HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-03-07, Page 11111110111111111.1* be VoL. XX. Ig.~.11.~.1...MONMISMININIIMMIMINIMINEMMINNIMNIEMOOMO, 11111111M1 b tb BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1907, No, 31, Western Canada I desire to cull the attention of my old friends and ac- quaintances to some money -making opportunities in the west, 1—i still have a few lots—money-makers— hi "Glengarry" the fatuous Calgary nub -division ; price, $00 for a short time. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,000 in five years. 2—A chance for $1000 to make $8000 in a Winnipeg invest- ment without risk of Ions, 3—Among many land snaps in my list I cell attention to the Si and NW/ of Sec, 20, Twp, 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only 9 miles from Moose Jaw—largest city in Saslcatchewan, 0 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 on terms -87 down and test in three annuals at 0 per cont ; neighboring land has sold at 818, A splendid half section in the Arcola 3intrict for St 1, being the NEi and fractional Wi of Sec, 1,1 in Twp, 1U, lenge 7 west 2ntl, John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette BIdg., Chicago, III. Grammar and Drugs 1 cough, you cough, he coughs, we cough, you cough, they cough. That's before taking White GIN Virgin Pine and Tar I ant well, you aro well, he is well, we are wet,, you are well, they are well, '!'hat's after taking it. It coats only 50c to make the change, Wo sell It, WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH East Wawanosh. (Intended for last issue) Relit, Harrison is busy hauling brick for a new house, A. Williams, of Stratford, spent Sunday at his home here, The Literary Society will meet every Tuesday evening in school No, 13, The funeral of the late Mrs Jackson Wightinan, of Goderich, took plane on Montla.v from the home of her brother, J, McClinton, A social evening was spent by the members of the Epworth League of Westfield church on Friday night in the basement of the church. Friday, 22nd of Feb., James Cod). room, an old and well known resident of this township, wee called away from time, Ile was born in Roslyn, Scot- land, and was in his 84th year. Mrs, Cochrane predeceased hits memo years ago, The (untold took place on Wed- nesday, the remains being taken on the morning train to New Hamburg for interment, Deceased was an honor- able man, With a never failing interest in the land of his birth, which he visit- ed on several occasions. Ile was an uncle to Wni. Cocltratie, Brd line, Mor- ris, Subscribe for TRH STANDARD, SPRING SUITINGS What about your new Spring Suit. Just received a big shipment of new Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings, 50 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure. Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Overcoatings. In the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for, Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats, Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3.5o and our Turple Shoe at $5, This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts. Every Shoe is Guaranteed S. H. CidIey - Blyth THE FUTURE OF BLYTH. The present I4 a 0li1i :111 l,etiod iu t 110 history of )llyth, and on Ihti tulips taken told decisions arrived lit depend much of the future eithedor n permanent ad- vance or a retrograde movement as there is no standing still. Surrounded by a good country ; possessing Al railway advantages, as soon as the Guelph•Goderich Zine is completed mill equipped ; our business lien ale! t, "Advance" should be the watchword. Not by a few but by tho. entirety of oar village, cessity to this o an ncknowlodged tie - growth, Not towering institutions, perhaps, with hundreds of hands on t ho pay roll, but profit-making, steady -going factories, mills or shops that will produce an output for the ne- cessities of the gonert+l public, Such for imStunce as our brickyards, cement tile works, Hash and door factory, tic., ties 11'e have possibly. said "good-bye" forever to the salt and flax industries, as leave other pieces, but while that is to be regretted there is no reason why we should sit down and ct'y about it, as tho situation would not be improved an iota by such actions, it should rather be an incentive to Hinge us hustle so as to regain lost ground. There is a disposition to often regard outside applications with a more gen- erous spirit than speaking encouraging words or aiding the people who have already invested their capital in local employing agencies, ''Far off fields look green" is an old yet true addage, and in many instances more than the fields were green, It is well to be just before being generous, After the Barco over the proposed carriage factory it is well to be sure and thereby avoid being eon's, There is before the property owners of Blyth at the present time a proposition worthy, we believe, of cordial support and ono that cannot bo spurned without serious detriment to our village. Wo 'refer to the proposed Hill loan. The Bylaw, which is appearing in 'Pair S'rftNU,t11n, has no doubt boon carefully read by every voter and if so the fairness of the proposition should bo apparent, LI brief a well established concern desires to broaden its usefulness and asks for a loan of $3,000 bearing interest of 8 per cent por annum, all payable in 15 years; $251,110 coming back to the treasury each year ; the corporation to hold a first mortgage on present plant and new erections, with insurance policies to cover the total amount, A fixed as- sessment of 8200,00 is also asked for 10 years. 'Phis looks like an easily under- stood business transaction whose terms should be carried out. with stn lefaction to both corporation and borrower. Can l3l,yth afford to turn it 'down while other cotnputing points aro so ready to go one better ? Somebody says but look at our de- benture deist now, \Veil let us look at it, $20,155 of which nearly $10,000 is for local improvements, leaving the small sum of 510,000 for promoting industries, ueceesitatiug a comparatively small amount each year to provide for it. Lot us remember that we can't eat our loaf and have it. If we aro to grow in population we trust be ehlo to offer em- ployment to the wage earner and tradesman, and Ire it appears to us the Hill Bylaw should receive cordial sup- port, Tuesday, 20tH inst., is the day set by the Council fur the voting and it is to be hoped those entitled to record their votes on that occasion will take a broad view of the situation and aid in the in- troduction of a now era of progress in Blyth that may be only initiatory to a fulfillment of the fondest hopes cherish. ed for the development of our village. Let everybody take as their motto two words, more practical than euphonious, viz. ; ''Boost Blyth," and not give it a black eye by voting against our best in. terosts on ]March 26111, hopeful days aro nhend ,of us, let us by a united effort do our best to hasten their arrival Auburn. Mrs, Knox Is again on the sick list. Arthur Lawlor is Working in Iirir- t'ist.on. James Gibson 11118 rented the Merman parsonage, demos Stewart is moving to Wing - ham this week. Joseph Wilson hos moved into `les. Hulikings' house, Mrs. Wm. Pollock has returned to her home in I''1int, d ich, James .1ohlist on, of West sVawauosh, has bought ,lames Nixon's house, Miss Charlotte Lawlor, of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting at her home here. \Ve are glad to be able to report !not Jliss lietherrson is improving iu health Will Jackson hos taken a posititn► ns Clark in the Sovereign Lank at Monk - toll. Miss Clara Sclater and Hiss Cloven - lock, of Senforth, spent a few cloys Scots Tartans NEW SPRING GOODS Our stock ',f• fashionable Spring Dress Fabrics is the largest anti at the sante time the most select showing we have ever made in this department. I he feature of exclusiveness figures largely in our dress i)atterns. I►ort+, Work at the C. P, It, bridge is pro- gressing. The first girder, weighing 50 Ions, is now in position, R. A, Roberto!' has disposed of a good team of black horses to George Horne, of Dungannon, for $ 1511, Tho Bitptist.s of this vicinity are cir- culbiting a subscription list tows Isle the erection of it new church to take the place of the one now in use on the Busse Line, and are meeting with a ready and generous response. The church building on the 13ase Line has served its day, and no more loyal people can be found anywhere than those who worship therein, for they have been good and true not only in times of prosperity but in times of adversity as well. But it is felt by many 111111 it would be a mistake to erect the new church on the present site, and will he erected in tho village, John Reit hhy has generously dmleted it free situ 011 the corner of his farm. The fallowing is the report of 11. 8. S. No, 5, Mullett, for Februitry. 5th book --Raymond Ferguson, M Ikea Pfeffer, John 11. Jackson, .1r11 b..)k sen,—kalpli 11 unro, Capha Echlin, Marjorie Doyle. 4th book jun,—,Mable Neaglo, Wesley 1lcClinciiy, Mary Robinson, 3rd book see.—Grace Plunkett, lulltt, Doyle, Clarence Senlingtou, lard book jun—Blanche Ferguson, 'foul Armstrong, Loyd Ferguson, 2nd book, sea.—Esther 31c. Clinchy, Gordon Younghlut, John 1I, Taman, 2nd hook jut),—Edna itobin- son, 'Willie Carter. Part 11—Ada Stewart, Norman McClinchy, Patience Se.ott 1st book—John Stewart, 'I'heressa Stewart. Good conduct :— John H. Taman, Patience Scott, Ralph Munro, Loyd Ferguson, I''ern Syming- ton, Ada Stewart, John Stewart, Alfred Lonlp, Mary ltaithby, Earl ltaithby, Esther McClinchy, Gordon McCiinchy, Listed :—Norman Mc - Brien, Ralph Graviston, William Lem!), Wesley 11cCliuchy, 4 ; Clarence Symington, 4 ; Blanch Ferguson, Elrna Youngblut, Mary Robinson, 3iahle Neaggle, John Stalker, 11, It, Kidd, Teacher, ..q• . Morris. Council will meet on Monday March [lth. Assessor Watson is at work on his annual tour, Jas. Coulter visited friends in East IVawitnosh recently. Andrew Miller, 5th line, will likely go )Vest tide Spring and spend the :summer there. At the last meeting of the township Council Richard Proctor was reap- pointed Tax Collector for this year at a salary of $85.00. He does the work in A1,sty le, P, Nicholson was awarded. the con- tract of the construction of the Ellison drain at 21* cents per yard. The work will be 'melted along as soon as the weather will permit, George W. Jackson, son of Jllo. Jackson, 8th line, will go (Vest to Southern Alborta, where he purposes making his home, 31rs. Jackson will not go until the Summer, Mr. .Jack- son sold his farm to his uncle, George Jackson. 11r, and Men. Jackson, of Harney, Manitoba, are visiting at Rein. 31c- Mu•ray's, 4th lino, ,11rs. Me3[urray and Mrs Jackson are sisters, The visitors used In bye in Ifullett town- ship but have lived in the (Vest for over 2t) years, Mr. Jackson is a bro- ther to John Jackson, of Clinton, Otte of the early pioneer residents of Morris township died at Woodstock on Saturday evening last iu the person of Adam Henderson, in his ti7th year. Deceased had been in feeble health for some time. 1Vith his brothers he clone in ettrly lifo from Scotland and helped to clear the lend and make Ontario what it is to -day. James T. 1[, and W. .1. Henderson attended t ho funeral of their uncle at Woodstock on Tuesday. A quiet wedding took place at the home of James stud Mrs, Russel, Sun- shine, on Tuesdny, Fob, 200, when their youngest dttugliter, Min Sara 11,, became tho bride of Itobert Clerk, of Sunshine.' The ceremony' was perfot'm- TEACHERS ,Make a sohool. The twenty. four who comprise the present staff ot the Central Iluelnees ,College of Toronto are the best In the Dominion. As a result we have the best sohool. Sys. tete and thoroughness also out some figure with us, Our cata- logue explains. fours for the asking. Will you Soots 'l'tu'tans are again In promi 1101100 for spring wear. We lino e 1 Iargu ramie .f clans at pe yard, 54) . New Tweeds at 05c We have just put Into stock a lovely line of Tight colored Tweeds, lit It wide, for separate skills and shin waist suits. Veiy t pechtl at per yard, tiSe. Novelty, light colored costunl Tweed, made from line all v.01 yarns, colors are light anti wilt and beautifully blended, 41 per yard, 733. New Tweeds at $1.00 New Tweedo, In light grey, plain and fancy, 7d In, wide. Extra good value at per yard, $I. New Tweed Dress Goode $1,25 New Tweed Dress Goods, 111 titch grey with fancy overcheek•, purr wool, Imported uoi.rls, exelusily. stuff In Dress (100d-, at per) d, $1,2, Shepherd's Checks The newest in dress goods is the Shepherd's cheeks, We have then) from Me to $1.5o per yd. 1),,n't fall to see our $.1 line, 52 In. wide, pure wool, In black, w,tilte and white and blank Shepherd's checks, per yd., $1. Black Dress Goods Our Black Drees Goode stook le complete with the newest and most f•ishlonable goods that we have ever shown. Among the newest things are Silk Warp I':ollennee, Silk Warp Crepe de ('penes, Panama Clothe, Poplins, F.tamines, Melrose and our popular Satin Clothe, guaran• teed not to spot. oadcioth` at $1.25 In spite of a big advance we are still bhowing our old No. at the old price In the newest shades, Including lia. vasa brown, green, navy, new blue, Lawn, grev and black. Special at per yard, .?I,25, Ladies' Cloth at 50c Pure Wool Ladies' Cloth, 40 inohes wide. In London smoke, brown, green and red, regular 75o goods, per yard, 50e, Ducks at 12he We have a large range of white col' ored Ducks In very neat patterns, absolutely least colors, per yard 12 1.y. Persian Lawns We have a large range of white Persian l,swus, lovely goods for shadow embroidering, at per yard, 25c, 15c, II)c, 50e and 75e, \VAN TED --Apprentices to learn Millinery. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. MON eel by Rev, (1. 1V, Rivers, 13. A.. 13 D.. of Belgravlr. The halm)• couple left on the afternoon trail) for Buffalo, Niagara Fails and Galt. After spending 11 (OW weeks visiting friends in this vicinity. they leave for their new home at Clairsholnl, Alberta. The best wishes of their nihil, friends accompany ,11r. and Mrs. Clark to their Western home. A happy matrimonial event graced the home of Edward and Mrs. Bosman, Diagonal street, Wineltain, on 11'etlues• day, 20111 inst., when their youngest daughter, Miss Martha, became the bride of James 11. Leishman. of Nose, Sask,. (fsrmerly of \lorris.) Ai tire o'clock, the bride, handsomely dressed ht white silk, trimmed with chiffon and applique, and holdingla hognet of white roses, eii eyed the parlor, where the groom awaited her arrival, both being tutor tended, 1tov, IV, J. How - 5011 performed the ceremony end con- gratulations followed Then a rich wedding repastwas enjoyed, The large number of guests (ami Horny not present) gave tangible evidence, of their esteem in beautiful and vnitucble gifts. The groom is well and fttvJrably known in this vit•inity and hay nl• ready w'eII begun the tusk of making a o in the greet est, The bride Ing children aro Mrs, Stephenson, of Grey ; and Mrs, A. K. McAllister, of Winnipeg, Mrs. Rich, Bowley, of Morris, another daughter', went house to her reward 15 years ago. Three others died in childhood, The subject of this notice was a great reader and was consequently well posted, He was very active and thought nothing of a five mile jttuut even up to last Summer. The faculties of sight, hearing and memory wero wonderfully preserved and he was in many respects a remark- able man. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, Rev, A. C. 1Vishart, of Brussels, conducting the scrviee. Interment was »lade iu Brussels cemetery, Mr, Hyslop was a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in church relationship. Few people attain so great an age as this veteran. Wingham. 31r, Algin, who recently purchaeed the King Edward hotel business fromW, Orr, entered into possession last week, A post office )las been opened near Wnwota, Sask„ to be known as Wal- pole. with P. 0, Murdock, formerly of \Vingham, as postmaster, \Ve are pleased to report that Geo. E. horn 11' I'I 1 wishes liing is somewhat improved in health aro the herr w has hosts of friends, tunny indeed and his numerous friends hope to soon e+ for their 'nippy see him again able to be around. tutus Mr. and \its, Leishman leave A• .11. Crawford has moved to his in tt few we,'k4 fol their IVesretn hnew premises, which have boon very '1'ltp S�',tvn,llul t ends congrn1)u1111103•• nicely tilted up, end now Mr, Crawford Dons, 3111y their furfur he prosperous and happy. The bride was n former well known resident of ,Morris town- ship 011 Saturday Feb. 23r11,, Alexaucler Hyslop, well known in (trey and 11 nrris, paid Naito e's debt after attain-. itig the patriarchal age of over 99. Ile )as -ed awy aat the h gine of his sou•iu• passed Stevenson, lot 5, con, 13. where he 1e(8 aces 1111tking his 1101110 for some tittle, Mr. Hyslop was born in WVigtonshire, Seoilnud, 11 11(1 081110 to Canada in 1810. Ile was married 57 or 118 years ago to Margaret Jamieson, ut Hlu'pm'hey, and tllet' laude their honk on a farm on the Huron road before moving to a hush lot on the its line, Morris township where they resided for talks ,vela's, Mrs, Hislop died 18 y'ear's ago aged 81 ,years, The 8)1l'V11'• has ono of the best cigar, tobacco and pool roots premises in Western Ontar- io, 'l'tvo more games have been played in I he local curling compotiton for the Scotch bonnets, A, id, Crawford's rink won from D, ',felines' rink, score 13.1I, Crawford's rink thou won front L. \V. Hanson's rink, score 13.8.. Two more games are to be played, F. Pat- ter4on's rink .with C. Knechtel's rink at thenad Mr, Crawford plays the winning rink. SLiMl'f,RSSNI;N8. Disorders of the stomach produce a nervous condition and often prevent sleep, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets stimuleto the digostil•e ('gens, restore the system to a healthy condition and make sleep possible. For sale by all druggists, Spring Term Begins April ist During January and Februarythe \\'Ingham Iiusiness;College had twenty -live tunes its many calls fr Stenographers, Telegraphers, Hook• keepers and College Teachers as we had graduates to send. Attendance Is always smallest during Apr11, May and June, consequently each student gets more individual attention. This is the beat term ot the year for the student, Learn of the success of our graduates lis writing for a handsome eatn- Iogue of the— Best Actual Business School in Ontario Tho "backward)' or "rusty" feel at home with us, OR each student is In. strutted at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher. _Graduates guaranteed situations. Eater any tine. . WINGHAM .BUSINESS COLLEGE IAI111lated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL DETAILS OF WRECK NEAR GUELPH, ONT. Ex -Mayor Donohue and Charles Rankin, of Strat- ford, and Little Girl Killed, About Forty Injured --Broken Rail the Cause - Cars Rolled Down Embankment. THE DEAD. .linin I). 11014th, Sarnia, he.►d 111,11(. ed. .I. IL I Irl heruutu, superinten 1 •1/t ('1'n- adian Express Co., Stratford, 4140 :call' is -winds; one big, but nut gall„"1'41us. ,Janus Jlynn, Guelph. left f 1:14 1,11!1} (rushd; amputation may 1x11100•,=- .4, Harold \%alkyl.. I'eterl,oro', arm and side hurl. O'erenl, I)utniniun lint' freight agent. Toronto. (.lightly injured 1(a 1,111', L. Hutchinson, I.tstoeel, heal met ; kJe hurt. Jolut Arkitc'y, Addington, 11u1., arm bruised, I ‘1 Irl' v , (;nderich, (head injured. R. E. Sheris.;, 'frndl'I'rt' Bank, Toronto, shaken up. 1'. E. Hayden, Stratford. hand injured. ,I. P. \:•right, Detroit. head injured. E. liaeh0lor, 7514 arm ruisrd, 11-n0, Sutton, Str:ttf(wd, ane injured. 11. .1. IIaIeu, Berlin, head and hotels cul. 11, O. I(ilz. Berlin, hand in; John O'Donohue, ex -Mayor, Stratford. (Aeries Rankin, Stratford, Four-year-old child of 11, C. Walker, 1beterbotro', brother of G. E. Walker,' Guelph, ticket agent G. T. R. THE INJURED. Mn. John L. Doran. Toronto, lying in St. Joseph's Hospital, semi-conscious, recovery doubtful. • John L. Duran, Toronto, hart owner Sleeman brewery, Guelph, injured in aide. John Doran, jun., Toronto, 8 trent ha old, baully injured about head. Thomas Scott, Listowel, three ribs; : broken; injured internally; not r..l,e,tcd to live. Ii. S..Snead, Toronto, head cut. J. Anderson, Acton, inn bruised. B. A. Perry, Toronto, NIA hurt Archibald Priest, 'foronto, Lund hurl stud ribs broken. William Alderson, Toronto, G. T. R. car inspector, four ribs brokn► and fore• head hurt; not dangerous. Adapt Klippert, Toronto, right nrnm broken, R. L. Cross, Toronto, ribs fractured, cut on head; not serious. ]ilea Starr, Toronto, car painfully torn. Richard Polley, Toronto, heed injured. Rev. R. E, Knowles, Presbyterian min- ister, Galt, shoulder dislocated. W. I•:. Buckingham, Guelph, head cut badly and body bruised. D. N. Dennison, Stratford, knee sprain. ed. R. Pearson, Hickson. laid cut, H. M. Patterson, Stratford, lover jaw crushed. Miss K. Cowan, Sarnia, suffering from • shock. Geo. 1Vilson, machinist, head hurt. Miss M. \iell'hinnie, Stratford, head hurt. Frank Kelly. Galt, side hurt. M. U. Barry, Rockwood, bruised and badly shaken up. Mrs, Donald McGregor, Acton Weet, cut about bend and shoulder's; riot seri- ous. Arr. Jones, Mitchell, .side badly sprain- ed. '.lir, Strong. :lncaster, not. serious. W. A. Rolling, Berlin, nut serious, Frederick Darla, recently from London, England, and on his way to Clifford to farm, had his left hand badly cut. Airs, Ellen llity, nurse to Derail child, ' Toronto, severely injured, Miss Gertie \1 alters, Acton, arm brok- en; not seriors, Mrs. John Walters, Acton, back in• jired; not serious, lslhs Mabel Randall, Camlachie, shoal• der hurt; not serious. Albert. Rogers, Oshawa, artery cut in ' thumb, 11'illiam J. Ney, Stratford, :eau 1':ck- en. H. J. Waite, Port lltlron, sim14idt:r bruised, 11. \I. .1c ill a0n, 11'a1koi ill0, I10ad bruised, I.). 11', .tnderson,'I'uronto. Niel; hurl, Thos. \Irudot9, Stratford, littered nbeut the head. .1. llrechlin, 'revi:clock. arm hurt, F..1. Locke. `t. Thomas, cut about face ;ecu head. S, Sterling. traveller for 11-y'11l, Gras• ett & 1)nrling,'I'ornnt', bend rut, George Hughes, Toronto, shaken up. How It Happened. Guelph despatch: Trainer's Cut. about two and tt half miles east of Guelph, was the scene of a serious accident to 1 he Grand Trunk train from 'Toronto at 2A0 this afternoon, in which two men end a young child stare killed, and about forty pas.sangers were more or less injured. The frail mai bound for Chicago, find Taft Toronto lit 1 o'clock. 11 mans, travel- ing at the rate of ;about fifty miles tin hour whets a rail broke and caused the di -aster. The rail broke on Hie south side of the track, and,Iniu•t. inlnledittlely after- ward 1t fide plate 11 1, 1110 north rail gale way 'Than three passenger c'(u't'hes, inelading the parlor ear 1(t the rear of the train. and the e(nbination ret, be- gan to pound the ties, After traveling i1( this lacy about fifty yards they brake froth the forward portion of the train and went clown the steep an►hunknnent to the north of the track, into a swamp. '1'114. engine, lander and baggegm cr' went about. two hundred yard.; further on. bumping on the ties at u consider- able speed. when the luggage ear broke 1<pnao, ;111I pulled the tenter from the roil'. The locomotive remained on the track, the engineer hnving applied the emergency brake. and orily the rear wheel, wore pulled off Ilio track. 1t the pointwhere the Heckle -Id tic. •'n'rc,l there k a slight curve, null it is customary for the engineer to s1011 off erms n. 'hart dislnnce nearer (luelph as the train enters the city, being down 21;110 there. 'I'Iii fatnlit1 , ee,'nrred en the seemed lust c0a.'11. I•:x Mayor ')'Donohue, Slrulf:,r.I, t,+,• :1141.,15 4110 ear when it 4414 44I.41,41;; the rite; descent 11,14vn the em,,e,11,fent. 1;11,1 laudc,1 en Iii; 11(1111 1111 ti„ i',''t!1;14.k ohm'( the wi11:1•rm'9. Ili, ::. ,•l; 11111011- ((1 it 11:11',' 111'011 lir11k011. 111' 14414 kill(tt 110411111Iy, ('1111110', 1tnn1;in 14'114 011 111s wily 1101110 10 Aral fend after wit• nessing u. I4,►c'key match 111 the \lutnai Street (link, ']'0(0114'), 111.1 1/i::ht. 110 was formerly one '.f the host •I:n1n hockey players in the Province. Of late yeas he has not played, 11u1 lies nctell 11s referee 1(t many gullies, Ile con- ductcd a restaurant and eoni('(tioncry store. .\ sed feature 1(l• his death is the fort that he had leen married only a little over it week. Thi 11'alkrr ehihl that was killed was treated beside her little brother, the children bring a)onlpinied by their mother. \1 -hen Cllr ears left the track the little one disappeared from view, and it is thought she went through the window end underneath i)a car. 1ler little brother \slit: netseriously hurt. The mother 444(4 injured, but not hinny, She was almost ,prostrated by the shock of the death of her child, (Inc of the. Int known 111011 011 the train 44;1, Ile', R. E. Knowles, 1 -Ilex Church, Galt, 11e was in the fa.lefnl car, and in the bump two men were t.hrv,wn tip in .the air and fell on top of hint. IIi4 left hand was brolly hurt, and his shoulder apparently watt dislo- cated. 111' (seapcd from the car through the 44111d04v Ile said the scene was harrowing, a1d our' 1'111(11 hr rover \5011111 forget, Mr. Knowles 44044 011 his way home frot1 Otam•a, after lectur- ing there, Slid Down Sixty Feet. The cars, after leaving the track, slid part of the way domit the sixty -foot ern- bnnklnrnt, then turned over, The three passenger coaches %veer Strung out in line. not intc0(I)(k4l, 11ud1 11(111• by 11.419 he coulhilalinn car, turned in such a 11r.sitiun as to Piens the letter I., The baggage ear rolled down the bank some distance further on. 'I'lu' 1 rain was in ge of conductor 11•0u41s. 1'1111 111(1111, a TNI the en.ginr 4.141.44 were 1\illinnl Thompson, engineer, end William A, thirtieth fireman. All the (row escaped without. injury, 111( passengers wore ell thrown pro• mlaeuously 1lho111 in the ears when they landed at the bottom of the decline, 111111 few came out unscathed, On the first s well- known 1 01', Ryan, a paEenger cnarlJ \'1/S Inn , resident of Iluefph. whose foot was badly crushed. It is fennel alnpu• talion may bn n'ressarr. Ali.. and r\Is. Doral and child were in this cot•, Nies. Doran was braised ,e1erely on the top of the head, and enneussion of the brain )9 feared. Mr. 1)orul wiis (0ming to Guelph to visit friends, and Mrs, Doran and child were going on to her former hnnu' in Stratford. \t', Duren was hruis• e1 and cut Mewl the head, 11. ,f, \\•nit(, n G, T. B. employee of Port Huron, wits on the 1;11• in which ex - Mayor o'Dutnlhue net 11(1111. Mr. O'Dinnllne was silting oe the side of Hie ecu' opposite Waite. 1)4 raid 110 thought all the cars Slid down the bank riolit side 01) until they reached the bottom. then (ell 01.1'1' 1111 their sides, The first of the three ears, however, ns soon es it reach- ed the bottom, shot off endwise into a clump of trees, 4-♦ The (le noa C'errlere _Merelntile 11115 published a (itn1rnt'nt that the family of the Alarlluis of Cotten() which was in pessesSiut of funnel( pointings by \'nn Dyke has sold seven of thole to .1, 1'. \Iorgnn for $500,000, Get r rt You can put on a roof that will last a hundred years and be the right kind of a roof every minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will robably leak after the first rain hits it, an keep leaking till it is rotted away, Either roof will cost you about the same in money at the start. But the " Oshawa" - shingled roof will he PIRE-PIZO0E--1iteI'- :ft, ": ally ; and wind-proof- actually ind-poof--actually ; and lightning - proof --ppositively. That's the hundreu-.y mr roof ! And tl'at "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be weather-proof for a century. irle'll•GUAItAN- TEE in every way for a quarter -century -from now till Nineteen - Thirty -Two. Guaranteed in writing for 25 years -and you needn't ever paint it, even ! That's saying something, isn't it ? What would you r mill -man say if you asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even ten years ? ' He certainly would make remarks ! And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be leaking badly inside of ten years. Seven out of ten of them leak the first time it rains. No wood- shingled roof is fire -proof for a 1 minute, and the first high wind that catches a loose shingle--' whoosh 1 goes half your shingled roof over 'into the next township. Shin Tool A-P1at r, r Yet cedar shingles coat you just ; •, about the price of these guaranteed "Oshawa' Shingles -28 -gunge tough- ened steel, double galvanized -good for a century, guaranteed in writing till 1932,-f1re- and-wind-e,nd-weather-proof and lightning -proof. Cour-dollars-and-a-half a square buys "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles ---ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present price of cedar G' j'V:..' shingles - how does it " '' • • r.., t+ 1 f I! 141011 ( F;trilte you? i!111riirtii! ti'''I iil;ti ill l bi.,. . ,' j ,.1 1'11 And you can put on these tf!ii'_;'i. i;11t, ►t. „ "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles yourself, easily, with no tools hut a cla4:-harnmer and snips. Simplest thing you know --can't get 'em on wrong. "Oshawa" Shingles lock on all four sides -whole roof is practically uno sheet of double -galvanised steel, that never needs painting. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century illalantSZALIMECAGINUIMINIIIIMINOSIMUMUIVIMMICAMIRMIVOIV as A n d GUARANTEED -- don't overlook that. Geer- anteed in writing, , over the seal of a company with a quarter -million capital,-- uarantct'd in plaits 'nglish, v;::' ,!:il. -:1/y ifs or huts, ):,. Jong years. That's the a,rtl;hent .in a nutshell -coat the name wood - shingles ; fire -proof, watc;r - proof, rust- proof, lightning - proof ; easier to put on ;, and GUARANTEED. hat's the "Oshawa ' proposition I Tell us the measurement cf any roof, and we'll tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it with less work and for lean money. Plenty of facts that concern your pocket -book come to you as soon as you ask for our free book, "Roofing Right." A post card will do to ask on. Why don't you ask now? 104 The Pedlar People MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA Of OshawaBLONa D t. 3214 Cragg St;. W. 11 Colborne Bt. 4233 Sussex St. .,,,'4.4.,,1,4 „ WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ate L tribal d kit, MO Ponder Eft. ( SIXTffN C !ILDR[N U' NED T Principle of the School Loses Her Life Trying Save Kindergarten Children. Elder Children Escaped Another lit tic hey, '1'oiu Bogan, 41.119 14 pupil in 1 ho wend (11199, under Aliso) 1'ultl)dHll, 111' slid there was ,4 hell in I Miss 11:ix4vell'a ru,,t1, Which was n'ced 14111'11 fire 111111 01(4 )!i'en, whi(ll 01111(1 I4', hrerd all (wry the heill!ie..!, Lel i1. ' 11:1(1 111/1 1111'1 sntul'll"1. ^11v teacher,' ',1111 Tom, "44',111 0111 - O 111) the e(11, u 1 n'e 11'tri ;1 1101;r She I r111 I :i k :;1/d se:'in d 401'1' 1441401) f right - !I cued, and red in Ile, face, and Gild its I to get our things 11)1(1 run right homy. t0 ' \1'I' were in I !:e upper storey, and some 1/i 11s jest hod (111' 4011,1044 tender lint. seals, 51'hile the boy,. who had eoal4 hid 11( 1011 1110111 in Ihr dressing route, "I 11141 my Iu(I14e with 1111', and ran out. 111111 as soon as 1 got onto the landing I :41114 the stairway full of iimoke, while the children were crowding o1( il, llfraid to go down, 1 pushed 1 lirough them end rti11 clown In 1he frnnl fluor, and hollered to the rest to conte o1(, end a lot of them 41110e, 'file Hnukr 14414 so 1111011 in the hall 410WIlltairS 111;1 it 41119 just like running into the. dark. I think the children who had t.o go to the dressing room Io get their clothes were the ones in our (lays who got killed, "My teaher, \li9s (,'nmpbell;" said the Ind, "did not seem n bit afraid. She Flayed right up there, and after we hall got oat of the door, w0 stayed around, all after a while a ladder 15.114 put up, 11101 1 saw her helping lots of deem through the window, end, I.11011 0110 of the Piromen get hold of her, end she did not seem 10 1111044 anything when they got her nut nod (11rried her down, "1 11.4444 Tanking 11p and sew the chil- dren being taken out of Ihr kindergarten, fun, and then 1 saw Miss Maxwell at the lvindu\4 with one of the children in her arms. She broke the hindow with her hands, and I saw it bleeding where she cut it, She got the ley nitL arid %11011 S001l1'(1 to fall bare:, Alias Keyes broke the window Orilla her hand, too, and cut, it badly." No Fire Drill for Months. A good deal of the loss of life was ,caused primarily by the 10111 of 1k- cipline for emergeiwies. ':`here had not. been it fire drill for months, and whet the sudden call 001110 the little ones were alarmed. t4(n0c ran for their clothes in the dr(l.,ing•room, and most of these miserably died, ()therm 1111 for the stairlvny, but were afraid In go down, and as they hesitated the fire gained such headnely haat escape 4;,;s impossible. The firemen 4verked hard, 01( the top Indedrs, where they had to he sprayed from the hose, 1h'y labored In get at windows and hand out children. 111th the %voter freezing on them 1'4 it fell, yet this never stayed their work do long as it seemed possible 1)14t a liv- ing soul could be taken out. Several of them IM'elunr exhausted by the cold and terrible wore;, while others were Ont and hurt by the rough handling of hove ;and ladders, and had to be 01- tend(d to by the tlnlhulat'e duetor,. By this time the fire itself I►:0d leen subdued, It had burned wills v,"ultd''r- ful lewd( y, despite the work of a neat• 1'r lower, which hall 11(011 erected tie 1444 10 pule' tons of water through the little frontal lower 11111 flood out the blaze. The flames had worked t hl4n;'4 It the. m•n114 null reef, and seemed to defy the water, :old the lower rooms w11'1' completely ruined, while the walls and rout' were almost c0Isuned before it, became sof( 11( venture into the build. One other body 14115 then found, that. of 1a little girl of about five, who lind 1'110 int() it corner and Haid down to escape the dewily stoke, and there died. She was not burned, but was blocked nll over with the fume.:, and 51111110(1 with water from the hose, which, freezing, stiffened Ilse tiny body into a heartrending 1Speet lie it was carried down the ladder, with arms above the Ineel, waving i1( the wind, That, ended the Ilolovalt;f, 1);;nth had told its full tale, 1111:1 till that remained was In subdue the embers M' the fire a44'1 identify the tom; rows of children'\ corpse.' 141 1110 InorgIlI, n 1114411 14'])11411 for hour9 harrowed the feelings of all nn - fortunate enough to witness the despair of parent nfl':r purest as their little loved one.; were identified, often merely bv elnlbinr, so thoroughly 11101 the heat find smoke done their 51'11(1;, e.s Little Tots Perished -Fire- men's Heroic Efforts. THE DEAD. MISS SARAH MAXWELL, school prineipnl, oged 31, 471u Sturbain street, WM, JOHN ZIMMERMAN, aged 7, 411 Aylwin street, ouly on of W. Zimmerman. JAMES PILKINGTON LINDLEY, tiged (1, 111) Aylwin street, sen of J, P. Lind- ley. EDITH GOLSON, aged 6 years and 6 months, 3)1 Studneonn stret, daughter of John 1 0144011, machinist, ALBERT EDWARD JACKSON, aged Il, 22 N'urtele alreel, 9011 (If ,Iohn 11, Jackson, cotton expert 11t :1lnska heather and Down Works. LILLIAN RIDGE, aged 5, 25 Marlbor- ough street, daughter of Harrison Ridge, carpenter. MYRTLE SPRAGGS and MABEL SPRAGGS, aged f) and 1 years, respee• I ivoly, daughters of A, Spraggs, builder, 1,721 St, Catharine street, ' EDNA DAVEY, aged ill¢ years, 14 1lurlboroug)) street, daughter of John Davey, engineer. JAMES M'PHERSON, need 7, 3113 l refonlaine street, son of James Mc- Pherson, foreman 1'. N. R. freight sheds, ANNIE JACKSON ANDREW, aged 8, daughter of Andrew Jackson, 03 l'In•illie' street, CECILIA FORBES, aged 6. daughter of Thomas Forbes, compositor, 69 Cuvil• pier street. JOHN LOMAS, aged 0, son of George Lomas, bleacher, 111 1)avi,o1i street. JAMES FREDERICK ANDERSON, aged 63¢ years, only child of ,1. F. Anderson, J4 St, Germiin street, GLADYS HINGSTON, aged 6, (laughter of 11'm, Ilingslon, 67a Neville street, JOSEPH JOHNSON, aged 7, 424 Gun'• tier street, son of John ,Johnson, time• keeper at Angus shops, ETHEL LAMBTON, aged rlyi years, daughter of Geo. l,anihton, foreman, 3-15 Moreau street. Montreal despatch: :, terrible disaster occurred this afternoon when the Ilochel• ngu Protestant School at. 30 Prefontnine street \vita bunted, sixteen charred bod- ies of li-.tle children tell a story more henrt•rencling than arty that the pen of man can describe. The fire originated in the Immanent about.2.30, and nude considerable headway before it was no - tical. An alarm was turned into Fire Station No, 13, a block away, but when the firemen lord reached the school the fire had gripped tite upper parts of the building and smoke was belching forth from the, window's. Firemen to the Rescue. \\Idleut a thought of slopping the fire the men started tile work of rescue, Lad- ders were thickly run up to the first floor, and 0 score of children were soon carried out. In the meantime the flames had gripped the building and hell reach- ed the top floor, Thy fire raged for,tw110 ty minutes 1)41011' n drop of water 44119 turned o1(. The firemen welt, frying to ease! lives, The building is is three-storey brick structure, bol the interior wood- work burned very rapidly tool gave out n pungent smoke which suffocated the children, 'I'lm firemen did splendid ser- vice, end stud; to the work of mime until driven out bt• flames and smoke. Other fire brigade., mule up in respose to n general 11111111, and after three•gnar• leis of an hour's work they hail the fire under control. In the Teeth of the Fire. The work of tete firemen was 41.0)11)4' of heroes, They battled right in the teeth of the fire. Br:u►eb crews strug- gled through the thiel; smoke. fairly fighting their Ivey into 111e first floor, They fnuel1 hard there, bccnuse of the betties of 1lo ehildren, end made great efforts to prevent a further spread of the fire s1( that the little hculic.c would not, he burned, New and then a 1111411 would be ,;ren driven to n window, het 1(0 wmlld go back, raid 50011 m•0111d mach out, swing 10 It leaguer ;led descend with n soil little abject in`hi8 arms. Tilt. 111111 covered each corpse will; 'n tarpaulin, transferring their gruesome land to the I;ICtlIflhtl•luukiug morgue %v1;gon. The Anguish of the Mothers. The mews of the feorfnl Irig(yll' hail :Tread, end parents 1/t' the ehiIll?'Qn were rushing 11( the place. Mothers, dishcn•rl- Ind, wild•er('d mid fearful, would spring I'0rw1'd as each little body 140s brought into sight, One minion u(reau(d with terror 114. rile (lied to 1';11:i(' a cover,1.11• though she had net seen the 111 HI' face nor even had It glimpse of alto tot's • clothes, she shrieked: "ellst it's she; it's h:vyra came bock 11)7(1 said, •0 1 03, got hof your clothes 111(1 rel (1);111, home,' '.f.'hen the smoke 0111100 in rind a'lot of the ehil- dren stead to cr4', 'T'he're was not i1111011 110)90, 1(11(1 J wnM nut t1carrd 11 1111, 11111 lho 01111(1ran 51'0111('(1 to be frightened, Most of then) von to the clrms';in;' room in front to get her (dollies, 1(11,1 Mis: Max- well looked in and toll us to hurry out. "I 0111 any brother ran dnwnslair5 first, lilt the a1uir.S were so fall of smoke that must of the kids were afrai(I to go. A(iss Keyes, the leacher, stayed to see rind they felt keenly the grief threw lour 1('s oil,, and 1411011 f want 11111. I t t vJler of the deas, When people most have been experiencing' theylgo) herher►uree ot t of0t 1140 window)sho lrao Her Life for Her Pupilo. almost deed, 1 ran hide 4111 (11441 nn I Misr Mnsu•ell, the Principal of the amid .aa soon 418 1 gut away," school, gave her life for her charges, She watt 011 the first floor at the time of the alarm and Tright easily have escaped, but she noshed upstairs through the sehonl urging the children to flee. On the top floor the little kindergarten tote were gal hered, and it was here that Miss Maxwell was overcome. She was list seen at the window, breaking the glass in her effort to get air into the room. She was noticed falling back, and now the mortal remains of this brave woman are lying at the morgue cold in death, Smoke Shut Off the Stairs, 'there were nl►ont 150 pipits in the sellout at the time, but, the bigger boys and girls on the two lower floors es- caped, It 'vas theor (helpless little children on the top floor that suffered. '!'here were no fire escapes on the school, and fire drill was only meld once tt week. The stroke blocked the stairs and sena off the e,rupe of the little tots on the top floor. The parents were frantic', and it WAS impossible to get any details from the broker -hearted people who lost their loved ones, :1s fust 14, the children were to kelt front the building they were re- moved to the morgue amid the heart- breaking Cries and sobs of mothers and fathers, The disaster is one of the most awful that ever look place here, and has east it gloom over the entire city. Children at Every Window. At every window were seen the im- prisoned 111- 1' °'led children and teachers, while front the windows on the lower flet nothing could be seen but evidences of fire. "Copt, ('arson 1(t once organised his men to set up an extension ladder to the second storey window, where Miss Maxwell was signalling fur help. The ladder was promptly run up, and every 1114)11 who could crowd upon it got in position to make n living chain to resent. the little ones, Cart. Car- son headed the ladder. Inside the window wits Gists Maxwell, surrounded by a sword of children and excited al - 111081 to the limits of endurance. As soon its the firemen had formed their living chain to safety, Miss Max-. 5xeI hauled her little pupils one by one to Capt. Carson, and they were swiftly prised down the ladder from hand to hand to the ground. Thus the work went un until probably forty of the children had been saved, and it seemed that none were left, Then Capt. Colson called to Hiss Maxwell to save herself. Teacher's heroism and Death, "No, there are others iueide, and wo must save them," she replied, end ran back to look for the other little ones twho she knew roust be on the upper floor. That was the end. "Miss llnzwel ran beck, and wo ended to her to come out, as the room WIN full of smoke and flashes," said Capt.' Carson. "I easy her hurrying to look fur tiny of the other children who might have been overcome, \1'e could put folow her, it would have been simply suicide. A moment later she fell in the thick smoke. It was all we could du, and 1111 hour later her body was carried through the window, along with those of the children she had tried nu hard to save." The . fire broke out in f he . cellar, where there were two furnaces for the hot air heating system and large piles of wood. Stories of Survivors. Some of the pupils who escaped from the burning building toll thrilling storied 1(t 111'1)' ('9(4(1)10. (15wn1d 'I'hunpsuu, it lad of about ten H old, lied esenped, nerd told his story, 115 the school burned itself oil. "I 11111 111 1110 fourth form, m•iti► Mise len:wall." he said, "curd 44114 11 school the afternoon, when n. 1,uy, mulled 11'ylio Gilbert, went 0411 01 the runnl, 411111 rift 1111011 up to \liss Jlnxw'll and said the hall was full of sn1()k(, 'randier 4.11011 went 0111, to Hee, 111111 roue heck very w11110 1)11(1 told 1141 to get dressed 11111 hurry home. 1 444444 the smoke right away, and 119 I was running; out of the betiding i saw Mess \I:ixo('11 hurrying 11pst01r9 to try 111141 :;;141' 1110 little rill- dren up (herd. Aly 111'01I1(1 wn5 up there i1( I.li, l;in(1(rgtu'la)1 111111 hu gel out all right," Frank 'Thompson. an right -year-old student in; the felel kindergarten, had no interesting tele In tell, whish \vita emphasized by his 10er-stained cheeks, although he sturdily denied hawing been ".s((1l'('d" at ally 111111'. 11'0 heard It 111:1,:' 40!1'1dl," s;iol h0,, "1111(1 1(10111( 140111 Ell ser, {'hen Mss 1t wog nut hers, 1111d 11S 11 kindly hand drew her hare; she staggered bock to the 01)11 ing line, subbing 1111(1 pl'it,1'ing, The crowd of men rueel 'lumen were quiet, standing hushed in the presence of the awful tragedy that was being enacted before their eya9. .:Maly glen tried to 11111110 their way to the front, eager to give a helping hand. Even the stern police officers, accus- tomed to the horror of fire, were plain- ly affected, Some of thole oro tethers, TOOK fli[ PRItSL, EFFORT OF POLISSHI CONGREGATION TO SECrTRE A MINISTER, Rev. F11he PelarrI:a Captured by Win- nipeg Congregation, but Finally Al- lowed to Visit the Arclib!shop- I3reachh Between People and Author- ities Widened. 1Vinmip0g, ',Lor, I ')1414 Polish die c0i;1r0 11 o hill here, who 11,14 ,4 110011 heli!, 44i:Ain11., 111 :Jell(( it Driest of their 1'011 1,meir,, nal have repootedly peti- tie00;1 .\rei11;•bu I,:'ngevin to that, ef- 1(4 !. ice:: th14)4 liil l)101r own 11:11(14 I„st l4,,,f;. lle:rie (het it Polish priest,. !(I' I' ,I:I ! a, 4411 + 01:1111; west, the;; ;weited hi; nrriln), end` 14r1 110 t i1p:.i I'ruin 1!o C. 1'. 11, rxpr(s,s am .I:I:I l Ly 1(i w:1rds ct' 11 hundred li'1! a:1'! 11'1'4,111y lnkee 1;, Illy, 11('e,hyI(';",' (,f lilt parish of the 1111,' Woes:, ;1411 installed there, He eppeoled to the Arc}II)i,5hop and allure)) pers011:11 freedom lo' visit 1ho pales((', 11111 the parishioners retained luggage 1:' l'11s,nre return. '.1'111:+ has further 'troi(aa,l the relations betwc1!rt the people and the authorities of the par- ish, 111111 the former have 110%1' 111lcidccl 411 ki1111' advantage (41 the canonical 11414 11a,1 buy the parish property and ren it 119 they 114,:7ire. The Polish people (Inial that encyellc Tetters from Rome urge and urdtrr the Archbishops in (luu'ge of the dioceses to work Mn every' way for linl•I1►nrly for Polish and Ruthenian people, in order to keep :.hem in the fold' of the Catholic Church, l)1udiculnrl,y since sehisht is so rampant ht the vavietef euun(ries of the Auld land, 81.•••••••••••••. o. P.. _.......,...... 1,411 M. _ L,. i.,....•••••••••• VU'62E SURE "\1,'1,;,~ Y1,11'1'1. crazy' dt\wnright util, roto I;nn\'., \\'lint's 1hr' reuynn ?„ ► "1\111, 1 1'a1,' ,aloe fli,ud, stnlin;t here %%1'11 all•, /11111 1 t'ai'l It',1%e 11„' "1:11111; 111''111 1\ Il 11 :4111. ' t!tuu!11il \','ell ,l,f eunrst'. if 'lie; 1\01'111 li!,c 1,, !!u, that might do; if toil Goo; o; •' "If not. y„,u go Ulna')). I hate •.ti,l N,'u..1. I,,,,eintadell alt'; ulul0r p.liit of her eternal Ili-pleasirt ,'stns( half ,, nrll'e 1f :1 ,' ••'\))lest sant ''f t'tlrt;lill t ))tore 1•, loin)! silt( along: "t, \1111 l• ill, \1', ,,11;1 l t;1 Le ;t lt1• e'. l'il't'•; , t \'UI; :,n i1 I,I• tl(101)!1` ill ur.l'.0;! (heti!. To Appreciate it it You are a Japan Tea Drinker, GREEN TEA Same in i:knior as Japan, Only['dere De►icious. Lead Packets only. 2 ie, :Kies 111e, :►0e, and (Nle per Ib. AT ALL GROCERS. HIGHEST AWARD, ST, LOUIS, 1110 1. 411."%b•AS"16, N, "No.r. lrrti ..1"v e`Nro b^'1r�'V'MV.'�r v C UET Viwli ill 4111) lio V1✓+Ir 1'0 1111.01b, lb"Ir 4111,411. • 2sAlli • 'fit. 441,16.41b/u.,41 "Yes, if you call Castle Hill, Inverness, home. \\ l! are M1111',! there It, soon as 1•eha leaves 1'•11;;1:11111." "Lelia -tubo is she?" Loyd George fairly jumped seat. 1 puzzled, rather; hal. 1 thniiLrht it hest yon old hermit -you anchorite to bide 111y' 111110, anti let her ladyship -you St. John of the Dew'rl--von 11e\(1 I have. her awn way; and, faith, she hail neat to say you don't I:Ito\I. w.hu .1.('111 ! it, too -fur, berme Cleopatra had. in- k!" tett I half a dozen words, she !(aye a "If you mean the French tragedy queen low cry. and fell bac(: fainting --stiff, sir, Of 111111 11,11((('." i 111. a dead swoon!" "Frel;,•11! She's no more 1'rencll than I "limn -man! Very strange, indeed! 1 Inn! She's I':ii ii,h, mat :hive! Hit) 111'hitt then?" ye gods, it takes away lily breath only "\\'hyo, we hrturht to think of her. L°li'1---Ow queen -the ',tense; belt as .;ung enehaatrt'ss --(he siren --the )1elpomen, the cuuquer(s:;! Whew! l:au'ieclifl , \rant It glasi of ice water to enol 101? down after s:peatd:ing of her -the Ittt.. dewn'iting fI:t n' 011 fire!•, "1(,•.111:•!„ :lid Di=hreave. dryly, "t":' tr,lnr(linary trulsporls these for a mar- ried u::ut. l have heard -or, rather, read of this Jl,ule!noi:•clle Lelia; for the p:cil:'r- are full of her. I, ,he, then, .t pretty?" "Pretty? l:,u•O:'t'Iiffe, if I had a Ionil• ed pistoi here, neon sly soul 1 \milt have it. in Ole tt 11(01(• your brains out for applvintt that tvurd to her. Pretty •--ft11 rIt She's gloriots--maddening- divine! That's what silt) is! You alight as well say a lorti itlo--a sheet of light - nigh - :a storm at sea -was (pretty, as "Indeed! }lather a desperate little rtiel : she must be. So she has come to ,England. I thought she had been fifty tinO, offered it small fortune, and re- insca.,, ":<) ale 41111, sZht carne tvith as," "\1'itli run';" said 1)i;hrotve, with a ,tare. "Yes, with us! She made one of oto• party. She and Norma are like sister;.," The, strangest senile went 'wandering around 1)isbrouv''s lips, and shone bright in his ryes, when he fixed them on the face of his friend. "Lelia(, the actress, and Lady :\us• trey!" "\'t's, !Jolla, the netross," said Lord George, defiantly. "your roll( 1'.1111!1;11 pride will have no cause to strain itself trying to stoop to her. She k the equal of any woman, peeress or not, in all broad En',land. 1 have ,steett her dancing with archdukes and royal highnesses without number; she has been an hon- ored guest in the (male of at duchess, Iler life is ;throe rain oaeh, as she likely is above want, It isnot nece.ssil.y males Ian piny --she has already acquired for herself a. fortune; but she has it pas- sion for her art. Oh, 1?a inecliffc'! what a dazzling creature she is! She has flashed 11ke a meteor through Europe, bl111(1111!1, dazzling, el1'el t ifying wherever :she %wens. Nobody knows who 01' \\',hut she is, exeept-yon will wonder, when 1 tell vo:t-`�ormat1" "Norma! (low came she to know?" "11''e1l, my dear felicity, that is the strangest part of the business, It was at Florence we saw her first ---as Cleo- patra,,1 think, and a glorious queen she itntdc, for whom a thousand heroes might die. Every eye 11'!18, Of c'ourEe, lon't 1111011 her the moment she appear- ed; and Noruol half arose, and (lett fell bac(: in her seat, .1 looked at her, and, upon my honor, 1?arpecliffe, I never was ,-o startled in nay life; her farce was from perfectly tulorless, her eyes da'ketin'; ;11111 dillltulrl, :Intl !ivy I!1:•t wdlitc and trembling. I ..Itt1:e to her, but ;he only grasped ilii arm and motional for late to keep still, Null kiln( ever remit\in:; her his , eyes from the stage. 1 confess 1 was her Monte, of as she recovered she in;i-ted on going I);u'I: nn persua- sion could induce 'Iter to remain; and slat peremptorily order))+( 1110 to give a small note ,he wrote I t the itlatlager 01 the theatre to he 1!.'lit•ort'll to 1ltdaale \\'c!!, sir, be dill it, :1n41 the n"xt thio': 1\';as nu ))atone,( r0,lue,l front Lc'tl.t hers0lf. that Norma would wail in her 1:11vatt' dl't'„ltto•1'u1t11 until after ill:! platy.," '.\ Wil ilia ,he',,, '\•''s: :std a precious long interview 1!, v had of it. Like the 'five minutes' it tales a lady to put on her bonnet. It ad. liver t\10 blur, before she made her app)) rant't': and then in such a si.tle of delight by (1))1(go! If 1111 JI•\vl,It cannet'•!enaer turned ('hrisliau and Burn- ell his books, I couldn't. gel It to st0!1 ;t pitch of rapture" "\\•ell, what was the result "1\11y, til:!! Lelia became cow travel- ierr companion, or we her.; -1 d„nt't I:11o1w whte11---from that (illy until we rt',lt1110d Parts. And there 10 the ;real. surprise of everyone, she accepted nit of- fer liana 11r, 11 - -, of •---- 'l'henlre. to a1':;4L: leer d:•!,ut in London, and t - ttni•li t!le !tali\ es., it, l 111(1er nursed' 411e tviIt du, siigl;fly" \fid v;a, fit:t ari•tuctati0 friend, \li I':n:ily T'";utill, reconciled to the idea of Irn\elliit! en caudle with an ;ogress ?" "Iicc(,Ociled? I should think ::o; au:l very proud en.1 itt!purtetit slit) felt a 111 11! it- -fur \viler, areh (belt o;ses ,utile, il, is lust(. 1411. ;tisO111r ati-(nosey to s'necr •1st! HI n 'Alla f;:-li11alc; every one lid' it•rt ,i -t ible, toy hoy; at 11 \ rain heart." ' I t stabil, fit tin ,lua;et. I have a! t•oni'ter•cli:ntu strong- entttgll to too:'s-1 Hie \oven against the all-puwl'rful atinat.; of this Il ie nin-e. Hut this mystery I ilw))"O her ;hat Norma -- 1\ 11::! dal'; it 110 'AO" "'ll:at i; ll -1 \'+hall I wish yon wtuial !ell ate; for b, I10111rd il' 1 Imre the 1,0•t. idea, Nornl;i only laugh, and say-: '\\':til', the d,'Ituneinent. is ;tt "Humph! I{althrr singular! Is it :aO- otieer ;lel t;i (lith treason to ask 1('11,1 1111•: ((;toll:n• look, \loth. Norma 1111111)) Ise promise It ten on nothing until you would." see fe' `i'tutt,eif•" • "Iteallr "1)h, 1:1'11, alter all, what different)" does it mnko, l:cu'utstliife? It is only v, 0111.11C:4 whist!, I!u 1 ytur curio;ily 1% ill ,loon he gratified, for Lelia play; t 'dell, load, of 'course, ylu'1v'ill he Ihti"' to \worship lik'r lhr rest of London,,( t'un's, nay (tear fellow; couldn't thin(: of such it (bine." "\\'!ail ! ;tint :•e not in earnest t 'tri' t! .Lord Audrey, aghast, "\ever \yeas 1 more so ns 1 rc111'mb!'r," to) 0 0 0 0 0 It will help you to avoid taking cold. 110044400000000000000000 ALL DRUGGISTS: 6013. AND 1$1.00. 140000044 f011 t► 114414)4§6It 1i '111'404 Rapidilekia changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy 'temperature of the platform-thd canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind -know the difficulty of avoiding cold. - Scott's Emaskn strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. 4 0 0 i' -iasis\\, I 1.,'utc I v.) .1't! 1'1 le' are ;boo. t,,• I! 1, 1'1 :.' \ I'II'; Vi ;nil that little !111 t",1 heat .\!II'•ti+'a•' "\1 ell, tl i'.': 1111';,1 along, , of cony They %salt( ill -c. 1.1'!!,1, lou" •Ilppo-IU;, ; Ie, :Ile 1111 t;l1 hill I:: ll; lii:e y'•ll. 011110, , 1111( III -I 11.1\'I' lulle 1 I II,-' 11 11 . :11 :1', I'S. I1'i :11.1 ill ill t1111!' for di(((ner, "\1 011, tle't,' ,• !;n r"^i: tier Lou, 1 n, anti ,l l,l• 1"111-ei: :11 bonne, N"hll0 1,111^II!!• II,, 1' Teelt''l uncle ,n the 111:11• ".\ II I'I'_lil ! , n!y (hiri'\' tip- tul'l'e I, 111 r\1 l 11(11,11 111 1t' „ I'll 1 r• '111 l sl, Lelia play '.I' ,!nuc I)'.\rc•' tt•ii:tht fey 'The 1'1011'11 I iia!;t, Ill-!' '!''ll the ',!,t _roll:11-nrnl, \t it it uey respect s, that \\111! t 1,110' 'N11' it,l' Ira an-\1l'I•, at any I)i,l;rn%ve l:lO\!hill .and saluitirtd 11111, and. after a In'ier period, who -lied it it 11 Ili, wick), to \\ligan le presented 1,•)t -;l illi dim Ho'l'ly(( l;t. "You have met \vitt' better sin,- • than you 11eer;0, lay Lord .\u,lt'v,'' 111 "for ttiy raisin nut only eta-imt s to II, but 1,tlros,lpg 1'vell 110\1": Ialttl 111" hurl'' is tiuile d,ligltt l Il1 the prUs11'i1 11 seeing Lelia, \vial,)) fame t'a, teatIiI 1;'4,(,11 !)alt 1t, Beersl('I,il, y'P;I t'\'loll Itilt the fa1' ai!d facetious r))gions 1)f `;e\\• ,I111'ho , 1 have ordered my 'coach an,' ;ittd uttling rt'untin; but to in.11:e Ir fell' altl'IatioltN it Illy Hotel Illatll, t'), fur a torn t11(11tt'llt:, alt revolt'!" Half an hunt ,111,1 .^1114 111,111 (•n 1011((', sublime bewilderment and disomy which (Lord (;tour;;)) t'ur'ned to his 'wife, at, any other time w„Itl,l have thrown her into (•Itnvul:sien:+ of l,titilit 'r; hut now,tinnie lien uu; feeling- of aniet v for 1)i Lhrowo restrained :111 Milian' 111 for mirth. You hats( 11'•111'r follow hint. George. 1;, go :tiler bit >'' ,he cried, ntl.\iou ly', "I'011uty Lint! \1'It, \tber, the „let' 1 I,1';! Null(' pa! 1!' 0 1.11dy At trey; 1111(, tllHoll lift' ,11111 tit, i, Ihi. tltu•.i e\tial- ;'� 1 e‘,'• Moat \'\\ 111 ! Nott', e. h;11 Ill 1'I It -gill, ;-, 1 :, • "ol into that "null \4,1111t, ;1!L1 III'- Mee idol .\lltl'rit':111 lien., to see thein Harlin). op in 1111, rash• bill lit . ;;}tt lit I lul. \\'Lett' is 1!t' '11, the (;)'or;.'e! ti:l eo :Istel' h!111: \1111 laity (lit etltt'lr 11111'1' all 11t+t 7" '•}-e,: hat .0. t.1:1 ;Iiit 1 t1 do t\In'n 1 gel 1 beryl': "lift, :11!11h1!'r Lid ltittt! 1 detl't lsno , :111 ,11'11)) , It '!,e 11, 1 ,1 1�•I'L ;'•,111!'. 1 Nii-ti 1.1;1 \\111111 .'o :I l)t \,;Iy. 1)11 stied ;it1t U,i: 1;11, .w fah�s; sold cull eq e,1' I'I - ,1;'1' tie; ill 111'. 111a. I cold! ! tt 11,1' !refit ;1 Venn; het •1'11,' there':" '•PIe111'/.;;'1(de, be L`•lelll. do not le inn "mu -1 fierldc,llp loll ail, III\' in1'e. i 11" 11'11 ,';111 d" a, 11111 ide.i•)), II• tt' 111,1" 1 1•.'111(: III\' 1111( (' al, .1 tt it'lled 111;111 e'1r, M0,1 ctuiaitly neither not 1.elhi f l ill asst Null to 11 "!!:,..,he Ulan;' 11%'e:-': "1.eg1aIIs," '•\\"t,1lth: ;till titled'. "\ l :ay. lord. ,'lit 1'L•111,L' 1 the bit! f i.. !.i' lu1' . Ihr I)it , of 1I--' at 1'il- leire, sn I Ila not Itelie\e ho \viitli,l die of „•e „1, if 11 of l',;tl heelO tt• ,if• filed iter ill, it;t:11, ileal'!, al1Ll IMM)) 111• 1((11111\C." I(er S'an';lllie lone sit tilt Dishy,,\')) ill that ;;,j:'' ; hist all he hail 1:1,1;,1 pinned hi, cutio,; to s,t this strange ;le; hiss this eighth \Hent'\• of 1111' ',\'doll; am' it was in a -ort L:11 fever 01 iIII 1/lli- ence 111111. Lc Intl: !ti; 'e,d ill 1t', cali- ",10 1111 1111'01 \vt' 1, the theatre, 11 1v1Iti,i'11111'111'1! 1\'i11tt they ('lltt'I'ot1 a 11r,fect 1:1111 1'1'0111 pit to ceiling, I a I,tilliaut sr<'llt "Iaiti tv::vitt,!, je\yt1= fln•hiO:;, 11.14:h0 eye', sprkling, smiles tyreathin;, rosy lip;, and it at -veiny odor of pert t ttto around, highest, toe noblest of the proud English nUbcsit were thtrt', and all waiting hrea1llle-.sly fe,r the cur 1aill to go up. \ bell tinkle,(---l.h, music ceaswl--`t l I behind wo i splendid grii. 'lashing t i., , , The whole >.ubjeet of cunycr,tttit;t ,v,ts dead hush folh>\\"'I•--the- eurtaill 'lulu(: ,.Lelia," a, 1.1111 Gonlge related :ole.•• 4101" after tltt ',lu!c 111 iter --her kindnWl In t!o 1011(' --bel• pullet'(: dnttat10ns lit 011111111', iu:ll ell: t'it:tbl0 in'•itutintl, •-- Ler ;!erre, in,lnntitahle pride, that outdo Ler Irttitns of admirers, keep it long lance elf -• ler haughty iudeprtd' nee, that nettle the friendship of the high awl titled no act of etmdestensinn, but ;1 -!m• pie conA)),:- to an eqa;11---her free, Irani:, i,Upnl-lye %%sty's her splendid stain,,! in -1111xt', L.,lia-" Leila tits the theme Instil the tarriage drew tit) is front of the .I1•,)• man?ion. 1,1 ,1 George had insisted 1:o t!',ir ail cambia with hie). and Disbrow() had hail - retina ant ly complied. 'I byre \\:t, n quit'(: flnDer of II!; prll,es at the tllnught i.1 nailing Norma attain, and n Lot glow in hi, face ;Is he recalled their last part- ing. How %\tali( she meet kine? Ilew Poll,' he 01Ogrttulate her, and I bolero so !truly, tau? Ile half regretted he hail 1''111' at all; but it %tae: too late to draw 1.,'1'!: lir re^''rt 1111V L' rd Uent';;c, \villi .111gtt.ta 111 his 111111, \\'a; already' ill the drawing-rl'tu, where Norma, Alt's. ''ire. Ellin and her daughter sat, 'There \vas :ul iett'ntlr,L•ti0tt, bows and smiles, and fv:enlllr words of welc"Ou' froth the lady f tlui butt,, and her dt':nliter; and 1)i.,• l.1' i:'\v,' I'ottod himself )lulling . Norah s hand in Ili and wishing her joy, rout- !'1,.•t01y t'i11-elf !li,.c'o sclf•poss:'sed self She had met Lim so frankly, and free- ly. II1;,I:eH in his eve: ,with a smile so bright and happy, laid her hand in his so promptly, that all his confusion (lass' t'\1 attway, ;•;Ile started violently as she -aw 1:110 rel col,;nli^d (list(, nod turned 111)011 !dm ;t li,nl: of eager inquiry. "11y :\111,,X,111 relatives," he :mil. in a 14>1\' tune, stu•prised lay her strange, 'pies - tinning 1(1(11:. Lord George intrndueetl IL'r ll .lir, 1), Vert' acral his daughter, shy bowed, while the blood mounted to h,1' temp(', \'e1'\• shun_, ,, ihought 1)i-111•11we, Inst !O 11•undrt al this' stlnit'!girl blush 1f the 'Calm, graceful, Ili;tl•hred lady. ' itnt'lhi11:; ,11111 Lady :\tstrey srrnl,d ft ,itrike 11', 1)t' yore; for he fixe( his eyt;;; on her Lace with a link a I once so puzzled, so searching, and so full 111' a strange r„egnilintl, that. as she looked up :tu11.eli r 11 his in\'riWt11try' slyly°, slit' trints,tt(t awl half lune,( away. ".I lit' y,1111' pit rtlt't 'shill Alt•. 1)e \'ere, 1!ast;;1y, brieg i'oa1ciont of his rudeness; "hut, really, your lady'ship's face shard: mo as ['elite' so familiar. All'rud, does Lady :\uta( rey tlntind you of any one you rcer :4: \w 'lic1'or('?" • "'it'!;, till', 1 11111.(' oft,tl• 1 ttu',!)1 ski, :+trikitoiy C1'40111111011 'that' Spniti,ll buy, •Jii(intn," LL I'l° :cry one, '1'i ,:iteiotdin:try, and the e,xpt'essi(tl is the .,Isle ci:n,t1y!„ 'aormit trial to laugh: but ler lave wa'+ "11'110 was ,laciatt, may I ash•i" said Lord George, ":1 young Spaniard 1, Wt't In NO11' .111 - soy. Ile it i„Itt la\'r leen Iauly -111,1 rey''s !(yin 111'nlh0l•--ht' lool,tl so like bar," ' '1'110 (1111 1101'.11011 here 101'11111a 101y 11111 all (11„1 10 :t sub,j,ct 01111'1111: hilt MO - COMP 10 1110 lady in question, and it was mit again rinewrd. I)isl)rc\re ,'at lo-ilie Ilnr fit dialer; hill. all his offer:'!; not ntal:e her disclose anything that ,\Pottltt lhrot'; to 4111, en the 4uhjcel 01' Tier intimacy' t\'ith T.eliat, the, rictress. "1; she nnnusonu'?"ht' tskrd. ' "1'trilou•.:ly' handsome." Iad;ylikeQt' "Exertntely ladylike.," "Does she renutin long. in 1';uglntd?" "'Phut depemis--yes, 1 thiol: she will. 1\'ould you like her to do so?" "Ale1 c1'hy, \w111tt possible interest can it nave for nt(01i She Inoked tip with the gar^rest smile, but said nothing, "1)0 \'oft suppose T will fall i►t love with her?" he could not hell) asking, provok- ed. by .ler smile, '(Ott%, Monsieur;' "1 had rntlter be excused., Stnge•play- ne,,,e, furled to the eeiliig, and there ,tool( the (rave "Alaid of Orleans" --the heroic, daughter of 'inflict), its banner itt her hotel. at the head of its army- - there before them ;t awl "Lelia, the Ac• tee:.gt" .1 wild cheer anise -Ila i'.nglish cheer --.;u'ellin'•t, and t•ishor, and thundering, till the very wall shook: a regal wet• cone truly to the tragic) queen. She udvtlneed a. step, Lowed, 'anal( ``!Wiled with a 011„sly grace. and, \%•aloing her hand for silence, uttered al few brief, graceful t\"'1'11; of thanks. -1nat her sheer at=\yererl her; and then the vii 't cro\vtl ,Inti: back in silence to li;icti. -111 but the imatcs of one bos. Lord Ivu•nrcliff,: was on his. feet, and so 1\'a; 11r. 1)t' Vero, both deadly pale,. \\'ea'e they drea.mia•g? \\'ere they mad? Jae - fillet 1a• stood befora them! ---deal no ion',er, but living, smiling, ratliititt---• the sante JaequelLa they lured sin well. 'either e)u!d speak; they stood watel- in(, ler spllhomld, nl:til her rude:' firs( broke the silence. That voice! There 111:\•))1 WaS hat 01:3 such voice it the W01111! :11111 front the lips sane moment, broke a (Luella!" of both, at the %rile( cry of "J;1c• CIi:\P'1'EI; NXIbI, :\'hat cry drew every eye to their box, and an angry murmur of "Slittme1'' cine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a hos it) the marines, he enlisted into the Cites ran through the hoose 111 the Intel -111p- or six boxes, for $2.50 from the lir. 11'il shire regiment, and so di.ltinguished hint - tion. lint heedless of a.11 --of everything !lams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, self at d'Wrtpore that Lard Lake Ro- sa tilt0 ach'c s before them, 'Mr. De • 1,.,l a,;.,, l,. ,,,,e" '""""in;s1, Sixty- VeroSixty- Vero'anal Lord Eau'nveliffe stood still, gazing upon iter with eyes wild with stn'prirc, not unmixed with a sort of horror ;t this apparition from the, dead. Augusta,. too. batt seen iter, and -sank 111,'k with a iow cry, while (J►'rie leaned over the box with the loud exclamation: "Oh, grandpa! it's .Miss Jaci:! >hiss 'lack!" For one moment the clear, .hrig'ilt, penetrating eye,, of !:elft, the artless, I this lit 1'))11(•1 \111 a',1'0 \Illi nvcl'v't t'lllllli, 1111stery i'- not 10 e\,l;tit:l 11, 1 llre,lin!e 1 most trust 1'' IUM\'t' g!'lllll^ ingetitlty for I'm off," 1\1'11 111111111,! it IItIt tut lilleaing t'a'll\yd, \ • .11 1 1.., the ,tt! I her it s' end. 111lglit 1'r 1'1'0 'vol • Io Niiet 11+• 11; Mrs. ('iltOj let 111' vl,tl/Inn"(t.1 .♦ SAI.T RHEUM 'a ntic:11'011 i ent:1in at their CURED. By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills After Doc- tor's Treatment Had Failed. Skin trouble indicate, thatthe blood i, is a plialard :tate. It i:, the 11(..i,011 in tilt' 1110011 that cause, 11101ehe piulpl,,, V110111.1, hull,. siltrh,unl, or ball 0oulplcxiun.• 1)r. 11'illiant,' Piot; Pill, make rich, red blood that banishes thl•,t tt•utthle, Alts, ()shuttle, wife it-ladrew t lsborne, clerk of the Township of Ken- nebec, Frontettae County, Ont., writes: "1 cannot speak too highly of 1t''. 11'il- lium,' I'inl: \.'ill,, for they did for lite whit lectors failed to do, ;some :rano, ago 1 %vas attacked by siltr'heuni iu the hand,, caused by a run down condition of my blood. 1 endured the torture; of this tt rrible disease for sunlit time. and only those who have Leen similarly in- flicted can realize my suffering. .\t tinges iny hauls :;ere ,o bad that 1 could not romp sly hair, 1 was helpless. i owl - stilted a ,lector but his U'u.ttntoid, failed to benefit 1110---ny ru=e s('illtd insurable, 1\1hile in this condition I read of 1)r. \Villi;ut,' Pink ('ills and decided to give lheul a triol. Soon I bt'g;ul to inlprl», ,1111 by the tine 1 liar( taken about a dozen boxes 1 was o' to !t, telt' mired au 1 have not since had the slightest re- turn of the trouble. 1 can heartily re- commend lir. \1'illi;t10' loin(: Pills to all similar sufferers." You can't cure vezenest, snitrbeum and skin eruptions 1\'ith salves and outward applications. 'Thee troubles are rooted in the blood and can only be cured Ihtou'd' the rich, red blend Hr. 1Cillitnls' loin(: Pills actually make. This simple medi- cal fact should be known to everyone. 1)1'. \\•illianis' Pill: Pills not, .only eine skin di -eases, but all other trouble; caused by bad blood, such as anaemia, Willa its headaches, sidt:nehes and back- nates, heart palpitation, indigestion. rheumatism, neuralgia, Sl. Vitus dance and the special ailments that affliet so 1011It'' (neatly %womt'n anti gro\ving girl" - You can get these pills front yoer tuedi- 1••1•M •••iM ••N••1•••• •I•••• •••1 ••1••N•H•N•H••••N••!•H• 1.11', Waifs Adopted By Soldiers 0.141/ 444044414000400 1a,';uO•e, ;U'1' 11,11 tale of to ,ulttitr's )).1;•';111 )o,• 111:1ktllg 1111:; of till' tilleer- ent kit lit' irt, Ila 141 11,1 1 Ion,luc',,, :,111, London 'l ll 1ti1,, 1111 Ila,npel)lig atilt It to1,UOg 1,II111;111 N:t1f, :1114! :,Hoar,, t e11Lt!•,, 11'1' 1110> d U ti t i,' t'.t,l' t, ' 1111; l t ;:i Jin:uy hoot(,'\\\, a `•ttll,ttti tt lit 111,111 elltlll,d';;il UI 1:1171:I, Jltllaly 15 :IN 1 mod I,y t-,'lr'1'.I1( Major 1.1:,11'1' 111 lie .II Ili, itt It15 ,1,'1111 ,lull((„ 1, liaised and Ill' - ,cited 011 tl.e 1,.niC, (1! 111e :Nile. 'flat' dill)) 11i.1ei: Iaaty, s:'lllul:ly 1' mounts 0111, ,It utter 1, 1tlle 1.111 pct utttl 111 life (1 Lh,t re;-iu!t'nt. 110 I> t',elle,( ltutlttreli, of 10lie, fill 11 :•,111'(1(', a,al 111,1'(( ,(1011( 1.10.1 y e.li, uitl 0)11(11 tall: 111 :\loll 1111.' stun( li••h, 111(1 tile holr;rs Lurcuxc►; to 11';Itc1', 1111 !site ;t nutty! and Itatn•L' no tile bill'• rack Mat taint'. 111 a0; oulp;ulied the I1:Llllle{II to IIIItta, ttllit ill 151(1) 1.0111 Jioli- cll,::t1;eUtlteli kiln caltittucnt ,1111 itt' 1'egl:netll, the ((aloe of t1'lllell lie tool;. Ile 1s 110w lending clarionet 1,;.111'1' in the realtilealill (,alit(, first vio- 11 player itt the ,trim.; band and an all ,",;.,t model nulalc'r. ' \ell' similar i, the Ilintttly of Private 't .oto, a sat -artily Greet:, \\'kion the • i .,r:,,lliie 1 'gtttl,Ut was gUal'tercd at 1 \ in us Uac melt made a btu t•aek ruunt pet fit the fillte, Ira'ntlets Greek ill,,, 110 11;•e:uae so attached to them 111,11 11h0n the rrriu:oat wast urdere(1 to i;, t.' put in the 1•.Ryptivt campaign lilt slut; ;aril himsei;' invalid the tr:ut,port arid accn..;a011c„1 lhrtu liu,1►t tihu ,jVllo, Ill' \•,ung to his proteittot's with doglike fidelity, and when be ;;re\v to uulahood nails sit ei.tlly enlisted, , .awing Iris term with distinct credit in Ii'etaiatl and Gib- raltar. iib•ralta •. Ile now has employment under the L. C. 1lie ,.:true rl'piuu'tlt at all earlier per- iod adapted a stray 11,1(1: 1) ),,, wticl► tiltitu,itc'ly justified tit a'uch greater measure its protectors' faith in it, It \t el, Mule route ltt.trctii:tg in a country di,U'ict in Ireland that the mite was (Lis- t',neted by the regiment., crying pitiful- ly under :t kedge. 1L had been cruelly It,'.s'> ted by it., mother, and the regi- i,t t I Cited it, and subsequently the aair was culistrd into the regimental drums, under the name of Green !lotus a:d, which is the regtmeni's nickname. 'Ione boy proud a capable mu,iicinn, ill due Lillie uttstutrd to the high and t '-pou,ih!c. position of regimental band - 111.1 -tet. 'I hat tilt' retinas are full of hidden ro- u:.t:ice w.ts proved only the other day, v1 nen a bandsman of the Shropshire i.ig!It. Infantry ;1st:cd advice of a 14011- dou magistrate ass to how be could re- cover the fortune clue to (11111, 1t trans - piled that he was the sun of a Ft'eteh u11Ne11 :ul 1\'110 had just died, Ic.a ving an immense fortune. It is only recently, tot, that Il case came to light, at Cloit- ulel of an officer h;tyiitg enlisted its a recruit. Jt appeared that 1:e had obtain- ed his commission in the Connaught It:timer's in South Africa, but not having sufficient. (oasts to support his position, !Oft the former regiment and enlisted as ;t recruit in the Royal 1)'1 -It regiment. 1'1'li!)ttl'! ' the O;)1 ' analogy to this i11 military history is }irota;' 17y the ))114r' ofJtlin Shipp, \\'10 holds the unique re- e,rd of bring the only soldier who twice wolf 0 commission from the ranks, A voirkhonst' buy and the son of it private were raised ---(hose dark, clear eyes 1)is• blame I:new so well --but there was un recognition in (heir depths, and, drop- ping them again, she went on wit(' her role. :\ll t rocs were still bent on !.heir box in surprise and curiosity, to the ;treat. annoyance of \1''s, i'r m:tin nal her daughter, \\•nil were lust in wi tt 1:'r at, this singular seen)). lord (.lt'nrge, too, stared( with all his eyes, evidently de- bating within himself whether he had not secured. a party of lunatics that day froth 1)isbrutve .1itrk. Norma was the 'only one of the party \%•1'.11) seemed to understand it; stud( there was a mali- cious, smile spnrl:ling in her eyes and hovering arotuxl her lips, only partially concealed by the fent Ate held hef,it'e her face. "I say, Earnveliffe, old fel1o„v, titis won't do, y'uu know," said Lord George, in a lust' Notice, touching his arm, "every- body's loo(:iii all you! dawn, won't yott?" "By Heaven. it is she herself!" cried Di:;browe, passionately. "Living lir dead, it is ,lneptetta!" ''11y lord, sit down, I hesteclr you! .lir. De Vere, my dear sir, pray sit down," entreated Alr'>. 'I'renttin. )Ir, 1)c \'et'e sane hack with a atoll]. "Ob, illy (tall! can )(he grave tore 11) 11 t) 1'1•;11? \\'11':11?' erica Lc'rd ci11':')t:'• "111111 i; he talking about? The old gent' mad, Norma, ,as mad as at ''i:u•clt hare," "You may find there is method in his gladness, Lord E:u'necllffe, do he scat• ed; you are disturbing the audience." 1)isbrowr1 p'>ttrs-ed this hands across his t1V('s; an 'if to dispel it mist; and then, isebning \bill ']tat, turned to go, "\1'y lewd, Where are you going'?" Flit' hol'd Cells;';', startled by his will looks. "'lb Jlacgue.tta 1 Li\`'ing or dead, she is 11(1111)), rind I claim hest!l' Let me 1'o." 1' a• broke from Itim, mingled with the orowtl, and disappea1'eth' The 'facie of rr,yin' Ga', ns and Husbands Abroad, fifth Foot, On returning to Jtnglatnd :i1. 11'ut'111, til, 1',11 iN der;mullerr, i; It ; ,111in 5llipp ;;fit badly it debt, stud his dtglttttl be: ,;tl-e 1hna, llllyyi'' tit!. I ,ll I 11!1111";lull, 111(1( 11'hl'lt he IVIS pettiitess, foul: the tihi!liitg the second tante. Ile ll;t; (1„,..131„,1ithat .'1v,.(n'n,I:1 di'r.;:•a::;l,('I'i alrain \\ell tt India as a ,rivit.te 11 11(1 at' rho fit' -t in ill,' \',uloid. - t 1 , \I. \\',,t!\ 111.11111,'. why, if t, tit' i ''bowed sorb gallantry in the field that case. ".\)m't'I' :111 tyolnl'tl noel: to Pan; the 0nittllt; tt1t1'•it•0itil'f 1'eappoint('d Hill\ !L. I:•;rt! lit t ; tm; their gowns," I'L, ata (11:1114 11' ala,\';t'i' 1, lata aa nt•cy 'lar, but it does j Illi t'a111'1' ila!1 i satti 011(1111!, however, alt :arc:' •ati':;; lull((::nl ,11111((.;-i1u 111 :1 i for i'1 1'1''3 Le sc'ri0'usly forgot his :'u i- ni!0h, In=tv j t; 1'y a:;lnucrs during( an altercation' with :I! 1 b:tntl':'n tt' ai 'Tt1('1'o t; ! 1i1'' ('o!,nel, anti, as a1 (:OItSe(iutence, Willi tiled I'v ,oul't-tla t tial and cashiered. However, the East India Company gave him a pension of ,1;50 per annum, and lie at'Ientaril heat -e first police inspector at Stepney and then )Waster of the Liv- crimol worl,lunse. LIFE i' THE r:OMI11ON EEL, n p,::-II;itit v t h1'.t. :,1t'::'.' id :•lir .\ta'i'l earl.; 11'!11,.'' rine";111':,1 \Volo. ;flat: Bunt 11111' 1;11101 01'1, 11111` t!!i'ir :('twn1 in til,' stir re;t,,n Ihat thyro tiny' ht,tands stall eine flys'(' i at vent s in I':lll•Upe,.. I'ortaod 1ti'i' union. 4.s SAVED BABY'S LIFE. ---- History Compiled by' a Naturalist One '111.'1,' 21'0 maw. OIethers 1111011th- of -Fascinating Interest, o1:l1 tit t,!,1 11'110 t!'I lint il',tt;lt, to :1',' tical' ruby's tern 'Tablet.; have area the lire, of their little one Cite of these i; 111'-, John Nhurtill, tIl'tt'"In1;t1, tltt:, lilt/ says: 'I have co Lt•:•itiiti of in saying that I lelieve 1,:;i1 I'a!>\''•, Otva 'Pals!,(; :;;Iced my , i',t' .1' life. Front lit til l. my time ' lc Fill \1'a; 1,114 e iu••,...!.; 0111' sill c•rie'I all the 1111(1 \with indi!lr,iion, `L' n';= flail I;ud Inlay: her f'Urnl tit! hal' at ,'1011, ;and 1 t1':L.s !iteral(‘' mom :,lit taking care 0f ler. The •'dorasr tr ))Heil her for some time, and fili- ally t 11d ns he could 110 t.) mer, Int bey. aural we did not expect: ,aIle. \vonld :;et tetter, It ryas then t h;a•nc,l of 1'':+ %vn 'Tblt Is, ;'1141, 11cride;I tt t1'•;111:' 1! i:i(t, 11r1'or;Ie 1 hall giyru leer a ' was at groat 111 r digestion tens Ili;;,r;ayetl, ':::'l her bowels, tO;:c;I \^!:i!'!1 itt ! been ln'rib!y constipated, 1'11 yi;l. ':,: L!;'tot ', front that time sle tog.t2't 1t {l•i\•,e splendidly', and is as h'ealt'hy it child as you ed11ld wish to ;lee. 11e are now, 11(.1'('1' with. out a. box of the '.Tablets i11 the bolts,. ]t•'lby's Own Tablets 10'1premplly' cure all elle minor, ailments of baities and young cltildreli, and the mother has the guarantee of n (Government analyst that this nletli' eine contains no opiate or hna'n►ful drug. Sold by all medicine dealers or by nail at Zai cents a box, from The life histol': • irf -the common' eel just completed by, 1)t':,Johs. Schmidt is mentioned its (Cite 'Cif' the most faseinat- itt'' ever winked out by the, notttrailist. The sI:' 'tin;;' !;round for 1':urope \troves to be the :Want !\:, where the depth is about t1l fathoms, along the <atst from m Nur\\;l\ It Spain, awl to thi,-i deep -scat region the eels make tt long journey from the inland fresh wate's of the cut- til:etlt. Isere the females deposit their eggs, which gradually develop into deep, ribs hon -slurped larvae (leptochephaltts bre- yir1stris). 1'be leptocephali reach their greatest, development al)Vk'i• ilttl1Cl when the' c(.1e t . toyed and ent.c.r into ft rl?•• tro\n_'ret,sive metamorphosis lasting 11110111 a year, in \illicit they take no food and gradually decrease in size and take on the slender eel -like form, eNar llte close of this metamorphosis the creatures, -now bcconte elvers, be- come very active, They start' in 'vast numbers toward the coasts; entering the nearest rivers in September iso December, ((rose farther' away in January. or Feb- ruary, but not reaching 1)attish waters lentil April and 'May. Alan:. perish in the, passage of the English channel and other. Waters on the way.' 'Yho'renuuutt of the,,,,family of young eels finely be- coMes,',seattered:.:in the (Streams all over Eurtiliri,' *(1111'')) the yfecd and grow' and 1)r. Williams' 'Medicine Co,, Brockville, prepare to make the return' migration to' Out. the sea, --Philadelphia Ledger, lillommullilamiroimmiliorieromairourroma PAGE FOUR—T11 E BLYTH STAN DARr.—MARc11 Tail, 1907. J AS. M c M U R0H I E It • t #tt fI ttii bnvb u >' r .. r r . ' •-...,• ,.r .. „ ,. . \\ n ands !stand that :110x.. t I Ant nu •' i, •'y• •I •`'• •, • • •;ri1 •i 'ii;(,. • • .Q•yt• ! - 1 .. East 'Wow noeh. ,, , r. , , . r iiuul (,, If liroudfuot hut'u leasee the 'l'he fallaw'ing i«the repnrtof llnl►m .`. '!' J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. t,,ltnn►err.inl Ho't'I, in this town, their I Sehuul No, II Eitel , poi'tnosh end ,C ••-.. lease to tonln1e1ICO Wlien that of ICI li•BANKER. ;. I,Inrsnnuelaeeyt'xpires,tt'hi, Itisout)Its Jlorrie. for rho month of Februar ' :-- lt i, Illi yl. ll, -Annie \1rlliHtuB, ;l1', 1 1. -01 Boys'u A C;T';\I?IT;\I, BANhINt BITSI\1' `- _._'_^___ye8rfrOUI next 1111}, t•'loreuce,1ohn8nn,' ----' _ - Brotwn Jackson is mentioned as n , l• IilYnrd Llohnson, I probable candidate for the 1'residenct, 'Ir, 111, b ►'auk \icon, Albert I\eabtt, TRANSACTED, of 'Sr, I1. --Bert. \Villillms, Ethel Nesbit, of the lnr►nein Lae'rosse As,aucintic,lt Albert Ed. Hooper left for \Virtipeg where th , your. Brown would hll e n good I Annie 1•111k, Herold Dexter, 't IiLY'l'11 ()NI'. he ea peels tore afro for some !into. Haut ter the position and Ihn time mr;+;.1ohnson, 1 r. 11. --'Hattie Dexter, 1'Iol- f !•tank Weekes has secured it good of 1heaesor.iruion could not du better ;NneeEllis, N01'men house, Willi0 Htyet• --- ! situation as pito!og-t•aphoe in Cubult than Innke him their President . gitt, Arthur Cronyn, Earl Kelly. Pt. NOTES DISCOUNTED auld left for that place' Thovurion8 members of the 1).,I. IL -162°i Ntb e, 1'oh1 Crauyn, Lu o • peeve Rosier stmt.!' to the Council g, ttt' family in Stanley met in Senforih 1_inguiet, Georg Johnson. Pt. 1.-•-- tialeNobel ranpuelnity, Advances made Ihat. he was in csutrultnie,:tine with a'nn't'ua,ht)' InBt, and in ueditias to en (.1 cit Stalker. Berths laky, :(intuit to farmers on their own notes. :So, re'ardiit rho estatdi,:hin of a j')'in it sorsa! time together had a 1inllihan, Willie Nesbit, Irene Ila.gitt, additional security required. party k hosiery fnetorygroup photograph taken 1(t t10 studio here, but that ht. could i ;l.eonlcrd Ellison.--ALII'F; 11. 'VRlo'rett, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Currant Rales Ii not divulge the mune 4t present. i Of Jackson liras. The following mens - 'readier. INTEREST (11110110SntiI'0 8t 1he 11011n• Of 1 be of the fnnsily appear in 111e photo - 11'e offer every accommodation cou•:Samuel IlaekerviIle, Uidlry rareet,!ur,(hh : Alrx, tl,►Igetiv of GilbertNn11Att. nistent with sato and conservative , last Saturebt•t• tuns tie. !!foully 0f bring. 111luins, Manitoba ; Itnhert and James, John Barr has purchased the fine bauklna principles, ' int; out the Brennen and n large number i of 0taylet' ; tics, ,noun Campbell, of imported Shorthorn bull, Ardletheu of el! !yens about 11.80 Saturday night, Stani0y : \icy, It. Hicks, of E:;mnrr(I. Royal :V001, which took first prize at UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS ' No damage,,I villa : Mrs. James Sparks and M rs, Toronto industrial Fair last fall, This '1'o loan 011 i eat Estate at lowest rates . Slsiriey li,,bier WI"; in i,ondou nneh'''Alex,'Thonmpson, of 1it•nsnll. This k is acttnuw'ledgetl to be one of the haat ot Interest, going athoroughexamination in rhoI tuts first 1111113 in 8.2 scars that all the Shorthorns in Canada, and our wot'thy Isupe!intendent'h office on railway work members of the family have been privi• councillor is to be congratulated on REAL ESTATE AGENTS. , --rules, regulations, telegraphy, ow. Iegee to Inset together and it limy bon 1 bringing 11110 to this township. Persons wishing to soli will do well to' Ile stone the i081 and payed the ; Iui1t, time before another soul at gats• Simon 1Ic1'itur., of the 1'?th cots„ had Kexnrrsin4tiou ,uccvs (ally. place fuel! property on our lint for ' crit t. takes pUtce. However, they will the misfortune to leave his barns burned gala. Rent colleoted, (1arnet I'ray11e, who wn8 injured in n a have the {;roup photograph 118 an heir'. on Thursday last, He was thawing i runaway accident a few week 8 apo, isnoun! to stuff eow'u to future genera - CONVEYANCING Ice Dat of the water pipes with CONVEYANCING still entitled to his bed. His injuries t lions and the have no doubt the !present coals, when in some manner the build. I are not of it serious Torture, but his occasion will he long and pleasantly re• fug caught, lire and was in flames be - Of all kinds prornptly attended to. , physician Inns advised him 10 remain 1IIllelllbel'Pe II\ all, fore is could he wielded, heft{; burned ! sed unlit he recovers haul the bruises ( to the ground. Mr. Mc1'ittit managed INSURANCE. 1 he sustained. Goderieh, to get his stock out, but in doing so he We represent the leading Fire and `— wits badly burned and is now unable to Lite Assurance companIes,andreepect•I Westfield. ,1. Yount!, of 0oderich Ip., while work from the effects, '!'here was fully solicit your acuount. ' in (luderich, on Saturday IIIOrIlill . {,awsiug down Colborne street on 11'ed• only an 1118111'411:0 of ti`(0u, 8O the Ioss ?;lad, t he spirit of tars, Jackson IWighi "''Selly of !cast week, fall and frnctnred will be heavy. 11 r, McVittie will sell hie right let.', Ile was taken to 1)r, his stunk by auction at the Kelly fart! o'1'I('1 HOURS : 10 A.M. to ;t P.M. U Il 11(8lthlaeinto belsn inthe looretti hef►ltlo'hl.for \Vhitle)'8 residenc0, where tile (1(011110 1•'1•idn);of tI►is t►eek. was reduced and 1 h0 patient, !who was ,_. . 4011tH months, but WAS able to spend then titken home, is reported to he do• Christmas with friends at her sisters • Brussels. uSTr1CSS arils, "Jesus '11;; w•e." ``r haute, and played and suns, I set Thursdat,y a big crowd attended Jaunes Arntston of Hartley, Mon , -1 Lover of sty frau!.` ,9in0o the New g' I the Horace Fair, l'enr, she was confined to her room is visiting at/ the home of ,fns, and The Liberal Convention on 'I'aesdny A. B. MACDONALD,aMrs, ;lohnstols, Huron road. 1t is four Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suo•; which twas tcausedl1)yt pcltliciotte cm3!- .t'tsur8sinceMt', .1rm8t1ong, with his dr At 10111 of a big young were at cessor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-; min, 'Through all her sickness, she bonily, loft Vilrna, Stanley township, 11'luxeter rink lest week. I lard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. ! was newer heard to complain but bore for the 11 est, and !although he is polttan Bank. , i1'. with Christian fortitude. Her nt'oiding the rigorous woodier they niaideu Hahne was Christianuat Me- have boon experiencing in the Prairie I'!VA;DFOOT, BAYS &BLAIR. 1 Clinton, and until her removal to 0ode• I'rovhieo ho will return with the open - Banisters, Solicitors, Notariee Public, ; rich about eleven months aro, her life Ete. Otllcee-Those formerly occupied 1A, 1 w'ss spent in the township of East Messrs, Cameron and Holt, Goderlch, W. I \\'awanosli, eke was 8 very active Proudfoot, E.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair, f member of the Methodist Church, _-- ------ -- -- Her fidelity to the eitus0 was character - G, E. LONG, L. 1).S., D.f.S, . istic of her earnest Christian faith, end Dontal Surgeon. Graduate otthe Royal until set It i(1, hy sickness, she was College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University, Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. .\t Auburn every Monday i► RAIL to :, p.m, \V. J. 11ILNE, M.D.C.M, Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni- versity of TrinityCollege; M.D., queen's University; Felow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor - otter for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen eery ice. Her father, one Mother and street, Blyth, eight 814101 S !Mourn the loss of One who ~`- was very dear to theta, Two of the s. st./'O .i. i. sisters, Mrs, John Armour ane! Mrs. James Armour, reside in 11 inghnm. BRUSSELS, ONT. 'l'o the heehaw' and son,i. especially, the sympathy of the community' goew Auctioneer for Huron County out in this their hoar of severe trial. Tertns reasonable. Sales arranged for Clinton. at the otlice of THE STANDARD, Itlyth. C ti 'Tuesday of last work there passed into rest an old find respected resident, Blyth Livery in the parson of ills. Wm. ,Steep, came Sheew'us n nntiv0 of 11 eland, but came to Cilia country when a ynllllg woman AND and lived for many years in Goderich township, from thence moving to Clinton. Her husband died last year. Sale ''tables i tike is survived by t daughters and fours sone, Mrs. C. Copp, 11 1s. .1. I''ar,{'har, Willson, Dtwid, John and FARM LABORERS rarely 111,80111 f1'011) the Sunday school or 1he weekly prayer meeting, What !takes it harder for the bereaved ht►s• hand is the fact their only child, a son preparing to enter the ministry, is prostrated with typhoid fever. ,1lrs, Ifighttnnu was in her 12nd year, and RS .110V. Mr. Heim, tvho preached the funeral sermon said -"The world is better because she has lived in it." l'he remains were taken to Westfield, where the Revs, Hazen, of Goderich. and ,Tones, of Auburn, conducted the .► George., WW e,VV The wife of ,10111 Powell sur_cutubed Dr, .J. N. Perdue, V.S. to her illness on 1Weduesday evening. last, She had been in delicnle health AND DO PROPRIETOR. ; fur 801110 time, but only recently had her illness been of a ('al 'len! net tire, big of Spring, • The stn!rally and apstair shall wn1' at the town hall look very neat with n 1101w covering of na►ttitlg. The mat - 1111g extends right alp t0 the 314y'or''s office and to the door8 of the old council chamber, The newdesks in the offices have been nicely fixed up and the benches in the council chamber have been painted to met ch the other woodwork, Evidently tun proposal to !Hove over to the public library is not being very seriously considered. A little child of James Williams, of Brucelield, about. 2j years old, was committed to t he care of the Children's Aid Society, by His Honor judgeDoyle, on \1'ednesduy last, and will he given a course of treatment in the Sick Children's Uospital, It has been 'to neglected that it is unable to either stand or walk, and unless cared fornow !would soon become mentallyand physically crippled. A court note (oil O.sgootle Hall 8ny8 -The Guelph find Goderich 1{ail- w,ty 14 being sued in four separate actions by different pinIntifYs on similar causes of action. Daniel 0011* way. Purcell, W. B. Hanna end 11' i1111sn1'310(aar'r are each suing for 85,000 for (1(181' 11 and in malicious prosecution over the construction of a sidingof the (1,'1', f1.. et the Town of C;odt'rieh, The. railw'a,1' company moved for an order to consolidate the notions, The matter 1eserved judg• anent, W WGe Wu WW W , though on \Wednesday she seemed fairly well, She mires it tinnily of I''irllt class 11orsex and !figs for hire at 1 t leree daughters and one. son, who have , the sympathy of the community in reasonable race. I their hereawement, She w'8 sat !nembnr Best or accommodation to Commercial !''f 11'138!'S' church, and a wo1118n much i t'ee )ceteris Travellers and others requiring rigs, . Word was received last week of the death at Griswold, Men., of Mrs', Veterinary ofi'tce at livery stable. Morris, relict of the late Alex, Morris, at the age of i-1 years, Deceased - "r was for y01118 It well known and y. highl respected resident of Clinton but. took KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, tap her residence with her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, in the \\est, a couple A N 1) R. E vVW. S LOA N - - -.._. -. _-_.-.---_ -----__-------- of years ago. She leaves •1 80118 and 1 . A FAMOUS SCHOOL dnuy;hters. A. Morris, of 1011'0, 18 the ('►nadian Government l'tnployment oil{' one of her sons living here, the Agent, Blyth I . O. 4 • i^ rest beim West.. in the est.. Her daughters r .' are Jars, Couch and 1li.s. Smith. of FOILGuleY town ; llrsule, Goderich, and Mre4SALE,•-llrlok cottage, 0 rooms, Johnston, Griswold. Y, hard and Holt water, new fume., a good garden with large and small suit frees, also small Mable, Everything In No, 1 Ahoy.. For particulars apply to M 11s, .Jolts T. C,►1trE u, Blyth, • ROBERT H. OARNISS I hate been appointed by the De Minion Government. to place Int. migrants front the United Kang. dors In positions as farm laborers or domestic sett'ants in title t•ioln• lty, Any )erall1 requiring such help should notify me personally er by letter, atpatiug fully the kind ot help re(iuire4, when wanted and wages cll'ered, The number ar• riving may not be sufficient to supply all requests, but every el - fort will be nude to provide each applicant with help required, After out day's illness Peter Y,,sbec, 1 the well known Sy►'iru► peeler, died at his residence here on Saturday utorn- Is recognized to be one of the leadingbiI lairi'o2rd, He nn rat all, and his n tleot en 4 nsen- tirely unexpected. A couple of years since his wife died, leaving a family of nine small children, and the care of these largely devolved on the eldest, qq who was then n mere mite, and she employ our graduates ay teachers. Write i deserves great credit for her manage - for free. eltalogue. Yon may enter at utunt, 11 r, I'esber, was a man of good ELLIOTT any ime, charaat cter, naturalized British subject, & McLACNLAN, Principals. to faithful ►Heather of St. Joseph's church, and hod accumulated consider- able money in the course of his bnsi• Hess, He has a brother residing here. Quite at number of his countrymen and women from Detroit and elsewhere at' tended the funeral 04 Tuesday, commercial schools of (Ontario. our courses are thorough and practieil. i';aeh department is in the hands of experieueed instructors, Our graduates are in de• !!land and are meetinp with great sue. eels. Many leading l.tusinose Collo es 1 upwards Seaforth. Arthur Forbes has disposed of his sorrel driver for tho sum of $190, The old agricultural grounds on Goderich street, Seefort1), have hem) purchased by Goldthorpe and McEtveu, of Goderich, for $1,200, W, C. Sheffield, who has been book. keeper at the furniture factory here for the past couple of year!., has sever- ed his connection with the company and intends moving to Toronto, IILUE1'ALE -- -- ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for At •1118 STANDAR!) ofllcP, Myth. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries, Get our prices. We employ ho agents. WILSON & HUNTER 13RUSSELS --- •-• ONTAIRIO. MARKET 1tI•.t'oi'r,-- Wheat 70-70 ; I3iu'ley 44-45 ; Oats 30-36 ; Peas 74•-I6 ; Batter 18.19 ; Eggs 21, P. Hogg and bride, of Wellesley, were in tott'u over Sunday. A. D.,vis, of Durham, is the now junior in the ,Stendnrd Bank. Mss Mary Morton and V, Armstrong of Gorri", ,were in tolw11 Inst Friday. Mrs, N. McLnuchlin, Mrs, P. Arnott and Mre. D. C. floss twei•e visiting hi 1V roxeter lest week, Hiss Nettie !Brown, hiss L. Danford and L. S. DLnford were at 1\'inghaul rink on Tuesday night. • Westf1i Id. 31iss Mildred ,McLarty visited Brus- sels (~ends last week, Miss Lily Taylor spent hist week with ('feuds near St, Helens. 1lspector J. E. 'font visited the school'', lel (mveu n,tisfactory report. Abraut font who Tensed his (aril plowed. 10 Si r'ut ford where 1113 1114 n 1)081' 11 11. 11'e. are please 1 that (iordnn Wigh' • man, whohaw beets (,a'•,dtl'ltte wit 11 typhoid! Peter in (.ladorielt, i, init.,ruv- intt. Henry and Jlrs Nu,►v: r and (moils, of Al ort* "15'itau lime before leaving for A.lerta where they intim(' to reside in fur ow, .101111 nn,1 3len. Boll, who have visited (riend810:0 d, riathe twulter, Vet Wiled to Brandon, ,11 in, They w'e•rn Re. Cnmpnnicd 113' th.'ir niece, Mies l•; 1a \Vightmnn East Huron Liberal Convention At !lin convention hell in 11ruest'Is nn Tuesday aftermoou of this week W. 11, Kerr, I`ditor of ► he Brussels Post, was 0(10ye11 standard holier by the tit s1 bal- lot, owing 10 Ares. Hislop, M. P. P,, h coaling the nominee for the Dominion haus'!, Four names were brought forward - ScottHerr, ThomasMcMillan, 1', 8. Scott and John Leckie. After the ballots were counted W 11, tC••►r had 1'22 while Thomas 111eMillan had hl, the other t WO only having it few voles, The Town Hull was crowd. nod and 11e meeting bt'oltn up with 01n"r4 for he 1tinet, ,Sir \\'ilfrid Lala'• ier, lion, (leo, P. (Iridium fund the citieli,htt,s \V. Ii ICs t'1', I.IIURCII NO'J'E8, Rewe N, N. Leckie, of Londeeboro, is Moderator of St, Andrew's church, 4:Mrs, \V„1. F'yle has been appointed °reunite of 'Trinity church and tt'ill no it u bt'do her part ,well. • ,U 1''41 Last F; inlay teas Missionary Day in the Methodist claire!), Rev. ?dr. Curly occupied the pulpit, Over >i'200 was subscribed, *tat The next two Sabha! hie, 31nrch 10111 and 17th, Rev. .1, F. Somerville, 13. A. of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit in St, Androw's church. *a1' k Last Sabbath morning in St. An- drew's church ltev, Mr. Leckie, of Londeshoro, took his subject from the Slst verse of the 9th chapter of Luke, "Ho steadfastly Bet hie face to go to Jerusalem." In the evening his topic was "Out' brother's Keeper,' •.:141141.".• • The Tema. 1Tt,rruo ',-Jit London, on Sunday, March lard, Mrs. Ann' Heffron, formerly of Blyth, aged 75 years, ECZEMA, TE'r'CUtt, RAIN RHEUM, 1'rcii, have! WORM, IIER1'1(8, RARtlhftR' 1TUII, All of these diseases tiro attended by intense itching, which is almost in- stantly relieved by applying Chamber• loin's Salvo and by its continued use a Iermanent.cure cony bo effected, It les, in fart, cured many cases that lend resisted all other treatments, Price 25 cents per box, Per sato by all drug. gi8te, -erSubscrihe for Tat$ STANDARD, 0 0 0 0 0 r• , F Odd sizes in Boys' two and three piece Suits, They range in price from $1,50 ul! to $5, Now you can have then! at 20 to 50 per cent discount, \Ve want to clear them out before the new S1.)ling Clothing comes. 30 Pieces Wrapperette 30 Good patterns, good cloth, were sold at toe 10 1 7c per yard. Now they must go at 8c, roc and 1 2C. They Recall too good to sacrifice skit We must have the room. About two dozen Stocking Caps left in red, blue and fancy. They are going fast at, cut prices, There are still a few of those 20C OneS Telt, J. A. ANDERSON BLYTH ( 1 • i • RA Co; 0 o Ot f0) (0) 0 +{ I (/ )r,'•t i v (r• qyj ) • • rt 1' - •)• v ) ) [y. )r , .[j {) •,[j J y( j)v !6( LS-e:w, ! w.Ng' rSt lf(O O 1'l '1/ lJY'.."-4f' Y f XvX a Y 1 X !.X•. h^ 1'•Y^' Y 11Yx PIANOS AND ORGANS Those thinking of buying a good Plano or Organ will find it Is to their advantage to see our stock, We handle high -glade reliable Instruments, such as "'rhe Bell," "The Dominion" and "The Reitz tan" snakes. 'These Instruments will give perfect satisfaction and will last for it lite time. Violins, Mouth Organs, Autoharps, Bows, Strings and Sheet Music ,always 011 hand. REI'AIRRING PROMPTLY :1'I'TENI)ED 'I'O, J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH Remember our Gigantic Sale is now on. * BLYT • Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach 1,'v'ar, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood, 200 days' treatment fel, 30 days' treatment 2.513. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Klnoirdine, Ont. Our 25c Tea It's as good as we say it to. Maybe be ter than you think It is, Just one thing against it The price is too low It keeps people who aro too particular from trying It. Our rt quest :--Will you he prudent and economical and try this no Toa of ours I Oae little sip of the stewed beveralo will do more than a column of talk. Our other Teas at other prices aro also considered to be of more than average met'it, CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT 13X TZI HOUSE AND LOTS F011 SALL,--Tho under8Igned otters for sale Lots 88 and fel, Westmoreland street, In the village of Blyth, ()a1 the promises there ie a ournent•hloak veneered residence 20x28, kitohen 10x22 attached, hard and soft w'e'ar, good cement stable. Must he sold as proprietor is going West. For further nartieulars apply to JOHN F. Niv1Ns, Blyth, Rubbers needn't be flimsy to be stylish; needn't be clumsy to bo staunch.; needn't cost more to bo better than you've been buying. i5 ubbers They give you Double wearfrom every pair. Look for the trademark. The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario One of the 209 Daisy Styles. Ask Cr. Thulight storm• rubber 11 mule in the right toelhapo to ;fit YOUR MARI'il 7TH, 1907----TE!E BLYTEI STANDARD -PAGE FIVE, rAtimasangsgninananrimmsgm A THE RIGHT HOUSE RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY 0OODS ON SALE A'r AlonfaIATF PRIORS POR OAHU AND FARM PRODUCE, ♦ RSVP:8 FA1 The qualit • of I), & -1, Corsets is a household word from to West and North to South. Quality and publicity means team of the most effective kind. More sales and more press', 50c Corsets 75c Corsets Several different styles, made of line jean In grey and while, habit hip, all good reliable cor- eete, excellent value at 51k. 1 Corsets Specially tor stout Iiguree, strap- ped on hlpe, steel tilled, lace and baby ribbon trimmed, satlstac. tion, $1. Rest work No. 210 style, made of coutll In grey, long hip with front and side supporters, double stranped walst line, give good wear, 75.!. $1.25 Corsets Crest C)rset for stout figures, the corset that cannot break on hips, steel Tilled, laced on hips, lace and baby ribbon trimmed, every pair guaranteed, $1.2'. Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. 11 ,r r VA..atignnatiianaEgEnasoplEgE.j r � E. BENDER, BLYTH Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash price. Next car here on Dec. 10th, Grain ckeoks pald after banking hours at our store. MGM!LLAN & CO. Dinsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. Goon Friday. starch- 29th. SEF posters for the Spring Fair, Von: for the By-law and watch I3lvtit-grow, ' THF crows aro already proclaiming the caws of Spring. QUITE a few from here attended the Jlorsu Fair at Brussels on Thursday oI last week. '1'ItF promotion examinations for the Huron Public Schools will bo held on March '2l set and 22nd, \V AN rED.-'1'w'o young ladies to learn the Millinery businosg. Apply immediately: Pol'f,FHTONF & 0ARDIx• ER. LAST Wednesday' was Horse Fair in town and horses were cold at a high figure, The Fair of the season will bo held on the 8rd of April. LAHr Wednesday John Donholtn sold his bay team at the horse Pair to a buyer for $600, A pretty good price for a first-class team. Mr. Denholm believes in handling only the host. OwINu to A. E. Bradwin removing from town there was a vacancy caused in the Fall Fair Secretaryship and tit a meeting recently held Franlc Aloumlf, whorls treasurer, was appointed Sec- retary, the both offices to be combined. ON'Tuesday word was receivsd rn town that Donald J1c'1'avish, a former resident of Blyth, died in Souffle, Wash,, on Feb, 28111, He lived in the Yukon District for a number of years and it is about 15 years since ho loft lilyth, (..Th Monday afternoon at the Com• moreial Hotel the farm known as the Kelly farm in Hullett was sold by Auctioneer Brown to Wnt. Sanderson of the same township for $7,400, The farm is lot 15, con, 111, Hullott, and contains 150 acres, A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly; 30 years. We will be found at the sane old stand. D. W, SomEns has moved into Mrs, Porter's house nn (Queen street, Vo1'INO Day, Tuesday, March 26th, Polls odea from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Tun London military camp will be held June to 15 this year. l{usttitt has it that one of Myth'' young men will leaye for the West shortly Seittxu Show and Seed and Grain Ex- hibit will be held in Blyth on Wodues day, April 8rd, A NUMBER from here attended the concert at linlgrave on Thursday oven - in►' of last week, Ir is a good thing for most of us that our mistakes receive less attention then is given those of railway telegraphers, Tut: storm of lust Saturday made things very disngreoablo for construc- tion work on the C. P. R. its trains were continually running off the track, one engine working East of tho village being badly damaged, WE would.direct the iittention of our readers to the new advertisement of the Winghatn Business College, which is recognized to he ono of the most pro- gressive, modern Actual Busiuo.s Schools in tho province, A meeting of the executive of tl.e Enst Huron Teachers' Association was held in the Seaforth public school Sat- urday forenoon. The committee de- cided to hold their Spring convention in Guelph on Wednesday and Thursday, May 22nd and 2Ord, There w re present at the meeting A. Scott, W. Johns, %V. Baird, W. J. Moffatt and J. Hartley, OnIrt1ARY,-On Sunday afternoon in London the spirit of Mrs, Ann Heffron was called home to her reward at the ago of 75 yeei's. Mrs. Heffron was horn in Nova Scotia and moved to Morris township tylion about 17 years old where silo married her now de- ceased husband, Her 'maiden name wits Ann McDonald. Decensed lived in Blyth for ninny years and moved to London only a year ago, She is sur- vived by four children, two dautthters, Mary and Christina, of Detroit, and two sons, John, in the West, and Wil- liam, at Grand Rapids, A daughter, Aire, '1'heobold. of Mount Forest, is dead. Cause of Mrs, Heffron's death was pneumonia. In religion the de- ceased belonged to the Presbyterian church, The funeral took place from the horno of Mrs. Heffron, Dinsloy street on Wednesday afternoon of this week, intormont being made at the Union cemetery, 'Po the children tho sympathy of the community is extend- ed. SoctAI EvExr,-Tho Daily Telograh, of Atlantic, Io,vn, Friday Feb. 22n1, gives an account of a wedding of Miss Sarah Shep nerd, whose parents were former residents of Blyth :-"On IVed- uesldny, Feb, 20th, at the home of Wm. and Aire, Shoppord four seines South- east of Atlantic occurred the marriage of their daughter Sarah, to Walter S. 13eel. At promptly twelve o'clock, MIss Ella Hayek at the piano started to play Mendelssohn's wedding march, The bridal couple entered the parlor unattended and took their place in the South bay window, ltov. - George officiating, After congratulations the guests to about thirty in number, were invited to the dining room where u bountiful dinner was spread, The bride was dressed in white brilliantine and carried a bouquet of white roses. The groom being dressed in black. The house was nicely decorated with palms, smilax and potted plants. Mr, 'and Mrs, Beet received many handsome and useful presents, Among them bo- ing a neat stun of moneyiven by one of the bride's nearest relatives, They will live live miles South of Anita where the groom has a home In readi- ness for hisnow bride, Theis' Horny friends join in wishing thntn a long said happy life, The people from a distance that were present were, Mrs, John Drummond, grandmother of the bride FRANK- Ni ETCALF of clttttl►sten, (1(tttlt(lta, Atl's, , Rid ef, of teeth, Canada, and A[rs. G. Riddell, of Nebraska, (Clinton • and Seaforth Jewelry and Stationery. papers please copy.) 'Ilei, school report 11 ltd other 1111(1r'ea ing items have to be held over till Ile wools. WEDNESDAY of this week 0 olden big stile commenced and will hist for da 'r. Dr, Qronhyntekha, the 11011'tno Chief hanger of the 1.0. F., died at Savannah, Florida, on Salur(lay'. SPRING PAIR. --1t was (leeid,'d by the Directors of the Full fair that they would !saki ft Spring Show mei Seed Brain Exhibit on \1'ellesday, April tlyd, The priiei will .amount to over 815(1, The send and grain most he in Industry Hall before ten o'clock on day of show and ill the afternoon the expert judgo will givo nn address on seed and grain. The show will com- mence at one o'clock. No entrance fee lul(1 no admission fee Hobert, Ferris is the President and ('rank Meteal( is Seerettu'y--'Creasures, IIEIRE are the expressions of a minis- ter who appreciates t he editor. At a recent editorial convention he offered the following toast -"'I'u 811 VI) all editor from starvation, take his paper and pay for it promptly. 9'o save hila from bankruptcy, advertise in his paper liberally. '1'o save hien from despair, send 11i11) ewer item Of Hess's of wltiell you can get. hold. '1'o saye hint from profanity, write your eorrespondenve plainly on one side of the yhe(tt and 8011d It 111 as early as possible '1'o Saye him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only Orley who never make mistakes. bas's Friday night some member's of the Brussels Checker Club visited Blyth Club and got trimmed, By the appear- ance of the score the brussels Club should start raid play marbles as it is nets' spring or have some small school boo's show thein how to play checkers. Following ale the names Of the players and score : -- lllyth Brussels - D Jos. Carter 0 11. L, Jackson W E. Johnston 3 ,l, I[. Cluneron 1• x is 1U 3 2 A. McKenzie 4 A. Stewart 1 0 F. I3a1. intou 2 ,J, ILtbl:irk 1 '. W. Begley 4 U. Bishop 1) 1 The following. item is clipped from the Glencoe 'I'ran,cript and relates to the death of Ja.s. Cooper, father of Mrs. J. S. Golden, of town. -The funeral of the lute Jas. Cooper, who passed away suddenly, took place last friday after- noon to the Longwwood cemetery. Rev, 0, F, Clark, stssisted by Rev, T. R. .Shearer, conducted the burial cere- mony. '1'110 deceased wits for years an esteemed older in the Presbyterian church, and his demise will he sincere• ly regretted by tall. The bereaved family have the sylnpeth.y of the coul- th;slsketch, wa born oopr�netu�l'o onto, ect it 1832, The first 16 seers of his life were spent in the vicinity of 'Toronto, then called ''\luddy York." At that age, he with other relatives moved to the neighborhood of ,Melbourne, settling on sun 2, con, 1, of C,tradoc. In 1866 he married Agnes McCracken, and for over ha f a century they together met tho ups and downs of life, celebrating the \►olden anniversary of their wed - (hag day on March 6. 1906, After his marriage heepont 80 years on the farm and then having earned tl well deserved rest, he retired to the village of Mel- bourne, and for 20 years 110 was it fam,liar lignru in our midst, He al- ways lived a consis'lu►t Christian; life. No [natter how busy h0 wits always in his place on Sunday and at the week- night meeting as well. No work, how- ever Urgent, was suffered to interfere with tho weekly prayer service, It was owing entirely to his pal in church work that the Presbyterian ap- pointment at N. Ekfrid exists today. While 011 the farm every Sabbath for four years, found hint conducting eut- tage prayer meetings in the neighbor- hood, where the church now stands. After that a mission wits established, which later grew into the prosperous ch111'011 thele tO-(l11y, For 311` yelp's 11e awns an older in the Presbyterian church, But no Ileo will his (amiliaa'. figuro bo seen in our midst, or his theory greeting be hoard in salutation. Still to those who were privileged to come in contact with hint the memories of his upright, cor,siststnt life will always be an inspiration, and to none more than to these who were in daily cnntact with him. During the early days of February he wits attack- ed %vitt) a coli}, which later developed seriously, and in spite of nlodieal aid and loving care he passed beyond the bourne on 'Tuesday', fele 12, 011 Fri - PUBLIC NOTICE. As promised the 1' leetol's before the elec- tion on the dill 13y -law, 1 herewith submit the opinion of the Corporation Solioitor re Mr, Luxton lull's seat at the council. - Dr. W. J, ;thine, Reeve, Under:cb, Feb, 11, 11)97, Alex. Elder, Clerk, Myth, Dear Sir, --As to the position of Luxton 11(11 In the counnll, we aro of opinion that in as tnuoh as curs, 11111 is the owner of the business and will be the person to exe- cute the mortgage, that Mr. 11111 Is not dlbqualilled from holding his position as council man. We think, the "Municipal Aot" makes It quite clear that so far as the exemption Is concarnod, he would not be disqualified even if he were the owner, and so far as the loan is concerned we think that in as much as Mrs. 11111 is the borrower that he is not within the meaning of the act a partner, • Yours truly, G. 11`. IBLAi11. We are paying 70c for Wheat Car of Corn arrived. • Blyth Flour Mills C. H. GEESE day follotvitnr, he %wts laid to rest in Longwood cotuetery. the services be- ing conducted by lien's, Shearer and Charke, of ,Melbourne. Besides the wife, who for half it century has help- ed Ilan herr the hnrdets and :heat of the day, Ile leaves to mourn his mooring a family of five :-• Mrs. Snaith, of Cale - (ion ; Bey, W. Cooper, of Port Perry ; John Cooper, of 0ravenhurst ; Airs, Stanley G01den, of lilyth, and Miss Eva, of Melbourne, and to these the sympathy of the entire community' iy given, People We Know Mr. C. I1, Reese is in Guelph this week. Mr. If. R. Douglas has been on the sick list, Dr, Win, Sloan visited in Seaforth this week, Mrs. Win. Begley is on the sick list this week. Jars, James Cutt is visiting friends at Jamestown. 11r. L. W. Davis, of Port T.):)vcr, has returned to town. Mr. Wm, Carr, of Toronto, was a iltyth visitor this week, Mr. John Petch, of Brussels, was a Blyth visitor on Sunday. \It'. 1V, 1. McLean, M. A., of Clin- ton, was a Blyth visitor on Sunday. Mr. I3ert Stewart was in Brussels on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr, W. .1. Pyle is taking an en- forced holiday owing to it severe cold. Afiss Livingston and Miss I3ennett attended the millinery openings in Toronto, Mr. George Kraehling left on Monday afternoon for his house in 1';Ikhoen, Ilan, Mrs, (Rev.) Holmes, of Dorchester, it former resident of this town, is visiting friends here. Mi's, Kennedy, of Medicine Hat, visited her sister, Mfrs. ('?ev.) Ander- son, during the past week, Mr. Joseph Coombs and 51r. Stan- ley Elliott, of 111olestvorth, visited friends here [luring the past week. dllr. ,John 'Cooper and hiss Cooper, of Melbourne, are at present assisting Sit', J. S, Golden in his gigantic sale. 111•. Joe McKay, of Stratford, dis- trict agent for the Scranton Corres- pondence School, was in town last week. Mr. A, W, Robinson, Mr. Robert Sloan and Dt'. Sloan attended the Liberal convention fit Brussels on Tuesday of this week. Mrs, Thomas Sanderson, wife of the member for Kinistino in the Sas- katchewan Legislature, is at present visiting relatives here, Mr. ,Toe hunter, of the I3russels Marble Works, was in town this week and has taken space in Tet: STANDARD for the 13rttssel9 t11onu- 111011t Works. Miss Nettie Bowes was taken sad denly ill on Monday with convul- sions and has been seriously ill, Ilex many friends will wish her a speedy recovery, Air. George Beatty went to Astra - hula, Ohio, and moved his furniture here, as he intends making this itis house, having secured a position on the Grand 'Trunk Railway. 51r. and Mrs, .Einigh and Mss Mlle left for the West on Saturday morning. 'Phe will visit at Ponoka where Mrs. J, A, Jackson, a daugh- ter, resides, and will also visit at other points before returning, The milliners who will have charge of the hat departments in the stores in Myth will be Miss ,Billie Ander- son J. A. Anderson's ; Miss Baker at 0. 51. Chambers & Co's., and bliss, Porter, of Lindsay, at Poplestone & Gardiner's, Mrs, Wesley Walker, who bus spent the winter months with her father, lar, Andrew Sloan, left hast week for 1VIngham to make pre- parations for moving to Brandon where her husband has opened It furniture and music store. Mr. Abe Vint left lilyth hast Thurs- day for Stratford where he intends making his home, Mrs, Vint heft, on Monday for the same plaee, accom- panied by her sister, Miss Hannah 1loutray, who is going to spend it month or so with friends in Strat- ford and St. Marys, The. best wish- es of their many friends go with them t0 thein' 110W house, _-- Belgrave. [tutu ado I for tabs Irmo.) A special mooting of the L. 0, L. was held on Wed, night to complete ttl'- raugenlonts for tllo concert on P1111•, night, u Wed. last, while Thos. Shoobot- tonl was attending his business about town his horse broke loose in the shod a11(1 started for home. A brother of the owner recognized and caught the animal about two miles out of town with no harm done except the loss' of robes, etc, An advertisement in Tara STANDARD pay% AMMIONIMOMOrrOmMINOMEAMMIS ti;� a =IT��gi'illr�1lv1 w1� : i slit [illi ilMil �� � # ��r�i{ii3S'ri.Sy►i r . r►r n�.r1� .�.:r►r nr . � n� n� S .r ♦ r � r ► l:, PROPER ,1',„ .. LOTHES tIll iii=O3R. 1ME�'' f:S t={:� .ti.; 1,1 a�t�3 �)1) z= x`7.00 Men's Suits Mi 88 oe,Z: no 111' S11 1:il 0�t C=i :)it.ii t C1 3s?lr 0 0 „,1 :t SSuis �_I =t31 (ft :it .► rlij 1 e di ��t� 1t� . t� • $5.00 Men's Suits Made from good domestic tweeds, well lined, shrunken and linen sewn, in sizes from 36 to 41, at 5.00 Made from a better class of domestic tweeds, with better linings. This is a special price, therefore a good suit...7.00 S850 Men's Suits Made of fine and heavy cloths, in dark and light colorings, with new patterns, splendidly lined, well tailored and nobby, at,, 8.50 S1O.00 Men's Suits Made of fine imported and domestic tweeds, surges and plain cloths, nattiest goods and styles we have seen, and cer- tainly of A One Vallee at 10.00 Wall Papers Do not forget us when Wall Paper time comes We have disposed of many large bundles and this year we have a better and bigger stock than pre- viously. A11 at popular prices. Take a Look at Our Samples. WANT1•.D,-Two 3our g ladies to learn the millinery business. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. r a old Qt{ ...,...9*. *..,r:.... •3'"":::,;;•�j, " ,,,Cjii,f�j��[j ♦"♦i . r�j�(�Is7�[�`►[(iZ la=('/Li;i`Iii�Jii►��a..fat•-11":Rce3'1.,�t,.•3fi�a�� ♦ Il' IYr► Aagr \ r► nr�r ?. r♦ ►.r►n rr II i ]3A. EUM Better than all other Stock Foods. Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl 50c and 25c packages. ]' L-,5OU Best Manitoba, made fl•unl No. 1 hard wheat, also Choice Family. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES. LIVERPOOL SALT l'0I1 131.'T'TER MAKERS, Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR OM - ...aamssartr»ssoL1' fla- ,.u.,rrr--.-srrrz=,wa:sra= 7 „.:' �r M DA'I'S. BLYTH "13•1y'Moyle teal' nnhhcrn It you want a neat, smart, accurate fly." -Wireless front 'tho old 40'0(1111 4tl,o 1111.11. 111, It nhoa" Light and pliable, because no wear -destroying adulterants aro ixed %with the liuost Pars[ gu;u, Conform to tho shape of tho shoo -give it glove -like, accurate, vlish fit, Stay in shape, Wear long, tturTut'.'t•.:-.-:.:'t _, vast :,7tZA.tZ u.awe . Sold by S. H. GIDLEY Vt e ' ✓' Ai 4 li •` .COMMENT :)c ,.penin,; 1; '11 I ,tl " f•.,1,:1•, ere, e 1' 11' i ;, li*' ! to ;it 1 , 11 . 1, i':..1 1 1 ,1' 1 1 • 1 , .,! 1 :.. Ilio,^ . ,I ,..1v1. „ „ \1,,1, '! 111 1 admitt.0l the'-' ',,0'',11(1 at ; r.. ' 10, an end to 'afe(}' ( ''.1f'.',! I.t, i;1:t ,... ,-.I r wav( f 4: 1ll•. :i,!,1 • ,11)t)' , .'i tho reg:.1.1ti 4114 4'f so •i•'• li,:l. a11.l le;l'.re tie Litt• f .,,:; I" ill 1.!(11'11 eaC1 111:11 - II lar ,. (.• I',Iit1 t,1 lila (111:1 11'11,' !.. ler \y1, -'' , a^ ll:' ell 1••1',, ed tI: J11 ,..,i i• . a 1 l)4 4.lit"1, r t 1,, 3:jeoti,4n 11y ally 1'33 1;,.)'l 1- t.i,.t y It iu eertnin 4141 Vter., co:111'111101 I.:,t. the !,:e ill;; net provide p'3n;,hn1'rut + I that : rt' a'!1'(1«ato for some otltll•'e', 1 thert'tule appeal to the "Itlt\vr)tt111 1a: . , or (i. ,. idly a,sat'l4inatiou, i, exert-cble. \ rli i nal:; the lacy is lnitdt')1t1:1 t'? SOei. t ' 1174 a wloi.. or as :l ;.';'eat ma- jority; lxe!ause if it held tl::tt 111' 1, the law 1V't!!41 : pcodily be brought tap 10 its idea 4,1 adequacy. The in:uleliti:w r j,: t:; (.,, 1; exct..,. ('f the un,n•tl t ,11 !!1 l;i. frier, 1'111' e!.'lli:i of "'wk.! 1. Ili, ! 1':)1 )11ti1.1' eieel:'3 1:1 !'e "ono. tbt ;1':'1•'4; t f nulla) . glilat10119. 1,ttt ('vCll \vele it to he :t(1 - witted that a Ltw i; 1,\••:, i t1),'!. t4, ix' 1llalle ; j::-lifi('lltinn 111 ).else for vie - lilting 1ul1.ther law ti..4t prof:,'.: silo• (tulle penalty? l':"!'e till! 1?l:lttl'r 1. ,Ofail 1 1111.' 1'.;11!<ec the excuse hel'''Wle-, and tine im01l13 the danger with 111X!1 it ,thro,.. :;.4 healthy .. ' ' •.Cleft (.ince C+')lee,'. it to have force, and any -t•on:,dre: 4;1)• ' tains a li)enre t0 !I1UIli,'1. 1114 1111:1:11 (lj-1)110011 af, 110 bas l,nfy 10 put in 1:1e /flea that. Iti;, or ono of his ),3:10:1;, person 01. huu,)r has s.uffcr1<l, :441'1 he i; the ir,,tl,un.mt of rightcotti vetig.e,11u:e, The ceee1;cti4:u 4 i a ea ,c 11,3' Cie de- fence I•; not it 501)0)1., :111-,1•r, 1,1''•0 Sloan"y i:3 ready to pay sl:re,''! The ')haw Cake is tut exee]!.'nt 311.8 rasa tion. The bent (•:11;:011 may lie (1''Lt• to death, ,...(] the 1174;,1^,ill may t.:', flee. no: (1' , . j1, (ill; :I 01'1j„• ('., I(, : the 31.;-,e,si)l 01' ill victim alter 01' t'mdeL.il'', G1 thL a plea. 1!cm41 111111 tell 11') ta!:,, 40;11t1.a (list 110 lie(;, and are not !jL ill I: 11lt'.'1. they ('s)))lat bril:g ti:e uffa:mer 1)001:. 'lite "unwritten Iat1" n.0;(L':er 11,11 (4l.4 1:11.'4 140, victim', flit'; 33.1 l,ll,t•, his reputation. 11 the 'thaw (..440 ((Vo' line:, of del:lil'e are h,'111. sanity 144:1 the "l:nlrritten hits.' 1% (hest .tory 3I(•('pt+ tint, it 11111;:, )'''Jl';'I :\fou:',' 11 1(0ing 111)111'4d out like tsar:r t.) crea;c ,i1 .1! I, 14.: ill" marl 0 'r, t t(hatever lain victim may jog.'',' it seem i t:4 t1,i'i c he, It Ilt1,('l l " i, and dtp:lti'etl, lie La., uppt!r,'u i' 1,.+,1 Uut for selfish gr:ltiiiva:lu;1 land ee- letticlicey, 1!c hal )lever, se far a', dl^- elo=cd, earned 1111 honest dollar, lie has )leen a law' )olio himself, it : reo.,Irl.i"; of the earning:" of other; rind a w'.:,:'•:' of r,i'p ::'tunities. N(.w 10 'l;ie eller! :, 4311(4 tum from the ecersi"lt:em••e; 01. 1,1• aline is sought to :et at'.1(le the ail. \(]liell society has (11'111111 up 1r,i it, .4,'.;. safety. )letter that It some like Tie! e' should go to the electric ch.4i :4 3 ill1'.f 1 loll) mill!).014')f dollars to 14.14'1: 11,1' !beat it i.3 d(ntbtfol if he will. h.!, II nr''tlljar Ijau('r r eee.,;'e;4. 'lT:in rl'.':li;l:! g , { ace i'lIiH111, the liccae i:•:' to 0!,(10') provided t!!ct ito :1;)oltl(I he 183!1101 until (lie 1-lepui.ti•)u of the rlty shall :llml0':t hllvr 1)ecn •l0«;(l('d, Of co«rst' muter such on ordin:tm'" thvalue of the restricted number of 11eense:4 increases 'yetti' by year, l4n i 1.111. men v;ho hold thea) do not care to :'e' '0(44')' licenses i4431ted, Now, it is pl'cl;h)rk'.l to J.11'llllt 11101'(' licenses, a1)1.1 the ealoou men propos(' to hold the city to its coutrnct, mat will claim that to issue more is to "confiscate" the value of part of their "asset" in the license. Was that 60.01111041 "will' of Thaw's in existence before 't'haw's crime, or is it a concoction of subsequent date? ••.••..•.r......_..•••••• ..........w....✓ ______r.... •.r d aut.......... DOctor ii Can chat' :1'4,41r ('o'.:"1) or Cold, to quc•;t;t,ll :tl4:u; that, but - why go .v till ilio trouble land incnnvc'nit'ncl: of ](X)i)irl; hila up, 1• '' . .."I3,'.t• o!2:i^li:' :'t'1'llilil.a 1ii11`.1, '„:41.11 yeti cell et'•1% into any (11'114f 441,.:'._ )il Ceeiel.i and obtain n l''!t,'� t•:• ,1i1i].Ui1S CUM' for a 0)1:4.:1'.,', C(ily ''0v 10,'.) t3 five (101121'..; when �1 try"nt:;-five cent 1:.0ttl et' 'II,1! Olt 111 cure you a9 Vieltl'; ? \ by not d:) as hundreds of thousands of Canadian:) have den° for 1 he past thirty-four s' (et FIdILO Ii be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. S?IILOiI will cure you, and all dru.;,t i;ita hock up this statement with 0 ')' 'til c guarantee. '11'0 next time you Iltave a Cl'li•Jh iii :'i1J1 Cut'C it with '!is i; ,'r 7. : o•.r , !-'a 1".r•';ts, r! -a 74; ,, ; c‘i�,t iiing� 01. tlE1 eetedc (]fi4 GuN Lk.,e nil Glamour Gone From the Sea. 111(' days of romance aro fast fa11111e into the j':st, iiol(1 pirates n;, longer rove the seas with fierce moustaches and crimson sashes, a Illlltilly is but a brawl and daily Paper, ;re delivered on 1)4:)4',1 modern s10::nl:11ip4. True it is that threc•masted ,che.)lter9 still m•li;e the trip from Shaiteitai around the horn to New lurk and in every large barber may be seen ancient eailing yess,'11 lying Io'.v in the water in mute protest, of the bis liners which are virtually great hotel: afloat. llut dre,ty east in the heart 01 their ancient timbers so swiftly 111:11 an- other generation \fill see their 1)1F:big, and with thele will vanish tiw pjehn'- 0,q110 old s:'a d".'4 who are the delight of th')40 Olt) 1''',1 the ,»'01111, to he r''• pLieet1 by the ••ants :,')1111 (Iffi4','rs of the pre•eIli.' !,R:1-'1•• 1 i1 y Times, %-y r)!? VALUABLE RING !". ►': el AND GOLD WATCH All ,rr a.'1cy.:, taidaisto wino 'four 1:leg; 1e1u• ural 10,4, 44)1:;4 ages or fr •=11 1•,t. 1 Pro, )keds, 1:,' 1).:,t In tha cn.rA1. )E/'ry "kay.•r r('n!a)rt nl'e )' 1,'e. (r .7 rareetpr"'!b•,t, 741,r.tfrit• grant, tar,' :at O'.wceny tariet1e: fu every lar• ag,nablon.:nr.) Frlith,':n at 4444, cc'h, Salta the mane''amt oro ani 4.rom4., 17 . ad 7011 71119 •,'ant,i.i 11;111. 11. 1•'.P. t In 141. c.:,l ,,.l e, t r l !1 I..rgn mrd apart n„' 1:a::Ml r, 11141771 011117,:,tcan h.:rd• ly I:e t•.4l11 1'143 :114! 41,11 Et1411ti. 1r". q 1.•;11, .1 wire for L'," berdp 1101.111 gf,•e yon an_npportun;ty to rt on l' 7 4, et.,l't.netsh„3 der,„Ile nuut^re ' 4,•4 11•0trt4,'1.'oh"e or Gwdlcntan') 3(7", I'•"",111 "'101'ou to the 1t1nc. Addreae'rhe l't•tzo Need Co., favor.. 'a'. Toronto, out FREE The Crime of Building Railways. (N. Y. Sun.) A. most fortunate assertion Nimes from the vice-president of n great railroad com- pany. HP pretends that sonic 1:1,090 women aro stockholders 1n that company. �o doubt Hanks or solos other heaven sprung expert w1U (1'33:'0..31r:or, at the rC• prase of the Government if necoasary, 4Ito falseness of this enumeration, But there e('"{ls 110 expert 0111111011 to convinc^ rho public that 1111, vier -president is trying wil- fully to deceive, C'on'_rrn, and the rest or the country are full or )nen who know the exact status of railroad ownership. It is notorious that rs!1:'(cult, :'rc ((3 Sed 143'1 r443 for nefarious pltrt.o:'''$ (If capitalists, it 111 - road; :,:'l' 11 11'1't A., such t11''y are purwed ;11(1 punj'trd by t1)' (treat Father nt \Ca.sh'ilgt'1:!, by sl•11e',4)10n of all patties, and by the 1,.01:1 Intil;ittldc, of sociologists. If any women or neon other than money rk•vtls appear es stockholders of record they must be the proxies and representatives of an infamous plutocracy seeking to mask It- self from public Indignation, Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia. Odd Name for the Garment. One rainy afternoon !hint Sae was explaining the meaning Of various, \surd, to her young nephew. "'Now, an heirloom, my dear, Melt 1; something; that has been 11and0(1 rlotyn fi'nllo I'll Cher 10 44011," silt ylljll. "Well,” replied the boy thnng1t• May i,_achenzie. fully, "that', a queer mune for my Nohn(ly will be greatly surprises] at the pants." --Chase, Kam, Ilegi•ter. lii4rnwery that \I1)v \Ineli.enxie, the GLADSTONE AND VICTORIA. Evolutionary Process by Which Mon- archs Have Lost Much Authority. Mmes largely follow lines of hislnri- cal de(elupmelit, but their real siguili• cause eau only be known by noting the latest phases of that evolution. There wart a. 1 hue, indeed, when the 1:1113; 0(,n1(1 make a ,)s'i'll( to the I'riti^h palliantent :111.1 rely on hitt ing his Ivill (311111 into immediate exec1Iti(:3!, lint it value to pa.,- in the progrt43s of the ages that the 1.illg 11:1', (11111 4411!)' in the theory that he l„lil(j IL) no \' )'ung 1„',':l1l=e l:1 llilli'ter) would not. let, 1)11)1, Tit 1'00'11- 1.0'!' this t!I.4.11' 1( adopt in praftjce :t 3(1443l'111111110 Oka n,, royal 0,10'! In01 f4l're Ilule,ee sigee;1 by 0 .linjeter. from that 0,1100, in time, the idea the' an edict ei nu'd by it Minister trust lie signed by the eovereiga, Queen Victoria( haul a moment el vacil- lation about that. She had, doubtless some recoljeetion of the theories of the divine tight of kings, ,0 lyllcm 'NIr. (lllul- then Prime llini',tet', 14ruu;tht her a paper to he signed ,110 said: "I can 114.1 sign it. '.that does not r4• l;rc''04 nay i'i1�11:,(':,t•,” "\!adani,' sajd tide hem ler, "you Inuit "Do you say must to ole. lir. Wad- t-t'1ne? I an the queen of England." "1T:1an1, I in the people of England. And ,he signed. -Courier Journal. \l :'ion Midge, C'. 11., May 30, '02. '1 111111 handled 1t1N.11t1)'S LI NIMEN'C 41011 the pa,t \'ear. It is always the first linimr:tt a,!:''(I fur here, and 1441' ljue<tjocAbly (110 best seller of all the dif- ferent hind; of Liniment I handle, .;1':II, l'!:1P;l'S()N, COAT'S IIEALTIIFUL, No Danger of Tuberculosis Found in Drinking This Beverage. T1m milk of the goat 1111:; of late leen the 4Ilbjeet of Much 111(e-tlg tl e nt and the highest ineclifal 1111ehoritie5 are llll- :tuimous in d(i)aling it to be the must w'holeenne 111111 de •ilable mill: obtained from ltlljlull!s fur h11111111 consumption. '1'o begin with. the goal is extremely 11scep! ible to and, indeed, practically immune from tubieculesi-, It contracts t xis dl cad (1)40310! only in conditions wuich 0:111 h billy cola. about in the or- dinary c0111',e. o1 thinc4. Next, goat';! milk is more nearly allied than any o1he!' 10 11111111111 mill: not only in coin- poeitioit but also in it; peculilar ferniest - Liaise l0'upt'1'tl('n - all 1111p01'tl11lt It has b4cn established beyond refuta- tion that iufalts deprived of )heir mo- ther'., mill: thrive ).)poll goal's Mill: )ouch better thee tin that of any other ani- mal.- The Circle. r,V SUFFER frnln Las bload—with irritated or diseased rkia— r.ervous s; s;: m nut of order—stomach elo iied t if you a:. azzlrllc--with cold hand; and feet— pdi11rf.1t:,,n---lhnl:nete of brN,J.. h-- 41 )',':Ar.: MARK NF-GISTCREu, rerac-lire ',/1!I \oc•n set you rt(/ht••-nlede to work !4 11!e ai1Ca.et cn 1111 rl.in, w'l:ile gone; l , 11(41 toot of the trouble and cicanailig the 1:lood, l,i,ra Ola!rnent arld 1'41ra Tableis, each 50c. a bear. Mira Blood Tonic, $1.00 a bottle. At elect vita—or from The Chemifts' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto, Another Variation. "Mamn►n," said the little girl, "play I learn roller skating'i” "Yes, Illy dtll'l111g daughter," answered her mother. "'Strap the shutes on your f':et 1)14(1,L0 and sit down to the piano." - '4 1110')()11 7•♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. --4-� Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. --moo-- What Women Do in Chili, (National bingaztae,) There aro some oddities In Chill connected with the sphere of woman that deserve lnen- (ton. One Is that women ilei its conducao:s on the street cars. ];very where the pnsselver meets the woman cun(actur armed with her bug and, 19 :,lark 'rw-tln 0101 It, "the blue trio MID for a 5-ccat fare," colluding tho coin's fully as well as her masculine com- petitor and ;loch more poht(Iy. In the shoe stores all the "saki -mien" are 1,1'18 and wo- men) and in tho telegraph offices in city and country young women are invariably found ns op'4rators. And they do their work well too. Ilut to offset this, lu u Chilean 110011 or bon('0inhuuse and In many residences men do the work of the chambermaid. Am- erican ladies are ahvay'3 shocked lo find that, a man ::errant "tabes care" of the sloeping rooms In tlho hotels of Chill. Snow in London Costly. A. snowstorm in London involves the expenditure of 11 big fortune to restore the 9treely to anything like a passable contrition. After the snowstorm of Janu- ary, 1S0si, which approximates to the pre- sent visitation, Nisbet Blair, the survey- or of St. Pancras, said that his author- ity expended .02,472 ion snoW removal. There oro twenty-eight boroughs in Lon- don, and, taking St. Pancras us an aver- Nge-Pined borough, the total expendi- ture would be close upon .070,(}O0, Thin sum nukes no provision for the city of London and the total can not fall far short of £100,000. I-Inlf nn hour's rain- fall at this stage would be worth its weight in gold—provided, of course, that It was not immediately followed by a freak—Ion(%n Chronicle, "juvenile, i'unmcent and unsophisticated friend, and confidante" of Evelyn Thaw Thaw, t111'n•s out to be a divorced woman of rather mature years with two grown-up children.'-- Chicago Chronicle. 01•............11.1,,.........,... • 4' ,',ire 1 Accidents to your horses may happen at any moment. GET READY for emergencies. Buy a bottle of Fellows'Leaning's Essence Por Lameness in Horses Only 60c. a bottle—and saves dollars worth of thne by curing lameness of every description. At dealers, or from ip National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, MONTREAL PALPITATION & DIZZINESS FOR 5 YEARS SIZE SUFFERED BE- FORE TRYING BILEANS, NOW CURED! Paipilltlion, spells of dizziness, "31110111• ('ring" and ",inking" feeling :(tabbing pains nruuu(1 the heart awl 111;1 ":til gone" sc(0,111olt 1)o sun have these `fri(l)l, symptoms? 11 4o, 1'('11(1 11.1):11 J. S. Blackabee, mt l:Igiuhul'tt, l)Irt,, says: "Fol' almost live yl'til's 1 4411111'1'•,'(1 111 1 101 1, v:ay," i, Ler sit:lenient, "Alter meals 1 hail pilin and felt bloated, and when the di;:zy ,prll, a11d palpitation caul! on 1 had to give ]u and lie down for an hour 01' 01'0! 1 feilred heart lrunblr, 11111 found 1111011 1 began to tall:)' 111110/113 that! 111y heart was sound enough and the trouble arose from acute digestive die - order. 'I his Menne soon verged: tl, lord today 1 am cured completely. 1111011)1e are .lint as goad for constitu- tion, headache, piles, female ailment',:, anaemia, blood impurities, pimples, etc. .11l (h'uggias and :Juries at, 5Uo a box, er (rein 1111enh l'"„ '1'0:'„11111, for price, --4.4 The Proble:n of Niagara, From the moment \s'uelt the first di• 1'Cl'sion O1 the (valyl' of Niagara Falls for manufacturing plllpl(9!; was permitted those who have ,tlod for their preeer140' tiolt were placed on the defensive, 11t'- sirable 113 such pre>er(ali041 seems to most of us, it in idle to pretend that thele is 14111('h, hops' of accomplishing It unless there is an absolute change iu the attitude of the Imo governments con- cerned very speedily. The g(lanlity of w•al0r diverted is )ouch larger than ut first and great ue\( demands for it are being made on the Canadian and the Am- erican Tide, It is not within human na- ture or human experience that this will stop short uC the ultimate use for ole• cletnic:)I purp0scn of 0111 111e slater which naturally would pas, over the falls, un- le”- and this i; ;puce( ineomceivable —there is tui in,nledi:lte Balt and )t re- euvery of the Privileges already granted. I'he;c Inas Le d01ny, but the cud seems ,urr,-Ilartfod, (4(1111., 'fines. I] err" , i ui Mange, Pralrio Scratches and every forst of cent:igloos itch 011 human or animal:( cured in ::0 111113':1441) by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion; It never fails, ;,old by druggists. A CHICKEN ROOST. HOW TO MAKE ONE, AND WIHAT MATERIAL TO USE, Sint: a post in the centre of the chieken-hu114e, or out in the yard near the barn, or where the Olichen, naturally roost. lion, hole.s throng)) the post, with 11 '2 1•:' -moll auger, 1414(4)11 0 foot apart, each hole Icing •15 degrees from the one below it. l'u.lt g')1)11, ,tiff poles, of 5:3- sltfras or Will/ cherry, L111'01101 1.11ae 110105, until they ore as far out on one side of the post ne the other. Poles of these kinds of wend, do not harbor ver- min as much as other kinds do . Take a piece of tin, a foot square, and double it cataco'ner, and tack one corner to the post, (1 inchce above the lower roosts, and the other to the rousts; this will prevent the fowls from roosting close to the post, and keep then) (lent' of the droppings from those :move. Don't let roost pules extend to the 1(allk of a hennery, for vermin will get into the hulls. If the roost be set outside. the post can be allowed to go two feet higher 1.14:)1 the tipper roost-. and 11 piece of canvas fas- tened to it. lilt: 1111 umbrella, to keep off dew and rain. howl; like to roust out- side in but 43(141le r Leave the b:u'k 011 the pole -;1 it gives the fowls a better g1'lp, 1111d, 11 lime washed, till' w'11s11 will Stich on better, and the bark is a dryer and more cow 101tuhle surface, Minard's Liniment Curos Dandruff. o•s That Sun Spot. (New York. Tribune.) On. Old Sol's Iridescent face A dul(lty freckle 41es, Ten times (art big as all outdoors, And something more in size. It's fall of (Calsus cyclones And Atlantic hurricanes, And every other kind of Ill ThnL haunts tho coast alld 1)lains. Oh, tall( no more of 4 tcilar tips, Of balet ul crescent 114301! No more they stand Its sponsors for Eeach dread terrestrial plight. For now a 1110111:111 11001100 8 got' 'I'hent strictly ou the run— A triple plated bugaboo, That big spat ou the sun, That Makes a man uuhleky When It scowls upon 1113 birth. What bumps big ;mins 'together. And what shakes the solid earth? What bring,: hill): epos winter, And a 1311'! (4 1001.11 overdue? What hands out whiskered blizzards, And a tlulnderrtortu or two? What makes tile grip somighty gay, .111111 Ills And other human , What fosters gout, pneumonia, And ra0d hill What 11111va11.14le14catll 100c111/7s? 11111 110 high And causes stocks to slump? What Slakes these runs upon tho bank And cost of living Jump? Why Is ll:o cruel financier So cussedly perverse? What (mites the striking union malt Go rapid and get worse? What makes the burglar burgle, And Inspires the bold Illack )laud? What started all this have of cringe That overflows the land? What nlrule the 13rownsvlllo nigger got So careless with lila guts? It's a madness In tho atmosphere-. ; That big spot on the sun. Waiting for a Cold Day. We ' have a few subscribers who re- mind us of Tom Jones, whom the Swed- ish collector said had promised to pay his account in January, Ile reported to the boas: "Tom Jones say he vil pay in Yan- nary." "Well," said the boss, "that is the first time Tom ever set a td►no to pay. Did he really say lie would pay in Jan- uary." "Vel aye tank so, he say it been a cold day when ou got dal; money. Ayo tank dal been Yltnuar'y." —11011041, Mo., Despatch. 1 Cheap Newspaper Graft. A. curious form of petty graft. has ex• isled in the Connecticut Legislature for Homy years with respect to newspaper'. It has been the custom to off''(' :III cur' respondents on (1111)' at the session, of (lett. bully hil01) c3tch, ()sten •jhly lar the public, service rendered in repelling the proceedings, :)lit it hu, the 41pp,'''' 11 01' nl Il suhtl.' 11)'111)' in1end,•11 111 soften crit:• fiat) of to colee:II )mat lily 111 to \1 ilich the public slued(' L^(e full inform ltion, I'ho dole has i7ever been acel'plld by ver• 1 31 111 ilewopap)l's, but ;hull( e4ti,IIUI) 3l Nes- shin i, (1i'tl'iblltcll II11101)0 1111' I'l'jll'l'4'lltil• tit'es of jonrnale w'II1).;1! nutualSely re lard Ole 61).,pm'Ioll'i bounty il, a vested 11:1111, - --Philadelphia Ledger. ---o•o•� Idad to Year It First, "Mrs. Sluuldyll \y113 telling me a story today ;bunt 111111 odious Mrs. 1alh'v," began llrs. Mete:: "See here!" interrupted her lnl�l,:ul'I. ''r thought }oil bated gossip." "\1'lly•er•,o I d?,, but, of co)))ve, I can't. hate it th o'ot:;:hly until I )anon' just c:;;14tly tlh,it it 1.4. t'hillulclphin Pre :,. PILES 14" Y011 ARE AI''PLIC'i'1:1) 1\'1`1'11 PILES IN ANY POR11, 1\'rite Ilio at once and he mired for ever. I suffered for years until 1 dis- covered this ''Go'l-ti' nd," and now lay fitsir,4 16 to seri you the information that will give you positive relief. iv1Af GUEUI'CE FIIEDERICK, 1544 Euc- lid Ave,, P!lila,,,Pa, On/MMII/1/1111/1142./011/MIMMNIVINOWNI./...111,41.•44...• •1111114 The Invasion of Canada, (Now York Sun.) At present immigration is giving us an- nually about 0110 11('1v clti,l.eu CO c1•cry seventy of our total population Canada Is getting new pcopiu In the preport1011 of ono to thirty of her present number, 4!('r arrivals last year are reported as 1,1,917. 11amy of our alien arrivals are only Itmporary vlsitor3. They stay it'll It 03 1141111 work 13 slack or until they have accumulated a comfortable little roll of money. ')'hen they go 00;10 again, )fumy 1tny with us and add to our permanent population. Practically all of Canada's arrivals are permanent Fettlers iu the dominion. Canada's };aim In flu; over 1905 was 51,2JI, 0r about 49 per cent, Getting .Tong Swimmingly. "I low are you got (111g llh,llg 1(111) your new 1114)101. eau'?" u=1:01 3144. visitor.'. "First rale," replied 111';, Ool4b'ool:a, 'wall enthusiasm. '•11''''o' 444'(!1))); t.J be regular ant a('r:lts," \lilwaukca �cntincl. ISSN I1, NO. 10, 1907. HELP WAN'T'ED—I''1'J4IIS LL, kVANTED. A (il)o1) (!11N1':IIAL Shlit- 1,11:1, no wtl..hing ur ironing, wages ' $1,. Apply to \Ids. I'o0'Is. corner Ahordc' a avendo Sud nests Street, 1Intn(lWI, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS, Mrs. Wlnslow's aoot;llag :?y:•un should al- ways be tired tar c1111dree teething. it soothes the chnn, srnitlllas the gums, cures t‘ Ind colic and Iti the best remedy for (Mar- !hor'a, 14.010. r!,' LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS A rn'e, v111'0 344,1 relll,do monthly regulae t r 'I1,0m 1'111. 1)3(11 4.48,'1) wed 111 hmugqee b r over 1141; ),lire, aim (''13144 Invaluable ter tho pw44 wa deeigncd, 11114 aro 1(161111• trr,1 by tho nulko," 1;ncloao stamp for 4,031441 rhrnlnr. 1'11'•e /I W per box of y 11111, ,''luras n" (10.1, 011 receipt of 0,4 Ly NOY PILL 00.. )lox 42, Hamilton, Caeda Britain's Merchant Marine, '1'11 year 13011 was notable for the larg- est addition to the J1I'itiell nlercuatile 11)414'ille in effect jce to111)4rge and in size and power ever recorded in any one yea(•. The 1ut1) udditiou to the register was 1,1„ill,(l10 tuns. The inerelmnt steamers turned out, of 1111' :shipyards represent ] tlutl,Illt) tuna gross, an advance of 12 1-2 per Cent, un the pr )3111(4,1011 of 1905. Sail- ing ,hip.; 044'' 110 longer n factor of im- portance in. considering tonnage afloat, and a further 20),000 t0119 4(118 reul()VOd fr'onl the Ilrilish register Owing the year, -- ,0tolo11 Financial '1'inlc4. gee ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT 11e:wive; all hard, soft ur c.tllou3ed lumps I,nd blemishes from horses, blued spavin, curb.;, splints, ring00111, sweeney, stifles, :Trains, yore find swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 1,;;10 by use of 011e bottle. War. ranted tile 01041 woudcrfai Jlleulislt Cure evl'l' known. NO](I ((0 dl'oggist,, 4•* - Eight Bathtubs for 2,500 Persons. (New Toric 'I'rIbuno,l Pittsburg authorities have when a census of the bathtubs In dud city, and find that there are only eight in the entire thirty- fourth ward. That Is the mill district, run• Meg w1+'`t 111ollg ('ars on street from the I'olnt bridge, 0111111.41 2.1,4,1) poople live, where Gib MN) vote laud where (1? school children are ron)pclle'1 to grrew up 1301)0ut tho most or- dinary accommodation 4, SUFT.RFLUODUSI HAiR PERFECTLY RI 5MMOVED I want every woman who reads this advertisement to fiend me her name (31)41 ad- dress so I can send her information that will take off hair from I':u'e, N.ok, Aetna, ole., for- ever. Don't misjudge my secret by umducceqsfui attempts of otters. Why suffer the an• nuance longer when a stamp will brine; relief, 1 suffered humiliation for years an,i and nolo a 41 ppy Ir0nu111. No trace 1s left on the nkln after using, and the treatment can be used by yourself In your own chamber, Don't rend any money but write mo t0• day 0410 the information will be sent reale! immediately. Address MARCELLE LA GRANDE, 1(ith and Euclid Ave., PHILADELPIHIA, PA. orgy linnecnonnornalcsrnoistsranomonsmartiosaannaamensonamasammersaussonsamoosimaniannio ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess Priscilla Fine HosieryFor Ladies Lt and Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess Egyptian Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Latnbs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool Flute Hosiery Manufactured for the Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTON KNITTING CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, OVE''' AAY FREE For Correct Answers to this Puzzle The letters to rho lett of this advertisement when proporly arranger! opells four words. Can you spell outrthre° of them_If so the grand prizes we offer aro surely worth trying tor. 'l'Itroo Correct AnI WOr4 `Y i ll. It you oannot make them out yourself, get some friend to help you. •1.C17411„Aelu„i Or...tORONT N 0. 1 1 The > <rat word when the Iettoro aro properly arranged anent; the nnmo of a largo Canadian city. Tito mond word when tho letters aro properly arranged opens the name ofsome- ���� N0. 2 thing we all use. The third word when properly arranged swells the name of something wo cull do. The '��+t��',,l� �'cI�_p, fourth word when properly arranged ,ri,b,J"A,L'�.1�9 1 . 113 NO. 3 f,nollr) Mite narno of something WO all =n have. In order to help Too a little we �p� t t� ,i� have put aznarltunder the Let letter 1.'tl EC I p,OS N0. 4 in each worth Now eters S(a)go ,m, them out. • Merl irtnisatufamopfennprospoonowesppszrzraforovaismommennof m cotman (menu r,: ,:',SL-AXAMZVdIersA,faLArf •,••-•'•.ir.ar+nrYrnaa onse.emalmvurrromonerformriumor w asom onooaaoraw ®n>R if; rlocs not cont, you 0110 clout to try and solvo title puzzle and it you aro correct, you may 4 win a lar.;r, amount of Carat. Wo do not ask any money from you and a centeet llko this 13 very Interost.h)g. 1t docs not Inattsrwhereyen live, we do notearo ono bib who gots the money, if you 0511 spell out three of these words, wr(to then plainly mod mail your anima to us, whh your name and 1ddres plainly written, and I f your answer ie correct we will notify you prolnpU\t'. We are givi n(; awn;,' "11.00,00 for correct &newer° and a few minutes of your Uwe. I)on t dela ;', 44cnd In your anawnr at ono, Wertr-(:(leas:(Int: thousands oftloifvtrsto advertise oar burtnes% THE GERMAN : NK'PILL 00,, Dept. 4 TORONTO ONT •, 4 1: t a � NF • Ask fee Sten /A!'E?Y MATCHIES FOR HOTELS, WARBISOU8ES, ROSIVALI, , E:T9. r ' t1 CA q 111111 "4,1'ull 111 111(11'---f:Llll'le/l`'l':'ISI'• tti; . ` •:r- i 111t((1"1111Itit1'llnl. 111' nb:ll1l `II i AW )'In 1)1111 111(r{ 14;Is onlone 11101 110(1 3•••• '4•1 3.11i31-tf`444)'. 1.4.1Lr N 0 ! ) u+ 1 V[RNM[NT tlr,dot 111';(\':'0 \\l!(-c•Ity 1111'Y 1'011111 14" �tlrr '11,'1'11• 1!111 t'vl'ry 1•(11('1. 11`S0111.1.1'wAxhl tit� 33 II T;;K:';A':IOI!h,L in t!!1' 11:1y of ti'111's The ;i it x1',11:1. ;4, 19:7. 1\'occ ci ;;:.:1'.l:c :;cs .-iso. xXviii, 7-13. I. '1 .I 1 II•1 l I(1.1.1r,•11 1�,:1. ' ' 114111 \l'4I:t,111 1 w ., 1-1 I. III 1 111 ,I' 1.011,4'.; 1!1" 1114,',1!14'1 11'1''1•, 14 111' approaching Hilo 4i t': i l,leiilet I.y `Ih:)blt.lnesor, j, "1111.01"1 t0 1;•44(13), ,t or flood, :1(,11 1 is I.",'(144)4; 1.) the eager - 111' „ 4'1'',111 \, i1i ':n Ono 11,4(1;= cull .,lwall:,10 ; 1111' grape llLlt 1', rer111(,t 1 .110'.1.4 111•' 1 incl of Jr'I n,,11e111 111','11' nv.'n 1I::n;;v1' by 110100 in:; 0111 the rum and 1101%00.1 lo:1 141111'11 II.:II 1'41111' 1 0 the 1101'(11('1'.1 1.!::414111 1 !11.01:gII 111'11'lh!`1111e:f,i• The prophet's wild' %%I 1' also 1 warn- ing to e'eini u'i,i, ()ion this beautiful 4)!t;•. lefelrtd to as "the crown of pride." 1), t4;�ethot, v. it h til, "fat valleys" eroun1 imla!!j:1, V'l pronlun1('d a tele rib'' "woe," \Cine had ruined them; and because of their gross w'icket11I .l the Lord had decided to destroy them, AI - wady the :1s;'lvtians %vele whetting their swnrd4 nut prl'paring to swoop down 113)011 0011. ')'Ile 111':1lructiOn 4u111(1 be e on►plete, like that caused by a terrific hailstorm or 11 groat flood tv. 2). •1111• aria \you'd he "trodden under foot" (w, :;), li.The evils of strong (hie); (v4. 7, 14). 7, Put they also have erred Tho pro- phet, mow turns to the Southern I:ing- tlnm, the tribe; of ,Judah and Benjamin. "Jerusalem as %ve11 as Niltitrilt has her inebriates and heel),'» of disgusting 10• tuvioution, '(Hough her punishment is n0o a8 near :'s that of the !mailer!' king - dim, there are seen the )Stu•',+ of sure (1velilic," "Note the effects of strong iliinl: portrayed in this verse: 1. Erring, \1•tu:d('ring into forbidden ways and places. to 1':4'00 the religiirlli tonlher; Ir(1 astray .:3. (('hulls absorbed in mile - A. 'I hey il.•1,'Ihey 0(41001 see thin,;., a4 they ere, or judge (4rreetky, .i, The w•hul( life i, perverted," I'hrmigll tvinr "I'aleatia: %Pit's in antiquity ftt11111.4 for its Vines ;(ad wine. Then, are len different, names in the ( Ill Test:', u t:t for the vine, and twelve) fol' %eine, ',inti at 11'11x1 ilia"O' ICNt4 in 11'111011 1h•lnikomlo;, 11:111 1!rinki:ig 1110 mentioned."- (;elk ie. 1'110 pri..,t - -'I hey yogi, especially inex- enylhle beans( ut land'.; iverd. No priest 4)401(1 lats.fiII\' drill; 41'3110 01' strong drink (Lev. x. Ill, The prophet ---Not persons especially inspir''d of (toil, hut ofri(i:t3 nu'S1iu'rs of the prophetic order. -llwny;i many in Judah ‘rho had no strong 'sense of religion (J(.1', v. 1:1, :11; 1:zrl:. xiii. '2.16; /.epi. jjj. 't).-- I'ttI. 1'401. 1sW111o\y('(1---"11(11 sometimes say that 1 Iles• swallow their wine; it were truer to .,ay their wino swallow's t110111," "1t eats up their substance; it devours their health, it gnaws off Illy fine edges of their sense of 111)1:01; in fine, if it have its way, it will ultimately swallow them down, body and soul,"---llr, ]3urro11. They become wholly• absorbed in their appetite, 11ru throw IIWIly all they have, and 811 they hope for, in this v,orld and in the next --family, fortune, happiness, 31f1', ((eaten, evel'yttllllg-- to gratify their appetite for Strong drink,---'I'elottbet, Err in vision- Rendered themselves 11)1:! a, ble of reeciwing divine communication. --- t ;ray. are seen reeling and Htaggerilg ens they come from their most sacred fIlt 'tions. :1 strong, indignant, descrip- tion of druul(onness in general. -Put. Com, AS the outer eye may see double and become blind ender the influence of drink, Ho the inner 1.y0. sees double and i; gradually blinded. The true path climbs, they lose it and go downward. '.)'bey wse the true light and follow false lights to outer. darkness. 11'e need a constant, (dear told %veil -defined vision of (10x.'('0 things; (hid, His I:ingdnul, the ilea! life, the ;:mal of life. -Leavitt, Coda; ministers need a pure 11(1411, a clean life lulu 0 clear vision. Stumble in ,judgment --;.tagger when pronouncing ,judgment. Priests and prophets %tor, sometimes ,judge+. Lite is a 1)rtt('ti(tll enterprise. 1t I0ljltil',k; ll 1)11',('1: conscience, it clear, discriminating, Ill')Itlale jlltlgtltilll.---Lea• vitt, Submit your judgment 111 Him, that 1[e may t.hlnl: 1Ihmough Your mind, o1' direct, you to tl 111'41 l!1 :.:11141011, ' 1'ieyer, 8. '.(There is no place elan --The 1',11401' bu7iness is at fi!tuy business, and every one \t•ho is engaged in it or has any- thing to do with it is made filthy h\' it. It i:3 the parent of uncleanness, body, mind, :111d sold i)i the one (oil- necti4l with it become polluted and (ur- 1.111:1, ill. The Scoffers reproved (Vs. iv::. 1:3), 9, 10, \\'11041 shall Ile tench, etc,---- 111,tny regard these verses as the yvm'ds used by the scoffers Its they umoiko:I, ,ridiculed and scornfully rejected the lnstruetious of the .prophet. "'.I'h(y treat Eel's method of dealing with therm, and warning then( 11y 11is prophets, 441111 contemptandderisjnu, \That, thpy, doth he treat us 1s 100re • i111:111Li ,just weaned'? 110th 11e teach us like little children, constantly going over the ;ante easy lessons?" -Clarke, \Ce Must 1'uu- l'eive verse IO a9 spoken in Inlj!IIio1'V. with at mocking motion of the head, and in at childish, stammering tune.--!:'•w:lld, 'For it i4 precept tip in'ce'pt it:. 1 ('hiss is the true meaning. The J; Opiu't had been repeating the same 4arning 'Tail' and agtliu, and the people were 'tired of it. Like many )(•day they pre- ferred' not to hear about their sins, 11. Nay (11. V4) -The prophet's reply begins with this verse. Isaiah ntacl:S these s0of- revs, who entlsidcred themselves perf tet- ly secure fa'onl 'evil, with great force aid severity, turning their own langu- age, :'spoken in mockery, [tick upon them- selves. "Yes, it $hall be as you say, ye shall be taught by It strange tnl1gt11,', 011((1 in it strange 1111111, w'Ilither you trill be envied into cmptivit3'. '.L'heh you will be forced to lenrn like children," 12, '('his is the, rest, etc.. -Cod had given (11010 repeated nod faithful wwent- ings, (pointing out to them the true rest and the way 'to obtain It, but they had closed thein' ears and "would not hear," 1.11•, 1. t loll :11111'; i11411, t1N' !: 1 , .+, y M n ''. 4 I r, 4- r .! plop' io,1 ,inei1 '1'J:i CLf I'10.19 1'".1tT WILT.. -LAM h , ,/• 1'4 i FP a (�'";, t' )' 1('1.,1 1 1 tial';' ,. .C.'.1, t 11 Ileveled>!' , �, i� � xf t,,,1 �� ''� '1 , :I' Ito I:1 .1!' 1)1 I:ed 4('001, 3 t t .alien') 4 (114)'0. 1. J 1; , � Yr (,:4 )� E.;,") S , ' t•'" 0 A ....J1)1)1. -.Y U r IIT:' , ( I 14,:11 '1� I.li' ,.11•' 1'. ,11•'1 :a_.1'..� 1 �'. ,) 1. �•, c,,, 14 u/ , , , T 1 l j4; ''t' J1i if11 1 .I, ,i ! Ii' l). :1' lJ t. :1 A.1.:1.1. and that all the 1110any in \olivh tL ,fjf �w Irusled 10r 4irdillg Iheul �ff 4V4111,1 1,l) egst,d of n') 1:1, .\1111 fall hack':w111I, ekl', -- T111'y 11101 V' F773 ,), c:;,5 ' 1,. r made them 1111 1 i E t I I and 1 '4 u. 1 1 1 l a I. 11 hl ,I 11 till 1 1, r. , 1'F 41i'ttai' ;, t1V4' ',t' 1( `tiJ Illi L '{, a Cd11 lase ter- 111, 111's, 1'(`31 t shiners,11111', l'wed .I l' '• �' great 1m11tlnat;l. Wil mai lot( yiniet(' (��I ONG;��dC (� B-'hW:�11) ( o!'h law with impunity, 'Those who per• siyt in their wickedness and spurn 11i- A rilarvellon and Triumphant ftccord offer; 11f mercy will ultimately be v.:A of Victory Over (Disease, (rens itis presence, 1'11.1("1'1(':11, AI'i'LI('.1'I'!UN'S' No medicine 1119 ever effected ns 1x r7e 1. Strong ,',rink leads to ruin, 1. Ewell a nulri1nr of wonder:tit and almost mar - 1 hos, high iii 11w thur(h wire uffot'tat %.011„128011114 ris 1'1!ycilino. 1t but., had one 3'y it e tremendous power, 'The priest continuous record of victories over diseas- es of till) throat, chest, lungs and stomach. %('hero doctors have pronounc041 (' 01.1 iucurahjo from consumption find other who should have yes, a good example to %V1Utjng di11(11049 I'sycllino rt('pa in and their oeopl(', were t herese1"e.4 1'1110('11 by rescues number lt'Fa people even from ti:e it. They sw'allow'ed it, 1)11(1 were "swill- very verge of the grave. Coughs, )'olds, lowed up" by it, The ravages of ruin ('.ta•1h,13ronchitis, Chills, Nigl►tSw(vith, are not confined to the lower strata of I,1) Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like society, but it 011neka 111 ('1)11•)'4 alike, troubles, all of (which nre forerunners of and brings down the king from his Consumption, yield quickly to the curse lhr0ne, the priest from his holy office tire; powers of 1'sychine, and the prophet from his sacred rolling. MI14. (.'anlphnl3, one of the manycurod, 2. ')'Ile ((111(4) 1i1S1(Y4 were disast•olus, makes the following statement : IVIleu drunken with wino the prophet I cannot refrain from telling' sal who huller erred ill vision, lie 1'011111 not cum pre- n! my t(lnnrl',(h1n rrcnrery 41!11 I'nehlne. 1I f Apl'fl, )9e1 1 o:togh((t henry roll lyliIt 11 trtt'ed held tae 3)'utI:, and was in a 11)01,1 1'011• on my' 11111'g3nll'I grf:duslly led to collsuntpt'.:,!E clition to believe lies. Sad the 14810 of 1(011'3 mut. x1.1'.3), W814 nu)Jeet• to 011;111 81;4)4(x, 1 he people Ivhen 1 ho pl'oph(1't \•1x1011 i5 „e II! t traar ltcv. Mr,' Dln! xff torl(�Insid �Irrl 5 t 1.{,Ill H111're11 through strong drink. The priest preslyterfl:n ('hurrh, reeolnnlended DU'. 'Sloe 4n's stumbled 1;1 judgment. Ile was incapable )tftcb111`ei1)(re, \ ion 1 was living' in Ontar! i (If 111iltilt1'1•ill'r ill 11°13' lflin'ni Itlhl brut'• t Ii;r T'd,11t11R' fur a 831011 than 1 oto null n elcf, well, Ill; night tiwenly and eau: h cen0d, int; 1 he $1118 of 1 he people before the 1 3(11)hs oro I stopped taking 1'Fycliine, 8s 1 wits Lord of 1104(4. 1) is 1111 evil d11y fm, :my (Il brtler I ntmt Ilk'. Iii'ivrhleue(1 to day 1 never (" Y htia been n god- Itnlli when 1 he lenders of 1 he church or �l;ud to Inc, lst�, Ar:nsl'4v C.lnlrnr.'r., stllle nre given to strong drink, and Cottonwoo1,N.W,T, when the .4,lnetion iniquity sling the PSYCH -LINE never disappoint?. people( 11 .r PS`i CIIINE has no substitute. s( been brutally alhus,ll I)y '1'11044 lvhu 11.1(1 I )ll win,, Hu, example of the priest There 18 no other medicine Just as Ilivd t0 11(1(100 you (0 1:(1:1111111\i‘4' ell lilt; ttgajnst nn'I the prophet, the people iwenin1 cors gOc:(1.'' lir. 1\') It ' to 111 ,ff,(t that .lir, 11'11',(4) cor- rupted, ":111 table, are full of vomit" At sal dealers, FMc, cn'.1 $1,00 per bottle, had dru_:.(d t(1)1 fleet :'d you; w•hjclt (v. ), 11'1101 n filthy, odium,, beastly, 11 not write to 4tnt,ua':0 4 you 111('0 :old there told Volt)' rude, ill-mannered thing the sin of Cll. T. A. SLOCUM, L!:'nile1, 173 king St. W,, TOR8NT0 Innther w1•re f111s"';'' .\.----''1 did qct diul!:einiess is! "\1'hnt lel affront to "11',(10'1 u ';our I,roth,r that human 141011,ty!" It is enough to sicken 1)r. Root's falSncy Pills aro a sure '11:0 tI :.("1::.11::11'18 pni)11 bad ('oulpel1,11 the ;;1'(111;!est to contemplate the de. ild pfim. i;:lttt:fTC cure for Rheunatisttt ee.,1 1(' 111;'.1(' falx11 1,tat)'In(Ilte Ogait(,( baucherie: and shameful sights incident to Bright's Disease, Pain in the Hack tine \I'hitl'?'' A. "1 diot." lunedrinkiug, 13' the lh'unkeuicl.s of , all fortes of l:idrtcy Trouble. 25c per beauty" became 18 a "fading flower," be- "3lill he nnf ayl y)::11111:f you feared Vie Eplt•aim 1)11(1 ,Judah f heir "glorious box, at all denser:., leo', and you .4143:( you did, and he said 1 len ou xheuld arm yourself for protection':' 1'1,4x4) 14311, overcame thein, and the judge 1 --"1 remember no such conversation.- melts of 1111 offended (loci soon fell, offspring, and destroys those whom he .1.- "Did he net bay you should have 8 n1'• heavily upon this stubborn and rebellious has sworn l0 love and protect," v"1"1.1" :1.- "114) did int, p('op),) for the tang of Assyria laid their 1'i. Strong drink causes the death of "Didn't be bus sou a ot.yr?„ :\, -- country waste and carried the people into the soul 114 well as that of the 1)edy. It ,'Ile did not." • (aptiwity, 1 not only robs the man of his chnrttott'r, 11. Strong drink brings lieu into awful . but, shuts, him out of heaven and 1111(114 "Diel you nit give hint money t0 buy yeti 11 r,Vo;vot•'t'' :1.--"1 dill not,'' bondage. They ;u'4) tauten captive by it, ,hill n3) in hell, , lid the captivity is shameful. Some of `"-'r"' 4 "That. iS 1111,' said 31r, Jerome, and 311)'.41' wretched 811ve8 have thent8elves P. CED ON IIOGuS TELEGRAM. ~Ii•'• '1'11x4 left the room, (unfe4y('d tilt there i n WORICED Dr, Charles F. ilingailan, of Pittsburg, a of It (,recta' i physician, laindage in the world than Ilett to which 1 Swindler, the Thaw family 1 Fools St. Catharines Hotel ' then was they are 1111bjert. I. 'Their appetites are enslaved. They have an uncontrollable thirst for the fiery rum, rind when in St, Cntbaclnos Despatch, -A new kind Ir ,r R, this condition they will sacrifice honor, of stvindla was worked on a )oral hotel lain t 11x:4 141'e11I)-, ,101 eating little and been. health, wealth, 10411'1 ones, character and to tpieuc!t signed by James yesterday, A strnngcr walked 414.(0 1110 St. Ell )much changed front his former (undi- luted 0vcry1313n Ihnt 3.4 good and pare to C,nthabtes House and produced n telegram, lion. Ike had know'', Thaw from child- obtrlin strum; drink with which to and asked the der::11444 told the 111(101' was formerly of a OW ranging fire within. It ho would 1'.x4)11 n cheque for $2.' l,uuyxlut nnttu'e. 2. The will of 1110 drunkard hoeoiiie 'rhes the clerk did on the strength of the On Anguist 17, 1(3013, he ea!Ird 01) Thaw affected, Il.11(1 Ill 1111114' 4)181'8 �0 en�la'• telegram, but an enquiry at tilt! telegraph 111 1114) 'Tnlllliti and again saw 111111 on n cc, �optelmber I1. An Alibi for White. 1':lidenie that Stanford White was not in the 'Twenty-fourth street studio 011 Ile, night El,•elyn Nesbit 'I'hrlw• declares he drugged 1)11(3 mistreated her is in the and the prophet have erred through wine„ (4'. 7). 'Those 4110 should have liven lower:( of strongt11 in til, nal jn. those ' I' 4111•: 1'1 ' '1', 'Il .,, !.!. 1;-;111::•. '1 1.,!1 delett"(, nod to:d, ;, :,' , 11, 11,1' , . 1 1L4 1:111!, „•.111'11,! b; t!, lir. 1 ttl 1i1 1 'ill ',444)1 I:1'hl t') 1114) 1';In j1' 1'11 4'1'1 1!1'1' )lits e:il 1. 11111. 0 1`; 1! f 1 ill,. (1'1,1! 1,1 '_o ell -'ll' (',:.'1!",i 44 !i •'' 1.t 1111,. Dr. I lan:I to :4k U;:" , f 1!11 dew!, 1,11.,'„1;1', il"I!:'t' 11.(.11. \', 111!;1! f:',•I:I i'1.!'I i�'.''r i'•t t. ',1 1x1',;40. •,:?', "11111 in111+•\4) 1 i)n44'. s lift IT 0,101'1 (WV(94 d /,sill( !i1'!, la 1» (1)'d; of 1);14 el'!(eihy j("I Jur+, rim"' :101! :!silt ;,tjnli', a;1d diseasesI determined 1''100 free the tool!). Ales. 'Phil%\ to k4) p :1 supply handy. Iteine 4)u• di.) in 1 "et .I elian(:: to '•p),tk 14 11:'1' 1111x t4 t e 1111 ;I 1'l ?1'1'1 1', i 1111,;1"!11 11, 1x11!1!. \t chid be a most useful tiling to t:ll:e Jerome then steted that he had :th,u1f. oitaine(t a r,11,0,1�. iu Pert. ovrl'11,nlsed (,110 pi;iII1 111 )llr+ el'0<ti e:,a111114' 11 Illlulll, 3 011 wef% wen It with I (1111 11 tithe; of 1Irs• Evelyn Nesbit 'I'lrttt•, and 1 nlav •,I That 4(11pretty nearly ev,'ry 1141.((, that "Ill' bg recalled for a fe44 day 'it wa4 called into r011ui,itiun lis 0uestiei!'. slating that it 4411.; 1101 one or other of the )111\ for eat,, merely a matter 1ffe11Il) the eredibil- 1' iIs' of the \'iti" 4, but 0 11)1ttr'r which I1 1- wonderful 3)044' 1luiokly Zt0.lm-L'uk Ile might wish to l'(1111Y°4'('l'i 011 rebuttlib l.lk h the soreness (alt of cuts, bay(((s, 1iS'lll•1:- 1111(1 illjlll•i011 at11J 1,11 4111 .:I1'• end he wvkliell to lay a found" tj.m fur 311(11 10tjn11 by calling her att.,aline t0 4)3' it 1x1'04)(1 3{uldeu upiniutr, fre;nl 1111 trim 11x1 ((':'arils to try it. 1 have the na)ttrr. -111'.;, 'I'Ltt4v 1,a� t!:"r,'f�':',' f,nlau it vel' fine I''n' akin dt•na,e. and I (I)') 11l'J117.13' 1'g(''h))))ula! 1t as a hollsl'- lis hi'• fir4l 1)uv,tion Jlr, .11'1'1 uu; ',mil• lit'! ! L•i!l:i,'' eatg;l that he intends t.) esll Iliever'1 )11'. La:,,cv1!rs c„''tl, nue 0f file lead• ''41!s;alt to the (witness stand t:, contra. , (iu11'1'111111'llt. illl'll1'rt4, 1;;11'4' "1 .!i. 1 ! ; ',x14)1', l'l e dist riot 1110rnev is 'i1% 8".": 1114\wd,l I1) er1;111'a>Icl trtivt'r'Iblto 01' :Ulu- !Ml1e 114 br4:ttlllnll 111 the )tris(! fit-, but ettiuol el Int c01 entire pulit;' of %tau -)auks which in u1'; ,ip.111/ ;4 , ( (';":'ll,l:'llV a,111311ed for s;iI1 Mitral 1 -arty. "I)I(I1.1'(1! 1.0!' ',! ':lull, (1!.1111.1'',; and / ',sea•-',." ;1111.1i,lk 011)114 (U1 ti, 414.1 btll'114, 14th',%)'%, ) 4 Z(llla, 11x:1.4.. lifter y411r return In 111 1x11'03)4) !11 lead 1 sores, ringworm. ulcers, el eels s, 198:Ji" asked the district altt.rnoy. "I ! ('hopped 111ave ,'.pl•in„ pimples. blood dill n(.t 1'i plied Mrs. I'huw. , ,4',11,0, 0111•(1110 al,'it•l' ,1 (le. As an "11'11(1', dal ylSl sec I►inl? .1.-"lu I ('titbt'1•eati4 )) It relieves (•;call) tt1'lll„ New )'nrk," 4)j'tti)(, .1l1 drhggi t4 "I)i(1 you not tell him in substan((, neuralgia ami that (chile yon 44 ere abroad you had ;1)141 ,titre, 4c;1 at ;,0e. a le,x, 1.1• from %:lnl foil ('o., 'I'ol•ent(, b(.::ch s,nt int' ?''_'..ill. `and le. 1,1:1101/ and we Will mail von fn.r wimp!' box, ,,1 .,1:.. 11 ('1•"„ 4,11 114:!1: 4, 1'. 4,E: „ .1 1 1I .•1! , , ''' it, e. 4 ,11,11;, 1:,1','10 4') 1'14' 1)';,111'111,11 Clerk by a New Game, swor). Ile told 31r. Uelmas of seeing These on November' 10, 1903, at wvhioh time lie was nervous told illelallncholy. Ile ed, it no longer acts with freedom, With I fnitc,. tPl stnal� erlahid llwalkedb Into the C. the powerful appetite clamoring, for ill•' p, 1t• sending office, token a couple of send- dulgeitee, and the weakened w'111 yicitt• I Uig blanks from the counter, and had writ- °f rit- ing t° the strntlgt4r power, the 11)1(11 be- tel out the telegram himself. Ile also endeavored to secure a telegraph 1',044(8 a 11upelcru chaructcr, and 1115 I' envelope, but was refused by the clerk, Wreck and ruin nre almost als!oltutely I M►r, ]tent's name nrra)enra on the tap of ilia sure 1(4 follow swiftly unless he appeu)Y telegraph blank as manager of C.P.H. 'fele to1°,4rdsion (?1' llislrict :lttorney Jerome e the "mighty ot0 save i meld called strong to tooklithe Montreal, heanti signed from gtitetlpri, ted 1,ny4 the Evening World to•tl!ty. This evi- (ICIr1t1. An 03(1 10901 (11100 called oil a , form. dense it is asserted, i8 1)11.41)1 1)1)011 in• doctor to get a remedy t'ot' his iufl:tntt'd 1 ---••_-'�''�r hence tit:( '14,011 to \\')life's friends, 4.110 eyes. :1'114) physician told Lint he thought I KRULL BROTHERS ON TRIAL, declare that he spent nearly the whole he could cure him, blit it \woulct be neeex-; •--- 1 of the eielnt in question entert•tining n sa•,v for hint to leave off drinking ('ll German • Workmen in Toronto Charged 1irely, '".I'het fie'ew'ell, eyes," sajd the c rally ul' fl•jen,k iii illi, -Nadisun spare With Stealing I'nt, infatuated and ent;laVed drutll:nrd, 111 the State 01 t ('1111: vauill a few) year:; ' yl , 'foronto llrrpntch,-'rhe preliminary 10.11'x1 - tt"11, Et young 111.111 !militia! a viell o 411tto11 In to the charge of extensive stealing strong drink, In vain he tried many of tallow and fat from tho Dorris Abattoir times to rid llilnself of the tremendous Co, agctlrnst Herman reel 1101111•X1i Kt'u11s power that wait dna'; illg him down so was begun In the Police Court yesterday, rapidly', 1)11e (lay ill his desperation, 111 and 4111 be continued this morning. The hj8 3)111(10 with the awful appetite withe.omesey alleges that $10,000 worth of fat and tallow was shlppcd to Solulub f Co, which lie was possessed, he locked ,hint• 1)auiburt;, (1crma11y. )tudolplt iJrtlnblg, for self 111 It 31>))1)1, placed rt gla SS of wilis• whose at't'est n warrant, was Issued on M0n- 11(43', his tweak)) 111,11 it loaded revolver on day, surrendered and pleaded not guilty to it charge of complicity to the theft. Mr, Louts P. llcyd, 1C,C., counsel for the i4 t•:,p((3((3'that 31ay 11ac•Kenxje, the n'otbers, claimed the fat shipped would not (•1)0!0' oil friend of f:-ii:yh \,4)11• xceed $500, and said that tho case was on; sl for n cl%'fl court. 1 utww, will testify 1)4 111 c:lncot',Ut!nm; ,_•.,.,. ...._.. .,. •......�....._,»�...,....... ,he is said to have ball with Stanford •t titbit; before hint mid resolved that if ha emu not summon trill power 4u1'fi• eienh to keep hill from yielding to his terrible appetite that was gnawing his eery Vilnls for one hour, and if he should drink: the glass of rum, he would then aid there blow his briins out With the rly'olVer. 114) had a fearful struggle, and the 14(10' was n l'ery loci one to him, Lilt: hi, will -power kept hon front yield- ing, 110 afterward sought the Lord, 40110 0)1101t'ted met saved from the appetite for strong drink, and for many years has been an honored and successful pre.lcller of the gospel of Christ and an able .11111 persistent worker in the cause (1f temperance. llf. Strom.,; drink d(atoy5 1114) biddy. sooner or later the strongest constitu- tion yields to the subtle poison and is 1)101:011, null the victim !weenies a physi 0:11 ((enol•:, Those addicted to the use of runt ea:ily 11(('00e a prey to disease and )-tun pass aft' the stage 0f action. The t 1'0Viya•14 111 e.. filled wills the bullj(14 0f young n1,0 who !lore. b('etl Ont dot', in their ))a•ime by this (reek destroyer. 1V, Siring drink rubs tlio (h eld:aril of his property, '('his kind °f slivery is 1't'I V 1'x3:C`1111wg, .\ ;;lOItll'llinii 1(10! i ly OMR' 111(41 the 011 V 4111>1'h mj'1jrn), in Gho'ario, 111 ,I beastly gate of intn';i• cation, and MIS converted before be left the, .mous. Ile testified that he lord been fist yea's it ,judge on the bench, !miter- ed nod respected, and possessed 0t' great w'ealtll, lle started that 1)313 yearly sifts to charity amounted to thousands of dol- lars, but tint he 11011 lust his wealth, his honor, his hurtle and friends, and he- roine an outC?1,14; through strong drink, )lis litory was piliful, but it is simply the old, old tale than 1410 been 1011'at- ed ten thousand tinges by others. C. �;trmsg drink deatroy_s 1110)1al af- fection..it ails caused )nen to turn against their loved ones and act like .lemons toward then), Alcohol inflamer the brutal passions, exciter the lusts, and the otherwise loving )inn kills lois tot'!', "'('ills," says the 1Corltl, "wits 0n0:n)141(!ly the .surprise which the pro- 1,.'c1:11(r had in 41111'1 for t!Ie defence, hitt although it iuight offset, the testimony given by Evelyn Nesbitt. '1'11a\V it cal - 1103 be ;oven to the ,jury es it docs 111)3, disprove that. 1:0(1y11 told her husband 1!11' 11)41',) sit` 411'S slit! 414." Story Unbroken. \It . '1'11114 will go on the shod, 10 1111 of OW young days of her sun and it If you want ca brcakfar.t food that will make your mouth wator and at tho same tiro prove most hcnttilw'ut and nutrl1istul . 1.-I: your Kruger 3641' "STE PI L,I2'7.)„ .112 1 I A N C.i t► 'sf;c;Al(F.'1S7,' FOOD '0111'' ( 73olnt ' 'DCl/cion. aS';,trrll r Package' o' 1'r It A.S1C FOR T111'; TUnvLC TACIc.4GE Tincro In rt hakIttt; powder it wall nap You to try hec•attco it c..^.010:eso to you, &plea better reziuito, rnixkon food tictaltinftr.l ctnd itt cold on .a Catch Cnlar,:n'tco atiu•J;rtc't,o:z. .\ 4I1 Your 11400x' for • NCE rtJA IAl':r POWDER 13 you want are;"• of Reliance Picture host Carc;s 'Writ() !Milt 0000 miming your grocer and this vapor 141)11 \'L, \•111 1403111 you it set' of (our, lithographed in brilliant, 00101A froe ; posingo prepaid by 114). lotrnatona Food Go TORONTO, • CANADA 7 ,,d'.,Y1'14',, 44431'11y"i,p.+14._„•„ o1414" .I4J'. fr'n.144,,.. \\'bile anti repeated to 'I'ha',w in 41)1:'11 it k claimed 1\'bjle laughed at 1Ite love 4f 'I•lm\y for hit wife, and s.Iid it would mat b" Iouj' until sh0 return'(! to him. 1:vc1:'il .\:',!'it '!'haw. left Ilse stand yesterday w ith )ter 4111, pruc1je111;y ttn• 111'"1:111. '1'u 1),'%ere :11r. '1000!:11 hron;;ht on! 1 1'1) 111)'1' et' facts 10111011 (1) not 10- (10111u1 to 1101' (1(1it 111111 14.11',4)11 11111y ,4',1' 110 ::aid to rrflel't on her Credibility hest. 1.8id, 111(nn intll:ill: iter admit that the facts hardly justified the 13lf(renee tb.;t 411, teas drugged at. 1,11' (11(10 4118 says WIiite 1.113110,1 hoe, her story 1'001010(1 jn 1111 its essential details jusi 1s sh( 4)r• 3 311811V 1(11'1 it, ONTARIO DENTISTS DENTISTS MEET. Seventeenth A.nnual Convention Toronto. Toronto 1)espat^h.-"1',a14 1be 41(18s of r''- 'unts chnnt(ed slave tfc 111trnd(!(;'0'1 (st sineate ('(111,:1116 141:4 City ,:,1'ji.'1 Ur technical dist1111lol, but to the nudfetve deeply interesting; at the seventeenth nunual eotventton of the )Mario Dental 3mmieiy, which continued 1 6 session 3re(c)d. in tll Demo! College Theatre, College strict. The sdbieet Wag introduced by Dr. l), C. Smith, Stouffv'111e, and the discussion followed pure - 13' technical 111)01. Tho election of officers resulted nn follows: ]h', P. '1'. Coglan, Guelph, honorary Presi- dent; 1)r, A, A. Smith, Cornwall, l'resklent; Dr, W. J, Bruce, Ithtenrdlne, Vire-President; Dr, 0, A. ltoberts, Toronto, Secretary: 1)r. 0, A, lteunedy, Treasurer, and Dr, b''. C. Husband, Toronto Archivist. The dtstrlot representatives oro: -Dr, M. W, Cleary, Ot- tawa; Dr, 1), Baird, Uxbridge; 1)r, A, 11, A, Mason, Toronto: 'Dr, J, C. Sweet, 11510- iltonl Dr, 0. 0, '('rigger, St, 'J'hemitsL Ar, 0,, P, Allen, Mount Forest, :and ,J?': E. 0, Cunningham, London. HIS CROW IS TERES. TIIE FORESTER AIMS TO PRODUCE TREES AS GRAIN IS PRODUCED. ".1 (,)veer 10111(1,' ere)) i4 tree," it" been 09113 .4ugSrestrlt a.4 ;I delinili011 1'l a forester. G(('('ilt) eons1deltiti°11 of the dl1101(1)))) 4\'411 'u far toward r(;:110 jug the li.tze 111111.11• 14',(',4)1( ting t:'1.111, '•fur- est'c" 1114(1 '' Rr(ster" lie :!1 til•' a1orage IUil:m, he it;meet''. Ginn 111 l>k 441,:1, 1, dj,- tt:t(tly ))Lill (:1.11111, null til:' ',Mule j, tr11,, (,f the foie. -ter. la rtu'.,lug a fie!d of wheat the fart,): r pa3 4 1111 g:W4'1'111n;;1 5)10111 i1;lU'tlllt nl attelltnli to 1111 1:0,• theti0 14d1! of the situation; i1 dee,1 t mutter to hint wIothor the ise;d 1.t tV11'!ilt looks pretty o1' net. 11 is wants i, to living tug wI1.')( 1') 1,:1'1 31)3(1 then I1:1),'(':+( it and ;;et it x41 ty t) the mill el' the ei1'v (ter, lie 4)41:4 11:!1'!d to (('awe it ,)lir. I1,(a11`t' h,' lifi i A r. 4, 1,0011 ; . Nn,,' : pply lad d('tllalae)) t'1 fait' 141• tote)'. but trees jS the p'::"( '.c 44 meat. '1 ha forester is raising trees t0 : iti,plV 11 dounlncl f',r timber, .Inst 1)4 the 1,11 1111'1' is raising 1v11)11. to .,uppfy it dt'nl.tud for hreut.Stutl's, '1 hg nerthctie ride of til, situation may appeal to ilia:, bl:t at the sale time be uwat 1ccn„niz0 that the aesthetic side 1'i entirely sub0r,1ll3lt(, lull that his object j, to x133(13 t tae til`• 11(:111(( for 11u11:11,.1, ','ureses is the care ui forest trot', un - fore',( conditions, 'I he cave of shade trees does 111?t collie 1111(1('1' 101'cstl y tit all. '('rue, tyre!; used as shale trees ere usually forest tiers; but Ile elle lv)io 31:14 teen iu r. fur:':tt 'will fora 1u11ai.'at niaiu- tnin Ihat they r,re growing nth!". sol':".t en(1d1! iui-.. l he i t'4) of 1'!1 I'1,• i Fri.. 1- ;111+ti'jClllt111't'. :.1),l til( al0-1j0.1;i111i'•1 j, seeking to )'l1.00(4' Le31nty I:f (0(01 la the tree, ((•11111 the forester is after 1 long 11'401:, clear of liniacho-., 111icln will pre• 11114'1' the 1:(01''4'-.t jio' l!%:d ;11,0.111c,bur, til( ture,l('t''s lu;tnagrn:(nt ha, 1>till 1;ti'I11 ell:ls, still tilt. foi'1'..I. 0:1,101' 113 (0 ltd (.'r uu'ul, will 00x1;1(0(' 111 L( the 111111x; 1'1 b1'il1ti \' 11 11:1'' 1'':1'1' 111'01!. 'T!I" vi cool. 11111 0m11;14110 to Ii.Id 1),(1.4., re t 410(4 reer(81 i"!). and it \vitt still remain the 11(1014 of the wild gale'. •jn.l :is 1114) Gorman forests -the best managed Im the 41)1(1- ;t'' now. 11111 the (rip of timber rel from the forest will l'4) haver and bt 11(01, and til:' i 4)i 1'y 4111 b0' vitt. 4viten they ore mature, anti not ,allowed t'( ..,:i:1 asst l 111' '' j', :1'e 4, ! tits. decay: I''4) 1t is flat ti. 111•• •IUs 111 1' ., 'd tr'e'e. V ttjt 110."4' ;ti, override 11- it i• Int'.' 1 n:tl i! 1'.)° 1.390, its: i••,'i14 :,•eR'ro'�ilu.�'�4*�y Dirtl,••,?f,, .c (,.,A' I l � r••rw . 25, 'tl 4444. ,• ISi 1'1','.1 11100•4 11:1we a 1411:11, Vol 4,4 (r,',al;a t., chain 1114) skit', 11'1,! 11: (01!1'0i??n::tltc:pctllti01110,:1 , 1'1:14( It soap is yy (��,yq �.•q� g f',t ,:4, i4..0 Zit h�l� `...181' Witch- 17.1 a e r'"e, t : tt.l� £� o. y:? V �'f y14•f••1r Itis ttb soaps in o11(3 -- toilet and IlletiiC:.le(l_ for the price of one. Only Ice. acake, 3for : Sc. Cts gids creat i)tre baro It, 11 The Father's Sweet Refrain. Illy Alice E. Howard, 1ierkeloy, Ca1!for'nil The pains arc none the Iesl, dtuu' heult, 1 hu (x,014) OM a(hos rer•wln; lint 0:'.'1' 10 my spirit (1(111x" 1.11 Falhor6 14441(3. 1'cfrian: Uh, God Is 1014), And 0014 Is poace, And Uod 13 su'engtil divine, And round the Inu'dels of your life, Supl,ortlug tendrils twine! Tl4' l'am'es 111•4? none the less, dear heart, The sl01404s and the rail; Dot lighting all the pathway comes The 1cather's sw•e,t refrain: 1111, Gull Is IoVe1 And (11x1 is peace, And Ood is strength divine, And round the burdens of your life, Supporting tendrils twine! Though nothing has grown Less, dear heart, Our prayers are not In 411111; 1'or stronger than the conflict, comes Tho (l`ather's ai's'oot refrain: Oh, God is love, And God is pence, And God is strength divine And round tho burdens of your life, Supporting tendrils twine! Prayer. Lor(1, increase our faith. Manifest Thy presence to us. May we never donut that. 'I'huu art near, that 'Thou knowe,t us, that Thou Invest us, that Thy purposes kr us are all of good. :4111y w.' have confidence 111 all Thy great 111111 pt'ecions plolilises, and may the thought of then) cheer our hearts in lime:, of trial and de$pun(lrno)'. Slake 118 truthfully obedient to Thy most Whit! :11i11 holy trill, 11 11114 walling 111 the wry of Thy cmuunalltlnu'nti, may we have the n'oiu'nnee that (dud llims..'If is our shield 1'rcin every 1411'111 and that our reward is yore. \\'o hies 'Thee f1,i• tilt; cuwenant into which 'thou hu -t entered with um 111 Jesus D)))eist, 111 this we find 0111' ('est, our hope, our joy; ant( w'0 look fur its O'rfecl and ('\ot•I1sting fulfilment through 'thy mercy and faithfulness. Hearts That Starve for Love. Ikea. life: 411(:)!(3la. happy, Yet it re(IOires thought and rare to nlnke it 110. 11'4) forget that love's I(.S011a have to' be learned. dill it take, n great dant or st!f•rest;tiht, of patience,et thoughtful - 11',4, to learn and fit'r out the lessons of lose. There are thousands of homes iu \ 111(11 there is love and where great 41,1')1iCt', ales cheerfully 41131de; and }'et hem., fur starving there for love's daily brei(!. '('here are homes where express affection al'e almost unknown. There sue bit-A.:Mils and wives bet;seen 14 heel 1:,vc':4 cul:vers, has settled into 400 baldest cony(;ltiunalitie4, '!'here are parent.; who never kiss their ehiltl'en af- ter they nre I:abie.s, 11)111 who diseournge 1.1 11:(11), as 1 ;'1'1.(41' 1:11, all longing for ('110'4.1.1 Ilial 11111'14 of affel'tloa, Let, (11(111 re -Lure again something of the al'• tertnnateness of the early chjillhtod days, and • 'e if there is not a great se - )'ret of happiness hi it. Many who are 1''uging fur richer bonne gladness need only to 11)113 for a springtime °1' love 41'jtn tenderness that k not afraid of af- fcr.tionate expicssions,---111'1', .f, 1t. Mil- ler, 1), 1). Tithe and Place of Prayer. ')lie religion of Jesus (.'heist is a reli- gion of freod0111; and the New '1'est:one:1i i; true to itself in eittkiug no preserip- tjen, I(1s t0 thv tithe 11)14 1)11100 of prayer. 3t dn('s ant swell 3,rt,rljlo Gonia,; 4441' ,!lip ally inure than it enjoins the aboli- tion 41 slavery, 11ut it is supremely practical, ,just 11,2e3 11S1! it prescribes 8o little. It creates a spirit, and the spirit 1100•1 express itself; haw and %viten and where will depend 113)411 ('il'e11)11H1ai10184. 1tut \viten. the circumstances are normal and ren)))t', the expression is likely also to be regular. ]lt'q'uhu'ily, however, HO easily degenerates 111tH routine that, by the very rcgula•it y, the real object of prayer may. be defeated, 1(11(1 its serious. Torg itten, 111 ewo1'y 1)U�4 11!1! way, therefore, it is neeessaiT for those \VI►o lead the devotions of others, whether in (!lurch or ho:!!g, to 91'01101.4'0 the vi• talus of prayer, without which it is of no more value than the wnntltling 01 11111i1: 41' 111:' 11111!(1);1, 01 e(albals,--,1(11111 Edgar .\!cl'1(1yd), \i. A., iu "'1'11; Prayers of the 'Bible," The Author and Perfecter of Faith. \\'e are introduced here to a )stem( ' 11' 11'.11, What tt principal in (lull's dealing 141(11 Men, (:011 1(53ujres of loon in every age le that, they should believe in Him as Ile is re- 4isi1(d to them, 'that they should have confidence that Ills c•013)111a11ds are good anti that Ibis care and 11i$ reward is sure. Abraham 1(1tieve(3 in the (sod Jehovah, who appeared to hint ill vision, awl wrho spoke to lliut in the delft's of )tis read; •tVe are summoned to faith in Coal as Ile jiy revealed to us; in Jesus Christ, lent why i4 faith in (sod counted to leen 11 !' . l'i•''tte".a1411l1:4 7 11netni o it is rightrv)nhhesS in the gel m, Alt the good- ne.is of which mankind is capable, is wrapped up j11 the net of faith. lligl►te- , ( 1•' 1 (u.3utsH is obedience to ,) l c d n s it nu l fnith is the attitude of submission which inevitably lends to obedience, One of the 111091 precious truths of our religion is that (sod unddrstnntis our frailty, knows 01)1' frame and rentent- her•, that we are dust. lie understands for example, hos' linrd it (d8 for us al- ways to soar upon the' wings of a pure - 1y spiritual faith; Ile knows bow we de- sire sometimes to fin) a footing upon the earth, lanw we seek after n material :sign of Ileo' which we believe. lienee (sod's patience with Abraham \l'1►en he asked, "0 Lord Jehovah, whereby shall 1 know that 1 shall tnheualt it?" PAGE FAGHr --THE BLYTH STANDARD• ---M A.1 i 7Tu, 1c�nr, Chambe ain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite •••cuat'e••• Coughs, Cold, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thee runedy to famous for its ,'urs over a lurid part of the civilized world. It can always be depeude I upon, 11 coutanu uo o Iuw or other harmful drug and unty be Ll�ven as confidently to a baby es to au adult Price 25 cis; Large Size, 60 cte. What Uncle Says About Newspapers. kn. uu the sbelburta Economist.) 1f loosInl,irs toll evritltiut; they loo they 6.VIod he 0(111 intristing reeding - and Ii (8 would he tvuu mad \‘' hit of 01001 (*Mint fur illy edit 111S, 13ut t11e,)' limit to things that way - in feki it has lop') tied that 1 he sinsrtist \'0'8(18 ot Illyth. By= law Noe 4 1907 l'!) 1;ach o[ the mild debentures shall be i stetted by the Reeve of the maid Village THE 1. ----- and by the Treasurer of the sold Village and the Clerk what' attach thereto the OF caro)r'te meal of the Paid municipality. VII 4T. 'tG E O 1� IlLY 111 (a) 'Free aald dehentatre dpit bsll ►eer interum at the rate of five (3',) per oentum Per annum Payable yearly at the said b n of 11 1))).-I 1',1' l() ;11111101..17.1.• Ill r' \ 1I- doinkrm othathe ourrenr13thdyay therdoMat.t In each year Ito'' of IiIVI11 l) aid Airs. (1) 1),tring the currency of the meld de. b •ntnroa there shall he raised annually by edirur )11181. pruoys his breis for his 1.:1111)' 1. 1 1 ill t) (root, a spe' id rate nn all the rateable property job bi what 110 leers out. he said 'ulum f Of eu1115a hued lot of pc„I iI think a I'1G:(11'j' 1O. the purpose. of 'I'Inwtn ilundrod1andvgoof l;ightIllythy'Vhterho stri%1(NoI ouuspripir shuod till evrlthiIg it east•. Ill llltihIClllrin'ts'lsh a„,i 0'2'(!1.0:8) Dollars for the purpose of paying Sunt of themgct reel snhry MiceSun' tris amount due in each of the meld years sea uldiIs or ,ce(t i s ,i1.y Still darts' 'wing I 60 'S ill) 1 general 'misc., (lir- for nr(noipxl and intoned In respect of the { H 1111 delrt, ig,�siped al,uul dosser twee►• in than. 1'1811111((5 tele1 planing 111111 (,;I .1.1,1 the said M'tnloipal eiunofl of 'noir. t11111 they s,iy a 110.11 lot of hand r• the Village of Myth doth hereby further I I ! ti;ll)OII('ti N'Ithin till S;lla 1l. entre that the said factory so to ►0 erre' • things about a ,a lir reale duscnt •i,' awl the 'loos awl the li'l't', 110 mei:or! 1111'(: Or lllyth, by a 1o:111 of e(1 awl 0 Jr rated, a9 aforesaid, Including whose rix is gurid• 13111 sura day sone I , the lane e, building,, plant, machinery 111811, iull'iIl lla;tr r:onsc'rus th„tu,el\s; '1�Ilrc c 1.110iIiIttltl ($ 00D) and stook connected there,vith and used for the purpooer of the Held sloth and good 1111d Idose, 111 1 that these' hare; 1 );)Il.tr.; lila CXCIII:)tion 1''(7111 door Ltetnr and general house furnish. like the nitscliif •' sue i11 the ptpir' ` h+R+and planing 111(11 sup i)Ie , including Just keep yule eye 011 the 1vay they tri 1 IXati0a, except s':hoo1 tax- tit kfln, plots roam and mat hlno shot I►1 '1 hint 2 the edit11r then that of costs cls, and t0 i)rovid'.i for •the exempted from a further taxation other their.; soul thing; its heti. to Ieel' 0111 than a'Iced Arsersment yearly of $2'00.00, of the pnp11' "beClls of slug' (reel,," of KSIIC (11 (1ebentures for the except as to mohool taxes fora period of 10 "beet's ,'crime has bin ponishtl en b )rl'OIVIII of th:: slid a111')un1 ooneeoutfve years, commencing with and atylredi 8181 hat6. in his nails in the Including the your 1ti0fi, so long am the paw:. Mead intik hila fere 1111 aid lel and for the leery t0 111e1:t the said factory shall be operated In accord• slice a'1th an agreement entered Into, and 1s uI t, or "it would be berth for 11tH, S;tlllc•. upon the lerrns and conditions Hut out. III MONTHLY FA{ RS I hiu'.;umboh)] sa8k '2i say' 11111811;.; nirnut the prnatnble hereto. it" 6.,r "\i r.'I'biugunll,0h is such :LI tine R'lll:Itl:,1S the mal,' 11r+. 1':mlly If, till pit This hy•law mhall take eil';c9 on the 11;111 8t weed 1,„ 8 wary 2 give this n fah 111,11 iters i int.) a i tgeeeni Inc to erect 16. div of the Passing thereof. any neurit publish ,'' or r,tsotert aur) fe: ort• Inc till lit 111114'tore of sash and (7) 'rhe v 1►or of the elector' of the 811{d , lsetel'tl and etsel era 11111 et Solent. it or1a111renIra! huu'u farnlshlii' alt•I Viilago of Blyth shall Ire taken on rhes i 'Thane'+ that lend real line when they 10 ...1yti)tte evil ha plegnuQt�hlithQlslil 11119 re byla►v nn Tuosri' y, the 2'tl.h day of M,lich LYTH n(•\ , Lonunerc ng at the tour o nine are a'sc'ot addl. peep'' clout: .sell 16. 111'1 11 p r,itloat'u/lllyth, to 111'1 her by a lata of o'cloc c In the forenoou and continuing \`�('dnrSclat', ii 1',1'11 3, 1(07 1,1 ,eat whet, 1lu0y ounSeirn you' self 2 841slI to h• repaid with Interascther,on at until tfri o'r!ock In the afternoon of the kloseli, 6.h • rete of thrJ0 t►It' militant per nautili' sant° d 6.y, by A. Elder, returning oflluer, It hats often been said that. the onli In 11 t.'e 1 annual Insteinients of prluclpal .1 II the Ieadiug horse and cattle buyers ; kiud of n encs , t lir diet would soil 110,1 in ere.,t of $2i,1,:;(I c toll, the Ileo- of are 8pecielly Ito nett to attend. 'leer I ' I su:h tum Alrnonts t • h 1 pato o1 the jab eterybudy come. Wcicume to all. 16.'rihil'li w0md be w un printed blank_ I nothing on it ttr awl. And I Vont day or Alas, A. 1). 1511.+, a'1'1 the btlauue 1, W. Sl.n.6.x, President.�1iilk that kind wood son ole, 11'uod 1\'6.t,.1,lt'taox, \' ice- 1'ceejdent, !,t St' :' J, 1,1;.;1.1►; I:iaam, Secretary \\'un of the sadist thin's ahot'l nuns- papirs 8: that the leen who eo„d run - - -- - -- _ ' them hest !it must hu SO, hcc)s t hes lit Industry 11 111 In the eald Pillage of 1316th, i5) O 1 Monday, the 21•h day of JI'Irch, 1)1(17, the 1t neve of the aald''tllmge of Myth annually clerearter u 1 maid (late, nn'I to 'boll attend et the (' ►unull Chamber at seeuru to the Heli ('lrporatinn by tl;mt K'even n'etock In the forenoon to nppotnt IIIc:tI*Si on lots 1, 2, 11 rind 12, 1:city's persune to attend at the polling plieee durVC). In the Village or Illyth, together al,ire'tild, end at the Ilntl sununing up of with the huildinge, anti plant there- the % ite.r liv the Clerk on Behalf of the on, to the full angouat of 138)0, and by an peptone interested in promoting or opens' E +I'y its so th''In•elt•'I are so Lazy donne Ineuraben thereof to the full ;minim of inn the paegtngof thlsho lalvrespectively. T stow lung .'Ise they htl•ent lilac. \'•tme Vilthe 1''linge shilll attend et the e tune!' Chain, hal,11 t he 1115111111 \you'd he 8( nesse all the paid Mrs. Emily 11. hill by ex• ber in the held Vmecca at eleven (i elouk in folios wool' cleolge I'Inces with the wore emotion 11018 tax�atl•n Per pt un a dud the forennne of 11'odnesda , the 27th day �JCTAN'Y'mD InIM';ui,lell n,)nspttper mel for nwit81i ! yearly as,esstnent of e12'c) 06.) (,rxeerit hc800l ' of M arc'' lii,17, to mum up the number of The1o�t.,papir loan goes in ?.lee the taxes) of the said fa^tory, lauds and plant I vn.P)] for anti against the h6. law, We want to 1ny your '''turkey's n►erchint 8181 the rile.':hint $es, "Say, for a p'rtn'I of ten years. 1)t:e'I et the Council (: iambic in the ant' will pa 1' the 11tgi',t Market wily dun. you fella rite oft holy bud it AND 11'111?11E11i It Is desirable that oald V'lllepe01 Myth, the IS;bday of t is (lir the torso 16.'11en t.+ .111 t hi nods i) th'e said ('np,iratlonshould gr.►nt the malt' • February, A. 1). 1!017. Klee. 11'rlti! 1''m' particulars and I'° u k' sod,Y 'I'nl'Ol)r0'! (.rive it 2 ion food awl herr', ;IND WHEREAS in order thereto 111 ' arae, 1many an'' yon have. 1 Tel eu1 2 spend tlinit nlunni Mite w111 be neeessery to 1.1x110 debenture)] of It save. peon'' thou 1.1011 6.1'811 .Seen "II"IIclathe' y (118 saki 111.8 lfclpalltyfor the sunt of Three � ('lark. The Canada Poultry &Produce n.udhcloi1 pay their taxis, andlelpiu Thousand 11share lt+hereinafter provided ! gi v thou it good town 2 liv in !" And 1,wliloh i)] the debt Intended to be created 1 Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. tete 1100;f,,il,il• 10;x11 stet, "1'r+•+, 1 guess 8t rty this by -Ines) the proceeds of the mold l 'l',iiCE NOTICE that the above is it true '' r good awl rite." And they debentures to be applied to the put oyes ! co, of a proposed b law which has been -- --_-- -...__ . __.. .._ .. _- 'night cis;, P �Y 1 p )• keep un tittykin. And hi and hi the afm'e'ald end to no other, ; taken foto consideration, and ehiuh will NOL Ice tc1 Credit 01'S• 1 „0uswuwnr man Icous i,vir the user- .1\1) 1VIIEREAS 1t Imdesireble to issue; be finally pooled hy the uounell of the liiut +desk rind picks u , to note Sed, or the debentures at one time, truce to nuke; munielnellty on the event of the assent of (' I i : • ' I the prluc.pal of said debt repayable by the Phe or'c ttlerti1 ) afrer nee month from In !tae 11)81 ter of the );sr11le of Martini hill lied, or letir lied, or envnlip, 11111 yearly suul'1 during the period of fifteen I the !lest publication in Tut I1i.v•iii Sri AN. Cade, tete of the Township of \Ior- j looks at it and Heti, "W1lalir dill yo gut years being the currency of sold debdnt• I DARN, the date of .1.111011 11rrt leolleei non tis, 8n the Coutty of Ilurolt, Gen-' this printer), Jones's'" And the 1110r- grey, said yearly sums being of such re• t wit. 'l'hursdmy, tats 21 1 d 1y of 1'•hruary, dental, descried. I1;hint Hes, ••011, 1 got that duo 8n '1'o• spec•ti' 8 Amounts that tbo aggregate' 1007, anti that the veto's of tthe'•arettn8 01 NOTICE is hereby whom, pursuant to i .onto," amount payable In each year for principal 1, thet'ald teuele panty will be taken them Devised Statutes of Ontario,Ii117 Anel I II atilt the gent 81 door from 11e6.'iu that and Interest In respeot of the saki debt 1 on on the day ,toll at the hours and pace attending Aete, that all crediors having ;;iv the noospaper 111111, most caws for shall be as nearly as p0outble tiptoe to the 1 they, in t11r ill. amount so pA)ablclu ouch of the other A. l;I,. 11'Jt, C ik, any claims against the estate of the said aiikshus tllot, Its the gmitil loos from fourteen soars of said period. Martin Cede, who died on or about the0rdinairi 111011 11s. 1 rs the, %vete of mind AND WHEREAS the total amount re. 'Thirteenth day of February. A. U. 1007, I e1a6.1•;d lib tllink114 of the number of dol• qulred by the Municipal Aot to be rallied are regalred on or before the 'I'iventy• I;1.5 they hazy welkin aro:,rnl in otltir annually by special rate f.►r ptying the third day of March, .1, p 1907, to sent' hy ,se ;81•c )ot:kttti ,Vit bout ayes • teres' Bald debt and Interest as hereinafter r, Does for Missions. post, 1. IL,(i, to Joseph a (;rasby, 1: q•' l'.11"1).1 ,tttniin 3 edeas (rube it. that tneiks noose sided 19 8.150 al. P Myth U„ one of tete ext raters of the ANI.) WHEREAS the whole rateable sand estate, the full particulate of their' P111111' men So sate' and mourin 1 tint' property ot the V,llageof Blyth, according claims, the statement of their eresuut' hunlbillookin, (111 just „81'it.6.'u this to the fast revised assessruentroll thereof and the nature of the securities of any' 1 hint s0 ynl8 no how 4 kore the loo'(, be• I s_'u1,2,, ' held by them. , cos its a shame to bey so tine at boli of ANI) \V111',ItE.1S the aolouut ot the ANI) NO1'iCE Is further gi+'on that attest lookin so sad and humble lookin. after the maid Ia'+t mentioned date, the \\'O 5110(1(1 al11115 u'i 2 cheer up our salt' executor: will proceed to distribute fella niurril5. the assets of the dec3ased atnoug the par. \freta way sant )ee )il lay of uellikin ties entitled thereto, having regard only ( 1 I to the claims of wnich they shall then' the nou.4plpir 1111111 hsppi is Iii [akin his What the Methodist Church The following IiRlll•t•tt, taken from 11e molted lliseiulmry 1'11011 of the yletlio list chord!, snows the cunt'i• existing deb;+nture debt of the said 11111111.1)1111085 to 14 I'iN un'+ turn 1'eriuu' ri1• olpal 11 y Is 826,153.0a, of which $0,8.10,;;:8 im 00118 811 Mellon fur 1Ie• past Y,''"1'. the [or loll inproyotnentm, and there lsuuth• Odd cents 118111gullitted, who'll Ing In arrears thereon tor either principal a slight ,ItlT•.re111'e 111 the totals res giveil or interest. hr!ru 11nd those which a1pear to the rot hate riot'er's and that the soul exeeutora loom' for ye01s till its n rite i nest SWIM- AND WHEREAS the total annu'il port ;-- • muuteInnl taxation of the sold ntuulot al• , • $1.4 will not be liable for the assets, or anyin in 'loos an, teen sendiu'' it. bilk , P t;odet'IcG .s 'tell i' .pet " f, 1 t, It is ai(I:I�1,;,11 and the annual lav re. $1,4.1 part thereof, to any person or persons of i tititi•kid "rifused," and forget int: 2 sol,'-) qulred for similar (;louses already grant• Vletorla 8 rest T ` whose claims notice shall not have been , , !sloe, (t,dertuh r,., to } 110 1 ani Int1►ni o'o'hs hr epi' of that sort ed by the municipality, atter deducting Wesley been reserved by them at the time of much 111'1' n' iIICC11 Its I,6. 111 13re.;wnx, 1+1111 the amount re he paid annually In respect Clinton, ;i7'i (Ilstrllwtdou• ,- • 7 Castle S:raet 24(1 Dated at Brussels, tbey' do Huy the situ. 8s so nlpen 110 thereof, Is 32 ,_t, and the amount of such „ this 111th of Pub. Annual levy required for the payment of lurnord 70} 325 roars, .1, 1), 1tM17, 6.y8ntid : clurga his 6.yifu (or t1e privy. ,tt.the debent rris now .opo+ed to bo Issued, braforth 7 .1. It AlAt.naxu. S ilinitor for lig of cutin his hail hecu2 s she fuolishliP rafter deducting th + said amount to be r, • win h 'I'rlo)IAs firstly 0.111E:, l'alathain, Ont, serf she rather 18kd tin job, raid annual y, is $37.73, nttktng a total gale Utll6 Jrseei (lesser, Illyth, Ont., Executors, i Peepil think noospnpil•s sh0od fairly Levy lo•a thin ten pm tint of the sa d Exeter, Main Street 210 ---- -• --- ----- • • •• - - ' fol o1il• thetnielvs 1l'yilig boom their taxation, tlexsmltG _,O1 ?311 town, Int. yu n81ir Will tlin 1011'11 fairly' '1'11Eltl I!'OltE the Muni (pal Council of )'Nester, Janne Sweet 6.4 1 filling uvir itself tryiug2 boom elle nous. the (,rporat o i of the V1I.a3e of Illyth HolIneavllle 170 paters. Anil whute grod %'itik fur the enacts as follows : - Kbutll i (r 22 prise i good feed for the gunrlir, (I) The Municipal (hurcil of the \ II. ,S'larou 11 a of 11 soil 'ehai1 a 11'1 c, to the Paid Bl • Pretti neerli any noosfnpir roan wil Mrs. I;•ully If, Hill toe bum of 'Three yth lel y1 Haata co'i'n cf praise dtl501)1 stir ,'I oouhnnd 183000) 1) .Mars by w,tv of a loan 'ittoksond 1 181111 tip yunrtir 415 much its 2 lilies of to ald the sail M s. 1'Nmily 1t. 1111 In the Dungannon i':pnsuro, co.rstructlon an 1 e tahtl•hnteut of the Urewe sett] fact'.ry 8) 8)01 as th, salon la e.lm• Nile pleted, ria leery tet rola and In running Sheppardton order, and up►n the terms a id o,udicious J'beut z ur in an apriement made and in the pre• llonmiller amble hereto set on ; and tar the purpose Bethel of ratting the Said sung debentures or the '!sloe said Corporal n to the amount of ;;3000 Ittlib In 8Umm ot 80116118 than 91100.00 each shall Centralia Our '1'1) all 11e 11011' till T 1 lE A part of 1a noosptpir thitts just 115 I inli,o.lint Its the I100S itself ie ndvirtis• 0 ; ing, 'J'llatir silt a imply in the kouutri 11181. could he run 011 the Iuttnni it lets iron' subScr•ip511uns aloe). The print• irFN attVirt.i ing spaiee i5 just. 11e 1alim'2 1 hint as the goods 01 the groser•v noon or 11ry Loocl.a ))an are 2 1111413, Tho 04118 be Issued, call, of wale, dehon1u'•ss shall i difr'rns is that while 1110 grnsery nuts be dated the 13th day 0? ,1Iay, 1007, and la6.ylts of pounil5 and u)uskk and ;t•oes, shall be payable within Ilf.een years there• and 11e dr'i goods mal of yards Burl after at the Bank. 01 Ilamtltou in the aa'd ,'ones and wins, the printir t.awhA of r... 11,011111~ and 1111:his and Hues, 1'et peepil who 111111kn haul lot of thetnsolyes ' slll)Sc'rilic'I'�; (Irene I tri 2 wtirk the printir 111 for a (11 inebis ;It't'll 1 71h, Ices ; mf free aill'irtising, while they wooden' think of going L 1110 gr05pry loan and engin, "lfnre, hat a good 1'0110, $urn � 0)6.yus ftmeas 1 no, giv men dnllit:s HE S1ANDARD we ell of oIlrst for 11 "Herr 01' to of the tri 911gi neer', 'here'; it bit2 of Woos for yu--1 no yore :dolt.; gI;111 to et. noo5--gi111me 2 m' 0 yards of dress ods for nothing „ g • t will I)( sent till i goods VII InIT Ent nlchhe $•nye 1110(1 2 play that kind of rt giitn nn the pl'intir ynreself. Oilli it looks (lifrnnt when • 9°8�..7I s♦, 1 i 8 I yu get 11 put ,lite 1 it 2 yu in koI(1 ripe, Jan The (lest 1100:'prl iirs a1.0 Illwtls 111 51)111 iofhir town. Its n. i 11(013' line pipit' that Gnnihudi he S111a11 S11I11 Of dlsent tiro 2 we'll side end isey,''1'1811 their pint anything in that old rag 1" 't'I'hnt. rc)))tyle press !" Inelen5 the pnpirn+that 11a6.' entirly'diftint opiny'tms 2 y'1II'es. bettir kilos of tiniiis" meet's the pepirs thathay the sails apiny'u)s r14 ,6.'n 111ty, \V unto; 1141111' 6.VUs an editor who lte.vit' maid a 111151 )11. fears Tike IIIc 111811 who nnvir told a li-110'8 de(1, 75c Subscribe Now Subs:rihe for '1'111. S'r,txu,tiu►, Tho steamer.! Al into and Stanley have been struck in the nen near Pietrau Is- 1nnd, end eornmunicetion with Prluce Edward Island 18 again cut elf, Ask Your OwnDoctor SleneWellsommodowewommuiewoommeml If he tells you to take Ayer's• Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it, If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "t have toed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for hard eoide, bed coo he, tad Induuurr, It Sao du)1e me aitral Rot unit 1 believe It le the beet ceug4enedteine In the world for all Throat and lung troubles,' • - p L1 e, drL' &wr, Albany, Oregon, 010111111111111111111P' Made by J. 0, AJ�r Co., Lowe11, Mae, ♦ eo menu Meurer, of i SARSAPARILLA. erSPILLS. �a✓✓ V IIAIR VIGOR. Kbep the bowls open with one of Ayer's Fills et bedtime, Just one, Ilonsall 1litllesda 1s (pppcn 11111s Green ()nIscltlur'at Crediton ).,lent zsr ()rand Bund, 13,ston Salem Shlpka (grand Bend Brussels Cranbrook Ethel (!neon Hose Pordwloll Newbridge Mayne Auburn Donnybrook tel West 1141d 187 301 Walton 17 IleLhel I.'rovideue3 i,ondeaboro Climatal e! Ila) Iltld Bethel Color Varna Bract field Goshen (lorrie Orange 11i11 Wroxeter ilolntore Salem Auer Ale Johnetone'e gheneXer 121 201 2011 :)6 i 2;37 1I1(I 401 4I'2 213 14 23 232 34) 271 40 8) 1:18 102 147' 3 I } 210 11:11 44 :soI 187 1101 41 160 l:ll ) 41) 20 47 181 :1:12 t 18f ma 1'11 1 80} 07 274 1:,71 117 FIIJ 27) 15 - I4 86 173 73( 218 2'i' 4-1 211 1101 213 ) O2 f 32, ) ;Iii -I.1. III 03 711 3if J 177 80 Aat11IIold, ,lrkett'11leeke'e 17 i /,ton ,;S 1 110po ;II) 2(17 flelorave 77 1 Sunshine , Brick Church 1 12 ) 217 The l;ptt'0l 6.h l,eagnem of Exeter District ra•Scd 85)3 for the Support of Dr, Alan, of l'h,'ntn, China, those leagues which aro in Boron raising the following : - \loin Street, Exeter, SA); James Street, Exeter, $I!'i ; (;ent'alie, $15 ; Hensel', 4428 ; Crud ltoti, $!5, Hensall The Epworth Leagues iii (3odul•lt'h District contributed 118 follows towards A8scssoI Boni 11.011 has c0nlptetad 1118 the suwporl 01 Rut', \V, ,1, 81011c, of work, and reports i 2 dogs in 110118811, elayOalilut, 11• C. ;--forth Street, (lode• NI1s Iia6.t•k 11115 rented W. L(mmte'8 rinh,,,�t , 1 irtnri8 Street, t t, Uollerielt, 1 usidenre. \I r, Hawk is expected 1101110 $illi; \Veslay, (;li10on, 8711 ; Ontario front Iiinlherly, Africa in 110 Spring, 5'I•eet, Cli,i oil, 858 • Seafol'lll, :k 10 ; TheStalill0 committee have 1llt•oll'n 1Iuln os4•11le, 82l1 ' IIIy'h, 810 ; 11ue- out the 5r, Joseph 511111 Banalmud gamin,, $3S ; \rile, 811 ; ueInlillor, 81 no end St, ,1u50ph redia1 railway $17 ; Auburn, $71; ; \Pollan, tiff ; Len- hill, desb1ro, $23 ; lima field, 1327 ; Varna, \(,'8tl Ilicbardson, who 6.6118 home for 2•I. Total, it short lime, r(tur)ed to Mutton 11118 Thu Epworth I,edgues which happen week, lie has entirely recovered from to he in Iltn'ou in the 11'int;IUllll Uis• 11111 eiTeuts of 111 operation, trice raised 1.1,0 (ullowfn_ euitnuts for Lot wrenee Stitz fs in town again, the 5up(ort of Ilei', (i, ilttiley' tat I\ilti• Ile has heel' in London for n couple of mat, 1, C.:-11'inuhuul, 8221; urns- months, Micro he hail 1115 arm, which sets, $8, ; Ethel, $100 ; I''ord6.yich, 871 ; I has troubled 111111 for years amputated. (Iorrle, 1116 ; Wroxeter, I(II) ; 'dec're'e, $1 ' A'htield, 857) ; Ilr'Igrnve, $15,'llhe foregoing represents over 87,002, raised 1y I he 7.' 110t Itodist chat chem end appointments in this county for missions, ,add to this the sunt of $Ills, rltis0cl by the League: of (-Iotloriels 1)ls- trio ; $tilt) 1y' that of 1Vin(;Ilatn 1)1s• trier, and 44111 raised by Exeter, and wa have total of $9,111I raised by rine denominn11011 for Mission purposes (lur- ing the paint year, 1 Bank of Hamilton $ 1 In ten years the deposits of the Bank have increased 278 per rent. ----as will lie noted front the following figures : 1897-$ 6,437,436 1902. -$ 14,184,250 1898--- 7,684,374 1903- 15,864,880 1899-- 8,770,994 1904- 17,583,149 1900•--- 10,019,581 1905- 21,464,121 1901----- 11,549,904 1906- 24,386,027 Interest a impounded quarte' ly. T. \V. S('O'I'T AGI.Nr 3)).Y -r1) Iulere,t on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, allowed at highest cur- rent rates, r ar 7°4-11. T�dENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORD ONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a quarter century's suece eful record of wonderful and almost miraculous cures of the most difficult and intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles, Such 1s Psychine's record, Thousands of caseH given up by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per. ntanently cured by Psychine, It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, pncuuiorfia, consumption, Indigvetion, loss of appetite and all wasting d&scal3es. 11 My sots had a terrible cone)) and Wal) wasted to a elladow. Uoetors odd he could liot nye, Ile used hr. ehh,e, it cured ldn1,"-ktri. J. hung. er, Brockville, "After Inking 11,00 worth of Pay chine my lungs aro well and life 1e egnln worth living," -bus. I. Iticb. ard,, Marrlutt a (rove, N,S, "My 11lllgx are now soluad as libel) after lasing I'ti)•chlue."•-•11. ltobbine, Iirldgeburg, (hal. "i sychine saved Illy life -A.15'111. deu, 7 Cornwall 8t,,'1'oruuto, Psychine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute AT ALL D11ALL'RS, 50c and 11,00 A BOTTLE DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO , YOUR BUSINESS ! 7 • (70. r printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness, stationery indicates slovenliness, 'Tasty, well The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies Oply the better kind -won't hay us to turn out any 210 other. 1-1 ig'h-priced, experienced workmen r- my are employed, 205 because they should (la ---;end (lo --better work than inexperi- enced help, We will convince you of this it' yon will trust us .with your next order.