HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-01-24, Page 1tb VOL. XX. nb tb. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1907. No.. 25. Western Canada I desire to cull the attention of my old friends and nc• quaintances to some ntoney•making opportunities In the west, 1--I still havo a fow lots --money-makers— in "Glengarry" the famous Calgary euh•divisinn ; price, $00 for a short time. Calgary has grown front 4,000 to 20,000 in live years, 2--A chance for $1000 to make $30G0 in a Winnipeg invest - mens without risk of Toss. 3—Among many land snaps in my list I call attention to the Si and N Wi of Sec, 20, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only 9 miles from Moons Jaw—largen city in Saskatchewan, 0 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 on terms—$7 down and rest in throe annuals at 6 per cent ; neighboring lard has sold at $18. A splendid half section in the Arcola dist riot for $11, being the NE} and fractional Wi of Sec, 11 in Twp. 10, Range 7 west 2nd. John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. ************************ $54o Per Year Mies Snell, formerly of Bluevale Is re- ceiving $45 per nionth from the Calgary Mllling Co., Calgary, Thls estimable young lady' bad only a common school eduoation and In a few months with us ,tied in green and white, and took their prepared for the above eituatlon. With a Ldaces under a large wedding bell. few years experience Mies Snell will re- celve at least $75 per month, Little busses Helen and llrtrgat'et Gar- • Stenography le better than school teach• niss, nieces of the bride, daintily dress- ed in white silk, acted as flower girls, carrying baskets of white and pink caranations, The Wedding March was played In duet by Mies Edna Isbiste', sister of the bride, and Miss Imrio, of Westmount, Quebec, The bride was gowned in cream silk eaiionn) over create taftettt with tulle veil caught with 111y -of -the -valley, and curried cream roses, Rev. D. Perrio, of W ing- ham, performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of friends and relatives. Congratulations being over all repaired to the drawing room whore n sumptuous dinner was served and Renew. for THE STANDARD, after which Mr. and Mrs. t'adwell, left ©.number of people have been laid up for Toronto, Niagara and Chicago prior to their departure for Saskatoon where w'rho ith lwie ndipon�n Sunday did quite a lot they will reside. The bride was. the of damage in the bush, recipient of many handsome presents it, Nicholson dt Sons are doing quite pupils ofrich epartm1en resIIteStayner, a rushing business title Winter getting whore she had taught during the post in wood four months, Many good wishes will The windmill of N m. Craig, 7t11 line, accompany the happy couple to their wet? blown do.wn on,Sunday during the Western hotne where we trust health, w• Miss Ruby E, Forbes, graduate of wealth and prosperity may attend Win barn Business College; is visiting them, friends on the 4th lino prior to her de- parture to take a situation In Toronto, Walton. lt. B. and .Mins .Moore are visiting Wo are sorry to note Adam Holmes relative* in Grey, Morris and !Brussels had an attack of pleurisy, Their home is Souris, Manitoba, The La grippe is chasing a number of former is a Ron D. B. Moore and was a people in this locality and has caught former resident of this township, several, "Burnside Farm" the home of Wm, The next thing on our program on and, Mrs. Isbister, was the scene of a the opening of Spring should be cement sidewalks. The annual meeting of Duff's church was held Friday evening of last week following tea served In the church, James Harris hes been appointed an issuer of marring() licenses. This will give the boys a chance to do business at home. The annual meeting of Walton Orange hodge was hold in their Hall, Owing to the absence of the Master, J. W, Morrison, who shortly removed to Milverton. Past Muster D. John- ston was called to preside, After the routine business Bro, Jno. Scarlett, ©rand Master of the Grand Meek Chapter Ontario West, took the chair, who in his usual able manner installed the following ofilr'est. M., J. R, Hamilton ; D. 11., W. McCall ' Rec.- Sec., Gen, McCall ; '['rens., W. Smith ; Cha; „ Itov, R. J. Curry ; Fin. -Sec., W. Woods' Dir. of Ger , H. !Hamilton Lea., D. .Johnston ; Committee, W, Sholdice, F. Woods, R. Hoy, R. Gear and W, Oakley, Among the visiting brethren were Bro. Scarlett, Lendbury ; G. E McCall, Ethel ; and 1V, H. Mc- Outoheon. The. Lode is in good heart and hes a ,melnbers!rip of about , 50, Meetings are held monthly on the Friday on or before full moon, Vielt- ing brethren always wolcotnn, very pretty wedding on Wednesday. Nth inst., when their fourth daughter, Miss Nina Jeannette was united in marriage to John W. Cadwell, of Sask. atoon, Sask. At. 11 a, tn. the bride and groom, unattended, entered the draw- ing room which was beautifully decor - In .� What we have.done do for you. 'Enter any lnetruotlon. Write for catalogue, for others we can time, Individual !Itv1 NOM Affiliated with Clinton Buslrress College) 3E0. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL Morris. A Short Tooth Brush Ad. Maybe you've forgotten our last "spial" on this subject, whish might result in your going to the wrong store—and in taking home the wrong brushes. Hence rhls reminder that we deal only in tooth brush certainties, Now it's aretty good tooth brush that never leaves any of its bristles in a person's mouth, isn't it? Even if it didn't cost Very touch. And it's a poor one that does do that, no matter how mush munr+y you pay. Well, this ad, is intended to tell ,you that tooth brushes with put•in• to•sts y bristles can be bought here (or as little as 10o. Lot's and lots _ of better onus at Paoli as 1►iah as 600. 12. S,—Teach the ohildren the early use of the tooth brush and thus prosorye their teeth, For any !incase of the skin dwelt; Dr V'' J NIILNE Salve, hotter than Chamberlain's . Solve, It rellovon the !tubing and burning sensation instantly and soon BIJYT effects a cure. Bold by all tlrugflists, • 1st Anniversary Stock-takm AND CLEARING SAIF January 21st to January 31st Keep with the crowds that know just where the best goods at the cheapest priors aro bought. If you do you do you will find yourself in G. M. Chambers & Cols, store. Goods that have been sold out are replaced with new goods. GROCERIES 21 lbs, Redpath's Granulated Sugar, $1 7 bars Bee Hive Soap for 25c 4 tins new sweet Rinkled Peas for25c 3 tins new sweet Corn for '5c New Tomatoes, per till .......IOC 7 boxes of Matches, t000 in box 25c 5 dozen Clothes Pins for.... ......... . 5c to lbs, Epsom Salts for 25C to lbs. Cornmeal for................ ....... 2 5C 9 lbs Oatmeal for 25c Royal Yeast Cakes per pkg.... Handy Amonia per pkg 5c Good Cotton Clothes Lines for 5c 6 tins Gillett's Lye for 5oc 6 tins Shoe Polish for 3 pkgs Corn or Laundry Starch 15c 5 lbs. Washing Soda for ioc 6 lbs. Pearl Rice for 25C 5 lbs, Beautiful Tea, black or green...,$[ Bring in your grocery list and try a sample order. Sensations 8 payors good Pins for 06 2 dozes Pearl Buttons for .................05 1 package Hair Pitts for 4C ..25C ...01 1600 yards'1'orchon Laces and Insertions, rugu- 5c and Oc value, stock -taking price per yd.. .08 Safety Pins per card nt loll ....... 01 Children's bountiful Handkerchiefs, 8 for 05 1000 yards Baby Ribbon, all colors at per yd... 01 Children's Ringwood Gloves, per pair.......... ,15 Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, per pair 19 500 yards Wrapperettes, all colors, reg. 12ic, for 08 10 pieces 11 11 10c, for 00 Dress Goods 4 pieces Dress Melton, in black, blue, green anti grey, 41 inches wide, regular 25c, Stocktaking sale price., ..... ....„ . ... ,15 6 pieces Fancy Wool Tweed and Lustre Dregs Gaods in reds, blues, flocks, greens and cheeks, regular 50c value, for............ .85 6 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular 85c and 40o values. Stocktaking sale .. , . .25 Underskirts Ladies' sateen wool -lined Underskirts, regu- lar $1,50, for loll, Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular $1,00, for 101 Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular $1.75, for........... Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular 82'00, for.... Please take a ,00k at these Underskirts. Flannelette 600 yards Flannelette, good heavy weight and good width, at pp1, yard 10 pieces good heavy Flnnnelntto, all good patterns and fast colors, regular 10c, for. Flannelette Blankets, 10-4, all colors, regular $1.25, rale price .98 .79 1.00 1,25 1,50 .04 .08 .08 Clothing 15 Boys' Sults, mixed tweed, aged 8 to 12 years, regular $3.00, for 2,0u 10 Boys' Suits, assorted patterns, reg, 15.008.75 7 Youths' 41 " " $6,60., 4.95 10 Men's Suits, beautiful patterns, new goods, regular $5.00, for 88.95.... loll ....... 8.95 20 Men's Suits, beautiful patterns, sizes 86 to 42, regular $10.00 and 112.00, to clear at this stocktaking sale, for........ 8.90 Men's Odd Pante for working or dress at the fol- lowing cuts ; Regular 81.25 and $1.85 Men's Overalls for.99 Regular $1.50 for $1 25, regular 76c line for 59o, regular 8'1.00 for 81.75 with bib, regular 85e line for 75c, regulsr 82,50 line for $2.00, regular 81.00 line fur 80o, regular 88,00 for 12.25. 10 Boys' New Overcoats, assorted sizes and patterns, ranging in price from $3.60 up to $5.0O, stocktaking price to clear the whole lot at 2,50 Men's Underwear at greatly reduced -prices Men's Pure Wool Shirt and Drawers, regular 11,00 lino, to clear atoll..,,,.„ ........ Wool Nap Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.00 lines, to Clear at Heavy Ribbed Pure Wool Shirts and Draw- ers, regular 75c lines for......., ... . . Pure Wool Fleece -lined, Penman's make, regular 76c lines for 09Ileo.,, Mon's Cotton Fleoce•linod Shirts and Drawers regular 50c lines for...—. .. Men's Union Shirts and Drawers, regular 60e Boys' Floeee'liued Shirts and Drawers, regu- lar 40c lines, to clear at........ . • . .75 .75 .55 .59 .89 ,85 .25 Underwear Ladies' Underwear in Vests and Drawers, all new goods. Regular lac lines for 19c. " 50c 89c. 75o " 55c, 1,00 " 79c. " 1.25 " 98c. Children's Underwear at less than coat, Vests 10c, 121c, 16c,119u and 25c, Regular 85c Hues, Shoes Men's Heavy Working Shoes, reg. 31.50, for.. .98 ,1 " " $1.76, for.. 1,26 " $2.00, for.. 1,50 $1.50, for.. 1.95 Men's Fine Shoos, regular $2.00 lino, for 1.26 ,." $2.50 " 2.00 Men's Patent Colt Shoe, hest patent, ragular $5.00 line. Stocktaking sale price8 50 Boys' Fine and Coarse Shoos at 75c, 95c, $1 and 1.26 Space will not permit a full list of prices. Ladies' and Gents' Felt Shoes and Slippers Ladies' regular 11.50 lines Felt Shoes to clear, .98 llen'w $2.25 .' " . 1,75 Ladies' and,Gonts' [Felt Slippers 85 and .48 Rubbers Light weight for L•ldies' and Gents, Misses and Children. Ladies' regular.75c Rubbers to clear at IA en's regular 11.00 Rubbers to clear at Men's regular 85o Rubbers to clear at Misses' regular 500 ltuhbors to clear at. Children's regular 40c Rubbers, all sizes, at .50 .79 ,75 .40 .29 Fur Coats We !rave a few Ladies' and lien's Frit Catty left which we will sell at lees thou cost, also a few very neat Ruffs which would pay yon well so IAe a look at. Ladies' Winter Coats 2 only. Black Cheviot ! length, newest sty- les, regular $6.50, ior.... . . .............. 0A1 4 only, Black and White Mixed Tweed very pretty Coat, regular $9,50, Bale pile.... A. Corsets Regular S0c Corsets for 85e. Regular 75a Corsets for 55o. Regular $1 Corsets for 79o, Regular 11.25 Corsets for 96o. Caps -Men's Persian Lamb Cape, or- larflte curl, regular price $10,00, must be cleared Men's Cape, regular $5.00 line, for • Men's Cape, regular $4.00 line, for Men's Caps, regular 15.25 line, for.... Men's fur -lined Peak Caps, regular 80o Ilse, now....,....• ..,•.. .........•. Man's and Boys' Peak Cape, turn down, Segel lar 45c, for.....:...... .oleo Factory Cotton 1000 yards Factory Cotton, one yard:wide, good heavy weight, regular 7e, fey 1000 yards extra heavy Factory Cotton, rand thread, even wears, regular 12 , for.... 1.1e 5.99 SAM !.lite .11f 25c & 35c Table Linen 190 2 pieces Table Linen regular 95o and .10o, gond patterns and weight, Stocktaking sale price...► .......... ................... .19 Yarns Beautiful Yarns, all colors, regular:GOe Ilse.. .111 Heavy Rubbers Lumhermen'e Rubbers regular $1,50 line, four ,AIL Theare ow, buckler or laced, snagproof, $2.00 line, ••. 149 Rubbers, high, buckled or laced, snag proof, $2.50 line for 1.1 All new goods and must be cleaned out at there prices, We do not carry stook over from one season to another. Boys' Heavy Rubbers, , sew stook, regular 11.00 line, tofI ISlta Youths' heavy'' •lllr+utrbers;'neat, stook, regular $1,25 line, for ,... .91 Lumbermen's Heavy Sox for .19 sad is Mon's Overshoes, regular $1.75, for,'.... loll, Hosiery Department. Ladies' pure wool Hose, large eines, regular 25c line, for .18 Children's pure wool Hose, small slim, rem lar 20e line, for .... esee lie ..... .Ip Ladiete wool or cashmere Hese, ribbed or plain, heavy ladle silos, regular $Oe, for. .oil Misses' wool or cashmere Hose, ribbed et; " plain, heavy, regular 40c, for.......... lip Children's Hose, in wool or cashmere, 10e, lltt, lac and 25o. Towelling 500 yards Towelling at 4Io, Be and 8e, regular 100. The greatest value -giving sale ever placed before the public. Everything • must be sold. Sale positively opens Monday, January 21st, for 10 days only. Positively no goods sold at these prices alter Jan. 31st. Let nothing keep you awayfrom this sale. We will refund money on all goods purchased if nota as represent*4. Chambers & Co., BI.y Ma QST RT OUS EARTHOUAKE KIGSTO, JAMA!CAU 'ytives' Lost, Hundreds Hurt and a Large Numbe of Buildings Destroyed. apitai of `jumbled elia,':a of the hucksters offered immediate feel. 1'110 clogging of the stneets with drbria and the great con- fusion foiltutg the ;hooks ter a tune o Isla `.iif J uiai a, lets bees devus• l., odfbyi a)ifia4,lrt earlhqu'tke . ! otaile" a ;rho disaster are 'addles paralyzed the tiro department, rtnn'uthe I 1 t, and t 1 ). 5'. the ,•. 'u with gain - stricken ' r auscult n Nimes e. o direct cuuuu r a ,n , Ill n wetter I r ' 'o ,M ilCt ,. the 1 1 front 1111(1 I,Illll• stricken city has been cut off, The rd consider',lhie headway' before t he Lund line~ Marl been recon-tr;ucted'. to i firemen could bring to bear any cffve• five work, /.Within five miles of .Kingsllon, ..Tues• j lannn'd);ltrls' after the first Revere day evening, and front meagre report, 'sheet: the people rushed into the roocived through sue,4. cihauueis .as, etre0t4, end the ;ucceedill shock top• wore open it bus boon., learned that' ,pled over the weakened wall; on their beads in mane fir,=!:ince+. The police Horny of the most. i111p01'tallt hllfleilll;j, force 51114 not' Icifcclyd 115' the women. I;n'y (helmet loz.; two', and immediately, began' the tv,n'k of reseeiag those pinned beneath the ruins, '1'111' General 1111.pital \vols not de• s1Ii)y'cll by the (Make. Thither amts!• lance,;, cotes and etretehera bore the %toweled as fast as they were rescued from the wreckage. I cveri-11 activity was shown in digging out those who 55ere howled iu the ruins 111 the markets and . wh.,rs0., for the inennre of the advancing Ile one, made their situation critical, '1'140 shuck destroyed the Myrtle Bank _Hotel eompicteIy', The British military station \va., destroyed, and the camp hospital for invalided soltliers Was like. Wise wrecked entirely. One lusts,}► ofti• err, reported to be ,Sir Jas, Ferguson, was killed in th collapse of the army punt, Alt the wtrea leading into Kingston wore brought down with the first shock and rabic (onlunication was cut off. The \1'0stern Union oilier, in Kingston was SO Wrecked :ls 10 he unteltabh., The nperett'rs tried to rig up a field office outside the range of the fire, hitt Were 44414tucce,41111, The Governor of Jamaica, Sir .fumes Swottenham, with the assistance of Sir Alfred .)unto, took immediate steps' to allay panic ,and ,oppress disorder, Though a steady stream of refugees bogan to make its twat' cant of the town and on to the hills behind with the first outbrv,'tk of the fire, the march of the refugees was orderly, and there Was 110 ruffianism, Lute reports I i' ved here from men in the employ of the telegraphs, 5511) are tvorkittt,' on the lints within sight of Kin,+(4111, S :,' that( the t'il'e n•!ts put under ('heck lase Monday night, hut. that it is still !turning in srat1ered lo- calities ,hong tin %vileness, where it can do little More damage. No direct enlltlllnlle'alilln by wire with iiingston has yet lose' established. It is not known what shipping wa,s in the harbor :c1 the tinge, 1'! whether the :hipping suffered, The \lyrtle Bunk !Hotel Was the largest hotel in the City of Kingston, 11 stood on Harbor streets and emu. mended a fine view of Jiiugston Har- bor. The hotel Was built by tete. _•;int.'s• ton lfotels Company touter !1 law paps• cd in ISO_, with the idea of providing hotels for visitors to the island, Under this Inti the (I1verhor of the Mand geartulte0tl 3 per cent.:lpon :til capital invested in hotel emeriti ;,.:, The company tile'. built the hotel failed, and the (Se r•rnnlc•n1 tool: pus- ' Ihapplins that, Recording to schedules, session of it melee this -ane' law, it i none of the ships from Ncw 5'ol•k or %yes then leased 115' the 1,or1'rltment 1.o _ .Deaton wets in. Kingston) harbor on .. ton• Elder, Dempster aid ('n•, the st e:un• • day afternoon. • ship people. They hire run it since. 300 JCilled,'300 Injured. ; A New York despatch: 'I'hc following FEW SHIPS IN HARBOR, officiat;stuteturnj: of tli effects of the ' Jamaican earthquake was received here '='• ,Lt 'd0.30to'dock• to-ttight: • Thirty, pereans were; killed, and about • Il0(' injured,' by -my, earthquake • which Rt ruok.1Ungstoli; Jamaica, at •1,30 o'e•Ioes • • Monday afternoon .11 any buildings, in• eluding' the Myrtle 'Bank hotel, were partially wrecked or de•,lroyed by the ' ,; shikre.• Fire. followt(el''tis' enrtllnake, but it was enlisted to'•t114' _wharves, alms; the water -front, and by r,ii.;ilt the flame, had.su\beleied, 'Only about one.sixteo.nth of t tecity was affected by the fife, The'Oeneral1tospital wa;'nut destroy• ed, and it is ,crowded now with injured.' have been destroyed, pad that thele hula been serious loss of i lite. Su tar as the repor` srindiatc the fatalities • number about 30, though the liwpitals 1 ,, are filled wills injured azul the list of Ir ,' ictuµa may be materially increased, hingst'un'and ,the other points of tnteretit, gni the island are tine eeaouu ' of the year thronged with touriak flout bowl England and America, :old the greatest apprehension is fe'e, for the safety' 'of many' • persons who have re- cently arrived at the Jamar„t'>. resorts. "The most distingui3hed of these: were members of a party of English, states.. wen,, agitcultural experts, and men of af- fairs _fairs, wii under tie leadership of Al. bed Jones, had artiretl to Kingston ; within the past few day:; to attend an e,grieultural conference there. Among thOsor in the company wcr•,e Hall Caine, the noi•elist; Viscount Mountntorres, 11. :0. IV -mold -Forster; .11. 1'., Sir Thomas . Hughes, `i1 J.hontus Ilanaan, and others of equal prominence. 'She Earl and !Gottnte'ss of Dudley were also passengers syn the' steatner wldrh carried out she %Jones patty. The first great ..shuck, was felt about 3.J0 o'clock, Monday afternoon, and, as ill the .Sao - k'ranciscan and 1'aipar- aaeo disasters, flames immediately sprung from the • wcevknge to carry 'on bhc work of destruction. Tuesday at- ' teruoon the fire w .4 still burning, al• though it a '119 Ir.:}ievcd terbe under coo- , trul, The' Myrtle Jiank hotel, the principal hotel•Itt Kingston, which probably shad - 1 toren the great bulk of visitors on the island, is reported destroyed. The great t 1 Military hospital. wail burned and '40 sol• diere are reported' dead. ,-iir .J11111e, t'o1 lla011 ie rales to have been instantly killed,: huts' n0enrdin; to London repertns, no other Englishman, Canadian or :lsnericen is believed to be • missing. ,,. The ext'ent•of the destru1ti,)n which has been sV4'I)Ilght, ill Kingston, a city ;;' which already, blears the scars of,, a nuuther•of' disa,u•ous _visitation, of fire, ' i•.. tl!U'tllqu«I:r., and 'cyclone 111 11111'11 „0111: by, i; shill left largely' to the ilnngina• tion. '1'11e city' i,4 000 of ]or -lying '1 buildings clustered along the ehore4 of one ot,the finest and host securely land• loo1ced..harbors ,t he \_vest lnllil5, '1'hc x.• .popIllatiols, \diich ntllnbcr, 60,0(10, :largely made up of outlive bltcl:s, Many :steamer., `carrying tonri{ts to Jamaica were en route ti, the island ! when „the earthquake occurred, but it so) ' Most of the Vessels Absent When Earth- quake Occurred. New Turk report: Very few, if any, ships were in liing,lrin harbor ;it the time the earthquake occurred, The Atruto, of the Royal Steam .Paekot Uo'nlpauy, left Kingston! for New York 011 ',\lorlduy afternoon ttith a large number of passengers. The Virginia, . of the .Was survive of the 1lamburg• American ,Lin,, left here ,Ian. 8, and was due in Bing: fou this ,horning with about 1(I pn4=cuter,, The Prince Eitel 1'rederieh, of the saute line, is The' rIt1 h Military 4tatie 1 was wreck. now on her way to Colon with but ▪ ! ed,; tltef_,Gunlp tl9;1)itnl hasp'„destrnyr:cb fete pushenger;, and is scheduled to OneIJritlah g(ftiger, waemi3ri0t1>;ly u'onnd• arrive '1'Ilur;tilt The Sa nrfe, of that ., line, with a lull li-t of passengers, The first ei; ek was ,viojcnt, anti it does not arrive at the island oily until ,., w. ,ol follq,}vecl, jay u.nllulbcr. pf; i11inj)lcr4 Friday. - . or lesser degree. Most of those who per- 'J.'he United fruit Company's bouts, hilted lost their lives by being caught by Admiral 1'nrregut noel Admire! Samp- son, the falling building;, left :Boatel' 111111 Philadelphia, re- tie: Inst week, and ere tln, in rJ.)ETAILS''OF THE DISASTER, •fort Antonin, at the far end (1f the island from the city, tole this week. "'e'''RepOtts"Furnished' by'- -Refugees From •.Botll '1hiflal 'were -Well ' filled with pas- the City. pas- sengers. '.1 II did not ;;o to Kings• • c • ton,. Three, mire orf this company's hltldnd Bay, •Jamaida,: cable: A;via.' hips, which enrr'r freight. . only, are t earthquake. short: of .several 111411• clue at Port Antonio, the Lily, linker uflitt' ditte,tion,:folleivedby several 'eager and Ttelita, shocks iu•.ptiicl5osuetuessiou, struck King- ; don at 4.70' ii'eluck',!itlbudav' aft>''rnoou, y'.) . il,vonder,vaiiye cytimutc,hn s it thiamin!- ! wivt(i4Uoh -df; 4fie,,icl ya•ivas destroyed•, sly the shocks and the fire that followed Immediately upon the tremblers, and i,, 30 peoille W4l e,: sal led and about jured, ii/: ,Ail ! f' the victims were s b alt`s; iA1i) id"''1vit11 the exception .n 'Lu {1lwlt ofifi. sltol,lc the il(fntiy Pas:;`tlf ths• poororlsor;, 5SC3t down and`ilf$ 1,lrvet 4' whitreitlti< ahe{ls sad the HAD NO WARNING. Shock Came Soddenly in Middle of Afternoon, ,':.Rt;i'holnas, D,\V.1. despatch: Reports 'Which.. have reaelied here frorn Ilollltnd Bay. ,indicate that the City of Kingston has 'been badly'dumaged by a terrific earthquake ''shock,, which , swept ovm' JanLajea yesterday' afternoon, An: 1u1- lcnowll number of persona were (ailed. Clf( ''follu55iid' ilio. eurthquske. The few facts thus far gnlhered ante from sal Uepartlnent of Agritnitul opened al Kingston on )lends ( This party left Bristol, England, on 1)ec, 30, aboard the steamer fort Kingston, fur Kingston, It was eoul• posed of about nu prominent British statesmen nod ngrfcultnrel experts, It formed +111 expedition to the \\'est In. dies in the interest of cotton growing in British colonic.,, 1,u lbw invitation 01 Sir Alfred ,Il,l104, the President of the 1lritielt Cotton Growing .1ssooia- tion, In addition to Sir Alfred there 55('re in the party \'i,4cuuut \tountnlnr• res, :Arnold I'or4ter, Al. P. :1.:1. Pear- son, of the British Colonial Offiee; Sir Thomas 11 tgle's, of Liverpool; Hell Caine, the author; \II', Hutton, clutir• than of the British l'olton Growing Assurilttioll1 Jesse Collings, M. 1'., ;mil r, which gnu of the healthiest Real►clrt wwrtr in ' ) y, (he West Indica, st'orknien engaged iu r0 aiIhr Ilcnniker•Ilenton, el, P. prunr Other potesehgers aboard the fort liingston hound for 1',iogston 55rre I the: Earl and ('ountess of Dudley', Per- ' viva) _)Avid:+, nu ,\tuerir:lu correspondent, laid ('apt. Rhodes, 1 conference of spinners :lull ,Elul• 1 I e14 has been n plunuod to he held in Jsnutiea at l\ingstou. 0)n this voyage the fort Kingston went firel l0 13ar- bndues on .1:111. ,t, and should have reached Kingston 405e1•11 day. later, The late Sir ,l:une4 Nergus:nt swag the sfxlll baronet, 41 lid 5514, burn in 1832, Ile served iu the Crimean cam• paign in the Grenadier Guards, In 1868 he was appointed t IoVernor and ('onuuander-iii•CI1i,'f iu South Ans. Iculia, and in 18t -,I for \055 %Oaland, leo 5511)4 in snce1,,4fon Evader•Serelnry for lu lin, hone' :\ffuirs 12111 tic' 1'brci,tn Office. 110 was I'o,Luulster•(IOueral, 181)1•' 02 Ile was 1t director of several British railway cunllmnies, and eonun,uldcd the ]loyal Scottish Archers, the Queen's Bodyguard, --- Many of the distinguished peran114 mentioned above were guests at the greet bull held at the Titchfield hotel, _'ort -lnlonio, on Saturday night, As ]'ort Antonio is reported undnninged, ttnd it is probable that most, of the party were gnrsts at the hotel, the chances are that they are safe. telegraph lines leading into Kingston. Tho wires all over the island went. tlown with the shock of yesterday af- ternoon. From the distance of five miles the workmen on the telerirapli lines could sec the fire in Iiiugston, and they re• ceIVed word of the danulge done to the city by refugees \5'h) were hastening away front the scone of the disaster. '1'he fiat, shock came in the ni(dc of the afternoon after an exeeptionn)l' sultry Clay and a higher tide than usual, '_'here \vas no warning to the inhabit ants. The preliminary shock was the worst, and was followed quickly by others. It appears that the Ilrineipal shock Was of seven or eight minutes' duration, '1'lte con• Milson which followed must have been similar to these in San l'raneis(o and \-alparaliso. Buildings fell and the ruins eanght fire and burned, Il is not known What. 5c,,e1, there were in Kingston nt the time of the disaster, A Hamburg -American liner is reported to have departed on Sunday and an. other is due there tomorrow. The harbor is Usually full of small shili- ping at this time of the year, and, if the repuri.s of the severity of the eurth- quuke are authentic, there must have been heavy loses. According to further, though still meagre, details of the Kingston earth• quake received here, it would 1tplyear that the first repast, that the city had been "destroyed" was exaggerated, The 11l'e which followed the shook was still bunting Tuesday morning, al- though it had been confined to certain limits+. The work of fighting the flanges was still Ie'ing pursued with energy. and in this respect the situation seemed to he improving. 1t was thought the tire would be undo oemtrul 10• night. The statement is made that the total loss of life has not yet, been a(,certnin- N1, but 11 first count gives the number of dead :11 leis than 100 and the num- ber of wounded at several hundr'e'd, The hospitals fir, filled with injured persons, and everything possible is hying dune for their trunfort, The principal hotel of King5ltol (the )Myrna Bank, and the other important buildings have Imo destroyed, and other house; in Kingston su1tnined considera• ble damage. The flumes, :I.ppnrently, wore confined to the docks and the wurellou'le die• triet, If this is so. only :1 smell portion of the city has hern burned over. N0 111enti(III Is IIIad1! (11 n l:nlltlntt:lnee of earthquake stooks. SHIPS TO THE RESCUE. United Slates Atlantic Fleet Ordered to Jamaica, 11'asllington, ,L) 4'„ despatch: Up to n late 11011' this evening 110110 of the Government departments hurl received cunfirenllinns of till‘ reported earth- quake fu Jlltnaie:i. A.4 sees as Seeretury of the Nat"' Metcalf 15114 told of ihr, disastr t' he telegraphed 'Bear -ldlniral Robley I). (';vans, command- ing the .\1luiilie, flecl, nue' at Guan- tanamo, Cuba, to U•:ulsmit, to the Navy Department tiny news lie 're- ceives franc liingston. The run from Guantanamo to hingstuu is only a nultter of a few heal,, and if the disaster is serious the Admiral will send ships to slid in the relief of the sufferers. The seismograph at the observatory here recorded an earth- quake shock yesterday afternoon, be• ginning at 3,38 o'clock, lain lasting 1111. til .1,53 o'c.11ock, '1'he ehuel(, accord- ing to C, ', )\lnrviu, the 1iovernment observer, wets of moderate 1 iioiisity, and the deli:vale ins' roomed did not silo's' legreat I!ll.lt:l•!':itll'('i as 5411011 1't, 4144 Hitakos in 14)1;1 1)1111114(1 occurred, The shock of peter/ley, however, differed material- ly f'nnt. thm40 in the other inst,tncess, lnst,ael fit' Icgfuning feebly and then breaking quickly into netrott; and heavy moVen,ehl only for :t moment, or two, l+his short: begnu feebly, then fo'adually' grew' sLrunger and remain - eel strong for ;even minutes from 3.45 to 3.52 o'eloek, Prof, hlnrt'in's state- ment follows; e'i'he seismograph nt 1,111, wbltlhcr btn•etut recorded a die 1111(4. rnrlhepmke 011 the afternoon of ,11111. 14, beginning at 3 hours, 138 ntin- rtes turd 23 seconds, p. 111. The rein - 1 iVele stronger portion of tete motion was greatest in the east•55est coin• pewees end lasted from 3.4;5 p, 111, un- til 3,52 p. fit. The ilexillllllll amplitude of the motion in the east: -west diree.tion was unit' uhont 1-501 It of an inch,” PROMINENT ENGLISHMEN THERE. Distinguished Party Left Britain for Kingston --Alarm • Felt, London cable: The newspapers here accept Mr, Greenwood's de4patetl us tan- tamount to nit offiehtl confirmation of the news, although It is conceivable that it, Merely summhriacs the worst replit'ts current nt Holland laity. :ill addition'to (ho'syhtpnthy extended the Jamaicans on g'iiiidl grounds, there is irtuch anxiety regarding the British visitors to the :is. land, their number being exceptionally huge, owing to the session of the !toper - OTHER DISASTERS. Terrible Loss of Life at Martinique Recalled. The earthquake at Kingston, Jamaica, recalls the terrible event of May 8, 1002, when 25,000 lives were lost at \Iartin- Ique, an island belonging to France not many leagues away, .almost without warning, Mount Pelee, a dreaded vol- cano, broke into violent eruption, ac• colnpanied by an earthquake. Buildings tottered, streams of lava flowed all over the island and into the sea, ships in the harbor were sulk or d:un:lged, and it even eeemed to rain fire from the sky's There were few who remained to relate t•heir terrible esperirntl' in the town of Al, I'ierre, which was almost contpletely shattered, Sl, 1'incent, a Brit's/11 !,lace, was also 11 scene of destruction, Jamaica's Cruel Fate. Since b000Illing n British possession, in 1035, .Janmtica 11 as had her full share of (Balst.ers, 1lurrictuu's in the summer nwnths, letween the nasus serious, are of frequent, ocrun'once, met 'Oil en of greet' violence. Irl ;tplte of the ubeenee of volcanoes. earthquakes, tau, have visited the island more till 11021(0. '_'Ile first, re 'ordod, Ilea of titin, extended over the whole island, leaving up the 811111ce, swallowing large numbers of people and engulfing 1)112113' of the (louses of _'ort Royal with about 1,500 of their in lin 's to a depth of forty feet in the sell, 'Tit, buildings, still standing as 'hey had .:hhk, Vere visible lit clear 5W011• tier 11S late :1,e 1835, :The town fit the tiule of i1.4 deslructfno was recognized as the tithes! and 55ealthiest city which the British had up to that time built in the Heir' world, 1l was particularly re• uowned fur its (plays. 15arelotlse5 and stately streets, which were said to rival ('hcn.pside, Tit 1780 the tosvli5of Sa5'nna•110for was completely destroyed by a hurricane which swept most of the house's, with their occupants, into the sen. Fire and Storni, 111 1 782 a Revere conflagration visited Kingston, destroying property valued at $2,500,000, and in 1843 ;Mother fire 011 113 - cd damage of about $15,000.000. In 1815 a tremendous hurricane visited the fa. lu)d, 1lllntb•,els 14,1(1 wraeshcd a.11'11y', 4)111444' lbs;,!: w'e're! w'I'e1'!:ed 1111)1 abnn6 3,01)1)per(on4 tIJ'(lone(l. In au:;114. 1880, a e,1'clone 11 .441031.41 nearly' all lit' 5rhnrces in liingslon, whilo in December of that year there was a (1011b10 earth• quake shock, A City Beautiful. 1' iligIilon is laid out with regular and wide, streets, and the better class of bou1es are nen 1,1y built ,trill) widu vernn- delis, and surrounded by handsome gar- dens. Street etu's rule 111 the suburbs, end two Imes of 1111155113' connect the city with the northern and Pesten' parts of the island. '1'hc cit)' Inas a Lotllttheal garden, lib- rary, 11111se1I111, hospital 111111 val'i01Ill (1111111' public buildings. and is the seat of an Angl10nn bi.hoprie. The harbor i4 eon- sidered to he nue of the finest in the World, and is protected by forty, 'There i5 it naval arsenal at, Port Royal. Near- ly all this trade of .Tama!04 centres at Kingston, '1.140 exports are moistly 'sugar, nun, coffee, dyewoods and fruits, At the'iutersections of King and Queen streets a plaza or parade ground was re• served, forming it square of telt acres in the centre of Kingston, This was former- ly !sed 16 a 11111 l•ket place and parade ground for the troops and „militia; but thio central portion is now encloeell and has been' eottvertnd by 11105 (}overnulent into 1t gaiden, .which adds much to the appearance of the town and f4) the eon). forts and enjoyments of the, inhabitants. On account of the gravellynature of the soil on which Kingston etandep surplus water readily sinks, and Ihfds,lte way to the sen, the result being that Kingston is Buildings of Wood. Dr. Bridgman, former [tailed Stales (consul on the !spina, who hag last re- turned, has given a description of the (''lily of Kingston, 11e said the buildings 11010 nearly all of wood, and of a (linen,. ter !boll would be easily prnslrnted by a severe series of .shocks. Most of the business swetinn was Morand on Harbor street, al tho, head of which, the east end, wee the lf}'rtle Baik, The prevail- ing direction of the kind at this 4eaeohl of the year is front the northeast, the island being in the, zone of the north- enst !nide winds. If n, fire 4tnrttd in the section near the \Myrtle llnllk, \1r. Bridgman though( it would probably sweep the entire weterfro11t, es well es 'Traitor street, practically destroying the entire business sestina, Nearly all of the private residence; aro outside the city to the north, and fire built of limestone, A fire on elle oast side of the city du: - nig tidal .4011.4011 of the year, when the trades are very strong, lice .b00n dreaded for mine' years, 11:llifax, .1111, 15, --Halifax 150s startled this evening when the report ;yea (ars voluted Ihoot the Island of J,(olu vt, in the 11141411 1114! Intlirs, had sufferer! trout an earthquake, The only 00h115111111i• ention with the island i.4 by the Halifax 11 Bermuda ('stir 4'1omp:lnv. llep.n'l from .lahntit% reeeil•ed yesterday show that. the weather was fine :tad (deer. and that there was no elementary disturb- ances of any kind, bat at 4,40 h'l.sl r5en- III' (onlmintient.iun Wag suddenly ma of I. 'i'hi, is significant in itself ,,hoeing the likelihood of solve tremendous upheaval, or vertainl3 something greatly out of the ordinary, For ready twrn4y•1'0111' hours n deathlike silence has prevailed, 'kers n,u(1:1, the first island reached by steam- ers from Halifax, but which is not .If the \\•est indica !group, can still be reach. ed 113' cable from here, but they have ex- aot}y the same story to tell --namely, that at twenty minutes to five yeserday all communication was suddenly severed. It is about eight, hundred miles from Halifax to Bermuda, and a like distance from there to Jnllln)C11, 1,000 miles 1)1 all. The cables of tlhe Halifax S Bermuda Gable Company run direct, from this city, to Kingston, which is the capital of Jatnnkln, The \1tcstern Union Tele- graph Company ha§ n submarine cable running front Key \_-est, Florida, 1.,) a station on lh, coast of Jiunai01. From tItk station to Kingston is sixty miles, and 4110 1\',4lern Union have OVOTbtnd wires between the two points. 'Thre lines were' destroyed, but have been 't'e• :.; stored to within six miles of the centro ' of the disturbance, and it is likely the first detailed reports which reach the outer world will come through this eban- uel, Front fragmentary reports ree(oved here by a ne.wspnper represeHitative 4t would appear as though beautiful Kings• ton, the chief city of the Island, has been destroyed, :and no doubt Irvrge loss of life has resulted. One of the operalors of the Halifax & Bermuda Cable Coup pally 14 11111011)! the 1i1)1Ired. A good deal of :alarm prevails amongIlalOux user• eh:tlts and shipping finite lowing large interests with the Island, but they can obtain no information whatever. The Scene of the Disaster. fRiENDchtg. Ambassador Urycc's Gbicct in Gong to the States. 11 ' 1 Says Gladstone Possibly Averted War y Securing Passage of the Alabama Treaty. t , ":Moos Jan. '_'I. ,fames Bryce, the e;wI\ ep!wiate'.l outhls.ader to the United `;alt's, 111 ;1 speech et \eweastIc, 1 + ' v u n . It \ ,l I lu all 1 ` rc l t i c I I , u I I 1 „ n il:o•.e words: "1 'is Hated: ;he +lil•ffirell and respon• `11.11' 11!1x,11,11 5,1111 :,e:Ii' lll'tilt:tt1(11), fe'l'l. fn:,' 1 1111(.111i Iu le:n'1 .! wort; 1 111111 ;sera dein, !;ere, hell 1 believe it 11:14 111(114 (I,ie1,1'tunit ice, ;Iltd I 11111 9111'1! thea 14 111) tad: to s,hi,'It 1 elan should Is' adore u'711iu:; to (levet(' what remains ,o Ilia: of lite then Irt'iu:; to cement the lies of f:'!ell!,Jip, :thready 80 strong, ',shish hind u. to ole' ;;real daughter ul'f the sister people beyond the utcan. '•Tlu' hest ;Irl, the 111(141 fruitful act • 5r!:iell hay; he, o dune ie the lime of any of us now living in the field of foreign in,lies., Was don': by \Il. Gladstone when lu' uI, de III:' treaty which settle,) the 1 .\labile:I 1100.1,11. 1 w11.4 struck when in ._)avail',_ lwith 1111, 'huger to both countries sv,':ich the stat': of irritation esisliles i11 tete! 1 111101 Steles rc;:u'diug the .\,la!,:lnrl 011111(4 5511 s et'el t illg, ,, 11 11') former Jlinisler lIladslon(. s ,on to tell lain what 1 had uh.irv,'d in .\1,11'101, and \ir. Gladstone gave nn! :1 lona' inlerView, ill whish he.made n senternetI of hi, Vi('tw4 ;thole 1,U' policy (1,'.1':1:'11 .5nocr011, alad assured lite, when I b:111 told hila 54!3(1 f had seen there, .that there 54:14 mottling drawer to his hl art than to l hevrl perfect l3' friendly retie ions with tlutt. (0011.rs,. eh' the follhwfng year 11, concluded the :1l,lllal!::1 trouts', which was the Ise• einuieg of that cordial feeling 5511411 1100' 111111'4 the two peoples," Lying on the southern side of the 114• land of JunutIe11, and pomes11ng one of the finest natural harbors in the world, is lir city of Kingston. '1'hrce 11111es a1Vas ir: fart Royal, a town of two cen- Rtroyed by au earthquake ago, which was completely' de -. earthquake in 100`2, and' prltctically submerged by a huge tidal wave, Port Antonio, another import- ant shipping town, is on the nortllenl nide of the islathl, over thirty Rifles in a. straight line from Kingston, the two places being connected by a railway about 75 miles in length. Six miles north of Kingston i3 Constant Spring, whcro m11(11111)(21' of (.'anadians ore staying. 10 connection with the earthquake it is w'0rthy of note that the only volcanic: formation on the island is In the parish of oPrtlnnd, about is mile from the sen, 1t is in this parish that the capita !city of Kingston is situated. Most of the United 814410s tourists go to Port An- tonio, though the Canadians have shorn nn inclination to congregate at no parti- cular point. The two shipping places, one on meth side of the island, are the market places for the Large quantities of fruits produced on the estates and plantations. The 8011, the beautiful mountains rising! fn the backgt'ouud, the paha ;n•u514, the tropical vegetation', and the enticing 0111141tte all have made Jame - hes a paradise for the winter tourist. 1Vit.h calamities of such nn extent as enrtdtgnnkes occurring so rarely as to he hardly worth it passing thought, win- ter life for tourist and visitor has proved enjoyable in the extreme. At this time of the year the big hotels of Kingston 1110 (7)1ed 55.7111 guests, 'orbita even the boarding houses have their quota oif strangers. 4•40- PITlR All. RIGHT. NO DANGER OF TILE ASSASSII7A• ,TION OF SERVIA'S KING. London, Jan, 21—Owing .to the wh1esprend reports in European capitals that t3orvla Irl ebing shaken by anti-dynllstle plots threat- ening King Peter with a tragic fate similar to that of bis predecessor, Tho Aosoelnted Press telegraphed to (ho President or the Council of Ministers, M. Panics, for a state moot, The Promler rotiltod: 'Since the re•establlshmeat of the Kara- georgvitch dynasty , no trouble has occurred In Se►'via. The King scrupulously main- tains the attitude of a constitutional monarch and bas glron repeated proff of 1110 grcate11 roapeot for tho decisions of 'parlianment. All the rumors of trouble and plots at 13o1grado put 11110 circulation by certain foreign eta.' moots hostile to Sor'vla aro false, The bat denial .Is (ho absolute, calm now existing it Belgrade,” CiIICICEN IIOUSE'FELL ON HIM. Sr, Peter Pillcey, of Toronto Junction, Seriously Injured.. Tuned') despatch: 'r' •1'1'11( , Ic I(nl , llspatch: A serious ,l I , fit occurred on (intern) et.;'c('t, 'I'orl,Is4 1 Junction, Inst night, shortly b,..fure o'clock, :1111 ns a result .\Ir, Miter I'i!!:' i+ lying :It 111.4 hunt,' on _rine 5013' prcc:u•fuus runditfon. 1'111' stili,,"I 011111 4114., assisting :\1le Jolla Piggott, to 1 emove n eli(ken 11011140 from (,!teen ,street. to Untlu'ie street. l'ilkey was ;standing llellind the rig, and the house, which weighed more than a tun,,,Rlipped ff 1110 %dick', striking I'ilkey in ill,' :410. dun1011 Ile Iva, 1!eld fast Ili 111:' -x,1,1:11 1:1 1;1 1 't •ltlae: Ill't'1\e1!, 111' ;,II ;(Illlle(I a ,l','„ ".I 'fill i:C,l inllirll:l! ur,ans Wert, 'i' :i11:•. e.1, 111•, 1'e: feel uttr:rrl:'d to his i:►jr,: , 1, F• r I Al SMAS sir TWO TIILiN \MEN DEAD AND OTHERS .1 HURT Uf COLLISION,;' hoe:_• city, Jan, '21. -=•')vale f',tislnlen :Ire !elnw:n to be dead: another L►':Bunn:ul is loelie.v(11 to be dead; a fonrlh.is probe this' fatally injured, and several pn•:401• ;:''r.4 Were slightly injured in a,ivt•ouk itt \1'ulch'on, 1111„ lest night, caused by a head-on eellisiun between a lto;•ft 1e!:111(1 passenger train and a freight train. The ,injured passengers continued at I heir ,journey. The freight train had orders to 55•,lit for the passenger Itt', IValeh'on, but the slwilchnllnt there had, left the switchupeu, and the passenger, running at .full itpeed, crashed into the freight, ]loth' engines were demolished, and two Of the 11a4he11- gel' 1nar11ec wore derailed and.ditched, -a4+o SENTENCES AT HULL. Three Men Go to ,Penitentiary for Man- slaughter. ' Ottawa despatch:' The Hull Assizes this morning adjourned tilitil the begin ing,. of March, but before adJournment Judge St. Pierre imposed the following 4,utelam41 James. Kelly, manslaughter Hewell 'veers; Napoleon Roy', mniusluth;llt• 1,r, ten ~,:1141 Napoleon Desjardine, in- vest, ,,even years; Hugh McMillan, than• slaughter, seven years; Joseph Robert, lmleeeet essaul(, three y'ew's; Albert Morrow, 11ggra5'tt,ted , nfeta nl1, three i 111(1111119, ••o ANARCHISTS IN MADRID. They Plan to Stop Investigation by Means of Murder. Madrid, .Tall, 21,—The police have dis' (overoel an. Anarchist plot, in which several persons participated, to kill set•• erne prominent persons on Jan. 21, the day fixed for the opening of the ptu'11n- ulentnry debate on tho attempt on tho lives of King Alfolleo and Queen Victoria, the Any of their marriage,, May 31 last, —♦,. o Human Adustment to Flats. Scientists aro baellhg calculations on a skull discovered in Nebraska to show the nverage'helgbt of duan wale continent 200,- 000 years nt;o watt seven toot, _'his la In- teresting. If people, continuo to shrink at tho rate of a foot and uolno lnohen 200,000 ylaara In the courso of lino the llvoraito flat 1111 bo abundantly roomy. rt tel t eak.ir>ritsibevar H, d,v ••A D, •0 vsb.Ab o• , , 4q ;, 'rill 1;11(1 111'1'' hen.; 1,1:11 lir* '4o"N' "1 "tN ♦• 11 "V0"11'Mr^' 1 /•\•1"\ 'M+1' fore I!!: !,his morningt started ( off, nor; I ;0:1,:,1 • 1 fiiii 1 her" a gleet ,nil fini-!,i;;'; ilii. t-cutPl►ce, "Dead!" : tid I)I.'1iiriw(', clrn ♦lig ;1 1^a;', Imrd ))Ii'utll, ''11'1141, (till she (lie'!" ( "Last iii;l11,' said I'riltl::, tylio w11; weeping as e, ly a fresh-l1,"u toil II(ly ran, '.111(1 ;l 111; !';!.!1 1101'0!" said 1)i-b,(ItV(, looking .,f(,:11,;ly ell l: (I.',(Ih•ruirl frl('c', ye,,, v wd"ilei' skint tl nit(! ,sorrtltyf:11 story! Oh, 'O'O'eivii►''Vti'7►'q1.426r16,16egb, r bilvii i4"tvis• .4.-'"s.46.0441.4bAiip-4 ,Tuei!ne; l:l ! w!I v 1'41'4 1'1/11 110; n for `C11 11 % "V111 4111 n1;0n SO:., ('1,1,00!', 11,' keel t1,0 t\',ly iult Ole 1110;,,' Vigil Mire:ell, :1 1:11 a sI•'Inge, Il;tl(I('Ieti} horror \1'n= l.hrilting throng the heart of 1)is- 1 ,'plain Niel: 'Tempest sat gloomily scot:'li;lg by hinl•1rlf. and neither moved 1.11;• 'puke as they entered, Old ('ir,zl'' sat al the other end of the ram', (Intl: and '-:niter, ;is usual, and glanced 1,t then! with a malignant smile as they (.1,e.. ill, but did not. speak, The dour of :I mill ronin opening off the kitchen lay r jar, and passing into this, Frani: nisi(;" a sign for 1)isbrotse to follolt', 11 her" \vas n hell in the room, and under n ',rflife sheet was the dreary outline of :,1+11;"thing that mads- I)i;hrotve reel as of stria!: by ;1 blow. 11'ilhuiit 11' word, Frank pulled down DT -hoot, and pointing to Mint my stork and white i1;c're, said, huskily: .."1.cok! there is dncquettal' Ile looked, '1'111' small, delionte form eta,: stiff and rigid --"I he bright, spark- ling eves trete closed ill their Inst sleep - the gllo•I, flashing curls )ay in lifeless 1111-Iet'i (;l the pillow. The sweet, bentu- 1.iti'i face would smile NI 11!11 111) more, .tnellnettn. bey there, and deed! UE CI IAP'1'h11 ,l' V1I, 1'1'-, dca(1--stone•dend! beyond Their power at last. More beautiful than ske 111,,1 ever been in life, she lay there before hila; her tameless heart, that neither wrung dor sorrow could cnnt(ner, quiet yu'ii h, now; the little restless hands folded ;mn1.Iy over (lie marble breast-. s,o ••1:•,I)l! (ly Palin, Si) fitir 0nr1 beautliful in iter dreamless sleep! 11"cents passed \while they stood gay,. III;;, :elld neither spoke. The fore 1)f 1)i:;- hrtl4r \\•orked roltnlsiyrly: owl a1., last, trill! 11' ire,tltlul cis, hr lima.: hi!u:;clf 1)0 1:t:t'('; 11P-ic1e her, "1t11, ,TOctieetta• dacipt('Itn! ,Ine(prrl- tn!.I'o.1 late!" said 1'r:i1:l:, bitterly, "The rll1•111 ".:1 Itu1 I111'ge P1n'11f;11 for \'1111 ell(( be,•. 11, i" 1101,1 Pr :1; i1, 15," 'Peter. 1\'as 111, response; but only Ill:( 'nighty r'ry: "(Ih, ,Ir,P'Jnetta! ,largacl!a! 'Jacque(- ia: " it. 1.• -as the err of a. slrtng heart iu st•cne agony -so fl;ll 1,l' such quick, lis• kg anguish and remit r,,,, 1!1:11. ti 'sen(" to the Leer( of Frank, IJP lonkil down in IIID v -)iitg filen, once so careless and guy. lint :+o full of murlal despair now, and it-"i'Ienell hint :ts nmlhing' else ennld have dune, ile lei(' his haul on his shnnhler, 1,1,11, dropping his lace nn (l, heist into tears. "'I'iri broke her henrl " he sobbed. "She i tu:ld 11(.1.1,1' live disgraced!". 'Pierre was a step in the chamber, and the Bard of Grizzle touched the young man. "She left this for you," she said ill II sllbelned 10111', of if she, loo, was a little softened by the sight. of his despair, "She wrote it an 111,10' befog she died." She handed ilial 0 small piece of paper, 1111 which something was feebly s(ralched with n pencil, ]le opened it, and rend: "For ail f have made you stiffer, for - ;:ire 1,!e. Oh, Alfred! 1 loved you with ell 111y heart and soul, this is my ntinr- luent. fir my sin, \fey God fo►'g-ive me! for f could not, help it. 117hett .Incgm'tl:t i; dead, :mil you hear her reviled, try to 1 1i1 is tendcrly 1'f her; for oh, Alfred! no one in th;,i world will ever love yon again :as yon .have been loved by.hrr," That , \vas All, Ile dropped itis head, tt'itl) 0 ,groan, "Thiel shalt not. seethe the kill in its mother's milk," said the deep voice of (frizzle; "1't't it Inas, been doll(' 1101\'," "O11, illy cod! what hnwe T sni(I-15111,1, have f lune?" he persistently cried, "1.'I1k—(itis is wont T have lost!" ('aipla.fn 't't ripest had entered the apart meld , and, item it That. sad ery, came over, rend with n sadden revulsion 1'f fecliii , 1',11 different, fain that or n t;to;!:!':Il tefore ;lint it was almost like love, 1ai11 his lraml kindle on the young man's shoulder, "Lost through 110 fit1111 of yours, (1np• Iain 1)isbrow'e, I nut her father; and hare, beside nit' deed' child, who loved yon, f will' )a\' %.vioit• 1 I o1• said he• fore to n'nrtnl'mnn, flint I nal sorry for w•hu1 I done to you!„ lite 'ICH mm! Lit 11111111; !till, (':III!;till I u Pale?" I)isbrom'n strru,y lnnfiu11al 11;01 and nit45r('1•t'i1; I hitt"1111' 111111 111'r•l,all' in !114 (n:t1`. Frank "11' v(111 len t!",-4 hrr fol b!'1' it' 011( 1 1 Ili, ,1,L;, and looked ;11 Mill; would 1,18 k(' no di 101'01100. ShP 11111101'1'0,1; full,,•. 1.1111 lulu :11, I!'1 1, :\,'err It'ild 111•,• 1101111 i '1'1101 i't ^;fir;Iii('("--the yn1110' Spaniard I touch (hitt 10( Ler ;uurdererr 1 `1!'''+1' 1:' !11'; "11;11'11 11'1•:1!<, yonn!; 1,1:111," sa;(I ('a11 1 (I'11i't 111'1,'.1'. T haven't sect' Mini" milt Niel:, his bronzed fate(! slight 1', leg, "1•:1'('1'1• 11:011 11:1; 11 light to 11;•, own; and she t\ -es 1,l, I:Ilsl'ul ei ♦iris ''1 "iii I:rl;e\ . 111,11 \rhea \i.1' can ; .I tllt'r glape•i 1)1 1 t itItt, Flit, as I said Ile fore, were ,ven len times her father, , would not (art'; for, here in Ihr I,1'('•:•,,.:. of (;ori not the (1:'111, ! declare you to it1' 114 Inu.!( 111'1' tltliiit ter Os if t'0m 's,;'.l 111'111 Die ♦milli' to hrr thrnnt, Let. !I,'1' blood e1}" for vengeance spoil you 1i11 the day of retribution mines," "'lake airy!" said Captain Nick, grow. 1118 1\';Il1rl' ''1i11. "(Ills; \Vona 111111'1' ;11111 Wo Ore t100(11,t• foe,; fur WV!" „tin he. it. Captain Tempest, you ale 4111'1,1 I:uow,o n r ityard 0nit ;c li;u'!" I'rlutl: started 1,p, "Now by heavens!" fttriu i lv!,1;!i "i will go (Hi -petty blit yon—where eapia in, fiercely. Ib( captain; hitt the stroll;; 'handshall 1 find) yon worn I' come bac!:?" „}'till will du :?u 511(11 (hilts, my boast• The Story of a Woman Alar1c isle I.frizzit' \vas 1,61 oft Iris domitier, ;old she "Ifero, if i may star. Ask the old !ug friend, 11 i11 11 not Lea very nat., spoke rapidly and imperiously to lulu in woman to conte here" ural suspicion, Clapton Niel:? Neither "11•;11 you a•1:?" -they will tell you," ..«• siossoosissagnorismiamossatest (ttpltain's, 1,:11 on Orlizzle it produced no MACIIINE-FED CHICKENS, .(feel. \1111 ,icld(•nI grow ,so utterly tier:Ivl',i tired I,•'tt 1,, every good feeling French System is Bering Followed in United Statoi. 1'1 f,1'l! and (one(, fowls by nutclllnery s 11 I!aril 1. 1111.1 lee': less 11' .1111111 Will, •;!1(' 11,'111 111) ti., 1111,1 null lunched Win ' Ji!t IV 1.11 HIP sho11ld':r. I 11,' !',nkrd 11;t, awl !lis face ivtts tike tri 1114 plll'Jlmnl' of 1111 lllretlt11/11 lately in• , ►narL!.,. "r -rimier is ready," sh.• trodured into this country by au en - ‘,1\ -ill yoll t!.rpii:a0g Englishman. 'Ilii. '1'nclrnienl 11r,rlI,l has nn urtiele by _Franklin Jlor- tilll nt il,'1'lilt;5'(' if ll, "J'0ttening poultry by nutchinet•y,"ho says, "is a 110W industry in the United :-;tatr:i, but already several h11ndrtd per - sous are engaged in it luta more 1111111 "1 1I),(0O 11(1.; been invested 1'11 fattening plants. ''J'ttn system 1s called 'ct•Itl)lllling,' It was originated in Franey, where the 'rowers of poultry (,till undo 0 practice of tal•:ing small feline's \vil.h rubber mouths, filling them with semi-li(jtlid food, 1001 forcing the wet meal down thy fowl's Ilu'u:ll. :Iftr'r inserting the tube in its heal:. The fat rnpous and other poultry (•f Fr:(1,('0 \von an enviable place, and the process was transplanted to Now that it i; in full use i! America, "laic old f,lrm•fed chickens, (1•011 inen- hO1nl••1m1.10lu'rl, 4111.0i11 1.1101140d varieties, will have to slop hncl:ward 1111(1 down before the chicken that rats J)' mne)t- in"rr, \\'blit will the mind and appe- tite of 1,1:un next suggest? P' ?" t (i:' Il( t \tela :my." "1 s,;!I hr;t' it in, i1' 11;11 rya 1'r me." `tal!1 1 I,'Ir•!1 1'1'11 :) !♦'!Ili'" ' ' ,•' ! 0 tit, sill) :In 'tare... ('115 1';;11'1' i l !l; 111'11.1, "i to!" Ili. toe ti' , Il( Irl 111 i-iaell, titer' loll the '•:ran: and Ihr• lurrr, the 111'11(1 110,1 111'' !i1'':r a ere n;!.lin 1,101,0, .1001'-It'll„'r, l'rJ::!iu Nicl fhrnw' hint• elfkt !1"f••r•„ 11'4 fire, sat•ine "Itat ' hl'":II:fad readyi righl and Ile 1:11111, 110i11.11:;; (1111' 11111 ;t state mind theyI(/a1.! (111'!1 ti. mom, 11• (!i: 1'11111g, (;l';7.i:!e; you get 1 Fl." 1'1' !eft I1: ruuut, and, niter 0 nn,- !heir 111(1V!,so, 111,11 forget evnrylllin' 1 Ho's 1 0:11:,1 11'' 'if to (;teen ('(rel: b}' !Heel'., :';,y'I'L'Iy, 1'r:tppt':111'0, (,lye.,, • c?,It'-rl;lwn.'' ''1or1''/.!e' t! 0Hti't kivitl', either, she nays• ''1111 11?('1? Ymli might to know, If :inv. ' (;;'17'/!4 !:'.'! 5',! 11 !11'1'f n4 l'llt, OP, III .Te did 1;.11 (',11111' ',vitt) thein after limy. (,11a, (1(,e, ,1'h, 1;I•a7%l1''';” r:li(I ell(! ,,,plaall i 11''" Il;l,llll,rt 1!::' (♦alliin wa c sound mg rot, elle, leiI .1 off toward Ore's] e:l. '11,"'t. ha1;0: -,0411 to 1tit fill., else, n ;vin. "i n1)urfcr tl'll;l t, hi; Ili;;b , Crc(:: Ililn'.;'!f, 11051 likely lie ti.{',PT 1, I:1 ! L ' : - n,n in "Y I('1' 1'.l•. ;1.1,:•11 II"1. 5And lui hlinl.;.; I)ul:c ])c 1'(.1'0 will s.ly , diel'!'" 111'!1('11 he finds ids quondam doll.;ht('1• I',\''1: „'011 I,"-'(I'fi the =deep of 110' "flit•♦ ".111, :11/1 !)k1'!'nwt', "then II(! I4 gone dead and guile t)0 von siipiee,e lie will Ir!:1,1 ;'•rrnie:, and ';1'4::111 of CM. 1011,dy before this, 1','4;1, perhaps it is better lake' on?" .,: 1'•ht r in the roue! of Retitle. so; lied, after all, he \ills not so much lip P;ll! feel it, ;rill 1!1)5.1: probaitly ('I'o 00 enitinuer:,) to ida iv, perlulps-- poor boy! Frank, will 5nspr:'I v:: helped her elf." you ought to go to Funteile and let "Nutt', It.,' ,lov4! if be dais to breathe t such :01 ilii':'tlul :di -1111.101i, I will brain Ilial where 1(e sennas!" exclaimed the DAH)/ Fit;; 6 AWAY. Sptuush. I''rmtk i:f the. rnuln. and the next you nor I, )•'l1, I:now, arc t•hottL! by f• w(fiilt3111ir I'IUk f'!iib. 1 t , It ,too "itesperl• lire dead!" said I)i:'brnwt,, mnmeni (' '.:'1" g:rlttere(I in, inm aculate to he guilty of that 1,r any Paul blind mean; bail ht':! 1. 'Hutt ing in the pointing to the li:rl,'sg form, WWII sprnl;• "1'1,11 54'1,1 for 1,:c."" sir said, in 11 01111'1' crime." is why 1)r. 11•illiants' Pink: fill stern tone he had, 11.-Tkl(tireless tone, "'mild Fria)' InY !rood aetually 'e'., 1 want to know whether you int•.' any objections to illy remaining here, where she -- :she- ---" Ile stopped for n moment. "t'ntil she i5 bin ♦elle" "'gin,"' said (trial:', indifferently, "i hnsc none, You Inas stay' if you Ii1:c. This is an inn, you know." "1 understand ---you shall be paid, Illts Fronk gone?" f suppose so. I 11041' hire Pi) I01) off.'' • bh1-11 1., r Irl, renegade child if \`on talk "Very well. 1C!Il you le me only? I , results, Aly complexion 1wah of a \sal):y 1( like i'd;? I.,oy uw;ht to scurf yon O.i appearance. my lip; and ; unlg scented I Miall to be alone," a n)i•,i,nur y in Ih( tiralp 1'(n 1111 mat 001 lt►otdless, I -suffered from he;td:lch(t, 1)isb !mkt slued, his arms to the nous., 1! the 51,1,11' iutl1,14e, 1,t wits the w( turd ; ns, 111 soli 4'01)1 1s a btln(lle mf . zfnr:;g nerd palpitation of the heart. 11v .belie, 11i, ,yr.; fixed un the 500111, 1'n;tut tv:tlked ottl, closing the fluor lir‘‘,*(). ter (r.1c!<, ;old Om indf:uls thenlselve; will • nppelitr was s1, •punt ♦11,11 1 diel 1,11E 1';11'4 ('air Inky, in it, (IIII sleep, his own face hrr; luld Uishrowe tvns left alone Wilk provide you with a costume, tshich, I. whether i ale or not and I grew so like 011,1'1111''. 11':::11 sroturd the work!, the deadf 1)cad!---hots strange that word believe, consists in 0 judicious mixture weak, ;old was 511 much reduced in flail his 41)1''1,1(1 and redwit.ir0 bride, in ;kat that my friend; thought I war.-, in con- sumption. :1s f have said I dotlorcrl without benefit. until the last doctor whom J er'nsultetl ndvi'c'I me to fry 1)r, Williams' Pink Pills, " I followed his a(1 - vire and less than a dozen boxes have made ole the well wnnitin f 11111 10 -any, :111 the spilt -Smits of Illy trouble have vanished and f enjoy the very best of 111'1,;111. T know there nr0 hundred,♦ of women who are drifting into the sant" enndition i was end to till suet) I would strosely urge: the immediate use of Dr. 11'illiams' Pink Pills." 1)i.. 11'illinnlr,' Phil: Pills do not art upon the bowels: they do not tinker with mere symptoms; they go right to the root of the trouble in the blued. Tint is 11~1(4' they cure elms iitrin ailments like rhrr'mnlism, . nenralisin, kidney trouble, headaches and bnekarhes, Si-, dant'., 11111 the special ailments that sr. slim 5o many women and growing girls. Sold by all mrdieine dealers or by mail n t flt n hex or six h1,':os for 4:'.,;1(1 from The Tar, 1\'illians' Medicine Co., Brock. Ont. throughout, ''I "1'!t quarrel not \I•ith • 1'1,11 here, i''e:u' 1:111 'bet tttat a day of rt"'kon- i11g will erne soon, Leave me now. 1 wish 11, to 111(111('," I':wt:l 1:: 1 1 I;nt been lender t!ln in- fluence of 1;1'1%'1.11', (111;11: alit,' something ill tho eye, and voice of the young elan that w1,;(Id hose eonultnude(I• his &ti ch- cnre, 111, lul;try lion, mbhed 1,l' it!s pros be lel•!:''.l, Willi a smothered growl, and accompanied by Grizzle left the room. Thole tt 1 i 1 :•:n;: paI,se in the clioni• her of death. Lilo. 0 gill, (lark glue', 011'11 (laughter? new, I'y•it 1,10011 \♦Niel) si rellgtllen: '0' - "Of be (fur.;"--wh\' 5111,1,!(1 h( 1'r,\' ucrwc and everyu:;:Ol1 i.1 1''.e 11•;'1\ n 1110.111 ma kc not? 11 hat a blessed Mina:est sun alt', I That i why peoide Ivbu 1.4•e \'.'i! IN` Ic.'k," ! 1;:111:.,' find: 1'1;1, (1,1.1 Might, active nal "1'm' might 1 In such a dtt•il'.; rlerrl, I strong, \Ins, Arthur Ilannig:nt, \iarsh- you nld 1Iu1,1(, Il°rriblr! bot. 1 \soul(' I sill', int., i; 11 \yil.nt.;s of t110 truth 1)1 nut! No, hidasNirl: '1C)llpcst is, bt I these 5,tatenlenls, Mrs. tlaunigau auyg: \y011111 1111:• !10 that, 1 "1'01' 11e11r11' t111'ee seal's 1 Sllfftl-eft 1.1.0;11 "You saintly cherub! '!'alk of Satan's I nnuomin (bloodlessness) ;1,(I during tenting :(:lint After this, .Are yml net that time consulted and took medicine afraid of making sunt' father Sahli from several duetors. I-Ithnut benefie!Itl 0 snnndecl in connection \with dm'gneLt;t1 11e could not realize that she w11; .de;td, 511 011 III!, and placid, and serene, was her 11'41♦ 111,: it been said thiel. we knot'( look, that. he 1,111)1,5+lc:peeivd to see her the value of nothing (little 1\'t' forever slut 1111, 84 If fromslumber, to inquire lust 110w she arose before hint in all 1101' u►uui; b0ti11ts 'bright, ia(lii itt, 111,. 11 111011 :t he Iutd Enol%)) her fillet- this mnlclllt-s girl who hal loved hint .;n of real and yellow paint, some ornamen- tal tat timing ,and n bunch of feathers," "Don't be ll fuel --will you?" said the crept:lin, with 0 frown, ' Stop,,yo;r• non- sense, and tall: tnnuunn sense, 11'ltcre 111'11, 111' reculied het' d11 all her willful moods; the 1'(lir sprite who teased and tormented him, y1'( whose bright smile could diTel his 1111:,e1' 113 0 ruts of ssun- ,!lil:,' (h.pels gloom. Ile thought of her in her heroic dar- ing. ris:kiu!; her 01\11 life, freely and k'nr- 104;1,t•, for that of others ----the tameless nlountnin fain;\' transformed to the nein- istcrieg household angel, hovering Inside the sick and suffering, Dow tante insignit!(n;lt all other women appear- ed beside her --Oli:l highs oulexl lay of the moonlight. This was the girl who had loved hint thein so well; and in rttitrn, they hod 1111 11141 back lien lure With rieo•n, anti ('1151 her off like at dog from thcir..gelen. .1nd now she lay there before him, deed. There was no reprtru'h in those closed eyes in 11)1151) :+\y1''<'I, hcuutiful lips_ on that fair, gentle free, 1,r folded hands, titin had forgiven Lllttu all for the ;:real wrong they hnd (lone her; b1,(, oh! Inc' would have given \vorlds at that mo- ment for words of pa•'don from those polo Iij:s-allose lipa that' ne\,tir (soul\d speak more. Frank's deep suppressed sob,; alone broke the silence of the room. Once or twice hu had looked up to speak; but flint •u'hile, stern ince had owed Hilt into silence,, mai he fell, \till' it strange thrill of terror 0)01 piny, t1)aIit twit passible for that (lark, tearless grief to thou his mtyn, T)ishrow'e lliurelf was the .first to proal: the silence, And his voice sound- ed strangely cold :tu(1 ealut: "111)4, 110.. lies ])e Vere he conk not call !lint well then ----"know of thLs?" "No,' said Frank, with It sob, ''I was just, •going to Fontelle when `1 !IPL \ (in that time, mid turned hock" ' "l♦oil' 'lid' you know tltis - 1 bit had ltttppenc•Icl?" "1. didn't 1:;lots. T thought, it nlo;l. • • 44;06§4044400 4400 049 Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, its one of the most weakening ' diseases known. Scoted Einlatatoi!ae, which is Cod Liver Oil and I•iypophosphite3 in easily di- gested form, k the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into' the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's JE res 4s l.Js' ti. o n after Influenza. •0 Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUGGISTS: 500. AND 1$1.00. 000000000000000000101 \shat he did there, is she to be buried?" Captain Niel: had resumed his former scat, lull sett umullily scuu'lillg in the fire. :1s Grizzle reappeared, lie looked till itnd asked, surlily; '`!Yell; what did he \stunt 1" "11'hat do you :suppose lie wanted?" replied !frizzle, in 0 tone quite us amiable rag his own. Captain Niel: growled out a fierce oath brl4cee his te0tll, "'Ileal we, you old beldame! None of your cursed mystery with Inc! What did he mud?" "Beatty, ,Captain 'Tempest," said Cfr;z• zle, in a toile of provoking coolness, 114 she 'dropped 011 a stool before the fire and with her elhows un her knei;s, and hrr chill sit i t'e11 Her bunds, looked quiet- ly in the blaze, "grief must have turned your brain a little when ;you attempt to bully ole, however, allowance must be made for a father's grief for the loss of an only child, and. all that sort of thing, so I nen happy to tell you he wanted nothing very sinister; hut, con- sidering what he l:novs, something pretty rash—in 0 word, to slay here nil night," ''llumpll! AIone ?'' "Certainly! Prank has gone to 11'nn- telle, 1 expect, and trill not be back to, night; and who. else is there to slru•e his .w•al(h, tu(Ie;s 010' young Spanish I'rielid (mines, eh, Nick?" ' "And thews not very likely, :My prf• \'ate impression is that there is no palr- lieulnr love hettv'etf Don 'Jacinto liar' (IIP }'tillllg and handsome gllartisttl1111," ".1)1, you really Olink "so?"• Ai01' ati; ill struck by some ludicrous ideti,.(.Jrizzlc laughed outright., • • "11'Ir,tt are you griniii)t' at now, you old lutboon't:''tleutnnded the calif:. grily. "Not llim;r" said (frizzle, smiliIng•gLitlll\' at the th . "On, nothing," , "Then I \von!:l!I'l advise -you to do, it," said- her. gallant compttt>•i(m„ "You are none too ',retly the best'al 1.011011; but • vett loot: like an 1,!d de;tl lt's•he<ul ambtrrr1 3bou('s t\•'Im'n you laugh,: .111d SO he ti ;,'otng to slily !icre alone ell night with you and 1, (frizzle? Ile hanged if he's not a brave fellow!" •''1 ftui'y fie would rigk"more than tlm1 ,for Captain '.I'r.'mpesi', (laughter.' "1 1el! you what; Clrizzlc, he's 0 111:! Yount fellow, and would make it splendid high -sett rover -711c., would, by ;1 ht, pow- ets!",;cxclnitncd the captain, Outht:+ts;• tieally, • "13:th! )'ort - forget the, way he''i;i'eticd• vote' a while 'ago!" said (_;fizzle,' roll tcutptnoiislyt '.'.' "1 dou't`ctr'e'for the t; tluci'e's n strong :spice of ,tire devil i:1 him; and I'd give a hag of (Ideals for dozen such :'carts of on k It 111ong '111,4' craw,", "'Really. 110IV," 'snit! (frizzle, Meth 1t sue'er,.."11'hat 11 'Bits so much valuable., love Bl)Oul(1 be lost! I'erllaps yon dlttil bcttci ;iisl: !iiia to tnke a cruise in the Fly -by -Night to the coast of Africa, It would be 'h chane for ,tate future 1;arl of Eitrnecl(ffe :1001' .;]3nroil' of CI ford— eh, 1,!y bold liueeaneer?" "'rush! speak lower—confound you! li'pon'<;my wort!, Grizzle, I did not think: ,he would 'venture to stay here alone to• i1i;,rht'' \ith you.and I• --i: really didn't," "1'0011 I, lie, knows there' is no danger -- that It would be ns mach as our lives are Worth to touelt hien,. And, besides, Jule is:,',Itrine l, Or, whet is more likely "Mr. I):! 1''•:;', most likely, will see to "110'11 do no :melt thing. I'll see to it myself." "Pooh! \\lint. difference (1003• it make? The girl's dead, and what odds trhu Inas the bother and expense of hinging her? It's his duty to do it, too; for he had most of her tvI ile she was living," ' C'apinin Niel: looked at her in mingled 11lino'r hill:I tlis;?'iist, "l'on miserable ole! anatomy! !lad you ever al wunnUi's heart? No; I toil you, 1 shall Nary her --1 myself, ;IA the spelling -hoot: says; and \ti. Iinhcrt 1)1' Vere may n:ind his 0411 affairs. ale shall have nothing more to say to any girl, or dead. 'To•nun'rn'w nullning illi lie off to Green ('reel: for a coffin. `i stip- pos0 i can get none nearer then Green Creel;." "No; unless yon 1,1111:0 it yourself," "J had rather be, excused. I could nuake n bray's bonnet 1,s easily. Poor little !hitt,•! The other day, she was sit full of fife and spirits, and now we are talking of burying; tier." L'h(re was 1t touch of something like nleblu('holy in the captain's tone, that showed :111 his affection for his "little yl?odlit' r" (I\Vo 11 yhgkq,j cntf4py sh Le!;,,," mitirtly died out. (frizzle looked :a hila elskanrt., slu•n.-ging her shoulder:, and l:ntilcd to herself, Thele \vas a pansy, null lien the cap. fail) !: gi t in O subdued tone: "(:1'1010, T wonder \vital, merle her (lit.?" "'There's it. sensible question, flow do vett t;1pp:.,e I :nuc? She alight die of • fifl t tieing.; --disease of the heart. or 1'n(;gestinu of the brain, 1,r O paralytic stroke, or a \\•ant o1' bryato of---' 1 1'n',•:0:t heart !" (frizzle lifted her head mill laughed aloud. ".', 1;rl:ken heart ! 1'1' mint:' and sin- ners! (.';l;1'::111 tilt'I: '.I't'lltll,'.it, the 1ti'sll- '1:a. rosy:', talking of brcl:ln hearts! till" 1111 ml•'• word, Niel:, you are gel that- to b1' the rn',t :rlln.ting pet tits 1 ever knew— ns 1',s n eountry justice or the clown I:1 n. cint-t:,1, :1 broken heart!" Ind the h1,!'; laughed 11ed again, • '!'hl' ;fent Ionian's answer \tuns an oath. - 'mil,. 11:11'!. lett. !I4op;" :1'(d n mysterious flint. :l:( •:; rinl;in;,• her laugh tel the wrong slid: '1 hor mouth, if she did not anlnd, .1 nil theft the amiable pith. sell:• lapsed into 11 silence, and remained :ift:rite; in the fire \'illtunt it word, for the rest of the auflt'rnonn. light fell. firizzle•nrose, !leaped ino•0 rood on the fire, and Pet nboltt prepa•, 1111; supper, ,She had fallen into one of her sullen 1101):15; and to the questions her (minims• ♦1111 Itnw and then asked her, she either vellum's! short 111,1 ,;n:lppi:;h answers, or (lid not reply tit all, 1\'1;c1 supper was ready, Captain Niel:, without. trailing to be invited -41m lyhit'll he prolnil,!y might have evaded lend, in loin lni:l down, his pipe, drew up his -alitir, and fell. i1) \villi an appetite no ,way diminished by the loss of his Ilnngh• ler mrd heiress, Grizzle went over, and \t'ithnn1 ceremony 1'poled the chamber door' 11vliete lay ,the dead girl, watched by her living lover, Jle was sitting near the head of the bad, his lane resting 011 the pillory,. Itis (erehce(' drt'111'etd upon It, and his (lark hair mingling ' with 1101' 'bl•ight, short (t1i'ln, as stili and motionless 1,s the •o A II1ATrI7,10NLAL CATECIIISM. For Iicr: !)'' 1 s00 foo Meech, and tti'get that if rt 1; 1!s el;(l!el 14 to 3.1111 smoothly ono Inu 1101. put 1111 int'( sp0e1ILR1vg" too often ant pumice on every small delin- 1 ti l uy? 1)o I speak: of toy husband cnnt.emptu- ' 1511' Le'l;imi his Lac!: in the hearing of ;Lanilducii, and then wonder why they fail to ibe1' hie(? Do 1, in tllV keen desire to be it good Lott•clie'per, neglect, all the ,icco11plist- 11 :111 and 'graces of inteJltet" of my nla01111 d;tys, 1(11,1 then wonder sadly my :ipuuse is s1 fond of Itis club II the eveililt:s? !),, 1 tire niy.elf so much (luring the ‘lay over betty household details, which 1 could 111;10 easily leave to my ser- vants, 111111 in the evening physical fa- tigue make, me snappy and peevish and ..matt i- not It cheerful companion for :0 y ku.,btut,l 7 1)„ 1 know that 11'1141,'1 have been for a. long spell living it monotonous life, unit have be'nuu' peevish and irritable, a conceit. or a visit to n good ploy, In:t4• send me hums again quite renovat- ed itr spirit ? I)o 1 remember that. I might make a vers g:or 1)ppcarnnee on the sutal1 dress allowance if f took the trouble to learn ,einithil!g about pra'tical dressmaking, bought a sewing machine end curtailed the hours l spend bernoaldng my unfor- ',tln:ltc fate in not being able to go to ,a. 11';;511 shoal for 1113' gowns? Am .I :wall, of the fact that wives have sometimes worked disaster to their husbands by telling• friends "In confi- dence," of (1:itigs concerning professional r 11114iness mutters which their bus- )atids have confided to them? For ?Iim: if 1 sometimes fuel provoked with my wife's mint of interest in politics anti mimic:tat affairs, do 1 reflect that I !:aye certainly not taken notch trouble :o :11'011;0 her interest in these mat - COOKING BY AhARM CLOCK, 1)o 1 remember that my wife was one !1f It large family of brothers and sis• ter$, and that now she 11111131 feel very lonely living in a strange place while I ;1111 ,twat' all (lay? ought 1 to expect. my \fife to feel de. Uglify," when 1 bring Runic two or three friends to dinner without having taken the trouble, earlier in the day to 'phone her to expect. them 7 Do I ever seriously consider what gen- uine impish my foolish jollying with girls linty cause 1111' wife, although I Tool: on them merely 84 an occasional alit'+I'nient for passing an idle horn'? Are any of the 'worry lines" that nIT 1,110 r:n: Illy wire's 01100 sntoot-Ii and pill t ►• 1111'1' caused , b1 my, forgetfulness of the fret that T Might often restrain my temper if 1 did not, look upon her as 11 sort of '"safe (I(posit" for all my bad to is her and',` he Iieigltbul'r, that the gut.- temper? key ought to count out of the tet 'n,, -1s 1)o 1 remember that, constant fnnit• housekeeper; Nix to have everything finding on the part of it husband is,as clone at once nod the \501'1114 ittiu1 fresh (Impressing to a f'ife's spirits as eon - f(0111 1110 stove, it ilkO Siigges!.; 1111n11 stl111 Iaging on the. part of a wife is irritating to n 1111,)1? Do 1 ever speak to my wife in a ivny that 1 would not dare slink to my cool;? No Coat for Nineteen Years. (South African Railway Magazine.) 1)urinh the Journey froth, Victoria Pails to' Kimberly a big, sun browned man boarded the Zambesi express minus his coat, with his hhlrtsleeves rolled. lie took' n neat at dinner and the chief steward remarked to hint that Its there wct•o lollies present per- haps ho would have no oblootlons to putting on his cont, "Groat Scott!" tho man re- plied, "I haven't worn a coat for ninoteen' year('. You will have to wait, my friend, until 1 can buy one at Kimberley!" Look Before You Shoot. ,This time It Is n Mahwah man who has shot his wife In tho•dark because he mistook her for a burglar, and now ile, lllto a long flub of predcecsol's, "Is crazed with grief." When will men learn to 'bo surd .it's n bur- glar before they shoot? It Is so much easter to bo sure you're right than It is to restore nu inneccetrvletim to life. It Is so much bet- ter not to shoot at all 'than to take " lbp chance of Minns soilleello wito Is near and clear, The Paducah incident Is of tar too frequent occurrence. Si. Louis housekeeper Makes a Discovery of Great Value. ' :1 Iv of this city Lits a :'Twat I:ILcltr+', ILiff;'T Cat !1111.11•. n: ','::'tmeii t'.'gll,l'(' (11!.'d't''Ilt 'llllr•'g ft,r•e•6ol:i11;;, On l m!::! 1.1 the Irath'rvl'A ta' a 111 rea;einbor \'111'11 1.111•:; 1);1 t•i;; (liff!':rr;lt ill'.in',-t and t!1"y ought to cook, u:L woman tints :111 :11a1'n! f.1':• l\yt.uly 11101: 4., I.11 01% nit l 15111'0 it ;;,.411 Off lie l:' 1141' 1114 1'ie•i! is ,loll;', (I:1 t h'1' a':1'.', 1', iut!- u•;, lr:'r .dd'lll 111111 sots It for tt1'(`)li,v•fl\l. 111,L11 - till's, when it :lila:tl,lie•s •1'8;11 the plat; 1n'ii ire illy. 'I'kle ttrure:;s 1, I-eye:Ltt'(l, :111'1 fifteen ;ninrdt(, Leta the ,11:1a'ul alis:< 11) lint oli n'• ts'it.! :lei 10 lake off things. s1 as to have all ,ready 1,t ,1 lie r'crm! 1,11(1, SOW(' of,•'!i;•r frice,:Ls 11Wan;ta1'0 !fiat, •\r011111 Lm 011•err lu r 'it 'nt'Lrr 1(1 11111 ',)11 11111'1 1.;1 Lc off het victuals at the Itit:;'err time ,than 'l1, spend half eau hour a (Ir.t,l' \rin(liiir up 1111 tc;ua'nt clock, hut aIle says that niter setting- tier auitpitrcitct- .sr;' can 1.1111 t11i.:Eli:ors and talk'(' 1111 11 Itwt 111' g%) out to slut Soiree owl f,t!Ic \yril'il a. friend \t•iI;!iont feel!u+,, the .;'iglitrst 11a,eas,i'nes•; tl l!1•i IIP this 011 ditty, 1111'.1, `:1.71' l 11111:; tll'e11't' :I1': a great 110111!\' 1111• prmi.0-s;r11/110 •p';P in 111r,..1V1/1,1,1 triol lin 1101 a!::Or(0lttt0 11 hrarld•ne,a' id,'ct when thcV ;!'r il, -;t., L.n'llis 11'1'111.'-1)0110,c'r:id, e•s ADVICE TO MOT[IERS. If you have 11 baby or young chil- dren in the hone 11111•:9.s keep it box of (;ally's 1)tyu 'Tablets on haled, 1)1'11'1 trait until' the little one is sick, for somPlinles an huuf'ti delay may prove fatal, This medicine elites stomach trou- bles, cnnstipalinn, diarrhoea, simple fev- ers end n)nkes teething painless, if chil- dren 111'1', sick Baby's (.111'0 Tablets make them well; and better 51,;11 at occasional Argument for Woman Suffrage. drne will keep then( well. The '1'nblets ore good for children of all ages and Congressmen Landis attributes his de- me guaranteed to contain no ()pinto 1,r fent for re-election to jealousy among 'termini drug, Mrs. Joseph Boss, ILtw the women who were not invited to meet tho•ne. Ont., snys: "T have used Baby's the President's daughter when she visit.- Own Tablets end find then( .;just the cd Iii's;: (listriet. Ilero ie; another strut;{{ thing to keep children w'cll,"'1'ho3e.Tnb- tr'gtimettt fur wonelt'In polities. 'They'd lets ore sold by all medicine dealers or soot,'get rid' of tiresome old issues like von rnu get them by until nr2fic a box money ,nlltl 'tariff ` and substitute Homo - still, ''he never thought npyt ing about cdrpse itself, The sigh )night have tone:- by, writing The 1)r. 1Villinnts' 1[edici)to thing lively nntl fresh.—Baltimore Am- it nt;tall„ ,Lo.vers, • o,u,ki gw,..ggneralty„,, eti any other heart; it would int e the Co,, Brickville, Ont. • orient'. JAS. McMUROHIE BANKER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BEATH, ONT. (TOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes aspeotalty. Advanoes made to farmers on their owe notes, No additional seourity required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con• rtetent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Toioan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Bente collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to, ISSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. PM1 Fowl THE BLY'I'1'i S'1'ANDARI)�--16 tlJL Uuilt &ttt bal-b. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, JAN 21, 1907 People We Know. 1 •1 McDennen ; 11,50-12—Collection and cloting,exereisari, Afternoon session- 1,15-X2.00—Devotional exercielrs, Presi- dent ; 2-2.10—Report of nominating c•lmtuittoe and introduction of the President elect ; 2,1O-2J15—CMldreu's mass m.'eting, Rev, Dao. N. Hazen ; 2.1315-3—The coneecrstion of our social powers, Rev, J, C. Reid ; 8-8.25—'Tho 1'enuher'K opportunity, Rev, A1r. Fitch ; Mies Verne Bennett is on the siok 8,25-11,90•-Soug rervicti end collection ; list this week. e,1»4.10—Open Pnrliumnnt, lta►. Mr, Reeve Milne is attending the Co, ,tones ; How to succeed in t3uhbatb !+ School work (a) In the Primary depart - Mies Bailie ; (b) with the boys. Rev. Mr, Damn ; (c) in securing and retaining the young people, Gordon Young ; (d) in enlisting the co-opera- tion of parents, Richard Anderson ; (e) in promoting Bible study in the homes of the people, Rev, Mr, Jonee ; 4,10- -The true aim of Sabbath School rork, Rev, Mr, McLennan ; collection and closing exorcises, Evening besr;ion —7.80--7.93—Song and devotional ex- cises, Rev, M r. }lartlev ; adrlress— 'i'hn land of the Gospels, Rev. Mr. Mc- Lennan ; musical selections : Question Drawer ; address—Life's Appeal, Rev, Mr, Pitch ; solo, ltuv. Mr. McLennan. Tho Auburn Union Choir will ring at the mcrning session ; Auburn Moho• dist choir in . tite afternoon session ; Donnybrook choir at the evening os• sion, John Fingland. is President and W. Plunkett. the Secretary, Council this week, Mks Tedlock left on Wednesday morning for Perth. Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Beattie are visiting in Kincardine, Mr. Ilarvey Shane, of Ripley, spent Sunday in town, Miss .Minnie Keehn° Is home hav- ing an attack of tonsiiitits, Dr. Long was a caller at Brussels on Wednesday of this week, Mr, Summer, of Woodstock, is rc. lieving at the G. T. R. station, Miss Ella Kennedy, of Clinton spent Sunday at her home here, bliss Jean Michie, of Brandon, is the guest of her sister, MI's. (Dr.) Long. Mr, John Illrons, of Durham, spent a few days in town the past week, Mr, C. A. Howe has been under the weather for a few days this ICI: HOURS : 10 A.M. to LI P.M. week, Mr, W. L, Davis left on Wednes. Busintas(r', ards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Sue - censor to G. F. Illair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro• polltan Bank. F1tUUDFOOP, HAYS et BLAIR.. liairletere, Solicitors, Notaries Publio, Eto. offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderiob. W. Proudtoot, K.C. ; It. C. Ilaye, G. F. Blair, 0. 1:. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. 0Moe over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to .' pan, W. J. MILN E, M,I).C.bt, Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni- versity of TrinityCollege' M.D., Queen's University; Felow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Office, one door north of Cornmerclal hotel, Queen street, Blyth, 111. S. COT 1 BRUSSELS, ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office ot'I'rte STANOAnu, Hlytb. Blyth Livery AND Sale stables o©00®©i0 day morning fur his home at Port Dover. Miss June McKenzie, of Oodet'lch, Is a visitors . at the home of Mr. W. McElroy, bliss Mary Stokes. of Jamestown, is the guest at the home of Mr, Chas, Roadhouse. Mrs. Geo. IIirone was in Brussels attending the funeral of Mrs, J. H, Stretton, sr. Mr. Duncan Buie, of Duluth, Is visiting his sister, Mrs, Curtis, and other friends. bliss 1.. Edwards, of Brussels, is assisting in THE STANIAHD dice for a few weeks, Station Agent McTaggart Is at present taking a couple of weeks' holidays in Toronto and other Eastern cities. bliss A. L, Willis, of' Newark, N. J., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Robt, Newcombe, has returned to her home accompanied by Miss M. E. McElroy. Mr. .1, H. Stretton, of Kansas City, Kansas, received the sad news of the death of his mother, Mrs, James Stratton, sr., of Brussels, but arrived too late for the funeral. Mr. Stt'et- ton accompanied by his wife and little daughter will spend a short time with relatives and friends In I3Iyth and Brussels, • Submit. The sale of Wm. Anderson, in East Wawnnosh on Monday was very suc- cessful, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson left Tuesday afternoon for Stavely, Alberta, where they will reside in future, Their many friends will wish them sucoees in their new home, ENTERTAINMENT. — A Lecture and .Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. musical entertainment under the auspices of the Auburn Public Library PROPRIETOR. will be held in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening, February 1st, cow- ' 0" 00 00 00 0 rnoncing at 8 o'clock. John R. Clark, America's most gifted lecturer and Flrat•olass Horses and Rigs for hire at platform entertainer, will deliver his famous lecture, "The Hose, the Thistle and the Shamrock," A musical pro - Beat of accommodation to Commercial gram on similar lines of thought will Travellers and others requiring riga, preceed the lecture consisting of solos and duets by Misses McDonald and Veterinary office at liverystable. Carter, of Auburn, and Tyndall pros„ Yof Carlow, Conte and enjoy a pleas• ant evening and assist a good institutiou reasonable rates. • to procure "hooka and papers for the reading public„ NG AND QUEEN' STREETS, BLYTH. ONLY ONE BEST In the line of buslnoes training Institutes ln•Canada•and that one is the well-known Central Business College of 'Toronto Meet In courses of study.. Best In num• bers and experience of teachers. Bast In securing positions for gr'duatee. Have you read our catalogue'( It explains our method.. Get it before you deolde which 'shoot you will attend. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. You will be welcome. Enter any time. W. II. SHAW, Priv, • Zeirit.-k IvZert a 1 Moab upwards '9uheed be for THE ,STANDAJt•D. Theanniversnry services in connection with Knox church.last Sabbath and ilfonday, were, .considering .the very inclement state of the ,weather, very successful. The tea on Monday even- ing was well patronized, door receipts amounting to $80.00 which with the collections on Sunday increased the Trust Funds of the church by $1255.00. The basement of the church was very testefully decorated and the tea all that any epicurean could desire, 'l'ho order was excellent and the progratn curried out as advertised. Much credit is due our Presbyterian friends a Auburn under the efficient direction of Rev. Small for the high class entertainment provided by them from year to year in connectiou with their anniversary, On Tuesday evening a social was held and the program was gieeu by the child- ren of ehn $undny School and with the proceeds will make the anniversary collections total to nearly $160.00, The sixteenth anneal couvontion of the Auburn onion Sabbath 1Sehool Association will be held in Knox church Auburn, on January 29t11. 'Vhe follow- ing aro expected to Inv present : Rev, Mr. McLennan, of Norwood ; ltov. Mr, Fitch, of Winghan) ; Rev. Mr, Reid, of Nile ; Rev. Geo, N. Mizell, of Gode- rich ; and pastors of the congrogntione in the Union, Following is the pro- gram :--Morning session—lU-10,15— Devotional exercises, President ; 10.15 -10,80—Addres4 of welcome .President ; Itopor't of Officers ; 10,80-10,50—Tho aim of this . convention, D, E. Munro ; 10.50-11.50—'The quiet hour, Rev. J, L. Small ; 11,16 -11,50 --Reports of Su ,orin• te')rients and introduction and discus- sion of perplexing qucstions,.Rev, Mr, Hull•tt. Don't forget the Blyth 1, 0.0. F„ contort in Blyth ou'I'hnrsrlay Feb, Tth, 'l'he shingle on the hate 01 George Mains was blown off during the storm on Sunday, Mrs. Henry Allan had rho misfortune to have the roof of the barn blown off clueing the big wind storm on Sunday. John and MIs, .Kirkconnell were at home to their friends the other evening. A very enjoyable time was spent by all present, The defeat of James Snell for the re.eveship is regretted by his many friends, but when the nature of the tight is taken into account, he made a rrtnnrkably good run, s.0-. Londesboro. Miss Taylor, of Listowel, is a guoat of Miss Hell this week; Miss Gell& Whitely visited her Sum- merhill friends this week, Wilfred Crisp, of London, spent a few days this week with his parents hero The wind did considerable damage, around Isere both to fences and build- ings. li iafl Belle Kirkcontlell entertained a number of her friends on 'Thursday evening, Congregations were shall in the churches here Sunday owing to the severe weather,' James ltuddell west on Tuesday weather out there. returned from the and reports cold Belgrave. Clegg do Co. shipped a carload of hogs on Monday at 0.50 per 100. Miss Martha Bosman, of Wingham, visited at the parsonage last week. Don't forget the Blyth I, 0. 0, F. concert in Blyth on Thursday, Feb, 7th. John Ecktnior and Jos, Hotnsworth, of Ethel, visited at D. Sproat'r lust week, Mr, Wilson, V. S. of Watkins, New York .State, visited last week at his brother-in•law'e Cr H, Wilkinson and W. K.�VI'haley'e, Wm, Wylie, of Belgrave, is quite in- disposed at present, and owing to his great age, it may some dies before tle recovers his usual health. Mrs. J. Wylie, of %Vingham, is waiting on hire, The Union School meeting took place In the Hall on : Wednesday, 10th. Both village and Country were in fu 1 attendance. Tito trustees appointed wore Robert Magiira, Wrn, Wightinan and David Sproat. Tho Board of trustees will proceed toward the erection of a new' school -house in or near the village' of l3slgrevo, to ho known as Union School Section No. 17. Wm, 11'Ightman *was appointed ,Sec.• Tens, West Huron School Notes. In the inspectorate of West Huron there aro 96 rural public achool sections, There are 10 assistant teat))• era employed in these schools, making 100 teachers in the rural schnols of this inspectorate fol' 1007. Tinder the "ruinimuni eider)." scheme, 27 sections must pay the principal 8500, 8d sections must pa • $950, 27 sections must pay $100 and mations must pay $850 each, The assistants must loceive at least 1000 ouch, Four principals and three aaaistitate receive more than the tniuitnurn salary. In Ueborne township all the teachers receive $5O0I and iu East 1Vrfwanosh not one receives fl50i), 'Them urs nine teachers iu each of these (nunicil)uli- ties. Thu total amount of the salaries of the 100 rural public school teacLers in West Huron for' 1907 will be if 10,025, Which is $225 more than the sum of the min nlin utri Federico., 111 1900 the sure paid the 100 rural teachers was $138,800, and in 1005 it was $87,757, The general township grants levied (under section 131) (2) and (13) of 11)00) for these RAG teacher's amount to $3U,800. The further sum of $14,223 for teachers' salaries must be levied by'moclrl rotes on the different school sections. The, suln of the minimum salariek is 843,800 being 87,410 more than ties ithlnrles paid in 19(3, . There are sixty schoolw, ¢r depart• ments of the 106 list which Wive chang- ed teachers since January, ,1901, and ten baro changed twice slime that date. IIOW TO PREVENT nli,liflti ArrAags, One who is subject to bilious attacks will notice that for a day or more bee fore the attack he is not hungry et meal tithes and feels dull after eating. A dose of Charnborlatin's Stolnaeli end Liver Tablets wbon those first symp- toms ym )- toms appear will ward off the attack, They are for sale by all druggists, ti Constance. Mrs, W, Clark is visiting her sister in Algouul, .lames Parrish visited friends In Brieeels rn1 Saturday, J. 1), Hinch)ny has sold his fartn to ,1.11. Scott; who gets possession iu the Spring. W. Clark was quire ill for it few bye with nu attack of pleurisy, but is almost ell right 'Nein. 11. end Mrs, ',each, of Chisolhnrst, visited the letter's brother, J. 1), liiinchley, on Monday last, Huron County Council. Warden, J. T. Currie, Executive :—Leckie, Centelon, Mc- Millen, Dr, \Voode, Middleton, Special :—Baillie, Bottler, Hunter, Musgrove, 11c1airmid, Finance :—Dr. Irwin, Harris, Stoth- ere, 11swkiiie, McKay, Education :—M. Y. McLean, Dr. Milne, Grant, Shearer, Kallerrnan. Roads end bridges Lemma, Wil- Irrt, Qovunlock, Fraser, Elliott, County property :—It. McLean, Geiger, .Teri, Taylor. Equalization :—'1'ilo whole council, Warden's :—Leckie, Lamont, R. ide- Lean. Cantelon, McKey, House of Refuge :—af. Y, McLean, Middleton, Willert, Geiger. HURON COUNTY S WH. The many friends of Robert Arm- strong, of Wallacoburg, formerly of Hullett, near Conatanco, will regret to learn that he had the misfortune to break his erre a short time ego, Louis Hollinger, 10th con., is the owner of it grade cow that Iran present- ed him with twin calves for the pest three yenta. All are 'live and doing ►volt. Th;s is it good record and one not FI•eduently equalled, 'I'hoiilus Abraham has Poll Isis farm in East Wnwanosh, on the lie:green load, to John W. Shonbottotn, and has purr,Itased frotn Wesley M. Cornell the .1X) acro fare, iu the tnwnship of Mor- ris, formerly occupied by Thema.; Far- row, ex -M. P. • Rev, J, Me,Donald died in the Rainy River dist►•ict lust week, The deceased was a'son-in-law of Jos. Allen, who resides near Blake, and was the pre- decessor of Itov. Mr. Davidson, as pastor of Varna and Blnko Presbyter- tan churches. The remains worn in. torted in Bayfield cemetery, I'Rtt:'HIIY'1'1Fit1' Ur' HURON. The Presbytery of Huron rnet it 1Villis Ohuruh, Clinton, on 'Tuesday, 1501 (nal. ,Mr; W, M, Martin wits elected moderator in sncces,•ion to Mr, Calvin Fletcher, The minutes of sea• Mom' for the past year were examined atld 'mewed, Amounts dile to the Presbytery Fend weer paid, and the trea'itrer'1• book. was eud.tud Aid r•• ceivirlt( rrin,uregati.11ls ',Temente:1 lis, it' report's, nod tbo fnllaw'in; grouts wet e recommended for the ywar b.•glnning Oct,7st, :--liay'llold and Bethany, *100;•Greed Bend end Col heti, 6lurr; Varna and Blake, 811x0; Leehurn and Union Cltut'rh,• Gvdericit Township. 830, The COM htittce in charge of Young Penpie's Societies, were instructed to prepare for next, meeting ut Preens tory, it report of whet was he•ing done hy the eooietine, and to suggest it mole ate for'. mono united notion, The subject of systematic heneflcience was remitted to the Finance coin mitten 1.,e consider,' tine and for report nt next meeting. Leave was granted to the conrct•o,tati•m in Blyth to proceed with a cull to a pastor, es soon es they should be prepared to do so. The following minute was ad• opted with reference to the retirement of Dr, McLean: The Presbytery con- gratulate Dr, McLean 'on his having contploted forty years of continuous service, as pastor of St, Andrew's church, Blyth. They recognize with eratitute to God, the vigour, the faith' fulness, and tho efficiency wish which his work in that important charge has been done. We also thankfully ack• nowledgo bis valuable services to•this court, not only. as a member, during the entire period of his pastorate, but alio and especially as its clerk, since his appointment t0 that office 87 years ago, They rejoice that his retirement from the active parts of the ministry does not'necceslteto his removal beyond the boupds of the Presbytery, and they onrpestly desire and pray that his pros - eta relationship thereto may long continue, TENDERS WAN 1'ED,—Tenders will ix received by the Connell of the Township of Mullett up to Seturdey, Februar7 lOtb, at 2 p, m. for the supply of 4C00 feet of rook elin plank to be delivered-- 11)01) feet at the residence of Dash of the respective four counolllors, meld plank o be 16 teat long and 23/4 it:°hes thlok.-- JAMES CA)YvrS , Clerk. Chamberlain's �{4't Cough Remedy The Chit dren'a Favorite OUR�B••• Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Tble remedy fe fanous for Ito meg on/ a large part of the drifted world, 11 os be opt= or otherpharwd rul a g and no Oren rayandwnrt» g ran as confidently to a baby Aoki an adelt Price 25 ole; Large Sias, 50 ori. Wi�t�. ,.. ,�r.�r���.��..11,.���r1-���aa��,��,�Y.����„� �,�,�.���n�j]�1 ,1:�Y a ci l aiG' !I'ai�';1�rrt'ir'l1 e a li.rrl'Jl.� had AN EXTRAORDINARY EVENT OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN SNP A matchless array of new up-to-date merchan- dise, bought for the present season, is offered with- out restriction in a sweeping clearing sale, Prices are slaughtered, The reductions are the greatest ever made on fine winter goods, IF YOU SAVE MONEY YOU MAKE MONEY Everything must be sold to make room for the new spring goods, Some of the most wonderful bargains you ever heard of are offered in this sale. Just imagine what a saving this means. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY Drop in and inspect the great values and then you will appreciate the remarkable advantage of buying here—now, livery $ you spend here dur- ing this sale is an investment at high rate of interest allimairmhe J. A. ANDERSON 13LI( TH ocungeomosecalesso Inviotus Shoe for Man and Women THEY DON'T OWE ME A CENT That's what n person will say about a pair of Geo, A. Slater's In- vietus Shoes that kava been batisfac- terry In every way, when they are laid aside far the last time ; worn out hut they have earned their cost, No longer of any use, but they have been reliable, trustworthy, depend. able every minetc since I bought thein, To please us it must please you, To please you it must earn its cosl by giving proper service. Heavy Rubber and Felt good Men's Heavy Rubbers Boys' Ilea vy Rubbers Youths' Ileavy Rubbers Men's Felt Shoes Women's Felt Shoes Women's Overstockinge Girl's Overstockings Trunks, Valises, Stationery and Gents' Furnishings Bargains in Furniture and Carpets We have an immense stock of goods on hand, These, goods must he sold, To induce you to buy during the winter we are offering extra 1n. duccments. Your money will buy more goods now than any other:time of the year, Bring in your pictures und get thein framed, H. OHELLEW BLYTH Are You in Business For Business? If yon }rad an opportuuity of addreestng 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that address as interest- ing as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it. 1t is just the same with an advertisement in 'lite STANDARD, You have the privilege of talking every week to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about thele In a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit, , We stand reedy and willing at all thnee to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from VI to $20 if a city advertising expert were consult- ,ed—and do it free of charge, But hoar in mind that no man esti get out as good an advertisement for your business as you can. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a barga,u, and all that, ,Just drop in and Lave a talk about It, The Standard, 131yth, Ont '.JANu.11W 24rtl,• t90; --THE STANDARD ---PAGE FIVE. -� -. Y _-.......�..W.�.,., _...... __ Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash price, Next car here on Dec. 10th, Grain ekeoke paid after banking hours at our stow, MoMILL,AN & CO. Oinsley Street • Blyth The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is done by able in. etruotors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to got the best poss. ibis commercial training patronise this school while business men are in search of our graduates to 1111 responsible positions. The best time to enter our classes Is now. Beautiful catalogue free. LLLIOTT d McLACHLAN, Principals. TOWN TOPICS. IIAVE you paid your subscription yet ? Moan% aro the next thing on the program. IT is rumored that a new store may be opened in town, 1. 0, '0. 1?. concert in Industry Hall on February seventh. QUITE a number from here at- tended a par::y at the hotne of J. B. Tiernay on Tuesday evening of this week. THE high wind on Sunday blew down tbo pipe at the electric light power house and no lights were to be had Sunday evening. On Mon- day the lights were on as usual. GREAT SALE. --During the past week G. M. Chambers & Co, have been holding a stocktaking and clearing sale and will continue till the last day of the month, Crowds are visiting the store and are get- ting good bargains, We aro glarl to state TRE STAN- DARD office is still standing after the big wind storm and the Editor is looking for the subscribers who have not renewed their subscriptions yet. The,papor can't bo printed on wind, it takes money to ran It, Don't for- got to renew at once, FIRE. -Last Saturday morning at 8 a. tn, the people of l3Iyth were startled by the sound of the tire hell and by all appearances it looked as if the flour mill was again the prey of the flames, hut it proved to be the old flax mill situated on the north side of the river. By the time the crowd got there the building was all in flames, liow•the fire started is a mystery as It !PO net been run for a number of years, hut it looks as if somebody had stared a fire to keep warm. The building was owned by the Livingston Bros., of Baden, Ont. A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly 30 years. We will be found at the same old stand.' . FRANK' METCALF Jewelry and Stationery:, Strong Heads and • Skilled Hands to the Front i Attend the Famous' , TORONTO, ONT. and be properly prepared for business positions, Wo deal only In high grade business eduoatlon--the kind every young man and woman should have. Oursuhool has now the largest attsndanoo In Its his• tory. Commence now. Prepare well and Bucoese le certain.. No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue tree, W. 3. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cormer.Yonge and Alexaltder Streets. V la A vliA1 rr F THE RIGHT HOUSE RELIABLE STOItE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERAT1D Paletr8 FOR OAHU AND FARM PIruuuala, Men's Overcoats Men's heavy winter Overcoats, plain black cheviot, finished friezes, also fancy dark grey and medium striped tweeds, well finished, single and double breasted, selling from $5 upwards, Priestley's Dress Goods Wo have again brightened our stock of Dress Goods with a largo shipment of Priestley's Goode. As u♦uiI they are at the front and this season they are opening out as good it not bettor than over before. If quality and prices will bell the goods uur hopes will be realized. Ladies' Coats We have left over several ladles' and Children's Coats which will be sold at a sacrifice to clear. . A fresh stock of Groceries always on hand. Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. iLY FA Highest prions paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTHJ im►r►a►n►ranm►i grimm FLOUR Favorite $2.10 per 98 lbs. Manitoba 2.25 " Five Roses,2.60 „ Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE TURKEYS We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay .the highest market price. Write • for :particulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TRE Ontario Legislature opened in Toronto on Thursday of this' week, The smoke stack of L. h ill's planing mill was blown down dur• Ing the storm, THE roof nn the Flour Mill wits moved a couple of inches during the wind storm on Sunday. MARKET REPORT,- Wheat 67-68 ; Barley 44-45 ; Oats 34-34 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 22. A LOAD. of the•:yi.urig 'people of Trinity church attended a social in St, Paul's' church, Wingliatn, on Monday'ovening. FLowRRs,-Bargains in benntiful cut flowers Saturday at Mrs. Camp. hell's. Roscs,Cal'nnt10118, Lily of the Volley, Marguerites, &e,, 25e per dozen up. THE Editor received on Tuesday an invitation and ticket for the sev enth amnia! At Home of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto' to be held on Friday evening, February 15th, in the 'Temple Building., and we notice among the names of the executive cnuimrtittee some old Blyth boys -Wm. $Intal, J. S. McKinnon and A. E. Brndwin. GRAND CONOERT,-,Tin pretty op- eretta "The Beggar Student" pre. sented by the W. Francis Firth Co. will bo given In Industry Hall on Tcursday, Feb. 7th, The Beggar Student is, from an Italian Grand Opera and will bo part of the • first half of program. 'Phe program will consist of duets, quartettes, solos and readings by the several artists : W. ♦ Francis .Firth, baritone sciioiat• of 'i o. ronto ; ,tiss Eva May, actress and contralto of New •York ; ,Arthur 1. Francis, concert ,tenor of • 'Toronto ; Miss Edna, M , Porte, reader and pian- ist.. of New York; Miss Beatrice Hunt,, soprano of London. The best concert that has ever been presented in' Blyth. Reserved seats, 850 ; gen- eral admission, 25c, Plan of hall at J. A. Anderson's store, Tltis con - curt is under , the nuspiees of the Blyth • lodge of Odd Fellows, who aro at a great expense in bringing. this high•class company to our vil- lpge, Co, Council opened in Godcricb on Tuesday of this week, LAST Friday evening' n very suc- cessful assenbly, 'as .held in Lldus- try [hill under, the management of the Logan 13ros. ' THE annual meeting of the North IIuron L. 0, L. will be held .11) Blyth on Tuesday, Feb, 5th, at ten o'clock a. in., for the transaction of business. All members invited, visitors wel-, come, „ . AT the School J3oard meeting Wm,' Campbell . was ro-n ppoi n ted Chair•: man and Dr. Long, Secretary: ' • The. Board will • meet at the School. the` first Friday ,of each. month at .8•, o'clock.. • DE'rlrolT I+lxcuns>o:v,-Which ditto do yotl SNOB best, leave • Godet�ich Tuesday Chid' return• Thursday,; or leave . Goderich .Saturday and re-.• turn Monday, or down one day'nnd• return the next day ? Write, Mt', Ayer, Steamer'0rey'bound., Detisoit,, Michigan, what you think .about it,• Special trains from WIu Liam, ton, Berlin, etc, • +, CARD OF Ttl,t iiia -To the .1ndn, pendent Order ot, Foresters Dear' clnunou NOTES. Sirs, --1 desire to' thank your' net4e• order very inueh `for„your kind sym,.; • Topi,c.cnrria have been issued for the pathy in My ; bereavement 'and' ' ptvorth League . of the Methodist trouble, caused 'by, .the ' loss of Any' chu;•cll, , . brother.. 1. know I_ will he very,' lonely with hini • It 18 Myself who • Rev, (I:' A, 'McLennan, B. A., of Norwood,'wil1 preach, in St. Andrew's church next Sunday, our regret to part with you, During your year's tatty amongst Us We have learned to esteem you very highly foryour sally gnxi qualltiea, We always sound your conduct to be that of a gentleman, '1'o be in your company was it pleasure ; you are noted fur your :kindness and gond nature ; wo very much regret to part. with you : we shall all miss you very niuclh ; we wish yuu every success w•vhel;ever your Int may he cast, As It little keepsake and to r,;• mina yuu of your many 10 "The Buys" in. 131yth, we ask your acceptance of this gold ring. Sin- cerely yours on behalf of the Blyth boys, signed, (leo. 3iains, S. West lake, 1". A. Anderson, J. Watson, A. W, Robinson, 'l'Itc Kalispell Bee of llnntan", S., has the following to say of a for- mer type' setter on THE STANDARD, George II, Cade :-The re-organiza• tion of the. Kalispell Dramatic Club was perfected Saturday afternoon by the election of ofltars for the ensu• Ing year, Those elected were President, W. 11.'Gri1110 ; secretary, hiss E. Bennett ; treasurer, 'lames Swaney ; manager, Geo. 11. Cade ; executive c+'tnnlittee, Roy Soule, Jas. Swaney, Aliss Frankie Houston. ')'here are now about fifteen mem hers of the club which will probably be enlarged. Several plays have been sent for which, after reading, will be selected for production. -At the annual meeting of the Kal- ispell City Band, held last Fr iday evening, the following election of officers ceeurred, excepting. Mr. \White tie present incumbents were re-elected, Buyd Culver hiving re- moved -from the state, ,his place':as president which he 'luta h:ftl..fui' sev- eral everal years, will •b'e,'aecep"tttbly filled by .James R. .White The • officers of the band• aro possessed Of the re• quisite enthusiasm and loyalty to keep " the city niustcal organization together. ` In numerical strength the band has, never been greater and the boys are faithful' in their attend- ance at practice. The officers elet,t are :-President, James R. White ; secretary -treasurer, Dr, A. II. Burch ; director and business manager, Geo. [I. Cade ; custodian, • Jas, J. Snell ; :executive committee, ' James R. White, Dr. A, 11,' Burch and Chester Brintnall..• 11!! Take''Rivah' He'r� ablets.' for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for meaning the Blood. 200 days treatment $2, 00daye' treatment 25c. For tale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store . 'Wholesale from the ' RIVAL HERB AGENCY ., • RIr.c,udlne, Ont. knows'ltovv.'niuch I' will miss, but. I don't feel my sorrow as one that had no hope, for Jesus'doeth all things well, Again .1. thank you for the Christian spirit and interest, and for the prompt way In which everything has been done for me and mine., Yours very truly,, Mrs. Jas. Davis, A VERY successful sale of short horns was held on the tarin of a, Il, Jacobs on AVedt:esday of last week, There was A large number of buyers from all parts of western Ontario, 'rho hulls sold for fairly good prices considering the price of short horns in general, cows selling as high as one hundred dollars and young'bulls up to one hundred aind. fifty,., The imported. bull, Broadhooks, brought the sura of •$805, This supe'i'ior bred hull was bought by Thomas Merucr, of• Markdale, one of the lis'• gest dealers in and hitporters, of clydcsdale horses and short -horn Otto In Canada, Mr, Mercer just arrived home from Scotlandwith a' large Consignment of clydpsdale'and hackney' horses just in time to attend this sale, Broadhooks Golden Paine goes to the stables of \V. G. Pettit, 1-tatnilton, President. of • the Short [corn Breeders' Asstielotion, who' has a he'd of over' one hundred., head nearly all' imported females and is extremely fortunate in securing this grand bull to head his herd, t ADDRESS AND PRESENT'ATION.-- Last Friday, , evening . a- li'umber 'of the young men of town'. met in. the Queen's Hotel and presented Will, Davis with an etnblematic' •ring . of the throe links nnd•.tho follo%ving ad; dress :-W; 'L,'•Davis, Esq : Dear Sir,--Iiitvtng learned 'that you put.. pose leaving Blyth before long, we, your friends'felt we cotiid'not allow you to go without expressing to yuu *;%* • • Notwithstanding thq stress or weather and want of electric light there was a good service in 'Trinity church Inst Sunday evening. **a • Tho Epworth League entertained the members of the 'Westfield League on Tuesday evening. A good ' musical Program was t•t'ndored and it taste lunch was served at the cloeo of 'the meeting, `r .n. On'Tue;dav evening next, Jan, 29th, Itev,'1','S. Boyle, of 1Wiaghaln, will give some magic lantern views, of Japan in' 1',fnitychurch. Mr. Boyle's lantern and views. are of the finest quality and it'Very .interesting end profitable evening. IR, anticipated. t1 silver collection will be taken up All are welcome,111 , Last 8an1111y the anniversary ser- vices Were held 111 St. Andrews'e•hurch, Owing to the stormy weather the con- gregations were not very large het the sermons delivered by Itev, A. C. Wishart, I3. A.. of Brussels, were excel Pitt, Isis topic in the morning was "The place of prayer int the life of Jesus" and in the evening "Christ knocking rat the door, of 'our hearts," The choir gave some special. music. Last Friday night in the school room' of :St, Andrew's church the 1lcLonu 3lissit)a hand gave the following pro- gram with Alex,Elder in the chair :- Chorus liyy Mission Band ; dialogue. "Ladies''Missionnry Meeting" ; recita- tion, Archie Mo1Cenzie ; dialogue, "Go yotitt,to ,1l1tlio world"; singing. five 1ittle;l;irls; recitation, Alvin 'McNally ; duet(' Carry .Sims, Harvey. Mason ; exorcise, twelve children chorus, by Mission iniad; recitation, Jean 31c- \lurehio • dialogue, five girls ; duet, ICittio and Gracie Hablcirk ;'•dialogue, \l las ;Elder',. Gracie H.tblcirlt ; dialogue, three 1 girls ; duet•, Minh) and May, Robertson ; exercise, "Atnericrt.on the throne. 'rhe meeting was' closed by singing one verse of ' From Greenland's Icy Mountain, ►♦l r lr ♦ nr lr♦•+r r•r♦l+!•N,r r nn.•,r♦r.r♦.r►♦ .r♦l r !l► r ► r 1 ii►?fS!��'�1E�rri7c!?�rls)Iil�ti?lit-�``? i rlr. 1 r r r. ••,.. ei.• ..rl�rN .N•rlr L .N r I r rlr 1 )�I?/72 �� its) ,..r 44% l W45: t:•ii t =; \Ve can answer Yes. o it ti7? r=,. Z zit •`11.1 tut t►;: .1111 ;12 t1i tl,1 f?1 f212 Specially good value in Prints .:;i3 Canadian and English mikes o1' the Banner, Maurice, Potter, rid Swan by, Crumb and Grafton at 7e, 8c, 10c and 12,1;c. Sul lir n1 45: Harris Yarns :i:ll♦l Cii}1 :►I1 l.♦/ 44. !.,,,.•.r�._I,. ......q.li..v...K..•>•.-1 1.x#-..'� .., :41. ediPOPLEST�'E & GARDINER '11P 0 { ? Successors to I!IcK�.INNON & CO.. �ff n'r� l• V,rN♦/a♦/l► •l/ill►♦lY1n/,r l/•ll.♦ Jll►?► Ill )t r1q�10 •••1rjttr"•4:::414r`tilt:ail.ifi�:ii_1riC:&afi��rS��:-.,i.,,,,,Zi oii7'. :i rlr► N.■ lhrN►11hrN,ylJIY�rY/►rr•Wo.�n•lrrrl�.rlJ'r• iY �� Victoria Ebert Shoes STAND T;HE WEAR Victoria'Shoc for women at $2,50,`$3 and $3.50 answer the question of wearing quality, talk as you like. The question is the first one we are always asked by customers. They stand the wear. The Albert Shoe for Wien at $4 has proven it- self the shoe it is sold for. The stock in them is i and gives (better satisfaction than numerous other shoes at more money. They all have style about thein. Seven Different Makes of Corsets I'. C., D.,&, A , f'r ,mptul►',, \Vrav's, B & C., I3. & 0., L. '1'., at . 50c, 75e, $1, $1.75 and $2, 11M..INIMMY.JIINIMMON.. IMIMMI -IMMYtT Y..M•,p1Y1�1-� in factory mak es of 2 and 3 ply. These yarns are thoroughly scoured and washed and positively all wool,," .1.. wourommen•mmouramaraswegiresmrworomrsansonemmiarroserororfterMY.-.•ummunie Table Linens at old price§ White and unbleached '['able Linens at 25c. Unbleached Table Linens at 35e, Mc and 50c. White '1 able Linens at 50c, 75c and $1, r r► .r 39-gres]- cr-rocerles I3rea1s.rastoo(C11. , meats Lemons and Oranges. Flour -Five Star Manitoba and Choice Family. Cash for flutter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR - - BLYTH v' tri. v..v,'-+. r.tel'. _ "'i. -•_.Y, l� Y < �r'YY._ �0o�.0;r0�r;a,�oR�a,a<-o.o o�.�QQ-�.r °a� 9z 0 Fj.r StockmTa ing ?0,_ `U �0) X01 having completed our stock -taking we find a. lot of odds and ends that We are going to clear out at less than cost j � price. All heavyg' ods must go regardless of cost, Below tare some of the bargains that are in store for you. In the 0?lade to•order Clothing we are g''ing•• to clear out al! winter suitin,'fs that were regular $1 8 to .?2.2 at from $12 to 516, it • big range to pick from, have to make room for spring goods. •#> Underwear, regular $1, I,50 to $:3.50 a suit, for 85c, 51.20 0 and 8t 90 a suit„ Heavy Top Shirts that wore good value at 0 75c and 51, for :t' e and GOc, also heavy caps, gloves and O mitts, scarf's, sox, anything you can mention that tt iman Clili wear; we have them at the biggest prices. Can give you 0one of the hest (IVel'Co+ht.s we had in stuck for Tess than cost cqk price, overcoats that we sold for ."9 to 815, arc selling now from 5 to 810. Special line of filmy sweaters and cardi- (() grin- jackets, nice, paiterns :tad guaranteed the finest of wool, r_. regular 51,50 to $3.50, now we, arc offering at 75c to 2,50. ?� ° Lets of things we cannot mention that you may want, ask ©) us fuer them, we have thein almost your own price, Every - 0 thing must go to make room for new goods, so don't delay, ) Conte and get 0 bargasn, 0 La Q Popular Clothing House - ca acoserreenesseecnees le On•MANNIOOMMIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIMISMIMMISlialiel12100111.1111111114 S. FL GILD CURIRUENT COMMENT .01..00... 'The New York Medical Record is hope- ful t....t• CIO tniilliei)l1 campaign again'1 1.ubt,.:plus'1s begun in New Volk in 15111 will prove of great benefit to the public. 'anitary Code of hits t ubcrelllosie w.r• :.10l::;l1 ,:nri11: the cnllinn111iea14e Alli l':''..,:1,111)10 ilitie;t.'t';, 1lllll that Nva fo:Jt 'nei i:1 11'U1 by the establishment of a ming):';Intl clinic and dispensary. fly the: 111011 the indigent tuberculous patil•nts were placed under imtclligunt sup'; r •icn, ;till hospital aceomnn)dation for •::il;tl,l' ca -es was provided. 1l1c 1'('110:'; tJtt' Iitl:1:1('lp:tl ('lilltl' shows drat fft,:ers :t:'c tatting ailvantagt, ..f it. and the ituntho r of patient, set n i:t t'.t" sec('11•1 vent' tr..s greater bt• 50 per scat. (Milia ,' 1: i'1 `1• the fit..., t'Cnl, tt:t,• of the er; . 4 1'11 ' ,!!I. ;;1) :'1'=1t,. ;> al•t'lt ill tilt' f . 2 n;a ca•'s ,..,a; woel.t f•:-- uu'1'. lice» co:u'rai'd have been t:ctt, nod t;uiriul trc.}:::'e"t 1:::, 1;n pro•„IIs:I time t,.i c'ar: a l'::_ l;,•i,;rd t'tiitt: tl::ti sill r;;1; i' 0 t l' inn people is a leaf:r'l• of the fir -1 il.iph)t'ttt:a'l' U: c"11::0c• tion w';eit .:I: p:aii f:.lit tuberculosis. 1L rein;!). fits"r•; tt 01iuie t111de1' public COWL '01 1:, tis' U':i: effective plan to et'ctr.e the et:"ti,l;tt%c•e of tar: sufferer's, the disiafec:izei t,: tilt homers anti the plac'eae of the p::urgers under favorable septi ifls f'_r t:..ttnlent. amogiimmomeramNim Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, to question about that, but -- why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with a gam a 605 *4 r/,`, tV/rfniiVerli‘,•4.AN tteVntigi HERE'S THE TRICK. The Making of a Charming Woman Fully Described. Of course, the foundation of the greatest of all charms lies in that un• selfishness which illumines the face as well as the heart. As politeness itself consists in little generosities, so no woman who :;inks self in the giving of pleasure: to others can escape its reward and not be herself intrinsically charm - ']'he '1Jri.: 1.'i ,i'((1 lig (1 1 •r.il ':111• ing. But 111l woillen are not. unselfish, 1t 131':Intl :kilt the t!th authorities of and history shotes lis regally who, though the cite' cal::: n list I,' pro; ttctiwc of innately bad. yet, through mind rather than heart have sent their nettle., ,town greed. If the p' eilevat,cit to an ' to us a9 eXatllpl's of ell:ir;niitj women, app:'•.',•i.tti,lel ' f the importance of said- But they were mieca11cd, and what tea; pr.'s: ia!au, is d,•: r,iIiL with suffer- seemed charm was only fascination in err+ fl im ti:'.mrcniu.is a gr'at, gain will thein, which is an inborn quality, been mode. �h' early recognition We have all known very meet:Hi,h have women, who were mentally dense as of :Jlt' tiisra c i- not to IP! 1(1)ped lir, mud, and nmc'h of whose unselfishness targe by a stinlul,itiwl e f intelligent pub. went for naught thereby; but American lie Inairest. And hill'. 1w1Ptn it is t'al'ly women are seldom iaeking in that t::rl'' Bill :11 soil'-` far vont- they wit that e11n assimilate what heli:+ it. This i; a battle in )which vie -they see of good in others; and, given that self -education, there are many tory is worth fighting for. little things that can go far towards the -�a+a--=- making of charm. To aspire to be P reatly the sharks alio live upon the a charming woman of the world may not be a very high ambition, but it is gullible who are d,'e;i.cd ly (Jae ietter than to aim at nothing, and a wanted swindles have been:ae:it. again, little thought -mental generosity -call and a gout Hoary dollars have gone front aid much in the uulking of what will the United States and Canada to rb;: e pass ns channiug wntnetl.-"An Old after' estates lel Germany am? lb:Pallid. ballet. Beau," i11 the February Delineator. The Ignited States Departmentof State o° ttfficirl:., have laid iii:lu lar]:list's aboutNo "Deacon" Out 'Test. uncl%titncd millions of gait' in Holland "I wonder," said a mon on the North - The for claimants. 1'he Hon. Do '1, hey willtuser 'deacons' as title Back er back BackEast trl gills t: ttited States Minister nt The Massachusetts when I was a boy we al- Ilu' Hague, its a ]eller to the Dc ),a'tutrlll wage spoke of 'Deacon' Jones and 'Deacon' ,. , 1 Piffle, But I haven't heard at out here. goes into 111e subject of "Hike" ,',stases Two buor t threenobodgoyuev!yr a1ddrs t,ofisee minethewbaro y derhoa- with great detail. He explains that title. wonder why?" there i9 no such inslituticn as '`the Lank of HIolland," in which the nl:c•l;uat• ed millions are invariably said to he stor- ed. ,More titan that, In %t!l Ill.:land there is no suet' thing :13 1111 ,'.'tate !add ie chancery indefinitely, :ill sueli escheat• ing to the Utverltmettt after a 1,„ee ul of five wear. The ';nage •;„r! 0: st;:1'k'.i have been used to draw name). from ('ass- ediena ]:,.:ire 1 •'l Lo geni'i's that t;, -:c' is at chance of their recovering luil;iulls tll'.tt tt:e held "111 eldtnc•et'yy" i11 1'.tig:and or stcotland; lint we newer yet hear.) of mie of those people getting 1t fortune on, of their investment, although some law• tiers have enjoyed lran..satlnnlie trips by 1•C:i, .n uf their interest in :some lnythi• eel fortune. ?,Iilliolr do not lie uncl:titn- ed in England or Scotland. In no (min. try im the world are chorus harder to est:ll:lidl or uuetltinled fortunes fewer, IL is easier and cheaper to grow a fortune in wil,;t'. in the Northwest or dig ,one at. C',tli:1tih it to gut erne of these un- claimed estates. The other week Andrew Cost::t• eel at the New fork 5t. Andrew's diunl'r thait t•t'utc',1:1:i't1 were not so anxious ;ls t•) 1,:'t•umte food for powder- - tb::1 (lrii ( )t),;' in the army was slow to Scotland. This was disputed by the late : Monday -Be pretty; smile once. :...:'lar to t't';tahiv. tom ell DIti-itt i, ' 'Tuesday -Be prettier; frown at him, Wednesday --Be pensive; sigh once. II.lt ;'berg emus tars Court Journal, emu -Thursday -Laugh nt him. gr a I1 , "regard" piai::;u-, that recruiting i in I ,n.;ttti,- , Friday ---Confess your regard' for factor c•oodition in Britain. .11 ser-•: hint.. Thu engaging ..,e 'iist't;ltiet:t Saturday -Be "out"! matter is rilr.:r;;11t;. Sunday -Name the wedding day.-- of ;:r• Army Ceure,I, lilt it is o::rest tel ;'(.et1'lt;it more can he done tet IILt;;•, From the February Delineator. When a Horse Gets Hurt uBE Fellows' Leming's Essence ' But don't wait until an animal is injured. GET IT NOW -and you have the remedy that Ci RI;S all lameness in horses. If your dealer does not handle it, send 60c, to Nations( Drug& Chemical Co., Limited, MONTREAL 13 To Land Hien in a Week. t•:•',sec ut;,: ttt►;'ctii•' 1:::!I' tl:' The man who never made it success of aatht:rig i;'rs ;pre a ,. sir ,;;t„ of t ,r'•lll'.• - anything In his life always wonders why nlrtlt: nt l.hr' + I'i 1, t' hi' cola : , , ig." t' other hien do not hoed his advice. the Stell -behaved eoltiir'r. The p:: i'; Tho ()odor frequently works on an good, end the anldier is to be tai'ght 0 ; emptyy, stomach, triode while in the aet'vn 0, but ttpp;tr eatty something more remains to be done. When a man gives ten or fifteen of the best years of his life to the service of his country Its should have some kind of ns4111t11We that ire will not end up in the ivoittttottse, But its long its tilmes are good, work plentiful anal wages high the recruiting sergeant will have diffi- culty in Haring good mien to take the shilling, Hard times are the hest friend of the sergeant. •.* The snowfall about Winnipeg is the greatest for ten years, AN UGLY GUEST. The Spectre of Constant Jealousy Ever Present. \Vl►en a nits is afraid to remark at the breakfast table, even mildly and casually, that, from what he has heard, Cleopatra was at be:wttjful woman, it 14 fair to assume that the 415(tce of con• stint jealousy dwells in that household, When it wife fears to look at the luuun because she may be tt ti 'd of admiring the neat in it, the husband needs to Ir: gently reminded butt Its is taking a very rapid short cut to killing the love he seems to hold so sacred, Love is fed by confidence, trust, faith, and serene, restful reliance, but isorbid jealousy is a pe:ison of doubt, :.u'•picion and injustice tlult dulls the love it does not deaden, Jealousy is a disease that Cali be cured only by the subject, not by anyone else in all the world, No matter hew gentle, kind, forbearing, forgiving and tor getting the object of it may is', this in itself will not dere the attack. The subject wit .;c lee; t i•s t has swayed by fierce gales of jeabiu.sy angst first awaken to the folly of it, the injustice of it; must be conscious of the trail of bitterness and unhappiness it bring.; to both, must realize the cruel continued await on the tolerance, love, loyalty and patience of the other, :'all), schen the next attack cone's, seek by strength of will, by force of cha'acler, by every weapon in the aruwry of the soul, to kill the feeling. Jealousy must be killed in the thought, In the mind, the bttttle.grnund of the soul, nntst the fight of extermination be waged. lit the: thought ntu=t, the jealousy be neutralized by faith, conquered b; justice, and ta•ansferincd by trustful letwe into a restful, abiding ('01111 elx't' that only ah:oldie proof and vertanitt' of just eaese for joaiou-ly eao ever rcawakou.- 1Cilliaml 1'' a ,e ,Jordan II the February Delineator, {,'n•b." J .! s, ••'%. a'Aak for tho Purrrto Pactcuge," 66 RELIANCE) LIANCE 9' BAKING POWDER Makes Nooad Healthful. Costo Lona to Us:r. Given l3ot-tor rtcsutt& lrtsiat ora tho Clahulltsi. FREE CQAw!TiFUi, PICTURS: POT CAR() To anyono writing tis Annvrrring the fol- lowing erne.tions we will gladly send ub. solutciy •:Yeo, postsggo prepaid, a, set! of fuer of our late.;; eititlnn of l eautlfrll ! picture post cards lithographed in brill:ant! colors:- 1o. olors:-1oQ. Nana* your %recve. grid, tir.rno this paper. iNTERNATIONAL FOOD CO., T()v^OINYO, CANADA 9 sliw,R,r i,e,.emoriot'tl,ti.(40bRu9,doitliertbRNibRiiit.rW TO CC'Itl'; A GOLD. It is the eateicat thing in tribe world to catch a cold in these dory's of unsett- i unable weather. One does imprudent tlhintg,><s and. next thing finds onc'setif possession uf, or, rather, pos(sc.ved by, a horrible attack of grippe, .1i a rtl!e tho .•'Ul:];1(st r'c'tnedfcx for a cold. are the sna•e- L. Thom eh not'hiah for carrying off the cottgcst•ivn liken hot bath., ahot drink and a good) sweat. 1)0 this at, night. 11 neces•sary to go out next morn;intr, rub the body vigorously with alcohol n nil a '111 r!;;.all t o wet •bef cre v+enibura l:g fortth. 1t is of the ututoet 1uIporitatnee to avoid getting 'Milled idler the hot bath.. • 1f it is n tight. cold in the head, rub the bridge of the nose thoroughly with vaseline at night. This y'imple, reinexty sometimes workie like 1t ccs ta'm, Another efficacious method tis to riuiff up svanrnt salt water, Blit one must rvot go out right after this of the coal will be 'aaravaLcd, Rub 11 :little etttIiphoral cls erNtint on the chapped lips and it is:'. If tlica•e tate fever ,•)ones moisden a 'little powdered borne and apply. For the aching limbs a good rubbish witilt 'alcohol ,Irr spirits of camphor 1s 0 Cel:en1. It, is' of t'ite 'utmost lilnporiveat'e daring a cold to keep the ,system from beGscrnt- iiig el'Ogge'zl' 'J'1:,.' o! 1, :castle:; 111itvittty "Feed a cola! anal starve a facer," 'ii nyt- rspolaviblr, for nhilnybad complexions and prolonged, ee>•I/ls. I.she prup21' ritbotltod is to NI t Very 1i, lit.1y, card tvtm pa'rtrdal:;w fast. If you will use plenty of eitr.w'iIlI fruit in your diet, eat fresh f1.4s, (kink loot waiter on arising and) bef(It'e meals and take Raine Or kat gla:so., of water dlbt'- nig the day you wi''r1 be taking the best possiible inc.:h'nll•e to get rid of at cold: ♦ e 4► Craze for Mining Securities, (Savannah, Cla., ,Yews.) An authority estimates that not less than S1511,0(kt,00a has been invested in 'novo or less wen'titiess training securities this year since the beginning of the "craze" that has affected Now York, Chicago said other largo cities. That Is far more than 'was smile In the South African mines epcculation of a few years ago and loaves the "South Sea Bubble" ar behind. •„-4. '64 u, un.,•.':r •Ir•rr.'L's lr'•r, . }. Indispensable in Winter. There's a need in every home for nAY'SSYRUPOF EIJ 1 aPRUCE g '1 UM A few doses', at the first sign of a cold, will allay all throat irritatlou---take away hoarseness --sheds the inflammation-- streagthen the lungs -ward off the cough. All the healing, soothing, curative properties of Canadian Spruce Oam-cotnbiucd with aromatics. Pleasant to take. as chi. bottle. .irk, •. 1,/ • tgF'" T.,. . '.•,'•,•• •:,t .,I' l i ,l 1..,0:4,1 . ..• .•'),'4 „.1,. OBSTINATE FACE SORES REFUSED TO CLOSE FOR FOUR YEARS. Zam-Buk Healed Them Inside of Two Weeks. Have you some eruption, or fort:, or ulcer, or ground, on any part of your body which has hitherto refused to close, no water how treated? If to, that is a case for 2utn•1)uh, the great herbal balm. Tho herbal saps and "(acne's in this balm aro so powerful that they can heal the worst canes of chronic sores, ulcers, blood poison and skin diseases. Jars, W. I1, 'Taylor, oft North Ilay, Ont., says: "I had a scaly spot as big us a It's cent piece on my face for four years, and hardly n night during that time went by but what I applied cold cream, or some ointment or other, but It would always be there. I recently applied 'lam-Buk, and in about a week's time the spot had disappeared com- pletely." Jars. S. J. holden, of 313 Hannah street went. Hamilton, rays: "Jay little fort had a running sore on her leg which defied all treatment. 1 applied Zam-hast, and in about a week's tato the wound was closed.., ?1r, J,' It. Itatullton, of Thornbury, says: „The first Ztlnt-llult I obtained was for 0 fril:nd who had an obstinate sure on her temple. It had been treated once or twice by a doctor, and would heal up for a short time, but would break out main. Zion -Link healed it pcttnauctttly, and it Showa 110 S1 411 whatever of returning.,, Zang-Ituk is it sure cure for all skin di- seases and Injuries, such as cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, scalp sores, cold sores, clulpped hands, itch, rashes, tet- ter, face sores, cls. 1t is RLo an unequalled ratbrocatioa, and rubbed well on to parts �ife(•1ed cures rheumatism, sciatica, neur- al; in, colds on chest, etc. All druggists and ,.tore:; sell at fee a box, or may be obtalne.i lora free front Zion -link Co., 'Toronto, upon receipt of price. e6 boxes for f2.50. Bird S1aw htcr for Millinery. Ladies who patronize the use of birds' feathers in millinery may be interest- ed to know that certain species of birds are threatened with c::tinc'tiott by the pr•evai11IIg fashion. '11110 French organ h' \ - culteur reports that in one market recently, and 11 one sale, there were disposed of 12,000 liunlnling birds, 28,- 000 parrakeets, 15.000 kingfishers, 20,- 000 '0;000 aigrettes and irlany thousand other birds of gorgeous plumage. Germany sends to Lon(1011 every year 20,000,000 feathers to be worked up into trim- mings. The one hope for the poor birds is that the day nary soon arrive when to wear the feathers of wild birds will be deemed bad form. Nothing else can save then). The greater their beauty the worse their impending fate. --London Telegraph. 1.0 Verily, How? A tnktress said to her aurid one day, "Von must absolutely atop that perfectly awful habit, Sarith. of always trying to have the last word.:, "But how ami I to know when you have notbisg more to say?" answered Slums,--lfit rper's 'Weekly. 1• y } t(;nrakv.t caua,l;tt:.;,,;,f• , TRADE MARK ilEG15TCfEO, Ointment quickly cures Itching Piles, Eczema, and other akin troubles, Leo Corrigan, 475 Ferguson Ave„ N. Hamilton, had Eczema since childhood, Ho consulted speciaiifts-lay week and weeks in hospitals - and despaired of ever getting better. "I though/ Alba would be like other remedies i had hied," he aisles, "hug, to »ry o'ehr,h(, a few hours afkr 1he,d,it a,slicaliou 1 jell great relief, !that rvorked not/Mit/9r »u," Don't put it off -get a box of Mira Ointment al once and he relieved. Price 50c.-6 for $2.50. At d a' --or from The Chemists' Co, ei Canada, United, Hamilton -Toronto. CURED 13Y ROENTGEN RAYS, One of the Most Powerful of Therapeutic Agents. Charles Lester Leonard believes that the Roentgen ray is one of the most powerful of therapeutic agents, says the Medical Record. It should he adminis- tered with caution, and only by those wiio tare educated and competent to ob- serve it3 physiological action. Etperi- mentnl tstsdies have been confirmed by clinical experience, it has been demon- strated that this ttgeet 11014 primarily upon the lymphatics, destroying them, and localizing the disease, thus prevent- ing any spread or metastasis, 'l'Ite rays have beer shown to produce a marked increase in metabolic activity. They ret] - der it Very valuable service its (1 pallia- tive agent, lengthening life and allevi- ating suffering in eases of malignant dis eases. •s . a Bee Stings and Rheumatism. Bee -sting is is said to be good for rhea- matisni, but that is not the bee's inten- tion in administering IL The bee has other problems than those connected with the curative art. His intention is to lift his nasi out of position and he does it -unless the latter is intoxicated, If the man has rheumatism, no matter, The bee moves him at once by elitninat- ing 'acid fro mthe blood and arousing the gamiest leg front the lethargy of ages. It is well before annoying the bee to get your rheumatism established, because one bee -sting will lap over it good jenl of rheumatism and if you hove an insufficient supply of rheumatism to neutralize it, the bee in his earnestness is prone to overdo his part.--Mirroapolis Journal. 4a♦ Women and Their Hats, Alter a woman reaches 40 her hate all look alike, except a summer they tiro trimmed with ribbon and flowers and In winter thoy am trtmmnrl with velvet and feathers. UNWILLING TO PAY TWICE. Parishioner Gives Reasons for Not Con- tributing to Pastor's Support. ":1 good woman just greeted mo warmly and told inn she had rend n great ninny of my speo.'hes, so was looking forward to my nddrttis," began lot) ker 1'. 1Vaslungtou the other night in ,t tall: to the New York Universalist chub, That places me rather in the predicament of an old southern (Jerky doW11 in Alabama, who had been coudnetittg a good church work in his little village for tetany years, 11is work prospered and his congt't'gat ion stayed by dint, but finally word carte to 111( that 1 was needed down there to: stttle solve difficulties, "1 went down and found that the .cn1• gregnlioti, like runny others more pre- tentious, had been falling behind in the nliltisler s salary and finally itad refused altogether to pay It. Well, 1 talked it all over with the good brother and called a meeting of the congregation for that night, '1'lite) I got. clown to work nrtd told their how Brother Jackson had 1;])en1 the best years of his life toiling with them in season and out. f pictured the good he had done 11,1(1 the sacrifices he had ntnde for uterus "Aly audience began to get warmed up and I saw that I had them ail with inc except one old fellow near the bark of the litil, log church, who managed to keep his b itbrim always in front of his face and whenever I'd get especially earnest he'd grunt out: "'Ain't. going 10 pay no more salary. Ain't goin'to pay that minister no too',' ",So, at 1'ngtb, I said to hint, 'l;rother, corse up here where we eltn see yoll and then tell tis why Brother Jackson should- n't he paid for Itis labors here,' "The old, fellow straightened up in his seat, took down his hat from before his face and answered: "'1Vt11. sub, Brother Jackson's all right, hut we (lone pay fo' them same sermons las' Peas,? " state --that is, the people in general -- 4+0 once did ow the land, but bit by bit MARTYRDOM INSCRIBED. the powerful and uttserupulous wrested It IIigttun pan '1','1!s glow tlo Sufterctl and Mott' igo toast Garai. ISSUE NO. 4, 1907. AGENTS W ANTED, al,......w......................, .1.... --•- LOCA L Agent Wanted for this district to sell Immediately a block of stock to tin tnventnite L proposition having responsible direct- ot•s and assut•na(•e of largo profits. Commission mild. References regalrod. Particulars furnished on application by letter to E, DACOP1TT, 921 Traders plank Bldg., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, Mrn. Winslow's Soothing Syran should al- ways. be used for chRdc.:a teething, it soothes the satin, noodles rho gums, cures wind colic and Is the boat remedy for diar- rhoea, R. LrROY'S PDMALE PILLS Auto, euro sues rel,auln monthly rep's. tor. 'l (teen elite havn been used In Fnmos forot•cr any years, (111 !••rod Invaluable lar the pmpoeo (eitgnod: nod aro gl arta• t,ad by the maker,. `glow stomp iter sunt^d circular. 1'etb. (LW 'rte )lox of by runt securely srr.tet1, un rce.•fpt of you Lid AOT PILL CO.. Boz 4E, Hamilton, Canna& Applying the Argument. Ilefore a great fire of logs in llelicou hall, the seat of his utopian colony, Up- ton Sit►clair one snowy night talked of the injustice of the private ownership of land. "Just as the state owns the streets," he said, "so it should ow•n the land. The "Por years 11 mar- tyr," is how Cants., 11. Powell, of 105 Raglan street, Kingston, be- gins his story. "A martyr to chronic constipation, but now I am free from it 11)1(1 all through the use of ( IfAs, II. P05VELL Dr. Lconbardt't, Anti• "1 wits induced to try Allti•I'ilI by reading the testimony of someone 'vim had been cured of eontstipattion by it. I had suffered for eighteen years and bad taken tons of stuff recommended as cures, but which made me worse rather than better. Doctors told Inc there woe no cure for rue, 1)r, l.eotlhardt's Anti - Pill cured 1110," M1 dea.ler.s, or the Wilson-1"yle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Somewhat of a Steerer Himself, "Kin ,ye tell me where 1 kin find a bunko steerer1" asked the rural visi- tor. "No, I can'•t," answered the policeman. "What docs yez stela twid it bunko steener, anyway?" "Eve done spent all my money, but if T kin find a bunko Winn he'd be good fer a dinner, b'Losh 1" •.s Stopped Him in Time. "What, etre you taking for your cold?" "Nothing." "Nothing? Bate 1(1y dear feiloty-----" "Nothing, 1 say, not, even ttdvire, Flue day, isn't it?" -Cleveland Leader. it away front thele. Suppose, wiser now, 1110 people should try to wrest the land bac;: again? Dear me, what a howl would then go up. 'A tramp was one day strolling through a wood that belonged to the Duke of Norfolk. '.['he duke happened to meet him and said: "'Do you know you are walking on my hold?' "Your hand??' said the tramp. '\Nell. I've got no land of try own, so I'n► oblige:1 to walk on somebody's, Where, though, did you get this land?' "'1 got it from my ancestors,' said the duke, "'rind who diel they get it front?' con- tinued the trump, "'From their ancestors,' said the duke. "'And who did they get it from?' ""1'hey fought for it.' "Come on, then,' said the tramp, fiercely, ars he pulled off his '.oat, 'and I'll fight yon for it.' "But the duke, retreating hastily, de- clined to accept this fair offer." ♦,, Heavy Cost to Fanners, (Dotrot Free Punas.) It was noted•taat year that tho potato hug war/ !l rural luxury that Cont 35,000 000, while 1110 army worm $15,000,000 without worry- ing tho crop reporters particularly, The boll weevil ds a po,o00,coo a year peat and tho 1lccsiun fly averages twice the tu»ount. San tats scale comes at 310,000,000 a year when not marked down by good luck, the codling moth nt ;30,000,1100 and the doapfsod grate+hopper accounts for an agricultural lout of $0,000,00O, Tho fanners lose a total average of 5100,000,1100 a year through lrisev- tivorous pests, which is threw Haloes the annual cont of the navy and enough to pay tiro 1>enntoa budget twko over and have a ba:tnee that would ton►4)t ItockoteiloP. We Inuit have prosperous farmers to stand it, p••••• r'r, 01 01 01 01. _.. _ 0101 .w�--------m-r-...+-.0101.... (.501&:01 ,,44' ,t'-', .,:,,01. i, NO MONEY REQUIRED Think of it, s beautiful Be of Blue Pox, tiro meet ntthlonublofur worn, given absolutely free. Such at offer wan never tondo before. The only reason wn exit afford to do 111s tInt wo arrongod for those handsome Fun; due:op 11:e(MU ceaun !tt thn summer and not them near) at coot, '17n huff fa 41 h close long, nearly 4 inches wide, mad° of the handsomest Blue Pia Nur, very rich, soft motile , It Is warmly padded lined with the memo Shndoof natal and .ornam ,ttu4 with (out long t&llnof Illuo Fox atop, Each a handsome Pur has never beforo been given away, and you cop get It no easy, Just send us your name wit arldrers. plainly, end we will mall 0 boxes of our famous Ve('otable New Life I'tIts nt 25c a Conditions of the Blood tlIndigfestiont Impure Trooi lr, Constipation, Weak,," , Nervous nteordsra, nhoupptstlam and Pemalo Ttnubtn,1D It mond Tonic and Life Baiter. These are our revular Loc sire', thny Jiro only tosell as each customer who buys n box n( Pills from you recelven a prize ticket which nntWUen thorn to a tine piece of Illver- enre. Don't ml.n the chant, of Your iI(o, !lend 144 y'ottr ender andwowtIi send the 10 boxes mut Prize 'rickets by watt We willlmendvylou seta yi°ande rnes11(onFax yids ell chsrgns paid.Wrltr'tn.day, Address's lie Neto Lire o ,,t ' n 71'osti)II (i nnita, 'i',tf4Sit.i=ti7, ►t: 71713591digAhylr�3II! .... ,.............., .+............-. ,+ 01 01 ...,« ....••••10. ............... 0101•a 4..! '.4 ".w. ,..n,.' ,•0101,..,.•" .r .4 Pik RILO Fit UL MUR Ask for 1 �MS"S SAFETY MATCIIIES FOR HOTELS, WPARTfEOUSES, HOSPITAL!,, ASYLUMS, ETC. i WAX • • • l � Pulll tt'14'I';, eight III 1111, lIll'I:il'4 III( x11111' / p tpail,(' III the ark. '1 he folitiwiUg hrenolo p t is }went by Dr, Newhall:l LLRRR 11AJJl.. 1 V "Flood 001050011 Ui on' the,' 1 701 dt v Of 211d month (chap, vii, I1); 1hx t►rk float, ;?.:E .N:':li:_t.:i. LESS:O.1 V, -FEB 27111 day.:h':l morph 4'(l..li);nrl; rest;, 17th day, i lh month! (rill, 111; mountain lops seen, 1st day, 10tH month (viii. 5); raver sent ant, nth day, 11tH ninth (viii.; 11) ; dove sent out and returns, 14th (lily, 1I lb orb th (viii. 8); (love sentout and returns 'w'ith leaf, 25th day, 17th month 1Viii, 11!1; dove sent, tint and 4004 mot return, 2nd xray, 121 11 month (vlti, 1''); face Of irornd dry. 1st day, 1st month of new year (viii, 13) ; oronnll - fully tlrv. Noah leave; n1'!;, e lh d;�v, 211,1 A Marvellous and Triumphant Record 1110111 h (viii, .1•1t1,) 'Ili .Teo' ' h Ilmu' year of Victory Over Disease. e1 n,i::fed of 11,51 dors and if this i; in- 711)..,1:t n• 1'n(!r11 �I';di r(0ltlifUd (n the nrk i0;t it color yx;n'-ilii 40 ,." 'I'lu' f71st I(in' No medicine hoRever effected ns lnt'gn Ih 10,1 after H., w'onderfl(1 prl :crtn a number of wonderful and almost alar• II ' 3, 1007, 1'4'; 1 ::I :he �'.r':, -(sen. xiii, z 16, ;, (;((1 I'l'lllelllbl:ri(ig :�1..- (• 1; 1;',1'i';,I..or,:1 :(uaii • .I ,' . tea :it t!I.! arl:; 1011- at, 011 at ; "t" 1'I'„l,(l'il 1 Iltli(j to 111111, all I I::'; 1.,l, •.r".I :'1• his reowill- l)l;,l,: l..lm, ; u::,tr;ll;_I' Vier(; ml jar;;• 1!I , I,1'• r, the sa(r11 family', and :111 ;:1 , ; 11 !011 011;1 tl,l'RI, come into 1!t '1'110 tokens 111, .'all ,' arc new 7.01'11, )il'11114 i'o (,;:i. :. t'1 lir: 11:(' 1;111(1, 1111,1 01100 lin 114.0r,1r 11;)' l;trill fur the habit a" (('',•1 t.1 1,1:1,1. :•1.0:(11 -•Noah 11.113 1,1111 tion i ; ,...1'!I ll: til;! till;li generation front 1.0 11110 .u!' `:0th, 114 was I;.,; •, 'cu ;(: s befurt the flood and lived ;1.:t' ',us after it. . l i'Ie a tvint6 -11ud (mt.!,: Lou, dried up all Ca. %voters in 00 (('t:,l:.l, !,:lt !1'c rLm: c 11( 'mplul• natural too: „. , .\ 44;1 i. uat'e t.. p1( ; moor the,i :rt':, 1x0,011:'( .1 1::,t 1,ilu1 by (('Mich apt etal,..r,,tioa .4"11'11. h; 1:riolnt•III, 2. .. , • \VlI1'1u4Vd , . , , st'.nplu'd I'(1 .'.til; .i',i'p,'d, the elUti,l; a'c.( dispcll• cl.. ,,,,.1 t!a' \\otters were drained off into :=:•u.( front the higher };runnel, v:rre mode' for Ihe10, \\'hen 11'n,l' • Ie.:t•1.',se; were tic;;)ulpti;hed it tea 1', 41,1 111.11 ; , 1'4 I1',r1.:l ;1.m rob' ;lo t., „ . l; to rani; winds, fenllli1ills of Coo (!,•'p 0x11 w'irl4ews I.f heaven are all ,''. 1'1.• 1'iocosa1. ;t. Ilunllred and (If Cy, list',, t 011. ;are clieloor iii, '24. There IS 3: :i!^(' :1' (f ol,ilrwun a1. to vrilrtller 1 111 : ':1011:1 he ;1.1'1:',1, in:ll:ing a, total Of 11)71 '1::4•:. 1):t Iili- point Authorities ;1('c (lit:1 ' evenly alkide'!. 'I'Iri= much we 1:17 .0 Iowl'V'►', I:IGt frrim the dime in'' reit the alb until it re -tell or the nio:•ntail;5 I f .'1x.1.;0 w:is live months, or 1511 ,1.14x, ('1•n'lt:lre (110110,1•;•, vii, 11, 711(1 4111. 1, ".11.0.11 11'1;x1',! to the forty days' reiq, it yr•'!IIC pl'1lt (•('1.1:15,1 111;1; til(',i(! 44x1"' not udl!i1ji t:1l lo, 11111. part of, th( 1511: 00411 of Ow 111'1'1 ;111'll('l' 0 11!L' Howl." „ • 4. Ji•'t.. ;lin; 1',f .1rar,lt---\ legion 110::x1; ill 1.::e nii,ldl of .1rn::a:,;e, le4cu 11("V (.l;!1' 1 '•'" the -\r1111'lelall; .11•:11'01, (01 tIR ;: matins of 4:14111 file :11'1: of 'Noah 1'l• !;•.! :.'.!1((t in;e; wool in n w'idcl• sense ;17.1 t':: w'lud(1 of Armenia il,;e;f. linin. .\; the (Irving, whit most pruh:lhll' (;ti'1 frill the ea -4,. ul,rlh, it i; likely l, 11111 the :7x1; lou; (trifle,' (("04.1 hill\'1. \1x5;0, a::!1 caultllf land on some the r,:7i"17 111 1170 I:uphrall's•1 11 i cannot,17 h( .)111po,.1'll that it rested. r 11 r of 1 hl' ;I, lI:`) flr't1' caller} Ararat, s Ararat Ira ;l '.''(1111 r; , not 11 mount. F(r,n suitable for tl(e4i'alt• 5, 1)cercase([ 1'I 'hill'plt\'. t'1 a .1.4011 11(I'rra•rrl for tw'(e i`Illlntll, 7510[ Ihj)';.'rI l!11y'`; a1.. 4'10('1l lino I the n.!'11Itui7', \vel4' !wen. , 11. The r:lv'•u :71'0[ the r1o4•' (4s, t;•1'_). (]:1y'.-i'r0:nh►y fort( d:'.ys 1I'11111 ho time ill" loos 11f the umount:tin,: ' •,'1•,1 t rah ')'!swish (;e(l !lad i. at 11, (bt Ilu.,11 4; 1(!!!:I term `:'alt wh1'( 1001x' l•01�11 (1) 1 1101", yet 110 hall Ina i ' 11,0 lin;c �.'he►1 thlr ("atcr:1 \',',)lull (fl,,,l;l1 11 1,l' Of tilt' QGl'lll'.'1' 1:110%.1(d1f(' 1(t' 11117 wl1V, 110;3 411111,0 ht 01' 1411;1111 moose 0111y to ;r7'`li111111 curi,l,,!t,,', awl the conte:fling ►t iron) w'c 711:1 I,'.'rre the purpose of testing Ili, 1't:ilb and p•1.; ie:7ce." R11y('ll,lin. . . to\told "r fro --"(loin,( forth 0011 (stall t•,in• 'I'h,7t 14, I:(,i:7;, away from the art; tool r,'t7u'ning to it, settllll;; upon but alit catering. into it. '1'hl' raven may r(t•'e Ogee) tlh;uulllnl ):u;l•!nt4lce from rho fi::ain,! ('areas:ler', s1( that it needed ootru';1 to the nrl; for food, This 1,101 :; 1,57':1 ''f death, fulling I6 Congenial liiiiot' I.I ill+`. 'iat''rl' F1'lIdt'111e Of the ::nt, 1'tilul'i;ut t1 n, 11„ 14 0. symbol 1(i joilg- r.:('7,1.:01.! toroth''--•:ocw'hall, 'a, Sent frrlli a duos--L'rOhabl,y ;a'l'so d:ii'=; :tiler 1110 1'at•."n had been sent, forth, ',for, (t'r'io 10 state.; that 110 waited yet "lith r''' er4en llu4:!, '.rebs duce, ttnlflcl Il . r::ren, at(; his only tvh"I•e it) is clean) PRA1SE lion 11'ns to build an altar t" (L•Il. villous cures as 1 dychino, 1t bus had ono I:untimuuue record of victories over cli::ev(' 1'L.\("I'IC.114 API" 1, "''1'11)"", es o[ the throat, chest, lungs and l;tontnch. 1. Nmuh renu'nil,ered, "told rontoinlo'red 1Vl,cro' doctors 1Htvo pronounced ('ilr,c4 \null. „ mod all', .' (('11 him 171 the ;1('l;" i(ourablo from eonstlnlp(ioa and other (v. 1), 'file 1.01(1 Ir),„ „hot, N11111 ine1( di! 1•".;�tinl! dhcaee9 I'aychtsteps ill ;17101 nor fln•:ml Hint, Cod never 'f"r,'et, ill'! r0:cuas ntunbelleys people even from tbx least, of His children; He is never oft. ','Ory v. rge of tile grave. Congl)s, ;.inll 11 of the.' ('Srl•llm .t 1:1.. 1 t':'": :.I •' Catarrh, tironchitis, Chills, NightSwt'ate, ill and the trials they pass thrulfgh I,t Grippe, Pneumonia, and other 151:0 (1101!. iv, 151, Tho hairs of our bend 1 nnihlc,l, all of which are forerunners of ;Ill limbered (Matt, x, 30). (1071 (endo• Consumption, yield quickly to the, cru' hers everything about lois blood -washed, Live powers of Psychlno. pardnucd children except their sin; (1Ieb, Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured, ,, 1 7). 1\'ell might the prophet exclaim lmtkes the following etatcrnent:. in (yonlef, "11'hn (s 11 4 ,1(l 1j13;1701(4' lemma( refrntn from telling all wvlln fitll7rr „ Int thy remarkable recovery with I'syeldue, ,n ';'hex? (lliral7 411. l', l!),1 ( April l:!Irl,Irelight a heavy cold which mitre) I. '1'111' x;1111 ('x0;:051, "Thi' rain fill 111 x11 aly 1111.031:1(.l gradually led to consumption. (V, 21. nuAfter 1 111'7111;not s1l.e1p, h(, 11 ep, tiket t0 night nt5e((r1c' errtti1, h' (voters yi!1'I 11': hundred,1I1 11•I:.1ruIreC 6tolvea151xd, m);hdufoicytor ;11111 f iI; 1' days ((;ell. vii. •21 ), 0:111 When: t I';rtii.V'lerintl C11UTeh, recommcnlleti Dr. 8lnr',;rit',1 tro:lII1 nal 11 (41 1)1'1.11 :;trait''!' it Noah had ! 11!5'',{nl'lUttl(, whCll I w (( 111'!ng it! 011hari", I,�.I , l:s)'0hlnc for n short (Imo 1 all: and i(e,;lln l0 question w•hclher (he flood (<I'7.) ((((4, thenlghts4vcntAand(Io1(^,hrrn�c'd, 41)1)111 11m1' he 1"' 1' t her" c:l the a ale.ltic; n;1( l stoppped taking l sycj)ine, us [ 4ms "1c1n11 , I;411 :eat ' st r1,u" 4VIIa1 a('1O 5 (:'(rally rcalored to health and today I ne4'er lett hotter fu 1071110, Psychlne has been a (7011• 1 hi, 41.7l e'1.4 (1•, 1 1. '1 111! U;Ifn:IOty.; e1 4:011 to a1C. bins, ANLI011V CA241'ar,l 1,, 11"'14011• sit long open, herr'(' (1(130(1 (v. 2). • ;,,Cotton)yoed, 1':le '04('1.5 re;0::0'41 front off the earth PSYCH ENE never disappoints. (4. ;;(. .1ud soul ee:ne Ole sweet pro- l'.VCI1INEhas nosubstitute. n1. Ili( nliy(' 1(071 (v, 11), 110!1 111(x0.111 I10 other medicine "Just as !i; d Esso pr:'•;t'lft, though int•isihle; his good." (115.1 upon 1110 holm; 1(10 power baffling At alI dealers, 50e, and $1,00 per bottle, d,r,lger: his voi"r calling the. purifiedtf not write to 1:1111 11 11 i'e4nrrcl•t4010, (:nd renu'01• ?fl. T. b, SLOCUM, Limited, 179 11111 St. V/., TORn1TO h. 1'01 Noah," _'. 'I'1:e :1 r:. r.'•4l 011, (a I The time (1'• Dr. Root's Kidney Tilts are a surd I a the 1(r!; 1'1. 1111;,' on 11;,' ,"','rill: eatll ;1)14! I)', 7 fl art itt Cllr( for Rheumatism All') (11' \Iia;(, w1' have :1 figure of ('laid is 'resurrection. The seventh rur,lth 115 the civil yr:0' i• tier :;.:Ili( 01; (!Ix 1`ir44 111011111 of(hc roliginu.s year. 0111' 1.11:11 1•(15,' 11'1011 (11" gravy' on (11e anoivei.sa!'y of the resting of the lu•k. The :'!; cu:dallied bili! for the earth that thou was. The Lord Jesus brought lift' :1:1'1 iile'erruption for th0 earth that 11011 is, (h) The proles, (v. 4) ---"Ararat. is 7(:obably the 11111 41117110 for the region In the soilll,,rr part of Arr.le'nia. here '11 of ((('w 1('00110!1-iii'gii11, , 111003 him snece((twl cosmos •beent131! of Sill; a114! 107..0 nlnre.olt 0f the destr0ctio0 of the f'l(.d !eoliths` to appear it renovated 11, i\nah', measengurs, 1..1' raven (vs. O, 7). '1'110 1'!14(11, an "eitil ielll of Satan," 's :1 type of (a) Unclean hirliS, ":141 aI.U111111:I1iQ11 .... 1';IVl'll" ((.11'. 1:I. ]11, 1 )) '1'510 1'111'('1!, 114 :711 1111('115111 bila, would :11ny away from the ark 11( feed o1( eat•- (, ,sea (t taiglll find upon the waters, 11) I:ehclliuls natures, "Natures that (13510in :(11 refuge in Cod, and are pot - 0 101 1 11' er•011011i4' rest((,, like the birds \t'hick fly al'mllt the (;olden Horn, and known by the people as "lost souls," (e) The trot). - :Jell spirits of evil "thin find no rest (4011 in the pleasures of sin, but aro dl'ivell front excitement to excitement in l!:e 117111, endless pursuit of pea('e," .1 dove (4s, S, 14), 1'?.) The door is 1'.IIo':l,l(l sending forth of lhc.d1V( lypl• :cl "ohilden1 of the doll• tipitit." . lie.':, the di:;pen=aunlls ejt' the "''piril. (:r) t!4 11111 .:;11111 4501'111 and finding no resting place. 1114 (1•,40 1.::,011 444 rest 1''.11' Ili.' sole nt. .I •'I' ;,,:. "t'. l'. III. -The illy... !1 ('1,40 5'11.11, ,'anoint 1,0111' dirt. If it 0411.; its feather's! 1•11' :7 little it )'hes to 111e fountain and t!ii.rl doll' in and sets itself 1.0 1110 salt, Il tlres,c; its felIlller, till the. oil 1yllick 'lull finding 1(o dry place on 5,001x4 (11e;11 glossy is out upon (heal, 11, and f, will not stop fol' anything' until it has wiwide!'to alight and nothing fit for her I food,' she instinctively returned' to the done this. It may h( hungry, but its, ('.17111(1(1' from w'hieh she was sent forth. must 4,71(1. 1111(11 It I') delta." Let' '' seven (lit 4 ^"llcl'C' 1;>i have Hy noel -ion of „tile ;Ioly (^till'' -11:11,','.10; Yet other set 1 y ! 71C 12 is a clear ;illusion Ili L1111 I1:::h will enable un to he"in the. world, 1111,1 la 11t h::t not of the world. ''Let us, u4 0515• sevenfold division of tine, the wcelc, u period which Ares adopted by. till !the zen;4 c1' heaven, abitl 'ilu'l`hri.;1, :111 1 twhilo' �'.h'!i 1410. races, 11., 411 1s;r ptinns,.h Lite 7541 1nl, With t11e' world finh'n0'•114t• " 11551119 ns' Ile balcic,ils alt 511x1, 1171(1 reeur11 o4'er"to 0(11'. ntl(edilg. (.111.5.,0 and 1 1.4000 in Him." (1l T7n4 Spirit in Jesus' then) is history extends, It i probable 1 tlr,)t 550011 on the sabbath sent forth ministry, proclaiming peace to a lost 1b( r;lxe,: it:ul the door, in ()evilest.l;r((I, '"rhe dove came 111...111111 11(! to 1'x01 :;r providential n seekingilh ,hull :1 too; ,4el mina leaf" v, 11), 0)1%(1 le(tf---'.1110 •olive 1U,,1%t. Il; bird of in}'l! 111111 '.011'1)11 ` x,,,. III 1 , lixr1l J�1el;, vii. 16), (11(ng U'`(:i>• }iuty out 1.Zs^lcale:s cren. if cul�cred > ,.' �•'.. ' 4xith note'(. \VIlen he saw the ffes1111, 7',' elo`tr7cterize:3 thb't'lpiri1 of ][int whose },l0ekr,l leaf Noah knew tlutb at least, -1'140 1110(1(1flim a 1(0111 1(l' sorrows in nn the tops ()f the 07(10 truce were above 1 anvil' world, (e) The Spirit coning at . ateetist to dwell in believers (Ads. 0. (lw water. This olive leaf was an cul• 1 ,) .1 "'the ilii4c..,,rcturned not might" 1110117 of the restoration of pence between :1.'(u Ute ark (4, 12). , Coil and the endth. It was the first '' ' sign of the earth's resurrection to life, 111, -1'nnh rcicnsel1'(1a;'eJ3rl );'' "Kron► :1 )robahl ' from this circumstance the beginning of the ruin 11711i1'll►e dry - W473 it 1 } y ltl; of the earth was just Il year. Not0 that the olive brunch has become the 1',l nlbml of peace among all (111(0zcd 1111- 1'01%403the llrolnulenec of lie number seven in 1007:4, 11(1(1 t• 1e (101'0 the +ellll)Ielll Of ilio' 10, 12; lisle. vii. 4; 1•ceigllition'of I.he division 1(t' the time into weeks (Uul. Ins s,enger ot peace, • 12, Ileal rifer} 1lOt-` IL}", ;1). Even so the ark or Christ shall :Noah dent forth the dove three times. (1. day Mod'V('Il its I(' 144' freight 1(l' 1'c• The first time it speedily returned; the (1 (1' del NollIS o1( t!(e hills 1(t '(10x1" second time it returned bringing with it ,), (•••1s ' I,1.• l 11)7 olive leaf, un(1 the third (Arnett,went .l 1'1': \earl's altar (y,20). "Noah built .forth to return no more. :1'110 dove is :'u altar and offered 010,41 boasts nod nu emblem of a soul, whichfinding no (dean ,fullld as 1.y sncrifieti fo''.yin, Thus rest or satlsfaetion, in this' 91111011 �\voild, tarry .itf fi;itie' nv(l tyllo•''rlid'i(lntl set rel:urns to CIt11s( 119 1.;n itll in, As'Nliah forth the til ichtutental "'truth,' brought put forth hili baud owl took the dove out more fully through the prophet into the axle, 110 Christ will graciously,, imilila 17••".;;;in• lie wrote of Christ" (Ise, reeeivo those olio conte to Hint for rest, (ii), 5,' 0), III. Noah leaving the nrl: (vs. 13.10). V. y;1,1111 rewarded. As the smoke from N0011 waited another month after the t}1,, ,ll.l(11 1(t' burnt' inccuge ie stiiol!d, clod dove..lyns,'sent out'tho ,Inst time before rare'•.1110 new(.. noutiliu, of .,de► ii ilufce I'euibving tiro eovering of the nrk,.and:it '' � 4'1 •.1Ile '1''1 tiiLt;er' van ,d :e was nearly e, f. (. ..l), 11 Is eOtt)n en ly ,two". months' longer iefot a the , earth was fully dry. 16, 10.�(lod R7)l ke. x1,11 grVvitove, The erigrht(o s odds' covenant Go forth -Nath did not lune the ,ark tilts ,11i0,11e;1('t. of trod, It 1.c because until the direct command eame'•'from Cnll,'onducRq, not because of the re - God. Although he could probably see 1(0 formation of the world, that )here will reason for delay still he pntion'Lly wait- ed for Jchovnh ,who .shut the door,.,to never be another figoai.,,,\''.'•,0111b- that huh, needed lead him.'fo)'1h., Prom:ve('s'e 10 wu-:,se01 a )311C1'tf14[',,f Ll'1'. 4,'1153. 18 ;0 i/ S'nI1a that N�a11 `nal ; his three ,•,sons,.•Shontf,•'inn '1R g► to uai.,ii t owed ,by' us," Ilan' and PnplieLli, together ''With their '(»orks are an evideni'e'a! salvaf-line, nut f.•:"r!''7it'S [l: e`;1Sls, i'::llt lit 1.7K; L'r(ck and nil forms o; Kidney Trouble. 25c per .::I it 1(1', !l1.' said it Ri 7.1 i , :nal I' I I`:IIIi'll t �I !;''. 'r 11.1,' ' ..:.�+, ...... ...»., hill . I Illf''I':III. SUSPECTED KILL. ilAD SLUGGISH LIVER AND INDIGLSTION }?LNir INSPECTOR TOLL) PRE:31DENT 0.'' BANK. • I3ILEANS , EFI' ECT1:I) A COMPLETE M:Gill Was Then Approached --fie CURE, 1.V')tlld Ser, "Later tin" -•And the P':esidcat and Inspector. Didn't Like Ti Ii1 or 11111141.1101)1)114', 'ideal's roll! to Persist, • anti Suspicions Were I;;,' I(4t'r, '.\ rIn.!1.,•h 1(1(1 1.0 a►1 ''U( Lt'I!^'1 \1i11.r1 Lists. !!'•1 In l'm11,111Hr11m11 1(1111 1I141,'Lt'lloll," ;,14'11 :,I I'1.. 1'1';1111';',1 (il'v('lo', of Earl `i ol'u11.0 110•,illr'!1: ( 1;11'1'^, 1144;1:1, 110'• t.4.l'1, 111(:!nlmi;, 111;1., ''I 11'11 (;ail ;Itld , , .e.,t 5x:;111':"•'1' I,f 111' I )IIt,1, 1•' '11'1 p1', 1431 no el'eCfr1• w'll:lll'l l'1• fl,r Ivul'k i;,. 1!,, t1;:; •;', : 1''•7' yr!'en 110' (' :I; and 71•,'x1' moo 4.0) (!00in 1 hood ;1 bad ;tt• :,1;1'11 71•'011!111 N'.•ti 1'4,1;1111'11 I:1 the 7'114',' la.'1: 1.1 bilioo.,neso 1'111! food 1 ale Nl11'411• this :waning. (.I 11' lir 111':1(.4• e:t JII ..41,1110011 earl did Yu., it, 11. ('l111•,4,II, now. of. the 1!.r;,'I mix 1(u ;'.,u'!.. I Idol \Vhlel 41)1,1 cramps in 1::1111;. 11111. Ill,oect+'t' 1(1 '(11e 1l:i1,IrI, 111.' 1,111IIa(:II owl 11x141'('14 frr,ni the food I;t'.li: a1 ill!.' 1111'' Ilf ill'' :,111'11 14',1; lieeollllln`illg. 'il0' constipation 11':19 91) lo -.1:14''; lritln'',, , 11:'.1'111;! ;Irri',!`.! 11,1'11 11:e1 th;t1, 1111 11044(114 bad 10 7(' forerd ll'e..\11 1.111,11 111 Iil(diVincs ()CiN.1 to tc,t(f 11(i((!, hot nulhlr!'r 111(1 11(!' :1111' lasting„ „Was illi lel lull'{ ,:1111 lm Coil 111.1:i 111',l :!!.1411 1)1(1i1 1 put 1;ii(all14, 1 1104'e never le'4111111 (111:.'1`1.. ,7,41!ti 11,'045 Ullll''''' !0111,1 ;1x111711;11' to '5111:11 tlaelf17 '1111'1• lir, ('oekbut 0.' hoc7T' '.11111111 14.14 yore, e •:.'.' •" I I',4v ,lid question "The I'l'c.,ilert ,4),(I I 1.,e I 111:11 the;, 114111 hr 111;'.;(1!'.1;11 ,1 111,71,•, \\'hu spoke ;!h'.11t it fiat . :1 •I;"!1 I11, \1'or-111.1,•. „\\'e 1;4(114' togel;rr 111 branches, :1(1,1 Ih.' I:eI!'r,11 .11;111.1:! .I ,;.01;1'11 of ill N f;''11:'1':11 4t`:!; 71;,1!1 the re ,0ll,llldlll' 1'I'.:tlr'2 all It 1'nu!, ,',7L't' , f i:.,„ x•.111.1, ;, rill";ills imps( t(7'. ,1011 !'Ir. ('uelu,:u'll1l\' mal theta :'I!. '!'115s is surely 1)'171'7. 1!1:7' 1a1•U1'r I,, .'I•'rs for 101;111• "'1\ 1:44 was iii'' I'I"Illi': ' :10110. 111'4 !!:'ll!l-:'4 ('-u' 'o'in-! "2ii1'S :11111 (1 :11• "I 'v,.•nt 11( 'Air. ',I((a11 and ,(-4:0,1 11110 (I;:* 441111 tach ';,';ml:;(41) ili)im'l11'1? (ole aeu1:•. to !Ill' l)eui:n Of 17117 74 '' 1 (7r11„1elst 4 ;11:07 44,7.1', F;'ll I;11x:1118 :1 t. .dk'. office'," 111'1' 1.141, or '.h;ain;dde frail 1150 liilcnn \\'hat 'lid .''11', , llrt:111 !Tidy?' a-.;1' 1 ten„ Toronto, up;,n le(.cipt of price. 6 1.l. ('irrlr4, hu",•s for :;'?.••",11, \Vrite for free sample, "'I 4441 .41717 1744' I'r(5ider(,' or 'I oil) stooling a ore cent stamp. ' to it 10(04' or„' '.4:1. (('hat lit,-Ilc'tiil! ;'� �1,� (j f�'jJ�� COFFIN R)UN'D "Jlr. 1101:511 I;new )hal. Ile. ('nrl;hurn It 11:11 uuthll'iird full to inwpeet the? 110(41;..4 The Galley Slave. (I'ra,m tbo New, °rleuiis 'rltuns•Demoardt•,' 1' welcome toJbge; 0 sloop, Not thl}t (by power • doth keep Me from the memory and the toll of day; For bo it day or flight, • Ur sits* or waking sight, 1 labor at the oar the selfsame way. But In the night what strength, What stroke of wondrous length(' Wit what a splendid and victorious sweep 1 drive the vessel on Toward the wafting dawn Through huge and hollow, roaring sous of sheep! There C011105 110 wearinees 'fo make uta slackun turns, so mnster'a voice Is boating In (nine earl; I fro( 1(o ehrtlu or throng, troug as a god Is strong. 1 0117)' with labor, debt to hopes and fears! "'l1( L,''nn In ,}., or, 1111 and in the19111511 acres.; my face froth 007140 4110 dawn's first trace; eit11 mired ole. !-"inr:, lt,ing• them 1 feel Wilat weariness, what ',Tier about to break! 111:c a 4itf'•r( 111 ',v,niun, Iain l,rl„I!t I Ah, how I hate the sun, :ul'I 100, nut. ill 1.1.5x115 n •t dull and Atm toy caalrndes every one, = God (1ho'a asleep and he'll forcer awake! a; 11(:,:.0 to h 1 L 1( 4' e. r t lily 1'Lrl'rV :11'.! II1'tl'.ity 1,,l'l:, :!(1,1, 1!) fillet, 1111 my 0lllll,'l114 have e1''l1!e11 Let li;l.".11lri.'r 1 •1:i';;:I ; ;:I.O a 1•'104.:4 5"'7 1'71 I'enic,1!' :11e! 111x;'011' !T'oil'e on liver :7e11 `11.!1:aril. I I ' .::,1!;c', ''0I t'!•Il:ion hilie11411e1'5, fill' !1:1::14 511 t I: aIle -t Iln(1 I,au!;, wiiul lr,'in.; and !'ii.'<in •. :1I 11, 4,' ',talus I'e'U!' 1 rept i! '..,1':'1'.,, :I, "f livor :10,1 't=.u.a,'!1. „ ;;rat h',- r",1.1''ctie„ the .1 I1, 1';11,1'. '.I, tell tae in dot til '.4:, ::1,1 !.. \)(,l .,:111 I" ',''111 (10 (Il'i:111 of It. '114• g1'0l', " 141! are .l 1 11' 1:! 14,1(1 ,1111.', 1). "1\'16117 the c':lrft Oil, Feed '01110 a1111 erili•1'" (1'. 22), (1•)d'.1. law' 111 i:!I 14-n1,7� `'''sl '1;11, I l!III11(,' I1, ";'red after 1014 1411.!" (1:t'n, 011 111'. i. 11; 1. ti1un, xt', 0; iL `1,104. ::1, tialvatiun i:( (•1. gra..e. Life ,'1'11,11 il,lppen,'15: Ir. .'11.1;1!1 !amble:11 •l 15;1 145 ill 1:'In'isl, To 1'7 u) u'tl to hose, I verified 1.7:; Cl•, -' � --'T •II 15,4.' CO1,r,S_.R•4A.T!V7'CLII,.-' 1:07011ta1 E'I(:t Gr&_::; hell:0'.'5:10: ( .`� f'.:1 t '(', •( il. 11•.1 11 II('?"• piat}ctla of Lar)1!n;f. "lee';, of (';1111! he cel:lilac, to 11:,1'', kitty; nl'(ilin': (l' the deficit. \\''4 1'01.511,' •1110. 1!. •, •. t 1.10.,j.;l Ill'1nal i•`0111"l 111.5;11.,loll 1,1'1';+ II 1G( mill ell'i;IJ,b$ (.1 R'.r'1llll'r :Ili,( diret't• ! 111' ' 1, 41'!' 11511 nut 111•.:x( to in,jrt•e the instftu• 151•:5 ,,flit. ;151' (4,17 11,! 1('7.'r•te:1 a:; 11441E .111'1'4titll'III'1, full 7,:1111\v,1!1:11 the l'u:l;neinn scln,n!s n!. ' I , 'l1. inn.4 I;OI•-1,nileel the al!1n4((11 (; 1'1 I,1' ; ,•"7 .11r,1 hill tiled IC:" H•„•11 '11 l u ', I ,Ixhil; , t;le cr.'1( 1(l 0110', and I'll,41 • 1150x.' ;hmnld h . cont:11 '1We ill lat.r,! I 1!):11'111, 1,1 the great 1 ';I;U' t' 1 'I e '•1 :1 '1'110 11.=1 dill Tiot. 'Toronto despatch: 11. is reported that •i'. �l l'. 0011 al•l,lt'Inll, 11:' 1;5111', hilt gild Ilett ;► complaint 11;4.. 11('11 1110 7IOVl'1'llllll,llt` int 11"1}1,K. 7 1:iviTATioir, _._..............._ .._..._ ..---•.._-_.--•-.._... _ . , n' lln';,I, \\ r (Ill wit i1:14x (!1'; to •rho alleged 5•:1!x1 s '.i 1!:.' p,,r.,0.• .inn mf 1!'o 1'!4.105 conduct of Air. l'11nrlrs 1[01ii-lI, ex -mon - 1 71' 11:(,x1 Itiiic,'. 11. file 010x1. 1 '!l •I;;fr (4f the Ontario 1311(111 and a5 n joint CONTAINING THE BOD`..' OF G'_it?S, COLTC11:Iii, TIE ACTOR. .1;:11, ''1,•--.\ despatch to 77)')I,^,•; 1.! front (.:dye -ton sales u report reached Ler'.' 117'`t night that the body of the !ate l Mules' Coughlan, the English p1oy4vr!g11t and victor, t', which has been lest ;ince the ,gl'101 storm of Sept. 18, 11;1)4, had hien found in flu' metallic coffin on lie mainland i11 an out -of -the. I4:Iy p1a00 111• hunters. '1'h') huutsm(u ca11u' acres:: the 111',k(( t1111105t, buried in I he marsh :41.4 hidden 111• w'ee0s. Cough- lan died here ',':!lilt' 411 lour, playing in "Tile Jtnyal liux," and the casket 41113 placed in it vault pending removal to New lurk for interment. 'rite Ces%et 44i.5 Wept insole l,v Ile fluid, Scr,rt'll for (1 110.4 kept up for a year, 111111 the Actors' Club had 0 standing reward for its re- covery for 111711l'ly three years. ••o. A. SERIOUS COMPLAINT. Chas. idcGill's Alleged Conduct as an Executor. 1!t). .•••••...,,. 110'!,' ,0111 iii(' 111'+1 tuI,(' 1:1,4('1'111111':1!,1 ex0t'lltol' 01 til' ('ltatl' Ill 1714' late! 1l1•9. \ic11nll;, of I'rirrhor,i', ':\ lawvt'r ,,t' l'el(11M.0 , it 14 further' stated, 1103 been appointed to investigate the complaint and make a report to the e:overluucnt in l'(' 0('1 th:'relta • The estate left: 1'y 111'?, I;ieltlrlls has 110:01 estimate(1' in some quarters as worth a!i(4tlt $l,fll)n.0 1t,::uu1 many of her I'o(Iure..Os • 14,'00 f:1(' the benefit of the ul'Oplr of l'1',,'1'lii,l•1:' awl 10 charities, It had I'e1'n e:•.pecica 7;iat the lilt(!; of the en1:11( '(','(714.1 hove tic,') di.;1rihuled lie• 1111' (11i; 11:111', lullrl 5.111' '11`1:11' I4 `::11(1 to have led to the junking of the cnutplainl. \\'helper tlwro is anything definite in 1110 stories cir0ulatett, 1(r whether they arise from t110 present cir('nuisl:rl:'es in whie1( .1(1', \11 (:ill finds lli11o'lf, is not known. The other executor i; a Peter - born' Ulan, and of excellent standing. 01.E TOTAL ECLIPSE' OF SUN. 1.1'1:1101 hod 't!I:I;1111011• 11(,', III(: Bald; nt;'3ST;D TO V2'O,rt:Eli'.T iia11LS '!I." e I.: 'u ;.140(!," . "1)511 Pr,••;id;'at i�'mch'rurn • 11;:4( tlf'• 1 111 R010c)l10 T fi3 flow 111x,, 1'inlc" I I;.' 10 I;1( 1','.l eon 11( thio!; .rt. \\'it1. lil.;ips �'Torl•:itlg{(iris. 41.,;7 fit'11rc, 4'o gild 7707 consider' 011' • :.('!4;':; jn:.t;ii".I ill pr:':;1(ng our f;il'ir; 11110 'Rnl'k' i%."•"' r, a 1' (' 7)'.4 4'UI;!1'Iy "\', II ki ;01'1 ,,l',t 1';1111' .,11,1111'Imll, i'5 .\11', iU5'('OI(I,la to f''-, •114(;(11: 11:(10 (Ii501•(I(71'll, ('11, "I:Iraul';," pecia111• those 11.110 ' •'(',;teernji:,:( !l1.: eletraeter?,• aro obliged losl:tnrl ' "1't's, will 111,:1 111' !loci the 117'7:.o4. oft their' 11;01. front microbe, hu( its 1.1, the Tatler Ute morning ttntilnilrht: wits said of others, leen high i11 1 I:;' in stores or facto- e,lllll)illeit4. tin, leery you ;ire," rim .\gaol :1;1(('11 reg:ll'tlillt7 Ile, ',to(.:Ill'.. • t: - ar; Day in and day: ,., ,r ':',/1?oatit1'aill n�+� 0711 the girl (0116 t;lild(:1, ;1; a Inco "i, t4e:71t11, lir, (:"1.0. ........L.-.:1:-.--..:'•.,.� 1 and She is often the 1.111 'sa711 th;It :11x, ',1i, \,‘,(..,",1(11.':\ 41115 I.I011gilt :7 yilnner of the trimly. Whether 1.) x('7)11 4,:t ,I': (,•;a7, ",f the Iate .\hl':(. '•!r! is nick: or well whether it rains or \('1(011.5, u1 7 cterb(n'l. kuu%Vl II.; -LI"' ' 0'11001 1x0;11:7)7 (r ((11ltln. \Ir. \ichmL': Ellin. �, ;i1)(,),141 l,it go to her .place of eau }1('1;;11 eat, erform the duties exacted of Iced been, ;1 , i t nu(ipenl I'intum'ier. (ler.---s:;lil:) and bo agreeable, .1 s vo \nlnni; this ekiso the symptoms of 3-I1' ; E1\IB1%ZZI,E D 550,000. 1'-;.:::!0 ,!i~ca:(cs tree early manifest by 1Y„J• 3icGCc,'of Montreal, Treasure o;ertic 0.114,1 aching bricks, pain. ill the ' , r of tower 1(nlhs Lunt lower, part of the , People's M. B. S., is Under Arrest, 'iiio;llllch. . 111 eonsequonco of••frequent %I'll 1(111, 10n, _!L -'('11(x0 15 17 yorn7r wettirlt4 of the feet, periods become pain- :\lun(rcnicr hurt in' his ltecnunls to the ltd( and ,irregular, and ft•ectueritly thtt~r0•4 extent (4f over ;ti44.060. I 411'0 •1fl11l( [1(1(' (1177) 9pe119,Owit11,1039 of •\1'51111411" J, ,\I(Ucl!, treasurer 1(l' Lhc nppotit,'o,.'ntttil' life -,Is a bnrdelil4, 'All- of. People's 111111114I Building Society, well.' these eyin}itolns'•poiut to •si'� �,'pange'lnetitr known 1 in illllntl'lll' sporting ('il'ele 1, i;; of trio Jetnul° organiotu',1Wz11e1 ,,-cat;' be.;. tu•ahtl'' under arrest .11ales, ie -'(1 se t If ( d : 7.''tly',2.nd:promptly,' cui±ecl: by. -Lydia E ' I hirf, embezzler• owl - forger. 110 1e .Inti:11044,l'1'egol.tl,lo (,puipound:7 ; • enneuen(etl by declaring t)lnt • hr had 't!14'10. 'Ainili ':Robitaille, 78'..;rite• St.' been guilty of manipulating the hooks. 1i1':Lt.:coi I, 17rchcc, t uebcc, te,lg'.' what of the society, cheque, and notes, a0 a il:lr; '1" 411' I' 1;,J.11.1ilib`-1111.tl 01 Iter;; She result of which ' 1111 was 1nithlcil to 14x11'.'', ;:1 Tealx'� c>r; t;'' ,a• f: (; 'i;, handle It great deal of looney, inneh 1(l' which hal been )list by continued (lab• �) 1.:...........1 „ 1 1 h 1,.„ . hliug in Stocks. h x;1,71 : 0;1.,�(0 to 'l u ,[t it t 0 Ce,>, ,11,:! j 't'y;'itll;lt•;j )tc,11(1 oto, 41, I)rou htotta ' 11 5th tear, in his (4 ("4 I e said he dill 'r,";,1i1.1i)1:9 Iemulo trouble 11A Dpearly Ic 1'.)I. '1• (104x: the nlitotint::of' his '(1(fnit4!t• '5)1,'.1100;),70 -ill 1'ul'1i1.91.tholt, llonght :'lure , hilt they will lie 'close fell t!1 �!5!I,. (4'. I,: rr."!m,l(a'hli 1011 ikon, footle. 1,:.'Ink- 0011, - Into .1 Vegetable 'CoppOiind •'when' her; , , ♦. (b llcattl► ;vas 1(l rho E.1111 no condition that mine witg•.aud stanightti'ny'sellt out rota bottle. I THE CRIi14INALS MECCA. I ltliish(ll;thuttctnd took Iwo more before ! (earls geg{tti toTiill}tr0vo but atter that myCanada's' Strange Fascination for British rccoi'ery way very. rapid plitt•..,I was soon Neer-Do•Wells, 4'1111' 11101 ablo,tb go buclvto weirs ain, I certainly think for sick..' London. ,run. 21, _l nrlilher of offend - '01110).1 worthy ot urn t1'41f(.l. ant Indeed. glad to ;ll[ 01'140it," ' ' : (14 11111'0 ('ee11111)' endeavored t,) ('30al le. '=;;►r . '-cn1141(11(11 Iry promising t(1 ('11)igrilte ten .1.'c,1 hi.; sue '' tr1n�t><d,' '. , Pinl:hptu (''nnrdn, whil(ll steals 1.o hill's ti fascimi h0l(1 , outl1L\l1. lIzl(ti .. X 1 nd .oxtc'ndg ilial tot' 'Lhe ordinary criminal. , Two 11 c(n'lt(nl' (l(glti t �, pond wtttt w ,1 ; corporals of the Trish '(71114i'ds, who stole her. ,�h0'::i� ��� t`(k>�n u'fi'� of Lydia , , r •, , . , , ' , 1. r+ lt7,inl01(nl Moneys, had t•ii'h(ts for (an - 1;, Plill[I\{i t'!'1( t'' #� ' tricots-flv0 yenr�'" n(lil whin aroesled 'yesterday, 'and a Can - 1110) tit'.tltiY�t ttt!Ihtb t ,eco '' 110.T>'i0n .flees but'gllu• wirer( 'bronklit 11('((5x0 the court bit 'record of succe:'. in ,.r,,, • ,-,,-- ,;0111 lie had coiiu►iit'Lell 1119 crime ,with tri �tag.'tV mutt's 419 makes her lettere the best. or 1./f lulciltiun>a, winding thee of u(Iviee.,oi untold value to every ailing , y„ 1 •x, '.0 ',r, " ,;'0. r : wlil(rtw'l1171(7 to ell 10 (alllllla (Or Il 1101 41'o'rkinu girl, 3"t, '3F?'t4p"':1 Satisfactorily Observed at Points in • • Central Asia; London. .7:111. 2! . -.\ Intal Velipie of Cato F•illl 1411; s;l':IFfa et',I'!11' 1'e?-t1ydllr Mornin;:'• al 1‘111iats 111 Ue;l- tful Asia. The period' of totality was two lilillutft's, The 01;47 was. partially for' iltori''thau an 110111', ' Con' tiriuoms snowfalls`; interfered (1(1)1 Alia' observations at some places; ' • ;12AILWAY IN FORBIDDEN LAND, .) • t •4' -r -- T)9 c sion, to Open' Thlbetan Towns to Fo'r-4 eign Trade: .. . Shanghai ;inn, 21. --The Imperial'auf'; thorit!c'siit- Pekin'11;11'e'or'dered the Tice.'. 1'0)' of the : J!t;0yio e • of . tizccluuul,; the ' western bauu41lu'1' of. which is Thibcl, ,Lq etiusnlI With Lha (''bine'.;:. a'es(4 x14'. theta Boll ,raise 'the necessary faint; solo). ,tile; eon:;Irllctinh ;,11 It Piliilw•a1' from S'zeelIlllln: '101:, 'l;,tihv t, ;1'. s •b'; I,tclf devilled' 1 a '1P''- 'I'hihotiut ttiwit5 to foreign -trade. ,tit?nt '1.'i 'o" to''•'ttiiYttipt; eilffer[ng front •' '•i :You! pay 'tlie•express (about 2504 -7 - that's ):1l. -Sand. a'.post eard'yfor it to., llny,'hnd•'heudiii'yotir• cure,` , • • • -Dr,' H. H, "Mack).' 6o Yonge Street, Tor' 'onto. Prayer. - sJo.,t 1ne:rcif111 (;(id, who didst. love mankind and give Thy' ;you for our re- drnlptioe, grant that )amid all the glory 1(t' thii world we 111111' never lose sight, of the cress 4)f Christ, Ila ' the vision of cross transform and govern tis, shptLillg out from. 0111' sight and our deairc all that is contrary to ifs spirit. May the lure of Je1us beget like love in us, and for love's Fake may we surrender our- selves to Him with every possession and every power. and grant that in that ,igii of the, cross all the world may bo conquered. 111(1• Jea10 11710 died and lives again draw all men to Himself, and I11UV 11114 spirit take possession of them until all shall be like Him, seeking only the ,;nod of their brethren and filling life with lute and gladness. This we ask for His name', sake, Amen. God's Way, There ore two ways of covering bin - man's way and Cod's way, You cover your sins, and they will have a.rosourreee- tion same lila(.; lel God cover thein and neither devil nor mita can find them. There are four expressions in the I3ible with regard to where God puts sins, Ho puts them "behind his back," If God has forgiven me, who shall bring a charge against ole? "Ile has blotted them out as a thick cloud." You see a cloud to -night, and tomorrow there isn't a cloud to 11e seen. "Iie costs them into the depths of the sen." Some one has said:'"Than(: God that it is a sea, and not river; a rivet' might• dry IT, but the sea cannot." The greatest bessing that ever comes to me this side of hea- ven is when God forgives me, Have you been forgiven? The fourth expression' is that he removes them "as for as the fast is' from the w•044t. " Do you kn'ow how far that. is? Perhaps some good ma- thematician will figure that up. "If we confess our Sins, he is faithful and just in forgive us our sins, and to cleanse Its from -all unriehtcousncss" Then make slue that you are forgiven -D. L. Moody. God's Way and Mine, ' 1 asked my Lord to lead ole for a day, 1 did not 1<11044' or care what Ile might say; So long as Ilewould lend ole, I'd agree '1'o follow path's I could or could not see. Ur try to carry loads 1 scarce could lift, ,And move a; lie directed, blob or Wilt. 1.1107114 1101 murmur if the road , was I'tllli;h Nor ask for 1141(0 when Ile had given enough - '1'1( meet rny•simple needs, both ;few and slu'nll- 1'd he content and thankful i1( it id!. 11111 when lle bade me suffer and be still 1 then rebelled ngllin5t 1111' \laster'R will .\nd said 1. 1401111} not have lliln for my guide, • ]:cerins(. Ills will 10111 counter to 114)' })fide, And yet 1. ouffcfed, suffered once, again, I: asked for joy, Ile gave me only pain, 1 asked for rose -strewn pathways, sunny mortis, I chose to trend on petals not on thorns; But through the thorns Ile let' me up the hill. I murmured at Ills "suffer" and . be still" - i could not grasp itismeaning; I was , [11.0110 To ask flint:file His way but ,i;eep my own, Bill, 0110 day, when 1111• struggles .1iad been slue. T naked ii Lord to lend me just . on0e more. 'rids time I would not murmur 'gninst 1115 will: I'd go or stay, Q1', ":offer and be Rt111." 1 1('011111'not• have" nay' o41•n way( -111.13 411(9 ' best; Pll gladly�'do,. end11•0 Ilis .(vise behest. And t110111 .tf14erslood;w'hy '1111; my pain And thorns cable do 1140 Once again, It wns••withdraw'ing, by.IIis'gentle art, Tholthorus Which, pride •lied' thrust'ittte' • -'An'y heatrt. a` Ilis'•uil and i4ule; poured on: sin's opt' 41'0, The pai0n w•as just' tolltgal, and nothing )note. His thumslye(n Inness to rolieve dis- en9e, Pis hilly Pathway led to lilainw of peace., He 1110;1111 my life for joy, for power and bliss-• - Pain was remedial, .work was hnTipin'css. And -so my Lord 'hns,led Inc all the years. Sena -times Ile leads through smiles, 1Soule(imes through tears, But each clay shows me that His way is best;' --V, Watson Hatuuui, t). I)., iii 1.+T. Y. Christian Advocate. - ♦• Perfectly Simple. ' ((lidos.) •. 11413bnnd-fly' danr AniI1y,1 why It is 1 lam always in the wrong? W1fo-Docauso I am atwaye fa .the rlohtr PAGE Elcllir THE BLYTH STANDARD--•-JANUAkv 24x19, 1907. PASTOR AND PEO PRAISE PSYCH! (PRONOUNCED 81=KE[N) E A Marvellous and Triumphant Record of Vktory Over Diseue. No medicine has ever effected u large a number of wonderful and almost mar- vellous cures ae Peychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over disus- es of the throat, chest, lunge and etornich. 'Where doctors have pronounced cases Incurable front consumption and other wasting diseases Paychine etepe In and rescues numbelleen people even from the very verge of the gave. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chills, Night Sweats, Ls Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, yield quickly to the cura- tive powers of Peychine. Mrs, Campbell, one of the manicured, makes the following statement: I cannot refrain from telling all who nailer of my remarkable recovery with Prychine, In April, 1902, I caught a beery cold which retied on mylunge and gradually led to consumption, I coud not Merl), was subjent to night sweats. my lungs were so diseased, my doctor considered me incurable. Rev. Ur. Mahatfy, Port Engin Presbyterian Church, recommended Dr, /locum's' Peychine W me, when I was living in Ontario. After using Psychine for a short time 1 ate and slept well, the night sweats and cough ceased, 1lonthe ago I topped taking Paychine, u 1 was perfectly restored to health and to -day I never felt better in my life. Psychlne has been a god- send to me. Ya. A.yoaaw C&MPea1. Cottonwood, N.W.T. PSYOHINE never disappoints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There ie no other medicine "Just as good." At sp stators00e, and 51,00 per b.tus. it sot write is liensall. Extensive changes are going on in Hensel' Flour Mille. T. Palmer, jr, has a fine collection of coins, some of rare value. Mr. Moore, of Seaforth, has taken the position of foreman in the Henault Foundry moulding department, He came here on Monday, and will move hie family here soon, The Lace) Option by-law received its third reading and was signed by the Clerk and Reeve and had the corpora- tion seal attached on Monday night. Geo, McEwen is spoken of as the Liberal Candidate, at the next meeting of the convention. As an Independent Liberal, Mr. McEwen could curry the riding sure, John Gibson, of Stanley Tp,, passed away ou Friday, after an illness of several months, with "frights diseease. His suffering at times was excrutiating yet he bore theta with rare fortitude, He was one of the settlers, well known and highly respected, His age was tib years. Quite a number front here attended the funeral on Monday, Tho doceesed was a member of the Metho. dist Church. Seatorth. D. D. Wilson has been confined to his residence for several days with a severe attack of grip. Mayor Broderick and Robert Wilson were in Stratford ou Tuesday attending a meeting of the Canadian `!'rotting As- sociation, T. A, Beattie, of Carbett. Beattie'e livery, moved his family to town last week, They reside in Mrs. Wm, Alexander's house on George street. Four rinks of curlers went to ,Strat- ford on Thursday last and had a friend- ly game with the Classic City players. Every Seaforth rink, won the total score being 69 to 47. John A, Wilson has a number of rhubarb plants growing in his cellar, the stocks of which are equal of any grown in the garden during the stem• vier months, The roots wero brought in and planted In the fall and have grown to such proportionsthat they are H. T. k MCALlallttl, 1TO Iklg St V., TOUITO 'row fir for rise. ome grown rhubarb will be quite a luxury at this season of Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a 'sure the year. and permanent cure for Rheumatism Tho annual meeting of the Seaforth Bright's Disease, Pain in the Sack and Horticultural Society was held on Wed- s!! forms of Kidney Trouble. 2Sc per rtesday evening of last week. The box, at all dealers. society had a most successful year, having enrolled 142 members, and the prcspects for the next year are of the best, The following officers were elected : President, 1. Langstroth ; 1st vice, 1V, D. Hoag ; 2nd vice, R. Gov• enlock ; secretary and treasurer, A. Scott ; directors, J, C. Grieve, V. 8., eovrH. NORTH. Ed. Hiochlet', P. Dill, E. Lusby, W. 1112 0 40 pm Wing;bam 11 m am 7m5 Beid ; Wm. Aitcheson and Win, 6 43 3 33 Wingham Jot, 11 00 725 Hartry ; auditors, W. J. Moffatt and h 52 3 44Belgrave 10 50 7-13 John Turner. 7 06 350 Blyth 1U 323 700 Pretty Elvira Gottschalk, alias Bell, 7 14 4 01 Londeaboro 10 30 6 52 the 19 -year-old daughter of respectable 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 6 35 parents, living near Seaforth, has been 8 03 4 39 Bruoefield 0 58 6 19 brought to Brantford on a warrant for b 15 4 47 Slppen 9 50 0 11 complicity in a forgery case in which 8 22 4 52 Heneall 9 44 003 was secured by Fred. Babcock $200 8 Sb 5 05 Exeter 9 :30 664 from the Imperal Bank, In court Sat - 8 48 5 15 Centralia 9 185 43 urday morning the girl told the whole ti 59 5 20 Clandeboye 009g 534 P 05 5 30 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 30 story to the magistrate. Site admitted 9 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25 writing the check in Senforth and en• 0 21 5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 dorsing it as good with the name of the 9 til 5 54 Ettrtok 8 35 5 07 teller of the Dominion Bank, Seaford', 9 36 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8'2,0 6 02 and bringing it to this city, where she 9 '37 t1 00 Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 500 met Babcock. Securing the money 9 45 6 10 London 8 15 450 the couple eloped to Buffalo, Babcook having promised to marry the girl. This he subseouently refused to do, and Miss Gottschalf returned to Seaforth distressed and heartbroken. She claim- ed Babcock intimidated her with threats, At first ehe liked the young fellow, but grew to dislike him as he squared the money she gave hien. Bab- cock is now under arrest for forgery and the young couple will appear again on Monday. The girl was accompan- ied by her father and Rev. Mr. Birks, THANK YOU I of Seaforth, who pleaded for leniency, She carne to Brantford last October and fell in with bad company. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. Connections aro made at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Sln• sardine branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderich branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luoan Crossing tor all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. • This store tenders its sincerest thanks to those who to any degree contributed to Its success last year. It is grateful for the recognition which its efforts to please have developed. It diligently strove to give a courteous service, to treat all alike all the time, to handle nothing but the purest and very beet of eatables. If your experience here has been pleasant and profitable, It has succeeded and le content. May you all -our customers, every. body's customers --enjoy all kinds of suo• nese during tho year just entered upon le our wieb. Highest Dash price for all kinds of Farm 'Produce. .-._._-.- ...-. JAMES CUTT BLYTII MONTHLY FAIRS •••••• Wednesday, January ' 30, February 2 7, " April 3 " All the leading horse and cattle buyers see specially Invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOAN, President. Was. JACKSON, Vlor•Presldent, Lpy9LLC Krlut, Secretary, 14 WInjham. E. J, Shelton, formerly of 1Vingham, has been elected as a councillor in Walkerton. Rev, E. It. Fitch is spending two weeks at dlcMaster University in T b ronto writing on his examinations, The Westminster Guild of St, An- drew's Church voted 1100 to the En• dowrnent Fund of Queen's University, Kingston, The Town Council this year is made up of five Conservatives and three Lib - orals, Five are Presbyytoriens and three are Methodists. Ad the mem- bers, except Coun, Bell, reside in Ward four, Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do It? Haven't enough hair h must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! He're's an intro- duction ! Mayt scqu.uiet- ance result In a �-helivr growth of rleh,tbick,glossybsirl:Ahd we know you'll never bb Emily. "1 aribru that Ayerr 5i1t vy.v f, tis mal was actin Wrpewer st v.e ever made, 1 Irker fee slaw a ir .r Wit%r.' The new besting system of the Twill He notes many changes In Exeter since 11411 le now in working order, Onto of the old wood furnaces has been ';oru out and one of the largest "lied Plot Huron" furnaces, manufactured by the Western Foundry Co. has been put in its place, The new furnace wilheat the Council Chamber, Clerk's office, Public Library, and Firemen's room, and with the aid of the remaining wood furnacos will heat the opera house. This change was a wise une and will do away with three stoves and cleans great saving in fuel. Aoderloh. The Planing Mill Co., is still busy, the factory being full•hended and run- ning all the time. Edgar Woods left Monday afternoon for 'I'hesselon, to Peke upan appoint- ment in tho Sovereign ank at that toW11. Walter Saunders left last week for Kenos, to join the surveying stag working on the It, It, lines in that neighborhood, Ex•;Meyor Tilt and mon W. T. went to Blair to join in the celobratiou of the birthday of the fortner's mother, who is now 90 years old. Court Goderich, No. 32, C. 0. F., has three of their members elected in the Council this yeer ; Bros. McEwen, Beckett, Macklin. The wind on Sunday played havoc with the recontly finished Methodist church, Through the destruction of a 80 foot brick chimney, tons of brick and mortar crashed through the steel roof, wrecking the tnagniflcont organ and surrounding fixtures, At the annual meeting of rhe Huron Law Library Association, hell in the Library on Saturday, the following were elected officers for the year 1907 ; President, Judge Holt ; Vicn•Prea,, Mr, Holmestead ; Secy, -Treat,, W m, Proud - foot, K. C. • Auditors, Messrs, Dickin- son and R. C: Hays ; Committee, Judges Doyle and Holt and Messrs, Proudfoot, Cnmoron and Garrow, Recent visitor in Goderich wore C. C. and Mrs, Shannon, late of Dawson City, Yukon, Mr, Shannon hes received an appointment in the Government service at Ottawa and with his bride visited his Mother and Sinter here before assuming ,his new duties at the capital. His many friends were glad to see him end to tender congratulations, The London Advertiser remarked of a former Goderich gentleman on Mon. day : - Dan McGillicuddy, formerly proprietor and editor of the Goderich Signal, and latterly of Ottawa, is shout do join his fortunes to the great Cana- ian West, and will locate in Calgary, returning to him old love, journalism. No better -liked or more capable news- paperman has gone to the went front Ontario. He has legions of friends in thee,' parts who will wish him every RUCcema, He will. be at hone in the breezy atmosphere of the weet, Clinton. The Clinton Thresher Co. has added 7 experienced mechanics to its working staff during the past week, R, Howett died 41t the House of Re- fuge on Sunday night ; he was from Seaford' and the remains were taken there for internment, Henry Beattie, barrister, has con- cluded to try his fortune in the West, and on Friday -loft for Winnipeg, where he will enter the real estate office of Fisher & Hamilton, Mrs, Beattie, in the meantime, will remain with hor parents at Seaforth, Miss Birdie Heywood, who recently accepted a situation in Winnipeg, will probably go back to Revelstoke in the spring, and IS trying to persuade her sister, Mies Ida Heywood, and Miss Maggie Davis to go back with her and open a dressmaking department, There is a likelihood that John Rans• ford, who has practically been making his h.line in London for some time, will return to town to reside. In that event the bowling•lawn will likely got the benefit of that sonorous voice which in years past has contributed not a little to the jovial sport there, J. W. 'Treleaven, of Ahnonte, has hoen,engeged to succeed 0, McKinnon as classical master of the Collegiate, Mr, Treleaven is well known as a for- mer teacher In the Collegiate, and the Board is fortunate in securing one so well qualified and popular, Mr. Mc- Kinnon goes to Barrie. Capt, Robson, the jovial county clerk of London, overlooked the fact that ho could not conduct' an auction sale here with without a license, for ho WAS sunlrnonrd before the police magic, trate for violation of the county by. laws in holding a sale and he pleadod guilty by proxy, a fine of 520 and coste being Imposed, Exeter. The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Sooiety was held in Brueefield,, It is understood that this society novht g oee out of existence. Reeve A. Q. Sobier and Town So. licitor L. H, Dickson went to Ottawa Tuesday morning gf •lest, week in con- nection with the proposed railway men- tioned under "The Exeter Council," J, H. Scott, proprietor of the Exeter aroame y, was in London last week at- tending the Western Ontario Dairy. men's Association meeting, Mr, ,Scott is superintendent of the choose and butter department, 0, 13, Snell has eqquipped the street lighting system with a complete now set of lamps for' Main street, They were used for the first time Tuesday night of last week and proved a de. sided improvement on the old ones, , Rev, A, B. Meldrum, D, D. pastor of "The Old Stone Church," Cleveland, Ohio, was married on January 10th to Miss Elle Hoyt Herrick of that city, The doctor IN an old time Huron bay, son of Mrs, Capt, Gibson, of fioderlch. He is glen well-known in Exeter, A. T. Hind, a graduate of the Times office and now publisher of the Stone,. ton, Seek., Timnes, is at present visiting friends around town, Mr, Hind Thisrihl Exeter some 17 years ago, and hart etotm• beeu very Fuccessful In the 1!loethweslj robber 0110:4tbet' S he left, hut a number of the faces ma still familiar to him. Wottt•4e Id. (Intended for last iasue) Wm. '1'abb recently disposed of s `ood horse to Wul, Walden for a hand. nutue Yulll. 'I'Ihe youngest daughter of Js,per Cook Blyth, was interred in the cents. ter • Mere on Frldsy last, Jsmeeaud Mrs. Anderson, of Plume, Manitoba, accompanied by the lattor's tnother,•Mra, Taylor, of Guelph, are at present on it visit to friends here, Mrs. Samuel Walla' had the milder - tune to fall from the verandah last Sat• urday, breaking hor arm betweou the wrist and elbow, but we are pleased to state oho is doing as well as could bo expected, Aliso Josephine Woods ck left last week for Montreal where hor parents have recently located, Josie will be much missed by her young friends here. Site was accompanied to Toronto by Miser Gertrude Hibblt. C. W. Blackman has been serionely sick from influenza for some time. His many friends wish to see hits around again. A number of others in the vi- cinity are suffering /rum' cold and la - grippe. Oflicere of the Epworth League have been elected for the coining year as follows:- Hon. President, Rev. A. E. Jones ; President, John McDowell ; tat Vice•President, Miss Mary 1, Clark ; 2nd Vice -President, Will McDowell ; Ord Vice -President, Miss Eva %1'Ight- man ; 4th Vice•Presidont, Miss Mary Buchanan ; Treasurer, Bert 'Taylor ; Mitre,'l'reas., Wesley Stgckhonse ; Sec- retary, "toy Stackhouse ; Organist, Christiana ,McClinton ; Assistant Or- ganist, Mise Mary Pothered'. Norris Oeunell. Tho Council elect for the year 1907, viz.; George 'Taylor, peeve, and W. H, MoCutuheon, Chas, Cemphell, Neil Taylor and Arthur Shaw, Councillors, abet pursuant to statute and made and subscribed the necessary declaration of office And qualification, The Reeve occupied the chair, Min• utes of last meeting were read and passed. On motion of Couns, Shaw and Camp- bell, Wen. Clark was re -appointed clerk, salary 5180, On !notion of Coons, McCutaheon and Taylor, P, McNabb and k, Johnston were appointed auditors, salary 58 tac, • Octmotion of Count, Campbell and McOutchoon, the ordinary township printing for the current year was awarded to W. H. Kerr, remuneration $40. •'On motion of Coun. Taylor and Mc• Cutcheon, the Okirk was instructed to solicit teutl.irs for the construction of the Ellison drain, tenders to be opened at the. town hall on Feb. 11th at two o'clock p. in, On Motion of' Couns, Shaw and Crimpbpll, W, J, Johusto., was sppoiut• ed member of the Board of Trade in place of the late W, J. ,lolulston, On motluu of Couna, UcCutcheou and Campbell, Dr, Hamilton was appointed Medical Health Officer, tOa motion of Couna, McCutcheou and Slow, John Watson was appointed Ag'essor, salary $7u. Accounts were ordered to he paid as follows :-Win. -Weiss, filling on south boundary, $25 ; 8, Van Nurman, in• opening filling near Bolgrevo, 18,15 ; 1Vrti, Laidlaw, James A. Moore, 8, Irvine, Thomas Miller, Robert Geruiss and Sling Johnston, D. R. 0, fees, W eauh ; D. Laidlaw, George Ma•Calt, Rohert McCrea, P. McNabb, Win, Gentles and Jae, Peacock, poll clerk fees, 52 each ; 5, '3, Nos. 1, 9, 5, 7 and 10, for use of school housos at election, 53 each ; C. Turvey, cleaning award drain, 11,25 ; P. Fowler, gravel, $2.70 ; R. Proctor, Collector's salary, $85 ; R. Proctor, postage and stationary, 53 ; ,Sick Children's Hospital, donation, $5 ; It. Youill, materiel for bridge, 52 ; W. Clark, posting financial statement end election expenses, $10 ; W, 1.i. Kerr, belance printing account, $20 ; 'C. S. Brandon, part salary 576 ; John Scott, gravel, 55.90; Municipal World, elec- tion formns, $7,20. IJy,law No, 1, 1907, was duly reed and passed, On motion of Count', Campbell and Taylor, the Council then adjourned to meet again on February 11th, W. Cr,AR1c, Clerk, Doer forget the Jborse Fair next Wednesday. tubber. needn't be flimsy to be sty1bh I needn't be ciamlay to be staunch; needn't Poet more to be better thus you've been baying., ubber.s ey give you Doublewearflirom everypair. Look for. the trademark. The► Daily''' ubber People 'At.Beilin Ontario one Ott . the Daisy Styles* Ask oui is is YOU! s e.. BANK of HAMILTON ANNUAL MEETING Held 2l0 January, 1007. Report of the Directors. The Directors beg to submit their Annual Report to the Shareholders for the year ended 30th November, 1906, The Valence at credit of Profit and hors Account 60th November 10, was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , The Profits for the year ended Nth November, 1801, after deducting charges of masa/evesi and making pro• vision for bed sad doubtful debts, art .. Premium received on new Stock 20,410.33 1171 MN /9,38100 25,012,66 From which have beta declared font Quarterly dirt• deeds, in all 10 per cent 1!44,302,31 Carried to Rothe Fund from Premium on New Stock as 160.10 Written above Bank Premises 526,000.00 �, Carried to Rebate of Interest Account 10,000.00 ' 35,000,00 Allowance to lt:•Presideet Authorised by Shareholders 6,000.04 114,742.61 Balance of Profit and Loss seated forward 5110,270.04 General Statement LIABILITIES TO T1111 ITALIC Notts of the lank in circulation • 5 2,114,014,00 Deposita bearing Interest, lacludlag Interest accrued to date 1 19,615,069.42 Depo.40 not bearing interest 4,770,667,71 24,384,027,45 Ialaaces doe le other banks in Canada and the United Stales . 118,368,60 Balances due to Agents of the Sank in Orad Britain,... 488,636,69 Dlv4dead No. 70, payable 1st December, 1001 $ 41,711,11 Momper Dividend. unpaid ....,,.,. 111,01 41,124.61 5 27,878,549.45 TO Ti12 8iiLR111101,DIKR8 Captbl teleclt,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 /,170,090,00 Reserve Fund 2,470,090.00 Amount reserved for Rebate of Iutemt oa Current bills Dteconaled 5slaace of proats carried forward ASSETS Gold sad Silver Coin $ 104,512.113 Doroialoa Government Notes 2,711,111.05 Depoalt with the Dominion Government as Security for Note Circulation Notes of and Cheques on other Sank.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Balances due from other Banks in Canada and the Ualkd States Dominion and Provincial Government Securities Canadian 1luatcipal Securities, and British, or Foreign, or Colonial Public Securities, other than Canadian,. Railway and other Bonds, Debeatures and Stocks. Lan. at Call, or Short Call, on negotiable Securities,, Nolte Dlseounted and Advances current Notes Discounted, etc., overdue (estimated lose provided for) Bank Premises Office Furniture, Safes, etc Real ltatate,(other than Bank Prewises), liortgages,etc, Other Assets not included under foregoing heads,,,,,, BANK OP H.1re3LT0N, IlaulLewat, Nov. 60th, 1100, 75,110,00 110,270.44 1 1,216,271,19 116,6911,00 1,101,136A7 121,910,48 227,473,34 1,294,404.62 811,860.11 1,767,177,0E 5,121.460.04 M804,111141 II1,824,8U 27 26,220044,218.35 51,1'11.45 914,104,01 104,162,65 67,374,21 71,191.54 112,601,$19.41 J. TURNBULL, ©sacral Manager, STATISTICAL RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH It will • be seen by the above that during the last ten years the Bank's Capital Increased iii per cent, Reserve furrowed 240 per cent. Circulation 247 per tent, Total Assets 278 per cent, 330 per ant, IMMIGNIMMINImpoftemimm 04414.. o Not Put Off C0.1MMENCING TO LOOK FOR THE Amodlai New Business YOU DETEItMINED TO GET IN 1906. START TO -DAY YOUR MOTTO 1 WILL DO IT RESULTS WILL BE BEYOND YOUIt EKPECTA'1'ION8, DO NOT FORGET Our Ads. Talk WORDSEORAYOUFEW E 'ts oePI1 Reserve _ Circulation Deposits 'fouI Liabilities to the Public TotalTar Areels 1897 1,260,000 720,000 944,249 0,437,496 7,620,049 9,810,678 1691 1,260,000 171,000 1,187,573 7,484,374 9,117,310 11,199,144 1099 1,414,629 1,000,100 1,189,724 8,770,994 10,121,520 13,1n3,057 1900 1,709,212 1,434,119 1,393,606 10,019,661 11,837,592 14,827,857 1001 1,190,760 1,600,000 1,000,221 11,649,904 13,479,077 17,071,759 1902 2,000,000 '1,600,000 1,818,110 14,184,160 10,210,209 19,901 0.1'2 1903 1,000,011 1,700,000 1,811,636 15,864,880 18,129,474 21,959,596 1904 2,729,980 2,000,000 1,491,870 17,568,144 20,351,562 24,713,613 1906 2,440,740 3,440,740 2,279,765 21,464,121 23,914,107 24,886,048 1101 2,470,016 2,170,090 2,110,016 24,386,027 27,378,869 29,504,219 It will • be seen by the above that during the last ten years the Bank's Capital Increased iii per cent, Reserve furrowed 240 per cent. Circulation 247 per tent, Total Assets 278 per cent, 330 per ant, IMMIGNIMMINImpoftemimm 04414.. o Not Put Off C0.1MMENCING TO LOOK FOR THE Amodlai New Business YOU DETEItMINED TO GET IN 1906. START TO -DAY YOUR MOTTO 1 WILL DO IT RESULTS WILL BE BEYOND YOUIt EKPECTA'1'ION8, DO NOT FORGET Our Ads. Talk WORDSEORAYOUFEW E