HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-02-28, Page 1tut ., VOL, XX. •-.._...•1011..._. tb. • BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1907. No. 30. ************************* Which ? Western Canada 1 desire to call the attention of my old friends and ae• qunintances to some moneymaking opportunities in the west. 1-I still hare a fow lots --money-makers- in "Glengarry" the fatuous Calgary sub•divisinn ; price, $60 for a short titno. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,000 in five years. 2-A chance for $[000 to make $8000 in a Winnipeg invest- ment without risk of loss, 3 -Among many land snaps in my list I call attention to the Sb and NW} of Sec. 26, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2tld, only 9 miles from Moose Jaw -largest city in Saskatchewan, 0 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, 812 cash or $14 on terms -57 down and rest in three annuals at 6 per cent ; neighboring land has sold at $18. A splendid half section in the Arcola district for $11, being the NE} and fractional W} of Sec, 1.1 in Twp. 10, R1ulgo 7 west 2nd. John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. Some If's IF you cotno our way we'll send over- flowing values your way, IF you leave a dollar with us it's mere- ly exchanging the monoyy for it's equivalent in groceries, What we send you will be as sound and as genuine as the money., IF you are a careful spender this store will appeal to you on the more of economy, IF you are anxious to secure goods which aren't afraid of the closest scrutiny this is a good place to come. It is a good place to come for every lesson that makes one store better than another, Glad to greet you at any time. JAMES CUTT BL,Y1'I3 Danforth. \fcEw°n & Geiger, 'ef the Seaford) Flax Mill, shipped a lot of flax last week. The E McFaul Co, aro making sev- eral improvements in the interior of their dry goods establishment. Appleford Bro. who has been con- ducting the Seaforth News for the past three or four years have disposed of it toe Mr, Vale, of Tilbury. On Tuesday evening last while going down collar at his home, Cheviot; Broadfnot .had tho inisfortuno to fall with the result that he sustained sev• eral injurieet, which will hty hien off work fin• tt few weeks. We regret, to leers of it serious acci- dent which recently. betel Thomas Pringle, of Milwaukee, an old Seaforth boy, Mr. Pringle wits hurrying to meet a trltin when he slipped and fell, fracturing his leg in two pieces, Mr. McLean, who has held .thn posi- tion of Classical Master at Seafort h Collegiate Institute since ChrIMtntas, has tendered hie resignation to the hoard, to take effect at Easter, Tho board have, with regret, accepted this resignation, and aro now advertising for another teacher, \Vo understand it is Mr. McLean's intention to take up post•graduato work. SPRING SVITtNGS What about your new Spring Suit. Just received a big shipment of new Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings. 50 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure. Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Uvercoatings. In the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for. Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats. Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks. One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3 5o and our 'Purple Shoe at $5, This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts, Every Shoe is Guaranteed S. H. Cidley It meow a waste of words to argue that a business etiucition Is necessary for the snecees In life of young sten and women. No reasonable person doubts It. It is a shied fact. The only question -the vital question - is this : "Which college?" Shall it be a school where Gammon sense, practical methods are followed 1 Shall it be the best college or next best 1 It costs nothing to get our now mita- !ague, Simply ask us to send It to your address, It tells about the most practi- cal Business College In (Mario, \\'e be- lieve it to he the very best. Enter any time, Individual instruction. MN MEI COLLEGE Affiliated with Clinton liusiuest College) 3E0. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL Hensall. Thi'1•o is talk of building nn addition to the rear of the Melsoeo Bank. T. Welsh has made a proposition to hent our public school by steam, piped from t ho power house. A petition is likely to he presented to the Council requesting that honorable body to amend the existing by-law so as to prohibit all unheeded cattle from running at large within tho limit of the corporation, Mr. Dunlop. who has had charge of the hank hero since it was warted was transferred to Owen Sound, another branch ; ho has a lot of friends who are sorry for his departure, Mr. Laird takes his place hero. Auburn. S. Wilson spent it few days in Wing - ham. Mitis ZsIle McDonald spent Sunday at home. C. Moore, of Goderich, v.eited friends here last week, Miss Charlotte Lawlor, of the Sault Is home on a visit. Miss Turtle Brown of Ooderich, spent Sunday with friends here. The hridgemon have the first girder on tho Maitland bridge near here. Last week it was said that the rifle club would hold their annual oyster supper 01) the 27tH, but since that the date has been changed to the 26th, Leadbury. Joe Davidson has loft for Arcola whore he intends seeking his fortune, Arthur Love, and his sisters Misses Ella stud Edna. have been v sititlg with friends in Hilbert township. Geo. Itichardson has purchased the old house from Wal. Davidson and has ttnd it moved to his farm on the 14th. This is an old landmark which was oc- cupied by the Davidson family Ion): years ago. \Vn1, .Staples intends building a fide residue° this Summer and hits let the contract to .1no, Hunter, of Crnnbrook. Mr. Hunter to an experienced workman and is well spoked of by all whom he has done work for. Wiingham. It is said that over twenty new dwelling houses will ho erected in Wingham during t ho coming Summer it. N. Barrett and Murray Wilson, left on Friday last for Brandon. Mr. 13errett will remain in the \Volt and Mr, Wilson will return in a few weeks. George C, Hanna has rented the old postoflle° store in the Mncdoneld block and will open on the 1st of Mauch with a complete line of house furnishings and clothing. C. G. VauStonohas sold his building lot on John Street, on which the foun- dation fur a house has been built, to Grammar and Drugs I cough, you cough, he coughs, we cough. you cough, they cough. That's before taking White Citta Virgin Pine and Tar I am well, you aro tt'oll, he is well, we are wol., you are well, they too well, That's after taking it. It costs only 60c to mak° the change, We sell it. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE r. W. J. MILIITE Blyth„D . BLYTH I', J. Hill, Mr Hill will erect a dwell- ingon this property The authori1ley of \\'ingliain (m(sal Ifo.pit tl have decided tlutt the visiting day shall be 'Tuesday and friday of each week, from 2 to 9 o'clock p. Parties wishing to visit the hospital will kindly take note of this, Dr Kennedy net with an 1reilent on Monday afternoon which 111 ght easily have been more serious. Ho was run into by a 1•rltlawny teats of horses near the brickyard, North of the town, He end one rib fractured and his cutter hitdly smashed, but we are pleased to report that 110 is able to be around. Clinton. Thos. Cottle is around performing his duties as assessor. Morrish & Crooks took t ver the clouding business formerly carried on by 'tokens Bros, on ,Saturday, and make their initial how to the public, 11. Draper, of Montreal, Inspector Molsons Bank, has been paying the local branch an official visit the past week. He held the positio'e of ac- countant in the Clinton branch twenty- five years ago. A couple of nights during last week it WKS noctssrtt•y for the Electric Light Cotnpitny to shut down during the later hours of the night, owing to a coal shortage ; this has been remedied and the nil night service is now unin- terrupted. Captain 'Tiller, who has been ju charge of the Salvation Army 10 50 corps for some time, hes been assigned to special work and left town last week. Ile is succeeded by Captain' Hoar, who comes from Ridgetown and is said to have been very successful in the work heretofore. Exeter. W. \V. Muir, o.vung to returning ill health, has been forced to resign his position with the Molsons Bank at London, returning to his home here. Ethelbert 11 estcott had it lively time Tuesday with the pony hitched to a tobogan. It was hitched too short and run away, frightening the boys badly but doing no deinego, While A. Deytnitn, was turning the corner at. the Trivitt Memorial Church, his cutter upset throwing hits to the ground. Ho managed to keep control of the horse, Tho only damage sus - tamed was a broken shaft, David iJills received word lacst week that his 8011, George, who went to Dakota some time ago, was frozen to death at Granville, N. 1). Mr, Hillis hits seat several letters to ascertain rf\ such is the case, but as yet has not re- ceived any reply. On Friday night last Will Knight won the mile oven race at the rick for tho third time straight and won the model. Although there were several entries it soon developed into a con- test between Frank 1Veekes and \V ill Knight and right up to finish it was anyone's race ; however, \\'ill won by only a foot or two. A sleeting of the directors of the Exeter Agricultural Society will he held on Saturday to forth coin In itt' es for the corning Victoria Day celebra- t.iun, It is necessary that all the directors be present as matters of im- portance will be brought before the meeting. It is the intention to make the coining celebration 011e of the hest in the history of Exeter. Hdllett. Janes Shobbrook returned on Friday from a week's visit to fiends its the vicinity of Exeter. Prank Kettle sold a ve, y fine heavy draught mitre, seven years old to Archibald & euduloro, of Seaforth, for 1418It.0, Govier recently sold to Mr, Dick- son, of \Valton, ,t breeding mare for, 8200, Last week he got a young geld- ing from Other Wilson, of Goderich township, paying it good price there- for, W. Waite., having sold his fat tn, wi11 have a sale of his effects on Friday, Match 1st. He has bought property u1 Goderich to which town he will short- ly remove, Be 18 one of ten most highly esteemed young amen of the Northern part of the township, and and will bo missed, being a good citi- zen in every sense of the term, 'l'hn remains of Mrs. Thornton \\'a1• lace, of Iiullott, who died in North Battloford, wore brought home for in- terment, arriving at Clinton by the late train 'Thursday night, 14th inst., which, rather did not get in until about 2.130 Fridity morning, Rer youngest son, Henry, accompanied the remains which were taken to the home of hor son, Albert, i►nd from there to Clinton cemetery on Saturday after- noon, it very llrgo number showing re- spect to her memory. The rnlir:inus snrVICPS Were conclncted by Rev. Ur. Stewart, the pall -heaters tieing Messrs, Joshua and George 11111, W111, and Henry Mcl3rion, James Snell and C. Lovett, ass IN TiIIITOMACIH. NordrBelching and the eel's() of fullness By=law No.4, 1907 0l '1'IIE VILLAGE (.)lis MLYT11 A I3y-law to authorize the Vil- lage of Blyth to aid Mrs. Emily R. 11 i11 to erect a factory, for the purpose of manufacturing sash and doors and general house fur- nishings and planing mill supplies within the said Vil- lage of Blyth by a loan of Three 1 housand ($3000) Dollars and exemption from taxation, except school tax- es, and to provide for the issue of debentures for the borrowing of the said amount and for the levy to meet the same. %VHER EAS he saiti M . Esilly I1. Ilill hits eutered into an egr getter'', to erect n factory for the Ianutacture of sash and doors and ueneral house turllishinizs end planing still supplies in the said %Ideal, of Blyth, and has roque -ted the held Cor- poration of Myth, to aid her by a loan 1)1 $3000 to be repaid with interest thereon 1►t the rate of three per centum per annum in fifteen annual instalments of principal and interest of 82,11.30 e tch, the hr.,' of such instalments t • h' p11d oft the 15th day of May, A. I). 10044, and the balance annually thereafter o , said date, and to stcure to the said C eporation by tint mortgage on lot• 1, 2, 11 ind 12, Kelly's survey, In the Vlllaice of Blyth, together w ith the buildings, and plant there- on, to the full amount of $3000, and by an insurance thereof to the tuil amount of tete loan o1• as the interests of the C,►rpora- tion of Blyth may appear ; and to further aid the said Mrs. Emily R. hill by ex- emption from taxat ten, sxc pt on a fixed ye rly assessment of $200,00 (except school taxes) of the said faotury, lands and plant fur n period of ten years. AND WHEREAS It is desirable that the timid Curpuration ahoutd grant the said aid. AND WHEREAS in order thereto It will be need -acus to imbue debentures of the said Municipality for the burn of 'Three Thousand 'Dollars as hereinafter provided (which is the debt intended to he created by this by-law) the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid tied to no other. ANI) WIIEItEAS it is desirable to Issue the 0obentureh at ono time, and to make the principal of said debt repayable by yearly sums during the petikd of fifteen years being the ourreuel of said debent- ures, said yearly sums being of such re- spective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest.in respect of the acid debt shall be as dearly as possible t qual t0 the amount so payable in each of the other fourteen veers tit''‘tlti period. AND 1\'11E111:AS the total amount le- qutred b, the i11uuterital Act to bo ratio ti sit uutilly by suecletl rite for p'►ytng LII Aid debt And interest as hereinafter pr ,- vide(' is $289 03. AND 11 IIERE 1S the whole rateable property of the Village of Blyt h, according to Ole last revi'ed assesen►eut roll thereof, Is $201,082, AND \VIIERi:AS the ant;uut of the exist ing d. hen ter debt of the -aid muni- cipality is $20,155.00, of which $9,850,53 is for local Improvements, and tbete is nut(• leg In arrears thereon for either luiheipal or Interest, ANI) 11'IIEHEAS the total annual ,nu•,.ciletl • .x • Ito of the said municipal- ity is $0,321.30 aid the tu►nuel levy re- quired sur suulhte bonuses already grant- ed by the mutncipatily, after deducting the amount to he paid annually In respect thereof, Is $327.27, and the amount of such annual levy required for the payment of the debentures now proposed to he issued, differ deducting the said nneouut to be re- paid Ful tually, is $37,75, Making a total t vy les than ten per et tit of the aid t.xa to THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the C rpm.,tioti uf the V,Ilahe uf Illyth (elect8 as follows (1) ('ho Municipal C no ell of the Vtl• lege of 1311th she l novel ce to , the Mali Mrs. Beth R. Mil the -um of 'Tree '1' tuuntu.d ($30(3(3) 1) II .s by • tit .•f n loaf, lo aid the sato 'Mts. 1: oils It. 11 .1 its the construction and establishment of the said factory s0 Noon as 1)10 srin►0 Is e.nu• pleted, machinery therein and in running order, and upon the terms and conditions 1111111 agreement trade and In the pre• amble hereto set out ; and tar the purpos' of raising the sold sum dehettures of the said Corp wet ton to the ant tilt of $30(X) iu sums of not Its++ thin :;100,00 • itch ahitil be issued, em•h of w1110 111 tit Irl lire• shah be dated the 15 It Day of 111sy, 1907, and shall be ptty tilde wit hi (Ifieeu)enis1 el e• after at the Blink of Hamilton in the sato \rllhttt.er I31•tti. (2) E ce 01 the aid (ebentute- shell b slated to the R. . re ut !he 5,.111 Vllhaµe and by the '1' ensure! of the -aid Village and t he City k hell Attach thereto the e'liteate eta! of the '11111 tour lc palitt, (3) ,'The said debet tore to h shell bent int et est at the r oe of fly (5; ) p r centuw per Annum pat able 31 arty at t he said ankon the 15th day of May iu each year durhig the currency thereof, (4) Durhtg the currency of the said. de, hem there -111111 be 1'(180( euutually by so often experienced after eatingis slpeci,ti rale Ott .11 the r►teable property caused by caused formation of gas, The in the said Vill.tgo of 1313th the suns ••t stomach [rills to porfot•In its functions T.•n flnndred ,and E14l•t;y-Nine 03/100 and he food ferments, Chamborlitin s ; (8280,03) Dollars f it (he 9111'1)050 1 f payneg he "1""1"111.1"°) tit each of the Maid year Stomach end Liver tablets will eorrect fur pet• pet ►► , loser t In rrspt+e' of the I l►e disco der. '!'hey aid digestion and Mt•nuutl10t1 and 111Vianrate the stomach (5) A d BA Muntelp 1 C until el and bowels, For stile by all druggi its, the Village uf 131y tit doth hereby turtber enact that the said factory so to he erect- ed and operated, as aforesaid, tnoluding the lands, buildings, plant, machinery ind stock connected therewith and 0 -ed for the purposes of the said sash and loor factory and general house furnish• pugs and planing trill supplies, Including dry kiln, More room and machine shop, be exempted from a further taxation other than 11 Iixed assessment yearly of B200,00, except its to school taxes for a period of 10 consecutive years, commencing with and including the year 190(4, 80 long as the held factory shall be operated In accord - sues with an agreement entered into, and upon the terms and conditions set out in the preamble hereto. (0) This by-law shall take efi'cet on the u►v of the passing thereof. tit The votes of the electors of the said Village of Blyth shall be taken on this by-law on Tuesday, the 20th day of March ext, colones cing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the sante day, by A. Elder, returning °MMioer, .t Industry Hall in the said Village of myth, c+4) On Monday, the 25th day of March, 1907, he R •eve of the said Village of Blyth ail attend at the Council Chamber at El ven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint nersooa to attend at the polling ptacee arachnid, and at the linal summing up of tie votes by the Clerk on behalf of the ' 'ersone interested In promoting or epees - Inv the puking of this bv•lawres eotlpvely. (9) The Clerk of the Council of the said Vll,tge shall a' tend at the Council Cham- ber In the said Village at eleven o'clock in the fnrennnn of Wednesday, the 27th day of March, 1907, to sum up the number of trot PP. for and against the hyy•law. 1) t„t'd at the Cnuncll Chamber In the +►Id Village 0f Blyth, the list( day of F.;bruary, A. I), 19(17, peeve. Clerk. true cols', f1a proposed ed TICE b -laat w which e abovehas been rnk}n into consideration, and which will he finally passed by the counotl of the municipality (in the event of the assent of the electors thereto) after one month from 'he first publication In THE BL.vTll STAN. nAuu, the date of which first publication w.t- Thursday, the 21st day of February, 1907, and that the votes of the electors of the said municipality will be taken there- on on the day and at the hours and plaoe herein fixed. A. ELDER, Clerk. .16 MONTHLY FAIRS BLYTFI Wednesday, April 3, 1907 All tllv Leading horse and cattle buyers are speltally invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOAN, President. Witt. JACKSON, Vice -President) J. LEMAN KEtttt, Secretary PASTOR AND POPLE PRAISE CHINE (PRONOUNCED S(KEEN) A Marvellous and Triumphant Record of Victory Over Disease. No medicine has ever effected as large a number of wonderful and almost mar- vellous cures as Psychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over diseas- es of the throat, chest, lungs and stomach. Where doctors have pronounced cases incurable front consumption and other ,wasting diseases Psychine steps in and rescues numberless people even from the very verge of the grave. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chills, Night Sweate, La Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, yield quickly to the cura- tive powers of Psychine. Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured, slakes the following statement: I cannot refrain from telling all who puffer of my remarkable recovery with Psychine. in April, 11)02, I caught a heavy cold which Retlled on my lungs and gradual!y led to consumption, I could not sleep, was subject to night sweats, my Lungs were so diseased, my doctor considered me incurable. hes. Mr. Iifahaffy Port ICOR Presbyterian Church, recommended Dr. Slocum's Psychine to me, when I was living in Ontario, After using Peychine for a short time I ate and slept well, tho night sweats and cough ceased. Months ego I stopped taking Paycltlne, A41 area perfectly restored to health and to -day I never reit better in my life. I'sychino line been a god - scud to 1ue, Hes, ASDURW CAMPBELL, Cottonwood, N,W,T, PSYCIHINE never disappoints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There is no other medicine "Just as good." At all dealers 30c, and $1,00 per bottle. 11 not write to OR. T. A, SLOCUM, tlmlted, 179 KIN St W„ TORONTO vel Dr. Root's Kidney Pilin are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism Bright's' Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at all dealers. . romiameammolmramirmaolmraramonorommftwaammadiU OMNI __+_____ ••••wwM.-."'•••m...• w.......................awlemoommesamorarea•••••uwrinmamermieNam.11_-�....�.........�_ - �...'�., NUN THAW 4 t a, S. TD t t A TEM. 4� jectrd by Stanford \\'bite -- she had written two 'letters to White from 11cu• Iogio, I'halw'S face palled at the revelation, he looked his hands together lull v'ulsivtly, and he scene alsont to rise and then and there beseech a full 4,x- planattetl. At that point Jerome ;41)r1p4ly- ended Ili, examination for the tial\, .\Cil y'1't, thoug!I 11011 (1!' 1'i4 attorney ` '!rill\!\' sillll(ll 111 s. 1isfa,•t1":t overItt'' Prisoner's Wife Under Cross Examination, To -day j 1,1,..„ that hi; Ilul';li'tn; h;l•a hr'In:;ill out, '411148 .\11- (1 , ;lie then) so t'1'.' :\ , . ,11,11,1; (1111 11 ith 1:;„ that then. 1, !Wire tlitrl a 111v,:1- bii:1 \ (lei' 4 ie l:nl,;• -'.'1 „111;': 01,,lu.nl Intl t'x}Janu)liou which her hn;• Court Crowded to Hear Evidence-Delmllas and Ilantl's en'. L(1;:;:,',I, \\11i.•11 mit be forth• 01. the },rope 1. 11111e. •1111' bygiuri0;: of the (')c•,-rxatulinit by District Attorney Jerome. Thaw Very Friendly in Court. 'New furl., Feb. '..i.- -There w;ls a great rush Ii (1)110u•; persons anxious to see Ni,i'itt Thaw under the ordeal of cros.;-examinaation at the criminal court building this morning, lint only these provided with speei:ll credential, were permitted to enter the room w itc, e the trial of harry li. 'Phut for t)ie u:ur• (1e' of Stanford \\'bite i; in pregrers. }.'.ve11 under these restl'i.tull' every avail- able seal was oerttpiId its court cunyrnrd. 1)istritl Attorney ,lerome was e.n'ly in the (nurt room. .\))lung the speetat(lls were \Ir. '1..1. Kettle, of (;iesneviu, Ireland, and Jnr. Richard Ilatr(itun, of lilac): Hoek, Ire- land, both members of the British Par- liament, representing respeetiyely East Tyrone and Galway. \Ir. Delmas was a Tow ntiuut(x5 late in reaching the court room. Ile tante up behind 'Thaw, who salt in his 10(11 fouled chair, and panted him 1)tfeetit.nat4'ly on the bark. 'Thaw smiled tip at hits, and for a moment they Whispered to each other, each with his arm about the shoulder of the other. Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw was immediately retailed, that \h'. Jerome might, continue his ern.;s-examination. She 1y11. dressed precisely as ,.he has been every day' since the trial began. even to the little 'black bow tie. Air. 1)eimas moved his eheb inside the rail, and 5catetl himself he.id4 the wit- ness box. \\'hen Airs. 'Thaw saw hint she smilt,l faintly, 1(11d then turned her eyes to District Attorney Jetsam', who sat before her. The latter began h4.' showing Mrs. Thaw a photograph of her- self taken in kiulola, and asked if she could recall the date of the picture. "1 think it was taken in 11)1)4." "Where did you live after your return from Europe in 1901 until the time of your marriage Y" Mrs. '1 haw gave eight or nine ad- dresses. "was the defendant pre,0lt whwn this photo w116 te.ken`:" _\. -"I don't think so." "Did not the kimono belong to the cle- fendant?" \..-"No." I "l)id you not take the kimono to the studio that day?" A. -"I do Ilot think so.', "Did not the defendant give you the kimono?" A. --"les." Mr. Jerome exhibited another photo and asked when it tats taken. A. --"Late in 1901, 1 think." "Ilow long did you live in Philadel- phia?" A.--"1 don't remember." ")low old were you then:" A, --" Futu'- tecn." \Ir. JerotAe, by he next few quest hots, indicated that he did not in any way intend to spare the feelings 1'1 the young Wonsan in any way. Ile interrogated her sharply as to the. 414'tails of her dress when she was p1,siIg for artists in Phil- adelphia and New 'cork. Ile persisted in ' certain questions ('yen after Mr. llelnlal; Iran objected, and insisted on having deft - site answers, though llrs. Thaw usually suit she could not remember. "\Vas there any cxpo,,tn'e of the person or did you wear the so-called artistic draperies'(" A.--"1 would not say that," replied the witness, "1. posed inn a Greek dress and a Turkish costume. ler:i Jerome persisted (('i111 question; as to the exposure of the person, 11110 111t•s. Thaw replied: "I posed w1th low neck draperies after I Ives on tate stage. 'The pictures .were like those ru•(linnr sly seen in photographer;' window,'.' Atr. Delnuts objected to this and Dist (; tri(L Attorney Jerome w'ithdlew t quest ion, During the cross examination. Assist ant 1)istriet Attorney Gurvaun 5;11, helm; Mr. Jerome, studying his notes, 111111 from tithe to tinge coached his chief. Ile 141 ( tt,uu(1,y very w and compared what she said to -day wigs a'` 1 what she had said on her dire(•t ('x:Iln• • - • mutton, Soon after the ulurn!1(4 se-s.iO4 began bull 111.' ^,1 '•11,!•.It 111' 111:1t 1hy slwel'a- "1\'llerl' are \\hill''- letter,:' .\,.•._ ter- 11'.'re1 .,t'at,el;' aware of the trend "Air, 1)11 1'1,14.0' I::I. 0 )lit' of them." I \('!Ili I)1'lui) .1)1'x1)1,' Llai! opened 11r', Jerome demanded tlit'ir production i11't'. '111,' 111'4(';',',11n.:, 1001 dragged; and \it,. \!Iain ,Ilid her tllt,tlall(1 gave 1!14'1'4' hat! been 11111!'', 1',1111))111100', (115• them to 111'. l!:Irtlltl,gt' 1(lllt'• among t't'lln"t'I q. 1„ tl4i.!4l',tanl• "1\;13 them' a s111glt' 14.01'4! of i111111'et)1')• t 1fi;;, :.);tl .I 1'4:111.10:11`. IC1'111110 II'�lltiti,i for ('t1' of indecency 111 St'a11141'd \\ bite's d1d;t, ih:,'(I,I� ,1 'i.11"r 11'(' advantage Ill 1, 1 t^t', to ' \. 1:all 1 1 .111t;;l i' „ 1!1• 1;,'4'0'11 1.l!., 11 all a 111x;1(1• her." "Have you a reit'' of the letter you I!'1,';1!rll it :111 lith" ler••, Thaw sat \"rete ler. \\'lite from Iluu!ieme:" .\.--- !1.411 --1.v .n t 11,' w iter•, ennui" ,er!n ••Ni) !11.1!,' 1',1:'111'-: .1141\4. 111' !1:111!' "1)o you l'ellae:lll,l'r It, con's -onto.'" nt,:'" .\, Hl(' Lot ha'! ;t 14,i1'� a(1:•! \\1'arisoilll' "No," 41` '11 1111'.' , 'IL! 1:1:'' 4'4,'1' (401'' those The ie,tifietl That ria' gay,. fourteen Ile ia4iis It Ca'' \11 41,)141(;; (,f `tal.11• letter: to '1'14111' in Paris in l903..\flet'• 444,1 11'111;41 ;l- 111.1'\ L"'1 \!\Hall their ilnr(l, :•he received then) from 'Thaw', `l,)41�'w (.1'1 let r life, a!II.i !Int( Of the valet and gave the into 'Platy again, lire j)I'I„.1L','1' at 1141' !,a1'. 1!1'1' !::'I .!• 1;11 111111) tnn0al,!\' letter he hall shut \\ hill'. ! in 101' Ing, ger f,ll,' 011' pale. her eyes )414) ti111,;u'd fru:)) Iasi. o! ,14-1') and of the -I, letter, she ,aid were rriri4.0(t 1 from \\'bite oldie she wad abroad in 140,4;), x1111 1:'y1'e 4.4114)4 to 'I'il;l\1', I '111('11 sild'h'e!t• duo. ice l"itzgolald ts. 'I'llaw fenced with the district- 1111'i :I aain,t .lyre,h)r an4l 1''4ree41 hint 10 1,1 ire e4. �1:11111111v at (100''. len'. JI'r- 11nb1'laky nal, 4'r4-;-''""111,114(47) Int• 0111( kora 0011(01' or 11141) on 11!111('3 111114`, :111:1 111 a 1IlLflltly i',1e!\II 1esi,IL letter,. \!r 'Iha\v deviating that the 'Thaw' \4.h; )4!til;g�d 1(41'1 1It' �'I4ate,t. foIIrh'el let "1 111,1414 Thaw ;rat')' hart. nrdyal 4'1 hr'r p11�-Ten-1t :.:',l ";(veer, gin\,' fee i'.:+' u;cndly wort! 1!1111 1)(!11111; 1.111_11 Iver( the 01:1y ones ,110 positive ly know 11', re lit exi-tence, hilt slip said n111!hl threw ger 1151\ had then. she ,Illle might h.' 111 :t 111111!: all l'al'1,. i111 1',I --et! bl',) (114! 111s ( !'ewt'I' into u 11 444414!: hands • halals that have \1'h4'n 11 r. ,11'renc ,sound a�!: occasion• ,• been 1\:11111,(, 4411)1'1;' f411' the t1ppo1'tlal- ity to tear to tatter., if p1'=,ible, the story which she hal,) 11111 Ills as a but- t ame'\ the imperiled lite of her 1414,hn 14:1, Jerome, 11 ii h heavy brunt', }:1, -ping video. rias -ler g,' -tore armed with her mother's •'11lenie 11.'. II4'1• bl'ot114'1•'S tale-. her friend,' retrlati4nl,, with the d'IVilgs of the entire pollee depart- ment. of Nov York at hi, econma td, stead before her and the ba1i1)e was 011 ;a tv(,m;tn': love again••) the power of the police and the ingenuity of the low. 11ere tva5 the re:4! 11t1g('dy of the 'Thele east. at last, centro() about the ally a pointed (ln,-•liun. Alts. Thaw toms{ ready with ,tu emphatic uu(1: "1 dill 11o1 -:l y" that." .11r. •Proal( here i In nod to the :;tory \I1,. T!.aw 1,11(1 her husband and the \\itne-s again I14x'!ar)1l it was true. 'ilo,, long (4 ere. you 11111'nl)reloll8 ill that '_'-4th street 11)14' al the time of your exl:erienr (1i1!) ,'1a11furd \\'bite?" .\.---"1 don't remember." "\Ya1, it after midnight. that you be- came unconscious'," -\.- -"1 es, 1 thunk it w'as.' "\\'a,; it before daylight \its. 'T'haw' lic,itatt' 1, "Yes -- before davlighl." \Ir, Jeronle mad froth ,\Its, Thaw', di- shrinking little figure attired in 0 blue reef testimony- that she sat up all that sailer suit. with humid 001)10' 1)7)41 flow. night, She replied that site meant the jug tie, 0111)11 was alnl:,st hidden in rest of the night after she had been the big w•it,n'sS chair. The 510ry' which taken home. +h4, hull 101(1 had 4,0114041 round the did you first feet 'I'etl\earl:;:" w•orhl. think tl (4.a, in 11100 or early lit (:cnlld •lerulu0.ln'catl: it'? That was the 11101, in Ne'v 1e1•1:." "You received 0 letter from hint?" A. -"1415." "Up to that time your relations with your neither were friendly?" A.-"1(';" "There w;l, nothing to show' that your mother was tilling to sacrifice yott for 0 pecuniary consideration?" _1. --"No." "In all the roubles that you went through you never thought anything that your mother lacked judgment."' "\\•hat were in the letter; Tod llarks wrote you?" A. --"Ile said.he hall seen 111y pietu•es in the paper:; and would like to place me on the stage.'' "1i0w long did you play in FislaT's Florodora 1" A, --"After several weeks in the chorus 1 went into tie' rust. That Waft early in the summer, 14'01." "Your mother ram' for you ('\:ery night ?" A. "les, until I mut Mbit(," ''11'00 tnt•odue0,4 you to \\'hitt„" .1. -- problem. :11Id upon' the solution every one in court realized. hung the fate of the prisoner at the bar. COMES HIGH. Harry K. Thaw Trial Will Cost Over $,00,000. The trial of Harry 1<. Thaw will have cost more than half a Million of dollars before it is ended, Of this vats) ssuul 1111' '.Thaw family will have paid nearly $400,000, while the burden of the 1Oxp;lyel'S will he it► ex- cess of ,$1'_'1,000, The accnnginnying itemized expense ae(ount is 110541(1 on the 11,sunlption that the trial will lest only six weeks. I1' , it continues beyond the period, v,hiclt now weals propuhle, the expenses will 'be relatively greater. 'I'Ite tial has 111)w been in progress sine(' Jan. '_'3, or more "Edna (loodrirh," „ than three w,ce': examination 111.dfncerwill not ''1Yhe•e did you meet :"Liss Goodrich?" finish its direct A, -"She 11'ns playing in 'Florodora.'" days. and the prussccntiou bus subpoenaed "Is it not untrue," said 11r. Jerome, 31„) witnesses to testify in rebuttal, reading from it paper, "that in 1901 you The amounts given in these tables were getting unruly; that your another were supplied by persons, prominently still stuck !)y yon; that 0 married loan identified with both sides, and may be considered a15 nearly accurate as the At this point Mr. Delnlals objected to public will 01'cr know. Mr. Jerome reading from what he termed 1 Cost of Thaw's Defence. it state111r'nt. of Evelyn 'T'haw's mother' her. of 131u'k, Olcott, Gruber & "If the district. attorney wants the ]3olynge . , . , . ... , $15,000 mother's testimony hi, hes should pro- Expense); of Black, Olcott, (111- (11141)' her on the it ttud.'' he said. 1 her .i ]lonynge , . .. .. .. .. 2,000 "I'd to), belt yo:l know that it 15 iutp5si1(14'. You know where site is,' lee of 1)1'. Charles 1.:. ])anal .. , . 1,000 ' 14 )43 of 1)rs. 1 1111111 inn, \\ague',,. said \1 r. Jer(ll1 rl f .I 4, Wiley 111411 Evans, alienists , . 5,000 The goes: tion 1 e g u am Evelyn beton- Services nud expenses of liege illg unruly was (Unwed to stand, (vices(, with corps of detec- "No," she 0iisw'el't'd decidedly. lives, in gathering or eyidenee for °I it not true that the married nun) 1flu'ry '1'hatw . , . , .. 10,000 was James A, Garland and that lie was Cost of obt►iuing and holding getting 1a (liy01'c'e and that, you and your witnesses, examinations, 1!ffi- 14wlher fregiu utly quarrelled about davit:4, travelling expenses, hint?'' A. "No, in!IyrcL" special fees to outside lawyers, "Is it not true that yon went alone transcripts and 1nouey' paid to 11it.11 111111 011 t14' yr.ehi':" .1.-"\lemlllla witnesses not. otherwise speci- fied ...... . . . . .. . .... . . 140,000 Fee to 'Lawyer 1)01)4)105 .. .. ... 100,000 Fee and expenses of lhlrtridge & Peabody 50,000 Services of Lawyer (Reason 10,000 Services of Daniel O'Reilly, legal advice .... ..... 10,000 C01tirl)241nt expense fund paid by Mrs. William Thnw' 1uul dis- pensed by .Lawyer 1114rt•idge150,000 the District Attorney''s�nles,engel• cu- and 1, yes.' An objeetion as to thy gn)slion w'he \,her 1,144' haul been co•10.5puudent in (isar- 1:11(1's dit•alree suit 11'0t5 sustatined. Af- ter more question.; regarding her associ- ation with Marland "Did George (1. Lederer have any - table occupied by the defendant's couul- thing 10 do with poll. going into the bel, it being reported than he had 401 I'!orelora cast:' .\,-- "Not that 1 knots of." "During this time dill you ever pose fol an artist in the nuclei" A. -"No, JEROME'S LASH. tei'e1I the (ally' 1'4)1'11 carrying a hose number of packages tied with tape. ap- parently another consignment of photo. graphs. Later the messenger canoe in again with a large bundle of lelte.ra, Mr. Oleiisott was again absent from the yet recovered tronl hiss toothache. \\Ira. Thaw testified that she and her mother first lived in \\'est 118111 'street, and her first employment (('1141 in the "Florodora" company. She took a photo of herself to the Broadway .\lagazine, and it was published over the name of Evelyn Florence. ltepo'ters were given other pictures by her mother, She acknowledged meet- ing and corresponding with Ted Jla rkss, vaudeville manager. She said she via - 1 ited a warehouse with Lawyers Warren an(1 1-Iartridgo, but slid not remove any letters, Mr, Jerome then asked( "\save you any letters from Stanford '%)'hite?" A.-"1 did have." Admissions of Mrs. Thaw Under Cross - Examination. Total $383,000 Cost of Prosecution. Salary of Justice Fitzgerald (six weeks) ... 13,.. $ 2,175 Preparation of the ease by pro- sedition .... .. 35,000 New York, Feb. 25. -Under the Met f''ees of State's three alienists.. 12,000 !titin, of Jerome's cross-examining lash Expenses of securing jury '.. . , 5,000 to -)lav Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw made an Hotel expenses of jury 1111 5,300 admission that drew harry Threw half Expenses of court officers , . . , 2,100 out of his chair to search anxiously the Salaries of court officers . , , , 3,000 face of hitt pretty young wife. Travelling expenses of jury and She -admitted to Jerome that a few detectives assigned to watch weeks n.fter that fateful interview with them 200 'flow in Paris -that nerve -nuking con- Salaries of county detectives ve'sntion which lasted through the night, employed by prosecution to It developed that the letters yesterday in which she told Thaw, ns her reason for ( watch court officers in charge Identified by her were written by White refusing his offer of marriage, of the 'of jury 4,000 Se another girl, ( indignities to which she had been Huh- Expense of bringing witnesses to NiW fork .. .. ,. ,•.. Court expenses.. . . . . . . . . .. . . Forty peliren)en on duty about building and trial room, in - eluding as sergeant, Two r0undsnlel and -lot inspot'1nr.. 11,800 Salariesof 1)istricl .\Itul'ney Jerome' and Garvin, his 145• Si;talll .. S111111'11':4and rxpen5l4 u► (sanity delet'ttye5 1111)) )(ll1 lde 4h'its' live service , 1111 , .. . . 32,111111 Pay to jnhy (estimated)., .. 1,000 Total",1'_'1,1175 A7 WEAR GOODS ANI) R1,1URN TIIEM. =�'�'WRECK OF TI1[ INTERNATIONAL ;3,0110 Runs Into a Freight Train in the London Yard. One Man Wiled and Two Seriously injured. Wife Arrives on Scene Just as Her How London Society Women Viutiinizea West En() Tradesmen, London, Feb, '_►,i, -Father \'a0gllnn'44 latest intlietment of society women in - eludes 0 charge that they obtain smart finery from \Ye'•t Fold milliners and modistos on aplu•ebalt.iun, )tear the thin!,'.. ;old retern then) the next day, ()(daring t!;:11 tLev are net suitable, The seerelhr\ ill the UFars's' chain. her of Trade. when (1111 finned nn the national Limited collided ((1114 u '1(,10(1, :1,11 n;rll Eat L(1' \';ar;!h411's 1 a1 a switch 1410'111Hurl 1411')))4,,, :.l Ill it 0 )'- 11 \1'011 kn(•\\n '41111('1I:II)- 1110 woman 4041,1111 fashionable 111111gs, leive them ('4:pi('11 auld rettu'n the ori_l(0,1!, Ile i:: !,nlecll th4' ea .(' i'14 0 ',MAUI w4)114111 ' 1!" a411ilig a hat 014 (1ppr1,ba1ioe al'1l sending her 111.i.anl ((ia,1 1 (1 :Inotl:er firm, being ash:uue(l In go herself. to have it copied iu cheaper nlato)ial at al Iow'1' lube. She then returned the original, 4a,iu1;' she regretted that it was not sllit1ILle, Nearly every bin, \\'1'>,l End firm suf- fers from vu,tuln''r., of this 1:ind, if they 511-)(('4I their object (het' fear to 1 (-011'( thele' suspicions lest. 1ltA'y lose their en -tem alta':ether, '1'110 trick is foes only h\ 110' rich 4;1' the 14!1• piirently rich. IlnitaT'r; toll, would not g4'1 44.0ntl, in this way, even if they 1):1141(1 fur thele. "NO SEAT, NO FARE." Jersey City Begin Fight Against Rail- way Company. New furl:, hell. 20. Suplraue Court Commissioner Pierce Cook took tt'sti- 111u11y at 1113 office ill ,lel'-('\ City yes. te'day ill the certiula•i proceedings brought by the Public `''t'ryiee ('orpora- tion to have reviewed by the cunni the nrdiu;)7u'e pu rya by the Jersey City Street and \\'rater 1)uard, requiring the company to run al. sutfic'icut number of ears during the rush hour's to provide a seat without detaining at passenger long- er that five minutes. and fixing a pen- alty of $511 for each and every violation of the ordinance. '1'11.0 ol'fie!11Is of the eonlpallly--Col- onel E. \1-. (line alai .\Ihe•t I.I. Stanley --testified yesterday than it would be inlpos;ibb' to comply with the ordin- ance; that the company could not sup- ply or operate at sntfivieut number of cars to provide every passenger with a seat. Husband Dies. THE DEAD. Road Foreman Renton, Loudon. THE INJURED, Engineer Hardman and Fireman Bartter. Conlon, lent., despatch: The later - freight ;t quarter of a guile --- - b ♦ r -._. STRUCK BY FREIGHT, Louis Routhier Killed and Thos, Watson Injured on a Siding. Montreal, Feb, 25,---T.ouis Routhier, an engineer in the employ of the Canada Rndiatnr Company, Lachine, 01(5 killed, nal 'Thome); \Pelson, superintendent for tele same fil'lll, was seriously i►ljltl'ed about 1 o'eloek to -day by Grand 'Trunk fel igll train No. 8.15, driven by Engineer \\•ilkinson, fuming front 'Toronto. The two men were on the siding lead- ing past the 114.1.aren Company's estate linhlni!It to the Canada Radiator Com- pany, and laid just passed It freight car standing on the siding, when as they emerged the freight, which the 8110W - storm prey(ut('d them front seeing or hewing, dashed along and slouch them. \1'a15nn recovered 0nn44iunsness before the arrival of the ambulates. from the 110)1(1 YieloriIt Ilospitul, An inquest will take place. A LADY LOBBYIST, Miss Holmes, of Tilisonburg, Wants to be a Dentist. Toronto, Feb. 20.-lfnch interest is being taken in It private bill to be intro- duced et this session of the Legislature to give It young lady, Miss S. HIolmes, of 'Tillsonbul')r, the right to practise den- tistry. She hats been actually engaged in that, business for a number of year's, but has never taken the necessary exan►- inations, Miss .ilolmess is conducting a very al'tive, lobby for her bill, and the indications are 114111 it will pass, The measure will be strongly opposed by the Dental :\8410(icati411, There are now i.lu'ee certified lady dentists in rho Province. MISSED HOLE AND EXPLODED. Young Italian Miner Filled at Kokahane Creelc, B. C. Nelson, 13. C., Feb, 25. ---An ]talion named Louisa ,\lnnfrott, a miner, aged 28, Was instantly killed at 8 0. in. to -day at the Molly Gibson mines, nw101 by the Lnptt Alining Company, and situated tit Koka.knne (;reek, fourteen guiles east of the city. 1liss death w•us caused by the explosion. of a missed hole, Four other mliners at work were not injured. This is the first fatality at the mine since Christmas night, 11)02, when seven miners were killed in 0 snow•slicl0, 4"•t► WAR HAS COMMENCED. t'.l,l ul the Lunde)) station. The .1,11111 1C11 tell '.Toronto twenty Minutes late, and 1'\a, 41,1)ut (1411 1,104,11 lame at 111e titin of the collision, The freight., going east, and toe Limited, going teat, \\cru on different tracks, 1110 freight was trying t0 get 011 the Isatin line when the engine of the flyer ran into it, iftsband the flyer 1104 noon two .seconds later one of the coaches wu111d have reeci\cd the fearful impact of the collision. 'Terrific Force of Impact. tUAD TWO WIVES. WEALTHY YOUNG FAI:IJfEIR OF ATHENS IIAS DISAPPEAREI), 1 , M l ll.0 Already (.e..,ul.t ,�-leer' �.:a. 1 e t y Weddell Ile W s Married to Another by Brockville 'Minister -Affair \\Tal:es a i�cllsation. !'.ru'kvillt', llnl., despatch: :\then'(, a •les1:) ti!l:;,;e near Lt'1'r, 14 11111111 114111!141. up over 11 51')1.1) sensation (''141 li 1'4.1 e1,(!V canal' to a heal. A It w' yt',u';, :I !o 11,1:;1,"" I''nyri:,s, a 0.',1111;\' nod; f:)('4u r', and his wife :4)4,i 1004114', t'0lO' irl:nl the 'Township 1'f 1 on.!1' to l:1',' in -\t)ieas, '1'114'1' wer0 a,t'lul,t'r; i1' ol:l and hi,thdy. rt,;pect('d Liens:!t; (.f lid, di. trlct 011.1 wore much t' Ole : nl,'l!, Not ll)II1I; (';;•11;; ago, however, rumors of ire(':, II!nr ('11)4!111 en the part of tile, hie:sit1•.I h4!:!n to creep 0111011, and it ,,11.:tl'°1 1 !!fat hi, aff'ytion•1 %yea. he- ir.;: P1.1,c(1 ill 1'a her Ipl:lrt,'r,;. It was ,aid that 11' had 11044 nun:i1' 1 in llroek• tilt( h4' n 1(',1,li0'! 0,.:;1.4• ', the :u'ralge• 14;(1,1, I,:,!0(' 1'00!,' lit' 11:.' 11ir1 Il;r,elf ,•r.,! her mother.:011 the 0er01uuny' \ail• 11, ,,,,',1 1,y t \o o :1 It nes,'s in Cll. reguhu' (,lay , 1.1;0 n;ini:-i'er 111.1 44 im, the Slight - 1 •.0,1lil'le!t (t lieylilht;. 14)•111;/ 1:7111:, II +•' •!,':a1:"11 of 1114' 4 ftl4'1jl re('er,IS Lel'' ''h'ov that Ha J:nl, 10111 'I'owri.;5 \4.a, 141:4:x!),) to 1h -s Mabel .1Ringhnnl, 1,i .\)'11')1'+ 1!:e rnho',l,•t10g( parties ask- in-; Cir.,' the :Insall' to LITH quiet, as IL' ia(.'Irl' (4111 ((('1',l' (4) the 111(10)1, Lot that in 0 few 04)115 Ili ,:'4:)! 11,04( :I 11414' 1(11' ilii 1I'i'I;,, 1)11 rot ''o,tiu,: in .\4110., ,),':A. 'I'nw•• 11••; NO. (('ent to her own 1000', while '!'u1vri:e; e (unman•,} 144 re,ill41 with hiss 14....:1 `111:' and 1!)1('41 )'latter. \\!1111 4111' n1)'.lir 1'r„alll4) common L',''i)of 4111' 111('0 and llresp( et 41 \vete brielit is:. 11 • ..11.i.-.1 ,111 .1 (10!)''11' of bigan1,y, T( \+1i•: d:isappcaed. :11411 hi, \4.1101.1• Ile.014 are 141 pet' -out Ir'll•:nwll. though 1' i• said he piirel :t,1',! a 1iel;et. far ;''.eat - Ile, \\•Il,h. The :11 fair 1(: wade e. sens=ation in .11 liens (111 (14inity 4)4 00'0utlt of the v1''IL'04111(. (11 ..1 lie 1111111) 5, IIOW IT I1:iPPENED. Terrific Gale Blew the Steamer on a Sand Bank. bunko', ['eh. '.;;. The Iletterdanl nail ;•1,',111er 1;4'1'410, (FILO 1.14 i:Ur(I, 1,itIt 1•if i,a•,1111211, '1'14) 4110, 0.l, wl)el.ed elf illy Iloole 01 llull1lllll let the elltt•allve of the river \Ian,, lading to Rotterdam shortly before 0 0'411(111: this morning, an,! 11 ill' the e\ception of one person, all alumni peri•,h)41. .1 terrific n,,uth- westeriy gale (vara blowing right in shore I and drove the steamer 1111 0 sand bank close to the northern jetty ass she w'as trying to outer the 14011' watot•wuy. 'I'lu1 Iteavy rear, quiet:1y pounded the 4.0,0'1 to pie((',. Shy hroko in two, h01• fore- part sinking immediately, while the doomed passengers and erew' 0011111 he seen for it brief' Vail. (IOstert,l 1'u 1110. iter part. Then the latter slipped off the ledge , :tad (!4r+app4'all'4d 111 theIllulllll:lillull5 V;ay0:, '1 Less and life hunt;, when the starlit wan, first ,unnd1'd, promptly put out to inn' h,;i,tanee ut' the Ilorlin, but the r ioleir11' of the intl.. and the heavy Yeas imide it impossible to approach the j 1444(!: ;11,1 the helplts. w'uubl•l 4 lire say- er; :„1(1' the :41111 11101' 1111'11 1: tlp 111111 the crew' 11:141 the 11:(„0nl:ers washed 11w'a)' 1 W1111011t hetng ably 11' rvn110r the Slight- ' (' l 11s,I'•t140e, 1)1141 1111111, 1111 !:0;zli,101111 1, was saved. ' 1!e woo nn4nmrinns ((hen Ilra;:gel out of the water 01111 11) 11)11 .4;1(4411' ;Ind haat Hot I1'g:iii10d c,il(-eiun>lal',i thea he 11,,'115 carried to a hotel in the neighborhood. fly 1I o'clock in the morning 2i hod - tis, had hyrn \vatshell ashore. Honduran Troops Defeated by Those of Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua, Feb. 25.- Tho troops of General Bonilla, President of ]Ionduran, at 3 o'clock yesterday attack- ed the forces of Oeuernl Zelaya, Presi- dent of Nicaragua, which were guar !ng the Nicaragua frontier, After many hours' fighting the army of Honduras was defeated. 'The engine had just gut a few yards o►1 the switch when tho .Limited crashed into it, striking it at an angle or side- ways, The result was that practically the whole 'taunt of the collision was taken up by tho engine Of the Limited. The engine was going west, but after the collision the !cont of the boiler was pointing almost line east, showing that the engine had Jaen turned completely. 1.01111(1. _1 passenger said: When l left thio Cin' to see Moll tyal5 the mutter 1 found our engine was 'a 'heap 'of ruins, lingo masses of iron had been broken into fragments. The tender was lying at u ((Meront angle from the engine and brok- en piece; were lying all round, Practical- ly n, damage was done to the Limited beyond tie coupling pin of the engine. The baggage car was immediately be- hind, but beyond the carving in of one of the sides and 0 minor jumbling of the baggage, there was nothing to see. The rear of the (cadet' (VIM still 01060 to the baggage Car. Two Men Under Ruins. '1'141 bodies of two men under the ruins immediately attracted attention. One of them. was )Jt4ul'ge Benton, road fore - luau, who 11'116 travelling on the engine of the Limited, and was piloted muter the wreck, The upper part ut his body was free. Ile was elating almost uprlgut, and moaning with pain. It was absolute- ly impossible to du anything to cxt'i- tMate hint, After lingering in agony tar fifteen minutes he tied. Fireman Barker of the Limited was visible under the tender. Ile was prone on the ground, held fast by his legs and lower part of the body. Ili, arms were more or less tree. Ile was moaning In agent' Widow and Orphans, Just before leaving the scene, our train being taken up to the station, the doctors had arrived and were rctievitlg the victims with hypodermics. 1Yh110 stunditg among the crowd a w0111011 wii11 tau boys of ten and twelve years of age, (an1c hurrying forward and 1151:- 0'1 it unyouc knew of any news about her husband, George Renton, as site heard he had been hurt. 1 told her it was true he had been Hurt, but 1 thought not, seriously, as 1. had just seen 11i111, \Vo prevented her 1►'um breaking through the line, 1 told her 1 would go and seg how Ler husband was getting along, 1 made 111\ way towards where the pour fellow was pinned. On my way i. learned that Uto'ge penton was dead. I had not the nerve to return and tell the terrible news, but requested a !el - 1))W -passage" to invent some excuse fur getting 0i's, ltentou away 1'10111 the (w- hit iieelltl. Passengers Not Seriously Hurt. Among the 'l'os't ito people were .\1r, A. at. ``mull of the majestic. opera House, wile received it cult un the tipper lip, but nothing serious. Nolte of the passengers Here mulch hurl beyond the shock and a few bruises 1111d cuts. Those on the outside who heard the ('011si011 state there was a terrific noise alld dense clouds of escaping steam Among the 'Toronto people who ste.y- cd over night in London were C10s. 14. Weisnler, lieu, A, Spear, J. Sproule Smith, \\'nl. 11', Harvey, A. 11, Clem- ent, I,, •LCvinson. including people trout other places, twenty people to the wrecked train stayed at, the 'Tecumseh )louse. One Dead, Two Injured. The accident was due to the un- accountable turning,( of the 404.11ch ahead of the freight, w'i ic11 1(110(l'ed it to Lillie the cut over towards the limited tracks, 'This is said to have -been done by Brakeman McDonald, who is alleged to huvo disappeared, The crew of the freight train were Conductor Win, Nlorthey',1 Erngincur David Ilen(1eision, Fireman George llayle and Brakeman C ?gel/maid. As the freight was steaming up the yard En- gineer lleldersol sow the express a block ahead, and also noticed that the switch was turned wrong, isle burned', ately applied the brakes cunt, with his fireman, jumped, An inquest will be held to•n►orrow at 1 p.m. Renton vim a married man, and had two young eons, Fireman Barker is scnklod shout the )lands and face, and has 0 hnd scalp wound, Ilardman Is scalded and is htu•b about tho abdomen, -4.•� CORSETS FOR FAT MEN. Tailors' Association Makes New Styles for the Apparel of Mankind. \1'al;liul +all, 1). (1.,--0o1'sets for cur' pulent )nen, waistcoat 'buttons costing front $5 to $50 apiece for those who ells!, to put up al ;,well (rent, the lulug, . 11O4(. 11111 efl'e01 in lapels' and straight !')ox caul; whether or not they are friend' )y to your ph,)1 il'al co11fnrumton Hs" 1t few nt the riles thiel were, 11)1(1 down for the well-tires:ad mus of 1907 by the llerchunt '.I'nilor;' National .I1r0tecti.Ve ! t\,tl•iat Tun of .America at its meeting in the :Arlington hotel the other day. •pl'lllg styles (11)11 plat(.'N, exhibiting, them will he issued within a few weeks, 1licordt11g to leading members who were present, Narrow smoulders, with at rather square effeet, and shorter suck coats will rule, ['ads upon the shoulder and the long, loose effect of all coats will have to go. Vents in the colds will be 'cu't out," or, rather, not cut at all, unless the cum - tomer insists, and so fair 115 possible the 1.11!101'.; bind themselves to discourage hint in persisting in following the styles) of the two last years. Double' -b"es"ted cowls ale» will he tabooed, and the sleeves tt•iIl be )nude easyfitting. (MOTHER MURDERED ! Sole's Suicide After Terrible Crime, A tihoekiug domestic tragedy was en' acted in n well-appointed 'house in 1110 111Ie I)IP11fa115t111('l', Pa►'18, In a sudden fit of madness it man inmost Van Illadenherghe, aged forty- one, the tion of it ))'ell -known ex -railway d,irceto", attacked his mother, and bur- in); stablest her to d4uth, retired to his room, where IIe stabbed, himself iii HLT• oral places with the same dagger, and then shot himself in the bend, dying two 110n04 later. 11 has been learnt that llladenberghe had been subject to fits of madness fel' !mime limo; but lust year ho \lits tinder the care of 14 8pecinlist in London,, and 81000 his return to Paris in July -,appar- ently cured, the surveillance previously exercised over him had been ,relaxelb. 1/4 j«M.ww•vv.wwwswoe wo www• ,M rn.,a. a.wwwwv - ra. .1\+•l.•,,,. M,,,..HY•,.v YJ• I.,w 'w.....0•• bvwwwwwl Sww111,d1.h•wc*„J4.A.,d.lwd.IttSYU«M,Mh.1l.116.1•114. 11•/•,1•'• v..11.•1••• .,,,.11V "*.'1' 1,1•1•n-.••1, .,,'•••,.wr 1d !p1"!!j.•"fY,'v'>"t,,..'Cy, ..:,,,1,',G , •11ti, -17.e, Ty, 'JR•'•:,, •'ytl,•'th •',1. :,', • 4%..,'L,..,1-4!,s:.nv.•rr•.•11L,y'11,11' ,•l N1Lb3:C4)jfiP1flr[ (i(1 f J,•!f __'/tM.'/Mpd „Y"^M-n'•.r'I' M",/^n/AV'fin/^I•/'d'f,•J`Il„P''L•.d+1 v` 'vJ Y11v ••/.•''••V' 'MI •gavel.iVv,141)l•8i.,`ill.-12. Nuivititiv'111r 11)'tisgar"RIVAA,441., 'i. 14,14, 44. . ,441.4 0 131,1 i' 1 of 1,, It i', ) t' 1, t, ';I •1!:,I 1 tial' 11', i);•,'1, ' ,!'I' 11110•,' l..ln,"''"„' .•; '' .I ,1,1'11 •1',111..11' foil -ttli( !111'laui'\ 101. i hat ...III ,1,I C. "Ye.,, I ( I!rllllr \I 1111 !III' In !.111111th ; fIlI11, Illlr;r. kP 'Nast \11 ! „ 1'.;'1, :'' 111,',(1('11 til.!, .'1'iil.l 11111 Intl 1\',', :torn•,Ili;,! 11,11: Ill•!'. 'U I 1111111 , 'r1. ,!!I , 1!11,11: ,:it' ,I „1 I ..il',l\• it ! Lamy II'" l'Oiltll'rl `}1'. 1111' 1,1,,1:1 ::,I 11 alt! . til 111'1' „'1 !)t' \01,. 1)111 (il'IL%11', to Omit, t0 h:ti 1\1' :Ira lu!i i 1111' •r, ,,. t1. 1,1 i! .''' u':II!'!1':i Nip. I Ioli( \'0, oauln with i'!)0.1 fa,!',!- 11!1(1 a 1;,,'1'1, :.L,1 Ili ,.0„1 t. I'll,( 11'atito I tO I'u111011,P III" 1:111' •-, gla•1!t told no! all she haul said Illi l' •hilt!: 11': at Ill,' ).1';1\1', ;tilolil ,l:It',(ttetta \Viii false; lilt 5,1\1(1 Ill (1•11 it'..I11'1111::. •i!,' ?F' '',11111' , or!' 1':11'1 it' it,ll' 111'1' hating 1110 dal, ;liter en ;TIT./ N‘ 1111 h;')' 1011111l'at"':111111111!''- cf il); Ilr!;: Ift'I'1u111r1', 1ftr,ill"11.1 CeiC, 1. ; !,M'i'll\ "lit taint:•. .1111! I 1111'16 not lint; of her father, nal' 1!1 ht''. huts I, i\a- I!I'".111', 11!,11-!:•y'1;c(1 1,,11'1 mother, (.;,t.,.111, Ill;:( .pile 1110,, Dile of 1111' ;ri' rr'I a- he I), 1101.1 her. frail 14'.11 erring of tier •,o\; :lith that (111111' iii' ,';If+11`11 1'1't'o!.;I11', II 10'1' lll't'Ci itt tilt! :Ihllll`,t action hall h('1' itt 111,• riehlv'-:lttirt',I, half limit! :1101' inlll'lo \till', hrt'1t lo.,11:en; Ilial 'dti' !Ill 1',1,•1 •h]';Illi. hut'!, ,11111 ,1,131 111,'1 ,l . kit, 1.1' lull:;' of ()11'!1, 1;11'1! 1001' ;111(.0, \,j(1 a r;tan('' 11.1 if '•1;1. {::elf lan'_!, anti 1lil!t, (ti, .11frt`;1! that. ,hr I(Iti..1.d jilt, 31',11. r:'tuin(llvl 1:i1t1 \\ 1111 a I krill 11l II /•OU, tut j!!,' ct,n all t Ili; %chit,, . 1)* i')ui .,h„t'I of ,Iart(uo111, .\ al ;ow.. I'1 I)uy, it ill a ,all 11,11' tui' yam 1 -)Ill it s;1. lit in the al'illleiit ;Illlt'',111:19'1' ('f 11•!'1'11 lull I10't " 1,1ri,, .,'i:,1\! had lou 1)1,I,Ittn ' ;it 111:11 a1't'1'IO,t 11(,,t'', 111 itt t IP 11. t)1'fil' of itt 1 of I'ol' ('It!:'ll:'ll opt-, ,11,1,:1'tl i''i !Ili tiall(1, .1111 i1.!;!tit; Ito b01(1(1 ,; anti t i i':LI1\r• .; (rut (ill 1t rcpt. ll'i1!:o out htli::lj' ;1t two-, rho I,.1 i „11111 lilt pool', p0n1', 111'011L`•'1! 11:11'• 1'!ti•11. tq e( )Platt' t11t1!1to,. 1,1 ' 11It;h ••pll'li Pll, i11'01,:1!Il• Ino!;; And. a it !'ortt in;1\r onull,lach "iv hc:u'tf'll 'dirt! ((h \hi'l'l!! I Pan never ,IIII'o'll,l1' lirntu1'it, and 1,1'11 tll01it' 1111( `: fol'ic 1111'-1111 for the t 1'1'11 v,.rItll.r, 1 of '1111, black .11k, ;he \1114"1111110 11110111." of l,t'it 1 front ;lie 1\ j!,1 lit Ho I.r;pit. 111 1101', ilulkc, 111,0 1:111 ..11(11' sL1l,loil 1,1,11 ',Olt.", , 'I It t ,111 ,e1'1,1"1I it) hii\:(' ('I1:111'r• (,11: :111,1 111-111 uI•' 1.11!1 `1311:"11 fl, IU, her in iiia ,aril'• non t i 1'11 hot, :tint i!1 11oit'i"rt.1 I1 lie !!1111 I'!11it;!I'tf, ;o.). • .11:;: 1''1',1itt • !I,• .• 'I'1. •ho\\ 1' 1' 1 i'111'I. 1•, gado \it'll, :1 ti x,11'. I).-' Vero, "1 go II:I 1111,)•,tI ittt ill, i ,:0 till ••t 'i. Il..l \''1111,'1, .!11'! lit' 11:, , ;,one 011 111,1t.1 io -(,•i III•. :r'' (I1.:,', 1, Ii:.I, ,! !''Cl 'h (C! :111(1 \ilii' I itt 1;1, 11.111 ,11 ,, !r ,I: 11 ophrtiire alit !:" !. 01.111! t ,!i 1 ii;• ,,,, 111,11' lin •'o111'I111!11' fol' .\1:,11:•(11, V)1'1.11 111'1'11! ,+ , (.11'111./1 \ ,';y' ti ;l Ilnl I,t r,. .:,•,1.i' , f: ' L•, it .111 )',1 1.i - tido. ",' ', 111:1.I ,4 .•,It' 0,40,4,.• t 0 11, it ^h0 II':r;ilt !! 1.111, ' U' I• ,, , '1 Llt! •t,l''!!11't.t 111',`11,i! • 111:1, I:1 \Vito, j, flu' )14:..(1'1''', 111011,s...11111 li , ,111 a 111!1!' trai t: 111111'1 111,1)1ti t'1. 1„ ,t !I III,! i111 1,., 1,1.' ,! Ili,! I•, a 111:1' 't 11,11 1 1'..:11:1,( :+t,\, t'1', ht'.• flti:'1, \lith a ,-i t1.. `I r"'I' 1;,., 11111. I lio 4,11!1\ ;111100L1. the 1!„rtul 1,1'' 1; \.1• :111'.'11' ,1 111,1: ;1101' il';I11, 1 , t,+ ,.! :I \', 1'; ., !!1 1..d: Intl ,.,' ,t : t,i`.,r, • t \\ 111;;, 111111'.' ii t'11t.,'l1,,1 1\i'' 1{'1,' i' I' i 1I, 111 11'1, in 1';1:11111' .'1:,'!1'••;'1, ,r , ;'III:'.; ':11'lies of hostile I1,,lin l'; ale.a1 ! ' I'll!lII, i!IItI('1'11111!,t!}( 1111!1 1111' Glial Lam,: 1Ill i.tel, :It,' !,;1.• I!1`\'01' 1 '.11 '1„ 1.0111 it'1,'lt lilt' 111:1...do ( 1 1111' tout''!,"', tht! 11:;11', 30'11 11 1\:14 1;'' 1'r\; 1!111:" .!i' , 31!1:1' .:lift 1111' \11,11 01 (1!tl (II I%;'.iP i1.'.,+ 1 ' !1. 1' \''1'' "'" 1',.•1 t1Ut t... t 1 :11 ilii I:;'"'t I" 1.,!I{, I;I!(ll1111 11;1,1 \!'oL',, itt hat et.er :•1t t ,1.1 11' I', (r I I, II 11:,11 l;.' (' 1.1 r1.111!:,; :11111 t'(1'•i1111t!lg t 1 :'. 1'I'i,la!l'I'•, 1.11(1 1 (':t! :1'l;;l'11i1;,-; tilt!' -leo II':s !'it!t'il :1 P, 1 1'1,: •i! a1C,!' ,111,1 ', 11.11'• "t !it•' 1101 11'1:';ill•, 3:1111. al 11.11 '111 t t t1111("i 1/11,...1'1:,t',1 11.,11 ...,1)...10.1.111:1'n, .,.'!,i ' if I1 he 0111 0 , I `1It,:1!,1 • t 1:2 t1. I'!.', 1.0 :i1.! •'1 it r+r 1)1,- ..\1'0.111, )1,--\n 1111 I,( \'1.0.4 11:'411•1' 1: ,ilii - 1110.1'1' 11:11.1... ;it,ll.ttlt 111 ,, 1111'f` Call 111'C,'I' II'! ,l fn (!i ,', .,'1' "1 3111 01 0 .1;;11\:' 01l'lill!' tt 11!1:1: Yt'1'(0i 1• j 1: l '( ,. ! ! ,..'.'','lit, Valli 1'it!',1'1' •11 I f 1.:1.11':' 0.tutit;;t. \.l'. I)(' '1'('1,0,1 'rel'', 1111 111 \1U 11, 1.11"0 i •.1\l„( !!1.'1' hall 1•, :. !';i rl'Ir- for ill„ 1 !;t :til •1 it11r- lo ',at her, i:1,;'i 1 I'.ti ill 1'111 'i' .,'o :II!I'ill }'I' ..:t'.1' it; ()trio t'!a'lII',I 111'1' lot:i!, to 1'0.11:1. (III, .\;11011. Itl\' !it t' t1 t i!.t;tt , itt II !I;'!I!, :1!':! ,'fi,•i, • (ih, 11'1111 1\('v to Illi' I'1',irt Io ,.t" !wit `!f!f 1111"r 1 pro;t,i'! lit'! t'.'tnt \':n, .t,1.'• LP;r; :!!'1 i h' \ cr• ,t1.1111 fill:; 'r I r1. o Llt'i:!r ! \I 1111 u1 \c 1,; 1? 1111,1 •:!!t1. 111', I "! I)j•1tr'1ty' 111'(':•,01! til•( Intuit ill ':1.1'11: ! 1.t j, a i„ 1431:Illi! 14;!• 1' 1t i1 :\I',t!'l.i frill :1 gal',1l'll of .1!t';1'.,i:t a to:,IP ;or "1)o yon think '311. \\Attilll tell Voll, '111 I a tlll:'011r ,t:,' ;;rift, turning iu freil ? She llko,l \toll, it t! :;Ito IIU h:, 1:'1111=P Clark 11\11', N,';'1' lII'I':lll \11!11! I)1\ Inn really tiimh :,hc tcnr,iit ;" Ito;nit!, sun, ;lust In'i.Ic, alit '!at! roll lint It it 1\';' IIil' "1 fc,ir nut, •jr. \\'I!rn ill' 1'411-0,1. lo;::t',nt!':• ;wow, :1;,'! 'It) tell you, it is not tit i,i' slit! 1':ntll!I ; 111;till ;! ;'1'1:i'1',1111'll. ilii! ,, (1„,11,,,y 111.1!•.0 11;1' her (",':t111a111 ' ti t•tllttt:'lfll• I Ill tl1'N tl':Iilrlpl', •' ' 'Von :Co-; I'''! Eli 21, 1,n1;" till,,! 1 ;1\l! 51,1'!" 1 I "!n `111'1'1'' If -It 1111 \'ll'. !:i• '\"", 1111!', 1\111;1 !I':1':, 1; l'!rt Ltd 11 iittnl11 1111' : ,!it(•. 11!I' 11!,1 }11':'1'(. ;,,. t'I 1.0 !,"1;1 1;1. ',I 111'1' Illi t!Il'1pll;'1' .\Ilr,;i•1'; trial', I tit'!' !{11:11' 110141" 11`.111•, ,1111! 11(01'0,- 1/1(r tjrt!" f Fel' a l,i')('f tilt:e 11 •''('1\:,'(I a•; if the 11I)o;',t (;rtzzlt' 1I ::chit s'liII rt,,jd0 It elittnge Of 't on!' and air I!:Itt really la'cu lho old 111!1'1" 141,1"'1 Iii Itro1Cn, after :1 I1it ,3;l'1lee to .tln1:'ti'ta, Atilt 111a1 hotil leur•r, to di\rrl, kit; IMAM fru"n felt!ik"'Ith and ,'pirits \ci'rl' init'rtt'itty: Ili!!. It \\':i•: only a annt11'lllt!'C latetittg. itGt:. "Yeti; the old ]!lith of Statin! (111, .11• !•:tin :tivtty, 111'1 loft bei frail! thttt a irrt!tcht'tl old Ila/t, lilac that shoml(l lucre camsed its. all so nnu!Il mise 1.!;:f' :'rill, •!'rano nnlii:!:1 ory1" • 1 leo t ',Ii, 11.' 1 r'in (1.0;.in'^ nti r 1! "7th!' day of retrilltttion (sill ('titin'; 1.0 t'1 t iii , :lu(t u: ije ,.nits lit Lrr•'. it t' it it assured of that, 'sir," ;:!ill Disln'tiwr, 1\l• t !:!'t lunne :11;:1 ll i):).,!; Ott' prilll;. UI most sternly. ":111i1 her bon fret(', l 3113 lri.'n' -1 rui!ctl 1111\ 11.11, ai iruric:! hv 1 he lain 'I'eltiiiesl', \1'111:1 IIUi In;e(n1C of , !'I ;l!!:' hit -in of tit.' t'i) 11.11:':1 linin•, llllll'!)' 11111. (loll':! the lois;!, -11'1!1('11 laurel "(lime off in the Iitl'•h,t'-Ni;4I!i 1itt 111'1' 1 :11!c, ho ,Irit'!rtlll' r•tut'r+I ll! ll.;lolliilt of 111 (lark, tliyil'.; drni%1': of cri!no, Ilei own; at kr! ,11:1:1: \1\!,r no, half \\•fill 8110'1'11• .11'101' you left.. It\' ilit' 1 ' i!t'.', 11:!!1 11'I'i:'' i:,t ;i !'r1'l'll. het 1011". 11'il t', .\Ifl'l'll, l'tln, r(llt fPH 111!' 11111'1111111; !!ail'. Ill:iel:i,! ! ,;11,1 '.I ;'.0.1 „'!!1 ;H. l:i'_::11 of tiutt,y,tttllii Ji111:1!L II }.alt, Jacinto? 11'0 .1t'1,,• :1'.,U'::i:i; ;1rot.,it,t til';'; !!,'t Iatc Ill ! tii't'('r (tt)ttld. It(':it' ;110111. hint 111':1 int t"'1' 11;11',!,, !It';' ;1tI!;If'!i' ^o ha 1'1! fit )11 L,'1'," !;i0;ttttit 11 f. I)o tl'i'o112,0,1, Cull acted 11'01:! ;1 ll•r of (Illy. 111\(1 !ver;' not -o )Ilil,'il to Illi in1', ).et the Ilt'•ul 111,1.; 1 k;t(l ra.lh('r alit : ilr,l ; tri' her,') •111'1' hi-, , 1110, i1,1, I t't t' .1 ill ;hire! I .'1. :i 111, ill') ear!'iitii to (1111 fort ;t't' «airy': t'; • t !lit l ondi:1'i',l \\illi the death 0f k''1' lirtl, lll't, 1!11 • in; t' „t, ',1 the ,II'ttl',,-,io:l ,11 it' I' ! 11 ,;t',.1 ;1- 111'(.1• ,nll,'l', '1 1 L:(')'\ Ill I:I C't,l,:kill. '1;111, i., •.;,(1 1'. 1;,,1 11: :.t„ . i)„ • 1: , illrllll • 11:.11 .1,1. I,1 t It'. 1;1 ,l " 111'.i, • 1 111 I t 1 ti; , ,.,,,!1 111 ,11:, ! 'I1 :I 1, I• ill en• 1 .111.; ,..1 1•!111,, • , 1'1111 , 1 ,! 111\ 1i VW „d114 M. Nn4 ud.,w. 4F1 - .. 4. ,•i' _'t'.,,,•,,.•,,,, r.v.rw.w1.,. Y.,+Tx,+eKt'1«„f.liu.v...y 1A-..N11'r•O, VIA iUlk.GiN,J.1,.1:111\I(111A.11! ••••'••.1.11111•' I'14 ••14'4'M,1.1..,RIiW1i ;yl'"•'i.,• .‘1.' 1 ' I''t't) 0!' lin; i, ' 111''.1 l;rrt il'Hlrt! 11 : •r. -Ty;;. ' i:: t 1:1'11 \. i,1' ,1.!i '11'!,:11 t ,' ., ' .. ' ` 1111' 1" c:1111t \nilly ,t 1'i ;toil'}1,::11e lir Self. 311 1 i! i :rt of in :iitg I+7ulc 1 Qpuiatioa, `! }lt 11111 h• ,,, .1'.',,.. •-1! ,) ., . . 1.3 1• :l. ,i' •1 .1' ;At 122t•1 "., .1,11,:,i ,,,,1'I 1,,1' , ,. ,,, I ,...,.t.,..• e: ; 1 t,,i i ! ;'',1 • Int •I i ' , t ,. 1 , •,1 'I, t 1. lir,. .IC ;! ;alt..; 1\l 1,111:. )' 1111 't:, . , . , '., ,1,1'11 .'I:,,.. t .I,,,1. L1.. ••''1.. ,t•0. .:l ;tti,l.c.r:,, it:, 1,, ,,,, t,t ,'n 1 I 11'11 ••••, i , 1'11:1 •,ii It 1,i. :1 ,i.:.,, i,,t' 1 J;', Y.. -11 Jit :;: ,1 , .:td ,...),...:..1..., , :,':t 1 , t ;•`/W, 31''' n.,`I_,r'%, e ''.,}t k':4 ,•J I .. .'s nItic \1',. - , 1 ',t'.' q v.,;;aL," r „ !1"1i r, h';,8p!f •Z t,ti 't,1). (t+.%t;' 1 t, 'cult! t1., (lilt',!. I.:(!I)±1! L.t,:ti t:'1 .i- ( ✓"' 0 (, I, ) .,Ct'!:I 1!t t': to ]11:11 11,:,1.:1 Il ,i 1,1,1'1! I" ,'r1 .. ht! }1:,. , 1'1'11 ;;:til ll{Ifi,.,: i l ! ' I f r i.' il , .11011E 1 .1 'id 11111' t ,,; 1„ ,i r .., H.,.1',.Y.:1-.';',.. .)f FJQ r1 ;(y r Ill ,:t', „ i)I•.'•`+a' :I' I'''' alit r'r '!, . I till! Ilil:'1, 1:; ,.1.;d \'ill.,; ,,. 11f1u::]- il]c^i. 1. I,! r•:) 1, 1`.•..0 1.'.•,; -r (.• t ', i r1. „ ;1:! rrr . ; nfl1U7 Iii U C 11'"19 'S! J Il :'' II;1:'i t)' ' ' A in:al., ;i (1,113:' 1) (tut:,. i., tilt! i1.,40 ,fat ` t "Fe^puwkc r l 1 c , '!.,1 ,11' ' 1;' ., •11, . 1 mihd l! 5 1d Olih I' !!' r„ ;'!fall :!11,1',1,'!! 11 1'])1.:+.;0 '1 ,. I;..1'::!• I! 11\!:! \. ry t ri,ll r'.Dila•'a.. ' 1.'li')trl'," Li; i.i,' _..,1; :1,1 1.1 •1,1'IV 111,t01.:!y' :1114 I.,!" 1111. 1 11,11,' it", ;, 'pi ' 1 .1111 IL 1:,11'1 1!,(' lit !I' ,1'1,f •., 1 it .. ._. ".,It,! tt.!t :'r 1'1',111' i.:::;' '11,•, ,,. ' ,.,• •fr,.,.!.t,i.ul (I•n,•.iilliti, I 1 1311! 1 .n, ,tt; ,,!blit• .\I0 I; I, r; 111'' t .11„,'', .',. t, to 1'0111('.' •111••. At.l ,;, . \, ti'' rt titteli 'I',?' , 1!') .• ii'' •,'.A' .,, I,ir;]1t 1.'1 " 1111,1'1. tt .,:•'u1 1 '1 l,r,,,r,.!• r\I,1t, 111,01 {Parti 111'1' "1',",I' 1, . ,t. ':::_11',,,::''t:: 114 :!1111.: :(ll(•l'`;1':if', 11.;1')'-'', lift! , III ) 't• t ai i„1 1'011 ,1• ,' ' . 1111,0,.'1' 11!1, 1!11'• 1;'1'h,tnt ,4','1'1'1 ilia:' I:,', ,I ', ;, til I,;01.‘' i' r n 1st 1'•, ; i' ,, :\' 1.. 11:11 1 ., .!I' ''.P: ill i !. 1-. I:,,,... 11 r. '' ,.i }' ,I' ,i',.(' .\1, !' •1.1 ); , 1•.'1 : 1! tt t' ;1( :i t' 1 ;t t :];. 1311!': ;.illi\' II;I,1, Iii'' .11,1 1<Jn ! 1 f ,, ! ;,,;,! - 'r 111'1,-: 11001'('' i 111 1'al';(a 11 ll! .,11,. .1, 1'• .,:, t"',' :Gill 1'.` ) 1:,1 1.t` 4 ,'15.; 1,i1t Il, ,t' t I y I ,t\ 't' t , \\, ,1. 1', It' ',!, I,,,ai. r1' :Itt' Ian'„ 1111 'r II: LI. Iilit' „ li')ltllt.l(ra'3 t,)1:4t it ',i.i, :Ittl: 1, .1' !r u1. .1 n ( 1 't . .•ill ,tii. , 1' )'.,- 111,1 111111' i',4'(':1.(1) tilt It Illi!!!:'}li,fl''4 ..'I . 1„1: „• 1 •1' r 11,1 1,,,:1. I )III•^1'%•111''1, Plitt 11f11fr!1S !,I ! . o, ':n loll ('a llilul 1'1111 !'{?111!(,1. It !,, I 1 t. 1,1 ,1 , 1 i,:;tt' :11)t!lit'l1 til "0 101'111 1111.') ti!I:l? :111!.0(; 1 , 1',,,: «,' ,, !',,, ,, ,l' i. I ',:1 I!I'1:',1'P, :is 1:1 1:(11'!,111:!',•i lin„' t! ! ! t'1 1111 111,,1'1,11 flit)!' silt' d'.t 1a11']it, 11' t i. 1 }1' 1'• f.''.':: 1.0 1.110111 :1 C1,,'[y 1t11',';.'UI !!'1,:1•',• `1 r :lila I 1, n, .,;I, ('1\l; til .'ii I - 1, 1110 elf?Ill). ') 11'1-'1 11..11 ')C ,t'ill, .11) 1 1111,:• til%tlalfi 3111) 1 ll:'/ t;'.il'1. ',",!'"11 l'ii'1'' "1111 ,.:llil' ,: 1111' ..:'1't'!i" ti Marry 1(11,11 tt , -.,,l,11.,t,l it 1(Ilille_i CIN! -ill ti ,,,e '',,11,1,.; /l; i i.i Cal' 1('54 t, I 1 1: I i ,, 11 tite1 ' 111.'1, 1 . , •,11 tii!11,', f! till' ;lllil)as .0.111 (, P, i1.: '1.i tO 11 , i', II' not, tell 'till(' father-sun- -.',,;:,,11.,1,1, ather -.;Cil' „'. , i tititl1 r l„I' %111,'1,' is t,'i IT' l:! yh,lrr]':i :.01!1 112 :it. i • 1i I1 (',III 1:11''1 111111 ': I,, ! 11711:. i1I:,I'. i,C ,;1 is }1. .1(11',]1.,•] it•: i,s ;)kI nut to Ilju:! telt to hien' 1 i (tit!'i .11;,1 1(U 011'c1it t:t' ie!l,lo f, . rr, , . uta, ,. 'n„ 'I; •I , II;, ,,! , i.,.:. ; I :11,1..,\,,,,,,,,,111..:0„11 el), 11o1Y' i ::loll 111• , 1'-•,:1'.:1 i:1;irnal:0 U:1.1' ,illi'.. 'tt ..,1111" 11'1! :'0111 a Ilion:4;111t1 tett:l", (i)n, 1 I til„) :I 11 1 !!I 1110 11,1111. 1'+ 1 front thiti 1 f:al': '•',t• „illi 1'„ti'0 t 1111,1 11 pin 01111' 1:!!"i4. ,,,1,, '']' }),Il 'I 1''' i t'i'n 1:(' 1.0:.'. t1\';n,) l 1•'-„r;,, , ) I, ii f' I, •✓a r1..: 1;,, ,:1 111,1. I ll,'l0 n,'1','1', 11„1'01• 11;ts gull;, equal I') 1 It t . i rc r S 111 :t, is 1 their doitioatj" tit ,111'9 :hitt ,.:1111'!' 11' ; 1 'J(t'1, ti h. ft{,l'i I}r: 1y ,.ii !L tt,:rlit'i til 1,.,1 11::,"6"!11 1111;1, 1' .'.t.',1'lll'.1', ' 1 ti" I , Vii: di -,::f, J 1'I , , r' IJ '1'' ,, t 1 ' I .I ;t I1!lilllli tU 1.1' 1111, 1 I:,I\',' ., ;1 ! I ,, 1 .a1 af,. _Y 1 .,. :,,, •., ., , (i ' 111!1' 1,111.1!,';rrti, l)I'il' 'iiO:oJ)1 111111 9 ! .I. itt a i.,:•k;rt;l t 111:1 l; u,:i(} Co,ll• 0,1110 'IS 1111. 1111110 :111,1 1'011111:4e 114. y11111. II ' WOMEN KASTEN OF TOWNS. I'1 ,!. 1, ..l!'rl, !'-'I It i}t. y:•21 111:1 ;Jo; !.,1'.',, I 1. 'r :!' , .. - . 1 i ,..r ... :I, ,+ ,,. ,. ,! 311,..1;.-1,1,1,1,• :1. ! .. ('...i;.1! U' 11•i 1 :,; , 1 ' I • I 1 1', "! . 11'. I i:1 . t: 1 1 :!gilt'!• 1' , 'r", t,,a:l ',!, .. . ,. I•'. . !1i ,11,1,• , , r 4, f,', ' .. .:1 , ,, ! •1' „ v.i., 1:: ) I,' „I iii,.('• II'., lllii:, 1111:! !, 1111' t 1 I• 1:1..0 I,. ,:.! . hen it 1', ;In !I,•,!, I.1 ,l, flit, .\Illry, \,111 110 !I' , ,:01 ii',:I!lt II:'; 1",rl' r0 10.: lint iL of o'l )!I f:'(",! i'u:111',' ,,1:11 on on, !1111! :Plitt.(' •t. 1\i :111 " 1;, 11',1, !IC i,,1., -\: ,;I: ,,.. 1 : .,.110 11111." i \; 1. ;i 1 11 ", 1 .,I •. ,• ., , ,,;!11 ti;t! ' 1"1 1:,,.1':,' 1 . " .':t, 11101 1 to 'n , • , !1:' „ • •,'t,:!..'!'1 • 11: 1 '' l'......•;.' , 11. `'.I i I :1.,11 .•::f, ! ....t. ;1)' t1: ,1 • ' , ,,I'1, 1 " t i,rt, ' a 0,1 .:ill I •,• 1111, :! i ,I .r, ,,'., !I::: ! r, 1\,+'1 .,i1.„ 21::I1, iv.„ 'i 111,1 11'1, 1!1,1\10 1lit',:,1. •: ', uI.i. tea. ':e. :)O', :t-1 1 1;111, ];., 1 1, ;t 1.:,:t '::ill• 11:1,2 :0111 1'1,1 • ''It" I 3,;.. ea., ,,.,i iii• i ' 121'',.,! 1.1..•,1 h.- ..) I 1 ,,, 1,, ':1, 1.1 1 to.n... tie. 111;..3 tai;1,• ' 11 .. •.!Irl „!I1„ 1 11'1, on,.. l;!'I)tllil'.• 1:!i' ; ii, riI..,,... i ,ii, i •' '1,11:• 1 ,'1,•'1,'1 i'uJl''•:•1,....1:.,..1i ;.!•,...n 1 (!i'1 111 '. .'1'.her. (:!,'t' •;l! t'l; 11, 1::11! io ' ,; I ., .) .! ,' ''-„ 1111"II'.,'1'Jlt' 1\l ti iii 11: 'j itt,.....1; I ,. .i''1.'ft:-1''1'1,.1 1x11 I ,,1: ui•it 11) itt tit ):':I', i1.! l)'!:,., 11 .!1r ,. , -.. 1111,) t i1.;!, vi:'.0 („1„1',1.1 „r; ,1,,'(! 11,,11,:11 t' i..ti L.. i!.,:I ;,('t':,, I ,ti,,,!,:1:,1;.:::;:;!!: !„11 1 I , , •11 I'. 1 ,1,1,3,1 ,'i11',I; n 141:1 l`+I I 1,111!:' I:.., (1'; t'1101t 1')1' til'.111'.-I1;„1.:: 11. ,1 ,, t i,i ,11,('„ ,, I• 1,1,1' 1 , ,'1:!;:. I'•' 1r,r ;,t 14',' I);', 1111 1 ' '''i.r 111;1!:1'(1 Il , , t 1'i 1111 r1. .1.1''11, IIJ.:''< (I''-= , r"1:1„' :,., it :l):!,', 'i ! '11: i - !; lil'!11( i;1. (•l'. ): 1: t; • . ,,:;1 t,.,'1 ,,.. 1'.,. ;Ii' 1 ,• I 'I 1• ' , ,'f Int is ,,., 'I; tlt.'it! no ;at(' t1'',I'rt' than tititl1 , . i:+ :! •1,•„ p;•!;.,..1 1 ,,I •i, 1•:lt(. .. 1 ill' 1< I., ,.:, ,,` :,.1.r'«1 •!I:1' !, '!t, •,1,1','0It 13 lt!, 1)101'(' is :l )I1 1 !'1•,, ! 'I t' "I f,;, that; ;,!. •I ,, , I ;'' 1 1t , , in t. a:tt 1.1 ,Tilt:. 111111 11..„:11:ti, !1;,1 I'.• 1 I,,.. I" I' ,( 4, , ;'(i fon 1, j'.,I, „1 ,1 1111:..1:. .';i1.' 11..,,: 'i!!1 ! t r' i; ! i'. ','.;11'(1 ('it' t!V' (:iCa 1 lt('> , :0',•1', 11:;11 1!0\e.t• 1:11i1\t'•i 1i"1, 1111' Id:. ' .,.(' r1 f„'!:.,! a i:, ,1, '! I „ :1! •). I. 1, ,I. , ;t,,. .1. t' t t,1'''+: ret::11 !I!, -t• t:1 a it'll Iltlltl:i' e!ta',e Ill•' ttlC '1' \1a, I':'. '.coni !11; til tall' 11;;(1 !III;',` i 1,\11''1 " ) 11.11 11 I ., : ! I ,, 1:0 ill ,\II'lllsta, l hlll'110:1 al Ill" (:I It1.11:111.'"i:;:,;::'"!...!..:: " r ! " , .. L`'11'::.‘::::::;:.'1.1.:i i ", .1, Illi":I;',. 1 ft!tI' 111;41(: . !' , ;' „!y1;,,1' , , 4,•.1: .ii 111111,11,1 IY,iiit 1!f itttlit tl'lllll L'I:11't`Illotl'(5 • 1:co .,11')1': vont iiI;e1'i, that ill 1., 1,1 '•'1111111.1 l'i'en' flit(':', ,i' in :r n. ,. , . I • : 111.; 1i,i-ii t'„ •'L,,., ;:‘'it- i .,,'1t' i,'" , ,.:!it t'il to place trader itrl'('.i1: 1:101 '. 111'1,' n Ir'1 Ill' with the 101'1,. rail::) •'til. a1' 11+':ir' 111'3 •'( i 1 ( l 11' 1 I1: :I, "fit is ':(1:'.', .!1 ', ',11:1:: it:''t!:it'r.'1, t i, )t('r'`t t1t'!`!'1:1!1'11, 1u Ix ltt`tl]il'. li.tt r . t!!at that N'Iiiti, Weil' 1101': oft( 11 Wf.11'•(' ; (n 1, 111"ie a ' , 1 I , l: .1.'.i :I„ ! lilt in! 111 r,l,n1- I i' i• o 1:0• iii', •0, ,;1!,',;• :01 01' •,0 t+1. t:1C elle it lltlll•;(, 11•:!(11 Ila ,t lilt' I'1'lla:"!!. .VIII' /1ihl01. lIl':1111th 11! I Gil:. 11. sl!;'}I a 1'; ,,:? !, ( ' "'r" I r, it fl'i 1111 ; ;!1,i !i't;1' I ' ,1. .•'1!,! ,," t•i l., ...'., :1 !), ';1iriall "i tii': t, )ti ;1`:1).11 Iif!r.c•t9 f0'n 1114': 1.!!0 1 uiiin• o !L r' ! '' , ,I' , i. 11'1' (;ri' '0 .1 }( j.: 1 Y 1 1 • , "i'•' 1!1 3111 I:;'n,:_'iIiI;1' I ,:I ,' I ,"•'! \'i,rlilila:!('t.i,, ti MI ,.I •' 1.11:1. ':rl'P i::'10 11!1'0\'t 11 :It 1.1. , and Ilio 11;1, 11'('1 1111 ip,i.1 r1. v) Il..,0 i °!I•. •1 , i t, . I 1. (! ('1'01•}' 1f;'11! 1\l jt. 1 • ,,, ? a .,i1. - :; ,t! ,!t t1. all t!outtt.)tir, tt' Ittiltl'lil t1."'1' .\'ill!) 11.,,,• I •'• I'i' I; l'; ,lilt+ ' , 1 a.' '' ft• :t' .l. it•tL .I.. fi'!It'0. I t , 1 ') • no: ;!!,'it' ;', ilo slt('ll 1!tltt:' 1,'1' dl' 1' (1 111''.1 fol' 111: 110,'1 01.' 1111:' 4', 11'11 ,r,. "( 11 t1. 1!,' ill' 1'U:]:, ti;l\1' till! I1111(ltlC !1.t the ! t 1' 1 1 , l , IL i ,,, 1' Ifivt.1't• ,,.;• i' 1'11'1'1 1\l' t.', I!'; 1 ;121 t!tt' ,11;til 11:•!11•' ", '1 •1 , 1 i!;-.. t\'alt,'11'11 tried. t(1 nay- , has un, . (luno tun. lac 1\•i al .1\r ,•r it ., 1' ' !llllirtll 1'I:Ir"' 1;in•It 111 Ili't1ie l;'t'iI;,'1'•1 •'I :11'0 iii 11;'01'!? ills 11'(.,!.; 311'1! i,t .. !1,,11,,2' !'',1. ,i!, f"t ,,1.!1' ;!- I'm It(? tall, a !tit ied.t,:\1111- ',' ' i mal,,, ns;iltl'11nP, (kiddy s!'(` 1,,111 pl., }'' „!! !,, 1C!'.jt^0 i' Jr,111:1 ('a"1: . :,int „ 1'„0, li'OI!;;','t1 Iol':i 1!11' (I,llit'i'(1. \\'111011 \'i 11 •, h. of ght. there \11:1 .1 of it..;' : 1.;'P, i' ! l ' I int 1, , 1111', .'!f, ,1.;',t s.'1' :I 11(.:.1110'1.1 ,(,1'1. ! ., r'i t, l• '1 ..11),!, t1.. i.1'!.... 41 .' .'r!1; ti .13311 l'i:'!i,i 1111. ni•.unel•, and linc\t' hint in;tallti}. 11..',; t 1 . i tilt( ilii'." ,. „1 :t ?) .. It ' t' i't i1•L: 1'i ,1; ..'i'• ,t; i'4•in,!i 1111 11:11! t1.': 1111)}; to Int (..ml,i'd t;kon kr 1;;1„ hint.. ll. 1'113 a ,, t , n I I ',•:1.i (!!r1. 1.,f1( (•• I. 11,11.,, I: 1,111' !. \\ I!,•.11,Ci' "1 ill• ., t•,It,tl' 'i 1;t' 1!!.III'o it)Ilolfell, Ilut I ro.,tu'ef, of iell'llgi! Beyond pt'jrt, 1u him.' , „ 1 ' `, 11 , 1•"1 ,1; ('il'11,11.i 11..1'1 i1.!.,, rflPl' itt '• - ( 1':i•\'Ill O:ll it tai .11!1':, t! lit!:;111'!'l'ttin a IUn; tttl,y '',1 .; Iii the tither lu'i:,c u1. r'; ivory arta I'- . ...._.__ 1•,- • "i:t :Ilia:4 111.1",111,3 n ri1't't% ,'tit, •1 1.:„1.!,i,,,• ethic Ilio he 1113tH t+)' '.' 1.r0 :10(11 i0; 111,1,1.: l:,' 1' :it . ' :l , 1\,1:'1!' Iota•, and tit' 11011((•, rallilir; ttli'1'U r 1.0 1.}' 0'i t'ai'l;1. I.:liltt! 111111 111 Ilfll ill 0.. :,lit' Ill l•ti!ilt]ivt', till' 101'1: ,itill;11t1i! ti12ItI- 1' ill k1,; 1.r,• :,1, .1 (11'1' nit 'a 110111.:,' r(A, he att('nlpteit :'n,':;I.'r tl!..h, hal n'as tillable to resist 's 1hr sl r(,1\!_, force, and \vas removed to • 'f I -liar .\'l'lulll. 1', 'ten 1:,` rt'turitotl house nftor the vita.... 1.1' 11';!0 almost, naked, and (i(ti'el'- ! l n' y ' t^ h ',rho r!'t !)' ('tt t'iitIt moil. and lii'c:;ented la i)ilin,)Ie \i .t. I n'et ill" 1rte-lt.'tl. 1':111) lath ill:';;,' I1;('IC t'i:l!)t!•i:l., f sl!;'}11. • "1!!' did lit('; 1:('1':'1'11 - 1i 011 !'i to (11,11 1.i" , ' ' 1 1!11: ,'„ it 1!.111 100:1! (I" rP•1;('1'14 !lei!,, i ":11111 1111. 1!.('71, is i'4:Ili' 'if('1'. L .tilt Illll're i , 111011' 11',1;1, \'i}In Ili'-: 1':!1,1:------ ►4t--.-•_. ......••.,,.. w.w,.,...d.,..••.,w.W,.w......•,1.«w....,..,• 1\.,..,,,...11,,.....,....,,.•.,M....••..•w.».,,.,,•. .,..-......,.....,.,.,., 114 , l'emclrt' ,nil herr. ;t .;uta ,I;, ;ala;t :.0 ..2 1, . _._, .._•__.- _._ _.__, 1,1,1,1,.».--_-•-- __.. . __......_..__.._.. (115(!1 111(1 )filo thylt nl\'Ir)(t'tI hint. 1\ II:::I, "t'1 I 1 • i Itll SC'ne with TCA'!?) hurl :,:`.'!`lit• I ,•I• iiia la 1\l ' ii,i,,‘, i ') 1 ( 1 sl.. ») \ y% y i l ,SJt I, l'ry .Cin ) b ,r ri), r1. I i1'. Iii I.1\ ('('1C1 ill 1111. 1, t(.'t'al,r l l' 1'! 1't'l'('n'( 11 •t ilia I t I 61 ! eg sr;9F o dg'04, % 1' 'b+j ) t1. .1 111,1, :' ie)( pyaPt: ///,,,,TpL?, y '?4 glh7ry!p-, ► ftp c1.:i1. ! .., 11' , alien, aluluetl'(1, ha:, _ ' , . l: ,- I 1.y paid ;','i,JOI) tar I I 'r• A .Ian ill ,1G f , d !,, w"r1 t6 w!7 `6" ' VJ 'iJ t'9 4J W) Y 1 t, ` 1.`i ; t,,r , 1' a b 111,1 (! ;f hp !•6 zr s ,"''w' eS "not- 111,1 r; 'r' li'r .ret! i able 1111;1: Ita:'1 111'1' 3311 ! „ y 1 la ItU 1'I'•Ihl':11)il't11n0V 5('111 Of 1h1' ldl' 11;: l lit 1'1 i 1' L:'1 )1rl'Yt1C('.'. '-t tit! ;jl','.11G:, vI.;,(•'ill .sit;; 1 ♦111 ICIIII50tt9 It' ill:it 1)tllIght 11.1 P'.•':! 1\,r ! ij a` 1\• ono; Ill .11,11• •,;111 1 ' DIJ !rut lift' L 11u11. !ell al°d tho,i'dk („ heart 11.11, in a it %F1f( ti ' ' '" , , :('1, ', /{ 1:1 Il 1131' ilii of a,! }111!1:111, til' hail (lot ail bi'tll II!'' ft) my ' l'ill'l'. `11.11' (1(111 fl.! Lit,..:pr ,.'ri1'.i .110 1111 I'11;1 1 111;11 Iho I for y3,0U1). \\t111i'1' (_}]ll'r0y I1;1 F4 ;l, bOy t,lil, 1'1.1 ",t`e9 ,!i ' ,,i,? ,,Ct 1 tL' i),itll. 1O 11'0 !1 Yhi of tai, , 1 ,i.„1,Ilol, 0141;:'•1. lt:l" ., 1 ,' „t' I: „;t „ 1 for which the ref-: tri a cash 01112:1 of 'r,- >,., •.• t i' ,lain rt':Irl. '.Ll:' tic t1. to t -lin illi: t' 1111.0 lhnl:"' , } g . •. ,, Il' 1,''•l,lrJl to ilii( ;i]''. (';1:' ,111;1 ; OOU. 111U111'n )CCIII! 1'1`1115111 '.:(i1),Ct}O mai id r 1% f1;A0Eit . i✓n1: e j14.31ti: idr luta::. if f.lk. j1.' Y:• ve ELI'S ti. )'h ,:)I,1 :1i :1 ,::Ill Joy, hill he 1111; r!1\, ! r,1. h,,. 1','hrrr i hc', :,,till, , . a `i ;f p •a -, S+• li1!If 1'1'.:1!01!''1) raj '.!!1111'(!('1!, all!\ 1'1)1' ;1 ! \ 1fi111t!t'!'('! 01','1' Hip 111,!0 1:o1!I!, 1\" sil'Uli(! (11 1111! Il'In:111:'Lei 1.'t r:'},1.:' j •'1' I ti 'so11111, a race 11111'r;e. '.1. here ill'('+',1\t'. ') ?)et'.it;l :?idr. they need :,),v-;c:12':`''c..ly :}lr7P3v I"' ,) „ !t"11'!11;; '1 , a., '' di !; 11.11 1'- (,:l era]. rout fashionable '.1. blood e w.,v- "' lti-)yy:• ' :2:3 !u.{r'; 1.1":tt !:u Ill,iiol'i.ill:1.t l' 11(',.!1(1'1'011, ill 11'1:1 P.C1'IV' :Crit a!"IIIi, 1,., ' 'I• i1.•' • I f1'r3 Ul : ,It;:!!'' •i. ea ].r;l to 'of cacti• 'e can hili d1,141 : !jj'1ti. f•}I1'Iji,`ffeptq•q,Iyy f.!0i,ti 11;1 i,11(':11'5 :tint. 1;.'11)1'1? itt +'. y! n f' in 11! ('t1.`19'11;2!1 l' 1' „ (1„' 1Al/Stf..3v°i 7.1.:1 fl+':.i } JI'J'.r'.,iTL:i1vt: _t.st, ?ti'1aid i.Y'I.lin'1,•''iP`1..1 0 ,I ,1!111. 11'11 I1' :( ' t1.` ,' , I !time 1111.. fin' ;?::tQO nr.d :a t'il;cr f(lr )T' u+.;; 141'1;' ,) :11:1:: I'1:: i',('I't!!' 1('0111 ti1C' 1111 1 1 t ,• ( t 00,!14 °l?(, ni'o ll';1 ,, rlo Y]I,'L'1;,, .'i !; ')' , f,t.kt,ij I `• ! r .E-1 y-L [ I: •II !Rliig+ 9Vis'113y uu;l 1,) tri .111.111 halo 1.1 ''1111 )• '1,,.y'Y l,1!;,t1!:11Iri',lilt'(Iil!II: I!;lialnO )i1. 111,1 i.l.( li tf1'U'•Vi fllFy ii l11.'1.,i .„ f:alt Illi'_illI11'I1illi' :Il,:; I,r L a J f4•' I lncrdiut; fiche , :lll a fire ui::Ic ,.:il;r(tn4111) 1111 3: 1111 15!'L'fSY1U: . 3?: .i I1: ''^ 1. ;.'1)74: t. lQ: ,1 ,,,• a1.'It r )rill, il 1!;trl't•,IljI:;I 1 ytiroring lalurl trop: a:,! 1'4,11 11,.11 !'i tt o, )land lit »1.i;!,ht bcy\li'ilt ll; , ! .."::c'i:,l Il 1'i'in..1q-:). 'l ho leo:tri,J,l t"'n lC 1!1'31 1.r tilri ..t «,'q ,L iIt 1' , 1'1!:1!' Ill :,:one iitin'' lingo! (Irl tha:. t.. i 11 '•' , I '`t'1\') b fiy>11Sh'a)'4b tJy Y3 ,Gie"i ;fir,;;°E 4. .".ii li. '.`Z: zy9I 't;;. n, ab if (hit ilnl0 hit''I11'Itiro :I!. ! I I']a0ry day Ito 'y"t letters il'pml11,1{1), ;,,,CO0 ('( »' hal )1\l. calf u go The 1 n ; 1':1.11 Young lit',(!• '' 1 ' 1'1,1)1!11.- 1111: fental2 tial• r1.'+ j '' qy-,1f• trn „ L".'..)811711::',11 1-1' 11 Y.: ' 1. 1!',111 ; It l' I l' 11!11!'11:' i'a11 ` '.f','Cll 111111 :' i11l1ttI0I8 iCl!itig Oi iIIC btone.1L 1.;lb?• S 1 \ter!: Olit, •10i't,k p', 0.:''t u.Lt.J 1,., ' v . ',, w)+ %t4 1 '!,1. t I,:1 l Ci., (:ale iclll to ,, i, h' 1111' . 111.:1 .I l' I''.) .14 ( :r1'I. 'l':: ! ' the?i1.' 111• Il'il)ll 1111''llt itr?CUl'tC till! SllUtli1' of ti(11),L tp 141)4 !I'•' ! ' t: ' t 1111 ' 1-.1..-1'1.';'2, !+ ;i..' i,ltr, '(1:;121 p1']tlse thein for ft)11• 111.!111 fl'IIU1t'3 ill the same ti'tl1e. 171)':1t %t(j' J✓ • ,, n i 'lain t'• r1\' •'; 'K fat `+ IholIgh ,1111(.011(!lot flictil olt:1hied Mill r1. "Lord :\ltAre1•, lily lord." S(Ip,:LIU!I, stomach 011(1 h,}1i'CI 11'011' 111 Ill;! ab;',1'C^ilt4I)OSFn1.)ly 1113111;1ft1 Uy 1.,!l'! RI keeps Iv tile rc" f YkC' c, •., 51.t.•kEg, .41, puts 1 1..j I, (',l, 1 1. [ !}' t „ ,, 7 r situation it C'a„ 1111, U' U.1. l.11,lt.l a II:.';I Il \1:14 t!1', .111'((111 •1:1:11 1'0•'lttt'•; l:! ill'; o iIM'S }Oi 1)1'Cft1Cl11 ► 1.t) .Coltta .11111 Calf.- `CR' rul'k ) l'I!zP. X1'1.'1 tIt1't,L )"ytt ,n,. ! G r t1. 1 s a .rl, i;•'i 1.1 t " 1\'i, , c, , 1 611111)lC t1.'\'illi; 4(I1 IIC Il•S , til'?rli 110}t1. , l`4 „ ,.,. N L i1.'• " . :t. 11t,.J .: lba'?11 f Tt:•lXC,'f,PJg q of-dr." course, noon of 'olir faintly lull•\\' •hr,.,ltli nen after t' l i t1lu lhil)u, \r•I ,; to teething babies, whily utlu!1•a ru t r ) Y; r, ^ , , , ) • ' rat „J Doubtful Compliment. .'!1 ;, ' 14d 7,11t; {illi::' t: /3e_wts girl's Cs.S.:..t:i3 (:);aid. '1.'C .0.A ;Ill,this'llt'tke tinie.'t" lonn';ill,, ill his own room, Pkattin r wall so flu tun to fitly 111:11 the 1'at!le: 117^trait Fro() Pros.) ,v o ' ;SC} Do ti > I ',.*),. (Iib;!- lalrit•' nothiitt;, of liint -11.n. Orrig, hitt on lu'arim hi, fricud'an:thio ha" .$11t'c(! their. little one's 1i'i0.11Ilndga-I ']1111'1 lulalt tvBre:vs.) lie mad rta ll Y 'E ,3 O7i, a1 t r SSid C al„3411;1 S ` 41'.1: 1i;tly'.l`all:ar 'tilt this day; till thii 1 Iunwlnu'011, he sprang to hi'; fret lsitll a have thousands 0f letters - 1 :I 14.101.4.or nM. (51: '1..'T. ' halte learned. of late. \fell, hr, grr\\' 11) suddl.luu .s (vile :aarllinr,, lug the Tablets, Tot thee' tlCsct d0 1 .1tty,-1t'ha.t the utntti i'? t1. 'Food 221 concentrated at:lslt`:ti1 for :dela, an 60) a, 1.11:111'; lute,tu.('(1 rani:,of lienifitti "hard Ansltr0r-OlttIi rJInt1? 11'1'0:;'?'' 1'lu'nl--ala'ays gobtl, 11'1':3. 14ollet't il(til gI utti ntvtuvut jesb nnnwiilug tCali ' ' ; in Ihu• u1.' the Gni101t 5t(itcts rhiti pf-t1'ur, ). n..uc, Doll's Rapids; Ont., lsrllcr; ha +'', "" g'`1\ "' t 0 t null'' lh0 uluur, of his first, frlelid til:i'll "\1'hiller -tthti \t'herefnre!" cs0l:tinl 11.1 would, not he:w :without 13nhy's l►q1\ :;coati Its so tllielc I' cnnt'son throua)l It Ci a viell, !'t u.n.s:, St.Fta6 old, 1.11:1:1 t':.:itc, p `"Dti" , ( • ' , lir' hall adopted -that, of i eot't,') 011. the (sell -!:nihil voice of Loral :1u;trey, 'I'ailels in the 110113)3 for a' dal'. 11'hett 'i„'. 1 f" t,J) ! « ) I !, , himself, as i!C lineoreitiolion51' eittor.l. anything ails in little one. 1. t'il'e bur , '( * v ' • ! And it, contains >rac drags i, +: no Alcohol, .1\r1,11!)) Nil i(1 Iii=irnt>'t, n, Sit nlu(1 ' 1' l+u t 11[1:;:i4:3 dlii'a+to 1`✓onlzttt--.ldt( trc►ltl.►,a "1: triol: the liherby of entering Hans (i('rl'' t1 '1'Itblet• ..nal site is soon alright. . 1 frit+1.i thea' iy ;'iao:tles'cr take' (tdn;tn'titg!e 1.G dont! pause, w : t "1.)h! but'; t,1iItt 1' go an \lith; the rest maul:., you moo, Earneoitfft', 111011 (11111, ata sure other mother's \till Pint .111e)0 of .her, 41lp04.1Ail)itiett, !Seconal Ohitutiso . ALL r)nUac!S'TS I EiOc. , AND 181.00. 'i ' ' -----limy shall 1' speak of myself and my how 'noes it'r" quite air satisfactory'," Sold. by drug. '1Vonntn•I'1 1•:fultl', It,. NVIlly, would ;►'fru d0 d'uf nmubl05s, OII, :\Ifc'odl •.1 cannot "A.ustrey, toy d011r old fellott'! ex- .gists or by mail at25 cgntst .1, liax, be.lit tr t1.. Flo) actually i tit' 1 111,1 ht p j,,;,tell your:.sh(' tiI1tl,t;;;qt;ielL'.'' claimed ))isbro\i0, "welcome back! 11'11012 front Tho 1)r, Williams' Medicate Co., 1.it'roat:;)i 1'),t'ko'tr1 Llai never' t'1)utl,1h1'or'''' 'Yd '1f l 911 31'i Okl't 11! Ont. a llrirolovI, ' ', ' : " "(10 tin, ,10);u aa. and fear ant! 1 think dill }lots 00100, ,sloppily -for 1 \' 1 I!.' 1 ;,1.' ., ,,.,•. t i1.:, 1.. 1( 'Y., ti, .1,1'1 i!1::1 I.. .,'1.11!' 1.1 the t':. Jt. 1 t 'l t:' i i•1,}' L:1 i'2,.:il t:,il,a.i. ii• Ca..' ill. ;."I • t'. 10.1:,'1 i, i•\1 i21,f ti;h li(Nat tiid .i 1!1'\'t'f(,,1'l!tl';i:, ')fit!:Itty :1,. i . ..., I', ,,!.. .,,'t .a `1,0,1'1 1':.1. .;,ill iniac .. ,.,. .,,1; (l• i:(ri'.'1:1:1:11 l" -,iii'!, , ..,t IL i:!11, it:!t , i a .::(•L :'.' .;11„ 1'., .;i.1 It t'i( halt ;1 1114:.;' „1 ! t 1 i :iii'„t ,'. i' 1.i')i('i:v 11':1!1 Vi],' :1 11 - i ,.. , )11)'•11 1:11:11. 1Ji'i1,Vt,:tsi'A 1;;1,11, , ;natio. t, •i .;i:,: ..0 !'•1\'i 11')'adat?:'1i - „ - ;•..1.1 a ::.,,:1, 11:'1.1 o,Vl tf f 'i:::•'t ;'.t tIl.: tint.', '.i'110 int,.ica.ut "• :t,'(: ter:' l'ti(J of thy ];li'iii' il.it- 1'. ;'. • : it dirty d y Uc",'O:tll it, 11 !1:1 1.1'00, :ilio! :.0 t1 1111110: 011113, :)'j taC %.0 • l,lovti;• ., '''' 0119. -_,_ __ sM Y• - __-- r :tiTC CII.+ SED FOR (IOU: S. 11'1'(•11 I;1 l' 111.1 i'li)l a1; amt lit' i )!'111'1' Pel 1Ih';1; 1' 1t 111;1}, 'II UI !1•!•010 t" ':!0101 Il 1:1('. 1;11,1 ' !U,1 tO 111(1 a hail' O \t 1`.1) 1,, ! ill!' 111 111, ;11H1 1)!;' !! .111 ,:1,1.'4'11 ..1:I. y,,,1."I,?ItCt, L1. ILC 4 t,2..._ D,),;', 't t t i it Ill':ltl; ,Ilii: It t•• 1 • 't 1,1:11 ltitvit;; ',titttt' autho'iI' U'itloi,r tl(Inl!, lit`' ill" ill°: t!IC('," 01.i.4 ol)0t'o I. t1\ i}lull wtis ilt}optt tt 1t:,' illi' i !ler 1' ,I,... t'!t!, !, 1411,1 .1:1 `!alai,,! tkinr il,'ll i!1 . 11.1. :. i, , L. i' t''1., I, '0 . ii;lnl (11'(11:, 1.;1)It' aliti hl'(liit'ltt t:) ift 1111 1)t'.Ill'It11'1' ;11011:111 Of tilt' (!11;. nit:tl),',I I tilt.' t';,_II; t.ii:,11 '; u„ Oi ',,.c'..., 1.1 ,,:0 r I , tt 11',•in1' }i'' 11111! •“....)1 11'1',tl !i `I I'' I 111,1.1 1U,\1', .. )il'.0 ",i1 ........C1' , 1;1.,. ,' .. ro..hc't t,; ;l•, if I0 halt 1111.. Itis, u; ';u:!1 Iliii:,!!"1 '1 " t o hull ;mil slllltl and 't' tilt.' at i i!0 !hilt(:! \';ill!'' 111..• . 1 l;:;ttii , 0,',+• ,'1 .!'('.1', r I; tri ,,, I. , taught i t, 11 Ij\ I t .'' Ilio til 1111 lla)Itlll limy, and trialed „•1 ''1 11:111 It!,., Ili:; 111'.,1 1:11, .'11;, „ ,:,13111 .-.it] : \\111111' 111yi ,\1l,) L11L.1 ,t•' A ill.' ;lito it:: Illi 1tittiall riitt 1, ()Int 7 ill:.. 1!1.-' ilii' \b'i'll it. Ila; 1.1'1l', 1!r !gill 1'(','•1' :,o! •;l I IA.,. t,t (,1'11 111:)-i0 1 111\ tot, :! ''1.;f','! ,)0t.', lilt': tit 1;1,4'1111:1111ittri! until Ile Itt1,I i III !'k I:If11n.'','t ht• dmli !'f:I1,^Intl 1' , 1,1 , it! 1 111115 x11,1 `,i}lt:]::tl.'1' 111, ii' 11:'1•' ,it ''1 • •'!1111 ill') :!.!!:I (1:1"11 I)I''`:'4'lll, tit 11111. 1 nejlt':'!.I ' ail'! leo }Lill 1.'':,,,,,„,''I 1,11;`1; ,;,1 11':10'', !int the i,l!.i!!"n`; ;11'',1 Ill .\i:,::! , r 1111!: !Ida;llll 1) Ilii• 1,11h('l' i1., !:. n'.°1,1"1 t,i:r ,,, ! `^ '•„ (II'I%'1411 Il)},} IC(', (1111 (}1.;l( }11..1 III'(':1,}1111 •'til' :'1'u!!1'imr; ill,. :' ' flt'f .-, . l'''.11.1 111.;:! 1.':r, .t':!lit 1 ,til'{alt 1'1., . •,'',It 1, 1.i, ,;y Utt .. i:, , t , , . • for. Cil'U'f;S`•) reel:g1M!,V,:ri +' - Gel 00030i1P44104)0010(Hiell I1tE7SENVI'r.`u tt i 1 PAGE FOUR—THE13L1"TIH STANDARD --'FEBRUARY 23111. 1907. ._.._._, 'JAS M C M U R C H 1 E lj t, tljtit tltu i v1. ( 8,1maiJ. Y. S. kirk tell on the street ant! nell quite t1 Amite -up but we hope J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER.he twill goon he ell right, BANKER. _ _ _ _ •.-- .1. Q. Little leaves for Durham on w—~'1`t[UxyI);1Y, F'F:1tN' ai 1!1117 Friday of this eek where he has beau Moved by the Stau1.nrd Bank, A GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS _ _. _ ____ :_ :_ _N. _ J. V_..^ _^ -- Mrs, Stem and family left \Vetlnee• We Ida of thi week for Sentient whsle People , a Know i they tutees to make their bouts, \I Pm L U 3QII tin been r:\.' y sick'; Air.:1. Butts, of (Iir n h, tvns in ' tv'th un attack of quinsy, and their Myth on Sunday. little son is very low with pneetnenhi. Mit:9 Mt'IIa Carder returned to Londosboro. Landon 00 Monday. \\'til. Lea has purchnse'.l t he Cole A[isi'1'trnitt (Att. Is Visiting; t'rl('ndsfarm. in Jamestown vicinity, \ti . (.aurin and Miss 11t'll v'II( ap- '1'witehell, of !.Tinian, was n velum ► iu delegate weekto td the con bliss Leil TRANSACTED, MATMATH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspecialty. Advances made to fanners on their own notes. No ndditionel security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates t.jhitc►t• with hiss Aihe We offer every accommodation con- sistent l;tui,rh. The now gemmachine,which winsal ; spokeohe 011''our deposit with Christ and with safe and conservative l(ispecrtur Rolll.,, of Ilrussr.IS, wish prows the li;;hts in the Metlodist I (`►,1 is.'s deposit with us," banking principles. . ell the school bet's rnh `l'I►tll'sdat', r ?,r .il. (rte r r r Y (• r. crtunun Ntn'he. €efoc®l t)vooe:Q'sGo • ,,>Q<l '.e 'Q1 „• ,• I It is expected hot Bev. Dr. Stewart, 01 Clinton will preuch in St. Andrew's church this corninu Sunday. This timidity Rev, '.lr. Currie, of Luodesboro, will preltch Missionary sermons iu Blyth Methodist church,1 Rev, Jlr. Anderson twill supply at. Lon do.I oro, The fl vi 'n1 Services nre being hell every night in the Methodist church tubi nre very successful. The Presbytery 'n.eets in Clinton on \!neck utir, The marks of the Lord Jesus" wag the topic Itsv. P. O. Nichol. of Cargill, took last Sunday morning in St, :Andrew's church, In the evening he church, k being pat ill this week. , Next 'Thursday end Friday the On nuday Mar., erd, Rev. Mr. Cloderich District. F:ptvorth League end 1lhss Jean Habkirk, or Brussels, is ; .111de1'son, of Myth, will Preach here ti UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS I '' Sunday School (,uuv1 neige will be held t'i4itiug friends in town this week. while Itt'v'. Mr, Currin takes Blyth ale in the lllt'th Methodist church, To loan on ileal Estate at lowest rates ,\l iss,teen, of Clinton, was the , ,01111Illellt, ' t c►v 1 ueydny of this week the of Interest,guest til' Alias He l'r[ett llc(iatl;;ltey f \1isit" ,J. \l'hitley, :A, Brigham and members of St, And►'etw'schurch met to 00 Sunday. •1. Bell attended the t'ecitnl given ht' decide if they could agree on n ('A11 for Mi'. \!charily Smith in Clinton on it nhinistse, Roe, .1, L. Snell it, A. Persons wish! ng to sell will do well to Mr. Robert Mt'I)annitl, of frau• ;'T ineeday evening. of :Auburn, Alodnrator, twny in the place their prapt rty on our list for 111'001C, tans a guest nt the !mineof i Roe. I)i'. 11obhy will tlt'liver his chid.... A t'otit wow intim told Bev, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, sale. Rents col soled. 11r and 11r, 'Tunefamous !gouts ''The triangular men" ,smell received n tote of lust ; the , 3 ' , ,.s l silt CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the lending Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to :3 P.M. Lusiness Card:. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Sue- c_ssoe to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. d,ttvl Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. here ell Mnllday evellillff, \lltl'., it h. second choice was Rev, Mr. I1ow,lr'll. of ht: ,Net -1 1 Imes cnys :--A[Iss Those who stirs this will Bliss n trent. LIVittgstott, of 111 'tI►, Visittel Mrs. 1dmi .ion leo and 15e, James Gould over Sunday. Airs. \V. McKay and daughter, of Cllenbura, Man., spent a few days of Atu'i Moore, from 11001' finelph, Is last Creek !with their uncle Mt'. ,les. visiting her uncle, Jonathan \toore. Miss Martha Pollard, of London, is Stutlhel's. visiting friends in this vicinity, Hiss .Agnes Dobbs' many friends The painters ate busy this \cask will he sorry' to learn than she is painting the interior of \V. G. Neitl's not improving very rapidly in her ht0111. Mrs, .1. \\', Morrison, alio tt'asa [Ilnes . welconut visitor here, returned to hot' Rev. Dr. McLean, of aoderich, home at M ilvertotl last Sattn'day. was in town last Friday to conduct 'Phe Sovereign Lank is having tho dm Baulk fitted up es Glee funerall services of Atrs, JL back part of e sleepingapertineuts for their Ste IT here. Hamilton. Joshua and firs, Dennison and chill!• Messrs. Fred McCraclten, S. Wil• ren, whose Moine is near Moose ,!tall', ton and 000. Barkley, of Brussels are here on n visit. They !lawn done mode a business trip to this telae on well in the \\'est we are glad to hear, Mr. Dennison owns 960 acres and has Walton. c11')UDI'OOT, 11 AYS & BLAH{. 'ruesdsy afternoon, Mr. J. E. Moore was in Auburn Tuesday night singing at the Rifle Club supper. He no doubtdill his part in tirst•elass style. Mr. Alex. Smith was called to Blyth on Friday owing to the seri- ous illness of This mother who is eighty-eight years of age. 'l'IIe 'l'eeswater News of Inst week says :—Messrs. Jos. Habkirk and Will [Ieffron, of Blyth, spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Barton, of Beltnore, visited for a few clays during fist and this week with their sons, Rev. W. H. Hartley and Mr. John Hart- ley. Miss Euphemia Steinhoff, of To- ronto, was home attending the fun- eral of her aunt, Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Steinhoff returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Young, of To- ronto, formerly of Blyth, etre wc1• come visitors in town. They expect to retnai'i and visit for a duple of weeks. sir. Jeff. Hamilton, of Toronto, was here last week attending the funeral of his stunt, Mrs, Hamilton. 11 r. Hamilton is the star forward on Sale ''tables the hockey team of the Argonauts in that city. Mr. A. H. Blackeby, of Kingston, V Past Grund Pat rithreit and Past Grand N. Dr. J. I. ei due, V .8. Representative of the'., was a visitor to BIyth Lodge on 'Tuesday evening end addressed' this Oddfel- lows, Mr. Blackeby is an old Galt buy and some '23 years ago ran the First-class Ilorses and Jti;;s for hire at Clinton News -Record, and rem t'kiutr reasonable rate;. 10 some of the brothers stated it was Beet of accommodation to Commercial over 20 1'CIIl'S since tic+ twat' in this town. Bro. Blackeby is now super- intendent of the Oddrellows' 1{clic!' Association with head office at King- ston. -- ----..► • r-• Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Ot11ees—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Godorleh. W. Yrondfoot, N.C. ; 11. C. Hays, G, F. Blair. CO, E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Su r j}. eons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to5p.m. W. J. MILNE, M. D.C.M. Physiotan and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni• cerslty of TrinityCollege • M.D., Queen's University; Felow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth, . S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of 'I'ttE STANDARD, Itlyth. Blyth Livery AND V 4cG GJ GO G PROPRIETOR. QC.) GG GG ti Travellers and °there requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable.. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR. TEAL set 'ERS Make a school. The twenty• four who comerise the present staR' of the Central Bastnerm College of Toronto are the best in the Dominion. As a result; we have the hest school, Syn- tex and thoroughness also out some fl. ure with ee. Our nate. Io,Tne expleins. Yours for the asking. Will you 1-„eritm,rea,D hserihe for THE STANDARD, Brussels. Mrs. Duncan, of Winnipeg, is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Brown. Wm. Burke 1110 eornn,encarl his np- preutice5hip in W. Duncan'ss barber shop. George McNichol has been! Iaid off work i'to' the past week with It boli attack of la grippe. Miss Bertha Sharpe was visiting Miss Sarah Long at. Cranbrook the latter part of last week Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURES— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thle remedy IN famous for eta cures over 'large part of the civilised world. It onn always be depended upon. It contains no opium or other harmful drug end may be riven u confidently ton baby as to no adult Price 25 ate; Large Size, 50 ots. had fine crops. Mrs. Dennison is u daughter of George Grigg of this locality. Earl,)• next month George C., Mrs, Barrows gins ollildren twill leave for Warner, Southern Al herrn, •10 miles South of Lethbridge, where they pur- pose making their house. lir. liar• rows' brother Simon G„ has land in the same 'locality. Mrs, Barrows and children and M Lizzie Barrows will visit relatives at Moose Jaw until Mr, Burrows gets n. house ready for oc- cupation. Goderlch. C1 oderich hockey learn was defeated by Berlin in hockey sotni-finals and the double defeat put the home team out for the season, Cecil Farr, of tho G. T. R. stuff, has resigned to enter the service of the Sovereign Bank here, Gordon Ander- son, of town, takes his former position. Capt.N. McDiarrnid left for the Sao where he will rerumo duty on the dredge McCarthy, The captain will be much Missed by his mnny friends in the old town after the winter sojourn. .Robert Clark has been having bad luck in getting in his ice harvest this year. First he lost tt team of horses through the ice, end then Inst Wednes• clay morning he slipped on the ice in the harbor and broke ttwo ribs which will lay him up for a time, Mitchell, tt'I►o MIS tvaslled off the boat near Kincar• dine and drowned, held a $I,00u insur- ance policy in the Orange Mutual Iieue• tit Society, and it is hoped the money will he paid to his widow and orphans. The organization is a safe one. L, E. Auris, of St'iuhoro, who nd- dressetl the Fanners, Institute meet- ings Isere on 'Tuesday last, is nn old 0udnr'ich }dull school boy, •11e attend. ed the 141111001 83 wears n;t;l when it„we bring held in the 'Temperance .!hill, and one of the eujo\'nble incidents of his visit to Cndet•ieh last week was tt cu11 upon his old master, TI. 1, Strang, B, A. \1r. Annis is a cIewcr Speaker '1111i1 1114 n'Idrerss(fs on Tuesday were heard with sweat npin'eci11tinn. Bolgrave. \VIuit about the F;, W, council, Jas, Stinker left 11nlgritve Inst week for NI n11401111., \II's, ,Joseph Clegg i4 quite Ill ; WA trust 0110 may 80011 ree.OVet'. School opened in lielgrnt'o last tt'c.ek twill' n very frond attendance, A number from here 1111(014d a party vi Veil by 1 111141 (11111 MI'S. !McLean 011 'l'uesilny night. The charity covert held in the I1.tll on Friday night was largely attended tuitl in every way a 011cce1.4. A representative of the 'J't'ndere' flank met. 26 of 8.) people of 13elgrave tont vicinity at the Queen's hotel, 0. B. Anderson, of St. 0eor;re, has been ti•auiefcrred to lle.lgrawe (.l. '1'. it, station. M''. Anderson and his mother will move into the late Jt, J, Tuft's house, The School Trustees and the rate• payers are leaving some trouble in locating n snttuble central site for the new school. We tr'ust it twit' soon be sat.isfaetoeily settled, lielicrttve L. 0. L. gave n grind on' curt on Tllllrsdny evening, Jimmy Fax, the comedian, iliss Merry, elocu- tionist, hies Chisholm, soprano soloist, D. E. McDonald and daughter in Irish and Scotch dances aupplied the tiro' gram. Word. has reached Beleravo of the denth of Dan, Frazer of the Catiedian Soo, lir, 1''razor and family moved to the. Soo last fall from Belgrnve, where he wits well known, At the time of moving, his 110111111 was not et all good, and he gradually became wore until the end crime, Tho citizens of Belgrave convey their sympathy to the boreaved family, 'I'lle late Capt. win. Comp' de repose, the doctor s Id, Would put Kinn et his best ; And so Ito cpast'd to advet'tisu And got the needed rest. Cayugit, who had 82 votes. Rich. loners goes from the congrei„rat inn to Cliiiton to the Presbytery to support the call, on Tuesday. Notice to Creditors, In the matter of the Estate of Martin Calle, lute of the 'Township of Mor- ris, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, en•tlernaln, deceased, NOTICE Is hereby pivan, pureunnt to Revised Statutes of ()uteri°, 1897, and amending Aoto, that all creditors having any claims ag-tiust the estate of the bald : (, t 1 tette CAde, who t l Ia d on or about the Thirteenth day of February, A. I). 1007, are re.geired on or before the Tweury• third day of March, A. 1). 1907, to send by post, prepaid, to ,dusoph ()vestry, E Blyth P. U., une of the executors of toe said estate, the full particulars of their elalms, the etatement of their see)unts and the nature of the securities Of any) held by them, AND NOFICH is further given that after the Bald !amt mentioned date, the egad executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par• ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaltns of whioh they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been been rtceivud by them at the tone of such distribution, • listed at Ilrn' Self, this 111;h of Fdt• ruary, A. D. 1007. A. 11. MAc0oNA1,m, S )Ilottor for TIIO5tAO HENRY C.U►h, 0 tathaurl ,JosII'n Gn&mv. 11 )te, Ont., }'.xecutnrs. 0 Boys' Suits Odd sizes in I3oys' two and three piece Suits, They range in price from $1.5O up to $5. Now you can have theta! at 20 to 50 per cent discount. we want to clear them out l.)clore the new Spring Clothing comes, 30 Pieces Wrapperette 30 Good patterns, good cloth, were sold at 1OC. to 1 7c per yard. NOW the\' must go at Sc, los and t 2c. They seem too good to sacrifice but \\'(' must have the room. About two dozen Stocking Caps left in red, blue and fancy, They are going fast at cut prices, There are still a few of those 20C ones Icft, 7 J. A. ANDERSON 0 '0 ]F3CL`YTi 8 j 1 O' o' 0 <Y' > '(Y -'Y, r ' YY-- rY ry rvr-v tr- r Yom••.. Yr r f tY' (> • .. rciQ! ' Q' C 0 0t)'.0 4°). ?,U•' 00,c.I:®'®!4<® Y .l . V 1 ni ♦ ) ! 1. A ) PIANOS AND ORGANS Those thinking of buying a Wood Plano or Organ will lind It Is to their advantage to aee our stock, We handle hire -glade reliable tushunients, such as "The Bell," "The Dominion" and "The ileim/mem" Makes. These histruntents will give perfect satisfaction and will last for a lite t title. Violins, Mouth Organs, Autoharps, Bows, Strings and Sheet Music always on hand. IREPAI1IING PROMPTLY .t'1'TENI)ED TO, J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH — I FOR SALotfew pure bred White TURK EYS1Vyandottete cockrels, also eggs for hatching. W. J. Andrew, Blyth. JUa cial Sale of Propartq in tho FARM .LABORERS " "°°a'; .AND DOMESTICS Pursuant to an order of the nigh Court of .1 us e' made In the actio, of diary Hellen U,ambers against .11 d•garut Kull; , there will ba r fixed for band w itis inn al.• probation of 13. 1. Doyle, the L.sual Master at Goder ch, by 'I'nontas Brows , Auction. eer, at the 0 ►ninn'reial Hutd in the V.I. lage of RIO, at 1,10 n'niook In the atter • noon on Monday, the 4 h day of :throb, 1907, all and singular that (serrate parcel or tract of lend at d promise , situate, la • ing and being in the trwaidito of 11..liett, In the County of Huron end P,uv.i ce c.t Ontario, c. ,tltatning one hundred and fifty nom, rllllre or less, and de•erlbed as Lot Number 1''.fteen he the 'Toi'teenth Con. echelon ut the bald T,wnsrllp of Hullett. The lands Ile in au excellent farming to. ealityy within two mllee of the Village of 13lvtle On the lands are erected a c)mmo loue brick house and large barns with tone stabling underneath, The soil Is rich and In a gooi'sthtthoof cultivation and there is a plentiful water supply,,a good orchard and all the' appUrleilarseee of a tlrst•elass tarns, The property will he offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of his pnichase money at the time of sale to the Vendor or his solicitor, and the balance In thirty days thereafter into Court to the credit of tide motion, vrlt.hout luterest. The Vendor will only be required to fur• Hieb a I1 sgistrat's abstract of title and to produce sues deeds, capitol thereof, of ewldennes of title as aro in their posses- sion. la all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will he the standing conditions of this Court, Portlier ptr'tioulars can be had from W. 131tvu3,Nh, Solicitor, Clinton, or from Il I, DO Y I.l'., Local .M titer at 0 ,uerioh, Dated this llth day of Fob„ 1917. I have been appointed by the I)). minion Government to place lin- migrants from the United King. dom in positions as firm laborers or domestic set wants In t 111s v,cln• Ity. Auy person rc qulring such help should notify mu personally er by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages oltared, The number er• riving may not be sulllkient to supply all requests, hut every ef- fort will be Blade to provide with applloant with help requires!, ANDREW W. SLOAN 0anadian Government Employment Agent, Blyth I'. 0, Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days' treatment $l, 30 days' treatment 24e, For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. HOUSE ANI) LOT'S FOn SALE.- '1'h' undersigned oWatt for sato bots 88 and fel, Westmoreland street, In the village of Blyth. 0 a tho premises there is a ceu'ent•hlock veneered residence 2(1x28, kitchen 10x22 attached, hard and s Jt water, gaud cement stable. Must b" sold us proprietor Is going Weir, For further particulars apply to Jon 31 F. NIvism, Myth. NATA.N•TEI) Wo want to buy your' Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars' • and state how many you have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont.• A FAMOUS SCHOOL Central: to , tratford, Is recogtlVsed to be one of the leading couture' ciiii helmets of Ontario, Our courses aro thorough and prantie tI, E ieh department is In the hands of experienced Instructors, Our graduates are In dr• mend and lire meeting with great sue• cess, Many !Mding.. Business College° employ our graduates•a4 teachers, Write for free c ttalogue, You may enter at any time, ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. F(lil SALE,- Brick cottage, 0 rooms, hard and soft water, now furnae+, a good garden with largo and small fruit bocs, also small stable. Everything in No; 1 shape, For particulars apply to bins, .1011x T. 0.tn'ricR, Blythe_ ^MN IZORF.RT H. GARNISS 13LU1:v_u4F - -••• ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. 'Perms reamonable, Salem arranged for at Tui; STANDARD office, ]Myth. L 'When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of then! --rubbers that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy snow—rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like slippers—go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped "Duck Never Break " on the soles. Up in the lumber camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers. Prospectors and Diners wear them, too. So do people who want rubber, that will stand pretty much any abuse. It simply isn't possible to make rubbers any better than we make Duck Never Breaks—inti t possible to make thews any stronger, any eteundler, or any mom weat.proof. They're made lot sav'c0 and give service—treat service. Get a pair sad sea how a pair of really good rubbers can last. THIS IS THE GEORGIAN DUCK NEVER BREAK Dixac NEVERBREAK Double Wear In Every Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by The, Daisy 'Rubber People At Berlin Ontario 201 The Georgian is lined with tough tan•colored cot. ton. Interlined with heavy can. vas duck be. swan the rubber upper and the tough cotton inside lining. Outer tolled solo and heel are double . heavy pure gum, conu. gated, inside is an insole of solid leather, so you can have this e It o e resoled, >fr FI:URUARV 28m, 1907—T 11E 13LY"I'I'I STAN DA It I)—PACE Myr. Poultry Wanted We want I)ry Piuoked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which wo will pay the highest t. ash price. Next car here on Dec, 101h, • Grain okeoks paid after banking hours at our store, MOMILL,AN & CO. Olnsley Street • Blyth We arc paying 70c for Wheat Car of Corn arrived. Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE TOWN TOPICS. 'Ttvit,t, soon be maple sugar time again. COUNCIL, meeting next Wednesday evening, '1'IMt'rIiv EATON has paused away, but the advertising he did will live after him. A TFLKORAM from the West says that the Mowbray -Litt snow plow is working ver.v satisfactory and ` going through snow from four to ton feet with perfect ease, 'Trustees of the Leadbury school have let the contract for an up-to-date school to Contractor L. Hill, w cost in the neighborhood of $2,500. It is to be built of brick with cement basement, WE aro hero to give you a news- paper. Our ambition is to lot no item escape us. However, we can only be iu one place at a time, so if you see an item getting away from us please cap- ture it and deliver it at the ollice and great shall be your reward, The Gorrie Vidette of last week Heys :—Just after wo went to press last week we learned of a business change that had taken place in town, U. E. Denstedt having disposed of his hard- ' ware and tin business to R, II, Carson, of town, who will take possession on March 1st. \Vhat Nr. Donstodt will engage in we have not learned but ho probably will go %rest, We trust that the new proprietor will make a very successful business." Mr. Donstedt formerly kept a hardware store hero. ThE(,lintun News• Record remarks ; . —Lux. Hill, a member of the Blyth council and ono of the most prn;tres- .sive business then of that village, was itt Clinton on Monday. Nit', Hill car- ries on a sash and door factory and halt made a proposition to the council whereby, in consideration of a loan of $8,000 he will much increase the busi- ness. His proposal has boon considler- ed.favorably and a bylaw will ht due course be submitted to the ratepayers. EAST HURON LIitIGRALb,—A Con- vention of East Huron Liberals will beheld in tho''lbwn Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, March 5th, commencing It 1,80 o'clock, for the purpose of nomin- ' sting it standard hearer for the next Provincial Election. The municipal. - ties comprisingthe riding aro 'Howick, Turnberry, roxeter, Grey, Morris, Brussels, McKillop and pert of Mullett. It is expected that it prominent mem• bar of the Opposition will bo present and. address the Convention. Five delegates aro eligible from each polling sub?di.v.islon chairmen have to be elected the same as other delegates. CONVENTION.—Next Thursday and Friday an Epworth League and Sun- day School Convention will bo held in the Methodist church, Blyth, when the following people will address the tneet- ings :—Miss Ada L. Beattie, Seaforth ; Rev. A. E. Jones, Auburn ; Dr, Emer- son, Goderich ; Rev. W. J. ,iolliffo. Clinton ; Dr. 1'. C. Stephenson, Toron- to ; Rov, J. Curry, Walton ; G. M. Elliott, Goderich ; Alfred Linfield, Nile; Rev. W. E. Kerr, Clinton ; Rev. W, 1'\. °velu n, Goderich ; R.ov, A. H. Brown, Varna ; Rov. 0, N. Hazen. Goderich ; W. H, Kerr, Brussels. Qlusic will he furnished by Rev '1'. A. Steadman, Bayfield N. Murch, Blyth : Myth choir and the tllinton Quartette. A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly 30 years. We will be found at the same old stand. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. • TT 4�11E4 ► ► /�► '► r; t► �b r.":',"/rr► PIT ► �► 7 titins!, fair Apill 11rd. ►A\� �L..I11..4:0 ..li.�.We. its Iha.. � Liz.W �, ‘01 '1% for the lis law and hel1 a 41110•1•11•01111.11.011.•••=11•1 milaleellmIIMOONNINNIONNION THE RIGHT HOUSE r I4 1�1 A RELIABLE S'T'ORE WITIL WORTHY G001)S ON SALE Y ATE I'RIOirH FOR MODER AND FARM PRODUCE, 1111110 1111 olh �i A The quality of 11. & .1. Corsets Is a household word front East, to \Vest and North to South. Quality and publicity means team work of the most eiNctive kind, More sales and more profit. 50e Corsets Sot'erat different styles, made of line jean in grey and white, habit hip, all good reliable col.. Nets, excellent value at 541c. $1 Corsets Specially for stout figures, strap- ped on hips, steel filled, lave anti baby ribbon Ululated, satiefac• tion, $1. 75c Corsets No. 240 style, made of ooutil in f grey, long hip with front and side supporters, double stranped waist line, give good wear, 51. +1,` 5 Corsets Crest Corset for stout figures, the corset that cannot break on hips, steel filled, laced on hips, lace and baby ribbon trimmed, every pair guaranteed, $I,25. Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. 114 o to F. y PZ4 r BENDER E. BLYTH: Y...,...,,e4.,,,,..,...........sA A Bank which has conducted a conserva- tive business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely a safe institution to be entrusted with your savings. BANK OF HAMILTON We' kindly solicit your account at our agency; Blyth, Ont.. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. MANITOBA elections will bo held on Mare,h 7th, NuMl:eons oases of la gisppo are keeping the doctors busy, ' 'l'irn degree taken by the short -course girls at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, is said to be F. h', W.—signifying that they are "Pit For Wives," 'Pier'. License Commissioners for West Huron met tit Auburn on Pride lust, \\re understand that at the organiza- tion of the Board last year it was agreed that tire• positions of chairman end secretary should be passed around, and in harmony with that decision Thomas Churchill, who has very an- ceptably filled the position of chairman during the past year, retired and is succeeded by i\f, Lockhart who is well qualified therefor, 'Phos. Durnin takes 51r, Lockhart's position as secretary of the Board, Coauot,t.Non.—Tho following letters of condolence have been sent by Blyth Lodge of the A, 0. U. W, to 3, M. Hamilton and Dr. Carder : ".Mr. Jetties M, Hamilton :.Dear Sir and Brother,— We, the members of Blyth Lodge, No. 145, A, 0. U. \V., wish to extend to you Ind your daughter our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this your time of great trial and sorrow caused by the death of your dearly beloved wife, who, after a painful and lingering illness which was borne with Christian forti- tude and grace, has joined those who have washed their robes and trade them white in the blood of the Lamb. Our eerne8t prayer is that God may make the promises of His word your chief comfort through the journey of life and that you may experience the joyfulness of it blessed re -union where farewell words are not spoken and sor- row is unknown. Signed in behalf of the members of Blyth Lodge No, 145, NICHOLAS CI MINO, DAVID Nicol,," "1)r, D. D. Carder, Esq., Past Master and Financier of Blyth Lodge, No 145, A. 0. U. W, : Dear Sir and Brother,— We, the members of 13lyth Lodge No. 115, A. 0. U. \V., take this opportun- ity of expressing our sincere anti heartfelt sympathy in this yout,tituo of, groat trittl, caused by the sudden and unexpected death of your dearly, be- loved wife, we trust that while passing through your sad bereavement both yourself and family will ever remember that God Itlono can heal tho .wounded heart • Our hearts synrpltthiso with yours in this your groat affliction, and tvn trust that you may find consola- tion in the thought that a link no the Chitin of your affections has been taken to the mansions of love and that you 8111111 Some day meet your loved one in the Grand Lodge above where sorrow and partin • at'e unknown, Signed in .behalf of Blyth Lodge No. 145, DAv1D NICOL, NICIIOLAS CUMIINO." Vo'I'n for the By -late, E. Betz»ER received a new Williams piano 011 Tiiediiy of this week. WItA1' about the starting of a salt well 1101)4 again now that the combine is broken • House: Fair was held cn Wednesday of this week, The last Fair of the 801180n will be hold on April '3rd. ON Monday afternoon Rich. Sellars, our well known dray and express elan had a close call at the 0,'1', R. station. He was loading at big box from the car to his sleigh when he was caught be- tween the door with the box, Ho call- ed for help and the neon at the coal hoose cattle to his rescue and we are pleased to say Mr. Sellars got off with• out injury, WRECK.—Last Sunday afternoon the C. P. R. train started out to go to Walton to pick up some iron along the track but on getting to the cut two miles East of hero. Thera wits a smalt drift and the engine being at the hick and drove the cars too swift, the caboose and one car went over than bank, Some of the employees had an exciting time but all escnpod without injury. The cars were damaged sone - what but the num eXpect to have the cars on the trach by today. A Doctor's Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. "I ha riled a great deo of Ayer's Ohorry Pectoral for cough and hard colds on the chest. It has always done moistest good, 11 is certalnlf a most wonderful cough ptedl• erne "—M1o)UIt J, F1Tlta*Rk.LD, *sdfetd, N. J. lram,�•. . 0. Ayer ppe., Lowsll Maas. alio asana1 m stes of Q ' SARSAPARILLA. Ri/ rs HMR Vlt10R. You will hasten• recovery by take Ing one of Ayer's Pills et bedtime. good industry in town. 41'11xii FAIR. —A paper asking for subscriptions is being passed around the town and if lnoneyenough is sub. scribed a )priug show will be held in town after the Clinton fair. 'Phis is a good Inove anti the people should en- deavor to have a shot~' here. Buohs WANTED, —lf there rare tiny people in or about the village who have in their homes books which they have read and would be tvillhlg to give to the Public School Library the Prin- cipal would be pleased to receive thele. Each book added to the library will help to iucroas our Government grant. \VI:sr 11IJIu x TtiACRLItS —'elle Exe- cutive Conttt►ittee of the West Huron Teachers' Association met in the Nlodel School, Clinton, and decided to hold the next meeting 111 Exeter, Nifty 221iti and 'died, Subjects for discussion were selected slid teachers appointed to in- troduce then!. A discussion arose 011 school legislation, and an interestlil,A, time was spent 'Phe following resolu- tion was passed usunim')usly ; ''Its. solved that the non -examination sub - jells of Pt. 1 and Jr. Teachers' cour- ses are not, receiving and will not re- ceive proper attention as long as there is 110 exaalilitlation itl these subjects." Those present %vet•o Nlessrs. Fleming. Exeter ; 'foal and 'Pigott, Goderich ; Johnston, Nippon ; Brownlee, liar• field ; Aliso; Cuningharne, lielgrave ; (leo. Baird and Miss Jean Mustard, Train Hurled over 40. foot Embankment. Three Dead ; 30 hurt 1n Guelph wreelc. A broken rail threw the Grand Trunk main lino fast express from the top of the huge embankment at Trainor's Cut, two guiles east of Guelph, Tuesday afternoon. Three lives were sacrificed and neatly every passenger on the train sustained injury. many of them serious- ly, some, perhaps, fatally. The train comprised It Pullman coach, two day coaches and a combination and baggage car. A heavy express engine was at the head of the train. The grade is down, and the engineer, running behind time, wits taking ad- vantage of the grade, The train was travelling at an estimated speed of fifty•lit'o miles an how', There is a curve in the track et this point, and it was the weight of the ponderous train, coupled with its high speed, that caused a small piece of rail to give way, bringing disaster to the fly• img train and death or injury to its two or three hundred passengers. Charles Rankin, a young man, was the first to he picked up dead, He was in the chair car and had been dozing when the train swerved at the curve and went over the embankment, He was'thrown against the wide window of the car with such force that the body, was hurled clean through the glass and ho fell down the embank• merit, one of the cars striking his body as it bounded after him,, Mr. Rankin, whose home was in Stratford, was one of the most widely known young sport- ing men in tho country, His fort was hockey, and he played the game in a manner that won for hint the pride of his fellow town8m0n fold the respect of opposing teams, Latterly he had been acting as referee for tho 0. 111. A, and he has given the utmost satisfaction. Rankin sat; married about a week ago to a young Toronto lady, He was 00 vela's of ago, His death has caused the deepest gloom among very many people in that city. Ex -Mayor O'Donohue of . Stratford wits also taken out dead. He had Wen killed by a blow apparently, itnd was quite dead when found. The little daughter of H. C. Walker, of Potcrboro, who was travelling with her parents, was instantly killed. The child sustained an injury in her head in the terrible shaking up. East Ifilawanosh, Robt, Harrison is preparing to build a new brick house. F. Marshall is having brick hauled from 31onkton for It new' house. We aro pleased to hear that 311's. A, Patterson who has been on the sick list for for some time is recovering. P, Toll, J. Caldwell, R. McGowan and D..1l '(Jill are preparing to rebuild their barns during the approaching season. 'Che Cobalt paper speaks of a former Morrisi11 in the person of Geo. Cold - :took, es follows :—A largo number of the prominent citizens of Cobftit gather- ed together attire Cobalt hotel to par- take of an oyster supper and to do honor to one of the most popular and most deserving persons in the Silver city. Geo, Caldbeck, chief of police of Cobalt and the district of Nipissing. The chair was occupied by 11., 1-I. 0. 13t'oou, and after an address wits rend Chief Caldbeck wits presented with a purse oiigold containing $100 and a silver shield wrought of silver taken front the alines of Cobalt. Inscribed 'ire these wordy, "Chief Goo. Caldbeck, :greetings from. Cobalt citizens, Dec. 19th, 1900," Thn Credit). Kta,t,v.—Iii Morris on heh., 2611i, to 311. and Mfrs, Michael Kelly, sr., a s01). • \\'t•.s rAmtootc.--In Mullett on Feb,, 2'?nd, to 31r, and Nlrs. Jos \Vest- abrool', it diuehto . • t'l'011lxo Puss. If you aro acquainted with anyono wIin is troubled with this distressing iti'm 111 ,y0U can do, him no greater favor than to toll him to try Chamber- lain's Salve. It, gives instant relief, Price 25o per box, Sold by all drug- gists. �. _. %trump REroltT.-- wheat 69-69 ; Barley' 44-45 ; Oats' 86-36 ; Peas Sold, 7445 ; Batter 18-19 ; Eggs 21, Peas[ Sold r}• ii s" /S ;1l r.41 Tuesday and Wednesday "r "r� ;r . r r"r r �r " r.r r r 8iiirt ; . ? .t?�: ?�tiNTRIT �i?� I �? RIN ti Dress Goods Openings March 5 and 8, 1907 r pr 1! Ladies '--- �+ tai We cordially invite you to be 4 present at our Dress Goods Open- �. r`}- ings -on Tuesdayand Wednesday, kij March 5th and 6h. We will place ;ti on exhibition the big stock of Dress +$ Goods for your inspection and will t'' be pleased to have ypu present. �tA We remain, gratefully yours, 1:24Po lestone & Gardiner "1 P ilEl , l lz�� h >f ti 4r2(,(� (ilill(1?Z(lAiNii iRSI �t�ttt�::�: aigiigHl ggii nit'. 1. ` , •:JHIIH �U I\I I r"/�•r►h 1.rl�"r J r11�■►1 Ilh ♦. bt�I I1MIR_ EAGEL7M Better than all other Stock Foods. Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl-•- 5oc and 25C packages, 39'JL, OUFL Test Manitoba, made from No. 1 hard wheat, also Chofee Family, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES. ------ - MLATS. LIVERPOOL SALT ICOR BUTTER. MAKERS. Cash for Butter and Eggs; A. TAYLOR • BLYTH Leaf bers "t want you to see that the.' Maple Loaf' in on ' the noxb pair of rubbers you buy."—wireless from " the old woman who lived in a shoe." Buy a pair and you'll bo bo pleas- antly surprised you'll tell the good news to your friends. Made of finest grade of Para gum, which makes the toughest, most waterproof rubbers in existence. Truly astonishing wear- rosistors. And yet so light and neat. vtotraimMit GIDLEY COMMEN1' The 1': it ,h tr 11.1- ,! , ill 1112". 1:', !i!, c, t i:, Soon 4'11,:;1,-.; it , 1:.,'.,I. I l., ,:..,. ,•.I 0:12 • I. :12;1 ',1,,', ,(.:1 111(1 111'11,!-1- t , $1110()) ant du Work Ily for the pHl•i; 1)40; the 1(.:u'd fnjly di,'ll,)1';,,' all 0du0atilual ltiI cti(I ' • !.1',11:, t i!eateit ,alit' (.;rent. at 1 .i -t 1.1 111' ter of .t :'1!i!; ail,: 1!;'' ,•.i ! cul;, le': 1, .11 i, "!"!' .!,,.,. ,.i !I give ,11,111',' lit 1•ple 1 ::lit Ii42pait:r; it,tei: l j.:.• ilI', •':1 Flogging has term :11'11' 1.1)1.1: titllti. itet'rlomt„i'\', all corporal punishment 11:l, 1`,ru t1o• •' away ‘with, and the prion ;1111 11 it i say the (tisciiiline in just • :,, good as \then the prisoners \vele 'tllj,''r 1 i ( ' ptliliihmeIlt. 111 la.' 11,1 c 22.1::1.1,( •1 II( 41 r ;!.,' hint (0;:l til, 2•10n!t!y u 11, j. Ii!,ii'...• l :1,' 14,. ill 11,11 ant ,ut. 1'.t',!; . I. '111:1'x' ever lea ye- 1 he coon! r( it dial,' !• :Ilio 11,' 1:t- 2122de222121e t!:' sat!,: 1 22,1!1 1' of 1'le)t i le l i-, :1 (!C, !!t ill r- 1'i•'"u :!tUl'(1t'I 222 �. 1... 1. 10'1 of t'Irttcc of l'level,ttl,l, ha, ll:'I.!1, •l �!'. of I!; ltne•t t2( 11911 female 1.111 -„ :1.. i( .212t ef the mnl,Mer, that civ; 1 l is 1:.111':.! the 211(.11 t!.I!Ii h:nt t , t.val1: and caw. ti :H.-,'Ive- ail,,. 11'222:,••11 .viten ala t!1•' stn., ``()1114' 1'11112\ de\,'.ni•::.,,rl, ;1t expret..11 \thou the 'col,,' t to \vol!:. The 4'w furl; lle!ald in ti'ilin).: 11 , Thaw ,Pent Sunday says he forgot rl •r: the 1eli,iu!!s service, ate a d:tic;v dil!!rr sent front 1)elntuuic,)'. auto "w'.Ilk".1 t r all ht;111' :1t 11 hri,1: part' ;11,0llt IL, Lrl•, covering about Fix and a hall Thal, 2':11- iudelvl ;t 1(1 1,1: pace. l:Ia, 1!!1 ;1. 1!l` 19 klitlw•,l to he a fast youth. The Lnitcll ,State: are 4:Ier, :a - their old soldier=. The `-erii,'1' \('l la -t `12rn(f1 tie yid, that soldier, ,;nil saj!(:. (it !•I i fexi(!ut and civil star• 181 jt:l' re, j the ago 1 f (t: (•eat•. -h'!!1 I',.,il'e .''' 't month; 7(2 year,, )i)lti; \,•(1 the pen -ion to (omllnlf.as,. 1 )122 the of filing! the :tpplicttji n, at 1(' Iii are :iV I:! Ie (111111;121x -:I;"'1" ;I,! ! 111,' ter.t!I;,ae•, !114' II:., tj, it ,•. !,, of otiti -, 2 hilted •••••.t;ttr'., 'fail,: ..; \ New ,\. �(II'. f!;I[;u r n.» 111 i:r•.t1 • :1:2.1 ,t,', ,ilc that "la lir' ((I'lul!I ;;;;J01.-, . (f ti!: c0i1,1 , Ilu. l •r hull; 1It tr (\V1( ;1,11,1 sl 111' n1.11::'rf, 1)i r(•;tU,•-111:!r1e r'lut Mimi:, t 1','y cls,; -.1 al,1011 till' ,lnc!.':IL 01hi,•• ;11 th.•11• p) (J....li;, i lrlu(.1 i(ulid th(.'! I ,I I.1r.:(.,.111 I pnl!4 fur 1111' 01M 41 -i ;I'I, .t pr • .,!- d iy :nt ,'11, .!11,1 r1u III -rale'!; Of tilt' Ills' tonl('r'; w'huut 1111';. 11:1'.4' \;silo'' for in oho p.' -t, 1.1'1 till' that, N(,) il!CI( ai tine Nil' 1f ,111)1')'j.lrily a hen tiilhr:, .1•e 22re!t('t. They, pr(rfe..isiUltilIs, :I 1211 1122.y. too, have '1 1 1211" (If etlie," aliitrd ,. ;any 11''11 the pill -makers can to kt. .ind they ar-e w;11 -121g 211) tir-t. I'he Chicago Chronicle i. hitterl,v !I tile to the 1Vaterwav's Conluli-iia ll L' - Cause of its recununendattioln that tilt (121nttity of treter diverted 12, 1h1 l'hi• Cage c1'ainllge canal be ]unlit'(),'. Ii 21:'. Glares: •c, •n'1 1' . ..alt. Ail.hh.ul is :aft .\.0 u,iu 1:;;1, fed by American river,, :011! 11:1, ,' ,.Ir,• try i; under no obligati').- t') I.'1 waters ran is„o those 11'!1:,'•: w'hi•'l, lietw'('ell it 1(11(1 r,:(halts. If the pe,;11 „t illiehig;tn should lt!tild a (him ser( ,. lies' Itc'td of the lake its Aln''kinne, :'( 1!2211 ant a drop of its water could gel into 1.121 :-'.'t)erinr or Lake Huron, :M. i;eop!:, .11' t,:lluula well'd have u( stole PumtPitt; II 'lila II Illi; r,luntt•y hu; 11(12' i3O complain that the water, ;.f ',also 1Vi1nipeg do mot flow into 1122 :;re111 hale system, But Uncle Sant i; bigger than the Chronicity; the United State; are r,reat• 4'r titan Chicago, and the roiled States are going to act in this matter, And P flaps wore it feasible it !night not ho 'tvise to try that damming of the the Straits of :Mackin'. The \Vntet'1y«vs Cwn111Ission i, doing n goad work, and Chicago antagonism will not he 1llotved IA) block it, 1)r. C, A. E. Harris will have his cor- onation 111ahx, Edward VIE., .performed in (Queen's Hull London, in honor of the Premiers who attend the colonial con- ference. on•ference. 7 t. '44 YOUR i) v CHILI tri SaP 1S N V Viril •.1 n„ ' LEES? LA:'(i-1)tJ - WILL ,;UREELY CURE. 1 1,'r; ;2 1 ,' .1 t1 'l i.;'•,,' : 1,,;! •:) i'2 one f!llljll' ill ]'1111: f i.,i1 1,-"11 a'l'es' of :•ri 1• ()tins ,1,11 , 1,..:: •r, j1,' i.,l1,1•I111k, Airs. ,1;1'1:0!, 1.21(22. of ``t, ,11111'1 11e,t \\', 11:11!.1 2'()1011 V 1y,1 "My baby 1a,1 a 6!:!,l .(f 1,1.1 on hi, head --..quitea lot '•I small roil spots :1;1(1 pimple,. I applied /ail 11111: and Wit', h'li;htt'd 211tH the rc31111." Airs, Gar'''s', of Longford \illi;,' 8av,: "Zion -Huh is 11 22o:1,12r11l healer of 1iugw0rm. 1 tried everything that could he thought of, hitt iulthng was able to cure until %ail-lliti: came, It k 1 fine. remedy." Trutt, of Portland, writes: "%:1111 1'111: •,meal- to take tlit' pail' olit of lufe-, \}'(!Mali 811,1 Niall Jlllll l'I('; (4 soon a; ,Ippiied, and then it heals thea' up in quick time. That has been my experience and 1 have 200(1 %;un -lick ill thy' 1(2)1110 for .1(110' tittle," Lion -link i., particularly adapted to delicate and tender skins, It. i3 free from all mineral coloring matter 1111(1 from animal fat, being lonely herbal. It heals cut-, burn-, bruises, ulcer., chapped It ll'cs, e,"d,'lita, rllll1tvorill, run- ning sores, bad 1'g, enlarged veins, pile;, sealing col't's, etc. As an eu!brocation it cures ncel1!Ua11-:11, sc1111(2, neuralgia. :ted ruhi(ed 2011 o12 t110 iiia jn 0119e- I 1`01d (, $ tae ti;1litl1( 1111(1 aching. All druggists and stores sell at . Oe. a box, or post free front the %ala -link Co., Turont(, fur price. el boxes sent for Many Millions for Revolvers, Daniel 13. 1Vcs',r1', the .\[ltSsachu2etta revolver maker, died with 0 for'2 11110 es• 1121111 ed nt ti32,02)1(1Il), '1111' s'un's rep- resents America's measure of the value attnrheil to the revolver, for the make bearing \Cvs nes name is chiefly sold it 11113 c01.111 2y, 01111, 111110•41, 1; standard 1n the cavalry arm of the 'rryiue. 'Thirty 111 11 1 1 9 12 d,)llar, is it big sum to be t•har,Pd to a 71(21' un,l dangerous and suicidal luxury. The revolver i; that. it is of dubious sort ice in war. 1124 only function there is .1, a cavalry weapon. Indeed. It I, all 4'y nisi()!' of the mediae- val purpose to p1 '.:i,1,' 122,2-0 soldiers with a fitearl:l. In the i',t1'1try the weapon is I'fle(tive only Mp 111 fifty yards. It has no value 11(1 hum int. The average man can 210 morn iis:,,eitt ion on birds and beasts t'ith 11 ,!in;:,hot. The only par• pose which the revolver i-er0e7 is to kill Another maul. and ,'ren for that its Ilse• f11111P.ii i3 1)1.2'1'0-L111102(11, \('w York Alail. t.c, of 'tri a -�+4 A BETTER T O SPAM% . Spanking does net cu:•, children of bed- wetting,. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Flo:: W. 8. Windsor, Ort., will :)end free to any mother her Ellet:(: -°fill (10111e treatment, with full Instructions. Send 2.0 money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this *ay. Don't blame the child, the chance; are It can't help it. This treatment also euros adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or n!;ht. Best of Three Reasons, ()nee an .\teli=on politician offefed a • turkey to the negro who could give the le.,t momma for tieillg :t lhpllliljion 011e old colored 1111111 ,aid: "I's" 11 '1111ie:111 kttae the 'ptlhlii an party ant u5 niggers free," and the man thought that \void(' get him the tt:rkey, bet the Next Man said: "1)4' 10)15(01 1'44 a Ilepnhlivan is because jt; do party dal gives u; )er- t(:etive tariff," and the politician though!: NEW FAIR WAGE OFFICL'R, Bismarck's Cigar, J. D, McNiven, a Vancouver Labor b1:tn, IIa3 Leen Appointed. \I,'. J. D. \Ic\iven, of Victoria, 11. ('„ leis !welt .11111012 1,•11 vote o1 1111' 1,111' )lll:''l, t'1 the Itep,1rl114)111 0 Labor, to ill! the v.«,111..y ,',1,1., 2 tv t1. death t.1 111(. late 11. ,I, 2('I),Il1,.,l!1;,'. \Ir. .\le - .,11r11 ha., 1,111 ' co!, 1 6,1'211 ;it 1111 ,ill' (1 \ 1, 1,.:1:! iur0 (1),' e• '1 I, t,„ 1 1f 1111' dr1),121.• 101'111. I)Ini11:; \!r. t)I)lI' 1124''; 1)101-$ :111(1 111,2211 1;1,'1' n,y,a',In1i; 11:' has (,:volt called tir!! to ;1-•1•1 oho fair wage.' 11rnnt'h 1f 1!:.' ,Iet,,,!t!eott in nulk!:1:; floe-11;',11tons 11021 111'epallll'! schedule; tar il,>,':ii11n in (tncorllnlol1t cont'1(014. 111, antics in 1111; connection, 01121 its comes' (indent, have 1"(.II Ili-t'll)l get1 to the entile satisfiction of the depart• 1110111, :11111 il!, :'1'p,(Ilil1llc111 1;, II1l'1.41(i•t', to he rrl;1r111'(1 (2! pini :1s a1 promotion hard 1111,1!1 r4)ocllition of Pa,t ;ervirt';. .\!1', \lr'\Ives is 111'etlfalll (of the 'limes printing ofilre jn \-ictm'iil. Ile has been prominent 101• 1'22111', in labor t'il•• (1422, 11n11 hi, appointment \will he !Zeiler - 11,L. 1Pill'ovrll by organized labor t1ro0;2llout the Dominion, Ile i, 0 Prominent officer of the Trades and Labor 1'ongrc,: of Canada and of the international Typ(graphieal [Mon. posi- tion, 5vhieh he hits hell for year,. Ile 1003 2 1 .ted a; at 1•:11)121 r audi(11!te for the 2202' of \'ietoi1:1 jn 1112)11 and retire - seined 111211 Bits jn the I.e;.i,lattlre of 13riti,h ('oliimIda during the Past fuer ye'a's, lir. A122\icrn i; the only member of the 21121(2 stltt'f of the 1),'- pau'tincmt of Lollar for the \Vest, the other offl('cl'' being* from Ontario', Que- bec' or the \L•uitinn, 1'rovinee., fair \\':tire: offjt','! 12'23 dutje, will be largely confine'' to Ont arin :1111 the ‘Vest, \lr, \'i,•t(r 1)11 Brea'', the other fair wages office) of the 1)01artment, having to d,) a(.ciall;: 1\1111 tl111'1iia' :11111 the i::t,t. \Ir. \122\'2'2212 11'111 enter 011 hi; 1112tH; ill t1e 1)011.1 10011 on March 1st, Your littla 011,3 arc a constant rtrit 121 hili and \Viotti w1eather. hry v'.111 match cold. I)0 you 11002 Gbout .7(1 Ioir't CAnrllltlfl'.iloa Gar', the Lung Tonic, ;'(1,1 what it has dev for so many ? It 13 r',id to be the only reliable tomrdy for all rljseares of the air p.1.;a rs jn rllild,en. It is absolutely h tamers anti pleasant to tak4. !tit guaranteed to cure 02 your muncy 13 returned. The price is 25c. pct' honk, and all dealers in medicine tell ; I,1 This remedy shculd lam in every heaschnld, Fire Record for Last Year. (Poriland Oregonian.) Tho fact that when a r avant becomes 111rL`'- ster a cruel foe is suddenly developed 1s attested by the dreadful 1::1,02 anti loss of life occasioned by flt•t in tho United i1•ltnl within t!:o twelve months 2:02or(.d by a slnutning up of theao. losses for J903, 'Phis record shows that nearly 7,000 lives were 1222t and more than $1;00,000,000 worth of property w:1-9 destroyed by Piro during that period, In no other country' In tho world Is ti)e fico 108x, In bulk or pro rat:', unyw'hcre 001(2' ow'71 ow'n. Lnst, year, owing to tho dcvasting fire that followed the earthquake In San 1''1'all- clsco, this loss 2:123 in great exceng of 2110 average, but lin average or some years past has born ;3120,000,04r� 1 year, a„' C H Mange, Pralrlo Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in ::0 m'a'ttes by t\'ulfurd's Sanitary Lotion, It never falls. Sold by druggists, .P s A THE FUTURE WOMAN. Views on the Subject by a Distinguished Italian. 1 he (roman of the future, in order to attain perfeetiou, .Mould improve physi- cally, morally and int eller.' 111111'. 'flies° are the duce adverbs which represent the great 11(1111:112 trinity, three gods of the soul, the gad of felirily, which , i5 itself the 12'•,()'11 of the Pomfret colt:ilio• 1'11101 of all 11111' 1':U'I'gl,"1, 7110.1 I'I'l111'+tiu1' Paolo \loiltt1azza, ail the Pilgrim. '.11/"ONI"'"""" m"" -8.11'"".1• -'ln" \Vioiiut ilei :11\V:25 1)1021 and ahvay.; 2• ';,2 ,11 II) r) VALUABLE RING wiil be putterilll. moon all•pow•efful, by -(,;719 r`'`} 1 (12'2. 1,•011; 112111 21,. 02x101 dethrone nor ;11:11;2' ll:':' 11:1!!-. ill Ilett' 11-80,, on 10 w•,: GOLD WATCH o11;..lilt to d1'2''l)1111(1' be;llty h\' adding All '" a d: 7 '1 1-d ,1't 1•) v1IW'dt•,roar .: 1,03u. tan) ft t ;I( , 1.1 k• 4,3 .11 f.t'i.P.a • (21• I••.t fu the • tl:r»ry 1.1 :9;"N rid12! 112 t ()Y1'!' GO. 1110 (:rant, Isr: -t2 '7.'14,G 1:142(11.2 iu ...•rt int• :iu.,tl• •d•r.1, .•!u1(-! at to•. 4'.1• h, r 2.,ra l:• us,,', Irl 1•tl•• - .1. a 2214 ''u: I42,.1 111114.2.,il Ltd 1211, 1227 07 11''11 Ll 12:,11 rp.,r..l;r.: !:::2 1i •n 1,1111:: n.t,C1 :te,n ly L. t)b1 trims flim, r.l I( 'ler c021(1 Il l2 ant les 1hose of the heart and thought. fill'-11;!ll2' the won) - 1111 of the flltme ,incl,' l.' neither feeble aur neurotic. .1 w'i-e. lly,gir'llh' regime should Fonder her graceful w'itllouh Iran,furluicg 11i.r inn( a sportswoman, Morally the \V'0lil0l( of the Int tire Should �I11'll;lam the 21•(1111,11 of today, a; 12)217 now' snrp,.71'4 the slave or savage. She should choose 11"1' sponse with ::('hell.', and eonsciene:' becan:)' she \t'jll not ap• proaeh the 1111:!1' w'jth eye; bandaged by ignorance and hypocrisy. 121 marriage, ;Ile ;h (111(1 have r t!:a'ity of rights, ca..fart!•',:..d.,t.n;tillglv1;)•111»u"Ppnrianlyt7,tan 2'91,11,11i(1' if 1111111 :1: r,..: L ::1i 6•.I ,l,.n(1 1!;1111.. ('a n w'a!,:p l.a, 'n or te ('hal'2(1'1(1' of woman \Pitt be bet• C.a,': �••t in , ,• r.. J'.."'. iu ,�. (2.;'1:14 t.. I(•n Itln :. ddrv•es'1'he 2°r!zu 110011 (o., r)e t. ;: 5 t'orc'h(), 0111$ i1'1(21 (lot 111111)1!•:ill;; it virile, hill. 111 mak- ing It more est l4tically feminine. Iler War Office Plot Large Enough, inclination to do good 1\ ill not take the -\ 11('2' building for the a('0u111111u(1at10n formof :111 Iflllocel11 4o111pas1jull for the of lie \\•u r (1f fie(' hasliven constructed fl'it•~ ' of other;, lint it will transform at. 212 d'10 In; 221,$1, :121(1 11010 the ann11tlnec' 11;41' into all al'llInl, \1'1240 Phil:ultlropy, 1111'1:1 j, 111111)' 11:12 11:P prelui2ca la'e 110t lnttllcctultlly she will be able to cry with just pride. "1 ant sufficient unto 11•01111•10 ......moommeormomommirormawarsaanamouradmmoon. large enough to take in the whole of 1111 dePartnl('nt�, 'l'he handsome strut- 1 lI1'4Plf," She will not be the equal of turf. in \\-Ilitehall 20as d(;tgned to ac- allot; slic. will le more feminine than eonanlIdlte all departments. and roost ever, because she will have reinforced 1,112-t la, fount for 111(.10. 11'lutt 31011123 iter femininity. 11) have h:lppenr,l i; that the Iigh''r of- -- ,'��--'- licial? have Inouapulized too many rooms to the cx('hl-roll of other servants of the `tate ‘'ho 11001 1121 oyn,tl right 10 1)0 11••11,0ll in 114 111'2 tiffj00;.---t'ou't duur- ua1. 'Ile p1111j;ller of the be -t Farmer's 'Alper in tMt \I:11'1) i1110 I'ro\ ince; in Ivrit- ills to u5 slates: 1 101)1114 81(,' 1;2211 1 du 10.0 know of a medicine than has stood the test of time like AIIX:\kl)'S LINI\11:\'1'. It las been an unfailing ronu'tly in our ,, 1. "That's an intelligent man; I will ;` "e household ever since 1 can rennnnher, and hint the turkey," and then the third caul has outlived dozens of would be CC,rlpe• walked up and :01(21: ''1)4' rell'011 I is a titors and imitators" Itepuhlica, i, because 1 want (2211 tur- key." 11(2(1 he gut tit.--Ateh1son, Kau., G lobe. FOK AU4 lit/IvIOURS Eczema, Solt Rhetun, Puglulee, etc. -no reinr.dy heals more quickly than Mira Ointment. Mira rciie1'es inflammation, (001)10, pain, cr.'1,-s new 16:0 to cover raw surfaces, and rulores the to healthy V !rA0ri1110e3r. AI's. J. t,': !b, 1124 U.r,'eranr'l ,Slur,', ; or•orffo, nvriI;s: '11 rs a 11oldr',ful Curl•." J, 7)•(nr141, ftanaliorr, srtrl : " i highly recoelmer ll your Mira Oie/nmod jar• Lri,n,a,' Mira 'fable! and Blond Tonic help to a more thorou h cure. At druggists -or from "F1,1 Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamil'.c, :- Tororonto• Insist on getting ci.jr"v/rf� `• �t t TO.SDC (.11.2112 1-1l2GltTGIILu. 7 - Great Virtue in the Apple. many per o�s (.r excellent judoluf'nt will tell you that the apple in its pet fee. Lieu is the 11121'4 trait that nature pru• vide,:; for man. It j, not at n11111er of :yltrprise, therefore, that 11)1 ('llllliL I01tl0 wpplt' lover ii, 110101 ng 1111.4 tittle to til. fore'st2e11 of /I 1/1/11' Ile lfuldi 11101. apples and op1in1j-111 are almo:21 synony• twills term, null makes (unity astonishing claims regarding Ih4 hsenfit'ial effect, of the fruit. Of all the peculiar beliefs that are-(100igncd to enrage the attention of iiuriukinvl none 1; II i; hnrnlflll IIlan this of the Apple club. The busy American fills to appreciate the pleasure tut well ala ben:$fll3 that a liking for fruit will bring him. \\'e. Ore not the fruit -loving people that our forefathers wore, and if the promoter Of the new cult out renew', this am+richt liking his effort\•t are deserv- ing of earnest 01101)111'rh0II0'nt.--Cleveland Plain Dealer, +/•► 'I'ommny---l.'up, what js curiosity? Tom - toy's Pop -Curiosity, my son, is some., Where American Traders Err. '1'1e American Alini•tot' to I.:1n1n(10r Nay., that we 1:111111 never do 2111 extensive bmsine,s ill t-4o04l, .1 welled until the nt.1020 aetoret2 of the United t -'d stet lili1le a (1)1;,-1' .study of the 10,221., of the people of the Latin republics. \1'4' think this i4 at mistake. 11. is not what they need but what they demand that wee should convert' ourselves 01)1)11, \; at matter of fart, 1)111' tll•ttinflietilrel•7 are In. r" i 1 1 prone t I t , 1 , ,alt 011 111 ,r ,11 , tnl t. ,n 1 I that the I;ulins need .t reitlly good nrtie!e 1uu1 send it Co deal, while their rival; pro. 004(1 011 1111 1le0ry (I' 'nipjjtl;'iIt f wlitt (ley wnmt, 111111 11l;1 1l::;(1• tet ,4'`11 thein gum{ hill., 1,1 p:12'sning that tour -4, ^un Frau- ei-4'o I'ltroniele. 1! eethin o Balms are saved suffering -and mothers given res'--wiIcll oile t1 ,es Nurses'12011 mothers' Tram re Quickly relieves ---regulates the bowels --- prevents convulsions. Used 5o years. AI)solilt.ely safe. At drug -stores,': 10. ()bottles, f1.23. National Drug Ft Chemical Co,, Limited, Sole Proprietors, M,,�o.w.n�,t,r,/era,.l,...0 41 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. On the Lake. Lu11u11y.) Ito -II 11 1\','. hush :t lye, Do 1102 :120akV, '1111' \1'11111; ro(•I: 1'0111' Cradle -- .\ 10,11 1111 the lake: The wage, croon ;1 laps',', ! It ,1. 1114 51112 ); 1;•Pill. 'lust' 0 bye. 111.;1 11 by(', 1)11 not, aw21Le. ltu>'h a lye, r11711 11 bye, Low sinks 11e .;un; '1110 101,11 dance:4 ligltly, The 1usy Iva 011.; run, The stars glimmer foittl1ly, Sleep, little one; Dish 0 bye, hush It lye, Luw• sings 1h12 sun, 11112.21 ,rt I,ye, 111121 a hyo, Slumber and reed, The \valet's ,t -flashing 11'il.h foam on each c1.est; 'the truly, foilot' after, \\ Mile 1,, , aid 11r11a,:1 h:1•11 :1 bye, Slander 11n(1 re:1. --y►o Minard's Liniment Cures' Distemper. Real Source of American Power, (St. Lout; rtepubI1o.3 • The (Ui1'0111:10" 2;'1111(1 the Unittnl ';;1ntr.s p0:•1e=n over all oilier nations Is that they Huller' In abundllnee all the sulrilies, whether of 2Vid or 211/41)2y, that are 110000;1 In 2002, It If; one great factor In the eondltIona wi't'h Inn 1:0 1110 unit, 11 ::.tatty -i, the ino::t powerf.11 nation that ever ::I:Itd on the earth. Mina,rd's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, The Mugger's Attendants, el:llula'ring lip I nal iced' what: loole(1 like 1110 hulk of a ship, about 21)11) 1';tl',lr• 110,1',', It 1)11'11;',( (tat t!) 11e a• mop- stet.eruetulile; it, 1(11('21, tyili11nut exng• genii ion. have been 27 feet or 28 feet long. and, in, its closet vicinity were fire or six small nlllg1 )gra, looking 1)110 12 bodyguard, I was afterward told by an 0121 ('uwnpmv' resident that, they Raw :illy art ant 11241, and give warning of any type Itching. danger to their oyer' r'rl•1)1 hir•l,l •v.rrr �.••"•• "'I 110 0111:!0 (f a 11,'1' 21 2' ,1111'" 111. Ica 1.2.1; ultra aai 1, "i, 11.,t understood is 'I: it, is I h... 1;1.•1 one 3)211 pu 4(,ies; 121:,1 i !! 1" 1: 1111 (02 (11! r' of ,oti! ling another. 1t h.,(n'It :'at7, I led 2,1111 1,n(' 2'01''1' 11'0 1:! n.}' j:'','L.•I , 2' 11':'11 11•a1•efully gnat -12,1 11!'rin;, the 2',111,11 of this bat tic a2, 12 2221 ,'1 (!U', 111:1 II',';'r.11l'!', I (11!1 not (1'"1 j1:••,212 '21 in 12,jn,r 11, I painted in is'ow- 1110 eons; 1(1 my 1111n1 the 11:111 y 1022' 1 ! , n 1 sh0n11 1'0 i1>'' it atter 'silt victory. 1'11' 1 h:11 lily chance.;, .\ lay 1',1i11., ••••• \2ith arm, ern -heti. Inurnllnin': for something to rt'1'0=1) him. I telt in Inv Iriel:113 and. f1'Ic',i 1 1041 ,1(111 r::)i11.:ln(i that tv01111 lam 111 12!1 11=e to hie), Pat :.lay! I had 21111 ant' treasured (11111'. I'Ii;_Ilted this for him and 111022.-21 it h:'t\r,.'n 11k 10011, \-nil 1411(12111 112110 s4el( the poor tv11ow''N gr.ttc- ful smile. I nrlrr )'nj, yed It t j;411• s( 1mu h 1 11112 2110' w•hicll I (111 11 '1 deet''" I'bicago Chronicle. Relics Made to Order, (Atlanta ('0n.tl1utlon.) "Yes, sit', thin Is the place w•hcl'c was fought," "'lave they any 202208 of It?" "1'e;, rhe, John, mold the gentleman about twenty bullets tut' tell the blackmith to Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, the battle Sure of Going to Heaven, "What are you leets lllf',' s 1 Folli' .1111111'' „Our u1liti,ter I:: ,:t'i'lt; (2lkulg about while -colied angels," "\fell "\\'ell, i knots I'll he Jr.=t miserable In h052en; I loot: horrid in wilt,'." 142,;11 T; l`“), 1), 1OO7. 1{PLl' 1VAN'i'ED-FE1(iALE, 1N'i'1N I),.1 0(1(11) 011Nr:it,ltr - :'t;lt- s 2 ant, n) Wat,1Il11lr, or L2,1.100% 1111. ,1:14 2't '1t':, 1'u•xlo 43.t0 1' .111 r I,•'It ay, 1211 ..:t l f.l Irr tryll .n,' ,n, Ont... MJ•S ELT,4NE,Oil,,, firs, Wln.low'n Soothing fyr:1" idiould al - way.; be l' d mor 21 )ldn'1 teething,. it 8,201110•: the viola, soothe, the );tams, mires wind colic and l:1 the best remedy for dhu•- rlera_ ,`...�v..... _......_.. �..._...e..._.._._....�..., sive?. Lr.►ZOY'S FEMALE; PILLS ,t t.If,', 011112 nuc 1l Ili re 'Lenten'rogulA. t,'2 •1'itr,.o 1111. !non 6.011 iuc.l In rrl010 1.,r over an, years, Net :.land ItivaluaLle loran (n11111'211 111.41,:ted, .ud am gullran• r,.,.1rd I,7((1 Il.e(1)2. 1':na¢ru(Iro 1.1t1'a) n '11(12 1 .24) for :sill. • 4, r,.d(I1x'z or 111 ,11;142) pr r)' mall, r^ru"•I 0801,A, uu (C`u'lt of pin.* Lig ItOY PILL CO.. sox 42, ILamllton, Canals Mosquito Pest. 1,1 speaks well for rho mosquito theory of yellow fever that acting on it Now Orlealul (11d not luno a sltlgio olts0 of that during the year 1903, and that rho city, 1n anticipation of the conttng spring weather, has ((M'ose'y begun Its campaign 1gair.5), the anasquito, 1t has put (h)2) mon to work hunting up all possible breeding pl21C'24 of (ho 1111101 111111 desla'oylng them. It is w'ou- dcrful that N2'w• Orleans should nttenlpt to control the 1121x=q1111o:, he,'au10 they aro 002 to be, blown 111 from the gulf 111 myriads ttt.::1)' t1:11, It New Orleans !Mimes tho nu.quito theory no ono else ought to 11,11111 it. A trial will convince every housewifo in ('nnndr.1 ha t ° iluIfatar0 faking Powder" is far superior to anY other oho hoc over used. It is prepat'rd (rota the heat and purest materials that 2110(2 2' (2011 buy, under the 01rnc•t ion of en a li,crt 10Knufneturing eboelial„ therefore Wo are nb13 to set) if, oma Cc.cll Cucarrtnino of £ t./alaction. 10 order to introduce nuiiarrcn Baking Powdor" WO aro making.; wonderfully attractive premium offers to Beyrl and gir18, If intcrcatt:d crop (10 a 2203tal. Fr"EE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARDS FREE '1'o env user of hnhing powder W2) will )gladly send, absolutely free, postage prepaid, 1t act of four or our latest edition of plet 1110 port coni:', lithographed in brilliant colors. Simply lvrile us, answering the fol'uw log questions : tat. Name your Grocer. tlario :)Sia Paper. International Food Company, Toronto, Canada. •--�- --- "Ask for tho Purplo Pack -age." 2 Iq f1 ,Y ;r1r�` 1f',,ry CM,::IN. ` f, 2� r , '' 1 i. WAY FREE. n 126" aot1 d" $1010 a to this Puzzle c' '40- 'I'bo 22tter,, to tilt. kit. cI flits tetvetrttscntent t1 len properly arranged apelll four words. Can.you. ap.;ll oat 1(l: (211 til -m. if 3'1 CDC:,: ttttf! pr see 11'1.101-104' aro unruly worth trying for, 'l'ht'co 1 ' ) Corel -et _i Stn peril ',l,' 1.1. If •,..-)21 41(0'•101.11:.Re them out yoUr;rif, get 002110 (t'e'rn to helpyu:. 4„ ,4,2,11•r••r•.<or-'1":,b•.•n7.7P'.1rw1:,C:.3r4,.11,v6.7lai1` ,u.:v 1nmlt:4.1a'.1,I earn:41x114.11a rn,wiq,Rln.0u(w.Lil.Vll 1 (!r f. •i Y.fit x'1111_ l.I.IA1.rD1:. iY o. 1 P1:1 1r.nt,.1L•,•f4•L 1 Vel.Y11tr51'..fal1,:r•.:t7l4QItnal . i:"I(:!frlLt 6 f.TI.3t131 NO. 2 r "r: ) Tho Past word n'Iton the letters aro 'i• '.':0F)e.1y nxranged epcilo tho name (11'a largo ('coat itt.n city. The second (rf) word when the totters aro properly \ arranged orellgtile t.' thing we E1 tine. Z he third word r, " ' t7bon properly LETT/Ingot!. ;o(1 a )elle Vilely ...,,cw: 4.:-,c.waem-''" --x1l.an.'mx muL.wxin D p q� f 1 1✓ • �)' name of 6or11UL11111(;' 24'.1'11 (l U. '1'114 :'•t'-' .II A ,r_ 'r '�rS\"rt) fourth word when )I.'ol)crlyaSrrangedl f '.tu..t.. 1 .1..9 NO. 3 spells: the name of coutotittn ; we all `',! •....,••..•«w,•••••.•••.•••••..-•.r•w._..r vII...%.,.., 1,r, 4; L'• Lit b,l'n 6,111I >1wr1i1cH years, • tj (' 4 .! ' Y �'N'' I f f % k ,11!1)'. 11'tth Itl,'t 1 sale Wo.;cn• *. Not 111!11? y 141' the 1.'41:Xs 1,1c.4;• lis" bn1 1•!' I H. Lir)! hi 11,1 If, for IN'f 1Zi�ATi;•:1:111 r 301\1 :i-:.7Ai?Ci[ .)i,l,(!,'1:.! ; 4 "'1I r 4tcl'min( lei 41 1,"I'll 11"le VItI .11n1111:1:11, ;1111! 1-:1:11' \\•;Ir, • a 1.,1'4'!1, 0. 1 `imp!). heir tit ilii 1114 ,111:!':+, 'I'! 1' flivor 0:11)4, -Gell, xxvl• I2.25, of 141,11 c(^;t1,! ,14,4 Litll, a1'! r,:,nitl C1I1 4,444,' .' :, ). I. I u'' prusperil , .\•4 11141')4, n"I :)') 1111'4 10r his jn'r; dr, (lulil- 1` ...!: 41,1:4 a 41'44 11 1 4141'( Ili Il1c;lin11•.44 t• !41 :.4 thy of pro - Ib':'. ,11.•1'14 I4 4:1'('.11 ('J:I- 144!14'', f•ia::e ,:is not tile f i'•1. 14(11• by t!':1 i 1J II', 1 :1 '..r. 1 10 p.)) iont, hot 'hilt I,.t'01; 1411,' 11,4, t0 t ' l ane 1111' 1 , 4H I :1 „ „1 ;r ., '1'1111, 111! t\;t ; 11:"..1'.1m.:- t.f !4.414' i b(' "11!'11 'if tt hr. 1' ''• I, Lu,. :,4•, f )11 ;!nl 1111,1' 4:) Ilrtl'1',--1 !1'1!1!!•4 11,j• llllll,Ied 1111 ill - 1,l 1r I" (it' built 1.41:(4' II'. i (• 14. •,1441,. Ili, ill" \•',:. I 111 altar 1411 1114 Il 44'4,1, 1,1;'11. ,:.1.1 111"1,,:u'n';••. !l.' 1'. l'• 1'!'='",,' II 1C)'tl, I',tl'1''i lllt'1'!!Illn.,,l:l('I' flf )1 1.,1 , ...1. ,1 ,.• •, :1'1,1:r ,1; 1'1, !!. lI', '"!lc Int'! I 1 t ;I 5'10t'fli!:t." )•‘• 'II' I '4. 1,,,,1:' li(iu" iu,(11i4 "I' 1!;.II iij').111, !I1, 1 h''lt l Ili\'' 11111'11( 111 (y ('I' ;Ill I:': t! •;trite l •,.4'11 1\'Ili,'!t the I'IIIl14t1111•4 I.I 14::1:111,'.':; ,Uhl 1111.,11;1111'; I (411!'11 tint f111 11'1, (1(4)14.1 they 1101 1 'I 4'li 4!111\' 11',!1!„ l'1'iultll,'l, 11 111:! ' tIun'• •• r ',, L:,:' i:1,'1' 4ca4 a famine is 1'llaf"I'IC:1L �IIII\'la', l it ' ! ! : !, 4t 1' .) 4.111,'! , . 4 ,111.1y 1)'31)4)1 at T• 1:441(''`( 1,1'w:1)0111 y, "i4aae SII r h" ;::1(44,1 ;411: tl.'i,!it'lidy,- 11('11,1 I ttml reorived. .nn hundredfold: 'l nil I.' • l.\ 1,, I:). 11 iti:11)'111.11,1 I'I..h,l:,!c i.1)rd 111 .4)411 h ;,r:.,:,:,,,, ;1 \1,'t \' ;1.4;11 inch's•,". •''t it,,' hint" Iv, , I. 1. :1). (41,1.4. I•(rity w;,l, rvitlnn11;' 1141' fo I!1) 4!IVWt 1, 4.4 i ,t1,":. 'N \;111' (1'0111 1111111' 1,1 .I Ids' -1,114,1,, I) )'::l '.4(Ildt;'fo1. 'l hirty, )1x1 v. 4,1,:141:'' 1. `•:.\I 1':1)1 i \.'r!' ::'roll. n,;I( ;1111 a t 111411(i'rlifnl(1 (11:111. viii, S, 44;41 \;,1 • ),"! I::u: -lin 4 1;) 1',11144,Iillt', ,1 Itur• ‘4 -os 1141, 1;44.')4 of fort ilif v 111 I•hnf, rt- tll,'0,1 (' 11'' ,;44 : • _irul, I ill', lilt 11' L'I r 1'11'!11 )1t le;laP';i 1:1)111• by r}, 1. ,ll!IU,:: 1 111'llllty, I;'lt!;,!l td', Ido- 1114!, re:idle•(' to til(' hiLIIC-1. (1e• h'lli4':I tw,'1, ::1111 x11':1 }411'1, tr{'ti of 111'orlllrtlVl'ness," "i1:aly 1)1(411 III ,. ' ii :i)1, ;wt./tilling t1 11 t1,,1.11t4.•. 11'41')4 (fall ;dl)g(?ther tint of IIIIsiness., 11!1,4 :'1•• 1.. Itj ,. "rail to "4,1,' . Ii'. •• - 1'111)44' lh;t k t11 take [lull into It i en. t!lusia-:it, ;14.11 f:rn;ttieistn, if not \:cal:• I ,. 0:11, i, '.4,14'11 ;Lk )'t', ' ,11;' , ;l(!1,`,, 1:111 140 11('411' I•l 101•t•d:i 11'1:0 1, Iu (:l!i i••:n't•:lltJ1'1'•,4. :1''1,,ti'(, LIN(' 11':1',11: ii,i to (Hit (silt ,!f the L""il• :14 , '.4 4.1:1) i('. ,,:11., I• •11..11 !i:4' I! ',1 pit:, Oi t:':IIIC 1111011 111,' wielli1il;,t 1 I,1 t!,.' ,Ilse 1•1 (;,1111 .1311(.11 1.!• .t,.,l • -- j 111.1 ((t,).til.j!•la.'t:t-(l '.11lltlt ,4111,1 41114 (sunt. I1. V. 111' ; 4441'( 11114'1 III 111(! 1'!'1111 i' 101101'1, 1+('ll'('lell for 1110 II"]re ;:1:1 U 1144 I,,'t':! 1!'" 1,1 rs')llly ll.lwt' til' pro1111'.e t,)1 ,this lit)? I. 'i iv. Ji). motto (it 1114 ;:'oat l.untlut 1';\!l1;aC'n•, ''hlie earth i; the 1.ord':3, :old the lulne •, thereof.' 1 . iJl1'1('(i 111;.. :. fl.,'.\' 1,111• 11, I`oe'4 Or"t� es% "The man brunt, and \cent forward and )(rets until i:achta g'?";IU.i• ! o l t": Ir:'.r,'(.; 1';I'. (', ;;:L1 I!'ul!I Ir\ 1' ,I'p1'"• I iii 11(S(',1MI. w('1'y greats' (v. 13), 11' tolll`r , ft:r\calt 44'o kn 11!1 im 1'1,;1',1 and ')\1'l(d"c. 1' ! i.r,j .',1 •�, 1'. 141,',• .1....P`.' . ;;11' ' ';1. 1 r1 r p,lt'4n:..•f 1,4(1•4,"14'4,1' ' 4!,141. j (4.2 Pet. III, Jai), gl'Uw 111) Into hill! in all i t. 1. I. I!1, uf- things (1';pl. iv. 15), .11any Chri,tialts 1 i':.-4.'(111• \'. 1. )'. 1 1,! t, ' '" ! aro .1111,1; 111,141.,1 lbt4 Iced on i"1,. 1! 11'1,4!1 l'!I\",'. ti,' '.:!r)4 of 1-.1111t" ! literature Illtitead o1 oil the 1)1'(';1(1 (If for !•,.'rt. !.:4 :•' ; 1,1.4:1 11:!}, 1 .,141(4' 1 life; drink front the pollut(vl stream of If v4., Lid 1,.,- i :n ; :4404: !'! 11. •, \"' w orldl ' l pleasure, lllstl':I(I of Ill! )41111' 1') 1,;;111, t.1' ::11'.1 1 `. I'.','1 ; \ ".In ( 1v:Iters of ,spiritual helll:tieellel' hl'('athe 11'1 '1.' :1;4, ,1 !li;l :!r), sur tat ! 1141' impure :111' of ;:.Ir-iI 1 instead Of i1': , t 4 •. ,r i,i 'I .,. ,, ,., ' 4144 / 1144;; ntlu,,ub.v,! ul' Chri,l;.la I!It! 1:111' 1) 1':' i, 4,t tI! ; i4111L".0- I ('(:11111141411.14' dwell in the miasmicn :1 +:!. 'lands of doubt im:'tead GI on tho slamin ,t:l'I Lll(l it .on his bed, ile then roti - 1!. 1 .:(c 1141' 1.0 4"' .i,'.l.cr (('. 1.)-:•'). ! bill:, of 4141; 1'4(11)'1 in the dark dlI:3 ' fir,! his sister, J1iea Alexander, who 1• • 1 11, ;'HI 111 ' ;yid! 4, 1'10. In 11!'1 „ 1'.11(;1- t'..lii of ll!' -.1111' Ilihtl Y.(1 of rt'•julchig :l j,' it 4 lions(' for iu'r lll'utIler ,II1111C�. ;1 44()11. Cel! o: 11:4111' 41'11s 11 1104;e3• I the cheerful caltle.i of eontc:;t. About 1.(14' i, supposed to be insa11e, Ile `,(11:1 '11 H. .i'::-'' ,44.14!; 111)11 h..1.)' 10 1 t141'lltyf1v11 Years ago ;L y)14111!, 1111th. 111 ::•,0.1 all ;18111, .AIt'xinlder teas highly respected and Lllowa. ai, tq W ii ` ,,y,` �� (i 4 SII; 1I:i;1lis ofi Elle t();r'•eCLullC<<s--- C.11111,1, 'rYhopiiiy, (-(1110) or i.11[;S;;titli!!P. ;I \,4,)' I..1riI.4') ';,It' 11'4!1 Ittwt,' Jill'.• 1,,'ll)")i ,t. 1.'1;1.1 '01�.•". 4in 1 „ (!' ',1!1,11, Il:' 1111!:;1 1'1• 't, , :,,, I f'n' a!1 f, 1'111 1f I•,• 1,';'111;1, 44 1i)Iplli I. 1't111g'll, 11," Il 141'1' I I111!�, 141111th 11101 11411.! 1',;ritl fill iirtt !a. The most , 1 'r i• 1111 w' It!.,'vi staunch, 11'1'1- 4':4:..; it, 1' i; 4,14,';Innt In ta.!:et 11, i4 11, Ir,"•a 4,'411,11' hutl,rhnlll rel;le)ls' "•''';I 1,, . 't) it , . ' i4itiiiii ,'i fret ln,g '•il11'L:g it ',d )'our ('o1414toi,to I:xp''clorr:)t 114144' 11 a!'.;!!''nd'.d medicine for coughr ::1'1, thrr:ll or lunt: tr"111)1,1. w'1.11'I not 1J:•.' lu 1x1 ,;i:1;,'llt It In 4.14+ 1;;!uso," M'RS. J• LGOYU, Vittoria (Jilt \?9\'1, borne l;i::liltlr testi• to tilt \I•orl'lerlul (unitive proper- t4'nit.,f,'otl F,(pre1m'ant, At all 'let: 't::;.;t'+, 25t. per bot tIe. No other "j!1:;t an gond" as FSFOOJ[ EX [C[(MAN1 r4Lu1 J)ERED BY LUNATIC. P miner Who Calls on Neighbor is Shot to Death. Illinois, ' b n., Feb. 'I'hi;i 11 morn- r •I;1!1'1'•i a,•eSilllltl'1', of V111)y, 11'1'!11 4,•, e' to get \I'il!.nn Lyle, a h;lehelur ln! »!!)!':t a 11111(' west of him, to (11:1:' aril heli, hint draw (lay. :lolhing o; known as to IVIII41 hap. I,":44'41 between them, but Lyle 'shat hint 4,1111 i; shotgun and carried the corpse 111144' 11':11 it \1 1; all ol).1111 to:' (It fl.'I' part..' tr, 011 the (1(44:4 III (4.1!1,1, to )!i,• Irv..• til, 1'4!1',111' I'.:{'i 4',n 111•'1'; 1!1:11; 44'!)., I 1'• t•1, t t'1, ,1::')1411'1' a i L':110 to It ;off. England 1141., fighting ;t slue bat tie. ile toil, about to calm of age, and his fath- er'tropl:oil to take hint into pcu':ucr:anip in his bu,ine4S, '1'he busii4t,4 I4a; t.ht! WANT TO VOTE BY iYIAIL. lh, 41. lio 41,44), u, 1141;,' 4!,•1,( 1'!t brewing trade, i)1 which his father had in. is, 1111.,n 11.' 4.tl'ait he 1111 made with become itmnlelwcly \crillthv. Tho 1111:;: ,, r :!I.' 11 '1 ' h" 1' '411. nor 44)1 !:i 4111 had recently become a (;4144 ;: i;;u C^ntmercial Travellers Lay Proposition 1(1, 11 11:1:; ;(1:)1 11„4,:111:1 4 111(".1, 1141 ,1144; Ile consecrated himself to save tltt' w1:• 1111 ( ' . 1111.1. • t Y drink i •' h 1111 1 Undo r ,. SO fit' IIS • r1'1 " 1lh II1 but '"''l: "Iblr '4111 :rt;, \ r .0.1,)11111(1) :iv in Ilii power, the'nisi:hicf'h!k father Ilad uur•riwl'•0 1,11111', than done. God prospered hila. 1141 trod: grew 1'1!11; of (14,.1,;1 I'hr 1cr,u;Irr until he 11;!S able to ermt, 011 tho 1 , 1,0)1 mad, London arota•1,1 t,'I.'u•, irry„t'd :\,•:tin the wells, a Ruble bltildiu% for his rte. I1 4111, 04414 t1 !;".';, up Iim lworl: costing half It million d011i(('4 uu';:I,;ri .t,4 If 1111 ;'41st un(l 1;,,44.1.,, rl•,l( ]f0 h;is a:;111)4)1(14. eoffeo )alace, n pool: ('bili ti,:r; hal 1iil.'d t!1(' (1,''111 :\bt'ah't!Il Slllonu, a hall flint (1'i11 Setif ;4,0(1(1 (4;:1(41)4 lead ,4!:;.:. 11141 I,l ;(c resolves to open thea! so pullet. that every person can sue and hear the spent:e1,, office, for his striae- agai'1• "`•I.l:ly of our enjoyat1 it:c, filth tares for (liffcrcnt club, Christian its. tiwll ,141'1 Itii�;iuu4, are the ,m).01)411 for s(iations turd building societies --all run 1:411:1; the ft lilts of the labor's of 0111' fa U;1 bllsllliti3 l)1'nlciplo5, NO services are (het and if they have been corrupted allo\\ed 111 the groat hall or club rooms1 •1,l '411111 with the directors of the I)1 allwerraun's 1,:4111 144'41, day, (v1, 1111131 (which lvould be dincordllll :4-!;n(1tttion and nppoint a ('olunlittee 10 ,r t with ft ,.5'1!1• , reslur,' thein to their former purity."--- bath day service, This glorious mission ((infer with the Government. 1'illier. has 0 twollderful record, It has been ruu for twenty-five years twit'lout a break of a right and many trophies have been Invit ht into the Iledi'i ner's kingdom. in the hot summer time the Sunday congre- gations cl g., people and on Before Provincial Secretary. Toronto, 2- -, Feb, '1Lewis IT (' rd 'resident, 0111 \h'. 11, fielding, the treas- 1:!';'r, r('pt''lonlin:,' the 'Toronto branch nt' the 1'(,111111('i'1'ial Travellers' Association (if ('anatln, (waited upon lien. 11[1,, ITln na, I'rr.(inci:Ll S:�'t•ctat'y, yesterday. They il:;kt 41 that Legislation he introduced 1vlli:11 \you'd ei,ahlt commercial travel• 1'1.1 a11'9y 1'rnrrt home during elections to vole by mail. Ifni:. `,I t'. 1111102) e:;prvs4cd his interest, in lhtl In•opo'4iti011, mid suggested that 1". \\'til of springing water -"Well of lit 4111! \w:ttl'l't4•" Thi, 14 it,; Meaning hath in the O!tl and New 'Testaments. Ste John iv. 10.1.1; 7: :IS; Rev, xxi. 0; 22: I. :111 unfailing spring was an em- blem of the graces Hud influences of the spirit of Clod: ('111,1;1, 20. Did strive-- "'1'hrn'e that avoid striving, yet can not avoid being striven with. (P111. 120:7). lu this sense, Jeremiah was a 111(111 of contention (Jer. 15: 10), and also Christ himself, though he is the Prince of fence," 21, 1)igf;ed another !well -"Nev- er (1!(1'(14~( 1111(11, 1110re implicitly follow the divine. command, `Resist not evil,' than dill lsm's;" \vhenever he found that his work was likely to be a subject of strife and contention, Ile chose to suffer \V('0I) rather than to do wrong, 11e 0117' ono evil with good, 22, Removed fro:a thence---\Ve are told that he (net the env!' with (patience, 14:1(1 removed frnnl \well to \cell, lie preferred to sub- mit to wrong rather than contend for hi; rights, At last tilt Philistines de- sisted, "Endurance, nce, meekness, the gos- pel spirit are the only true weapons to , 1,r , ' . t ' Christ, 'L u ' I h (,1 ' u lsa.t( Ill. 5t, ' _,1 n't 1 11 , I , t , conquered by meekness." ''A1,ra►haml was the anal of faith, Isaac the Hurn of en- durance, and Jacob the luau of prayer." --Jacobus, U(4110notit-"lioont.' The name Isaac gave to this \well indicates that he tuns patic!lt Willi his opposers, and tl:1t, he lead succeeded in getting out of their \\'ay, `'The piety of the patri- arch is; seed in his prompt recognition of the 111!:11 of (iod in the event. Auy One ('1)111(1 l'i't; that, the l'lilistiucs had given over their opposition, blt.lninie saw that it was 0 higher power that controlled them," -Chambers. Patience 1111(1 for. belu';tncc like this iti a person of such wealth :and power etre seldom seen, 111. The Lord appears to Isaac (vs. 2:3.2;,) • 2:3, To Beer-Sheba-ls;ulc had trouble \while, tinting the Philistines, Ile 110\w returns to the old paternal home to pass his declining yew's. "Many memories of his father and mother, his marriage, and his own early lite el(5tcrcd (wound the Oltl homestead and hallowed it." "'1'o enjoy. (sod's presence we must be where he is, and lie certainly is not to be found lurid the strife and contention of an un- godly world; and hence, the sooner the child of Clod gets away from all such, the better; so Isaac found it," 24. rine Lord appeared -The angel of the coven - tint -the. llfcssinh. The sante night - "TIe. needed.spechtl encouragement when insulted 114(1 outraged' by 'tlte Philistines, and .God immediately ammo to coin - fort; 413111 lifpport ,trim in 'his tri(t!s, by a reltbwnl of all hill protnisoL4' Tho. Gods' ;.nleh; of Abrnhnni="Ciod is not the God of the No political or other' advantages for deal, but of the living" (Matt, 22: 32). (lermany are being urged on the Persian Therefore Isaac is assured that his lath- Government. , 4) IN • . , • /' . . { 1,141 `� r 1 1.1,• `,'•"';11:,'.) '?OU LIKE TO LIVE ), CHINA [TOME ? 41:;',,.>r;::ir! t' :'IIC'! CI:'i;a to nt "l :c4 Brick, ala:e and ;.z1 ate ---No 1 `11-,n'nt; C:aanitly 1 4: . ' 'I, b, '1'114' ,!',t','il1•r 111 411.1,, .i,• .. 1'111:1• I, .. I. hill 111,' 1! " "n lit, n .'111•;1 III' II' 1,, 1'1 l.ar' 11,.,;1,• • 5 , , , !)1 1 t,f 1' ..1.G. 11 ,i 1:�''.. I., Imii l It.. •;Illi;,' n,, 1 ' PC ) 1 t: !.1,)•444:; iii }Hoe, ,,1 i l t'f la . :till r ! l: ' ) ;Intl • "I ('. ;,14„ Ir, Ili i„^:,,,• 1"::'1 paint,• fc 40,70 •Y >.'�'o': , ?1,..L .:'1:.',d a'J... ir•'1 I Thank Thee. 1 1 hank 'Theo, Loris, for 1s ia113 sent; 11 1•. iii,' 1\;'':; by l,i','P7.t'+ 1)('111., 1 t bit mfr (Li,l).; the ground. 1'.• t I i Lail: '1'1;1,1' for the bitter 'wort! Ti ;!i Ina 41'1!4' voice !till plainer hl'ard, tr;;tfi'1', 1.1,44 114!1, :�.rilnJ. C0'., 1::,,,...; '''1 0,,1,,._..4.;; .t f':1 t'. . •, •1•,111•,1,:•.\;' ,;t•' Co,: :,.i. 1 t• ;.:-, i ., 1 1:,1,:4 ', 1 1 ! . (":1•!'1 ( t;:iti ,r ' 'J:" 4', ;4 (!(1;11!1 ,;' .l i :, ,;c'l , 4141,4, ', . t:' • :I ;'9 I . ,1:. 114 ') :i, 1, )•',.;,:',';',!.::: •'1 •''11/';:',...'');..:71' 1'•. � ''1)'�, t t'., -_1,,L'.;!1':4.114.(!( -!l is 4''/Cl' ('t.)1, :I`'? `1,,,r • j4 l (.,ll:•lp, ill f::'•,(; co- •';-; a:; ...... j.., i r� 1:10;1 4,41,1. 1 1 1,!•' ') ,114 1,,',1: I' ,,, r,; 1,,:,;''t• l:fii';l!.lr; t,:.:'1 ;•l;',t", I;in 11 !, i')!' ' I f I' 1 III ;i:;� 1;1,4 i �, i' ,."l iI:L'll•1' (i \71,11 '� ''ti 1 pr, 1•t: i';l b1' :L i'( I fes' ;tilt t' 14;'11; 1,1 :14: 1'.t.'"0/01 ,'u•1• in ...'1,1•, o; an ' 'it ,. :I i!n I, 'n t I:;1•i' 1 ; �'il l.'' ll: t U t II (: f,tl'-�!' l' !'1 :l'. i'+ ,li'tlu :! hri' , 4;';111, { :., . !! 1;.!tt)•1r; a 1:IIC1411'i''r41 4.',0)11 11 1'114 't,1 'trtr, ') I 1 4; •4:'i !r 1 111',1 !r:;1I1l,'iti Ill (9'1,+ 1411 1 E,: c(lr/ ii •: • ;' I.:', •d 41.1 f•! )' , :1, 1:1:4t ,'1:1. „ :1::',! tl!l+t :1 1 rr','d4. .{( i I i'1 illi ::1 ..,'!.4', 1,11,'!1 (1;'i• -11'11 :CI!, '.'11!!,',1 I x,f1 . -.)... :1,1,1 ..,t•c1�. 1\ hen ,!t 4 111' 1,'1'101 4 I `'':: .,!r i•, ,:,1',1 ill :�:,lure, 1!'; ',:1!1111 1;;1.;' i'+ 111:.'1 • • , 'I'! n 1111,1! , ,. ,: 1'4111 ,I .1 fi:in! 1;44,1 in' 1'• 1,Y 1;.:::::,W):;:. I1 „ L,. t0 tl:;1;1,,:;,e ! : ; 4111''.• 1:.;I1,'• t.! rd:!;..'! (, : r,ilr: fail (' 11 i3 (4 . 1:'1.1'''''' . 1. a Linn 1.1:41•, 4141, p:l!•rrllill , r '! 1'• • .t,; 1'1' .!1, 0 1 )0.07'1,1H: 111:1 111 t"I'i';I' Ir (' I 1" .l 1 '+ t1,�I �'• 1 t 1 •in:ll:i:'I.y it'•rlf• '1'b)4 +r•� 'L'"irl: :,I iu,i'il' y.•:1" 1 f t;e i'1, 1''', '•4 v" 11 .,:.I ,it;!)'!;111,,, 4 1111n1(s! 11441'1 r':'/ '14. :11 is 'c;ill, u: ful'4 1114 ';11se i'; 1401 171I!“0:17.'1.. ;, ;� 0'4•'1:1;i'1; • . i, I no of !!1! ('''t, ] 1'' 4:f- )'I 1!:,' ,l'I':'tti,:ll: 1111: r \Valor 4':,fit 14 1 5 1,:..1,,...,,4;:.:;14t1:14:1(1)10. ( ..:'i' `1i41:14'44'(1 1(4 !�)� j (� ye na'1,a \l L .1. 1 „ l!nlh'111'/tl'I'I',rr. ;) l '1,41.: '('iii:'" i,,,,ic: `,'i:l ,`i:" ,:I•' '•1 7:- r;�) , ,1:e t',, :i ,• 1'11,011 r1," yin�'{,)C' ,p' 1 ,1' \�n_, 1. i i t .? ... s• -I r1,!..\r. '''' ".ilk lhfl-1I rei:,r,cit,•i i". You rt,rl't alto!'. Any other 1:1x•11 I !LIN!, 's'lu'r' :,,r lb(' t)ar4 11:;11 tvelllt t a; t 4.'411 11,(.41 r:t1 th, 4101 lm110 it cltap) 1,i III 4 41) 11:11 11 fire. I l• ,:Il. Vet, for 'Pity . l;lff and roti, 1,.,,44141,, in i:;e kind of (.4,1(1, rye'. higher, I , :d; 'Thee for the joy 1 find 11; f 4;4;,1.'1, (,:.,t t', l;in,l '0"1,,‘• is:Ili:, 11;!'1'1('1' 111 .1•1; 1 ;Lat.]; ':'Ir', i('t' in this 1 11"14, 1 1.1;411. ;!!t:) '1'11,1' 1%10./11 book -111! 1, ad 1' (I\1'11 11)11:1' (1'1'1'. 1 '':':Yk Ihl`0 f. 1 till' Light 11101 shade !' , r ,i,., 11,,!1-•.1 t11i•, (,t..thly life is ]Halle, plats. 1 1.11:L.,. 'i'1110 i:,r t!,(' I!lt1n(' :11N1ve, t.:.:'Ilii,' 1,F I,: ,l;l,ilr „, I„wo, l 1 1' 1',.1.1(4(41;1 111111, i '• ru'1. 01.3 right with ±4 Ct.ih: y: a t' vc.nized ;;tcel They 11)4(1 110 ('1)4''14' '1 I"CI : o11 all FOUR 111e.d:! in (.Cly' o110 grr,.l1,-_ of 28-gua"4o semi-I:hell( nit.) sheet` Stet'\ in th,, I en 1.d "l%:,hl:v;tt" 44.y r Ir , 1 :!r:':tic dr' utal!u::4 can b!' 1:14.'.!,;...,1 i;!1:) the 1''0)0';, :i1(! 1;1 t!:1, (; ;7ah:'tl::rn. Lois XIV., 'de., (.,•441(1 1'.1, replaced by the ",': l l'•:4w!1 1)4'1'14(', 1111,111\wol'11, \\ (1l'• ! t:!: list h)4sutiinl kinds of ',::I i• „',tell i1 the e"ifenIol'. .;,N1 j ,Ila �».ws!11R;!'•1.'t"l,a; l.,'?7,'?�s:C= t'1,)7y"?:1',. "���fiLlt'tfl:iiitil'.ii%�.:, 1,3:'.;?Y"^C7 i.6 x,✓'.�: ',') T 4114? -t: t!)::"... 100 rare Ji,tlj!itiilii 1(1,4'.4 W c r (: 1'. :4 •t I)(1; ^('11111, 1''14;%(',1 1111(1 tine - alone 100 l!�.tr,a4;cd In Cr.- , `, 11:1!! •°1.14'4, ('1171 hP )1,i:•;1!Il': l taPi'! alntle i (st',,' 1L' I'I!! '11111 t' ("I t,':1. 141)t,4 by 11, 11tnir 4', .Not, (lee o: 411[')71 '"1 !I, 11.0' -1 a::'•! (?I ('illil11;11 tt; 111:11440 the p'';rrir.in 4', II.'" the i(lent home for (':•';.i', %Ila! It i, 110:.:".1 0; It 1f,I,• .'1'4111:11 "f t:IP ill'':lli('i;1 Cities, the, h1:;s.i1:4 cf p,(•:1'. GOT THREE WOLVES. The ^:.::au:: Hunting Expedition Returns to Montreal. !J"tlirral, ,'eb. `2•i. ---Bringing with them it i:1,)1,144', ccn!!)ust'd of pelt, of freshly killed 4'(t1,e4, lmenlbcrn of the fanious (wo1i-Il)t11Ih1:4 expedition organized by L. 11, .1r'r15h').,1!, of the G. l'. 11':1. tourist ,would lull'(; t)c :n 1)':::(1e(i is they'dlcen "t344;).o.wr:"-=•(:i:'l'(,(l. 7.hcsc Sl'(iR'r'1C'a ilst;lai:e::ii;:iL. • ,.; :t:;.,' t '11 ,.l .,1,r_ j1,;; '..,, ev'y I, -..1441 �„t('.:., . �t, (.'1C'rn .411;. fLt'.•lt3 tell you „1::tu '':'li ill1,1!1 ,(,It\r0Ui0L'Jo1 the, p 1:r '' O;haw r. ,h,,,y. •( ,! ;•,''. Gt; Cllr h'ce Ai<l''�?1"•� ,/ :81,,.11 ti ,'.:l b.Icl. Ii(,0»- /i:.moi:4',tizj' " ; t J �. t; jt, 1.;111' 1._._..„1!, a':: i b Clore oil y�_ .,?'''' ,i ,4• Roofs iiinj 1 ;;;fes.. :.); ,...J .1.41 ,..,..\rp,i ,,,:t, ,1,)'1^•. r. -atru • r: / -n�'' r `'ita':i:a ...:1,.•.r <•: .:inti %. 'Suri:C.:ciL,.sutu::ii:',i 1-,;eL'.tLt:i..�f q � r. w c�,, ,/� t 4 t::! : ! W't� til UPS ;•7 E 1,� :111n1; 1:�. " a/, 1. ' i, t r 1 4.. 1 . I:1'. (' i i1 �� it 11111 I , 11 {. ,,-14.11 d( )411'1 1C('Hl arrived alt •' +I°.10 'e, r ! r t� �� t.ialLll►�t_,ilJ: �..,!.•3 l.•L.:,,Lirl \`I' :Ill::u1, :4to.timl to -day. ''I\'v t:loll:!'.;'e(1 to get three wolves. al- it !;eibt r, and we learned :t good deal in the waw of p1:4414cal hunting that 1 have no (lout!! will make us more lutcersaful ill tilt future," was tltc remark of NIr, Arta. 111:1!' Y � �J•i �J � 11 � y1-0. � �- 1 J. �rt!nl, � 11 � �, ;j S •• ► ---•11v O--•--- ..... •w...•..,...u••-,•w.n..•....�„aret•,�..,�....,�...,.......w C1IOI ED TO DEATH, •` 2 1°I1011t�:1I '.�)"Gil4:) 1r:"r(.ti 321•.: Cert: ;11-, )1 (', . :I) 1,:i i) 1,r, ,•4 Ottawa 0J:..,'; 4 1,y ::u'4,; .- 7; ). :111111 t1JI�iG: L jM1;• j,rr?t.:'1,i,::7!„l;;i4"'1,:i!: ,.:;� +�/;a;'I%o,: }3e1!zviilc L'o' Dies on IR; VT.a to EtRi!''''y'►'fS tRaiMPil. ,1,,,r 51 r', ,•, •:,ny,, } Y alt!on3 average •l 000 ()1 Ic• HER '' )+lit o " l,)� .•;' T 1 School. wee!: (lays from 1,00 to 1;000, :1'1111,1 i5 _....___.._._. a C011:4tallll, 11')4„('(1 f' ". '•c .Ip„'(' _ (.•'•� F•;.,'..r, ( , Like Isaac. the 1.(11'(1 \vas with this II' I Of hUV/' . r\i when A(1111)1' 1'roug'1, the 0•yen1.-old 5011 Pot'is, 141`4', 21.--1' dinn'lrlg the r' 1, 0- .._ j Ill (Geo, J;l'o)1rll, ('lu'l'ls;!e'btuilder, was 1':11'by the (:I::Imi)t'r of I)e)u ie " . � ,) death. , . i t (s last iti!:lit of 140 (ltv,rnIoent church a11(1 .,;;1111 Ix))icy, 0::4011:1114il3 l.,^tweed :IT, 1)e 1114? prefect of the Stile , and !•f ,1,. .1 i::i1't t r, Boat! 111)1• :\1'0!ibis:lo•) of 1111!'r, but too late, for 1!t,' fell GI'el' and hit 1.4, 111 4111' ;iiihjl','i• of 111'1 ('nntr ;'ts for 111e(1 :1Iiuost immediately. \\'t,'1'(` 1't:i1:I11C(1 un:rnir,!oltsl T;IE GROUND TIlEIM T.ED, r: 1,n :.tine 14;0 cot::p1t;Icuei13 of T lt)lsl.tion 'tti!t!`tel' 1:1:;1tot';; I1illi1111!1; t.h:lt 00110 L:habitr,nts of t. George, N. D., Cal , 1 ,,f ill: i'.'pa1!li, a'I (1(41us n1,,? p!tin!y Iiad I''riCrb�, c'Oil!':'ilte,l 14 '013,. 11, ('111:;119 negotiations 'i11, 1:!r 'otl1';1 1!4ti(',li nu:bol'ities, 'l he St, (: 1)41•tt't, �1, 13•, 1'1'1). 2.1,44--- '('11'(1 . , ''.:i'I!:(;!tm';l' .'!I,('1:•+, '"Ito of 111:�1t1.'1';!b!c .'t,!1„t'l;ll,t`4 i11)tl (.'n)1�P;wll(11'('9 1'i!1')leC nt 4l'i'It1',144t'I'e 11'11 1111'1 the 11rlt11P0;'I of religious pollee, but they ( 414 1tftt'1'll0('►l' !toor 111:?t ii"' s';u1i'it Of the religion3 41 1 '!,' 441('1' 1In y 11111 it (w:ti fc:lrrll . will �r,11"11111":"1.4 , ,,,.. inn will only 1'41,11' 1.110 wiry for• { 1.1( 1,f r L"11111 l ', 1"11!11 1,._is!e(icn wr;;i)',l rill i:;an"urate s t! cr,il;'.fr•t, �,0 5('1'40!19 (l:II11;1:(t' 1\';1`0 (tont', , BOt1.11 ,, ; , 11,;11 the ,..hiLI:uJ; 1111 111(,1,1• fright - owl!, wlb 111' second tremor tai=nig' their 4t .Ir to :in scall point. Th!' I'il�I. shoe:, lits' seu're1, of 14:; Ilio, 1.^414.1,•(1 fully 1.04) mittulil;, a1;! tl!, nn:o1:1 4('rlrrrd 20 minute; later, 1;1!t,: cilli despatch: A :4ht,i;inn ;loath III LIGIOUS P.�.!CE ?:AY FE F'OW- Illltagf, of win's ' Vigoro...1, I ., .11 I , .1, ! , i r, SCCIAL 11.111 place shortly utter 1 o'clock to -day, LOWED BY WAP.I''ARE. 5 1.111, I r and he lint 1'011(01(1 and gre\v until he -MI Wl:l:\l+l; :1,x•11'.1 became very great." Ii1. 1,;axes 0tinnc:'• "1te I t ; , 1,.11,111 to lir; little ,1 Ihall 1:),4'4(4• One of ;r, , „tial \vis on .`t,1' 11, . •.11(1 gr:':tt st.nl'r', , .slid the I'll!!- 1 richest 111!':'1 o(1 t!1'4 (".44.1(1 '.', 111 . l,' f 111.4 w1,,\ i t(1 O('t::\'Ia sof (: S"11(1()1. 11 (''141!'i1 him. 1'')Jl' all the %v('lh , article, 11:1i Call, "'ii 11'4'1",'4'i' I 10 1 t,':1 I \\:4.; Otltimt( it Illl'l't' of (411:1 1w11e11 lie to ('llillti({!,1.,,.f1114d,1 •, i tit:tried to choke. Ile 1';111 tit( ( 1,'r \villi 114414th whatc1(i 4.11(:11.s 11' 1:, ii::.'• ! int° I. n 1;.11• (1'.'. 11. l:)i. ''!,':tae's pt,':;snel'it\' was not world 1 0',V :ill to Ir:Y y111', 4':'41'1, t!1'! b41''4 house, and was given it atlasa of i:IlHllo,w4d, nor ilii p1(tgr01 uninlp)4d)4d, Ile140:11101'e(I 11'0;11 env,v. But he Islet it bw pa1ittli'(', 1111!';1 p,'r4ccllttd iti 11)10 place he fled to another. Ile ler:lover.! from well to well (vs, 17-"21, .1;1;1 111( p;)tie:c4 14:1'; 4!cto('ioll % II 4won II(:; out, 111.'.4, 'i hos rattle and at::vd for a ...14,!;! 1,v" (v. 'i), 1'1 , f.1,4:1!4 ,4 !('rd'ralllt'11('s-i. "' s 1 '.411(''4 40(4'x11.1 (1141:'e1!...n 41't11...0nd Ihi, 11:'1(1. 111:'11 04' (41'611' ((Ill 11(1'1('('. 4ayiII1' 1,1'114 'r' .:, ;:it, 1,1•)41 ), t ) 1'4411('1' 14 Ull(4...allll 11(! (bl;gt l 't' �"u,t::1i:; 3 " tt '1 another 'I •jt4: ,tlij... ,.J ..f: \ 'Il !Ir ii..,• , ,'(\1 ,I. 1411(' spirit C( the ,:114!1 t,1 �+i;j�!.I`I`tf^! ' 1,.;.:1; l t l! t l l' (1,,,,•0!:, 1 1 1 1,1 1(' :l • ' ,',' " `l `,'!e.:.'r :nun, t L•..1 111 , '1,l;' '' N i7 1 l. I. oily 1times. tild1,•r 1 other 1' 1 tl( Juan (1 ',, t his Is Ile "o not '1'mit. strife," I<S.. '!' 4 4' '' , . 1 r ,. %(. 'j:' .Arr1,( 1,i'•!•,, V, i.sa e prolrc'ln•. 44)4,:i nut, for 1 • :l .�, �ir•/:".. •1., ,�, ;1,,' •`,:.,f/ �•' ," i ti i with ill. (v...l). 11'11'1 1.111 milk. ti11�1' forced hint to 1't,':um'(? (1)11)1 plln'0 t(1 ,/ jp' 13 1,'.'S '1'? �1r, ,%y place, anal inose::tell hist (1111iutm:il!r •'� • ',..1.b1R•nrnrv.nenrlawl.Ullbwdta.wa96aaf�.+ 11)'11 01111 \'L`;(tell 111;11 and trawl' 111111 (1'(!511 To bo 811!:1 tL successful ‘rife, to retain assurances of p('rpttu;ll protection and the love and :t..linira•atnl of fin: husband, guit1:1::ce. to 1118, )114) 111,1 Iu 4::0k44, the most of l.liin- 1 1. 14atrc':( postel'ff w. "1 11111 In(' (f()11 Reif should 111 '1 \w4(Iuo.il'13 ('001tant study, (1!' A.hi'lllul ill illy fatltttI', , . 1 41111 with tileei )' , 1e •gi ' ( ,, I� a woman finds 111;1: hl t (,t r„lets oro and \yill...nlul.tply they Heed for my tier- �flta,gging, that !'111) gets ('a(•ily tired, dark sant Abraham's 4ltkc (1•. 2-1). Windows appear 1:n1-t(!i' 11Cr eyes, 811 1. i 1 y , 0 ari VII. Isaac's 111ayerfulncs:4, "[le backache, henllrch(44, bc':triol;-.own pains, called 111)011 the, „ 1,01'(1" (1'. 25 . Alta' nervousness, irregularities o4'the butes, elle , ('oil appearance to hint ls10e hastened Should etartat (:lac to build up her system 1 to ct•:'::t an altar and mike the place of byy atonic �'i(.1tF'p1l.'iiiclpourers,such asLy svdenln cowcmutL it pkat; of crateful ' dia E. I)inkhan 4i \ et,etable Compound. . dayI tir:a• knew her 10411) 1;111' 1,1'1'11 1111 inspiration, 011(1 tits 141'':,:'. •rt 1:i:(p!1:.,((4 Ot my life." al's :1•':i+.445t,'R'.{t'i..i'„�JJ�(44j?).. si 411,!'4 i !•r, prayer. "Prayer i:{ the highest, Ilolirst wort: to 4111X}1 a man )41111 rise, It i4 falloll•411ip with the. holy One, the chan- nel of all blessing, the secret of life and 'Hexer." A. L.', 11. 11IURDERED AT TEHERAN. German Subject IRilled-- Government Demands Compensation. 13erlin, Feb, 25,--:T•'llo Foreign Office here has been notified by the, German Legation at Teheran, Persia, of the mut- der there of a German 'subject named Thunman end the wounding of two other Germans. by robbers. The legation pro- tested to the Persian Govedunteltt, and demanded the punishment of the guilty Following (('o publish by request a letter from ;' you _; \vifo : Dear Mrs. ('ink ham : "Ever f;11100 111;' oh: Id ',\•aa born 1 have suf. -:.+•4-•---- fered, as i hope few women ever have, with Aiiliiari9m and Immigration, Inflammation,'0)01,:•w:a,):n44's, bearing. down pains, i11nd:ache ami (4'1141ch:11 head. L,1u'upc:ul powder 1.3 beim;; 1,1111.1(,1 '11 11.1 aches, 1t c.11'e('t1( my ::1011111011 so I could food, aec'o1(11;lg to the plaint i:( the notcnloy my muds, and halt' my time was 11Inies1'4011 11 11)1 )'1(41)10111 aut11111: ;.i who spent In bort. "Lydia 1,4,1'i nkhnm's VcgeLtble Compound have just complcted national staListic.: made me a well woman, and .l (also gratothl that 1 not glad to writo and tell you of lay marvelous recovery, It brought No healt11 now life and vitality." -Mr;). Bessie Alnsloy, 011 South 10th Street, Tacoma, 'Wash. MA:) CAT KILLS A PIG. Also t. t.1oL1', a Stableman and Tears His '_)ooticg into Strips. Apponoltg, 11, 1,, -Jumping 1:10:4 th4' back of her larger antagonist and 11i„ - ging her long, sluu'p claws into his brain and neck, a mac. crit so \wo1u11.'(I 1 pig in the Appoml1g Hotel barn that the porker died a few lours afterward. The cat, upon examination, was found to have had the rabies, Before she was killed by 1)ennis (toff, who is employ- ed in the hotel burp sire 1tic!i)d and tore his left hoot -leg into strips. fiho(1'3ng 1012,703 Hungarians to have emi- grated to tho United. Slat Les during the last year. German and. AuJtria1 pnp14)41 are eotmnenting 1111011 the fact: that the conscriWhat Lydia E. Pillkham's Vegetable 1,cclhits Lfrc ni1 ion 1111 toraft wnship, liiId )) 047r cel ShI Compound did for Mrs, Ainsley It will do 'ut for every sick and ailing woman. If you have.sytilptouls• you don't un' derstand write to 1140. Pinkham daughter-in=law of Lydia L. I'inkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. wentecs 11:111 emigrated to the United f:ltlttcs, German, Itounanian, Italian end Russian sttttiaties show 11 liko co1111ii/n in which c army 14 robbed' of iti (tap- able recruits by depopulation, leaving only t•ite unavailable' liclililth---Detroit :.�... , ..'• :'t''- )44;1:3 Pitesal. PRESENTED NELSON'S BUST. Gift to "pronto Front the British and Forel ;it, Sailors' Society. Toronto, Feb, 25. ---About a hum]It4d persons assembled in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hail last night to wit- ness the presentation of the bronze bust of :\'elsou to the city by Rey, 1', 1V. :tl:ltt1)F'l(1•s, se),retary of the l)riti311 and Foreign Sailors' Society. Tlie meeting WW1 opened by ?'layer Co0t,worth, who was followed by \l1'. 1lattlaev3, who 11e - livered ;L telling address on the ativan• tagen of a strong navy. The bust stands tri inches high and 81.1111ds 0)1 a pedestal Inado of oats tal:c1 from the Victory, the flagship of the great admiral, Iii! NE'D TO DEATH. Two .'fli;ir'cn Lost Their Lives 111 Fire Ncar Quebec. Quebec, Feb, 25.--ilirned to death in their beds in a fire !which consumed the resi(lenee and store of their father, two young children of Mr. Saynck, general storekeeper at Valenrtier, a few miles north of this city, met a horrible and tied fate this morning, their little bod- ies beim; burned to a crisp. The little victims were about two years and 804,011 years old. Mr. Sapid:, who Is a Ilebrew, conducted a general store in the place known as, "The Settlement," The build- ing and all its contents, the stock alone being valued' at 'about $5,000) were re• duced to a heap' of smouldering ruins, 1, . .l .'o e• I .•,•t ,, 11''4.111 I. I •r 11:!- 'I','. -tr',11.: ;1441•: enfolding )tie, :':0 4,itl but Thin,' t,4) know. '11:1.11 tri,cn J meet Thee fare to face, 1 14, 1t 111(4 nj)ilit '1'11111 (.1"11441 trace '1'111' !,,,,ons lc:timed below. --,!lice G. lIo\var(1. Prayer. Holy and )1141st merciful Fattier, who (11:,t order an our nays, !;rant that, 411ut:4''1,1'1' our fortune i{1 iife, we may 1x1 1::'1!1 humble and till :•:11'_', f•rtillt^tint; t:!' 11'Ol'm'.; 111,',siings at their true value 111)1 steking vainest!; the 1.0st gifts. Give \\'17(1.J11 to 111':1 ('1'1'1",::tele' 111;'1 teach t:1' ul that love au:) 1!1�:1')1, a:, w•11111 far (!;all go it,. 1:1'441'1, 14) an end 1110 1.4fc' en1il:41bsll between individuals 1111(1 1•t•i',,I'i'l1 11:111:!1114 by elle mad lace for wv,•u1t.1.1; let t'cn('ru=ilv and regard for 1 41;1:. 1,;n1'1(11 the relations of I1111It1:n1d. tba spirit. of Jesus 1.011e possession 1f 'diem's hearts and may Iiia kingdom of ri':ilit!11Sm(',, 0.1141 peace and ,joy soon 1, Nor 11144 (\'11114' earth. \1'e ask it for 111; (:111 name's sake. .11111'11. The Victim of the Seas. t.by Il 1:aliker,) 110,1f bttiicd ul sand, its bullrai'ks 111o,t- ly twill a4.11)', liming out the massive projecting stanchions, and but the shat- tered ends of its 11101t.s left standing, lies by a ltl6011i tclllpl'ot upon a wile, i1.0It- buund coast, 4:durrottude(1 by jagged, an- ' n:: s:It:; of rock, wllieh at high tide are completely covered by the !waters, the ill -fate.(( vessel is strangled almost in the centre of o:1(! of 11148 o 41'101,111 inlets hewn out of the solid roc!: by some ter- rible convulsion of 1)14(ue. At the ex- treme end of the inlet i, a dark, lofty 01(1','41 penetrating 60:110 distance into toe rock; its fluor at the upper end, af' t(1, a storm, covered 14iia1 !loti,tat 111(1 j'14841'11 01 i 1t,: f:':.' i 111',11': it s1:.1,o 1444 f1:11"1":"is of twn'l Cka; C01pc1)8!0? 1AL t,opi;al product brought by the Gulf Dirt'':" 114:1 last on shore, or the strange hares case ui' "nurse" \V1it 'it: fet'Inel:1; was the home of a young LOA, rivet illi; the lost:, roof of the cavern, her p,oid141 fronds gracefully hanging down, • are 1111!1::'x1103 1100111401(44 specimens of the h;alla::i1 sea. fan; 1411110 tootttere(1 about its mouth art! several large de- tached boulder?', e11(11 standing in :L love- ly pool tenanted by tiny fish, which (unt halter 1111 thither auto;)1'1t the waving ('o1:;411Ho end 11,0 dancing ialts )1f 1n911y- (41''d ,;0,1 11!,1111.1. Seaward in the gt'Hlt ocean, it.a glit- LerIng surface now cn.111 and placid save for the great, Atlantic rollers, each a mil(' or 1110144 It Irilgtlh, which, as the (v:t•t- c1, sit:tiicnws, gather in foree null beauty until at loll;,tl) w• 11,14 a:,ljistie grandeur the rapidly Advancing billow curls over, the h:riuty of it:i lovely S)4a-g1•el?il 111m enhanced by 1110 snowy y:hitenc:ls of itrl :.editing crest of driven foam, whi:1i, adv:UIt'IIt,,4 1'4.4i:tst :1 strong; bl'et'so, 1:ave3 i11 11,3 11'1:111 :1 1,p:a1'k!ing shower of spin- drift, ': ,Ift over 1 incl, , 1 a `1' 1,1). 11 beautiful rainbow continues to play until the ware 1010 1;eek:n on 4.113 sands. them?, in the midst of 11l1 the -e neaut.iful surrounding:, lies the pour, abandoned derelict, foimerl;; a thing of beauty and grace, now but a melancholy wreck; soon, battered and shattered by 1111! devouring elements, to disappear is oblivion. And so, too, with 0144)1y a child of earth. Attracted and deceived by tho so-called. "new theology," he throws oyer his Bible, trying to snake himself believe that it is not the Word of God, and that the direct statement therein that; the Soil of God died on the cross to make atonement for the sins of all who conte to flint for life and salvation is 0 fatn• otts Mistake of the Biblical writers, Ila ' makes shipwreck of his faith, and is 01.31• conte by the powers of evil, But if, be- fore it is too late, he cries tuightily to. ' the Almighty for guidance and for help, he will surely be delivered, and an appal- ling soul -wreck averted. Prof. 11e Mnartens told the Associated. Press that as a result of his inquiries the date of the meeting of The Vague ceuforence will probably be fixed for .111)10 15 with sessions lasting two months. ' Twelve states of the union will to -day officially honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's birthday is a legal holiday in New York, Colorado, Connecti- cut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota., New Jersey, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wyom ing, ANNUM i'At.;l. Ewht---11.1E BLYTH STAN DAU.D—F EBRUARV agTtl, Igo;. S GREATEST AND MOST ®m 11® $60 Worth of High Grade Merchandise to be distributed into tII1, houleA or the people for ie,a than the actual cost of the material by J. S. GOLDEN BLYTH arch 6th, at 9 a. m. OLDEN Prices will reach the lowest limit in this Gigantic Sale of Shoes and Fur- nishing Goods for men, boys and children J. S. GOLDEN BLYTH Worth of Shoes for Men, Women and Children ; Hats and Furnishing Goods to be sold less than actual cost. The entire stock of Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Hats for Men, Boys and Children to be sold for less than actual cost by J. NESDAY, MARCH 6th, at 9 a. m. The J. S. GOLDEN STOCK will be placed on sale for 10 days only. Everybody should avail themselves of this opportunity. This is a most stupendous undertaking, to close out this mammoth six thousand dollar stock in ten days, but the price we have put on the goods will move thein out rapidly. During this great ten days' sale all goods will be sold FOR CASH, as the prices are so low as to be in reach of all. It will pay you to come 100 miles to visit this sale. Bring the children --never again will you have such a golden opportunity to dress in such rich raiment at such trifling cost. The sensation of the day—wonder of the hour. As this sale only lasts 10 days everything will go rapidly, so come early and you will get first choice of the great bargains. The hour is set. The date you know. Goods bought during this sale cannot be exchanged, BELT Notions Pins per 1,er Needles, per Imp.,,' UOTE A SEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS TO BE HAD 1e Safety Fins, per cord 1c and :'e 11olareil (Handkerchiefs. in reed and bine .haw;}' 1!uudk.'rrhiefi. '2 far rift \1rudincr \V 001, On trail. 1 Fur ... pairs Cotton .Shue 1 act; 'I pairs T.ertt ht' Shoe 1L11re8 .... 111rie.l; l.►. Sher, fasts, regular I(U , lar .... Gt; Black Cotton Hose CHILDREN'S SIZES Small sizes Medium sizesc' Large sizes d•: J,ndirs' Ito blow (feels I:.'t; 11lott's Rubber 1feels ... 170 Furnishings and Underwear \left's Colored Dyes,' Shirts, in f;tne,y styles, with cuffs, regular $1......... ..... r,!lc Ateu's Winter \Veight'I'np \Voot ,Shirts, 73o and >..159e hen', t;ude1'\vear•--elastie, ribbed, unsirir,kaHo, regular :;1... „ ilic faltr.t' 5(Iillr, regular 85(....,1;;;r, !, i:ut,',!1t; Alen's \Vool Sox, regular t!3(, for Aleu's traces, regular 23c, for , . 1!Ir, Men's Braces, regular 50e, for.... 119c Alen's Tweed Pouts, in mediumand dark color's., regular $1.50 and $1.73.... 1 19 Childrou'a and 1Vonlolt's Plush Lined l'ndoi'w ar to clear at less than half pri u. I flit linhbrr Col;su's for mon . .... !►r, MonI's'I'Ies, good 1101 st(wit only, at 9'', Ile, Itto, 390 each Sill; 1IItIIlltcerl'hiefs, r.'s;nlar 50a'1111 ,\li1t.. and gloves to clear at 'greatly rtrdueed prices. Light Rubbers Men's 11 uhbl'r5, hest to talitr', t'egllhlrttl 1\1 en's dabbers, I'e;,tlllill' 4....... Alen's ltub)ers, regular 930Me, \\'oulon's ltuhhers, hest equality, t'egsllu' 70c and 75c. site \\realm's Itnbbers, re%niar 63' i,5c Bays' itnibers, sizes 1 to 5, l'00tilar 700 f,9C Youths' I?tiibers, sizes It1 t.o 18, regular 650.... Misses' 1101)1)1'1.s, sixes 11 to 2. regular 50/3 1 Child's Itubhets, sizes d to 10.1, regular 4l1' R2r, 814', 760 Heavy Rubbers Moil's t Snag ['roof, regular $'2.50 )le11'8 swig. Proof, roattilu' :2 Boys' 1 buckle, regabtr `11.23.,........ Vont.11s 1 buckle, regular til , 1.89 1419 ,78 10 ,lion', Overshoes, regular $1.85 and *2..., 1.49 ilea's Overshoes, regular 1,05 1.29 1Vnlnen's Cardigans, mostly Targe sizes left, regular 81.2;1, for.... .... ,59 Boys' Shoes Bo)'s' Fine Sllnes, in dongola and calf, regular $1.50, $1.110 stud .kl.ii,., 0000 1,19 Boys' Heavy ,School Shoes, in bull, split and all ,raid, regular ;tl 25 and 81,1,0 .t39 Youths'. in dongola, buff and calf, $1.25, $1..40 and 1.30 4404.... .89 OU! GUARANTEE Girls' Shoes 1 isles' Sime Fine Kid Shoe, 11 to 2, regular $1.25 and $1.50 89c (fids' Fine Kid Shoes, in sizers 0 to 1014, regular $I arid. *1.23.... 090 .Inset' Slippers and Oxfords, adzes 11 to 2, regular $1,or, 4 1 (iDc (lull' Slippers, sizes 8 to RI, regular St 590 Girls' Solid Oil Grain Shoes, also Glove Grain, sizes 11 to 2, regular $1.25 80c Men's Shoes Fine Dongola Shoos, latent lasts, regular $2 1.49 Viol Kid and Box Calf Shoes, good solid wearers, regular $2.t,0 1.041 Vici Beds, latent lasts, goodyear welts, 11ott's tops, regular $13 ...4 .... 2,49 Fine Oxford 'Pies, in tut'ne and McKay's, regular 81.50, 81.75 and $2........ .99 ,?Riley Dongola Kid Elastic Front House Slippers, regular $1.50.. 00 1.19 Women's Shoes Box Calf Shoes, in all edges, regular $2 .99 Dongola Kid Shoes. in odd sizes, 82, 6$2.50 and 83.119 1Voruen't1 Button Shoes, from 81,50 to $11, snakes a gond ecltotti shoo..... , . , 4 4 4 4 .. 14 Only, .99 Oxfords and Slippers, iu small sizes only, 81.25 and $2 .49 Wornen's Heavy Shoes, in glove urain, oil grain and buff. 81.25 and 81.115 .99 Women's Dongola Kid Shoes, regular $1 '25 and 81,1;0 .99 \Votnun's Dongola Kid Shoes, regular 82 1,40 Women's Dongola Kid, regular 32.50..., 1.89 Groceries Best Granulated Sugar, 22 pounds for 8 packages Starch, mixed Maple Leaf Salmon, per C14.11.... ..... .... Red beauty Salmon, per can (food Red .Salmon • 1,00 .'2fi .12 .12 .10 Household Ammonia, per package,....... .00 Heintz Prepared Mustard........ .09 Mixed Pickles, regular 113c per bottle .041 9 cans Corn.... .24 4 cans Peas.... ..4 ..... .25 8 packages 'Pooch Picks..... .... .S7i Women's Felt Goods Felt Shoes, regular 81.25,,, .89 Woman's Felt Shoes, regular $1.50 .411) Men's Felt Shoes, regular 82.... ....., 1.29 Pelt Slippers, in men's and women's, at proportionately cut ratet., Leggings 11f on's Solid Leather, nil grain, extra well sowed and bound at bottom, regular $1.75....... . Boys' Solid Leal her, in oil grain. only a few left, regular 81,25........ Women's Spats and Overstockings, regular 50e Hats and Caps Ven'sTweed Caps, with fur laps, rogulur 50e and 75e, Boys' Tweed1Cllps, �� ur laps, re� regular 50c. DO Men's Felt lints, new styles in hard and soft stakes, regular 81.50.... " regu ar $2 " regular $2.50,,, 1l 11 u 11 We assure each and every purchaser absolute satisfaction, WWWce guarantee every article, every price and every statement here made, 1,18 .41) .111, .85 .241 1 19 1,59 1.89 111111111111, QUEEN STREET • BLYTH