The Blyth Standard, 1906-11-15, Page 1be
No. 14,
Overcoats Overcoats
OMNI. 011111111111•11111110111.•
The French Chesterfield Overcoat is one of the
achievements of our clothiers. The artistic features
of the Chesterfield makes it the fashionable over-
coat for the season,
Made in stripes, plain blacks, plain greys, at $I0.
Made in plain grey and black at $7 and $8.
$10 a Price Value
Positively Without Precedent
$10 \bit's Suits, Ganulnu Saoteh Tweeds, tailored by tho hest clothiers,
NOW n with linen thread, thoroughly shriuken. All the view shades,
°hooka, °vorehecks, stripes and plain cloths, latest New York Myles,
WWI best linings and Interlinings, an irrealstihly srnnning cult that
will please the most celtt,'I t,vte, for $10.
Ocher Sults at $4.50, $5, $0, $0.50, $7, $7.50, $S, 10,50 .wd $0.
Successors to McKinnon & Co. - B7,—,YTI3
Miss Annie \Vightman returned home
last week after visiting friends in Clin-
Threshing is finished in these parts
for this season, and straw cutting is
the order of the day.
Mrs. W. 1?. Campbell is spending a
couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs
John Ford, of Loudon.
The farmers are taking advantage of
the fine weather to harvest their tur-
nips, which are a fnir crop, considering
the scarcity of rain.
We may expect, winter soon. Ml the
Nc rthweet wanderers are returning.
D, E. Munro has installed a number
of gasoline lights in his store. They
mike an excellent light.
The trustees of Auburn S. 5, have de-
cided to amalgamate the taw rosins at
Christ m is and employ only one teacher.
The time has arrived for the annual
Visit of the tax collectors, The action
of the township fathers will be severely
George Dawson, who had the con-
tract of cut the hill on the boun-
dary between Colborne end ► est \\'u•
wnnosh, will complete tea contract this
The bridge is being re -floored. 'this
no doubt. is in the interest of the com-
munity, as many have been incon-
venienced during the past year owing
to the poor condition of the flooring.
The new rail silty station is putting on
the eppentaece of being ready fur busi-
uess. But to have to drive about one
mile down the Base Litre and utmost
another half•tnile up to the station—
wily as well go to BIytJi at once,
The annual shoot of the Auburn Rifle
Club will he held on Nov, 16th and 170,
commencing at nine o'clock, Silver
Cup for hest, shot, other prizes will be
given. Lorne Scriuutgeour has held
A Good
Drug Store
By n GOOD drug Farre we mean one
that wake and plans and thinks for
. the welfare of It+. customers.
Srch a store is of value In a com-
munity, hec,tteie It le of great amidst -
anise to the physicians lit ovetcom•
trig dlteates.
This Store
has all the nsedlolnes all the drugs,
all the rtppltatrcos width it Is ever
necessary for your physlelan to or-
der—and you may be uertatn that
we hays taken ell possible petites to
have it all worthy your oonfl,lenoe.
N.B.--We want every man, woman and
child suffering from earns, to try the Blue
Jay Corn Plaster, price 10. (Makes hard
road!. na*;y)•
Dr, 111 Y t MANE . - EMIL
the cup since last annual shoot, All
members aro requested to bo present.
A few months ago R. J. Asquith took
out an accident and sick policy with A.
Hopper, of Clinton. A week or 80 auo,
after re overing from a ten -weeks per-
iod of illness, Mr, Asquith received n
cheque for 850, which very effectively
helps to keep the wolf from the door,
The brickwork of the foundry addi-
tion is finished and the roof will be in a
very short time as all the material is
cut and fitted.
Miss Effie Willart, of near Dashwood,
was thrown out of a rig and had her
leg broken owing to a runaway while
driving home from a party,
Nelson Blatchford returned to town
after a pleasant trip to Manitoba, Sas.
katchewan and North Dakota. On his
train from • D,tknta to Manitoba thorn
were a thousand home -seekers.
James McMartin has returned to
town from the Cleveland Convention of
the Sherwin-Williams travellers. He
had the honor of being presented with
a cheque of 5200 for having made the
largest sale of a certain class of paints.
Charles \[. [lays, General Maneger
of the G T. R , and Mr. Brownlee, Di-
visional Superintendent, passed through
Hansell in their official car. '['hey did
not stop off, merely pulled up for train
order and passed on. The need of a
new station must have struck them
John Harris has taken over the
agency of the Howick llutual Insur•
ane° Company in place of his brother,
Janes Harris,
Miss Maud Ferguson, who was home
from Toronto for Thanksgiving, has re
turned to the Queen City where she is
taking a musical course. She should
prove an apt pupil.
It is stated that Postmaster Neal and
his good lady may take a rest from the
more active management of the store
business here ',bet. the New Year by
passing it over to their son, W, 0,, who
has grown up behind the counter and is
well and favorably known,
Last week John W. Morrison goes to
Milverton where he takes a position in
Mr. Beattie's, office who is in charge of
the traoklaying on the new railway,
Mr. Morrison has had coin:ftlernble
experience in railroad work during the
past year and appears to haven special
aptitude fon' it and ho should climb the
ladder. While sorry to lose him from
Walton his many old friends in this
locality wish hitrr success, He will not
tnove itis household effects in the moon
time Tho Milverton people will find
J. W. a valuable acquisition to their
tidy village as he is possessed of nanny
gi fts,
Mrs. Richard. Stonehouse still con-
tinuos very poorly.
Thos, and Mrs. Wilkinson, of Michi-
gan, aro visiting friends in Belgrave,
Richard Leishman has boon seriously
ill but is slightly improved, The fam-
ily aro all gathered home,
PttasaNT,'rxoN,--On Friday evening,
Nov 211d, a few of the friends of Mira -
hem Brydges assembled et, his honto
and spent a ver pleasant ovunintr in
social ohat, Before leaving they pro.
stinted the host with the following ad- t (ar•tn of Mr Witter, about a mile north
dress end an envelope containing the of this place. His son, Austin Dexter.
SUM of $100, To AIMAIIA, liIIVDO 'S, a young man about 111 years of age was
I:htl.: Dear Sir, We, the nndersigned on the roof of the burn clearing off the
of the surrounding community, wish to strew and dust which hail accumulated
show the esteem in which you are hold there while threshing. The young man
by them, end wish to tangibly express lost his footing and slid down the roof
their sympathy to you in the loss you and fell to the ground blow. Strange
have sustained in the lust throe years, to say he got off with 0 sprained arm
and we hope Providence will shine and leg and a bad shaking up but he
brighter on you in the future. We ask is able to' get around again although
you to accept this sum of money and still somewhat sono
hope you may be long spared to enjoy
it Signed on behalf of the Commit filo,
Robert \ic\Imalty, 'I'. S. Brandon, l li-
jJab Higgins, John .Shoebottorn, Wm.
Elston, T. Abram, \Vin. Geddes, Joseph
Brandon. Robert McGuire, Abra hem
Proct.rr, Richard Proctor, Mr. Bryd-
ges made an appropriate reply.
Tho Warden of Huron County.
Wo give the readers of THE STAN-
DARD a likeness of the %Varden of Huron
County, Mr, Hugh Speck:nen, Hard-
ware Merchant of Exeter. Mr, Speck -
man was elected to the Municipal Coun-
cal in 1889, 1890, 1891, and was Deputy
Reeve in 1892 and 1893, and in 1899 was
elected Reeve of that thriving town.
For the past six years lie has acted as
County Cotntnissioner and Last Janu-
ary he was moved to the high office of
Warden, which chair ho has filled very
successfully and the members of that
board will be sorry to know that he re-
tires from municipal politics at the end
of this year.
Mr. Spackman is still a young man,
being 45 years of age, and may, we
have no doubt, be trusted to some
higher (dee by his Consnrvative friends
in South Huron, of which he isa valued
member. In ehnrch relations he be-
longs to the English church,
'l'iim STANDARD wishes hire pleasant
years after retiring from the County
Plastering will soon be completed in
the new High Sebool building,
"David and Jonathan" in the Opera
House on Friday evening, November
"Bonnie Briar Bush" in the Opera
House. \VIngham, on Tuesday evening,
November 27th,
Roland Beattie, of this town, has
purchased a coal and wood business at
Alliston, and will move to that town at
,Mr. Hastings, inspector of public
buildings for the Dominion Govern-
ment, was In town looking over the
new post Aro building. Ho thinks
the new building will bo ready for use
by the 1st of December,
Word wits received in town that Vic -
tot' tVntsnn, son of Janes and Mrs,
Watson of this town, had been acci-
dently killed on the railway at some
polnt. in New York State. Dr. H. E.
W,Pantlyn left at once to bring the
body home for interment nnrl at tho
time of going to press we had rewired
no particulars,
Rey, T. S. Boyle, whose name has
been prominently mentioned in connec-
tion with St, Paul's, Woodstock, is now
being considered for the vacancy at
Trinity church, St, John, N. 13., whose
rector, Canon Richardson, has been
elected Bishop Coadjutor of Frech'ioton,
The committee appointed to select a
successor have written to several people
hero, regarding Mr, lioyle's qualifica-
tions and have also entered into nego-
tiations with Mr. Boyle himself,
Inspector Robb visited our school
R. W. Jewitt shipped 2,000 pounds of
dressed fowl last week.
The C. 0. F. oyster supper took
place ott Thursday evening of last week,
The Syndicate 'Threshing Outfit ir,-
tend to finish up their work title week,
Wm, Jewitt and daughter, of Brus-
sels spent friday with Itis son, R. W.
'l'ho harmers aro rushing in the tur-
nips and turning over tho sod those
fine days.
Will Jewitt whn has been clerking
in R. W. Jowitt's store for sante time,
has gone to itis Irotn0 in Lnmhoth,
Aeotun.N'r,—Whet might have boon a
vory serious acuidont occurred on the
Len Blatchford left for London where
he has secured a position in the electric
works there.
The organ of the 'l'rivitt lfemorial
church having been repaired and re-
tuned k now in excellent condition.
W„1. and Mrs. Carling have left on
a trip to New Orleans, They aro ac-
companied by a large number of people
from other pointy in Ontario, the occa-
sion being the 'Picket Agents' Excur-
Willie. the t'rnunge,st son of Eli and
MN, Ssell, hey been eontiued to his bed
suffering from appendicitis, Ir was at
Bret thought advisable to perform an
operation, but the patient recovering
somewhat it was decided its unneces•
It is understood that Mr. Beverley
has cancelled the two remaining con-
certs of the season's course, The pat-
ron,go has ant been up to expectations
and the two concerts aheady given
worn a considerable loss firnuncially' to
M r, Beverley
Ambrose Cottle revolved an ugly cut
oti 1118 forehea 1 last Saturday whieh
necessitated several stitehes to close
and laid hire u ► for a few days. tlo
WAS sawing with a buzz sow when a
portion of a board flow nu striking hire
in a face, the cut being the result,
Work was suspended at the Robert
Poll Engine Co, to allow for stock tak-
Harry Stewart, of Stewart Bros„ left
on Wednesday for Mobile, Alabama, on
the ticket agents' exeunion,
Scott Hays, of the Bank of Commerce
staff, who was threatened with an at-
tack of typhoid fever, is recovering.
H. Town, who has been a faithful
member of St,Thornas church choir for
the past 16 years, has retired owing to
poor health,
W, H. Willis has accepted the posi-
tion of leader itt the Methodist church
choir, and assumed his new duties on
Sunday last,
While in the act of stepping into a
wagon Jack Kennedy, of Kennedy
Bros., butchers, slipped and fell causing
a very bad fracture of his right arm.
He is now taking an enforced holiday,
The hardware establishment of Goo.
A, Sills had a narrow shave from being
destroyed by fire on Monday morning
of last week, Lt sotno way, unknown,
a quantity of cotton waste in the collar
naught fire and was burning quite mor-
rily when noticed by Frank Sills, who
had gone into the cellar for glass In
close promixity to the fire was a quan-
tity of oil, paint and other such inflam-
mable material, and a couple of min-
utes more would have started a serious
W. D. Bright who has been leader of
the Methodist church choir for the past
'20 years, recently resigned the position.
As a recognition of his long and able
service, and in memory of many pleas -
ens associations connected therewith,
he was tendered a complimentary sup-
per by the Quarterly Board and the
Trustee Bond of the church, at which
the members of the choir were invited
guests, During the evening Mr. Bright
was also presented with a very hand-
some silver tea service, and a kindly
worded and appreciative address,
There are nearly a dozen cases of
typhoid in town, but all those suffering
therefrom aro on the road to recoverv.
Mr. McKay, of the News•ltecord staff,
who is suffering with typhoid fever,
was taken to Wingham hospital on
Miss Sara Nesbitt, who has been at-
tending at the sick room of Rev. Father
Stroedor, Zurich, returned to Clinton
a few day's since,
On Wednesday morning of last week
F. R. Hodgens end wife, W. Jackson
and Dr Shaw loft to attend the annual
`Picket Agents' Convention at Mobile,
Rev, Mr, McKinnon, Port Elgin,
formerly of town, has gone on a trip
west, and Mrs. McKinnon is visiting
with her son, C. McKinnon, of the
Collegiate stuff,
At the Public School, Master Ike
Rattonbury stepped on one of the
registers in tui upper 'room, and it
slipped to one side, allowing his leg to
go 'hrough the plaster of the room be-
lfr, Gundry, the recently engaged
}►endrnrtstor for Clinton Collegiate,
entered npon his duties on Monday.
Mr. IIcKinnon has boon in charge since
Mr. Houston left, and made an efficient
Roy Holynr loft on Monday of last
week .for the West, where lie goes es
representative of the ordered clothing
branch for Hodgens Bros, 'Ph is enter-
prising firm has a largo trade in tho
\VVest, which it is determined to hold.
Tho amount collected at Clinton port
of entry, by Customs Collector Wise -.1
Capital, all paid up, $2,25o,000. Reserve, $2,25o,000.
Total Assets, $29,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued,
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of $ f and upwards received and interest allowed
compounded half yearly.
He Who Wins
Mustu 1
St e
Last week we sold a large number of Men's and
Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits. With another rush
like last week we will be sold out of some sizes.
Now is the time to buy. Our Big
Clothing Sale lasts 30 days
and every man and boy who wants to save money
will have to hustle before his size is sold out. Think
of it. We are selling :
Men's $12.00 Suits for $9.00.
Every Suit Guaranteed.
G. M. Chambers & Co.
********************* ***
than, for the four months from July lst
to Oct, 81st, reached the unusually
large sum of $7798. This is a phenom-
enally large amount and would repro -
tient considerably over 520,000 for tho
Non•Jury Sittings.
The non -jury sittings of the High
Court for this county opened on Tues-
day afternoon of last week before Hon-
orable Mr. Justice Anglin. 'Tore were
only throe cases entered and the court
concluded its sittings the next day.
'Vlie cases are as follows:
MoMurchie et al. v. Thompson. Wm.
Proudfoot, K. 0„ for plaintiff. E. L.
Dickinson and W. M, Sinclair for de-
fendant. Judgment reserved. This
was an interpleader issue as to which
assigntnent of moneys left by the will
of the late James Thompson, of Blyth,
should take priority.
Pigott v. Iunperial Cement Co., Ltd.
Action for the price of a number of al-
leged defective sacks of cement. Cam-
eron & Killoran for plaintiff. Win.
Proudfoot, K, C., for defendant. His
Lordship directed an order to issue re-
ferring this action to the master of this
Court at Godorich.
Wilkinson et al. v. Grey Branch Ag-
ricultural Society. Action for damages
alleged to have been caused plaintiffs
by a defective floor in the building of
defendants at Brussels. W. Proudfoot,
K, C,, and W. M. Sinclair for plain-
tiffs. Richard Vanstone for Grey Ag-
ricultural Society. A. B. ,Macdonald
for East Huron Society, Judgment
was entered against both defendants for
the plaintiff Wm. Wilkinson for $150
and for the plaintiff Eliza Wilkinson
(his wife) for 3500, with costs,
Life is a tush, but we can't all got
there together, In consequence we
worry—can't help it because nerves are
weak, vitality is burnt up and there's
no staying power left. Cut out the
worry part and build up, Let Ferro -
zone help you. It's a most strengthen-
ing nutritive tonic, Fills the tho blood
with iron, supplies building material
for worn out organs, generates the sort
of vitality that makes you want to do
things. No medicine more helpful for
men, women and children who need
strength and staying power. Try For -
rezone, hoc per box at all dealers. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL
To Learn to Operate Hosiery
Knitting Machines
Beginners paid $3.00 per week and put
on piece as soon as they can earn more.
Should bo earning from $1,00 to $1,25 per
day in from 0 to 8 weeks, Expert oper-
ators earn as high as $2.50. Highest
wages paid experienced operators, We
Will prooure good board at $2.25 to $2.50
per week for applicants, if desired.
We have the largest, best equipped and
most comfortable hosiery factory in Can.
ada, running all the year.
This advertisement will be withdrawn
as soon as these positions are filled.
Apply early to
Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd.
Individual instruction
No vacation
Oold medalists as teachers
Highest standard
Ask for catalogue.
(Modern business practice
Bookkeeping a specialty
Ugly towards sluggards
Shorthand and typewriting
Interested in graduates
Newest office systems
Enter any titno
Students' literary society
Sympathetic teachers
Commercial correspondence
Ornamental penmanship
Learn telegraphy
Lucrative positions
Excellent text hooks
Graduates successful
Enter " NOW,,'
Charged With Theft from the On-
tario Bank.
A. f, Ames Tells of Investments by
the Bank Through His Office.
The Case Against Mr, G. R. R.
Cockburn Adjourned.
Walter Chenoweth, clerk, swore that
he prepared misleading statements under
direction of Mr. McGill,
Wrongful entries representing $1,100,-
000 were concealed in the statements to
tiro Government.
The bank's loasee un the Stock Ex-
ebange were regularly covered up in the
"current loan"'column.
Mr. .McGill had three accounts with
Ames & Co., which were. used for stock
speculation and dealings in Ontario Bank
To Mislead the Government officials
the shores of the bulk owned by itself
were at the end of Ue year temporarily
transferred to leading shareholders,
The sum of $50,000 was tr:utsfcrred
from "overdue debts" to "current. loans"
for the purpose of the annual statement.
Upon September 10 a portion of the
losses, ,f816,335, was charged against the
"reserve for losses" accotult and writ-
ten oft.
\lugistrat Denison ordered a new infor-
mation against Mr..11rtti11, charging hint
with the theft, of ,$1311,010.
AToronto report: Charles McGill, ex -
Manager of the Ontario (lank, left the
City Pall last evening a closely -guarded
pri-nncr, .As he climbed into the patrol
wagon, which had waited an hour to
take hint to the jail a wedding party
swept by in a score of carriages and the
occupants were throwing confetti from
the windows. The fortune; of Charles Me -
Gill had taken a sudden and unpleasant
turn. Only a few minutes before he had
been made aware that his liberty \would
be denied and that he must enter a cell
with the charge of 'theft" registered
against Mtn. Until then the charge had
been the somewhat technical one of •'pre•
paring false returns," but just boforn
the ate adjournment Magistrate Mod -
sol ordered a new information laid and
without \warning denied bail to the pri•
The Doctored Statements.
The ease had been In progress all clay.
and Walter R. Chenoweth, who prepared
the false statement; to the Government,
as he :,wore, under the direction of (Gen-
eral Manager McGill, lind been for heat's
nn the witness stand. Ile had told how
account; with different broker had been
kept in one private ledger. an the
losses which had been sutstained in the=e
amends had letter eppeared in aro
other ledger it, bane to tlh" brokers, and
hoot finally come to light in the state-
mcnls to the Government ns a ,part of
the "current loath in ('aneda." He hall
told how $50.000 had hoou subtracted
from the "overdue richt." and lidded to
the "eurrent loans" for the purpose: of
the annual statement, how sleire, of
the busk were lon;iht and sold
to maintain their value in the market,
and how these trnns:u't.ions were hid-
den in the return that hod to he made
to the Government, \i r. Chenoweth,
who has been prartIeaIl} thief nceount•
ant of the hank, although he never re.
eeived the title. maintained that he had
noted throughout under instructions. and
that in signing the statements to the
Government as "pro rhief emen tart"
he was simply certifying that the fig-
ures were correct.
Mr. A. E. Ames Testified.
Mr, Chenoweth had been .;ub,jee.ted to
n rigid crnss•exuntinntion by \1r. E. I,.
31, Johnston, K. C., which considerably
changed the effect of his evidence, and
then Mr. A. E. Antes testified it.y to
three accounts which Mr, \lc(1111 had
kept in the otfie'c of A, E. :Ames &
Company. One was the account of
"Charles \fc(lill,"'it second was that
of "Charles Me(lill /Special," surd the
third was "Charles MoGili in Trust."
All of them were used for deals in
the market, although one appeared 18
bo reserved solely for transactions in
the Ontario Bank stock.
Mr. Acnes Bald that heavy losses had
been sustained by ,\fr. McGill, .hut if
the books of the bank showed that there
was a liability of $136,000 of the Amts
firm to the bank, which had .been writ-
ten off as a loss, the books must be
false. The Aures first had never com-
promised a. debt, but at the same time
had a call loan from the bank at pres-
ent for about $100,000 for •which the
bank held securities as collateral. Mr.
11icai11 hid several tinted received cheeks
from the firm as profits, and all the In-
v. 1:neitts were made in leis Hanle.
Ordered a New Charge.
It was here that the Magistrate sod-
denly asked who had prepared the or-
iginal information against Mr. 1lc•(;ill.
"I did it after consultation with \1.r.
Bicknell," returned Crown Attorney
'\Nell, a much more serious charge
eball be laid under the code," returned
\rhe Bench.
"I was not aware of tl)e facts," ex-
plained Mr. Corley.
Magistrate Denison had the new m•
formation in bis hand, and, leaning over
1 the bench, he saki:
"Charlet; McGill, you can stnnd nip."
Ilia Worship then rears the following
a ergoi
I "'lima Clhnrles McClili, between the
years 1000 and 1000, in the city of To-
ronto, did, contrary to law, steal 411e
sum of SI 30,0111.01 in mosey, the l,rn-
port). of the Ontario Bank."
Air. \Ie(:ill pleaded not guilty.
Mr. Johnston Enters a Protest.
The rhief eounse1 for the defenec, Mr.
E. F. 11. Johii4tun, K. ('., promptly en-
tered a protest. "The .1I tomes -(;metal
consented to hail in this carie knowing
the situation," he said. "The mere turn-
ing. of a phrase or the foam of all infor-
mation will not ehange the situation, I
may say that i would prefer to have the
case tried on the charge that your 11 or -
ship has are11 fit to direct to he hod
rather than on the original (\herge."
"Von may have to Meet both," inter-
rupted they inagi'trate, who added that
it the counsel were cnnsidcring the mat-
ter of an adjournment they should know
that bail w•onll be refused Mr. McGill,
"In a case of 4ucl► whnlesalc misappro-
priation n\ this I do not feel disposed to
give bail," he said.
Counsel Draws Comparisons.
"'This action appears strange," com-
mented the counsel for the defence, bit•
tcrly. ''There are other people manifest-
ly in the alone position as Mr. McGill,
yet ire alone is charged and held without
an opportunity of hail,"
"Tell Detective Mackie --lie is behind
you," returned the inagistrate, ''and 1
will see that an information is laid. l'ot
surely do not mean the frown witness,,,
"1 mean the directors, who were cog-
nizant of the whole platter," returned
the counsel, "yet we have a summons
i site l1 for ► e r
of e
n these and n warrant
and no bail for Mr. McGill,"
"The other ease is a misdemeanor,"
said the magistrate.
"'There is no 81811 thing new as a lids -
demeanor," said the r'ounscl.
"Well, give your information to the
officers," said the magistrate.
"i am not a common informer, what-
ever anyone else may be," the counsel
shot back.
.Just then court adjourned, with n hur-
ried agreement that the preliminary in•
vestigation should be resumed on Friday.
Mr. \feGill's bondsmen crowded around
hint with es5uranees that an effort
would be made to secure an order for
bail from the Attoi'ney-fleneral. The
constables, hoe ever, were waiting, and
between two of then( the prisoner walk-
elf down the steps into the darkness
outside and at the end of the walk dis-
appeared into the patrol wagon.
Mr. Cockburn's Case.
Just five minuted of the, day's pro-
eeerlings were elven to the case of Mr.
G. 11. II. ('neklotrn, the president of
the bank, who is charged with signing
the false statements to the flovern-
nlent. Ile appeared, and the state-
ments from the bank to the Govern-
ment were formally filed as an exhibit
to be used in the case against him
without, the necessity of recalling the
ilereit'er-f;eneral'a officer from Ottawa
for that special purpose. Mr. Frank
lrnnldi, K, C., the counsel for Mr.
Cockburn, wins permitted not to elect
the method of trial until the case is
culled again on '.Iite5day next.
-e •+--
Thirty thousandn immigrants have
passed through Toronto this season.
Toronto's percentage of street railway
einine's for October was $2I,11.s .:is.
.1n option w':t,i old lined on the Pal-
mer (louse, 'forfeit ,, r, e', lltly, fel' til 15,-
It i; feared th t :ill the y • of the
bark .Adeoia, on Itichiburto N. IL,
twelve or fourteen men, liana• perished,
It i; rail the Government will inlro-
'lnee legislation t, hcrii,y the Province
will obtain a direct revenue from the
\\'in, E. 1'1rnn;, of Dope township,
who went to Port (Tope on tieturday
with n load of grain, was pinned tinder
the wagon and killed.
\W1►ile the coiint;tble of the German
Consulate at Shanghai was walking with
at Russian friend 011 Sunday evening
from \Woo Sung to Shanghai the two
teen were set upon by natives, and ser-
1 )11Iy maltreated.
The official account of the initially at
Port smoltth barracks makes the nuttter
to be much les, serious then popular re-
port imide it. The insuhnrdinntion con-
sisted n►tlinly of ;1 noisy demonstration
by discontented stokers,
A medal from the Humane Society was
presented )t1 SL 'Phomas to Lee Elliott,
the 11 -year-old son of C. If. Elliott, en-
gineer of the pumping station tit Pina-
fore Lake, by Mayor Lawrence last
night, Young Elliott, at the risk of his
life, saved a young lad, Thomas Cnugh-
etn, from drowning while fishing in the
lake recently.
Thompson, a convict from ,Stony
Mountain I'eenitentinry. told tt renutrk-
nblestory at the Doyle murder trial at
Morden, Atau, Iie said Doyle arranged
with others to put the principal Crown
witness out of the way, and the registra-
tion of Weilcss' name after his murder
nt the Balt.lefor'd Rotel w)ts also the
work of Doyle's accomplices.
The wrecked steamer Turret Bell has
been condemned by the surveyors.
Emigration bookings from Liverpool
to Canada, up to the end. of October,
constitute n record,
The death is announced at Volendam,
IIollnmd, of Fritz Thaulow, the Norwe-
gian landscape painter.
M, Clemenceau, Prince Minister of
France, luta declared that t1 part of his
\ a \\ ' \
.\\ \
Newly Elected Governor of the State of New York.
policy its to maintain the peace of Eu-
In Detroit the proposition to give a
long-term franchise to the street 'rail-
wty company was defeated by a major-
ity of two to one. -
The Russian orthodox congregation at
Winnipeg are in financial difficulties,
rind their ,little church was sold under
the hammer to -day.
President Roosevelt has dismissed in '
disgrace a battalion of colored troops be-
cause they refused to disclose the iden-
tity of a murderer among them,
Before the Fifth Ward Conservntn'e
Association, Toronto, Air. 1;. 11. Osier,
,lf, P., said he expected tt dissolution of
Parliament before Christmas next year.
The Bishop of 'Toronto is issuing a
circular to all the clergy appointing the
third Sunday in November to be ob-
served throughout the Diocese as Prison
Samuel Martin, of /tit, Thomas, tor
many yetu's proprietor of the Franklin
House, Port Stanley, while temporarily
insane, drank two oulce.s of carbolic
acid and was found in an unconscious
condition by members of his family.
VIIlraf the railroads of the United
State; yield to the demands of the
switchmen, as presented by the Switch-
men's Union of the United States, or a
compromise is effected, it is stater' that
the switchmen in nearly every railroad
yard in the United States will walk out
on \Wednesday night. .
Mrs. Max `Wener's Baby Killed by Mor-
phine at Montreal.
Montreal, Nov. 12.—owing to a mistake
in compounding a prescription, the aloe
months old child of Mrs. Max wiener, 112
Clarke street, :11I1e End, Is dead, The drug
clerk gave mot blue instead of calomel, ns
Prescribed by a doctor, and tho Ilttlo one
fell into a stupor from which she did not re-
cover. The coroner will hold an Inquest.
Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided
Serious Operations,—Many Women Suffering
from Like Conditions Will Be Interested.
When a physician tells a woman, suf-
fering frons female trouble, that an oper-
ation is necessary it, of course, frightens
The very thought of the operating
table and the knit() strikes terror to her
heart. As one `roman expressed it,
when told by her physician that she
must undergo an operation she felt that
her death knell had sounded.
Our hospitals are full of women who
aro there for just euch•operations I
It is quite true that these troubles may
reach a stage where an operation is the
only resource, but such cases aro Inttch
rarer than is generally supposed, because
a great many women Have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound after the doctors had said an
operation must he perforated. In fact,
up to the point where the knife must he
used to secure instant relief, this medi-
cine 18 certain to help,
The strongest and moat grateful state-
ments poseiblo to make come from
women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound,- have esca-
ped serious operations,
Mrs. Robert Glenn of 434 Marie St.,
Ottawa, Ont,, writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
"Lydia E. Pinklinm's Vegetable Com-
pound is so well and widely known that it
does not need my recommendationbut I
nth pleased to add it to the many which you
have in its favor, I have suffered untold
agonies from a serious female trouble for
nearly three years, and the doctors told me
that I must undergo nn operation, but as
I was unwilling to do this 1 tried your Ye -
pleased tont T did so, for it re/Aimed inc to
perfect health, paving tic the pain of an
operation and the inunenso bills atteuding
the sante, Pruy accept my hearty thanks
and best wishes,"
Miss Margaret Merkley of 276 3d Street,
Milwaukee, Wis,, writes :
Dear Mrs. l'inkhnrn
"Loss of strength, extreme nervousness,
severe shooting pains through the pelvic
organs, cramps, bearing -down pains, and an
irritable disposition compelled me to seek
medical advice. Tho doctor, after making
an examination, said that I had a serious
female trouble and ulcerntjon, and advised
an operation as my only hope. To this I
strongly objected—and I. decided as a last
resort to try Lydia E. I'inkltain's Vegetable
"To my surprise the ulceration healed
all the bad symptoms disappeared, and i
tun once more strong, vigorous and well;
and I cannot express my thanks for what
it has done for me,"
Serious feminine troubles are steadily on
the increase among women—and before
submitting to an operation every woman
should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and write Mrs. Pinkham, nt
Lynn, Mass., for advice.
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been curing
the worst forms of female complaints, all
functional troubles, inflammation, ulcer-
ation, falling and displacement, weakness,
irregularities, indigestion and nervous
prostration. Any woman who could
read the many grateful letters on filo in
Mrs. Pinkham's office would be con-
vinced of the efficiency of her advice and
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com -
getable Compound, and )1 am only too pound.
Ask Mrs. Plukbam's Advice --A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
frees bulletin from the Ontario Agri•
cultural College, Guelph, Canada. 1:;
Prof. C. J. S. Bethune.
'l'he time of year has now arrived when
most of our insect foes have ceased their
active work, and are withdra" a from ob•
servution and consequently most peopte
conte to the conclusion that the aeaauu'a
fight is over and that nothing need at
present be done. llut this is very tar
from being the case. 'There are te.tuy
destructive insects that can be Inure eas-
ily dealt with now than at any other
limo of the' year,
First and foremost the Pea•wcevil.
The losses from this insect have been
very much lessened during the last two
seasons in Ontario, but this dues mut
mean that we have got rid of the aril
ble. The insect is still with us, but he.
ing in greatly reduced numbers can the
more easily be deult with, If there ie
the haat suspicion of the presence of the
tiny beetle in the uewty•harvested peas,
they, and in any case peals intended tor
seed sho"Id be at 011ce treated with 1)1-
sulphide of carbon which will kill every
one that is exposed to its fumes, The
method is familiar enough; gh• potihc
in an airtight cask or bin, and place
) them
one ounce
o un on top of
in an open p p t
of the bisulphide to every 100 lbs, of
peas (a bushel weighs about 00 lbs.),
cover up tightly and leave for 48 hours.
Then open up either out of doors or
where there is a thorough draft of air;
do not allow any fire or light to come
near it, as the vapor is very inflamma-
ble and explosive; every weevil or other
insect aniong'tho peas will be dead and
non -infested seed will be available tor
next year. The same treatment should
be used for the Bean -weevil, which is :1
serious peat in some parts of the prey -
In addition to this treatment of the
peas theutselves, the pea -straw and rub-
bish should be cleared up and burnt and
all refuse where the threshing has
been done should be similarly got rid ot.
This will destroy any weevils that have
already come out and are hiding away
for the' winter, It will pay to do this
whether the insect is known to be pre-
sent or not,
'l'ltis ln'ings us to the next important
matter, namely, dein farming and gar-
denia;:. All sorts of insects find their
winter quarters in refuse. Many that
infest grain take It lege in the stubble,
others are sheltered by loose rubbish,
ethers again hide in tufts of grass, nm -
ung the weeds in fence corners, under
hark, wherever in fact there is shelter
of any kind. Now is the time to turn
then( out and expose then to the frost
and wet. Clean up and burn weeds of
every kind, this will destroy many 80e413
118 well 18 insects, Leave no heaps of
rubbish anywhere. Gather up and add
to the manure pile the leaves and stalks
of roots, potatoes, ete. Plough up old
pastures that are Infested with white
grubs or the larvae of Rose beetles.
Scrape the rough bark off the trunks
and limbs of fruit -trees, but this may
be clone later on in the winter. Ily
keeping the farm, the orchard, and the
garden clean, myriads of Insects will be
prevented from finding on the premises
the shelter they need during the winter
and will either perish or go so►newhere
else for a hiding place, and thousands
more tint are in the egg or clu•ysnlis
stage will he destroyer(, Many, no
doubt, will think all this too much trot•
ble, but if they faithfully try it, thev
will soon find that it pays,
Premature Explosion of Dynamite
Wreaks Havoc Among Gang of
Workmen on the Quebec & Lake St.
John Railway.
Quebec, Nov. 12.—Three Italian laborer%
whose names are unknown, worn killed, ani
seven other badly hurt, In a premature
dynamite explosion tit Tuquo on Monday
evening at 6 o'clock. The unfortunate Wren,
with others of their nationality, Were engaged
on the construction of tbo now branch line
of the Quebec & Lake St, John Railway,
and were .drilling in a cut that was to be
mlued that. evening, after 6 o'clock, accord-
ing to custom, They haul just finished work,
acid were about to move away to theft' huts,
when the explosion occurred.
The result was terrible, eleven mon were
blown up In tate air, As soon as the rust ')t
the laborers recovered front their surprise,
and reutilized what had taken place, they
rushed among the debris and recovered the
unconscious bodies of their follow -country-
men, and found that two wore dead and tits
others Injured.
Gives Police List of Murders and Rob-
beries He Has Committed.
San Francisco, Nov, 12,—Louls Dabner this
afternoon confessed to Detective Duke that
ho and John Mennen, who was arrested with
Alen for an • tumult on a jeweller last Sat-
urday. had committed a number of the
crimes that recently have utarlled the olty,
lie stated that he and Moment killed Wm.
Pltznor and William Ii't'iedo, merchants, rob-
bed the Japanese bank and murdered Cashier
M. Munataka, and alto robbed Dr, T. D. W.
Leland, though for this crime another man
Is now nerving lutprinonnient.
Dabner made a full and free statement
regarding all these and other crimes of which
ho and Slemson had been suspected slues
their arrest. Dmbnor stated that the amount
taken from the Japanese bank was 11,200,
.Annual Convention of the Fruit -Growers'
Association Brings Together Large
Representation— Hon. Nelson Mon-
teith Welcomes Delegates.
'1oruntn report: The annual cuuven•
tem of the fruit tlruwen,' As,,,ctation
, f t)nt:trio, which opened it; :';siuut, 111
Ow ('sty 11a11 yesterday morning,
tae ether it I,t,rge representation
of fruit gt05tt's from all pants of tMta•
ria and also hunt points in the United
.'It the evening se',iun Hou. Nelson
!•!, ut:idh. \liaister 01 \vc!•
C 1.111 tote 1•.ociitiuu, Ile expressed
t e„ ret uvsr \r1:11 lie termed "the de•
c.lence of the apple -growing industry,,,
1:.d huprd members of the 8840cl:item
wutiht du su1110 :ni,.,ionat•y stork in lin-
\Ir. t'hns, f. Hale, of (Selby, Alichi•
eon, was the first speaker at the evelt-
In.; )n. 11' talked 011 "LOW'
1;1'10101 Peach Orch:u'ds," giving his
('pinions regarding the beret inethode
t gri \y .1 lll''lle.;. Ill' fawer(`t1 In•
11(11(1(,1 tltlree; in.)iall eases, Iligh tier\1's
51 111 pture likely to he rained by
storms. I'c.erlt tree, 11 ,ver dill .so well
as when lute and Weil )ranched,
.A talk on dintsect8 ad
holy to fight 1hent westructive,ts git•rn by' tinns.
1',n rut t, of ("omen Experiment Station,
Geneva, N. W. Ile went into the life
of the Slut ,lase scale, showing it u1
..:Ignified forms, ile explained how
th., ,rale spread, mill expressed the
epinien than the lime•:,ullthur w•a,hc5
were the liret for spra)•ing young trees,
\filen the scale gets the start el a
Irnit _'rotwer lie helievtil oil eniul,ione
i wore bc;,
Prof. Hutt, of the Ontario
ttn•.tl Farm, gave a tall: on fruit farms
in Ontario, showing scene, of om'l Ards
i :1 nil yim'ya•ds, hone'; of wenn by ,•rmy-
lPN 1)1 1 v!a's work tiIun ',.t the -lu-
(1 1115 nt
(Iw Iph.
The best plant of securing neenralc
1stati,tics of the apple s't'op of 4)'iturlo
win. discus.:ell nt the afternnon sI' l 11
o the Frnitgrower,s' Association. \lr.
1'. C. Jlunes. Deputy \litti,ter of ..1grl-
culture, said that the difficulty rya; to
find It plan by which a fairly ic'nrate
estimate of the crop could he secured
'ns early as poseihle in the season, met
then an accurate report of the alt!
yield of the crop. The figures olstain-
arbie showed mliout 31,000,0011 bo 'In ! as
the yield, and only about lisool).ue)0
bushels packed,
:1t the morning session the President,
11r. ;lames S, iScam'ff, of \\'o0e14to' , do-
livercrl his sandal mddres,:, ie which he
said the fruit crop hal been fairly 'sum',
and, except for the recent snowf:)!1, 1.1 I!
. frosts had 1101 suffered severely. The
apple trade in Britain \vas rather ileie't,
but it .\vashoped improvement 111:1
1 soon appear.
L"cnlun, Nov. 1 i,—The 'Times fin-
ancial editor writing from the \imputed(,
of the international monetary positina,
says the result of the :Sew Aare: cu:s-
lest is the best 11111 cuuid be oesossi.
l'Lc ,lock that would have 1utieesti
liear,t's election has been avoiu,',t, dor a
on lite other Maid there 15 no i1l,tslc:,uo1.i,
for an outburst of specnlatiun 1., lai ids
politics are concerned, i•ipedtkiug editor-
ially, The 'fines' says Ilea'St has been
beaten at 1110 pulls, but the defeat en-
nui allay the just anxiety aroused by lots
candidature. Unheard-ui cfiorts were
mute to crush him, and he has not been
crushed, The Stale 11181 the Union are
saved for the present from the conse-
quences whir.!' would have leen lit:ely
to follow the victory of Jlea rat, but un-
less the warning which the vote o1' so
many thousand electors for such a man
contains is' taken to heart in season,
those consequences inns be only defer-
red. A nmol who never shrinks from
fighting. who never spares nn enemy,
who lavishes wealth in litigation, who
has gathered round hint n baud of able
mud unscrupulous henchmen, ready to
back Alin in any quarrel is not likely to
accept it first rebuff, especially a rebuff
of so inconclusive 11 kind 118 (dint inflict-
ed by these unparalleled exertions 011 the
part of his opponents, The 'Tina's con-
cludes: "I.1, is the monstrous and o. te11-
tittio»s employment of stoney its air en-
gine of oppression and wrong aiming a
people who are intelligent and devoted
to freedom which alone made the career
of TTenrst possible and which assuredly
will make the enreet. of him, or another
of his kind otic day successful, unless the
unmitigated sway Ind flagrant worship
of the dollar be checked."
To Guard British Capital Against Cana-
dian Wild -Cat Schemes.
T.oudot, Nov, 12.—The Liverpool Daily
Post -Mercury says to -day that if Cnnn-
d1nns themselves could devise 111011118 by
whiolt the reputable undertakings anon,
thele could be dietinguished from 414:"'
disreputable they would confer nn 1m -
m01180 benefit upon British investor's and
facilitate the introduction of the capitnl
essential to the development of their
country. in this connection it think
the Cnntdinn banks could probably do
a good deal.
It isn't altogether bnahfulness that
prevents a than' from meeting itis obli-
i ,+7reiS:;s' t'd`kjl'it`s,(.rr ck r<an,:,c•r,
Posth'eIy and UndeaWy
The Purest GREEN Tea Grown.
CEYLON (i[tl:LN ' 1 A
Load packets only. 40c, S0c and 60c per Ib. At all grocers.
p,4beltr•0••a•'es •mi'o••+tte►411.a-velto'.►ro •'trylir •11to,•m.'46-eft, 411. 14_ _,
i- i
y� is •O✓~v •lb,lb, ib •0ti1�V1, 4 0, ^iaf 0 J "%Ab„1
el'hltt', 1'3 only IIC. 14' Pulver over her
strong ('110)lgll to keep 1111' fl'ulll ilia
fears on that React,; and however iu!ag•
iunry it iiia' he, it is a terrible nullity in
you ease,"
"How (I', you know f will turn inform-
er(' 'There are cells nn(1'ehnihl3 enough
in tiree!: ('reel: to hind Grizzle llnw•I0t,
and rope enough to silence her poisonous
"1 defy you Before the rope Could
silonec ole, Augusta 1)e fere would 1x1
it corpse. :11i:d! 1 make no idle threat;
but her sl','r('t time breathed(, and she
world not survive an boll•,"
"Better :t ,peel's release from your
tyranny than Hoe ,low eatin', away of
life, you hideous vampire, She is fading
away now like the \vatting moon; and
before another year will he in her grave,
and you will have a second murder to
ansate' fol'!"
"'flat is illy I w•n I,",t, IL is linth-
ing to you! :1"11, in ,pit(' 01 all sow•
vomiting, you have no more intention of
doing it, than 1 have of (strangling you
this indent where you stand!"
"Better for ire you would ---oh, better,
better for inn you would 1" Cried Jac•
gnelta, wringing her hands,
"1 know that.; but I n!n not idiot en-
ough In forego my revenge in such fash-
ion! When the time comes, you will
loll from your shaking pedestal — be
hurled hack to the 'dims' tvheuce you
etnerge'l.-•a :nark for tite finger of scorn
to point at. What will liigh-spirited,
bold -hearted •rock I)' Vero do then?" said
Grizzle, with a sardonic sneer.
"She can, like C'nesnr, cover her face,
and die with dignity, if need ile. You
may alienate one --hint of hole you
speak; but l will still ioive an honored
home in t"Ontello 1hill."
"\\'ill you? That remains to he (seen!
What would you say if 1 should tell you
you would 10' cast out into scorn and
tont timely from their gates, despised and
abhored 1),y all, from the ntasIeh of Fon-
toile to the lowest menial in the kit•
"[ should call it what it is—a lie!"
"It is the truth, us you will find when
the day comes. Oh, for that blessed day
flint, will find you a beggared, disgraced,
homeless outcast!"
"i)o your worst, 1 defy you!"
"You will elltlinge your tune before
long. Oh! yon don't know Grizzle How -
let yet, 1 Fel', or the doom that is gash•
\'ring over your head. Wait!"
"1 intend to, and will brave you to
your face when it comes!" said Jacquet•
to, with a short, mocking Inugh,
"Yes, you ntay laugh now, but, in the
end, let those laugh who win. You think
now that you could bear the disgrace;
and perhaps if Mr, ])e Vere and Augusta
alone were concedned, you might; but
this fine young stranger (all, mention
hint, und you wince), how will you bear
his scorn. and contempt, aid hatred?
No, not hatred; for he will loathe you
too much to stoop to hate!'
"Let him! 11e Is nothing•to ate!"
"Very true—he is another's; yet you
have given him your whole heat. And
svhilt has he given you in return?"
"His love,��said Jacquetta, with a
bright, fierce flush of her eyes.
"Ah l he has told you so, and you be-
lieve flint, Perhaps he believes it himself
now; and if so, it. is all the better, for it
will make him loathe you all the more
by and by."
"Speak no more of hint. I will not
li.11en\" .•ni,l Jac:piettst, cl•!'sieg 1,cth
it:aids, 140Ii 1{41' some illt"Ittntify mo-
tion, over her heart,
"Oblige ole by doing so It eminent low
ger. \\'hnt „ill 111. Ili, t yen...Ily \rhea
hu finds his pretty daughter, .Inclluottn,
lull listened to this illicit, love, and re•
turned it; s;l,', till---"
"['(8' I',"-111'11'k1'il "elm in, wltl n
frenzied stamp of her toot. "Do you want
to drive Ire 1111(1'!"
"Its no Metals. 1 should be very sorry
for :owl' a Cull-tropho, ns it, would de•
feat nil my plans, And now, as you wish
it, to cheng1' the stmieet, \\'lent do you
think of this handsome Spanish bey.
brought over by Cnptai1) Nick Tempest '(„
"\Vault 1 please."
"An01 what do you likes(' to think, my
deur yu(u(g lady? I)) b0 8 little 111m0
conu11uniCutive, h::;tr Mel, haodsunuk---
is he not, for I) 1)0,,"
"so you
'tot, 1 oi8t2t 'your :•linin:,"
"Pott will want it, the),,,
"'l'ai'c is no danger of your falling in
love with hill(, 1 11'IIt," s11e011'd (;1'iz•
"1 shall if 1 choose,"
"Not IlOeh danger of oyer choosing to
do so, I ;alley," said (;fizzle, with a
contemptuous laugh, "\flint does our
handsome English cousin think of him."
":1st: hill."
"Perhaps I shall, 1 want to consult
him also shout Norma, Have you ever
heard the name before, Jac(iueLtn?"
"1111:lt \milli you give to know?"
"Anil he nothing the wiser," added
Grizzle, with another low, sardonic
laugh. "`'bort and sweet! 1 thought., per-
haps, Cnpt'lin Disbrow(' might have men-
tioned the mime in his (tool:trillion of
love, JI, is roth.'r cut unusual one,"
"1s it?"
"Ask Master Jacinto what he thinks
of it,"
"I she'd lenve that for you to (10 along
11'ith tilt' 1'041."
"Very well I ant equal 10 n Spanish
bey, 01' any other e't111,1'geney, Singular,
is it not, that he should risk hi.s life for
n cnmplt to stranger be never saw be.
"Yon say so."
":end more singular still, that the Hon-
orable .11fretl 1)isln•nw'e should be stone
blind, What says the old song, Jne-
'ptta?'Whitt will not woin811 when silo
loves!' 'fake care Captain 1)isbrowe is
not jealous,"
"Did you follow me here to moralize
on love? flow :much longer nm 1 to be
kept here listening to this trash? Are
you ileal' dont')"
"1 11111 done for the present, I will go
when 'you give ole the child."
"Con you not w'a'a until to-ino•rmy?
Is she to be taken from her bed at this
hour of the (light to start on such n
col((, w'eery journey,"
"Ye.s. It will teach her a lesson. tile
young imp. 1 will learn her what it is
to run nwnv from home when 1 get
hold of her."
"Dare to touch he'—Jay hitt one fin-
ger roughly on her, and, as Heaven hears
me, I will go to (seen Church that very
hoar end tell the w'o'Id what you are
even if 1 should swing beside you."
There was something so appallingly
fierce in the young girl's tone, in her
bright glittering eyes and colo'ltss face,
that it cowed for the first time the she•
\Vats ellen{,
"Yon know what i came here for ---
you Jinn\ the errand 1 have so often to
Rapid changes of temperature are hard
on the toughest constitutions.
The conductor passing from the heated
inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
of the platform—the 'canvasser spending an
hour or so in a heated building 'anrl then
walking against a biting wind ---know the
difficulty of avoiding cold.
's 1rJ►''nr:el 'tori ;4"s,.ng)hens the
body so that it can ha't'ter u itlu und the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
It will help you to avoid taking cole.
perform- that 1 :lust perform before 1
eft return tvll.h you. \\•Ili 3011 stay here,
'11• do you (Lome to neeempony ire and
Incl: 011 you work'!"
"No," said the 40)10111, ill 11 11011 NO
"\,11. in 11010 1 runout !II)! I
will stay hoc.' fill ; 4,u come back; but
be quick,"
111th a loot: of :v0rnf111 eon!en)pl, ,Inc•
(podia tented a111 left the room
ing in the iliil'I'tinn whence the weird
m'lsic r'lill Culue, .111 instant after it
seamed net, I( sound \vn', 1,, be 111'8
the Aile11ce of 1111' prove reigntal t1iviti;;it
the lnll,'ll' room.
(1{(1 tili%'r.le Care tit))' to I11e wind' .
%there .I81ciuetla hail ,I'rnl, tuna 114(41
114 w anti ilei: 1:1 :(1;ur•
!iii;:,! lii;c four in the (lireeli4)n the other
hod !,'one, and then shrinking 01081')' to•' li11111.. liefnre ten minutes hall
lap -1'(I, J:(q est:'s Ii;[III, quiet; tout.,tep
wis hv:ud, ned her voice broke the deep
,tilhu ••,, s;ly''ng coldly:
:11;) Iad'' - conte nett."
(•)':.:%!4' fullolte'! her across the room,
;wry w:' ;he 801111,1 of 11 kot turning
l- ly .
,1k1't1 0111• wa
s Cln-ed
;old 1'4eko,l :u air, 1114 the neat iu :runt,
(',; !,ail: Alfred I)isln'owe \ins alone in
t!:t .I',nkate rIo)))1,
\\'hat 1':ptniii 1)iihro4ve'S feelings were
4vllde listening to the singular converse -
his' hiding place, 11184' he, 10 use
the handy 4,1(1 phrase, "easier Imagined
11181 (1(54(ite4l."
.1s bo stepped out front his retreat,
face might have rivaled Jaequetla•s
own its its extreme pallor. .till cer-
L;limy he had bea'(l enough 10 make hint
('ton os Cold 11111 111/1')1e•lik11 ns he \\IAA
11144'. Nearly all hour he stood. there, so
lest in thought that he heeled not the
flight of time, Juequet111! .1acquetta.!
1;1(11nettn! 44as the Cry of his heart still;
11)1 in that moment he felt its if he co11.1(1
have taken her in his :1•uls loud shielded
her tigiilst all the world. One truth was
tin Ming through his 411010 being in
fierce s,hueks of joy. ile loved .lacquet•
la. -.Juquelict loved him!
From bis trance --a trance cver,y 1111•
fortunate lover has fallen into more than
once- he ntvoke, at list, to the hard real-
ity of being very cold; 71101 an mn'ommn-
ti(' vision of fevers and agues, and t'het-
mali4' Chills rising suddenly and unpl(as•
,illi before him, he turned to leave the
nn..einfni•lable old room. Ile paused is
cl.ntenlpinte, w'itlt intense feel -
hies of interest and curiosity, the doors,
one at either end of the room—that to.
%sa'll the left being the sill, into \hich
•Jtegnetta had passed to still arc weird
nide; the other to the right being that
which they lad both entered last, and
"l'O,.sili i 1 shnnldn'L won'dCl' if it
came true, too! \Vhn was the other?"
He fixed itis eyos keenly on her face.
"1)111 (frizzle Howlett"
.She started with a shock. and looked
at ilim. Ile had expected she would, and
met ler gaze carelessly,
"halved! indeed!" she said, sharply.
"Perhaps you also dreamed where this
meeting too. place?"
"C'er'tainly. \\'hen I do dream, T al-
ways pay :Mention to it, and omit no
detail. It was somewhere in an old,
de=tu•te:1 room, 1 b,,lieve,"
".111!" she said, with a paling cheek,
and Il rising fire in diet. eye. "Perhnp,
you colt aL-o tell MP what 4e said!"
width he ('4:njecturel ler( to the inhabit-
ed parts of the louse. Even had he de-
sired to enter. he knew he could not, for
dot -1110W had 5ectll'oly lack('(( both; so,
gil'ilig them a parting glance, he 1'1111
(Item the s(nn" steps and passed out of
the aperture by \vhieh he and entered.
The hall door remained ns he had left
it --proof positive that. neither JncquetIn
1111' her companion and entered the house
1)y its means. lin softly locked it after
Ilim and then ascending the stairs,
:;ought ]lis room --not to sleep, but to
pace up and down until morning short!))
Atilt 0nsatimn of \yonder beside;
that relating to Jaerltiet.ta filled his mind.
1(e had heard thele mention Noma{--
wlmt (;new they of her? That boll►
knot' she had been his liege -lady while
in England was evident, and that he felt
convinced was the reason why Jacgttel(a
hal FA) scornfully and indignantly re•
jetted him, \\'hat if he should give up
this high•born fiancee of his? But had
110 courage for Atoll It sacrifice -11'11S 5110
it ? Some day, and most probably
sc011, lie wnnid be Earl of Enrnecliffe,
and Portal of Guilford; Lind dict he not
owe something to the world and his. high
position? And more, did be not owe n
great deal to this lady betrothed of his
at 1101110? 'True, lie remembered the 011-
gagenlent had been none of itis nal:hf,
but that of Ia'neelife's Lind the lady's
father, who wished to see the family
united; the forme', because the lady wilts
ttu(xcopt'iollable 111 beauty and family,
and would have an immense dowry; and
the llt.ter, 1100111150 lie wished ids (taugll-
ter, who, with all iter wealth, was simp-
ly .tis, IieJ)onnld, to have n title and
be it countess, But, he himself had giv-
en a tacit consent. Ile had negii csced
ionehalaIlly en)ngh when his brother
1111:n11mi 111111 of it, nal proceeded to woo
tjn' 'enng lady, then a rt»nantie school.
girl, in true oi'thcdoxi gentlemanly fish•
lot, ale was, as lie mill lhimseV, n poor
devil of n younger brother, with expen-
sive tastes and habits, and slightly ex-
travagnnl, if the truth must be told; and
the income lie derives( from the earl was
far inadequate to his expenses. True, he
would be an earl himself some day, and
one of the wealthiest peers of the realm;
but her could not. Jive on that 'mix.,
and as Enrneeliffe, though suffering
from a disease liable to carry hint off
at any moment, might still see fit to live
n dozen years, he 1115181 have something
to live 011 111 the meantime, And .norma
Mnedoald's fortune was just the tiling
--iter ten thousand a year would supply
hint with spending money 00111l'orlably,
my leis debts, keel hint 114 pale ale 11.11(1
kid gloves, buy hit i a yacht itt Cowes,
let flint own n horse at the Derby, aid
keep n dashing four-in-hand in town. It
was just the thing for hint—couldn't, be
better if he was to try; which he was a
great deal nom indolent to do. So he
Closed with the offer and the lady at
It was rather a. bore to bo obligee( to
make love to 1►e', to be sure—to fan her,
ar,i ::llrn'1 Lc r 1(4 the opera t11(1 1112.11
(,1,'1( 11+(11 u(usi(' when She p1;1y.
1',l; 1)'!t these were 124'1-
t'('.s-:)l't ('t1;- that ('very 1(1)11) hail (4)
f('1' ll'1'1,I1'll, -'41110 11111(' 0r utht,l' 1)1 111:1
!f', 111,1 are ,uppo,al he naught, as welt
make up his n:in:l to b,! resigned. and
login at ung,'. tie he ,*:1,1V11 1!(1, 111:1'1)
hila<clf f(1-Cin:ting, and set tiff to cap•;tte Ili:; Nuri:,{ llacduu,t141. :end he
sue' 1.01101 1.l perfection,, alis Norma
foil violently in love with him, then and
them ---and he (lutees pretty near doing
the same with tir. Ile did not love her,
to be sure; but though lie had flirted
from the ,Igo of eighteen, when he had
taken ulcnnli'!ht rambles through old
hontcslle e, ire the daughter of his las
tiler's selwni'd, lie 'had never eltertnihe'1
it grande passion fon' anybody, and (lid
not beliave he \4':l:, capable of it, --did
not desire any such thing, in fact; it
wool' be sura) tl bore to he violently in
love! And sol thing;, wore it this 'it -
k factory ,tate, and the enure:? of true
love was running 11s 511100111 Its it )hill
d:1111, 11.11('1) the young Guardsman air gOt a
i'I:lI1llli:$i01 ill a 1'('gimi1)'llt ordered to
Ireland, and teal a gay life of it for two
or three 3(')!5, nit-0)aetely in that "beau-
tiful city called Cork," a►1d the capital 01
t1:4r Emerald Isle, while Miss N'orinit was
is;4pirin', hl r taint and kissing the sin•
iaturc of her dashing lover within the
eon -aerated walls of a fashionable board-
ing school, Thou he returned to Eng-
land, to avoid tate consequences of some
tremendous scrape lie had got into in
I)nhlin, 9. 0' .his C1)0I'e nude, who had
grown n thousand Bales more beautiful
than ever, and twice 88 much in love,
from constantly thinking of her nbsenl,
truant. Ails.; Noi'11m',5 papa, and the
Honorable Alfred's brother, wished the
neirriage to dale place on the young
lady's nineteenth I:irthdlly, and the
'-folio; lady :int gentleman being wiling
ienough, settlements we -re made, and
c(crything got ready for the important
oec:(.inn, And meantime, by way of it
ch,111!(', Captain I)isbrow•e took it 11110
his erratic' head that a good way to kill
time would be to visit America, and
hunt up his another's relatives, the 1)e
Yeres—which he did to his cost, as the
reader already knows.
All Hirst, thing., were passing in review
through his hind now,
"Confound all nrislocr8tic high and
mighty i'[t1 ili014!" he cried, "and may
the dela): fly away with all matchmak•
ing Mewls, forevermore! Amen! Oh,
Jac(juetta! 1 wish to heaver 1 had tie({
tt millstone to my neck: ;and jumped into
the Serpentine, the day I first took a
notion to come to America. And 1 wish
Hiss Norma INItodoald and the noble
Earl of l:a'neeliffe were in—Coventry!
1 do!"
\Vitt► this charitable apostrophe, Cap•
thin Disbr•owe, becoming suddenly aw81.0
that the hi'eal:fnst bell had rung, went
doweslllsrs, and 'encountered the object
of all his thoughts and perplexity cross-
ing the 111111, laughing merrily w'ith,Ja-
cinto, and looking bright, saucy ani
piquant as ever, ({nyly ,.aluting hint,
she fixe,( ler eyes on his face, and ex•
"I\'lly, Cousin Alf, what's the matter?
You look its if you had seen +t ghost Inst
night, or 11nd an at4nek of the night-
mare! Just loot: at ham, Jacinto! \Vhat
has happened, nay (1.:'11)' cousin?"
"Nothing much, I have had bad
"And bad dreams have been pownrfltl
enough to give that look to hale face of
the most high, .puissant and illustrious
Captain 1)isbrowe 1 whew! )11'hat were
they about, Cousin Alfred? 1 stn a reg.
talar female 'edition of Joseph for inter-
pret ing d101)11)8,"
"Well, they were of—you."
"Indeed! Dear Ilse, how flattered 1
feel! And 1v'hat 'did you cb'e'aau of ole,
coz?" '
"'flint you and `40m0borly else were
plotting to be the death of me."
"No, 1 cannot, And I do not see any-
thing 1•10(11!')'kad)10 111 your 111eeting the
old latly," be said, in an indifferent tone.
"Nor in our plotting -to 11111rdel' you—
stranger things have happened. Are yon
sure you locked your chamber door just
night on retiring, Ciplain Dlsbrow'e?"
"A singular question; but yes, I ra-
ther thiel: 1 did." •
'An'd you are not given to walking in
your sleep, occasionally?"
"Itn ray sleep? ' No, neve'," mill he
looked at .ler with n peculiar sande,
Jacinto laughed.
"Really, Jucquctt i, one would think
you were eros, -examining hila 115 if 110
were on trial for shoplifting, L shall
be ('1refnl how I .tell you what I dream."
Jitequetla, with .her eyes fixed on 1)is•
browe's face, and a strafe glitter its
their lustrous depths, drew a long, hard
breath, and said Clothing. 11er lyes were
fixed curiously on Jacinto—that laugh!
surely iL 11'1:3 not the first time he had
heard it. Jacinto noticed his look, and
colored slightly under his brown skin.
"Well,' bre said, half annoyed, half
inughing, "is it lay turn next?"
"Do you know," said Disbrow'e, "I have
the strangest idea that 1 have seen you
somewhere before, But for your for-
eign 11000111, 11111 your (Intl: belr and
complexion, 1 could swear you were
"11'lio?" said Jacinto, ns he Paused.
'You will laugh, but a Indy I knew in
England. Yon re2n1ndecl me of her from
Lilo first, in some odd) unaccountable
441)3', and you laugh—if I had not looked , ENGLAND'S NEW BIG DOCK.
I tit vnu that time 1 could swear it was
Thirty-eight Acres of Water.
" Structure at Grimsby Ilas an Area of
"Norma!" laughed ,Jilclluetta.
''lis Jove! You'4e hit 1t! lint what
410 4''911 1i 111, w' of Norma?" '1')0! new (1051: at (ir1111:44, 1'.nglalt'l,
"1 11:41 a llren;n," 51(11 Ja1'rincl(a, with I lvl.,'ll (ililahed, about (11'41 yell,
:t 111111'riuu4 1-vinkle of her eye. "1 ",till he 1,1119 feet 14':8)'1', {cath a buy or
(l 1' rued t'api ti ni,l)ruwe was to ha
married to a .'cranio Miss Nl rola Mel) -111 -
alit 4)011 -he 44'0)141 81t,)in bet• woe-
1vent!1 bird:t1::y, 811(1 that he (1)411' 01110'
t1 .1in1'rioa. 111 hill limo (hiring the tc'I
ions inll'ry il. :them! Yon see, others
1':111 (110:111 1)1:8l'1(.4 you. lily good (,)111-1:1."
1)i,bruw'e 5(00(1 fairly &!o!) with
amazement, and his color (':me an.!
1vent. Jacdnettn'..4 wicked eyes sparkled
with triumph.
"I say!" called Frank, at this inter-
esting juncture, thrus'ting out hi.; 11'•.1 1,
through the parlor door, "4'o you uu'un
to cone to 'Ictal:fust to-da'y, or are we
all to state in here, while you three
I toll: scandal out there?"
"\1'1' weren't talking sea oral, !-rank,
deal'," sai(I •I:h/'q)Ietta,
1' •5. e•' a 1.
11{11 passing her arm through 11 . t I.1
to'.:, ,k1' tten1 111, follow(! 1)', ('81La111
"\1'hy, J'ek!---1 .say, Jack.' where's lit-
tle (12.00 ileal, t?" aske!l Frank, at the
"Gone," said ,incquetla, curtly.
"Gone!" echoed the young ge:)!!:'m.ul.
" \There??"
('(4) 1(1' contiiluedJ,'
Each an Amy.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Cure Obstinate
Indigestion After Other Medicines Fail.
"When i was first t;•I)ubled with in•
d!;'esli(nl 1 d1.1 not bother with it. I
thought it would pas.3 away naturally.
Itut instead of doing r,, it dl'velonr l into
11 p:lin:III (1:ro11ic 11ffeetinn, which in
::pit e of a!1 1 dill grew \vorso and worse
until i het ahaldoned all hopes of ever
;,''Ming relief." These words of Mrs.
('has, 11iNoy, of Nm-woo4l, N. S,. should
so)'ve 0,,s n warning to all who stiffer (lis-
trei4s after mea hi, with palpitation,
drowsines8 and loss of appetite --early
wai'lllllg of 111(1'4 5)'rio1:3 trouble to
"1 usel to rise in t1)" mornintr," said
Mrs. McKay, "feeling no better for a
nicht';4 r);t. T rapidly lost flesh and
after even the most fru;:l meal T always
suffered) severe pains in my stomach, I
cot my nll'nl3 (town to It very few mouth-
fuls, but even then every morsel of food
cau3ed agony. 114' digestion was 80 weak
s('min d'ry:l I could st 11rcely drag myself
nhott the house, end 1 was never free
(rem shorn piercing pains in the back
:111(1 chest. T grew s) had that T hail to
limit my diet to milk and soda water,
and even ihi5 caused severe suffering.
In vain T sought relief --all medicin1'5 1
took seemed useless. But in the darkest
how' of )my suffering help c41)10. While
reading a newspaper I came across a Mare
that wns quite similar to my own ease,
wrought by the use of Dr• 1\111ians'
Pink Pills. i thought if another person
had been (tm'('11 by these pills of such
suffering 115 I was experiencing, surely
there was hope for me, and 1 at once
sent, to the dr1!(!t i.,t for it supply of
these pills. The first indication that the
pills were helping 111e was the diseppear-
8nre of the feeling of oppression. Then I
Degan to dike solid food with but little
feeling of di1tres3. T still (011'inued
taking the pills, with an improvement
:'very (lay, until T could digest all kinds
of food without the least trouble or
distress. T ani in splendid health to-
day oral ail the credit is due to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills,"
1)r. 'Williams' Pink Pills go right to
the root of indigestion and other trou-
bles by making rich, red blood, whh')s
toles and strengthens every organ of
the body, That. 14 why they cure anae-
mia, with all its he:ulache3 and back-
aches and sideaelies, rheumatism and
neuralgia, and the special ailments of
growing girls null woolen of all ages.
Sold by all ]medicine dealers or by Ioail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,&I
by writing the 1)8 \\'illia11.5' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Losing Prestige at the Bar.
(Philadelphia Record.)
It Is sot strange that the hest legal talent
In the land Is sought by the trusts and pub -
Ile service corporations. The latter need tae)
help of the sharpest wits to defend prlyileues
many of which have been wrongfully acquir-
ed or outrageously misused. Nor Is It stralig)
that brilliant lawyers should be attracted to
the service of the clients that can afford to
remunerate them lavishly, Tho taking of an
oath of abstinence and poverty Is not a con-
dition precedent to admission to the bar. But
the effect of tills gravitation of the fnremo. t
Jurists to the practice of corporation law has
undoubtedly been a lowering of the prestige
of the profession In Its relations to ;81011'
life. '1'o the popular mind "corpor'ttiou law-
yer" has become a torn] of reproach,
1Yheu mol hers become enthusiastic
over a medicine for little ons, it is
safe to say that it; has high merit.
Every mother who has used Baby's Own
'I'ul)lets speaks strongly in favor of
then, and tells every other mother how
nnu'l gond they have done her children.
Mfrs, Alfred Mitreouse, St. Charles, Qua,
says. "1 strongly advise every Mother
t') keep Baby's Own 'Tablets in the
hoose always, I have used them for
teething troubles, ('Dile end other ills of
childhood, 1111(1 found them t.Jl(!-11)est sat •
isfaCl0l'V medicine 1 ever tried." These
'.Tablets are gmlrnnteed to contain no
Poisonous opiate and no harmful drug.
They are tinnily good for tile. new born
baby or the well grown child, 1)141 ore a
sure cure for all their minor :ailments.
Sold by medicine dealers or by lunil at
25 cents n box by writing The 1)r. Wil-
liams'Mcdicinc Co., Brockville, Ont.
Female Fear of Mice.
(Now York Globe.)
Why are women afraid of mice? Although
this problem, has c1111med tato attention of the
greatest philosophers, It must be admitted
tlutt we are ns much as a lose for a scion%
flo and psyobologlcal explanation as was
Adam after the first field mouse of tho tribe
drove Eve up n tree,
1:1'1.1 1,''S!1 fret loon by ;II.) fent 4ti,le, 4t;
the snuthwc',t cornea, '111e 18,1in dud;
1 awl :1111 {''ill lrtve 811 Itrea of l.l.iity 4:ght
:18! one -1041 acres of wider. lh(41520n
j in 11:1-11 for future delelopmelt of tlu'ee
I other bay, ur 111.115 at the corners, bl'ing-
111 !' the total duck area to sCtenty•un)
acres, 1f (11(11 111111, 1.11011! will be II,-
i),(t feet of quay i;llu0e in the main (lock,
15141111 wit! be brought 11p to 11,1 10 feet
\l 1)-•u 111e f401' imp; :u'1' Iolnpletc'II,
In all lilt; acres have been acquire.' for
the doCl:, of wl.ieli s('e('litl'•n111(' a('1'(1
41;1 b' esite1 spac(! 511-: the remaining
,-4:1; acre:, lir lend about, the dock when
eomplette!, There will be :1 railwa four
oat leo-half miles lung. c,)i)Strn('(ell from
tt,.ati"gi,ola 1'I the (xistiltg company's
line :t the llct'I)1' i'11(,'ti-111, It to, addl.
50,7 :11 I'•'i!wvnv n('101tl'no(I:)1 1)1 is 10 h'!
111'.)11(i,-1 1,P ', 1`.:,1:1, 1'a)Iw)ly Whirl) will
MI il'uili (.111;!{'!,4'• l 111e (101.1k sl10,41,01)
1, ttlre.;dy pr:(tivnlly fin!sh)d,
The depth of water in the (look {vial be
Ihirly-five and I,ne•ha!f feet below high
w:' i el' :.!.:•-pri:)g Gies a11'1 tl;rlt-t14 O feet
below high w:ter Irl 1) Ii'':iry neap tides.
The )'l)ti;(Ilce loci:, which is to be fun-
nel sill tell, {t in 10 Rats fret long and 01)
f; -et wide, with 47 1-2 feel of water :it
hill 1.;411':, 41 f.'et of water o1 the :11!1
at neap tides 1104 23 feet et low title's.
Vesseli of deet, draft will time be able
111 1')' nlen \'c a t ((1 t• 1 1') t 4' o f 11111
;!Ile,011(111 ther dccn•watct' cicltnel of tho
ilumber Ales=es close to the entrane,',
end it will only lie l)l10 :{,u'4' t) dredtol
for Ilboot goo yard; arrows the frreshor'e
to gain nrcess to it. The mit ranee f'1111,11.
111'! will be fl(n1:ed by jetties nod hero
1"m wetor will nlw'rvs he 0seil'Ibi', 110
that, vos'o'ls r11'1y go oleo''li,le nt nnv
sin fe of 1110 tide, tint; affording speeinl
facilities for passengers owl for hunk('!'-
1r: cotta.
'I'l'r, 4:1tr. 14 nn idea! ("I' f,;r a 4'ero•
\,ter dock, 119 there are Ito el:nensit('
rnel'lnmti1111 works to by told"rt'lken owl
the dee) \\t1'r rh:nln'l riles can=e to rho.
site, Tt is clainle(1 tl:rt pn 0 Iter 4oe1:5
'111 the east ('081 w!!1 afford slash ta•
cilli ins, Ibis new 4001; wit! be of sue -
e1:1 interest to Ann'rienns, 1)0ea1180 three
centuries ago the. pilgrim, (r'Itherel only
•1 ,,inn f,•,,,ll this soot 1,0 :11{"111, t1 D11101
'•nu'nl 14-1)!)1) W011111 101rry then( to Tiot(
In the November number of their per-
iodical the new editors of '1'he Anieri-
Ca) 11ugazine start au editorial depart-
ment The paragraphs are lively with
personalities and points. '\'here are in-
teresting references to 1t;ekefcllet',
Roosevelt, Spooner, Folk, Aldrich, (`as-
satt, George Gould, ] , f:un, and other
amen of i:npoflance,
.long with the serious ideas that, are
presentee there are a rood deal of buoy -
:Int, kind philosophy—and considerable
tun, 'l'1(e Lew editors nskt,d some cf
their friends for advice on the subject
of inngnzine making. Two ammo's are
published --letters Mich convey widely
separated notions of what '1'he Amer-
ican :11)1gazine should bo like. '''fhe
first," says the editorial, "is from a
man who went into polities as a mar-
tyr \you'd go to the scaffold, who is
more ashamed of the gon(J things
he has done than of the bad, who
would( not dodge an issue, but would
run from :t c:41110l'al, who has had more
kicks than htt'pence out of public life
(:old would rather have thein.) Ile has
hcen laboring in the swamp of politics
for twenty years,"
The second comes from "the wittiest
and the most deserv(Klly popular of the
younger group of humorous writers."
lle•e is the second letter:
"If 1 were conducting a magazine
and wished to crowd the pages with
pure reading matter of the most. 81)1501: -
ling dese•ipt.ion, f should simply Jet it
be known throughout Indiana that I
\1.14 conducting a i11)tgazine.
"It is said that every man Oho has
not really experimented be:loves that
he cell write n light, Opera, edit a maga-
zine or tannage st hotel, 1 still believe
that I know a great deal nhout maga-
zines and hotels.
"Each instelli nett of it serial should
have 011)101(0! to it a 00111)011 entitling
the purchaser to it copy rat' the stag
:Is soot as it has been published in book
form. This will save lura front the hor-
ror of carrying ulassimila'ted fiction
around in his system for \reeks at, it
"1 think it would he just as well to
put the lush pedal, temporarily, at leo 41,
011 wild alinulls and millinunn'cs. Some
of our most, interesting fauna, are weary t
of being photographed esti would relish
the excitement of being shot at.
"Instead of having eminent eritics tell
every month what they think of the
Broadway favorites, 1 would have the
Broadway favorites tell 1011111. they think
of the critics, providing the composing
room tuts that kind of type.
"Furthermore, 1 would have just en -
011J;11 reading inat4.ter tto ocaisiosltily in-
terrupt the pictures."
Bootblacks Inrported by Ladrones.
(Springfield, ?duns„ ltcpubllean.)
The bright -faced Greek boys who for nor-
eral years have dono tho shooshlutng in most
of our largo cities have been the subject of
frequent comment, Their rout of the Italian
was so complete as to be drnmtt h. '1')to lul-
mlSrnt(tu) bureau nom finds It 120008880y to
hrorn 4)!11 rha,'�lcln oaf thin bey, Inas+
thltee rof000t14' i(«(1110,10lsni'r"'1f 11 (44 not leen ,i,4-
t.alncd, bat 14(11,' i'4 ^'(i4t o) bo good fcuwon
for belie\i111 that 51.( h0"'! bit co been
systotnntlenlly imported by it European ltyn-
meato to 4111011 they have boon 'nuttily un-
der contract, In lhnt 01480 their admission
to the country would bo a violation of tbo
contract labor law.
If the nvc+rare man had to bo his
own cook he would turn vogotttrian and
oat. the vegetables raatnv,
A building is often razed to the
ground in. order that another may be
raised into the air,
Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made
to farmers on their own notes. No
additional security required.
We otter every accommodation con-
sistent with safe and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates
of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well to
place their property on our list for
sale. Rents eolleuted.
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life As;,uranee companies, and respeot-
fully solicit your account.
OFF1C,", HOURS: 10 A.V. to 3 P.M.
'usiness Bards.
c' 1je 1jth t#aitba0.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suo•
cesuor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
Balrigters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Etc. UNces--Th0Ee formerly occupied by
Messrs. Cameron and holt, Goderich. W.
Proudfoot, Ii.C. ; It. C, Hays, G. F. Blair.
0, E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons. An honor
graduate of Toronto University. Office
over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block,
Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m.
Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M,, Uni-
versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's
University; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor -
door for
ofCo the County
of ni Quone
street, Blyth.
THURSDAY, NOV, 15, 1900
People We linow.
Mr. S. A. Popiestone was in Exeter
this week.
Mrs, J. E. Coombs was visiting in
Toronto last week.
Mr. J. C. Ross returned home from
the West last week.
Mr, James McMurchie
Goderieh last week,
Mr, C. 11. Beese was a
Milvertcm last week.
Mr. ,l, Leslie Kerr spent
at his home in Brussels,
Mr, \Vin, Keehne was
County Town hist week.
Mrs. W. J. Fyle and son, Tommy,
spent Sunday in Leadhury,
Mrs. S. Gracey, of \Vinghatn, spent
a few days in Blyth last week.
Mr, J. G. Norman, of Brussels,
was a visitor in Blyth on Sunday,
Mts. Wm, Mason has been visiting
in Wingham during the past week.
Mr. Harvey Shane, of Ripley, was
a visitor in town fur a few days last
Mr. Chas, Ritchie and Mr. John
Ritchie, of Brussels, were in town on
Miss Fanny Mason spent Sunday
at Brussels visiting het' friend, Miss
Nettie Brown.
Mrs, A. H. 'I'iernay and daughter,
Miss Dorothy, spent Sunday visiting
friends at Clinton.
Mr. James ,McMurchie left hast
weak for Mobile, Alabama, on the
ticket agents' excursion.
;1[r. 'Phomas Ballantyne is spend-
ing a few days with his son, Mr.
James Ballantyne at Wroxeter,
Miss Webb, who has been the
guest of the Misses Carder, returned
to her home in Granton on Tuesday.
Mr, Robert Elliott, the apple king
of Goderieh, was in Blyth this week
and shipped two cars of apples from
Miss Livingston had a display of
hand decorated china and pillow
tops at hincardine last Thursday
and Friday.
Mr, J. McGregor, Asst. Chief En-
gineer of the G. & G. Railroad, was
in town on Tuesday, looking over
the railroad,
Architect Rattray, of Toronto, was
in town during the past week in
connection with the Stephenson Car-
riage Co. factory.
Hon. Geo. W. Ross ,announces the
engagement of his daughter, Mabel,
to Charles Leslie Wilson, son of S.
Ft'tnk Wilson, Toronto.
Messrs. John Vincent and George
Wambold, accompanied by Miss
Addie Taman and Miss Rose Wett-
laufer spent Sunday in Wingham.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Charles Burling who has been con-
fined to his bed for the last seven
weeks with typhoid fever Is now
able to be out again.
Mr. T. R. Wright, Contractor of
London, was in Blyth having the
remains of his sister, Mrs. .Somers,
interred with her husband, Mr, Rob-
ert Somers, in the Union Cemetery.
The Clinton New Era of last week
says :—Mrs, A. H. Plummer, of
Blyth, who has been visiting around
with friends fur the past week, left
on Friday to join her husband who
had gone to Swan Lake, Manitoba.
Mrs, Jas. Bhtckbrough, of Ana-
conda, Montana, who has been visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Johnston, and other relatives and
friends fur the past month, returned
to her home on Wednesday morning
ut' this week,
F'. s. SCOTT
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tac STANDARD, Blyth.
Blyth Livery
was in
visitor in
Sale Stables
Q Q0 Q0 QQ Q
in the
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at
reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Commercial
Travellers and others requiring rigs.
Veterinary office at livery stable.
brings scores of young people every
year from the farms and villages of
our country to spend a few months In
our splendid school. The
Central Business College
From communications in hand, this
month this year will bring as many ns
ever. If you hove not thought of it,
not had our catalogue, write for it at
once and you will likely plan to join us.
W. Ii. SHAW, Principal,
church, Brussels, sent a sample of un-
leavened bread used in connection wi• h
the Jewish Passover to J. 11, Cameron
and W. H. Kerr, Superintendents of
Melville and the Methodist Sabbath
Last Sunday was a red letter day fur
rho congregation of the Methodist
church here, when special services
ware conducted by Rev. S, J. Allin, of
Parkhill, a former astor. The con-
gregation was asked to ptacn 011 the
plates 81200 to wipe out thu debt, and
at the Sunday evening service the col-
lection totalled 81245 .40, and over 8100
promised and not yet paid. On Monday
evening all entertainment was held in
the church.
--Subscribe for Tlin STANDARD.
��..__..�. o-. --
We are glad to say that the cases of
typhoid fever are improving.
Miss Sclater, of Auburn, was the
guest of friends here a few days,
Win. Hobbs, our shoemaker, and
family moved to Clinton last week.
The teachers and officers of the Sun•
day School Inez and decided to bold a
Christmas Tree on the evening of Xmas
Don't forget the Bell Ringers in the
Methodist church on Saturday evening,
Nov. 17th This is promised to be one
of the Ii.-st concerts ever given in this
The Epworth League held a very in -
interesting literal', meeting on friday
evenin,r, Program consisted of solos
by ,Misses 0, Vodden, F. Cole, A. Brig-
ham, Z. Whitley and \Vin. Lyon. A.
,Johns gave a very interesting reading
and Rev, Mr. Currie gave an appro-
priate address.
Some valuable real estate was sold
here Monday afternoon, when a part of
the Charles Blake estate changed hands
and good figures were realized, Tho
property fronting on ,Montreal street
and the ::quare. occupied by Dean's
grocery, Morrow & Johnston, butchers;
Win. Hutchinson, barber ; R. R. Sal -
lows' studio, and others, was sold to
I)r, Brown for 813,850. 'l'Ite building
occupied by Brophy & Son, on West
street, was sold to \Vin. Marlton for
81,715. The land on which Swans' liv-
ery stands was sold to J. B, Hawkins
fur 4785 and a number of stnaller lots
said at correspondingly (nigh figures.
Eighteen local Liberals were on Mon-
day served with subpoenas to appear itt
Toronto on Wednesday in connection
with the investigation into the West
Huron bye -election. Among those ser-
ved are \V, L. Horton, President of the
Liberal Association ; James Yates, di-
vision court clerk, and a number of
those who acted as deputy returning
officers, including H. L. Watson, John
Edwards, A. Smith, It. Young, Wm,
McCarthy and Police Magistrate 1 -lum-
ber. A. M, Todd, of the Goderich Star,
who acted as returning officer, has also
been served, Provincial Constable R.
Phelan will also go to Toronto in his
official capacity.
Tounis Club Concert on the evening
of Dec, 7th,
Ira Parker, of Wingham, nus in town
on Saturday.
Miss Eva Watt, of Brantford, is visit-
ing with relatives and friends in town,
Norman McGuire is home on a visit.
Ile spent a couple of mouths in the
West at Emerson.
Leslie Callan and wife have proved to
Mosley from Galt, we understand,
where the former has taken a situation,
Mrs. Mark Buchanan attended the
funeral of the late Mrs.,David McGill
in .East Wawanosh on Saturday after-
Rev. S. J. Allin, Mrs. AlISu and
Master Shurwyu, t,f Parkhill, were
welcome visitors in town during the
past week,
Before Judge Doyle on a recent Histo,
14 names were added on Liberal appeals
to the Voters' List in Brussels and they
also succeeded in having three struck
Frank Douglas, of Colorado, is here
on a visit with his mother and s'sters,
He is in the mining business and hits
been through Nevada and California as
well as the first mentioned State. It is
!) years Hiuce he went West, He has
done well.
Last week Rev, Dr. Ross of Port
Da'housio, fortnorly pastor oft 'Melville
Canada has the best and richest as-
bestos and corundum in the world.
Quebec Man tells how the Great Con.
sumptive Preventative was
an all-round Benefit
11 LY 1' 11 8C11001, 11E1'0111%
Tile following is t he repnrt of Blyth
Public School for the month of October.
IUM, NO. 1.
Ella Taylor Annie Stuart
Wilfred \Voir Evva St others
Emanuel Lyon Myrtle Phillips
In terined 181 I'S-'-'
\l ni-jel Chellew Dottie Cowan
Inhu Merritt Andrew Coombs
Verna Bennett Eric Anderson
Leon Scott
J unions--
Cla►'e Smith Grace Stewart
Wes Campbell Art Ibur'I'amblyn
Itoy Denholm Tena Edineston
Pearl Gibson Myrtle Morris
Clara Copp
John Hartley, Principal.
DIV, NO. 2.
Sr. IV, class —
Lillie Wariness
Emma Leith
Gladys holt
Bernice Anderson
Jr. IV. class—
Archie Wells
Hazel Banat
Leila Begley
Eva Mains
Walt or Cowan
Pearl Plaetzur
Esther 13e1I
John Etnigh
Myrtle Nicol
Edgar Begley
Willie Mains
Florence 'Pitman
Eyviu McColntnins
Sr. II.I. class—
Dorothy '1'irrnay Maggie (J,►rter
Lizzie Lawrence Carinae Anderson
Elmer Nivins James l-in•ons
Lillie Wettlaufer .1 as. McCouuuias
Laura Johnston Willie Copp
Maggie Johnston \''esten' Bell
Jennie Kennedy \Nellie Moots
Stanley Clleliew
0, F. Brigham, 'Teacher.
D1v, No, 8,
"My wife took La Grippe when she was
in Ottawa," says R. N. Dafoe of Northfield
Farm, Que., in an interview, "She got a
bottle of Psychine and after using it for a
few days she was quite well. 1 took a cold
and am using it and am getting all tight.
I think Psychine is one of the best tonics
on the market to -day."
There you have the whole matter in a
nutshell. La Grippe and colds are among
the forerunners of consumption.
This man had one, his wife had the other.
Psychine not only cured both but it built
them up so that their bodies are strong
enough to resist disease. All seeds of
comsumption are killed by
(Pronounced SI•keen)
50c. Per Bottle
Larger •lze• SI and S2—all druggists.
OR. T. A. 8L000M, Limited, Toronto,
A 11G W AY
N!.I R'
Near By Health
A few days at the mineral springs
of St. Catharines, Mt. Clemens and
Preston has benefited the health of
hundreds. Nothing is equal to the
treatment, Best of hotel accomoda-
tion at moderate rates,
T le" IT
All situated on the G. T. R,
For tickets and full Information oall on
0. B. McTaggart,
Depot Ticket Agent, Myth.
HI[, class—
Wettlaufer Elva Fawcett
Laura Wettlaufer lUioda Phillips
Doris Scutt Teresa McLaughlin
Russell Gilley Eva Henderson
Annie Mitius Fred Haggitt
Creswell Anderson Alex. Butler
George Sloan
Sr 11. class—
B, McKeuziu Gladys Kernaghtut
Angie Robertson Norman 1[oltzbause
Meryl Gerry Gordon Holtzhauer
Mary Milne John Cowan
Jr. I[. class—
Willie white May Itobertson
�1ary Putter Eddie ,Mains
Henry Johnston Elina Cook
Annie Butler Wilford Nivins
Leslie McElroy Emma Taman
Mhie iu Fawcett.
W. E. Thonpson, Teacher,
1'IV. NO, 4.
Jr. II. class—
Cu rry Campbell Effie hath
Alberta Stothers Bertin .0t 'Elroy
Kittie Ilabkii k Edgar Cowan
Elsie 1'awcett. 'Tummy 11 urn ay
Folio Johnston Willie Carter
Willis Audtlrsun Earl Taylor
Sr. I. class—
Agnes Cleitihton
Earl ,McFiroy
George Eaton
Athos Andrews
John Butler
Mary ,Mc11urchte
Nelle• Anderson
Elsie Holizhau,'r
Carry 1)ennpsey,
Luella 1 :ook
Carry Sinus
Sr. Pt. I1. class—
\V 111 u' 1;i 110111 D„isy Mason
Fred Mason 1I.,rv,'y N vias
Grace 1labkirk Charlie Putter
Jr, I. class—
Susie Fawcett Stew Art Cowan
Nlalael Hill \Ni!son hath
Harvey Mason Willie Kennedy
Susie Phillips
Oeorgentt Murray, 'Teacher,
Bbth Counoll.
A special meeting of Blyth Council
was held in Industry Hall on Monday
evening of this week,
Reeve Sloan was in the chair and
Coons. Milne, Potter end Johnston
were present.
Mr. Stephenson addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the carriage factory that
is to be built hero; and about the
money to be paid him during the build-
ing of the factory,
Reeve .Sloan addressed the Council
about the debentures, ole,, that dealt
with the Carrlago Co., as also did tho
three Councillors and it was made
known that they could only adhere to
the hy•law and agreement,
Moved by Coun, ylilt►e, seconded by
Coup, Potter, that no license bo granted
to a billiard room in this corporation,—
Moved by Coun. Johnston, seconded
by Court, Potter, that this Council do
now adjourn.—Carried.
Ruttier meeting of the School Board
was held on Nov. 2nd Present—Trus•
tees Cowan, Catnpbell and Wettlaufer,
M inutes of last meeting were read
and adopted.
Principal's report for October was
presented, which showed a slight im-
provement in attendance:
Divs. 1 2 8 4
No on roll. 22 84 82 45
Agitregttte , , , 458 581 582 719
Average, 20'6 25'4 '25 82'7
Fees for October, $16,70,
Applications from Miss Thompson
and Miss Murray for re-engagement for
1907 at an increase of $50 were received.
Trustees Carnj?bell and Gerry wore
appointed a committee to interview the
above-mentioned teachers t'u new agree-
tnents for 1907.
Principal Bartley presented an ac-
count for $7,00 for supplies for Div, 1.
Moved by Trustee Cainpboll, second-
ed by Trustee Wettlaufer, that the ao•
count be paid,—Carried.
Moved by Trustee 1Vottlaufor, second-
ed by 'Trustee Campbell, that John
Hartley he appointed Secretary pro tom
in the absence of A. IL Plulntner.
JOHN HA11'rLEY, Sec, pro tern.
Canada has produced 285 millions of
gold ; one•half from British Columbia,
0�W,�1 ".014WQ'QQ ''0'DiO,gge:gi,IRN7,4M '�' .N7
>O �;r,,::v. 0 V 1 S Afir!� O) , he Time �:
�� x)1 •
u' AS I L LI N E rt -sr
,l p
vA We have :an exceptionally large stuck of--
01 ant are fully prepared to supply the needs of Xm1.s buyer's,
re' Just
received our stock of Christmas Handkerchiefs. They Lj� are beauties and our range of patterns is larger than ever,
An early selection will be to your benefit,011110111•11101111 VIIIIIIM Q
O >Q
• l•
J. DE SO •,
O � k T Ql
��✓vYv)✓-•,y-•t`r/'�1(v..vl"vr[/'±p��)r(,,,y....-,...�'f Y�r [r//"���.)r ��,`�ry �. v--r�'^r; _r_�y��r ^^+r'v v^rl �11r•�c%
OHO 0.�,®®�O<,Ot Vi O� O.�,�•SSrV.,O.r�� e,O rOio,,,)®„,. il>O O<,O�::::,: ?O
All Pattern and 'I'rinlnied flats from
out sold at greatly reduced prices.
Plain and Fancy Ribbons�
Another New Departure
A short time ago we added to our stock a complete range of Gents'
Furnishings, .Etc. The SUMS which has crowned our efforts Inas be n
more than wad lu )kcal for, Now we wish to :utnoutie° to the young then
that we have added Tailor Made Clothing and invite you to call and see
our styles in
Made -to -Order Shits, Overcoats
and Fancy Vests_-„
Our goods are made of the hast material, hest workmanship, latest
styles, strictly high class Ind sold at close prices, Perfect fit and satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
Our stock of Men's Underwear in Elastic Ribbed, Fancy Stripes and
Natural Wools is complete from $1 to $3 per shit.
We are agents for the Geo, A. Slater Shoe for Men ,and Women, and
Empress Shoe for IVumen.
Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases.
We wish our friends to know that we carry a large stock of Carpets,
Carpet Squares, Linolcums and 011 Cloths, 'these goods conte to Us direct
from the mills, which is a guarantee that you get the very hest quality
for the price quoted. All carpet cut and snatched,
A feat' weeks ago [ had it hi ious at-
tack that was an savers 1 was not able
to go the office for two days. Failing
to get relief front my flintily physician's
treatment, I took three of Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver 'Tablets and
the next day I felt like a new man.—
H. C. Bailey, Editor of the News,
Clot pin, S. C. '!'hese tablets are for
si11e by all druggists,
—Subscribe for Tits STANDARD,
"Bay 'Maple Loaf' Dabbers it you want a neat, smart, acourato at,"—Wireless from
rho old women who lived la a owl)."
Light, and pliable, because no woar-destroying adulterants are
ini::ed with the finest Parti gum.
Conform to tiro shape of tho shoo—give rt'glovo-like, acourato,
EL./Halt fit, Stay in shape, Wear long.
,tusraasceumvtrits►noa:• .r:::_: ::.._xmutys s.....---+ se
For Sale by S. H. GIDLEY
Poultry Wanted
We want Dry Plunked Poultry, also
Live Poultry, for which wo will pay the
highest cash prloe.
Next car here on Nov, 21st.
Grain ckeoks paid atter banking bore
at our store.
Oinsley Street • Blyth
How does the label on your paper
rend ?
GENEiRAI. girl fur housework wanted
Apply to Mrs. N. B. Gerry,
Sr. Andrew's church da asking for
tenders for a caretaker, Soo advt, in
this 188110.
DON'T forget that iHarold Jarvis of
Detroit. will sing in Blyth on Monday,
Dec, 8rd, A treat is in store for the
people in this -vicinity.
'1'IIE STANDARD last week published
about a hundred extra copies as the
special feature was the farewell of Rev,
1)r, McLean, aid wo have only 8 copies
INVITATIONS have been printed for an
Assembly to he held next Wedneteley
evening in Lndustry Hall, under the
auspices of the young men of Blyth,
The London Harpers will furnish the
AFTER rending this issue, send it to
your friend in the diatnnce; or bettor
yet, call et the office and Fend it to
your friend or relative for a year.
Throw in your mite toward .lacing our
town and country where they belong
upon the map 'Phis paper will do its
part, you do yours, 'rho balance of
this year and all of next year for $l,
TI1E Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd., are
advertising in another column for 50
girls to learn to run knitting machines.
This company built a new building last
spring and equipped it with the most
up•to•date machinery they could buy
and claim to have tho finest factory of
the kind in Ca111111H. They believe in
paying the highest wages to get the
host work and this policy hes apparent•
ly proved successful, as several thous•
and dollars worth of new machinery
has been installed recently to tnoot the
increased demand for their goods. This
should be an excellent opportunity for
girls to earn good wages, nit pleasant
employment, near home,
OBITUARY,—Blyth was surprised Fri•
day morning last to learn of t he sudden
Epassing away of Mrs. David McGill in
last Wawamosh, Demised had been
sick about a week with an attack of
congestion of the lungs and had on
Wednesday and Thursday became
worse, and passed away Thursday
night. Mrs, McGill was born in 'Ell-
iott, Township, her maiden mune being
Isabella A. Riddell, and she was teat -
rigid to her now bereft husband 16 years
ago. During their married life they
spent 5 years in Blyth and 11 years in
East Wawanosh, By their union two
children were born—Walter and Olive
—to whom she wits ever a true and kind
another. She also leaves to rnnu•n her
loss, 4 sheers aid 6 brothers ;—Mrs.
Wm. Ouimette, of Iced Deer, Alta.;
Mrs, W m. Stoat/. of Weskit pa, Man. ;
Mrs, Walter Cunningham, of Hullett;
MIas Aunt's Riddell, who has been liv-
ing with deceased; James, John and
Howard, of Pearson, Man ; Robert, in
Pilot Mound Man.; Herbert in Nett
hraska, and 'Thornes in Auburn, The
funeral took place from her late resi-
dence, Lot 40, Con, 8, et Iwo o'clock on
Saturday afternoon and the services at
the house and grave were conducted by
her late pnator, Rev, Ur. McLean. She
will be indeed missed by a large circle
of friends,
They are made by the most
Skilled mechanics its the
world to insure accuracy,
and from the finest ma•
terinl obtainable for the
sake of d Lt tact,
they are made a little bet-
ter than seems necessary.
♦ 4► mar► t► r► mo► a Erimas�.'�, m,
Jewelry and Stationery.
and that is the kind the famous
Men's Clothing
That's something you need now, and you'll want one
as soon as you see our stock of !Fancy Tweeds, 131ue
and Black Beavers and Meltrtns, stylish tailored, well
lined with Italian linings. IWen's Tappers in grey,
also Covert Cloths in fawn, very nubby coats. Suits
--Fancy '!'weeds in single or double breasted styles,
also sun'e very natty stripes and overchecks, latest cut
with deep vent in back, creased seams, well lined. Our
Clothing is up•to-date in every particular, choice of
materials is good, tit is perfect, and at terms that you
can't complain ot,
Wool Blankets—If you aro looking for a new supply we
can lit you out with full size all wool Blankets at low.
est going prices,
Furs—If It's a Fut' , ou need. large or small, we have it. If
you conte now you can pick from a good selected stock
A full line In all kinds of Child's,Misses ', Ladles' and Gents' Rub
bers al Nays In etook at the lowest prices,
Call and see our range of Unshrtnkable Underwear,
at I3rucofield on 'rtlesday were, Mrs.
A lox. Eblor, Miss Ella Anderson, Mrs.
Alex. McKellar and others,
M rs, (Itov,) Hart ley and Mrs, John
Hartley are attending the annual
meeting of the A. Y. P, A. in Galt this
"Paul's Prayer' for the Ephosian
Christian" was the morning topic takeu
by !Rev, ,1r. Martin, of Exeter, who
preached in St. Andrew's church last
Sunday, Ile also declared the pulpit
variant. In the evening he spoke 011
"Thu Pilgrims Progress."
The annual congregational meeting
of St, Andrew's church will bo held of
Tuesday, Nov, 27th.
The annual convention of the Pro-
vincial Woolen's Christian Temperance
1Jnion is being held in London this
Blyth Branch of the Bible Society.
The 13lyt.h Branch of the Bible
Society was hold In the Methodist
church lest Wednesday evening, John
Brigham, the President., occupied the
chair and t ho sheeting was opened by
singing a hymn and Rev. Mr. Hartley
led in prayer,
The President gave an impressive a(1 -
dress after which the Secretary was
called upon to road the report of the
fast annual meeting, also s'aternent of
Collections which showed 877.50 con-
ttihuted by the 13lyth of the
Bible Society last year.
It wits moved by ]Rev. Anderson
seconded by Mr. Wilford that the re-
.......�.� s•e ort of 1he last annual meeting as read
by the Secretary he adoped, Carried.
.John Hartley represcntin g the Young
People Society of the Anglican church
gave it paper entitled "Tho Bible" show-
ing its Divine origin, "A living Book,"
The Bible is the Book for the nation,
for the family and for the individual.
The subject was treated in a masterly
way and greatly appreciated by the
This address wits followed by a duett
by Misses Soinors and Cumming.
The President called upon M iss
Nicol representing the Young People's
society of the Presby tenet) church.
Her subject was "The work of the
Bible Society." 'l'rnnelating it into thei
different languages in the world ; 436
in number now printed either in whole
or ii part ; 11 now languages added
during tho present year ; Bibles dis-
tributed last year was 5,999,743 to do.
this work costs 110 immense sura of
money. This splendid address, well
given, and highly instructive, conclud-
ed with the plea that the noble work of
the Bible Society commends itself to
our support and prayers.
A solo was given by Miss Bentley.
Rev. Mr. Anderson in behalf of the
Methodist church gave a stirring ad-
dress, speaking more particularly on
tho necessity of looking after the new
immigrants coming into this country
and the great need of giving thein the
Rev. Mr, Hartley was called up and
in his usual happy style drew the at-
tention of the !Meeting to the necessity
of making our meetings attractive.
Mr. Wilford moved that a hearty
vote of thanks be tendered to tho
oilicers, to those who gave addresses
and to the lady Collectors who done
their work so well. Carried unanitnous-
lyThe mooting was closed with prayer,
The collection for the evening was
Imtnediately followed the election of
officers. It was moved and seconded
that John Hartley be President, Carr.
It was moved by ltev. Anderson
seconded by Mr. 13rit;ham that A.
Elder bo Secretary and 11, McQua►'rie
be Treasurer. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Wilford seconded by
•-»«-• Mr. King, that the old Directors be re-
CiIAI'PED It ANDS, elected except Charles Hamilton and A.
Wash your hands with warm water, H. Plummer who have moved from
dry with a towel and apply Chamber- Blyth, that the following new directors
Iain'+ Salvo just before ttoing to bed, Ise npnointed James Tiernay, Wm,
and a speedy cure is certain. This Sines and John Brigham.
salve is also unequalled for skin di- List of Officers and Directors
senses, For sale by all druggists. President, John Hartley,
Secretary, A. Elder,
Treasurer, H. McQuarrio,
Depositor, F. Metcalf,
At the meeting of the Presbytery of John,.Brigham, A. W. Sloan, R.
Eluron hold in Bruce(ield on Tuesday. Slater, Rich, Solvers, R. G. McGowan,
the salary of Rev, Dr, McLean, as C. Johnston, Jas. Smith. T. W. Scott,
Clerk of Presbytery was raised from James Somers, John Wilford, henry
876 to $100 per annum. Young, James Tierney, Wm. Sims,
Itov, J. L Small, B. A., of Auburn, Moved by Mr. Wilford seconded by
was appointed Moderator of Session of Mr. Hartley that our annual meeting
St. Andrew's church, end will preach for next year be arrasged for by the
morning and evening on this first Sue- President and local clergymen, they to
day and confer with the church officials provide topics for speakers selected
as to future supply for the pulpit. from the Young People's Societies in
Those who attended the Huron Blyth and arrange date of holding our
Presbyterial Society of the W. F. M. S. annual meeting next year. Carried.
It was tnovod and seconded that
Collections for next year bo made by
CARETAKER WANTED.—Sealed Ten- the 1st of December. Carried,
ders will be received up till day, ,!Meeting closed with the Benediction.
Nov. 22nd, for the position of caretaker
of St. Andrew's church, Blyth. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily ae-
oepted. For further Information apply
to J. M. Hamilton. Tenders to be ad•
dressed to A. McNally, See'y,
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.e�
DIVISION Court on Friday of this
FRED A. LEwts, piano tuner, was in
town this week.
MaMIt.1,AN & Co. shipped a car of
poultry on 'Thursday, Another car
will follow on the 21st inst.
BE sure and read our clubbing list to
see the papers we club with, All
names promptly forwarded every Satur-
day to the other newspapers.
WANTED.—Fresh Itoll Butter 25c,
Fresh Eggs '25c, Dry Picked Poultry,
Dried Apples Fo fibers, Raw Furs,
Baa.—GEo. E. KING, Wingham,
LAST Wednesday evening before a
well filled hall Barnett Bros. presented
their farce comedy "'Jude Dudley from
M issout i." The play was clean and
enjoyed by all who were there,
Tito Wingham Advance of last week
remarks :—Leslie Kerr, editor of THE
HI.YTi! STANDARD, was a caller at the
Advance office on Friday.' The Ad -
Vance expects to see Mr, Kerr make tt
sdccuss of THE STANDARD.
One step won't take you very far;
You've got to keep on walking.
One word won't tell folks all you are;
You've got to keep on talking.
Otto inch won't make you very tall;
You've got to keep on growing.
Ono little "rid" won'' do it all ;
You've got to keep'otn going.
Tito Dominion Parliament has been
sutnm.'ned to meet November '2nd, so
that three weeks work can be done bo -
fore Christmas holidays, which the
tnembors may enjoy at their homes
from Dec. 20th until Jan, 7th or 811,
It is said that the Government will sub-
mit their tariff policy very soon after
the debate on tho address has been dis-
posed of,
NEWSPAPER men, be they ever so
vigilant, cannot capture all the items of
news in town, and yet aro blamed if an
item is omitted, It is a courtesy you
owe your visitors to see that their
names are chronicled in the local paper,
end a very little trouble 011 your part
will bo appreciated by your guests and
THE STAND 1R1), 'Telephone No. 4 or
drop ue a line.
GttaNGiNO CoNnuoToits.--Finlay Mc-
Kerizio, who has boon conductor on the
H. and B. train for some months,
taking the place of John Quirk, has
been transferred to Toronto, securing a
good run out of that city, Dan Con-
nell, who has been running on the
morning train up from Palmerston has
secured the run on the L., H. &. B. and
has commenced his new dutes. Mr.
Connell's family continue to reside in
l'ONDOLENOE.—At the regular month*
ly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of
Blyth Methodist church, of which Mrs,
F. Haggitt is a member, a motion was
passed that a letter of condolence be
forwarded from tide Society to her and
Mr. Haggitt in their bereavetnont.
Following is a copy of ,the address; To
Mit. AND MRS, F. HAOOITT,—WO, site
Officers and Members, desire to express
to you both our heartfelt sympathy in
your sad loss, in the removal from your
family circle of two of your darling
children in sucll a short space of time
between their calling away, It no
doubt has cast a gloom and shadow in
your happy home, But so far as they
aro concerned wo can say it is well with
them for es we all believe tlhltt Jesus
died and rose again, even so also which
sleep in Jesus will God bring with hitn.
You tnay be ready to ask the question,
"Why have things been meted out to
us as they have been ?" If such bo
your feelings, ever retnombor the words
of our Savour when ho said, "What
to do thou knowest not now, but thou
shalt know. hereafter," We would re-
commend you and yours to your dim -
only Father's care, of whom we believe
that ho is too wise to err, and too good
to be unkind, and in the words of the
poet Bay;
Judge not the Lord by fable sense,
But trust Him for ills grace.
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face.
Signed, Mils. R. SLATER. MILS, J. Wii .
hIves to Its students. Recent students
ave taken positions at from $50 per
month to $1000 per annum. It Is a well
known feet that our school le the beet of
Its kind in Canada. This month is a
nplendld time to enter, All graduates get
positions. The demand is nearly 20 times
tt a supply. Write today for magnificent
Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets.
We have received
a car of
Wheat Bran
Blyth Flour Mills
40 days more and the people of this
land will be celebrating Christmas Day,
ON Wednesday of this week Clerk
Elder was in the County Town with
the books of the town to meet the I'ro-
vincial Auditor,
mily on Monday evening next, 19th
inst, Harold Jarvis on Monday, Dec.
8rd, Keep these dates in mind.
A NUMBER from here attended a dance
given ht the Odd Follows Hall in Gado -
rich on Friday night under the ans•
pines of the Goderich Township Rifle
Club.' A good time was enjoyed by
Wh011 your Christmas present is a
year's subscription to 'rite STANDARD
you give as much in good reading as
would fill 20 400 -page novels or books of
history or travel or biography ordinar-
ily costing 81 50 a volume. You need
never fear that THE STANDARD will be
inappropriate or unwelcome. The boy,
the girl—every other member of the
family—will Insist upon a share in it,
'!'hero is no other present coating so
little that goes so far,
ESTRAY I1EI1MR,—A stray yearling
heifer for the past two months has boon
on my property. Its color is red and
white, Owner may have heifer by prov-
ing property and paying all expen,es.
BENJ. TAYLOR, Lot 30, Con. 5, East
W awanosh,
We want to buy your Turkeys
and will pay the highest market
price. Wr1te for particulars and
state how many you have.
The Canada Poultry & Produce
Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont.
The Crodlo.
CAMPREt.I.,—In Morris, on Oetober
240, the wife of D. W. Campbell,
of a daughter,
Tho Altar.
home of the bride's parents, on
Nov. 7th, by Rev. D. Perrin, David
Robertson to Miss Christina, sec-
ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Arch, McGillivray, all of Wing-
The Tomb.
SAINT.—At Kenora, on October 81st,
Frederick Saint, formerly of Wing.
ham, aged 25 years.
MoGILL.--I n East Wawanosh, on Nov,
8th, Isabella A. Riddell, beloved
wife of David McGill, aged '17
years, 7 months and 11 days.
Canada has the greatest nickel -silver -
cobalt (nines in the world,
Prepare for the worst by buy-
* ing your Blankets from us.
Kingsville Blankets are the make we have,
thoroughly rinsed and shrinken, made from fine
Canadian wools, at $3.90, $4.50 and $5 a pair.
Kingsville Blankets, made from imported
wools, thoroughly rinsed and shrinken, at $4.5o,
$5.25 and $6 a pair.
Woolen Hosiery
Our Woolen I Iosiery is replete with the cele-
brated Burritt, Dunnville and Kingsville qualities
of I lose. We have a large stock bought at the old
prices. In some instances our purchases of one line
amounted to 25 dozen and 35 dozen to get the
prices, and today we put our customers at ease
when they get our prices on Hosiery.
See our Ladies' Hosiery at 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c
and 5oc a pair.
I2lac Loch Lomond Shaker Flannel for lot.
4oc Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose for 25c.
12 I -2c Cream or White Curtain Screen for loc.
5oc Unbleached Table Linen, 72 inches wide, 40c.
Ladies' White Ringwood Gloves at 20C and 25c.
Ladies' Black Ringwood Gloves at 18c and 25c.
Furs Furs
Men's Coats, Ladies' Coats, Ruffs,
Stoles, Muffs, Collarettes, Caperines,
guaranteed to be at low prices.
Successors to I%IcKINNON & CO.
Try oar Teas. A special Japan Tea at 25c.
Meats of different kinds. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons,
o Nov Is The Time
1 To buy you Ordered Clothing when you can see the largest
C,! range of Worsteds and Imported Tweeds ever shown in town.
Q We devote most of our time to the Clothing and the there-
fore can supply you with the best goods and best workman-
, ship made up in the newest styles at lowest prices, Come
workman -
and inspect our Guaranteed Scotch Tweeds from $15 a suit
up. Canadian Tweeds, all good patterns, as low as $10. It
will bo to your advantage to see the Black Cheviot, regular
0 $22, for $18, nothing nicer for a dress suit.
S) •
Readyto=wear Clothing
We keep the best in town. We have at '.east a dozen
different styles and patterns in Men's . Overcoats for winter
Q� wear from $6 ao $15. Wo had to buy another shipment of
Y Underwear which we just opened up to the satisfaction of all
�� who buy R. Winter Caps, in endless variety, from 35c to
1$1.50, the newest shapes. Our stock of
>O ()
is complete, right from a Hat to a pair of Shoes. We have
• everything you can ask for in our line. It's coming the
time to buy Rubbers. Don't forget we are solo agents 'for
0 the Maple Leaf Rubbers,
. Popular Clothing House
40,(0), o
Th honor of liudin arse
\'',i re.,, 'i
halt' 1,.,'ti
11111,-; ,'!'"u•t' 1et14:"II .l )!)!i _`\' Ili !
It 0,1(.11 i),1' a
1, 0.1 1,0 ii.• e !(' How!), ll , \
'I lc., :,,'''— ei.i:411,1f
]•;till;',,!:„;, at till+) f'",t. !'.ai- i,: ,t,;
(;. !'i '1. I,
IIIA' 'r t a, a ( `Itl:i'+tot". ti•ltit,'if.
Clot he !ore Iiira•4`If baste .,
groat :La.'e and time i;t t!:t' sti'•l!_;.'!e i'.
ju f.`. Oro:, fits.
F,,r tltie cise'tetn 01 \\,arkill :aver.
hooses the Toronto News favors the
fv,'CLlti.,rl ''f a company tar the put'•
pies,;tee it)I1 1 of the company to he
;,teed b til;' city. t'ertain condi•
ti •!1- v.•aulir; attach to, tli- guarantee, a:,
for moan+..•, t1,e rate of yenta!, the pur-
clu.• • 1't; '^ !u the tenant, and the in.
tore -t return on the iII1'est!peat,
fl!c Statistical t'orrespuntlenee Mag-
azine stapes that in 1'rnssia in 1905 the
people ate 1.511S dogs ami :;1,312 horse:.
ler ilk;',';1sP rarer the previous year of :13
per vent. of d0;,.; and 10 per cent. of
horse:. This is strange sort of news for
Canadians to read. ilut these people who
lnUl to fait those dogs and hoi'•es t!1 keep
them alive were highly protected by a
Government, tariff. Fire 'Trade Britain
hits nut cone to that yet.
Ii ;•. 4,'!11:llttt(' I that the Unite'. States
spe.:t is 190, $771,099.1)00 for beer,
$467.' 0'00 fu; whiskey and $i1d.000,000
for wine. an ag.gro.thite fur alca,hn!ic
drinks ni $1,:142.0J0.00U. The total for
tea, cnff''c and cocoa ',vas X320.000,000.
A.. ,1 great many peoplf1 do not (Irbil:
Intl;:;icnnt, at all, and many drink very
•!'on!' mit-t drill a good deal
ui ;nor,
'I'iio Presbyterian laments that so
many ministers are Ieayillg this part of
li:(! r +!!:lira' to engage in church ‘f'ol'k in
tho great trent, it fears :t famine of
in the ea+t. \\•e think there is
rooms for weeding out quite a number
of elvergynn'u throughout this Province
at lea -t. .1 village tvith three or four
churches is an annually in 110 prevent
state of n ffaiis.
Chicago is not likely to have munici-
pal street railways just yet, but the
cit'r mill assert its right to control awl
trill 1'e it: :t p .sits' n t.. fah oroT tl:e
roads if desired. that is, if the proposal
iiia(!. Ivy the traction companies is ac-
cepted, This offer stipuhllo; that the
Cosi proses are to lie given 0 lw•el:ty-1 oral'
liren:,e to construe( and operate street
ear lines, terminable on ,Ian. 1 of anv
year by the purchase of the lines, and the
companies are pledged to reconstruct and
e9niir the whole traction s}'Neem, in•
eluding subways, at an expense of y10.•
000,000." The proposition is said to be
generally vie\red with favor.
Twcnty•seven million atamu.s a day—
enc ,l.l;,ni: fo, every thi:•r! i;, . n in 1...
l'nitcvl State; --is the output called for
by the contract awarded 1.1A ori
New Turk to the American Paink Note
Company. Of recent year's the w'urk has
been done by the C, S. Government it•
self. 7'he Company hal built up an ex-
tertsive plant, employing thnny'aul,i of
workmen when the slump contract \Vri
taken :sway from it in 180.1, '('his plant
is now cw.olged in turning no liiinrl:'ed-
of millions of stamps and ball,; notes
for Jtnly, Greece and many 0lli i' [';Irl'•
opcnn and South American countries.
'l'I,e Now fork municipal anlhcrities
have el:e:a'u a site d 7 utiles front that
city on the ]Erie 1101ilruail fat the pn !•
pmol tl:l:ereulcsi, hospital. !t rnii i 1'
of 1,30(1 acres, and 1111.A an all itude of
from 1,300 to 1,100 fool, and the pl
cal conditions are said to be favon
to the proper treatment of about two)
hundred patients. ,1t the beginning ii;'?35.•
000 will be spent fr•r building, and this
amount has already been appropriated.
'111e construction and equipment of
shacks for patients will cost . 8U,OG(i, and
the dining room and kitchens will cost
$20,000. A stable for forty cows well! (rest
$114,1)(111, The power plant is to be built
for $1(1,000, The remainder of the
appropri 1tiou will be spent on
dormitories, employees roadways nntl
general improvements. The sal:Rat:iull
will be used principally for incipient
cases. and as a resort for convnleitcent
patients. I ;; lel!; (11,1�4Iti1Il
"GOO) F<<I,1,Y Of THE HOME."
Ancient Greece will altars 111' Telllein•
leered for the fine types of manhood sup•
plied le; tie.
I. s of her bogie;ic!.Is
and by the athletes of her arena,, Still
more \viii these heroes and athletes
thetnse;re; be remembered fur the cus-
tom they bequeathed to Utter ages of
healing sore and injured place's on their
bodies by the external application of
some secret balm or salve. The tireek
charioteers dill not emerge front their
1111111 races without some severe bruise
or gaping wound; and t0 anoint, each
injury carefully with their favorite baht
was 00 indispensable part of the day's
programme. If we Irv) back in history—
even to Bible times—we find that (hie
external "rubbing" has prevailed all
along the line, and the only explain'- to put up a lamp in the clubhouse and
tion of its survival, unlidst 80 many to keep it burning the shade whom he
c' igen in science, seems to lie in the or she desires to honor could not find its
fart, that the external nee of salves way to the place, and so would miss the
and balms is dictate.' to us by Nature feat. (ill the ere of the ferlital the
herself. Oar own instincts tell us 10 nearest male velours goes to the }:rove
rub a part that hurts, and in Zam•]lnk and summons the ghost by planting
the ideal suibstance to apply to an in- there a small model of 0seal spear or of
jural or diseased surface is universally a wooden dish, according as the deceased
believed to have been found at last. was a man or n woman, The totems of
:Most of the ointment:1, enlbroeitions the dead arse m1t1kl'(I on these imple•
and salves that have had to suffice in idents,
the past are of a coarse consistency, and When all is ready the ghosts gather in
contnin quantities of mineral poisons, the fire pit under the elub•house, and is.
rancid animal fats, and turpentine. eending through the floor at the proper
What healing properties they niay pos• moment, take possession of the betties of
gess are generally counterbalanced by their namesakes, to whom the offerings
the grave danger of infiamfng .ung con• of food, drink and clothing are made for
taininnting the flesh, the benefit of the [lead, 'finis each shade
Zau-Bub is absolutely free from obtains the supplies lie needs in the
any such danger. it is a preparation other world, The dead who hare none
compounded purely frnm herbal juices, to make offerings to them are believed
essences sed extl'a.ts--a• ".skin -food," to suffer great destitution, hence the
which regenerates old and diseased Esquiinnitx fear to die without leaving
tissues ju't ars food rebuilds and re• behind then) someone who will sacrifice
constructs the body, Zan .Bask also to their spirits, and childless people gen•
gives naturally just t.11nt aaistance I ictally adopt children lest their shades
which Nature i; akin;, for when pain, . be forgotten at the festivals.
swelling, eruptions or inflammation r \Viten a person liar; been much disliked
occur. Zan•Iluk allays all forms of his ghost le sometimes pole -tee!), ignored,
irritation, expele disease, stops sup. and that is deemed the severest P11019h-
pulation, stops festering and virtually ment that could be inflicted upon him.
"feed.." the skin, toning it up in After the songs of Invitation to the dead
No titre's own way, ; have been sung the avers of the feast
Za:n-link should be in every home, take a Fu1/111 portion of food from every
It has a wide range of usefulness, but dish and cast it 10\7'0 ns an offering to
is especially recommended for ents, the shades; then each pours a little
bruises, burns, scaldri, sprains, stiff- water on the floor so that it runs
mess, swollen joints, bad leg, .blind and through the cracks. In this.way they
bleeding piles, running sores, eczema, believe that the spiritual essence of all
ulcers, pimples, boils, rash, raw chap- the food and \v'atet. is conveyed to the
ped hands, scalp irritation, sore heads, fouls.
barber's rash, raw chin after shaving, The remainder of the food is after -
sore throat and chest, sore and aching ward distributed among the people pres-
feet, chilblains, cold sores, festering out, who eat of it heartily. Then with
sores, poisoned wounds, and other ilk- bong.; and dances the feast comes to an
eased, injured, and inflamed or irri• end, and the ghosts are dismissed to
tilted conditions of the skin, Rubbed their own place. Panc.cs forma conSpie'
well into the parts affected, 'ham -tank uous feature of the great festival of the
gives great relief from neuralgia, dead, which i1'; held every few years,
toothache, sciatica, lunbag°, !lieu- The dancers donee not only in the club -
pietism, and chest and back pains, house, but also at the graves, and on
All druggists sell at 50 cents n box, the ice if the deceased met their death
or ,past free from thelnm•Buk Co,, `y drou G, Frazer in the "Fort -
Toronto, on receipt of price. nightie Review."
w+- .-.•- .
A,pyy1,wwr'M41..rN04414 I'
The I..squinlnux of St. Michael and the
Supplying the Idol Trade,
(t'Ieveland Plain waive)
Severn, years alto n work of (lotion by a
lower Yukon (liver 110141 a festival of the prominent English author Introduced as ono
of Its leading i:nglIdh characters a hypr.r-
erlleal person tvbo had eurleho0 himself
by niaklug Idols for the heathen trade.
Recently England was a good deal shocked
by the story that a factory In Illrn1 ughtou
wits turning out the tho some kind of goods
and supplying the same heathenish demand,
The matter way nt tutee Investigated end
after 0 careful cnnvns of the manufacturing
Interests of the big town a loading clergy-
man Issued a clreular denying the charge
emphatically, but qualifying Ills dental by
the statement that such a fnetory had ex-
isted at one time, but It lost 11, trade through
American eonlpetltion and nay finally forced
lo 01080 Its doers. it Is reported that the
lutdtlsh rublle, which has a way of 010:11
these thinks with a heavy sort of serious•
occupy 111 ow clllb-)luuse. 'These lamps, ,atlon, ihlirllldhiti node ildolas tothis with
the plan-
Illletl with yeul oil, are leapt burning day ' inc caua heathee how the knee are
skntlnton1'(ulAtrierinu9h, 1)111 In luta the trade in
end night till the festival is over. 'They them to the hu8tting yankco doesn't improve
are believed to light the shades on their lila dlsgrace(ul a+uuntlou,
return to their old honor and back again4"�
lVlinard s Liniment Cures Gorget in COWS,
to the land of the dead. If anyone fails ***-
eoCopper as a Precious Metal.
(Providence, 11, 1„ Journal.)
dead every year at the beginning of No-
vember or the beginning of December,
a3 wellies a greater festival at inlerval3
of s,'red•al years. Al these seasons food,
drink and clothes are provided for the
returning ghosts in the knshi:n, or cln'b•
house, of the tillage, whirl[ is illumin-
ated with oil 'lamps. Ever;' 111311 or
woman who wishes to 1101101' It deal
trim' sets up n lamp on 0 stand in front
of the place which the deceased use([ to
Generals at Play,
Without doubt, the form of recreation
that finds most favor with our lending
generals Is cycling. Lord Roberts, Sir
Evelyn Wood, Lord Wolseley, Gen, 110•
den•Powell, ons Lord Grenfell, to nacre
only a few, are alt enihusiastic devotees
of the wheel. As is only to be expects
ed, hunting is not far behind, and to give
a list of our military lenders who excel
in the hunting field would be practically
to recapitulate every well•knutvt► mime
in the ninny list, Lord Roberts is n greet
rider to hounds even today, and the
sante remark applies to Gen. Sir Neville
Lyltleton, 11 is rnther surprising that
more soldiers do not go in for golf, and I
can, at the moment, only recall one %MI -
known name among our generals who is
more than an average player, This, of
course, is Lord Methuen, who, a few
years ngo, could show the 1)est of then)
round the links. Sir Edward Ward pre-
fers rowing to any other form of exer-
cise, unless it be riding, while genial and
popular "Ste," otherwise Bladen -Powell,
thinks there is no sport under the sun
to conte up to pig -sticking, This is only
right rind what might nnve been expect-
ed from a former holder of the Radir
Cup, Tennis, both indoor and of the
lawn variety, claims many military yo•
taries, including Sir George Wolseley,
whose retirement from the army was an-
nounced the other day.—;?1. A. P,
November Excursion to New York
Via West Shore Railroad.
November 2nd and November 20th are
dates of New York excursions via West
Shore Railroad, $0.00 round trip from
Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. Tickets
good going only on above dates in all
regular trains. Good ten days for re-
L. Drago, Canadian Passenger Agent,
0931'6 Yonge street, Toronto, for all par -
The revolutionary leaders yesterday re-
fused to stand by the articles of agree-
ment for surrender, and the President of
lean Domingo has directed a renewal of
host ili!
Yo L. r Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having llisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store In Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly ?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
Mexico's Handling of Trusts.
The Mexican government tights trusts In a
practical and dlreet Bort of way, When the
meat trust advanced the price of meat to n
practical prohibitive figure, s0 far as the
Poor were concerned, the government wont ' -TRADE r1ARK nEGItiTENEe,
into the business and undersold the trust, Ointment quick) cures Itching Piles, Eczema, and
at the 8111)16 tante giving bettor stoats, The
competition had tts effect and the trust qulek• other skin troubles.
)y reduced prices. The government Inas made Leo Corril;an, 475 Ferguson Ave„ ri. Hamilton,
arrangements whereby 11 can go into tiro had E. enl,i once childhood. Ho consu)ted
meat business on a very large scale at auy specialists --lay woks and weals in hospitals—
time the trust becomes too greedy,
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,
Natural conditions and n marvelously In-
creu.((d demand duo to recent 1ndustrb'1 10-
rel0pilent bare pushed copper to the prl!w
to which the famous Secretin "corner" 11180•
aged to lift It, only to go down In a crash.
It is small Wonder Ihat the metal Is [holing
IIs places In the Jeweler's show cases along-
side gold and silver.
Sultan Imports Birds,
The Sn!tan of Turkey has taken to gin•
porting birds from England by the car-
load, .1!nonq (Neill alt' song bird; as
well ns ntil^1'5 that are .simply useful, (19
enentier; of destructive insects,
Kingston 'inn 'rens How He Sutrere;l
and holy Ile WAS Cured,
"For ycal'a 0 i118r•
tyr," is dhow Chas., 11,
Powell, of 105 Raglan
street, Kingston, be-
gins his story. "A
martyr to chrome
constipation, but now
I and free from it and
all through the use of
Dr, Leonhardt': Anti -
0114.8. II, POWELLPill,
"I was indu.'e1 to try Anti -fill by
reading the testimony of someone who
had been cured of constipation by it.
I had suffered for eighteen years and
had taken tons of stuff recommended, as
cures, but whieh made me worse rather
than better. Doctors told me there wee
no cure for Luc. Dr. Leoihardt's Anti -
Pill cured me."
All dealers, or the \\'ilson-1''yle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
Blowing Confusion,
steam whistle at Muskogee, which blows
for tires, sounds the curfow note, advlaas
children when to go to school, announces
the arrival of the milkman, tho closing and
opening of tate stores, the rising of the cur-
tain nt the opera house, the quitting (tour
for government employees, the arrival of
trains and other things too numerous to men-
tion Is driving the Queen City mad. The
thing that bothers the intelligent citizens
when the whistle blows Is, "What In thunder
is It blowing for now?"
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
World's Military Expenditures,
According to a British Parliamentary
170Per, the world's normal annual mili-
tary expenditures are as follows:
Russia , , , . • . ... ...$1&5,000,000
Germany . , . , . .. , . 157,000,000
Great Britain ... .. , . , . 153,000,000
United States ... .,. ,,, 112,000,000
India II . , , • , • , , , , , . 08)000,000
Austria ... ... ... ... . . . 81,000,000
Italy ,,, 4.4 ... .., ,.. 55,000,000
Japan , .. , , , 21,006,000
Besides India's $08,000,000 a year, oth-
er colonies of Great Britain ex,jentl $10,-
000,000 it year for lural purposes, The
German total does nut include $25,000,-
000 a year for colonial military ex-
trenges, 11n(1 the French total also ex-
cludes $18.000,000 it year for the army
serving abroad, The British empire
leads with Its glome ands colonial total
of $271,000,000.
China Making Notable Progress.
(New Orleans Picayune,)
The war between Japan and Russia was a
great eye opener to China and Iles apparently
succeeded In arousing the dormant energies
of tho ancient empire such as nothing else
could have done, Whether tho adoption
of modern methods by China will work to
the betterment or detriment of western civ-
ilization time alone will develop. In the
meantime China's evident progress furnishes
fend for reflection.
,r4, Y {' O ':t1
eg013fi -t• x 'a;,:,':1';,; ;.v-.,.
and despaired of ever getting better,
"i thought Mita would be like other reasediar I
had laid, " he writes, "hit, to no, delight, a Jen'
hours after the first attliralon /Jell great relief,
11 has worked wonders for oma"
Everything Her Own Way. Don't pert k off—get a box of Mira ointment
(Boston Transcript)al once And be relieved. Price 50c.-6 for $2.50.
yrni spnl)—I omnelt
He (after a nlea thinethineAt druggi4ta'—or from The ChemiRi Co. !11
women court domestic rluarrf e, Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. .
She—Wo do not. If we Intel our way there'll
ho none,
1'X -ell•' --If )'nu hod your any.
That Cough
hich ordinary remedies have not readied,
i11 quickly yield to
et cures those heavy, deep-seated coughs—takes away
the soreness—heath the throng—ttrcngthenn the lunge,
None the teas effective bccaure Itis pleasant to take.
Just try one bottle and see how.qulckly you get rid
that cough. At your druggists. 26c. bottle.
Cautious to the Limit.
Jacks—Townley Is an exceedingly cautious
man, don't you think?
John—Cautious! Why, 110 wouldn't pay a
compliment without getting a receipt for It.
Fifteen -Day New York Excursion Via
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Wednesuity, November 2811i, Tickets
only $0.00 round trip from Suspension
Bridge, Niagara Falls, Tickets good
on regular express trains leaving Sus•
penniou Bridge 3,50 and 7,15 a. in., 7.1,e
and 8,43 p. m, 'Pickets good 15 days.
For tickets and further particulars, call
or write Baht. S. Lewis, Canitdirtn Pow
manger Agent, 10 King street east, To.
A trial will convince every housewife in Canada that "Rollatnco Dotting Powder"
le fur superior to any altar she has over used. It IN prepared from tbo hest and purest
materials that money can buy, under the direction of an export manufacturing chemist,
therefore we aro nblo to Nell it on a Oaeh Ouarantoo of Satisfaction. In order to
introduce "Rollanco staking Powder" oro aro making wonderfully attractive
premium offcrd to Bayo and Girls, If Interested drop uu a postal.
To any user of baking powder wo will gladly send, absolutely frau, postage
proPald, a set of foto' of our latest edition of Mauro post cards, lithographed in
urlItlant caters. Eltaply write us, answering the following questions :
let. Name your Grocer. 2nd. Name this Paper.
International Food Company, Toronto, Canada.
"Ask for tho Purple Package." 2
gagt,�v�144.b'"ar4%091,101. "- .4.6Wddi+ VIV4
Hair Ornaments.
They are designed for the opera.
Throe's quite unusual elaboration.
Sizes vary from a blossom to a boa.
1 os, some resemble the old-fashioned
opera bonnet.
One is conll)oed of rows of roses and
an atigretie.
Another •of roeehuds is supplemented
by 0 maidenhair fern spray,
Jetted bows of velvet, tulle and other
materials are seen.
It is doubtful if many women will go
in for the big ospreys and paradise
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Sulphurous Language Necessary,
"I can't understand this street railway site
Won," said Mrs. Wade Parker. "I wish
you'd tell ins Just wllnt you think of It."
"Well, my dear," said 11r. i'nrker, "slice
you ask It, I will, Ilut you'll have to send
the children out of the room first,"
I was cured .of Rheumatic Gout by
I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by
Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING.
Turned Tables in a Hurry.
(Somerville, :Mss., Journal.)
Jack—You say you feel perfectly sure that
she Is only flirting with me?
Jack—Hang tate luck! Why, when I bogan
I was only flirting witl[ her.
Outfit which won the CILAAII,'I0NS111P OF
TH1] WORLD against. 21 .tmerlenn, Drltlsb
and Canadian manufacturers, after a two
months' thurough trial. Mode by
trantford, Canada,
ISSUE NO, 4.6, 1906.
A Good Salary
To ladles and gentlemen; perna hent posh,
tion; rapid ndvancoment; salary and ex•
nooses; genteel, desirable business; exper•
lence unnecessary; ( 111 Instructions elven,
TORONTO, (Mention this paper.)
Choice Farm Properties
For Sale or To Rent
], The Leppert farm, 110 acres, adjoining
the oast side of the Town of I'restou;
outs of the best farms In Waterloo County;
brick house and large bank barn.
2, The Robert S. Smith farm, Township
of (Hanford, 7 miles from Hamilton, 69 acres,
good buildings and orchard, 21) Acres of terga
Keech, maple and pine timber, 12 acres fel!
wheat In ground; fall plowing done,
3. The Sharpe farm, lot 13. concession 4,
West Plantboro, 7 miles from Hamilton on
good gravel road; storm house, largo bank
barn; magnificent stock and dairy farm;
100 acres.
1, 90 acres, 1 1 miles from the Village 01
Smlthvllle, on the T., H, & Il. fly., wltb
fair buildings, known ns the old Morse farm,
5, 25 acres In the Township of Willoughby,
northweut part of lot 8, In the first crept*
coneesston, 12 tulles east of Welland, knows
tea the Sauer property, with fair bulldings
and some fruit, 3 mites from railway station,
6. GO acres In the Township of Nelson, 11
miles from ilnmilton, known as the Nandi
faros; good bank burn and good house;
some small fruit and timber.
7. 3G acres Township of Iliubrook, 14 mllol
from Hamilton on now county steno road;
no buildings, but fine soil.
8. Tho south 1,S of lot 10, In the second
concession of Glanford, near Hannon P.O.,
88 acres, good buildings,
100 acres In Grimsby ►rownshtp, lot 7, core
cession 7, formerly known an tho Ilanlgsq
farm; good buildings and orchard; about
miles south of Grimsby village; 9rTce $3,200,
In all tho above wo can give Immodlata
possession; small payment down and low In.
forest and onny tern's for tho balance. Fot
further particulars apply to
T. D. J. FARMER, Barrister, Etc,
37 James street south, Idamlltogb Ontario,
cradle to the grave; matters of business
love and marriage :nada clear; what I toll
cornea true. Send birthdate and IOc. Prof,
Lavas, box 16, . Dolo1'rnlor P. 0„ Montreal,
Mrs, Winslow's /Soothing dynsp should
ways be used for children teething.
nootb+e the child, soothes tbo gum's, en
wht-r polio and to the best monody kir Diat',
A nate, lure nod relleele monthly regula.
tor. 'these Pills bare been used halftones
ut over any years, and !omit In►duable
for tbo purpose designed, and aro Rrruant.
thud 1,y tile makes, Enclose stamp for
sealed clrc'dar. Price $1.00 par box of
until % yr y 111811, suci\dly sealed, on receipt of pro,.
L10 ROY PILL 00.,
Box 43, }lamtlton, °anode.
Right Side for the Heatt.
Teacher—Johnnie, on which side 1s youi
Johnnie -0n the right aide, teacher,
'l'encher—No, Johnnie; It's on your loft side,
Johnnie—Yes, ma'am; that's whet I said.
'reaper—What you Bald?
Johnnie—i'ea, toucher; the 'loft side Is the
right side for tho boort,
Ask for
lay, men, women nul (hill $ down
p1a"Se0001, 1("1114( dcarueinn 113 11 result
Ha' 11'1'1 ("111`81', '1'4(11 14111(011 like
' M an untaun'd 7111)W4(.1. is roaming through
INti.t 11t4sit It F t- £, Iltr,oaUN .1► 1'1Il 4)111' nntdon w'itll Iwidospreud ju.ti'r, de•
' vol'\;ng multitude, of the noblest ail
I11':,1 ill lila h11111. Their glory—A11 their
'1`!! .Ye.ld's l'Lm;R'rance 51111Q,1j' 18111, u; 11-2.I 1,1„11„1.,.,,01,111 14, hull ill the IIiist, Death
( ullllme,lta,y, 1111' Ilrunn,ult y 101.81 11111 J)Ilt 1111 end 111 1111 their joys, 'Their
(1,, 1110, l,, 1,11' -1,1.111 ;,111,,11' Ill,4 Illiltllllde DTII they glory in their nu111-
.'1'y, it Illdl'y l'illdullly, C"I'ne, 1'„11'ly 111 bl'I1•? 'I'llcir moltilude 511:11l go down
11IU,'llll';„; -i4 Lee Il 1vlla I4 ,1111 U l'a• to the p11 (Eze , xxxi, 13; xxxii, 312.) Ile
,ls!cially s4( ilea of to 11`18.1. (.,.,, u, 1:11. thlll. rejoiee:h \)until }will turn their
JSlllnpleth ter leselry behalf camel. Limn mirth into mourning, Ile that rejoices
lisln;l (1:111'1, :;, in, 1, ), .iill1' 1118:1111' nll'ullg (II;l \•l'u'll, mid never knows what it is
form early town till ulgnt, "8'111111 u1` 11)' he sel'1(1114' 411111 go }where there
.1101.121111th! \with, a11111 1.8 still, 111 11:1 111 1 11 WI'ITillg 1111(1. 0)4li4i .--00111, (11111,
1ht. 11)1'1111 11)1111, l'tr'.--its victims III•
nil, Ewen "OW 111111111 marl„
14 "bl'011gh1 110 5.11” 1') 11 'OWN' II'wed, allyl
to OW same level "tliti nliglitym and "the
li.f;y" are degtraded. The drlulkoril soon
lIuiu(" 14(("111 "0'11111 their Ja excited, c.\• 10'1'4 1111
l'e5 11e action 111 the blood vesse!d, esus- :til that 1' ;1:11111, even re,peet sol' (;,,1
111, them 111 act, in excitement, in linger, ,i:ul 1e:1r of its judgments. This is to i,'•
04 any oil way }which their natures l' nu' :l „offer. Ism. ~4(,411 he e all",! ill
•W', 25, tt)Ut),
'llilt!I'li countries. 'Lulea 11'11.8 lallll,lli 1111'
the uh,ti:dance and excellence 4)i It, p::1111
trees; and consequently hod plenty of
this %vine,' _thinking ,strong (trod: i, the
chief business of the day, '1 ill }wine ill -
be made to feel, under the unnat-
ural .pressure upon the Puree, and finite
tions of the bydy. In this condition u4)
limn is able to use good judgment, 04 U1
/1:;ecute his Werk correctly," \\cine kind-
les every evil passion. Under its influence
ince 11('1 like tools and nuulhhvs,
12. '.file harp ---:1 stringed instrument
of ll'illllglllnl' ,1111;ie was common
at ancient 4491(3ts (.111109 vi. .1, (1). 'Thu
viol—,\ii instlunlent with t•\tclwe strings.
The labret—A small drum of tambour-
ine, played on 0s 1111 uccunlpaiiilln'ul to
singing, file --''1'4(11 principal musical
}vied instrument of the Hebrews, consist•
iib 4)1 a tube with holes, like a flue or
c1Ju'iunet. 11 was made of recd, copper
or bronze, end was used on all oeca5ions,
in religions worship, processi,)us, feasts
and Mourning," 1\'111>—Such as indulge
itt revels must h1u'l every sense gratified
for only by being stiumlated by such
excitement could they at all be satisfied.
They regard nut — 11'4(0 most positive
proof that such conduct is sinceful. 11'4(1111
so filled with worldly pleasure there is
no testi) for anything serious, Neither
consider --111 punishing the guilty. 'J'hc
judgments of God upon these people iure
the lust things they (desire to consider.
"So engrossed were these men in their in-
dulgences, so deluded by passion, so
blinded in their mad race for pli lays,
that they failed to recognize the h111h1
of Jehovah in the impending evils and
cu lanlitie5 ahm11 to befall them."
1I, (lad's judgments on the drunkard
(vs. 13.11). 13. '['herefore —Ileo ttse they
ignore God's warnings 111td continue in
their drunkenness, My people—Judah, or
Israel, or 1',oth, :1re guile --The prophet
secs the future Ili though it. Were present,
Into captivity—Israel, the northern king-
dom, was ('LIIicd away captive 1)y the
Assyrians while Isaiah was !miming Jnd-
ah. lint their teal captors were not the
Assyrian, but urine and strong drink,
Those Who follow after strong drink are
ns sure to end in sorrow ns though they
war' already fallen, with no further
power to act ufrf themselves, 1Xcause
they have no knowledge.--1lccrluse of
thei;' f;.nli:+h re(kl0. (ne.s in following
strong drink they make drunkards of
themselves. 'fliej. nal contrery l(4 w'i.sdonl.
The heeoroe enplives because their brains
are So 1.111;11'(1 1)t• 1'xeessivrs drinking flint
they are not, capable of acting the part
of prudent, ClIt'Iui ulen. Honorable Inert
are famished—Strong drink ruins those
in honorable positions just as glli'kly
ae neon of low estate. Dried up with
thirst ---until the great. men :tad the com-
mon people stiffer alike when in captivity
to the cruel power of strong drink.A1w-
1'ul thirst follows (Irbilang .and the burn-
ing 9eneltlioi which drinking men feel
is like the dr,ving tip of themselves,
11. !tell .-:'.Jud, the place of the dead,
por,mnified :111,1 compared to
n• 1:)1'":1'x: I)1`.;t,'ager to swallow its
prey.' !lath 481)1rt!ed •herself• ---'''filers
has 1'c!! :411 g'l'ean ti slaughter that the.
wvnl 1 1 f the 111':11 i.4 Ino narrow to 41'-
l' )...! )I'.,la;e ::i! \'h4) el:ter there, 111(1 11:1:4
to build nu an addition—has to increase
its c)!pne!ty.'----1',:eeher. Opened her
mouth --"The tense in the Jl?brow then$.
es here. It '111:11 1s ("penin$ her
mouth,' 'J'4('. f41:1 tighter.; hnwe nut: Ceas-
ed. TIM ins:11i1(10 world of the (lend is
still opening its hungry jaws to devour
,Jnd:l!1's p:;4wint.s,"—Ibill, Statistics ihtt
deal %%.:1 11 the effects of the drinl: curse
in our nation today are appalling. It is
estiuultcd l.11at newly three hundred a
ToiIet c are
TOILET WARE in artistic
abundance is pictured in the
pages of our Catalogue. Whether
your taste turns to Silver, Ebony or
Ivory, it will find ample valley from
which to choose.
From our own fac eery comes the
richly chased Pompae'our' Pattern in
heavy Sterling Silver. A six•piece
set—consisting of Cloth, Velvet and
Hair Brushes, with Mirror and Comb
—is unprecedented value at $30.
Pieces are sold singly if desired,
so that a set may be added to, year
by year.
Drv, us a /,octal card and we will
undyau free of c•1(UIge aur large ill, s-
iraled c1rialofn(r o/Jewelry, Silt'errware,
Leather Gods, etc.
1 i
rimes, Ont.
81;.;;c;weal: '':ifeNfer.l.
jndgnl"nl \\'hell 111:'14 glue'• i' mill p'I•-n-
e.1 llway (toil lS 11111'!;mlgl'll, '1!!„11.;11 111'11
r.aa'n his tfft'rld mercy and r,'f,t
wise counsels he is not (1441 down, Ile ds
(0!ted. Sanctified in righteousness -
J;rv:nrde,l as Lulw by reason of 1 i;
righteous 1''i1iii. -1,, 1' S. ii. I1,
sled! the Iambs, etl'. —\Thee these 141'e
wow into captivity nisi s\vllllowed rap
i11 110:11 11 others shall fill their pieces.
"1'111 Innibs shall feed at will in those
plens:l!ti places Ivlier11 the rich Il:xnriat
ed, the rich 0W001') hero, dead ; their
plea: ere gardens shall beculn:! sheep
Aral) shepherds in the neigh•
horlmo1 shall roam al Targe, the }whole
of Judea being so desolate as to becalm'
Il vast pasturage, --J., h, & 11. This verse
is n continuation of the (le5'riplinll of
ruin that eumea upon those w'li, indulge
to strong (irink and disobey (Ind.
111, The two'.s of the drunka1•d (v4, 118•
',;t), 14, iniquity-011Mlt incurring pun-
i•.liment,---Maurer. Cords of vanity -
1\ iekt'(IIIiss, !hilll)1119 1111', ”.\11 evil 111•
clinalion is at first like it fine ll'airstring,
but the finish like :1. atrl•rope." ''Thele
sinuor4 I:'a'►t"ss themselves like horses
to a earl, and, straining every nerve 111
sin, they (1ra.:,/ their punishments with
is ill." 114. Lot ilim nlal:o speed, 0te,--
'I';'ey elndlen);e the Almighty to do Ills
W 1,1, and (1't His justice at defiance,
They do not believe that the judgments
threatened will come, 2U. Call evil gond,
rte.--1ki: resort 'l0 lying s•Ibterfugass to
justify th'M4ell es in sanctioning the
'hitter r traffic, eith0a• in directly granting
li('cnses to sell, or voting for those Who
will; in quietly ignoring the whole soh•
jr41 for the •.bks of pol!t'ie:t1 yin :' or
power, This is just as wicked in 11 I'r's•
1(11211, of the United States as 'in the
bun;h;e't 1111111 in til' nation, '!'hose call
cis! t,'no(I 1111(1 are tinder the ear e of the
:1:nliglity who advocate moderate drink -
keg. as conducive to health awl sobriety,
who ('!•lint that the 5.11no1 is a JIIIII!Ie
1)c('('==i1y, who (1)111) tllllt the army
1111i0r canteen, 114(1("4( Is making drunk -
arils cf flied -.11111' of mr►b!e young sin -
/Hers, is a t'•nlprrlln'1' measure. 21.
•)ern ew':•--J 4(m:' who prim.
their 1)411 reasonings to divine r(1'e;a•
lions, who ilespiso. or reject. the gospel, or
'1io claim (a have It k:::11vJodge of it, but
du not practise it,
22. 111y to drill:—Thu•0 who 11nast
that tl:oy- can drink nwre than ()tiler,
and yet be able to stand, 1.11(,). shall
not. e'c,lpe the curse of drul:kenn:':4, 1.114)
incl$;' .Arun:; drink ----To 0IdI spices to
Irl n;; drink, :u I then c041 21 theinsel%es
?Army; Ii:i n i they clot endure the if -
(Fels . 'Their glory is their shame, 111;;.
Justify l4(' 442(1:011 for reW•u•d'-11'i111, as
,1n1!!_•es, pervert justice and 4'o:' a brlho
acquit the guilty. \\'lie 1`4)1' the '.:!k(' 1,f
votes, or politico! iifI)1:'race, or 111vur
(villa the peaplt, tote with the saloon.
keeJ,er 1,101 I:"!p nl'Ike bud Ino gull
1\111 111111!:,h S111'1l , '1',(!:11 11\';n' the rl,11t
a loll he J11'n\ 1111 111•
'blood, yrs bee; 9,11 1 (loci 11 11 gni e a
fee lie is coral :trued by those unjust ;lien,
-11i:'cry will ovl'rtal:c hint,
J a 41•; yes '' 1.30 the prophet •:11111.; 1111
Lis ten !'1!' denrinlintions 1411141 to vs.hew•
cuu:p!c11! fifth' ruin will b' and •how• n''
saes -0111r 111111 111):1r1",id4:I v it \will 114)1-
1014 118)1111 their stn.:. !lecnnse they hull
d:',:pi:4!'d l•ht! Nord. of (and they should
he destroyed lik0 chaff before the fire
by the foreign armies that should (come
open them and devastate their l:11111 and
carry them awa). claptive, "Upon It
guilty race, a:Jlitied by heaven or e:i2'18,
t'hcre nrnl(S execute their co:nnls7,lu;l;
„ .,
and 1(,11(. the Eula desolate lull d,1a•1:,
Ivilhunt eau 1`l l' of comfort to cheer the
1, 11"nr41 the Ivin'•drinker, 11'hye11011111
4e hesitate to 11'a1'11 'nein when 4'14)0•
drinking results in such dreadful sins as,
1, Irrewereuce, "'\'hey regard not the
word of the J.Iri(1" (w, 12), ''They have
east nw'ny the law of the Lord„and de•
epined the 1v'ord of the only One" (v,
t:d 1. 'Men who disobey, the law of the
Lord and disregard the word of the fora
through his prophets, are subject to pun-
t 1iinent; but they who despise his 1114'
and puns' (contempt upon his ford are
slaves of the devil (v, 13), and shall be
"humbled" (v, 15), and shall be "snlit-
„ "linger" ,
ten" With h 1 f
l .tl the 11) cl o the Lord old (1•,
25), 2. Slavery. "illy people are gone
into captivity" (v. 13), Nu servant of
Fin III 11 loses nn much as dens the one who
Is 1t 9111411 to 1t•ille, 3. I1tunger. "!d'heii'
honorable then are fend:41101" (1'. 111),
\\ iue•drinl;ing la1111Sdies spirit, soul ant
body, 'I. Humiliation, "\term lnni
brought down and the mighty loan ..
humbled,. lofty „ humbled" (v. 15), r).
Povcrl•y. "The waste placed of the fat
ones s=hill] 01191nge1:4 eat" (v. 17). "Ile
not nmong Nine bibbeis, ..for the drunk -
0 rd „ shall come to puwertt" (Prow,
23, 20, 21). "An item is going the rounds
of the press to the effect tlint whislcoy
I9 now manufactured out of old r11Ls.
\Ve see nnl.11n;, rennirliable shell thin.
I;4•e..ry 0110 latows that nea'I,v all the o1,1
rags now in the country nee manufac-
tured out of \whiskey, 111111 there is no
apparent rens011 4114)' the process may
not work alt 1we11 nue 4'lly 09 nnnther;
fl'nm w'hisk'y to rigs ail from rags to
whisky. What n bttsiness it iso" Al.
The Cure of
lies in ridding the system of oho Uric
:\rid, By hre:H;1118 II!1 the chalky Il'•
posits and purifying the bI o 1, Withoat
overexciting the I:idn'ys and liver, I)r.
11. 11, \luck's ]lhcunulli4ui ('unlpoit i l
free.; the body from every trove of tin!
Aeid•—gives quick, permanent relief frnlu
thc pain, and r'il'e;ccs the whole a s•
'J'Ile prominent manufacturer of rub-
ber stumps, 111`. C. 11', Mack, of 'Forum...),
cousin of the doctor, has become so tiler.
°uglily convinced by the ortrllur,tin:try
CIII'1'3 Wrought, that Ile has joined l)1`.
Mack in placing the compound on the
Market. After interviewing 0 ;;rent
:nuns patients, be lays: "I have yet to
find one failure,"
\\'rite Ur, 11. 11. -flack, Yon.te street,
Toronto, for free booklet about this
wonderful reeled'. 3
cohul speedily affects the brain of the
one w'Lo drinks it. Indeed the brain
14 the first part o1 the system to 11e 111•
1'eer(1 by its u;'. One who drinIts i1-
(.1)114)1 bielnoes ul,fitte(1 for business and
fur labor. lie becomes unfitted for 00111-
pu: iunsllip with his friends.
11. I\'arn sue rum•seller, ''\\U' Iluto
1111'1)1 that, mingle strong dl'illl:" (1•, 22).
"1\ 4)c unto nun that $twill his illi;1!i'
boy drink" (Hal). 2, Id!. E, l luulllll
u111'0 said to 11 sal!)ull•kel'pl'1', "Como to
the church to•iiggJt and hear me leetut :
on temperance." 1 won't; you said that
whiskey sellers were rubbers.' 1 didn't,"
replied 111`. klunlpb. "\\chat dill you
sal'?" '•1 said you Were worst than 11
robber, 1 said you took an imlucent hos
and seut hint home n! a maudlin fool, 1
said ,;w1) tool: an intelligent elan and
.gent a lunatic to the llMyIuni. 1 said
un took 0 respectable citizen and sent
a criminal l(1 prison. 1 said you tool:
:l kind father 1411(1 sent 1l fiend to throw
his fatally int.n the street. 1 said you
tool; if loving,' husband and sent a demon
to Liel: his wife, 1 said you took n hea-
ven -bound soul aid sent it 1) hell. 1
:;Il i!1 \•;III were worst. than Il I'nJttl'1',"
111. \Yarn the nnjusl, "\1'11' 1141!1)
t!1) nl, ...Whish
.111F,1 the tricks!\ tar 1.1-
Ivo-o " (\'. 23). \Vine-drinlang leads to
'silo perversion of jnd!rnu'n t. ''It i.4 not
for I:in;r; to diiil: Wine, , , , and 4 41'•
get the low, nal pervert, the ju.lge:ollt
0 f.411y of the affli('ted" (Prov, 31, .1„1).
Those who license the selling of liquor
h'ou(ise ndili:rted to the use of it; and
those who license it for gain; and thude
who license it thoughtlessly, all -come Un-
der till' sew''!e cun(lenuultion of lin'!,
\ntllicg can l)olke it. right; to nllo\4' non
t,, pay 11!11h'y 111 d1, that }which !s ab.411.
111t1'J1' wrong because it 1.1111(5 1110!1 in
IJlit., soul ;tad body, "Woe unto th.'M'
that call evil good, null gnarl evil; that
1.116 d:1)'!;m.'-:4 for liuht, null light for
1!11i!;11('5.;, til it pit bitter for sweet, and
41411'1 for bitter." (v. 20),
Count`s Infidelity and Cruelty Needed
No 'Witnesses—Proofs Too Strong
—Tried to Win the Countess' Affec-
Paris, Nov. 1.2.-- 11'4('11 the hearing of
Aeo,toe i1 (111!11 Ill'1' 1111sbah1, 001110.
I,unl, 1, 0, 4l all,l.ld to -flay 411 We 1'11•
1','11 of .41;:51;'.1' beluru .1:i t:ic I)itts, Jlai-
11(1 (I'lli(,l, c011118el 1111' the ( )1111t1,S,
1(1(1)) 1,:,1.14.1)1 file points ile had 04l',•
el'etl last weal:, i'eiel'llllg to the recklrs'
fashion ill 844 (1) the Count bud spent
millions 1 ► the (:I1t1111e(')' Money }while
:Illm%int; 1101` only It 1eW hundred francs
monthly 1',), pin Hooey. Counsel 11001141''
ell 11111). the proofs of the Count's illi-
Ilelity 1144,) erns;Its contained in the thir-
teen allegations male last Week Were
sufficient to justify a divorce, without
stiminoiling witnesses, In evidence of the
('oolit'a:,' t; l':11'I',h•Ity, the counsel cited
the n':r;'enloat of 1511i, by whieli the
t'eam's f idler and mother Were guarati•
teed a life income of $5,001`) and $1,000 re•
p!'cl i 1i•!,
t r,:ppi 11021 plunged directly
into the ('.mot's manoeuvres euvres since the
diwuroe proceedings were instituted, to
re.congner his wife's ,,ffitti:na.
i 9 ,,t} .
7 1.
No Favors Were Shown—Syndicate
Tried to Market Land Before Mak-
ing Payment.
Ottawa, Nov. 12,—Tlult $3,50 was u
fair price fer the land, end that Jlcsht•s.
!'ape, Fowler and 00114 l ny did nut 10•
("sive any special consideration O1. 11104'0
lnwol;:bio terms than anyone else who
paid his 'Honey Would nave received
111 connection with the pin'chll.,c 1)1
21'1),(800 acres 81 land, Was the testimony
of 11r. Fred T. Griffin, land commis-
sioner of the C. 1'. 11. at 1Viiiiipcg, be.
fore the insurance Coi1111i'ision to•doy.
Counsel for the Government elicited
from 111`. Griffin the further inform:i•
tion that these gentlemen claimed the
right to defer nuking ally payment o:i
account for over six months after lite
,ale 144114 matte, that in the meantime
they had put upon the market the lands
they 11(1 agreed to buy; that they de-
layed making 1140 depusil until he hind
cancelled their reservation, and that
ultimately, after being given further
time to pay the $'120,000. they were nl-
lowed to get the laud at $3,50 per here,
nitho:i!zh he had in the interval received
lel offer of '-1 per ncre for the land.
OLD NEWSPAPER MAN SUFFERED Operator at Dorchester Feared
FROM CANCER. and Left Trains to Fate.
New York, Nov. 12,—'\clic Herald to-
day 5nys: 1\.illi l:undre,l, of children
romping over the hillside on w'ilich he
sat in Fort 81`111111 Turk, 'l'. (`, Evans, a
velcrlul new,::paper }%Tiler and former
friend and ns':oehite of Horace Greeley,
yesterday committed. suicide by firing (l
bullet into )dn br:liu, 1111 w'n, suft''rin;
11':1111 :1 cancerous rl'il\1'(!I ()11 the law,
and left n letter to the (.'o;'on:'r ;l:lii:l';
tllllt, his sufferings were 11 i1,!::ItU )I1!e,
)11...'':11111: had (leveled his life to 004')'
i' %0411, and wri4 the author of ,c%•
er:ll l!i..t,r!;:ll 1%111`8;'•, Wili!'h ,:lp!:he;I
111)11 :l 1:I1'1.;e iil.'nille, 1111 most, veld'ly
known bunk 41'11'8 I'1111t1c,1 "lbllly
11" \t'•I' ;;; }-eon, ,old.
i,.:'::'+Il r •:.J5,t1:.,' u,.'.11ili.i,:..i'; ,. M\
The Underwear
That is Guaranteed
You get exactly what you pay
fororyou get your limey
back ---when you buy
Sia ; Iiekrs
Under ear
Every dealer, handling
STANFIELD'S, is authorized
to refund the purchase price,
should any STANFIELD
garment shrink from any
Safe Underwear
for you to buy,
isn't it?
London, UM., Despatch—Elmer Vroonlnn,
who has been night operator at I)orehesta
station, was arrested lhls afternoon In a
charge of asr.nuit on lite (laughter of Sat -
lion Master Casson, .0! Dorchester, 11'4(;u
ilia 14x9 returning from the post -office. Im-
mediately afterward Vrooman left for London,
where Ila procured a livery rig, end gawd
out the Lieu that he had allowed a train to
1)11(10 LIJ station against orders. 1111 feared
a wreck, and announced dent he was about
to leave the co')nlry, 11e was driven le
Dorchester early In the Morning, where he
ECeu red lila inoses and then returned to talo
Nils story of having allowed the train
to 112198 pruwcd correct, as he left the offlct
unattended, and several lrahl(1 passed be-
fore another operator was notified. A deaa0
fog prevailed, increasing the liability of
wreck, 1h'ouu!a1 was arrested at the Grand
Trunk station by Detective Egleton, Ile will
appear on Friday,
Immigrant Lad Robbed Yarmouth Farmer
and Was Captured,
St. Thomas, Ont., despatch; Frank
Caughill, an immigrant boy aged 15,
Oho had been working only 1h:'oc'
Weeks for George Buck, a Yarmouth
farmer, stole, money out of a child's sav-
ings bank, and a horse, and decamped.
110 because alarmed, and abandoned the
Horse at Aylmer, and 54'314 00011 niter
captured 'by the police and •brungbt to
this city, The boy had just completed a
term at .Mimico, 'being sent tb"re beet
1fo►nt'eal, Quo., Nov.
.—(Special.)-10 et'th Simpson, u well-known British
engineer, who hes been out west
for Several years, arrived in Montreal to-
In an interview he slated that it was
lleally settled that the (1. T. 1'.
would be built through the Yellow head
hfe had been through all the Rocky
Mountain passes and the Yellow Mend
Pass was the best,
Fancily Declared Lunatics.
Toronto report; An order was made
by Mr. Justice Mabee yesterdny declar-
ing IIenry Lentz, Christian Lentz and
Catharine Lentz lunatics, They are all of
the township of Willoughby, \fellate
county and are owners of about 2.1 acres
of laud, worth probably $500. All three
have been confined in the Industrial
home, So, far as is known they have no
living relntives, and the application for
the commitment was made by the keep-
er of the hare,
J!ES1L'1' OF :1 SCIENTIFIC IN(1('tJll',
UN'l',1IUIU 14.1111''S E1'II)1 CE.
'\'telt lc;l.iiug; hei'nlifie juwnrll, "Sci•
11100 ifliu;; ," recently Made on e': -
A Little Gentleman.
Hie cap 1s old, but 111s llalr Is gold.
And his face Is clear as the sky:
And whoever he meets, on lanes or street+,
1fe looks hint straight In filo eye
Wit hu ((maim pride that has naught to hide,
Though he bows like a little knight
ha11,live d:uuy,i, and )aantinatioll of quite debonair, to a lady fair,
With u smile that Is swift us light.
Does his mother call? No kIto or bail
Or the prettiest game can stay
Ills eager feet us bo 1108(0'8 to greet
Whatever she means to say;
And the teachers depend on this little friend
At school in his place at nine,
With lessons learned and his good marks
All ready to too the line.
I wonder If you have seen him, too,
This t,oy who 18 ,lot too big
For a morning kiss from his mother and 814,
Who Isn't a bit of a prig;
slut gentle and strong, the whole day long,
As merry as boy can bo --
A eetal'inun, ,fears, In tbo coming years,
And itt present the boy for mo.
—Harper's Young People.
11111'3115 fill' JJ1hullslil'8.8, 111111
"11'e h:t1 c' ,utiyl'il'd unl' en'c, t11ut
liile;uls 11111' of purely vegetable origin.
Our laboratory experiments
and practical tests have disclosed to
11s 11 11.11.1 Inc preparation , , excel
1001 for C1)11..11pattu11 , , and 11(4 (1 re-
gulator of the: liver and, bile. Jr!e.tli,
increase (31111'cliol 111 the 144(0!'1 of ll.o
diLlo live 111101, IVI:eu wnpluyca to r:'•
1111(e eousl11).ttiu!1 they du nut - as i,
the l;i;e \':aan no 11:1 1ly porgutisc., - •
valise iltt11• constipation, J here 04 Illi
1'li,lllr, J 0,'y red,' 11' tl;lill:el;l'e 5)',.
l,elidal'!ll', :11111 hltiolsiles,, 14111'011: 11111
411 exeld. ':.l family Medicine,.'
11i1, E. (teed, of ling,1U,1, (:int,),
says: I ,i:Ih t'ld lerrihl'' aitb 111:1111'
inlli;.:,'still :lull ui!nn!nls nt'i:!ug fro;n
it. .111 10,1 4(10(41 and !sell roto the
spring 1 eodu)ed terrible agony until 1
found :I clue i11 Bitted:1. Soon alter
eating 1 felt an ineson'ortablc felhess
in 110. :4111111,1e11, n steady pain in the
111$.':)'l of the heart, aec,11l llaniell sly
rilelliug and behold' !; of :,;1 1 11',14
001(4y ewer free from tai:, 1. :Thing ant
belt'hill!1 eight o1' 11', a:111 I he result
\ills that III}' ')11 ('i( 41:4. 11;111'!! e•.,kl'll 111
l,4. 1 1:8! ,1 (11-41 o,., 1 :.111:: 11:1,1 then an.
01101•, hut nothing ,11::1!1)1 t0 do Im)e, any
guu.l 111111 1 Lr'\w 1', : I• nervo441, and .II,•
cutira_''.l. 1Iw 411 )1 ''t!; el;1;'d 00:11y 5o
that ( ('1)11 not Wer:;. ,Ind I have w'n11:•
l,1 the foot' for 1111th''. ot. 11 time in pain.
This \waw my state I !1'o 1 first tried
J:d11':i s, They proved inost satisfactory
from the fir -t. 1 p'rsever1.11 4'itll thele
moil all the ,''nlptunl.. ''f indigestion
had, bel::I entirely removed. 11J' illness
had eansed :11;o to be completely run
duo, -n, but s!uee taking. lli1,':in:4 I nal ti!;:
u 1iff01•ent person. I have gained ill
flesh r•,urider.11)ly and feel much strong-
Itile:u!s ore 0 certain cure for heap!•
(4he, constipation, piles, liver tronh!',
i 11th;:1'lt Intl :11111 :111 digestive (lisorders,
feu:ule 1( 11',1•1118, 011in eruptions, bilious-
ness, sial. head;te!'e, bed taste in the
moll;, foul \)until, dizziness, fainting,
buzzing noises in the head, feelings of
l;n','a;lortmlbl' fulness even after n light
meal, \rind pains, nnaenlin, debility,
'te. They also uci ns; 11 general tonic,
and by improving the tone of the
whole syi.l.cni 'mettle it to throw' off
c:,144, 1)!4114, rJeunlntisnl, etc, Tiley
improve the 1'i'n(Inl eirclll:itiol 111111 '41'e
1',!1 1.) li,tuofac,;! t,irls and weak wo•
ni. For ;ill !'arp0ses to which n hnu40-
4(oai remedy is put, Iii!oa ns will lie found
:'f es:,',.!!!,rat. Macules, Obtainable from
:1111!1'1: !n=.ts :Ind ~(ores at t0 cents per
box, or direct front the llilenn Company.
Colborne street,'1'010ntn, upon receipt of
price. 0 boxes for 1!12.50.
Has Served Part of Term—Since Trial
It Has Been Shown That Accused
Was a Liar „nd Mentally Deficient.
Derltn, Nov. i2.—Fraulehl von Ileusler, a
Ilavarlan of noble family, who was lady su-
nerlor of the Convent of L. lfnxl:ullhnu, e (2'
Minitel:, Is standing for the second time
her trill In a charge of :018141 Ing to 10011 -
der her servant, Minna \V I,'ncr.
The first trial concluded on March 3, 1:)31,
when Frnulcin von Ileusler was found $'silty
of nttempllug to murder ,llhlnn \Vaguer
by poison, and condemned to six years'
Penal servitude. After serving three and 11
Calf years of t!11:4 tern) grave' doubt hat
or19e:1 regordln; the !man's quilt. Fresh
evidence vrhleh has been collected shows that
,pinna Wagner, Ivho was herself the prin-
Chgl1 n'!tuese 111 14(14 13:11 (Hal, was hysterical,
mentally dc(lccnt, an habitual liar, and alto-
gether a weak witness, whose testimony
ought. neve:' In have been rer"onto; as sof-
(1eieut to condemn the prisoner.
1111. ; stn von ll,usler has changed for
rms. durlug !n'r Ioclu'cernllnn. At the lata
trial she was cool enol self-possessed. To-
day she is a bre;:; n -down, grey -Leaded,
despairing wreck. She frequently broke onto
tears during the proceedings to -dray, and col-
lapsed nitngrther from time to time. Wagner
Is (legal, so that her eross•exnminntlon, which
might bare yielded surprising results Is Im-
possible, Tho cash Is proceeding.
Accidents to your horses
, may happen at any moment.
GET READY for emergencies,
Buy a bottle of
For Lameness in Horses
Only 60c, a bottle — and saves
dollars worth of time by curing
lameness of every description,
At dealers, or front 12
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
we give 'J'llee most humble and hearty
thanks for the redemption of the world
by the death and passion of our Sav-
iour Christ. who dill humble Ilintself,
evert to the death upon the cross for lei,
miserable .,inners, who lay In darkness
and the shadow of death, that He might
make 03 the children of God and exult
ne to everlasting lift, And we thunk '\')lee
that our Muster and Saviour, Jens
Christ, who thus died for us, instituted
and ordnined the holy ordinance of the
Supper Its a pledge of Ilis love and for
a continual remembrance of Ills dlenth,
to our great and endless comfort. Ilelp
tis, then, to give to Him continual thanks
and praise. submittin,g ourselves wholly
to itis good twill and pleasure, and study-
ing to serve hint i11 true holiness and
righteousness all the days of ,our life.
"We should remember past mcroie.
and blessings, if we do, our past will
Alive &i11'11 upon 118 like a clear sky full
of stars, Such remembering %rill keep the
gratitude ever fresh in our hearts and.
the inecnse ever burning on. the altar.
Such a house of memory becomes a ref-
uge to which we may flee in trouble.
When sorrows gather thickly, when
trials come, %% let' the sun goes down and
every star is quenched and there seeds
nothing left to Our hearts in all the pees-
eat, then the memory of a past full of
bovoines a holy refuge for our
Pride %wants to do oo;nettling to 11'111
salvation. S:11V'atioi !nuts to do some-
thing to 4( 1: pride. Doing good to W111
s;alr111011 ii putting the cart before the
hots!. Doing good after salvation is
putting the horse %viler(' it belongs,
Gratitude of Heart,
'1'11.0 whole Christian Life centres in
love. 11 has its spring in the infinite
love of (.0441, It seeks its outlet 111 pl'1119e,
thanksgiving and service. "There is no
fear in love; but perfect love castebll
out fear." Love draws us elosse together
and binds us in one, :18 we love God
we take Hint into the heart :ind Ile en -
teas into the life, load to praise and
Serve Him becomes the great object in
our thoughts, plans and aspirations. Tho
• ,joy of the Lord blunts forth in sung.
Ile is the author of ubl blemings, all
that is good is the exproessliou of 11 is
.love, and grateful uutpoeril}gs of the
heart are our return. penin the 'Chris-
tian religion stands alone, for it a'loie
reveals God in Itis true relation. to 13
and in the knowledge of Ilia We attain
that element of Ilii own nature in which
gratitude rules every emotion and di -
recta the whole course of life, 'Thus
"Ile hath put n new song in my month."
Ile Himself is its thenen: ''Tile Lord i4
my strength and song, and 1le is beoonte
111y salvation."
dervaluc Itis glace, we may fail to re-
cognize lois goodness, and so stifle the
sweetest language of the heart, but this
cnnuul always be. The heart cannot
always remain frozen and hind under the
breath of ('Iocl, and ns it soften:; the
begin tl
springs of n 'foldpraise Int 'fl t1
J} •
"I fill magnify (the I..o•ll with thanks-
giving," becomes the joyful thought and
resolution, And this speliks out to 0111 -
yrs in an invitation to join in the songs
of praise: "0 come, let us sing unto the
Lord, , , , lel us come before 1li:s
presence tvitll 1hnnksgiving.,"
a strong steady wind is blowing over the
expanse and raising waves 11.11("1 rolling
billow's as though it were the very ocean
itself, Now n sudden gust sweeping be-
fore it a great wave, which, like the long
rollers of the ocean, surges steadily aloin;
the golden sen, until, rat length, reaching
its boundary, the long line of yielding
corn bows (1.01wn, and, as it were, makes
obeisance to its mother earth. Or, when
the blasts of the gale are more fitful
and irregular, the surface is cleft and
rift into swirling whirlpools and temp-
est -tossed ngitnted breakers and torn
Into throes of convulsive turmoil and
commotion, And then suddenly the wind-
storm ceases, and., unlike the sea, at
once all is ca1111 11101 unruffled. )
But we are told that at the end of the
world there will be 'a Great Ilarvest, in
which the reapel's will be the angels, who
will sopnrnte the righteous from t910
wicked. Iinppy they who, clothed 114 the
righteousness of Him who himself sat -
(stied Divine Justice in their .stead, will
be garnered into iL Realm of untold joy's
and inconceivable felicities By a Ban.
It's the running expensed that give
us that tired feeling,
A woman's beauty may bo. forgotten
by the men, but IL is never forgiven by