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The Blyth Standard, 1906-12-20, Page 1
M tb tb VOL. XX, BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1906. No. 20. GOOD FURS .'. LEFT .'. 5 Black Siberian Dog Coats, made by Paquet & Co., Quebec, for 815. Brown Calf Conte for $19 and $20. 1 Fur Lined Coat $35, for $30, 1 Fur Lined Coot $50, for $45. 1 Goat Coat $13, for $9.50, 1 Fur Cape $21, for 819. 1 Lady's Fur Coat, Astrachan, $33, for 827, 2 Ladies' North Seal Coats $42.50, for $35. 1 Lady's Fur Coat, Astrachan, $31.50, for $28.75, 1 Lady's Fur Coat, Astrachan, $25, fur $23. 1 Lady's Fur Coat, Astrachan, $38, for $32, A Big Selection Caperines, Ruffs, Stoles, Boas to buy from and all marked at close prices. Men's Suits to clear at $3.50. POPLESTONE & CARDINER THE RIO CLOTHIERS Goderloh. Thomas Elliott, secretary of the Uoderich Organ Co., Is on the mend after en attack of typhoid fever, His many friends will be glad to see him around again, Mise Skimmings, having forwarded to her Majesty Queen Alexandra a copy of her poems, received a kind letter of acknowledgement (tom her Majesty's secretary, Wee Knollys, On Tuesday evening Mrs Stahleker had the misfortune to break her kg at the ankle hy falling in front of 0, W. Thompson dt Son's store on the Square. A boy with a dog and sleuth was re- sponsihle for the tumble, W. E. Elliott, who has been doing good work as local correspondent for the London Free Press and Toronto News, left yesterday morning for To. ronto to fill an engagement with the latter paper in that city, He experts to return before long. Last Wednesday afternoon the case of King v. G, W. Ronde, of Clinton, for non-support of his wife came up In the county judge's criminal court, At - ter hearing the evidence Judge Doyle adjourned the court till Thursday for argument, when the prisoner was die - charged, 0, F. Blair for defence, The County Court and General Ses- sions were held on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of last week, There was 110 civil business and only one case for the Sessions of the Peace, King v, David- sort, art action for indecent assault, The grand jury found a true bill in the case and the prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to three months' im- prisonment in the jail, The offence oc- curred at Winehem a week ago last Sunday. R. Vanstone conducted the defence. Wm. Moffatt, sheriff of Renfrew county, died yesterday, The Best There Is at Smallest Price That's the Story Our Stock 'fells Our hnllda3 ads. ought to stake Interesting mutter for the Christmas reading of housekeeper's who wish to avoid the dear on acuuunt of the "cheap" offerings that meet thein sometimes in the papers. This store knows as well as anybody how to buy as cheap as any- body, and sell, too, but we wouldn't think of offering for this season, any. thing but this Rennin's goods. You'll Use These in A1/4 the Christmas Cake Put In a list and try our New Carranta all dry re -cleaned, Argutnbau Select Raisins, also Seeded and Seedless Raisins, Special quality of Crosse & Blackwell Peels, New Hallowe'en Dates In hulk and packages, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and in Spices,' Baking Powders, Icing Sugars, Ex- tracts and Jelly Powders; wee always keep the best at lowest prices. Trust Us With That Christmas Order For these are euro goods for those who intend to have their Faking as rich and delicious as it can be made, Cash for All Rinds of Farm Produce. Gro©er Hullett. Thomas McMillan, Itoeve of Hullett, is at present in the Eustnru part of the Province, conducting Farmers' flied - tutee. The County Council holds the deeds for part of lots 17 and 18, on the 8th 1 concession, and has decided to offer the same hy auction, at Cllllton on Decem- ber 29111, It contains 108 acres with house and barn, and is a good piece of land, About 20 years ago James ,youth - combo, of Hullett, bought a lot in Ito- gi nit, paying in the neighborhood of 8200 for it. A year ago the offer• ed it for sale at 8500, hut could not not got an offer for it. This year it ad- vanced in value, and six moults ago he would have sold k at 81500, but could not get a purchaser, On Monday ho got an offer of 88,000 by telegraph, and accepted it. Exeter, J, D. Spackman arrived et his home in 'Toronto from Germany on Thursday last, 20 cants on the dollar is what is ex- pected of the Smith Bros,, estate, late if Exeter North. Uladinan & Stanbury will shortly move into their now office recently purchased from 13, 8 O'Neil. Forrest Crows, who is working for W. Statham, was severely inured. While driving by the Manston House, the horse away throwing him out of the bakery rig and resulting in a few bad bruises and sprains. The new bell for the fire hall at the North entl of the town, does not evidently come up to requirements. 'Phe bell, it is claiined, has a poor sound, and can hardly be hoard, even by any person inside the building. The Council will investigate the tnattor, and If found as claimed, it will be returned, Seaforth. Wm, Bethune, of the steamboat Manitoba, was In town last week. Senforth has nn interrnediate hockey team and is in a group with Godorich and Clinton, P, A, O'Sullivan disposed of 11,850 worth of cattle et Dick's stock yards on Tuesday last, Division Court was held here on Wednesday. '1'Itere was as usual a very light docket, Miss Mary 8 ott, of Wingham, a for. mor student of the Seaford' Go.legiate Institute was here the guest of W. and Mrs, Hartry, The remains of the late Capt. Norman McLeod. who died so suddenly in Brit- ish Columbia Inst week, arrived here on the Monday evening train, and were taken to the Masonic hall. The (intend took place on 'Tuesday afternoon to the \taitlandhenk cemetery, the services being conducted by the Masons. A letter received by friends here states that Capt. McLeod died from heart failure, brought on by over work, Wingham. Scottish concert on Tuesday evening, January 8r h. Win. Nicholson has sold his office building, used at the post office, to the Corporation and it wits moved to the cemetery to housed hs the caretaker, The building is just what was needed at the cemetery. • '1'Ite follow,ng gentlemen from 1Ving- hant attended ho Lihr•rrt, convention at Brussels on Tuesday lest ; Dr, Mae.' donald ex•Al P,, Dr,.1. R. ,Macdonald, Stich. Clegg, Wet, Nicholson, S, Gre- coy, R. Barrett, Wesley Walker end H, 13 Elliott, P, Fisher, W1ngluun's respected Postmaster, has linen seriously ill now for more than a week with inflamnt• tion of the bowels, For some days considerable anxiety was felt as to his recovery. It is, however, thought that the crisis is passed, and we aro ',lensed to hoer that there are prospects of his recovedy, though ho is still very weak. A deputation from Winghe in, con- sisting of Dr, Ks•nuedy, Dr, Redmond, Dr. J. B. Tautly'', ,Mayor Bell, Princi- pal ,'Musgrove and W, H. Green waited on the County Council to secure it poss• ible it grant of $1000 for Wingharn hos- pital. Principal Musgrove was the chief advocate of the deputation and ably pros-ntod the case, The Council did not show its way clear to live $1000, but granted $500, which willl assist in WINTER TERM OF TIIE WiNGKAM 8USINUSS COLL:G/ (Afllliatod with Clinton Business College) Opens January 2nd This is the most modern, thorough and successful institution of its kind In On. torte, Excellent staff of teachers; un• excelled equipment' largo attendance; actual business school, During November wo had TWENTY TIMES as many Dulls from leading onnoerns for 1300K1 ECP• ERS, STENOGRAPHERS and TELE- GRAPHERS as we had graduates to send Enter any time, Individual Instruotlon. Our handsome Christmas Catalogue Bent free on application to GEO. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL The Standard WISHES ITS READERS 4,7 erry Aristrnas the good work, At the last regular meeting of Wing - ham L. 0, L. 794, the following Afli- cers wore elected ;--W, M., A. H. Mus- grove ; [1 M., D. 31, Gordon ; Chap., Jesse Button ; Rec •Sec., Jos. Guest ; Fin.•Sec., 8. A. Maguire ; 'Treats., D, Dell ; 1). of C., L. A. Ball ; Lcct., .1no. McNevin ; Committee men, lst, 'Theo, Hall ; 2nd A. Dulrnage ; 8r 1, John Kerr ; 4tli, Wm. Moore ; 6th, A. Young ; auditors, J. 13, Ferguson and W. J. Greer, A committee was ap- pointed to see about having July 12th celebrated here next year, Refresh- ments were served and it pleasant even - Ing passed. Auburn. At the close of the season it was found ;hat apples to the amount of 11,000 bushels had been handled. The product was 1,240 poxes, or 62,000 lbs, ANNIvEitsAltY.-On Wednesday even- ing it was decided that the anniver- sary services of Knox Church, Auburn, should be held on January 20th, 1907, followed as usual on Monday evening hy a tea -meeting, and on Tuesday even• lug hy a social for the children, Par- ticulars will follow Inter on. '1'Ir'A \1 FETING. --A tea meeting, lec- ture find social, under the auspices of the Auburn Methodist Church ands S tbhatb School, will bo held on Xtnas night, Tea will he served in the hall from 0 to 8 o'clock. Beginning at 8 o'clock sharp an enter'ainrnent will be given in the church, consisting of a very able and popular lecture on the "Power of the 'Tongue" by Rev. J. C. Reid, B. A., B. D. Choruses by Kt,ox Church Choir and solos by ,Miss Edna 1 dDonuld. By special request of mine members of the congregation Rev. J. L. Small, 13. A,, will recite a selection entitled "Flow [lathy Played," The following evening, Dec. 2Oth, the chit- dren rind young people will give it ten and entertainment consisting of chor- uses, lungs, recitations, motion songs and dialogues. Morrie. Edward Bryans is home froin the West, Township Council met on Saturday of list week as per Statute. It is ruin sed that Neil Taylor, of the 7th line will run for Councillor. Frank Bell, a former well known 31orrisito, has been seriously ill with typhoid fever. Ho is living in'I'urn• berry and is atilt quite poorly, Geo, Davidson, of Vancouver, 13. 0,, and his brother Samuel, of Fullerton, called on their friend Duke Jordon on Monday last on their way to visit their sister, Mrs, Samuel Jordan, It is reported that Ex -reeve Isbister may be in the field for Reeve, The Couuoillors are likely also to have op- position, as there seems to be a cur- rent of dissatisfaction, Nomination day promises to be lively. There appears to bo some trouble over the drain on cons. 1 and 2, run- ning through S. Culdhick's farm. It is said that sotno farmers refuse to pay they draitlage assessment, on the ground that there is no by-law authorizing the tax. If this is the case, the Council has it job on its hands, A welcome visitor to this locality is Joseph Hanna, of Keys, Manitoba, son of J, W, Hanna, a former resident of the 6th line, who wont (Vest 10 years ago. lin will spend it few months hero. Mrs, Alex, Nichol jr., is a sister to Mr, Hanna, Ifo says last year's crops were fair, They have 8 elevators at Keys, Gladstone is 8 milds away, The visitor says there was 2 foot of snow when he loft home, He came via Chicago, Before ho returns he may pick out a housekeeper from the many charming young Indies of this locality, Storms having tied up traffic the full situation at Brandou is becoming worse, BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,250,000. Reserve, $2,25o,000. Total Assets, $29,000,000. J. TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT, ************************* Christmas Greetings We want you to have a Merry Christmas, and it is a privilege you have also to make many other people happy at this Yule Tide Season, What to give is always a question, and we have been planning for months back so that we could have bright, cheerful, useful Christmas presents, which makes it easy for you to be suited at this store. FOR MOTHER 1I,tndkerohiefs In Fancy Box Table Linen and Napkins Tenrleffe Dollies Drawn Llneu (hand -work) FHney Shawls Kid Gloves Fancy Collars In Boxes Fancy Pin Cushions Waist Sets Fur Coat Ifair Pin Receiver FOR FATHER Linen Handkerchiefs to Fancy 13ex Tie in Fanny Box Braces in Fancy Box Fur Coat Kld Gloves Fancy Sox Felt Shoes or Slipoers Fancy Neck Scarf or Muffler FOR SISTER OR SWEETHEART Fancy Collar Belt In Fancy Box Silk waist Fur Stole or Ruff Silk Se.tr1 Il'tnd•painted Sachet Fancy Pillow C,tshlous Ifandkerchiefs in Fancy Box Fancy Heads Kid Gloves Hair Pin Receiver Fur Coat or Mantle Silk Pin Cushion FOR BROTHER HIandkercblefs in Fancy Box Tie in Fancy Box Fur Coat Boos or Slippers Fano, Sox SIIk Urnbrella Fur Gauntlets Overcoat Neektle Pin Silk Ties Braces in Fancy Box FOR BABY Silk Bibs Fancy Bootees Fanny Infantees Boar Coat Fancy Mika Fancy Shawl Stockings Infante' Moccasins Fancy Wool Hood or Cap Savo some Xmas money on your Groceries. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs., $1 Canned Pettit, 4 Dans for 25o " Corn, 3 Dans for•2bo " Tomatoes, per oan 10c Rolled Oats, 9 lbs, for 25o Pot Barley, 8 lbs, for 10c Pearl Rice, 0 lbs. for 25o Cornmeal, 0 lbs. for 25o Matches 1000 In a box, 0 boxes for 25o Brooms, regular 25o, for 20o Shoe Polish, " 10c, for 5o Bleak or Green Tea, 5 lbs. for $1. .e Highest Price Paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry,Dried Apples, G. M. Chambers & Co. BLYTH 20 Santa Claus for young and old Santa Claus for all For the next two weeks this store will bristle with Xmas Goods, the fit eat assortment In town. A dainty line of In Cut Glass Containers. The very latest ordors in Bulk Perfumes, Specials, Yunora, Ideal, Stearns, Seely, Pinand, Roger and Gallet. monmemil JAPANESE GOODS in Ebony, Rosewood, Whitewood and Red Cedar. Leather Goods, Purses, Wal. lets, hand Bags Finer Purses, Glove, Watch, Jewel and Handkerchief Cases--- leather and oelluloid. hand Painted China. Llbbev's Cut Glass. Mantel Ile• aerations in Bikgfiie, Bronze and Chinn, See our line of Foal Ebony Toilet Sets and a, beautiful line In Rosewood, Leather and Stag Horn Mounts. A pretty lot of exelus• lye designs In Fern Pots, Rose Jars, Camphor Bark Goode, Manicure .Seta -celluloid and leather, Salad Forks and Spoons (special). Our Optical Department is Complete. Hove your eyesight examined Neon the most up-to-date instrument -the. Geneva Iletlnosoopo. Our stock of Spootacleware includes tbo finest and best made forms in Gold, Silver and Aluminum. Sole agent for Lowney's New York Chocolate Bon Bons, Ice Create Drops and Gibson's Pure Fruit Tablets. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE DR, W. J. MILNE BLYTIi • School. the Roman guard hail been bribed. Sunday X1h '\'epic; Jesus' w dg ea rds t- his followers, Plea): In and near Jerlt• aalent. The disciples (Thomas absent) (NTtt',1KNAT:IONA14 LESSON NO. XiC are assembled in an upper room; Jesus DEC, 80, 1906, Revlow.—Rend John 1: 1-14. Stttnnraay--Le-s:son I. Topa': Love the enprt me duty of an:ut. Place: In Joru- st.botn, in the temple coaxes, The 11t'r- cxllittrl,s, Saddtuxttes and Pluiresees mk Mann hard quetettomg, tv••ting !lint , A 11 ere silenced; the greet c.aeereotd: t\nt is given by Christ; we Alouid'love Clod 611i+rt^nle]'; z'ili, Ole wul':d au dthll a&4 \lips nest all be notwunotel; tiro anhtxrk1 hove our neighbor; Jt'sus asks 'Oho Jew's ti hard qu(tion; \caritas His disciples tegainat hypottrity; cal'.' attention to a widow t.astirng tato mites into the truce• t 1u -y. 11. Topic: Guardia' against t'alse pro. fessiou. .1leou:On Mount Olivet. The subjects of 4Jhri1 is kingdom are likened to tan virgins; Christ is the Bridegroom, and the oil represents the gruee of God; the foolish virgins had the tamp o4 pro- fcseion, but Ieteked oil—true spiritual 'life; they endeavored to mike good (their preparation at the last moment, but it was too late; the wise Hie pie true (Jhristiaates who not only have L profee- eion, bat the loge of God in the soul, \Ve should always be ready to inetit the Bridegroom, lll. Topic: Reasons for fidelity to darty. Place: \1ou1Ll of Olives. '111te toe ants are g,ivcn and the timelier takes iu:l journey! two servants make, a. large gain; the third barites. his ttt1en't; the Infester'3 eetttrn, though delayed, is cer- tain; 5.o Christ will eurely conte again; two servants, conte to their master and bring the tikit:s given them anti inaary' more; they are eontmerely 1 and ,rewartf- ed; the idle servant has no increase, but had slayings and excus("s; the is east into outer darkness. IV. 'Topic: 'Tice believer's heart der°• tion. Plater: .l.let}zany, It is six days before the i ;u,:ovc.r, atnd Jeeps is at the house of .Simon the leper; while sitting teoele xxrj, in.) Let ns inlnulrtalize the at neat 1}ary ull'ointe the Mad :tual gr'O1. .. fe,vorite mot. ts; with Frances feet of Christ, using at pink t of very Willard, taken frmn en ancient sun -dial, ilr'ecious ointment valued at about fifty was '•1 reemel only the hours that are dollars; the dieeiples are in,lignLlrit and seen." The Book says, "Whatsoever think it should have been sold and given things are true .... honest .... purr.. to the poor; Jesus rebukes thele tend lovely .... of peed report .... think on contends the woman very 'hi,shly; the -o things" (Phil, iv. 8.) ('hrnniele Jiidi.ls a;;n•ees to betray Je-nns for thirty the bright, helpful things your friends pic'ees 01 ellver, about twenty dollars. d.1; speak of the sweet, pleasant finite V. Topic: The herd's Supper. Pince: oleos that are about, you, Jerue:dein, It was Thursday; Jesus sent V. "\\'owlcifu1" in his : i iovrial., "'Thio do in remembrance of n:e" (1. Cot'. appears; the disciples are terrified; he shotes thein his hands and feet and side; asks them to handle him; opens the Seriptures to them; after torts' days he leads them out to Mount Olivet where the ascension took place. 'Then they re• turned to Jerusalem with great jay and waited ten days in an upper round for the baptism of the 1In1y Ghost. In ,tae time the Spirit, came upon them and as a result of their preaehilig three Hem - sand were converted. Jesus 1s can ling again to take his people to heaven, Golden Text.. --"•Itis name shall be call- ed Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting lather, the Prince of }'race" (Ise. ix. i). Lesson I. "Wonderfnl" in wisdom. The Pharisees and 1lorodinns had come to- gether to catch our Lord in his words and perplex hint with hart question,. After answering the puzzling; questions and 5i1• owing thong, Jesus turned to his t,te- ebi5t3 and asked theta questions which they could net answer. iI. "11'onderfal" in watching, "Welch therefore for ye Carey neither the (}ay nor the hour wherein the sen of man cometh" (\late. Nxv. 13.) As the sen- tinel watches for the frig; the sailor for the storm; the watehrttan for the thief; the wife for the absent 1)uslland: so should the Christian watch lest the foe defeat him, watch hest temptation overcome him, watch for opportu►tities to do g'ee'd ,watch for the lendings of the divine Spirit, watch fair the approbation of his heavenly Father, and dols le! watching for the coming of the Lord. ili. "Wonderful" in iudeinfg. "After a bong time the lord of those servants emu - et le :7171 reeknned with them" I 'Mat t. xxs'. 111.) Daniel Webster, when asked \what was the greatest thought that ever 000upied his tonal, repliers: "'The sense of my individual responsibility to (kol,,, Tee "Wendorful" to 2)ppreeiation, "She hath w'rouret a good work upon ale" Peter Hari John to Jerusalem to prepare the Passover Supper; they found a !tufo upper noon whore they »gado teeisty; in the evening Jesus out at the table with Ilis disciples• Ile told tkeln that one of them \voui'd betray Him; they were sorrowful, and everyoroe asked, "Lord, is it I?" Jtayus sails it ,wottld 'stave been better ter that man never 'to •have been born; He tillc'at told Jlidas that 1,e were the etre; J17(tas left; Jesus eats 1lis '1251 o:topes• with the renutir.o1eg el've,l. VI. 'Topic: The agony of Jesus. Place Gethsemane. Jesus and eleven disciples enter tho garden; eight are loft ne-arthe entrance, Peter, James and John go with im into the garden; Jesus agonizes in prayer; is sweat is like blood; Ile prays for strength; an angel is sent; three times Ho asks His disciples to watch with Him; three times Ile finds them sleeping. We ahoutd watch and prn.y. VII. Topic: The trial of Jesus Christ. Place: The palace of C'aiaphas. Jesus is sent from Annas to Caiatphas, the high priest; Peter follows afar off and thrice dens(3 the Saviour; tho Si js hastily summoned; false witnesses are sought and are found with difficulty; at last two testify that He said Ile could destry the temple and build it in three days; Jesus is silent; Cniaphns asks hint if He is the Christ; Jesus replies that He is; Ooiaphas rends Itis clothes; .}esus is condemned to death; they mock and abuse Christ for some time. \'IIi. Topic: Warning against wine - drinking( 'Place: Probably Jlerus.dhjnj, Isalah's home. The drurjkard follows strong drink; wine inflames; God's judg- ments will fall on the drunkard; all classes go down to death together. There is nothing too bad or vile for saloon- keeper or for n man under the influence of strong drink to do. The drunkard's character is always bad. IX. Topic: The worldling's treatment of Christ. Place: Pilate's judgment hall. Jesus is taken to Pilate, the governor, who investigates the charges and finds no fault with Christ; Pilate calls the people together and desires to release Christ; they demand that IIe he cru- cified; three times Pilate urges His re- lease; they demand the release of l3ar- abbas, a murderer; Pilate yields~; wash- es his hands; Jesus is scourged. Think of the merciless Roman scourge, not just the Jewish scourge of forty stripes save one, but a pitiless lashing that tore the flesh frmn His hack and breast and arms and that with the cruel thorns and mocking blows left His face more marred than any man's (Isa. cii. 14.) X. Topic: Jesus dying on the cross, Place: Calvary. Christ on the cross; mocked by the soldiers; vinegar offered; the superscription; the two thieves cru- cified with Christ; one railed on Jesus, the other confessed his sins and asked to be remembered 111 Christ's kingdom; the prayer answered; darkness front twelve till three o'clock; Jesus cried with at loud voice and died; the centurion's tes- timony; Joseph begged the body of Jesus ;wrnpctd it in linen and placed it in n, new sepulchre, XI. 'Topic,; The resurrection of Jealls Christ. Place; Garden near Calvary. Christ was crucified on Friday, April 7; rose early Sunday morning, April 0; sev- eral women were early at the tomb; the stone was rolled away; the women en- tered the eepulehre; Christ was not there; two angels appeared; their faces were like lightning and their garments were dazzling; the wmnen were afraid; the angels told them Christ had risen; ho was to go before thein into Galilee; the women ran to take the dlsciples the 1.,.i 1:.,, rA,.t-a 11. ..l. A, C. 1f. Jf we keep Christmas in our hearts xi. 24). A rich gent:ema1) attempted ones day while intoxicated to ernes an .a yenta! where a little street :sweeper, to wrhltept he 11041 oftvii given e hicks'., was waiting for a Imory'itig earl'Iage to pasts. The street sw'eoper saw tho gentleman's danger and sprang forward and threw himself against hint nlel puehe•1 hint back, but his own little feet Flipped and !r f('1 right meter the pra:l eieg hay: . 'Ileo~ picked iris poor, brae -eel body )i 01)1 carried it to the hotel ante by, The man little Andy heal salved was ~Deter l,rm•, and wept as Ite (-Amid, "Oh, Andy! your life for roe! how can 1 Um:- it!" But the tear., the strong men Axel. w'ri' tears of repentance, lie never t:imclicit the liquor amain. Ile .vpewls all his time mei strength rant money :swing men from intemperance. 'How can I (10 lean," hesays, "with the (remembrance of Andy's sacrifice alwa-ye before me?". i. 1 I. Wonderftel" In submission. "Not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke xxid, 42). Clitriet's prayer was foe- deliverance fr.arlt :v "nattn'all death in the garden that Ile might die a sacrificial nIe 1tll on the cross, But He would not even ask foe what God had promised ,except ise a spirit of utter submiss=ion toy lido Fetdt- er's will, 1'11, "\Vccrrterful" in forbearance, "Hc 13 despised and rejected of men (Iasi, Ilii. 3), The betrayal of the Son of moat with a kiss is the most eiramleful act of treachery in all history-, But if you must show us the holy Child, with the have not bon horn again, you have the light of divine love shining M Itis face. We would worship again with the shep- herds beside the ln:tnger. Christmas with no worship in its observance, no remembering of God, no thought of the 4 + 1' + 1 ++++.r+•f•+:?++'441++++rN+++++4�.++o++++++++.ly4+4lr4.I.+.I.+4.+i• ++4'++++•4lw ++4p+4,.e. :..+.++*+{.+4+41.04+++++•t•4.144++++41►+++++•ri SANT CLAUS' WIFE. eeteeSeeneeeeolosone HER NAME IS LA BEFANA, AND SHE IS GOOD TO ITALIAN CHILDREN. Santa Claus' wife lives in Italy, says the London Express. The ideal Christmas visitor in the minds of little Italian children is an ugly but boundlessly benevolent old lady, huowl► as 1.e 14efauut. Throulghon! tl!e lona multitu !"s of little boys and girls chatter all through Christmastide about La 1 efnurl., who is confidently expected to tim' silently an,', SeVrolly on the tsight betwcrn January fi and January (1. The historic myth of l.a ltefana is a Singular one, 1t is as curious as the val'ion, stories of the Wandering Jew, or of the 'Three Wise Men. Like Wooly other visit1,15 to Cologne Cathedral, I have seen the three skulls declared to be those of the Alegi, who are reputed to have settled on th Rhine, told to have died in the district. Ln Befalls., is the name given to the woma0 who, when it was known that these Wise Nen were alma to pass by her house, scornfully refused to go to her window to salute them, and to wish them a blessing. Ever Since then she has heels repenting her evil ways. Pert of her repentance is manifested in benevolence to little children. A11 through the year she fills up her spare time in preparing presents in wonderful verity, intended only for really good little children, of whom she is tt sort of patron saint, corresponding with the Germ))11 5. t.. Nikolaus, celebrated undo')' lois popularly abbreviated cognomen of Santa Chats. Le licfana i5 supposed to he ugly simply because elle is (40 very vener- able, being m'an'ly 2,000 years old. She brings dolls, 1nu 1piots, little watches, 1111 5nrts of confectionary and curious (eikes, tumbles and toys, The reason why this happens on the 1 sel(1h day after Christmas is simple enough, and is perfectly consistent with t he pretty myth. The day is Epiphany, conseeratted by the church to 1lie memory of the .Magi. i1 i5 the date on which they are reckoned to have presented their gifts of gold, frenkineense and myrrh to the holy (')gild. Anti as Le Rcfana is 1arsoeiated with theta, so she is sure to fulfill her kindly office on Epiphany Eve. 'Thus the festival of January (1, called by the church Epilnhania, is by the masses of the people, especially by the, chil- dren, known as Le Default. But hots' is it that La llefamt is regarded as the \rife of Santa Claus? The answer to this query gives a curious sample of the way in which by accretion a legend ('cameo to be enlarged. Originally the b:,ys and girls of Italy knew nothing of any Santa Claus. Ile was not in any sense an ltalilut patron saint. Familiar only with La Pefaila, they lind no legendary Saran ('laes, with snow-covered cap, furs and bells, coming down the chimney to fill their stockings with long -desired gifts. lint. as mn idea of foreign and modern importation, the tradition of this Northern friend to children is gradually becomiing 11:111an, '!'here are in Italy thousands of :\nglo-Italian, Austro-11nliml, Swiss - Italian, German. 1fel ien and American-1tnlia►t families. So nation has takeli more cordially to foreign matrimonial a11innem than the Italian people. The children in t hese households regard Santa ('taus and Le llefamt as husband and wife. They often, when they have liven very good. receive visits from both. 'J'he (latrine in their minds is that, Santa Clntts finds the wni'nr slimnte of Italy uncongenial, and that for the most of the year he lives in the frozen north, but that his wife prefers the sunny south, and seldom visits the cold northern lAls. 444444+++.144-1.444444.14,14444,vit \ill t only weulives, u will makelous sweetesenersten oof the }Ivesboft KEEPING CHRISTMAS IN tt others, A lady tells of gathering it hand- ful when of sweet briar on out excursion in the woods and tutting it in her bosom. She soon forgot it; but all day as she rambled here and there she smelt every where a spicy fragrance. On every wood - path she found the salve odor, The other members of her party had their - handfuls of all sorts of wild flowers, but she was surprised to find that all 'these seemed to have the sante kind of frag- rance. ._ Late at night, when she unelress(xl, there was thte sweetbrier tucked away in her bosom. All day she had curried hidden on her own person the perfume which site supposed caane from others. "How good it would be," she said to her- self, as she closed her eyes, "if I could Cary it spirit in my breast that every- one I met should seem lovely." If 1ve keep Christmas in our hearts our lives will be sweet, whatever the .social importance the most sacred mean- condition. We will not be dependent on ing of the day is being overlooked? the weather, nor on our health, nor on Christmas is first of all a religious mini -our circumstances, not' on the dispost- versary. It means ',tithing if we leave ` tions of the people about us. \Ve carry out of it the truth of divine love and the ' the secret of sweetness tvithin us, and corning of the Son of God to this world wherever ive Iso the air about us is per - to reveal that love, fumed with the love that dwells in our If we would keep Christmas fittingly 1 hearts, it nlust bring us to a remembrance of O • • Christ, Every true vision of the day The Ballade of the Mistletoe Bough. TIIE HEART. +-++4-s-o++a++++ +-o-+-+-++a+-++♦-+-r Christmas fills a large place in the w'orld's life. The day is almost univer- sally observed in Clrr'istian lands. In countless shops and factories all over the world thousands of workmen are en- gaged all the year in making every sort of product, ornamental or useful, for the holiday market. Hundreds of thou- sands of pounds are spent annually in the purchase of gills to be presented at Christmas time. Thus C'hristlnas touches the world's ht life at almost every point. It is a bright day in the calendar, But there is no clanger that in its vast commercial and &a11Ue sinful heart that led Jndns to be- trn-y Jcr'nu8 and may be guilty of a prime nwhi0h will lead you. to .something of tete shame and suffering that ell1110 to J1)d) s, VIII. "Wonderful" in warning, "Woe love of C1►rist, it is empty to all sacred unto them that are mighty to drink meaning. While we give and receive wine, and men of strength to mingle gifts, it should be easy for us to renem- strong drink" (Iso, v. 22). We have here ber God's unspeakable Fitt. As we enter a parenthesis of a great evil, inteinper into t}IC gladness of this happiest day of 711)00, from which there is needed a the year eve may think of the joy (('11)1 !nighty deliverance. VCrse 11y verse gives which the angels celebrate the birth of the pictures of the tyranny of drink, Christ. As we yield our ;tearts to the the passion of drink, the poverty of spirit of tenderness which pervades the drink, the death through drink; from all Christmas air, es tinny' inhale of the We we need the deliverance through the heavenly love which (281110 11)10 the world "counsel of the Holy Otte of Israel (Ism the night that Christ was born, v. 10), We keep Christmas truly only when IX. "Wonderful" in inarocc+nom. "Then We iet the love of Christ 17110 o l hearts said Pilate: I find no fault in 11)18 loan" and lives. We write Anne. Domini in (Luke xxiii, 4). Pilate declared that our dates, but are we really making our Jesus was an innocent nom, yet he was years years of our Lord? It may menu illegally tried by religion and state.. very little to us that Christ was born in Never was num so innocent; never was Bethlehem a great loony Christmases sennet so ill-treated i ago; but if we keep Christmas aswe X. "Wonderful" in his sufferings. may it is not merely another miniver - °Father forgive them for they know site.~—•'}t is the real birth of Christ in not what they do" (Luke xxiii, 34). 1 our hearts. While he hung n curse upon the cross, a If we keep Christmas in our hearts the sinner's substitute, neither sun, nor we will have love for each other and for ratan, nor angel, nor God, could comfort everyone. Christmas mean love—good him. The Father turned away from his beloved Son, while there wits "laid upon ' a ill to 1110 If we. hnverr 10 been for 11holding 111yu him the iniquity of um nil (Ian, ilii, (1). grudge against, Anyone we should now He could hear it! And up from the depths of his wailing agony there went put it out of our heart. It is a time the wailing ery you and I can never com-f for forgetting ourselve and thinking of prehend (Matt. xxvii. 44). But we can j others. The truest ,joy of Christmas is believe that he "died for our eine." not found in receiving, hat in giving. XL "Wonderful" in his resurrection.The happiest people are those who make "Ile Is risen, as he said"'(Matt. xxiii. d), others happier. There is more of leu The resurrection is the prima[ miracle ver 111 pleasing than in being pleased. (I. Cor, xv. 14); the pivotal truth of The heart in which Christmas is truly Christianity (L Cor. xv. 14); the proof kept is a gentle heart. It is full of kindly of the scriptures (Luke xxiv. 45, 4(1) ; the thoughts nn inspiratione, It wishes ill pledge of our acceptance (Item, iv. 25);to none, but good to all, Then its good tho power of holy living (Rona. i, 4; the wishes Illos8011) into .fruit, The wonder. pron►iee of our immortality ful outflow of kindness at Christmastide XII. "wonderful" to endue with is one of the moat striking evidences of power. "Tarry ye. ,. . , until ye be en- spirit of Christ diffusing itself in the (tied with power from on high" (Luke world, pouring out through human lives. xxit'. 411). At Pentecost "the promise" of 1t is Christ coming again and living not the Father to the Sort wee redeemed, and only among men, but in men, reincnr' it is ours by virtue of our union with stating Ilimself in those w}10 love Him. I art standing under the mistletoe, And 1 sntlle, but no answering smile re - For or herlfhaughty glance blds me plainly Thainew not for No is tho thing 1 prize; Instead, fro other coldly scornful eyes, tndlffereuco looks on 1ny barefaced guile! She knows, of course, what my act Implles— lJut look at those lips! Do they hint a amps? I stand bore, pager, and beam and glow, And alto only looks a refined surprise As clear and crisp and us cold as show, And as—Stop! I will never criticize! I know what her cold glance signifies; But I'll stand just hero as I ani awhile Till a mile to wy pleading look replies— But look at those lips! Do they hint a amlle? Just look at those lips, now! I claim they show A spirit unmeet under Christmas skies; A claim that such lips on such maidens owe A—sotnething—the 01)81001 justifies; I claim that the mistletoe rule applies To her as well as the rank and file; Wo should meet these things In a cheerful guise— But look at those lips! Do they hint a smile? ENVOY, Theeo customs of Christrnas may shock the wise And the mistletoe boughs rosy be out of style, And a kiss bo a thing that all. maids de- Hylse— I3ut look at , theeo 11110, do they hint smile? —1111 Is Parker Butler, in the American Il- lustrated Magazine. When Mother. Reads Aloud, When mother reads aloud, the past Seems real an evory day; I hoar the tramp of armies vast, I see the spears and lances cast, I join the thrilling fray; Crave knights and ladles 'fair and proud 1 meet when mother reads aloud, When mother ronds aloud, far lands Seen very near and true; I cross the desert's gletuning sands, Or hunt the juuglo's prowling bands, Or sail the ocean blue; Far heights, whose peaks the cold mist/ Arend, f scale when mother ronds aloud, When mother rends aloud, I long For nettle deeds to do— To help the right, redress the wrong; It seems so easy to be strmlg, So simple to be true, ► 00, ttllek and fast the visions crowd My eyes, when mother reads aloud. • —Hannah G. Fernald, 1n The 131, Nlchole/, Rheumatism Iles long defied acWntilts, bt :In:so it has re.enued impossible to carry the llrlo Auld (wnh ieh eat 15"8 the tenable) out of the bialy without over -exciting the kidneys. Dr. H. H. Mack's Rheumatism Compound flax at bast overcome this dlffieadt'y, 13y Krrntly acting on tho kid:n,eye and general health, it cores the atost obstinate forine of rhouauatisen na turully and safely. Air. (l. \\', Muck, the well-knorwn rub- ber wt111111 manufacturer, of 'Toronto, hes become so onnvi►lced by the extra- ordinary cures wrought by thin remedy, he hes financially backed the doctor (h.is cousin). T,}bo business vain of to -day wil'1 not. of till things, back a inedicine uatless it is thoroughly w•ortlly, Alter careful investigation, Mr. Mack Bays: "1 hero yet to find one failure." If tide eonylroun(1 doesn't earn vent, you rick nothing. Yerur money will be lro':rutly returned, Try it. And writ:, for 13r. ;flack's fl'ae booklet on ft.hotutta»• limn, It is full of helpful information. Address: Dr. If. II. Meek, t10 Yonge street., '\'(Milt i t o, CI1RiSTMAS IN MERRY ENGLAND. Throughout Creat ilritain Christmas is the great week of the year. 1t ie the one week when scattered families ure re- united, when tender memories and old ttgaociatlons ore revrvod, when friend greets friend with cheery expansiveness in striking contrast with the character- istic reserve of the English nature. lhtai- nesH is practically suspended in London for the five days succeeding Christmas eve. '}'here is nothing left of the obso- lete orgies which so offended the Puritan element in the times of Cromwell. It would be an unimaginable 'English mon- arch who would forbid aby observation of the twenty-fifth of Deeember. The ex- ample is set by the royal fancily of the ideal w'av in which to spend the happy, merry Cliristnms•tide which the English people cherish. 1t is the cue torn of King Edward t'1 I. and Queen Alexandra to pa84 the holiday quietly at Sandringham, to personal ervieloli and thee(' to give All ) 1 the distribution of gifts. --Jane A. Stew- art in Leslie's Weekly. ..t.*• .b Song of the Filipino Bard. (E. I'. Archlbold.) Sons of Filipino sires, Rise! the foo Is at your door. Blau and don your sprinting garments, As you've donned them oft before. Rise and show the proud invader You retain your ancient speed; That you're twin, upon the mountains, Swift and terrible indeed. Let the nations laud the daring, It shall not be yours to die, On the crimson field of battle, While you bavo your feet to fly. For the brave may lose their freedom '1'o some tyrant lord accursed— If you wear the yoke of bondsmen They will have to catch you first. Then fly, ye spark -brown patriots, 1Vhile the day is young and bright, When the foe lines up for battle You'll be safely out of sight. calsis OF GIRLH000 A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL Miss Emma Cole Says that Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hes Saved Her Life and Made tier Woll. How many lives of beautiful young girls have been sacrificed just as they were ripening into womanhood 1 How many irregularities or displacernents have been developed at this important period, resulting in years of suffering 1 A mother should come to her child's aid at this •critical time and remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound wilt prepare the system for the coming change and start this trying period in a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. Miss Ernma Colo of Tullahoma, Tenn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "1 want to tell you that I nun enjoying bet' ter health than I Imo for years, and 1 owe it all to Lydia E, Pinkhani's Vegetable Com. pound. "When fourteen years of ngo I suffered al. most constant pain, and for two or three years, I had soreness and pain itt my side . headaches and was dizzy and nervous, and doctors all failed to help me, "Lydia E. P)dkhnnee Vegetable Compound wee recommended, and after taking it in eealth begin to improve rapidly, and I think t eased env life. 1 sincerely hope my expert - 1100 will ho a help to other girls who are omitting from girlhood to womanhood, for 1 know your Compound will do art utuch them.'' If you know of any young girl who Its l iek: arc} steeds motherly advice ask hot r write Mee Pinithutri, Lynn, Naas., an he will ret:eive" free. advic'o which will ut her on the right road to a strong, e'ealtlly tont happy womanhood. Airs. I,'ink11niit le daughter -int -law of Lydia L. • ).'inkhatn and , for. t}venty.flve yetu'a he, been advising sick" women free of charge. +}+,t,+4p+++++{.+.p 4+♦+♦+01'+#•4 VIN ORDINAIRE islo (11s.ta't attempted to cot. (1111' work for 00 21s, esr,pl hhrying the tin-whl tlo for the (inel>uhayed."--lh•clu n who's oybicucu in a Laudon pollee ecurt.J 1Von't. you rparo us a trifle guv'nmr? We're '0)01ry, oa.d cold, and dry, An' he can') git a job is scuts Ue, (ltvrtrt so m1."1) leu try. you'll find us mule work?--wood-chop- pin'! It's 'aril as we must decline., But while thnnkin' yet kindly, mister, It n1u't In our 'unlblu hoe. 1 Ah, we're workers, my mate and tae is, Though wo 'aven't done much for years, Shall 1 pitch you n simple story As'il probably start ycr tvar ? "1'%%l,$ the Christmas of eighty -flue, sir, h'ot's a Mende 1011' ago, ('hal oto and my pard, w.e.') 'Int, sir, 'Ad a job fur to shift s,onie 1,nuw. Olt, we. started to work like demon,; • but h1 lets than it takes to t,.11, \t'e both on It; 'ed a suepic!uu A-;cllit' vitt, Our 'ands was that funs) and tender, 1 )1) rt-;;lyln' yet' Just the Lacks --- And a 'slrordln'ry r.00 se11:401011 W;.; ; (: 0:,1dha' aeru4.• our backs, yell can bet as we hath fe;t frightened. :Iv na:''lel• 'e 1 1::0, ;era 'e: "i'ru daahr.7 If I kaon.; sot Il Is, Hutto, Lal sntthing'; guru wrong wlv me! w u,,:!dlc's a- hm00;,; treuuvnJus, I'm aching at ev'ry J'lr.l, And lily toles to that. diel, 1 duna0 As If they ccula ilet mint." w'el, i looks at 'int 1021• amazement, Anil 1 calls on 'stn, 'oars', by name, "11'01, I never!" 1 says, "Why, matey, I'm n-feelbl' the wcrt'y some! It's m•rld, orl-cv'rish feelin', I'+Ano' bin It'a througmnk111h' my 111)8 thatmdi'fnrgitur— n tut lu y s, But I'vo never 'ad this afore!" \t'ell, we thcrt It v:as best to 'eek 11, And got ort to our 'mile; end wives Fur Ow sake of our little children— it was wicked to risk aur hest;! \t'ot would '11ppen to tl:(m Otero toddlers Zupposin' we 1)001 Ives dead? R'lum their daddies was done for, mister; 'Ood fill their poor mouths wiv bread? All' I says It's P:': r x11(1 F1r.t^:"•-- An' 1 say It with nay L• ,t breath— .Ns rur sake of n Fillip:' Ilvin' t','ou111 work a poor cove ter death— And w0 ain't done nuthill' since then sir, 'thou we ',aren't 1! elln,l to shirk; Whin I7n Plods n Job a;'I1 suit us, We'll show you 'ow we can work! --I'uhllc Onlnton. •-.►rte----.-.- OLD BOB'S :,.`IRISTIQAS EVE. Saint Nicholas, have n drink with me, I'm just a -going to tiny; I'm nut the mon to let a friend l'vo known as 1 have you go dry, 't'llat Is, when 1 have got the page; Fill up your glove—that's nut cuough-- It':; rather chilly for a drive, don't try me with a bluff. Per you've been nighty kind to me In winters of the long ago; Bought sleds end shovels, bob; and (apse, When 1 woo young and loved tho s)Icty. No matter Ilion how cold It was, I didn't shako as 1 did now; I always was as warm end weil— I sometimes wander how. Some things try mother put away -- A woollen horse 93)1.4 0110, I think, And then there was a pair of ukntes-- Let's have another drink. She Held to me, „Now, Boo, any boy, ('T1s all as plain as ye,sterday1, You'll never play with those again, So I shalt put them all away. "Por now you're grown to be a man -- No more, my bey"—you understand; f sec yeti know how these things are— Drink up—and here's my loin I! . And she's been dead these twenty years -- My Cod, I wonder if she k110we And sees how i've gone down the hill— Mercy, how cold It grnwa! Without it's sleet and driving wrack, It eeeued 1 never slt0u10 bo warm; And hltna of: yellow on the black, The whitlows stared into the storm. And through the storm f heard tho hells, Pull high and loud, full loud and high, Proclaim that somewhere mercy dwells For such es I, for such as 1, And through the stony-hearted town That Christmas eve hnd come again, Their voices termed to heat me down With "Peace on earth, good will to men!" The straggling street humps' endless lines, Tho giaring pavements, elect and snow, And noise and cluttering crowds and e•osvds, And not a 'angle face I know. Lifo'n but the shndow on -the dial, 1''or all the wares Bunt priesthood cries, Tho cruel years their changes bring, Immortal souls take strange disguise. The city's hell! I'm euro of that; Sonmetimes the people that I meet Seem very ghosts that come and go About me on tho street. What! Going? Now, old man—well, well— Suppose you must—ill) up again— pledge you, "To the days gond by, The oyes and wines that sparkled then!" The holly and the mistletoe, The romphlg games, tho roaring fires, The door old home that once was mine, And youth, with all its dear desires! And Christmas mune but et'o a year -- Don't go, old friend! ilon't say good-bye! You see, I 0111 so much alone— Alone? 11e's gone—and where am I? I"Iow strangely cold and dark it seems— Horror! How slow my pulses creep— Bartender! Drinkl I'm dying here! My God, I trust have been asleep! \ .ta A tfitIST11iA$ T1Utii I1 RUSSIA. Al111.6•11006.1110*••••• •••••••••••••••••••=dMIMmEN ••••••••••M •••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 0.11••• . — . • ... — . 11.1.11/.1••••••••••••••••••••01.01/.0.01.111 , • + - , • • . NI 0 C 0 I....') i="4 II tr),.it 0 rig .02‘.7""r 7.: tR si, nri,,r him, 'I'riltalatton aityays clears that. he might -,,, .10(.0piettli again, in N 1111 SlIt'll occasions," spite of %dia.( she hail told him; and he O A01.11...TIMRAVIrliOrkii "And MINI im this delightful story to !Welled eagerly tor I'rans aio-wer. electrify your friends nt b'ontelle?" "l'ontorrow morning. " "Jthat young. gentleman, ack's ,,o,o,,, ;-;11,1 11 Hi off I!'. 111llillg "Alll f to go •wi1 It yon?" for 11 lett mile ride to ., kit oiii. of the -e "Ilost, certainly 1 o claim ,Your (1,1 11;ro• pool !;,1,111:` %OW ,VGI. Iiul Ilk II"r' 1J picri'!, Ii1:-1 I'VvIlillp, -I/1101' fir:I. "Ila 1 loll Ilroirl, there be a 0aeene!,0111 'wive gum. h, ,1 ilipill, 1 i.i,ngth,(,Iftwiti.,,nieq) a ‘N ink 1,0-MIII, 1.;,r1 ;ill a 1-hi:ening ;(0rSlitig of disappoint "11'1,11, ,(o now, 1 11111 ,111,(0",villi y et." incht, liislale.,:e areo, and proc,r001(•1 1 I, "A (qui dismisial! Leo!: here, Oriz. (,1(.11,g,, los iiisoideied (lie,- and 101......1, zle, 1 should ll:( to :.(,,, (1rri,, hi.tu)c 1 I,I, ii,-hov(! Ii:;. :.,,I inietow o,o; hi( 1:iirts::." 1,,r wa, 1 !:i. ,i ii.j 1 ioii, 1 Ld 1 'I: v,ii,, ,I•iiii, 'Hail! ‘‘1 v. 1 do .,1want 1,, ;,..,ee hi/ or 10,,,,ii,,,.., holm'. 11,. volCol ini.,1. i)iiii,,,A1 1. o -1/1".1k. 11'1'11, knowing that she is uty grind- ••,t,,‘,, a 1, 111,,i• gual,:iati 11:0,1 to child, it striles me I ;should like to take (111„ hay 1 1 (1, good look at her. Gomm, old friend, [tank, in,l‘I.:'-'1,)I),1,,uti:r,l";1:1il,v0;,',.,1")1),,Iii,liiiti114. be good-natured, and lead the way." 1 Iyon't anvake her- -I won't stay a naconseions t hat every 'amid Of prai,e ti: to:ti-es ot liti favour'', and (pule 'Shift! The child's asleop," moment," was , a d,I. to the heart of his '0 the Ivoinan, hars1113', its she arose ((1141 couste. -Let. her hear of an oceident, "Nick Tempest, you're n fool!" said t ook a ',audio. "Como, then, willful most though it, should he fifty mill-, : have bis tvay," ;14,4*;11,,, la t,.14,1, .it.. 'she thole* :-11114, 14,4:11141 111 (4' ti.lite,. i t Ica, sae eau 1 0 01) / 0 U Aac .m,.. .i'a a, • tain, jia,osely, "1 follow," '- "In 1411111 I" eile're!" s"i'l the elll'' weather. 1 remeinher owe, when the in a twinkling, in sole of \vim! ;aid the -aaaatapakaan.....aysaarawat....01.-ada, I, "li e e.eleitd eth1;1 1 \vay rncpsteairie001 heopceahnweldnI 141'n 1,1114f1t1.;v4::,u1ot'1ti,,111i1a:!:1::,,•‘t:p1:l0e1i'rr;:;i1'n ',..,:s-a(tel':door osqualid little room, con - 1 'thino (until lire, but t 'n, ia li1Iii-tl11\1:3:iill;Isl(4:irP11 relld out1,ni\,e,0711,o1:,,tta:In (11ip(, 0 s11 0)0111 11(1; her hands clasped over her Ilse crying for spilled mill:. Of course, • ".ihi, has that 1,0nor." %Odle, and hegan to reflitet it NVI1S 110 01. 111111(`." 11.110 1' all canned 1104411 again after a And little 1)111l1Q'es is a granddaughter i ii;;.::11;.1 1,1!1)(:ri'ris:4011:1111:111.1f,:;tei:i.filliteirt,11)1;(1,(1.111.)1Sliet,,y1,/ear- :,,,,.;adinn (by light with lik hand, Cap• "\Vhetv. \\hat will we hear neat? " .2111d 1(4?)Niel, boot over her, but he started -ri l'• Do Vete \you'd have nothing to do , with Jacquel la. ()It, no! not, at all! lle Jactitnotadoes not sitspeet?" tael: the neat. iestant; for the great, puolt-pooshed the notion; said tho mar- "1 don't, 1;110w. 1 half thinl: 5h. (loco, id.m.k., geldin ryt...4 111.11, wide (pee, en,1 piercing 11101 111:11111011PS. "r011 Hasty old thing! II'llat are put doing here? Cid out!" said Orrie, sitting up 01 bed and brandishing the pillow, as the oId) defensive tt.eapon at, hand. tiler, nod has the same fiery temper and 1th ,‘oll'I'e Itivake--are your sai the true De Very face." d ( Ipla io :\ ieh. a \\lily, ritrie, (Net ,oil know inc.-Code Nieli'!" "And so she's a 11e \'(!i1, too?" "l'es —and the heiress of 1.'ontelle." "I'lleie Nie.k!" said the child contenip• a‘\,eii, this is something new, 00 1,„11 tnously. "(0)1 ain't! 1 wouldn't have irtrsitv(1,,ti»iiiiko 1015 %rutin' as well 116 1110 fy:11:11,:i::,1114:::,1*s:.!ciir11114141(n1g(o'itl'inien /1.)ss.juill(iiii,(t,'1:1)41111tgeor/VV3sVa'ej:1' 1100r 001," l'Opea 1 VII 1/1i0, (-diddling the !lithos., ''or I'll heave this tit you!" "l'ou little angel!" said the copLtin, 'LYLON RUA I I1A Has the same character as Japan, but is infinitely more delicious. Load packets only. 40c, 50c and 60c per lb. At all grocers. ilia...Italia...146-11. . -ice ie. atuAleilerraw-is."Ife...veeakfribrwe ••.•=.••••••••••.=0... ••••••••••••••••••.•• lb.411fr40.ARA.^,1b.11.411.4111,11.110-41., 11.-110,40"1,0,400,111.4 riage was mot aid ilkgul and Off 451/111Hillfln5," 11i5 S011 I1T force, '1110 011 of fifteen was "S110 W011111 her, if •he did," as proud in her tray .its the stately ok1 'No, She' knows it would. be no use. Englishman was la 1118. 8110 ha 111111 tit) I could kecp her 111 ,pile f her, Site ill10111 a word, and never again 1I' 111 bear?, a shad,(.,,y). r,,,,ontidanyt, to h11 1)I1 1111 the siihjeel to me; but oh, the deligot- fill looks she used 10 1.11 VO1' 1111' 4111 11 (1111 111111' 1:ite•hear1." h \veil! 00 "Mr. Hobert De Vere soon bund he hail reel:mm(1 withouthis host, when he thought he could get his son 10 trite 1)1 lis 111 tle bride, lie hevante perfectly mo governor:11de, raved, (mimed, Ariel:NI like it tvild beast, and called 011 ,laequetta Mehl and day. In fact, there was no stiouling him at all, and nothing retnairt• ell but to send for Jacquetta." "And you let 1)4;1. go?" 'Of course. 1 linew my osvn interests, So proud wits she, that she would not have gone » step with riint, only out of 1111V I'M' A1l111*L'.1', 111(1go she did at last,'' "Anil that is how she came to live at Vonteller "That is how, ller presence soothed him et once and strange to say, she und /Miss 11111:lista, 11011 a haughty little la ly of 1(111 years, hecante fast friendg, she had, ils 1 10141 you, winning ways, 1)11:1 east, a glen ov,.:r every one she met by a sort of wild fascination about lay, and very soon she became the idol of the household, and almost as dear to the master of, roidelle as his own da light er," "So much the better. '1'11(.3. \vit) fvel the parting with her the more," 'Hight! So they wIll. )Ir. De Vern did not care to publish on the housetops tlint he had it son 11 nianine; null as his par- oxystus of madness %vela, becoming daily moro frequent nod 1101010, 010' 'If (110! 1.001115 in Ole 01(1 110101 wing 11115 (11 1041 111) 441111 barred windows and bolt• ed doors, (11(11 he was confined there, old Tribillatien, n wontan of iron 1114111. and nerves, beennie his nurse. and every• thing 111111 vould make him comfortable Ives given him. Even his fondness for "Alost decidedly." "Hut what is the end of all this? lt may mortify 11010 to knotv I am her father; but 1 bey will not cast her off 00 that account."' apostrophizing her 111 11 low tone, "IVItat "Trust, me for that. I sIIl seo Mr. De 11 101te,1 little seraph she is, (frizzle!" Vere; and when 1 tell him .laciptetta (i1/z10. "1 110110 know evvi,3,01ing 1 have told )olI all you are sati.-11,..1 441111 your reerption." alottg, and tit (11114 concealed it, you will ,"I'11."(1.1Y! "oott•niglit, Orrie." see \vital, a change it 4011 make. You reply to this Piece of Plitt' don't know yet hew bnese Pr' w:)'. 11) 1111grY S(1'W), I" 111 ‘rel.08 eau be, 1,(1 juin nee learn what, sat thr4,11(mingly holding the pillow, 1111• kir 110)1 110r was, and ..,at ,litequetta he1 . ti>, I': i145(d 111(1 111)111, self lineu. it All along, although she de• 11'"" look like the ))e Sures,” said tiled it, and liti would order her out, 111 1111' five 'minutes, lip iiiiglit (ret ever theis blessed with her mother's (love diaaracefill srocl; from allierb sic,. splatter. like temper, and her maternal grandpar but her own deceit, never." ent's aantleeess. Come latek early to- "Ilravo! And then Madam ,laciptetta nwrrow morning. •;\l'e von ready to go" will have to match!" "Yes; if 1 11:1114 110 lIiil n 1 !Hive to Treviiely1 oil, 1'I) fix beri Tiler', 0,, 1,•turn ller.! 1 oluriVrow, could you nol her (ather, )ca can 4..1a011 her, vou aec(41:11001(itt• me with 11 shalodown Imay." tn. re the file 1..r this night '!" "13111 what if site tvon't 0 vialmed? There's a, 11l4) 11 Fitior of devil in that young lady, and it may tempt her to act ugly and. cm; 1111 shines." "What can she do? She can neither work nor starve, 11nd her child will tie her hands. It needs only a .\vord to convince her the eltild is hers, It will humiliate her to death, aud lhabrowe's love will go out tuider the blow, like candle under an extinettisher," 1 "G(45od) And 1:1t'll?" "Yon can trent her 114 you idelis',' "IIs' ;Jove! 11 'treat her well, for she'": was thought; of, 004) 111.; organ mil /I 111110 brick!" crielt the eaptain, en• placed In his room, 11101 rennin's there to this day; mid lea'ore his fiercest 11t (:111145, he still filvors (hill tvith a little unearthly musi(4-1)10st n.(1114.110y rit the 41101)1 of night." "And GM neemints for the strange noises," the captein, Driftingly, ,,,N.,,s, ...,(.3 it, w,tid ha,o, ,,,',,,it,t „mi. osity and inquiry to call .1111.1111(.1ta. Mrs, 1)0 N'ere, the change to Miss was verlv verve had two smiswhere.s i 110 0111101,,::,, tqlSy and convenient; 1111)1, ns fotv viso ,, vats ':1(1'IllItillit's itcl.fiki 11(4 (4011!) call Frank, thrusting both, hands in hi: imek- 11r11.4 called at Foulelle, repelled by the 0,, 1, lleaven I:mutt-0, Dead, 1 exited. 4,»411101 the calve. Theit it; came bael: as, "All of my own knowledge, too, if pride of the aristocratic De \reres, P00. 110 was carried off by 'Indians, when a to him %cid) 11 shock mkt a thrill, that, 1 am fire years too young to know any- ple believed readily enough she was his ['Mid, 111111 never 1)0:1111 of Illore.” .1 his vt,I.; I 111, hist morning he tv011,1 ever thin,'' y011118er daughter for she looks 45(44.0),1l "Well, its astonishing how things t urn s,,e .1(ie4)uel ta, l'here was inexpressihle ,,yuars younger than Augusta—small fair np. .And so my coracions sondlidaav is la! yamess in (1114 thought, now t ha 1 the Evidently youth was a sore spot with Fterak like 011 boys ninbus itioto bo people always do 1001; "linger than 111)')' locked up ill the multi tower of Rom exeim teent of the previous evening had tholerilt mon, iii„,hrow„,s fau grew aro, And so ---and so --she has lived there tellyr t pas,,,11 away, 1i101 he dropped Ills head on crimson one moment. ittel whiter than "Yes, -and TrilmIntion lias 1101' hands Ids ever since; and that's all,"halal with something like a groan, , ever the next. Ile wilit on dressing "And enough, by J11114.011 And so pol hill to look after hint, I'lle,v can allways 1 14,1Illag! vu i before him, bright, plan- without speaking a word, and Frank, a grandpapa—nin I? Good graliciousl I tell when he is getting violent, by hi; :3111, roditint--the slight, fairy iorm; the evidently pas:wised by some spirit ot say, (frizzle, where's the child." ,playing, 1111(1 111(11 Jacquetta leis to go sne111, tantalizing, bewitching face; the evil, continued, undauntedly: She laughed and continued stirring the to hint Sim is the only one heawill inhul laughing., mocking, dnrk-grity eyes; the' fire. lit attell tittles, She locks him up and 4511313',provoking smile; the. round, poi- :11141 1 know she refused. you, too— ' 3011 11 11(1 your coronet, Captain Disbrowe, "flow (1111011 von fire. Think a moment." lestves 111111 by himself, until he sees fit; is1001, hoyish forehead; the short, flash• as she has many a bet—another man. "Eh? Why --what, 1 It's not 1)1111! Or- to be reasonabie again; then he is re. 1 ing, dancing euris, that, shone before his leased. 1 1 mostly happens in the (100(1 (3(445, now, 1)45,1111'most charming curls in Oh, our Jack's not to be had for a word, rie—is it ?" , le She nodded, of night; 01111 1111' little lady has 1111 nu- existence; Ore whole -spirited, daring, 1 can tell poll The man, that gets her 'Oh„lehosaphat here's a mare's hest. easy time of it gettiag out of bed to sparkling little countenance 0( 1.110 intox- 7111151 (10 something more than pay her thusiasticall), he eauld no1 help feeling he deserved, and in 9. spirit. of retalhetion began hum- ming' A Frog De A- \V""ing' (10, IS they left the room, 1.0-,hrott e smiled its -he 1011111 him; and, h,,,tliigul,11hand :s fall on his shoulder, said tr • ..7 4004., Master Frank: it 145 nal wrtll while for you arid 1 1,, 1114 im 1110 1:1,1 it(orning 1 will 10er tr()11111i. .01, \I 1. 0.(as1 part friend', my dear 14)':11:11 we -hall,1 '1)11.4:11 .41fre.1!" cloinn-1 Frank, parnesll,v rrofferd 101111: "and 1 do like you 1,111,1 1 ,,,,itill 1 15 you had got Jack. Now. 101 (To 1, (.011 11111101.1 PESULTS of BLOOD POISONING d••••••••••••••••••• Cured by ZarrJult—Clironic Ulcers and Sores of Mlle Years Standing heal, (I by this Herbal womitwful %ion, of :01,1011-.111k, the herbal biillll in eases of chronie 0101'1".4, 01 ii iiIIJA:14104.1 (joy. ..oclo 11,1)) her 4110' 1)1)45 mad, ant. ex , I(r. 1,11 4to plesitil on her not risl, of of • . 0011 411111'1 1011 (01111, 1/111 ,110 WW1/1111'1 /i't40!1 4,, she said, ,,,71..icanno,,t be.,.thankful enotagh., f.oir mai thew „he 1,1,1,1 1„,, Fur moi. 1,111. ,1 !Au 1:41.01•1.11h; (1101(4 10 1 .1.01. 111110 YV/Irii 1 had been it suiferer l'""11.1", v'llue to l'.°111''1°.' "1. trie from running soles oa my toe, eansal 'f 1' vus (11 ,1 °,111,by 1 blo(sl-poisoning. 1 hail d every holieve ,aveil I he II 1 kind of ointment and salvo that 1 111,1 0' P'00' 10.0/110 111'11', hide gave 11,a. of 1111111:141ge, if II , 11C11.111 of, 11111, 11011(4 Of 1110111 C111101 11)1111(111)1111(111)1111(1 it:" , 1.' 1', 41, iny (':05,,ufe, 1.114,1tvint 1Vi451:43 06.)1:4! than ever, mal ('1)111(1 no hear 11 "awl did she esoai. herself," 011 1)1,)' feet for five minutes. The pain a'111, no, slot took it %%hell allitust %vas 11-41)11' Olio. 1 eoul,1 net bear to 1)1"14. wn" Inn i(00 4,11(1 have my slippers or). Ht.!' lutir ;tit fell out, 1,',, and it "I heard of Zainalltila and decided to leis nevi r ;9)\V?) long 9011').'' give it a fikii• trial. From first common... "Alid this 51101ha"' ing with it it (lid me good, awl it has tholight; Ltisl0rowe, in laterite's 01 now earaa, \\lianas hat.„11, 1 could it. "'Fills is the girl 1 11:110 called heort• not stand on Inv feet fur five minutes boa -a -lid, entrancing fairy, with the at a time, I fain now not only stand, lint le art 14 it !Irv" 1111(1 '111 ()r '/'°' 'wawa 4111:11 have I done that 1 shoal+ walk about 451(1(4011out feeling any pain Ise "l\ -hot tho matter?" said Frani:. (04014.1y. "Something 1100)' Ilion a kW. 1,001i1'4 rest, I'll he hu ond. 10.0 lool; as vim hall lost your hied friend." ..ao I have!" said Disbrow., passicii 11' (3. "Eh? ‘Vhat \\'113., ('01141111.1Ifred,11 Lord l'airneeliffe dead?" "Nat as f knotv (d. I hope not." "Thou Iona tho—I though he eas, b3 s..1ying that„:. "Sever mind, Frairl: you are five years tor) young 1)) 11111101:41:1 ME 5511111 I mean. lhoiveii grant never may un- dersletol it:" Frank 1(01<ed at Lim an instant with N 111111 thou began to wins- t‘ith piercing emphad sis, the gran 7)1:1(4,1) in "Norma." Disbrow(' paused in 1. (..-.)1 do no sue!) thing. I (11)111 hi"; orcupatimt, 1)111 looked at him a 1)10'want you, 11114)1', Iti, off!" -ou hespitahle old :laid! \Yell, Laud. 1)11011 0)) viitl:1 m, y slight smile; "are you in the seer0t. tow!" secret'!" said' Frank, \vitt' e lool of innocent miconseiousitess. "I)an't understand, 131414411Disbrosve, I'm five yons too yeang 1<41044' any sucrots,- 1/i.-Wrotte returned to his lei. 'I fargot 3'i1 150(4:' :1 Yankee, and con- sequently winde atvake. 114141 Jiiequetta" 11.0i1!" -Coed-111,2.10," said the 1;•eatiati, in pret- ty ;11114,11 the 411(1)10 10110 its if it \5)'I0a vr.:0 :ilia AVM; him; and thou the d ar was hotted, G , arizzle 110(41(1teas in !ire) Niel: Tempest was (ail, letelt. 1 1 hi' and musing intent• 1'' on ;ill lie had heard that 'light. I APTI•llt XIV. l'ief:ing of the f,l'e•11.1f:-'• 1.,01! —his ((ice flushed as he uttered her was the first thing that 11.,voke 110111'--'' told 3)11 anything?" anything?"), Itishrotye ((it the meriting of i'er boors after his parting don't Halm 41111141 you at all, Cousin had pae,,(1 up .111-1 ot money enough, awl, the ,01.41 a his room01,01 Frank's leo!: of resolute simplicit,v , too inkeralde !,;rt Iasi: awl MIA 011 1 1' Wh011 11,' 'No. \\ 14:1). would she tell 1111'?"(et forget she countered you" 1 , "1.'11 forgive !ler that, 01110 I gel her. :1 lfred." I've g 1 .1 larr,v, she 111141 Aliss (Mitt shall live \vita rcfreshina to see, Disbrow'. made 1114(1' 1 couple of babes," (*eat' 1,110 grow red in the east that. ;It; n'Oit're 11 Ili' own you." 110 lutil flung Iiims(If down, dre:ised and -You undor.stand. well enough. Out till 41(40. don't befies., into 11 jevcrj,d1 simulwv, 4411)) 1 ill' 101'111:0 44 11I4(4 strenrcm feeling () ..11'elf, then, 1 know you're in love Lebviness of heart, arol tvitli 0111' 0111 )111'41.'1' little Lelia can have changed so, But leok here, old lady; you 10111 me De 0 ALL DRUGGISTS; 60o. AND $1.00. :000000000000000000000000 hailing little siren, all arose, as if to IIMMIONO••••••• ••••••••••••••=••••••••••m•••••••••••••••••••••••• compliments, or .gire her flowers, or 4514)' madden him in their most bewildering sweet things by moonlight." array. Ile looked up at the smiling eyes must he do 'l'ake lance and and sweet, beautiful lips of the portrait shield,owl ride, forth, 10)0(0(1 1411(1 spur above hint cruel remembered he had lust red, like a second Don .Quixote, in it all. Agnin his head dropped, and a search of atIveatures; conquer It fiery cry that would not he repressed broke Irani his lips: "Oh, .1acquelta I 111,y lovel my lifel 1113'dream! This—this is \Villa have lost!" There was a knock lit the door, Ile lifted his head, brushed back the heavy locks of his flinty. 111)11', 1)1111 said; "Come in.' • Frank entered, II reminded Disbrowe of the first day of his arrival when he 4-44 41,436f,p 041, Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? Make him a Scati. s Emulsion • baby. Scoffs Emulsion Is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott' is Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy- cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor.' ttp co) dragon, or restate some hapless prince from the enchanted eastle of some gia ;oldie ogre?" said Disbrowe, between anger awl sarcasm, "Yes, sir-ec!" exclaimed Frank, defi- antly. "If such things were to be done now; 111e 11 111 11 1 Illit W0111(1 1113' 110 to her pretty little hand would have to prove his knighthood before he would kneel at her footstool. As it is, the paid him n visit, How short ay:ea that 'onu's after -her will have to e her; it time had elapsed since theta awl vet I his P'S 11 1111 Q'S befOrlie gots it, had Ininsfornied his 11'11011! life. 14-1. imek De 1'ert; is no common niiik• "Why Cousin. Alfred, what's the gniti(totsite);1" said Frank. "You look like a "I(11)1 not sleep well, lest night," said l'That is all, doubtless, very trio," Disbrowe, glancing the glass said Disbrow°, with a curling lip; "but 1111(1stnrting to see the pale faee it re- 1 hues I know someone who—" fleeted, "Wall that the breakfast bell He p0179011 abruptly, and bit, kis lip. rang just. now?" "Oh, you may go en. .1. know who "Yes, 1111(1 11S )'O 11 1110 generally down you mean. Von buil: she's in love 1v1th BO early in the morning, 1 thought per. Jacinto—don't you?" said Frank, smalls - hap you had taken a notion to rim off tically. in the night, being so late this morning. "Really, Master Frank, you R00111 111 11 ton didn't turn in - with your clothes catechising mood this morning," said on, did you? They look: as if you had Disbroeve, facing a 1.0111111 and fixing his been sleeping In thorn n week." (lark eyes fell upon lam "Supliosing "1 believe I did," said .Dishrowe, 4511111' 4v0 drop this sabject. Our friend, bliss Ing faintly. "I wns Hp until daybreek. Jacquetta, might not thank. either of Its A00'1113' 1)11010 1111(1 cousins downstairs'!" for so free a use of her name." There was a vaginallope nt• his heart Frank. blushed at the rebuke, which and -water young lady, hut worth halt I he women in the avorld—queens met princesses includ" ed—rolled into one. CUIERENT COMMENT The fire loss of the month in Canada rind the 11111(1States taw; $16,248,350. 'flint "mvoik akes t,'but, it neverthe- less it calamity. 11 w no111,0„.,10. that when the of. anirs of the thitario Haul: ale adjusted the shareholders may realize 10 cents (01 I),' loriar of their stock. The ddastie emforeement of the °Imre,' 1111.1 State ;:epayation law in Fxan,ve is hard fi!1iiiz and ;11141 here Ls, a prea•elieet 5(74101145 tleolties aasiiirvg, During the last LI. S. fiscal year, 9,- 703 persons were killed and Se,008 in - lured on United States railways. Grade crossings 11111) single track roada s re blamed fur causing the most of this car- nage. lanivenoty is to receive a rift aao,00u from Roekefeller, 91)d the ;matey trill be used in biraaling gyna nasitmalectaire room and dormitories. The 110,10; 1:14, been squeezed out (if the general public, and 1- is weft that a por- tm ent of :olt gaius should he thus re• :401141 to the community. of Iambi', has taken another step for- ward..1 Lo 111E101 11 1.0 11. "11111RTy" in connet,tion with its church services,•'t , room is to be fitted up with all the paraphernalia incident to such an in- stitution, and lady attendents will be on hand to look after the youngsters while their parents enjoy the services in wh;liever. I foil' hke church proper. Mile will show wh- e have waited to sue if the cure was per titer this was a long felt want or not. manent before making any stotenumt, 1111(1 11041' 1 11 111 4'01'3' Winillg to give my The Philadelp tulletin remarks 11.7: •- 1Q.11 101011Y. :‘1111 11 he pleasod to answer 1 f41:1 if f11111V 1171/111301F`I.(1:181 I1 11 t 0) 11:UllId111;t1*" (01110 110(1 4110 3)11!, t'11(1' I./1M(1.11.1iceel)lil.)11C-11l'ISV;11 (IS,u* (:ie ittrYeat,}8', tell them abet Zanolitik has (lotto for • obligatory arbitration, as general all p08- 1 iA by working such cures as the Ode, to be signed by all the l'owers of above that Zanolluk has made for itaolf the world," and it wants to know how its worblavide reputation, 11 is a ei'r- arbitration ran be 1)11010 "obligatory" tain cure for euts, burns, bruisea, eczatina, thout mplying the use of force, l'er I)1111111045, !melting sores, -.Trending scabs. wii haps the word is open to that construe - seal!) (104(')4I'45, poisoned 4(401)1451,4, fester- ing 4501041, p.111.4, ulcers, bail legs, alssees, tion; but if each of the signatory nations sits, boilea. ringworm, erysipelas, scrofula, "obligated" itself to submit international letrher'.s rash. blaekhenda, Ilene, stiff - quarrels to arbitration, perhaps greater ness, rheumatism. and all injured, Ills - eased or inflame,' eonditions of skin results would follow than some people and tisane. Of all druggists at rale a imagine, well without resort to force. boa, or postpaid from the Zanolluk Co., 4t - Colborne sI ret, Toronto, upon receipt Speaking of what it calls "Simplified of price. ti boxes for $2,50, 4 • 0. • Spelling Foolishiness," the New York Journal of Commerce says the U. S. ONLY TREE IN SHETLAND, Congressional Douse Committee has ran Seagull the Only Bird That Lives in up tile order "which the 1)113.91- dent rasbly and without the least au - Those Bleak Islands, 110 le 11114,41 of Lerwiek',s otei street ',lyre is 0 gitr,lott, 14,0"t, it is an en. 01,0,1,1 :pace. In the, of ,titis ("pace I., re is a tia,e. It is mot (t vyry 1.11 tres; y03 cooid, lit fact, to -,s :t hisonit ore:. its but stii,1 it is a tr.0---- t110 (011-/ tree in f-',',..(0,1111Id. of it, I 'hildren who are brought t 1i1 1 i hue to „ee I..3 ,4,'01111,-,04; tinnily of law forced into executive doc- uments and u14m the public printer," and trouble has resulted. It remarks: 11'111 Congress defy the dictionaries and all established authority in English spelling and follow a. committee of cranks': 11. is devoutely to bo hoped not. It is not likely to authorize 1140 MIKIS of spelling ill records and reports to be tme-s.1 rt.( berwi...l; are 45h0.',11 1114 paid for (At of the public treasury. 11; 1 leo. This k not fiction. 11 14 the only would do well to take tho matter in tre- ;;:ietil:ind, hand at the very beginning of the session arc ao Lace; i,t,c,'‘Iietlate!„ awl restore the spelling of English in 4.r0 1,:1414, en epl, of 00111.-0, l'a' all printed Duffle). to be paid for out of public appropriations to the established usage and leave the language to its nat. ural development. It is not the business weitli you (ale nat)tla,r by tlie Ciaaaaral, 'I ea saaael'Is are the IttId. 45 .:11C11, 1:03' (iavc11 401)1 ill 11' 14'01.11 1.11:111 of the Government to regulate the 45)1011' nig book and reform the dictionary. 4 • 0, Lord Roberts' alarmist propaganda is said to have led to it new fad in Eng- land, the formation of numerous "air- line clubs," which regularly practise and give prizes for nuirksmaaiship. A Lo I' 110044' IL:4 its own familiar se,1- don paper ys.. "From it 111019 handful, guIs awl every street has its own band the adherents of the finished and precise little weapon have swelled to an army. To -day they number some 40,000, scat- tered but united, throughout England. By this time next year their strength will 4441Ve 1.111, aparrOtt's (11 1.011,11141. lo 1!..t. pia 1041(4 1 hot (t sea - rail sits on every pot. gulls srtroop and hover over every roof in the 11r450. rir 1..s full of their strange, high, plaintive. haunt ilor cries, `flteir sad, 1.1111,1-tbraatat air.; (1.;•.! to Loriviek as, this., (dial tering of tip 11101N.s or the ee.wing of 1.014l44 ore to targ.laml. (11 scag)als, They never mix. The tdiii- drett in vaoli house linve a prd 08014' 1.01' 11111' own pairticular seaguilk, 14411, 1171V- 017, ea !fled. 1 110111 by those name,s, thee knows i; im,ant for him.some 5,000 moy2 No seagull attached to one house e(4e). have been increased by feed them every 11:1y. And each sea.guill seeks to eat (1104 f(yel scattered, from the recruits," it is giving a boom to air - house next door. 111, tloes, llot dare; the other gulls lvotild kill him. So rill (loy haig the sasulas 111)1')'7'and eta? 0(4(0' the 11o$t4 of 141Twick. The people of Idle 1li,v0, if they come aoross it, little pile or rice 111,1 lipon the 10:1thvity, step over it with care, .11hey knov that 11 13 plac(Ni there .for some riengull. Anil at niailit the seagalls leave their own 41,1)1)DM:tea chiaincy pots and fly gracefultly 114(40)' 1,0 11:011' 11411 3(44) places on the rocks of the 1,40 of Noss.---Loadon F.;.ximess, I •••••••••••••• NMI Poir • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1.1 rifle manufacture, and the 3011sses appear to enjoy the diversion, while the War Office seems to think it a cheap way .of teaching the people to shoot. The paper referred to says; toe nion ado join these air -rifle clubs are drawn almost delusively from the working classes. They pay 1111 annual subscription of five shillings to their association, although many of them are only laborers earning their fifteen or sixteen shillings a week. They are bound. by stringent rules and regulations, which they implicitly 11101 cheerfully obey. Moreover the cost of their guns and ac- cessories awl the upkeep of their clubs and their association have come entirely out of their own pockets. Twelve months ago rtir-gun and. minia- ture rifle shooting was nn almost 1111* heard of recreation in Wales, To -day at air -gun league, consisting of about thirty dabs' with a memborship of over a thou- sand, is in existence, awl every day fresh applicetions for admission are being re- ceived by the officials, Last Sattirdity there were at least twt(nty air -rifle matches shot off in Cardiff alone, • •4. Reference a Long Way Off. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) - "Have you any reason to behove that Rho loves your "Why, she told me to see her father." "Then you didn't know her father was la itistralln?" PACE FOUR --T I 1 E B LYT I I STANDARD- DECEi,f liER 20T11, 1906. JAS. McMURCHIE glad$ gtttubil". BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYT11, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers ou their own noted, No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates Wo otter every aeeommodetlun con• slstent with seta and oounervative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected, CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account. Osie r, HOURS : 10 A.M. to 3 r.u. usinsss Cards, A. 13. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suc- cessor to 0. 1". Blair. Oftiee over Stan. dard Bank, 13rus3els. Solicitor fur Metro. politan Bank, Fl(r)UDFOOT, HAYS & BhAIit.. Ilarristere, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc, U1llcoa-Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich. W. 1'roudtoot, I .t:. ; 1t. 0, Bays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.D.S., ll.D.S, Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday U a,m. to a p.nr. W, J, MILNE, M.D.C,M. Physician and Surgeon. M,D.C.51., Uni- versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth, fiii ■ S C O I i. i3IRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the Once of Tim STANDARD, Blyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale ntables Q 00 00 00 Q Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. P 00 00 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary oilice at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTB. A Blank Application Form for membership In the finest and hest Buslness'1'raiuing School in Canada - Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. -from .Tan. 2nd next, together with detailed information of the great ad. vantt.ges to be enjoyed, will be sent free by return mail on request by friend or letter. Write today to W, H. SHAW, Principal, Yong° and Gerrard Sts,, Toronto $J upwards -Subscribe for THE STANDARD, J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, DEC, 20, 1006 People We .Know. Dr, and ;11rs. Milne were in Lon- don on Monday, Mr. W. J. Nyle made a business trip to Toronto on Wednesday, Mr. David Raymond, of the Pigott stats', is overseeing the work at Auburn. Mr, Norman Murch will spend the Christmas holidays at his house in Stratford. Mr. Will, Davis and Mr. Ifarvey Uldluy were in Uoderieh on 5lunday of this week. Mr. Jno, F 1IIIgh and family have moved to the brick residence on Mill street, where they will reside fur the time being. Mrs. Grace McElroy, of IIepworth, formerly of Blyth, returned to her home after 3 Months' visit with relatives in Chicago, Mr, and Mrs, J, ,J, ,McCaughey and family moved into the Commercial Hotel on Monday, THE Si'ANDANI) wcleunles thein to town, Mrs. Myles Young is away to Markdale, attending the opening of the church and is having a reunion with her many old friends. lir. W. ,1. Fyffe returned to town Inst Friday front an extended bus'. cess trip through the Northwest in the interest of the 1Vilson-1''y1e Co, Mrs. 1Vm. MacKenzie (nee Tenn McElroy) and son Donald, of Britton, S. D., has returned home after visit- ing friends and relatives in Chicago. ,Mr, A. Stephenson, of Toronto, inspector of the Manitoba Assurance Company, was in town on Tuesday and appointed Mr. D. D. Crittenden as agent of the above mentioned Company, We are pleased to notice in the daily papers that Mr, R. 13. Carter, of town, took fourth place in the honor class in the ,Junior Pharmacy results. Mr, Carter returns to Tor. onto after the holidays for his final year. aeigray.. There passed away at his late resi- dence in the yillege of Belgrave, on Friday, 7th inst., an old and respected resident of Morris township, in th,- ,erson of Daniel Barkley, He was oro 79 years ago in the township of Matilda, in the Otte WR district, and hence was a Canadian by birth. In 1850 he married Miss Lucy Parker, whose father was ono of the first Councillors for the township of Morris, In 1851 Mr. and 1lrs. Barkley moved to Morris, where they took up n farm on the 5th concession, at Sunshine, and et that place their daughter wits the first white girl born in the township, They were then seven miles from their near- est neighbor, Later on ?1r. Berkley moved to Belgrave, where he died, He was a mem ber of the Methodist church ; in politics he was a Conservative of a liberal type. ]•Io leaves to mourn his de'.nise, a wife, three sons anti four daughters. 'l'l,e sons are --Ira, of Cli- max, Michigan ; Charles, of Manitoba, and George, of Brussels, Thedaughters ore -Mrs, 'Jamey, of 'Toledo, Mrs, ,McConnell and Mrs Little. of Detroit, and Mrs, Shearer, of London, Tho funeral took place on Sunday, the ser- vices being conducted in the Methodist church, Bolgrave, by ltev. 0, W, Rivers. Interment in Sunshine ceme- tery, Mrs. Barkley desires to express her thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindness during her husband's illness, Brussels. -Subscribe for TIM STANDARD. Oliver Querin returned from the west on Friday evening, Jno, lielhraith made a business trip to Toronto this week, W, and Mrs. McLeod, of Fordwich, visited lrienda in town on Sunday. John Ritchie left last Thursday morn- ing for Welland whore he has accepted a position in a tonsorial parlor, Eddie and Herb, Lowry arrived home last week for a holiday visit. They have been at Winnipeg and Toronto, Russell McDonald arrived home last week from Moosejaw, where he was employed. His father is expected hone from the West by Christman. Frank .Strotton jr., who has recently returned from a College Course in watchmaking, has taken a situation in the Gabel jewelry store, Listowel, and went to it last Thursday. Philip Ament sold his fast trotting mare, "Carrie A.,'' to Nr, Andrews, a well known Montreal horse dealer, at, a good long price. She was bred from Costumer and can do her mile under 2.30. George Habklrk, of McKillop town. ship, recently received word of the death of his brother, Win„ which oc- curred 'at Neepawa, Manitoba, about• the first of this month. He was 78 years of nee, and resided in this county nearly all his life, until he removed to Manitoba several years ago. He re - elided in the township of Grey, near Brussels, where he was engaged in farming. He woe an honest, well doing tnan and his old friends here will regret to leant of his death, even at so ripe an age, -Subscribe for MB STANDARD, CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LiST. The Standard • . if 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser„ , • 1 65 The Standard and Weekly r- nuas .... ... 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Glol►e 1 35 The Standard and Fancily Herald nod Weekly Stat' ... 1 70 'l.'i,o Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire......., ..,, 1 63 The Standard end Hamilton Semi- weekly Tidies 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press.. .. .. 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Son 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator.,' , 1 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 26 'rhe Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate......,.,,.. 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 60 The S' 'Marti and Evening Free Press 2 '75 The Standard andToronto Daily World ... 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press . ... ... , 3 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 13 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 5U The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 'rho Standard and Daily Globe.,, 4 u0 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLY'TH, ONT. The ApieaI Is To You THE HOSPITAL FOR lir SICK CHILDREN For It Cares fur Every Hick Child lel Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatmeut. sr Sr IC The Hospital for Sick Children, College street, Toronto, appeals to father and rnutuan of Uut.xio for foods w a.a(ata(a the thouarts►d sick children that it Durham within its walls every year. The Hospital 1, nota local iastite. tion -but Peoria. Ord, The sick child from a a y place i n Outeri's who can't afford to lay hoe the ears privileges as the ehlfd living in Tor. "'" snit MIR ooto and ie treated nom, tree. Tho Hospital had last year it its beds and cote Ned patients -3.71 of thea, were frost 231 place outeido of Toronto, The cost is 1,37 ate. ler pa. tient per day, and there were 139 sick lit• tlo onee a day in the Hos. pital. Sinoe It, faun• dation ti,e Hr spltal has treated 12,120 children. About /1,400 of those were unable to pay and were treated free. "naw ric-rune moss, Afar Your mon.y can put gob' do a hinges on the door f t epi tai's mercy. Every• body'adollar y lie the Friend 113 Need to Somebody's chill, Your dollar may be a door of hope to +ornebudy's send, The Hospital pays out dividends of health and happiness to suf• fo, ing ,:hildbuod on every dollar that is paid hy (Heade of little t'hildren, 1f yon know of any child in your neigh burhood a bo i► rick or crippled or hay slue feet send the parent's Illln►e to the 'Loa. plass. See what oan be dour for clubfoot chis dren. There 'wore M like cases last yea'. std hundreds is 31 years, aIGaYlne HRIA&PA1fI', TWO CLOD FOOT OASIS IN PLAIT/1B DIFORI Arrn Please ,eud contributions to J. nese Roberteot,, Chat [anon, or to Douglas David. ton, Sec, -Tres&, of the Hospital for Siok rltlldron, College Street, Toronto. Hansoli. The first skating of the season took place at the rink here on ,Saturdey night, the Ice being In excellent con- dition, If Exeter is bound to have a knitting factory, why cannot Howell organize a oiut stock company and start one. The demand for knitted goods is un- limited. George Joynt was up in Lttcknow this week, He has boon fortunate in handling itis evaporator output this season while some of the larger dealers aro out to the extent of $12,000, A hal(•tono of our townsman, David Wren, who is attending Victoria Col- lege,'Turonto, appeured in the 'Toronto News, Ho hoe been appointed Prod - dent of the College Literary Society, S. Rennin has returned from the West, whore he has been spending the past four months. He bought some hold but did not go in HS extensively as in the spring. He intends to winter at his home in Zurich, Clinton. 'l'he rink was opened on Tuesday evening of last week. A Basket Ball Club has been :organ• iced at the Collegiate, A "wild cat" whistle now calls the employees of the Thresher Co'S, works to labor, A handsome red granite pillar has been placed at the entrance of the Sovereign Bank, The County Council did a commend. able thing last week in appointing Rey, Mr, Wade as ehal,1ain for the house of Refuge. Ho is to look after hurials and conduct religious services, fur which he will receive $50 per year, The wife of W, 1I. Watt met with a painful aecidenton Sunday, She went out to feed souse chickens and stepped on the edge of a wheelbarrow, which tipped. the opposite side striking bei violently on the back, breaking a couple of ribs. No interest has so far been manifest- ed in municipal mutters and It looks es if, with perhaps one exception, the nfll- ces will go a -begging, This is rather n unfortunate state of affairs es a council should have considerable to do with making a town progressive, It goes without saving that it Is almost mpossiblo to onset the influence of a sleepy council, East Wawanosh. .1. Ilallahnn has purchased a stand - 14011)0 Iles cutter, Mrs. James Scott, 6th line, who has been ill, is better, Chris. Johnson had a bee ott day afternoon drawing sugar beets, turd 5. Nixon un Mouday. A. Christmas concert was given in School No. 18 on Tuesday night and was a tircills'd success. sl rs. D. Ramsey, of Westfield, Who gas I►erD ailing for the part 8t4Itsrner With heart trouble, is still very law, we are sorry to liver. Marvin Nin Dowell, lith line, left for Goderich Inht wa-elt whvrs he has se• cured a goud position as book-keeper to one of the (, e'ories there. The c tnn►unity wee, shocked on 11'edmeeiley, Dec. 12th, by the death of Mrs. JI, mea Atelerr•oi 1, '10 pl.eu1uol,Ia. Deceased lady was 78 yea, s of age. James Arnsuut, Stl line, nave,) his family and henseh„Id effects into IWinghein last week. Mr. ANiluur mi 1 assist his brother V 111 in in the egg and butter butter busitl.,ss there, Bereavement cornu en Sunday lest to W. J, and Mrs. Currie. 'Their second daughter Iintfn L., aged 8 years, died as a result of blood-puisuuiug. Ratie res a bright little girl and will be missed ie the home, What might have been a serious a cident was narrowly averted, Robert Chamnoy's team by some means got away from him, and went down the road at a rapid rate, They were over- taking A. Naylor, who lied with him his sister and Miss Snell in a cutter. They turned quickly into the shed at Dol,nybrook, and the team turned in also, But just as the team Cade Irp t0 the Butter, the sleigh caught on the door post and stopped thein. As it was Miss Naylor was struck on the side of the head by the sleigh tongue, Londesboro. Miss Brumley is able to be up after her illness of typhoid fever. M. Mains was in Clinton placing in new fixtures at Ponsford Bros, barn, Miss Snell and Miss Thompson from near Meaford are guests of friends here, A good entertainment is being gre- ed for the Xmas Tree on Christmas get. After considerable patience, the majority of the fanners have shipped choir sugar beets, Thos. Shaddock, section boss, hes started to work this week after an ill- ness of 8 weeks, We are pleased to see hlrn out again.. On Wednesday evening the League was held as ustnrl when Mr, Johns was presented with a miniature for being a faithful president for the petit three y'eauss. A good program was liven and an enjoyable time spent. L. 0, L. -Last Tuesday night ti,e election of Officers took pipes for Londesboro Lodge No 868: W, M., 1t. 13. Robinson ; D. M., Geo, Snell ; Chap,, Robt, Snell ; Itec,-Seo., 'Win. McArthur ; Fin, -Sec., E. '.1lcVittio ; D. of 0,, Thos, Miller ; L. of C., Thos. Townshend ; Committee - Win. Riley, Win, Jenkins, Wm. Gray, Amos Splint, Jos, Morris, The Lodge meets in the Furester's Hall the Tuesday on or before full moon. UNION Su1WWER,-A fowl supper and entertainment under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Forresters, Orange- men, Sons of England and Homo Circle will be lrol l in Londesboro on Now Year's night, Supper will be served in the Town Hall from 5 to 8 p. tn., after which air excellent program will bo given in 13rowr,'a Hall, The hest talent from I3lyth, Clinton, ,Goderich and Londesboro has been secured, Admis- inn 85c ; children under 10 years 20o, M. Mains is chairtnan of Committee and Robert Snell Is secretary, 00000Doac)ea. Don't Put Off Your Xmas shopping until the last moment, COME EARLY while our stock is at its best, while the choice is widest and easiest, That is the only way to save yourself annoyance and disappointment and to se - cute best bargains. If you need anything in Fancy Comforters, Flannelette Blankets or 5 WOOL BLANKETS • in grey or white, this is the place to secure bar- e gains. This year wool is twice the price that it was last year, but we are selling good Wool l3lan- 0 kets at last year's prices. J. A. ANDERSON SILIYTH • •.•••li`•,,• • •1• • •r• • --/ O n ) 1. � <) ^�_�•.J.. ) .n), n. 1)S. 17()I IOC" lY`)A l;l4l, +). CAE1I3 f IT' ORE Overcoats 'i'hls Is the season when all will need a good Worm Overcoat. 11ay.t you one ? If not w. are In a position to give you a good etyllsh and well•nlade one, one made to order for yourself, one that will tit and look stylish, Our prices are the lowest for good geode, Hats &Caps Our stock of Men's Soft and Hard Mete Is complete In all slue hr the leading &tyke for Fell, Tweed Caps, good and warm, with fur ear laps for glen and boys, All Kinds of Men's Underwear from natural wool to fleece Tined. Neck Scarfs lVe just hove opened a fresh line of Men's Scar 1-, stj lieh ;roods, fancy silk and sat n0 hued, a complete range from 25e to $1.50. Sec these and you will buy, We sell the Empress Shoes for Women, Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men, L a Biz FANCY FURNITURE We have fur your inspection the finest Int of' Fanc4• Furniture ever congregated under One roof, You will find these goads a combination of beauty, comfort and cheapness. We handle the hest makes of Pianos, l'rgtans and Sewing Machines_ goods that are Lunde to last a lifetime and e11,0 guaranteed to give batis- fltction, Drop 'in any time. J. H. OHELLEW - - BLYTH LICENSE TRANSFER. -Notice ie -here. by given, pumu int to the regulations In that behalf, that I, the underelgned, applied plied for a transfer to me of the Hotel License granted to J. G. Emigh, and that the avid transfer will be Coro. plied and assented to by the Commit• stoners after the second publication of this notice, es required hy law, D tial at Blyth this 5111 aay of Deoerber, 1900. J, J. McCAtloni:v, RAI 1LW Y GRAND TRUNK Rs sT�EM' Cljrls(mas and New Year Holiday dates TERRITORY-B'tween all stations I. Cumin, also to Detroit and Parr Ho!. on, Mich., Buffalo, i3lack, N Frans and Suspenelou Bridge, N. Y. AT SINGLE FARE -Good goiter Das 24th and 25th, returuig not 1 I). c., 20. Also going Deo. 31+1 and .1 1 , , • turning until Jan 3, 1007. AT FARE AND ONE•TiIIRD-Gnu going Dee. 21, 22, 23, 21 an.r 25 ,►I� Dee. 28, 20, 30, 31 and Jan, 1, 1007, re. turning uutil J•an. 3, 1007. For tickets and full Information will on G. E. McTaggart, Depot T:ckot Agent, Blyth. NOTI0K-The annual meeting of the Morris Branch Agricultural Society will he held In ieduttry Hall, Myth, on Wed,, Jan, 0,1,, at 1 o'clock p. in. The auditors' report will be received, 0,111. cars elected and tiny other bu4Ineus that can he transee rid will norma before the rueettng.•-A. E. 1i1tADWIN, Seo'y, Cha erIaiu's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite Coughs, Colds,' Group and Whooping Cough. We remedy le fmmone for he cure. over always be depen the to pion d Ito contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a baby u. to an Adon Price 2B as; Large Size, 50 ots. DECEMBER 20T11, 1906--Ti-iE BLYTH STANDARD—PAGE FIVE. Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, oleo Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash pride. Next car here on Deo, 10th, Grain decks paid after banking hours at our store. McMILLRN & CO. Dlnsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS Schon[. will close on Friday for the Christmas holidays, HAS your name been mentioned for Reeve or Councillor ? ORDERS for Xmas flowers must he in by Friday noon.—MRS WM, CAMPBELL, II AVE you paid your subscription fet? It makes a nice Christmas box or the Editor. THE rails op the 0. & 0, are now within 2 nzileS of Blyth and if no ecci- dent occurs the train should be in Blyth before the end of the week. ALL changes of "ads" for the next two issues must be in this office by Saturday noon, owing to the holidays coning on 'Tuesday, All advertisers kindly note this. DON'T forget the Xrnas entertainment in Industry Hall on Friday evenlug of this week when the Sunday School of Trinity Church will preseut an inter- esting program, A MEETING for the receiving of nomi• nations for the offices of Reeve, Coun• cillors and three Public School True - tees will be held In Industry Hall on Monday, Dec, Blot, from 12 o'clock noon until 1 p. m, ELECTION OF OFFICERS,—The follow- ing officers were elected for Blyth Lodge No. 9131), L 0. L„ on Monday evening of this week ;—W, M., Bro, F. Haggitt ; D, M., Bro, A, 11cNally ; Chap. Bro, (Rev.) Henley ; Rec, Sec., Bro, John Hartley ; F, S., Bro. J, E. 'I'anlan ; Teas„ Bro, W. 1I, McElroy ; D. of C„ Bro. John Mains ; L,. Bros, Pratt find Anderson ; Committee, Bros. McUommius, Gerry, Situs, Stewart and Carter, CHAS. and Mrs. Burling and family desire to thank most heartily the citi- zens of Blyth and the Independent Or• der of Foresters for the very kind, gen- erous and brotherly assistance given them during it somewhat tedious and trying affliction, %?o cannot expresb in words our appreciation of such mani- fest tokens of your sympathy and love, but we shall ever cherish the memory of such deeds as snake one feel more than anything else that "all the world's akin," IMPORTANT ORDER,—The day of Government encouragement of promis- cuous fiction, buying in the Public Li- braries of the Province is ended by an order-In•council just passed, This will be put into immediate effect by the Education Department, Under the for- mer regulations history included his- torical romances, general literature in. eluded moral tales, romances, temper• ROCS anduvenile literature ; miscel- laneous includedlshort stories and fairy tales, As a consequence though the conditions governing the Government grant called for only 20 per cent of tic tion, libraries were found that contained nothing else and some of it of an unde• sirable character Under the new re- ime 46 per cent of fiction will be al• owed, but all novels must be classified as fiction, The new clasaitication adds juvenile works to the reading list, which also compromises history, bio- graphy, voyages, science, general Ilter- eture, poetry, rel gious literature, tills. cellanoous, refereece books and fiction. The Government grant is 50 per cent on all purchases for books, magazines and newspapers up to $260 per annum. Our Xmas Stock of Nand Painted CHINA JAPANESE CHINA FOUNTAIN PENS Rings, Bracelets, Chnins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Watch Chains, %Vetches, Silverware, Silver Novelties, Ebony Goode in cases, Work Boxes, Work Baskets, Post Cards, Leather Goals, Xmas Cards, Dells and Toys 15 now complete. See Our Show Window. EtiM K METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Winter Term Opens Jan. 2nd. Here re sfuo. of the res r'o made 1)► h,. 4,4) �•r PA THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE ,'►/ AT MODERATE PRIORS FOR OABII ANI) FARM PRODUCE, A XMAS GIFTS It you cannot decide for yourself on a gift for your Mends we can assist you by our showing of Fancy China, comprising of Panay Merry Sete, Five O'Olook Tea fists, Cocoa Pots, illsoutt Jars, Table lists, Celery and Spoon Trays, Fanny Salads, Cake and Meat Plates and Dread and Mutter Plates. We also have an Immense variety of Fancy Handker• chiefs In Silk, Linen and Lawn, also of Ladies' Fanny Col. lare, all of whloh will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Gents' Neckwear—Just received a large variety of Gents' Neckwear In the latest styles and shades. Boys Overcoats We are showing all the season's best In styles In Over - mate for boys. We have all the natty designs for boys to long coats, lu single and double breasted styles. Suits for Men Make It worth your while to see our Extra Fine Good Sults In Fanny Tweeds, Nothing to touch them anywhere for value, A� A A For a Good Black Dress buy Priest- 1% ley's Dress Goods. Highest prloes paid for Farm Produce. IfA� E. BENDER, BLYTH ►gag READ our bargains in newspapers. We club with all city papers. THE coal fanzine is over for the time - being as N. B Gerry received a car of coal on Saturday, WANTrmD,—Fresh Roll Butter 25c, Fresh Eggs 25c, Dry Picked Poultry, Dried Apples Feathers, Raw Furs, &o.—Guo. E. KING, Wingham, AT the entertaintnent in Belgreve on Friday evening of this week under the auspices of the Presbyterien Sunday School, Norman Murch will assist on the program. AT the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week John Barr took second prize in the bperial given by the American Leicester Breeders Association for the pen of three ewe lambs to be owned and bred by exhibitor, Ws direct the attention of our read- ers to the advertisement of the popular Elliott Business Ccllege of Toronto, a school that is growing greater year by year and is well worthy of patronage. Write to the principal, W. J. Elliott, for a catalogue, Winter term opens Jan, 2rcd, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION,—On Monday evening last a number of the friends and adherents of St, Mark's Church Auburn, met at the residence of J, W, Medd. The Rev, W. H. and Mrs. Hartley were present also, The earlier part of the evening was spent in social intercourse and playing genies, Later a mixed program was rendered consisting of vocal and instrumental music, reritetiane and short speeches. But the chief object of the gathering was to express in a tangible and pprecti• cal way the appreciation of St, Mark'e congregation of the services of Mrs. Hartley, who has acted as organist during a time of emergency, Mrs, Hartley was cotnpletely taken by sur- prise, but t hanked the donors for their kindness which she appreciated very much, and also expressed what a pleas- ure it was for her to be able to do any- thing to help to snake the services of tete church attractive and helpful. The following is a copy of the address reed, accompanying which was a handsome sum ofmoney; '1'o .11 as, W. N, HART- LEY,—We, on behalf of the wardens, members and adhereuts of St, Mark's Church at Auburn, meet here to -night to acknowledge our very great debt to you for ,your esn'vrces as organist, It is most fit and proper that we should do so, for we feel that we own you v'er,, much in this respect, We remem- ber with especial satisfaction your faithful attendenco et choir practice, . our ability to render devoutly and ac• ceptehly the musical part of the church service~, which aro so full of the vital truths common to all chosen denomina- tions, so wide In their range that they cover the wants and desires of all, and en merited by a broad spirit of charity that they lave become the common property of the Protestant world. We eH'c eat It most kind and wish to make tine eckuowledgement that you cane so kindly to our aid, served so faithfully and entered so heat tily Into the church ,services, As an acknowledgement of your valued services and a test Imony to your Christian worth and useful- ness, we ask ,you to accept this purse. And with the heartiest wishes for your future welfare and a long cortin• ranee of our present very pleasant as. aoCb ttint,s ill church work, we ell most heartily unite in a fervent "God bless yen." Signed on behalf of the congre- gation, Nita, G. B1*AULE, MRs. J. W. M 1i 1)1). Sale Register. Mon lay, Dec, 2 it h,—Shorthorn and rade cattle, &c, Lot 110, Con, 8, East Out of the les 250 Balls lruw busitiess Wuw.•nosh, Sale unreserved at 1 firma we have title, fifteen of the positions o'clock. Jame T. Wilson, Prop ; John We had no one else ready to send, We Purvis, Auc. have also had 82 palls for business college teachers. 101 ex -students of other buss• nese colleges or shorthand schools were OM roe SORE NIPPLES, enrolled hero during the last two years. As soon as the child is doun mussing We believe we have 'he best comnrerolal apply Ulutmbs rlain's Salve, Wipe it Fchool In C.truula. We thoroughly satisfy off with a soft cloth before allowing the ourstudtents. Writeto•tlay for o ttalogue, child to nurse. Many trained nuNes Es..L'OT'l', l'IIINU'P:1L, Ivo this with tho hest results Price Oehler Yuugu wad dlsxuuuut Streets. 126o per box. For wile by all drugglste. FLOUR Favorite $2.10 per 98 lbs Manitoba 2.25 Five Roses2.6o tt Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE Olyth Comnoll. The statutory meeting of Blyth Council was held in Industry Hall On Saturday evening. The Reeve was ip the chair, and Couns. Johnston, Patter and llilne were present. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and declared correct. Moved by Coun. Milne, seconded by Coun. Potter, that the following ac- counts be paid ;— R, H. Knox, tr days' work, etc,,,it 00 Arthur Sinus, drain, 1 00 John Vincent, engine 1 00 Dickinson & Garrow, legal advice re Stephenson Carriage Co 2 CO J. G. Moser, nails $8,52, oil for fire hall Fraser & Logan. tile for street,,,. 0 99 R. Sellars, teaming. 80 $16 66 Moved by ()outs. Milne, seconded by Coun, Johnston, that the time for the return of the Collector's Roll he ex- tended to February 1st, 1907.—Carried, Moyed by Coun, Milne, seconded by Coun, Potter, that the financial state- ment presented by the Treasurer, as now laid on the table, be accepted and that 100 copies be printed,—Carried. Moved by Coun, Johnston, seconded by Coun, Milne, that Jaynes Nothery be refunded $1.05, error in assessment, Lot 10, Blk, G., McCaughey's survey, —Carried. Movers by Coun. Johnston, seconded by Goan, Potter, that Council do now adjourn.—Carried. Re Stephenson Carriage Co. The following notice has been sent to the creditors of the Stephenson Car- rhsge Co., Limited ;— A t the mooting of creditors ,y est ordny (Dec. 12th) things were very fully dis- cussed and the clonus of the creditors present or represented exceeded $8000, and after a very full discussion, an as- signment was executed to three as- signees who were considered fairly re. presentative of the general body of creditor's, two of thein being local men who represented or are themselves large creditors, and the third represented, as it were the outside creditors, a good many of whotn are more or lose in the city of 'Toronto, and that gentleman, Mr. Edger, was selected because he was in tho city and represented largo creditors, and three inspectors were also appointed, two of them being more or less local men, one being the 1lannger of the Standard Bank there and the third gentleman representing a large firm, who were also largo credr- tore, being associated with them, It was the idea of the creditors Pres ent or their representatives that if the deems were brought to a forced realiza- tion, they would not show 25 cents ou the dollar es things had got into a most deplorable position and in the re- sult the assignment was executed with the idea in view that unless 80 cents on the dollar not is )aid to the assignees, within 40 days from assignment, the assignees aro to proceed to realize un- der tho assignment, If the 80 cents on the dollar with all costs is forthcoming within the time mentioned, the estate is to be assigned to the debtors or their nominees, end in the meantime things aro to bo so arranged that they remain as fur as possible intact, and ono of the Hain reasons why the assignment was insisted upon last night was that there were creditors entitled to levy execu- tions and it was (eared that unless the deed was executed they would do so, and of course if they had been in actual possession under a judgment they would have caused undesirable compli- cations, The assignees will be pleased to hear from you whesher you concur in what WAN done, Wu may mention that the meeting lasted from 1.80 to 0 p, in., and what was finally decided upon re- presents a very thorough discussion and Investigation of affairs, !'lease advise us by a letter addressed to D, .1icEachorn, Cannington, Ont., by return mail if you will accept the 130c on the $ in full. Please do not de- lay in answering as there aro upwards of $14,000 of small claims. Yours truly, Thos, II, Foster, D, McEachern, Can- 'zington ; Herbert W. Edgar, Toronto ; Assignees. Parker & Clark, 'Toronto ; A..1. Reid, Utuinington, Solicitors. P. S.—Please sent statement of your claim to D. 1lcEachorn. CIIURUII NOTES. Divine eorvice will he held in Trinity church an Christmas day at 10.30 a. m. *** Christmas services and special Xmas. musk in the Methodist church next Sabbath, * Next Sunday Itev.A. L, Budge. 13. A,, of Hanover, will occupy the pulpit in St. Andrew's church, 44 Cottage Prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Eaton on Friday evening at 7.80 p. m. Everybody welcome. *** "Christ's easy yoke" was the topic chosen by Rev. 11r, Currie last Sunday morning in St. Androrv's church. In the evening he spoke on "Absalom, an ungrateful son." Rev. 11. M, Lang -ford, of Brussels, occupied the pulpit of 'Trinity church haat Sunday, morning and evening. His discourses west listened to with interest by good sized congregations, * Rev. Mr. Anderson preached frim the them "Jesus Christ, as a Preacher and 'Poacher" and in the everting he as his subject "True Citizen Thip." During the evening service Mr. Murch sang "The Birthday of the King" in good voice. The Cradlo. WRIOIIT.—At Irving Park, Chicago, on Nov, 28rd to Mr, and Mrs, A. Wright, (nee Mable ,McElroy) a son. WATER CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular, Harsh ca• thartics should bo avoided, When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stotnach and Liver Tablets, They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by all,dr•uggists, ..FOR.. DIAMONDS AND FINE GOLD JEWELRY AT CLOSE PRICES GO TO H, L. JACKSON JEWELER - BRUSSELS CAUGIIT COLD ON TIIE C.P.R. A. E. Mumford tells how Psychine cured him after the Doctors gave him up " It is twelve years since Psychine cured me ofallo ing consumption." The speaker was Mr, A, E. Mumford, six feel tall, and looking just what he is a husky healthy farmer. He works his own farm near Magnetawan, Ont. " I caught my cold working as a fireman on the C.P.R." he continued, " I had night sweats, chills and fever and frequent• ly coughed up pieces of my lungs, 1 was sinking fast and the doctors said there was no hope for me. Two months treat. ment of Psychine put me right on my feet and I have bad no return of lung trouble since." If Mr, Mumford had started to take Psychine when be first caught cold be would have saved himself a lot of anxiety and suffering. Psychine cures all lung troubles by killing the germs—the roots of the disease. PSYCHINE (Pronounced Si.keen) 50c. Per Bottle Larger else 11 and 1112-401 druggists. P1..T. A. SLOOUM, Limited, Toronto. ** Ladies and Gentlemen, ---- We extend to you the greetings of the season and wish one and all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. We thank the many patrons of the Corner Store for the patronage of the year. The year has been one of pleasant asso- ciations to us and business progress over Can- ada and we are thankful our locacity of indus- trious Canada has been blessed abundantly, thus giving us the happy cheer to conclude the old year and commence a new year. Again wishing you the compliments of the season. We are yours gratefully and well-disposed, Poplestone 8c Gardiner Successors to McKinnon & Co. BLYTH The Great Dress Goods House ** ./74...1-4.12k. TEA From the Island of Ceylon, in lead packages only, 15e, 20c, 25c, 40e, 50c. Fresh Groceries for Xtnae trade. Breakfast Foods. Oranges and Lemons. MEATS ON HAND White's Sausage—guaranteed all pure meat, —Give us a call. Potatoes and Poultry Wanted. IIIGIIEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, A. TAYLOR 411 BLYTH ® 000 .0000070,6 0 Xmas Buying 0 00 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 01 01(0 0)'(610.(o o(o (o (0',70) 0 Our stock for Xmas is complete, There is nothing a man appreciates more than something he can make gond use of—the more useful It is the more he aPpre- eiates it, and anything in our Xmas Stock is sure to please him. Remember we can dress a man from Iiat to Shoes, so have everything a man could wish for. We never before had the range of goods for Xmas we have this year, and we think we can suit you in everything you may ask for. Ready-to-wear Suits for then and boys, Just received a shipment of the newest Shirts and Ties—the nicest Ties ever shown in the county, Silk Mutllers—we have the largest range in town, Everything in Fine Gloves and Mitts.— r nBats and Cups we ,an salt you. We carry the hest line of Stiff IIats on the tnrlrket, Just take a look at our 1Vilton's Light -weight, it's a beauty. Fancy Sweaters, and just a new line of Fancy Cardi- gnn and Corduroy Vests. Our Braces are all done up in a nice fancy Lox—a nice Xmas gift. A man could not appreciate anything like a pair of nice Shoes --we have all kinds and have a range of Up-to-date House Slippers, the very newest. Anything you ask tor, that's just what we have got, Do your buying early and see the whole stook. m 0 0 0 pl O 0 Popular Clothing House .4 op 0 0 0 )-Y6 6) .9'.(6) 61.q O. G1 400 Peace, Gentle Peace. "'Tile pearl of God, e, bleb paarnth all un- der, tending, alurll ke,:p your hearts and utluJu lhruchh (brut Jesus " fuer,, ;wove, 1ervad,'>: wy happy lae:;1 For ChrIhi N'lll',ill Control:, my mtury thought, iu ert.ry deed. Aii,I kl-e';': from sin. Netlauh,; In self, yet everything In lila; 1.)11 calm, Lew i Inst! To uu,k in the sno.ct, eun:ehnie c,f Ills lava; 7111:re suavity reit. I new,r Encs such bll::+ could hero bo found, Ruch joy Remail Su.0 .,,vrct curalntidiut with nay blessed Lord, With naui;ht berexeu. TIlI all 1 gladly laid ,.t Jtwua' feet, Aird IJVa I:ly Is his I(tud h:I:.J, to fashion ::s lie willed, The sirapolc<;, t lay, Oh! time wrt),It grant: desiguo the Artist's toad) To Luing brought! What vroillrl,ro rl•:Inh(:n'uiiitlo:iu I:: 111;' :0111 T11.!St(1'lUu9 wruur;itt: And now, nor loy nor pain can tempt wy soul To leave, Ills stdc - ]<1y hi last joy, to sit at I11s dear foot, .Aird there abide. For by isle mi;bt Ile keeps mu from rho sin ' That grieved, wy heart The ev11 which i loathed, and yet from which 1 could not part, In arrest content the happy days go by; Nor time nor plane Can rub of Christ bleat presence la my soul, Ills wal.ohltso grace, Anil every day benuiles lie displays, - New wu:rticna rise; Till !rout my long -closed lips a song bursts forth i tlf glad surprise. -Airy. N. Obwao,- 'V estmouut, Tale Ligatness of Heavy Sorrow. :Si,rrow's burden is going to bo out. weighed, same duty, by the joy for which it is making us ready, We cannot under- stand this ",while sorrow is heavy upon us, belt the loving Father twill help us to beiicle it even now. "For our light af- fliction, which is for the moment, u•ur1.• eth fur us inure and inure exceedingly ail eternal weight of glory." Our present affliction steals heavy beyond endur- ance; it is heavy with an oppre3sion Qua God roust help us bear up under; yet even its terrible weight is as tight- wad to the "weight of glary" which God has in store for us, and which, for rea- sons that we c.:nuot know, he could not give us save by the "lightness" of pre- sent affliction, Times will come, and i; near at hand when we shall see to re- joice in all that now look dark and un- loving. het us keep faith %while We can• not see, Tlee Realms of Clues, (13y :1 73nnker), Far away dun's the long, dim vista of 'fhe past, in that remote, long vanished arta s of seething molten elements, in- stead of the fair beauties which now adorn it, instead of the hill, and dales, the forests and leafy glades, the flower; end the emerald verdure 011,1 :til the many other varied :Ind harmonious at- tractions which so add to its rielmees and its splendor, we 800 hilt, a wild 0haos, a shapeless, turgid accl'etiorl of steaming semi-liquid plutonic roc):. Cm - medal) darkness reigns tit pretne; fur 10 rain, nor, probably, at this early time. The Mystery of Longevity. any nit'; ,and therefore no storms and tempest;, but cue colltinnou.i Lelcliiu , fo1'ih from the gig;llltlo, ricking hype - enlist, of stupendous %%,Rinses of suffo- cating., heavy smoke. tut as the long a) 1,11= pilar 01l. thee ile- ng so prolonged that to aur her;int cun- Cept1011 it would appear to be an eternity lend thus In the tables of centenarians. The the outer crust of this molten urh United States, with a population of more than 74 0(10,000, had by the census of 1900 more to cool and harden, immense woluut;s of than 3,600 ccwltinnrluus, making nbedt emir water surround the globe, a171 l..c l;iinee twentieth of the ratio shown lu llulgarla. and steams become ,ufficicutly esteem. , No answer has ever been given in the case of an Individual cenlentartan which would eland the testa of the 100 -year class in gen- eral, Ono person will say abstinence kept him strong, another that moderato (trine - nig helped him. Tobacco will have been ab- jured on this hand, the pipe have Poen a cont• tarter on that. Sometimes to a life of hard work or again to preservative days of lel• euro will tho credit bo given, OUTS?'-Jyll;, BUT GAME, Mr, I.alfotic!: Wants Friends and Rela- tives to Know It, 'are yen the edit.r that takes hi so• ciety 'wive?" lnquirot caller, an tinder. sized nun. With 11 tired 0111 1imirl, ,Ip• pealing loll: en his face, "Yes, sir," said the young man nt the dm le ''I (':In take any kind of news, \\'Tial have you?" "Why, it':( this wnv,"'said the caller, lowering his voice. -fly wife gave a email party inst night, and 1 am wit• ing to pay to have this report of the af- fair put in the paper,' "11'e don't charge anything for pub- lishing society u0Wa" - observed the young elan at the desk, taking the proffered manuscript and looking it over. "That's all right," was the reply. 'You don't understand, 1 Wrote this up mwself, and i put in a line or two that says, 'Mr. llalfstick nssistcd his distin- guished wife in receiving the guests,' That's the way I want it to go in, and T don't care if it costs n dollar a Word, 1 want my friends to know, by George, that I still belong to the family." SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, Plan of the Pacific Coast Securities Company Ab p y solus sly Safe The old Idea of "nothing new under the nun" Is completely put to flight by tho Pac- ific Coast Scarifies Company, of Portland, Oregon, in handling the stock of the Sea Island Cuppor Complwy. This company, whoa, officers are business )nen of Many years' ex- perience, bare perfected a plan whereby the i side of the windows. Doors, of course, Investor'n money Is under his owu coutrol I emu he easily put a )," and he dors not take the etook until earning I 1 and accrued dlvidoude aro satisfactory. A new booklet,"Something to Set You Tb1nk- Ing," has just been Issued for free distribu- tion, and It is valuable to auyuno contern- PlaUng Investment In corporate enterprises. Dear Monger Your link ones are a content caro in Pall and 'Winter weather, They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consulsj'tion Cuie, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of ilio air passages in children, It is absolutely )harmless and pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c, per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 31,1 This remedy should he in eery household, No Fly Screens in England. An Englishman who visited the United States during the last Fulmer, when asked what he liked most nhnut the country, promptly replied: "Your fly screens. "I don't believe I remember ever hav- ing, seen n fly screen in England," he continued, "that is, the wire screens thnt are generally used here. 'There are a few mosquito bars, made of (utten netting, I don't k 110 Why we hnve not adopted the wire mercer's, for we certainly suffer great annoy^lacy from 'flies, gnnte and mosquitoes. In many kitchens and meat markets fly paper is used, hat it is any- thing nytiling but cnconrniing to the appetite. "One dif fieulty, %which, however, T sup- pose could be overcome In the way of Introduritir wiry screens, would be the :tiniest universal use of French windows, These open outward and it might he ne- 'ssary In pinee the srroen. on the in - DUCKS 1,200 MILES AT SEA, Birds Circle Around Steamship, Taking It for an Island, The Uc•eanic Stcanship Company's lin- er Mariposa, Captain Lawless, arrival from 'Tahiti with twenty-three passen- gers and n cargo of tropical products. Among the passengers was W. F. Duty, former American consul at Papeete and recently promoted to represent Uncle Sant in Persia its United ,antes consul, The interests of America in Persia have been represented hitherto by the secretary of the Jiriti.ih lege tion at 'Te- heran, who acted a, United States viae• oonsul whenever necessity arms, This government, however, recently appoint- ed three Consuls fur Persia, among them Mr. Doty, whose pust will be at Tabriz. '1'hii is in the s,une latitude as San Fran- cisco and is one of tile most inaccessible consular posts in the world. in jnlItin' . ing to his new station Consul Doty will l e to (ravel back for 1,500 miles, On the afternoon of November 9, Cap- tain Lawless was surprised to sec twelve black and white ducks flying overhead, Thew carne from the eastward, After circling around the Alaripcl n n num- ber of tin:05, its if thoy were wondering; tvhnt kind of an island the liner was, the dark.; wheeled in to line and 105))nisei their flight, hemlines dile west. The ducks were 1,800 miles from Sam Francis- co and 1,200 miles from Ifa►vaii, the near- est land, --San Francisco Cnli. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, (Now York World,) Bulgaria has 3,40 centenarians, about ono to every- 1,Ooi inhabitants. l:umanla has 1,031 and Serve. 573. l:tud»nte of longevity re- cords in Europe aro asking why the coun- tries (cast advanced le beakelc etaudards sted tU pe:'Illlt the diffused light 111 the atm to penetrate curt the alternations of day and night ensue; followed after -110r(' 140073 have fled, and the (,aiding process is alalu,t completed, by the cei anthill of the Mixte and vapours anis the type:trance of the eon, noun and .talcs. but during this counter( prncees, and before the repose have eltete(•tl off, the earns is tinier the rale of the v.'illl,st e1111od; for in the shrinkage which en - 3U08 rl]OIllltili!w :a1)11 lulls ::Ild rr)Iltllllllts are forced upwarde, and great valleys and chasms or depressions are farmed, into which tate displaced waters rte1. And '.vinit at ,spectacle of fury and of con- vulei►'e violence must hnve beep present- ed when, for instance, the New World, as the American continent was form- erly rn1led, wits upheaved' from be- neath the ocean, and a stupendous (1e - lege of tossing waters hurled in wildly surging. mrntntttinoes billows ower the whole glebe. And so it continued 115 age after ane passed away, now a period of violence, now a spell of quiet and rest, vat l + length our earth Was ready for un:' 1, liritntint) rind nrlorece1 with beauty, mud radiance and splendor. Eat ales, num had no sooner been crew• ted to enjoy all this than he rebelled agRinst his Creator, all his descsendn.nte in consequence inheriting' the stain of sin, Put 110 one need suffer from that fall, for the Fon of Cod made fall, perfect and stifficient atonement for Ill and nny who will accept the gift of eternal life 111iongh 1Tim, 4.♦ Would be a Welcome Change. (Kansas City Star,) One of .these days this country may produce an honest campaign chofrtnnn, ono who will say In lila election tarecast In effect: "1 don't know Trow this election is going, but I euuuect we are going to have the buttone whipped aft of 'ss, Whllo I am hopeful, 1 confess that the opposition has mo Reared, Our roll shows a good deal of disaffection. .,T.dortbt if we can buy enough votes to onset it. 11 this ticket rutin through by the skin of Its tooth I'll bo tickled to death," Jewelry Parlors Write for booklet AS. D. BAILEY 75 Yonge St. N. E. Cor. King You Can't Hasa a Merry Xmas If you suffer from liheninatisln Here's Our Holiday Offer At this season of the year we are offering a $1,00 bottle of our valuable liemcrly, Rhemitkfoe for 50e, Avail yourself special offer. ]ihcuntaticfoe is the only now CURIOUS PLIGHT OF TOPPESFIELD. English VilInge With 93 Girls and Only it Boys in Its School. The rural village of 'I'uppeeficld, in North Essex, 11115 become prominent on ncconit of a remarkable phenomena. in the births recorded there, ]luring the bast decade the great pre- ponderanee of girls horn in the parish over boys lute been noticed, and nt the present moment t he s cholnrs attending the village school comprise nlnety•three girls but only eleven boys. In cense• duan'') of this the county education 1111• thorify is contemplating the substitu- tion of n isehoollllistl'0ss for tine present sehoolnlnster. But among those belonging to the place the present state of affairs lute aroused considerable concern, 111111 the (VINO lint is being asked where the farm laborers of the future are to conte front if matters do not (+lunge, The medicn1 officer for the district has been consulted, but ho can ascribe no cause for the greater num- ber of girls. -London Chronicle, HOW I T SPREADS The first pnrkage of 1)r. 1A'nlllinrdt's Hem -Rohl (the infallible file cure) that wile ),tat out went to a small town in Nebraska. It eared a ease of Piles that way con- sidered hopeless, The news spread, and the demand yr/militia! Dr, J. S. Leon11:u'dt, of Lincobt, Neb., the diS0ot'erer, to In'0paa'e it for general use. Now it is being tient to all parts of the world. It will cure any cage of Piles, $1,00, with absolute guarantee, All dealers, or the Wilson -Tyle Co„ Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. SPECIAL NO, 1 Christmas Bargains Order Early NOTE, --04 page self -teacher with finger- board chart Bent FREE with each order. Separate copies sunt to any one for 60o, Write for our Xmas catnlolrue contaln- ing special values in n11 kinds of medial Instruments, novelties, watoboe, ate. VioIins°oase ioJins Those instruments are imported dlreot from Germany for tho holiday trade. We aro enabled to offer Thom at 40% lea than the retell dealers, FOUR DIFFERENT OUTFI'T'S No. 1 -our epeoial, good tone, 3 98 well shaped, fano finish • Nn, 2 -Our Orcheetra Violin,00 highly polished, very Lino tone ,,.3' No, 3 -(rand artist's Bolo vlo- 600 lin ebony trimmings ,., ,., • No, 4 -Amateur's favorite, only 2 98 Each outfit is vont complete with violin, box, bow, resin, strings, etc„ as illustrated All goods tient chargee prepaid, The Toronto Musical t& Novelty Co, 96 Victoria St., Toronto ODD CASE OF COMBUSTION, Rose Bushes Shipped in Wet Moss M - most Burned Up. A peculiar utse of 3puntaut'ous cum- bustion, or aumel..hing like it, is des• eiibed by a writer in Caraier'e 1inguzi ie. On February 17, 1001;, 1110 largo 1(111• ge:'ator cars of young ruse.bushci were received at 1launibel, Aloe from a 110rs- ety in U.tliforuia, They vete :hipped int Wooden eases containing 7111)110101ly an- ger holes for 40111 luliun 11101 acro care- fully packet) with wet sphagnum, or California ;wail)p alu:,a, lu 16.4•wun;, chaf- ing and to support their vitality, Ne ice was put in the cooling hanky, and the covers of these, us well us all other opening sin 1110 cars were closed as tightly las possible The care, %►'cru ten clay's in transit, The outside temper- ature Was (10 degrees 1''uhrenheit at the SHOWS VALUE OF IIF:REDITY, strut and lb degrees at the cad of the trip. Upon arrival steam was issuing from Candidate for Parliament et Last De- every crevice 0f the ears, Upon removing clares His Religious Belief, the tank covers it rushed out in hirgu volume. The doors were opened and ice was put in the tlunl(0; the free. cirenla• lion of cold air soon cooled the contents of the curs. In unloading it was discovered that some of the u})per layers of boxes were badly dmmagc( by )teat, which II/aurally A 1'arlianlent:aa'y candidate was being hackled, (-lire of the questions had refer- ence to the relif;11)05 (Lenulninatu)n to which he belonged, "11'c11," he said, "you asked ule'an I►on- n,t gn(stion and you sllnll have tt alraightfurw:trd anstwer, sly gratd.nlo• was most intense near the top of the cars, No Signal of admit ennlbnatinn were found, but this would probnbly have oc- curred in a short time had not the cars been quickly cooled, The temperature 111.11 have been near. i "Aly grandfather was English and fly up to the burning point, as many of therefore a member of the Church of the ;reed steins of these plants were Isnglatui," 1 binek and brittle. Still no enthueiasnn, but rather the re- I Wet snwdust in large qualities free verse, quently llecy, wurishy i "Aly fatties, on the other hand, was rt I ior, in fact nlllthe very lower the"tn tenmperntnrntere good lhlptist," went on the dn;lperute of the atmosphere the hotter usually the candidate, who was Still unrewarded by sawdust, applause. Ile grew anxious, E,0 hurriedly elided: "But 'sly den). ohs snot•;ter, long since dead, 15'n1 a Methodist." instantly all facies were radiant, so he concluded: 'Aral, gentlemen, I follow the precepts of my dear old mother. I'in :t :Methodist 111d I don't care who knows it 1 "-Lon- don Mail, thee w1tK ,t bcotoh ►t om,nl-a rigid fres- __ this by'terial,'' Obvious disappointment was shown to Out a 'tIhe faprorost'.ofeedelthel: audience, so the co.ndl- 11? medlrine is purely and simply a Rheumatism Cure . It cures Rheumatism by clennsing the blood of those impurities that cause Ithemmntisnl. Write to us also for particulars of our "Guaranteed Cure," NO CURE NO PAY If you are not cured it will cost you nothing. We take all the risk bemuse wr are so confident of the value of our Medicine. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS COUPON. Hope & Hopkins, 1773; Yonge St., Toronto, Dear hire. --Please send me one $1,00 bottle of 11heumatiefoe, for which 1 enclose 50e (15c extra on. all mail orders). Alan lrlrtirulare of your Guar- anteed Cure, Nano; Address l)ept, 11, Fast Work on Banana Boats, The ca'; oc, of banana steamers are discharged in 1(41 (int( than those of o111- er sl )t•;;ning viessel4 coming into the New York part, ,Not only is time money in the banana trade, ne in every other, Inst the, freight thane vr:;,e1e bring is perish- able, :According to size and capacity the stcnmers in the 1)01111)1a trade carry frlxnl 15,000 10.30,111)1) bunchn in rt cargo. The biggest of those bouts haws four hatchways and besides four .side porta on each side through which cargo can he discharged, At some stager, of the work of (lieehurging n big +amend steamer there may he employed tthnut her from ,300 to 500 sten, The bananas are not hoisted out but each bunch is hander). nut separately, pnssed from men to man along a line. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. The World's Volcanic Bells, (Leslie's Weekly.) There are two great bolts on the earth In which ether volcanooe aro active or moun- tains are growing or In which the two phe- nomena are nsnoelated, 'these two belts fol- low great circles. Ono of these passeso through the West Indies, the Mediterranean Son, the Caucaous and the Himalaya mour- tains, and Is called by Do Montctsua the "Mediterranean" or "Alpine -Caucasus -Him- alayan" belt, In this belt 64 per cent. of nil recorded earthquakes have occurred, Tho second bolt nearly encircles the Pacific, fol- lowing the Anders, the mountains of western North America, the Aleutian !eland, Japan and the Philippines, This De Montessuu culls the "circum-Uaciflc" or "Andes-Japanese- Malaynn" belt. In this belt have occurred 41 per cont, of nil recorded earthquakes, In all the rest of the world rho recorded earth- quakes equal ouly 0 per cent. of the total number, Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, 4*' Excitement in Topeka. (State Journal,) There is groat excitement ovor tho report that u bride who will come to Topoko soon has a ►nald, This will raise tho limit and establish a now record In 'Topoko, Occasion- ally a Topeko woman steals the housemaid or nurse, exchanges their caps and aprons for the lady's maid kind and takes bor out of torn with hoe in order to snake a noise Ince an nristoorat, but it in believed the new bride will bo truly lndy'a maid all her own who never helps out In tho kitchen, nursery or laundry, 0*4 Campaign Capacity, (Washington Post,) "There Is enough gas 111 n man," eve a Prominent chemist, "to fill n gnmometer of 3,040 feet," Ncedlcan to ray, this conclusion was arrived at during some heated political campaign, .04► Tobacco Test for Novels, (Cleveland Leader,) The other day 1n a public libraray In Lon- don an attendant noticed a young girl snif- fing eusnictously at the hooks. When he asked the reason of her strange conduct she told him frankly, "1 eniff at a book," she said, ga then 1 know it's book n ells of manchas bee don rending and that It's a good one." This is a novel literary test, but a wire one in sono respects. Ilorse sense Iles beblud It and feminine Intuition, Minard's Liniment Co,, Li:titled: (lentlenteue-T have used,\lIXApD',S LINIMENT frnrn time to time for the rims t twenty years, ft 005 recommended to Inc by it prominent .physician of Mynat- real, who called it the "great Nova Scott Liniment," 11 'love the doctor', work; it is p:artieu,arh- good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprain,,(, Youre '1').uly, C. 0, D UNS'F:1 N, Chartered Accountant. Ilalifax, N. S., Sept, 21, 11105, Moki Beauties, The average Afoki woman is, perhaps invariably, not huge or obese, ,short in stature, plump and round of form, of ple:lsiflg countenance, with benutifel jet bled: hair bunged at the eyes, when clad in tasteful :Ind colored blanketry she presents 0, picture fair indeed to see. 'I'hc manner of wearing the hair distin- guishes the married woman from the irgin. The litter wears her binc)c tresses gracefully done up in n. largo round coil several inches in diameter over each eat' 1111(1 projecting out from the head somewhat. The effect is de- lightfully, novel, and coupled with the fresh and youthful appearance of the girls slake them special nbjt'cts of inter- est. They used to be termed "side-wheel- cre,". from their made of dressing the hair. --Maxwell's '1'ulisnrnn, 4., Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. o . e. Iniitties Growth and Population. The number of persuus to the square mile i11 India in 1001 (the lust census) tions 42,31)0. Of the total of 294,3(11,050 wlto constituted the population at the lest census, more than 200,000,000 were Hindus, The Christmas number 2,02,3,- 241. There was an amazing preponder- ance of widows over widowers to tlutt country, Of Hindus there were 0,000,000 widowers and 10,000,000 widows and of lfohnnunednns there were 1,300,000 wid- owers and 4,500,000 widows and no on with the other races. The taxation per beast in India hits grown from 70 cents in 1805 to 84 cents in 1905 and the debt has grown in that time from $085,000,- 000 to $1,155,000,000. The Imports rose from $225,000,0(;0 In 1800 to nearly $320,000,000 in 1005, while the exports in the sante period increased from $305,000,• 000 to nearly $515,000,000. remedies cure all skin and blood diseases -Eczema, Salt Rheum, Sores, Piles, Constipation, indigestion and other results of impure blcod, They cared aha cause and destroy the evil condition. Mira Ointment soothes and heals all diseased 'his. Mira Jllood Tunic and illira Tablets cleanse Me Rood and invigorate s,'anach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Oin!:nent and Tablets, each 50c, Blood Torics, 31, At drug -stores - or from The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, l�.inultoa-- Toronto. Money Used in English Elections, Tho use of money In English ,pa'llamoutary elections Is supposed to bo reduced to a i111111100M of decency and civic virtue, 140 aro apt to hero' cotlslderltble about English purity. Since Inst wlnter'n elections, how- ever, there have boon trials for corrupt prac- tices which revealed the purehaco of vot,s and other shacking things which 1u title oountry aro asvoclatod with Delaware and Ithodo island, and now the official returns of money legitimately spent by the cnndida(:es ill(IIcIIW that something le doing In good old England nt election time, It cost the U70 members of parliament, neeerdInrl to their sworn etatements, ;53,831,290 to get elected, That was an average of ucary $8,000 a menu. Not a dollar of this atm was tllukrnlly used, It le claimed. ♦e1 Wants a Redivioton, "I'm beginning to thing that soctallam fit the only equitable system of-" "Great Scott, old man! Aro you as near broke as that 1" ISSUE NO. 51, 1906, FARMS FUR SALE. 1HEAP UNDER MORTGAGE; LAIU1[4 NJ farm 1)1 the County of Ilruee, with goad buildings; L^0 acres eultIvittcrl; only $20 down or aecurrd; lmnlodlnto peen vlon; title per- fect. Apply at elan, London Loan & Sav- ings Co„ Loudon, Out. MISCELLANEOUS, FR11ER'S SONS TIIE FARMERS' MANUAL contains n ser- ies of special lessons In foram bookkeeping, with full instructions, separate rulings sad printed headings for grain account, poultry account, cattle account, hog account, labor account, dairy account, expense account; department for each kind of grain, cash received account and cnah paid out account, The Manual also oontnlns It complete Insect department, it veterinary handbook, a per- fect systern of horse -training according to the :netnods used by Prof, 0. W. Monson, besldlos the fanners' legal department, 400 puree, Tho J. L. NiC1iOLS CO., Limited, Pub1101ere, (Mention this paper,) Toronto, Canada, Agents wanted, Mrs. Wtnelow's Soothing Syrup should al- wnys be used for ehlldron teething, It soothes tho ehtlo, mottos the gums, euros wind collo and la the beet remedy for diar- rhoea. DR. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS for. Thme 1')11.hertsatco tiled In Yana for orer r the Bray year( and found Invaluable purpose dolt ed, and are guvto• Gal l y the ,oaken. aches, stamp for eel,, cnrular. Price 51,08 pol I,0; of sol), scanty tooled, on rec.rid of prole LD ROY PILL 00.. Boa 42, Hamilton, Oanaloa 17,1ya14:9 ; New British Cruiser Named Shannon, The now British cruiser Shannon, namesake of the ship that wet the fam- ous duel with the Chesapeake off Boston harbor in 1813, way launched the other day. Remnants of the beaten ship 81111 exist to -day, After the fight the Chesa- peake wn.s bought by the admiralty, Then she and the ,Shannon were laid side by side in tho Medway. After six years of idleness the admiraalty apparently weeded out of the navy the ships thought to bo out of date, and the Ches- apeake was sold 113 old timber for n paltry L500, Her manager broke her up, but her timbers aero used to build n corn mill, which still stands in a peace- ful little village lit Hampshire. And in the timbers of the still can still be seen the !lurks of the shot from the Shannon, "DACOVAL" Rctones and builds up tltc nervous system, gives nat. ural vigor,purifesthe blood, cares constipation, kidney troubles, sore backs and neuralgia, Sold oily by snail, Send postal note or coin. Price 50c, and one.2•cent stamp, The Morrison Spe. cialty Co,, Box 224, Windsor, Out. Message Likely to Last We1L (Torro Haute Ilauto Star,) Tho message which Lieutenant Peary left near the polo 1s very interesting reartlug, but It Is In no Immediate danger of becom- ing thumb -marked nod dog-oarod by In- quisitive travelers, For C l r'ta ghs and Colds PARLOR SUL..P0HUR WAX Ask for I ;DY'f3 SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC, Two Turkey Tales -- By Senator Shane -- fiX,0'.441'144f4444444'114+4++'bf+4444.144144+4414444.444-14+ ,'here %vas a uuvut 0107( and his name was Floud --N0011 Flood. Ile was one of those Wien that hated to s.ee center peo- ple prosper. 1 l lived at 1lountainville and "riz" turkey's like nearly everybody else around. Ile made money, because lie fattened the turkeys well, The only t.intc he mus generous was when he wilts feeding his flock before l:Iiri;tinas. Ile begrudged the grub he gave himself and his wife. Deacon Candle said once that. ho w1u11l(1 %yolk three miles to burrow a 'mod) to light the kitchen fire, 1'I(od di,I'uL like Deacon Candle. 1111en December came and he SAW the dea0uais turkeys nen.: fat ntill I,ig like hi, own he became jealous. Now the itel ou'S success couldn't hurt him, bcwues' his own turkey, \yerc Inc and 111111 in delnaud, :no he %vas sure to get a good price, But just the saute wiles hr 1 illy sou (is birds un flu' ties• C011111 plus(: 110 will Sure, and 111111,0 fur gut he Foul 4110 fine ones of his uWvn. A few (lays before ('Iiiistnas he went to It pour oath in the village a 10 said: "You ktiu • we all have to skip r,ur turkeys to the city to -morrow, Now you lutve only 60 and if you did get a big price you will be hurc1 7(p, for the rest of the winter, l know how to make prices higher. Y4:11 00111e with me to Deacon Candle's to -night and cut holes in hi; turkey houses and lel, the turkeys all fly to the woods, Ili' Sv'ilI not he able to catch these in time to ship them to•mor- roly and the people will Imwe 10 pay high prices for yours. The 11111,1' rant, N•ltuse name was Bill Cute, pretended to agree with Ute rn'.ii loon, lint renlly ho didn'I agree with hien at ::ll, I,ul, like m1141 encu h„ w:t, honest, so he devised it entitling plan, That night he went to Flood's place. IIn said they had better go several utiles around to the ds:icun's place -go tli ougit the w'oo I , :o, 1 hey wouldn't be 80011. Flood raid the precaution was good, but did not know the way through the "I'll guide you," said the poor, honest Cute," lie:)), however, we hadn't best carry a lantern for we may be seen." So lie took Noah's arm and the two went up 011 down 01'1'1' hill 1111(1 Swamp. Flood 1vas nearly dead, twisting and turning in the thickets, and only his great mean- ness kept hint going,, :1t hist they reach- ed nn underbrush nnd through it they could see n black mass, "There's the horns," said Bill Cute, KID GOBBLER. "Here take the saw and saw holes in the walla and I'll go round to the other side and scare the turkeys out. Flood was mud and mean and worked bard lnulcing big holes out of which the turkeys flew, Soon the whole flock hall vanished and. then 13i11 seized Noah and said thy must burry back over the wny tlwy, had cone. "O11, my, oft me," said. Noah as he was dragged through holes and creeks, over rocks and stumps rind shinned his shins. Finely they emerged on the road near Noah's front gate and the mean 1101.11 hur- ried to bed-ut not to sleep. �Next morning Noah crawled out noro `ind'tired to feed his flock, in preparation to taking then) to the city with their crops full, But lo, there wns not a soli- tary turkey in the buildings, and he $ILW great holes in tho \walls. "I see It all now," said Noah, "that villain led me through the woods to guy own turkey barns." Billy Cute carted his turkeys to town and got the same price as Deacon Candle did for his, But the mean 1)1a11) stay- ed taycd at home and got nothing. "Me own brother, hatched in the sante nest," said Kid Gobbler, who kicked against giving up lel old crust that, he had found in the barnyard by accident. "It's wrong and 1'II see who's boss," With a lout] and long giggle ho jump- ed for ,the crust, but his little brother, Goble Gobbler, tried to make off with it. But Goble was the bigger and gained the crust, wrenching the morsel from the rightful owner. !.'here would have been a fight right off but, for the presence of the lady tucks of the flock, and the feet that he w1(8 the smaller and weaker of the two. "It was always thus, ]Ile brother Goblet. gets everything, and is getting big and fat,, and look at lnel 11011 thin and se1'aWny, and ail half starved. Ev- ery day lie grabs Ralf of toy sluu'e be• , sides eating all his own, Why wasn't I made as stl'ellgg, Its 111111?" Mother Turkey hopped over to her dist'onsolnte son and wiggled the flag which waved over her back ---a flag like the rest of the tusks c11411id so they could he !waled in the tall grass. „Never mind, my Foy," said she. "I have seen live winters and summers and nuury other things, 11'nrst things can happen you than being thin. It's near Christtiuns now, 1(1111 before every ('Ill's -dais ill 111' career I have seen the biggest and finest. looking turkeys in the flock cut down in the midst of their pride and glory. I would advise (lohle 1;ubbler to start in nod fast from this out if i did not know 15yotld he west- ing my breath to advise hint. Goble know, it all, you knn)1'.'' Coble paid no attention to the nd1'lee of the ((Id woman and finished the crust, without offering 0 crumb to the fair bodies present. lie shook his rad watt les and gobbled so tuned' that all the fete- inine turkeys lust their nilly heals IA1- gmther 811(1 declared: "11 -hat a lovely 1111111 (IOW Iilbhkcr is, duu't you know!" \0 one anile any further reference to ('hristn►ns and it had n0 significance 80 far as the young members of the flock were concerned. \o15', 'I don't swam to •make any of (Sable's friends feel badly, but the truth is the day before C'hr'istmas there was no Goble hobbles to interfere with Kid (lubbler, who gut all that was curving to hint afterwards and he grew sleek and 14101111 The foolish Indy turkeys soon forgot 1111 Alma liul,lr and they turned their attention to hid, who was 80011 reeog- nized the leader of lhrir set. 1'li iI vas In.;t Christ111os, i don'!, know what. will happen 1lcis Christmas, Prosperity has diver, ways of leading turkeys as well as 'word,: to destruc- tion, lint fir bill 1 1'hbic's salve let os hope that lie has been dieting himself of late and has not been following in the footsteps of his late brother. CHRISTMAS POSTAGE STAMP, London Iden That is Hardly Likely of Realization. A London rorrespondent makes an in- teresting C'hristnuia suggestion. 10 view of the enormous pressure up- on the post office system at Christmas- tide," says this ingenious gentleman, "when everybody, nut unnaturally, is impressed with the importance of punc- tuality in the dclivcr,y of their cards of greeting and seasonable gifts, which under the present system ,is impossible, I suggest that the post -office should is- sue a "Christmas stamp,," tastefully (1e- 8igned ,and acquaint the public tout any parcels or leters bearing this stamp 1)1n.y be posted at any time during, say, the mouth of December, it being understood that all such letters and petrels would be forwarded, 7(t the convenience of the bpostal authorities, to their destination, ut would not be delivered to the ad- dresses until Christmas Day or its eve. It 8001)114 10 hue that any temporary in- convenience experienced by local post• masters lander this scheme Would be more than counterbalanced' by ho .m- 11101180 relief felt in the great postal con - tress," CHRISTMAS SPIRITS. "Who's there?" shouted the occupant of nn hotel bedroom, as he heard n noise in the corner of his roost, • There was no answer, and the queer noise stopped, "Anybody there?" No answer. "11 must have been a spirit," he said to himself. "I must be (t medium. I will try." (Aloud.) "If there is 1( spirit in the rooms it will signify the 00 MC by saying nye-no, that's not what I mean, If there is a spirit in tho roost it Will please rap three times." Three very distinct raps were given in the direction of the bureau. "Is it the spirit of my sister?" No answer. "Is it the spirit of my rniother-in' law?" Three very distinct raps. "Are you poppy?" Nine raps, "Do you want anything?" A HIICCe881011 of very loud raps. "Will you give ago any communication If I get up?" No answer. Shall I hemi• from you to -morrow?" Reps are very loud in the direction of the door, "Shall I ever see you?" 110 wilted for nn answer, but none 0(17110, and he turned over and fall asleep. Next morning he found the "spirit" of his mother•in-law had carried off his watch and parse, his trousers and his great -cont. THE STAR OF BETHLEIIEM. Out of the pest's dark night There shines ono stair, Whose. light Is, more than countless constellations are. Uigh in the Enst it glcnms-- 7.his radiant star, Whose beams Are more to man than all the plan - cis are, Still be thy light displayed, Olt, Bethlehem start Nor fade Until tho circling systems no more are. -Sennett Stephens. How They Kept Santa Claus 44 -44 -♦4-• Margy was crying and the Cloy Ioo!ccd very serious wad d0mul indeed, "She said -she said," Margy :sobbed, "that there wasn't any Suety Claus ut all, and that our fathers and mothers got all our prescuts for us, uud that i ants w'115 all humbug, a sort of slake -believe, le fool the little tads. And she said, Sara Pickett 010, that you anti ac was fou old to b'lleve In such nonsense," The Hoy grew se.bert'r and soberer, "Mar- gy," he ;11!1:, atter n lou(; tithe of think- ing. "If vie getter give hill up, we Just gutter. glut first let's ask Father, ifu's corning up the lane now, with a load of pumpkins." Father came In front the barn, and up the steps like a buy. llo wlilbllcd its I1: took off his Jumper, mill pat ou his coat, Hu whistled as he crone down the hall- way. Then, as be caught sight of the two solemn races at the doral' of the sit- ting -room, one of them swollen iwl tear- stained, he stopped his whistle. "Hullo, youngsters; what's up7 Margy, Morey, you'll never be a man 1f you cry." Father picked her up teuderly In Fla strong arms, .,:Id right iso away the ache at benrt felt better. "Sara Pickett said there wasn't any Santy Claus, and we was lust foolish to think 80, Only bibles believed In hien." The smile died out of the Father's face. Ile said: iSo Sara 1'Id:cat said that, did etre: I'oor Sara Pickett. Let's go In by the Oro and talk It over." 11'Ith Margy on Ills arm and the Boy holding to' his !roe hand, they won Onto the cosy sitting room, whero the wood fire was snapping and crackling and the flames were leaping and making Jolly ehndows In the corners whero the whiter desk had begun to creep, "Let's see," Bold the lather, ns he Bottled foto the big arm cbnir, with 11 child ou either side. "Let's see, We were talk- ing about Santo Claus, Sball I toll you a story?" "1111, yes, Father," "Well, long, long ago there was a (food bishop, and 1118 nano was Nicholas, mid he lived 01 11 far•nvny country, Ile loved children with all ills heart, and the Ilttlo girls and boys used to follow where ho went on his walks through tho town, and the littlest ones lou would carry, and tho inrgest ones would hold onto the skirts of his gown In a ring around him, and Ito would talk with then], and laugh with them and teach them songs to sing. "Then sometimes ho would fired a sunny corner in tho square, and the youngsters would cluster nil about him, ad ho would tell Ment wonderful stories. Tho children would poke around In his packets and (Ind Bundy and things, "Always 011 Christmas day bre would put on a epechtl coat, very big and long and full of pockets, sad every pocket would ho full to tho brim with all the things that r.hlldren lova,' "Dolls?" said Margy. "Skates and rifles?" asked the Doy. "All the things," sold Father, "Maybe no rifles, because thnt was before the,' wero Invented. But, nnywny, he was funny -looking; all knobby and bunchy. • Ito wouldn't ray a word, but Just walk around to the sunny eornet' of the square, All the poor children who had no Christ- mas nt home, and would come running and cola "'Fattier Nlcbolns! hove you a gift for ole? And lie always had. "Ono Christmas a little girl who was Bo poor clic had to go bnrefoot in the winter, found a i nlr of beautiful shoes to ono of Ills pockets, She slipped thorn on, and then looked up with a tshhling Ince, and mild: "'1 think you must be n saint, Father Niclholas.' "\\'lien the ho spent his way, ho would "'I do it In Child,' "Well, at last good old Bt. Nicholas grown people risked why stoney In such a foolish say, very grave and sober: the nnmo of the Christ died, and all the children cried, and 01! the fathers and mothers cried, ton. Be- fore the next Christmas 0111110 a'uunrl the grown-ups put their heiuls together and sold: "'Thr hotly of Sl. Nleholns Is gone, hut wo must net let his soul go from us, Let us keep hl ; spirit In our hearty, 011111 al us. '1'11011 he can never die„" "So from that time, every Christmas the spirit of St. Niehnito come,: round, and Inm,:ks Ilt the dons of the hearts of all the people, find says: "'Remember :;t. Nicholas, and let ills soul live through your.," "Now Santa ('1)10:1 Is Just the Duh'h name for St. NI l,e.lo--n hind of pet name, 'weave m:)r;• I•.red 11111 r0. And EU you see, although the body of St, Nlch• t In' diel!, his ,'all !hod on told on always. In the h"arts of the fathers and mothers, rind Aunts and 1110 u nod couslrs, 111111 eve:: Leather= ur:l !I :15, A. :.d ycu can tell that to Sura Pickett," Jtarey and the Boy loolie,I up with Ninny eyes. The story made things so 011111 and true, and leveller than the old wny at believing, But n new thought had struck the Doy. "Will he llse In our hearts, too, Father- 'Ir,rgy's and mine?" "lie surely will, If you let hint." "11nrgy," whl•:perel the Boy, as they inv In their beds, un:l all the lights wore out. "Lot's you and me earn some Chrlst- inn, money and be a Santa Claus spirit to Father and Mother," "Let's," said Margy, from bcr corner of the roust. ' And they both went wandering In the Land of Pleasant Dreams. ••♦ SORRY 1I1, SPOKE, Loving Husband -A penny for your thoughts, Wife -They will cost you more than that. I was thluking how f should like dlamoud earrings for my Christmas present, Welcome, Christmas, Welcome, Christmas, welcome here, ' poppy season of tho year, Fires aro blitzing, thee to greet, Families together meet. Brothers, sisters, circle round, Loudest laughter, joyous sound For Canadians like to see All her children welcome thee. Welcome, Christmas, for thy voice Calls upon us to rejoice, Not with foolish, idle mirth, Born and perishing on earth; 11'ar bo the ungrateful thought, "Ours are b:css!ng.'1 dearly bought." Dearly bought, but freely given, By tho Lord of earth and heaven. Fix we, than, on Christ our oyes, May wo fool the Saviour nigh, May we meet around the board, All rejoicing In the Lord, Bo the Babe of llethlehom near, As we smile tho season's cheer; And each gladdened heart and tongue Joins the angels' Christmas song. AT TIII7 CHURCH FAiR, Miss Sweet -Wo aro taking .up a collection ;to buy th amt, Mr. Ilantmors-Ilere's a gold piece, Duy For a muual% soprano a Chriatmne pre- • The Christmas Story. •-•"•-• •-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• • Bethlehem was crowded with guests. Ml day its narrow streets had been thronged with people.; every house was ivied tri its utmost capacity to meet the unusual need, The ostensible reason for this great gathering 11'88 the decree of an earthly king, Caesar Augustin, fur all of the line of David to 00)410 to the city and. enroll their names fur the census; the hidden reason 11'lls the decree of a heavenly king, who land said that Itis Son should be born in Bethlehem of ,lodes, nod the time 11.118 ripe for the fulfillment of prophecy, At the close of the short winter day, a man, past middle lige, 1111(1 a young woman riding n donkey, slowly climber] the Judean hill to David's city. Ex- hausted \villi the long, rough journey, and Iougiig for seclusion and rest, they sought the only inn of the town, to find it nlreudy full to overflowing. The only nceommodation8 for these Irate comers was the rude cave, ]which served as the inn stable, and the acceptance of this humble shelter has monde it a pivotal point in all time, Gradually the course noises of the day ceased, and the little city, bathed in the mmnter) silvery light, lay white and Still beneath the soft -eyed stars; the same silvery light flooded the Judean plain below, Whore faithful shepherds welched their peddled flneks. As the night grew chilly, the men gathered it 10)111 the flickering fire, and talked in low tones --of what 7 Did they know this 11'88 the holy night? The night for which the cycling years had longed? It was very still. The tinkle of a hell as a sheep turner; in its sleep, the whirr of a night bird's wings, even the murmur of the hind in the distant olive trees lead ceased and a thrill of expectancy filled the air. The then about the fire, con- scious (,f the subtle hush of natural sounds and tinkling with :t presentiment of something unworn!, furtively watch with anxious ryes the shadows of the night, flow very still it is! And 1114 they sot, wrapped in the pecu- liar calm of this holy night, suddenly a wondrous vision appeared in their midst --n being whose radiant light trail- ed from earth to heaven, whose connten• once outshone Iht' moon nail stars; and an the sten. lel bewildering, blinding fear, fell on their faces, the sweetest 1'oice this world had ever heard breathed in purest m►lsi " "Fear not, for i bring you gond tid- ings of great joy. In the little town of Bethlehem is born to you this night a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign upto you: ye shall find the bnhe wrapped in swndding clothes and lying in a manger." Then heaven could obtain the angelic ]lost no longer, for they burst the mid- night sky, thrilling the hearts of men with a song ne'er heard before, a song of peace and good will from heaven's all -gracious King. When the song had ceased and the celestial radinnee had slowly followed the angel choir into the blue of the night, the shepherds looked at each other with wondering eyes. "IL is true." "God be praised." "Let us seek the child." And they hurried toward the town. With eager feet they climbed the hill and hastened through the quiet, deserted streets. lIow unconscious was the sleeping multitude of the heavenly guest] How sceptical and angry or even abusive they would have been if aroused and compelled to hear the story of the wondrous night, With hearts beating hard with ex- pectancy, the shepherds made their way to the inn. For a moment they paused before the rude cave, "Can Ile be here?" "'There must be 80111e mistake," "Well, let us go' in and sec.," Thien they entered to find themselves In the presence of the baby king, The King who to -day rules in love the hearts of men, In kneeling adoration they told the mother of the angel's visit, of his nies- soge to thele, and of the singing host, and she, cuddling the babe, to her pure and innocent heart, graciously received their homage, ncknol'ledging this to be.: the Noly Child, whose birth the angel choirs announced. Oh, the wondrous drenms of that mother's heart as she tossed tice dimpled hands and feet and 1s „rhhippe(1 the bnhe who 11)1(1 conte to sway the world with Ills gentle, mysterious power. Well for her if she could not see the ninny weary miles those baby fet must trend; well, if she 00ud not know of the tired body, exhausted in bestowing the heal- ing power of that (ender hand; will that she cnnlrl not foresee his childhood plitynlntes seeking Ilis life, One fleet- ing glimpse of these thisgs, of the hatred His gentle life would arouse, of the pieced side mid agonising cross, and her henrt must Foye broken. But we know it all, 11111 for these things alone we love and adore 11in), 'L'hirzn 'Richmond. ONLY ONCE A YEAR, Let us bury old grudges and forgive as we are forgiven; scatter good wishes and thought, fr' and wide; nmke the pout' ghtd; cheer the aged; comfort the sick; do ever'y'thing we 011 11 for every- body. verybody. and -God bless us, every 01101 Christmas crimes but ranee n year, yet itu blessings may last n lifetime. CIHRISTMAS CANDIES, 111 the I)e,t'nl!:cr 11"nsel,,•cper lel 11 11', 1lorrisuu ON, es the 1'ultowing flints for the plepnralila of l'liris,luad 1, 14.1 moors: rand) Loxes of Any 10sitrd siee can be purrbn-ed at it h'x lnclr:ry, 0r 1);CI'14 00V - e1011 vrill 1110 !III 1.l0i10 Ir.tl�cr, >1111 111 50 ret• p:1 ''s t.u5';: ,a; : ,Ike 0ltrne- Iiye r,'c,'ptaeles, A holt 111 criut.,.'n lolby 1':hhon, 1) I,'54 rilligr Ut 1(ci1y and 1.5('1'7(1 el'Is 1.f white 1111111' riper 11ill essi ,,' 11 11,111(' pnel..cge to Ile 60111, 11'1111 10161 home. In pne1•ilg IIIc candies it, is wise to cut pa raft ire piper and stiff bristol boned* to fit the boxes in layers, :1 sheet of p,ip'r, then the laver of hoard will keep lila ,after candies, such as C110colulc 111011 ('rushing, Unruolasi eandies are never palatabio, :1101 no amount, of flavoring will Inask the raw taste. flu (11L9 000111)11 lake the t rnnblu to prepare fondant, which is the basis of all fine. cream couches, It is not at :;!I difficult to ounke it the 1 ll- 1)I'il'tinns are correctly carried out. el Werk before Christmas prep1(1' Ilce fondant, which can be pineed in 11 .1.1 1-; 01101 Willi a damp cloth and keep ill tt, cool plop,: until two dalyp before child, - Inas, when it should be made 7(p into the 501/01114 cuufeetillla, '1'Ilis time will al- low the cbocolute, used in dipping, to be- come fir111. The molasses used is Porto Rico or Ncnv Orleans, A variety of flavoring can he purchased itt the druggists by the ounce. Colorings for tinting can also he per - chased at the druggists. and always slate that they are to be used to color food to insure getting the vegetable coloring. lied will produce and shade of pink, res0 or scarlet according to the amount, used, 1'iulet, will produce any shade from pall lavender to deep blue; pisteehio or sp;nneh will give green; egg yolk can be used for the yellows and a few drops of rung cul fee will give a elude shade and 11))onlate hill give 1110 hru5w118, '1'lu: follnlwing table may he a guide 111 flavorings: 11'hite-lnnillu or almond; pink---slrawberr', rasphcrry, rose; preen pistachio or almond; 1110 y('Cuw- ilt,l,411; dt'ep yellow-orange; mode - 11711110 or euffee; brown --vanilla, 0, Little Town of Bethlehem! 0 tulle town of Ilcthlebern, How *till we sec thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sl ,ep '1'110 sheat hours go by, 'Yet in thy dark street shinet0, The everlasting light; The 1111:0:; and tears rf all the years All real hu thee 10011g11t. 0 morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth! And praises sing to God the King And peace to men on earth. For Christ Is born of Mary, And, gathered all above, While mortals sleep the angels keep Their watch of •wonderlog, leve, Hew silently, how silently, The wondrous glft Is given! So Cod imparts to h:nnl:n hearts The 1110:+; ings of l!i:a 1'eavcn, No car may 11031' Ilii e001i0g; Ih1l In this moria of sin 11'here meet: Fouls will receive 11lin st!II, The dear Christ caters In. Where c0Iklrcn pure toil happy, l'ray to the blessed Child, Where Mary cries out to T:cc, Sou of the Mother mild, Where Charity stands watrhln , And Fal;ll holds wide the boor, The dark night t.•nkes, the glory breaks, And Chri.,hl:as (olues one more, 0 holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we' pray! Cast nut our sin, and eater In, Be born In us to -Tiny, We hear the Chrlstmrs angels, Tho great glad (kiOgo tell; 0 come to us, abide with us, 0 Lord Emmanuel! -Phillips Brooks. A SONG OF JOY. 0 Christmas bells, ring on in gladness, Ring "Pence on earth, good will to men"; Bid now each heart forget its snrines,, For Christmas lights the earth again. Join every heart in sweet eamntm,inr, Let strife and wrong lie buried now; 1,et friend and foe in glad rcnnion Together at Christ's altar bow. The old and young repeat the story, Of the first Cln'istmes and the st.nr That guided with the heavenly glory The wise men journeying far, ,To seek the gift that God hod given, The Star to light us on life's wny; Now let each heart give prase to h:'uten For this our holy holiday. • - r When Mary kissed the Child. When Mary the Mother kissed the Child Aad night on the wintryhills grew mild, And the (trenr,e star swung from the courts of ate T0 rarer at n monger 511th Ichlp, h, :1 ayor, Then did the day of the slcople-I:In A1: 1 the uereg; rded 10111 begin. 11'hc:: Mary the Mother forgot the pnin, In the stable of rode began lot'u's reign, 11'Ilea that new light on ttieh' grave eyes broke The oxe11 were glad, and forgot their yoke; And the huddler sheep in the far hill fold Stirred In their sleep and felt no cold, When Mnry the :Mother gave of her breast, To the pool' inn's latest nu,1 loveliest guest - The Iltol horn mit of the w0011111'8 sld0- '1'11e Ilab' r,f !leaven 0y earth denletl- '1'Iteu 010 lice hurt 01105 0011 SC 111 11101111, Aud the long-s.upplanted came to their own. When Mary the Met her felt Mint hands Beet at her bo',uuc wfttm Ilse dennuals; And uoughl to her 5:^:.e the kneeling Icings, The serving tier and 0117 half -seen wings; Then ,'ens the 11tH" 01 earth mode great, And lite man mime back to the Ood'n es. tate. 4•b Baronet Who Was a Policeman, (London Dnily Mali.) Slr Thonins Echlin, who has just died In Dublin at the age of 02, was -for tunny years 11 member of the Royal Rrish Consteh:+tory, There wero orlginally torso tnnlll), estates In Dubl111, Kildare rend Carlow, but prolongorl lltigntlon by the fifth baronet disposed of thorn, On the loath of his father Sir i'hoMna T:ohlln, joined the police force, and roro to be a sergeant, retirlug 17( 11323. PAGE EIGIHT I'H1v 1 LYT11 STANDARD•--•Dr:cEM1wR 20T11, 1906. TURKEYS WA.NTEI3 We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many yon have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. MONTHLY FAIRS 13LYTI \\T('(1nestlaV anuary 2, 1907 .y ,10 „ al's 2 7, 3, Ap EAST HURON LIBERALS. A. Hislop, M. P. P., the Nominee The annual meeting of the East 1lur• on Liberals wad held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, and was very largely attended. President Duff was in the chair and :wade a neat opening address, The fol- lowing officers %%'ere elecied for the cur• rent year:– ['resident, W, 1l, Sinclair, Brussels; V ce•pr'esidents, U. !ductile Jlcliillup; A. 11eLI►ughlin, Iluwick ; Seeretary•treasurer, W. 11, herr, Brus- sels. ~Municipal chairmen were chosen as follow : — Howick, John Beene - berg ; 11'roxeter, John Douglas ; Grey, John Mc'fugl;art. ; Turuherry, Alex. liellw ; Morrie, George Taylor ; lirus- eele, F. S. Scott ; NViut;hanl, It, Clegg ; East 11'awanosh, J, '1', Currie ; Blyth, 1Vin. Campbell ; linllett, Thos, Me- 1lillan ; McKillop, John McDowell. Interest centred eround the nolnina- tion of a candidate for the Coronions. One hundred and Hixty•eighr certified delegates wore present to cast their WI - lots, Dr, MacDonald, ex -M, 1'., who has so often valiantly fought political battles in Huron, declined to he a c:111- .1idate owing to increasing year's, and the feeling that he had already attained a goodly share of honor from the Lib - :111 the leading horse and cattle buyers ends. are specially Invited to attend. Lot The first ballot brought out eight everybody come. IVelconte to all, names, hut all withdrew excepting A. Hislop, M. P. P., cud W, l[, Herr, of A. W. SLnAN. President. the Brussels Post. The second ballot Wm. .1.1t•KHoN, \'iee•1'resident. gave the Domination to Mr. Hislop, the J. Lt:sl.lr: Kraut, Secretary. tote being e3 to 73, Shot t spew:hes %vcre tnnde by a num- ber of leading Liberals, after which the following l'evo;utions were passed :- 1Ieyed 113' John It. ,hiller, sccnnded by Janes Edgar, diet we, t ho Liberals of last llmron in Convention assem- bled have pleasure in expressing our continued and full confidence in the administration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and we heal t Ily approve of the advan- ced legislation inaugurated and carried out, resulting largely in the marvellous expansion anti prosperity of this Uotni- Ilion. We also heartily concur in and approve of the new Tariff introduced by the 1''inunce \sinister, turd which we believe will materially aid in continu- ing to the people of this country the prosperity they have enjoyed under Liderul administration, We also de- sire to express our approval and appre- ELLIOTT & AfcLACHLAN, Principals. elation of the advanced moral legisla- The Leading Commercial School ratlor4. This school is recognized to be one of the best Commercial Schools In .America. You can safely judge a school by the ap- plications it rrooives. This terns we re- ceived at,prestionS from firms In six large American chips and from tar More towns and cities of Canada, including Saskatoon, Sauk., on the West and Charlottetown, P. E. i., on the East. Our repuhltlon menus much for our graduates. Write for our catalogue. It cannot be too clearly stated, for tho statement is beyond any qualiiicatlon or contradiction, that never since tae blusi oha Free Hospital for Consumptives was opened in 102, has a single applicant boe►t refused admission, bt'eause of his or her poverty. More, perhaps, than any other charity in Canada the USKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES is dependent upon the contributions of the Canadian public for its maintenance. •�' Af.INISTRATLON BUILDING—MU'SKOKA Flag HOSPITAL FOR CONSUUPill'In( Private philanthropy has erected the buildings, providing `tccOmmodation to -day for 75 patients, and which the trustees are prepared to extend, if circumstances warrant it, to 10o beds. These beds are for those in any part of Canada, without means, who are suffering from this terrible disease in the incipient stage. There is no large endowment, as in some public institu- tions, the interest of which will go a long way to pay the running expenses. The monthly bills, covering cost of administration, salaries of medical men, nursing, clerical and domestic staff, besides the heavy expenditure for maintenance of each patient, are depend- ent for payment almost entirely on the contributions that come to the treasurer from kind friends'throughout the Dominion. Could Not Pay --Has Young Wife and Child. De. G. F. CAMPBELL, GRAND I'ALt.t•:1', ONT. 1-1 Imre a patient, 26 years of age, with tuberculosis. I its circumstances are not such that he could pay, as he has a young H; le and child to support. Could you make roost Iii: him at the Sanitar- ium? I think he might improve. Let me know %vluttyou would advise. Destitute. J. AUSTIN, f'INMoeNT, ONT. 1— We have x man, unmarried and destitute, afflicted with lung trouble, whom we wish 'o send to the Mus- koka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Please !ct me know what we have to do to gain admission for flim, Where Will Your Money Do More Good ? Contributions may be sent to SIR WM, R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, Osgood() Hall, Toronto, or W. J. GAGE, Esq., 54 Front Street, W., Toronto, Applications for admission and any other information from J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary National Sanitarium Association, (Saturday Night Building), 28 Adelaide Street W., Toronto, Canada. tion for which we aro indebted to this Ooveininent, notably the measure pro. riding for the better observance of the Sabin, th. Moved by 11, .Johnston, seconded by W. Nicholson, that while expressing approval of the condntut of the Libersl tinder puny in file (7utul I Legislature, the leadership of Hon. (4. W. hugs, we desile 10 express our uutire disapproval of the extrevagaut and autocratic. con. duct of the Whitney Government. We disapprove of the system of (io%'ern- tneut by Commission inaugurated by this Government receiving from the re- p{resentetives of the people, resnoneibi- lities that should rest on them Rini thein u;outs, and entailing' lungs and needless expense on the people. 1Ve further express our disupprovnl of the autocratic legislation imposers on the Province as exemplified by recent School 1.'gislation end appointment~. The Convention was closed with the usual cheers. The claiu18 of Dr. Mac. Donald for one of the vacant seats in the Senate W114 backed up by the Cons yLIl11011 and all hope that the desired recognition will be given, It was decided to calla Nolllinatint; 'Convention at an early date to select the Legislature standard bearer, The exact date was left in the hands of the Executive. The Conservatives of East Huron %will convene at Brussels on the 27th inst. Dr, Chisholm, the present. d1. P. of Win ghat'', will likely bo the standard bearer. Prince Rupert Pioneer Speaks. ;111 1list immense stretch of country in British Columbia, lying adjacent to the Port lend renal or anywhere in the neighborhood of Prince ltupert, the lent' ternliuue of the Grund '['rtulk Pu,'ific railway, is being thoroughly prospected by sprcnlators 111 agricultur- al lands and alining property. This statement was cantle in 1'Ictot'ia to a Colonist reporter by J, M. Collinson, a pioneer of that district, who is interest- ed in the Maple Ilay copper and gold Irvine, He affirms that, ever since it was authoritatively announced that the t ns•continental railwayterminus 1 r1 would be at the point selected, there has been n pronounced advance in land, mine and other values throughout the sections anywhere within reasonable distance of the probable route of the railway from Hazelton to the coast, ,Several years ago, Mr, Collinson states, it would have been possible to go from one end of the Portland canal to the other without meeting any but native people. This sutnmer all was changed. Everywhere dormant mining claims had sprung into sudden activity, districts which had beon mere stretches of waste had been surveyed and con- verted into thriving town sites, and, in fact, on ell hands was apparent the commencement of a heavy influx of settlers and a remarkable development in natural resources, These, Mr. Col- linson claims, cannot be estimated even by the persons more or less conversant with the topographical conditions and far less by :he individual who has never visited the scene. From n section com- paratively unknown and certainly untouched as yet by those interested in ruining, timber or agriculture, it has become the centre of attraction, "It would nstoni,h you," Mr. Collinson con- ti►,ued, "had you been able to witness the sudden transition of an absolute desert into a spot• whore the hum of industry can be heard on all sides," He wont on to say that it was a strik- ing 111118trntion of the influence of a railway, especially one having com- munication with all the great Canadian centres, as the Grand Trunk Pacific %would have when completed, upon u country, touch of which has not yet been visited by even the most enter- prising explorer. The site selected for the terminus of the Oraud Trunk Pacific is the best that could have been chosen, in hie opinion, It combines everything 11111 (roes to mike a great commercial and residential city, In the flret place, its }tnrbor is the finest of the litany shelter- ed bays that ern to he found along the coast in that vicinity. It is capable of accommodating the biggest vessels without inconvenience, The country %vhieh has been surveyed for the taws situ is com ►Itratively level, and when (Jeered, building cnnstructed, end rail - Way (1epots, %%'I111 trains arriving and departing each day, completed, shoulJ become the ideal city of the west, which the directors of the Grand Trunk Pacific have in their mind's eye, ,More- over, the climate is first•clase. rival1int; that enjoyed in this favored portion of Vanc0111'81' 18111111 A Hach Dressin Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough,or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair et die same time, a regular hair -food. Well-fedhair will bestrong,and will remain where it belongs -- on the, head, not on the comb l The best kind of l► testimonial— "Bold for over sixty years." Lids by I. 0. Ayer Go., Lo w. I,, Also .uta�helur to s j► LtriAPM IL A. CIIAWRY PECTORAL. vers "Up on that Portland canal," Mr, Collinson remarked, "we have a cold winter. There was snow on the ground when I loft, But not 80 at Prince Itupert. For sola° inexplicable reason the temperature is more equitable there. When we have cold weathur with snow, at Prince Rupert :here isr is Takingkin g it all the year round, the temperature experienced at the new town site is ideal, especially when it is remembered how fur north it is located. 'Phe summer there is really lovely. From May until September fine, warm, sunshiny %%wilier prevails, with, of course, an ucaosional shower." Mr. Collinson reporta that there has Leen considerable preliminary work done at Prince Rupert this summer, The townsite has been thoroughly surveyed. A hater supply has been located %O fell %would serve as large a population as the city was ever likely to bonst of without difficulty. While corning south, the steamer upon which he 11'118 n passenger had passed a vessel which it was understood hast many thoasnnds of feet of lumber for use in the building of a number of large strut• turn►+, One of these is the new hotel, Questioned as to the character of the country in the immediate vicinity of Prince Rupert, Mr. Collinson stated that it %vas better adapted for mining than anything else, He asserted that the wealth of Its mountains could not be overesthuated. 'There was no doubt that when Lrensportatioll wee assured by rail and steamer there would be trines opened up which would yield enormous dividends. Iiut back of the coast rnu►Ko of mountains the cote dition8 ,leer entirely. There was to be found mile upon toile of territory which he believed, would make the finest egriculural land anywhere. The route of the rltil%VRy would he through this district, naturally it would not be lone before large tracts would be taken up by settlers, The possibilities of the country frotn an agricultural stand- point could not be gauged by the most Ilnnuinative mind. -- Winnipeg Free Press, Nov, 24, 1906, •••••••. Walton. John and Miss Rachel Barrows ar- rived here from 1loosejaw last week and are with their mother who has been dangerously ill. George and Mrs. Hamilton and chit• dm) are here from the West and are welcome Visitors, They will likely re- turn next Spring. Owing to his having sold his farm George C. Barrows has announced a clearing sale of farm stock, improve- ments, &c„ (or Thursday afternoon of Inst week, ,lir. Barrows may go West next Spring. UNFORTUNATE? ACCIDENT,—A very distressing Rud p11 1 (Ill nccidelt hale pored to Charlie Case, a well known end highly respected 1esidrut of this vicinity, While engaged to cutting straw on his farm 011 the boundary east on Monday afternoon of last week, ie tomo unaccountable manner his right hand %vas drawn into the rapidly revol- ving knives, milting away ail of the fingers and the palm of the hand, with only the thumb temaiuiia. Drs. Men- zies and ,McKelvey were imnludiately Mit for and they found it necessary to a►nputete t hand at the wrist. Need• lees t0 say Mr. (Jane has the 81'111080 1W WH of the entire .coal nuuity in this uu(ur• tWIlltte accidt nt. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A num Isn't beaten WI long nu he isn't discouraged. Most family skwlrtons refuse to stay In the closet, Be•sure that you have an elm In lltu before pulling the trigger. Never do any worrying today that you eau just as well postpone until to- morrow, When a man gets a deuce to dispose of his troubles he always heaps up the 111(1151)10, YON, you Inns draw the salary, but your wife euros half the money; don't forget that. Of course It's all right to he born a leader, but the mart in the rear has a better opportunity to get away. Many n city chap laughs when be hears of a fernier buying u gold brick, 'I'heu he goes to the race track and bands over his money to the book- maker:;. The Printer's Devil, Why Is the *brinier'', errand boy called the "printer's devil i" Accord - Ing to lfoxen, writing at the cud of the seventeenth century, because "these Boys In a ['Hitting house cont• monly black and Dumb thewselves whence the W'urloneu do Jocosely cull them Devils, and sometimes Spittle. nod sometimes Flies," It Is related, however, that Aldo Maullzlo, the great Venetian printer of the fifteenth cem tory, had a black slave boy, who was popularly supposed to have conte from below. Accordingly he published a no. Beef "1, Aldo afutlu>rlo, printer to the doge, have this day laude public ex• tenure of the printer's devil, All who think ho is not flesh and blood tnny come and !Once Wm.". The Came With Illus, Mrs, Henpeck — Tiley can't blgnnty too sererely, No one oold have any empathy for the mar rr tnkex one wife too ninny, Mr, Menne. t --The Idea, Marla! Do you think I should be sent to jail? A11 In. "flow did you feel when you found yourself overboard?" "As It I were all In," gasped the re• nuseltated joker, gurgling werrllj'.-- n..tt.,,t„1..1.1- .1 nil mar • o Not Put Off COMMENCING TO LOOI{ FOR THE New Business YOU DETERRMINED TO GET IN 1906, There are only 11 more working days in the year. START TO -DAY YOUR MOTTO I WILL DO IT RESULTS WILL IIE IIEYOND YOUR EXPECTATIONS, DO NOT FORGET Our Ads. alk LET WORDSEM ORAY A YOU FEW 4t4tm PHOTOGRAPHS A wise man the other (lay said, ''I have made one great mistake in hie," When asked what it was he replied, "I neglected getting Illy fun• fly picture taken when we were all together, and I shttil never again have that opportunity." BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS STOC Just arrived, Everything you could see In a first-rate olty gallery in way of cards, ALL SORTS GE POST CARDS FOR SALE, See our stock before getting your Xmas Photographs McArtor's Ground Floor Gallery Jewel Stones and 'nges ARE T E BEST We have also a fine line of Parlor and Library Lamps, One Minute Washing Machines, the latest and best on the market. Coal Oil 15c and 20C a gallon this month only, ][74 A jj® ERR 13 L.Y rI i