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The Blyth Standard, 1907-02-21, Page 1
e t I '1 VOL. XX. -_. -.._ _...... ---- - •__�_.. .01M...�...P BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1907, N0, 29, 1:************************(. e‘tf Western Canada i 1 desire to cull the attention of my old frieids and oc. 0 J% gm' 1''t:t! (',': to ,.'ill':' 1'10:Icy-nl:..!rlo i.'i'jo'll ?•':I;•! ? in !II,: t;Nt. • cc 1--1 still hays a fete lots-•money•mai;et•.:-- in "Glengarry" the (smnus Calgary sub division ; price, 800 for a short time. Ceil;ary hitt. grown from •1,000 to 20,00.1 in five yr'nra, 2-A chance for fftfC4) to snake $3000 in a Winnipeg invest- ment without rias: of Toss, 3 -Among many land Snaps in my list I call attention to the Si and N 1V j of Sec, 20, Two. 17, range 25 west of 211d, only 9 Miles front Moose Jaw -largest city in Saskatchewan, 0 miles from 1'atsqua junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 on terms -$7 down and rest un three annuals at 0 per cent ; neighboring Ira;d has sold at $I13, Asplendid half section in the Arcola :list.rier for $11, being; the N1.4 and fractional Wi of Sec. 11 in 'lsp. 10, amigo 7 west 2nd. John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, ID. Hallett Council. their equalized assessed value 1111 set, Council suet on Feb. lath When forth in tho report of tho equalization tenders for the supply of abort 5000 ft. Committee• of elm plank were n;cepted from • This By-law is passed pursuant to Messrs, Cartwri ht and 11uir at $21 00 nn act o} the .Legislature passed in Hensall. and $11,00 respectively per thousand 195)1 Healing apart ono million dollarsThe public Library, committee will to aid in building and improvement of feet, , ,ort and abstract public highways in the Province and albouthave le new rwo tveokyks ready to issue in The auditor's 'ie will be mono fully considered by the statement of the Treasurer's a ftecouiits A representative of Dr Briggs was for 1000 were adopted rind copses order. Gslutvout 111011 tsuggest lis tthatt tni� `that better in town on Tuesday of last week and ed to ho forwarded to the parties infernuttiot of the ratoyayers general. °gut„ 00 s�hrth l'fbraor new lioolBoru'd selected untitled thereto b,1 law. t. Iy the staid proposed Bylaw be publish - A committee of the Council will meetOur curlers go to Soutnamptnn soon at the M. 13. braille on \lurch 1st at co 151 the loci papers of the f,)ntlntV. to try their luck at wi,rnin the Glen J.1M101 (,A�tPBEI,L, Clerk, 9 a, m.for the purpose of examining, ]rophy which they uamo within one snid bridge and see if it is necessary to tQoderioh. shot of winning at St, Thomas last to bn replaced by a new one, Winter, Dr, E, McCallum was appointed 91. ill,obert Elliott has sold out his call Miss Mrintvre who has been asss'st- 11, officer for the yesu' on the recoup• susne,s. F. B. Holmes b' ing the pur ing Mrs, (Hew.) Hart during her i11hless tnendntion of the Board of Width. ' chuser, I happened with a sad misfortune on A copy of a proposed County ily-iuw Lorne C, Todd, for Hoveral roars. in 1 Monday last, In going down the was received from the County Clerk for the mechanical department of the Star ' cellar steps she missed fins' footing and the consideration of our 'Township has accepted a responsible position on fell to the bottom, bruising her shoed Council wherein it is proposed that a the Sarnia fust and left for there last and fractured her wrist. sum he fixed annually by the County week, Council but not more than $20,000 shall 8, 11cKerchor, of Wroxeter. and P. Clinton. . 41., he set apart to be paid out of the C►ntelon, of Clinton, the recently sp. The next flitting of the Division Court current Ievnuue of the County to aid pointed County Auditors commenced will he held hero on the 2tst of in that improvement of the public their duties in the treusuror's office on February,highways within the same County. 'Tuesday Inst. Mr. Cnntoron, of the Sheriff's office, money so set apart to he divided Rev, J H. and Mrs. Oliver, of tsod)+ries, Wes in town summoinng annually by the County Council among Bernie, httvo 'been spending; the pest jurors for the Spring assizes. the Municipalities is proportioned to weak in town, the guests of Dr. and Nil's, John Bean got a nasty tumble itt the Postotfice steps on Saturday even fug, fortunately without serious SPRING SUITINGS l•esu1L5, 13. A. Moore, of Toronto, has joined the Gil', It. staff. lie is said to be quite a 111118101011 Mid ant expert at hockey and luotball, Nell Fox, Manager of the Morden Chronicle, Who bits not been in good c health for some tnuu. has been grant- ed it holiday by the directors of the Which ? i (Company, and is now on his Way to' (� N °utericacc'miIff nunied by his wife, tvlso y=law o. 4, 1907 is, )t sister of 11, 1) lair, it seems a waste of words to argue that It is a little 0tu ly to Rife all time a business One ttion Is necessary for the (10141ils, hut it n►;y Iw jn.t ns well for success In life of young Wren and women. the public to know that dm 21th of Xo reasonable Orson doubts It. It is a )1111.I)1111.!s likely' to h0 celebrat,�d iu t)xed fact, Clinton this year, with n)1 ;tttreetit•e The only question -the vital question-- program of it day's sports, Ie (151! '1011 AIiy-kilt/ to authorize the V'll- IH this : to these, u. new phis mayhe pet un for "which college.'" ,tit evening entertainment. by those lege of lilyt1) to and Mrs. Shall it be a school where romntnn ho h woo ave he'so sucruaful in the t sense, practical methods are followeLeenEmily }�. Hill ill to erect Ct a Shall It be the best college or next best'1 rt'ti'liti'm of 1)3111°11 81111 13.1111.11". It cost,: nothing to get our new caul- The dissolution of the i,artnershin factory for the purposeof 1n^ue, Si of r,t us to scull 0.. to ycu.e I etwe,'n 4ic)otrd and John ►t:..•. ".!`. 111'1Tl�.Ilacttlrin sash and t, l.'lltt ' ,•r..1.%.1...,i r= ti) lu or i' 1 ,1. R 'I • a X1'".,4. ir1;E'tS t t•1 t nl:.. rlt .;'f• ..:.; tet. ) �.'. cal Daratneas Coilege in Ontario. 'jive be- for,( have coauuctett business as ..tit 6e,ot'.5 and gencrai iiCaiist: ; ur- lieru it to be the very hest. ma nu feetmrers in Clinton, (1odari''ls nishings and i)littllllv Illill h.nter any time. Iudlvidual instruction, and 0l;ewhere, 18 ann0rrr)c0d. John if 01140111 twill continuo the business. The son ire' member of the firth, Richard 'fa te,fot(1, was one of the pioneers of slin •,tit business 111 Canada, his can• 110,110)1 With it dating hack to Di Mr. itansford's recant illness is under- stood to ho the immediate cause of his retirement front business, There is colsidernble talk aloin another new industry for Clinton. Showcases and store fixtures are in- creasing in (lemma], and 'I'hosl Mc- Kenzie & Sons, local trod uremia, 1r- 01'8. are pluming to gat an ndditt't, al share of this wade. They have stireatly issued a catalogue, and orders are corn- ing to them from all parts of lhirario, 1t will ht necessary to plan for larger premises, and the toren council fire like- ly to be asked for exemption from taxes for a factory proposed to be tweeted, enact that the said factory so to be erect. ed and operated, as atoreeatd, including the lands, buildings, plant, machinery --OP 'l l f E- and property connected therewith and need for the purposes of the said sash ante VILLAGE >, r + toor factory and general house furnish. 01? I:;,LY 111 ,rigs and planing mill supplies, including dry kiln, store room and machine shop, be WINGIIAM �VSINSS COt,��GB Affiliated with Clinton 15usluese College) 3E0, SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL Mrs. V.mmersnn, St. David's street, 11r. (hirer i recuperating from an at- tack of fever, John fern, a well knowii bicycle d.•aler 11101 electrician, died Sunday night from the effects of a largo dose of Inndanum, On Friday night for some r011sou he took a huge gn(11)tity of the drug and although three doctors work - ad over hint they Peru unable to revive hint. The Itogers llnuufnetarini; CO, have installed it new electric generator and switchboard for lighting the Works. They have added r1 new slotter gear cotter and other new machinery is to follow, J. llrellsu►ith, of 'Toronto, is here narking patterns for dinkey engines and Rogers' patent journal - boxes. 'I'hurstl(ey afternoon the Wiest St. Chinese Laundry had a little fire, the result being the burning of )► couple of pieces of linen, and tate scorching of the wall, It wits 01111sed hy the Rpltshing or spilling of the gasoline on the linen, Jno. Currie and chief Sands Ware quickly on h(a)d and Currse soon had the fire under control, The brigade tu►•nod out, but its services were l,ot required, What about your new Spring Suit, Just received a big shipment of new F tncy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings. 60 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure, Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Overcoatings. In the Furnishing Line we haveeverything you could wish for, Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats. Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3 50 and our 'Purple Shoe at $5. This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and lasts. Every Shoe is Guaranteed S. H. Ridley - Blyth Grammar and Drugs I cough, you cough, he coughs, we cough. you cough, they cough, That's before taking Morris. Mrs. Levi Judkins, of London, Was visiting during the past week with Mrs. Jas. Scott, on the firth line. On Ash 1Vcdnesdty morning the Angel of Death visited the home of Albert and ;Mrs. Kelly and escorted to the Heavenly Throne of Go,' the soul of their dear littlu sou James Louis The little fellow had hell oiling but a short rima, Soule 21 hours, with Meningitis (Ind ryas 5 months and 9 days old Ills sad and sudden death was quite unexpected by Isis parents who have the sympathy of their many friends and relatives in their sad hour of c !Motion. The funeral took place on Thursday forenoon to tho It, C. cemetery in Morrie, Our darling child has gone and left us No more with us you'll laugh or Moan But forever in white robes of Glory '1'o dwell in that sweet Heavenly horse, WI) hove to chronicle this weak the death of Martin Cade which o:cur,, d Tuesday evening, 1''eb, 12th at the home of his son -in lnsv, Joseph Grassy, Morris. 11r, Crude had not been en- joying robust health for some time but up to it few days before ho died was able to bo with the rest of the family,, Heart disease wits the cause of death Mr. Cade was one of the pioneer resi- dente of the township of IIullett hut. - hie owned and occupied the farm now occupied by his son. He Was born in South Cave, Yorkshire, on I)1,c. 29th, 1 81 and tens Curried to ,11iss Annie 'Cunt t, daughter of the late . captain Knott, of Spalding Lincolnshire iu 1857. She died October 10th, 1900. and since than he bus lived with his sons and d)tughters. Deceased WfR It 1111111 of sterling distracter str:tight•forsnrtl owl houurable wait trusted and respected by all wlllo knew him. 1 -Ie was a member of 'Trinity church, 13Iyts, the rector of which Rot'. Mr, linrtlev assisted by Rev, Mr.. ]livers, of Belgravo, conducted the funeral services. The pull bearers WPM 1V. Sanderson, Jno Brown. A. Elliott, Jno. 13riglusm, it(bt Anglo,, and N. Canning, old neighbors of the deceased, Three sons and two 'daughters nye left to mown his loss, They ale Ilur►'y, of Chatham ; Samuel, on the old home- stead ; 11'illi,im, Who lives With his sister, Mrs. Jos 1 sasby and Mrs. ('has, 0sashy, of Morris, Also ono sister, Mrs, Thompson, Who 111 in l'oil:shire. Ilse remains were lard to rest in the Union cemetery Thursday afternoon. WIi11e 01111 Virgin Pine and Tar I nn) wolf, you aro well, he is well, we are Wel), you are well, they are well. That's after taking it, It costs only 60c to tnako the change, 'Wo sell it. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH exempted from a further taxation other than a fixed assessrnent yearly of 4200,00 except es to school taxes for a period of 1�1 consecutive years, commencing with and Including the year 1008, so long as the said factory shall be operated In accord- ance with an agreement entered Into, and toren the terms and conditions net, out In t,rtn.nlu)e hereto, 5111 '1't;;k bylaw a11B11 t5.1wC?fl'.e`.; au tit 'lav of the passing thereof. (7) The rotes of the electors of the said Village of Ulyth shall be taken on this Supplies within the said Vil- hy•law on Tuesday, the 20th day of March 1 l next, coimneneing at the hour of nine l:lrrl. of lilvtil by a loan of o'cicek In the forenoon and continuing ' until five o'clock in the afternoon of the Three l housan(1 (:3000) same day, by A. Elder, returningoflleer, Dollars and exemption from a;i, industry Hall in the said Village of taxation, except school tax- (8) On Monday, the 25th day of March, 1007,5 he Reeve of the said Village of Biyth es, and to provide for th(: -.hall attend at the Council Chamber at Eh'ven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint !Stint; of debentures for the persons to attend at the polling places borrowing r of the said anlotlllt aforesaid, and at the Ilnal summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the and for the levy to meet the persons interested In promotingoroppos- Int:P the pas'+ingof this bv•law respectively. S�lnll;, (01 The Clerk, of the Connell of the said R II EAS she said 11 r•, Emily It11 ill Village shall attend at the Council Chant. y. her in the t•aid Village at eleven o nlook in has est, rest Into an sgreeo,uut to erecta the forenoon of Wednesday, the `17th day fuc'ory for the manufacture of sash and of 3! Itch, 5907, to cute up the number of doors and general hou,e turnish►0crs ane voles for and agi(nst the hy•law. planing 111111 supplies In the said Village Dated at the Connell Chamber in the of Blyth, and has requested the said Cur. said Village of Blvtlt, the ;18th day of iteration of !Myth, to aid her by a loan of rebruary, A. D. 1007. 83(0) to be repaid with inter, sr, thereon at the rate of three per centum per annum In fifteen annual instalments of principal and interest of S25I.30 each, the first of such instalments to be paid on the 150 day of May, A. D. 100•1t, a,nd the balance annually tbr)•talter use said date, and to secure to the said Corporation hv first mortgage on lots 1,'2, 11 sad 12, fielly's survey, In the Villitorc of 1353 th, together with the buildings, plant and stock there• on, to rho full sunount "t *:105x1, )and oy as insurance thereof to the tui) an cunt of the loan or as the Interests of time Corpora., tion of lilyrh may apoear ; and to tun tier aid the snid rstss. l:cully 1(. 11,11 by ex. eraptloa from Laxttra'n.'•xc pc. On a, fie,•d ye rly assessment of 421N1.00 (-xcept school taxes) of the said fastury, lands and plant fur >a peru+,n of ) r')' yearn, ANI) W111:I11'; t,.; it i• desirable that the stud Curpufation -huuld grant the said afct. AND WIIIEIIEAS in order thereto It will be ur•ee,sar) to issue elebentwrs of t, e said Menieipall'y for the sura ,•i Th' ee Thousand I)oltiu•s a• herosu'ttter provided (.• Inch ns the debt intended to be created ey this hy-110‘) the proceed•, of the said a' Immures to be applied to the purposes c)• •re.an) a' ri "' no ether. AND \V1IERE'AS 1t k de -liable to Issue rue uebeuturtr al one titre, anti to n.tko the pre c'pal of said delft)rt•pnysble by yearly sums during the peri d of tlfteee years belog the curt enc. of s rid d, bens. tires, said yearly, sum, beteg of suers re. sptetsve automat.' that the aggitig ate amount payable in each year for prineipel and Interest In respect of the said debt shall be it, needy n, possible ' qual to the Louis Routhier was killed and Tho amount s0 pa; able u) each 01 the other Watsontson seriously injured on the rail - f )nrt•'en year. '.f ',rll pet hal. sway sit Lachine, AND WHEREAS Ole total amount ie. ,Tarred by the M,ucleipat Act to be raised .,,'mills by special r ate for p tying the aid dab: and interest as trwrous.cfter pre. v•de'1I- (28!103. AND tt 11E1tS the whole rateable proper' y of r,0 V)linge of B1y • h, according to the last rrvl,edussessnreut lull thereof, i, $2111,982, AND WHEREAS the amount of the Year Ending Dec. 31st, 1906 existing d' heurut' debt of the soli n)unl• elpality is 520,1550.1, of which ;+9,5351,5:1 Is for local unprov.'uceuts, and there 1s loth• h.g In arrears the)eun for either principal or interest. AND 11 IIEREAS the total annual ncu'•.enr+I 1 .x ion os the sant municipal- ity 1. 40,821,30 and the minuet levy re- quired for buudur louu;es ttlteudy gr int. et' by the municipality, atter deducting the amount to he pairs annually )u respect thereof, is 4327.27, and the ,amount of such annual levy required fol the p.ryuIeut of the dcbentues nary proposed u) be Is,ued, afar dr duetlug the said amount, to be 1'e• paid annually, is 437.75, making it total 1 vy Ie•s than ten vee ecnt of the scud tcxa 10 'I'ihl.RIsl'OIIE the Municipal Courted of the 0 rpor , tion of S he Village of Blyth enante as follows :- (1) '1110 aluu)tipntl Council of the Vil- $14401. 41 Rage of lilt th shad an val,ee to the said ?,l 18. Essiiy 11. I1151 1tie -um of Three T„ousaa d ($30001 1) ll a s' by to; of )► loan so aid the sure \lis, Roily 1t, 11.11 In the 005,81suctlerr and establt-hirreut et the sald f),etory so soon as the sante fs cum• lileted, machinery therein nod In running order, and upon the lean, and ooufitions hr an agreement made and in she pre - ;amble hereto set out ; and for the purpose of racking the said sum delimit twee of the said Corporation to the ani u'51 of $3000 In sures of Lot less than $100.00 tech shill be issued, cash of whir d''eatny's shall be dace the 15 h day of 31ty, 1907, and spall be payable milli., fifteen )ea)bt'e)e- after at the bank of Hamilton In the said Village of Bly th. (2) E ch ut the ,aid debentures shall bo signed by the Reeve of the Wild Village and by the Ti ensurer of the said Village and the Clerk. shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the said mut,icipalit). (3) The said debeht nr0 d' b s hall hear (mutest at the tate of live (5';,) per centunt ger !Infiniti payable study at the said unk on the 15th day of May itt euoh year during the curro.ey thereof. (4) During the currency of the said de. bent tires there shall be rinsed annually by special rate on 'all the rateable property In the said Village of 1313th the sura of 1'.' n Hundred ,and l;l.osity•Niuc 03/100 ($280.03) Dollars fur the purpose of pity lug the amount duo in each of the said year, for principal and Interest In rospeot of tho said debt, (5) And the s&1 Munlolp 1 Connell of FRANK A. ANDERsON,}Auditor8 the Village of 1313th dottt hereby further A. H. WILFORD, 11 for 1(555. Exeter. Assessor A. G Dyer is on his rounds. Ifon, 'Phos, Greenway, of Crystal City, Alan , was in town n few days during the past week. Donald NIcinnes'has been appointed Canadian Government Employment Agent for Exeter District, Thos. Cameron sold the Metropolitan Hotel by public auction to John llitcholl, who 1118o owns the 'Temper- ance House at the station. The {nice paid was $1025, A. E. Fttke met with an unfortunate accident on 31051(1513, morning of Inst, week whereby ho will be laid off work for some time. lie Was running a machine for doing tenon work at the ltoss'l'aylor Co'y's fnatot•y and had his mittens on. A piece of shaving got in the Way and in brushing it off, rhe mitten on his right hand got caught in the machinery and drew 1518 hand in, wish the result that the bone of the fore linger were brolce.n between the first and second joints and the hone of the third finger WAS fractured between the second and third joints, besides several flesh wounds 1►oing sustained by the hand and fingers, It wits im- mediately drossod hy it doctor and it is expected that no permanent injury will result, , Renew for Tufo STANDARD. Re@ve. .Clerk. TAKE NO'1'iCE that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been taken Into consideration, and which will be finally passed by the council of the municipality (In the event of the assent of the eleetore thereto) after one month from 'he tint publication In Tux BLYTIf STAN. 1A111), the date of which first publication WA. 'Thursday, the 214 day of 1 ebruary, 115,7, and that the votes of the electors of the ,•aid municipality will be taken there- on on the day and at the hours and plaoe c herein fixed. A. ELDEII, Clerk. llelgr*ve. 1'.elgraveL, 0. L. have dated their annual concert for Feb, 28th. Among rhe attractions promised will be Jimtny Fax and Miss Merry, of Toronto. Miss Hazel Brandon, of Belgravo; who has been studying music with Prof, Campbell has, we understand been successful In passing at the recent ex- ttninetion in connection with Toronto ennsorvatory of Music, taking a high stranding in the Intermediate work ; we congratulate both teacher and pupil. fuditors' Report for Hie Village of Brgtt 1ti;CE11'7S Cash on hand from last audlt132182 00 '1' axes 0314 81► Poll tax 1 00 Percentage on taxes 12 44 Dog tax 39 (5) Rents , 28 00 Debentures IMO 44 Sundry reoetpts 70 41.1 11111s payable , 4982 (10 Arrears of taxes 8 70 L,conses ' 263 60 Seboolpurposes 117 00 Weigh scales 297 20 Loans . 400 00 Ewes .. 17 25 Sidewalk account 10 (10 Tools account 121 53 EXPENDITURE'. >� 203 Lal Streets • 4817=► Fre protection 2111 tell Printing, postage and stat'ery 114 !till Miscellaneous expenses 0 S tlarles and allowances.... , 732 13 Charity 53 555 Street lighting 3'15 18 Sinking fund 150 00 'faxes remitted 1)4 County rate 4187 410:3 S 1972 00 School purposes 13111s payable Debentures and coupons 4982 003120 14 hast' costs 2 1111 Parks 113 30 w 1375 22 CSide,trrtagealks by•luws 80 44 'Tools account 1'h2041 5;1 Crossings ;Crib in bank 12.18 472l 1)10451 41 We, the undersigned Auditors, for the year ending Deo, 3lst, 1900, do hereby certify that we have examined the Treas- urer's books, oompared the several Items with vouchers and stamped the same "audited." All of which we Ilnd correct, Rho•+ins; cash In bank One Thousand, Two hundred and Fortv•eigrht D,►llars and Forty-seven Cents (el 18,47.) We hereby certify that the above iso. count of receipts and expenditures for the year ending Deo. 31st, WOO, is correct.. HORRORS OF ARCDMONT COLLISION. Terrible Struggle With Death in Icy Waters --Sal- vationists Sang Hymns. Providence, lt. 1., despatch: The steam- It• opposite the sootike';tack, 1 tried 11) er Larchmont of the Joy Line, whirl( signal to the engineer tome. but the e I colli,ion h:ul broken (Al (;Irtnl:(;i��,a left here at 0.30 last night fur New tion \(itll the pilot -house. York, sank in the Sound three miles otf( '.lft,, rutting into unr t(•((( the schooner fell allay alit disappeared to Watch hill, R. 1,, 4)t 10.30 o'clock last night, a few minutes after she had been in collision with the two -masted schoon- er harry Knowlton, bound for Eastport, Me., from Perth Atnboy, N. J. The Knowlton was benched 4)u the Rhode 1e - land shore and all of her crew escaped, 'The Larehmont is believed to have car- ried about 150 passengers and had a crew of 50 men. Of these 200 ~outs the only survivors known so far number 19. They h►nded at Block island after ex- periences such as the Sound has seldom known. Most of them managed to reach the island in two of the Larebinont's boats about daylight, and the others were picked up off a life raft b ya fish- ing schooner, Among these survivors is the captain, George W. McKay, and • six of his crew. His boat was the first to make the island reaching there 6hort- lee\\aid. I sent the quart1 r11Mster below, and in a few Minute, he re- ported that the ateunier \sits filling rapidly. The officer; and crew were summoned to their stations, and. when 1 snit• that the l.ltrehlnolt was settling I ordered all hands to prepare to leave the 'hip. 1\•lien 1 saw that everyone was slaking ready to escape as feat as hx'i ible, l went to my boat, which was anging on the davits, and took into it six of the crew and four paseengnrs. "1 When the stt'artl('1' had settled al - Most to the water's edge we cleared away, after we had made ►+ure that there were no paesteigers on board who had !tot, leen taken care of. After our boat dropped into the water we remained in the iminediuto vicinity until the steamer sank, and tht'n we pulled away. The boat was a heavy one, and we found it impossible to row ly after 0 o'clock this morning. So to the windward, so wo turned to the • leeward an d started for ii1a 'k 1 d great were the sufferings of those tois an . this boat that otte elan, at sailor, delib- erately cut his throat, unable to endure it any longer, Ilia body was thrown overboard. Bodies are being washed ashore at many points along the Sound. • Over thirty have conte ashore on Block Island. There is nothing so far beyond these bodies constantly coming ashore to in- dicate what has been the fate of the 150 or more passengers yet tnnceount- ed for. It is the belief of the captain that a large number got in the boats, but apparently he did not wait to see whether they did or not. Every boat had officers and crew as- signed to them in case of accident, but even properly manned it seems doubtful whether or not they could have reached shore owing to the gale that was blow- ing, and even worse, the intense cold. Stories of the Survivors. From the stories of the survivors it would seen( that it was the cold more than anything else which made their experiences so harrowing, and which gives rise to doubts that many more have been saved. With the thertnome• ter within a degree of zero, so cold, in fact, that it made the water "smoke," as the sailors describe it, it was almost impossible to work the oars and keep front freezing. All of the bodies wash- ed ashore have been frozen stiff, \Vo- nien and little children were in these :boats. The sea froze as it fell on them, the sailors and men pulling at the oars in many cases had to fall back be- numbed, and it was only by the in- domitable will of a few of the men that the two boats ever reached Block Island to tell the story of this tragedy of the Sound. The Block Island shore is about seven miles from the scene of the collision. The mainland was only three miles away, but it was impossible to pull the boats in that direction be- cause of the north-west wind that was blowing. Those who have reached the island say that all that could be dune was to run before the wind and try to keep the boats headed toward the is- land. That some of the boats, with crews benumbed and helpless, may have drift- ed out to sea is one of the possibili• ties. Two different versions of the cause of the collision which resulted in the sinking of the steamer and also of the (schooner are given by the masters of the two vessels. Capt. :McKay, of the Larchnlont, says that it was due to tate schooner suddenly )offing, and that 'he appeared to be unmanageable. Those on the schooner say that the Larehmont tried to cross the bows of their ship, which had the right of way, and that it, w•ns clearly an error of judgment on the part of the men at the Larchrrlont's wheel. Sank in Ten Minutes, There .was hardly time to give the passengers warning after the shoe]: of .tho collision and in ten minutes she sank, many, it, is believed, going clown with her. The Larehmont Wns a compar t.ively old eteamet. She had no watertight compartments, it hi said, which me counted 'for her settling eo fast. Among crew blew a bora, but it did n(1 good. the passengers were 47 Salvation :\1•llly w ache began l,1U11'Illg her whistles Just members belonging to the Swedish corp(, befog she ]lit lir. 1 did not, ties to limn being from Providence. 'They were under orders to report, the head- tack. After the blow the Lareluuont qua'tens ill New Toru(. Forty-five, tmenl- lurched badly, and then veered off and hers of this corps, in all, left for \'w • sa!nled to continue on her way, \1'e York, but the others took the boat front Fall River. "The cold was terrible. We strug- glell for hours and hours, and the pain from our frost-bitten hands and feet, was nhnost unbearable, One of our men, a seaman, became crazed and conitiilttetl suicide in the boat by cut- ting his throat. No one in the boat had strength enough to prevent him from doing so," At 11 o'clock at night there were 17 survivors of the wreck, all at Block 1e -land. There were 45 bodies on the island, Survivors on a Raft, A schooner picked up those o11 the life raft. They had had a more ter- rible experience than those itt the two boats. Un the raft were seven persons alive and the body of atuthct•. Three of the survivors were women. They luta clung to the raft, with the icy water washing over them and freezing their bodies, When picked up they were just alive, and have not been able to tell their experiences, Three more were said to have reached the Mand Tate this afternon on another boat, Bodies Washed Ashore, Soon after the few survivors reached the island some of the Larchmont's freight began to drift ashore, and there were many bodies, showing the extent of the disaster. After the two vessels clinic together it appears the La iulunont drifted to port uud away (runt the schooner. She had her bowsprit carried away, and her bow was smashed so that she be- gan to take in water. lien crew thought that the steamer was not as badly hurt Its their yeescl was, they say, and bent their efforts towards ranking land. They finally beached her about a Mile front the life-saving station, where she lies in about 20 feet of water, Uf the crew, consisting of the skipper and five amen, not it Mau Was lost, All of then( were taken cure of by the life• buyers, This afternoon the captain told the following story: "We lett Perth Amboy on Thursday with it cargo of coal, and got tied up by the ice at City Islad. We did not lenve there until Monday morning. \Ve carte along at good speed through the Sound. Last night after we got out of the Race 1 went below, leaving the deck in charge of the elate. We had a look-utlt forward and a elan named Johnson 4)t the wheel. The night wits a beautiful one. '1 he stars were out, and it was very clear. 11'e had every sail set, and were going a little east by north, While 1 was below J heard the mate say something about the lights not being right. J clone • on deck, and sate several hundred feet off our star- board bow the light of a steamer, '.1he steamer was holding to her course and was pointing then to the starboard of us. 1 told the mete to keep the Knowlton straight on her coarse. 1 just turned to look itt the steamer again, \\ben 1 saw her veer sharply to port and cut directly across my path. 1. knew a collision was certain, Both tents were travelling fast, She hit us tail the bow. All the Larchulnll's lights were 1i1. Some of us before the colli- sion tried to shout, and one of the The Captain's Story. 'Phis is the captain's story, it he told it this afternoon: "We left Providence at 7 o'clock, a brick wind from the northwest was blowing ,and we were oft \Vittclt Bill at about 11 o'clock, I bad gone below to look over the paussengers and freight, leaving a good pilot and quartermaster in the pilot -house. I returned to pilot- .hottsc, passing through on my way to my room. Everything was all right in the pilothouse as J stepped into my room and prepared to retire for the night. 'Suddenly I heard tho pilot blowing danger signals, and I hurried into the pilot house. There was a schooner on the port side, and her crew seemed to have lost control of her, Without warning she luffed up, and before we bad an opportunity to do a thing she was heading for us, The quartermas- ter and pilot put the wheel hard a post, Salvationists Sang While the Ship Was bat the schooner was sailing along be- Going Down, fore a fresh breeze and ill a moment she crashed into ottr port side, direct- Block Island, It, L, despatch: Ona of had five feet of slater in our hold, and 1. decided to get ashore as soon as 1 could. We launched a small boat fin - all), and reached the shore, toeing all our belongings." Frozen to Death on Raft. The schooner Laura E. this afternoon picked up a raft on which were, hud- dled together, the dead bodies of seven persons, sten and \'omen, from the wrecked steamer. They were frozen ;stiff and were covered with ice. Seven others were rescued in it pre- carious condition. In all :•a total of 45 bodies have been recovered from the wafter by the life- savers and such volunteers among the islanders as have risked their lives in battling with the surf during the day. in the attempt to retrieve the bodies of the shipwrecked victims front the tee - Bite grip of the Atlantic, SANG HYMNS. the thrilling spites of the I.;tn'hntont disaster \'als that( cuart(d by the land of 47 tiulvtttiou :\rmy' nom and ee nu'n, who went to their steuth ((dill toddle; on their fares and hyn11t•. 01 prali,e upon their longues. toes,' tl11' 1\vu ht,atIS (4)111111(1 awls fou!;ht with Wn11l(n for tlit'ir lit•c:r. The Salvationists took sleeve on the deck anti began their tu•tuy' pruv(r;t. SInwly and disliit"tIy twining in striaeth as fled: Je.;us 1ot(r of my sial, Let nu' to Thy bt tau i iy. \\ hili' the sugary waler, son. rose the hymn, the abluents While the tenli,a•,t still is high. lit the fitful half lith( of the night the struggling passengers, stopping, saw the singers huddled together kneeling upon the deck, invoking the Almighty to hear their prayer, while others fought savagely for the boats, the little band, seemingly 1111111ind(til of themtiselves, that their lives were at sink°, that they had a chance to save themselves if they would fight as did the others, knelt and prayed. The spell east over the shipwrecked passengers, however, was but momen- tary. In moment or two they were again fighting for their lives like demons, Slowly the steamer settled. The ntinntee passed, and the Salvationists still prayed and sung. The water was soon at their feet. :\t the touch of its icy fingers they felt elle hand of death laid upon them. A few Minutes and the water was to their knees. '('here %vas a wavering of the song of praise, but it 11118 not stilled. Gradually, one by one, the members succumbed. Of the entire party, there was only one of the Salvationists saved --a wo- man, whose body, coated with ice, was dragged from the surf off the light- house at Block Island. She wore the little blue skirt and the red ribbon of the army. Upon the culler of her coat was the insignia of her calling --the C1'085. SURETIES MISSING. SAVINGS BANK OFFICIAL MYSTERI- OUSLY DISAPPEARS, Treasurer Also of Baptist State Con- vention— A Man Held in High Esteem—Not Known to be Inter- ested in Speculation. New Britain, Conn., Feb. 18.— Nego- tiable securities to the value of about $150,00( are understood bo be missing from the vaults of the Savings Bonk of New Britain, of (which institu- tion Treasurer William 1'. Walker tnys- terirnlsly dropped out of sight in New York on Sunday last. Mr. Walker has been Treasurer of the funds of the Connecticut State Bap - BRITISH POLITICS. y.I'TUATION DISCREDITABLE, DAN- GEROUS AND DEMORALIZING, Says Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, and Refers to Lords as Ferocious Watch- dogs—Lord Lansdowne Deplores the Effort of Commons to Degrade Upper House to Mere Debating Society. London, Feb. 18. When the house of Commons convened the entrance of 'Ii Henry ('untpb(ll•I)ann(:man ea:, greeted with \liniste11ul vheers. The Speaker, the flight lion. Jaine3 1,0441 her, rend the .perch from the throne, and the debate on the address in reply was begun. Re- ferences in the reading to the Kingston incident and to the house of Lords situ- ation were cheered. Mr. Balfour dur- ing the debate expressed surprise at the absence from the King's speech of any reference to the Colonial Conference, Turning to the relations between the two !louses, .Mr, Balfour snit that what he called "filling up the cup" against the [louse of Lords would, he felt as- sured, fill to overflowing the cup of un- popularity of the Government and lt,td the country to desire a change, not in the 1louse of Lords, but in the house of Commons. Ile agreed that in the long run the people should decide what should be the laws under which they were to lite. Sir 11. C:nulplell-Bannerman, in reply, said the c'hi(f, utatter for discussion was the question of the differences between the two Houses. He said the !louse of Lords were watchdogs, who after a per- iod of prolonged somnolence were full of bitter ferocity. The question must be settled. The present situation, lie declared, was discreditable, dangerous and denu(11111zing. Turning to Ireland, the I'rentier point- ed out that they could not immediately enter upon a huger polies., but they nitist first remove the most objection- able features itt such a way as to be consistent with the adoption of that policy'. ,lul[ E. Redmond said he regarded the Government 118 l,eing absolutely pledged to deal with the Irish question at this session of Parliament and on lines representing complete self -govern - nit. in the house of Lords, Lord Castle- tmvn, Liberal, moved the address in re- ply to the King's speech, iota praised the assistance rendered by the American navy at Kingston. He also declared that it was necessary to change the machinery of the House of Lords, which 8t present gave the house a preponder- ance of 'Tories. Regarding lretand, Lord Castletown declared that what was proposed was evolution rather than de- volution, After n hundred yea's of ration it was proposed to adopt admitt- ing(. nvetition for nuns sews, 111.1'- istrative reforms, long overdue, to rescue about $75,000 in securities i11 1113 the Irish system from(linos, 1reland's chant', and while there is no reason appeal for financial justice had failed, to suspect stray irregularity in these but separation was unthinkable and im- possible. Lord Lansdowne, former Foreign Sec- retary, said the Opposition was left in entire ignorance ns to the direction in accounts, the President, Rev. 1I. :11. Thompson, has outlined an inveetigatiol, \Ir. Walker was not tieder bolds in that soeic't y The alleged wrongdoing of Mr. Wel- which has created a tremendous s(nsa,tion, %lhieh a solution for the present rein Ile was held in the highest esteem, lyes tions between the House of Lords and a church officer, and at citizen who lived the ]louse of Commons was to be Ile was not sought.- Did the Government want to quietly and modestly. known to be interested in chock invest• j make the upper House stronger and melts of any kind, or any (outside en- more efficient or degrade it to a ,mere trl'piL4C'P. For about, 14V(`Iity'•F°Yen debating society? 1t was deeply rooted years he had been a hunk (ffieer and in the public mind that w'hntever the was under bonds of $20.000. ; dangers which might be apprehended The bank had deposits of upwards of i front an unreformed House of Lords, $6,000,000, with iL surplus (otiMatesl nt they were nothing to be compared with more than half a million, not its board those arising front an unrestrained of directors represented :r,ane of the lnrg- house of Commons. cot business concerns itt the State, --a.o- 4* 4,, LIFE TERM FOR TWO WOMEN. Condemned to Death for Stolypin Plot— Sentences Commuted, St, Petersburg, Feb. 18.—The trial of ?Mlles. Klintova and '1'erentieva, wo- meal inlpli(".Lted in the plot to blow up M. Stolypin with bombs at his coun- try home Aug. 25tH, took place in the Fortress of fit. Peter and. St. Paul yes- terday. The women, who declined the assistance of counsel, were condemned to death, but at the request of Mlle. Kilnlovit's father, who is a Councilor of the Empire, from Byaznu, and sent a. leiter asking clemency for his inis- tttidcsl daughter. the S(ttcnees were commuted to hard labor for life. '.Tile mother of Mllr. Kilntova was allowed to be present at the trial, a (► FOUR KILLED AT FUNERAL. Train Wrecks Carriage at Level Crossing and Occupants Killed. Long Island City, Feb, 18.—A train on the i,ong J:3land Rstil' rad ran into as fitment (emelt tut the 1'ennsylva.nia bridge crossing, ]llissvillc, this after - neon. 'J'ltt ouarh w4):, stiildled into kindling wood and three of lire escupasits were 1nc,tau.tly killed. VV. 1)m't1h per- son in the consul db1I Scot after being pieked up. There are gates 1111 the trc, singr, but it is said they were not lowered, –d•+6 ANOTHER FRENCH DUEL. Organizer of League of French Patriots Challenges Deputy. Paris, Feb. l8. --Henri des Hour, or- ganizer of the League of French. Pat- riots, jinn challenged Deputy Pu,gliesi Conti, who fought a duel July 13, 1000, with the Under-Secretary of Stnte, M. Savant, of necounit of words exchanged ds)ring it quarrel las'L night following the latter's attempt to obtain the re- lease of same constituents who were ar• rested yer,rten11ty at the. (:'.hutch of the Holy Apostles on the chatt'1s3 of "imped- ing liberty of wonllIirp" in having shouted "Sitcrilegei" during the 'service. BOY MADE DRUNK. IN THIS STATE HE FELL FROM SLEIGH AND FROZE. and a charge may be laid against the formes.. The kin's father wee killed in I'indlnv's trills here last eurnmer, turd he was nrsist.i►tg hie widowed mother to maintain the family by working for the fat.rnu'1'. NO TRUTH IN THE STORY. Reported Loss of a Party of Freighters Near Manitoba Boundary. Port :Arthur, Feb. 18. --There is no truth in the story sent out front hero that a party of freighters had been lost °in the country between Jackfish and the 'I'rnnseontiuent.n1 right of way. Mr. 'Iitylor, \rho luta the contract for hauling supplit:s, arrived here and pronounces the story a pure myth. Two men who were caught in a storm SliStatined frost bites to the face and feet, and two horses, who had become exhausted from want of food and the force of the storm, succumbed. Tho balnnee of the party, twenty-one men, were sate in camp at the upper end of Lang Lake, where they had arrived be- fore the storm came on. CUT FROM FRAMES. VALUABLE PORTRAITS STOLEN FROM LONDON GALLERY. Terrible Story Told by Owen Sound Lad, Who is Lying at Death's Door in the Hospital—His Father Was Killed Last Summer, Owen Sound despatch: John Camp- bell, a Ind of 13 years, lies at the Gen- eral trnd Marine Ilospital hcei'e to -night in it preca'iots (ondition, which, if it docs not terminate fatally, as a result of terrible exposure, will almost oer- tninly' cost, hint lx)th feet. The story,, as told to the police here today, is, heart-rending. The little felbow had been working for a farmer in the :I'ow'n8 tip of Syd- voltam, near (hurry (liven post office, about eight miles from this place, and loin conal home at the hitter part of last week to spend a few days with his anther. Yesterday r,fternoon the farmer call- ed for hint, ami together, about 6 o'clock, they started home. The boy alleges that the man was drunk at that tilae, sold also carried it laupplo of in. toxicants with him, \Viten it ,diol t dk- tame? fr'.)nl tott•n the lo;,' say's that his companion forced ilia to drink Dome of the liquor and he become ve7y sick, and fell from the sleigh, He wandered over to as farmyard and lay down be- side a barn, stfraid, in lois condition, to ask for shelter. There he lay all night, exposed to a temperature of 20 degrees below zero. At daylight he got up unci started back the seven or eight miles they had trav- eled the night before, for home. A farrier piel ' l hit„ no and lrourrl,1 him to town and to Itis Immo. Dr. Murray hail !hal lad hurried to the hospital, whore it was found that ilia feet had been frozen selid to above tlio anklet. His oanclltiot from the exposure is criti- cal. The police have the nuttier in hand, He Also Carried Off Eight Valuable Snuffboxes — Thief Evidently a Novice, as He Left Behind Him More Valuable Works. London, Feb. 13.—A daring bulglary w'as eontmil'ted this morning tut the re- sidence of Alt.. Charles Wertheimer, the weJl•kuovii corrnoiseur in picture:'1 a3111 oIJt4'ls of rut, The burglar entered the house through a window of the rrxmn where .\Ir. Wertheimer kept, his snuff- boxes n.nd miniatures. The robber itrac'lieully emptied the ease coutuliing the snuffboxes, and then went to the drawing -rood(, which fatees 1'ark lane, and cut out front their frames.) a por- trait of NOWT 1'au•s011s. by (litinebor- ough, and a portrait of Ilon.:1lrs. Chits, Yorke, by Sir Joshua Reynolds(. 1 l also danag el a portrait. of Mrs. Fronde. by Sir Joshua, in attempts to cut it ort of its frame. Front his Imo- ing left i4) tie room from whist lie took the n►%tff•Ix,xe3 an extra1(rditrary- liheron of the Lith century Italian workman- ship. worth probably 1:.0,000, it, is in- ferred that the burglar was a navies. '!`his supposition is strengthened by the feet, that lie nude off with the pictures, which, great as is their yttlue, axe worth totthitg, to a bthrglttr, whereas }t°, left untouched a showcase containing forty or fifty miniatures by Cosww.y, Engle - heart and Minters, the diamond frames of which would have realized .1:7,000 or £8,000. The picture of Nancy Parsons was for- merly the property of Lord Luals.lowne, and was bung at Bowocd, Ilia Lord- ship farted with it 'about ten years ago, wIiii it wets acquired by Count Boni do Cn.3tellane, front whose Ix,nsses'sion it pugs. ed about three year's ago to Mr, \Werl•heimor. It is a kitka.t portrait, end is a sittgu- larll• ultra etive nn(1 particularly. (harate- t('ristic work of the muster. It is worth about 3:1(1,000, while that of rMs. Yorke is worth 3.:0,000 or £7,000.. The snuff- boxes, of which at least eight have been stolen, were probably worth £25,000. THE LISTENER. SAYS MONITORS OF BELL COMPANY CAN HEAR CONVERSATIONS. 'I'oronio despatch: '.There was evidence before the 'Telephone Commission yester- day to show that other officials of the Bell Company have the opportunity of overhearing eonve•sa.iols 011 tiro line be- sides tho girls at the "listening boards." One of the former operators, Miss Jessie Leckie, whose r pecial duty It had been to overhoar conversations, and who had finally refused to do such work, wsta on the stand for a while during the fore- noon, She started that monitors, or em- ployees holding positions above the or- dinary operators, could, if they desired make certain connections that would en- able then( to overhear duly prism( con- vettsaation. Sometimes these monitors took what( they heard down in writing. 111511 Leckie said she did not care to hoar conversation§ over the wires and some- times the tultte's used bud language. Almost the entire day sus taken tip with hearing the evidence of the girl op- erators. With perfect self-po:seenion, and an air of sincerity, they gave their testimony, telling of innumerable events which hod happened in the operating room. A special despatch to the (!lobe from Ottawa. says: 'l'lte Dlinister of Labor, 11o11. Mr, Lemieux, stated to -night that the contmis/shin now eon:ducting the tele- phone investigation in 'Toronto will probably go to Montreal to obtain tui- ditional lnforntation there 11'itlt regard to the conduct of the ]loll 'Telephone business, 440 TWO FROZEN IN STREETS, Sudden Drop in New York Catuses Great Suffering, New Fork, Feb. 18, ---Tho wave of bitter cold which swept down o11 the city least night sent the mercury down almost to the zero mark, There were many tenement !house fires early today, aid hundreds of persons were forced to flee into the streets attired only in their night gar►llell•t% Many bad narrow escape. Two unidentified men were frozen to death in the streets during the night, Several other persons who had been overcome by the cold were removed .0 hoapititls, Dr, Charles \VnLsh, a dent- ist of Saugherties, fell in frontof the Waldorf Astoria and lay uncon- scious for more that tin hour before ho was found. Ilis condition is ser- ious. BATTI.i: ii gt SUf i A6ISTS. POLICE REPELLED DESPERATE AT- TACK ON COMMONS, Gteat Loss itt Millinery—Fifty-serer of the Attacking Force Captured— Police Suffered Sonic Injuries and 1.055 of Helmets, Loudon, Feb. I:i. - 1'ot• nearly six Item, tu•Iti;_lt folios of the Guyette 111:'111, i,t:th Ili l• -e 711111 fool, 1',111! (I:- L'alg1'11 ill l•t•ga'I11I1g :1 th';perat:' att,tt•a. (1lt lin' !loom. (1t Commons by vote- :•eelcing; women. 'I here te(re tato. pllal-r;battle, both being de- perately coat(' l( d. he woolen serf finally touted. Thele tv,t:1 :t �•reut los, 111 ot11111101'y, Ii ttpl:i,, h:tirl,ius, turd :•int 1111' lhu,. 1'Iu 411 l.he u:t0I llI,. 1(11(1' 4,1tg11 ('1111;111mrd. 'lhe %'Itictnrtnn• llnl1l•e ,1111"1•(11 ,(1;t)e :,Il;:11 b(1tllly' ill• J.01(1,1;11111'.:,1-1.1.11(1 1111' 101111101'11 1y lose 4)1 11 11 Ova, to 11(nnlluce the ollli„i•tu fru:a the I\Illg',; ,p1e(h opening I',tili,11Lenl 1l any l'ef(l'(net 1•.1 the (nfrunchi,Iuttnt of 4onmen, anti to v1'1(11111 le the lust. atulia- vor,;,ry itt tui' "in'I(iug of the tute•dc Handing eaunpaigo that. ,tveral Iluudrr:l 44 omen g.ithI'rltl tleis aafternon 211111 11..- 1,1(11 10 fiery ,•.nt', rhes by their leader-. The aged \Ir. 1h•sp11i11, si,trr of tarn, l'iruch, who.(' gilltt gri(1' hue 111(4) 111,1;. tbt' 1111licc 11'111,0'1 to arrest her in th,' 111,1 nrllbu(:1h, said: "The li1111.e fir \ors, i, Ir,is;ing Ilw,ly 111111 the 1011( I111 111'0161 ha, (1(111' 11 wAS decided 111 m:u'(11 to 1111' 11I1t;e 1(1' e.'oll11auus 8111 d(11t;ul;l .\gnat '111( i'dlle l 1Ilt' pl'U('t'4'illtl, W1111'11 Ina relied w ill' au nl; liak(d, singing, ''.1 01111 lb0\t•n's 11011y." The police Ilial 11(11 l'lter ere with the proesesiou at the :.tart, only w:u•ning .111•s. I)t=p:u)d, \cllu headed the that (ltey tvolllll 1101 1(1' I111U11'1'd to 1,t1 t(1 I'arlianlent : but, as they perei,111i, a few mounted (on-tablee were nriti11•t1 to 1111.11 the processiu11. '1'11(1' edged their hone; algainst the front rank,. 'Thea( were' broken, nod 111(2 11111 l•(i1(1. 111•10 11;111 I'd, 'I b1• wn111tt1 11%11441'd 1111 thl' 1,;'r;ttu,lon, 11 tb0 (goons+:Ilio; in �p11'i(51• l4) Unit, (4)111 ii1 :l ttt1• 11101111 :its 1 agali,u e11\;itacrll 1I,wu•I4 the I'.:1 lialnn ltt IhtbtIi:t -. By thi; tins( a tilnititlole of 0111.1 i!' ('t bad als••eMldl',I 11 101 traffic 11'11; 11:11 1 lyzcd, 'th(rcllltnn the pull'' l(gan t , break alp the ((Holm:4 111 lion, Soca' t'1 lite 11'0I0011 stood with their 11nt: liukr(! and refn,wl lo budge. Others d:l•lu•ll. in sash pend(; to the doors of Pattie. anent, \\here the poli(( reputed them. Soon the 5111(( woes dotted \villi i;nlat(:I ;tro11ps 4)l' wou11'u, struggling, eltrieloon. end exeil(d flights into the lobby o1 the 'lotto( of and the prompt (i(c• tion, (1cyulrnyl un (tour. to the cNtrente of a 4) large (1 1(1 111 nt:l'wl•. Twenty-Ilr" mire women Roil the hu -b0:1,1 td 11111. 4)4 them 4v(re ON VERGE OF AGREEMENT, Peace in Sight i4) France on Question of• Church and State, Paris, Feb, Iti. Chilled' and State in Fraley seem nt last to be on the vagi' of a final it ((snout relative to Ow terms of the Ii:I;c of the (lun':lie , The l'i'ef((, of the seine 11218 11(111' offered ;1 nnulifi(d formula, Which 11, Priam' be- lieve:, will nivel the objections rui-cd ti; the Vatican to bio original prop -Ilion. The 11ew form of contract require, the ,,u(t•t;•nr of a paith priest to be at party to 1 h original cooti'e;'t sign( 11. and to assume the obligations of his prediie,:.or,.111115 insuring it cuntinua- tiun of the 1(01' (1f the church for eigh- teen years, and quieting the 1'atiraut'., nppreheusione that 4)(w \layer; alight decline to renew the contracts under rho old conditions. The new formula ;till declines to allow the lliahops to become direct parties to the contract, but. it, indirectly reenguizes the liierarchy ., The forst may be extended throughout France. A UNIQUE VIEDDING, 'Three Couples, Vi ldawcr cad Widow, ani a Dr,u gate:' of Each. ,\loulreal. Feb. 18. ---An tlu:sua1 ulaliri- owniatt event \vats eidebcntcd et the pau- i,ah (March of s.;t. L(Itti11 de :llile End yes• terd:ty, when at elderly widower, father of five children, was United to is widow, elso i,,trcnt of five, \oldie et the Sante at.n•ice a daughter of the bride aid tL delight er of the gr00121 were Itlso provided \;th brlshands. Jn order 111141, the parents and children mi'ht,join i4) Ihis nuptial family reunion, special Ilcrtitiesiot vote granted the younger temples 11, undergo tile llliti'riage et rietluny outside their resi)tetive, p,u•- 18110), J'ri:'tnls n1' the six participants witnessed the unique wedding. wlu.h was pt riot'u1'd 1,,, 1lev, l'nnuu Le 1'uillcur, the parish priest, a .4, -- SEVERE EARTHQUAKE SIIOCIS. They Were Felt Yesterday in Jamaica, Virginia and Spain, 1(ing•ston, .Jlullaiclt, Fel, 18:---A. sharp earthquake shoe!: was felt hero earls this (morning. 'It did tto damage. Chnrlotteevill(, Va., Feb. 11,-- An earthquake of cutlait.Ierable violence was felt through this $,'digit nt 8,32 o'cloc'1: this morning, lit Charlottesville diahcs were rattled nt the breakfnet tables. The shock war; recorded nt the University of Virginia. o+? There in it color called invisible • l,ltte. \Yonder if Out isn't the color of the pelleemeu's tmlifornis, • 11 cl UETT ;she scalre114 (hallo' l till its he nd4nnced 111 1111,'1 114. ;Intl s!llnnk (1.41}1 (vied' 1:1 led In'r to a sofa, 41(11( Ion(; ,l ,''alt be. i(!1 Itl'r. Itnt she need not have •171111 ((1:11111.(1; had the 111,011 II II orehbishop ho (,111!11 me Lave \.hayed 441111 non'(' ;!ril •l1,: and doom um, There 11'1(44 very 111 1117 of the alr(len! lover 41111((1 lord J1 I'll eliffe at 1 inoment. hiti heart \Vali far over Ow :;ell with .111'(111741 L 111 111 r 11)11l:1y grave. '!'here \tits it brief a(711 oinhall': •soil 11i'r Lax:,l 1!rn1,J,e.1, til' -at h., 14, "hove 1 (4.0;0,7.01 ell oyor, I ('"11!:1. 1111117 1111,1 ' U11 I:"\,'a' 1":;til' II'', ,\"1• n'at :" '( i%)1':•1,e \'.41. 141' i' '.'1! 1 1'..• '1 1!11' I) 11''14 110. :,141 or, free!" 1• 1111 1.7:":1,':7. 7,.:. 1.11 \t l;, II v.111 1 14' 41)1)1' (11 f'il'e:i'''1 ,:;t':!f:' •'I;, 1; 1I)i:d; of it -.11 '44 111111,4s. ;,, "1111(( \will r''0 1m', my Iln',1 1114 144('1 nolle,,, 1111(1 ! 11111 u(1al!e 10 (mte(I.lin 1',)11 Iln:,l. 11111(. a.s this la llrillald}' Ih1 1:1.,1 Owe !'vi' frill .;e4. 4411111 ,11!er :)lone, 1 trill 1)1,1 1':ul ;n)nll•I):'c!, sine Io 117:111(, I'It-e1,+, 0.1 Nit lute( ,'!•" 114'1,1 nut Ili Iclud. 111 I,,:l; it fit and 1,14,1,0.:1 . 44(1(1' 111 IL.:' (414.4.. It 1','4, •1,'411,.. , Il, „ 111:i4 1!0' 41' 'I'1 041 Ilii 1.';11, nitaino'I, linty !clot (011 ell 1,.1' •'11 .. 11 !1:1:',1 1.•nr1 In 4;11'• '•1111 1,,l 11:1:'!, 40!1 ;1111 1 171.1 111 1:'1.0 , •i ;111` 'chilli; .n t0•ni'r11I, 14., 1)1(1;• .,11 t''i-, 1•,(.1o11,,,(0.1 • ''t'1, Ho it Hu. I :!t1t411l, \111'111;1," is 'I, 7111' 11'1," -C!!. \,+:'1;1:1! 141 1 ;1::1 ,` ,!''..1'4'1..,,1. 4144': ,• , ;0, 11,.(,1.. ..t l4.,." "(711•31.1 n 1\114)'((. Ile't'r,' •01'01 .4 )11 • '101 4114' y,;11 191!1 I'1\l', 111:,1 1',110 4 ,11 11141 Of his Ann1riean feieiu! , Flnee i:i4 u4.' .41 (17 1;Ilrlill"i, Ito 'mit! 1,.1.1:(1 :1•';11 tie i,oe14,74 4(114( tone(( clown hi•. feel. ill'!`, Le hrjaul 1,, 1'(I,'1. 1110 host', unlet 111411 1;, ',1';,411( 111' 1.41(1 loft' 111: 11114'!"'- 1',1111. 1:10, 11;14 7.14' 1., le, lull) 1!1,;(11(1 lir 1,111. 1 )•''I n'•^'' 114','1.1' .lone 4 (lull , 1'1'1'1) 1:1 h. '''.1i1 „dim!. l,4 ! hl ,'ll „!4,1'. 1•:11111 111 1(11,1. .,, j..l!. t'4' 1!, 411. 041 I ,131('", ' I,,,, ., ' I : ,1'111 11'1:,'„ 11,, 'II . 1:7:11 11 1,'',11.'1 1,1111 11•,7 11110 ,'.,. 41,(71 414,'1 711,1. ,1•,.... I1',(4 111 ' ,'ilii ilii , 4.:, 4 •! 1,' 11'. . 1 't" ,1 : .!'111 1 )1•' I 4`111,( 11) L" I;I!I • ^(ill: 44(41. Ito In ,' 011, 11 71,:411 ''r •. ,., <a. '•. ,14,4„;4 Nr•. . i e ): 44,' )l l,' 1. ' WASH T1U EYES EVERY DAY. s7blc Ad free I''roln an , Oculist t0 J)4vellcrs is Cities, '•11:111 l !n' .41!4('8':4 o,l- III;( ,'111,1 11'',1 t ll''I. It;:1:10 therm f 11'1,;,-:l; (y , !'4.l,:41.1 110(1111 111,711 bosh ni1.d 411.41 111041., 11;74(: 11,1,71171 lad 1414 • l', \',',41'.',( 1 l'a l,: e,, III' 4.1. "I 110 lit. 141 i14.',i 1.'.1 •i ,,..k 1.4141 I' W,.,'11 ill,. 1L.;4L ,141( Ii.,l, 4..l 1,,•'',(• 111, y •4 111', (1,l' ,,;_. )! Il ,1,u'' I, Ill''• I 1 11 I, 1.4', 1 ,11 1 11, 1)l: toil: 1. J ,.I.' I' ,1,141 114 ,1,^t i1i 1.14.1111.:(1411:::•";I:(1, ;1{ ..4 .4444.,( i,;;,' i i. 11.1 l•trrJt:11I' \1;117('11 711 4,11•' 4'Il('.•- I. 10 lid) 1.1' 1,1,,111 I11 IaAI' 44;4 if„:411; 1,' L. I\ !Jr i " o: 101 .s 111,1 !,,I; 11' ,,,,til '1.., and, lar (hell' (,11'.1 .....,..;;,,t, ' „ ),.. ,. i 111 •I, I, ,;, III, i 11,. i" ,' 14 ( 44,,1'l' l„• 1!4)11'.. 1..‘ 0. "1%141.1• 1.11'1) l'n'ee 111((( 111)1)1 I(,1l`l: 1)417• .\„ ,•"• '1• 1 , � I; lI'll41'I! I: P11P ill;,::'841 •i (:1,.:11.15. 1141,;., It .t le WA, 1111 !t' of (114(4 141411'. 1118 111.1711(( 1'4'!,1- • :I. , •',. !n•.• m1I 1•.' Ibft' 1.' 514,;7 i.ilr' 111.1,:, 1140(( 1tU'al :':U ,:'ll r, I\ ,'4,,,.',ii I. 11141"' I!l4 15,1' of 41.1!, x•'1'!41, A:0 \el.11 ii .',, 1 • 11;1- 41114 114 •1 ,I144s .� ,,,, hint Ill ! II ,I ,1 ;I AI,! „ !: „„,,,',",1,,,.1,11:;,1;;';',4.117; 1111 ,•Ill:. of Ilt:' 11141,1 :>0 1144(( tae g`.!1 ,' 1114' '1')'411,1 1 l I !I I 11,," „Till;,' 14!!,'14 1•!,I 1 (1,114'1; ,:I 0:1, 1111' , .!',. -111,-1 ^01111 441',1'! llr)\\', 44 nil he i1,1'' 1 11.1' „ ''' ,, i1• i, ' 1,,t 1': 1,':01, ‘‘,II; „ 1 444 4111) 'Ir 1114„ !JI 4.,e;, 11) Ile 1111,) 11.11'11111111' 111 Illi 11'"rllll'.;!•, ' ,"` f *'' 41,. ,,4 (1 • ,,, „ ,'• 11)171; "f ('S' ;I rl'r)',(•d, 14 here'tll('1-1• ll'1'L4141 1)0 141'11(14, 1('17(1 114 )ldy' 11'41, the 171',1 to ills'!',' \:, 4.n :11,!1'!.1 ,! 41.1 '1f ll;:! „ lll'I'al;. 7111-. :Illi •,1!'111',1' iii I," ! t,.;:,:,1'(' 411 1 11 1!" `"''`'t: 114:11 it', 11'1:1, \11,111 x 7;4,1' 14.(11: hill 1:1 I,,' 11:111 ' ;l 1, 11'•'+171"1 ,111 1',I1H1 ' 1„ 4 ' ' ! I./111•llrl, 1 ':1'1,1,7 ; Uf 1!111: 1111) 1110 eyes, 1)1:11.'. l,1,!: 1 , ,,' 11,„ Illi ,' r 1,4 •n; I I' ,,1,j 'i ,t1 11:'111(1 .l 1'111('4 Jr.`(4!11! 11;1 (01(1,1((',,, 9111'prl,irll, 14,y (1411 1„ 44,11:. 11 Ile(', but 11'.,,1141 !Iii I,,'ad ;' . frit (;14., !Ind 1:411, '1:1 'fill l'relimin ;l•+ t1, \Ile ita .`1444! ,•„11,1. 111' „'! ,1 I I :'111'!11 1 l r , I 1111 1,L few 1110(,.'. ,r ' 4, l r 1!11114 ,1, 1: !11 1111 ll -!"'11 I !11 1 „ :111 f l! r 4.i !, :! :I\;, ,:(', II'•rll; .1 y I 1;1 I'I I.,, 7, 1141 'l1, I''ti to a e! I co!'I I II' II 11 'III a 11,. heep halt the (Lill, Li'l tell 1' .1: 1, r41l) 144. eye4 44fte; 4,,4: .,n.,, .,1111•';1' 1. i thri.n•,!I :4 1,,.44! (1f (Inst, fol' 1111., 44('77,•41 4, „'''I;, . „! l4 1): 411:'1,t I, !'1,l', it 14'1:'1':'4'4' 10 11'1'114! 1: i110 e '1! !,I.. I,'ll';I,I. 1'1,';191': t' 41111! 11';'1;'7. :111,1 a P'll:! 1 1," II!'I'r'1',11111 1:411 1,1 .:11' I.l','.,1::14• 1'41 i!' 11,!. `,1.;7 1!I!'n til,1.' \':;41,'111, ( f by 441,1'1(1:14 44(41(' 1411('1',. I.f I1:'•i::., 14 1 14 17' I \\ 1 1,14 a; 1144, 'Nor, f h 11 ctlo,i' yli-, .1 , ,,(,.n• I',',1„1„11,1',,,14•:, , , !4., •1 ! 1, I (47 '11'1 I 1 1'.., into t '1 ourmer. If J):,. lirill, 1,l, the ..4441 I;,' 111711' !I'� I I_ 11(11(, R 1!11 , '4:11 f4' of 1 I 1',1"'4,, 1,1'..,1 1'.,,;i•,,,,' i:71' ;1:'14'11',1 "44 a a"j,-:!1101111 I!4i'i4 111t'lld'11174'llul''. II"}' 111::,1', t', ti '11' 1,11,'•,;114 1"'/, 1111•' 1$11^74'•1 j 17,1 :111(1 let the 14411('1' that (,us!:11111ti' a'. '111• w I: i' lite 111,11E 4 17'11': •iii 1, "1'11(1 \yore 1111•'1 " 8]111, be,r;111 III •1 hll„111y 1.1 .0111101104 ,1111111,(4 nn I•„ 11,.,1„ ,I ,, I :'11111:01,• ::::11• left l 111111 to 11114 11 1 „I 11 417'(.,111.1 Pole(', "by' 1111' 1:'II111'141,It 941'x(("4' rl'IJIIe4L "''11111 I! 441' ;11(,'(1 4114 11141.1 \\'Hall(( !4,1'70 71111l 1 'leg. 1 1''yi .1'0!! 11'411 not. he 1,f• 1,!'.I(, ail:! „• ,(:.4"II: .174' 1; i" - In U ,1 .1,:!I II'' leaded at 41',1)411 I ale ,illellt, (II 4114,17 .4',:1,:1 , 1 1,444 I)1' 44.1.4..- 4''• the :11•• it 1'.';11 1,S) ;r 4.',',!i: )•7,11! 4.l !,li.'I! and 1' 'Irl' ;11:11 (.7114711 4)(4(11, •4'!'117;11 , 11,41 "4"'''"''1 111118 14x4 .1 1)l' (4111 7II.. 144g11111171rr, 1)iq !111'1', lin 11(11• 111) 1 y"111' ;I I•,1) Lord l'01 !I''l'li:ll' hooded ;110:1'• 111 111.,7:1 fail to 44!1'al•r' 1:1(17.-; a1111 larrd 1,0 11 I )11'111411 Innl:('it all 11e1•, \41)Ild01'lll!( 44.1)111 111 4'''t 1,1', 74:4 "'II; It :Ill 4111", :j.( 1:',! 1141 1141' world 44x5 In 11111044 117'7 1)x('(11(1, ,) :W. (ii Il 1'-• '; OP ,!".I'! ,Intl (h4' !ix-wg "Nltlllllg \'lila eau 4:,4, Norma, 11'111 '•.t1'" ;til!.,• 44';'4.'!, .4 i I `IIiIi•11.1' 11": nffl'n(l ane," be ,,Mlle,(, r1,'.:1'14 1,1' `1;11„4,-• ' 7 'It ; 1'' '11•:. ":'!; 14' fol' 11'. 1;1' ,. Sr". 4411:11 lir 44.11; expected to :111';11'1T 10 I, IL•, 1,'i' ,1,i:ll,illl I1, I•' Gn 11••1'1' „r 11113 F.'tl'xllgfe Address. 1:,11'„ 1,1,1'1 1',4U 4'!'1 „ 11!1 ,\''..1.4:11' 1 4vish I could think so, Comilemen• all have n share411of 1101744 1';1111141 IIx.4' '.'l ell !1:1,': ' ,(n( :, 1,)' 1'17,' end e ;He, t,ey not:'" fill' s:(ill, It1(1!(lllg 1111 fol' Ills' fi14! Ill, 7((;'1 11111! to 111.110. a, 111711'1'1:1::1 '101 ''•',(1-111.111,:: ::4.,•I I li1:4.' ihsed\('red. it ;ill (7441 time 1471((11 smile, ill time; :u Illi:(;:, are not, 7-0 bad, nay "Ileatl!y, I can't take it up01 111yye1f to 10:(1 :11,1 the.‘. Ilii '11, he,., say positively," "011, Nornt!! 11'1111 a villain 1 !11nl,1 "l hats'. 1(1141,( 50; 0111. 7f it i , true, , 7'141 111 1 11'141 141"'' n'Jlnt 1 111141' to say 41(114 44lwnd your `. 4'ji!;!iu4 1114 11111 at, all\; it 4m1ity--;111(1 for that 1 beg ptu'llon bcforo• ('07;4:41:1 thi7;, 17:011;'1, 81141 Whit, ro - 111111d." 'hill.: ('•; 11'l'I dill'.`, 1'11•Ila},5 444' 11814' "It i3 granted. ''lay go 1171, :11i4'7 1,::111 1114' [1) 11(! 111:11:!\1;11 ill Ill',."... 1011'(' CI:.1• r: Norma; what 814(111 (101:11h1,1(ov is my ,ll es 1bey hal1e," 4x((74 v l!'itill('d (o 441,'444 from your fair "111!1. _.'('lir f;11:11', \11'O!41 i" Oil:41441s.,>, "14 I;: (1:.'r lute; 11)" 11' '!I rmuu;l ll to tih': 1(401)1)((1 1(1 eyes, aini it faint .,11r4io'' Mil Ilk lull;; -411;.0.I d ph? 11 ;it, 101,8 rose to 111r (heel:. ;11' \4i-4!, 1 1'11'1 ''ally 4,, ,.I4 1 du ( 4 "i: i; a seri"tl'; 78044er, t)4. I'l'l, 1',m 1,4:1 1114 ''I''..I;''l)'!,I (1 I,'' I'n!fi!!,',1, 1'om.tilbl'I•--yoll 1:11)1101 ha 4o forgot ton a 714,1 b,' 1, i!1 ]':t10 I:)'' 1!:, 1,1.1, 41 Ail'," 11.41;!1 i,4- •(('1114t (('114 114'-1111((1 to 1,(•,1' place ""''i am, :;ill y(111 14'1"' 1,41 4,,1 ':'' 1',' 111'1( November?" a •1;0,1 --111) :111111:, 1'01:174.", 11, `!I" is;!771,• 111 ,1. •U ‘1',(,, !r:'':e!1 11(0 11' 11'11 \,, !o 111111 111 .1 1t':11'lll,'r f4.„'11114'' 111,.1' Lord ( I)' t,1,'" 1)'x.'.,'•'11 We, (11'."1',1' :1:'!"d (41111''1'. ,1 II:I:,4!.•)IL(1 14 ! "1)11!" 111 444114 51'('IU114 111,111'11 !1411: III.!,.\,;. \t,r,rinll-,1 1,'i 14' 1' apparent 1.4,7,4- I 1,r,Irnl: u„l')Y 1111.11 11:41' ;;7::.,. I'1, :'nu: I halve nTl fnr;!utl.i'I! .40)44 (' 4,141 I 4.,e•;; for 1111171 1114.11. 111 an'n1r(,n.; 11:'::1 - "1':l'? 11 ((1? Ju41, 8:1y that, a.'::1,u 14411 "tilt 11'41 ' .111: \v,,'1" o+!' ' 11111041 •11 1-1(le (10111 , 1 ) '1,'4 docks, (1 1 1 4111(1 111(1 . t."Id , l,l,y .Itold ( �, ,l• , I`il' 11 ' ,.:,•. ,11 , 1 although H: 110 111((7 the eyeball � 7,11.1 1 l 1 111 she lore( (11,'1:1, 111^1 '• 1! ,1114 :1l )11.1 L: 1t"oil! ;'''''t 1,'14 Ili`.' ;11.1 .- 1'41 '411 y 3 1 II i J'hlrs 0peratio41 41ao11lt1 last blit4 a few, se - 'Willi' 1- 111,;, h;'i 4 ,I,' in 1111: 1.11.1: 1.x141 October, .,o,;,00,10„4,will No. 4111 111.0: to 14.141(: of 114'1' ,1: '(hall', ;1\4gy,:a;1,7 •I ::111 I}I`'0:11',1141, 1'( 11'1101,., 1'11.0.10(1.. 111, l;llllil' :1•; 11 MID 14:1!, .I,�laiy1, !1'.11111 •4111(! 1 ' (Innis 111111 1111((( ordinarily 1)41(; ' J 1 11:,:c,l- 'in!1 14,011 11 0' 4.1 ,, i; of :1 11!',;1'11 111•'11'(, :!:;d 7111 '11 a 1, !'; I' 114:.1 1.14„111 "II ll, III' 11!'4 (1411 lllnll': f i 1471; lllllg Illy •r • L1:" 1)' i '1,'1 Ill i le ((0'•1,1.4 4,1 4"4 414 4';111•^. 4;, 4 4( 14'll'l 11' pain, ,•lo•(! (1,:4! 4")1 1:114, a1,i1A 141,1;: Ir. cal!';';;} f!," 1111 4111...,. 1,114. lh4 1,141 Iasi.; ! ! In' I I'' t�,r; 1, 4.,!r"1:'.'(111' ;I• J I.:: Lill' 1111' (`,',1,41144 1:;41'(• it el -1411:.'. LU • 1a. 7,. !1, ,, ,' hie4N',1 ','.•al11 o .e.,-,!;. :4:,.' , I 'I 1!U 1,,l ( !hoc II, Ile' !: 1 t!,4. '4.r:,", a,f re.itI.11TU.' 1'1;1:11 (,lit 1111, !UI'1'4 Il 111111l'I'. Iloilo 1171',;'!i 71'(11 n 1041 Ila,( 4.1,:1i4c'! \t al; ;tin r;ni',iih' ' ('f, hr' r,l4tinnwl,) "If after several 111innte, the ,,tlb,t.tneo 1('4).1:', , L:l. \"1.!;(':J l4:l4t 81')1)•1:1• II! II hill •171'1'1' was it goof •• !1 ) i I, 1 (711(4 :,j"(7711!1'.."1,'`t---�+�------- is not dislodged, lime it i' 1:1,1:1'..,11:1:'4 1'; on,,, 47'41. • Lord George, b"11,;_ nn ,r , 1111'(((-1�15t lal:(.T 1' "', r Il'' el y':h I!. 4.y, . , `r �� t ► t.( , 4.,11 11:1' 1411'7, (('111) n tine.84Lllle!'1 hair ..,,o01,4; 1; I'1!U4('d 1);11111, 11; ("14(1 )1''14 'i 7:1;:11 Jll.;l 1111( I(1('I'1+, 14,1,7 1111((' 1:11,''111 I I ui(f : IiJ ! 1),'17'•!1 41 ,� `1•'�i�:� I' \1'4.41 :,Ill [111! 1'1'1: 1('711( :[ 4lr 't ^,_, 4,I, lt' hU1111aN1 1)l 11U1'1L' 711111 \41, 1 , I ll is a ! I h..„..,. 1;'4. purl:';; 17'.'11111 nth, L,) 4 44441ia" 0uti>,(",til that will het 1 to ' Anil 4,1 the, I nII of the lou 1,•,,41;.1 D:, VJiliiaias Pink Pills Cured After ( , " i U:'I , , `'1'' 041141((' tl'(1'll(' JI II\'I 1'1'll•IIe!?y of till! 1'1'Q•h;ill ! 1,1."'-'.,.. :la ';,a :" . given himself an If1vltal l.m.1,1 74.;11 11:117' ' J)octoro (Earl Y1:)Itd, ' • 1161, it -molly f7,11..ov4 411(' irritation vitas- ' II„1 It 1,1(11( 'n nn 4\111 ilio I'fllt,111,a11 (,1111, 11(11('11( hu 11111,1 1,11:411'!\ 144 illlli141't' 111' 11,111, ;.111,1 Inl!,11(' 111111.4'1( with i' • I 4.'!'i in 1414(.(? 111 14'141) :'11 114 441:4%!111, 7(7.7(1 1' 11:1' 4 ,) 11111' '• :' '1: II f{',•r1111('1' (`41.:111,11, 1:1111 (411 7' '(,, r'm," 11!11 4171:• ! ! y!1' '1,'..1, 11,1,411, 1410 1\111'!'tl•eei, 0114•"4 ',1'in'l1 (1111( 5(41'(74 (.0 1110 (111'11:.:1. I►' '•:'! 1 Illill fill, n I 1 e,,, 4:,;,• ' 1 I',II' 1'I;','(ll.11lnll 11111113(.(11' Ill (l'il'ac 01',11 ,. .,.,t tV 111! 11;141, II•`.! :.;lit "4.l 41111 81,11, \\'lief 1,:7 Ihr (1•1,41( „Id 17:),1 warmly ,rr•In,l"'I . ' 114 111 ..4:' 11'((41( d, th(' '' l (pin1'c8 1)'41:' 471'1 4111 l 4)14 1'):'1,' i•.`r4t:1:'1;;"'(:! 4:, 1.11' 4;l lh1 711',' + (l'dLr, 1 i 1114 (04. 1'441;1 ,L 1:1111411( ' P,iticr the acid or water luny be "l1," 11.' (.It nil, 41171' 11"1117 41111:" \(11'14!1, II!(1, 1441 11111 illi:!(',4•''I f f 1111', 411114 1;1,'1 i en(il.l,l111'. l', -!h0,; 1(1 the Pity, 44;111,1),1,1114;‘.;„41 '1114:4 1111''(111(, 141.',4 al,"41,11.1(1111( t,4 Ill"4* '':111 4;1'1 ':'41' ,.;1:14'(11 III ( Lal 1,)r. \\'iiliaW4' (110P11(1 4)7((1 1110 o,e 410111 Il hpuol), but illlrr44141 nil 1 11, nl,x'4p4 siel L,14L 4111111 144 give 11 eyeball a tlluruw!11 J 1 171 14nshul r 7s to 115(! ;1 legulatjun a aro imp'',1ioont, don't atls,t4er It." x'!.1111,1. ('1111111 oral 14'^I:'„•'1!; / a,.; • 1; n1, 1!a'i'r'.;lll,'I R'I!I; 111111 i II rill' tU 1 y U h? r 11, ( (18(1- 41(1 t1"till\' 1111()11 tl:e 401.4 1111(1 )1)1k14 UII 4 11111 ,ul:•.t\11 it 401(1(((' 4'1111'1"11• •'_(1(!1)11(_ i,nlll I1 "11.1„ 4444!! . .4444,.,. .,1!1,:,!•:;•-. ..41:,, .1111711 414.7: � , L, :r,, , ,�1 •'i 1. ,I. 1 I, , ,,, l , ,t ,111 1)U4�Ibll' ;I CU 111 Ilrtd 11.10. r "I 1 1':(41 a )-11'171'4 'I:Ilar.'! ' 41' ' ..1::.'41: 41 1'1:17 4:+r) I ((('5 tie1;7,''14 147111'111 1 Il I•'. r'ItlCel!'lll gull 11':11 1,e 4:'1'1' .,id-lO 4 1,1 ,'C f;." o' II 41 �., ! \ "1104 (10)34: 14111 111140 11841 NI) 1'}: x'"Iem'(! 14.:1'. 111'1' iI",'I'll'=4 1'I"11111' , Ila•; 4.i',`) 1,'(41!•, 111 1114 U1, ':I:. il. e', "11 , 7:1,-"''''' iv'', 14111,'11 1;1( 1' 111 :1111'1111111(^r (:114:1'1 1 1 H. .e, and ')411'. .1,,;i,! !; ,'.I''. :4;;1 •I1:•( 1,4((11•, �.,i ; I, , , 4,, ,:1 ,:I' ;,,,1111!, • I):I\• by II:(1• fa,. : ivit1 the use of an eye cull 1 want to !I ,,:F:11.'(1 S!lltol','' ! 4 4.'4' 111, .;.1 ,: 1 „,...-..,-v •I :i(f''I'' 1 fr0;11 1171 • i filly 1.11111, 11, 81(uUJd be about 14,1'4(! 14(1'tl'1- 1 i 71 „,,1 'x'• •,, 1 .:I;l -:• I ('4.s (1111 1(1(41(1 it is p4(141 ((741.(1'' 1)1'41 I.1 of . 1141,1'('1' 1::llf :11 .e, all!! 4(1441: ill' r ! Jii, .i; :til , }•• I'. 1 1:141,- I' .. palpitation 1 1 II"14(41( ,.i, of ' :1:'bli,re4 1 his 1'711,1 4 411141 thu11)!, 1!:,• !:1•.,1.1 a„1l .71'14,14. 'I•. , 4 14::'7' imust n 1114' e. , • 441(1 t•he (74(41 (4111.((1. "I'he 1".I(I (' 1.4 ]i) (44 fol' about ti:: utontll.s, i Nit, Norma, what. do yon mean I4y .ay- Ill 1 , I I ,uns e 111,1 woman ' n 1( 11,1 he yew!' 1111 14111 find 14 I L'.1 o 1,1(1 1 1111• , 11414 11) t..,,. 111;100'1" !) 1 11 i I l 1 11 L 1 1 1 d o ny mdl 1011.( around. I l- rlI think It I so 1,111,. 111(11 1„unl(blfl 1111(44( '4 )11r 111 Ib t,l (44 It L4 ►ate reltef. •e o it free, and 1 ielense you mice 1,11(1 '•f 47.14;(, 1011 11('1'7 s,lk1; 'and Lot,' i ',muted 1;141a city, lily yoint,o ir0,11'4. 111:1 1('!11' 71:41(': �1;1, I.111nlY'llll"! y(1II 11(1':11 I tl'ai tll'Ir4;'I!:_ t'i'll':'l' l (1('1'1(1:`11 1,0 •'llhether 04. desire t ) , I ,1 11.11 U:. 11ii!i:u.) c fila!; 1'7115. 14((((14 I not 114!re are 41414th•1,.5 of o •.'(lel! !'orn...1,if(, Illul!'rm English rp,:'pr: eg. laird .1itsiIr1' o his feet, doe t knot'; that 1,1(1 }my,. r„l. ' 1:7 t dirt, etc., on the eyeballs that cabs,. ^'1 (mil forever from your engagement!" "' peer, via,: ill••:. 11;:111„ 111 the ::.line e;1,!4 to: a1G'I, filming ;loony' his 'cigar, he htreteh- ono':7 mon less, is tnet1:;'I' I,laii':: rr7• •!441,! 1,1`111 th9 >Q'011(1 1,(1:; 11111.1! 11''15 a; J 11 "Norma!"• he halt 'pri(((g fronl(Ilis se,:t ."' I r 11;; ;,,' 1 thiol: it, nd4'isallr 1,o tens)] not the is more I'1"be7atl ',•rel;ren,, ill out ",., arm, ;11:d pitting. on 111',1 en- and z1) brne417.'j1e 0!(41. 'Cur tie., I 1,11, and Ler lill:ing '4'4(11; 4'9 coin(( on x'1,1 r days, I L the first 'shock, Il1r 1r:ul!ifnl fm'', i p 11471' •II, '741 14711 •1 4'•11.1• } '„' 1+4111.-1:"1:I. 011 U•lu'li'' 544'4 '• I '( ft11"1!1!4 f,':• ;t Moll(); ion"14. the lrotibl, , 141y til ,,' 1117• i 11 ,4 , 1 r, 1,. ,, 1. I_m1 , i - , '. 41'11. 4,s 141111e a4 monumental marble, 1 •'1 141,-•;1, } In1,r into e hour or (Wien f then ) t'I b 1)l ler 111 that reminded him 1)l a (4111.4(11 ( 111.(, 1.111 ] 1111111 ff 4.,..1 ' in. 4,4.v.! 1 (,1,.'(4'1 u',$11/1/"'11.0t1„, ,1)u 1111( twain "• • ',•' I • ,I 11 1 1 m ' n for It'll t•:e but she was also 414 firm 7117(1 11 cert•e'l. 1,;.I,'4inc tl,), ": nil have n,) right to •I,4 F ! r l 1 4:orod 71(1(1 dressing lgo,;\ ,1 in bittical ' (m•iO' lntr the I•es1 of 17(•;1141, '' 1111'(1 ,o 'eyes left, eft,111.7xiks 4(1! d11bright l 14147(4, 4110 "Sit down, my lord, I 11111 certain tl'.Ilt• nn'','''tjen!'' ("' 1':':1"1,11.(,1 04;icl4! perliilion 1,Ic i lay 1'411111; 4'4, 71;44(• l', ( ;4th, and ;tit 1:' X1.0.- 111((4;( euiiiiiic1111' in Dr' 11'illiams' rink t (.,(cls left frl,h 4111(1 bright 10 l•in' and y ! I there run h( no (11111(1.4 (1f infection from this , does 1101 take you 11114(1nil'l'9. -1 N )1111 ;lull, ball 711(Ir 4, 4:7414 : ,,,,,o,,1114,4,1„„_, I iii') 17111(. 1 a4144(3h keep) them in the ; n t , I germs contained the (NISI. ( 517 e %111- 1an,,,' 1144'1. 1757 (nee, Jim loll,. see 1:111.:' 1"1,1:;7' 8114 1:1,;11 thele ulc;atiiin'ally' as a„ fell 8iirc that (1114711;(1 1178 morning you I I' '' I , 11ulst have Hall( ;l 1,,,,e 4tialent of"1411111, J 4444 141:11 11141(1 hint In forget ;flr'�;rtr(1." 11011.0( ilcn'ic Heid for theme w:LS1Ilt 5 and 1111, 1un1ia4;; 4141:'( fui'th1: }'1)a (,iii '!,I , ge 1:4111 so 'if eonveniefit on cyn clip. mien! •t;,,( 41, 4 5ur11y as 1)4.. Williams' l'l(!L ; 1' .• nn'rthing ball !:neve, u1i14 that you 41::4(1 Hit; caire:I 4.h', .11.17711'4 i11(1lg ;1iou they f 4)'0.11 1 could make 00111.41(,' 17)41 :1 life 1171 ival(iuu, of �1n4''u411iou, 1441.; 1 14.11 clue all the other (1111(1149 \4117111 else, too under 1 (1 ! that 7l 75 4(1.4;1' ny 11x41, 1,L (71.11❑ ;117(441 to the may, rel:l,11•! 117((1144 essential t0 wash 'nut the ,r!y'c5 141:.11 1'11- %v a 1" , I 1 : J oL 1111171 1)i-brn(t•4; }:1t ramie perVers,, e,mn' (4111(4 bad bl(Hltl'i 1)4., 11'illiauls' 1'inl: they ore full of dirt I 'c ," "i1 % as it both not of our n1,a,.li,.1 4441111 ;14(71 1 to posses; hint ;ow, mid ,('Illi ae1n,1414 m4(1:e (4104, 1'1;1,1 bl0(1d,. That 1,r, it I to Il(°))M1 '111:14 7t v 1111111 gall 114 both, 1•y 171117,T I t 111 (4Ue thing they (111 2:11)11 the the (1(114'., 4)'14011 t11ey 71'0 t40U''(1• hold Ilial in 11111711., lit 1)1,4!111114, (1141, } do it „,, l I 1 I I f) I 1 t • 41 J 1' ' 1 1' ]'- `•13 °"c for i gienie Hl 154)ng 51°111(1 "1'li•lull,•, :' ,t, 1)11( I 11,1114(• there 1111. 1('111 i't 1 1,' !0,1''1 ' , •! o;l t 11'(11'' ,III", 411!'1 ;;It y,1 are 401;4 x1:11! to b.: rill c!' "Ali," • ie 44141!, (04111 a 1:4114 smile, "114,! I ,;,,t say your III:15('01:111 vanity:11ix-paid (40llll'lryl ('(111(4';4), 440',4, it 11'0.('1 be balm of llil''ad for you 4') ;10,:170 :•1;1,1. 11,11.! floods of tears, :mil 17emo11)im 171.4' a raj., 1101,411. my (lard fill e," '''•:11 1' lope I nin not iodic so selfish. I 1',111 1'4;11 In4e flier; and 4:17011 1 1n4'e' (1401 nut, '7111,'.. l 101114! again 1' `'11'hall's 1110 're,t J':arnveliffe? I haven't seen Otfiello ,platyetl lately. I)vuoi t:lkc that cigar! ''('.have Invited fingers," "Vt.lint a los; you me •0 10 stage, Anstrev! If nitiur'e had not made. vou 4111 year ,411 1114 11 J(l u' .41141 0 411 l i ib. s( ((0( 141 ower (vent to 1,1111,1Ji, 1%714. It lila:;n:!� t ►l-1 dell 111 1 ((1111(1 wn0).1.0l' ta►(i 'rt'�fl with n •G.''cent sl''M ,'un tun::, 111111 perl,nM; there 44.11'' visited huff little aamatz, the, neighbermg 11011aielles and backaches, ftnerlyl,_14eak- unon --. , ' id - J►4..lan4 ten thn(11'll re'4lnns a•h\• you should glulry', :nui•yeldc4a,l ('4114 �xw nn', one 114. 1,1-.,1,,. µ1'111•g,1,; debility, neuralgia, rheu- ul, at the time deelim, it_" I n. Thorp 44't•4 0. (midi of >:n'e;tsla 4n 111:• Ione, and life 1,1"41,1 flushed seael$'1 )'llr it locine 11, 10 11,; (:441. "1 do mit 41,'441171 to reproach yon, toy lord, hut, 11i:, 1 (rill 414---y'un (1711 (vrun;,' 1'011 411(11)1,1 nni, 87441'(1 1118 ie you 1(1411(1 1114, (('hen y111;1111 ou 11114414 1,u yrnn• hear(. \'1111 11(4414 ('(111141 m' 44,81!1 0411'(1 (11' 461 nn! :Wore limn you did (17' 11113' 1)1)14'1' (..;;4,'1, 1°4':L rear or 11411 1)u the ..(1(711 of 1'14111' door five hundred friends, 1. '• , ,1 4101 : 1'111 1) r;lu ll,,, 1 4111(41)4(1 : 11'lls 1L till(,', 1'e1114111'lll' ;.;'11'1, 1 1:111111', (111, ; 48(181ps, nehd'c'l1 this lesson to bring 1111 ,!lain Iv'hl\4.c 111171, So, ('11011'JIrE,.'I'r('• Io her Benson• bol my lord l 11.11110'1 . 11:1'(4 and; Fnwil,' leave next' month, 1 1•l0:':' Ire lour'! 11.111), l an 'clad 1.101 mind a llritish peer, you \4o111!1 hove been at • 41 4.,1 lilt l4. 401, l me, , he „oil, ;vying 1114atsure, beyond rive, to do ,the 1,71;1 loin! in convince himself h1' ,i.o1, the lfngedy hnrulras, .11114(1: yo11t1 01'(14 turn' 140411, 141 your 4honglit, to the $Lng0!113 the "'1'111«11: }'a,:!! '.end now, my 1„-'114 lel means' of e:triiiun an honest l't1'illf:'t" 1"e :'•i' ' al 'I 4I,','ii4:,11 !') 411,, ill'"ml "11:111! 1)011'1, tall: nonsense! 1 11'111t r':;r'i11iu;; f r IIIc pres$n! 411 111�1an(1t'( to 1ttl all lie part11111at's, :1rc•y'iu1 I tallier think ,(;, 1 a:11 tired of ;'('11113', 111111 truly, end .(lrionsly, jillerl'!" 1.4!,l,lali,lg" "1 really, and truly, 'and seriously, '•'1'111. is 1',011, 1 (('awl to ga abroad and ala!" "(40011! fate Ints 1uI')Fed the (1014! shoulder to in0 ever since 1 teas old enough to know the 'ally;' bat I felt sure she 1•(111((1 sauilo lit' last. And she has, you fee. Norma's 1nife1'' '"Don't .)le too slue. SI►e may serve you IIS she 11113 1110." ''No fear. 'J'he little11aedonald has 1701 ter t719te, ']int 4411(144.,reasen did the dir•!nsel ,oi44'?" "\'one at nil, except 'tint '1 did'; not• Ili):o h4'►•-I-and,'faitth!:she hit,, tIhe'ri„ht thing iii 1,h(+, niiddl4 just them,: :1'lia� sn i ht! engagement was, broken;, now -7 and then any 'oilier nand than yours had ),loll 4;').'(4ith tllc111,i1 . struck the blow." '"1!lil y'11(1 7!1,'(! 5711')! ('(1111' (4111101' 1('111 1 ler lip trembled in spite of herself 0741! u,o'h nn nb,jr41ions to this overlhrot4 of she put her hand for a moment before 1111 his plans," her fall'. • "\o; on the contrary .f, nm quite sure "i,ornllt--Norma!" he cried out, pas - lot ,','i!1, nbjeet, but T 1111711: 1 can persuade ,innately, "you 11'4011( me; 1 117:1 1o4,' 1111( l0 let ole do m4 1 Olease, ('Int, thing you olive!" .1 Ih'c:nl, and thnt is, what the world will "Ahl you dill," she said, 'turning her 1''ny. I loll ulor1ifietl to 41(1.11 to think pole face (044114(1 17178, and lifting her palm Made this uu(orll;m1(4 engagement elem., dark, 4):.) 11:11io-g eye,( 10 his foe''. L::I''4:1:," U71'c411.. 1 felt ((bout. three 111011es' high "llo'n 3'01) do :so nu lollpl'r '( I. !741(!,4' '4.):;71 ' 4' 4'011,':', 1'','1!•1'(: 1"'I' lo' at ,the time, 1 eon tell ymi!" • it!" not: 1,n(: the 1('11.111 shu!l knovr bolt' 14. 1,4/ ''' "]''1 :(Jelin(! Wjiat 11 Mico '01 :11.1011. ifo everted. 11i4 f:leo 11111(' was :silent'. -- I!!mt 144!)! x rejected lover. i shall then. 'luck fuy' C'rorge Of Au.l7'44'I 11'hllt i- "41,(4' lord, an1414er-1111," slip 811i11, lar• have the (nn4ol!ticm of being pilird by leg I„pr 1141181 earnestly on his 11281, "it lo''t'1'i. eye, lnit! 1411-7 lips (1'iLlluut 711117l - is better for us bulb. A1►s'eor ole (111 1,l'..'' your 110101: as II gl'lltll'n!01l-illi you 1141 1144. '•I; !!e(l -1,11(1 1!('(' smile 4!'e5 114 1'1:;,1' 1114!, pow?" 1'' 1111,1 volt, leo II nlnllhr11111 011 51100', 111111 7,11e "Olt,' Norma! '''.forgive me! 1. 110404 01'!18C.-to'signify that their intcrliely \yea 14ns 4('nrthy of y0ln' love!" :I I', :!l1 ('n(F. ' ovisuccoo 0040 A Boston Schoolboy' was Tall; weak and sickly. - His arms were' soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body, The, physician who had attended the 'family for thirty years prescribed SCQ h'.r Ern 1,,6f1,J�o/I. - NOW: o , feel that boy's ; arm you welad thin (: he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL Diw aalgTS; 1300,'AND $l.00.', 40444,001400i'�1; ',06§440'60„. 1 (1711( al (1l \h4', torturing, weakening e\'('•y night before retriing, for this bath till, ban, He rano, 1.0,41, lir. 1ti 41„41, or (; ( 8 not only r'h'a,nses thele but soothes :n (pate,' honk', 111)11 nl(c-'I.11, )' blr:lml 41' ailments that nf!•litit,•14ul()en full( growingd 1.111(} 14 414"lit 7uflnlgmn>,l•ioii calked. (411"4( F,„41, of 0441.1401.4(e -•'1 141:•:1141:.••0. 1;01,4:1.{011 !7,74(8. Von can Izt•C these,pills from any .TO171'01. front ,Strong winds and..incirl'yn- CI•usoe, slut(, up and 411(1(fied in his "cas- tle." 11 4)1:1111. d14(1(l',;)4 1y '1:'417(11 .LO cent,; n `4141((( Steen Ihi'ns'. , lex oi• 51, hurl .for k ,oU fl' m 710'1)4; 1I' l^' tb0 (yclalhri.,.,'- •,: ',' ' R ' 1vhstll c(c0,,sary to take low? '1v4'Iks Thr. 1111;(4, lad IVF, of (1:4' nei"hblrllh011 ' 11'111ia1114' 11ed11.117; Co., Jlruckl'iJlr, Ont. 1714 1(477 ('a ''4.n' 11(1,1 far i i f.o )f high 111,4.1: I 1)unlr(1,r'!ulda�(rere (04470;y mortified 1177 �'�--`? think the first 1111(1. �nfest�l9t'pluat 7s to find the •hlinllsome and 'wealthy i'o`n,,j THE DELIMITFUL 'SERVICE. wear smoked or 'green glasses 11111 will peer so insen,,iblo to 7111 'their (41teina- 1�' 1,1 (. . bren•k Alla foree''of. the IOW/before it (1411,, 41hilo the 407)41ll11.71111 411149 Idol:(.1 (1 v. (44(141 [Piny 1)liy;:;;nid nig;llf,,ill,14(4 ,)•('11 4((,) "{h'(4 sen,5ili'i•e ,eyebflh1. '4!ic',-,o 111)(11( liim 4^7th ronuullic i;tel'444','lnnd 11mp11. :111(1 Jhw.tipr+nnl4' IlIlatI''4(140 1141«11414 Ln 1,:1 not, be ltecoming but'.1. ltnow fell 111 love 147111 his d:art:, nlel,nu'h Ily ' (1470,'' ,(list 141117.. tl(044e (1(vclxritl'ion9' nl:;lnuay' 0:) l"4 whern' th('r1�. llhv41 541,4r'<l oyes, •(1.111( �i':\4'd to cunlfurt 1111( in lis ,,a. en the'lseal'ri:1111711)4( stiff 4.i' 'frot"ittf'J'nt- y .1.1. n i t 4.c„ el 111,1((. elop)oylnt, �,,.,.`! r 11 n n gtbn S1'u 1 ' 1-I Idr.14. ..) f1,; 4.;f.-'1�"sialtilr _ .. �•' ,. Ali RAID `Or Iris:. Having nothing bolter to do, 1)14hrov1C ,'11, 1110 0111 c 14114 01 (1117I (11 11t;11'CII, 1S) 0, ainused himself 41i11 looking aflor his 71844;,' acil'i;n411'.!; Jtnt' 'hey' 4'erf« 7171} in - 'tenantry Lull, improving Ills c'4lalle;, and (171.11(4 (11:11',40(4 Ii'',' B')J)IellUlt� 1'01' 1119 this, with fy:J11g ln�lly on a sofa,: (1011 yervnnts 1(1'(10 0ii 1fito''ot.h^t' sele'of 1.110 snl01411l no (78(t of cigars, constituted 17:1 ('1.1'44 (11' dant h. '1]he 11i1.04',":4'14 54444(0 indolent III:(J ((7) , )!;s life. 711 the 1:7n_111011Y• of, t;n;f •l1,`:Ilrlrh"b t110 IIe felt a little at91'tliied of Illi`ii'F4lf I4'':'all( lirier'to•tItldlfor(ti„n fieikl.4; it i5 not sometimes, and his useless exi4telir0''Itnl, '1 4y the trans,etntinental frhin 'to 'the A lip!'I-;L lungu0r of (14ind, aiul 'bi)ly'-- 1141(1, 7llI'#!1(' fT01ci4 ,1ryrni(1 1'1irf•lilain(4 and (';1114 ,pun 111111, 111111 110 (41111(011'3 11101 1111 1110 111(St:lit:1110(:4III41;ir111 (1,01111't111'1)ea1h 111 111411:0 171111 rise, (71;41 another Samp4(11), Valk/S.1 tel flfv" kilt•lf,1'onl of'the ' ir11171o1' x0(7 l u s . 1:44 140-4'!'/, 414!8.:' "•I'h're iiodl'is' 11llin,' '11is servants 74) passed the 1\'Intl(('; (71171 spring 71110 Illaii 111:' oat'. 'When '0111! 11:14 r471t'llllll 111e mummy round Idol still luiterinl; at 1)is' '17'401; of ser1'ice herr, '(10.tl 1ulLs•''"11in1. (;111)11 gain;; to Sny,nb011t 1L?" 11'11441 Par,,, 4,. 1. heli It has •l0nt'll('te'41•ii`cl(,r!(ln ftllc)Elf1(1 "Oh! she. has promisedito make it rill 1441 ''''074'I ri4;h t. there: ' tihe,ari11 bring hila l4) 4(;70\4 :lL odd times 4)e received, spasmodic: I,, 0,1111.:. hinl.0• '1\11011 ho has minttees 'l1, heir u'(1 1.4.18,.11(- slut •'la\•s. letters from hos' friend. ,lush('}', to loll ])rove(( liinlea 1(,'1,4110 and .ixithftill' God I t I I ; .117 ' , , itll the T'' •1111( Ihev',\(et0' "doing",,;unduln all von- (.4(1!41 hint, to 3.1\8101 se1,1(4 (11111: there ,. l4 (411(!7 II 111.7(( 11' 1114' y ' l'!14`.Ii'l:o '11(1'1t7r'h.'•4111'1.11'he 1111'4 of iisefu(- I11011111." ;'l'; 111 111' u(. 1 1L li,lllt' U' 11: 'ill!' " r "Ilett))' and better! 1111- lip'a,n 111•, tnchu'of 1148 efl1bilssy,,or know kir why. T. never was properly' thmnk1171.aicfore that iuy''`illnterllu'1` nnce'::tor find y1r.. '.l'cenu)In (1('11 tivritly-seelnill eett8•it4, m' om((1 eill]Ifg; hal'. it* just suit:.7 nue cYaclly now! \l'ou't T console (1111' 1)4.177;• ,\llr• lila on the 'way! `-link. bay 1411]e 1 he Ann shines'; there's notling; litre it," cried 1,04(1,tleerne, 711 4:1111%y'-rceoli1.'c- .1 ',wily (1(4'7')' a4104', f•]n' \1'i111i,d,'n nlagistrxtei "to grvf Ilius a little Jiro - (:'('4 i011 agot41 t Ids: old woman.' 1,1 re y,u •iifrnill of her?" the magis- trate asked, lou!:nIg at the 1ppli('8.ir,'4 01;' pi'1lpin'tldil4,,;I '.ippile.tal i oat, oil', ,She t('1')'ifios 11)11 to (teatil, 'chases 1110 with !t poker, she do. "11'011, 1, du l' I;fiuw'Liult 1 eau givo y4)71 nay special all'iee," the mngi'trate ,7114, ••.4 .1(11 17.01, lit all a speclalnst 111 such malt 08').' '. , , -my owe comfort'' the npplieanl pro - their neekts up, the ;;rent St, J:ertard, 01. ?117',,4, tri"' liiti'er;'('fide'!'; , ;,1nd,.,aiudr 4(111(11 'coed,((' ,,,,' 7'n ,,1'ly'711f;•tu (14711(: 1111(1 turn other cul;( :alit uneenti0(1 1blc phien.7 in 11•.(14(. tatke .('"141,.01' 11is r;r•r47int sr (41411' it 11(4' 1114''' lenlp' '1r.,4--1414 her, ,tiu(l l ;1111 the \';)!Igen ,1111s. According IU 1141 '11(1' no' •'1)1''".liiowi'' (14 '41I'vl('o hel'c lttiil, be count, their 74114.(4 1vei' something. 111 unl:no(vn than,. '111' 'will' sprI44ill• (lis n'cl: aull 17rcd 1)l' (14111'' the sly'ie. of the "Dodd Family' Abroad:'. tabernacle over then(. T;te1'.5114(11 him- 4.1(: .1ial.!'istrmte- 1 -rats 4' 1'1111 (1111111 all -'-•,L ('11(11)lllled 5111'1('5 111 mishaps 71(1(, Iain. 407' no 111o1'1', nl'1t11e1' thirst tiny 1)1(1'1', 1 y.'':1 71'11) tui 111' .,- adventures-, together 4vith jca 41114 .1us. neither shall the sun 4iriI Upon then(, 1pplicnl!1-'- ery'thing possible, tie, in- lri1n governments, 141(1)11) 11)1114 Ita111111 m0' 4(11,' hen t.;'''for',the lil'n111•i,ii:tt is in chit, 1144 a 1.:411(7 ((t imprisonment. heggar4, '1414,1) 1111(1 1nn•1n:i0nnl14 emir 1 h Midst of: the tl:l'on'8 shill 171 1hei1 14."'"14111 4'4 4 iers, or ferocious, bril'amli4h'guidcs, \\•!:o shepherd, 11 :'' d,shitll guide 'Ahem' 111,11.0 '14111, :mu 111114 1,10(4 L110,'!.1:1:IL o: it," wo111(1 persist, in nut ln11.141 tltndini; Iliall fountains of 1t':I•tLi'4,4(1 lift';•illnl (;411.1 shall said 111, :111 ist1'alt', "I don't Slee welt, I ,tion of some' proverb. -Lord 1- 14014,1-W 1(111 he swore at t!1^01 4';11)e every tear, f4. en ,Ilieir (7((4, ',1t, \vitt '1".111 Ila for 4(411,': "111..1(, I hope You'll lin successful, of in .English, cold sereamld out his Chris,- .lie n magnificent seryiee' 1,l( that. night- 'applicnat --Jt's la/ginning to tell'. on enlu•54;', .said i)lJ10we, feeling (111x.41• (ions in the same Ian1;na;;e, lie (1rth('r 1lcys blp(1 \Otero nil 11114414; (4ashc11 their 40 n,4\1', (1441 I'm 1101, ao V'uIIg us 1 74`111. (Idly Iy.po'rltical; (In' he, Iva, 41114,0811, 111:11 o(1 Gu (.4I('(',i1 the 4lrun4,1,:!,,'011 4(1. :1'7:1051, 111111.pinde i'ili'nl hi'i;;'ht in the 11101)11 "1.4,(1 l,nlue and coax bsr ,a the he' eli till ••Nsti\'ely tell �1•hy, 1,.y' 4174 f ! 1 flienll's resolution of success. !leniently l 1 l 11 ' "Success\ lt!. Of reuse I will, '''herr I ' I l f t I ' Q� t/'s ��" � �� Q ' 4:4 1111 time 14!14'.11 41'girl'i4 1!1,1)11' 11iNJ)1,liell 1(1 .171711' ea n 11(114, 1011'1' 111)11 ;1814 ;411 '11:14 111seaf'd111 a11 old 071(';.11111, 11 hero l 8 ,.urd.11eurge Atistrnyr is not: to be couu! Verus, eros'\• day, 1 flatter myself. So, when ,\'11(•11111 crone' 141(11: to bine1411(1, you lit:t�' hr, r151(Ly' with yea8 tiolig'Ial11- 11410u.4, my Lord of Cluill'urd and lolt'ne- eliffe," , (`I I:1't'9'J'tt'•:{:XI. . r :41ree day( after, ,Ford Earleeliffe ,went, 1,11.1: 484' )isbro4414' Pork, 1170vinfr his frier 1,111 .t.(1ndon.',.h'eonstilitt' visitor it :I're-dial!! ilous0. ''WW+Tn1010r 11iss :117redonald felt; she Mind enough 'of -the liri(l0 of Al'bion's 'Stately daughters to euneeal; 'laid ,,lie rude,; ILnd 4ynike(1, ((rid ((rove, anal woiit to the 11101144(!"411(41 the opera nightly; and Lord'. .lulr00y '4(•(15 emit i inept, for 11e who'll ('oltti!1,,'1It, v4'• ' o .1 e.,l,1ul ).-'-t'^,uted I'rc•Ibylcf'1en. 14x( i4l.raar iu14'i:ir41, II641'1'll'l 1'.41", 1111(, 141111 It lis ;• Applicant (to the court serg,l'ant)- f"4i',, was t 11 011,4 Place 1'I , or 0 1'41.70111). ( 1 FRIEND' 1111'1i'4 than he says? rlirisiian Co 111.1' in, .1; ler i,n"gil 44.1'11' '!'Illi `':'l'4;0tlllt-(8')'X her 'n- bit'. ery', 101 11;.11 a:. poor ()pinion :'1' 41, The I 14. The Applicant, left, the'' hili(('),:obux 11111110 \\•IIx 1,1'!1 011084411. 1111 '.11)1' ;'71, to (tally o 11)11,11 'lil,i)l(;3 11114.4! sa1'o(1 1111111(01(1' l{),.!tI'uod'If,,'1`Ul)1X'.h(!1', ('MLX hold a• 411 8111 141 tin. "411'pt'ul,sul, and as i moll) la ,I,il(tinl8 til l r1,' Ho. Thom is no(,111r,.1) , 1 ::htrllil "74 'i1) •0174 dr:!4.,'i fill' I+hui11t, 1111111:Srnlc, (4119 worth a (luxe((' 7!1.11'4 ) ll'ili Int'' I(1, r:•ut'l'I i !Wet 'for 51e111. of II. A11 1117.. holt lit (l0 71117'1'0,1• I'4r.1 lir!) '7)11,1 411(\1'1''' 'front/10'7, 40((14, .471(71)(0 Coate iziu" Seals, I)1,'-ln o11'l! j 111(1 111H JI(1:i11'Ipt„171(1, 11'1( 1'1 "411'.' (I!' ' I el'l ll l'1 t l'Ullbli'.4, • They Ill', „ Lord (!(411;!„11 0)111141 1171 111 informing 1111)1''4.001! fel' ('II1Id1.1'tl 174' 41 ;111 "('9--11'0171 the11,11' S1t1'1rt!1111`'1l'!l'1'It(1,CILiItL11'/.Ul!1111 1'0 \0111](41, 41'71') 111 I'xrcllcnl health and :;lilt• ' nem kora • k 1.1 4.01114 wen 41104(n child,' leis In iia'loed 1. O 111. 171)i1ed Stnte,; 111).4' its, avid "11714 affair" \4a; pro( re>lan;; :i,, ,'111(1 1114, 'hiti! 4' 1n4.t11 ,,4unrltutee of n `"= Pulp FOUR --TFiE BUT 11 STANDARD --FEBRUARY 21ST, 1907. JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. B E.YT.EH, ONT MOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances wads to farmers on their own nota. No additional security requiied. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS U Current Wu We offer every accommodation con• stunt with sate and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Ileal Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persona wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account. DEPICT HOURS: 10 A.M. to 3 r.et, Business Wards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suo• censor to d. F. Blair. Oflioe over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro• politan Bank. FUOUDFOO'T, HAYS & BLAIR. Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto. Ofifoea—Those formerly open led b Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderlob. W. Proudfoot, K.O. ; R. 0. Hays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, T4.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Oftee over James Cutt'a store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to a p.m, W. J. MILNE, M,D,C,J(. Physician and Surgeon. M.D,C.M., Cul. varsity of Trinity College; M.D., Musen'e University; Fellow of College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.. Cor. aner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F'. e'F3. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office ot'1`HE STANDARD, Hlyth. Blyth Livery MW Sale Rabies taeovoe•e 1)r. J. N. Perdue, Y.S. PROPRIETOR. tseota0000 First•olaes Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of a000mmodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, um. ONLY ONE. ,BEST in the line of business tralnlifg 1netltutev In Canada and that and Is the ivell•known Central Business Coliege of 1'orontl Beet in courses of randy. Beet in num. bere and experience of teachers. Beet In 'securing positions for graduates. Have yon read our catalogue? It explains our method". Get It before you decide which school you will attend. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. You will be welcome. Enter any time. W. 11. SHAW, I'rin, 7;;;ag,oitra,y, $j upwards ---Subscribe for Trut STANDARD. ljle gtj#h i#attbarb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, FEB 21, 1907 Brussels. John Ritchie, of Welland, was visit- ing at his home in tows. Miss Agnes Black, of Wroxeter, was visiting Mies Marggaret Anteut, Mrs. S. Still, of Orangeville, and Mrs. Stoddart, of WInnipeg, Man., are the guests of Mre, Geo. Brown, The body of the late Mrs, Jno.•Barn• hill, formerly of town, was buried In the Brussels cemetery on Tuesday, J. Cra4gie. who has beau teller in the Standard Bank, has been moved to the head office at 'Toronto, Mr. White, of the Der►eronto branch has been moved to Brussels. The Encampment of the I, 0. 0. F., was re -organized on Monday evening. The degree team of the Wingham En. ca upnient took part in the proceedings. A supper was served in the Queen's Hotel after the work was over. Londosboro. Miss Etta Johnston, of London, is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Young this week. Next Sunday, Feb, 24th, Rev, A. C. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, will deliver sermons hero, Rev. Mr, Currie and Mr, Squires will attend as delegates to the Temperance convention in Toronto, 'rho Partnere' Institute meeting which was held in Brown's Hall on Friday evening was well attended, The ad- dreseee given were splendid. . A week from Sunday, March 8rd. Rev, Mr. Anderson from Blyth will preach in the Methodist church while Rev. Mr. Currie will preach inissionary sermons in Blyth. On Monday evening, March 4th, Rev. Rich. Hobbs, of Toronto, formerly of Wingham, will give a lecture to the League. This will be worth coming to hear, All are welcome, J. R, Clark, who gave a good ad- dress to a well•filled house *week ago, expects to be back again about the end of March. Fitz Allis Sprung, of Manitoba, in spending the Winter with his parents,, John and Mrs. Sprung, ou the Base Line Hullett. .lames Young intends `starting to saw in a few days. The erection of his smokestacks is engrossing his at- tention at present, Last week witnessed a fine trial of speed on the new railway. The en• gine was shunting some 'cars at the new station when one of them started un the down grade to the river. Brakes in the form of railway ties were thrown across the track and were successful in stopping the runaway before very much damage was done. Seaforth. Fifteen lady employes of the W. E. Southgate Co., arrived in., town, The uew clothing titctory/le Seaford), under the new managemtnt of Mr. Southgate, started full operations on Thursday morning of last week, 'rhe Seaforth Band was , granted the sum of $100 for this Summer's concerts. While looking through' some old hooks the other day '1'hoy, Hatches, found a twenty dollar bill, which judg- ing from its ragged and •worn appear• ance, tnust be a very old one. Miss Evelyn Darwin,'bookkeeper for the R. McKie Bu gy; Co,, of Plat,ts• ville, has been offered and has accepted the position of assistant hook-kettOr for the W. H. Willie Shoe Co. of this town, and, assumes the duties of her new position on Feb. 25th. R. C. Cheswright, Walkerton, was a Seaforth visitor on Suttt►'day, Mr, Cheswright has resigned from the tonching staff of the Walkerton High school and has acceptea lucrative position as bookkeeper in.Toronto. 'Mr. Uheswright, who taug t)t, in Seeforth before going to Walkerton, was a patron of all outside' games, especially football. In which latter•lte was parti- cularly active. The Western Football Association recognized hie services by honoring hits with the , presidency of the association, Mr. tJhostwright's resignation takes effect :March 1st. WlnphomI. Young & Mellurney'have dissolved partnership, Mr, McBurney retiripg, Many new buildings. Mill be .erected in Winghaan during the'Etowi►igfeum- mor, On Friday evening, 22nd'•iinst., one of the best hockey gatnes.of the season is expected to take place horn, '}'lie con- testing teams will be Stratford and the ideals,• John Wilson, V, S., is getting out timber to be used in tho building of two stores on his property on "Josephine street. The second story of the build- ing will be ueod for the Oddfellowe. The Uuion furniture factory narrowly escaped a blaze Monday afternoon. About an hour' after the men started wurk fire was discovered in the engine room, hut willing hands formed a bucket a brigade and what might have proved a serious conflagration was soon extinguished. Surveyor Bolton, of Listowel, was here taking levels for the new building to bo erected by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr, Crawford'e lease of property expires this month. The work of removal of tine old building will then begin, to make room for the new and substantial structure. Wingham post office trill now be open to box -holders from seven a. nt, till nine.p, rn. This is a change many business men have desired for a Tong time but could not be granted while in the old office, and will allow of the London mail being sorted and if neces- sary important letters being answered the same evening. The many friends of Rev. E. R. Pith, pastor of Wingham Baptist Much, will ,regret to hear that a To- ronto specialist finds that he has par• tial paralysis of the vucal cords, and may have to take* prolonged rest from public speaking. tl'is will be much re• grafted as Mr, Fitch gives promise of an exceptionally bright future, It is hoped, however, that the affection may only be of is temporary character. The general store of T. A, Mills was entered by some, person on Sunday. The would•be burglar, by the help of a long step ladder, entered the store from the rear through a wiudo y, one of the panes of which he smashed. The store appeared to be pretty well rummaged, but no far nothing seems to be missing. Even the change was not taken ont of the till. Some large wallets, contain- Iag fishing tackle, which was kept In a drawer, showed signs of inspection, but no doubt the burglar was badly disappointed when he found what they contained. ' • Westfield. La Grippe is still raging in this part, Some of the children have mumps and measles. • Mrs. M. Lockhart and Mrs. Geo. Henderson are on.thcsick list. David Dunbar is, we are pleased to state, on the mend at present. Miss Kate Dunbar, of the Gth, was visiting Atrs, D. Dunbar over Sunday. Roland Vincent left on Monday Inst for Clinton, whore ire will learn baking. Miss keit, Du►lbar and her brother visited Misses Mary and Susie Dunbar. A Literary Society has been organiz- ed at 8, S. No. 18; lith lino Meetings to be held every Tuesday evening, Miss Maggie Harrison, who has been visiting her brother in Chicago for a couple of months' has returned home. We are sorry to say Mrs. Jackson 1t'ightman, of Godorich, is still vary low, Gordon E. Wightntau is also on the sick list. • Wm. Scott, lth line, who had the misfortune to have his house burnt some weeks ago, is busy hauling the Inrtterial for the erection of another during the cowing Summer. League met on Sunday evening, taken by Miss Clerk and ?Liss }label McDowell, MissChristiana McClinton, who has been the efficient organist for five years, has resigned, Her place will bo taken by Mrs. Robt, 'Henry, Bllyth Ooatnet1 A special meeting of Blyth Council on Friday evening when the members the peeve, Councillors Chellew, Gerry and Hill wore present, It was moved by Gerry seconded by Chellew that the agreement as now presented to thil council dated Feb. 16th, 1907, between Mrs, Emily R. Hill and this corporation be accepted and that the said agreement ho signed by the reeve and clerk in behalf of this Municipality and' that the corporation seal be attached thereto. Carried. Moved by Gerry seconded by Chel- lew that Bylaw No. 4, 1907, be rend first and second titne and that it bo published in THE Bz.Yrrtt STANDARD for three successive issues the first publi- cation being on February 21st inst. Carried. Moved by Rill; seconded by Chellew that we do now nd journ. Curried, Norris Couno%. The Council mot pursuant to adjourn- ment, members alt present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, The auditor's report on the accounts of 1906 was presented and exatnlned by. the Council. It was moved by Mr,'Campboll, seconded by Mr. McCutcheom.that said report. .be adopted. Carried. 'Ponders were received fon' the con- struction of the 'Ellison drain and on motion of Mosta), Shaw and Taylor the tender of P. Nicholson for doing the work at'1,l}c� per yd. was accepted. On motion qt dtessrs. Campbell and McCutcheon, Richard Procter was ap• pointed collector int a salary of 885.0)) nn fnrnishing;satiefactofy security for the faithful performance of the work. Accounts wore ordered to be paid as follows :—Cotl'ori►tion of Grey bdy, line acct., 626,14 ; .T, Hall, printing ballots, 64.00 ; R. JollnMton, auditors nalnry, 68.00; T. S. Brandon, expenses re Co, rate. $5.00 ; W, Clark, fees re Ellison drain, 820,00 ; rt.( 8, Bandon, hahinco of salary, 825.01: 'T, 8. Brandon. postage and stationary, 61.50 ; McKin- non Bros, re ; cotinty work on IVost bdy,, 814,50 ; Andrew Miller, services as caretaker, $i3.0() By.law No. -2, 1907 way duly road and passed. On motion -of Shaw and Taylor the Council then :adjourned to meet nbain on March 11th. W, CLARK, Clerk, CftGROH 1YATL+9. • Rev. F. 0: Nichol, of Cargill, will preach in :;•t. Andrew's church next Sunday. . Litany sorrvicRs will he hold in Trinity church followed by a short ad - drool by the Rector every Wednesday evening through Lent, commencing at 8 p, tn. A congregational meeting will bo hold in St. Andrew's church on 'Tues. day afternoon, Feb. 20th to see if they are ready to call a preacher to this charge. See page 8 for the program of Gob - rich District Epworth League and Sunday School Convention that 18 to be held in Blyth on March 7 and 8 in the Methodist church. Rev. A. Leslie Howard, M. A„ of Cayuga, took for his tonic Inst Sunday morning in 8t. Androw's church ''The creation of man in the image of God." In the evening he spoke on "The Power of religion," Rev. W. H. Bartley will give n course of sermon' on ttie seven words from the cross. Ono word will be used as a topic for each 8undaq evening's service until Easter, The first word next Sunday. Try to hear the fall course. Salo Register: SATURDAY, Feb. 28. --Auction sale of farm stock and implements at Wh lot 118, con. 4, Rust 1Vawauosh, Sale without reserve at 1 o'clock. Abram J, Vint, Prop„ John Purvis, Ane. • OAS IN THE STUa1ACII. Belching and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating is caused b • the formation of gas, The stomiteh (Rile to perform its functions and she food fernients. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder, They aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach and bowels, For sale by all drugi;iits, \VL aro pleasedto note the in• creasing interesting being taken in tlio local paper by correspondents and subscribers,. Wo take this privilege of thanking all who aro doing so much to advance the in- terest at this popular paper and to the large number who have recently had their names placed on our lists and marked Jan, 1st, 1908. A few have failed to remit for next year's suhicription, but we feel confident that all will be paid up by the lst of February. otter: to Cr':( itors, In the matter of the Estate of Martin Cndo, late of the Township of Mor- ris, in the County of Huron, Gen- tlemen, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby Ora, purenant to Revised Statutes , of Ontario, 1897, and amending Acts, that all creditors having any claims against the estate of the said Martin' Cade, who died on or about the Thirteenth day of February, A. D. 1007, are required ou or before the Twenty. third day of March, A. D. 1907, to send by post, prepaid, to Joseph Ormsby, E q., Blyth P. O., one of the executors of tau said estate, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of. the securities of any) held by them. AND N0l'ICE Is further given that after the sold last mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par. tics entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of welch they shall then have notion, and that the said executors will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoee notice shall not have been been mei. ,.J by them at the time of ouch distribution. Dated at Brittle's, this 19th of Feb. ruary, A. D. 19(17. A. 13 MACDONALD, Siltoltor for 11101f AS II1SNitY CAnr:, C:►atharn, Ont. JOSEPH GRA9nr. Ii y th, Ont., Executors, 1ud;cial Salo 'of Property in the TOWoship of ullottt Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Juste' mule In the notion of Mary Hellen (,) ambers agalust M.rgaret Ka1ly, there will be r ff•"red for ha,e with the sip probation of B. L Doyle, the L Master at Goder:ch, by '1'riomas Brow ', Auction. ear, at the C.snrrnerntal Hotel in the V.1• lage of D! it), at 1,30 o'clock In the ate). noon on Monday, tee 4.h day of M trop, 1907, all and singular thst certain parcel or tract of land and premise., Mutate, h• Ing and being in the Townsh►i' ei 1t ,1 .,tt In the County of Buren and 1,' , virtue f Ontario, emtatning one hundred and Shy scree, More or less, end descr ped as Lot Number Fifteen in the Thirteenth Con. cession of the said of sullen, The lands Ile (t►.au eacoilent farming lo. entity within two.ntiles of the Village of IIlvttl,' On the lands are erected a ommodloue brick bduse and large barn, with stone stabllug underneath, 'rhe soil is rioh and in a good state of Cultivation and there Is a plentiful water supply, a good orohard and all the appurtenances of a tlrst•olass farts. The property will be offered for Rale, subject ,to a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of his purchase money et the time of sale to the Vendor or his solloltor, and, the balance In thirty days thereafter tato Court to the credit of We action, without interest, 'I'he'Vendor will only be required to fur. nleh a llegietrar'rabstrnot of title and to produoe...such deeds, caplet' thereof, or evldenrels of title as are In their posses. Rion. In all other rospoote the terms and conditions of sale •will be the standing conditions of this Court. Further particulate can be had from W. lltivn�xt;, SAicttor, Clinton, or from • 13 L. DOYLE, Local Master at Gaderioh. Dated this l l th day. of Feb., 1907. GIRLS WANTED,—For the several de. partnnents of an up.to.date knitting nt111, Moms bright and clean, work light and pleasant. Good hoard et low inures. Pay by day or piecework at the highest rates. Apply at once to PEN. MAX n, LIMITED, Paris, Outgrip. FOR SALE.-13riok cottage, 0 rooms, hard and soft water, new furrow, a good garden with large and email fruit trees, also small stable. Everything in No. 1 shape, For psrtioulars apply to Mtts, JouN T. CARTER, Blyth. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGIIAM BRANCH. SOUTH, a40 330 43 3 33 limt 3pm 44 0314 34Pt 50 47 4 23 05 4 39 15 4 47 22 4 52 35 5 05 55 15 1r 520 05 5 30 5 37 21 5 40 29 It 54 3735 377 000 45 0 10 Noa'ru. am pm Wingham 11 10 7 35 Wingham Jot. 11 00 725 Belgrave 10 50 7 13 Blyth 10 38 700 Londesboro 10 80 0 62 Clinton 1015 635 Bruoefleld 9 58 0 19 Kippen 9 50 6 11 Hensall 9 44 6 05 Exeter 0 30 554 Centralia 9 18 5 43 Olandeboye 9 00 5 34 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 30 Denfield 8 55 5 25 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 -Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 500 London 8 16 4 60 =some rrorYIIR•i!Rtl/K'371R rc •anAiIRoo)7/fre 00,0,00 Boys' Suits Odd sizes in Boys' two and three piece Suits, They range in price from $1.50 up to $5. Now you can have them at ao to 5o per cent discount, We want to clear them out before the new Spring Clothing comes, 30 Pieces Wrapperette 30 'Good patterns, good cloth, were sold at toe to • 17c per yard. Now they must go at 8c, toe and 1 2C. They seem too good to sacrifice but we must have the room. About two dozen Stocking Caps left in red, blue and fancy. They are going fast at cut prices. There are still a few of those 20C ones left, J. A. ANDERSON 13 IL•Vir 111 A'Al e e rlernormeo0) 0ye;;a, ' e M'f `ree 0 0 0; k0( o, 0. o, ,0 (. 0' 0, (0; 0 00! 0) 0 0. ONS Watch this ad. next week. Bargains in Furniture and Carpets We have an immense stock of goads on hand, These goods must he sold, '1.'o induce you to buy during the winter we. are offering extra in. dueetuents, Your money will buy more goods now than any other time of the year, firing In your pictures untl get them framed, J. H. CHELLEW • - BI.4YTH TURKEYS W.A.NT E ID We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the .highest market price, Write for particulars and state how many you have, ' The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. Strong Heads and Skilled Hands to the Front ! Attend the Famous TORONTO, ONT. and be properly prepared for buelness positions. We deal only in high grade business education—the kind every young man and woman should have. Our school has now the largest attsndanoo Int Its his. tory. Commence now. Prepare well and smelts is certain, No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue free. 'W, J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, Oorner,Yonge and Alexander Stlteets, IIAY IIItOS, have shipped in carload of Al e:riven Carn and also it carload of good Family Flour shipped from Baden Mille, Apply to John Potter, Blyth Eh.vetor, HOUSE IND LOTS—Foil-8 1L11, --The ui.etorIgited ulcers for sale Lugs 88 and 89, W.'strnoreland streee, In the village of 13•yth. 0'1 the premises there 14 a °env nt•blui'k veneered residenee 20x28, kitchen 16x22 attached, bard and s'.ft water, gnat can tent stable, Must, hi mold as proprietor is going Wes'. F.,r fnrthiirartioulers apply to JOHN F. NIVINB, Myth. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stnn vteh Llvr'r, Ktrinevs and for elem•h.g the mood. 200 tIK%R treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 25c, Per sale tit Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kinctrdine, Ont. ROBERT H. GARNISS BLUEVALE -- — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terme reasonahlr, Sales arranged for at '('tis STANDARD o11let', Blyth, Fk.131(UA1'.v 21sT, 1907--TFIE BLYTII STANDARD ----PAGE I1VE. Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash price. Next csr hero on Da. 101h. Crain okeoks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILL,AM & CO. 'Oinsley Street • Hlyth The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching Is done by able In. structors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to get the best poss. Ible commercial training patronise this school while business mon are In search of our graduates to 1111 responsible positions. The best time to enter our classes Is now. Beautiful catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACNLAN, Principals. TOWN TOPICS. ASSESS0it COWAN is At work; HORSE Fair next Wednesday. THE STANDARD gives the news. Din you get a Valentine hast Thursday ? THE STANDARD telephone is No, 4. If you 'have a newsy, Item ring us up. MARKET REPORT.-- Wheat 67-68 ; I3arleY 94-95 ; Oats 36-36 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 18-19 ; Eggs 21. Tats week C. II. 13eese, of the Blyth flour mills, is filling an order for 1000 hags of 140 pounds each of' flour for Glasgow, DURING the past week Isaac Brown has been preparing to stove the house on his Int next TITE STAN I)ARD (fllee up to the evaporator where It will he used las a storehouse. A NEWSPAPER is placed in a peculiar position often. It will refuse advertising ler city houses in order to stand by its own mei.- chants, but a solicitor for a city printing office will came along and take away work from tho veru men the paper has made the sacrifice for. A business than will not refuse trade from outside sources and whim newspapers do so, in the interests of business men, there should be enough reciprocal feeling to see that they do not suffer financial loss by it, "WEs1'ERN CANADA" is an eighty - page pamphlet issued by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway for the gait!. Once of intending immigrants or settlers, It deals with Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and New Ontario, and tells how to reach these places, how to obtain lands and how to make a home,. It tells of the soil and climate of these portions of Canada, the kind of ct'ops raised, system of land survey, free homestead regu- lations, mineral, hind and lumber and grazing regulations, etc, It also has a largo map showing the system of land survey and the lines of the C. P R, ns well as some interesting letters from settlers tell- ing of their success out West. Tht' pamphlet is illustrated, and will be invaluable fur its information Con- cerning the Western country to all who may go out there The book- let Can bo obtained free by anyone writing for it to the advertising; de• partment of the company at Mon- treal. A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly 3Q years. We will be found at the same old stand. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. rAnizasilgoraw„An,EiziwiriEzr.i..tw FA 101 re. f'.� �v� i/►1 V4 /01 FA FA i kvA fA rAl rAl I 1 9 THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE S'T'ORE %V1'1'11 WOIVI'IIY 0001)S ON SALT; AT MODERATE 1'1110E8 FOR CA8I1 AND FARM PRODUCE. NEW SPRING GOODS Our Spring Goods tiro commencing to arrive and having a splendid showing of Dress Goods in all the loading shades, Greys in every shading in one, two and throe tone mixtures, pepper and salt mixtures, small pin checks and invisible effects. We also have a good assortment in Priestley's Black Dress Goods, New Prints lvo have also receive) a shipment of Now Prints, good pat- terns and good shades, suitable for %veering apparel, Also a large �r variety of Cotton Goods fur summer dresses, • MA We still have some special offerings in Furs which will int sold dV regardless of cost. A fresh of Groceries always on hand. VA WA1 Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. Highest prloes paid for Farm Produce. PA E. BENDER, Elas. gientsg!,:impTiagn-.13-4-1.7iiatigng BLYTH •'':V '•APiTAL PAID I)P: TOTAIL ASSItT8: RBHIovi Pl1ND; 12,1,00,000 Thirty-two Million Dollars 112,500,000 k4 YAC EANK OF IIAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted ,SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. 96 Blanches throughout Canada. We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, (.int. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. .'.l. t}. THE hockey boys played the re- turn match at Walton last Thursday night and suffered a defeat at the hands of that team by at score of 14-5. The Munroe Bros,, of the Seatorth league team, played for Walton and thus enabled them to win. With those two players off Walton would hardly be in it, , A very enjoyable At ilotne was given by the ladies of the "hill" bo longing to St. Andrew's church, Blyth, _ under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, on Thursday evening last at the residence of Mrs. Wm, Campbell, North street, The roams were beautifully decorated American beauty roses, lilies, pink carnations, smilax and fern 'Telt was served in the dining room on a table fragrant with -baskets of pink, lilies of the valley and asparagus fern, and was in charge of the Misses Dodds, Bennett, Stewart and Camp- bell. Proceeds were over $11. WORD reached here on Tuesday evening of the death in London of Agra, J, M, Hamilton, Al; hough it has been known fur some titne past that, firs. Hamilton was seriously ill, the news of her death was re- ceived with touch surprise and great regret, Ahout 12 weeks ago 6h0 was taken to London for treatment, being affected with a nervous de. bility which eventually turned into stlauutia, but all that medical skill could do was unavailling and she passed away as ahuvn stated The deceased lady was born in East Wawanosh 45 years ago, being a daughter of the late George Me. Gowan, one of the earliest settlers of that township. Mrs. Ilamiltotn was a consistent member of St Andrew's church and was hold in the very (highest esteem by all, being of a true and loving disposition, a faith- ful wite and affectionate mother. 'l'Iio sympathy of the entire com- munity Is Wended to tho bereaved husband and only daughter, Miss Etelka, The funeral takes place -on Friday afternoon of this week at 1.80 from her late residence to the Union cemetery. TILE tee crop Is not wasting any at present. TiIE February winds are frequent and boisterous. LARGE quantities of logs have been brought to the saw mills this week, ANTER Marsh 1st, 1907, interest will be computed and credited on Savings Bank deposits in the Bank of Hamilton, Blyth, quarterly. viz., Feb. 28th, May 31st, Aug. 31st, and Nov. 30th. 'P. W. SCOTT, Agent. BUSINESS SOLD, -W, Robertson has disposed of his haket'y anti grocery business to Nell wain Bros. These bakers come highly recom- mended as first-class bread and cake makers, We welcome thein to our village and wish them success. They will take possession on Morel' 18th. Mr. Robertson and family still intend staying in town. DIED. -On Tuesday in Mnl'kdnlo Jaiiies ('x passed away after an illness of Int i'ippe which settled on his lungs, at the ago of 82 years and 6 months, Deceased formerly lived in Hallett, on the 10th' can., and left the township about 4 or 5 years ago [lo leaves two children, Samuel and Mrs. Mason, of Mark. dale. Funeral took place today from the G. T. R. station at four o'clock to I3aa!l's cemetery in Mullett, A REvtt;LATICN OF CANADA. - After 40 years service in the c'tuse of good farming, the Farmers' Advocate and Marne Magazine, of IJt'ndon, Ont., has, in its Christmas Number of 1906, distanced all previous records, both in the gener- al interest and value of the articles and the richness and variety of its illustrative features, particularly the tricolor process work., Most imposing of the hitter is the ouble page panoramic view of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, which every farmer's son will aspire to attend after the faithful account given nf•what is done in that s'reat institution, There are tiight.culored pages in the number, besides over eighty wash drawings and photo engravings, iltcludltig the counter again. FLOUR havorite $1.10 per 98 lbs, Manitoba 2.25 Five Roses2.60 Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE six full-page and many half -page pictures, Thu best artists of Coma) hitve contributed of their choicest works to its pages. The articles on agriculture and other subjects are it brilliant revelation of Catada, and Great Britain its well. When you have seen and read this number you will have en ,I'tyed one of the season's best treats. Some idea of the size of this special issue may be had from the fact that each paper weighs a pound net. A LADY who understands adver- tising says ;-No lady wishes to be looked upon as a shopping fiend ; she does not care to go into a store and have a Merchant show all his stock in order to find out whether he keeps what silo wishes to pur- chase and whether the articie is sold at a price she can afford. It is much easier and pleasant to look through the advertisements in a paper than it is to bore the clerks and waste her own time. Next to the local news items, the advertise- ments in a paper stating articles for sale with prices, will keep much of the money that goes to the large cities at home. iVHA'r I8 PHYSICAL CULTURE. -It is exercises given to genertitc f.)rce (n nerve centres, the real source of perfect strength, It given an easy dignified cn'ringe, Ease and grace simply means the muscles brought under the control of the will. Not a W01111111 111 seventy -live 8(111►(15 reedy with the weight lifted from the vital organs, and with vital force at a low ebb the organism is a prey to all diseases. Physical culture corrects all deformities and makes beauty, grace and symmetry of form. Anyone wishing to start a course of' lessons, or for more infor- mation call on MRS. ARCH. 'TAYLOR, Dermatologist and Teacher of Phy- sical Culture, People VVe Know. Mr, N. 13, Gerry was in Brussels on Friday. Alt'. A, W. Robinson is visiting at Barden this week, Air, and Ars, IVnm, Jackson spent Tuesday in Brussels, Barrister J. A. Morton, of 1Ving- hattn, was in town Tuesday. Mr, J. Leslie Kerr spent a few days at his hum) in Brussels, Mr, George IVainbuld spent last wock at his home in Dashwood, Mr, 1V, W. Sloan, of '!brunt., was renewing old acquaintances in town, Mr, W. .1. Pyle is on at two weeks' business trip up on the 'Northern lines, Miss Emma Moser WAS on the sick list during the past week with the prevailing cold, Mrs, (Rev.) Hartley is visiting at llarristuu where her mother Las been on the sick list, DIr, iVill, and Miss Sara Caldwell were the guests of their brother George, over Sunday. Miss Eva Cater entertained a number of het' friends on friday evening of last week. MIss AIa3 13e11 is visiting at Sea - forth before returning to Toronto for the millinery openings. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. IVutigh, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home home ut' Air, and Al's, John Etnigli, Miss Etta Wanless left baturdaay fur Termite where she has taken at position in a millinery establishment. 11,1r, J. S. Gulden was at Mel- bourne last week at)tenclieg the funeral of Mrs, Gulden's f .tier, Mr, Cooper, Aims Jean McInnis left Monday for 'Toronto where' she will spend two weeks iii the millinery waole• sale previous to the openings. Miss Agnes Gusman ►sus off duty at the postollice utting to having had an attack of la grippes but we are pleased to see her at her duties once again. Alt'. A. E Bradwiu, ut' that 'Patron• w Saturday Night, Isas in town Wednesday attending a meeting of the Directors of tho Morris Branco Ag -I.. Society.. Mr. R M. McKay is back to his old position in A1I. F. AIetcalf's Jewelry store and lois many friends will be pleased to sae him behind IP FPI t)a2 CL' tOL lfl All Doparlmont$ Never before have we shown such complete- ness in the stock. Each department is sparkling with the new ideas for spring. Our endeavors to put the stock into shape for novelties has been realized by having everything reduced in quantities WI and replaced with something up-to-date for the coming season : 88 01, 1,'tdies' Collars and 'Pies, In silk, linen and cotton, from 5c to $1.50, Ladles' 11 ►ndkerehiet', in cotton, linen and silk, from 3e to 50c. 1,arlles' (i',.ve-, in long, medium and short, from 25e to $1. 1,'tdies' Underwear, In cotton, white and cream, from 5o to 25o ; wool, white and grey, from 50: to $1 ; cotton and wool mixed from 25c to I,'tdierr and Children's hose, In wool, from 15c to 50c. C.n ton !Jose for ladies from 10e to 50J. Children's Cotton Hose from 5c to 25c. t1,1 Canadian, German 00, C ;1 Valenciennes Laces tui u5 t83 ;.;4P4: and English Prints This year we handle in English Prints, Crumbs, Ashton, Potter, Swanky nn'I Gr•tft'n Prints, at 121". In Ci' ging'. Prints we haw.: the celebrated Banner Prints at 7o, R;', l0c Ami 12lic-gti .r•anteed hast in colors and extra quality in stook and ' kith. G rman Blue.., in blue and white only, at 1210 and 15c. N•, antictp ttcl an adv ince in theme laces and bought early to se- cure our shit.ment,. in time and to get our variety at old prices. Today we have the t► .t ter ••, q,ratlties and quantities for you to inspect and at prices from 2u to 15c a yard. i, . Corsets Corsets chi We carry the chnir•em of the following Corset makes, In white and ;ID vies, C. en toil, D.&A..I'.&C..C.&\V., 1'.N,B.&C,,E.&T., 13. 'a ,i,& I., C. 13. C., ,t pi iu..s !rim 50J to $1.50 A pair. ' C 2 h 013 • 4' �` 0ts1 Cl7 1$ Cgi2 �j. MI./ M. tlJ2 4 'FI SP WI S3I. (t S r r! lr ♦rq. le lir r rt le,a•r� 1' 41ttt" I OI �J�11� ►IiI`JYiNL�LJiriiir�Jir►Jjr►Ji1GJtt,:;: 4,,1Jitlut838,1illt:411. 41,1 iii; , \ i► English Tweed Dress G-oods for your Spring Dress from 50c to $1.00 a yard. POPLESTO'NE 8a CARDINER Successors to Mc1UNNON & CO. 401.1.11•111•011•1111 "MOWN Fresh Groceries 13reaimfast Fronds ; t. w ■ . meats Lemons and Oranges. Flour—Five Star Manitoba. and Choice Family. Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR ' - - BLYTH Fortunes Made. Cobalt appears to occupy' the Minds of tho greater percentage of men at i hti present time, hecttnst; so ntau% tales of that country's richness are 'spreird broadcast and many fortunes are said to have liven made, ''Phere i8 no doubt that rho mineral wealth of rho district will gm' ve to he beyond all dreams of Itvar 00, and t hero is much money t o he made if the right than knows how to do the right thing at the right time. Instead of dealt g with ,the Cobalt district, however colo' to your own door, and find out whether Soil are do- ing the right thing at the right time, Are you getting the best value far t money you expend on yon( iminernno-. purchases of the tunny necessities of life ? 'There are ninny possibilities in the Money making' line in thio respect, tint you must fears to buy at the richt stole, and there is only oil'' away to •10 it -study the advertisements ill your n' wspnper. ltrnu nlber tho old saying : —Look Itf1' r the coppers ,,nd t he ti .1liu's will look after themselves, 1Z ght hny;ng will cret'te it real income. Be a good shopper. 13e sure that you are saris - fled with every purchase you make. Now, givo it a trial. not only rend, hat study the a'l%ertisemeuts, ' The Int'rchant who wants your trade will 800111111 his ads. imtetest you, 4.4.4? 1•••-•• Fon SALIN.-Soave pure tared Wynn dot t cockrels and eggs for hatching, pply to 1V, J. Andrew, 131yth, ITCIHING PILES. If you are acgn11inted with anyone who is troubled witI Alts distressing ailment you can do him no greats' favor than to tell him to tri' Ch„mber- lain's Salve, It gives instant relief. Price 25c per box, Sold by all drug- gists. Subocribo for THE STANDARD, The Tomb. li•�tn.TON.-In London, on Tuesday, Fob, '19th, Eupheinia McGo\vain, beloved wife of .T. 111, Hamilton, of lllyth. aged 45 years. Cox, -I n Varl(dale, on Tuesday, Feb, 19th, James Cox, formerly of Hal- lett, aged 82 years and 13 months. h;l:Ll,t=-In Morris, on Peb,, lfitl► J;tmes Louis, infant son of Albert, and Mrs. Kelly, aged 5 1nos, and ti days. Subscribe for THE STANDARD. hen the sir Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It's nature's way. The beet kind of a teettmonitsl- "t9old for over sixty years," Hutto :Tot. o. nll•r Ue„ L,otr•n, 1"" L1•o waautYelur.r• of 9 SARSAPARILLA. tiers CIILRJtPILLS. Y PECTORAL. ,•.µq„ •it..,J8.1•.,,&,.p,.w'.•.n.,..r 4 .n..„'., -.,.t.' oM rli:10/1.. ire... r...rr..rw•*.r.w CURRENT COMMENT 'Phut Thaw cane is a i'ino iilu.,it;iti,';l of \\1:;:t. su'm's cart flu I'; way 1tr•. inga i loll•-llul'•11 111:11,X(.; is (hro''ry of an angel, !i ler 1'dty; r(: lis. •+.f•--- i., .:'' , 111th' tiiil't is Ilii i,.til'ileys al,l•o''!. 11,10: ,1: oei 1.1 l'a::• :I t 21.111' t', t,,. !' mingling ,`Telly t•,ilh the twopI.'. !li'Itj.iI 1t':na!e tiillarar,. ( 11:'1,1 a pro- cess iu:1 :lull dcnl.l::,lrltt'•i their 1 aipa- thy ..ith ti: ln,l',''n::,::. man,v titled tt twice is t!1,' Cohn, It is estimates' that there hate !'.•ell .100,000 divurec; ill the foiled state:, in the last twenty years. 'ih.lt gestive of a multitude of child', limas have Icon broken up aung w.!. ' 1..' V.' been denied their rights of pa.rc,:t.il and training. ;•4(11!:e i1:1111,11'1'led lt•nl1l.'l1 ,1i al.1 a' -itt< have p.•titionial the L _'i.L',,,.'e ,., the State l', i:i1;lt!•e` a e•ik'l'i.11 l.ix .,n 1:':• '(:!at is Itilt,u;1.1v as a spur to n:atriil:uuy. .11:1 t':ta:oa firm any fair l' -timate of the i i \\itt!I- Oat •el'1;l f til!' 1lhutfig.i'apil.i t 1 El.-- ca - illi; gids, 044 The late Russell Sage rliutveu 1,1 we!i known sagacity in leaving his twr,,, 1: :: t,, his wife to distribute, llcr et}:itriuuti'I: of 1,000,000 to the lien`.--alaer Feist iese sic Institute at 'Croy, and a similar t_';i:. to the Emma \Willard Sseninarg in the scone city, prove that. So far, ':' :ssly I'11Ii d any objections to the reseivile, of the money, aithotlgh it is de: I . i it was COMIC by itny more hone -t: welt .lurlryg%v Carnegie',, n iIlij: . 'tatistics rollcetvd at \Va-hin';ton ;dotty that th..i property fire in the t nit d Stat!.; in 11)lix" •t't:- cd in vaiue i,•500,1)OO.t;;)0, Add to t(l'.t the cost 1:.1 keeping 111) the tine depart- ments throughout the country, and tilt loss through fire in twelve months in the ;Mate; must be appalling. 711" pity of it is that much of it wa i In r•': cii::: ,;; . and a great deal of it criminal. The Havana seismographs showed that the earth's crust (mediated 11) LilIli- 111et1.c.3 in the J:uuaican e:u'tiiq,:al:e. That is nearly three-quarters of ::n inch. But i.; it certain that their record is cor- rect ? ur•rect? Oscillations of as much a: a font are on record, and it took more t::an an oscillation of three-quarters to ;uI ineii to %wreck well-built frame struetures, '1.11e seismoghaph must nit set tit 1') minisli;: Jamaica':, carthy;tal:", or it will soon earn as bad a name a; the gas meter. •40 The American Institute of Social Sci- ence held an exhibition in 'Net; York the other day of a1111iances for prevent- ing accidents to workmen when at work. It has been computed that more men are killed in the Ftatcv while at work in o:10 year than were lust duri!1;: the Philippine ear, and most of the :Hai - dents are said to be due to want of proper care fn and proper facilities for performing the work. Societies for the pl•evelltioll of :accidents are en!nlllin in Europe, and there is room for them in this country. * 4 o. 1t u. 1200' defillitel,y known that .1d- 11111'al 'Lois took no steps 11t kill;."9i ^n not right and 1u•uper, .!drain' l•.va;l•: commends itis conduct as "ili.geiiil'd and masterly" under --well, "under sot/Ito:dint eine au'ras:•;ir.;; circumstances." "Ile senior officers can almost be heard thank:;;: tlod between lines that the refined and scholarly'Ilawi' and not "Eighth:a Bob.' was called upon to handle that Heli,ate flituatinn.--11'Iffalo Clomnlrrci'1l, Shiver my timbers, but it was a 112 ky .heap.! Bub alight have lauded a hot one 011 11 is Excellency's (ye, n1', belle]: still, have scuttled the measly island and sent the, wlioll> "shebang" to the bottom of the ocean, :i contemporary informs us that a bride wears it veil at the altar be(11114e it; was the Anglo-Saxon custom to per- forn the nuptial ceremony under n square piece of cloth held at each corner by 11 tall man, the object being to hide the bride'+ bIti !ie . Fr011t gliding both bride and bridegroom the custom changed until the, bride only was shielded from the inquisitive gaze, and it veil was substituted for the cloth, How fashiote, cold customs do porsi,;t after the occasion tbat called then into use is gone! 1Ve still keep up the " 11ide•the-blushes" veil, nitlough the bride to be sheltered from the public gaze would kick 11110 11 'Texas steer if anything had been neglected to aldol the wedding, its tvlliell she is the cynosure (inn't that the word?), the biggest circles of the fashionable season, w..«+....Ir•,11.r.wfi w_.Mr 41,4V..1,•.M.,. I*. 4,N0,.Ml.,4.1,7M.1MrMr.Y> Or. H. Mack's Rheumatis ©Orvnpotulrnd Cares Rheumatism -sand cures it to stay eared. To prove it., Dr. Mack will ;rive you n bcttle to try, asking you to pay only the express (about 2Se). Write to-day—to 1)r. 11 11, ?d.u'k, 110 Longo street, Toronto—and get a full size $12100 bottle nl so:utely FE SME The Favorite Girl. She is the girl %'ho is not. "too bright and too gond" to be able'• to find joy and pleasure all over the world. Sho is the girl who appreciates the tact that she cannot always have the first choice of everything in the world. She is the girl who is mut aggressive and does not find joy in inciting aggres- sive people. She is the girl who has tact enough not to say the very thing that will cities, the skeleton in her friends' closet to rat- tle his bones, She is the girl wha, whether it is warm or cold, clear or stormy, finds no fault with the weather. She is the girl who when you invite her to any place compliments you by looking her best. She is the girl who makes this world a pleasant place because she i; so plea- sant herself. o4s Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Self -Sacrifice of the Stage Kiss. bulge kisses! >,u one but, till actor or an actress cull fully appreetate what they Paean. The picture as prose ltt`d to the audience it very pretty, but the vision which looms up beton: the eyes of the poor player is something like this: A lace covered with 11 Coating oI cold cream, whioll Lass been po%dered over uthick layer ut earl -white or with) P brunetto powder, 2).3 the case 111uy be. On the cheeks are daubs of rouge, which at that esus: range iat no pos.ibl,e man- ner suggest, as tiaey do to the duaieueo, the rosy eheels of a country lasbie. Ovor the eyes are rubbed a little dark - blue powder to make then( poetiell, 'I'11e under lids are heavily penciled and a mark extends a quarter of an inch from the eye at the end, This snakes thein larger. upon each separate lash is a bead of black c•usmolir, which has the effort of making them heavy and long. The cherry lips, which to the audience the hero is eager to press to his own, are to )lig distorted vision at such close range only a gash of carmine painted into a Cupid's bow. The actress sees before her a picture even less attractive, for ten ch1Li1Ces to one the hero, in ad- dition to his greasepaint, weal; a false mustache, and is alio "smelly" with tobacco. The glare of the footlights tonets clown this conglomeration of paint ,and at a distance the facets are actually pretty, but upon close inspec- tion they resemble nothing more than a very bad oil -painting out of focus. Taken from this viewpoint, some of the very impassioned kisses, featured in plays such as "Zara," " Snpho," etc., re- quire no little self-sacrifice on the part of the ployen..--Ilnrriet Quimby in Les- lie's 'Weekly. The Nova Sentia "Lumber King" says: "I eonsider 111N:1R1)'S LI L'dEN'i' the BEST liniment in 1114.. f got my foot badly januned lately. I bathed it well with Iv11NARD'S LINI- MdEN'T ,ind it was as well as ever o>ext day." Yours very truly, T. G. Mc1LULLEN, Shifting Tracks Nothing New. Somebody has suggested to Commander Peary the idea of building a railway over tho Ice toward the pole that would keep him in touch with lila baso of supplies ut all times. The conunandor thinks the builder would need a lively section gang, becauso parts of the track would be shifted every hour. But Peary mustn't bo as hasty In con- demning the suggestion, There aro certain railways tht seem to bo built under exactly the saamo conditions. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. The Thaw Evidence. (London Advertiser.) There were portions of the evidenoe of M.N. Evelyn Thaw yesterday which no newspaper should have printed. Tho Advertiser, like the 'Toronto, Hamilton, and Tletroit evening newspapers, deleted these paragraphs, and perhaps incurred the displeasure of readers who want every salacious detail of the trial. It is possPde, however, for a newspaper to give the outlines of the stories told by the witn^sses, without filthy partic- ularization. Only the prurient•ninded want more, and their claims are not to be weighed against the danger of pois- oning the imaginations of the young and ilnnlature, • 0 O Mistakes in Measuring Age. Ago is not a question of years, but of experience and of the effects thereof on body, brain or heart. A man may be "old" at 30 or young at 70. The feet of measuring age in years leads to dismal consequences. One who counts his years becomes the victim of a dread- ful autosuggestion. Be thinks that ho should begin to decline at 70 just be- cause he is 70, and not from any inher- ent reason. So lie proeeeis, to decline. Ilis vigor is sapped by a1 (1(10 i'erhnps it would ho well to nlm,1is11 all rr •orris of births and never allow nny one to know his own age in years.—St. Louis Globe. Democrat. PASS THE WINTER IN SLEEP. Starving Russians Endeavor to Imitate Animals Which Hibernate. A St. Petersburg despatch announces that in several of the provincces of Rus- sia, the peasants, as a result of the fauline, have taken to their bells, lying motionless for days at a tinge iu order le weaken the pane; of hanger, The, 01igenev may be nein to the pseudo• hibernation habitually practised by Rus- sian peasant; i11 lin, northern provinces, Ilnl.:blw i11 the t'.kov district. Ii such .:, ilia lase, the li;lydsliip; (;lllur(tl by the peasant tllis w'iltter inay not bi as great :1s :i.,. 28.'1:211 re.:,;t•r i;::1y lie led to be• list c. 'Prue, the p:' a„n-hibernal ion which is (.neral is 1'.;kev has resulted from the fat that 1'a0;in:e i.t well -night 01u'onic there. but by ilra,>ice front time imme- morial the poesanls have become ascus• tweed to imitate the habit of the bear rod marmot in winter, until now the custom is regarded by theta as one of the normal conditions of Inman exist. enc•.. They have a name for this winter sleep, It is called "Iotsku.,r In the brief autumn the housewives of I'skov prepare a sufficient quantity of hard, black 'areal to last tnttil spring. V,hert winter 24 111 in earnest the fam- ily lie down around the stove and go to sk;p. Once"in the twenty-four hours everyone waist, up to nibble at et piece of back bread, which is washed down with a drill's. of wager, Then all go to sleep again. The members of the family tale %vetc11 and watch about to keep the fire going. ;phis pseudo -hibernation lasts until spring, or upward of six months, when the peasant3 take up their humble tasks again, and are busy tnttil the succeeding minter, when silence reigns oven the frozen land once more.—New York Tinges. . _.... .. o... _.,... ••M......1 ( - P' 7 fr}F 77 1 /401 to IT CLEANS AND IT CURES "Royal Crown” tyUn" Rd -Hazel ToilTollei Soap it's a toilet soap and a rncdic:'.tcci soap -- for the price of ordinary soap. Only toe. a cake. 3 cal:ea for 25c. At all Tin:Tlsts P.nd Dealers. o V,M•.'Rl.1r.cTIMMNI CMe M...4 After Skating. Yvette Guilbert, the famous French actress, is an escelentl skater. Talking about it in New York one day, Mme. Guilbert said: "It is only through perseverance that one learn to skate well. 1 am sure no one ever suffered more than I did in learning to skate. "I remember one day in my girlhood, the second or third bine 1 lune ever been on the ice. I was returning home in a crowded omnibus, and a kind old loan got up and offered me his seat. "I shook Puy head, and the old 1111111 laughed a good deal when I said: "No, thank you. live been skating, and 1'1m tired of sitting down,"—Now York 'Tinges. No Need for Ships. (Now York Timer.) Peace between us has quite other and ImmenEely better guarantees than the sta- tioning of British squadrons In the West Indies. It may be added, too, that Bri- tish territory and British interests there, while sato from (:molestation by its, aro fur- ther assured by the fact that molestation from any other qua=rter would instantly be- come a matter of gravest concern for the United States. Reflection, wt} imagine, will measurably diminish Mr. Maclean's regrets over tho absence of British naval vessels from the Atlantic coast. For Strains —of Back --of Stifle —of Whirlebone —of retlock —of Pastern Swelling and all Lame- ness in Ilorses use —of Shoulder —of Hough —of Knea ' —of Coffin joint Fellows' Essence Two 9r three teaspoon- fuls in a little Rum or Brandy, cures Sprains, Bruises and Lameness in 24 hours—takes out all the soreness—and puts horses " on their feet again." 5oc, a bottle, If your drug. gist does not have it, send to theme] Drotf O Chemical Co. ' lrltnitt d, Modred, 11 EVER HAVE HEARTBURN? OR ACID RIFTINGS OF FOOD? Bileans Ends These Symptoms. Plow? BeX'ause when fa'd returns with that sour haste, when you have "heartburn," w-ind after food, or any of these unpleasant "feelings of fulness," it is (..cause your digestive system has given Wily for the time. The "food tax" upon its energies lots been too heavy. 11)1eams just enter the stomastle, and, dissolvving there, they liberate certain Herbal essences w1i.ich at once correct the gastric glands. These essences also pass into the blood and are carried to the delicate vessels of the intestines, :111 along, these herbal 2158(11((:11 tact beneficially, s1.1 that digestive disorders 0)0 corrected. the bowels are gently opcnesl--not violently purged—the Heid 11201 fermenting sulist:111('l'5 ore removed from the body, the bloat is cleared of poisons, alul a feeling of lightness and restore;( vigor, with return of healthy appetite ;and freedom from all dignestive troubles is the result. I3ilnn.ns a1') euro c4>netillation, debility, female 1ailmcnty, piles, headache, and all lives., kidney and stomach disorders. Of all stores and druggists at ,)0 (onto a box, or peat free from the Mean Co., Tor- onto, for price. 6 boxes sent for $2.50. •o Light on a Long -Forgotten Tragedy. I'l.ere has just returned to Berlin Dr. A. von Le Coq, the head of the small scientific party despatched by order of the German Emperor to Chinese Turkes- tan e the 1September, bt 1J0 to Pur• on tett in , e l t m r, 4, work of excavation in and around the town of Tullio, For the Most part these discoveries consist of \ESS, in at , least leu different languages, and paint- ings on hardened mud, plaster and w0(1 There are several in a tongue that is declared to be utterly unknown. These last will probably attract the notice and interest of etymologists throughout the world. Apparently this language is a variation of Syriac. Although most of these manuscripts must date back to the eighth and ninth centuries, if not even earlier, there is no papyrus among them, all being writ- ten on parchment two or three kinds of Chinese paper or leather, Other discoveries made by this expedi- tion were of a more gnlesonle nature. In one temple unearthed from the sande that had long covered it Dr. von Le Coq found some hundreds of dead bodies of Buddhis plonks. Tho place was crowded with these to tho very doors, and evidence was forthcoming of these having been driven into the temple by the Mongol followers of Confucius and then so fastened in that escape was im- passible and death from suffocation Ovals only a molter of time. Probably this masacre took place ten or twelve cen- turies ago, but when the temple was opened the bodies were found to be in a remarkable state of preservakion..—From the London Times. 4,1040441r w•-'hl'L'U1'4'Ii1W'Wu✓'WY.'4111.'t1'W'4'W'b, is Ask for the Purple Package." "RELIANCE 99 BARING POWDER Makes rood Hoalthtful. Coote Loos to Uco. GI•eee Cotter Rosautte. Inulot on tho .atsulne. FREE BEAUTiVUL PICTURE POET CARDS To anyone writing us answering tho fol- lowing; questions we will gladly send ab- solutely 'rroo, poets¢ o prepaid, a sot of tour of our latest edition of beautiful picture poet cards lithographed in brilliant colors :— lot. Alamo your Grocer. 2nd. Plarno this papor. INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO., TORONTO, CANADA 6 R 11db11• , 21, .','Il,t1,111111'IU14111111d,d1ir1 olif1ehadiohnii pmol emo......ri...... When Winter Knocks. (Baltimore Sun.) A sad farotvell to summer time, Good -by to autumn, too. Tbo breezes of a balmy clime, Good -by, good -by, to you. But though tho wailing winds sweep down And nipping grown tho air, Why need we sigh when dreams bo nigh? llo for tho rocking chair! no for the corner by tho blaze, The book, the song, the glee, Tbo sweet delight of winter night, IVith Goldloclts at my knee! Knock, Mr. Winter, at my door! ' Blow, bugle of the storm! Around mo streams the fireside dreams, The love lights keep me warm. And while tho blast beats loud without Till summer we forget • Through all wo know that ',loath the snow Soft sleeps tho violet. d>s The Ruminants. , They are two -toed, hoofed mammals. Their hollow horns grow from bony lumps. Most astonishing, they have four stomachs Tho first stomach holds their half - chewed food. After a rest they bring ft back to the mouth and finish the chewing. These animals aro all without front teeth in the upper jaw. Their long tenth assists the cutting tenth of the lower jaw in clipping grass from the ground. These ruminants comprise one of the most important groups, furnishing much food for inn. Miss Peart—What is your favorite tree, Mr. Dttshaway? Mr. Dashaway Yew, ' SONG OF THE SPARERIBS. !Ma Editor Moved to Ecstasy by the Pleading Prospe t. Behold the hefty 81100.! Seo Lis ro- fluad proportions aglow with oleaginous snore! Watch hint its lie crunches the Kraiu from the cob, changing the rich- ness of the field foto the inc''n:t' of Use t.ody, as surely, a3 gently as the plant changes the sunlight into It (loser. 1t a vision as full of anticip,ltion as at tan to the seaside ur a visit to the !SWllllt1f11 air, Behold again that shote in his final e+natlYsis1 flare is a table spren11 white and in the centre as platter filled to the 'aim with spareribs. 'l'h0 seen( changes. Nero is v'id'e the heart meanders along the lane, of delight, 1.ift n section of that unctuous frnlnl•nvork to your plate '1104 behold the delicious membrane be- tween the ribs, nt1 sweet a morsel 115 n Mend of honey and cream. It la what considerate nature provides to an offset to these keen October clays. Blow, winds, and beat, rain, and stint*, :P ottis—tilatt Cpnl'el'II 810111v ma!;r; ,ins hd you all, How one thanks the cold tomes that conic tearing around the Wilts., with their 'nenac0 of sleet and 1021, 5211 Ile ie only gna0'tal; at a sparerib! (lis triia'y concern is thatt vhf! membrane is (SU too slight, 13ttt he remembers that stature is •sltiaring of her richest gifts. eo with that satisfaction thct sass with a crateful heart lie 11'tl)bles 2112(1 g lIaw':t 1111 the Inst shred of muscle is gene from that fair bone and he looks anxiously Mier at the plotter for more, Will he tlaw'•e take ore? Would,n't you?—'Co- oa tssu, 0.. mEtat( Journal 1....Yr.MLLW. PIMA tL.. R....i1Ytb, W'ti Doct Can cureour Cough or Cold, C no question about that, but -- why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of havinghis , ri ' .1n prescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SIHILOH'S CURL for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SIIILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for tho past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. IIILOIH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure It with HI 605 Arer7✓el.3GY.i9.rtH.1f1Jh 7.7lila, ININIMENIMMINIIMOS He Got the Job, "I was much amused the outer day," said a hardware dealer, "at a small boy who came around for a job. One of the clerks had dropped a lot of sharp -point- ed tacks into a drawer of the brass screws, and had given up the idea of taking thcnt. out. When the youngster turned up we thought we would try him by letting him sort the two articles. He went at it (1)0 same way the clerk had begun, picking out the tacks with the fingers, and getting the point of about every third tack in the ball of his thumb. IIe had enough in about a min- ute, and Ile straightened up. 1Ve all be- gan to smile, expecting him to give up the job. Instead of that he went over to the show ease and picked out a horse- shoe magnet. Then he came back to the box. In thirty seconds Pio had the tanks out and the screws were still in the compartment. He knew that the mag- net would attract iron and not the brass, and in a jiffy he had accomplished what we had been trying to do all the morn- ing. We didn't scaly need a boy, but this little fellow's smartness appealed to us, and we engaged Ilia at once. o$— Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Had a Feeling of Curiosity, (Washington Herald.) 'I wan asked to find out shoo you would pay this little account," eald tho collector, p)cns'Lf'tly, "Really," answered the lobtor, "I am un - "Really," answered rho lobtor;"101 ' nm un- soothsayor in tho next bloclt wthrows a fit and reveals the future at 50e a throw," "I've 110 money to waste;" growled the collector. "Just odd the GO cents to lay account.," continued tho other; "for I have a curiosity on the point tnyself," ISSUE NO. 8, 1907. MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. Wlnelow's Soothlnr 93,:u„ should al- wayn bo used for eh lldrvu teething. It soothes tho ehtla, sootl:d.s the 221.1111.1, curet} wind collo and Is the best remedy for diar- rhoea, CR. LcROY'S FEMALE' PILLS A axle, bare nod1, Il,o lrt tnena4r r,zula- ter. flan )'Pilo !blot) been ,sed in!:t,,,m \' •ti f. r over tin; yearn, fm.n,t Im•nluah14 i '` J 7( • , f, t 1116 pu'pula Jrrlt;ue,l, and 0 0 atwd.UM teed 11 (i:n maker, IIurlwe btarnp for ."C.'il lf►r t• %i ernle,l clron!,r. 1'I1'a 41'0 1.0X Or a'ur,;o1,1 el' 1 y rr.xll, r'cwrly cealtd, au reco.j 1 of 1.1,.a LE BOY PILL 00.. Box 42, Ilamtlton, Oaua'ar- I `T'$. i M Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of cone:glous Itch on 11turlun ur autnlltls cured In s0 nein':tus by \Velford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tails. Enid by drat;gfstu. WHITELEY, UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. How He Found a Wife for an Anglo-In- dian Official in London on Furlough. ":Anglo-Indian" writes to the N. Y. Sun: With reference to the death of the great dry goods prince in London, Mr, William Whiteley, I should like to relate an incident which came under my own observation: ,ll 111.1'.1 I w' 11:1 10 Ind1:L loam' years al'u. It was :dr. White- ley's boast that ycu could get anything ' in his store, from 11 ilia to a plough, and 1 h endeavored to live up to hi3 position as a "universal pruvid: r." 121 the 70's there was at civil officer in the Central Province:l who occupied the position of a collllllissioner, ur t'illtlf civil oflieel' of a division, and eunsegneetly he sus pro• minent socially. During a furlough in England he had patiently looked for a wife; but has not sucsiesb d, 1t licit he was about to re- tt1'n 10 India he lte'it to \\lhitelcy= store and made some largo 11111•Clla-eF, and as he 11at5 lc,tt•an;, 0111, store }lr. Whiteley nceosted hit:( and asked if he had found everything he wanted. The comlui;1innpr retodiel: '•1'c \Ir. \V!:i:c- ley, you have thirmiehly 80pplied 11:0 with everything l want but, one article, which it will be impossible for you to find." "Don't lie so stare of that, sir:" replied the merchant, ";;tate your v,:l ;1., sir, and they shall be -':,}'''t'•'1 " ""' hir, Whitely, I am in search of a wife. arand 1 scarrcly think you can supply that ticle.'' 11r, V. 112. iy 5::i_!: '•1,01:!;•,1 I Call, A young lady has shit. become a saleslady in one of our departments, and she is altogether too highly edu.0ted and too refined for such a position. Sho 1s a cle'1'gtymaIl's daughter, and has b('ell left an orphan. If you trill show me, I will introduce you to her, 111111 1 will take .are that she does not know about the barfrain!" The commissioner went to the depart- ment and 13:13 intrud'lecd to the young lady, of whorl Ile .hide large purchases. The result was that he eventually ask- ed her to 1evome 11i.; %vile, They were married in due tinge and went to India. During my residence this lady was the leader of society in one of the divisions of the Central Provinces. It is said that after the rnnrriage, and before he left England, the commissioner called on ?lir. Whiteley and told hint of his 811c - cess, "0h," 11e replied, "that is e011 amore. Simply a labor of loves" NERVOUS DEBILITY --muscular weakness—all wailing blood and nerve diseases—yield quickly to the tonics contained in Mira Tablets, They Inoue the red corpuscles in Ile blood and osygcui:e the ayltem. Most helpful in r.many forms of female weakness, anaemia, lain in the back, loss of mentors—and other evils attendant on a debilitated condition of the body. At dniggiutn'-50c, a -box -6 for $2.50—or from The Chemiita' Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. Nose the!nll's:ark—' fD dolagralEarrZ ti 5,7q,'fr,, y;: ,e• ,3(4' ', 32 .4' rtinAE HAM( RLGIorEREn, Would Need It. In a little town in Scotland the grave -Mg - .ger lips been induced to give up his 'srrbtt of hard drinking and SIMI the pledge. At a pub - 11c meeting ho gave his experience. "1 never thocht to tell yo," he said, "that for a whole month I havna' touched n drap of anything. I nave enoughl to buy n brow oak coffin w1' brass halullo14 and brssa nails—and it I'm e teetotaler for 'thither month I ohall 1H wa.ntla' 1121!" '0 >0 Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. 445. Increasing Average of Life. (Savannah, Ga., Nom) A writer In the London Lancet finds that the average of lite has been Increased from "a trifle under forty years In 11154 to a trifle over forty-eight years In 1000." A man of 018111 yearn In less than halt n century Is tremendous. Should the progress continuo tho world will again see Methurelahs. Aske for ZD era SAFETY MATCIIl;sS FOR HOTELS, vrAREIIOUBEs, IIOSlaIattit'' • ASYLUMS; ETC: i . _,•••--r••••-w-,•ti •••••• •••••••••. W •V i .Mw „• •a . ...I•w1.r•••,I,YMI••••MtOW.M0206rYr•01w•••••••r,.•r1v• •/M,r0.0I.-•*”..... •**Mrenw-ww M.•`M,,. Selt()01, • INT l : l!....:ONAL LES:1O11 iX,—'IGAit. 3, 1907. ,:J1a!l:l:.: I'.1 i 1.1.,11 tui' 150(i,i:,l•—^,en, xviii, 23, .\hrah:1111 drew licnr---(1) fii 1(0(18 In 'haptl'r Il) \wr levo tut nerount of presen1,(, (i+,) in spiritual nen rtiris, (3I 111,' de. tl'lh'li1at Ili Sodom 1111:1 1 eitie4 in holy fel l•enl'y (4) 4•illl boldne,I<, (5) of ,the plait', The two nn;:tis that left NEGIFCT OF SIM i. 11) humility, (tl) with cotlfi(louee, The .(.hrnlutll tiv,'ut, to fio,loot (xi::. 1), renege n'i_!ht(otls \1'71.7( 1111' lvickc(l--"It Is 11 prin• they 'Vero reeeiw(J kill Il;r by 1.81, but 'ERF INDICTME:1'IT AGAINI'iT elide o► justice, that the rightyn(, ,8,111 •hn1,1eful1} 11'„'11 1y t!1)' 1)„01)!4' of ti))111).81. SOME 11041 ?:a OF REFUGE, t l putll)I(d for the eriulr'i of Ile' '1 he aIJ'els told IMI to 1'1;11'11 hits friell(18 4 iel;ell, and thio :lbrahain I3}')1 (1olwnII((, fo: 1Iles (1:111 hv.en s.'nl to dvstilly ),le,t A.; ears to be lire t;!1)'^.p, Not I '': 7141: r ^ Ila,1 VIc11 the Inmates ria_ Le 21. Fitt.). ri,•iteous-•--'I hese were mor:' ha,tin0.1 Lot, hi 4 \'. if(, 111)11 II)s 1441) y' ('0:un1(11 4) , ( '! ho 1.(,t i l,'i'(,tiint; rigii10((11s (11;111 otlu in (1(0 4)(4 \1'1 ; dnn,4hlet 4, telling them to lellwe too city J.•oolced After—Annual P-ci)ort of 1+, ,1181:111 I1. .t rieil hn0\w' that Lot 4r;ls gull not 74141: Intel; 1)•sl they he consumed. I;, 1ry1', truce- Smith, '1 he 11), 1( 1 m. 1 love ;111'.!1,.,, t hey' had t i ' • I ' l l u• ( No III.'• •,:::'„ :114' .1bP;li t . (illi• \4'(i, 1 AL1: m• But true rh))rily 8811 goodie As ❑I- (If '))1t 39. oe bolo to loin the 1',(!eme11' \ t 1 t ' t'+ 1 III II"114, Ir" erftd '11111 !II 'll'I 111 9 A PIrni11 T1rP(111.-•1:11.11r t• 1, 1,111 th Ilk 11 l 1.3 , the fou11dntlOn Of Hi 9nil Il( It ” b' (t\ In the m'rnw'r the n11m'I, t! 1 11us hall 44ut illy l1))I'stle feel' t111d L)t'.; It':1'e ill(it"' '3(I: stn' I1,') 8)1)) IL pl 4 Minister • 1 C k. fig(') c t+ ,' '! kl, : V to ::; l: t h ,, s / \j A Tells filo 7'7771)'7 f:i:7L'tlerlC( far (.)10 THE KING. Sato of Of':t'r S'a:'ilrrcrr, l - _ "ile came unto Ills own and His own re- el ivid 1711)1 nut." Why'? Tho wino men did The fl)! o illi 1':tt':r;.it:i i'('i r1 sent 1,(,1 118(1 the King In Il(tbl(h.m, Proof: At to Ur. '1', A. 51(1)'41;71, l.'('., f;,C pub- ; luny d aye old Je'su:4 wag prevented in the Toronto, Feb. 1..- (;rein' -f. indifft'r- . 1,(::)!.1011. ; tc'iin Ie, 1,111(e I1, 1.(:vlllcuu XII l -S, and 1).l a i) 8':; !. ' .:; !. , ! 1• then uiI 1)i home 10 Nazareth, o , 711'11' 8: 4111 11)7111: cr, nal (1111'1' t!I1 lit•, + ,,. '', { and Ile( Ill, 4''IrSI PI(.1(:'I'1( .11, .1PPI,11 . '{ 1O`;. 4 1 1 .••), 14111 (illi I hr .11111rre iln t•ar.1' _ . ,.• -. -, Intercession, • (ba Ir•t It1'1i „•'U` u•. •5111 +,1 Ila 1 ' l( •1r,.,•nUl ('hilt illy 1)'180 111411 111)11 not yid (1))(114 ie 11a'))ht'14' hot 11;;1 ill weal danger, be• ; tot imam I:111'1( have 111)1 divine ." t' " 1':1)1.4' I.'4l',I:)11 nhele 110 III'c41 1 u..., L(' I t .l hal. ), ( Irlrac•1••r, The eat last I'etivetot the c:ollo•rniI;f tot' fact 1.ha1. Jehovah 4ra.4 41u1'a,'tei., Ili .111:; !'liar 11)41 1,14 illus dl' trOy,Itl 1441 i:o 1V14:k(lllte:•;, ".1lit ;11iain )t titer :i;lpp0,) 1 (agar 1 (user., t+, be the 4l4))I(( 1 (1))). 1'1178 11)11 In tlnl ;arts hon• Otte 44(11111 plead for Sodom 1111;1; but his 0,rlll',r: 14)411',1 711411) (l"11 \1'811111 certainly do right, nilIlu114'11 ; and ;he (the(' (solid not. ''Thr Lord aq) 11;r31uun alight not rare 104(', 2li, If 1 j le':n.111'' unto .1114';Ihan► (v. 1). lir sent 11181 I n'i`l spare ---O faithfully j his "Inigels" to 1,ot (Cot)), xis. f), Abra- wo:llll cool protect Ili,( 11884')1 ones when I'(t8 11'111 given nn opportnIity denied to nppe:lled to by Abraham in Wit. behalf, ! Lel. The l,ol'II appeared ludo .\bralia,► Nor does this go to show that 11'' n ill not :! , he 'sal in the tent door'' (v. 1), The protect them lidless 111.1'('11 to d') 4411 by 111:!'eli 481111 to Lot a9 he "` )1. 111 til(! II{ her,. It dors:44404•, ho\•r.'1'er, tI1' pokier 111110 of Sodom" (1;ru. Nit‘, 1). '1'110 1111111 1111(1 t11 1110 of pt'1ly01% ' i, Dust a11) a,he44 who wa.s 0111 Side iu!lnm, 1101 the man {)44:4t i1) Illy ()rigid, 18411)5 ill 44)1' (':111,-- \'.'i11) 1111 din inflipiit11) poiitiou 41181(10, 1101:1, f'om, 114 these (xprr';1ult h„ (')•ala pleat for Sodom. The joyful re- t hat he . h:ul 4(0 l ease! 1,11. 10pr4t. 4 Ilea Ito lolled they 14(11 1)11((1.;, 1'1178 is u 4814)1 41 ay to treat (1'('1' nO(Iy 1'711871) \4t' (1(oonlur, r1) that if they 1111'11 (0)1 114 be angels, they 4'ould have no rvas.oit to complain of 141;, and Ile nothing to he Hit.)). for in our treatnu'nt, 1)t teem. lIeb, xiIi. 2,"-• 'l'rnmmnbtill. looked to- ward Sodom-- -They looked toward tso• (10111 for the pnrpo,,u of destroying it. .Abraham Went \41(44 them for the put - pose of guiding 144('18, 1'r. '1tllll 1 )ride- =That is, 1 11111 not hid(, 11111!1111 4'115 the "friend" of God; alai -communication of se(1'eti i5 one of the special privileges of friendship,'' "'1110 \'iay to 1.104' the divine purpose; 111)011t this present evil world 1:4 not to ' mixed op with it in i11 40)1814114 ;and ,:ultlt0ms. 11111 t0 be entirely 41parntcd nil it. The more (11148411 we bull; with•od, the more 140 shall knoll Ills hind about everything." --C. 11, M. 'I'hi11gi IvIdell 1 do ---Which I purpose doing, or 11111 about to do. --11141)1. Com, C(xl gave .tbrilliant the look of kindness and love, but to Sodom it was a look of indig- nation and wrath. "The right hand of the judge implies his left." 18. 11i10h1y nation --The Jewi'ill nation, zhall be blessed in the .Aes081that mai to spring from Abraham, 1!). 1 know ]linl- 13is character and destiny. 1Vill coin. nuan(l His children—Ile not only pt'a.yt'd with Ilk family but he taught and ('lmmmandc') then(, and 4.4(, "prophet 1(1)d king ns well ns priest.' ".'\brahli!I made it his business 14) promote practival r('• lipiou in his family, and this is given 184 the 1'(1t.011 (why (.sod would make k11011'11 to him his purpose concerning Sodom." —Henry, 20. Cry. , , , is great--- That is. these cities have sinned vary grievously. 21. I will go (IOWA—1 will inquire into the facts. Cod could not have been in doubt, but Ito desires to show Abell. ham that 110 was not judging hastily, 01' without full knowledge of all the fact. ''22, 'J'he Olen turned, Ito, — The two angels who accompanied Jehovah were now sent toward Sodant; while Um third, who i3 called the lord or Jehovah, re• 1n818(•1 with .1hrahaln..1s clod is never seen in any 1)01.1ily S1111 Ile, consequently the grout angel of the covenant, Jeans Christ, nlu,t be meant. --Clarke. 11. Abraham's intercession (vs. 23.33), '(hunk 44(441• deeply his soul 148; Inr;thlod shllnw! to .1br:Ihit Ill's offer of hospitality ill 144( presence 1)t clod. \t -a;, "So (1o, 4(v thou 101st. said" (v. 5). 28, 'There shall lade --The safety of 1 he '1'!)e stern rebuke to 140C4 offer eltt city being granted 04( 1110 Onditi0:1 14431 ,III 1)7+(111°l (lirn,lNIX. ill ul). hillchn unll qualified fifty fifty righteous 041)141 be 10111111, :1183113111 1o11d1'ln1)nlien 0f his Iosition, That the courage :1)1:1 ad;s 4',1)11 441);4411' (lid finally accept his hospitality proves thil:!;:4, I1( (trolls to f)rly-I'i4o, then to 11rat by was "just" and "righteous" (If. forty, them to thirty, then to twt'niy• Peter ii. 7, 8),In Abraham's player is and finally (0 ten. "111 41a.; rliml,i!1;1 the res1 and G4)nrily (vs. 2'1•;1(1). In Lot's ladder of hope 4111(1 faith; with each prayer 144 dread and uncertainty (lien. promke h:! tool; (onr0;8 to ass: for xk, 17.22). Abraham could plead for (11111'(; i(' grew Jot() l:tr;4el' 4'.,lull~ of others, Lot only thought of himself. gu,111111'n:4,' 1•1)1)k at Lot's ('181 (lien. NIX, •J.3 ),'111('1•(! 1;:.', But this one,'---.11.r1h:nl'; integer,- is no record as to his death(. 114 had no )lion waslimited because the interc.'ss•,r 161811111011g the 18ro844 Who Ov(t•(•lu)( by 114(5 1111( 11 elan; it did not r(a(1► th,' Inith Wel). ; o dearly do men pay need. Ile said, I will speak yet but 4 his; fur n'otldliurs:;. 0n(r, and (11(1'0 he stopped short, as if II, Knowledge, ";•hall 1 hide from Abraham that. afraid of haling presented to() large it thing vrhicb t do?" (v. 111. (haft 1)t the treasury of infinite grace, t4() l;e the frila!t of (;1)d (J4( :. 77.:!13), L torr Cud. Bull tell') Ili; s(r1';(l; to for forgetting that faith's cheque \w11,, Jv:\'(n ycl lli';lu)norctl at C`ull's balk,Jt Ills friends (Psalm xx4. 1-1). To Enoch, ewgt; 4(•;l tial( Clint was not 1)111( to f:iwr, 1►u 11',(111411 (with Jlilu, Ile rewcnlyd tit; for 111r1.e \wets an nbnndanee of grace and patience in flim to have hearkened mit() His servant. had he proceeded to throe 1)r one; but the serval( \l• 4.; limited, and afraid of overdrawing his account. Ile .,'Prised to ass: and (sod ceased to give. Not s1) our blessed Intercessor; of 111111 it (,In be said: "Ile i.; nide to save to the utt('rnl„st. ---('. I1. M. 33, The Lord 11'1' i, His way—The ltngel--J(lwvnh--- wit 11 \whom Abraham hod hon 14:1;11,ntl:l- ing, \went his tray. Abraham's prayer '•1)4 answered, though not i1) th:! wily let expected. 1. The righteous 11(1'1 d•' livered from the city. 2, "13y 1110 (L'• structinn of the Oily righteousness was promoted. Sin 141)) bringing forth death; such wile cities 44)111(1 corrupt the nap; the cancer must be eat out, lest the whole b;'i1)g be destroyed." 'l'Iie good' are often in peril by being io had vont- JIa11y, • aTumors Withou t •` erations 'Unqualified ed Slleoess of Lydia E. Pinkhan1'i Ve.)getr.blo Compound in Cason of Mrs. Pox and MIss 41k-f.It;)glia; 'S `. r)1. • tl' • 41( • e • t 1 r ry' J /. i 1,f1}i .f.4 1, 118 V ,•' it . () : lh'', rr, ; •:r(:.rS 1,1;('(.11t, ,,.t .1 J r,e, '14' 'r/ f f 7,11 i.l , (•a ,r ? /i. >E ,• r,lt'. ,41).'''A , i,txi A,:r•', 1, ,1►p'' • . A ie,,, iAr' /, •:;i1, (+ 1'1 t (,i` ' Vs?i i)I:ti• L C 3,At`J.i. 1.'\ 31,( 7) i' / Ae til , r J. :lii'1:r)t,+. S•„..,,,,,.,.1\ qr, I 7 . r b,ZaC S.{fdlrr4f ,fi,.r.. .11),.. 1 :y !att i'''1 !?.iI t fill, ( tY1r r, 14 i l,r',• 4(1..1.144'.•.)1 1: • ry%' ` 1 . : !•:;:5'571 • (1;,(„ ,i:t7.''I'"` ', t ,.(/iii.';i::.T.'..'4ii'tdti: :°r'711::`l')''+I: L'li.Y"1.rs111. i'i'urs'T,.LL'6ri'.,eL ,'nn.4'7^', 1:.41ii:1;/. t^iI 1':;'. 0. 1)i„ 1"r'•',l0r( ).(:I: 'p3IH rl: 1,4, :t 11y (. )'0.8X1(114 184.1 lit' :4" i 11',1';(1 n11 11. i','I' ('11.4'. \ t ., •1:i( ('1111:,,4'u',) (r r':10. 411 :4 111:11':1' 1!14.7, 1; I:,. : n 1.;'„I.' 1,1 ' .,1 '1,t'; j•I'ri(1•, rt' 10;14' one,. 14:81'' :,::'4 1 41n Tru1"'11, I1• :'i„„ V: 111/111.+. 4.,... ((:l1 ri.•' ,: I ,. t ' •t'J;1;1't'1;r 11'ILI, 1 ,, ni!1 m.o.:,i)d ))41„1„:1( Il 1`llata•r• hold:. 4(t' (,','OI .('llli;(iul'l''( '1'1'!,1;::1.:, 1:41 -,.alga ” 1':!1141"!Ii14 !';ll'.''' " 1:'.:).y ('lltio''puiel 1n the itoil e,"• -)'a:ll:!' D. 14(x, 1'11':,7''vei1) 1...•! t 441,4', or 1:1.' pro,( ! (e lirl'1lt.r'I, Pa, of '.1))111;..1• Iii,..:,'1 8 1!::I,L ))01I4':i•' „ is - /•Ar1C11;: 1' t7.;:1' of '1'tita0r ,,!I!'C11 l ,y (10):410 144'J 1 i.v 1:1..1'10!7' il1'!'(,!i''':;a1•'1 1. rdill ).:,. Pin3{tnat1tl':i Voget:::))e Coe.,.." Isv 1)81111) 1 pair, 4xt'1'7iliityr fr40.(4 til(' p(,noti. ab,10.01,4ii I,11'oll'..l 1110 ;Jinn and tllii'.!,11• )lt,:lr'ir,, 1'in1711n111:-- II wl.11 )lilt!: 1)I\':':1'1'1(1((` )';iiia!, )1 4111'1'(' ''..11)11'11 111('48 ;i).8r•t (Kt)) 1 "hull intense 111',' It'll(::tioll`i"1 inflammation, Illt').1211(i1) )'ail( 141 1111 !41,1,1)81'!), 41 ):11 (1'81141:9 ::141 or (1i5)(1,teeniL•'lt, don't wait for (4!tl:' to-1'.!'4W!4•11,;!ditches. '(II(' doctor ;'•r,.•lerilast n• confirm your f'Stt':; 111111 ;(') 1hl'Vll;!ll t1!(! leo lilt', 11111 1!11(1111„ that 1 (fill tad Fa any hOrl'l)1,; Of t' 1ll8'iital c.ne.,;dlon ; Feettr? 1:''1111' by ('.xa1I1111('ll II”' 1111(1, (1) Itis )+11)'1;1'l:u', 1,}ilia L;. 1'inl:iutul'h: \'‘v.. ''tal.11e ('oar declared 1 had 8 t(ru)r. "' felt sore 1!1:1t it meant 11117 41('1)(11 polt11. :(t one? and i egto 10, 11;!1' 11:111 warrant. 44)411 4,:1.5 1."1'y 11!.h"1:74^I1(I, 1 twi'lt3 1\1r14. .1.'i)1k1171111 of .1.\'11114 1..1:4'!"..1 spent hundred 041' )l:,'1 118 111 doctoring, 111;1, for 1ll4i('h, the tumor kept ((r(n4ili4, till tho doctor sllid • . he'll] ldlt'F.t'i Eti'on;; !ottani 11•(41111,7.'J!ofu1 that- i1111h111!;' blit :':1 operation would t41i1'e tr0):('•4)'who have II('('41 cured : 811, .1loi'lllleits1:1 1 corres;lundc'1! with inti' Dear 1\.11'71 ' ; 1: l'^ 1'll' ! Lett) I' aunt in 11n.:', ;)v 1:11;'11111(IS:(114'1, 1'.'ht` :I(1 i;'(1 t • I int 1 In , t 1 Jnii 111 Iry 1,,•(;1,1 1'184,11)81 1r-l;et;tbhl, "in looking over your bout; 1 tee (lint compound before submitting t0 eli'o11er-' ,Vora' 11•.dicinc cures ',V88101',14., 1 11840 1"814 noon, 1(114) .f tit 1)1)1'8 44)41:!1(1 taking rt'f;ttiur, to n (touter and lie tells 1110 .1 lulve 11 1)118141'. 1rcfUn(nt-, finding 10 lay 4rro;lt 1'(4101 that 1 will ice more 118111 grat).fal if you. (48 , y ;;oueral health 1t't'tln to iltlproVe, Ililll help me, 4(v 1 do so ((,cad on operation: — after then 11111:111:1 I noticed tlntt the tul:uir Fannie 1), 111)x, Bradford, 1.'4(. had reduced in size, 1 kept oli t4(! Ili:. the Deal' .lits. Pini41utlll:— (1i,00181 Letter.) Coulp)nn(l, and i1) tell months 11 hn1111ltirc- ''1 take the 1!10111;1 to eote„;ratulnit/y(;41 04( ly (lisnppenred 447114111.4111 operation;and the 140108119 1 have 181'1 with your wonderful ((sins; n8 medicine but ',pita h, 1'inl;bnnl!r 100:113114, Vegetable (_'ollip0ull(1 and words 1i: t.i - t,' "Eighteen rllntic4 11::1.1 n';; prl'iods express hew g1'(Itel'n1,,1 nal for the gond it 1ltnptied. t 1111r11 ' 1,01.4.I l;'Its,(') 1(811111 sub- las (lone 7441," --bliss Luella -Adams, Colon - Inked to 11 tie weevil examination by a,1'lhy- node 110101, i llti10, \Vol" .4)0111(4, and 4'11 toll( 11x1 1 bad n tumor told (811(11 tunpu. tionabie testimony prover, Would have to 41I1Jl'I''')) all operation, the' 4'11100 ()f L,1'dia '-1 .,,1 )llklban1 R '\'el; '- " 1 (rood a)t('r rnnl one 4(l' y't)Il1' Advertise- table ('on:potimis-and ell6Uld );inti cou11 meats and , ceide11 to :h'(' Lydia B. 1 hl lc- hr1m'm V14141hth!'a Tontj 011181 a trial. After (101100 rani hlape to every sick woi nnu4 inickn!, tire bottles ns directed, the tumor is 'Airs. I.lnl:haln-invited all' idling women entirely cone. 1 hai•e agate) been examined to write to her at Lynn,'AIass., for advice. Lydia E, PI,7hham's Vegetable Compound ; a- Woman's ramady' for Woman's Ills,' 1.1,..,. ' i.li 1 (0)4)48.7'::!1'1 V.:11 11112d 11;:.41.: t -1)111,' (ru•1;1141)) (4I( 1144h 41.'.4 1 ',1•t, r,• 1111,' 1:4 of la i ld' 1,4111114• 110 1 11'•' 1)l III4ll',o: 111 fill' i:r)I'iu boll, n(•, IIh It 11.1, ,•',r,•r ilr,•+,!t1'rnfrr•e14d ( tie• I,)1• (; ('1•:"Line', 11,, L"41',•'r i, ',tali 11) the 4,411414:4) 1,•)1 :;•i tri 114', it, \V, J1)'11(1 `11110) i 4. 11,.te111'y of your teat?'1845 !h•II 11,4 4.. ::14\1!4. 1)e .1N' 4.)ruthr•uer, 1'014Jni11 4(414.1', hl4itut•.',I 1}h:e'T), (11••)11. pil• ;' 1• 111 lief ul 1{1411g(13 and 6nur1'cr r 1111\48, re t1.,'0;! to 1148117'1 iI tion i,'ae•, 44 111,1 4a1 !.til 1)u the 181114t he srt 4l')lilt ll(101j4(), dl_144)448!' )4t 4I4e(Ixolii ,hnn u (Imply 44(Iless. Tn11a 4)naaeiy, 1401, J. J. ince, 61 Muller Abuse, T011)1140, ('f the 1...gi,,laltu•e }'c+;i(1118y. 111 1 '.p4lot to con tty houses of refuge, the report, ..,t;; ;, in part: "Ill 5.011114 1'01111- ) I'S VC1 I I NE, Pronounced Si -keen, the is a cientilic preparation, having !i1 , management i.( 11111(11 1((11(1 t441n) tvcnuerf11l tonic properties acting in (other,. Somehoe•.,','+ were foluul 1(,41. ('1(1411 )111s1 e4ntythiin g.„1' directly upon the Stomach, 111141411 I.r1!er• In (41)8,11 there 4(';i., ;L lament and weak organs o#' the body, aloe Lock of 11111' :(ysten1 in management quickly restoring; thern to strong disvipliul'. The inmate.; in 44,)41(( of and healthy action. It is especially 118' in itituli0ns 4•I r0 found np)n 41111)1 adapted for people who are run 4(l ,1 looked after 8811 41.1118 sick pro- perly nursed and near:1( 111)', In other, down from any cause, especially Cie unfortunate iitmat':, :'4'rnI(,I t:► he Coughs, Cnlds, Catarrh, 1 aGrippe, 1''1'. 1err 1m1(•11 to take tale of thein- Pneumonia, Consumption and all !wry, ;8 11 the 4)1k , I f(1Lr, 14y31- I titllmacll Or organic troubles. It 14 11;:1(;'14,), In :(0111( of 1.11( hous(1 , 411llff(1'ellee (.0104 -)illi' 18'• ,las no SUIJSIIttlle. mount for tint ('8ulltion,. existing. No in -lit at Mil onp)s;rtod 1.} pal iic funds -111,1110 be maintained in an I8I:0allilal•y (40:41iti6!', In s's''1:11 houses the bed, rr1 r,' 1(.44111 1101'!("[11 111111 4)1,1, 11'1'0 fr)nl ,acr(Ilin. 1 1 111:1111' the ladling facill- ti1'; ',cern write inadequate and the in- mate, 14.ft altogether 1)H) 11111th 444 'IOW,' to ,(,' (hal 11011 per=nn; cleat. 111 these condition.; is for sale at all dealers, at 60c and 1'111141 ;.y 1'rutr•! if suflirirnl, help 44:14 $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to "In ne:hiehetn of Judah," they replied, rn;pl0yivl• 'fo•, ofirn Ihr. 4'111410 110871•,, 1•'or ihus'1h0 prophet Aflwh 11111 forotcll, Dr, 1'. A. Slocum Limited 179 Thou I)ethkhmu of Juctall, this thy pride, i; t) rye r+lt 11144. 4(11, hat li v (1100)11}' ' ' 1 ORONOuucEo' S%KEEN) evident, for Immediately after their v sit Jos('),14 and Mary fled Into Ilgypt. 'This pre- cludes the possibility of the presentation 11) temple occurring after the visit of wise mon. Therefore their visit must have occurred after the presentation, when Joseph and Mary had returned to Nazareth, always their home. They en.me Into the house (not stable) saw the young child (not babe) and his mother (Joseph probably at work),Tlurt Josue WWI then two years old le evident from Matt. 11, 7 and 16. This view illuminM1$ every statement in Matt. 1I. Ilethlehem Ilett six miles south, and Nazareth seventy miles north of Jerusalem. Two years had passed since over Judah's plain The angels sang of poaoe and God's good- will, Whet lo, the Magi with their courtly train With one short word Jorusalom did thrtll:— "Where is the ICiug that hath been born?" they said, 'Tor we have colpo from Mutton lands afar, To worship Illm have we been hither led, lits birth revealed to us' by HIS ow11 /Star," At that word, Klug, as trumpet sluumoas cloar, e,prang hope 4(t once in every Jewish breast; + King Herod. filled with jealo(u ly and tear, • Viewed with alarm the city's doop unmet. But, feigning reverence, tho priests and scribes Assembled on that momentous morn To learn in which of Israel's twelve tribes They did expect Messiah should bo born. the instil itit:it :1111 Iv' 0un(lnct01.'' Tho 1!:C l'l'')1'im'(, the report )11'0J iii ('y of 111:, calling \!'4th t'.'ll 4'1')1: ', '' 't'' •,:'dl 1:Llit pi'C.1, ::;1401 61 Ili44 saint; 1(1,1), w, 22; ,lilt;( Niv), """w♦ 1'1) ;( jil,t 10:1:1 and pr1f.'4'1 1111 h1, ttt1Fi) BUDGET r(1iN1 4114 ,lyre , deluge ((;(n, 1i, 0; \'i!, I). O.1!1• Joseph, • the yo8llg man of putty, (. 8!) tell of 1 h cumin; famine 4(11':1. NIi, 1(1), 'I'o ".!aose8 81811;'," the 111811 of (31471, faithful in all his., house, (sod \whi'4pered the see - lets of the. tabrrn:tele (Ex. x:•;'. 2, 1.4; 1108. iii. '_', 5). (-)al;; I)oniel, the 1...;08(11 beloved, could read the hald\rrit111g on the wall (I)al, 4. 20; i!;. 23). Jo dopa, leaning 1211 Ili, bosom, ile told the .secret of 4iho 4,h00i111 betray Hint (John xiii. 25, 241). lo each of us Jesus ,ay=: "1 have called you fricnll- ; for all things that 1 have heard Irl my Fathor I have made k:1(1\•11 unto you' (,Jolts x4'. I.i), 8)18(4400;) s111'.;, "aillt44 11414e 111e key to the llterogIypltie; of heaven; they cal uln'id,Ile celestial enigmas. 'they are initiated iat) the f':Ilow-hip of the sides; Hwy h:'1'1 heard 401(1:4 it is, n0!. possible 11;1 t 1180 tv 1:•1(,11 to (;Wit' 101• 10\1'44." 4 )1, '1'444 ,1 wort 8i4: •.,4, "I 11041' ili:'1 " (1'. 111), Go41 44:1111 1!t11fit1"iltl^ of •\):1- 11;11!) .1 111(11' 8141114 11e'1' lestia1'11)8 raid: ".1t 444 111 diffilnit for Mt' to i111.0 (':i- fid4nee in Cod, But the (1184100 i'1, II:1-4 Coll confidence ill me?" Ile (1)111(1 trust :\b;:tl::1)11; can Il' trust tis? To 1:10\4 117 7 (•((1,'(44? '1'0 n alk in His do tits \sari:'! To s;nffor lli.i I\'. Conviction. "That h,' far 14.e„) the(, ..10 4I;ly the righteous 4'i1h the 11 8)4811. • • f t 1 find in t-,0(lon1 fifty ) I (i.- eous within the city, tiled 1 41.1)1 4.88)'') 1111 the 1/1.1(e 1'111' :.(.reit' ,8884” In 1817 pre lomat (ol\lcliett of the ,ludic, et his eaus1'. •11)i't8!tln 111(1'; to ,4441 l0 the (.81'11: "1t i, not 1i,.1I1. t') it-slt!I" •814 4'.1.;1 tit, 1. I, :,1'1. : :tad (((141 .;r. • •'1 14 ill net do it.'" .\s to tin, dr,,irectiti5 of the w;tel;cd, lir, 1111484 to the •j44'itl''t of (kid. "`hall not the Jud;!r Of all 111' earth do ri; 1(t'1' -11i)1 here you 11811 1 61111' 1'(141 1111 the perplexing 1)41)111:.:11'• 4;hich 011r (1148.) 4•is(18) (tanni1 yet Ila- n:vol• • V, Boldness "Abraham tire\\' 4,';11'" (v. 03) ".Let 1141 draw near" (1 lel). N. ''2'_l). gifts, +88411 - r 101 I . 1 t . largo I ( I► ( ill 1, 1 .,f 1. I,t'L Il !,1l l ingly. impossible 18)81is. lli')hlt prayed 11141 the 1,0111 opened 1441 e,v) ') of 1118 frightened servant to see that, "11 e mountain was full of, horses 1111( chn:'- int, of fire round about 1'11is1a" (L1{.,Hors vi. 1;1. Luther prayed,. and \lel:ulcl'atm (:nme back to him front the Mite of death. ilitxter prayed and 11)181rd the Inmate. had Ids .,reason restored to. him, Mrs. 1\'hi,1(nwrc prayed, autl'dto,, u 1)1 11(1' 11)\\' dive the pink 1'0; ,\a'1 pia" ed in I)elia's hand. and the "Blue laird of 11tIlberry Bend" became the saintly el'a1144(1 to her lost sistei?'. V1. Persistence. "Abrahal► ;:=droll yet before the Lot'd" (v. 22). Ile asked that the city luight be saved for filly right,- 4iu4 Wren. for forty-five, for forty, thh'(y, twenty, ten, 111111 Ay ceased when tl` number \1•ns so 6111811 11e did not doubt, but -among Lot's family and, friends and , 1 1 r l{Il, •,•, righteous ;1e>tlli31►ts there were l,1) 1)81)!1 , „ i souls. Abraham's ii4it,..tako' ,.,11'118' not111 leek of faith, but , lnel: 01'' knowledge Of the character of: 'Tot, bruhalt 4'i14 fill - 11.' nnniverecl. ])ofinitonessr' The, Bible.jjlrnyoi:s are 814'11\•,.4. ililfinit,-, Ikea to us 4(5 1)1811118 Note lloseq'.'pi'yet' for Israeli (Ninth. Niv. 10, 211); the prayer' inade for 'Peter (Acts .5); the pl'ay'er 1'alttl dasirt!d of:tha llonia ns (Rout, x'•, 30.33), 'VIII. Lowe. A great love 1reatlie , through all' :Abraham's pra3'01'..1Ce; cnn- plcul(lr successfully. £or nu'tt. \1•h4)n 'w/', lutve. rift)) sane , lo1'e for.. the' lost, ', Such "iove, as impelled' Jolni -1 no7c- to cry out1114 agony,, "Lord;', give' inn Scotlllh(l, or' 1' 'Ifave you any Ioivder'tliat• you caul recommend 1471' 'the ;11401'?' :'giggled the 1`itlilY'nld' irh , "\Vbose. facer denrnmd' od•.tlie druggist, catiti(.n iffy. '"Aline,' fl" plied 'the giddy "WA; girl." The, (huggint took another furtive look, "Vett don'(' need powder, n►nd;un," 11e said. ,"What yott need is dynamite." ` King St. VV., Toronto. , ' 'thou shalt to ruler give to Israel." There is no other remedy " Just Then Ilerod called the wise mon secretly, as Good" as PSYCH1NE. For clearly -he this rival greatly feared, (Woukl that the prlc••its• had been- as wisp as he) I)r. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and And learned the very time tho star ap-, permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's neared. Diseac4, Pain in the Back and. all forms "Ge.) yo to Bethlehem," said Herod then, of Kidney Trouble. 21ic per box, at all "And find this child whose birth was shown to you, And 4'h/u ye find slim bring me (word again That 1 may also, pay Jinn homage due," These points consider: from that city moved To seek the King did they go forth along':. If found at Bethlehem, His Kingship proved,' 1)'hy was the Christ rejected by Isis own? When Ilerod's soldiers camo their 4401113 to LOOKING FOR WORK. ,;1„y, ' Would not all Bethlehem know the King had fled? Who could forget, until -their dying day, Tho cause for which their infants' blood wits. shed? ENORMOUS EXPENDITURE PRO- dealers. VIDED FOJ ARMY AND NAVY. Tokio, 4(1, 18,- '1'111' National budget CHARGED WITII FRAUD. for 1!'41;-t!:3 181'.'rd the 11)nse of Repre- sentatives yesterday 1\illioiil• the slight.ANOTHER TRAP' TO CATCH PEOPLE ('-1 curtailment. !''41('11 all oeou'1•ellce i; 4.:1110111 precedent ;ince the opening of Cm. .J tpan('se Dict. l':Ir po4'erl4:sne•;.i of the Opposition i,. a d Women to Address Envelopes, 1'11-.Irded 1)y many persons here as a had ! When He Had Nothing of the Kind •i;:14 fur th/ progress of (•831s11tulional 1 (1•:4411111( '8( i1) •i11i)tul, ( to Do--No':t in Welland Jail. I'!a' h11(t'.et for 11,1)7•(18 provides for the j 'Niagara 1a!:;, Feb, 11).--V4 illi;lw Er- ( Cp01dlllll'1' 0l ;°105,0110,))110, 0;0,030,00i) ! Ile -.1. Taylor, all Englishman, 11:.'11 ='2 18.1)':' than 1:1-1 year, (111(1 is twiee its ! .4 4))". 1• 1111:11'1' al'i•rst !12!•1! (,11 :! (,,,1;,:4' , 1CGrr1 al; 4'1a requiredtO 1'411'11' all ('x' 0f Il,;ial;:lll .; 111'.11('1' under.1a1+;! 1.1'•'• J,Ont (5 prior to the I1114,0•,1apa14(;e War. (-'me,'•:. 1i!cl0r a(IV,1rti',c(I to '1'": •...t / '111(11' err large app4010101(0n4 for mtve1 ! pipers f04• peopl.! to uddr:r,, and lllilitill'1' 111(1(:thy.; and new 111111('3'- ' offering \1::141') V1 51) 13114..' to ;" 1 takings in the I)epall•tllunt of (.'oininulti- iThe oast:..‘ appealill;l 1:1 the o(!S;'I'18,:'- callous 111'8 to 3x' islet b\1 1111 illtrl'lldl 1111(;11.) 4';(5 -Thy ('iro11a1' :1(111;','-••141'; !1)11!1 (11 11ll,000,0000, i .1n1'!1wy,' nod the nddresi, Japan on War Talk. 11i,t:11•(1, o1' L,'wi;11)11, :, \-, '.,.'hose 411'4) answered ti1.1 .:O''('1'f!• •1,:.'::1 Tokio, 1'111. 18,- -Despite t!1)' apparent , w;' r8 rrgrir(11 1') pity 1171111 in the Japau';e negotietiols be- 11'11 thio t!(ry 1;;4;,`.'4tO 0't 44(1111 President 3(oos,,velt and the San ;U111 other an•1 M. i:'litiicisco school authorities, ('onlldOIlc,! ; ))'ha11 t '1':)11'8• ils ilia(4 ,Ic 14.'4 t ;•':n r•-i.t (',1114111)!0;4 ill the President's final 41Ie1'04`, 1111(118144 111 'hi'' 4'111', 1)4111 illilt Reports8)from abroad`trt1riled here from 81)181114 114 11111(41, Ile ,al's h:' lute:ob'1 )). err1lit:11110 source e agree 1)t attributing I the talk of 1111)' With Allll'1'll':1 4(9 1111 111111• i 1(1 8,)•{' ' 71811 118 1•°1111'::(''( l" 1!14 Sid Ilr.:,1n;; f1,r anybody. .\ large gt:alitit'; For God, foraeeing Satan's plan of death, fapanr:,) a".itnf,ion, 11:8 work of a• p,)11' (Greater i1) wisdom than the too Is lie) t r ho -til" , it :1)11 n UM' t4'lt1!ting I 1 I ' ' Ji) 4i1 1)'1411: 88,!11 to 'ht 1 )2 h,: I1.ul 1)18.041 the Bing In fpr -oft Nazareth, \Villiarn E. Turner Advertised for Men plain it is, that In the future years, When 2111, the nation by Christ's power was, stirred, Prom priests and pharisees came nought blit sneers, • While of the Magi's visit, not a word.) To .Bothlehem they hlod with hope elate, But nought but dLeappolntment mot them: there; For later, in the 'joy exceeding great" Is indirectly shown their first despair. Baffled, discredited as sours true, )Chat could they do but wait until the night • Reveal the star, Its bearing take snow, And trust that God would lead their steps aright? . So when the night her sable curtains spread,, And heaven's hosts were duly marshalled forth, As earth rolled eastward, to the star that led, - 011 joy, oh hole, it beckoned to the north. 'Japan, " Po-t';,fico k1 -p .•Ior !:,::,tor- Veiled from the world, safe In obscurlti. wiefin:ir( her 8811 di panr,? her 1 if, 1,s 11)(•1 turned away from Bethlehem, Che priests heheld, It wan with 'scornful eyes; Thnt (fnelctle4l1on would the Magi's claim con - "Front, Galileo. no prophet doth arise," (Jahn VII., 45-L2.) h'obi° all human guidance they dill fling Clam the star alone did rest their hope; These Gentiles found and did adore the King 1':hilo Israel's teachers did in blindness grope. slut, warned by God of Ilol'od's cruel intent, De sure in Nazareth they made no stir, They in' told to Him did present found the King 1 'filet; costly gift:; --gold, frankincense and myrrh. Powdt'. DItD FilCM EXPOSURE, 111,171 FOUNT) IN MONTREAL BADLY FROST BITTEN. Taken to the Police Station and Placed in a Chair, 7c Cu 11,snd » e fole His Boots Could De Taken Off—De- ceased Was 1\ar: ed Kelly. Montreal, 1'(!). 11(._.;1 man '(who gaffe m:uuc :1; Belly died in n chair 11t; ,, the l'r:)t11 Police Bullion early thia'1 niton 1"n. 111 had boon 1141811 b;; a t., 1„ '.- 1',1i11 ,t.•ye• •401lt(1t•(, 'i 414 1',;' 140:1-,•.d ,4t 11 !.,»o i 1.1': :1. -: ,:'.p:l \4' :• lint -(('I! 11'1 '•ill 0, 141.7 ',•t:11• \Itlillt 1\11'11 I!c' 8111110 ))1.1'8'44 i1(' river to 1'164;141:1 t„ ','(t 14(1i1 at )thein, -tall 1'o,1• Ile has 1):'( 1) 404)1 to 11'1!!:':41 , 1i! ender (' '4. 11(71, remand. N1'ANC[S OF ,ZAM-13UK'S WONDERFUL HEALING. are 111r't powerful iii.or'(•e5 1;1 :•e flt'rii44 '11'reatly from t':;'1,1•;)I)'e, of the \';11'ied 1•r:les in which t ! It 1 r 184 1 the. "feat herbal halm, Is 11,)111;: . , Slu• 1' and ears 1wP... 11'41%( 11, and i,lw• r , , illi., to 11 dirt -1(.114y he had ix 4•aiking, tiuou;;hout the Dominion. Il:ve you it P' his ft'•'1 Were similarly at'', 1't't elljn1'ed its ht':blit? •r1 14' (1, 1 Trocddcn on b a Tierce --Bail Bruises, (-til (1)'1'1181 at (110 polite 451)).1)011 !1I!' - 4l;5 5111\•:( . ill 8 1'((8)1', .:1'817 It (; \h'. 1). ('1111;:uiiiI, o1 8pl'illgle.011Id, 11'11110 .11i, 1001.:4 Wel'(. being removed 41 (Ont.), :ac's; "1 have pl' 441 1 1'414 i:tat 111 ;nd111'n11 expired. it is 1.1101•.1'1(1, Lain -11 41: lois extrao1111 )1i 4 mmerit. 1hSlt Ito 41';:S 11 11;h,,.1.11.. 114 liwcd ,:. was trampled on by n horst. and .,.1 :!1'11 St. I'atll• struct. Ile lied thirty•f:('1! toot was all black 1111(1 swollen. 1 could ;scarcely move' 1L the pain \vas conk in 117; )1orkllt iso bad. A few applications of 'Lain- • 111x1: cured {444 Lain and removed 1',.(.. Ti?Ir'1: ADULTERANTS. 1(1i1.coloratioll. 'I'lle foot was 'mon ...II -- 'right (again. It• is a wonderful balm," Dr, Iiodzctt8 on the (Sale o>;.1tnportat;:3f::,', . 721)88:82 Sore IIc)lled. Used in Milk and rJrcam:. ' . , If , t -Airs. S. J. ,lIolden, Of, llan.naa . ('4448(0,14 despal(•ll: 1`r. 1!811^(it', .story' n', )fanlike:1, sa}'s:4.411‘,1‘,..It(t!8 ;'its o' Cat! PI'ovlll,htl i(0:11'11 of Iloalilt. ' 1401 a 1'1111181( aur( o1) t;1) , t•' (idled all niamer of 1(0811118)11, With , called attentiony(Slcrdn;r to the fart :' 1 few (181'5 ?f trying %nm1•Jlul- there 111111 Ililll; !l';s8i' ;1(11'1'5 7111(1 111111; 401411' '11 it •, et illi)1'nvemellt 81111 t!1( 1 Ons n let. t4(.( 1 4.1444 beim; sold 31'ecl)* 10 11111k deniers, I wound is 1,1)4' completely lieuie 1, I end lint the -snit! was being pressed by ; have sive used Z8n1•Ituk for oilier 1t large 'Toronto house of ;;nod reJlitta- 'skin (lisrnses, ere., and find it (x(711• tion. The letter i1) 1)r, llodgetts' ,pos- ;lent," session stated .that the sale had been 1 Yam -1111k is an all•rtiuud hou'1'bo!d steadily' increasing for yea's. The pre- ;balm. It is compounded from purely Ilerb'f1 essences, 111)11 cures eczema, ulcers, sores, chapped hands, brui604, cats, burns, etc, It also cures rlletnna' adulterants when added to mill: or cream. tism, sciatica, neuralgia, and , rubbed Superficially one package gives evidence well in over the chest in cases of of n. chemical very hljuriptts to children. cold removes the tightndss and itch - The law apparently does not: restrict the ing. All druggists and stores sell at inglorinl{ou of then? preparations, and 604 a box, or pest free from the Zanl- the public at prest'nt can be safeguarded 1;411: Co„ Toronto,' upon receipt of only through publicity. price. (1 boxes sent for 11;2,60. servative and e(iloring lire manufacture(' in' the United States. \VItetlter injuriolts' or not,. they are Tint night, while Joseph slept all'. poagd• full-, 1145 e:4(• 4(a8 wakened and this message "P; (111 child and mother Into Egypt flee, And bo thou there until I bring thee word," Under the friendly cover of the night , Swiftly and ' :Bendy they stole away; The house deserted plight reveal their flight, ' But. whither they had Sone Ila one could say', In \•8lo did Herod wait for their return, The Magi journeyed east another way; ' ;oiled, in his purpose, fierce 1113 wrath did b11r11, All 48thlcheut's infant boys be then 0111 slay. And then from bleeding mother -heart) there r(nde . Into the ears of [sod a bitter cry— l. Blu:.t truths are these -11e 1:11 our, sorrows .knows;' Ills sovereign will works Mit Ills.n1)l oltu high, , Soon was King Herod called by death away These tidint's (lid • the 181ge1 Joseph toll, "I.0, they aro dead wilo nought the ebIki to slay, (;.) sick 801; to .the 1)114 or !art'ol," Guided by God to Nazareth lie returned; And there .11we(1 Jostle 1111 at 'Jot'tlaa .44178( And thus it came to pass that llo was spurned And hated by the 'priests as "Nazarene," BEST. WAY TO GET ON. A young mat wrote rote the celebrat- ed Thomas (Jltrly)e;' ,asking his advice about the'''1)est way -to get, on. The fol- lowing it:ns the q).iaint.ans4''r: "Study to 'do fa'thfully'W1atsoeter thing in your actual situation yott'find, either exple(ls• ly or tacitly, laid to your charge, q'1►nt is your post; stand in it like a soldier. Silently devour th0'nutny chagrins of it, ns all •human situations laavo n)1(,ny, and see that soft pint mit-to quit ;it withent doing all tl►ht it at least' requires oS' 'on, PAGE EI(;I le IIE B N'T1'I S'I'AN i)ARI) ;11,11;1' 2 I I. 907. CHEAP READING East Wawaaoeh Coins%. OUR CLUBBINC LIST. ne,,Iam In in f le1grav ['eh. 711is; The Standard $1 0,)mnmh t The .Standard and 11'en1:1,y ,1liyer• ' meeting read anti adopt 041, tjhur ,,, „- 1 llv-law No. :1, 190', to dispose of the The standard and 11'eckly %vin- 1 I, i Sax levied and collected front dog,;, for Hess i 10 the current year, duly rend an11 pissed, 'I'hn StRn,hu•,l torsi Weekly (1,1(6, 1 :15 I Orl)ered nntl►illlnnsly that the ratepxy'- 'l'he Starllhlyd and family' herald 1 ars he notified RS ilyl►al t 1111'. 811 d(r s 3111(1 11'eel;ly Star 1 70' %Plast mien placed on 1110 1t,se„Inert 'I';,u SW11111l'd 31331 - 1Vcultly 11ai1 boll shell b0 lal,t thus) for taxation, allll-I�Illl,irt................... i 1;;,Iunless it can be shown that an error .1 I'lllltly I'I'Rse1'...... ...,,1aliivsto11'll1'}►I 'I'hn11a11IarIl and Hamilton Semi- I has liven intuit? al Ilte time l,y 11111 r I'Inrenr'11• .Armstrong.. ,..• .lirmscls a'OPI;I,V 'Times 11;11 .1ssPssrn', 7 I,i', iP 11c1 any ('ranhrool; j The Standard gull IVee1:Iy I•'rce 'l'he'I'rPnQnrer reported cash on hand h Knthln0n Telfer 11'nitnn 1 'Press .. l hl) I Rt dorm, 9'sa'�.u'�, 11 ,1',ney 11,tlIR11ty'nc ltoncrief j The Standard and Toronto 11'ce.k- I '11143.1nditor's report and Treasurer's In 1dive 11i'(:ill!yrity,,,,........nhrnol; I ly Sun. ... ... 1 81 ; al>;t.ruct. for 1'0ii Was received and real, I 1 1, 11. Ike I)nni1,1... , ... ['1 fel The Standardand IItunllrnn I Parks--('tiling-'Phut the report RA Elsie Pomeroy 3.' hid 1 SO' not'.' road ho a(tepl0(1 and that the 12 liessin Son►erl'ill0...... ...., 11'nitnn .Auditors he paid Apt each 10r their ser. l', I I, I[. Johnston.. ,,.... llnlltsworth 1 Eat Huron Teachers. The following is a list of the Public School 'cavilers and their post, 011t041 ad• dresses in the 1nsicrtorate of East, ' Huron, of which 1). 1tohh is lnspector, Goderich District Epworth League S. S, No, 'n}'' and Sabbath School Convention. I Ralph Langdon 1lrnsel; 2 I(ohcrclt 1ltNair1'lnnln'oml; ; t1 Mabel ''.impu`r.... 1il'usw•ls' I Pre1't'. Bryan,: ,....1ttn►estott'nI PROCRAM 'I'wiec•a•wenl; Spectator The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and 'Toronto Daily NPK'F ...,... 'I'hn 4tandat'dand l'aruler's .1dvo- rale '!'ho StRndard and Daily Adver- tiser The Standard and Cveuiug Free Press .,•. 'I'hP Studd: ;'d :aid. Toronto D. iiy Vol rt..tidrrd sr1r; lJai!� F:"a t ... . The Standard and EvPt►ina Olobe The Standard and Evening Mail and Fttpiro 'fh3 Standard nnrl Daily M 1 and Empire The Standard and Dolls fib -0)e. vices. farriers, 1 (1illestlie-Taylor Thai 11, Van - 2 -,'stone, 1.s1I., htu'riaer, 11'inghan►, h1, I reappointed snlir,ilor for 1917, Carried, :111 Thu Clerk was instructed to consult 1 with the township solicitor re the mi - 1 .dl j point111011t of another engineer for rhe township in place of the lllrelient iu• 2 75 Iciitubent, Johu Roger, of Mitchell. 1 1.) h"artlr'' :I ',;11'.111' ins ytwent of ;418 1011061114 L.('• :-'I':e:.`'irer e: ]1U!Ibtt, Loose :1 110 koro, settlement of boundary hue uu• :1 50 count, 19v8, $25.:40 : Treasurer of Mor• tis, balance of boundary line account, :3 ,SNI 1906 /2:1.91) ; 'Treasurer of klnrris, bal- ance of boundary litre account, 19041, *mut ; ,lanes W. 13one and Peter 4 511 '1 '," 1V, Scott, services as Auditors for 1MA, each 11$; John 11. McClinton, collector,tion l all inhsrriptinns direct to refunded dog MX IROR, $1. also balance' , 1I[ f t.1;rr, Tun 5TAND.111D, of salary and postage 19t►r3,� *20.110 ; I Ella Cornish.... Clinton ' 13L1'TII, ON, r. Finlay Anderson, services is lrelsonr�. 1nnal,Pl� 11rF;wrnClinton I 1906, it�:•,lisn porravp and other Olt r Y. I'.Ilintt. Soruerl•ille.... -Constance l.ft1N itnntor', ('Orl4tRfl' A very pleasant, episode ncrnrred' ;, l;ctith Jenkins: ,...L,ondstance If's before the Council 11(1ourned, It ws f-l'1.rnde f.`wmpboll,,,ome i telt thRt M r. Neter orterfield'8 long i 11 urr.hl . . ..... . . ... . .. Jtlyt 11 • and faithful service as Township Clerk R (1,-"f':',..",' ra13PRrod l.niideshoro i +11001(1 he recognized, and hence the l'lal'r E 1"luyron 1JutdP,,h,pru following address was read ..-- Mr. -- p Mary .:10v.1 Pslyorth,......., :lnhurn' 11 r, I'ortartield, Cie' t; of the Town- 10 :1gne� 11'non Lrnnioshnln iF y'nn come our was we'll send over• ship of East 11'It1%ano5I1, lately re• V.:, \Ialcolin 1►i(1d . . Anhtu'n' flutving values your way. signed :-ll, 12 Diu Petrie' . . .1Abnr11, IF you leave a dollar with ns it's mere. iI)yht3Alt Sit; - We, the Council of 1P07, to convey to ,you the sentiment ':N't:tt.t,nt', IS exchanging- the, money for it n•of appreciation felt h,' the ratepayers 111urgaret 1)et'ereux.. Sea fort li Kitlivlilenr. ill :tlO.Prie,r, 1% bar. we of this township for the faithful and 2 Helen 1IcDIBlatt ,.,,,,.,...S0(1(01th' send gross will he es SOlrild and as f)SPY ILS! SelVeyo1tI'i1 genuine :14 the money. cipality for so Ioug a period. .1u the 71 Pearl Anderson..,, CPPell wood IF y011 are n, careful spender this store past thirty-six seers you have sewn G Victor 1Sitnpson Winthrop IVill appeal to \ 00 on rhe score of litany changes of the Connell, but it IH 7 Christoihl'r 1Vhitc. ,., Lendbury uc0110111y, not saying too touch to state Hilt you 6 Ililinia 11, O'Connor. lleechwood 9 Cecil Cowin'sd' 11'ulton 10 ('Pliva Durand 1Vintswop 12 Coru IV11i18,i.....,,,,.,,Loa dbury 13 Matilda Fowlor Sea fort h ytnxels, 1 Mary' McArter. Myth :1 Minnie L. KCerr.. ,.,. Brussels 4 Isabel McNab Brussels 5 Hurry 1). Ainley,.,, ,,,..,,Brussels 6 Carrie+ 'Millig•hn ..Brussel,: 7 Alex, ,1Jef;tveu Bluevule 8 Bella 1lurdie' lilneVRle 9 URivinix ),I twilit..... Walton 10 Fraser 1lcDonald.......Jamestown 11 Claylton White 1 ennui.). 12 NorrnanL.,lurch,,,.,,., .,Blyth 17 Albert Nitylot• Belo%v'e TI.'CI: F:1ts1l ITII. 1 Eliza ala}wen.............]Tensall 2 'Phos. N. Forsyth Kippen 3 Andrew (Scott .... ... ...... Sexfor't)1 1 Jennie Grunt ........... Clinton 5 Robert .1, Beatty TStnondyille e Emily Turner Clinton 7 Closed 8 Gen, W, Heiman ....,,Egmondville 9 Thos. 0.Shillinulaw.,.Egtnondrille 10 Aramantha McGregor Klppen 11O1111'k. 1 i[nttie shorts ...... ..l,nkelet L Jennie 'french 1,akelel. :1 Sarah 1'i(iIit'ht,... ('lifford t 1 .Mary f ail!ielll (souls 5 Alla 1I, l'hapnnul,,,., .. ,,,(:urile Emily 13, Masser..., Ford\vie!) 7 Harry M. Leppurd (lorrie :i 'I'i111') f', spears... , . , F;n'dtvieb 111 0;C:l' 11 Ethel 11u►x' rove,,,, Fordwi1}1. 12 (`,1ssiP. al. 1�'Plcl,.,,,,,,.NPwhridgHi 111 1Vtn, .1. Perrin,. „ ,,11`rox„Ier la Anuie Law ,,,.,.1inntiri;:fiPl(i 10 .11KU (iA111lll: lIo1P; lvurlh 1 17 Gen, A. '41rQuillhnn, .. , , , , [''tr•llviel Maggie llna11l1nove Ford wich i IR .1(ahel 11'al;,h... (oi'rie. • IF you are anxious to secure goods which aren't afraid of the closest scrutiny this k a ;rood plane to collie, it i$ a good place to Copse for every 'PUMA) that tnwkes one stere better than another, (1 k(1 le ; ro1•t you at any time, have had the confidence and esteem of each year's Council Board, You enjoy the reputation of belt(' alwey1 prompt, and vary correct, with all the municipal work, devolving on the Clerk, We :rust yuu will be long .pared to enjoy the evening of life, which you Su richly deserve. J,'1', Currie, Reeve. __-..- J. Cuming, J, Iiillespie, i, Conn - W. J. Parks, '1'. H. Taylor j cillors. Couucil adjourned to meet in Pores- , s' hall, Belg►'ave, March 22nd, at 10 a. m., whenuthruasters, 1101Ind- beepers, etc., will fro appointed. Alex, Porterfield, Clerk. JAMES CUTT B2.aw'"TE To Agricultural Societies. MONTHLYFAIRSThe following letter is being Rent outby the Ontario Aericulturel Depart- ment :- 'I'o the Officers and Directors of :1gri• cultural Societies. 8LYTH(i`:xTt,r:ut:N,alDcDepartment ie anxious at as earrlyy a date aH possible to know if your society iutendM bolding a Spring stallion and bull shots, or it Iy ebruary 2 - '' seed fair, or hoth combined. Wednesday, April n 11 Section 21 of the new Act, Rnb•reC• ,�, tion (h) and ((;)reads as follows 1 Elsie Allen., . , W rower 41 "Societies that holm a Spring stat. 2 Beatrice [Iowa Wroxeter All the leading horse and cattlo buyers lion show, a Spring hull show, or a 7 'lobo IV, Ansley, .. „ „ „(1lenanuxn R y combined spring stallion and bull show, 4 Margaret Caldwell13In,•.vale are specially Invited to attend. Let shall receive a�trant equal to one-half Jean BlankBlueyxle everybody come, Welcoule to all. rhe sum expended on the holding of u .fksMie V, Carrick Windmill A, W. Si.oAN, President. such MlloN, but the same shell not ti Austin A. ),samunh,y,..,,, 44 W.33..1.4cesON, 1'ioe•Preeldent, exceed $:00." 7 Pend 11, 1111 yt,n „ t. .1. 1.I:'i :la:1t:, Seoretary"Societies that hold a Spring seed S Pearl Z. Baker............ fair shall receive a grant equal to one., 9 Lizzie 11, 1'anstatm ,..,;, half the sumexpended in the holding' 11 Laura A, Ansley of slid' show, such slum not t0 exceed CUNTON,a r BiE . 42:r." r Lough (lint" Agricultural societies can 11 they 1 11, T(.. >( wish hold aln1nhined Spring Reels fair w 113801 \,hoot..,. , laud cattlo Rhow. The maximum Gov. 11 Clara SieveCiddlt'..,. ernment gt•aut will he $73 where a 4 Lucy Steven'.► ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . combined show is held. 11 is of great 6 Edna J1l titling .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . importance that these ,:spring shows ti Mattie CI>,urti,�e should be held, and the department. is 17 1luti le C•1‘43'11". 11 iltse 0 anxious to further in every wa,v)� pas; 1 x Annie („ 1 A3'11)r....... , .... • . Bible the holding of theRe fair,'., 1f you decide IO Varve le seed• fair 0r horse oat rattle Hllow under the 8001.10135 gll0Ucd HhoyC wP tau arrange to eeiid you ex- pert judges for your stock, At lhmae ` ni.inz (nit's fartlIP.rlf al's if 'Veil 011 op• port unity to see and examine earettllly 6 and select the stallions that will be used in the locality. Bulls earl be ex• I o all ntI% subscribers from hibited and offered for sale, and tier'. 1 A, 11, Musgrove .... W Ingham now rill March 17th, 190 culturiots who have Beed grain to sell 2 1Maude..'h, Brock.. will find purchasers. J Bernice 11, Reynolds' The Departtnerlt is willing to Send 4 Cassis F'at'gr.lhalson " you. without Goat to your society, loc. i, Lizzie Wilson.,..,,,, Al grain, seed potatoes, etc., that experts 7 turPrs on the different varieties of r Lizzie Cummings ..1' Edith rtheyo:i..,....,,, 44 11 consider would be best suited to Your �"'r` itltt1C91:1M, ,;oil and climate, With this end in �•I-.J•1 ,, will be sent till vi•c+w,the otticet'R of the seed division of 1 J0111144;'Cameron.,,, ,.,..,131'IIFocls the Of/ne :nen' of Agriculture at 01- `2 ltrlen 1). Ford ,.., '' tawu'have agreed to furnish a number 8 Dora Snaith 11 Jan. r A O� of expec•t lecttu'erK to attend our Spring 4 BelleHattie Downing 1 [7) seed lait'P, 0 Belle NRrlclet'surt , , , , , , .... , it will be necessary for your board 0 Jean Ritchie . " of directors to decide as soon as pos•11r,YTH, Bible 11 it is your intention to tike up 1 John Itartley I31yth for lilt' 5111111 stun of this vRluabl© agricultural educations 2 (Avant,Hri{thatn. " work in your vicinity, Societies roust If 11'llhelmhlu''1'harupson . , • „ " notify 11118 department not later than I Georgina Murray..., , , , , , , , t3 ' the first of Uareh if they decide to ' "" hold such fairs, We will furnish any lvnoxF1'rmi. information that may be required. 1 V. P. Dobson , , , , , . , , , , , , Wroxeter !.rusting that your officers will act r2 Elizabeth Henry ,... '' promptly in this most Important utRt• .,- ' ter, L remain faithfully yours, The kat death in Wlni,harn's new .1, i,I1 1lI hospital took place on Saturday, when .......0.... Fiu�upetinttetude' :Superintendent. Robert Kennedy, of Lower Wingham, An advertisement in THE STANDARD Paned away. He web almost 85 years 8 U bso ri be Now paSg' Rn attack of pnoprppuhof age and the cause,n. of tris death wall TIJRN1IEnR Y, Sl .it•'nsi ru, 1 W...1. )Moffatt•,.,.,..,,„ ..'irafor'th li ! 1ie 11'MK4111 lentisni11all,antycneye... it Rattle Phillipa,,,. ... , , " Joan flovenlacL'............ .' ,Te; *ie Bethune 11.01•• 11 W 1N(1u.l 1. eth©dis't Church, Blyth Thursday, March 7th AF'I'i;RNOON 1,4:1 •2.:11 I'rlty Pr an(1 1'rar 1 2.1111 --:4641 Election of 13isinesnS,s Corrir,ne, 118'.: nlrN r.nlitto , :1,90 how 30 NI aim the Junior' Longue a Seeress, 11 tsti 1 .111,1 1.. Ill:.rrr1►u, So lfci'th, '?Il - :1,:10 s liss'issinn, :1,:11 11,511 Present I'rogro.s111111 Outlon);of Epwoit.li Leltl;ne. It ;v. A, I., .1(cm5, Auburn. 3..50-4.00 Discussion. tSOI10 . Pow, T. A. ST11AP I .N, ]1 t�•firld. I'":'b:'11if`pn:'I' 111' "Ii'.'.doy ,ll`il0Oi \t nl'': 111 ,:i . T(:!•t1'aol flan' 1X31 °';",i„ • �;, 4.!•0-�.u0 'the'1'eacher3;' Preparation of the Sunday .School l,P.'.nn Ds.I' ltt48stN, II devil'), 4,.1')- ,1,t'n l)i, cast xn. EVENING 7.13 7.1.1 Opening; r.Crr,-.lses. 111:V. S. ANnrUSoN, 131.011. 7.1:,-8.1:, ;ineiad half floral'. 1lusic. by I )3''.11 Choir, s+.1'1 A Don I:,R,; : Snhject optional, its:v. 1V, .1, .1nt,1.1t•ee, Clinton. SUf.O: it1:y,'1'„1, S't'F.AIJiAN, llny'fi,sld. A1)1)iRESS: 1:pwnrth League Forward Movement, sill. 1�, C. , '1'I'1'ilt:'ii):4,'1'ut'o11t,1, SOLO : Nil:. N. Nitwit, n, 131 t h, Friday, March 8th FORENOON 9.1:, -10,0 Prayer and Praise, Iti:v. J G. l'n:LI.AXn. 10,(1)--111.2) The Relation of the ,Sunday Sohool to the Ep11',uth League, 11.l.y, .1, U138113', 11'xl101). 10,20-10,90 Discussion, 10,:1x) -10,•:,u The Pulte of Decihion Day and t he Best Method of Con!ucting 11. 1:;, ;J, 1 (3,110--1 l ,00 Dismission. 11.00-11.20 The 1'3i,lvov': h League as a 31 issionary Force. 1(II. A1.1'Ith:1, LiNI'll;l,L1, Niln, 11.1211-1 1.:111 1)jscn+sine, 11,:31 ••11,50 '1'lle• l,;in',',l'I11 1, !Ague as an Evangelistic: Force. RYA'. \V, 1:, l(tattt, Clinton, 1l 50--12.0'! iliyl33s_j 11. AFT1 RNOON 1.1:4••2 (3) O!u'llirllt l (el'eises, ltt:v, .1. 1V..I1nl1NSox, Dnnganunn, ;}.Ikt ":1,311) Open Parliament of Epworth League IVurk and [(P• ports of l)I•+tri,'t Officers. PI31!,`)11►Is:N'r, 7.01- 0.3') O;.vn Conic...owe to I)iscuss and Arrange for Slimmer School of 111.17, Inlrodu(:elt l ' lta:y, 1V, 11. (IIcAu.'i , Coderich. 3,:P)•--8.31) Tho Importance of Epworth League leading Course and Best Method of Condnnting It, Int:1'. A, 1{. liltowN, \'awns, :1.,10--4.('O Disonssiun, 4,0.1-1.'2t) Our Snlimit h School Literature, its National, Doctrinal anti Moral Irtiuence. Rm., G. N. IIAYtCN, Goderich, 1.111) 1)isctlssion, SOLO : 1111, Nunti1AN ilfrtnrlt, 4 30'• -`,.AX ADDRESS : 1(l:t'. DR, F. C, S'rhl'IIExsoN, 'Pronto, EVENING 7.'13•-13.00 Opening Exercises, Ti 1:v. P. ,S11'ANN, liol:nosvilln, Music by Blyth Choir, 8,00-3.15 Report of Business Committee and introduction of Officers Elect. 1lnsic by Clinton Quartette, ADD[tT'SS : 11', 1{, K81111, llrussols, 11nsicl by Clinton Quartette, ADDRESS : 1)tt. 1', C. ,5T1a'tl1:Nsoe, Toronto, 'Music by Clinton Quartette, " There are 'Maple Leif' 81111• I.,eta lo 1'►t all sizes and shaper al wen's, women's and cliJi(l3 II n Shoes "•-wlreleeo brow "the old woman who Wed lu a sums." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave AO openings for the water to sneak is at the sides, Got ati .pair and knell your feet dry, Maple Lea Rubb":,rs_ Sold by S. H. GIDLEY Minister Speaks to Mothers Tells His Wife's Experience for the Salto of Other Sufferers. The following letter ilas been sent to 1.)r. 'I'.:1, Slocum, Ltd,, for pub- lication. lir. '1•..1,,dovo n, 1.I1111.,I :- 11cer Sir.tr N'Ithlu the 111.1 (,(u ),-:tr, un 1,113' lrahu ie n( a th.111 ire 1.1111.4 h,;' III II 11111 �.1" rl aI(i'ki (If la rimw, both 1,i 1, 311,'11 1u1 vto .1411111y curre,'(rll I„ lu.'II•,'ul l'•)1•11111...N1 hi Om , i3 i,'ll,'\' "( 1 ,111' n I,,',llr, 1( 1 1,M II 111111111' 11'( u,. 13140 33'I I�or 1011111: 11 t,I. bilil..II,1;)Irlu, hnnrl,'r rill 41m1 i1, IT -:1)1'11:;; 10 11141111y 111'111111 1111.I ,';,rt 111111 111110, K1111 Ili n :•poitiu iur ill wa,(• Int: (ll,wlw.1 • v, lir I'•),•hlne 1,1111 ozotonl,iuu aro ui111311 ll,,'rh • . 1' an •: PInrcrcl)', 103, J. J. 1:ice, 1,1 35 ullu i' A rrunr, '1'111nn1u. PSVCI11N F., Pronounced Si -keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful ionic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, 13loocl and \veal: organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong :,.het ;o(:n)t;r. ^ctic':1, [t :,(t:• tr(I tor v1'E rl!'l Li (•.'1"� li 81;•0;-;i ...:"� c:.'.. `.. s do n:•::, 111• Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, 1.:1(irippc, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic tr'(Inhles, 1t ha'; nab sail:ltitittt:. �.i (PRONouNicEo' sra'IKCLN) is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, ui' write direct to IJr, T. A, Slocum, Limited, 179 King S. 1V., Toronto. There is no other remedy " Just as Good" as PS1'Cl"l1 NE. 1)r. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, fain in the slue` and all forma of Kidney Trouble, 25e per box, at all dealers. Rubbers needn't be limey to be stylish; needn't be clumsy to be staunch; needn't cost more to bo better than you've been buying. ubbers They give you Double wearfrom every pair. Look for the trademark, The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario One of the 209 Daisy Styles. Ask your Ueala. Thislight storm• rubber is made in the right toe -shape to fit YOUR shoes, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite Coughs, Cou Colds, and Whooping Cough, Tble remedy In fanloun for Ile aurae over a largo port of the civilized world, It can always bb depended upon, 1t contains no opium or other harmful drug and :nay be fiveu 54 rouallontly ton Ink 1,e to All Adult Price 26 cta; Large Size, 60 one. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the Do. minion Government to place lm - migrants from the United King. dam In positions as fano laborers or domestic servants lu this vlulr• Ity. Any person requiring ►.t,cli help HIlould notify 1813 personally er by letter, stating fully the kid of help req aired, when wanted and wages 01'..ired, The number in. riving may not be sullluiebt to supply all regsleatA, but every ef- fort will bo made to provla oaoh applicant with help required, ANDREW W. SL(.)AN 0anadlatl Government Illmploytnent; Agent, Blyth P. 0,