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The Blyth Standard, 1907-01-31, Page 1
be lutb VOL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907. VONIIMMOOMMIONIMMINMII Western Canada I desire to cull the attention of my old friends and ne. duaintances to some money'•tnaking opportunities in the west, 1-I still hale a few lots -money-makers- in "Glengarry" the (mous Calgary subdivision ; price, SO for a short time. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,000 in five years, 2-A chance for 51000 to make $8000 in a Winnipeg invest• tnont without risk of loss, 3• --Among many land snaps in ray list I call attention to the Si and N 1Vi of Sec. 2(1, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only 9 miles from Moose Jaw -largest city in Saskatchewan, 0 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, 51'2 cash or 514 on terms --37 down and rest in three annuals at 6 per cent ; neighboring land has sold at 518, A splendid.half section in the Arcola district for 811, bring the NE* and fractional Wi of Sec. 11 in Twp. 10, Range 7 west 2nd, 11111NOW /111111•11110•0 John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. 1 4.1 1 Westfield, Tho following item copied from tho poderich Signal refers to a fortner teacher of the school In this section :-- owing to the unfortunate accident at North street Methodist church an In- terestingevent which Was to have taken pate there Wednesday, was held Instead at the residence of ). E. and Mrs. Brydges, East street, but the change in their plana did not interfere In the least with the consumation of the nuptials of their daughter, M. E. Laura, to Samuel T. Armstrong, of Nutana, Alberta, The ceremony was performed by the bride's uncle, Rev. 8, V. R. Pentland, of Salem circuit, assist- ed by Rev. G. F. Hazen pastor of North street Methodist church, at 11 o'clock in the morning, The bride wore a costume of embroidered net over white silk and carried white canine - dons While her sister, M188 Frances. who assisted her, worn white silk and carried pink mane - done. After the ceremony the guests to the number of about forty. sat down to asumptuous wedding dinner, Tho happy couple left on the '2 50 train for their future home in Nutana, where the groom is in business, The groom's present to the bride was a gold watch and chain and to her slater a brooch in the form of a wishbone set in pearls and to her mother a brooch set in agate, Among the very large number of beautiful and useful presents which the bride received wag a silver tea service from the choir of North street Metho- dist church. The guests from out, of town were Mrs, Thomas Pentland and daughter, Miss Celia, of Dungannon ; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and daughter. Miss Laura, of Dungannon ; Mr, and Mrs. Henry and son Everett, of Bel - fent ; S. and Henry and son, Everett, of Belfast ; S. and Mrs, Pentland, aid daughter, Miss Annie, of Dungannon ; Frank and Mrs. Colwell, of Bervie ; Mrs, Stirling, and daughters, Misses Lottio and Josephine, of Bayfield, and Rev, Mr, and Mrs, Pentland. of Salem. Tho bride will not be a stranger to Nutann, haying taught school there a Short time after completing her course at Normal College in Regina, and the best wishes of her many friends here will attend her and Mr, Armstrong in their Western horns, For any barest, of the skin there is nothing better than' Chamberlain's Salve. It reliever, the itching and burning sensation Inman tit' and soon effects a cure. Sold by all druggists, Renew Ih'1'III4 STANDARD. STOCKTAKING SALE We finished taking stock last week and found that we must clear out a lot of goods at prices that will make you look to make room for Spring goods. We have a bargain for everybody. Made -to -Order Department 518 to 522 Fancy Worsted Suits for 518 to 518, $16 to $20 Imported Tweeds tot' $10 to $lip. 518 to 522 all Scotch 'Tweeds for 514 to $18. Black Melton Overcoats, regular 518 to $24, now $12 to 818, . Blank Beaver Overcoats, regular $18 to $22, now 812 to 816. Just received a large shipment of Fancy Worsted '1' mutterings, which we bought at a bargain ; 60 pieces, no two the same, These aro guaranteed all wool and wore regular 55 to 57, now 58,50 to 85. Don't delay to got a pair of these trousers, Ready -to -Wear' Department Our special Heavy Nap Cloth Suit we sell regular for $9 it suit. We have just eight suits left, all good sizes, we aro going to clear out at 55 60. Riney Scotch Tweeds, regular 810 to $15, now $7 to CO, 12 Black and Blue Worsteds. regular 59 to $12, for 17, '!'weed Suits, regular $7,50 to 512, for $4 to 57, 26 Boys' Suite 24 to 27, special 12,60. 150 pairs Men's Odd Pants and Over - ails, 500 to 52. 75 Boys' Itnickers, 850 to 000, Man's and Boye' Laney Sweaters, 40o to 82.50, Heavy Top Shirts and Cardigans, 40e to 51. Underwear, regular 82.50 to $8 suit, for 51,50 to 82.50. Underwear, regular $1,50 to 52, for 05c to 51.25. Underwear, regular 51 to 51,50, for 7i5c to St, A BARGAIN FOR EVERYBODY S. H. CidIey w Blyth $54o Per Year Miss Snell, formerly of I3luevalr is re• coring $1.5 per month from the C%tlgary Milling C,p,, C tigary, This estimable young lady had only a common school education and In a few months with us prepared for the above situation. With a ew years' exeerlence Miss Snell will re- ceive at least $75 per month. Stenography le better than Eebool teach• Ina. What we have done for others we can do for you, Hater any time, Individual Instruction. Write fur catalogue. WZNGKA 8V RIS COLLEIE Affiliated with Clinton Business College) 3E0. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL I>llcKillop. Miss Mary Ilacktvell has returned froth a pJt'tisi ii t vlsi t to Si rat ford bring- ing Iiur friend, Hero. Cameron with her. ,lohn Story, intends having It mem- :much auuuun sale on the 21st, A good time promised and everybody welconhe. Among those visiting this r,estion from the 1Vust ern Matthew Contac, 1), Crawford and wife and Miss Maud Davidson. Archie McCallum entertained a number of his young friends to a social hop recently, A splendid chance to inspect the new residence girls. The Bethel Circle met at Albert Dundas' lately and the topic for the evening was a spelling match but the young people have not yet reached the mark of their• elders in that line. ._._• Wingham. Clam Turnbull, late of the Bank of Commerce here, has been promoted to the branch at Brantford, The glove works at Toronto of A. C. Chapman. formerly cf Wingham, were damaged to the extent of about $5000 by fire. B. Elliott, editor of the Times, hasurchased from J, W. McKibbon the frame building and lot just south of Hanna's store ; price 52,800. The water in the Maitland was very high on Saturday of last week, and tion were on the watch through Satur- day night on the two water powers owned by the town. The crisis was past by Monday, Wi ngham Business College has over 50 pupils in attendance, This is evi- dence of the excellence of the tuition given thorn. It is an excellent place for young people to prepare for suc- cessful future. Many of our townspeople wont to the old post office. on Weduesday morning last for their mail only to find that thin postmaster and his obliging assistants were doing business in the new office. It has been a long and tedious wait but we now have the very hest of post office accommodation, The changing of post office operations from one build- ing to another means considerable work but in the time moves that M r. Fisher has made they have poen done without any interruption in business. The heavy rains of Saturday, 20th inst., wero followed by the heaviest gale of wind that has visited this sec- tion for melte months, All Saturday night it riiged, hone s trembled, trees wore uprooted, some chimneys top- pled, while loose hoerds-and rail fences were scattered The smoke stack of Boll's factory was broken, shingles were torn from the town hall and slates from the roof of the Methodist church. Part of the roof of the salt block wits torn off aucl the smoke stack demol- ished at tho salt well. C. Lloyd & Son lost about 550 worth of lumber by boards being hlowii from the piles and broken to kindling wood, M A Short Tooth Brush Ad. Maybe you've forgotten our last "spiel" on this subject, which might result in your going to the wrong store -and in taking home the wrong bruehea. Hence this reminder that we' deal only in tooth brush certainties. Now it's a pretty good tooth brush that never leavers any of its bristles in a person's mouth, isn't it? Even if it didn't cost very touch, And it's a poor ono that does do Ow, no 108ttot' how moil lllone,v you pay,' Well, this ad, is intended to tell you that tooth brushes tt'ith put -in- to -stay bristles etto bo bought hero for as little as IOc, Lot's and bite of bettor o1)00 at prices as high as SOe, P. S, -Teach the children the eariy use of the tooth brash and thus preserve their teeth, Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH George Perry Graham, M. P. P. Unanimously Chosen Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature, At a caucus of the Liberal members of the Legislature held Friday, George Perry Graham, the tnentber for Brock- ville, and for a short time Provincial Secretary in the Ross Administration, Was ullanitnollsl,y selected as leafier of the Opposition for the present session. J. A. Auld presided at the caucus, The others dominated for the Iondership in addition to Mr. Graham were R. Har- court, A, G. McICay and T. if, Preston. All retired in favor of 31r, Graham, Whose selection Wits made unanimous atnidst great enthusiasm. The new lender and the other nominees made brie( speeches, as did it number of the others present, All the addresses were notable for the spirit of confidence in the Liberal cause which they breathed, At the close of the caucus Mr. Gra- ham trade the following statement to the newspapermen : "After full cow saltation with the members of the oppo- sition, and understanding their views as well as the views of the Liberal party throughout the Province, 1 have accepted the leadership on the explicit understanding that neither my action nor the action of the members hero in any way interferes with the freest action of the great Liberal party throughout the Province as to the question of the leadership. Personally 1 am in favor of, at an early date, call- ing together a limited number of re- presentatives from nil the constituen- cies in this Province to deal with this question and others affecting t he in- terests of the party and the Province." Born on March tilst, 1859, at Egans- ville, Renfrew County, the new leader is the son of the late Itev, W. II, Gra- ham, Who was one of the pioneers of Methodism in this Province, He had the advantages of a collegiate educa- tion at 3lorrisbnrg and Iroquois, On- tario, and received some business training in the service of .1, A. Carman & Co,, hardware inerchants, of L'o- quois, and later with M. F. Beach & Co. at Winchester. In 1880 he entered journalism by pur- chasing the Morrisburg Herald, a weekly newspaper, Thirteen years later ho sold this paper and became as- sistant editor of the Ottawa Free Press, a position he held till he became editor of the Brockville Recorder. Mrr, Graham has taken' an active in- terest in public affairs since entering the journalistic profession, and became early identified with the Liberal party, In 1890 ho Was the candidate of that party for the Ontario Legislature for the county of Dundas, but was defeated by Hon, J. P. Whitney, present mem- ber of that riding. At the general elee- tion of 1898 he was nominated for the Ontario Legislature by the Liberals of Brockville and succeeded in defeating John Culbert, the Conservative candi- dare, who has since been elected to re- present Brockville in the Dominion House of Commons, In 1902 he again wont before the elec• tot's of Brockville And defeated D. O'Brien, a strong Coeservativo candi- date, by it majority of 870. He ryas re- elected in 1905 when so many of his collenguos went down to defeat, He has served as Chairman of the Printing Committee of the Legislature and as assistant Chltirnan of the Committee of the Whole House, In religion 31t'. Grahnm is a Metho• dist, He is a member of the A. 1?. & A, M. and of the A, 0, U, \V Of the latter body he was for two years Grated Master of Ontario, and is still a mem- ber of the Executive and Finance Com- mittees. 'He is also greatly interested in amateur sports. Exeter. • Reeve Bolder wits attending the County Colwell meeting st Goderich, �1I.Zoal estate is beginning to move in 1Jxeter lie the result of the awakening. Nith n few more factory projects 011 foot we might have it real boon, Frank N'eolces, who has been in Preston for several mouths engaged ns a photographer, returned home, After remaining here a couple of weeks I'rruik will go to Toronto, '1'he high wind of Sunday, 20t11 inst., blew down the stroke stakes at the foundry and at the Iloss Taylor Co's, planing mill. It also ripped off a large portion of the foundry roof aid tore up considerable of the sidewalk north of the bridge. Sergeant Major Hector of 88rd Hu - run Itegitnent, No. 6 Co., was the reci- piont of a handsome black maple leaf badge, with beautiful gold mountings, as a mark of reward for being rho best shot in the regiment during the con- tests at 01009 last season, Miss Evelyn Gill returned to To- ledo on ,Monday after it visit of a0111e weeks here, She was recalled owing to a law -suit caused by a doottt' leaving some gaup in a man following an operntitar,, Miss Gill was present at the removal of the substance, John Muir and son, who spent the ipast few months visiting in Sootlatud, has returned home. 'they report a rough voyage being 11 days on1' the ocean, The trip from Halifax to Monts reel was tedious owing to rho snow blockades, which detltitaed them about t5 hours. 4lthoegh the voyage wits rough Mr, A uir Kays lie thoroughly enjoyed the trip, not having •been sub jsot to tiny seasickness, 411110.11111101101111111111111111, MINfilinire No. 26, Auburn. Knox church congregation held their annual meeting on 3locday aftoi noon, '1'Iro reports were very, encouraging, credit, balances in all departnleet8. The debt has been reduced to 5700. That 1008118 it payment of 55300 011 new church in fes than four years. Total payments in all departments for 1906 amounted to over 81,200, including 8115 to the mission schemes and about $50 to other benevolent objects. The pastor wits voted four weeks' holiltnys and was presented with 525. 'There are 60 families connected with the emigre• cation and 142 members, The sheds will likely be repaired this year eft it cost of $00'3 or thereabouts. 'The same officers were re-elected. ENTERTAINMENT. - A Lecture and nuteical entertainment under the auspices of the Auburn Public Library will he held in the 'Temperance Hall on Friday evening, February 1st,com- mencing at 8 o'clock. John It. Clark, America's most, gifted lecturer and platform entertainer, will deliver his fatuous lecture, "Tho close, the Thistle and the Shamrock." 'A musical pro• grim on similar lines of thought will proceed the lecture consisting of solos and duets by Misses McDonald and Carter, of Auburn, and Tyndall Bros., of Carlow. Como and enjoy a pleas• n evening and twist a good institution to procure books and papers for the reading public, Londesboro. The Misses Brigham visited Auburn friends on Sunday ,last. The infant child of Chas, Crawford is very ill with pneumonia. Arthur and Mrs Jamison enter- tained a number of friends on Thursday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Jackson, of Manitoba are at present guests at the home of James Campbell. Quarterly mooting service will be 1101(1 in the Methodist church on Sun- day horning next when it number will unite with the church. •...•••• An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays, SANK of IIAMILTON ANNUAL MEETING Held 2Ist January, 1907. Report of the Directors. The Directors beg to submit their Annual Report to the Shareholders for the year ended 30th November, 1906. The Balance at credit of Profit and boss Account 80th November 1905, was $ 25,410,88 The Profits for the year ended 80th November,1906, atter deducting charges of management and making pro- vision for bad and doubtful debts, are 1171.281.82 Prernium received on new Stock 39,850.00 $26,012.68 From which have been declared four quarterly di,t• dends, in all 10 per cent. Carried to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Stock as above Written off Bank Premises 825,000.00 Carried to Rebate of Interest Account 10,000.00 Allowance to Rx -President Authorized by Shareholders $248,1192./1 29,860,00 86,600,00 6,000.00 818,742.81 Balance of Profit and boss carried forward $110,270.01 General Statement LIABILITIES TO T1114 PUBLIC Notes of the Bank In circulation $ 2,816,026,00 Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued to date 1 19,616,:159,92 Deposits not bearing interest 4,770,667,78 24,886,027,65 Balances due to other Banks in Canada and the United States 128,100.60 Balances due to Agents of the Bank in Great Britain..,486,626,69 Dividend No, 70, payable lst December,1906 $ 61,761,61 Former Dividends unpaid 169.00 81,020,61 TO THR SHARUII014DIIRS Capital Stock $ 2,470,090.00 keserve Fund 2,470,090,00 Amount reserved for Rebate of Interest on Current 1111Is Discounted 75,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward.... 110,270.06 5,125.460.04 $ 27,378,869.15 ASSETS Cold and Sliver Coln $ 501,532,39 Dominion Government Notes 2,711,789,00 Deposit with the Dominion Government as Security tor Note Circulation Notes of and Cheques on other Banks Balances due frotu other Banks in Canada and the United States Dominion nod Provincial Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or Foreign, or Colonial Public Securities, other than Canadian„ Railway and other ]fonds, Debentures and Stocks Loans at Call, or Short Call, on negotiable Securities Notes Discounted and Advances current Notes Discounted, etc„ overdue (estimated loss provided for) Bank Premises Office Purniture, Safes, etc ,,,,, Real }(state. (other than Bank Premises), Mortgages,etc., Other Assets not included under foregoing heads :LANK OF IiAMII.TOts, 1Lsam,rort, Nov. 30th, 1906. $ 3,216,271.112 125,000,00 1,301,635.02' 829,910.48 227,478.84 8,234,604.82' 832,8611.21 1,757,177.06% $32,504,319.49 $11,024,838.27 '20,204,200.85 63,231.48 989,104.00 104,182,1:5 57,870.21 71,891.56 182,504,819.49 J. TURNBULiL, Gemeral M imager. STATISTICAL RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROW'$ H Year Pald•up Capitalp Reserve Circulation Deposits Tol Ltnbilliities to the Public To ta1 Ass eta 1897 1,250,000 _ 725,000 934,249 0,437,480 7,820,049 9,840„678 1898 1,250,000 776,000 1,187,573 7,084,374 9,117,810 11,195,144 1599 1,4 1,520 1,000,000 . 1,189,726 8,770,994 10,622,526 18,163,1157 1900 1,703,212 1,231,119 1,893,695 10,019,581 11,837,592 14,827,a 57 1901 1,995,760 1,600,000 1,660, 221 11,519,904 13,479,007 17,071,A 19 1002 2,000,000 1,600,000 1,818,115 14,184,260 16,210,209 19,003,902 1903 2,000,000 1,700,000 1,816,630 15,804,880 18,129,474 21,969,58 9 1904 '2,229,980 2,000,000 1,094,876 17,683,149, 20,361,662 '24,7)8,61.1 1905 1900 2,440,740 2,470,090 2,440,740 2,470,090 '',279,755 2,316,026 21,464,121' 24,386,027 23,914,167 .27,878,869 28,886,0C 82,604,81P It will be seen by the above that during the last tea years the Bank's Cnpitaliucreased 97et cent. keserve increased 240 per cent. Circulation 247 per cent, Deposits 278 per cent, Total Assets 280 per cent. 1 front, Thr injured were still hring S DAVIS LANDED T 'brougrht in, furhout8itheuunuin, oBut '` E t19urrnte and I,talvstnanlike quality l OOPS Cllr s14ip hall terra cou4rrtcd into a hna whiell h4(s hero e0119(cmlus in that de• pit al, anti tiurgruu Evans an)I lti5, bate. l ani sure, and, indeed, no one Cross, his volunteer aid, \sero still 11111V1"1"11()U-1 PEFI BY ELItIU ROOT. 1vIiu malls the rI'hale tL11 du►tbt, tl►at ISSI ;their work of :acre\'. 'Their ;,tuck of 1►hltfevrr conclusion pint* Parliament, 1.-i ` ?a an01het}c4 had _i1•en out, tutu when the reaches will be a oun1I)I'ion do1)1(1d by `+4! Admiral Sampson, of the United I rnit t it incur Hurl an intelligent, and a ri:l'14i• Company, come into the ;unl1 pier, (;l}) tie Have Made a Nation Out ell ici- minded deterininat ion in .fulfill the duty 1:111 ll''o-ii'.14)• soot over :1 big bottle of , Provinces. of your representatives towards the! 1)1'0• ,'}lluroi'o'1,1 :Incl 1,amt:l,;,'4, all hr hail in fel;need 1 ro lncc 'pie v1io o rights they !are bound. to his -imply chest, --- maintain and protect. Whatever the Svaettenham Says There Was No Friction—Part Governor Was Joking. f Light ennclusinn nmy be, hulv"ver nlueh any tie h,alits i tt,iiti of the 5wettenham nlay differ f►'our it, ,fall will be bo►tnd liing..ten, ,1.ta:;ti.;1, dell. - The incident. ; 1(1 respect it. prhac:ltiou 1(1 (1.1y ill 11)' !)ails Tel.' I "f of al] these i pt'nfess \44th sincerity Hud with fe'lin'e HIV ad.nlirntioi and my ', re ph ut (i„•,t',nur ',t'rtt. •tlt.l .'”' h•!!cr Iil1;1" d1,:p•llcll: .\ sinl'WI' Iricntl of ynlptlthy, and 1 spel►k 1b" so11ttnl(7nt of t4) I+rar-.\'':ureal 1),lvis ha, iv'ttly ill• (•:ulada i; 1he ifun, law 1 Out, ani nlil(ipns )441:e1111(1:01': f toy olvn col itryrllen iu soy United States Tourists Make Serious Charges ton-ifie.l the, ri•(l 1r,)r,l 4)f hi4 gill tto the etin:}- in that 44' lnnl: n )nn thl rr:LI, hair,•• ' rrsrnlnu'nt of the y•'sid0nt, gr } ' K Against Captain (Parsons. ::,ti4r1 the (,,4)1'1,40, r for 441)ufi101 the dial Cub of tltiaw'a at u f(us5el1 sal and spiritual progress of Canada til'lt':, of .\i}leilt• ';(1l :1 ) • • t•111t'e, 1111(1 11„It4(. („;};l t' :::::::ityle(1. ;il)1,1'eeNllU,11 01' 11'ttl►I1)lt`l'llflgr3of}rilhlllhl',hllf,;l'IthNew fork, Jan, 28,—American re- i her bare, c!1,ate deck•, '14^,10 they lronl,1 ili,•re i:: a n,o4,'u,ent 4)n foot here to de• this; cuuftr}•,.,r rn'rrss 1 1 1.,, • '11101rtttiun,tyitllhope(11411withgtlttl- fu ees from Kingston arriving here 4)l; 1)e .,(f'' front r'',"rn111 sh'+, (':tp1aif 1)1 44!181)rec,lll, }1I won- flruliun, (.\ppleusc,) 1 ,1(1101 ►u;.Llf ;5 fi ,t, 1 Pitr,'”"" refu•et;, with _rc;tt hick ilifv, 114,' c„rr•piiiiil,'nt of t!t,. .1•, ,.tiatt',1 t,,tlul })n;..i101ilic,, 4()),l ci:•sir•e (,)t tt last happy In Ix' one of lh',•e lvho ratulut bl ,board the steamer Prinz !.)tel 1rt,dut , ;etude eenonu to the Ilamnru-American }'r''•, ,4)a;ait Governor See:l",iMini to iur pcare !,et,tveru 1140 (414 u'1) )lea. Thr indifferent to the glories and the which sailed from the stricken city on I bee, ei,(,wee the eerie further di;- d et.. end -peke to hitt of the Davie incl- .epretery of `tate froul ‘‘.,N,11illerlo I 1)e• achievenu'nts of 1he )•ace from which Thursday afternoon last, the third day euurt'sv, dent, •1 l4 (.;4)40410) said t!l,tt he had i:lerd his rr',Itark; h ' rr;I,lin:Igtr cable• thri• pt•ttn);' (applause) and with my after the earthquake, were un:utitnuus ” ,)) That in the t!,r", d:,, ., 714oi 1) net invited 1t, .1, .1,1 11111! Davis to Ltntl ) t pride in 1)14 own land, with the pride It' ')I• .\14red •.lea,.: ;'1;1 •le,4 p,)ri4 •r4! }h,,11••I ..'i11 :''. .t.- ."0 :: ii; ).:'I,:4 ' ( ,14 :ICI. 1,,t 11111 I1, 111 t4)' (1,1.41,:'!14',1 of .,dJI,I1,11 ler• 11,(111 11 1• a 11:11'1 of 111)' 111141'rlft1111`(' to in condemning what they termed t c 1 • 1140 PAIN li.in!:Molt haul all the contorts telsen I14 noel -Admiral Date', the Gov- turning thank, to the practical ;till given be entitled to 1n.}e in 1'.nglend, i.i added "inactivity and utter inefficieney'' ut ' of a ler,;e. Bell•,', eto,0'i ship, no tender !enter replied: "That is a matter be- to the (e4)):e of the 1,ianI b ( iter pride lltu! 1 tee) }n t.hts rrnat, hardy, the 1':nglislt authorities on the 1 1111.1 i ler), made e}1!1'`r of food, water, coffee, twee() a rt)) ' 1, 4(1:.1 1;ear .1)!! vial Davis, 1);Ivi; anti ht the 1'niira tit:ur; „ :)t 4 4•i 47 )7) self ruyrrniul; peuplu of (sue aster. k'or three days, or tip to 141 1 11(1;1 14144) l,1ye 114(7)) 4(11(1 librl•ty. (.1 •during the first days fullowoig the dli- h01.1br'_' ,•i' ::: , i),al a4;1 t: ace l µ!t ,!11 1 vino I't'trl' 1%i1. The (it11'l'1' I I ti,l thnl his ret renre in 1114 1')11, The all,lle)lee which eenfroniel .11r. 1an,et. . ,. 'r,..,. ... ,)...,. ........ ......_ .. ,,._ -,1)r Irl.- '•I,hrl'(' 11:11',1 ix'ril Irl lar 1:IRt, and 111 an- 1{nn1 e171,pi':;,1 f')1' 1111, tow,' pal'I of melt ' I Iii;rll I:I pnllllt',d, J,rofl',-i"1111l 171)! 1'„111• the 71,1(tilt' ,,f 1ltll:rs there \vitt he t'on- 1n''rci:t) cireles. tinually arising in the future, matters lir, R,,,, „ 0f cltl•ferem•(' lotIVI41l 1,11(. two nations. 414 114(- ('VIbnt1y rt, ,.1 l; How could it he ntlV14I'4e with adjacent 1)1,1(1.,1(1 441114 1114, 1'crrptu)n, said: seaeoaa; tlnd 111010 11)1))) doer thnus- "I thanl: sun fur sully cardia! 1)17(1 ;1101 1(1111; of lnnulrl:u}• upon !!.!Kale we 1uu;l friend(;,• ' 1'('et if,;, 1 liter 44)47 to lo' )I::Iate :' 1104(' that 1 mu ttetp,ly 5r1.ij)1r of 111)' ]lift 101 114 suitnnl 4)))reelvee and leach honor eunferr,"t 4)pot ole h1 the preyserve, our children to believe that whatever (Bl- ot arise. different finder;hutdings at. this luncheu'l UI11of 'the ttnarrnur• as to the fact, on different side, Of the /Mitre',) and 141 premier t,imi of ereeijjt• l:'p• hnluwlary•line, the offer( of different en- plau's1'.► .\n)lhrr hinny ;er1,elinrr 14;14 !;cu ree,rire,l In' rue sirlcc' I to( l; illy vironnu'nt, differrut points of 1•)(711• ratite- s(•at ;(1 the titi1)!t fr, ii a "e111it'm;111 who 1,r thtui inteniiunn1 or cn11rint15 unfair• f) r snu4' 1;)110', w)Ite(t sort will lendilV 1)e:;, lu'e at the baste of the issue'+, (.1p' IpprO''iat7', 14,:; Ianllhh t‘,.; o be present, j 1+lnu.=r.) 1111) lake t14e liberty ref reading 1L 1) you. I ''-\flit all, I(; 444' Ino}; back over the it is a leh'graphic despatch, (late}! 1e('0rd5 of I►ieltory, aft('! 1111, in the fuer ,I;))Italea, January 1,o, received et. \\ a514- 7 1'1011' of the future, illi the IBifferenee5 of inlrtol yeeterday and repealed to iii': (.1(01 (lay :lad gener4(tloll .1)•o hut, trifling "'tun. Enke tome ): ol','tttt•4')f state: 'ceinpnl•r,l with the greet fact that the " "I1(1llait'17 prefnlnidly grateful 10 1'1,70. 1 two nations 441.0 plrr 11111;,1 the name ideals Excellency i•or (z4)r044 011 of sympathy tit liberty siandde hyside the 'Race are doing and for the very practical aid so kindle givers by .ld)71)I'a) Davis and the entire and rightc0174lU:4 of 1 b world in peace part }euh1)' yh'' 'gdrof the T'nite/, 44'1114 00('11 other. phrnse,l St.ale5 liuls'e7)rnnu'nt.tut(tiiguunrd) (io4cntor 1 the diffrrrure (.1pof curb gcne►.itu)n Swot tmillion.' 11.oud applause.) Moon) lart0 held close to the eye; hut, after (111, 111e fort that for lonely years, At Hotne Beneath Old Flag. +under n siniplr rxr}huigr of notes lin►- 1, 4) 1,0(r itiuge flaw :ulnnn►rnt of the two eo ni- I t) u t f. i at aii 0 s•tlnn )'r here, tries in terms whieb have heroine an partly perhaps because in your elimatc blood has to be thicker than water--- antigllatod oxamide of naval htrr•atllrr, (laughter !144(1 l'1,11)111)111111:14.,(;,)1 rpplanse)- partly b('L 4I1 r' t0 single• 1)1)0 hullhe(1 1011 boats \vitl( everyone holo and bred oder the Heft Single eifrhteen puuud cannon; after all, ('i)1Ies of justice turd liberty that 1 the the fact that for ntn(iy yeat's under 1.ngJish-speaking racy. 1)114 (arrt(d the that f}nlp,r erehan};e of not v,; w•(' hove world over wherever 1t has gone 11111 4i; been living 00 either side of this three breathe freely in Canada, (.1pplanee.) 11110114)1fl(1 miles of boundary in ponce, "11 i4 a full forty ye0r4 t;ture i ,iia t with no more thought or fear of hos- t i.1111105 than if 1)•e \1'01.8 the snore pen- )114 f,rst \-1511. t0 (`tutatlai .1l', lief in• ))r--(applen4ei)---i.; a gr)'nt fae.t in h}s• tercal:+ (1uriuf;• tt•11 than period 1: huce Lor}., and n. 'ural; fart of 'potential im- 1))e011 eet.uruillg solnrt}mcs to Otte puri; pot•( fur the future. f th 1) )nunion au(1 snnl('t(ni's to an other, but. a11447V, keeping in 10(11'14 with I "\Cc rrlehrn(e ;;real victories, ar))river- thr.cuurse of ynUr do\elupun'nl,and with sarh_4 of great laud signal events, call the tread of your opinion and spirit, together emwds and are the subject of 1)ilriig that time what w'ovd('rful ihinee inspiring addreeses. Within a few w•4) 114740 tier:}. \1'1, have :,ren the feeble years, eight years from now, we Shall be ill•c),)paelt'd, brp}u'ate., (10)1014(1(11)1 col' 111)1(4 f0 4')'1('1)10((7 1140 ('0nt4'nlltal nnnt- u)1ies growing into al ;;rent 1111(1 vigorous 1.0rcf1')' of n bund red yea,r0 of ponre- I;.tint. \\'r have Seen the two bran('}t(,s fol fello v It}p --- (applau40 )—'n lllllldred tf the lean dian people- -tile Elgli - lyras during which no part of the fruits •:speal:in;; end the I'renell•4peal:iu}; pn'• Iof lmllIslry and rnf.erprise ]w4s been: 1ing irhilol then, 4)141 resentment.; and diverted from the building up of peace- stradily appron0lt}11{;' 041('1) other• in fol and happy hones, frolu the ,1xer- 1ighteuing 11,111115 of sympathy turd 1)a ,viae ;111(1 P1500011011 ')f religion, front t110 rdurntton of 014Lldren and the sur.- tir)nal .'ellows14ip--(app14ul5e)---a puppy roe of 1140 distressed and unfortunate; augury for the ronlinlnulce of t.hnt en ' jj f tent( coedit& 14h}l, between the jt\•1) ' 11(11' 140077 01 1'ndrd in wtarlilte attack c'A great nations nn the other side of the h} ono people upon tb0 other. (:1p ; _ .ltlanti0 is making for the peace of the lanae,) _ -. P . ( l 't yci: `'' f P :.yy ur'7d«% "q,,p ff ; ; world. (,lpplallse,) . `3 '1 t }')^„! "'I:0 fie tY i , 4 ,' ' * Men of Constructive Power. SEVIN Kl ll ED. se it -'-'' ' j' iie' err JL > w { '( ...,.,..:.. •• a, ,—' population and in wealth, but we have seen here, grent examples of that eon- slruet.ive power, examples of a great face of builders which have node and are staking and• are to make the west- ern world unexemp10(1 in! the history of mankind, The spirit of the Norse. ses. !,sings. the spirit of the 'lr"at navi- gators, of C'oMmhu4, of \'IlseO de (lama, of Prester , ;Inti, told of Drake and Frobisher. the spirit of the Spanis11 eon - of the Letter Was a Joke. 'll')1e II'.1 leileaft visit e Captain Par- !,,I. !" lt,'ll'-.\dll,l(';II i);I1'i:• :1)4 1 Ihl' 1111 - day the Prinz Eitel Bailed, thee wa'a l:'., nn (kill visit 1y:1.: ).lid either by 1.t;:ins; ut th" h' 1).e ul :In .\nlc4)) 4)4 nlil sculblance of order oat! nothing definite the („!lice', lnilit:u'4 0l•r0lnnisl author 1t .0:13) \4::`. 'merely 0 jocular per,lllel. done in the matter of relieyllle the set(- tt4i. a 'Ir lame hodv of American .1 meeting of committees 444(, 111'!d fertnge of ,fluffy of the 1r01I17('ea. (l•r fi_re's oil the 1lambllrg- merictln );!'1')' t"''!t)4 all the call (if the 11ol't'rninr 'the protest of tin; American 1'eill,'cee i )I ' 1:s. the kll,I;vn e''llt71' Int• .\nioi-iean to di -cover til!' 1''eeise (0101(tic'll4 attend - was voiced at. 44 1)1:155 meeting held • 1 j refugees 111 N111, ton, to offer all''e')F O►' :II!, the itlitel•erlee between 111:' Governor board the Prinz Eitel F'retdrien llondoy. prutectbet 111 any flogrev. 1)r even to as. :(eel tlo; .kdetira(, .11 1110 clove of this when the following resolutions were I certain lip cen }icien in which they here. mr,'ti11 )- ;:11,1 after halving 74,01 Goternor adopted: ' "171 That in individual ees1,4and minor 1'))')tieiltIn1'4 letter to Boor -Admiral "\\re, a company of :!uteri^: it refugee; ' ways 14'' herr made to feel the stiper• It:•, i-. the ll",t 111,4'. 1)1•. Nuttall, .1rc14- from Kingston, Jamaica, Jal1ll:1l'y 1.4t11, • i'11•ity end first claim of 11)1' lal;!li-Il, and bishop 0f .+:1:1' lii,l. •,iu};lll the (inerrn'))' and January 1711i, 1;107, on board the !'Cunei the uulrll ' (1:I of 'hone!; of hluod t" tali: tier matt1,r ever with hill, say, steamship Prinz Eitel Friedrich, here- ! and !:IngU:l;,'e' elicit toted io le 11 mere }n;: that if Ite• fu,i: l the rendition, war- : utter emphatic condemnation of mnr•k,'l;v and a 'lipinnlat is phanionl, i rautet} lo' 4.'0111:! s,':4)I tl p4 1 anal ezpLnl the conduct and behavior in that period ! iherefore, we declare our resentment :(tory cnhlegr:ln! to President, )1uo4'\elt, of certain officials of i-onk, specificaly a!1(1 (olubnmation. 11114 utterance beim The Atelibi-hop \vas mu1Ide to sea the Captain Parsons, commander of the the joint espre•;-;inn of the pe'eeeeer: in 1;4oernur owing to the latter', absence British steanlship Port Kingston, lying ermilllrnl a4.t'lul,l 00 h-,avd the Prinz 1!t he:!d(tullrter,. ill; will ser hint tw- in the harbor of !Kingston, and aboard I h•ite! 1'n'•llu,l, .1:40. 21, 1907. morrow. which was Sir Alfred Jones, his superior, A Different Story, Arelll%i.'hop \utt:di said the trouble and other officials, ia5111g! our 0,401( 11 14:1; merely a result of the Ilietettoria1 tions on the following counts: 'The story of .1. C. Edgerly, of Boston, character of the (Governor, "ills int- „ 1) That Captain I'll -ons declined is Iletos!. 1)41) , ly eont4aitheo '. of the prime( planner, hi; frequent. abuse o! ( p allegations 'end); by the Prinz Rttel'S pas- snhordinatee told his discourtesy to to furnish food for one meal to the (sense,;. lir. Edgerly. who arrived home } small number of Germans, led by C'4)) 1 citizens have efuned hitt great tut titin Riehiu'd \'a14zrl, llumbur'r:11)10,11-'rm the :lrnlir:(1 ,n11114on, dh crihed the papilla , a1 11011 li 01berl1ise he 18 re- tain after the first shock. On every r c Call !eine. w110 prevented fo111' (1(01:5 ,'"i'l'I',•' 1:e .94(111, "stood the negro t.r,11. • ;gat -dell a, tl comparatively l'(111.'(!lelltr)115 from burning on the night of the 13th, ! sta!:u1:1)y, 14141014 nns4„ r; for 11011(0 in 0th' all. among thein the Port Kingston'; own I 1 herr is 111111 indignation expressed Kingston's (liin't tntl. ! wharf, j here ;)t Governor S4yetteuluuu a 140141)1) That sod► Anlericirn an'I otl(r "( nn;nl'i' 40 14'1!11 70 71 w)')•1, it tenes• of in dool;iug the pay of Government ('le)'1:5 "(2) u r9 as the small boats mantle(' b the soldier; Lf the n:ltiye \41st fndi:t \rho abeeuted themselves from ditty for ref jee m , he cy ! rceim''nt;, nraetleally .111 the trnnpa that the: purpose 1)t' nursing sick ,1r (141)14) re Captain Z'ahzel and others, , ,- li r are non• lee on the i.elan'l. '1'}lo were i 1 gdying and lodged on \fonday 0n board the 1(1}1,.4. Lest Saturday the (;oyernol' g r i {..!till' in hr, l':1)t' ;ilrhett tune, 1y}th ' suspended nded the Ire; eer'4iee of trains for Port Kingston )veer summarily ordered jri\•iliens ,old sine:ming the nolosl tales : At trap, sortation of 1)17' 1)1,' ' r ashore at 4p. in. Tuesday. to mato, room of the ,ti•,1:,tor. 1 „(, into th for English refu)1Pe4, though women and ,el'he !'ort liin r;ton pulled not ininthe' ruuutrv, hal at 1110 urgent request of children tearfully 'deeded that 114,14 11,1(1 ! 14(1,1144)4 to 040(1::,1 the '!anger of lire, 11j-\14h'„,hu)4 Nuttall Ir; consented to con- t neither food for clothing on shore' her 'incl:. I'liyate ,1,1;,11,1 part ie, uotk;,(1 flout illi; fl•ee sc r4ic:' for our wrrk. \o ' c` 3 TJmt the wounded 4)f mix;”! ,. hllilor, tens(' kern !'unled frnnl the ,tlt- • (') ..ill pirl,t h; ;lriu;t to the laun,•h the. nationalities were t:lken a shore at the , troweled end( sptferinL'. 'Then they were, 1511 111(1( (11411111 r, w'14ieh 01'1'10011 same hour 'iiol left ill a 01'11111' '.itlta11011 rs1.114 1 out ;o he poll l\i11'r5lnn, wlleire' 10'-1•'' 1141 night. on the railway wharf until earn} for by ; the sltiir sere,,,)n and a 14140 teat• woman ! Tit" Neoteh Pi'.In1erian elergym(11 • American naval authorities on Thur;- ! Inn• -e, lvhu he opened to he 014 hoard, • expressed et roue approval of the tr00- day, except such 4(e were rc!110V 11 i)\' \V(rked 111) night I(mptltntine limbs, !'lour- action, 'L'hey said that Jamaica train to Spl}ni=lltnw•tt or by 1(1;)(1444 rrltrhing up hmken skulls, binding Amend;.1)nniah territory or a !Attie; found then(. , b1,11kes, and all the thousand and One i )n 1 Jntblic. The 17ni1e(1 Sttitry 014) That when Father O'Donovan , things that doctor., are called upon to ;had no right to fund troops here, of Boston. Gavin L. Payne. of Indienap• ' du in time of horror and disaster. Over,---a 1~--- olis, and the Rey, Tf. P. :1011.1, of two hundred people were brought to the .1 J:l'u5r1s cable drys: 1l was an• Ilalb01.ot( Po., took n netit7011 to Cir .1I• i !'ort l lllg;ton during that night. If - nouncc)I today that the port of Zeebrilg- fred Jones and Captain Porso115 from hey neeifcd 17(0 )item they were given Ke would be opened to commerce on Jtlly , the refugees. sleepin'r ill irnnk . ^' !:s it, T: ,hey t!„c'.t' f but food and shelter. ' 1'.t, with ll 1)'l1propriitte fete:, 'Zeebrugge of coffer. and the rarun-fon)rvl })1 liks of 'bey ,rot it. is the harbor of 1111' 0014'Jlrtiges 1Ieist the ITallmhllrfr-Anlerh'n11 (leek to alhoi• the "\\'!It'll 1)4orning e411Uf the Vessel came ''(111)11. which will be available for sea- ' refugees to tzn un h,}''"') 11'' " • '. beck .tn her dock, :l; the fire had swept going ship; of the hugest size, and boot 4t00e then at her dock, and sleep on In the other direction along the alter- about ,'i,00o,000. 1' 't), .IL 1' ) t(i %V! 4' a: rl IcAt r cit r 4; / 19 n.'I? r` _.1' ?2?7l' Ptr**1 a T,LL ainvia ,i , ,t l'1 r! p3 1 •iz i 4 11 (',4 4 1 T $4.50 a square (10 ft. by 10 ft, ), warranted) with heavy galvanizing. and with a g,-t.lai anter of twenty- An bad •h Y y w o can drive nails straight can five yeas„ service back of the roof any building with ” Oshawa " Steel sale, "Oshawa" Gal vanized Shingles, --a hammer and a pair of tin - Steel Shingles make the cheapest good ner's snips are tools a -plenty. roof for any permanent building on Tell us the 'surface measure of any your rearm. They last a hundred years. roof, and we will tell you exactly what Even cedar or cypress shingles will it will cost to cover it with the cheapest cost you as much, and be rotted to dust roof you can really afford to use. Send long before an for a FREE copy of ,, t cif `t Oshawa " , Shingle our booklet "Roofing l f{ 1r ''!i sShiI)‘,.1,,tIt/es { ,,r. Right," ,.. , I,, .and read of a>n .l;prlr,° ' , ,;.~r./?,‘.),,;1,1, ?! ,1,! Ste , ,•r t,,,,r, i,1 t } Vit; , ;;;;,,1 ..tette will cost you the profitable, common- ' j'1 ` I, i jijj,+ !t'i) far more to buy and sense way to roof any -` twice as much to ,, ,.. ;'.--- building on any farm, put o n , -- and it The booklet is worth won'tlast;abitlonger, reading, It tells why an "Oshawa" Steel Shingles make build- "Oshawa "-shingled roof is cheapest for ings lightning -proof, and are ;L;uc.ranteed you. Ittells, too, why "Oshawa "-shin- wato-e- )roof1 win d - vrIAtn.,•n.mrr':w.•arm.•mr f / ,led roof is safe - 'trrrt..w.t a• proof,fire-proof, a n from lightning and west 4(r -proof for a Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles gives some surpris- aI e GUARANTEED in every way for quarter - century, — , Years. Ought to Last 13 Cee Ing facts about the without painting. {2. - '9' ' a rt:tilon Jightnine wit of semi -hard- "°`°"'° "° caused in Canada last ened - heavy sheet steel 1(28 - guage -- boo k -- w h o r e ah a 1 l lwwe o Better reado tyv your copy? tii,i t f •, 4te i`• ..;: 44 t ISG Of Oshawa ola,r 21.3 Craig St. W+ • ' 11 Col born° 423 TO SussexAB 0) Dundi St. yo WINNIPEG t VANCOUVER 615 ?Adm. tat Vii, 161 ac) YHE TORONTO SJR[[T WURVAY. Toronto Aulhoi'ities Use force With the Company, And Now Appeal to the Railway and Municipal Board. Manager fieining Blames the City for Ail the '(rouble. Toronto 111.p.it'11: "The 11oltt'(1 reron)- me,ld that on application be 11114(1,1 to the Ontario flailw,ty and lluaulJ)))! lluoid to l at1lnllh compel the tutul,to Rail- way 1'nitlpally to ul)rl:rtc the lulltl'', ttis- continued 1 l -day, and le take Diel the (()rout) Railway (ompluiy':, , y,teul turd operate it Heating tite e,llorvenient of tee :Iniee)l,L)It between 111e reit\' 1(1141 tlto 'I.uruutu 1(1111 way t'ufljr;(1ry, avid to tithe any oti0')' llll'4lrllleo ;lam tile) May eve tit 11101e,' lfe eirei11astalte(I,."- Tnis 1;sohttiun, pas -ed b; the Boardof (;nlit)(4t at tl ap('l•lal Illeell(ig \'cst,lr• (lay ltIteruoun, 4.17, endursotl by the City 14)11)1111 :1t a Special h(•5r1ul1 110-t !tight. 1 he Connell authorized the board 'to complete such steps• as may be deemed advisable to provide tratL pot•- lotio 1 faciliti044 by vans or other suit- able vehicle's for the people itcoln'en• ienced by the discontinuance of the Bathurst, Arthur and Winchester streui routes.' 'these proceedings \%eye ueeC,:,itattel by the tying up of the three routes tlent.iuned by the Toronto Railway Com- pany yesterday at mutt, when the city attempted to ('01)1)401 the company to carry out its agreement with lie city in the routing of these Lars, A number of cars were at once sent to the Iru'ns by the (01)1pany. Others 100re teulpurat'- ily•ctieobled and allowed to stand on the streets tili evening, when they alto were riot in, The company showed nu con- sidt'rtttitn for the people ineonveniencetl by the taking off of the era's, but the instant that 1lw city tried to enforce the agreement by which the City En- gineer has the right to route the (art's off went the service on the dove ruutoe. ! The tyieg 1)p of the three routes 01nstel this Board of Control to call a speei141 meriting in the afternoon, when the resohltiou which later p:t5s• vd council at tl tipeci11l sel3siotl was carried, • 114 order to give force and el'feet of this resolution Council was hurriedly summated. The Board of Control authorized Corporation Cuun.401 Fullerton to engage legal assistance in the fight against the company, and arranged with the Attorney -general for a ronter('tlee this morning with 0 view to procuring immediate action on Lh(3 part of the Ontario Railway and lifu• 7icipn) 1+oa1'(1, 'I'h1' members of the Board and City. Council gave evidence of being determined to figlla the com- pany to the end, and several of 1110111 deeltn'ed themselves to this afoot. The lie -1)p of the Bathurst. Arthur and \\-inehc;ter line( .' will probably continue till the matter is dealt w'itt by the Railway Board, \\'it.)) the resolution, pa,sed• by the Board of Police Cuminiasiomet:•4 yester- day morning, the fight witll the railway company began 114 earnest. Judge Ivie- rbr.ater 41154rnted from the resolution, which was earl'ied Ivitb the votes of the .iia}'or and Col, Denison, Police Magis. trate. None of the 'Teelaenlai' 14001104 that 4(1711( p('1•5)114 )'x),ee1(711 14'11.5 W1111r3.9e(1, 'I'llel'e 1001.0 51!ffioh lit poJive at the rot'• nor to prevent the company from run- ning ears if they attempted to forco the holder of i 140 crowbar away film s p, NoENGINE CRASIIED INTO OCABOOSE tliough,lolf on 1y ffortl1)1) the pe,t ofidenre wast ien Out n FILLED WITH LABORERS, company to turn the sw'iteh, A grout) of boys, who seemed anxious ' to keep Thirteen' Injured in Collision on New themselves warm by making noise, were indust netts in jeering tit the nlotormen York Central; Near Albany --Nearly 4711)1' eollllnetoro A9 ee.ch 1Viuebester All the Victims Were Italian Nav- a:lr came Along they would shout: •t:i'i,,', f•, i' 1.'!I1'+' „ "Peel: to the V1C.,c , bal'))5." "'1'4V('rit y -t 141'0, ; : .1)114107.,73 4()1,1 Albany \. V., ,tan. 2). --Seven mPn duestadnr05, the spirit of the men of were killed and it least, thirteen in - power and might who have been the jured late ,t his afternoon oil' the New "Y0Ill•'I'e dowlll!dl," '1'O these 111)r('•st'riel- eel choruses the erinos only s11r11(.'(1 and pals4ed on in their order. treat influences of the wnrld,.14as fo11n(1 Yolk Central, folia\vl: divi'sion, about \[anng!rr Hendee in a letter Ea19a its development in this western berms. half 47 elite 440..41 of this, city by the "In this en1111cc1 ion. and in rally to 1/11P1'1' in the. great builders, and 1011h- 0011141011 of a light 011011e with a ea- your letter 11,1(11 11g to Lite ,tppen1 to I" our 13'c8 100 11110" 14P(41' in Canada house filled with railroad laborers. Tho the privy crowed, 1 lwg to say that I one of tile' greatest. of all the groups of workmen, about twenty-five in all, had nal surprised 111 your statement that the great builders, nen of COI)Rtrlletil'e oven 'tit woi•I: tit Ko11101'5, between here the printing is nide ready, as this ftp - power ,ta(1 energy, (Applause,) We and \\rest 2111rucy, 11)01 were (in thein peel w•114 lem)ched by thee 'city limit have seen 11)7(1, are ;arcing* now the growth woo' buck to the city. The caboose July, bit however '}.hat May he, 1 nal of that historic smote, the growth among w114 being; pushed by 1111 engine, and informed that there! is not t•hc Alight - the people of that appreciation of the the colliliing locomotive going 10051 est, 1'ei15011 why this case shc7uld ,not be great examples of their n\1lt past which crashed into the carr. 14011,1(1 in England 1)r -ext week, if the city is 50 ess01)t1Iil to 1110 making, of a 114(- All the men killed and injured were will )'I operate wjih the company in tion, and you ore (hawing awns residents of this city or of Penesselaer Hulking iter, nrc( >snry effort ,old' ctr through the 00)7)50 of successive err and host of them were Italians, ran7!rulrnlfi, aliens from the past, .the great figures . o ('' , "The appeal to the. privy emuu'il is of the makers of Canada loom more and the cily'S lipped,' ;old the still more lofty. FUEL FAMINE IN WINNIPEG, J . are ill their vont rol, proceedings tile, conipaa►y "Tile courage, the fortitude, the hero'Supply for Rdst of Winter is Limited merely having leave to raise questions ism, the self -devotion of the men of by way of . eros, -appeal., turd had ' the (i illLdat s early time stand out in his• and Insufficient, city not deliberately delayed the heel, toric imtinenee from irhiell 10011 may -1\•imlipeg, .Tan, 28, --where Winnipeg hie, there would not have been the flow the deep end unending slreitin of to to feet e, filet ;apply adequate to re. slightest difficulty in having the cava great national patriotism. (Applause,) dt,p(!}lvl of Inst November, Above all, we see a people trained. and quireulents of its residents for the tee "'1'140 eompnuy htive been pressing training themselves 111 the art 'of lielf- 1111111)(1('r of this winter is a problem the 011 to emmeetc the printing of government, in the discussion and cons 1011i0)1 is worrying the dealers as well as the ease tied have offered 10 giveilly sideration of all 'public questions, not those who are dependent on the former consent, and waive any notice neees- only in the high seats of governtnent, for their supply, There is not sufficient sees ill order to 111700 the ease hnttid at hut In the farmhouse and the shop— of either con►modity to do, It is charg• 1101717'' 1►c hrhi'unrl sittings, Upon eahliug that discussion which lies 1)t the, base of 1,'(1 that the unusual demand at the out- to London to this effect and to' 11800 modern civilizt}on, that (1i4elissin11 side centres hits been the real cause of the rage set down,' a rep]y Wlis,,recn}v which among the plain people furnishing 1,110 40110115 shortage with which the city ed that the "iLytse's agents were .not in - the basis for political and social sys- is nowthreatened, One local dealer fug- strnete(1 f(i eonnt, tem differentiate our latter-day cavi- [gists that the board of control take "Tf this ease isnot disjtosed„nf next ligation from n11 the civilizations of the chtirge of the situation. post it' 14111 b6' the ft of the city post and must give t0 it—must give to The Central and Balmoral hotels at and not the company.” the civilization of our time—a per- ti'irdeil, Dhu),, nee entirely out orf (toed. 'I.•-•--.. petuity that none of the past has had. !!tiny of the citizens null formers huvo Deciding the Matter. "Lord Grey has very kindly furnished nota pound of coal, lee in the last few days with the do. The C. P. 11, is doing its best to re- ;Qtu'ee—Conte, Tommy, go to steep. It's butes which have been going 017 in your Jie1'e the situation, but citizens are of 7)10'1 my (stubUornly)—t can't, (T)ten re- bates of Commons on the subject • of opinion that cart ought to 'lie attached tantins)—I''I' s I eon, t ilo snmothnas Whett the fisheries modus v!vindh I have been to the pasenger trains, 1 rant. most, nowt t, nurso? Nurso—Wolf, raven It you don't, you must. _,.,,_,.,... .,. •. , ..••••.......,_..,•...-,...........,...,..._• w............•...•.....- laequ(ttit lay dead and buried wit hill. r. w,•�►e�•► wneo„1►-aN 'pow1P" •Me•Ve''"onell"V"N VP'V 1Vith a dreadful groan, he leaned against the, wall, 441141 covivred his face :with his hands, 11'411(1 was there left 0 for hint ill the world worth living fo now? "\ly (Ivo: 1)1)).!---111y,llear 11ny!" •said \h. De yen., in 11 ,h.,king voice, CQUET •rqh.'1.1.4i• .4.•4lr l✓ib 1oibe1tiii✓"► tiff• ' " lido;)'' the hurk'luul he• :1' v4) thole hn•+ been any flail pla • Merl!, 14'x1 11U:1',llll.,, nal 10 ch;ull 1114 011htit. enrol,. Captain t: Nl!!: was in lite saddle in 11 :.\Vitt canter !o 1l'II1 ('reek. 1i1'izzle, curious In see the 'fleets of his night', Alatrhi111t on 1)i••lrn\we, had softly opened) the door once, and ,saw hint ill preei5elw 1111' 11:11,4(1 att.11111` al, 44411 of b('1 I((!Il1 a4 though he hall never stirred Miner, The words :4l0ll 4)(I hila, and he re• nn111 )1.41 110 MIS nut )jun'. II, st•a't- ed nth to go.• , "(')h, : lfred,'WI must —nal pari like: , t his: Shlill \\•'a alit '11(4 fi'ieilds Iref'ir'' v iu 'm? 1 ,4111 an old ,41:41,' .t)frr'.I; ,411.1 1 :;he I;uo died It :u urn( ilei,lI I. wit ntl,.'1 idle VIlt1 f()(''my'st�t'r'4 h:i!'r,''` Of a to l '1 h, art. most !duly, ))aur 1t '\va4 4411 ,ltp)IilRl' 111eI'e, \)•(t4 ho•'re )'41• 0111111! you !(1441 (' 111,4 ro0►n —\viii yell!" ill", Dishrm\'e, (;tri'telied' bili Ilk 11:111;1, (1:1181:v1. diel the lith' doctor, \\'ip(0g Ili., e}'es, 44,4(1 441414. c!in,�h`L) tlla� 4f 'hi.; uuijc; ill al blml;ng I:i.4 nu' (4'(1,11 ly, 11,44 turning; frien4l' (144(x11. . ' f('rociol:sl)• 4)1011101 on (frizzle• "C�oiul'•bji'.; nl}'' do.0 111101', LGt 4111' That !all)' 1411\' liiiu a glance of so- pr',,(\noi':af the (1tlatt'on-cerufe,uur 11(1\0 Pr I ! I "1 knew he 11.10:11 f; el it,'' said t ir;'r.zle 1(1 herself; "hut baldly nn0'h as this, I th'nght, 1'111; i, 1.'1•'11;;4'! 1 wonder where Master ,lil')nlo i'+ by 111!•4 lime':" '1'110 eL111'r (1f horses' hoofs al this mo- ment brought her to the window, and she sits 111•, Ur Vere, .11111-t0, :4401 their f11111(ly 1•h.\4((4un in the act (11 dismount- ing. "1 l;ne\\• it," she said, \Vita Ore of her 111(481, grim :,mile;, "'I'Io'y suspect foul p11IV, and have b:•olight (h1' do'I04' to 441141:0 sore, \V'hl, they're off for once' • that'., one comfort! (111, you had holler Beal (town the door- 1:010'1 von? Ono Wolll,1 think gull wcr' ,41:1=1,11' herr, as %veil as in Montell)' II:111,' Thu; upu'trophizing ,the lady Iri-::I,• shuffled to the dour; and, opening it. „\-(,u (,.nl do what toll hk' With 1( I. )1,.It11t m I I 10111'1 Rn 11 \Ir. 1)' ver)• pnlr, (Ii(1 111)'4:, (\ !!,,;14 IlO t1 i5 of )')'real importlulc' to 1111(1 .,lord, sl:ruli14:g (1n 111E threhol4. Tho ; any nue,' m0nu•uL hi; ewe fell on (frizzle, he grasp- ;\Ir, Do Vere turned away' with 0 look cd her fiercely by the 1)11,1, an(1 sail, • of diss.ti 4t : but he paused sudilenly..0 in 1i hoarse whisper: the sound of earI'iugt( Wheels 114)'1 his esu \I'nlu:ul -111'01! hay(' you 111111d'r'''I , The nett 'moment the boisterous oiee her;'' of Freak was heilrrl, shout,(n'g far till• "You have brought a doetur---stn ;old �pdttancls; 11,4(1 h' (appeared, till/ see. .,l ill 1fl'izzl', with. 11 sneer, IreSently nppearcd, b.-u►n. "1 f you hare, by all the hu•;ts of Ilea• bet'wennn, ) between them that most. dismal of all 4•011 11111 your winrli'tive (ol0pnn("n ob•ectn—'i coffin. shall 11.11!, 114 high a; 1larmnn, in spite of ' I)Jsbro\w''; marble far' gree a x111410 ''11'111 4444(1 all It ('nlllalll�'" (1(14.4) (.(1111'11111, 1(4(11 ob('1e(l, fr((11414......._,Atnlsttl,`iiit:r11lisin, fur( For nearIV two huuro the party re.'- \,ell. J'1';►ilk-rl)il(11l'-1i0u(llitstt itla(nell ,hilt 1111 in the roam, and (lien I„ 11:l1'fl 1114 handl allot ajphlllg 011 :111 Ile Vero came out and addressed Bolin (11 1. y drizzle. "'Then' 'nit \t')jI .go?,•(4h,, ,\Used, if "\1'rr1' i; l'npL(in 'rrmpest t he coo.).)"ail tw,,it!d,btt,t, stay (with• us a..fet)• day,; asked. l0l!'+1'r.:''• . "(lotto to (;)'ern t're'k fur Il coffin '•I• cannot. Farewell." "Ill' plat spar'' himself the trouble. %'t1 ,. , 1 ' maple' Il1'PiI111' carriage Will be Isere, presently, \\•itlt. onit, Ile 10,1., „nal , Down n th . n ' ) I intend to bury her myself." o, . 110 rude', and allsappulired/• among the ",1u�1 as you like. 1t Makes no l,lf- tree.;. -1s •114 reached the gate, Ile pals; ferenc(t to (re." ed to 1,in1:.bhel:—h•i4' last look, he "V-1111 can tell l'nplaitt Tempest that thought it. )low' little did be think e -hall be bin I'd In the family vault, with Iloilo different. feelings he \vould ill 444 11 sl:!' 1'1'1'(1 1'1:1111' in}' (1a11ghtl'1', ;11111 gti;C (01 it in 44445^4'40 (:1)111('! it.'vill 11'4 went the talk and se1lndal tiut� \\'hu en ii rt11 what tOOnu1'I'Ow slay I nln�l,�uocc•, aril.; )'11.11' if :^h' were t�tt.l a brit);; forth'!' (, (.4,Inlclel•\• If i„ a hot fie 11400 Olt ;•Montell' ili:;lppcared,',w:t, le 'r'':t creep. ' ' ( loft holi!lrI. •anll (with 1l :was left ,la:' for :urangrn:out 1111 all earl..... 1 I '•' n4) it. fill on the ghastly object, ( ILA: XVIII. lfu, \\4)'1:latir,,:(ilii the bail: Sea )'1::d left, New York 11:1110,r, b)11m1 for Ia11d's 1.10." • The p;(ssetiger, stood the fa4t -receding. •sjhores of "1 net' Sant," 11 l) 101 'sl:iililiug off ,aunng then) 140-) the tall, gallant form lif Cap; lain Alfred 'I)i.lirntw',' glizing tbou.iht- fully'. 5.4444!0, (i)I the' talk,' lo' NVilti 1(14' 1'0V, 4) t!1;' sire)', 011 10 the rid, occ.al, ".)'Ott threatened before, Mr, I)e Ver, •,�htttr the doctor swop!. the stall., ^x1111 lull 9101\ly' ;(411 The lid w:�s tel;en off, atilt i , 'IJ 1 and tons threat.: (1,44'1 in �uo,k', if run and Mr. 1)e ''ere rev,rintly' raised the giadu illy the short's began to ret'(::1c,. remember," tl(t. • slight, girlish form and placed' it. in if.: ".\(1i•I,ll to, the ')tow• haul. lie "Viol ',aid. "Vn \\ill find to tons 4) f, t!, last riedi i..' ) t.uv', .\::d then all 1:,1111 \� n\ i;:1 : 1 i� 1:4411; ' farotwrll to net this thin.. \\'he(r i;,.lucyuctta't" recJ •rtonud to tate ;t haat 100':: at the ,iuc:iei(, "Nalfar distant. .\h! you here, too, Miss ,\t!Vllslll? .Your first Visit, If 1 remember right, L'e:Illy, 1(1y pour II\vell- ing i, honored this nl ll'Oing." "Iferr, got atone. get along!" int,':'- rupt'd the (1oet (1' impatiently-, " \V4) haw' no time (4) stand fooling her', 11!(1 lady. LI:4:) the \way will tun? 'rads.' Tiny aril, I1i.. Aiir.u'4:1," :111,:ti:111, wart to a-•.a'lo\v. hagg.a•.1. and deathlike. and looking more lit;a galvanized corpse than n til icg bei) r, lo,(k 111, little lu(t(r's pruf'rre:l allu,;ul.I 'followed her fatly)' and lilizzl' into the 1140.'. ':'how entered the dumber, and their eye., fell 11n the 111,\0,1 and motion- less form of Ili-br0\v4) r'.t it:g bea(1)' L'' deed, "poor buy!" H;lid \Ir. Do Vero, Iik01'- 1)' '•It. i. 11 sail blew: for him!" "Oh, .1ael1lietttl! ()II, 111\' sister!" 0N- 0111 lined .111 us111, \rich a groat (r0, as she slut: on 11e knees beside the hr,L "Dead! dead! dead! alone and friendless --deserted by all!" Iter try aroused I)i,bruw(', Ile lake l tip; ;lull seeing then), arose, '\ly. )lour boy, lay dear .Alfred!" .":- ei:lilll,:! his 1111(('1', 11) 11 ('linking Coil'(', 'Wool, at her, sir;' said Disko \'0, sternly, pointing to the lifele,s form. "Is 111s11 1' (-•al(-fled Itt last:' \\'1!:1'1, 110 you think of your handiwork?" "I lull sorry-- I nal sorry. Oh, Alfred, the heart lutuw'eth its awn bitterness.' "I ;all 01';11, nl' 1ha1, sir. Thr 44,4'0 (t, too, ill her (lyi;llc hol'. \\'ho i; to :1415• weer 1'04• ,•h;.; 4t;lllt': tett 1,0,';:it' too (I' I have \vrUI,-mll Iii'r! 1 meant, to ;let for the be.t, y(lI !wen !.",.r ell nigh) t" he said, briefly and coldly. "SI ill nnfurgi\ il! ," x'4411 Mo. D' Vere, turning 4:1(11)' ((Way: "and 1 lhonght 1 \vir.l 1141)';; ri (hl. , Poor child) ho\t• ser- 'lic rhe 1o01:s! ;1 dead (4t1111 alight 1001; like 1441;i, I'000 11 10 ,1110111111 1111 I'u01' 11111' .la'c)aott:l!" 111' 4:1(11, putting his hand 1:,4'(0:(1'lis eyes to hid' Li' tars (that l;'II hot aul°leash, I)ishlo\ve stood like it tall, dot'); sta- tue, \\'ifh fuld'l anus, gazing out of 1411! IV(IldIW, :\llglIsta Wept vonwldsivoty, and iv':l Ihc' lilt 10 110pI01''s ('yes \we'c it'll of trap's, -Boor little thing! she dot's loot: Ilke n, (lend saint, and she 1r,,cr\es to go to fair flee illel• 101'1'' never ,to,•ie1' again. \, ,tang "fat'(" 11'411!,'' •oJ�11c11 11 IfOw sweet, hn\v )'la(id : ho looked, til:' 0(1;0,,4 b;'iu11d; I,inl_ and tnru;111;.:0) 141( 0; nn infant, why!), with her little \v''ite round, le stoml faro to face blinds set:cuciw folded over her , sl(Ib (intuit, . •• r w . heart., a faint. half -smile liligoring around :'14104 4 10114 a, passe, during whish 1)1-• the death -told lip.'. lu'ow'e:x Op.'s \vert; fixt:4. steadily (01 hi - The loud lobi of Frank arta the pa;- face, The I011''1)'laik eyes 1 sionate weeping of -Augusta resounded through the roam, \Ir, 1),c, Vero., too, ;,'1440(11 his fat e to hide' 111: fast -falling tears; 111111 •(1(4' doctor 'was•. using his ilanlll:r'rchief il1''ssantli'. .', l)isbrowe alone shed no tear,.hea\(',l no sigh, but. stood like a dark ghost, yeic('1':•; an 1 tearless,. lull 1011' they were bending do\v:? Icor :ane hist ki4i; lad I1isbrnwe, too, stoop- ed and tonclu'd'the dead lips he never lead touched 1'1)111 living. And then the eoffin•lid shut out the sweet, dead fare. and Stuall, graceful form; and it \\'as 91.'I'I'wl'll Clown; and the screws see111011 ! hearts, And then bleed. 11101mted to 1115 br011-. • \:alt 14.01,1.1, said Di�bro\w1', sh) l\' "this (s a must unexpected plcaslnr,'' 'dill not 1:11010 0011 10(1( on board,' said Jarh:t'i fini'i111\. ''1--I though) you eery gohlg'1(1 remain) hi ?''('10 York," "lull' 1 'x!i'olr (l ynii \'uuld ham, re- tur11(Il with your frithtd, Captain Tem - post," 'shill. I)isbl :ltct',: eoldr\'. ' • '• ' 11e 01 no fl'icnd 'of )ilei','' ' s'a((''-l'1•' lary, quic,k),v, `'1 r,i'vci•'knew' slim until 1110'1, hilt ne(idadtally ill. Liwet•puol, amt finding il) 1004 111 (x,:11 Ili(' 11('X1 d;ly ,t 11;14: p:e4uil e in this ship, That is all." '1!nve y'ut not )494 1!(40 shire you loft !'(ate:!('1''' said' Di=hr0lv', suspiciously'. 1 , ' �,•'� t1i ', t 1 • \, : df \• ' a,•n :nue, hf tato rt �1, r i,: l.•f he�pu•ho �I1 in atlons. sold •,,o 0 gift' 1140.ms 111 1111' mouth,' you I:uo\V. 1','4) will ll(enlnit for it, on lit! principle that seapeg'u4ts, and 111(1:,:' who 11':1.1 1!4) (14'01' it, an, always best h(luvo4, and se sic w►la!' "Lot'e is all illlpnlse, and despises com• nail sense!. The young god is always painted 'blind." "\Vhich accounts for the desperate ink - takes iie. nukes 4lltlletlllle4, . slut, toy 1a,4, 41111'0 is a :subject painful t0 both of 115. but on w•hicll 1 must speak, naw or newer! I 1140:11 the scene 1 satw'that l'leniug going I11 the library. You knew to 1w1(11t I 0114114'.' His face flushed slightly as he 4!) !:1', and as qui(l:ly grew pale 44141(0. "''e4,"' said ,laoiiilt, Mking straight. Imbue hila; "and 1 have often 11,44 1111',4 sin(' wished to explain \\'4011 1 haw you misunderstood." "1V'11, .spetll; out freely, do not is:u' that I will (.110111 from the stroke." "':'her' is no ,troke 11, fall. \V' loved 4,0011 of )let• like 1lrot her 11101 si;t')' ins more!" 'Nettling mere! Are you sore?" 14:111 I)I.I)' ova , llll'll!Ilg :1)01 I''ikiiig s:'ai'lhlli1 • to in Ihiz face, "No. 11ot1111114 Vlore," said ,1:1/'i11tn, hlftl111r his (bill:, repri:a'hful cyr4, "Oh, (captain I)i�'hrl,w0, 11+1)0 0'11141 you thins; so?" "Snell 1 !11111!4 have eceuI'1•l'll "Anil you reedy thought. for a moment tllnt'1.h1 Could love it boy like 011, i11 ill!' Way: yell mean'!" "s`'1 1IlalIght' `,u for a good many nO,- motil , by 'dear fellow, I wronged her 1 '1;.'1 yen both. 1 am ,,eery f' r it 111111, when it is too late,'' t t.'u )tftc, sen,:r. • 1 :un i411)1in ,she 1'':u'.s and 8,)',104; ".1111' yet, 1)) ', boy?" "1 1(1(1'1! not.!lillg to forgive,'' "'1'1144,44: you! 11104 she 14114)') \with ale tl:af, day 1011'11 I left?'' "No„ only gtl ievell .111,1 hurt, . Your 111(\•(11;_ (1110 their 01.11 10411' s.: 11' '' "N(,):" 41501' tla' b0y,' r 1111014ily : " ani the '1114) pall was 1100 ‘011 over (t,r and ,,nes• Mr. 1?: \oche, an$ th l 1,4010)' tau,, l '1 -You 1:411•)' Beard well:11 h!ts •happen'.;1' • :11111 ca'rit'd it out to the carriage'' 'fie\ all follo' 'd. 0)'1711(1 st''1 1 1 b;: f•1111 trr lifted his 1(414,(1, blael�e1) 110! I)i•hcn\ve'>.'l\r the')' )V('l' 'f�ill rtf'tear,. V's,' 11141, (I f 114(4 VM;v=Very '•I Ila 1`4) iih'(1(1)11)) ' "His. tone 'of' proud, 'l)itter'' endurance 100)11 to the ii.elir), nf`.litriut0, 'and 1 ea 1.0 fell' fait .(t•ei'tl '•t►11, t11fit aro ))i:!,11I\i('',tam sorry 'for the windnw, , i'ittching them w'ilhout. a word, Algusltt entered first, then :dr. 1)e Vet'' and the doctor, while Frank lull I)isbrowe mounted their hos:se.4 and rod' b(hiud, On 1111')' drove, faster ..than ever a (,4,40)',4 went b'l'ur'; ;1111 do .less (Lan four hour; the stately' home of the 1)e y. f(1, 'pulsed -'-ii)410011 1 11.,44 Sorry for \'eros 'Vas in 4igi(k, That home she hall so (1)1(144 '14;41 )110'14 11\' ,I('1' ))right 41)'4'4 t�(4'a won' )I(l j.''4)) \'I,llilg friend, :It( - enc' she w'1- 11.11w .l o: e t. i ,.•teal. 1j) 1 ;i is !'0r ila":;1(d t)i.;l'truwe, 101141 n The vaults w•:',,4 (,8((1)•4(1 by the 'north !;;u!: I::ilf 1!f; y,,1nlfl(I, half lc\'!1!11) ':11:,1 1w111g, -that Int: t11i11)14r,nl)1'tl 1\'111' I;.:P r,;l,•., (• redly don't 101 lJl 1 d yo:u• lcit eta\• lout. 04) 11 it long: 1'1114111.41' broad t�111.'', "(111, 1 1 stone .4 Lairs, ,4,411 the ti1'snnl!t..ot:'d'ith 'i 1(1101,4 .Ili:ht,nw(,, 1hal.',7iavri and t.!1(' grave, 41111;p and ('::1').hy.. (111''10 \'i!!t''' 1 111\'1'1'- Ill't/'t' !111,111: NO 01"O 11:14 ever rested there y'1. offend ,vui;; and �I ant so sorry It 1 11,10(' and the lonely coffin stood there by it- !lin(''1.et. ., (111! iE ,11111 only w•0u11,',iie• •'! The' duct lead tlil' 11111•lal 4('4'11"'. Su'i't' 11.4'!., a)ld„llut. treat la(' so. 04)1)11)',' self. 'l h..l, l ( hot ,tet, and unto (1ust thou sai.l,tile,hely: ,eh) ping.hes hands f4'r..w Alt n...• t slow t \\'lull; 1 )'101, iiik•iil'.tn:43 lv ' • Ill 1'4) 111')). mournful word--, 411!,!;nle (11.'1 lei1,,t1;11!1,' Li'shrn1,y, glanced at slim sli;'hltly, f'11' struck to '('1)')' !ie.irt. ! • '' ;:: nuiiel;t, .114;1 1111,11 .1001:01 MIL o)cr the 11 1'114 .001')' at b1 -i, awl.. they - :ell. { \wide !'(a... , ,. ,.,:; :,, ., , '•}1'\• !rood ynttth. 11(11. 10014111' en Ills.' i.u�u(d away. :\s the great( iron I:ry' , Netted ill 11.1' 1111)' !110!.4 of )h' 41001. 01 i l:i' I, 1)'0:11. ",111? -via .p you intlhi 41)11(4 the vault, the •whole dreadful r':pity ,.'(1,•Ih,di' ^.o'(1 044 l;l th 4,14-0:1;,4 )'e Il11)44 I)l,brow•e for the first time. !cars•el '.:01 11(.1.",.fll:llll: Voll!" he •:.Ilii, hick. ) , •' lie had 1)(1'1! 11):(' 0111? ill ;1 01'':1111, hither- (.(felly i ,I': • for there 1 , ,• ,� '• 400'1 � and l..- lip 1 .t . 1114 0'l;, if i\ !u s1 '!' girl. ti4 • ',i'lui b) I.,nk1 1 I' ) I (i ,.11y• \',:':; e, !wily!' (1441, :\II! x11(1 )1(444 10--111' could 11,11 1'1x111''/.' rl: 1x111 �:n\1' „1.It",?'i,,ltll•,'. „ . i these cn!d :dune wit !Is, th,4;. mita.- r e 1' . .1.'1, the )iT.;lyi':'4 of 1I!c' poor 4444,4 1110 weak, go. ••! ,f1:1•hlrr'1:'.11ll'i.t 111 (11ft'llf] 1'Ull I il'11`1' ••• •;w t ',..lot the rich alt the gre41.1 turf( door, was •b:'1weel1 111(,41, Ile; 0x s;� 1;44'1,• ' \'Iitt 1114th lie, )aril 1 1 would die,. di: !.y yJtait:at her us they might, I don't lie- ing 11,41 into ti' 11r,at:\1n!tl'.•runr�li{:I • ; fe:,yu'1!" ....._._...._...__ .......r._. _ _.• 114.'l.i11' 'O!' 44111111. ,,.)1 011,0 -tottghl•,0!' ,�? �! ,.j_,g�, ` 111;0111,11!)' !:n ft:Ul •;Iyt'll 1114' Ilfe at'.i�11e gS ,,&&����Apl!1,,��,,11i'L z,� t, i I:''ffi" 0"�Aiu lis „\''i'.iitil n ixul ' of s'lf'e°hr- t U+R!, d �tl�!.�ti Gi�'{t,S6 S l "�°°lt1 "0� `ir5 1v 6111 1i.I: '(f I ..I , J ' r0,:1' !1, '•11;'Ii1 11('. 111)1. Ile ' lay,f,i'd t(,li, W" '111 1;' 4'111!'' 111;'l1:L1:11 111) the'. 1441 y ::).11 l �g :.i i;!.. 4:111141' t' j ' � ; ., ur!!i(',' .111(1, l (41111.,1/ 1 10'1:(11 (1, ,0,1111 11 It)dulrail!� baby?4411 yInu' Il;rlili4; 1)ul,'tli' 1)',44'11, is, ,t !n4).';)1', and ),111 o1' K11't3,'tla'll'jilst 111; thi( . hllnl'.lr 11, .„(1,0'1,r,;1,`0i11) 11)0 wholej‘,01.0,('oil4'..1:110111 1, a(.1e1' 1141 (1111 is'p;ii!•'lu:(1'' 1«!1!1:•, :Ind nl \'V'\vill lir f'r(1:eats.'.) i'', lie lrel1 mit, Ids, 1110141. ,with 1,1'1(1!11t 401111'. , 'l'Ite \•III'ilg Sp:nu:11'1! ('aught 4 111 ledlh his 11101 '41,(x1!11 if,) to his 11)::44, while Iiila 'l:lt'k eller s w.p)'e, hal (1111' 40)114-'111 �(t'1 . "..::e '('1';1 ; ferling. "A.':(1. s") }'('!tor;'•.))!y like me, 111,y 11111.1'. 1.10,‘„:„,:;44(4' 1)Jslirntt'', 1111( p11zzlt')1 441114 • 0 • 0 4 It's a heavy strain on mother. I-Ier system is called upon to supply, +nourishment for two. Some form of no ria L: ent that will be easily taken up by mother's system, is needed. , Ernalt,• a'ton contains the, • greatest ; possible amount : of nourish- ' ment in easily digested form. ' Mothelr and baby are wonderfully' helped by' its use. ALL DRUGGISTS:.8Oc. AND $1.00. 010400000104001040000000 :1. )V0l'Js worn'. to 1tr heart,, bcelluse-_-__"t, "I;rea:tse she love;) you, Captain 1)is I :'n )01'," ..1)1(11 pared, 0101 the fine face of (''apt, D!sbrnw•e \vas dark with .4011010 :11:1 14)• 111;,x•4'. • 111(1 T' 111'1')' knew, it 1ill it \vas tau lite. , Oh, Jacinto, why (lura every goon g' -ft (elle leo !,t' in this \vOrld?" '1'b':'e \\•it: a (tall:, passiunllte ,lejeet1,111 his bone that startled the boy. lie softly lab) hi hand on that; of the young; man, as if In see;ll! hint 10101: to himself. ''1 wish to 11:414en 1 hail never set foot in :\,440)'4044, Jacinto: I wish l had brrn (tend 11:11 in my gray( '1(110)'(1 1 ever than;:ht of rl:ting ':ere. She might still 11' 11111')', 011,1 1 ---- 1!, parsed, and al hot, bright 'sear fell .0n I:i4 101 !i.k. 1lo ;11:101''11 fil',t'01 it, lain then at. the boy, \vitt) al strange look, ''11'Itt', for me! (1(11'1 shed teary fer' "Poor Jt'tl l.4a4" Haid 11e dl0y softly', 111,4 eyes 111411111 filling w11)i 14';44'$, "I)u 11111. ,444(14411 0f Il 11(11'', ,1a('O)t0 it is 1111)' t•IllegIll' 111,1,11 1(114')' 14) 41(4'. N11)0, for yourself. 1111,1' 1 44),4; 10111(1 is yI)1(4' des t(n11(on?" "I ma going tlitecl to London," "Ah! 11(('11 100 10111 be fellow -travelers that is •111r 1444 (011111)11, too, place you (110!:114 in Lindon?" "1 et; 1 think so." "'Your b(1t1,1,loye is ;;ct'illc, I thin!: 1 be:11,1 them r,,) ?" The I o • w(tb avr:•1c11 fce, „1111( 1111141 h" 111(1'.\i'1;11-41111::'";1'1(1.:11 1)' 041104). 111 1.'114011, 114'1 Ile)(• fellow', I will show you 011 the • worth :-''11::,, :run► the ' oWt')' to the 'i'luun's, t woe, tvhu. do you • "that I than): you \•rr)' nuu'h; but/ my business (s pressing. 1 eon only lonllliu in your great Modern fiabylnn ttlo cl• three day's; so, you se', uuleb ;Is sh0nld 1(I\'' to accept 1.0111' hind offer. 1 'mist Vol decline," "11')'11, 1 1111 ands\'; bill lis it cannot 1,0"‘11‘;•11'11)/('01,1 14) 111'1111'11, 1 sll)1p',se \y' 11111;1 /11w11'- sigied. '1'1011 11r 1111(4' (lays is but a short titan to see the 1)0ncb'rs of London. I should like to 1100(1 taken yl.0 to old) Montell,' and I)i'�lro'we :'all:- t\w0 (0n0 - 1r)' seals of ours -and ShOti 11 you \( hat the 'homes of Alertly MIl!4100d' are like. L'Ird 1?aurdiff' 104011,1 111101' like,! )an iinnivl eJw. 11,44 1.11 \1'oul,l her ild),hil'." are ton kind, Indeed, I wish 1 could neeept, )o111' invitation; but. at pre• sent, it is quite iulpn•.;hle, Some d11)' 110', lily boy. 1 4:01 not 10(1)'))1 111'111, 111,11 I'1rr w(II l' 4)110, (1)1/11;1 h, Jaoi!It0! tb' 1\4)114 1'. 1(' empty as 11 ml1shl'IIf' Age, that sad, . reproachful' 101)1: in (111)'(1 4 L'l:, 1';11,'4 ".1101 i tl'er, no ("•m.' in all Ihis,,\1'or;ll who loves you :dill? Oh, Captain 1)is• 14(01(14 .aro 4)11 (1(4:1(1 w'ilh J11(qu't1:1?'' The young plan made on i111)niti('111 .!4• .')((re. "Of w hal u,r 1: lav', 1.11011 1 r"'4401101 love in )'semen'1 1 Bever loved int her. '440'1 1:111' she i; ',one forever! Sadly true ars lie 1; 111114,'lf the 11 ise Mao, ":\11 is 1',1 nil y iahtl l'rxlll i(L1 0f 4pirit 1' '•011 titre EC! il! :111 y'011;.Jai'illt4?" "Oh. no!" . ! le 1•as loaning (100)'• the si(1', his dart: 'y(), fixed 1111 the far-off horizon; and i'ia,''thlllg 44;114 '444444' out of his face at Iiishrnwe')100115;',1(1:' ;t .light. from :t l'ittae.• sic tel! y0!? ,h' loved 110, JO - !•;Ilial: !Il` , )''!11'14 :11'101' a nous,. "T'i're w.1". 11 4) need -1 s:1)1' it." , NO OVERCOATS IN ALASKA, Army Officer Says It. is Not Safe to Wear Them There. "1'00 do nut find anyone wearing over. t'0:11:1 in .f11,411, 00(1)1 iu tin winter," said 1 -Major I'. F. Al, Beall, who is nt the NOW 11enw11rd, after haying recently returned from tint territory, "'1 he principal thing to be carotid about i, keeping; ale head, hands and t' i feet , 1141 (. 111 that part. of .11tlskltwhere 1 have been the only land trinsporta- 1 ivo Id by dog nlr'r11, 1(11(1 to Hallo((' (heal on:. has to drop into a Ila); trot beside the sled. ":\n ordinary s1)11 is plenty thick enough to keep yen 0114.111, and 1111 over. cunt is dangerous in that temperature. Trotting alongside It sled wearing an overcoat would wake you perspire, and the miller cold tvou1d freeze the per- spiration. he 1(4(11 then: wear u fl.r cap that 04.0()':4 every part of the head and face except the'V45, and there (s Only a little noel) Hobs for than(. \V; 1•lined mitts 010 Worn on the hands and moccasins with (woollen stockings all the feet." Jfujur Beall has been three years in Alaska, commanding Fort (libber', the garrison consisting of two e01l1p1t11leel of the ''bird 1'nited States Infantry. IIe 14 now 011 10;10e' of absence. 'Tort (fi1)b011 is )p)1) wiles up the 'Yukon river and seventy-five utiles south of tho 1 hope ,0 h, mote fortunate." Arctic circle," be said," and the river is ('1'o be continued.) flown 'll) most of the year, In that time dog sleds are used, but when the rl\ 4)r opens steamers come up frequent- ;•»IiletillleS the rough characters travelling around the country take pos. .4('ssioi of 11 river steamer, and it's part of 001' 14'014: to restore order ((ltd rccap- (lu'a the steamer. • "'1'10' chief work of the soldiers at Mart 1611)•444 i5 to keep the telegraph lilac, 401111!."-".Ifaltiniore Suit. 1'OR•EU IN SC1' 'CPO. A Severe Case Cured by Dr. \1'illilim ,' Pink Pills. Here,. hartiiog pain-, pain; Tike rod hot needles 11)(ng 41riw:'u through the flesh in isle thigh; perhaps 41)1011 the legs In tlt' 4114444" -dirt's sciatica. None bill the ‘1•1 int can realize the torture. But the 51111''('!' heel) not 1!I'lw 41510011'• aged for there is a (014•(1--11 sure cure ill 1)r. 1\'illiuiu. :'int: ''ills. These pills 11)1)1:4' new blood, this nr\y h14o11 feeds and strengthens the nerves 11101 frees then) !runt pain. '!'lir pain is banished to stay banished ----the cure is complete. Mr. ('ha:;, It. 3laclea 1, 0 prosperous farmer n'or 11114l:w(II'. Ont., has been cured of ;l .41'04'44' ('0,t' of 4'1441!01 and 1015)1105 other sufferers to heat' of 1114 cure that they may benefit by his experience. Ile 1411)'5: "For 11pw;u'll5 of five y'ap's 1 was 11 pot'• 111,11)'11 sufferer from sciatica, In the morning 0'11140 getting up I would be s:'iz'i! Ivith agonizing pain in my hips. f llitetiI0'5 those pains extended down one.leg, sometimes dow•Il the other; often dont both, The pain 10.15 terrible. 1111' agine the agulfy caused by a red 11`ot spite tieing driven through the flesh. 'I'llat, 14.04 ,juat fay feeling 1011'11 the (.144411:t \vas at its \VOrst. Often while carrying water to 1Iie horses the pain became so acute I had to drop the pail in the middle of the yard. l followed doctor's treatment, but with slight re- lief. 1 then tried rheumatic plaster's and liniments, but those did not help ape at all. '1'1100 1 deeided to give 1)1.. 11'illiuuls' 1'141!: :'ills a trial. .\l fit's they did not seen) to help 111', but as they had been hu hig1110 reeoniulended 1 persisted in the tlu11f!tient and gradually noticed a eltan ' in 1140 condition, '1'110 pain be - value less ,('V)'re; I felt stronger and my ap,,eti(4' improved. 1 thin!: I used the ),ill• (1110111 four 4,1. fit' mouths before I was completely. cured. but though that was wo ye.u's ago 'I have not since 110 ) the :ai411:1,1 return ui sciatica. I think 1)r. William Pink I'i!!s are 11 w:u'Vcllcu5 nl'dO•ine, 1)441•(4,1 41)4'4 1.11\' w'il', 01111 11404 1110111 Ili a 1,111(1(! hnil(1or. She says they hove is equal, anti never wearies of prai,ine them to )ler friends," flood Hoed is the se) ret of health - 1)r, \\'i!!iu11s' Pin!: !'114 the secret of good blood. That is 0: ::y :;ley cure sciatica, rh(•lau;(! ism. `'t. Vitus' dance, heart pal. pitati41. indigestion) 404)1 the ❑('.:nems t'oIIiICoII 111 women a11111 growing gi1'ls. Sohl b1' medicine (1.'::lers (r by mail at. -I) cents a he, 0r (•' ib"•'es fel' '"'' ill from •'•1), 1044,: 1n1;1t! 111111 1 'eylr saw Ill's 1,4041 idiot 14!44) • O\e'as!" (hey sn tee most of the i'. .4;:1 11sae 104)1114 u :104`1 not, Jet yog4' it, r!• slit! .1'44.1 high and prull), :rady111 -sire' thought you \ror4.41a;un4 to', another." • and that 1.111) 1 110 iota: -'n, 111:11 '\frnun'y of :4. 11110 '- I n a land beyond 'the' sea.' ' 'And bei'ause f wits 10und to ane.,' 1 io:;t: the othi', :\4 if one. smile f:un1'.n,- iln0(10.were not ,iw(irth a thousand \ur- 1111)4." •' lir 5p01:1' more t0 hinttclf 1hln t0 itis r•0nlpi I(Ioi) • 111 he did, l:'ot ollsel'w( that the hand that lay in his had g'row'n 41,".11,• e01(1, and 0114 !teddy w'ithclrarre, '•'Yle eve„. ill \•(11: ail\° \'ill; 1101;'' (0 4! i" h,:.nsl:ed, anter ann1:1(1' pause, half touched.,811(1 tl!pl!(ii1g m';olu(tp(t(h '':lid she ever aveotint. flit. the strange nightly 'ntlsie,''' of lit do (bade,, 1;44 1 " Oli, 1(0!', texclll)lul';d' the lin,,, lift big' "111,1' t 1114 sparkling eyes fervently fu ihe,hli(t. u"And you n4)' ve1' nuketl het'?'' x101110, face• of ;1114; 1,'011111;. g)IIII'(I..911a11. .,"(i\0," "'«'t; I .00 not know. why you 41p;a4il(1 ])isbrowe looked at hint, a, little sur- -i: 11,41 e.11(11)'.)'.'done• anything as I tan prised at his la(Oinie answers. aware...of to 11)0111 any, ttff(rcd,(olt ()')4411 . "Yon are ill, my boy) You are dead- ly' pale—seasick, perhaps?'! .•'' " `11;Pint. w\'onhl' be loving frills 'grt,lt.(• A faint smile at the, unromantic hint 1.11(1(1, .'1101101'.' ])e 00' ,1100110, jo\''' 1(411' sa\'1' bl'Oko over theoy's face for n 1110111(1111, (hove, who ,,;)440,(1 dune, something to merit 11,41 then quickly (lied nwny, ; . 1111)1 'love"."• °)o,1 1)11 not Ht'iisit1;,-f never '11111-1 1 "\Yell, 1 (100,1010w --if y nyt 44'0)'(1• n ts' iot'h'lug;'1s she -Lis she buried 2." 100111nn, I' might;umlc`rstnn)1 11, but as it "Yes," tlnid',])Isbrowe, shading his face i,'= \ft'hI, 111!00)' 1)1111)1, Lamglad you (le for an itnstl111t, its the tueinory of that like me. and we will not"'pu zl,e ,0ur.el.l•ea' 19nely(,"1•avo in ,the cold, dark vault rose trying to discover the rLnsun,''Xel'er.lbo!, 110(010 hint, , ' PRECIOUS STONES IN (HIDING. Ilow Geras of Great Value Are Kept Concealed in the Orient, '411:' 1lI1))uuis,e, like the opal, 18 found in the desolate and wat'rlcal parts of the wog:11. TI,e principal deposits, '::0 far 11)1 )4, 1, 1110 in the 1'erei.tn ucscrt 111141 on the barren plateaus of New .11exieo 111:1 1.-141111y the best specinuylua are taken i(,,:,1 disi:lt;",rat.(';' ruck, and the milting of l,'rltuol'0 i, not, only :1C1'o,11Jr:1ltt(hl with notch 1n11•dship 'ort account of the ! s:Atiu, bet c:111 only be .performed •with !:real d'iifieu!t\•, ''Ire quantity combined with other St 011,04, 11s well 44s \Vita 1011), 4)011 1;v itielf, is so extensivo in the cities :.f 4):1, -tela lvurop.e that more of it (:f bc• !i n.e.1 to be bought by gem 'merchants in this \vat• than is at present secured (11;111 the principle( mines. 1'11(• i> not strung4! 1(0)vever, for not 1n(y tur;ln0ise but other precio114 stoned 111't' known to exist in remarkably largo (''(1104.1(011:; in Constantinople, as well 84 in cities ill 'l'urkcstl ll, Persia and com- munities of southeastern 1.,u'Ope. The, are 111111'011 away in singer J11N, rug4. u: 1 Luxes 01141 Other r(ceptables of the 1011=ola4d, where the owner 'believes tie.r:1 i, little prospect of search being made for t :eti. 1110) 1.'011m:tors 'who =e:u•ched f.)1• 111,4(16 til this part of 111.' :,world say that 110 One ea 11 tall how• many ::t'! what lalu:lb10 s)Iecim11('IL9 are Car.., hi,i:lt(1 away. only io I)a brought to light when the 110.1:'.')' i, absolutely f0►•c- (',1 to part \wit)1 Mem throll;h dire neces- sity.' t ni'oe (telly many •a ge,pi brought, t!1(' (:1111004 )1Iil1es of India, Egypt are.) !''';..(a in the past 11+1.4 )leen 111:6 140' ('00'' 1. Prof. Flinders Petrie says' 1110 1' y!'1(10 ;44111'• :it Sinai, w'urkel from 4(he lir"t to the t\wenticth dynasty, may hove. i1'', 4(111 104(1(11104(1 :11„1 copper. 1. (1.)1rll,,.r,' Journal, The Disgrace of Sin. \\ c 11.101' just read of a 1111)11 1.111) 1111(1 been e,:nwiet('4 and sentenced to tho penitent Lin'. '1'11 his (40uusel, us !le the 1))', 11'illi.(u!,' \ll'diciu' t';,. Itr;,11;• 1w.:: )ell out of the courtroom, he cried: vide, Ont. Fire Demon on a Ra;upa e. .;t en 1;u'ly hem. lost \)l.n(law nlorl:in1 Om court lion •r 1.1 !I b';,:ul t0 ring and .111)' people 1)1'g:111 ';ll:!(1'41V In 1^•( al 1`;',v1, 40 thrut 41:1005, as it 1'4(•1 pertain 111:1 it 111'0111 :1 fire alarm. IV' had just. )eft. the 1:1•e•:(' and started down t4 lite office, and we il,:nn144d to work ourself up onto a seri of it turkey trot, 101)1)1) \re kept Op ;11 ;a 11.,10:11(( of full t1',:11\' \'anis, when 104) p)t)red out ;1101 resumed 1110 401)0' 1)111 0:14!'. \V4) ))'11141 400 1111' 000 \011 tOsi(1011('0, 11411' 0.'014111044 by i,ntllc;r Ate - and it turned out that the roof of 114 i(il(ho1 10a4,0o (ire, but 1101 same 110)1 been extinguished 'before 4,411011 help 41114 0111/111 nml :114'00r' 111(1011 411)1184' 1st, ilo110,• • 1 r,(nblu'!,. 1,44., Ec10, C1ik[f1100 A1LM N i S, ;1, rciued0, for ;tit iil' (1'.s (1f childhood, avisi11g from' derangements of the stmach or bOw(l$ Itaby's own 'ro141,is 111100 no equal. Y011 do.not have to coax or threaten your little ogle; to lake then). '1'11' (1444(1 with 1'hich they can be riven as comp:11'6d with liquid medicines will 'appeal 10 0001'0 11101)11'1', None i; spilled or wasted—you know just how big it dose has reneh'il 1h' lit• tle sI01)111ch. And above' all mothers have all absolute guarantee that the :Tablets coiltniu no opiate or poisonous soothing sluff, They always, do good, they can. not p0461))ly do harts. Airs. Edward 1)011• Oran, tit, Agatha, Q1111.. say's: "1 ran de. lighted with Baby's Own Tablets, 1 know 'Of ' no medicine .that cat (11)11114 them in curing the '.ills of young (Aiil• then." You can get the Tablets from any druggist, or by mail at 211, cents a bila by 'writing The 1)r, '�1'llliltms' lle(1ieine Co,, ]3)'licl:will)', Oilt. or - L eat not beau' this dliagrace.'' It was \•ringing his heart. While he was 031- gaged in sinning he fell it not, but 101)1.11 the public punishmen! came, he felt it keenly. This was in 1t human (court, lint there is another court to be held in 1110 future. 111 it the Lord Jesus will Fit as Judge. 'Then there 'i11 he a tre- mendous gathering of cpeetators; in presence of then) all Ivo shall 00011 heat' the decision 0f the Judge a4 to himself, l.ilhor, dome -Mule ye blessed" or "Depart ye 'ar5(1(1." Then shall we. understand the words of the angel as lie told Daniel that all that day "5014)0 (shall awake to everlasting life, 1111(1 'some to sbiain 1111(1 everlasting contempt. 'Chen will he fulfilled the Piet 1100 that is found in the sixth chapl 'r of Revelation. it pre- sent : to 11; 00011 the kings of ' the earth :1s hiding in the (lens and in the rocks of the 11)011)1tains, and 'saying to the mountains and rocks: "Fall on Its and hide us from the face of Him that siltc111 on 111e throne and. from the wrath of the )1'11 fear shame. The greatest of all shame is .11181 ,of the last , ' great day. '1'411' time to escape front :that shame • is to1lluv. ---Southern Presbyterian. A 1;azy•I'oet, Tal01?)('54 (10(14 not always co»fetr the long life claimed for it 'by Dr. Ilebert Snow. Of proverbial laziness wits ,Thom- son, the poet, drowsing ap•ity the great- er part of his life in his 4444)'1(144 itt 11)011• mond, listetling to •uightitl{lttles, \wi'ititlg the, iuterniuiable poen►ti that everybody 1101? admires and/nobody reads. There he could often' he • seep stand ng entfng tho..penebel1 off 411)41 'tt'oa(t, "with his ltnnds iit his pockets," ' Snelt et: iitstanee of -indolence would be. 111)'(1 to 1)0111, autl ghuithl, 011e•h•ould think, haveadded n.1 nd ' least tett years to 1)111 life. ,�idt ` Thomson, . �Vc 'like oui' � friends" to....be 'perfectly died at '18,•--I,undon . Cliftyttitle: • frail: 404th• as—about•ether people.- )AS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BUM, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty, Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every a000mmodatlou con. slntent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Ileal Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our Ilet for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account. OPPICI; HOURS: 10 A.M. to d P.m, Business Cards. A, B. MACDONALD. Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suo• moor to d. F. Illatr. Office over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. l tt'JUDFOOT, IIAY,S dt BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto. Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderinh. W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L,D.S„ D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University, Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to .i p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni. verslty of Trinit College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor• oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. X"". S. 0.3CC►TT' ;: BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery ANO Sale Stables • © 00 00 PP Q PAGE FOUR—THEBLYTH STANDARD— J .Cvu;►kr 31ST, 1907, .. tile jU tht gtnntb rb• J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, URSDAY, JAN 111. 1907 People We Know. L. Eckmier and one to Thos, Ellie, Mr. Sherrie is deV•elopiuu iuto quite a breeder Geo, W. Jackson has disposed of It's 100 acre farm on the 7th line to Geo. Jackson, who gets possession about the 1st of March. The former proprietor intends going West and will hold is sale in February, Mr. Fred Lewis spent Sunday In Clinton. town Mrs. Han, Mary at., hail the inis• Miss Mattie Barr Ppent Sunday at fortune to break a bone in one of her ankles last week. Postmaster Scott attended a meet- ing of the executive of the Postmaster's Association, at Toronto last week. .Misses Mollie Cluff and Nora Blake left on Friday last for Thessalon, They have to en charge of schools 111 that district. A man named McTavish, who came here from Kippers, died in the House of Refuge on Sunday, He was about 60 yo trs of age, A movement is on foot amongst local poultry fanciers to have a club organiz- ed with a view tp holding a poultry show here in t he Spring, Robert Fitzsimons was called to Thorndale on Tuesday, owing to the death of his uncle, in tris 90th year ; a widow in her 9lst year survives. Had he lived until the day on which he %vas buried, ho would have been married till yen rw. On October 24th last, Thos, E. Han- Ion, brother of Rev. Father Hanlon, of Clinton, died in London alter a brief illness, Ile wns one of the best known railway men in that district and a great. favorite with all who knew hire, Last week, not quite three months after her husband's decease, Mrs. Hanlon, too passed away. The funeral took place on Friday, Rev, Father Hanlon at tended, 8. S. Cooper hes leased the Hotel Normandie for ,t term of five years to W. P. Brown, of Toronto, who has already taken possession. Mr, Brown has been manager of the Royal -Cane - di an Yacht Club, and promises to keep the Normandie a first•class conrmeroial house. Mr, Cooper, though not a hotel keeper in the ordinary sense of the word, is said to have rnnnaged the house well during the short time he has personally supervised it, W. Murch, of Stratford, was in town on Friday last medting a lot of Ilid old friends. Mr, Murch has recently got a government position, but in this case no favoritism was shown, es he was the lowest tenderer, Ho has the contract for gathering the mails from the street letter boxes in that city. He empties thein three tunes a day, making each trip with a horse and buggy, in about an hour, and receives in the neighbor• hood of $500 a year therefor, on a four year contract, He's a first-class than fors job of that kind, home. Mise Allie Emig!) is visiting in SCA forth. Miss Charlotte Henry was visiting in London last week. Mr. M, L. Ilomuth, of Winghim, was in town on Friday. Mr. Jas. A. Hamilton was in Lon- don during the past week. Mr, A. Carter has been on the sick itst, but is able to be around, Miss S. Brown is visiting her niece ,hiss Ella Graham, of Brucelield. Mr, J. Leslie Kerr has been oft' work with an attack of bronchitis. Mrs, ,John Valines, of W1ngham, visited friends here during the week. Mr. Melvin Nivins visited friends at Winghatm and Bluevale during the week. ,lir, George King was at the home of his brother in Jamestown, who is now nn the sick list. Mr. Herbert Norman, of Listowel, wns visiting friends in town for o few days this week, Miss Lizzie llcllrien, of Ripley, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Airs, George Moore, Aliss L. M. Poulton, of Ripley, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Carter, Glendale Cottage, Air. 11. 11, Knox and Mrs. ,James Logan visited friends in Hallett fur a couple of days last week, Mr. Wm. Litrnce, o1' Durham, for- merly of the 0. P. R. here, is renew- ing old friendships in town. Miss Violetta Thompson, of Clin- ton, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. H. 'Tierney, in town, Miss Lottie Bentley, who has vis- ited friends in California for several months, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Noble Lovett, of Cardruff, Assa., and Mr, and Mrs, John Scar- lett, of Leadhury visited friends in town on Monday, .'. The Goderich Signal of last week says s "The many friends of Mise Barr, of the post office staff, are glad to see her back at her position again, Mrs, Wm, Laidlaw and Mrs. Robt. Powell were in London on Thurs- day attending the graduating exer- cises of the nurses of St.. Joseph's Elospital. Miss May Code, of Blyth, was one of the nurses. A full ac- count may be read In the locale. Mr. Chas. McKinnon, 13, A,, class(• cal master in the Clinton Collegiate Institute, has been appointed to the. Barrio C. L To enable him to ne• cept of. this appointment Mr, W. I. McLean, M. A., will take charge of the classical department in this school till Mr, Treleaven, the new appointee, arrives next month, Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. Orusseuetaele.. PROPRIETOR. W. H. Kerr, editor of the Post is on the sick list. (Si 00 00 op Chas, Andrews, of Gorrio, t'aa call- ing on h•iends hero last week. First-class Horses and Rlas for hire at A. Hislop, M, P, P„ is at Toronto attending the Provincial Parliament, reasonable rates. Misses Lily and Julia Sharp, of Best of accommodation to Commerolal herersoll, are visiting at choir home Travellers and others requiring rigs. • Miss Millie Ifrtrris, of Wroxeter, has been the guest of Miss Grace Stewart. Veterinary office at livery stable. for the past week, Miss Fawcett, of Harriaton is a -•- ---.• • ••--- - I visitor at the home of her brother, W. .1. Fawcett, of the Metropolitan Hunk, Brussels, The tender of Simon Grant wns nc,- -~ - - ~—~—~--- -- cepted for cutting down the (10 or more poplar trees bordering Victoria Park, Ile will pay PO much a cord for the wood, There were four tenders, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. ONLY ONE BEST in the line of business training institutes in Canada and that one Is the well•known Central Business College of Toronto Best In courses of study. Best In num. bers and experience of• teachers, l3est In eeeuring positions for graduates. Have you read our catalogue? !o explains our methods. Get It before you decide which school you will attend, WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. You will be welcome. Enter any tlane. W. I1, SHAW,1'rio. e<ate,rtez,n4„e„. 7,;;:_tpmerlD $ 1 upwards 'Subscribe for'l'rtwt STArrnArtn, Morris. Mrs, Geo, Jackson has been on the sick list with an attack of erysipslae, Reeve Taylor was at Oodetich r.t' tending the County Cowtcil hist week, Will Keys, nth line, 'arrived home last week after needy a year's snjoaun in the Northwest. Morris Council is asking for tenders for the Ellison drain. They will he opened at the Council on February 11, Jno, McCutcheon, is here front the West renewing old friendships. Ile its a former well known resident of the lith line. The Petch bush fat'tn, 7112 line, will he offered for sale by public Ruction at the Central Hotel, 13rnssels, on Satur- dayFeb. 9th, at 1 p. m, tx•Wardetl Bowman and Miss Lizzie assisted in the musical program at the Orange Lodge Entertainment et Bluevale Friday evening of last week. Tuesday of last week Jaynes Nicol, 601 line, had a bee hauling brick, get- ting material on hand for a new raid - donee to bo built next sensou, Jno, Hunter has the contract, Roll, and Miss Clara Mooney, of Weyburn, who were visiting here, left to call on friends at'Paisloy and other places before returning to the Welt. Some folks say Rob;, hated to we, James Shurrio 4th lino, 'disposed of thoro' bred Yorkshire sows se follows --Two to Lawrence', Wheeler, one to Celpl avlrr J. and Mrs. Guy, of Wingllam, spent Sunday with Belgrave friends. We are sorry to state titan Wm; Wiley who has boon laid up for the pest week is not recovering as prompt - as we hoped for. A grand concert under the auspices of the L. 0. L.. will Ila given ht the hall on Feb. 20, The best talent possible.is being procured, A number from' here attended the lecture given by Rev, Mr. Boyle, of Winghi►m, in Trinity church, Blyth, on Tuesday, evening, and returned well plowed with their evening's entertain• tnont. The site for the new school house has been purchased' from John Scutrdrett and building operations will be com- menced immediately, Pending its completion A, Jackson's house will bo utilized art a 'school and A, Naylor will commence teechingon Feb. 4, •,.••• Hall,: you renewed your subscription to THE STANDARD, $eeforth. Miss Hutchison, of Ailsa' Craig, was the guest of the Mires Stephens, at as Queen's thin week, Mine Murphy, sister of the late Dean Murphy, of St, Columbau, Is vieltiug friends in Seaford' and vicinity. 1. Langstruth mut with a painful accident at the furniture factory, a few days ago, when he bled both thumbs cut, the top of one being taken off, The Bell Engine Works was closed down on Monday owing to some of the water pipes having become frozen dor• inti the sevele cold of .Sunday, The many friend,, of Alex, McLen• nan will regret to learn that he has been seriously ill for some days, but will be pleased to know that he is nolo improving, One of the chimneys on the new brick residence of the -Messrs, Mulhol- land, of Herpurhey, was blown down by the wind Inst Sunday morning, and the falling bricks injured the roof slightly, Two rinks from Seaforth competed in the Ontario Tankard series. The fol. lowing composed the rinks: -1V. D. Bright, J C. Steele W. Ament, 11,', McDougall, skip ; Steele, Kerslake, J. Beattie, W. Pickard and R. S. Hays, skip. Goderloh. First fancy dress carnival for the season Friday, Fob. 8th. Mrs, !frown, who had been visiting her mother Mre. James Vivian, 1Vest St,, left .for bongo, Kalamazoo, Mich„ on 'Tuesday lent, ' after a pleasant month's visit at the old home. The standing at present In group 0, intermediate 0, H. A., is as follows : \Yon Lost To piny (loderich ..,-;11 1 4 Clinton 2 8 11 Sea fortis 2 8 11 J. C,' end Mrs, LeTouzel have re- ceived by cable the, welcome news that their sou, Dr, Robert LeTouzel, who is practising on the island of Jamaica, escaped injury from the recent earth - Thomas Sturdy, while on the road hoine to dinner last 'iltursday, slipped on the sidewalk in front. of H. Ruston's, Montreal St,, the result being an in- jured cord of his left hip, Mr. Sturdy will be laid up a fete days by the acci• dent, John Hutton, of the C. P. R, engi• neeriig staff, returned from bis visit to Scotland, loaded with stories of the land of Butte, Mr. Hutton says the trip Eastward wawa pleasant one, the journeyto Liverpool being made in seven ays, but the outwsrd one took much longer, meeting with a long sac• • cession of storms. Amos D. Cox, of Chicago, III,, is the prize winner in a contest for leadership in volume of business procured during the year 1900 in the Munroe St. branch of tho:New York Life Insurance Co,, the prate being a solid aid watch anc haill,•Valtled at $1(10. He is a sun of rs, S. Cox„ St, Patrick St., and was a former salesmen ;vyit.h Colborne Bros, At the ntnllination meeting on Tues- day niirht. Inst to fill•tite vacancy at the council board caused fry the technical disqualification of. B. 0, Munninge, two nominations were received. B, 0, )1 Mange was nominated by !t. C. Hays and J. C, 1.sithwaite, attd C. II, Humber by WIN Edwards and D, Sproul, Mr. HUtnbiar• withdrew and Mr..4lunnitigs was declared elected. Pigort'ye, the Imperial Cement Co„ an nCtion that has been several times before the court,: but never tried, has I,oen,roferred to the Les) Master, and His Honor Judge, Doyle commenced its hearing, M. G. Cameron appearing for the plaintiff and 0 F. Blair for the defendant company. The hearing was continued' for a ,couple of days, but judgment has not yot been given, The action was to recover for empty cetnent bags: claimed to,have been returned by plaintiff to defendant company, AN EXTRAORDINARY EVENT OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN A matchless array of new up-to-date merchan- dise, bought for the present season, is offeredwith- out restriction in a sweeping clearing sale, Prices are slaughtered. The reductions are the greatest ever made on fine winter goods. iS YOU SAVE MONEY YOU MAKE MONEY Everything must be sold to make room for the new spring goods. Some of the most wonderful bargains you ever heard of are offered in this sale. Just imagine what a saving this means. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY Drop in and inspect the great values and then you will appreciate the remarkable advantage of buying here—now, Every $ you spend here dur- ing this sale is an investment at high rate of interest J. A. ANDERSON ELYTH eaz- 7o, 0 Q.oessoeso nviotus Shoe for Men and Women East W.wanesh Cornea. HAY 131105, hare shipped In a carload of A uerlcan C.lrn and also a carload of The council elect for 1907 met Jan, c.,od h',tmlly Flour shipped from Baden Mills, Apply to John Potter, Myth 14th, pursuant to stutute, the members Elevator. thereof being John T. Currie, Reeve, and Vol, .l. Perks, '1' H, Taylor jr, HOUSE ANI) LOTS FOIL SALE. -The James Owning., and John Gillespie, undersigned otl'ers for sale Lots 88 and houReillors, who were all present and 89, Westmoreland street, In the village subai$ribed to the necessary declaration of Ii'yth. O.t •the premises there Is a of quikliflcatlon and of office, oomeut•blootr veneered residence 20x211, The minutes of the Net December kitchen 10x22 attached, hard and soft neetjng were read and passed, water, good etment stable, Muet bn Mr. Porterfield tendered his resigna• sold es proprietor Is going Wait. F.,r tion ,*t Clerk and tne lication of his farther particular; apply to JOHN N. pp N'tvrxs, Blyth, sone'lex, Porterfield, for the position, • witwiceepted ; salary $90. TENDERS WAN IED. --Tenders will be Finlay Anderson was re -appointed received by the Council of the Township Treasurer at a salary or $85, the cost of Mullett up to Stturday, lrebrusrr of pfo latring the financial statement to 10th, at 2 p. w. for the supply of 44K4) he Included in this amount, feet of rock elan plank to be • dell vend- *stirs, 130118.;, anti Scott wore re -up - 1000 feet at the resrldenoe of each of the pointetd Auditegti, respective four councillors, said plank to Wm, Robinson WMA again appointed he 10 feet long:and 2b Inches A thick,- AAenbor, salary, $3.►r , JAdltt`a CAI4PAEL1,, Clerk,•County Ttonsurer Holmes reported that 'lte lied, in 1900, paid over to East Take Rival 'Herb Tablets \Vi»vanosh for schools and collections, the`•sum of $4$11.57, Dominion Bank, for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for Wil sham, also,; reported that the bel• cleaning the Stomach, days treatment since at the credit of the Treasurer's$1, 31) days'treatment 1.5c ]dor dale at ltc4int on Deo, Blot last amounted to Dr. , MIIne's Drug Store $8,51.82, and aavinis account $448,10. Wholesole from the Hy'inwe for ratifying the appointment of township cicials, and appointing RIVAL HERO AGENCY the council road cotnntissionore for the, I{Incxrdine, Ont, current year were duly road and passed, The following accounta were passed ; Dr, ,Hamilton, .$5 ; P. Porterfield, sal - Strong Heade and' Skilled Hands to Me ery'.'.$5, food„ births, deaths'. and afar - Front l ' Attend the famous singes as per certifleate 'of provincial registrar $11,80, postage and station - cry $4 tation•eryt#,$4 00, services re ditches and wet. erc, ursee .$4 ; _Sick Children's Hopi ta1,15 ; expenses nomination and else tion, $413.50;F' Gutteridge, tile, $4,88; TORONTO, ONT. T. 'Nicholson, gravel, (ale ; H. B. El- and be properly prepared for business Ifott, hrlanee on account, $18,98 ; Muni ppoeitione. We deal only In high grade oip*l •World,i$P,75, business education' -the kind every young Council adjourned to meet at Bol - man and woman should bave. Our school grave on,'Fhursday, Feb, 7th, bas now the largest attendance In Its his. tory. Commence now, Prepare well and •Eat tr Wnweneeq. success Is certain. No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue 4.;, N. Bell, real 041atoagent of Bran• free. don', with Mrp,, Bell, are visiting with W..1. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, relhtivt' sod„ .friends in Wingham and Corner,Yonge and Alexauder Streets, Erse) Wuwenosit. THEY DON'T OWE ME A CENT That's what a person will say about a pair of Geo, A, Siater's In- victus Shoes that have been batisfac- 'y in every way, when they ere laid aside for the last time ; worn nut hut they have earned their cost: No longer of any use, but they have been reliathie, trustworthy, depend• 0b10 every minute since I bought thein, 'I'o please us it must plcno you, To please you it must earn its cost by giving proper service, Heavy Rubber and Felt Ooods Men's Ile,tvy Ruhhers Boys' lfeat-vy Rubbers Youths' Heavy Rubbers Meee's Felt Shoes Wumun'e %'elt Slims Women's Overstock Ingo Girl's Ovcrstockings Trunks, Valises, Stationery and Gents' Furnishings Bargains in Furniture and Carpets We have an immense stock of goods on hand, These goods trust be sold, '1'o induce you to buy during the winter we are offering extra In- ducements. Your money will buy more goods now than nny othei'•time of the 3'ear.. I3ring in your pictures and get them framed, J. H. CHELLEW BLYTH Are You in Business o- For Business ? • If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell,,you would be apt to make that address as interest• Ing.as possible,' so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, . It is just the same with an advertisement in Tnu STANDAhI». You have the privilege of talking every reek to hundreds of people and If you are selling honest goods and tell the. people about the in ii in straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping it benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons In preparing Omit advertisements -yes, give them assistance that would coat from 15 to $20 if a city advertising expert wereconsult- ds-and do it free of charge, But bear in mind that no man can get''out as good an advertisement for your business as you can, Yin know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain,, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about The Standard, , Blyth, Ont. JANUARY 31st•, 1997 -THE BLYTI-I STANDARDPAGEFIVJ;, Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plucked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest Dash price. Next oar here on Dec, 101,b, F Grain eked' paid after banking hours at our store. MoM I L L,A N & CO. Malley Street • Myth ►., mtr►,C► ngEtsC► r>•a►`n►dt4 4172� n THE nleetrle lights went out tat .10 on Sunday evening and stayed A THE RIGHT .HOUSE . , «,F will „trey a little tree ad vice • � ♦ A RELIABLE STORE; WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE r to the wills mart and young ladies ATMODI IIATM P111O18 ?Olt OABII AND FARM PRODUCE, �� who read this paper. Never marry until you aro, certain single life la a failuretold under no circumstances Wool B1afl.1(ets:.try until ,you find sowcune who ganwill have you, Be sure you are right then go ahead, Boys, rulnem- 'ber that a girl rigged out itt ribbons and paint tally look good enough to eat ; but that ,emilo, however, aha y Glassware be nrtulo to order and come off wit li her best clothes: We can give you some very. good lmrgnins in (}.as;ywure St T A NUJInF it of Straits Settlement the present time, a grand opportunity for tlil+ ecorrounic.i1 brake- coins are in circulation, and far the keeper, several lines to clear, also in Common Plates, Ceps and: Saucers, InInformation of the tenderers of these Sets k Toilet coins it may be said that they are comparatively valueless, as the per - o have a grand display of ti�+rs selling the la+vert: centage of silver is so small, The possible prices, oyer 8 dozen seta to"choose from, �VI Su'ttils Settlement half -dollar is very similar to• the Canadian coin, but is Dinner Sets . �A�9 worth only seventeen cents. '1'Ihe ♦ receivergenc.rttl's . department at A better choice than ever, beautiful designs, good color - tat do not handle, it A Ings, 6 etas to clear at a price. ,and heal. Ki tats to express any opinion as to its "'-lmmora Buy Priestley's. Dress - Goodsv , yithie. A� .• THE following is given by an Buy Priestley Dress Goods ' Alabama exchange as the correct nibde for entering a printing office, for a good dress Yciu should advance to the door' and �4 give three distinct raps or knock 'down the door, The devil will at - The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and practical while the teeobin Is done by able In. etructore, The ambitious young mon and women who desire to get the hest poss. Ible commercial training patronize this eohool while business men are In heiuoh of our graduates to fill responsible positlnne. The beat time to enter our a1ah00e Is now. Beautiful catalogue free. EWOTT i McLACHLAN, Principa/s. TO,W N TOPICS. CQNCiCRT, FEU, 7111. • I, 0, 0, F. Concert Feb, 7th. COUNCIL meets next Wednesday evening. THN Blyth Flour Mill received a car of corn this week, THE School Beard will sleet the 1st Friday of the month in the 8ch;.ol House at 8 o'clock, THE" 'I31,yth Bowling Club will sleet In Maine's I1ali on Friday even - Ing of this week to re•organlze for the coming Henson. TerGrand Trunk Railway author. hies have given orders to prosecute all porenns, found throwing rice in their coaches or around the stations and waiting rooms. Another blow at matrimonial ambitions, Tltx,dates tined at the Stratford meeting for the Canadian Racing Circuit are as follows t —Mitchell, May 24.; •Wihigham, June 5-6; Lon- don, June 11-14 ; Seaford], Juno 19 -21 ; Listowel, June 25-27 ; Swat. ford, July 1-4 ; Hamilton, July 9- 10 ; Preston, July 17-19. TAU8E & Sox, mannfacturing Opticfanp and eyesight Specialists of Toronto, will be at the Com.mercinl Hotel, Blyth, on Thursday,: Feb. ruary.l4th and if there is anything whatever wrong with your eyesight ; It would be to your interest to con. sult them. They guarantee all their . work and only recommend glasses when absolutely necessary GRAND CONCERT. --The pretty op. erett$ "The Beggar Student" pre. sen►ed by the W. Friinels Firth Co, will be given in Industry Hall on Teursday, Feb, 70, 'I'hc 13eggar• Student is from an Willett Grand Opera and will he part of tin first half of •prograin,• The program will consist of duets; quartettes; souls and readings by the several artists t W. Francis 1!'irth, baritone sotolst of To route ; Miss Eva May, actress end contralto of New York ; Arthur H. Francis, concert tenor' Of 'i'nronto bliss Edna M Porte, reader tied pian- ist of New York ; Miss Beatrice Hunt, sopriano•'of London, The best concert that has ever been presented in Blyth. Reserved seats, 85e ; gen- eral ad mission, 25c, Plan of hall at J. A. Anderson's store This con" cert is under the auspices of the Blyth lodge' of Odd Fellows, who are. at a great expense in bringing this high•class company to our vil- lage, A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past - nearly 30 years. We will be found at the same old stand.." FRANK METCALF Jewelry and 64Honery. Our Blankets are all pure wool goods which ttre•tho only kind we carry in stock, blankets which can be "depended upon, large sizes, weight 7 pounds, selling nt old pricer,. • Highest prices pall for Farm Produce, AE. BENDER, 'B LYTH .Ser tit© paper. You wl►i ttdt'arice ♦ A tai; t he centre of the ronin and ad- 'gess the inturtger with the filllow- t► w„ia gat: , JC► to 7ma g td in cnuntcrslgn ; ,extend the right d athnut two feet from the body with'the thumb and index fingers FLOURARE you'a member of the Public elaspine: a live dollar hill, which Library ?' ' drop'into the right hitnd of the man - SEATS reserved at J. A. • Ander truer, who grt.sps your hand and the son's store for '' 1'lie' 13e ►girl' Student,"' hill,; • After giving hits the news of Favorite ,.,,,,,$2, to per 98 lbs ., �� ,. THE Lenten season: cemwences oil" Four locality you will he permitted Manitoba,,.... 2.25 18th February, and,.,FJtster, Sunday .to.retire with a receipt foran obli- Five Roses,... 2.6o '° will be the last day of Marsh, ' :gallon properly discharged. QUITE a few•frilm4teretook" in the Assemblies" fir Clinton, "on Monday. . CHUR __ iverrtcs, , night and I3e,lgrravd.on Tuesd.ay,' Revival services will start in rite Blyth. Flour ,Mills THE Annual "meeting of the, N9rth ,Methoditit church next week, IIuron L. 0. L. will bo .hold iii Al,vtit. C. H. BEESEon 'I'uesdtty,;H'eli, 5tli, lit ten •'o'clock • hive:,J, S, Short, M. A., of Kingston, a, m ,.fer the.trunsaction of business;: will ,occupy' the pulpit in St. Andrew's All membcrs2iirivited;; visiturirwcl- church next Sunday. ., come. * *:* 'On Tuesday a load of young people tfinded the" annual Union Snitday, SSC tool Conypntiori at Auburn, • ' ,tend •ro your alarm. You will give Bial your tlrtme, pnstuflice add Tess and the number of years you owe SKATING is on the prngramagain. CHANGEAni.K weather, TIIii.aE is a lot Uf siekges 1*. tone DON'T forget 061. 0; .O : con- cert io Industry, Zhill'.;filyth, on Thursday, Feb,: MARKET REPORT.-- Wheat' 67-68 ; Barley 44-45 ; ' Oats 44-84 '; ,,Peas 74-75 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 22. A Liberal convention for East Huron, to select a candidate'fur the Local, will he held on March.ath, W. J. Fi,EUr r, Who wor•ked'on. THE STANDARD some years ago, has sold his newspaper propert 'at.I3rig: Nutters GRADUATE, —'St. 11ia:ev's Hall. t East .Lender;„ afternopji, I`J� ..�y ,,a�;lj4rr;v lig ntiier of rnlati"yes . and ;friends.. of isi, gt'iid outing nuisos . ofSt 'dfise;?h'a' Ilop: pita!, wheh the ,�%trtitig fadjgs,r wet f presented;' with the, dipleants, : The 'I'a;it Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. ,11a 40ifnatiiOdic as his. topic "IVhole- hei4i•ted'beryice for Jesn's.(;hrist" in the Pr08b.ti'terial church,'' In the .evening young ladiesisit nuke on ' ,Joy " y a avers :.hlfsses'• I,dullfe Flood, • Lillian- • V Htltit,' i hili • i1�,•. 'A,i !1'inity church on ,Tuesday even- . Idit ' IIirhba, `E1lzithetli J,,: arc- P.Itg Rev;.lira I3oyJe, of \Vinghnin, gave Neight 'glut.;Tva' Al. henry, ' The an .,it)ldl'e48 ".011...Iapao • .with magic scene ,.IA . the, .hall • was 'very' pleas- lantern vie vs, under the auspices of I hv;i 1, Y, p, A,, The church was well ing, the hulld'iug' 'haying ..'been fillet titiil.the,Ircturo fine. • specially decur'titOd • foi';the occasion. ;;�,i Walton. ' I. den. [rev, Father; Aelwai'd, reet),r of.St; .. ¶. " IT is now compulsory on the part Peter's; %Cathedral,., presided. In' 'a` ";Nista .,Millie Barris, of Wroxoter, nt' municipal councils to see that pithy :.speech, ' lie rdthindei • the Su lI1'eY•w„Jh orf abash. dt here. Railway teachore'srtlu'ies are paid quarterly nurses" of the t; re tit. 'espons,ihitlty;cif engineering staff, spent Sunday here. instead of yearly or hnlf�;yearly 98 theft' calling; uud'"!io .expressed the tu11J; is. always' welcome; ' ; • • has been customary in many. sec-.I.iope-that there evei'y.actlon will.bo , Ji'.71ir, and Mrs, Morrison. of Miiyer- tions of the country, . - worthy of the nohl°'prbfejasiotj;•thoy ton, spent Sunday. here, Mr. Morrison •Tt3t* mews was received hereon arc - to fn11oW,'' " t. . returned Monday but ,1Irs, Morrison A v e?y slay©r remained to wait"'on her brother, who Friday last that Alex. Lnckle, son of valedictory was rend by Mlles j{unit (net with. Overy painful accident, Airs, Leckie of town; had died at and replied ..to... by, Dr, •11otlgej, ''Sy.ilday,'aight,last 'Tbos• William - Port Arthro' 00 the 28rd lust, from PotherAj'Iwiu;d also called on.Rev, son,lyiinu new house came very nearly heirigiburnt after the family had vet ir- p• eumonia. Owing to delay in 'the Dr Daniel, pastor of Colborne street ed spr ho eight, They were ttwnknned conveyance the body did not reach Methodist church, for an- soirees, by,l;hp!Am of smoke and on rushing here until yestdrday morning and' Dr. Daniel eoiiiplitnettted •thc;y9Ung do+sli,,st airs to ,investigate found the the funeral will ha held this (Thurs. ladies On their success vial seconded floyr'nnl'wooJI box on fire which whey e fire is day) afternoon at two o'clock when. the Wish 'Pf• .Father success; vial uppased�kto Alava: startled rfrotn•'the interment will bo made in the their energiesnaris he'deviStP�d' to- 'ship,•, ' . •l" Union cemetery. The funeral will wr:rd the 'fuetlte"raacejabs: dl'c"viijfon. !'µ.trick Ryan, iii,, met with a pain - he conducted by the 0. 0. F., Of of their. prpfession, .- i Rev. ather. ful4accident oh Saturday by which he lost4ie first finger of his left, hand.' In witl+'I� deceased was a member, It Tobin', 1)r, McWIIIitt•nls,', Dr.:'Mugiiti"sl;li;tting wood lie was holding a stick 19 three years sine° Mr, Leckie had and Septu'ate 50100f i'itsptii to'r J h',' .y( weeed'tdith"one hand• and with axe been in Blyth ' and he Was well Powers :also delivered brier nd'dress- ill the. other Was striking a blow, wht'n known, and highly esteemed by all es, In addition te, the diplomas,th0;e2u1 of th0 r+xe I(ertirtl©caiue in son-. him,t•i�ot.with-Aoinethiilg, causing the axe who knew Deceased was 29 which were presented by' Father to fiill.,ljn the flog+ r nearly severing it, years of age and leaves a mother, Aylward, each oI the 'young IaU'tell The• doetore bleat it necessary' to two sisters and two brothers : to was presented, with. at, b'citutiftilaiuputato i he finger at the joit.t close 'Co the hand, mourn his loss, bouquet... . Si> utiny last what came very asst ..;aroving a httftl accident, 'befell Art"htrr • • '�`' ttuy', In the afternoon he was hunting near the creek •on ' Jno. " Lan)b's farm hand' in oarsyiiig' the gun over his shoulder with the 'nuzzle' pointing in : '' boat nI him, hu stumbled to his, bands CAPITAL PAID UP: TOTALASiI<rS': 1tk5xxvlcPeso i ,a nd,koees, the gun coming down with 42,600,000 Thltty-two enation Defiant,' - • ",•, .$2,600,000 Alai force to ctatso one barrel to dis- ahatge, . The clt"argn passed through lint coat, r" moved some of the btu is Of his vest, a few grains of the shot BANK OF H*A grazed his body one grain entering just iove fila stonu►cb,•but the hulk of the itirt;o entered the •.ronr part" of Itis j; ,midway botween knee and thigh. he wnuntl is quite 11l.tinful as 48 grains 3,.13, shot entered the Ie;{, Doctors were unable*,to take oltt more than 10 RECEIVES accounts of, corporations,: firms and in- grains tutci sonio',of these were. taken dividuals, on favorable terms; Deposit's",,of.11.00 from back of leg, :At present t\rt, is tnnkilig very .fa veva bit) _progress 'and and upwards recclVed, and highest current rate of uolefisPonit.thingelse sets. in we 1100 to set'hi tn•around .soon, Interest allowed., 96 Branches :throughout • Canada.- ' We anada.- We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, Ont, T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. he I;radlo. SOOTT,--In East Wawatiosh, on' Jan, 27th to Mr, and Mrs,,John S. Slott n son. " The 'Tomb. Looicttu,-AIn Port Artlate, on Jan, 20, Alexander Leckie, Connelly of 131yth aged 29 gents. I r rej -4116.11--.BIGrr- FUR REDUCTIONS 1 .M:tn'er Un•iyed Brown Calf Coat wasr$21 for $18. 1 Man's F,xr•lined Crtr, with exceptionally high German sable collar, was $35, now $25. 1 I,tidy's Black Aorachnn C'tpe,'wlth very wide skirt and sweep, Arai $21 tow $15. 1 L T;lark Aoriehan Fur Jacket, alae 40, weU•lined, was 311.50 auw $25, 1 Lady's Hinck A,trachvn Fur Jacket, size 3(1, splendidly made and Ilned, wn, $20 50 for $21, 1 Ladles' Black Astrachan ,racket, size 38, with Ilne curl and Iranian lining, was $25 tluw $20, 1 L tdy's Black I3 tlkahrtn .Jacket, size 42, with blg curl and large collar and revers, way;$38 now,$27. 1 Ltdy'l Itkck German Astrachan 'Jacket, size 34, best we have had for finish and linings, was $40 now $30, 1 1,•tdlcs' North Sea S.al, with brown satin:linings and well quilted, high collar and wide revers, was,$12.50 now $31 5 Men's Black Siberian Dog Coats, not guaranteed, made by Paquet, Quebec, were $20, for $13.50. Fur Ruffs, Cas, Capes, !� 1p p Stoles and Oaperines 20 to 25 per cent discounts scounts 37 Ladies' Jackets made of good fine cloths and all good goods 1905 Styles toclear at each 32. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. • r. •. r1 • 1re , ♦ �. pv,re {trer�•. nr, ,r n art . . v ]E'resh Grooerles Breal3.rast Foods 3.1Ceats Lemons and Oranges. Flour -Five Star Manitoba and Choice Family. Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR • BLYTH POINTERS FOR RUBBER BUYERS An up•to.dnte nice dealer 13 unually n good rubber Judge—he Is quick to dlecorn the compar.,tiva points of excellence thrt pass unnoticed by tin o.•d:nrry man. Mary of tho largest merchants have stocked exctuaive!y with Merchants Rubbers: They linuw that the high grads materials wind, tho'raclusivo methods employed and general ot.r3 exercised In their mnnufacturo morn increased wear and pleased euctomers: This fact Is n good guide to the ordinary buyer, Merchants Rubbers have the fit, atyln, ap. peerotica and wearing qualities that cannot b. 3.+ obinined in any other brand of rubbon:. Art'' 1f your Shoemen doesn't roll them let 1=; r .�"•' -: ? us know, nrancheo at W'INNIPEO, LONDON. TORON TO, OTTAWA,, MONTREAL, 707 BERLIN a.r 44mva.sn r n,"st m,w.••.,v„-r ; Cgj \ " yy ► II i.:�t.,�' it COMMEN1 01111111..0000.1. \\'e are, 3 et` Huls in Ho. hogi;ul our knrl►i.ulij atpplicntion ,'etr!city, 111403''1 tri•ily itee!f ,;e i,n(.\• u..,., , wr 40. Ural tai.u01:01W:1'I 918xtati 1;i, A,l.l l\l' !..111' ,'1111 I,:! 11 Iu l'1,!,2;:1 111 Ulll' ..'I'1 le' i)!, b yd1. 11111; i'aeh indeed wild 11',,11111 "rel, t,U etre' neetrilie It tIt the tee-. to \\ iii 11 R't`. pj,ly it to -day, or to it+"lt it., gen. 01111:4:3!, ,'etel'.iet1,+11 1!11,1 tee. a:e roti:es- eNplrlitel.l, In New York the other til:: tate t'o 11erftil invention .If 110, •1'halilteu, (101111, the te:lotritionittin. h" t'hiell ml:: tiC ii j1rotluee11 Iron c::':'tl'Ifal tihration., Was vxllilitt;,1 tit tCetnarl"ll++ SPIi'13ti 4tll11 is ;> ;('pdi;ri! Cut trot 1 (),:111!(x, cif '!y'I:Itlt11A in ',lie mud,' -iii:tial' hot 111 sole,' Il!yprl'!s •'li ;'; for. to the of the pipe 111''ilm, the Fret,..!, here, the shtr!'a''t, btu this nee sic. wee 1!1•I1;eeed tril!loul reeds, * t1'i' '(' of ;Inv of the 1310141111ta liltl101't0 011;;11,r.1,'I"! :11 the 101.111i1 ion 4+f musical sols le!, a•11" invention eu:l;l:;ts df an sip• ptll',!t Is wllic'.1 pre:II:yes lr\. el:'ctr!1,1! ('r- rol:l the Pellet nuntllca' e'f vibrations re- gl;ie.d f a• each t"mv iu the 1:l;jnr 1111,1 ruil,or scale; and thee building up the ha etre111i's 01' Over -toll'!; ''hied belong tri'', , ;;!1 bu:i1' tone. That the tones were: no mere el:; 11: eei,es would ail• glees free, she revolt of :he e:;llibition: !`'. itll AI :Ie. novelty 0011 tvonder of 1L0 til;nr Ue eel' WAS jna a touch of rnagi1• in this ,firs( p''rfornwa(e of tilt ries: rte n3111;11• machine ye:nte :Inv. elks st ('nopiies See:lel _\f.tufne, re;r,'•,,leleieg the time of ;a French horn, Wer':" ! :sent! first from a e'h;lll(leher, thele trop: a 1.11140 \iSe of ruses, then from the Hoer beneath 0111.':; fret. \fendels• esti :,'; "Spring Sing," a; if produced by the nipe';roan, vane, first from a has''• tug leeiket of ferns, then from a large Jlorn protruding from the troll and again dr:.:ti he keyboard, whet' the. player Hatt. ,;I1 this teas dine simply by the snar•ipulatinil of a swituil!)ourd, just as eau 1,1:litor \31131111 changer the (smite:lien 'of n teleph 1111 from One house to lan- ot hes. re 1.1(1.1! of the places from tv'hich the iteteic eame t!unr was a diaphragm 1;11' tel that of the telephone. and the e11e11i•'al 1'1hri1t13314 of the dynamos aver( 1111"•1''\- 41\vitc!:ed from (me phis° t0 an• 0311 es where the telephones were con- \:1'•31100 iute•re;lia;: exhiltit!on :was Ilse l+re!1+'•ti:!1 of 1nn,ie from ne ordinurt a11':' burp, tel;el•e nothing could he seen 1'':' :';,t the bright glntut of the eleetrie n 1 t 111'1:10• \•.s se ft, sexy .. )ft, .,1r, es: .'!filet,. sweet ;1'1;1 11'0,:(:'!1!:('. 311111111' art !111. ii'''i of all axed"•tr.t fat' out oil 11111 ,.'n:'r on It ::i!n;r.P•:' n r'!:t. 1!'a' 1101'10111i,1:1 Of Ill(' St 1'lllgotl in,' 1-emen1, the higher the note the more n:'re !set, nue:1. be the e!eleyi''al 1'ibrn- t i .. , The row 1 f it',e'ea,lr;cent 111;'113; g'1 •ty I brightly. and !i.'\' dim just a: 1.11' ' i:'.'1 :r jdnyed ran !tin the l,u i0'r nr .101';, The s:1(','ti)4: ia!:an for :ilia 1,;,. dpl,$S)4111) 'Spl'lll,'' `ni .. \\lien 111`.• In l';!1 It1+10s ci 1!lv do:l:, 1)010.'9 1)l:;ye,1 the lig',11s wee 'A 6010 end rlisa11- pee.. 1- 13;. \\'!:011 ;lie theme 0;111 (lush ilrto tile' ;wcr 1'4)01••1 or (ill's- ',\ :ill:l g!'1ara light that. ilIPlti,lleel the !1:r 100tH, A r: i • tits• r'()rlln b,"•.sine 01,1011. '1 ile Itl)p'+r111ns Ca1a":'15 1.f e, efee''eeectiOtt e,ole]33 eel "l'cl ;led Loy' eeir,i..Ut•1 die Piaui- })lel:ti:0111 ie. like that e the pile ;rg:1:1. �!! eb-1,)\'rl't" mart,; au tiller ;tel) in 01''r' p+0:(1 seienoe. Ono Of tlli•'44' (la S 44 may ht. .tile 1.1 ri;lg lip the ('at,u';t t 1' , (';,1;pany. 4,r 'rd1•:ntt-Nin;;:3'„ h,,ve it iterfelru n. 1!e''',hnetet ': IllpTenree (•:• r rl:'pill 'Coe - tti,r':Ie• fir tittnCie a, ;t EPA 14.1..3 t+) : it ile IP, t') „1•'tet' : t'1:: ill`! I1Ir• p1 f "Ilse +:14111'1 :•;11•. .\P 1 it i- 4:1 1,1.4' 11.17.1, 1.!, r, ;, _,,..., isle 114,:1-+' it: t: f :.,1 rem. :'.iti,.le a 1, .11:i). lf' df 0,fall1•:•: t;,,•.," • •il.11,1::1; '; . . \e', ill .11+: 11: - t', t f l'. ill(:,ill SII ',Ira- I.• He. sue's 0 11'0'1: aln(:II;; ', A11,1':r to •,•:1J, er'llr•' - (I1 !i.!1 in ti.4 11111' 1'.:., i• ,'n ir'. "!'l. '.1'1111; 1;4?» had the ant,., 1i ' f . i i,;1;• 111(1:3.01 111!111. 1'I I Ii1;;11:111. , 131Cr•:I it Le (.trey the 01'•:.,il' ,,, (, .. tinrti301y re -'.rt. to ;itt 1,1 i1; ;t ;ll l"!'1'h15C ell'�'t :1.1' 311 3.1'0'1:, if Ilse' .ire allowed 1;1 pix,: 01:1 ill the• (,pet: ;.i:, Thi,; is the ser\ b1! bnt!ily . they call have. If the modern 4 I1:sett( to \'01111 not require s0 astern 1101:10 study of the alae letter 13'011111 net need physical (')111)100 during bellied hour.,, 4.0 One by one tile l!11s:i(u1 despot:, fall 1)y 1.I1a n$1ll44in'1 bund, .And us long as the 'I'crrurislA are trilling to pay life for life, and even to give Odds, the role of tyrant will prove to be it perilous sem, Rugser0It tt•Mild like to have it limit played 1111 the size of ivar$hips, But if nations min agree on It limit of 010,1, why cannot they agree on a limit •of num- ber! ' Why cannot they agree to do without great fleets? AuuJO F RM. TORONTO PRESS ON THE WOODS• UOI:RIS ADVERTISING AGENCY. 'lo 1!111 \\roods•:'orris Advert king Agency, Toronto, the Wide: recently made this roeiplilllelltary r'lerell(et 11 ' inl;iae4., v,hi'h was established setc1111 ;;'Ill's ago by Air, ,1, 11. Woods, enc of the most expuriince41 nOWspaper• Inrn eel th' Uonliuiu:t, 1141:; grown so rapidly that it tr,ls necessary to add to the oral, and )Ir. l"harlee 1. Norris, 33)20 wits oet: of the hest known :31111 most l:pular nth,er3isi1i. agents in Canaan, ]oifeel the firm. as anni:unced, some months ago. \i oods•Nol•I'i:, Limited, Mail L':lildin•g, Bay street, Turdnlo, is now 0110 of the heat established firms of advertisers, 03(4 e'en arrange business for all desirous of advertising in any paper, magazine or other publication, not only in Canaille but in any part of the World. '1'1►u well-trained and experienced staff of the firin is prepared (o Write out all classes of advertising matter, arrange for such illustrations Its may be desir1 ed and to deal with every detail neves• 5ury to mike an advcrtiseineat the sue- ceSs it invariably is ellen platted by a capable and experienced firm. A member of the staff will call o1 any first dcslr• ons of talking over advertising business, and whether the nilvertiser desires to use space in one or in It thousand publica- tions, the exact cost can always be as- certained before tendering on the busi- ness, The Toronto Star said: The principals of the firm a1'(' J. II. Woods, who for a number of scars has been head of the J. R. Woods Ad- vertising Agency, and JIr, C. C. Nor- ris, who was for eighteen years con- nected with the Dlail, of which he has been advertising manager for the last eight years. The 11nin11 of these two sten, both well and widely known in advertising circles, opened the way for a large expansion of business, '1•hc firm confines itself altogether to ad- vertising of the better sort, for com- mercial, financial, and e40eational in- terests, In Too Much of a Hurry, An Illinois parson believes in the ef- ficacy of speed rather than prayer. He advocates the wetness of it and says the world doesn't go half fast enough for him and that too many preachers think they are still in the middle ages, while the fact is Providence 11:15 scut the means of doing more in one year than our grandfathers could accomplish in ten. All of which may be quite true. Yet grandfather was a much happier matt and more agreeable to his fellow erea- turns for not being in 511011 n hurry. With rapid living ?'nnlez discontent, restlessness, that is very upsetting to unfortunates who must stiek to their last and thereby aronniplisl► a certain amount of labor in order to live at all -Boston Herald,.( $I Bottle Free Dr. I. Mack's Rheumatism Compound Is n wonderful cur., i wont you to try it- and will send you 11 full size $1 bot- tle free, It will cost yon only the ex- press; charges, about 25e, \Vele for it, to• day, Dr. 11. If, Mark, 01) Yong:. street, Toronto. PROFIT IN YUI{ON FARMING. Ready 31arket Found for MI That Can 13e Prr,1!4 cod, W. 1[. Swineh;.rt has eonlpile'a for publication the resnit,3 of tis esperi• 0'110 in flaming at fart 1•';'1l;irh. :1rd these show that, taking one season \'.:',t11 another, the crops raised 011d the price; received io• the prndllet al:r Snffjlicat to cause the average farmer in the ;lave your Ear liiigs States to look to the north with envy, Oat hay. 'the chief crap produced. yields about three tons to tho neve and sells readily in the sprint; at from x'100 to gl25 a tan. Demand has never leen lacking for all the hay the farm pro- duces since the Dawson -White Ilorsi, stage lirie en 13110'11 from "5f► to 400 horses are 1! N1 every winter for sev- eral months:. basset within rt feta 11111e5 nblalliing l; 1111' e'":13, on all of ihr' farm. PI (11.4 \'lite! front 1111•x'^ 4 CAVALRY CAN NOW SHOOT. This Ar mof the Germnn Army Given an Increased Efficiency, 11'ilh the opening of the new year of military training n new manual of regu- lations egu•l tions for rifle practice in the cavalry aria trent 11110 effete in the German army. 1t is deigned to improve greatly the standard of mnrlcnu(1lship and to render the cavalry independent of infan- try nfan•Iry support in making expeditions into the enemy's country where 1t is separ- ated from the main body of its own army for day, at a time, and wherein rapidity of movement is as essential as ability' (!1 resist attack. in the Fran:et-German war of 1870 the German cavalry fqr the most part haul no firearm except the cavalry pist ol, which MIS no letter than n popgun against the French ehnssepot. The oper- minas (,f the cavalry were greatly re• strieted on this aecou(1- i,ater the canine wilts made the stand- ard arm of the service, and the present effort to develop its effectiveness is it result of the part that c'avilry played in the MLu'11urian campaigns of the Japan- ese -Russian struggle. During the winter the recruits are drilled in bighting, and their sight is trained ht' obliging them to distinguish at average battle distances objects not easily separable from the natural back- ground. in the season of outdoor exer- t'isn. opportunitiO4 arc taken to test the $11 0(ing 0a11abilitics of the men under romdhine like conditions of net nal war end these performatives are under the sign commanders, To complete the efficiency of the car- special slper►'ieion of brigade and clivi• airy as 1311 erg?ani':ltinn capable of con- ducting independent operations machine aims of light build and extra horsed, so VS to 10r reliable of rapid movement, nro 0 be. attached to en0h cavalry brigade. Region of Simple Names, (Perm:dinal Fin., Star.) The Cnloo�al,atrhee river people note want the state to build a dyke across the marsh on the lower side of Lake illrpoeltee to shpt off the surplus waters. of fake okeeehoobee, Dear Mother Your little cnes are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. 'They will catch cold, Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many? It is said to be the only, reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmleu and pleasant to 'lake. It is guaranteed to cure or your money is retuned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 314 This remedy should be in eve -y household. ..,;�:r.:.-'--.-..� •,-rte,---• -;»•_ -,:::,,.. The Sunday Little Boys. there 'lr On Sabbath morning I crows All up a nd down the street Of people lu their Sunday clothe*, All orderly 011)1 neat, sweet N Tbe world is very .•1,t.t 11114 still, And no one makes a noise, For Saul and Joe, and Toni and W111, Are :euuday little boys, Their hair is parted very etralgbt, Their (acre nl)lny clean! They hive a very steady galt- A very sober mien, They hold their chino up stern and etltf, And think shout their look.;; The Sunday boys all seem 04 If They lived in story books. Their hats are even oil the head, 'their hands are by the side'; Their pockets spare and thin, instead Of bulglug full and wide. There 1:1,44 bee)) given eve ry one A !!entry squere and white, To wipe his Sunday face upon \\'hen ;;unchly ;dies 0)0 brlgh!. They do not whistle, do riot plus, They do not sing or !,hunt, 11(1 manfully upon their woe oo treading strong and etout 011; All the world h r --till and sweet, And 110 0110 Ilntl3Ni a noise, \\'ben all the boys upon the street Are :4unday little boys, -Delineator. '['Ile difIieul(y often c':lx,rienced of safely inv..ling small 53005. can be ob- t'itt(crl by securing eente shares in to first ('1155 .[.01111 ('nnlp0uly, paying 403011 prelll- iinl of '.Iron I)lller; per share, and then . )1r,•:1.11'.1.:, to five tolls to il10 1 (1'e ;11111 hying as ' •1'41:1:! for 1 arti'I;l;lir•; tfJ ,,4,111 Wright,, much as 2.5 Cents a sound. Rutabagas field six ton: I') 1110 acre l;raker, Lon(1on, and sell for 0 rents a pound, or $720 on 1{cfercnens. Merchants Bank of Canada. Isere, Carrots } e ld three tons to Hie 1 •__- acre and sell for 1!i cents it pound, ;t j tory Teliers in Demand, return of .-000 to the aerie Cabb:tees very in production Recordin+g to season, f❑ New York there is a banquet every ranging from till'r' to eight tons In ! and ltdismal at hland ch 11glooen mykaro141nostsof.therm I • •:u eements .e ay); the eery. Anil the, pri(' ran,,,,.; from la , ueaunitt'e1s of 1 nl 11, .ere n1w , to 20 rents a. pound. It is an esoeptinn• working overtime to find good talkers. They ((arch the country over ter speakers who RI season when 1110 SW 11';;)1 1 farm c;u1 tell 81 (cdot'04, spin yarns, monufacture flee; not net its owners ;10 iil''nmle 01' (plgraln:4, make the wcl;clu ring of wlsdom, 810,000. --Seattle Post•iilts:Dir;:neer, telt and allegory, aid the dIgnetion while relaxing 3.110 Mind, ole, Alar,! Too mealy b;oIg10e have become mere megaphones for political bluff and bluster, speaking trum- pets of solcl)111 statesmen uneble to obtain n lieul•ing elsewhere. Let us get buck 'to the ehe'crful feast of rensou and flow of soul and leave serlette problems to the heavy perlodi';als. •0 ,40 •�-•mss--- SPLASH ! Jes' a Inti' splash -flint's all- 1ti'hen yon let n pebble fall In the I'el:e. The renter'; ells' An' In dll;nl(Iell repose Picture. hack the 11211; un' ran Jes' as they have always done. Everything 10031114 as before; J'' a e1;1)1.511; nu' nothing nloro. mighty men an' small onus, too On high, by fate, vl•e view, Shadow:c of forget.fulnces Soon surround diem more or lona. Like the 1l'ietP•niug waves they fade Those alight ripples Ilial they mad°. Recollection ldn recap Jos' a splash -that's tell. -Warthington Star, Another Railroad Outrage. (Arapahoe, 0k., Bee.) Eaten Shirley, who drives the dray, con- cluded he would move a lox car at the depot lent Wcdue3day rued put the car as n trail wagon to hie four-boree outfit, After much hard pulling everything started to roll, Thea , be hollered "Whoa!". Everything whoned but the eat', whirl), rullrondliko, just ran over the teaser vehlrle and er ntriled up his wagon, Blow His Head Off. :Rochester, elan, 41,-.1050:!)')► Waddell, aged •10, committed suicide this after- noon by blow!mg the top of has head off with a shotgun. The act arras committed. in the pre - waste !ase of 1A'ndd011'o 13 -year-old dt ugit• ter, in piece of woods,near her horse, mean• Fairport. rse41, Lots of Room for Improvement. 1''isit errs nrt,u (Ih©gimallea•)-Don't ylott th'in'k, Peter, I've in)prore>dl n good deal since 1 began? .Pines' (ntuioug to pay a 00enpilimeeet) -You d1:1.00, :sone ]bat, +surr'e, tit was aim/ for yoga to impr03'e, 5•,ur`r, -- hrado'n THE EVILS OE CONSTIPATION SPECIALIST SAYS WOMEN IN PAR- TICULAR ARE SUFFERERS, Why Bileans Prove so Beneficial. :1 medical specialist states that eight out of ten eases of headache, dizi• Hess, sallow conlplesiun and various ail- ments peculiar to women for which he 1s consulted have their origin in 0011511• pltti011. Although this ailment is very rn11111I01I 11111011gst b4)111 sexes, women appear to be the greater snffferers. BIleans dire eenstipal.ion by stimulating the liver and regulating the flow of bile. Which is the natural purgative of the body, Mrs, 5. E, Baldwin. of 38 St, Paul street, Toronto, says: "1 hays 1aken I1i1- pans for constipation 1(1111 dizziness and found most salisfadOry results, 1)1)0wns do not cause any griping, and not only cure constipation, but also improve the general health.,' 310.A. banal,*heal, of Berlin, recently proved this vegetable remedy in a simi• Ila' way, Ile says: "For many yens I suffered from hath constipation and piles, Nothing I have ever tried is to he compared for beneficial 1.051111 to Bilcans, They have made me It different plan and if MO' sufferer would like to ask me any question on their operation and their Value .1 will be glad to give all the iu- (01.Illation 1 call." Snell is the result of exhaustive testa elf liilerins, This great1'egctable remedy is invaluable also for sallow lonlplcxians (due to bile in the blood), pimples, greasy, Sallnly skin, mea 1/100d inlpllrities generally, 11i10ar115 a150 rune indigestion, debility, rheumatism, anaemia, fcnntic ailments and irregularities, "run-down feeling;," liver and kidney complaint, headaele, sleeplessness, wind spasms, palpitation, etc. All druggists 8101 stores from the Mean Co., Toronto, neon re- sell at 51111, a box, or obtainable post. free upon receipt of price, (1 boxes sold for Ice Cream Soda for Convicts, "Soda water, 5 cents!„ '1'he,.ie worts, spoken in a whisper, may 1)c heard in the halls of the penitentiary in the even- ing nowadays, Warden Gould has given permission to bell ,;oda tater behind the walls to the convicts, who eagerly look forward to the evening, when during 111111 permit they are able to get this delici- ous refreshment. Old prisoners who serv- ed behind the 3yull, for many years 811(1 know what it is to be held So strictly to rnlee that they almost forgot hots to talk look with wonder on the develop- ment of the elements of humanity. The soda. however, i5 "the goods" with the. oonvicts and many a mann who laughed at, the person who drank soda on the out- side likes his little ice creast 11010 ns well n; 110 liked his little whiskey before. - Columbus, O,, Dispatch, 4ps --and all stomach and bowel disordc n. Makes puny babiee plump 0 an Gdarroisys.ucPcersosvfe u dlColicusy. sk your druggist for it - Nurses' end Mothers' Treasure 4 -250.-6 Lodes $1,25. adoral Drug & Chemical Co., Limited Monurel. r'ir.4x3:Lil':hi!: J,•1Vi., l.'d'.. etlece e.,..etel tet1a'o, THE SECRET OF EASY RIDING. \\'hat is called awkw,u'aness is begin- ning to ride i5 due often In appiehc'11- sion; every muscle stlll'll5 1ta :': against eo1nc result which Is Petrel front the new unlcrtakiug. This will diy;tppear \\lieu the (Idlallell is negnir"i, 1f 0110 0011 arrange to flu 11. fel' 11111 ntS' !o';tc- 1ice at the "betting up'' drill of the unity and navy, it wit'. 1001:11 ftp the members and supple the nt,raele.5. "Be easy! Be easy! Do not 1r, tae) ;Myr.' 1" should be printed in huge Liters 'upon the walls of every riding school. and the pupil should never forget the advice, :(11d what it 1nc.014 1 Irxii4!lu.y is every - thing, and, properly undo 511)0(i, 131 should see nasty more good rider's than we do. To c9n3iucc one 1het, he cermet readily fall, it is best to ,;e1 through a fel' exercises of the all•1)14, log's, 131'15144 and body, and even advancers pupils will find thein advtlntngeums if they prd0- ticc' them at all paces, 11 -hon 8(1(14(1. the head Should be roll- ed alwitt on the=hoald: r:,, f,)i'wal'd, 1:,14ko:ar 1. ner! "i(!(Crars; 1!11'1: the' ehuul- der.; :;!,dull! 110 1)1'1ved! 1111. 4'.: :it, 14)1'0' 011'1 bad:, at first, together, then :;elmr,Ii(ly (five or six revolutions of these exe•- el e are enough); then the ;t t.s. first hnging (1)1210 Inwith the hand and 10:t1'2`;1.5 11;11)1. 4411)4111(}ope be swan;' fnrw0trd, backward, and rotated on the shoulder joints; next (the teacher keeping the legs in p031i1ien), the pupil should lie Pack on hishorse with il Iras folded; th cn the legs, one 111 n time are renioye(I from contact with the saddle and return- ed; then the lower legs nre*swung up and down, the thighs remaining close to the saddle; then the ;ankles are flexed up, down and sideways. All motions should br made slowly and carefully, and should be repeated daily for some time. and always 111 relation to any 1(1eu1• ber about; 1016011 the teacher ((111,0 noti(0 any stiffness .i1' watt of pliancy, '1.'his hill be especially noticed in the Iiruls and backs of men, and in the arms and rig51(10f wuc02,,, :•111 c�:ercisa`s of thhte bod(5y 011(1ntlhen 'legs11(1should he, (10110 finally at the canter and the trot and Without stirrups, Above all, should the head and 0,011: be free from stiffness; for want of pliancy there is (ounllnicnted to the whole body, -h. M. «'aro, in "Learn. Ing to bide," in The Outing Magazine. e.O Lynched Firet, Tried Later. "What becnme of that man you arrested ea S beree thl" "Lynchedlet," ausworc(t Pluto Pete, 'I' eupPOse that ends the matter," No. Some 0' the bete hod their doubts, 60 we're Kohl' to call P01119 wltloflao nn'fly evid'nc`o Thai he 1 e:llly were tho gUlIty party,." SPIRIT OF THE BOULEVARD, The boulevard is n kingdom --an Int peritun In iliperio--0 ithout Any OCI(IoW1. edged king, but with n barge number of pretenders to the throne. \Pith the rise of the republic! in Prance an aristocracy of intellect has talon the place of the old mist ocracy of birth and 103th;111y 3113• erncd the eountry in its stead, A sim ilnr change bas been 0ffeeted on .the boulevard. The days of lite. dandies, of the titled nnet`urs 114) by Dm! de (lrumont Cnde.r- ousse, the :timeline of Ii'rtford, Lord "Arsenide," tare over. Evan the \laison i)uree, on whose 11;Irrot' staircase the ]hike of Ilanrillon, after a copious dia- ller, fell awl broke hie neck, hue been swept assay. One must go to Mont• 111111.100, to the Tavern du'J'n;badin (a far less aristocratic haunt, with none of the culinary attractions of the (defunct Mai - son Dore^), to find a similar staircase which 0311 claim In have recently caused under like eireunlstnnces---though in w•hiit company --the death of au J:ngli.sh peer. 110111 a century afro the title of "king of the boulevard" Would have been given to some groat courtier anti wealthy no- bleman, n \[orbs or a i)emidoff, tvhnee equipage and outriders would have add- ed a summer radiance to the avenue de 1'Intperotrico (note Oho .13'I1111e du Jloia de .Itoulofnne), who would have 1)01111 a hmbituo of the "grand sixteen," that famous dining room at. the Cafe Anglais where on on nc(aeiun (lora Pearl, the most extravagatil demimondaine of her day, was served up in the cosla)me of Eve on a silver platter. The automobile, with its waterproofs and goggles, has supplanted (lie brilliant equipages a In I)auniont 11114 the sump - Nona liyeriee of the imperial epoch, Seekers after snore sensual pleasure and riotous dissipation no longer have their need; supplied by the boulevard; they must go farther afield --t0 Maxim's, the Rut. Alert. the Nouvelle Athenes, to the Tab:(1'in, where the j0)110 sc duree of the proeent generation repeat at less ex- pense of either tate or money the wild junketi11gs of their fathers 13011 grancl- fathers.--Ilarper's Weekly. $1,000 PILE CURE. A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with ev- ery bottle of Dr, Leonhardl's 1)em-]told, George Cook, SL 'fhomnr, 031!., writes: - "Dr, Loon hardt's dela-Rohl cured me of a very bad case of Plies of over ten ycnr$' atnuding. I had tried everything, but got no permanent cure, till I used llenl-hold. I bud Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered every- thing. Dr. Loonhardt's lieu! -hold cured 010 perfectly." llenl•Itoel removes the cause of Piles. f 1,00. All dealers, or The Wilson-F)lo Co., '.tallied, Niagara Falls, Ont. ♦.e Assassination Never a Success, Aasastilnntlon never yet wolf a victory for Manilla', n partyor u 'sus t an 11141 1� e-nud I. , aet'ee will. The murder of Lieutenant (len- oral Pavioff ru1413 anoth•or to n shamefully long list of slnlllar crlm,e3 In Russia, but Ilke all thorn that have gong before this one will bring 'no trult-s to tho assassin and (la friends, A class of peoplo, whether under it czar or a president, who resort to the torch and the bomb are not entitled to liberty. 'rho nuns who ((lays In tho dark or who shoots down In cold blood and the ,party which supports such a man aro unfit for self-gov- ernment. The yoke of national oppression can't be broken by murdering individuals, ISSUE ' NO. 5, 1907, MISCELLANEOUS, Mru. Whnalnw's Noothinr iy:0t chould al. wnys bo used for ettlId(,• I teething, it centime the eh11n, sontuo,) the gums, cures wind collo and Is the bent remedy for diar- rhoea, q LEROY's FEMALE; PILLS Aled, .4(4row 1ellau'r 111 1(3 (4j reedit. tor. 1 boo r4ken11I1ed ir1Ju1bfar arrrAry years, o,i 114 I„r toe pusIrmo dralgn 11 1114 nro r191f111. .l ly the hute•14 0.11801x0 .lamp for 1,1.1104 eltnilar• 1'11.0 tl lid }ler hua of .1111,.erurtly.r'nl1',?, on 1 et' (p1 01 IIHNI LiD 110Y PILL 00.. Box i3, Iiamllton, Oaaau& Lake Fleet in Harbor. • (Newmarket Evening WIsconsl0.) Moro than 39,00,001 woeth of properly is lying Ili the waters of Milwaukee harbor at the prevent time. Title Is the value placed on the winter toot of ' boats hero. Never before hnv) no many 4304 so largo freighters lahl up lu 31114 port for (hn told nau,uu,1. Tho total capacity of the grain and.. ora boats It placed at 330,0( gross Ions of ore, or (1,000,000 buahcle of Wheat 'I'hroo'of the biggest freighters, the 1:)u -ling, Shaughoomy and Oliver, nro Included In the whiter float. All three aro 10,000 tort boats,' and wore constructed at an expenditure of $350,000. each. No other harbor on the Great 1.akes can boast of such a mighty winter armoring as Is tied up In Mllwnukoe, ITCHING• PILES -Eczema, Eruptions, Pimples -are surely cured -the molt intense suffering at oat relieved -by ?tRV,gaauts• TDC t9ANK REG(4115(D, Ointment -the safe and apeedy•remady. ",/ mss if oahl(1 moll /lc/riu$ /'sirs," wales one men whose addrns TVI (3111 Jerrrlish on request, wee( all Ms salves and ?empties I ever/,ard of. Then I rued dfira Ointment -and obtained snore 'doff►vn, it than all /he other(, / l e.reonn.nd sl to all a, Wed with Thu complaint." 5 , ea h box -6 for $2.50, Used with Mus Blood Tonic and 'Tablets means a quicker cure, At drug -Stores -or from The ChcmiAli Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -Toronto. Materializing the Flying Dutchman. (Westminster Gazette.) A strange awn phantom, which very prob- ably has ((((pall to create the legend of aha Flying Dutchman, 13 Mated to have been rim to earth by We Argentine Government. Many vessels have reported after rounding Tho !torn that they have sighted what Homed to bo n derelict velvet, or ono In need of assistance, sailing In through the straits with decks awash, Vaesele have run aground while trying to get mar this mycrterlouS ap- Perltion, under the belief that there must be a navdgnblo (manage for 1t to Rail. Now It one of n number of Jagged rocks, which st flvo miles distance 1)1314 the appearance of a bark running under abort setts. Probably the white sails of the vlelonary vessel aro Produced by the son bird whitened ujibnr Parts of the '.rag; the same course has often Icd the lonely Inlet of Rockall, which Ilei out to the Atlantic to tho Waal of the Heb- rides 11(1(1 was tho grave of a Norwegian emigrant ship a year or two ago, to be taken a 0acs cl under full eall. f," I1 4.♦ Unearned Reputation for Piety, (Scranton, Kati, Gazette.) , 1 Burlingame (ether heel a bible lying on 1(18 desk for a king data and was beginning to bn considered quite n devout matt, When non day all nl'lltlllintnuce, noting the sc►perlor binlBug, Picked It up and Inquired; "Whore did you run aerose Ulla?" "Why, It's te telporannc •boost, I puss," nand the editor, One of the W. C. T. U. women left It hero two or three) menthe ago," Mgr rM 'i ,,;i' ra:rr :4 tri 0 A tri 41 will convince ever, hnorowlfein ('annda (het 1 Bellstnee flaking Powcfxrlr In far et hIonor t') any other Flys tole river te.ed. .It Is p,'0pllre(1 trent the bestehd paten: inntcrfols that 0)oll!'y elm 1.ey, under 11:e i hers ion of en es•,,' 1. •\': 'r elite; 1.. ,1utl..l.,hrlulot•, • 1I -.. 1 lhel(.fu'o vre.luur,blatoSull .t. nn at;;x�1� CM) r.7 ;', 1,1,;'ln.ce(It1n. Iu order to 201,11411:0 ''i cIIan4c, t:Clicte. f4' t+0e 11cr" 17.9 .1011 01::11 Hi; 'd'4l0ii:!1.'1111ly' 04t1.1101 Iso pte111111111 Offen; 10 130, c: nr.:1 Lida. If inturca101! (troll uu a postai, E FR FF B�:�{tJ l.Il'WL 1111 RE �O�ii71' t1Ai':1yS jls�aa l+ sup r3.,eF 4, WE 'l'o any user or hak1111; powder arc will igiadly send, aI;!noise:mtir fog, poets rrcrsmid, it ret of four of our latest edition oi' 100131:•o pont, rout;, tithocraptsed brilliant colors:. Simply 3vrito ue, /Immerhl;.; the folio win; queelione: ' sot, tdnmo your Grocer. 2nd, Marne thle Paper. International Food Company, tf'J:;'onio, Canai.iai.., n "Ask for tho Purple c'. a ." snetutosemassinsatmnsomzsrunmaktinuttirtsnanries P.13 0:21 -0R ; SUI!_Pi1-'eUR WAX • Atk.for =DTI SAFETY MATCHES FOR .HOTELS, WARE ASYLUMS,' ETC. Rq' N".. OUSE ;,HOSPITALS, . 1. 01~1014.1••••••••••••••••••wIerairmaltremem ki01010111tIOUNCIIIMNIMINNOMIRMOMPINIMMIMNI Suind3y School. INTERNATIONAL LESSON VI.— FEI3. to, 1937. Abram Called to be a liiessing.—Gen. xii. Conimenttitry, I, Gm eau, Altrainn (t.s. 1-3). 1, .tit'i1 hus tar Oa! hible r,tory has lawil t his:twy of the entire •/ rare; but nom this point to the elose 1;1'111',ii singie fai•ony. is !nought in- to prominent limbs., and the reit of the tribe, of men aro 11'1.Hit'd 111 llaly iL- (I(I('IIIiiI', The 1111111y Of Alaa Ili (10:.1.1.,*(1 all 111S1Ory, Si111.0 ONO 1.11V true religion -Was 11.111(.1.11.10,(1 :Until 1110 Wort(' was 1(11- its (lis -:(.1101111(1011 itt gospel period.-- The family of .1brain lived at lir of (lie Chaltlet.s. "The ruins et this city, calico Altiglivir. are six miles west 1)1 the Euphrates. near wlie!t, it ifs connected with tho abont 120 miles ahoy'. its entrance into Per,ian Coilf and 120 miles •ontheast of 1" thylon."-. l'eloubet. It is probable that111 Abram's time the Per -!an reached nearly to Cr. At the call of tied Abiain left l'r and moved up the 1.hiplirales to llarail,. .11..sopotallii,l, 111)0111 WO Miles 1101111 of VI% note Op relllailled Until Ahrain's aged father. died. It is more than pilt- uIjit' that legends express the !Nth that was driven away by Pelieving in one Lied is more time a mere abstract t hat faith wa,; nnlagunklje, not only 10 41111111'V, but to tho inonorolitivi ;111(1 (Times Which ilolatry favored. .,\1)rains position assail- ed Ito! Indy 'heir religion, but their lusts and their crimes and their ill-gotten %%Tani', and this altvays quivkly excites 11011 ag,.111:.41 the refrniner. Get thee out --Ile was tried tvlietiler he loved (10d I)•thir than he loved 11'0 home and dear- est friends, and tvliellier he could %VB.:- ingly leat.tt all to go along with God. 'Phis appears to he Ow second call, For some unknown reason Miran: not nis company remained at Miran for a num- ber of years insteatl of going on to Can- ann. Thy father's house -Terali being now it i• \Tr..; prehohle that tho family were determined to go no farther, but to 1. at lIitiit and as Abram might have felt inclined to stop with them in this place, it lawome neeeseary for Cod to call him the svvond SPP Ads V11. 2.4, I trill ,liew Owe -God dors not tell him what it id, that lie may still catt.e him to by faith and not hY sight. The apo4tle a.sures lis that, in all thk Abram had .,pirlttial vie‘vs xi. Sim ; he reeked for a better comfl. tr,v, and r,idered the land of 1)t(mi) i,ttI I 1 vpical of the heavenly inheri- tance.-- CI rl: e„ bra It NV11:4 called upon to separate himself 6,n all the idolat• roils inflnenewof friends and vomit rv. 2..1 great nation ---There aro seven dis- tinct, promises in verzcs 2 ;old :t. \\lien iliu1 hint awnv from itis 1"'"• lle promised to make him the (114- 1110!111s10,(1 1,00(1 of tt n.eat nation. This proini0e required great faith; he was seventv-fivo Year old and as yet hail no ('hill. .1 great nation would one of lartre numbers, of noble ellarneler, of great influence jn blessieg others -- nation which should serve nml ober 00(1. Thr name great- 1.110ivii, honored awl hived midtitudes of pi,rnile. it is 0 roma 14.-11,1i. feet that perhaps no mere man ling ever been 90 wiaely and 0 .,()1. inwardly lomorea,-1111‘.11, A lir hill integrity, wisdom and faith lits life lois been rt great blessing to the e1.1%,..:,otrl 1,1114' 1(:,:_.„1.‘,.,1,.)1,:ic,;;;i44 (.10,;(, ‘va,; 4.0 1,r. (.411, , 41 111 Ow vase of the 1'i(r111,001i4 ,a 11 011111”( 111‘0_._ 111,1 \V110 Si11111 "0.1"" fl'010 011,0." i\ 11 the fain - pit c..e,ity is inott here. and ot- ten el:et-Amp. a tivont. or to• 1v; riot 0-1 mr. !lova felony doseendoll from1 os.,11-‘,141 narent,--.Consot, 11)11 imonise was fulfilled (11 in !lie benerits tile ‘vorld 1144 ro• (Tired froni the wealth. tretibis and morality r 1.1w .r,.vigh ln010; 111 the lv,0ofitg \Odell 11.1Ve C01110 to the World through the Soriettires, the law. lil ,00tnro. the religions spirit, [Ina outicnio riv 111000111ek1.1 Of the ile- brow ond (31 in tin. 1 1103sint;3 whin]) have vome to the AV01.1(1 through thr,.11e'ssial% who was Abraham's seed," 11.:11)',101"t.10111•nevs to Osimitn (vs. 4, 5), -I, i1n!virj.'41-11i4 obedience was 1.,01,,,dv :no silloakdr(,. for ''it' out, not 1i:flowing whither he ‚.vent, hat knowing whom ho follo‘ved." 1'1.1 en—Ootl had ti it only conmmthled him to go. bet lutd dven him ninny orociowi prowises. im stands hi history ti 1111' father of ,lie faithful, Ur was a man ,,r great The grentnoss of liir faith is neita by the difficultits which he OVeteonle. 1. Tit'; stood alone. 1V0111.(1 require self-denial. :i, 'Artily of .4110, T,Tomises wen1 s fir off. 4. Some of th(1 ;promises seemed impossible of fulfilment; .r. He knew not whither 110 nets' going. 0. Ile •no doubt eneoun- terei1 ratitilt. opposition. Lot—TLL was J‘1)111-111'14.1imiliew. the son of his brother fa ran'.. Ira ra II—Sometimes ' wri Lten Char- rain(.§arai--"M'y princess." afterwards demigod to Sandi, prineesa"-,. that is, it princess fcr• all nations and 110 longer fol Abram :thine . Soars tr,otten'in TIaritri--'111114 may apply either to the persona who were employed in the ser- vice of Abram, or to the persons he had been the instruMent itt converting to the knowledge of the true and: Land of Cana an—A good land possessed by it bad people, %Om for their inicptities were to be expelled, See Lev, xvill. 25. This lend wits made a type of the kingdom of God; incl Akhritut left his own country,. father's house and kindred, and took at the command of Clod a journey to this promised land; nor ceased till ho ar- rived in It; HO 8110111d we cast aside every weight,:come out from the workers of iniquity, - set nut for the kingdom of Ood, nor ever rest till we reach the hotivenly country. Into Canaan *wens P tr..•••••••••W• ••••••••••••600.10 ......•••••••••Wwwomprosal - . - • • ...;. t:4 7 it$.1,143i.1 • , r:fs -4 I . , • , • 4,•) 4 s THE Giorpstetzi cri 10 i do 11 ,111.11c11^,.7,,r, f4let fil)4‘11 Pirtk. 7..! A i.)i 1%,1 e,11 A (PPOflOilfiCeil 14/(civ) IrlAt ILL f ,!!.1 Ogirli1/!tril'2'11 r''.341a1 .777/ADLIP: TVENTMIVE YEAUT 5UrC17.27:11. nECORD k 0 .Nt.i uF.11;t(can ,Inttuy , a,(1 vert isi:Igf Pi pa` 0, iiInt f it . cair t.. f 11,11:;-. at 1 • a I ilioqt In i racui'o°usti(caticrt....'; tio f r(1,(1 lir: i(1)10 -..It‘ c,l'I''' kt'',',, :II t ;I; ;111 *ntrticete ClIFTH of throat, lung and [Amine+ trouldes, Fuel'Is l'sychine's record,' • Thollsall(10 of Clillial giN,,,r, Ito by 1 ,!,.(11/;,,4 doctors as hopeless hod ineurable have heen qiiiehly and I et,: nittnently cured by Psychine, It is tin ittiollilde remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, eon:mullein, intliile.dion, lose of appetite and ull wading diseases. . "My no WI a terrible eeca0 and tvts 01S1041 10 1t httdow. lioetors ralll he could net 1iv. Ilst used l'sv. etas., it enroll Illm."—Mrs. J. Itung- er, nowkviilo, " After whim; Sl.eO wertli of l'sy• chine my lungs are well and life 13 [twills worth 11ving."—Mr3, I. Inch- ld3rrluttst ove, " NI y Poets; 1,r- now ,sio: oil es 8.1,011 niter 11,111,4,- l'st rhino." -IL Itolibm.s, nridutoirg, cot. F.,11'1 41 111V den, 7 C'jr:tst s.11 t, 'l'urunde. Psychine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute AT ALL DEADERS, sec. anti 81.00 A DVITIA3 , . , DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto !ISIAND tN6Ulki1), ZAM-6UA CURL) :PK OF TIDAL WAVE .f.:AsT imalu 1t.ti Almest I)is- Iptwv.1--E3tintated lilt r.eaat. PersAis ilcve Continu:. Jan. ',21;.- The ti1;t1 ‘va‘o \ditch shim. ot 1;1.4 lidtc,1 Lact Indi so Isla ol 21 (mho, st) annh.snetql January 11, plaid le,t11., 1 11,01i1.,;1 Lie Island o1 t“ 1 co id mos: mai ; 1 alms,st slIsappemed. 1,e ten. daily. The (1%11 Go‘ernur A (chin lots gone to 1110 of the cat as t ttjlte. .\r,img to the first brief official di:spiel', pcisows perished on the Island 1.1. Tanta and forty %yore gnowu to have been drowiesi on the Island of Pude. liabi (Simian) i3 situated off the tortliwe,t emit of and south of the province of .1tehin, or .1...•rniling to the first brief official despalell 010 pcs.son.; perished on the Tana :col 40 were known to have licea dt (AVIll'd WI the Island of Pada Bald (Sitealti) situated off the tioitliwet coit.4 of Stimaira anti south of the Province of or •-•-• TRUE BILL AGAINST M'GILL, ----- Indicted by Crand Jury for Theft and Making False Returns. Toronto de.pateh: The Grand .Ittry in the Criminal Assizes yesterday returned they cam'. At was the divine pian at two true bills, indicting fliarle.s • the inst. that Abram should go to Can- NT TRIAE. the former Alanager of the defunct, On- ann, and now. after several years' delay •lark) liank, 011 the charge of thiran. tl calls him , ntid Al.a111 v.v he.; the bit 11.1.tt C.A.21.:, 07 EDMUND BRIDANT, false return to the Ciovernment awl theft. The fernier eliaige is based on a hey"' sI- t tril as a home for CHARGED WITH WIFE MURDER. lt.descendants. statement furnished on .July 10, giving the hank's 'Hidden of Joni. :10, the !bu- ilt. Abraham in Canaan (Vs. (1•S). 0. .Crown Desired to Read Letters That Uvular figure mentioned being the cur - Passed Between Prisoner and Iiis rent loans, which was given its $1 3,298, - Passed through- -Abram pans's1 through the land from the north toward the south, Place of Shechein (It. \'.)-- Be- tween Mounts Elm] and Gerizim. Oak of Morel' (11. V.1---Morell Was I/rah:1111Y the original Miler of this oak grOV(1 bit S1100110111, in the Mini --No doubt .11ratit had mine to Canaan expecting to find, it it real 'paradise. but now two difficulties confront him: 1. The Canaanite was in the land to interfere with his right of posossion, 2. There was a severe famine in the land at just, this time. "Faith has its trials tis well as as answers. It is not to be imagined that, the man of faith, having inished out from the shore of cireitinstances. finds it all smooth ani1. easy sailing; again aim og,ain he is call- ed upon to yummier rough seas and stormy skies,"—C. IL :11, 7. Lord ap• rare(' --in what way this appearance was made We kli,-,w not;it wits probably by the great angel of the covenant, .10.4114, 1110 011110, T110 111110sal'111100, W11111* ever it WI1S, perfectly satisfied Abram, and proved itsidf to be supe.rnatural and divine. It is worthy of remark that Ala: rain is the Nisi, man to whom (led said to have ..shewn himself Himself or a ppeared,/, \VIII 1 give—(led vias deal. ing with Ai/111111 110t. tit BIS 111.11111.1' 111111 personal capacity merely, but with a view to personal interests in future tigers. Ati altar —The Ivor(' which we render al- tar signifies properly a place for sa fire. Altar comes from the 'Latin altns, hig,11 or elevated, because places for sac- rifice were generally either raised very high or built on the tops of hills and mountains; hence they are called high Pieces be tile Serillturesi but these chiefly used for idolatrous purposes, 11y this solemn net of devotion Abram made an open profession of his religion, es- tablished the worship of the true Clod and (teetered his faith in the promise. S. 1).01 h•el—Twelve miles north of Jer- usalem, IL was then called Luz, and intuited 131.1,10,1 by .111(.01) after his vision. Sive chop. ,•xviii, 19. Bai—His tent was pitched between Bethel and Hai; Hiti was five miles past of Bethel. Tent, Altar--"\VItere Abram has a tent, there Clod intuit have an altar, tt4 110 well knows there is no safety but under the divine proistel few 1010 build houses ever think of the propriety and necessity of building an altar to their 'Maker!" saerifiees were aecom- 1)110191 wIth prayer, Very soon (v. 9) 424.81. The second cu,se is the theft Wife—Medical Evidence Heard. of •$1 '25,000 during t he dal ing from ,\ Toronto despatch: Edmund Bridant, p:oo to 1903, divided tt.s follows: 1590, young lainlier who is on trial in the $5.000; 1900, $5,000; 1901, $90,000, and before ,itoAteo 1903, $25.000. The witnesseswere ex- amined before the jurors lir City (h•own 1 11, on a ell;1r1-'' `if 1101"11.. an'. :Attorney C,:iii.v. 'They Me.s.srs. ine out death of his wife, v;ho I A, E. chetiowoth, from ido,„1.1),.1soailig, t'1.( pat •'Pope, Ernest Swallow. Cecil li. Lloyd, cro.ss-examinittion %vas not concluded, ins tut hi" I). N. Oladman, 11, Quigley, John (3. thy tvitness stand ;esterdity, the Crown desired .to.read some letter:: that passed between the prisoner and his wife, It 1(11 Were proditeed .in coml. yes• lei (lay by Mr. Neville, counsel 'for Clio.. prisoner. 1lridant denied absolutely that. h.! %vas aware of the fad, •that his wife ,10g 0011.1.111 1110(111.11110S. though ha had accompanied her to the °like ni the Dr. Do V093 'Medicine (Aoint:iv at. of 1110 local branch of the Fish and 210 Queen street east. Bridant stntatt that lie and his wife wino ahvays itt good tern's, ned never tiad a quarrel, as 110! IutiSi'.id by some of the %%dimes ;el. 1)1.. A. U. Pyne, theofficial analyst, could not sat' whether or not the pills seized hv the Crt.va might be. benefi•. (daily nse‘il in certain cases, Soria! physi- cian:" \V)"11 pr('scriba them. 1)r. .1, rt,100;111, l'.110 made the post-mortem ex.... Arination, stoics' that 1110 1)1'' was that.; of .1 healthy AVoinaii, and that !tenth W1/3 (Inn toliloottimisoning. Other tvituessra examined 1.:rnes1 Villitird, father of - :14;11(.3 Bridant; Airs. lit•idgcom a t,ister or the &ceased; Mrs. PA, Doe; Atli:11:1'61 Claney, It guarit.aL the C'entral Prism!: andDet'ectirt. Kennedy, The edsc to the jtit this sate11164/11; • Beattie and 11. AL Kelso. SEINES PROHIBITED, Quinte Flatter:nen and Protective Asso- ciation Draft an Agreement. Ont., despatch: The net fishermen of t his district and members . FREHcH CATHOLICS WL'DEFEND THEIR .CHAPELS. L. . . he• people of •Svolland, All the tone he Cahi:)et Has Approved 'of Modns Vivendi . W tit t:allilon lie never saw 000 man 'Under Which Churches May Remain win 001111 oot keep tIot pavement ; and, Open—New 13111 in Chamber Of De- thirdly, Canadians are very hard •work• era,. , . ; 4 • 44, .1.(ante Prot(etive Assoeiation met in .thiti city and drafted an agreement, hich they both signed and agreed to submit, to Inin, 1)r. Itettunie, of the 'NVIIitney The agreement pro- vides that seines shall be prohibited in the Bay of (biinte, and that any not fisherMall W110 breaks the law shall lose It license. A fast boat is recom- mended to be provided for patrol pur. 11013eS. : .• —— PRAISE FOR 0. A. C. Mr. William Duthie Refers to Institution Ilig,h•Terras. London, .Tttn, 1)uthio, NV110 recently visited C'atettla, addressing the students of the \Vest of Scotland ..1gricultural College, referred in high terms to the 1110(111 tone wide!' eintrav- Icriv,ed the students of the Agricultural t'olle.ge at (111elph. Three things strnel: ltiti particularly: First, the loyalty of Canadians; second, they are a temper - tura: people, and are more temperate than Phila. 1)ehtliaye1` Conger- - DOUICS MUST DE CITIZENS. vaLive, in • the Senate to-daydeelared that the ,Catholies were retitb- 1.0 die J)ominion Government Will Cancel Grants for their. faith,..and that if attempts• • if Land is Not Worked. were 'mute to 01080 the aapels of ' 1Vinnipeg, Jam' 28.—The Ihmtittion Cowernment. is bringing pressure upon the Doulthohors to induce them to be - mem! I hit, ish. .subjects, and to occupy and enItivate •their lands individually, . other citizens, Circulars printed Ili both- Poissian and English have been li,1_,!..oitt• to, the elders and people of every .village, advising them that their grants, will be cancelled if the hunt not occupied 'and C111111111011. What Made It Valuable. , ikbram went to Egypt because of the . , Notre l)ame de Lourdes rand. (if Mont - famine in Canaan, but in this 110 made a great mistake, "Ile was in the very, mean: they would,- defend them with pine° in \rim: (-1(,d had setni. nd a,' arms. • Jim 'Seital" or' , Waded: 111:11. (wide, v. he reef,' ved dire,!tien 0 , Umbel, -Clemenct2att..,and Briand cannot lenve it. True the famine was there. and ,slIPPl'ess God." moreover: Frypt; was at, baud. The Cithinet today approved the hill suppressing the formality of requiring deliveranee front pressiire; Div Datil of (1 's servant was plain, 11, 14 better it declaration before holding a public to starve ja oulnaii. if if should bo an, ineeti»g, as required ,by- the law of 1851. ilt 1111 lo live initt xti i itt Egyitt,tt—ct, 11,i thus creating a modus vivendi, muter ..1wItielt the 'churches can remain open for -11•f. 1pithlie worship evea though the Vatican 1.)BACTICAL A.PPL1CATIONS. • • authorities yersoVere 111 their present attitude. The new% bill• 11.119 introduced Like Noah, /1brain is the head of a ,) , • • Ait e • '‘' 1 1' 1 1 • t 1 t Dumber of .1)eputies to -day. Nei e( tut tan up o pot • lisle dispensation only the world is not • • • ter' at a railway station and asked: taken front Abram, but Altrant is sep oBEAUTIETIN.QOTTAWA: • 'q'ave you s.een 11 1/11reei len,.(111 ilik united from the wrld. Crnil "called him alone" (Istt, li. 2). The people of the «great nation» (w. 2) of, which 110. wiLs tap be the founder were to "dwell alone" and "not he reckoned amongthe nations" (Num. xxiii, 9). Abram was celled to a separation front his 'country," his "kind- red" 'and " his. father's house," (v. 1), He must leave his native land, theeity •Aitere he had been honored, the, pastures where his Boole.% 'had fed, the. friends of Itis riper ;veal's, mid the :ancestral home, We linve to do in the spirit what Abraham .did in the letter. Nothing must stand between its and God. Separated Un- to we shall be, e, will work like a charm. 4, charm seldom • Iniproyemont setiti" •The porter replied that he had . c.",,,,iniflision Given the use not, "011, what shall 1 dor exclaimed '. ' o -f Three Islandshin the River, the excited passenger; "it, contains three • poems 1 have written." "Can't yeti write . . Ottitwit,.Tan, 28..--11tei0iititritylloyern- them again?" tt4kOd the unsyraipothetiv meld, lias,handetlqeritd,the :Ottawa int- ' porter. "Yes, 1 can 410 that, but," hesh- provement connuipsion threolSiOnds in bitingly, "there WV" t" 8111"1Wit'll" iii the Ottawa. ;Itif,or, 'lin-, conna 1,' qh . with the parcel .118 well."—ohristian \Vorld, II 11 el:then:4w Seliqint!t of imprOV.9 /Mb now' . 4 • * 1,.eing planed' by.ljui,elufnitesioll .,'-' The is. , hinds will be laid otit'.its'. park and pie- Beyond Human Endurance. groun(1s, and will be Tatiy•of ;access, not only hy 'it 'nese drivOily, 1)111.4180 by the street railway. Plans klre also under way .for a park in the,gleb.e.;• .: :.,, Aid, Rosenthal wantis201:0,9ntdrio' Gov - eminent to locate n, provincial detective ""My Intsbitnd is a brute," said the ex- citable woman. "Have you been scolding him?" "Of course t• have' ' 'Alit I suppose .1te talked back and used harsh language,' in Ottawa, in common,with,TorontO and "\Vorso than that! He yawned!" -- Hamilton. Washington Stars A Northwest Woman's 'Interesting Experiences, . 1' 44 1., ri-I. to !nom! ot, .• • 11- 1! 1" 1' ,.!•1 1- Z.101 . .i 1'1;11, 0,0101 !I f \traeot (.4r;nr(..:11.P..ii, 1.1i I1‘)%1' 19J.11.:11•11:d.lt tw.1.14•,1 qt;, of (v.:, it (-111:(11:11'4, 1,1; .:;1.0.1 110;11 V -11i011. ' "I ' 1,1 1 t' - it', Z:1111 (11,11' 1H9' L ‘V411. ,.'t ". 1,1 '0,1, 1 1:01 j) 1 11A,r1.k. ', itilI. ‘11i1. 1 a111,10%,1 11 111'.1nt "f"'M t (111 any t 1, i111 1 . nee.t ve.ony. Anionk..,Ft tithe. 1h•in•.!'s 1 toil an t)iiittntti 11131.1y- for 11 r1 ‘Vti ! ! 111 11 no go.0,1. 1 relief, 'noel Z-301- ltttk wt. 1/re•r. itvy e+et.it'f. a 11.1 1 got :t !,:ilt1;.Y. 11 ell tire 10:013 said 0,-.1; 1 relief. It caved no", ! the (etre 1 )3a.R. 14.,1 1: V' 1 ii.y of the troaldp," 7,,itti.1:11: 'o 11,"1".1fr'' \ .11 i• l'ty 14 thin..., that 11,, Nvitholit it. Ft foi•11.. of nuttloe, eepparitioa. 10. 1'.0! 001.-1, -, Itt to, te.eltio, '(,ti, 05 1 "'i.e.., 111.1r(d ra:thes, tel.ter, it 1, with- out an 1'11i t 1,111 it 1, gi. w: 1 'vey 1,13.• !rut al f relieve, Ihenn...,t,"•,,11, nen- etc. Al 41 ot mo 1, or oioa hied ro-4t free froin 'Lon ir. 't'oi•outo. of 0 boxy: for Sead en.c ht,. 4 • I. EATON EMPLOYEE ARIZESTED. Edward Manning Charged With the Theft of Dry Gods and Silks. Torento despatch; Frlwarl Alanning, 11 rk, :11 01 1. li1.0 11-11 W1111 1110 T. E.11011 1.011101111:1' :4i111'0 NO- l'elnher, MIS 1;111.1v,I hi: 0 (.0s10(ly yestpr. day i01 1 011:120 of :4y1001:11.10:111y s10111;04' (fry pnofk and employers, Detective.; \vim visit the pawn shops he - came sii-;pi; ions when several pieces of sill: %vete sold, and yesterdlav morning he vas follotved by Deteetive. Newton to OW Eat 011 lis 1.011111 at 02 Beverly street was searched, and almllt $100 worth of goods seized. .1 number of garments Wore made up, .11 the time of his arrest he wits engaged in stocktaking. EARTHQUAKES IN SICILY. thne. Jan, 28. --Since the Kingn sto disaster slight earthquakes have been felt in Sicily, and are continuing wliich has caused considerable alarm. Houses in several villages are threatening to collapse, compelling their occupants to camp out in spite of the severity of the weather. Mounts Etna and Stromboli continued to show signs of activity. 01.1..atinnetMeloollim••••••••••■•••••••••••••• 41kaMMI Lydia E. Pinkizanz's Vegetable Compound is a poAtive cure for till those painful aliments of women. It will entirely eure the worst forms of Female Com- plaints, ltillammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements and, con- sequent Spinal Weakness, and is pecu- liarly adapted to the Change of Life, It will timely euro Backache. It has cured more eases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is alma infallible ill such cases. It dissolves and expels T1111101'11 ill an early stage of dove - fairs we should strivo tel develop a stal- 'opulent. That wart and heroic Christianity. If bellied the most common toil WO feel the fervor BearingedOwn Feeling, of Duty "stern daughter of the voice enusing pain, weight, and headache, of Goa!, we snail be sure to realize with by its use. Under all ciretunstanCei it, acts in harmony with the female system. the time comes, for a place among It corrects. "The soldier -saints who, row on row. • Burn upward each to his point of bliss, Irrevularity, c., ' Since, the end of life being manifest How Ile Met Jesus Christ. Tie leader in the Hrident Volunteer le,.vellient, which is enlisting an literals - IN? 111111110T of young men and women for the foreign field, is .101in It. ;0('S him to.(iiis it is diffi. eillt think of iii111 l'ver having „(nlii:i:nity of Christ; yet, while 11 student bi the university, such krt. the ease. ,-.Nplaining how the light 'Two allies led me out. of that; one was the eonseientious study of rho Hes- iirroctien, and the other was that a (violt urged int. to go to the county jail hcip in what lit. called 'a special min - 1 went down there and joined w;th him in t.ingitig told in giving good A:we to this -4. 111'11, 11114 1 foiled that., I would lat a hypocrite, I bad to tI hy those men tiftex they gut out from hellitel the hays, and in tryiug to ;,.., ...ono. of them with their reht- ; 1% cs, and in trying to g1.1 sumo of them Imo business and in toing to help them tope: their old lArniptations, one day I futind christ. I do not aAtempt to give 110 philosophy of it; I simply stato a lio inv.11 0011 elleat 0111. of it. 1 fonicl Christ in that path, and I would to an.; twin \vie, may doubt 0oneern. biz ',lie Deity of Uhritt, if you are weary f thinking and philosophizing on anti ,t7et (I men in the faxtory 311alongside of men in the factory or field or .110p, Vitt 1191) meet, 40140• tiling more than need, you will meet .10.1i-, (.11114 our Religion in Common Life. (By Rev. W. 'I'. lierridge, D. 1).) 11 Ls only by dm faithful discharge of. presvat duty that we can or to fit ourselves for ilontel.hing higher. Every lionmt workman is a preacher of righte- ousness, and helps to oheck those disin- tegrating forces which would soon rend soeiet asunder. At the same time, he is also strengthening his own faculties, en- larging his knowledge, and deepening his consciousness. Many of the heroes of the liible story were called from menial tasks to the prosecution of Ale more ex- alted service which has made their names immortal. Moses in the kind of Midian, keepieg the flocks of Jethro; Gideon threshing wheat by the wine•press near the oak of Ophrah; David in the forest intent on his pastoral care; Elisha plowing with his yoke of oxen; Daniel, the slave at the court of Babylon; the prophet Amos among the herdsmen of 'I'ekoa; Matthew sitting despised at the receipt of custom; the first disciples, humble though hardy fishermen on the Oalilenn lake—these are some of the great ones who have taught us that he who is faithful over a few things, some day may 1)9 made ruler over many things. \\len the Perfect Man uttered those pregnant words, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work," He glorified hu- man toil by the example of a toiling God. It is true that Christ, did not need, as we do, to summon His energies into chan- nels of useful service lest they should be ilissipated by in. Absolute rectitude and unselfish love were the very breath of His life. Yet it would be a mistake to suppose that Ile was unconscious of any other alternative. Who can miss the in- , spiring significance of the lowly man- ger, the simple home of Nazareth, the fearless contact with reproach and re- viling, tsiti7(11)fea4tkrIerfn use) t() be any tltiut (1 of 'Messiah for Tsrael„ the determined setting of His face towards Jerusalem though many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more, the mock trial, the lonely garden, the cruel martyrdoiy, and then the triumph over the powers of dark- . floss. the resurrection, the aseenflon to flod's right hand, eternally enthroned be- - 00)140 of His grand fidelity and the meg- nifieent inheritance of blessing it brings to ell mankind. The whole career of JCS11S proves that, if our religion is to be vindicated at all, it must, be vindicated among the scenes of eaeh pissing day, Ho did not bate the world, but the worldly spirit. It was not its work that Ile despised, nor any nat. oural joy or sornow in it, but sordid pur- poses. ignoble ambitions, corrupt, and sel- fish hearts. lie taught that religion is a thing of the streets, not of the stars and instead of praying that Ms disciples might be taken out of the world, Ile prayed rather that they should be kept from the evil. .At different flaw the experiment has been tried of necking the highest type of spirihmlity in isola- tion from the usual SCCI10EI of life. But it must not be forgotten that into every solitude wo take ourselves and so create a little world, good or bad, in harmony with our own ehilinetOr. 11 is Lite will of God for most of us, at least, that in the midst of the tumult of actual af- increasing force the solemn joy of liv- inStantly relieved. and permanently mire ing, run, shall prepare ourselves. when Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weaknesii of the Stomach, indigestion, -Bloating,' Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. Also Dizzfrtess, Faintness, Extretne Lassitude, " don't -care" and " ‘vant-to-be-left-alono " feeling, ezdte ability,- irritability, nervousness, sleep- lessness, ilatulaney, melancholy or the " blues," and backache. These are sir indications of Female Weakness, so derangement of the organs. For .1(idney Complaints and 13ackache of either ae,v tho Vegetable Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs, Pinkhatu about yourself in strictest confidence. MIA PINKRAM MED. CO., Lynn, KM iNiffigniatiltallEaranienffilintiutardi Ile had burned his way through world to this." It (loth not yet appear what wo shall be, But it will appear in proportion to; WO obey the self revealinglaws of honest labor in tho sight of nod. To Fain -nese that we mast balance the true interests of. thisiworld against those of the nent one is to miss the significance of both. It is not in beautiful day -dreams that wo feel most the powers of the great, hereafter. 1tis in the faithful discharge of the tasks now before us that there dawns not only a consciousness of the dignity of this present life, but of the need of immortal life to bring to cern- pletion the magnificent powers of hum- attity.'ne brooding heavens hang over 114 ns wo bond to our daily toil, bright ivith hope and promise to him that over - cometh. PAGE EIGHT --THE BLYTH STANDARD—JANUARY 31sT, lgo7. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBINC LIST. The Standard . $1 00 The standard and 11'cekly .1cit'et- . The �itlutdard and 11''eekly \1'it- netts. 1 00 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 05 '.I'hi Standard and Family Herold told weakly star . 1 70 'I'„o Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 05 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'fines 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun . 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice-a•week Spectator.. , , 1 80 'I'Ite Stautda►d and Toronto Daily Star .. '? 95 The Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 0 - The Standard and I ; i iner's Advo- • carp 2 00 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser '2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Pleas The Standard and Toronto Daily worm. 0 25 The Standard and Daily Free Preis . .. 3 .,u The Standard and Evening Globe 3 Si) The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 3 50 The Standard 1121(1 Daily :Mail 111(1 Empire 'I'i)e Standard and Daily globe... S.•►111 ail subscriptions direct to 'P11 E STANDARD, MATH, 1 05 0 7 5 •1 •1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURBS— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. T41s remedy is famous for ite curee over a largo part of the civilized world. It can alaaye be depended npou. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and way be `leen as confidently to a baby as to au adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 50 ova. An Old Huron Boy Honored. The following is clipped from the Daily Stratford lleacln of Thursday, .Ian. 17th :— Ottawa, Jan. 17.—M r. S. S. roller, Postmaster at Stratford, Ont., hay, its owing to delicate health, retired from 1 the active duties of the Stratford post ''t► I office, told Mr. A. M. Hay, the Post - ! I master at Stratford Station, has been placed in change of both oiliees. I It is understood that. the Post Office ONT. Departm 11t has under consi11e.ration the granting t0 cities similar to St rat• ford of a lot ter carrier delivery. 1f his were done, it (would necessarily lead to the abolition of t he post office et the station, as the letter carrier deliv- ery would do away with all necessity I for a second otlicce. We want to buy your Turkeys I ----- and twill pity the highest market) Willie the citiipn4 generally will re- price. the failing !width which hasenused ),rice. 11 rite fur pltt'ticullt'8 and I'\(1'. folie►' to seek relief from the more state how Iola►y silo hatl'c. 1 active work of the office. he being held The Canada Poultry& Produce in the highest esteem .by everybody', they will at the same tithe be pleased to Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. hear that it has passed into 511011 com- petent hands Its those of Mr. A. TURKEYS W'A.1NTTF ]D TIME TABLE. Kay, Mr. Katy has 590111 2;, years in the postal service, 19 years of which 11e Was Deputy Post. Master in the Stratford 011ice. About three years ago he was appointed to the charge of the LONDON AND WINGHAM BR1NCIH. Sol"I'll. atn ft 40 :f 30 0 43 3 :1.1 652 341 7TNI3so 7 11 4 01 7.7 423 80.i 4 31) 8 15 4 47 y 22 .i 52 :a 35 5 0., 8 40 5 1.) 8 59 5 20 !) Iii 5 30 9 12 5 :37 9 21 5 40 tl 21) 5 54 985 5514 9 :i7 it (x) 1) 45 11 1(1 Notat1. aril P01 Wingham 11 10 7 35 W inghaul ,Jct. II 00 7 25 Belgrave 10 30 7 13 Blyth 11) 08 7 1x1 Londesboro 10 30 0 32 Clinton 10 15 o :15 Brucefield 9 53 0 19 Kippen II 31) 6 11 Hensen 0 44 6 05 Exeter 0 30 5 51 Centralia 0 IS 5 43 Clandeboyo 9 09 5:14 Lucan Crossing 9 os 5 30 Denfield s SS 52.5 Ilderton 8 15 5 13 Mild; 8 35 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing H 20 5 02 Hyde Park Jot. l; 24 5 00 London 8 13 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin• cardlne branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Godertch branch, and all stations front Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all gallons west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Some If's IF you conte nor sway we'll send over- flowing values y'Otll' way. IF you leave a dollar with us it's mere- ly exchanging the money for it's equivalent fu ern0eries, What tt'e semi you will he as sone] and as genuine (14 the money. IF you are a careful spender this store tvill appeal to you on the score of economy. IF yell are Rnxiolly to sectn•0 't gods whisk aren't afraid of the closest M('I'latilly this iN as goo!! 1)1004! to ('01110. II is it good place to come for every reason tllttr Inllke4 One store better than another, (dad to greet. t. yon at: any time, JAMES CUTT MOci �ITNLY (AIRS ••••o• 15.3L'VT t4 \\T(i,.lnesda\r, January 3o, 44 'February 27, April- 3, tt I( All the leading horse and cattle buyers are specially invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all, A. W. SL,OAN, President. Vat. JACKSON, Vice -President. , J, temple ICen», Secretary 1111, A. M. KAY. new Stratford Station P, 0.. and the h114iIIe.d Ile developed therein 15 testi- mony to his worth end efficiency. It was but natural under the circum- Stane0s that he should he promoted to the larger charge, Thoroughly ex- perienced in the business, industrious and painstaking, patient end courteous, he will make an ideal working post nla4ter, giving pe'sopttl attention to every detail of the office. The depal't- Iliel,t and the public are to be congratu- lated on a selection which cannot fail to enhance the eflieden(:1•, Mr, ling was horn in Brussels and tt'ns an employee of the Jost, He is an uncle of the Editor of '1'it» STANDARD. HOW TO ritl:wr':\'t' BILIOUS A'rracit4, One who is subject to bilking 'mocks will notice that for a clary or more he - fore the attack be is not hungry at )Heal times soul feels dull after c•Ittine, A dose of Giant b011111)8 ,Sto100011 and Liver Tablets when these first symp- toms ym!,-toles appear will sward off the altack. They are for stile by all druggists. ForL;nq Troubies Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. "My little boy had a terrible cough. I tried everything I could hear of but In vain until I tried Ayer', Cherry Pectoral, The first night he was better, and he steadily lutprovud thnttl he was perfectly well,"—)las. 8. J. STULL Alton, Ill. Made 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mase. ALSO mea taotnrera of i SARSAPARILLA. ensHAIR PILLS. AlR VIGOR, Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills and thus hasten r000very. IDEALS MAKE A I,ATION, Rev, Dr. Kilpate'ck',: Address 2efor• Tho Toronto Canadian Club. —Duties of Citizenship. The member)) of the Toronto Cana I°an C'lul, sera fortunate recently 1; oaring for their guests two dlt,tln gutslted gentlemen, both of whom guv4 most Interer..lug ur'd1(liiil,'a upon tht important toile "Things Which (3, t( \ial%o a Nation," 'l'hu :Intakes of the .lay, net'. Dr. Kiloatrl..k of Knox Col: lege, a new arig t'al, proved himself b) his echola)' y treatment 0f an Intensel) 1.1eresting subject, his breadth of thought, the eletyl•ues of his diel lot: and ,110 excellence of his delivery ti be n distinct acquisition to the educes ti 1)1:41 forces of the city. Would Add "Reason," Mr. Alfred Moseley, C. M. (1, a gentleman tt'1lo has figured largely in 400,111 problems In the united Kingdom who hal pened 'to. he In the city, wa ski) present, 'and supplemented Dr Kilpatrick's utterances by the uracti• cal sugges.ion that education of the masks be not cpnilned to the three "It's," but that a fourth "It' represent- ing "reason'• bo added t , the public school curriculum. Ile pleaded that owing to the changed condltlous uncle: (which the oid,t,yste'n of apprentice.. hit '41 4 crowded out of existence the place which it tilled !n fitting the youth fen 08)'))'ng his livelihood be taken by the public school, In which he sh odd have a thorough (01)04' in manual training. The Task of Citizenship. Rei', 1•)r', ieilpatrielc, in opening, re• f,•rr'•tl to the fact that los ntw14 depart- ment of tt'url; was somewhat 001110.1 front the actions: and thought of the business world, yet he declared with t ul;,hu ls, amid 1 11p'attse, that he w•,uld not hold the Mike he held tt he be- lieved that it ntre simply a sort of backwater in the 'great stream of ria• .Tonal lift, but shut lilt belief, his hope and his energy Was to uutke his err u work, eccalthistkal though it be. le tell, humbly Indeed, but nut indirectly upon the life or the nation as a whole They ali r•t•allzetl that the task .t citi- zenship was laid upon every roan, and that If they were to labor a, It Intel- 'lgently th-y roust he co some Idea of what they tri ;000 our nation to be, enc'. must be rrgu!11106 by surne generei conception of Low Canada was to fulfil! the pronliHe of itx splendid youthdont. Ideals Make a Nation. In one word, In one sentence, he auto• tned up his conviction that a Hutto;; is mode by its Meets. Ills profound conviction, gain by obser vatien 111,4 experience, was that a nation 18 ata& not by the abundaaoce of its material re•4uurces, hut by the ideates of Its peo- ple. The speaker then ran uv' r' a tow of those ideate Which go to slake ea enation. First carne the culnnlal'0ta: Ideal, of which lie t+puke with diffidence before practical men. A nation reyulr• ed wealth, which It it be the register of the actual reAouce+ of the people. acquired by diligent effort, and If 0 he distributed, net equally—bat we, Gln Impossibility -•but equitably, svit)out any' artificial restraint, and if It be user, n-,biy In the ser.vit:e of humanity, 1r the providing of things that are fair and good, he thought therein way to be found the commercial Ideal. 'rile sue'al ideals w'hielt snake a nation trent —they are not eontradIelory, though at first glance they ;at•e not identical—are individuality and organic unity, both of which are endaligered by the Preva• lenca of democracy, '!'here must be room for the manifestation of tndlvid• unllty In character, in energy, In ente.r- priee, in ambition, in independence Along with that there must be organic unity, beoauae of the possibility of In- dlviduulism that Is destructive to she notional life, the tendency of whir) must be checked. The Foes of Education. 'r'ie task of cltlzenahip cis) required educated men, whose minds ere to eon. tact with the universe that Is not Ihn• 1)nd 1)7 space and time, the universe that Is constituted by the great reals• ties that belong 1) the ap!ritual life of. mon, using the word in the broadest sen•'e. Edueatlon was needed not only for the workman, but for captains of Industry, In this connection he refer- red 1) the gr 'at problem of asalmilat• Ing and educating to Canadian Idealt the enormous, mase of humanity pour- ing Into the :s orthweat, Dr. Kilpatrick uttered a word of warning against the foes r1' educetion which are rampant 1t ne' midst lust now, the Otte great foe o which he alluded first being that of dereer.lnationaIlsm, He dist net mean there were not to be educated Medico dlsts, Anglicans or P'resbyter'ians, but that men should not Ne eaueated to b1• Methodists or Anglicans or Presbyter - fans. (Applettse,) "An edueatlunul sys- tem that is contrived to the interests of any denomination, however big or however strong its claims may be, is In my judgment, e'profound po.ltlou': and organic .trlI4take," said 1)r. Kilpat- rick, amid apple use. O er•specla'1lztt• lion twee also characterized as another great foe of education. Evils Canada Suffers From. The danger of fortuitous materialism. ender which there Was 210 room ter pas- sion, no room for the pnseibtltty et self -dental In the individual, was also pot'ated out. Lastly, a nation is made, ar;'. r,g other elements, by Its rellgioua ides.e. '!'here was wanted religion in order to deepen the sense of responsi• blllty In the exercise of political rights; It is wanted to strengthen the fndlyld- ual against tyranny, 'rhe public !drool must have the very hest thought and service, as there, 11e believed, very many of the evils under which we are laboring Just now have begun, or, at l•+ast, may be corrected, He had ven- tured the other day to say that the: evils of Canada were not so much gross fleshly sins, not so touch drunkenness or uncleanness, as mental 'sins, sine of vatoliabllity, sins of want of truth, 11.......•••••••••••••••••1.4....111/0/ Hensall. Roy Neelnnde, of the Paris Iteylew 'tri . is home. Mr. Harvey was taken with a sink• ing spell and is still very low. The smoke stack of 11, Cook & SOn's Wilk was blown down by Sunday's 1101 tn. Mr, Lanlbrook, of Fort 1Veynn, Incl., hnH been visiting friends in towp for the )last few days. Ho is a photo• grapller and may possibly locate here. Miss Edna heunny, the nurse who aeeonlpautitd the remains of W. ,1, Miller from Los Angelos, Cal., loft on Tuesday last for her home in the West, The Odd Fellows made her a handsome present before leaving, • Miss 11argaret Bonthron, who has been holdiug a good position as steno- brepher in it leading Barrie law otlicol is home for a few weeks prior to taking a course of training am It 11 11 ht the !'pronto General Hospital, Hon. A. 0. Blair Bond. One of New Brunswick's greatest 80)48 passed away with no W)lrlling at hoose of his sister-in-law, in his native town of Fredericton on Friday. Was engaged in business mission, and com- plained only of a. cold. Was resting on a lounge when' heart csteed beat - hitt, Mr. A. Blair was born in Frederic- ton, N, 13., March 7th, 1811. Entered New Brunswick Resent bly as member for fork county in 1878. Chosen leader of the opposition February, 1879. Defeated Hannington ministry 1883. Blair government sustained in general elections of 1880, 18J0,1892, 1895 though he leas defeated in 1892 fur York County, but was returned Intel' for Queen's. In 1800 was invited to 0111440 the newly 01'glo)w.ilig Laurier ('Ithinet in which he accepted portfolio of rail- ways and canals, end woe returhed as menthol. for Qneen'e-Sudbt ry. In 1900 defeated Hoe, 0, E. Foster in St .Johp, N. B. He resigned from the government July (1, 190,1, owing, to difference of opinion over the policy of constructing the G. T. P. Railway, 4 t o l chairmano e [n t.tl a - , neves f th I railwaay commission for Canada. A few months Inter resigned previous the general election of November 11)04. In 19(15 accepted the position of managing director of the'l'oronto holler Bearing Coinpauy. Resigned to become eon. Heeled with the legal departineut of the C. P. lt. His re-entry into politics had been freely spoken of within the past few weeks, Tho Bank of Hamilton. The lJank•of Hamilton have prepar- ed their finaincial statement for the year ending November, 811 end the figures reflect exceptiorlall,y sound banking. Net profits for the 'year amount 10 $371,251.52, being a l r ifle over I5 per cent, ou their cepitahzatior► of $2,500• 000, Reee ve stands cones) to ertpltal, and it is 10'0pr,4e41 h) rlt•VtIte it sIIt,stall• fiwl sli rt' of 111•' profits, nut rcyuired for dividends, ao the inlu)gu eilon of te pension fund for the staff, this recog• nitron of faithful mei vice 111114 ('0)(. (0021(1 itself to shereholddv' and pulalie as a inose in the right direot,un, and preferable to stall lull her 111:cumulus ion of a reserve fund, mots rtnlple to' ensure the stability of the holtUt;un. The Batik of 1'Ittltliltnll'(tII01VH up with tot"I assets of over thiri;l't,vu and nue•hulf million (loners, and is reedits) of their statement . that stands out is that elel'eu million (1011141H, or over one-third of their total 0844814 are "liquid" or in other words itnrno'lietely eveilltble for tiny 111)11110101 elii'rgnncy, A cunlpari- so►1 with former sta'elent8 stows steady progress, and indicates that the Bank of Hamilton. while not the largesit, is one of the soundest acid best managed ffnatioial institutions ' h1 Canada. The bank's promises stand at a little less than a trillion dollars, end con- sidering that 'the bank maintains practically one ;hundred branches, the cai)ital locked up in premises is insig- nilicent, everegilrg 10148 than $10,00( nei' imanch,iincluding their substantial new' head office building, Evidently the Bank of Hrimilton (1008 not believe h1 tho prevailing , "rutrble palace" craze, and 0 mental review of their main office in Ha►nilton,, Toronto, and Winnipeg reyealS !dein, substantial, "commercial": buildings, evidently bringing in good rentals apart from the baukiug roomol, and all of a type that renders th011i Marketable assets, should Amigo of location ever become desir- alile in the future, 'l'be location of the hundred branches nt 1111s institution 18 sigttifIcent, and TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORD MONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a quarter century's successful record of wonderful and almost miraculous cures of the most difficult and Intricate caeca of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is Psychine's record. Thoueanda of cases given up by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per- manently cured by Pe chine, It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigestion, loss of appetite and all wasting diseases. "My eon had a terrible cough and was wanted to a shadow. Doctors Bald he could not lite. He used Psy'• chine, (t cured hiw."—Yr►. J, Rang- er, iinxkvllle. "After taking 115.00 worth of Pay chute thy lungs are well and life is again worth living."—Mn, h Rich - anis, 5farrlotta Cove, N,8, "Hy Mugge are now sound as a bell after using Psyebine."—H. Robbins, lirldgeburg, Ont. "Psychine saved nl ' Ilfe,"—A,Wal- den, 7 Cornwall 81., Toronto, Psychine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute AT AU. DEALERS, 50c and 51.00 A DOT1'L DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King St, W., Toronto o Not Put Off COMMENCING To LOOK P011 'I'IIE New Business VOLT DETERMINED To GET IN 11)00. START TO -DAY YOUR \I O'1' 1'O I WILL DO IT RESUL'I',S WILL BE iIEYON1) YOU It EXPECTATIONS, DO NOT FORGET Our Ads1 Taik LET WORDSEIYI ORAY A YOU FEW when carefully studied indicates a policy well worthy of emulation by all Canadian bunkers, Over ninety per (1ent, of Its branches are located un the 8(0:tll towns throughout, Ontario and \Vest of Winnipeg to the Coast. 'Ulm Bank of ]Tumilton seems to walk trend in held with the railways opening up new eutultry, placing very necessary haliking facilities at the disposal of trade lied agriculture hi those now districts, This renders a valuable service to our 00)011lerce, and is cer- tainly preferable, from a (1110110 point of view to dividing the baulking I►nsi• toss in 011101'(eutresalready a(e(Iu,t'Nly supplied with branch banks, That the Bink of Hamilton have been able to render this service to t ho Country with profit t0 themselves Is gratifying, and +hould encourage other bursts to leave he 1)001O track and assist in develop• mag new territory throughout Canada. 'rho mutual meeting of the Bank of Hamilton tool: place on ;January 21, twh0u the Runnel statement ryes submitted in full detail to the share- holders of this enterprising and success- ful hlsti11)1101). .141111110. II. 9. Anderson, of Winnipeg, is on a visit to friends in Seaford) and vicinity. Mr. Anderson is engaged in the real estate business, Wet-Proof---Cold-Proof--Almost Wear -Proof When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of them—rubbers, that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy snow—rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like slippers --go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped "Duck Never Break" on the soles. Up in the lumber camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers. Prospectors and miners wear them; too. So do people who want rubbers that will stand pretty muds any abuse. It simply isn't possible to win rubbers any better thaa we make Duck Never Breaks—isn't possible to make them any stronger, any stauncher, cr any more wear -proof. They're glade for service and give service—great service. Get a pair and see bow a pair of really good rubbers. can last. THIS IS THE GEORGIAN DUCK NEVER BREAK u C .NEVERBREAK Double Wear ,In -Every Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made Y by The.: Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario The Georgian is lined with tough tan -colored cot- ton. laterlined with heavy can• vas duck be. twin the rubber upper and the tough cotton inside lining. Outer Tolled sole and heel are double - heavy pure gum, conn. gated Inside is an insole of solid leather, so you can have this 201 s Ii oe te•soled. •