HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-02-07, Page 1be 1 VOL, XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1907. NO. 27. Western Canada I desire to call the attention of my old friends and nc• * quaintancee to some money•muking opportunities In the west. 1-I still have a few lots -looney -makers- ill "Glengarry" the famous Calgary suh-dit'isinn ; price, 860 for it short time. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,000 in five years. 2-A chance for 81000 to make $8000 in a Winnipeg invest - moot without risk of loss, 3 -Among many land snaps in my list I call attention to the Si and N W# of Sec, 20, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only t) miles from Moose Jaw -largest city in .S,iskaruhewan, 6 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 on terms -$7 down and rest in three annuals at 6 per cent ; neighboring lat.(' has sold at $18, A splendid half section in she Arcola Jistrict for 811, being the NE} and fractional IVT of Sec, 14 in Twp. 10, Range 7 west 2nd, John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. East Wawanoah. A number from here attended the lecture on "Japan" in Blyth last Tues. day night. Wm, Scott, of East 11'awanosh, had his house burnt to the ground on Monday of last week about midnight, together with all furnishings and wear - Ing apparel. Mr, and Aire, Scott had to hastily leave the house In their night clothes ' they had not even boots on. The dwelling Is eltuatod opposite Thomas Bleck s and was a large, brick veneered house; which will bo a vory heavy loss to Mr, Scott, The following is a little sketch of John T. Currie, peeve of East W saw's• nosh, and who Wall last week honored by the Huron County Council in be. ingelecterl Warden, Mr, Currin was born in the Township of which he Is now Reeve, his father, Robt Currie, of Winghatn, Itoing ono of the very early pioneers, Mr. Currie's first experience in public affairs was a School 'Trustee In S. S. No, 11, and for a number of years held the position of Se'cretary- Treanurer for the section, In 1o99 ho entered the Township Council as a Councillor and in this contest (headed the polo, and Again served ss Council- lor in 1900, Ho ens Reeve for 1901 and 1902, giving good service to his municipality. In January, 1908, he contested this division for County Council honors and was unsuccessful, but in ,January, I9u5, ho was elected es a County Councillor, polling a very largo vote. in reverting to the old system of the Reeves forming the County Oouncil, Alr, Currie again ran for the Raeveship and was elected over Mr. Win, Beecroft by the narrow majority of two. Tho now Warden has given rnunicipal matters cousider• able study and he should fill his now position with much credit to himself and honor to his municipality, Wingham. Tho Queen's Hotel is offered for sole. "Tho Beggar Student." will he given in the Opera Ifouso on Feb, 1101, The Boll Telephone Co. has placed a phone in the Winghatn hospital free of charge. 0, K. Nilson, Malinger of the Bank of Hamilton at Swan Lake, Man., Is calling on his old Winghatn friends. At the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, hold in Toronto, Dr. Kennedy of this tower was eppoln►ed Grand Steward by the M. C. Grand Z. Jno. Fraser, who has for several years been the operator at the C. P. R., T�EITAE!Na SALE We finished taking stock last week and found that we must clear out a lot of goods at prices that will make you look to make room for Spring goods. We have a bargain for everybody. Made -to -Order Department 818 to 522 Fancy Worsted Suits for $18 to 818, $10 to $20 Imported Tweeds for 810 to $15. $18 to $22 all Scotch Tweeds for 814 to $18. Block Melton Overcoats, regular 818 to $24, now $12 to $18. Black Bolivar Overcoats, moiler $18 to 822, now 812 to 810, Just received as large shipment of Fancy Worsted '1' rouHHrfntis, which we bought at a bargain ; 60 'pieces, no two the sante, Tlie.n are gueu•tanteed all wool and were regular $5 to $7, now $8,50 to 15. Don't debts to get a pair of these trousers, Ready -to -Wear Department Our special Heavy Nap Cloth Suit we ails, 50e. to 82. sell regular for $0 a suit, Wo have 75 Boys' Knickers, 85e,, to 60o. just eight suits left, all good sizes, Aleuts and Buys' Valley Sweaters, 400 we are going to clear out at 85 50, to 82.50. Fancy SOot,ch Tweeds, regular 810 to Heavy 'Pop Shirts and Cardigans, 40c 815, now $7 to 810. to 81. 12 Blank end Blue Worsteds. regular 89 Underwear, regular 82,50 to 88 suit, for to $12, for 17.. $1.60 to 82,50, Tweed Sults, regular 87.50 to $12, for 84 Underwear, regular 81.50 to $2, for' 95e to 87. , to $1 25. 25 Boys' Sults 24 to 27, special 82,6n, Underwear, regnlnr 81 to $1,50, for 75o 150 pairs Men's Odd Pants and Over to 81. A BARGAIN FOR EVERYBODY S. H. Gilley Blyth $54o Per Year Mies Snell, formerly of Itluev,ale is re. cawing $45 per month from the G ilgary Milling Co., C pigsty, '1'nte estimable young lady had only a common suhool education and In a tow months with us prepared for the above nituntion. With a few years' experience Miss Snell will rc• calve at least $75 per month. Stenography Is better than Khoo' teaoh. Inv. What wo have done for others we can do for you. Enter any tlhue, ludlvidual Instruction. Write fur catalogue, WZNGHaM BUSINBSS C01141(11 Affiliated with Clinton Business College) 3E0. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL has been ordered to Woodbridge, and is in change of the station there, whether permanently or not, we cannot say. His place in \Vinihnin station is filled by John Rae. Mr, Fraser was very obliging and attentive to his dories, Ho will be mis,od in the Band, as one of its cornet players 'Phe Hanna store was entirely de - strove(' by fire Saturday night About 12oiclock fire was mioticed in the upper story of tho building, there being a fierce storm raging at the, time, end the flumes soon enveloped the entire structure. The firemen kept the fire within bounds, none of the adjoining buildings being injured to tiny extent, Total loss about 5.5,000, insurance $20,000. Part of the contents were saved, Oscar W. Itilnker, of Gerrard street, Toronto, must pity the penalty of his misdeeds in the Central, He pleaded guilty to taking 8'10 from '1'homes Mc- Lean, of Winghant, and was Rivet' 15 months, Rinker was also charged endorsing the name of H, FIyde to a promissory note signed by Ii, 'tinker, and negotiating it, Tho jury found rho evidence insufficient in the first instance, but brought in a verdict of guilty ,on the second count, ,Justice Anglia sentenced the prisoner to fifteen mouths for each charge, the sentences to run concurrently. It nnpears that on the evening of the 2lst, the defotdents made themselves obnoxious by getting into a row at the National Hotel, where they seriously assaulted Edward King. The fust charge laid was heard by Police Meg - ferrate Morton, The result was that. Howard Finlay was fined $5 and $2,85 costs for profane swearing ; Jas, H, Finlay and Joseph Finlay were each mulcted in the sante amounts for erocs• ly insulting language, 'There charges were laid by Mr, Hanson. The assault ease was heard by the Police Meglstrite with the result that Jas, H, Finley was fined'$2 and $0.80 cost; ,Joseph Finlay was fined $10 and 50,80 costs ; and Howard ens committed to Gob - rich goal for nue month, and must pay 80,80 costs. Loadbury. David Boyd has purchased a young Durham bull from Archie Hislop, M. P. P., Grey, He is a very fine animal and wo hope he may he a prnfitrtblo in- vestment for Mr. Boyd and the fanners of this section, Three new schools aro to by huilt this coming Summer, viz :-Winthrop, Lrtidbury and Walton. 'These along with the extra salaries to be ,aid rine making the ratepayers think quite seriously. Grits and Tories are a unit in this townohip in denouncing the now School Act, Owing to Clow, Cage having his hand taken off, his neighbors, friends and acquaintances showed their sympathy in a very tangible way and presented) him with n purse containing upwards of $200,00, Mr, Case express- ed his gratitude to rho community for their thoughtfulness hoping that by Spring he would be able to attend to his farm duties. It was a kindly act, A Short Tooth Brush Ad. Aiayhe you've forgotten our last spiel on this subject, which tnight result in `{you• going to the wrong store-,,,,aiii taking home t ho wrong brushes, Ilence this reminder thitt we deal only in tooth brush certainties, Now it's a pretty good tooth brush that never loaves any of its bristles ill a person's mouth, isn't it? Even if it didn't cost very much, And it's it poor ono that does do that, no matter how tnuoh money you pay. Auburn. ,1us, Stewart has return d to IViug- hum, Mrs. Edgar Van'tone,of Benmille.r,is visiting relatives here, Miss Erma Symington and (Genie Asquith are visiting iu Seaforth, Arthur Ferguson has secured a posi- tion in one of the factories in 1\ Mg - hem. Miss 0. Hill, Summerhill is visiting Miss Ball and 51iss 1Vhuatley, Ludes - born, at Miss Sturdy's, Geo. Lampin;ut, who h as Leen has• ing holidays for tho past there weeks, has returned. Nils. .John Willard is very sick, we understand, but we hole that she wilt soon be Ohht again, Miss Anna Jenkins, Clinton, is spending several days at her sisier's Airs, ,1. .1. Washington, 1\ illiam A1cAllllen and daughter, Mrs. 1V, Davidson, of Lucknow, spent a fete days visiting in the village. Mr. McMullen is home from Verdin, Man , whore he went three years ago. Ha feels thankful that he is in a laud of plenty this \Pinter, 'rho construction train, with abort 00 men, readied the bele lice Inst week ; the trick levellers aro levelling for this station switches ; the bridge construe• tins tnou are gerting things in readiness ret tho Maitland. The Union S S. Cohhventinn held in Knox church, on Tuesday last was all we expected it to be, bout iu point of uteendenee and profitable program, Two things are worthy of 'tote - that those to participate were all pres- ent, excepting in one minor instance ; and the exceedingly practical turn many of the discussions took, Tho work of the refreshment committee was tnore heavy than (Icor before ; that feature of our convention is being proved a success. The officers for the coming year are Pres.. Jas. Jackson ; Vice Presidents, Ist, Rev. Mr, Jones, and other ministers of the Union ; Secy., Wm, Plunkett ; '1'reus., Gordon Young, Lust 'Thursday evening a Targe num- ber of Smith's Hill congregation gath- ered in the basement of the Auburn Presbyterian Church and did honor to their pastor, Mr, Small. A varied program of mimic, recitations, speeches and phonograph was rendered and re- freshments were served During the course of the evening the following ad- dress was read : '1'o our Pastor, Rev, J. L. S)nall, B. A., --We, the members and adherents of Smith's 1-1111 congre- gation, wish to express to you our ap- preciation of your valued services as Pastor of our congregation for almost five years. We feel that the success of our congregation has been due in no small degree to your untiring efforts in its behalf, Yourcongoniel milliner and Christian example have added very much to the pleasure and usefulness of our congregation, We would therefore bog of you to accept of the lend of oats loft at your stable, not as it minutiae - tion, but as a slight token of our ap- preciation of your services since yon became our Pastor, Wishing you every success in the good work in which you are engaged, Signed on be- half of the congregation, Wm, 51c- Iltvatin, A, IV, Young Tho following is the report, of Uniort School Section No, 5, Hullett and East %VIIwaros'', for January :- 6th Book -John E. Jackson, John H. Jackson, Wm, 'McDonald, 4th Hook Sr. -Lottie Jackson, Cepha Echlin, Erma Pfeffer, 4th Book Jr. -Mabel Neitgle, 'Mary Robinson, Wesley McClinchey, 8rd Book Sr,-Eruert Jackson, Win- nie Ht wson, Laur . Jeckion, 8rd Book Jt'. --Frank Robinson, Itus• sell liing,'1'hos. Artnstrong, 211d Book Sr, -Laverne Robinson, Ituth Jackson, Esther McClinchey, 2nd Book Jr, -Willie Charter, Lino Robinson. Pt, II, Book -Ada Stewart, Gordon 5100linche.y, Patience Scott, 1st Book-'l'horessa Stewart, john Stewart, Good Conduct --Ether McClinchey, Arthur Lemp, Earl Raithb3', Fi'otnilda Pfeffer, 51ary itnithby, Alfred Letup, Win. Leine, Ada Stewart, 'fheressa Stewart, Fern Symington, Laverne Robinson, Ralph Munro, Gordon Yung• blur, Ruth Jackson, Thomas Arno strong, Ralph Graveston, Lottie Jnck- son, Itoy Nungle, ,\table Neagle, John E. Jackson, Wtn. McDonald, Listed -Clarence Symington (8), John Strtlkur (2), Norman Mcllrien (2), Laura Jackson, \Vinnie, Howson. Em• Ina Pfeffer, Cepha Echlin, Milton Plun- kett, Prank Robinson (9), John Tamen, Russell King, Eliz. Carter, Ernest Jackson, Omit Yungblut, B. Ferguson, W. Carter (2), G. McClinchey, J. Stew- art (2), if, Doyle, J. H. Jackson, M. Pfeffer, Harvey AMahrion (8), Westfield, Well, this ad, is intended to tell We are pleased to note tho recovery you that tooth brushes with put -itis of Miss Mary Meson, to -stay bristles can bo bought Isere John McDowell, who went to Alichi- for as little as 10c, gen it (ew weeks since, is house, Lot's and lots of bettor ones at Mies Vora ,\cllowell, of Goderich, prices QS high es 50c, • spent a few days at her home here. 1'. S, -'.Peach the children the early Miss Mabel Hiekingbottom has been use of the tooth brush and thus conllued to the house with mumps, preserve their teeth. We are pleased to hear flint It. Leishman is recovering nicely from his Der W J MILNE , "'"e". Mr, i', and firs, F. Cools untertnined a few of their young friends to an oyster BLYTH supper recently, The voung people are looking forward to the Orange concert to be held Feb, 20th in the Hall. Miss Mildred Armstrong, Shelburne, in visiting friends in this soction at presort 1, Walter Cook, who is learning black• smithing with 1), Itetnyay, is the pos• semi' of it flue driver, Abratn Vint has rented Ihis faun and has secured work in Stratford, where the will move shortly, 51rs. Robert Henry was in Gorler;rh waiting upon her sister, Mrs, Jackson Wighrrnnn, who is ill. Mr. end Mrs. J. Scott have been made happy by the arrival of a baby boy lo cheer their (home, John McVittio, who spent all summer in Bosseveiit, Alan„ is hone and thinks there is no plsee ike Ontario. James and Mrs, Anderson have re- turn to their home in Plumes, Man., this week after a rnonths' visit with (fiends here, 'Phomas Hell, David itamse.v and Fred 'Poll are tanking preparations to have their barns enlarged, Oliver Clerk. of Autrurn, lits the contracts. Quarterly meeting services were held hero on Sunday last Rev. A1r. Pent• land, of Salem, conducted the services the preceding Sunday, The foresters held their manual oys tel' supper hit the bottle of Ed.'I'sylor ou :''ridgy evening last. All report a good tune and huh ample supply of oysters. Alpert McKellar, who spent some time visiting his mother et Saginaw, Hieb„ has returned Koine, ncrontpan• led by Iii sister, Miss Ainggie Me• ICollar. ._._. Ooderich. Neil McDonald lied a bud accident Ian organ factory on Monday Inst, g from the lop of a 12- foot pilo of II mber in the yard, Ho received two bad cuts in the head. Mr, Brandt, of Elmira, was in town Wednesday of last weel' nod while here rented T. Wallis' new house on Victoria street, intending to move here first of Marek as one of the men- aget•s of the Goderich Wheel Itigs Co. With three factories to be built this year, the wheel rigs factory. the car - ring" factory and the addition to the furniture factory, and extra houses to meet the growing demand (lode• Earthquakes aro among the moat common phenomena in the world, rich'.•+ now industries will occasion, ac+ tunas scientists estimating that from twenty there should be unusually b to fifty occur on the world's surface for the builders this season and du'ins succeeding year+, every dny, Fortunately, however, the the 'l'bc p inspector for 11,8 Fire Under- vast majority of them are very alight. The writers' Association was in town on most destructive recorded in history Monday of last eek and made the aro given below w usual testsnnd inspection. A rather 011 A. D, -Herculaneum and Pompeii state of links wan die- hr'actically destroyed by violent shock. unsatisfactory state 10S hour Asiatic, two Grecian and covered in the way of frozoet hydrants and frozen hose, No doubt. rho condi- two Gn,atian cities overturned. tion of the fire department will enga+ e 858 -Nicoriemla destroyed with all its g inhabitants. the !Orions consideration of the council, 557-Thousandsrish in China, Sir. and Mrs, Amey, who were at 742 -Over five phundred towns de- rhe Bedford have moved to Auburn, stro'ed in SyriaPalestine and Asia, 11r. Amey is superintending the exec- y tion of the bridges on the 0, P. It, tied awful loss of life, made the move to Auburn to be nearer 1187 -At Catania, Sicily, 12,000 the work. Under his contract, ill© buried in the:ruins, gentleman will he back in Gnderich in 1168 -In Syria, 20,000 perish. earl,' Springto finish the bridges here. 1188-A. Salabrian city and all its inhabitants over On Thursday of last week occurred pe the Add. the death at Ishpeming, Mich., of \I'm. 1268 -In Cillcia, 60,000 rished. 1466 -Naples, 40,000 killed, McBride, father of Mrs. Ls Chnuce and 1681 -Lisboa, 80,000 burled In city's Mrs. Eeslio Currell, of town, Mr. Mc- 13ride was a native of Scotletnd and ruins. married in that country :o Mar y 1590 -Thousands perished in Japan, Ferguson, Coming to Canada wit 1 1626 -Thirty towns near Naples his wife he settled first near Blyth, destroyed, 70,000 killed, moving from there to the second son- 1667 -At Schamakl, 80,000 perished cessi011 of Ashfield, and 'theta seven int shocks within three months, or eight years ago to lslhpe'miiig He ed1 8,000 ost,Royal, Jamaica, destroys is survived by a family of seven child- ren His wire predeceased him about, 1698 -Fifty-four cities and towns and two ycnrs, throe hundred villages destroyed in Tho contractors raising tho track on Sicily, 100,001) lives lost. Squaw Island have done fairly good 1703-Jeddo, Japan, ruined, 200,000 work the past few weeks, the track perished, having hem raised eonsidernbl,y dor- 1716 -At Algiers, 80,000 dead, inn that period, The track is naw 1781 -Pekin, 100,000 swallowed up. much above its Deecmher level, sand 1740 -Lima and Callao demolished, looks as though it will he at full height 18,000 buried in the ruing, in early Spring, As it is promised that 1750-Bailbeo, in Syria, destroyed, the overhead bridge, crossing from L01 4 dAtGrand, Cairo, 40,000 perish - Squaw IHletnd to Micdormott s bank, will be in place in April, trains should ed17ii6-Iiaschan, North Persia, ala- be running in May from Guelph to the Widder property so apparently the stroyed, 40,000 killed, opening of rho line from and to cud will 1755 -Lisbon practically wiped out depend on the time it will take to build within eight minutes, Upwards of that scut of the truck running est 60,000 persons perished in the ruins and South of the Gnd(Irich elevator. Who by being engulfed by a tremendous week stopped much seismic wave, The shock was felt an extra cold spell last, of the work at and around the C• P, R. far as Scotland, and many cities suffer - depot, the work on the station and the ed severely, In Morlco more than round mouse and freight shed being 12,000 persons lost their lives. almost suspended for the limo, 1798-AI1 the country frotn Santa Pe to Panama shaken, 40,000 dead. 1812 -At Caracas, 12,000 lives lost, Seaforth. 1822 -Aleppo destroyed with 20.000 Airs. D Keefe, who has been visit- of its inhabitants. II1�► wltl relatives here for it number of 1812 -At Cape Haytien, Santo Do• weeks, has returned to her home in miugo, two-thirds of the ,ta.Wn destroy San n. ed, 6,000, ;hissFraLizzie ciscoMcLennan. who has been 1857 -Over 10,000 killed in Calabria, book-keeper with W. H. Willis for the 1898 -Many towns in Peru and past flys years, left on 11'eduesduy J Ecutdor.wir ed out, 25,000 perished. morning for her home in 13r,uttford, 1891 --In apan,10,000 dead. The friends of Alex, McLennan will 1896 -Northwest of Japan 1,000 be pleased to know that ho has stiff'- perished by earthquake,- ana� over cicutly recovered from his recent ill- 10,000 by attendant seism(° wave, cissa to he able to sit up it short time 19061 --In Aprtl, San Franolaco, Cali - each dny. forme, and other adjacent cities were A pleasant social timo was spent in devastated. Many killed, Valparaiso the lodge room of Court Sherwood For- 011111, was (�artielly destroyed and est, Ancient Order of Foresters, on thousands killed. Wednesday evening when the membors 1907 -In Kingston, Jamatna, partly and their wives and friends assembled dostroyed,and many killed. • to enjoy an evening's music and song, . +' Y, Smiley left town last week for An advertisement in Tan amxr,natt9 Aylmer, whore he will take possesion of pays. the hardware business which he re- cently purchased. Mrs. Smiley and children will remain in town until the end of March. The home of Mrs. R. 8, Roberts, Seaforth, was the scene of a very pleas - event on Wednesday, the occasion being the marriage of her daughter Miss Lily, to Wm. Smitherb, son of Geo. Srnithers, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Berry, rector of St, Thomas' church, at high noon. Walter Murray, son of John Murray of the McKillop-Hullett boundary. le home from Manitoba on a visit. Mr. A1urt•ny brought with him the head of a tnuose which he shot in the Riding Mountains. The head is a large one and the antlers are of immense size. It is quite a sight for us of the olvilieed East. Exeter. T. E. Handford shipped a car of horses on Tuesday to Winnipeg. The St. Anthony Club held its as- sembly in the Opera House Inst week. Writing from Macoun, Sask., Fred Bissett says that the thermometer re- gistered 44 below last week. W G, Bissett lost one of his blank driving horses Wednesday night last about 12 o'clock after four days' ill- ness from lung trouble. The beast was worth about $126. ?Jr, Bissett also lost on Thursday a fine cat which he has had for 19 years, Old age caused the latter's death, Dr. Malloy last week purchased from Andrew Gibson the residence and prop- erty at the corner of Andrew and fie- nior streets, The property was for- merly owned by Dr. Rollins and was sold by him last summer to Mr. Gibson. Dr, ,Malloy will move to his new home in the course of a (ew weeks. D, deuderson, Government Veterin- ary Inspector of live stock, was int town last week on official duty. The object of his vitit was to inspect a number of else►, in the township of Uaborne in- fested with scab, The disease is a bad one and very contagious, Every effort is being made to prevent its spread in that locality, World'. Greatest Earthquakes. TIIAW FURORS W[R EXCUSED. Two More Chosen Leaves Eight Men in the Box. order to reach an understanding there stunt be cumcus5wns uy each party to the controversy, and that the terns of the bishops were not acceptable in that at the outset they had the appearance o:' an uitimtnutn, The extreme anti- cic'rieal view is summed up in the Petit Republic, which says the condition etre unareeptubit' and ''we do not think they will he see„l ted." The Pope's Last Concession. Rose, lel. 4. It was asserted in jury Much Struck With Ills Wife's well informed quartera hist. night that the Pope has made lt' his last. saerifiees in Beauty. the matter of tli' 'unfurl ;with France. The. Vatican insist•; that not only must the parish priest-•; and the Mayors sign Alienist Saw Thaw Shoot, Declares the least.:,, but that the bishop"; and the pi elects countersign them, 1f the pre- tte Was Insane. posal of the hishups is not• accepted, the abandonment of the churches; in France is considered likely. New York, Feb. 4. --Court was ad Pureed this afternoon with just as litany jurors in the box as when pro- ceedings opeual in the morning. 'l'htr)' :were not all the same jurors, however, two having been excused and two more chosen to fill their places. The morning sttsoiou Wooed with tett sten in the box, the tenth being John S. Dance, 38 yat.rct old, atravelling 'freight agent in the employ of the Southern Railway. With ten men aelocted to pass upon the guilt or in- nocency of Harry 1.. 'Thaw, it looked possible when Court reconvened utter the noon recess that the box would be filled before night. When .Mr, ,Jus- tice Fitzgerald ;cwt: his seat, 'however, District Attorney Jerome sprang the surprise. "Your honor," he said, "after a conference with courted for the tee hence, counsel for the people have conte to the conclusion that the should oak that Mr. Campbell and Mr. Faire ix: excused front service on the jury This action casts no reflection what- ever on thew two gentlemen, either as jurors or ars men. Your Honor knows that similar action has been taken in another ease, and we ask that these jurors be excuscel." \Jr. Juntice Fitzgerald had evidently been informed that the request was to be ;nude and of the grounds on. which it was based. As soon as counsel for the dofence had given their eon-ent he addressed Mr Campbell and Mr. CHICAGO STRiCIKEN. OUTBREAK OF DISEASE IN CHICAGO WORST IN U. S. HISTORY. Epidemic of Contagious Disease Has Overwhelmed Health and Police Au- thorities -4o7 Cases of Scarlet Fever. Chicago, Feb. 4.--1 ontagious cases repotted this morning: Scarlet fever, 407; diphtheria, 29: measles, 27; mis- cellaneous, 9. Scarlet. fever has broken out anew in Chicago with a virulence that makes it almost a scourge. To -day 407 cases of the dreaded di.iease had been re- ported at the health department be- fore 9 a. tit. The outbreak is unpre- cedented iu tory American city. Diphtheria anti meuyles continued in a lesser degree throughout the city, but with little indication of being con- trolled by the health department. That, tin diseases may follow the upward sweep of the more dreaded disease is feared by physician;. The health department, already de- moralized by exposit':( of the incapacity and inefficiency of it, officials, gave evi- dence today of its inability to eupe with 1hc. epidemic. The department already is at \\'at' With. 1110 building department and the State factory inspector, who have (le - Faire, and informed them that they ; mauler(' its work. The criticisms of were forthwith excused, repeating that ' the State Board of 1!r:tith and City assurance of the District Attorney that Council have brought :tttgry retorts the action taken was not to be con- from 1)r. 'Whalen, but no increase of ac- tivity. • The renewed outbr'ak of scarlet fever has ca used a panic in many sections of the city. Railway passenger agents report the exodus south of hundreds of school children and their parents. The public school attenditure has fallen to a degree not kun'.v:l 111 yea r4 and school officials are making no efforts to regu- late it. '1'lhe situation became so acute that a masa meeting of t ho ('hieugn eledical Society has been calked fur Thursday afternoon to plan a way to oust \Chat- e t front his official position. Physicians are demanding that he b:' removed in order that life umd health may be safe- guarded. strued as in any way reflecting upon thein. Mr, Campbell, it was learned, was excused largely on account of the state of his health. He had passed an uncomfortable night at the Broad- way Central Hotel, and it was prob- ably feared that there was a pos- sibility of his tying the jury up by being sick after the taking of evidence was begun. Mr, Fairy's case is different. Ile was obviously vastly surpris=ed at being excused, and Said so when questioned. He stated that he had truthfully antnvered all the questions addressed to hint. when he was e :antinod by counsel. Struck With Her Beauty. At'lhe morning session, for the first time since the beginning of the trial of Thaw, his wife allowing her beautiful 'twee to be seen by spectators tied ,jury- men. Discarding the white veil -white) she had worn heretofore, she appeared in court wearing one of flue, but so transparent that all could sec her fea- tures. The nine juryman in the box seemed to be fasciated 11• the beauty of the girl over whom one of the most Sensational tragedies of the day n'ns committed. They stared openly at. her and without attempting to coneteal their admiration. She returned their gaze with shrinking glances. Says He Was Crazy. Boston, Feb. 4.--A young physician who says he has had tunny )ears' exper- ience with the insane in un asylum, tvlio declares ho saw Harry K. 'Thaw about ;and kill Stanford 1Vhtto on the ...Madison e3quaro roof garden, and who is willing to take the witness stand and swear that the young millionaire was mentally mt• balattoed at the time, calve forward in this city this afternoon. This phytsician, who has never here- tofore been mentioned in connection with the ease, is I)r. Edward Street of lltontreal, Dr. Street (lectured that, he and a friend, a Montreal dentist, sat within a few feet of ;where Stanford White was ;when, he ;was killed, that he had a good view of harry t'haw's face, tok particular notice of his eye{ and mouth because of the agitation of the young main, and is ccrtaiu that he was insane when he fired the shot that has placed his life in jeopardy. "We sat at a table when I noticed a young man who turned out to be Thew, walk up to the table where White sat, and, pointing a revolver- at hint, shoot him," he said. "1 happened to be looking at Thaw, because of the way he approached White. There was the dight of the insane man in his eyes, and 1h'ie \vas something about his lips that, showed he was mentally unbalanced." Dr. Street says he was a phyisicinn at Lougc Pointe and other Canadian asylums for seven ;years. Ile snys he is willing to testify in Thaw's 'behalf, CHURCH IN FRANCE, I MINISTER SAYS THERE MUST BE CONCESSIONS B,Y•BOTH PARTIES. Paris, Feb. 4, -The 'concensun of opin- t for expressed in clerical newspapers this i morning' on the developments of yester- t day in the religious situation are thin ' Minister of Education Briand did not in- ' tend 'to shut out completely all hopes of a settlement by the phrase "the Bondi- lions are unacceptable," but that he t merely desired to voice the idea that in v .0 NEWS IN BRIEF 60 DEAD IN MiNE HORROR. DUST IGNITED FROM MINER',S LAMP, CAUSING EXPLOSION. Worst Accident in History of West Vir- ginia -Wives and Children of En- tombed Men Are Frantic With Grief. Charlestown, \V. V,, Feb. 4,- - Be- tween sixty and seventy men lost, their lives in Co. expl,,si„n at the Stewart mitre of the ,'tewart ('olliery Company near '1'hnrnion,l, on the Chesapeake Ohio lute this internam and there i, tt possibility that :t largo number who have not been aecontited for will he found deal in the aline. _about 200 are employed thole and the mine is work- ing full. The ex; plosion was caused by the dust irttitir.r from a miner'; lamp. _ declaration The illtne i; tt shaft nbuut :;0(1 feet Ihott sad numi,uaka.11y rlrui. 1'hl: deep. and has bi., tt in nperntinn nhmtt I \lini trr said: "'I'I' tr lltlltletie nt•e lot distance front the Powell mite, whit'h ucerpl;hllr," ile thea pro<'redcvl to ex three year,. it is lnttltrd only a sheat plain Itis prevent attitcde concerning the 'xperiene('d •t di=ti t''r similar in Heb- deeisians of the 11'uuth e.pi,copney, "Thr ruary, 191111, \vireo twenty -nim<' \weer tll'L'all'hll11g lune turd the 'brntttlity lit killed. Itutl ;ter uHned by the slum(' the declaratrioth of the fiiehup, 11a5 struck enttlpililti', 1t1e 118 well ns yell. I'hc ltrrhlent ltapp';noel ,he.rtly Itfit'r ''.uintpurtnut point is the circum• i i)'('10(1: this rwrnim;Y, ji:sl. lctnr(' tie stnau:e, loiter \\'bleb it i5 laid down,'1'hc' leen were t \ spit we,r:c, At chis !liar l;lsholrs rnm ntl tie Pt,pu to adopt a de itl the ('venin" the shots wl'ich ln'iu: elaratiun ndtuillirl; the puhtibility of tot don•(' the cool arc' fired, and ft. is P1•''• arranggement with the Iwai atthorities in sntnrd to -night (b it \the'(' 'tau' of the reglad to the tuuttor of the tt e of shots wore fired the' filtsh ft•onh tltettt 1 I • tvhiclt ,•'ctiuu_ly lint bee,, de• ignited the 'lust and caused the explo- sion by which all the titin lost 1he!r hon of .l victor."u The scene at the entrance of the nlitte is lt. pathetic ono. 'I'lte wives and children of rho minora are gathered about iu group.=., weeping sad crying for their loved ones autd im- ploring th' mon who have been at• tracted to go to the r'tseue. An or- ganizcd effort, under the direction of the management, i, being made to go to the rt -cue of t be men, but it is not likely 11)1('11 v: ill be done befot'e morning, 'I'Itis is 'he worst accident, in the history of tic `;tat('. 'The `te\vart mine i; a shaft 1,98 feet deep. Tho development is ill 1he Sewall seam. which r.ntge in thiol:nt.s front foto- to five feet. Tl'e mine is leveled on 1he \\'bite Onk Fuel Cnntptuiy's private land.p connecting; with the Chesapeake 6\ Ohin llnilrond at C'ar• lisle.. 11 is loo ted about foul' miles from Fayetteville and seven utiles front '1'1:urmnti. The aline has been in operati(nt fm• shout. tln'ee yeat,s or more, but has not born fully developed, the work of development having almost entirely been done ort the double entry systeut. The permanent structoles, such as head house; enil tipple;, have been eompleted within the last year. The mill is owned by the Stewart Colliery Company. •.s before tnorniug the difta coul(1 be cruse ed on horseback. 1t is impossible for' cattle to reaclt the feel, tool they non' bunch together, and a e' isi'Ies4 \1111i: n't been going on night tout tiny ever :;ince, 'Phis is reducing the cattle in flesh \wu:t derfully first, The present winter is thy' eold.":1. ox- perieuet'il in the last. Iwoley year-. .\!I outside v. ork has ln'en est oppe(1 by t ler cold twtather, wliclt hay pr; \ailed ,tl it ,, ;..a 1 Ihtost at it!t to , a instil '.1:11. ', ! '1 i1 r 0'•11 I.. ;'n:t ,(lust tt;., ! t:I ,. 'r .0 a ;,;t•, i,.. ! • he r..'tl ped t 0 to1g the Hulce. ', ,' + ('• Ibly ab", jar t')r , too ' i1L't. ''•lime ' , ill DECLARES BISHOPS' COr'!DITIoNS hoarse', :ted \rhes' .!u111, seat to (1 ". lis lru'iu'r ,bane., +n!!u'.tr'I t1i'll a 1(' Ali)" iJNACCEPTABLE' Colt 'r. .'\s • titin 's: appa 1 t,ta.!de' + `.i ' , fn'td at, hit,;, noel Pira .faults (ante ;tro Denounces Threene:t::tg Tone and Brutal- serious Tho t\wu ,e0.11:.0:,eti s•'\ t.t ity of Their Declaration -Cabinet .l'„tis, bot no blue• 1 ',r::.+ 8I; 11c'!. .• o,' is Supported by Chamber Will Con- Ilter,nin,'(I to hili •!,,.1u, \.hu t'e,tl,le;i;r lime to face l)iificaltS'• l,.tid her ►nuc) atlent Pitris. I'eb, -1. The reaputt t' made to -day by Slinisier or Edutat,mt lli'tatil NLbCNAh.7 lt \ GOES lips the Becomes Parliamentary Secretary of Local Governor til Board. London, Feb. I. These \limi•,terial appuintnirnt4 ale ntulnnucOtL \\'a1(rt' Itllaetn)01), P.tl'li:';tle„I:(t'.' .:rV ill tit laved Government !ir.ud, (u',:w an I'inlltt('itll ?'et'rersii, "1 111:• 'I'h','J.,,l1 ti : 1'herles !;. tlohloms,', 1.•!,:•gal ne'uhl,.er of I'ttrk:relent tar Itristel, 1',; 1"r:(ee•Iel.n';' of :state for India: Thu:naw J. alae• nanoid', Relied member tit I'w•iia:uent fur C: t'leevoll I'urti.:n)',1t:uy ;'eer,:- c►un.Ic , 1. iltl,V of the 1.oc.tl lio\rrluut'nu }toss s, Blared itnpt,ssible. '.Phut is nut the poli- `tart(' ul th0s' appu!mt:tltmta involve1 ,t hy•elretiva. lit RED O. GIH:. !Jas.:, ci- I1;.c1.,,,, IS 2 .U. 'I'. re, ! 'amt s', 11 1 11'!t':! ate 1 ,'r.i"n, aged 1 , „i '' ,1 l';t•'!(, !e;l:::e(I i!„e1 .1l)i'. )I : llt It \'ul', 111, •. ,'.! 1.1:4 M. BLAND SAYS NO Mr. John Lane took a fainting spell in a Bathurst street, 'Toronto, tori, yester- day, and died a few :amore.; litter. Several money .Inlet• books which make forgeries to the atttotutt of $10,000 possible wen, stolen from the C. N. R. Express Co. at Winnipeg on lsaturday night, Judge 1f. 'I', '1'a4(•her('an has been ap. pointed Chief Juat lee of the King's Bench et Montreal, in 1htl i(',..don to Sir Alex, Lacoste, and a number of other vacancies have been tilled. Isaac Hendry slathers, Deputy Iter ceiver-(leueral at 11alifax, has been ap- pointed to represent Canada on the com- mission to inquire into the shipping corn bine. Four hundred of the Toronto telephone gi►•is stet t'e(trrd'1y in the Labor Temple, orgttmi%('d, and dialled to strike if the new rules lengthening their hoot's are reline -el on friday. 'J'he Chile. Congress has approved the bill providing for tho cnttytructinn of the proposed longitudinal railway, which will cost $117.500,000, 5 per, rent. interest being guaranteed by the (Government on the (npitaI. The (;rand .1ut•y at, (Ottawa has found a true bill against lh'. Savignnc, charged with injuring tt'itlt intent to murder his mother-in-law, Ilei. Mitchell, told his wife, The ease, it 14 expected, will come tip to -day. The, assizes opened yester- day morning before .Judge McMahon. Alba B. Johnson, a member of the firm awning the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia, It ptu't oi' whose plant was destroyed by fire last night, said t.o•day that the lose does not exceed half a million dollars, The building was in- sured for $309,000. '.l'he firm will Imme- diately replaee the portion of the plant destroyed. and all the men employed there will be given work in other depart- ments. The united States Indian appropriation bill, reported to the Senate yesterday, carries $14,500,201, a net increase of $0,- 300,132 over the House bill, due to ap- propriations under which the United States Treasurer will pay to several In- dian trilx's money now held In trust as Indian tribal fundi.' The Senate Com- mittee feels that these tribes are com- petent to manage their own affairs, and that the Government should cense pay- ing interest on the funds, A HUGE I.ANDSI.IDE. G. T. R. TRACK WEST OF LONDON BURIED UNDER EARTH. The Steam Shovel Too Stow a Method of Removing Debris, and Dynamite Has Been Resorted to -Only Ons Track Covered and No One Hurt, A London, Ont., despatch: A landslide occurred today on the G. T. It. track about three-quarters of it. niilo from Hyde J.'tu•k, when a large area of ground, several blocks itt extent and about sixty feet in height, gave way and buried the north track. '1'o provide for such a contingency, the workmen, when operating in the cut where the slide happened, dug away the earth from the embankment, for many yards. This. pre- vented the whole line from being buried. Fortunately there were no trains or workmen in the cut when the accident occurred, The biggest steam shovel was sent to the scone at once, but it was found that its operations would be too slow and dynamite was brought into 118e. The line will likely be open inside of ig . forth enoht hours. CATTLE STAMPEDE. SIX THOUSAND HUNGRY CATTLE INVADE MACLEOD, 1 Remained All Day Inside Town Limits Looking for Food -Legs Torn and Bleeding From, Tramping Through Crusted Snow. Macleod, Alberta, Feb. 4.- The town was invaded heat night by folly six thousand heat' of hall -famished range cattle, They have been within half a utile u( the business centre of the town all day. Just now mounted )nen etre endeavoring to drive the anintals outside the totvn limits. Range Battle are now ill exceedingly I;a'I ,shape, and the ntot'- 1l,lity tide winter will run high, Front walking through the crusted snow the leges of the animals are raw and bleed- ing. Many of them can hardly stand and every night many die from exposure and weakness. Now that the cattle are beginning to cone in off the range Many small farm- ers whose limited supply of feed is in- adequate to their own requirements will need to 511111(1 guard over their hay and straw if they wish to save it from the attacks of the hungry herds. The cltin- oolc wind which visited this part last week was 1wa1'111, but of brief duration, While it lasted on the prairie malty places were covered with water and sloppy snow. Ten minutes ufler the eltimedeilinpo,'d the prairie was one sheet of ice; and S i TCi O? N h E OF LYDIA E. PPM And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73" Caused it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. This remarkable woman, whose maiden name was Estes, was born in Lynn, Mass., February 11th, 1819, com- ing from a good old Quaker family. For some years she taught school, and heeerno known as a woman of an alert and investigating mind an earnest seeker after knowledge, and above all, possessed of a wonderfully sympathetic nature, In 1843 she married Isaac Pinkham a builder and real estate operator, and their early married life was "narked by prosperity and happiness. They had four children, three sons and a daughter. In those good old fashioned days it was common for mothers to make their OWT1 home medicines from roots and herbs, natur'e's own remedies -calling in a physician only in specially urgent eaten. By tradition and experience many of thein gained a wonderful knowledgetof the curative properties of tho a num roof .:lid heriu. their mother, combined forces to eestore the family fortune. They argued that the medicine which was so good for their woman friends and neighbors was equally good for the women of the whole world. The Pinkhams had no money, and little credit. Their first laboratory was the kitchen, where roots and herbs were steeped on the stove, gradually filling a gros.. of bottles. Thoth came tho question of selling it, for always before they had given it away freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the merits of the medicine, now called Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed by the Pinkham sons in Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. Tho wonderful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent, self -advertising, for whoever used it re- commended it to others, and the demand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts the family had saved enough money to commence newspaper advertCaing and from that time the growth and success of the enter- prise were assnred, until to -day Lydia E. Pinkham and her Vegetable Compound have become household words every- where, and man tons of roots and herbs are used annually in its manufacture. Lydia E. Piukham herself did not live to see the great success of this work. She passed to her reward ycars'ago, but not, till she had provided meant for continu-' ing her work as effectively as she could have done it herself. During her long and eventful experi- ence she was ever methodical in her work and sho was always caeful to pre- serve a record of evct'y case that came to ]ler attention. The ease of every Sick woman who applied to her for advice-- and there were thousands -received careful stauly and the details, including symptotne, treatment and results were recorded for future reference, and to -day these records, together with hundreds or thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and repre- sent a vast collaboration of information regarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any library in the world. Mrs. 1'itikham tu'ik a great interest in the study of routs and herbs, their char- acteriatics and power over disease. She maintained that just an nature BO bounti- fully provides itt the harvest -fields and orehards vegetable foods of all kinds ; so, if we but take the, pains to find there, in the roots and herbs of the field there are rwnediias e::prctisly designed to cure the varlous ills and weaknesses of the body, and it was her pleasure to search these out, and prepare simple and effee- tive medicines for her own family and friends. Chief of these was a rare combination of the choicest medicinal roots and herbs found best adapted for the cure of the ills and weaknesses peculiar to the female rex, and Ls'rlia E. Pinklrain's friends and neighbors *learned that her compound relieved and cured and it became quite popular among them. All titin so fru' wan done freely, without money and without prico as a labor of love. But in 1873 the financial crisis struck Lynn. Its length and severity were too much for the large real estate interests of the Pinkham fancily, as this elms of busii►ess Buffered most from fearful dq: pression, so when the Centennial year dawned it found their property swept away. Some other source of income had to bo found. ,At this point Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound was 'nude known to the world. • The three sons and the daughter, with CRAiN MEWS CHALLENGE They Dare llaniteba Government to Amend E:cchango Charier. • 1\'land,es. Feb. 1. Representatives of the 'trait h',.(11ut;;r islet the lett;) tiny• (:unroll lu•thh). in cnnierence \villi the Brain 1iru\v,•r'' .\a+o,hition, regarding awco linent4 to illi' ns.ch;tn;;:' rhurtVI' 11111th the latlt't' (iI1i1 ltis:ttl1011 dusit'ta the 1 Onvi':tt11ta1 10 enact, MO l twhic'h arc cal- ( 111,'1 11 to rtle'0,e 1110 pr,\wtl' Ili 41141114111 11 1'4'11:'44' of 11 firul trent HO' priyilegte of tit,. Hour a'il lout the aenrmrrente of the ilinistel' of .\gt'ituiture, The rseoatt,(t w1gnrtu4ly oPPosell tuts ,:!angle in its charter, and throw (lows the ratutllet to the 1 ',overtime/It in the teIlo\vieg; dt he:ti at: "Members of the ",t:lnm.;e cannot eontluc•1 l teiness with - em the pro ri:iun of the charter they nary 111,111. 1\'e du TIM '.111111 the charter : sect elcd. If this cnnnttiltce 1111 1404 to do :;u, \\'(' \till 1151: to love it cattctlltd. \\'t .:11i1 11 1:.s1: fur the appointment of n n scenes for oto• essel, to be distributed, '111'111d \V \t(t't the 1:1';',': t. tee slut ailhuut (til t':t•l1)tt:till', \\'t art 1irtrl lit' being; 1110.1 thieves am.l robber,," There wee: a lung; and heated di't•tt::aiut► iu 11:e committee, and an adjonrontcnt \lets to:te!e \tithete any action being, t;11:t'tl, Premier iitei;lilt. \vis) •14 1111,1.+.101' et .1g;ricnilnrt, is 1'1.0 a loading member of ti:' Itr,tin llealttee. :::;:CTIVES LAY IN WAIT. l'w, :'orotl' o night Prowlers Fell Into the Trap. ., 'Toronto de:jttteh: 1ito. 'I'hotim i3 \'l miul„'y street, and 'fhenms l':,twos, G; il,, ler •trete. were neatly trepptd It. -t nielt ellen they entered the ,hones alt t ri ,,,0 1.1.11,• elanttattnt•iIg (.'nmh- l;,i:;1'•, p,, 11,i -es, 80 .1(I01,tidt sh'i'rt west. 11. 1' -11,Itliit', 'I'tt;;;g and .lrr!til,al,l 1,'4., .,, iii)", for thtnt, the uffietr, l:ty- i.:', it:f„rnitiiuti 111111 the rubbery 11:18 t.:l:•' elate. The sating un'n c:ut tip 1 ,. tie and entered thror-Jh :t .,it..i('; La ,11' secoml flat, The:, \1, 1t :trine 1 1V111 lel)-,lit it l .1 land c ierl i i • flit -Might tvhtn the came ;coin their ltitltlo•tdaon mi,'! t 'I, Fecal lath tu,tuvil, :.1 r'• ( a •a.i. the :nttt'owe (f t le' \• 0 of ,i1tn111 three ltntl'Iretf I 1 a: , and copper II; Ur:olive .1 relit \1itt, in'ssttulit'g inquiries, found sat 11cl. ,:r l,lcr rtlbtry ‘vas) pl:lnn'(1 t r 1•1••; ;ii: tt, lint 11 bong tnt►1 111.0 !•:11 )1, 11 t n l lis' 11nI1rt, ;AST TIME It\' EMPRESS, Will 1Searit Lam] !falifax Pier To -day aotl Passengers and Mails. Halifax, N. S. Feb. 4. .1. E. Urwolt, agent of the Canadian I'lu'itit Steam- ship Line, reyeiyed a \b'u•tonigrant .tt 7 o'clock this twrhlitlgl, 11'11111 1111' tmll,:1i11 lit the l:utprt`,-.y o►' Britain, \t•Itith 4411t'1 trout Liverpool on 'I'hnrsdny fur 1ill lila \. \lith p:t1.,tngmr•+ :uui luaili. The ,hostel. mt'; thou 1;,0 milts cast of Sable Islere . and is (lite herr a1 ('nun to -morrow, 'l'hi+ t'•iil lie tee fa -at.sl time nettle by any :skeeter irt,lil Liverpool to Helices tlti•t 1111 p.1.1'61)11.4 t 111/5 the I':titpt•tsie4 hale lln('burod in t he ,I re.110, 1r tlutfcrrittg the :r•;tik l,1• lig!.laor,. O11 this trip the ,ltltlrn'r hill cont(' In the Intertnlettiai l?:til\tay pier, and passengers will be 1rnn4ctn•etl lu a special and toluol; 1 1 kruugh to Montreal. 4.o FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW. Evidence at the Orwell Hotel Fire In- quest --jury Puzzled. S. Thomas Despatch: .An inquest was held at Aylmer to -day into la,' t::• ti inlaid burning of the Orwell Hotel last Friday night, Coroner Sinclair and Crown Attorney McCrimmon being in charge. David Buller, proprietor of the hotel, and Constable Jerry Huffman, of .\;'loot', swore that on the night fullowiug tilt' attempt they fractal a tt'umnn's runt• prints in the fresh snow from the hotel to the house of George Dickenson, t two Miles away. . Dickenson, his wife, and: Peter Dicken- son, .his uncle, nil swore that so far as they knew 1)11 one turd loft 1 kthrnsnn's house that night. 'I'lle wontun't husband is ,atldictetl to drill:, and had been drinking; on Friday, 'The ,lurk round that nn uttnmpl had 1 been made to burn the 'hotel by a person or perions unknown to them. With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pink - ham. She was carefully instructed in all her ,hard -Won knowledge, and for years she assisted her in her vast corres- pondence, To hor hand naturally fell the direc- tion irecttion of 1110 work when its originator passed away. For nearly twenty-five }'ears elle has continued it, and nothing in the work shows when the first Lydia E. Pinkhmu dropped her pen, and the present Mrs, Pinitham, now the mother of a largo family, tool: it up. With woman asietants, ionto as capable as hor• self, the present Mrs. Pinkhunh continues title great work, and probably from the office of no other Verson have so many women been 'advised how to regain health, Sick women, this advice is "Yours for Health" freely given if you only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound : mltdo Heti simple roots and herbs ; the one ggreat medicine for women's ailments, and the fitting monument to the noble woman.: whose mono it bears. STOLE COCAINE. Young London Drug Fiend. Boldly Took Bottle From Drug Store. London, Ont., Feb, •1,---:\ young man named Stinson, ;who was sent to the hoisp11111 'ti few weeks ago suffer ing from 1111 overdose, of cot;aiue, 11.1(p arrested to -day clrirg t tt with stt'alhtg tc largo bottle of the drug front a local tiring; store. Ile asked for !tt'Imtto- seltzer, and while the clerk's hall: twos turned . boldly opened a cupbonl-d told took ihr bite, whi,ll was missed int- uuvliattl,\' after lie went out. t1 Chambers Sent to jail, ..\ ''I'orotti dL4patth: \Cul..1, Chain - Seta,. tic young mining broker who stole 11 100-sihre, (trrtifictite in the (lreen- llechaut Mining C'ompnny from the office tf .Joint Al, \111ihu'e, 75 Young 'street, pli'aded guilty to n charge' of theft before .1t4e \Cincbestcr iu the 'Coli►tty Court (:i:tiulhers, rand \wt's sent to jail for thirty days with hard labor', Chant - hers \\•u,; it member of 'the firm of Aleesr4, \C. '1'. Chambers t&•'S011, mining; brokers, 4 l' 111 iitreet• east, ' Chambers :nd the certificate I'ur $140. The cer• titlentt' \vas wade 'Out in the nano' of :jtsttt's. A, E. .\tilt's t`, Company, and tt•ansferred to Mr. A. 11. 11111,,on. of i rem•eetutt'It, Information has jtt4 reached the eity from Loudon, England, 'that, the ('nen• mtrt,'iinl ;\s:nrattee ceinpnnylut•e nrrangg- ed fol''flte ultiimite alsmt'ptioti'bf the t.'l• ion Assurance 'Society, low Pe.#416.04bribrAbelb. voili0•••••••001.•••0011.11/0•110•••0•110•••• "OirAPIONAO‘OS‘4"0".0 . ; I e %sat ti Iteyon fl 11 itt is only Intl f 1/0 you like 11i' Yankees?" "Part ieularly ((lever and tvide awake, I have heard- the men all small, iitn1 the %rower. 1111 handsome, \Yell, 1 don't 1.111m. but. 1 511/1 11 tiile 11 1 rill over there, soon' da 11, see for iny,,,,if, sod, au old story doilif the Drawl Tour, its they call it, like1 ne ;.uirney /111rS014 give ehit114,11 to 1 1114111,' (*VONA, it' S 5,11H11 1:' 1.11.,111.1,01011i. 1:111 you look ten ild.v used up, my dear fellov,, had you not bolter robe?" it "'()LI \Nil' al 1VILyS Ili! ‘VOIC01110, my boy ing his 11:111(1 on his shoulder, he ex• or, 'awn, io1„,1,1%., Lord -don't forget, (hut And 1 will not for• einimed: l'IaTlifft. 11111 till.' 1.01.1111.1.,11111111iS 100 get that you once saved my life at the "Alfred, my bo\! is this reall,‘' Your- fic,aitir tee pot and 1 to give up, dear - risk of your own. If I seemed to do so „elf, or row. Toro pont,' till I eta, redit.r. :trey., awl Ideal .Atast re.% iiing for 1tijiii, it, \vas whim 1 iiiijiiSt ly at!. ;we! Nit is gull iiropriti 1 1,1, 111, .1 servant eopeared iffel (else(' yon; and 1 believe grief and anger, to ahit jealousy, matte me half a maniac. ,,A1t1.(,%., 10, dem., „1,1 j,,11„10.. .1 11 tliaL is pastnoiv, 011i1 We will let claimed pi,bro\v,,, II1h1PttY, "Nvlio hi 'bygones la. bygones,' Shall tve not, .1a- Ih world \r„iild UV',.„xpeet ti Sil you cinto?” "N1'ith all my heart. Von make me „\vhco you ,11,1k.1,,:u vi.r,v happy hy saying so." "Then that is settled. And there goes ,"I reached London an Mon. ago only, the last glimpse of the hright land we eame you to kii(0%v " "I heard a couple of ellarlies up there saying that Lord Ertrneeliffe hail gone I and so 1 hurried after.," • el ar.• leaving. I wondere if wwill ever see it again, Ineintol" "Heaven latetvii! I hope to do so," 'I Madly think 1 1,11,r will; nod vat "Nly brother here! 11 here is he: 1 111,4, Ammica and 1 110e .tonevivan peo• "Vein' brother? Nly dear fellow! k it ple, lint sunny Spain and merry England possible you don't loovi ate deafer still; and so we eau heave "linow what? 1 tuiderstittal," a sigh for the land of 011111,11ms and in "The dear .11fred, your brother is tho same bleath, vhani the old proyer: dead'," 1 ;cal 1111'stt our (mil land, Diet lies lie• -Dead! goal heavens'," the 4,11, for it is him no other. Say he ti,,_•0 at ".%eitiii, from tlie bottom of iny heart. 1,/isloarwt, Park, .of disca 4(. of the heart. amen to that, Jacinto. It• is home, timl liotibly (1t,ar after t he ,. \yonder •You did not see it in the Iona of the stranger." papers." , 4' i'ibe 111" slue.i fade :away in the , "al iluive not lettlell ;it a paper for the 'miaow, and now 17.are on the \vide, 1 1 itaisdi. trito:ittotilltill.irs,Earne ,l/oatIt tilt, elife, Wille sea, Once me a a fare• erlong last ‘,,,11 to ;Ametien,,, Ile covered his eyes with hi.i hands, And %rill' 11 Bliille lii` turned away, and hull stunned hy the suddenness of the deseentlail to the rahili. • • * * shock. Lord .1ustrey hailed it, ea1'ria.,4t. • and drew him into it, gaNe I tedriver One dark, unpleasant VV011111,#, tIVO SOIlle dir011ii011g, a 1111 lIll'y clattered rill° Immtlis later, jug as night, ‘vas faiitn,,. idly aN‘')IN' 01'01' 111' .!totis street. over fmndon, a himiine.‘•-earrrage drew 111; Ill.•1'0'"v'''''' 111 \\J.; ill 11 whirl' 311'1 'refill -0 It large hot el, and I two travellers :11,1.„,:,'1;.°111'111:,v1',',, fi,v,,I,1i111.:1'111111'01\\*11„1',1,11 a I)• ,..ingtltt l•," 1)1.'11'^ fru"' 11. 11"th \volt %%Tapped in elo:ths, for, though the month was 1 ae-tion The I. tit stopped; they got. tau Augmit, the evening, was rats and chilly e0,""ii "1" 11 111'f11"111111.Vt A 111111 thy yore (hair ha.p11111 11":11111)111CIIII 11:11C01111TAI ; 01'1,1: 1.111..Ir litoNys. ftii ww, ,Iiviii and • \101 rode ),I.af•earel v:11••1.4, is ,livr " % 1 U,1 -v.' I'dr1; ,,111 .v..iliw.; , •,,,11, 1 ',olio, o 11 i., 1•10•0 ;iini.qt,n. N I' i haVii iii t Ill'aiti (11 it" '1 i,,t.V1.1. !,', all a \'rt of it 110V0 :1.10 .V11 t.a•ly Milr.1...11.0I AMP?" "VC..., ;la. ..ttlit to hitow if I had !..t'.I fr. in yoft :-.110 is ext reinely 111x11t' ti,' retarn" sl'o Iwo r iI.':'' . -',';e11, calmly etiongb, Von :1;»..v. it .,•,.,,, to fie I.Niedeted. my dear fellow '11e 1,....., 110i1e to 11:1. iti ally moment tlic,• 1,•Ny y,•;;;•,,,, 1,, 11,1,1 in, 1 hocli tAilt;r. 1. di c,1 i v.•:ilk. :1 11,1 :,:ii. dotvit ,,n It .,...,..,:o 1,, 1 1., 1 , end- le.ver ro..e" . "I'dy poet. hreiht.r! Oh, Austret ! 110 .,,..,.. • ,111.11 a 1.ind brother to me• •so to al my caulk.. and their name tvit„ i.„ with Lady ,Irti..., 1)0.Vitih, Iltit 01 ,till 1110;11in. With 0 certain soldierdike air aml bearing,. the elder of the two. some (lay, I hope." "I hope SO. 1)0111 forget you lire to come to see me if ever you return to England," "Thank you, I svill not forget. flood. by. Captain 1./ishrowe." 'Comil-by, lay dear boy; and, ;is the Scott.) say, 'Doll VI' ye.'" They shool hands vordially, and t hen the younger turned into lite hotel, and Copt a in Dishrolve. wrapping lik cloak dose around hint, hurried rapidly down 1 it 1 reel , Two "gtiordiatis 11 t night" were leaning against a lamp•post, lilgavel 111I• and 010 Young 111111 struck violentl,‘' "No one, I believe, except AIL Martian - Against one of 1110111 in his haste. .","(1. Ile happened. 1(.) nt, the Hall :it "Hog pardon," tie said, turning round the lime, itml tole, me lie intentlad re• for a 1110111011 1. 111111 010 110X1 110 \VIVI gone. maillieg until your return. It woehl not The watchman rubbed his shoulder and looked after him with it smothered gr(twl. "A lord, that," said his companion, looking after hi flutist), 4.1 Ittio‘' 111111 like a hook," "\Yell, if he k a lord, that is no reason wliv he should bring up against n fellow ns if lie. war made of cast iron. Blessed if 1 ain't rt good tided to give him in charge for 'sault and battery. ‘1'hitt's his name?" 'Lord Earnecliffe, is used to be ('ap- 1)ishrowe, of the (Wards, un• rominon wild cove he \vas -used to gel L into no end of scrapes with the rest of the young bloods, and was Ithown to the frimt't. ""1.1"'1,' ("•'11 1"' 11 t perliceliko a had penny, Ile's been °Int T"'111°11"w m°1111",X will'it"rt- f,,yisliisbrowe Park. 1,10 " alwoad furrin part somewhere; and ' so, 1.),Y ell means, 1.111y 'Margaret Ite's Lord Earneeliffe now since him bro. , mime's spending the winter in Italy, T tiler (lied." believe, and Nutlet leave helm( until she "What'tlnttyou s say?said it rash- ,i0mode.ionicingvottog moo who was Poss. oo.; y•rio ioll. I will go down tvith ymi, if uite ing, ns he stopped suddenly, "‘N'kees .113 (tear tieerge- the ‘'el1N' 1llutr, 1 that about Lord Earneeliffe? Have you would have tisked you to do so, only I seen hint?" feared it, \timid be too mild', even for policeman sluil 011 1111 and totalled , ‘,1„1. good na(itre, to bury itylirseif alive his hat, 11 1)ltroive Park. How are all niv "Yes, my lord, hut gone pas,1---the new ti I,,drn earl, I itivan." • " c,";(0 'evil, tif;a1. o "Vts, I know; thank yon," said the 0 ,r, 1•1111 'Illoroad, tool some rind; married, gentleman, tis he walked rapidly away. Apropos of noildne---how did von, like "Another of 'cm." said the \vote:Innen, yottr visit to Ameriear leaning back. "That's Lord Anslrey; " \von etiottrio "\VIto t the Thiel. like?" and the other \vent always very thiek," gentlemen. milled Lord Auslery lin:. country ---you should giT 11," 11111TiCd rapidly along, and came tip with it don't 1;novv. 1 11I'Ver care for tvander• 1/isbrowe near the end of the street, Lay- ivg beyond the preeincts of the Serpent• 4:16103C.101:110)4410/0004/410 41 43 113 111.$410 11/Ig. .1 lir hini into11 i.loittilt'fiititi}it'l 11101' meld v, here the grin, 14,1 part of t \vas pant, mil 111 sleepitig, loti n loving lip and tleivii his reent, lost' in his ot‘'n I bought s, .1fter an early breal;fast., ,nexi morn- itt!,tl.e 1 \vit yolief..r peers were in their 11..00/ for Moir journey, 114;w for Iti••1!ro‘ve itt Ail., Vey, uis 1111.y (ItiS):011 of f loeiei,"r a: a. rapid pace. tell flit. sindight on a fairer 1:-...11-11 home -teat! than the one on the tvarm, itt!lc, Itri!,1 lit 1,-1111,1111).9. 111141141;!', 1 (:1,1 1 Hot ilual-1.11- 1;',od t•;1,1 le, ;t rrencl; 1.•11111 1.,t11 1 kl1 11111 la!;on 1 ;.(.....1,11.; i•,414.1.1 1 1;:loy,;11 Ole plu!ops of 1 r',.. ;1 101 hit.!; chi.-loriit,t; dark green, iv,v. 'rhino \1'n' e'reet, windoti's of stained tlii.5, Intl projectint: 11,111 1111,1 ;to old Lethie 1211111101 .11t 0110 l'111.1--VerV pretty 1 id r(imantie-looliing inths,(1. T1101•0 \yen( brinul, sunny glong Lintel lades, trill' do Lady Eartteeliffe quite ahate, you know:, A slight rail came into 1/Ishrowe's pale dwell:. "Alid datighier--,-is she there, toy?" "Ne: d:45.Nli‘olonalt1 altron1,1---113.; for sow.. thite-litit is' expected to return shortly,' "Indeed! \Viten, Is she?" 511Yi • S°IneWl!Cs./T among the ivilds of Scotland, 1 hhik of vourst., vino. litall'i111;1! 1111151t, 1110' Post• pencil now." "Of Noose", Dishrnwe, Coal Don't neglect your cough, Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die ovcry week from 410 consumption. And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected , the warning cough. You know how quickly Scott' LT Ematrion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. AU. DRUGGISTS1 60c. 'AND $1,00. 44162004404:410001010004141044) • *,....••• ' nu CI 1114.4 e• The pu dc .1"ly SOi°II lirotve, 11414 rather lutve tlio troultle null ',huddler, tle.111 for "I'Aireastinable mortal! you 'Hightgtt IL to in ;Lto.iiiiit." "1 ‘v,!1 11,1; it, tht• ereater the triumph :oat 14n 'flat eon.,•ioilstie•s of panting :1 victory 3)101inera 110.11 repi fer treti• hle," re0.1:;.1 ef the 1,1,1 .1.1.131 ian i,ve, :1 lovt! iviil folle‘v ac.,1 3•1 cre, ini..st fa( titi, cat. .7•01 in41 11;11! 111 qv 1wautifol. 111111';!:•;•1;:w11i. ! 3, ot!!;i• viit Iv, mora 1\,t% to w It.Otrlor (01;t' 1...3 I Oran 10' ',01111! '.‘r)t•311:1 "No‘v11•.re, hut, ri IC ,t,601'iY 11,, f Imvilq; ;1, rottity.-i „ „ yrp • • . Mt 1.10•111100114VVIIMP 1..-V111,14 - . ' 1 tioader if cares far yon." -She osed to, I think. Time, tho.,111. 11 1,3 1.141 1'' changed her 111 that. par; ivii• 'If it I'll he linne(•(1 if 1 how ,‘1111 are to gilt 1'111 of pin. fie ters. You c and tell the poor y r.ii 4. for liar, and esti her to e j'3 the ',oil \`,1«afeli are o 410 saeh things, bet m4,n, art, ifot. r).:31 IC! 11;1 11141, 1.1-r (0t1.4,r, ,hoolitoj you and you for a broach prowls( a ft er. ' lt 14(11111 be a terrific pile'', irf rift 11- oriv ROADS TO SOCIAL SUCCESS. SS. Worth I/Iore Than enei ta Climbers, 1. 1 as fro-p..01;y I,y li! S'lrriild 111o1" l'1:1,10!1 35,11 r Int!. t LAI ilia ; i, 0.•! difficult to poitiL 41 1 n: o. use, 111 3.1)1 :two 1.:( 71'1y I ‘3.0:1 :1 11;.J(1)1''I l'gt1* I - 5: iV):5 :11 i :II' I‘1. 1,1 kgI speciddy true 4,1 lilts." ',aid one of 0 grord ..0-1 01. 3 111',, on avenue. " l'In• os, of 11". 11,1 ''1111' 4' to t;r1 til 14410010g rawially popular flits snort is in.t, fliffit:111t to exphiiii, 3)4)%Oil 131..1' '11 1 ft 1'.1 -10111:1 1".(013 ti rl 3. lir' ,1;111:'.101. '1131' vie:,,r 1:te 3,rr3 ot 1 [(layer reed. 1,0 1).11(.11 of l'onader 11,3 to be %video:nail HI 1 110 11(.4 !must 1; in those phte(::. 111 this %ray 31:3' 10111,0 friends 1.11:1 rt'im.ve from 1.1•••e• paths many (liffit•nilies the l ar,,•eits. '1 iit.se men are ni;v01 Nvt ha:141(.:1 11101.1110TA Of 1;0.111 1,o• 1111 play games \vu!) ;,,at11 ileolaad p•,•ery‘vhere. "road poi() playiti!! is ti arl 1 (i the sod:Illy aialii1 ions. 11iil Otto adepts in this lutist have ollier var.). otietitemble it's tmt Pio le. 1.0,...;ive(1 ,,:• rally 1":11'ry tr t It: prig I) ability to iday or ttill that men ime.11. look for their os; advitnee, Athletics will 1, 1;. ( :to Itigaer than 1 111'}i0 113.111.0. 31 s, • 3 hi' ereitt, advantage of the 11111 11 \VW aIlv throtTii s,orts is 1;11.1,, he arrives lirtingli ;lie 111011 r..1 les. than the tvomen. Men of the set, 31 511 lIIiV are sirivilig nowrol:tys to 1.111er have 01,11.11 more rt'speet, frit. 11111 I:et...retails the.. 111'0 int rteltict,11 111191 n for thltst• rodue(.41 tvoitien," Thk tytt,, 11, t,pinn ieof a 1:1:111 ',V114)',V114)has se...:1 many yotieg, men cli:ith tta se.1.11 heights on whit+ they lead S111. 333111dight lough, "Ile1•d1 111 ere it 10(111111,.; it. 111(.11, lett y11.1(liag to f. le and :di, a•leiiir Arnie!, -L.' 'Ye., suppo,ine she i, in 1 ire f., -1:1t you, ,I ill; lull 11, in the hos ito and 1111'01 it.01 ion, on oke tio" '(111, in that va•P, /1 would le. - I 1:.•ii • young lady, you Ifriow, .ter \yin!,11 'livei•ledly mit. 'Flo. :1;.111 to. , ,v,:11•1 do such a thin,/ 1,1 1,1 to for the rest 1.1 1,k mortal life, a mart; for the finger of .tin ;id: fen at. \V(.11, new, sepp(ea, I go iu :•rl iu liert,, 1.1.•ciln, the polite' won:3%. eat a rich tiife. and dear thu. ohligiter, to,vself told Tice friend at 31:e Lite. Q. 1.i. 1)., Ora', (10111((marate.1, ;o: that (.1;1 i(ed, Nitallel;1111, (kid te say at (leer frisking lleult, and t,!..•:• ,,,,• 111.1.,t1 „I ktiticcittto, 1 111 1:, %%fiat. nomto-,'01 i'.' . ot !lino' l'c'ic''''d the Root of the i"1'...1tv. ,‘,•11 arver i••"•iii ;,' ;" h ' 31(11,4, nod shativ tiveintest even. the going 1,) oerta.tirlie -it ric 1,!"1"-''''' 'i'fr.i.ibl.:. Until Dr. Williams' Pink troes mot, anti intertwined their long. it!! v err Ole ':'' Nils Were Used, grpett t11'1114 OVOVI1C1111.-11ClightfIll NI'1111:',1 .., 1 ;:,1 111,‘. %%011, 1 (1(,:l'l ',,IIIIVi 131, 011(1 "4111Y :"!"*Igt'cliVeill:.'. 11j,"'1.!!' '1,11i."' Wk,1' 1 '1,'.1 11; 11 1 1'011 i_l 'L Illy iii1 1.111 "1 su 1 I (Ted a 1 ino•a. untold agoliy weri• a eoup,o of onithadis, 0,0 ---,act. ,,f 133, 1,,,,,,.,., 1 1,,eam 1..11111 rheumatism, For severol \':tY" twi51,141 si.rpetik on oint sido, spouting forth tall jets of ';ltei', and bronay lioti. on the other, with gold 011)1 silver fish sporting in the glittering 1't id'. There were 1 ha sunniest of smooth nut:ultra's, 0 0 0 ti,t. man's (:ono !,1,1 h• 111011t1is 1 Was coilimed to 1(111. I had Jo, ,1 1.11,,, :1„. .110,,Lner..1 IP) hcst of mcilical tp.ittrovitt, hitt, pin ‘1,,3; I- AVVIII(.(1 10 ITIleh 1,11,t 1,f tl:o on., toy tv i• !!..‘. '3 .0. d., 3111 11 1:•`" Until 1 Med -vvr.itt iii thi• 1.!..vt, 'Hot Tlwse have completely te.-itore,1 111,1 the nio,t vylvuly of 10‘vils, Ititt dry tiL, 0131' „ 111; livalth," This strong emphatic s",atenteitt of ten:Ices, overran 'with r",vs• !;-..1.• 1.: •J: 1.1..,1 Li. is 111.1(IL 11). Mr,,, Edna .‘11,rrill, \V•itnl- nti,no, and honeysitekles. There tv.(s 11,11. , 311, •, I ail: a id ttve If 1 siok, N. h4. 0 Indy who 11101 1)rifet3 11105% ;Mt ;i1111 b1i11141111, (If „1, t,„ , ' up 1,‘, the iti 1'.! 1" wi11.1( 11"wPri. (4, t. C"1",•v 1"1" and th,it too - 1,, the foil tloctor., t)111-1 111'1 111111 ,aftery,1 sizo, from Ine \Yee, inote,,,ult:list,. t.f th„ it tile alfor over tat vpar, „11111 rit,,at•tt 101, to the gaily,' flaunting tulip, 'No- • ;„,,tia,..e. Itotal Aw(t ilart"il sevtrictl to be firmly imphilited There was it mimic lake, lying like a t :1, tem. .3 the outset 1 was able to at1eud o my household (1111 ($, Imtt 111 a;.,11t 51!) flowers, and 11 CIV11111.1' 1, his fop). 1), pio tirC of 0111- I 3re;31 While Pearl' in fi :1'1/i1lg f01110t• 110111. 10' 11-1 1110.1 11 suffered the greatc,..t. pain. I itt, once where water fl"iiteil• 1 dont Pt.. began to tith.e medicine but ni) itml on iv hose silvery hosoni matestia ii,e, own! I never wa, • o sar!. iou actually grew worse. 1 was attend. 4011110, deltzlIllg m01*(1110.1' (11'.4 iiiv I slatiild 111131 1 NI by I1 tit 313, taiinato. 5310111, .Ittigt'tltti' 11 itmv:epis1„„i ‘vi„.11 ;!s N1,1, iv 101.,,,,11 to yoniiii in in,d, his v.• lia 's -t heir -names: 110,11 s bast 1 untold agony vi111 !Tell' 71111%10110n 1. Yet' 11211.::ffil "1'141411" in his :in that itt 3 1 11i1.1.,1, '111 :Finalle the (loafer, told Ine I he. 1i::1 111.01 ly little lodge beside ilit grwit, glio, .111,11 Own him a hi, .11jj• r 3104 it,,,111.01,1,,, too, do,' It ,. 1,1011a have told you it \3'"s (11)1S 1)15 for l'alllaini it 13 1 Itito 11lit 5"1 i11115, 10 try Dr. 11'illiatit Pillg awl 1 1... hrolve 1 QUO:, 3- 131' up Normal \\ ::u1 110' coded to do 50. ly 110 Avert' The young lord of -the manor in a rich iiinnont 1011.0)!P-t1i•co.rHi:olite 120,, iti,pir• (1 not eO sovere; and 1 10 i1111(11111t•1n 4. on1111)1tio, ic-c 101101 'Ty ; gaining, ;dimity after 1 1vtts ithlt• to go 101 sttokiiig't'tip, 131111 1L gii: i ;dealt, and in less than three months 1 I m the lotv sota.at full length, looking '. ".tott.tre,., 1 \visit y1-.11 ‘01t141 W114 perfectly \veil. Vol. this eoinlitiwa rt.. acym opiiseme hd the sojourney. 310 ti,eir tIY1'4 10‘1 1111(4 lijinsojf 101111)'yoars is ;1 1111110 of 5oria1 wislout. prolltwell first 11v 111'1 1,3311 '1 111:!;.1.1" 11 11.1 1-111'11 i,'"I''''111' in!! the ('10111,: of o1.11;1•;, 11 inH: ; 1;1! said in his favor 1 lot lie 14 0, elways ofterei ,t helping hoot 1,1, his junit,r, setting 010 on Ilia same ‘vay he 3,•:••,.,",, I (ai long. ago. Di. is ;tit 0••ef-p- 3:1•11 lo 11:4' l'.11(' 1 11:1 1 50(111 1 51 l'll'',,!ItIrS 3,1,1: l.',1 "..',11! i'11::g; W.' LI.10 1.01ili'r ,1 . 1.rey 1:•,,11,1t, i ; ito',, only by means of athletics ti,,11 (ha yotint mn a 111:1' 111!!%!' hi111,41'11 1)11)111:11* 113311 his own 1-0,' this social 5r11f It nlot,ervoil, "II.. 1111' In!low the serious and linsim"is policy. T "hey 0))'that oldish Ivoina tei are r way -4 00iiiplimented Ly th ferenee a ad 1',1 i(011.1)1 fr0111 young mon. 11'elt, 1 .'.111 suroly not raistr!,:en xv1. ;n1 I say Coat oldish no'n ere jitsr,-, as sitsceptilde to these n! 10111101H. They lil:e to 11:1Ve Volta" 1;',C11 00 (41 their opinions, 9000- ,•• ti,lti 1311 l'.4 to thair exuerienees and alitive all 1:111; to them alma business motif crs. "The nceessary preliminary to till; ,ort, verY 11 tudsoin and very laz,y, 1leimg her , tett for five minutt....,," Fait 1 11•Iir •v,-..,, . my limas ara gratefully due to 1),•,, ('1 social sucaess for a climbor is 111Clilller 1,11 III1) 11 devices--Latly 31argoret hav• 1 spriwing, tip ,tlitl paying up iii tl. (Iowa, vciiihuos pink Hike ship in a good chili. Ile cannot find the ing..r0110 abroad -lie was'altermitely re; 1 "I really ai.c1 truly do want to t4oi• out Lir, IVillianis rink l'ills, cured Mrs. old 111011 if/ 1 a lk 10 11113.31 lie gets in. Then galing himself with smoking a inert's- . of this .husittes"4, if 1 peif.,ibly eau.. .',/ii ;NINTH' by driving the rheumatic poi. if he is attentive to the obi members in elution, rending the morning's letters, l ore the oniy Lien 1 I van decently con • son out of her blood. They actually 1'' way 1 have doscribed he Will 30011 yawning, and looking out of the tvindow. stilt 011 Do( rillgeet ; and as yeti happen ntal:e new blend. 'rimy don't or: on the find 3)1 Ile is one of the moslt sub - None of the epistles seemed to have the to be it relative of mine. I don't, 1111101 , .sl hlv ee's, They don't bother with meratitutoy popular men in the place. e power of fixing his attention; for, after speol,ing to you about. it." symptoms. They go right to the 1(1(11 'Youn(r men will 001)1 look un to glancing )ighy tl,over them,. he (111111- . "A, fift'•fourth. colli,iii, or soilinildil:!. of the trouble in the blood. That is why ,: i : ,i,i (til,i0 tli0ir reali:,'e that his seniors bled them u), anil litire\S• them into a 4,f that wi•t--ain't 1 1? the fii,t tr:••• 0103, have e111.,,11 the \r„rst; eas,v Of anne. , lika him. 1 1.new it young 1111111 to be chiffonier--Iyhtieli lind, nl, doubt, been mintdou.; shock is over, and I hove stoel:. milt (bloocilessitess) headaches and ham:- elected governor of one of the 11108L int 1/1:1(4:(1 thero or that purpose -blew it ea my. heart; end nothing eau move me aches, kidney trouble, indigestion, nen- nortntit (dubs socially in this city merely ' feiv whiffs of Ms meerschaum, earc....,sed• ntoro, Hand 1110 that iii)ttle of :•;'•11 volii• ralgia, nervousness 111141 the spef,ial nil. be, nose lie lied eultivalled the ()War men Ito exquisitely beautiful little greyhound tile, Nctiv l'itt prepared for the vvorat; Inenli ,of 111118 1111(1 women, wilwie ,01,,,,,i from the time he joined the club. that ley on the carpet beside him, and so It teitdy----presend--fire! 1'11111113' bec(11)1e.4 Ivenk• scantY or irregii- "Thatpopularity is moreover of it very leimirely went on Iva 11* the next, telliell ,"Attstrey, 11;111 You 14011 yr•wr nonsense, inn SOld by all medieine dealers Or b*,' 33 14( kilkl. It means much more shared the same fate. At last, he lightalul li,•ten to nier exclahmil Distirow", mail at tide a ho x or six lioxe-4 for 1:2.2.:(0 than inVitations tvhieli are obtained by edupon one that, aroused his wandering in' a ragT. "Cala you iii! sensible 1.)r from the 1)r. Williams !siedicine Co„ assiduous leaving of cards, endless drink - thoughts; for he started' ;is he read it, once in your life?"Brockville. Ont. ing of ilea and much talliing down the 11114 a 1001.; of angry imnosn Iwo hill .. \ \ 'ell, 3 hell,- .I, '111 ilirlIO 1" Fef, ill .1iis• 4-44 hook of u'onten's ii(,:s in opera boxes. chagrin passed over his face. As lie fin- : trel, tul,I11,lsivg 1110 i11111°"' 11101)) ('f)jj),,I KILLED 13Y WOLVES. '1110_. nw avenuo s ees toeial import-on(e islied ho uttered an impatient ejavtilit• ably 111144')'104 head. "I'll promise in optmod 1)v skill at bridge have inc11)111'.911 ti011, 1111(1, sprin7,ing to his,. feet, began be as setNible as is 1(1151 It 13. it 11 OW A Clergyman's Terrible Death, a number of per30113 who WOIIIII 11VVIW pacing rapidly up and (103111 the room, intellectual faculties inpture has gifted .._,,,,.. have hetet thought of five years ago and itt,ifiletitii.. his custom, sylitia.ungry and 'ex- me 3vill!, , Now, '11(1 the eamf. •1011 • wont to get ideal. of this contract of Ille intense cold hos caused the reap- ' there are men ns well ns women among these nevvcomers. The ritine is generally A tap at the door disturbed his it• '(01110, (10 Y011 : , III'll1':11101' in illingary and Austrian Pol-mdiffi• • • ore cult among W0111011 1 hall 111011. Ilia 10(1 :31/H10(111y. "C01110 ill," lie called; "Yes," and Aft., 'Norton, his valet de (111 1111 "Well, I'm in no hurry for marrying Anil if Packs of 'starvilig wolvi's, ii'lliell )[on rare much more in demand always. "eimlidential," etc., made his apperanee, for Itillf a: dozen yoars yet. for one thing;' have torn to pit'ees several persons dor. .-IttlIleties have proved nearly 11:1 111110.11 ill',.; till' 1:1I',t, IOW 1VVVI:A ill 1 110 diSiriCtS (If 11" "Pe" 8e3""1" t" "me" "3 to 1"00. la "ord 1 ..ustrey, 1»y lord, has*" .; atilt l'iss Norma Alacdonald does not ••tilt ,,, • A girl who can ride well or plays good , borderiag on llossia and llotiumnia. "There! f,ord Austroy can announce ; iii". ffli. 1111"t11"1. 'Lentils will find herself almost as aettept- 11'hile driviie.t home in the neiglibor• himself," stfid t hat, individual, spl'inging i "You're etignged to lier-are you mil: igilotolc(11 )c;itligilei,y society as one who plays ;•,,,, tt,,_. F,,,,;ir.,, Iwo or (.1100 ,.4,;;1,.., 01, „tin_ 4.:111.nigenient, dom., (,, ,,iii.nowitza, oil tho Rounninitin ti,14.. .01:1111k wiii 00, mv friend.; 111„ko In.': fat.100. tti3i Eart0:kii, Y• inaizoig. . 1, in,ier. tile 411.110i. niht, the hicilge a a Singing or musical talent h1 any form yourself thin as ail as Jam ... 1 ..., . 1-,o1 and the Honorable Alfred Dr.;• clergyman nanicd Clive' was attacl:ed by will not he of much use to her. (lames, -1 I," Mr, Norton bowed and svent: off; .and br"w" nil „1 l's N"ma 111"1 111) vu1c0 10 a lar,,,,.. lomdict (1 the itilimati. 1131 horses 1)1(1 tis 11 Hong himself on it lounge the ma t ter I reared aril plunged, the sledge vvas slat- gRine° mid still more giniiim will 1115"e opposite Dishrowv, ‘"\l'44,1,,',,o tell 111111i, I 1 e(11, no oh. deuk, ,,1„se,,, mid ow ,.(er.,1,maii mid his her an appreciated visitor at country 11011 5Pli or gliesit nt dinners. ...No, thou, t (1„11.1. c,,,,, wily told11,,,,.. jecti: it. '111.ere is a wide difference he; !,,,,.1.1,1d, 1 ,was thrown 111111,1;1,g . . Both limn and women often combine 1,,,•,.,,e a eve.•::1•.(1,•sg. venlig:ie. Mother am. ' ,,,,,,t iu,,,,,i,,ti.,, tura (,) ph,,,,,,,,s, ilia horses the abill to play ..ry good bridge and atliletie skill. '1'hoFte. fortunate pergonft \::31i10 111111:‘1101 0 af ogr rii,rillstt attntic‘e.anItilL;iit2,1egeoviti!ill,d ilicetiir- rivals. 4' # 4# AN INGENIOUS PRISONER, 0 0 0 0 '0 0 thing.; 041,;,' slioultIn 1, ini 111 in„ 1,1.4t..1", well as in other peopla'a, 1Earneeliffe, 01 01 It'd cart' :Om 1:111)wi 111111-----) 1•1 11..11 .tit,i 11111 net stop until they readi- ly dear fellow, what's up? j'011 look .., "And the lteire,s that, v,•011111 hove 'not. ; , ,.., .., as if you had lost your best friend." vil .1.1fred Dishrowe' to a T, &Jere, ex• ell '11`' 3 le'll'tg`'• ..,.._—.0....—__.___ "1\1111.,1F, up? head that!" said Ills' nuns come, up to ,the inark for the Earl browt., angrily, throwing hint ,Ilie erinii- I or 1:1"lecliffee 1 s'cl" i A MC)TillIZ'S PRIDE. hie,1 iett,r, "No need to asi:," 1 1)isbrowo colored slightly. , • 1,ml' AustreY It'isurely siiroothett itl "It, lolm rather \illailotos-doesn't it? 1 A la111.r.11 grel11s1 1,111:'111re 114 111 see- : lint ow fads, ig, 1 11,:lyor lovv(I, Nana:, „s LI:. It ,r HI lIi. o,i4.,; lari..011,, 111.1yful 0.114 —To the Right Donorable, the 1.,arl • `...1 11 1 l'"'" 1 11" "111'111 ;1(' 111,,u1,1l',Ithi,1,s,..,'4,.11isial:', ‘;',..,:ricis(i,i,Itii11::,fili'1,;i1i1.,::‘,1,:,,!0:1;,,,' out, mut !domed at, the superscription. , of Earnevliffe.' int mitts to spend his lift' w it 1( ; leased from prison in Cardiff has Am- .\ iteing limn who v,na,,, 1 0:.en.,;:,- le• "Humph! that's all right enough. Nolo 1"11 "f "Irso Yol' l'ijw' OP Pr"v'''.1 cil)t.,.i..11(..1,1'.11,,A,..11.1•;...viil 113.[::''..;e1It'l.4siC13.-11,\I:',I1;flY1, Coaled to It repre.sentative sonic of llte more expressive than elegant: 'Nee Is , "-IA( (1 '''' 111.'1"11 11 1"11 ''' \\Jill 111'111'11F' iivnitin) tricks by which lie whiled Col' thip indde; my Dear Alfred; yoti l‘\,iii he picas. must when the devil drives!' .,111,1 I was, confoundedly 'hard 11) over head and sr:lin-or,. Thi...f. i -i nothitig to Isom! away tho tedium of i'mprisoninrat and wi,;;;;,11 1,•,11,4t 111‘.,, 1,(,,,, 11„ ifi.,,,,,,,,t3; to, ed to hear that Norma, arrived 111 town111,.,.., ,..,,„1...;.., ,,, ,.. t.tite r,.... ,a,..11,.,eit :,,o! ,,i,„„tt.o.i,ti,.:, nhirst. two (toys ago, and is at present •visit- cars 111 (1-(lbt 1-1,) Ille eltildrl'a i'l. 14i''.1"li and, in feet, Haire. was no, help for • it. bo ..el trouldi 1, They in..he teething ing her cousin, l3Irs. 'I'renutin, at, her re• easy, I,; aal: to• 4.1,11.,,, (.:.,, , I tecro• ., :fill. Ily means of an el:dew:tie contrivaieni "fidelity. 111 114'1114,11.y Square, \I hu no 1,111111. New' 'however,. 1 'IN). v() 11101103' .', .- "s..“r”0111•i6 t1l'0I1lly, , VeOa1f1'0u"tt1i1o11t1.II M'I1L11sS,1u1As11iutes eytveyI e,•01,nv(in"ciii,t1-:ve,d!1,.vth-y', s' 1' i11liw' ..aI,VI.I11I1I,I.•.- 1.',•:1-• 1wlt1'i1t„i1ott10h ii 3 1111tWrriitnhg oal1 k lpliiieic0eaSof:14114 111 1 . •tetbm.'eo:ilV!s1Ir,;11i11l t1o1ir donhishwill hodelighted to ''(1 1(111 4tellyouhowrepti,ynatit, thideaIttd ier aof eS I!Wilt/1111113toC"1111111n1d1° .13 ill` 101131051 po,lilt. lniment, . 1i '131!i! in to 1110" ,,.' , 1 1yl 110, 3'.1A1il 1)11 333311 1111primill..' in 1::L' 1.'1 41 :' T1110181M110itallitT110101V13 111 a111105tIMSi01l0Vt-iIiC. 1 i i1ioWICil 11101119 104 13 C T111111111lis 011 fil41101i, show 'lenience in his 11 011 led1141tsays1a(;1 liorii„4ahlointe311111withn111,,e 111:1.,:oeisive.prinitpoAnd nowQlooki.1 at him111(slightandi't lave„ownT0001.to olitc1„(11 saarpened sttled filing I1:1 hol der 1.1itritedife, let me isingratidate I say130111(1111)1. yon din.1 hilhe was aweek ld. end hove fam1 r•,d ii1.i:ne311041 11.3)14 not in 111'; 3)13,•tin. hettrt behind y011in 21111irathem 11 ld..icid meliile,',1(1,...1•1 1'l01il(Iii( 1.0 1111111 lik'. 10 3I111Se•' 11grIli111111111Said DiShrIWo1 110r loOkillg 11 1 11i111. "1411' what, pray?” ' .1ustrey•, uppealing to sooiety at la1140. tetstake, 'and institntly, regretted what "1.'here's ii. question!" exelniniNI Lord oven to his lips, llis friend saw his 111'1111!•" T11" Tal)11'1'' aro 111111, 1;:,l '.1.1111:- Distirowe turneotitvli.ite for a 1111)1110111, 1111'!II'lls 11`. 3Vul':::11''d "V" (31.t‘11'''''/iN 110 111•;111113:tylured a rozor from 11 1:40. of 1 vorsi..1 steel belonging to a foliate prison- er, Which he sharpened with Ili, ,111 to; his hoots sorvi441 as a. strop, his tin pinto Tlit,11111c11.1)111.:%vaitiwk:Isi iivits111111114hieo'svpt.,(11011)11.1t tisitao8gria)(1..eul-i he ,!111)ll. it( utlal.,. c, 3 1 . . , , . gk!'' or 111 inail al '.15 cents n bo.; froiti the Dr, \\lithium; itletlicilw l'o., Ilreek• 1.int a shaving mirror, and for :1 hither 33311!)' for --- how long is it, Earneseliffe?' dont I. only spolce In "jest; 1' had no ivi1111. 1)11L.. 4- ik 111.11,,II 110 „olatelitsti 11 tun frolii ,,t. ,,v,;,,i)ing. hrit.,11 111 the wIrritlor. - voinett stohlonly had:, and 'Will be de. , idea --..-0 , . . ' • i • 'Sntisfir.,c1 With Second Place, " lighited"to see you it'' the earliest pOssi- , ' 1,1.1.'mough," said .Disbrowe, waving his 1 blo monitnits--in faet, .111111gs like, it ripe ,i141111, "Hay tie more about it. But thallouneolls News.) , First' Thing }Te T,earned, o•e••,. ,111,o ready to drop into your month tit , now that you.. Imre learcl'•the case, as Let us reflect before we .elutrge nay twin , (Philtulelphltv.11 Komi.) art,v inFtalit. , . . • .' 11 it d t In] 1 to do? 1 wont serious matw, And yet tolmeoe flotibIls 1 with belmr Plriler limn lloclietclIcr. It Is n Bobby's Unote-Welt, ,Illibby, what are ,yott "T do 'not believe in ripe plums' re.tily t) get rid of this engagement, withoto; " 'eels' I) noel ilcal ot comfort from the hone ,,,,raing in nallani? to drop 'into one's niintthl". 16111::: 1)I4.• . ,liurting, the , young 'lady's *feelings," that nutylip somebody else will draw ttlf.• fIr! tor A W1A1r3. ' 1301,by-"I'm learnta1 }Oat a ellunIO I was . it • ,.. , fur ever EtartlIC 111, . PAGE FOUR—THE BLYTH STANDARD-•--FI.nRuARY 7T111 1907, JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, P GYTH, ON'[. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We otl'or every accommodation con- sistent with sate and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Eitate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M, Easiness (J,ards. A, B. 'MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suo• censor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. polttan Bank. icc)UDFOOT, HAYS Sc BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, pato. Offices—Those formerly occupied_by Messrs. Cameron and bolt, Goderich. W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over .lames Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C,M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni. versity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity bledlcal College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F'. S. COTT BRUSSELS, ON'1'. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the (Alice of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery ANO Sale Stables O 00 00 00 Q Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, ONLY ONE BEST in the line of business training institutes in Canada and that one Is the well-known Central Business College of T oronto Best in courses of study. Best In num. hers and experience of teachers. Best in securing positions for graduates. Have you read our catalogue T f tt explains our methods. Get it before you decide which school you will attend. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. You will be welcome, Enter any time. W. H. SIIA W, 1'rin. cp<ae,freez.,24.6.0. 7---aerzt4vZ4D $1 upwards --.Subscribe for Tule STANDARD. MIA! Motif gtaitbarb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, FEB 7. 1907 People We Know. Mr. J. E. Ilabk irk spent Sunday in 0oderich. Mrs. J. Fi Coombs visited in To- ronto last week. Mr, C. II. Reese was in Srnforth on business ywerday. Mr. Bert McComnnins, of Listowel, is holidaying in town. Mr. James 'Thomson, of Brussels, spent Sunday in I3lyth, Miss Barton, of Howick, Is at pres• ent the guest of Mrs. Hartley, Miss Avis Scott, of Birr, is visiting her cousin, Miss Doris Scott. Mr. Luxton Bill was in Brussels on Friday last on a business trip. Miss Cooper, of Melbourne, is it present visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Golden. Miss Nellie Lowish, of Lakelet, is at present visiting her uncle, Mr. John Ilenderson. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dane, of Hcwick, visited at Principal llart- lev's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Homey, of' Nile. spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taman. Mr. George Edwards and Mr. Wm, Smith, of Brussels, were visitors in Blyth on Saturday. Mr. R. H. Garniss, the popular auctioneer of the 1st line of Morris, was in the village on Friday. Mrs. Alex. McLennan, of Senforth, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Hirons for a couple of days last week, Mr, WIn. Mooney and Mrs, John Mooney, of Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs. ,John Wilford on Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. Charles Howe were pleased to see him out un Tuesday after his serious illness. Mr, Janus Dodds left on Monday morning for Toronto where he has a position with the Gordon, MacKay & Co. ; we wish him success. Mr. Geo, Hirons, of Hensall, and Misses Inez, of Seaforth, and Mar- garet, of Brussels, spent a few days of the past week at their home here. Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Stretton re- turned to their home in Kansas City, Kansas, on 'Tuesday, after spending the past two weeks itt Blyth and Brussels, On Saturday of last week Messrs. Thos,, Robt. and Dr. Sloan were in Brussels. We are beginning to wonder what is the attraction in that town for Bob. The Wingham Advance says :— Mrs, Albert Spinks, who has been visiting friends in Wawanosh and Morris for the past month, returned front Blyth on Wednesday last, where she spent a pleasant week with Principal and Rev. Hartley. At present she and Miss M. Galla- gher, of Gorrie, are the guests of Mrs. 13. Scott. The Clinton News -Record of last ‘t'eck says :—Mr. W. I. McLean, M. A., is acting as classical master at the Collegiate Instttute'and will con tinue in the position until the ar- rival of the successor to Mr. McKin- non, Ile is a son of Rev. Dr, Mc- Lean who for forty years was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Blyth, and is one of the best known figures in Huron county Presbyterianism, Mr, McLean also intends entering the ministry. Londesboro. ,Tohn Vodden purchased a fine black driver fi' nn Mr. Brigham this week, A number from here took in the lecture in Auburn Friday evening, David and Mra. Moody, of Blyth, visited the latter's parents here this week. Rev, Mr. Maunders, of Brussels, will take charge of the services in the Methodist church here on Sunday next, The Cradle. DoDDs.—In Brussels, on January 806, to M r, and Mrs, Uhas, Dodds, a son, Po\VELL.JI1 Brussels. on January 25th, to Rev. andjMrs. Ezra G. Powell, a daughter. SIIIIDDEN.--In Morris, on Jan. 20th, to Mr, and 1frs, Jas. Shedden, a dau- ghter, Go1,1)19N.—In Blvth. on Friday, Feb let, to Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Gulden, a son, CRA10.—In Morris, nn Sunday. Feb. 8rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, a 8011, The Altar. FARQUIIAR80N—PEL1ER—At the rest dance of the bride's parents, on Jan, 28rd by Rev. MacNab, M. A , Mr. James Farquharson, of Morris, to bliss Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'Telfer, of Grey. Tho Tomb. DntmIMotw•—On 81st January, 1907, at her late residence, 278 Palmer- ston avenue, Jane MacQualter, Watch this space next week for a big surprise. widow of the late William Drum- mond, formerly of Blyth, Ont. Funeral on Saturday, February 2, at 2 p. m., to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. ITCHING PILfES. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment you can do him no greater favor than to tell hitn to try Chamber- lain's Salve, It gives instant relief. Price 25c per box, Sold by all drug- gists. Hensall. Billy \Vhedden hes gone to London to work in the car shops. The scholars and teachers of St, Pauls Sunday School held their annual sleigh drive on Tuesday evening follow- ed by a sumptuous supper served in McEwen's hall. FOR St LE—Brick cottage, 9 rooms, hard and soft water, new furnace, a good garden with large and small fruit trees, also small stable. Everything in No. 1 shape, For particulars apply to Mne, JOHN T. CARTER, Blyth. HAY BROS. have shipped In a carload of American Corn and also a carload of pod Family Flour shipped from Baden Mills. Apply to John Potter, Blyth Hie vator. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—The undersigned otY,ara for sale Lots 88 and 89, Westmoreland street, in the viltsge of Blyth. Oa the prernisea there is a oernent•hloek veneered residence 20x28, kltohen 16x22 attached, hard and soft water, pod c•rment stable. Must ba sold as proprietor Is going West, Fir further particulars apply to Jowl F. n'rvs, Blyth, TENDERS WANTED, --Tenders will be' received by the Council of the Township of Mullett up to S.tturday, February ltlth, at 2 p. ni. for the supply of 4000 feet of rock elm plank to be delivered - 100(1 feet at the residence of each of the respective four councillors, said plank to he 18 feet long and 26 inches thlok,=— JAMEs CANPRELL, 01or1, Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood, 200 days' treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 25c, For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. Strong Heads and Skilled Hands to the Front l Attend the.Famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. and be properly prepared for business positions. We deal only In high grade business education—the kind every young roan and woman should have. Our school has now the largest attsndanoe In Its his- tory. Commence now. Prepare well and success is certain. No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue free. W, J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, Corner,Yonge and Alexander Streets, MYTH 1101iOO1, LUCPOR 1', Following is the report of Blyth Pub- lic School for the month of Jan. :— DIY, NO, 1. Sr. class— Ella Taylor 852 Annie Stuart 271 Myrtle Philips 807 Wilfred Weir 249 Ei'va Stothers 000 Emanuel Lyon 234 Intermediate class -- M uriel Chellow 275 Dottie Cowan 166 Eric Anderson 204 Leon Scott 132 And, Coombs 175 John Morritt 109 Junior class— 'Pena Edmeston228 Pearl Gibson 178 Wes Campbell 173 Clara Copp 138 Roy Denholm 164 Arthur'l'amlyn 153 G. Stewart 148 Myrtle Morris 180 DIV, Na. 2. Entrance class— Bernice Anderson Gladys Cutt Lillie Wanless Hazel Bennett Emilia Leith John Ernigh Archie Wells Esther Bell Myrtle N icol Eva Campbell Fourth h class— Leila Begley Dorothy Tierney Walter Cowan Lizzie Lawrence Willie Mains Laura Johnston \Nellie Moort Mary Carter Edgar Begley Stanley Chiellew Sr. 11I, elass— \Villie Burling Elia Wettlanfer Maggie Carter John McCaughey Doris Scott Elva Fawcett Laura Wettlaufer Annie Mains Mussel Gidley Eva Mains Carman Anderson Maggie Johnston Elmer Nivins Lily Wettlaufer Jennie Kennedy Jas, McCotnmins Florence Taman Grace Goodday Evvie lleConunins Frank McCaughey Willie Copp George Sloan Creswell Anderson Nester Bell '1'. McLaughlin Geo. Burling James Hirons DIV, NO, 8. III, class— Fred Haggitt Mary Milne Redella McKenzie Annie Robertson Philip! Willows Alex. Butler Eva Henderson N. Holtzhauer Meryl Gerry John Cowan Rhoda Phillips Freda Turner Gladys Kernaghan II, class (n)— Lena Burling G. Holtzhauer Willie White Henry Johnston Minnie• Fawcett May Robertson Elma Cook Mary Potter II, class (b)— Berta Stothers Fern Johnston Elsie Fawcett Katie Habkirk Willie Anderson Annie Butler Eddie Mains \\' Ilford Nivins Re.dgie Carter Leslie McElroy Emma Taman Annie Houghton Rena Barr Edgar Cowan Bertie McElroy Effie hath Curry Campbell Tommy Murray DIV, N0, 4. Jr. II. class— Earl Taylor Willie barter Grace Hnhkirk Willie Tarnan Lorne Burling .Jr, Pt, [I, class— Fred Mason Harvey Nivins I)nisy Mason Charlie Putter Amos Andrews Mara McMurchie Carrie Sims, Carrie Dempsey Earl McElroy Sr. Pt, 1, cless— Elsie Holtzhauer" Harvey Mason Susie I''awcett Stewart Cowan Mabel Hill Nellie; Anderson John Butler George Eaton Willie Hamra Pearl Bain nr Luella Cook Wilson Rath Susie Philips Willie Kennedy Brussels. Fred. Low• ry, of Port Huron, Mich., is ylsiting in town. Alf. Lowry has bought the harness shop from the estate of Geo, Stemn, Rohr, Coloman expects to go to Winghnm to work in the flour mill, Mies Maud Skilling, end Cecil Day, of Gordo, spent Sunday at the home of Jas. Sharp; W. F, Stewart sold his flour mill on Saturday to Mr. Pyne, of Toronto, who will take possession right nway, An Assembly will be held in Town Hall, Brussels, on Mond'ty evening Feb. ilth..Music will be supplied by an Italian,Orcbestra from London. Last Friday evening the Junior hockey team went to Wroxeter but were defeated by a score of 0-5. On Saturday afternoon Walton trimmed the Brussels boys by 4--1. The A. Y. P. A. of St, John's church have engaged the services of Owen Stiffly, a well known Toronto enter- tainer, He will appear in the Town Hall here ou 'Tuesday evening, Feb. 12111, Result In British Columbia. The result of the British Colmnbia election is a decided victory for the Conservatives, led by Premier Mc- Bride, The returns so far as collected indicate the election of 26 Conserva- tives, 15 Liberals and 2 Socialists. the latter representing the mining con- stituencies of Naniarno and Grand Forks, The Socialist and Labor vote appears to have been used to defeat the Liberal cat►didtttes in the cities and principal towns by dividing the radical forces, The result is that the parties aro almost arrayed against eltclr other on the basis of town versus country. The Conservatives hold the five Van- couver seats they had in the last House, and carried the four Liberal seats in Victoria, Other Conserva- tive urban seats are New Westtninis• ter, Ferule and Cranbrook, The only two important towns ranging them- selves on the Liberal side are Nelson and Rossland, The hast mentioned le is rhe constituency of J. A. Macdonald, Opposition leader, The most __p{lotur- esque figure in the contest, \\', W. B. McInnes, who ran in Vancouyer as Mr.Macdunald's lieutenant, is among the vanquished. The Conservatives lost two of their Ministers, Mr. Cotton, an old Parlia- mentary hand, who was President of the Council and Mr, Manson, Minister of Education, AN EXTRAORDINARY EVENT OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN A matchless array of new up-to-date merchan- dise, bought for the present season, is offered with- out restriction in a sweeping clearing sale, Prices are slaughtered. The reductions are the greatest ever made on fine winter goods. IF YOU SAVE MONEY YOU MAKE MONEY Everything inust be sold to make room for the new spring goods. Some of the most wonderful i bargains you ever heard of are offered in this sale. Just imagine what a saving this lileilils. •S • DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY cO Drop in and inspect the great values and then 0 you will appreciate the remarkable advantage of �p buying here --now, Every $ you spend here dur- ing this sale is an investment at high rate of interest p1 • 0, 0; s• ® J. A. ANDERSON �Q 141(711—I '-� < ,y y �,^t, yr �r yr, <,- ., 1�• e-4 ,z. , , 0e00:49 Inviotus Shoe for Men and Women THEY DON'T OWE ME A CENT That's what a person will say about a pair of Geo. A. Slater's In- victus Shoes that have been satisfac- tory in even way, when they are laid aside for the last time ; worn out hut they have earned their cost. No longer of any use, hut they have been reliable, trustworthy, depend- able every minute since I bought them, To pielse us it must please you, To please you it must earn its cosi by giving proper service, Heavy Rubber and Felt Goods Men's Ile.tvv Rubbers I3oys' heavy Rubbers Youths' Heavy Rubbers Men's Felt Shoes Women's Felt Slims \Vonlee's Overstnckingo Girl's Overstoel:ings Trunks, Valises, Stationery and Gents' Furnishings g Mtn Bargains in Furniture and Carpets We have an immense stock of goods on hand, These goods must he sold, 'ib Induce you to buy during the winter we are offering extra in- ducements, Your inoneY will buy more goods now than any other tune of the year, Bring in your pictures and get theta framed, J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH Are You in Business For Business ? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hell with tie privilege of delivering an address on your businass and the wares you sell, yon would be apt to make that address as interest• ing as possible, so that your hearer's would listen and you profit by it. It is just the same with an advertisement in 'Tine STANDARD, You have the privilege of talking every reek to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about theta in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost frotn $5 to $20 if a city advertising exert wereconsult- ed—and do it free of charge, But bear in mind that no man can get out as good an advertisement for your business as you can, You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about it, The Standard, Blyth, Ont. Poultry Wanted We want 1)ry Plucked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay tbo highest cash price, Next car hero on 1)ce, 10th, • Grain okeoks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILLAN & CO. Dingley Street Blyth The Leading Commercial Schoot of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and -practical while the teaching Is done by able in- structors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to get the best poss. Ible commercial training patronize this school while business monare In Neal ch of our graduates to fill responsible positions. The best time to enter our elapses Is now, Beautiful catalogue tree. ELLIOTT 6 McLACHLAN, Principals. TOWN TOPICS. START and boom the 12th of July DON'T forget the 1, 0, 0, F. con- cert this Thursday evening. A NUMBER from here will attend the Assembly in Brussels on Monday evening of next week. DON'T forget the horse fair on Feb. 27th, Last fair war) very successful and a Targe crowd was present, THE Fire Inspector was in town on Thursday of list week and had the usual test, Tho alarm was rung at 11,10 and gave the people a little excitement for nothing, ON friday evening of last week a load of young people spent a pleas- ant evening nt the home of A. arid Mrs, Howlett In Morris. Run»r has it there was a "gooseberry" in the load. THE Ladies' Aid of Sc. Andrew's church will hold a tea at the home of Mrs, Wnt, Campbell on Thursday, 14th inst. Tea will bo served from 8 to 9 p. tu, Admission, ten cents. Everybody welcome, 'FAURE It SON, manufacturing Opticians and eyesight Specialists of Toronto, will be at the Commercial [I(itel, Blyth, on 'Thursday, Feb- ruary 14th and if there is anything whatever wrong with your eyesight ; it would be to your interest to eon• salt thorn, They guarantee all their work and only recommend glasses when absolutely necessary L. 0. L. -The annual (listr'ict met- ing of North Huron County L. 0. L. was held in Blyth on Tuet,day of this week, Delegates numbered about 60 and some came from the North of Howick, a distance of over thirty miles. The following officers were elected for the year ; C. ht., Henry Horsey, Nile, D, C. M,, M. Dane, Gort'io. Chap., Rev. W. H. Hartley, Blyth, . Ree, Sec., T. U, Sheppard, Nile. Fin, Sec,, R. 11. Robinson, Landes. boyo, Treas., Jns, Gollcy, Wingham D. of C., N. Johnston, Blyth, Lecturers, Robt. McCrea, Belgrave, and Geo, Mains, Londeshuro, Two delegates from Lucknow, Messrs, McQuillan and Taylor, were present wanting to have the demon. strntion held in that town, but the meeting decided that the County gathering be held In 13lyth. Wing. ham and Brussels also asked for the 12th, The next county Ineeting will bo held in Wingh;un next year, hr,liitumty 7T11, 1907 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FlvE. FAELEarie,ing,gn,,,nas.g Eqza 3 THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORI: WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SAL AT MODERATE P11IUE8 FOR °A811 ANI) FARM PRODUCE, VA I I 1.1 r. E. 1 Wool Blankets Our Blankets aro all pure wool goods which aro the only kind we curry in stock blankets which can he depended upon, large sizes, weight 7 pounds, selling at old prices, Glassware \Ire can give yon some very gond hargnius in 0 esstvnre et the present time, it grand opportunity for the eronoruic;,1 house• keeper, sevetal lines to clear, also in Common Plates, Caps and Saucers, Toilet Sets We have a grand display of 'Toilet Sots selling at the lowest possible prices, over 8 dozen sets to choose from, Dinner Sets EI V1 A better choice than ever, beautiful designs, good color. Ings, 5 sots to clear at a price, Buy Priestley's Dress Goods vAlVA A V•�I OINIMMINMMEIMIP for a good dress. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. BENDER, BLYTH r kyA r�z 0.0 CAPITAL PAin UP: 'fOTAT, ASSRTS t 12,t0o,000. 'thirty-two Million Dollars. RP.SP.RVR roan: r1,neo,000 BANK of IIAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS Bank Department at each of our 96 Branches. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, at highest current rates, compounded half -yearly. We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, t 'nt. T. W. SCO'T'T', AGENT. t • MARKET REPORT.-- Wheat 67-68 ; Tini, BEGGAR S'I'UDEN'r to -night Barley 44-46 ; Oats 34-34 ; Peas (Thursday) • 74-75 ; Butter 18-19 ; Eggs 11.SCIIOoL Board meet friday even. Port the past months 5trs, IVIn, Ing of this week at the school at Campbell has been taking orders eight o'clock, and kecpltig cut flow':rs fist' the LAsT IVedncsduy evening the hid les acid gentlemen of 131yih, but Conservatives of 131yth held their as yet the pec,ple hitvt; failed to annual meeting and the !''plowing understand that lresh flowers will cutouts were elected ; he In stock every Sitturdtiy. Prod,, '!rhos. Code, . Mus, (DR,) CARDER DEAD. -Word Vico Pres., Isaac Brown, passed quickly around town Wed Sec.; J, S. Golden, nesday evening. that Mrs. (1)r.) Treas., R. McCommins, Carder had passed away at her Executive, J. Carter, J. Potter, residence at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Carder W, Johnston and the four above wits stricken with paralysis about mentioned gentlemen, 1.30 from which she never regained Dudley Holmes, of IVlughain, Pres'. consciousness. As we were going to dent of the Riding, was present and orrurtorr NOTES. press no other pftrti';ulitrs were 1r delivered an addrees. AIT. Bowman, hand but a full r'epor't will be pub who was also expected to give an fished next week. address, was not present, BOWLERS' MEET, -Lust Friday OBITUARY. -In Saturday's papers evening the I3lyth Bowling Club met the people of Blyth were snrpiscd to in iltilne's Hell and the following read of the death of Jane McQual e , ollicers were elected for the year ; widow of the late Wm. Drummon •, Hun Pres,, J, G. Entigh who lived in Blyth in the ear 18 9 Pres., A, W. Sloan. when Mr. Drummond estal►Ilsned a Vice Pres., Frank Metcalf, mercantile business, when this pines Sec, 'limas,. Jai, McMurclie, was known as the village of Drum. Executive -Dr, Milne, C. II, mond. After the tire which de- Beese, 1'. A. Anderson. stroyed their store, which was situ• * * The fee was left the same as last rated opposite Metcalf's jewelry store Last Sunday Rev,* Mr, Short, of year, $5, and the club is looking fors and the bank, some twenty years ICingstou, took as his morning subject ward to a successful season, in St, Andrew's church, ''Tho parable Tar': following legal item tip -of the rich man and Lazarus," ,In new In the A Happy New Year peered In the o Toronto dollies of Big BaBargainst voiiltig his topic was Ibirth," Friday, and is of local interest i - .to all our patrons Mei3lur'ehie v. 'Thompson. - Win. hi Ladies' Wear SPEOIAr, Nurlo%: Dear reader you Prondfoot, I{; 0,, for plaintiffs, hp- ALSO BABIES' WEAR are most cordially invited to attend the with many thanks for petaled frorn judgment' of Anglin, J Evangelistic services being held in the (8 0. W. It, 637)upon the trial of r, r Methodist church, Services for Chris - favors of ' the past tat interpleader.W.It, Is•uep ndethe niug it for Ona WBBk Ora titin people and enquirers will bo held "very afternoon at three o'clock and nearly 30 years. We in favor of defendant. The issue Bonn iBFCij. 9th very helpful children's services at 4,15 was directed todeterminewhether•l!4 � pp in, beginning on 1Vudnosday even - will be found at the defendant, a prior volunteer assignee sol;. 'rho publte 11,111 especially invited to be prosect at our from eight to nine or plaintiffs, subsequent assignees Ladies Black Underskirts, o'clock services every night, Com in same old stand. for value were entitled to the pro. Kamonas,' Belts, Collars, Rib- the spirit of prayer. The excellent coeds of the shares of the deceased choir of our church will lead in the ser - I bons, Laces, Gloves, Hand- vice of song. FLOUR havorite $2.10 per 98 lbs. Manitoba,,,,,, 2.25 Five Roses,,,, 2.6o ,I „ Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE ego the family moved to Toronto where they ha ye resided ever since, The flintily eonsiste(I of two (laugh. ters (Mrs. VttnEgntorld and Miss ilattie) and one son, Robert, all of 'Ibrouto, The funeral took place on Saturd.ay to Mount Pleasant cern.. tory DUIuINo the past few nights several houses have been visited by some man, if' he can he called n tutor, whose only ohjeet wits to look in the windows, Now 11' this per' son is wise he will stop this practice as he con, if caught, aavo his Sum- mer vecrttien Uoderich je1I, Nu - hotly is allowed in this country to go and look in a person's window and it will startle the bravest lean or woman who in their own house may happen to look up at the witrdow arid land a face pressed against the glass. Suspicion points to a certain penile and if he keeps this business up a ducking in the pond and ;t few months in jail world be none tow gond for hint. IN the Court of Appeal before Moss, C. J. 0.. Osler, Unrrow, Mac. Laren, Merdith J. J. A., the Crew. ford 'Tilden in l'uronto recently ;- Crawford v. 'Tilden, -.C. L. Dickin- son (Goderieh), for plaintiff, appeal- ed from order of'a Divisional Court (8 0, IV. R. 518), f'eversing judg- ment of Clute, J., in fitvor of' plain- tiff in an notion to enforce a mechunic'ti lien against the defend- ants, the Guelph and Goderick Rail- way Company. Plaintiff is one of a number of men employed upon construction of the railway by de.- fendants, Tilden and Co , sub- contractors. The Guelph and Gide- rich Railway Company were in- corporated by a Doiuinion statute (4 Edw. VII., ch. 81), which declares the railway, though wholly within the Province of Ontario, to be a work for the general .advantage of Canada, The Divisional Court held that the railway, being a Federal railway . exclusively, under the legislative control of the Dominion, it was not competent for the Legis- lature of O ;tal'io to enact any haw which would derogate from the status and rights and property en. Jayei and held by the Federal corporation under its constitution, created by the Runhtion of Canada, Plaintiff contended that the ;Mech- anics' Lein Act., having been amend- ed since King v. Alford (9 0, R. 6.43), so as to extend to railways, there is no exception as to Federal railways, at all events, if wholly within the province, E. D. Arnlour I{, C, fur defendant railway con. parry and A. M. Stewart, for defend- ants M, A. Pigott and Co., the principal contractors, contra, Re- served. Saeranu'nt of tho Lord's Supper will bo dispensed next Sabbath tnornin,g (1) V.) Rev, J. D. Small, of Auburn, having charge of the service, Rev, Mr. Short, M. A., of Kingston, will occupy the pulpit et the prepara- tory (service on 1 t'idty at 2 8U p, m. and also the serviette next Sabbath evening.* * *' Prayer mooting on 'Thursday even- ing ofthisweek, at 8 o'clock, husband ' defendant t d ' tl will nus ant (►t L nn tan under no wi kerchiefs, Fancyand, Stamped of his father. E. L. Dickinson (Godo. , 1 GAS IN THE STOMACH, rich), for defendant, apposed appeal. Linen, Dress Trimmings and Belching and that Senn of fullness Appeal dismissed, with costs, If other articles too numerous, to so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The counsel for defendant so desires, mention, stomach fails to perform its functions this order may vary the judgmentand ' he [cod ferments, Chamberlain's FRANK TVI ETCALF appealed from by appointing the Como and boa what we have, Stotnach and Liver Tablets will corset (defendant personal representative to MRS.. W. A. CARTER the disorder, They aid dl Dation and strengthen and lnvlgorato tiro stomach Jewelry and Stationery. the estate of her deceased husband, Opposite Queen's Hotel, I3LYTII. , and bowels. Tor sale by all druggists, 3 tC* M ♦i • • 11121211iilrainiMli F'vr. Sacrifices 1 Black Astrachan Caperine, wap $5, now 81. 2'I'oxes Mitt (tuff, was $5, now $4. 1 American Snide Stole, was $12, now $9.75, 1 American Sable .,uff, was 83.50, now $2,75. 1 Stone Martin Ruff, was 86, now $1 75, 1 Blactc Coney !tuff, with chincilla ends, was $1.50, for $3 5U, 1 Nutria ,Stole, with brown tells, was $8, now $6.50. 1 Japan811.7\f5a,rt in Stole, with wide collar, was 312, now 1 Japan a1 trtin Stole, with narrower collar, 38, now 8050 1 Caouek Sable Sr ole, with clteneil trimmings, Was 312 now $9.75, 1 131 r,k Opossum Ruff with 4 tails, was $2,75, now 82. 1 'Texas (link Stole, a it h 6 tells, was $5.50, now 84.50. 1 french Corey Collar, w.111 head and tail, was 32.50, now BI,fi5. 6 Snowl",ro Coders. with each 4 tails, were $2, now 81,50. 6 Black Coney Ruffs; with 13 tails, were 81,85, now 3l. 1 Black ('snuck Sabin, *Intl) 6 tails, was 86. now 84,75. 1 Mack P Teri It Coney Caperine. was $8.50, now 82.50, 1 UIto'k Asrmelt us Caperine, was 81 50, now 88.50. 2 Bled; Coney Goperines, with black curl back, were $i3 0, tow $?.50. 1 Texos \link5130:1 terns 83 50, now 82.50, 1 'Texas \link (;olhtr, was 81 85, rtow $1.15. Bleck Coney Colh'r,'erre 75e, now 60e. 1 13lur:k Coney Collar, was $1.75, now $1.25, 1 Brown Coney Culler, was 50c, now 40c, Black Coney Collars, were 5Oc, now 40c, Black Conry Collars, were $1, now 75e. 1 Mitek Coney Csnerine, was $3.50, now $2.50. 1 Black As'rachsn Caperine, was 34.5(1, now $8,50. 1 Seal Cnpprine, with Persian lamb back, were $10, now $8. 2 illeck Coney Caperine, were 82 50, now 81.95, 1 Black Asrr;tcl"tu Cuporine, with large shoulder cape, were 87.50, now $5 75. 1 Child's White Collar and \iuf7 combined, were 50c, now 40c, �? Any Fur Coats left in Men's or' ;9 Women's can be boughtthea very P Iat now prices. Cit POPLESTONE & CARDINER • Successors to MCKINNON CO. it S� , ,►,arta , ►,rar,n►vv nrH+H„►,n nHr■ ,neral ; . ■ - ;t�S tsr)I: ter t�tlf�sr3Ct:;,' i,'r•��rst:t't ��3f�.:�t; �3L r Lr ►N.rNiIN . I UuNrr►Irrt1•rb H�h het .r I. .I J� Fresh Groceries Brea]Lfasi Foods . . Meats Lemons and Oranges. Flour -Five Star Manitoba and Choice Family. Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR SP BLYTH POINTERS FOR RUBBER BUYERS An up•to.dnte shoe denier is malty s good rubber judge -he tt quick to discern the comporative potntu of exoullunee that pals unnoticed by the nrdincry than, ?luny of the largest mere:,nnts have ,looked exclusively with Merchants Rubbers. They i.now that the high grade ntatrri :Is used, the exclusive m thodo employed and ,general ii onro exercised In their monufccturo mean increased woir 4 and pleased eustomure. This fust is a good guide to the ordinary buyer. Merchants Rubbers have the fit, style, ap. pearanee and wenrinrt qualities that cannot bo ;F obtained in any other brand of rubbers. q 1f your Shoeman doesn't tell them let =Sad u, know. Drenches at WINNIPEG, LONDON, TORONTO, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. ts�,_ 701 CURRENT CO\LMENT 111111,/..01011 How many of your geed resolutions have ,you broken! A big lawsuit over Cobalt Lake \sawn; b.. a tidbit for the lawyers, Count 'Tolstoi has tltont bad again. This time it is .Mongol domination of the world that is worrying hint. Ile is a very guild -mannered editor w'lio docs not hick governor Stvettenluun about for exereia.: these days, and*be- laud Admiral Davis. And what it's all about it would be hard for many of them to explain. After :til those stories of a Japanese army, under the guise of immigrant labor- ers, landing in the Philippines and caus- ing Uncle S;utl bad dreams, it is comfort- ing to learn that only 2;7 Japanese land- ed in the Philippines in 1906. Sinutlu, da the I)utcli East Indies, has been overwhelmed by a tidal wave, and it is feared that probably 1,500 persona have perislcd. The year begins disas- trously. On New Year's Day the br'oacl winners of Pittsburg got a lift of 525,000,000 in their wages for the year 1007. But thp inerettae in the price of tho nece&sltrie= of life rather more than offset the wags lift. The death of the Shalt of Persia may disturb the relations in that quarter of the world. As hus'sia is the factor of danger there, however, there is less prob. ability of trouble than there alight have been before the war with Japan. Speaking of the purchase of the muni- cipal ownership aldermen in New York the Herald, of that city, says: "Sonne folk seem to think that $500 is a low price for a corrupt' Alderman, apparent- ly forgetting that one can purchase a good dog for less than that." Iowa i:t about to follow the e:caiaple of Wisconsin and pass an anti -tipping law, inflicting a fine of i;,250 on any ono who gives or receives a tip. This 1:sw will be difficult Of enforcement, but it will supply a reason for those who want one for refusing to give a tip. 4.. At Niagara Falls a foreigner named Di Higgiero has been sentenced to three yea's in prison for horribly slashing the face of a young girl who repulsed his ad- vances, thus awfully disfiguring her for life. The punislunent does not fit the crime. The wretch ought to have got ten years and n few floggings. At the next Hague Pence Conference Italy will propose a limit to the size of warships that will preclude the building of vessels of over 1(1,000 tons, thus bar- ring ships of the Dreadnought class, But if the powers can agree on a 'unit of size, why cannot they agree on a reduction in numbers, and even on a plant to make the 1150 of great fleets unnecessary? Tho new \Vorknien's Compensation Act, passed by the Imperial 1': r1tamcnt, 001110.3 illto f(lree next July. 11 i.; an .\0t that will cause a good deal of anxiety to manly employers, however beneficial it may be to the e:npioyee. \i'laat it means to the "lady of the house" is thus sum- marized by the London Evening Stan- dard: 1, in the event of death ocurriu;r through an iteeident, the liability of tL,• employer is tae payment of three y,'•11'.e' wage's, im(•Ii:dim put ttilolw,ulce fur I)o.tl',I, the total sum not es,:eeding ,C1 5n. '2. In the e';eat of temporary disable- ment, one huff of the wages, including an allowance for board, mast lie 1,10:1 daring the period of incapacity. 3. In the ()tela of permanent di:=alile- 1.1ent alike waif of the wages, with a like incimsion for board, iniiit bo paid throughout the duration of the disable- ment. The heaviest liability falls upon t'ne mistress in the third section, PS this li;:- 1)ility might he all the way from 1;12.O:t'1 to 55,000, a.ecol'diilg to wales and length of disability. Ilow•ever, the inosurlrue'' 'coltq)anies are already coining to the lilp of the employers. The 0000.11 _`.eei- dent S. CitarInlee Corporation will ia- sure all domestic servants at five s1:i1- 1incs end under per employee per :minim so that those who insure will escape the heavy potential liability of those who do not, The Lily Accident Insu'nnce Sncl- city will accept the same rnic for v11 domestic servants, 111ai1e and (1)11(110. and gardeners, for coachmen and grooms the 'tato will be seven shillings, an(1 for chauffeurs, twenty shillings. Vire jud;x'' that the Act will be fruilftl or hi M11113, Employers will tin doubt often find cause to dispute (deli ; 1n:Ld' b y ...servants f01' injuries, 0l., Your a`1, octor Can cure your Cough or Cold, , no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and Inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having his prescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURL; for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with WOMAN AS BILL COLLECTOR. More Successful Than Her Male Com- petitor in the Same Line. "For persistent persuasive bill collect- ing give me a woman every time," said a dunning creditor recently. "I think the future will see worsen the only bill collectors. There is something in the eight of a woman bill collector that few men can resist. It seems strange, too, that some of the most refined woolen take to it. There are a handful of wo- men money collectors In Philadelphia and you can learn from their employers that they make a great success of their vocation. They would not take to it except for pure love of the thing. "One woman in my employ, conceded to be one of the most tastefully dressed and best looking women in the business hero, is as graceful as u queen in her daily collecting rounds. The most in- teresting and unique thing about her work is that she never leaves any venous In the hearts of the people whom she dulls. 1 send her especially to the big mercantile establishments and wholesale houses where ealesmctt are inclined to overlook the platter of long-standing bills. Her entrance always causes a commotion and she nearly always makes good. "She walks gracefully up to where the large groups of salesmen are standing and inquires of the first one handy: "Is Mr. K. in to -day?" "'No,' the salesmen addressed will re- ply. He recognizes the woman and he thinks to save a fellow worker. "'Well,' the undaunted collector will reply, 'Will you tell him that I will drop in here every morning at 10 until I see him?' And sure enough she does. Per- haps for a week the woman will enter that building and exactly nt 10 o'clock, taking pity on her and beginning to re- sent the evasiveness of the dunned, will smoke hint out by the usual stock of salesmen', jokes, and so the woman walks out one fine day with at least half the bill paid on account.—Philadelphia Lodger, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. 4•• C Mysterious Electricity. (Washington Herald.) From an electric locomotive drawing hun- dreds of tons of freight to a fountain playing on n dining table la a far cry, and yet the same myeteriouo agency is responsible for both. It is a curious' fact that with all of Its utilization little or nothing Is known of the source or nature of electricity. Theories of every oharacter have been advanced, but none of them has definitely solved the pro- blem We knew how to Inako electricity and how to control It, but Its origin Is as elusive the mystery of life. In tttla practical age, however, the lack of this knowledge does not Rive any concern. Wo aro more concerned as n commercial nation In increasing the *umber of uses to which electricity can be adapted. 4.♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, At the Coronation of Queen Victoria. My seat in the Abbey was an excellent one for seeing and hearing everything. I was in the Ambassadors' tribune, directly behind Mr. Stevenson and before tP • allthesecretaries ttacl os of �m anda bassies and legations. The Queen was directly in front of and below me, where re I could see much of her expression. Whilst engaged in prayer she raised her countenance directly towards our box, and a sweeter face no Queen need have. When she first entered she was consid- erably flurried, but became calmer 'tf- ter half an hour's performance, as I call it. The whole ceremony occupied about four hours and a half, during which time she retired from public gaze only twice, and each time only for a minute. She got through the affair admirably and without much apparent fatigue. She seems to have excellent sense, and keeps constantly inquiring. like a sensible wo- man, what she is to do next, rather than push on and bungle— When old Lord Rolle was doing hom- age, being very infirm he fell after he ascended the throne. and rolled clown three steps to the bottom of tine Abbey floor,' Everybody hilt the Queen made an exelemetion of enneern; ale started from the throne ns if to catch him, and reenlleetine, her (lignite, resented hera(elf instantly, whieli natural and graceful mnv(rsnent in h you),", girl, though Omen, drew down thunders of ap• p?nus)+ from tete sneetetora. --F"m "Jelin Ven 1?nren in'Enlrland" in the December (Christmas) Scribner. LONDON I1AS BRIGHT DAYS. Not Always Foggy, as VIsitors Are In- clined to Believe. It is the conviction of many American tourists in London that there is fog in that, metropolis 305 clays in every year with the exception of leap year, when there is fog on 3(10 doys. This exaggerated notion of London fogs is quite refilled by an official pub- lieution of tho English government, which gives a compilation of the wea- ther conditions taken twice a day and which :.how•s the following rc'oult, for last year: Days. Overcast (part fog) ... ... ... ... 1.15 Fog (dense) .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 04 Clear sky ...... ... ... .. ... ... 00 Snow ..... ... .. . . . ...... .... 10 IIail... ... ... ... ... ....... ... 5 Thunderstorm ..... ... ... ... ... 3 Cale ... ... .. ... . . .... 2 Variable Total .305 London had last year 1,400 hours of sunshine out of 5,170 hours between the rising and the setting of the sun, In other words, about three-quarters of the tiine taken by observations was over- cast mid the balance was clear. London owes its fogs to a triple com- bination of circumstances—westerly or southwesterly winds 325 out, of 365 days of the year, salt marshes through much of the territory over which tho wester- ly or southwesterly winds blow and an almost universal use of soft coal. Last year there were more days of sunlight in London that there had been on an evarage for twenty years before. v 66 Ask for tho i+urplo Packago." "RELIANCE" HAR/NG POWDER Mukco Food Healthful. Costs 1.0015 to Uso. Clvos Dotter Scoults, Inut+rt Cal tiro Conulna REE arAuTtrut. t'to'runn POST CARDS To anyone writing us enawering the fol. lowing questions wo will gladly send ab- solutely •fecv, pc:rtaro Frropaid, a sot of tour ,'f our latci.edition nt beautiful picture pu,;t cards lithographed in brilliant colors:- 1st. olors:- 1st. Name your wrocor. 2nd. rfanto thin paper. INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO., 're:MN 0, CANADA '0+q,^1'".,'h'!t,".+'l','b'Ugh,'u!L"�1.�'tiliWlNiLgUi:+R+14iLnU The Ghost of Trinchinopoly. The ghost may be' •ie011 011 moat nights between the bonen of 11 and 12 on the 1 'Demur road. She is a 1I105t beautiful creature who walks out of the .river with her clothes all 'wet, writes dripping from her long silken treesses, and she car- ries in her right hand—no, not piece of soap no' an antiquated toothbrush,— merely a braes lotali. If any person at- tempts to approach her she merely points the forefinger of her left hand at dtinr and he dies, The I;host was originally one of the temple dancing girls 'famous all over the town for her striking beauty, The temple authorities rnised objections to her 'bathing there and or- dered Ler to creep out quietly at 11 every night and bathe in the river at Tennur where no one would see her. This she did for some time, but another temple girl gave away the secret, with the result that the next night when bath- ing she heard the tramp of many feet end on rushing out to see what was the miller was accidentally kn eked into the river and drowned by the crowd of Wren rushing to the river side to see her,— Madras Mail, Minard's Liniment Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, 4.0 The Universal Lanxuage of Clothes. The top hat represents the universal lang- uage of attire. It walls and weeps against tho walls of Jerusalem, and it turns up in tho solitudes of the desert; even tho lone- liest mountain peaks aro not safe from its democratic simplicity. Onoo I met a 9141c hat, probably rescued from aomo benevolent dust bin, milking a caw in a London park. Tho hart nearly caused a riot; each and ,every Passerby turned aril stared indignantly. The eccentric cowboy in the top hat finished his allotted task, and the company of his cow and the milk pall he ambled pluetdly out of night. Still, one can't help asking, In the interest of personal liberty, why shouldn't a silk hat be permitted to milk a cow? The Cot, doesn't mind. so why should wet espArstaresausex 6•• ti •e e 4- •t M1 • 7K411!7' 41.15 y You know how good Witch - Hazel is—heals cuts and scratches —soothes chafing and skin irritation? Royal Crow• " Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap is just Witch-IIazel and pure VEGETABLE oils. Both n toilet soap and medicated soap—for the price of one. Only roc. e cake. 3 for 250.. At druggiats and dealers everywhere. 'WIZEN 6 REMEDIESLIfE INA SIBERIAN PRISON. MAD FAILED HE TRIED BILEANS, Now He Has Dyspepsia No More. Strange wily people should not try the very thing that would do them good until last! Mr. Geo, La Porlwin, of 30 St. Paul street, 'Toronto, tried six different remedies for dyspepsia, headache, and heartburn before he tried Bileans, The did him no good. The Bilenns have cured him! Ile says: "1 had heartburn, dye - pepsin and wind nftet' food. The nour- ishment ] took seemed to do me no good, and the pain I suffered was very acute. I tried six diffirent remedies before liileans, but they did me no good. With Bileans it was quite different. 1 found they relieved the flatulen(e and the pain within 1t fete hours, runt it short course rt',ulted in a complete cure." In every country where they have been introduced, Ililetu14 have quickly taken fiat place because of their rapid and lasting cures of indigestion, liver and kidney complaints, anemia, hentlaehe, de- bility, constipation, piles, female ailments ! and irregularities, rheumatism, liver chili, Mit, Purely herbal and containing no alcohol, they are an ideal family medi- cine. All stores and druggists sell nt 50e. a box, or from the 13ilenn Co., Toronto, for prieo; 6 boxes sent for $2.50. 4.0 If Kings Had to Work. Nearly all the royalties of Europe could; if driver to it, ea -.11 their own liv- ing. Ilte Queen of Ro'unta.nut, Carmen tyyd- va, untkes as it is un income from Item books au many other liltt•a mama equal. Tho Queen of Italy is n lingniet of un- doubtedly have ri;e ceelcd in grand opera, The Queen of Italy is n. linguist of un- usual talent. (%on'ver.'ing fluently anti correctly in eight 1aal�.plagtct;, she could at any time get a good job in a .high o The King of England is one of the best judgeel of wines and cigars in the world. As a thine or tobacco expert, or as a dea:lm• itt tliese luxuries, he would coon have grown rich. The Queen of Y1ort iniad has a nte'dical degree, and could easily earn her diving as a doctor, The Gernvsal Emperor, as everybody knows, could make a, good living as a poet, a musician, an artist, a ;ship 'build- er, a pottery manufacturer, a hone deal- er, an actor, a bookbinder, a clergyman, a tailor, a sculptor, a barber, a farmer, or a dentist. Fairw•ille, Sept. 30, 1002. Minard's Liniment Co., .Limited: Dear Sirs,—We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINI- MENT a very superior article, and we use• it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not bo without it if the price ons one dollar a bottle, I 111(11111 it, Yours truly, CIIAS, F. TILTO N, Bournville, Where the Workers Live in a Wooded Park, During the past eleven years Bourn- ville village has arisen and to -day it shel- ters a community of about 3,000, It cov- ers an area of more than 500 acres, near- ly the whole of which was a free gift by Mr. George Cadbury, The village, which stands auia gardens and park lands, com- prises dwellings which are not be rand the resources of the artisan, and also a fair proportion of (louses of the villa type. No two houses are alike. The aver- age garden space allowed to each house is 000 square yards; and that most of the occupiers take a pride in their gar- dens is abundantly evident. The roads are 42 feet wide and are plaited with trees. The houses are set back at least 20 feet front the roods, About 1,200 out of the 4,000 employees in Messrs. Cad- bury's factory reside in 1ieurnvillo. Of the remaining residents, about 40 per cent, work in Birmingham, Mr, George Cadbury explained that out of their 4,- 000 work people only seven had died for the last four years, a death rate of loss than twot•Six r 1,000. bundled or 700 girls hod learned to swim in a largo bath provided for them at the works. Prnc• tically all the boys and sten could swim. No cottage is allowed to occupy more than one-fourth or one-fifth of the area of land on which it stands. Mr. Cnrbury urged' that if we were to maintain our position as nn imperial race the prob- lem of overcrowding in unsanitary sur- roundings in our great cities must be faced, At Bournville village the (lentil rate was 7.5, whereas in the working class quarters of Birmingham the. rate was three tines as high. One of the prin' eiples which had been put into prnctiee at Bournville was that every child should be within five minutes walk of n play- ground. He hoped England would soon adopt the German scheme of not allowing any district to be developed for bulldhig without the whole of the plans being first submitted to a central authority, —Front the London Tittles. b-4 Trying to Avoid Exposure. (Catholic Standard.) hicks, --1 carried my wife's umbrella with me yesterday and lost It somewhere, Now she wants to advertise ft. Wicks—T'het'a 11 good Idea. 1t may he returned to her. 11lchss—That's just the trouble. I'm al- most certain 1 loft It in eons) saloon. Winter, fanged and remorseless as winter is in these regions only, had fallen on Siberia with a sort of hungry venge- ance, and lengthened the long journey interminably. Cooped up in convict can', which w'ns divided into some twenty snutll, badly-vontilated cells, it scents a miracle that we did not perish miserably on the Wily. (1110 or two emaciated wretches, bitten deeply by 0,,l+onure and consumption, did succumb, while the re - milliliter of my companions dwindled gladunlly in nunilo'rs as we crawled tor- tuously from station to station --•prison to prison—over the barren leagues be- tween Russia in Europe and the confines of the empire. Akauti, a decrepit vil- lage at best, teas more than half buried itt snow when we--myself,1 i'o other pris- oners, and guards —arrived, after sledg- ing the last fifty -utile stage of the jour- ney. Rising over the town at one end was the gray prison, surrounded by high and massive walls, built, it is said, of materiel taken from the great wall of China, Half frozen, nearly famished, and wholly discouraged by the first glimpse of what ryas to h^ ntr residene:� fm• 111.01. 13' two year,,, 1 tent, 1(diged III a roomy ecll in company with two other prison - urs of hope. 1)uring the eighteen wretched months that followed, every spare moment we had 10113 spout in planning an escape, but so heavy was the guard maintained over the town as well as the prison, and 80 vigilant were the soldiery, that two years passed before n]•}• dream of escape came true—two yeas of drudging, unre- mitting labor in the silver mines of the region; two years of rigor and hardships which only the ntronge+t constitutions may possibly survive. Death, itt fact, is a release which on a dozen occasions 1 have heard welcomed in our exile com- munity there:--t;r''pnri (:ershuni, Bus - shin Social-Revolution:try leader, in Les- lie's \\'eekly. MRS. IIUNIIR'S STORY Says Results aro "Truly Marvellous." Mrs. I. Bunter, of 111 Raglan Road, Kingston, Ont,, says: "1 have suffered with kidney and liver trou- ble and chronic consti- pation for some time, I was subject to dizzi- ness, bilious .headache, nervousness, drowsi Hess, pains in the back and side, and a tired, weary feeling nearly ail the bene, "I tried almost every medicine, was treated by doctors and druggists, with little or no benefit. "I tried Dr, Leonha•dt's Anti -Pill, and the results have been truly wonderful. I an so much better. Anti -Pill is a moat wonderful remedy." All dealers, or the Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 603 Mrs. I. Hunter. Danger From Railroad Wrecks, The immediate and all-important ques- tion is not why the frequent wrecks are so destructive, but why they should bo allowed to occur in tine first place, Steel ears, of course, are better than wooden. ones, but there would be no complaint of danger from the latter if the number of wrecks could bo reduced in this coun- try to whet experience abroad shows to be the unavoidable minimum. The mere prospect of collision -proof cars in the dim future will hardly divert public at- tention from the tusk in hand, which is to prevent the consequences of collisions by abolishing collision.—Cleveland Plain - Dealer. Evc,:'','one Run Down depressed --with headaches, indigestion, con ipa- tion, boils, tumours, scrofula or other results of impure blood—can find speedy relief in Mira Blood Tonle. It draws out the poison from the blood and tones up stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Pure, safe, palatable—contains the medicinal virtues of curative herbs which ad in a natural manner on the system. Price, $1 a -bottle ---6 for $5. At drug.Dores—or from The, Chemists Co. VI Canada, Limited, Hamilton—'f'oronto. Be Jure to gel the genuine—ask for girds lriragaMaggr: TRADE MABs naaIsTEREO, A Work of Necessity. A minister of a rural parish in Scot- land observed one of his flock shooting a bare on the Sabbath. When catechising day come round, he questioned him as follows: 'Joint, do yon know what a work of necessity is Y" "1 do," said John, "Well, do you think shooting a bare on a Sunday It work of necessity?" "It is that," said John. "flow do you rnake that out?" "Weal, ye flee, meenieter, it micht be awn' on Monday!" was the canny Scot's reply. ISSUE NO. 6, 1907. MISCELLANEOUS. • Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syru'a should al- ways be nand tor children teething, it soothes the eblld, soothes the gums, area wind colic and Is tho boat remedy for diar- rhoea. DR. LE'ROY'S FEMALE PILLS A cafe, taro atw ret14&6 tnoblitly rgtnln. tor. Those °te nf Pills an nn1tmtbut tor tint 1Ul)) Ie doclgued, and are toren• tool by tiro :oaken rnuluno .temp for n'ulyd cltent.r. 1'iire II 00 iv/ box of rngg Yts i yr ey mall, securely mooed, on te.•)pt of Li0 110Y PILL, CO.. Dox 42, Hamilton, Caat*Ja 1 "rO M Mango, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured In a0 minutes by \Voltord'e Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by druggists. Famine in Teachers. (Forum.) Good teachers oro getting scarce. (Oltloe which exact a high i,i,indard of qualifica- tion find their eligible ilata depleted turd no immediate supply In eight, Thls sotto of things Is in a measure ncounted for by the prevailing shabbiness In tbo remunera- tion of teachers. Tho reverts are not such ne to Induce enough ambitious young men to invest their time and strength in a thorough Preparatory rur.rw0. The Increase of money - earning opportunities for working women has still further rcdueet tho Influx of desirable material. Tho sttuntion Is a serious ono. Thousands of efficient teachers leave school work every year for more remunerative labor. They feel that they can not afford the luxury of teaching. Mttvtnwhllo the num- her of lnoflcient ones must of necessity lu- creaso. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 4.4• How Tom Fooled the Old Boy. ''There was a feller in the town where my mother conne from whose name was loliil Cook. Tota 'tv'tss n pretty rough sort of a customer, and it was commonly believed that he was in league with the devil, and he wog, too. Well, by rind try, the devil concluded he'd like'I'om'e com- pany down 'below, So he culled on Tom early one morning and found Tom had just got up and w'a; dressing. "Tom; said he, 'you've lived in this town lcng enough. 1 want you to comp down to the pit rind stay with erne. So make hake. I've got to kop the fires goin' dow nthere, you know,' "'Then the devil took T0111 by the arae to burry him and make sure of hist. 'Porn didrl'5t like the looks of the devil, and the devil's fingers is'ore awful hot. Toni tried to pull along, and at the same time 'lie snick 'Weft, twit, can't you, until I get my genuses on?' "Tire devil looked him all over and then he grinned and he maid: 'Yes, 1'11 wait till you get your galuses on." "Ile no sooner said that than 'I'con threw the guloses into the fire. The devil Paw he'd lost his man and went off in great anger, and Tom never wore pale fuses agatin " New England llfagazine. Save Your earnings The difficulty often experienced of safely investing small sums, oan be ob- viated by securing some shares in a first class Loan Company, paying down prem- ium of Ten Dollars per share, and then obtaining 0 per cent. on all subsequent payments. Write for particulars to John Wright, Broker, London, Ont. References, Merchants Bank of Chnada, Ladylike Geometry, I, A straight line is the shortest din• Lance between two millinery openings. IL A straight lisle determined two bargain tables is considered bys prolonged both ways until the store' closes, III. A broken line is a series of, successive straight lines described by a woman alightiug from a street oar. IV. A mixed line is a lino composing the reception committee of a club's presidential candidate, V, A pinfrl figure is ono all points• of which have been neglected by the dressmaker, VR, Figures of the same shape don't always have the sante style. VII, Figures of the same size never consider themselves equivalent. VIII, Worsen equal to the same thing etre not always equal to each other.—(Nellie Parker Jones in Chicago Reeord-herald.) Perilous Time for His Majesty, Hine Edward had on Christmas day: Iters, one boar's head from Nephew William; Item, eavnlro and sturgeon from Cousin Nicholas: item, one peacock; item, one young swan{ Item, ono turkey: itens, ono "bnron of beet,' which Interpreted is two sirloins unaundered. God save the king! SULPHUR dlok for $TY MATCIIE3 FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, (HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. , WAX avatimaattrapassaaanonmaamasaanamasurautekuloratammoi'eame i� M. 1111.0_._.._..-•••••• O.-...» --- - ._.__4.1.11•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ea. b fiA1)• a►w `;;r C.,.•'ca Q:11, r ' C. I1. 1L Plain of J(4rduu---Lot ehoFe the' 1 1 f• 1 ""r--ttw i Dead Neil I A SQar, u , " 'r r - F ,.. 1 ' Jordan valley north of tho ea V ( 110711• the city (:F Sodom. ''Lor seems to • have had not11ing in vices but his teluel• ,' l 1)'s 1 1'1l' And U E,•.).1. WOULD Milli* wilt tV:S A rAMOLIS O(Js ILI.1.61 r+r'3 r♦( t,t K 1311'1' :S ;;i1IT IJ;i►V.J 13Y HIS SISTER- Nr, Wm, C. Edwards, P,D.C.11•A•O.F., P,G, Iill (01111 II11 II(1 111111 ad% 111111 it(' I 1 i U U 1 110d P. l'.u.A..ihej,hel'd», elle of the 1 TERN: T10I`}A hit; home in Peter in., Toronto, ho 4a1d.— !n January of I y , " '•' " ' 1110VL widely known noon be I101011y sueloly 'ri r 1N-L!L1'l, "'f : cu4lcy It 16 ►,u4l b : to 1I4uet, le ttto subject i.,l„ 1'. u, 'r, '111' isu:1,•,t• ulld here i4 1.14 experlel4U, IatelVletl•o(I at It. ll I 1'I I„t': I r. 1` 1 L LIr.' ')i VII,—FEI3, 1 444)1 41)jIItr( 144(4 ILO charade, of the in - 7, n• fJ i habitants, 44(44' dolt( 110 app's' 10 osllle:ls t y#10 t c 7' t0o7, all)* rclnctafce tit l'av'ing Allrnnl," :y 11e11son. 1Veti water'41 l ht's \4:1" y'r;. 'I , " „ last year I cul the middle ..,3:':i (:hlie'-. :r;;m, Xill, 1-13, Idll 1U1'lillll 411 ]'71511'1'11 countries. 110401'(!• • !''•1 1' ,u; ,,.,(i 1 • •,,+11,1 ,at.1, finger I;t toyI:ft hand euveAlly' wad bloa,1 1 (PRONOUt1(:aa 1,I•I(G::.I:1 1 i I `, l 1"•i indult k,.l. In. ►1'110 hound way, (;u very 1':,:r.nlci,4 tl ‘.•- 4. Al. tali' 1'ctull:s to destro`:ed - -Ifte1 these cities' wore tit ”:•1',"", l,et e. 11.1,4," painful' bat 1 could not use the whule hand. 11'(4'('(I the face elf lite country 11'ad it * • . . - „41 • 1 :l „ ,,, ;.L'.1 I . )I. 4 ,,: mulch began to swell and inflame. i con - Canaan t4:,. I. l), 1. fill (Ail of Egypt 4i,rod ('70'(411 (4f die leer( ---The melt ‘lse4'1 ' ltat 'I';•ay.►tA' ..., l:uned one of the leading doctors id -Toronto 1 1 ('s under 7114 caro, 1!1 1;..: l:tn;;I.0;.0 !•; ;'••' ,,c\w tat! dirtt'ti(ll 1„%1,1 l.'',':4 Ii14111 Ler tldli op.., al I)c•1 t:', I.,! 4;i ...In a 1'4.•4yi11;i Cuufflf'; ,.1.d l+•, il.l\villi' \\U11l,; 11:111' t(, 4!s:••L.1 eh ll: \\;'1' ti. l!,1' I111ly ('11414)• tl'y !'f .:t:I1, 4. -..l•ta., •f.gyp1 11 as not the p.r-'' ''i I;ua'. pl'1'ren'l) ; 113 ('1st 1444)41+ 111:11. ,711'11 171 81111: ti.ili,(1'. .lhtllllt hal: (.0 nfllf is I',;: 4.1. '1!11! 4uttlil -Nut the —.lit. Oi .I',;r ill, 'oat the :iota 4'e• 'i0::.). 1'tl:o-, 4Ue, .1 curtain part of tile 1, cental,V wit.. ended tile south before the • ,.f t.1.' patriarchs, \, , r y rieh--AL`rnlu 11101 Lot had both 'oven 44g.leatly prospered and \vire \'ry rt, 1. 'lIto property of these times did not consist in floelcs only, but also in si!Ver 1001 gold. ":(;1)raul \vas very rich, ' null yet very religious, As piety is a friend to outward pro:,perity (1 'Pial, 4. (4)11.V.' 4I l prosperity, if well man- , ,Thea. tee, Let had no regard for spin• aged, 14 an olnanivaL to piety, itltll 01)- poi p t11nl 111111 3 bttt decided wholly 4,(4111 poi I puit;: a1f doing so moot the ` more ,the hl,uulpuiut of worldly' nllvlulfr r, R(4'ul." "'I'll, dnngrr of ,7(1104 rappel►rt, '1'1101• separated --Il is not thus \ritli the prominent',; here, in the very first ease rides of gl'nce or of glory; 'the in which riches, 414 such, etre aneutionpd' 1 have of deal the closer it 4(4411 3 u+. --- --L: —Lange. Fuller. ,1, On lits Jotn'Itcys--Literally, "jour- 12. Pitched, .IOWIII'd Sodom ----lie, ad - .m.‘" :.:1'.1113 '•t1) putt up." ".An expos- \anent toward it till he came 11440', 1101 sloe. peculiar to the honutuie life — a was pr11b111)1y p).('Vtiited from entering by pulling 0p of tent -pins, breaking up of the \cell 4:11ott•no character of its inlclbi c4144 44 41),41 moving fm'\rard,"-._'ferry, tante.---Leale, ile who keeps bac' (mon- ]',v4,► to ileth•el--.lbrlun returns to the pony, indulges in doubtful pleasures, or place (4t 417 altar711 !f'thc'I, la lik'ul:ul allots vwrouq all selfish alts to tur- ner ('h1L,tia)l hattl•'nleuts cluster aground' iluonee h114 44(44 is pitching lis tent 4o- the:l' 044.1141)4.. ---i 141!1•, Nothing can I wn1•(1 S0410in. The only safe w'ay i. to Hal: fy 1:1,11, Til )'(';('11'1100 to 11 \\'(I11'111•l'1' kl'.I'1) 1411' 111\'ay front till) and sear to or a hueksliner, out hi," being c ntirety (rod. \1.o are commanded not. to keep ,051,,,0(.---t; i!. M. between 11(111.1'! and. ; company with wicked people who di•lIey ltui . -st:11,Iey 1v'II 41e,r1ibes this point as the word of God. See 1 Cur, 'v. 9.11; a conspicuous fill, it, 11)pm0.i1 stion»i1 Ile.,. 144. (I, 14, 1J, '•I'vil L'OIantll11i;:a• resting on the 1'.17'1:y slopes, and dl . 1(0115 corrupt good 111a1►11e1's" (1 (-:(%I'. '.4'. 1111011i(110(4 1,v 4th (di1.' 144.0'.'' •i offering i :33)' r a n::;ur;ll 1.:' ,) for `.lr ;411:4,, a:ill 4t fit- 1 1'i ic!:d and Fullers ---The Ines of tiiii ',{Tulle 1 t,1' the 11'itt of 1!l' p.it.liaFell. 'lah)Ill I'd'le 511:114117 Cl the first ll)1l - ,iL:L+ 4, ('1:110,1 4)11. • the Lord-- Illtlidl'. IIl'lll'y. file greatest, depravity '.l'llltt ilmll!ler, 11:0:'1' than :414 (Ittli!l:ay pl'a\'• I; "lien fo111.11 711111)111,st 41o' inhabitant`., era h,! :Igniu ('t 4b!i,iu',l pu!ni' t'orsllfp Of the alert. fertile (ands. I,ot has :11- .nt, 1111' (Id altar, 114 retained to a cl)ser belt into 141'. 4.'01V s',11 - vortex of 1444 and l)In)phenly.--.liul'phy. Lot close the 1':0)1' \t'ai : 1,111 Clod, ! +. pally of sinners. "(-)lie 13 safe with wick - (1. 'fl'I114 Itln,,ll! tI)' h('t'(t'ln411 (vs' ed 111011 51) 11)111; as lie 15 el4dea\•nring 117 ii -'i), .i. \\1141 .\bane --It seems plain . m:tice thein 1•'°11)1, Ina t3 newt safe when ') \' Lot \1.1114 Ilut borne (4IWhr(1 rather by, A4)100114 1111144• 1):t) ,r ('2 1''t3r ii. t;4 Ito soon `'Lr ani' (met) tied t' IIItple t!s:ul by his own faith tainted in his Own character and he 711 God. --C. 11. 11..:Ind yet 1.ot waft a , lost everything, first, by t•ar•and thetl by goad null for 4) ri lit1lns 'mill was vex' , the flames. Immediately following I,(!t•'s '" •; 1. „ 1.1 ':I :u„ ., aril Ion two pointer, ra , Gin of die garden of the L(nr11 slum" cif Tilon,C 4 11%'11 Cc. 4:;' ", The wound got no better, awl ou'.1 dny the 'n'W the I roil4tion,i of 1',)11'1) still lingered " ' ' ' ' ! doctor said, •'1 dwl'1•ds, tho only th1:1g 1 call III lht' thoughts of 111011, and Lot's 1'1'(4111 'f 1TO'ti1'i \VI1011on't. l:r;,'\ \t U',I 1.•Nell"' . 1 I „, ,''Ti 1114' br„li,l'1'- du with this (4 444• 1`', 11.1ie it off. I dill r r is. ono AMR!, It 11,11"? (1rct )oiiIlli: I' S'I' i ;,; ,' 4. 411 ..44,. , d.i.4 1!11' .11; y' 41('V('( he 1'(11.0(." '1'i 1S We9 4)04. very pleasant ujuln'r) 711 Lle valley, of 1110 Nile t4utlltl r 1 1, i i11.'4414, and at till( Lin' the agony from the 110, ,1, VII() d,) k111)tV N'.Int a r1','•I:I'' 1 iii, . ,1 is Il IC;: 1I •• I'')nl.l. wound true terrible nu l Ole HWellfug (aflotu- matiou extended right up the arm, 1 went to Ole another doctor owl wilt, Under hia treat- ment for some weeks, Ile then told mo that ell he ec.uld do for 4)(e was to eta °port lht whole finger end serape the bone, which 7111 said 'had !Ream,: dlsel(tse(1 through blood poi• 440ning. 1 went away to think when 1 wuiti'I have the operation, and met It friend who, ,• boating tbu details, said, "Try 'ham•1uk be - tor., you hale it taken off!” 1 did fro, 1 bathed the wound and applied some of the bnhu, and that night 1 got a 114.411 sleep. Next morning the wound began to brae(, whereat;, before it had only discharged 1 pe4. '('bat was n good Fig!). 110 1 W1:4)t m1 with the %11711-11110, it termed to 1:.410x110 it and draw t'ae 80(011E88 completely away. Within a few days I could do away wall t14.' Fling In which I hall carried tho hand, (411:1 in a few weeks' time there was no trn,'e of the wound to be seen. To -day my Tia;a'r sound ea a bell, whereas, had 1 not 041311 %n:n•iluk, I should have been a finger les'. 1 paid over $:`0 In do1)ors' (4 e.', 4(11(1 wh"n 1 think 0f ti:e trifling cost of Z.un-Iiult 1 am amazed at Rs w•ondlrf(11 value. My ex- pertonce should he!;) other ruffcrert4, so 1 (10 not 11111111 you stating the (Acts." Per all poiro1ed wounds, ehloulc sores, ulcers and nbseesses, %arn•Ilu;( Is (specially' rultoble because of Its 111th antiseptic powers, If you haven w0uod or 4orP whlell has defied all ointment and salves, It Is a case for latn- Iluk. %em-Iluk e.lso cures ecze013, 11 h, s^alp (40,'1.4, ringworms, blotches on the fuee cid body, chapped places, cold sores, piles and enlarged veins. As an embrocation it curers rheumatism and selalica, and rubbed over the chest relieves the tighttios.'1 duo to severe e01118. All store, and druggl t3 nell 4)t fA cents a box, or post trot) from the Za)n-Ilulc Co„ Toronto. 6 boxes for 12.,0. Hill 11nil l l ' t l --lobi son of Om 1 1 ►Tuan u! co 14 , i and What it (lova urn 11imp, i' `I I' ( I , well I.'reI Jordan 401!1)" to the loud 4)f 34. I ; „ ,'u! ,:41 Egypt. 'Terry. Zoo!. :Rather %111, Not '-"4;0,41 it 4) their 1)01;1 Tal; 04,10 ...• ht, ,70;1'(4,( Ir, 11,'1 i t and pernomeittl cure of a )1 .n.. , i but %t,'e border 11(11(1 ('f E!,w )f ,, I throat, chest, lung and st4sllll,el, mesal'( 11141 01(441, near the (lout 111111 tr u;nle3. It la a t 'iratit}r, 4 1','!1:0 \';lllell mice ntl'1' ched iter(4rN front 1111' • t' t 11 dseie e le. 1; 4:111.1 OM 7,oar mill' (10 Dead Sell, t)) which r4) I., . ! ... 0,)' ' II.. -1.! h• e.' ,, 411:4 :.he 11141 Lot fled after the destrnetiun of So. THOSE \,,,,n 1140 it are be' -ng •l1lir!ti 4 u' Ate 111), 'l all t, 4„r OF SPAIN. .Mediterranean to the Gulf of Suez, %or inn' I entt'ny ing n ,1 ... 11,')11( and 4ystlm. It is a N(4n , .1..1 i is i' :e at r'u.cl:ers as She Drives in was the garden land of Ealy ►t, through 1,(74(4; not system building remedy, 01.. which Lot and Abram omit- uU'ly have is a certain cure for ( Park, passed, which fact makes the reference natural 1'eluubct _ fl)I1G/t3, Bronchial t"or,p;a;, II.,,irill, Feb. 4. Sumo' alarm MIS 11. I,ot eho:,c--Tho (41(0iee was selfish. ,,,:, GI'.lpi'B, Chills ar.d 1:CriEr, ('11'4)0''! here the other night by the re.• Instead of l-eetlil • taking the hest he •„+ ifflcult nreattl110 , 1 port, that throe ,11-picion=-L,ul.i1,g Tien I greedily ^ t' .Iss p I had exchanged -11')1. \11141 1111, !:eepcl1 klonld have been geuor((114 toviu'd his Frlc:rimonia, . General Wealf1 ev.1. of the royal c;taU' 4)t I ;I ,u n' ::un u) wlelo who had done 4o touch for him. 1 r+ that Lot was from the very begn itlg hl (.411)4)1(1, thou (l 1114)4)11 ed at the ungodly deeds of his neighbors. ' choice the Lord made several great' pr,). 6. Not able to bear ----'('heir flocks and , tlli1e1 to Abram (vs. 1 1.17),-' . herds were so numerous that there was • 1'1LiU'l'ICAI, :1.1'1'1.1CAT IONS. not.:,llfficicnt (mintage o1 water, .1'j,cnl 41),:1111 tree called of Gull to ]ease li 1 1114,'.• were (ether 4144 144 i41 the 11111)10 ter- ; country, kindred and flith'r'd 11041.;0' 411111 ri(or1', and to add to the difficulty the „o into a land 1441Jrh'he !c4)'\\' 11'41 ((1'11. lard 11:1(1 been iulpovo1I1hed by 1i(1 1.4• iii. 1). "Inc went out, 11017:11o\ying Illi cent ;:l'('at !:urine. substance \V.(S great they” (bleb, xi. 81. Ile listened to the ---.Is their f,llelllies :11)'11'ased it was lie'; co111111:111d a1111 to the pl'((l(Ii.se Gilt "5fi1'a- cc:; ary that their flocks should 1(1°1(10'” 10111 hclievoll (.111)1, and it was counted also, 115 from 1114)90 flocks Hey l'rIV(`(I , unto hint fol' 1'14;Illeue111l11'14'(Roni. i1'. 3). their clothing, fool' and 1:1'nik. vltany 1 "Ile btaggere(1 trot (It the promise. of (1o:1 alsowere littered insacr,l0'i1 to(roll, r I thl'ough ltllbCllef; 1111 141(3 4tl'ullg in Clarke. Abram \4.14 11,11,' n bind o ' faith, giving glory 10 God",.(Bonn. iv. mince, or s!:'ik; fol \411 i0:1(11 that not 20), God Commanded and :1'fm'iun obeyed long aft(, this Inc 11.41 :3L', hom'!-lyra (Gen. xii. 4). Every net Of ''obls,iivitee men of war ((len. 1.1, 1 -Il, ;Ariel'nlpli4' I brought a new revelation, ,Is,ogn as 11' at least 1,000 or 1,,700 p0'•14')r.s in his en- had passed the bolder land trite Canaan ea is patent Eli ell lints Ile ('11c:11llp'll, the Lord appeared unto Rini, ' ',rite a town of black 1-ent's'111k1(I, 1"e, 1, Abrnnt's position, "Abram \went ftp -- i'oloubet. 7. A st rif.--'Jlle occusino out of Egypt. ... tri Bethel,'...,.tt)Ito the of their quarrel Wats their riches.— place o1' the alta', ,vj'hicl► ho )ljf4 made Henry. "Prosperity is often a severer there at the first; and there Abraiii call- tlrt of faith and char 1':`,!w than is all- ed on the mune of the Lord"'','(n,, 1••11. verily. It is a 1iteltdy, pervasive in- \\'hen Abram went down into Egypt, fluence rather than a sudden attack ever a typo of the world, away frou) 141'. which can be ((voided, It lel' in this case thel (Douse of (lad) 1e tonna fear, sin, to d;t144:(•r of family gnl:rrel. Abt•a111'1i danger and rebuke. but 11e erected no faith triumphed, but Lot yielded to its altar, offered no worship, (4njjuyed m) power, and by it was brought under far communion, All the (lays a)t•ay front 117.; more dangerous influences." '1'11z guar- alta' were 10:4 dny:;, God could not; rel originated in their cngernor,a for the "bless him" • or make him "a blessings" possession of pasturage and for tine wells in Egypt. But Trod watched over him in or fountainss of water, Which, in that his wanderings. 41111(1 not oily delivered rocky, and region Imre a vultt3 unknown flim oil of Egytpt hilt 1'1(10' )t 'him 11:4('k to the inhnbitltnts of n country like ours. unto the pima, of the altar which lin had ,,Dwelled then in the land—The Perizzites mule at the int' 1. are not mentioned in the table of 1111- Its Abrams proposition. (loth Abram tions (chhp,•10), 'J'helt• origin is obscure. :and Lot 1t•(r0 prosperous (vs, 2-5) ''And '.Tile (110011(4llit('e were the original 'nem ....I !wit. littbstam'e' was great, s0 !that pants of the soil.—horn. 0601, These they ('1141111 slot -(\cell together'' (v:•0.) powerful tribes are mentioned, "1, To In the r:tri(0 bet 4.4een'th0 herdsmen of show why Abram and Lot ind lint lit- 111(l'.' cattle (v. 7), Abram, the richer laid tie pasturage. 2. 'l'o, signalize the int- older made a proposition to his nephm. propriety and danger of their •quarrel- to grille the disagreement, 111 this pl'opo- , ling among themselves, 3. To show sitio•ii the, glory of Abram's character 'tlnl`1.,Abram felt: ibnt the eyes, of these ;shinty, forth. 1t was 1. Peaceable. "Lot 'i1:n:1.el's \wel'R on him1, and that any there be 110 strife" (v. 8.) Metter -07001 1(14.43•104) on his part, ns the repre4041t:t- 11 14:1' carrying out of our plana:, however ,tive of Jehovah, would be an occasion of 1;1)0(1 trey may be, ill the sacrifice of self stumbling to them," --(10540011, , and ifs interests for the sake of pence III. Abruni's generous offer (\•,, S. 91. 1)1141 love, Abram SaW an occasion fol' 8. Abram sILid—Abram speaks (era',, His strife mat ali'nntion, 13y here force 'lie offer is wfke and generous, i l -le f 11.1;1 l('( , could have settled the question and sit - Lot take his choice, and then left God ('need Lot anis .his sfugry.servants, but. to choose for him.'1'li3 was heavenly tllstea(1 11e blenl(s flown opposition by wisdom, This its wlutt faith ever does; 11 kinduc s and gives the first choice of ;8,' allows Goll to fix its inheritance and is home to his weaker relative. In the al\%'ays 'satisfied wit'► the porton which biogl'nplly of St. Francis de Sales it 'is God givice,"--C. ''L 114, No strife—"`Pere recorded that n nun excused ,lierself to is a special' danger of quarrels in the 111111 for having spoken hastily to: smite family and among kindred, where there one on the ground that it 11113 in 'the is active work, bemuse there are so 014)4 ie of ,Illstlee, he. saint relllietl, many conflietiig interests among .therm,". "1'oti have been mare lust thaw right - For we are brethren (R. V.)—We are of the saute family, worship the ¢111110 God in the 'sante wp•y, have the 'sante-proul- ises, and. look fel' the suite fenih Why then should there bo. strife 7=Clarke. Tf we are brethren let us' net; and. love like brethren. 0. The whole litnd—The h1'ttt'en' ly principle (if Iforbenranrce nt'identli holds the supremacy in Abruni's breast. ;,-Ii<e. walks in ilio n►ornl' (1tnosphere of the Sormon 'on the Motmit,--lturpl►y. Separ- ate. 4 . L from. 1110—His proposal' to figur- ate arises from his love `ofpence, 'not; front any selfish regard to hos own in- terests,—•T,nnge, IV. Lot's unwise choice (vs. 10.13). 10, Lifted up his eaves.—There is it Maio in every man's history at which it will eq- suredly . be made manifest on ' what ground he i. regtin ,'by What motives eons, but we 4)4(1111d be More righteous than ,just," Madame Guyon says, ''541100 (1o1 -itis given ole grace to regard every. .111711); and 10'0 every;111ipg in its rehttiou to hhitsalf, 1' find, greatt facility in histiv-, 411;; the defects alai faults of my neigh' hors.. T h(1444 it readiness to please an4 oblige everyhu(ly," '2. ,l_;n4ejffill. "Abram 4117(1 .... I( not the.',4.VIlole land before Thee'; . , .. ,if thou wilt take the let hand, 1.1;011 t gO to the 0.) 1ty, right' t)tc;eh,oice uf,'pollt1011.loc;,a home lay with Abraill,, bills by the' high- er law of love he iw4ared it. He reeog-. 1141;ell the claims of brotherly kindliesis,. 11 C Lot's penalty (vs. 12, 13.) ,.,1)ocbts, loss 4)t first Lot lm41411 to dwell 4)t a,41,11e dist nee front Sodom, but gratitutlly.:Wits lmpclld by his spirit of se,lf•seel(in1; •'iwti lo4(1' 1,0 (1rtiWV',110nvir,1111(1 neltl'el•,,illl . e.,rptllc,hitis, Female Tronhl':a, I wi)tl the (peva o1' Spain and the Fickle Appetite, (1ue,'m mother were driving there Man- . h p day afternoon. The ((4011 1(111(',1 out to ' Sri call Voice, Itentorrhoges, I be poacher,, who, when -itiprised 1)t icepleasness, night Stveats, the keeper•, lire,1 at thein t% kik- en (1)4,1401 Ing to ei•('ape, Tho three (r(-'pn,1er, mere 0np11nr:! ns 1)10.4 "110 cli)lbtmg the estate's 11011111Th"' trail. he is•'aetutitedi' ned 1)ylwhatl object's he 'til frolft having* pitched his. tent toward, is animated; thus it'\Vat3' \\'7111 Trot. --- Sodom, we fhfiUty discover hint 1.0 ,001; 1.1:: rousneSs, ,. Consumption, i 1i;.Tarin, Catarrh of the :.,11i:E:rlili, Stomach. 1,11 these diseases aro serious in them. ' el ti i'3, rind if not promptly cured in til,: ,ries t'tage1 are the certain forerunnoN4 o; ("0.(Fnuipti0n in its most terrillt, Queen's :iealth Good. 'session, Feb. -4. The Birmingham It,r '!lino conquers and cures .'l,ns, I r•• 1 Post says that. 4(J'raino 4menl.•s have 11,11 iu,l:, but it is touch easier and 0;)t:" t. 0111,• leen 111:01' fur tN(4 h4);dish 110,407 l•rcvent its development by using 1' 10 attend thy ()liven of Spain during chine, here is a sample Of thln(sas.!4 of , 1114' aeeuu'hc'nl'nt ut 1.l" '11'! of 4o!untnrvuu(1 uusolicitcdstutetncut3from Telt- a,•., for the ii—eintnee 4)f an 'ply all over Canada: in1nt I':11:261i doctor. 'vlo has nor" Dr. T. A. Sloomin,',tntlted: than untie all.'ndea member- 4)l' the (lentic)uen,—1 feel It my ditty to advt.e :'4,' ' F.m'atsh Royal fa11111N.. f the l(n,ntrkable fine affected by your 1'-c(:1,,u' i 1d4irow I'roul royal and 046)1.11 9111 1' 111111 Oxuluulrteu, \vhlch have ,°1111) ural.', 1'I1 I i"elso,,111 observation, Three mets, well known 1,, i ler.; in \ladl'id give 1 he beat ne(O11111 4 11,', Albert Townsend, 114170) Iii;wen and .1.'1.,4 , pv,s-lie of the. t; ll"4)'d health. !$, 4 11v. ell of helburne County, were p.», s;,ill::red 1( the best ill"ileal engin to h,,,.. j 1+P ehe,4:rlpt!etl 911'' to be !boilable owl 1•‘,.,-e,', ,'',. 1 WAGON PASSED OVER 11I111. r" a :.'t :!44'11,14) aid, 'I'lu'' a ';.I 1,.....;:,,,, .,,l' a4(.114nl'I'(el Ilan OW), ate I4'rt4' i') cog,I 1,4 L '1. 1 1e' (t a dNy 1 Iwo to '11114••'1' 0 hare,"1••- I . Son' of St. Thomas Man Dies as Result elate the...two for the IC, wit 0:.•4..1.1111,;..11 item ihi.1 terrible (IiAeasr• ! of 1743 Ii 101704. Yours very truly, 1 ,; , Thonia+, 0111„ despatch; 'Me ;ix• 1,1$ANI)Elt :10T;f:';7.fF, ,t r', Urr,:n i1,.rb',r, N'; I teat' -111'1 -•ill' ,14 l yrs. Hart -ell. oh.. 1'e.•('ilille, pronoun'(',} 11-4..'en, is .f'Ir , live; itht (Ult'ii11l ei the l•it!. 141111) , all ap to date d4"4l'r' C r ur daxl last milt Hoar the (f t (t, 1 a 1 t:`,'rtet'lll store cannot 1'.pf'!v accident, 141)1(11 took 4(1110' a few T('' T. A. Slocum, limited, .170 hours before 011 the road bofure Tris '"' "4 reef. 11,'(...t. Toronto home. .\ fal'11(1'1' with !t 10;01 III wood , was passing, :and the little buy eacg!.t on the side, :and was thrown mall'). the the 11.11111;• and itis unhappiness was but wagon, 14114'11 pa'>'(l over him. '1'111' the 4.0rkin, out of, ,that In\\' \v11dell 4111141 tit's picked 111, in n dyingi:- 141in;1". 11,4 lll'1a1'il,; lite effect follows 111e 41.:11, sti fel'lll(;' terrible :1!!'1,11; 111;11 ('alise, tile penalty its a eint:i0ljuenee of (loath came, t 1'011's -cluing;. 44-9 FIR.!_, IN ASYLUM. • i3ALDWIN WORKS AFIRE. Two Hundred I:13a1e Women Rescur,d Million Dollar Blaze at Philadelphia LestThrough Fire Drill. 114)k1 oat Night,. ' New 1 4) t'hilallehthi:l•- I'4),' Feb, I, Fire '',.rl4 t(•na" in 4,110 of the latild i:o; of the I.•oi" I'd (11-! 4I(,,"1i:ll at Xing', Park. wl:ii'h 41,1140ll"with the 0x41044011 in the 1, I„ 411 t'h4c14 ty,o hum'Ircd 111'811", \yn- palint .shop' de43troye(l one section of the men. 1111 411)1(14) ea.,e;, were g11nr\Yu!. big llald\yin Locomotive 11'orl:•s to- tau 1)I'h':'tl ih' eases. '.' ui the fire night, enliiiling ' a' loss of ; 1,000,Cflf), drill all •44'4' . get cie H4' the burning (civet°( by iusu4444100. L14tldtng safely, • About 1,000'men \sere employorl in The fire thre:'1enc,4 11) 11,;4,(4" th'' the burned bililding, which \va-c five,yt(n'- .,4 14(4'' (la 440 ftr;) alarm all the ing ey4 high„gh, f i but all 8l1CCl'C(1Ctl 111 ',:cap 1)1l'41114'14 gine!.11• 1•:''pu1111ell to the fire ; , , drill which they hate been required 1,11 'I he 1l':1,18wi14 lovoinotiVe wo•kn I+ 1,110 largest industrial plant in the United exec117' twice a wet+. 'The damage was States turd-employa 18,000 men in this :;mall, t/e i131nc5 Lein: cul4rtaed t) 0111' city and nearly 10,000 in department, at T.e144St011 and. other places. CALGARY'S NEW 'STATION. C. P. R. to Build Two Hundred Thousand Dollar'Structure. \l,nireal, Feb, .4, ---Calgary is to 101)1•. ---- W n S MARRIED I11T CANADA. Londoner Kilted by Vlell-Known Cricketer —Jealous, Says Wife, London. Fels •I. -.1 eerunt'r's ,jury ,chinned it verdict of jnstifinhl' 11unli- ejde in the (:'' 111' \\'illia11l 111.0wll. !i:;\;'' :f now Canadian Pacific. Railway agtr(1 117, n e,ultirr, wlo ittvicis (hnll',1('1l- n st:tli,'i4 , to 0''434, 11200,000, \\r1141O this t•4w lolled I,y \l'illi:an Ile,lk, ' w1 :i.,(11.0% al cart)" ntt•i;clure for It station,lolo\t'n cricketer, on ,•,:ttu'day. I)1 ceasel1'4 it is explained 'that Calgary its u clivi• willow 1:nili ,.n(' nun'ried biro iu l'unnn14 ,Tien:;) p•lhlt of the system, uud at, the 1)4 4c: 1.:: aro. She slated dart llrown prg-e!It' .tinx' the divisional offices, are wits in1:ln(ly ,jea1011s 1)f Ik'st\ill:, Ilruw•11 3enllo!;!(( in different buildings through - 4 was found dead after a quarrel, ttltl lily 'Sly. ; ill the buildin;; \vill be , ~ (t+t famine districts Inness immediate aid .filth ill pray 1111111 all argument can d0. u id; : of i i(t 5 for the general super- DEATH LIST Ir;B. I Then ono person 1*oes to another one 1'., i, nl 1 mlh'nd'nt, leen superintendent, pros MRS. MftU R GUILTY. JURY RENDERED VERDICT O?1 SEC- OND COUNT OF INDICTMENT. Coar.sel for I'afcndant to Make Applica- tion for a Reserve Case— Denied Charges Against Her—Doctor Fined for 'Being Late. Toronto despatch: After being out s,L; hours the jury in the clue of rs. Lil- lian Miller last night rendered a Ver- dict of guilty 011 the second count, that of supplying drug for an improper p!)r• pose, The jury (lisagree1 on the first; count of the indictment. namely, eau,- ing drug; to be taken by Mrs. Agnes Bridant. who died in the Bristol apart- ment 'buildings from septic poisoning, her death resulting in the arrest of Edmund Bridant, her husband, 1411d Mrs. Miller, who was practising as the Dr. De Voss Medicine Company at 210 (2110011 trot east, '1'Iie former Was acquitted on :t charge of murder, llrs, .hiller was tai;• en to the jail last night, 11 is likely that \ir, John Godfrey, 11^1 counsel, will make npplieati014 for a 11e- set've. ease, on the )4round that the la':• tors found in possession of Urs. Miller and 41l her office should not have Leen used 113 evidence, Mos. 'Miller is liable to inlpri4olunell( for two years, She to- ceivo4 the verdict very mildly, and chatted with her husband and counsel for a short time before being taken to the jail. If the application is granted Mr. Godfrey twill 'ask to have her bail renewed. Mrs, 'tiller was the only wit• 1104343 called by the defenee. She denied alnolutely that she had practised as a, surgeon, She declared that 4311e simply sold the remedies for different ailntants, but never made a practice of selling them for improper uses. CHINESE FAMINE. FOUR MILLION STARVING—WOMEN CRUSHED TO DEATH, Washington, Feb, 4.-1url•1101• serious consequences are expected in the Chin - Working With or Against God? Gt'I, vi, 8; Matt. xxv, 30; I. Cor, til, 10.12; Hob. 1, 2; Matt. vii, t,6; lea. xxv111, 17; Ront, li, 7; I. Cor. xv.,, 173; Philip, 11. 10; John, xv'fi., 3; Matt„ xx(t., 14; Acta, t,,, 8; Rota. x„ 14; Luke xi„ Zi; lea. vlvi.; I:ph. 111.; isa. v111L, 1:1; Zech. iv., 6; Luke, xl., 13; Rom, vi1(., 8; John 111„ 3-8; Luke xvi,; :lfteah, vt., 6-8. Ewell for weal or woe la living, Each some lutluen.eo doth wield, That unto him the future Shall a certain harvest yield; Ile that sowoth to corruption Must, by law, oarruptlon reap; He that 040tH not bis talent Shall lu outer darkness weep• Gold or stubbio aro you building? 1'ro.:i0us stones, or wood, or hay? W111 your work endure tho tire Of tho coming trial nay? Aro you on tho sura foundation Josue Christ, tho tooted stone, Mighty hock of all the ages That led up to Him alone? Mon tho wind, and floods have risen, Raging tlorcely through all lauds, Woe to thom whose building stnndetll On unstable, shifting sands; On the sante of woalth or power Human favor, human creed; Naught have those avallod the builders In the tfmo of dlro need. If on Christ you stand, your safety Is assured you by the Lord, But if refuse you are building, you will lose a great toward; •0ba.n„otess t;4aude the Great Foundation *As in shadow-tolf1lo shown, Ilut all works of pride and orror Shall completely be o'erthrown. Rlughteousncss shall be tho plummet, • Judgmlut just shall bo the line, Perish shall all chaff an error. In Cie tiro of truth divine; Retribution hath no teeror, For the °nos who sorra their Lord, Olory; honor, fucorruptlon, Lilo eternal their reward. "In Ohriet" God designs to gather Alt la earth above, below, To be "!m Film" recreated "Dvoryon'e the Lord shall know;" 'T1s eunrnal Ole to know lltm, 'Tis salvation to obey; God 1n Christ was manifested As the life, tho truth, the way, You aro called to hotp the glorious And most blessed c0 nquest on, To Do beacons in the darkness Whore tho light has never shone; Unto souls that Imre not known Him, Who are groping still in night, You aro calked, y,ou aro commanded, To be unto them a light. Witnesspe for Christ, the Saviour Glorious privilege to be; Make deaf souls to hoar Christ's message, Make blind souls their Saviour see; Meanber» of the Christ exalted, Foot to follow far and near, Ilulds to help and tongues to teach them, JLow without you shall they hear? And except they hoar, how shall they On tho Lord of itfe believe? Ought we not to give as freely All of Christ we did receive? It not gathering for the Saviour You aro eoattering abroad; Yet the work will be completed, For all-powerful is God. Not by might, not by an army, Can this victory bo won, But by spirit of Jehovah Who hath willed It shall be done; Claim the promise of the Father, Ask 111s gift of tiro so free; Not until thou can you obey Him Nor for God a workor bo, Iu the dny of compensation, Resurrection of She just, 'chore shall be to oath requital For tho work Ile did entrust; Will you stand before Him gladly Having labored for I-11m here? Or yield up your To depart to darkness droar? Will )'oil b among the .number Who like UIvea plead and weep When excluded from Christ's kingdom By the chasm wide and deep? Now why should you? For God's platform Is exceeding plain and broud.— "l.ovo ye justice, prude() mercy, And walk humbly with thy God." •It is said that tho 'fouud'ation stones of Solomon's temple have never boon disturbed. God's covenant stands unchanged. (Written 111 1834.) Prayer Encouragement. . A groat deal of able argument has 110011 made for mutiny years to show that God 111114!01'3 human prayer, and also to net forth the utility of prayer. But it is 4.401111v of 11010 that there i3 no set argument in the Bible in favor of prayer. 'l'u're is. however, very 1111.1011 encouragement given in she Bible to all people to pray, and to pray cmltinttally. This is a great deal better than mere argument. One answer to prayer doss more to encourage a person of weak is forthcoming, according to State 1)c I ,ttllt asks hien for n lunch needed farm, "'Ter agent and freight d.».... lents Fire in Saarbreucken Nhne Now Under I partnu:nt 0(\:444. Outbreaks 4110 of daiir and promptly receives it, he is Llereby f of the (14417:7110 and other Offices, I1, Control.• I occurrence and 4111 epuleuue Is feared by' ; encouraged to again go to that one 'for sill he of '4:11 e:utd•;t'me, an(l. 1;11 s4) c',4) ' 'n F'h. I, It i; immune- relief workers, Grout conccnitration some benefit., and 1110 404°0(1 successful r^e tel ay to ri'nl the finest r'til\v,ly )nalbl(il`1' th mine 4174. i camps have boon formed in the 041111 of a91cin4Y 1;ir(a a still greater encourage - • ` '1'' ' • ed -hitt OW drat I IN 4)l (' stations,' on the continent" aster at Sl, .Initnnn-On•Saar yesterday, 1 Clina, there thotsand.s of refugees li\e Ment. It is very much so in reference to 'der (1v\ 4111 conditions. the examples of successful playing which s in c. 1 made In i the Bible gives. In the New Testament cost $20,000 dash se feed the 41,000; examples of access ed prayer, which 000 persons who are starving, are quoted from the Old '1.'estnmenL, uud The g»1•er, three is selling grain11011well arerllt reason for it scents to be for the l;4Ut Wh0I'Cver 41. can, Tn Hsi 011011 Fo, ene0urage11:ont of the readers to keep on food. cenlber, tln•oe or four \s has were n ink, oven under the most discourage clt(sll2cl to (Cath in the mad rush for i l4, conditions, It is stated that Iaijwh food, The price of vegetables has doub \riffs of 1111' same nature1Iss that bolt ETI in led turd coal and coke costs more than New Testament sant times were, and ie pray - over 1104°,4. ed that it might, not, rain, and for three +o and n half yenta it did not rain; tion SHOT AT TARGET PRACTICE, he prayed for 1'21411, 2111(1 it (1(1(440, 'That fact was quoted us a mighty encourage- ?rrember of Brockville Collegiate Cadets 144011.1 to the preying ones, uot:.only in Receives Bullet in Leg, apostolic Times, Out in 2111 succeeding . 1)ruek44ll', Unl'„ despatch: .\ pupil of tim0s. And call to mind inroweoften Cad n 111' collegiate Institute maned , Chris. Calm,(, by 0x11°,101}011, by 1 iegia ;1)11, and a. member 0f 'he ''1)l• 1)y' His byn exhortation, encouraged.His fol - after e .lnl111)11e cloth, was 144)01 1.443 IeWer,4t to pray,' 'Think of His piettu•e is afternoon \411440 the carpe w4), haring the Will 0t' and the tai1Etst judge, It s of target llractiue at. the Armory. Ile was especially r.dwpte(1 to the Cn9CH of Wren one ut' the asefi.14, and had gi1•'n 1110 discouragement, 11ecnu40 '..,answers oto order to 'case firing as 1L marksman prayer se0m to he long delayed, I p wa:s in the act of shooting. The noise lilies to those who think that it is use - ,:f the ' 413:laosi01 drowned his voiee so less for them to longer pray for, a cer- t.hat, it 0014111 not be heard at the other lain thing, or for anything1,. Christ en - end of the nage, A1oortingly (mother (40ut'ng043 such ones by saying that sane cadet 4:10ppe,t .forward, and, inking aims, things Will not be received by the pray - int, ing 01114 1111111 they have persistently besought (rod 1411011 everything seems to be against them, Remember the fact that, Satan sloes all that lie can to dis- courage Christians from praying, aft( Christ does all that he can do to give them the greatest encouragement to pray. • ' • 1, Il . I. Iire ;1 J. t a a 1 1l'•ii,..4r.'leih L d $1'der , ' (1 Stlul1d as 14'41611114 4112,# ho'nra nil; t' yon'rtlb the sore spot with • 4 i.'•.11U,C3 I,cCL`Ilh ;.13 It gives instant relief in 1111 cans of ;Strains, 1't•11i sC41 n11d t,\4c1:inF;s.—,dr:l\vs, the pain rlf1itt out ---• stl•el:trf.liens the v;0:114 back, f:.l:culd 01' kaon, \ Nether yoit have one hcrsc or twenty, accidents rare liahi(; to 'happen tory, time, :,veep a ,bottle of • F elbow ' Leemines Esselace handy so you (11441 have It when needed. ; ooe. a .liottle, At dcnlcti, NATIONAL DRU, & t HCM1PAL C0., .'.18 probably trill relish 1.113, ]' t rates hare beet 1 } that t The fire in tie 111111' is under con - will to trot, 4111(1 rescue work 1111; 1'ecolllille11ced. The injured are terribly mutilated. Seeh'`1 4)t the pit month are hart°\'. i)1''• Could Almost Do It, A So'uthe'rn \fairyland .1)01:itiein11, call- ing at We.. Executivle Mansion tut Almost - oils, found only Calmat') l'ilglunau, the Secretary of Stab)', present. "\Vhere.-is tl:'e ,lni'glh and ainLygillt, •" he 10941:',1'C'd-, •poill'ting to Governor \V':ur- 1 fields' desk, 4 1. 114111.,'' (:1154411''11 1110 "'l'a•(i'l;,u'y ill IL'[O11,e Of 1111'1(1 t'l'bltkt'. "'TIL'( ,i,linl' retry"' 444 011'0 mho eau lullke t'Q'l►t.:4{1111g out. 0l 11'01111.)ll , The Governor can't 41) tihat." "‘Vold, 1(0 (rune blamed 11.4441' il. '4,'.11,311 he made J'ilu 51111111 a ,T0 tlo' 1)i 'lac Pence down in our eolialy"---•-Ilu'h'luian. In Our Father's Keepi1t . (Chicago Chronicle.) Thou etnr of love that never sots, Thou friend who. falls not •nor forgets, Thy strength Is mine from day to day, Thy vole° will lend mo on my way. • Though clouds seem dark and storms betide, TY love le mine and will abide, Flo, fel' above all doubts or roar, Let me rejoice that thou nit item', FM, in thy strength n11 things 211•(1 done, f'I'he greatest battle may be won,, And in .thy loos nil ilf4' mvice he fired. "',' lit the meantime Cnrlet4)11 had .etep• ped to fr(1111 of the range and received the bullet int .the leg. , The Mall entered 1110' thigh, and,. taking a d-otvnward 000,40, 0111111 'o:11. 411, 1114 region of the 14110(5, The bone is lad,, shattered, 411111 It t-1uttg1rit;11e will unit, lu:se.,tlte li►nb. BOW PAGE ELGHr--HIE BL.YTH STANDARD CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard.,..., . sti 00 The Standard and 1Veekly Adver- tiser ..,, . 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit - nese, , 1 iO The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 835 The Star►llard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire, . 1 65 The, Standard and Hamilton Semi - The 'Times .. ... 1 80 Thu Standard and Weekly Free PLASH 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun....,.., 1 80 The Standard and l[amiltou 'r vice -a -week Spectator... 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and Toronto Daily News . ..... 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate........ 2 90 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Press . The Standard and Toronto Daily World . The Standard and Daily free Press .... 9 50 The Standard and Evening Globe J 50 The Standard and Evening; Mail and Emppire . ... . ........ 3 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire The Standard and Deily Globe... .Send all subscriptions direct to ')5 2 75 Chamberlain's Cough Rernedy The Children's Favorite —.0U RHO— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thle remedy h famous for Ire cures over a largo part of the civilised world. It oau elwaye be depended upon, It contains uo opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 26 as; Large Size, 60 eta. The County Counoil. The first sleeting of the new Huron County Council opened at Goderich on .fun. 2•!nd, '!'here was a full list of mem bet s present, John T. Currie, Reeve of East \Vnwunosh, was pro. 4 50 posed for Warden, and as there were no 1 50 other nominations Clerk Lane declared Mr. Currie elected, Judge Holt then performed the cere- mony of swearing in the Warden, and in a neat address congratulated hint on his election, Hu also referred to the new order of things under which coun- cil stet, and he presumed that seldom, if ever before there were so many IIOW members who had no previous experi- ence in the council, end he was pleased to see among the number old colleagues of his own in council snob as Messrs. Leckie and McLean. The Warden then cordially thanked the council for electing him to that honor- able position. (rho report of the striking committee was published in our last issue.) Messrs, ,\1t \1illnn, Camelot] and Jlilne tyere appointed it special corn mitt ee to revise the bv•laws for goy - erring the proceedings of the council, W, S. llciCercher, of Wroxeter, and Peter Campion, of Clinton, were ap- pointed Auditors. M. Y. McLean and Co. Clerk Lane were appointed members of the bocu'd of audit of criminal accounts, The arbitrators appointed at the De- cember session in reference to the pati• tion of certain ratepayers of the town- ships of East \Vatvanosh and Morris, asking for the formation of a now union school section at or near Bel. grave, reported that they had come to the conclusion that it new union school section should be formed and that the prayer of the petition should be grant- ed, and an award has been accordingly mune, The following aro the ,reports of the several committees of the council )u questions subinitted to thein '1'IIE STANDARD, BLYTFI, ONT. TURKEYS wA.INTTEn .We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particular's and state tluw many, you have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH, SOUTH. NORTH. 6m 40 3 30 Wingham 11ant m510 7 35 0 43 3 33 Wlnithant.lot. 11 00 7 2.5 6 52 3 41 Belgrave 10 50 7 13 - 7 00 'l 511 Blyth 10 33 7 00 7 14 4 01 I.ondesboro 10 30 0 52 7 47 4 2:1 Clinton 10 15 11 355 8 05 4 39 Brucetleld U 54 0 11) 8 15 4 47 Kippers 1) id) 0 11 8 22 4 52 Iionsall 1) 44 0 05 8 35 G 05 Exeter. ti 30 5 w 8 40 5 15 Centralia U IS 5 43 8 511 5 20 Cla'rideboye 0 00 ,i 31 U 05 5 :111 Lueaa Crossing U U5 5 311 9 12 5 :17 Bonfield 8 55 5 5 9 21 5 40 llderton 8 45 5 15 1) 29 5 54 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 U 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 1) 37 11 W Hyde Park Jct. 8 24 5 00 U 45 n 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are matte at Wing;hum for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin• cardlne branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderich branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto, Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections aro made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Some If's IF you come our way we'll send over- flowing values your way. IF you leave a dollar with us it's mere- ly exchanging the money for it's equivalent in 1 i'oeeries, What we send you will bo as sound end as genuine as the money. IF you aro a careful spender this store will appeal to you ou the scorn of economy. IF you are anxious to secure goods which aren't afraid of the closest scrutiny this is a good place to comp, It is a good place to come for every reason that makes ono store better thou another. Glad to greet you at any time. JAMES CUTT ]3L.W7LITH MONTHLY FAIRS 00..80 13 4 'TJ I Wednesday, January 3o, February 27, it April 3, All the leading horse and cattle buyer's are specially Invited to attend, Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. Sr.oAN, President, 1V . JACKSON, Vlce•President. , J, Lemurr KERM, Secretary 4' 4' Ic EXECUTIVE: COM 111T'1'EI•:, Recommended that no action be tak- en on the application of the Sovereign Bank for the county account. That, 350 be granted to the Saditariun for Consumptives at Gravenhurst. That the usual grant of $20 be made to the Sick Children's Hospital, That $15 be granted to the public li- braries. That 820 be granted to the Huron Central !''airs Assochltions, and a like suin to each of the other agricultural end horticultural societies in the coun- ty, That $25 bo granted to each of the Fanners' Institutes, and that each of the 'Traders' Institutes be given the usual grant of 325. '!'hat $10 be granted for flower pliant- ing around the Court House, That no grants be made to the Prison- ers' Aid Association and Salvation Army, although the latter hat a the sympathy of the council in their work, they are receiving aid from tho Donti• uiorl and Provincial Governments, That the application for grants to lockups be laid over urntil the Juno meeting and that. tho Clerk prepare it list of all grants for this purpose, giv- ing the dates of the same, That John Knox, turnkey of the gaol, be given an increase of $20 to his salary. That the usual grant of 25 cents per Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchidss, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. ab"a&e» Oneoryy TonLima rya troy that Mal of U for had enaba ma welds, tarp !twat"; swahmamaesMndoo ralVblwPi— t cows, I au II/de _ r at.Aso IPyrr.O.fliastaua►elmsii of 1iltsis f 1AISAPAVIU Pftl.L ro tte Pr man be made to the noncommissioned officers arid then of the 8,h'I1 regimeut while on duty,rovidiug the whole Huns dope not exceed$0 00, The report was adopted, ROAD AND BRIDUIC COMMITTEE. Recommended that the report of the County Engineer be received, 'Phut ell the bridlges requiring paint• ing be tightened up, repaired and painted. 'J'het the Bayfield bridge bo attended to ea soon Re possible, and Unit all small bridges he left over until the spring freshet, Thai the Engineer and Conn, Fraser examine into the coulpleint of Mr. Hemphill about Wroxeter bridge, and report at tow Juno inceti ig,', '!'hat the mettur of tin Port Albert bridge be loft for the couucil to deal with. (Council depicted to take no uc• tion as it was -dealt with at December meeting.) That the council take no notion in respect to a foot bridge on the new bridge at Bluevale. '!'hat Whiskey bridge at Grand Bend be rebuilt us soon as possible, and that it be assumed by the county, That no grunt he made to the M liillu;+ and Grey road as asked by Gov• uelock end Fraser. That the account of 310 for work on Kipper bridge be paid as soon as the account is presented to the Engineer. That the following bridges which aro asked to be assumed as county bridges —Rapsies, Cochrane's and MuMilhun's —be examined by the engineer and that he report to tho June 'Hooting, also that he examine all the other bridges asked by motions to be exam- ined by hint. That the approaches to Turner's bridge be granted, if Couu, Middleton considers it necessary. It is also recommended that the fol- lowing tenders for now bridges he rico cepted : For concrete work—Tylomas Sands', of Lochalsh, Kingsbridge abut- ments, 31.73 per cubic yard including excavating; l(lr. Sproule, Teeswetor, Hall's bridge abutments, $:3,83 per cubic yard and 30 cents for excavating; liomsworth 4t Eckmier, Ethel, for Bluevele bridge, 34 par cubic yard in- cluding excavating, '!'hat the tenders of Hill do Co., Mitchell, for tho super- structure of the following bridges be accepted : Bluevale, 32,290,50 ; Hall's, 8919.50 ; Kingsbridge, $297, Also that the contractors for the bridges be al- lowed the use of the timbers in the old bridges while building the new ones, providing they take down the old bridges at their own cost and pilo the timber on the bank when work is co pleted, The report was amended in the fol- lowing respects :— '1'o recommend that a foot bridge be erected to the Bluevale bridge, pro- 1)13vid:iU.iug; that the cost does not exceed A motion to aniond the report by Couns, Govenlock and Fraser so aH to recommend a Kraut of 851)0 to the pro= posed rolui, to be constructed to a flag station on the Guelph & Goderich Rail- way, between Walton and Monkton, was voted down, The following was added :—Where a now bridge is being built the Reeve of each municipality superintend the ce• 'vent work on the boundary line brid- ges, sled i11 the event of any Reeve not desiring to personally superintend the work he bo empowered to supply some other suitable person, and that the re- muneretion for such sot'vico do not ex - coed 82 per day. The report. with these amendatent6, WAS adopted, FINANCE COMMITTEE. Recommended tho payment of it Targe grist of accounts, and also having ex- amined the financial statement of the County Engineer and !IA that the total amount of. the payments anther- ized by him on bridge account is 32011, EDUCATION COMMITTEE, in reference to tho circular from the. Teachers' Association of Ontario ask- ing that a delegate he sent to the an- nual meeting, that no action bo taken. '!'hat the report of the public school Inspectors for East and West Huron be published iu the minutes and the cont- 'nittee desire to very highly compli- ment the inspectors on the very full, exhaustive and interesting reports they have presented, That the Warden and Gtlork mornor- alizo the Legislature on behalf of this council to amend the school law so that 'indeed of the salaries of public school teachers being graded in accordance with the assessment of the section, the salaries bo graded in accordance with qualifications and experience of teachers employed, Also tout the members of the Legislature from thin county be re- quested to support the said petition in the Legislature, That J. H. Cameron, of Brussels, and WA. Moffatt, of Seaford', he appoint• ed on the Bortrd of County School Ex- aminers in accordance with the motion of Clonus, Leckie and McLean. That the returns from the Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich Collegiate inati- tures have thq following amounts paid tlia respeuttve Institutes loss the fees of county pupils : Goderich $2,101, Olin- James '1igho lust week sold a filly for ton $2,148, Seaforth $2,924. That the claim of the St. Marys Col- a handsome price, leginte Institute for arrears on pupils from this county attending this Insti- tute bo paid, and the Treasurer mond the required amount, forthwith, together, wit h $47,87, the amount due for 1000. That Dr, J. F. Barrows bo appointed trustee of Seaforth Collegiate Iumtitute,, Rev, Mr, Gunu of Clinton, J. A. Mot. - ton 01 Winghum, and Frank Jordan of Goderich, The committee further recommend. that the continuation clays schools ret celve the favorable consideration to the, extent that the usual grunts be extend; ed this year. In reference to the inotton of Dl', Woods, asking that the examination centre be rotnoved to Bayfield from Varna be not granted as the representa- tive's to the council from that diatriet r commended no change and Vnfua is U.4RY 7111, 1907. Watch this space next week for a big surprise. more central and likely to he more con- venient to the greater eurnhel' of schnols. That the county grant to W Ingham High 8eleml be paid in like proportion with the grant Roo the Collegiate Indra• tures and in nt:cordauoe lean the law governing the seine The Conn'y Property Committee re- ported having ,visited the gaol, ar,d Hiding incarcerated therein four pHs- oners, one for irisartiry, two for va• grancy and one for asmmillt. They also, among other recommrndetious, recom- mended that the,1150 of the court honor, be riot given to Police Mugistrate Hutu• ber'for the hearing of pollee ease+ The report of the House of Refuge Committee, relating only to arrange• menta for edmiesiou of a couple of in, mates, was read and adopted, The Reeves ,,,of municipalities were given power, 'by resolut;nn, to get small repairs made in county bridges, payment to be made to the contractor by the municipality and then charged to the county, the said amount not to exceed $30. Mellott Levi Rands .is working with Bruce Medd at present, Theo, Dexter's windmill was badly damned by last Sunday's storm. Hazelwood Bros, have purchased a nice colt from George Moon at a good figure, Lou Peacock, of the 2nd con,, in- tends building a house this coming season. Wnm, Britton is getting the material ready for the erection of a new house, It will be a brick etructlire, Wm. Knox is improving nicely from his recent ilInose, He does not take readily to confinement in the house. •We hear that Low Farmham is sick at present, He is staying with his cousin, Hiram Fisher near Toronto, 'There is ..general dissatisfaction throughobt the township owing to the change In the assessor. The feelin; is that polities should never be conoid• ei'ed in such'nrattors, especially when the work has been so well done as it nae been in the past. W. J, Miller delivered to a Seaforth buyer on Tuesday a three-year-old gelding for .which he received away over 3400. It was a superior animal, On the sama,day and to the same buyer Jos, Reynolds sold an eight -your -old horso at a bi price, much oyer $200, Clinton. -The House of Refuge Committee of the Couuty Council mot here on Satur- day, Minton ddieatod Goderich at hockey Bore on Thursday last by a score of 14 to 2. Geo. 1V, '`Barge returned home on Tuesday night from Chicago' where he had been attending a cutter's conven- tion, Mrs. Elijah Townsend died on Satin, (day last after an Illness of several yearn, The funeral took place on 'uesdny afternoon to the cemetery hear Londeaboro where the remains were interred in die Wilily plot. Ser• vice was conducted by Rev, Mr, Cur• tie ire the Methodist church at Londos• boro at which the deceased had been a member for many years, Mr, Town. 'tend predeceased hie partner several years and she in turn is survived by several sons and daughters. On Saturday tuorning Inst what might have been rather u serious affair happened at T. '1',, 11 nrphy's, During the temporary absence of Mr. and Mrs, ,Murphy, their little daughter alone being iu the house, scene light wood which had been pieced in the oven ig• nited and fell to the floor, The flames reached up 511141 caught ou some clothes hanging close to the store to dry, For- tunately, just in the nick of time, Mr. Murphy's brother happened along and to extinguish the flames was for him but a (natter of a few minutes, hail he been a little Inter there ie no telling what might have happened. At about 8.131 IVednesday morning Mr, Champ, ropiesent.ing the Under. writer's Association, waited of Mayor W iltse, and asked that an ;darn' of fire be given mo that the might see how quickly the Fire Co, would respond and how well the fire engine would behave, The Mayor pointed out that the school children were all on the street,,, the husinees Inert were just getting down to business, and that an slant at that hour would be most unwise. Ile offer• ed, however, to give him any lost lie desired at a more reasonable hour, without notice to the fire Co„ and else drew his attention to the fact that the engine had been given it couple of se• vere tests within the past few days, Mr, Champ did not like being refused, but we (believe the townspeople will e11• dorso the action of the Mayor, Morris. John VenCarnp has purchased it lino new piano, Township Council will meet on Mon- day, Feb. 111h. Assessor Watson to ready to com- mence his annual round, Mrs, Frank Kerney is home from a visit with St, Marys friends, Andrew Miller, 5th line. has gone to London. We wish hits well, H. Johnston is making preparations to rebuild his house next summer, A number from hero attended the ball in Belgrave lastTuosday night, John and M re, Little were at Imonio to a few of their young friends one night last week, The roof was blown off the reran, shed at Wm. Oarniss' lot 14, 2nd line, The building is 2600 feet, The high tvinll of last week did con• siderable damage to windmills and barns in this vicinity, Alex, McNeil was elected Trusted in 5, 8, No, 9, es successor to Thomas Clark, whose term had expired, There was no service in Sunshine church Sunday on account of the Sacramental service at. Belgrave, New blackboards have been placed in section No, 8 school, which adds great- ly to the appearance of the school, Joseph Ileum', of Neepewa, Man., tuns a visitor at Jno, Watson's ou Wednesday and Thursday of last week, Wu are sorry to hear of the con• Untied serious illness of Win, Ferrero, formerly of the 2nd line of Morris, now a resident of Brussels aummommildianiseMMIIIMIMINelmmearamamenslinimmisellalulallile Rubbers needn't be filmy to be stylish; needn't be clumsy to be etenncbl needn't cost more to be better than you've been buying. They give you oublewearfrom everypair. Look for the trademark. The Daisy Rubber P4ople At Berlin Ontario One of the 2A9 Daisy Styles. Ask Lour Thisli3ht storra• rubber is made is the right toe -shape to 6t YOUR 'toes. Dr. Slocum's Great Tonic and Disease Destroyer PSYCHINE (PRONOUNOLO 111-KUN) Used in Thousands of Homes in Canada THOSE WHO don't know what Peychine is and what it does are asking about it. THOSE WHO do know what Peychine is and what it does are using it. They regard it u their beat physician and friend. THOSE WIIO use it are being quickly and permanently cured of all farms of throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles, It is a scientific prepare, tion, destroying all disease germs In the blood and system. It is a wonderful tonic and system building remedy, and is a certain cure for COUGHS, Bronchial Coughs, LA GRIMM, Chills and Mer, Colds, Difficult Breathing, Pneumonia, General Weakness Br6nchitis, Female Troubles, Catarrh, Fickle Appetite, Weak Voice, Hemorrhages, Sleeplessness, Night Sweats, Nervousness, Coniumptloa, Malaris, Catarrh of the Anaetnla, Stomach. All these diseases are serious in therm - Win, Little, of the 4th con, has selves, and If not promptly cured in the rented his farm to Wm. McMurray, who gets possession on March 1st, Mr, Little intends retiring front active life and will move to Ile.Igravo shortly, Jno" and Mrs. McCuic1eon and Miss Evalino, of Froi,isher, ate hero nu a holiday visit;fo' a few months. It is 7 years since ' M r, McCutchnun went West, his wife going two years later, 'i'hey like the country and have done well. In coining here they visited relatives and friends at. Toronto, perm, Iii: einHi' well ut Jo to Scholnbur'g, Tottenham, veorgetown 11eKay, alt ut tlhelburne Couuttyn wets Jpro- and other plAces, They aro welcome pounced by the beet ruallcel nava a byre visitors. !onMIUI tion, and to be incurable and be oral the reach of medical aid, Tboy toed Nye hie arid oxonnilelnn and they are now to good health, The Win lista hi 11 school opened I feel It a duty 1 owe to suffering humanity to R g I date theme farts for the benefit of other sufferers on January 7th, in the now building, trout this terribledlseeso. with an attendance of 150 pupils, Wen rerytridv, Harry Perdue ham sold i1 Ilan ober• LttAND1bt Melanin, J.P., oughbrod Hereford yearling hull to Orem Harbor, N.S. Frank 11fcCutcheon, of Morris, 11181 Peychine, pronounced Si -keen le for wank for the sum of ; It pays to Zf lOC sale at all up-to-date dealers, If your raise good stock, druggist or general store cannot supply fou, write Dr, T, A. Slocum, Limited, 178 ing Street West, Toronto. early stages aro the certain forerunners of Consumption in its most terrible forms. i'sychine conquers and cures Consump- tion, tion, but it is much easier and eater to prevent its development by using Ply. chine, Here is a sample of thousand, of voluntary and unsolicited stateruente from all over Canada: Dr. T. A. Slocum, Waited: fleutleuten,—I feol''le ■y duty to advise you of the remarkable cute affected by your l'sychtne and psnmulelon, which have cumo under may Subscribe for Tim STANDARD, Do Not Put Off COMMENCING TO LOOK FOR THE New Business YOU DETERMINED TO GET IN 1000. START TO -DAY YOUR MO'1'1'O 1 WILL DO IT RESULTS IVILL BE BEYOND YOUR EXPECTATIONS, DO NOT FORGET U I Ads. Talk LET THEM SAY A FEW WORDS FOR YOU O