HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-02-14, Page 1• VOL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. N0, 28, N *********** ***** + : C.** YiE.* * * Western .: anada +l` I desire to call the attention of my old friends and ; c- V Runintatees to some money -malting opportunities 111 the west Cmc r 1 •-1 still have a few luta—moneymakers— in "Glengarry" the fnmous Calgary sul►•divisini ; )rico, $90 for a short time. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,00) In five years, 2—A chance for $1000 to make $3060 in n Winnipeg invest- ment without risk of loss. 3—Among ninny land snaps in my list 1 ca11 attention to OM Si and N IV; of Sec, 26, Twp. I7, range 25 west of 911d, only 9 miloH from 110040 JI1w—IargoHt city in Saskatchewan. 0 miles from Moque junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 un terms --'(7 down a1111 1'08t in three annuals at 9 per cent ; neighboring land has sold at $18, A splendid half section in tho Arcola iistriet for • I1 biting the NF1 and fractional 11 'j of Sec, 1 I in '1'%vp. 10, itunge 7 west 2nd, John S. Laidi 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III, *********************W4** NIA Which? Idy, TireSrxu1ui joins heartilythe wish that 1Ir. and 11rs. Iratishopf may hnvc 11 very happy and prosperous it PPn1115. a waste of words to argue that fat are, 11 business Hue psora h necessary for the The many friends of Mrs. 'Thornton t.on +s; cc:.'Hs In We of young mere and %sinner. Wallace will were1 to hoar (If bur No reasonable pursuit doubts it, It 1s a death, which occurred nt. North ! LIti 11 ed.faot. 1 foal, Sask., on 'Tuesday' Inst. She wow. Tile only (luestlon—the vital question— there last September on a visit to six of Is this : "Which college l.' her children. l lle remains %+•oro ;Shall It be a school where (•lmmon br011grht home for Interineot• She wits sense, practical methods are followed? a daughter of the Into Win. liingha11l, Snell It b,) the best college or next best' moving hero with her father fro►n the 1t co.ts nothleg to Flet our now o,ita. last to the old homestead when she levee. Simply ask uy to send it to your wits but 1,tv0 Ve(u•s old, Iter husband address, it tells about the most nra;tl• predeceased her HOMO 1.1 years, since cal 11,Isiness tblle;te In O',made, Wo lie which time she h1s made 1101. home neve It to he the very best, twit 11 110.0 son Albert. Shu hits 1 twit Enter any time. }}lu(diiryi�cld�Iuttlphlr,lll'ul�clt(ou. d.utghttn•s bore, Mrs. R. \Vane ;111,1 �lii�Oiil�M 11YiIIM'.iN CGL,:GdG and four dau/gllhtersM1.8. 1. lirO110,la(il1(1 Itw u()80118sn,lil�l ilia 1t , A1llllated with Clinton 1t11slr1Css College) byte;.reianSho churteachs.tt member of the fits 3E0. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL Goderloh. Auburn. `yfMiss Mabell:rrai.t spent last week a i` the purscli.l.;o, 1folnleyvillo, 1111414 ltnttie dloKr i;ht, of Nile, is yi•:ting at Dei brother's here„ 11►8. A. C. Jackson and Mrs. Wln. Patterson are vi.i1ing in Paris, The Auburn Lougee t I Itel Donny- brookbrook LOlagtle 01)'Tuasday uveniug. Several of our young people attended the 11ddfellotws' concert in, 111) th last '1'lnsday evening, John ),add wont to liiiiint(01•d last week to attend the funeral of it brother, lle 1(180 visited in (lilt. end Preston, Rev. A. E. ,lungs and wife spelt part of lust week in (loderich, assisting Rev, 'l1. Mizell in special meetings, A branch office of the Sterling Bank has been opened in the vacant room in front of Naegel's dwelling ; open on 'I'u0Nd:y, Thursday and Saturday for the present, 110(1 Mulder the metinge- 111001 of .t. O. (!amble, of the Goderich branch, At a largely attended meeting of the 011icial lioa(rd of the Auburn Circuit 1lethotlist Church, a resolution was carried unanimously expressing appre- ciati0n of the services of their pastor, Rev, A. 1.. Jones, and inviting hies to return for another year. Mr. Jones, after expressing his g;retitnde that his efforts were appreciated, accepted the invitation, Clinton. the 33rd regiment was held at the 1.iotel W. Ratten bury, son of Joseph Rat- Normandie, Lt, -Cul, Young in the ten bury, who 11118 been employed in the chair, '!'!sere wore present Cale 8. Mc - i. gumbo branch of the Molson's Bonk. '1.'aggert, tombs, stance, 11oPliail, hes Noon placed in charge of tho general Gundry, \'areoe and Shaw, Lieuts. le(litor in the branch here, Heitman, Dunlop, Pitt'solly, Thompson It. and Airs, Jackson, *of Ilcu'hley, and IV hidden. The treasurer showed ?Iia1L, who have been visiting rolatives 11 bILlalen in the trelni ll'y', and the sev- iu this: vicinity, started on their return oral 001uin11toas Well) ltppointed for the trip last week, though they do not ex- next camp. 'I'ho Band Committee re - pact to reach home till the early piu•t of ported the regimental band in first-class Mnl'ch, visiting elsewhere in the meat!• condition, 22 strong, 1'I1e A(1jutent re - time, ported the extremely disappointing ser - On Thursday 1 i.st, while operating vice of the CI rend '1'renk Railway going the shaper in the organ factory, liar- 1111(1 returning from camp Last year, s NT3' Melrien's Tuft hand got ennght in copy of which will be sent to the Gov - the knives, cutting off the second linger eminent, and badly injuring two others, Har- A mooting of tho Directors of the vey is a careful mechanic, to whom ac- 11uron County Spring Show was held cidents come very rarely, but oven the in the Council Chatnber on Friday, best of thorn will get caught occasion- Tote 1st, when the Directors made out ally, the official program and print lists with The following were appointer! officers $512 in prizes, besides about 8100 in of the I''ire Depal't1711)1 for the current specials by the merehitlltS, 'Phis will year :—J, Wheatley, chief, salary $111 ; he 1110 biggest of the kind en,y place hi A. Seeley, engineer, $10 ; .f, West, asCanada.,The show will b,. fret to eistnn1, 830 ; H, Smith, $25 ; B. Kerr, everybod- body --free entries held in the captain ; A, Cosen, lieutenant ; II, Httf ets. The Direeiers still had a (400(1 4Jlnzier, secretary ; J. Finch, .W, M c- Ileal Of money to make up the total Brion, It, Welsh, N Jt.nalOdy, 1\',prize money, Tint feel that the to%t'ns- IVheatley, W. McRae, 3. Ireland, \V, people will readily respond, We hope .1, Steveuaon, II, Bartliff, T, Sharp. J. the town council will not be Hu petlir- J. McDonald, C. Holyai', ions as to not slake a grunt of a liberal "V1'he annual mooting of the officers of nnlonet, as it is purely a town show, STOCKTAKING S We finished taking stock last week and found that we must .clear out a lot of goods at prices that will make you look to make room for Spring goods. We have a bargain for everybody. Made -to -Order Department $18 to $22 fames Worsted .Suits for 813 Black Beaver Overcoats, regular $18 to to $18, $22, now 812 to 819. Just tusked a large shipment of Fancy Worsted '.1' rouserinLts, which we bought at a bargain ; 50 pieces, 110 Iwo the sante. These are guaranteed all wool and were regular $5 to $7, now $3.50 to 85. Don't delay to get IL pair of these trousers, $101 to $20 Imported 'Tweeds for $10 to $1.5, $18 to $22 all Scotch Tweeds for $14 to $18. ]Anel Melton Overcoats, regular $18 to 531, gross $12 t0 $18, Ready -to -Wear Department Our special Heavy Nap Cloth Suit we sell regular for $9 a snit, We have just eight tufts left, all good sizes, wo aro going to clear out tit $5) 50. Fancy Scotch Tweeds, regular 810 to. 815, now $710 810. .12 Black and Blue 11'orsteds, regular $0 to $12, for 87. Tweed Snits, regular 37,50 to $I2, for $4 to $7. 25 Boys' Suite 21 to 27, Apecinl'$2,50, 150 pull's Alen's Odd Pouts and Over - 1111s, 50o to $2. 75 Boys' Knickers, 1 5c to OOo, Mu11's and Boyo' Pitney Sweaters, 40o to 82,51.). LIenvy Top Shirts and Cardigans, 400 to $l, Underwear, regular $2.50 to 88 suit, for $1,50 to 82,50, Underwear, regular 81,50 to $2, for 05c to $1.25. Underwear, regulnr $1 to 81,50, for 75o to $1. A BARGAIN FOR EVERYBODY ,•, S. H.Cidley<< FI r th - Hunan. Huilatt. J• Lamont, lath ca), of Hnllott, gold to n. gentleman near Clinton last week, aL Iwo yens' old colt sired by the well- known stock 1101'4e, "110%•),l 'Poke!!," owned by lied l'nngblut, Londesbor0, for 11 suns near the 8200 murk, Geo, Dover hits sold his term on the 0t11 con. of Mullett to Geo, Wheatley, ')'Ile fdtrin is half n mile from Con- stance, 1t contains 100 acres and has a large two story brick house and fine balk barn, 1.Ir, 1Vhentley gots pos- s18sion abort the middle of March, The farmers in the vicinity of Walk- 0rburne, on the lath con. of 11118011, are desirous of having a post ofli0e located in thing midst, and their claims line good for the nearest office is Au- burn foto' guiles awns'. Londesboro is half a mile further end Blyth 1s seven miles. They will likely send in at peti- tion for IL 1110)00 it week service from Auburn its soon es the 1,, P, R, begirds sending the mails through to that vil- lage, Hiss Emma l,►nigle,y, of Milieu, and Geo, lirau,ltopf, n prosporons young farms,!' of near Uuh1i11, were InndO Incl and wife lls1. Wednesday forenoon, the ceremony taking place 111 St. Joseph's church, Clinton, with Rev! Father )ballon as the olfiO,iat.ing clergymen, A large number of friends wore present to witness the happy ovon t, At the conclusion• of the ceremony tho bride! party drove to the bolt of '1', .T, and Airs. Tighe where the wedding dinner WAS partaken of and in the evening Air, and Mrs, Itrnushopf left for their new home. There were many presents, for the bride is it much esteemed young MEIMOOMENSMINEIMIMMINOMOSIMIll.—. A Short Tooth rush Ad. 1Fa,yho ,you've forgotten our lass. "spiel" on this subject, which might result in your going to the wrong store—and in taking home tho wrong brushes, lienee this reminder that wo deal only in tooth brush certainties. Now it'$ an•011y (400(1 100111 brush that never leaves any of its bristles in a person's )Mons!!, isn't it Eves if it didn't cost segs' much. And it's 11 poor one that does do that., no matter how 100011 money you pay. Well, this ad. is intended in loll you that tooth 110111411014 with pnt•in• to -stay bristles can be bought here for as little as 10c, Lot's and lots of better ones at prices ite high its 50c. P, S,—'I'uatcll tho children the early use of tha 1001 h brul(h and 111118 pras0rvu their teeth, Dr. W. J.MILNE BLYTH The separate school has been closed the pest week on arconnt of the sister's illness, James Mitchell, of the Star was in Toronto attending the :mend nweting of the CnnnrliItu 1'E084 AS800111t6O11, \Vulter Shannon left for Oiiraw,t to 'isit his brothers, On the completion of his skit he will leave for his home in Ilntwson City, It is reported that .1. If. Shirley, formerly limited Stites consul at (lode - rich has been appointed to the consular agency art Charlottetown, 1'. E. 1, 'I'Ilu first robin of the season was seen on Feb, 7th on A, J. Cooper's promises, Hamilton street, Are WO t0 take this as an iidieatinu that Spring is ut baud ? 1'110 %r1)lcvmc. 1'181101' wits seen by n number of persons, John lfoulahan, of Stephen, was be- fore Judge !bolt Inst friday on a nhnr(e of etebbing It man named O'Neil, The defendant pleaded not Guilty a11111 elected to be tried by the Iudgo without a jury, and His 1[onor heard the ease Friday, 'l.'ho assault occurred during a quarrel, the weapon used being it tobacco knife, which the defendant. %yes cutting that weed with at the ti11)0, The stith was in the neck, but is 1101 a dangerous One, The contractor is still milting good headway- on the track between the bridges on Squaw Island, The track is nearly level with the ends of the iron SUMMITS, and a very few weeks will see it nt its proper level, Men are still ongnged at several points along the tracks, but the recent cold weather stopped work In many places, ns the ground was 100 hard to plow, Con- siderable work on the track this Hide of Ball's bridge )las taken place since Christmas, and it may be said that if the bridges were all finished, ballast trains could come right through to Goderich, 'Three !nen on the new station had it C1080 cell on Friday lest, when a scaffold gave way and all fell to the ground, Ono severely injured his ankle, another his breast while a third was more fortunate. Seaforth. Bliss K. Broadfoot and Miss Cline, of Stratford, spent 'l'hursdny in town fiIding. Carried. with the fornler's mother, 811's. John 81r .lames 'Tierney eppenred before lirondfoor, the Connell with regard to the Agl, A photo of W. T. Walton, the chain- Park eslci11g tllnt the Council release pion checker 11!11~00 of amok appear and relinquish their cltlims to the 10080 ed in the m0gezine section of the from the Morris Branch Ael, Society. Toronto Globe of Saturday. It was moved by I. Hill, seconder! St, 'Thomas church MIS slightly by V. Johnston that the lease of the damaged by lire on Sunday afternoon, Agl, Park from the Morris Branch A gl, Inst, The fire was discovered in the Society to the Corporation he atmnlcd turunco room and was gui01(ly exon without Dust to this municipality, Car - ',wished before any very serious drum- rigid, age occurred A proposition from Mrs. P 11., dill for a loan of 83000 and other 11'0 have to congratulate our young matter h'iend8, .hiss Isabel Scott and Miss Iva were )aid before the Council, Dodds, on their SUCCOSS at 1110 nu181i:1 l It was moved by .T. 1L Chellew se- exnnlinlltiorls held last week in the con(led by N. 13, Gerry that the 11(1(10 conservatory of music, 'Toronto. 'They call a public sleeting; to be held in evenin Industry hall on Monday took resp0r,t1voly the first and second y' evening next, )111008 on the list of candidates, who the llt.h hist , at 8 p, in. to discuss the passed the intermediate (3rd year) propositio11 by B. 1{, Hill re lielusti ' examination i11 Qfn(4i0g. Miss Isabel anti 111111 50 hills bo printed calling Scutt also passed with first class sa00. Clu'ried honors the part 1 first year theory of Moved by. L. )fill, seconded by W. musicJohnston that this Council stand nil - The Seaforth 'Turf Club hold their jom'ned nail 'Fridley evening next at )))Inns! IllCetiIlg at the Commercial 8I)' in. (Jal'rled. )Hotel at which there was a good atten- dance. The reports of tho Secretary. '!'1111 Council held a special electing; nn Treasurer and Auditor showed the friday evening Feb 8111, 810111b01'14 of Club to be in n very satisfactory poli t'oancil present the Reese, \V. J. Milne tion, there being 1110 811111 of 8992.211 ill 8!, 1)., 111 the chair anti Councillor's bene!. 'This year the club intend ex- Hie mid Chellew• lending the - length of their annual A tender was received front John F. sleet and have nrrnugntl for n three Ni wins implying for the position of 1st clay's racing instead of ttwo us hereto- engineer for the Blyth Fire Brigade at fore. The date has born fixed for June nt 14111111'~ of $.,,42 per uln111li, 18, 19 and 20 when $8,000 will be given It was moved by 3, 11, Chellow, se- in parses, an increase of 81,200 over the corded by L. 111.111, 111111 John F. Nivies amount of last year's parse, The he appointed !tit engineer of the Blyth following officers were elected (or 1907 ; ;''ire Brigade fm' one year from the 8th —Pres,, ltobt, 1V ikon ; Vice Pres,, of February 1907, that he be paid for lames 1)ick ; 'liens., G. E. Parkes ; such servieea $05,00 and to supply his Secretary, 31, Broderick ; Directors, owl, 2nd engineer ; provided the said P. Kling, 1). 'l', Phikney, 0'o. E. John F, Nivins desires to withdraw Henderson, John Cardillo, Alex. from said position he shell give the \Vhlters ; Atulitory, \\tin, Hill x1141 3,Chairlt(w of the fire commit 100 two 0, Greig, 11101111ts notice in writing of 8111110, ^'•"'�` -- Ceased, 011 Monday morning last the people Council then adjo11rned, of l:bnisall, were painfully shocked to _ learn by telegram that 81iss 1fcA1• ,1'0 T11 11 IZF;EvIO AND CotlxCethot� l3r,vTtt: li4tor had passed away at St. Josephs Hospital, London. Tho deceased had Genlonlen,—I purpose extending been in poor health for near!y a year my present business in the Village of but her relatives were sanguine of at 13lyth provided I can obtain some least 11 partial recovery, The lin- financial aid front the Village for that mediate 01(1180 of desalt was heart purpose. failure. The remains wore brought My proposition is its follan•s— homo Monday evening and the funeral 1 will erect a brick .building, 48x55 tnolt,pince on.:W.ednesday afternoon, feet,, two stories high 'to be useA ns it. I cnsa11. Josemll Ifnrvey, 0110 of urn' 111051 re* s)ucted pioneers passed away on 'fees - day night at the good ase of over 82, Mrs, (1)r.) 11tat on, Mather of ',qrs. C. M':I);lnnell, of Mensal!, and sister of 111.s, 1i,11i4, 1i—input, died at her 1101110 in forest on Stitch~•, She had bel'n ailing fur some time. She leaves a husband and several sons and daugh- ters of mature ago to mourn n her loss, 11'hilu on the train 011 his way to Ifens,lll on Saturday forenoon, 2nd hist,, Samuel .1. II/bite p,lssl,d away at Lncun Crossing, The deceased who was suffering front tit berculosis, arriv- ed hero from 'Mexico a few weeks ago, 11'; was advised to t;o to a London {!!spite) and has singe been 1111 initiate of St. Joseph's. 110 rapidly gr• w worse and a few days ego his si,ter, Mrs. 11. Bolt Iron was sent for and Its Ire was alixloll 1 to rctmrn to IBunsall she accompanied hint and was wt•it11 Ilial when he died, The remains were brought here and the funeral which wits private owing to illness in the house took place ou Tuesday. The deceased who was it eon of the late IVm, IVhite, 14)0111 Ili'; youth in ?lits seetiu11 and was well know!' and high- ly esteemed Isere. Ile went to Detest, some years aF'0 wheat lie has lived ever since, Myth Council. The regular meeting of Blyth Genital met in Industry )lith on hest Widnes. (lay eveni11g, the Iteeve, \V, J. Al dile, 11. 1)., in 1110 chair, Councillors, J ohn - stun Ukellewa d Gerry present, 31inutes of adjourned meeting of .1aivary 15th and special electing of .January 17th were read end declared correct. It was moved hy \V. Johnston, se- 0o1ded by N. 13. (sorry that accounts as follows be paid, Carried, W..1. Dempsey, 1 cord of wood, Mrs, Fawcett,,,, $ 2 50 ‘V. .1. Dempsey, 1 cord of wood, J. A , McDonald 2 710 A. Ekl 1', 1 year salary as Treas. 40 00 postage and stationery for Trexanrer'a office,.,,,. ,,, 1 85 A. McCreight, 1 month salary 1st engineer to Jan. R, 1707. „ 5 12 John Vincent, 1 month salary 1st engineer to Feb, 8, 1907.. , 5 12 S. Westlake, salary ,January.., 40 50 E, Livingstone, electric light... 38 09 Wm, Sires, repairing bell. 75 J. A Anderson, Hall rent for yr lis 00 301111 Stewart, hauling engine for Inspector.... 3 00 George White, hauling engine 11,tx 11)111 fire,,,,,, 3 00 $208 00 The Clerk reported that no tenders were received for the ollice of 1st engineer, Moved by N. 13. Gerry, seconded by J, II, Chellew that the Auditor's Re- port for 19013, as now presented to this Council be accepted and that the ab- stract bo published in '1'lF; lil,y`rll STANDARD together with the Auditor's sash and door factory and general house furnishings and planing mill supplies, 1 will also in connection thet'ewitlt erect en engine room 25 feet square at the north side of the fortner building of, crick, and a frame addition at the west red of same 3'2 feet square and two stU,•ieH )lig 11 t0 be used its a storeroom, dr•y kiln, and general machine shop, all of said building 1 will complete during the present year. and will employ len mon told will expend on building 1110 full anoint of the loam. The aid I ask from the Village 1s a loan of 83000.00 at three per cent, re- payable in fifteen equal annual instal- ments of principal and interest together .with ,t fixed assessment of 8200,00 for a period of ten years or longer if your Board could !;rant it, the fixed assess• 1110111 to cover all buildings, plant and srock on lots one, two, eleven and twelve Kelly's survey of the said Village of 131yth that will be used for, or 1,, con- nection with the Said business, 131' wny of security 1 agree to execute to the \'hinge of Blyth a first mortgage for $3000.00 on said lots, buildings and plant free of all IIcunlbra0ce, and to Insure for 88000,00 ald keep insured all the buildings, plaint and machinery on said lands 111 iusarance companies satisfactory to the corporation with the loss (if ally) peptide to the said Tillage of Myth as their intcl•rsts may a � lett!', That no nuichinery shall be removed from the sail factory (excepting to 1111(1.•e room for now or more modern lnlu;hir,cry) for the terse of 15 years without, the consent of the council of the corporation of 131,y th, School tuxes are not included irl the aforesaid exemptio)ts, but are payable as provided for by statute. 1 agree to hand over now to he re- tained by the corporntlon of Blyth, a marked cheque for ($200,00) two hundred dollars 118 u pledge for the faithful performance of the agreement to be entered into, and also in the event of the by-law granting the said loan and exemption being carried, as surety for the ))~meet of expenses in snhmitting the bylaw ; provided should the by- law lie defeated, or not carried the said marked cheque shall he immediately returned thereof, and the ngreenleut shall he null and void ; provided also should the egreelneut entered into be faithfully carried out, -the said marked cheque shall bo returned to the maker thereof when the loan is paid over by the Corporation, Mortgage and in- snrnecn completed and handed over to the said corporation, If the by-law is carried payment of the loan of 83000 shall be made to mo on the completion of the buildings, machinery therein and the factory In running order, Six weeks notice in writing shall bo given by me when payment of the lean from the corporation is required. I hereby agree to complete an ag1'oe• mrnt ns set forth in this proposition, E. IL, glen, .. GAS iN 711E sromAcii. Reselling and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating is caused by i he formation of gas. The stomach fails to perform its functions and 'he food ferments, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder, They aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach and bowels, For sale by all druggists. An ndw 1'1180lllent in 11111 STANDARD) pays. Aud1(ors' Report for Me Pillage of Big(h Year Ending Dec. 3Ist, 1906 ASSETS. ('•1sh on hand $1218 47 Uncollected taxes (190(1) 8211 70 Lome on (lour mill 4000 00 School buildings and grounds..., (30(1 00 Fire hall 400 00 Fire engine and equipments.. , , , 2800 00 Water tanks and iron piping 1050 04) Lockup 2Gb 01 Two weigh bcales and land.... , , 300 111 Oranolfthlc walks and sewer 8200 09 (3ranolithic walks (111(10) 1500 41 lilytll city sprinkler ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100 Ott Cement tools 45 01) Fire protectlou oinking fund 255:I IN► $28032 70 LIA131LITIE3. Fire protection dobent's unpaid. ,$3000 00 School " .. 4214 84 Consolidated debt " " 1873 (14 Sewer 41 " 10(38 07 Gi'anolithfc walk " " ,. 7221 42 Local improvement " (10(1(1) " „ 1500 44 llonusGuelph Jot. By. " ., '2833U3 School board 1117 00 Hour 111111 debentures unpaid 4377 (12 Balance of assets over liabilities1000 01 812~932 70 We, the undet'signed Auditors for the year ending Doo. 31st, 101)0, do hereby certify that we have examined the'1't'eas. urer's books, compared the several items with vouchers and stamped the same "audited," All of which we find correct, showing Dash in bank One ..Thousand, 'Iwo Hundred and Forty•elght Whirs and Forty.seven Cents ($1248.47.) We hereby certify that !the above as count of receipts and expenditures for the year ending Dec, 31st, 1900, is correct. FRANK A. ANUERSoN0 Auditors A. H, tiPtrrtroltn,, f for 190(. INSANITY Of HARRY ThAW. District Attorney Wrestles With the Defence's Expert. • Collateral Evidence Ruled Out by the Judge. Were Cousins on Either Side of (louse Insane? Now York, Feb. 11.—The task of proving to a jury that Harry Thaw was insanethrough heredity and mental stress—when he shot and killed Stan- ford White, was taken up to -day by the defence, but when adjournment was announced later in the afternoon it was the general opinion in the court room that but little progress had been made. Thaw's attorneys endeavored in vain to place before the jury evi- dence tending to prove a strain of in- sanity in the collateral branches of the defendant's family, but they here blocked at every point by Distriet At- torney Jerome, whose objections were upheld by the rulings of Justice Fitz- gerald. 'fhe defence olid, however, get before the twelve nieu in the box the testimony of an expert that in his opinion Harry Thaw w•as .suffering from insanity the night of the tra- gedy.' Mr. Jerome undertook to break down the evidence of the alienist, Dr. Q. C. Wiley, of Pittsburg, and for three hours put him through a cross-exam- ination as severe as was ever heard in a New York court, Tho prosecutor was relentless in his attack, and be- fore he had finished, 1)r. Wiley protest- ingly declared: "I did not come here as an expert; I calve as a witness to a fact, and I have been converted into an expert without being prepared for it." Witness admitted that he had never conversed with the prisoner and had never applied any of the recognized teats of insanity to him. The District Attorney finally drew from the alienist the opinion that 'Thaw's acts on the Madison Square Rout Garden when lie killed Stanford White were not acts of insanity when taken singly, but constituted evidence of insanity when considered collective- ly. The cross-examination lasted prac- tically the entire morning and extend- ed for nearly two hours into the after- noon session. At the close of 11r. Jeroine's cross- examination of Dr. Wiley an attempt was made to introduce testimony tend - ling to show the strain of insanity said to have existed in certain branches of the Thaw family. Among the witnesses called to the stand )vas Albert Lee Thaw, of Richmond, Va., who said that his father and Harry Thaw's father were first cousins. The defence stated its purpose to draw from the witness ' the feet that his father died in an asylum for the insane, when Mr. Jerome objected. Ile declared the relationship ot both the witness and his father too far removed from the defendant to be competent. Besides, he added, the law - is not satisfied that a man is insane merely because he dies in an asylum. There must be competent testimony to 'the fact. The Judge upheld Mr. 'Jerome. Dr. C. H. Bingaman, of Pittsburg, who has been a family physician of Thaw's for thirty years, took the stand, and testified that he had known llarry Thaw ever since his infancy. When Thaw was about seven the doctor held treated him for St. Vitus' dunce, ale seemed to be a lad of highly nervous temperament and slept badly nt eight. ' Dr. John F. Deemer, of Kittanning, , Pa.,'the family physician of the Copleys, 'Mrs. Wm. Thaw, the prisoner's another, having been a Miss Copley, was the lust '" 1'10ss of the day. He w'ILS called t� tteatify as to the mental condition of John Rose, a cousin of Harry K. Thaw, when i11r. Jerome objected. The de- fence had not their authorities on the introduction of collateral insanity in court, and the ease Ives adjourned till to -morrow that they alight procure then). LIVING WITHOUT PART OF BRAIN. Lawsuit Reveals a Remarkable Feat of Surgery. Montreal, Feb. 1 a sui brought to -day against the 1 roiid Trunk Kailway Company is 1)1011 rll to light one of the strangest surgical cases W11io!t hurl yet colic under the notice of medical prac- titioners in Montreal, and involves a 1111111 living without a portion of his brain. \. Jolieoeur was driving his bread wagon across the railway tracks at St. Henri, when he was struck by n Grand 'trunk tender, and knock(sl unconscious, 1fe was remove)) to the General Hoa• pitul, where it was found that his skull was badly crushed, and Dr. 1•', J. Shep- herd and the other surgeons, after con- sultation, decided that the only possible way to save the nntn's life was to re- move it portion of the brain. The deli- cate operation was sue(essfu1, and Joli- coeur, who is twenty-four years of age, is enjoying good health, but his mind is by no means strong. Through as judicial taken action ugainst pang' for $10,500, ad% icer, he has the railway eon)• GALT CHURCH TO SECEDE. U. P. Church Intends to Join Presbyter- ian Church of Canada. Galt, Ont., despach: The Gal brunch of t he 1'nit e:1 Pres hy1edam Church in ('auluda last night voted, 156 to 49, to join the Comolinn Perobyterian Church. The vote was the outcome of recent congregational disaffection, which rosult• ed- in the resignation of Rev. Dr. King, the pastor of 15 yearn;. The property here is a valuable one, cousirtiug of a church building and grounds in the centre of the town, on which $13,000 was reeently expended in refitting and furnishing, and a manse, worth 10,000. The question rises whether the administrators of the U. P. Church affairs will consent to a our - render of all this property to another communion. A meeting of the congregation has been called to (outsider the unique sit - nation, If those who voted against the change maintain their opposition, as they probably will, an application will imme- diately he made to the Ontario Legisla- ture for o. private bill. transferring the property of the l•. 1' (Introit to the Can- adian Prensbyterian Church. IMPERIAL EMIGRATION. Question Suggested for Discussion at Colonial Conference. London, Fel). 11.--llichn rd Arthur, Pre- sident Of the Australian Emigration League, write the papers protesting against infor11aiion regarding Ile United States being provided at public cost, and suggesting that the initiation of a great system of imperial emigra- tion should be tli-cussod at the Colonin1 Conference. ile says Australia is pre- pared to enter heartily int() such a pro- posal. 'i'lle Chrnmiele says tit1.4 is 1: form of colonial conference to %% hall the 1'onulon- wealth need take no exception. It doubts, how•over, whether Australia has the same giftfor advertising as Canada has. WEDS WITH BROKEN LEG, Lalrefield Man Met With an Accident While Going to Church. Peerborto despatch: A broken log on his wedding day did nut prevent the bridegroom, '''hos. Gingras, leu employee of the Cavendish Lumber Company, of I,akefield, from beim.' married to -day to Hiss Queen, a popular young lady at Young's Point. Gingras was driving from 1 ahefield to the Roma) Catholic ('hnrt'lt at Young's Point, when the sleigh was upset and his leg fractured near the thigh. lie heroicaly continued his journey and went 1lu•ouglt the ceremony in the presence of a large number of guests. After the nuptials he was; taken to St. Joseph's lfospital. ,__ ___.trq w — .IM+ NEWS IN BPEF CANADIAN, The re-count resulted in the 11'eston local ,option by-law being sustained. The Chapman hotel at Sarnia was burned on 'Tuesday and several of the guests had 11 11111.1.0w escape. The now nurses' home, nt 'Toronto, the gift of Mr. John hoot's Robertson to the Hospital for ,Sick Children, was opened. The steamier Parker, belonging to tho Dale Sand Company of Chattanooga, 'Fenn., was blown up yesterday near Wil- liams' Island, a few miles below Chatta- nooga, on the Tennessee River. Jltlllea 'i'honlpdol, captain, was dangerously in- jured. A negro fireman i't missing. A commission appointed by President Roosevelt has unearthed gigantic land (noun; in California, implicating several men of influence. The )ltnitoba Legislature, with but one dissenting voice, )las adopted the resolution providing for the fair wage choose in till Government contracts. Rev. \Villiam MIeKinley, pastor of south Side Presbyterian Church, 'Toron- to, was yesterday elected Mloderttor of the Presbytery of 'Toronto for the next six months. The investigation by the Ontario Railway tool Municipal Board into) the street car overcrowding in Toronto (vas advanced a stage yesterday, and adjourned till Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, Galt Town Council last night decided to ask the Hydro -Electric Colnmiraion to send an engineer here to definitely ascertain the actual amount of Niagara power required by the town, Josiah (filbert, who was senteaieOd fu Regina in November 10111 to be executed on February lath for the murder of Barrett 1lenderson, has been reprieved until Murch 8th, The Supreme Court has allowed an extension of the time for the service of an appeal front the conviction. BWITIS11 AND 1.0REION. "Shulthmrst," the counts' seat of Ilen• Speer at I'ortchcster, N. Y., wms burned yesterday. The loss is $1.10,000. Kier Ilardie hag annottnced that one of the objects of the British Labor party is to abolish the landlord system. It is believed that at least a' dozen lives have been loot at Salida. Col„ in a terrific snowsli(lc from \Monarch Moun- tain, Toronto will oak the Government to take a plebiscite as to the aticisabiity of establishing a public -owned telephone systems. A Chinese rebel 101oder living n(. Tokio is organizing a revolution. which, he claims, will result. within three years in the full of the )(nucha )dynasty, The appointment as actuary o1' the Iowa Insurance Depariment ons been tendered .lir. J. A. \ieNcllar. .t. .\. S., New York, Mr. dlcliellar is a Cana- dian by birth and edueation. United States District ('ourt .Mudge Charles Pau•lnngo of New Orleans, died suddenly of apoplexy 4)11 '1'uesdaly, lie was one of the leaders of the 01111 - lottery movement in Louioi1tu11, which re- sulted in the overthrow of the lottery. BRITAIN VALUES PREFERENCE, .First Step in Direction of Intercolonial Free Trade. London, Feb, 11.--1Winstou Churchill, sJxtnlcmlg nt Lertls to -night, said that at tho forthcoming Colonial 1,'onference there is to be no restraint whatever 119 to the 111111.1444419 w•111011 may arise. '.L'hc Government, he said, valued very- highly the preference already afforded 11•1titin by the colonies, because it is some re- turn for the great sums spent by her in the common defence. The Govern - 111001 also sympathized with intereolon- ial preference, beeatlise it made an vas- ior approach to that intercolonial free trade which is the goal of both tariff re- formers and fre traders. Your. Grandsons W1fl6Be Old Men Before This shave " Roof Wears Out tt4��R� "u.��\rTl n '•. f+!i,li tf �;k,J��r' •!at'( 1 •i4C ' t�^�JJ'n�7n`.1�� i^LAf• . • this year? and that will be a GOOD roof in 2001. Wo will glvo you a written guarantee, backed by $250,000, that such a roof,! Lu. entyy:,puut on,yeawill need no repairs and no painting for at least' Get tho facto Pd1arbefore you roof s thing. PaDpl e of Ochaswa ' Moatreal Toronto Ottawa London Winnipeg Vancouver • $214 Orals fit. W. 11 Colborne Bt. 428 gum BO 69 Dowse 116. i6 LonN.rd Bt. 616 render St. 102 Pod your buildings with "Oshawa" Galvanized Stool Shingles r ra fir 79 Sc�lvarnzed r �, t^ 177'. ttr`-i- s I t1::1 .1+II' �l � aux., , ' � ii tai t., '-1... make roofn Ivater•tight, wind -proof, weather, -proof, runt -proof, fire -proof for a century,—our plain guarantee keeptS it so for 25 years without a cent oi* cast to the man who buys it.) Xtti Made In ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 28-juage,t semi -hardened STEEL double -galvanized They lock on all FOUR Bides--tho ONLY METAL shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on—a ham- mer and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough, Cost LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the surface area of any roof onyour place and we will tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. F R , ,,.)i. ,�9'''tpti l•)4:r'I1,�.F ,�'�(i I '4 k, ' RELIEF TRAIN. FUEL FOR POINTS ON THE PRINCE ALBERT BRANCH. Resolution of the Davidson, Sask., Board of Trade—Bridge Timbers and Rail- way Tics Burned as That Point. Regina, Feb, 11.---A special relief train with fuel left here al :: o'clu('k fur llalidsoll and points on the Primo Albert line, which was opened to - Davidson, Sask., Ina ).---At a meet- ing of the Board of 'Trade last night the necessity of taking immediate steps for the relief of the fuel famine VMS considered and at resolution passed ask- ing for the immediate 00•operation of the Regina hoard of Trude in an appeal to the Dominion Government and the Rail- way Commission, urging that some- thing be dome at once to relieve the fuel famine, and also asking that the C. N. 1t. Company be compelled to snake every effort to keep the Prince Albert line open wad operate train;. The fuel famine has atssutned it Most serious aspecd, and the railway is still tied up. Tim supplies of bridge tim- ber and tio>s seized by the town authori- ties have boon exhausted, and the lumber stores in the local yards will be next used. CATTLE ARE DRIFTING. Sixty Thousand Gathered Along Belly River. Lethbridge, Alta,, Feb, 11.• -Cattlemen say that all the stock ranging for a hundred miles north to the number of 60,000 or 70,000 head, have drifted into the Belly River, between Lethbridge and Taber. Conditions are worse north of the ]3ig Bow )liver, and some losses are reported from those districts. Quite a few cattle have been killed by drift- ing over cut banks in the blinding snow storms, A few miles north of this town can be seen n pile of about seventy-five dead beasts beneath 0 cut bank, over which they drifted one dark stormy night. One night Inst week a hunch of cattle camped for the night, near the elevator", but before the night Ives over the drifted off again, striking the river near VI'1,00pup. Ten head of thele went over a hundred -foot bank. GERMANY'S POWER. ALL AIMED AGAINST BRITAIN, SAYS SIR EDWARD RUSSELL. Editor of Liverpool Post Says Kaiser Means to Fight Within Five Years— A Note of Warning --Britain's Navy Unproven; Her Army a Toy. Loudon, Feb. 11.--('onlmentimg on the result of the German elections, Sir .E11 - ward Russell, proprietor and editor of The Liverpool l'ost, writes as follows: "The issue i; to a•trengthet the hands of the .kaiser, and it is absolute folly to !aide our eyes to the last that all the war equipnuut. of Germany i; aimed against Great Britain. The fact is Ger- many )Must have 51)Iiee t0 colonize 111. Suitable space for that purpose can only be acquired after defeating England. Di- rectly (_trent Britain is reduced to the rank of it third-rate pole• Germany is world supreme. "There is no desire to annex these islands, but to cripple Great Britain financially, The vrtht French indemnity after Sedan would he nothing to what (401(1 Jiril)tin would 1181.0 to pay were she obliged to sue for peace, and besides money Germany would then occupy Asia Minor and Egypt, 111113 bolding the key to India. "To be forewarned is not to be fore- armed, for these prognnsticntions have already been preached to deaf encs. t''''he British army is it toy and the lessons of the South Afrlcal wo• 1►nve not been taken 10 heart. The navy is unproven, for no great battle between European States has 110011 fought since Tett feign r. "Wherefore, ponder, for Germany means to fight (trent Britain on some pretext ,thin five rears, pos.;ibly earlier," '0 GAS JET WAS OPEN, John Wilson Iied Narrow Escape From Asphyxiation in Toronto. Toronto despatch: John 'Wilson, 20 years old, recently from ''ort; 1lope, null residing at 137 Bathurst street, is lying in the Western 1[popita] in 1t serious con- dition, suffering from 4 he offe;ts of in- haled gal. \Vilsotl, who is employed by the 1)oni1ntoit Paper Box Conlpauny, King street west, trent into rt friend's rooms lest night end while there the goo was turned off at the meter. Ile had left the gas in his own room burning. 'anti when he returned to his room undressed in the darts, paying no attention to the gas jet, which was still open. About 4, o'clock Chi.; morning the gas toes turned on again at the meter, and two hours latter Wilson 1118 found in ell unconscious condition by one of the boarders, a s -e GAS AT NINETY CEITTS. — Montrool r!n,(r-ilClanticn contract Twenty Years From zgzoo 1'1(1111'011 , i'eu, 11,--1111! VtX"(I gee question which has been troubling the City •t oulcil for the past few months was settled to -day, The Council decided Tho claim Is based upon the allegation that after 11)10 they would give the Montreal ]dight, Hent & Power Company that the hotel supplied Purvis with in - a twenty-year contract, with gam to be toxicuting liquors and euuned him while supplied nt 00 emits per thousand feet, j under ire influence to come to his death. Ald Payette was further of the bill aid Ile was thrown from a rig and injltrod piloted it through the City Council. his spine. for SIIOT DOWN P�CKU BOO POLICE CAPTMN. ; SAO B ' Drunken Patrol Wagon Driver Mur- (Atttniftd Assassilluliclil of Son of ders Man at Desk. Lat^ Kiilg of Servia. Lewis, the Driver, Was Jealous of Other's Promotion. Did Not Want to be Ordered Around by a Dutch Captain. - Jncicson, Mich., Feb. 1 1. --Captain of Po - lien ,John llolzapfcl was mur- dered at I) o'clock this horning, by Isaac Lewis, patrol wagon driver, while aentecl at his desk at the police station. Lewis entered the station collsid- erably under the influenice of drink. Ile took off his mat ttnd rubbers, and than pulling a long barrels] revolver from his pocket and stepping up in front of the captain's (leak fired three aruccerrsion into the shots int rapid cuptuitt'a breast. The tatter threw tip his arms, ammo to his feet and st.uggering fell to tho floor, galsp('d but a few scenods and was devil, Lewis was undoubtedly crazy when he committed the awfu crime. His Isom, Hurry LeW1s, was in an adjoin- ing room nt the station talking with Chief of Police Boyle about his fuller's condition when the latter en- tered the atntion, 1'lgo eon said his father's condition was such last night that he had to hold him on the bed and that his father told hila he know his head rias wrong, Both llolzapel and Lewis have been connected with the police depart- ment for about 14 yours and it seems Lewis was Jealous of ]Iolzapfel'a ad- vancement to the captainship, which occurred allout two years ago, Lewis being promoted only from patrolman to patrol driver. llolzapfel was about 43 years of ago and was; one ot the most efficient officers in 111ct department, Ile woe a Karl with a host of friends, and his tragic death comes as a shuck to the whole city. Ile leaves a widow and family. '!'hose who were eye witnesses to the murder were Cltief of Poice Boyle, Detectives Tobin and Rosen- cra ntz and two newapt.per reporters, one being '1'11e Detroit 'Times represen- tative, Lewis, was grabbed by the officers and hurried into the cell block of the station, where be was locked up. Lewis when locked in a cell, Rid he (vas glad the captain was dead. "I have got even with him now. I don't have to be ordered around by a Dutch - captain, 1'11 tell you that. Just the other night he called 1110 down be- cause there was dust on his desk and told me I must keep it cleaner. Pin glad he is dead. ]Ie was no good on earth. T though T would use my now gun and it worked well, 1 would have shot a couple of others if I had a chance and I'll do it yet, if they don't watch me pretty close before 1 go down to the pen for the rest of my life" • Chief Boyle was the first to grab 1,etyis aftdr he hod fired the three shots at the captain. As he whirled Lewis around, the ]atter shot nt Chief Boyle, just missing him by a narrow margin. The bullet went through the window, Detective 'Tobin wrenched the revolver out of his band anti three officers had a hard tussle with Laing to get him hack into a cell, 4.1 FREIGHT IHIT WORK TRAIN, One Man Killed and Over a Score In- jured on the Intercolonial. :ttwcnsttle, N. 11,, Feb. 1 -A. special Tntercolominl freight train collided with n working train 11)'111' Beaver Drools to- day, killing one mon and injuring over it score, s0111e probably fatally, The working train way bucking when the Special cane around a curve and crashed into the rear caro, telescoping two. In the van, which lore the brunt of the collision, were 21) (nen, all of whom were hurt. The l:illc;l mail was I)oeithe 'I'hibelleau, woo leuvcs 11 widow• 1JIid (Ile nmol) children. CAR CONGESTION. Gr.2-nd Trunk Creating ,"_-pcc!rrganiza- tion to Deal With Montreal, Feb, 1 1.---Ths Grand 'Trunk Railway is, ns fai' its in ' lti�, antieipat. int possible requireaoe! 8 of the Railway Commission by giviipt special attention and creating sptetal organization for dealing with ear t 11ges1ioe at the larger terminals, ,tIt', 1 11'rence Nolan, a mem- ber of the oporalting stuff, has just been appointed superintendent of terminals at 1lctroit, with ')(h(( at llnlwaukee ,Tune - tical. SUING HOTEL MAN. WIDOW WANTS DAMAGES FOR DEATH OF HER HUSBAND, Ottawa, Fel --A writ has been sent 111 eiatitiliitg $1,000 by the widow of John Purvis, of Winchester villttga, against .1. ik E. :Macdonald, of the Inoseia House, Conata11tln(1l,le, )'ell, 1 i, • George Chl'1s- ticll, holt of the late King Milan of Seto via, by hale, C.'hristicll, had a nitrroly escape from aseas;ination lust night, 1111 neknotly luau) euddeuly attacked (-'kris tick and attempted to plunge :a dagger into his chest. The weapon, however, struck a thick pocketbook and only in- flicted It scratch, l'lu'Istich, who is IS 1•eais od, lives here, 1118 nwthlr's life has beet) threatened en previoua occas- ions, Uhtislich Ivor; nlontfomert its the possible s1l(((S (1r to the throne of Scr• via at the Lime of the murder of liin', Alexander and Quell 1)raga. During at visit to Constant int1t'r -the late King 1lilan of Servia was ntt-ract- ed by a beautiful Turkish girl, :Artemisia .lohnamid, (laughter of the Sultan's chef architect, and she bcv iiitc the mother of n sots whom 1lilan caused. to be clm•isten- eta with his on•11 11:1110, latter Arlr..tnisill beclune the wife of a Se111011 nobleman named ('In'istich, who wee 'Minister of Servia at St. Petersburg for ninny years. LISTENING BOARDS. NECESSAR :', S n.YS VELI, MANAGER BEFORE ROYAL. COMMISSION. Scope of Teiephone Investigation is Widened --Local Manager Kenneth J. Dunstan on Witness Stand All Day. A 'Forum u Ilcarltel: Quest ions and ne- -II'cr� shout the Hi•telling hu:lyds" of the ';ell Telephone Company occupied the centre "f ;h:' -;a,:e at 111(1 investi;gttti()e !.'•'1.u1'e 1!:e Ifo ,!i 1'ullllli "11.11 ,' v0;t)rday a•t•,''Idhie 1111 to:h ori iilg from the II - vent strike thz telephone opel,atur(. 1.01 r.1 .\ !rigor 1;onnolh .1, 1)1111s111 11 Iv;r; 111 1110 11'111!)^--i111\ tba•lt:;r t!Ie t'Iltll'(' -i1;n, 01111 1-). 1 h :renter portion of that, tfnie 10(11 the alt:eile.3 of Mr. J. \\•, ('ut rt . K. (•,, who is the, girls' co„n.-el, .1 \Vinolot,ter, ono of the commni•••i'nl,rs, fi:'.t Orely attention to the "listening I,mtld-,," ()r "ob.;erv'n• tint, iioald•1,' 11, Al', Dun.-ta11 I vi 11(1.11, !n'cfeti 1 10 tot 1lt'nt. HP' NCH it:,l au:er c111itnc,l 1hat, 51o11 board. -111'11 l'u!p'.o.Vc; a; listeners acre net,•..,u'y l ;:rt ;11x1 parcel of tl4,' 14'111, 'the Ido \vete novel. to ti for an i:apropt'r pnrpm,o, 11e claimed, but I Lc It 131;:"11.0 31 e Ila, 1(1 i', cerhti n h al lll"1:1;( i i l'? 1111' ; (;l)1 (1'1'1' it 1111(' 11t1ted t(1 t111,1 (•;at the real 1';11-t' of cons• pia 1Ilk. '110, I)tttl•,tr11 salve tut 0x• I;l:'naticn (,1 ithy the tticphune ''1'ark- ;I,lir tc1errc.1 1;) in The (dobe ;It 'Plast,;,', tool bean put (0) the "list- ( eine i!cmird. :,Il;j le t!aunt's) such ac- t ien le•tion wt:; i111ply taken to ieeurd rho nunlhor of call-, Judge \\'inchester pointed out that 11r. 'Dunstan had said that the company had leen paying itsutficie111• salary to live I!mn. and 111, Honor n-1:ell if that Ives c:Ii(:I:(ive to a hi';ll to oaf tone, "I tiiittk the idea of paying; low solar'• i' s for ,,h,1t l il.nn•; i ; furl lalnetitolly r'n)fi.' slid the luam;l"t•r. ',Is. 1)n1l:,111 11 el'1;lently pr)forrod 111 (',111 I110 "li• I I')1111;r lr.ud" 1111! "ohservit- 10;1 1111:1 rd." 11e-tntt'll Iltat the tr1t k' oi:ject of lite girls operating )hose hoards Wit ; 10 13'11.01'1 the service, "('an all Omit he os 'sootily stns 1)y •'npervi:.ur.s, monitors ;ld telt clerks?' tl•:ked -lar. O.n.o., "\\'t' have 1)11r system here, 11•lliell 1; like that (11 ot her ('(1111'(.," Regarding the reporting of converse - linos 110s Dunstan' said lie had no knowl- t•dt;e of 1.11(11) talks being reported. Thos) reports alight cone to Lim, and 1111.11 1111/lin Ill)'; rliIght tro(.. 1'01 lube lierrr heard in your 27 eNir. rimes of a conversation lie - ii(: made pul:ii;''1" :1: -.ti.). "1 know it loots :itattc(t openly in c1 paper where two persona' spcitkbtlg be• ttrccm 1 otelon and \\(hldsor were report- al the 1 to the (pie :lion of pay, Mr. oisloot ; soot 10) ltttoi.!4 Et1l ate new ;,\' !' v''^r, ,tlo.,olntel' fair, witeilier . „ac!.'' :' the awn', ttl!" ti t y, w':'el: or .!i:ot! (\e.tidetl the 'day's (osidenee, i1! ,c' :l" !';(, r, toe comlpaly'3 .solititor, hod ;11) (311esO S to ask. •113' C.r'A`.1.!n',;rI':rI'f:EZI'. J Lhicurdinc Thief, Oif;o',tiae:ios Detective, in I3is Oven Pursuit Port Iinetm, Mich. Fel, 11--.1. ''f, Seheeffer, agent :10. is 1111th t. arrest bore 011 11 charge of the 'aloofly `8i t fur (vercca11 and (idler 11ilicle.; from It', btlsittes: 1111111 111 l\ine:trtbine, 0111. Schaeffer enineditee 0 week tore all registered at the St, Clair Metal es 'lyron Militia, member of the C, Doteetivo or New foul•:. 1.10 told proprietor '\Vater8 ha was looking for ',ono "Selitiefferws who was wont- ed for larceny in Kincardine, • Tuesday night he was found in a resort where he had been "droned" anti on regaining constYi )nsneo;, admitted that he had disgtised •lilmself as u. cletective.for several weeks, 1fe will be sent heel: to lKinetu'dino, ,1, It Was All Hot Lnngleagc, " Wlint slid father flay when you told hum of our engagements" tusked the dear girl "1Vo11—or—really, dour," began young Ponrman. "oh, you On lenvo ottt,tho ewonr words," ",T11on,Qhoro's noihing tb tel you, ( .00+0+.11010.1.004041.04•••••••••••*.liano•01•144144+114141111044141.111.1.0•Amoo••••••••••1411101.+40 •••••••000/00/.../..11.•••••••••••••••• ,r. _..ww•+r,. .1..•.w_ • w •••+„ ••+„N•-••••..•„•,..M14WM.0..1....•.•„M•4,,.r.....1,M•W 4•'41.'1,.4 gbe h1►4'•M'ar 16.4k.'417 -QUETTA ^Wa '40.4 Moils ilbAO "\ly delle A11.4rey -you?" "11y dr'ar ] ii'neelifte, ale --i1 eidedty one; nobody else, 1 flatter myself I'm equal to the task," said the young man, glancing cunlplu•1nlly 111 his Imiels oat fact'! .and figure in the gutsy, "And you really intend to try to cap- tiv:toe her?" "I most really and emphatically do," "1:l puis?" rail, 1)isbro\we, laughing, -And then i will make her lady Ails" tr; her father wants to get her a title, an•i I don't see vliy A114trey i; not ;it good n9 Fairnecliffe. To be sore, you aro worth a score of thousands a year, and 1 about enough to buy kill glove; all pule ale; but he has the gill, and he alight, its Well let nn' spend) it Iv, any- bu!iy else." ":1 very dclightfnl scheme, my good friend; ins therefore, of curse, quite impracticable. Old JlncduunId has set Ids heart on marrying Ise to his (laugh - MI; and do you suppose he will coolly stow! by and see put \in the gulden prize? 1 don't doubt, your sllecc93 With the lady; she has been shut up like a nun all her life; and will he a re;;ala' J:asteria bride for 'x(lIl.,i1.Ln'ss; and, 1. 1 i Ofr intensely romantic order, 1111„ 1111 11 n 14 Il 11 I, will he ready to forget int! and Tuve you at a moment's notice; but, all! ler fa• tier is another affair!" "1Vhat a bore. fathers ;ore!" sail the young turd, in It tone of displease:1. criti- cism, 14'4 n do .'cc • I ' I 9 1 4, 1 don't s 111 pretty Ir I 4 4,r 4 f, I nerd have such things at ;111, do \lili( i1Ql'lllit', reetllllti(:- idea of 11V Vr 41116/114. illiwq10 11r1s41.e0•,0 Ihe'I'll•mnin au:I'sion, .1 porter, quite 01' :tri 1;'I'11ti' 115 1Ile 1101.-'4;, ;Ill Mil ell 11'111 111 ;1 ,:1111i11 111,11'ri!Ir•rt'11n1, 0101 I1'It 11:1'1:1 114, "1 III 1111111 ;lint 1 !1!11'1! 111 11,'11'11•, 11;1111" Illllilll!''1 1,11'01 .\I1•;Il'3: 110,1 r"!1!1111,11' II(!`•, 1 ( ,Illtll'I' bIt11' 111:1;; :11:`s \1!4,111;1 r. ill 1;4111 ;I.• lrlliling,'' �4,I 1.4''}• 1011 !1' .1,1 1,411 111:111 1!1' 111 n'1. ';:!'111•!1„ill;, .1 ;11!111, ,',.11•111,!Int lilt!(' '('(• 1111111, 1111 '111114,5 II 1J (11101111'-, 40111:! ill. ':114 1111 I,l!r;l l:arn'.'r11'fl', l\'11',)1111• 11"nn'! v,!' r, (.1 :111 1.,•r}' sorry, roll:'41, t) I:"al' 4! poll. hiss, but ••11'11 things. IIUI••L ' I'\ptl''1111 ill 11114 lift', (1,11111-15,'x11111;. 1,11111 (111,1;,4; If 1, 11:11;' ;l i' 11::1' .•111(',' 1 1.':11 \n!!, 11,'11:1; 1!114' x'.414 Imo; do. 4,1!11 1;11 'i':►tial: :II Ili:'n,!(%' Pork, 111 I r"111111: lids;1!;'lll'� the lll',liihi: ; 111 Ilio• lore, 11!;1! II!I 1)11' I'1',', 5f ii, r1,11 1,;111'11•," ;I Il,1t`1n'''ll I!Cl! young 111!41(,11;. ":',1111 I'll''in'r, 11II 1 b' \'I 1111 , ladies t 1 '''',I. 1:, •,'1!1•('•3, full !I,.11ghl (' 11111' •1111 :'4,. • ,I!, (You 1';,• i, 1!I-!;1111 1''ll;ill' 14 1,1111 (;4411;4''.;, 11:11 n 1:111; 11 hill a, ,11.' 1/111:1,1'11. ''1'114111V1'1l' 111 1)e.,11101l•I', card early the other night, 11141' %vele 1'1.1'1'1' 1 (!11 1,'4,4Ill. 1111' you, met Arent feebly about, like 1.,0 111.1111' dr1')I!ill;r lilies, 4',•114( t!I;'y 1111:11.11 (1:11 111111 1'111 lily,'(, 11 ‘vas 111th' heart - br'alci11g, 1 assure you!” "Neatly now! 1 (';l4n'l, mvare I w11s 1;!111 -killer, 1 ltltst iIlIiavur 10 eo:ll!!l,114:[ Illy 1110111' hlS('I11:IILou, for :4,i' 11th(•', I ser, in 110'1.1.1. to the tcull to 14t1•er, I suppose, is derive(, front tho3e ' 'Ton 11:1'llly 1(111' (yell a4 charming pictures; ('here the scenery 4,3 (01144a I saw you 4,:1=1, my Iur,1," sail all b;ac(niC‘i, roses, and curtain:( nut of !i:; 'I'r,'n::li•I, lilri!in,',! I)i bi'uwe, "f)n doers, acid where :1 gentl('1n111( in tights 1,1'.4 11111tc 1141!' ;111,1 111111, 1)11 1'.rll 11'11 and It guitar is urging 1a lady 1)11 his p Imat: 4:1, (,1.1,1';g,'!' kne('' to f„n to sea \vit!' hull 111 '')4,u('• i "•1!! 111,' ti' 4,'1' :111';','•'.1!11'', 11;' I!:'• Uiii g that looks Ilk,! It f,4,atill'r cradle, j !1!,114: l n4,; ; !:!,ill's 2.1.111:e 1,.44 . et 111 or 1a hearse amusing 1( -(elf 11'Itll 14, sail, thing, 1 le,r,' heard, 1,01 bull 141,011 1'11 ') I'1\'. 111'11 j::1. :I fs'rtl:tele, 45' .,'1, 1111:1 •111 ! 11' '`,I,'1',.!1'y 1 1 \\ tri i,'!'' !111. Illi IILi,!' 11'.11, so much the boiler; she Neill be all 1lie 0 Sier managed, and' handsome tusk..-. are privileged to be ;illy. .1s to the !governor, he's very fond of his d;1)41114 r --isn't he?” "i'.is.ionatclV-- I;iot' (1)1',1 11(1 her,' Own: 1-410.11 bill in 1(1(4 (I!I 1114', tllal':' 1.,':41 !, (11';ll!!'ai1 ;4;u'vat ('ill 111`:•11 1111 kor 11111r1'\'irg y1,tl, 110111. woe!, f!in;s L! r ,oil` 4:1 !4,i, 01';'1, ai,I 111"1 Thom (\'1111 hoe teOrs, tb;lnl;llo parent (tell' Illy lo punt' 1111t sl rietly honest lover. who is nbN'ays un hood - 'laves lovely dial;:hter's !land 111 his, ;11!1 gay:: ''I'akr her, you dog!' Lovers fall at L44 frit'(, llhdnrate rowel. 411'111115 out Ids hands, roils up his eves 10 the ape..strophizex the fl!';: `spit• it id Illy slimed Eli.mis.th behold 111',' Mappine.,: 14110,:; you, 111.' children! limy you I,1' happy!' :',1141 then the ('llrl;lin falls. on/l there it entl::," "No,"' said I)ishrnwt, I::n4hiI(4, "then 'tan's' the force, 1no;i4t!n1r n4,' a 1:011peek- r;l 1111»lu:nil and thirteen toAvlieoll!(l t4,\, ., and (:..r:1' '" 1.11111 ;110,t 1'^ i I!i,:de a grimace. "Ugh! don't mention it! (.roll 111:11 a fore(4?---a lragrd4. 111m•' likely. 11'411, bn lc,' 11,v and truly. 111141 so11'rly, J:lu'llcli(fe, .1 6'01'1, s''c wily this pl,!'I 411,1114 1ei:rl;.' "11.1 l':(II (4,y it, hut 1 111110'01 1 Ii111 it;(plical. 11`ill you ('01ie wild lite t5 tow 11?'> ''1'1'rtltinly 1 when lou you go :" "11'' 111a\' ass 11.ii1 start 111)(1., 1 !.1111. llnr-1, 11. (rill 1101 1/ to hill 1ir)14. 111;0 1.1111;, ii'''li, i.s no trifling consideration, For lkll!I1.4it the d(!It'e far )111'(Ite 1:; ple,,>dlllt ('ntoigh for (ince i!1 11 (•5y, yet 1110!,' 14 10('11 II ; )05Sii)ilily 1(5 1'111'1111! inn 14111(11 01 11 ,.„;'5n.1 1141114, 1'+0 1 1Vill 01'11;'l• 101'41, ;ll MUT,' lie rang the bell as he spoke, 11(:1 the necessary CII11II!(tllds, a11(1 :11011 aros.! 141 1''s,t IIrulsul l III Ilk 111'e ls0lg 411\40, (11'l 111)11 the coat 1111(1 1111115 01 0111dnce lift, \.'1(110 LoI'd 11cn1'o :1114!'',0 (';all, oil ('hlnlllllg "Hear 1J', :No1.11111," to illake It fry; rllt•!a';rl)0(4 ]11 his outer lord also (if the 'eprr'.';ilea L' !lllowol)1'.1 the sad, plaint ire air 1.(, );1111 !'onlcill! laid locq(11.t.a to J)iahro(•e! .text morning, at the ':'li'st possi- 110 loan' tl:i fnshioi would pe:mtil, our t(',) 1(11111; "pel't's 5i 110 realm," 111 falll(• i!'.,:i IIio1'lli!I,, ,'0:4(.111110, "got 1111" n.s IJ:I'd :1,10111'(';! complacently i'C11141'k'11, "I'1'• p,:tl'lll.'ss of expense," placed their patent leather (touts on the avislunratic doorstep 10006 ! '14'rn'!i=r 1.: •,1, 0.1111 1'11 bs'I nor 111,1110'1 Iia,;Ib111 by til;' ,'all 110 (!141 11)114' 11''11 b' :(11)' In 111;14' 010 !weary' au1 lone 'vt'ry ! (•;51111( i1) I'r'rkrdi',• 111111 C1'0-1'0101' 111,1 10 -)12;11; 1•I 1'I,'(':IdiIlr :11111 (!11 \'rest( I',1'11, urs, !1(';ul • 111,11 1141 r. i11 (1'1111 Hill," "T:0:0111•. y',o," -lid Di, I/1.Nw', "1 lend I ralln'r r:.cn•r(I, 1 It 'Ie Aliss \la'• d',n'bl i; N':1," \Ir5', Tri miain?" „Quit,. \yell she b, here in a mon., 11:).111, 1141•,1. 11111 )•nn ('11.juy your 41'11 to .lnmri'a, my lot'tl?” "Ver(' nlltc'h," "flow i,1'01.0': 1 1110(4' 111111 when Ave ('('1'0 both younger 1111)11 Ave Itl'1! 1 now, 1In11 we Avert. g19';ll friends. You visited hint, of course?" "Yes, madam, ? i t,}1'101 some w1('1.14 (rift hint. Ile is very well." "Anil you really liked :\nieriett'! 1t i nal uluell 111;1! 1':ngl.ld, T Suppose, 11111th 110 .i' strange country, T thin \O te:o all classes ;t!,: nn 00 e(tuality. t►c;;rlt 01111 1.,1 and 1111, Dreadfully I:;ii'- I Lll'n(1-, 1 l)liil!.. I ,loal(110. 111:0 it a :all." Before Ili-hr)we cold,, reply, the do)r opened, and Noraid. Jla'dlnaId, the ob• je)1 of all their !(•h'at's aunt 1)10llings. ((l'ei's-• the fair fiancee of Lord .Larne• 1:1! I'ft', ;4110 was tall ;11111 414:11, and to:nilaily graceful in form, with a complexion of r'•n0('y whiteness, unrelieved by 1h' faintest tinge of color, save in the full. rounded lips. ,Ter hair wag of a hrighi golden 11111', 1111(1 was worn 111 a pretty silk net, something like the present fltsh. ion; but int tool of the blue 't'it's (hat should 1:1'e accompanied that pearly fan! and pule gold loth', her 1y'4 (Vert' Targe .11141ru(3 fad intensely dark, The fail' lair and. rOnlplrxinn 411e h:id in• periled from her 5'olrll flatter; (1' d:lrl eyes and romantic n;4, l n1.', front her Ira:. ! (1111 1�I,,,u1' Liebe!' Icul!:!'x, .', r,1'•ti (•' dnrl: blue sill:, set off to the hest ad• vantage her peculiar style of beauty and very 1x(114' x011 (0ry graerl'II iu11erl she looked --so 11111(41 so, that Lord :111,4• Deg e',,ndered in',1.nrdly 44, 'Ills lr;e10l's II•1'ns114iIit 1111(1 il'I1. 114,1;. )1 )11,4:4,' 111:1' Itis ('It's AA•ell (('4x111 even 11i:; ('Mile lo try for. 1141(11 gentlemen arose (1111)11 ler 46§e11904 r , 0444:,4t)42i'rl 4 00 (t{;AY1 (l,�J "td'' (OP ei 4,10 4,,l) Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? Make him a Scott's Ernul rlorz baby. l•• ((„c s.6' E'm1.1111,skr'r". is Cod Live Oil and Flypop11osphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott'.' Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy- . c;heeked little fellow full of health and vigor. ALL DRUGGISTS; 5001, AND $1,00. 0004440 (tP''04• entrance, and i)iyhrolvi' had to ac!:nowt. edge lhnt seldom hall his eyes rested on one more lovely. Ile thought. of Jae:. q1101ta, 1'i1(1, spirited, :taring, hrlt'itl'hing; and she seemed 1114r the lark-limel, bril- liant pasl4iun flllw!'r 0f hl'r nali%•! 14n1(1, to n shy, flagrant violet, this pall, gentle English girl. She Ilrool)rll 11(41. large 111114.1; '31. end Jaid her lily hand for a moment in ;1;014-, nnlrnlnring 11 felt' words of 1t'I'!I'one. I' , both, foul Then retry:lie,, to sofa. Still and reserved she 14411:1411, but perfectly ('1)44' 11:)11 5)'ll•pl1I4'r,;0ll; yet, as elle °llt down, lucre was ,just the faintest per. epl!ble tinge of 1!151; in 1111•' 11041.11' ('1'111•:4, '1111'11 1 her'. b4' 41)1114' 1(',1;('11 0'1.11 1 lllg• "I did not i:now poi leer' in London. Int' lord," she said, (Illildly, "1 nnd11'' stand ('1111 \Yo1'1' a1. I)I•l)1',1l'' I';11•1' " "I was,until y';1"1.11(1', 1 1('11'111 11'11, ,(Aril d:l!l4hl'r ,:11011111 slayer the credit. you (vele 111 town. at111 so c:pled," '1•J11114 lobo ietieetl 11 from n d'-.'1'1!1• "So, Ilion, 1 0111 iudrhl'd to N'n'r11;I for t ion -du' reol1 from a 1)0,414 • ):ro!,ab:y the honor of this visit," s:iid \11.41 'l'111- 11e •r• n1. (\'a, laid in that part of .1111 - lupin; "but, of '0111.40, I ,night hl1',' 1'ri0l1 11 her' yon \Torr. \111(111 a=•1511'41 known you \vollll never hove called to her le, finish it, only," see your old friend, but for 41 tairol' "It 1; :1n odd I'ii'oillll•taael', anyway, magnet,1 wonder ( hat \I1.. 11u('i(' wuub! s;;4, if he 1;1110' 4400 Ettgli,ll ladies !mil 1,'411 Di, brow' aroused the old lady by some !4,)V compliment, and Lord (loop. beganki'l('!tlth 1114 11111'1" 1011 1)I-'i,l'11t1'1' 'hnll(ug \villi Nornittn-•..-"drawing 11441 1;11gh'll nt the 111';1. ,1• ,: 1.)1.11 ,l 0)11," as he afterward itflrrtne!l I)i,1rowo, "11'1111 i 111.. I,5wlilt 1 ,1. 1111 "l1) Hee ('hat 4111' (ells 11111110 0f." "O11l 11 p:u'(irnlar 01.11.1111 of loin" ".1nd 40 yon 111144' 11)111 111 ln111ing' 1111111110 inn yon re' 1h4rr--;I summer, tan, Miss .4.nald, like our •ions old fellow 4,u' i with 1110 (1'411 til• friend hero? \Chile he 11'11.; doing ,1.' f l('l1'r ►rib" 110 \4)rth 11)1 wile! 1 tell gull what Ih;ll pie, life wlll)lr, 1111 ,; 311a'do11:11!l, 1'I raving turungb the land of hilt:+ 11101 tusk' if V01111111'1 0?" porritlar;, '0'01. the 1111111' meteig the011, 1'1.;! 11}' 1111 1110411„!((list i, it hlathl'1' "\fell'•. -a tiler before the door, hpi'st- "Com Illy lord, speak respeetifully of L ' 1. 4,h' 111(11 of river, and nl,• unult,u, 1. ` member, 1 tun ;1 ,1:(1'11 ;-cutch lassie." "(1h, yolli' nationality it 11(1 ltkl'ly to be iniSlllk'n, (Addle yon are 0;111'41 )lis; 11:tel'In;lld, By 1140 wa3, is .\Ir. `,14114• I 1 •, t( I '1 4,1. Il 10.,111 I 1 i "X"; papa 11;1; gime over to Boulogne un hnsinc;; fill• a (''\r 1.,•"I•::;, ' 111 I'Igll," ill(,Ilglll 1.111'11 1tco1'gi. ('11!0 coast. is cleni'-111111 faith! 1 11('1,11101 f1.;u 11114 yoIng 1a11y i:, 110 sail 1,143 prize 114 1 thought her," °.11111 you 11(101' 1):'0.1 ,;3111,0 I:eu 1!11.' 1'!111 111!1 ," it 1.1'd 1!I' y(11!::* "Oh, only (Olt to 1)i':11:'01vt' Park! ',-:11'•11• 'lid place for doing the (nice far 11:0111''. as 1:1n'nsrliff0 call.; 11. (('loll dims 111411 mean, Miss \helot, ill? It's a regular If 111d)l'u'l, where the 4(n shin"s en one's ;;ear's end to the 4)114440, 11(11 the ver,' )1ng..$ n)' ono hazy to 111x1;.'' "helped'! 1 hope you have 04)1 4111114th th''infeetiun; my lent!" 11(101(4 1A !'4,I .\(;trey (''1111(1 indig10)lIIly repute any such notion, lir;, 'I'rt'uulill, Arlo h:id been earnestly c')nver,il:g with UisbruVil', 05(1411111011: "Oh, I Int certain 1.11;11 \urli!:t lou\V Normo, is that port folio of Emily's in 4,1111. bond1ir•: As 1.44r41 Earl',Crl!I'fe has just can!' from :(!(erica, I ,rant 11) It 111.1 A1n'riel1l 900140 40( :I all 1':1,:!!y Avere trying to finish yesterday," "\4,y deal' 01101!" oxeLli:ne,l111^ Lely, rising in evident 11141'(1. "Noes'nre! nonsense! lay door lord, she 1.1 so bashful .bunt 511011 thing's, ; 4:l A01111141 ncr'r Inun1' how well ,h' 1..u! draw, if 1 41141 nut snow you, l Irian it," For ane moment Mss \Inc114)nald :loud r,13 if about to follow ufelr her; but, meeting the strange oye of 1)1•- ('0, 4410' relinquished her hrsign, ono! 1)at,•(; in evident agitation on 1I!!' sofa. noel of volt, Mks 11,!,•1111((:'1," -111,1 Lord AuStr'y, "to wish to tl'pri11: 114 of the pleasure .01 Iuohii;fy at the work of v.mr fair hands! 1 are Stn' both 1;1•neeliffe 1(11(1 1 will be (left...held to criticize the /rowing, awl p4)int o4,!; i4,= defects," ('IloA' eery gallant ! 1 }5''•:ince you are about, as good it critic as 1 and at artist, 111)1, indeed, 1 (•(111111 rather anal would not Flaw yon this, Emily ('a5 1'ea,ii0:4 1111 American 11541'1 t1,' 011101' 4111,0, nod attempted to sketch n seen' it d0aeribe;l; and I ;i si.sl'!t her; and I nal afraid Lord E,ll'necl!ffe, \;hu has been over there, will lough ;It 101' , 1111'1'111'1(')4\11'.1(:41.111111:;011 411 11)01 1110 of auyLl!:4,g so 4hocl:iu,4, 31(14' Norma? .1 h, yu11 5:!;:ili 1 U ,I'll 1111sI' ,11110 Ira ul -41';11'5 :11:1 1., 1, fro l) 11„'1 I Gill '.1 „ .1. I. Ill (('e a lover of uatur', and hove !10t quite outlived) all your 111(1 mithts•i,l'•al, you 1;,''1111 be delighted will them. If you ('(111111 only ser 1)11011101'' "rent 441114!" exclaimed Lord 11101'•,'. r4 :( l'01110110 there. 11,1,',•' "1.1'=—:ill' 1111010.5 i'1!nlllr'lic1; ;111'1 (lir• very mor01, as lay old nurse 11;1',1 to 4:1\', of hnnhllc Pn1'k-1((11114 1110 pi1.1;, \('ell, my dear Alt's, a'r'luaih, did you find the (Batwing?"' "•17'4, my lord; here it is." She handed Hint the 4r5\\'!ne:, and he uttered 1)11 (!,)nllldatlell 51 amazement 1) 5 he 11ok'(1 Ili ]L rot, it ('as Ow "\1t.:•• Milirl" fnd,1ll' 94'0111'1.)' ar4)un41 it to the vary lift l'u're was 11' rir)n•, 111' 411111•(', the long, ,s(1'n.ggl.illg, 11';1011',1 road, the sulitII'3 inn, niol (j1' tail!; 1411 ('111111; 111 the di5tunci', .1(11 111'1'', L"5, out !u 111e 111er, (Vols the 1110,', '11:lr1: schooner of Captain, Sick Tempest, 11: II' 1;1!1 =,''a it .the f!i' t 'resin•: he !ell •41.1.1'•( :hot way, "\\11y, ('hal, i; Ile 111(.1.../ 11112. of tali '\1'1111101'11, lain;lil:z i(;': '(114(1. 14 11!1' 111 11111 fur :I. ,1111.a(!' -111111 i, ►lie ,liver, and 1h111 'huun'r is )111 Flyby•\i!lIII., as sure II; '1(1\' name's I:a ivelif0'! 10113, Ill's \1urflu), ;Ire you 1) Ill1r,I0ia 4) 1'" She laughed es she lull his ere':, Ind 10'1' fair 'perks \Ver0 crimson, "Not exactly! Hut you :Ito laughing at nue, laird l:arifecliff'1 I)0 yon menu to 511}• Ihnl. poor 41.1..1(1 is, lik( anything you 'halve ever :wow() "'.I')1 thn,00ry life! .1 1111'0 10(1111411 all that very scene, 'dozens of Unn'i." "50110'tllil(g, perhaps, slightly're,enl- bling lt," "No,. that, as it i;, to an .iota, lvilhuu1 t 'ShadMv of difference, tiunn'u)I' ;mo51 hove described this to 101), Nowlin," , "Ulf," ,aid 11's. 'L'renut111, anxious her co)o) 14'11ipping an elderly iudi4'idual (rill IIIc most villainous face you can let -Ably (trait.; while 11 boy Its linnd=uul' 11; on ;angel, 11(11 dressed like It sage brigand, inlr•rf'rrs l4) keep (hl' 1110'0, You till leave :1-lrilcing `("'11' trent life, then," "SIril;ing!" 'xpl:!in'd 1.10'11 (jeldge 11„11144, 1 4.11111411 say so --11 111.111y 1,1414• ,j'41, I b u, for 311:1 11:11 1101111!1I'. l:0114111 .111'1• a 110' more 11'1'•.1!'!;; on 11' •41),• of f 1'1' -1:1.14:1. 1.11(11 it 11'11!' :4 irl 1:9. 1,11'11 .lt!rtl'l'y 111111 el'( (vol'..') sing (1'!1'1111'1' III 11.:1' 1/411"( 00 Ill( 01'1111, (1111" Iii -1%1.1.',11' 1'.,• 1Gi, _ !'I 4,h'),:rinr' 1%1411 `11,1'(0., filo 11141: 1 1'4, 110(1 •, 1111 t5 ';4: 01141 ,%'11,)0(0 looking I p, s:1!11, 11111'' 1.'1!!1• null 44:,11 a 11,.;:11.10,:o10:1 "1,1,0,1 I';:lI'!I''lif i,', I thy.", -n'lll'U!Illg 1"Y(' ii:Ip111'1:LIlt 4,0 4114' 10 4110 1:1 )11'11.;4,i' 411,1 4111111 :1 1111 II', 1111'11 101 1 ,4, 1'011 1lgnill?" Ile;' evident lied 0Iion, 1'r (lo1.;nt'4:•t fl : • 11::!1 bu'ri'1l \oi('' ;mewed Ilion. 1413 line' vol! pleas,'. 1 ani 111('(1"- a1 your ),'►'Vit')', Norton," "Thee 11114; evening---n;l' you r'1gl51I 1, -y,o, 1 14:01! 110 e;lg1114;l'11!c;:1 rl1411, I 1'0101(11 10,.031;," '.'1'10111.11r,s, 'I'r1'm11in 01141 I:mi11' ((ill 1:' 4)11t, (11, 1 will be 010111., 10!11 you r0,11 1111; ('('uin4." "I shall he 1144 lou happy," "It. I!1 ;1 strange re,111'41, 1 14 411.‘e," said, coloring in painful embllrrassment ; 'bol, y501 ',sill undee;land our this •'(''li- hi;;, 11. i; ab.ol(11014' 11'011 -Sart' 11114 in- ( 1113 icN' 414111111 1:114' phu'c (1011 111,0'111 • :1101. 1 -1.1' hoot's .',u'411.0;, is "111)1"; 41) 11Holl-m11rliiu,', illy lord." Ila bent urrr lila 11110,1 1411. c4t1'1111c:l completely puzzled by her -txa(1ge 111,4:1- )0.0 and ('111.11 .Lord :11141r1.V had 15:111<' !)i.5 ,1111'u. both Avent, out tll44'l10';'. '1 In' 11(1141' 11'111I('lllt111'4 (•1111 ,,(11501 111 1111! 111111!', 111111 11x4' sprang in 1111(1 drove oft, "Joy Jove, she's a b":lu11'," 'albs(-!- u:.tl!all4' cxr'Lli11!'11 Lord 11u1!r;!', a!4 Hwy (!:I:!:foil a:erg, "1 :'.04, hid(' i11 love 3 i4,!: h:'1. 111101(1y," "1"‘1.1"..101,1`.,0 au4,L nt or ' nil•(,1 "Oh, 1)5011 1 111111' 11(4' rl'ligioli4 edit - eat ion has not. beim S,11 far neglect',} that 1 Hill not leant Ito Commandment: 'Thou shall, not covet thy neighbor', if'.' Ilon'1. yen 1101111 la belle Norma has iII(lll'll1'I'lI 111:'4' you sow ►act '1" "Y4.4 -1. -","said Lord Earneelil'fe. sluv,ly. ;'tile has :therm!, but wl'il'r it. is as improvement or nal, I nal not ready to 51:4' at this llresteIl. moment," "11'011, 1)1)' one ding, she i, not F11-11 11 gushing; y51111;; ('0011( as 41)' \'.'is," No; sit. has unhappily, ;;aur to the linter extreme, 11'r manner seemed colla, '0)141 rained, unnatural, I though," "U11, that was '01)1)1 1y ua''I ing 11, 1. betrothed '1)101'0 folks,' If you haul 1:ern 111(111., it ('aids 11111' 1,001 0 dit'('1.0nt "11''11, 1 Imo 4)11111 likely to l:uulr. 141;0 to see' her this evening," "11`11'w1 (t'un'e' not going there again • -a1•e 3511?" "\':4, Hove \'o11 ;1114' objeel1I11'' "1'1,, I have; most d!'t'ided nb•je, Ihe1:: 1110-I, tll•ritlet1 nbj('l1011••. Have u!: forgotten she is t0 be Lady .11151 113, v1,41 dull you lube given up all Fiell1,'ll:ion, null till' to the lady?" "11'e1l, no; but to toll Ilio truth, the Imgllgl'lllnllt ('its of her owl) I11a14111g• till' told me she ('opts 11' 1111111', 11111 n •'.,',I I.. ('41)110." Lard ,5uotrl'4' f'II hark, and indulged in 1a, long, (';ailing ('histy of inl'I::.,'-il ..11'1)11 r, "There's \lisss il\bouls for \•14111 (1!1, 30111' sol\' 0)I(n 11'1. 11'1•'1' 1),) b1. Al 11;11. in Ileav'n'.s name, ('tui she (0.1111 with you this evening??0 "'!'lull i; something 1 did 111.41 ;144 L0. I'1) gi e mo 111. 1 11411'. 41' 'Daf 0. 1410,5111 io11ge b4' b'r look ('111)4 giving the illri- 1 )11 14,, 4114' 4'1111 it ('a!+ of 1110 111.11114.,1 1111- ,1(11 1114,,e, 111- 1 1'UI14"I', al!(! 1(':I., lo h" 111' -1 Veil. 1 :110 a-15ni!.hr11; f n1., I:aru'• "1111'1., Sou \rnn'I 10111;1' 111(1' 111 11,,1• 1.1'!11 ;on? Ilinu)r bright, you I)irbrul1.r I;l u! Illi(;:4,4' pr(1111!-'ll, .111(1 111'y ('('('4' ,cool )11.1% inn tlll'Illtgll 1111' 111111,, 11111 111054' IIIIs(v('rin1g 111,11.4 and soled:t- th'li. to 141114 1114141.'1. ul'Nul'1et:, 1 I1',h x For some cause or othe..r, I)i-bro('o felt extremely. anxious for the hour to 1,0100 when he ('lis to 400. \(►'(11111, .1ler manner, 'von more than 1100 Avon's, had implied that the interview betokened isomething sorbets and (1(1lslu(L. She had been con1- plcte4ly transforn11'11 since lie had ,w1011 11'0 10;1.; changed more than he haul thought 11 possible 1(0,1 one 0uuld he in 54) brikf a time; and 1'0 1(:1111101' to hint 1 • �j'fy '1'.` ;'4 N i' "t, had 1)4'111 something more thanrl••ervI'll 1 Si114 �,•�����;Y' u ---it Ives rigidly ('01(1• W1111('0111'! Ile I C ��Vvww� +ti ►i the 4.011141'! 11`ny i1 possible 1110 11';)Io'; C �j'�t� j1. IF;NT 111111 r•onfraotrd nll'.Ih'r``(�j'')l1y1j�1' �'` alta)1104111, and was anc!ons 1' 11e 1]'! of the ul(1 ;MP ? , "'Iron good to 1' troy.' I"' 1111111!,.'llt, .( 1111 !1 41;111, 114 114! 41! 1.1 1' Irl 1),:c.4 1 (41{:. 1; ,..l N' 141(1 0'-111111 for her (111th 11.•1) a:41.1 o4(1.14.-6 1.'•!:,4' 11:11 1 .11, !1 :t !:1404'. v.'11(1'.11 i,t' Il,:,.11' of '1'111. 111 :1('iag. I,o, 11.11.1;:l n� Ibr n:!tt'I' I,- t,• ,4. ,:t1,r•'14'it Won nal :1 little. '1'41st :1114• 40111.1 hove ,i;"1 rlli• 1 II:0 ';''!,'!I,' ii'i,lii 11lt'O'IV ('1'{i1 104.•1. ;! 1':10' 114011 tle'''1'1f(11u11. 1!1' ('1)111,1 all! 11' !: ' '; 4,i 11)11-. i:.'(, (wen '-1'•'11 11) 1,,, so fui!l,'niiy (4140 40:5 111('1' .'r it? 1'i.11'1• h41!ily 'I'r,'uHo'1 1101' \ ,1'111•! .111'!' 1!',11!1.! 1..1.1 vv, '4':•1:111!; Jul 4'I' .•, 111''11 1.',' 11,,'., Ii t o 110-'614(4 it to them: ll l'.e'i 4,!''r L' 1111',' '111!111''4' Iy 111,'-'ifi d ;11(1 zlr,l 111:11) he 1101! 4,,1. hoot :111'•:1! a •141,1,1 '•' 4,111 11,14'1' 1) b. rat,: 41 ago1r, moiler ill <111 ,'1i. i11' 1!4.1150. .11 00 4..11.1\` 11'1110 11,1; 1 4'!'::''1.. 1.'' pr'. ;: '•a1•1 tout ti0ot14t1141 is I, 111'•! I•io1.t'II :it 11: 11''1! 4•1a Intl`, 4,'t I:440'j,,'44 In (Ile 111::((1in'4'1,44l' ;1(0! 141(5 ,ho('1, I" (lir' or. 11 '' 'tit' }1"I'I' ' „r•, t!-, ;I , 1 111;11 1 11)01l'ly (lllt'1•f,1., r'. peel folly nuns; 1oned i(.'for,'. ;:1rc1l0ll 11 „f tbl 1.a (ratted ticu 111 "nl:1'blr 11:!11 in'' o l 11)' )(u l ... .111(1 1(4, i t t 10 111' 11'/11 d, 1.i'','•, ,\'.1)i, 'I 1.. ','ii1,1r; " 11) ,11 .!1,1mA, 141, '10 (1 \1.'111 1„ !I•; • i4,-• '1111 , 4.40 11,11111 1:lpi,l'11-'1!'a'l': \,<il":'• 1,,' f;:'1 i!I',1.1!•I11 11) 1111' !!)'11,11'st, 111' !1':11 11'11 \;.;I(, T140 d011• .01 ;'"1' !'. .'\ g!'.al b:17,/.:11'11 ,' 4.'44- I; :n- ,1 14'111.1 11., 1101. ,t51A;. I14 tell O''l„4t. for 1.1t L1:,4,(i',! 4 14 (pore 111 1,',11• tont 4,41;14; „I 1)4,(! " 1111 1'!' 11),' 1..111 401111 Gatti;,:; '.f 4'(:y gxpetts,,t')4,111 toll., 1.11'4! ),lilt 101'::111 ('0111'1'1! 110111' '(,'1 1 hall •4,r \y;1 • .., 1 , > r.rir'iu:r, 111411 I,lnl(Illg a'• (041'11 '11' :, ';! i I ;1 1' 11 0111 1 l'',1,1/:01. :'1'11 b' e"nt.ilml'l' 1 MADLY 1A RiPnF Canada Again Bc:ng Pa',islleil by an Epidculic of This Disease. 10inter after %%into' 1':14,!(1.1 i. Swept from octal to oce...:: b\ :4:i l l ,11. :1'11011. ,011 lot n 1'4,; 1.(d 'ped'nlie 111 lit grippe or int 4,r '1)i.. , 111,,I!, h' ;,1,: (,11 111x! 4 x011!, ei.11' of filo 11 is 011' of the drldiie.st, tr'nll,l'•, I,:4•1 nir,n', rc'01:111., known to our climate. 11 1.:i;; t., ',rit1 :.. __��� 11(001'---1lnd ends \vi(11 a coul'IIi'i'„"'i. 1 i:i 4,,n! 1'11111.11 -11411', 1,0, 1,11 '111th'( It lays the strong (11th 4)14 it:4 1,a...14; ,l 1. ,'1 14,, ;,''(r, ( I i,:4, ,1'1-1 rif'4(I( :11'4 1(!1'1111''5 111(11 will) 1C('( tali'! ('.!1;,•4 ” 11(,Ui;lChl3 and IIIIClll( hl':. 11 4,i'::1'4'„ ,he 'O'I,i''; •,I I'- N';(1.:'4,'x:,4:1,{ 11111. '1',,,! 4,3 sufferer 41n ('.1;y prey to pneumonia, 1/01' . „! ,:!!(1•i 1!)'1. ii l' a !ii' ,t. iii:,)- )II•onehltl;, CW1411111))tiWl (11111 (1114(9' (1('.4 !1 1(.!" U,'11 I!1, 1 !!':4,:,i 1111:,' 'c'lilr. It d,senM!s. 00 ';111 O'ro!tl l:t ;.. i;!J''' o'.' i • : ! ' 1 t.ifyilh yule• ,\5100 (•0th 1)r', \Vil!iat11,' i1'` hl1 i' (1115 ;hc11!'1 h.' 111 s.' ( 1.:. i'!4,• 1'1,11; 1111 , 1 CII 1711:1 011`0 i'.'+ d,-.!' !! t ' , ;111 11 „ 4(',I'!:; '.I•: 11', , 1.i! tl'olls 0(1'1' I'ffrelli 11.1111 11!14 ;1111' '4 4 ' 'i(' ,••4:It y"11;1' V40a;'ti 110110)', )ne(licine. 'J'he,4e ))i!lw 15„+((4i K'4n1 ; ' _•� _ �- they euro you; they I:i,-;ntiid you; , they b:(1li411 ;ill evil ufl'r 1.10"1 L1. 411 1'.'';!li•h 4„.:4(,1,0 it!'1)1 F1.:r: , the \Villinllls' 1'li)I ]'ills 11'1:0(1 1111 ;111 1y;11' '',L I:ngiihil hol'il'ty Ike f(ii,ili: n 01yid. tr,r ailnuulb$, I'il0' Cllr' 1111 ldco11 i:ly; 4.'1.id' it tZr0\vini! rapidly. 'Lady ro(l(} 11'1'4'e disorder,., '1'1'0 11.1'(! Illi. 1:'.sIi':'107!1 14, 441)1 l'! a1: J(I4', :,.:4,1. i dirt') greatest blood -builder end oery y' tons: ; r!' n (11111 1'1. of 1 lin. i0,•, 1_,:::::1:41. .''rn in Iho n 1 1 r; ern I science has yet discovered, Aso; y.014 Iieighhon , 114 platter \1'1!(!11! you 1:00..1:4)11' 1:1 ;lie 111014(4(1 sklrL'' 1', 1'111 ..:00 410 111111 4'1111 will 1'01'11 of 80111041110 1':11(1 las "clod';';,Ito'' t.1 �'1'' of riding 111:iy fol, be 1, horn 0111'4 by Do. 11'illiOlo•,' pink. pins 11 101l r il!':'1)c 110 tin' 111.111.1., !,1)'t :1. 1S I :Ifter other medicines have, failed, lt'•�,' yrry ml.:'l r..,11.;',111111 it is 00:11!, 4::: tho on the unbiased evidence of your n. lel. 111..(1:', hors that we 0411 you to give 1111'.”! pi11.1 !t fair trial if you are 44 (1; 4'r aili(4!4-•”-"'•� ,airs. 111111th )olle'(, t t , ].uli!1i''. Que... 111 i';'ill,'' all (1(10.4 ((i II)')'1;1t' 11000 sew: '11'01.(14 can hardly l5prn�, illy for:!• 11'(41 l) 1;;('; I:}loliMhl''.I, bat 1(;14y cling 1itude for what 1)r. \CiIIi:In11' Pink 1'!C,% to them. '1'L'4re :ire, too, Il treat u►uny have done for me, 1 ,lad all 1:11.11('1: of 1,4•;:i...: ti; 1411, 1141.1111 1111. 'uurtinl, l':lited la grippe which left me a sufferer from 1 4'!; headaclr9 nnll'p4tin in the sloma''ll, • ,:(.ire's(';, '1'110 (ley'rrnn(g1t par - used several medicines but, fo(((al unit!- 1444444. t axing :Ill genuine 11t:01', 1111f;1IS ing to help m' nnt!1 I took ]')r, \siliiilnl 4111.: f 4, batt'* 011(1(''11 t0 escape. pal); Pial; I:i11s. \\rhea 1 l'gan tiu'm 1 \,.I - 11'n l: 111111 1'11'4' 1)111(!)1 1'1'.11 111.14'11, '1'111'118:!1'4 will 1')411(0 lc, pay, pills 11110' 1101 only (1113' 1r'?tor'd 1'ly , '1 i1' 1s:: 1:• pi ailed, from 3,100f. for a .Inko 11051111. hitt T grained in flesh ('1i!" 1„ 1,000', f5r 1a chevalier. taking them. 1 reeommend (1:':11 to :III sufferers." .'.''','0.14-, 1,1 1'cr'r1t, 1'10211, al i,"W 1'o11 can gel. thiv,, pill: fro:!, 41!: 111rli- eine (1a:114r or by (aril (1. i3O 01..1'41: 0 bn•: or siI box's for $2.50 fru!( the 14. \\'i1' 1111115' 11edicilie (Al., ]tl'oe!•:(•ill(', 0:11, In Propo:tion, lie ](ad 1((1.11'11 a 311141`; lady f,. ,,,)I wtlong 11k1' eighteen 1111)1(114:4, • 1)1:1•• in,; L1t:,t LiI11C lit: blit' 01101 114.:1 1!,!( 1'1' 01'10(41 \'trey I1111('ti Illfta'110111u)1 115 :.:11/1.141:: :'('1'111:11' \V;lg'❑ o1• tilt, 0' .1001 5f Ill . ..4,-- \ '4 10:_!, (\'hen 111! l'l'upu#.t':!, she limc.lu h0:1,111l! p1.,:!'lf,'1t1, "Olt, but \\'illio,' she 4in41, 14 it::: •51111: Il':litllll11', "\1.l' (•:11:111 1111 1!::11'1':.Ji 'unless you can (':tea cette;11 to 141..411: u• \(ill plenty of every thing." "1111, [lull's all 11:'11. ,1l'oi1V," 1 i! re. 11111'1.1, 1111.114'; "3011 1:11,,%\' I'll a hL(ck• ,::lit!:'. striker" "1 :•!4111!11 111;,4 to sec 4'(,11 14,1 \11111,;," a' 11111%111'11, \cry v,'lb dear; 1011:( l(ll 4,1 tcrlunr' 1. 1'(110," 11';44 1:1.1 10:13. (144 the following da ' !h1, '41110,11 11101 1';11.‘1V111:11:'111:. .11y 111111 awi!lgill;: ' 1 ho 11(':1\' FI!'t(;:1!• • ".'.n(! 10.1`.1' 11111'1 11 %'(!4,'k 1111 you g' 14, '' 1-1.1(1,11`1)111..11:,,1,1. "11ill(''!11, nncw)r'd he, 011(1 11' 011)1051 knowif;;ly, "1111' nate 'there gots thirty shilling's n (y1/4-4; for 1141;1!: that, 1i111e hammer, 1.0 you ran g I1'c, 111111 1 get for swingil)1r n whopper 11141' this!" ---'11t; ,lits. .::04, 1;11., Ii.1n is (11 net of fact, `1'11 t:,,' l ltitet1llt 11:5x5 difflo.;it, the ru:,1V. - 1 ;1' nh'i';.'!l 1" 1',•1111;''! ;Are 1014th • During the recent severe cold temp In 1141114.ouver there ('a4 a great 5!!uri.:lgo (1, 1)01(1 111-111!1'; al tlutlly 80l:1 furl to t11e p1't)Ille at leas that eoPt to 1N'r'Vellt 11:fh'ring. 1r')1l4tI to special trouble to be -ten 11"111''1.X9, In this \\'ay great BABY HUH ..SOUNDLY. 110111'4 who a1.' l;iyca 1111 occu,i,1:1111 dust+ of Pabv't; OW11 'J'ablets Ill('oo's sleep soundly 111 night and it is ' not the drugged sleep produced by sleep. Mg drops or "soothing" syrupy either --the sleep is natural, healthy 11111 restful, and 141!13' 1(411;0: 111) in the morning' bri'',Ilt and elite -jut. 'n1'•1'f;'1:!0;, are the best 141Ll4li'1nc in til' (veru', fol. the c(re of all the 11111101' ailments of little 11)14. 111's.• 1'4. (l:ylnc, EIl:uuedsl, ton, 1 1i, says: "14,\ Lally \'1.l;: and fr01.1411 011d i hardly C(''r ,es.I1'. 0 1101'11 Bight's 1'1(41. 1111111 1 began glrjll!,; 1i;11ll'':s 111411 '.1'1111101.4. '.1'11.+,0 'l'nliL'(s removed the cause of ih',,llvnble :and now Elly sleeps well at. night," The Tablets are 11` ' a*l.'tl' S' b' 111'0 1 1 t .'1 1.1 r;oldl4 11iu�;,5� 1 4 1 t ,.,1 n,4, a ,lax (foul The 1)r, \Vil1101)) .' 11' 111.1(4' ('o., llrocl:ville, 0111, Putfc•n, I�11i(krr-' 1111 you 11IWII45 cal ry 110 tire? 11•11' 1'r -'tress, emit :nn extra e::c;tulle they are bull) useful 1•;1,0.11 4'011 aro blown up. 410'131 '"01:4;,1 mc11('i, w11011 i t 11x10.;1..1 Lo 4:':', •' '•(,me:liug ('1' 0. stir in thie utulos- ;..;:i a 410!4. ;.; brit,;; ,110odu0ed bo lite ll ('opper Co., at Sudbury. It. Dan- Ot ',)mll5lmd of copper. 11111(el,. a{t4, at: 1 4 111 01' t(•,4, 1.'111,'1. roir,e:'0h1, 111.•;1 ur1 (.,11114 in :n' 11il.tric't, 41..11 RA, 1;1;',! lies in 1110 11111. lila 1, i4,. is• 0,44114' than nickel, is lrsy habil) :`I rust, 0,1111 will serve te11 the purposes. 1!:ot i'; served 11y that 11)0141 in the 18- 11;10,1i:11 world, 041 A1'11.41 O1) f:�l t`.., 1(1 1111,v,' ' 11 (4' 0411511:4 101'.11. ,.,, raugs'ly (lilolIgil 8)''ii (t )54''44 i:; 01:'40(11 1111 11 gee.',( (li.,:il\l'r by the Urieutals, N'111) 1:,01s fu' 1,, I;'ib'11' 1!t: "11111,1h('lll:;; 5f ;11' tlrrattl "' \\"110:t I.g •)!1 b?,'allot :a. J1 .m 1( ill'►\1'I I,'(! i.1,11•' :our 11. C. 41, 411: ii ;d 1.n 1'4:i- II'::(1.11 ;r ,),n1.:llutl 1,1 I:,,11:;!1,�(h), 4,;::l ,110 1('1'1 •1'1'.1 ,,:It'll 1,.1.410 1(141: 4:0._ 1.4,:3 lIC"(' 111" 1.',,14;114 (!i 1!i:.7 1.1444',vol o J,qp- dallall 40 !i,i1'1,(1'•i, ail I!'.1.!:' a:( 1,1 '13 1)11 cent, 01 fifteen 30:4.:1, 1t' iS b.ti.•red 1!1111 1 4,,i• 0'.1,;115 ;II','b'Ji1i;1' Ln 104 holy ,. ;:1'10u01 tun 51 111.'1. ' I•;,(y 10,1'111. !!1111'.'1 1';41;' 11 (1.4141,4 4,1!1(11 for 1.'11::.111., •o -ver— . 1''444' srit.erir,'?. '.11i1- ,111'11 being sold by their parents at from 1111 (11 .;1 ,'a'h to 1.0'ep them from (80)16h - i1(0. 1\ 0111041 crushed to death in tho 11(11' 11ooti, Stivh is t']0! IlOW&• 111;11 'null's from Chinn. It is thought 4,!::!t the famine will be 11101'( serious 11:111 for 11;1:: of 1810, 401104) 10.0(10,000. 4 :111'•, p'riain'd..\i'c ttoud aghast when the 41(•404 441144 flashed across the ocean. Um!, I'4.II1g;1iu1 had 11(';!11 \VI'('eked 1)y 1111 Pill !Ulna ku 1111'1 h11'Idr'1!4 of lives lost,. Whitt, (if iliiy intini!f'y ('Deur, culunlityT Is (10'1'0 110 030 to pity, 110 arta to saver 111 (1 her words, 151 ('(((011, is the re0t, of the viorld, to matte no effort t() aurcor (11160 people? O•O Not Looking for Roal Work,, (14(11annpolil1 Noll'(,) Frani tiny :to day we aro Informed b,.; - i'C1'til that 'the 1141'5 of •poIILlent• bossism aro ever;..hut e9 ;'M .no carr, hos heard or any 'olltl^nl 1'1.: s a;>plytug for n Jub at. rou% PAGE FOURTHEB1.YTE1 STANDARD----l7l;l;ite.my 1:1111, 1907, JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GEN k;lt.\I, BANKING BIJSIN!:SS TRANSACTED. ' R1 jtlt gtaliba •b.1 the judges intinu►tet) throut'h Rev. lir,1 Mrs. \Vnghorn has hello m'riouSly ill Churchill that "N111111)01. 4" %1'H9 11.t 1 this %\tell but 11uW is somewhat better, suc(:eS'ful c'untestuut IL wag evident itrv, ,k, .\musette, \I, A, was ti Pill I" from the retina of applause that greet.; lli vet. this %►•rel; on Presbytery bulli• el Ihal(I1t1ottne,'lllHllt thl(t tele IIwhen. e Dims, did not feel disposed to quarrel wit h 1 I't•ret. 11':`1'liggart, our popular bar- ' ---------- -- -- the decision, The idewty of the caul ; her, ha, removed his shop from los People '1\'0 Know. IIItthe judges hall deliberated, when it v%IIh 7 many fliendls1 11011111 tO I hu uf Arthur Hoy will 1 r , -- (l ltns(Iht' [ nese " inter 1" was ,11rs, hP hIPAs('LI to 'mow 1 IIM he, "'I'll rllu t Y i, )N 1 . lies John R ss, of (Ind, .t jrh, was ]t. ti, Longley, whose admit tille reit. I aid of crutches, is ahle 1 r go tlhont the in town last week.,ierin(r of 1,rel•Iltice the ''ict.ory I home, Spirit," eluinled 1lie t r,,l,h 1i, The i hors Mr. lineally, of Clinton, and a NOTES DISCOUNTED. 11.. Geo.Muldoon, of Brussels,al ave cloud' arehestrn discoursed set'• ( t.,.1.Iter school teseifor ILL 1 \1'0110" Sale Notes aspecialty.Advances wade was in town on b t iday, (+rill copular pieces doting the evening school Visited tit 1119 siNIr ('9 !Mine, to farmers otheiown notes. No Ni'. Niles Morgan, of Brussels, was (+all \Teal solos were given h' 11is9 11N, \\'. \V. Hos, this %week additional securityrequired. 151701' ill town on Sunday. 'Al itehe1l, NI.... Hobson and 11 r, Tit t: s i'Axu,•l lir! wishes to current the 4 t \' i li(tr,tcrworrll, item diet was inserted ;t few %ree.ks ago INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates Mrs. (I)r'.) Milne is visiting' with i ......- 1tl,Ullt Mr, Hn}', The are;irin;lr. took rehtliYCH and fl'1C11(Ix 111 '1'0I'OIi10. Walton. place on S,lturdny instead o' Sunday We offer every accommodation con• st9tent with sate and conservative 111('95!'x, !'.d. and Angus llcllillan ,1,IK Noi,ln best a vuluaide banking principles. are visiting in this week. week, J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, PER 11, 1:)t 7 UNLIMITED To loan of interest. PRIVATE on Real FUNDS Estate at lowest rat e Mr. visited Mrs. ,Limes in Ripley Robinson, Blyth Frances daughter, Mrs. during is of the Mason Moor, at Regina week. visiting (.Craig, her Ailsa REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Mr. Alex. McKay, of pintail, is Persons wishing to sell will do well to visiting friends in Blyth and rici)• place their property on our 11st for t it1', bale. Reuts collected. I Miss Grace !Whale, of Heaney, 11Ian., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1), 1). promptly attended to. !Crittenden. Mr, John Maine has been on the sick list, but we hope he will soon be well ngiin. Mr. W, 1. McLean, M. A„ who is supplying at the Clinton Iligh School, was a weekend visitor in town. OYFIC'„ HOURS: 10 A.M. to :1 r,ar, Mr. and Mrs, John Colborne and Master Russell Colborne, of Summer• hill, visited Blyth friends on Sunday. Miss Fothergill, hiss L. Bell xnd Miss L. 'Taylor, of Westfield, were the guests of Miss lda 'Funney last week. Mrs. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. A. Lambert, of Carlton, are visiting their brothels, Messrs, John and Joseph Taman. Mr, Edwin Forbes went to Listo- wel to his home on Monday of this week, owing to being on the 91ck list with an attack of tonsilitis. G. E. LONG, L.D,S,, D.D.S. Mr. F. C. Elford, formerly of Ilul- tnesville, now on the staff of the Macdonald College at Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, made a brief visit to town this week, lie Is arranging to rent the former Poultry Station at Holmesville to a suitable tenant. Mr. J. J. Maguire has resigned his position as G. T. R. agent at Lucan and is now in charge of the freight departinent at the Clinton station. oner for the Couy of Huron. 0117ce, one Ile etas more than one good otter in door north of Obi -menial hotel, Queen , view, hut there Is a possibility that street, 1319th. he and his estimable wife may again mi. scow."'scoTtake ftp their residence in Clinton. Mr. Maguire was a former operator BRUSSELS, ONT. at the Blyth station and his old friends will be pleased to hear of his removal to Clinton. Londesb oor . Mks A. ,Jackson is the guest of Miss R, Young, Rev. Mr. Currin took charge of the Walton circuit on Sunday. Mrs. Bradford, of Dungannon, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, (I, Snell, A number from here took in the concert in Blyth. On 'Thursday night. Mev. Mr. Maunder', of Brussels, de• 1i1'ored two excellent sermons in the Methodist church. The Women's Missionary Society held a very auccessfnl sleeting at the parsonage on '1'hnrnday, A week from Sunday, Feb. 24th. Rev. Mr, Tiffin, trim Trowbridge, will preach if iSSIO(Ia1'y m@1'rnon•5, Brussels. Mrs, Murton has been very sick dur- ing the past week, Best of accommodation to Commercial W. H. Kerr, of the Post, will preach in Parkhill on Sunday, Travellers and others requiring rigs. Jno, Beattie, of Chesley, was a visit• or in LOWII this week, Veterinary office at livery stable. The assembly held on Monday even - of this smelt was a big success. --- • - MLitt Nettie Brown and Lorne Mil- ford, were visitors in \Vinghanl on KING AND QUEEN STREETS, fLYTII. Sunday. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assuranue cornpanlce,and respect- fully solicit your acoouut. Bards. A. 13. MACDONAL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Suo' caviar to G. F. Blair. 011loe over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. 1=►t'.;UDFOOT, NAYS At BLAIR, Barr•teters, Solioltors, Notaries Public, Etc. 011Icee—Those formerly occupiedb Messrs. Cameron and Halt, Goderiole. W, Proudfoot, J,C. ; It, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dante! Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over .Tames Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to r) p.m. W. .1. M I I,N E, if , D, C. M. Phyaiclan and Surgeon, M.D.C.M., L'nI' versity of Trinity College' M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of College,. Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor - Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tits; ST.tNuanu, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Ettables sic') 44 ,Ur. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. © ccs 4:14? (i)G/ 4) Ftrst•alabs Iioreen and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. ONLY ONE BEST in the lino of busineam training institutes In Canada and that one is the well•known Central Business College of T pronto Boat In courses of studyy! Best in num• hers and experience of.•teaohere. li'►At In securing positions for graduates. Have you road our catalogue', it explains our method. Get It before you decide whtich I(ohool you will attend. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. 'You will be welcome. Enter any time. W. 11. SHAW, Prin. c<144,44,24.24.6,00 .rrnd —Subscribe for THE STANDARD. aliss Millie 2i1cCillwery, of Wing - ham, was the gueht of .Miss Nettie Brown thin week. \Vatter and Mrs. Dunfor(, of Uhhofl, were spending a few days of their honeymoon as the guests of their cousins, E, C. and lI('s. Danford. Misses Mabel and Linda Colvin went to Toronto Tuesday of last week, where they %vi11 spend threw wear; in the milliu('ry wholesales previous to the openings. At the Conncil•-nteet,ing Councillor 0rah nm 1117 l'od tide 1h qlle8tioII of in. stalling a telephone in the house of Engineer Oliver for night or ,;pceds' calls in cane of tiro. After discussion it was moved by R Graham, seconded by A. Baker that a phone be put in Mr. Oliver's home with flight connection with the hotels and J-tamsay'a livery, Westfield. The following is clipped from the Winnipeg Free Press and the young Indy iormoraly lived in this vicinity. A large hudience was isttrticted to Maryland Methodist church, the or,. rasion being an elocution coward, held under the auspices of tho Ladies Aid Society for the gold medal issued by the R, T, of T. Rev, .1, W. Melvin, of Wesley college, end former pastor of Maryland congregation, prAslded and introduced in their turn the five ladies who took part in the competition Dr, Rose, Rev, J. W. Churchill and W. A. McCurdy were 'the judges. The subjects chosen were chiefly prose com- positions and till hearing on the temper- ance question, The ladies a(quitte( themselves very well indeed and when C" It Inst Which was IL mistake in print. 1ladicial Salo of Property is the ?owaship of lunette Pursuant to an order of the High Court oil .lestl0) n1nd0 In the antlon of Mary Hellen ('natnbnrm agalnet M srgaret Kull), there will be r Prod for sale with the sp• probation of B. L Doyle, the i,mal Master at Gedcrich, by 'Unman Brown, Auction. ser, at the Commercial hotel in the VII. lege of Myth, at 1.;10 o'clock In the atter• noon on Monday, the ith day of ,Mare)), 1007, all and singular that certain perces or tract of land and promisee, sitn,%te, l3 ing and being In the Township of llultttt, In the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, (:rntaining one hundred and fifty acres more or lens, and described as Lot Number Fifteen In the 'Thirteenth Con. oe•elun of the said .'Township of Hullett, The lands lie In an excellent terming lo. oalityy within two wiles of tho Village of 131rth, On the lends are ereotod a e )mmodlous brick house and largo harm with stone stabling underneath, The soil le rich and in a good btate of oultiv,►tlon and there is a plentiful water supply, a good orchard and all the appurtenances of a tret'olase farm. The property will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of hes petchase money at the time of sale to the Vendor or his solicitor, and the balance In thirty days thereafter Into Court to the credit of Mk action, without Interest, The Vendor will only be required to fur. nirb a ltegistrat's abstract of title and to produce such deode, espies thereof, or evidennes of title as are in their posses. cion. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court. Further particulars can be had from W. Ilut'DONF, Solicitor, Clinton, or from 13 L. DOY L1:, Local Mister at Ouderioh. Dated this lith day of Feb., 1007, GIRLS WANTED.—For the several de. partwPnts of an up•to•date kulttin mill. Moms bright and clear, work light and pleasant. Good board at low figures. Pay by day or piecework at the highest rates. Applyat anon to Pus. atAN':), LIMITED, Parte, Ontario. FOR S.tLE,•-Brick cottage, 9 rooms, hard and soft water, new furuac., a good garden with large and small fruit trees, also small stable. Everything in No. 1 shape. For particulars apply to Mits. dons T. CAMEO, Blyth. HOUSE ANI) LO'rs FOR SALE.—The undersigned od'ers for sale Lots 774 and 59, Westmoreland street, In tho village of Myth, Oa the ptemtses there lm a cement•biock veneered rosidanee''0x2r(, kitchen 10x22 attaohed, hard and sort water, good csment stable. Must be sold AM proprietor Is going West, Par further particulars apply to Jotis F, NI yr vs,. Blyth, . '1'ENDFIiS WAN fED,- Tenders will be received by the (;ounell of the Township of Ilullett up to 5 tturday, J'ebruary loth, at p. m. for the supply of 4(x10 feet of rock els) plank to be delivered. - 1000 feet at the residence of each of the respective four councillors, said plank to he 10 feet, long and 2.5 Inches think. .IA)l1t.9 OA 1011E1,1., Olerir, Take Rival Herb Tablets far Stmuaah, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 dans treatment yl, 347 days' treeitweut 2•ic, For sale at . Dr.' Milne's Drug Store 11'holesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Klreardine, Ont. ROBERT H. GARNISS 13l,UE1'ALE •" ' -- ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. ' Terms reasonable. SAAR arranged for at Tim SIM! 1414111) olllce, I)Iyth, U R K EYS We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state Clow many you have, The Canada Poultry d( Produce Co., 'Ltd., Stratford, Ont. Strong Heads and Skilled Hands to the Front l Attend the Famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT, and be properly prepared for buelnese ppositions, We deal otily in high grade busluaes education—the kind every young man and woman should have, Oursohool has now the largest attendance in Its Ills• tory. Commence now. Prepare well and mem le certain. No trouble for our graduates to get positlous. C stalogue free. W. J. ELLTO'T'1', PRINCIPAL, Corner,Yunge and aiexaader Sheet& Morris. Council met last Holiday, 11rs, ,lames Duncan, thtl line, is honer from a \lair With rolativea 1t11(1 friends at Lindsay, ,Ino. Davis, jr., who was holidaying with role tires and friends in he last has returned iuuch the better of his trip, Mrs, I). Dixon, Region, N. W, '1'„ 11119 rut111'ned to her parental home 111 Sr, Mtu'yn after a (P%v ,lay,+ visit with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Kerney, and other !'fends •Ith lino, S. S. No, 3, Morris, has placed a hypoplate blackboard in the school, There is Si square (Pet of the sante while adds greatly to 1110 ivaidu ap- pearance :ince of the school. John Little, 4th line, had a very suc- cessful wood bee last week, There was Op werd7 of 30 cords of ‘wood cut. The young people were treated to n social hop nt night. A very enjoy Hide time wive spent, 'I'IIo 9t►n10 evening Wm. Kerney entertained at his Ilonle, friends front Belgrave to n euchre patty, School Report—The following is the report of U. S. S. No. 11, East Wa. and Morris for the month of January —Sr, 1V—Annie Williams, Sr, III— Clifford Johnson, Florence Johnson, Jr. 111—Frank Nixon, Albert Nesbit. .Sr, 11 --Bert Williams, Ethel Nesbit, Annie Ellis. Harold Dexter, Albert .1ohnson. .1 r. 11 •- Norman house, Hattie Dexter, Florence EIIis, Earl Kelly, Willie Haggit, Arthur Cronyn, Louie William. Pt, II—Hazel NobIe, Vola Cronyn, George Johnson, Lulu Hlaggit, Pt. I—Gracie Stalker, Simon Hallihan, Bertha Ellis, Willie Nesbit, Leonard Ellison. ALicE. M. TOttER, Teacher. DBJ:IL—At the residence of .los. Grar'►by, lot. 3, con, 6, Martin Cade paid Natnte's debt on 1Vedeeseay of this week of heart trcuble. after un lienees lasting ninon last April, but had only been bedfast since Monday % ay of this Pe at the IIty' of 7:1 Y04.111, t rn.,ntl1 rrnd 1;1 days. ,Mr. Carle was born in York• shire. I:Ilulltn,l, mid CAMP to this 7:0(1111 r' 0101' 1(i piers ego. A % ear litter IIP retuned ►tad I00r1'1141 hiss Annfe. KliO1 %\Ira p1'1.1111 (Ned 111111 10 yens st!o. They t'r'Zill•'ll in the cuotrtV of Kill:: and then nlov.'d in kine et and aftor%veuds moved lo 1113,1)1 where they lived fin' 1 yen, 91u111 Al re, (,'elle dyiny there. The pt(9t (our ywu'v \11•, (',NIP h0a wisitP.l moot; him chil,lr,'n 7+11,1 friends. Ile ism 7119 141 10011171 1119 demise 8 boys end 2 girl•+, \l 19, .lea, Grashy fel flus, 'Thos, (1rn'1)V, of Morris ; hurry. of 0141 101 111 ; ti;tlnnel, on the briniest enll in ifellett eel ‘‘'n,, nt .los. Orushy''s, lio h")oiigr d to OA l;piscr,ptlian elitt1'c11 toll w•1s n Liberal in polities, The (upend takes (119(171 011 '1'hur911uy 11i1e110011 of t1118 %\eek l0 t he Union cemetery, Bale Register. SATURDAY, FA, 23. --Auction Rale of farm stock end implements at \Vh lot 35, con. 4, East Wnwnuosli, Salo without reserve et 1 o'clock, Abram .1. Vint, Prop., John Purvis, Atte, Tu»'UAY, Feb, 1S1,—Auction sale of horses and tu(11le nt lot 10, con. 11, Hnll(ltt, Salo wit hon t reserve nt 1 o'clock. .lames Leiper, Prop,, Joint Brown, Atte. '1'1'KSI)Aw, Fob, 10.--Anclioll sale 1.1 farm sloelt 1,1,11 implements At lot 30, C00, L Inst 'NVAWanosh, time Without reserve at one o'clock tie proprietor 1188 sold his form, David Crawford, Prop,, ,Jelin Purvis Atte, The Tomb. CA uta. --1n d101riA, 011 Wednesday, Feb, inti,, Martin Cade, aged 75 years, 1 month and 13 dny%, CARD};It,--In Blyth, on Wednesday, Feb. f, Mnrgal'et Carder, beloved wife of Dr, Carder, aged ft(1 years, 2 months end 19 soya, tQ), oys' Suits Od(1 sizes in 13nvs' two ;Ind thi' e piece Suits, 'I'hf'y range in price li'oin $1.50 111) to $j. Now \'oil can have' them at 20 to 50 per cent discount. We want to Clear then) out before the new Spring (Clothing Comes. 30 Pieces Wrapperette 30 Good patterns, good cloth, WCl'V SOl(l at t oc to 17c per yard, Now they must go at tic, IOC 1tad 1 2C. They seem too gorni to s icrifice but \V0 must have the ronin. About two dozen Stocking Caps luft in rcd, blue and fancy. 'l'hey arc going fast at cut prices, There are still a few of those 20C ones left. :J.A.A ERSON Et L'''r' *otyerceocr.o:o ar,yo' :., .o>o._.r.o _.:,o. •_.. :)o,._r ._.r „ t . -, {i" or 11) Inviotus Shoe for Men and Women THEY DON'T OWE ME A CENT That's what a person will say 01,1011 it pair r)f Gen, A. Slater's 1 n- victus Shoes that have been batisfac- tol'y in ever) W:17', when trey are laid aside for the last time ; worn Olt hut they leave earned their cost. No longer of any use, hut they have been reliable, trustworthy, depend- able overt' minute since 1 bought theta, 'i'o ple.lse us it must please 1'(1t1. 'P0 please you it Incest earn its cull by giving proper service. Heavy Rubber and Felt Goods Men's Heavy Rubbcl's lioys' llr.uvv Rubbers Youths' Heavy Rubbers 71CII's F0)t Shoes Women's 1"01 t Shoes Women's Ov(:ratockingo Girl's Overstock Ings 1'111111N, Valises, Stationery an1l (;(9178' Furnishings Bargains in Furniture and Carpets We have an immense stock of goods on home, .'.!'hese goods must be gold. To induce you to buy during the Winter we are offering extra in- ducements. X'uue stoney loll) buy more goods now than any otllet' time of the year. , Bring in your pictures and get them 1rauted. J. H. CHELLEW - BLYTH ammoommorommonwomermi Wet-Proof--Cold-Proof--.A.huost Wear-Proo When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of them—rubbers 'that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all clay in slushy snow --rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like slippers—go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped "Duck Never Break " on the soles. Up in the lumber camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers. Prospectors and minas wear them, too. So do people who want rubbers that will stand pretty muds any abuse. It simply isn't possible to make rubbers any better than we make Duck Never Breaks—isn't possible to mace them any stronger, any stauncher, or any mom wear -proof. They're made for service and give service—real service. Get a pair and see how a pair of really good rubbers CAO last. THIS IS THE GEORGIAN DUCK NE' FI{ BREAK 4 Double,Wear,Zn Every Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario Tho Georgian is lined with tough n -colored cot. ton. latalined ith heavy can- vas duck be. twecn the rubber upper and the tough cotton nsido lining. Outer 'rolled solo and heel are double . heavy pure gum, corm - gated. imide is o insole of solid leather, so you can have t h is s Is o e resoled, F1.tticuAltV 10.11, 1907--•"1'1.1E 1.3LYTI1 STANDARL)-PAGE FIVE. Poultry Wanted 11'e want Dry Plucked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash price. Next ear here on Dee, loth, Grain okecks paid after banking hours at our store. McMILLAN Si CO. Dinsley Street Blyth The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and prantIcal while the teaching is done by able Ir.. structors. The ambitious young won and women who desire to get the hest pods. Ible commercial training patronize this school while business men aro In neutch of oar graduates to 1111 responsible positions, The best time to enter our eta los is now, Beautiful eatalogun free. ELLIOTT d McLACNLAN, Principals. TOWN TOPICS. House, hair on Feb, 27th. 'I'I),IAY Is St, Valentines I)ay. 'I'nE engine was nut for a test On Thursday morning of last week, MIty..IOSEPII Sii.tII lAN IIn3 huught flotn ,Mr. Searle his cottage on Orange street Clinton. A few from town attended the Assembly in lir usscls un dlondny evening of this week. \'l' HAT alwut the 1'' 1)erty owners seeing that the snow is cleaned from in front of their property, 'fill painters have finished their work at the 131Vth C. 1', H. station and have moved to Auburn. MARKET REPORT.- IV heat 67-68 ; Harley 44-45 ; Oats 36-36 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 18-19 ; Eggs 21. COAL W)I8 11 sea Nu article d urlug the past week till J, (1. Maser re. ceived 11 ear and it did not last very Jong. 1IELI.' push the new industry along. Read in THE STANDARD the propsition the ratepayers have before thein, Tint Muwbray•Litt snow plow left last week for the \Vest to be tested as there Is not snow enough here to do so. Both the C. P, R, and C. N. It, have applied for this test. Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! $lo,000 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Furs to be slaughtered regardless of cost in McDonald Block, \\Tingham --Hanna & Co. ])oN'T forget to renew your sub• scription for '!'ttr STANDARD. LOOk at the label on your paper that will tell you if your paper Is nut paid for. LAST Friday J. .1. DieCaughcy, of the f'umtnercial lintel, sold his pac- ing sttslliun 1"I'exItS Dhtcl{," to E, Butts, neat' Clinton, for tit handsome figure, The horse will be shipped to the west, ACC1II.NT,-Last week while .1, G. Moser was helping hi the hard- ware store of MacPherson Bros., he was kneeling on the bench sawing when the props gave %vity and he fell to the ground sustaining n cracked rib and it bruised Icg. Ile was unable to leave the house for a few days but we are plefFed to see hint able to be around again. A Happy New Year to a]1 our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly 30 years. We will be found at the same old stand. ERAS METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. •r 1r A ftf;11,1BUJ; S'I'OItE IVI'I'1I 1VOIt'1'I{Y 0001)5 ON SAL!' I<� AT ,t 10DEIIA'I'IS I'UIOES F(111 0A8)1 AND PAI(H I'It0DUOR, FraiAriEntiniarAll THE RIGHT HOUSE VA A TA r NEW SPRING GOODS Our Spring (lands are commencing to 111113'0 and having a FIIIelldiil showing of Dress (bolls in all the leading shade's, Greys III I'voi•,ti' N111111111I! in one, two end Hiroo toile mixtures, p,')I("l• laid salt mixtures, halall pin checks and invisilrlu eiT,•els. 'Ve also have 0 good assortment iu I'riest1(y'8 Mack Dress Uoad.•4, New Prints \1'e have ohm rceilive,l a shipment of Now Prints, eooll pnt- t(n'ns ad gocul shades, suitable for %%Taring apparel. Also a lurgu variety of Cotton (1i o'ts for summer dresriey. 1110 still have some special offerings in furs which will be soli regardless of r'ost, A fresh of Groceries always on hand. 1110111MMAIIWISMMINIONEMIAMOMiliftelbe Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. Highest priors paid for Farm Produce. Rr 17/1 lf� `ll E. BENDER, B 174 .'nej CAPITAL. PAM Up: TOTAL, ASSI;'I'S : b'1rco,OiO Thirty-two 1lilllou uoIlar.c RESnavr. FUND: t2,:oi,o')a BANK OF HAMILTON A General 13unl:ing Business Transacted IMPLICITY is the key -note of our Savings Bank Department. No formality or delay In opening accounts or withdrawing money, interest allowed at highest current rates on all deposits of $1.00 and upwards --compounded hulf•ycarly, We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, Unt. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. 1 tn. LATI: MRs, 1), D. CARDER,- Tut: Marked cheque that Is held The citizens o(' Blyth were very by Reeve D1i1ne from the hill Co. touch shocked on Wednesday even- makes the Stephenson C1u'i'uige Cu, Ing of last week as the trews of the cheque look like 300 on the dollar, I sudden death of' Mrs, Carder spread '1'))E 131yth (sun Club held the an - through the village. The late Mrs. nuaI assembly in Industry Hail on Cruder was born 011 Nov. 19th, 1850, Wednesday evening of this week. in the town of Berlin, Waterloo Co, A good time was enjoyed and the and was the only child of Richard tllllsic excellent. , and Euphetnia Thompson, When His lordship the hear, owned by she woo quite young her parents lo. De, Perdue, V, S,, took a peep out cared on a tiu'tu In the Township of of his Rule Saturday, Feb. 211d, DIciClllop, abun1 five miles out of Falling to observe his shadow, he Seaford], ilere she continued to re- concluded, 11' the tlme•honored tried - side until August Oth, 1873, when tion is correct, that he might safely she was Inlu'rierl to 1)r. Carder. Tho leave his comfortable (lulu'ters and doctor and his bride settle] in Delhi, lock for un early spring, Norfolk Co,, where he practised A SLE1011 1o11d 01'1110 members of medicine fur some four years, In the A, Y. P. A., of St. Paul's church the summer of 1877 Dr. and Mrs, \Vinghaw, were entertained in Carder moved to 13Iyth where they Milne's Hall on Monday evening by have resided ever since, Thu late the A. Y.` I', A. of 'Trinity church, Mrs. Carder was It woman who pas- A very enjoyable time was spent in sessed many lovely quuiltfca. She soclul games alter which a short but was of a gentle and kindly nature, spicy program, ol'readings and vocal wag at1aSS11111i111.; and affable, Sym- music and the laughable farce "On pathetic and thoughtful, artistic and Gun was given, The ladies of reti110(1, Ill ii word she was a sincere the Blyth branch supplied an ex- chriithan lady, Mrs, Carder enjoyed cadent repast which was duly done tit 'healthy constitution having had justice to and the gathering broke little sickness all her life. 11t a seasonable hour after sing - Very Even on the morning' of the day she ing "Auld Ling Syne," died she seemed unusually well, and was engaged In some householdFire ! ! Fire ! duties when the stroke came and she lapsed into unconscieusitess and $10 000 stock of Dry Goods, espire(I some tout' hours later never Clothing and Furs to be having rallied, She leaves behind slaughtered regardless of cost her, to mourn the loss of :1 model in McDonald Block, \'Vingham wife and mother, her sorrowing , husband and three grief' stricken --Hanna c� Co. daughters, Lizellu, Alberta and Edna Lee. The funeral took place 'l'iru thirty-fifth annual statement on Saturday ttfternaon and was very of the Ct'u1'oderatlon I,il'e Association largely attended 111(1(13' coming !'chili which has just hew" issued shows the a distance to play a last tribute of airlifts 01' this well known company respect to the deceased, The floral to be In excellent condition. The tributes were very many and hes Mi. net ledger assets of' the Company lul, 'l' 0 , funeral service 1x118 00' • have reached thesum of .$I 1,.313, - ducted at the house and graveside 887;23, 1)urnig the year $359,731 by Rev, IV, 1J, llartlev, rector of was paid in death claims, $263,606,- 'l'rinity church. Interment took 55 In eedow111Iits and $22,396 57 111 place in 131yth Union, Co elect. alitulltles $70,907.19 in cash profits. Thu sincere sympathy of 11% large The am00111 of new business written etrele of friends and acgtlltintahCPB exceeded that of 190.5 by $65,757 00, is with the bereaved In their sad The amount of now busht085 Written and sudden loss, 111 Canada, as well as the total now FLOUR Favorite $2.10 Per 98 il)s. Manitoba.,.,., 2.25 Five Roses.,., 2,60 1. Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE insurance written, exceeds that of any previous year. The Patios of expenses to prclnium income and to total 111001110 were less than I905. The Company has :t strung director- ate anti is well managed, It piny loot: to do even greater things in the future. See annual Statement 011 on huge 8 of 'J'nr: STANDARD. \V, Kerr, of' Brussels, is the local agent. Tit -; 0uolph Herald of last week hays :-An I,IIr11011SC girder went west on the 0ucl0 1111(1 (loderich lin Ilwuy, It is 106 feet long, fully 12 feet in depth, weights 7,900 Ihs,, 1111d requires tlll'ce flat 0111%; 1'01' its traospOrtation. 'Phis is the first; of six 0) he used In the erection of the Maitland River bridge. A com- pressed air riveter went through, and work on the bridge will be coin. Illelleed at 0)101. 1Iucrhy.-Last Friday everlhng the IVaitun Hockey team drove over and played the Blyth boys on the open air rink, after playing -10 1111181tes 1110 Ee0I•e was 2-1 in favor of the visitors. The return game will be played in 1Valton on Thurs- day of this week when we hnpc our boys will be able to return the conl- pliulent, ']'lie rink %vas peurl3' lighted for a hockey game and the games in future should be played in the afternoon. Following were the players on the 1313'111 team 1-11, Gidlev, J. Reynolds, R. Sims, 8 3lc- 0111, Al. Begley and R. Wanless, A'r the Meeting' held In Industry Hall on Monday evening a goodly number of the ratepayers were present and discussed the proposition that had been placed before the Council by Mt's. E. R Hill. After a discussion in which Alessi's. Sims, McKinnon, Sloan, Carter, Elder, Chellcw, Einigh, Cunning, McNally, Livingston. .Sinners and the Reeve spoke it was moved by A. AleNal1y and seconded by Wn1. Sims, that the council prepare a by-law and sub- mit it to the ratepayers of Blyth at an early a date as possible. 'Phe \Vest Iluron Farmers' Institute are holding supplementary meetings as follows : At, Brown's hall, Lo11 ieS. horo, Friday, February 15th ; Wil. son's 1lal1, Ilolntesville, Saturday, February 16th ; Forester's 1L111, f3entniller, Monday, February 1811) ; Temperance thin, (Juderich, '1'ucs- (.1:.1y, February 19111 ; Orange 111(11, Nile, Wednesday, !'February 20th ; Alech8nics' Ihtl1, St, Helens, Thurs. day, February 21st, 'There will be both afternoon and evening meetings at each place, the former commenc- ing at 2 o'clock and the latter at 7,30. IVr1AT 19 1'liYSICAL Ctnrrurn':.-[t is exercises given to generate I'urce in nerve centres, the real source of perfect strength, It gives an easy dignified carriage. Ease and grace simply means the nluscl08 brought under the control of' the will, Not a Ionian in 50venty-floc sta1)113 cor- rectly with the weight lilted from the vital organs, MO with vital force at a low ebb the organists is a prey to all diseases, Physical culture corrects all cdel'ul'mities and maks beauty, grace and symmetry of form. Anyone wishing t0 81111'1 (1 course of lessons, or for more infor- matil►n est! on Dins, Amt. TAYLOR, [)ct'mntologist and 'Teacher of Phy- sical Culture, A Succuss. -Last Thnrsdny even- ing, under the auspices of the 1. 0, 0 F,, the Prances Firth Concert, Co., 0 1 '.. appeared before a large audience in Industry Hall, The first part of thewar program was the operetta ''Tho Beggar Student," which consisted of solos, ductts and quartettes ; the hest was thu solo by Mr, Firth, "The Serenade," which he sang in gond voice, Tho second part 3)tss Edna 1'UI'te, I'CadCI', gave "'Telephone Con. versntiun," "The inquisitive Small Boy" and for encores '•'Phe Ninety and N1)30," by Paul Dllllbai', the "lr alenYs keep Arer's Cherr7 Pectoral le negro pact, 1111(1 "Papa's Let tel'." rho hones, 11 Rlvee po,feot collet w8onevel Missany or ue bravo cough' or hard colds. I have Miss Porte was Well received,used It fora �reat mRn� ))eareandeoknow all sham 11`...1 tB, hLRY OMItT,LI(,VLr1e• Hunt, WI10 i8 8011)151 111 0110 of the burg,N,!. chul'clies 111 London, sang "Carmine 1 ; . ' :.A Mule by T. 0. Ayer 0o.,Loweu.11ass 811d for the (111co1'0 responded with j* Also psanufaotursr. of "Good -night Little Girl, flood -nigh t," yers Mr, and !firs. Firth gave "Little . China Maid" and were recalled The two quartettes "Wuddllg of the 1.111 ( Biliousness, Crethele with Ayers Pllle. ■r,r}}+►,r•r ,•,•,//{Su�),r+r 'r+►v.r(777r■r 4vS.■r) ?iipiNvivr wrl� ?'r3 4 t1" u� arfine p tl� ['' re ss Coods .4 . 1. r :ss3 fist till t1 r2r3 C`=3 013 li• (03 Ti Ti 4, r==3 [:13 4''' `__i Only a few of the many here listed : Ph s l :0: 0 3 4. 4tilli fill 2. :`ri Cn +iii C`U C=•] eft' :Cru Cm3 ▪ i�!3 Ci(Z 3 1;' ' .4i We made a purchase; of \\ lute and Grey • '; Shaker Blankets at a very low price to us, which ::: cannot be duplicated. We put thcnl at such a low tr-1,9. price we can't put thein on your tickets because rui :._/i they are worth $r, but while they last i9C, 111 as lL. rlJ1Di Op i°=I� 01: DO 00 Cl=3 Z;15 Do '41' �!?■I,r1V+car]]���rt•■ryrartr+► r,r,na `r�r■rsr.r'rar�nNn �►a ra►tra tr(a4�4far� a1�. 1;44. 4.'l(=:�a,r34. .44. 144 '-JI' lath:, -t "J4'44 "t.a=: ROMANCE OF NOTED MUSICIAN. A. certain amount of rouu:ee sur- rounds the lite of every aetist, but the routemcv'. of Marie IIaaII reeds li! Ihat. of it ,fury loud; hefeoiae. Baru in a --mall ta\vn iu I:right:1-1, of humble and 11,a111e•. J';acids, the bah,- opened firer eyes on :t o'.Ic'1(! of .,nfh ting and privation. ;Ili.,; Hall's fatter hail e.iii iderailla IILi!ity ;1, at musician, a lid ;;t one ;i:ne platye,l in the oreltestta of the ((':ail lie -a ( t)k'ra (.'nulletuy, but he to ideally had nem.- talent tban ,ipp!ieat;en and weighed linen with the stvellum's necessity of ?)ro•illint.': food mud raiment for a 'grow- ing family, he 4tepped Ieu'kwnrll rather than ierwau'tl in Iii., lou<iral c'aFeel'. .1t his 'mune, lluweva't•, II111•Ielall- sere \vollt L uassecuble, and these \sere the hiir!Ite,t moments in Marie hall', c!lildho,,ti. There were several harpist, is the hal( Iau,ilV, cltl,l it \Vas iiiti led that Marie •hur!d r1. 1 learn Ila(.; il:,t rnniont. \flan .-till-eare,'Is ;Mlle to tall: pl,liml} she was ureurilin;,l'; ,:.,l to praetile on She lingo instrument, tVhi'••h ,seemed but brutal, 'laude her tins fin:eves. `11e wilt• eel to helm' the fiddle, but the wish \vas not (eceureged till, having slyly prat, tired some few pm'ees to surprise her talhrl', tllel•e was no longer doubt of the ;let that the little t'irl was divinely ;sifted 111 this dil•eetiull. The surprise Iva.; romp!ele, and troll' that nlninrnt _limit. was alluweLl to inchll e her prefer• erre, ane! the 11;1 1'1) w;as di'14t l(d, .1 'eamr„r of lesson., under a c)ulpetent alas• ter was out of the question, tlae tin\• 4111i,t ,boggled bravely en :Ilene, and folder her father', tuition, till a bleat teacher interested herself in the (1)401'. hriol!I'. Site played at the pavement', 1,Irr.)! \Ionia hall, \rhtr now takes the lli.'lie..i. fes' paid for lily lady Violinist, has 001 w- ally played 111 the street;. aull her -a! eyes, Matt spoke as loudly as tyu;•Iii of 1Ilt' great $tll'I'Ulw--tire ,el•1•e\w Ila gl'11i11- b;lllliu; with ntni'Vation'- ante;:e;e,l 111,' a 11(11 111i1 of passers-I,y, who dice, i.••l ,purr chills at Ilex feel, 1)n' tl:,V. tl'ey attracted attention to some purpose. I he strains from the violin must have 11eee, Ionisuelly patthetic, for tits chitdBari' was asked to enter the house of al gen- tleman of moans, who \va s ,u -t rue,; with her ability, that he then and there determined soliletllilag must lie done. IL Iva,' arranged that \Iatric hall mh iuld lc' slit to London to compete for the newly (Tented 1Cesselev scholarship at the Royal ,1e:uionIV. She was delirion= with delight, and though only fifte4 ii \:•sues tlf age, her young he;u'l. heat lightly f„1' the first time, as it swelled with hem- . for the. future. She went to l t dol;, \ton e,isily the coveted schul:Iv IIIA, hl; imagine her despitir when it \teal= fon',) to include only the tuition, ;tial that the funds to pity for her living in haulm were ant forthcoming. 1)o',stl to er itl: went the !Lively air -castles 1 het \!a i'ii had built, and hark to the pit\•ement', edge %•r'int the greatest lwenlall vieiial•1, thatL has ever lived. Is it :tic wonder Hitt the Violin then was alibi Inr•o;11 in i1.j appeal? 'J'le slid eye; were than ever, and the slender tint. i' 'steer, more frail oit(t the burden of cro,1101 !lope. ilowerer, brighter days were iti •;ore. and' Canon hellot'es, of Bristol, on In ar- ing the \yoirderful tones drawn ;roto it worse titan mediocre violin, determine., that 1larie I11111 should hate a v1i i111'a' to tetke the po.sitioll waiting for Irl':• 4 mon!! 'the great artists of the fitly. 1ie in;ts- ested it number of people in the poor child, and she was sent to louden. \shere every one who heard her Icor; of 1'; tun anxious to Dive her free tuition, proud to help her one step wt the 1' 1 to 'fame, which she \Vas (testified -o soon to :travel. '.\'belt hubelll: came upon the scene. hiss hall listened spell -hound to 'his brilliant performative, enol u i t it the courage of youth, waylaid )rine uu )lis vs: - it from the coneet•t hall and 1I1111ed Ilial to beau' her play. She spealk< 11,e,c\sit;l her 1 I .11 I (' , 111 I l great amusement and t nutlncity. and with tear; in her l' I •. pays tribute to the generosity of the young t•ioliuist who might. II;t\1• hew; !forgiven ut that moment for Leine r a- giu•'ssed in itis own unprecedented sue - Cess. On the entltt•Ili'y lett \1•as 1111, kllltl to the brave little girl, for she was time, Duly just sixteen end said "Pott most, ;r„ to ray master. \vho is the 1realcat 'man living for technique.” That 010,111' wa'. Sevoik, the timelier also of Koei011. Not long after, benevolent citizens rai•t+t the necessary money, and ,iii;s 1 hill was on 'her Ivey to Prague, The t ootlis in this congenial ;Itanus• !Merl glided by all loo swiftly, ;1)111 tit Die end of 1 vi'tity months, -,o earliest Mad been the work, ~avail: placed l Iris own violin in the bunds of .lies 1 10 and t,l(1 hoe to !ge out and conquer the world, It wag the stone violin nvIlic!I land h11';) 14'111 to hnhelilt w'Men he m)ndc his debut, and its duff: tsps trill to the fair•haii'd ;;is'I, \\'!lu r1111,041 the (rili- c,tl oudilmr14 tit \'ieruuI, )n'olmbly the sparest in the world, to r,huuts gaud cheer, of approval, Then come the challenge to the Lane deg public, 11'ilh the nrebestrn of Henry \\'nods who is 11.11 well l;;loon in ",incrice, dies fictll mild- her first .l,on- dnu appearance. Nodding can describe the enlhn4iesnl of that occasion, cess followed sitece,s. ~heti hall created a sensctiinn in all the V. S. eities she deity.] mn her tour in :a,um'rien two y1014 :Igo and ,:he will he neenr'deil 11 greet reeeptinn when she. returns to tlrii p01111 ry shortly. ---New York If vie - gra in. -rA-� Same Trouble Everywhere, (Osborne, Kam, Farmer,) 1\'e have n brother in our church who bc- loitgtvl to several outer denominatIons before 1'e cavae to un and ho tolls its they have the sumo trouble everywhere; Impossible to bet u e'2,C07 ti:oaclicr for ri0 a year`, y 4 Nie♦ New Problems for Marriage. Marriage presents problems tit the present day whirh were never enruun- teretl in the past. hero is 41 case in point. A young elan end his betrothed were school eta 'Les and been nte engaged during their last year In the high Heed, The understanding was that they should wait until ire was able to marry. Ile left home and plunged into l,usi mess life. It was bard sledding: for sumo years, but recently he pushed his salary up to the $2,000 mark, and w•as ready to mnrry. l3ut, meanwhile, his ilosalind, has not seen fit to sit down and wait for seven years for hien to get ready to merry her. She had gone into business her- self and as she had both Brains and good fancily connections she is now confiden- tial secretary to n house which pays her $1,800 a year. The man must ask her to rut her in- come in two if she marries hint. Ile does not blame her at all for going to work, but he does feel that. iiie position is not an inspiring one to contemplate, for he roust either ask her to eat her income in two to marry hits or else let her go on working for a salary after the wedding. Cupid and Pecunia have not yet set- tled their differences in this case. In similar cases they have settled it in a variety of wnys. A few years ago one of the big dry goods stores employed ac woman as buyer for one important department. She went to Europe four 11111(4 11 year with all her expenses paid and a big salary. Lr one of her trips slue because acquainted with lite purser of the vessel, and they 'lade a love 'catch of it. -The business woman was delighted to give up her fine poeitien Hurl IC salary to marry t11e man she loved and to live with httn itt a tiny pines they purchased out on Long Inland, She was charmed with her little home and raised chickens and flowers galore; and when the baby came their happiness would have been complete hut for one great trouble. '\'het was that her husband was away from her nearly all the time. She wor- ried so nhout that that finally he gave up Itis place as purser on a liner and tried to get n job ashore. Like a good many other men who leave their own line of work, he did mit succeed, Finally she said: "Now see here, Johnny, you can't get a job, and if you did you wouldn't earn more than one•third of what I can. If you are to go to sea 1 nlielit about as well have no husband at all." "Now if you'll stay down here in. the country and look after the baby and the chickens and the roses, l'll go back into my old place again ;it's always waiting for me," 1t' was fixed up in tliat way, and the household is now running nn that plan, The man is the housekeeper and the woman is the bread winner, in one of the largest and oldest clip• ping bureaus in the world the proprie- tor's wife has entire charge of the rending department. 1t began in 1S93, when a forenian )eft him soddenly and and she came down to help hind. She liked the work and has rettlineel it permanently. "You couldn't drive her away," says her huitbauld, 'crud it stills ace all right, for she brings an intel1I¢enee and devotion to the business that I couldn't hire,"-1Vnshington Post, c.o BETTER THAN SPANKING, Spanking does not cure children o: bed- wetting, There in n constitutional cause for thin trouble, lira, M. Summers, 11os W 8. 'Windsor, Ont„ will send free to any rnother her successful home treatment, with full Instructions, SOTMI no money but write her Save Your Money. In saving money, many persons say that they can sate 10 little that it le not worth ttbile to save at all, if you con save but little you ought to be the more anxious to save, and if you perse- vere you will presently be surprised at tluamount of your eitvinge . !Shiny n millionaire hes said that the first thou• sand dnilnr(1 \VIII; the hardest part of his (ethnic. to get, Volt are not likely to girl passes into the fuller life of Is. millionaires, but it ie possible for many of you olio time not ,icing st) to 'ave vert r,,nsidct;lhle amounts, whil'b, it salads insetted, gill t \til, for you day :Intl ni�'hl. and will add to your centred, III' .'ll'tl .•1111 t, ;toll e••pet'la,ly give tell lhr feeling of ,1 eurity against illness or fey, 1.11 position. lleterinine, then, to save year looney, and be even more deter 11141 e1 to invest. 1•nlll• arltilll.ts e)llal'I.Va- tively and carefully, not Willi the ex. penal loll of recti\ ing 11 large tato of interest, lilt only of ',o ruuelt interest ;le a safe in1'e51Ince l of the prinpical ;fill bring, GIRLS ENTERING WOMANHOOD FIND BILEANS A BOON. 1lothers who have daughters just on the critical borderland over which the Man the Only Animal That Kisses, (1!arrlet clulnrby- In Leslie's weekly,) Why a salute of the lips, ordinarily known Hi a (11rF, r.1)nuld he given each prominence In the 1L'eratttiro and drama of Cho world both biblical told hlctorteal, cannot bo Folwell by recourse 1u tiny v;rltten authority; yet during all the:,e years since the beginning of time this Iii collar salutation loess not pa- tx'a;r to have iia in value, nor Is there any immediate III 1i ;t of Its HO doing, Whnt the n)uywrr!ghl, the novelist, and the poet would de without this pelt upon which to hong a plot It v;c'u!d be difficult to Pay, and this aunitca rserl'i^111 1,1 the playwrights, for dozens of familiar drnmo tie productions, sev- eral of w•hb'h Later graeel the Now York stage this 14t<e: nn, hnwc found their greatest factor, the w'h1.'1 erne whlrh the machinery of the neem'.; rung and the plot depends, In a kiss--411at of a 'ran and n. woman, ._. E3R. I'-2. 1-11. NIA A Dollar Soffits of via s-. I'191i Liao it' e3 Rheumatism ore%potar'>td will he sent free t') any one suffering from any form ut llhruuaalism, 'rho cxpre=,a lauout '-'5c,) is all we ask you to p:ty. Send it post. card for it to-day—and begin your cure. 1)r, 1i, 1I, Mack, 60 Tanya street, '1'o- relto, The ?lian Who Did. 111re, Swan Young bates, the daughter of Brigham Young, Is a trustee of the Salt Lake University and a lecturer of note, "Women uaust work for her own advance - meat," oho said in it recent aJdrevs In Salt Lake City, "but rho must not selfishly neg- lect her other duties for this work, " 'Is there a man present,' a female lea- turer once shrieked, 'who has ever helped in the r11r1ite:.t degree to lighten his wlfo's burden? it these it hurl Isere that her oven gotten up at I, o'clock, leaving his tired wife to sleep on undisturbed, and, dressing, quietly go1!n ('reran.lair.•, Iahot! up the (Ire, cooked breakfa:•t, vr11,l d and drn.sed rho children, rsourcd the 1 n;'1 and pants swept the kitchen, scraped the dishes, and done all this if necessary day rifler day without comtlulni? The lecturer looked( her audience over with dilxlaln 'If there is such a 'tan lecre.' she raid, 'Ict hint ri.'. Lot the man rise. that all inr.y sic and !rause him,' "Then •t mild little man In a back seat rose timidly Ile w•a.s the lecturer's bus- I •- --- band." wunauhoud, will find rillelt,LS a great home They make rich, red blood, and strengthen and invigorate the internal urgers involved in the greet change, \less '1', Beadle, of home !'lace, 'To- ronto, say's: "11y daughter, Elsie (13), was feeling far from well this winter. She cuulplltined of frequent headache and was always weekly, tired and drowsy. She seemed altogether \s'ith- out energy or strength. Each adorning her tongue was coated and her appetite tailed. She wens sometimes so dizzy that on stooping she almost fell, and she was also troubled a. great deal with constipation, One single box of Jlilenns anode a world of difference in her, and '1 1 (onlinned to give her this remedy. 11'ithin a few weeks they built her up wonderfully and they are keeping her in the best. of health," 1bilcaus also l'111•e anaemia, green siel;ntss, debility, sick headache, (lomat. nation, Biles, rhetnuulism, sciatica, and all liver end kidney nilmenls. They tone up the system and enable it to throw off colds, chills, cls. .\l1 druggists and stores Hell llilettns at .ilk. it box, or ob- tainable from the ltilraul Co., 'Toronto, for prier, 11 boxes seat for 5'1.,i(1, LESSONS FOR LADIES. (Prom "A Fiennclal Courtship," by Frnnk W, Robbins,) ' \1'IIAT LS A BONA? "A bond is a pronitr•e to pay. It may be Issued by a town, city, county, or the government, In which case the faith and credit of the municipality, or governewnt Is pledged for tho payment; or it may be Issued by a corporation, like it railroad, an electric light company or n toll\, In which case It Is generally secured by it mortgage, but not neerrranrily PO, for there ora debenture bands which frequently have no specific security behind them on which you can levy. It la usually a promise to pay it sura of money (say 1;7,000) at n certain stated time, with an agreement to pay the Interest every six months. For convenience there arc attached to the bond littlo obling notal, or promises la nay, for tho tunount of each six months' Interest, 110 that all you hnwc to do when the rix months rolls around is to cut off ono of these Illtln so-called coupons and present It to your bank, which will collect, 1t for you, \linnt•d'g liniment Co., I,imiled, Monte time ago .1 had 0 bud attack of Qninzv which laid ale 111) for two weeks and cost a lot of money, t1nding the lump again forming in sly throat, 1 bathed freely with MINA RD'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it 4111 ;Ill night, Next morning the 5 W 'llliig 11'x.3 gone and 1. attributed the warding oft of an attack of (tluinzy to the free use ofMIN- Alt1);S I,1NIIJJ,N'1', St, John G. 1�, 1VOl(DJ';ti, Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure —most reliable `medicine for baby. Used over 50 years. First compounded by Dr. P. E. I'icauit in 1555. es Bay Strong Restore, the little ongens to perfect health. Gives sound Bleep, without resort to opium er atlter injurious drugs. Ai drurnioa , 25'... (.Lvatk. $1,25. National Dn"i eh ChriniclCo, Ltd., Montreal AtitTMESIAVAMYZNIEfatgr The Thaw Trial, (Nein York Sun.) The court, its whole appanage and perron- nel Is handed over, from its opening to its close, to u horde of photographers and draughtsmen, Every development of the carat Is posed for the press, ,prec.Ircly as If It to -day 1f your children trouhlo you in this nuked it .tarso 1n a prizefight or au col:lode in it vaudevillo shot•;, The unhappy tnlawlnen way. Don't blame the child, the ":ranee; aro pictured in every qua -Illy of ridicule and are It c'an't help 1t. This treatment also cure, degradation; they aro exhibited to tiro public adults and aged people troubled with urine 1 and to their families la all the merciless ex - difficulties by day or night, 4•t Japanese Sardines. '1.he sardine is caught in such numbers all thong the coast of Japan t!:r.t to the surplus catch has been used fee Immure, ;Attempts are \low being uurde to turn the fish to some more profitable rte:c. Canning establishments have heard slanted at various places—notably .Jiilnt end Noysgo--with a view to ascertain- ing whether the Japanese product eon. not, in far eoslern and American mar- kets at least, compete with the 11111i• terranenn product. At present the olive tree, a moat important factor ie Ibis in• dustry, is not cultivated by the .latpan- ase, and at the Hanle time the customs: levy a duty on imported nil. This draw - beck could, of course, easily be overcome by the 1;u\•vrlintenh allowing a rebate to (tanning establishments, As far 0, Lade and (nullity go, there is nbt mucic to choose 1►ntue(•n time ;fit pnne4r' pt'e)(luet and lite F.ulopeaul.-Lnndmn Daily (lent• phis, sed Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, o I is Each Taking a Chance. 1)r, [baker--'J'ike this prescription; it will either kill or cure you. Putient•--•Ilnh suppose it kills me? Dr, 1'hnker--Nothing ventured, nob.. poi tiro of alleged c arcicature! they arc drug- ged from their privacy and their libert1ei are pilloried in Intolerable parado'as If they trcrr the blackest criminals instead of decent citizens performing a public duty, This, we t:u1n::11, cannot cuilinclr Indefinitely if the 143410)11 of trial by Jury Is to endure. Sca?,;r' .`'SIiEloa —Eczema, Salt Rhr..um, Tater, etc.—yieldquialy to the healing la,wer of Mira Ointment, Why suffer with the burning and itching? Why let ihe thing Fo on ? Don't be miserable? Mira costs only 50c. a bo --6 for $2,50 Get one to -day. At d,uggi.9s'—or from 'Ile Chendtto' Co. of Canada, Lttai',ed, Toronto. "Afro "A fru hours rf'rrlhcf,r•s1 a/Sptical on," v'rifi Do Corii,,an, 'y;; !e,•qurin Ave.. N., Ilo►'Ir!'lor: "11,111'reat reel,. j. Mira firs worked wonders/in mc." (Ile had Lt. -epic forpars.) iivict on T icing ills pnuine, via leis traderiie — e. I 11]t.> i ort TRAINING FOIA HEALTH. Dr. 1\'ight, State Commissioner of Charities and Correction, New Jersey, has ideas of his own regarding the treatment of consumptive patients. Ile says that there are 11,000 or more consumptives in that State; that the tuberculosis sani- tarium cannot hold much over one hun- dred. In view of these facts he says: 1f the design is to give the patients such essistenee es their 11•ietnls are un- 0blc to render, and, to make their last days as comfortable as possible, that can 1x1 clone et their biomes at less cost, and perhaps inneh more 01feetively. 1 sug- gest that a prnetlen.l use of the institu- tion would be to make it n training school ns well ns n scu►itnriunt, Fill it with patients from the several counties, neo teach them by expe►'t pl►ysicinns and trained nurses what it is possible for them to do for their own relief, what kind of clothing to wear, the proper food end llriv to prepare it, the kind and amount of exereise they should take, and, in fact, everything relating to their ('onditiou ravel reco\'ery. After three or foto' nlrnt0s of Ix:tieing 1bIL'.ie patt.ients could go Hone 011(1 make room for others, to be instructed in a like manner, In their n1\'11 eolln'ntitfcs 5)11111' of these graduates, sty we luny call dorm, would become important helper:; in the rare of others, A Bad Case, An iron founder of 1'eunsylvania, Ltty. ing risen from penury to opulence, sent his son to Ilarvlu'd University. '.I'hc buy was bright, diligent and graduated with Ionian". Three weeks after the Iauy'5 re- turn to, )lis hone in Pittsburg the iron founder f'songllt hire pastor. "I'm great- ly worried shout William) John since his return from Harvard," began the fader, "Ah, I warned you against I Inward. Jle hag become a drunkard'!" interrupted the 'tI good man. "No, no; I asked (lin[ to take wi•'+)C'' fin, m drink with me several tildes and )Ie .i, t ✓' i why}Kls4;i 'i1:4'�0?:�( '=oi;Si`f:SY.tgiO wouldn't," "Ile has become entangled t'lllHE malt tumor:Jan. with some creature of l;ch vaguest?'1" i1\ie; ile knows 110 rotibl women," J•111, bit Ides?" "No,. he doesn't know one curd from another," "1. see -1 tee—i1; is for, far worse, Ilnrvard is a unitarian uni- For fear Nome of our nt,lglrbors Inas think I vereity lie has come brick a heathen V' that nn uneecn)ly noiao In this office during the last week wan a dtchtrbance of the peace, we hasten to inform titean that tho unseemly tumult was only the effect n subscriber had upon tho oilier toren when gds remittirie big grimed. My mntto is, "No cure, no for five years subr,cr:;,clon excelled ua and pay," sn Tnt faking n. chance aq well as in his letter ho did not request his paper y+on, T'hilerl tlphirl (,edger, to bo dlseentlnucd, That Winn le a gentle- man titter our own heart. Meador, go thou and do likewise ,Payitlr--nt by a enbncrlber though be 1s In arrears for many years causes more reJel3Ing In n newspaper office Broad Enough at All Timed. than the ninety and nape who never pay. Erplainit,g the Commotion, (laurel Democrat.) Minard's Liniment Cares Distemper. Misr Vera Slout—Some people inny think °' ate dull, but Mr. Kidder, at any rate, n'ns M1iard'a Lir.inlent Curer, Diphtheria, • pleased to nay he never inet anyone so wide- na'okn an 1 nm' Many n woman likes to re Into )tint Mita Knox--1'nr, lint, of Itottrse, be might , get print yt►vu t:idtd 1111 3uu'rc Jest es wide ur,lcop, bee hates {n pal 1.n (It!iau, ad The unhappy father grouped, "Worse than all that. Doctor, lie believes iti tu•• iff reform, 1.• Journalists Made to Order. They aro talking about founding a college of Journalism in Missouri and Cornell unl- 'voruttY ItrotontIa to graduate Jout•Itnllrstu ewer's yeas'. If you 0118 turn out "Journah:as" llko glover and grubbing boos, Mate pencils, trace chains, Jackknives and other nrtleio:t times- sary to domestic economy, 11Is -n groat thing for the noblest of pt'ofenslonn, Ifut ;you can no morn make a Journalist by band thatt you can n pont .by hard, The place to teach and to learn Jo:rtn1lsnl Is 111 at noweeeper office. It may be 41 11111` old tmlnte'y weekly or at Brent, his clty daily, trod 1!r)): the man must be horn n •milt,, li t nr 1110 Sob lrlll bo hopcleally botched, GINSENG CRAZE. Cultivation Fever Followed by Disap- pointment to Many, The ginseng 011111vattiol lever, whieh WOK 11 its height four or five years ago, like most other agricultural fnrli, proved 11 disappointment to the enthusiast. A represeleailive of the Boal New Porker, ohs re(. qtly visited three gieseug plan- tetiun' of en:t;idernhlc tiler, throe 0 lour years old, reports 1 they were all suffering from a dist use !reedier to this plant, 11 will be remembered Ilett it takes the ginseng rout five or six years to 1111t - tore, so that when a plantation, atter leu 01' theca yetu's of care and waiting, is affected ►VIII► blight, the resulting crop failure is nnn'h more bt'tiuus lhnn t\ilh almost an\• other crop. The prutuetivcitess of two of the plan- tations was so rrriolklV affected that they had been practically abandoned, while the third plantation, nllhuugh damaged to at less estenl, had not be• gun 10 pay expenses, Giving Valuable Information. 11 is an iue,tinutld.' privile; l in these high-priced times to eueounter, even eetni-oeeasionnlly, a really � guiii thing which doesn't crest a cent, 11 e are ntuvtxl to this grateful reflection by the ap- pearance in our exchanges of nn arlielo entitled "Present Day 1iatkeaap of it 1Vell-Gronnted 'Alan," for if there he one boon which the average American voter longs for more hungrily than for nn• other it is a lend straight tip on style. Every ntnnjnek of them all, from the lea- der of the swell eoliths!' to the floor- walker of the ''Daffodil Parlor soriuhle," wants to do the right thing, franc his forelock down to his hoofs, -- 1Vaslling- ton Post. Dear Mother Your little ones ars n constant care in Fall and Win;ar weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cute, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseeres of the air ),garages in children, It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The pace is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell This remedy should be in every Route Science in Dairy Methods, lit lT'nuufrk the dairymen have suc- ceeder) in snaking ever anneal pay pro• fits, This was done by thirty or luore owners of dairies employing an official tester to report upon the results from ir-ditidual cows. After carefully watch- ing 1111(1 Weighing the milk for a given time the inspector reported on the indi- viduals in each herd. The result was that poor cows went to ilia meat mar- ket, and the producing value of dairy cows increased in one year from $13 to $(10 each, Such results carte front a system of working everything for profit. That is the spirit that controls' in sus- cessful agriculture, --Seattle I'oet-Intel- ligencer, a ISSUE NO, 7, 1907, IIELP WANTED—FEMALE, ANTED T,adh'4 to do plain and light sowing at horn', whole, or spare time, gelid pay. Work sent any distance, charges paid. Send :,tun(► fur full parl.iculnrd. Nation - Manufacturing Company, Montreal, MIXELL.AI(EOUS, Mrs. Winslow's toothIn@ Syruo sh011d al- ways bo anal for chlhlrra teething. It other the chile, soothes the rums, cures wind cone and la tho best remedy for diar- rhoea, V DR. LIsRoY's FEMALE PILLS A safe, cornrow rellsolo motdhly nods - r, Thn t 11(1e knee, been u ev1 In Varga' for over an; 'eau, nod 1'un1 tnraluable for the purpute dr'tgned, and aro Fatter toed by the tr.slr1,, rorlose stamp for seal'( dreolnr. Nice SI.W pa Los ue 4 )' mall, a nurulr 14(1111, on receipt of riot I.D ROT PILL 00., I3ox 42, liamlltoo, 00.113a4. 8'TO Mnnge, Prairie Scratchez and every forst of eontaglous Itch oil human ur animals cured In 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary fiction. 1t never falls, Sold by druggists. A Pace to Beat the McKinley Tariff Bill. .\ ,1 try in the February McClure's de;seri(ing the nye between two .English merchant—ships to steed' New York (lar- • hefnre the pursing into effect of the McKinley 'Tariff hill, call's up an inter- eetitlg situation in oil'• recent political. history, In the Review of Reviews, of November, 1!d)0, the fo!luwiug extract a pears in an editorial: "The month opened with a sensational race against time ou the part of several great atlantic steamships to retch New 1'c,1l; before the fetal t(l001t'nt when the McKinley 'Tariff leemine law, The cap- tain of the 'l;Leonia' vats able to save his cargo by n few seconds from the im• position of the new tariff. The saving effected by the difference between the new tariff and the o!tl on that, cargo amounted le no !I-, 11 ::tli:l 111111 1'200,- onn, "From the Depths of Things" would seem to illustrate the rival power of the artist, with the historian in th.t task of recording experience. 11r. Perry tells October 1, 1800 ---forgotten to most of the human side of the story with 0 vii• or and individuality w'hi h give the ante nee -a new and lively significance, 4+♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. -4 4. Energy Lost in Lazy Climates, European and Northern American cin• igratlon is rather siiy of California and our eastern gulf Rales because they aro lazy climates, With all its aversion to work, the human race wants the option of being able to work A country where in tho growingand ripcnirr' seasonas man is forced to intermit his toil gall. through the middle of the day and where there is no long summer tavillght to com- pensate for the noonday heat will never attract a largo permanent immigration. For the lazy climates are the climates without a twilight. There le a distinct. relation between twilight hours and ra- cial energy, --New York Mail, 1 }' t5I k.(2"(..i(fel liz?f3Y, C t.a ty Att•-a1rill convince ovcrvIlnueowlfolnCa.nedaHuttt'Itolivnea Or.tilrrg: Powder”1('i is fur Faptalortoanyorlaw silohhas tierused. 11I:1 pupal 1. (4011 Lin hut, and;r,lrest mandato tit at motley conn bury, under the direct len of an expert; man aact.uring ohocnict, therefore w'o ora ftblu to nod it on 0 earth Cituavctnta , of 1iw111ufr.tci.lcte, In order to ntroduee "now:moo tz:',i iia:, I4'uwdor" wo aro making w•ot der'fuliy attractive premiumoiTuro to aayo and QUID. If interested drop nu a pootal. FSR E. ,tBEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CAS 1 111 '1'o nny usot' of lathing' powder wo will gladly tend, isiaroltat-tillr •iroo, postago prepaid, a set of four of tent our laedition of plcturo post curds, lithographed in brilliant color/. :Simply tendo us, answering rho fo}Inwing quetd•lona: tat. Flama your Croon'', 2nd, Name *kW tir'apor. nternational Food Company, Toronto, Canada. "Aluk. for the Purplo P:tolutwa." 2 tiryvY).".R►.ak•en...iv .,..n.A-t.,, ?e.-':.SUS`e�t1ASrN•" ],''4,,47t+041.4 .4)/4 -4, e ! i►ULs:'HU WAX Ask for I Z 7LATCJi 9 POP HOTELS, WAREHOUSII S, HOSPIIT,LI, ASYLUMS, ETC. sannwornmessionsamonoassewoulartawaissers kACtlw £>.o1'tr—'rHE BLYTH STANDARD—FEKRuuRv 1.01t, 1907, CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . 81 Uo Stuiid:u'd and 11'eekly .ltlyer riser 1 The standard and ;weekly' \Vit.- nests , , 1 iin The Standard and 11'orkly Blobs The Star,tlsti l nail faintly Ilernl,l nn(l 11'eekly Star 1 70 Tian Stand:11d and 11'ee14l• 11nil and l ulpiru 1 li;t The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 Thr, Standard and 11'eelily I''t•eu 'I'!ie Standard and Toronto 11 eek• ly Stitt • 1 Si) 1 80 1 Jo The Stantl.u•tl and Hamilton 'htvice-a•N•e&k Spectator.,., .... Tho Stautlattl and Toronto Daily Star The ,Standard and '.l'orunto 1-) lily ';'Ire Standard and Partner's .•ldVQ• 2 25 o2 cote .. 90 The Standard tout Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 'J'lee Standard niitl Evening Free Press 2 73 The ,Standard and Toronto Daily World . ., ;1 za East Wawanosh. 'I'ha Standard and Drily Free ll r, 11'estbr'ook has Ids mill -yard 1'rei:4....,.....;t •JU full uf logs( again. If the sleighing TheStandiuvl au:l Fyrning ulube' :; ?l) keeps on he will huvo to enlarge his 'rho Standard and I:veniiig Mail yard. and Empire 8 SU hiss Lillie Mord, who has been stay - The .Standard and Daily Jlaiitug with her grandfather for a few and Enrpirt, 1 n) months, returned 10 her home in The Standard and Daily (;lobe.., 1 50 Michigan, Send nil :nl,scri(tions direct to ding, took place in 14 Otte of those happy T events, n wed' I Dee Mere Added tee tilt L. List of iughnnm Catholic 'I'II E ST.1\ D.1 RI), Church on Wednesday of lest tveek, , Cares Effected by Psycbias. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite • Ot) Rae••• Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Dough. This remedy II famous for Its eyes ares a Targe part ut the civilised world. 1t eau o pium other depended uyandn aIt nd mea, be o lam or other harm lv.o as confidently to a baby as to an adult Palo. 95 cta; Large Bias, 60 etc. keep him laid up for a few weeks, was carrying a bag of shorts flow's the stairway at his barn when hie font Ni11)Ped, hie foot going het Wenn the step+, Ile fell forward and the resuit of the strain reused a dislocation uud compound fracture of the left, tinkle. 11 1IV~ Mr. iIastlnus, Inspector of Public 'rhe local L. 0. L. is arranging fora Ilutltliulrs for the Dominion Govern. good c0►tcert in the asst future. i meat, wart i11 town on Tburedey, in. A concert tvill he given in the ler. ester's' 1[alt on eels. lie Is in aid of the Hospital fur Sick 4hildren in Toronto, A stood progress) fir being prepared. Mr. end Mrs, Robertson from Ilam. iota,, ,;lane. have been visirtn friends in and around the village fur the bast few weeks, Sad news has reached Isere of the death of Hiss Lizgie Oellaghnr, aged 18 years, second eldest daughter of Robert Gallagher, of Jloose Jaw, but formerly of lleigrave, where the young Indy was well and favorably knot's. It appears she contracted a bad Bold, which developed into pneumonia, proving fatal iu a abort time. '1'1i citizens of Be+lgraye express their regret Its t�ui s well as their apathy to Mr. Dal-/ 'atelier and family in their sad berenve• mere, by the departure of ons so Lair just laitnehing ottt into womanhood. • 4 11 Wkyilttaui. The .1estsle NlcLaacbll•n Coecert Cots. y appeared le the Opera Rouse on codas evening, Il. H. and tilt's. Elliott were clAltina for a few days in Toronto, Mr. Elliott attuutling"� the 4. ith annual meeting of the Canadian Pram AsSQCiatiotl, SCORED ANOTHER WONDERFUL VICTORY lil.V'1'11, O`'1'. Some If's IF t'•ltl 1'01110 (illi' R'.ly ttIi'll .send over• Ilt,tt ink; yaluo,S your way. IF yon Ieavt, 1 duifar with us lt.'s mere- ly r'xcllangi:ig die money for it's equivalent in I:rure►'ies. Il'hlt we scud you will he as sound and as genuine its the money. IF yon are it careful spender this store will appeal to you 011 the score of economy. iF von are anxious to srcuro (ones which aren't afraid of the closest scrutiny this is a good place to come. 1t is a good place to come for every reason that irlltl;rs ono store better than another. (I lad Ie greet you it: any time. JAMES OUTT BI.,YTH MONTHLY FAI when Joseph Gibbons was joined in holy bonds of wedlock to Miss hath• arin) Koine. At the hone of Patrick Gibbons, brorlier of the groom, a sup- per was given to a targe number of friends. The evening was spent in dancing and other aintlyentents, when ell returned to their homes, wishiug Mr. and Airs, (libbons a very prosper- ous owl happy married life. 'Phar will spend it few weeks visiting (Heads hexa before going to their home in the ;West, where .11r, Gibbons has been for a number of years. The bride veneered dwelling owned by John F. Linklater, of East. Wawa - nosh, was completely destroyed by lire on .\Ionday night of Inst week, Jlr, and ,lira. Linklater were entertain. ing the members of St, Artdretv'e I'resby'terirtu Church choir and the evening had passed off very pleasantly and when lunch was being served shortly after eleven o'clock, lire was discovered to be raging in the walls of the building and in a few minutes the Lipper portion of tint 11011s was in flames. All present set hard to work awl nearly everything in the lawn. i oi'tion of the house twits saved. The lass Will be very heavy to Mr,. I;iuklat' er anal being turned out of a (route in -zero weather is very unfortunate, 31r, and lir,. Linklater have a large circle of friends tvho will deeply sympathize Thousands of women are using with titers In their heavy' los+;, g PSV - with r,Il1aL, k►eeauso they know frets wryer. This young lady, who lives in Browns- ville, near 11'oodstuek, Out., tails her uvea stury in a few effective words uf haw she obtained deliverance from the Horrible grip uf weeklies Lnd disease. 1 have to thank te.cbluetermy present. healtb, Two years ago I was going Into a decline. 1,.'ouid hardly drag myself acres the Cuur. 1►siuld test ,we.rtbetrup.i,. t t want for a rivet bid to he down *bon 1 came back, If I wgot far a tulle 0atwuuninI wheel 1 was fru Neat to 1111 11 through the gate- way, and last slate I cares In trove 14001 a opts I dropped utter(I helpless frail fatigue. II limber wuoligive ode aopaws until 1 vrm•tlred ht/• chime, ku.wleg It wss eav'eliest far decline or weak- ness. 1 most my the results are wendertul, and people remarked my Improvement, Ittralesd of a illtle, pale, !ahoy ebee ked, Ilsfie.s, ■e.atrcbuly (Irl, I am today full at 11(1. ready for a slelgb rid., a skating mach, or an evening tarty with aayowe, and a few mewls ago I Could not struggle to t•httn'h, el roads (rola my hams, I bay. never Mad the etlgbtest twost to tar art. retnrit of the di.uase, )<i,L{ lill'RItIL WOW), , , Brownsville, Ont. Exeter. W. T. tltttt, of Omaha, Neb., was the t.on c, purifylug, jlie (blood, ine is drivii g out y guest of J.'1'. 1Vcytcott a few clays last disease gentle, ghee a rftvenouf appetite, Rweek. aide digestion a.od awituilatiou 0f Itx,d i The District, Orangemen taut here on and fi s 1►ositdve and abeolutli care for I general business Tuesday holt, It was &ewe of thro*1; cheer, 'any, etotnu'b not decided where they would spend and other oriole, It quickly builds up 840iee the 11th, the entire Otani, making sick people The town exchctincr,haw been enrich- well cad •eak;people strong. ed to 1110 extent of • $118,111;, amount received from the Whitney government, j being dm town's portion of the tax i recently imposed on railway corpora. 1 [iotas. l lel, Bissett, of Winnipeg, is shaking i luttels with teeny of This old friends in j town last week, lie bad been it) i Chicago on business rind carne over to All thdending horse and cattle buyers • ,tro old frien.Js, . kilo Jn 11'iunipnte Las are epic4fiafly invited to to all.i. Let nnttdn Ed. the icturo of health. 1le everybo ykowo. Welcome to P rips 11111scales tit, over 200 Lbs, Charles iMoutioth, of the Thames Hone, suffered a severe necident on Wednesday of last week, which will ieuce that in it they have a sat. friend EtiL,Nterri 'Wed ilesdav, Jl' ebrua,.1' 2.7 , Apri1 3, if ,t ,,A. President, 11 'ar..I.vds;sos; 1'iei•I';estdent. .1.1.01; rn; ):unit, Secretary 'CHINE P*QNOUncLo si`KLU) for gale at sll druggists st 50c. and 11.00 per bottle, or at Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Laboratory; 1717 Ring fat, Watt, Toronto. Dr. Root's Kidner Pills are a sure and ertusnent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Distsee, Pain in the Back and all forms of Ki .ney Trouble, 25e per boa, st all dealers. it irtrrl " any 'Maria Leaf' ,t. Rubbers Hud keep your +. fres dry ar.d warul."— W'lreles.frow "the old ' . %• f / 1,:' ;• ossa who lived iu II LIMY," j 1ac1e of the best Para gum, out to 'tit snugly a u d eeinlretely, 11 tI uple Leaf Rubbers " 4 c present a thoroughly f 1 waterproof surface, Keep your feet dry And Vrlu'ul in rho wettest kind / of weather, f Rubber hoot illustrated is thoroughly waterproof and doubly strengthened at points where wear is t, • ` greatest, . '� :.,•' • GrIDL.Ele A. Ni rr spentine the new postofht'e building, Information has been laid against some of:olar local horsemen fur tusking a race track of the main street. It is time that furious driving on the inalts street ceased. At the home of the bride's+ parents! on Wednesday evening, Feb, lith, at 8 o'clock, Florence VerdinR, daughter of .1, 11, Smyth, Supt. Post 011l,'e, Halifax, we united in marriage to Captniu Peter McGillivray, son of A. Mc(iilli• 'rayy, 0f S tinuhaur. IV, 11, Green hes. three act'os anal n half of land neon' the C. 1'. 11„ on the north Hide of Patrick street, which lie intends to soil for town lots. C. Lloyd st, Son had hltended to build thereon, but the Ilam hay decided not to build 11 new factory at present, so \I r. ()mes has employed a surveyor to divide it into fourteen building lots, Renew fur Tub; STANDARD, Thirty -Fifth Financial Statement 01 'I'10: Confeberatton Life Association For the year to DECEMBER st, 190d. CASH STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. Net Leger Assets, Dec. 81, 1906 . . Pres&}uses. First Year * 296,601.20 Restewal.. , , • , , 1,294,67 1.86 Annuity • 41,62337 810,411,060,43 $1,181,800.93 Lis lits-iiss'ea., 00,693.34 - 31,621,297.59 interest 3 483,227.44 Heats, Net 43,898.49 Pro;dt, Bate of Securities, Net 651,025.98 84, 127.47 $12,&48,707.42 DISBURSEMENTS. To Polity -holders. Death Claims $359,781,00 Endowments 263,608.65 Annuities . 22,346.67 Surrendered Policies 81,580,29 Cash Profits 70,907.19 798,151.60 Expenses, Commissions, etc, ... 414,168.59 Dividends to Stockholders (tre and Qa.hIlIF'r,,r3 (Q bee. t!,'at;) 22,600.00 Net Ledger Assets, Deo, 31, 1906 11,313,887.28 312,548,707.42 BALANCE SHEET. ASSETS. dinar s`kes $tarts'Jaid iebentut'tls Stoeks... .. .............. Pull*, other Cumpaaiee Real•.•i$at*te, Inetudlag Com- pany's Bulidings at 'remote and llinlptrg..... , ..... Loans ea Collaterals Leans on Company's Policies Sundry Items ... Cr►sh la Banks and 11.0. Interest Due and Aeerued.. , , Net Oatstandtagand Deterred • Premiums (Re erre thereon in • doted in tt'3e Liabgitko) 34,990,130.73 3,392,255,78 421,968.61 914.79 1,107,886,02 1,949.64 I,299,730.74 3,366.00 11,1,192.91 238,039.12 890,989.78 $11,958,913.00 LIABILITIES. Reserve on Policies and Annul ties IMP 3, 31 and 41`,) $10,816,798.60 Death Claims accrued, not ad - lusted (imlxdiay Claire not admiring) 103,128.00 Instalment Claims, Death and Endowment, IRK due Polley -holders Profits declared but not yet due Capital Stock Pald-up General Expenses ...... . . . . . . Current Accounts ... , . , ..... Cash Surplus above all Liabili- ties (Company's Standard) . 13,185.00 66,014.05 100,000.00 9,028.95 9,496,89 836,271.11 $11,953,913.00 Audited sod tooted sorrsot. N. F, ePtrNCI, w•C,A. } Auditors. A. C. PHU' , I.C,A. J, K, MACDONALD, Managing Director. INSURANCE ACCOUNT. Applications Received, . (Oats over 1905, 3137,283,00) New ineuranoe Written, . (Main' over 1906, 306,757.00) INSURANCE IN FORCE;, . (Deli ever 1905, $2,619,166.00) The arnoutt of the New Insurance written in Canada, as well as the total New huaturanee written, exceeds that of any previous yekr. The ratloisuof expenses to Premium Income and to Total Inc huts titan for 1806. 36,426,141,00 6, 067, 879.00 45,119, 516.00 ANNUAL MEETING, e e The Annual Meeting of the Association will be held at the Head Office, Toronto, an February 12th, 1907, at the hour of 2.30 p.m. Holdersof pat'ticlpating polleles are entitled to vote and take part in the business of the Meeting. Full reports will be printed and distributed shortly after the meeting. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : W. H. BEATTY, Eso., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, Ese. FRED'K WYLD, Ess, VTCB-slaESIOI NTS. W. C. MACDONALD, SECRETARY ma ACTUARY HON, JAMES YOUNG. A. McLEAN HOWARD Ea. 3, NORD.HEIMER, Eec. E. B. OGLER, Eso. ,M,P WILLIAM WHYTE, Esw. J. K. MACDONALD, MAMIAGING DIRECTOR. GEO. MITCHELL, Eso„ M,P,P 0 R. WILKIE, Eta. HEAD OFFICE ' TORONTO, CANADA.