HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1906-12-06, Page 11 tb VOL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1906. No. 18. Leadbury. Clarence Hudie spent last week with friends in Goderich Twp. F. and Airs. Belfour, of Grey, visited relatives in the village lest week. Robert Hewitt, of Marlette, ,Mich., ie visiting at his brother's at present, Porter Dennis is able to be around again after a very severe attack of typhoid fever, Alfred Stafford has returned from the hunter's paradise, bringing with him two Ane deer. Mrs, Alex, Gardiner and Mrs. Wm. Clark were visiting at James Mow- bray's, Stratford, recently. John Heist and family have come to McKillop to reside for a time at least, They will bo welcome residents. The auction sales of Jas. F. Hack - well and Andrew Coates were wel, at- tended and prices wore quite satisfac- tory to the proprietors. Win. Knochtnl and family have got into their new home and we hope they may long enjoy the comforts and cote ven fence of a good house, A. McGregor has offered for sale his blacksmith shop, house and lot. This is a good stand and without doubt it will be easy to find a suitable pur• chaser, The Young People's Circle of the Bethel Methodist Church assembled at the home of Jacob Barrows one evening last week and spent a very profitable and enjoyable time. The Leadhury beef ring had a meet - Ina last Friday night to wind up the business for the season. The ring has (riven 'splendid satisfaction, Great credit no doubt is due to the butcher, John Watt, Rev, Mr, Curry and J, J. Irwin° have been around collecting for the new horse sheds at tint hol Church and every one responded heartily, The horses will appreciate the comfortable enclosure while their owners aro etej++y'• ung the services of the seuletwary. The Best Where Is at Smallest Price That's the Story Our Stock 'fells Our holiday ads, ought to make interesting matter for the Christmas reading of housekeepers who wish to avoid the dear on amount of the "cheap" offerings that meet them sometimes in the papers. This store knows as well as anybody how to buy as cheap as any- body, and sell, too, but we wouldn't think of offering for this season, any. thing but this season's goods. You'll Use These in the Christmas Cake Put in n list and try our New Currants all dry re -cleaned, Argutubau Select Raisins, also Seeded and Seedless Reims. Special quality of Crosse & Blackwell Peels, New Hallowe'en Dates in bulk raid packages, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and in Spices, Baking Powders, Icing Sugars, Ex- tracts and Jelly Powders ; we always keep the best at lowest prices, Trust Us With That Westfield. W. A. Harrison, of Lucknow, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs, W. Ii. Campbell, Mrs, David Ramsey is very i11 at dine. We hope to hero' HOOD of a change for the better, Mrs, W, F. Campbell returned hoino on Saturday after it month's visit with her pinonts 1n Comber and her sister in London. The teachers and pupils of the public school are busily engaged in prepare. tions for a Christmas entertainment. The date has not yet been decided upon but will be announced later, The special services at Donnybrook closed last Thursday evening after a five weeks' series. A great work line been dune, The membership has been greatly quickened and many persons have decided to lead a new life. The pastor, Rev, A, E. Jones, labored faith - telly and earnestly. 'Thirty persons were received into full connection as members of the church on Sabbath morning, and a number of others wii, be receiv d in the near future, ....... Exeter. P. Bawdier is having his rink wired and will use electricity the coating sea- son instead of oil lamps, H. Spackman hits disposed of his beautiful bay driver to all hotel•keeper in Seaforth for the handsome sura of $8''26. It. N. Creech has been appointed Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of the County of Hut ou, vice S. M. Sand ers resigned. While Samuel Kirk, Exeter North, was engaged in breaking old iron at Mr. Jackson's n piece of the (notal flew into his eye, imflle'.ing a painful wound end for several days he had no use of the injured optic. John McIntyre, at the meeting of the Masonic lodge on aMunday night Inst, presented that body with three aprons For investure of candidates. Mr, Mc- Iutyre is not n member of the local lodge end the presentation was made to show his appreciation of the many kindnesses shown him by the Exeter Lodge, A pretty and pleasant event occurred at rhe residence of Wm, and .Mrs. Fletcher, Mein street, on Wednesday, November 8th, et 5 o'clock p. in., when their youngest daughter, Miss Hester Edna became the bride 01 Thos. Allen, son of lien aurin and Mrs. Allen, of Stratford, and nephew of 'Thomas Cameron of Osborne, with whom Ito has resided since his inftuit+y. The ceremony took place in the parlor which was hap lsomely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and WAS per- formed by Rev. A. H. Goinu in the presence of about 80 invited guests, some of whom carne from Stratford, Lundop and Burgessville. Clinton. The family of Mr. Watt, shoemaker, had a narrow wool a from suffocation t'y coal gtts on Sunday night We understated Wm, Webb intends returning (roln ,Mantitoba to engage in the hardware and 1insnlitbine. business in Clinton, D. hiss AfeKay, of the News-Recnrd staff, who was iii for throe weeks xt h s hems near 'Teoswater, returned and is again on duty. During the recent trip of the Ticket Agents' Association tlotvti South, the services of 11r. ,Shaw were frequently in demand, and in recognition of his assistance tie was presented with sever- al pieces of cut !Ansa, The Clinton Knitting Co., in order to keep tip with its rapidly increasing busiuesa, hes lately added $3000 worth of the very latest and const unproved machinery imported from Philadelphia, and Miss Petit, nn expert operator from that city, is hero instru(•ting the staff in the operation of the machinery, During the suninie+r Mrs. L 'Thrower happened t0 have her wretch stolen dur- ing her temporary absence from home. It wets rentrued to her a few days since, being left on the front door step ; the sad events of the week helve evidently tour lied a tender chord in the heart of some one, and Mrs. Thrower is deeply grateful for the return of the watch. James Martin wail shocked un Tues- day Inst 10 receive word from Graven' burst that his eldest son. James \\'ittt Martin, had Flied there. Doreasotl had gone there in the early summer, as be WINTER TERM was suffering from tubercular troubie, and was expected home in it few da‘ s, He was It promising young man of 21 years, Quito recently J. W, and R. Moore, of town, through their brother Albert in Winnipeg, invested some $3000 in a piece of property in that city. On Fri- day they got a telegram announcing its sale to the Canada Northern Ity. for the handsome figure of 35500, This is not by any means the first lucky in- vestment they have made in Winnii eg real estate, The town has a water heater, sup- posed to keep the water in the fire en- gine warm, so as to master the making of sterna in ar, etnergency. It was some rinse ago put in on demand of the Fire Underwriters, at a cost of 3125 It never Was much good, and was just that much money thrown away at the instance of an arbitrary association, for it is only old junk now. On Sunday evening last while clergy - 11100 were about the middle of their sermon, the fire ahtrni started a com- motion in every church where tbe+ alartn was heard. Tire cause was a fire discovered in the driving, shed of J. W. bruin, Rattenbury street. Some one released his two horses in the stable near by, and ran out several of his rigs, but an old wagon, a sleigh and a quan- tity of oats were consumed, The stable took fire from the hent of the other building, being practically des- troyed, the firemen saving it before completely burned, The house was also in danger, but the fire was kept from it. .-•1-.... Soaforth. Miss May Broadfoot has returned hone from a visit with friends from Kingston. Barrister F. FIolmsted has so far re- covered from his recent accident as to bo able to he at his dice this week, The new buildings at the Bell Engine Works tu•o now nearly completed, Al- though more room is still required for the increasing business, those now in course of completion will be a great advantage, Stephen Lamb, who removed to Stratford last week, has purchased a nice residence in that city, Thos. Simpson, his partner, has been 111 for a week, has been at the parental home in McKillop. A cablegram was received here on Wednesday last announcing the sudden death at Glasgow, Scotland, on the previous day of Mrs. John Crosbie, of this town. Of course no particulars of the sad event have yet been received. Mrs, Crosbie left here about three weeks ago to spend the winter in her native land of Scotland. Mrs. George Hart went to Wiarton on Wednesday having received a mes- sage on Tuesday announcing the death by drowning, of her brother, Chas, N. Shaw. Mr Shaw was chief onganeer on the steamer J. H. ,Tones which floundered off Cape Crocker, it point on Lake Huron, on 'Tuesday last, Mr. Shaw, who had been sailing for 24 years, lived in \Viarton where he leaves a wife and two children. Om Friday evening hast, on behalf of the citizens of the town, the Huron football tenni, and t he Beaver lacrosse club, a committee of about n dozen waited upon 11 \I, Jackson, at his home in Egmondrillo, and presented With a t'uluable gold watch, suit►thll' engraved, and a tastefully hound ed - dress in recognition, of the long and valuable services, both as player and Malinger, he liad rendered to manly sports and glomes in Seaford), Auburn. Arrangements rue being trade for the regular Christmas ten -meeting in the Methodist church, Rev. J tones Living- stone, of London, is expected to deliver tui address and special music is being pre eitred The road -bed hits been completed and all the men anti tennis have left the he-ighborhoud, We rue now anxiously awaiting the ties and rails awl the time when Auburn will be given its first and golden opportunity to boom, A number of our church and Sunday school workers intend attending the convention at Nino on the 29th, More interest should be taken in this work than there is, as the help derived from the addresses and discussions is invnlu• Itb'1.'11lo. 0 annual shoot of the Auburn Rifle Association was held oil the 16th and 17th inst. The Associntion cup wets won by 1). Patterson, with a score of 170 The next five scores were ; C. A, OF THE 11 wson, 172 ; W. Watson, 1(15 ; L Soi'irngeour, 10.1 ; A. C. Jackson, 162 ; WINORAM BUSINESS NUM G. F. Younghlut, IGO, Christmas Order Por these aro sure goods for those who intend to have their baking rich and delicious as it can be made. Cash for All Kinds of Farm Produce. Gro©ex I (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) Rensail. as Opens January2nd Miss Horton, of iuckoratnith, gee.•+ to p the llrysdalo Public School pts tench( r for 1907. This Is the moot modern, thorough and Tho Exeter District Epworth Lrngtto suooehsful iuhtltutlm, of it. kind In On - un, ! !lave your eyesight examined free on the most up•to-date instrurnenb--the Carly, Excellent stun of teachers; neet here on Monday Geneva Retinoscope. Our stock of Speetaeleware includes the finest and best made excelled equipment' large attendance; John Elder brougght home a couple of forms In Gold, Silver and Aluminum. actual buslness,.choolDuring November young deer from Muskoka, we had TWENTY TIMES as many valla The friends of the Rev, E, A. Shaw, Sole agent for Lowrey's New York Chocolate Bon Bons, Ice from lendinrr concerns for 1300KICEEP• formerly of the lt;ippen circuit will be ► I;IIs, STENOGRAPHERS and '1'Ehb;• pleased to lenrn that as a mark of esteem Cream Drops and Gibson's Pure Fruit Tablets. • GJ P11'Dil4S as we had graduates to send uud appreoaation, 110 was recently pe0- E..tsr any time. stinted with a handsome gold chain and Ourid in b Chri locket, null Mrs Slwtw with a linnd•otne WH IT E CITY D R U 0 STORE... Uur handsome Chrlstntae Catalogue hand bag by the people sent free on application to 1(o le of the Lyons • Circuit. The affair was a complete and DR.W.J,MILNE BL�Y`TH 10E0. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL 1;leasaut surprise. I - E1Vtom. w..........- ON-. . ANK Of HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,25o,000. Reserve, $2,25o,000. Total Assets, $29,000,000. J. TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. Santa Claus Headquarters During the month of December Santa Claus will make our store his headquarters and customers will find we have the largest and best selected stock of Xmas goods ever offered. FOR MOTHER Handkerchiefs In Fancy Box Table Linen and Napkins Tenrieli'e Dollies Drawn Linen (hand -work) Fancy Shawls Kid Gloves Fanny Collars in Boxes Fancy Pin Cushions Waist Sets Fur Coat Hair Pin Receiver FOR FATHER Linen Handkerchiefs In Fancy Box TIe in Fancy Box Braces in Fancy Bux Fur Coat Kid Gloves Fancy Sox Felt Shoes or Slippers Fancy Neck Scarf or Muffler FOR SISTER OR SWEETHEART Fancy Collar Belt In Fancy Box Silk Waist Fur Stole or Ruff Silk Scarf H ind.ppainted Sachet Fancy Pillow Cushions hIandk+'chiefs in h'aney Box Fancy Beads IZid Gloves hair Pin Receiver Fur Coat or Mantle Silk Pin Cushion FOR BROTHER handkerchiefs In Fancy Box 'I'te in Fancy Box Fur Coat Boots or Slippers Fancy Sox Silk Umbrella Fur Gauntlets Overcoat Necktie Pin Silk Ties Braces in Fancy I3ox FOR BABY Silk Bibs Fancy Bootees Fancy Infantees Bear Coat Fancy Mitts Fancy Shawl Stockings Infants' Moccasins Fancy Wool Hood or Cap Savo some Xmas money on your Groceries. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs., 51 Canned Peas, 4 cans for 25e " Corn, 3 spans for 25o " Tomatoes, per can l0c Rolled Oats, 0 lbs. for 25e Pot Barley, 3 lbs. for 10e Pearl Rice, 0 lbs. for 25o Cornmeal, Il lbs. for 25e Matches, 1000 in a box, 0 boxes for 2,5c Brooms, regular 25o, for 20c Shoe Polish, " 10e, for 50 Black or Green Tea, 5 lbs. for 51. Highest Price Paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, G. M. Chambers & Co. BLYTH DE BLYTH C� Santa Claus for young and old Santa Claus for all For the next four weeks this store will bristle with Xmas Goods, the finest assortment in town. A dainty line of 1, .0 1=1.3E1UM.JtiJiIS In Cut Glass Containers. Tlie very latest ordors in Bulk Perfumes, Specials, Yunora, 1d cal, Stearns, Suly, Plnand, Roger and Salter. JAPANESE GOODS In Ebony, Rosewood, Whitewood and Iced Cedar. Leather Goods, Purses, Wal- lets, II tied Bags, Finger Purses, Glove, Watch, Jewel and Handkeroblet Cases— leather and reliulotd. Hand Painted China. Libbey's Cut Gut Glass. Mantel De- corations in BI•gne, Bronze and China. See our line of Real Ebony Toilet Sets and a beautiful line In Rosewood, Loather and Stag Horn Mounts. A pretty lot of exclus- ive deslgus in Fern Pots, Rose Jars, Camphor Book Goods. Manicure Sets --celluloid and leather, Salad harks and Spoons (special). Our Optical Department is Complete. Good uits FOR EVERYDAY WEAR AT Oheap aces 39 Men's Suits to clear at each $3.50. We have placed these Men's Suite on a separate table to put away from us as soon as possible. Some of them were expensive goods. but they are slightly out of style and must go at a sacrifice, Tney can not last long as they are in sizes ranging from 30 to 42 filches, OUR CHESTERFIELD OVERCOATS TAKE WELL If you want a new Overcoat at 37, $8 or 310. Gave us a chance to fit one on. $1,50 Men's Tweed Trousers for $1,25, $1,75 Men's Tweed Trousers for 01.50. A special Tweed Trouser, In nearly ell sizes, for $1, A blg range of Men's Smooks at 50e, 75e, 31, 31.25, $1,35, $175, $2, $3.50 and $4.50. All good heavy values and moat of them lined and 11c for cold weather. POPLESTONE & GARDINER THE BIO CLOTHIERS BI YTH Leadbury. Clarence Hudie spent last week with friends in Goderich Twp. F. and Airs. Belfour, of Grey, visited relatives in the village lest week. Robert Hewitt, of Marlette, ,Mich., ie visiting at his brother's at present, Porter Dennis is able to be around again after a very severe attack of typhoid fever, Alfred Stafford has returned from the hunter's paradise, bringing with him two Ane deer. Mrs, Alex, Gardiner and Mrs. Wm. Clark were visiting at James Mow- bray's, Stratford, recently. John Heist and family have come to McKillop to reside for a time at least, They will bo welcome residents. The auction sales of Jas. F. Hack - well and Andrew Coates were wel, at- tended and prices wore quite satisfac- tory to the proprietors. Win. Knochtnl and family have got into their new home and we hope they may long enjoy the comforts and cote ven fence of a good house, A. McGregor has offered for sale his blacksmith shop, house and lot. This is a good stand and without doubt it will be easy to find a suitable pur• chaser, The Young People's Circle of the Bethel Methodist Church assembled at the home of Jacob Barrows one evening last week and spent a very profitable and enjoyable time. The Leadhury beef ring had a meet - Ina last Friday night to wind up the business for the season. The ring has (riven 'splendid satisfaction, Great credit no doubt is due to the butcher, John Watt, Rev, Mr, Curry and J, J. Irwin° have been around collecting for the new horse sheds at tint hol Church and every one responded heartily, The horses will appreciate the comfortable enclosure while their owners aro etej++y'• ung the services of the seuletwary. The Best Where Is at Smallest Price That's the Story Our Stock 'fells Our holiday ads, ought to make interesting matter for the Christmas reading of housekeepers who wish to avoid the dear on amount of the "cheap" offerings that meet them sometimes in the papers. This store knows as well as anybody how to buy as cheap as any- body, and sell, too, but we wouldn't think of offering for this season, any. thing but this season's goods. You'll Use These in the Christmas Cake Put in n list and try our New Currants all dry re -cleaned, Argutubau Select Raisins, also Seeded and Seedless Reims. Special quality of Crosse & Blackwell Peels, New Hallowe'en Dates in bulk raid packages, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and in Spices, Baking Powders, Icing Sugars, Ex- tracts and Jelly Powders ; we always keep the best at lowest prices, Trust Us With That Westfield. W. A. Harrison, of Lucknow, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs, W. Ii. Campbell, Mrs, David Ramsey is very i11 at dine. We hope to hero' HOOD of a change for the better, Mrs, W, F. Campbell returned hoino on Saturday after it month's visit with her pinonts 1n Comber and her sister in London. The teachers and pupils of the public school are busily engaged in prepare. tions for a Christmas entertainment. The date has not yet been decided upon but will be announced later, The special services at Donnybrook closed last Thursday evening after a five weeks' series. A great work line been dune, The membership has been greatly quickened and many persons have decided to lead a new life. The pastor, Rev, A, E. Jones, labored faith - telly and earnestly. 'Thirty persons were received into full connection as members of the church on Sabbath morning, and a number of others wii, be receiv d in the near future, ....... Exeter. P. Bawdier is having his rink wired and will use electricity the coating sea- son instead of oil lamps, H. Spackman hits disposed of his beautiful bay driver to all hotel•keeper in Seaforth for the handsome sura of $8''26. It. N. Creech has been appointed Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of the County of Hut ou, vice S. M. Sand ers resigned. While Samuel Kirk, Exeter North, was engaged in breaking old iron at Mr. Jackson's n piece of the (notal flew into his eye, imflle'.ing a painful wound end for several days he had no use of the injured optic. John McIntyre, at the meeting of the Masonic lodge on aMunday night Inst, presented that body with three aprons For investure of candidates. Mr, Mc- Iutyre is not n member of the local lodge end the presentation was made to show his appreciation of the many kindnesses shown him by the Exeter Lodge, A pretty and pleasant event occurred at rhe residence of Wm, and .Mrs. Fletcher, Mein street, on Wednesday, November 8th, et 5 o'clock p. in., when their youngest daughter, Miss Hester Edna became the bride 01 Thos. Allen, son of lien aurin and Mrs. Allen, of Stratford, and nephew of 'Thomas Cameron of Osborne, with whom Ito has resided since his inftuit+y. The ceremony took place in the parlor which was hap lsomely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and WAS per- formed by Rev. A. H. Goinu in the presence of about 80 invited guests, some of whom carne from Stratford, Lundop and Burgessville. Clinton. The family of Mr. Watt, shoemaker, had a narrow wool a from suffocation t'y coal gtts on Sunday night We understated Wm, Webb intends returning (roln ,Mantitoba to engage in the hardware and 1insnlitbine. business in Clinton, D. hiss AfeKay, of the News-Recnrd staff, who was iii for throe weeks xt h s hems near 'Teoswater, returned and is again on duty. During the recent trip of the Ticket Agents' Association tlotvti South, the services of 11r. ,Shaw were frequently in demand, and in recognition of his assistance tie was presented with sever- al pieces of cut !Ansa, The Clinton Knitting Co., in order to keep tip with its rapidly increasing busiuesa, hes lately added $3000 worth of the very latest and const unproved machinery imported from Philadelphia, and Miss Petit, nn expert operator from that city, is hero instru(•ting the staff in the operation of the machinery, During the suninie+r Mrs. L 'Thrower happened t0 have her wretch stolen dur- ing her temporary absence from home. It wets rentrued to her a few days since, being left on the front door step ; the sad events of the week helve evidently tour lied a tender chord in the heart of some one, and Mrs. Thrower is deeply grateful for the return of the watch. James Martin wail shocked un Tues- day Inst 10 receive word from Graven' burst that his eldest son. James \\'ittt Martin, had Flied there. Doreasotl had gone there in the early summer, as be WINTER TERM was suffering from tubercular troubie, and was expected home in it few da‘ s, He was It promising young man of 21 years, Quito recently J. W, and R. Moore, of town, through their brother Albert in Winnipeg, invested some $3000 in a piece of property in that city. On Fri- day they got a telegram announcing its sale to the Canada Northern Ity. for the handsome figure of 35500, This is not by any means the first lucky in- vestment they have made in Winnii eg real estate, The town has a water heater, sup- posed to keep the water in the fire en- gine warm, so as to master the making of sterna in ar, etnergency. It was some rinse ago put in on demand of the Fire Underwriters, at a cost of 3125 It never Was much good, and was just that much money thrown away at the instance of an arbitrary association, for it is only old junk now. On Sunday evening last while clergy - 11100 were about the middle of their sermon, the fire ahtrni started a com- motion in every church where tbe+ alartn was heard. Tire cause was a fire discovered in the driving, shed of J. W. bruin, Rattenbury street. Some one released his two horses in the stable near by, and ran out several of his rigs, but an old wagon, a sleigh and a quan- tity of oats were consumed, The stable took fire from the hent of the other building, being practically des- troyed, the firemen saving it before completely burned, The house was also in danger, but the fire was kept from it. .-•1-.... Soaforth. Miss May Broadfoot has returned hone from a visit with friends from Kingston. Barrister F. FIolmsted has so far re- covered from his recent accident as to bo able to he at his dice this week, The new buildings at the Bell Engine Works tu•o now nearly completed, Al- though more room is still required for the increasing business, those now in course of completion will be a great advantage, Stephen Lamb, who removed to Stratford last week, has purchased a nice residence in that city, Thos. Simpson, his partner, has been 111 for a week, has been at the parental home in McKillop. A cablegram was received here on Wednesday last announcing the sudden death at Glasgow, Scotland, on the previous day of Mrs. John Crosbie, of this town. Of course no particulars of the sad event have yet been received. Mrs, Crosbie left here about three weeks ago to spend the winter in her native land of Scotland. Mrs. George Hart went to Wiarton on Wednesday having received a mes- sage on Tuesday announcing the death by drowning, of her brother, Chas, N. Shaw. Mr Shaw was chief onganeer on the steamer J. H. ,Tones which floundered off Cape Crocker, it point on Lake Huron, on 'Tuesday last, Mr. Shaw, who had been sailing for 24 years, lived in \Viarton where he leaves a wife and two children. Om Friday evening hast, on behalf of the citizens of the town, the Huron football tenni, and t he Beaver lacrosse club, a committee of about n dozen waited upon 11 \I, Jackson, at his home in Egmondrillo, and presented With a t'uluable gold watch, suit►thll' engraved, and a tastefully hound ed - dress in recognition, of the long and valuable services, both as player and Malinger, he liad rendered to manly sports and glomes in Seaford), Auburn. Arrangements rue being trade for the regular Christmas ten -meeting in the Methodist church, Rev. J tones Living- stone, of London, is expected to deliver tui address and special music is being pre eitred The road -bed hits been completed and all the men anti tennis have left the he-ighborhoud, We rue now anxiously awaiting the ties and rails awl the time when Auburn will be given its first and golden opportunity to boom, A number of our church and Sunday school workers intend attending the convention at Nino on the 29th, More interest should be taken in this work than there is, as the help derived from the addresses and discussions is invnlu• Itb'1.'11lo. 0 annual shoot of the Auburn Rifle Association was held oil the 16th and 17th inst. The Associntion cup wets won by 1). Patterson, with a score of 170 The next five scores were ; C. A, OF THE 11 wson, 172 ; W. Watson, 1(15 ; L Soi'irngeour, 10.1 ; A. C. Jackson, 162 ; WINORAM BUSINESS NUM G. F. Younghlut, IGO, Christmas Order Por these aro sure goods for those who intend to have their baking rich and delicious as it can be made. Cash for All Kinds of Farm Produce. Gro©ex I (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) Rensail. as Opens January2nd Miss Horton, of iuckoratnith, gee.•+ to p the llrysdalo Public School pts tench( r for 1907. This Is the moot modern, thorough and Tho Exeter District Epworth Lrngtto suooehsful iuhtltutlm, of it. kind In On - un, ! !lave your eyesight examined free on the most up•to-date instrurnenb--the Carly, Excellent stun of teachers; neet here on Monday Geneva Retinoscope. Our stock of Speetaeleware includes the finest and best made excelled equipment' large attendance; John Elder brougght home a couple of forms In Gold, Silver and Aluminum. actual buslness,.choolDuring November young deer from Muskoka, we had TWENTY TIMES as many valla The friends of the Rev, E, A. Shaw, Sole agent for Lowrey's New York Chocolate Bon Bons, Ice from lendinrr concerns for 1300KICEEP• formerly of the lt;ippen circuit will be ► I;IIs, STENOGRAPHERS and '1'Ehb;• pleased to lenrn that as a mark of esteem Cream Drops and Gibson's Pure Fruit Tablets. • GJ P11'Dil4S as we had graduates to send uud appreoaation, 110 was recently pe0- E..tsr any time. stinted with a handsome gold chain and Ourid in b Chri locket, null Mrs Slwtw with a linnd•otne WH IT E CITY D R U 0 STORE... Uur handsome Chrlstntae Catalogue hand bag by the people sent free on application to 1(o le of the Lyons • Circuit. The affair was a complete and DR.W.J,MILNE BL�Y`TH 10E0. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL 1;leasaut surprise. I - E1Vtom. w..........- ON-. . ANK Of HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,25o,000. Reserve, $2,25o,000. Total Assets, $29,000,000. J. TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. Santa Claus Headquarters During the month of December Santa Claus will make our store his headquarters and customers will find we have the largest and best selected stock of Xmas goods ever offered. FOR MOTHER Handkerchiefs In Fancy Box Table Linen and Napkins Tenrieli'e Dollies Drawn Linen (hand -work) Fancy Shawls Kid Gloves Fanny Collars in Boxes Fancy Pin Cushions Waist Sets Fur Coat Hair Pin Receiver FOR FATHER Linen Handkerchiefs In Fancy Box TIe in Fancy Box Braces in Fancy Bux Fur Coat Kid Gloves Fancy Sox Felt Shoes or Slippers Fancy Neck Scarf or Muffler FOR SISTER OR SWEETHEART Fancy Collar Belt In Fancy Box Silk Waist Fur Stole or Ruff Silk Scarf H ind.ppainted Sachet Fancy Pillow Cushions hIandk+'chiefs in h'aney Box Fancy Beads IZid Gloves hair Pin Receiver Fur Coat or Mantle Silk Pin Cushion FOR BROTHER handkerchiefs In Fancy Box 'I'te in Fancy Box Fur Coat Boots or Slippers Fancy Sox Silk Umbrella Fur Gauntlets Overcoat Necktie Pin Silk Ties Braces in Fancy I3ox FOR BABY Silk Bibs Fancy Bootees Fancy Infantees Bear Coat Fancy Mitts Fancy Shawl Stockings Infants' Moccasins Fancy Wool Hood or Cap Savo some Xmas money on your Groceries. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs., 51 Canned Peas, 4 cans for 25e " Corn, 3 spans for 25o " Tomatoes, per can l0c Rolled Oats, 0 lbs. for 25e Pot Barley, 3 lbs. for 10e Pearl Rice, 0 lbs. for 25o Cornmeal, Il lbs. for 25e Matches, 1000 in a box, 0 boxes for 2,5c Brooms, regular 25o, for 20c Shoe Polish, " 10e, for 50 Black or Green Tea, 5 lbs. for 51. Highest Price Paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, G. M. Chambers & Co. BLYTH DE BLYTH C� Santa Claus for young and old Santa Claus for all For the next four weeks this store will bristle with Xmas Goods, the finest assortment in town. A dainty line of 1, .0 1=1.3E1UM.JtiJiIS In Cut Glass Containers. Tlie very latest ordors in Bulk Perfumes, Specials, Yunora, 1d cal, Stearns, Suly, Plnand, Roger and Salter. JAPANESE GOODS In Ebony, Rosewood, Whitewood and Iced Cedar. Leather Goods, Purses, Wal- lets, II tied Bags, Finger Purses, Glove, Watch, Jewel and Handkeroblet Cases— leather and reliulotd. Hand Painted China. Libbey's Cut Gut Glass. Mantel De- corations in BI•gne, Bronze and China. See our line of Real Ebony Toilet Sets and a beautiful line In Rosewood, Loather and Stag Horn Mounts. A pretty lot of exclus- ive deslgus in Fern Pots, Rose Jars, Camphor Book Goods. Manicure Sets --celluloid and leather, Salad harks and Spoons (special). Our Optical Department is Complete. ST[A IN ER DNS LOSE GE Pa N June: was peen off C.v1x+ (:roker, and in the course of an hour should, %vith rest• soua!rle hiNldwcry,,hawe bc('n hi a p8Kn11(1-11 to make the turd southwesterly past Phe "head" and to the weleonu' part. 1 cs- lcmlay, nearly one hundred miles direct• At l;v )vest 1111(1 on the ollpoatt' shores of (;tQl'gin11 1 iy, w(re found the ewldenee 0 of a• great tragedy. The picturesque t hrir:tilin Ishan(,, that dot the south- eastern shores of Cleo gian Italy, erre tu• tiny' giving up one by one the evidences of a terrible eaht.tnitn•. From the great ('lnri-tiaw Island, which forams one pillar Of the gateway to steamers p1ssiug Irons 1)u'en Sound or l'1lllingw'awl to 1I 4I l41:I, to the little Mel:, hundreds in untwist., that forte the group, there is on Georg- ian Bay in summer no more alI.raClaw'e spot, 'Their beauty is ernhlincl'J, too, by histurie 11svoc'Jations, for there Indult lore amt Jesuit record find their rustiest nun terisis. Twenty or Thirty Passengers and Crew Lose Their Lives in the Disaster. Prominent Business Men Among the Lost -- Wreckage Corrine; Ashore, THE DEAD. Crew of the Jones: CAPTAIN JAMES CRAWFORD. EDWARD LENNOX, Mate. CHARLES SHAW, Chief Engineer. WESLEY SADLER, Second Engineer. "SCOTTIE," Fireman; real name un- known. R. SIMMONDS, Fireman, JAMES TILLEY, Fireman. M. SMITH, Deckhand, FRANK JACKSON, Cook. , Assistant Cook; name un- known, GEO. M'EWEN, Wheelsman, WM. ROSS, Wheelsman. Passengers: J. T. DONALDSON, Owen Sound. ALEX. LYONS, Yukon. MRS. LYONS, his mother, Owen Sound. LOUIS ALLEN, Owen Sound, JAMES FOX, Southampton or Hep- wortrh, T. M. WAGG, Manitoulin. Three unknown men for Graham's camp at Silver Water, Manitoulin. Owen Sound despatch: The staunch little coastnlg steamer J. 1i. Jones, which for year years. has covered the route from Winston and, this port along the test shore of the Bruce peninsula to the south side of the lGnnitoulin, has Roue to the bottom, carrying with tier over a score of human lives. 'There I baa been more or less apprehension since last Friday. The Jones left there ;on Thursday, and wa$ not reported at 'various pointe of call up the lake. It sums thought at first she might have pought she ter at nom(' ina.ccessilrIe point, but the w'ors't fears were realize dto•day, wheel Mr. 'McAuley, manager of the Do- minion Fish Company's plant at this point, wilco has been foremost in, the rearah for the missing men, announced that the Indians sent out to look for traces of them had come. upon evidences that one of the saddest tragedies in the ;history of the great lakes had been en - acted, Two lifeboats., n section of the cabin, and some freight found by the In - Aland on the Christian Islands left un- Questionable evidence that the worst had ,happened. Mr. Fred. Lyons, whose moth,es and ibrother are nmongrt the- victims, nvire•d !Noun Winston thds evening that two 'bodies had been found, and that there was no quas.tion but that the Jones ways lost. Owen Sound's loss in num- !bens is much smaller than the terrible ',calamity winch has fallen upon 1Viarton, :inhere nitnost the entire crew had their ' 'homes, ' 1Je ,Tones w•a9 it wooden steamer. Icer dimensions were about one hundred and twenty-five feet over all in length, with twenty one feet beam and nme feet draught, She was built in God- erich in 1988, and had weathered many a gatle. It is now concluded that in at- tempth?g to reach Lion's Irend a sea broke in the shutters forward on the amain deck and keeled the w'essel over, and that she never righted up before another sea swept her under. Mr, J, T, Donaldson, (local manager of the 1Volverine Fish Co. ,is among the victims. He was on his way to Ton ermioray to close the season's business, For rho pnlst four years he, has been a popular citizen, and with 'his now grief. stricken 'wife resided at 303 {Vest street, Mr. Alex. Lyons, who only recently arrived home from several years spent in the Yukon, was accompanying his another, Mrs. Lyons, to spend a short time with his sister at Lion's Ilend, and his return ltns accidental and the re- union then nils Of it t0ucllino chll:ucler, 11r. Lyons escaped shipwreck in a ter- rific }gale on the I'aeific coast on his Wily down, lull the steamer on it his!' he tw•as thea it pas„cnger Hent down on her re• turn trip, with a heavy list (If fatalities, His mother had lung been a resident of this town, fund a brother, 111. Fred Lyons, is a cheeks( a; the C. P. R. sheds and rlx•cutly erected a large rest- aurant near rho station, Mr. Louis AlIen son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Allen, wca•i on his way to Tob- ermoray to join a companion in n brief trapping outing, and his parents are prostrated over their loss. The hooks of the boat carry the only record of the passenger list, and t ony names of the passengers that can be obtained are: James Fox. an elderly gentleman from Southampton or Hepworth, on his way to Lion's Head. T, M. Wagg, merchant, of Winde- moyn, 'Manitoulin island, 'Three men fur Captain Graham's camp at Silver Water, on the Manitoulin. Unquestionably there were others whose names time alone may reveal, as at, this season of the year there is little chance of bodies being recovered. An Unfortunate Craft. 'Che Jones, as she was popuarly desig- nated, 11119 well known all over the northern part of Lake Ilurot, including the Georgian Bay. She was of "tug" build, and was for many yeurs engaged in collecting fresh fish, packed in boxes from the various fishing stations-Tober- mory. The Ducks, Cockburn Island, Kil- larney, the Bustards, and points on the east coast of the Georgian Bay, com- pleting her journey at Owen Sound. Of late years the franchise of these stn - tions has been under the control of the Dominion fish Company and the boat was formerly owned by that, organlzn• tion. 'Jiiii1 she was staunchly built was proved conclusively when she was a few `ears ago sunk between Kagawwong harbor and Clappe'ton Island as the re- sult of it rnllision with the steamer Pacific of the Northern Navigation Com- pany's fleet. She was floated and re- paired the next spring and put on her old route, her first captain after the accident being the man who was first (nate of the Pacific at, the time of the collision. Curiously enough the same season the Pacific was completely des- troyed by fire at the owner's dock in Colingwood harbor. The fate of the ,}ones, FO similar to that of the Jane Miller n score of years ago, should be sufficient in the way of warning to doter env 5111a11 vessel from venturing on the ((eorginl Bny during the season of bad fall storms. The Jones was a good vessel of her class, but was too smal to weather the seas that have proved too Hutch for larger vessels such as the ill-fated Asia. Tt is not neces- sary to suppose that she struck a rock; to all appearance she simply foundered as the result of being overwhelmed by waves too high to be overridden, The Mute Story of Disaster. The fury of the sto'ill whiehl 'Wrecked the steamer Jones on Georgian Bay and caused a loss of life variously estimated et from 25 to 40 is indicated by the find. ing of the lifeboats and wreckage by In- dians on the CAIa'kti.i.n 1slulyds, The Jones was ,making for 'Jinn's (lend, and was seen early u► the afternoon of last Thursday off1\'Jlite Cloud Island, eigh- teen miles from Owen Sound, lnttlitiq with the sea, the trliite .wpruy frequently thrilling over the hurricane deck amt 'both are victims. It is a coincidence breaking around the wheelhouse. Again, that their meeting in Owen Sound on just as the shadows of evening fell, the A trial will conrinoe ereri honeewlfe in Canada that "Ref lance Ciakln Powder's is far opener to any other she has ever used, It le prepared from rho hostand purest materials that money can buy, under tine direotlon of an a ort mannfaetnrint; ohemlet, therefore we are able to 14;311 Nighua I1 It on a eh Grantee of Satisfaction. In order to introduce "Rellanoe Dakin Powder'we aro making wonderfully attractive premium offers to Boys and Girls. If interested drop us a portal. FREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARDS FRE E To any user of baking powder wo will gladly rend, absolutely free, postage paid a ret of tour ofour latest edition of ploture port canis, lithographed in (pliant colon. Simply write us, answering the following questions : tet. Name your Or000r. 2nd. Name th(s paper. International Food Company, Toronto, Canada. "Auk for the Purple Padcata.ie 1 USING THEIR SAVINGS. AGAINST PEOPLE. 1,000,460 in 1005. No. sold in year, 2,- 2`12,758, against 2,2(17,583 in 1005. Poultry- --No, on land, 10,264,884, against 0,738,-193 in 1905. No. sold In POLITICAL FEELING RUNNING MG1 your, 3,473,708, against 3,340,802 in 1005. IN BRITAIN. t 4 • ► Emergency Meeting of the National Lib- eral Federation --Government Urged to Reject the Lords' Amendments to Education Bill. London, Deo, 8, -The intensity of the political feeling 0roused by the treainvent of the education bill in the House of Lords found 1xin'ensiou to. day in on emergency meeting of rho ll'anertl Connuit:lee of the National Lib- oral Federation, at wwhieh a resolution was unanimously adopted urging the Government to reject the Lords' !Mend• n►wnt:•s to the 14114 and 'resolutely 10 (1e• ter:nine tlw t the .present Parliament shall not come to an end until steps are La: ge Withdrawals From the Govern- taken to bring to a final arbitrament the ment Banks. question whether the House of Peers dholnM any longer porssess the right 10 Moto the wail of the pe01P0 as &Ue- elared by the Ilouse of Cunln1ons." TJto meeting was the largest and most representative orf its kind arihich had assembled during the last twenty years. The speaker w•arntly denounc- ed the action of the Peens, deela.ring that the House of Conlauons shoo l not waste another tiny iu couaiderulg the amendments to the bill, which Amid be minion, tw hiclt now stands at $207,042,- returned to the ]louse of h0rd-s without 077. debate, and the 'Abend Government Railway subsidies to the amount of ought to apply the only rei;ledy, which $1,037.574 were paid, told $2,400,771 dis- bursed on 1u•enuut of bounties, At the close of the fiscal year the bal- oney at the credit of the depositors in the Post°ffive and Government savings batiks amounted to $01,910,022.08, n de- hasten to assert itself its the instrument ercnse of $100,274.57, compared with the of Unionism ns soon as the country ren- der'ed n verdict against the Unionist Government and the Unionist polioy," ('ont'inuing, the fetter said: ",~(.ill, we nlny plead guilty to a certain sense of surprise at the violence of the ,manifes- tation, now that it has came, The edu- cation bill Wit.; g1,is,4('d by t11e House of Commons was a bill which the country- diGntlll(le(1 in urnlistnklilrle terms at the general election. It now seems to have been turned into a trave.ety of its o+ig- As a result of the redemption of roan! Ina1 form. AS amended, it perpetuates, earrying sinking funds, the oltlay under if it docs not extend, the very grievances this head is decreasing, 'Ile nver'tge 1111(1 nwrol gs fixed 'upon the country try tate act of 1002. Of 0110 thing you may rest assured: 11'e will have no tamper- ing with the main principles upon whish our 51111 is founded, 1f within those • • • • limits an ann,ngeinenl can be readied, all well and good. If not, it will be for its to see that, on this question of e(tu- oatiorn, and on others, n wary is found by which the wishes of the countn•y may be made to prevail," Ottawa, Dec. 3. -Public accounts for the last fiscal year were tooled to•duy. They show the receipts on account of consolidated fund to have been $80,130,- 300, and expenditures on the sante ac- count ~67,240,040, giving n surplus of re- euipls over expenditures amounting to $12,8118,719, The expenditure on capital account was $11,913,870, and $818,811 11.115 added to the net debt of the 1)o• must lie drastic and final. A letter front ,Sir Henry Canlplxll- Bann'et'lllan was re1a(i in which the Pre- mier said that it was renlianc( by n11 Liberals "that the House of Lords would balance held on ,Tune 30, 1903. The with- drawals exceeded the deposits by $1,- 007,701,02, while $1,801,487.05 was add- ed for interest accrued .thus pinking a net decrease of $100,274.57. Tn'.estntelts on account of the sink- ing funds of the various loans were made during the year to the amount of $2.317,436,7.2 oinking the total amount held in this account $48,016,- nn r'1 rate of interest paid on the gross delft for the year was 2.75, as cnnipared with 2,81 in the prov'inus year. and the net rate of interest fell from 226 10 2.21. ARTIFICIAL VEGETABLES. But Producer Failed to Say Whether They Are Edible, Paris, Dee. 3. -The Academy of Sciences listened yesterday to Prof. D'Arson'al describe artificial vege- tables, which he exhibited, and which were produced by the methods of Prof, Le Due, of the Nantes 31edlcal School. Prof. 1)'Arsonval interested his colleagues greatly, but, unfortunately for the lay public, he did not say wheth- er these so•called vegetables are edible. While they were described as vegetables they have nothing of the vegetable in their make-up, but they behave after their production as do the real vege- tables they resemble under natural con- ditions. Into the composition of these products nothing seed in pill feral, one part of sulphate of copper and two parts of gglucose, lese ere deposited in bouillon made of gelatine, to which is added three per cent. of fe'ro-cynnide of pottasium and a little sea salt. The seed develops sometimes on the surface of the liquid and sometimes in its depths, giving birth to plants resembling seaweed 'and other marine plants. It was announc- ed that these artificial plants were not merely scientific curiosities, as Prof. 'Le Due has been able to recognize that they enjoy the same properties as the plants they resembled, and were influenced sim- ilarly by heat and light. ♦.o OTTAWA'S CHURCH CENSUS, In Many Cases Cards Incomplete - Pastors Asked to Aid. Ottawa, Dec. 8. -The task of count- ing the thousands of cards for tlic purpose of arriving 1,t the church census was commenced today, ]u quite a number of cases the cards are incomplete, the canvasser failing to state the particular pastor or congre- gation preferred. These cards will be handed over to the different minister- ial bodies to classify' as judgment may direct, There is also a large number of mixed tickets, in which families are divided in church preference, Separ- ate cards are being mode out for each on'4, While thousands of Roman Catholic cards have been turned in, the count of this great body will he in- complete, clue to the refusal of Arch- bishop Duhamel to co-operate, The Catholics have a tliorolgli organiza- tion of their own, the priests slaking a census every year, keeping the fig- ures up to elate. In the case of the Protestant. bodies the census is likely to prove helpful, To hunt up those who do not attend church or Sunday school will be left to the pastors. If the clergy and others do not follow It up the whole fruit of the census is lost. A 'FLOATING MINE. Relic of Late War Drifts Ashore, Killing Ten Villagers, London, Dee. 3. -The Kobe corres- pondent of The Standard cables that a floating mine, a legacy from the Rus- sian -Japanese war, has been driven nshore at Akita, on the west shore of Hondo; where it exploded, killing ten villagers and wounding fiftydx, FINAL ESTIMATES. FIELD CROP ACREAGE AND YIELD FOR Igoe. The following are the final estimates of the product of the 1006 crop, 1,a com- piled from returns of actual yields made by threshers and our staff of corres- pondents. '1'lhe figures me slightly be- low the forecast of August: hall wheat -787,287 hetes, yielding 18,- 841,774 bush. or 23,0 bush, per acre, 118 compared with 17,9:0,961 mid 22.5 in 1905. Spring wheat --171,745 noes, yielding 3,207,000 bush,, or 10.0 bush. per acre, as compared with 3,582,027 and 18.8 in 1005. linrley--750,103 acres, yielding 25,253, 011 bush,, or 33,4 bush, per nere, as com- pared with 24,205,30.4 and 31,4 in 1005, Oats -2,710,711 acres, yielding 108,341,- 455 bush., or 30,0 bush. per acre, as compared with 105,503,5172. and 30,0 in 1110i, Peas -410,350 acres, yielding 7,388,- 087 bush., or 18.0 bush, per acre, its com- pared with 7,100,021 and 10.0 in 1005, Beans -51,272 acres, yicldiug 950,312 bush., or 18,5 bush. per acre as compar- ed with 846,443 and 10,7 in 1005, Rye -79,870 acres, yielding 1,327,582 bush,, or 16.0 bush, per aero, 1,9 corn - pared. with 1,714,051 and 16.1) in 1005, 13uckw'hent-100,144 acres, yielding 1,- 702,003 bush., or 10,8 bush, per acre, as compared with 2,109,652 and 21,7 in 1905, Potatoes -136,00.1 acres, yielding 15,- 020,290 bush,, or 110 bush. per acre, as compared with 14,366,040 and 108 in 1005a. Carrots--1,080 acres, yielding 1,508,- 69S bitch,, or 321 lush, per acre, as com- pared with 1,840,650 and 335 in 1905. Mengel wurzels-69,352 acres, yielding 32,803,1112 bush„ or 474 bosh, per acre, as compared with 33,216,930 and 481 in 1005. Turnips -132,512 acres, yielding 57,- 060,151 Nish., or 431 bash, per acre, as compared with 57,05.1,086 rind 426 in 1005. Corn for husking (In the ear) -289,- 456, yielding 23,988,682 bushels, or 82.0 bushels per nere, as against 20,022,919 and 70.9 in 1905, Corn for silo and fodder (green) -180,- 700 acres, yielding 2,140,413 tnns, or 11,89 Der Here, as against. 2,284,812 and 12,30 in . Hay1905nn(1 clover -3,069,017 acres, yield- ing 4,802,830 tons, or 1,58 tons per nere, as against 5,847,494 and 1.04 in 1905. Statistics of Live Stock. Horses -No, on band, 688,147, against 072,781 in 1005 No, sold in the year ending June 30tH, 64,701, against 02,588 in 1005, Cattle -Nn. on hand, 2,903,018, against 2.880,503 in 1905. No, sold in year, 741,- 476, 41;476, against 714,007 in 1005. Sheep -No, nn hand, 1,304,800, against 1,324,153 in 1905, No. sold in year, 574, - FOR FARMERS. SAMPLES OF CHOICE GRAIN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEED. '1'o the Editor Sir,- -By instruction of the lino. Min- ister of Agriculture a distribution will be !lade this season of samples of super- ior sorts of grain to Canadian farmers for llle improvement of seed. The stock for distribution is of the very best and has been secured anntnly from the excel- lent crops recently had at the branch uxllcrilnenlul farm 1,t Indian 11end, Snsk., nn(1 ut Brnndnn, Man. The distribution will consist of samples of opts, spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (for ensilage only) and potatoes. The t unntity of oats to be sent will be 4 lbs,, and of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient in each case to sow one -twentieth of an acre. aitlllples of Indian curt and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs. each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been s(cured for this distribution: Oats -Banner, Wide -Awake, white Giant, Dullish 11411111(1, 'Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo (white varieties), and (loldfinder (yellow). Wheat -lied Fife, l'reston, Pringle's Champlain, Percy, Stanley', Huron and White fife. Barley, six•rowed--llensury, Odessa, .Mansfield and Claude, Two-row'ed- Standwell, ]nvineible, Canadian 'Thorpe and Sidney. Indian Corn (for ensilage)-- Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early, and Longfellow; later varieties, Selected Learning, Early Mastodon, and White Cap Yellows' Dent, Potntoes--C'nrinan No, 1, Early White Prize, Roebester Hose, Money Maker and Late Puritan, Only one sample can lie sent to each npplicnnt, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive enc of wheat, barley or potatoes, Like of ?tames from one individual, or applica- tions for more than one sample for one household cannot be entertained. The samples will be sent free of charge through the mail, Applications should be addressed to the Director of 'Experimental Farms, Ot- tawa. and may be sent in any time be- fore Feb, 15, after which the lists will be closed, so that the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. Applicants should mention the varieties they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative, Applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, so long as the supply of seed insts. Farmers are advised to apply early, to avoid possible (Reappointment. Those npplying for 'Indian corn or potatoes will please bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until )March, and that potatoes (linnet be (nailed from hero until danger from frost in transit is over. No postage is required on mail matter iddressed to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Wnl, Saunders, Director Experimental Farms. POSED AS THIEF, Hungarian's Cruel Trick on a New York Banker, Vienna, Dee, 3,- A Ne w York bunker of the name of Myrok has been cruelly tricked by a Hungarian, who wished to return- home from the Unit- ed States and did not have the means to (10 50, liyrok sola the man Visited hint in New York and represented himself 1114 lieeskiniety, a Hungarian swindler, for whose arrest a reward of $12,1300 wits offered. He suggested that Myrok buy tickets for both of them return to Iiungary with him and then turn him over to the police and get the reward, which he would subse- quently divide with the self-styled Keeskemety, Myrok agreed, and the pair traveled to Budapest, where they arrived y'es- terdny. While going to the police stationll'yrok's conpnnion gave him the slip. Myrok hats since received a letter from him stating that he is not Keeskenety, but he wvnnted to get home and therefore played. a. trick on thn unsuspecting banker. o•a TESTING OF WESTERN HORSES. • Return Affecting Disease in the New Provinces. Ottawa,' Dec, 3.=l'he Department of Agriculture today brought. down a eturt, nlo'cd for last session by Mr, Staples, -M. P. Jt shows that since February of last year 1,973 Manitoba were tested with mullein and 1,214 in Saskatehewnn rind Alberta. '.I'he number of horses quarantined and retested in lfunitoba was 1(11, the other two p1'ovinces 112, In Manitoba 757 hoses were slaughtered after be- ing tested, and in Alberta and Sas- kntchewltl1 288, compensation tuns paid' on the basis of two-thirds tlie- value of the animal, the highest compensation in any one cane being ,$100. ♦ • 0- TEN MILLIONS STARVING. Crops in C►hivese Province Destroyed by Floods, Shanghai, Dec, 3. -Tim internatien• al committee composed of the Consuls, merchants, missionaries and Chhucae officials has decided to appeal to Eu- rope and America toassist in reliev- Ing the distressed inhabitants of the Province of Kiang Stt, whero the floods have completely destroyed the crops In an area of over 40,000 square miles, re - 416, against 003,736 in 1905. suiting in ten million peope being on Swine -No. en hand, 1,810,778, nitainst the point of; starvation, CHOLERA VIRUS CAUSED TIIE DEATII OF TEN PRIS- ONERS AT MANILA. Manila, Dip. 3,---:1s n result of experi- inlenls with cholera virus at l!ilibid psi• son, ten prisoner,, out of 2.1, trim were inoculated Have diel). The experiments are conduct(( by T)r, 11, 1'. Strong, of :he bureau of science. The death of the prisoners took place :a few dor after they were inoceuiated, 1t Is deelnred i„ the iu1114ti1511o'3 dint I.he fatalities re,411110,1 from ""ulamination of the 1'11'lis w'it11 tie, mutilate plague w'il'- !s, Cholera vire., i, In constant use here and it has proved beneficial previously. It has boon used in Spain in Ihousnudr; 1•f ('115(1+, and 11.1(11 eNeell('Ilt 11'4,111 18. CJoy(1'1141r-(:01101'111 11 11, i❑ 11 Stale - !Relit 111 the piblie, exonerated Dr, Strong. and declared 1hat. the 4'0unuission would 101;0 (arc' of the families of the dealt prisoners. 4.• BOGUS MILITARY CAPTAIN. Not as Successful as the Koepenik Shoemaker. Hamburg, Doe. 3.--'l'111, Koepenik af- fair, in "hied the slits fathers were held up and robbed by a bogus military captain, with a squad of genuine sol- dier., to back up his demand, has had 111,11:'.' feeble imitations, but 110110 04)414' 144 111'11I success as an attempt that wits made today. A 14nuu'll,w' dressed 1111111 ppelu'ed 1,t the 1)11 111111 1'11111' 1111i[Wily station. lle said lie was herr llreiic0- baeli, Pini sien Minister of 1lailtvays. )lis sell -possession 114)11 (4nnlanding Ilma111104' '5(t1lllcll t0 endorse his claim. lie issued a seines of orders that wits pr0lnptly obeyed, Ile dir(c't(d ell the (abs to leave the station, and proceed- ed to (x11 the cash is the ticket l'ffihe, 114'4111 While the only person who 5usp((t0d lulu was a baggage porlcr. who notified the pollee. The latter 1011; the risk of arresting the self•styled Min• inter, 111141 later found that, he was a dis- charged 11;isiirian railwayman. BRITAIN NIPS SOAP TRUST. Big Combine Killed by Crusade of Newspapers. London, Dee, 3,-'i''he British soap trust 18 dead, A coulbimitiou of news- papers, which 11118 opposed the new or- ganization, together •with the trades- men and consumers, 11115 acc0111plisllcd the cad. The trust was launched on Oct, 5 with at capital of $00,000,000. Since their an unrelenting will' was waged against the sung -Hunker., A section of the London and the pro- vincial press pave up its most, promin- ent enlunlns to pillorying the !methods of the nnanufae(111015 and urging it boy- cott, They drew lessons from the Am - ',Hyatt trust;, and gratuitously ;nivel•- tised makers outside the trust. The re - toilers filled their shop )windows with silvertiscinents of non•trist snaps and cunti•trust cartoons, 'I'11e result of the brief but sharp fight Pas berm the compulsory surrender of the makers, who !let 1,t Liverpool Sat- urcluw' and decided to dissolve their combination. 4-s. FOR NEGROES. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE IN NEW YORK FOR COLORED FOLIC New York, Dee, 3. -The buildings at the northeast corner of 8th avenue and Forty-sixth street, have been bought by a corporation controlled by negroes, 41111011 will open a depnrtinent store there for colored people. A banking institution will be established in connection with the enterprise, 1Vith the exeeptimi of a store in Plain- field, N. J., it is said that, 1111 will lie the firs(; project of its kind ever under- taken in the north. ZION CHURCH. FACTORIES TO BE RUN BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ( liieigo, Dee, 3.-Annouleeueut was Houle bit night that John Alex, Dotwie, \\'ilbtu' Men \'oliva and the other,leadeIs a:1 the Christian Catholic Church in ?jou, are preparing to assign all their inler- est8 in the industrial affairs of the church to Zion City's crcditt i's. Hence- forth Zion's factories will be administer- ed by 1t board of directors, consisting of seven lnenlbei's,'hended by deceiver John C. lintels. The indebtedness of Zion City amounts, it is,sa(d, to i0,000. FIND BODY IN ICE, Thomas Armstrong, C. P. R. Foreman, Killed at Medicine Hat. 1ledicine lint, Dee. 3.-A ghastly find twa5 made on ,haturdny 1,t 1?ii0(110 uu lint, when the body of 'Thomas Aro- slrong, foreman of Dunmore Junction, C. 1', R, construction gang, WIN found frozen in the ice, Only one shoulder and a portion of one leg were exposed to vieww', lir, Armstrong comes from Woodford, Ont., and the body will be immediately shipped home It is thought that he got lost in the storm, Missed bis train old fell over the bank, 1,t foot of which he wits found, ♦ . :Archdeacon Lloyd has, node an appeal hi Englund for five clergymen ,and fifty- five enteehists to work in the west. France hits sent, a squadron of three battleships to 'Tangier. r'+•-'' 0 Dared from the Gardens The Purest and Cleanest Green Tea on - Earth. Delicious and Economical in Use CEYLON GREEN TE.A Lend packets only. 40c, 50.: and 60c per lb. At all grocers, 180 solos Q-esli-'Oitb sibeis'O/\ QU Ionous 1i11/1101 -I111! of Il true, htury•tellrt', ,)m begin: 'Omer niton it lints' in R r4.1t11111 thew (livid corps, of a certain Hauler in (11d ,i^ England, There 1111rl A leading ;wirers it young girl, who did the hent'} duelists business, end w•:Is use of the bright Pur• ! :,", ; �. [�''N• . 'Y;fit 3 'limier stars of the die-- ,•I(' woos not. :y{s1 very handsome, this ;;ill; hal, %salmi ,he ; ,,e Trull the beards, and her vote. noes Ihl'',igh nue hone, people I'l',t her .N'..? Inol:s and thunders of iippla11,„+ ,-hook l '1111 b;'ilding from pit I,) ceiling, ';i,. •Iter ui,hl, when she oppeale:I its Ludy lucbelll, Jeanne. W.\ re, 1'iti,''rin' .1 Ce ''lediei.,, and :t net s'e of (011.1. dart:, fi"n,, (hal acler', into i Ilirll ilii ('ulllll 1iuo\v nil Thr fir" :Intl n.ls,iun of lu'r Triose", 1111; her mom. I,I; ;: :shouted until the dense pit Id le were hoe eq. ; ;Ind 110wvor: 011:1 10/1111110k, anal ,je•,reli ,,ontelini,', ' Lays r:lined dawn 'n the 4t11,41', until yon could t1o1. 41 cif fur Iranlp1inlf 1111 1'will, 1111(1 this trogic loose, this nee. "fest I can ser through It hole in it .,i eliiiI:ll,'ll,', became the toast le l!,c• ladd,'r ;Is t+'1'1l as ilriv„ii„." day,” , ";:'if praise i; no rccr)umnemllli,,,l,'' "'I'lle actress 111,:l 1'41 it, lural people 1.x• fleeted a ;erne; hat they were disap• muttered the wnplilil,, "Peers of the land knelt. at her ',c1 pointed, She might h;tar been a little with offers, \v'hich sole spurned, .t; ;site mere fierce and 11:1ssio111Ir that. night, clic, those wle, 111)1 then) -_spu11101 Iiomm playing Lally Il:leheth, but nothing more. wick Beres. indonlit:hlr pride, 1111111 ell She tens one of those lvlto could die and London had to respect, 119 well a; limo, mince no sign, .1n1. yet, would yon 1)e• Iwo 1)ff(es of marring,. were Heide in leve it, though her rye, were dry, her .,,k,.•i„*,,.y,.ql1k.a,1%.,.%/44b.,,0,,us••,,,e‘„,4 h,'1., taus frnn: turn over whose ,,\ '.; ,t,:,1 hem 1. shed lr';ti of blond! titer lure nfl brains t its ,curl hearts her acting iris a 111'1. velvet robe and glittering jewel; that "'1`111111, so, old friend, .111, tILosl' \ver! glamor, like the fatal song of t!1e fubll'l night, in the silence of her own room; the days!'' siren (If/N.:4 she unci lister dreamed t.f she tore her flesh and w•rit.hrl like our "1 ;1m glad you brink Si) \v II of them, reeviving; and yet she spurned Ohm', seared with reilhot. iron --the fool, the You goers ale eau:.. 11( reulrnubc►' nein100, At:1 lvhy did she do so?-6111sic Mint, (110lit-II:unnite, the besotted Iona• after ;Mother f:shinn, ,shy" tic!„ 1 grim 'mils brags oyer the foci (if the :1n11 the \somal 1111'11rd fiercely ron:ill "1'pnn my soul. 1lr)zzlef" exclaimed c:lpl:ain, n; 111, plISIMi up Ilk but, tvllic'it on the stoical captain. the 1.:l ttnin. "you are the best hand to le. col:,iderecl it ;1 i•uperfluons piece of "-111! just 1.D! 11'111' the deuce only 1 1 ceremony in lake off, mid, having mibot• maes" said that lt'orthy milliner, \vit.li anus( yourself 1 ctrl hiss!, If 011)1/ 1, tuned Illy (( 11:i Pen•jaeket and 1111/11/11 it 1111 expressly( shrug, ''alled me half these names, 1 avant! be (Ten, In. iris\+' 11 few 'bilis of spoke to "You ktioty, which amounts 10 the inelined to low!: then) into the middle ,ret 111• hits.. 111 ,;ncd going 111'de1•, and lei- 1seine 1ii:llg, '1'(1111 war: 11 y'lllig actor of • OI 111'X( \veol:---if II't 11111)ee11" slowly replied;!gelled to the stole!rulepnny-- not much "1 deserve it all! 1 eats "'hilt ;o tuany ••1 'Kellet;' I dict act kind of ugly about. I noted for his hyalite, nor his dremali:: others of my sex ate for the sante riots.. that 1;: i:: 's; but you ser, my fees Wren tildied; a wild 104'1(11'7.44, (Il'yfl•nu1v-carr every dray --a blind fool! Pet -1 will i; 11:111mill:r tickle, Anti captain Nick sort of a d'sperad„_ filter es a I'c'dunin never get to the end of my story if yo' Tempest particularly Fn, \Vhlt, dors our of till' d(,('rt---testesd by all, and lues! oontinue throwing in those marginal 0111 Ite,ll1iiRta,ll'(', ,Stlakespc'ui'c---gdol'lnn; by 110111'," lint(,, 't' 1'0111's, 111 hay,, dulls business 11'ill--soy? 1 "11y dear, you flatter," said ('aptiiiln up perfectly. 1 0111 11 11/11C this 11etrrss 'Trust out to loan—rye nrr. Try Hutto'..' j Nick, with a teal: of muck huneility' ought to have died of a brokoi heart, and false, I "knee'd by note, dirt 1 saes Ail, yes! 'ant of her hus'no (her,' "rets n red 1.n.,(, Disseulhltllg, cruel, Fllltle stud iii nll,tent. there was oves-.ltl,lre furl she--t\•ho Iuve,l ,arid oiL of hrr unseal : ^grit's,' etc.; but, 11 hen n l0.1n tall:s of lose, with c:union I Idol with all hrr heart, with nit her .;ura1 that ,'a not in nor lin(, \Chat do you trust 'him; would have sold herself to Satan t' i suppose she did, when she found herself tial if he �nv';u•+, beet certainty (kook's \via one smile front him, A t5'Irlllilll's drgert0d?" thl'e, heart i; a al1',inge riddle, since cvt':1 she ,, 'Consoled „ 1111 1 wa.; re:t1' to snvcur, you I:m)\\, herself c;nunot read it” I (,:,rht 1 d herself ‘,Its somebody else. that fair woos foul, and foul tray fair 'Ella 1.6 du!" „till the cnptein, cm. , bight! She nrc(pled lilt' very frill for your saki, 11t one time. It i; won- ( 1111111ca!!y, ' offer she got eftet•w•Ard, and married tut l'tlptiitt Tempest ivas thinking—lvhich tray something he was not in the habit of doing as it general thing, being Ston? given to acting, (old (lrizzle's burn • nor the night before heal implied some- thing serious; nnd he felt intensely cu- rious to know whet revelations she had to make t' -night, That, it was x0111'!• thin intpurtnut, he felt convinced -- for for Grizzle was not a Indy to make a mystery of trifles; and moreover, she had contrived to have her two hopefel suns, Kit and Illeizr, and 'her equally• hopeful brother, old 'fill, sent out of the %vary, that she and the commander of tho Fly -by -Fight might hold their Itoc• turtle] tete-a-tete undisturbed. Not being blessed with a eery vivid imagination, however, old Nick found ' the cul to hard In crack; tint! so wise- ly rt•olved not to strain his teeth try• ing it, but 10 wait until lisle turd ht; fah. (Mend, sholtd'I tiro 1:1 to extract toe kernel, Having, %vitt' llllic11 pain and labor. (.01111. to this phil'sophh'ni conclusion ; 1 hast, (;tpt:iitl Nick steered contentedly clung, with that rolling peculiar to tour• ins gentlemen, like a ship on an unl'a-y s\\ell, ',hinging 104.,luti'ly tlu•ongh the tart level \sherd' the old 11(m.y stn' I. In. reached it at Inst ; and, giving :r,'• 11i(vtdou.•t kiek, began yelping like n whit)• ped stn', Evidently' this \yn, a sort 0t signal, for the sound of bolts withdraw, hes, followed iast;anlly. The door swell„ opt 11, and the pleasant face of old Grizzle II'w•lol beamed on him by the light of the lantern. -Good-night, my c•hicl:-;•leery! Pune• (teddy is the soul of time," said the ca )• :lin, in a hazy recti' ev ►un of some pro- derful how soon I [tot over that :hurt 1 "Ibis actress, who lied refused ;n unfortunate Mlle :ulotomy she em)Id bruin -fever " nulls' better. richer, handsomer 'len. Imre dunhled rap aril put in her pocket "Ye 'when a prettier face. came l,e• stooped. to love Ilim--Into well, there i; if she chose. She (lid it for two reasons: tweet'," said the Aroma's, bitterly. "Don't ' no need to tell now. And he --h:' disco - First, to Tet the people sec 111)0 little scowl, Niel: Tempest! '1JIe day has gone ' (red it, She was not one to keep suet) a she thought. of his desertion, nnd, second, by .when 1 feared your frown!" 's('e'rel, she had hot, blood ilt liar veins to have a husband she cu111(1 gorrrn, lural "Dill you ever fear it?" ---hal hand (tent tend d(4cended to her who would do exactly as she told h!ill,'' \u nerd to (n4k that question; you tt,ruul;h fiery�chuunels," 1 "Poor little Luke Rowlett" laughed knonv too \veil 1 ilidnl date to call lily ''4) 1)11d he, Bahl the captain, will) ;1 (he ..sprain, "i always did pity !nim, !Cs 40111lay 0011, :illt:mi; lletvt'u 1 iuu n,l lough, "nnd bleed is 1111 old cunnlry say• a pity lh'y' tool: hila rap age's ns Bunn t9ro only \sonatjut: n t'he w'ot'IL \yhu ten; m,'. 1Itat "hotter to butter i; nu kitch' as the\ lids" I been doccived!„ ('i' "She found out that her false leers and l 1 'I t' ".1 charitable thanksgiving!" said the "Ifs was prowl of 1l- 110 int;;ht well . Isis bride hal started for the new refit- yeth, "link du you find yourself this ea )rain, with a sneer, '•Pott didn't grin's i1.—for it' elevated Ilial frnel the "I'd.' ; ,'and morning, my sweet pet? 111ounitg and 1 '' h! ens. i)efr.re, into ((11 nbjrrt. ;Ilntust of )-hunt ptcthem rat—•.inu'ri it: tomtit of Il10 here, I hope, to talk maudlin Hcul'i followed them +villi her liLtlr, t usuulli;li :14 the Goddess of ':lloruiu'r as w ural interest wi111 herself, ?;hr +vas ricin usual, 1 ale." °' meal of bygone viny��, 'Lot the (lead t:hld she 510(1'0(1 hrr �ye;tll1) w., n huslltn,!, In Nrw' Turk they met, "'There lyes a link \yh1'n you thon'rlal bury lit it lend. los dcyili.yh hard 11( Its Molt Iul1 :l rtihcr ;iugnlar ,ucrlinl; it „ rekindle blhck ashes," :11111 he tnuk hl'r nu,nl'y :Ind led a life D1 , nn. blooming rnon[ h, said the wonunn' in "Don't fear. 1 trove 110 Wrote 1yisQ1 io !'int end wildest debuuehe:;v, spenlil,g \cos. The gay deceiver was nut gull, a hush voice, as she secured the door; tt like wtitl'r i'rom the riot:.:;." ; m, wide stooks rat that finm nsl I,1. !; recall the Dust than you ha1•e, let it 11( (lay; ;1(:d the serene face nnd pleasant "when you would have shot �nuy other may be necessary to allude to it more (;lpliciu \ick penc�rplihly 1'rincrd. I smiles rat' hi, f'r;uken In(lyluye dun► man everyonefor even , is11it fg ool lsome time in than wive t0-liigllt," ed hintolle !—)111110 luyeld h:,1., unit s)Ie )KY lel'- ,lately !yeti the hien, alit tiC illlegial41 „ A <41.1:0(411, sill1s1cr sannlcnill: s� on her fates, p o► fool, l cl haps 11(' veli Int , I , , ih(ir life, said the c'upt:tin, flinging him..'+,. • he did, but ;tt all events, he loved her' leunsclf enlirrly I'urliyr n, l'hn rapid :cul 4411 eyes gklunl.(I reti 11.11(1 Ino( dnu'rh-hcnd! to thiol. such tt 1''Ot►t(nt self into a chuir before the kitchen fire, i1( the light of Ube tire," money and the reputation he 10111 [;•lined, r Ind stretching out his legs to the genial h by haring his name linked with hers. 1 (\'0)11(1 01.01' f..:r.- •e such n wrong, "Well, fire amity, my duels! My fee I ' ('uln0 ❑1y h0ntity don't turn the hent, "Not that. 1 would insinuate 1 in", are Wont of the lcudcar,,t, v,1. most •1111) it ryas all lu'rinocd that they til'd'e ' 1111010 m fool of myself in that blessed and In ten nuu'rit'd as soon ns hrr en'*u"Q I tables nnd begin to abuse one instead of terduut time of youth, for you area saiisitivr," esmid the captain, t utokit:g se• was ended, and travel on the Conlin( j +•uen'5e!f, 1 can't stood (00 lnucl► of that tin , second ]felon, for whom another `Troy \ct lllicn o1( base changed sauce a err• int, tihe did 3101 entirely disapprove of ' :ort of thing, you know. Y 13 " iC(It(c she homy InoOti was over, out• might be lost. (,rent is Dinnu c)f, the `., his wild enluscs; women rather like, assn lurllcduvci I'uund it ens one thin,; to icon day, sumo y( urs ago, if ,you remcui Ephcsians, but greater still is (drizzle bet, 'l)t,rrc ens a ansae then ,you did who have the reputation of being hermit lull: about liyin'r on love 11101 another of `\c\t• taJersey!e " (tut any beet'?" not exactly covet hearing;," Se'armut dare -devils; but she thought to do it, heli;t's leY11 y fuer 111111 bright "Yes, take i(, said the woman, uugrn' "You mean Lelia? .I've got nicel • over 1'c rnrriul thing, t0 axcosy—unser es , • , 1.s 111 eiuusly, pointing to a jug and a pewter " ° y pecially u,, .he sometimes stooped to to were doubtless very nice thin that. their wary; but bread and butter were a Ir Ont. pot on the table, "'There's it pipe, too, "1 ban gond to hear it. Then you will robbery—even to robbing the lend, ()nee ,,,„)d steal mor ynbsttulti 1( in the cn(1 4 -4.4. ---- if you \gait It.” not object to my alluding to het' a lit- her husband, site thought she could have °sold ae, her young husband found, '!'o "It's josh exactly what I do taunt, Alt! tleV' sown hint 11 little; and that, haying labor, he her not able --to beg, he wits that's prime sluff!" said the captain, "11'hnt (10 you want to allude 10 her 50110 his wild only, be wool(' nettle (10(111 esluuned. oho split the difference nnd matching his lips, "It reminds me of the for? What's the t1s0 of taking rap plague told tense the crop to the birds of ow 11o0t to se11,n bottles of 'alf•nnd•'nlf we used to !tiltk pits?" air," 1 shade fell o► ('nptnbt Tempest's in the grcenroolu of Old Drury, behind 1 never do anything without an ob. "Humph!" said the captain, f te'. sh(zzll' looked up with a smile, and, the scenes, 1)11 you remember those bliss- ,jest, its you will discover before 1 have "it is doubtful whether she world have utter t( I:u13e \yen1 on: 1111 tine's, my beauty?" clone, 1 have sent for you to tell you a succeeded—the demon had too strong a 11111 you �nlind ale making (1 ,jump, "1'es, better than f want to," said Criz- short, and, 1 flatter myself, not twin- hold of hint for ihnt; but, at all events, nnd skipping Over six years? Our new .•� ole, almost savagely, as she sett on a teresting story, to•night," sill' 1103 spared the trouble. A young berm sailor still continued cruising about, �11111e real milking with her father one Using the Telephone, lots stain, nail, with her elbows on her The captain stared, ballet girl of surpassing. beauty appeared and when he clime h0m0, stili ronl.int►l',J d \ e triol, little Miu•gh' carry lie tired and 1)111 • you over notice the marked differ - k1(105,, and her chin between her hunds, "a story—what rho 11icke ts? you hive —n yuan[,* French girl only known as ns nb ,lydiv that of his n'e1ty wife ns he was heavy, obliged t0 1111'14' her, `'Am I ' looked gloomily' into the fires "I'm not not WIWI'. leave of your senses, have Lelia—pour as a church•mouse, nnd, dyer, fuel gulls. doted on his hri'rht til• ry hl'nry, pup,):'" she asked. eats, in the manner in which a Hurn and likely to look at you and forget t'110n)." ;,'o1( Y'' rumor said, no better than she ought too , n•ycquite daughter, slit!b1. you "Indeed you are, 1'et," be replied. nisi asnmuchciiiis9imflnrlhe th',rin?iheit�wa re is An here's n blot, my trusty hu'n, \1(t exactly, :ore you randy to lis to be," d flinch! Do yon lxl[;in to feel the screws Well" continued .Marga', you ought 'of handling it as there is between ehnllc And gio'► 0 bun' o' thine, ten?" "Rumor lied there! She was the peer Lightening?' to he awful tickled that 1 ai►t't tw•ius•"•and a Cheshire cheese. When a inn; ,tp We'll In' a richt gods \vinic \tnucllt "All right—hens.. attend." "(to on," the said, defiantly'. 1 i,ilo-11'hnt semns In be the iron• tonrhes n telephone ore does in n I am- 1'ot' the days o' uuld bung sync, of the aeries in these days, on that p' ) 1'110 woman glanced askance 1(t bine, 113 ,Dint!" said ('n� tutu '.I'em,est calmly. "11'..11, one lay he wear 1.0 sen, nail use(I t0 it sort of way, takes the reedy- ' sting the captain, incosely, 113 110 resumed he int smoking, vl'rJ"pietas 1(l' cone „, p ' Tempest, y' lynx wrecked somewhere on the const of boo, 1bu'ry? 11'hy so sad? his scut, and leisurely proceeded to fill pasutc—tut evil stocking glance; and "Perhaps so; her after 11011009 showed Cunn, and all hands here lost, but hint ilnrry—Papa i3 going to whip me dinner 01n toneessly, ice everd y word inan or - of which rt! 11'011, this young ;tete• saw her, and „ when lir conics home, Y his pipe. then. dropping her seise in the. aunts• self. lou know the adage: ]torn to lx, the art at the other end sural fails a powder magazine, when a lighted torch hau"ed will never be drowned." So you \'isitor—melee!! 11'hnf, will you give partyY i3 throw; in it, could not quicker or 111010 ° 1)10 to take the whipping off our to understand. Ile places himself rat n 1:400040/0000000 1t•ill not wonder at that. Ile, lynx pickedy' proper distance from the transmitter, vltr �% li T�������� ItICL'rly' 1.0 Off, than 111(1 he 11f101' 11) 1)y n )haste Vessel and. would y01t hands? „, m " I 1 , and talks Ii,nglish as she is spoke. One ,per llndenioisl'lle Lelia," believe !t?—eleven sears rise! before Thiry—Inc ain't going to whip mo on '�1' I man I know is nu i11111051 constant user �a 0"Just like him? Jic always had 11 110 come back," n►> bunds' of the telephone in his 1111ail1eS.9 nnd nes- nnsly habit of going up 1!I:c le i'oeket told Something liken roan came from the �`. r wain dawn like :t slick;' said rho 011, ^ g o', when he is 1(t the. phone,' can his Nursing baby? R 1' lip, of the captain. LITTLE LIVES SAVED. voice be heard a few fist a\\ny, Awn tta ,' lain, with a Half chuckle, "But come he did at Inst—a weather man usually grubs the receiver as though 1 111 not suppose She loved slim- 'i 1)hulcl►, scatted, promnturcly old uuw, 'Malty a little life i; Jost 'because the the flexible rod was n lifeline, jeans it It's a heavy strain on mother. tui pretty sere she did not; but she 11herl' do yoi thiol: lac fotnld bis wife 11101 11C1' does not have the 111'1;1113 at hand tight rap ngnbnst one ear, sticks her 44?• wanted to get nnorird, (ltd ahs,, thought ;(1(l chi(!?" to Hitt her little one at the first signs finger in the other ear, 0nd getting so 1 Her system 1s called Span to supply .A. by his way of living 110 had pleats' Of "You hag of I[ndes. I may (haul; sun Of ithtetiss, In homes 1111Mc ihl.by;; Uwat close to the transmitter (lint the impres- . ,`q�,"� ulnare. And so he tend; but the getter- pl'lhnps, for it albs, Tablets tiro kept the mother always siou prevails flint she is going to swot- of for two. `Mf' miss noble-hearte(i youth! it w'ns her "Von may, But for mo she would feels a sense of r eoiir.ity, 'Phase :I tlylets low it, or bite it off, or looking as if money that he was spending so riotously never hare run away'," carr delle, ivdi resliuu, (01141 p111011, sint� she fenred an explosion, raises her voice • 7 —she who was fool enough to trust hits, "You she -fiend,' Are you not afraid tale flyer, diarrhoea, teething1)t)1(bles to a degree that gives you an idea that Some form of nour��<»ialent that will ► and believe i)1 him implicitly." 1. will bruin you?" nnd other minor nilimenls of babyhood the diaphragm is in dnnlfr 01 nein'; be easels taken up by mother's system I'! ➢ "1Vhu.t is the good of ripping 1111 thew,, +`\o." and childhood, Baby's Own hblet,s at- cracked. And n1 this time she is 110(1- . old sores? 1 wish you •wont! get done, liy' the heavens above us! if spit haft ways do good -1.1:17 cannot possibly' du ding nnd smiling as if holding a fnee- 1S needed. 'bsnid Captain Nick, iuipaliottly. Illltdlt that coiift'ssioi: sixl' seers 1(,u, salt harm, Thousands of mothers keep these (n•fnre eou'etsntion, She (nes it un - Grizzle! the smiled 3111'110111e1Lllj, would not have lived nn instant alert" 'Tablets in the •hens'e end ns0 no other consciously, but she does it all the same. "Jlut i did • 1101 Make it, 1. was not medicine for their oh1Ith'On, llrs, 11''nm•, —Albany Journnl, 3'cott'►Jf' ErnatoriOrt wofti ins the :r "Have patience, I btu only. beginning! " i hope yon like the otos, rick, I see quit(, 0 fool, Be 01)1111, and let me go Olt Brown, Jeer Park, 'reroute say's; l • wilt Sly' story. One year after her tens- final Babes Own Tablets of lite greatest The Deadly Floating Mine. greatest possible �t1j10U1i� of Ii;r,�1]G19}!� .sort recognize the characters," baud wont 16wny—when her tinu,.htcr help to my little ores 011(1 would 101 co "lou be hanged!" grnwlcd the ,eeptain, was six years old (end alto was still I. be without then" Sold by (ill medicine A year and a half after the close of meat in easily digested form. ICI twisting uneasily under her piercing gaze, p1.0th, dnrk'eyed, bright -haired, mots dl't)Ier3, of by mail at 25 cents it box rage tsar between Roesler' and japan ves- `Rp' "1'erlmps [may 501110 day, unit you ton, French girl)—n \young foreigner—n wi1(1, frem the 1)1., 'Williams' Medicine Co,,Bela me still being sunk and hundreds if the allowsgets its clue, Let tis live Mother and baby are wonderfully g rich, young Scotchman, stopped at Illy 1lrocl:line Ont. drowned by the explosion of floating in hope. Well, as I was saying, the house. fon was it 'haittlsome, (Turk e3'ee!, +•o mines let loose by the COtllbntnilt3. 'This helped by its use. actor and the ballet girl fell in love with merry, bold and gallant—just ,Uhc our Statistics show that, in (icrnuwy the suggests that the regulation of war by each other—n1. we will suppose so—nnd to take a lady's eye—;lore especially timber of Catholics who become Protea- sea has not kept paeo with its regulation the result of it lens an elopement and a such a��lady as out• pretty, young grass tants greatly exceeds the number of on land. That innocent people should be ALL DRUGGISTS: J�Oc. AND 1$1,00 mnrringe, ]30th were beggars, with no widow' Protestants who become Catholics. From slain years after the conclusion of a Way itt the world of earning their Balt; Captain Nick Tempest ground Ills I,y00 to I0(I1 75,I1i8 Catholics became Pro- war by the wanton sowing of the free 000000000010310/000041116000 so you will sec what it pair of idiots teeth with impotent rage. lestants, while but 10,05'1 Protestants waters of the ocean with exnlosiyea they were." "Ills name was Randall' • Inedonnld•— became Catholies, seems monstrous,—]Minneapolis ,Tou'nn1. I:on' do you like it ?---and he rano' from ( TRICKS OF TIIE NAVAL SPY, the old Atm:doanld who lived and fought in the days of ltobcrt the Bruce, 1 in• 1 Agents Who Try to Discover Secreta troducrri hint to tho handsome Frenl'h Soon Detected, girl, and t1i t( CtiPLlin 'T(11tpwst, u1S goal teleost Any dear tetrad• t\'hut won England has a rather curious wily of the )..stilt," ' dealing wit.h foreigners who are found "1'ou cursed ling!" he groaned, Through pr•y'hIg into her naval and ulililury con his r•linched teeth. con - Such a hitter sneer as was on )Ir'rdal•k seems. These inquisitive gentlemen are Ince- such a bitter, mocking, drridin' not %yarned directly that their' ahjeel, in inert! lel she looked tip, and smiled this 001111t.ry i; kno1\•tt, hal a hint is in hie face, dropped to the 1.;ewers employing them "Voyages aeror.; the 0..1,:4)1 were sl',ty• er even in those flay'., than They aro now, 'llld o11r handsome `('' II'lowi l 11'1:.; knit - some and \(anted a( crnnpnniun, .1 prwt• i \' Frell.'h \vurt0111, .,a v ;u;i1 Pique°, w a.; jib.' the thing; owlthesoda,; man \\'111; not one to he in''::\\':cod in of• firing her nn invitation, I urged her to ;weep( it, I Prtulistd to b4' 111ntin'r In ,it.tle Leli:l, lull the remit 'i 'nt c':11. 111 11141 elltteat115 w'ns, thou (':111:,!11 '1'0111pr,1 ('shit' 11•'111 seal ,1111! Itlol'iIiItg, and found himself minus :t. wife," She broke intoe I:it: h -•-a lots, sneer. ing hough, unsP(akuhly' in;nitiu_, t'I'u nH ex)ntnnuid.l 4-4. ACHING KIDNEYS. Made Sound and Strong by Dr. Williams Pink Pills, 7'hr; r ttul'in,on and who will not r,.ulily aetept hos word when he suss that 1)1.. 11 illiiauts' l'iuk Pills cured nim 'f ;4411 ill:-tiu;tte t:ti of kidney trottbdc :(iter 'tiler tieuUueut had frailest to give him more than temporary relief. 'Jo it rwpm'I(•1 of tlu' St:u••I'r:uscript lir, lttbiasou freely gave permission to pub. li•'il ;, statement 'f his erase in the hope list ti, 1'.xpeilen'r might benefit sunlit other sufferer. Ile said: "I have suf- fered from I:idney trouble for about i lire,. yea's. Sometimes lily back ached io! .severely that 1 o'a, unable to work, and ;It tier".; it was almost imps;sible for :n1. to straighten rap. l hall to urin- al" very frequently and often hail to get 11p several titers during the uigllt, .11 different limes I ova, ender. the cure of duwt'rs. but 1 only out relief for ;t tilos. I )!;o tried a number of utrli• eines and b,:c•kache 11,l;ters, but nun', of them helped our ;end 1 hrv,an to think the trouble could not be curet!. One d:iy during, ;a conversation \vitt, a fricna h'• eked nue why i did not try 1)r. 11'ib limns' fink Tilts, st)) i;1.; that he 11:111 used them 0n'1 they h;ill dune him 11111'1l gond, 1 iircidicl to try the pill, and it 1104 nal lnn_r before I felt greatly bone - Med. 1 continued nsil:g the frills for some time longer, and 1 ion glad to say that every 1-estigl' of the trouble has disappe:lred and f 1111) now as well as 1.yer, 1J;, 1Cil;ianls' Pink Pills hays pens• ed a Mes4ing to mt' and 1 (bitty recou- n;(nd 1111'111 to allytllt ;lmihu•ly afflict• 1)r, 11'illi;Imo Pint: P1114 are the great - ea cur'' in the world for all the cont - neon ailments of (nen and women—for all weeklies; :Ind wellness, and hncknclt,•s nnd hendache:l of anaemia; n11 the heavi- ness and distress of indigestion; all the. pains and ache; of 1'hrnnlntian, seiatica bud ncural,tio. Anil all the ill•hoallh that follows any di.,tn'iance or regularity in the bli)otl *wilily, All these ailment: ore eatDed by f:ad blond .;nal 1)r. Wil- liams' Pini: Pills ur'inally make new, rich. reit blond, They settop clretelt t of the rrnitnon root of disease, Put yon must get the genuine pill, with the full mune 1)r, 11•illians' fink Pill.; for Pale Penplr nil 1hr wrapper amend each box. Sold at 50 cents n 10x 01' Six hnx• pi fill' $2,50, by ell dealers, or the 1)r, 11'illiinas' Medicine Company, Brock- ville, rock• v, !e, . n., Out of the Mouths of Babes. Little loess--Jimnnnn, what hakes pa- pa's head so shiny on top?? .11:lnuua—Ile has lost his hair, dear. Little lips; --.Well, why don't 11e adver- tise and and offer a reward for its re• turn? that, the authorities are well aciluainl.- (el with the opus:tliens Of the spies, the result, being that the hatter are usually gedetl,y withdrawn. ,1t I he h,lltl(' 1 int), of eoul'sr, t he spies cur a (forded very little fipple unity of gaining 10:ally \•ahlable information, nl- tllough 111 n. time when naval immunity - res aro being conducted on it large scale the tusk of guarding sorrels front thein is much more difficultthan on ordinary t)t't'iasun:s. 11'hcn a new battle ship is about to be launched, however, no little anxiety i; felt by the admiralty officials in their do -sill' to prevent the betrayal of the secrets of her armament. 11 i; absnl'Ite. I,y necessary, if (treat Britain 14 to hold her own on the sees, That no opportun- ity should he offered other powers of outclassing her gams; and it was on tins account that sin 1)1)1011 sensation was aired at the recent launehin,r of the Dreadnoughtwhen it became known that, all the details of the neer Iplickfirin t guns intended for this null other mcn- of•n•nr were in the possession of a cer- tain European power, There our two why's of gaining 813011 information, ('iz., from the dockyard or the nilmit'n!ty hendqua•te's in 11'hite- hall, in the case of the Dmadnnu;'ht it was clearly proved thr 1 the workmen were above suspicion bud that those on whole the slightest suspicion of foreign interest had fallen had been prompt !v discharged, Besides, t he nattre of the work was sll(1) that there was little any one man could have hcirnycd. As a mutter of feet the leaka,rr Was traced to I,nndntl, A duplicate toe -den of the gun \vn.a missing for a few h'':1.:: and then suddenly farmd in the sl mn.r box where it hail ol•i;•rinally liven placed, np- p0retttly it had ben stolen for n title, another copy Ittd been 1t -:add and the Beate design returned to prevent fur - tiler inquiry and investigation. The modern 111►vn1 spy %ho ser!:s in- formation at headquarters is usually a masa who moves in the best eireles. Soi'ie striking rOmnnres have been written round the doings of foreign spies who have the entree of gond society, But truth id stranger than fiction in this ns in other cases and during the lost half 1loven years nearly n score of ;len and women who have nrrived in Frst:old with the highest rredentinls and letters of inl.rodtrtimt liner been obliged it sudden return to the continent because the 'admiralty had gained a knowledge of Ihrir real mission. That country is fully :alive to the ne- cessity of setting e spy to catch a spy, n11d i1is very rare indeed that a fnreip' er who apparently hots no other object than to pnrtieipate in society pleasures is allowed to escape the observation of secret service detectives, no matter who or what he may be. French authorities Kir. ,just flaw at their wits' end to prevent the betrayal of naval secrets, owing to the cunning ;tanner in which the spies work. The latest sensation has been caused by the news that many French officers nee slaves of opium nnd it has been shown how spies take ndvantnge of the officers' drowsy rind befuddled condition to gain from them valuable secrets, such ns pinns for defense or the construction of submarines, it is estimated that Toulon contains BOlrlt thirty opium dens used by naval men, They aro to nil appearances pri- vate houses, where the officers go as if they were paying friendly visits. The feet (lin t they RIP really opium dols, !inw'rl'er, frequented and in some roses ratan:i;rr by spies \sag eremite resealed by n g nn rni mechotie, \\'ten \ens offered a lnrgr Stun of money by n. w011011 w'110 ninnnged one of them In let her have plans of eert.nin submarines. Sl. Louis Post-Despntele PAGE Fovi --TILE TBLN'T11 STA NDARD-DLCFMnFII Grit, 19n6. JAS M c M U R C H I E rile iutli afoot ittl•b. i position in the store of Messrs, Fargns• on &Revd, Wo twolconlo hits to town. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, BANKER, A (;i:N1:ItAI BANKING BUSINESS BLYTII, ONT. ( Me, Jas. Gould, of [.Netter, wits in Hallett. town this week, (fen. Medd, of Winchelsea, visited NOTES DISCOUNTED, I Mr. Chas, Black, of Goderich, was his bather, John Medd, recently. Sale Notes aSpecialty. Advances made itt town last week. Mrs, Amoy Cart Wright is very ill nt to farmers on their own notes, No Mr'. J. Week, of fitl'ntford visited present, We hello to hear of a speedy eddttlonat security required, 'I'I11'RSI)AY, 1►El', a, !slur, 1'(eo>i)le NN'e I1.I1o‘1'. Miss Lou, Ross k Theo behind the counter in the sedge Mort'. On Frirla; evening of thi4 u'e.'k the 'Tennis Club will hold their Kitimat con' cert and the following well knnt''ri concert arti'ts will he present ; ll. Ituthven \Invlonald, lirlritnne ; George I''ox, violinist ; and ,lames Pax, coolie, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We ober every acoonirnodatlon con- sistent with safe and ceneervative banking principled. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS 'To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of htterest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Bente collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your aoeouut. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. tO ;3 P.M. Business Bards, A. B. NIACI)ON'ALD, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eto, Sue• censor to d. F. Tutor. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. I: 1O.►UD['OOT, HAYS & BI.AIII. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto, Offices -Those formerly occupied_by Messrs. Cameron and Bolt, Goderich. W. I'roudfoot, ICC. ; 11. C. Bayo, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University, Offloe over Janice Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.tn. to 5 p,tn. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C,M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Unl• varsity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cot, oner for the County of Huron. OiTioe, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. V', iii. SCOTT BRUSSEI„S, OXT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reaeorahle. Sales arranged for at the c.ttice of'Ttti STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables Q Q0 tir0 QQ Q I)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. Q QO G 0 QQ Q First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Comtnerclal Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, A Blank Application Form for memherrrblp in the finest and best Huslnesc; Training School in Canada - Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. -from .tan. 2nd next, together with detailed information of the groat, ad• vantt.tzes to be enjoyed, will be dent free by return mail on request by friend or letter. Write to -day to W. H. SHAW, Principal, Tonga and Gerrard Sts., 'Toronto ce<as.t.frese ,Ve„) upwards -Subscribe for TIM STANDARD, in 131vth recentiy, ltr.'P. 13. AlcArter trade a business trip to 'Toronto this week. Air. C. 11. Beese was in Palmer- ston on Wednesday on business. bliss Minnie 'Thompson, of Clinton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. 11. '1'iel'nay, Mr. Thos., ,MeCreight has gone to Brantford where he has secured a situation, 111 r. R. Leittherdale, of Brussels, was it caller in town on Priday afternoon. Mrs, Lien, Powell spent last week with Watford, Warwick and Lon- don friends 1I r. A. E. 13riulwin, of the Toronto Saturday Night, was a visitor in town this week. Miss Edythe Cidley attended the fortnightly dance iu 13i'ussels last Friday evening. Miss Bennett has been spending a few drays with her aunt, Mrs. Walter King at Clinton. ,Mrs. Hock and her son, Mr. Hock, of Ilarriston, were visitors at the rectory this week. G►. Councillor Ferris, of Hallett, is attending the County Council at Goderich this week. Mr. John Denholm left hast week for the west where he will look after his shipment of apples. Mrs. Curtis, accompanied by her little granddaughters, the Misses McMurchie, were visitors In Wing - ham. Mr. J. T. Carter left last Thurs. day morning for Midland to operate a Landis sewing machine for Mt'. J. W. McWater, Nil's. W. J. Fylc and Miss Allis Emigh were in Walton on Wednes- dity evening last the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Emigh. Mr, \Yalta Mord, of Mitchell, a well known commercial traveller, was shaking hands with his old friends in town on Monday. Mrs, P. Spading IIontuth and Miss Spading, of 1Vingham, and Miss Scott, of Clifford, were guests of Mrs. Myles Young this week. Angus McMillan arrived Bone last week from the Yukon, where he has resided for several years. He will spend the Winter visiting at his mother's, Miss Edythe .and Mr, Ilarvey (Briley were in Walton last 1Vednes• day evening attending the social evening given by their uncle, lIr, tVnt, Emigh, Mrs, Myles Young spent a fere pleasant days last week at Wing. ham at the home of Nir. and Spiu'l. ing in company with Robert and 11r3. Young, of California. It is 21 Fears since they visited these parts and though lauding the shitty air of their sonthern horse longed for a sniff of the invigorating frosty air of On tori,), 1[r. F. W. 'fanner, wife and family, formerly of 131yth, left Tor. onto on Nov, 25th for Regina. 31r. Tanner who has been in the Massey. Harris Cos, office in Toronto for nearly four years, has been promoted to the responsible position in I{cgina as office manager for this company, Before leaving the Toronto office Mr. 'earner was presented with ti vaiui.ible gold watch by the manage stent and office staff stf'the Ontario Branch of' which he was chief' of' the collection department, On 'Thurs. day evening previous to the depart. are of Air, Tanner and family, they, with a few other friends were entertained by the manager of file Company itt his own hohie, Mr, and Mrs. Tanner arrived safely et Regina on Nov. 28th. Brussels. J. 13. McLauchlin is home from the west, B. Gerry was a visitor at Seafol'th on Wednesday, Chas, Hinnston will learn the ton- sorial art at W. E. Dunctin's shop, Miss Hueston, of Exeter, was a visitor in town a fete days this week, R. C. Cardiff, of the Metropolitan Ranh, is holidaying at Toronto and other pieces, Jno, F. Mckrne is home on it vacation having returned from a business trip to Winnipeg and the !Vest, .It is rumored that Jas. W. Fox, formerly of Brussels, lost his life in the wreck of the steamer Jones while en roots to Lion's Head. His home was at Morton, A. Miller, of Toronto, has taken a Hugh Taylor, of Glasgow, Scotland, is ViMitilig his cousins, the Fairservice brothers, A meeting (( the creditors of the Farnham Estate was held in the Council Chamber Clinton, on Saturday after- noon, James Fairservice had a plowing bee on the Appleby farm. John Riley also had a bee on the Farnham farm. Both of them got a lot of wook done. Westfield, Miss Annie Donsmore hi itt present on the sick list. N. B, Gerry, of Blyth, placed a new furnace in the church here, A number from this vicinity tools in the Cmcert at Blyth on Monday even- ing. \les, David Ramsay who }las been seriously ill for sometime is slowly recovering, Misses Vera McDowell aril Myrtle Armour, of Goderieh, visited Westfield on Sunday. Nelson, youngest sun of Archie Robin- son, high been Biel: but is, we are pleased is shite, improving, ,iaines and \irs. Armond' and family moved to \Vinghant where Itlr, Annum' bee a good situation, The Ladies' Aid held their annual sewing bee in the basement of the church and made clothing which was s'nt to the Deaconess' Horne in Toronto. The teacher and scholars of S. S. No, 6 is pieoiu'ing to have an entertainment about Christmas which promises to be n first class affair, The date has not been decided, help a s. J. Stalker, of Blyth, spent Sunday at D. Geddes. Wm. Campbell, of Dungannon, was the guest of friends here recently, Mims Mahle Proctor, of Morris, Sun- dayed with Miss Tilly Wilkinson. A number from here went to Blyth on Monday night to hear Harold Jarvis. We are pleased to see W. IC. Whaley able to be about again after his recent illness. The ratepayers of the village are agitating for a village school which is ba'lly nee ed, R. J. Clegg has purchased the 7t, acre far►n from the executors of the late foMPS Grigg, The farm is half n mile we it of Bel'►ravo. Williatn Hiopper sold four ordinary sued rock elm trees for $48. If the terms' s had some of the old time rock elm there would he fortunes in it. The regular monthly meeting of the L. O, 1., was helot Inst Wednesday night at which arrangements were made for a concert to bo given shot tly after Xmas. A grand concert was held here on Tuesday evening when, Wilt. ,J , White, of Toronto, conic singer, was the star of ' ho evening. lie twigs assisted by Norman Murch, of Blyth ; Mics Spence, of !rola! ; and S. Gracey, of Wingham. Miss .Dinsley, of Wingham was the ae':oinpanist, The concert was under auspices of rhe C. 0. P. Dir o. -Elizabeth Rath, holove 1 wife of Richard Stonehouse, of Belgrave, passed peacefully away on friday morning, Nov. 2:1rd, at the age of 7•s years, \ir, and Mrs, Stonehouse settled on it fano near liolgrare over forty yif $'•i ago, having experienced all the hald411ips of pioneer life, They made for themselves it comfortable home, but some years ago scold to one of their sons, and moved into Kelwrave, Mrs. Sionr:- house was connected with the NI edits - diet. church ; a kind wife, and devoted mother of a family of three sons and five llulghters, all of who will cherish kind recollections of it deter mother taken owns. She leaves besides, to mourn her loss, a sorrowing hit hand 'Jle sons tire -James, of Dungannon ; Hobert, of Belgruve ; and Joseph on the homestead, 'I'lto daughters (ve- tnts, Nixon, of Rapid City, Alan., Mrs Burney, of Exetr r, Mrs, Russell, of Sagutrttw, Mich., .firs, Wilkinson, of Rubbers needn't be flimsy to be stylish; needn't be clumsy to be staunch; needn't cost more to be better than you've been buying. is NQt i"•'•. ubbers They give you Double wearf rom every pair. Look for the trademark. The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario Oae of the 209 Dairy Styles. Ask your ester. Thislight storm• rubber it wade in thetight toe -shape to fit YOUR shoes. Escanaba, \[Ieh,, and \1rs, 1topper, of Morris. They were ell at rho home of their deceased mother to attend the funeral, The services were conducted in the Methodist church, Jhdgrnvo I y (tet', G, W. Rivers, 1lssistod by Ret T. Stedman, of Beyfiold, n relative of the deceased, the pu11heiuors being her t hr ee sons end three sons•in•Iaw, The bereaved family desire to express their grutitnde ro the people of llelgrave and vicinity for their kindness to thele in the hour of their bereavement itnil during the illness of tho deceased, Londesborro. 1).)u't forget the -funs entertain,nent 011 U111'ist111118 night. P.. O. Cudmore, of Iteneall, is reliov• ing nt the G, 7'. It, station. r, Squires, our miller is doing it rushing business at present, 1)r, McCallum sari Itis sister ns his guest nt present. Thomas Sampson is as well as can be expected but is still very weak, Jl iso Brumley, who was seriously ill with typhoid fever, is recovering, People aro narking use of the sleigh- ing. which crane this week it being the first this tietln011, }:dtvin Adtuns is home from Toronto for his vacation, during which time he will atsist Mr, liellyar, jeweler, (lin- ton, About 25 of our young people took in the greed concert given by 1Iat old Jarvis in Blyth Monday evening, and tenor), it berme worth hearing, A union supper under the auspices of the Lonneshoru lodges of the C. 0. F,, L 0. L., 5, 0, E., sal 11. C., will he held here on New Year's night, Sup- r)or will he served fu the Townsl►ip Hllll and an entertainment will be give') in Brown's Ball, A committee of three from each order are oinking the itr- 1'.trlgeiltelit9. girth Council. Bath Council snot in Industry Hall on Tuesday evening of this week, Reeve Sloan wt►s in the chair, and Coups, Potter, Milne, •Iiradwin and Johnston were present. Minutes of lest regular and special meetings were read and confirmed. Moved by Coun, Bradwin, seconded by Coun. Milne, that accounts as fol- lows be paid ;- E. Livingston, electric light nt 60 Toe S't'.txuARD, printing side- walk debentures, ete 7 14 P. Metcalf, adv. in Mail & E111- piro, ro sale of Stephenson Car- riage Co, debentures. .... 6 75 G. T. 11,, rent scale site to Dec, 81, 1900 1 00 11, R. Douglas, grate tor basin, sharpening pie); and repairing grate fm' engine. ,.,.. .. 2 00 Richard Somme hose repaired by Le hat t Mfg. Co ,.. 1 50 .John 111. Curter, sal. ae engineer„ 95 00 tallow for engine 50 2 days work lay- init. tile 8 00 A. Elder, expenses to (ode, ich re Proviuciril audit..., ,,... 2 15 D. Coughlin, Goyt, inspection of vilhtve vends's 3 115 E 1, f[age'itt., work olu culvert mid drain , , , 5 00 Geo. White, work in co,por'nti.)n 1 10 S. kVeyt. tike, salary for Nus' 40 11) I, Brown, tile for shortsR 1n $Ilia tIS Move 1 by Coin, Pot ter, se.'oteled hy Coral, \ldee. that. the Durni"atinrls for Reeve, Councillor's and three Public School Trn••teee be Held in [n carry Hall, Blyth, un Monday, Dec 131st, at 12 o'clock noon, and in the event of it poll being necessary that the election take place in the said hall on Monday, Jan, 7th, 1907, and.that A. Elder be re- turning officer, also that it by-law be prepared confirming the sante,-Car- ried, Moved by Coon. Milne, seconded by Coon, Johnston, that the suns of $26.21;, being part of tools account, together with $1569,4'1, proceeds of sale of local improvement debentures, be paid to the Beek of Hamilton to rurire note due to -day; the 4th inst.-Carried, Moved by Coun, Milne, seconded by Court, Potter, that By -le w No, 17, 1009, as now read three times be passed, - Carried. Moved by Conn..Johnston, seconded by Coun, Brudwin, that By-law No, 10, 19(16, to closing of purchase from Johw 0, Stewart in lieu thereof a street immediately to East of street so closed as now roan three tinges be passed, and that the said by-law be registered,- Car►'jed, ,!loved by Coun. Milne, seconded by Corin, JoI►nstoo, that the following taxed be remitted in eccordunce with certain agreements:-Elnln Livingston, $100 ; C. 11, Biteae, $60,48. -Carrion, Moved by Coun. Brad win, seconded by Conn, Potter, t lint the application of the Blyth Public Library Board for a grant of $20 be acceedocd.-Carried, Moved by 'Coun. Bradwin, seconded by (Joan, Potter, that $5,25 be refunded to Joseph Coombs, being paid in error, -Carried, Communication received frotn Hui - lett, Council re dumping old tins, etc,, 011 l.ouudary lino. Moved by Coun, Bradwin, seconded by Coun. Johnston, that the Clerk be instructed to answer Mullett Council DO 11 ID 1111 inn tioli.-Carried, Moved by Cutttl. Johnston, seconded by Coun, Bradwin, that the Clerk bo instructed to write the Stephenson Carriage Co. and ask thane why they aro deleyitg in carrying out their agreement with this Corporation, us we have offers for the sale of the deben- tures and wish to know whist action to take, -Carried. !love I by Coup, Milne, seconded by Cotta. Po t r, that Council do now ad- journ to meet on the 15th fist, to wind up the business of the year. -Carried, The Tomb, SVMituot;sia,-In Belgrnve, on Nov- euther 23rd, Elizeboth Rath, wife of Richard Stonehouse, aged 711 year, Y'•Iv •r, .., ., ry f vl///. j..' tr rY < ' ,.... 0.fl' .. vY l+ .r . 00 ' ' , ! ,000 % .11► . '1 ,7.T S "!) (I •i Your Xmas shopping until the last moment, itiOsI COME EARLY Q Ii 0 k. } while our stock is at its ))est, while the choice is 0 widest and (easiest, That is the only way to save q yourself anlnoyance. and disappointment and t0 se- 0 cute best bargains, S4 > 1 CPCI 0 Don't utOff ')Ol !0 If you need anything in Fancy Flannelette Blankets or Comforters, WOOL BLANKETS in grey or white, this is the place to secure bar- gains. This year wool is twice the price that it was last year, but we are selling good Wool Blan- kets at last year's prices. 1:3J. A. ANDERSON BL4VTE[,41,,i0eicesx„osyisiwitivitv-wwitsr-ry--c Aottfax THE CA.taII: stir OFILE Overcoats 'Phis is the season when all will need a good Warm Overcoat, have you ono? I1 riot we are in a position to give you a good stylish and well•ntado one, one mads to order for yourself, one that will 111 and look stylish. Our prices are the lowest for good goods, Hats &Caps Our stock of Men's Soft and hard Hats Is complete in all sizes In the leading styles for Fall, '!'weed Caps, good and warm, with fur ear laps for men and boye. All Kinds of Men's Underwear from natural wool to fleece Tined. Neck Scarfs We ,lust have opened a fresh line of Men's Sear fi, sty lash goods, fancy silk and satin Tined, a complete range from 25c to $1.50. See these and you will buy. We sell the 'Empress Shoes for Women, Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men. Milsdrisa area.' IIDEN L Y1f11 RAPHS Cn A wise Rhin the other day said, "I have made one great mistake in life." When asked what it was he replied, "I neglected getting my fauit- iiy picture taken when we wet'e all together, and I shall never again have that opportunity," BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS STOCK Just arrived, Everything you (multi see to a first-rate city gallery In waw of surd,, ALL SORTS OF PosT CARDS IFOIt SALE, See our stock before getting your Xmas Photographs I%icArter'b Ground Floor Gallery eft FANCY FURNITURE 'k1'e have for your inspection the finest lot of' Fancy i''urnitut'e ever congregated under one roof. • You will find these goods a cumbination of heathy, comfort and chestpness. We handle the best ntnlzes of Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines - goods tIiat are made to hast a lifetime and ale guaranteed to give satis- faction. Drop in any time. J. H. CHELLEW - BLYTH 31it,Nr,1,-In 1Vingltam, on November 25th, Elizabeth 31, Scott, wife of Chits, Mtine, aged 08 years, The Alter, HAi,si'P;Ai,-PLAiaT?,I;R,•--At the manse in Auburn, on Wednesday, Nov- ember 21-4, by Rev, J. L. Shall, B. A., Mime \lnry PIaetzer, of Auburn, to Herbert Halstead, of Goderich, '1'ontN-CORnwi'r,-nn Noy, 26th, nt St, Peter's (!t, C.) church, 0oderich by Hey. Father 31cRne, Michael Tobin to Sarah J. Corbett, both of Donlon, Colborne, HENnr.asoN-11 uitlt.+v,-At, tho tnnn•o In l;gmondvillo on Wednesday, Nov, 2lst., by Rev, Neil Shaw, B. A., Miss Plorenco Geri rude Murray of Egutoudville, to lir, George Henderson, of McKillop, --Subscribe for Tin STANDARD, DECEMBER GTtr, 1906--TI-IE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE Vl'E. Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest casts price. Next ear here on Ileo. 10th, (]rain ekeoko paid after banking hours at our store. ,t McMILL,AN & CO. Wesley Strutt • Blyth e TOWN TOPICS. Scnoot. Board Friday evening of this week, ON Saturday of this week Is Concep- tion Day in Quebec. THE sleighbolls were heard for the first time :his winter on Monday morn- ing. horn• in lfonsn Fair was held in Blyth on Wednesday of this week, Quite d num- ber of buyers were in town, Tilts oven at Win, ltnhertson's bnk• ery is being repaired and he is getting his bread from Clinton for the time being, Tun 'tunnel meeting of the Londes- horn Butter & Cheese M fg. Co, will be held in the Township Hall on Friday, Dec. 14th, NEx't' Sabbath Rev, A, W. Craw, B. A., formerly of Ildorton, Ont,, LonJon Presbytery, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church, DON'T forget that the Sunday School concert of Trinity Church will bo held on Friday evening, Dec, 210, A good program is being prepared, Watch out for further particulars, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. -The Third Class Professional Examination will ho hold at the various Model Schools be- ginning Tuesday, Dec. Ilth at 8,45 a, ni. and ending Thursday, Dec, 18th, at 2.80 p. rn, THE BLYTII STANDARD and Weekly Globe to January lst, 1908, for the small sum of $1,85 in advance. No bet- ter city weekly issued than the Globe. Tho illustrated supplement is worth more than the price asked, CARD ON THANKS. -We, the under• signed, wish to extend our hearty thanks to the neighbors who kindly lent it helping hand in every time of need during the sickness and tuneral of our dear mother, who was buried on Nov. 24th, and also the Colborne talent who did their part well in singing dur- ing the funeral ceremony, May God's blessing rest and abide with them in the future, -H. 'THIEL AND CHILDREN, REMINDER. THE DATE. -It has just leaked out that "Ralph Connor's" now story "The Doctor" has been secured by the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, for exclusive newspaper publication, and it will' begin on Jan- uary 2nd 1907, The publishers of the Family Herald intend this to be a big Christmas surprise for their readers, but the news became known through a Toronto paper that expected to land the prize but failed, "Italph Connor" is a name Canadians are proud of, "The Man froth Glengarry," "'Tho Pros- pector" and other stories have won him a great natno, and the Family Herald and Weekly Star is certainly deserving of congratulations in securing "The Doctor" for their readers, The publi- cation of the opening chapters is put off until January 2nd in order to give all their subscribers ample time to renew hofore that date. Now that the news is public, thore will bo a grand rush to get on the Family Herald's trailing HOS. One dollar a year is the sub• seription price. Just think of what you can got for a dollar -the best fancily and farm newspaper in America, the beautiful pronti►un gravure entitled "A tugof War" and Ital ih Connor's latest anbest story "The Doctor," Our Xmas Stock of Hand Painted CHINA JAPANESE CHINA, FOUNTAIN PENS, Rings, Bracelets, Chains, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Watch Chains, Watches, Silverware, Silver Novelties, Ebony Goods In cases, Work Boxes, Work Baskets, Post Cards, Lei►ther Goods, Xmas Cards, Dolls and Toys is now complete. See Our Show Window. et FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Winter Term Opens Jan, 2nd. Here aro some of the records made by the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Out of the last 250 calls from business Ilrms we have fllleti fifteen of the poeitione We had no one else ready to Bend, We • have also had 82 calls for business college teachers, 101 ex -students of other bust - nese colleges or shorthand schools were enrolled here during the last two years. We believe we have the beet commercial school in Canada, We thoroughly satisfy our students. Write today for catalogue. w, J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, C.orner Youge and Alexander Streets, Remarimatneanasmix...m.IE04 THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE ,STORE WITH WOIt'l'IHY GOODS ON SALT; V AT MODERATE PRiOES FOiR CASH AND F'AIt111 PRODUCE, •r A A VI II' you are intending to purchase any article in Furs this season we would suggest a visit to our store. Our collection of good Furs Is unsurpassed, made in many pleasing novel- ties --Ties, Stoles, Neck Nieces, Collarettes, Etc. Ladies' Jackets, made of selected skins, rich and full - furred. We also have a large assortment in Men's Fur Coats, in Raccoon, Natural Calf, Dyed Wainbat, Bishop, Dog and Gal- laway, selling at the lowest prices. Call and see our Men's Fur Lined Coats, They are beauties, lined with Black Mar- tin, prico DRESS GOODS We can save you money on Black Dress Goods. We carry a full line of Cheviots, Serges, ilenriettas, Uoxannas and Ladies' Cloths, Fur a good dress buy Priestley's Dress G Dods, We have a complete line of all kinds of Underwear, Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. r rAl vA ►A1 r VA r FA FA yA1 KA t Alr 9 E. BENDER, BLYTH r gEMrangratignMgliarkiatiMigre HAVE you paid your taxes yet ? MUNICIDAL Nomination Day will be Monday. Dec. 81st, N. B. 0 ERRY has put in a new fur- nace in the Westfield church, 'furs week Jas. Cutt purchased a Heintzman piano from It, Leatherdalo & Son, of Brussels. The instrument is to be delivered next week. DURING the past week Isaac Brown has shipper[ 51 cars of evaporated apples and farmers' dried apples to New York. DON'T forget Prof, Dorenwend, of Toronto, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Friday of this week, 'l'Ax Collector Westlake will be at the Fire Hall every day until the 14th from 1 p, ru, till 13 o'clock to receive die taxes, CHRISTMAS will be hore in 18 days, Read the advertisements in Tun STANDARD and you will no doubt find bargains, THERE was a large attendance of people front the surrounding country in town on Monday evening to hear the Harold Jarvis concert in the Metho• dist church, TILE Methodist Sunday School Xmas tea will be held on Wednesday even- ing, the 19th inst„ in the church, Tea will be served at six o'clock, after which a short and Interesting pro&ram will be given. ON `ednesday of this week J. 0, Emigh disposed of the Commercial Hotel to J, J. McCaughey, of Clinton, The price paid was $12,000, and the transfer takes place on Monday, the 17th inst, We are pleased to state that Mr. Emigh and family will not he Ieav ing town, as he will build a residence on the property he recently purchased on Dinsley street. and live retired, The neat proprietor is no stranger to the people of Blyth, having some years ago conducted the Queen's Hotel here, THE following from the Seaforth News refers to a nephew of W. A. and David Carter, of Blyth :-A quaint wed- ding took place et the Egmondville manse on Wednesday afternoon, Nov, 21st, when Rev, Neil Shaw, B. A., united in marriage George Henderson, of McKillop, and Miss Florence Gert- rude Murray, daughter of John and Mrs, Murray, of Hullett, Tho young couple have many friends in this com- munity who will extend congratulations and bust wishes, A GRAND SUCCESS,-The people of Blyth had a treat of good things in the Methodist church on Monday evening when the Ladies' Aid and Epworth League of that church engaged Harold Jarvis, the well-known tenor Robusto of Detroit; Mrs, Sperling Homuth and Miss Delia Spading A. T, C. M., of Wingham ; ltov, Mr. Small, of Au- burn; Rev. Mr. Reid, of Nile, and last but not 'least Miss Pearl Gidley, of Blyth. Rev, Mr. Anderson occupied the chair and after a few remarks the program, with but a slight change, was carried out as presented, As this was Harold Jarvis' first appearance before a Blyth audience ho was the chief at- traction of the evening. His magnifi- cent, well trained voice charmed every ono. His fine presence enhanced the pleasure given by his songs. He was repeatedly encored, For his encores he gave "The Adtniral's Broom," "Daigle" "Tho Dear Little Girl," "My Ain Folk," "Beautiful' Isle of Somewhere," and by special request gave "The Glory Song," Mr, Jarvis will no doubt be welcomed back any time, Mrs, Hem- uth and Miss Sperling gave threo fine piano ducts, and as to the readings of Rev, Suiall and Reid, each did his part in good style; Miss Pearl Gidley may be placed ns one of the stars of the evening as hor work as accompanist for Mr, Jarvis was well done and we should judge that an outside accompanist for any concert in town will be a thing of the past, as 1liiss Gidley did hor part in first class style. Plio proceeds amounted to over $100 and after all the expenses wore paid each Society would have a nice balance, Mrs, Myles Young is the President of the Ladies' Aid and Miss Alberta Carr Is President of the Epworth League, , Wheat Wanted. 69 cts Standard lc per lb. over weight up to 62 lbs, Over that ie per lb, Blyth Flour Mills d. H. BEESE HAY was being hauled into town last week in large quantity, FARMERS' INSTITUTE) MEETINGS, - Tho series of supplementary meetings under the auspices of the West Huron Farmers' Institute which was to com- mence at St, Helens on Dec, lst has been postponed to February, when they will take place as follows :- Londesboro ..,February 15 Iihlmesvillo,.,...,, 10 Bonmiller ,.., Godorich Nile " 20 St. Helens,,,, ,.,., " 21 The regular meetings will ho held on the dates originally fixed : At Kintail on January 8th and at Auburn on Jan- uary 9111. EAST HueoN LIBERALS. -The annual meeting of the East Huron Liberal As - etiolation, for both Dominion and Le- gislative ridings, will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on 'Tuesday, De- cember lith, at 1 o'clock p. In. Anneal election' of officers, receiving of reports, &c., will ho on the program, At the same titne and place a nominating con- vention will bo held to select a standard bearer for the next Dominion contest in East Huron, The municipalities par- ticularly interested in this aro Howick, Turnberry, Wroxeter, Grey, Brussels, Morris, Blyth, East Wawanosh and 1Vinghuin. Five delegates are asked from each polling sub -division. A large representation asked for, It. N, Duff, of Blue vale, is President of the Riding, and W. H. Korr, of Brussels, Secretary-Treasu re r. " lis " 19 MYTH SCHOOL IIErOR I', Following is the report of Blyth Pub- lic School for the month of Noy. : LIN, NO, 1, Seniors - Ella Taylor Wilfred Weir Eva Stothers Myrtle Phillips Intermediates - Leon Scott %luriol Chellew Dottie Cowan Andrew Coombs Juniors - Tena Edinestoti Myrtle Morris Clare Smith Grace Stewart Pearl Gibson DIV, Sr, IV, class - Bernice Audorson Emma Leith Gladys Cutt Myrtle Nicol Lillie Wanless Jr, IV, class - Archie Wells Hazel Bonnett Leila Begley Edgar Begley Sr, III, class- Doroth y Tierney Lizzie Lawrentco. Elmer Nivins Carman Anderson Laura Johnston Lillie Wettlaufor Jennie Kennedy Maggio Johnston I)iy, NO, 8, Emanuel Lyon Annie Stuart Louisa Tierney Ella Jacobs Verne Bennett Ei'ic Anderson John Morritt Wesley Campbell Arthur Ttunblyn ].toy Denholm Clara Copp NO, 2. Pearl Pleetzor John Emigh Esther Bell Eva Campbell Walter Cowan Willie Mains Eva Mains Evvio McComrnins Janes Hirons Tas, IdcComuihts Wale :Moots Vector Bell Willie Burling Willie Copp George Burling III, class - Ls mat lass- L iiu'a Wettlatifer ):Ila 1Vottlitufor kussol (Jitlley [turfs Scott Elva Fawcett Creswell Anderson George Sloan Annie Mains Sr, 11, class- Itedolla 11c:1Cotizio John Cowan A. Robertson N. Ilnitzliauer Jlnry Milne Jr, II, clasp; -- Willie White Eitna Cook Ifeni'y Johnston May Robertson Mary Potter Minnie [Fawcett DIV, Jr, 1I, class -- Alberta Stothers Curry Campbell Kittle Habkirk Elsie Fawcett Ferro Johnston Edgar Cowan Pt, 11, class - Fred Mason Grace H,tbkirk Charlie Potter Sr. Pt, I. class - Amos Andrews John Butler Earl McElroy Carry Dempsey Keyes Anderson Mary McMurchio Jr, Pt, I. class - Mabel Hill Susie Phillips Susie Fawcett Harvey Mason Rhoda Phillips Fred liaggitt Teresa \lcl,aughlin Eva Henderson Alex, Butler Philip Willows Freda 'Turner G. Korn:glum Meryl (ferry (i, lIolzthailer Lena Burling Wilford Leslie :McElroy ADnie Butler Annie Mains 1{eggie Carter Willie Anderson 'l'orntny Murray Berth., Mf eElrot' Ellie Rath Earl Taylor Harvey Nivins Daisy Mason Willie Taman George Eaton Agnes Creighton Carry Sims Elsie Holtzhauer Luella Cook Wilson Ruth Stewart Cowan Willie Keneedy CURIA FOR SORE NIPPLES, As soon as the child is done nursing apply Chamberlain's Salve, Wipe it off with it soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results, Price 25c per box. For sale by all druggists. WANTED, -Fresh Roll Butter 25c, Fresh Eggs 25c, Dry Picked Poultry, Dried Apples Feathers, Itaw Furs, &c. -Giro. E. KING, Winghanc, WA'I'EIt CUiRE FOR CONSTIPATION, Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh ca- thartics should ho avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablets, They aro mild and gentle in their action. For sale by all druggists, ANNUAL M E E'1' I N G. -Tho Annual Meeting of the Londesboro Butter & Cheese Mtg. Co, will be held in the Township Hall on Friday, Deo. 14th, 1(10O, Directors meet at 1 o'cloek ; shareholders at 1.30, and patrons at 2,- IAIIY BIIiOIIAM, Pres. R. ADAMS, Sec, Londesboro, Deo. let, 1000. LICENSE TRANSFER, -Notice is here- by given, pursuant to the regulations In that behalf, that I, the undersigned, have applied for a transfer to me of the Hotel License granted to J. G. Emigh, and that the said transfer will be corn• plied and assented to by the oonim1E• stoners after the second publleation of this notice, as required by law, Dated at Blyth this 5th uay of Deoember, 1000. J..1. McCAuaI :Y, TURKEYS W A NTTEII We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Writs for particulars and state how many you have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard SI 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness . 1 60 TIio Standard and Weekly Globo 1 85 The Standard and Fancily Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire ., . 1 05 The Standard and Hatnilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 Tho Standard and Weekly Free Press 1. 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun . 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator1 75 The Standard andToronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News .. 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate..,. ,., 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Prosy 2 75 Tho Standard and Toronto Daily World ,.,,. 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press , , . , 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globo 13 50 Tie Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, The Standard and Weekly Globe $t,35 a year. hop Early for Xmas and Avoid Rush and Confusion Our decison is to clear out every Ladies' Fur Coat and Men's Fur Coat. For December is a good month to buy ESENT Silk Handkerchiefs 7C 10 75C Cambric and Linen Handker- chiefs 3 for 25c Fancy 1-Iandkerchiefs 5c to 25C Men's Ties 15c to 50c Men's Mid Gloves and Mitts 25 to 1.50 Ladies' Felt Shoes and Slippers 25c to 2.00 Men's Printed Cam- bric Shirts 50c to 1.25 Ladies' Corsets 25c to 1.25 Tea Cloths 25c to 1.00 Ladies' Fancy Col- lars 25c to I.50 Men's Felt Shoes 25c to 1.00 Children's Cloth Coats 2.00 to 6, oo Sideboard Scarfs 25c to 1.00 Ladies' Underwear 2oc to 1.5o Imeimmilaus Ladies' Mid Gloves 75c to 1.25 - Children's & Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Stoles, etc,, 25c to I2.00 Ladies' Cloth Jackets 5,00 10 12,00 Pillow Shams 50C to 1,00 Men's Underwear 50c to 1.75 XMAS GROCI3RIES.. New and clean. Everything just as you like it. 200 Pairs New Lace Curtains --350 to $2 a pair Poplestone& Cardiner BLYTH Successors to McKinnon & Co,, Slik.E.111 nil. TEA Frons the Island of Ceylon, in lead packages only, 15c, 20c, 25c, 40e, 50e, Fresh Groceries for Xmas trade. Breakfast Foods. Oranges and Lemons, MEATS ON HAND White's Sausage -guaranteed all pure meat, Potatoes and Poultry Wanted. I11t111ES'r I'UICES I'AID FOR 131'T'l'ER ANI) EGOS, Give us a call, A. TAYLOR BLYTH 0.400,0,00000:000:0000 marcy -0 0 07,® O • H. GIr L4EY nnl 4rn51 ?4 O 0 • Having bought a heavy stock of Underwear at a reduced rate, and as we are scarce of room, having such a complete stock of Gents' Furnishings. We have decided to give our customers some bargains in I-Ieavy Winter Clothing, as it will not be weather like this long it will pay you to call and see what we can do for you for you for little money. We have about 20(1 suits Underwear, regular $1 to $3 ; we are now selling at 00o to $2. 150 nairs Odd Pants, regular $1,25 to $4 ; sale price now 00o to $2.50. 75 Up-to-date Overcoats regular $S to $15 ; oan buy now from $5 to $10. Just about 25 Fur Caps loft, regular $2 to $10 ; selling below cost price at $1 to $7. Winter Cloth Caps from 45o up. Heavy Top Shirts, best lines ever shown in town. We can gh'e you there from 50c to $1. Such bargains as these you will find in everything we can show you from Hats to Shoes, Men's Fine Shoes we bought before the advance in leather. Goods now selling for less than we can buy them now. We have a lino of Heavy Felt Shoes that have then) all beat. Fine and Heavy Rub- bers and Overshoes, We have a complete stock of the cele- brated Maple Leaf Brand. ' Colne and get a bargain. ll• 6 • H Popular Clothing House - BLYTH tiS1 P 00,0 0 4 )4() (WO WITII POETS The Turkey's Dream. (Youth's companies.) La:l night 1 L.:d a l.';u'ful draaut: 1 tretub!a oven vel! 1 saw n table lin; and wide, tvllh many dishes net; And at ane end 1 •react to Ile, helpless. aa1 fat, and but, .And roe:d not enure a hoot ur lying to hasten from the spot: My :+Inr.narh was iiurntutorttble; 1 coup not draw my bremh, Nor 1,,akc a round, ho:ve'cr I tried; I really felt death! I cou''la t seen To find my head; my heart v, -c, out 111 hare: And s„;o,.uv 1 ba"I sadly 1u31, :uy dignity and Then rurh a rarh;ttng arose, and scurrying through the hall, And thee. ,I !oi of pre; le cant•' --master, and t,tfe. and all Tho children who have beet' ;o !dud nod given ale load: to cat -- They danced around my prutrate fortu; uty dullul'cll was cot:lpltle: Deceitful creatures! that they are; for in my dream they said, "Ha, 1:a, Old 'Turkey' \flare's your pride now you have lost your head Loqulvered wig h nay burning wrongs, but no o❑c seamed to care. For all sat down around the board and bowed their Leads In prayer, Aud tl:"u my master, that good man, took up a dreadful knife, And held it alaut!Ike over me; I trewbled for my life: But lv!c:n n: erect fork pierced my breast, 1 (;ave 't jump and scream, Aud nearly tumbled off my perch in waking from ray dream! Lincoln's Only Poem. 1t may Le new to some to learn that tt Lincoln's may yell kno',vn accomplishtuents must be added that of a pout. The fulluw• Ing was written by Ilam and read at his sister's wedding: 1Pheu Admit wa13 created, Ile dwelt In Eden's shade, As Mose., iur recorded, And suou a bride wit,: made. Tea thousand times len thousand Of creatures swarmed around lletore a bride was formed, Aud ytt cu mate was found. The Lord then was not 'flung That man should bo alone, And caused u sloep upon him, And trout Lis 1.1,0k a 1)000. And closed the flesh In -toad thereof And thea he took tui same And of It wade a woman, And brought her to tl:e mau. Then Aduni he rejoiced 'fo see his loving bride, A part of his own body, The product of his side, The woman was not taken Front Adam's feet, we see, So we must nut abuse her, The mea::Ing seems to be. The woman was not taken From Adam's head, we know, To show she must not rule him - 'Tia evldeutly so. The woman, she was taken From under Adam's arm, So she must be protected Prom Injuries and harm. The Sleepy Song. As soon as the fire burns red and low, And the house upstairs 13 s1111, 8be sings me a queer little sleepy song Of sheep that go over the bill. The good little sheep ran quick and soft, 'OfJr colors are gray and white; They follow their leader nolo to tall, For they must be Lome by night. And one slips over, awl one games next, And one run:; alter behind; Tho gray one's nose at the white one's tail, The top of the hill they find. And when they get to the top of the 11111 They quietly slip away, But quo 1u113 ower 11111 ntlo comes next - Their colors are white and gray, Anil over they go and over they go, And over the top of the hill The goad little sheep ruu quick and swift, And the house upstairs Is still. And one sllps over and one comes next, The good little, gray little sheep! 4 enact' how the fire burns red and low, And she say that I fall asleep, -Joeephinc Daskam, 111 T. P.'e Weekly. "Each in ais Own Tongue.” (The Critic,) Of panne published tvltliln the last fifteen yearn, three of four Lave at once become popular -noir of them more ro than "Enols in lila Own Tongue," by William Hubert Carruth, professor of Germania Languages in the' Colvcrvl!!r of Kari n:i, About this poem Mr. Carruth hna ;erelverl scores of letters from all parts of flirt world-Eome pro• testing, other lauding. With all Its radical- ism the poen) eeento to have found apeci.l Gator with the Episcopalians, It has been Quoted entire In a sermon in 1C"stminater Abbey; also at Peale by 1)r. Ttiloiforri when lir: dressing the uneergrndtintes: A fire mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell. A jelly -fish and a saurinn. And a cavo where the cave -men dwell; Then u sense of lap', and beauty, .A farce turned from the clod - Some call It Evolution And others call It God. A haze on the fair horizon, The infinite, tender sky, The ripe, rich tint of the rorn-fields, And Din wild geese sailing high - And all over upland and lowland Tho sign of the golden-red- &lonto of us cnlI It Autumn And others call it God, Like tides on a crescent sea -beach, When the mo:+n Is new rind thin, Into our hearts high yearnings Come welling and surging in - Come from the mystic: ocean, W"nve riot no fen; r..,a rrn•1._. Some of us call It Longonti And others call It God. A picket frozen on duty, mother nerved for her brood, Socrates drinking the hemlock, And Jesus on the rood; And millions who, humble and nameless, The strelght, hard pathway trod - Sonia call It Consecrutinit And otter. -s call It Gnd, Some people forgive their enemies because it's too much trouble not to. SPANISH WEDDING DANCE. Music is and Attendants -The Dress of Women and Men, 'rho wedding dance was being held in a long, narrow buildit% 11ca1' a fountain, and we enteral on a smooth earth floor; seats were ranged about, the sides of the lt'hitett'Itshed room, and the low raft- era wore draped and festooned It WI limey wall paper, with gold ;scrolls in it, The musie tw'as furnished by 11 pint') organ at one end of the long room, turn- ed in rotation by u number of small luy•i In their clean, blue blouses and brown corduroy breeeJtes, who felt their in►• portunce, and at the other end of the room a table Was spread with cakes and bread and a twine concoction very sweet and pleasant, but seductive. The women, some bringing their ba- bies, wv'ere a pleasant set, but not beau- tiful, although u few, with their large dark eyes, carte very near to it, They did not wear the gay costumes of my Imagination, but their dresses showed great care and conscientious patching, .\ gay handkerchief ens often folded round the neck and across the breast and large earrings and itig breast •pins lwere the vogue even among the )'otntg women, The men wore broad brimmed Merck felt stats and clean blue blouses, cnrdar- oy trousers, either light tan or brown, and the long red or black sash belt enlled a "faja," wound many times 1110011 the waist, the folds serving as pockets for eigare11es, tobacco pouch and the vil- tuitious knife that every one carries. The dances were "round," interspers- ed with It square dance, where four peo- ple colnprised a set — a sort of fandango with lots of stamping and attempts at lithe, serpentine motions, with the hand, raised above the stead. There was a very old man who danced tt'ith grout gusto and amused the crowd of young people, who enentlraged hint with clapping, of the hands. ---Front ichribner's 11agazhlr, Only One Wish Honored, The latest arrival In Shadeland was very cross. "What Is the matter"" blew from the lips of the shade floating near. "I see," said the cross one, "that every desire I ex- pressed In regard to my funeral was Ig- nored." "That's nothing," replied the old timer in Shadetand, "The only shades whose wieltea are carriers nut are the woolen who express the desire that their husbands marry again." Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh'. Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it hu done for so many T It is aid to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 314 SIIIL This remedy chauld be in every household. Party Machines Losing Power. (Washington Post.) The spirit of the twentieth century thus tar bas been decidedly Inimical to tho customary methods of the party machine. Never before stare government by party became the rule In this republic has the independent voter been so persistently, If not pugnaciously, In- dependent us he Is showing himself to be in these strenuous times. As things are, a party leader Is competted to do hls leading very adroitly, must disguise Itis handling of patronage with artistic skill, acting the roll of statesman while still carefully pro- viding for his henchmen, and use patronage, the coin of politica, with cousumni ite sagacity if he would escape the odium that Is at- tached to tho role of boss. ••P Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. ♦•• As Evidence. Homer Leigh Mugge-You say you were insane when you married mel How are you going to make a jury believe that? Iles. Mugge--Oh, I'll have you exhib- ited in court! -Troy Budget. Culling cards—a0or l poker lt d an , WeGowntee to Care Your Rheumatism RIIEUMATICFOE is the' only ntedi.- eine that is purely and simply it Rheu- matism Cure. It cures Rheumatism by cleansing the blood of those impurities tlhat cause Rheumatism, Tn many eases a single Dollar Bottle will cause a cure. A thorough treatment of Rheumaticfoe will cure the most severe case of Rheu- roatism, That is why we make our GUARANTEE OFFER For $5 we will scud your the Complete Rheumaticfoe treatment, accompanied by a signed guarantee that if n cure is not effected your money will be returned to you, If you have Rheumatism, fill out the attached Coupon, and send it to ns, You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Rhea aLicfoe Has never yet failed to Cure Rheuma- tism. $1 per bottle. HOPE & HOPKINS, in% Yonge Street, Toronto. Dear ,Sirs, -Please send me par- ticulars of your guaranteed Cure for itreumattsm to Name Address Dept, 11. AMERICA'S EX -CHAMPION WRESTLER says:— "After my great wrestling match with J. Mellor, of Staleybridge, at the Crystal Palace, England, tor the International Ctiampiorshia, I was cove -td with cuts and bruise,. I upplied n:y favorite be'm, Zam-Buk, and in u marvellously short time the abrasions and cuts were (sealed, and 1 was fit and well again. At another time I had a piece of flesh almost torn complttely off my arm above the elbow. !anticipated being unable to do anything with the arm for a long time; to my delight, however, Zetn-Buk closed up the wound in two days. In three days it was cowered with new skin, en' a few days after ti:ere was no trace of the injury. I recommend Zam-Buk for cuts, bruises or t•kin Injuries of any kind. Yours truly, HUGH LANNON. For all Skin Iniuries & Diseases Iho Zion -link Cu.,'Toru price, Il bolos for 42.50. linitstarzaznanizasszkomal Shelter Tents in Favor, There k a probability of the Anstra• Jian military authorities encouraging the nun ntfacture or importation of shel- ter tents, as used in Japan during the late war. The tent consitst6 of a water- proof sheet with hooks nod eyelets, the height beim; trilling(, Each Japanese soldier eurriea one of these shecti in his kit, ;Ind any number of them eau be laced together, th'' custom being for four sten to foram a biwoune, :Arms are piled in the usual wiry, and the sheets are spread over the piled weapons, affording shelter from both heal and rain. They can be utilized in unary ways for shel- tering the soldiers, itis f0'psf11RV,: ', '9,'cob TRADE MARK REGISTERED, Tablets cure Neuralgia, Rheumatism, coldness of hands and feet, shortness of breath, weak heart, sallow skin, impaired digestion, the results of evil habits, etc. They supply nerve -force and help the body to attain normal health in the shortest possible time. 5oc. a -boar. Used with Mira Blood Tonic and Mira Ointment, Eczema, and the worst forms of skin diseases are eedily cured. Al drug-stores—orfrom The Chemists' Co, of Lana -da, Limited, Harnillou—Toronto, The Summer Engagement. The summer girl and the summer youn man met again, "Darling!" be cried, advancing with open arms, "do you reclgnize me?" Throwing herself upon his manly bosom, alto said: "Well, dear, your face looks fa- miliar, but I cnu't recall your name." And thus the summer engagement wa renewed for the season, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 01 OP Heat of an Oven, The man who first thought of placing a thermometer in the oven door will cause a revision of all cook books. Sucl phrases as "bake in a slow oven," "bake in a quick oven," bake in u moderate oven," will soon be obsolete, and our favorite recipts for bread and cake will be changed to "bake itt an oven of 200 degrees," or "bake in an oven of 235 de - groes." Possibly there is not a house- wife in all America who can tell you to -day what is the temperature of a "hot,' Oven of 0f a "moderate," "slob," "quick" or "brisk" oven. And perhaps they is not one who knows nt what tem- perature Fahrenheit or centigrade an oven should be for cooking different foods. The figures I have used in the fore- going paragraphs are merely for the sake of illustration. As matter of absolute fact the temperature for baking meat is about 300 degrees. and that for bak- ing bread nhout 400, Layer enke re- quires from 280 to 300 degrees. A "mo- derate" oven is 220 degrees Fahrenheit. Some cakes cook nt 212 degrees, such as angles' enke. It is said that 1f you place a pan of water in the said, it is impos- sible to get the temperature higher than 212 degrees, T have no experience on that subject. But all these details will be easily cant when the whole output of stoves and ranges is supplied with ther- mometers and all the cook books name the desired degree of heat, -New York Press. ♦•• Distress Signals From Mars, (Washington Post,) Astronomers assort that Mare 1s again try- ing to nlgnnl us. If It Is n dlstreas signal tho astt'opotnors about(' find some way of Informing Mare that we aro having troubles of our own. THE GERMAN EMPEROR'S VOICE. How It Has Been Preserved for Future Generations. Through the American Ambaaador, Olutl'leuuulge '!'ower, I applied for it "re- cord of the voice of the (lemon Emper- or, for preservation in durable material in Harvard University, the National _Mus- eum at 11'ashingtun and the Library of Congress itt Washington, The record it to be kt+pt Its a historical document for pod led ty, The phonetic archives at the institutions IIIolltirllICd aro W include re- cords from such persons as will presum- ably have permanent historical interest for Amet'icu. The importance of the un- dertaking can be e_stiuttted by consid- ering the present value of voice records by Demosthenes, Shakespeare or Emperor \1'illiam the Great, The Emperor consented and the appar- atus %vus bet up in the palace. 1 asked for foto' records, one for each of the institu- tions mentioned and one for my own scientific investigations, The Emperor, however, mule only two records, desig- nating one for Harvard University cold the other for the other purposes ,'1'he two records were made by a phonograph with specially selected recordett; on wax cylinders, Sieh cylinders are of no per- Iiltncul value because they nit' often in- jured by mould and sooner of later they always craek, awing to changes in tem- perature. From each original "master record" a metal matrix was Itlade by coating it with graphite laid then galwannpblting it, The lwox mauler record ens then rc- Moved (bring destroyed in the proves -it, leaving a mould front w'hicb "positive:... - that is, copies of the originals -could be Cast. I)III'nble positives were ens( in a hard shellac composition and in :cll:doid. Solut' fasts were also made in wax, and new metal matrix's were made from these. in this manner the following tea- terinl wit4 obtained: (I) :1 metal matrix and positive of Record No. 1, depnsi:ed itt the National Museum at \I'itshinglon; (2) a silllihll' .set of Ib'cord No, I, de- posited in the C,n'gre-.+leant i,ibr•n'y nt \\'ashingtoll; (3) II similar set of Re- cord No. 2. deposited in ilarwnrd Uni- vct'sily; (•1) n crltnpletr set for both re• cords (lu metal matrix and Iloitiot' of each), rwhieh I presented to lie Eloper - or: end (5) a reserve set of both. there are the only records of the (leonine Em- peror's voice which exist at I!te l:ressnt time. THE WORST KIND. After Piles have existed for a time the suffering is intense -pain, aching, throb- bing, humor's form, filled to bursting with black blood.:-' 'J'his is when Dr. Leo hardt's IIem- Ruid, the only absolute Pile cure, brings the results that bas made its fame, Item -Roil will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded guarantee to that effect goes with each package. $1,00, All dealers, or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. • Honeymoon Reading. The house had quieted after the wel- ding. Mother and Aunt Jlary were it' the parlor talking it over. "So it's over," said :hurt 3Iary, smil- ing into itt0lhet'', eyes. "Yes," said mother, bravely, although a little tearfully, "it's over -and be - gull." "'1'hcy'lJ be happy, 1'111 sure," "Yes. They are very well suited to each other." 'Petit', 1 reals Ac'e that, '!'hey- both have studious habits. "Yes, But, lltn'y"—Mother posed, ud the gleam of inisehief evoked by Aunt Mary sooner than anybody else darted into her eyes. "Mary ,they c+'C't have much mei:se of humor. Though it's own girl, 1 say it." "Why not?" "Do von know what they took to read of their ttv'ddnig journey? Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey."—Wasp. ♦. • Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Sentient Sayings, Joy unsought always is first to arrive, Sympathy Is the antsier key to every out. '!'hough you are but a puddle you may reflect heaven. One does 1101 become a saint by discov- ing the sins of others. The formation of n ehild's diameter is greater work than the reformation of many men. It's possible to throw out your crtt►nbs f comfort in such a way as to make them scene like cinders in the eyes of others. -Chicago Tribune, Danger ,of Railway Drawbridges. (Philadelphia Record,) Drawbridges add to the danger of railroad travel wherever they exist, They compel the renins to slow up nits the Jar when the weight of the train la thrown upon the draw Is fait b,v every panseli er, The (allure of the draw- bridge tender to do his whole duly in clos- ing the draw meatus n ',vreelt whenever the human Instrument falls short of the require- ments, It is therefore desirable to abolish the drawbridge wherever It is possible, o•o It is a ldeitoure to comment upon the conservative ntethodts employed by the fl, & C. Merriam Company in the pub., lication of the. Webster's International Dictionary, Not every littl.e slang wa'r'd 0!' phrase is put into tie book i'iagartl- less of its sc'ho,lastie or linguistic qual- ities, 1t is this cont+erl'ILt[tl)t bacloecl by the scholarship of the editor-in-cit.ief, \Villlain T. Harris, Ph, D,1 LL. 1)., late United Stntes Cortviti1ssaar:tc'd' -of Britten. tion, and 'h'undl'eda of othors of the greatest educators of this and other na- tions, whidlt dna made Ulm International; the standard in the United States ,su- preme Court and all the State Suprens,. Court, aim) the stnndaa'd of the tlov- et1Ltltent printing office, iuid the basis el nearly all the school book's in the coun- try, It is indt)rsed by every State School Superintendent, univerwaily reeontntencl• ed by College Presidents atul educators, and adhered to els xttuldabPd by over tit) per cent, of the newapa•peas, ,Should you not own such a book? Get the 'beat, SPECIAL NO, 1. 413.9S. Christmas Bargain n Order • Early NOTE. -04 page solt•tcarhor with finger- board chart sent FREE; with each order. Separate copies sunt to any ono for roe, Write for our Xmas catalogue contnin- ing special velums in all kinds of muelcal instrutnenta, novelties, watches, etc. "IMPERIAL" PUMPING WINDMILL Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF TH)s'. WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, after a two months' thorough trial. Made by GOOLD, SHAPI,EY ?t iHUII1 CO. LIMITED, Brantford, Canada. Taking a Husband's Name, The custom which makes it proper for the wile to assume the marc of her hus- band at marriage is involt'e,l in ankh obscurity. A recent authority advanced the opinion that it originated from tt Rowait custom and becunte common af- ter the Roman occupation of Englund. 'rhes Jnlia and Octavio, married to Pompey and Cicero, were called by the Romans Julia of Pompey and Octavio, of Cicero and in leiter times the mar- ried women of most European countries signed their urines the sante way, but omitted the "of." In spite of this theory it is a fact that as late ns the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth cu'ntury a Catharine Parr signed her name without change, though she had ben twice married, 11,Litar,1'8 T.inintent Co,, Limited: (Iemllenten,-Lest winter 1 received great benefit front the use of 11IN- A]U)'S LINIMENT in a severe nttnck of I.a, Grippe, maul 1 have fr'equen'tly proved it to be very effective in cases of In - (lamination. Felled, \V. A. 1[h'L1CiIiNSON. World's Supply of Iron. it will surprise a groat tetany people to learn that we are likely to run short of Iron In• side of a aingie century If we keep up the present rate of coustimptlou. As a matter of fact, we aro more likely to Incronse tha constunptlort than we are to reduce It, The world has only 10,000,000,000 tons of Iron ore available, Of these Germany tuns twice as ninny tons as tho United States, Russht and Franco each have 400,000,000 toes more than Gila country. Our consumption In placed at 30,000,00), which Is more than a third of the world's total consumntion. ViofinsammViol iiis!� Those Instruments aro Imported dlrt'et from Itnrmany for I be holldny Inuit,. We aro ouahled to offer them at 49Su le L1 than the retail duelers. FOUR D1FFE12fsNT OUTFITS No, 1 -Our aperial, good lone, 3(.18 well shaped, (Inc finish ,,, ... s; No„ Our Orchestra Violin, 5.�U highly panelled, very (Incttour „• No. 3 -Gems lutist's solo vin- G_00 1111 ebony trimmings .,. ' No. 4 --Amateur's favorite, only 2 98 gaol outfit le 511111 complelr With violin box, bow, resin, strings, ate., as Illustrate( All goods sent charges prepaid, The Toronto Musical & Novelty Co. 96 Victoria ttt,, Toronto ISSUE NO. 4:1), NM. MISCELLANEOUS, FAR1IIER'S SOUS Tt1E FAitMERS' MANUAL contains a ser- ies of special lesnnns In farm bookkeeping, with full Instructions, separate rulings and printed headings for grain (tcro'a lt, poultry account, cattle account, hog account, labor account, dairy account, expense account; department for melt emit of grain, cash received account and dish paid ant account. 'rho Manual also contains a complete insect department, a veterinary handbook, a ;per- fect system of burse -training nccording to the methods used by Prof, O. W. Gleason, hesidcts the farmers' legal department. 400 pages, The J. L. NiCiIOLS CO., Limited, Publlxhers, (Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada, Agents tvarltrd, Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways he used for children teething, it soothes the child, soothes the gums, curets wind colic and Is the hest remedy for diar- rhoea. DR. LEiROY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, guru auu relin'olo monthly regut& r. n'I,n,x 1111, bald been need In Frame Gar over 8117 years, end !"and IavrtitiAhl. a ll,r. putpw' Aeelancd, and are xt:ar3n• !, , • St 1.01 by the !oaken Yan'Irwa stamp for octant atr,,rlsr. 1'11,6 al LS per bow % et,; er oy mall. secutaly sealed, ua inapt of )nos LE ROY PILL CO.. Box 41, Hamilton, Canada, v ,f tentratetten WED S T ER' S INTERNATIONAL ThICTIONARY NO OTHER CHRISTMAS GIFT willsooften beareminderolthe giver, Useful, I'ractical,Attractive, Lustingu, Rellable,Popuiar, Complete,Scieotlftc,Up'1'oDate andAuthoriia• tivc, ag,000New Words a)�BoPages, 5000iIlus- tralions. Editor in Chief tv.'r, hares, l'h,I),, LL.D., U,S, Cocnr. of Edn. lfighest Awards it the St. Louis and the Portland Expositions, 13 IT NOT THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN BELECT1 tYlin9'l'lilt'S i'i1l -i?GI `I: oiCrRessicv. Larrc;tofourabridgments. Regular sod Thin I'aner o ittlunt, tttb pages and caoo Illuslre" - Writc for "'l'he Story of a Book "Dipt.d 0. & 0. MEILIiIAM 00., Bprtagilosu, '4, Too Much Thundering in the Text. (Springfield, Mass,, Republican.) The coming federal prosecutions of the Standard 011 trust aro being extensively blazoned forth, Thin Is Invariably the way in the ease of that particular anther, What the country Is looking for and has as yet failed to got in 'n sensational ending to sono of these numerous assaults instead of a merely sensational startoff, ♦. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows, ♦.. Advocates Extreme Measures, (Philadelphia ]record,) "Ile's a groat reformer, len't he?" "011, Ilo's wormy than a reformer, Ills Ideas wouhl upset the whole aoclal and busi- ness world, 1 -to said If ho had his way he'd put 111 Jail everybody • who ought to bo there," • There is quite a difference between tatting it bt'nce and taking a bracer. TC PARLOR SULPHUR WAX Ask for EDDY'S SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HHOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. Stiliday ScI�UUI, INJJ';stNA114)1Vlt, IttIst'tr)ti \a), \I rat!. tat pinto Jas 11I.(ra1 !-"rola the lt.cd,-(tall, 28: 1-I6. (;t,lllllllalidl'.. 1, 'I l,1' women at 111( to111-1 (v. I.i I. l:11(1 of Ihr ;•:.:Ihbalh--- :lfter the Jewish tialPLllth \vas pa --t, It closed on 8atuiday ul;;llt at sundown, Ju dawn - hewomen probably loft their lames act dilfelc ul liulc:;, ,lulu) sayh, "1\ Ilya it w.l.; yet (lark" ci!tnclh Mary. Marl: says they cane at the "r(s• ing of the sun," First day of the week-- Christ L wa• y in ticttomb part,t l of Ir ra nJ , 1' all da Saturday (' c ' ut gal Sunday, I 511 d )1 .I J I y, w'llich was called lhrta days according to Jewish it'Loaiug, 11e arose very uu•ly Jn the morning o day o' the n the first d, I n J week, Jesi.i illy in the grave on N«tur- day which sigiifi'd that hcncitnitb the Jewish Sabbltlh, like all Giller Je,vish in- sliluliois, (was (lend. The first day of the (reel. -the 1('surrection div, tvhich was called by John the l/)1'd':; (lay, lies always beet observed by. Christians as the Uhrisli:nu Snhlittll, 'J'he first day of ten week wus the first day of a naw' di4)e1S«tine) Which \vas 111 every respect better and grander that' elle old. Mary Magdalene --She was a native of Aing• dila, 0 town on the Sea of (;aliloe, and was foremost among the honerablc \wo- men who ministered unto Christ. and Ilis disciples, bring especially devoted ' to Christ for Ills Larrey in casting oil from her seven evil spirits (Luke viii, 2, 3). '\'here is no evidence that she was over a bnd oharuvter, The other Mary 'I'Iti1; calls :111ti' the mother of James the fees and Jas(" (\Earle Ny. 47) ; the Pante as 1lary of Clcophas, a sister of the mother of Christ (John Nix, 25), To the \Voln0n 11:1 Well here llnrk adds tial otic and Luke adds Joanna, and other women. Nolo the devotion of these wo- men, They came not expecting the re. surreetion, but bringing spice to em• balm C'hris't, Sepulchre -'1'110 tomb cans rut in the side of a rock, like a cave, large enough for several, persons to en- ter. The entrance was protected by a Ftoie. sometimes round like a large millstone, rolled ill front of the opening, which Ives of least three 1.r four feet In height and ttvo or three in breadth. ii. The opened sepulchre (v. 2,) 2. Earthquake --The earthquake and the re- surrection took 'drive perviously to the arrival of the woolen, There \'Its also (5) The fear of death and the graxc �s removed, In (Christ death haw 'not its Master, 1(1141 the grave 0:111 110 loll!.el' (inial to 110 the Violin. 'fell Itis dvect)IIe ---instead of unoinl1114s Ilia its deltd Luny may rt(joiee 7.11 Ills bring alive from Lilo deal, "1)1111It loath no more dominion over ifim." Into (;alilee---Accordiii to liis )promise in .Mit 11 xxvi, 1 1'. Jn,uh a)q)ea1•d In the wonlem 8.10), 8, \Vitlt frau'--I'l'nr at what they had scent, joy at What, they 11011 Iii11191 -- Schaff, 9, Jesus nod, them -This was the s x:oaul 1t•ppea lance, The first appear. a nee was to \Mary Mat(,n1•►Ienc (Mdtk xv1. 0). It seems that when she told liter t ell lel he I ,..til le �u c f empty l li (n i. I. a ran the s! 1 t � sepulchre. 111 i•rc for t.l.o.ul• sellve,l (John xx, 11.18). lister in tae Morning Jesus turn the other ' women / s•a who had u , I u l fell the disciples, , )I .. • to were probably s(4ltt:'rel neat 111.1,1 h.ivo 114,,11 laneo distance away, all 'b'.ul -• Literally, rejoice; the Berets t;!,; Igen ( 11 n:edit. and p:u't.in,;. Il'v:+;atpp0'I !tilt--- ISy fals'siig on the knees an I tsane;l- il:g the ground with the f'8' lu l•I, 10. ;;hall they nee me -This public ep- pei1l 111111 woe made - in order L1ht•t the whole holy of dis'iples alight melt, silo 1 ism' Lord, Dive hundred were present on a mountain in Galilee, 1•, The )tonuut guard bribed (vs, i1- I,i). 11, The w'atteli---I1''e slippiest! the gillrtereion or guard of four soldiers.- -, \Vhedon. 1.. 'Laken counsel --They reli- ably had a hurried, informal meeting to swishier the best course to pursue, large money-slt, took a large bribe to induce then( to thus criminate themselves, 13. 1(0 slept--'l'IW uhsurdity of this position is apparent: "I. The disclples you'll not have stolen Jesus away had they attempted it. 2.. The disciples were as 111011 amazed at the news of the re- Su•reotiol as were the priests. 3, The Roman soldiers set to w:telt .1(1 1l5' tomb would not all be asleep at the 81u110 1;1111', 4, The council could not have voted large slims of money merely to have reported a truth, 5. Sleeping sol- diers could not know what took piece." 1.1. Will persuade hint -Perhaps by bribes, or by threatening to report bits Diamonds and Jewelry SaveI5�® of the Jeweh'y Parhr= Same line carried as the big v;lops, without the heavy oper- ating expenses, Write for Christmas Book JAS. D. BAILEY 75 Yonge Street N. E. Corner King rOFit c 'NT© ria SUICIDE IN HARWICH. G. A. Coltart, Aged Nineteen, Hanged Himself in a Barn. A Chatham despatch: \Vith n strap around his neek, sus)x`uded from n hairier le the leir11, (1. A, Coltart, son of Mrs. Heid, col. 5, Harwich, was found d(ctcl ~horkl( after moon today, 11P 1;)5 CV i1 d VOdli to the Homan eneteror. Secure aged i0t10etcn, un11 his lust wortl4 were you ---Front loll( the penalty of sleeping on in r0li!\ to 11ir= mother when she adman - 111, w•Itich 1'1s death. 15. l'ol'l this i,!le I ]lila mot to drive the tea tit tau 1:11 day ---The story started by the soldierly "n their \a3' to the stable. 1'11e was reported until the time of the writ- \0,(L)) :tabled the animals fined in the Mg of the recount by Matthew. nr'.ul:nhte the legible went about pre - PRACTICAL Ai'I'L1C'A'1'IONS. an earthquake at the time of Christ's 1. The .1larys. "\fury Magdalene aid deal 11 IMal f. xxvii. 51.) "Toth wore the other Mary cause" (v, 1). Jesus had given fur the 5111110 pi1p05e, nnn1C1y, to died, 'There was no doubt of that, The soldiers thrust the epee!' into his side and there issued blood and water (John Nix. 31), The Harnett centurion assured l'ilule tent Jesus (ns dead (Mark xv, •11, 45), The chief priests knew it (Matt. xxvii. (13). Joseph of Arinlathca and manifet to the. 'senses' of men the mighty operations/that were going of be- yond the (cosh of '4ease,"'-11'h08J1tt. ;angel of the Lord -Luke says "two men." John says 'two angels;' while Mark ngr(iitlg with Mnithov as to the num- ber speaks of hint 115 11 "young ratan." .;icudeurus lovingly wrapped him in frng- 'I'hese evangelists evidently speak only rant linen and buried 111111 (John xix. 40). angels Kern is explained Ity-1'ssing; "The The tomb was a new one, where never supposed diserepauei08 in the number of before had man Iain, su there was no aegis seen i rxpinin0d by Lessiug: "The doubt of the identity of the body of whale grave, the whole region about the Jesus (Luke xxiv, 53), At Pilnte's bid - grave was invisibly stwlu•nling with nn- ding the Pharisees made the sepulchre f!r15. '!'here were not oil ytwo 1ingels secure, sealing the stone and slating e but many of then(, Sometimes one IIP• watch (Ilett, xxvii. l;U). 1Vhcn the great peers and som'times another, nt differ- stone was rolled to the door of the sepul- ent places nndspeaking different things," chre the mea went away, but the Marys � Tolled back- \rat that Jcsns could not have burst the barrier, but the ministry of angels was necessary to give form to the transaction to hunlau c'nnceplio1." Sat upon il--The angel was probably still 'titter! Olein the women approached. Ii[. The altgel and his Message (vs. 3.7,) 3, Countenance -In the original this word refers not only to the face, but to the general aspect, the general Appearance, - Barnes. Lightning --in vivid 0101 intense brightness. \VIlile- Thls was heavenly apparel, This dnz- 'liltg whiteness was the symbol of joy, 1 purity and glory, .Tncobus, 4. The keepers -The Roman guard. Did shake --The 111111(111 11111041 was sadden 1111(1 unex- pected, :1s dead 111011--"11 is very prob- able that the splendor of aglorified body la always sufficient to overwhelm the senses and prostrate the strength of it living Leonel," See I)an, viii, 27; Rev, 1, 27, 5, Said ante the women -The angel who sat upon the stone had entered 1Io tomb ns the women drew neer, nail then the women entered also, and the words of the ntigel were spoken to then on the inside (Mark xvi. 13; Luke xNiv, 3.) All apparently entered, but Mary lfngdnlene filling the Sepulchre empty, hastened ltwny to toll Peter and .101(11 that Jesus wee not there (John xx. 1, 2.) Fear not ye -The nngcl's message embraces the t•enm)inder of this verse and VerSOS (1 1111 7. He spoke worth of pc800 and comfort J to these mourning friends cf 'sus. Thekeepers and the enemies of Jesus had reason to fear, but these disciples had greet reason to rejoice- , 0, Notlm,re-'I0lil148 awlPcorlaal guards awl sells enttld not hold the Primo!. of 1(1, 1Viaked Wren tried to keep- theSov- u r in the grave, and fere centuries infi- delity has beth dashing its surging 1lv0,.5 egnt.ntst 'tile door of the tomb,but they have fallen harmless, ,for lie is net; there; "1I0 1,1 rise(," Is visor-The nuarutcr bf the reuniting of Uhrist's soul and =body' in Ills resua,rf'ctioa 58 a mys- tery, one of the set'ret tlltiW 8 that does'not belong to us. The a'esuvrcctiot of (Tents was the croWilli 11g -proof that Ile is the Soil of God (home. 1, 4), Ats Ile fetid -;See Matt, XVI. 21; xvii, 23; Luke ix. 22, 44, 45; x'vili. 31.33, Sea the place- Poietiug doubtless le the llurli00 nr cell/ the tomb.-WltedOal, This would he eon rineing evidence, 7. Go quickly-Theresurrection dict two things: 1, •lt revivedthe dead hopes of the disetiplei, It wwas's, time of gladness; ; andbrought (1) jay, 2) victory, (3) faith, Only the fact of 11te rt(S1brrceettion eon account for the su:r'velouts cha(n)ge that came to their, by which they ((10)0 !Well With c0I11111 0 do suffer and die for their risl'11 Lord, 2. The resurrection brcrugtht (hope to hu- manity: ,(I) It brought the hope of int - mortal life beyond the g'r'ave, (2) It gives 1188/11111111own .r e of our own with spiritual bodies Jdlco Ills gloriouslusty. (3) Oboist is Mire and is thous able to make His promises good to eta; seemed to have lingered (Dark xv. 47, Luke xxiii, 55, 5li. 11. 'the message, An angel brings the message of joy. Angel's sang at l:hrtsta advent. Angelsr�cgminisministereministeredto hien after his temptation. Angels strni„thlued hits inthe garden of agony, They were never absent from Ills hour of need except when he bore our sins upon the tree. 5, Progress, "Ile gooth before you., there shall ye see hint" (v. 7). 'Jesus had often told his disciples of the fu- ture and his lite was nlwayt suggest- ing his death, but they had not under- stood. They had tend superficially the victories of his lite, being so occupied with their toelay, that his suggestions of to -morrow fell unheeded, Now all is oyer, they turn instinctively to lavish their affections upon hint in his grave, \Luny disciples 11'0 like this, They rest in a past experience, lavish time and af- fection on its preservation and fail to go on and walk in newness of life." 111. The Ineetiug, 1. Obedience re- warded, "They departed quickly" (v. 7 ), ""Thou !fleetest hint that re1oiceth and w'orket'1 righteousness" (isn. 114: 5). Ev- erything in the Chris/inn life hinges ma - nn oledience. Our ability to trust eel% responds with our willingness to obey (i John, 3: 22). 2. Love encouraged. "They 1.111110 and held him by the feet 1r (1 worshipped him" (v, 0), Christ's first manifestations of hiniself were ii accordance with the greet principles 1i hull taught. Love was revealed to love. 3, Faith strengthened, "'Then said J05ne unto then(" (v. 10). '.I'he words of Jesus arc the warrant of our faith, Ills first ((01118 after his resurrection ere signlf(41nt, They were' (1) words of courage. "Be not afraid" (v. 10), An evangelist, preaching in a dangerous part of a wicked city, was suddenly startled by it greet excitement fn the street. :1 crowd hail gathered about the house and were shouting in the Ital- ian language, "Death to the heretic," lie knew that the cry meant butchery. lin- manly speaking there seas no deliver- ance. There Ives not 07011 a spot in which to hide. (lis feeling wits one of object terror, As lie tried to crowd himself into the little box which served as n pulpit, his little Bible fell opsit and his eyes rested upon the words, "It is T, be not afraid." As suddenly ns the fear had conte it departed. IIe rose cella and fearless. Just then two men entered a nnrro-w side door with drawn daggers, Ile supposed they had come to end his life, but one 'of them Raid, "Don't be afraid! we nre friends, fol- low us," and they led hen out through the crowd which opened to let them pass, "Would you 'advise a girl to merry for love or for money(" nsked the Phila- delphia woman. "Well," replied her Ile .is aisle to salve unto the uttermost,1 friend from Chicago, "r Wouldacltvia° anile; He "ever Hvetb." (4) 'The risen love, by all means, for the first marriage Christ' is the (remedy, for: every trouble, . and money for the second.' paring the iIU(lu)' meal. \\''hen she •went to 11:91 her Fon be was nowhere 11h it1. She <vu•ched tits I1:11'11 11m•;t stable and foulul hilt hanging dead. NO ration:t.l cause for the rusts act is known. fie was well linow'n and pupil. lar. :in iagttest W118 dttrnu'd ,uineoes- s:11'y. PARTY ATE TIIEIR MOCCASINS. Clarke Expedition Iiad hardest Experi- ence of Any That Ever Lett, Halifax, N. S., Dec. 3,--11eary Clarke, ((hose party (cans rescued in a furnishing condition by Pea y's own expedition, is improving in health rapidly since coming south. Ile says that not only land they used up their harness straps for food, but that he himself had eaten his nlnc'- cadline and was very glad to have had then). His party hod the 1►nrdl'!.st ex- perience of any that went out. Dyspepsia of Yoinen ':;reused by Female 1:)i3order3 and Cured by Lydia 3. Pinks a;rt' i Vegetable Compound. A greet 110411y ts•nt:wu suffer with a from of ;IWi14114;t'n or tivsi,ci,,;:t ((11i111( ]ni (tot 1'e1:m1 to yield to nr,l::tary 1;'t•.:t,• molt. While Ihn' lnpllr 114 V (•r'. -'1 his similar to those of ordinary ir1!itesstion, yet tho medicines universally I rsserihed do not stint to restoro the patent's (i0rllmll condition. 1143.C147,,1, Mrs. l'inkllmn clain15 that there is r, kind of dyspepsia that is caused by a derangement of tato female organism, and which, while it causes a disturbance similar to ordinary indigestion, e:utnol be relieved withqut n rnccticine which not eels, nets as n stomach tonic, hot has a peculiar tonie effect on the female organism. As proof' of this theory we call at- tention to the case of .Mrs. Henry 1( itubicn, 58 Sparks St, Ottawn, Ont,, ;('110 was eotnp)etely cured I,y Lydia l'inkhnut's Vegetable Conlpnatel eller everything 01E0 11ud fabled. She writes Deer Mrs, ]'hrlchnm "[ had been troubled with Indigestion and general stomach disorders for nearly a year, 11)nd a soreness in guy stomach and was un- able to digest my food. I dieted and doc- tored without nnceess; but Lydia J. Pink- hnnts Vegetable Compound brought me ipermanent relief. I used thrco bottles and t cured 111 of my stomach trouble and hula up my ge►ert11 )health, . l now enjoy at 8'llendtd appetite, can eat all (dads el ('nod, have no trouble With indigestion, and kno(' 1111(1 I owe' it all to Lydia E. J'ink- ltant's Vegetable Compound." No other Medicine in the world has received such..Widesl)read and linquali- lied ndorseinent,,or ltaa such a record 'Of cures of female troubles as has, Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vigeta;ble Compound. DIED FROM EXPOSURE, R. M. Thompson, Barrister, of Blenheim, Found Dead. l'halhaut report: \\riled reached the city today of the shucking death which met lit 11. Thompson, Town Clod: awl barrister at lllenheinl. Ile, wi;h Win. (Henry, F. (_limes and olhcrs, wca err ly yesterday learning to elle 11:111 lu Hunt ducks, '1110y were to make their headquarters et what is known es ti(paw crup. 11'hen the time clime t' enter the boats Air. 'J'houlphun ((1111, 0,1 by himself, 1(0(1 11(11 returning, search r ''• '''e organism! and 1«. Ulu ,1llled call ,I 1/ xl l 1 6 circuit of the Lau was thoroughly 111 vestigated, the search being kept uta till afoot 2 o'oluck this uluruiug, when three more parties (went out. about one mile from the camp is laud Paint, and there two of the party, \VIII, Henry and 'font Taylor, found Mr. Thompson dead. Ile taus siding t;p i0 Lite boat and it (wits evident that he had GIRLS LNI[ N6 W MaAN•1O0ii \VIII f=ind liiikari a lieon•- Word of Advice to Mo;hcrs. Thr dcrel mein\ of a girl at the she is just emerging from r' r, ,� ' , 11) ort and pu);sul„ Into til.' fall••r life of wonlanhoo•1, should Le rllrriully watched by all mulhIle. \'r -'1'y often a girl colnpin;Is that her clothes weigh her ,lout n. `'110 )eehtlies weak, lots 11 feeling ,f weight at fre 81',11l3c1 after neral-, suffers from foe (Iltrat hel!,Iaclics, raid i4 often restless and n)i:erahle, All (hese symptoms meas. that her vitality has reached a 1uw 1.1)11, that some natural tunic is required to re-:ito the system and in- etease her vigor and energy. This can • 1111' h.. dorm ',y enriching and purify• int. the blood and the Surest Method made a, determined fight for life daring ut din; I!ti' is; by undes.y. ug 11 course the storm that raged while the search was on. 'There calls 11 holo in the boat,! 111;. 1'. liuttelf;ei(1, of \Ir:,bo►'o, stuffed with clothing, which had oddest- 1 w ri;rs: "My .laughter, ,lane ll.aunuh, Iy been made by the discharge of a gun. :r oms', to be losing all her strength and 811 her good spirits. She becattlee. r, 'ai•:I•r, pale mil despondent, iustclul f tine bright, ene;'geti1 girl, fell of life nttd vivacity she had always been. 1 Death 11101 resulted front exposure, The body was bolt upright i0 the craft. I)( - ceased 1.115 nlnsl J)0pulnr Willi all, and his loss is sincerely mourned, ale was aged 45 years. LEAVES CHURCII, Dr. Crapsey Will Consecrate Rest of His Life to Fight for His Beliefs. Popitesler. \, 1',, ll:c, Bnw'img to the will of the (-'hctrcll, but refusing to make a "cowardly rete:IctiOtl" of the be- lief which induced the Church to tr.rmin- ate his ministry, the Rev. Alg.•ruua 4, Crapsey, rector of St, Andrew's Church, of this city, reneul"ed 1114 ministry in the Protestant I?pise:,pal Church in a letter to Ilis:i ; William i)avi:1 Walker, of the Diocese of 1Veste,n Now York, lit this liner the Rev. Dr. Crapsey re. affirmed Isis belief that the "notion of the origin) of Jesus, that It Fen of malt was horn trithoalt a human father, is without foundation in history." ile also melted that "whcu f say of ,Tosus that lie ascended into heaven 1 do not elven. end cannot mean that in Ms pity. sic:ll body of flesh, .blood and bones he Booted into space. and has fur two thousand yeas been existing solnewhere in the sky in that very physical body of flesh, blood and bones," Declaring that he is about to carry the case to the free intelligetice and en- lightened conscience of the world, he counsels the "hundreds of clergymen rind thousands of laymen in the Protestant l' piseopnl Church who have reached the sane eoalclnsion" as he has, not to be di,- nlayrrl end stay where they are, 4.0 HALIFAX PMD FOR JUIU ET, J -- edge Meagher Declares Payment for Officials Illegal. 1falifax, N. 8,, Dee. 3.--1n the Sum- mer of 1905 :Mayor :(1ncllr)ith and City Engineer Doane, of lfalife.x, at- tended the meeting of the Union of Canadian :Municipalities at 1Vinuipeg, their traveling expenses being paid by Leo city, The nrol'y way informally canted, however, b}' the aldermen, and lit T. ILn•t, 8 u)crchnnl, of lielifnx. 11relieht net ion against the Meyer end Engineer to recover •the snap of about (,1(1(1, ,iedg0 Meagher, inn Scuttling .judgment. 'iaq decided Hutt ler moneycans illegally paid to the officials, that it was n breach( of trust, and that the city should net have paid the money nor the officials taken it. ♦.* RATITER BE IN RUSSIA, -- Lament of a Foreigner Sent to Peniten- tiary at Winnipeg, 1\'inuiprg, Dec. 3,--3 t eplt llilcstvitt, the foreigner, was to -day sentenced to three years in peni(entinry for shooting at a man who gave him no other offence than ;ging to his residence to collect 4,1010, hem' kegs. After sentence, Mile - stein i11 court ;neve a story of hie woes and persecution, and nn he left tate court and returned to his cell he could he heard muttering In it loud voice, "Bad judge, took all my family from me and now sends ale 10 jail, I'd rather be in 11llssie, w'!Ie'I'e I wouldn't get any worse then here," 4ila POSTAL FACILITIES. Times Advocates New Arrargemeet From Imperial Standpoint. London, Dec. ,i. --The Theis in an article on l'Illorliolt postal facilities says Camda, advancing by leaps and bounds as she is, 1(1)11 possessing it press served by 1118113' able tun( patriotic writers, is still fur from being sufficient unto her- self i11 the world of political and general literature. 1t asks whether it is not, well worth while risking comparatively trifling suns to sours a moral and sen- 1intentnl groundwork:, 011 which x101(0 n satisfactory rind enduring system of im- peril)] defence c n pellet 1 nn h (. built n),, 4.4 BAILIFF SEIZES PEW, Seat in Church Only Thing Creditor Could Levy On. Winnipeg, Dcc, 3.-A e'lutrelt pea in the congregation of the Sons of Jacob hits been seized for debt null will be plac- ed on sale by auction. Two Jewish residents in the north end, Iiernuutn and Sadoskpy, are purl.• lee in the displtto .over the debt, hntloskpy took action nginst Hermann In the usual way. Tho bailiff was (11 - meted to seize the letter's goods, but the. ('Marsh pew'was the only thing that WWI seizable, and it; will be offered at action by the bailiff, 1).r(1 l;rnved how go)(1 NiI01)ItS were (•.h:I 1 '.v;l, out of sorts, so I gave Ler a few door(. Thr recall (vas (701) 1er- fill. They seemed to tone her .1!) and give her !seek her life ural ellelgy in a f,‘‘.. days! .She is now in exoci1.401 hesIt!1, although rata ver, 'li'11,(1 110)', and 1 have ]lilenny alone to th'lnl:." 'I'huussnds of mothers tell a similar st(.ry of prai:;e. 1)nn't, forget, ion, that 1;ii0805 cure indi•7('1linn. coo,: il) l.I0)l, pile, headache, debility, hili. and all liver and kidney trnu!•les. I'ur01t' herbal in composition, they eonst0111e 1111! finest household rt 1:14113 I:n((',n to the world of medicine. (11 all druggist at (10c. n ens, or pest free (loin the Bilcan Co., 'J'nrentn, upon re• eeipt of price. Six boxes for $2,50, 4.1 TERRIER KILLED HORSE. Fastened Teeth in Its Throat After Terrific Struggle, New Vert:, 1)cc. 3. Tho 110ra1d pnb- Ii-1tc„ lit' following dt8)r.11eh from Meri- den, ('1;411.; i:11' 1rd 'Moults, of Bristol, heard a co:«motion in his barn yesterday, :111.1 11;.:'11 Ill'')'st1!1tin11 found his horse lysing 0;! the floor, feebly kicking, and at its throat u•:1x Trnel11's hn.l terrier with its te'th ,:0)1: deep into the Estill. 'I'rui lkt endeavored to make the sav- age do'_ 1110)(01 its grip, but his efforts proved unavailing. (IIIc i of 110110e IJeldeu ::liar the doh, (George '1'. Elliott, It Veterinary rtmr- 4et.os <:rid t'.te horse was 7:4911ly 4;:1.11 and lar, 1-!ult it. 'there were evidences in tiro stable of :1 terrific struggle, and it is supposed llt.1 the lisrse )lrfc.s:i,:':I it soli until the canine gut its deadly throat grip, and then fell exhausted, 1''or years the horse anti the (vlttell dog had been kept in Ute born to:;ethcr. 'the dog showed no t;igrns of rabies, ♦.ss. MONTREAL'S BAD RECORD. Another Case of Highway Robbery - Almost Daily Affairs Now, efoutreal, 1)ec, 3. -The daily record of holdups, robberies, or murders still continues to agitate the citizen - and baffle Inc pone(, The latest 0111• is that 01 Mr. Baldwin of 19 Drolet street, w•110 Was early. last evening flet upon by four thugs, who nssnl:Iled him nlul robbed hila of $10, Mr, I!•al.lwiu 111(1 going home about (S o'clock ((•hate) rat the 0o•u(r of aline avenue rtad Drulet street he was attacked by four lues and severely beaten. The nue carried hint into a verist lot rat the street corner and (01)11 him at their leisure, leaving hint s4m'cely able to move. Better police protection is de• mended by residents around that dis- trict. 1111 this is the fourth hold-up 111 the space of a fortnight, No 1)01(0e are ever seen in the neighborhood. sererr.....t tartar,, oa Silver ad,. with Diamond Hall are these three remark, able offerings in highest quality plated ware, PUDDING DISH - Full size, trey finish, with ap- plied rococo ornaments, removable porcelain lining. FERN POT - Soft grey finish, rose decoration, porcelain lined. CAKE BASKET -Swing, ing h1no c over top, ap- plied border, embossed rose centre. II'''. studVon,rgrrrcl fir, of charge nur large illustrated c,rtaioyat, LIGHT AT EVENING. When the durhnoas falls around us And our hearts urc sore afraid; \\rhea we walk with weary footsteps lu the 1wIIIKbI's Klubw•tllg shade; When we watch the twittering swallows Circling take their homeward 1II0I, Arid the stars shine brightly o'er us, Lo -at evening cometh light. w'Iien the insect is n burden. And our heads aro bending low, With the weight of many wlu ers It ln K on their crown of snow, When our binds forget their cunning, And wo know not what is right - When we almost shrink and fidier, Then -at evening, coweth light. When life's worries all are over, And the watchers frill their trust, And the men once strong and stalwart Bow there In the wayside dust; w'Lcri Ulu !clog day's work Is ended, And we fear the coming night - Then God'e peace shall fall around us; Fur at evening cometh light. When the span of life bas ended, And we fear the "enter In" - When we leave Mile world of sorrow, With its burdens and it sin; Waren (ho friends who stand around us Softly murmur "Dear, good night!" Shull the ICIng of that blest country Lead us Into heaveu's own light. -Eva Cleveland, In Springfield Republican, PRAYER. Eternal God, the Lord of nations, we route with grateful hearts to thank Thee for this goodly ]rued which 'Thou haat name our home. 'Thou haat given us the portion of the well beloved, and Thou (lost expect of us the fruit of righteous. mess. Forgive our failure and our sin. Let not Thy judgment fall upon us be- canee of the iniquity that too greatly mounds, but grant us the grace of re - pentane, and help us to cleanse our sways. 'Lake part, O God, with those who are seeking to combat the powers of evil. Give thew wisdom, strength and pa - (knee, Sustain then) by Thy spirit and grant then) victory. Ite nu'ricul to those who from the deep pit of evil habit, have cried to Time for deliverance. hear their ('ry and lift Omni up an set thele on the rook. Manifest Thy saving love and power throughout ell our land, and to 1ho viols of the earth, and Thine shall be the glory. Amen. THE AIM OF RELIGION. 1f should be our aim in religion not so much to nave souls, as to Inalco souls worth the saving; not so Hutch to make men good, ns good for something; not :1') 0111)11 to find heaven hereafter, as to hell) found heaven here. The !nen who fixes his thought in religion on the tra- ditional past, or his affection in the celestial future, is a base traitor to the present ngc in which he lives, No man can find Uod in the past or serve God in the future. 11e must seek Ililn and serve 11101 in the living present, -Rev, C. W. Carson, Unitarian ministe', Ottawa. VICTORY OVER EVIL, "No marl liven unto himself, and no n1:u1 dieth unto himself." For good or evil there is no cutoff soul in God's uni- verse. In this strange mysterious at- mosphere of the spirit, every sin -infected life is a menace to the moral health of the community, "Behold how groat a matter a little fire' kindleth," say's the Apostle, and it wills that truth that gave such solemn emphasis to the words of Christ when Ile said: "Take heed how ye Offend" -that is, (he crouse to stumble -"one of these little ones. It were bet- ter for that man that a stone were tied around his neck and he were cast into leo depths of the sea." '('herefore. 01Y brethren, let us wrestle ngninst these intangible elements of evil that nue not only around us, but within us, lest in cherishing thele 1'e cause, it may bo unconsciously, 60111e little one, 801110 weal: and tempted soul, to stumble into the ways of death. Our text finally suggests where the pleat secret of victory over these forces of evil lies. 1Iow are we to resist this coaslnnt procession of sinful solicita- tions which impregnates the soul's at- mosphere? Thunk God, this ntmosphere nrould the soul is not altogether evil. If w'0 ere encompassed by forces that 1118140 for death, yet are thorn also ele- ments and infllences that make for rigliteousnes and life. Just ns the pure oxygen breathed into the lungs strength- ens the w11010 body so that it ensts off every disease germs that invades 't, so as the soul puts itself into tint big area of living where rho oxygen of heaven sweeps in currents of purity and power, will we overcome in this conflict with mil, If there are unseen princi- palities of wickedness around as, thank God there nre also unseen influences of the divine life. The more of God there is in your thoughts, the less of evil will there be in your actions, Evil cannot live where God is. If the spirit of Christ is supreme within the sanctuary of the heart, no impious feet of evil can invode its precincts. The spirit of Christ -that after ell is our crest pledge of victory. Tho true health of our soul lies in communion with the living, per- sonal Saviour, To breathe the atmos- phere of Ilia spirit day by day, to have our souls reinforced through communion with Kiln is not only to strengthen our own lives, but to purify the tone of that spirituel atmosphere around us in wlliclr We all live and move and have our being. "Wherefore," says Paul, "take unto you the whole armor of God." In Paul's thought there is sotnething personal in these battalions of sin which sweep upon us out of the darkness. --Rev, Dr. Don- ald Sage Mackay, 44* The y'ear's iow record for Standard Oil stock in the curb market, establish. ed lust Friday, when the price touched 525, represents a loss in market value - Akin of 315,000,000 from the high price of 840 in 1002. PAGE Elaltr---1'11E I LY'I'11 STA NDARD-DLcEMBI R ern, 1906, MONTHLY FAIRS East Wawanosh Counoll. The Council met on Nov. 15th, pur- snantto adjournment, \leathers all *ism*. present. Minutes of regular and spe• offal meetings lead and passed. Reeve and Councillors reported that in norordnnco with arrangements made at special meeting, they met and had inspected the area of ground in East IVawanosh, as assessed by the Town- ship Engineer, to aid in constructing hraui:Ilt'n 11) connect a'itil the Belly and Ellison ditches or drains in Dlorris, After inspection they could out see why pat of lot 1t) and \\1 lot 41, con. 5, were brought ltlt0 this assessment at all. All the leading horse and cattle buyers The Cleric way instructed to write are specially invited to attend. Let the Engineer and ask him to apf1ear on everybody come, Welcome to all. said premises as soon as possible and slake expdauttions, end to notify Reeve I;Ilis tt'heu he would bo theta so that he could go over the ground with him, Court of Bevieion again postponed in the meantime,. Petition of Wm. Watson, 1). yl)roltt, Robert (wens, 1)tutiel Geddes and W. 1(. Whitley, p111.611g the Council to take immediate action for the forma. Hutt of ht new union school section in of St. Catharines, Mt. Clemens 13elgrave, and to appoint an arbitrator to act in this Matta and Preston F.x•Iteevo \I. Lockhart was appoint- ed arbitrator of b0hal(of the Township Are famous. \Vey not spend a few of East Wawanosh. days at one of these points? .111 situated Atlonynous connnanicntion received, on the U. T. 11. hotel accommodation is Chiming 411,7) damages (rola Council good ; rates reasuwiblc' for failure of Engineer to attend to his business itt the 'township in a regular and proper manner when culled upon to do so. -filed, $2.25 to Guelph and Return Treasurer reported cash on Iutnd, Tickets good going December sill to 1 I'.h 890.58.c , h:elusive, valid to return until Dec. lith, 13 Into \u. 1.3, 1JUti, ltppointinp, place Pullman sleeper for Ottawa leaves To. tlr nomination. 'dotlirrt oves f election lectfor oxt and routo daily at 10.15p. m. suing Municipal election duly road and passed. Fur tickets and full information call on Accounts rnceived and ordered to be Paid as (olio WS , liirkett, gravel• 0. 1:, McTaggart, ling, `321.75; )IeKinnon Bros., gravel- ling, 817.40, 41(1.28 and $26,79 ; '1', 11, Depot T:rket Agent, Myth. iTaylor, lumber, 514.40 ; W. Uubie, gravel, $11.117; (J. Daley, gravel, 31,'24; W. 1 itz:;erahl, gravel, 80,01 ; James Young, gravelling, eon. 10, 823 ; U. W. Proctor, gravel, 117c ; W. I'ethery, gra- vel, $1.08 ; 11', Keclule, gravel, '38c James 'Tonne's, gravel, 83.85, and drawing tile, 81.50 ; Janes Redmond, I; 1'U1'e!IIIII;C, $3;3.: H ; It, 'Turney, inspect- ing, •. Glg, 83.37; J. Rogers, digging outlet, or r 83.50; John Cook, digging outlet, $2; ,.l ; Wm. Itoeels, tile, 40e; J. (.eddes, This school Is recognized to be one of posts and plan:, $5 80; 1V, Pardon, the best Commetelal Schools in America, gravel, 70e, also plank and repairs to You can safely ,judge a school by the ap- culvert, $5; Alex. Porterfield, repairing lineations It receives. ('his term we re. culvert, 50c; 11, 13, Elliott, 25 copies ceived applications from firms In six large drain by-law, 81(1. American cities and from far more towns Connell adjourned till Dec, 16th, and cities of Canada, Including Saskatoon, sask,, on the West and Charlottetown, 1'. E. i., on the East. Our reputation means much for our graduates, Write for our catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. Et LilerT]L3 \\'edrlesdav, December 5, 1906 • a1)tiary 2, 1907 " allllaiy 30, " l'f'bI'U1tr\' 27, " April ;, A. W. SLOAN. President. 11'u. J.trnsox, Vier -President, J. i.i:u tE lit alt, Seoretary, RAIkWAV GRAND :1 QUfl''SYSTEM The 111lgeral Sprigs ONTARIO PROPInsa WINZER FAIR The Leading Commercial School Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite •••OURES••• Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, This remedy 13 fnmous for Its cures over a largo part of the civilized world. It can always bn depended upon. 1t contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to n baby as to an adult Price 26 cts; Largo Size, 50 cts, The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes ; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking -cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctorabout it. " I had a torribie cold, and nothing relleved me, I tried Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral p aa and 11 g ugp,landbew eeil eiery partloff my bodd.u'11 did wonderful work for ane,"-3tn.J. V, L.UT't, Toledo, Ohio, Z. 0. Ayer 0o„ Leash, Io, s • efilm;=jitte ♦iso mauutYoturere sf / i SAPSAPARIU.A. 11Al2 VIGOR. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer'e Pills, lust one pill each night, L "I want you to soo that the ' Maple Loaf' is on the next pair of rubbers you bay." -Wireless from " the old woman wbo llvod ins, shoe." Buy a pair and you'll bo so pleas- antly surprised you'll tell the good news to your friends, Made of finest grade of Para gum, which makes the toughest, most waterproof rubbers in existence. Truly astonishing wear - resisters. And yet so light and neat. For Sale by S. H, GIDLEY Many housewives think it cheaper to buy than to bake. That is because their baking isn't successful every time. Their failures run the cost up. Get Royal Household Flour and follow directions. The result will be light, whole- some bread or pastry every time. You pay a fcw cents more for Royal Household, but those few cents buy certainty and purity. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Flour MDIs Cit., Ltd. 155 Maltreat, Morris Council. The Connell met on Nov. 19th, Mem- bers all present ; the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of lust meeting read and confirmed, A petition was presented by Jtohert McKenzie and others asking the Coun- cil to appoint an arbitrator to consider the advisability of forming a union school bection iu the vicinity of 13e1• grave. Moved by Coun, 1Ce11y, seconded by Coun, Youill, that no action be taken, -Carried. Tenders were received for the con- struction of the proposed Kelly drain end the tender of Nicholson & Regan, being 53139 for the work not including culverts, was found to he the lowest, On motion of Coutts, Kelly and You• 'ill, the above mentioned tender was ac- cepted, on condition that satisfactory security for the completion of the work be furnished, Accounts were orderer] to be paid as follows :-C. Proctor, putting in cul- vert, Sl ; P. Ellison, cleaning drain and puttil,g in culvert, 818,54; McKinnon Bros„ filling on 4th line near 13elgravo station. 827.77 ; Robert 'Purvey, drain across road on 2nd line, 83,50; Joseph Youill, drawing tile, 41,25; Robert Shedden, putting In culvert. 81,25 ; J, Colclough, grading and gravelling, 828; Wnt, Wells, tile culvert on SoutI, boon. dary, 85; D. McDonald, repairing bridge, 86.50; B.elbyy Sc Phelan, repair- ing bridge, $1.0 ; Thomas Bielby, em- inent culvert, 83 ; \Vm, 'Taylor, plank, 51.40 ; S. Welker, use of scraper, 50c; \Vin, McCracken, culvert 81.60; Wm, Anderson, repairing ront , $1.50; D, 1), W. Campbell, repairing bridge, 88 ; Wm, Rutledge, putting in drain, 87.10; D. Jewitt, gravel and damage, 85,49; Jordan & Cardiff, drawing tile and put• ting in culvert, 58.50 ; John Manning, tile and work, 85,85; Edward Bryans, wire for East boundary, 80; Win, Riley, gravelling on East boundary, $116,25 ; James Bolger, Inspecting on East boundary, $7.50; T. 8. Brandon, expanses re provincial audit, 80; P. McNabh, drain and putting in culvert, 87 90 ; R„ 13, Alcock, cleaning dritin, 58.50 ; R,, 13. Alcock, filling and digging drain opposite lot 14, con, 7, 875. Thu Council then adjourned to meet tagaiu on Dec. 15th, W. CLARE, Clork, rpt.. Goderich. The opening of the new elevator for business tl,ok place last week and now the secotld yeotel is beim; unloaded, John Hutton, of the U. P, R. engin• eeriug stall, left for Scotland to visit his ptu•ents, He will be absent a coup le of months. The Goderich Amateur Minstrels have reorganized for the season, and expect to :Hake their appeareuce in public early in January. John J, Kelly was called to Cobalt and Larder Lake whore he hes gold mining interests, Rich discoveries have been made, and one claitn h' s been sold, The new owner of the lileke block. Mr, 13rown, will remodel the who o property, put in plate fronts, extet d Dean's grocery, and improve the built; - Logs geuoral1y, Cyril Carrie has returned from Li. - towel, where he tuns working with the 0, P. R, engineers, and will likely rake his old place on the Tecumseh hocks team this winter. Lest Friday the members of the Dominion Dritul;lht Home Breedet•e, Society, which way organized and in• corporated, with its head office in Gode. Cent, over 20 years ego, met In Clinton to complete the winding up of the society, which was decided on itt I. special general meeting held last Ja - uary, The fourth and final volume of their stud book Is nearly completed an] will lie dostributed in a couple of weeks, but the society has prnctiertlly ceased to exist, There is every prospect of the for- mation again this year of a town hockey league, five tome already being in line, with the pro,pect of several others, The leap,ue will have an ex• ecntive committee, coitsistitrg of tbf' officers of the senior hookey club and a repress ntat ve from cavil of the teams in the It ague, The Tecumsohs, the Itamblere, the irotluole, the Doty Engine Works and tin Skidoos have al- ready decided on a !engin) and there is likelihood that a 0. P, R. team, the Yosemite: and the Coronations will go into it and a !milkers' tenni is also in prospect, Already n number of the students at. U111(14111010 Goderich Jledul School have se .tired schools for next term end several More aro in expectation of closing arrangements shortly, Atnong those twits schools are the (allowing : Mite' Sterling and DtIss Britnicotnht', who have schools in Goderich town- ship ; Miss Shaw and Miss Miners, Dashwood public school; Miss Law, an ont•of- the county school ; Miss Susan McNair, Hoar Parry Sound ; Clinton lloggart.h, Sitipka, turd Alex, McLen- nan, No. 5, Colborne. An invalid for years, Mrs, R, F. Shaw, eldest daughter of Win, and \Ira, Lee, at last succumbed to the dread disease, consulllptiom, Inst Saturday morning at her home in Oakland, Cal. Mrs, Shaw WAS married about ten years ago and hall since resided in California, returning to visit her formor home on two different occasions. She leaves one child, John, nine years of ago, Mr. Shaw was a resident of San Francisco at the time of the recent disnater there but has since lived in Oakland, He is secretary of the Oil Trust and It member of the Board of '!'rude, of Sen Francisco nod Is also interest in mining. Morrie. J. L. and Mrs, Lloyd and Master Jim Shuttleworth, of Mount Forest, were risitora at John llaenieg's for it few days, George Davis, 511) lino, is on hie way honkie from the \Vest where he spout the ,Sumner hut. is visiting relatives at Barrie on route, We are sorry to hear that Miss Lizzie daughter of Wnm. McCall, 7th line, is on the sick list bot wo hope she will soon be better. She ons threatened with appendicitis, H. 0, Pugh has been rc•cng.tgod to tench in the stone school house for 1907. The salary will be 8500.00, lie itas n fine section and we wish hint a good year. Mr, Pugh has a University coarse in view, Gast week Francis Dmienti arrived home from a stay of several months in the (Vest during which he aided in the harvest and threshing, He onjoyed his visit, When Ito left they were having quite a little Winter, Last Sabbath anniversaryy services were held in the Jackson church, 8th line, lin, Wm, Penhttll, a former pastor now of Monkton, preached at 10 a, tn. and 3 p. m, The musical exercises were increased in intrust. by the sing- ing of Norman Murch, of Blyth. It is over 4 years since Mr, Netball unloved from this ciren.1 a d he was heartily welcomed, East Wawanosh. John'1'. Currie, Co. Councillor, is itt Godwits at, eliding the Co. Cuuncil, In B'tst Wawanosh a lln•ue number of the ratepayers have been urging the present County CouncilI r, John T. Currie, to seek election as Reeve, He bras ha/i maty years experience as Reeve of the township. H'e hear thltt Wm, Beecroft and Win. Lockhart will also likely be candidates, Inn have not heard Reeve Ellis' intentions in the ma, i;lizatterheth M. Scott, wife of Chas. \filtte passed 'wily at her Thorne on Jns- °phone street north, W1IIoltain, on Sun. day, 25th tilt., aged :*i years. Mrs, Dldee iia l h''on m ('01,1e health for some tinge and for weeks wits confined to her b„d, Prior to cooping to IVtng• ham and before her marriage, deceased lived with her parents in East Wawa. nosh, The bereaved will have the sympathy of many friends in their affliction. The funeral took piece on Tuesday afternoon to IViugham ceme• tory, .mar• Mrs. Warren, of Mullett, who }urs erected a pretty house on Albert street, Clinton, expects to occupy it in it few days, She has been living with 8, McCool where she had n good home -duce the death of her husband, bu' desires the convenience of a town home, ITIS WIFE'S LUNGS BOTH AFFECTED But the Great Consumptive Preven• tative brought Health and Happi• ness to his Home "Our doctor said there was no cure for my wife as both her lungs were affected," says Mr. L, H. Walter, of Pearl Street, Brockville, Ont. "It was a sad disap• polntment to us both, just starting out in life, only married a short time. But before she had finished the first bottle of Psyching the pain in her lungs quickly went away, and after taking six bottles Mrs, Walter was a new creature and perfectly well again." That is just one of the many families itilo which Psychino bas brought (lope, (health and happiness, It is a living proot that Psycbine cures Consumption. But don't wait for Consumption. Cure your LaGrippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis, your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia with the remedy that never fails-- PSYCHINE (Prouounced Si•k,en) 50c. Per Bottle Larger slyest .•1,and 412 -all ,druulstts, N. T. A. SLOOUM, Limited, Toronto. Jewel loves and 'an 'es ARE T E =EST We have also a fine line of Parlor and Library Lamps. One Minute Washing Machines, the latest and best on the market. GERRY 13Y... ICI" El eafilStariAt6 l'`<fit''i%. .II':t':gi `xi.t`.1.':OIt/1'C'1!•'c',j .1':I,r`.,y.ti ••t,' Sjt. "Could the consumptives of any given cornu wnKty he seen at one time, or pass in panorama before the people, public consciousness of the magnitude of the affliction might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympathy of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as compared with the deaths from con- ._, sum tionLAWRENCE EhlCE F. FLICK, M Q. Medical Director of Henry Phipps Instituto for tho Study, Troatmont and Prevention of Tuberculosis, Many reasons surely must influence men and women to help in the great work being carried on by the MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Other hospitals refuse the consumptive. This institution cares for them. Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her poverty. Seven hundred and thirty-eight patients have been cared for since the Free Hospital was opened in 1902. Take a week's record 63 patients In residence ; 37 absolutely free, not paying a copper toward their maintenance ;15 paying 50 cents a day or less; 5 paying $4.00 a week ; 4 paying $6.00; one paying $7.00. These figures tell plainly of a large deficit on maintenance account each month. To cover this the trustees are dependent upon the contributions that come to them front friends in all parts of Canada, Not since the days of George Muller has so great a „ work of faith been carried on. ADMINISTRATION neu.Dina, M(ISKOHA PRRt HOSPITAL FOR coNsustrytV9Q, WILL YOU HELP DIVIDE THIS LOAD WITH THE TRUSTEES Contributions may be sent to SIR WM. R, MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, Osgoodo Hall, Toronto, or W. J. Gage, Esq., 54. Front Street, W., Toronto. Applications for admission and all information from J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary National Sanitarium Association, (Saturday NI ht Building), 28 Adelaide Street, W,, Toronto, Canada. JI<'v ,.,,: , ' i" ,L ,C;,f.';.;. .i •'Jn, .,t: ,.i Pei ," 4v4.