody, of look for the boy who is neat in op - Toronto, was present at tiie presen- pert':Ince, gentlemanly in his ac - tattoo, tions, clean in his utak and Cour• Trio annual tneeting of the Ro. teuus to those whoa] Ile meets. Al- li►rrn Association of South Huron, as though yr,u may think no one constituted for Provincial purposes, watches you or knows your aharaet- wil1 be held in the Opera house, or it Is safe to say that there is not 1[ensall, on Tuesilrty, March 2Gth, a business man in town but knows itt 1.30 p. nl. the character of every hay in it. If 'Pito ()rand Trunk Railway will you wish to became II useful man it issue single faro tickets for the is you and you alone who must ac - 1.0110(1 trip f;.'r Easter holidays as annplish 11, follows :-Good going March 28th,'I'Ax 13,1C1IELarts. -A good idea was introduced at a (Meeting of the Pete1'buru council a week or so ago, when rt proposition was snhillitt' d to tax all bachelors in order to tweet debenture debts. It reads as fol. lows : For those between twenty and thirty \'cars of age, $5 it month ; from thirty to thirty•live, $10 tt month ; decreasing to 85 again wheel the Ilan reached forty ; tit 111'ty, $20 a year, nod on reaching his three score yen's, the tax Would C111180 (low would this work h, Blyth ? If the, money i3 not needed it would no doubt he of great In fluence in the way (I' helping our in:toy bachelors to tacking the step towards the inatr'innnial altar and sharing their happy life with a com- panion. • A Lai BUTTER PA� avg� �fA1 any interesting item that may have 2111th, 30th, 31st and April 1st, goad escaped us. returning' Until Tuesday, April 2nd, 'Pito man with the sugar hush Is 'I'uEaveritge (louse wife will soon the most popular elan of the Iiuur. IIIs friends are legion. other inmates of the household, She 1VANTEll A'1' 0.vc►':. -A good smart will tie a rag around her head and girl to learn the (allies' tailoring, wade into the dirt in a wiry that Apply to firs, lt, McCommInH• will mike your (lead swan, She Olt'INo to continued bad health will Cera' up the carpets, empty the W, J Fenwick has been .compelled cupboards, look soul' when you to give up delivering the morning show up for dinner and slain and supply of milk, We are sorry to bang things around to a queen's hear of Mr. Fen wick's illness, but taste,•and it' you don't like it take trust he will soon he able to again your meals up town. Spring time is resume his work, a vert unhappy event wlleli house cleaning is on. Tuo following frnnr the Welland Telegraph refers to a former busi- ness ratan of our village : 'The firm of Lawrence & Sutherland, house. I'urnishei's and undertakers is no more, An agreement was closed yesterday whereby Mr, Lawrence acceded to Mr. Sutherland all his in - wrests in the business and business hloeic, Mr. Lawrence will lead a retired life after a business career extending over n period of 37 years Ile hest opened shop in Blyth in 1870, Eighteen years ago he came to Welland and has since been known ns one of the town's most prominent and sut:ces9ful business Iden," begin to make life a burden to the I-IOUSE RACING] A1' FAH -g• -111e OntltrIo Assaetltion of Ii'ith's, at the cl':sing meeting recently, vote(( by considerable I nhjirl'y In favor of Hieing at (''airs, and appointed a de putil1inn to Waft 00 the Minister of Agrieulturo to urge a change in the law, lion, Mr, Monteith had no ob. jectio n to trials of speed, but he op- posed the idea of giving prize Iron• ey to It class of horses kept simply for racing and pitting these against farm anilllsls, '('Ile deputation HiIll ply urged that the law he sit changed 08 to leave (racing to the discretion of individun1 fair hoards, with such restrictions to he imposed ns would eliminate 'ohjr'etional feat• HITS, "HINGE-STAYO" MAKE DILLON "" •�I� TWIOIE AS STRONG ►'l Short, alit, hard, atenl wirnstnynnlnko n"hh(Bf•liko" joint at ovory lateral wh'o ell Iho Dilllou fuuc°, '1Meso "Lthu:o^stays" givu our Woo a grouter degree of ohlatioity-nnablo it to withstand greater strain, They not Into and roally aro, ItItigoN-taako our fouc° awing or amino back into shop° after rocoh'lug a heavy blow, or the unusual pr°ssuronoosed by a furious bull or oteranimal oadoavorlagto push bin wnythrough to f►'oudom. Catalogue tolls more about this "twice an ntrong"fuaeo, The Owen Sound Wire fence Co., Limited, • Owen Sound, Unt. M::s. CUNNINGHAM DEAD. -At the [louse of Refuge, Clinton, 00 Sunday Airs, Cunningham, one of the earliest settlers in Morris township, passed away niter a short illness of pneu- monia. Airs, Cunningham had only gone to Clinton 12 din's ago where site entered the house as 11 paying Inmate. Deceased was horn in Es. quesing township, Halton county, 7-1 years ago and her maiden name was Sarah Taylor, Sum '17 years ago she wits nl:trried 10 her naw de ceased husband and they moved t" the homestead in Morris, which was till lush then, and settled at lot 11). con, 7, '1rid' 1) o e'e'lrr, d and made a Inane 1'or themselves. By this ut,Ion 4 children were lore, all of \Ilm are liedn;,r• :-;Mrs. Purvis, of RevIl stoke, Assn, ; ,MI's, (;corge White, oi' Myth ; John, In Necpitt'ii, Man„ and 11'illianl on the homestead, De. ceased was at menthe,. of the %elle diet church, belonging to the Jack- son appointment, She had al way's been n healthy woman till the last couple of months, Mrs, Cuniiiuohmn leaves it brother and sister in [Talton Co, Rev, Mr, Anderson col ducted the funeral services at the home of her daughter, hit's, George White, and at the grave on Tuesday morn- ing at 10,30, Interment being made in the Union cemetery, The pall. bearers were. J. Wilford, W. Jock. son, J. While, W, Brown, J, N(vhls MerliERSON iiROS,, BLYTII ; JOHN JOHNSON, LONDE,SB0HO ; AGENTS, and Michael Kelly, sr j '1111,I,INPa(Y openings rill J''1'ltllt 1' and ,Satnr'hly. of this week, J,us'r,--A tail 011' a grey fox fur between the ',ridge and D1ethcxii..st church on Saturday Finder wilt kindly leave it at S'r,lNk,t00 (,ince, OBIT( ,Civ, ---At his resilience on Queen street the spirit of Jt.)hort R. 1)onglls took its flight on Saturday evening Inst at the age or 53 )'ears, 10 months and 17 days, 1)ectatisell t%it4 I1111'll at tit lion), near Hamil- ton, and itt the age nI G Ili"Iltl,s, tr'i`ll his parents, to Grey t(i iiEIlil►. :1t the age of 17 years Ire ea 111:1 10 'Myth and learned the trade of a I) acktitnith under the late AIalcolin Ilchellar. \%ohen he had completed hisapprenticeship lie iurchased the 11u►1incns and has conducted it ever since '1'wenty'elght yeitt'i ago hl: torts married to his naw lesrel't part. Iter, ,Miss Jeannette 3ielr,ttes, and they have lived continually in the h"me they ocettpy, Peter Is the only son, 11 batty boy (lyi;l;; when only foul' weeks old. AI„,ut eight t'eal's tigo 11x1 1';(I'l.'I1iISe(I (lie bakery and grncel y 'business Penia Misses ll'atson and conducted it for over (dye years %when he sok to ‘VIII, Rob y11,8 1111. Mr. unulrlas was 11 111'11)l'e1' uI' ;'t. .lMin' w'ti Chani itnd w718 11 !,lies! 111 polities. Ile never cared for public, lite its he thought other pc,ple enuld look after the affairs of the village, Ile belonged to the in- dependent Order of Foresters nod •laccalees, under wleise auspices the funeral look ',Mee on 'i'uesday after. noon to the Undon cemetery, Iles, N. I. Leckie, of Loniesbnro, assisted ly ii':v, 1V Ii. Hartley, officiating, About seven veil l'8 ago tie('.eased was attacked with (b'ight's disease and was not expected to gurvfvo the III. 117158. t\11nttt siX weeks ago he coin - ',lobos! 1'f the disease and (lad been poorly, thoug11 able to be around the 'poise till,( week ago Saturday, De. erased Ica Yes three, brothers itnil tllt'ee iSi l's- 11'Illitllll, III 111e Suites ; ,John, in Morris ; ,lames and .Mss .tnnie, 011 1110 hrlllll'St('nl1 ; 11rs iinwsun and 311's. CAC., of Grey t •wnsliip, The pall -hearers were :- A. 'Taylor, Alex, Elder, F. )1etealf, .1, Denlii lm, W, ,J. Dempsey and ,1 St"tiers. Airs, 1)ouglas and son wish to thank the people of lilyth for the kindness they haVe shown during the illness and death of Mr, I) 'tights, The florid tokens were 111a11y and to the widow, s011 and sorrowing 1'olatiVeS the sympathy of the Ci)iUhtltltlity goes out in this their hotel' of Ill„ul'111116r, -e- Snbs' rile for THE STANDARD. VoTn for tin lip -law 011 31 arch 2rth, sr,nual,EsSNnss. Disorders of the stanittcll mallard) a •IHrvous eutllliion and often prevent sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. stimulate the tiilte•tive 'I'IHIIN, re8i01'N the1'ySI0111 10 at healthy •' ndilion end make sleep possible, For N Ile by 't 11 ((I'll! t.isiM, beltINQ sitotv.-1ilytlr Agricultural Society will hold it nuuumoth ~print; fitly in I31y'tIt on Tuesday, April 21)r1, A splendid lis! of pi izes for entail'(: Stocl( Verso's-Clyt(e,dttle, Slln'e, Pci'- Cl,el'nll nal 11OIulsto1', C;u m I,' -Short • hrn•n, Iiereferlltl, Polled Aliens, (lean ‘ee(1 etc, Industry 1[all has been se- emed for itt' Seed and (rain display. Very liberal prizas in cash are offered, No entl'tlnem fee ; no admission fee, Adriressus twill be delivered in .Industry (hill ut 2 o'clock by (.tovt'i nn1ot.,' spel:ialiyls 0e 1:111)•jeuts intorerritg to Agricultarnli,ts, For prize lists and full particulars apply to ['sulk Iles• calf, Secretary, Everybody invited. F i)NNV .W01(1,1), ISN'T IT ?-The Ner'• parva Register thinks so and gives it reasons, A citizen ordered the milk- man to leaver mill: at his house evert' morning, pay 111g 1111: down for a week's simply ; after the week was tip the milkman still supplied his customer, leaving n r;ult't on his door -seep every morning, Which 1118 customer took inside and used. At the end of 1110 year 1110 milkman (.resented his bill for .)L Ire ells; t.'0 r tlitotni,,r relosed to pity it saying that the milkman should have stopped delivering tvhun the payment ended, The milkman saes the cnstoon'r and got judgment and colts, and people said that custoti►'r waw it mean mid dishol,est than null that the milkman dill right, Anil! her citiiee ,lel this tvitll the biker 111(1 people .a ill he wins not much hotter than a thief, if any hailer. Another did it trilh the 1(1;i:11101p,,p-r anal when the editor snood 11110 pe•.pl0 said it WitH tba editor who was (t mean 111011, Funny 1V0t'Id, 1811'1 it ? The Tomb. ANnleltSON,-1n Morris, on iflttell 8111, Lizzie, ol(lest daughter of Quintin anti Airs. Anderson, Itged 20 yeti's, 7 months and '1 days, Ktuct,-In 1Vinghnnl, on 3Inrch 10th, ()au, E K.intr, iu his 50th year, In Blyth. on Morel, turn, the infant chdd of D 1V, and Mfrs. Sotn'is, aged 2 10011111s, DoU(ri,AS, -Ill 131yt11, 011 3Inrch 16t11, Robert R. Douglas, aged t13 years, 10 months and 17 days, (JuNN1NWIAM,-1n Clinton, 011 'Mal'ch 17th. A'lt's, Sarah Cunningham formerly of 3101118 township, age( 74 years, htuoN.--In Hallett, ou Aiai'ch 18th, Aluu'da 1110011, daughter of henry and ,Arta, 3lnou, aged 8 months and 1'f day's, aommoure aria r, .r:.•r,r.•,..r•••rt. ritglIgnirtil'Jiltlitttl:i';IN0,0t" ,rlJnl/ • hi`r.rlr .N I.. .Jnr►J ECif 442 1 [113 • l:lt7 1:i4' 3 to.; c14; [J13 04; (1:3 't:. x r ul Ci.=1 ttt7 012 [07 i:t93 ;3 1113 f;(4' 1: `jfftgq3 4; t:13 Cil i !1141 Cul rol rt ilj; Ii): trt7 ;al .1/a C:97 .' ,✓ t1J7 t111 „if ar,r tui .9,: i`4 �lt ' .ry 41 tJJ3 rlJr "' 41' / 18 rl4' 1. `�/?.nr. :x.11 t■►JJIl11.H:Jri►:✓.lr; ...rrii✓►I.`.a. 1 Ir✓art r♦varl J.. r.qrr,✓ . .,,rt Sitir►i11ii11%►1p.i•.►,nn••r,.v,..r,f.•.if. fnv,..n..nt ,. •♦ r Ia: lir. i.,rIkii ■ 7rZ7���z� Openings Ale.,l•....marry.--,....,..�........si...• ...1641101.11100.1411101011411 111WPCNRIIIIIMMIWINEIMMEIMMINO Friday and ~ aturday March 22nd and 23rd .rya.... -m. •-...,....-�............ .......11.11..... \\'c 0,riliully invite you to our Spring Opening (11 Millinery,. Jackets and Whitewear on Friday and 'aturday, March 22nd and 23rd, 1907. ,Hiss f'ortor, formerly of Lindsay, has charge of our lllillinery I )e;partment and will be pleased to slake your acquaintance and ,,how you through our I\1illinery. We remain, yours welt -disposed, 1'' 11'i,I,,S I ONE GARDINER. Ill t I'II, 'NT. S. eco .,surto to Alumni. McKinnon & Co. ...a•p.,-MI 11'Ar`' I ED -Young ladies desirous of learning the millinery business. Apply at 'once. 1,1 ...u......._...,._,n.0•111 rya......_.......,....,..,.,.. OMNI 11111111•11.101•06. «.. Better than all other Simi: Foods Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl- sec and 25c packages. 1"1-11 (OUR. Beat Mutt Int, iii ole tr oto N. 1 hard wheat, able Cholas Fainil)'. AI.1, KINDS 01? (aItOCER11;S, 20.;ATS. 11IVEI;POOI, SALT FOR BUITER MAKERS, Cash for Butter and Eggs, A. TAYLOR .. . BLYTH HERE I AN OPPORTUNITY to reach the consumer direct. Your advertisement in this paper would be read as you are now reading this. We will be pleased to give you particulars so why not Grasp the ,Opportunity • ELATE ORIESSMAII1G SCHOOL '1'i'aeIle3 Dress ('tit• Ling and littl;i ig in all its branches by mail (8 leesone), The best system ever in- troduced in Canada. Adopt this method and increase your in- ,y come. For full par- ticulars write to -day. ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL P. 0. BOX 91 DVNIDAS, ONT. BIBLE TRANSLATION. The Work is One Requiring Great Train- ing and Infinite Care. To any person who gives the matter the least thought, it moat seem nothing short of aniraouloue that so magnificent a pieoe of literature as the Christian Bi- ble could ever be translated into the spoken tongue of s:avttf+ra who pica se's no writtcet language at all. anti in thou - semis of eases have no equivalents for important words of the Bible. \\'l'i1 do I remember 1)r. Raven pointing out, to me, at the Bible witty headquarters, that the phrase "Lamb of (:1.,d" wai found a very serious ohatatcle in turning the New Testament into Eskimo, for that people dill nut know what sheep wore, had never seen any. and could not con- ceive of thein. '111eref Mk the phrase was render d "1'he little Seal of God." Naturally, then, this question of translating the Bible eallg for labor which can fairly be f aile..1 heroic. A translator Moat devote his life to the work, as did 13i,ho tic here schewsky. Trhia remarkable Bible .ech"lar, although well-nigh helpless phy:•ieally through in,• curable paralysis, for over fourteen years "pounded" on the typewriter with the solitary forefinger whose use ho retain- ed, preparing every Word of both Testa• lnonts for his moutwnental translation in- to the Easy Wen 1,i dialect of Gltiuese, s„ thus making our Bible accessible to mores of millions of people who speak ,. that tongue. Will it be believed that Bishop Schereskewsrky salt 1n the very 606 sane chair for nearly twenty years, working With amazing persistence, and --- ~ requiring two secretaries to keep pace with him? And yet this noble old man, at the time of his death a few weeks ago, was planning twelve years' addi- tional work. --\\'i linin Gorge Fitz -Ger- ald, in the March Circle. :kstor's Statistics, A reporter ie said to have once asked John ,1.t.'O1 Astor if it Ivere true that he hail I tt•,•I:t' •;even antomuhilee, five eliatiffeuri, thirty-three horse, and forty- vigill e:trri.tg e.. \!r..\,tor interrupted: "statistics :n•.! :tltvdV, rtes', ,lapid anti +'1'1'11 irritating. Let nu' tell you :1 story of :t tentp.'ruare c\horter lido while in the :uhcrh; f +,:It a man lying full length 1111 the oath ••. i' I:flul shc►tee anti tuts• Lei her. lie t•trelled him with his font to :irons.' Iain: t:'1 said in a voice full of gentle 1.1)1 ).1 '1 '•\ly friend, did you ,'ger pail.,' .,+ •or,idrr that if you had pissed th' Ilett',' of ane .lays of Whiskey nits at e+i!i+o!t:;.d infere;t ill the flute of the visit of the Queen of Sheba to sedon►nn you would now have $7,810,• 472'" 'Ile redf11eed taint lifted hfs head, hruihe i the !deer where the other's foot hall touched hint and replied: "No, I haven't, worked that out, but i'in some- thing of :t statistieial myself and if you don't go back 111) feet in seven seconds, I'll bit ,yoit forty-three tinter and make you see Taloa stars, for I've just had six teeth pulled for $8 ---that's $1.33 a tooth —ntt+1 i tell you, you old meddler, I'rn in no snood for fooling."' IrAitl'.t lOsi ltisll3tl di Your ]Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hispreseription filled, when your can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of. SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOII will cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. HILOII will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Remove( all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horsed, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ate. Save $50 by use of one battle. \\-arr- ranted the most wonderful Blernish Cure ever known. Sold by druggiet.i, King Edward's Kitchen. It is doubtful if there is another cook Is the world whoue skill in culinary arts is egtta1 to that of M. 1•lenager, who rules the kiteht'n at Buckinglin►n Palace. For his Aervice as King Edward's cutsin- ter, M. Reneger, it is raid, receives a salary of £2,Ot'0 per annum, Ills duties lasting about two hours each day, if the time oecupled 11 peeing the luncheon menu, drawn up by the master of Hie Majesty's household is excepted. Toward 0 o'clock M. .11emtger directs his steps toward the kitchen, where there are saucepans and culinary utensils, which have ctvst not less than i',10,000. 'There are 4,000 knives, 3,000 forks and 3,000 spoons solely employed in the pre- paration of the dishes, while the equip- tseent of the kitchen provides for 8,000 covers being laid.--Tit-Bits, ♦•• Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. •411 The Universal Language. (Detroit Free, Press.) She—Did they mtderitanr your French In Paris? He—No, but that's a. place w hero money talks. •0 - It takes a woman a long tiny to come to• the point, especially in sharpening a pencl. . 2-11:72:11 '. `,,''len you stop at the Chateau i':ontenac or any hotel owned by the C.P.R., or travel in her Pullmans or Steatners, you ill find. "Royal Crown Witehbllazel Toilet Soap 9! (Individual size) supplied for your convenience. The finest and best soap made. Your Druggist hu "Royst crown" Witch -hazel Toilet Soap. Large site 10c. cake, 3 attestor 23c. 12 mAN j,u /r1oVA1i" 10M `,' 6 Warlike, But Talking Peace. The kaiser, dreasexl In a field marshal's uniform and wearing a helmet, opened the reichatag yesterday and talked peace. King Edward a few days ago, fresh from a visit to Parts( where be had still further jollied hls latent ally, opened parliament and talked peace. 1"rani" holds together on the moat delicate of eiomeotfo questions in order that her Influence may count In the equation of general peace. Russia 1s going to The Hague to talk peace, but her preparations for a new navy and a reorganized army go on. Undo Sant talks peace, hut L stiff carry- ing hla big •stick. It Is peace all right, be- caufo every fellow Is ready, for the other thing. That condition will remain. At thli Uhme of d'ly ponce Is to bo assured by no other means. 4.. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc., ♦•• A QUAINT AND PICTURESQUE DUTCH FISHING VILLAGE. Saturday morning, sutnetinte,s before the down, the first sails of the fishing fleet creep over the northern horizon and ,lip down, like bowing pigeons, until by noonday a double or triple ring of heavy, brown bows narrows it into a tiny pool. Moroni and about them there is much coming and going of hurrying feet, much bustle :old srtu'ry as they are cleaned, overhauled and restocked for the uext week's cruise. Around the nar- row stone dike, Odell !mica the har- bor to the great trail of basaltic blocks that cheeks the Luytler Zee, and on the walls of plank and piling which fringe its inner curve, the .all, grave \'olendani fishermen and their families coin° and go on unceasing errands. The adults pas;; little attention to photographer or ensn- ares -curiosity is not their weakness and they are very busy --hut the :smallest children have already learned the Meal!. ing of those queer black boxes and the ruin of coppers that the hurried kudaker leaves in his wake, ae they follow you pel'sistcntly along the dike, at, every pause ett'i ing what t11:'5' (slll•+lti'1• all efeeti e pool ::i:i pleading fetogl'at- phireti Inti very recently \'oletid:nit enjoyed a r+rputattion for dignity u'ttl freedom from :til begging or importunity of traveller=, blit the daily trail of tour- ists and the eeaniple of the money -oust:• ing llarkeucra has demoralized tie. younger element and the children ar'., sometimes most shill ging. 'They have learned also a fe'v L• nglisli---0r should we sits, .\tneriean"-._words. Une sf,tll boy greeted us with a cheerful "Paulo's: BILEANS SHOULD BE ()N ALL FARMSTEADS! " HANDIEST AND BEST HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE." Farnters and farmers' writ es say that 13111!,1114 are the timeliest awl 111141 t'Iftv'- tive !nosily mrdieine stile di,,'lycred. \'oil hate indigestion had: •I'at tinsel), token after curb !ural wiit rid you 01 th° soros Ithr nutgic! l'oIi tipaioll, perhaps, i; your trouble? Dile:uls cure it without causing a single pang ill griping! Headache, bitioustie,,, heart trluble, piles, and all disorders arising from faulty liver and stomach action, are cured quickly and surely by !likens. Ars. 1', latv'oiture, of Beaumont, Al. berta, sayst "For over ten years 1 Willi ailing—could not sleep, had pains after food, constipation, headache, and seemed without energy. A few boxes of !Weans gave me bade Ins health." All druggists and stores sell Bilenus at Me pee box, or from 13ileuu Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. AMAZING CASE OF APHASIA. Shrewd Business Man Deprived of Speech for Seven Years. Discussing aplasia at the Academy of \Iedieiue, 1)r. \Viiiiatm 11, 'Thompson told a story of mental acumen following Toss of speech which greatly interested his hearers, and twhielt w'us acknowledged to be one of the most remarkable eases of its kind on record. "A noun well known in business," said Dr. Thompson, "carte to lay offiee one day accompanied by his sots and lawyer and asked that l examine him mentally to determine whether be W118 competent, to make a will. 1 was informed that seven years before he had lost his speech and since then had been unable to utter a word. Ile was literally word blind, Ile could not tell when printing wits up• side down. He explained that he had considerable property he wished to dis- pose of, and that as he expeet'4 his will would be contested, he wanted tt state- ment from me. "1 examined hint thoroughly, found he was mentally acute and in every way re. sponsible. In fact, my inquiry developed the remarkable feet that, while he was word blind, he had developed it remark- able arithmetical knowledge. IIe waa an adept in' every sense. Figures fairly spoke to hint. Since the time he was stricken he had conducted a big business and had done it in such an astute way that he had accumulated u fortune. Ile had complete mute asphasia, but was indeed a sharp business man. I Was con- vinced that his mental centre for arith- metic was separate and distinct. "To test Itis acuteness of intellect I misread two or three word's in his will and he instantly caught ate up and up- braided his lawyer. i made out a cer- tificate to the effect that in my opinion he was perfectly competent to make a will. Two months later this remarkable man was found dead in bed, and f learn- ed later that the certificate which I gate to hien was the nlenne of preventing a will contest." --New \. oi'k Herald, Before deciding where to locate in the \\'est, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields —the richest grazing land—are in this Province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county. TEIFER & O sGOOD Eastern Selling Agents 216 CGRISTI1'IC BUILDING MONTREAL Charleston's Dinner IIour, (Charleston News and Courter.) Mout of the people 1n Washington dine between 5 and i o'clock. This is called an early dinner, but the Washington people al- Doodle:ways were it slow sets The usual hour of ikidun"' and more than at few dinning In Cherie.ttan is :t o'clock. It is an otter plant 01 themse1ye,; in a fetebite,t old English custom, we believe.• At any (?j attitude tiireet.yl in front of the! roto w'u Pauc3' It Is somnyu „ 1 hoc tI50 we clitig to It so ethitonaelogofustl . t Itsort is (a1111'1't1, chid inuir'ingly "1riioke': nIL . a very inconvenient hour to most people to tli.acur'.'r your habits but to sound the i who are engaged In business, but it is the it'or 1 114 ill e.er111;0 for a, ! luthlt and very bard to break. we have the h an' in++ n II advantage of front two to four hours over elt,al', Croat "l o!•'.tdt t!, 1h" Artie(i' the pcoplc of \\'ash1rt1ton, at any rate, be- ttle i Iliac?,' ly. a hrilott'e ('!'sig Albrecht, ill armee thenre luclpnjust thtlot Innelhdaheatd of them oatelepr -4.♦ Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia, a-* The Man Who Sneers, Canada's Blue Law. (Buffalo Courter.) Under Canada's new Sunday law which goes into effect the first of next month, almost Tho sncer is an arrested bite. It is a everything Is listed as wicked If done on mark of the savage. 'Ciro man who more Sunday, end therefore forbidden, except tho is that melt lean of a genntlema:. Tho mathisflkindtmaple et IIoginla inn butr. te illllaoutgrowlke 1t dos. Itoold l alte If he coward. The snoorernot Is d too cornett:no, as Now England ban outgrown Its ravage c, nether he saucers In print or not. blue -lawn. ♦• No Room for Doubt. (Boston Post.) Candidate --You have not any doubt an to Mfr character, have you? Voter' -Oh, no. Of course not. Candldato-Qhoa why don't you vote for met by running oyer them with It steluu Voter-l3ecaurn I have ns doubt as to fou! character. rout -T. If bo wrltee down lets ance'rs ho has not re- moved himself from the ranks of savagery. Ilio yet remains ono of the worst navagos, however boa Iingliesh be polished, and hl sbite llonever the sae sparkling. vage who (moor Write o oIndulgesIn it acqulreo courage While he is a coward It renins an arreet.ed blto. ••• You couldn't broaden out Soule men Queer Varmint is Man, 1 Wouldn't theer be a roar when men went home to their steals if they had to climb up on a high stool iu front of a table on which there Was no cloth turd eat their 0nteld in that fashion? \'et a majority of Wren when they go to it res- taurant to cat will pick out tette highest stool and 'Willman! with no cloth on it in preference to a comfortable chair and a cloth-.overel table. A man will borrow a chert' of tobnceo and !noel of them will set their teeth into the plug right where ,,opittot.hl r tuna has gnuwed on It cels t5. 1)it.r them apiece of pie 111 1111111 front \'hull the wife or one of the children hits taken a bite and they would holler their heads off. At hone such a fellow w►,t not drink out of it glass or cup from whirls nue of the family has been drink. ing. Call 11011 into the block stall of at dirty old livery barn, puall out a bottle and he still stick the neck of the bottle halt way down his throat i1 order to get 8Wig after it dozen other fellows have hod lite neck of the mule bottle in their moths. ---Eureka, aI'nsus, Jlesseilgt'l•. ••• YOUR SUMMER OUTING if you two fond of Belting, canoeing, camp- ing or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A Bah and gamo preserve of 2.000,000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rivet's in awaiting you, offering alt the attractions that Nature can bestow, Mag- nificent canoe tripe. Altitude 2,000 feet above son level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place for a young man to put in his summer (holidays. An interesting and pro- .fusely illustrated descriptive publication tell- ing You all about it sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, 'Toronto, oat, A World -Wide Signal. An interesting proposal is made to the effect that a world-wide signal should be sent round the British Empire at n giv- en hour each day by gun (fire, to 'be known as "The King's gun signal," It is suggested (writes it London corres- pondent) its a beginning to the new scheme that a gun should be fired sim- ultaneously at Malta, Calcutta, llong Kong, Melbourne, Cape Town, and Ot- tawa. Other guns could be added as ex• prienee is gained and the sentimental Idea underlying theproposal is that when the gun is firBritish subjects all over the world could say that "all's well," and that they are thinking of each other, no matter how remote they may be from each other. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LIMITED: Gentlemen,—Theodore Dorais, n cus- tomer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of suffer- ing, by the judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The above fiats can be verified by writing to hint, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors, , A. COTE, ilferebnn t, St, Isadore, Que., 1'_'th May, '98, Regulation of Liquor Traffic. (St. Louis Courier -Journal.) sumptuary laws and all other laws which nook to suppress or to repeal human nature are lacking in common Renee and are con trary to the fundamental principles of demo- cracy, which are used mainly on cottonatl sense and a good undrstanding of humus nature. If It be taken for granted that the' propenelty for intoxicating liquors is a mis- fortune of human nature common sense and experience join In testifying that It can not be eradicated. IL remaltut only to reutilato end control it by moral Influences and by laws that sun bo enforced. e•• Minard's 'Liniment for sale everywhere, Hetty Green Undisturbed. "I dare you," says Mrs. Sage, giving $1,- 000,000 to the !Troy Tech. "I darn you," says Mr. Carnegie giving 110,000,000 to the sample spellers. "I dare you," nye Mr, Rockefeller, giv- ing $,12,000,000 to tine general education board, "(lo ahead and dare," says Iietty Green. ISSUE NO. 12, 1907. HELP WANTED—FEMALE, ANTED, A 0001) OEN1f1tAL BEIt- C CD E NT Wvant, no washing or Ironing, wn.g' 1116. Apply to Mrs, Powis, corner Aberdeen avenue and hese pirapt, Ilemliton, Ont. CURRENT MISCELLANEOUS. DR. LEROY'8 FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure pail reliable dao resins. tor. These Mlle here Leen use Yttaee for over shy years, and !nun! InmhtaMN for tho purpwe dealxuel and lire Iruarao- teed by the nuWvs. Endue. stamp for sealed circular. Price ILU'J psr box of y to 1, securely sealed, on revel jt of peas LIO ROT PILL 00.. Box Hamilton. Oannl& Pauperizing Charity. (Chicago Chronicle.) C. S. }clrtgr:ley In an address before the Social Science club a tow days ago cout- mentrd on the fact that needy people wore pauperized by publl cchal'ltln+ much more than by the charities of private persons or organizations. '!'his must bo true, and for obvious rea- eone. Petite charity is moohaaital, im- personal and heartless, while private charity involves an interplay of sentiment and foel- ing which Is apt to bo elevating aad Im• proving both to hint who glvoll aid to him who receives. A man who gets assistance from tho county agent of hls case caro no- thing for him. The charity ho receives coeur nobody any self-sactittco and in acuomyanied with no kindly interest. Ito oven has a feel - 'lag that he has a legal right to all he gets, It is easy \o see that tho habit of ahatno- lees dependence and then of fraudulent de- pendence is much easter to form in this ease than ashore the dgtendent meets his benefactor face to face and realizes that all be gots cost somebody else exactly that much self -dental and that it would never bo given uulava there were In somebody's heart a feeling of pity and brotherly load• am& t; a MAPVL+r,e,.ty;; TRAPt MARK RLL i0TL1110, Blood Tonic is a pure, safe, pleasant cure ke nervous exhalation, palpitation of tho hem. variable appetite. sour stomach and otberdiwrdes caused by bad blood or overwork. Don't nested yourself. Clear the poison ora of your body—by using Mira Blood Task. Every detail of its nanuladture is personally supervised by experienced dtemihs. Made host the pure* and best ingredients on the moat efledive formula offered by modern science. $i a -bottle. At drug.arbores--or from The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. With Afire rabids and Oinlmeul-a trioJarhealth. Enormous Product of Iron. During the first half of last year it seemed improbable that the e»orrnOUS rate at which iron tuns then being pro- duced would be kept up through the year, but the statement of the Iron and Steel association shop's tlubt the pro- duction duction in the lust six months wits ac- tually greater than in the first. The whole production of pig was well over 25,000,000 gross tons. The total number of furnaces in blast at the end of last year was greater than at the end of any previous year since 1890, and it must be rome►nbered that in seventeen years there have been great advances in the size of furnaces,—Philadelphia Record. ••► ITCH gltue, Prairie Scratches and every form of obilAgious Itch on human or animals cured In 30 min'ltes by Wolford's sanitary Lotion, It never falls. Sold by druggists, 1-• The Strike Industry. In Butte, Diem,, there is a perfect epidemic in strikes, All sorts and condi. thins of 11111011 111P11 iso 011 strike, nt vary ing intervals, and the town i3 to all in- tents and purposes "tied up." The news- papers have suspended publication and the mercantile establishments, deprived of their advertising mediums, are doing nothing. It is note threatened that the workmen in the copper mines will quit work, which means that the industry that sustains the city will cease opera- tions, • ASK YOUIR DEALER FOR Duchessand Priscilla Fine Hosiery For 'Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar ' Limit of Strength Princess Egyptian Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery Manufactured for the Wholesale Trado by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNITTING CO., LiMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Ask for EDDY'S SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. ma.‘ he 1 hey IviII 1014„1)1 'flats• %vitt, a t ,shines ni silver! 'I'll. I'eIttt Ivuaia railway experts re• le rt against the use of steel railway 1111 :. I'ilel' 111'1 said to be ''tau rigid'' itt enld 1t.:)1!I+'r. I:unto►•+ of more I►Itll!( officiai, in trou- Isle, That i; had tor .onfidenle and butt fur the 1111.11 1119'11 9141, (';tit i1 b' stmt letilt y 1(1 ,licit 1'11414 11114 11 bail effete : It ea, stated at the inquest in- to the holocaust at the Montreal school that Miss MAxWell was nut the Only her- oine. at the fire, The coroner particularly pratised the (emblem and judgment ilii• played by Jitss ('anhpbell, one of the teurh1.r-, who rayed every pupil iu her Irelatntl i, experieneilg a gleet tent• pet:titre reform and the .\nti-'I're,tling League is playing n prominent part in it. 'hurt i, a good 1001110d of approach. in;; the liquor question. It does not he,iege and beseech parliaments, but make i each unit his own reformer, The British female suffrage bill has been talked out. But that can be but at temporary set -back, discouraging to the ladies as it must be. They must learn that politics.; are wordy, but life is fleet- ing, and cultivate the grace of patience. they have -130 members pledged to support their cause, all will be well for :lisle by and by. -4 Judge }lily, of New York, rules that t\1(3 (i from an 131•tiele cannot be teed to 1.0111111 1111 aetioi for newspaper libel. The article read as it whole must be libellous. That i4 right. \there an ex- cistct is separated from the article of which it forms a part the writer's real et, i t soars be entirely misapprehended. •ems The new passenger rate law 'of lewd. provides that hereafter all railroad, earning; ;4,00( a toile annually shall hell passenger tickets for 2 cents a utile, thus,. earning 1e54 than $4,000 and more th:111 :43,1 loll shill' 'evil for 2l tootle, and those Iearning Ie,s than $3,0011 a lei1' tutnu,ilty may rhat•ge 3 eeute. 'There will be some trouble in entoIeiig that law, Labor is not very highly paid in ,1st• pall, but the living is ('hens. Acenrdu:g tea statement issued by the Department of Finance carpenters in 'I'nlcio earn about 1!3 cents 0, day, plasterers 41e, renters 45e, ship carpenters •11c, cotilpos• iters "_Re, bricklayers 48o, tailors :(n1., i1tid common labore'i•s 27 1•2e, \\Ages, ht ,veter, hove advanced eonsidernbly the pa,1 two lir three year:;, ♦•, (.:en, Booth is not squeamish as to where he gets his money to early on his religious and 1141on• t lu•opi0 seheines, 114' says he Will tat!;e anybody's mun4'y who is Will- ing to sive it, even lloekefeller's of Car• negie's will he Welcome, Ile washer (he taint off with the (eau's of widow, and orphans. ,lust now he is lool:in:,r for n man With $500,000 who is willing to parr: w iib it to help the Salvation Army along. and IIP tattle; as if he might get it soon. +•• .1 negro department store is to be i.e. tatll!4hed at the steno of Eighth avenue and I•'orty•sixtll street, New fork, by the \Irlrnpnli. Realty ('onipany, which i, cutnpo,eol of negro e.ltpitltliats+, The built• bee trill l,. --ix storeys high, It is stat- ed :lint t! 1.r .:t•e rnittgli (R: l'"1.; in Nr w York to support i1, if they want to do lin, I'here'4 the rub, 'I'Ile negro sieve \vitt -moped if if supplies the piddle with the goods, they require at the right prier'. li i! fail, to do that, neither sentiment n:+r r.tre will ke01) it going. Jtu;iue . is hu -Ins,•• ;1i1 the world over, boA- I h. tiulcntiun .Iruty's "suicide hure:u," in New fork was tint long without .li- ents, five Wren 11101 a \woman hating visited the htu'e:lit on I'rithty last and informed these ill chlu'l;'t' (lint:i- t 'tlihiitat'tl !Illlt'Idr Ming 10 10 94' Ilf 11108:14 ni llvr!i!In1d 01111 1(1119' 1'011 41/119. 0111' man w'a • a bartender who hal tried le drown himself, Ile had lest his moo's 1iu•uuglt ganlbliig lnuth•'r all- plitlttt for advice Wats 11 Inns who bud p: t i l with his mune,\' at ole 131(13 trash.;, 1111)1 another luul 1051 1114 11'11erc- witltnl through specuhtl1011, 'I'I►e woman buil failed in it business speculation and thought she might as \veil be dead, These all were promised hell) told agreed not t1 shuffle off the mortal coil before giv- ing life another trial. One mot, a noted criminal. wits so sick of being hounded by the police that lie would melte no promise, '!'hose 111 charge of the bureau etre well pleased' with the results 10. q. may School. INTERNATIONAL LESSON II,—APRIL 14, Igo7, God Gives Jacob a New Name.— (sett, xxxii, 0-1 2, 11-3o. I'uullncutnry,- I. .luivh's fear of Esau I.8), .1 !ter Lillian left him a new peril vonfronted Jacob, I':,1111 lived in 0,01ri',doln, tear the route which it was rnIV for (hint to 1,11:(, and Jacob scut messengers 1111 ahead lu lItuuit( his coining to his brother, The Illosselg'18 roan rcturncll, bringing the alarming news that Esau 0'013 coming to meet. Ilial with lour hundred 111(.11, Jacob saw That h" 1111~ it 1171!1 O' null at 0111'0 lural: such 7i'rl-nett as he l'011 111 110 fur lhcir safely. Ile 1117'111'11 i$M ((111111111'' 11110 two bands) hullill); 11181, line al least might In, '1 hen Javid( called on 1111' Lord for ti 'livcraucc. II..iicob's player (vs. 11.12). I). ,lucid, said la this grovel emergency Jacob JIl 1, . Ile )lends the filet that he has n night to divine protection be(Iuse he is iteting in obedience to the ilil'in' cnnl- m8til. 111 dill 1,01y(I, Hole Lilo following point,: "1, 110 appeals to the (;od of his fathers, 2, lie dale's ase of the coven- ant maim', Jehovah. 3, Ile pleads the lmomi,t' . .1. II' humbly acknowledges he mercies ,( (iu11, .,, tool's troth or fidelity is honored us n,raiist the un- truthfulness of Jacob. i1. 1It• acknowl- edges his great temporal prosperity as a Nesting front ilt !, 7. lie prays for deli(cltrnce. from Esau, 1. Inc confesses his tear. 11. Ile pleads for the mother and children. 1(I, lit conclusion he again pleads the promises," - -11'11'd. loom. 111, Not wirthy-••'11170 Hebrew expres- sion is, "little among all the myrtles"; that is, too little lu have received; less thou all, -Alford, \\H1, my staff--\\'heti he pas -e11 over this Jordan 110 had Huth• sig hilt his staff, bit now he has %riv's and children, and f10c•k5 and broils, 11, (land of my brother --Jacob l:neww That his blather was tv,uliig toward Aima with 1711 ilial', and h(. feared the tvuist, The mother with the children- -"Ile must have had 8n awful opinion o) his brother n'h('t IIe 11:4(11 this e:,pr'ssiun, wlli'h tut 1111('1 the1111i111r1. 1'r1i1'ltw', 111'01'1'141111g III the wvork ul slaughter to total exterilit- atiia,' 12. '1'11011 11:1181 sl-t;0d'4 promises ale the pure ground Of all our 'MI's, and Malik]01;1)11 of His pr11nlis.'s i; 11(1: any privilege of prayer,- III. ralyer,.III. Jacob 1lepart's to heel. I':win (vs. 13,21). ,laa'ol, did nat regard praying as 11 silllstiluli Iur lir u.;e of means. Il 11•,1; rather a ;{aide, an inspiration from ' God in their use. Ile now sends a prince. l7' Jtt( till 10 Ills 1)0)1Ilri, hoping stn this ‘vas to pacify lulu and turn away his linger, 11'e tial learn something of ,lue- oh's great pruspa'Iity front the fact that. this (,resent consisted of ,iIi0 animals, They were divided into droves, follu)ving one another tit intervals, The messen- gers were also instructed to deliver e n- cilinlory messages. In this \vny Jacob hupyll to make it f:ll'uruble impression lit Estill, "\'tart' and love, though pur- chased dear, will prove a good hurgitIU to the purcl11tscl•."-11enry, j1', Jacob wrestling with Crud, (vs, 22. :1U). Y(eisi' up that night -Jacob Look leis family struts in the night when there would he no opportunity for the enemy to Oce or to hinder. Ford ,Itthbok—'1'11! J,abbnk watt a st1'01011 11011i11g info (18 .1(01111 11 011011 tivat1:1Ills of the distance from the Sen of Galilee to the 1)end Selz. \1'as left alone—'1'11 be left alone lvitll Cod iia the only true way of ar- riving nt n just lei oww'ledge of ourselves and our ways,—(!, 11. Al, '.\'hero wrest1- rd-Thom 1los, 12, 4, wwe learn, that the 11 wrestling ► of Jacob %vers not merely h • 7'(71)7'• deal exe•ciae, but also a spiritual one, A man—This wits doubtless the Lord Jesus (:twist, 111 1Ios, 12, 4, the maul vIio wrestled with hint Is culled the til - gel, and the Lord of hosts; and in verse 110 of this•chnpter Jacob calls him God. Jacol► "wrestled"; Jesus lgonizod in prayer mild we are told to "strive" in prayer, even to an agony. 2ii. fie prevailed not—It would have been easy enough for the nngcl to pre- vail physically; but the Loral lens eii- deitvtrhlg to lend Jacob to a complete abandonment of himself, 1I etouehed, , his thigh -1'1w thigh is the pillar of it maul';• strength; Jacob tvns thus showw'n his utter helplessness and dependence on Ilod, !'hied can bring down to the dust the stoutest ehirnetet'. Ile knows now to touch the spring of nature's strength, aid write the sentence of death thor- oughly upon it, ' We must be 'weal:' ere \Ye can be 'strong.' "-0, 11. Al, "God smote the thigh of Jacob, 1, .I'Isat he alight 1:now lie had not prevailed by his 1(7.11 strength. 2, 'J'17nt lie might see " lint (lad )vas displeased with his unbe- lief," "'J'hc reason of this action of the angel \vas very probably lest • Jacob should lie puf'f'ed up by the 'abundance of the 'revelations,' Ile might think that of his own strength, and not by gram!, to 11701 prevailed with (;od; as St, Paul had the thorn in the flesh sent to him lest he 'should he exalted' nbowc"lneals• 111'1'.' (2 Cod, 12, 7)."—Speak, (;o111, 21!. 1 wt•ill not, ell, ---'('o say l'llis from the heart i.4 the secret, of all 'true strength, Here was real decision on the part of Jacob. "The highest liet'oisnl of 1'hil•h shines forth 111 these (words," I:x'e!lt 1 foibles ale --'1'110 blessing for Coil On 'the heart is of greater (,flue than the best this world eon give, Jacob hall been 'blessed greatly in a. temporal �,. •ease' Iie had become ri011 In flacks and herds, \vbit'lt constituted' Ilse wealth of those regions; of that time, Iia was lslessl'd with u. nunleroos flunily, w'hielt was )1;7' a.110;'0111111nh of Abrahan► consid- ered the greatest of tistip(rnl blessings;, 11 wwas ite1 fnr eartlllyr blessings that, Ile 7110:41 led' (.hat night, but 1115 soul longed for deep communion n.1111 God, Ili., prayer 'twits n hea'1•0ry for the sat- isfying of it, heart -need, 1lunin syatptt• 1liy, wealth, family could not now gleet Jn'th's lonp'ing, Ills soul cried out after Cod, In lila wrestling elle 11101'rolw's meet - ins{ 16111 }';Vin 77114 nccrshntl',wi (l 1)y the (olls.'t0usness of Its s• 1111'4 deep need, The fear of the encounter had perhaps driven hint to prayer, I,wil. his 'heart's need hail now bronn: the all•abidin;f 111tmgl t, 27. 11'r::l is Illy 78111'• (Intl directed ntt'llti !; to his tame as r'l1'''!, !:ting his character. Ile said, Jaceb •That i•+, "sup• planter," Thus dill 'hu'ob admit • the trite NI1IIe 1;1 1115 Neal l'1 III rnllft r'lllg 111; 1)11108, :'y, Israel -A primp of God, ed. ane 11077'• erful Willi (;t'11, "(Ied had ta(nglil btnl that his ; real'sl, I'n1 my 7(71.4 nus, Isms hal 11101,:'11.'' Power 7(1(11 (hod --The rials sure way of having power wtit.h then as: to him. 1)7711' with hind first. I'l:'G•n;'stili sK, p;' 'It flu':"r, 'ul)tli:+iun, 1:11111 phi=r \(ill mol'' both Coil awl 1his1. prevailed :111 of Cod's polo pie :ire 7(re,lle14, Great, things are pl'ollli,sld to diose 1(111 gi1•l' themselves fully to (I+itt, nus 1110 10:1•t (if \'h41 IA I,'el lhyy sh;111 prel'ei) with I;1111, 211, 'fell lie, . • . illy 11 111111' Itt ve:Il thy• self 10 1111' inure t'nlly, lie blessed hilt Vlore -The angel did not gratify ,Intol,'s etu'iI'•ily when he n4ket1 his tate, hot ho did not bless him. 1, ('onsidor the ltlnoc. 11 1(:Is a place (1) of great trial (1, i) ; (2) of humble '(I(fes:4ml (y. 10) ; (;i) of pleading (vs. 11, 12) ; (4) of rounnuuiia (t', 30); (5) of eonsl'iols weakness (v, Ill,) 2, C-onsider the bless. in;,, Ile was (1) saved from a ;trent peril Iv, 1 1 ) ; (2) be was mile to feel Ilial a great. breaeli ‘vas heated (xxxiii. 4); (3) ho has won 1,t it'IV 11,tt11c autl VII OIL (v, 2S). and \vas !lade It pointe 011 Illi' Tot; (•f) he (t•:Is null' under a fresh , nnl'inting, 11181 was Il superior 077111 tllatn! 1'w'1'1• tlter. --Spurgeon. li „). Penh I Or Venue! nieI r t 3I ) meaningII g ' "the fare of con]," 11y life is preserved surds have !t deep spiritual) meaning. 'I'la' Only way is Which the , ,raver in a ‘ray he never dreamed of. life Dan Ile Iu'r5ervrd is lu lura. the I angel ('llrist; he is the life, lull he ulrly 11. sent 17101 un experience for ((111(11 he neither planned nor prayed. The bless. is able In giver anti preser7't, life, , :ilnll nig came in the place of, I, Solitude, frrqurntly �llggl'Sl'S to the ono who Is; cult (('as left alone" (y. '_'-1). Cud deals (a:•ne,tly desirous of conk;into deep irilh 115 individually. Ile waited in alt:' :tad perfect runtulntieatiun 7vith (I(n!, dart: and lonely place to sleet ail sole Ihnl, if he should blain to (hal cxp0rl' (1111 (lis Child, "Anilalt: r1' wrystl(.d a: ('nee, he ‘4,0111(1;lir n1, oiler 131' l'rly sntn thereafter; but lucre is ti'' winger it 1 maul with hila until the hr':Iking of the Ilea( direction, sur he \yhu i; fillet( \situ day." lacub old out ((rn;tlr \with 1110 disilu Inv' is truly prepared t(1 lice herr is lo secure a blessing; nue angel 1 I1re.,tled with the double-dealing .btv1L mil to (the forever. ; I, ,Iacuh's la.un, "Thr angels of Iln:l + ti break up his sill'-sit•licioucy and pre, Ina bins. And when Jacob silt( their he j pa't' ililll LO recoil'( a hl'ssiug. 2. 1)', - ';,till, 'Phis i.s kohl's host,: and lie called 14781 loll. ,h! palrinrcll, with a faith lbe 0007: of 71101, piece .11u!(iinlith' (w757Iiat wan.; desperate, cried, "I will not 1, _', utauftiul. Jecub cuunled his an.I11htt1Iiie git 1'xcrpl (hull 111(54 Inc" (v.2li). hu=t (('1111 the L(1r41's, lie thought to , i I, n lite tl'81;a';5 ltf the flesh but. in help 1;011 in lh' exh'emi1S, Hud sent, ale.;•' the slrenpth of the 1spirit,'•he haul pisco n'nge)s to Paan,, but ',wasgr'ally afraid over the angel and petioled'' (110:;. and distressed" (v. 7). _Afterward he 4), 3, ('infrssion, ''Ile :,aid unto 11110, 1117'111'11 his company into 71(0 110:4S, 1,1111511'h:tt i; thy name? :lid 110 said, slates,.' 11110011:111011:4 IV null precticell3' leatl'iag ('4'' 28). \'t'17cu (led ask.v, "11"'hat 1; thy I;(1d'i 110=1 Out. 'flus ln he phucd (7'w. nape'?" be honest and tell ilia, ael:nuwl• I -S), '!'hen Ito prayed (vs. (J•12), 'Yuen ;'lige the sin '(hi'h hinders the blc:4 l7i . Ile planned ag(lii (l's, 10.23), J; nnu'll Eike Jaeol;, stay, "113' nate i-4 11007'7''' l "113 name is Pleasure.' 1, \1. of uta' pray ir.g like Jacob's? Ile prayed. ' "Deliver me.. • .frtln the hand of Illy oo• 1,1'uther" (v. 11), Then he s,ent a prince- BLUE LIGHT VS. ETHER. lv gift of 5511 cattle and n Se11110 7105• s;ige t11 1...4l1 11, a 111 slid, "1 will allpeil`c French Doctor Finds It Acts as a Perfect hill with the present.... ,peradventure he Anaesthetic. will a(rc)h of 1110" (v, 20). llo relied upon his u\7'! management; 110 did not Paris, 11iu'ch 18,-13111, light. is the utterly trust, (bid anti quietly (('1111, (((7 anaesthetic of the future, and tray 11ju1 to tl,'Ijyet' 1(itu with lir \w'itlwut us• su)(reede. ehloroforin, ether and (\('nine ing 1117;2 n� Ite, chose, (tut' plluulan; 811(1 because i1, fs said 10 wet just u: eflt((iwe I,;utl's plutniag fur 11s 11'0 111)1,101 wo dil'I'ereiit and nt the same time perfectly ha1'm- things. Ono Is lila energy of the flesh; Ics:i, r is the pnwl'er Of the Spirit. One I Itis is the view of it French doctor i; our work; the other is Cutl working Woo has proved that by directing n in its to \will mitt to do of his good picas- ray of blue elet;tri' light on the cycs(, are (Phil, 2, 13), ono lu•ingl fear and (strefully excluding all other rays, pn• dill:,'ps; 11,13 .other brings peace, One tients can be thrown plensatutly and harmlessly into n stale of insensiuility. (hie is sure to he defeated; the other is 11, pre'scu1, the sleep problem' by lir, sure to bring victory. :111 Jacob's plan- blue light lasts tt'o or three ntiitules nit' went for naught. --sufficient for the extraction of a tooth II. ,Jacob's prayer. 1, Reverent, "Jai• --but doubtless 00 system cat, be suf- 1017 said, 0 laud of my father Abrithnm, Iieienit PSI V1111141 l0 cower n:,ire l'1111/01.- 11(1 (1011 of sly father Isaac" (v. 9), '.I'he itt' operations, Lord revealed himself to \loses as "the Blue surroundings, the (intoe also dn. (;lid of Abraham, the (;lid of J;;ulr., told (dares, are good for nervous (affections. the Cod of 'Jacob" (Taxol, 3, 15). Patients placed in n blue ronin, where 2. Confident. "0 God ...,the Lord Iielit, hangings, furniture, and all are which midst unto me, Return unto thy blue, Bra soothed from nervous tension, country, and to thy kindred, and 1 \rill fund p0(Ss into it pleasant slumber. The deal well with thee" (v, 9), "',Thou snidst expression "a fit of the blues" tuns I will surely do thee good, and mike thy loses its meaning. sect. ase the sand Of the 5011, which clic- -* 1101 Ile numbered for multitude" (v. 12). 11'e cannot plead (loo's promises unless we kno((' them. \1'e S(1nu1(1 0(1151der 010 s1111.13' of the promises at essential part; of our education, t;moral (lm'dut car- ried wit lllliu► "f'ork's !'recions Prom. sties." 1 l used to conSnit that collection tout seek tint `he text \x111011 best suited his need, ant in solitude before Coil plead the inspired word, lnol: for no ens- (las the trying :March weather Iyer', itnd act 111t11 it, 1Ie n'ellt (1017'11 Nrollght 111 yo7r Hhcnnlaatis11l 11r Neural. through the Soudan alone, daring all g,a, sit' Ihtltlilt itch:, itnt11 that weal: manner of dangers because 11e believed bac(: of yours? If it has, remember i11 (;lid, Ills Ilt'rui,5lu had for its rumple- that Zainditik. rubbed well 111 over the titin a strttg faith in the promises, Itching part will give Soli speedy re' 3, .1 confession, "1 am 10)1 wur111y" 'lief. Zuni -111d: contains valuable (v. 10), A troubled conscience vividly herbal ess'necs su refilled and 0011• recalled the past. lie reuleulba'red bow centnitl'd, so searching end s(1 power., lie had supplanted Etna, and deceived his 1'711 tint n little rubbing etabl's fattier (loan, xxvii. iii. 313), and tricked thrall t0 penetrate diseased or inflamed 1.01)an ((len. xxx. 31-43; xxxi. I I. Iia Muscles, nerves null tendons. That ache acknowledged that he dill not, deserve in limb lir bud; 1001303 thal. the tlnl,'I01 1111 f::7'ltr. of (god, and nurse; 11 re needing help. They 4. Voluble. "1 nun not \t'oi'tlly of the have "caught cold" • • the nerves are least of all the inerciest, and of all the "St(u•v('(t '—irri(nlcll, inflamed, Vont. LruLh, which 'I bull bust showed 1111 11 •.I 113' buds i, It walulerf11l !turbine 111111 it ser''ant'' (v. 1(1). :1s( hey') contemplates stnm'l1nu's nre11i at lit Ile libi'ica,lloll, Cud's( ul>mndnn(, unceasing, eoveliaiit \\'hitt proper IttIricntiut dot's 'for 1111 luiP1'eletl, (alt' Nell in hint du'iitdl'; ((77113' overheat ed iii,aellllte ben ring, !.allrt•Rol; Ile deserved nothing, :111 that he had ons :h' dir'ct pill of Clod, 5, Delinitr. ".Deliver me, I pray The', front thebaud (1I' my brotherEsau' (v. 11). Prevailing prayer springs 11'11111 a (0ms(ium.;mess of need, definitely :4(71,ed, "11'hen I was in the army," says ,11 old Hamas g'nrrul, "\10 never could tnlern(1' at headquarters the idem t(IIt 011111' nrnuud ((•ilhnut 101011'111 exnell' WIull• they wanted. \Vo used Ln semi I belt off ou tlu' double quirk, telling them not to 441111w themselves 11gaiu till they could fell ,just what they wanted, 1l' a man (nim with i 1)etition and 11)141 his bass n1,':+8 in a el'nr, straight forward 77.117'', it \vas generally granted at once. 'flint is the way' Ire should go to 1110 Lord; know What \ye want and tell it as (dearly and straight as Ire can," III, ,bteub's power, "And .lir blessed luint there" (1','211), (10(1 answered ,lltt'nll'i If you want a breakfast food that will maim your mouth water and at the •amo time prove most healthful and nutritious . Ask your grocer for "STERILIZED" RELIANCE 13REAI('FAST FOOD Net'v, Dulnty, Dellclous Small Package 5C. Try It ASK FOR TILE PURPLE PACKAGE Thoro lo a baking' pnwdor It will pay you to try bocauoo it cooto loos to you, gives bettor rooulto, makoo food hoalthfut and lo ootd on a Cash Guarantee of Satiafac' ion. Aok your grocer for 1(1 RELIANCE I3AKIPIG POWDER If you went aset of Rellanca Picture Post Cards FREE Wrllo lie at onto naming pone grocer and this pour and we ;\•ill fiend you n Nnt of four, lithographed In brIlllnnt color;, fro(); uul•lago prepaid by us, Ioteria1ionaI Fod Co., TORONTO, • CANADA z HAVE YOU A WEAK BACK? DOES RHEUMATISM OR NEURALGIA TORTURE YOU? Zam•I3uk Will Give Speedy Relief, Twill Ila 10r at joint or Iewtr t>r lou -,410 \\ hivll is 101'1801'1, nr healed, 01' soil), of ❑l'hlllg, bo,tttu=e of ('11111, Ii'l1011itlta. I'llt'llllllllinlll, etc, \Irv, Jahn Sid,tnn;.,• of "\in \'111. ley, 11130., sass: ''Ilitre proved 1.,101 I;tl: to be s•1,:.' (•aro i'or rllet- 1111Ikil, II (pave 710 sit11 relief that I would not be \vithntt it i11 111' hunse,' VW' veld in the rhev(, t'nl:Irrh in Thy Z11111.1 1111: rn1111Pd well in 10 eh'f 111111 forehead give., (wird; relief, Ittsndb:4 its uses 114 alit m1'1)1.07,70 ion, i,n,iii'Uak heels chapped hands and cold 'tore.:, etZui11 t, pnisnuel 11'11111111:+, s1,:ttlp :.rnev, itch, barber's rnssh, blond poison, pimples, boils, spring•emit).iron,.s, e1', It also slops blooding and 'ores pile, i'is(itln, tie. :111 druggists lou) stores at 50e, a box, or from Zinn - 11i1; 1'n„ Toronto, for 1)'100, Six boxes 40ul for 7'2.5(. Send Ie, stamp for lust• age of flee 1linl',box, TALK ON DRESS BY PRESIDENT OF DRESSMAKERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. A FRIEND IN NEED When You Have a Cough, Cold, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Asthma or Lung 'Clrublcl: You Naturally Think of Fitly Tsilor•made Dresses for One F'anl- ily Dress—The Lingerie Princess Still the Thing—Japanese Sleeves—Veils Out of Date—SLipts Also in ,. Fashion, ' 1' Doti,, .11ttrt•II k;. ILetsy hauttl none ;'lit(: , made by the ri'i;!uit. Ivies it I'I(ni ,sola dl;rpe41 n„'n I.r, 11;• III'(.5 ;It Inn' 1! Iffllltlil 11011.1' 1'r•l'dal.', 11) pll'Irll'allill 101' the e111171'tt;i ell of Illi' I)I't';sill:tLvu',' I'i ttI t'l'117'v \�1 i'l i t lull, %which begin-, tn•l1:11'. lies. I',lizab'lll .1. ('. \\'hitt', the .\r..i. nation's 1''t silent, 71'110 hal; just rt't!1I'n• ed from almond, spike lit' IIs' gm( iis she hail observed while a,'rusa the learned nnl'1( ttnritl;! my five \(e,'I„' (;l►,'' :IH' .,71111. "Til' one Illi:lir, :ill sleeve•+ aur ,lypane,e, Thal. 1; to ,ay. (lies 13•1 loo,' alt the slwllldcr 8111 alit cleully 11,1111gai:died frail lh(' bud's. Il 15 11,1(1 1i lr'II \vIi:'re n sleeve b•'git.;. "Another thin; 1 noticed i•, tui t. the French %von:7m an, no longe(' 1,'i 1,'.I I'll(;( veils. (lily \chile alttoii,biltl;! ;tint ('it • illg ani'' they thin!. I inquired the rear.nl fon Ibis, and (18.; lolls 1 as 7oils air,' load for the eyes 131:111 shin, they 11.17' (leen tllltllldullt'd. ".1 wither thin;.; of importance abroad Is the ti I' > ' ,, f t it hs and sI I'IIr,, c+in•- chilly stripe,. are Nein ‘7 tiro all sorts of material, in cloth ante :11;0, Japanese embroidery i; employed III 1,11e, decal's toll of 1110 ;;'ut\'ll,, 1.11:11. it;tilitle 111 J:Iparic,c itl the 111::11''1' ml v'.;, "7)1 l•U111 (' \ve 11:1v(' ll"" ,dolt r•ieeve III e1'1'1'.‘ (elle', Ind It illi It the lona: 21.11.1',, lir talllli,ll bl'i1v;I. '1 bit ' 13!1 ' tui lung u'ali»li(1 ; oltl u '•'I'li(it, tau, 111'.'11 is al pie;'.' 0i o, 111 1)111ttll'1. lil'ass bllt(uIL•, I;:1' 1` 011'1 !•1411111. ale 11:771'(, at 113:•0 oil a111 :oil- 01 ILil101l'!I1. I all••u luht it al 1,'11' ;.;!1 ill! 1' I. hi, N 1•,II'1 it nal NI 13.001 •"� i,e, h 1':i 1110 I! i. 11. 11:1': 11(11131 al 1'('ltl'4 1:1 11, ','hi -It l ok Illi(' ,11i1!0rs with flinty Icp 'there alae piny l;lilttr-it1011:' drosses lm all,' 1,::1'•',' (111"44, Tho lin!;"171' )rine dee,, \',i11 s1 111 b0 (Ill' 11111111 101' 91111111I1'I'." t! ?HUMAN SOUL, Weight May Be Determined Passes at Death. (Boston, \Lurch 1S.--- 111', 1)uneai .1lae- Dougall, of Haverhill, Hass,, 71'110 i; at the head of n research suei'1.' 1307(1 hits hail four Other plly,l,itini4 associated u'lili 11i111 111 a series of experiments covering )4.x years, believes that the haul;ul soul has at definite weight which can be de- termined when it, passes from the Ludy n1, death. 1)r, $laoI)ougall began by .(ting to learn if the departure o1' the soil loom the body is dependant, by any ti71liflt>ta• tions capable of being recorded by any physical means. The method finally re• sorted to was to place a dying patient in bed upon one of the platforms of ;t pair of very delicate scales made ex• }>ra;rly for the experiments and t1ic i to uttlnnce this weight frith an cgind weight on the opposite platform. 'file scales were sensitive to a weight of less than 1170 tenth of an indict, 111 every ease after depth the platform opposite the 'uu0 in which lay tho body of the snbjcet of the test fell suddenly. 1)r, 1Ltci)ou- gal1 says, and the figures on the diel index indicated a (linlinunliun in wciglil. 1'110 first experiment wl'an with a luau dying of tubeeulosis, Jle expired, watched by five physicians, The distant life ceased, the opposite settle fell with 8111-11ing suddenness, immediately all the usual dedutatious were made for physical loss of weight and it was lis• coi'ered tint Vlore was yet a full ounce unaccounted for, The next subject wvasi also a victim of tuberculosis, and prac- tically the same phenomena occurred. Eaeli of the five physicians made his own computation and these Fe1t11rnle 'tlllipUlilt10119 were compared afterward it it consultation. They 1111 shitted an un- accountable loss in the Weight- 'impar-, ! iig the patient's corpse with his body 28h -'llwn varieties of medium r i- shot he was alive, hour other caves were pelting potatoes , , , . .. , . carefully observed and i11 08(11 it was es- ,Iur i'wwu varieties of late pota- lablishcd that 11 weight of fru;o one. ` half to a full ounce deported from the body at the moment of dissolution, SAGE WEALTH. When It EOKI-MAN I The •„Ife and never railing rcinctly for u I Ile• ' 111 1'1'1'1'1 ! I 1:11'!11!+' sur till wenkv-t, stomach 11r most 11''11':l'.' 4'hildrl'n love it, Adult-, et!jo'; 11. I1 al\1'137'1 t 111'7',. I l i 111'. I I ,01111'.+ ,'Full• ticrl'al cough and Ilion;ll remedy, It has never Itrrl, equal! '11 fo” ol,Iie!„ po•.Itiye and s,ll.i-fn'lt i v r1 •alt ,;41 hl,usch1111I shutld b' 7(it!1u111 11. "1 11137`' used yu'tr ('oll.'•'uttn 1•;sp,v:toraat nn11 find 1t r•rtlsfactery In re,114(31 of e'uup, 'ol11:t or e0111'113. 1 11117'0 used it ever stare 1 got a triol bntllt', tial hu•re reannmendc( it In iv'ry"11e in a""! er it- }•(111 1011)• 11,0' 1113' 1111111(1 111111 ttddrtrf: 11r tt'tt11111Qttirtl If you wish. Hoping It will henctlt uii>rra as 11 141113 0011e lay rhlldrnn, 1 remain, \111`1, A(1:q)S CO11111;11,, 10419 I'rnn'ts 87ret't. I,,ndon, Ont. 1',1•('1.7' neither, ( 'r, fath'';' w11:, vitoes 1111' 11081111 and w011, -bring ;Ir' t!I"ir ehil- Ilren 1',111 ;ilii v.s have (''ill -707!e 1'1 til'' hone 714 4)8 e4c;'1• it:(I3 physiri:nl :'011 fl'iellrl. .\11 np.l'r•tIat:' de.iI'r', for 1,11p111y you 7(1111 CO[. FSFO [ PiCrohNr XP[RIM[NTS WITH FARM CROPS The members of (!(e Ontario Agl'itil- lutal and 11•xpeliulenlal Inion are pica, - 1 d 111 .title Ihu1 for 1901 they arc pre- pared to distribute into every township of Ontario material for experiments with foitdt r t•rnps, roots, breins, grasses, clov- e} loyel •, and 1,aisle. rs, About 2,0110 \a'i:- ; 8 '. 1,,l farm 01(11)4 have ('00'11 tested i11 the experili'Iltal depariiti lit of the Un• lark) .\gricullur8l Cullege,I1 11111111, for at least fl t c years. 111 succ'F.�imu. '!'hose run' ,i t Of tttlletil'S iron( nearly all pith, 1,f illy it told, ,awe of wlli::h Nave ;lune r.\'t'i!I:IgIy Well 111 the carefully' con- ducted experiments at the College and are now being distributed Ire' (t 'htlt'ge for ttl•0)erdll)0 experiments Ihrtuolwtt Onlarlu, '1lie following i, the Inst of l'n•.Illi rulil•e exporiln'atb ill agrit•nl(7rc tor 19117 : Under Orders. it wii.' my Master sent me; Sly feet would L e 1111 l'e stayed; 1'11:, all, the \caw Ica(: lonely Anti 1 77:1s sure afl'1711, ti high and walled and r:!rruu', '0 71111;:11 for 1,l alter flit, - 1 7,1.111; hest. ile Fpake only kis urdt rad to repeat. ;sly Vaster w hi,ptred, 11•h'n 1 bat! /•o rage 141'('8, 1i(! f�,rlh upon hi bidding 1 f, 11;:,1 set 111• fare 11rn1111 2 :v, i es1. 0,78.." "Nov," I :Ii1,11'('I't'll, '.1(1' 7:01k 1 iulst fulfill," '''illy won't..” Ile smiling taught Ill", 'Is4'.1ldolily will." .1!:11:L Itlirab:un Jiryant, in 8, S. 'limes, Prayer. \I'rc;f::1 (hal, trim didst 80701 'J'hy Sun not illi' 1'1 Ue our Saviour hut our 'xaUt- 1d1', (,t' les'',vr '11>t'e to Make Iia Jik .1 1-.11,, I;1.0 is 11is spirit of magnanim- ity ;sash. the I'.'1lishncss of Hien may not tlistalb n-. that misuill'rs•t.7777,!iag 4,1131 in,, r:ltitudl' nay not, turn is 1r.inl our 1r1111,n:'' Of f;'•:I:f.( ilial ,1111! It:lllg ;.'iu(t 1,1) 1111, 14:1 Ill :1; 111,-.tret:-',th 111 bctu' wwillt i',11'1'I,ce ot>' 111tpuiutotl cross, 1f afflic- t; In colics to us may \re endure Its see - 11'! Ilial \'iiia 1., invisible, If pro:,perity attends ,nus our pat,, Hely it leave is hunt - 1111' and tl•Ilsting in (11111, (;rant to 114 the il'4'I: awl quiet spirit whose 11(1151 ill::biti0i4 1s t', flu cod's ‘(ill, help ars 10 1ttt 'Ila' 'ale upon 'Flo 0 and trait pat- !i'l,tly for 'I'!!y "a11'atlu11. Arneu, T!:e Isiekcn Snowdrop, (Audio,. t., Ilk I1(N'll.) 1 sa1\' a s.w,w1(irup in the ,i,ringtote blow- ing, 11'ithin :tsheltered grove, t llopr,led ,Istt)•I,llds around it I'•,t'.Il(1, .111(1 arc,', ul,uve. It '.1.:. rU IIS;(:` tial -t, ni iiiot':i� i IJe,)1• 1 110,01)1011 for Coe hour, 1Vhci the -tom 1;e:ti4, 01' 11(0 l••I'pr'tt hi:lid i:111 tie flower, 'l Ilene ('al( t' a 117:1171, 141177' 1'l mel-wrl;d It seemed, :1011 1,Iat•iced the wader flul701, "Ile Yet' the :Uer• \;e11' clear, :Ind sun - shin'' gleaned, l:re 5luri:, did lower, 1 44(11' it 81aia(•1i it her youth's clad morning, 1.11:7' s11ov,'arnp: bale :Ind fair, lel happy home adorn- .•,0. to ;rn- :',o. Experiments. nets. Beloved tills'. l - Tlwee varieties of oats .. .. .. 3 l•all'li'l!l.'t m1, SIX rlv,(tI si,lel': 11711! britll('1's 'round about Intl' barley .. . . .. .. . . . . . . 3 117,111i.,4d, 21, '1 wo varieties of two rowed Beneath nla'.ernal shade, I„a'ley .. .. .. , . , . : , . , .. '!'lu' tender dewdrops of :tffeeti•. n 1: ,:►r ;3 --'Ileo varielit4 of 111111ess 1n1 1'• ished, icy 2 '1'uc fangs;' maid. •h- '1711) varieties of spring wht'at 2 i u '1,"*" ytu'ie(ie5 of buck7vileut • • 2 1 treulliletl. lest within Ler guileless flu - (('u yauiolies of field peas.. 2 'c„113. 7- Emmet. and Spelt .. , . . , . , .. 2 1.7ortow ,•l:oll;,l plant n thorn, 8 --Two varieties of hull ,116 turn 3 (Jr ,in :t—; til the whiteness of the tidos- 10--'I'Iiiec' varieties of lnangeii . , . , 3 sum. 11 - •'1'u'o varieties of sugar beets la Jur bright morn. for feeding purposes ., ,,,. 2 12- ,1'In'oe varieties of Sweuish turn - nips . 3 Noll( ltatbi (old two varieties of carrots ., „ „ .. „ „ „ 3 15- Three varieties of fodder or sil- agc corn .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 i0 -Three varieties of usillet .. .. ;3 1 i 'I'lu'ee varieties of sorghum .. :3 18 -Crass peas and two varieties of vetches ,. „ .. ., ., .. 3 IJ- I'ield cabbage 01111 two varie- ties of rapm ,, ., ., ., ,, .. 3 20 ---Three varieties of grasses , ... 5 2I---$ainf,tiii, Lucerne and Burnet, . 3 22 --lite varieties of field heals„ 3 yaricilts of field beats 3 s I J'hrer varieties of sweet corn 3 25-- Fertilizers \7it11 potatoes .. , . 8 2(1—Fertilizers \vilh Swedish tur- nips.. 27 --Sowing 11rngels on the level and in drills .. 2 '17'111 Varieties of early, potat- $ro,000,000 of It Set Side to Fight Vice. Nissl, lbnituha, \larch 18, -- sell :41111e, llu'uugla her counsel, henry 11'. I)eforrsl, alllunrized the following shale• !lent itt relation 10 the Stye foundation a bill iu'ur)urotitlg 1(11X17 has been in- troduced in the legislature: "I halo set: aside $10,000,000 for the 'ndiament of this foundation, its ob- ject it the improvement of sieial and living 'ur.ditiuns in the United States, I1 will be u'illlilt the snipe 0f suvlu n foil;l,lttliuu to i;nrstigalt' and s1.7117' 7':171•1'~ of ad `.417'1131 l',111(I111111 , including' niters t e, poverty and lice, I0 suggest lo,lw these condition.: 'nn be n"!i•daed and a77'liorated, and to i>Itt into operation any appropriate means to (hal end. ,'1 have sutighl (o '44'144,1, 1'131 sly tv11s- tee,, num sail wnn)'n 17'1111 11' familiar \(at leocial problems and who can hying to their solution 11(11 u►ll' zeal and itlere't, but exp'ii'nec and 1711,111.” The trustees maned by 1lrs, tinge lo carry (1n tial work (ire: 1(nbr.rl: 11' Inc' Forest, ('lev'lamll: JI, Dudgo, 1)aniel 1', l;ilutan, ,John 11, Glenn, Miss :Helen (Intik!, Airs, 11'illian U. Tire mill )1isv .Loodsa I',, Selnayl'r, all of whom have hath wilds' experience in philanthropic \void:, 2 g Three grain mixtures for grain pruduelitn .. „ . , .. , . .. 3 ;30-'1'lu'ee mixtures of grasses and c'It'n'er, for hay . , . , , , , .. 3 The size of each plot in each of the first twenty-seven exp'rinlcntS and ill Nos, 20 and 30 i, to be two roils long by one roti wide, and in NO, 28, an' roll F111111 IT. I:u(h )(.1,011 in Ontario who \\'islies 1.0 join in t he 17',4'1: 111a3' choose any 0110 'ir111'nt-i 101' 11107, and apply same, 'I'Iii' material \7ill be furnish- ed in the order in which the applica- tions are received until the supply is ex- ,laust(ud, II might be well for each ap- plicant to nonce n sevimil':dies', for fear the firvt cottld tot h' groiiied, .'111 ma- t 1't'ial Will be entirely free of (dims!" to each aplli':alt, incl 111e penpal '1'!11, of inll!'!tl', become illy property 1)t' the person who eun(Inets; the experiment. (' .1. XI\itz, 1)ireet+>r, (.lnl:(rio .1gri'11!lirni t•♦ FORTY 1IOP ,ES I.ILLEi), Colonist' Train Derailed at Pay's Plat— Passenger's Uninjured, Fort ICillinm, )url1 18,- :1 colonist Irwin sus tiei'ailcd at Pay's, 1'1a.t, near Schreiber, lute last night by a brol:cu rail, 'I'lle'e \were 125 passengers on board(, hat till escaped ;eriu11S injury, although six or seven were painfully cut and bruised, Two passenger coaches 0.011 five- cars left the tri, -,k, It is snit] that 40 horses were killed, 'i'h(.re 'vain(' it hand invisible, and send - The slender thread of breath; She gt'811y .drooped untarnished, and 7'," oltdered. If it \\ere death. obi scarcely death, lint living transplallt- atic'11 Front 1((' c'rtts4a soil of eat'lh; The Sncio7 • lttak her, in her first pro- hntit>n, '1'o 1t'nr(118 n('w birth. so, pitifully, took the shrinking flower I'n paradise. Chimeras and Phantasms. In former days, when drainage of the land was less univetrnlly in vogue than n1, the present time, and vast 1ta.'Is of of mash land were left uncultivated and derelict, the decomposition of vege- table matter caused the evolution of in- flammable gusts subject to spontane- ous ignition immediately upon contact with the atmosphere in which, in the form of 'spherical 01'_oval globes "t fire, they floated it few feet from the ground, la those uneducated and sultt•riititi1113 times these. "will o' the wisp,' its they were called, naturally excited 'vnAtter• able terror and alarm, the belief anu:lgst Wooly of the more ignorant beim that they '410)0 01'11 spirits, who had -tempor- a•ily'sc;tpetl front a fiery inferno in or-, do' perhaps to slip 1111(1 carry o;f their human prey, Lspecinlly were these ignis intuits pre- valent ill ehurchyni•ds iu m01511 dits- triets; aid the fright and a(('1' i.l.; lied by ane of these ghostly appa'itE,il hov- ering about the tombs can 1'1!1311;;1' be do:lgined, int it still, dark night, n timid yuutb perhaps has ,l)ee(lsio1 to puss through the'hurcItt' rtsuu bis Iva:: home. Tremulously he ehiters the 17'(11 -gate, in direst appveliensioi lest a (Ikea:1;0(14cl spirit should spring up from the ;;ether legions and bear hint away in 'i:!; cold gl ip, Suddenly in front of him the ghast- ly thing rises from the sod, now s,vae.lth- appr0achtng, now mockingly daring only to return. 111d, its his tlisorder- 'tl fancy imagines. hideously grinning at 171111 with evil eye a; if about to !mimeo 715111 hint null ('1,1;4111 Thin) in its 1'a•then, 'lllw•1i11,ed wing-, Almost ;lend with ter - 011', 11 ii 1,t 1111'0111.11 lig heart ho seeks safety in flight,. but. only perhaps t4) find that his progress iei burred .by aalother ghoul- ish spectre hovering over an open grave or prowling about amongst the, tombs. Ana thou the poo' blenched craven, quiv. 'ring in c'V'ry Dinh, turd expecting every moment, to feel the evil spirit's 1'1lonls shim]; into him, sinks dowel in mortal 1''rror, alibi 11 breeze springs up, and the hurtnle=S mlt's1w'gns flame is extin- guished. .sedwieisawei4aesse- 6•••=6••••••.61••••••••••••••.•••••••... Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, This remedy le famous for its cures over 4111rue part of the civillred trortil. It cup always be deePuded upon. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and nay be Overlay confidently to a baby as loan adult Price 25 cto; Large Size, 60 ote. MONTHLY FAIRS if3 '31"' IHE PAGE Etuit r— E • golmormo••••••••••••,..........W Agnikm.smadmoollimmo••••••••••••••PrW••••••••••••••••••••• . CAPITAL ?AMP!: BLYTH STANDARD—NIARett ',Hsi', 1907. TOTAL ASSETS: mmyPerna: Thirty-two Million Dollars. te,b0U,Ott) BANK OF HAMILTON A General liankinz Business Transacted, StVINOS Bank Department at each of our 96 Branches. Interest allowed on deposits of il,00 and upwards, at highest current rates, mar ,'214J Interest compounded quarterly, Your account is solicited at Blyth branch. T. W. SCOTT ...s AGENT . ..tN",. • P*`.111110011/*V"..iflinige1•411111110/01,11111/1•11•1111•1•1141=1161140.11.011M111.1 t • '4 .fakaridanat' I 9' 1610.1$111•1•1 ): • .40101•011101101.11•1111111•111•1111•01114•1•1011•11000111•010111100,01. . ..„_. Rennin. The Grip. Miss Per Lille, Of llorrie, is the guest of Mrs, Cori ley (1.004, E In this cherining "seasonable" woo. rtel. 811111 II 0181)13 conunotteed loarl• ing ears tvith anions for Erandon, an. "') ("'L pie are taut MIL Mtn -1,01/)," sonio Or 'II, ordoek littS got itnotlifq hor.qt 1 !Iwo' v 4ippled:1U! 1 Item, Wednesday, April ^ 1907 with ri.cont away aowii• It's a! An ;tette in 1 he heel: owl it pain in the secoud Harold 11.head— , everybody Cottle. Welcome to all. M ere Apecially invited to attend. 'Let Shoetintelter, Goshen line, to .1 antes I A tiltok in the 1 Itroar mai yen riling for .111 Lite leading ltrIrtio tool cattle buyers At 1few,e11, .011 Mare!' 6, Miss Sadie That's the grip el:lite:hey, Stanley, 11 vv. 'Air. Hart . otheittted, A, W, St.oAN, Presiderre N. Cowin and family have gene wm, JAci;sos. to Nlottlreal to reside. Mr. Cantin's .1. LrA.tr. N.Eti it, Sooretary sdi„iees causelt it hi outlny of Homey in 06,4 section which greatly benefit ted A willintoress even 1o Om as you're Zarich. t old T R 1,1( EYS'news the ! grip Nelson Blarchford hag been ind Thai's 1111 grip ! A it'llof ho u , t lien a shiver of cold, A (reline of taring three humbl] years old "CA7.21.1NTT'mr3 ror some tine, fuel 011 consultation it .1n arrow or !Mill, 110W in I IC18 Irte(, was atolloti to have an Opera 0011 tier- Dow that— ' formed jilt. 8S So011 ttS 110 is able: to Tha I's the ! feelme of doubt 84 10 where Vitt are at-- Tlitt I's the grip ! A stupid seosation —of course, wholly new_ A foolish depreesion--tylly should you feel blue ? A 1101.‘1.1:ii0 er ._8 10 whether this is really Tha.Ce the grip ! Strenge visiens tit night, that depriVe you of Feet — Thetis the gi ip ! A trate in your mouth end a weight on chest t's the grip ! A tired senration that runs through your veins, A queer combination of echos and of pains A vapid eihnission of abashes of brai no-- That's the gi ip ! Leadbury. Miss Florenue Stitt. is visiting at St. !dory's, Jas. Dennison is home for a few days from Strat ford. NI at thew Stafford has been under r he doctor ',4 care but is able to be around again. Alt, Dennison and wife have left for Sturgeon Fells where they purpose tneking their home. Alfred Ifewitt has rented his farm East of here to John Driscoll and John Balfour for a term of yenrs. Archie A19Gregor end wife have moved to Settforth having sold their lionse and lot to Francis 31eCtilly, \V, Nit:Gavin, jr. and wife entertain. ed n number °libel:friends one even- ing hist week it hoing the 10th anniver- sery of their marriage. An entertainment in the school was given last. Friday evening. pro- gram coneisted of vocal end instill- mentol inusle, dialoguee, readings, reoilatiOns rind speeches were given, The proeeeds will go towards buying attractions for t he new school, Michael Rowland has pm chused fine short horn bull at the sale of the Fred Meseessmith. lie is a well bred Animal hiring a half brother to the Nitwits liot Seotch hull and bred by lioht, Charters,of Tuckersmith, Mr, Itowlitml's purchase should prove n profit Ririe invest meat not only to hint. SOI l but to the neighborhond. bear it. We Want tn buy your Turkeys --- and win pay thf: highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many yen have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. ES For Settlers WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and Flow Readied Write for froplo; of SETTLERS' GUIDE ""nti11,1241,21,1aei train service for .iettlers travailing with live stmt.: and effects to Lilo North wto.t. in March and April, with eage) and freight rat. WESTERN CANADA E.P.t"-datedel4* cription of the west and wlyern onatitione. 10 pagae of informal ion int alnahlo to Felt lers. Useful inapt; and gUatistic4. TIME TABLES ''"wi"g double datly passenger Vain service to 11'inulpeg and Calgary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy bertlf3 at moderate rates, Fatty equipped with betiding, cooking range and a vary am- veffienvo. Berths ahonid he reserred (through noires% I. Agent) at leant taro weeks ktrforo departure. Write teensy for free books and anything you want to know about the west and how to reach it, A ddrets C. B. FOSTER, 1li4. Pam Agt., 1'. PJ.. Tomato . , J..11e)1111C111B, Ticket Agent, Blyth - • - hr Big Offer 'co i11 ileW subscribers from !I now till March 17th, 1907 THE STANDARD ‘vill be sent till Jan. 1st, 1908 for the small sum of 75c 1111. --..••••••.••••• •••••••-••• Subscribe Now 4•0•Nama•II, OillaINOM111011/ Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be In a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it— Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Weknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Tble Is the Arat question year defier wield ask: "tars your bowels regulart" fle knows that deny ieti011 of the bowels le abseluaely essential to recovery, )(sap Year Mir astir* and year bowels reviler by tat* 'mitre doses of AierI rale. Made Ity C. Ayer ea.. Lowell. Kass, Alse imanuastarere NMI .liers A"lcaaywirtaolAL Minister Speaks to Mothers Tells His Wife's Luperlence for the Sake of Other Sufferers. The following letter has been sent to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub. lication. LILT. A.Slocutu,Lnuitcd :—Dear SIN: Within the last two yetus IflV wife :who is of t delicate natIlLutlon) has had two severe ottaoks of la 4rippe, both of u Web have been speedily corrected by the tb.c ot Payeliine. W e 111Yeatieh faith lu the etticioney of your remedied that as at fetidly are Nmk; t.o other, Fur toning nit a debilitated nyetent, however run 'town, restoring to healthy action the lt.ort and itsup, and as a specitle fur all watt. Ing (114,3tili, your Psyelline sod 0zurnulslen atu sheidy p..terlers. Yours slneelely, Rev, J. J. Rice, 11 Vi tabor A VeltUP, I'SYCII Pronounced Si -keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonie properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and %veal: organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong rind healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run do,,‘ is from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pne.untonia, ConsuniNion and all stomach or organieLtroubles. It has no substitute. CHIe (PRONOUNCED' 3_ KEW is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1,00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy "Just LS Good" as PSYCH ENE. Dr, Root's Kidney Pills are g ure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and all fermi of Kidney Trouble, 25c per box, it all dealers. • w. • • '4•••••-111,11.64, Wingham. N, 11 and 1 rs, Young, formerly of BI yr h. were gneets of Mr. end 'Mrs. Spading lest week. Percy 1 lin has dispel his 81.11111.. W101.1' busitiess to .1, (hr, forliterIs a ilio King .1.:11Ward, and gives 00 possession May lst. A (101 he (1X14:131.:4 10 go West. Anson •Dtilninge, jr., of Owen Sound. formerly of W high:tin, has purchased the grocery busbies.; of 31r. Todd, of flarriston, met gets possession t his week. As Ibirriston ii Ansoir's home town, he ehould do well. W. E. Floody, of 'l'orento, was in town en TtleSday calling on old friends, He informed tis that, the r.l'oroftto Hu(l) Old Boys' would run their an - mud snintner excursion to this old ern n tv on the last Sat nrday 111 duly, As n. tangible expression of the vali• 11 111 serVie.es rendered by the fire brigade et the revent conflagration %h 1ell dre stroyed the Hanna & Co, store, t he firm have heeded a cheque for $25 to the firemen. This donation is %Tr3 much tipt.trt,Cifittli.l. The A. 0. IL W. has paid to NI re, Jos. MeOuire, throueh the medium of Winghnnt Lodge, $2,000, aft 1 If it ltlitoll 1)1. of insurance ensiled in the Order hy her late husband, Mrs. Ww. Wat Sett, formerly:of \\',inglitt111. 110W of Mani. tobe. ;blue. 1ltsn'.,:rimit,1 %lid • $2,00U int pried by: lt.; Vatitoti, deceased it short time itg'lllteresh for the new prairie prorine- es lots commenced. People who have been spending the winter In Ontario Rad sett len; who Inteld locating in the arorteraorneerd•sareardiMihmoirtia.dommrimmewred 04.011.04..A..ambeam.b.r. • West aro now leaving Ontario points so ;is to Ito rf111dY for the spring work in dm West. .1inong those who left \\Ingham last 1Veek here the follow- ing :--j as. 11. and Adam Bowman to SlotskittOoti ; .1, \V, TerveY toSnskatoon ; W, .1, fooxtoo to flemiota ; Chas, E. Lake to Edmonton ; Lyon Findlater to II -011103' ; W, It, Smith, taking 8 car of eettlere effects to Woc Isley, JIM, 11. Robertson shipped a ent' load of horses and settlers effects to Whitewater. Soaforth. Mrs..lohn Killoran, accompanied by her (laughter Mrs, Brown, of Toronto, have tune to A chunk: City whore they intend remaining until after Easter. .1. P. liell's laundry horse ran may Nionday morning., dm first. time demolishing the sleigh and throwing out a small boy, who fortunately was not seriously brat. C. 11. Broad (oot, who had the mis. fortune to sill) 141111 fllii On t110 Steps at his residence anti fracture hiseollar bone and two of Iris ribs, is emting again 1(11 right, although lie has nut inuch use of his ern) yet, The choie of the Presbyterian church gave an entertainment ill 1110 eltitieli on Tuesday evening. when they were assisted by Mrs, ilelvord.lraig, Scot• lisp singer end soprano soloist of Sher - bourne street Nletliodist church in To. ronto MrlJ, .1. (1, Omit:, rOnder, 81111 ,I. Pointer, organist of 8r, Paril's Episeepal chiliad!, Toronto, This was an excellent entertainment, The famous footbailers, the Fall Meer Revere, are orranging 11 101)) whjela will bring thilm to MWt.ral (001., CPUtri,S, and i1s1:011. 1111 1 1 urott5 of Seaford) for 11 match to be played hore towards lila opt of April, The of 1.110 lewd club 01.1, prepnring to intilio 11, as iii10rosti10.; for 0111111 HS 110,4iihl49, 118 010 last tillW they 1101101%1 Searorth will' n visit die Juane team were defeated. This may give them a chance to even 1111, It W11 W1111 (0.111 figs of Inueli eur• 11 ise end deop velvet Ilhlit eitiZtm,; morsatme learned on '1'1tr.8(111.v last that W. 11, made 44)) as,iignitolit for the benefit of 0 Id of Ow nett' Shoe ffietOry. Iota 1)15 eyed itOrs. Tito IntsitieSa required more err piral 101811 it than NI r. Willis counted oil and more than lie had available and hence the culla p, We hop?, however, that arratigettlents ;'iII ;;Itortiv lee made In have t)ie rectory pieced 011 11 111111 1(1141 going basls, The , mall is amply secured for its loan of , s ii,000, 'fliere were. big 1uins itt Oddfellow circles on 1‘'editesdny night last. true some time harre Fidelity lode., has been experiencing 11 boom and It talltlher .of new memliers lot 110*')) criraiivd, 011 \VtqlnestIcy i,Ilit Clinton degree leant visited 1110 lodge how sod eonferi ell 'Haber of eatidelates, the degrees on ft ti A most in,trunt 1V14 and plelsnitt 11111.4 wits spent in tbs. lodg,. room and attar the kind's of the evening :tad been eumpleied then.. all t4Ij 1111111101a W/18 1111411** 10 1111. (,)111.t1li'm 110(,.i, 4V111110 nil if.:itli 17:1 hint, an in ow was r.er veil, tv11,tili Wthoroughly enjoyeb d y ilio hi 0( 11' A ditputatitot front the town band council the heed ititerumeola the 10%1, wits prom.,,, athl hawk to Ow The Standard Job Printing Dept. eny or the town alai oKteit 11,4,1(1 had 1....,01vod 10 tii,i,a0.110.04.1diott 11H:council will not 111 hum e osmium supplies only the better kind—won t pay us to turn out any in the iex lifflie 111hu 6.1 111110111Th" other. High.priced, experienced workmen only are employed, re s1/11Ce. 11 would 111111111 101 n11111110 0111114y or „i1011, because. they should (10—and do --better work than inexi)eri- sa .0 a year, being $itii) a ,‘ ear mote enced help. llian the to eseti I. gran' to the 1801)1, A commit tee consist 11)4 of HVOI' Ild Cowls. reig RIlli MotJnIlnnt 4VI1S 101. 1101111011 10 confer C011f*'I W114 11441 kind and, if possible, arrange fur a continuance of the OrganiZatiOn, Mrs, Featherston Osler died Monday afternoon in Toronto in her 10151 year, Sim WAS the mother of EA!. Osier, 1)r. Wm. 011er and Judge 041er. She celebrated her 1001 It birthday 11 short time ego. Fire at Sandwich East destroys fence works and church, ; loss 8I00.0P0. The building of Thu Etlinontou Bulletin was destroyed by fire. A lot ‘‘)re 18.01 at uteR of 1 lie Alberta 1.egislat are v lost in 1140 111=111=1137 • .•••••.'"'.. 1,11111Yelil "1htire are ' Leer Rul. tole to at all (lava and hhapns of mon!, wninon 'a and 011111141103 alma "*—WIrelpse from "the old woman whollvcd in a shoo." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides. Get a pair and keep your feet dry, by S. H. GIDLEY oar Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system, and carefulness. We will convince yon of this if you will trust us with your next order. BLYTH SPRING SHOW irrumsrolvy. 111•111•1111111.11M•111111.110111811111101111•10011111111MIE Programme .011111.1111MIWINIMINIMIIIIMINWINIIIIIIIAMIMIIIIIIM1111111110111111101MiMO 10 a, In. --A 11 exhibitof Crain, Seed4 and Potatoes must be in )))lure in industry Hall, 10.30 15, In, to 1 p. tn.—Judging hy flovernment Expert, 1 p, stook mite!ler on the ground reedy for j Wig; ng b,y an Expert 1 udge sen t• hy he llovertierent. 11 p. m.—Addresses in I utlustry .Ifall, "Eradication and Control of \\toads." ow to Seleet flood Seed." 1111.1111111■1011111•11•111•111.111•Pil You ere invited to hring samples of fIrri 111, Etc., you truly have for sal'' in other lines than lierre for which prizes are offerer]. , Exhibits nifty be removed at 5 p. In. 0011111111MININWPW ' At p. 111, the Secret ttry-Treasirrer siII be at his office to pay the prizee, dowsmiimsolimilm011emilladasimum A.PaliTali 2nd HORSES. 01.154 I —I;lytlimilitle Stallion 2 --Shiro Stallion 3--Percheron Stallion 6 I • 1 .-Carriato Stallion • 5-1 tot«ist (WS s a 44444 0—Sweepstakes, any class • • 1 CATTLE. $5 00 $3 00 5 00 0 CO 5 0(1 8 110 s01) 0110 5 0(1 81J0 Di)401100, 7—Shorthorn T3tilI ,,,,,,,, „,, r15 01) 83 00 H —Hereford Hull , Oil 3 00 9 Angus „ 00 800 0 -RAIN, SEEDS, ETC. ONBUSHEEAE LCH, l0' -'Siring Wheat', any variety —Oats, ‘vhite, any variety 12 --Oats, Meek, any yariet3'.... 13-.1 la rley, 2 -rowed 1,1-11arley, tbro wed 5—Fiold Pees 1 II —Ti Ittot by Seed I 7 --It'd Clover 1 • • • 1 1 • 18—A Isike Seed 1 0--Potatoos, itir,v early variety 20 --Potatoes for general crop 1 .1 1 1 1 1 82 (10 2 00 2 (10 2 00 2 011 2 00 '2 011 2 1111 2 1)1) 1 60 , I 50 $1 00 I 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 \ 1. 00 1 Oil 1 00 1 0) 1. 00