HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1906-10-18, Page 14
A tb.
Our Big Stock of Clothing is now ready to be
handed out to our customers at the lowest poss-
ible prices in the trade, You cannot do better
than buy your Suits and Overcoats from
us. We defy any competition in prices styles
and duality,
We are it in Clothing
Men's Overcoats, in black and navy, at $5.
Men's Overcoats, in tine kersey cloth, thoroughly shrinken and sewn with
linen, at $7.
Men's Overcoats, in black, Oxford grey, lined with Italian and finely lin.
fished, at $8.
,Men's Overcoats, in llnest beaver and nlelton cloths, block and grey, super.
line finish, best linings, Hewn with silk and linen, at $10,
New Raincoats for Men
Our New Raincoats for teen are the latest swagger coats, in plain, her.
ringbone and tweed effects, at $7, $8, $10 and $12.50,
Men's Tweed, Serge and Worsted Suits at prices to suit any purse.
See the list of prices, 85, $7, $7,50, $8, $8.50, $9, $10, 812 and 814.
headquarters for Stanfleld's Underwear for Ladies, Men and Boys.
(Wingham Rag and Metal Co.)
Buys all kinds of Stuff, as
Rags, Rubbers, Iron,
Hides and Feathers
paying the highest price.
60c per 100 for Iron, $1 per 100 for rage, 5o
per lb. for rubbers,' 25 per lb. for horsehalr
Everything Paid In Cash.
A Good
Drug Store
By a GOOD drug Store we mean one
that works and plans and thinks for
the welfare of Itis customers.
Such a store le of value In a com-
munity, because It Is of great asalet-
anoe .to. the phyalolans In overcom•
lug diseases,
This Store
hart all the medicines, all the drugs,
all the appliances whioh It is over
necessary for your physician to or-
der—and you may be certain that
we have taken all possible pglns to
have it all worthy your confidence.
N.B.—We want every man, woman and
child suffering from oorns to try the Blue
Jay Corn Plaster, price 10c, (Makes hard
roads easy).
Dr, Wt Jt MILNE - KM
Mrs, Ballard will probably dispose of
her business here, and return to tho
home of her parents at Cranbrook.
A couple of small boys, charged with
pigeon stealing, worn up before P. M,
Andrews, who fined ono of them $l and
costa, and dismissed the other with
On October 27th, Henry and Mrs,
Joyner will celebrate their golden wed-
ding, Fifty yeara ago they wore mar-
ried at Ctladwick's End, soyen miles
from Warwick, England.
The people of Clinton are to have an
opportunity of enjoying a musical treat
on the 21.1rd inat,, by the appearance in
the town hall of Cyril Dwight.Ed•
wards, assisted by Miss Edna Mont -
more, of London,
Judge Doyle presided on Monday of
last week at a court for the hearing of
appeals against the voters' list, Very
little interest was manifested, 44 nlunos
were added to the list, 8 struck off, an(1
0 refused as the parties were not of ago.
Increase your vitality and nerve
energy, rostoro vim and force to your
ovor•workod body. Porrozone will do
this as it did for INIalter Wood, of Beau -
port, N, 13,, who writes : "I can say
1''errozone has given mo a new lease of
lifo, A year ago I suffered so from
nervous exhaustion I Was scarcely able
to drag tnysoli around. My appetite
was gone, I had no color or ambition
and felt used ua, One box of Ferrczone
started me hack to health, I took a
number of boxes and my healthy was
completely restored." ]i 'or men who
aro tired, pale, nervous and thin -blooded
nothing compares with Porrozone, 50c
per box at all dealers,
Auburn. ,
D. E, Munro was a judge of butter at
Dungannon Pair.
The carponters have nrrivod to work
on the now O. P. R. 51411on,
'l'Ihe Auburn evaporator is running
again and apples are in great demand,
Quito a number from hero took in
Dungannon Pair and report a good
George Youngblut wears a broad
smile ; it's a girl this time, Congratu•
lotions, George,
Thomas . Straughan, who had his leg
broken several weeks ago, is doing
Anniversary services were held in
the Methodist Church last Sunday,
Services wero held in the morning, af'
ternoon and ('voning, The preacher
was Rev. W, E. herr, of Clinton,
Mrs. G. Asquith is recoverin ► from a
severe Illness, Miss Winnie Howson
was sick several days lust week. Miss
8, Pierce, Miss L. ;i3lair and Mrs, Thus,
Anderson aro under the dootor't caro,
It is reported that tho work of put-
ting a new floor in the bridge will be
commenced in about two weeks' time
and duringthe time the work is being
done traffc will not bo delayed more
than half an hour.
STRUCKi ltP I• if11tTN1Nli
Neatly describes tho cofet ity of Put-
nam's Corn Extraotor, Roots corns
out in short order, Cnnsos no pain,
leaves no scar, and gives perfect satis-
faction. Remember there is only ono
best --that's Putnaru's—SO years in MHO,
Municipal Questions Answered.
The following al tie.lt' appeared in the
October number of the liurlici(.1tl World
Ituti is of hit erest to the people of Blyth
as it deals with the Reeve's voting
powers; an interested party disquali-
fied from toting, and three concurrent
votes necessary to carry rootion, The
two sections in the Consolidated Muni•
cipal Act are also given,
This Village Uonnoil put ,town ce-
ment sidewalks and crossings by dal.
labor; $121 was paid for tools 10 (10 the
work. At the regular meeting of the
Council he Reeve and three Council-
lors only wore present,
It was moved and seconded by two of
the Councillors, The stover in this
0)150 1%'1111 0110 Who Iutll sidewulh le11t.
dmvn in front of his property. The
!notion vas that the municipality pay
rill the cost of such tools. 'l'Ite shover
and seconder only voted for 1110 motion,
the Roe 'e voting nay, 'These three had
their votes recorded by the Clerk. The
other Councillor did not vote, nor have
his vote Iecoriled, but said he would not
vote for this motion, The Reeve de-
oI.tred it I,,st.
1, Wits the Iteeve legally right ;n his
decision ?
2. Ball the Reeve it legal right to
8. Had the mover of this motion or
resolul ion a legal right to do so ? Could
Ile legally vote on this motion'.'
4. Can a Motion or resolution be Cal'•
tied without the conenrrent votes of
three members of a village Council,
evert in the event of one of the Coun-
cillors being absent?
1. Yes.
2. Yes, Section 274 of the Consoli-
dated Municipal Act, 1903, says: "The
head of the Council, or the presiding
officer or chairman of any meeting of
any Council, except in ceases where he
is disqualified to vote by reason of in-
terest or otherwise, may vole with the
other members on all questions ; and.
except where otherwise expressly pro-
vided by this Act, any question on
which there is an equality of votes
shall bo deemed negatived.
8 \Vo do not think so, as ho appears
to have been personally interested in
the subject matter of the motion.
4, No, since a village Council con-
sists of only five members, Section 269
of the above act says: " Where a Corm -
Cil consists of only five members, the
concurrent votes of at least three not
disqualified to vote on the question
shall be nnccssary t0 carry any t'esoltl•
tion or other measure.
In debility and weaknous medicine
should bo mild and far reaching. Many
pills and purgatives are too harsh, are
drastic instead of curative, Excessive
action is always followed by depression
and knowing this, Dr, Hamilton de-
vised his Pills of Mandrake and Butter-
nut so as to mildly increase livor and
kidney activity, flush out the element-
ary canal, tone and regulate the bowels,
Thus do Dr. Hamilton's eliminate
poisons from tho body, restore clearness
to the skin, bring strength and that
sweet restorer of health—sleep. Bost
medicine on earth, 25c per box at all
H, W. Polley, who had been in the
otlico of Proudfoot, Hays & Blair (or a
lung period, left for Winnipeg where Ile
has obtainod it good position,
• On Wednesday afternoon of last
weak a load of hay was brought to
town on a sleigh, and several of these
winter carriers wore out.
Rev, S. E. Beckett, B. A., a former
Ashfield township boy, tvllo has been
for sono time assistant pastor of Knox
Church, Winnipeg, has received It anti
(rum tho Presbyterian congregation of
Carherry, Man, \Vo have not learned
whether Mr, Beckett has accepted the
call or not,
One conn was killed and three badly
injured as the result of n serious acci-
dent which occurred Friday morning
last about 11 o'clock, at the bridge the
(l, P. R, aro constructing across tlin
Maitland River here, A hoisting en-
gine, which WfH mounted on n flat car,
foll over to the river bed below, En-
gineer Jack Aladdeford, Englishman,
was knocked into the river and received
sovoro injut'IPS on tllo hoed, which re-
sulted in his death almost immediately,
Jock Campbell and D. Lynn, of this
town, worn badly hurt, the former hav-
ing some ribs and an arta broken, Itnd
the latter an arm broken, Harvey Gill-
man, of Pot orboro, was hurt in the
back, and is said to bo the worst in-
jured of the three. Tho dead man was
removed to an undertaker's establish-
ment, and the injured Hien are being
attended by tho doctors. Two other
then who were on tho engine saved
themselves by jumping.
On Sunday of Inst weak IICWH was ro
calved by Col, Young, who with 1l. \V
Thon1soM, owns the schooner Julia Lar-
son, that the captain, James Alitehell,
of Colborne, hod lost Iris life in the
storm tho previous afternoon, On Sun-
day afternoon rho Colonel left for Sonth-
an►pton to investigate and do anything
that could be done to recover the body
cu Tuesday afternoon returned to
town, havin ► left instructions for
102121 to patrol the lake shote, the hope
being that the body might wash ashore,
The .Julia Larson! had on a load of lum-
ber, lath and shingles and was hound
from Stokes tiny to Kincardine. The
accident occurred about 3 o'clock on
Saturday afternoon about H utiles out
front shore to the Northwest of ,South-
ampton, 'i'110 crew besides the captain
consisted of Alex, NIel(ay, of (oderieh,
and Joseph Rutherford, of Stokes tiny
The captain WEB 011 t be (leek just before
the occident and, though no one saw
hint fall into the water, his companions
n )tiersl hire in the ,Vater just after fuel
threw a rope to Mico and also threw
some lumber out in the hope that he
might. be able to save himself. The
vessel was running before the tvind too
rapidly to allow of anything else being
(lone for the unfortunate Maul, The
vessel arrived in safety at Soot hemp.,
ton. (;apt. Mitchell WAS well known in
Colborne township and 11111011 sympathy
is felt for his widow and family of
three. (;iris and two boys.
There are now 1;t3 phones in Wing -
113111 'I'Ile Citizens' Ihulll intend giving a
Aeries of concerts this winter, '%'lie
tint takes place on Oct, 211th, Besides
at lirst•class program by the Band, there
will also he local talent
Rev, Solomon Cleaver, pastor of the
Metropolitan Church, Toronto, hits been
engaged to give %Pieta! 111 gu's mastet'-
ilte(:e, ",lean \ aljean" 1n the :iletllodlst
church, Wingham, under the auspices
of the Epworth League, on the evening
of Cet,:tuth,
The local (1(Idfellows are making ar-
rangements for the holding of n concert
in the opera house about November
Pith, when Newton Beers will give a
dramatic representation of the char-
aet0ls in his fraternal play. entitled,
"David and Jonathan."
Chas. Swanson has purchased lt,
Barrett's tonsorial business. Charlie
has been with Mr Barrett for a Tong
time, and thoroughly understands his
business. Mr. Barrett will remain in
\Vingliain but owing to ill health is
unable to attend to business,
'rho work of making the repairs and
changes at the Wingham Hospital
building. are being carried along satis-
factorily. The new cement floors have
been built in the basement and the
Carpenters have completed their work.
The new heating system will ho install-
ed at once and it should not ho long
before the building will bo ready for
SICK 11EAD)ACII1' 011 11E1).
Sick headache is caused by the stonh-
ash and by indigestion. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver• 'Tablets correct
these disorders and effect a cure. By
taking these tablets as soon as the first
indication of the disease appears, the
attack may be warded off, For sale by
all dealers,
The little daughter of C. IT. and Mrs,
Broadloot was seriously ill for a few
(lays last weak,
The horse "Sidney" owned by the late
(400rgo Whitely was sold at the stile,
John and Tobias Nash were the pur•
chasers, paying 5575 for it,
R. II. Peck, of the Seaforth music
store, has been suffering from a severe
attack of heart trouble for the past.
week. His cas0 w'•H (1111tC serious for
some clays,
D. Kneclrtel, son of Mrs, Knechtol,
sr„ of Harpurhay, spent .Sunday in
town visiting his mother nn 1 other
relatives. Mr, Knochtel is from Al-
bany, Now York State, and has just
completed a tour of Europe in the iu•
torests of the Forestry at \Vnshington
with which 110 is connected,
Extensive alteration have been mule
at the Canada Furniture Co, factory
during the past few weeks. Tho mach-
inery in the frame building used as n
machine shop, has all been removed and
putt in place in the new brick addition
put up thitl summer, also n new engine
and boiler has been installed,
Ori Friday evening, fitll inst., the
members of the Huron Football Club
were presented with handsome lockets,
rho gift of the citizens of Seaford), in
recognition of their success in the
recent game with the renowned Corin•
thinns of Englund. Cnrdno's Opera
House was well filled with an enthusi-
astic audience, while the members of
the Iinrons and speakers of the evening
occupied the stage, Mayor Broderick
acted as chairhnan during the evening
and openo:l rho meeting with a few
introductory remarks after which \V,
I{, Willis gave a song, The important
feature of the program, the present-
ation of tho looltots was carried out,
1layor Broderick called on 0nch member
of the club individually and after stat-
' lh1,' their positions on the tellln accom-
panied with a few complimentary
remarks on their ability as players,
handed the lockets to Mrs, 1V, hferedith
who presented them to the Borons.
'Phe presentation being over, .1, L.
Killoran reponded on behalf of the
Huron Football Club and thanked the
committee and citizens for the interest
they had manifested in the club. Ad-
dresses ween also given by George
Mordic, 0, I?, Rogers, ll, X. AlaLean
and Rev. F. II. Larkin, while others
contributing to the musical )art of the
program were Hiss .Iva Dodds and
Master Scott Hayes. The mooting was
a most successful one and many good
points were brought out in the various
lies, '1'110 meeting closed with the
n ging of the national anthem,
Capital, all paid til,, $2,250,000. Reserve, $2,250,000,
Total Assets, $29,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected, Drafts Issued,
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of SI and upwards
compounded half yearly,
received .and interest allowed
T. W. SCOTT, A ,:NT,
* Underwear
All Sizes and Qualities
in either Plain
or Ribs
Puritan Brand
We will replace any garment
that shrinks or proves In any
way unsatisfactory.
M. Chambers & Co.
BLYTH � �k
.Tack 1 sbisterleft to attend the School
of Practical Science, Toronto.
\Vatter Innes, of Moorefield, was a
visitor here during the past week.
John and Mrs. 31achon, of Only, were
visiting at (LIMOS Smith's 11151 weal(:.
Miry Nina J, Isbister leas token
ehnrge of a room in Stayner Public
1\'nitor Forrest, 2nd line, has been
making quite a sweep with his two
roadster fottls, They oro a pair of clan -
,loseph Clegg w'iIl likely spend
%Victor in California so as to miss the
rigors of a Northern Winter, He has
gone South for several yours.
Last week to thoro'hred Leicester ram
was purchased by Robert Nichol, Oth
line, from James Snell, the woll-known
breeder, of 11ullett, It took 211(1 prize
at the Western Pair at London.
Voters' hist Court %vns held at Blyth
1 week on Tuesday of lust eek for this Mimi.
cipnlity, Judge Doyle presided. 'l'Ihe
Liberals struck off 2.4 and put 011 1
There were no appeals (10111 t 110 Conser-
It is reported that Richard Mitchell,
8rd line, has disposed of 11is tidy Thu acre
farm to Joseph Shaw, of Grey town•
ship, the price being $2,800, We hear
Mr. Mitchell may go to the Northwest
where 110 has a son located. Ne bas
been a resident of this locality for a
good many years and the old neighbors
will bo sorry t0 see tlelll move away.
Death came very suddenly to \Vin,
James Johnston, sr,, of Morris, on
Tuesday evening of last week. lie hod
been in his usual good health ; he ate
his supper as usual, and walked up the
road pest Mr, Shaw's, Later, as ho
was standing ill 111e woodshed, he was
stricken with paralysis, A physician
was summoned, but a few tniuntes after
he arrived the spark of life had fled.
111r. Johnston was one of the earliest
settlers of 3lorris, lowing been in the
township 55 years, coming to it when
it was 801id bush, hard toil and fru-
gality made for lir, and Mrs. Johnston
n comfortable home, and they raised a
highly respected family. '.their home
was always open for ministers of the
Church of their choice, Mr. ,Johnston
had been Reeve of the township, and
for many years an active official in the
Methodist Church, \Vlherever he was
known he was greatly respected as a
Hour of sterling character, Bosides his
sorrowing partner he leaves five sorts
Mud two daughters. The sons nt'e--
Robert and Hugh, in Manitoba ; Itich-
lu'd, \V111, James and Silas, of 31 orris ;
the daughters ore --Mrs, (leo, ,Mothers
and Mrs, James Peacock. The funeral
took place on Sunday, service being
held at Johnston's Church at 1.30 p, In,
11 r, Johnston was 72 year's of age. The
family have sincere sympathy in the
trial that has come so suddenly upon
What, might have been a very seri-
ous accident happened Saturday night,
Sept, lath. While firs. 0, D. Parks
and her mother, Mrs, Reid, 1st con. of
Ho','ick, were driving to JamostoWII
the (horse, got frightened at something
on th•o roadside nod commenced to back
up, overturning the buggy and ladies
down the deep embankment. The horse
vas so entangled it could not be freed
until help came, Unfortunately Mrs,
Reid was picked up and taken home in
an unconscious condition, but wit Ih
prompt attention she is progressing as
well as can be expected.
as many students wore enrolled
at our opening this year as last
year. The pause Is that all our
graduates receive excellent sit-
uations In loading Canadian and
American cities.
Is a live institution. It dons
Catalogue for tho asking.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
five Thousand Dollars Divid€d by
Montague Syndicate.
Honorable Geo. W. Ross Gives
-Order to Insure Mr, Fowle.'s Appear=
ance Asked for.
A 'Toronto despatch: The polio of the
(siert 1111111tH was the only response whin
the name of Air. (lenrgt 11'. Fowler. AI
1'„ 4•;1s milled by \Ir, Shepley at the
aiuu of the Insurance Commission t'e,ter-
'duy morning. Snb•egmently Mr. sht'p-
I icy applied for ;t formal order t0 iu.ure
\Ir. 1'.01001..S 11 11110111'111100, lint the matter
was ;tllvye(1 to stand until to (t:,y. The
ivas sp('llt 111 'ti} l)l1'lll� 1111„Ili,
link= in the chain ..f testimony. ny. 11''n.
( Geo, A1•, Ross, 411e eels n 4itneee. had no
Iree+dleettt,11 of a11\ shell. -loll 11\ the
board of the I. nom 'Trust company •'f
tJlt' llt'Opontll,'ll t i ,tll'I'elld•'I' 1110 boI11I•
stocti in the llreat \\'e -t land 1 "Ill pa111.
Nei 111er \vas there any trait, in hi- mem-
ory 4,1 It 10,01 !Rion with \\ hith he wa-
creditelf in the minutes. \Ir. Fester,
notwithstanding the testimony ,,f I,it'Itt.-
Col. Dltyttl.,,•n and Iln. twe. lin••,
still held that the minutes \yore eerr'c1
and in eccor lance with his i' 1I 11
of the facts. AIr. 1'4:;tet' :11,1, •(;)vo evi-
dence in t'' ire to the 1111111",.yin. 1)c the
L ni'ot 'frust 1'ontp;u1l fent] the Lan;
et,iv' t emion -,ion np,'n the } i iness
lie bro,hl to the Union Trust ('oul-
tetny, hhr director, deeidetl in the
negative, and he aeeeptetl Its ti+'eiaion,
')'111,'11 x1.'11- urri,e,1 .tt after di:ensr,ion,
`I'ltere \v, r'' t4'' matters of police' upon
nhicll the directory were agreed,
that the nl.tnl,er ,11n11d not reeri\e
,onnni•:.1nn• in ennno,'tion with )1.111•
•1011+111: of the coiniiany, ;t n'1 1 its in -
11i1'1,111111 .lire0t01•; .101111(1 n01 receive
any fiateci;ll a,-i-tance from the aim-
pan\ in !heir ea lert;t!.in'et-. Ile ,11114
1 dirt int.! inn, 1:.14ry,. r. het \it'll 1 \t'.)
or three Jit 'el ,r-, bene iter ;1• ronin,
1.1,111;11- or partner:, and 41 corpora;,'
eompa111' ,eineeoe,l of director:,
ole colltende,d, 11..1= Il+el co\er''d hl' illi'
1.1,;'+! I1 t 1 (111.
M4ntayue Syndicate Not Covered,
Thr. 111'11,)01 -hist !Ie 'ti,l it t think the
rule ;Lain -t i.'arir, mat\ to Ilireetor-
ofii''•'r: ..11.11'1.1 d 1,) ttw trail -action
vv'itll!h,' 11ol;ta,n1 •yn'it it1, 4!ti+'ll he
1 ie- Ib' +11)011?,`,! that
the ry'!.'lie.,:. ,H 11'1 n','rn`d ;I dollar
from the (!11,111 "1111.1 l'e'n.l'.tny 4.r from
the Ver' -ter- to _ain t!;4. -t,ck 1\11),'11
;li v iLl! I t!. 1.1 lt. ;Int ..0rice
:he\ :rt''1 l,t d aceerlino to agreement.
His teeoileetl et of the tial!=aetien \\
;h+ \l illiere ,\Il!,',Ile. 1\-hi'b 4'a• emir
poo'n Ile'e . I)". A1,+1itaglle, I.irut.-1'o!,
.`Ilel1;!:iv::(, 11: t)InnIv;Iieishit a ll.t
hi!! -•t. \l 1. .I, ,-1;1 tit t:1\' 1111 ,1!110 11'
l 'n !1\ IL) iii'vnteki!a. 11+' 0011.
i "II•!r�I :11.1! !t0 ,rllpltd ;! elll+'1'IIt I) 1.
!'+ ,,1111' 1111.11;1.+'r -"i the •.\-n•
.I',',:111•11;:1'•!1 ;I• lis' L.11 no cot lle,'t in
vyiti. )1111' I. t). 1'., a:;'I tlle'trfuro had a
ife) !'1,111 1 , 11"1'101\ !!1,)11, \' )1'111)1 I ililt
nr',urur,eti''n, Ile .1,1111i! 10,1 teat he 4';1;
i 't \+!!lin 11\11 o;' �rac1'fnl!v , 1,1
V'1"�.!, !+!ll .lad 11••1 rl ,11.11; ;1 t,A Fitton 1'4.'
Iu- I'Pjiei and at 1110
!„'ttr,:n bi• .art ht 111"i1_ri1) ole' 11,1.1
tight• :ILI tin h.:, rt. -1 in ilia: Iran: -
.0 :1,01 •.. ;i, 111 r h,. vv nnld t'1. +r tin -11
f' !., I 11•.1..+x.
Corot 1i��iva \vas Divided.
of Int') suets for itt,ttt,'nr int -10'11;
rho ,':IIIIII!, tip f unpaid -t 'h, and the 1
I \! I 1 ;,•1; 4..t,.• rj,e ,!, ,1t
1SSIIe 111 :01,11)1'•11,110.1'1,11111
its' 1' -!1a -r• ut :.int Ill ode II\'
Mr. Fo-ter also gave g1 exitlen''�` 1li.' \I .!;1;1_11'-tn!ie.lte \\hit!; w.'re Bak-
_ t
the pato lent of t'eixttes on ,;flee 111 1,111.1 '01 el t ,!' triotee In the -yti Meat' by
to tie, Montagne syntlie.y, '. ,v11ieh \v1,- th. I 1:� 'Y. I r1,-, 1 1,11, 1,4• 41 111 h a,l-
bet'a1"11 1)r. ()ronhyatl.ient.. "Hy"' the u'"tt, l for the !Iln'cttt-e ;)11111
Colon J. .1. AIe(lilliyray, Dr. Alnll- 'oh ,1 ;1,"1•i"•I,'' ;!• -e, nrtly. There
ta.:tt„ and hill! -elf, 41111 cenipe:eel the vI'''Ioi" pureba••I. Alr.
Evil ti'att'. .1 forfeit I;f ,�i1),111111, AA!11 ,11 1' +-11111 iv,'- • Wit- (."I 111 ;1 .ealchlll', e\
Ile' Union •trtt4t ('entrant. .1- ;I'll -t,',' a11111i,tli 11 1.x11 \ir. oi.,'p!ey iill reference
fr)t' til.'-vnllll'ati received for all 111• r,) 111- !;nd't t,ttI of 1.1'11:11 vvi; hellill,l
tending' purchaser was, \I:'. rosier , ,\II'. \\';1t:,i-.1, f1'o;1, '.,;11'1111 :1 large block
tended, the private property of th.' i ',t ,I• !.n11_!�1, Ile ;1'1'1.1.1 1., admit that
'a hothe pr .
:int \Ir. I.
�';+!1'1. ,ii .nneel the hitter for
V111110:110, 111141 41111'1 !),110 111 be a,
cou't1',1 for by the 1'111-t (`"Inpauv'.
with the exception (.f ',ilmi), \vbieil ;lad
,been paid to 1)r. tlrnnlivlltekh;l at ill.' 1 Another retlinission Received,
;tiller en :penult „f his :hare ''f the 1)1111- 11, I'"-t"n' admitted 1.04`01 1.111'r a
fit;. ,'1,.,1 i 1 . -.1.11
�' n- 1111111111• -inn 1111
Hen, Geo, W. Ross Gives Evidence, I the aireleue, of a shrill hlot'k of t).th!t)
H(in. tl,'o, \\'. I,1, 4a: the first 1 1'''- torn ,111' 1\'I:it`1 ', fur \\hone
a'!tnes,, :11111 :tat0.1 tltllt he 114'1,1 1:1 POO 1,11..1, AV", I ,, 11,1111. •'f \V'ttinip''g, wai
:a the Urine' Trt1•t company, tar 4hi.'!I ; :l_t!,,. 1 i- \\a- ;! r hate of 25 cent.
\he ! !I,i a premium. 110 4a- not ;1vyore ! per ;I,'1'+', nor -11,11) lire ;I_rlit 0111111111--
tt t the 1'111 •u 'Tr;i-t t itiplee• 1r,., i\ 01, a11 l ..\Ir, Fn -ter slit he \vas .4.471,....! eh„,,,,„ of ;tul'k Ill 1111 111'1;11 j Aft.' 111!- Inna,'1' )11111 'll,'.1'Ifilit111/1
11P,( 1.'111,1 1-G111pai1V h\' '1.10 1-1 !'mill- 111,''1, the mealier: et the-yn,ti'':Ise
jot lie\'iti'_ finae,'t'! the )fall-acti'•,l, t)1' ''11,1)11 )11" ,1""111.t- \\','r,• 1111111!\" :111-
tha'. 1)r. I)rgn!1v-lltekha 110;0I Ina :11111'0. j11-1011.
rel`''i\r'1 Illtder-11111i11 r circlitii.i t:ice:. .\il'tiler 110111 ill file -';II•!Ir';Ise; ;w-
ile IVI1I not a\val'' either that til,' , e'illllt ll- -mead all the Honk- 11f floe
T'ainn Trost ('ompan\ first to ,1; .tell;
for Ile, nlnnev advaIleed 111 the ltreat
1.44 rid Company 4.r that afterward:
the-e''lllat y 4';1: 1'It;ingrtl II, 1110 fern)
of n nn)rtg.iee, and the :tool; 4.11. snl'-
rend,'red. \ir !'' p!' r'ferre-1 1'' 1110
Itllt.:tie•; of the lit...'ters (4.f tri+' 1 Ill +lt
inion 'I t't-i ( n1,t11-Iny tea; a forfeit.
life of '111,11111) dept -.toed hh Ceritett
Fie;d, vc!ro faired le complete their
offer to pureb.lse the land- of the
syndicate itf tlli- almnllltt ,t2,l11lt
\ytt- !did t + I)r. 1)r,Inh\atekha e11 ite-
„wet ,1t iii 111: r' 111 oar-foltt'tit of
1.1',1-; ('null';ulV. eluted :'•y'' tttt r7, 13 the prow:.an'I : ;,nom wa- exi)ended in
1in.! 2S, 11110, at all three of whi,11 Mr. taxes i tt i 111)1'10 t. AIr. l'eeter,
on•Rs. wits pre-ent.. 1110 minute, ..1 4,10
rnreting set forth that after full di--
Ctt -i 'tl it'vas ,1 10101 In :ttt'1'eit'l"i' Ill''
•1,, e'; tlip.I'I`- ant! ',.i.,,, "1
n: , t2,• fe'r the wienerI I\,tti ' 1 . Mr.
j�. ,I1', Ile )11111 II e 1'0,ati' it ,Il Ito etre
dl ! 110)1 :thole "1„soil, :l n. l;' all ;Ill,
a ttri t ]i(-' rht ] ' \11111111 Ila\.' 1•4 11)( ether•
ell It �lleil (1 Ili-ret'4)1111 11;111 1ak1'I! 1111100.
?L`r 01.1.011)1). (1f Nev. 2'; .et forth that
at that, meeting the selieiter of the
e'Jntpaty, pursuant to in:trulti'tt ,1f the
beard at the meeting of Nov. 7. real
the a:!r''elil'nt and Ilt"rtgam, het4e11
.the leninn Trust ('nmpany and the
Creel \\'r;t i.and Company. .\iter
sone, 'I. -elision it wee nlnv'e•d by non,
(1011, \\ . Rose, seenll,led 111 1.10111.-(0l,
David-„tl. that the form of agreement
a? >'!tlll!Itted iI1 the solieit'•r 11)` ;let,1pt„l.
\Ir. Pees send lie did not remember
:9mvll ;111 reel' 't:. .:1. 11"111" ;i1110.',1 '1 1110,11'0
1 110 1111;)1'1 111111 11i4ous'd, itr that iie 111111
71111t11. Ito reeoletbit referred
)1111114,11) he wnnld have rr'mentb"red nit
' agreement which milled for the surren-
der f -tock.
ir. Pe-- said that ultimately en
:1greentl'tlt was mast 14!11 iTnn. T)r.
\1irtagitr to dispose of n block of ever
100fltlf1 act'r'c, of 1)11111. Mr. tui reeol-
lecti,111 of the praetier' \vas that the
(11'cetnt•s' att'nditilee bank 4a: signed
liV I10-0 pee 11+its. lett be etedel net say
that illi, wa- my;tr!;IiIV (lune,
I III t";'y to retic -1 ions put by Mr. Steep.
ley et the request of Mr. AVallate Nes.
bit), K. C'., cnnl)s'1 for .111. lostt'r, \it•.
Theo 'olid ite took nn particnb11' inter
pet in the (treat West. Lead tren-action.
w'hiell nri'einated hefure he beeemr, a
member of 1 h beierd, Cnntetitnes the
vies' 111 the hoard would heeontr,
cry -1 •lllized in 1,i resnlnt inn at the time
by the iiiii l;t'rr't'. without went11111111'r
any mover or seennder at all. Seim
times a resolution was prepared and
hand'+rI to :i direetor to ntnyl', rte enols
I•rinenlher more 11 hell( the \Inntagtte
tr.nseetinn !batt the °there, hl'conse it
'ova- more Arent. '1110 whole purport
1)f the 'liseus inn and police of the direp• LOOKS LIKE A BLOCKADE ON RAIL-
tors teas that they )shams tarn their WAY'S AT CHICAGO.
1Jnnds into money, as it. was not ;idyls- (;hira.uo, Ort, 15.The congestion of
Rhee In r;lrrc =4, 111111'11 Inns' freight: traffic has increased so fast
Tion. Oen, E. Fester was rr-
ea1leI.:11111• .penleintt from memory, ex- \\'tlhin the last few days that railway
pre -sed the opinion that notions for the officials fear they are soon to face a
adjourned meet in,r 111 Nov, 13 were not ' blockade, \Pith the approach of winter
gent nal, bot Hint those direetor+ in the movement of coal has grown heavier,
town \'ere kept informed by 'phone of aggravating the congested conditions
thr uioetine. \yhie.h already existed, A line belonging
Ttr reply I.) guestiotta ,111, Foster said to one of the big eastern syrltems yes -
001 be had suggested that as he only terday had orders for 9,2311 cars 'which
received ft smell salary he alight re- it could not fill.
t1'11111'11 111,11 11 !len 1110 :V'I1+)10;1)0 ?tlr-
1•ende1l'1 the land- to the !''lion 'frust
company putt' fot' the Fere-ter- the-I11.1•ell-
1er di t net ee'11,1-, 1 : e . 't mo 1111 I,'it .
)het the '1 e -t 11'01 1 I;,,
in that ,1!11 );1;11, 1,1 1 !I 1:.! -we e! 111 111+'
y1,'licate an Cat ih,r\111111+) ha; 4,
to bean iteretti 1 t e for it, Ile prom -
i -ed to trace tip ill.' rhyme, for x2,-
1 t) and let the eennui,-inn know in
the mornin11 '1101'e the nlnnev i; 1111\1'.
t• (.
Mrs, Howard (:ould's Sister i4 Said to he
About to Flee From the Coolie,
San Franr,1•1'" Ort 13. After e br'fet'
period of !iyirs in 0 -hint \' :Imi1I the
Alin: ,;t 1 !limo oen ; • the wife of Sun
\'11,". 11 ( :I1 .' Ic,le, i; is reported that
the ;i. ter 4,1 \11';, Howard (l4,uld. who in
her g41'I11o11,1 4'a, known 4.e I':Iia may
1 lelrllllons,;las determined to forsake her
oriental bridcgrl)nnl. It ie said that. Snit
Cite, who hu; been working at clearing
Away the ruin. eaumed by the recent fire
and earthquake at daily wage of $2,
failed to provide the poetical existence
for Iris bride that she expected, 11ow-
ever that. may be, the fact remains that
all i; not \x011 in the title 1'ne house-
111-. ('Ien,ulon- that \vagi became
Ilse bride of ~nit Alit' not long ago.
Thu, enupte \yel'1' worried according to
the bin':: 111' China. ';'hey 'lid not tt'on•
Isle ilbo it it ('IR'istilln clergyman or
n civil lieun-e, Mre. vita 1'ite had liven
a mi:'iooart• 4'orker in tion FI'tul-
eieee'e ('hinat11VV•n, and !n the volume
of her wore; met :tad fell it victim to
tla ehnrms of the roan who later be-
came her itnsbnnll,
Principal of the Belleville Deaf and Dumb Institute, who has been appointed
Supreme Secretary of the Independent Oider of orestors, in succession
to Licut.-Col. LlcGillivray,
Board of Melhodist Temperance and
Moral Reform Department Regrets
State of Affairs in New Ontario -
Scope of Department Extended.
.1 'Toronto tit' -patch: The \\ark el the
Ut'ncral ('uutprence tl11at'd ul tllc Depart•
1110111 of 't'1'I peritut't' and \lural Reform
of the \!diarist l"hutch during the last
tool' '1'111 44:1, I'14il'\10t1 i\' !1t'\. 1)r, .1,
Ca II, the 11(1 11'111;111, ill ;III tUldleSn at
the ineruiti 0 ac„1t11t lit the beard, \\hien
held it, ;uluual meeting y0;tt'rtluy. Ile
said that. much 0yl(leitIV remains to be
d4,i4 by the department, judging from re•
cent t'\e'llts in the petite -1o, cullllllercial
and social \vont'.
The change, Made by the r l0ncral CO11-
ferellee iu 1114 can-titIll Ion of the dep:u't•
mint were indicated by the \liiutc Sec-
retary, Rev. tleo, E. Salton, P11.1 1., of
Uttawa. A'iong 1110,0 change, ,Ire the
follo\yillg: The inimical district meet-
ings are required to al't'atlgo 14,1' ielttpei-
au., and mural reform, its well as mis-
sionary and cdn01lt1lonal auniversiu'ies.
And it is made part at the bu,iuess of
the 1)fficial Board to appoint annually
(.01110111 1.00 uu Teitppr11.110', P101111111 1101
)111)1 101 ill Iiclurin, I hl: 1,''111'1111 (..'tutor•
encs also authorized the board to ap-
point 4,110 or more Field Secrete' ie,.
functions o111 the department hate been
enlarged to (:oyer the 441101e scope of
sociology 0ntl ueiehoollic,,
The appuintluent 4,f ;t Field seeretal'y
to assist I)1'. ( 1111\ell \1.,t- lett ((Ver.
1 re ultttiuu called tar synlpatlly of the
111Ilrch with pul,lie niers, and regretted
that in new Ontario that. ,utte,S 4'us
not being reali'red ;clung tctnperiutce lines
that from the pl'ullliv,s anti engagements
of the tin 'urnnit'nt they had tt right to
expect. It said there \vas an inereaeae
in the number of license,. seine being
issued contr;u'y to the -lit' itis provisions
of the license Illvv,
The Finance l'nnllnittee fixed the sal-
aries of the officers, piecing that of Ur.
Cleovit :11 41''2,1111)) ;tits 111'))11)' relit,
I)r.:\, 1). \\'atson was re-elected 'I'►'ea•
surer, and the following were chosen RS
the ExeentiVe l'ul►tlnittee: Rey„ 1)1', ,A
Turman, Bev, Ili'. ti, I). (.11owi, 1)1', :1, I).
\\'atson, Hey, \\'m, Krtllewtll, ;ley, \\',
If. 1iineks, 141,.Ii., Rey, T. Albert llnurt,,
and Messrs, :110x, .\;ill., Jelin (leorge,
(I'rn't la;;in1, and '1, .1. \lusuu, (Bow-
man Ville),
Long Days of Work Made Her Try to
St. Louis, Oct. oil, I;eeanse she had
to work nearer every day in the year
since she was 11 years old. ('trrie 'l'acl:e,
1; years aid. of 1,2211 South Sixth street,
took hoiden inn nn \lo11day in all at-
tempt to end her life at the home of her
parents, where She lives.
She is recovering at the city hospi-
"I,ife is gilds) 11)111 for lllr," 411(! said
on 'I'uesthty. "I have thought a long
time tthnnttalking illy lit''', and decid-
ed on \londtty while everyone was away
from home that there wasn't anything I
cared to live for.
"1t. isn't the work I mind, I'm used
to that, but. i ,jest get, to thinking,
'\Vhut's the use?'"
C. P. R. Will Lease Its Great
Fort William, Oet, lir,-11 is generally
understood that the C. P. R. intends
to go out of the elevator business at the
lake front, and will lease its five great
elevators. \\•its n ,joint, capacity of 12,-
000,000 bushels, to a co ipany believed
to be now in process of forrnation, and
composed of 'Montreal and Winnipeg
glrain denlere, 'The C. P, R. Is in this
foi].,\\ irg the example of the 1'. N. 11.,
sl!i,'lI recently leased it.; terminal el'•
j \';1)1111 to fort .lrthnr to the British
Anl+ riclln i:levato' ('otpany. For a
number of 10;11'; 1111' (', I'. 11. resisted
luly attempt of private people to eyed
build ;in e11'1';Itor Of their 11\111 11 the
lake front, bol the \VIV 4435 finally rip•
011011 by the Empire Elevator Company,
and 1110' the \\•e;t ern laeyatnr ('untpany
,s doing the some. 11 is certain that the
('. P. 11, foilv• intends to go out of the
elevator lir-ropes at Fort\\'iiliatn.
New Bruus'.vick Man Mistook William
Kencaide for a Moose and Killed
Him -Strong Recommendation to
Mercy Accotnpanied Verdict,
St. ,John, N. li., 1)et, I,).- Before sludge
Landry in the Queen's County Circuit
Court tonight Stanley Fanjoy was
found gaiety of manslaughter and sen-
tenced to jail until 2 p.m. to -morrow, u
period of about eighteen hours, Lust
November l'aijpy, while tracking a
w01.111d(41 moose in the county vgoods.
fired lit III 'loving object, thinking it 111,1
Itis game. Instead it was 'William Kei-
eaide, and he was shot dead, 'Flue Crown
believe there \\tis u4, alalia:, hot that
there wits negligence and this and also
the fact that Fai jay held no license to
shoot moose, decided the frown officers
to prosecute Fan,joy and Ite was found
guilty. \\•its strong recommendation for
Twenty-five Families Were Lost in the
Santiago River and Fifteen Were
Drowned by the Capsizing. of Boat
Crossing the River.
Mexico (.1t', Oct, 111. ---lucent floods in
the southern pint of Jalisco and Colina
have resulted in great destruction of
property and loss of life, The number
of fatalities )Tont drowning along the
Mui'zaniilo extension of ' the Mexican
Central Railroad is 123.
Thousands of tuns of earth aid rock
descended in great landslides front. the
mountains. The steel railway bridge be-
low '.I'uxpaiJ was destroyed and it steam
shovel weighing 2(1 tons was borne by
the torrent for a considerable distance.
1n one place the water ruse oil) feet.
liii ' houses were de,,troyed by floods
in T'nxplui 1111(1 ~apallic. 'Twenty-five
114e4 were lust in the Santiago River;
fifteen were drowned by the capsizing
of a boat while crossing the river.. 1IA-
were natives.
Morning Post' Says Better Armaments
London, Oct, 1;i. -The Daily Graphic
declares the fisheries arrangement has
fully ,justified the intense indignation
with 'which it is regarded in Newfottnd-
lend. The allegation by Lite 'Foreign Of-
fice, that there was no earlier opportun-
ity of dealing *With the question, must be
a mistake, becnns+e the present crisis
dates back to April, 1000.
Referring to the Newfoundland crisis
the 1\fol'ning Post ngai11 insists on the
necessity of the colonies being equipped
with armaments sufficient to give their
diplomatic requirements the necessary
hocking, and adds that ''Cttmtda has still
much leeway to slake 1,p in the ,matter
of defence before ;she could insit;t on such
prominence being given to her interests
fill might be secured by the appointment
of a Canadian Secretary at Washington,
Strikers and Company's Officials
Charged With Homicide.
Bitter reeling Continues; Military in
Belanger, the Dead Leader, Accused
of Shooting Picard.
linrhingltanl, 1)1111',, despach: A tletach-
ment of fifll• littl'ul l'ttllntl!all I)rart11)tts
from St, Joint's, (slue., ;''rived here late
this tooting to assist i11 I1reser\'lllg 111'•
dt'r, It i, feared there \\ill hp en oat•
break by the striker.: 'when the attempt
i, made again 111 bring (lu\\ti lugs to )tic
\lael;u''n company's mill, e.44 far, hu\y-
tem', perfect order has been maintainer,
111111 the ,tril:e'r, have behaved g11tetly,
,\ sensation 11;1+ created here 1111; at•
termini) when 1IIt' ,tt'rt'sts began. 11111!)):
tint was that of Hilaire ('Iulriot', ane
of the ,triset's, 1111(1 14', others 4'1Itt 1ti'o
lying \wand,')) Bu the hu pith, --Isadore
Renaud and :ldelard Hamelin. '.filen
news got about that the strikers had tr-
taliatl'd, -11 the instltnce of ,1, (lagoon,
n relnliyr 11)11 the )10:)11 11'ad,'r, I:"tan rr,
s0yen n11'n \yore urrc,(elt ,t
1'liar'ge of Illtll'd-'I' :111(1 all('Ittp:'11 Illtll' -
(ler, 'flit'' :ire: Albert and Alexander
\l t'l tIr•n, t\vo 111 the partners in the
lumber company; James Iecrime, in tilt•
tr of the Chief of I'ohee; 41. E. '\ 1t!tale ,
t;tyol' ,if !ttlel:herb;tilt and t;or:erni ..tet•
age t for the \laeltu'en Company 1'I;:1-
pnm I'01011ier of lttickinghaut, rod Bert
Cameron. a slte(ial constable. Tho pri•
loners were ))ileo to (lull t.o•nit,,lt by
sheriff \\'right and ('hief P;ovincut! 1)0-
tectiye llc(':Ialiitl, '1'11)`1 \sero 1'nlOss':d
1111 (1)011 114'11 t''' Ttl)::atser"r, ti bi t,] It tl
before they left Btdckinghaln tip prf4on.
et. ('harette.
In the anonym it tueetir,2' of rt:te •
payers wits hell. and some hitter eon -
denotation of the disgrace brought ::'a''1
the town \vns expressed. It was disputed
to ask the Minister of Militia %vito was
re,pon=ible for the fact thttl the tolvn
\vas under martial la \e, :1 romalfttee
was appointed to dial \\ 1111 the
t ion.
Charette's Examination,
After ('hatrtte's arrest it WO .1 ,,''cid•
ed to go on with the oast' at Unca. To
this cutnl:;el for the strikers objected,
but the \Iagisli'ate eventually ordered
that the t'vidt'nee of one witness be
talon and the trial postponed. Aceor.l-
ingll- Chief of Police Frank l'.erttan v1•an
exatttinl'd, 110 affirmed that the sU':;;ere
had opened the firing. 11r, Henry kr-
len, K, C., questioned the witness, and.
his method of siggostive questioning
was strongly resented by the counsel for
the prisoner. For instance be asked the
w'itn(54' opinion as to what )night have
happened had the police not flted.
The question of the riot act not htte-
ing been rend, though the Mrryor \\els on
the side of the sirike-breakers, it; still a
strong plank in the unionists' plal.f'tit'in,
end it is believed here to snake a seri-
ous ease against the authorities,
Twenty special constables have cane
up from \lontrenl, ani the town is en.
tirely in the hands of the officials,
Says Belanger Shot Hirt.
All the patients are reported this
morning to hp doing as 11411 as non be
expected, Detective Picard is much bet-
ter, though the bullet in his side lius not
yet been extracted, Ile said to a report-
er this morning that Belanger, the
strike )ruder, was the Hurn \\•lin shot
him. This is emtfirnttd by another of
the elonirettl (khedives, wile stood by
Picard \)•hen he fell, Ilelanger''s revol-
ver when found 1'111 three empty shell,.
Picard semis particularly cheerful,
When told this morning that 1)etect•
ire Pitta's haul stetted that 10 wins shot
by lender Belanger. \lr, Laulnutnine, the
men's lawyer, described it Vols: 'Plat's
a lir; we can prove that Belanger bud
110 11.1.01 ver at all."
Quebec Government Acts,
Ottawa despnteh: Premier (Irwin, and
'Deputy attorney -General Iautctot, who
our 111, 111*esr'11t 111 01 1.11W11, have t.nken
prompt steps to investigate the. 11t(ck-
inglulnl riot with a view to punishing the
parties responsible and bringing n'satis•
factory ).sur out of the present trou-
ble, As soon as \void of the riot reach -
('d Premier (tonin he ordered Chief De-
teetivt' \ie(';(skill to Tlucleingllanl,l\•hich
11;)11 the hitter heeeltrd last night,'To-
itighl \1t', McCaskill 1rrit'1'd ►u Ott:awn
In utak(' 11 report.
ill•. 1',dniiitul (itleri^.. crown.
tor, 'Montreal, was also instructed to
proceed to the scent' of Idoodshed, and
net for the Co1'nt'nruent at the ;ngnrst
which may be held at Dupe,
At, the stunt time the Clovenitttrnt 18
anxious to bring the existing dispute as
to wages to 0 satisfactory settlement,
rued with this nbjrt't't in view Tlon. Mr.
1Veie, Minister of lfihtie Works anti
Labor, this morning asked Mr, Marvis,
inspee(or for the Board of Concilirttion
and Arbitr011011 of Qnrber, to go to the
1•ase ht4 tron(l offices in in.
rl10\en\11riringand 111 brio): (111. Struggle to tt
His Salary of $Goo a Year Cut and He
St, John, N. 1i„ Oct, 15. --Rev, Arr.
Townsend, pastor of the Baptist C'htn'eh
at, St. 'Martin's, has notified his emigre-
gatiou that he will take legal steps to
collect, hist Salary of $1100,
Recently the chlu•rli made a rot in his
salary. There is a faction opposed to
Geoly,e Scuv'illc, Lawyer for Gatfield's
Slayer, ;)cad,
r.11U.1_U ;tet. Ia,- 0111), ,•-'ui 11,, ',11111
11'' un Int' pr,t' l.'4. tI1 Ito in r 111•,1_„ ul
Is. -11 and 41111 Lt,line.1 un t'n\i,1111''
lion d- an Viotti,•\ 111'1)' ;11!'1 in Indiana
11 Bell hr Ielle"\1.I thole ;I 14.4 1,.1111- a12,11,
sirs ,Illldll1 el 1)1111, at 111• home. t,•1' I
Layman Victim'. .,\II', ''tttillt' chill(' illy+
proniiiienc' al the trill 11f I'harle• .1,
the -1.1\+'r tIf Ihe•le eat 1;•ir
(tlll(t';Ili \111.1, the bt"Ihet' of ,\It', -en•
\1110'. hit's 1111\)' \II•. Prance; \I. Not.
fun, Iht' •elllenit ut ends:'t', and i1 4•
al 1111 ,11liriialinu of Ili; 4!fr ;hat X011
1i110 II11+11'rl,+uk ill,' 11011'1)-0 11f (;11110x11,
111'1.11110 III; 'dill k1 d ,' 111 1111' f4.e1111,
;1,';1111.1 111111 \11101 •L`cll ;111 art 1vn111+1
nihil, 'l ill. 111.'21111.V ;111+1 a11ilit v 4.111)
11111('11 110 CO111111r1,',! III• tit t. !1'1111'101',
41111 lit i'II repro! for 111111 ;1111-toppl'.1
the 44.11-Ille bi,11 111111oalty \i,l- 1111'01'1
011 a",tin-) I!itn ill \it\\ of the .1nfl;nl,1'el
r1111(1111,III III II'e p,I!)1ic ;Hill,!, 11' pi 1!11'
ilial hr 1011111\'rd to lu.lianu ,111,1 1r,1'11
;11 11;1,• 1.al;r f•)1' 111;111\ year-.
III• )100(1 n\el",1111'!'!11110, •'!II•llllle•
anutiiting 111 ilt,lar e_nlli-ell, I\It't';1-
('%u!".,,/ •1'1'111011 111 !Ie 11111\ .1 1 \ 111' ;111'1
e\1.)'1114,1' of 11plllloll- fn!II1.Ie11 111)1111 S,111:11
r4,uditilm- 1111,1111-la0tnrl' 111 1'1'1111)11
'tris)', (,f p0opl', I(niltill (:111111-1'1 I11;1t
Ile \1;1- r111111111•;lum'd ;Ills \\;I• ;line 111
)1i, 111111 1))111-1111 ilial 111•111e to chane an
llulinistr;pion 111 the 1oyernn!t'11t 41111111
4vo., x111 ;I Lt' iii -lie to Iii; 1104-, Nn -llt;r
pt's -1111 011!nvit1t'+I \1'1111 (hot opinion, 11'0
111!II't1014.1' of \It'Kilitey 04.1011 :it.; 1111. 4.S•
pntlelll 111 ;i 1 it' tr , founded Veen ;I de•
tee' 11f Irnt11 grill extensi\Ply admittell, that leirg' e1,t•se• 1•f 1111.p0o1de ;fro
((1,111.1(..01 1).‘. ext -11112 t'unibtt til-, :()01;1)
;111'1 11,(111 1(.;11, fur 41110!1 t here 1- 11 1 1 1!1.
)11'11 except force."
i)r'tioit. x1'11., Incl, 1•i, .1 1)0)11111
N14 sia.elal Bron' 111111 1'111 on. \110•!1,.
ey•I 'I'll.. font teen people 4.„1111)11 -lug
the pie\\, of the Irlrg1'^ \\;)\110 ;1111
4111011 \1)01'' leltort('d 1111-,1111: 111
\141410y .111)111. 4010 /.1111111 111111
11101 •x
10 y1'-1 Ord;t y, 1111 1111% .1111 •111'\ 110 1
1 he -I r,111,1111' of 1111' 1 4 11 \ 0••01, 110 Hie
-logo of \11,0111\ ltty. It11111 \e-•4.1,
,t roc!; 11n ;1 rocky 'Ilol t•. A\ II11e the
ort'\\' of the \Cayu1 found it tonlpa r 1 Uyt'.
yl easy !natter to reach dry laud 1111
F11,•t ' '• crew I'11ua.l 1111.111',011.1., 1111111.1•
^011111011 a ,In'1101141 ship ;1'1111 ;I .lipid)
of ;I h11il!tt •11t4 int0r\0nili' 110:1\,'1'0
!hone and the ,11111',',
1:11. .1;teo ,on, one of the Fn,t:'t',
d'u'ly, tool; the Ire end of ;1. line lit lit,
10Th, Hon 'd in ilio -off, unit. ;liter It
terrifil' b;lttle for life, Rutile hi, -\\111 t
the 1!111+1. eowntittou.tt loll
his shipmate, by Itleanr; of its lin'•,
he 11x41 ea Fried II •11111'0, ,I;1,'nb-+rel I 111'11
br'nlrht the ;ix ren'Iiliin, ulrnlln'r• of
Ile 01+'4' to ;;Ind in a breeebe, 11114i1'.
The Fo-ler i, re -ding on ;1 -011,11' j"Ir
toll), ;11)11 11111('a, allulhel' !ti,» ble\t' coil)'':
lip ,he will b0 released.
The \V tune In tvlllr� all I an
fur!,•, ;111
is in danger of going to piper,,
Right Rev, A, S•: 'ectman May Succeed r y'
Archbishop Bond,
.\Ionlreti, (he, I. 1: tt result 4,1
.\ rchbi,hop Bond', depth, Bishop se eat •
man, I;i,b11p 11111 'Turunto, will, it i, e\•
peeled, become Archbishop et' Termini,
and \letr')p1)lilan of,(';11 tt Its, being' th''
seldor b1-1111) ill point of' roil,eel'11111111 111
Ili,. r0010sin,tirrrl •pro\ince 1.1' 1'anada.
S11)111(1 Ili, 1,1411111i1)drellne 11:1' 11"I!uI',
the choice \)'1111111 probably lie 110(w'v'n
the I;i-lt1; of Irrt'din X11111 ;tad Ol I it wa,
The eledei' for 1110 Primate of all
n;lll,', trill 11
0 it t' '1'11' ,\rcbbi,ltnil
\Intbcun, \Ielroptttihlii 1)11 Ittlln'rt's
lan(1, ;111 the new .\rrhbi,hltp of the
t'w'10;i11aicitl 1)1110111'1' of (':aiming It
possible thee Bishop Swe;timmn \4111
be rased to the dignill', its Ise \y1,s
conw'ct•;it1'11 in ISTtt, whereas :Atoll
bishop Matheson \ens only: elevated In
the Dpi-copat1' in 19111,1. fty (hc de;lt!I
of ,1rellbislil)p Bond Bishop ('u•nlit'hael
become; Lord. Il!shltp of :tlonlr001,
!1i•Iinp l';u'ntft'tiit 'i becomes li!shnp of
\lnulrl'at, land' er;i es to lite lector rtt•
';I, 1'4voroe', ('11Rrch 1hrre
Dealers to London After Protvany of a
Famous Sire,
Ltuitiun, c►et, lir --'Three :111u'ricat deg'
fancit'n5 ore in Lr�udlm Lr}ins tit iutko
it cotte:'r iu the'de;cetid'auts of the f'anl-
ul.ls bulldog IG)tlttcl' Stone, I)esCOueltul(s
of this animararely omit' on the mar'1:41, but \rhru they tin )het' 5011 fol'
nearly 'li,(1(II1 n piece. Jeffries, \vim sold
Ii01111,'' Stone 111 Mr. ('raker.' sues 1111 1,
11' the men hying lu !lido, the corner
tipple to hint lhry will have to pay
Body Left Lying for Ten Days in a Rus-
sian Village,
St. Petersburg, Oct. lei. -,-A despitich
from :Tiflis says thin Prince I'itsou
I'tt\'Icnuff was murdered on a street
in tt \'ilinge of the (lode' district, None
of the .villagers would handle the hotly',
nml it lir) where it )'ell, Prince Jason's
(lncle, Trine), Gregory, was sintiltu'ly
murdered Inst tluic, aid his hotly Inv for
leu days before it was removed fat'
10 )
Same flavor as Japan, only perfectly free from
adulterations of any kind. It is to the Japan tea
drinker what "SALADA" Black is to the black
tea drinker. Load packets only. 4.0, 50 and Gar, Per Lb.
r 1
V „'4id"V'�"V'MI1'W "V'i W V Me. "V 11 n 0"\ pM/�"W"V
�1w n,v ti✓^,v
"amu \11( bite )net again, :Hy 1'111111,!
fricair said the captain, ".\nil Illi.
lino, I 111;t\ "Ito\\" Voil the \1'l4 - III.I4 it
1: aid b,‘ the 11111;11 hairy! I \1111.
too. ,111',1 you the \\ay t0 no. infernal
1'd ;1111 111 ,lollhll' 8111(11 tulle' 1,111E ;11
that !' he ;ll u0sl sllripk'd, \l hilt. his
face gre11 lillll am! distorted vWilk; 11,1•
shin as lel' pointed to it 1',111', 1'0(1, Iplll'e:'
in'1 cut aero-, his face "that is pon.
h;lnlli\\orl:, and if 144as ilying x1111 00111
in 140x141'1 141' doing if, 11\"1111
111!21\I' yon! Never! by " .\nd he
uttered a fell fill Oath.
•'1 1!1v''11'1 111;!(1 you to,' said I1;,-
brn11;', h(d)l(((g 111 fe1'o1'Ioll, glare ,t, 1,1-
•'N0'" he slmittod: "1(11' it \\ullt(' 1)0
11.1'11'..! not of this \,(11 \\111 never ,til
111;(101 1.1111 are hero: beyond 1111 1111111.111
111'11', 01'1111'11'1'11' 111 Ill4 )1111'('1'. 4111(1 \(Illi'
doom I• „Pitted."
110 FA -Ail Ilio l);,101 I he -puk', 14;11
dropped 11 ;1;1:1111 at ;1 -11111111 that ,tall•
10,1 both him ;11111 t 11 young I':n!1lisbnl,lu.
;111,1 10114 turned t0 behold all ulllu)k01!-
for :I1,111ra on,
It 443, \\ild cry 11 \V'41111 -!1'111
that 111)1 ,1144111(1 then(; 11111 Ioul.•
1111 around, III'\' ,1)1 Ito \vomit!' -
11t11y the `1':1111,11 1111y, flying 11\);11'11
((viii, 11111'r11lg 1'1'1' 1111('l' ('1'1' ll'. 1111 1111y
,'\1'r 1;d 111'1'111'. It WON aappa
l I'll
uul0uI I fur, s11 uuexpolelt, that bnth
f11r2nl, for :1)l in -11111\, \\Iiut \pas t11 101•
11'\1 the ono, hi, inunin)nt danger: the
0ibrl', 111 114i11u111a1' \'1411g1411 1111'; :11111 In' 1 faint 0`.1.1:1111x111111, by 11111'111'101'i! ll) 1'1.0:
(111'0 1'111'1'1' lull 1(4.(ivel'1'll the boy 11':1, 1)111 at 1!))' 1141)111111 it sp:l.111 of 11111'1\-)
,A1111,1;11 ! 14Psld' I)i�ln'uw' hcl)1in - mit 11141 -hot across his pill' face, and ,hui1-
hi, 11111:, 14I'tore Ilius. as if ho \void,' have 1!!;11'1 1111',1";11 all hi- frim;(,
into' posed that. frail 111141 1)1' to shield his ,1'I;Ipe)1 Iheatill un I)i-!1'11\111'; hroa-t.
life, '11v dolor boy!" said I)i-bridle, tout,
,,, ,t 1attempto oris",
"gip,1r' hint ,1111!' bila. 441!,1 1141 1401 11;1-i�nnit(.�. "I)1' not f
i!1 !deicing accents, "1)11, r'oplain '1'1'1111)• \'u11r arm 1- broken, I fear: lint I \1111
1',l! fur Iell' 11140 0l llVill('ll, ,1)111'1' 111 111111)' ''111 N'lll'1'I' 11111
Thu young I:ngll-bman, tllkin;l advan-
tage o1 1111. nlonu'nla•y confusion, sande
n attempt to tvrt.(4t the 16,1111 from his
Slit. I0,1 Illy \\ay do41n the lung Ila,'. ( "Jacquelin 140',; not believe 111 true,
!III a flight itf •tliil'-. and 1liroo•r1l !1)1• ! ;1;!'llt being (,1'I'll(lll:('11, l,(')luse it tea
other 11(11 loading to telt' sunt(( 44!11'! ,1 I I..'ll1')t to 1.1' ltut'll III :1 !'"('l; 111111 1'1
the building; and, 1 111 ,24 lig, 1111 11 a '1111,!. h,1, a (111)'1, (rower, and tilt,, 411 t';In
11,11('1'',1 1)1.111'),4\,' Ill(() .1 11'1l-!1111 1111'.,' In )'r:Ir,'1,1 III'1' t('PIIII(!,'; nil :1111' illlll)(':'
room, elegantly furui•le•,I in 1:1.1,'1'.''. '•!i,l .\I1', 1)1 \'I'rI'. "Ilii:1414.1410,3,1.1)f'
. as for 14)1 too
modern style, I,.e1i:.11 irritll,lI li, ,1II \vitl (illirl,I y g(
1)I•br111to !,Irl ,1x1111111 on :1 1„',) I.r1(n 11 . 11!:•, .11111 1111.('\ 4.11 ler III,Irrnis
11(')1, hiitl2 illi!! N!):i ', ' II '"i1 .„ I',' . ;11'.11'. 1• 1(Ir. 1)li'' 11th(!(, llll'11!1L
Mott' 111;111 hi. dl'a11i111•.,' 1;11'1'. 41-!1 \,111 4 11111 r('ll))'illla'1, added the
.1ga;n, a; 11)' 1(11)10',1 at him, hull 1'1(:',I I'1', 44;111 :1 ;1;21(1 sill;II': ":\411;(I this
,:Ilh(' 111'1.1 iimi11)t'.11111;11411' ('.II\'i,•4i 4, ; ,!lel 111 111'1' int1',ene). 11. 1- ill((• 11)!
1':11 III' 11;111 -1'011 111111 -011110(‘ III')',' !.' f 'I'' ',11:11'1 N ni: tl'll 1) .1 Ito\\111'1' Il) I1:l/ ll
11:1111'11 ncros, hi- mind, A111'1;-1:1, 1,44 tote, .t oll are 111)) 11)21;11
Itul Ja1,1m'l1 ), 111111 141'1' 11.11;11 e;l:''l; (u'I'laj - t11u 11,1d 14!\1111' Fehr.,"
g,'ll1 pl'ulllpall1140. left 111111 111x0 !:ale \'11_:!1-t;1 :(ruse' 111 her jail. Nide
t4) 1'llllilllatl', lot' 1111 ,1111)'1' had he 'Ji ! I Ica\, :111)1, \lit(! ;I ,11;,'11\ 111'1111 of the Ilea
111111 do1111, ;11('11 ,he -:11 1: I ,)1! : 110 1, "Ili, full.\\'d 11, Fri) Al
11!'Il•! ;1) 111141 illi)! 11111.1 1111 1 .):1 .. ! tee 11•,:1u1':1,lr .\1111'11 1)1-1411114 r, til• --:111
501111 14;111 1111 Iii I;re011 1 I'l'l, f )) . I fled ',.ith himself and •Inr)tuetta, sol
1110;1!. toll hill) 1l) Le ;Odds, f"r li) :1(101 1161 110 -,nl)e tiling, and telt inelii
• ),1101' the :Irl)! i, .1.11, the hell)?, t,1,'" ,•,1 to )V'i'!) Miss ,laclluett:l 1415 lilac hl
111 till' of himself, 1Jlilirotvi, 1'1)11111 1:) picture, awl that the some old shill((
repress a 'mill' ;It tl(' .4 ming
offhand. decided. 111)1' (if
,I ,
' ) r o
-' 1',a 1 1 1111 1 V II t
fill I .. bell 1\ -II II 1)t \ ,11
ply, he darted 1111, leaving ,Incl: 111'
alone with her patient,
1' •1';1111: 1111; off lil' it flash 11111114
hard chat 1111(1 happened, and he
yet nrn1')1 111th 1)1', i'inlon)1.9, 4111) IIr11
411unep)1 the injury, a painful, lint not
51'60115 0111', ,luc,luclllt t00t: 1111011 her•
.)I( the duty of aiding 1110 1110111!, ,1111
11(111 not :111014' 1)isbrowe to ('01111' ;11111
t II I, !11111,
14!x4} 11\14 I;1'0►I',, by his ,ills, ;!:111 Ili- \\'hell supper \vas over .1ierl(ettil slue
fell over I);,iro\4''' aim :1 (h0:a1ll be
11111 in 'Toldt' Ilea,(,
"I 111, 01111-111! ;, 110 ;lead," r'r',t .lar
)11011x, falling all Inv' I:nee. be..bl0 11;111,
"Sol 1111)1," :li)t I11,b1.11\v', !1)1111!; 111')
I I!
to hill(, saying:
"I 11114) a 1111's,age for you, eu11s111,"
"11'1'11 1 :1111 :ill attention," said 1/1••
b1' (44,).
"II is from 111111 Nun \1111\4, 110 )�
11:11111 un hi; 1411:11'\. 1414;011 ,till I 1114 11111 l) 11.11'0.5 \'0nr;elf lVpr-11111!11 '1WI
ltllllll4; "Ilol. Ileal(, hilt 111 11 '110"11: ;11111 H'ltitli,le, x' ll'' III'1'1'Iy 11e1 111
11111 i, ,halter(ll, 1 ere:ttl}' far, 140111(1 11:110 1111111' for 1111(1 0110; 111111
a Ill, Incl' hu1 I )1101' 14111' r ;:11,1 .1110- u they 1V 111 hill. '!(1 !.
I fur }011' Ihanl:s,
1!1101(x, ,ol'I'uwfoll(, '4)!I ('1\1,111! 11111) 1)11(1 IIp , ,r0sehel'I'1' \1'Im'. 1vill 110 1111 till' 1.011
the 111:111 1(1 Ilii 1.111,. I ler 1114 ng, �u 111111' yulrs,lf ,'a
"'1'11;11 IIIn11tnl' 11104'1'! \1:11' lliilCell I !1111111 1111111'
\411!5\ cnrs0; light un 111;111'" e\ctiiim'll '•I intend fo," said 1)ishrow', 11ro11'-
1)ilhr0\ve, fiercely. "\1'11I'rl' can \4(' bring ; ing himself into a (hair. "l'apitol '111
;11111, •11e11111tta'; fir. nrthing 1111.1 be dun'' 401', )hal, :1111 1 ilit('11,1 to follow it. 1)0
immediately." I ;all 1:11011', 4\'11';1 1 111:11'1'1' 1 1'Npeei to
"lillll;, 141111 1.0 1'1)111)110 1!4'1'0 1 (111 I'ru' 1,11 a 14)11('11 Of ('0;)' leaves all d,1'
other place 41'1(1) he 0;10 he 141.0112111' )Ong, and nnik) lily 4440 til Int' 1114;
and it ;s not 111111'1 1111111 1440 111i11'; front
1!11'. (all. 111(11 14141)11 1'1,11 011 \'0!;. 1401." " Hoar ell(', Notlttil ' -a tulle
illd ('1111 4"'.11.1 ;1i 1'011 call ll) 1111'111111-e! 1)41111 01 \1111,11111!•" 111'01:14 11) .1:111110:.1.
Ill, lel: 1111' 140,1 it 1111p:1011o,', 'Yid thio. 1;;114 n \1 '11'10'11 In ugh; 11114 IJi.14rnr.o • ,I
Hiatt ill 101111 111111'11)1'1111 illlll.' 111;'011,x1111 instatltlt giew Fie nt.
"N0 no. III' i4a,'nded t.1' 111;ir111" 1110: Thal (venin" he 11)ilyd Jnl'Ii(t is
1101 Illi- 110111' 1101'. 111 111- 11(;): 1 in -1.11' f1,1' 1111' fie'-( 111111. 1)101 a s'Ip il) 4 ).c'
III\' 1111'. rt''el\i'd the hall Iittihil 1 i1' 111''.' ,he hall. :\11!,'Itsta, too, s\tetd 01'1'1' he
said 1)1-Irol\0 as hl' rill -1'1 the 111111-1 I;eys of the piano \\';111 a Ina -ter 11.:!1.1,
hfill' and 1;11140! form in hi, arms. ' at her father's desire; but :In a1110,11n-
"\\'\let a lallt11111 (114.1':" l'\clli;1)e (, toll 4\ wild havI done it \Will( is i101,11
blrgn'tfa, iu4olnnta:111, 111!2''\\;1 1'1' life. If she had been 1014) Of marble
all instant. everything jhut the 'd11411ro11' i -110 could not I4'1\'e sail 111!)1 1' 4114:!1'. 'tl:!
I)eauf\' of till' 11111, ,11111, ;lad still 1112111 Al'sit 11(11111' 1!4114
, she •11,0!:), the 14,)4 open,. Ilk ('41(-.
;11111 IM's• 1)'11 (mon thyh:al l-mn,, 110!1• Lal(! 1 111 1'v( 11 hit?, A11111lelta s;1!1 ;1))
',dell ta''e heeding over him, and, \\lilt a 0111 I':n11i,11 huntil)g 14111111.
"'1111'1'1' are no ,111p. be olt!
'.111)1 I)1•Irr11we, "1 41011111 filth''! !war
0111' 11111 11,1110;1 111111 1111 1 b 1i11inn -011;;;
!blit. '\11' 11 prima !111:1:1 hiked an'(
(!11;14 (led."
"You 11;11: to() notch 01 Old tliille-."
..tit! .Ii4•g11'tla, 111!f pettishly. "I11,!
names, ;111)1 finlili0s, and old h11n-"s, tut
010 -0n"s. 1(1! 4h14v. For 111y part, I
II('vl' 111 modern illpl'u4omen', ant 11(41'
sensations altogether."
".\nd yet I ;1111 ('('Alin x011 14011!,1 1'x•
then 141,11' (11e oht nano) of be Ver.. thou
1141'' 11her 1001er 1.111'un," ;I;,l 111,
\\'ith 11 g1( -title 111111 4111; a1111) -t
1:: it, p:ls.iunitt' 11111111t 11'111'1'. J1„1u01ta
11'1),( amt 1111tdd to 1110 other side) f the
"1' oat 11') ;1 I:1' \err, 111.4' dear 1,114, tf
"\u, Let !no '_o; put 11!1 .' )4111 1
must 110," saki the boy, \4il)li}', 111a1:hig
another attemptto free 1411;-0!f: !Int
grasp; 11111 the htlt\'lilhn eye of his voice \vis faint :n1)1 -harp from
apt:liu 'Tempest Il(te)lirl the !within, agony, 31111 Ili- face t•\1'ilche,I eol!'nl-ive•
and lllli('I: :1, lightning h) sprang book, It' 44it11 the almo•t unendurable pain,
took deliberate aim, 1111d Med, ;111;1 olive more 1111 -an!: b,1et:, \\'hill. ;111,1
\1'itli a mighty sln'iok of !nitre Than f:limn((,
mortal'11uuguisll, 111!;11111 11ad fling his I)i,br)ae's 11111(1 1(1.14' tva- to place
arm, aolllld 111' \'Illllg guardsman, and 111111 1p,,n his hot' -e. ;Intl 1lien leap Into
011 the il4lnlntia\' start 111e pry gays tbo x;114111,; \41111,, 441114 a groan Mat all
IIn) ruffian, the Ira] ....lied '10111 it; aim, his effort; (.4)111(1 not (')pies, 1bI' p1 )1'
:n41 the next inslalt the right arm of boy's Meld dropped heavily 011 Ili- s!uln!
talo y.oing 11';11liard dr)ppv)1 lif)Iosi by der,
Ili, id1, anal \viol a groan he sane: sense- "\l hal i; to be 111!) 14;111 tali:.:eons
10=; on 1111. ttl'oniill. 111'1'1 \1!111 1>i;11111e11 '011': ' s111,1 J;Ir,111('t t a,
"\'11.1;11, dehl11n," shunted the young '1.;11:111 I order ).ion t) keep hii here till
(11;111, \11x)1)1pm'll 11\• the sight. "\1111 4114' 11'0 0,:11 return \Cilli 111(141 t(I arra•-t 111:14:
h;IL'4l 10111." .\nil ill an instant be 111111 fib?"
siirtIlh oft' 1114 horse and grasped ('n1'• ('aptlin 'T'empest's reply to this tlrl-
111.111 Nick 11,1• the 1tlr(4,t 'r0 hu could In -;lin! 4111; ;1)1 appall;n,, volley of
111'111\'a. svenild 11;5101 from his belt.
vallis, its his lilid fie' grety a shade
11'1114 a fearful milt of mingled rage more gho;ll\•. and 110 shook h;s vI'n:'heli
fist furittlsly nt 'Ia(1!!Il1a in impotent
pats -inn,
"No, let him go; let (.':1111;1;n Tempest
go," said ,Ia1into, lifting his arae( for 1111
;(slant, and t'en lh'ulipi(1 it. !;gain.
„Lel him g1), sin11 the lad (14.sir0- It,"
said I)!-,lrolye, after 11 moment': hc4;-
lotion. 'I sh4111 lie 011 m4 glib(( for the
future, and \Will not 1)0 talon) at a disc t-
111111 disappointment: Ill missing his a1111
the captain closed \'it11 his 11d1'r.sar.3',
11 11(1 a d0adly slrllgglo '11511'1. IL 11.15 II
sirs ggli 11111, 11.111(1 11111 111140 111141011 Inng,
for ih)lgh I)i;hrt\t'e had the adyant•
age 111 y(11111 1111)1 agilil) -('1111\:;11 'I'enlP-
e-t 13.15 11 1111!1!(1 giant in strength, and
he iind gl'oaped 111' young man in an
iron grasp with 111' 111111(1, 41'11111' 41';(11 1110
other h' tugged at it hug', glistening
buil'', wino' h' nn'xp'cl'dly found him-
self seized from P0111101 1)1' ;0m) bilge
m(nsdtr dna held 111111 its if h Was ;)1 n
yi,c, find obliged hint In relax This hold,
"11111(1 hint, Lion, 14(1111 hint, my goy!"
'Xlhlim'd (4 spirited Alice, 411 Ili' sane'
Ino(n'nt, "'flint's a good )log! Now then
\Owl's 4111 this aboral.."
1':11111'' again."
"\''r\' \roll,'' said .laegl'tta, 04 site
fearlessly approached 1h) raving ,a40g)4
„but first, illy dear sir, 1 11111 bosh(()1011
for 111:1 1 pill 01. Before ).ion lets you off
the limits, you mast stand 111111 deli('!"
Captain Niel: furiously hurled 111e pis-
tol at her feet.
''Thal(:(: yolk" said Jao(lnot,ta, coolly.
llisbrlwe looked tip, 11111 s4)' t) 11114 :5- 115 5140 picked up the weapon and exal11•
t(ifislnnent, nit 4t11(0. 1.111111 ;hiss Jnegnol. lied i', "I,lad'11, Isee-all right! here,
kai la Do Vere silting on her horse, 111d ),ion- hero, my boy; 101: him go!"
linking on the scene ns coolly and emu- 1(4'1111 a sullen growl like h;; angry
pns'dly as though it watt it little InhlNan namesake, that showed how 11111(11
gotten tip for her express amusement. 11,ruin1t his bettor judgment 110 complied,
1110;11111 lay on his face senseless, his ),ion obeyed, and (rolled over ll) the
cont sleeve saturated with blood; and slide Of has young mistress, 141111 di -day -
Captain Nick '1'01111'14\, foaming ' at log a fn1'nlidnhle rarity of teeth,
the ((010111, was struggling furiously in 'Now, be off fie )she,' shoulod ,lac-
. the g1'1151) Of Il (!lige, fi('l'r'I! 1001:i11g dog (lllettll, 111 Il high, ringing toll(' of ('11111 -
nand, as she raised the pistol and 1:1111
evidently grimly resolved to 11(11(1 hint, , her bright eye fixed on the mit\vilt0(t
while he had a tooth in his head. (npf11in. "Vanish, before I :m tempted
"11'011," said ,lactleltn, "you've been to give you a dine of cold )call, which
getting yourself into a scrape, 1 see, lay I would ,just as lief do, only I don't wont
good cousin, 1'4)11 Should not 111.13 ridden to r111) the gallows of its dile. Be off!"
out, y))1 perceive, 1111111 1 was ready to (finishing his tectal with impotent 1111,•
g1) :long with you and lake care of you, shin, the captain obeyer,
(tuussie, easy, (111' (Leal' 441)'"-•t(1 Captain ''1'110 youth has fainted again," Sllid
Niel: 'tempest, \1'1411 \vas Wl'it11;)1g and 1)isbrowo, anxiously, as Jilcgntt141,
cursing at an awful rote --"don't swear tvltisl11112"" to ),ion, stll'I: the pistol In
so, and don't struggle in that, wily; for a belt ''111' wore, loud \'trotted lightly on
if the broadcloth gives 1)':y, PedlaP' you her horse,
won't find (,ion's teeth 4041' clntftrlrlble, "til) init(11 the better," said Jacglu!tti,
and perhaps I. shan't be able 111 keep hitt "1'11)1 can ride rapidly now without foal'
from cheating the hangman, :nd perhaps of hurting hitt--poor fellow! Conte, ('n
f won't tri', either. \\'hat, is the matter, avant!"
('ot41;t .\Ifr'd, raid who is this lying (01 Both spirited 1101'5'04 darted off 51111111-
'1,1v ground. 11'14(1' he's wounded! (.10)11 tIne0n;ly, mid in less than fifteen min•
110x4'11; ha he been shot'!" tilos the 110:14(11 gables nand quaint fur•
tib( leaped off her horse as sha spoke ret, of Iontelle came in sight,
.111111 hent over Jaointu, as 1)isbruwe knelt "1)00. alarm the h11ns1, but bring flim
down aid raised ham ;11 his arms. The 11p here,' said ;lacquetta, Its she entered
hoat(ifol face was cold and still as the hall, followed 'ly I)isbrowe, carrying
marble, and the lilts were blenched to it his insensible burden, "Into the room
4e.a111,;, 11'IIItelle91), '1'lle \yt)ttiltied ;11';11 huiig next to (hill(,' -all
-- wbo, with )n' eye 011 1118 mistress, 4oas
then' over \cit.; 11m',' „dd.
a s41;10, "null \4ill nulrry. a 1(,,u;:+,'- i'!I
b1' 1411nn„
"1 1101d1'1 behove there i; 41 c„Ill:t(' 4
li\ing I 441111(1 marry," said 1)i -1:)w•).
FII I')t('ssI4',
'•.111;! \411}' nut, pray '.
11411," laugh' 1 .\Ir, I)) 01'111.
"Nur 11 duchess- unless 1 \vas in Io413
Vv'ith hog ,111111 she 01)111(1 141110 111',"
"'I'Vvo 4er4 hill)(11'tllIII con;i'Iera t ioil-,"
slid has 011011'. "'1'1(11 3'011 mean 1'0
marry for 1040\
"I hope so -- ;f 1 'vel' ('0111e to that,"
"It's in old-fashioned notion! I; 11111)
tho reit-o11," said ,I:Iclttiolta. with :1 0'n'! -
111g lip.
"Partly. It :er 15ee 41 \411111x11. 'n}'
0111101 ill 0400' 41111, 11 1111 R'P happen t)
11140 0110 111101 Ill r in 11 (100011, quiet g.n•
\(('manly and ladylike .ort 1)t' fashion, :1
is probable 140 will get.married, a; ','e11
1; 1b' 11(.1 0l' Igo w('1'lil,"
"�hppus0, 111(1 d'nr :\lfr'd," said JIr,
I)' (.1're, "you fell in Tuve 441111 a girl--
han(Isotl', accomplished and ladylike. -
and 1111' daughter 0f a pl./liar, or tail•
or, and that: she loved you-- •440111,1 41141
11221 Fry beg':"
\o, sir!" said I)isbr)we---:nil hi- fine
foo looked cold anal proud in the clear
light "110, :air ; 1 11'411 401111!''
"Simply he0ltnse She 41'4(14 not \•)1111'
equal in birth?"
"1'ts---fort Ilat reason Itlaime, even if 1
did not 1'01(1' the Senlf;111114 ,jeers of the
world or the just, indignation of I?artte-
cli(fe, 110 proudest Beer )11 England.
N), sir," said the young 1111x1, re-
suming his customary careless tot►(;
"1 never would ntarr3' any nue below' ale
birth, for 111(1 consideration."
"Oh, bother your loftiness," said
Frank, indignantly. "1 \\'isle you 11141
'.a.':n burn 111 a 111'n!"
:faolhtellil arose, sl(1dtuly, 1(1111, with :1
fierce, flisbi(g,fire-i11 her eye's, lifted up
olt(1 arm as if to speak, bat n (.01(1, white
111111(1 (vis laid beseechingly on it, 1(11 the
marble -111:0 face of 1,ruly August: inter -
p, ,ed
"Blot )1(1\y, Jacunetlal 1)h, iblcunettu.
111)11.1•e!, t, not now.'
,Jlcgletto stooped and kissed her, will;
1). softening bro41'1 but the fire \vas 111
her eye, and 1t hot, crimson spot (1'
(';1,1401' divot:, Its, wit It the 110111 1141 stop
of an empress, she passed from the room.
1)ishgo4e sat confounded. 11'14x1 I)ad
he said',-whn1 111111 he 1111110? A sudden
gravity 1111)1 fallen 0n all. :1u'snyt44 sat
111;e a (44111'44 of ice, \1r, 1)o Vere lmlk0(1
serious and 1!11111: \vas sil)\1'Iinlg ;1)l;g•
nattily at hint from 11111101' his 111'0\4'
"11y dear uncle," he, said, nfler a pause.
"1 1101111 1 111140 11(11 offended "Aliss
I ;ntagined she would have sympalhimea
with 111e."
v,,.11:1l 111'11'1 change.
(1{'21;11 I)i-to v1'e (!id nut fall lisle(
1 11 '1\\al.
0 ' fill I, ,
1 'ell 1.
-nl I 111 I
l),-,1111: l'1, t!)„ly, 111111:;ng 1)t the 111111 l
tlnnhin'g of ,larltneita, 1)l' Ili, ('4 ening
g - i
I' I
, • ; night's nl
t.l 1'l
I 1. 11
r' and f last 1
'\011111 I 1
,11 I
111111). 11'111!'1 it, h" retie:ttcll tonight
Ile halt 11.1(1(,1 It 111181(4, for never 11
10"111'! II`t1'It 1,) `.1011 delicious strains :
! t I'; pill.
(' greeted his 111,n 1 el t
Ile '-i' 111 ,It 111, and, sleeping, I
w,1 in the 1,111\',1111
1„rg1 1,1'144('1'11 t111' Ilii)., anal 11141111 (',1p
Ni L l'llllm-( :11111 ,I:IP(Illet1 4 4401'11 11!,')'
liradnnll4 )le :lir became filled \1';t
)ft('51, 11p1'1.'s1 1110111111•. -from 11.11;
,1'1:11'\(;' no loan could 1011: x111, a,
rhos) and fell in rav;sb;11,1 (a,1('nee., 1
•;111\', :111(1 . (\1' 14•ithont ',11111)l'1.', too (1
ren:"u 110!!11 that \414)'1 he :11411;1'!, t1
fair f:; c•' an;; 2!x'2(11 (,11.111 (i .I;Irgn'tI
Itlh!ei':';1 fri'1111fill transformation. `,I
(ill h,1' h1m14, long, hlach hie
141(41148 44.1111,1 111'1', awl, 111 a 11111111111
-h1' ,torn) cll:rll!!1,l into 111,' (log! ).inn
Anil. at the -alta' instant, (':Ptiill Nit
•;'Pulp,.( \V'a. trulsf0l'n0',1 into 111, it
:120 of a 11140!4 11111'; 11141, str't'M1u'1 0l
;11'14124, \Pith 11 great cry of ' 'Noe' Ina
dream 1 The night \vas far :111431011
and thI' air \vas filled, as in his ;Iron)
14itll divine 11111511'. Such celestial h:
(111!13', 11411 it hold hint 01111x11101, sp'1
charmed l(('('oud the 114,4\','1'
\!''41041 fir :I time. '1'14(11, ;115 it (.14:1021
I r.
11 -
he at''okr he anvke to fin,( it not ;ill a
1111'.', 1)11111 \4;11 a desperate ;1111111-e up, It
;111(1 1141:141' ,11111 1411,1, 'weird, 9111411'11
-flair-, like cries of pilin. from loon,
Iii,, lit •1,1':111'1 olltof heli, dr'-'vl ('l1
hint !o f;nil 11nt 4414)11'0 it cane, he 11
10,11!„I tail' Mail's 1111d 01'0;5011 the 11,11.
The mos .140 11;111 11001' was In'1;e11, loll
111,' 1:I')' 11:1 in,i14e, and tln'nii1g it. 110
stood (1!e 11(11 instant, 1111)410 in the -01-
ells! 10'3111\' of the silent night. Therei MAKES NEW BLOOD.
111. ;I faiul „ling11\11111 that sMot;" in
:!',' -1:y Ii1:' ;1 11014)11 11(4;1 of .114)1', and
1': it- !i ht, 1411(1 b4 )bat of \MI' b;'1M..
-),1124:1 stays, lie rapidly took' his
j That is )tow Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
way 10\4;(4:1 the (lesel'te,' north 44111_1 1f
the 1,:11111111_!.
11'' •11;
11t'1111; 11
1i11111151('1111 VOre 010,50 111\11;x;1'1.
1111(1 1her' 110 longer !'main'(( a doubt
but that it (':1111' front the iiltl'1'i,':1'.
,iddelly, 4411;11' be l\'atch',I, :4 faint,
trenlhlin1 ray 1, light. p:1se11 one of the
\vindow,, .\ sudden suspicion shot
through his mind of burglars, and house.
\);fake\-, and a sort )f conviction that
Captain '1'enipe,;t (r I',id 1:rizzli ;4a- in
\141'1'0 I:'„10"I lijl;'It il;ltl. III a t11'llll:!111L''
111' ;111'1 grasped a ,lout ivy -talk and
holding on to the projecting sill. hell
11024elf up and looked 1n .
(To be continued.)
Zam-Buk Tested by Results.
.11014,' a 1.,'111'111 ! i1- "11°' '1,111"
Iful: IIlt- '.4'n 11- pts;t.on Lc v,Intt it
11,1, It 1'1111 11:1\1 -1,1:1 di.1..1•e.
ball bel •• 1'a-1!. 1'111'101x, scalp sore-, :1
IInU.i•'-:,:(Ir 1111)'1', all (IIIc wound 11 1'1111
Ilk(\! ,I Had slit, 1•)!il!)!)1'd 112(101', 21 :)III
-11e• 1!i•"; r inflamed condition .t
the -'.:it:. _'1 f' Zil!Il•ltnl, ;I t1i01.:+lul 1.111
14.1-1 .. ":)1 /1!111 1'11i, 1•1111 1111 1114 3 11)1 1v;114
V1;1,11 1,''101;1 41:11 11:14,' rt';I l)('(I IP1111 1111104
111, pa)a;1.015. '11'1) 111.11) cull 111 tali- 1 h III"
1tt 11'1' ,1 Ilei' •:11111110 111)\ 1,1 :111
0: .1 1,110 1''111 ,11111111 to 11;13
1 ,-1 _ 1111 -It 111"010 •111111111 1,'11 III 1111411
/,:!111 Itnl•: !!:I• t1:11' Merit i1 i- 14o111
1)'!ill1,14H 11,1111 Iii,' 11111'-1 III)dI('Illal 10'il l
e\1 - 1„, ,II.1"1['rot, 11 I- ,It the
-.IIs, !ilii'' :Inti -1'111;'' and II,'alill_. It
till ;11' 1;1.,'x.1' _1'!111., i4 11111111- 1111 11:1111
1)14'1 4 .4101'd 1;,-1)e, I)0etOr, pre
ll)1,, 1;11...• 11-(' ii, mpth0r- o,
f:111!;1;.'• .111 ;1! 1,1 it. "1 I;x, l he'll
tIII ,_r 1 I I I
I!t I I
►11\11; I )'luny! t' 1.11111 %1111 L,L. •,I,
1 ):ere 1411b recent lave(( soon, discussion
111 the ol4g111 of the 1)1)111' ill the Bay
111 1,:11111 e, ,11111 111 111.1)' 111 t!!:11 1410 I141'
I'Illl)nliug from the (tlilur of Note, and
),!I('llt'• III till' \Io11to1I `404, 111,11 he of
'Hie noon's! ipptoaeil to 1141. 11:11110 111
\;111\0 hell( by any 1''rencllnlan 1,11110411
(411 that. of 1')1111 Lc Gm11, This pc1-
snn 41,1, a particular 11i)'ud of 1'he\Illier
dr 1111,11n 411!5 ee11e11 the
',,ei,!nu44' of t tataibui. 141'1;11;0!
do 11111)1 01'1)1. 11'1111 11141 111,110,1111 l)t
,hale fits 114th(((, ' 111 %est 't 11 exploi
\1)41' La Nall' 111101'11 one '1
the 151a11ds Ilea(' 1, at;tralllii 1.1 inlic ',l 1
aIle!' this 11110\'1', and 01011 e'l'l 1011) be
1111111 1i4;ug twr,ou; \\ o) ,all that 1-
1141)11 Isle '13111x. 'I\'1(!!, ,t ;night loll
,0uilbl\' Ile ,11\90)-,d 111x1 1,14 :tllr
4411111)1 y 11;,11 111 !ll) 111,1110)' t. Ins 161(111,
the 1'i Iuec (le tonti, and 1 heref.,re
JII' \I!_II 111 l ,'I,1'i"II 1' 1111 " \` 't 1)1)04111 tlit' 11;11 111te1' lillll, t' 11111 (011) 1
10111-I'11'dd 11:2111 1)1 1 -3!v)' II i- vy„!1'104-, it !night gradually change to fast:( n1'
i' In,
1 ,- 1
t I
t \,4 ') 1t1,11I
b.11410 he
111;1112-, !,'11'11•. I(I')I,1.4, 1411111,'11' 1111)1111;' 11111 1114'11), it (':111nul b( l("4l'd I'14 :1, 1114,
001. .A1-„ 1)l"- Pile_. A11 dl11''4i-1- •el! origin of 1)0 nano,.
al :i11' a I,., ', , . '111'0(1 111,111 Ile' %1)2n 11111: .1"314, it 1!11, 110011 supposed to be
upon '' 'I 11 01 11Ic1. l; 110A1-
' !' I I o1rin)d iron) be 1.;\\111 t,nintiuu, 1)r
(1;1;1(x, .the filth 1)11(0,' ha\ lug refer
once to five I1:lys, 'tamely, the 1,1410!
104111; 1;11, 11111 1;144, b(' L'arll
14'1 uppcl hill ; 1)r, as ,-11110'I' 1140)' 1,
rotor, to 114'0 Indian stations existing
in talc vicinity of the bay; but. hol4-
j 1'\ 1r inti l) 1)1a1 ho n111an(e)t in support,
1 I,I t!I,' pla11,ibilit ' of these the,lril'!,
\\'e 1h111t, a more I•('I't1(11) origin is pt'1-
fe,'I.11' intellizil,I,.
The 51 ()rid 1,11;010, as at 1110.'111. s11'11-
'(1 a1111 Ill 'illO1111eell. 11111.11 rightly' 110110,
is undoubtedly a French one, tieing um?
the bu;llr el:t 114'! 0111.0 t" of the lei\' rl'111:)t11111L' Illelll(Il'Illla 1)l
!111, Irr"3.1 and tele)) o'll it 311,l tin-, It 1 I'f,lle}I ll) -session; hail Its origin )1111
it. tIl' \,;ter. 1i any one 1-lutor0,► 1„ be distinctly traced to In Judi;!
)!I•;!I;b 'hill) 100 \4a1 full'(\- 3101 4111et4• i sol(('('e.
Mil)( -'':f 01,02 Ili. 11:101:,in1! 10 tigh1-
11 to 1.1. beloved bottle illlt to ,0)11)1 hl'
1;1'111-,114- 1lett bell', \yill leo the -9111 i`
-ort of thin_'. Ile relate, tel, ea,e of a
1' �re.r,• 41141)'1, Il -ell to 1'1111 all 01,1 11'1111
1„): 1" .)1,1 tr;l ;n 1115 \111114, 11101 thou,
liftil!'' it 11111, 11111 It 1111 111111 (11111'11 III 11
11 ".;! of i'll;:lull! (('111'1', ill' stool(
ani' 11,01 hi; fore 11:111
1'\x:414 ill,' a \1u-h'r11'unwn Washing
Proal the Strand.
AniinaIs Which Washed Dishes,
;\''- it ,!1'li,ll:lul al'coll!':I of
It Ili','!) 11.1,1 111 114111.1' it -1'11 I(\
A rloll. 1 )11,1, and ('101.
1011,1,'1 ,.f \11\1)•4. .111 111'1 pot 11;111;,•, a
'r a114'11111)1 of the .ort '.\1111'1
lin :le' thing he 111,,1 141'-1 of :Ill'.4;1-
'1'.! )'1411,AV L..!'lr, (la -ping it 111 hi, h,1')'
.I.. 0"11111 44,11'111' -10\411' to th.'
:1 Great Physician Cm the Catt:;ls et
Ti,, re are, 5:14; fir \1'i!li;lnl I1roa'I-
'24)4 in the Practitioner, in :111 ;title!.
11 the tl'Pai4:'llt 1)t sit'I'pl('.site•,, goo l
-10,11\ 1'- and had slipper light -1reper-
di,tul10,1 b1 the leant light or -omit:
111'11'(1 511'1';11';-, \4111) 1'1(-1 ('411114 illy(((:,1'1
11 thunderstorm. Sum.' fortunate 1loop:0
fall 11s10p almost as soon 1; 1.1. hood
ie -t• 211 111' pillow every night others,
fort ;mate, uln-t \via) sleep patiently.
'Ill1' quantity of sleep al, -u 4;trio-. The
!)1u'1sth('II;e 0111:14 111(11 alter a her;;
!tight' re -t; the after-dinner ,!c"p of tut-
dlle 11'1 pll'tlull i, unrefreshing, lied '(1110•
\;1110 -
stupefying. Ian the other haent, a
1)1'0 nap may d0111i.- t11 one, tilt, fa•
lign0 end lan!u.r of it b111y 111311,
'!'ill, ggcate-t foe 111 5Iee1) i, 11011,11„
tt'i'431':-:I.111117,e and, alnxiety culla' ll"Xl,
Se11;11:illg gonrr3111', eonlinne4 Sir \\ 11•
11x111, 0(Rallitial I'X'ileine111 relating t')
th' future ant to avtin11 ;s a gr,:1.1'
cause of well;'lulncss than ;grief and 1'p•
gl'et for thy past. lirief, aon•p10r. 11te1
give; 1'11';' to protracted sb'l'ple4-t10fs 114-
d;reetly; it affects the di_rc-tion, and
then dyspepsia interferes 44;th sloop,
11'1011 cold fool int (rfer( 14 it h 'sleep, it
i; not merely through ;els! fooling of '1)111
44 .such, but 111. 1111 influence on the gen•
oral and evrebra:l circulation.
of the (t'i't, indeed, 1; Often Il t'0!II'o1111•
taut of ,I'vpl'ssl's;, rathcl' than lis
1111d then 1'114 the feet dry 11'ith a rough
\\.110%• the feet are 00111 afte1' hard
brain 41,rr1:, 111 'blood ^)m; 10 1)0 1)0.1 -
lively -hut 111 from Ilse feet, .1 hot hat•
!le is then often of no lace, and the hest
;cat' of warming the feet with 1 4'ivw t)
;v'u1;1•ing -1))11 i 1 to stand in 00111 water,
Cure the Common Ailments of Life
1:"t; blood. That is just
4.11.:: lir. \\ 1.:11142.' Pink 1';11, 111'0 11-
.0:(3, 1,'1111_ a,tltllily 14!;11114` 111',:
•1 hi, 111'14 1111)1111-111'llgtl.011, ''1
in the 1)1113, 11111 5tl11.0,
• 1.1i1f.,
it the 11,134 of atae11l;a, :11!14 1.111.
,':1111')1, :1111111'4. • 1)1 1111' 45 111011 111110
\14''44 1':0'11! 111 pm:.1\';111, 1\111'1'\ P1o11,1,
':I •. .\. t!. `[' 11''1' ul St 1111 111,!,, ( /11 1., 11'11-
,' 111)'. 111. \\;I:hl)1I,' I'InIl I'llls 11111 101'
1:201•) :,-\ l ;11'.0!11 sister, `,1;-, .1.nnte
tre:iln!ent 1141(1 fa;l'il,
•1 '104 ,Ilu4p 1'110, .\111;0 )lad
!`, X4(' /4/12111 13!,)' ,pelt, 1 f
and i:ca:!aohos that \4ou! 1
!:!-t .'r ,•'\„1;:! 14x1',, ;1111,1 h'1' 4411";''
41 ;ii ? 11e011m' (lr1• and hot n-
111(Irl'4ll .le Iia- burning up 1\it11 lover.
11' 1 :11,. 1\0111,1 -tvell until near tel„
11111:4. 111.1 then \414011 111e 1') •'4
it ;odd ;cot.• 1)1')' 1110 (11t('I' s1:111 of 111.'
peel off. she ,Il('tlr)it 1\ it h
t1'.)'!:'['''1'n: 1111't1'l'-, 1111 Ibr1' 11111 nut.
rlll•,v•'.l 111 !(lying 1104• 4111)1 the trouble
• :2,1.111114;111\' 131 111' 8ro\lallg \1'(,1'`•'
1,1.':11! ;'wing her 1)1'. \1 ;11;1111 •'
111111, 1'111. ami under thi, treatment 'h'
1111, 4'1'11ver'',1 I!'1' 11';11111. '1'144Ileada'1's
011,1 ,11/;:14'" !,:1\'1' guile: 111'1• 0'111• 1-
11111rol;,1: !!Pr (!('petite better, and •1!'
ho. 1;3,1 110 further all;lel:, Of ill' 11.4•01'
\114;111 4;x(1''11 Illi' docto1'5. \11' al'''
or;;;,t!' 1;1,00-0,i 1':';(11 \411:11 1)1', \1'illi;un
)'ink 1:11- !114.0 done for her, and 1.0-
c'`i1:41'4,1 them t0 utll'r sufferer"
1 1)'3. 411, rich 1'0(1 blood 1)1', \\'d•
liauls' 1'illl1 fill, actually make 1s'll0'11
cured 311.4 Sager, ')halt ;, (111 those
I,iil; 0114 a1.1 e0nli4tn Ailment; 1110 1)I-
1101113 and debility. 102141'11)5 and
11'.'11'-, indigestion, 1'h)11nhlt;a11, 1)e4411-
.441, rt, Vitus ,1:100), 111,1 the special 111 -
wont" that prey on the }10111th 114,1 1111)1•
11'!!1''„ el 2111, 4111'\ t1•otllell of 111 :we:
1'111 f')1' 1'31' 1)011111'. with the fn11 11:1140
on 1..110 l\1':tpp)r around 011014 b1\. Soh'
by all u'dioino dealers 0r by (nail 111
1)1 001114 3 box 111' six 1111xe4 f01' $2.:111,
from 'l'Ie 1)r. Williams' \1(dii;ne (''1,.
How to Detect Base Coin,
4-111.01.:II case: of ((aking and circuiting
counterfeit coin 1111' been beard at the
11111111 Criminal ('01sT (lllrin;l the iast
few 111'.',, and ;It the 'unlln,;oll of one
O i the �das),, 1),11'rd;14 IIle f111'enilul 111
til' inr; o-11'11 1!11) 1111tho4;t;'s if tltc\•
\1"01'1 1''1,0 ;1 ,n2g"t;011 from twelve
! 11111 veil 1!1)1 during lhi year hail
to )l1,!'11;tli 1ol)-;d'ralde .souls in silver
'1 here 11':1., he said, a 1)10-1 sinlpl0 (041
for tn' ,lelet't1U11 of b11(' coin, It wit; to
11:;11 ply 1'141 1111' milled edge of a goof!
coin 112:1111.1 the milled edge of the sl1-
pe.,1)1; l' 'ill. If -pinions tai' niet1ll 4\'11uld
x111!11-: immediately begin to .11;140 off.
.\ftel' making a personal test the emu -
!non ,(rgen)lt said 110 (11111). agree(( 14 11 11
h' -114l,1(;tion of lb' jury les to tele (10-
fn!n('.s of Ilie test ,1111 said it ought to
1110 111;114' 1;mm\1,
The 1'1');1:tn :(114'11 that he 111111 trill -
ten to :.lire'. ('lnl'ollnr; of tet' Exctegio
pointing out that they (night not to de-
prive the tnlbli1 of this simple test by
issuing crown pier's and threepenny
;pieces 44;limn milled ellg15,..--.L)mlun
1\', 1)14,. 51',11 „1..,,,,,,111.15. non the
country 1,,t log north of Lido. Outlriu
was called the "couttry of t') North -
mil Iroquois," '1'11 the south of the
lake 141, the Iroquois l'ountry pro-
per. .1niong the several nations which
composed the Iroquois ('0tifedifI•llloll
were the tiel)"ptes, 1)r eionnlonl4 rnll-
4,'l Seneca, AV'entwort11 (ile1'nlu11�l1,
in the "London 1)or'ulur'nt.," 11'111111;;
)1 a Iolll'll('V 111 .\1:Iy, 11117, i1'ulll .\l-
ilt\ to the Indians, \\•pstiva'il, says:
u' �dnrquds 1x40 four 1111411,,
I'anagorl, 'liutuh;lltuu, ('lu11101u01a and
110;1\ he - 4,14;011 duritaiued 111)111.
1131'111y-1011. lions(;, i11d \4a, 34011 f11r-
ti,hed with 00111," \o\4, tl. Indian
tern( li,;1)t-11(, he it r)lu('nlber'd, 44415
\1rit1(11 by an I':ugli,h explorer, and of
emirs(' 1411; spelled iii accord:1100 with
the pronunciation of the Indians.
]':very one Ilm)wS that the litter, of
the alphabet 1x40 It different ,0(Intl
in ten' French language. ll, there-
for', a 1'!011011 writ or wen')' 4) write
the English term Keint•he, it is not
lnllil:01y 110 would spell it I\anta 01'
licnt4', 1;\anlinitg the old Frond'
maps 1Wade by sonic of the early tra-
vellers through Canada, but bearing
)late, sul,)(lu'nt to 1117. 140 find
marked 11\11 distinctness an Indian
4111112'. ,ulm'tiules in one place,
sometime, in another, Pv the 4:114' a
number (11 different maps, \\Mich 440
hate examined iii various libraries in
('anada, and in the imitoti')l library in
It i; 11'(1 iil\4ays spelled Kinti. >nul(-
tiln'o it i; Kanto, :141 upon one it is
Krnti, and upon the map in the Im-
perial Library. in Pali,. it i 1",011111.
'1'1!11 Indian 1111:1_0 Mao its local i„„111
upon most of the nut's ;it the extrem-
ity of 1111 Itay; but upon it few it is
placed at the south shore of the Pen-
insula of Prince Edward, [pun ane
neap it is put at 40!\11 (tic; lehil' in
another, \\ :1111111se 1,lallll 1'4 1•:111011
1,11 de 111111111.: hence 11 is inferred.
that a brand( 11f 111v Senora tribe, :op -
armed from the mail 1)0111', and re-
moved to the north of the lake, :and
-settled probably first at South Boy,
:Intl aftor\\'ar11s, or at certain seasons,
4'i;i(vd 1111, )lay, t) 4411;014, in lilac,
they 4:14' their nano, that of Kite,
according to the prinlncillion 1)l 110
French. It 14;1, an 0:Is1• matter to vow.
''rt li'4tl int() (;11;1110, in other
410441; w0 final that, 144 and (,u are used
indi1101,111iy among ('11113' 14111'45 of
\o1' Franco; for instance, 1,)u'l)cv 14
by early writers, Quebec ;4
Spelled by '14t'11 writers, Keli'c. 'I'111(
Origilt 01 111)' 4411•(1 (3111111(' seems, 111
this \4ay, l0 be perfectly clear."
This 'MnmunllItio11 on 1h' 8111ject,
of the origin of Ow 11111)' "1111, of
(;,int'," which was lately 11s1;.'(l for,
\43; !)'('iced from .ler, ..\ (1. 1';1•k'r,
of the (tank of \1t1uta'eal, Hamilton, by
)n, of my lit 'rary fri011d5 \1'h) 1,118
11011(1011 it to me for publicntiun. Jar.
i'arker adds:: 1 pr0c11red the enclos-
ed extracts front 11 hook )1111014 by 11r,
.\rthnr 3lWCinnis, the one antiquar-
ian of 'Belleville, the One 01111' 1111141
there to speak o11 the subject.. The
theory of a Pre.ncll officer 1111110(1
(,)itintt' having given his \tame. to 1114'
lily, h' t,1i(la an unlikely on). It
seems pretty clear 111111 the name ilad
alt Indian derivation, 1)r, \Villins\
Conniff believed in 'Keele," an In
than town in P11110) Edward ('1141111(1
to the South of the 1liy."
Cuts Passenger Rates.
To 1:k0 effect November 1s1, or as
soon 11(0(11111' as possible, the maxi-
11110 per mile 011 the Lehigh 41411('1'
Ihli'uad 4vill h' 111 the basis of 2 ec.'I'11is
34!11 not change pass''ger rates now bas-
ed on ('11x'140 of less t.11111 '2,1(2e. per mile.
Int('l1'llitllg(1Il)I' mileage 1(1111:», 141111'11 are
now sold at $:111, will be sold at $'L,i, \\'illi
a rcb:lte of :145 )u each 1,0(1(1 mile book,
in,t1111 of (110, as 111: Present.
.1 1(1:111 1111y ford 1.111(1. ho 11115 nothing
1.11 learn, but he g0na'rally has a lot to
The ('111ect;ml Plate is a1\vttys pres-
ent, and yet it ;-1 passed,
PAGE Foul: —'I'11E BLY'l'11 STA NDARD—Oc:'rolu;a 1S'rtl, 1906.
Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made
to farmers on their own notes, No
additional security required.
We offer every accommodation con-
sistent with safe and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates
of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well to
place their property on our list for
sale. Rents collected.
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance companies, and respect-
fully solicit your account.
OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to S P.M,
73usiness cards.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suc•
cessor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan•
dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
rti')LDF'00'1', 1i.AYS & BLAIR.
Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied by
Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich. W.
I'roudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair.
G. E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, An honor
graduate of 'Toronto University. Office
over Jaynes Cutt's store, Pretoria block,
Blvth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m.
to ;, p.m.
Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni
versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen'r
University; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor
oner for the County of Huron. Office, one
door north of Commercial hotel, Queen
street, Blyth.
Blyth Livery
AND. •.••
Sale 'tables
O 00 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
O 00 00 00 0
First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at
reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Commercial
Travellers and others requiring rigs,
V3terinary office at livery stable.
Central Business College
Enter any time, Twenty teachers,
one hundred and twenty typewriting
machines. Unexcelled facilities for
assisting graduates to positions, Write
for new calendar.
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
Yonge & Gerrand Sts., 'Toronto.
171.1111 uncal %%MM/liilii
e/I illlasarf emoser jiiiiii
I1 '111 ..a>" 1111imilivailivi=1 jiN•P••
N':lti!! I I LLON
FOINT ii. The Dillon 111NOE•STAY Fantail to
your stock what Insuretwa in to your fatally. it
rated' them and often warn. eostof veterinary.
Illustrated Catalogue free—llva ageuta ',muted.
Y 11kilos 1 11 1 f i t
rrile &tttnbar ,
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for
at the olli a of Tun STANDARD, Blyth.
---Subscribe for Tiii STANDARD,
'1'11 ti 1tSl)Al', 0(1'. Iii, IMP;
People We .Know.
Miss 1Vehh, of Granton, is the
guest of the Misses Carder.
Miss Minnie Kechne spent Sunday
with friends at Goderich.
Mr. Ben. Mason has been on the
sick list during the past week.
Mr, and alis. T. M. Garbett, of
Teeswater, are visitors in town,
Mr. W. Robinson, of Bayfield, was
in town for a few days this week,
Alt'. David (;lark, surveyor, was a
visitor at tile Co, town on Sunday.
Mr. Jars. Cutt jr., and 'A Ir. R. A.
Stewart spent Sunday in Brussels,
Mr. A. Lowry and Mr. A. Kerr, of
Brussels, were in town on Sunday,
Mrs. .1. E. Bradwin, of 1Vinghattn.
was at visitor in town over Sunday.
Mr. Isaac Barr, of Clinton, was
renewing old acquaintances in Blyth
this week,
Mrs, .1. 11. Chellew spent the
Thanksgiving Holidays with her
mother in 'Thorold,
Miss Lena Livingstone and Miss
Gould were the guests of friends in
Brussels on Sunday.
Misses Laura and Maggie John.
stop are visiting at Shelbourne
daring the holidays.
Mr. D. 11 Mckinnon was elected
President of the lluron County Post-
masters' Association held at Clinton
last week,
Miss Kate Brown returned from
Toronto on Jiondaty night. We are
pleased to hear that \1i,s Brown's
eyes are much improved.
AI r.
Fred Somers, has returned to
his position in Poplestone & Gardin-
er's store after an enforced holiday of
four months on account of illness.
Mr. and A1rs. R. Matheson, and
daughter, of Lueknow, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Adam McKenzie,
Dinsley street. The two ladies are
Miss Ella Ileffron left Wednesday
morning for Texas where she is a
college there, IIer
will wish her a safe
teacher ill at
many friends
Mr. Albert Cole, of the Gth line,
Morris, left on Monday morning for
Newark, N..1., where he has secured
a position in the Weston Lamp Co.
His many friends will wish hint
The Clinton News -Record of last
week says :—Rev. Father Hanlon
was called to London on Tuesday by
the illness of his brother, 'Thomas
Halon of that city, who is threatened
with typhoid fever,
The Brussels Post of last week
says :—Mrs. Habkirk and son, John,
were called to Preston on Monday
owing to the demise of Mrs, John-
ston, a sister -in law to Mrs, Habkirk.
The funeral took place Tuesday
Mr. Wm. Litrace, Mr. Wm. Stubbs
and Mr, Carson Sleeman, formerly in
the employ of the Guelph & Goderieh
Ry., left last week for Durham
where they will work on the con•
struction of the new C. P, R. line
through that town,
Mr. Will. Moser leaves on Monday
of next week for Saskatoon, Sask.,
where he has secured al lucrative
position. We wish him all the good
things that are going. Mrs. Moser
Ind child will go to Trenton where
they will visit for a time,
Dr. Sloan, of Alaska, son of Reeve
and Mrs. Sloan, arrived home this
week and will spend the Winter
here, It is 81; years since the Dr.
went out there. The Dr, has prom-
ised to give an account of his travels,
etc., to the readers of THE STANDARD
in a week or so, which everyone will
no doubt enjoy,
Mrs. A, E. 13radwin and children
left 13Iyth on Monday morning of
this week for their new home in
Toronto. The people of Blyth will
wish the family many Happy and
prosperous years in their new home,
Miss Alice Emigh accompanied her
sister to see them comfortably settled
in the Queen City, and will likely
visit for a month or so,
ltoht, Matheson, for nearly 60 years
Superintendent of the Deaf and Death
Institute, Belleville, has ret.igned in
I t t I 't' of Se tet try
ronto, now in our hands, which will be
in lieu of the three story carriage (Ito -
tory, 150 fMet by 75 feet., as stated in
former agreement, all other stipulations
of said former agreement to remain
order .o accept w position e ' binding and that, Phonons Stephenson
to the independent Order of P010141ors
vacated by the retirement of Col• me. a be requested to proceed with the work
llillivray. Mi'. \lathesou is an old trod of erection of said carriage factory at
Duce and that the Clerk wire Mr,
well -I; nswit newspaper me n and it !t
relative of that Millen family, near i Ire lhenson the above facts.—Carried,
Lol,deshoro. That he will discharge
the duties of his new position efficiently
goes without saying.
]toot, and Edward McDowell has
returned from their trip to the West.
Thomas \ aIsh wIto has been ailing
for some 1:1110 is slightly improving at
C. W. Blackman has moved into ,Jus.
Woods' house having engaged with
Wesley farrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Dow who spent rho
Summer in New Ontario moved back
to r heir furca again.
Farmers in this vicinity' are taking
advantage of these tine days by having
t heir root crop taken up
Mr, Woodcock's sale was well attend-
ed 'Tuesday. Cattle brought a good
figure It is their intention to move to
The servieee here were withdrawn
Sunday on account of anniversary
services held at Blyth, Londesboro and
1\'1n. Sobye and family who have
worked Mr, Taylor's farm moved 10
Stratford this week where he has se-
cured employment in that city,
Miss Ethel McGinnes is visiting at J.
Station Agent Henry is away on his
Councillor Backer spent Sunday in
Geo. Andrews spent a few days at
Molesworth last week.
Mrs, W. Henry and Miss Myrtle
Aikens are visiting at Stratford.
Mrs, Millson, of Orillia, is a visitor
with Mt's, Geo. Brown.
Miss L. Spence, of Ethel, was renew-
ing old acquaint RUNS 111 town.
A social will bo held in the Methodist
Church on Thanksgiving night.
,Miss Bailey, of Guelph, nurse, is
visiting with her parents in town.
M isses Maggie and Lizzie Brown vis-
ited friends at Wingham on Sunday,
Rev. Mr. Gtrnerou, c f 'Toronto, will
preach in Melville church next Sunday.
The Inspector of Continuation Work
was here last week visiting Brussels
Mrs, W. J, Fawcett and Mary ar-
rived home Saturday night after their
delightful visit.
,Mrs. Jiro. liittnilton, and daughter,
Miss Alice, of 1\'roxeter, visited in
town this week.
Miss Leo Curry is at present out of
the Postoflice on account of scarlet
fever at her home.
Harry Querrin stopped on a nail
which penetrated his footgiving hint
considerable annoyance.
Nov. 15tH is the date set for the pay-
ment of subscriptions to wipe out the
$1,200 debt on the Methodist Church.
A large pane of glass was broken in
James Ballatntyne's grocery window
last week b,v a man being pushed against
it by a friend,
Chas. Coutts and son, Harry, of
Kansas City, are visitors at George
'1'hohnson's. The former is a brother to
Mrs. Thomson,
W. J. Fawcett attended a mooting of
the Book and Publishing Committee of
the Methodist Church on Thursday of
last week at Toronto.
Will Ballantyne, Editor of the Em-
merson Journal, Man., who has been
visiting relatives and friends in town
for the past few weeks returned to Emn-
merson on friday.
The members of the 28th Regiment
Band, from Stratford, who visited 13t'u--
sels on fair days, took occasion while
here of presenting Lorne Addie, who
was the drum major for many years
and who recently left to reside in Brus-
sels, with a gold headed cane.
The Voters' List Court was announ-
ced to he held here on Friday of last
week but Judge Doyle wired from Gode-
rich on Wednesday postponing it to
Thursday, 25th inst. fiowick town
ship court is also put off until the 26th
when it will ho held in Gorrie,
M0y1N0,—It is reported that Mrs.
Habkirk and family will move into
H. James' house ; J. Ferguson will
move into Robt. McNaughton's house
on John sleet ; W. J. Fawcett will
move into 'Phos. Newsome's now resi-
dence ; and that Dr. McNaughton is
going to Fordwich to practice,
Last Sabbath evening, 7th inst., at. 8
o'clock, Abi Wharton, relict of the late
David Moffatt, fortnerly of Turnberry
township, was summoned to the Great
Beyond. She had been poorly all Sum-
mer hut only real ill for three weeks.
Fleas failure and other corn p1icittions
was the cause of her demise. Mrs, Mof-
fatt was born in Ohio, 1J. S., 70 years
ago and was married to her late hus-
band on Jan. 20th, 1874.
Myth Council.
A special meeting of Blyth Council
was held in 'Dr, M ilne's office on Oct.
loth. Present—Reeve Sloan, in the
chair; Cons, Potter, Milne and John -
Moved by Conn. Potter, seconded by
Conn. Johnston, that the Chairman of
Street Committee attend to the exten•
sion of water pipe to new Blyth Creek
on Coombs street and have the work
lone, --Carried,
\loved by Conti, Johnston, seconded
by Conn, Potter, that the account of
Wirt, Dempsey of $2,50 for ono cord of
wood for 1\11.s. F. Fawcett bo paid. --
Moved by Conn, Johnston, seconded
by Court, Pot ter, that this Council, at
t he request of 'Phonies Stephenson, ac-
cepl the more modern plans and speci-
fications of a citrriitge factory in Blyth
tis drawn by A, J. Rat'ray, of To -
\loved by Conn. Milne, seconded by
Coon. Johnston, that we adjourn to
meet on Monday evening, tSth inst„ tit
8 p, m.—Carried,
On Oct. 15th it special meeting was
held in Industry hall, Present—Reeve
Sloan, in the chair ; Couns. Potter,
Milne and Johnston,
Moved by Coun. Milne, seconded by
Conn. Potter, that this Council allow
25 per cent ofttle total cost of tools as
this municipality's share of said tools
account, and, that Wm. Weber be ap-
pointed valuator of tools used in con-
struction of cement walks and crossings
this year.—Carried.
Moved by Corm. Johnston, seconded
by Coun, Milne, that the peeve and
Treasurer be empowered to issue de-
bentures for the amount of the total
cost of cement walks and crossings
laid during the present year and that
the said dobenturss be sold to the best
possible advsntage.—Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
Rev, W, H. Hartley goes to Harris -
ton for Harvest services next Sunday.
Revs, hunter and Crossley are hold-
ing union revival services in'I'oeswater,
Service will be hold on Thanksgiving
Day at 3 p. tn, in St, Andrew's church.
Confirtnation service will be held in
St. Michael's church, Blyth, next Sun-
day afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Rev. C. Scudamore, hector of Harris -
toll, will preach next Sunday ururuing
and evening in 'Trinity church.
Rev. G, F. Salton,Pim. 13,, of the Do-
minion Methodist church, of Ottawa,
formerly of Brussels, had had his salary
increased from $2,000 to $2,400,
* x *
"The Healing of the Impotent man"
5th chapter of John and verses 0 and 8
was the tonic Rev.Dr, McLean preach-
ed from last Sabbath amusing ill St.
Andrew's churcrl.
Next Sunday, 0•'t, 21st, Mr. 13. B.
Wea' hcrall, of Knox Colleg •, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of St. Audrew'srhoechi
morning and evening, and will Teak of
Student Missionary work in Wes.ern
Theslvoning service iu St. Andrew's
church hist Sunday was withdrawn to
allow the congregation attend the Hai -
vest, 'l'bauksgivaug service in the \1,,111-
(sdist church, 'file evening service its
Trinity emelt wits nisi) wkhdrawu.
"Sam" Jones, the noted ewangeliat,
dropped dead Monday morning in an
Oklahoma, Chocta w, and Gulf train
near Little Rock, U. 8. 11r Jones was
travelling from some point, west of
Little Rock, and his destination was
Hlemphis, 'nip body wits found in his
sleeping car and was taken off the train
itt Little Rock,
The annual Harvest 'Thanksgiving
services were in the Mothodist church
Inst Sunday Rev. Wm, J, Joilleffe, B.
C. L., of Clinton, was time preacher and
delighted the largo congregations with
his able and earnest sermons, In the
morning he choose his text from the
10th chapter of I Corinthians and the
29th verse : "Conscience, I say, not
thine own but of the other : for why is
my liberty judged of another man's
conscience ?" The choir gave two
splendid selections "Nearer My God to
Thee" and "Rock of Ages.' In the
evening before a crowded church, Rev,
Mr. Joilleffe took his toxt from the 16th
Verse of the 7th chmtpter of St, Matthew,
"Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Do tnen gather grapes of thorns, or
figs of thistles ?" Besides the special
mucic from the choir Norman Murch,
leader, sang a solo "I'tn a Pilgrim" in
good voice. The thankuffering amount-
ed to $200 the sutn the Board asked for
and it is expected that it will total
higher when all who promised have
paid in to Ole Treasurer,
A very successful operation of tre-
panning the skull has been performed
by Lucknow medical ►nen. The case
was that of Poser McIntosh, Kinloss,
who, as the result of it fall from a
wagon, was rendered unconscious and
had fast the use of his arms, Since the
operaiion he has regained his faculties
and his complete recovery is expected.
Wan; Hemingway, of clear Brussels,
has been showing it very fine tears of
horse.4 in the agricultural class at the
fairs this fall, 1'I1e team got first pre.
mining at Winghaun and Luekn'.tw.
second at 'Pt'eswator and fiat at Brus-
sels, where there was very strong com-
petition, .Showing against all horses on,
the ground, at Brussels, olio 1nelnber of
the team—the bay—was also awarded
1 he first match in the kit series fol
the Hough cup football championship
took place at Clinton Saturday after-
noon between the Collegiate Instituter`
of Seaford) and Clinton, resulting in a
victory for Clinton by three goals to
nothing. The gains was keenly con-
tested and very clean throughout. This
snakes the fourth year the Clinton Col-
leuiate has won the cup, Rafe' co', D.
ll, Wilson, of Winghatn
Saturday morning John Newcombe,
of Goderich, lost Itis large barns con-
taining the entire season's crops,
$0Q00 0 Ol00Q4QQ
. (27
rine Pars 00 pi
n everything somebody must be 0
0first, We choose to be first in c ual-
0it} , style and value in FURS clq
Q)If you are thinking of buying a huff, be sure r•
l and See what We have l0 show before you purchase,O
Our values are better than ever. The styleand 0
0 quality of the goods is all that you could wish for, O
.. and we have clll the shales and the low priced a5 r•
0 well as the more expensive goods. 0
2 00) 0
o) The Bishop Coat o
00 for men is well-known. We have them and our q
Pprices are as low as any. 0
0 0
0 .
0 l•
0 •
007.000'0 Q;'0 0:(„:0
Another New Departure
A short tittle ago we added to our stock a complete range of Gents'
Furnishings, Etc, The success which has crowned our eff'or'ts has be n
more than wrt3 looked for. Now we wish to announce to the young men
that we have added Tailor Made Clothing. and invite you to call and see
our styles in
Made -to -Order Shits, Overcoats
and Fancy \Tests_
Our goods are made of the host notteriatl, best 'workmanship, latest (4.
styles, strictly high class ,111(1 sold at close prices. Perfect fit and satisfac•
tion guaranteed,
Our stock of Men's Underwear in Elastic Ribbed, Fancy Stripes and
Natural Wools is complete i1'onl $1 to $3 per suit,
We are agents for the Geo, A, Slater Shoe for Men and Women, and
Lmpress Shoe for Woolen.
Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases,
Wo have a number of first class Pianos and Organs, finished epoolally for exhi-
bition purposes, We are OWaring these beautiful instruments at low prices and easy
terms of payment. Every Instrument guaranteed for lu years,
We have several second-hand Organs which no offer at bargain prices,
rig's threshing outfit was finishing up
the last of the grain when at spark from
the engine ignited the straw. This
quickly spread to the large barns, and
without tire -fighting appliances nothing
could bo done to quench the flames,
Currie's threshing outfit was also de-
stroyed, entailing on this alone a loss
of 815.000. Neither thresher nor grain
was insured.
—Subscribe for'1.'Iui STANDARD,
"Troy 'staple Lent' Rubbers it you want a neat, sulatt, accarato fit."—Wlrolons front
'the old woman who lived la a shoo,'
Light and plirtblo, because no wear -destroying adulterants aro
mixed with tho finest Tara guar.
Conform to the shape of the shoe—give a glove -like, acourato,
stylish fit, Stacy in shape. Wear long,
For Sale by S. H. GIDLEY
OcTonER t906---T1IE I3LY"I'11 STAN DAR1.).--PA(;l: FIVE.
Poultry Wanted
We want Dry l'luoked Poulry In any
quanty, for which we will pay the
highest eh prioe.
Also Butter and Eggs In any quantity.
Grain okeoke paid atter banking hours
at our store.
Dlnley Street Blyth
ARE you forgetting to hand hi thename of your visitor to T11iWooD•PILE8 and conl•bins will now
receive attention, since the first full of
7 nttE will be no sr,hool on 1'r)(lay of
this week as the teachers will he attend•
ins the convention which wiRbo hold
at Winghatn on Friday and Saturday,
'l'Ax Collector \Vestleko is busy thi3week Bonding out notices to the rattt-
payers. The latet date to which tho
Dntymnt of taes tray bo deferred is
cember ,4th.
EVERYONE 18 interested in an itm of
local news. If you know of any local
happening nut generally known, com•
nluni('ate the fact to tilts ufiice. We
shall greatly appreciate the act.
'TIE electric lights were out of order
last Wdnesday owing to breakage in
the wires on account of the snow storm
and the readers of Tni.i STANDARD were
not able to get their paper till '1'hursday afternoon,
'Tern engine at the electric power
house was disabled on Sunday evening
abo►tt 0.80 and ns 8 consequence there
wre no lights. On Monday the darnage wits fixed and the lights are run-
nng as usual,
')'IgE writ for the varanev in North
13ruco was issued on Saturday, Nomi•
nations will take place on Tuesday, Oct,
23rd, and polling a week later. At
present it looks like an easy win for
the Liberal candidate, Mr. Tolmie, of
1)itn.--LI Blyth on Wednesdaymorning shout six o'clock, Percy James
11)8011, the secon(1 son of \Val. and Mrs,
Mason from nn attack of pneumonia
and bronchitis, 'l'he young lad wa8
not a strong boy and had been sick inbed about two weeks. )lis a(e Wa8 6
,years, 7 months and 8 days. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon
at 2 80 p. m. from his fathers residence
on King street to the Union cemetery.
ervice will bo held at 2 o'clock, 'Tile
sy'nlpathy of the community goes out to
the ereaved parents.
CONDoI,INCE,-The following resolu•
tion of condolence was presented to
Frank A, Anderson by the members of
Blyth Lode, No. 800, 1. O. 0. F.DAR Bite. ANDhat80N:-Whereas the
Almighty God, in Itis infinite ani) divine wisdom, has deemed it expedient
to remove by the hand of death, the
maternal head of your fmily circlewo, the officers and members of I3IythLodge, No 8116, 1. 0, 0. F., wish to ex•
press to you our heartfelt syrnpathy in
this your hour of grief, We realize
how helpless hurnati sympathy is to re•
lievo the heart of the dietressod, but
would reeomtnon•I you to Hitn who
rules on high and has pormi:ted this
disponsatiou of His pprovidence for somewise purpose. While you a►o hound to
feol deeply the loss of her motherly
affection, you have the grand assurance
of her eternal happiness and comfort,
'Thera is no death in HeavenFor they who gain that shore,
)lave won their immortlity',
And they clue die no more.
Signed on behalf of the Lode, WM. F.
Liable to
Did you ever awake In the
morning and find yourself
in bed when you should be
at your' work
Aggravating isn't it ?
Don't say that stn alarm
clock won't wake you.
Our Mustgetup Alarm
Clock will wake you, if
you ae wltkeablo at ail.
Call in and see them,
Jewelry and Stationery.
and that is the kind the fatuous
gives to its students. Recent students
have taken positions at from $50 per
month to $1000 per annum. It Is a well
known foot that our sohool le the beat of
lts kind In Canada. This month fs a
pledid time to enter. All graduates get
peiden. The demand Is nearly 20 tines
the suly, Write today for magnificent
Corner Youge and Alexander Streets.
Ladies' Fall and
Winter Clothing
We have a magnificent sock of Ladies' Outdu(n' Apparel
(reatdy.to-wear), The Coats and Skits are 011 line, stylish
cuts and fabrics, well tailored an(1 finished and guaranteed
satisfactory In every way, Sce the New Waiss.
Smart new models, chiefly in stylih fncy tweeds., also
some in plain shades, finely tailored, t'immed with braids
an(1 fancy pipings, sizes for ages 10, 1'2 and 11, at the lowest
possible prices.
All our New Tall and Winter Garments for Men
and Boys are up-to-date.
Yriestley's Dress Goods are unequalled f'or beauty and dtu'a-
bility, hor tt fashionable costume buy
Priestley's Dress Goods,
Get our pr!cos on Lrge Onions and White Beans.
Hihest prices paid for Farm Produce.
JACOB YOUNOII[Ur lost a valuable
cow Iast'I'uesdayLooAm, option will he voted on in
three townshi )s in Iluron county, viz\lurris, Stanley and Usborne. The
toulperlu)ce people of Grey and '1'uckersrnith have trot yet deided.
'TI[E societies of the Mer.hodist Church
are arranging for the talent that will
assist Hrold Jarvis, of Detroit, the
wellknown tenor soloist, in their con•
cert to be held on Wednesd(ty, Nov.
28th. Keep the (late in mind.
'PHE Wingham Advance of last week
says: "Joseph Bradwin showed us an
ale, sent from Kamloops, 13. C., by
Itis son Fred to show tlutt they can
raise fruit there. It measures 15•m,
circumference and weighs 21 ounces.
If anyone can beat it, Mr. B. says
'Trot it out,'The two gentlemen
mentioned above are father and brother
respectively of A. E. Bradwin, former
Thursday evening of last week about 40
of the congregation of Trinity Church
gathered atthe Rectory to bid good•byo
to A. H. Plununor and family betoro
they lft for the West. A few hours
were very pleaantly spent in which an
irnpromptu program of sining, spier-
ttion8 on tho piano and speeches was
rendered and enjoyed by all. During
tie evening Stanley Buchanan. on be•
half of the congt'egation, read an appre-
ciative address, and Miss Edna Clu'der
presented Mr, and Mrs. Plummer with
a silver tea service, while Miss E, M.
Metcalf presented to Master Prank
Plummer a solid gold French crescent
scarf pin sot with pearls. Mr. Plurn-
mor was entirely taken by surprise andquite affected by this expression of
friendhip, However, in a nicely
worded seech, he thanked his friends
very cordially for their kindness, and
also expressed his sorrow at severing
his connection with 'Trinity congrega-
tion. He wished it every success andprosperity in the furure. Frank Mot-
clalf, John Potter, George Powell, John
Hartley and Rev. W. H. Hartley also
spoke during the evening, all testifying
to tteir admiration of Mr. Plutniner as
a citizen and a churchman, and wished
him prosperity and happiness in his
new home. After the presentation tllo
ladies of the congregation served a very(lainty lunch which all present omjoyed.
Tho gathering broke up after singing
altogether "Auld Lang Syne." The
following is a copy of the address: -
DEAR FRIENDS,-Onthe ove of your
departure 10 the West, we are pleased
to have this opportunity of all meeting
together with you, and wish you Go(1
s )eod, We are sorl;y to lose from our
church here, a family that has boon so
faithful and ready to help as you have
peon, Por, litany years note you lave
been connected with our congregation
and have taken nn active and leading
part in every movement. You have
been an efficient Church Warden, a Iibera) contributor to till Church funds, n
zealous worker in the Chor, and at
almost every entertainment for years
past, both, you and Frank, by your
help have contributed much to its 8110-
coss. Mrs. Plummer has boon a fith-
ful member, of the Choir, and in times
of emergency has taken the org(tn, raid
hes alo ben an active tnomber of the
\\'otnen's Guild, lu short ns a family,
your Ioyalty.to and self-scrifice for the
Church is highly commendable, Wo
shall miss you much and Wo shall long,►remember your hearty co-operation,
We hope you all will be spared to enjy
many yours of happiness and prospperity
in your new home, The hest wishes of
our congregation go with you, and wo
all trust to hero' of your success in the
great West. 11'e ask you and Mrs,
Plutntnnr to accept this silver tea service, and Frank this gold scat'f pin, not
a4 a reward for your labors for the
Clturclr, but as a slight token of ourappreciation of your services. Wo
hope that these will servo as a link to
connect y'ou in memory with your
many warm friends in Trinity' Church,
Blyth. Signed on behalf of tle congre•
gation, WM, H. HARTLEY, ,ector.
SiCIAL Council meeting was held in
Dr. ;31 ilne's drug store Inst \Vednsday
'THE season for auction sales i, hero.
TIII'; STANDAI(D has every facility or
Illrliing 01)1 sale hills {IIIkf,y au11 lien!-
ly. 1Vith evy sot of sale bills prnted
atthis ellice a free notice of the sale is
given ii THE STANDAItn sale register,
Ar the School Board meeting last
Friday', John Hartley, princil of the
Public School, was appointed to the
position of Secreta►'y-'Treasurr till the
end of the .y'etu', °Wing 10 the fact Ibut
A. 11. Plumose►' is leaving for the \gest
'1'ite Ripley' correspondent to the
Kincardine lleview speaks as follows of
a gentleman wellknown to many in
Blyth, Mi'. Rattenbury having relieed
here in the Bank of Ilamilton :-J, W.
ltattonbury, teller in the Bank of Ilam-
ilton here, has been nsoyed to the head
office in Hamilton. He lft on'Puesdey
morning. Mr. Rattenbury made quite
e circle of friends in Ripley and on
Monday evening tho boys had a Tight
suppper, prepared in his honor, in A, M,
Treleaven's restaurant and after par-
taking of this, presented the honored
guest with a beautiful gold ring em-
blematic of the I. 0,0, P. After manytoasts, "Goodb,ye."
house of Refuge Committee of the
County Council clot recently an(1 dis-
Sose(1 of matters relating to the county'
ome. 'The property of two inm(ttes-
ono who lived netts• Seaforth and the
other at Londeshoro-is to 1)8 disposed
of under the repent legislation placing
such property in tho control of the
county. Application has been made to
have throe inmates re)uoved to the in-
stitution for epileptic, at Woodstock.
In view of the passing of the new act
regarding Houses of llefuge the Cum•
tnitteo will recommend to the County
Council that the present county bylaw
in this matter bo amended to conformwith the now act, Baker Bartlift, of
Clinton, Was awarded the contract forsupplying bread at $201 a cwt.
A century ago theY worn popular.
'Today people want something easy to
apply, ceratin in results, andabovo all
a clean liniment. When Nervilino isapplied aches and pains disappear athe pores absorb its soothing healing
properties. Nervilino penetrates to the
corn of the pan, eases instantly, and
loavo3 no oily bad smelling memory be-
hind, Good to take in, capital to rubon, rind five times more powerful in
destroying pain than any oily liniment,
Don't fail to get a largo 25e bottle,
We will pay the HIIGIIEST (ASI1PRICES for live old hens, also spring
°hickene, ducks and all kinds of poultry.
Mention this paper.
The Canada Poultry & Produce
Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont.
The Leading Commercial School
'Tale sohool Is recognized to bo ono of
tllo best Commercial Schools in America.
'Vou can safely ,fudge t► school by the 1)p•
pliantlons (t receive, Thls terul we re•
oohed applications from firms in six largo
Atnerloan cities and from far more towns
and cities of Canada, Including Saskatoon,
bask., oft the \vest and Charlottetown,
P.H. 1., on the Last. Our reputation
n►eans muoh for our graduates, Write
for our a (talogue,
ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals.
1 1 .. , ._ _..__.- _•:,__ '_
" ive 1tOsesLake of the Woods Milling Co.
K 1;1 "P I N S'TOC 1 111':Ill
Blyth Flour Mills
A 1.0A0 of young people exect to
take in the fowl Supper at Londehol'o
on Thanksgiving evening. ltev. Mr,
Anderson is to give )))I addressAN increase in pay of 00untry post,Wasters is in sight The Postuutster-
General is meeting a deputation this
tuonth to talk the matter over. Theamount of increase wil1, doubtless, be
fixed afterwardsyou have a friend visiting you or
aro leaving town un a vacation, kindly
drop It Card to Tim STANDAIRI, 01' tele-
phone .g announcing the fnct• The
movements of oto' reader8 are matters
netts to their friends ttnd '1'111, STNIIA1111 I4always 1'eady to print pet'011itls,
Blyth School Inspected.
D. 13obh, 13, A„ Inspector of Publicelnols for East Huron, paid (t1) oliiial
visit to 13lyth School on Thursday last.
He was accompanied by the Inspectorof Continluttion Schools, H. 1l, Cowley,
of Ottawa, who expressed himself as
INSPECTOR 0. 1301311, 13. A.
being highly satisfied with the school
house, premises, staff and pupils, 31rCowley also yisited the Public School
departments and complimented the
teachers on the order told neatness of
ho rooms, He (vts highly pleased
with all be saw, and expressed admira-
tion for the excellent school play
OLYt'lr 8011001, IIOARtl)
The regular nseeting of I3Iyth School
Board was held on Friday evening,
Oct. 5th, Present-'l'rustees Cowan,
Campbell, Mains, \\'ettlaufer, Gerry
and Plummer,
Minutes of last )neeting 1ea(1 and
Account of J. 0. Moser for 25 tons,
620 lbs. of coal, 1)t 80.00, amounting to
$107.05, was ordered to he paid onmotion of 'Trustee Campbell, seconded
by'I'rustee Wottlaufer,
Principal's report for Sept, was pre-
sented as followsDivs, 1. 2
Number on roll 22 31
Agg'te. attend 8-17 857
Avor'ge attend. 111 3 22
Fees for Sept,, $18,95,
Moved by'1'rustee Gerry, secondedbyTrustee Mains, that hiss \Vinnie
'Thompson itll(I 31ISS Georgette Murray
bo re•e1)gaged as teachers for Div. 8
and 4 respectively, at a salary of 5325
etach per annum, -Carried,
The Crdle.
NotI'-In Hallett, on Oct, 11th, to Mr,
and Mrs. John Nott, a daughter
The Altar.
GAtnN1ss-Sa1rElts.-On Oct, 3rd, by
llev, G. linker, Mr, Martin L, Glu'1)188, sun of 31r. P. Garniss, to Miss
Lizzie daughter of \lr, H. Sellers,
all of Morris,
Tho Tomb.
Jo1)NsToN,-In Morris, on Oct, 9t11,
Wm, Jtlmes Johnston, aged 72
years, 6 months and 28 days,
11oI'iA'rr.-In Brussels, n Oct. 7thAbi Wharton, relict of tho late
David \Moffatt, of '1'urnberry, aged
70 yetis talld '1 days.
Cot,t s,-L► \Viugh(un, on Oct. 8th,
James Collins, aged 53 years and
8 months.
NlcwroN.-In 'Toronto, on Oct, 9th,
Cora Newton, eldest (laughter of
lir. and 11rs. Ileo, A. Newton, for-
merly of W1nghamM,so-ln 131'th. on Oct, 17th, Percy
Jahns IIIsoII, second son of Mr,
told 31rs, Wm, Mason, aged 6 years,
7 months an(1 8 days,
New 11(lvortINeutontN.
Fine i'urs-J. A. Aderson,
1''all and Winter Clothing -E. Ben-
Puritan Underwear -G. MI. Chambers
A Good Drug Store -1)r, W, J,
M ilugLeading Con11nercial School-Contral
Business College,
The very mention of Dress Goods brings
the Big Corner Store to your nmeniory.
This store has :always carried a good re-
putation for 1)ress (roods, and since taking
over i\Ir. MMIcKinnon's business the Dress
Gods trade has been phenomenal. We
handle the
Celebrated and World Renowned
Kharanta Fabrics, made by George
Carr & Co., of Bradford.
Gretland & Co's. Heavy Cloths, of
Manchester and Bradford.
Motte and Delescluse French Dress
Goods, of Roubaix, France.
Dress Goods prices with us range from
2 5c per yard to $1, 5o, Big variety, isn't it ?
This has been a big season for Jackets.
We have been compelled to re -purchase
Jackets three times, such have been our
Lig sales, but we have been successful in
replacing our big sellers and adding the
very latest at each buying.
Our very long Black Jacket at $6 is exceptional.
Our popular Black ,Jacket at ti7.5U has been a hummer.
Our favorite Black Jacket at 4l0 has been a repeater, and
to -day we are in a position to discount any other Black
.11). ket shown in the trade at $10.
At $1 2 we show you the hest Black ,Jacket we can buy.
Colored Jackets in Tweeds, Plain
and Fancy Cloths at $8.50, $9, $10.
Our Jacket Cloths are thoroughly- sponged and shrinken,
giving our goods an advantage over many made up.
Children's Jackets, all new and nobby, for little folks.
Successors to McKINNON & CO.
Try our Teas. A special Japan Tea at 25c.
Meats of different kinds. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons.
00) N:p4N4N-eeigAiw,wOszO) QO44,s7 0 0wige,w
S. H. Of
Just a Few Hints
on Ordered Clothing
which will be of great interest to you
First, buy it lit home where it is made up right so it will
keep its shape and appearance, and where you can get a look
at the cloth ,you are buying. You can't tell any goods by a
small sample, You see so many advertising Made -to -Order
Clothing that don't really know what an ordered suit is. Sell-
ing clothing off a small s'unplc is a thing of the past, and
then you are not just sure whether you are getting the same
as the sample or not, for its Mostly all machine work nittde
up by Jews who are going to send you the one on which they
make the most money,
It will be to your advantage to bear this in mind, Bay
your clothing where you are sure to get satisfaction, If you
need a Fall Suit or Overcoat come and see what wo wilt
show you and be convinced that you can do better at home
in the Clothing late than by picking off' samples and having
it made by Toronto Jews, Black and Blue Worsteds and
Cheviots at any price to suit your pocket, alt good guaran-
teed, English Finley Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds in endless
variety. Dont forget our Gents' Furnishings.
We can dress you from Hat to Shoes 0
r (%O
! .. ' . • [Q 9,>4'1; •
in the very latest at lowest prices.
Popular Clothing House - BLYTH
os41tworo oyes
"Pi '1[11.
T:v, rt t 1r .' I, n; of i:ua 1
t 1.11. ,I:iu "n t ,'tt 1 , un -•'(;hotels(
,moil'! ell: II ^1j .1• I;'rNl,-e
u'- ,•(.111 '.t it ln•n1 ir1orfering )lith
eoer,1.,111 11. VIII
1114:., 11 .t i It t, can
itilil- \(;11011 \1"U111 11'1
Thi- fact 1 • not tittLii"tt li t'' ;he ' itltlh.:
timinrie:- "i ill,. 1 111,',1 •'• 1t -, Illtt it is
n')1 ''.I -i t ,Wrote t!tc p.'1iH 1,11, \1 ' il.l ve
1h (i.o.a1i,It. ,t ;1.'tt lin_
it ,,• occasion Ir'(uil"i. 'i!I «" hal‘"
rc.iche'1 .I p"int at which w:' .Ili rot-, Ow
\\e 11,t\ e tl"CI'I' ,111011(
rlll'I It''\ 1" 1I1"\' 0111' '•1'"p- .Illi "!11'
1'11, .Ir 10,1 ;!1111 11:1! f Ir'iun
tl,i,!1 I_ much Inr_er p1'r'api-.1 than th.lt
tit" 1 .11 ;tett (Mr r11i:1 ' rep Is
,(n1111.1!I, \\alt 1)'.(11'1. Spt'ak1it "f
r, m' b.'the N'\\ 1"rI, 1',111.
11,1i .11 1'"nunelre p"int, "nt th•It "i! 11,1,
\t,Ir1.e41 ',\ ith ,'utile -m"r,• f"r )1141" 1111111
111i11\ (IVO \eau':. (',in:t,i:1 1111- to IIt11ye
t•1'4)1 4. 1,111 Ile 1141\ 411. Mesh "f the pI•o1'e-,
pr1',tI ttg
monetary stringency at \tont•
1 I,t Toronto, til any \c'; ,re else. 1)tn'in_,
the -e,1 -"I1 trf l,lrg't re1(tlitcnionts for t,tr.
Peal's t11'' wit,, circulation 1'x11,(ILl, ;('_
),irk .IHJ e,l-iiv, ,tui tli rt"1 lirr1tt tri
1111!11.1 '. :t e1'I1true:-. it t :a
l•rt,iwy 1;1 file \v('1'i11, awl it
last- t ' clement '.f 0:11 -Brits to a p01•
1' . 1 degiee. Ilya! 1111'''!11\ lei"rltt'•I i have
!n'"11 .I'11"rtltlll Illi teal !tete
1',11 11Iat it seems !1!v' the It 'Ill'
rl m:'
T1:1 (1'nublr \\ it!I 'lir II"._hb"1'--r+'II:s
t„ be that the polio' i.ul- Ii" ti : w i -;t to
a'1.,pl ulll' S\,IelU, 1"'all)-•' tit system
tit'v tv 11,11'!' 4111•, ,1 flrtiti"11: shill(' t11
1;)1 (4.11ltl"Ilt credit. 1111. aand tufts t•, til'' See.
rotary of tit' 'I'r",i'itt v ti s"rt 'tf finatllc'i:1i
it icy p;4'-1,!111:
1;1,1 tL'• 10,I1i:1't. 1V'ictt
111.111'1'• it Il)tlt eo1111i10r' ''
1,11.1! Lauth- 1,101: -t,IL;lit \ .:u; l that 1.111-
'' 11, ' I. i,l' hie', n Len ul'.-i lloetl1''l: •1'lt
1101.11;H:10 11111'-, ;Illi! :!til!! !e• 11' Ingrill:4"
,1 Ili- little tyre( t f r1•.
'The Chicago :tock yards Ili -'lo -are:
.ani' with quite a -bock to the (tatty
people % iln had been usi11', tht'll' pro -
(111'1s, Since then the (:hical;:o health cl•
1!torilie- have hecn engaged ill a Imre
food campaign, with the to -alt that it
has beim shown that Iain h that w•a: be•
ing so!d as fit for food was founts to
)m unfit, The other day them \,a- stmt),(
tI, riot oyer a seizure of many tons of
putrid chicken elli'kt'n tvhi'•!I \\'t. in -! Itrn'r'' per•
1,ttrato1'y to 1)1'i11;1 -old t'ir toll. Now w•'
lea rat from tits \\-innip'g '1'Iillu;te that
"Lac -t weal:, between ''i^!:t and ton 1 'aim -
pounds of fi-it in at a 1 -tate of
iulrcl,t't!on wtr- s'ii.1 1.} tit' officio...
of the ll''tlltll Iti'ratr'!ti''Itt. "aitt'11 to the
nuisance ground. t11t'1 there 11t',!r)ye1!.
This -"1... . oat- m'.Ille tat :1,' fat -tan'.
of the Tribune. lith the Itni!I'n'iti'; ha\''
tek0tl 110 Step, to i1111i-:1 the re -pen -ante
parties, I)isctoure; "11411 as the:.,' cuff,
at tendency to make the 1'.a:t ,q II"t1lll
Lilt of u, ettrcl'ul as to \vllttt \y0 eat.
4 .144-
1,,1,1y I':y01y11 (4rt't', 'laughter 14 our
1;)s'l'ant'-Ilellel'al, I
quite a1 denniel'alI,'
sena, lardy. At it reception held in 1•an-
"otiver, it is related that atft.'r rceeiying
tills or sixty of til' most prominent of
l• \"tuu•ouver!te-: Tiler,• w,ls n check
in tb" line, and \vith a quirk movement
of her !wad, I1,'r (ally -),lilt turned In an
egueiry and w"hispered, The latter -mil.
141 and the next in -Mutt he was 11 !Ia nc•
ing tou•tlrl the er)',•11 Ie'hilrl tha' real','
In tlo' awry free( 111(1; •'11'11 i 1_11'11y-111111%
011 W01111111. dr0;sed plainly and ‘villi no
pet I 'itt 011, (n ;tyle.
`she \V,1- trdd,
-No. IiII," said the w•.tnla:l, dra\ying
'tack, and glancing at ht't' gown,
III' tilt," said the equel'l'}-, and the
-wow ut. almost against: her will was left
I,. where the (':11r1 ani his .(piling (laugh -
11'1 standing, This a('t, it !4 said,
01e1'Itifi":I the crtw•d, and fel' mer nn
!!'•r Ladyship stood tiliti ?hook
1., t, i- ,'.i(It and i)w(d and smiled to the
);!'ralt\rn,itttl of the Pacific eosin,
'harmer; in the neighborhood of Kin_.
stun and Ottawa are charged \\'lilt sel-
.ling ,1(110 eggs to the people. Ono King -
commission merchant says that the
farmers keep their limey for a. 1'i,' in the
nn rl(el, nn'I I;001) thong )Alit they are
unfit for use. 11115 Is tt-('l'1011: charge,
and, if true, r:, a foolish pi'cl' of I)nsine5'a.
lint we do not believe many farluers
wo111t1 be guilty of Ouch a prttdic(',
to moot you,"
Thirteen hundred eu'ginrers, mem.
hew( of the (Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, who drive trains over 8.501)
utiles of the Burlington system, have
voted in protest against ae HMV "lest of
yi141111" order sent out by the company
An Average of $175 Against One of
$835 in This Country.
The ai•e'rttge rate of lirensr taxa tion
of 12'.i t o n, of the ['lilted State, 1111v•
iiia it p'rlrltidllttll 'x'eedlllb :io,Itill is $Salas
as against an ;tvelagt of $175 t•hal•getl
in eilllllal' t')1)11.4 in Carat 1111(011.
1f the eo:Iparisun he 0111(11 ‘vltIt par.
tletl!ttl• States or volt+tlll gt'1Igr•It1'hlt'al ,Ii
visions, the difiereIec is ,'l ell more pro-
The a1','I•tl'.,,e license duty 1n twr'illr 'lite
New England cities, sacs the Inllepen,l
ant, i, tell time: the average rate in sim-
ihlr cities in the United (Kingdom. Nllt
urally, the re\ rune thus received is much
greater in this country than in [areal
In the 1111 British towns having a p).
pulAtion o► am,nmm and upward, the pro-
ePc(l; from this -)(tree is approximately
$i,lliO),0ti(1 tvltere,t', in the 12' American
town, of the sante size it is $30,t173,imrl,
or more than 111110 tial''• ,10 mu,'h. The
number of retail liquor plaecs in Herat
'Britain i; less to-d:ty than in I1ttO, al-
though the iittnntiy of liquor sold iu
rnuch 'greater, The policy of limiting
the number of public house: has rt'snit-
ed in creating a monopoly of the 1111101'
traffi'' and has increased enormously li•
1011v' valtiis, without a similar increase
in the ,carie of tnxnti')71,
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but- -
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
t.nd then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOII will cure you
as quickly ?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
t.)r whenever a Cough or Cold
HILOH will cure you, and all
truggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
'1'11e next tithe you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
Fair Warning.
The lady on horseback "►so was Sh'mtk
by at red automobile on 'Thursday here-
by notifit' her assailant that site was
n,'t kitl''tl and is able to identify the ilei•
ver of the machine, notwithstanding 111s
rapid f!ittilt tr(.nn the .scene of the attack,
aril will holt) hint responsible for dam-
ages to the hone as soon as such dawn.
ages have been )1etermined„--1.)il City
T was cored of a -eyorP cold by \1IN-
ARU'S 14IN1\11•;N'1',
Oxford, N. S. 11. F. 11 E1VSON.
f \vas cure,) of a terrible sprain by
\11N.11ill'S 1.1NI1IF,N'I'.
I'111':I) ('OI'I.SON,
Yarmouth. N. 1' 1 \ ('
1 \cars 'lt1' ! ''f Ilhlel; F.ry.ipela- I'y
i.l N ( X11':N'I'.
Ingle -Title. 1. 1\'.
Turning It to Good Account.
(cello -aims, 0., i,espatch.)
S rlbbl'.=-\Could you -'r -mind repenting
your r'fns)1 of my offer of marriage?
Miv4 ('hilltmt-(''rtainly not. But why?
Scribble,, -011. I want to take It down 1n
shorthand for use in 111: next novel.
'dor Your Protection
we plaice thin label on every
package of Scott's Emulsion.
The man with a fish on his back
1e our trade -mark, and it Is a
guat'anteo that Scott's Emul-
sion will do all that iv claimed
for It. Nothing better for lung,
throat or bronchial troubles in
Infant or adult. Scott's Emul-
sion 18 one of the greatest flesh -
builders known to the medical
We'll read you a sample fres.
SCOTT & ROW»EI °'rorZtTou.'
Saved the life of Columbus.
when t.'hri,tuphcr t'uluIllblI1 1)115 in
'Jamaica he would have died hilt for the
herbal medicines t hr natives bltnlght
hint. '('here is no doubt that aboriginal
tribes know more of the medicinal
virtues of herb, and rout; than is sunle-
1inu'- eunceded. \\ lion Captain l'uok
cli,cuv,'rell .1ustrali:t he wtts amazed
by the 1100.1(1111 (10111 disease whish the
tlalllil', ell)n\'Pri, 111 r)II,0111101We ul using
certain root; and Milli, as medicines, 1t
was in chi, country that the herbal
rentetiv liile11i1' w11,s first pruduerd.
Their 11,e Twat! 111 a, then' value was
nitide more Ionian, till to -day 1111 over
the globe Iiilca ns are it huu,ehultl 10111-
\lis• E. Reed, of Kingston, Ont.),
say;: "I suffered terribly with acute
indigestion all In,l \a inter. fain follow-
ed all food, with wind •pastas, rifting,
etc, My sleep at night wits fitful and
broken and Illy strength failed. Itileans
were introduced to 1414', and 1 found re -
from their use 1t•itkill a vert' short
time. They have now clued nn'." 1111-
etuIe 0110e constipation without causing
griping, 0111'0 piles, biliousness, illdigl's-
tion, sick headache, etc.. and give
strength a1111 energy to rundown systems.
All druggist, sell at fifty cents as box,
or post free from the Itiltall Co,, Toron-
to, on receipt of price.
For all the garnered harvest of the year.
For gild( n grain of love and told
1 hongit1
Fot' health and strength of those i hold
most deal';
For goals attained through weary jour-
neys sought;
For anxious fet•s removed, for faith
grown bright;
For friends w'h()sr love and kindness
('1001 my wily;
For Star.; above 1110 in the darkest night,
I give 'Theo thanks nn chi= 'I'htulk,giv'
ing Day,
Yet not for these alone, since most of all
I thank 'Thee, Lora, for (shpt 'Thou
hast not given -
The poi -on cup of fame, the bitter gall
Of finale friendship. and the Lair, false
Fo' \vhiell in ignorance T vainly yearned,
But which Thy love withheld. Now,
for Thy 'Nay,'
\\•hen toward those harmful things I
would have turned,
I give 'Theo thanks on this 'Thanksgiv-
ing Day.
-Gussic Packard 1)nbois, in Standard.
Intermittent Bridegroom,
Ileglartlr (about to conduct the mar-
riage ceremony) "1)h. I say, this won't
do. 'The bridegroom is the worse for
Prospective Mother•in•Law-"Vnn'II
(xc0sc m', sir. 1'741 sure. l'ou see, it's
only when ht's drum: that he'll Agree
to lake 011' daughter." ---lion vivant.
Banc:ght Soap is bettor than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap dad follow directions,
Stopping Runs on Banks.
Thins on hank;, as all the world know':,,
are often stopped or rest' acted in the
oddest ways, ,
Thus a rich bank knew that a run was
to sot in )n a certain \Itrndtty morning
-- for it had been robbed of some post -
337,000 Soldiers to a Population of Only
Three Millions,
The SW1ss maty 15 ono ttf the nuts(
rl'Inlu'hal)Ie ut• her po111i'al institution;.
It is the ideal towtu•d t,'hieh the 1)114-
111011 people Of every European loan.
try, \sighed down with taxation to slip•
port huge standing armies, turn with
longing and .hope.
According to the Arena the Swiss
system )f militia saves millions of
1110Ill'y to the taxpayers and gives rears
of freedom from Ilallitatl' ysei')lt'e to 1111!
I'ra(tivally all 51w14.4 serge front the
age of ''0 to 50 in the militia and re. -
serves, The raw reernits go into
schools, the infantry for .15 days, the
cavalry for 80 days.
After this the cavalry serves 111 days
08011 year and the infantry and artillery
1.1 days ea1011 ever other year. '1'110
reserves serve only five or six days
every four years. The officer;, of curse,
are (staidly tl'uind in geed schools for
8 pried of gars,
This short servie0 would be insnffi-
('ient were it not preceded and supple-
mented by military training for boys in
school and rifle practice every year by
practically all Swiss citizens.
'l't11'got shooting is the national sport,
and in accordance with the lacy a pile()
for target practice 1nu.1 be slpplit11 by
every town in the euuntry, .\5 1111 ell•
courago0u'nt prizes of all so,`• are
offered lis the national Dover= nit.
'I'luls little Switzerland, with a p':inln-
liol of less titan 3,0110,01) of people, has
an army of :1:17,01)0 of the most nitirtial
soldiers of Europe -armed, equipped ata l
ready to take 1110 field at a moment's
not ice,
1)r. Loonhnrdt's 110111•lloid will cure
any rase of files.
This stattlnent is made without any
It is in the form of a tablet.
It is impossible to cure an established
ease of file; with ointments, suppasi•
torics, injections or outward appliances.
.1 $1,1)01) guarantee with every pack-
age of 1)r. L0o11nrdt'; heal-Itoid,
$1.01), all dealers, or the \\'ilson•Flye
Co., Limited, Niagara Fulls, Ont.
A Substantial Venus De Milo.
Social and artistic London has a new
idol, She is 1,a Milo, who f.; giving rep-
resentations of sculptural masterpieces at
the London Pavilion. La \lilo, \'posse
stage 11111110 is a suggestion of her claim
to public attention, is considered the
nearest lippltach in measurement and
physie:il beauty to the perfections of
the Venus de \Iilo,
Since 1,11 \filo at '31 tips the settle at
102 pounds, it will be interesting to cal -
entitle just \•brit degree of inereatse may
be expected with the maturity of 40.
11('1 complexion is fair and clever, the
calor of her eyes is forget-me•not blue,
her hair is nett brown and her eyebrows
are dark aunt heavy. Sper;al Cable-
-say Hamilton People
Bleeding Piles Cured
-after Yt:ars of Suffering,
age stamps on Saturday night, and the Miracle -days may be past -but the day 41
robber,' had been exaggerated in the : wing people from suffering is ever.preaeat,
newspaper report• and if t his run 1111. j What is more distressing than Itching, Blecdb,g
not koptwit bin 1.0:1-unttblp limit,, the 1 Pies? Some say the only cure is the knife, We
bath: would hay,. 1)4 dose its doors. It iSay, operations are unnecessary. Read this Weir
ad plenty of uluney, bel nal pienly u► 11 " For years I had Piles, which protruded and bled
• freely. The r c/tiitg pain was sometimes ahnod
cath, Il needed tw•eltty-font bow's' bele•' unbearable, Often Is,t•t,rtdsoseverely f!was nal
Before sunrise on \Iuullav morning 't t bimpossible to i.emain on duty, It was a hardship JD
I watt, / tried many remedies, but with poor success.
painter pat a fresh coal of paint on the 1 This winter in New )'orb-•atthe 17enclrShow-
front duel's of the bank. on the \gall pan-
els, and on the t•ulnll(•rs.
The result 11:14 that the people Ado
made the run 011 \condos made ralhi'r u
walk of i1. 'I'hcy lyaultrtl thl'ir 1110110y,
bill 111Py r11;hed Do 011e. (hl the c()IU'tay
they 011110' to with a c,autinn and delib-
eration that wore just w'I:111 the bunk de-
sired. So careful \yore they lost they get
paint on their clothes that it tool; long-
er to pal' off one of (hent than it 1\1101
have ittl;en ordinary to pay five.
This is nuc of 1111111)' odd U'ick: whore -
by in tt run, 11 haul: bus sated itself (rain
• .-o---
The Crown of Gold.
"'The late I'tlul La11•renee Unnbar, the
negro pori " said tan editor, "once 11(1-
dre-.ed al rnudllw 5ehrwl in N011' Volk,
I Beard the address, It wits delightful,
,\n add incident happened, though, a1
it; end, au incident that Dunbar
laughed at as heartily as the rest of
"Ihmb;u, 10\1'11.15 the (dose of liis re-
marks, said:
"And. lay little friemla, if you will
do all these things, some diay you will
wear n crown of gold,' Yes, each of you
some day "ill wear a[ gold clown.'
"A little elm 1) in the front row, catch-
ing the poet'- friendly eye, 1ipPd;
"'\Iy fader wear, one 1100','
"':Co!' said the poet,
"'\'('s. he 1404--uu is toof," said the
lit lechnp."
Cynieus -"When do you conside!. a w'o-
hlan is too old to marry? \liss DIdt!irl
-Nell, I am only 28, you know, Cyuicus
-Yeas; I've known that n. long time,
'Mc grouchy maul either forgets that
he was ever a boy or else tries to lite
earn the memory.
Worry kills 100)0 people than work,
automobiles and appendicitis put to-
t 1'thar,
Blobbs--Is there any hnrtl -work at -
bullied to It political job ? Slobbs-Not
after you stet it,
♦ -
Love may laugh nt locks111ith4, but
even love may forget that he laughs beat
mho laughs last.
I •offered greatly -was almost compelled to yentas
its my room, Il! ied several oemedits-without relief,
" On my return home, Mira Ointment was advised.
hued it. /n only a short there, all the irritation and
pain ceased, I can now walk with ease and alleruf
tory duties as a rncntber of the /Fire Defies Main(,
"I strongly recommend Mira Ointment to,anyone
tauferingfro,n this annoying complaint.
"Hamilton, thatch 9, 1906."
(Signed) Mark O'Rourke, ,86 Ahs SI. N.
Isn't that the sort of proof yon want?
Mr. O'Rourke is the well-known breeder of
bull-teuierdogs. Everyone in Hamilton knows him.
Mira Ointment brings quick, lasting relief, and
permanently cures the worst cases of Piles, Eczema,
! Ulcers, Sores, Chafing, Burns and other skin
•oubles. 60c. a box -0 for $2,50 At druy.ists'
-or from The Chemist; Co, of Canada, Limited
'Hamilton -Toronto,
Look for the trademar'k-
('Ml4RVirliOu!9, : ;' : w:c. >r•.• ' ''
Big Ships on the Lakes.
(Cleveland Lender.)
The now stetuushin 11, 1!. Rogers has
carried over 15,000 tons of freight down Lake
Michigan from I;srunaba to South Chicago.
The load of Iron ore will go 11110 the records
,as 13,3:13 tuns, but ore Is reckoned 111 gross
tons of 2,210 pounds, IL is only twenty-five
yearthan 3,000( tons 51111 loacargo
The carrying
capacity of the largest lake vessels has been
mullioned by five In a quarter of a century.
The gain has been most rapid within rho
past tive years. It Is going on faster than
ever before. The end no man can deterinino.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Sacrifice to Fashion.
(Bon Vivant.)
Little Gustav (handing her the atomizer) -
NOW that I've filled 11 with (petrol, spray
me well all over, Mathilde. I want all the
boys nt the school to believe Unit tather'a
got nn nuptomobilo,. •+
Studies in Liquid Equilibrium.
Mrs. Outlate-Dliln't you coma in on your
hands and knees?
Outlate-Vesh, m'dear; lest' crawling under
rater wagon to shoe why It don't go,
N L:
warm water and
Sunlight Soap, rinse dean and wipe
dry. The colors will be preserved
and the surface unharmed.
Common soaps fade the colors and
Wash oilcloths
and Iinolcums with
injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans. freshens and preserves
oilcloths and linoleums.
Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most
delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can
injure either clothes or hands.
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps, but is best
when used in the Sunlight
way (follow directions).
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
A Record.
The chtlnlpiun 11h:est-minted main Ityes
at linlhaul. chi one ()evasion he called
upon his old friend, the family 1liy.:ieinn.
:After a chat of t1 couple )f hour, the
doctor saw• 11;111 to the d))1 aflit bane
him guod•night, saying, "Come again.
I'antily till "011, 1 sup11ns0?"
"\ly heavens!" exclaimed the absent-
minded beggar, "that remind.; ale of my
Prrnnd, lly wife is in at fit !''--I'lek•le'•
Threshers' Pink Tea,
Tho wife of a farmer hall It slst'r come
front Chicago to make a visit. 4 1() day
last week the threshers rattle Wad the ga'''it
insisted on doing the work alone mil sant
her sister away to rest. When twenty-seven
thresher's fled in to supper that night they
found a sandwich tied with ribbon, One chick-
en croquette, one rimose ball tbn size of a
tnarble and a buttonhole bouquet at each
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Discouraging Prospects,
"'Phis govet•11Inl'nt 15 hemming more
and more centralized every year," stud
the student of polities,
"Yes;" answered Colonel Stillwell, of
Kentucky, "it's getting so that the state
don't do lunch more than furnish title's
for battle ships and popular songs,"
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Irving's Advice to Lawyers.
Sir 11l'nry I1.ving was nape 1146' gitest of
honor at a lawyers' hauquet in New
York. 111 the ('nurse of at graceful ad.
dress he said:
"Von, gentlemen, have given cue most
helpful advice in the art (if acting; hill
you permit me to give you !11 return a
piece of advice regarding your profes-
"My advice, then, is that you make
y(1111. t1•oss•ext1111IIlalinll less rigorous, less
leash. \\'lent 14 the good of treating
an honest, sensitive witness in the wit,
nes• stand as though he were a sneak
"I confess that 1 11111 1101 in sympathy
with harshness in cross•examinatlon, and
wine 'er 1 hear of n w'itn('ss turning on
an overbearing lawyer my heart rejoices,
"111' heart rejoiced Inst week, :young
man in my ennlpany was It "itne5s in 8
ease of robbery. 1Io had seen it thief
snatch al young girl's pncketboo:c and
slake off.
"Well, the thief's lawyer ern;;-ex'iulitt.
ed toy young friend shamefully. Ile roar-
ed at hit), shcok his fay; at hint, raved
at him.
'And nt, what hour did all this hap-
pen?' the lawyer, sneering, asked toward
the end of the exatminittion,
"7 thin):—' my friend began, but he
was la 01100 interrupt ed.
"'We don't clue anything nbont what
you think!' said the lawyer, with a sort
of contempt,
"'Don't you want to 110111' 1111111, I
think?' said my young friend, mildly.
"'C'ertninly not,' the lawyer roared.
"'Then; said my young friend, 'I may
ns well step down from the box. Prn
not a,1awyer, T can't talk without
JSSU 1'. N(1. I9
\'uclt IO!t'rCNI: TOLL) PROM THE
1 cradle to the grave; matters of buil-
floss, love and nutrr•iage tnaritt clear; what 1
tell routes true; send birthdato and 105,
Prof, Lavas, box Iii, 1lelurltnier 1'. O., Mont-
real, Que.
15 for 10c; G) tor 50c; 100 for 8Cc; all dif-
ferent; GOO for $3 assorted; 1,009 unvelopt,s
50c and 60c; 1,00 foreign stamps 26e. W.
II. Adams, 101 Yong() street, Toronto, Oat.
Mrs. Wtnsiow's Aoot.htng Syrup (should sl -
ways be used for children teething. It
Booth.; the ohlld, soothes the gurna, cure'
wt..e ooilc and le t'he bast remedy for 1)lu •
A sato, 11(4 trltnb'n monthly rKtda. it
tor. il,'.n 1'111• have been twe'1 In rtau,
for over Arty yews, ami f44•11141 larsiueble
for 11 s put ,est (1.,Ip ,'1, and are K'ah'n•
It'rd h)• tlut r,u,iet4 1•arltwn .tutor 1'N
1444&14,1 rirrnlnr 1'r1',, 01 1.44) I4,1 14411 ttf
ru0Kutt; yr ry sell, %r'•uruty a',Ird, 44111rce10 of 11111.9
Box 42, Ham l l tort, Oana'ia.
Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP 011'
T1HF. W0111,1) against 21 American, British
and Canadian manufacturers, after a two
months' thorough trial. Made by
Brantford, Canada,
Dilemma at a Christening.
(Boston Transcript I)
Lawyer -What is your full name?
\\'ituess-K. K. K. Karl Menson,
Lawyer -What (10 all the K's stand
Witness -Nothing --the minister who,
christened n10 stuttered.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Saving His Face. ,,
Air. Stingy (just going out) -"While
I'm Itway, Marie, don't forget to work
the alar)( clock every half hour or so,
My neighbor's must continue to believe
that T hn1'c the televhone."-Pilo Mel e.
Farmers and Dairymen
Whew you numb' a
Tub, Pall, Wash Basin or Mk Pan
You' will find they give you satis-
faction every time.
Insist on being supplied With EDDY EDDra every thine.
Sunday Se
IN'TI•.tuNrt'11ON.11, 1i1•It';4ON \O f
Ol'I'C' It :';3, 11.11 0,
.I' al• .\I:n,'In?,;I In 11.111110}'. 11.1tt.:'1;
11!!..\11':`'1'.11;1. 1. \);iV aiint.
-. (i, i I, (i. 111 11011011 i' 114'1 !4•
•'l1„11 "j 1).114'-„ 1(I' "1111,,,
Ill conlf,O t,'' 1 his w.1, a \ Wag:. be1t11-
lliulit-iti,lued 1''11(1' 1110 mile• south -
e.1 -1 ,1f Jel'll-.11(10 1111 the eastern -lopes
of the .\1111'''' ''1 111114',. It ‘‘ii, 4(11•'11
kited 11\' I Il i-1, :1(111 it wits here 1hilt
he -pint -4'14':1' Mgt:, 1(l' the memorable
p,4 -.loll \rek, S11111((I the 11.111':This
111.111 had evidently been ;I leper and had
probably. been cured by •Ie;ll;, "':'his
\vi!I account for his 11ull:ing a feast ,u
honor of Ch'rist.” "According 11( ,1 tra-
dition Simon was the father of Lazarus;
according to others he was the 111181)111(1
of .\Ia111,1. 1(l' ..\lall1111 \las his \willW."
1.:111114'. m.1(11.1 fells 11, that \l1I•Ih11 :I'r1'•
:.li'I that 1.,t/a1'lls \V.' one of them
that -al .1f the table \lith Ilial, Thi)1
;kw,. 11'1(1 I.IIi111'll•' F8-1111.18'1 100 \V:1; 11')
11111 -Isla,
7. .\ \1„(,!;1(1 •14(1111 telt., 11, that Hit,
\'.11;,,,11 \•..:. 'll:ll\, .\1114:stir 1111\ 'tell.,
11111:1' \\11- 111 :III alah11ster hu1111, 01'
11.4-!(., \'.11lrll (1:1, 111.1111' \\'1:11 (l 11111!,;, I1111'-
I,I\1 !tort.. Mark s.1!, '•114' 11;,1L. the
\� ho\ " or the neck of the flask. The
1 '1l,i1.11 kc1,1 the 18/141111/' Ir1(111 8N'11
"1..1 , 11:111 11''1'11. 18'111 I'e(nlVell;• it \V:IS
1.11 ••( 1/18'1111 11 1)114 1111(1. \'I'1'\' Pt".
11111, 111111 011'111 1111 !ha (li11111111111 11'4' 111'1
l 1( 11111111`1 11111 (.11'111 11 111111111 001 111111''
111:1!1 \1!1;11. \\'4' (',111(I((1414 kllI%V a; 1il1t-
to, 1(t, "'haft. John sll \lary noel: ".t
I'ol'!!d of ointment of sptit:011m11'(I," '1'11i9
\, 11 • Donlan 1'1(11114 of twelve Dances
; 11.1 \\ I- worth 11111) pence, or denarit, sil-
1 ,'1 I'1 :11- worth fifteen 10 1('\'ellteell
1''':14; •
eddy, hi itee t111' oilltlllellt \1•:15
\�o: !I Lei 'l eel; forty - five and fifty dot -
Thi. \you'll be ('lluiV,Ilent to :114(1111.
•1.210 or len tone, 111x1 (til"lull it the
pre -0111 hue, ''pikPlitt ril is :1(l aNina 111'
idart, roll' 1(4111111 111 1111' Ili111"1"viln :r•
"i"u. 111114 (intinenl was 'intim 1.od from
1.1'I,l :11111 1(11111, "t'uut!I:Ire the attar
of (0;4'-, wade at 1:11;1'•/ip1((r in Hindu -
,',1 n,
indu-,':11:, 011,1 which 11,1161e, 100,11011 fog-
!pn\ 11 1 ",e, 111 111'lldaev one loony, and
11111111 •1'11, when Pure, in the I':ngli,ll
t\rr4'hou-e,, n, thigh a, Hilt) 1111 ounce.
oI. .l,..20I) I,er ,1. Mille'' ;I, \lar\'', pound
'If ,l4ii:nir,l." .\nlerican ('yilopedia.
I'oire(I it (Til his head --John says r11e
i'I•li:itcd the feet of Jesus. "There 19
11111018-tl'9 neither coot'adictio11 not"; i -
,'r_• nee hero bet w:4'''11 t he exa11ngeli-t ,.
:1Iar 1 poured the ointment over his 1)0'1(1
alt(! '110(1 11\'1'1' 111; f•'el. sh'i'n' 1i0t14'4'. Isle
;1!:(11111 1111! of the (eel, 1101 0111}• 0f 110011-
+'-1 VI'111'r;ltion, bot from its IInhIsnal
r!„uarl( r. While nn/intiu1! of the heal
u 1, not -u lu(1'lu(uon. «In' whit had
so oftl'n -at :it hi; feel, 01(1' anoints
them, and alike for love, reverence and
f'IIOw-Ilip of hi ,offerings,will 11141 wipe
110111 11!11, W111) her haul,"-1?(1'131101111-
'1 h4' 11(luint big -Ito\vei (I 1 h('1' faith 111
1'hri-t: 1'': Ler love fur ('Iiri-1, The
1„11.4' w.1, fillod \vitt' the odor of the
ointment, and l(1 -day the 4'1110011 and the
I,orld ;'re filled with heavenly fragrance
wllenetir loving deeds are performed for
(116,1. Ka(. at (neat In taking their
meals 11(' I':;I.11'r(I people reelilled 4111 one
side. 114' I:n,1,, h die.( lent and the ff(,t
lirue.l nutw,n'd behind.
1I, \Inr\''s act evil irized (\•-i. ,, Il,) S.
\1.14'11 111- Iii�ripl.'s v1w• it Jinn' 1(114 114
that Judas \Vitthe leader in eriliciziig
.Mary, and he in';led his opposition 11111 i)
Sone 111 the disciples assented to his
ideas. hut he Was a hypocrite and Jesus
rebnkell hint, "So I lien n bad man, and
from selfish lunlives, b}' 11141e arguments gets good nen to unite
with hill do )pp1,ing things that are
really goo(1, '11110 \volt puts on the
sheep's (dothing. Thu, usually the oppo•
1, 11110 (o good wears a mask of \litu4':
relit;ion is ()posed in 1t'( n:11110 Of 1i11-
erly, f in the mune 'if free thought:
prohibitil•!, in the name of te11tpernnee,',
'I'0 \\'hat pnrpns0--':'here is (1l benefit in
such a lavish expenditure. \1;h1L says
they murmured against, the \woumul, and
their 1('01'1114 old manner were ;1140 it ('e-
fliolinn on Christ himself, bevause ile
land permitted it to mann.. "Whenever
:her' is an net of splendid self -forgetful-
ness there i4 alway.4 n .iu11n4 to sneer
and murmur at it," This \''41s1(---•lu(las
complained that the (liniment \\•IIs \vest -
4 d 11'(00?e the money \1118 int put in
the treasury where he (amid sf cal it. 'I'lle
()I hey di1eiples \•ere evidently sincere.
"but had too 'terror 1(r 1114.10110(1 0 vision
as to 'what \wore real values," "Note flint
the apostles do not hesitate t0 reeord
even those actions W11tell are discredit -
able to themselves, 'I'llev hide nnlhinlr.
:1.m 1111114 i4 one marl: of the divine ntI-
niorl.7flip of the gospels. Mon world nat-
urally have concealed the faults of their
min's and heroes 'for the, good of the
(' 10140,' 114 the 14.11;1 painted .\lexnndor
the Great's portrait With a finger oven
tho star on his face,''
0. (liven to the poor—"flow often (loos
charity serve as n cloak for 'Ovetonsnes4.
Clod is sometimes robbotl of,his right, un-
der the, prefens4 Of devoting what is
withheld to 801110 clari1abl' purpose, to
'•1'1(11 there w'as no intention ever to
was the kind of d'nlOn-
s(('It1i(111 reserved for 111"i((('('4 Or persnn4
of great dis111101ion; it was it luxury
'hitt 'yen' 1(0 emperor till Nero even in-
dulged i1(." It is not surprising that, the
disciples, who were 1)111111 and 11001', 8110111(1
11411: '.his 1111 11(1d110 extravagance; hut
1)'. 1114 desired to impress upon them the
fn't that there is nothing too precious
for hint,
1IL Jesus defends 31ary (vs. 10.13),
10. Jesus perceiving it (11, 1'.)—.1estO
understood their inurtinurings.
trouble ye this woman—According to
John's aecnmlt, 'Testis said, "Let her
atone," "1t wens the language Of sharp
rebuke, .lesu8l was indignant. at the
,1111pocrisy of Judas and the dull pereep-
lions of the others," 11 seetti8 evident
that Judas and the others hail nldc
their complaints to 411t1'y, and that she
:was troubled by \\ hat they ,aid, .\
good \lull: "Il 1\.1, 11 lllgll :II'I o1 ;t
noble ,0111, e\pres.111g its 1111111(.-1 ('111n-
11(Inli," 11 Is a "good \void: ' to -lio\
our 1111.1' and esteem for f'ur's(,
1I. Poor a1(11y4 \Vit It you-Ili4 vet 111
\Iar.y.; will 1114'' illt'•1'fel'' wit') \4(11r cal..
for the p1,'i'. 1'011 can (I0 goo(to them
411 any (1111', The 1111(1'1' 11'4' 110 for (''heist
the 111,11';' twe shall dr) for the poor. It.
not the \\•all' of linnet', hut. Ih0 11,101
of love that :111111114 111 pool' 111 -.Ill lyl'.
'1'114' 11101'1' 1\e ',i\;' fur l'llrt-t 1(u any
line, the Inure lore W' -hall 11:1)e 11n,1 the
1111)14' (Vi •11,111 a 11111111,' to _0191'. "II I;
1111' -n(' i )4Is 'If \lacy, 1.11'1 111)1 1f •l1(
(!,I,, 11'1111 ('4'1111' (',(I''' 1+11' the pour,' .\le
not :1!1\JV-. 1111':,'', bodi'y 1'1'".-
er,e1' \5':)- ihoit to he room) 0,1 11'0(1
1111.111, \\ l II 1114''9• \)•01(111 (111 11(1' 10111,
11111,1 14' 'loll/. quickly,
12. 1)11 ml\• burly - 1111 hit head and 0n
his feet, She did it to pr'pall'r' 1111' 1111'
burial (11, \',) Whether .\1:41.1' 1 1(41 (-
410011 ('11ri.l': apruaclin2 drat''. and iu-
Ien41e11 it ,,11, 1)'.' cannot tell, hili '1:'-:1-
11111, Illi, er111,11'111•11101 11!'"11 it :1111
firm- 111, reby \wha it,. 1:111 ,o fie ',Put-
ty 111.1 them regardi11'_ it. "Ii' c.,)- 4'1(1-
I,11trin'_ Line 111 .11\.10" 1(l' lull''. I '„
often 1111r \wiled, of e,leelll are 11"t 111•
((rel! until 111" (11111' 111 1111' 1/111.111 1, 1111111•
1 118 111.1'(III'(I2.1.11 ,,1111 1111, been obliged
10 plod on 1 hrottgli life 1without so lunch
11, ;1 "(14(,1 l,!4'., 1',411" f1'1111 anyone. (1111'
writer slly-: "If 111y frim'), 11;11'4' ;11,1•
1111,181. 1111.X1', full 111 the perfume 111 ,\'ill•
pallly 1111d :ltfeetiull 111111 away, Mit h
they. intend to break over my h 1(l!, 1
11011111 rather they (vm1141 bring them out
in my- weary and troubled hours, that I
may he cheered while 1 need t11o11,"
111. This gospel shall be preached .111-
(41her remarkable proof ,,f 11)e pre-rienee
Of ('hli;t, (sod hal s0 disposed 'natters
that this has continued as firm and r01/tt-
ina 0s the ordinances of heaven,--1'larke.
Fur it 'manorial of her - -'.\ memorial i•
something designed to keel) in (0'114'0'•
'armee it person, an event, or anything
regarded as worthy of peruliau' honor or
record." This met of love performed by
\bu'y to her Lord brill;, her Is'fure the
entire Christian world, "'file memorial
of I his woman (V.H, to be preserved, not
by dedicating 0 church t0 her, or he'e'l•
ing (111 annual feast t0 her honor, or
preserving a piece of her broken box as
u sacred relic, but ly 111(01lioning her
faith and piety in preaiming the gospry"
--Henry, The ivay to anoint 1'hri,t to-
day i; t0 help others; those in prison.
and distress should have (1110 earnest at-
tention I\Intl. xxv. 31-•i(L)
.11111.114 seeks t0 betray Jesus (vs.
1.1. Judas 1se:u'ilt.--.hulas is rightly re-
garded as an infamous man, his conduct
has,' and his Inntive; vile; yet how many
'D-day bargain away their Lund for the
honors and pleasures 1(t 1114 world! (711 -
to the ellief priests ----':'his was a favor --
111)1e time for the traitor to oaray out
his Wieked designs. \loch people had go•
thered, not only to see .:esus, bol to see
Latzan'us, \vhunt he had raised from the
dead, and many were believing on Christ
'0(.111141' of him.
1111} Stanfield's Underwear
(111 a 11t)ati\'t: guarantee that
it is absolutely unsliriti1 aIle.
If -- l)\' any chance — it
shs)ul(i shrink, return it to
your dealer and he \yiI1
refund the money, or give
you new garments,
UIishrinfka le.
15. What will '('e give me-_Jl(ney was
his god; the 10)'e of filthy 111er0 \tens
causing his ruin. Let us take. walling.
11 13 1101 the Ia'k of money, bun the love
of money that is the "root of all evil,"
Thirty j'i'ves of silver ---Silver shekels.
This way the price of 11 slave. See i:x011.
xxi. 33, 11140 Zech, xi. lit. -\0corling to
the Oxford 'I'eaeher', Bible .11111.114 receiv-
ed the paltry stun of $111,9ti. Jilt it' the
shekel Wats equal to four denau•ii, its Val-
ue would be about sixty•fonr to six(y•
eight 001118, 1(11d the {Ota' 11 11101111t Would
be about twenty dollars.
111, Sought 0pportuni1y--Tli14 hope was
to deliver Christ into the hands 111 the
offi'ers privately. Ilis act Was premed-
itated and so much the more (1114111•dlr
and „lean.
That'; Ifo'v 11'4' North '1'ona"'1101'.1 P+lli 1•
Ex.:,L'lin an Attack on a 1111110,
.1.1(h • l'.e.l\1,lila, :let. 1.14 .\boll(
4.11 a:!„. .\II \Mlle \larLnl- \I,1-
11 .1 ,1a1 \\;'n' to 1111 Ilit!I 14'1' II"•
',Ind all \,'e. 1210 111,1)1'[ -deet in 1111-
, ;1 \ . `Ila I,a11 I,11'11 ,'nrl.+le.
I"Ir 1'14'1 11111 rl,l;,'r '.111!1 ,1 111:)11 in 1:x111
1'-1,'1 alul 110' 11''1) . +'1 1101 01'11dll!_e 4'11
1.% 11',11-111'11 hint,
111'''1 I ",'Deis (ti - ,1111'luuull, \1'
\1,11'1110..1.11'1',1 111 11,11,' II''r 11110-e and
1"1' idol -111:10! 1111'1 her in the (tool
Ile 11o:it1•,1 n 11'\olver at 111'1' :411d h,11!1'
her 1!.11'',1 III' leo hand,. Theo Ila' too(.
11'11111 1111 ;I 1 „1,1 Rail''', 1111',' her e111'
111;, (.,rill 111') ens', a 11111 nem !t'
bel• 1\ I l -I ill in .111 4'11"1', 1,1 41.1 +1 ::11!11
1'11- 11111'11 110114 ::boot her mck. 111'
11011 .1 111/1(1. Inn. -he -;I1 -. 111111 111, 11 11'
'•1(l off he; lulu•, but -l0' In;ln,lO'';1 to
_et a ‘\ 1 he man fled and Int, not
101 a brim -.Tit.
'I Ile 0ilimi l made I(1( rolllpl.ln1 111 111,'
14111 11c1011/1)1, 1)1111 ,.111 11,41? 111'
1114' :4-,;11111 (1il1 111111 "ttlel'4', 1)1.111 111 1111'
..\I.111010; 1101111'. .%1 .\1:111:1111-
1 11((111
'!:1111-11((111 111111 the 1(11111, fir -1 0111111' 1),1,
Polo. 1/111 111)1 ,Ile 111,111'1 r+'mnmlb'r
1-1. wilily. SII'' \(-.1-11.1
1:1111 r on 1111•-uhjert.
'1114' pollee 1114'0''' 1. (h.1' PI)"\'slid
1 III, Irl'((.elll. 1111(1;.
11'1') x1111111111111.
12,000 Men Are Out; Threatened Loner
Struggle for higher Pay,
1,„n 1011. '1't Li. '1'\14'!)„ tilos-,111'1
oleo in the-1ip14nitdiu trade al+' no•.1-
onstrike on the Clyde. ':'heir \Vith11r,1\-
111 of luck money ,111(1 their -1 ruse hen,
(It- 11.11'4' 111111:' them feel 111(!1, and 1111'y
spltlt 1a=t \:'eek 1(. a holiday, seler11 ..r
ilun p:lyiI2 0 114 -it to English ship!lold
Ill;,' yards. This i- regarded 1114 1/4111
Mat al 111112 •11112218 111111' 11)' 1•\Ji t 'tl,
The men ;Ire-t'iking. for an a.lvalnee
01 1vage- to the e\11'iit of .i per '8111, ill
piece rat,. and :11; 'ens- per \•w'k 1111
l lino ((are-, 'I'll,' employer- -ay t 1111 I
the condition of :h4' trade nrnk4'. It 1111-
pI-'4i141e for them 111 21v'.. airy 111(14o,
In 11 1'8'8'11 letter to 1 lit ll.'F((lalkr'I'-'
the •'Iiphuilllcr,' .\h-ocl;I•
tion -aid:
"'1'114' i'ro 1,ret a hick .110 the 'tet 4'r•
111111111',' faetio 111 11 \(I1_t 110(,.tlull. ale
uo(sr than They have hoi':; at any time
for 111:111y 1',4('• l41 1_''
The London Lender III',eril(Ps fl,' .\rch• I ADE
bishop of St. .101111'; declaration that the
10)1111., Viw'n(1i w11, at ;ha m,,fnl hetray:II
of the into(''-ts of Newfoundland as bill-
ervous Mothers
TrTa1 o ti nlmppy Homes—Their Condition irritates Both
Husband and Children—How Thousands of 'Mothers
Have Leen Saved From Nervous Prostration and
Made Strong and Woh.
11/lrs Illberl /'flans "Yrs Mosier early
4 hl t the
1Curry,I, .l
1 '�''
A n_ttuus, irritable, mother, often on . I I,.. Chester l 1
the verff,re of hysterics, is unlit to care Ladies' Symphony Vl'lestia, •!'.:' Sara -
for chili reit ; it, ruins 0 child's dispoHi- toga St,, East Boston, JIass,, w rites
ti1)il and reacts 1)po(1 herself. '1'lle
trouble between children and t11111
mothers tun often i4 due to the fact
that the 11101114'( has some female Wcak-
i1085, 1111(1 She 14 entirely 111(11t to bear
the 1311'1(11 t1p011 her nerves that govern-
ing children involves ; it is impossible
for 1.1cr to du anything calmly,
Tho ills of women act like a firebrand
upon 1110 nerves, 'on4ellnent.ly nfu0-
tent11s of the nervous prostration, I1e1'-
1'ous despondency, "the blues” sleep-
lessness, and nervous 1('I•ital)ility 111
w011(011 1(1.1se front 140111( derangement
of the female organism.
Do you experience fits of depression
with restlessness, alternating with
extreme irritability? Are your spirits
easily affected, Fn 111111 0110 0'1111110 you
laugh, and the nest minute you feel
like crying?
Do you feel something like 0 ball ris-
ing in your throat and threatening to
choke you ; all the 80118(48 perverted,
morbidly sensitive t0 light and sound ;
bpain in the andOl11ilal region, and
etween the shoulders ; heating -down
pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost
continually cross and snappy ?
If so, your nerves are in n shattered
condition, and you are tlll'eatellell with
nervous ours 1)rostrutlal.
, , ).—
I)I',I I Mrs, 1 u)Lhan .
1 1(r 4'1;'111 yrnr4 1 was 1((1011''11 With ex-
treme nervousness alid hysteria brought 1111
by irregularities, 1 could neither enjoy life
nor sleep nights. 1((a41'ery' irritllble, nor•
\'ons and despondent.
"Lydia E. I'lllkll nn'3 \'Pgrtabl” Com-
pound was recommended and proved to be
11e only remedy that belled 40e. 1 have
daily improve'( 111 health until 111111 now
strong and \veil :1'11 all nervousness 1103
The following lode'' is from ;\1rs.
Albert Mann, 111.1 lion; Pale Ave•,
Toronto, Clot :
1)1'11( Mrs. l'inkham :—
"1suffered it long time Witll'kerious fe-
male trouble having intense pains in the
Intel: and andumu'u and very sick headaches
ever,'' mouth. 1 was tired and 11(rwons all
the time and life looked very dreary to 100
410(1 I )11111 1(o desire 111 live until i began lo
take Lydia. 1'1. I'inlchnnl's Vegetable l'ulu-
pound and to get Some relies'. ,\I y revovery
%vas 410w' 1)111 11 was sure a1111 1 have never
regretted the money spent for the Com-
pound as it brought hitek my good health,"
Women should remember that Lydia
E, I'inkhtun's \'egetablo Compound is
11113 medicine than holds the record for
the greatest number of actual cures of
female ills, and take no substitute.
Free Advice to Women.
*Airs. Pinkham, daughter -hl -law' of Ly-
dia invites
k l' 1(l Lynn, .ass. 1 s
1111 1, 1
Proof is monumental that nothing in all sick women to write to her for advice.
the World is better for nervous prosta- Mrs. Pilkhnln's vast experience with
Zion than India E. 1'lllkhitlIt's Vegetable female troubles enables her to advise you
Compound ; thousands and thousands of wisely, and she will charge you nothing
woolen can testify to this fact. ' for her advice.
Ask Mrs. 'Inkhorn's Advice --A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
Oct. 15. --'1lere 1)a, a 11'1.1
touehinu scene in the 114'1111 ch.1111111'1 of
.\d'Iai,, Iti,to-i this morning, 11.11((n her
son, the 31nrlpri, 1;i0rgi0 1'allranicu del
(:rill/, nrriy'd 1111111 I'au'is, \11,1' he had
berm 1(11 duty is g'lt.l'mul)•iil•\\1liling (o11
1)0w.lgir t)rru \largh'rita.
Ile 1(111st into tear, a, be 'mored the
a(p140110ent, embra ce:I the bully of hi -
mother and had to be removed by fusee.
The room. (.t'i'll has been l'an`f0ani'd
1010 a 111ur111Hay '1111p01, 1, filled with
floral offerings, and i, beim visited by
thousands 1(t' people.
Two Prisoners Killed by Collapse of
Auburn. Oct, , 1'14, -- Two 4''111) X' - \\ TIT
I:illed :Ind t\1( s'ri1(u,ly if sol fatill\
inj11a4'd by the collapse at 111' psi -111 to-
day of a scaffolding on w'111e11 1 he (1111'
mien (fore w Ilitelwasl(11114 1II" 'riling of
the (Haan hall,
The „len had 110011 \viol:MI.4. some time
on the Haltom liefore it collapsed. .111
join' fell -III feet to the content flooring
below. \\'laden (I((rg0 Bonham is 111.1':•
ing nn i111'0,14.111 loll 111. til' accid((mt,
('1.1)1(4 1111lid ;0111 \Villiaul \\'. 110011.
'1114;11',}'. 11(11 1(Y ill(' injured mien, died
w'itllis, half' a11 11(1111•, The other two,
fluirl's W. hniton ;Ind Edward 11'.
i\ni,11kern 111e not eXpeot111 to I've,
4.o •
Wife and a Husband Overpower Mates
and Kill Themselves.
1'Iricatto, (101, 1,). - Two diln'st ie t l'a1-
+,'edie, of a desperate 11111tire \veto enact-
ed in the 14:1'11)' block on \lilwllukee a1v'e-
11111' ;111)1 at the hall(40 1(0111',
31rs. \Inry Harker, a bride of Three
months, and but 111 v.ear' 01.I, 1(1111 her
111xr';111(41 4110 was going to 'uullnit. -0 -
(i1T1', she ,seined a knife and there was
1'l st•nggli for ten minute,. 111 the end
1hl('ker (tits overpowered and the null•
(toned \•1101.10 '111 1141' throat, dying in a
few 1(1111111(4.
hiw' door;
Hollander -11W
V01((1' 111 his hand. "I 11111 going to
shalt myself," h' said, The woman
struggled and seized the .weapon, but
was overpowered and compelled 11( see
Hollander shay himself.
11 \' 1 V 3) Is. Ill 1l hulonew•
her 1111"ha(((1 (with n 1.0.
Texas Matron Making the Canvass on an
Anti -Graft Platform,
Port 1\'orl11, Texas. 1104., 1),- \Its)
Laura IL Payne, of Fort. Worth', 11.14 u -
('pled (le n0nsinat1111 for ('nngr'sc on
the Sieialist 1iek't, She \will 'l'a'ke 0
vigorous campaign on the Corti -graft
Iplat 1t f n
or I
Although 111 woman 111)3 ever yet held
a s -at in the 'louse of Representatives
there i; nothing in the Constitution 111
prevent \fiss Payne from entering that
body if she eau get enough votes,
':'her' 18 no 11l'1Visio11 for w'inlaa sof•
frig' in 'Texas.
IS due to (11'1(01411.14 of 1;ric ,','cid, which
the ki+lnl'yi have fulled ter filt.'r out of
the R\',t1'111,
To break up (110=0 liell;lt.. and. (vlrry
Own' out of (h' 111'114.1, (Vithuvl uf'Iuly
1'\riling the kirin,•s4, has been a ((h1i-
rmtly 11111 11,1.4 fur.(
Ion:: Lilo',
Dr, N. H. Mack's
Rheufflafis Oooiouod
111); 11011'''• „1,11','11 11114 probl'nl. And
11"R' Ill,' 'Moet obstinate foI'111, all rheu-
matic trouble can he 'ire'! naturally,
The thol'ollgh, )11111 (ie work of thin
compound has lvun I he endorsement Of
111,' \•4'11•known rubber0-tailp niu0lfac•
hirer, 1', \\. \Idol., Toronto Hell'( 111 111
1)0. ..\Li'k1. "I haul' \•1t to find one
fat.iluro," hr salts, after ear((lm;!V inves-
tigating the 1114' -es 1 reit ed `,1 conv'9ncod
is \)r, .\ll,'k, ile 111- joined the dot;tor
in placing it ill the market.
Send for 1)r. \lack's free booklet on
1{hruuulti;1(l. It k full of helpful infor-
mation anil will he sent post. paid. Ad.
dress: 1)0. IL 11. Mark, 00 1'(nge street,
Toronto. 2
Won Sailbaat Frunl Which Two Mehl
Are Drowned.
'\duet. N. \ ()1''., 1 I. .1 1bo11'llill0
a,.,:i loll? 111.1'lll'I('11 ;11 1111111 I Ilille'1' 11,1
11111111111,: 1110111(I1 (4'•'!11''1., Ilse 1'1.'llll(-
10'11;1' 1\'. .\. .1111!I-1',"11, 22(('a1', old, I.
1', 11. night "le'l;ll"I' ;It I'"1111 1111(11'1.
and I'1'",1. Punier, a (mend, 20 \'''.i)'. 1!11,
:1 -1111 of tear In -}lector Punier. Tho
(Mite, 1x1111 -1:101011 to -.til .1rlo-, III•'
s(((lit 111 1 b„;Ii. .\ loan sto(.I: 1!1,'
1111;11 :1n,! it
.1 ,t l"(1(40 r"iiIl'111111 .\1111''1'•
oil 0"11 1lie 11)11 111.1 11'1.('1; 1n 11 lot -
1e13, 1he nlullher of Ili, ticket 114'10_( 1;3.
14.:14(; .1414.
"'oyal Crown"
\Aeh -Hazel
Toilet Soap
The name tells
—perfection in making
',it h-Ma'^I—soothing, healing, re-
freshing, beautifying
0•-,') —clkanillg
,:, .
A 1414'(' t complexion span,
t,f a I ,\,. 1 p,
'r:i.), t •' ti1ler soap, loc. a
011.1:, 3 cakcs 2 50.
At Druggists Everywhere.
. • ,4.::P•", ,
Buildings Unroofed, Tees Snapped Off
and Wires Tangled.
\}'r 114'-pnl,•b: .\ tornado ,,1'i.?, t„(1'11
last 'light about 1.2',:1)) o'elork, doing
1111011 damage. tihnd' tree, (('I0 s1(.1p-
pod 'lean 1(('t, brick chinlne : t11ppl'll
over, roofs were depriwotl 1(t Ilinehe.,
and el'ct'ie and other wire, t:nl led.
Tli mi114 110.1 of t1/' 1uwii all Nithv'ale
were partly unrmif'11, (h' rout- being
carried about 1 lundr.'d feet ;(tt:4y, 'fly
track 0t' 1.)1' storm \a. ua)rrow. -I ail,•
Mg, the 11 11'11 at the ,unthtV'st and run-
ning in 0 nortln'i-(erly direction, and
its duration Was brief, but it was tierce
and the 11(1141 (\pet ieneed for years.
X250°° Watch
HE 15 - jawclled Ryric
Bros. Movement of this
$25 watch may be had in
either closed or open face 14k.
gold case.
It carries a full guarantee as
to its accuracy in time -keeping.
Precisely the sane excellent
movement in 25 -year gold filled
case ‘611 be sent postpaid for
$1 5.
1)r'a;' us a ;costal tart' and we trill
send you free 11/' clung” our large illus.
Ili �OJ
Tit�, nt..
"Behold, the I3ridegroom Cometh,"
ll,:lrhI-ll 111 the ,olrluu voice,
'ala, i1s1ui midnight '1'y'
\4';111/lg :•Mlle, I'ejolre, rejoice,
the 11t'Idegruutu nigh;
1.11' (o 1'0101'1 to 11(1'1, his word,
I,.('1/( and 1(y los looks Im(,Illt
111, )' 1,,1-111 to alae( your 1.0)J,
And 01--1 tom in your hl'art.
)`„ 14'11;1:.,• lulus ,u', girt, .1111111 forth!
Helms, 1.11:, au" hurting bright,
\1111(, hp, 111 )1110' Saviour's worth,
fu (1'(111) %al, 1 111 \1'1111(.;
Jrau> 1,111 3111:1' hoar!), he (loan,
41111.1 2'011 ,111 los 1.0011104' Kure;
((Fours to , ,101 not
And laTIrlt you III live.
w'alt (14' all 11( 1 11 ''1(t hope,
Till (21111,1, the .1(11:1, :111:111 coni';
11'4' (,hull auFn be :111 ,aught tit,
'11( 'Heel the ge1:era1 ''unto;
111 00 how' t0 1(B 8111,;1011'11,
A:, a 1110.,1 111 1,11''',1 1110(11,
Chi 1,-) 0114''' sudd111I'r 1.n11(' r1(µ'11,
1111th ,all hi, :,hula 1:1 '1:111
11.1('1.3 114' whom (lir! .1 :•ha11 tun1
(Vat, Iwo; 111 nev 11(1'.1 1'111111,,
111111 111,• .1011‘;‘. 111 011 111:1,1,11;,1
41e 11 111,11 11'11111181111111 11111118;
140111 1',1!1 .tI5(4rr 111 la. 11114,1'!
\yhl, h 111 you 1114,', 1181 111.1 stay'
end ,inn, to 1,1ilguaeul' Lord.,
11'1 its•', ❑1(1 some away.
11• s;o'I, tie and 111411c-1 life, 1,\•
Ihl11112'' ((1'011 and 111 \1111111 1111 1.1In lir.
Ise, \111'(11 'I(4' ('1(l\ :11111 LI(( --'"ll} ; Ilud,
fait(' 111 11 loon .111c -ken. a 11011,' 111 11' lout
1 \.111, I1 l.,,4' "1 111111111 1111111'- 111 11(
1 111 -est ;IN;
(1lllll'I'1bt 111-111.V1.1)
1, too l'l.'ii,
'I he,', :lu.l 1),lil11t'•-1 11 (11'11' 11.11 110 Fla_}• (11111
Th' 1111,( ole 111 -1 to all \11111 1,018'k,
PO 4' 1 18\„(1•, (1 ble',•ed '11'11114 0, t hat(
'1 h111 •0.114'-I come to (le .11111 (lake
t1'10!r11 '9111111 1,1 1(11 (11(14'• 1) Illfllllte
-II:Iu(In11' -t :111 I lea 15UYi1,
I(hIlt , and fill,' -t there ;111 \%itbi14,
4111 ole
1 111 '11113 in 'l hl In1'1' \. 1;',I:1(',( !l1(•, I.
111,11 1 111.1', II''1'e .11x11 "11'.1 `. '1 1" 11'. 11111'
.11111 alum-, 11111110 ;111,1 Ilithinl, 11)1(1 1114
ever'\ -id.'. -o that in sue the enemy 1111'
111111 al's (,114'11111_' 1;11 (.i• 'I•_,'!1':nl'F .I-.
.\:o' 11•
Saved or Lost,
file• -1'11 111' 1:4(11, the .1;iy 1(t gI1';e. 4111
110.4;1)o his only 1(1g)1tell1411, that
.111(( 1,,,11(.‘4.1 11 111 1'111' s1/"111.1 not ler•
1,I)e ''(4110,ting life'." 1(01111
;1. 1111.
In (Ire el',,•- Ile -''' (:1111 , p('1 (itt loll'
to the '•ilile'1• .11,pinyl, and clow perlect•
ly, he ha- tllron,_1i the ,110('6" of Hoist
''lean.1111' .,4'11''! the 11111' (.11 0(1,100 of
••111 for 111' hillever, ;111(1 11111\ 1)0'( 0(10')'
11)111' r011111renu'n1, :(11(1 that aecording
10 111, infinite 1"lines.:nld ,justice. such
i, I:o,t', 41'11 salvation. ','Bell he free-
ly offer, to you. If you simply. believe
in 14..11- ;1,: y()110 �u\'i„r, :old his 11111111 as
1111 ing Ina'11' 0 V/1111110t' 1)tu11((1111'11I fol'
-TIL Coll al'' N1I'l'a11('d 01 LIll\iltg that
!011 are .1brough faith, jll-4fisd 1).‘. 11110
1111111 ill thing, (whether you feel it 1(r
11011 111-1 11"10' 1;'11 111; said you are.
Hear 11'. (%ur,l, and have p'i'e w•it14
li1111 "(111' 14V 1(1111 all 111111 1'11'w' are
ill-tiff((,I from all things,” (-lets 1:3; 39).
It is difficult --lanae 111n difficult-- for
either writer or preaeh'r fully 1,1 real -
the bare of 1)1(' _'w/ld�, x:1\•''(1 -.
111 ilial 1, Qul'nln, weight y, im-
1111:1 11 all that i- hl': -'d "r miserable,
bot l' for time and eternity. to the 111)-
1111,111:1 ..1111, i; included 111 thus,' \vOr11t,
\\ 1'l'' ewe)'\' 14:111')' of the-' page:, :111(1
0lery Ilear'i' of the I01sp4'1 to h' )''eril)-
111 ;tccor+linLr In truth, these two \wor114
would -office for all, ':'here is no third
etas Ill middle ground in Scripture.
11'0"' we (1.111 that "Ile that h'Iieveth
.Ill 111111 i, not condemned; but lie that
holiiw'lli not i, condemned already, be-
cause 110 i11(1) not believed in the nam(-
anleof 11e only begotten Son of I;od." (.I'ohrt
3, 1,ti), God's .111‘.11 i1111 is for lost 111at1,
1011 the difficulty lies in 11 k, that Ivan
\sill not believe or own he is lost.
A Fatllemless Abyss.
Illy a 1i:Inker.)
51attered in countless 11ulltitude, ,(110'4'
,11n1: deep down in 111' 1114}',null (lith" of terrible space and discernible
Dally b1' 111e eagle ewe if 'lie clunes or
by the 100;1 powerful of lenses.: 40111e
111,01.01. our own solar system and Visible
to Tho unaided eye; some clustered to -
',ether. others solitary.10011 their brighter
follows. r011 ever onward itt their eour4e.,
mighty .r '
It\ ,un, flashing 1(l
n •,
1 \.1re,
I I n
startling hie:, Isere a 14111111111111 stellar
glory, hi, heals; a 111011(110:. 117,11re,
bl ig111or tau•, and more sple1111'nt thou►
ito lelpe:l ultramarine of the Italian
,!.ie.: here anotlwI fiercely flaming in
blood red rays, a groat globe of scar101
fire: or 11010 a Flighty orb ever Ablaze in
twill: ntes of flumes of inten.'st enter..
old. 11r here, a4 in the constellation Of
'011(110)((Jit. a stupendous glowing sun,
its Ile;tlns ;l rich 111411'(111s orange -sulphur;
\rl,ile in apparent dose )rroximity glitter
o pair 1(t' lesser- 1(r perhaps more distant
---twin stars --'a 11 a beautiful seat
green; and 11010 a double star, one a,
beautiful ro40•pink, somewhat. similar to
the lover- hue of the sardonyx, the other
a dark green.
And there they scintillate i11 their my -
rinds, on, right o1( to the hinterland Of
the firmament, right 011 to perhaps the
very outer blunda.ries of the remotest
of the Universes, to that point in the
dread abyss of a\\')' -inspiring spite(' where
revolve the 1'01'y fau'th'st r'mOVPI of the
0011stellittll)115; tvhile beyond, on, on, ot1,
111111 still on, plunged in the e\'erl1(811ng
blackness of dorl:ness, never a ray or
faintest gleam of light from eternity to
eternity, never t1/'faintest. . sonud, 114'\'1
a spiritform winging its flight onangel-
pinion to some fir off World, there, bo-
y'Ond the last slaw' of the lust constella-
tion of the 11181 of the Flighty universes
of God, is the dread, silent unknown, the
fathomless infinity of incnnlprehenslltlil
I never ending, eternal space,
t :1
14.11 •'-- (.�,:�
PAGE l:lt,ur --- (`III, BI, NMI S'I'ANDARD--C)c1'clnER 1STn, 1906.
But the Great Consumptive Preven•
tative brought Health and Happi•
ness to his Home
"Our doctor said there was no cure for
my wile as both her lungs were aflrctrd,,,
says \Ir, L. I1, \\'.leer, of Pearl Street,
Brockville, Ont. "It was a s.ld disap-
pointment to us both, just starting out in
life, only married .a short time, But before
she had finished the first bottle of I'sychrhd
the pain in her lanes quickly went ;,say,
and atter taking six bottles \Ir,, Walter
was a new creature ;old perfectly %tell
That is jU.t oar of the many families
into whreh 1'yychine has brought (lope,
health and happiness, It i, a living. proof
that 1'swchine cures Consumption, But
don't wait for Consumption, lure your
1.alirippe, your tough, your bronchitis,
your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia nail the
remedy that never tails-
i l'nuwwiud S,•kevio
50c. Per Bottle
Largos Ideas sit and $2-aII druggists.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
Single Fare
for Hunters
Going Oct. 9th to Nov. 6th
To all point, in •fcnhaganlr, points .\luttn
wit to Arthur.
To S tuft Ste Marie rind ('ort Arthur yin
Northern Sat-, 1.31.
'1'31 1; eortzian 11 ►v anti Lake tiupr'rinr
points tit N. N. Co, tTo points on N. N.
(' 0. extra charge will be made for nhe;tlr
and berths returninut.
To certain points in t,luehec.
Going Oct. 25th to Nov. 6th
To I'enetang, Midland. Laketield, all
points Severn to North lily, Argyle tc
.0boconk, Lindsay to Iltlliburton.
.\I1 points Madawaska to I)ep{ot II•arbor,
All points on Muskoka lakes, Lake o1
Ittys. Maganetowaan Nivel.
Return Limit, Dec. 8th
Single Fare For
Thanksgiving Dag
Going Oct. 17th And
til .IU1H), ,Lt, L0tHetn
aII stn•
Irons in 1'aoada. also to I letroit and Port
Iluron. Meeh., Suspension Bridge and
Ilutl'.tlo. N.
Fur tickets and full information call on
0. l:, McTaggart,
Depot 'I'u'ket Agent, Blyth.
rut" I'11. \nll'I It.
am inn nal pan
it In :; :;n Wingham 1 1)) , :35
11 I:; . .. Willgha ni Jct, I nu 7 25
3 52 :1 11 Relgrave U 5)4 i I:3
7 In; :; :,I; Blyth II 3s 7 IRI
7 11 I nl i,onrleshoro o :lU I; 52
7 I; 1 2:1 Clinton 11 15 Ii :15
S 115 I :10 Ilrucetield !I ;,; 11 I!f
ti 1; 1 I; liippcn 1) 53) 13 1I
ti '''' 1. 2 Ilcn,al l !I I I I; 115
s :15 5 115 Exeter 11 :111 5 51
01 5 15 Cenirnlin !I I. 5 I9
;,9 .-, •.t; ('Iandehoye !) Irl 5 :11
ll 115 5 :39 laical' Crossing 9 3)5 5 30
9 12 5 97 Ilenfleld s 55 5 25
!I 21 5 Ii1 lltlet't on s 15
'.I •_'ll 5 ;,I Ettrick s :15
!I ;la a; Hyde Park Crofwing s 20
9 a; 0 i3) Hyde Park Jct. r 21
9 Li 0 101 London r' 15
5 1.5
5 Ili
5 112
5 IN)
.1 50
Connections are made at \\'ingham for
all stations on Ube Palmerston and Leh)•
cnrdine branch.
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the liufl'nlo and Goderich
branch, and all stations from Stratford to
Connections are wade at Lucan Crossing
for all stations west to Sarnia.
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the main Zine,
This is the: sr;ts(►n when you
will he n1'llcliny 5(111(:
11101'(' ,
`i'' have just received an im-
port order Of staple lines, and
tlsO a consignment of
containing Cake Plates, Berry
Dishes, Salad Bowls --choice
for 15c each,
We have; a full stock of Dinner
Sets, Tea Sets, 'Toilet Sets
;111(1 Fancy China,
'Pretoria Block BLYTPI
I' l l is
4.,,4,E\\) 11.1L1.,
VII ESI !TNT .1 AS, I'I'I{(a \'SUN.
Neither time, money, nor thought
wore spared in I 11 erecti011 of the unW
.\3rietllrnrul Hall erected this Summer
and it is eertainl,y a credit to 13russuls
as well as the Society. The building'
i5 ill the fora) of a Maltese cross •10x711
feet, twine wing, I1x'21; feet, all of plod -
ern ;Irchite'ture trill) lower story of
cement anti cement floor and upper
s'ory frame twith balcony' at \Vest side
and a1 good roof. '1'lhe building is well
lighted by huge and small windows and
easily wentibated. Two wide, 01153'
II L hr5 of stair.; ICnll t0 111e second story,
\\'. E. (Sinning, of Listowel, the woll-
knowtl architect, drew the plans 111ul
had oversight of the construction. '1'Ilo
cement contract went to 1t, 1lc11illnn,
jr., of Listowel, and the tender of S, E.
Peery, of the 5)141)3) town, was accepted
!LS 1110 lows st (01' carpentering, pllunb•
ing, painting, &c. A good job was
clone and in good time and the solidity
and construction stand for permanence,
'1'no toted cost was over $3,3.45 and we
believe it twins money swell invested. A
system of iucandaseent lighting teas
iIlStallell by 'I'huell Bros. tend when the
place Was lighted up it looked very fine
indeed, It will require it year or so to
properly Iny out the space to the best
use in the holding of the annual exhi'
1'',r;t it was cold, neglected of course
and catarrh developed, Nothin!, was
_lune and consumption followed, \\'atch
the little cold, keep it from growing by
using l'atarrhozoue. Nothing simpler
than inhaling the germ -killings vapor of
this grand remedy. ('olds and catarrh
flee as be ore lire. I•: Very trace_ of
throat and bronchial trouble yields im-
mediately, (ia1 LrI'hozone. is scientific
and absolutely guaranteed for prev'ent-
in'g and curing catarrh and kindred ills,
Two sitws, 25c and 1 at all dealers,
why Refer
to Doctors
Because we make medicines
for them. We give them the
formula for Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and they prescribe It
for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trust it.
Then you can afford to trust
it, Sold for over 80 years.
"Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral I. a remedy that
should be In every home, I have needs great
deal of It for hard cough, and colds, and I
know what a sylendad medicine It b, I taw
oat recommend 13 too highly." -)1111/L Z.
COaIN, Hyde Park, Map,
made 127 J.0.4per? cm., Lowell, ¥aN..
♦ so maoutsoturere et
Ayer's P1119 greatly al. the Cherry
Pectoral In breaking up a cold.
Cough Remedy
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough,
This remedy is fnlnnun for Its crlren over
a largo 1 ort of Ilio civilized world, It can
atw(yn be depended upon, It cnuaalne no
opium nr other harmful drug and ,any he
giver, no confidently to n lathy 3111 to an adult
Price 25 eta; Large Size, 60 eta.
Postmasters' Convention.
A convention of Huron County Post-
masters assembled in the Town Hall at
Clinton on 'Tuesday of last week.
Whilst the meeting was not largely at-
tended tile discuaions were profitable,
the interest well sustained and many
items of business disposed of. D. B,
McKinnon, of Blyth, occupied the chair
and W. T. England, of Crediton East,
acted els Secretary, After full discus-
sion it being conceded that the best
system or c.rgnnization would he the
formation of County associations with
represeutl.'Yes from these to attend the
provincial meetings, it was decided to
proceed to organize under the name of
the "County of Huron Postmaster's
Association." 'fele following officers
wore elected :-
President, I), 13. McKinnon, Blyth,
Vice -President, P. Hanlon, Centralia.
Sec,•'1'reas., \V,'.1'. ],nglend, Crediton
Executive Committee, '1', Farrow,
Brussels ; P. Fisher, \Vin¢harn E.
Christie, Exeter, mid P, 1), Sutherland,
Senfort 11,
It Was decided that the payment of
the membership fee of the l'roviueial
Association should entitle to member-
ship in the County Association, it being
expected that a small percentage of
these fees should go the County '\'rens•
user to trent necessary local expenees,
The President and 1), Sproat were
named as delegates to the next, meeting
of the Provincial Association. H. F,
Proctor, of Aurora, Secr'etltl'y of the
Provincial Association, was present,
and gave 1111 instructive nd dress, mak-
ing special reference to the 11(]vnnhlge8
of orhauhiztation and discussing the pres-
ent, prospects of the postmasters and
the possibilities of improvement by in.
1ellieent co-operation. The following
resolution was unanimously adopted :
"That we, the members of t he (Huron
County Postmasters' Assocint1011, desire
to express our admiration of and confi-
dence in Ira ,Stratton 111 This advocacy of
our rltu5e and lumrtily recommend the
'Postal Current' to aII postmasters all
undertake w use 1311 our influence to in-
crease its circulation," It was resolved
that the next meeting be held at Clin•
ton scone time in ,January.
Eli 11cLaughliu's new store is ap-
proaching completion,
Painters and finishers are working
on the stat.ioo building this week.
A new plate glass front was put into
the Sovereign Bank, adding very materi-
alit' to its (ppenrance,
A hue Wits in operation on Tuesday
of last week grading the Methodist
church and pursolinge grounds,
Work sus suspended on this section
of the railway fur a few days lust week
owing to the inclement weather.
The first snots of the season fell on
Tuesday night of Inst week to 11 depth
of four inches and was followed by a
severe storm.
E. Calvert, formerly of Linwood, has
assumed rho managership of the Bink
here, and Mr, Van 1Canglulet has gone
to some of the Toronto branches,
Mrs, 1,, ,McDonald has had it new
hloek of village lots surveyed 'Nest of
!Alain street which will bo a derided
eccominodation to anyone wishing to
become a resident of Walton,
Hallway News along the Line.
Afar the service is completed to
\lilwerton the traeklying will proceed
towards Monkton ; about two days
work twill take theta into that village,
Part of the undermined trestle work
of the Guelph & Goderich Itailway at
Goderich has fulled, and a largo portion
overhangs the O, T. il, tracks, threaten-
er) full at any moment,
Thu bridge builders at (loderich Clave
nearly (:xed the triunes for raising the
11th and 12th girders that will fora)
arch No. (i of the Maitland bridge, the
511 being now completed. The 03 li
span is somewhat shorter rhnn the 5th,
and the 7th is shorter than the Gth,
The Grand Trunk Railway withdrew
their steam shovel from 1)317 disputed
hind underlying tho Guelph & (3oderiel,
track at Goderich, The officials State
that this does in no 01350 signify that
there is any possibility of their aban-
doning the right to put through en
additional siding, but that they have
an immediate demand for a steam
shovel at Paris, and as as soon as the
IIljllnetion proceedings leave been Liven
hl hearing in the courts they will renew
operations here on a more extensive
Among the cases to he tried at the
Fall Assizes, at Berlin, is one instituted
by Mrs. Martha Luella Neill, of West
Montrose against Pigott & Co. con-
traCtor's for the construction of part of
the Guelph & Goderich railroad. The
plaintiff's husband was killed while at
work tis attendant on a constriction
engine. The plaintiff claims negligence
on the post of the contractors and asks
for unstated daninges. Clement &
Clement will conduct the case of the
widow, and W. J. Ross, of Hamilton,
will net. for the defendants,
'filo laving of the steel on the Guelph
and Goderich Railway has reached a
point in the Elmira swamp, 131)0311 two
miles beyond Monkton. Owing to the
soft condition of the road bed it has
been found necessary to "full tie" the
truck all the Wily through the swamp,
and es a consequence progress i5 not
quite so rapid as it otherwise would be.
The ballasting gang are following
closely and about eight train loads of
gravel consisting of `'3 cars, go through
daily. It is expected that it will not be
long before the second lift is made Its
fur las Milverton, It is rumored that
mnnngement is anxious to reach Myth
before interrupting the work of con-
That section of the line of the Guelph
and Goderich Red way as fur es Mil-
verton will be 0i.ened for traffic this
week. This announcement was Walde
by the C, P. R ofliciala Inst Thursday.
While no time table has been definitely
prepared it is understood that the
present train service will still he in
effect %rich the ext [ohm that, the
schedule will be cluautu.'d so as to pro-
vIat, for tht.Ii
rILW p I IN with w'hll;h
0ommnn30ation will be established,
The winter time table goes into effect
on the C. P. It. on the bit le Inst., HO
that it Will be it 111081 opportune time
for re -arranging the oehedule. Milver-
ton is 85 miles fron Guelph and is a
most progressive little town, There
are three stations between F.Ilnira and
Milverton, so the order after leaving
Guelph will be as follows; Guelph,
1Voisenhurg, Elmira, Linwood, \Vnlle-
stein, 311111hnnk and Milverton. The
station hnildings at Linwood, Waite -
stein, Millbank and Milverton are al-
most completed and will be ready for
opening clary.
'I'ihe intense itching characteristic of
eczema, tetter and like skin diseases is
instantly allayed by applying Chain-
berlain'y .Salve and many severe CANA
have been permanently cured by its
use., For sale by all druggists,
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timer .... ., 1 65'floe .Standard and Weekly Wit-
rIeNS• 1 00
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The Standard and Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1 70
'1'0e Standard and Weekly flail
and Empire 1 65
The Standard and liatnilton Serni-
tveekly Times, 180
The Standard and Weekly Free
Press 1 80
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ly ,531►.....,.....•., 1 80
The Stnurdard and Hamilton
Twice -a -week 4 L octator 1 75
The Standard iurd Toronto Daily
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The Standard and Farmer's Advo -
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The Standard and Daily Adver-
tiser 2 50
The Standard and Evening Free
Press ,,,,, ,, 2 75
The Standard and Toronto Daily
World....,,,, 825
The Standard and Daily Proe
Prose , ... 9 50
The Standard and Evening Olubd 8 50
The Standard and Evening ,Mil
and Empire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, 8 50
The Standard and Daily Mali
and Empire 9 50
The Standard and Daily Globe, , , 4 50
Send all subscriptions direct to
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IF your flour doesn't act
right whom du you
blame ? The grocer? 1 Ie
didn't make it. The tra-
velling salesman told hint
it was Food and somebody
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\Vheu you buy
Royal Household Flour
your protection comes from
us. ‘Ve Iltake it, know its
goodness and guarantee it
to both you and the grocer.
It is always sold under our
Ilanie and trademark, so
you cannot go wrong.
Ask your grocer for Royal
Household Flour. It's the
key to better living.
Ogllvle Flour Mills Co., Lfd.
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con•
tains 130 pages of excellent recipes,
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grocer eau tell you huw to get it FRhk;,
Rrai iicrilla aTicl r Iaat11.' i,tll
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You can get anything you want in PHOTOS.
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Sstlafuutton guaranteed or no money wanted.
Gut our prices for Viewing as this Is the proper season.