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The Blyth Standard, 1906-11-29, Page 1
b tb b VOL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906. NO. 16. 4111 Mon's Stylish 5i1$ X5.00 Men's Suits, made from good domestic tweeds, sewn with linen thread, shrunken through- out, sizes 36 to 44, for $5.oO. Men's Suits, in stylish tweeds of fancy mixes, in checks, stripes, overplaids, sizes 36 to 44, for $7, Men's Suits, in up-to-date sty- les, in heavy or light weights, dark or light shades, made from the new novelties in tweeds, sizes 36 to 44, for $9. Don't forget our Clothing is shrunk- en and sewn with linen thread. POPLESTONE & CARDINER THE 610 CLOTHIERS 1-3LYTI3 f1� Mansell. J. W. Ortwein left on Monday morn- ing of last week for a business trip to Mor►troal, The Hensall Male Quartette drove to Staffa on Monday evening last and took part in tui entertainment. Ambrose Smith, Manager of the Sovereign Bank Aylmer, was in town on 'Thursday night and Friday, Ho also visited Exeter. Sam. White, of Detroit, who has been in Mexico for some time in hope of regaining his health, has not been much benefitted by the change and is expected to arrive in Hensell in a couple of weeks. Our building contrac•ors and winter are havintt quite a race. Geo. Joynr's house has received the first goat of plaster. and the m►►sons ere busy. on Gan, Brown's ; 13, Kaiser's is 'Onset completed, end '1, Welch's heti the first coat of plaster, Walton. McDonald Bros. shipped a car of heading to Woodstock. Messrs, Fergusoml & Harris aro re- ceiving their now stock for the general store they tire to open. A baby daughter has conte to bless the home of 1V, J, end ,,Irs. Hawthorn, Weskeda, Alan, The 10th of Novem- bar is the red letter day, 13oth mother Auld ld daughter doing well, The roils on the new railway aro within '2 milds of Walton now but the weather last week caused delay in reaching the village, Workmen have been busy building the platform at the depot. George Barrows bus sold has (inn faun west of Walton containing 1271 acres, to Robert Holn s, McKillop, for the sun) of 87,000. The purchaser will get speedy possession it is said, Mr. Barrows' health hits not been very vigorous and ho nay take it rest from farming for n while. We hope he and Mrs Burrows will not remove from this locality as they are highly esteemed penpie, The Edmonton Bulletin of Nov, 14th contains the following interesting note concerning a young gentleinan welt and favorably known in this Iocnlity "At the home of Mr, and Mrs, E, T. Bishop, Eighth street, the marriage took place at noon today of Mr, Wil- liam Ren, M. A.. Principal of the Ed- monton High School and Miss Alice Blanche Wooster. of St. 'Thomas, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr, 1f cQneen. The ►ride was becom- ingly attired in white point d'esprit over white lousiouno silk, with pear trimmings, She wag given away by her brother -hi -law E, T. Bishop, The wedding mtu•ch was played by qrs. G E Ellis, After a Luncheon for the bridal party Mr. And Mrs, Rea left by the afiernson train for a trip through 13ritish Columbia, Only immediate relatives were present at the ceremony." Mr, Rett's many friends here extend hearty congratulations to himself and !ride, Canada Rich in (funerals. Canada has 100 million ingested in mining, Canada's copper production, 1905.1 millions ; silver, 2i millions ; lead, 2i tnilliotrs, Canada's gold production, 1905, 14i trillions. Canada has produced 85. millions worth of nickel, Canada has 100,000 square miles of coal land. Santa Claus for young and old Santa Claus for all For the next four weeks this store will bristle with Xtnas Goods, the finest assortutelt ill town. A dainty line of PERF' CTMVYESlit In Cut Glass Containers. The very latest orders in Bulk Perfumes, Specials, Yunora, Ideal, Stearns, Suly, Pinand, Roger and Salter. JAPANESE GOODS In Ebony, Rosewood Whltewood and Red Cedar. Leather Goods, Purses, 'Wal- lets, Hand Bags, Finger Ilurses. Glove., Watch, Jewel and Handkerchief Cases— leather and celluloid, Eland Painted China. Libbey's Cut Gut Glass. Mantel De- corations in BI•que, Bronze and China, Seo our line of Real Ebony Toilet Sets and a beautiful line in Rosewood, Loather and Stag Horn Mounts. A pretty lot of exelus• Ive designs in Fern Pots, Rose Jars, Camphor Book Goods, Mantouro Sets --celluloid and leather, Salad Forks and Spoons (special). Our Optical Department is Complete. Have your eyesight examined tree on the most up-to-date instrument --the Geneva Rotinosoope, Our stock of Speotaoleware Includes the finest and best made forms in Gold, Silver and Aluminum. Sole agent for Lowrey's New York Chocolate Bon Bons, Ice Cream Drops and Gibson's Pure Fruit Tablets. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE DR. W. J. MILNE - - BLYTH Exeter. I Congratulations are extended to Tho complete recovery of Willie Snell, Thos, A, Reid, of Owen Sound, fortner• who recently underwent an operation ly a teacher in this township in his for appendicitis, is now assured. election to the now Advisory Council of F. .F, Korn, manager of Sovereign, Education, Ho polled over 1,000 votes Capital, all paid up, $2,25o,000. Reserve, $2,25o,000, Barak of London, has returned from it and was the second highest on the list Total Assets,$29,000,000. trip to England, Scotland, France, of candidates. Mr, Reid should make a Switzerland and Italy, useful member as he has a wide ex• S. M, Sanders who has been filling t}1C periene°. duties of Superintendent of the Wire The 100 acre farm, 71 h line, known as Nail Co. at Collingwood has resigned the "Davey Maxwell" property, has the position end returned to his horne, been purchased by 'Thuoll Bros., of J. D. Spncktnun who has been study. Brussels, from J. & J. He fro", of ing music in Germany is now on his Blyth. Price is said to be 88,200. way home, He is bringing with hien There are 12 acres of good hardwood a fine piano which he had built for his bush still on the fartn which will be of own use. considerable value to the now owners The laborers employed doing the ex- for running their electric light plant cavation work at the Canning factory and chopping mill at Brussels, Inst Thursday morning struck for On Sunday, 18th inst,, the spirit of higher wages, They were paid what Misr Mary Letitia, youngest daughter they asked, of the late John ook, Gth lino, took its A meeting of the curlers was held in ili;,dht, She had not enjoyed very the Town 1{all for the purpose of organi• rna'ged health for tho past 6 years and 'satin : Hugh Spackman was elected had been considerable worse for two lion, Pros, ; N. 1) Ilmrdon, President ; months prior to her demise but was Sam, Sweet, Vico-President ; Geo. only in bed a week before the call carne, Anderson, Sec,-Treas. Dropsy was the cause of her death, M iss Cookwas born on the farm on Wingham. which she died and was 88 years of age. Geo, Jones, foreman at the chair Her brotl►era aro Wm, and Jno., of Newry had one of his Jingoisttaken off Morris. and James, of Hamilton, Mrs. while working on a machine at the fac- Cook flied 8 years ego and Mr. Cook paid 1Naturo s lebt last September, for T. ,Chishol►n, M. P. for East Miss Cook's funeral took place on Wed. Huron left last week for Ottawa to at- nesday afternoon, Rev. M r. W ishart, tend to his Parliamentary duties, the of whose congregation deceased was a House opening for business on Thurs- member, taking the ser rice. Inter day. ment was made in Brussels cnnnetery, Dr. Agnew has returned home from BANK OF HAMILTON . • ._ - •- e-• ---_�. Philadelphia, where he spent the past Mullett Council. two weeks visiting the hospitals, and also visiting with his sisters who aro The Mullett Council met in Londes- nurses there. boro on Monday, 19th inst ; members Geo, B. Roo has been confined to his all present. bed for some days. Mr. Rose has a }3yy-law was passed fixing places for large circle of friends who would be holding nomination and election. The pleased to hear of hint soon being able deputy -returning officers will be as fol - to be around again. lows :— H. IL Wightman and Walter Bur- No, 1, John Fowler, at Temperance gess, two young men from Windham, Hall, Kinburn. who went Vert, have disff.osed of their No. 2. James Watt, School House, business in Moosomin, We have not Herlock. heard their intentions as to the future. No. 8,P. Quigley, School House No. The Wingham hockey club was re- organized with the following officers : No, 1, R. Adams, Foresters' Hall, Hon, President, Dr, Kennedy ; Hon. Londeshoro. Vico Presidents, Robt Johnston and No, 5 Wm. McCool, School House Alpert Fleming ; President, J. 1). No. 6, Burns ; Vice Presidents, J. E. Swans No, 66, George Snell, Township Hall, and F. J, Taylor • Treasurer, W. G. No, 7, John Fingland, School House Reid ; Secretary, Eihner Moore ; Man- No. 9. ager, Lack Kennedy Managing Com- A. by-law was passed authorizing the muton, D. Dinley, F. 0. Heppenstall, J. issue of debentures for 8500 for the pert McGillivray and H. ,tl clean ; Delp- payment of a new school house in U. S. gates to Northern League meeting, D. S,' No. 12, H, & G. D. Wilson and H McLean, Complaint was made to some of the members of Council respecting the Clinton. dumping of old tinware and other rub - Harry Stevens, formerly of Bartliff's, bsh on the bounders line of Millet, has taken n position in St. Thomas as and Blyth, causing horses to be fright - assistant baker, enod and being dangerous to the travel - Mrs. Bant lon, Princess Street, had ling public, The Clerk was asked to the misfortune to fall down cellar, and notify the Blyth corporation to have sustained a fracture of one arm, the same removed, A, ,T, Paxton, of Paxton & O'Neil, A number of accounts, amounting to Plril'delphitt, Pa., 14 installing new 81065 were passed and ordered to ho machines in the hitting factory, paid, The old Royal Hotel property has Council adjourned until Saturday, been converted into al) implement store- Dec, 16th, when it is expected that all house for the use of Jas. A. Ford,the township accounts for 1900 will bo John Guest hes returned home after settled, spending several weeks at Brussels, Tho Collector will receive taxes at (ferric and Wroxeter superintending Londesboro on Dec. 1st, Clinton on the the shipping of apples for D. Cantelon, 8th and Constance on the 10th, 111"8 1lcNnughton, sup►rintemdetrt of The Board of Health held a meeting the Oakwood9nn►yttrium, Lake Geneva, the sante day and received the report of Wisconsin, has returned to spend it few Dr, McCallutn, Health Officer, from weeks with her sisters, the Misses Mc- which it appears there hits been quite Naughton, of town, an epidemic of measles, particularly in The Salvation Army has recently ,Sac, 8, and later on throughout the added to the!' equipment an acetylene Township, We had a number of cases gas lamp, suitable el.hor for outdoor or °( typhoid tdi fever, diarrhoea, two of them !ago some e severe indoor use, It was imported fromg England especbrlly for thorn, rapidly fatal, Tho vital statistics for 0n Tt1oydrty evening lest a traveller the Township this year so far are:-- at the Normandie walked to the ear births 45, marriages 113, deaths 20, end 0(1110 hall, unlockedthe hack door, JAS. CAMPBELL, Clerk, went out on the trunk platfortn, and r (n1AI'PLD HANDS. walked off in the darkness, fnllinl, to Wash your hands with wenn water, distance of about 1'2 feet ; be was pretty dry with a towel and apply fly Chambor- badly shook up. I ! . Owing to the largo atteudanco at the lain's Salve just before going to bell, Clinton Business College, the progress- and a speedy cure is certain. This Ivo mtan►tge.tnent, have found it nece�s sitive is also unequalled for skin di- ary to get larger apartments fir ed up, senses For sale by all druggists. An additional teacher Miss Rosa Mc- Bee, of London, who is a Gold Medalist, —Subscribe for THE SrANVArap, arrived in town and is in charge of the ic dartment, Knowing tanogrnphep s something of this institution and the thoroughness of its work, we can heartily recommend the Clinton Busi- nese College to those desirous of secur- ing a Commercial or Stenographic education. ••••11.041.1. Morris. A Christmas Tree Entertaintnont is being prepared for at the Sunshine church. Fuller announcements later. The Anniversary services of Jock - son's church, 8th line, Morris, will be hold next 'Sunday, when a former pas- tor, Rev, Wm, Ponhall, of Monkton, will occupy the pulpit. Patrick and Mrs aANCabo, of Ottawa, are welcome visitors at Thos. Russell's lith lino, The first named is a brother to Mrs, Russell but they had not met for 62 years. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe will likely spend a month or so hero. • Tho annual entertainment and Christ- mas'1'reo of the Sunshine Sunday School will be held on December 18th, A find program will bo furnished by home and outside talent after which refreshments will be served, A good time is expect- ed, Doors open at 7 o'clock and pro- gram at 8. CHUM MINIS COMO Individual instruction No vacation Gold medalists as teachers Highest standard Ask for catalogue, Modern business practice Bookkeeping a specialty Ugly towards sluggards Shorthand and typewriting Interested in graduates Newest office systems Enter any time Students' literary society Sympathetic teachers Commercial correspondence Ornamental penmanship Learn telegraphy Lucrative positions Excellent text hooks Graduates successful Enter " NOW." GEO. SPOTTON • PRINCIPAL • J. TURNIBULL, GENERAL MANAGER, BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected, Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T, W. SCOTT, AGENT. ************************* Now We're In For It! No doubt about it. Winter is on and you will need good Footwer--Rubbers for sloppy weather, Overshoes for the deep snow. Let us make you comfortable for five months --till summer comes again. You might as well be. You go through the world only once. You may as well go through With Warm Dry Feet. Ladies' Fur Coats That Are _ Guaranteed We guarantee every Ladies Fur Coat that we sell, and our reason for doing so is this : We sell noth- ing but the 'finest quality that money can buy. You run no risk in buying your coat from us . . G. M. Chambers & Co. BLYTH 3�I The Best There Is at Smallest Price That's the Story Our Stock Tells Our ho1ida5 ads. ought to make interesting matter for the Christmas reading of housekeepers who wish to avoid the dear on account of the •'cheap" offerings that meet them sometimes in the papers. This store knows as well as anybody how to buy as cheap as any- body, and sell, too, but we wouldn't think of offering for this season, any- thing but this season's goods, Y�u'II Use These in the Christmas Cake Put in a list and try our New Currants all dry re -cleaned, Argumbau Select Raisins, also Seeded and Seedless Raisins, Special quality of Crosse & ahtckwell Peels, New Hallowe'en Dates in bulk and packages, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and in Spices, Baking Powders, Icing Sugars, Ex- tracts and Jelly Powders; we always keep the best at lowest prices. Trust Us With That Christmas Order Por these are sure goods for those who intend to have their baking as rich and delicious as it can be made. Cash for All Kinds of Farm Produce. ME8 Graoer 1317th WILD NIGUT IN MINING CAMP The Canadian Hotel at Niagara, B.C., Dynamited. A Young Woman and an Italian Killed. Murderous Fight Between french and Italian Factions. Victoria, B. 0., Nov, 20. -The Bound- ary dispute, which, because of its proxirnity to some of the more lawless mining catnpe to the south of the United States boundary, has been the .........,110...,....- -...-,. FLEET TO CHECK TROUBLE, Spain Orders Battleship to the Moorish Coast. Madrid, Spain, Nov. 20, --As a conse- quence of the receipt by the Cabinet of despatches setting forth t hat the sit tint ion of Europeans in lionises) is growing woke, Minister of Merino Alvarado derided, after consultation with the Premier and his colleagues, to order the battleship Pelayo to the lforocenn coast. The I'clayo will pro- ceed thither to•nigh1 or to -morrow for Tangier, where she ►will join the French warships. She will tante 500 marines, It is reported I here, though the ru- mor lncks confirmation, that the Brit• kit squadron now 01) the e0ust Of Spain also has been ordered to \for• occo. In oeffieial circle's the opinion is held shot tho lfolrrceaJI situation is immin- ently perilous. The present prevaltionv are intended to forestall the serious de- 1'cloptnents rendered pos.sihle by the giv- inir of increased powers to the bandit scene of several tragedies lately, not- Raienli, ably the Carni double murder, was the TL' ;lid( ilr of all th" powers 1' n• scene of another outbreak last night, in Berne I is 1114111.011 to h4' perf(v'tly bar- d monione, and the first act of h04(ilily which two people lost their lives. Ntur. of the part of the -Moors will he the wore injured and a hotel demolished signal for the disembarkation of Innd• and burned, The scene of the trouble i"'z parties, from all the foreign war- ships, ••• TO CLOSE THE BALTIC. wee at Niagara, a small mining ctunp, about seven miles up the north fork of Kettle River, from the city of Grand Yorks, and the origin of it scents to have lain in a quarrel between two fae- tions, one French and the other Italian, who were quarrelling during the day. During the altercation sotno parties were heard to say they would blow ftp the Canadian hotel, in which the row took place, and this was actually what occurred about midnight. Dyna- mite was taken front the storehouse of Contractor 'Tierney, three boxes being used. When the blast went off Louise Xing, a girl of eighteen, tvn.t talking with her mother, and was literaly blown to pieces, her trunk alone remaining intnet. Her mother scene; to have Reported War•Time Treaty Between Germany and Denmark, London, Nov. 26,--:teeording to iso Berlin correspondent of (h;' I):,l!y 1fai1, Denmark and Get: sly ha'•e en- tered into a treaty to el,l+e the 1'uliie to fleets hostile to Germany in tiler, of war. it will be rerllem wed that the value of such •11) ore"''•: •,v; s discussed in Germany '0 0' time +Igo. It i now arranged. an 1 1.' c of the u'J- jects of the lain;; of ;)"it'uuh s pr'':cnt visit to Germany is •o :sof:. :(t it, Germany guarantees '1,• integrity of Denmark in return 'or the privilege escaped, though with serious Injuries, of clueing the - ttiu1 tr \V 00 D:10111'1:- The only other death was that of an 1)ln1 Sw den to any he ,' 1, fleet I:y Italian, whose name is unobtainable., ing to atta''k Diel or other of the 13111• Following the explosion which denied- ti's I ons, Thi;., ars ,e'les to I l o cur - ' !shed one aide of the hotel, n fire broke respondent, I)1); been Ile ohhot of the out, and the major part of the hotel Was burned to the ground. The free fight of the Italians and .French in the afternoon was prolonged fbtn the night preceding the explosion, and a veritable night of terror scoots to hare been the result. Throughout the night indiscrimin;1te rifk'shoottnt 'among drunken railway laborers was ,going on, and several travellers nar- rowly escaped heing struck by flying bullets, Or. Dickson of ('rand Forks went up to Ningara et daybreak and brought floor, oho hart the worst injuries to the linsnital• No nrrests hare yet been ,made, by the police officials, ONTARIO BANK. VALUABLE SECURITIES FOUND WITH NEW YORK BROKERS, Manager's Large Deals -Margined Mil- lion Dollars of stock in One Day - Magistrate Wants Commission to Go to New York. Toronto despatch: Police Magistrate Denison -Inas decided that the necounls of every one of the h;llf dozen bro::urs who acted in the \0\r 'ort: rnpeeii i tie e market upon behalf of the Ontario Beek, or Clutrles (McGill, its late General .Man, - agar, must be investigated. 'by a corn - mission appointed by the }nigh Court of Ontario. The evidenoe of various amounts being che;;kcd out of the ac• count of the bank with A, Js, Aloes & Company to \1r. McGill personally led His Worship yesterday to express the determination not to resell a de- cision in the case until he knows whether this practice of elm:king o'tt .amounts obtained in connection with the b!tnk's account~ with New York 'brokers, With the aseu•nnce that the ,appoiutnient of the calami -kion 1;0;1!.1 bo in every way facilitated, (Town At• torney Corley secured &II adjournment of the investigation for one week and !Mr, 1Ic( ill wa,s released upon the (usual bond, Mr, A. D. I3raithwaitc, Slee manager !jet the Bank of Jlontreal in Toronto, ros 'became general manager of the ntario Bank to facilitate the 1winditt- up p roceeditge, in his examination yes- terdny gore the encouraging infornul• tion that in two 'brokers' office; in New ; York he hod found scelIritie- held in the note of Charles McGill, tvIticli se- otw'ities represented a serpltis of atmtit ;1$100,000 ower the liabilities of Mr. Jlc- Gill and the Ontario Bank to these firms. The offices in which thews securities were found were those of 'O}ntrlea pend & Company and Cu,ylor, Luse, t0 & Company. Another interesting feature disclosed through the cxnminution '+f Walter Chenoweth, transfer olerk In the Ontario Bank, by Tlon, A, B. Morins, wss that upon September 10 the statements cent out by ,pryers, Head & Company to Mr. :McGill sir 0es, ed a liability of the' bank to the hunk• ors of $1,:111 1,000, ag'(►laust which the brokers held 41 number of laecurities, At the same time one of tho seouritiea ledgers of the batik indicated ndvnncee �the hank to Head & Cotnp any of d08,030, the difference between the two •tatemente being aome1w11nt above one and one -Inuit million dollars, Kaiser's patient courting of Denmark in recent y ears, The n"reement is of snob n eharaeter that official denials of its existence can always Ix' Made apparently truthful. Tt even mah('s i; possible for 1)007011rlc to pot up a make-believe protest when the time for the fulfilment of the agreement arrives, -.. BROKE ALIEN LABOR LAW, Had Man Brought From Chicago Who Proven a Disappointment. Toronto report : The importation of one man front Toronto hats stirred up considerable wrath Among the employees of the l.o rndes Clothing \Isurufacturnlg Company. and Ile a result all the cut- ters, trimmers and pressers, tLggregLtlll,Q about fifty men, event on strike yester- (laly. The shop has been consideral reason• ably "fair" all along. and the company wn,.g even accorded the privilege of hanging its si, t in the auditorium of the Labor Temple; but this t1i111 shave to conte down. A mass ntentin,, of garment \Yorkers wns held last night to acquaint ell !ire trade of the sitttnttion. It nppeare that the firm 'had for some time been in neer( of an extra pre,5er, The tutir01 was enable to ,secure 0410)1 a emu, en 1 told ',lee ::nal; ! ou' to import one on, condition that he would pen the nttlinll 1114 5.)011 Its }ie ea71e t•1 the city. A man ca17! from Chicago a \v ek ago last (Saturday, Ile was upproaehed by the union to conte in, which he pro - wised to do on the f(ollowin; Wednes- day. On that evening, when reminded of his promise, he became very Iti)11sive and told the delegation what they could do with their organization. The manager took an "open' shop" attitude, hence the strike, OLD AGE PENSIONS. British Premier Pe.rlisa Question Will be Considered, London, Nov, 2U, -Replying today to a deputation of member.; ot, the (louse of Commons from the Liberal and Labor parties, Premier Campbell -Ban• nerman said the matter of old age pen- sions would be taken up its 50011 as titne and money permitted. Ile ex- pressed himself as o[[ppo10d to the "eon - tributory scheme," !secausc it involved inquistorial machinery. Uhl age pensions, the Premier con- tinued, far from supping independence end undermining thrift, would do just the opposite, any schetue ought to he universal, and must ire punto effect by the State, which alone has the means of currying it out, Speaking to the sante deputation, Chancellor of the Exchequer Asquith said there is nothing nearer his heart than to be able to submit a financial plan for FAA, pensions. Ile favored one nitogethcr disnssoelntcd from the poor law, and Assured the deputation that the Government regarded title question as one of extreme urgency, •4 41, WHEN IS A KITTEN A CAT? Fanciers in Great Britain Riven Over This Profound Question, London, Nov. 20. -Cat fanciers in fIreat Britain, who are growing Hinter• ons; are riven by the profound question: Can a kitten become a cat before it is a year old I' The Southern Countlee Cat Club has decided that the period of ado]. Hon, Adam Beck estimates that To. ('sconce emotes at nine months, and its fronto may obtain electrical energy ready nlenthors are gohrg to call eats cats and too dletribute at from $15 to $17,715 per kIttene kittene on these lines, whatever bore° power if only 15,000 to 20,000 happens. Other 611)s differ at the fro. horse power is taken. mint cat shows, THE BROWN MURDER hurricane, In Battle Harbor the 'loose - volt carrite' away her honvieet anchor, and severe! times had to be run out to keep her off the rocks, VICTIM'S WEDDING CLOTHES CAUSE She was short of coal, and it became SENSATION IN COURT, necessary to augment this fuel with wood and blubber, A portion of the. For the First Time Gillette, on Trial for ship's interior woodwork was iieman• ticd in order to secure wood, During it Killing Grace Brown, is Deeply blinding snow storm, it is declared, the Moved -Another Girl Swears She Roosevelt was nearly wreeketl on the Was Not His Sweetheart, � west const of Newfoundland. The steamer is still short of cowl, Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. 211, - Grucu -m'4,• Brown's wedding clothes, which were CRAZED MAN CUTS HIS THROAT, etude by Priced; 1)71,1 neighbors for the - girl wh0 trent to 11 watery grove in Dig .Meuse Luke on the very day she planned to go to the altar as the bride CATTLE EMBARGO. VIGOROUS EFFORT PUT FORTH TO HAVE IT REMOVED. All Bodies Interested Will be Circular` ized-If Support is Unanimous Gov - eminent Will Have to Comply With Demand, London, Nov, 26, -Tho Association for the Frau Importation of Oaittdien Cat - tie Tuts rttsolvetl to prosecute with tut - Then Runs in Street in Scant Attire- abated vigor u campaign to secure the Will Recover, repeal of the embargo, and hare do• Toronto despatch? His disordered 1111114 ceded to circularize all bodies interested. of l buster 1:, Gillette, were shown in constantly causing hien the fear that 1', 1., Gray, ,�3euretary of tho Scott/lab eourl, where Gillette is on trial charged (1)f woe bring persecuted send In tlattg�r 1F1't,trh, say's that. if the appeal aucete p attack, Ernest t A, 1 t-otklt }, of 21 t t unanittuus support there is every' Berryman strut, attempted suicide hist probability that the Premier will bo night by slashing his throat with n conepeiled to comply with it, razor, 'Then, clad only in a shirt, he Coitunenting on Arlo Bailey's evidence treading trousseau Thewere idea got oat of a rear window, climbed the before the iris!, Congested .l)Istrieteleani- with re pulsibility for her death. From the girl's trunk, which was re• covered at Fulton Chain, wcro taken several garments that composed her titled as garments prepared for het at fence and ran through Ketchum Park tttwslou, Jtr, Danser says: "1l. Ireland honed before her clandestine dr her to Seollnrd street, 'There he wee met by is to a 1Valee ill ss-tstlth and population to 0)7 .tfiael.J lck 1. clandestine 11 B. R, lrlkins, who took hila to No, 5 po• tillage -mot be more largely rc;ortorl lice 5Lntin)I, to, An exelu,ive market which di•s• Fur the first time since his trial be• gmue, Gilltic appeared deeply 1)1111 1) - For two years he has been in hall favors needful alteration in agricultural gift, y, Forty letters which had lase health, and tectitti began to suffer practice; is f,1) from a boon." cd between him and Grace Brown were from delusions, Ile is 115 years of age rend h}• the distt•ic't attorney, and as and married, PEBBLE CAUSED DISASTER, 4.l. he heard the familiar wends repeated HAVE SWOLLEN HEAD, the ptisou'r's eyes filled with 1.011 1.8. ;1111' 011,1' persons in the crowded cuurt room wept as the letters were crud, '1'114' n tits I:nd sisters of the deand girl 11•crep present, !n It letter written by Grace last .July she pleaded with l;illette to go to South Uteolie and take het' away, She said in the letter that she feared Gillette was planning to desert her, and she threatened to go to C'onrtluut and 0X)1(1 e hint if hr did not keep his promise to snake her his wife. Reference to "another girl'' was )merle in another letter and she pleaded hhim to ie true to her. She wrote that she probably would be dead be- fore long and that he then would bo rid of her, Berrie' Jlrnediet, of ('ourlland, denied on the strand today' that she was Ches. ter Gillette's sweetheart, She was calve and conlpeeed a4' the lawyers probed her affair; with Gillette, and in thin brief statement. cleared up a rumor that had leen of great annoyance to her, "Ile never ealled 0!1 1110," said \tins Bcnediet, referring to Gillette, "and he never was at my hunsa, except to es- cort me." She did not. go near the prisoner, whose eyes tare filled with tears pro- dneerl by the reading of (;race 'Brown's letters, Al STRIKE TROUBLE. TWO ALLEGED HAMILTON MEN FIGURE IN TORONTO CASES. Toronto .1unetion despatch: The Po. lice Court teas crowded yesterday morn- ing in consequence of the public interest in the cases arising out of the piano - makers' strike. The first cnsc was that of 1t'. J. '1'iuncy, n non-union man, who was charged with pointing a re- volver at a striker named Nutgate, Tin- ney is a young man who caused a good deal of amusement in court by protesting in a sobbing voice that the revolver was harmless and that he would not shoot anyway. "But," said the Magistrate, "you wanted to make the other man believe that yon would shoot, and you could not have blamed him had he shot yeti in sclf•dofeu(•t." °I. wouldn't have ';aid a word if he had,,' robbed Tinney, Ile was allowed to go, promising to leave for Ilamilton at once. Chief interest centred in the case of Bert 1lannsell, a striker, charged with assault, The first witness was a young man named Kavanagh, who clave here from Hamilton to take a job in Heintz- mntt & Co's, factory, since the shrike, A Bell Telephone call was left at his board- ing house on Edmund street one night about 11 o'clock. It was written on tele- phone papce ,and enclosed its a telep}louo envelope, and asked him to come to the central office to speak to his mother at Oratlgevillc. Ile got out of bed, and, ac- co►npnnied by a friend mimed Nichol], ho started to the telephone office and leas waylaid by a group of five or six men, one of whom he recognized an Jlanus(!II. Ile said that. he was knocked down twice, his eyes blackened, his ear hurt and he was generally bruised and battered. He afterwards learned that the telephone summons wns bogus. Ifannsell said he could prove an alibi. Ile was committed for trial, 4.0 SWEPT AWAY BY LANDSLIDE, Seven Italian Laborers Killed in West Virginia, Bluefield, W., Va., Nov. 20. -Seven trackulen in a gang of 'nineteen cngtg• ed in removing n slide on the Dryfork brunch of the Norfolk & Western Kali - road, were killed to -day as tho resent of a Inndelide, 'fila 111('tt were swept don'n the mountainside find into the river, Twelve men escaped. The ,bodies of four of thre victims were recovered whiic those of the others are hurled under tons of earth, All of the victim were ltaIinn laborers and were known only by num- beers, HAD A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Peary's Steamer Was Almost on the Rocks at Battle Harbor. St, John's, Nfld,, Nov, 20, -Com- mander Penry's Arctic steamer Rouse - volt, which is still at St. Cloorge's Bay, Nfld., is reported to have had a ter- rible exporienc!e while coining south from Hopedale, Labrador, She had to lie up for eleven days In Battle Harbor, Labrador, which le nhoet thiet.v e(:1es north of Chateau Bay, on account of the "Good Old Yorkshire" Criticizes the Canadians' Manners, London, Nor. 211,--"110011 0111 York• ;'shirr" tt1ilin, from llontt•aal to the Yorkshire Post, is out 1t•iel1 n s:e•le'e• for (etnadianrs and their nem. hers bcx'nnee of daily attocks made upon Englishmen, by the ''ont'•eent yellow papers puhlit-.h"rl here." Ile says the "ex- tretrlrltthin habit meets, you everywhere, politmllesa is unknown in a•estnnr1nts and dining halls, and the use of tho knife to the mouth is universal. As for ,.port, all amateur; ;s•0 roped in with presents, ,Tuck Cunnck lino got it swollen (lead, If asked your opinion about habits, spx►rts and manners, tied you 4)t - for with hire, pot tete asked, net pot !Rely, why in -----lid yea come out here?" 0.0 TAINTED GOATS IN MALTA, They May be the Source of the Dreaded Mediterranean Fever, Prevented Closing of Intake Pipe of • CLEVER SWINDLE CHARGED AGAINST AN $3 A WEEK NEW YORK CLERK. Alleged to Have made Thousands of Dol- lars Through Investors of Fictitious Stock -Charged With Forgery and Other Crimes. New furl:, Nov, '_'o, ---The l'i'e;•, to -day sets: 11,;,q0,11 Hill unuh lac leder, head of the Frilit 111111 Produce Trade As- 4ucieti1t, Warren street, and 13\111Iilling I thousands of dollor,; from investor; 111 fictitious ,strath, 1,1 .(Ilgl' I,Illnll, 18 years 1,111, :n t.,8 a %t 'etc clerk (5;lire4 cx:un- ination ill 1111' '1'01111,5 Colla yestet'day 11:111 two; fled! in $2,5UU, by 11ngi.ttr;tte 11'a!slt to aoait the action of the grand jute, The eenlill;inlnt against 1)511,,11 tins ‘V;I Ed \1', ;;:with, of the u;':'rciltti;ln, and of the . 7io'ric;ul ('upper (fulls ('1111111;;111', .1;si»l1tttt Ui,lriet .\1lumes hrot••l ;:lilt Dillon n,ed the -lssoei,ttien's stn• 1iolery to it ilct! it; customers to in- vest in the Elston' 'frust ('om!e,:1)r ;Ii t 1(1) 11 .=burr, 1)illun, it is rhai';.'eJ, signed himself a,sistiodeill"rile1• of 11," Fruit and Pr( dove camera, but also in other 1,11(1; signed 110' name of C. 11, .1 f;lms, 1're.ilient of the Festers Union 'frust company. Submarine Lutin, Dillon cashed ,t $300 (Intl.!, on the 1'1) 1 ion Bank of Brooklyn drown by Tranvia; Paris, Nov, N.--tla:3ton Thomson,, van moseys, of Holland, Patent, N. 1'„ Minister of Marine, at a Cabinet meet• ' 11,1;1 els() one for $7100 from 11 1)l -to i1 ing to -day announced that he had re- \\'i'(nn,in. Kruse! said that he had evi cooed the report of the Commission of (1e1c0 sho'Vi171 11111 Dillon had reveiwe, Enquiry mppuinted to investigate the morn Than Moon from itnsuspcctin ° (listn1)1ers of the Fruit & J'rodllcc'I'I•:alo loss of the submarine Lutin, which, .1:soeietion :old from those of the .1n: while nlnnocuvrino off Bi;:erta on Oct. rriean Copper and (note Company. 10, failtrl to rise after heing 5ubulerged, ; ••• with the result that the whole new perished. \Jinister Thomson said the ex 11,1i1111 - Heti hull slion•n that the interior I A- head of one of the water ballast folio CROWN PRINCE OF SERVIA WENT part melds had given way under the pressure of the intake of wn','t, wbkIt it was 1(14) weak to twithsteed, The F When He Heard That He Was Insane -- t • GEORGE WAS MAD. • ON THE RAMPAGE, unusual pressure was e,ute-ed Icy Ile bIadc All Sorts of Threats and fact that the intake valve wns incom- pletely closed, owing to the prei: t o of Assaulted His Younger Brother, a pebble, which midst have been there 1 for n considerable time:Lon1lon, Nov. 2+i.- The 1-ienua corre -pore( rat of the Daily 'Telegraph tor- •1'1)1•,15 what purpnrte to be nit Ieocunt DEATH FR-CiM PORCUPINE QUILL, ° ,; f the •Origin of the c,ffi; I;tl (Willa pi ui Vnletla, .Malta, o Nov. 20.-The chief Blood Poison Sets in After Pimple is lLe ilr`.;.'nt con.litiun of "'"'4-' ('courts veterinary ofof Philippine Is I limy of t s i;l, When Prince I:eOr�e Inaxls hes arrived here with a conn- Scratched With Infected Finger, 1,0;u.'I t:eo newspaper report 4 of his Ito mission from the. United States to btly 11'ilicesbarre, Pa., Nov, 2R--+Wiliinnt ! `e17ity .he roeleel \rill► his riding whip to goats, He has alarmed the populace \ieKeivey, of 131oomsburg, died yester the Forei_m (11(1(0 and hlu;t into the and the Governumml by announcing (law ft'orll blood poisoning, caused by the x0(:31 of I'rolnier I'1 -k' shontinr: "1'o:t that he finds that 58 per cent, of even prick of a porcupine'~ quill. deo, ran intee.I t', 0,116711' arc, yvnn• 111 - the best goats are tainted with a fel:- McKelvey, while hunting lost week, talo nIl'1,)'. 1'11 1:11 you, 1':1 tit ery miorobe. There 1'1 already anxiety encountered a porcupine; It attacked y'„I, y"'; (`;111(1i.11c'," lest the goatn;, awhich are the only mill: IfeKelvey's dog and scratched him with 'I'!u' J'rienler had mewl) trouble in animals of the Wand, rare the source its quilie. McKelvey pulled out one of e,,Iming the prileo, who then in•ot'oi h' l of the dreaded Mediterranean fever, the quills and afterward thoughtlessly to llu' pr(, ti 1,11)0:! 1 where Dineen'. !Yet The officer's declaration has caused a rubbed his nose with his hands. A :unirh, ned.,r tl.e orlon; of the proses sensation. pimple was infected with the poison, t•, ii o:ell the official denial= in his pre- en,'", When this had been (1 )1)e Geor:•., (',parted. flourishing hie whip 1111,l cry - ire: "Those Sly:n1,hn1 and Iii:noarisn1 (!'les shell eat their word ;," similar scaene were 0:meted at the p1):- 1(0, where, the correspondoots say, it 14 reported that the prince ill-treated lees hro(her, Prince Alexander, wile i; quite Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters- a youth, .v INSANE GUARDIIWG INSANE, • FR 0 �i OIRLHQOD TO 0 ANHOOD Interesting Experiences of Misses Dorman and Mills. Every mother rhEtiefISCA information which is of vital interest to her young daughter. Too often tide in never imparted or is withheld until iasrious harm htts resulted to the growing girl through her ignorance of na,ture'1 mysterious and wonderful laws and penalties. Girls' over•eenr,ltivoness rend modesty often pilule their mothers and bailie physiettvnn, tut they so often withhold their conflderwo from their mothers and conee31 tho syrontotne which ought to be told to their physician at this critical period. When n girl's thoughts become slug- gish, with headache, dizziness or a die - position to sleep, pains in the back or lower limbs, eyes dun, desiro for solitude, when she is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should Crone to her aid, and retnelt!ler that Lydia E. 1'hlk- ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time preparo the system for tho coming change, and start thin trying period its a young girl's life without pain or irreg- ularities. IIundreds of letters from young girls and from mothers, expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E, Pinkhmn's Vegetable Compound has ncconpllslted for them, have been, received by the Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co,, at Lynn, Mnss. Mlss Mills has written tho two follow- ing letters to Mrs. Pinkhnm, %% Melt will bo re:ul with interest: Dear Mrs, Pinkbatn:- - (First letter,) "I am but fifteen pears of age, am de- pressed, have (MO spells, oldlle, headache. and baoknehe, and as I have heard that yeti can givo helpful udvico in my condition, I am writing you," -Myrtle 31111s, Oquawka, 111, Dear Mrs, Pinkharn :- (Second letter,) "It is with the feeling of utmost ggratitude that I write to you to tell you what your valuable medicine has done for me, When I wrote you in regard to my condition I had cot -molted sevond doctors but they failed to understand my C71IX) ntid 1 did not receive any benefit from their treatment, I follow- ed your advice, and took Lydia E. Pink- hnm'e Vegetable Compound and ata now healthy end well, wool all the distressing symptoms 1;'ltieit I ilial al, that time 1)mo dlsrtppearcd."--:Mlyrtlo \fills, Ognnv'kn, 111, Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs. Pinkhant as follows : Dear Mrs, Plnkham "Before hiking Lydia E, Pinkharn's Ve- getable Compound my periods were Irreg- ular and painful, and I always had such dreadful headaches, "But since taking the Compound any heartaches have entirely left tae, my periods aro regular and I ain getting strong and well. I sun telling all my girl friends what Lydia E. Pinkhmn's Vegetable Compound has done for me," -Matilda Borman, Farming- ton, Iowa, lEscaped Lunatic Engaged as Keeper at Another Asylum, 1'ougltkeepsie, N. Y. Nov, 20,--• \\'hen ,io,cl1t Schroeder applied to I)r, Lamb, 'nperinto:sleet of the Mott,'1)wan St1tl. 11 repritel for Insane Criminals, for :t po- sitiun as etlen:l;nItShe physician thought !i.' would melee, a model keeper and hired. hhn, Ile .seemed, above the overage in- tellectually, n- tellectua11y, '(l)roeder carried his head high nal[ ;Ivied like a Inns who had year4 of ex- ' perieuce iit handling the !ns!ute, Ile ; rifled, yet syn:) 1;i114 11 1111 vontii,lernle to 1 110 patients, Ilse le1v11ne s1) )10)110,1 l' (7111) IIc, I,an1h that other attendtunte i hoc..nu' ietrious, ftPi' Schroeder llnd served for several : wee!;,; hl' ti••ns given nn nfterrmon off and !;eel '+ 1!t the villeae,ll" vis11ed ;'Moored Anil showed a iii tvc'lon; c•tpucity, Late in the nftprimO11 he rolled ltint enllily back to the nsyllutl and nppent•P(1 11) 1)0 n ttil1 fr,rnl,d mon, 1)1', Lomb 11114 Flo Mall 51rip1114 of hitt uniform and 'lis• e1I4l7p"i. 1!0 wr•n1 ! to other Stele Age% hoes Iv:trnin:: then) ngainsi employin:c Sshrnedor 11 11+1 giving n minute descrin• lien of the dkeliar!'e(l nttendnnt, TiP 1•0e0iV011 n letter from 'the Asvinm rat aulityville, L. T„ statin;; thnl: Schroeder tale Ie patient who had escaped from that iastitutiou, MACRI TO BE HANGED The Italian Murderer Sentenced to Death at Winnipeg, A Winnipeg despatch: 111 the Assize Court to -day ,Chief Justice Nowell pro- nounced sentence of depth upon the 1teli(111 murderer, Salvadoro 1i[aeti, IIc will be hanged January 15, F. lIyrk, Wt1S sentenced to the penitentiary for fifteen years. The trial cof Snvngo and Powers for mnn,anughter is now in pro- gress, They were implicated in the fight in the Stock Exchange Ilotel here recently, in which a ratan named 1inmphries was fatally injured, 1F yoti know of nny young girl who THE CHURCI•I MUST GUIDE, is sick and needs motherly advice, ask ! her to eddrees Mrs.' Pinkhnm at Lynn, ' Schools and Newspapers Great Forces, Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptom, mod to keep nothing back, i but not Enough. She will receive advice abeolutoly free, Detroit, 11ie•h„ Nov, 201, -Rea, ,T, A, from a source that has no rival in the 1 Macdonald, editor•in•ehief of the Toren• experience of woman's Ills, and it will, if ' • to Globe, addressed the Presbyterian followed, put her on the right road to it I Brotherhood of Detroit at the Fort strong, healthy and happy womanhood, j Street Presbyterian Church yesterday. Lydia E. I'inkham'e Vegetable Com- 1 'J'Ihe auditorium was crowded, IIo warn• pound hold the record for tho greatest 1 cd the brotherhood against leaving number of eures of female Ills of any ; Clhristlnnity out of business, and said medicine that the world has ever known, l tint while the schools and newspapers Why don't you try it? t were grent forces for goo((, only, tho Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well. Ctihurc 1 and religion could guide a na' on, "trillot ethin , • 11.„ „„,,,, ,,„„•,:i„,,,•.,,m n,,„„„.,,,,,, Superior ,,,.„,,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,„, ,,,„,,, .„., .•,,(.„,,,., „„(.,,.,,, said Disbrowe, "this is very singular, to say the least. hionou 1.1111-11.sor a female mysterious li.s .11...inetta appyars Ill Ill. a 1.1011 Of I, 4; 0, V' PUP0011 rillU4, 15111 it is 1114ea t11 trson to look •i".(1) alcoit Ole litisini-,s," ilut s.i) anything nt all a‘vful toi y -oh, VIIII II,d1.1 1,'.111)11",'1111 i1111 1010W, 4' 1 r r ., i ,!,) (: 0(111 Pl. ilCi A. 71 if yoli did! Does Jae• i..,:;4 I'. 'photo 1:41.14v this:'' ,.") 14'''e 1.,•`, 4;,,,/, ":- he 1100,1, My de:ir tiy, nliiit did :.11..! r‘4. ,1t,' ' il-;. ,.''. ,cwt ' ..." ,CI 1.', 1 il. t NII . /,' T av*11d u111 that Iwould I it.11I Cri111.. 011rrl mt dltivit11 to tel iiii1 1 1 411ill 4 4, 14 1 ot into toopring 11:1 -ion, nd 111111 Ci4.tiY4;, Irol 1 441 19 lahly 1/11t 111 t,re, 11 11411 1144 ' : ebef4e, 1,41,1 in:lilted 144.1. ...10,i,,11 was 1411, .1 1,,(1.,,,,,,,,,.. .,) 1 ‘.... alorg the lonesome road lietween 1 44.1.-11.1, 1:11 ancient mai Mel. Ho 1.1114g els '1'114: hrwl of a Ne‘v l'or;; estaldisitment; ,,,, . ."111- "1.1' d'"'sn't. "11%. 1444 ''ll'im'E's fur this, 14,..i.,VV(4:4 .1'1111 Ord Jar1111e11:11 De 1 le,..1, 1..,,,, C:111;:iin Nick 'le:iffiest hail 11 jog of this huhiurt 1.,,,,,,1,0..1,, maid: ' .,,,,,erv't thiw_; yoo may set your mind at rest ...iv 1 lime., I,t .3, hea \.,.11 kir, \vs! 1 1114. 114 10 :5I11 111111'.1 Id V0111 a 1111 fill' lo110 ion. waking. a si„,,,i„liy „r supplying. 1,11,,,,,o,s4, - 1 11.o .3.,'.„ II' 4';44 41411'h• and filo 1.4.44! \‘'Is Nvionen ior all sorts of sv(mk, io 1'.4101,.v1,1...hs'i.11:11;'..i.(11.4i111 111:irs t(!lxnit.ifi'11 wall, .1".1"1.." '.1,1;(1 'Ilk"' II" 'lust 'is illii"s'1' i '11" l'I'lf'' '.41 I"' ".1'.'.1 1'1'1'1 '"., `vi111 11's 1 1;111! j414141.1:. 114,111..'3',''11!It''.):14fri'!;11.(11j1.111):::11:,!;:lyWa:!;1/1:';1- VI'l'e Iii• -0 3 VIM 11S Wide 11.4 that 1/01414.11 . • tIlo:,'!".• •'1•: 1 1'0114 fOr 11:::11111 1".1111 4 4111,1 1 , "U'r 1 "."1 1)11( ''V" Y"11 (4)-111°11.'44V; 4,11 I ' :': r'r! 1 ' ' l'' 1".e1.:1'1'. "'A 14 Plug If i'' .„.(...,i Oi-nified mature woolen, trlin r^ Mill 441)14V .4 at him, as well he miht. \ Ir. 1)1. Vvre hall recovilt.11 1 1.,1111 liii • hitve voila. to bill you gi.oil.hye and (1011. ;1 1. , ,-....:::,1 is 111,1111,h, Ivis, tai ;Imo! i„..., coe",.....,1 1,1,1,,i.,.;!:),.,,i'N,1).,,,,11,11,i14(,‘‘,.,1141,4),„,,, 71,11,111;11,;()!41114,1 (4,(f11,1144,:ii: 4 1..1 to -night," 1 1 - ,,... •',11. of his li- id ho iloy•ed won. first paroxy-on of horror and astonish, s.1`;„‘_•II,. 1,1(.1(1 not )1(,). 418,11 11 with 11 1114 . folk.. 3i. ;1.,.:, Miistling "'I:art:aro All -n .„.,;,,.,..,,., . . ,. , .•, went. and was gro‘ving c.11111, , , :in (4 44") Ina% le,,,, fair --- dreadfully. tinfortunnte .--- tho , "This is ;t most tinfoil una I e a f• sfil: 1E! 1.;1 it:)1114;'ilie (.1,1-4.).111,114‘10411irt4v11)41:104,i11111.1i." 1101. 1, a .. !:.- ‘.....11 , by jerks, wit h iong pail ,,is :1' ,i,:110, ';!::,..,dill...,s,,,,,g(1)40\hi.,31.hyl].,...4.4p1411114:ti1,1,)\:‘,1:o:::iig17,1,, f 1011; ,. ,, „., , i oils 41f,„, Jaripo,tin .to .1 1 ,,, ;".... ,•:. the Lars (Te) be coritintied,) i\i‘i.(1,111.1s.,01, III 1 Iii41111g141 thitt for 1 14:41,:,(1,14'.illz11.:. iitiol‘1%..::1.,11, 11,1,,,,,,111,1,1,(1..„ Je.it,.,.,,,, it,,,,,,, ? former p1;;;T the store (ovimrs %yew order to induce her 1,, C1111 Ie.N. 1.1'0111 3 11111st retorn again, sometimes ---..vheo , )0.1..• • the pie:I.:Iffiest one 1 VW: 1-111055. ' •—•---4.441.4.- —ct j._ y011, 19' (111)1' 1)9'. Yei; you inns., 110111 111114 1/01•11 fur twenty years neetis• i 01,14r,ed to double her salary, l'hi... %vit- t le started, aiol his face %vas eviiii• ea, I :I i ye lived in II traill'e S110''.' I (..v.iii. I /4 CRiPPI :• Li). go-- tliero is no help for it; but you ,,1 ,i tomed to the hanelling of laces, -ille sou are nolffive .1, strange sort, of smile 11l'it.1 nroun(l 1)isbro5ve's liaialsomo 1111)111 II; but 110' only reply 41.44s it slight bow, "1)(1..1 she --..facquetta 1 mom:. 44(144 you are going lo-inurru‘v?" "Nu sir." "lVill pm tell her?" TO THE FINEST JAPAN TEA GROWN. CEYLON OREE'N EA Sold only in sealed lead packets. ,ICc, 50c am! 63c per 15. by nil grocers. 401•40•1111mommoe nemseumomml •40.-'4111•1 1041"\e'"VWVWV***11,..'Nenie•Netn.edne're*Nr's.1,"1e.'"Nr.''' ULT •116,14.Atipilibettoollb.1111i. lb.,11b4111.04b,111/Ibrilivilb1,gir4‘,416..111/46.41.Alara "Oh, I see!" said lfr, 1)e l'et'', a light 1111e11. aslc you 14 (11)(4101), without being breaking in 1)11 hill). "'There is,' as they offended?" ,ay of the duels, 'a lady in the ease." ''1 '&'I sir. Ask as many as y•oti 1 )il111(554. bowed; and a faint red ling. please." "Then, wosityou eo. 1.11111 brought about this engagement," "I.:eruct/if fe." eel lus cheek. "I14dec11,4111oisshe,Alfredr Norma Itt(...1111111, l'ou rentemboo the Mitedonalds of castle llill, Inverness. 1 ler father 11 of that ilk." "1 knew them—yes. There Iver(,' two brothers---Amms and Randall. Alld 41 wild scapegrace liandall svas—inordinate- ly fond of 'women end wine.' \VIiich is her ruttier?" "Randall :(lacdonnbl. 4114 is a. reform• 110W, 11 is elilei* 10.111.11er died 4)4)14 till the properly fell to him, lie was 11111.10111 at 11114 tiffle 111111 1141111101 111/011 tile death (11 IIIS 1/110ther.--11 11.il1041.• er, them with his 4n11,,y (laughter, at the time five years old," "Does he live al, t:astle he bought a inalificent estate byAhin., aim has (1.0. -loco 1 can co:oolitic:1.. 1 fancy he found ipdvf.di her. "NI:, " said the coldly. „Ai..., dear 140.4,,... "Aly dear wide!" .11111 Disbrowe positively lettgl11'.1 itt his unele's grave face, "11111, really, this .Alfred! this marrying ‘vitholit, love is a ‘vretched pie:1. of lokincss! I wonder you should eiliv.ent I) 5111111 an arrangement, .1,11 - red." '')13' 11041r sir. \villa would Y(111 hove?" 1 eau do no looter. She iA everything r can desire, 1 1110 her \roll onuog11: s141' lify(-4 Hof, with 111' (milk: and Ire Wird pet 11411111; 111.1. Nvell together." "I 1111 you ever 1 ve anyoin., Alfred?" 'It ia late 10 .1-1.; that question, 1)f the old manor rollicr (ill and gloomv, "tiler ,("1)1114g man, 1 1.(41 l'' 1)(.(11 111 i 4'.')')...corcs of times. It and so preferied Faigland." the measles awl whooping eough "And so you are engaged to be mar. -we must sit: fel. brouoli 4,11e11 altaeks?" lu her?" 'If you 1.1u. 1111 01.111,1' N'01114111 bolter "Yes, 5111', 1 believe I am," snit! 1)is• browe, carelessly. Is she hitialsomer" ".Alore--slie is beautiful." than 4111', ('((1) may (I() 41.4'!!Pnotordt; but if --do you like any one bettor, Inv dear boy?" \\ as ihm, ) 11, i)islirowe (vas silent, but Lis eh( (I( tt.ought. otherwise? \Veil, die comes of f1ll:141' a good fainilv. No boltet—good old1,P,1 V:111 ('1)41bluud IWr ('14)111. \\'10l11111 111 1101 15'lI .11)111.1.(11.1(11' 11 41;1141(. 1114 1 4e,.\1111 14;111111eStiO11, '1 11111 'yell!' friend, Dishrowc." mistaken, she was 111) .111101'1e4411, Th "1lia()". it", Pm! sir; "MI r("1)'til"s` re"S:)11 )110,1101111 141, I 1(110151, (('14.4 111 America for "41"1,, 114 1e11 ' some time, and, from ((91,1,1441((91,1,1441" l slight ,:, (1.04)!)) 11(11, things, I more than once suspected 'she 31111111!1""" 514111111.4 from 4)11 L'Imir. ,1 11began pacing violently lip and down was () native of this nen. country. .1:1 iee , never alluded 11) 4111' SlIbieet 111 1." 11")111.. 1)1' i()"1“"1I1 Iii"1 11131,rIle111111111051pe141(01.11111 4Vffe10111"ething""lisillaY. 1111. We." "1.434! bless me! It ean't 1,1 possiblor that's odd, l'erhaps—but no , ",\1,14111, sir?' When are .‘,011 11) 1)14inardedo '.' 1 hat you have gone and fallen hi love „Nliss miledonnid attain4 het, ' 1 "\‘'ell?" said I)ishrowc, almost fierve. nineteen( 11 hirtlida‘'." '_n(1 (dam .ill that ItIessed time be.'' "!s'onte time next .'\o\ -ember, 1 believe," "You believe, l'ou'r(' a pretty lover. vour,,e, you are all impatience till the lime comes!" ''Uf courser' was the dry ntislver, Mr, 1)o Teri looked at him (vitt' a queer "Is she licit," with the barony of 6161 1(4'1 "Very --worth ten thousnnd a year," and the earldom of Earneeliffe, vill he nearly It hundred thou:sato!. 1/o 3.1)11 linow you will be (me of the richest peers in England one of these (lily's, Alfred. "1 need it. I am poor enough 1)015'." "1 54114)1)051e Ealr"cliffe givei 3.(11I lihernl nllownnee," ".Do(,s he? 80111(41)111g like two thou. sand a year; 1111(1 \\lint is that 10 1110 -- and with the set 1 move among:too?" sai I)isbrowe, ennitemptuously. "Alany a num could subsit pretty eas- ily on dolt sum," said his unele, dryly, "Aly yearly income does not exceed it." Disbmwe stared, "my dear uncle, 1 though you wero rich," ''''('llI iiii, 1oo---114, 11(11 41.4 4. (va)4t, to he." Captain 1)isbrowe felt a strong inclin- ntion to whistle; but he didn't. "Afy clear boy, will you let your obl was 111.1. mother?" -can't say, .\ foreign lady, 1 believe, Indeed, if am not so great ly "August:0,, exvinilned "No, sir!" said Disbrow,', "Aldo your mind easy on the Aly cousin Au. gesta 154 iip ;mom; the stars, -too high above my reiteli, it happens to he some one nearer llie earth." "t)11 !" said -.1 1r, De Very. 'oohing 1'('i0'4'. ('11, "I thought, by your manner, it was some one here; and, its .1111.1u51tl1 k the only -The only, onel, Yon forget, 3011 louve emit her (la)lghter!" "What! (4)1(114 heavens!" (.xclitinied his 111101e, in perfect, horror, "It is not possi. ble that you 101.e----' ",Inequetta 1)e Vere! Yes, sir; 1 do, tt1it4 all my heart and soul!" fiercely, papsionittely, exclaimed 1)ishrowe. 3Ir. Vere fell Intel:, perfectly speech. less. in his ehair. "V's, I love her so well that 1 would marry her to•morrow, if 1 could!" "Aly dear Alfred, this is --this is—hor- rible!" gasped Mr, 1)e N'ere. Is it, A11011. 1111 unheard-of thing, that a 1111111 being engaged to one, loves another!" it, is not that, You do not know. Nom! heavens! if you only did!" cried Air, De Vei, perfectly aghast. "Know (dolt, sir?" 4.01i, I can't tell 3'ou--1 can't toll you! 313' dvar boy, thili 14, 11114 141(1511 milleard.of 400000000044006.000000440 • • • Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like, to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known. Scoit'is Eniatrion, which is Cod Liver Oil' and Hypophosphites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength:builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Emulsion after Influenza. invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUOGIST81 50o. AND $1.00. '4•1111 'r • f • '1 1. ,0 101040001044000440.44 1‘ 11 11 11 fierce('13',L''4 1111)' 1111.1'11(.11(11 her , I111111154 (1 1,111 Ills grasp, and fled ii, the 1 (111114'. S11. S1111111 11)1.r1! fur Mi. :40' 40' 1.,' liLl' 4) 1\ iiiiMII'll 5144)4! 111 l'ily, Ill r 1101' fa. e colorie-s, pantio,/,, 1.1,4, defi,,nt. 11.. .1..1 rot 'novo; L.. .1. 01 like 0 '(;l 11', -4 .... 1. 1. 111.., faretvell, 411.11 1i11n vo,- .. ' lid, \s. , ,,,.. 1.1.1. lia, d. 1.11.1 1 , to ni,,t loionioil t 11r, si.1,1 1 1h:int.', li'to '.'I - '0w, 11 4_1, t -:,,:iii ,', 14,1 It •- i 1 1.1 1411 I' ',.% 41 4 .i:J0,1', WORK FOR WOMEN OVER so. Demand in 13usinesc ter the Young Girl is Less Urgtnt, h''4' thill" and "not meter trirtv" cre 5441114 411'.' be• 111(1'e 1110( 111,114' 55 t 1-°1' 01 11 4W10;,(11 Cit.. 0 I 110 1111 i• 1 t' .11), '111 1 1 1' 1111:11110.,1L111111 1111'11 11. 11.011114 111.111114*, 4,0- 11,4' s t'5y. 41(1,1.11)1 to rottio among Ler 1;:set:,, di,;111,;1(11441 411 1,14c1, "cm.cillil'u a 1614," ad01 'good judgna llt, h*, b 1(4.4' eo1111111.1.0ed by selling them --- now she a 101 j1 1:4 very hard this a wakening. till, ,1:11..plettal I Hever hill'11 Helpless and Bent With Rlieumatis:r.— leiys thfen, abroad three times a year ;or that purpose. Ile). work is one of great responsibility. J)o you "I was a lielo1ess cripple. I was bent think for moment if. pould be (lone by in form and (.0111.1 not straighten up, 31, y.oung women? "Over thirty" would Crutches were my only 112eam.4 of moving certainly lie a flattering figure at shoot. I tried many medicines, lint they which tel place her age. Site's 50 if she's all failed mail 1 began using 1)r, 11 II. day, Hums' Pink Pills --they enrol me." 11(..0. "Another person I have in mini Seliaw, of Short 111.a041, N. 1-4,, made the and whom 1 placed more than 1,41.0 years above almost startling statement to a ago in it different, sort 0( 41 job was a (veil pre served thoroughly charming wonn!n of, 1 shoffid sro., almost 00 ot age. Having brought tip n. family of 011.11 11111 being arcustroned to the management of a household, she fit.t.(1 in capitally ns 4.4 house mother in a 511)4) 111)4:1)1 sehool, the principal was enough to 111)).vecia te the 1.111tle of such a perylin.fi SelliCTS, Tile salary paid w:18 11:1r l' ?'ll,, 1111 e e .) .- ) ds'Hc,ea11*aN'r)ko!'4e1y 1iv1re.'ew1k1r,!:('v, p.$)ve n:t;ot.eire;,.! "\01 ‘‘11 f;r:.et me" 41 t1ll4I1tlI,'' .i,n In. aluto,t "\',;11 10114111 this in i n iIlloirveee }kmonths, ;111,1 w011111,. 41111 e0111(1 pve• 401451.4', hiiughtily. .yondonot 1)4(1)4(11 51ue11---liall 1 ay it -simpleton, 1. ain gonto steal off without bidding I"1" 111.1 " I,;(I1'1( )) her good -by. 1 shall see her Il1,1o).1 1.0 411114 spr4lng"\I3' dear Alfred, 1 am very sorry,aimTto Ids feet, 1(1100' you feel ibis eeply; but 111511141.11me, 1110101ffitafes itjust its 11111(11 as 3(111 can possibly (1)1,''()isbrowe thought, of the scene lit .la Pintos ('11141)l1)(')', and again that hitter. iii„ekiagsmile caw, 01.141. his Ni., You must try to forget her; you muttry to happy; you mu1(11.. our :nide. \\'ill you, ''1 451111)3'.'' '3 11 111(5154 1.011, MY 11041r b)Y 1)iS11:.0Vt. !VII the libiary, 1111(1 1)14114 his own room, lo arrunge his ;Wail 4 he tote starting. It oecti4M.1 him until the 0141411'l' bell rang; and (lien be Ileseeml. ed te stairs with 11 small It his 1(141411, as thought it (vas the last time all probability, lie should ever hear it. NtJacinto nor 114091311 npiwar- ;)i Ioslft111heeI ei thae ;M:ir r4 l s, r,laoivye4rs, Cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, ''.1111490111:4, ('1114114411 to 11*11(reporter a fewdays ago. Mr. ehaw man mad! ),0,1- 1,14111 1,1 as hard 0, : now a Ivelllnillt man, strong and nether ntili1 You have ne»1ffire feu]. broad shouldered. 1,i1. thousands of 11)4! than a Hoy: of 4010 (11her Nova ,'o1 1:11)14, he 411 11 fishermen, •!.111 3'. 1111(1 looked at him ami is uctiqq1livill lv exposed to rill kinds with b.:: eves, of (('(':11 her, just thcondition to set the ii)"! )'11 drve no. (ran. rhunnialie 41(4111.4)411 111 the 110011 44.01-11.lit' "1111 Y")14' .4'Y 1;00,1 he:1 1 Mr. Se1111‘11111A"It iimpossible to 1Inti. ,0e11 a firo in my heart, overrate the everiiv f the attack, The 4111 rani stand before me midi 41')'' , roulde was hwat..1 11My 11.: and right berg!' 1hio1 had to(111i1 \York and (vas mostlywownd114anidealmotherfortheIc111111 44,1)', 111, 1nd oe indoorTrwas timIvlicit Invr „ ‘,.11.0:1,.nrdill more or ugh it tim1 voherto hid xpo(fed 1St("II(1"1'ng411111111)r(4)( (4)) iath 11 fl 1 ,,o1 0w0e H. 1 striligillenv° 11411 MI '11 14 ;e:p;ding e term ,4 111111'1 111S 4:91114 /11010111 41.;11 moriling, nod ‘'ill not v,.0 to,io; 74(4) only Cent, 1)111 1!I')' 11111,10 me three of again: if you 11,tre ihjeetion. tho 4:r0:1-.10:1111. mall 3011 'ee 10' g:1s, oh,toItc 1111 1111 4111(11) tin 43411 1(1)14' )"11'. 1"v• 4' 1 "ever deeril'e "rn bankers 1941:1 broker, to whom ere in - a 5((!('4' 5111)51051, 111141 Iufered before4151101thesepils. 1trustetnumanohitely confidenthtlwe will part ts decent (:Iiristians should." tried many medicines and hall treatment tflrat last !Tallying tht tne . She dr' '.V 1 elbow-chilir up to the file, frm sevcral doctors,. hut to 110 oval) ed. and he 1s elndof it, Fratil; (vas loud 444 4)44 ionielitori„11. 111111 A, 111,11sta 1041k(,.1 1. ;hod it op until 11111.11(.1 out in a gloat eme legs bcaso stiff that lo °rhor to sheet of flame, and then putt hie. two lit • move at all I hail to 1144e erutclies, 11,'slippered feet 114) on the fender, she the doctors deenled that 1 \VAS incurable, leaned her cli0ra' on the ;inn of tho i•liair, total me they coul(1 render 110 further in. regret at losing her cousin. The clock shawl; e!even heron. los emleandeonshilefttlwdrwwhigroom, •, 41.'4,11.4.,1 her cheek on 10.r hand, yaw,0.1 assis!aner.. 1 continued to stiffer (lay that, evening; and. he found. hinisei:` , and had.ed 111 the 11 111111 night. and then came the urnittg alone tvith Ids (011 thow.dit--4111411'y aim ' di.soproi111.,11, 111 viti,of 1:1 Disbrow(' was like one Insane for a point of my life, A friend front a ilk. ,11011111 not ,moments: and hors1 out in a fierce once eame to see me, and it (Vas fr0111 ha at, helrOl'e ill' lett ? Ile Str111` to "1"","•111 140:111 11111('o. 1 him I learned that I)r. l'ink 1112)10' (von, ;I 1111,1),f pi);:1110c. \vi,le 11 141.001.0111T fOr rh(4111111t:1S111. .)1•'1“11" 111111!eli that he 11ifl caff' 44:1.4 I)llt!IlJIg 1:11,1i;f1 ff I, inr, .,he to ;111 es ,1,1 emu. I got a supply and bet.Tan to use 111.(t)lij::.111it'.01311'4 se(4.)1: 1}11(191.111;11!,It''.; .t....;re partot repeating 11 lesson, I them. The first indication tliat ,%1 last ite got exliatn•teil, and flint;..r him- were 11(.11)111;f ivas when the pain fy,rew lint all 5(04101 ma do, The thought, that, , , , it ivas the ('115' Iasi, time, perhaps, 1,e 111')' n0(1. (lone?" she a sl:ed, loo1:• 1111:7,1t Jile°grit;'n 1t1oe self into a seat, like a 511111(3' 11011_ should eve). hro JILT, -Oftl'IR'll 114:1 11'111111gS. 111911 454 )14 behind her finger leave, then 19' joints 51111,141(11 to loosen ;•;11(. rm... before him bright '111111 radiant. as 10. 11.1.1 first seen her, standing in ;no 411414."1 'to go to 1;0(12' golden glory of the !might, monolog NMI° UP. 111111i ((':151 not 11 -nig until 1)1y "GI, 411(10 1.1. 51,1114, hi1 1P1.1.V. 11111, 1V0111 yl.11 4141' g110i1-1)Y1' f i rs ?" 11, ivghl(i'lsett1"1111'pv. 1)1(.1)1;m :1111;10 1poePoullt)t1 shine; and he could Room:Owl. nothing \\'itli all my heart! I never said it..11.ors and soon 41.34.4 411)44' to resume in" but that he 10\T‘l lier with all his heart, and was 111)0111 to lose her turever. 1 (('4)114 (151 (('('1! as ever, Since that time any one 111))1'0 14114(11)'!'' " that's pleasant to bear, and have never been troubled with something a groan, .11. -4,1 (horn 1,v he !Ode, :1)111 11)44(4))'! III, (('1,4 polite 1111 your part, too. 1 for,,,,i‘'e tism or lanie back. I ran tell you tny y.4)11 for all thy names hyou called me, as 1 (4(01' all astonishedt 111y aead 011 Ills 11 1111; and for mom than an , hour In; sat 1101,v, its still mid 111,11i HI. "011evv 1 1 -rave .von n l'Illiving-n)) 11111 "ill' 11111'; 411)')' 11111 all thought 1 Ivoult! 111- er evening, and it's only tit 101' tat, Si' wovs lie n (ripple, 0.i 11S 11 ll1•11 11 had stilled forever that outer things, that he heard not the door 1T,I,1)111.4. sil1;i11;:tlig1)11101i11111sit 111irhvien1:.‘11:11100:11111nni'OcIff*, impulsive heart, Ile 111114 11)) 1111111 10 411 (7744 13) "01)(1.1).‘.1,. ly open, nor sa‘v the light, deli...11.! !.' i t11'‘.111vltIJ 1'1'\‘e11;('j'"\..).1.441f 111vt:1.1“1I1:,:°d11r1:Tv:1:( 14 t was ,laellietta, paler, pe;impls, th,ra t1111v\(1011:1.:01ei11111us::1.1 1.41.1k))111.s11vegl(:1 11 1 ,ss'illt 1) 111(1,41111;:i):1,(l54..T1is1404:111,11vJIII io1 'I had rather 'd3 14051 bles roffied in the blood, 51114:1 as 1111v. 11'l' face, 1111(1 the defiant fire still :gird. doing in her dark eye, ready to 1)1.11,e up again ot on(4 haughty word or ofoor• edions tone, There was Hint in her 1001:, liulf-shyness, loill.definnee, such as 14111' 1/111' I 1119' 11('Ver see again. Come! lly mail al 50 cents a box or six boxes For thiity :,Tars that and other ele- shines I Moog!' the wild ryes of half- m, Inined unbinds; hut it, softened as it ; ull display such 1111 11114'111iS1 111 11 Nei- for $2.50 from the 1)r. Ivilliam,. medi., , , hare41)14)1)151 beim allowed to work their IV 1 ilti Il ' full on Lila prostrate figure and young, ng:' 19' 111911'111911'Alfr1'11 3(51Iill (1.0414(1wicked 1611 on human !if e and property 21.1e1%1111‘1.1'11 head. A 1111' smith' 11e1' be dune by, you know; 1111(1 if 111111 does ) eine l'0,, 'Brockville, Ont. unrestrnined, and the tale of mortality henrt 111 the sight, There was something timt, noire you, remember that 4)11111(41414-----.111.•4.----__ has grown yeur by 3'(':l)' till it is past . so forlorti and slirrowful in his attitude 1 11 i 10 eililliele 411. 1 11(' exoNent and prosy What Labor's M. P's, Cost, hearing. About two years ago the Cov- --so touching to ;,00 in one so proud. She \Valls, hegitining: 'Let dogs delight to 1 An interesting official statement is (Tunica offered reward of :100 rupees e(1111(1 forget, his 1)11)1)151 and bitter words Imrl': mid hili',' and just imply that made with regnrd to the finnnees of the fer the destruction of Mr, Lloyd's run - 1111,1 romeilibor, with 11 still softening touching imssage, 'Your little hands were Labor party in Thursday's papers, Each nwny, (1'114011 is now known as the club. 19141111, Unit she way the cause, and 11)111 (1111' made to tear each other's eyes' to of the twenty-nine Al. P.'s qualified to footed rogue, by reason of some mai. on the morrow lie wits going awny itev:.I. our ease, 3)11(11 11111 sure it will move receive benefits from the parlimentnry formation caused by the chain round his to come Intel:. She came over, 1111(1 tow P,'11' sill"' it might 1110" Akilliit Vvsli. fund is pnid ;C200 n year, mid this, with foot, wide,' made it. swell out. Ile 45 little White 1111»11 fell softly 111111 lendor- 441)4, or any other fiery excrescence." other necessary expenses—percentage of ly 1111101114 the neglected locks of his :i..:Ii "We are too civilized for anything of returning officers' fees, salary of n. said to have lint a single tusk, 1 nin t brown 11)1)1'. . . hat sort, my dear consul," he said, Wt. clerk to the whips, ete,, and percentage! 1111(101'1111(101'the impresiion that the same imi- "Deo r .A 'free'!" she said, gently. henrts." Leidy , . "We only tear oath other's 1 to general fund—bring the total expondi- 111a1 ik s nown by the name of "1110 Boonra rogue," and the number of his Ile looked up and the last tritee of her "Well, beim; childreit of a larger titre to :C0,290 per annum. Last year's Income being only .C4,000, the Executive victims alone mount high, tItough I rtin 411114191' 1111411 11"11.4' ,t 1111sit-',111; of Lis growth, it, is to be expected we. should grieved 1)1(111111(1 sad, reproachful eil..S. improVe ih the act, of torture. But, nnnounce that they will propose at the certain flint he is not the only offender, "Oh, ditequelta, have 30(1 come at ('0115111) Alfred, 1 am tired of this fella- next, annual conference that payments Lust September au old W0111a 11 and her big; our swords may slip and, one of us elsHlitoonfl(1111:ee rialige)°(11 but, Bearing movements about their two young children were sleeping in their 111s"l11';:s; to bid you good.by." tt.eoprtellseenirailioinnnIceolilitigni; 3i; tef get it 1111rd blow. Besides, unromantic "Vo11 know) then, 1 am going nwily?" oi. the ('(1)4 (111 sounds, I Imo dread- from n penny to twopence per member 141.171)41')' in the night, one of the children "And you ore. glad, 1111 doubt," lie God speee yott, IQ. dein. cousin," fully 511(14(3'. Unee more farewell, and a margin of 41,500 would be left to meet per annum With an income of CS,000 thieves at their (1111111. l'he sound of woke up their Mother, saying there were .,\\, will not 14111)11191 „gain, cousin to 54A5' good -by, even to an everyday ae. returning officers' fees anticipated front (4(0 further ril"ges (11.11114)111(941)1110)' 11)1(1 human voices was enough. An elephant which had just torn bff the grain 1101190 .4 l\\!1'. 5101110 of his old bitimmoss, 11(1'VOie1' faltered n little. It is hard Alfred, if you please. We hove had (41- 141111111111 1111,' whom we Bk.(); but, oh! SO the increased representation of labor in ()ugh of that for one while. Let us part very, very 1111 1.11 to olle we love! He Parliament.—Spectator. charged the house and killed the woman . s11 15' her 1111 11114vP1', 1119(1 it 111"ed him as and child, one child escaping by hiding, :41).letids We never eau he, .110.9tietta!" Hyriiiiig vise could have done, 1149 itti.. Nest morning showed the animal to friends." "1 ant soro. for it," 'she N1041..4,1411,1% .,,el. owl bit Q1.0'',54 ell vanished, find he BABY'S HEALTH. ...;01iinthilig rill, more or seinethie;; far was 011 Ilk; 1)11. ill 111; in.itallt ; 114111liag 1111 v&' been a female, for she had a enlf with lice., Though retreating to the Gov - cousins we may part—Ilerer as friends." ;40111109v: --- (1.11111011tr l'N'N'Vall (01'051t Ilt lligilt, Terai IV" WV must he to IOW 011ahor. AS both her hands in his, and snying, pas, "You (('111 think differently by 111111 ",facquettn, .Tacquettn! my first, my elephants ale .Tetting bolder and holder, by; you are lingry now."advancing wellinto the cultivated houses "Oil) 4110.1114th 1 1 wish 1 1) -Ifelly111 1 bless you! 1 have been mad to talk to and gardens everywhere, till the dread (lolly. and loss cruised by then! is so grent that hist, and only love, good by, nnd (14)11 "It is useless wishing that now, It "4 forgive you. Let me go." tenants are throwing ,up their lands on had never come here!" he cried, reitetu- you 118 I did. Aly dearest love, say you might have been better for ('111,11 of 1114 Still he hold her, A fire Willi rising all sides.—Teriii, ii]le-iign1 correspondence forgive me before we part." if you never had; but what, will be will iii iliti eye, n flush was rising in Irk face. 111(1111, Field. Sho looked tip and quailed in fear be. Lle as Easily as Others. (Kansas City Times.) lin ink with my 1 in e ' I; in , i .(1 si 11eurnIgin, St, l'ans' "And I am never to In. pliteed in that damp. sod the special ‘‘'''11, si10111d 11"i mina 1 11.1 1 0 i 1911e111 that only girls 111111 (voinen folk mul!: but 1 linte to part. in linger with 1,-,101./. ?10111 1,1, nil molivine 1),,,,ah.rs 04' average young girl of 18, fresh from somot Itisinegs e91!rge and with absolute. ly no experience and perhaps not 111f1111 not the port of person (1) 1010111 they dare to intrupt wdglity lotsine,s eorrc,noni!enee and other dr. t;:iis. Vi"lrf; :Igo we did not dlr. kPrill, 11111 1..11141:1 over 2.i without ?toting thik to her 1,rosenvetive einidnyert in filet. tr. 11"r anolot.i:,ing for 11,9' of ,vonth, r.!1 .»Tr nom., and when inon o111:ts 11 Cl!')1'91tH113' r;n11111i to loot: after his cnalidenti,t1 pen1 personal lIffairS, ill 0. Keret.. enee is given every time to suell n wo• man as (ho advertisements deseribe as not ander 130. "Of eottri,e, it goes without saying that such W(1111a 11 111114 be prepossess. irg 111 a .111041'alTee, for :1 pertatin &oven ;,:ood looks and an attractive maimer go long way in 1.14, relection of n 4111:11 fir any snrt, of business," **v. RAIDED BY ELEPHANTS, In Parts of Bengal thc Big Brutcs De -' Lives and Property. and Air, were equip. in the vicinity of Garden when Low of their eici;liants, breaking chains, made for freedom, and to this day roams the 'Feral 1)ooars and the 2%looroong with his jungle mates, Every met lin who uses Baby's , Own Tablets for her little ones bas a solemn 41)1)4 141 that this medi- . eine does not contain any of the ,poisonons opiates found in so-called "metalling" medicines and liquid pre- parations. These Tablets always do 1 do good — they cannot possibly (lo 1111r111, They cure indigestion, colic, constipntion, diarrhoea and simple fevers, break up colds, prevent croup, expel worms and make teething easy. Baby's Own Tnblets have done more to bring health, happiness and. eon. tentment to little ones than any other medicine known, You can et "Enough, Cousin Alfred, You nye rnv- "Are you mad, Captain Disbrowe Baby's Own Tablets from ally den Ing again. You say we cannot part Let me go, I. command you 4" oho cried, in medicine, or by mail at 2(i cenitt. The one time w'hett man really friends; we will go to the other extreme with a passionate stamp of her foot. n, box by writing the 1)r, Williams' wants the earth is when he Is seasick, and part enemies, if you keep on like "Jnequetta 4" :11edicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. n thousand miles out. "Oh, Jacquelin! is it too late yet? I fore (bat glance. "They any that uneasy Iles tbe howl that wears a crown," 'ill give up everything for youl Perish t‘i,et lee go 4" she cried. wildly; “ist, o'0114 nonsense, 111 bet kings aro jot as wealth 111141 1.1111k4 When 41111, In competi• mo go, sir, What do you mean I" good Bars Re any of us when the queen' lion with this (1011(1 hand!" ' "tinequetta I" catch 'cm tlotoetnK in at 2 o'olock la the inernIng," P:1cv felon --TI IE I3LYTI-I STA NDARD--N()vlraum Ft 29T1, 1906, JAS. McMUROHiE BANKER. A OEN11tAL BANKING U'USINES8 TltA`.SAC'l'ED. f.i l / 1 I I I, ONT NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers ou their uwu notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Curreut Rates \Ve offer every aeuommodatauu con- sistent with sate and conservative balking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Heal Estate at lowest rates of Iuterebt, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully sotiel(' your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.m. to ;I r.a Business Bards. A, B. MACDONALI), Itsrrlster, Solicitor, Notary, lac. Sue censor to 0. F. Blair. Office over Stan• lard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro• poiltan Bank, I' it( iu DI'OO'1', If AYS & HI,A 1 R. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etu. Odices-Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderieh. W, Proudtoot, K.C. ; 11. C. Hays, 0. I'. Blair, fl. E. LONG, L.1),S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of D. -mutt Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, I31yth, At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to ;, p.m. W. J, MILNE, M.D.C,M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Unt. sersity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Phyeicians and Surgeons of Ontario. oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. S. tE5 COTT I31tUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terata reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tits; STANDARD, Blyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Rabies O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. Q v© 00 00 0 First•olass Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. .�.. ,.-- KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. NOVEMBER brings scores of young people every year from the farms and villages of our country to spend a few months In our splendid school. The Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. From communications in hand, this month ,this year will bring as many as ever. If you have not thought of it, not had our catalogue, write for It at once and you will likely plan to join uQ. W, H. SHAW, Principal, 1 iterzt-n,M4D ,a46.) si upwards --Subscribe for TUB STANDARD. lje ljlth &tatttba rb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, NOV. '29, 1906 People We Know, 1)r. Will, Sloan is Muck to town again, 11r. IVin. 1labkirk is visiting in Brussels, 111'. James U'trr was a visitor In (ioderieh last week. Mr. Adam Cawing waw in (3 de. t'ieli Inst 1Vcdnesdny. Mr, 13axter ;McArter was a visitor in Brussels on Sunday. 'Airs, J. U. Et igh wits visiting in Stratford over Sunday. Miss McMillan, who has been on the sick list, is recovering. Miss Hannah aMoutray spent San. day with friends at Westfield. Miss Hall, of Exeter, is visiting with her sister firs. P. Gardiner. Miss Annie Willows visited Wing - ham friends for a few days bast week. Misses E. and Fanny Mason were calling on friends in Brussels un Sunday. Mrs. 1), Somers, of Dunnville, is visiting with relatives and friends in town, Mr, and Mrs. Wetthaufer visited at G. F. l'ottngbutt's ut Ilcusull recently. Mr. S. Martin, of Exeter, dealer in musical instruments was in town eek. . J110, Hartley was visiting at home in Wroxeter for a few dares this week. Inspector Robb, of Brussels, visit- ed Blyth Public School on Wednes- day of this week. Mrs. W. ,lames Sims and children aat'rived [10110 00 Monday evening after at three weeks' visit with friends in Seaford], Clinton and Hayfield. Mr. Jus. Scott and Mr, Jno. Wey- mouth left town Wednesday morn• ing for 'Toronto where they will fallow their trade :Is carpenter's. We wish thein success. Mr, and Mrs. Ilio. Rath and Mrs. S. II. Gidley attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Rich. Stonehouse at I3elgravo on Monday, Mr. Rath is a nephew of the deceased lady, This week Mr, Wesley 1Vniker, well known here leaves on a buss• ness trip to the \Vest In the interests of' the Bell Piano Company. Ile has pat in a number of years at this work and met with n large measure of success. Mr. Walker was a re. silent of Blyth for quite at whsle and has since resided in Wing. ham. Ile will be away 3 months in the Prairie Province and if he likes it lie may remain, Mts, Walker and children will visit at her parent- al Monte, Reeve Sloan's here, Londo.boro. E. T,. Farnham is visiting friends at Porter's Hill, Miss Safra Herr visited friends in Clinton last friday. 0, Henry, of Port Albert, spent Sim - (lay at his home neat' here. Miss R. Walker, of Clinton, called on friends here Inst Sunday, iss Brumley , who wits very low with typhoid fever, is recovering, Rev, N. Leckie preached in the. Met hos dist church in 131yth on Sunday e':en• (ng. Clifford Pugh, a former teacher of No. ti visited friends here on Sunday last.. Rev, E. Curry preached anniversary scrinons on the Hayfield circuit on Sun. day Inst. Rev, and Mrs, Leckie attended the nicotine of the Presbytery in Seaford' this week. Hiss Mary Caldwell returned home after spending a week visiting friends in Fest 1Vau'anosh. Rev. lir. Currin and Mrs. Currie nt• tended the wedding of the forrner's bao her at Galt on 11'ednesdny. Thu Directors of the Londesboro Thresher Company met at Richard Carter's last Wednesday to close up the business of the season. M r, Bowcock and Mr. Jenkins occn. pori the pulpit of the Methodist Church 011 .Seedily in the abseuce of Bev. M r. Cil rrIQ, Mt.. McDonnid, of London, and Mrs, Dr. Hammond, of Detroit, were hole last week attending he funeral of tlaeir brother, E. Bell. On Monday evening next a lecture will be given, along with ii+) stereopti- con views on cenvee, in the Preehyte. Hun church. This will be worth com- ing to (beer, The Jlethndist Sunday; ,School have doeided to hold tt lanes tree, and enter- 1ati111nent here on the evening of Xmas day. No pains are being spared to make this it success. Dialogues, read- ings and recitations are being prepared. 1111dON COUNTY ('OUNCIL MEET- INU.--'rhe Couuctl of the County of II urea will meet in the Council Chars. Int In the Town of Goderieli at o'clock p. m. on the first 'Tuesday In December next. All accounts to come before the council must be placed with the Clerk before the day of meeting. --W. I,ANF:, gleet:. ESTRAY HEiFE11.-A stray yearling heifer tor the pant two months has been on my property. Its color Is red and white. Owner may have heifer by pros,. Ing property and paying all expenses, lil:NJ. '1'AVLOn, Lot 313, Con. b, East W awanosh. TURKEYS WANTED We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price, 1Vritc for particulars and state how many you have, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. FIFTY CIRLS WANTED To Learn to Operate Hosiery Knitting Machines Beginners paid 03,00 per week and put on piece as soon as they can earn more. Should be earning from $1.00 to $1,25 per day In trete 0 to 8 weeks. Expert oppet• ators earn as high as $2.50, Iflghest wages paid experienced operators. We will procure good hoard at $2,25 to $2,50 per week for applloante, If desired, Wo have the largest, best equipped and most comfortable hosiery faotuty In Can - ad A, an•ado, running all the year. This advertisement will be withdrawn as soon as these positions are tilled. Apply early to 011 ton Knittlgg Co., Ltd, CLINTON, ONT. ore than one best ? When you ask your grocer to send you the best flour, he sends you hisbest. When you know the best flour and order by the name, the choice is not left to the grocer. Many grocers handle Royal Household Four as their. leader. They have found it the safest,flour to recommend because its results are sure and its purity is unquestioned. It your grocer's hest is not Royal Household, insist on his getting it for you. The benefit will be mutual. OOilvle Flour Ells Co., Ltd. 11MON'r'REAL 106 Belgravia Tho McKinnon Bros, have completed their cow net of tilling fur the new sifts• wulk near the (i,'1', R. station. A petition was presented to the M urris Council on 1londny requesting the appointment of an arbitrator it consider the matter of forming a union ee,hoot at Ilelurave hut the township fathers in their wisdom Saw fit to refuse theta their request, The Wnwenosil Council, at their last meeting greeted a similar request and npp,iutod t1r. Lockhart as arbitrator, East Wawanosh. Last week Nath, .Johnston, of Hulled, township, purchnaed the farm lot 00, 0011..1, in this township, recently owned by Thos. Woodcock, at a mortgage sale, 'Phis farm wap known as the Robert Johnston homestead, and Is alongside the new proprietor's 100 acre farm. After a lingering illness Insting over two years Mrs. Henry Thiel died on \Vednesday night last atthe age of b7 years, 11 mouths and 21 days. De- ceased was born in Now Hamburg and teats mended in that town and with her husband moved to the farm In Fust 1Vawanosh, lot 01, eon. 2, about :ill ago, The (Interni took place on Sat- urday afternoon to the Union cemetery. 11rs. Thiol's madden 11111118 was Cather- ine Wagner and she wan a member of the 1:vaigelicel church, Besides the husband there nee six grown up child- ren to mourn the Loss of a kind anal thoughtful mother. The children are Mrs. Stumph, of Michigan ; Mrs. Pol- lard, of McKillop ; end Miss Emma at home ; %Vitt. in Michigan ; Henry, at Berlin ; and Aaron at home. The heartfelt sympathy of their mite), friends in this township go out to the bereaved in the loss they have sustain. eel, Ill'IU)N CAUNTI NEWS. Rev. Mr. 'fusser was presented with u tine fur coat and gauntlets on Wed- nesday evening by his peop.e of the Poral twich circuit. W. J. MeNevin, formerly' of Exeter, %vho has held a responsible position in the big mill at (loderich for several years, hag removed from that town and taken it better position with the Hvad- ley-Shaw Milling Company of St. Catharines. Previous to leaving Godo• rich, his fellow employes in the mill presented hien with a cornplimentary address and a handsome mantle clock and Mrs, MeNevin with a beautiful up- holstered chair. Grandfather Worm, of Zurich, pass- ed his 97th mile stone nn 'Tuesday, No- ve'nher 20111. The old gentleman is Brill in the enj,yntent of ()tidy good health and con take it walk of a utile without mn(th hardship. We believe Ito is 'Ile eldest person in Huron County and it stems Iikt'Iy that Ile Will lien ,0 attain the alto of Ito) team. He still enjoys a smoke and eats a hearty meal three 1111101 a (1nv. It is sutural that, at Ilia ngte 1115 eight and hearing are not what they were at 89), although he still retains retna rkahlo control of these faculties, CANADA'd K'ELS'I' PROSPERING. Homestead entries increased eigt't fold in eight years. Canada's tveslel'n population, 60 years ago, 8,000 ; now, 1,117 041, Canada has given 57,000,C00 acres of western land to rsilwayr. Canada's west has WY) flour mills, daily cepa city 20,000 barrels. Canada's west has 10.000 utiles of rivers navigable by steamers, Canada's west produced 820,000,000 bushels of wheat in Ave years, Land sales in the west have increased twenty-five fold in night years, Canada's west is 50 per cent larger than ten of the western states. Homestead entries numbering 26,167 were made in 1904, adding 67,000 to the population, Only 6,000,000 acres of the west is under cultivation, or 11 per. cent. Canada's western wheat crop, 1905, was worth $80,000,000, Canada's western lends have introns ed from $2 to 80 per acre an an average, Canada's west produced, 1095, 171,- 000,900, bushels of wheat, barley and oats, Canada's west hats over 1,000 ele- vntors, storage capacity 60,000,000 bushels, The C. P. It. has sold 15,000,000 out of its 25,000,000 acres of hand grant - 10,000,000 to the Dominion, 5,000,000'to settlers, The Tomb. THIEL -In East \Vawanosh, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 2110, Catherine Wag- ner, beloved wife of Henry Thiel, 57 year, II months and 21 days. Jttl1NirTON.-1n, Goderich, on Sundny, November 18th, Matthew Johnston, aged eighty-six years and six months, -.0 tMuartiv,-In Morris, on Nov, 17th, Arthro' Murphy, aged 79 years. That Crledle. MONCK.-In Go'i rich, November 17111, to M1', and Mrs, Wrn. Moult, it daughter, Htlatnl;n,-In Goderlch, on Monday, November 12th, to Mr, end Mrs. Chita, B. Hurnbe►', a son. HAw'rnoltN.-In Waskadn, Alan., on Nov, 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Hawthorn, a daughter. DUNCAN.-In Brussels on Nov, 24th to Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Duncan, a baby (still born.) •.M • 1111.10118 ATTACK QUICKLY 01111)11), A few weeks ago 1 had a bilious at- tack that wits so sovore l was not able to go the office for two days, Pailing to get relief from my family physician's troattnerat, I took throe of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man, H. C. Bailey, Editor of the News, Chapin, S. O. These tablets aro for sole by all druggists. rr^ t+ 'vrtv i✓..+} ( ( t ,r' r,r 4 r l ! ! `# yi1'i oe, i ! �! ! ! #! #i i{a i �! t irrltrl�)i '# ..li fQ�got l�! ! Now Is The Time FOR BARGAINS IN MIL Lai NErf.Y All Pattern and 'Trimmed I1nts from out sold at greatly reduced prices, We have an exceptionally large stock of Plain and Fancy Ribbons anti are fully papered to supply the needs of' ,Xmas buyers, Q a of 0 O t) 0 Just received our stock of Christmas Ilnndkerchiefs, They O' are beauties and our range of patterns is larger than ever'.! 10 An early selection will be to your benefit, 7i ((! J. A. ANDERSON 0 (�(/ p)Jr�) >YV7+•UY� r1+�M•:rOi. 4r.ii �rV.'.V;rti/n.•VtrVi:rYnrYtrY+'rY.E✓,rY.r>`r.4rj�!4!�'rK'.`JI+r7! IN7 4 Net rrilE STORE overcoats This is the season when all will need a gond Warm Overcoat, Have you 0013? If not we are In a position to give you a good stylish and well -made one, one blade to order for yourself, one that will tit and look styllsh, Our prices aro the lowest for good goods. Hats &Caps Our stock of Men's Soft and Hard Hats le complete in all sixes In the leading styles for fell. Tweed Caps, good and worm, with fur ear laps for mon and boys. All Kinds of Men's Underwear from natural wool to fleece lined. Neck Scarfs We Just have opened a fresh 1(ne of •4'blon's' Scarfs, stylish goods, tunny silk and satin lined, a complete range from 25c to 81,50, See these and you will buy. We sell the Empress Shoes for Women. Geo, A, Slater Shoes for Men, LDEN CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS We wish our friends to know that we carry ►t large stock of Carpets, Carpet Squares, Llnolcunis and Oil Cloths, '!'hese goods comp to us direct frotn the mills, which Is it guarantee that you get she yery best quality for the price quoted, All carpet cut and matched. J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYTH COMING Prof. Dorenwend Or TORONTO will bo at the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Friday, December 7th, 1906 with his celebrated NAIR GOODS STYLES Ladles' WIga,Switohetp, Porn. undours, Wasoy and Plain Trouts. Ladles call and see how quickly and easily he can transform your appearance by one or other of his styles' 'Beauty, grace and younger appearance aro obtained and the health Improvad. Gentlemen who aro bald should not miss seeing his patent ©epees aria Wigra World retrowned for their practiced utility and durahillti-perfectly natural In Ap- pearatnee, giving a younger and More pleasing expression to the face and head. Se• ourely fastened and will not coarse oft -over 15,000 In use. THE DORENWEND CO., OF TORONTO, LIMITED. • 103 and 105 Yonge St, CONSULTATION I'itEE, COMP EARLY. 4, NOVEMBER 79TH, 1906—TILE BLYTH STANDARDPAGEFIVE, IMMIMINIMMIIIMPOIMPIONIMINIONINOMINOr Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash pries. Next citr here on Nov, 21st. Crain okeoks paid after banking hour at our store. MoMILLAM & CO. Wesley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. Tim first Horse Fair will be hold on December 6th, Ting School Board meets on Friday evening next. THIN Thursday (a Thanksgiving Day in the United Stales. MONTHLY Horse Fair, the first for the season, will be held Wednesday, Dec. 6th. LAST week Leonard Goodday and family moved to the vacant house of A. McNally ou Diusluy street, list: the telephone when you want a job of !minting, and see howuickly Tata STANDARD will fill your order. That children of Trinity Church aro prRotising for their Christmee Enter- tainment to be held on Dee, 21st, Watch fur the bills. ALL Advertisements must bo in this office by Monday noon for insertion, We must have this rule enforced on account, of Christmas rush of work. Da. J. A. ROBERTSON, of Stratford, has been elected by acclamation to re- present the profession in district No. 4 on the Medical Council for next term, The district comprises the Counties of Huron and Perth, Ws] understand that the car of cattle shipped to the Old Country by Reeve Sloan some weeks ago, netted him hack $200 more than his best Canadian offer. Mr. Sloan had the best satisfaction with the middlemen at Montreal and Liverpool. ANNOUNCEMENT. -The International Snowplow Co., Limited, take pleasure in exhibiting and explaining their snow plow. Call and inspect this invention by a Canadian for Canadians at the {,a'eon's Hotel Satnple Rooms, Blyth, thhis week, Open evenings. THEA. 0, U. W, was 88 years old on October 27th, It started with a mem- bership of 18 In 1868 and now reaches over 400,000, Nearly $100.000,000 has been paid out by the Order, Next Grand Lodge will he held in Toronto commencing March 20th. SONETIMEs .in rhe dead waste and middle of the eight beautiful dreams visit our pillow and we see the circula- tion of THE STANDARD rise to the 20,000 ,nark and delinquents by the score com• ing in to pay up. Then, of course, the confounded alarm clock bas to go off, and k's time to got up. A MEETING was held in the Commer- cial Hotel last Friday afternoon to de- cide whether there would be Horse Fairs held in town this year or not, After a disouesion it was decided to hold a fair the Wednesday before Brussels Horse Fair, and tite following officers were elected :-President, A. W, Sloan ; Vico-President, Win. Jack- son ; Secretary, J. L. Kerr. The dates may be found on Page 8 of this issue, REPORT, -Inspector R H. Cowley, of the Continuation Class, sonde his re- port to the Trustess and we take from it the following: --Provision for teach Ing the courses; Good provision in gen- eral, It will be well to make additions to theapparatua and library during the current ttcadernic year, Also, certain of the standard drawing models are now regaieite. Staff : Very good abil- it.y; discipline, satisfactory; attend- ance, apparently regular thus far, ETCA�F'S JEWE1R1 STORE Get Ready Come Early Be Ahead OF THE CROWD, YOU WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO GET SUITED, OUR STOCK OF Watches Clocks Jewelry WILL HELP YOU SOLVE THE GIFT PROIILEM. SEE THEM. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Winter Term Opens Jan. 2nd. Here are some of the records made by the TORONTO. ONT. Out of the last 250 calls from business firms we have llllehi fifteen of the positions Wo had no one else readyto send. We have alto had 82 oalls for usiness college teachers. 101 ex•students of other bus'. netts colleges or shorthand sohoole wore enrolled here during the last two years, We believe we have the best oommorolal school In Canad'►. We thoroughly satisfy our students. Write to•day for catalogue. W. 3, ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL.... Corner Youge and Alexander Streets. macergammumaromiromg ►A, THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY G001)S ON SALE AT MODERATE I'R1OEa P01I OAtII AND FARM PRODUCE, Il' you are Intending to purchase any article In Furs tills season we would suggest a Stolt to our store, Our collection of good Furs Is unsurpassed, 'nude in many pleasing novel- ties-TIes, Stoles, Neck Pieces, Collarettes, Etc, Ladles' Jackets, made of selected skins, rich and full. furred, We also have a large assortment in Aicn's Fur Coats, In Raccoon, N.Itural Calf, Dyed Wainbat, I3lehop, Dog and Gal. !away, selling at the lowest prices. Call and sco our Men's Fur Lined Coate, They are beauties, lined with Black Mur - tin, price $33. DRESS GOODS We can save you money on Black Dress Goods. We carry a full line of Cheviots, Serges, IIenriettas, Uoxanntts and Ladies' Cloths. For a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods, We have a complete lino of all kinds of Underwear, Highest prloes paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH A ♦ r r ire Asasasanwmar,a gnszngn. HAROLD JARVIS on December 1st, HAVE you paid your taxes yet ? On Dec, 15th is the last day, LAST week James Cutt placed a now combination safe in this store. COUNTY Council will meet nn Tues- day, Dec, 4th, to wind up the year's business. TELL, your neighbor ho can have THE STANDARD from now till January lst, 1908, for $1, WANTED, --Fresh Roll Butter 25c, Fresh Eggs 25c, Dry Picked Poultry, Dried Apples Fe tthers, Raw Furs, E Ki o. Wingham, ROBERT MCDONALD, 9th con, of Grey, recently purchased a fine Short Horn bull from Andrew Sloan, the well known breeder at Blyth. The animal is bred from imported stock on both sides and to a good one, Tttit Goderich Signal :-Most of the staff of the Canada Foundry Co, move to Blyth this week to put up the C. P, R. bridge in that village, and on its completion in early December, the staff will return to Goderich and build the bridge over the G. T. R, track et the foot of Macdermott's stops. HURON OLD BOYS MEI➢T,-About 60 of the 840 members of the Toronto Huron Old Boys' Association atteihrled the annual meeting of the society in the King Edward last Friday night.. The important item on rhe program was the election of officers and after ballot- ing the following were declared elected: Hon, President, J. S. Willison ; lion, First Vice -President, E. Floods;1 Hon, Second Vice•President, W. O. 1t�cTng• Bart • President, J, R. Lyon ; Vire- President, W. E. Groves; Secretary,R. S. CrockerTreasurer, T. G. Soole, Executive dotnmittee-E. J, B, Dun- can, It, McLeod, A. E. Bradwin, Dr, Belden, T. W. Scott, '1', H Rothwell, W. W, Sloan, H. Clone, J 8, McKin- non, A, McLaren, F. S. Hick, W. B. Scott and H. L. Anderson. The treas- urer and secretary reported that the finances of the association were in ex- cellent shape, and a grant of 860 was unanimously made to the hospital Att. Goderich, the county town of Huron. Before adjourning the meeting deeidod to (told the annual At Homo in the 'retnpiebuilding on Feb, frith, and it is expected that all the metnhers will do their beat to gather in old county boys and make the occasion a success. Wheat Wanted. 69 cts Standard le per lb, over weight 'up to 62 lbs, Over that is per Ib, Blyth Flour Mills C. H. BEESE Tats Saturday will start December, Column, meeting next 'Tuesday even- ing, BID sure and read the advertisements, You may get some bargains. McM1URUi1110 Y. TnomosON.--Tho fol- lowing item appeared in Friday's dail- ies: -Judgment (G. A. ti.) In inter- pleader issue tried without a jury at Goderich. Issue to determine whether defondunt, a prior volunteer assignee, or plaintiffs, subsequent assignees for value, should be held entitled to the proceeds of the share of the deceased husband of defendant under the will of the lute James Thompson, who died en 6th July, 1885, and bequeatltel to his son James (the late husband of defend• ant) and to his sons Edward and Wil- liam in equal shares the residue or his estate, subject to an annuity to his wi• dow of $125, The executors retained, under the directions in the will, to meet this annuity, a sum of money, in which, with accumulated interest there- on, the share of Jaynes on the death of This mother amounted to $574.18. This sum, less costs of payment In, etc., was paid into court to libido the result of the issue, Defendant claimed the money under an informal written assign• input from her huQband, Plain- tiff's claimed under subsequent assign• meats for value, The learned Judgs finds the facts in favor of defendant, and holds that the assignment in her is a good equitable assignment, Juclg- tnent for defendant with costs of issue and of the aptplication upon which it w'ts directed. E. L. Dickinson (Gab- riel)) for plaintiffs, W. Proudfoot, K, C., for defendant, 1111111.11.1111111111111 SNOW PLO Our snow plow is designed for use on railroads, electric railways and streets and is acknowledged by mechanical experts to be the finest plow in existence. T1 t 'rs'a stock company having a capitalization of $250,000.00 and is entirely Canadian capital. Only a limited number of shares for sale at the present time. The plow is on exhibition at the Queen's Hotel Sample Rooms, Blyth, this week and the inventor is in attendance at all times. Tile International Snowplow e'g'g. Co,, ,Imlted. sTRATFORD, ONT. M. A, !icon. & Co's. surveyors are once more in town checking the work of the Company's engineer, DON'T fail to hear l-Iarold Jarvis Ring "Crossing the Bur," "Becnuso," "'i'he 'Prue Born Englishman," and "rhe Ohft" in the .Methodist church on Mon- day evening, Dec, lard, WE thunk our correspondents for the increased number of budgets received during the pest couple of weeks. 'rho are a great factor in making a news- paper newsy end we hope to have them send in their contributions as often us possible, '1'11!1 Brussels Post of Inst woek says : 'Phe 0rend Trunk Railway should make their tithe card read so that the morn - int; train from London en the L. 11. & 13, would connect with tate 'nixed from Kincardine at Winghatn, It would be a great convenience to many. LADt18 look younger which is the de- sire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend's private show rooms at Commercial Hotel on )•'ridgy. Dec, 7th, and seethe many beautiful in- ventions in styles of human hair cover- ing, wigs, bangs, switches, etc., and in• spect his new patent structure, • ►Aa4R4►G4►TI0TA►44.4 AAA Watch Your Stock Your !'aper, Envelopes, 13111• heads or Statements may be going faster than you think. ► Now Is the time to replenish ► for the Fall Business. 4 14 14 14 ► The Standard ► ;i•,4•14.14.1%.•14.14 ;i CiiURC1R NOTES, Next Sabbath, Rev. Goo. Gilmore, of Blenheim, will occupy the pulpit of St, Andrew's church, Last Sunday morning W. 11. Kerr, of the Brussels Post, o cu lied the pulpit in the pulpit in the Methodist church, and in the evening Rev, Mr. Leckie, of Londesboro, preached in the church. -4s- The annual church meeting of St, Andrews church was held un Tuesday afternoon of this week, Rev, Mr, Small, Moderator, was in charge of the services, It was decided to have the r anniversary services in January and the date and minister will he announced next week, The annual reports were distributed last Sunday. -41- In St, Andrew's church on Sunday morning Rev, Mr. Hatnilton, of Godo• rich, took as his topic "The necessity of Aanctiflcation for the evangelization of the world" and at the evening service he took as his theme "Fellowship with Jesus Christ," -*- There will be no service in the Metho- dist church on Sunday morning on account of the anniversary services at ,Jackson's church, There will bo eels vice In the evening at 7 o'clock, Itev. Mr, Penhall, aformer pastor officiating. Brussels. Russel Brown hits taken a position in Fox's Drug store, Mr, Henry and Miss Jane Henry, of Listowel, ,yore visiting in town. lilies May Elliott spent Sunday at Sea fort h. Chas, and Art. Broadfoot, of Soaforth, were in town on Saturday. Alex, McLennan is visiting at Wocd• stock. Miss Mitchell, nurse of Chicago, who sport 8 weeks at the Rectory with her sister, Mrs, (Rev,) Lang Ford, returned to her position this week, Mr. Blake, the oil expert, has return- ed to town front California end has taken stock in the Brussels Oil Co, and is goingto oversee the developing of their oifield, . A, T. Currie killed two pigs for D. C. !toss on Tuesday that wore six months old. They dressed 450 pounds, 1 going 237 pounds and the other 218 pounds, The Winnipeg Free Press of Nov. 5th gives the lullowing report of the demise of a former Brusselite in the person of Win, Grant, brother to J, R. Grant, of Winnipeg, and Simon Grant, of Brussels :-''Tho death of Win. Grant, which sad event occurred at the hospital this morning, is announced, Deceased, who was eighty years of age, had a lingering illness. He resided with his son, Thom. Grant. in Sherbrooke street, and was highly respected in the neighborhood. Deceased was a car- penter by trade and belonged to Pictou, Nova Scotia, Coming to Manitoba in 1874, he resided at Emerson fur eigh- teen years, afterwards settling in Winnipeg. Ho twice contested parlia- mentary (ants in the provincial govern- ment in the Liberal interests. Deceased loaves three sons and four daughters to mourn his loss, his wife haying pre- deceased him two years ago, The funeral was held on Wednesday from Sherbrooke street, Rev, Mr, Stew,rt conducted the services," sir, Grant was the first Postmaster in Brussels and will be remembered by the older residents of this locality, -Subscribe for THIS STANDAR, Canada has 16 blast furnaces and 18 rolling mills, Wm, Russell, of Hay township, has purchased Geo, E. Case's hundred acro farm situtited on the London Road in the same township. Tho price paid was 85700; thin is considered ono of the best farms in township and Mr. Hassell has secured a bargain, THE DRESS COODS HOUSE MEN'S FUR COATS At Prices That Are Sure to Sell Them. 1 Brown Dogskin, with black Astrachan collar, worth $26.50, now Q24. 1 Fur Lined Beaver Cloth Coat, worth $50, for $45, 1 Black Dog Coat, worth $20, for 818. 1 Brown Calf Coat, worth $22.50, now $20. 1 Grey Goat Coat, with Coney collar, worth 813, for $9,50. 1 Black Dog Coat, with black glossy finish, worth $20, now $18. 1 Brown Dog Coat, worth $21, now $19. 1 Black Dog Coat, worth $18, now $16. 1 Black Dog Coat, worth $19, for $17. 1 Black Siberian Coat, worth $22.50, for 820. 1 Black Siberian Coat, worth $19.50, for $17,50. 1 Black Siberian Coat, worth $22.50, now $20. 1 Black Melton Fur Lined Coat, with elegant collars, worth $35, for 830. See our Excellent Lot of Small Furs. The prices are right, and styles are correct. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. ************************** SA LPL DA TEA From the Island of Ceylon, In lead packages only, 15c, 20c, 25c, 40c, 50c, Fresh Groceries for Xmas trade, Breakfast Foods. Oranges and Lemons. MEATS ON HAND White's Sausage -guaranteed all pure meat, Give us a call, Potatoes and Poultry Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, A. TAYLOR Itioesegoomeasso . I-:. GGIDLEY 1 �f o rf �� • BLYTH Having bought a heavy stock of Underwear at a reduced rate, and as we are scarce of room, having such a complete stock of Gents' Furnishings, We have decided to give our customers some bargains in Heavy Winter Clothing, as it will not be weather like this long it will pay you to call and see what we can do for you for you for little money./ We have about 200 sults Underwear, regular $1 to $3; we are now selling at90o to $2. 150 nalrs Odd Pants, regular $1.25 to $4 • sale prion now 90e to $2,50. 75 Up•`o•date Overcoats regular $8 to $15 ; can buynow from $5 to $10. Just about 25 Fur Caps left, regular $2 to $10; sellng below cost prloe at $1 to $7, Winter Cloth Caps from 45o up. Heavy Top Shirts, best lines ever shown In town. We oan give you then from 110e to $1. Such bargains as these you will find in everything we can show you from Hats to Shoes, Men's Fine Shoes we bought before the advance in leather. Goods now selling for less than we can buy them now. We have a line of Heavy Felt Shoes that have thorn all beat. Fine and Heavy Rub- ber's and Overshoes, We have a complete stock of the cele- brated Maple Leaf Brand. Come and get a bargain. Popular Clothing House - BLYTH t) o ,lbs cil©f0)A(0),(6)[6),jb),(o'),(0),(o) o CURRENT COMMENT If people in heaven know what. is go- ing on among those left herr, what will be Busse11 Sage's feelings when he thinks of his widow giving away all these mil- lions! to Ilefortned Spelling Board has in- ternal "(rubble," and there is (latiLser o1 u "lite" lunolr its members. Prof. David Starr Jordan say there i, too nniclr Prouder _\latthews in it! 4., it is now expected 111:11 there lti!1 e!' it lniltnce to the rood when the O,:tarlo )lank'- assets :inti liihilities are 11.1.'"e,l of suilicienl to pay ;thou}. , 0 cents all the dollar to the ,ilar'hohI'; s, 1 ce 1):(111: of \!entreat i, :toting 1t11i1•,Ilt lees. Shooting men "ill mistake for deer' Is a 1'olltp;ll'lltltril' elms') amusement, 'Iwo Yankess hunting 11':11' Englehart :hut ;a I span of horse.; in mistake for nI moose re- etutiv, and it cost them talo, Before ( you draw trigger lc -arc it is not a 'torsi?, I BRINGS LANDLORD TO TIME. Tenant Puts Up a Notice That.Gets Him Ithe Desired Repairs, nl a certain Loudon suburb, which need i lot be named there is a row of tis lira) i hodein twentieth century, jerry•It(ilt eini-detached villas, The house-, al• dough quite new, are .Ir'rrv•l,uilt shoe - lures of the most lie -feet. stamp, with lamp, cracked walls and plaster and windows and doors which rattle 11t the slightest breath of wind. The tenant of one of them had re- lented}{- petitioned the landlord to milky ;he necessary repairs, hurt each time he was put off with unfulfilled promises to attend to this clatter as 6(I011 as pets- Ilble. At last, rendered desperate and reek - ass, the tenant, painted the following c n . Lott e n '1 big board and .tuck it in Os front garden: "Caption! Pedestrians are earnestly re- luested to walk softly pastthis house. Drivers of vehicles of all kinds are int- >Iored to slow down when passing. nr, >reternbly, to go around by the other oad, as the siit(hte':t. disturbance may )ring the building down, the eoblt'ebs rhieh the spiders have woven in the corn - re of the moms being not yet quite tmng enough to hold the walls togeth- The landlord has capitulated—London Cit -Bits. Anna Could l::ls oht8tined a divorce from her precious Count, 01111 the rope( declines to order her to pay fi',:i0,000 a year for his support, :;nue paid pretty dearly for her title and her experience. _\loot' a girl would rather have married a Teal luau. 4•• The Judge of :a _\tissouri Court has ruled that conviction of membership ill a criminal combine defined under the laws of Missouri as "a conspiracy," slakes a St. Louis Manufacturing com- pany incapable of availing itself of the peaces:,: of the court, fur suing its debtors. .1 greet deal of nliecon,eptiou is duo to the application Of the term ''labor„ os indicating a class apart front the masses of the people. This i5 a gross i111• pen) riety. Every elan who contributes to production, whether by (land or brain --everybody who adds to the sum of hu- ll= good by his efforts—"labors," as a "laborer" in the true sense of the word Cincinnati has organized for the pur- pose of fighting the bill•boar(1 mlisance, St, Paul, 31inn., has nlso taken up the fight. There is a feeling aboard on the knows o political parties, no the proper mediums of publicity, and by artificial boundaries," So says James ,1, that the walls and houses of the cities interests know all these things] and profit Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question nbout that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store In Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? 'Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for tho past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold ap ears. HILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with Selfish Interests. (Chicago Chronicle.) the other side that the newspapers are 3 "Nature n lltl i tl rano exclueh cness, no division of territory Hill, and ho speak," the truth. But selflsh should not be disfigured by printed p per, The street ear advertisements Ill come in for condemnation. ••0 Voliiia 1)uwie's successor, begins 11 .lposlolic career with an attack on a the Christian churches, which the pro p' -eh to "smash," Ile is Poing to shells debt in Zion, and nlnke all of equ: standing. Perhaps when he gels to wort at that task he may 1ecelii0 iulpresse with the wisdom of deferring 111 church -smashing campaign for a time Either job is a big one for even a mal of Olivia's estimate of himself. Y•• 11h. Conyers does not seem to have made much out of his war un Congress- men whom he could not command. Litch- field was elected in spite of hint, and tiealter Cannon also won in the face of 11i11 bitterest opposition. The ilepublic• nos lost 4S of their majority in Congress, but not one of the defeated was oppos- ed by tiuinpers, 1s it worth while ter the labor organizations to support n leader in such wars of revenge? 4.0 The father of the latae Oen, 'I'repolf cram ;t foundling, and the name risen )lint i, a modification of "trepp-huff," 111ert11• ing doorstep. 'When he grew up he en- tered the Third ,Section of Police,, and, under Alexander i1, rapidly rose to be 00 officer entrusted with Illy d)si108111 of plotters, Ile was despotic and cruel and his son inherited him disposition, Ile i- s;,id to have virtually ruled the Czar, and his death removed the most trust- worthy of the props of the Imperial fam- ily. ;t. by them to the enormous lalury of rho general interests. Theytnke advantage of them so to gain vpocinl nrlvlleges, to promote cruel Injuetice, to instill the mallgnent virus of race hnte and to plunge nations and races Into bloody and destructive wars with one is , another. 11 Ir 11 (1 3 7•♦ As far as the public knew nt the time, he lute Russell Sage died as he had lived. Ile left little or no money to philnnthro• pie or charitable objects, 1lis wealth went to his wife, But the recent statement ni ade by her shows that be was desirous that his money, now that he was clone with it, should be devoted to good pur- poses, Possibly he thought :Mrs, Sage u better judge of the objects to which it might be given to than he was hint - self, and preferred to leave the matter in her hands, In doing this he appears to have made no mistake. The manner of its disposal, .as outlined by her, is very sensible, we think, Neither lie nor she has any hobby to serve. The money is to go to help needy, worthy persons whom they knew, to befriend people Who befriended Mr. Sage and to help strug- gling churches and institutions devoted to the care of the sick and needy. Just such a dispottltlon as many people, who , have no riches say they would make, if they were millionaires, When a Horse Gets Hurt U8E Fellows' Essence But don't wait until an animal Is injured, GET IT NOW—and you have the remedy that CURES all lameness in horses. If your dealer does not handle it, send 60c, to National Drug& Chemical Co., Limited, MONTREAL ,1 3. CUT OP Y "IMPERIAL" PUMPING WINDMILL ff(#ntllt 'blob won the C11AIIIP10NsHIP OF WORLD against 11 American, British tan manutactUrsrs, after a two thorough trial. Nada by llllfAPLEr a PIM CO. LIMIT/D, livafttl>.r/, Caulk; .1 AND BAD LEG A powerful ex'tllple ' f the I valla!: vlrtuo of 'laurlluk Is lavish: ! h) the case of Irv. I,i ,zi'! (7i1111"II(, I'I 1110tnd street, I:Ingslo 1 11)03.). Ha( •(1) • "Five years alto I hrul,ad "aud cnu:ed an ,,Icor which 'leye)uped "into it (Timis wound, I twit.. 1n the "ho•pilnl Milo mouths, where I!:e d',ctor "mulled to:mpal.ue lily)!rub. 't:ter "leaving the hospital I heard of '1, mi. „)lel:, 1 1 110 11, tho elver, to " heal. and new pink Iles!' hetraii to •vn• "where htlorc was a raw and inflamed "more. 1 eau now I,;Ilk abed, 11111 c(1n• " not feel tee grateful for what Zaue11uk " has dune for u1e.'' A11 (3111 glmtm sell It at .50e. n box, or post, free front the ;Am -811k Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price (1) Luxes for 52.110). , ; t.: , ,';3 ,,`tri .l A Feathered Quadruped. Professor W. S, Campbell, the super- intendent of the Indian school at. Pine - stone Minn., was talking about the ex- aminations which, at this season, rack and harass the breasts of the young of :America. "The stolen young Indian, no less than the emotional young paleface, is scared,,, said Professor Compbell, ''at the ,lune examinations coming. :111d 111 examina- tion he, like the rest of the juvenile world, real;c n great nanny add mistakes, Mrs. I. hunter, "At PipeHtone, at n recent examina- tion m etymology, n teacher said to a weary feeling nearly all the time, lad: "I tried almost every medicine, was "'Mark Engle, what is a quadruped?' treated by doctors and druggists, with "`A thing with four leets.' the boy little or no benefit. answered promptly, "I tried Dr. Len)Illnrdt'R Anti -Pill, and "'(loud," ,,aid the. teacher. ':Ind are. the results have been truly wonderful. there any feathered uard'iupctls?' 1 I 11111 so much better. Anti -Pill is a '''\ i's,' was the reply, , most wonderful remedy." „'Oh, there are. 111'0 t11ore i' laughed ! All dealers, or the 1Vilson•Fylc Co., the teacher, 'Well, 11131110 one.' Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont, 003 ",'A feather bed,' said the buy." ••• • The Power of the Prune. Ve„ ctarinn Rules, '1', ()woo, el (L•+\vestry, who is a 1'egy• 1.(, i1.;l 14 CO, .- i:.I, 11 ;id ;!,e t'.:O't:ll l+III Illell•11.'.' 111 .11llticll"5t!'I'ti I1 fol' soots hem he I: 15 1101:1.' It It rule t'1 fast • 1:n1 of the lu.:Ily•futn' hours of Ile analis Il'm n,o'11, rod Leese 1••'11''1-! 11(1':Iri,Il:iy of n }i;l',, 11.SSSS:! I;1' I (,,'list fro. -ii dried !roils, a f;'\ 1'.;.i I'o I -,.\,•titre these 1:c taI,f Ir 'In G'rlr 1,1 i,:rt''•(ite rlinules, r.' 1•'1! 1,1 a..13 11-'•It'lfnl i:1' ttlllinl.ters f3 •n li!ty t11 . Iif;nd,'ld trite;. 111'. ()won to 31- I'll 1 1 it this, diet )11' iv able to 0' cye'r rias •islet: h!' 111:,',11111'" :110 rinderrn 1;'.1'1113) sI Fit:, 11 \Vit 11 ':11 1110 least. 1.111111111 1)iWy (lV::pule'. 6 P n7 r? Lis3ipztion in Reading. ((Ihiu suite Juur:Ir.;.) til ' • • s r mu.q 11V .Ili. lhlll 1 I , 1.1 illi, f Ore t. rend. J . i:iU t l!i -t.:1 \' sal rte 1'11:[ft°, 110 131)1st III• (cense the ;1111 1' of his perce;,t)''e pt'n'ert, 3,3,1'1 03) n :'1'11 ct of relati013) foul 11•:n' -1(;;e ,'r1:.!1 (enelu,lene, 'i'hrre are people who rend fl 1;3'1::i r4.11 lar re t1: 3;3 other people 1,'.1 kilo); a (real d.al I+::. They read just to '1,11:- to !tut in 13:110; CI' it ilk 3:.:1'3410 F1'111.111 lull that cue ;sets lyln„ Inn hlllllllleclt or 111(111:inn a }class I f o,I.I. 'There is no digestive 101'co. In 11 t11'It builds up brain fiber. 13 is the Fort of reaSlnl; that sustains In:'ipld tall( and [Hakes one Inn little social circle turn nlwfly In (I1:1:o:st w11m1 n serious iu!'lect Is referred to. The fact is, the only Lind of rending that Is worth the time enl- uloti'ed Is that which 31.01113(4 reflculton tuel 1.uih1! 1',;l !duals. MRS. HUNTER'S STORY Saps ib -heirs are "Trier' Mnr'vellons." llrs, 1. Hunter, of 111 Raglan Pond, Kingston, Oat., says: "1 have suffered with kidney rind liver troll - nigilltANAJWIANIVVAIWIVIANWIAIN IIUANCE BAKING POWDER COSTS LESS TO USE GIVES BETTER RESULTS .A. trial will convince ova, houaowifo in Canada 111ra "Reliance Dakin Pow• der" is tar superior to any otter Hite has over usoll boo Luso IL is mono effective and Icon can bo eyed and hotter results obtained. "RcltRnco IJn.Icinig Powder" 3'1 uourposed of tho very bestnnd purest materlale, under the personal sopervislno of an expert manufacturing chemist, therefore we aro able In Full it on n Oaoh Uunravituo of t8atl,faction. Bel"gg iintro and healthful "Reliance ,laking Powder" Insures perfect baking—nuch baking as you would giro to yonug children and invalids beating of its easy digestion, Are You interested in Picture Post Cards? \ii 104(.1ernne hiss rho postal card craze. A sot of our colored post cards is 11eedeo to 0"nlplelu every collection, They aro not for Halo, but you ran get n set 80501 sly (30o. They are )nal what the ehlldreu aro looking for unit surely you can. not overlook this opportunity to net a set free by Hlmply dropping a postal, FT,°' "''""BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARDS To anyone writing ns, answering the following questions, STo will gladly send absolutely froo, postage prepaid, a sant four of our latudt edition of beautiful plcturo pont oarde, lithographed In brilliant colors. 1st. Name your Grocer. 2nd, Name this Paper. 3 Intonational Food Company, Toronto, Canada "Ask for tho Purplo Package." WtvAw► FARMS FOR SALE, Choice Fann Properties For Sale or To Rent • 1, The Lassert (arur, 140 ncres, adjoining the east Fido of the '1'0%n of Preston; one of tiro best forma In Waterloo County; brick )louse and largo bunk barn, 2. The Robert S. Snllth farm, Township lile and chronic consti• of (Hanford, 7 miles from Ifanllltun, 69 acres, potion for some time, I Rood buildings and orchnrd, 20 ncres of large 15'719 subject to diz7,1• beech, maple and pine timber, 12 acres fall , wheat in ground; tall plowing done, _, bj,1lnua hcndnche, 3, The Shnrpo farm, lot 13, con0erslon 4, llervoustles4, (lrolvsl West 1''lamboro, 7 miles from Hamilton on i3083, loins in the back good grave} road; stone Louse, !rage bank and side,' and a tired, barn; magul(lecut stock .531c1 dairy farm; acre!), 4, 00 ncres. 1'4 miles from the Vllinge of fimllln'llle, on the T,, H. & 11. 1ty., with tale bllldings. known ns the old Morse farm, 6, 25 ua•on In the rownshlp of Willoughby, northwest part of lot 8, In the first cross concession, 12 miles east of Welland, known ea the Sauer property, with fair b(Itldingt and some fruit, 3 tulles front railway station. 6, 60 acres In the Township of Nelson, 17 mjles front Hamilton, known as the Harris farm; good bang barn and good house; sotto small fruit and timber. 7. 36 ncres ,'r-'vnshlp of Jlinbrook, 14 miles from Hamilton on new count)' stono lout, no buildings, but fine soil, The Lord Mayor's Coacl:mar. 8. The mouth 11'. of lot 10, In ilio second Went hem ise prophets are predicting 8gl10ereson of (Hanford, near Iiallnou P.O., a hurt' winter, but there need be no bun' 100 ries in OrlmHby Townt 11p, lot 7, con- ger. The gladdening news comes from eessloll 7, formerly known 113 rho Hartigan farm; good buildings and orchard; about 4 California that the harvest there w'i11 in- tulles south of Grimsby village. price 13,200 The Lord Mayor's coaclrruan Is still the theme of the Paris papers. "Nobody who hna not seen him can imagine him," says Le Matti. "He Is us round as all apple, as round as n ball, or rather, ns round as the earth ('lode 110,000,0(10 pollml4 of prones. ,Tay Good 100 ncrn in Illnbrook wlth orchard Itself. Jl I I5 rosy and chubby of (a(1', has will reign Irl ('t'('1't' hoarding house 111 the fromnd blllnmiltoit,unearunder newIcountylostone road; miles his body Is a formidable paradox. And Gals astonishing loan sits enthroned with a Ivo:- country. Breakfast foods may poll 1111d price, /2,600; a snap, drous dignity midway between earth and sky. evaporated fruit pies and puddings grow In all tho above No can give immediate His lip Is scornful, and he, heeds lel the re-, dull upon the jaded tasty of second -floor forest nsy11terms for dow For In - marks of the crowd. !t1' sees or hears troth - fronts and hulh'oonlern alike But the prune, plum. purple and palatable, i5 the perennial pet in the hand of the land- indy.—\1'w York .Mail. Mg but his horses " 0.further particulars apply to O Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, a►*• Why She Fails, "I don't Fee why it is,'' said a girl the other day, "thnt 1 never seem to do any- thing as well az other girls." Anyone else could see why it was per - feet I v, She neve(' finishes anything, She rushes into each new thing us though her life depended upon it. and tires of it before she is half way through with it, She does nothing really well. She sings n little amt plays a very little, dabble, at painting, plays nn indifferent gulnc of tennis and the same kind of golf, "Jessie tiros Of things so quickly," sighed her mother, "I a 11 afraid she will never be successful in anything. She wants to try n. new thing before she has half learned the n)d,,, It would be very much better for that young woman if she could be thorough in any one of the many things she dab- bles at. H 3'otl are going to try a Using at all you might as well put your best effort into it. Whether it is work or play, it is worth doing well. If you have a piece of uncongeninl work to get through with the quicker you set to work to thoroughly master it the quicker you will be rid of it, If you want an accomplishment pick out one that you feel you will he most likely to succeed in, and put your whole llenrt into mastering it. Don't, shilly shrill ' over it and break off when you nre half proficient in it to try some- thing new, One roll accomplishment is better than half ndozen sham ones, And don't im- agine that you can work 111 a half-heart- ed manner and succeed. Success in anything menus hard work and cournge in face of repeated failure. The more hardly won the sweeter the winning, The girl with an ncconlplishment is never without some interest, in life, She is sought after by other people interest- ed nlong the sumo lines, and the keeping herself up to the murk is a constant stimulus to her mind. A great many girls hove no time for any occomplishment—these words aro merely for the girls who, having time, scatter their interests, thus achieving nothing. A superficial smattering. things is not half as useful a few things really well. Learn all you can, but learn one thing thoroughly before you begin another. •-♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.. of many ns knowing 1•• No News of Importance, (Adams, Ga.,. Enterprise.) We are sorry to record that an unfeel- ing sawmill cut off the left leg of ono of our leading citizens Inst week, The accident was caused by his losing his head from getting tangled in the machin- ery, after which he lost his leg. There is no news to speak of, Ague is ono of tlio things that will give a fellow the shake and still stay ght with him, ITCHING PILES —Eczema, Eruptions, Pimples—arc surely cutcd —the molt intense suffering at once relieved—by tltl TRADE MARK REGISTER Ointment --the safe and speedy rem "1 u'ae I,oubled n,Ni Ihhio, /'ilei," wriles one man whole addrru nt w1'%1 flin,lrh on ,equal "1 Mild all Nee !alert and rracrdin / ever beam of, '!'herr / wed Mira Qinlwe,!—and ob/ained more relief from (l than all the others, 1 recommend u to all a(!l'ielyd will, !Au complaint," Blood Tonic and 'Tablets means a quicker cure. At drug-sores—or from The Chemin' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto, 5 , each box -6 for $2,50, Used with Mira — --Exchange of Compliments. (Detroit. Free Press.) Mrs. Rapes—My Husband says he wouldn't give two cents for your husband's opinions of him. Mrs. Slapps—Of course he wouldn't. In my husband's opinion ho Isn't worth two cents. 4•o Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, 4.1' When in Doubt, Dy Jerry J . Cohan to The Spot Light When the sky's kind o'cloud)', ole feller, An' it looks jest a teeth) like rain, Don't ferglt that n stout umberclel' Is Hafer to wear than a cane. If yo ketch yerself coughln' or sneezln', Cot a pain, n head -ache, or it chill, Kind o' reckon °let's all'ere n reason, Nip th' cause an' yer save doctor's bill, Likely folko learn Filch Hips o' th' weather As fool folks don't think much about, 'Till they bunch many troubles tergether, 'Cause they didn't steer right, when In doubt, If yo let yer friend barrel' yer money, Yo may Ioeo friend and cash if tnlnt paid, Dronpa and bumble bees never give honey, An' mistakes are best check'd Ii'foro made. Yo needn't go fuseln' ter worry, It'll como with a rush, when it's due, If ye burnln' yer bridges, don't )curry, P,'raps yer may need to cross one or two, Never put off yer chores '1111 to-morrer, De 'em now, 'till yer sit tuckered out. 130 jest ns Ood mode yet, skip sorrer 'N grab bull b' the horns when In doubt. •.. The "SAI.ADA" Ten Co, up to the be- ginning of No\enlber have had nn all around increase in their business in Canada and the United States of 20 per rent, over the corresponding period of lest year. This is the most extraordinary increase they have ever known, and is the reward of serving the public well. Cure for Ailing Wives, You men with delicate wives, why not give up doctors for a while and try entertain. Mont as a euro for thorn? It Is noticeable that the women who aro always complaining of their health are iltoso who have no a7nuso- mont. They hare to talk of their pains. That Is all tboy have to think of. Pack 'am down to St. Joaoph every few woks and give 'pm a doso of vaudeville. Even run up to Ohlcago with 'em. Let 'cm ride on rho aloop- ing car and eat In tho windows, go to a lent good shows and take an automobile ride. This Is not nonrly so expensive as doctors. When they take a trip do not let it be to u waterint place where all they see le others afflicted with similar woos. The same old scenes and teed and, above all, lank of entertainment is what aIle nine -tenths of the women who are afflicted with aches sell vitas, 1. D. J. FARMER, Barrister, Etc. 37 James street eolith, Hamilton, Ontario, Capital Idea, "I have come to nsk your advice and assistance, old num," said young John• ston, ns he dropped into 11'atson's smok- ing room the other night. "Von know I've been courting Miss Meredith for about a year now, and I'm not sure if she really cares for me, you see, flow am 1 to find nut?" "1.'11 tell you what to do," -replied his friend, "Send n tele- gram to your,.11f--`Sitnnlion in India whiting for you. Will you come?'""Cap- ital idea," said Johnston; (9 will try it" Ile was back next night looking rather excited. "Well," said Watson, "flow did the scheme work?" "Work!" groaned 'Johnston; "it worked only too well, i showed her the telegram and said, 'Would you mind if 1 went nw'ny?' 031(1 she fold her head on In,y shoulder nnd nail, `Not n hit—P11 go with you' Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ••a Suggesting a Better Course, (Sun Francisco CaII,) "That's my hest work," said the poet after rending the verses to Crittick. "I'll thinking of having it copyrighted." "Copyright 7" said Crittick. "1f I were you I'd have it patented." ISSUE NO. 48, 1.( M. MISCELLANEOUS, FARMER'S SONS TlI' FARMERS' MANUAL contains a ser- ies of special lessons In farm bookkeeping, with full Instructions, separate rulings and printed headings for grain account, poultry nrcouat, cattle account, hog account, labor account, dairy account, expense account; department for cacti kind of grain, cash received account and cant' pnld out account. The Manual nlso contains a complete Insect department, n veterinary handbook, a per- fect system of horns -training according to the methods used by Prof, 0, W, Gleason, besides the farmers' legal dcpertmout, 400 pages. The J, L. NICIiOLS CO., Limited, Publishers, (Mention this pa;'er.) Toronto, Canada. Agents wanted. Illrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be used for children teething, it soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind colic and is the boat remedy for diar- rhoea, DR. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS A oefe, aura and tellsule ntontbly r•gul.. natio P3111 here been used tit France ,itincl Invaluable fnrtlea urrp a lyne,l.,and am guaraa. Mod blthe [Hotel. Melo.( stoup (03 vtaltul (az ; Vr ny malt aeNlrely µmla1, 0rice (10x1' pea of Ig1,e LE ROT PILL 00.. Box 3, Hamilton, Oan*Ia. Might as Well.. When n man ceases to aspire ho plight ns well 'be dead, for this soul is stagnant. And, when he contemplates what social- ism really means and Is, where is the man who would find life worth living on any plane above that of the brutes that perish7—Ohicngo Jnter-Ocean, I was cured of terrible lumbago by MI NAi{D',S LINIMENT, . REV. WM. BROWN. I was cured of a bud case of earache by M1N:1I1D'S LINIMENT. MHS. 5. KAULBACK. I wns cured of sensitive lungs by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. 5, MUSTERS. Correct. "In this instance," explained the pro- fessor of surgery, to the group of med- ical students, "the left leg of the pa- tient is somewhat shorter than the right limb, tilts causing the patient to limp. Now, 1[r, Fresh, what would you do in a case like this?" "Well," responded the alert Mr. Fresh, "I guess I'd limp, too."—Brooklyn Life, Pis► I rQR SULPHUR WAX Ask for t _. EDDY'S SAFETY MATCHES FOR HOTELS, WAREHOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC, A...•.w. •.•ww.. W. M* ♦ Yr uww.w«n-..rww.� .w w+..w+�.w�.ww•.ww♦ w. Stmday Owl (h'1'teitNA•R'ION Ali Met-WAMet-WA NO. X 1)i;u. 0, 1900. Jesus un the lieu, -Lnlul ('oao,II t8Iy,- -1, Jesus crucified (vs. :3:1). 33. 11 hen they eters come A great company of people and of w'u llen lldlioNed Jest's to the cross, 11.h0 also hcw'ailI(I and luau,:Ilcrl hint, The three \I:uys were there: Alary, the mother of Jesh-; Allay, the wife of Chiapas; end .\I:uy' Magdalene, %vitt' several oth• c1' friends (t•, •111). Jesus turned and told them to weep out for (hint hut for I heL1;sel) es and their children, because of Ilse' terrible calamities that were to yonto ili; the city. Ile was going to lit,' and victory through death; but they 11,1,1 rejeeled their .Ites'..dah and were dimmed to hopeless ruin. Itis prospects ))1':e bright compared tvilh theirs, (:aI- %,Il.• • Calvary is the Latin, and (Jingo• 111,1 t:m Ilebrew' worst \will► the sante moaning. It is just outside the city of .Iernsaleul. '1 hey crucified Ilial- Ifs+ hands, and fee. evere ":tiled to the (Toss (Luke 2-1; end then it was lifted up and sld: into the ground w'itlt a sudden prodttliip great p:)in. 11 r;:tti kine 0'11011: in the morning, the 1111111. of the usual morning snerifiee of which le,n the I.:u11I► of (rod, %vas the great .1nlitype, "The cru,; w'as not so lofty and large as la most mediey:tl pictures. The (.'et of the sufferer were only a foot or tr'0 tl0%•1 the ground, ---)t f:let of some )).eight, 1171 showing that Jesmi suffered in the ;midst of his per.,elm(nrs, 11101 11011 lno1- :l;t Ilotvll fro/11 )IlUt•e their liesds," :;rl)afi. The Imllefeetor;--Two thieves w''re crucified with Jesus, one on the right 1 awl, and the other ():I the left. This was probably done ‘with the inten- tion of ;;iving the people to think that Jesus wVas to he classed with then(, :gee I,i. 5:1: 12. I1, '1110 m'mkiegr (rowel Iv4, 31-17 ). :11. Father, forgive then(- -There ‘weft' s,'wetl reiyiligs of Christ %voile on the crus,. 'Fide, the first one, is al prayer for VI; murderers, 11 is believed that i 1)! . 1':I)•er w 1 1 if 9.0,1 tvhI!l Christ':s :11.: 1'v:Is c1 it; hei';ht. I':('ted his , • ; The f,,:Ir s'Idlers divided ant- ong themselves his 11;:11:' robe, head- Ilres.., girdle, and san lals, but for Iii; "('(sal.", that Js hi; 1Iilli(' 1)1' 111)1101' ;gur- llt":ll, w•ilic•II w':la V.1(hont 9l'1IIII 111111 vrhirll tv';u111 have 110011 1'111111'11 if divid- ed, they cast lots (John 1!1; 23, 21) 71:,'1'0 is no conflict between this state - :cent mrd the fuller ncoo(ult given . by John. (':list lets -see Pia, 22: 18. What a picture! ".1mid the most solemn seem! of human history, the uneonsciuns :odor; sit dot:ll to gamble," ''The legacy in wnr:dly things left by Jesus wits very small." :I.i, '1 he people stool behold- ing --Vast crowds were 111 ,lerusaleut 10 attend the feast of the 1';tsso'er, and twiny would he attracted to the place where Jesus and the robbers were ern- c'ified, The rulers -The dignitaries and members of the Sanhedrin, as well as the ordinary bystanders, (mocked, for they :suppose they have gained a cons• plete wiet.u•y. Derided hila -The crowd mocked 11101 from nine till twelve o'clock, i;ut there were also friendly. welchers at the cross polo' 10: 2;1.27); Jesllg was not, wholly de3erted in this sad hour. "'The women were last nt the cross and first itt the grave," Let Ilius salve ;himself - 'I'hv,v thought that if Jesus were the \1('ssi:tll surely he cold deliver himself from the Homan cross. 3(1, Vinegar -- The soldiers pretend to treat. ,Tetitl)s as a king to whom the fest- ive en0 is presented,-Codet, IIi. The superscription (v. 18), 38. Sup- 'crse•iplio►-The white tablet united 111)• mu the cross, above. the head of the vie- tinr, to decln10 the crime for which he was crucified, "1t 15';9 n 00)11)11011 cus- tom to affix a label to the cross, giving a statement of the crime for which the person suffered," -Clarke, \\'ns written -Pilate wrote this upic'ription evident. ly derision (.101111 xix. 10). 1t was written in Hebrew for the 'Jews, in Greek for the foreigners and visitors, in Latin for the 1ioln:uls. "Power, culture and piety 111 their noblest forms pay homage at the feet of Jesus," King ofr the Jews -The Swords :i.e somewhat different in the different gospels, probably because some of the writers copied fro111 one language and some from another, The truth was pr'ocla11110(1 in jest; Jesus is in 1021 a "King with many crowns," IV. The robber's conversion (v.s, :3114:1), 39, ]Tailed on ]11111-'L'he two thieves cru- cified with Iden may have belonge(l to band v1'th linrabbns; they evidently knew something about Christ. One .(tock• ed, the other prayed, Save thyself, etc, -Prove your claim to the \fessinhship by delivering yourself and us from dearth, 40, Dost slut thou fear Cod -\\')(meter 4the reckless crowd may do, thou art near death; does this have no effect up• on you? 41, We..juslly-Ne is n true penitent, confessing his sins, Nothing [1011 q-ITo may hue vheard and send much of Jesus at the trial. It is more than likely, that at various times he may have joined the crowd where Jesus was speaking, and have knownof His mir- acles.-Poloubet. ` , 42, Lord -"The very use of the word implies faith." Thy kingdom- Ire tilde recognized Christ as n real King, Tlls prayer shows that he believed (1) that ,Jesus Was rho Son of God; (2) that Ile had power and a willingness to save; (3) that they would continue to exist in a future state, 43, To•day-'Phis wits the second say- ing of Christ on the erose, ,'This ,verse is a strong proof of the immortality of tine soul, Paradise -This is a wor(1 of Per - shin origin, denoting 1', bcnutifnl park, garden, or orchard. it WOO the place where ' the Poul of Jesus was between death and the resurrection, V, The supernatural darkness (vs. 41, 45), ..44, Sixth hnvr-Noon, Dna'kncss-The dark11058 continued three hours, from noon till 3 o'slock, Over the whole land (11, V.) -Of Palestine. This darkness wag typical of the moral darkness that filled '..www1..+www.-. r+v.ww.. $ TREATY �ta�madsm.IMILIEARY WITH A Prominent Business Man States His Reputation on the Merits of this New Remedy for the Dread Disease. in these days, when every preparation is carefully analysed and tested, only those of genuine ';crit can come unscathed through the or- deal -and they have every cause to deserve the confidence of the public. And it is only such preparations that the far-seeing business man supports. Banks and business houses all over Canada arc familiar with the integrity and business acumen of C. W. Mack -the well-known Rubber Stamp Manufacturer of Toronto. The fact that he is substantially interested in the Rheumatism Compound of his cousin, Dr. H. H. Mack, speaks volumes for the value of this remedy, Mr. Mack became interested come time ago in this Compound - and he was so thoroughly convinced by the astonishing results accom- plished by it, that he joined Dr. Mack in marketing the compound. This is what Mr. C. W. Mack says: "1 back the following by my business reputation. "I state, from positive proof -by personal obser• cation of many cases -that Dr. Mack's Rheumatism Compound is an absolutely sure and safe cure. "1 have interviewed many of the doctor's pa. tients-and have yet to find one failure. "Strong facts -but they ars facts, "Every drop of blood Is reached and purified - the whole system freed from Rheumatic Poisons." It is just this sort of backing that gives people confidence. For the business roan of to -day does not invest his money in a mediocre article. It has to be something that proves its worth to the public -that will do what it is intended to do -and da it in the best manner known to science. Dr. Ho a ` .acct's heu coatis C ompound cures the worst form of Rheumatisrn-promptly and permanently. It removes the cause of the disease -and tones up the whole body. It dissolve,), and carries out of the bystem, the deposits of Uric Acid, which cause the excruciating twinges, by grating against the tissues; of the joints and muscles. This Uric Acid was originally left in the blood by the kidneys failing to do their work of filtering the poison Qut of the uo dy, Dr. Mack's Compound carefully stimulates the kidneys, and puts all the ether organs in good working order. • Send for Dr, Mack's booklet, on Rheumatism -it will be sent free and postpaid. Get yourself free from the constant agony you arc suffering, There's no need to surfer -you've no right to suffer. Address : Dr. H. H. MACH omc OIl c1', Mill Village, N.S.) 60 'rondo St., Toronto. .v.v:,.71'0, V, elle land. "'this was a miraculous occur- ourselves," this is to suffer sweet ly. "'1'o relive, showing the amazement Of God take every 11055 from trod while loving at the wickedness of the crucifixion of 1111)1 snprcmc'ly; lu hr. templed Hud for hien who is the light of the world and the j ;111'1''1 by Satan lir evil spirits while hear- Rnu of righteousness," -,Schaff. '1'),1' nlr nu personal illative rand toward them ninthhour--The(lour of the ()florin.. of ,' offer imm�nernble cis tri tee evening snewil'iee, During the dcirk• jilhtta from) oto fellows wills love to• 11ess ()centred (`heist's font h niterance I ward all; to loathe ourselves thoroughly' n , the. ..Ary(Iol, Iny (tot, %why I iui`eraotlthnoe vexing exitu bolselves at slnubbe 1,0111' Oed, Fns(, thou forsaken 111O?" (Halt, XXVI1. l , xlt,i.) The fifth saying was: "1 thirst" ('rititise(I, misunderstood, and persecuted, (John xix, 28). " tvithuut It groan, or a kick, or it ,trice 45, The veil -The !treat 1,eil of the of threatening or retaliation, to be tela Ile that hung. belw•eert the Iloly bruised and trampled upon, and turn, I'Ince and the holy of Holies, 40 cubits t'' 1111 ciuivcring. speecicless lip, and tear-, (00 foot) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide,, d tram- nilimpled rye, and pray for the one that, of the thickness of the palm of the howl 1 under pretence of religious duty, is tram - nil wrought in 72 squares, which were "ii u:- in elle dust"; this is to suffer joined together,-Edersheinn. 'These veils I sweetly, / :3, Suffer snhnlissively, To hate your veers very heavy. 11'as rent -its rending h typified "that the veil that shut, nut the '''nl•tllly treasures snatched from your •Js()it cf holiness from the hearts of the I l;r;lsp, w'ithnut (*hitching to I►old then(; people had been taken away" (i1, Car. ' to he brought iusLurtly to n standstill Hi. (4.1(3.) "Its reading was rumhlem;ltf•111 ;(''vice without one rebellious thought; cal and pointed out that the separation wall: into 0 dungeon with words of bettt(eril.110,5 and 1;ent.ilos was now I praise 011 your 11113' 10 wear 01(1,•thrend- III)Oh-hell, and that the privilege of the l horn clothing, without a thought of envy 11' covetenc• to ctrl the poorest food high priest will unto communicated to us9, all mankind," w';th n thlull(rnl disposition; to lay your VI. Our Lord's Death v, .10.)40, With friends in the grave with it peace that ( mssetlt all understanding;to lave oto' a loud voice -As it were the triumphant I y' note of it conqueror. -Caul, (iib. What , name reviled and 1151 out as evil, with n he said first 11t this time is recorded in , great tender love in your heart for your .101111 Nig, 30, and Wet:'l leis nixth saying r'loc'tities; this is to "Idler :submissively. on the cross: "1L is finished," Father, 11. The words of the cross, 1, A work Mc. -'Phis w•as his, seventh saying. The of love. The cross is the deepest expre3• word 'hillier' shows that his 5011 lots 1'c• sign of the love 1)l' the Father (Rom. covered full serenity," Not long before v, 7; 1 John iv, 10); the love of they Son, teral this, when struggling in the darkness, he it, ]lkrcnn 20); tliellrvr l u.atof ite eistllthrough called to This "God;" now the darkness the eLcrnnl Spirit, offered Himself for us, is gine 111111 he sees (101) as a )nvllirg, • t_ "Father." 1 commend my sgpirit.-I de- i posit my osul in thy hands, 11cre is II r ""' ' another proof of the immortality of the f soul, and of its septn'nte existence after , dcnth,-Clarke, Cinve up the %;host -"Ile dismisse(1 the spirit," ile himself wil- ; tingly gave up that life which it w113 impossible for conn to take away, As Jesus gni' tip his spirit here was an earthquake of such power as to rend the rocks and open the tombs (1'init, xxvii. 51.53,) Another en►'thqunko occurred at the time of the resurreetion.v PitAC'I'ICA1. APPLICATIONS, 1. '.('Ice way of the cross. "There wns a dart:mess over nil the earth until the ninth hour" (v. 44), the day that Jestta was crucified, M it was w'illh the Son of God, so it will be with His followers, The sway of the cross is n wny of suffer- ing, and to follow our Lord's exnmpde we mast, 1. Suffer silently. In all the intense agony of Jest's there was not a 11101111, not a groan. The way of the cross is a way of suffering "without adverlisimg the depth of the anguish, A dog will howl at the least pain, but n 1111111) will stiffer in silence, You should not talk 111)0111 your sufferings, except very rare- ly, and to only su011 souls as God lute prepared, God may send a diol, once in ut life-tiite, to whom you can utter your Crinis with profit, and much a soul will likely be the last ono you would natur- ally expect, Sonietitnes the very suffer- . Ings that weigh you down are so Idfling and contemptible i11 the eyes of your best friends ns to only make them sneer itt your heaviest cross," 2, Suffer sweetly. "To suffer without trying to fix the blame nn filly one, with- out philosophizing its to its cause or nature, without murmuring townnl God, without resentment toward any creature, human or satanic., rind withont vexing Watches for a Half Century FOR over half a century -ever since 1654 -the reputation of this store has guaranteed the reliabil• ity of any Watch purchased from it. Increased manufacturing and buy- ing facilities no'.v enable us to give you the best Watch values in Canada. An instance is our $15.00 special. it consists of a guaranteed I 5 -Jewel Ryl'ic Bros. Movement, in 14k, gold, filled c.:sc warranted to wear twenty, live years. Drop res a fold card and we will soul you frr'e of charge our large illus• fraled calaforte, R raw Tovnita,Ofir. ;EP1IAriD FOR INFORMATION IN FRENCH SENATE. Premier Not to be Drawn by Questioners -Says Ile Can Say Nothing of Anglo-French Understanding. Paris, Nov, 211,..- Senator Comfit' de Villainy created It sensation in the Senate to -day by looking u ticiuus at- tack on the foreign and interior policy of the I1uveruulenl, After exlnessing regret at 1110 fuel that the Catholics had not. the courage to reply to their persecutors its LIi, 'Terrorists did in ttua,iu, Al. de Villains charged the Government twill) playing into the hands of Great Britain, and demanded cu know whether the report that a military convention had been signed between Great Britain and France, as a prelude to the great adventure in which Foreign \Iitister Melton and 11'ar \liiistcr l'icquart had embarked with Premier Clentoueeuu, was true. Al. tlen:enveau, in reply, after warmly defending M. l'ichuu and Gen. 1'icquart, announced that he could not say an).111ing regarding the Franco• British understanding. 11e did not he• lieve that a military convention ex- isted, but he declined to be drawn in- to a trap which would place hits in the position of discouraging the hulk., of all Frenchmen, '.I'Iie Semite then by the great ma- jority of 213 to 32 votes rejected the inlerpellnlion and passed :t vote of renfidencc in the Government, 4.* STUDENTS PRESS CHARGES, Say Police Used Their Batons Freely on Hallow Eve, Toronto despatch: 'Trinity science and medical students went before the 111111 I of I'cliee Commissioners rs yesterday af- ternoon to support the charges cow:lite eel in the letter of Prof. \lituriee Iliit• tot:, actin:; J'r1.0lent of the I'niwer;itw• of 'Toronto, to Chief Constable Grasett, ronspl:liniog of the ;('tion of the pollee in using their batons too freely on the uu)rnieg after it:1llntwe'en. Ser/''l. Charl- ton, hitt'ol•S"i'g1, Slildti' :11111 twent y constables, all of the Agnes street tli- visio 1, were present 111 eli Prge Of i11- speclor Stephen, leis Iionr Judge 1\'in- vilest el. ()resided. and, 11'itlh \layorCoctts- w'ol'th, listened to the statements of sev- en student;, Magistrate 1)enisno being called aw'oy to take itis pinee in the pollee ('n :1,'t, w'ile's the f)ntnrio think 1•!31' Wag 1)1 progress. \111'. 11'eGregor Young %vas prsent rem.esealting thy stn - dents nn(1 Mr. ;fames S. Fullerton, K. C., the pollee, Seven students wort' exam• lied, after rvhiel1 111 ndjntn'lnuent wn5 nm94e till to -Morrow eweuine 11t 7.30 THOUSAND GUINEAS FOR A DRESDEN CHINA FIGURE WITH A HISTORY. i.ondon, Nov, 20.--A Dresden china figure, 11 inches high, representing a lady Searing a lingo. crinoline and car- rying a pug dog with another pug dog at lht'I' feet, brought One thousand guin- eas (:;5,200) 111 Christie's auction remits Isere yc,tcr(lay and this group 331)3 made dl;1'11',1 a famous period 111 the history of the Dresden factory, from 177:15 to 17.111 when ('oult Druid w;ts at its head, the fissures represent Countess de Ko - sof, one of the beauties of the Court of _km -01,111s 11, then Fleeter of Saxony, 'tae group 11115 brought to ('hristie's by n man who offered to sell it for a small sum, but instead of buying it, Cln'istie's nnctionoil it fur his benefit, o+o SUICIDE AT SEA. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR SHOOTS IIIMSELF ON BOARD VESSEL. Sono, Norwalk, Cunn., Nov, ti, -A wireless message received early this morning at Wilson's Point froth the westward bound Pall River liner Puritan states( that it pas- senger identified rt.3 Stephen L, Sullivan, of Newport, 11,I,, shot himself In the hend shortly before midnight hest night and dled In an hour, lie had been employed as u telegraph operator 111 the Fall River, (lass., office of the Western Union 'Telegraph Co, No reason for the net Is given. 4.1' KILLED BY SPUR OF ROOSTER. VTr.a Struck on the Arm by Barnyard Companion. Lockport, Nov. 20. --Frederick Dol- ton, 05 years old. came to his depth in a peculiar manner yesterday. Re- eently lie Stent to his burn to secure a chicken which he 'intended to kill for dinner, He caught one of them, and as he nttcmpted to leave the chicken yard n large Plymouth .Rock r(a)ster jumped itt him and s(rnck the inn 11 in the arm with its Spur. 11100(1 poison Ret in and two days afterward he died, G, T. P. DOCK COLLAPSED, Over Fifty Feet Slides Into the River at Fort \Villiani. A Fort \\'illiltm despatch:, T'or some' et thetthenew (I, 11'. P. (Tock itt West Fort here' has shown sigans of settling, but nothing ger!oas was expected. On Sittiirtln;v, 1iow'evex, a portion' (%'lipped in- to the water', and to-silt)r over fifty feet totally disappeared into the vim", ;ion;; frith 200 tons of roll's whieli were pil'ett on the dock, Wind Spasms and Sick Headache. 111LEANS .1 CERTAIN COKE. 11 is not the foot you swallow w10011 does you good, 11 is the food you dign'st. Mien the t1igcx;ti '0 apparatus beiolnLli 111'1':)iigi'r(, (;lily J,;11•t 01 y'0111' fund is digested, Lill' rest, simply decol)iiemes, '1111s causes, ges 11•'1,511 111' (tab's til(: stomach, 1:tusiug belching, pain awl ;sometimes (by pressing upon Lhe 'wart) palpitation, Tho foul gaa no gement 151 fills the blood 3with poison; aiiI is carried t() the br:uu. 1Ic:td;I1'11e, 11:1 11,1 a, di%%ill's-, :111(1 1,0111- 111111'; 1)1111''('11 1'JP,il1I NOW, Weans correct :ill these evil.;, They stiitailaio the gastric flow, and the slun)uch is thin, e1111I, e1 to digest till the foot( taken. 'filly gvnt!y open the bowels, so that tie uanllated im- purities are expelled. Tey purify the 1)((10(1, ckll'itig it of pok.,ons, rte. Mr. 1l, S. Sharkey, t'etrulea, Oat,, says: "1 suffirc.( severely- from sick: headache and (liminess, and had 0 ewe Stant mist before my eye,. .\ friend advised 101 10 try lii!eau,,, and it short course wade u)1' Meed like a new being, I shall always keep I;rlcans handy, for they are a splendid toedi• cine." Mr. B. Irain''s, of fit:ortrood, 11. C., 'soya: ''JJile:illy curer) hey wife of sick hl'td:)ehrs when ogler reine)lies had failed." 'Means are purply vegetable, and entirely superior to older medicines containing merc:u'y', Ili. -dual(( :)lel other mineral pokorr, They :I1 -'.n cure liver and kidney troubles, constipation, piles, anaemia, debility, rluoinuttis,ut, telltale ailments and inreg,ll titics, blood impar• lues, 'I'!I('y to111' IIJ) the system and ('•il- able it to t)n'ow off enkla, chills, etc, All druggist;. tell )It ,'.te(., a box. or post paid from Ililean Cu., 't'orunto, for price, 0 Luxe,, $2.50. FLY ACROSS OCEAN. ONLY 24 IIOURS FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. Such is the Latest Aerial Prediction - Expert Says It Only Needs Inven- tion of Light Motor -Many Prizes for the Contests, London, Nov, 20. ---Prom 1.ou(l()n to New Yore: in 2.1 hours is 111e latest pre- diction nri-ing from the air -travel fer- vor. 1\'alter 1(111(, an expert adviser of the .\erd ('lub of the Unite,( King- (1out, who makes the prophecy, says thnt its fulfilment only awaits the pro- duction of :t well-designed aerial motor, _111 the elements for the construction of the minor exist. A motor weighing Tess than five pounds per horsepower A bird's wing is a marvelous struc- tural materia! would he infinitely stronger than any in the organic world. A bird's win'_' is a nllrvnlols struc- ture, but it is heavy compared with the menll•u,ane available to the modern neronnt1 .lir, 1,ci4 enmlIt:tsi.es the necessity for devi.sitlg an automatic steering gear, which, he explains, is a question Of mak• ing the air maehine mttomnticnlly revert to n horizontal keel. This, 1,5 is evidene- c:l by the torpedo, ought not to be diffi• 11111. Steering would then be effected by diverting the ;Lachine from its normal balance. The offering of prizes for aerial eon - tests is proving contagious. The own- ers of the ITritish rights of the An• toilette engine, with which Santos-1)u- 1)10n1's neroplalr it fitted, offer 1:2,000to the winner of the 1)aily \tail's conlpe• (ilio;, and .£0,000 if his aeroplane i3 made entirely in British territory. The Auto Car. an antnnlobi!ing jour- nal, 'offer's £500 to rho W1111101'of the 5111110 cente5t, if his enggine is made in Creel Britain, The (Graphic offers 000 to the inventor of the first heavier than air machine flying not less than a mile and carrying one or more persons. The Ideal Underwear for Women Aside from the fact that you can get any weight -and just the right size to fit your figure -there is another point to be considered about Stanfield's "Truro Knit" Uer'we; t'. It holds its shape, It is unahrink:lblc. The usual trouble of Underwear stretching out of shape or shrinking, never happens to these faultless garments. Gowns fit their best' %viten worn over “Truro,Knit." nit." At least, SEE '''TRURO KNI'T." Your dealer has it or will get it fur you. 6a The Hills. '1 will lift up ;line eyes unto the hills." i)avid. Above the murky plains of Aoove the, No:things lull 1111 strife, I ginflly lift my lo ti.l;; oyes '1') ]lint who all my Heels sn;lplir,l, Jh ku3', 0111' vision is 1101 to el'lur, Below, oar hearts are filled with fenr, But up where God in grandeur dwells Ile every lowering cloud dispels, For there we breathe n purer air, :1n ampler ether, sweet told rare, Surrounds the trusting, sheltered soul, Andall the storms Ills hands control From harm of sun or Moon preserved, And for life's grandest service nerved, The heart on the eternal hills Abides secure from earthly ills. --Henry Alexander Luveiy. Fiery Thunderbolts. Scattered throutzhuut the depths of il- limitable space, njl hurtling through the ether itt inconceivable velocity, owning perhaps no allegiance to any one of the myriad .311118 which hold sway over their attendant planets, but wandering like lost stars in the chasm of the nitiuite, are innumerable small metallic bodies, varying from a few tans in weight down to a few ounces or less, which are conjec- tured some to take their rise in resolv- ing nebulae, others to' be small fragments of suns or of planets which, either by collision, or by .301110 terrific disruption, have been shattered and wrecked; the larger sections forming new minor plan- ets and assuming the orbit of their over- thrown parent, the smaller, not so amen- able to the laws of gravity, hurled out into space, where they continue their headlong course until, perhaps Henna af- ter their formation, they rush into some sun or planet and end their career as suddenly as it was eriginnted. And when one of thew! "lh11nderbnlls" comes within the range of the earth's at- mosphere it is a spectacle to be remem- bered for n lifetime. Suddenly every- thing is lighted up by a most brilliant, flashing glare, so bright that for a few seconds the stars disappear from view, Jle overhead n great ball of %lila fire, of a phosphorescent, metallic blue tint, followed by a train of scintillant glow- ing sparks is seen to be hissing along to -wards the horizon, And now for a few moments the spectacle is terrible and sublime, as the flaming pseudo -luminary sweeps across elle canopy of the skies; itil nt length, with n tremendous crosh- ing detonation, the aerolite disappears, probably breaking up into fragments,nnd either falling into the sea or burying it- self in the , 'To gil'e. someearthidea of the violence of these explosions it is related that some time ago n meteoric stone, observed by Sir Irons Sloane, tho great naturalist, traversed the whole of England explod- ing over Devon or Cornwall, the explos- ion heing heard not only through those counties but on the opposite coast of i t -ace. Aand when the immensity 01 space is considered, with the lmconeeivably stup- endous infinity of heavenly bodies sus- pended therein, from mighty flaming suns of incredible megnittimt, to these minute wonderers of the ether, the mind is struck with nwe and stupor and amaz- ed bewilderment, at the august and ma- jestic power and solemn omnipotence of Ilim who created them all. And yet that Mighty Being doigred to resign for n Hine His Majesty in the heavens and to come down to this earth in humility and penury in order to make nn expia- tion for nil who will but lay their sins upon Him. And yet (tow many fatuously reject tint atonement, and callously in- cur the wrath of that great C'b•ealorl-lly A Banker. Men Who Are Wank :1. Thcre is n little hymn whie I sonic - times hear people singing. It has this refra"Ohs bnothing, not1ilii," Now in: it ((lust Ratorelye 1)0 111111'0 hon0l'bgt and pleasing to Ilhn who made us to strive to be something, something. It Is not to be passil'e, empty, idle mind and heart, the inspiration of God cones, It is not to the passive, empty, idle mind and heart, but to the fully exercised mind and heart, the inspiration of God comes. 1t is a strong, sacred will, and not a weak and broken will, He requires for Itis purposes, It is our disciplined faculties WC must bring to IIint if we are to be Il:is fellow -workers. \Ve were not meant to be nonentities, and the ca•y to be "nothing, nothing," must bo hateful in the ear of Itim who created tis in Itis own image and sent us fortis to his work in the world, * * * The ever- lasting God the Lord fltinteth not, nei- ther groweth weary, and in this continu- ous and never -ceasing work of creation man can help or hinder, develop or re- tard the creative purpose and process. clearly that he is made in the image of the Creator,' show that lie is a fellow - worker with God, and thus docs the world point ns and testify to the co• operation of Goll and man in bringing nature and • allthe products of nature to perfection. It doesn't very much mutter what kind of work we may do; .the supreme thing is the spirit which, we bring to our work To be fellow -workers_ with God, in oar daily culling, we must have larg- er than merely personal amts and needs, we must see that our work, both di- rectly -incl indirectly, is an influence for good and not an influence for evil, a lit ting fin(( not .a clebhising and groping Influence, a help and. hot a 'hindrance to the giving of a -better ,bivllixatlon and a better society, doing 'something to es. tablish justice and troth and goodness in the world, and to•got God's will done on earth as it IS in !leaven -Rev. John Bunter, D. D. PAGE EIm>•ir—THE BLYTH STANDARD NOVEMBER 29'1'1 1, 1906. MONTHLY FAIRS •••••• �E3:L.4''T J1 Wednesday, December 7, January 2, I;intuiry 30, February 2 7, A l _til .r ,. Blyth Boy's Experience In the Klondike. Dr. 11'111, Sloan, son of A. 1V, Sloan, Reeve of Myth, who recently returned hunt.' after a residence of nine years in Dawson and Nome, was inter vietved in Toronto the other day by a representa- tive of Saturday Night, Ile raid: 1906"Niue years ago, when I nude the journey from Ednlnntnu to Dawson, 1 1 007 was IN months making rho trip. Now .1 1 have ('unto back from Nome ti)'1'oron• t0 in i l days, That shows what gold con du to overcome diotnnee," "You tvt're nue of those unlucky fel- imrs who [vent in hi' the i:dmonton trail," said the reporter, "1 wasn't unlucky, The Edmonton trail wt;•+ all 1 i•„ht, hot htint•helu't.ed .111 the leading her.at and enttlr. buyers are t.peelttlly it,vited to attend. Let everybody conte. Welcome to all, A, W. SI.rtAN, President. Wm. J.u•l.so\, 1'ice•f'reshien1. .1, I,l:,l.lt: 1' EHII, 4euretHly. A RAItWAV• G�A�TRUNK:S,YSTEM Vie Mineral Spriggs of St. Catharines, Mt. Clemens and Preston .ire fatuous. Why not spend n few days nt ne' of thr.•e points 1 :11I situated on the C. T. 11. hotel accommodation is good ; rates reasonable, ONTARIO 211 VIRIAL �VINS�R FAIR' $2,25 to Guelph and Return Tickets good going 1) uentber N'h to 1 It Inclusive. valid to return until Dec. lit h. Pullman rler•ner for ft tnwe, Laves To. ronto daily at 10,1:1 p, m. Fur tickets and full information call on McTaggart, Depot'1';c!tet Agent, Illyth, The Leading Commercial School Ceptral.: ratiord, On. 'I'hls school is recognized to be one of the Fest Commercial Schools in .lrnerica. Von can safely ,judge a school by tho ap. plications it receive,. This ictal we re. A. E. Mumford tells how Psychine celvod sprite Worts front firma in six large Arnerlean cities and frutn far more towns I cured him after the Doctors and cities of Canada, including Saskatoon, ask., on the West and Charlottetown, P. E. 1., on the l;.ttt. Our reputation menus much for our graduates. Write for our 1 ttalogue, ELLIOTT & MCLACNLAN, Ask Your OwnDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "i have need Ayer's Cherrr rectoral for bard colds, b;i4 roughs, and Influenza. it has done me greet good, and i believe it Is the best rough medtcluo In the world for all throat and Itiug troubles."- ELI C. STUART. Albany, Oregon. Made by J. C. Ayer 00., Lowell, M Llso uta/uAwturers of SARSAPARILLA. ersPILLS, HAIR VIGOR. fellows who turned back libelled it and the newspapers gave it a bad name. There was game to be luta nearly all the way, and only on ono or a'o 0000 - Riot's did we strike a district. where W' couldn't shoot all the food we needed " "Well, punct or had, the quality of the Edmonton trail doesn't mat ter ttnw," "No, it doesn't matter now. 'There are swifter ways of wetting iti. }let Poi [;Ind 1 went titnt tray, 'Thor'n's a creat cotnitry np thea., and nobody knows yet what mineral wealth it con- tains. ;111 that country is worth Urns• peering. 1 "01110 fterOSy 1111inr1'nn4 out• nn v r tar .. n r , it. f oar it 1 1' 1 t f North. l0 far rt}. When the }I11dson's Iiay en. first en- tered the country they found 9 coal mine 011 fire. and it is hurtling yet.—it has been burning these 2110 years At least. and noho(ly knows how 1)111011 longer, i saw the smoke of it in tits 1isrtnre," ".Sore it wasn't a volcano?" "It was not a volcano," replied dlr. Slroeu. "'I'hnre is it volennn 1111 Ihern, f believe, but there is also this cold mine. horning awny century after rennin', Some day those eonl burls will (1101 Western Canada, There mast h0 et her minerals. too, Anil ah'endv there iq ranch tall; in Alaska[ of moving around ott,1 exploring the Mackenzie River. it is kr,o vn that some of the net's'', tribes hair(! wen ports and utensils of pnrnly hammered copper, liii finds will ho made 111 11191 cnnnhrt'," "i)id von leer. Dawson tit the time of the rash to Nr ne?" .ares. in I899." "How fey is it?" "Prom 1)9 WSW) to N00)0, t he ('distance is 2(1(10 miles," "Two—thousand—miles 1" "Y vs, PrGrlle llQwrl bean 500111 to think it i4 just 110 one side of n moan- toin and down the other, said the dor- tel'. "'The aistntl(0 19 considerably port of 2,000 miles in a straight line, but by the only path you can travel it is a two thousand mile journey, Alas. kit is a bigger country than it looks on file 111nt). Prom Toronto to Norse is a journey of x1,900 miles. 'there are many Toronto men in Norse. 'I'tle population of the town is abort 8,500 In Cumtnnr Keep the bowels 01011 with one of I and half as many in winter. Lots of Ayer's Hills at bedtime, Just one. 1 tvorknrs come np from Seattle for 100 (levy work tit $.i a day. It costs thein Qt15 steerage to come and as much to go 'Pliny return to Seattle with about $100 saved tin." ''Now is late anil order np there 9" "Very good, There's been a lot of dissatisfaction about titles. and a great many clnu'oes about crooked litigation over valuable 01810)5. A roan feels that his property rites etre safer in Dawson than in Nome," "1 suppose you are clown here to sen what there is in all this talk about Ca - gave him up bait." "I'm going to Cobalt this week, Yen, n ttnrall)•, I wont to see for myself. lint Nome has a big future. There is no nod of mineral there, Back of the trnvn they are mining tin in rich quan- t, "i "1'00," 1)r. Sloan added, "1 return to Nome n the spring.. After nine years' absence I notice great changes in Can- ada. n11 the way along—great improve- ments—and in 'Toronto as touch as any- where else," CAUGIIT COLD ON TIIE C.P.R. Principals, Chamberlain's CoughRemedy The Children's Favorite -..Cutts... Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy le fnmouv for its cures over alar`o part of the civilized world, It ct,n always be llnpeuded u tau. It contehte no oplum or other baneful drug and may be yen 0e courtdauny to a baby 118 10 111111/11111 Price 25 cts; Largo Size, SO eta. " It is twelve years since Psychine cured me of galloping consumption." The speaker was Mr. A. E. Mumford, six feel tall, and looking just what he is a hunky healthy farmer. He works his own farm near Magnetawan, Ont. " 1 caught my cold working as a fireman ' on the C.P.R," he continued, "I had night sweats, chills and fever and frequent- ly coughed up pieces of my lungs. 1 was sinking fast and the doctors said there was no hope for me. Two months treat- ment of Psychine put me right on my feet and 1 have had no return of lung trouble since." If Mr. Mumford had started to take Psychine when he first caught cold he would have saved himself a lot of anxiety and suffering. Psychine cures all lung troubles by killing the germs—the roots of the disease. PSYCHINE (Pr+ counced SI•Iseen) 50c. Per Bottle Larger slses til and S2—all drugglets. OR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. " There aro 'Maple Leaf' nub. hers to t11 all alms and altapeu of melt's, woolen's and children'. shoos "—Wireless front "the old woman who lived In a shoe." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately', too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides, Get a pair and koop your feet dry, For ale by S. H. GIDLEY Railway News along the Lino. 'rho reports issued from the offden of 1110 Guelph Junction Rafiway Co., for the quarter ending Sept. Srnh, show a most satisfactory state of affairs. The d0 per cent due the city, of the total enmities over and above all expenses, for the quarter amounts to $1,056.89, 'Phis is an exceptionally large amount, Col. NIP clonald, the Secretary and So• Nehru for the Company, states that itis the biggest sum yet paid over. Tho prospects for still further of anadvance- mnent in the future are bright, M. A Pigott, of Hamilton, cnntrnctor on the Guelph and Gotlrrich branch of the 0. P. 1t., has entered snit at Os- good° Hall to recover $6,000 damages for ftllegerl slander from P A. Peterson, of Go(irricll, engineer of the road. A disastrons fire occurred to the trorkm(tn'y living car nn the new rail- way, nett' Mnnktnn, and nearly 31000 of their money was burned up, One mon lost 8100. The brick work on the 0, P, R, sta- tion at (io(lerirh is progressing. 'rho Oodnrich ,Star; 1,nst week the last sprue of the Maitland River C. P.11., hridgn that joins Colborne anti Gor1e- rich watt planed in position, and now it only needs the raising of the track to the level oft he bridge to ennhle the hal, Inst trains to raise to its proper height the truck over,wgrinw Island, The next bridal. work of the Canada Foundry Co. will he tho span over the G,'1', R, track, below Miierlerrnott's, and those on either side of it. When these HIT in pngitinrl, with the ,Squaw Island truck ('11;4erf, the (1, P. 1t, will he able to run trellis to \'Vfdulnr's steps, at which point a temporary station might he made, and ,the line opened 111 nn early date, ihirhnrd line, of Milverton, has se- cured the pnsdt ion of night wntchman at the C. P. Jt, station. His duties will he to look niter the engine, Alidver- ton being the winter terminus of the Guelph arid 00(lerich line, and keeping the tender supplied wit h coal. Contractor Win. Gibson II n(i the stile contactors hnvn found it difficult to make much headway with grading "n 1110 LiMIQWe' 1)1'811011 of the fi. h 0. Rs, since the [vet weather Fiat in, and 11 ave therefore decided to quit until spring, A considerable portion of the road be• twcen Liarowel and Linwood 11110 boot graded, and had the contractors not been handicapped by neing unable to get a sufficient number of men the grad- ing would have been finieloel this fell. As it i0, moat of the heavy grading with the exception of one cut in Ellna n mile or two east of the town, fe dons, and it le calculated that the balance of the grading can be completed in two months 111 the spring. '1'110 MIIVenni! Sou ; The first pnsaen. ger train to run rngniterly oat of Mil- verton oyer the Guelph and Goderich Railway left on 'litursl'ty morning of lost week for Onolphnnd'1'oronto, The train 0111110 in ‘Vetineytlity night and re - 'tinkled over tintO 1110 next nlornine:, About '10(► or MIO people wore or the station 10 welcome it, whltth they diel in royal style, The train consisted of two conches—a begotten and expruas car penh, Th watt 11 aandtlapel'blassy appoinlCgerconcd stiffer,e tiuislatterhed in birch and uphols;eyed in green plush. The smoking' compartment, which in u snug nook, i3' upholsitlreil in leather. At the rear of the smoking comtnu't• 1110111 is the lavortory. Thu conch is equal to the best used by the 0, P. 1t'.. on the main line and the C. P. 11.'11 11111111 line Is are not excelled on the eontiucnt. The service elven Itt' the U, 1'. It, betwnon M11Vert011 eud'1'orol.- to is excellent and is being taken ad• vantage of by all travelling that wny. The coating of the C. P. It, to Milver- ton brings with it 11111113' advantages tthich 1110 public l8 not slow to npprn• c.iat0, PHOTOCRAPH S A wise Mlle the other day en id, "I have made one great mistake in lite," When asked what it was he replied, "I neglected getting icy fans. iii' picture taken when we were tall together, and 1 shall never again have that opportunity." BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS STOCK .1uetarrived, l.very't1►Ing you could nee in a (Irat•rato alts gallery In wav of r. trrf, ALL SORTS 01' POST CARDS FOIL SALE, See our stock before getting your Xmas Photographs McArter's Ground Floor Gallery When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of them --'rubbers that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy snow—rubbers that will wear like flint and fit like slippers—go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stamped " Uuck Never Break "on the soles. Up in the lumber camps they swear by Duck Never Break Rubbers. Prospector. and miners wear them, too, So do people who want rubbers that will stand pretty touch any abuse. It simply isn't possible to snake rubbermany better than we make Duck Never Breaks—isn't possible to make thou any grouser, any stauncher, er any more wear -proof. They're made for service and give service—great service. Get a pair and see bow a pair of really good rubbers can last. THIS IS THE GEORGIAN DUCK NEVER BREAK DI1CK'NEVERBREAK • T e Georgian i with tough tan -colored cot- ton. Interlined ith heavy can - duck be. teen the rubber upper and the tough cotton inside lining, Outer Tolled sole and heel aro Double WearIn Every Pair P°ublge.heavy are corm - gated. Inside fs Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by ao isle of wad The Daisy Rubber People Coq er hereat II i At Berlin Ontario 201 shoe te.soled, .1.11•111111•011•118.811" ,0,1; . --- w?. u ,r. . NOT A SINGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE MUSKOICA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER POVERTY it r 4 • N THIS NUMBER Articles on the Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Lungs Attractively Illustrated. TORONTO, CAN. NOV., 1906 10c. copy $1,00 year i Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in size) new Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar- ium Association. Full size of page lox 7. FORWARD STEP IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic Methods of Living for the people generally. The first number was issued in November, 1906. Alt profits from this magazine -- from subscriptions and advertising—will go to the maintenance of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital f'ur Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year, or more, to the funds of the Hospital will become a subscriber to CANADIAN Ou'r-Doolt Life for one year, No Father, No Mother, No Home— Worse Than a Prisoner GARFiELD IIRACEY, IIURLiN, GMT,: Enclosed please find doctor's certificate and examination papers. Hope you will secure me a place in your Sanatorium, You will notice that my circumstances is a hard one ; no father, no mother, no home—•worse than a prisoner, Nobody wants me on ('account of my disease. hoping you will have the charity and consider my position, and give me a position at once in your Sanatorium, I ever pray, An Orphan, without Home or Means Dr;. A. E. HANNA, I'ERTII r I have a patient here, a young fellow in whom 1 ani greatly interested, He has tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, An orphan, out of home, without any means, If we sent hits up would you take hien in and do the best you can for him? i know how difficult it is to accommodate all who require treatment, but this is a special case. Itis always eneourartng to have a letter from friends who kit illy contribute. For the convenience or those who have not time to write, the following blank may ho used t 4t; D O IT NOW', SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. Dear Sir, I have pleasure in enclosure the sum of ($ ), as a contribn/ion to the nutiult'nanctt of the MUSKOICA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. 190.... Nai to , . . • • , . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . , . . . Address CONTRIBUTIONS MAY DE O NT TO NON. SIR W. It, MEREDITH Kt, Chid Justice, Vico-President ?Int, Son. Association, Toronto, or W. J. GAME, Esq., Chairman Executive Commlttoo, Toronto, trAII Subscriptions received will be acknowledged In tho Toronto "Moho" nett "News," Anyone subscribing ono dollar or more becomes rt subscriber to trio Canadian Outdoor Life for ono year. Is a business motto of this strenuous age that applies with tremendous force when it is a good act you should do. "A child's kiss set on thy sighing lips shall make thee glad, "A sick roan helped by thee shall make thee strong. "Thou shalt be served thyself in every sense of service which thou renderest,'' "DO IT NOW" I WA$ SPECIALLY PLEASED WITH THE ATTENTION PAID TO CONDUCT THE INSTITUTION CARE- FULLY AND ECd2I0}SICALLY."—Dr. R. W. Bruen-Smith, Governmentlnspeotor Hospitals and Charities. $ lox ti'...;4.1,., n,. ,t.