The Blyth Standard, 1907-01-17, Page 1• 0 be 45. VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1907. No. 24. t************************* Western Canada I desire to call the attention of my old friends and ne• quahttances to some moneymaking opportunities in the west. 1--I still haven few lots-monPy•makers- in "Glengarry" the famous Calgary subdivision ; pricn, 800 fora short timo. Calgary has grown train 4,000 to 20,000 in five years, 2-A chance for $1000 to make $3000 in a Winnipeg invest- ment without risk of loss. 3 -Among many land anaps in my list I call attention to the Si and N W} of Sen. 26, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only 0 miles from Moose Jaw -largest city in .Saskatchewan, 6 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, $12 cash or $14 on tern►H-87 down and rest in throe annuals at 6 per cent ; neighboring la' d has sold at $18. A splendid half section in the Arcola Jistrict for $11. being the NE# and fractional \Vii of Sea, 14 in Twp, 10, Range 7 west 2nd, 1 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. John S. Laidlaw 404 Marque,{e Bldg., III. $54o Per Year Mies Snell, formerly of BluovalP Is re. ( calving $45 per month from the (Agar) DFfllla Co., Calgary. This estimable you liady bad only a common school educe lotsnd In a few months with us prepared for the above situation. With a few years' extterieuce Mies Snell will re• calve at least 8711 per month. Stenography Is better than school teaoh• in What we have done for others we can do for you. Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Write for catalogue, !ROAM 9VSINLSS COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL Belplray.. D Allison at;t•ived home from Win- nipeg last week, Jas, Owens is visiting friends in Orangeville this week. . Abe, Brydges lad his foot badly cut by being tramped on by a horse, Preparations are going rapidly for- ward for the new school which will bo opened immediately, Mr. Pringle has the contract for building a barn for J. 'P, Brydges, They are using an old barn, purchased from Wm. Isbister, in its construction. Alport L. Cole. of Newark, New Jer- sey, formerly of 0t11 line, Morris who studied for over a year for it Mechani- cal Draughtsman, and took a position in Newark before trying his exam., has, we aro pleased to state, passer, his exam, and received his diploma from the Scranton, Penn„ School, where. he took his course. Congratulations, Bert. The White City Drug Store Wishes all its friends and patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH Huron County Council. Following are the names of the reeves and deputy reeves who will make up the county council of 1907 Ashfield -Thos. Stothers, Dungan- non ; W. bunter, Lucknow, Bayfield -Dr. Woods, Brussels -John Leckie. Blyth -Dr, W, J. Milne. Clinton -D. Cantolon. Colborne -Jas. Taylor, Dunlop. Exeter -A. Q. Bobior. Goderich township -John Middleton, Clinton, Guderich-Robert McLean, Robert Elliott, Grey -Wm. Fraser. Molesworth ; John Grant, BrussolN, Turn berry -'John Mosgrove, BNevale, West Wawanosh-Wm. Bailie, Dun- gannon. East %Vawanosh-J,T. Currie, Wing- hatn. Wingham-Dr. Irwin, Wroxeter --R B. Harris. Stanley - Jas. McDermott, Bruce. field, Usbovne-Jos, Hawkins, Ha -Poter Lamont, Zurich, Hullott-Thos, McMillan, Soaforth, Ilonsall-Owen Geiger. Howick-'P. G. Shearer, Fordtvich ; Jos. Hatus'ock, 1''ordwirh. Morris -Goo, Taylor, Belgrave. McICillop--J. M. Govenlock, Win- throp.. Seaforth-M. Y. McLean. Stephen -Hy. Willert, Dashwood ; J. Kellerman, Dashwood, Tuckersmitlt - Robt, McKay, Eg- mondville. Exeter. Walter Maguire, who has been with the Russ Taylor Co., has gone to Tor- onto. .1. G. Stan bury is engaged installing the newly elected officers of the I: 0. 0. f', lodges in the dietr'ict, Harry Hooper who for some months Wrts employed by the Alma Mercantile Coin Deny. of Alma, Mich., returned to has home Isere. Mrs, F. J. Knight returned from Califoi nig on Thursday last, after some tnnnths' visit with her mother, Mrs. Drew She is not in the best of health and hits been coattail to her root» since her return. The A, Y. P. A. of the 'Pr' vitt item= oriel church hits derided to put on a play in the Opera House in February, entitled '"I'Iae gravels" by Sheridan. A good caste of character hits been mitdo end prar,tire will begin at once. A small sense took place on Mein street between tw'a tvel1.knowt' citizen,., They were seln'rated bf'f ir' dein:' each other murh Iiarur, but, however the town t reasury ryas ia0t•eas4Ad 1110 next day by linos lin posed on the belligerents. .7, G. Stanbury received an extra- ordinary New Year's gift this year he was entraged ns Counsel for some proles out of town who had it late suit on their hands, and-uccooded in obtain- ing a roault favorable to his clients. The fees were veld at the tithe and the mat ter was considered closed. 011 New Yeta''N day he was surprised to receive through the mail it cheque of generous dimensions aceotnpitlied by a letter of appreniatio» of his services have you renewed your subscription to Ttlta 1 TANDAatD, voomminmailmsavieulemo Stock -Taking and `--CLEAI 0 SALE January 21st to January 31st. ,..,..,.....-- DONT MISS IT. • WAIT FOR IT. TERMS 6TRICTLY CASH. GROCERIES 21 lbs, Redpath's Granulated Sugar, $1 7 bars Bee Hive Soap for 25c 4 tins new sweet Rinkled Peas for25c 3 tins new sweet Corn for "5c New Tomatoes, :per tin ..., ...loc 7 boxes of Matches, moo in box 25c 5 dozen Clothes Pins for 5c 10 lbs. Epsom Salts for 25c 10 lbs, Cornmeal for 25c 9 lbs Oatmeal for Royal Yeast Cakes per pkg.,..... 4c Handy Amonia per pkg 5c Good Cotton Clothes Lines for 5c 6 tins Gillett's Lye for 5oc 6 tins Shoe Polish for 25c 3 pkgs Corn or Laundry Starch.. 25c 5 lbs, Washing Soda for I OC 6 lbs. Pearl Rice for ....25c 5 lbs. Beautiful Tea, black or green....$1 Bring in your grocery list and try a sample order. Sensations "5c 8 papers good Pins for 05 2 dozen Pearl I3uttons for 05 1 package Bair Pins for 01 1500 yards'rerclton Laces and Insertions, rugu- 5c and 6c value, stock -taking price per yd.. .08 Safety Pins per curd rat .. 01 Children's beautiful Handkerchiofa, 8 for 05 1000 yards Baby Ribbon, all colors at per yd... 01 Children's Ringwood Gloves, per pair 15 Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, per pair 19 500 yards Wrapporettos, all colors, reg. 12ie, for .08 10 pieces 10c, for .06 Dress Goods 4 pieces Dross Melton, in black, blue, green and grey, 44 inches wide, regular 25e, Stocktaking Nair price .15 5 pieces Fancy Wool Tweed and Lustre Dress Gatods in reds, blues, blacks, greens and checks, regular 50e value, for.85 5 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular 85e and 40o values, Stocktaking sale,... ,25 Underskirts Ladies' sateen wool -lined Underskirts, regu- lar $1.50, for Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular $1.00, for 4060 6 060 Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular $1 50, for Ladies' sateen unlined Underskirts, regular Ladies' sateen unlined Undrrskirte,regular 82 00, for.... Please take a .00k at these Underskirts, Flannelette 500 yards Flannelette, good heavy weight and gond width, at per yard 44 10 pieces good heavy Flannelette, all good patterns and Gast colors, regular 10e, for, I''lennelette Blankets, 10-4. all colors, regular $1.25, ' ole price .... .98 .r, 1.00 1,25 1,50 .01 .08 .08 Clothing 15 Boys' Suits, mixed tweed, aged 8 to 12 Years. regular 88.00. for 2.0o 10 Boys' Suits, assorted patterns, reg. 85.0011.75 7 Youths' " „ 86.504.95 10 Men's Snits, beautiful patterns, new goods, regular $5.00, for 83.95.... ... 3.95 20 Men's Suits, beautiful patterns, sizes 36 to 42, regular 810;00 and 812.00, to clear at this stocktaking sale, for......., 6.90 Men's Odd Pants for working or dress at the fol- lowing cuts: Regular 81.25 and 81.85 Men's Overalls for Regular 81.50 for 81 25. regular 75c line for 59c, regular 82.00 for $1.75 with bib, regular 85e line for 75c, regular 82.50 line for 82.00, regular 81.011 line for 80c, regular 89.00 for 82.25. 10 Boys' New Overcoats, assorted sizes and patterns, ranging in price from $3.50 up to 85.00. stocktaking price to clear the whole lot at ...... 2,50 Men's Underwear at greatly reduced prices Men's Pnre Wool Shirt and Drawers, regular ' 81 00 line, to clear at ...........4.0 Wool Nap Shirts and Drawer's, regular $1.00 Tines, to clear at........ Heavy Ribbed Pure \Vool Shirts and Draw- ers, regular 75c lines for.... .01 406 Pure Wool Fleece -lined, Penman's make, regular 75c lines.for Men's Cotton Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers regular 50e lines for Men's Union Shirts and 'Drawers, regular 50u. Boys' Fleoce'lined Shirts and Drawers, regu- lar 40c lines, to clear at........ .... Underwear .75 .75 .55 .u9 .89 .35 .25 Ladies' Underwear in Vests and Drawers, all new goods. Regular 25c lines for 19c. " 50c " 89c. 75c " 55e, 1.00 " 79e. 1.25 " 98c. Children's UU�derwonr at 'ass than cost. Vests 10c, 12 ,e, 15019e and 25c. Regular 85c litres. ,1 51 11 Shoes \ion's Heavy Working Shoes, reg. $1.50, for.. .08 " $1.75, for.. 1.25 1.50 11 82.50, for.. 1,95 1.25 2.00 11 I1 $2.00, for.. ,. 1. Men's Fina Shoos, regular 82.00 line, for I1 11 82.50 " Alen's Patent Colt Shoe, hest patent regular 85 00 line. Stocktaking sale price 11 511 Boys' Fine and Coarse Shoos at 75e, 95e, 81 and 1.'255 Space will not permit a full list of prices. Ladies' and Gents' Felt Shoes and Slippers Ladies' regular 81.50 lines Pelt Shoes to clear. 98 hen's 82.25 1, . 1,75 Ladies' and Gents' (felt Slippers 35 and .48 Rubbers Light weight for Ladies' and Gents, . Misses and Children. Ladies' regular 75a Rubbers to cleft' at Mon's regular 81.00 Rubbers to clear at Men's regular 85n Rubbers to clean' at \l isses' regular 50e Rubbers to clear at. Children's regular 40e Rubbers, all sizes, at .50 .79 .75 .40 .29 Fur Coats We have a few Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats left which we will sell at less than cost, alao a few very neat Ruffs which would pay you well to take a look at, Ladies' Winter Coats 2 only. Black Cheviot, length, newest sty- les, regular $6,50, for ....... ,... 5.00 4 only, Black raid White Mixed Tweed, very pretty Coat, regular $8.50, Sale pricn... 4,75 Corsets itegular 50c Corsetn for 85c. Regular 75c Corsets for 55c. Regular 81 Corsets for 79c. Regular 81.25 Corsets for 98c, Caps Men's Persian Lamb Caps, ,'small or large curl. regular price 510,06, must be cleared Men's Cans, regular $5,00 line, for ... Men's Caps, regular 84.00 line, for Men's Caps, regular $3.25 lino, for.... .. Men's fur -lined Peak Caps, regular 50c line, now........ .. .85 Men's and Boys' Peak Caps, turn down, regu- lar 45c, for.... .25 0.75 8,90 8.25 2.50 Factory Cotton 1000 yards Factory Cotton, one yard "wide, good heavy weight, regular 7c, for .01i 1000 'itrds extra heavy Factory Cotton, round thread, even weave, regular 12io, for.08 25c & 35c Table Linen 190 2 pieces Table Linen, regular 25c and '80c, gond patterns and weight, Stocktaking sale price.... .19 . Yarns Beautiful Yarns, all colors, regular 60o line.. .48 Heavy Rubbers Lumbermen's Itubbers, regular $1,50 line, for .98 These are Ioty, buckled or laced, snug proof, 82.00 line, for 1.49 Rubbers• high, buckled or laced, snag proof, 82.50 line, for,... ,... 1,08 All near goods .and must be cleaned out at these prices, We do not carry stock over from ono season to another. Boys' Heavy Rubbers, new stock, regular 81,00 lino, for......,,., . .75 Youths' Heavy RubberL; now stock, regular 81 25 line, for .....:. .... .95 Lumbermen's Heavy Sox for .19 and ,85 1I en's Overshoes, regular $1,75, for... 1.50 Hosiery Department. Ladies' pure wool Hose, large sizes, regular 25c line, for ... .19 Children's pure wool Hose, small sizes, regu- lar 20c line, for ... .15 Ladies' wool or cashmere Hese, ribbed or plain, heavy large sizes, regular 50c, for. .85 Misses' wool or cashmere Hose, ribbed or plain, heavy, regular 40c, for 25 Children's Hose, in wool or cashmere, 10c, 12ic, 15c and 25c, Towelling 500 yards Towelling at'l c, 6c and 8c, regular 10c, The greatest value -giving sale ever placed before the public.. Everything must be sold. Sale positively opens Monday, January 21st, for 10 days only. Positively no goods sold at these prices alter Jan. 3lst. Let. nothing keep you away from this sale. We will refund money on all goods purchased if not as represented. Chambers , o., Myth T[RS STORY OF RESCUE. hit we are led to believe.," he continned, "that Steele entered into a vastly more dangerous class, talose who Use the tools of nnurl'l11' to wrest from the class they wnr against the things they covet," Pell ���r'itil Debris From Fourth Floor to BasementLending officers of the Fourth Street National ]tank today questioned all the employees in an effort to ails the helve• lives in the search {which i5 going on for t he accomplice or tm'conlplices of Now \ nrl;, ,Jan.: 1. -.1, .1. t:, seof„ rt., her,ltise 1 know 1 %%wild not he burns'( Steele, the (if:>nwn t5li,, tc,t; rl'.1'u,'1! focal a E to lt''nlh• \\'illinnl VI -right, office huv in the ,t ,! •, "1 .liuu'.'•i1 ail rho time. I could deur cashier's department, staled today to a buri;l.0 w:,r0,lause in Roosevelt I this naor,iia'1 v4.1114' !:111! !•/e: l ial,u,l• tel' p!1!r LI(iI I(.', 1911 they could not reporter that he NMS sitting just behind , Irl`. I t;00 the i11v1 after Iu•Ililt. , Mr. Jlc'Lea r'; del; lulu that he watched soloed all the ,t'' +i,.- .. a' I,1' 1;',', :il) III)::1'.i, I;LI" 'h' '"t' tll;l; 1 was there 111111 1 ` ! ' Steele ►yhcn the cashier locoed to the 18 at a II•):pitll 1.0 -day, dill „ i ‘rat;!. ',r !'1',!'111' nap, I 1(1111 an 1'.SC!'lr., for a 11'0'1 b:•1:!.1', '111 his arms •!1,111111!'.; awl It •1,0111011 :1 long time bl'- tore anyon- .Lt \''' r1''l ole. I pounded itnd 1l'"•, �''liit'rt ',1.1' :au'- hurt, :101 ,n; til. b•"191 11(.91" 111e, ;1111 1 fill:ell\ when ler r wo*,•12t , :11)111 1111' Ill'1'1'.'Lla hoi! ria a 5',11 '" '11111112 to Illi' Then &link of his 1)r,1't1 110 ''iii ;l',t1'1' 1111! kril'lV I wll• .•;l1'. ilospi:al,l‘‘'161,.' �'':f,'rt '.'.1• t1'1iin1, his ,dory, 't in his hand and turned to throw it, says ria:t•:u.ln with ~1'm• af 'fin wen, : fir,'I'aell , '.reek \.I, err dolt• \fright, 11 ;1.clnrd miller to have br'il Two c, {veal !utl ;1iroug'h the ourss of ela:rred paper 6nneked from hi: hand. This tend, to feet whet' the roil,., 1'1,lI.Il,..e11 on Sul(' in the interior of the burned building, confirm the theories of Donaghy :end the day night. 'file body of sear. '1'1i44112t, (toping that tat ' !light duplicate its vivo -president of Ilse bank (la( the ex• Lennon, 1111s beeil r,s'1)11,1',"I, Ii:" tl'l,•li and th,i; '.it.v 1101:11 fill(! 1'iremlllt Plosion other 111:11, 1)91101 e'Itlpt,ll!, ;5 a, ,t;11 1)an1rl •1. .'11e:101111, 'rt entrnm' No. 32, �•e' in the ruin;, stili ally''. They found him (lead, 'there is but lints! hop' Ila,,( :to e•• "(f''r't en(ek'•')I \\ hen his wile :111• CATTLE STARVING. tit :till! !, th.t ,Ile lead •�ellt Irl,'::'li r , 11!1."' arrangement; for lel, burial lad 'ala: :,,:' of the neighbors WESTF:R141 RANCIIMEN UNPREPAR- t had '{''•r. ;1 I.{ I.1'l1 tier ;1, to what. ,,tie El) FOR FAMINE PERIOD. of Burning Building. telephone. The hos' +y;. that 11r •ta\V Steele Inl(r a small, bright oljeet seemingly from utak'. his left arm, although it may have been front the beast pocket, of his coat.. The man held the shining object capes death as did respect, but the re, ell('I', ,1?'l' working. with relle,11,4! to retell 1.i.; baste. "ea;tuft I1) -day ',yr.; ,Illi'' l'1, r.'•'! a sal' necuuat of his experie11er, 111 iii,!: ,hou:'i 11•'.11. "1 wa.i lift the tour!!! (lasts', t,t:ill,1 ;I "1V011. ,I) t:r!'l,'t'' Ili4`r. f1)r Ills' 101' link of 1(1x••1. oat. 1'h)'r'' 1':111' a1 crash, -rue .' reir,i',( she fireman. 'I followed by tet 1 more. it a, tine ',I ,I- born ''('.. 11'hile 1 5t :15 !yin'.; roof falling i11 and earr1mg the floss:'. there CI! 10•' ,1 l ,•(11. Iln'1 I 5tulldur,,,t to the basement. 1 felt floe floor ;auk. ,j1,1st I'"'.1 y)'I 'c:r'tt.! lake it. I knew "I •jnnlpeil between !Ivo big halo: a art ;")9 'syn!'' I •• ?Ile nndertatker and I I fell to the !.,')tt:)Ur het \teen 11!1.111, i '•von.14"'eii ,.etl:rt 1'l 11 Notlld need Ilttlt retained my ,;1'11.,,15 all tet, time, The :after al'. 1'o.,+ 'i!" Urine' at the hut• bales saved me. They snide ;( 1,t;lion trial -,f Co, •"t1 :1 9 (1ilin:; hell with a for )Its'. The tlnl:hers forded, ahoy'. 1110 1'')p' cr. 1WI'; 10.10 the 101), 1 W113 and penned me in io 1 could not move. :)live 'al:'1 yet I knew ! U,ts ;Is' fat' frorit One ,liiL;alion was that I !tonight I had N'w 1`o:4%. f,9 1 rid ;111 1111 thl' hos•; been struck by lightning. The water in the vorr! lr.y, al: if I had liven in poured in 00 toe, but 1 was glad of that. NEWS IN BRIEF There ;('ere m) 'l 'relopal•„Irt ; 1 I-'1 t• 111 ,the mysterious death 1yri 11.)t'1)v night of 1)', Philip E. ,lohrn+')n. tare physician whom. 'haat ha1y w'us fowl 1 under 11:1 Ford. street bridge, POI'I:auul, Ur,. '101!1' CO'rr)I )'J•'., jury, after a brief iminlry Int.;r t0 t10 1:1)11'11,510'!1 (hitt With Irul)1)(:ry /as the motive, 1)i. •J'Yh'rsi)n tv'as min.deed and kis 1►,!'y !1r1)trll oat ;.I." bndt,ro, Eoil the 1:.,:1'i, 1!flie'ing 11 nasty scalp wound, b'irem!;It: (`':les \v'Is 5trr'k on t!ie back ';,1' a t !:,{''1% 11'Umgli. In nrdnr to tenni-11 the (at•holies of 1lie ('unton of Qu'•(;,i. ;Ii mile: from .Imieus. who were preparing to form at Colima' :i,iociation ui, ;1'r the (;ht:reh and `tate separation Lary, 1lons, i)izi'n, the lii•-hop of .1 miens, las ordered the with- drawal of the. Hari=11 priest at (?need, thus r'r,!npelllt'_ silspension of public worship thera. ,lnnoiric,u::„:e! i• made by the trustees of the t'niver,ity of Chi:'tigo that dohs 1). IG>S'I:ofe!i'r '.till soon endow the fila• varsity of 1'1,ir'aLzo with ;F:1,00u.000 In maintain :l Hold f1't• c111/00h111111ate1 pro- fessor.; of the institution, Early :ossa'; the ,.re,lnler Pollee of the New 1'1,1'1; ;t1, l I':eifil' coast Rt '(Iinship A g1' lei'Ll a:1.1 rin lv;I, t'Itl•n.ed its !9lt ro11:p,1!Iv now ti da' i nrer(hte. \w;l+ sli!1 Ila4llll for a fir... at thi± 1{i,:hligaat N Vrk.•;, one 1,t t 11' :'a•I gcs r; Gia rol111tt! t'• 141i�r oir1111lisione 11; 111 1)etrolt. I'resido:t The first 3!1!19:11 convention of the .1m - George 11, !1a^,t1,,)tar tl:,' ;0-., at ori('lln trial ('+,Itllmiisilrll- $751,u0II; .I1.;1!1I(u,'e $•aalIKl'1 :,'rot: ! 1.14'i' \..i.;,4h14'911 ,.I!! 1r. 11101h at. ('I11'agel firemen Ilt:•i rL.l.:'l'tylh:t'r•t( e 1 O,Ilmis-ifltl0r+ 01.• llllilt'etl, p'•' -0111.11'Q ,)r !1!111::" 111 r i•:111n iv t'Fll'lll.i -- 1 al, 0\11,0;0,1 9; ¶''111. 1.1015 1{1,41. ':rt. !,iter;i r,,e1a of Pririii(m'l)l 19))tl th(' late ,sir \\'!9, !t,tl'1,((>1't.at :1: ;t•,1,: BOLR) OUTRAGE.E• storks 10 41 1171' 1'•1'1( Ji,pn4t`:''+lt•„ ! ilk' 1ri-1I �cr, '.tar,^;!,�.,, t0 tura' •[.I;,:".; WAS IT PLA:1NEL BY A BAND OF ,1:a ttt' i !('('Tt`''a, ,1'1'-:d1'?Lt of !.111' ire :I - fir 11•Jnia Iiiilroa t Co,. was 1'1-'i6?' )'ie,'1.'�1 Po!i e. Sia•:11 Ther Ilius Evidence to .Ile•1,lenl• of tL, 1'''tlsy:l.nli,t 1:, and Shay,. :Ir2ie Was But One ]'residerlt of '!l1. Pitt,;i10i1g. Cincinnati, Chieai;u ,i St. L,:uii Railroad t'u„ to ,ole. Member 1)f :+^11 Organized Society, Brea! the! laity :\, ,),•---1•-lV•9,Itt. Pihli;1i1'I'1a11,1, l',I„ .tall, 1l. i;1, the ANARCHISTS ? 'J)o \'i,•1'rov of caro.. 111 h3..; or:l"I',!,i the! ' 1('111,1! roti:,;:: I Steele 1;11 dropping. the arrr.':t 01 !e1Ulel•( of '191. i>r000.o.,,1 anti- 1;111111) 111 i11,' 111':;111 �::'' 1 ',ttlerm1I innerie:tn bl)vellft meeting;. 1f,tatk ti,'‘.! Ila Vi, 11,',I,.!!Ii'; 1'•m all!!,' 10 _.-___.___ stl'ikr the Irail ,t' Cat. 114,41 irigitillr The J'rilt o45 Mary )t1 ,sol x'•A*111'10,41, t, conspiracy of l,i,,dt.;.9 1111!1, 51.1..1 'I %.05 lform('r ( neon of ff,)nov,'t'. who hail lot an anarebi•t (1' litiun',r of a hand who had uttfferiiig for 90194' 1!!11e ot;tl, from 1:1gtuii started 0!11. !11,;,',. 1'111; 51'1, now 'hernia, n1)eossint1.((( all operation, 'a•hielt 1%1'11"':1' 91'41111 •,t'Igl' ."' have le:l1'lte(l from !Wats pa'rfoim>'d 1)11 •JaLlltlar. (it 11, (Boll to. l li tato and :!'01'1 or '1'1 .;0111•t'e4, 11'1'1', !day. 1\'1, 0';i,,'. t to first ainong his papers • 011ie" which ..,v0 1' 1', 1' 1n;l:e'! llr'I`,' ;11111 A disastrous fire 'incurred in :`;oath frons boss' in t'li,;'::,, and I„tehltn'g- 1,onalon early this t ornin;,r, which emu. . evid'nee tyliieh '.rill lead t:. to the otter pletely gtttt,+1 the old'Tobileors; [ball, meml•'rs of Illi: 14,rn;1)ir;l1.':." Capl:l!0 01 at tltr. Corner ,)f the Wortley florl :nil IDeli..•l.ives 1)or:t!ll;• made Ilii; statement 'llru,!e steel. .\n ase ‘lipp4!41 off the last night., veranda roof and struck Fireman ?lama '[''rem (1.' Inert, e,0)-.,1 ;li;:y) alnaLre!t- liay Crop Sl'orte'st in 1'cars-T►.e Great Storni Drove the Herds From Their Usual Feeding Places -Many Ani- mals Lust. 1.1,thItt age. -111a,. ,Intl, I I. .\ great. herd of rattle, tariotisl1 estimated ;It from 5,000 to II),lf(I in number, which for a !111)101 pai,1 ha; ,nbai,led on the bank of the 110111' River herr, living with other animals, drifted before the big ,tl,rnt of Dec:oleo, was taken 111 charge yesterday by men from the t•ari• oils t iti lv'.s, and a big drive hark to the original grazing grounds \vas begun. Hundreds of c;(reals'; were left behind. 'illlilal' ''t0rii; louse 110111 311 paints I)f the emotes' of rattle starvation. Hard- ly any nu:eller- were prepared with hay to attempt t) tide their herds over the famine poi io,l, and i1 is said that, 11,00 hod tl' conditions been fm•rsi(11. ade- quate preparations r:stud not have been made. as the hay 'cop nt$ the short- est in y'ari. POLITICAL JUGGLING, Glasgow Herald Criticizes Chamberlain's Message. London, •late. I I, The I i lai,gnts lfer• old, rl'frrimg to ('Ilomllarrlaim'5 message to Camilla in eimitertio11 tsilh the year's I r:uJe return;, .,;11, a eon,ider'lttiou of the latter 11'1111, S'h:tnlherhtiii to once more emphasize preference 'tad pas.; lighllr over protection. '1\'heu baste is good, (;III: Imperialism; lt•hett lad, tall: protect it I. lhiti,'.s' is Illy iitgi11ious pulilical lcrsinu of '111.;:(1, 1 \v'ia, tails roil lose: - The sa•ot_Inan says 11:0 - ittimlettl5 embodied in the 1111'.-:1'21' ,1181111,1 go straight holm' 10 the 11;1l1 nt ever,' patriotic Ilrilon. The scot:man asks "If nye eonlinue to .144t1 no inclination to 111e('t the 11J)1,1''lal'J1'i ),f ('alitatdal, (!stn w' depend spun shy people of Canada (e) maintain their 111'e,ertl mood end attitude- The i••ne ha,. tio{er yet 11ren I'nll} rai-1'1) its I Ili• 'ol1011y, A FOUR-DAY VOYAGE„ Scheme to Shorten Title far Crossing Atlantic, - Thehoohat •Iain. I ), 1,,n i1 ) kraal ;,'seine for Ise ,il crloi,nlrnt. nl ;III .111 lirll2sh :•1)11114 1)) 1!.1' ;ar':(:1 i• Ili,r'I' to h1! pro- duced ;1t. 1111' coming l'III'll,l'IU'lltary 5(' - •Intl The 01,je1't, say-, I Ito '1 1•llltltl(', is 111 accelerate the e,trriage of trail hr es - 'shim! al rack '! .4;rion :i 1. t he I•,ninl in tee lIriii/it Isle; rlraue�t (;Inurlll viz„ tti!rl'1' (leo!-,, ;lrl1'i(:n', 1.;1r1)•`r, '1'111 railway.; and i'''r;' 110.1110.r4 tt•ill t'ry Inuit and tsar ,1'n!r,'r; sent•,;, to Ireland. It i- ,trusts that if twenty- fivy•knol -1i'ttt ( :Irt' e,,y,l Halifax rats 149' reaelool Oyer Ib routs' i)I four days, The eap1tal )1)6011 it IS ''riinlated will ha! rl•(111110 l i, J:1,2.-01.090, Your Co (11 ors W Old Men Belo �� 11'0 `�' sh a,w Roof n11:;,741 4 ,,e; (•i Send for FREE bcc? z- 'Rooli il'' !c3 i g 1'1 t 7" - worth f !_worth your reading. arrourool e asks•^ ij /`t w1,! ., kir :rlir:•ix i 7 'lA' Nr hoof your buildings with " Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shingles thin y e_art and that will be a GOOD Sof in 2C07. We will give you a written guarantee, backed by 4,',.0,000, that net) a roof, prro;)erly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at least twenty-five years, an 71 Saiva711zefd ONIA(. G.r�`l� � Ili (C: I. �( mak© roofs watertight, wind -proof, weather-proof, rust -proof, lire -proof for a century, --our plain guava ltt!o keeps it so for 25 years without a cent of cost to the man who buys ± k14 1,..1,7 it t �a, 'it/3;h); , tr•'i. , ,rt Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY, -of 28->juage,' semi -hardened STEEL double -galvanized They lock on all FOUR sides -the ONLY METAL g • shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on -a ham - Get the facts mer and a snips (tanners' shears) are tools enough. Cost i'd1ar boa goof LESS and last longer than any other roof, Tell us the acipa. a thing. surface area of any roof on, your place and we'will a Of ®straws tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. MotItreal Toronto Ottawa London Winnipeg Vancouver P1'4 Oral; 8t. W. 11 Oolborue St. 4::8 Sussex 8t 80 Dundas tit. 78 Lombard tet, 016 ?ender 8t, log r Y1 4.l,.1 ,.�{ 'Q V7l Ai 1t%'•f CowAssociatiollsestfl 1 +4+++++ 41444444++44+44444.414.4+444 I)(t it'1'lllleet of :\g1'ien41111l'l', 4)t1alwa, I),tii' ('untiis'sii)ner:s (iffilv!, A goal start \V11 natal, in 10011 lyith inn urgn0 i.ution of cow testing assoenl• tion,, but we hope to 40)' a great ext'))• r'!'la of the movement during the ',liming 1;;11, loenttare there i; no other lilt, 01' effort 5s'hieh 11f frni the ,ILIA! pos=,il)ilitles for in'rra:king the profit, of mil!: pro- duction. ,lodging; by re.y4 11!ts ubinined e!,, i vet re and ills)) by the +':.imrielu•; of pl'1gt'.e'•%ive farmers in this el,lllltl'y, it tv ' l!•1 seem to be leo>'rible 1.) ulc're:tee tit,. average I,roduetlit of (:ut(Idi:ill herdk ly at least .2,0411 pottl'.I; of mill; in.). ru%e per year, by a p11': ing tire ,me rational nr+'thu(I'. Step, inere:t,, In rnduclion tvoull mean an a+f.I.ilional Iv't•• emir from dairying to the farmers of ( int , lu of ;It leas... , :!0,00(1.(101) al year, wilt!out ine..rea=;ng the number of cots, kept. '111' plans fu;' the nu:)rnt'enm'nt of a d,3'iry herd need not h, elaborate or ex• pensir,', 81111 .101!1 111101' roirnirinrc' 01 1.111' I;:''1 that there are g(t>(ul ('awns (1161 1,:',11• rays Ila,!;;ell I'y their mill; produc- tion, in all ll'c'I,l,, and ')bolt it 11F'I'i not follow In'vtt'-e a cuts may have t 11,'' igtilty 1>4',li'_ree. that hoe ):erfurntan5'e a1 the orale pail i; up to the mark; that there are '",rrltb" thoroughbred; a; ‘1.4.11 a.; rr>minon ":.crus It will require some nt0rat•I eutnatgo. t0 (1 15(.11 HIV e.x'pen=lvc thoroughbred "'rub after pito has been short ti 0p in her tri, colors, bol tlurt 1.: what s!anild be done. 'There its only One true .standard, and the lest mu•'t be In,lurtion. This i, not an mrg;uulent ii;ain,l the 1hnrum;_h'srnd animal rut t'alher 111 attempt to place performance ahead of lt'Ii'_'ree, Ances- try i; a 111951 111111()1'141 111 e011;idel'al1011, hit unlr.;; the record eall'ries tt'ith it eol u' account of production, it lacks Ihr only really inlport:111 feature, and Idle ))1;11 I(wking for ,Ipr'rior anima!•; gets no information from it that. is of real 1;1.1110 10 'bila. Ile asst have p:'r.;ml,:tl knolvicdge of the strain in question, hitt that i; another Inatt:er, .19\ solienir 1111irh buts cur il.i object the improvement of our dlliry slo:k n0151 I,roviae for a sl nay, and record, of the p;'rfo':i tria'e of the inlliyi+l'lutl rots, u,s uo:,l as deal tt'ilh 1111e nr.lua.gr. Imrlll 111 lin' 11 a'i'd ialel1i litILr it; l tt'e and feeding, aIJ the breeding of suintsla to r'.pk!ee thrice which are disoarded in the "n, -,slung" proves,. Individuality can only he determined by the treigll';'n,, and lectin r of each cue; snits:, 11 is sanity praetitable for individual farmers to tc-1 their own herds, and ntlt' :e doing so, lint Sime fol -n) of cooperation make; the {tors eat,'ier unl(I eheapet attd:1 the :(nae tial:' more tb;r- (ul. ileal:;touch nn each un.itibur of an an• •gelation lets 1he U111.111111 lion relating to 4la!ier he,,',ts a:, well ani bis n'tvm, ('1II':ESE F:\l'I'Ul!1' ANI) ('I1I'.A111':1t\' O\\'N ERI f101 'LD 131: iN'I'1':R I•:S'I'1?I), owners 01. nt;1 nn;2ers of cheese factor- ies ;1i>1 creameries naturally take tilt in• I ere,( in 1112s question and there is 00 reshot) wily testing of indil'idu01 cows should not be done 1y Ilii. farlul;l' 0nul- a;ement. Joust factories have the ue- cess t y 6 ipli;lltco; (e:,cept the. sant ple 11(11! I';I and elle ntnnagter is, or should 11,„ more competent to do the work pro- perly t1;11 the avtv:'!e farmer is, 11 nerals 011 al'gunlenl to prove that if 1.11' pat ru!is of a lacc'lury iuer't ' the yield of mill: nom their rows the factor, 55'ill derive a eorre,ponlling; benefit.. If the efforts wlurlt ern now trade b1' the (twit, r, of Inert factories In increase f brie mill; supply at the exprn;e of neigh• boring establishment,. \vert to be direet• '1 towards securing an ilire:!sed yield of ))till; from the 11,1a14 already supply- ing the fnelorie+, 9 more :tbiriitlg and better ;!enteral result would be obtained, encu frorn 1110 individual factory stand- point. ('t)\\' 'l'1.,S'Tf Nt: .\1!rinr'f.1'fiCIN�, 11 is prohahle, however, that the most 191)9!1• plan for gelling the testing done will se through the orflttliz:lion of ('ow 'Testing .\ssotiatiwt5, 'There are slime !wilily of uletic twoei(lions al•o nd1• iu exi'•l('('" i0 fl ;414;,%41/a.,.,.; of OII11 io a!IcI(ho t,,' ,:!Tell !fill'^ neon or!taoiied Icy the members of the Dairy ('ottttui:siutt'r'.s Staff, and the ?Itmllt, is increasing nlmosl dailt•. The organi- zation i; heistg efferlyd in the follow - Ing .\`;1) Ill:(:t'I,:\'I'ION, 1. Tile nrganlir,:(lion shall be known Cow Testing \s (,ci adult, 2. The officers :,sell consist of a pre- sident, a lice•presideltt and a secretary. treasurer. Three' otter menders shall Ito appointed to art ':flung with the of- ficers a, a rutulmitter of matnngelnnnt, The offi':et'.s shall he elected to hold office for ono year or Until their successors are eleete(l, I, The annual rle''!ling shall be held al the 4.011 of Ihr president, 5, Jlecliugs of Ilio committee of man- agement shall be held at the coil of the set' retary•trresurrr, 'Three members shall forst It (shorans. 11, ,Any person tvllo will agree to keep n record of individual eo1v9 during the whole mitring period, to the extent of weighing the morning's and evening's milk on at least three days every Month; and also Ince It sample for test- ing, w111 be admitted to membership, The number of members may he Iinlil'd at the (llltrrellon of the committee of ))tun- ngerttelll, 7, The milk will be preserved and a ('Orllpositi! sample tested, Oiice, n 101911th with n llnbcuc!c milk tester. llrni1;ersi will he expected to pro• SEILEW OUii S!•9�t�S POISONING INDIAN DOGS-$:') A HEAD F012 WOLVES, ()Itatwo, ,lata. 11, tprriul,l '11 ' I)14 "Illllell I:ny';'IIIG,'nt l,la 111'1'11 t)II'Lil';I (11111 the Into prohibiting the licensing of scat fi:,!liie4 in the territorial waters of t'lu vide Ihrnl:arlvy5 with 9cule5, 8'111/111:01'x'hot' ;,;11:11: has been promulgated, Several tee,, nue for each cony nod IL bus fur l'at olinn vessels helve Leen se1red for holding the samples' I'i tlin'1 in 1'rmgtt:i water.;, and it old \yn 0. Jlenl11ers shall W43111111, the respon• !'sums Ili;ll ;111.11.'re 11:1; l I1tr to Jt we.: sibility of delivering the samples to the ii II was:+ 11 kJ II't,i' l 111111 1111' 1'•,!+11`4 pines When' the to+ting ix to he (lone. 1,.1.„u'ililin the Hap -mile limit, The person in charge of that woes,• on such days a5 may be directed by the 1:1 .; )'t• mow 'wen prouilt I ttr,l, and t';nadIan ,.rater.; will have to L'e.'1) 1 ail authorized by, the ffonnralle 111 1111'•„ waters, 11Irtistir of .\grirltlttlre to announce tllllt. ,\ rnmli)ilj 1 reached I!!1,' interior 1)1,'• blunt' rm.; will hl' nppli'd od ha1,;,1,n'mt ! h:ll rapes tv.ding the tcalifong twill he (lonse free u(tl1'itil1rgot i'1 11min Ile n1'i;,llphurrlo:o,l' 4.:11:11111.:1,111,;4( f enfort .\t9:11,• fur the 9099011 of 1007 for any regularly liln'r.l, I"u1, Ili' 100') .a' of gr''t!in', for organized association; the members of I,1',,:111' alliU)al+. The pnl•nll I' kiIiit14 the t13401'ia111111 In provide their awn out- '' ,n,,<, 1Vl:le t;'' f onoon 1, h i= ;1 y, rt s„io;l: fits, and the association to provide it :,;,Itt,'r, Comptroller 11Itilt' 1e1; „n! a 7iti(tt1dC plan. 111 wll;I'II the testing Islay I,,t:ll1' 1 1n111'r p:atl'nl 11'11:11 l'.111111rttl itis a Isar 110110, 1! •1,101•'.' t;1 .•111111' ,In) 111111', 11) investlg!,ltt' A chess' factory or a creamery is a lir," nl;,tr'r. The loiee paid 1,1' t:1,, d' natural centre for all a .1U(ialio1 Of this 1.,•!'!tl:eul for dead wolves Int 14444411Ill IIIIt1If0, The f;lrllltlr5 101, u'911iag are. •,I •^1 II'• III l0 :Slip per head. 'i'1 -e aveilal)1e at any properly equipped fee -1. 'Ire kinin;, file wand lr1l1' !1', tory, and the :samples can le delivered easily on the regular Mill: wagons' rc)�1 ff�� ``��l Q ..t„�('� _j, f ;hull hr JdraS'd 103'. trona ant ' 1?AIL 't V A Il 1 ��(JJ EC S. per;un lnterrsl(11 in 111'1'0 I'r)rula.tiun of ;t ('011' testing association, and, 1 11m ;lit• - I hori,I'll to say, 111x1! '.1'!1,'llr't'1'1' it .- Iso ,ale to do ;o 9 member of my ;tars will . . .:i ii: ^.R W71.I, WiTal; s G:i.iAT h' 5001 to atle0'I un or :luiz;It;,,u nleei•' \VO ::': IN NIAGA12A DISTRICT, its;;. •I, A. Ruddick. Dairy Commissioner, o 1 Vi! al : )'•+ JAPANESE BUDGR_T, a, (:. 1, elle',', 1';1",0.. lI 1 - PROVIDES PROVIDES FOR EXPENDITURE O[''.);", .ti sly the erose 1•i 1.. • ,'u t' 611,000,00o YEN, , '"'1.1111'11"11l r,`ty:l'Iil '1'0:'0::!•);',"'.r :'L' !;I:'.• 11,4'11 t'.1';; Gran, .'1 Nearly Two Hundred Millions for Es- I' ''' "r' .I;1! t1,) !1:(I' 1) •':1 JfI?tt.l• ��L1;',ala ii 'leet't11f0(+Itt;�.!±'1 , traordinary Purposes-Revenu•.i for(1 true(ion 1)f :l lire fl,..r `: ..lc Irl Current Year Greatly in Excess of ih"-laLt 2a �t, Ory2l+, ta, tli•r r Estimates. ` tl'J; 'i lii,11lr!t, alt i:1:1;'tug of ,".1'•Ia•i: !a, u,'•1n,a11t, -;(int •' ,:i' London ,sun, 1.1, -The Times core• 1 ,•: ' , ,. „ \ u:.. 11' ui�,hl : "!11'1,'11 i.W)t(1'nt (tt 'Tokio ),c(ui$ the f„ 1:towithh 3 : I' 1 ' 1. h.',•, 1 • !!i:l; •.iaa!I l'1'e p,r�•'1! illi h••• eul,l(. dr;pulch: 11, bu lel l 14))1. ,h•' ;' (at:a,n in'1, 1,11! iaat'1' e •iia, fiscal 1',!111', \yhm'!i the4i0ye1'I:ttiisit e':• '1)•stini. t i'i;ll,'I' 1,'.' y ,1';l for is +1'l u!' I)1' :1111:1: peels (U pl''Neltt 411111rt 11n. 1, pr(YVl'.Iof 1111,I)OO,INIa)rl112,000,I100 1'"u is for orahtvtry 1411' ant r1ui1,' '..l,i•fi J)UvO; 111!1! 1!111 UW),1)I)I) yell f it' 1'\l r,(,l'dlll• !!l I;_:: I lari'1' tent ,.id >1i(1'tlit"! T+' itr4' prtrpttsr• , Its adlltt;utl (hero tL9 ytq - i =' , IIti t It 1,IItT 1 l surd. 'trite," (l,u, I1lY'mellla'1'1' h1111X1'l Ullltay:i a•IIInWlltlll"r tel + r 1 y,000,I)Ihl vt.t witiOlt 5tsll iso met trunlnt')ly :1; i1,,'' ,\; '1'o;'1•nl;t ';;u!',',.:1 1", OtLIt'('nt Velr's slll'I)I,Us ro•entt,'. 'Thr . 6 9''011, 1111 (11(' !•itb ,.(' ;hi, t.: ('t ttttt'I'y; lorelglt tensa'! 1(1141 (1.)rll('e4tl1: cortult'a•ci alt industry being pt•trip l:ro no, r is 101'1' unm',l that !!l1, 1sr-'r+1'la , �; the revenue for the 1'Itrrl't)it year greatly ;V frit tel' 1;ltrpt r nt ,'ill exceeds the estimates. - +�� !t:i"•. ii" y ., 1 'flit' 1 u ance MinisterLi dt'1•o!II�g enorgi),5 to the ctlnt(tlllllt!nL of Mal,. e'(• 1"hG) t't 111111<'tlo, I,)+.•il,!!iti'• 1', ! petiwe anti the encouragement of '"1=1, and freight It i tt;, 1it>it'a! tlll'Itt, Ills p1•o),rl',ll?11111' ,•e!II' to ''' tttel' i!t tltl' be generally 11pprm•r11, and nisi; ;0s,w'u r ' 11, of the t)iet is expected to Ikl,ii off (10.1- �•�° --'-- , ly, c: peeially since' the fins t i'Iti! outlook j BRUTAL PATIIER, in Jlllchuria :old (`'tares. 1:; favor , - llri,'-. Let:!dren Flogged and Cruor, A WEALTHY BRIDE ,•,1' 111 Locked in 1 'rtu'll y by a (1!1• , • l;1\, -1 i!,1;Ill'd sal• I Its, \\'!oit•,'I' rOUNG e!'' 14!1 ;''';1'.1111111y,bill l'iha'.h'; 11 HAMILTON DENTIST MAR• ,a!,•I!, ,1 ,arp,otler, was cha rref; PIED ON THE QUJIET YESTERDAY. 1 H.; lliw'1':' '- all' snfflriu';lolli•f41:,• •r eoC.Ir'n and ends tg'rirl.4 I!1 4'1'144""l ,nn, nt the 11 the 211,1 11C11.rd-hire I.i7Li Iso charged with al -•11!11!• "rave suicide," and 1)r. 1'redt'ric1: O. tl:r;':' ,.f tee rllilllra;l. Browne, al dentist, of II3111dt'tt can ! 0000 ''! 11'1"'ll \I'.!n forinr11 fl)'' •IIi'I" r were ttei '.;I' li+'I\1111' l "• .••.ta• s):,I• fi+,t't1," :\lte' !2 l:.\tsert (.1:Ironyt', 1 i 1'4.0r: ,',!: 1e;u, r>11, •i: .,',I 1)la! the' !;1,:1:1 r :,. ,! ;!;,•� !1> - :i :i•, 1'',•. 14, nay '!a`."' :111' truss It'oa1• i 1'11), ;91.1 112. 1!1 I',tli•r'1191e1n. ! r! red to 11,^ from :eats Ile ;ti*l> „ileo larked them its r: " ... -\ til. Louis, \1o., despatch: .\lass 'I':fiitll Beall, of .\Itoll, 111,, niece of Jluyor :dmund Beall, of Alton, famous foe a)t Ila:(, \vent to St. Louis yesterday a:11 \yea•, Married, I)4. Browne .still thus they would spend a fly days in St, Lui4, atter which they would go to Calgary, Al• beta ;1, when, they \viol rem:Liu I)1,, Browne 111d Jliss Itcull have 14.'1'11 engaged for a year and a )salt, but the fact, had been kept 11 8Peret from all ; 'xeept the pride's another. Evcu u tv. in 1 sister, .\115s 1'.1(19 JJOaIi, wet; itt Jg110r' i,'I' ';(1! 9,•1 rn!I:Ilmeatl:r 15'! liner of the fart that iht illar1'iail? Iya4i Il tel tl'r ' ,let;( (r', :1 11':111.1!'+III' tel illy tel,,,;• !j•i, to occur. The bride i; it !moldier of ono of the ;writ. %r(:lILily 1111 prinlink11t I tI 1111ea of :\Itom, 1 wo yet))'., ago .sloe ;,calla. i DEATH IN SEIDLITrh PO TDI:R:3. dens front Lhm 11'ou1;11's Modica; Col. leue of I'hilildtlphia, she novo!, 'Both Both Fac1:ag s Must Be Tale.ea its prtcli't. 11 was while atleualiw; tha to Obviate Danger, medical school thiel she met 1)r, 1,1;;,!tu,•I;nl. 1•L it serol, tint .in' fa Browne, who 11'115 taking ;1 Course in 1 li('Itll4lt'1' Int- Now }'all's(, ;•;1,1!. !I It 1'• limlliopl•1'l1' ♦~� Il t i:'' 111';,ill (!i NO l'UEL; NO FOOD, !;o,,! t'l(': 1ta :I 1'i': !,• ,•. „ ., irutchewan, 1 ,ilt1 (r; t,tl'ia:'i. :t('1 :11'41 414'44 , Regina, Jan, 1.1. -01'1i town of 11inley, :!.i!;Iltr, lat(r. \ 1,101 ;i T.,,. ' (vent 1.1:'., : ,Uf t!:• ! moth of here, on for Pritt'•e :\bbert -. :2,:1 :aa i1:1:!If;il'111 (Praia:!)e O. i0':ulrh of the Canadian N 1t'thorn, is in :!:'ill ;t• iii:! ;o to kali a:! n;yn'a :` ' at de,lporale s4ilnntiou, faeiuu loth 11 fuel 1'.;,t, .li!.t.'t ',i!,1' ter" \'.;t2?:1, :uul fetid famine,-\ vu'rahnitt of the ,> Y -.--. town by 11)1 name of Bresthol�'I1 arrived1,r TIItir :?, l.IL L�',D CAPTAIif today to tall the :Iltuutiolt of the (i•ov• , ('i't i t1. to the condition of affairs and And Thi 1,7e_s171 Was Subsaouentiv to ;;el; ihi•l:tnt 4re1ief by haying grucet'• Wrccic0:l 011 1110 Danube. ie; and flour sent out, Tlockl, t)f food availablelhlll. ttb , ( , It II. Ie•. -- II It t mai :Jaw. RL.\ 1tnL;uvia n tlillr! iltr)('ss shipments can •1)' got i11. Ile I'''''al)1)•I:ip 11;1:1 II('etl wl'r'l'kl''t on the ;,S1ys 1111! 'i:trtt:t'I'.i III'e e,•,!II 0.,11.Itig (18)91 11:1;:llht'.:!11,1 It 15 !:!•llt''(''I that the ('i':'O' 1.114!21' ha 1,11,,, 1,) .;a'l'to)e f'il''ou.ott t1) .I)t' IC1:1;MIi'll alai murdered 11ie ca piain. vent themo.iv.es and fain'g1l,'.; from fa':',ez• '':h" :"ml"1,othnwe;'1! 1 ;kelt big', yet sail ('all'(.: can I)1! ,Ill through. ''a ''a''li' i't'('1: levl' ;roust!fo {1(IIereII11nt'•li! Int it�lt't' 1,1'11, who found among. the wl'eek0g!e a tlnnntil1''of tlyn1lnite'mtd 11 number of revointiutarl• Doges, ROBBED THia :UGH CONSTABLE. s, I'm'slholdt x91(1,5 l•Irtl, the citizens of IIt11'ley dare threatmling 10 born the 1, )); ears 4lau1(ling on the !.!dit:!i, there, GREAT FIRE AT DETROIT, Miclligan Stove Work3 Burned at a Lona of i$75o,oco. Iiorle of Mr, J. A. Ramsden, in Tol'oato, Entered by Thieves. Toronto despatch: The hone of .direst Detroit, Melt., Jan, I'(,--,1 gtbu!ral l'1'nstallle Ramsdell,of \roes; county, at nl:u•im was turned in to -night for It fire 1''a' llnrl;luim )streevent; t•isited by tin! 11) the 1\lirltiguit Atm'''. works, 1)110 of the burglars lyho are alt wort: in the wcat hll'g191 uuluulll(!turhy( a'9htlll9luu(!rltw in ('11i1,,tut(l ty110 tans to 11•11ut uuthiug bltt the city, At 1) p, nl, President (h!(rrgr! It, t':tI b':j, `I'hcy got iu by K,Phar win. 1111'I)ousumehont:Q; (low, A lot of cold meal, Mill; soul fruit ltt5111'tltlr('('e, ff:if111ti1,t11)I)d, t!,1'e1'tl'.l'allft+ l'il'elttetl:1751)90attd y:a; devoured, 11 [ler which they t!:Irt•1ei1 h(Ilf doz 11 spectators were il,'ureu. oft about fifte('ll,,1111's of preserved fruit fire u•it;,nnd!) *,'er control at (lock,' irrupt tile' ct'llat', ••••••••• r • • • • • • • • • • • • • Omer. • • •••••••• woe••• ••••••••••m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mm.a, •••••••••••••=1••• lion fill, ! 1: r 1.1 I 1131, oar. or tkt. other dt4 'ow*, air Ilwilk.44,,v4b..auvis 4:1114-skplbAlt‘.16-11.4.w 1.•141.1•11.1111.111•0.1011 mnlyum,prwrip! 1 t•••4,4•1,01,041.90‘10.0°V-Wleineine'VoAPMPANPo'NP•inel"\o-Plpone"'Vo'vane-v ..14/11111 1 0..,v... it a l ;ead man, The :.ipititt . ....,.. ''''2q/1"e).;?1;...;-)71.;1'.;.:', .-' . ..-.. 'T-',-; ‘. .;-.- 1 ',`',., felt as il it ttould.'.. .1 ‘ ,t.• . , 0- 44 ...,. 7...... • ....--.,,, ....... ditect 1•::,10y from 331114.4 13 to ti(i-t 131- : ' : l'i !,);7•4‘1',;41; `..1"'"..jidiiI,'-,‘ U 11 o..,- 1wl.in iipaent va,1 .," ,.•-.4“,, (l.;•; ;..;4.,1' .,0,,..:,.3,:.71'14.4..,i,",.',.A,,,,i.'.,..",1 moollc1411t 3131 33111 3, ;04..J;.. o 1 ! I;3 Th(1:3311 nl fdd, behind I7 %:,,,•,.t ',lin the holy calm of a •4411. spria,,,. ni "." 1 ,ett led mei. moor, ;3011 '..'• : ..."', , I- fon'il, 1111.1 1H1Wiilg l'i1'‘'1', t'll 1010 tin. “4'(03M :,131:1' Moon," sol'oll0 11101 -33111i3y,,,- lloWil IP.: 0 1111 ,1313111 1.'1(.0 (01 I!,,.• 1 s .', ''" V""l' I:' ''',1. ''''' 'Ijn:' al114 1131' 1,1113*, ,, ' '' I 3(4,31iri :i( -11( 0 .3 1''. 11%.ir11 paw.. pion, w,1,,, , .....amanoirmowr .1114110110.1011*...• 4.11004.01.011111• ei...ro•trod`wv A lik•• 14. 1)0•466,14i,1110 4111/4 I Wit.' 116,146 itfr 14. qii• (% " nilintl 1.4 s..rve,l, sir," .1.1.1 another 1 "till, tt1 I ani 011'01'0 01,“ 4114' (31'3 cd, 3.331 13, and 111't 1:.. uh!:, ,1),10,,, 111,•,•,1 1., 1..131 \ 1,1( 13,,3 1,1" ,i 1li 3133•!!P, firi,i1y, i! p131 1011 011. 3114.1 1 1,, '61 1,, cm!, • 1 do nut c,1 ivfoi 114 11, , *1'11 il 11 • 01 ro" i 141 °VII 1 1:" doov. 'VerY 31'4. "Hi Pill 13111' Illy arm?" said 11(1 11101(1, rising. .111,411,13 spol,., nol moved not, !" he said, in Morin. mho, \I.:3, 00 1 11. 4'1;1. 11 441 her head, 313111 4', 1!1' 114141 eYel, 3111 r0ffir:0•111;14 filet., "G(414,1 1'eaVe11.0, She 1114 11610.11W) he 41.14.k1 113 1.1d17.1 Vr1111 11411. ;\I0l, (Wee 010n4 '4411Z1lig (he 1101141410', he 141111141 , if ht. tt roild have torn it 414.m.n. (oddly, -! I"; 141 ( I the \\ '1'1V0 ¶3r t1,110e 1111141VVr'll the 'Ant:" 3,111111110113". "Brim.; n'ater, salts. lotrIshorn, oily - thing, everything! Ali, ,11igustii 11:114 fointel!" '1 lie,v Ned to 01),,,v, lie•torative; wer,.• applied, and 111 0 few moment; the Inv vy vv.,* 1l1ielo.:(.11, and ('i.11 on the 1.11 t 101'6 1.111,•0, "-:1.0 vot 1/111.111, Illy nailing?" he said, berilin"; Gym. her. I LI ‘rolidere.1 around in a vaguo, \\ 1141 \ "Oil, 101131, 33'Il('I(' is she?" "Jaeo;netta! (III, papa, it tvas nreall• full" "Leave the room!" said Ali'. 1)1, Vere, 4.rilly„3a the 'nriot, serviint,;, who re• Meta fitly obeyed. "Papa, what have you done to het'?" (,110 (.1iV11, starting up, "She is gone, .1u1'us1a! She %%111 never come 1r.14,1: more," " l'a pa 1" "I !egret 1 the neces•ity as much as you can possibly do, .t..1,4114.4. t ; hut justice must hove it.; 1V0y. Sht, 11316 104'11 111+411. (•.1 in ..110 111111111(4. and found Nvalltin;•" ""11 VIlIl 11:13'o turned her out of (13•111.,;.:" 1:trl.ed "1 could no lunge!' 1401.11 her here 31'.11' tel myself, my ilowyliter!" "l'icir tic ;isterf," sold .111eu-do, et rly, "This i4 the return we have none for all lwr love! Poor little Joelinetta Au3ns1a!" said her 1 .1 113 rity !,,,,.(11 4, a virtu,' father. sternly "She cat.rivil f,tisi. 04 hoort ruder that fair face, lie! 334 1 ,,(:(„;tri,,... speak no more,,f her, _Dinner 301!i1• „vori,,,,,,11, Mg." ''I 'iii'''',' 'Hwy 11:1111, lint how cold and jud w;,,,1101 440 141 33(1' 110)1(1," "1.:7;e111. 111e. 1131111. I do not feel wink (3l 3)!. hand 1V1lm! 1)k!il'o1V0 11110)41 lo 0.1311 t110 131010, 11'3;1 V.1•!1, 1;1,1" 11",11',” 11:`,os1.I)1() 11 Clair led 111111.'d said, 00 IIl\'. Ann :1(1'101,stal from the flit,„ A ('4(033) 33 11.11011!, 11 11'01'11, 111.1 , si1(`',t 111 ('('1100t1 (4101.21( 1131, 11011,A;', 11111 1 1.11111141 to 1)341/1'0\1`0, bit 110 11311 Ho \‘'.1 (411W(11114. 11 i111, Wik114Y. 1111/VH, ()i'i'i, too, 1:9' %TIT quiet. 44011, go! --:-l11.‘• with ine!" 'win; 11".P'frin;;; al.°,1111(1 164' ill'(;k! "III her lie stooped, awl plit 1114 111'111 01'01131 ' 1(1101 101 111S A111'011," 1401(1 MI', 1)0 V(11'0, '1,01)(1V. for there was something thrilling in 1.111.1 411 ritildng off of all. '('hi' young 'nail lifter his hood, and .rnisen ii14 (...ve,-", and his uncle started to see how pale, 1111(1 cold, 1)1111 stern he 1001:011. "1 Mu sorr'y if this unpleasant Fcene has pained you, but it was twayoidablo, 1)i10ner you come flown? You have taste(' nutting since break. Captain 1/i3,hrol‘•e gently placed ()rrie 0(1 the g1'01111(1) 0)141 11104e, 'Of 114111',.e. y101 \Vill 1101, 11i111i of lii:t \'• ti1V, 1111' 3 luiV 1111,1*,-, 11011% It \rill he ).1) 1ot:oily here that tte can ill spar., you." "Thank ,vn 1 believe I shall out 111• original awl Ica yr lo• day," 1c.3 ,aid, ill 0. V.A."' of 01,•- 111,11- lo 1 11011VIlt ;Inn thoug,lit, 114 lir rod'. along. until thought 1:00 1);' agony, nosJ, 3(3 (o.day! *:\lv 111,11), Alfred,111(1 110 3l0..11011 over the ground Wit, our do not mean it!"1)1:1,1to (4.0-311.'11 1'1'0111 11111134'rlf, felt 1 le 11411Vell 1411p,111 ly. SIll'e 1 110 1 tlle.1' 11011 lokcu 11P1' to y00 INV(' ile to .11,ii‘,.1. lone inn, awl lir 33114 glad OW 11 it 310111.1 111V. 111;4.;;;Ige to \\•110(‘5•(.1. 1 inn‘. :3,(.11(1 [or he toilg 1)1401.,!. 110 1....nytted it, 03 to-mutProlo---and 1111110.b Div :idiom', to fie wu'IM 11031 1!!' nialtgell to 1171°1 01111 1)11 1',.,re and Vrank.!" . on the luntse that hall! her. for 'Alfred! --my deor boy; --what, 410 \`1411 33'04'111,1 \V011141 110. 110 Ve 1001<1",1 011 101 fdir, bri441:1. faro 11'40in-11a fOr toll thou. Ito witA ...1111104 pitiful int his onno.•;- ; 3111111 W1,1'1114 1411C11111 11011 31031 13 the :,.!;,ttlierim.: sen,e of 3, 14:111) 11, while Ito 111 onee 100.11 1.113.13 331-31 0,11111,;,;,ly. to hold, Ile tried to shut out 1011,3' 1';o'', ittii, :110 -;'31 1 111 111",,,' 'Pe. 1 !I.. 1111;t.:.!:0 t301'•" 11110141. f3111. 10111:11401111, 10424' \V;;;;.' 11S Mkt t1t:1 1.10,,11"11. 11401Y :hint 111 It 1 1 its 1);';1111,\', unit il;f10;:i1)1.1.? oF, IdA own hall boril 135 1:1 inuekor?', 11 n 1 11 111,3 f.'w 411111'! 1111111101!(t( befot."4, when !is.. brain 3ee1301, Ile dashed 1111d philltg'1I tettin", to nnollun." pielner, , "1 1.1.1 rir. 1 1 1'.;1!11; (nt. 111(-,1„ 1, tii,;ifKL ("ma \v(tt) 1111,p11viiei vow' ki;111110s.4 to 1110 'Airco 1 came, ttoon.... ' of meeting Captain Nick Too... "Alfrod, you are anf.sty?" post I Itcre, ntol a dialanival dri-ermina: 3' 0 331o," h;!!:: 4,"1 (mini; to ; on hat .. knott'it het. 1;. :re.' 1.1”!" • von 1,,lil licvsolf," 01.1 not 414,n;.. ow -1 litiok ,ho ,,,O1 1'' 4.i...1 ter ';" -41 oI hio 11 ...111. i!„, tr.. no; 01,1 (oil( r\vi‘o 313.10 t '1 410 04 11i-,0111,' 10 401141,114•'," 'Vol ''1.11 3(33' \‘;11'.(' it is'" t".1'. "104',..1,,* ' 1;1,11F1113.,' !init.; . "01'1'01 V011 sir." "Ilott 1" I was loll to belicve 3•0111, coihin, and a young 1,341.t., turn,. ool 1,, 14- 31: 3',', a mot 114‘1., and the 41,440,„,.1"1 er of on, tvliont 114.1.,.elf ,j11-1 ly railed 1: 1.1' 0:4 villain 101. ,It lot'e her still?" ..e. anstterimr, that. que•tion. and 1111 i",111.0 111'11', f !PI \ • "I Ill :0••1 ! f:o• 11..I ,v21 pet turd 3.3.i10-1 me. I lovel her i01'• I • ...if ;amt I 1 the 4.01,1„ '''1'0u lip quiet, Orrie, and lc! 131(1 4.ro-.- I can't. slay." '%Veil, 11111'' 1111' 1111.11 3011, t '13;0. 1 P311111031 do that, ei'lior. most V 11011', If volt now, shall not lihe yon. you be quiet:" (.91.110(1 07rie; ,..i.011.1):..! Nlo,y gc," Ito 1:i81ttcd tendetly. "Vor her th0r3; 301!“.," he raid, gently; and then he let hot. 4,,41 ,31 r 1 quit 1.4.31 he room, 110 t01101 1.i4 horse, and in a 1.."3' 131 1.4' "40414114, 011(1 ;1011011in.! um if (114. 11`,1,3 of 'kirk tew.ird !.lereinid Inn, redcli it that, night; hat he would "tIntost. as soon have p138141441 in a wolf's. den, as wider the roof from which .1:teiinetto hod been cxpelliiil, 0 Otbogptitry609 (DOig4a6) eli Girlhood and Scot( Ellavisiknz are i! 7 _7 ungea together. 0000 The girl who takes Scott's „don has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's Ernalsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strengtht ALL DRUCIOISTS1 80o. AND $1,00. 44049440041400 411 4) * ;i ';)'14);(4 '33,. o: heaven 1133' holy 111140• y (!'ll 1!:it 1,1'i:/.11. too :14. I . „4 r ht. .,..!•:p.I.11.inv of it; 303' 4 I 13,. 1,,, .L11.(0„ed ilearl. of the 1 yolip,:- ,..:.y,ii-,,t1i,;Ln. 1 1 1. 10(11:0 I up the 1,,,, ,, 0( ...!•1, (Tim,. sl -t.,', wi;er)' 1 131. • lc," . .., .1;e: • .11... 1. :111,1 3e1'i.:.1-11:y 1111 covel 0,1 hi, he 4,.... ,, tr4 ,I by t Ile (11,0;1. sot; '11,0 1,, a0I.,4. i4i the pale, bright Hight. '1 1,0 ,-“,1 1.1.,„o'!..glitly hited 1111, e ,1-- telin '. : i .1., ..1 3i-4 (lark hair, and I. 113111.1 11.0. 1..30er3di 1,3,1' beneath, until hi; 1114.,:!, ho,', t,144,..1 tin:. sal,side 1, 1:11,1 11,. rod" ;dung in a :;11:3311('.1 011(1 1114+13011y 11101'.! 1 101-1i 3:3 310,01 1'0 -10;1'11 1.'." 1',"31-1 ablaze with the and gold 1101.11141; of the comile; morn, ,,‘ Lim the tired lior-e and rider haltiid et the door of the Alcrinoill Inn. i1.,i‘.,,1,\111.g.4‘11:i41..,,4f441111:11:.:13 ill, ,lititter., 4,104.,1 owl the door Inirrod, 1011.11 t, n•ter 13,3' in th!Ann of dreams. 13,3 :.:Ii:0 1t(';t10 11,14;11):n,4,1 Intl,. what briiliant vision,: of prinvely custom old 114(11 Ito‘vlii• \vas indid-ing iii; awl, with the boll end of his hort0- %dill), knocked forionsly at 1111' nolo. in a 13413.• timt ini,..111 Lave awoke the (lead. ininiii,‘,..., phip,o,i...._,,iiiring 31•114.11 Di, hrowe 1:01,1. up a steady eaulloinlil:' :1 1 - Hui 3,13113, ntilil there seemed stone ihtn• :gm. of his 10.ating it down alt (gr.! 01'; 811'1 313!'11 '111 11111''''' winnow w"' 1/1(01e41. d 1141 W00111:1 101;1110,1p protruded, 0101 lt 101'1 lel Voict` (11,111011(1141 1;110 Will 11(1)1', ".1 1.11,.11 11'0 Vt'll(T. 1 TO \V 1011'4 do yoll 3111111(1 to 1“•011 1111! 1Vilitill'g here? COM(' (111.11i1.111 1!1and 030.11 the door, you ol,l vil- 'Thu eivilly apostrophized, Mr. ltowlie drew in hi; 10)301,'shuffled dotynstairs. 4111,1. Ininkho! very !mull, held the door 11.0 hi- 031;14. 4'11,dr:fuer tel enter. "%Viler:. 34 inv horse to go? See that ho la attended to directly, amt (''3 me have 0 leol a:. soon as possible, I fee! ..mpletely used up," 1)!,! I "4:14 led I be 'wayup-stairs t o a '..1all lode in I lit' 11.3111 l'1111131illil 0 bet and ii eliiiir, and informed Dishrolve that. ii ivii, his ''h'41 liedroom." hold, it. will (10 ,,,„;,,ii ,,11,07.,211,,, said Hie 111011, (;(,1111:! it careless ",,,!ant'e around. "See t ha 1 tiit. horse io 11..11 for and (P.In.rnily rubbed do'. -:i.'' 34i1i11 my, 1:owliii, -.kill 1,,„1,,.. bo'l'o, my frimul. ‘v,lia t (Io 1:11'y call you ?" said 1)i-;borotve, di vosi'ing hint -elf of his coat and hootg, "Ify netioe's ltowlie, sir." said the 1.081t 01' the .111,1.m:till, in his .;:low and -oloom tvay, "NI i.st er---Itolmt ---F.I'ar41,-Itott.lie, !3311000 1 dealer in tickers ;tad refre.hio .111 and l)easts," "\V4-1!, hi-, llohert Ed.tviird Iltra..li.., liotv many other gin.4,4 I.; have y011 at pre.tout in 1 110 house'!" .‘lr. ilowley lool;ed severely at the belt post. neares!, him a moment. in 41t,ep 1114411,411i, and then 6110331 his hod, " \.4, hain't got any at this pros...nut 111)--n03 any, It's i(1lict here ---r2.11311.!:• 1 1)•I'S.1);'),:lioitill say, But there w'as one --Captain Tompe,t---is he not line?" ?dr, Ilev.liii 1oo113.,11 lea]) increasing ..4.• 1T111.\' :It 1)0' 1041))1181t Ilgaill, Until iit;(3(011y.-.11 hicii,titl:i' colleet.:1(1 Iiifacultb.; to ",No, sir, he ain't liere---leastways, just 01 present ; no-- -he ain't," "Po you 4.:..,,wet 'him ;mut?" " \Veil," sail l',.. Itowlie, seratelling his 110,,1n, or, 'nor,. propt,r1,3' ill...Ada:J.,, lii:4 iii,glacap: -1 loll. ain t 110 s.'aying about, that, 1h. might, 31101 then 3148it1 le mightnt.- "I 111.41 410 yon I iiin!:?" said lli,larowe, impaticnil,v, "L'o ;von think he \Oi1 (•,'1)1' 1 (4,113::.:" , "1,',(.11,, no(v, 1 10:1113" v0111(1111' (1:33','' :,:liii .11 l'. I!41', -,'hl', with ii loci!: of lielple.;-; ili4. 1,81 4, "Tiler, ain't never, putt,in' any i10ponit./.11:1, 0111) 1010, (1," might, and then itgain•-----" "Ile 101111 111,'' iittet•rupled 1)ko.n.o...., "11,,rfoctly 81:tt0'fat.t13r,3'1 There, y.oit moy go, now, 111,1. intelligent, friend; loll. 3411(1111(1 lip (..101,, ‘t'iii you 33341 11a3,1' tho (rd(II1 111!"0; ((I ill (.4111 1; Mill ealik ill I)Is' 1(10011» 1-1013.!ii0clits, owl 11!!, '111111 !;11,1(1. i lw .1.14,-.4:- 31, ho',':' 1,110 1)1o,1,311.!, or 110,....p.. wilippiti.,!, him %vitt:ht.:1u inch of his the first time the.. meet. 1:11ere --go; ••••••••••1 I 1't1 g1111133: to slc.rp," l'ii 1101''' :wen the 4.:43,re,4l01l of 31l', ponvii,,....., w;3(1.,,,144i1'y ,..,,,,,iiii, ;3011,..,, 301 11,,.".. imr this smigninary 411111.11111e0nlynt. his mouth and cyos opea to their it'i;14.-1. 'eNt4,1411 A flint ,v,..,31., liroho over 1)3s1:r"tre'4 fuer. as he 1',...t von his howl let' him to ,,.!.!;', and the horrified Ito.,t of fin, !,),";•;;;;;; 1 '1 111:k' III:, 1111:1 1.01:'(1 11C('01•11:01,:f!Y. )'iI.C‘ii :1)11! 1101'11 (WA by his jottrney an'l fite iniq,rahle ni113 he had piiiisoil, it wao hig,11 noon lieforo Itishrowe awolo., 1'1101'0; 11.11 no suela thing as a hell in the 114.00.1 so, hastily dres,,ing nint running hi; fin. 'go's i,ir11f• 11 lii. 11' 1 li•' he' -hinc,i1 11 'a 'fito:d '1004 lit t lc lookiii:r-,glit, era eboil .14i.3.00-3 1-!;c il.,i 1:110, 0.100!! 11'0l0)1'0! 1'.! I !wall, and, possessing a strong natural ita ste for 1 lit, ridiculous,' reflect (31 every .. _ . . . ,, , 'featur ' itsh,w IIe vim, Ill'. 1(0) 11111 Of tills ditiS11111il' 111111'01'. twisted 'los shirt; 'collar hind side before, in the belief that lie was thereby put Hug It on straight, 110 'descended the stain, and, passing into the liar, where he '"'1101 31r. Jtowlie , .111 the depths of 9, leatner,r .,rni chair, solacing liino4olf with 111s irip• .....,At a mug of frotlry home -brewed, "Morning, ilfittirel'. was his 14011(011' 13101)14 greeting, accompanied by n pat- ronizing nod, "Goorl-inorning, lfr, Bougie, }litre you 'seen to my horse!" "Yes," said llowlie, meditatively; "yes, I Imve," • ' • "‘Viell, I will go and Imre a look at ' • ; 0/.• 4),`" k,4 ; rt.1 ila 110 •,,, cal/ -• •-_•.`. •, . • •, .1 11 lin 130''l3; and )o':1111 send up •oolo 0,11141 031' 1.1 1113' 1111101, 41 01 110. Vi. 1.1'011 1, fa4," Air. PO' \Oil' Ira prnali 1)1,1/1.'111.0 7";r41 ('!1 (1111 111 -Cr 1.1 11(1 j 1), 3101 11:1 OIL." (MIMI ( 11 .,01 (pa 1111;1.1 y voinfortal411., re! 111-110,1 to fini,11 1(0101 :1 11.1 31'. 1014 fa,t; for ling "crossed in love," as I he limittemaids call 31, 1411113(111 intcrfors 111(11 a man's pp.! ito. The local beim! s3.30.,1 in the 1;itehiiii, a 101 (3! ''3) hy \O(it) 1144 found ineth more communivat ivy :rad 1111P1- 1333,,nt than 1(1.1. 1410)1150, he proe4.4.414.11 to cross,4.Namin44 her on 111:1!! "15 and iiuos 111,11 1) i„,1 mean?" chance of obtaining an airswer from 111.1. than her solemn spouse, '•Talf, Tc loll you %d)'1(. lo. ‘vas goin:.;?" ••',4 spraeg into the 34(1(1(11)',i1i107t0o1 tv:10134 his 'war. 1:3.,o1 •31141. . left rotite110, 1)1 I 1111 11 kW. ;HI 111.01', I hi' ()Id inn ('141111'1('141111' 03 11:1 111141 iii:'11111 11.1 furldildin "3:0 1 0 .v 31...,1c, No \\ .01 ;i:!1:1, but 1 ('3-.'-•0 ,(3 1) ;it a, 1-., 110 13.441 4,11•11 1', , 10. that 110k .1.',to' , 1.,. to •,1`. I h. 1111111. ;1 1.d 1.).07;3; 1,11-11301 MIL 141 I. OIL' I" d 1.1';IP4z I'd :I 1141 'A 1 1., ;141 I,f 110;110 11!4,f 101 I 1c; ';' •1.; 1:00, 1 )j-111'4) \VP's OW I' ( 14,1,- ) 110.1 I". • , '1 1. AI 3 '3 ,,,-1;; for in 30(01134 01' I 1 , !, 11 0 flee ild .1 lid Hi!! I" 3 13. -03:3 a 1 111111 of lo0)414.10=s 11'• 1,3'. 311 1:3- ...rah!! 1(101 I 13)314) • 1-130 t 10'1'0'3" '01.0410 111 "Yr..: '(13)1 1'.141 111, 111 14 1110 Of )3) I 'Cl1111:1 1111 111( -:;ti, "...he is thole. 3101 polio. ;tell 'eft "Ycs: cow.' 1...1111 ow." I Ito 11 ,110)1. lieir lett in an instant. apprclion• • "Chive, 1;raithnd , "asee the ! !•!331 1.1 1137'1„ )3.m ',Gat. :dl 4;1 V1331t di) 1*I.311 (To bi. ern; tinned I "Anil 64) (.'antaiti rempi..t. 1111.1. ' yesterday morning," he was -lying. "Did tl D, 1..APiONI '011, 1.1(r', no, sir; he m.ver t('11S 11o• ; body hi.s hut 1 expect it was ; :1,11 1move,1 a something or other 'Iwo! llowlet, They're ;IA thiek as pi31;11,14.1.:• :.nd Man "Ilave you ot both of '4,01," 011y idea tvlien he 11';)!t !loath Cia,11'1.;17.,..1.apponi, physi• turn?" 1110. 1 ,..011,13.t. mictft, Too; 1. i'3.311 i'opv, ;I 114•1.,011,1,,',4, 101:1 114.1.11 it eini 10111,0-3'0)1w he Inie•ht vome ('110 3' 1.111311"0.1 1'113 11111', !-3'1'111! "1" " 3ti 1)3* t0.:111)11.11 \\*. fuat he..t His !win ;(1.1, throughout the t ‘s.iii 33013331,40 pontiffs 01101(1 lo. toltd 111110, lit. 31;:t; ‘tor,(11..ful man small piecp 13elow; anti' 3,..31 at, a 141-,11 1,0111,11 :1111':' us." Ottawa lila. 1.1);;ss. wa: 11 h(1‘' with v01111. it 'y 11"1 1)" 11111"'1I1 "4;01111;1rd, 1)(1 1'011 1:1110.1* 3111 VI 111 1, 11", (4 114:113allt;u,„,,e'1))3t,1,111",t;:l'i.„0„\‘1.1" 11 13330" "011, that ittrominati IlouhIlolIlplit'le \\,;i1.1.11 he 1°111jil fulTineri N,„1 ht: !well lion, for ;1 , ..1 !014..1 .3,1:01.3,1:01 111 11 111(",orille il 0:3' 11,1111). old Niek ()rot, I. not hesitate to •(i to Olt( 11•011(.1, whoro 1111(1 told mo 113(1 ro. prove,1 t111: 01:1111 he 13rote the tli---yoti 111)0111 11-110; hul fli:31111..,,1 (sot, ri:1,11L‘: :::,, l'ink Ile . la ng110.;... ; mia :IPA certain ner., los "t)o you know if there is any chance , 111 111 the (4) o( 1)1,1' ggii,.itrit.i;Pgirar.11;1:1.41411tt,rgeo tly Fto N4)131,135(: 1. thou -0)1(15 :,111111,11c rk 31111.41iiii(1.4t1t ntareolluoi llt13, 11 I", \\*bill! Wild(' 1 01)111)1i.141111(3 1)1', 1.411/• you! yes, sir. 1):tv after 1,), 1 (H1111:: 11.d.1(1. 31 , f011011'i: 11011 111l3 ltriggs (1(111.11 in hi:, " "1 eil•tif,v that 1 hove trio 1 1)r, \Vil, 3(oon.1,431t, (0114, "11, y0,11 liams' Pink in four eases of the 33 moiintt. mho 3:13113.1 111 11 simple anaemia of development. After Distinguished of Rare ' 3( 1 11ow131'„ (10111:1 fully, . '1.111, vert..3:1!t. not, It does not toat. tcr. V\''11. 1 ,tippoye 1 lirro's 1,41 lil.;•,.,. 101' Pi 1011. 19 Wait. 1.3 0101'0 HO 1' 40'.4" here I could :quid (1 rontelle for 1111' 1:1;:. of other morbid forn.-: of the category I of onaelilia or 1.111:0'0.4i:1, Ind, 111:40 in "M‘. 11...vv1 %rill be here in the ('olii....). 1 case.; of 114 1331111wilia ;mit Ow ijkii. of the ilit.\'; 1ii‘ could go," '1 (Si12!-1), .1)1'. (,r1U':ri;(2 Lapii•P:ii, "Very 3111.11: ,rclitt him ttln, 10,, Hici ! Via ill Ctr,*.ceiii, S:12, Rome, way." 111' '.11 ill, ell l'I'l(' SI V, o.s if 1 bio : Thi" "3•111liii; 011:W111k i.if development" thouplit 1111 s.tniek him for 1(:o firi,t, , rofyrroll to by Dr. 114tFpitui is, 111( 1(0)381)?, time, "can you tell 1110 11•1111t 11)114 c'op• ' that tired, languid ('1(11(111 301! of young kiln To:ape-4 trades in 11=3 he got..., eruk• 1 girls 3..110w development to \roma nhood ;lig around the ‘('orlil';' 1 i,i tardy, 13)):)‚(11113,5:'heolth, at the per. • .,\1 1,,,, roilviiii iiIiiiieen fearfully over tel i boil of that development, is so often -Janine'', a ' though she expect...I to see ' imptilled, 1114 opinion of the valuc Ilio burly form of the captain ther, iii 1 of Dr, 1Villi311414' l'iuk Pills at that time person ,1113:.1 ans.tverml rapidly: 1 is of the hi.niest seientifie authorit 1', '11 don't 10010, l'in ,Iiro: 1 113110 1 lio ! and it (-infirm.; thii min.,' published loo.,,t, iih.i.--not the li,:14 :1 '('--10)1 ,lic 11 f.' \V of F011131300, the result cion fully op 10 01.1' l'iplq'tatiolt 4, 1.'01. that. 1 1111:111 not fail in the future to (.3.31e0)1 thy 1,3! thi; laudahie pre, partition, rot 014 1110 treatment cao0.4 which onaenint and other 111s- :0:tS1., IC 113.101. 1131313.3'.4 1101 11i113; 11111 (1''1'" (he 113411)1 1., 111'! (3..; 11C1.3`)10, 1V11,14/ 1101 1 ‘Vt'1' 1 I ilise:30(3.; 1,e3:31 mired the!='i: ,1r.ei/t' •vo '.1, a'• '•.4!4; t e rl:" • Hood. 1141 1 II 10 6 t 4, 11. .(".( 11:‘ ..:(. 10).', 11011. ,11(.11111 1? 111(103' 1111111 )1-30' (33' v3,01s I011 (.1(• 4 of almonia, o,011 Ht fir,t, Iteget her, anti lit1101- 303 13:0111114 (1)1:to 1.1(1 1100, 3)1:1 11 101 16f1, 111.'l 111111- 1 !Ward On, 1!'' t11, 111'11t 1 100111041 it 4104.11 times, 1 , lC.1311t0r 313:1:1 ,1110." 1v r".";11viul411')theIlidle111( 1111 Cri/' all .1:14""rat:3. cnfidenct!weans, they 0:;tt endor:ement of theono Hintally011111111s!" 1111i111 311„•1 hi t )1n1111113irIqL0\1; 14) 'I/44 vott 1;114)13. if 11(' '3'23; 01er111311' • '111 '•11' ff•eacy to hirroveror.na (:1) the di!01,113t.t. 331111 1013'' 1114 41'40,11, of i, roil {IAN: fini.k i, rig,, t lir!. (‘‘:,i.I.,,„:1101„,,,., l"ret! 1 pit11:4'41ln \vim into 130 l'econtiv ".1.r! tliii Child 1V110 131.081 With 3 11,1 t : l'I''el 03"1•1', 1113t 11illg 0; filit•';',' 10.1 wolono.---Ill, tjv nrriv___d,, you 1,:11,,u. ' . 1 4-0 Tile Why of It. i ",), 411.-'-nol, a thing. I've 1100111 ushe The bate \. J. ICass att, president of 'eil3 t (111 -nait's adarterht IPennsylvania railroad, was walking towathrd .'he!wgrn'iTlani5pll?iwne111Iliielphla with 11 1(0 li'i'''' 111nt. 5i'lullnw• 11?,lin. treaii‘ticiithelrittc1'sni('rstt.1eyiiigtl en 4, that that, there 01(1 (lrizzle ain't manslcm:will:t's a very finepia3 0y0 iihte tl,ore, :0r, Cass:qt." "Ye;," replied Mr. Cas- h!, 1133tter than 3110' oteilit to be," 'V(;11 111igil 1.- SW011 1' that without foor ve,a01‘11,1,1 wrniiiih,,iii.ouiltivietiiiin 713:0,VT,)t"..,„:: .I.V1. 1 :,,f,.,,,,,.,,!{7 -i,,,,,,, worthy hosh,,,. 11,,,, 4,1,,, don't 4.111''' 3i1 3'. 00s3-31 11 1001.110!1 111 1111;11 here 1 eau read to tat til‘l., 01011(1 very soberly am) asked; "Aren't you this hrag (hr.:" atarrit-41 7" Theo the two grinited In unian maid, placed it on the table beside Iii•i!. ir!firiti11,1 0 tic ,111,.:11 kreat ,,,,I lir,,,..„ ;,. , , . , nnil tho subject dropm.d. .111r. Cassatt's Ittm lie, (lypil 1 1 3'... hobby waS 1101803. li"01' stone fifteen years tiller 1...q, he was prominent (0 turf circles, wit!! 13 1.1 13.!:,.13; 0 nil liremilly renirie-tr- H %oil Li. .,•,11„:,,, moll 1.3, of th,, A1,,,., runt 1131111 rt4ccat ycara he bred ouccessruity 111114!';111-.41'11''1''',1,32:•"4.44111..);;;4,4.1114301r1;''''t e There was the "l'ilgrint's l're!,-;.4.,,,- ('.1414134. \,,,111,:,•, woo ono of ilio. 1,c1.1.37, -.1311,,,,,31e, " \Val Is' I 1,1".!111;," 010 1.)1010di0i1 Of )1,0 11. , 111 111" ""'Itrr' l' 1' C ,i) (),(1. ," 141141, ' '1', (11)1i1(7,011 (: rus 0 (.." (('131 IVil .,..l 1 0111 0111 . 1 11 - • ; Tirkr: CARE Of A BABY tcatalop.iie; (1)0! lighiliu:i. a ('10141', leitn..il ' 811011(111 stigh1ly at Ilk. ;hriftily ! ; ___ , `.. baby that does mit cat well and 10111; .:111.1 tried to 1103311113' tont, a 'A er11 t e- ' .- y rer.ni....,.: "IN'at Is' .1 73(3114 'wad "1(,1 it.. 1 101'33 ''''')). 1 31:1 1 i" "01' "1"'"1"1 n 111,1 1)1"v , NI 'wens attention, or the 10811111 may 1:(' 31 (;;)(130," ttoting dull :114.1.nalict, Ni ono ,;;;17,0 iiii, ii‘ 0, tual:".. children eross 1111(1 F13')110c'.;, 11111 11 nowri.,,, v,1(1) 31,os imiorrriiiiii.h. 1),,.(,,,,,,i „i: '. the 1 10311,10, 1110 01131(1 sleeps soundly and long tl:iy exeept the "...;evvv'' of ,11, .., . -It"I''s 1)1" TabletS 801)/1 ell11S' WI! 11 .0 !or'' and gig to Fontelle for ;110 1 1,1"1"rinillY "lila `,..'01`1'; tit) bright, mid stuil. Thut. itiEt! flay :,a,riaell Plidlc::A in , li., : 'eri"v's. `I-(111H1r111 1111,1 11m01 trinibles 1 iiireS 1)iS1.11'0 11'0 SI 1111 Cil ")1(tit'r.4 1111.92n2V;11) iiiillitillef,„J:,,,rd.1;ii.(:;: : 1)11;:l!.,.'3-1,/11;:34 1".".11'y, '1.:11.11111:%3301‘1'1111)s.thliiiii)gat'l'illiii resolving to 3110)1)11Salodin and ride 1 3, medicine but 11100 Own 'Tablets since 1111' rdil inn 11-1111 see )ne(inet,t1 once 11101.., ; dlc w"s t‘") "1""I'lls (lid ""41 th"Y Ithr''' hi spit() of Hum' on. nod as 03'1)(,14,(0,..cii i kept her the picture of good health," himself, and cn get lkilty's 0‘Vii Tablets from 1)110(41 111) and il"wil 1 131' lit' i :ona ollit (1 igg; i0)'li: 'm-il -- 715 0(111 (14 11 He room likone nsanip, Night vaue, irn-rt111,f,iic)ri,iiii11181741i.it mil brought10t11 it a (‚011)1(71' mod but it- ‚(‚/144a night spent. in feveri,li 1 C43.1 1I- 70 . 1 1.c'ekville' retivss end mboornbli. Huth before. "Tlik," renntrh(lic man 1i lw , 1, Ont. .0. dream,. .1 u.1 lia ;II 111Fil 11CNI. 41'1 1' 11101'0 T011111'11 11013)1 this fooling of rest lest', . given 10 PI:littw'osy4cit'it!i4111,111141ittgmueolfoniei Ilelie)tv)!;c., nvA.,, greic ittisupportable, and, luta lih, tf1 wont. What 1111 remain Inactive longrr, hc onlered out .1,!fter the airship?" "Customers, I hopc," TRAI',ING AN Evittrfo LETTER, Fiend Postal Officials I2equire Time for Such an Undertaking, A young 1.;11glisli woman v1533irn,4 113 Paris 1.3003 oil 11 tufa; from 11 Ilin] 411y• ing that tickets had been hent 1,11 earlier pos1 for a concert to take place oftemoon, but by error 33. ‘vrotig 611.1.a 1111113111 13016 11131.1.301 011 1.11(! 3 010JA!, '1 1,181, :atid licr coo.csianidont, Hullo. a ilclay in the 11 rival of the 1.1111', and it he well to 111111i1 en - 111131( at once at the vost of tho 131133'' (3310033), .‘rriving 1111' 110141 (1( 13(0' of our quar- ter, 1 1110de hum; erraild to throe ..11.110 331)1! (omen in sneees,ion, 1'4 last 11011113.1 gen t 1 mit a tool: out. a long pope.: nil deitionited peremptorily my. :mine, 1111,1r0t- ono birthplace. 111.' naa u(.(q.11';11::" to t of my (other and mo- ther vt.1.1.11 I H;ggeAted that sill this in. forma' ,although douldles.; of thrill. 7(33 iiiti,rest to the post office, could seaft.clv rostorin33 lost let- ter. whi 11 contained th.),:ets 1 must, po- sitively have before 1 o'clock that day, 3.1 1.i. it l then of a letter 144,1,!" he though stnldenly -1V4,11, misiliro. 1 ed, as 1 have already to perions here," 'too 114 11(11. here \acre one louni,,,s 110 lir ter:, which find thetoselvt-s hadly Tlato. letters are united in au - other d elm rt men of the great post. 'clik document. here," lie pointed to my ;i- ogrirpliy, "the chief of my depart(nt s'. 311 despatch to the great post. One 301; communication to you 34) 81o011 of the letter are (lista; 31.11'• great po.,t. 011(1 1 1V3135 140111, 1,0 ¶13'('1 33'•!`; 1/111f p/IS1 1 1 when 1 renel diffeient (0340)'! (1141115 before arrivilw at I one r,)). lotto's. 1:10 H1 111,1,,,,1 and 111 10)ed, 1 iroptireil '1','llter Ilt.forc Nye proet,ciled to fill in more forms this umniziour would kindly (1,11 1111, ‘‘,;(.2 1)10 rrilioloit ehanre of recovering the lett er not 110y lc (on, 2 o'clock, "'fo-dtty1 This nay itself!" lie cri3'41, in shrill indignation. "Parlileall, hot rot imacino to youri"elf. then. 1101410111, !hint conducts ithelf liko an al1i.)100- bile!" "I topel that shop toy letter - actually herr this ilopialownt --• that, one ('ool.) )'!ileo the loind on it in 31.0 e0111.4.0 of tv; hour?, In England," continued, \vitt' a fine outhorst of pa. triotiFon, "tve 11113' 1' su(t) a perfectly nr- roni•icil "'/14 1011) that T should drive ilic letter 1 reiliiired in ten minutes." "liiimind yourself that 101)33111 1)11 1f;1, of- f,: ell, loll 1)11 0410111), Tirro we it re In 1..ronee---" lie thretv his head protal• iv-J.:int( 'len. things march not so quick- tr. 1t ‘vil. perlmps, by fifteen /lap he - for( your l'OSP r.o in es op, Each notst 3) ('(''((1 in torn." 11 314 zsnnt41 i hier,p4in tlot.11etnnrpqat: ons 1:10)1 I 1111)011 the Youtn's 1'01n70 -inion. SIIOOT AT HUMAN TARGETS, Frenchmen Pring Bloodless Duellir.g to an Exact Science. Shouting nt human targets merely for 1133,' 31,0..11 (14 rived from it, and n U, in other words, blood- dir,,:ing or fencing with pistols, has nccit •poss.ibie through the inven- 1.11. i,(.),11 I.). :1 FTelIC111111111 of 11. 1111X lorojtTI.1.11!, 11(113' (1311163011 really no more serious Until teitoingsriLOl swords awl has that spice of realism in it that teml.s 1.0 inalt; any sport '1'>I'1 The new bullet is au ingenious device and required a great ilea' of experiment before being iperfeetett. llitt) 611,011 11011 L11111: heavy projectile must, 11e- ce811-.1),3ily thave a wounding force, 31 light, ton: :uses precision 3111:1tt a Heft ballet will bo 11; shape and do-oribe an irregular trajectory; therefore It 1111a111,11.tts projeatle to he effeetive must differ from all these. '1'•lic Fretrotrantit's Flotilla is at spherical ball of w;tx fat, with it Nmall charge, and in tests twenty- four balls were .140133ed 11il1'3' ('i813011 113 i3 reetatIG:3,..! four by five iuchei at twenty yttrilis. At a six -do), tournament 1;e;41 the Trilliries the efficiency of the '(('(1 ?1 bullet 111181 (1e11101F.1111t1,"(1, ' The C0'111.111.1 (01116 33C'11.1 134111.1.: R.,reeinf for inasls, with he.try, ghtss over title cy04, 01(41011g to prevent braising from: the impact of the halts.. The (tistmiceis. twenty-iive -palms and. the weapons are revolvers. 'Jim direetra the 001)11111 1, keeping his gtt2at fixed upon a metronome which beats eighty to 100, times 13 ininut6, makes the inquiry as in an, actual duel: "Are ,voit ready 1" 1110! When (11Q' reply "Yes," the dircetor, timing his words exactly to the 'watts -31131,0!" Aie'0J114,,.mtillnin, cries:" t1"lire--inte--Lwo At the command "b"iro!'' the irdrer; saries raise their rveolams; and shoot,' two 61110ts must he made before the "Thr(4e)" iks the participants in these trials are exvorts they made 13' good average, hitting their man six or seven times out; of eight shots. Al. though more titan 1,000 balls. were fired, Or, re '‚(VHS 11031 9.lightesit accident. Tile %vox bullets C1111 he riSeil in apart- iniiiits 014 Weil! 1181 in the open air Mil)hulit inconvenience of the lead Nal of mail calibre, which will probably deal to ifs.1n:troth:Ohm into the armies of the vt.arions nationfor riraetilee '4'. b' Things the Women Never Do. (Soldier, Kan., Cltnncr,) Yesterday we wore asked If wo over saw a bald-headed woman. We answered "No," wo never nor did wo over see a woman waltzing around lawn In her shirt li1011v with a cigar in her teeth and running into every Mat he saw. Wo have never Noon a woman go a fishing with a bottle in her pocket, sit on the dean) ground all day And come home drunk at night, Not' have wo ever seen a woman yank off her coat and say she could lick any man In towu. PAGE Fnttft---'1'I-IE 111.11'1-1 STANDARD—JANUARY 1 7Ttt, 1907. • JAS, McMURCHIE(Ni1� ;1 t11 Ct 't nnb lti•b • , Miss 11;'y.ie 'I'la\'I')r, J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. I _.._.__.._ lieu. \\'m, 1`no'nr, of !'oil Nun', or. Tho snout., in, with: of Ihr Ill,vtll I BANKER, 'I'111111S11:11', J:1 N. 1;, 1'11 , _ - I('onnell was hell oil 11onIJ'tt.V I1 �i. in. 1li(Itrl 'i tIu vHIIJiitlin xrfinlltlle morningrews Arnett A (11:N1:1;.\I, 13.1NKIN(i Ill.'tilila,;1 vii se members elected I , .. - iu,yiui vnhyarib'tl to for declaration of ; \% :04 (nand ill LI'h, a N. In the r lohit-e Intl property giudilltattions took t•11'IIIII'�, be ypnlie nit '•'1'110 Ilial'\' (3" > > >• , , cm el' of Chriyt'S Paolino; i411111,, 'I'Itr1\x.11,'1'1:11, ; l (1h�1: „l �1.111)�1 r thrir,!•nt;tit th('Lontieil l,ltnrtl, ! The 'terve, Ill', 1111111', 111 the 1'11(111 ; i •r..w. 134�C"ll1 1, 11�''1'. , 111'. ('. I1. ldees,. \v;ls in I,r,ntiun ('('Ul illors hill, C'ht,1le\\', Jultllvton and ; Four Senators Aro Appointed. 1 l;,•r:v present. ----....._ till,, 11'('t'h, 11n1'P,l IIs' Cnllll, (11!1'1'\' ceri"llb•tl b\' I , , ' Poor 8 -nate vacancies were filled 1 1(I'. I) Solani'-, o' Dunnville, is in ('ono, JOIIII tp11,'hitt )Vit du to\V nti•'.;,,luri.1it ' 11\• Me i;ov1 t tt nt. llutl,1 town this week. juurn until 'tiw day' evt'nill;t, the lath I ,• Sale Notes itspecialty. Advances Walde 1 , , l i 1 i't,u, 1\ , !toss, l m otro, mini nom.'' ' NoMt', (;erl'u'. , Ir ,r , 111.1., a1 )1 o',' ol: .--'ettFrie , I Wenn t. i c. l�rul bljtt ii, yi�itjt tleith, 1tn1yul(ulvillu , a't l( enlll d to the to farmers on their own notes. n � .. i additional security required. relatil'P5 :1utl filen& I11 (int'1•ji', ...-'.'— ; Upper }louse from Oiir,►1in, unit }ion, 1lr, Arc!►, Ilislop 11, I. 1' wn5 in Council met in littlest•y' Ball nn 1.iohn (oSI'gill!, 11. l',, and Ul(ni, I INTEREST. ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates To...s11:I' U ,,o;o:; the Reeve ill Ilse (.ilmnr froth New Brunswick, ' the town on 11 erll:es(1:t1' of this week. I chair. ('OWN. Bili, Chellr\v, Jt,hus:un ; Itoit'r was an tuisu' ssful enndidnte 1Ve otter every' accommodation con•, ,. siiteitt with wt fc Iirltl c011tierVntiVe : 111'. boll,,, `1elVt1', of Shelburne, is • lit,.i l,.'1'1y' p,t!•.Plli. :It ,ItItiC \11'. tIIlU011;! 111 Charlotte banking principles. I'(!Il('\1'111('' (1111 t'I'tr'1Ui411ij)z. 111 t"11'11, \fillip,!: of last meetings I'etU.l and, (.;utility' III th1' la'it. general election, Mr. John Hobson, inspector of ee• ''oltfirun'tl. , I brie Still retnaiu TWO vuct(nl,iP, from UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS .\1ovet1 by Conn, .1ohnston, !: cnitil('il I Novu. Scotia, hut indications point to meta 11'rtt'k o1' (111'1'. 1'. I1,, ii I?:Ick to'('0,111, l.'Ilt'IIP\\', that tine (cllutl'Illi tit'•'Ill(' selection of Hon, 111', C4ITU':In, 1'o 1040 011 Real I:+h►te at lowest rates town again. rooms he ',Md. -Carried, ; 1I imi;(et' without Ain't folio in the inti• of interest, Miss lythe) Barr, of' Clinton has 11', ,1. Denll,sey',':ord wood to .I, ; my cabinet, for one of the positions, rr:1 11r1)nnl,;,t fi4 •(! lion, 0. 11'. (less is in his tirail year, been visiting its town during the' REAL ESTATE AGENTS,pot. :ti y'i,;lrs he has re )resnt0Pd \Vest oust week. 11', J. nculp�ey', enrol tvoull to Persons wishing to sell will do well to , I' • ' ' 11 t's. I'a\\cett..., ? ;,il 111 id Ik i'x in t he Ontario blouse, 1't'ont place rheic' property on our lint tor; 1li=s Mattieliar!' is at present in i 1, - 18';.1 to 1;+(19 he held the office of M in. 111 1,115011 pros., ilt'l:nllllt ;i ,il I . sale. Bents collected. Clintonn assistingassistingin ,L,. Bell rl'.ln_' A. l'I,1,,..,,1...,.....,,.L•1•..,,,Intl,,. E+ICr of Education, nod then 'weenie Premier, Since the defeat of his Ilt)v• eminent in 1 110 he has heen loader of the Opposition. Blyth Council. NOTES DISCOUNTED, phone office. l X t lues .... t;!I CONVEYANCING „ )e 't, ;''3 i 11 r. i . A. U. Wilson, of the 1Vilson• E. Livingston, eltr.tlil! light Doc. , , Of all kinds promptly attended to. (il.)he I'rintiu'„ (.'o., drboutures., tl U,i 1' )'ie co., Xi:Igi(ra 1'a1Is, visited 11'1111 rico. \V!Iitl't Slay'', work tintl teat)) i) �,t► INSURANCE. 11 r. P.\ le over Sunday, i8. \\'rs'Iake, salary Dee lo ,,'� 11 r. S. 1'1,)lestune ;Inst 1fr ,lantcs 'I'nr. T.txn,tuo, printint ,... ,,,, 11 tJ \\ a represent the companies, leading Fire and 1 , f,IfeAssurtulcocunlpanies,:uulreypect (;1111, sr, atG!II(letl the district 111('1'1•; ['lie I,rlgnlle, acct, for 19Jl; Inti iii fully solicit, your account. Ing of the 1. U. 0, F. at C'lintou last. Moved by Coup. 11111, seconded by week, (.%out. Gerry, that . 1'. A. Anderson be appointed auditor of all tu•counts for Oi'l'I('1 110UIts : to A.M. w ;t e. m, I 'Al r. 11eLcan, traveller for an 11,.13 at a salary or s, sort that tt by• acetylene firm end a member of the Into be I,reptuetl cottit'miug the same,- fanlotu Seaford' "Hurons" 1va3 in , , usino33 ejaras, town this week. Moved by Cotui. (terry, seconded by Loan. Jobuston, that .illicit 11'ilford -' M1'. and NB's. .fohn Cunningham, I e:tl,pointed uurtitur of 1111 ucconuts for A. B. 11:1CDONALI), of Brussels, were callers at the home dioti at a salary of $5, and that it by - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, lite. Sue- of Mt'. tlo(1 :Mrs. C. A. Howe, Dinsley 1.3w Carried. jPrepared,roufirmitg the 8mile.- cesser to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. ct1'e('t, Tuesday, 1loyort by Coun. Unit' seconded h3'' dard Bank, Drlissel6. Solicitor for Metro- , , y', polltan Bank. , 1 he Brussels fust : "N. i) Gerry, Collo, .Johitstcn, that 1)r. Charlesworth - formerly of Brussels, wag elected a be appointed in place of I)r. Lindsay as i• h''.4.; 1)1'00'1', HAYS tl'-. 11L.t III„ , Coltleillor at Iilyth hist Mutlday. men th e!eo( the h ntiocal 111 Huard 11' !l Health for fur t.1 13tiristerd, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Congratulations. yeur�.-Carried, F.te, Offices -Those formerly occupied h ill', Juhn 11eCI1'ntoltt and Miss Moved by (boo, t'llollelV, seconded Medsrs. C:►Int'ron,rnd Holt,Goderteh. \%, , ' Prou(toot, 1:.(.'„ • Ir C Hay's G. F. Blair.. Mt11't':t\', of Seaford', and Miss mus. by Conn. 11i11. that Dr. Mille he re. J'' ' ,' Thomas, , withappointed Jointed llelllent Health ()dicer for _ _ -- ;sits(, of tit, 1 homa5, � isitut t ► l 0, E. LONG, L 1).S., D.D.S. Mrs. I''yle on Thursday. Moved by 1 oun, Bill, seconder! by' Dental Surueon. Graduate of the Royal t\lrs. W. .1 11'i'1e attended the. Cowl, )lilt, that the Reeve and Coun. College of 1)•ntal Surgeons. An honor ftlnet'al of ll t'. ,iso, (Alison at Brave. Johnston be a Charity Committee. - graduate of Toronto University. Orrice over James Cutt's store, Peetorla block, field, un Monday. The i'unera1 was this Corporation. -Carried. Blyth. Al Auburn evt.ry Monday A a.m. under the auspices td the I. O. O. 1''. to'-' p.m, (.'hiel 11'estlnke was in the county W. J. M 11, N i1, 11. D. C,1f . Physician and Surgeon. M.I).C.M., Unt• versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of 'Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Huron, thrice, one (door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. town yesterday serving OS Il winless ill the case Pigott vs. Cement Co, Mr, Rich. Sorters looked alter the chiet"s place while he Was absent. The corresp0ddcnt of Jamestown to the Brussels Post says :—Out' con- grntuhttiuus are extended to Conn. cillot' Cutt who headed the poll last 1711. SCo�� "comer.Monday" Ilei; lyhat sun call a it er," M r, C'ud is fl brother of 1lL'l'SSI;1.S, ONT. ells toll'r.sntan, Mr. Jas, Cutt, st', Last '1'Itn►.s(lay 1). 1). (l, M. Bro. Auctioneer for Huron County,Stattl,ttrl, anti lir. \VIII.'f'auuln, bath '1't't'1r1't reasonable, Sales arranged for (1f 1'.xett'I', %v'ei'(! ill town tit the, ill• tit the Like 1,t Ttt. STAN oat:It, Itlyth, ',t:iIInLion of the officers of the. Blyth ---- — Lodge o1' (Aldl'ellows. 1f I'. Stan WO' 14 a rising young Ittyvvel' of that town, while ill', '!'anion, tt 1tt'tliet' Illytl; boy, is a progressive tailor, :\t the 511(1Uttnl'y meeting of the council of 1';:1st \Yaw:twist' on li(1n• tial 01 1 his heel; MT, 1'. Porttertlelil, the veteran township clerk, alter ;;('tills' in that ('tlp;Il:it\' for :i(.i years, resigned and 11r, ales. Porterfield, r 1)r. J. N. 1'014.111e, .S. his don, Was appointed township .�.fnnn■Lr'•,hAb , clerk, Tile now eiel'k 1i no stl'allrzer Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables V GY cd fJ a'Q!'c `'Q 0'0; 47,ra,' tC .':�'U; 4 , , • 4 r 0` ',O;�J�,C� c),1 o 1 ! 416. JANUARY I;T1i, 1907---T}Il? BLYTI'I STANDARD ---PAGE FIVE:, Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest a ash price. Next ter here ou Der, lath, (train clocks paid after banking hours at our store. MCMILL,AN & CO. Dlnsley Street • Blyth The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is done by able In• struetors, The ambitious young men and women who desire to get the best poss. li►lo comluerelal training patronize this school while business men are in search of our graduates to fill responsible positions. 'I'I►e best time to enter our classes le now. Beautiful catalogue tree, ELLIOTT d McLACNLAN, Principals. TOWN TOPICS. 'knout fair on Jan. 31st, COUNT!' Council meets next Tues. day in (I.xlerich, THE Logan I3ros,, hold an nssemb• ly in industry Hall on Friday even. Ing of anis week. Oemo to Dr. Milne attending the Co, Council next week, Councillor Johnston will act ns Reeve, A number from here attended u dance In 1Vinghnut on Friday even- ing and reported ht gnod time, 'ItIIE C. P. It. steel 'nen are idle this week owing to the bridge gang putting up the bridge over the I3Iytl► creek, 'I'Ihe Clinton News -Record of last week said ;—.T. .1. McCaughey, of the Commercial hotel, Blyth, was in town on Monday and exercised his f'ranclhise, as is the duty of all good citizens, '!'here will be a missionary con- cert In the Presbyterian lecture room on Friday evening, January eighteenth, at eight o'clock. The program will be furnished by the McLean Mission Band, Admission, Everybody 10 cents. conte, ON Monday evening of this week n ?upper was given by the young sten of Blyth at the Queen's Hotel to Ilerb. Smith, of the 0, P. R. survey. ing stab', who 'left Tuesday morning for North Bay where he will be em. ployed on T. & N. 0. R. Mr. Smith has been n resident of Blyth for a year' and a half and made many friends who were sorry to see hirn leave the to.vn, After a tasty sup- per was served, speeches were made, songs were sung, and stories told, The assembly broke up by singing "Auld Lang Syne" and wishing Mr. Smith everything that went, to make a successful (greet% .11'c hope to sec Herb back in the old town and he will alway find a welcome. A Happy New Year to all our patrons with many thanks for favors of the past nearly 30 years. We will be found at the same old stand. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Strong Heads and Skilled /lands to the Front I Attend the Famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. and be properly prepared far busIneee positions, We deal only In high grade business education --the kind every young luno and woman ehould have. OurschooI has now the largest attsndunoo In it, his- tory. Commence now. Prepare well and success le certain. No trouble for our graduates to get positions. Catalogue tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL., Corner;Yuuge and Aldxaudor Street% THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORM IVI'Tfi IVOR'rl{Y GOODS ON SALT; AT AM01)EIIA'I'IG PRIORS fait CASH AND FARM PRODUCE, Sale of Furs Title has been a good Peason for Furs and our steel( Is greatly rodueed but have still wino epeelel valuer' In Ladle,' FurBuilt), Stolee, Ceperines, also several Ladles' Fur Jaeketm which will be sold at greatly reduo'd prices, as we intend to clear out our entire stce!c of i" urs (1118 DCa,0l1, Priestley's Dress Goods We have again brightened our stock of Dress Goods with a large ehtpnhent of 1'rleetluy's Hoods, As u'11'11 they are at the front and this season they are opening out as good if not bettor than ever before. If duality and prices will sell the goods our hopes wilt be realized, Ladies' Coats 11'e have left over several latdies' and t'hildren's Coats shicta will be sold at a sacrifice to clear. A fresh stock of Groceries always on hand. A Buy Priestley's Dress Goods for a good dress. Highest prices pair! for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH p ► M�ll� ► a IES EI! C ► ' ►a ► d stir.:gn:a FLOUR Favorite. $2.10 per 98 lbs. Manitoba...,,. 2.25 Five Roses..., 2.60 (( Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE Nic v side curtains have been placed in Industry !Tall, DON'T forget the horse fair the last 1Vcdnesday of the month, 1�1a, 1Vr1,FORn went to 'Ibronto Inst week to resume Ills studies. MARKET nr RLEPORT.-- IV hent 67-68 ; Barley 4.1-45 ; Oats 34-34 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 20-21 ; Iaggs 22. FLow1us.-13nrgains in beautiful clot flowers Sit tuRIO y tit Airs, Camp - hell's.' Roses,Carnations, Lily of the Volley, Marguerites, &c., 25c per dozen up, 'Iiia, infant chill, of J. and Mrs. Cook alter tt longs and very severe illness passed away last Wednesday morning and was buried by Rev. S. Anderson at 1Vestfleld cetnetery on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Cook have the sympathy or till 111 the loss of their little one, Litmanv.--A meeting of Direct. ors of the Blyth library Was held in J. S. Golden's store on Monday even• ing of this week when the following officers were elected .for year :-- President, De, Long ; Secretary, A. W. Robinson ;''Treasurer, 1), B, Mc- Kinnon ; Librarian. J. 5, (;olden ; Book Committee—Jas. Melturchic, Dr. Charlesworth, J. L. Kerr, Presi dent and Librarian, Dh'ectors—Dr, Long, Dr. Cluu'lesworth, A. Elder, A. W. Sloan, Jas. McMurchie, Rev. 5, Anderson, J. ,1, Chellew, J. L. Kerr and A. W. 1..obhhsen. TURKEYS WBNTEII) We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry &,,Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont REV. A. C. Witbhart, 13. A. On Sunday next in St. Andrew's church Rev, A. C. Wishful, 13, A., of Brussels, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening, and preach anniversary sermons. Special music will he rendered 1)3' the chair, and special collections; will be taken at both service, in aid of the church fund. Mr. Wishart is one of the rising preachers in the Aseembly, 11.111/11/ AT the regular meeting of the C. 0. F., the following officers were elected :—C, R., D. Cowan ; Vice, J. Sims ; Rec.•Se.:., J. W. Belle Fin, - Sec., Robert Slater ; Treas., Wm. Sites ; Chap, It, Wightnh.tn ; Sr, W., R. Marriott ; Jr. W., J, Cutt ; Sr. 13., 5, Creighton ; Jr, I3eadle, W. Taman, EVERY young 'lady, who is do. sirous of fitting herself so that site may become independent so far as gaining a livelihood is eulicerned and is judicicius enough' to prepare against a possible day of adversity, should read the new advertisement; of the 1Vingham business College. The dainty, butterfly lady, who has assurance of being spoon fed' through life, must not t'er.►cl it, Write 113 and will tell you the secret of our sue• cess, which made the attendance of this ,year doni►le that (;1 Inst. 'lilts Exeter Times remarked last week :—Police Justices Kay and Farmer were called upon last'.Thurs• day 'to settle it dispute as to the ow. nership of an overcoat alleged to have been stolen from Win., Bell, a liveryman of Blyth. It appears that a man named McCarty had been working for 13e11 and 'on leaving hit employ took an overcoat which he subsequently sold to Wm, Acid, of Exeter. Bell later found out where his coat was and came down from 13Iyth to get it, IIe secured the as. sistance of Constable Bissett and to- gethet' they went to lield's and took possession of the coat. Reid objected to -this manner of depleting his ward. robe and had a warrant issued for Bell. The result of the trial showed that the coat belonged to Bell and McCarty, who was also present, promised to rettu'u to Reid the coat he had taken in exchange for the one belonging to the Blythmttn, CoNno1,i xcr.—The following let- ter of condolence has been sent to Mfrs, 'Imo§ Davis : DEAR MADAM, -- On behalf' of the members of Court Ivy Leaf, I. 0. 1('., we wish to con. VCy to you and your family an ex- pression ofour sincere sympathy with you in your recent great loss by the death or your brother. Our Heavenly Father, who • works by love and sees the end of all things from the beginning, has deemed it best to separate he'a'ts that long have been united and that were a comfort .and help to ono another. We trust that in your affliction you will be so divinely blessed by Him who cares for the widow and orphan that you will not sorrow as them that have no hope, but realize that as ,!esus died and rose again even so them also that sleep in Jesus will (.iod bring with Him. We wish also 10 assure you of the esteem and good -will, which we all had for your brother, lie %t'as the 111911 in whom we saw tho splendid qualities of industry, honesty, justice, meekness and sell' control. We earnestly pray that the memories of him that las Just been taken from you will stay in your (hearts !Ike heavenly bene - d fictions, and may you be comforted by the thought that while you now have one less at home, you have one more in Heaven, Signed on behalf of the Court : 11'tn, II. Hartley, Chief Ranger, Alex. EIder, Curt Deputy. Blyth, ,Ian. 12th, 1907. Sol)scribe for Tim STANDARD. For any lisease of flee skill there i, nothing better than Chamberlain's Salvo. It relieves the itching and burning sensation instantly 101(1 soon effects a cure, Sold by all druggists, Custom !louse employees from western Ontario are going to Ottawa to interview the minister of customs regarding increases of salary, Capt. MacFarlane, Division Court Clerk at Parry Sound, is dead. Take Rival Herb Table is for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood, 'ale days'�treatrnest $2, 30 days' treatment 25e. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store ' Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. NOTICE TO DEBTORS, --Ill accounts due to me must be paid at once or they will be placed In the hands of the court. E. LivINosTON. TENDERS \VANTED.—Tho Clerk of the Corporation will receive tenders up to the lirst Wednesday of February at t� p. m. for the position of 1st engineer of the lire brigade—A. ELDER, Clerk, SEALED TENDERS for the pulehase of the East half of the West halt of Lot No. 14, in the 3rd Cnhcesslon of the 'I'owneltln of Wawenosh, better known as the Duty 50 -acre tarn, will be re - calved by the underslaned up to the 31st day of January, 1907. The soil is a good clay loam wall fenoed and watered, the buildings are fair and there is a good orchard. Liberal terms of pay- ment given. The highest tender will be accepted as farm must We sold. Dated ,Tan. 9th, 1907, PI OUDNoOT, llAvs & 131,AIR, Salloltor+, (iodorich. POOR MOTHERLESS GIRL THE ELDEST OF A FAMILY OF SIX A Touching Story as Told iq a letter to The Toronto Globe, To the Edith' of The Globe: Sir, -1 ask for space in your colu=urls to moot e from a letter received at this elute For obvious reasons I do not give the mime, The letter reads :—" 1 have a HMI case to present to von. 'Twelve years ago a :pother died, leaving six small children, the eldest eight years old 1111(1 the youngest, an infant. My mother took the eldest and kept her until I1hy mother's death, Then the young girl went clerking on, small wages, Lasa year she contracted a sold of which she has never been free, and she has been unable to woe)c since last January.- She is just nineteen years old. Kindly tell ale how to proceed to get her into the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives." The sad part of it is this letter Is only one of many—alike pathetic and ap- )enlinK••-thet:n'e being received daily by the writer. Fifty -live patients 'are in residence in the Muskoka Free hospital to -day. Seven hunched and thirty-eight have been cared for since the hospital was opened in April, 1002. Iu place of fifty we could care for one htulhdted if the needed money for tunlllentauce was at the disposal of the trustees, 1?orhnps some of your readers have seen the following earnest statement in Dr. Lawrence F. Flick's valuable book, "Consumption, a Preventable and Curable Disease";—"Could the consumptives of any given community be seen at one time or pass in pano- rama before the people public consci- ousness of the magnitude of the afflic- tion ng►t 1 uaroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose ;he sympathy of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as com- pared with the deaths from consunlp- tion." Tho appeal of the trustees of the, Na- tional Sanitarium Association is on belalf of the consumptives of the Do- minion, 500 of whom die in Toronto annually, 13,000 in Ontario, 8,001) in the Dominion. This poor, motherless girl is one of the matey stifrerers of to -day. Thanking you in anticipation for in- sel'til►1h of letter, believe me, very truly yours, J. S. Robertson, Secretary Na- tional Sanitarium Association. 28 Adelaide street west, Toronto. Contributions may be sent to Sir \\'m. it. Meredith, Kt., Osgoode 1Iall, Toronto, or to W. J. Gage, Esq., 54 Prod street west, Toronto, No, 2 Victoria and Albert Shoes STAND THE WEAR „�„ Victoria Shoe for„�„����� at $2.5o, $3 ���a The women and $3.50 answer the question of wearing quality, talk as you like. The question is the first one we are always asked by customers. We can answer Yes, They stand the wear. The Albert Shoe for men at $4 has proven it- scif the shoe it is sold for. The stock in them is A i and gives letter satisfaction than numerous other shoes at more money. Tliey all have style about them. Seven Different Makes of Corsets P. C., D. & A., Crotnpton's, Wray's, 13. & C., B. & G., E. '1',, at 5Oc, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1,75 and $2, Specially good value in Prints Canadian and English snakes of the Banner, Maurice, Potter, Swanby, Crumb and Grafton at 7c, 8c, 10e ltnd 12.4c. Harris Yarns in factory shakes of 2 and 3 ply. 'These yarns are thoroughly scoured and washed and positively all wool. Table Linens at old prices White and unbleached 'I'ttble Linens at 25c. Unbleached Table Linens at 35c, 40c and 50c. White '!'able Linens at 50c, 75c and 81, VII 111111111M POPLESTONE & GARVINER r� tr>? 1,f 1 ;t1' 1111 Successors to AlcKINNON & CO. 0,t• {rr�r.r�r' ./1`.►1nrinpr.� r1►�,.P) x,,.r1r.1,. �r1 Vr Fry r 1 "V1r`I ts1]'tett=�'is:.�s�”asst”r�'t�trs]It�)Isi]IiJ�.t:s:]t:s].•s�'tisCt•s]sZ��t3t � �s~'K" rNr I r1 r N rN r1. r r .1 J 111 r n 11rIH�r Ir F'resYa c -rocer1es I3rea1.fast ]F'ac)ds ■ Meat4 y 4 Lemons and Oranges. Flour—Five Star Manitoba and Choice Family, Cash for I3utter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR - - BLYTH �O•Y1C.�vY• �4s o e )C?r0 asC• as ' ` ` )!0( Q ��•7ChiO!•a Qge •�.)!�� i, .�.4r.es'e1C.p?.��ee(, � )� i (Oi 0 i Why buv Ready-to-wear Suits when you can get a Made•to-Order for almost the slime price and now you have an opportunity to buy a Made-to-order Suit for P the least money, as O 0 0 0 0 �0 0 { 05 Q� • 0 � � 0 0 0 ;U0 0 )0. 0 0 a e r� 1._ r C >0� 0 ��t • 0 0 0 O� Q Cheap Suits This month we are going to have a clean-up in the Woolen Department and are going to make a suit to your order, a guaran- teed fit and best of trimmings, for .t„,1) and up. Blank and Blue Worsteds, all wool and guaranteed fast colors, x:10 to $10, regular ;110 to $22. All Fancy Worsteds, the newest patterns In Tweeds. We aro clearing out and can save you from $5 to $8 on a real up-to-date Suit, glade In any style you may wish for. Call in and inspect some of what we aro trying to tell you about and you will soo for yourself the bargains In store for you, Bargains in every other line, but don't forget to come In early and leave your order for ono of these sults. Come while we have the whole of this lino and we will put it away for you. til I 41.11•INOMINIIIMIN o 0 L0) Popular Clothing House - BLYTH 0 memo Q alQ Q o 0 o' G• o fd o o 'u� 0 e0 YL rr\r ELOCUTIONIST'S CURFEW. (llclrper' Jia; attne.l r 1•:11„' 1'I :'- .slt ws 51aw'iy tvtl;a;-•trt'll,'' year ' bit :l to your l:r'.\t•1, I:tilt al: i4;: I:.nd 444!,1: h(•,r.ot--(1l'ear gszm of ,•:I,htlll'o Low); Ant! the 1,.: t ; > • hi ::., ti tit' larcu.'...1 u: ,. 1/1:111 and waldcn Lair (With a in;:voineat slow nud graceful you may nov; pu:b mood: your hairs; 1) 'e1 11'.1,1-- A drooling o: lie mill oud, bowed t I drooping your 111..iti v.itl be all riga t, Till yon h'.rlr.=::I;;, sadly whtp)r "Curfew mast uut 1•itig to -night." "Sexton," Ile:: -1e':, whits' lips faltered—!Try Loco to rI,rulbl' Bess, frbuul;l,tour:• uu know ,114'4! never ern qut',` such a charming dress), "I've a Inver in that prlsuu" C(Don't forget Ir) 1''311 your (a Aud to hive. a., trio;:;;': gazing through tbi Iron ortv,n bans. "Orono' IIt,1,1 a"; c tit; :alt. ipo.11, (:l, h 10111 a;; though you'd bite '.'very silablt' to 1)i:t'e--"t'urfow must out rin4 toulgIi ." "iJesele," calmly :,1)01.)) tae st•xtun---tli.'re extend your velvet prim, Let it trtnih(' like the tiextuu': a.; tlluw;il ::trIvin'1 to be calm) '"Loos;, laug y'ar.4 1 ve rung the 11104 0)''•- • (Don't forgot t') make It y':4r:: 11•ith a piIiull ixfi'4'tiuu that a world of sorrow boar:) ''1 have dont' lay duty ever"-1,1)raw y'oul'- • s.41f up to your 1R114.111, For you're speokin's as the sextInl—"Gyurl, the curfew rl:1: two -night!" • 1 line! runner Ihr oral inn.,' of thrums Out he swung, far out—(Now here i.; where • you're got to do your best; ti'm by a11 In,Iirret neCion. lliieana oro ,.,..•,. ..._..•,•, .....,»'....1...M.... t,,.. THE RAVAGES HOW TO CURB TILE NOVELIST. Of RHEUMATISM Rules for Restricting the Output Sug- ARE' CHECKED BY BILEANS, 11 \Veman's Sensational Cure. )Ir -t. S"lira teal':(, a rrsit!'.'nt of proved holt \v(Id''rfu!1)' effoctivt lijle,ln; are 141 0:1,r1: of rh1'11nu1• tint and t!il'ilitl•, She sae's: "I haul pains 141 tLr 1111111; :4111! afro•,; IIIc 1reI,11iC;• 1l'11'll �l•Illpinlll; 1'1:1) "l'''it po'''or 1111t11 lir or stir lir dull' tit's°16•' ' wear'„,.,,,, 111 1)'1111)1`1' 1':111111 n t'I'I-i-. 1 and 1':'1':111.':! :i. e. ,G1'i,`Ct 1,0 11., so 1'",,, \4 :1 ••r 0I:1el•O11 cull"'lel"1v ll(h)I's; by 1'11! 11:1117,'1' to tl1' Illlh!It', a1 l4lo ril,`Illllati.ill, 1t1• til(' ('',,'(oys ;id. '' I. 11' 4:•.4 ani :Ili:!1Ir vice 1 \t'i)tt into the hospital, 1111)1'1 1 ''tllljt'1'te'! to an adji':ti40 tax. i'N'1"'itr'I 1111+1+•1' tt•'"It4111'411 for Mille 14• All 11111'11, !If11 1}:' L r"r',toroIt (tot' wools, Oil ietllrlllltg I Iva; confined to 1tti1';'•:2r1; of id:'lltificatlun),44ulll cleael\• 7111' 11x,1 again for ,..even Week, 11')34! a iii:iiICl',l lei for; :111.1 Itl!I4!l)I'I':,'llllta'ating de=oripti 44) of the Filo,' \'work ])1':111; tJio :r,';oI4! of di•trll't to 111111') 1hov ho• wore doing''. This in:bleed lite to obtain a Ion;,, and 110 44'7'11'1' stlppl4', !iv foli'owill', (ht' 111x1\'!loll: e!'4es.11l1ali(111. 141ii11!!t' (,I:,1'tl,44 111; Ilt':It griviii for their 11;e 1 Unproven i41lt'3irll )o!o1in.! or moral plll'pn.I. '1111:;, Mille front da\' to thy, .After t 111tlr '•lite :1,4010 nr;;llt rl•I,rr,enl th"' lilt'•( re• 1:Iltes out the centro of x hind or cal). r(ir4inod the iLe of 1711' llnlb4 Ilnd :Ifter atiun of t.hr 1\tllll',Ir l 1'oillatiy4:, .ttt,lek 11:4!ee and rave.; it for coed 1'•!•I'' Into that illy pi'ogl'0 was), 'wapiti. roc some lire:' Ar;", fair a 11'1 411) tllllllot'P(( 04;4;9es riot' hn,ll �uly loft elle fill; ll 'Ir1.sin r made Ii1ue now 1 !lavo boort alit' iu 1'r'A11711e I11V 0 :1! 1 h(' \I(' li:ill. I I ' 1')1 0111', 1.nOle;.1 Ines( out file., .I Illlfk'etl 1/r lir l:'l• !if1 :)III! work, lint! :1111 Illtnl'r• •, '�o l .`1 1 ' ' - '.'!';i"�' 11. C�'11b"11� , I:1)'i1':: at onion, 11"I!oll I'{1.,' 711:'4 ;e,l•I1i11117 111 I:It• the!• a. d'ffer'nt p,'r;on fr''ili \''list 1 was a la4te!' rate than :l;i0 horse power r ' 1trj:1,; the last few 1'.4r+. 1 I chin her,!;, .;Ill ;ora ;,, pp1. ... tie.; 1;.. ':sl:iec ; ,' the r,tuf lt'd ( 1 bbaoe int 1 '1 riot h "11'1 h til Dear Meurer Your little ones are a constant are in Bested by an Authority, I Fall and Winter weather, Fhcy will The scheme of legfr;b`tiun subjoined is catch cold. Do you know about Shiluh'i ;It1rgt';t(41 a, to III'anii of 1'eglll:it1IIZ the Consumption Curr., the Lung ''rank, illy! enormous output of 1uu;h'rn 11(11i41, a whet it has done for so tunny? It is sai'J prol,lem won -nigh a.; .•mous as t'hosa to be tht: only reliable remedy kr I,II 4lri'in,g oul of 1111. growth of autonwhll• diseac3 of the air pss333e$ in children, 1`111• 1t is absolutely harmless and plcarant to I. No author or :4111h:ire s shall he {{1 take, It is guaranteed to cure or your money 1','1':'lit te,1 to thrive 3 r11t;!I, steel in. ton:!- t is returned, 111e price is 25c, per bottle, and all dealers in nle(1:eine sell 31.4 LIIII in'II ul liktre 111,11 fit r -Fri 1:1_41L't;r:l alis remedy skirl Irl be 111 every hnasehold, � Cab'_,r, c in I l rtn Fashion. au as ton .\ \i•,)!Al it hack (1'(1111 1'1:1 loe till l't' scv• '3t CNx)'; !Il ll Normandy Iown, sl'1'1'03 111'1' ia111„h_''' often in Not mail fa'•lljun, ;al's the N44' York' lam:l„ slit, she Jt!:''11111at::1/l iv (1111' In the,r1's1'toe of 1 ' N0 ,';L•I''I r(I:I1;11'1111ui:a ;iL111 1)P at. • itfell' all llul;l` A, saucy, Iai11(' 111 the 144410.1 14,'14'"'47 llllrl'il t.4, 1'70ee11t 111 Snell !it lion 111 1)111,'!1 14 11:I, rlu!:1'i' 11' •a . t' :1xa: 3 111:11 l3 lies I I n•e.l lu:.'! •„ t apart , 4•,ilh fol t,!,,' 1:,1111„-,, 0, 1,11^ 1)trl':;tool• gill:: rife blood passis and when the or• rol4nlrl', I':1'' ‚von(\\•:11'k4,) (li,triet and e:uli are in ht'althy operation iht'v fib the Sahara. ter ell! the harniftil 441b4tanoes, \'when ti, Special 'i0"!1<(':, :11111 he te.:'11 mit t.11et' art' 1101 i1 healthy op1'1.11 11 they f(•1'it:!lir•, xl!lubiu_•rn;:';i4;ll ;,rifa40s ,tad fail. and rhonriatjsnl i; one of the many . , '411('< lU I,'1i)lre:�', serl'tll; ,'exults. 11de:111; do not act \\ rltel'; of 1:'114)3; ;'11;11! he 1''f'1O11• diro.'tly on the blood, but they sot upon ;ih11. for ail sl! I Ie ,horl111: von; brcalioloxn:, !wart failure; and Iia the . ':144 ,1, 1114 in tlo' hieo'l, '111) "'liter lewd," for 1110 ld(Hld aro the '.jc;'r :114,! the Milne}•;. 'I'h1'o11711 those or• .linard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. i'.:iltarlsln, 111en:p1.1,l \otos—!,cln!Itar.) An iutr.re.atliig nuthorlity su)')) that In lh'' so-called "glortou.i” \'Irt-Iri'45 of Caesar a nlllllon men !writ:died on the field or batt) Napoleon, 111 the short ;pace of nine y(a13, til,lii!et('ll,) 41,'3114; front 4I7-1/�11.:8 ' W11$ ulllh0fls,'d In dN1•otc 10 "1110 glory 111 Let yoor dead be twisted b:l;Itward, lot grl:.it also a c11re Miro for Inilige:! loll, 'Iyer neti=1oi"I „ 1'Clnl'P" " IU'i lll)l 1.1 h('i' 1.113 In the ton ! t ll 1.i r' I I r' I h 4;1'11) 14)1(4'? ui' y'lut�;''til"c, trluh es, 1 y. I - id 411'ay C host aehr. 1' Imo, he (lin,, pains (4. I' 4.0cu's foll0wl11g the 1111.14!4, 011 ('ort tiumplor Hwang yot(I• I•fgl,t. 'Jot through an are of 1)rn•ar1;1-. tleref11• ❑I(rty Ilue^t de ret'; In 1!!t' c}1. rn11;lip:lliun, 1111'. fenlhle ,, •the world destroy td in war 1,100,1Q0 lives 1 `!• Noye ! : 1 I r 1 I art colored and $ti coo 'o J ,1.0 w'urlh of property. Two - Then •• .fry •, ailments, .-...1 blood -•.t. .1, ' ,- •II( , 1'n 111 41 ) ,1 Il,l . 11 --'-"-�- - - • and be ;fare that bend your lumen, (trucgists a1141 Store: ,.ell .,t ;,I`1. II hod, or 1,11:14, r;rl4. i thirds of the (0„,) .:td ) a 1,4'43 of Ihr' vnrlol s Keep this u•) for (:Horn (1 your illi your 1 satins:ll 1'jt'! ('l. 11111;4 be i;•r,e'1 it red i 343te8 or Europe ore (fevot('d 40 the ntalu- i cost fiver from the Tl!lrall (`1'l, 1'etl l.lo, tri anee of nrn:ed furIe4 awl to the servile Imo 1s euro soil wlllt('' (1/r poli(.', (1 box(ri for ''.,il), boast=, 111,,.•: of 1'ur:ll 41'141 inilbily 111 ' of a debt pro:al)ally the whole of which \vas Then ;:az'1 at your mangled fiugerol "Curfew' ;:1'1','11 4. r tree (:414. while hro''ll covers i 1:10utrc;l by wars•, \tmr expenses 111 Europe shall not ; in; to-r:ightl" I.. -......-...--.4-....----- e • e r j;Iii I'I' r'I'1'1',I lel' !' ,I1'; of the I'I:IIIIitiIL• ± absorb one-half of all th;:. x-ealth created by O'or the dl,ta,It lido canto Cronnvcll--(Itig!(! ' Prooinquity. 11:7 S}'1'.4. ,Ii,11:tt"lied (1,0111 =t'))::1.1' q1),,111)13 absorb 11 x'erlrof 1147nllandu x'ilhatl a llloulrs 11811,1 to the bt'0:v 0110) more; 1 Ill ii little vaunt!, Just Matte for two 1111'( rile 111;1',--i.(11Td011 1'1111;11. i 1:11(1al1I1 lost T;.".'l) men and :Tont $1,400,000, - Let your e;-ci. Icnk down the distance, say ' , ' t_ — I f1'i4). T!Irrr' t 'ul�.leld and fifty thousand mon above the entrance door) 1'111.!')'- 4::1,1)41 tut' tl1c ,ui of 101111;; ! 1„ were withdrawn ,, lute from prllriuctivo in - At Li., Loot s;t': told her story—(Lift your , 1'')1' ('1(p!d, cute chap, call sit on a hip Wflen Ffsh Don't Bite, dustry to engage I,1 the (I slrnetlon of war, thud: as litcuoh they hurt4 ur ctl(l'lle lido down between us, 'Military expentlltutes In the Uulto..l States 'And her sweet young face so haggard—(Now , , ‘‘-e Who elajm to represent the higrhrit t during- Ila' 1a:'t eight years have absorbed your pathos ; un 11 (rt, " 1 ropinill 4 '- .sung, as W) INldtlle along, fishily' :Ispirallolls are sonietinms itu'lin- $1,7,00,00,0.1), ! !1 In ;ort:trio golden weather, .rt.a Thou you stral;thlra I:' as ('r)lux'e.., and be 1 )d to complain on pal's whom 1.11) fish , - ',.urc you set it right; Ile air•!{s low and ,reit, and the words Minard's Liniment Cures Colds etc, Don't '3.1 "Go, your 111 or lives'—wcli; 1 1')Ill.:e 10 hit). Thorp can 1)1. no «'GI'3r , \1'(' '')twit t : I ---tie "Cu"fes sand sot rise to -night." I exhibition than this of an entire nlisern I Progressing, 14l:in : Good, henefi1. \V1. should llu'e.y,s remember Now, tw'o's company, and a crowd it is 4hnt we have 814,141 ,l3 on every side 1 Toni--ib')W are you get ms buy, Y0u think lira all you have to 410 i0 ( three. (holl:and; of Chose who cluing member- j Ili:1; s:41)pery? 1/l:(1 :1 1,i;, let without t 11 'tear boy it note slue To catch trio puMii' eye am! car, thou c;er• : ship in the fishing fraternity, because, i ))ick—(treat! more be "it." 4 pi(1; in :1, way, they love to fish when the „ You think eat' £I!0 'tiff:,:):1[ for one ll(c• ' ]IC 114(4!:); 1111•!0111' ,Iii);til 1'I'o 11:1 } , , 1 dill --tial' trait' I fish bite :utl only then, Thee are eon- Dine—wayTh It 1 C414lattl (ttl(210uS, there I: nothing ! 91)314'.'' r 9 tented only Wlloll capture Is constant, 1)1GI:" 'Nn, hal I've got lel' mother left to do. 1 Tho popular song of Dan Cupid. and t:,rn only ooneeplie.l of the plea- ailed her fath(+r :nun her little !)rotlu'r 1 hate e(tnt ,d: `'i12ryo,:, 011'2 , (runt 1.011!' IrriO.- 1 Iles 11 good chaperon, dont you paddle sitter; of fishing 'vests 11po11 llll;nlerupt- i I')Ct11'll pill rind 11(111' I'm elll'llr:ltir:'g 4111^' ulnae; 9 On with hal slaughter, If We reflol'l for a mom- : '" ''' 1 I it, f.,", 01 `cor.aont. !And kelp you: ,,klff f_! al ,tt,flitg a;ly :l1rta(r i 1''•11•; s„1:0.11•!'' 1,1 1(114• weather; i ells Il loll 1111' cons:( )10110)1 Of 4llrlllll'r 11ll (bog' :i i 1' tier Ilut I ^re's what sae di -t 4 44.41; No 14;1`,'.: \\•hat you seed lh 11 ;:111:; 1o1' tilt, 1111v 1; nr1114 r'tf O;bel^hell ii1 411)'(1. 10)) 4' I1pO7111,,'' r • pllohl lob:' ;L t'lllt5h! 1)etl'(l11 1'1'C(' 1?rL`F13, ,robe l;.'. 4::•.1 he 1:wait! not. 1011,: i fish that 1';011ltl !l:'.1. (VO4'y (111 y lllld e've1'V , _________ '. la ttler1•1�• :Atilt,4leti )u:,, lo hoe': on •':❑akin, 3 '''Tis :1 matter of being tog:ther!" f hour. we shall see how nicely the viols- i 111;ti"l1S, C. C. RI('IL\RI) & CO.:. :'toil I —New York Tinges. l ,it „110,1 of fishing have been adjusted.-- (hint s, --A ft or suIfrriu'r for seven One ii'!i•_ ;ligtlt'; :: pralIli3' that yril'il arro.14 ' e. i Frorll (irovoi' C'level:(ild's new book, ,!'ears 41'1111 inflammatory rhe11111allain Nle your \ring: :Intl "t1'; "Fishing 1111,1 Shooting Sketches." had that, 1 1'us eleven nuolths confined One ll9u'n: job'.; 4:11 cat-1t•t that you'll do •t A Bronze Medal Calendar. i s to n1y�'l�,�onl. 4uld for torn years could not (1) :..slid Il.r,r11 ) 1 !•! The 1)('); calend:Ir (f 1\•, ;Iyer d' , Ancient Coal Nelvs, dress wst'!4 without lel 1, your 11 rent One rap to ;n:;slit• I'aeur !, a ),c 11 a ;alt ;1')u I f. relit .say: Sou, the I'hil:ldelphin advertising agent,' gave me a bottle of -111NA1tl)'S LINT: You 4)11 4 do that Unl0:.t; you make a tmw is just oil, and as usual it i5 one of 1 110 earliest mention of cool tunong3t .11l.\'t' in Jlay, 181)7, and asked 1110 to Ina)!( cv,r, Day, the un(ienh nntho►'s is 1,y The01)141 stlIS, Iry it, 44 1111 11 1 did, It 1141 41.11,4 so 11e11 the seus(il y be.st office calemlars, The ;tlr,n., .cu math -414h1' ;.1'1, (!, 91' !!:un :7,111 ,!., Thele 'huvo followed the sante rl,lsj n in his "Jlistr,ry 'of Stone," wherein he (:"1'•1.31 with the results, 1: procured more, 1f, I:y your ,;.,,111401'" Ayre, y.lu m.ov) "a us0d in 11101!, but their famous medal srnysl "'Ther: i, a fossil substance call - five bottles completely (aired one, and Doc 4)441' Mono.” :.cru\1' 1.:";'r Heiden Ilnb!, and. motto "Keeping Everlastitlgly At die; and bnrnlis c like wood, elir tist found 1 have had no return of the alit for hood; 1 It 1,rlIl"s .Success appear oil :t M'ottl'e 1'igl414 )) :111111111:4, The Ili,, ' i(1' ttro One whirr; :.; 0aro4:c 1:11' 1,441(:; •'011 to cit 1.L):; background, which gives it an exceed- 1,11,1111:1 :Ind in 1':IIls, 011 the w•r4yrn tl) Well known to everybody in this village 1,4 ' 13001:1,; ;o(.':." ingly rich appearance. While the ):llotl- Olympias, over rise mountains. J.h:ye and nrighhoi'hood. rinr i; arranged with a month on c:Leh coo are used 1144. eyed by Ole 3411:4113• 'ours (rrltrfully, 1. 1):1TI1'I.', Tlti wall ',t dr 1104 ('n -1:'111.;1''1 tar 111' I',;::1' flap the figure-,-; are clearly legible across It is highly pt'ohnble that the coal as St. Tim lh:e, Quo„ ]11th Ably, ')D, Wall of Lr1:la:l; p g f I 1/'r ]rnuly it '4(4 used by the primeval —•. One flash i.: Lot a uu; :,—;:,I1 i.t 1.11/A3•1t n large ronin, The blank spoor; on the) I with It, (4halo11flaps are filled with now• and p)13110l1 Ilritnn? -m1' lnetillllu;;i(:tl operations. The 1':,,,1, !1/;)!,I••' ;11c;..cer :ilia til? r 1'l 1 ' r 1 '111: 11o11111)4'yore 1II1d0(Iht1'dly 11(9111x1111• '• epigrams n ai.r' rt i;in.g and, bu�incl.;- le',,•I y•1', ,. :1:;::1.1,.4. huildinr in n'urrli;, ell with (oal, for minders, or coke, 4443 And tt'1)4 1 )''1 :'Etl•e;1"'.,11;1;., tli '415 „„„o,.1 �' h r„,,,„11, discovered among lhl' 1'411)143 of their 11'011 yaw into t;rl:„"i; The calendar is too pxpen�i4•e fn fu'r1. It was rerlainli used by thein No si:tu•.t-still v.111 it toi;;a:'); :slide ba;'L•, 11:).1 ernl distribution. but 4vhile they last ,11' ,u 4.111 Ayer & Son 14:11 mail It (1/p4' t.1/ any 1111 in 11u'ir potjery flu•nums 11t Codl'}ata, Tul:r :1,111,,: a;lo:.; t;:c "I.:1, --leen II: a dress upon receipt of twenty -fire cents, \\'nrringto1, where quantities of \\'i•gan harm l'. :'s at'vl•r4,-bt." t ..Q, eallnel coal and cinders, 01' coke, have '111,' ::( r4il.i:"t : :;!' ,-: (,.:: a'I :4'110❑ yoti did been found, Irl connection with 1111 'xten- ll:r' 11C:1 :.'0:'1.011'1 "Toffee” as Made in England, � b, 1)11 .t,l 1.1t •,.,. 's•ot.''1 hoop 1):l sle collection of pottery, nn 4preserved 0 r►ed "malting '041,” It may he possible that there are some in the, museum of that town,—:'Minim; •^Cll';' :;,!11'.1 , t;ll li'., :, t.'i r10;21'•iS Jl ::;arlll^' 1)rrsons who glow old ;o thoroughly that \Vorl(I, Chicago, they actually forget tlu4t they ever Were :312. (Cuatri0113:11.) In calm : ou4uae, Where 123 '''1'r intrude, 1 11:,t to a 14:rue,11 011 a (r"e Ax 1'i. 4'ott,'((4 :',,;u i 1o1'1.lt, (0(4'4,' )tote, , :narl a 1',l: r. 4.t.; tel is:• " 41'4 co, 11'4 11 (from t!1.' t 1tn' :1/i;t0 :I,y, , Its 4 : '' t.1/; to toe +11,1 a,p,ei41', Itu.c n: ,1 •. t ; (1;'1 is 04? C 3.. ,ltil I;: t',,:.tLt ,.1' pt':le;e, 41:+' ).:int o: , ellnil,. jt,y above; 1.11,e it Proto.4041) ITlinl 1411.41011 (.10: its ,11 • 1',f love. Oar ::i1' reds 34): l,?7, 1'., .•I:I; 1101(; t u:t2tsx(rl by art'.: 1!..,.i:; ,:1d, , r As 1'I. i r v, 1 tc v; 1;11 •(... In 111,1 !nil liberI3' r Alit! the 0.41.414' 4)t 414' -,:aft 4ylr:ul ;id lien th'o, til,)' 1)111 I{ce',J: : ;.;, . !•'.t,• bestirred With Cr.. l'li. •'t t,ld 1)!1': In the ':0cnOtg' • u,ita lir;lit It b0"1s '41'1)4• In lilt' 111): :i(: C: :,: 41. ..nil re.:(. Prom )11 1111 0 1 1 and pure, Oh, eft I reply 'Po feast on '.;nil: :1'420:11C Lli.-s' '1'u 1il0 heart of 1110 poet Each (•f.' 40)4: 110te Yields ;o:' '11:4 4 r:'r.Ire::e'll an'I :)cri`s of 1.,id 1Veather, i`-to.,tnl1 11'1rald,4 11 140411.1 1'.{,c 1'.l oat!:rl!l 1/t the (074;1• man season if there was no c,t,identic 0; "colds" c0 ,',.1, or other .Serol aff4!cttoc114, s') one Inas :11•:'•4'•:,1 all vigil!, causing the tlsunt discomfort t';1' holiday nrLlt'rs, Beware. of 'rho man who ','tears in the street ear! Look oul for hist v0h:'1 he coughs In 11111 1:1.01Vd• Ret ns far away as circumstances permit, but itt any r; to do mot help to bland the lul- e,rn11e 0ucuult by catching ills particular "cold,"A nhyelc•Ien 1:1y:4 t!Int. litter 14 windy day, ''leen ;be dirt of street' has been a the rte, the:c'1/ nn !Ilstent Increase of bust - mess for ht;' profes:.'tou 'and It must bo that 1111111)' germs are "picked up" during rho thigh wind of mar'J limn a heck ago, to .11:d)to by the good time lite doctors are now having. children, but 1 can't help wondering if any 1111111 or 4001114 11 ('v)1' lived to 4110!) Ila loge as two b(4''iu:C int:1'•r'; i0113 to lite 110• lights of "sof ft')," or the butter scotch that ia`r tussle Uoie3yl0r 11, 'holt-lAtnitl word to ev'i'y civilized nation 011410r Cr.: 13'11., Of color;:', yutt have eaten it ---to the joy of your -.old and to the detri::1nt of your inobly—and, if you wi'.11 pro1 1.3 not to repeat it, 1 will give yon the .-4?C1'),t recipe for this candy, for it is n1a(1c nn- whi re :Is in England! "'fakotllree';rounds of 'Coffee,' or '(2' 1111113.1' 14) the 4illoulIt Of it bound :1(411 IL 11un1'111', w-i.tli halt a teospuutdul 01 ere:uu of tartar, l l.she'v(: tiLe sugar ill just :13 tl'llt'il (0)ld nater 411 way 8' 'required for ld:'It 1.11eit IIIIx all the ill_rr'.11,'ll4 to;f'.'ther, and 1)4)11 then!, 31'1411011; stir. rimy Ill. mi:;ture, until it hill 4101 14 when d':3 r11t1 into cold ''atl'I'. At this .1110• 111^1/t resolve it from the fire; 11'14 eight or ten drops of lemon extract, 14000.r'l- ii'1; to 14.1 strlon',rth; and pour twit!' 'iioix• 1119;: into 've'i'l ri•"n4;e:; ,pans I'•' he- cul, t(4t(} 10111,11'1.'0 as it 00314(,"--1''1'0:11 "flitlll; 41114 End," of Culinary (teo(grin,)lv,'1' by ilils'44 J,railfol'cl in the Bohemian for Jan. nary, Greatesct Foe to Physical Beauty, if 1 V4 -ere ❑aced what wits taw greatest foe to be'allty 1)1 both '41)1111 11)41 W01111111, 1 would say, not error's in diet, not lack of exercise, sot overwork, not corsets, not any of t iles0, but 'bad mental :habit;, 11 we observe ('l'osoiy ('lu1 'faces .of the ,street, , 1 ' I 1'a c on lhc. ,lnupJc 111. elect at ht�.1 i► at the theatre 111 in the grlltt shops, we will ubse'rce that nearly all of thele. .Ire characterized by tlx:! lin''e(t mouth,�' Vim: 0✓6�1'3e 1�i' 11 Down the drawn brows and other facial Idiy depressed—with headaches, indi,;:flion, conitipa. fig4111'111e1!t.14 w'l1101 14('1201 :pally mild 111114• tion, boils, tumours, rcro(ula or other results of tal 61.4141.3, impure blood—can find spce.dy relief in bra \1'Ihut du 1 mean by bad mental, states? Blood Tonic. 1 Moan auger, fear, wt>rry, :4Il le y) u'- hdraws out the pciY•u from the blood and ail/ability, regret, envy, ,;ouluulsy. 18r1c of tones up Itomach, liver, l.idte:yc and bowels. t'al.t 111 oil'(': ejf am 311 the 1:1111.11. U01d— Pure, safe, pttla;abhr--contains the medicinal all tlie.se arc ball mental state,: lul4.1 (141 virtues of cure.ilvc herbs wi:144 Ect in e, nature! 1'11040' dl:alflly •3:014111 4', dirt 4'4:14' 'try 4i)Ocr'• manner on the synem. Pike, `,11 a-bottle--6lot 1ering with the action of. I!,1) 1'It:11 or - gaits', but by din:'el:y disfiguring the ex - ,pression of Lho 'faro, Unless the beauty seeking young 115U111111 is prepared to 4111ibera ,e!)' 4.14.4l1- 4•nte 440011 nature,kiul!line;;l. ('1 1111(045, (sh'eerful.11e:Ili even 40 Ill 11.1.1"1 MDC 13 prepa'1'e(l lU 11l'i'Ibe'I'lltl",'; 00411114('1' :ell .----,---•---• •••—•••• M,.. tendencies to the hall! i34114 ;l 44I1L1e; above Illl'llli'Jill•d, lill'1'1 11"111 Itis! little (11' in re -nits from her )''furl.; Lu tlorm:44) 111 herself that, most divii,: giftof 'bo:tiny, —'''row "Jlea1th the L 'i., of Womanly Beauty," 'by 1)1', \\•• If, {', Lai 4'011, in 4,34.4' Outing 3Il1,p17,!rle fol' January. 1\Iinard's Liniinent Cures Gorget In Cows. $5. At drur,-S1ore4—or frorn The Clhcmiili Co. of Canada, IJ'nitzd, Hamilton—Toronto. Peso)? to 4.l !he gmwirro-•ral for fho if'r�."�1L•i�_l:,iy�!'{,'�,tll•iI% Y'F'". 'i AADk"1F 1414 rIEGl0'rr:AED, He Wasn't Romaniic, she nestled tier heat: 111 his 'manly ' breast, "01) 0eorge," she Whispered, "how ' loud your lean bialy, And every hent is for your own Angeline. isn't it, dear?" 710 looked uncomfortable, "Well, the fact is," he said, "that the engagement ring c1/41 F41 11111(11 111:44 I'm —er—obliged for the present to. tarry one of these dulbu' watches, That's 1)r. Saw,ye'. of \\'illiston Senlintry what you hear." in Easthampton, Mass., according to .p„1' "Everybody's :Mitg vinyl" was discuss - She Averaged. Well, . �r h' ughs and Colds. Ing the education of the earlier genera- tion. ".[t WIN hot swell a, people get now," hp said, "Inst 1. 11111 not ashamed of it, 1V1le11 1 thiol: of it 'f atm rtltvuv3 reminded of nn 0pitllph 1 °nee 511,4ve in a desolate little town, It devoted two ]dnes to tl:e *tilos of goo!, whiten 9Jnricrit there, coneluditg 13414 this line: "'She averaged well for this vicinity,'" of Faith and Works, Boston Girl•—Do you believe in mar. riage? Chicago Girl—Believe 111 it? Gleal I practice It 1—Clevehtnd.Leeder, NATURAL PUIJNING, Tit the orchard or p0414 tries are priin• ell by the hand of Ilan; in It forest the tree, du their (44')) pruning, This i, one ul' ilio striking; (Hifrrencees hellveen tiro Irr3lnlenl of tree: by Om fruit foralrl' and lite arbori(llllirj.) and the fore:, ter's tr1atul(nl ul thein, In II forts( not very 1111111 ' 3011114 pa-; iI'-p1'eially if the tree; are newly all alt 14 ilio same ago; or, in forestry I0ri1;, if Ihr ;land is an even -aged enol before the light 110441114 to be out oft from the 11111':'r Irtiehe, of the III,'.;. Now, light is essential for t11e 'mill:ltlull of 4)0 tl'ce'd food 01111 84) for 04 proper nuuridimenl and grotl'III, ay 14 lhl' ru:•r also with oilier plants, do the lower brunches of the tree,, from 'which 1 h light has 10:011 cut off, die, and l le u! ;m1 loute e. ale left to e - If:)11)1' the 4)'0)''1 loud :tell s0 71111111• Iain its lif1., lirndnxl!v t0, dead hrunih beio;ues 4(111.ker and eventually it is broken off In' 1!11' 1ri0,! 1:1"111110 other tgrncy, `o the prole.; goes on all , 4lu'u1111! 111: boo's grn''1It 111 height, Mrs. Winslow's tioothIng ,Syrup should nl• br,l:llhos growing unit and in course ul way' bo naiad fur l:hlldren leelhlug. it 'wenn'; 113111" diseal''ell Its the rived for Soothes the (0Ilia, Poet)w) the 3111113, cure) wind colic and 13 the best remedy for dlar- 4)1r1u (li4nl'prnr;. 1'in:tiIv, :Is 11)014111 111 rho'a, ,liaiol'I(`:' prr,r,rds, the ;11111, if :Ino' hag 1(011 Zeit, I, ,lrroutd)d by for neve 44(:,4) 4(11(1 f(Il'111- 11 1:11'11 111 Ihr levo, ,111,1 40, (''11111, 111'11' i, 1(:141,1 :1 clear length of 1111 4', seventy, :', lllll'tll•rll or !1111'1' fool %% it h 110 such still': 10 be "'oil, the drat: 441441,4 11:;0111:4 !'''i'n '14'1)103 1)\'t')', The essitit1m1 p' ald iia i,1) Ilntr'! X111 11115 13 110,11. in:4'n\4111'1 tree, under forestry 1111'110 ,15, artificial priming is not done, In 1!10 1'a-1 majority 04 cases It 1'0111(1 not pal'; :11141 the financial aspt'ot of the quest 11)1) i3 over before the forester's `Mind. 1 SSU I'; NO. 3, 1907, AGENTS WANTED. 'Nevet,VMtY•IM,ea,R.Me... _, .._, r.. . LOCAL Agent Wan -ted for illy (listrl,•t to sell lutni0dhttoly ll bfork of ',it' I( 1n 1111 Inve31 1111'11. 11001104111 1011 0:14111g r('4'pOIlslbla 111M:t- ors nod Ito surate,, of largo morit3. t'onuuiiir,,iou paid. References requlr"d. I'arUcutnr., furntohed 011 application Ls 1314?)' to DAI.IGE'IT, 4121 Tonder:' [tank Didg., Toronto. . w.w.Mo.r n. ,ova msw,m,.s rw..onwao v A11.4.1••••10•1410•0....1111.11111,1111.1 au.IMIN,r,..r+a.w • MICCL LLA4NIZOUS, PILLS AND PILES, A prolific cause of I'll,'' is lh') use of ca- thartics and pills of n drastic, violent, nn - turf', which 13 always fullnited by :1 reaction. 11nt no (natter what the rause u1' what the Mud of ''Iles, I)1'. Lennhar'It'( item -Hold can be rellc'l mon to Lure—to stay cored. It's an Internal remedy that removes the onuses of Meiling, lipid, Bleeding or Sup- purating flies. A guarantee go40 with Noll package. $1,00. Alt dealer:, or The Wilson -file (`o„ Llnilted, Niagara falls, Ont. 18 Saw Nothing Wrong. (Buffalo Comtneretal.) I.Ittl3 Elmer, l: Chicago boy, who had been listening for 401110 111:11. 10 (11' conversa- tion between Itis Mother and a woman caller, finally 'mid: "Momma, aro 011 your neighbors wicked?" "Of ('nurse net, dear," replied his mother, "But wiry Ito you ark such a question?" "Because yogi mod Mrs, 141:11111 haven't said a Motel' nice. ilikut about any of them (o -day," anowered lite little observer. Minard's Linitncnt Cures Distemper. ' Joyous. \'j"it"r (to artist.'; young 11'ife) — \1•hulev(rwere 30(1 tWO laughing over so j1L;l, now? ''Title -1)0, it. 1V11.4such fun! -.11y hi;• hand painted and i Booked, and then we 1)1)th guessed what, the things were n1fVAnt lar. I'll(grnd: lllacttcr, t`4 Had a Reasonable Doubt. (Cleveland Press.) "I owe' you n debt of gratitude, old man," "Thanks. Shall 1 put that In my Ilst of assets 1.r liabilities?_" The Way Ile Felt. Tont (d'LJoetlilly)—Miss Grldgett went back to Boston tu•dny, 1 p0orused to her at the dance lent night and she refected mo, Dick—Yes, I saw you lust. nater it happened. Tom—You rale 1110? 1.011 111 Wit have had a magnifying gls:i with yeti. Don't think 11 u,:t r•: a gook) tluw.4r ,ju.-f• because you hear 11aug sly, ''11y g0 11d. - nem!" DR. LEROY'S FEMALE. PILLS A vafe, nuru amt rrllau4 nunithly rrxllil4 tor. The,) ''Ills hot', 11'11 rood In +ranee r•.•nvnr l:(t•' )inn, ami !•,tad Inrnln1tle for notyuae dratgaed, and run gurtin• I hp tha :na4rl, ,.nolo+a nlnrnp fur Piton 11 u) ".'r 4,04 ,r :gleh. yr 1'r m:uh s • nn'ly Jested, ua rerelp: of power LID ROY PILL 00.. Box 4,, Hamilton, 0anrwa ?low Many Fish to Catch, 1\'11;1 has been said natudally l0:uls to the suggestion !hitt eoll•;istell('V rl')lIIu'es I nose of u3 wile aro riLht•nlin(10(1 fisher. Inert to reasonably liulit ourselves els to Ihr number of fish ''e 81101dd take on fitvurab14 days, 0)4 no ac:unnt 8111)1111[ edible fish 11' caught in such quallili44 :r; to hr wasted. lly restraining our• selve13 in this matter \v, discourage in our own natures the gro\vt0 of greed, 44'I' ;11'013111 w'Irk•''I wash., 100 make It r::sier for 114 to boar th" fall 'bet ween (1 rent gnu,1 iu:'i: an'1 bad Birk, or 110 :111,1 ''r ;ua;;r ourselves :It itil pnitlta 10'1 1!'1' 1110n :III,) het I c1' f isll(11'iiio 1, 1\'1' night 1011 to forget those lhiul;a as Ivo enter upon the pl(a4ure4 of our summer's fishing. lint in any event, let u3 l:1!:e 1vitIi us ''111v1 We g0 out, good tackle, good bait, an.1 plenty of pulienee. if the \viol! it in the south or 4ve4t so much the hotter, huh let's go, wherever the wind only 0'. if 100 Balch fish we shall add ;:1';t tc) our osier:!tion. If we rote)'. 111114' \1.1. 011x11 still have the uttting and the recreation— more healthful told lour: enjoyable than (',l1/ b1' gainer! 111 any of her 14.111• -I runt (!rover Cleveland's new book, Fishing and `hooting SI:etehes. Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby, Prevents colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest —cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. 42 Cures `Lure, -at drug'atores, National Drug ft Chem.DiarrhoeaIcal Co„ Limited, Montreal, Not Arousing Indignation, (Pl,llldolphia Press.) "I told you," sold the merchant, "to mark this box 'lluud1)3 with care.' What's dila nonsense you've wonted here?' ' "That," Hold rho college graduate, "Is tha 1.x1111 for 'Handle with care.' " "I IOW do you etipect the baggagenuul to understand that?" "Ile won't, and, thoreforo, lie won't get mad and splash the box." UZMIuSS,uppa OOME. 1. • y'' , .4)14 V .,':'• , 1; ,1' 1'0.o 14 GL'4 a8' ICENT ' Ift(LS11 J. alO O EY REQUIRED Think of It, a beauttfnl nut) of Inno Fox, Uro moll t1t''4lonnbto fur Worn,'Ivan absolutely' lrre, 11)104 014 woe wa'r never mud) �lr,fure, Tho only reason, ton can 4l:'mrd to 8') ale that w'i:11T)T15'I for 4.411"+ 11131d0m0n Furl dur:ug 1 hu dna a te.r n :u 410 Luuun°r roil 01 (hero Heady at rout, wile 1111:( 1a 41 huhu lin', ner.rly 4 InelteA wide, mole 041101 bnnd(omu,t nluo Flux Fur, velyrich, rat eudanit)', It is warmlypoddud Il,cdwith ton mina ell„ loaf r,1t'H m111 ornamented with lour In)1q tanner 1110014a alai. Blab a baudel,nm Nor bas stover bongo been Glenn 0way, and you cm1 Ret It no 0147, Juo1 Pend 113 your Warne tall addre'.e, pltdul`y, and we will nail 30 boxna of our Goannx Veuetable New Life ]'11tH ,,l ^lir. a box. A eraid n'wrd1 and cut, for all Impure awl \reek Cmt:11110 o of the mood, Indigestion Regonol 'I'ron1le, Corinrle:ttlnn, we1ukI) re, Nprroud nlsn"I+'1'', nhrrm,llent 1111,1 14)111 1'frn(Ilrlr.,'0A,:mutatt Tonleand Llfa'milder. '''Meso 110,1 a 1003114 ''rbc;rtll'vperenay1I1(i'll,eearll cu'aorner who hove n 1,14 al !'lila cram )on reeetv41 4 prion tl")rot 011101 entit1:1 than 11, a foo Nero or Nllver• x•,r(, Limn inks lit• 41.4541/4' our Ilfr, tient) u, your or':'•r and w1) will ossa 44,0 0) 1.044.1 and f tier, '1'1.'kete by t 111o11, pa iow, IYImn .knld roll •nud 111 (11' IRauur 1(:.0.01 '( toil ton 11',!., snarlwiltp•antn;II,h4.' iy,bfIAddedrorm,,!" 1 411'Le•4 ell w7Ni'w B,Il e�41{( ti^�:: il✓'' y�'.'t,�1N 0 i4"1rnfI" 43, 7'I,'L a 'J'Qvorr'rI. (1.1111,1'. ,o 116 1,+�t6•eA f • . 7.I71tYtra: r'FiBei Ihr l�� .1x311 �%%�1►Rt 11.0 SULPHUR WAX Asir for LN lGDJtYY'' t IIAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, ROSPITALe, ASYLUMS, ETC. PAGE ERill►--TILE BLY'll•1 S'T'ANDARD --JANUARY 17TH, 19O. Minister Speal(s to '' others Tells Isis Wife's $rtperience for the Salta of Other Sufferers. The following letter has been sent to 1)r. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication, 1)r.'1'..1, Flocum. I.iritt0r1:—Ucar Strt: W10h11t the hest leu ycuu ao. %till' oh.. is 01 n rlclicute 1•.dl+I lentil,,) llRr: had two m.\•cre atuo'ks or la 1: rugae. L l h o! 1%11101 love h00a ll10d11 ' cnrnectl lr Ju n', ui 1','rliiur. \\ c hnv0Su0h Will in Intl , .ln Ir lir'% nl )'roti n family we it, nn OIIu t , t rnr totting err n tit biti:1 01 Frsteui, lat\v, \ 1 r rill tlt,%en, 11••tt•rutti to ht.,allli: action th• Lt s.t t Itn•1 , •u i as n ysitir ter ell N•e,t• Ut lir.":r•t.: .r I'r 'nit.r,111.1 tlsemul,iun are ,;,,11,1; l.r•1 rlr••. 1'r.u0, t.intercly, 1;1 v 1 1 like, lel \t',l:i:" I t‘11110,101.0.0,., , 1'S1'C1 11 N E. Pronounced Si -keen, is ;t scientific preparation, haying wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, 13Iood and weed: organs of the body, quickly restorini, thcnl to strong and healthy action. It is especially etl;tpted for people who are run down from any cause, especially (roughs, Colds, Catarrh, Lalirippe, 1'nettmoni:t, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. (PRONOUNCED. $(-KEEN is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to I)r. 1', A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St, \V., 'Toronto, There is no other remedy " Just as Good " as PSVC111 N E. Dr. lioot'e Kidney Pills are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's l)iseu e, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney 'Trouble, 25e per box, at all dealers.. TIME TABLE. LONDON ANI) WiNCH.11I BRANCH. ant o 40 6 4:t 0 :,2 7 116 7II 7 47 805 8 l:► 8 2.2 8 :lis 8 Ori 8 5 !I n !► 12 ! 121 !1 2!I 0 35 !1 37 111:, pm 3 :10 3 3:1 :1 •►i a ,,iii 1 Ile 423 4 31) 4 17 4 52 5 115 5 15 i) 2,1 5 :10 :i :1i 5 111 5 51 :,5J 6 (1) 0 10 Wingham SVingham Jct. Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brueetieht K ippen Densal) Exeter Centralia Clandeboye Lucas Crossing Dentleld !Merton 8 15 515 Ettrick s :iti 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing ,< 26 5 02 Clyde P,rrl; Jet. 8 21 i IIJ London 8 l:, 450 Goderich, Geoffrey flolt and Mr, \Visemnn have returned to Trinity College, 'Toronto, after a visit at the hone of the former during Ilse Holidays, Jas. C. and \I rs. \f cG urren, of Bro- kaw!, 1Vesh„ arrived in town New Year'.+ Ihty to visit 1V in, and Mrs, Jolles, .1tii,;les a street. Thr whole of tho \Iaitliurd between the t'. 1', it. bridge and the mouth of the river iv covered with lough ice, and it to ks as if it lied conte to stay, 51r, Saumi nck, of t he Sovereign Bank staff, has been very ill the peat weok with typhoid fever an left for his home in 'Teeswatttt on \I'telnesday accompanied by \V. 1 Ihott, 11 a lope soon to heur of his recovery. The C. P. 11. buildings are being steadily proceeded wit h. Tho freight shed is nearly completed, being roofed i, ; the engine and round house will 'eon be finished, and tile station is tieing pushed ahead as Inst as the weather permits, The tower of 1110 new Baptist church is now in position and the addition makes the new edifice a very pretty church. As the roof is now nearly completed. the inside work can be pro• ,.celled \with, so t hero should be an early spring opening of the new church. All the eyuere timber that Was placed alone the 1).'I'. I1., track has herr moved by the C. P. It. on to that Co.'s awn property, \which no doubt means that the track from where the tl,'J'. It. cut away the bank, to a point near the salt works, will be built of either cement or et one. Word wits received on Tuesday fore- noon that Mrs. John Stan ntton (neo Miss Hattie Spence) now of Edmonton, was seriously ill at her hoine, and ask - hie her sister, Miss E. B, Spence. to conte 411. once Although herself only recovering from an illness which had kept her at home for nearly 1WO weeks, the latter decided to obey the call. end left for her sister's bedside. The many (►;reds of the family will wish her a :afe journey and that the illness of Mrs. Staunton may not be serious. The eppointtn IIt of 1V, K. Snider, menage). of the McIntosh Brick Mach- ine Company, of Goderich, and brother of Judge Snider, of 1lemiltnn, as Con - set vative organizer for the Province of Ontario, WAS announced I'r•iday. Ali t110111411 Mr. Snider has hail little cant- ptig;n experience, he is looked upon by members of the party 1esn110 m111) who ea, awaked to life some of the Con- serwat1\•0 ►tsse,ciations thruont the pro• vince which have been growing more or less derma nt, tied get the party sent• \Varna into line. I{e will IIRVe his head• quarters in the frown Life building, N,tt:•rll. Toronto, and will have a permanent ant ern staff of esaistnnts. Ile will take up 11 10 a 25 •Itis duties et once. 11 00 7 •a 10 s) 7 13 — 10 38 7 00 George It, McLeod has been appoint• !n :tu (1 :p'. ed resident engineer of the 16 l.i 0 ai in'Potence. 9.53 610 !1 50 0 11 1 !1 41 0 05 11:11► 5 51 !1 18 5 13 ono 531 9 05 J 30 s 55 5 25 Connections are made at WV Ingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Ein• cardine branch. Connections are rade at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderich branch, and all station's from Stratford to 'Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations wont to Sarnia. Connections are trade at London for all stations cant and west on the stain line. THANK YOU 1 This store tenders its shle'.resh thnnite to those who to any (tepee cutit•tbuted to 1 its success last year. it is grateful for the reeonnitionwllich its eti'urts to please have drvelopcd. The allllll111 congregational meeting of linox Church was hold in the church It diligently strove to give a oonrteous on Tuesday afternoon. The annual report was presented and every branch was set vice, to treat all alike all the time, to in a flourishing. condition, horn the report we take it few hems :—Number of t handle nothing but the purest d very families at beginning of pita, 72 : number of families added during year, 9; best of eatables. number of families removed, 2 ; leaving the present number of families, 79, The if your experience hero has been present membership is 158. I)urine the year there has been three deaths and pleasant and writable, it hay succeeded three renlovnls from the eonaregatiou, 'Tho Tressurer's report showed that the end Is content. East Wawanosh. •rwse o. F. Caldwell Snudayed with :Millet Earl Backer is home from St. Marys ft'ienda, ou a visit, Saw visitor Mabel Walker, of Ethel, was a A. 11, \erhrry, of Sarnia, speer visitor in town last week. der' with his parents here. 1..1 148 Ida Fulton has taken a position A. Vint bas rented Insfarm Qu the in Kearuey's restuarant, 5th line and purposes moving to :emit- ,1 few from herr took in the Carnival fork, Miss Jol►nyten who has been Visiting friends at Petrole11 returned home last Week. A message was received on Monday of the lentil of George ltohHrti$on, of Edmonton, Alberta, Mr, Robertson wits 29 emirs old, and the 8e1O11(1 8011 of Duncan and Mrs; Robertson, neat' Iiel- grawe. The decerised Iearnl.a the black• smith trade in IVingluun and aftermath; trucked in Belgrave for a ti►uo, hefore lie left for the west about nine year ago. \d r. Itobultsun has wired for the remains to bo holt home, No parti- culars of his death at the time of writ- ing. Mr, and Mrs. ltoberteon and family hey() the sympathy of their many friends, Auburn. The rails Will 80011 be laid to Auburn station. Rev, J L. Small, 13, A,, will preach in Brussels on Sunday, Quito a number from hero took in the Shorthorn sale of A. 11. Jacobs on \Vodnesdey of this week. On Monday next Wm. Anderson, of Lot 32, Con. 2, Nast WawltnOHh, will hold all Ruction sale of farm stock and implements. Mr. Anderson intends leaving shortly for Alberta, where he has taken up land. Sale will commence et one o'clock with Thos, 0undry as auctioneer. A pleasant surprise greeted James lend \tis, Carter tit their home on Thursday evening of last week when John Clark. Henry Sturdy, Arch. Rubinson and other members of the in- surance department of the Ornrge Or- der gathered and presented them with is fountain pen and a hell dozen silver knives and forks es a token of appreci• min of serviced rendered in connection (with the collecting and forwarding in- surance money, The self -invited guests brought refreshments with thein and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The anniversary services of Knox Church will he held 011 Sunday and Monday, January 20th and 21st, On Sundey services will be held at 10.80 u. tn. and 7 p. tn., conducted by Rev. E. McL. Smith, 13. A., of Hensen. A ten meeting will be held on Monday evening. 'Tea will be served in the basement from 0 to 8 o'clock followed by a program in the church, Music by Norman Mterrh end the chuck choir, spindles by Messrs, .Jones, of Auburn ; Leckie, of Londesboro, and Mcliet'roll, of Lucknow, 81;0 recitations by Mr. Leckie. On Tuesday evening a mocha will be held from 5.90 to 7.30, after which a program will be given con• sisting of mush.. recitations, dialogues, etc., by the children, Knox Church, Belgrave at Corrie on Monday evening, Mrs, U. Robertson, of Wingham, is visiting Mrs. A. C. DMFS this week, Mies Vera Dunford returned to Tor - on Monday after three weeks vacation at her home her. Mrs. Walter Wilbno has gone to Fleming, .Seek., to visit her mother. The latter has had two strokes of paralysis anti is in poor health. Reginald. Fletcher, of Winnipeg, has been renewing old friendehipe in Brus- sels. He speaks glowingly of the \Neat• ern gateway and its prospocts, Mfr. Fletcher is engaged in the life insurauce business with the Ontario Mutual, Loadbury. Emerson Fulton will spend another tern, at the 13usiness College, Stratford. Jas, Dennison has gone to Stratford where he. is employed as book-keeper for a firm in that city, Jim will bo very much missed especially by the fair sex in this locality. Joshua Dennison and wife, from Moose .law district, aro visiting with friends in this neighborhood. They may return to McKCiltop to make their hone in tite near future. It• Cecil (4owlantl, the new teacher for S, S. No, 0,' hats commenced his duties, Ne III a young than of high ambitions and sterling qualities and will no doubt :melte' bis influence felt not only'in the school roots but in the community as well. \Ve extend congratulations to our friend Alexander Rosa in the good position he attained in heading the lint as Councillor for this township. Sandy is a universal favorite and will uao his good judgment in administering the effeire of the township at the Council Board, Hensel,. Mrs. W, Chesney is home from Mani- toba and visited 1{ousall relatives. Mr. Maw, of Chadian), has taken the position of miller at the Holman Mills. While shoeing a, horse Jetties Clark was kicked on the leg by the animal but fortunately wits standing too elude to receive the full force of the blow. \Villie Weismiller, the bone of whose leg was cracked by a fall while at play in front of the rostoftice last week in getting, along nicely, though he will not be able to rtul around for Aetna rima. 'Tile interest in the election for the lteevetteip of Hontiall'waa considerably heightened on \,sondes hot by the Lochs 0 tion vote being pollen at the saute tirlle, The !veldt in the evening With u surt,rise 10 both the frieneis and opponents to the by''law. The. yell Brood '110.. fur trepl 71 sgehlst, The thrne'lifrha of the'Yelps polled required to cart's. is 127 l a(jug" 13 extra votes a8 Majority \,'bile the actual tris jority wall fit,, Morris. New Council met a ll Mnndtiyy. Miss Carrie Soue.11 wan s'istting rola• rives and friends rat lit'autford 8.14(1 P0• ►onto,' alias Sii ie Brawn, 01 Hullt-tt, Hl,ent the past two weeks visiting at Robert Cre i g;•'lt. ltobi)rt end Mrs. Elston, of North Dekufa, ere here on n visit, They were both former residents of Morris. Mrs. Elston tine 11 MINH Perdue, -%A' r''='r'`d ! • . , 2,_ J s W hat (night have been a serious fire at the barn of John Colclotigh happened ./w: „. lr orr EiOalyJ %ir■ r.{iI •r^ -fr ear" . rryN7aJ . 0■1' .7e inn e wet, Irani( en ( .« u mown, r47 nwill limn '<fr4.■0*1 e X.Iire1111 May you all—onr custnmere, every- body's customer► •-•er•,ioy all kinds of suc- cess during the year east entered upon Is our while Hhhest cash pr;c; for all kinds of Perin Pardee '. JAMES CUT s a3 MONTB tY FAIRS ♦•6••♦ \'\'t-.tllicsdav, (tltluary 30, I' ebruary 2; , April 3, it it It All the leading horse and cattle buyers are a leolatly Invited to attend. 1' Let everybody corse. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOAN, President, ~Vets r1ACJCSON, VIee•Pees!dent. J, Li z,is Erte, Secretary. ort Wednesday evening of last week, While. Mr. Coleldugh and son were fix- ing ttp the barn ' for the night a colt knocked tho lantern with his heed into a pilo of straw, :,The young lad jumped and caught the ',lantern end rare out- side with it, but'fortunately the straw did not catch fire, 1t was a narrow erica pe. 1tKa1Hl'rtox, -- Tuesday evening of last 'week a reception was held at rho home of C Be Forrest, 2nd line, to welcome Waiter S. Forrest and bride back from their weddiiig trip. There were 100 or more present and an A 1 time was enjoyed, A splendid lunch was served in Mrs. Forrest's best style. The guests of the evening were inside the recipients envois. useful and vale- able presents, Vocal and •instrumental 111118i0 WAS 011 the program and many , good wishes were expressed for the receipts amounted to $046.80 ‘with a balance to start the new year. Rev, J, J, future happineee and prosperity of Mr. itastie is the Pastor, I), Sproat Chairman, Peter W, Scott Secretlu'y, and Ueo, Forrest and bride, They have taken Tay lot. Trental rer, up house on the Forrest homestead, BLYTH SCHOOL PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. \Ileximunl ... NIinirnnm 11 E a a a" u a q q x a N • 13 ' :, ;e 011n FIR)JI .Ili. 11, TO S11. II. CLAS;;. 100 00 lip) 811 80 :,n 5') 50:)-570 30 18 130 21 24 15 15 10-285 May ltohins0n 72 511 78 111 Ill 41 42 20•-4511 Peseed Mi filth, PltWeett. 55 117 77 82 71 42 42 22•-428 Passed Elnca Cook..., . 59 43 71 60 71 42 88 21--120 Passed Henry Johnston ,i5 31 81 Bel 03 30 till 99-41.1 Passed Willie White ,.. 511 61 81 76 62 115 114 20—.412 Passed Mary .Nutter 51 211 02 59 115 40 311 20-1105 Passed Annie Butler 47 117 i11) 49 65 40 05 29•-858 Pttsse,l Fidelis Maine.... 111 21) 55 41) 72 112 32 20--318 PHSHHII Itedgie Carter 80 24 52 54 1;0 110 80 17--3111 Passed Leslie McElroy 21 39 711 411 62 117 112 85-873 Recommended Emma Taman 29 20 53 56 50 42 115 28-1110 Itecainntendlld IVilford Nivins 20 20 44 48 29 82 138 20•--287 Recommended 11`130MI DIN'. 4 TO DIV, 1,. Papsed--Alhnrta Si others 411. Katie Kabkirk 3118, Curry Campbell 391, Ed - amu' Cowen 885, Elsie Fawcett 1108, IVillie Anderson 855,,''erne Johnston 858, Tolntny Murray 835, Berth) McElroy 801, lltecomntonded--Ef110 Rath 292, Failed—Earl 7'nylor 21.1. Promoted from Sr, Pt, Il. to Jr. 11—Cl race 1{111)kirk, Fred ,Mason, 'Willie Tallinn, Recommended—Harvey N1vins, Charlie Potter, Daisy MnBon, Promoted from Sr. Pt, I, to Jr. Pt, II, --tin's McMurchle, John Butler, Earl McElroy, Amos Andrew, Carrie Dempsey, Carrie Sites, George Eaton, Recommended --'Nelles Antlerou. 2nd line, where tho,v continence mar• ried life under moat favorable auspices. The following address, accompanied by a silver cake dish and berry Own, WAS sent to Miss Hester Armstron ,of Bayfield, who recently tlught in S. 8. No, 1: DEAR '1'gAa1tlnt,—lt was With feelings of deep regret that we learned tint the very pleasant relationship that has existed bet ween us (twitcher itcher and pupils for the past two years ilea been severed. We had learned to esteem you very highly. You have always taken a deep interest in our welfare and we are very sorry to part with you. We tisk your ',veep:mice of this silver cake puttee and Hllyer berry spoon as it token of our good will, and wishing you a very happy Now lour with runny returns. 1)n behalf of the pupils of 8, 8. No, 1, Adonis, we are yours sincerely, M.1nEL Cut,ct•ounu, MAt111LI PImRI.AN. MATltclloxI.I.—A happy marriage took place at the Empresa Avenue Methodist Personage, London, on New Year's Day. The principals were Wel. ter S. Fnrrostand Miss Christina ltobb, both of Morris, who were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rov. I. 13. 1Vnllwin, 13. A., a former paetor of the young couple, The bride looked beautiful ettirred in a dress of create paillette silk trimmed with lace and in- sertion, and wearing u handsome bridal veil of white tulle with wreath of orange blossoms, Her travelling dress Walt of navy blue broadcloth with hat to match. After the sumptuous wedding dinner the Happy couple left for pointe Best to spend their honey- moon and upon return will reside in Morris, They begin life with many good wishes for their happiness and prosperity, Westfield. tstmma.—A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Francis Myers, Maple Grove, on New Year's Day when his daughter, Mise Chariot to Helena, and Edward Armstrong, for- merly of Westfield, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, About five o'clock the bridal party mitered the parlor and took their places under a beautifully decorated arch, The wed- ding march weir played by Mrs. 'Phos. Wallace, sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev..1.13. Backer, pastor of the United Brotl,rnr. Church, of Maple Grove, The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Annie Bosley, of Shelburne, while Moura Armstrong, of Westfield, performed the office of best man. The bride was becomingly attired in h'hite silk and carried a bouquet of white carnations. '1'be bridesmaid Vita attired in white nun's veilingand carried a bouquet of pink carnatons, After the ceremony Wal porfaru1ed the sumptuous repast was prepared, Tho guests were Nerved with a rare treat which consisted of plums preserved by the groom's mother over 25 years ego. 125 guests wore present et the wedding. Among the number were Robert and Mrs, John - sten, grandparents of the groom, and Mrs. 1Vm. Johnston, of 131t'th; Mrs. W, J, Parks caul Mrs. W. Farrow, of Westfield • James and Mrs Armstrong and daughter Miss Beetl'il:e, of Brus- sels; Nelson Armstrong and daughter Miss Bertha, of Kenilworth ; Elinor Bosley, of Orangeville, and James Cooper, of Chicago. The presents were numerous sed costly and 8huw the lilt. teen\ 111 which 1110 bride and groom are hold by their friends, The evening was very pleasantly spent in games, etc., and the guests after offering their best wishes to the young couple retired to their homes about 12 o'clock, CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. Tho Standard . $1 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser ..,. 1 65 The Standard and Weekly W1t- 11e401, 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and FanAly Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 '1'iio Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 115 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 180 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun .... 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator 1 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star .. The Standard and Toronto Daily News . The Standard 811(1 Farrner's Advo - The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser ••• •• The 818nder(1 and Evening Free Prosy The Standard and Toronto Daily World .... . • The Stendtu'd and Daily Free Press .... The 8tendard and Evening Globe The Standard and Evening Mall and Empire The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Globe... Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. 2 25 2 25 2 80 2 50 2 75 8 25 8 50 8 50 8 50 4 60 4 60 Do Not Put Off COMMENCING TO LOOK FOR THE New Business YOU DETERMINED TO GET IN 1006, START TO -DAY , YOUR MOTTO 1 WILL DO IT RESULTS WILL BE BEYOND YOUIt EXPECTATIONS, DO NOT FORGET Our Ads. Talk LET WOR THSEFORAYOU A FEW ..MINI....,.... Wet-Proof--Cold-Proof--Almost Wear -Proof When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of them ---rubbers that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy snow—rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like slippers—go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped ."Duck Never Break "on the soles. Up in the lumber • • camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers. Prospectors and onkel wear there, too. So do maple who want rubbers that will and pretty much any abuse. It simply isn't pouibto to make rubbers any better thu we make Duck Never Breaks—iso t posslle to make than any grosser, ally stauncher, ser any more wear.proof. They're made for aexrica and give service—great service. Get a pait Pad se, bow a pair of really good Lubbers can last. THIS IS THE GEORGIAN DUCK NEVER BREAK DIICICNEVERB Double ,Wear'in Every Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by The Daisy r Rubber People At Berlin Ontario 1001 The Georgian is lined with tough tan•colored cot. ton. Interlined with henry can• vas duck be. tween the rubber tippet and the tough cotton inside lining. Outer tolled sole and heel are double. heavy pure gum, corm. gated. Inside is an insole of solid leather, w you can have this shoe r e.soled, .,so.rwl