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The Blyth Standard, 1906-10-11, Page 1
tb tub tb. VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1906. No. 10. THS BIG LOTHIE Our Big Stock of Clothing is now ready to he handed out to our customers at the lowest poss- ible prices in the trade, You cannot do better than buy your Snits and Overcoats from us. We defy any competition in prices styles and quality. We are It in Clothing 150 -NEW OVERCOATS -10 Men's Overcoats, in black and navy, at $5. lien's Overcoats, In line korsuy cloth, thoroughly shrinken and sewn with linen, at $7, Mien's Overcoats, in black, Oxford grey, lined with Italian and finely fin. fatted, at $8. Men's Overcoats, in finest beaver and melton cloths, block and grey, super. fine finish, best linings, sewn with silk and linen, at $10. New Raincoats for Men Our New Raincoats for men are the latest swagger coats, in plain, her. ringbone and tweed effects, at $7, $8, $10 and $12,50. MEN'S SUITS Men's Tweed, Serge and Worsted Suits at prices to suit any purse. See the lint of prices, $5, $7, $7.50, $8, $8.50, $9, $10, $12 and $14. POPLESTONE & GARDINER - Headquarters for Stanficld's Underwear for Ladies, Men and I3oys, HARRY BROWN (Winghatn Rag and Metal Co,) Buys all kinds of Stuff, as Rags, Rubbers, Iron, Hides and Feathers paying the highest price. (!Oc per 100 for Iron, $1 per 100 for rags, 6o per ib. for rubbers, 25c per lb, for horsehair Everything Paid in Cash. FORS DIAMONDS 01/, AND FINE GOLD JEWELRY AT CLOSE PRICES GO TO H. L. JACKSON JEWELER • BRUSSELS, ONT. Things to Write With Things to write on, Couventional 'stationery of the ap- proved pattern—for invitations, At Homes or ordinary correspondence. Calling Cards, Mourning Paper, Scribblers for the lebool children. Pana and Pencils and alt other office rtqufsitet--Inks, blank books, and what not 1 And these goods ore In harmony with whatever else we sell—for thele is no better anywhere. And as for gutting under our prices— why It cant be done. Remember us when there Is Station- ery to be bought. NM, --See our window display of Souve- nir Stationery, Cards and Envelopes. WHITE CiTY DRUG STORE Dr. W. Jt MU/ - BLYIBt e.lgravrll. Mrs. Percy Scandrett is very i11 at present with typhoid fever, but we hope she will soon be better. Mrs. McDonald, who has been visit- ing Mrs. W. K. Whaley, loft Tuesday morning for her home in Newark, N. Charles and Mrs, Bell, of Durham, have moved back to Belgrttve and are living in the house Lately occupied by Mr. and Mr.. David, The Sunday School Anniversary ser- vices of }Jelgrave Methodist Church were held on Sunday, Oct, 7th. Rev, E, F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D., of Ethel, conducted the services at 10.80 a. m, and 7 p. u). Special music by the choir and also by the Sunday School scholars, A liberal offering on behalf of the S. S. was taken. Walton. A new plate slays front has been placed fn the Bank here. 1)r. and 11r14. Neel have returned to their home in the East. The heavy rainfall on Saturday of last week was almost as welcome as the flowers in May, The new station is now receiving its first coat of paint. The work is being done by J, G, Crich, of Seaforth, whn has the contract of painting all the new stations along the Guelph end Gialerich Railway, with the exception of the Guelph and Goderich stations, Mrs, David and Miss Annie Camp- bell left on Tuesday of last week to visit relatives and friends in 1-lamiota and Bradwerdin, Manitoba. Mrs. A, M'Quaig and Mrs. D. Gardner (nee Mica .Sarah Taylor) also loft the same day to join their husbands, The for- mer goes to,Saskatoon and the latter to Winnipeg, Miss Clark.) Johnston was also a passenger on the slime train, and goes to Russel, Sask„ Accompanied by her nephew, Master Douglas Prou, We wish thetn all a safe and pleasant journey, IT ACTUA41,Y nEsTiOYS TI1i') CAtIShl, That's why catarrh is invariably cured by inbal ng Catarrhozono. The healing vapor spreads to every part of the breathing organs, Germs infecting the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to cause in- flammation, Spots that are sore aro healed. Discharge is cleared away and catarrh becomes something of the past, Use Catarrhozone end your recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $l, at all dealers, Clinton. J. E. Hovey has received the Lefever gun which he won at the Hamilton tournatnent. The customs collections at Clinton for three months ending September llOth were $5852,44, an increase over the same period last veer of 11774,64. Miss 11, Whttloy, nurse in training in the Cumberland Street Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, has returned to Clinton for a fort•night's holiday. Rev, J, Greene is on hie way home- 'roItMEN'rs or'MITER AND ECZEMA ward from his trip to the cortst, At AI,r,AYUD, numerous places throughout the West The intense itching characteristic, of and in B, 0. he has met friends of by- eczemas, totter and like skin diseases Is gone years, instantly allayed by applying Chain - The filth annual live bird and target berlait's Save and many severe eases tournatnent of the Gun Club was held have hen permanently cured by its on 'Tuesday and Wednesday of this use, For side by all druggists. week, $339, with surplus added, is guar- anteed in prizes. George J3, Ballard died on Sunday afternoon of last week after an illness of three weeks of typhoid pneumonia, ile crone to Clinton in the spring of last year to take over the grocery business of R. Graham) which ho conducted up to the time of his 11laess. He was mar- ried, his tvife being a daughter of ltev, ;Ir, ,llcliae, of Cranbrook, Morris. P. 0, Baker, of Granton, was calling on an old friend on the Sid lino last week, Everett \Volker, 6th line, has gone to Hamilton where he is attending the Normal College for it terra, \Vo wish h1111 success. Mrs. Edwtlyd Nichol, 5th lint, has re- turned from a visit of a couple of weeks to Ingersoll, Woodstock and Norwich. An enjoyable titne was spent. John Short reed. jr„ of the 9th line, has a new silo built. His new brick house will be ready for the roof this week. It will tnitke it fide improvement to the 'duce. Mrs. Dobson, who visited hero for the past few months, left for her home in llamiuta, Manitoba. She is greatly made up with the West and is a good advertising agent. The Johnston farm, 0th line, has been lensed to George ,Stevens for it terns of 5 years. The new tenant has tltkerl possession Moving from the 8th line. Craig Bros, have been the teuauts prior to Mr. Stevens. As Mrs. S. Fear, 8th line, was driving to Brussels on Monday morning of last week with her daughters the horst took flight at a bicycle and whirling round threw Mrs. Feitr out. The hind wheels ran over her head and she had some severe bruises but fortunately no bones were broken. The girls pluckily held on to the lines and stopped the horse before further damage was done, It was a close call, Soaforth. Miss W. Daley is in Hensel! as a substitute in the telephone office, the operator there being ill, Miss Scartdrett, of London, a visitor at James Beettie's, slipped on a board and in falling broke her arra, The brick work of the new shoo fac- tory is completed, and Mr, Keating has his force at wcrk putting on the roof. Miss Leila Best and Miss Jennie Forbes have gone to Hamilton, where they will attend the School of Pedagogy in that city. The voters' list court for Seaforth is to be hold in the Council Chamber on the 20th inst., before Judge Doyle. The Conservatives have a considerable list of appeals, but the Reformers have 1101)6, The curlers are already getting in shape for the coming winter. The pro- posed groupings for the Tankard and District Cup series have been drawn up, Seaforth is placed in the following group; For tho Tankard—Group No. 7 - Berlin, Preston, tit. Marys, Clinton, Gueluh Royal City, Guelph Union, Bright, ,Seafort1, Ilespeler, Stratford. Play at Stratford, Umpire. T. 0. Rob- son, Mrs, John Murray, of Goderich St„ received word on Friday Inst of the very serious illness of her daughter, Mrs, James Gray, of Elgin, Manitoba, and on Sunday the sad intelligence carne that she had died on that day. ,Mrs. Gray had 1)001) in Brandon, visit- ing her brother, George Murray, and family, and wits taken ill shortly after reaching her home, She was home only about t wo weeks before her death, and hod been confined to hod only our days. She had not been in robust health fot' several years. Her maiden 11ar11e was ;laggio Murray, She was a native of Seaford), and lived hero all her life, until her marriage to ;1 r, Gray about seven yea's ago. Some of Canada's Biggest Things. Canada has the largest consecutive wheat field in the world, Canada has the largest grain elevator In the world, at Port Arthur; capacity, 7,000,000 bushels, Canada has the largest lift lock in the world, at Paterboro, Canada has one of the largest causal locks in the world, at the Soo. Canada will have the largest bridge Span in the world, at Quebec. Canada has the richest nickel, corun- dum, asbestos and cobalt mines in the world, remade has the largest zinc smelter in the world, at, Prank, 13.0. . Canada has the thickest known coal seam, 47 feet, at Stellarton, N. S. Canada has the largest gold field in the world, in the Yukon. Canada has more than one half of the fresh water on the globe. Canada has the greatest water power's of any country in the world Canada was the first colony to form a Confederation. Auburn. ;ft's, Jas, Johnston, of \Ve•;t Watva• nosh, i5 very i11. The evaporator was not working on Tuesday of lest week. \Irs. George Asquith is considerably indisposed. also Miss S. Pierce. !Airs, \Vatter• Moore and child, cif Goderich, is spending a few days with her parents here. A. Hooper, representing the Manu- facturers' Life IDsurance Co., WKS i11 the village recently en business. liutterrtuttilg seems to be the order of tho day now, several having gone out. for that purpose said returning with begsful of thein. Word wits received here last week of the death of Isaac, Lawrence, of Leon►• ingt(n, who formerly resided on Coil 13, Ifullett. l)t.ceeied was It brother of Mrs, 1), Patterson, and well known in this neighborhood, ()u Sunday of last week it baptism service was conducted by Rev, ,Alt', Magee, of Clinton, assisted by Rev. Mr, \Vright, of Goderich, at the 11ttit- land .River itt 13ttll's Bridge. In the presence of a litre° congregation four persons were baptised after a short ad- dress by Rev, Mr. Mitgee. kralio present barrel season is proving the most successful for several years at Voting's shop here ; they have five workmen in the shop—three coopers, an apprentice and a boy, and turn out about 1111)1) barrels per week, which are delivered as fast as made. The Harvest 'Thanksgiving service held last Sunday in St. M ark's Church was well attended, the contributions amounting to S 2.80. Rector Hartley occupied the pulpit. Similar services were held in the Lutheran church, the Lutheran minister from Listowel taking charge. Goderich. M. G. Cameron, M. P. P., left on a trip to Montreal and Ottawa. The Lumber Co, expect to be ready to start their now mill by Monday. W, Marlton has his apparatus reedy to commence the blasting to be done in deepening the harbor, The last of the defendants in the Ashfield charivari case will appear be- fore his Honor Judge Doyle on Mon- day, the 22nd inst. 'The Goderich Township Rifle Asso- ciation will meet this Wednesday even- ing to arrange a team to take part in the shoot at Wingham on Thanksgiving Day. Redmond McDonald, son of D. Mc- Donald, registrar of the High Court, left on Saturday for Kingston to take a course in engineering at Queen's Uni- versity. The dredge was busy for a few days the past week cleaning up in front of the elevator and rased a quantity of wheat from the harbor bottom which had lain there since the fire last year. A husky chap who gave his name as William F. Donnelly, and whose resi- dence appears to he anywhere, was sent to jail by Magistrate Humber as a vagrant, to put in three months with hard labor. He had been about town for several days selling lead pencils and using an arm in a sling as an aid to business. Police Magistrate Humber heard a case under the Fruit Marks Act, a local shipper being charged with having sold some falsely marked apples. The in- formation was laid by Inspector Gif- ford, of Meaford Fifteen barrels marked XXX had only XX apples in them, but as the fault was evidently with the packer, not with the shipper, the magistrate was not disposed to take a harsh view of the matter The ship- per pleaded guilty and paid a penalty of 50 cents per barrel, .—•-- Hensall. Miss Bessie Urquhart left last week to attend the School of Expression for a second year. R. Carlisle's farm on the 2nd line was put up for Sale on Saturday and $1,500 bid on it, but it was not sold. Abe Case, formerly of this section but now station agent at Denfield, was tntu'ried lust week to Miss Leith of Ailsa Craig. The marriage took place itt the residence of the bride, If Hensall continues to grow in pro- portion as it has during last year and this it will soon assume the proportions of a town. The groat demand for good residences seems to be on the increase and next year will in all probability see a number of fine ones emoted, John Schaeffer, of Parkhill, formerly of this place, is in Stratford hospital seriously ill from the effects of blood poisoning, He was hurt on the head in a num way accident end his case causes much alarm to his family and f►'ionds, A Si.inirr MiSTAKIG.—A young Ivan, living on one of the streets of this fair town, went with his sister to a dry goods store. Ho bought a pair of gloves for his sweetheart; the sister bought a pair of hose for herself, Of course the clerk got them mixed, The explosion cause when the sweetheart opened the package and found therein ca pair of long black stockings, She blushed, then she opened the note which read as follows; "My dear 14il- 1lran,-1 an) sending yeti a present, 011, how I wish that no other hands than mime would ever he permitted to touch then) when I tun not by your side and no other eyes than mine may see them when you are on the street or at the BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,250,000, Reserve, $2,250,000. Total Assets, $29,000,000. J. TURNBULL, GENERAL. MANAGER. BLYTI1 AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Suns of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. New Fall Suitings I11 full assortment are now on view. We have topped all former efforts for this department, this season's stock is representative of everything in vogue fall wear at the advanced fashion points. No trouble has been spared to place our customers on equal footing with city residents. The choicest from all sources is here, Broadcloths, Venetian Suitings in all fall shades, showing the new tones in blues, greens, violets, etc. Millinery G. M. Chambers & Co. Fashionableness is the one clear, undisputable, peculiar emphasis of this business, and when it comes to Millinery we insist on the very Latest styles The success of this department hinges on that we are showing a wide range of new and handsome styles, not only distinctive but representing the finest individual taste. CE BLYTH ****************** mot parties. I bought the longest pair I could find, and if they ate too long you may let thein wrinkle down. A great many gins I know wear thetn slipped down a little ; always wear them at parties. I want to see how they fit when I call Tuesday night. You cat) clean them easily with benzine, if you leave them on till they dry, I hope they etre not too small, 13Iow in them before you put then) on. With love." Incidentally it may be mentioned that that the vcung man did not call on Tuesday night to see hon' they fitted but the last account wo hod of slim he was headed for the tall and uncut tim- ber on a prolonged Vacation while his sweetheart's father is searching for hie) with a horsewhip and his brother swears ho will shoot hien on sight. Jt:1N1' Ctlli,DIEN SICi , Get their feet wet, catch cold or cramps aria give their mothers an an- xious time. With the first shiver or 511007.01'111 the little one's chest with Nerviline, gargle the throat and give 10 drops in hot water at ked time. Next morning all is well. No cold, no time lost at school. If Poison's Nerviline isn't in your home, get it there at once. Dealers sell it in large 25c bottles, The High Court. The jury Sessions of the High Court for this county opened on Tuesday af- ternoon of last week in the County Court House before Honorable Mr. Jus- tice l3ritton, Six cases wore entered for trial but of these all but one were dither adjourned or settled, so that the only case to be tried was that of the Goderich Engine and 13icyclo Co. vs. Meanie, an action for the price of an engine and fittings of it steam yacht. This action was tried here before and judgment given for the plaintiff, The case wits appealed and an order was given by the higher court for a new trial. His Lordship dispensed with tho jury. W. Proudfoot, IC, C., for plain- tiff, Tilley & Johnston for defendants, Judgment, reserved, Pigott v. Imperial Cement Co., an action for price of a quantity of cement returned the defendants by plitintiff. Trial postponed, by consent, till non - jury sittings, opening November 0th, Partner v. Kuntz, action for wages as a brewer of lager beer. W. Proudfoot, K. C., for plaintiff. Chas. Garrow for dofeudant. By consent judgment was directed to be entered for $515, without costs, and dismissing defendant's coun- terclaim without costs. Bruee v. Dominion .Fish Co., action under Workman's Compensation Act. W. Proudfoot, K. C., for plaintiff. A. 1), Creasor for defendants. Trial post- poned till next jury sittings of tho court in the spring of 1907. Pigott v. Riley et al.. action for breach of contract for construction of part of the Guelph and Goderich Rail- way and for return of money paid into court in a replevin action, W. Proud - foot, K. C,, for plaintiff, h, \V, Grif- fiths for defendant. 'Trial postponed till non jury sittings of the court open- ing Nov. nth. Wilkinson v. Grey I3ranch Agricul- tural Society et al, \\', M. Sinclair for plaintiff. A. 13, Macdonald for defend- ant. Action for damages alleged to be sustained by Mrs. Wilkinson through having her foot caught in a hole in t he fioor of deft'ndants building. Post- poned to non -jury sittings. THEE TIMES as many students were enrolled at our onening this year as last year. The cause Is that all our graduates receive excellent sit- uations In leading Canadian and American cities, WItVGIIAM MIMS COLLEGE Is a live Institution. 11 dons things. Catalogue for the asking. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal FJR[ AT ONTARIO WINE FACTORY; THE ESTIMATED LOSS $150,Q00. Disastrous Blaze at the Premises of the Ontario Grape Growing; Company. St. Catharines, l)1•-p;lt,•It `in I ---1 disastrous fin, oec:lrred .1t "!i,lr':, - dale,'` the premises el the %tut.;l-1,, (ir,l!' Growing antl \\ill" \h1, I; IICIrl 1111!t; 1 o., limited, ;It ;In ear:y hour this nloru11!, The plant 111111 ,tor_, vat- .1,m-Itu,lted about t\t1( miles 1,„111 !Ili: , 11,\, 1.n the 11-ellai,l 1',111,11. ,1!1, i the i,'.I,e !1,.I: lolls been 1'11, of (1,, I'1'll:t- ,,f :rl!"!','•t 10 tourist- !,,I`rin_ Illloa711 1111- !I-II'I•'I, At 11) 0'1'!, 1t k „i -t ,!1,1'1 +.1 !1111 1'reaiIlent of the ::1:11111 !tear lo-, he, r\•It1in'•.I 1,!.1• e1;11 • mat 1'1111', parts ,1f the 1,::1111 and (onto', , ,,\'thin;; satisflletor\, Ile retied! a. 11-aal, tie% Ul I.1,30!1 ,•,, rl k'k II` ''ll' 1'11'111 '•t .I• ,1,'.1 ;I 1.,• 1.11,,1 by ;i roariior 11,1:••, 1 i1"I, 11:\rr11- f'nli,ill ll.' 111 .1'1/1 ,'r"'I 1.11.1: II'' tel 1 110 wine cellar- \1a- ill f;.line-, Ile ,11 once went to the to-, and Hulot t!ial't11, loot had reached the 111; 1. !iL_ ohere III, e'lll - p 1.,i'• the fight ino •lill'.11'.II'1- \l;l• !„'1,,t, rend''r1111 :t I titr,% II•'!'' 110 1!1,11 telophont'! for 1111 I ,lt!I,'u!''• two !rigadt', but had ,1111:("1'i v ill rl'.lchitio them 111 '(,!lone. Ile •1.,'',',',I"'! 1111,11}, hlt''\-',, all'! the centt:l; 1,•'I re l'"III!'.tity %vent to the `;','1.e of t!1,,' ,'11111Li,:r,ltl,rll %lith all 'Lois ilF1' ,111'1'.1. The fire by this lint' 11.1,1 !11,1,;, `I'll !I0,1,11\.1V that It, ;III., C.111' -1',111.'111.1 ;Jr 1"111 iS!!I+' 1''•1:.1!'-, e1121tatli• lot'!on- 11f ',1111 r oel'e -- troll:. ,-tiniate,1 at si1,111•It1111• !'I-1:I,tIII•r )1:11'll\ Coley, (he The „1'1.:11 of the the 1- ;I Illy-t,,ry, !Ail \I!, 1:11'in'- 1111- Illori;111'r said 111:11 It !I, 11 I"' ,!i`1 „l ere 1 ttle Came. I II,'y \Vere la, rL' Ili Ili' .1 :r,' . .•III 111 111 l-1' 1?I r, \\ here the 1 Met 111' !1,111 \\ ll'r, aro onto and the eno111, - 11\ ',\ 111,'11 1.Ir oen, ,•Ito 1. 1',\ tl,lllly it •hitt'-! !Iwo., 11111 4111111 111.1 Ili-rrtyl'1',',I 111 t' illi' 11.111 'll'h 11 •1:111 1111; the s,l\'III'' of the 1,,I' -I 1,.1.11' 11 as prob. loom ti he life 1l i'! 'aux' 111,' ;%',Ili, gooier- '•t this ,!I -met :1 se\ere los 11; many of them ,il-fr•ed r,f 111,,11• pro- duct ,Ir I1,IIII,r11,i1e. It i, not I\It11\1'11 \-et \V1I:11 111,, c,tllli41111''- polo, :I, 10 1!tr (111 nre are, '1,'h' I,iue11!n I';Ip1'r \til', company. of 11,,'t Pitt„n, ha- t,llc, t over Ili,' 1,;11 I.yh- -t, r Cotton mill. on \ditch they •,"'lll•ed .III .,),doll -till,' time do. from the I Illil- ,!i;ln Colored, (ott„n \lili. 1'onlp,uly, ;u!,' 111,1 I,I'"'lll 11nrk on \loll'lav preparatory to (-oda:kiting therein an up-to-date piipo' mill, MURDER OF [NGLIS LADY IN PRUSSIA ITER BODY FOUND IN CITY PARK. Daughter oPan Army Officer and Distant Relation of British Royalty. 1;-x'11, 1'111=sin. ft; r 1 great s' t-;1- tiun has 1xien Glll:e'i l:'rr by the murder 11{ 111;= \lade!ine 1,,a'`.'', (laughter et :1n English array officer, whose Body, ter- ribly !anti:at Cd, was found on \1,111,!ty eweiitig i11 the city park, lin? police 11;11'e been unable t1,) throw any 'iota on the mystery surrounding her death, !tort,' 11'111101'; 11','1'' 11'at1'11 111, 1101' thrl,at w;l, hl,•eratei by the hands of her murderer, \vho e\ident!t• stranlie,l lel in addition to !Mating her terrlhl} - ;about t!11' head, an 1 her :u':it, al'1 h11,ly \ve're -, v'erely hrui,ell. 'l'he es1'ite!nt'tit ',111,',1 by the e.onnnt' till f Ihe chow in a pulpit,. park, al- most in daylight. 1(11!):Irelltl}•, ha- 1111,'11 inere:t-1.,l by t!11' fit that the enquiries of the authoritie- Ila\' re-ult,•d in .:ee111• Irl,;%' '•(;Ih!I•IIii 1110 (.lel Ihat l,akr \1',l• rt''.atr,l.di-1.111111•, t1, the 1lrlt- i,h 11111';1! f;Iii iiy, ll.r brother of her mother, it is -Lit^rl, hit illrr married a ILtlt_li(er ..f i'm-titine .\tit ii;I 1':G/:Ihmth 11f 11run•\yie!;, the divotTed 11.1(1' of Ioiorge 11'. of England. 14++++++++++++++++++++++++ $ FARM NOTES AND COMMENTS I. •f' +++++++++++++++++++ !teal” r', `111'1 .t;intlal'\', Itl'lt), six• !'en cow to -ling ;1-• "'Lttl11iti have heel' rooranizetl through the initi;ulvr of the Itaiq Commis -toner's 11,,(11.•11 111 the Dominion 1)'! irt!ti"tit of .\',ricititI11'e, Itee(tl'r!' are !,',ti u,'irt 't Ito, pro he- tioll Irf !,.1(111 1•o.. trot''! !lv the :1:)I) a-m.1111,er; of tie'" ,I-1” 1.1111 ., oh,. re• N11t• will b" tahn.:it1'1 all+l palill•hed ;I; quickly its 1,1'--11,:0 after t!1,,' .,:,'loll I? finished, This i, only the l.!it1t117g of ts'iiat should 1)e 11 great nation:II tmove- lovafor the itt!t'i\outwit of the dairy industry llF Canada. 'ulfielent have b('t'ti collected, already to ,1,41,1• that there i; no line of Work in the \v1iole r:ui•!e of dairy effort which calculate.," to iterrl.,e the profit, l-'1 dairy farming to the saline extent, as this clatter of the itiprowrment of 'fairy herds, In order to serve the pnrpooe properly, the Twort; of t'i'' r,! kee11!tl'r must be persistent tlll'1 enntin,lon.9, :111,1 f11!iotvt'11 till ity 111t1'!ll'r'•:11, ,Ieti1'll 011 1111' par of the owners of the run•. itt the Lull er of breeding :old, selection. ,Jnr record: -how that the iiveraoe yield of milk in 1tntario :toll Quebec 1, not much over 11110'1 111-, of (till; per cote per annum, yet the fend herds of '_'(I votes unit over tlot t aver:tg' 5,111th In evert- in: -!ante the herd. ohne!' :how a. high average of production !tate hero 'milt up by just t -toll method. as tho' only testing .1,':(,Ci tittti' nl'e intender) to promote. '1'he members of the different a=;tela• tions have had an excellent opportunity of emnparinl_r the records from the dif- ferent 5rrt1011,, 11 1.141 different herds in the various assoriutiml,a, \\'itll a view to promoting corre=iiond- ence between the various member.; of the ns,nciatinns. 1 out authorized by the 1)airy Commissioner to ual(une(' that the name and pont office tdllrerr: of the owner .of any herd in the records trill be given to any ](11•x011 who applies for it to the hairy Commissioner, Ot- tawa. The idea ie that mt'mbt'r; m;ly learn from the owners 01 profitable herds ns to t•hr ln(thudt 111• whi'ih 014'11 ecltisfiietnry i•051111F, 'nye been reached, 1Ve think the correspondence idea alight be very properly ineludt!d as a feature of this \work. \\'e trust that owners of these first-class herds will be, good ttnough to answer such enquiries in a broad-minded and helpful manner. It in to be hoped that the members of the association will not •heconie slack in keeping the reeords, 1.a the season advances, because it lutist be ramemher• ed that unless d full record for the whole milking period has been made, a portion of it will be of very little value, liembers of the associntionts must not, overlook the importance of the feeding Qjtetion. This has been torched upon but very little so far in this work, but eventually we hope to see careful records kept of the alno•snt of feed con- sumed by the cows. \1'1. take 111i. oirrrrtinlity tf :I;•r;litl 'whiting out the desirability of the u11'mers or ttiittagel's .rt factories- taking .1n intt•r't"t in this Wort; and itrkine the cheese factory .1l- Cr 0,11111.1'y the ,,.Llai for further urgcltti/:1ti.di for the \)III'• lur:P 1.t I;erirlll'r 1''111'.1` and to -ting, .1 hag', Amount of r'orrr'-f11)tdenee II:Iti been rer'r'iyt'd from indiivdi't in 11(• calilies where a.-11'i;l'ions have not been 01'_.1111'/.ed. and ictus it rater, ;ire equip- ping them...eke- to 11,1 t111' to -i h1! 1111 their own account. .1 (up' 111 hlliletiti No, 11, t'tltitled "instruction= for '('(;tilt', 111,1k -idiot! cow-,- will be sent In attv(tte who t t!1!ie: for it, 1'ollr, very truly, ('ha,, I', \\ hitley, in Clior,re 1,,f !)airy Ilecor,ls, .1•i:p rowed. ,1..1, (Ile !di" k, I);tirt- (:(int- rlti:•i(itlol•, Dominion Depot—mem of :lerieniture, ])airy f'ototi-ioter'; Branch, Ottatvt, `opt, ''ti. 11101;. AT A BULL FIGHT. Matador Fell Dead From Excitement and Bulls Gored Spectators. Pordelulx, f)et'. S,-_.!)twing n hull fiLr!It lyre toolav n ntat;tdor fell dead from excitement, The 111;111:Ig(tIt(llt thereupon nnn.::me,',I that the per- furtl:tfli 'was :it an end. The Spee• odor,. prote`te,l, tiro: refn,ed to leave. The m;lna¢ement yielded and ordered hat the perfo:tulnce eontiitte. 1111t the performers rr•tt,el to take any further Faust in the ffi_'hl, Some men from allluilg the speet'tlnl's excitedly ,jumped into the 'tr'tta 1" carry on the perf tt'titl(','. 'i'lle hull, al lacked theta fnrit:l•ly 1ittd trore'i fife of thein, one fatally, 1,'!I(' nulnalement :Itr;lin at- tempted to ..top the p1't'fnrntnnee, but the spectators ;(_raid protested and nt- t i ked the attendants, They varied this performance with attempts to ret the amphitheatre on fire. The po- lice finally expelled them, •.• ABOUT DIAMONDS. REPORTED ATTEMPT TO SMUGGLE THEM FROM CANADA, New York, Oct. 8,—The Tithes to -day "It was reported among cub - officials yesterday that a New diamond denier who arrived re - says: tunes Fork Gently in Montreal, intended to smuggle across the border diamonds to the value of $15 0,000. On the request of E. H. 'Ct\•nhey, the t', S. customs' representa- tive in Montreal, three scrr•et servi'It Hien were sent there from New fork, It is Fail' that they hare been watching the suspected elan, The story stater flint the diamonds were cut and pol- ished in Amtterdinn and that an English broker brought then, to London where he handed them over to the New York dealer, The latter on reaching Mont- real learned that s'en't service men were watching hitt and he changed his plans. The jewels are in .Montreal, • EWS IN BR1EF CANADIAN 1 .Ill I'll 1, ;11111 111111 1.;I - 11''1'1' 111 r','hr'! III 11 Il ;11 •rill 'ol!I-11111 11111111111_: 1./1 11111, I-`11,',1 III 111,„11:a 111 1111' 11111 01 '''t'tclllbel• totalled !I.•-III,,tI''•(, John I\t'll\1111, 11_1'11 •I\11','11, 11:1. arc! ,1,'111;111% `!lot ;ill'! (,illlll 141111111led itt ,I '„tiitallli"11 it 1.111 hoot in, Ile';II• \1111'1''11 .I,ut1 , h- Ili1!.Ir'11, 111 I'lid 111:lln, \sa. (11;111,1 ,10,1,1, \\0111 a ;111-bel/111111111 in Ihe 1101111. 111 t:I 1,',111, \l 111'1 I' I,1' had, pone to BE\ T!S LABO! DIVID[D N OPINON One F.c2tion Favors Burns and Liberalism. the Other Hardie and Socialism. 111!•11111, 111'1, '1'111' 1.,11101' 111.,11'1111'111 .,. cool, 117:tain i- Ill poo 'nl f'Js Ill'' I!II 0!1,!1 ;III Itttt i,"1111_ !11.1.1-1', tt 1)1011 1 - end: nj 1,1 ,!1',1,11' the fII1 1 dnnl111a11'c ;Iit. 111,1 1"1 111.11!;11111'. • 111':1''1• Irl\, deruIt'd :111,{t-1 j"Im,u_ t!. It ...cc: loll. ( 111 the other hand, 1'nce 111 the .\111,111,1!11.11 ,1 .'i t11' Haul\;ii• s•r\.Itlt-,;'Itlllt:;Il',11•- 111 INo •mCtit111- 111 1111' 1,;111,11' ( I; ' II ! 1,1 .Il t,l 1'1111„ 1 1••1'1 .I 11'•'11,11 1, 1;; ;I t:1';' ;111(,1'";Ir 1 1,11' 1.1,11;1 11 (111\rl pll'I\ ;it the IIoi1-1' of ('ullllmlll•, '1'111' :1 11111_1 1111'1 I'll lel' III'I1,11t. ill 1,11111' el ;1.1- 1. I, 1'1I `1''161.11, 11'11 111 ,Ialltl Iillrlt-, 111' 111' -lull III '111' II;IIIiir' :'t,11t1, !!! -11111' 111 111 ,r I;1,.I-I •r 111111. 11'11 Irt' ,131111', I\I'll' the filet that their !%':Idyl', l'ie I:II'11 111'1,). had!', '111.• I'I'111'r,lli,ln 111 \(iter,, at ;I \1, I'„ \vat. strict !v ti!o,i'I 111 the rhll- III,t'Iiiig heir Lill, 11e,'I; :It 'a',Ill•ea, tool; \1'111 1111'11 1•Ilhllll(tlll'r Ih1'tll•t'l11': 111 o• 11:1.'111. nllirh, ;11111"1._'h ofl'tri;ll 11_111'1 '),list dirtaliun, MOSLEMS' WANTS. LORI) MINTO SAYS IIE NECOGNIZES '!•i1LIN ASPIRATIONS, Ili:tlsa Idl';ts :111st 1:ul'—Ptutn:'t's,il ty- ever, Alli hca'Tututbl( Aid fel !)exiles of 1)cputatioo Which \\Tats on 'line, sill)I, I let. The 11111•' iorlielll l,l: IIat;1 1'1 \111!;;111::111'11.111• 11,a1 ^1(,111 ,tit 1.-, !, I1:,r.1 ,I: Illull;;!I 11111', ‘1.11111,1 III' a • BALLOON •1'11,, IIIn'-e dal 1:11111' .1.11•,1` of the hast pil'hed bathe. ,1- the r,oi lent, gaine.l CONTEST Keu: !'';lir .\^ leiarl,tn, al '1'11;1111''-\1111, leitfolel'tt tit; 1, ilc11ian5 retur;lt(11. Nell- ,111! a,,ed Ir\ fire ;ltd four y:l!IIaid1, ..,,‘,i,,,,,,,,,,,::,,,.:,„;,,,, 1111 1'11,1 ,;1111, 1'111' 1,' h1., -e, Ile -1 rii, 1e !, i^ ;I r;uu'III'r .111'1 .1111' to U S. WINNER KEPT CLOSE TO 1'„'111:111' to meet hi- father and mo• MOTHER EARTII. !'ett'I'h„I'u' tal'I,ay'r, .lefe:Ite,l two hy- 1 bel', who N ere eliiiilll,! in on 1 he t rain, 1;111-, i” :ti'I 11;1' Pelt'I'I,elo' Merl l'"11".1.1 I 1!itis;, (let. ti,. Limit, I\1:1111: P. i,.1}1, Ile ‘iii- 1',11'.'1;1!1%' keeping VIIi 1(l lJ 111; ('onipoi\ and the lialrid 'fool ('11111• 1,,,;,l, N'hedl Ili, Italian hlukr ;111'111' 11'11111 11'111111'1' of 1111' Internal lona] balloon cotl- p,lll\, 111 1111 I'lllrll;l `III, 1.l •111'-, the ra\v, roil over to hall, drew 11 kith+' to -1, 111111 \ltllur Hersey, his companion, dames t ollin , a fifteen \eitr•ultl lad, ;Ind )r!ung,.11 it into the•lintlri man arrived Iwo. from I•:lighted today. !loco a (;11 1hrull_tl the tilllrloo 111 :h re. Iitrl', The 11a!la n: 1.011.. ,11411 In the \111'11 of their xureerS i, al0'iinred to -Idrllr,' III 11r11etlllr, Ile 11''111 In 1;111 fol' 0;11' ;111,1 !11'1'1' 1:111,11 111 -1101'11\' atter rrll d:1\. 1111' 1itt ittttt,_ 1,h' 1111 :VIII bl' Ill,' mountedpuht'1'. Two 1!tliitt major 111'1-t'1''5 knowledge of Itil't'.'111 fill met 11;1- 1i11"11 `III for irl'e;11,111,1 the nit,• \\IID did the itullll,iiii., :ire ii,,i,i III 1111' ilt,;ile:lt conditions u!Itallll'l! ;1, t1,11' 1't•iiIt d',10, fell. (here, (11her? were It ;IPd f1,"oto ,`;'.i el itltr .1.11.1 'l: iII t110 wt'1l;1111I' 1111"1',111 .11 1 kr IIGII'I'I;1,_e of \II', .I, (';I^1,+'!1 Moll• to i'::2,) ;11111 i''le;t-e.), 11'a5111nr11t11. Jlefor't tip' dtparttlre tl hin, ;111.1 \li :lunir, 11 ea1 rid,' 1111111', -- - .0 -__. 1111 tvinniti balloon. 1111jnr Mersey i'.t.l'• 11' ,,Nalliiulil the la (,..,,,1 :111,01. 1, (1,1,11 1mils !dare 1..iy' quji'tly 1', .,1,1,1111' hi '1'11• rott'1. Mr, 11(1,1 Mrs, 1'a -tell 111,11k1114 111111 kl,l'w 111111. 11111 110111.11'1' :11111 1A' lel' ()Ill el• eurrenl; 11'1111!11 hl' Ill 1!li. ,IIt1;1'1., 11'(1 (.11' \ hull rtand nst 1(111 her inn ;I %volt• ('on -rt 11,1111;' \%111111their rival, ttl re ding trip, RECEIPTS FOR SIX MONTHS WERE 'aun1'1111hin uer Dr he :1', I'hl''lopriet"r: 0f 111111 Niag:u'a halls ittnsly rn1utaine; tll elospppltt (hei'11t,111. '1 h111ir hotels and one licensed restaurant mereFIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS. .judgment was vindicated ht' Ihe tid, filled .`,ii( and 'o -I, each I,\' Police \!;tg- 1.11;11, altttoit.11 the United S 1.11';11,' 011'1k-hank1e•Ierd:ll alter11ion " State, 11'11; Canada Atlantic Deficit—PassengersCar• the twelfth Balloon to start it was the for sellin.r liquor on Strada%, S,'ptetioe 1'11 rt 11( ,1..1'11 11111 English 1.1111-t, the pith, ►'ied un Grand Trunk Proper Totalled n TRUE BILL FOR TJIEFT AGAINST '1'111. 111,urane,. ('.oni`-ion at '!',1,11• 0"er Four and Half Million, 111 decided 111;11 Ihe 11:111T!1 11f ,'1'1'11 Sell( ill 1.,11111()11. (1,('t, ti,- 1111' (1. T. It. report FIRE iN AYLMER YORI{ LOAN FORMER MANAGER, 11111.1 1,1•o,ttll'r' the hioh- :111'! ;11",,11111= III -' 11.111,11 \11', lion, \\. 1111\11', i• eonerlt1,,1rI it:tttc(l today ante: that the gross: I'ol„111 , 1IHid!Hi .111..1111 Phillip- 111.1., it etntl(t'tion %vial 1he httre`1er.,' in- ct't'ipl: (1(r lh1' 11;11( 'tai' ending .luno AUSTRALIA MAY NEGOTIATE TRADE .11.1\1' to •1,1111!111- trial t,tr :it'' 1It'll '•I 11111,1'• 110 are ,C3.IP21,0S1, compared \01111 .t''.• PREFERENCE WITH CANADA. :121.::',t1i';'1,1'1.1:''::11\11111::!'l 1'111!:(,1.1t!I I.',I, ,\The nlarria'!t' of )1i-- 1)'trothy \\'kite, 7_r!t,IUti l;l-t \'ear, Thr \trkit:r r\pmuw.'s tl;uirhter 111 the !ole ,\Ifre,1 \\'Jute, (It- \ere t.''.r,lti.l,ti'_'l, a; rum%,roil with ,ti,• IItta\a 1)i, ilIeh,---(SIecial. :1se io ,Iillg- t 0111!,14, !'ile 'IrlrCo ,11 'tawa, and or:lurid:Ho:111.'r of the into ! !1!:,•13'4, and the Det revenue receipt; fire broke out in the loather yard of \Ir, t Itiliip`, 44!;., .\ I - sir Hugh -111;111, \11,111 t't 1, to \1l-, .I, \\', f,1.' the half veal-. after adding re- hl-aser & ('0. 1(l Aylmer lu•d:l \', '!'here the (•1,111"r 111.111111"r 1,,I 1111' 10,11 color y GRAND TRUNK. headed by iii` lli',lu1c•- .\_ta 1\111111, ,1111! t' 11,,11.1,itt l-,1 I IIII'I \ "I\ :Il0:11111'1 1,'1 1,l- •.'Ill 1111 e1'er\ itt 111,1' ;11111 I'yel'y Lanett 01 1!11' I.1111'.11rd \t-!r1!II 1'1111:• VIII II It 1'. ye•11'otl;ll Irlr•elll,'I ail ,Irl'-. to Lrn',I MOO it, Ihe Itl.lia •1'11111!, 1"II the gl'let'tlle" ;!III '-Irlral;I,l1- of 111' \1"[1,;I 111:111' 1,111, of India, and r•..,,"i,l;iy their ''';11111 for ,I f,1;1' •11111'' in any IIlo1!I!I,'11 tell) of I'r1'I'e•etll:ltion 1,1 1 ;111',11 '1111'111)'.,1 l I III re'11\ 1,111,! Noll, 1.111 I',' 11111.1 t :t -Mot tom- 0i 11(" 1,1 III,r _''llt'IIti,111 and -polio hi/o,1 1'.4111 r, 1,'I' li :L' til •'ill lalecr. 110 •,ti'l 1111111" :iII'! ,ttitiit'I,or, %Irt' 111,1 ,1111' :1 ,!!•,,III', t1, tt, 11111 t11 111•'1, ,'11111 bola! l! t h. I h' -red IIF %4 111'.11 11,111 re:•II •1111"11 Ir4 itl'iti-It III! 'lin, ' 1110111olt Il '1101'%'1 -1 11'1.111'1 1!11'1'1'11 •t', !/111 11;':! 1•'1 1,11',1- !11,1-1 11','1',111, 1.1.1't! \I:1110 pr,ituir:t'11 al: r1',I„111.11,;.• ;lilt 1,1 111 desire•' of t h„ d piit t loo and promi`el hi- heater- that in rr.ity atle!io,ie.l Illuliit'alnrll of their re:I :loll^ h";, 'f- ;11,, l-1 1ti'ttt 1! i rmiii loll• i,oia Hod. PHILLIPS' TRIAL. ('oak, 111 Montreal, wig1ake p!a(e 1111 emiplk from :I!! sources, ,1:11.1.1,yt!1, cum - 'rho ,let, 11, paled with j,,,,07,.6.3,1. '1'!11' ninon, avail -i 4.1s over seven million Leet burned (loon !•11;111 ('o ltlpally, \1,1 'cid t, 11' : It,t 1, ,1,1- '1'1!, I)iyi.ion:ll courtgav' ,jud_rntl'llt nide for tliviiienll, k .014.37s. and the before noun and the 25 million ft'c't which\t're.lie I wil ll 111' the 11,;!11+1'1"1'.4 1"Ideclaring that oleo,- cm, Coiled Stales directors t'eeotllll(Ild dividends on the! is itt the yard is likely to g1(, '1'4rill! 11:11'•, }'tic n'`11!1 a',t. :1111! ('u -lilt;, %'((trial- d1'llland a !Wall tax 111 1 per emit?, of the first and second )rt' { Ilio charge "ii- ;Iut'nrle,l i,t 111'•11, ,1111 \Ir. Larkin, one tt (;utu111'i tradm ttb thin iu'lii(nte11 \1'111111 Ola• 111111'11'•1 \,• the !nuttier the toin l,ortation compativ let (owe stock alid to ('111"1'1' for4viird ! 1'111., in :111-11•alia, mites to t!a, 1,)m ,;Ii'l- carrying the !,a.-,'n_t'r, i, 11'-pom>tblm fur 1:111,(177, The p1..=stingers (nulled Intal-' nleilt of '1',.1111. anti l;()nutn'ti 16.111 he tt'rday, •ay. 1il,ll Ili' iiI''rl't,ult ,111 it: Iii\ herald le,! l,ltili,t,i7, cutapllreii With 1.3°,71;5*1111; 1.1.11,()11 to believe that .\u,tt'tiia '111111111 1)',':1111''1 :11111, I!Ilr1, IIII!,I'a 11l; The assessment returns of \\'oudstot'k '1'1c lutnl milt,'%% ,vas 9.7,51.4.1, C"m" tt'uuiil lister, to overtures Irma Canada !lid -11..11 thin :nal 1.t ''.:11111. ' „1,,•11'. a p:11rd \11th 11,3(r ,30'l to lie included with the l'uited Iain td11tlt ed.'', 1• ,et I,n'lll tl lite unllel:11, Ili, for Ihe pec,enl, leer -inin In In1're11•r in pttpuiation of •_'la, The int•rru,t' i, par: 1 On the 1'11111111;1 :1t!iiitie lttctit 14:15 a and New Zealand in obtaining the to per liu\yctel, The \1iiu:••.t' %rho .11'1"'.11.' .1 t' net rew('nne defieiitry of ,t3tl,_,Ifi, The it itt:' the llrtl.1 ,Iur1' woe: i'urmer tinily' nth, up u1, I111111111'alll• llulll 1111 Ct'nt. 111'(IPI"l'lllr (,11111 Ills' rn11111111111weallll. , oil, country, ;I taro,. number of whom 1\t tort ;.cos' 1•1i1lpis horn C,il1),I111i, '!'Iii; irnnitl be of very material benefit (r11\\n-\11ot't,'y .1, \\', 1'ntr,t, 11. 11. (tilt' In llli, di-Iriet itt 4e:lt•, '1'1'1 to- eonlpaed \ilk ,C51'l,119.i, \1'nrl;ing ex- to (;Inadn, lht onit• difficulty in the 41.14 `tn11t'i': tit stennl !,inn, 1;,'1 tt Il,1;i. 1, poises ineret,td .t.'li3O!I, leaving the net I _,' 1 t""1"''''.tut population is 110 is that there are so fl'\1 articles wlli'11 l:. Il:u'rin_tun ;Int lie,\ r 11' 11,11•_', 1 1},11111 1:83,557, the same as 1:15i year. AtistI'allll exports. ll loll 11'11:'11 t';Illad,l li''"1,',e li. 1111,1, 11111• 1'1, 1,!:e 1'11'11'1:.1':' The ('1111111} '1'1 .1111( %ler 11f 1.1;1111 yes. 'he net revenue surplus for the half 101(1(1 hake nn Ir ilt. retllrtl, 10,11111' paid 111, -1111111!1' 1;1111',1. \lout•last half s surplus brought for - vent is t)?;i!l, conlp;n(d wit ,C7,431i.'I'he g real, Ili,_',it, the (pile, fixed ht• .11hilra• thin for lite London 11 Hirt It1111iet' gra- this yml rout,, The 11111 raft', wen. removed :ift,'rnnon, 11111; removing the last (1111 gates in !'.!;ill county. The \\'inti -or r1(.111111• flffIel;i!s here have 1'r'rt'it,•,! itt'11 1'111'1'• (1''1111 the ilttrt'• for of 1)Iltadiu eiiitt t11IIg Bolt -(letter Illlrttt'\' lot' itU\ Iltt Iti 1.i (illi \• (,.."11 sutii_i ' i fron 1)cl ,nil, 1111,' ntngtitt' sitned hint,r'If "A hril'n,! in 1'hri'I''1 tan- olll'I' %silosmuggled - 111( sporting goods sii!tlid hi; letter ":1 Loyal (.'anadian (11H -I i:ln," :lreordin;t to the 1•et1'rat Land Oral, .1et, section six, 11tg;1, veterans holding land are exempt from all taxes exempt school t;1xe,, if the:0 are not, paid, however. tile land is ,11ld, On Sept, 8 tit( land; of sowernl yeleuln, in the linitty !liver 1)15lriet )ver( sold itt Elmo her;vise the school tuxes were not paid, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, T'nited Stale: force; are being lis• 1ri11tled in Puha as a precautionary 1111111 5111.111, Sir 1'rederick lirtrdtn ,-tated in London )hill h( did nal 110111'0' Ihrre was any' nlilittri5nl in ('nntida, O%'nerd Oueltoceoff arrived in New 1'ork from 1lnssin in pursuit of his flee- ing wife, She i.5 now nearing the shores of Enlace, +•s RIOT AT COCHRANE. TWO YOUNG MEN NEARLY KILLED BY ITALIANS. With Knives They Made a Fierce At- tack on Hewitt—Cole, a Peaceful By- stander, Also Stabbed—Both in a Precarious Condition, r'nlgary, Aatn+ Oct.! f—News from Cochrane indieatts that young ('ole, who wits stnbte;l by enraged Italians in t!le riot on Saturday, is still hovering 1,)e- 114',11 life 111111 111111 11. It'ttit1. the other victim of the Italia,-, i; here and !r; In finite a precarious, condition, (ole was in no way assuniated with the riot, People who saw the encounter tell of Its intensity, After Hewitt, lite man who eal,mrl the rote, bud assaulted the It- alians, the entire 110 went mad. '1'lley gut lfewitt down surd all begun slash. Iwo itt him itt one time. One old It - 'Wan drew n revolver and began shoot.- ilg itt him 1(t random, running all around the infuriated leen who encireled the man who was down. Ile would have done damage, but for the fact that a speetator hithitt with it, brick, knocking biro insensible, Then the riot began in earnest, Residents of the town attempted to re=cur. Hewitt, but the Italians, leaving Hewitt for it time, started in on the residents, and it ward .111d payment of foil interest of the seeuntl mortgage income bonds THE ROUNDUP, III\ 1 ,; 1^,111.111, 11111 11.11 rutty' 1//'1./11 111, Phillip.; \I 1'l-„htll!1 11111 OIL 1111 11'1 irla! al 111' I'1''-1'111 •;1111:; r' ' of i Ile 1'1rnn1l' i rilnin:l! `1..1-j„u•, -111'. was ordered, The passengers carried An Interesting Sight to an Outsider— 1, Ione•, 1,11111.1,; fur )1r. 1111)1,11,-, "',1w nn iitert'ase of 77,11(10. The 1)e- The Method Adopted, hail nnr, 1ir11ntl Haven brrnrh shows gross reveipls of C1(11,'370, nn inereasl, The conduct of a big rountl•np h1'• the of .t.',2(1.5118. The \t'nt'kiug expenses i1(• range riders is most interesting to the creased .LI1,30,1. There Itis :1 net r'• outsider, 11'111,11 a round -up is decided venue surplus of LI,11)2, compared with a tlefieient;w of ,C10..115, The passengers on, 'the Ilurseum!' usually organize into carried were 202,850, as against 205,035, a legal body and pipet II foreman, for 41141.11, Ifni great drive, This ftwemail is al - HUSBAND KILLED. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE OF MRS, HORATIO WRATHALL, ways on old ride 'r WWII 11111x' owner ,who enjoys the, full Confidence .of the tango riders, The first, part of 1!ny is the time usually chosen for the round -up. From 150 to 200 rider, are gentc':illy re :Hired to to;rh,- a stcetssful drive. .1 round up entails days of rough Ironworker Struck by C,P,R, Eastbound mountain riding and nights spelt in the Hamilton Train at Ellis Avenue oppn 1N'fnrn 1 ho \wild horse's are drit'en Crossing, Swansea—Victim Tried to into the big rirrnls, from which there i9 Pass in Front of the Engine, no means of es(itpm, 1111' hors('' ttt'tpe, Mitre men on fresh rssys ora Toronto 1)l-: I;Itelio-\\'hilt' Winking n wild sent. bark to nt.ternpl 111 .oti 'up ihrtiso floe tile (hood' l'imorn-, tt Il:u•ruty• 1111,:,'!+, while thy rutin iiot1y of riders keep nn with the drive. ,1t the entrances Io Ili t'm't':I1s W11 1(11 110 often :l, mile nide, riders on fleet horses aro station- ed,yeurs old of College street, Swansea, \t1..; to sae, 1hnilhe wild creatures are inslnntlt' killed, The unfurinnnlo nuiti 1,111111111 in the right dire nit), way coming along Ellis avenue with his 11 is the enlrnnrr in one of the big eorrik tint. the 510,01 001, usually takes his stand toward the wind up of It drive. First . he secs in the dislanee a aloud of ,lust, '!'hen !here comps to his ears the neighing of snares and foals. Soon sweeping dowt a nrttr)ty mountain and through a narrow ra vine, surrounded by clouds of dust, rimae the wild hand, followed rind herded by the skilful range - riders. Straight for the water ,just, in- side the corral slake the tired, and thirs- ty erenttires, forgetful of till else in the desire to plunge their noses deep in the cool miter, (long rind grn,tt\fully the wild 'horsed( drink, while the culls and fillies neigh and caper around, Aftor drinking 'it is''rnsy to place the tired hand in' the inner corral, With 2.00 men.driving 400 horses are a fairresult of one day's \wot•k. This nietit9 1liot nptwsir1 of 1,51011 hoses were slurlid at dut•Ireak, but, Its lire day ad• 'wnnf'Iw nnul riders nttitt htllsts:l f;rnw n•en►•y lt. becones harder ,tri herder to hold the \wiid creatures and impassible to overtake said (urn there back when mien they have broken tItrottg) the line,. Many orphan colts and fillies, not yet %rootlet', ruse tiiwnys tnketi in , a big exeept such as are taken by nearby round -up the mothers breaking through and esenpittg. These tire usually shot, except, Huc'h as ore taking h\' nearby' farmers, who raise thorn on milk until Ulm. me able to forage for themselves. —Phil, Lerger. I- 111 1111 -etlt oat of !Ile 111', cocoa co:I .111tt itt-v !itt,ti itt ei,peet• (hal III' • •lull- ll'L! I'lu•l' 1111 S,II'lydal 11'\I, dat' •l-1 I1J1' 1111'-ellll'11rrll:! i'1/11 1,11'11 ,1,:I I'lll'1 1111' .1 \\'r'; •, ;•11t, IItt,t1t11 -itt1'll 1't'-I':'I.Iv (1111 II„ thr111'!!It l lie rd.(' 11.11111,1 h !:. t, '1,'•!'t 1t,t• Ili the hl'eelltbl'r session-, CHURCH 'OF RICE) BI3110P OF BIRMINGHAM ATTACKS THE GOLDEN C}IAINS, Does Net \%Tel': Flan Belot—Claims Clergy and Their Wives Have Their Friends Among the Gentry, London, t 11!.,1 ii.---itt .III (;Il1t1,re;• 111. rush to erns the rniltvny )rucks 41(fure C. P. 11, train No, 30 itt Ellis avenue, S\wlittset, about, 0 o'clock last evening, lloratio \1'ritthall, an ironworker, 3.1 11•Ilo and young daughter and seeing the train, it is said, rushed front them to cross the 11.111'1;5 in front of the engine, 11r, 1\'illimu 'I'rintlelt, 120 Lowther ave- nue, who was also with 11'rtthall, tried to stop hint, but his attempt Willi inef- fiel►sttl, The 1111111 Wilt carried along on the cowcatcher until the train was stop- ped. \Vt'athnll's wife fainted at her hus- band's terrible (lent). The trait) which killed \\rat11t111 was eustbnnd front haul iltont, engine No, 13118 and in charge of Conductor W. ()shortie, Engineer J, ;1, Flood, Fireman If. Clarke and Brakeman C. E. Troyer. FOR THE LLAMA. AUTOMOBILES TO BE TAKEN INTO THE FORBIDDEN LAND, New York, Oct, S.—:\ special despatch from Lwtilon slates that one sequel to the British intrusion into the forbidden land of 'Tibet, from Which age -long cus- tom excluded western inventions, will be the inunediute introduction of automo- biles, Captain O'Connor, British trade agent itt Cynitze, taking en 80 horse. - power motor cur for the use of the (rand Llama of 'Yoshi 1;1iuntpo, The incongruity is Increased by the fact that neither ears, roads nor curls are known in the neighborhood of Tashi L'Huml►o, and the motor will be the first wheeled vehicle the natives have seen, The Tashi Llami will have a road tnnde from his monastery -to Ovantze, where there is a new British raj, •.+ Sign of Classicial Music. (Atchison, Kuno Olnhe.) If n piano player is pltlying a piece that sounds as If the didn't know It very well not has to stop every minute and start over that really means that the music he Is playing Is cl;.islunt in -Furness, the Bight Ili'\: ('11.1,1'; (lure, Iti-hop 1.t' 1!irmlitrhlun, made a %lutea'% '(Ily uddhl• \yul'tl, 11enlr do- 1-utt'd to n (11'11' iliitlut(iuliun 1(l Ihu 41111112k, Chain, ..f ,11111 Ile dell:lred (hilt clt'rrynn'n 14,111' nut in lonrh 011it tlhe In11uritg people. and he ;l -ked it this weep not hreat,t the ('11t11•tit 1.l' Eng- l:ttl is a chervil of 1111, rich nod not of the poor, 14 ellpittl lied not of 1;111,11., elture', he added, tynikod from nboye mit, loon Iteltov, The iteuntes, of the Iti•ll- 1.p; rnm;tmd !'hent tyith Ihe \\Tallllir. classes, The t'lergy tool their %yiyes lull families !1.d their nllttwltl friends among the gentry and the profession• id (dosses, It twit; rlu't 111 find ntt ilr- tistut rettll,v itt hunt' 111111111g the clergy, Jti.thnp (lore erudite(' the titrgy \illi tvorkitig 'nater among, Illlm Our, hot he said the church night to Unit tlw ednsinistrntion of poor relief and en- sure the representation itt the work - i1..; people, Bishop 11rt'(, 1010 is famous os 1l prmumhrr it. writer on r1.!iginus ,duh• j(.1.1.tad editor of the 1wr11 kliutt•n Lux \11111111, i. n tntnkllke ascetic. CHEAP FRUIT. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO REDUCE RE- FRIGERATOR RATES, Nun Francisco, Oct, A,.--iieg'illlliitt Ori, 10, the Southern Pacific will matte It 'l) per emit. reduction in its tariff on com- modities shipped under refrigeration. :1t present t1(' clut•re of shipping per- ishable e(ntnntditit's is 25 per emit, nluve the cost of the shipments, As It result of this change of policy, California fruit con be bought 1(l a much cheaper price in tn,trrn ,Stoles, 1(Llt''ger shipments of fruits and other 1, ti utblt l ltuntodilies will also 'e (.n- t'umraged. forittartaxmlistatIlltwatlitamtowoo.tit-",..mmtarsoteontr .tastomtmatmtl... ITS SUPERIORITY Over Japan Teas is so pronounced that tea critics have nothing but praise for it on a teapot infusion. CEYLON GREEN TEA Every leaf is uncolored, undoctored and of virgin purity 1'.t( 14:T; (iN1,1% 4411t4, 511t, find (20e 1.1)4 AT A1,1,6110(14:104 p 11‘,41r 111.4 1i4,1b. lbw /b. 11)•-111. /14,1It- lir 'Ibt• gb- lbw 1.1.4 lb. /b. 1i4,41i44 1164,111.116//b. / S"Nr•Ale"1,4"Ne1WP"VP'Noone0Ar4"WAr^ler•Ne^Ner•Vonro•WW•1~Nr 14 JACQUETTA ..A.0Awi^..A+4.4.#40\^•^..eA•d4r lb--lbrilfr ^%.11t.Alb.11Wftw 'N•11,16.. 111,/b Ih- ',•//& "ii ,v"" " " '2''I' 11 BAI.) KNEE CURED BY ZAM-BUK. A GREAT TUNNEL SCREME. 4'01 i •f' 1'411,4 44' III ,1 1'1.11 tit,' iio11-4- 1- 11,1111144'4i. ‘141 1111 12 111. in 1114 I ,4'; 22"!') IIII1 lit'11111111:!, The great, funnel honeath h., Detroit, A footballer's Valuable Experience. 111 -vet.i.‘Vind-mr, will P111 he 11 111141 Aid I:1,411:2,11 I' • i111.'d 1.1,:',111 i .',1-. I i,11•111 Ail ." pry n A:r-, 1 ; 4. 1 .4'" 41:,;',... 4I I 11-4141 011.4'. 20 21-12102‘ -'44 .4 !2,44,I 44 24114.1 1 144 14 14,-1 - 14: 1 -I, 4' r4II. : 44 \ li . 2, \ ,.., it 144,1 4,. 14;4 vs. 1,44,444 ail 1414)414.-4, 44 1'011'41 1112“, .14411, 1.114.' 4.,4111 Fact 1 11 \,,,,I ',1 1•,1 1 lo'l . 1 11 I !,, ' livl 31,11, r111 I, :11 1' , : ;"-1II, , '..,'- 1,i ,t!li ,s,:'.1:. 1111•14 III J111 it . 1(1,:1., 1::;:'INI ti,1\2%\.'‘I1,:;,'11, 11111,116111)1:k1 11)11..1.:11:' t1,11"Ihit; '. -, ii 1". 1.1111:.- i-1 1 414- I Au,- ,,i Z,i411 • I 24,%‘.... And ',!44- \ -11,4,1,...,4 ,,1,4. 1 4.1 4+ . Ali 1 , r :olio 4 0.1, , 24 111'1'1\1. ',1,14' • li,l,', ill 1 ,1,411._ ,,,„ 1 " . 2 i,..A s 1: , 1, . , \ :oi L. ,i1,1 .; hi. 11,,,i,il, 1-. i, 4, , .„ 1 14 1.,iiih-', .1- t0'14 it:•.4411114111'11141 fort)) tit 1/134 ',lib 4,4'111i. tl 4'`,- ..11-,i ,1,1 1 _, ,, /.1-..1 • .',,::, : t 1- ., .1,.,,,,,, ,s1 11, 111,: 1 ,,„' 1' . ..,. 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'..,, , s,..,,„ ‘,1„,,,,,,,t ;Lit, 1 1,4:11 111 1 110 1 1411111. 1 1114 414.-,T1141 loll -.\2.11••• II'I.II1 1 );..I.II'r'I' 'I' I '1 '''''''': I 1, ,, 1,4 1 1 2 , 1, , ; ,,1 I 11,014,-, 1, :I 1 ';, , , 1 ,, 1, , , 2 ,,,, ,2 22,11. 2 ,,21 441 1 1,,, owl hod d. \\ Hill, 1,,,i -24,1 1, r„,4„It, %Ind 1. ,'1 ,11.' it,i11., • }',; , ,, ,, I ,!'A .,',I I : ',II A 1. 1 0•1.,i , , I' '' , 1 I : .,4, 7 ,1 4, i1 , 1110 ,,i'l '1 11111:. Of 1 hti -1/444; 14:1114,441 1, 1 111414,,, ..;, _. 2, . ,, ,,S,1 :,,, 1,1..1..,4, ,, .1 1,,,,, ,. . , . , , ,,, .22 ''''''''1' ,,',.,„1 \ '''',,";:i.::,,''',;1,1 1 :, 214:::\AI' III .,,1 in!rii 11 1 i . 1,4itt., ,nilliVili2 1•1 A Y. VI Atli, .11d,101:k . '' I h• 1 '' . ' ! , .. 'III' .1 ! 110,1/ i 1 j ! 1. '') .1 !,; I' . :I , ' 1 ,10, ,, ;I I. ,I ,II,A. '2 I 11,, +.11,, I „ . . 1 ;Uhl' I 1)V (111.(1;4illg 1',l 1. lip 2422., ,414 lias 1 A.:\ ,,I,:i.2.11,1,11:, ;::::. ji liy:11 ., !:,i,,I 1:1,:. ,,,,. .. : r ,,, i;,, : ,, :::l "A .1`,::\",. "!2111. I 2 ,1,1"221; yy: ,!: ,'4:,:-i.:1- :,:), '-,1-4::.:4:' '1'1', '1:;::i --,:01,;,:,' -I. ';11::::': '1'1',',:221,',':.:11141,11)-41::t:;;I't 11:1441visli4141(,;141,1" 41:14:Allilini4‘4;*121i411!11 .. ,4 4,4:,- -.0. 04 44,,44.4 14 4.4 j;, 14,,,A41'," .4 , .1 !,- 4, , , 11 1 1.2% '1,1,:.,, 1 44 1 1 Iiiii24, ' 12 1 "I 1, ;!! 1112 ' 121."1".1',11P:iy"2 y". "", 2,1_ ri.,:,, i., .'.1,. '.4, A\ . : 1 i.' : ,i, ., , - . I,. , I s., s, , Ai O,i,,1,14 is. 4 .os 1,1:L ,, 1„, ....,;,•s, II, lioili,11:14 1. r ,,) Iwo) 21. to pi'I'lllit .44414 111114111g I. '1.114',1' li :, ...,2 1;211;112;i4,2\1,,.44,,,,411:12.:;.1 ..4 4.H:...14 ,-; '1: 1,4,4: ,, ;:,..,:';'21f-21444:;.,,, 11 i.,, 42? 12,,121 i 1::212:;21,1 1;.‘,.,,.;11 :,;:.1: ', 1: ,' .'.!:',I:11.'t :,•*1:::1;;;;',1:11:2:,:: /1,21111,,1:11:: '111');11'il\lit:\:;.'1:41;2;;;1111(11:1"Ohi1:::121121:1I'll4):;:1 1i1111:21'1i1141.1'1;1111:1111:1;iils It ',''''',212112:1:: 1,0'1, 21 11 ,1 A 111y4.1. (11 221;1 1 cria 1 111 -u41- -,114,14.,, 4 111,1;•14. .14,1 114.1:, .4 ;024 . '21, .11' ;.41 ;11.'12.4 (4.1.1;121,'11'.1., 12.A.,-11,11-'..'1lif' 2' ,;4;i",;', 1":11t. 4 ;44 244 224 the 12114!'4-, 1414114-41 the pile.. Ale .4. 1. ,,,,, .', ii, ,h 1 1414',1 d IL'''. ;"'4'1'' '''''2) .- I." fili:-!, 1 ; , ; ; " ; .., 1 4 ., .., ,! 1 0 t i-11." 1 ;4;4 MI 1)1 - 1. .., 1' 1. ,i i. „. :. ,i.i i11..! 'hi!!! 1., the1 1 Lin, \di., -412 0 41.1-14,:.! .1' ..... I. .;,,, ; „., :, 1,,,,,, -411., 1...4' , 1 11.411,.1; 1,0 .• 4,(.1 "1111w uf 1'22* *1'2." 2 222 ' ' ';'.2''' '2" ''''''''''''1 l'"'; \d'i' 11,,,,, or ,,,,,ii,i -nil , c., -00 ice:, 1,'.i ill, 11112 1222 iIii! he:11'111;z ',on, r. ti,,11 222hed in s; lo4411,1 -',I. 1 l!,, 11 4 0- :,i ,1.,,,, r, .1 14.110:-. -,,i, ti.pid, - „., 111,2 2, In, 114.,,,,....,11,2, 1,, til in 1,1011.. or 12 to l'-, in. in thiel:ne• or as nitich mow 1 1.4,0 f,,;; !i; ! -1 ; ox, - 4. •he 1.,,,. .1"! 1!,,, - . - 24, !! ,.• 1 I ,"11- laiti,-, 11)11 121 111 1 111 1 1144 h,/1 1,4111' 411 liftiirJ !ler 4%2,-. , 4 42 the t4,,,, si.0.0.4t,,:s "!',02 is \ii- .\04.,11-",1 this 444,,rojn,.4; 444, ;1 , 1 .1 . 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(1-..11 ',/, 1.,11-1111i.; 1% .1(11, (1.,,.,1 11•%•• "1"' 4' \ ' 11/''''' '1''' " '''''''• '2' " \61"2"I 1 11 /1 11 'AO 101.11 1 i./11 I/1 I'l".11(.111. ‘V11110 111“ • 02 er 2 .(1 10 1 11.1(1111.!, V/1 100 1 dr,,,1411111 look' ' 1,,22or :11 1,i., f,,, t, 1) 2)! ii,,,,„ 4,,q. 4,1,1 1,,.11,,,4 lip,: :m,1 111 1 1444 , 1 hp 21444244,4ry 4,1 1 4 4112' 24 retc110.2 42011'2-1UP' !", 50,1 I t 11 d ti,1 A;444,4!i 1 44, 441-.t 44;1,1 4)( i 4 in : I 1 ,- ...\,:nil..12:1;:11,11:4:2 41;1:211:4)1124121[1,, 4',1:11:2,11:1.11,":!111.1.;:‘.11: -;::ii 21::',;.1..'" 1 1 1:4.221:',...14,11., ii,;;':, ;;;4!;,,,!.:114,,144"If''14',: '4,17;II:* 11 414:21ili4'4,'42 ";io, 11.1:44 14::4;1,...1.:4,:iivi.:4.:1''Iii (1;4.1' ;f1)24.211' ,iii, 4.,24 . ;, 4,1 colorless fare! 44\ 11 '2 i'lemled .1%14.-1, 41 4 'i :ILI 11 112111' ;I 111I dr in !c.d.: ' 4 414. 1 f 41-,4,,rsi1:4; ,,-.1,12,,,'1 .. 4.f lowlier:1 1,1,, borror. ":21 2; dcar child. 1 111,2 cr %%till. 1,,,,4 1; 1 „ 1 2 1' 11 .4 -,2 iter ....; 1.i ne., 0, ,1 ;,._ „, , i 1,!„, :,,,,i !,,,,. ,,2 , .. 1,, i 1 1 ,. it," a 121,4.1,-; 4,1 1 ;:,. 22 4,1 l', ,, 2 , , •,,,-- ,;,1 -lir( 1; 11,01 112!! 1,4. -an!: in I le, 1 14;11,11 ...\ icotsta, dealest! 1 Hi, Ilea 2 111-', \11 Ides, y,,11" i'„,,- h., „Aid, 1,111 1 11,,,, ono .,1,4 :4 ',1 , 4 4 2- - ,;;;;;:41 4, ;11-ei,v lltt!,, lair.:1. as :2;1 , ,.,1 .4.1 I 1, 1 ;,,,,,;, of 1;01,,,10-1,,spair, 1,,, 112' 'r ;TH" 1.1.""" "1 ''- 2,1111'• `,21 ,,a, tie" steel 1 1 at. 11 11,1 I111. 11141 of ,,.tra 'Pill IL', 111 1, -,1'1,11.1,0 a tills,- horn E114,11All• 1, 1 ,1, ,, 2, 11dH1;,,,1 4,1 1, 1,04 4,1 ,',',',1111" 1'1 '11 I:"I'.:'.2.'1..,: .. 4- . :'41:. ,Hi :' '.'• "2 P"'l f 7" .'1 :1 hil r*d". Tli'' '''''''l 1 111"''' IViii 1, 2/ 11/1 1 1.• 1 III' 1110/1 11i11::; Ili 1.111"..." 111 1111/1 111" 1111 11.1 1111 211'1.(111. his facc. ,i sped .1.11,111,1:41 Hi 4,1r44:-. ;-.11,, roso, sio2y1 4,,, aii,1 1,,,,iirihy, ;111,1 siii• , 121 21,1,1,111,10:,,!;1,,,,f,.4.1-01,14,,litt,,j",, \,\;,.1i111iil,,I,Iint.s 1:111111,,1 111'22- '1'1 1 12"2""' 1 i' H. . '\I 1.* 2:'' '1‘ '22;2; 1'''''' 1'1°' f'11''';';'''''' 2 2'22T'in‘1* .12*."1"11!“. II" 1'11ir''' i" 1"11:21" uf 2ii:i 11- ijr in '121'.;112 "1 111. MY 1 ;Id 1%111 /11(111' *." 1011,1 W1111111'1 1 ,1 1.1 11'11 I. 111'1 1.111111 Ili" III\11,,1,„," 4,,41114, in a 1022', vas-loirate or!' room. of 111 1, 2' despair, from the 22 hit 4. lip- of Soon nitor 1 11s1,rolv(' retired to his -X111'" '1""2"q2; 1-111(''111°:t.1 t..141.2 o:2'.)after vainly ondoavoring 111 2!". , 111111..,1 1,er 1411,1,:, and -1-ittf: 1112'da rling; sol o ilio 1112;,:cr2-, flung himseon . lf the 11'1.1 11;11 1 22411201 glr;11.2. 11,1 ve 1,s raiod la• “2';1111 1 i` 2)11: •\ 111'.14 ;Ind in 1;! 1"4 1V;1.; 4IIiI 11111111-422.1,1r. 12.1111,141\Vill;.111244'411'11Y 2111)2;1111.111112i11111':".):11 o21.1,1. 24 111 thimean 11 • 21'1'1 /. 1 21 12141(1.I 44 1 411w y4,11 !Ica,' )!I 11' 11 11f^ 121.-1'41 10; 1114:111 11'ori ow, 1224' 144411n1;1' 10•:1 \VIM 1 1 111)11111 sitonor fin; Ithhered and smouldered fit hilly; he how:41 .1 1 the -IA 10; 1 ban re2 cal! \\ bat and „4„10, 2,- 1)11'121111 y 22)211111'. "1 maw, a 22 di. 1,light 111 life, 141-4) rty tlir,0111 the ‘,1,1 111;111..i1,11, n11,411 (pies( this morning," , 11,y hall, 11,1 '.4211‘.1 1.mo ;Ind \\told, I!„1 1041 - 1,1 01..1 i11,0111,10 Ill.\ lift. 11 101 1 111'0 -11011 4.11,1(,), and f •t 1'11112 11:11111 2 ljd 1i.111'1111'1, "lor VIOL 1111oi ha V11 „it p ! 1;1 V 11:2- on 1,j.. , 111. Ilg 11)1 111 1/1.11 1,01' 2., •01. 0,/nilln.C,'" 11;111 ,11',1 41.4' ;1 \ 2•:,1„, 41 44,1, HI -•14,11;1 1 :1 14,1 1 loll, droppiiil Thcro 22-.1s a 4., Had in Ilie air: the 1"•' "P"1 -"I .1 r"', -11" 'AA hark, '11'0;11. sound (11 11111`Ir, ;mil far off, 111 o. an.t 4.4.11:4 II, I 1,4 a ov„ ildeied, and 11144,10,,1 aroond, 1(1;, 1 1,,2 en bell, us" s1,4, 'she not claz,,;," interrupt oil 1111' ill 1 „h.,. t.i.1/210; 201 I. "I' M 1', .1 11 i t 1 ...41,14,,I; 411 1 Hi"' 1 1'1.11'1 'I 1'11'1 '; 1. 1" • 1 '1' 1.,-101. 1'14.'21; 14- .1- ;or found 111.1-4 4 on \ 01.14,ht I 41 111.14, -oh 11•010. o'." ' " ' -1 o. ' ..2.,1 N.; I .m.0 a ih1 hat.1140. The pimps 11111 lw lo 11.;10,111t 4,,1 in c \ ..011,10 _HI it .., :Ind 1,,,, pt up ,1 11 iI 1,11 4.••. .4•.,1 ,,,,,s 1:10,10 b 4-, ,,`, l:, 1,, 1,2,22) 2221il a ,1,011," roc,' 11i 2,24 O1 . 111,Z121121; I'l• 1,1'1 di '.;•21144,' Idow ...1 \\ ord... 4,,1 you, 1 ', 44, Ow 1011 .1114. i141:','S 141'1 112 144' \'4•11,,1 :mil r,44111,,,,1 ,4•14 as 11) he ',1 1p44)1111(41,\,' ‘4,01,4r- .\ 1 1 4-1- 1,1 4;1 1,j,4.1, ;0•0444;1, n 10,1 Io' _NI 4'. Oil l'UNI, YU:\I 1, 1 hill!, Tho steel t iihos ar,, to 1,0 1 oinr,o e,,,I. iinhi'l 1.\,.1'';h:' 1-1:: 111,'''1'‘,h1,1 ili',1 It'll'il1,4lil'i'o'411}S7,'...",°:111.0., '12;:lit ' ,421 Cho 4,11 1,411, al4,u1 1 14•1,1,1'y 12, 12. 11,1' 1 4.1 1 ,1,, \\ d l', :,4 Id dil,,,244,,4;1, .,,,,,Ippili., .111 '\ 41 1'111,,,1 1 r11,1 1.111,'2 :1 ',,, .4 i11' 11'1'11 11:I I '"I'",. ‘I l'I II Delicious \\Tava o -f ;11 Prepatitlg 'Green 1 ,d,ii.21,1:1',1,1',1112,1111,1! i ‘1\ilisiicliiiki‘t‘ii.41.1 4:-111:2,'\11t:111.41,jst. tlil',"114'4'4',..il; . . ,111,1e1.,1 1 o ...., 11 1:1.11 1.1. /AM \ 111;11,..!: 1;..! \' ;1.11"1' 22 11 11 ,111(,111"1..1, 11111 Ile \V .1, 111.1 1 11.1 1 .4..1 . 1.'11.. 1".,..i.1 : l':2 :41 1'1 I:1 1 1:', 111(10 11:1'11 '11 1111 1 1111 t .1iP 11:1 11 1 11111'11 1111, 11 1.1 1 Ili' re.,,;" she sai'l, tis t1102- 220,441,1 II" c inierruoted 114,r, ..1 t.• -1"'•,1‘ 1" 4', itt;41 11,1• 1-1 2, listrii me; .\l4, .4444 ‘ 4111 1-4; 410111, 21.'' 4•141; 4421 111 221111 4•44 4.1,444;„4 r‘ 4.2,4.4.2 -114; 141.11'1•1 1 110 14•11,1, ,L4 I 1, 4, , j‘ 4,4 44,1. 12 j1 11 44 4;;1 444_444, 4.1.411y 4z!,4 4•4., 1,4 144•1• "Y44111' 22(11,' 104;41 4•4111 111'' 4;11 -11-14),;1;11 41 1'411111 1111'! 1•41.0', and if lie does, poi I I., 0:tol 14,1i 4.1 1 1114, Nvor41 fro111 y1411 ‘4,•411 4•1 1,•4•2 11:2 4•14•,1-0. 21 1441 -1 a 1121 11 14,1 11 12! 101. hur !Jo! Ilur 11111.0! 101' 111,2 -.a 1:0 for 24111 *421 14: • (,44- 1,44 1's 2.,2;04, 12.2 1111' go'," 4•114; falling. (Imo hor -,12 pim-I 1.1 4, on 114,' foot at, his feet. 14,11 do not loolly 2', ha 1 ,v,411 Pre siit ing," said li''r' father, alitio•t he r21 144, 41 her up, -This 1%,),..i• an 14. .4 nuirderos-!" "And y4111r ila 11'.2.1ilur 11'or-e°," -1,44 1121 -101121 4;;.1` 01'1021, 1 1111g112g lior-r11 111»11 1 ho 111111 'hen starling up au•lin, as if dor:mm.1 lry -4e114, glia‘y,14g. unlit tenthly pain. "1 saints hi heaven! 24-11:1 1 will 111,4,40110 ow pap! 1,,t 111,1, 21 !odd not -41 0 mo 10:4.1 :11your -1,01 her gip for Alpo von.; key, claimed Ii144141-14% -111,fore you di ivy your 41,1 lig liter 111-4,ine, NVInit 1.4 114'1. life, or that 'Il 41 410/1.11 11124,01'11 1110 \VIVI (1144v. 1114:0 11111 14,-, ,, 1,1,1.11' 11441'44 he \I'd,. \\';I.1 1,., 2404 41:ing r '11w:wing"' the air 2vas full of 14111-14, yol. 1211, 2r„.; „marl, 1,‘• floosie ; 1.:141 ra414.0,1, enrop• lo, 44,1 1 ;111,1 listened, dimly 12141!' Bering if the 1111 ens 11;141 opened, awl ILO,' \V.I./. :11.:*11• 111' I1V:1 1)1, 111.1 111.- / 112' WW1' 02.2: 1 II 1 110 11111. '1111111111. Fa Ill'''. "I'021 1111 0.1 1 1 11. :1 1111 :OH 11 ‘‘ 1 11 1 11 1111.11." It (Vied :1 11 :1y 11,2 1111'11 il‘VaY 111 11.11,, •,11 11,I, 111111'4' l'01111 11.'4 1 11 1 /1111*• 11011 211 1%111 IP' k‘ 1 1 11 1111 1 11 : :11111 1 11191 1111 1,1 11'111 11 1 11 1 1.:1.11 11 n.1'411011, F111' 111111 110 -11 1 1 1.'10111 11'. 1'.1 1 11 1 11'1. 110:1 1 III!' 1 11 1111.1 VII 1 110 I:1 III V'T '1111 1111 : 1)111 1101 111 1114' 11111 1111' C:1 1' 1/11 OW 111t.1:1 11111111y 14 1 )11 1 1'2:11 \ DOI 11.1 I hi. o1.1 11.10 .`44144.441 (110/11..V. OW ;11 10.1 \CHIA ‘V/1111111);!. 11,' again 141,1' 112)1 a 1111 dre,t1144•11, 1111,11.21 111'14u41, of 11111- :11',•1 .121211110 1:1 1141 140.1241,4411144 S14:1 1.11 14,4‘ 4., 21 14,1 1.41 1 14. -01 1“2-14 01.1-2, 1111 14141 11'11 1'1111-; 1 11'0112 f;•40 111)111, 11111 11 1114' f 1E-1 1114•114111L; -1111111..1 111 F441•1144 1 1 110 4,13 r•I'llrla 1114'1 111111 1111141011'. 21 11.1 (1'11 140- 11121v ;and ,a;11.101y its a 1,:i•s the el, scd ,;( the ;come.; Fa4.!lishinan's 11:12.1; 44-4-1 (.11Ap.1.1,p, The ;-1111 ,:ias high in the heaven- Pro 21)4111 2!! a‘t-4414,e, 1111(1. up, he lei,tirely 144,ran to dress, riiminal • in.: -till on I 11:4 litioecoiiiilable invident• of the pre,.i'ding 111:,141. 1'4111 all hi., rum- inations 4,11,10,1 hy leaving him n...041 111111 HIT; and the (01.0 on \rail, at 111111')! 114 21,111'.nd interv;ik. linr voni)arnd to that. of 111,v colisill:" ,vrnindy, and -:loggo-41 4441 not 11111.! 11.11./.14, nulled her eyes 1111 him %rill' to 1201p 111111 out if his difficulty. 114,1. simoring -111111), 11 1111 :411111: 14'1 1 1 11111111111;.; 110 1,14_,: 4,11.1 of 11 1.111w, he Inv ixo, I faithfully 10'0mi:44 1(1 lityp 1:111 (144\vii.1.011•4. 1121-41 011'4111211 110 11:111, .1'0111' 2121 11:111 cr.:2 secrUl 111141 111) 11.1' 10 1110- It 124 24111 of I_ 1111 11011 (burr, 111111'11 141Y 10:21 :111,1' 1420. again, me and it (pen to admit 1111' 11114 /1* 111111.11111_r air wiH a1 your perH!" and bright sunshine, 44, !hen," said Mr. 1/e \'ere, the .‘'4411114r guardsniiin stood Ivilli rage a 1141 auguish; "and. may hea• leaning ncoligent12; against the 2111•1 ven's tvorst enrses gI1 121112 Y1111 I." 1111.(111.11 1'1 ‘‘ hildi • 111111•111 ,(11 1111' 1;1'17;411! 4.111111)d slightly 111411 144422'4'41, and (14,441.2201 2., In., hoard footstep met .1114,41111,1 la's flashing eye lyith a, loot I. : ucaino [(Jill, a 111) (21, 114.X1 1110111191 I Vrallk uN 1111 11 11 1 1'1111111011, 1101 11111111g 11, 11'11 11 itiyou rud, 1,411( 1111 4.12uur.r, 0112. 711111g14,11 1114121 !Iry 111111 111:2g11221,, Ile "'kilo! 21 1'?" 11114 111:2 F4;1 111 la young girl made her a stern niotion to and, williehing the door, held it for her to pass, "You svear 3tour chains sr) grarefully, 1111.2 littln door." sohl 1;r17,7,1V, 118 S101..11'4'111. 11211 1 410111 1:1141\V 2111' (1110 111'0101' 11/12.1 1'1(41' 10 10116 your sistio. 1.114, ir1 114, \Vlinever 21011121 y1111 to 1 you are?" '')41'2111l1' 1'' exclaimed dahlitietta, stomp - her foot 1421:24441(41111 \Via ono of her laughs, so galling to the passed (no ; ond dn'olnettii sudilkly ar• mold. wet 1 oyos 1)Ishrom! 11111111 her its if in wonder at 1111' 1 4:1, word,.,;;To his•stirlirise, her hold, bright, glance fell, and her face. a moment be• fore 41(411411y pale, greW derpest crimson to 1212, yery „r hair --as she torlind away ond averted Ilei 1122141, T114) 111'Nt 111.S,111111:, .:11igusla 1;neel• al her father's •14,141, clasping his 1:nees, "Papa, dearest papa, spent: to me. yolir 0121V:11:gust a (111, papa, ilo not say '011 (1111'2V 1011 for 11,1111 1 11112•14 122411p!" "Curse you, my darling child?" he 41111(1, 1,14)1;ing; sorrowitilly up, "Oh, Augusta, whal have you done? IVItat is this you iinvy 41101114Y" "Oh, impn, Itot; Inv," she c‘x• Claimed, in it (1,2.ifi)4, despairing voice, "It 220111,1 Ili 2) you 10 know! ()111y soy Hint, Corn, permanent po,ition. 1114' Ili -.i,1', 1,441.220,4,11 the 11)11 )111':l 1414 1 1111/../ 11 1- 11 1/"1 1 or t 1.;1:4 44 lien, • are to 144, rehtf4)1•04,41 211111 a stillened .,1111'2 .11, 1 1,1 ,- 41, :1144.44 11 A 2411!)" 4d11011 he :Ill 301111,1 1011111"i'. off -0,410;241,40e :10,1;,,. to i -it -del, , 1111' 441 • 111.,. 144-4, 11lily, 11111- of 1 in. in diameter. al• Ill 111' ,111•1.! 2 11(.1*(,1 2)1011.'111 of , ,, \ 1„:,„ ii,,,,,1 ii; ,,,, ,„,,i,,,,,, ,11(1,,11,_, co, 1,,11,_: 4,10,020 ,iiitc,04. t,, i A i 1,1 ' 111111;111', 1 :.'"iii.:-11111,1h1.F.wi;122111:1112V1 II:::1 ' 1 it'hiti.1;1•1-.:1"11.,, 1Viii:',1: 1 1:41 1, •••":1'1' 22 1111 it 1,, 1 11 i1;1 V1' 11 11111" head. 11111-, ;kr', 1: * 1111 I l'"*.'110(1.(' l''21 1 11rd 11,11! 1, .....: (1 .• 1111, . .1 11.2 •/*1•1 1'1 1;11' 1:11./.. 1.,,„1,,,L, The (.1111, 1(1 1111' 1111,1" MI' 14) 1:111 1 111. IVA./ `.1/1111.1 11111:' 111111'111 1 - ',WI.' ,1,1,.•111..1 1,1 b.! .11111(' 11 1.111 12-1 '.1 .„,,,,111,.w:: ,,,,,, ,i;:,. ;,,n..., (,,,;ii , r,„„, ,;„! reilifore,,,I 211111 •imilar radial ;rods splen,11,1•1,1,11;ing littl,, 0,121141 111 111 • 11,...1.-4 •;1* 4,10. 0;11,41 ',1 lid a 100 114;1, 1 f.;10 ' 111111! to 110 111'141d 14, 21 WA", !III' 111.2- i 1 111, ^11011 eyei, such featuro.4. 411,11 is -,1i,1 1 -1.-14, ‘4: ',or - and f:'ior.,1:,--- fa' i1, 1 141- 1,10111142 0 1 rto ,1 I:41 4%114, 1;12 t1 111' i,';1 1,17,1";:.;':1::1111.12rviiiillvii'llitriii,iligil:111,1:1,1;0.1, )1:12-iltnliii itiligi: 2.1"2 11.1 2 '122'-11. 22I2 i'2 ' 12 .22:2 r2"';222 "22° 1 2' LH' 2'''" i.2 "'w12 22"2::222 -2'1.2221'2' 12222" " , T1o, 'lee! in t10.4 1 ii1, is 1,, he of the Heins., and foe:. ...He!! hair!" --and Jaciiiiel ta poi, . du, 1,21;1-4, , 1, an„, -1,,,,., 1 1,„ 1 1,m; ,I;22,2,2, ,24.,2,i2,ii..i"..::,1,1*;,,`: 11.11,'2,1;':- h'2':;;;i",. 1 .:112-\,:"'‘'.;,. Ig2;.:'%!,[1. 11,4,101)414,,iii,ri4,p,i,ien,s,i11141,:1,7;,,t.r4;i1:11,,,_.1ya 4,1 ,),';0111) 111 ,tiperli littly 14,1 111, shell doiht 2; 11:111,1, orable Alfred l'1•to.,22c (.11 ''2 1 Plot 2,,,v sone, dishes in 22 11,.:1 it :- the thief in - her ,,22 11 early head till its red .ritc_:11,1 s glanco 1 ain-- "and such a , iss,itisi,,,,. .1 01,, somellititg. Having ;.:1,,„11,,I. ; ;llie I ut„,„: wilt I„. sunk :,,;1,,,yriii,,14,, or ;Hod irr.14.1.111 4 1 .111.1 then tho 1 1 1 1 '1 2\ 111;11d 11101- 1 1 lid" 11 111.111 1.‘' '''y '11' coin 2 10,1%2 !,,,... .'-,4,.11 4, ,:0,1„scrope from ii1;1.1,riliii1121111111:1"I111-44(1'11\vfi'01111:1.111),i,):111.1!),.tr',1111121:1114:11;;.td- ,.;1.1, ,1: to.-0111ro,,,,2. lie tool. ail\ ;Image 0,,, ,.„:, ,,,,,,i,,,,,, 1.:, 11 "'II., 1„ 1,,,,,i,,, '01,, 2241y 114, doffed his plumed eap a 11,1 made ow s11111 a 1'01141 1.,' 1011', 11'21:2 21 '114111 1,1 of a slm:',. :22,. «1»,' ,111 1 he ruiri of 1.1r,i111:. 11i.11.1, 11,111 1 111. l',:/- 1 4.'.1 ;„;2; minutes 114 pair of tulles is Jo 1),) provi,12.,1 22'itli a f,,rms ,upporl 4,,1 o11 j1411112. 1•1;14•141 1 111)4' or 4.1,0, 1101 to 1114:1 r of, 1 'h. 1 114, little dor- ""11,11;'.1"1"11 1" 112" " 111d'' Ily'r I l'''' 1"11'. one ,01.1 1 1 ,•2 14.1 1,,,„ -1.1,u out .12141 ilisc.irl Hi nis ..41 11 ;;,•,,01 III, ring!" said Javyiellta, !,41111.! off into a C0.4,144,1 II 1. :4 4. 144. r1441,4 on, ho fell ifiln Colo. Poi; oil,. ,r1.1 4: , ; ,1).44•,) i 4 22- f1,44,o• 41,41acha hie tipri;2 lit, at each en.1 fir1111,‘. small rapture, 11.,11 1 1111(1*_!(:). 11:4 ...1 11'10 1 iii• 144o -1., 1,, i,.;... file 41,,note.: ;(14.; ,11 21 40, 1 :1,111 low 14,11g1 11 to indit.atii tho position oi the liraPv,1 1,1 1111' 1 111 i," ;u2,1 of suffiei.”it ,4:111,1,,i.g12120 11.112111,21)0:1;:1112,0 I 21):::,1111,1,1111,11111:ii,.:11111 1.. ,,,:,,,,,1,217,, \;‘.,41:?1,21,4:1.1,:i \Le 11;1111,1,4,,i,;(1,11,1414141.1 oolfhi1,1,1.!: : ::1141'1.11:::';1:2::'.';11,1,.111, 1,1:1].,1,11 ,i1;:;1:,:i.'11!,f11!.2,;11.,1'-c,114,1:,\: 111111,14n:1, ,12,\,•rhv°4,4111,11.11siie1,111,4111111.1.40).:1:.1,1:121".if((;)11.141.111.)111.1tiit'41:71.1.1111:1111).11?Viii:i21 I / ,..4 I - , 1:111,2;ev11/111,21. 1,111;111,1f1, i /1,1,;;;;I 11 (1rile11111:11t0(111i111:1f a heart. 111;""' 111'1".1 111''.1; 11"11"'" hin" 1'1' " lif"`" ""21 122121212'F' 1J" "f 221‘ 21; tilii'' 1:"' 2."121 ft. :11,112-0.the 22',Itt4. after the tube is in about : 1,t4t in .11 Ilis dr,';1111, 11 nd 4,,,,i- ,1 11 re;-:iiis 4,1 c,,,,r. 1 1;1 a -.4u,,,,i,:i.i , 111 • '1 :1 1 1,, 1 - 1 .1, , , 1:114,0;•, 1 he he:104, of ,1:11-1111441 4:4 e4.,•14 2%4! 1. :111 01 1:.il,' 1.1i 01.- oi p .i.11o4,-. r ,1 n „ ;14:, to brim!: t.114 sl.,4...tion int,) alignment. I he tiprights 21'111. therefore c xtt,1141 10 salt! lli‘liroNve "\Vliere ilid you see him?" 11'1*;1 liti.,..r ft stroll ore). the hills, and 1 hro‘ve, 4.4ighing. -Holy i 21i,;11 1 114,-,142, 1101." :mid D', \\ akin„,:. 21,;2•111.,,„, 1.,,. .,....:,/,:,11,,112. 1,,, ,.,;,.. ';\ oho.. no., t.14, -4 4...2,:e,,, 1. 0..,: 2,1 1 ' A 1.4 4 , .,. , \- 4, , , I-- 41 .4,41 141 NHL4,2iiv, A flo 11,f 4,14f1,,),, 4f j4:44. 4 4 11244,4 2) 211 tro4 I 1,;11111,4r,:iii• each of 2 11"1' laIll'iglit-'4 1211 1 1),2. 2.4.1"2.1.41 and 12 12d , 1,111,;,,,I..22. or hi, ,,,,,,,31„ 3 1,1 1 i..if,11,, HI ,i1111111,1, fiff,,,,12 rli7211„,,,,. ,m310, 3 whit.; :,1:21:61,111., 11, 14 12 int l 1:1404: are. c.,114,11,1 1-41 in . . 1,1•1114, rein, 1111,1 1 he 1,o1.1 noiyile 41 1 1,444- hut 1,':' an41 l',.on; •1,111 otY rat la mill: ' (4 ( , 7 night- -preit,1. ho.1.4,•s, ain't I?" 14 ,;:i.;\4‘4.11'111.., 4 12.12 'ill 1114,21122:. 411i.i)l",2.4',Vros(t.)111it; sit 1:1111 11:111,112:111.111.1:1)(21.471111',1( 11111111111s2;:l til"i;11112.2til 11.1',1111[421),V 1.1\11111(121..:". 'it:" "1 ;1..1 1:' j';‘11:1.!];(... ‘‘s i .2`114" ::1111:1' .'1);::1111111:!11;, (1'.1i1L1111..:'1,11'111 111)1'111:0i ‘211.1'111' %.11.111'1:1:'(1'11..le:111111:1111-1(1)1.;:)(1:‘2111:::1:1111111111,111.11;i‘:11111ii:'1:g1t: i 11 111:.11; 1.11 111(_',1 1 (*1 11 1111 (20? 11.112i1 HU- ' five ininut 44s, odd slx, 1,ii.,:l.e11 cra,.ker- and 11124e /„.evio„sh. ,„„1" Tii„1,,„4,,, i:, 1„ and lool;ing unutterable things; 11111 din,• s111''21. 1111111m 1'411111°1 1111. -3,11I "1,1I,'„ "‘.1'I'Y''' SIIi(1 pi";111.11 11.P. 01D111111tiValir, 11 ll'1111, 110-4/111 1(.111111;(11., si/111. ‘V.11 111,111 11 `...1 V1', (1111.1 111 (1111Y lallg11(41 1 "2111,1 1 rested very 11111 oil I he 141.1,22. Of the fort 110,41 11111. III - ‘1 I. I, 1 2111 112C y011: 11111 22212 1ras rather "1" ',2 1",' ',lilt l*IP'd l'i' 12112112 "ill 1‘'L'i a siugular thing happened Ithout 1111414 tt'111)1 11 In -`.i'11' '1.11111'' 1111.1 I''' 17111 hill' " night." -1 1;,,100,1 1 11-11ii 1 \2'!Is it ?" iai1.1 ..fticquetta. itre 2va, the 1.14a, of a det,ion, ('I'u be continued.) 22'11 11 a start, and fixing lier bright eves full 111)011 14110, SAVED BABY'S LIFE. i 110 -10111'1 Of 11111- 11', 1 110 1 111'1,11,4110111 1 01'ill-1:11:11:11S12111.1110S) 11:1e'rfl' 11,) 111,41. ".1‘ 1'"I'.1. ,1:1""-:,Ilit illl'Ill'411. I'llt 111 1 111'1. 1.114r 1 il ' 1 1 2-1101::11.1:i":1:1-111:1::::;itiiii'pzi '1v1\*iii:411:1;t11;1(11:;11)in111'.vii,;:(21.44:11: 11,2111i:1 \411vii ifi:v 441;111,21:iiii),g111211111et (1012iti,,,,,,,,i1,401,1,111,7(1.11sh ii1 1„.„1„,1,..4. 11,11,4 1 desoricil part of the 'wildin)4, \\hat! 4111.0 .to thO judicious use of 11;thy's I livti 111,y 10) r 4,411,i11? Yon a if...1:igtial ti',Ttliiiiiig.;‘;')". .21,:'iliii:11:12,:,111:1A.'il:(1,si2t)::;';': 1;:in.'ak1'111111121;21't .,:t101e1rRi'tris: "No. 1 11111 11111 2 IL i• 0111 21211".." 41111' 4'.12 per1,111-4 the Taldot- have 41.1v41,1 a g;1 s mil; hill. a 4 if hy magiv, the light Why's 11(0„11r4, \Val, Forliii, St, k''- 21') 1„,,.11 .1 ri,,10,11 (non 111,), ,4,1,,,, the H,,,, 1 i1,2,,, 1,4110,. :„21y.: 1 (pp! ,m, kaby's 1 hyli 11'10111 hur Churl:. Ili,' 141.1"111.110-2 110111 her TaldPk. '':1 Vt"1 111Y 1"11)•V'4 lilt'. \V111111 41211,Cesili2;(11,1,111q,:i1111:1.11411,;k1,111,':111111.1;,11111.114:: 1, ;44(21111:141.4.,r4(1):21)11" )112, 1 1.11 sl hemiii )4i1 ing (111.111 to 111111 he \IA, .,, Iindly con,lipoli,41 tho( 111' ho\rols 1111,! s4,.1..,, ,,,, ,:/•,,,poil thn pillar for 511).' could on1,2' In. nolo! 11.v intorn.,,H. +mil 110 nort, and pro,,,,11 tnir liond 1111.11 ,211 1,,,,, saficrod toirillly. .1(1er 2 11,,, 11141 day 1 110,11.1, 12.11600 Iiimultuons (111.4141611g could '''.1 11 a 111,1 rk,'') 1111,1 111-1°, 11'11 111, l''''' 1 1111 1,1 oinked he heard, 111 appalling, 4-0 terrifyimr, so 111,4;1 ii- 14 week, the troulde wa 4: eutiroly relhoyer, lion. "Niel, morning. ain't it?" ,tinoons 2viis the eltangc, that Ilishro22.0 and he Mis shive enjoyed I lie hest of (f;fr,t, fill Iljihrimve glanced at, the l) ig:1 i Was 21222111,2 1211214. Theo, as sho still sl:y and brighter son, and, not living -10,11 holding on to the pillar, 112 I. lilv 10)11... eun,,i•ivally \rift inii 11, it, il,HY wil i 10. ami ,114 Vt`l 1112 1 21101101 1121 1101' 142114' f111.4. 111111121.1.1q1 that it %VHS 1112tlit'r :1 frame, 111, 14;111011 111,1. ill lik, 014111 4. (12:))'- 111(11 11101'11111g, illg F2111. 111411101 (.1 III 1 1111,1 121 11. 011e:1 1.4; your English 4;liniate . g-211 1,2 The aviion -41240,11011 to onlvani74, hor --don't it?" said 1.1r411)1, "Hain, ;1ml hit,' ci,,,,:iliodie life, \viol a 11411,1 ,rring drizzle, 1(1141 leml; 11011 then, 111111I. a 1141 health." l•oit eau g4,t 1(2111 1,1 - lei from our 411 11)4)41-1 hy 1113.21 :11 25 cows le.N from The 1)r. \\1111,4 les' 11 1:.(1- irine 1 14,, Norio We, OHL 444, Bannerman and Ifis Wife. (Christian nuordian), 21,146,, a 11,i rain, 1,,‘, 22,,,,‘, or a ,,,,,ing,,. er,v, 1 11:1 1 a W4'4N). 1111' 44(110,4442, ‘1444 .1ml 11.4_4 1 1 '1.111' 4011' of the last; fen. months in 1,•._,Jit, 1 ‘i4,4111,111.1. 1,0 paid, to livc in ,itoli ..11, lives of these two, before death ('111' Ifilt.:111,1)41 \I‘),11.: 11,1,,iiiiiiiiiiii),1\1.f14.tomik,11,11.114)41,11iiilili,J1. OW 1101111 1 1111t, 110111 11112111 III 42•11(.11 111121 112' .1.0111'11 11121 11;11 1 1'1.1.; „ff.! tiftil earthly f4,1102vship, is an inipressive a place at any price," • "IVIiiell is E114"1111111's 10s4, 11' slit' 1)1111 1:111,2V it." said Disbrowe, lazily; "bat "•,,,,i,:s mid monllis of sfr 1 lirnry's mi. 11*(' 1111 VI' a glimpse of sunshine lifter, lie- 11'11,1, Joel,: 4, (;,,,,ii 71.„,,i,,n,, ,1;,,,k , , minist ration as 1 110 head of the luny easiona 11;, 111.1' 11(1111)4' fr1V1111 --- on Illi! W1111 1 •I'l \'''ll off 111 (lo. 4211).' 4:41 id (1:;11"1"1I' "f ull'illit:, hi't liw;I:1"1 `vif`i kin,.'s birthday, 1(11(1 the festival of t. l'rank, in astonishment, as he returned '2IY 'll 1'2212I:19.'r ''r.121"1 1:1:': (ri :11.1 iftlivi' liana' feasts's; so Ws not altogether .so "Nothing! flush!" She grasped lii,• ril..,11011Sli lit 11.4 111 11 ini , ioini„,;jihi 2111' 10 ilP 11441110, 211111411.141 III 111111 111Tt.4.illIg (ill' 1 1COrgl. 11 1141 (111' !Dragon, and other Ha 4 after 11 moment's ahseneo. ,,‘,N,wi,,,iniiii,g. and knoi.k./10W11 a Algid. 111.1)Wii/..; 1111(1 \\•i 1 h a votiVilkiVil 1)1•11,.1 .; 11 111, ! ties, demanding his lime and. closest at • to -4,4, the sun a; '4)41 might 241114140:214. 111111 11121111' 11 11101 1011 for 111111 114)1 10 spe:11. iffilui'll' "'I'll'. his to fulfil. 1 Iv Iv" sub* \VIlere are the rest ? Everything was sl •k 2 I I I 1 I 2 1 .. la, inscani de son. her foe,. Nvilito ,j1:141; to I hi, (Tit ivis111 and fatilt,finding "1....p!" said Frank. lil;t2 an (Tito, 1,:fink. ii 11,3s, though p30,4: lids opponents 111111 no map erer 1111(1 ,o oear A 1.111hT ,,,1121r0 or (h,,e. ,Sur4y still 1 thouglii won, of ,2 no 2vere Hp," and terrified: 1124' next, 114 she turned to 221112 that great, domestie affliel ion 1.0•441• 11111 11"1 9' 11111(11 11k 11(1(11 he Might 1141" 1144'11 forgiven if he hail thro2111 off t:,0111). of the litinlim 111111 eseapoil rnm1 sonm a 11,1:1,,2 ,,1,,,,iitiri1,,,,,,,,,gir::;,,,,,,,111111,1[111,g11 ii,:,,,,,11.,t: i,::::iii„,;211,11.),(,1,:i:41;.:1,11:22,2.11.\1:11i1itjli.141: nothing voidil dismay, tind that 111141 1`.11111. i'd li1111 1 110 11111111ra 1 1011 Of 1'1.101121s and op- ponents alilu,, he stayed "011 1 Ito joh," e011141 140 have paid a 11,v higher tillage 10 the strength 111111 stability of hi: charneter? (111, (111(1111. 1)I1H11(2; 11111 1111X2111lei Of 11111. (111111'. '1)00,11'1 ,1:11.1•1 11111'llyi hell t the 411111, a I111 1 (11 111 and ennipi,sed, 4.2 \1.1411 .vo,„ 011111 he up and doing 21 11 11011r 142.1241'o 1144 has ir 1 it 1 , stable Frinl• and sec that the (111111 .-1 idea Of 11 l'011'.211g )12111:41dr 1.01' it olnk Properly to Lightning, 11),.. day'sI:010r? I 44'41444:4i 'so! And no.w 411124 ,11.1, (2 ,1011, 1111 Ile 111141 had 1 hard rule (his morning. and has most 11120)1 (11111 '1111 some (lova in" 1"king nflor, That's a good 11111124 before this. .141 for jiidging 1)2. the '111,12!" , , stillness, his 11011;e:Ihyil Vs goy.; ('1111411112'l''11": 41 1.2 VII tiff, RIM .2111.2111411 11141 filet. :12(1:4' 011'1111 of 1111' I'll 11112,' of Silence, or w" 11111111d for a 111111111'11 1, 101 she gazed the Dead Sea, or any other mute and "I21'1' ,\VI"'" 1"111,01 11 "g"1" 1" solemn old tomb, 1 flatter invself, in tha, t , 11, though slightly pale, i cool and composed as ever, and ns shy r moor yoli (10 holy, jr 122121' it ho will not eurse the memory ,of you!: "Indeed! Ily the Ivay," said pkifrowe mot his Itsloilished glance she laughed in miserable (1111(1, who Ivi11 not live long carelessl,v, "is all the bitildiv inhabited biA face, !to grieve you 11004,” mean, do the family occupy the 21211011, "I rather think the ease is reversed, "oh. Angushi, hush) \\That; nre you of it?" 111141 I have frightened you, 111y good saying?" whispered ilnequettil, raising "oli, 110-11ot near. That old, north cousin. 11.11y, C'aptain 1)Lshi'uw&', 21211111(1 het' tip. "Come 12ti1li ine--voine to ,2'01112 wing uver (hero -isn't it dismal 1001:111g? not have hear the story of Iliad room.' --hasn't been ocetipie11 for the last twill- gliost1y musie for any earthly consitlera,- , 1 12211-1 124)114 111411 11'011l011 441144) 11.11414." 4111101'11 the \Viso roty, "Yes," :is - 41411112(2 the '4iniple Alttg; "11111 women live tip to their part of tlw ('21111 111(1 11111411 more eort-wientiotisl,v than nnoi do to their 011,1," Corn Podding. 4`.1.,41 11 a 1,..1 sei.am, from the 4.4411)• 11 pin; of raw eon, A1.1 4121e 4.1tp(111 2111i1,,, 111:1410 as 141 the her. 12;,1 :1/4 1,1 tho :1111 ‘‘ hi 44.- oi 110,4 1 1,14 ;1 1,11; t1titUlgd 'r.i -1 1; 11111 4 :111,1 a hot. )2•(..11. Corn tliitrei,.--Score and scrape a dozen 1.1111' tho 1,14 1 ,2 enty 111110 tites. Put 4)111' poutid 441 2a22. c115opp,;41 heel. in a saucepan 21:2,1 1.,204 heaping table, spoonfuls of 1,1i: ter; heat -.'oI'. and, ,(ir 111)111 jaices aro dra 22 11 out. l'ress out overy 11 .411111 1110111 141'444.-4 1. 1101,-444:4.. 11411 OW ,2112C4' 1(4 the •4'11,411 101 14441411444`, 11 4`11112U21411 111 1111141. and thyme: Stir in it little Hour 1111 22.1te1' paste 20 111.11,14 slig, iit I,1' 111014.01. Coar, 4.1.•.1 111 21,,, ex;tet ilium 1 ily depending' 11114o1 tho ;111121111)2 /4 OR 11 1 .111;.1''. 1 291 1,1' 11 11:112:0'! 112-11, 101.1 111 it OW 1,1111 fill r/21/1 it 11,4111' tile 214112'. Iver 122 vi-, (414:...44-44;1 11.4 Ise ill a Lot o‘on 14111 hr.\ 121,1. curii 11:11-. nun ontit 1111,1 'Imp'. 11:1124' 11112111 leng1,11 \vise 21(2,1 seoop out the 11144141r, •1,4, ;111,1 out 2211, soft huller11 dust ilii and poppor, 1.111 soa-.01161, envoy 12)1 11 11 :lilt 10 oiroam thon loittpred.ollonli:,.: 111111.11;110, in 21 ii,Loilqioto ,•\ "'et, ,i01. gr444•11 Ilt111111'rs , 11111,2' 1121.„„1.111 111 11..]:i'2'e 141 1)14' 1,01)11.410.. . 1/4 .4 t Oen. 01E11 111111g4.7.---.11:11 NO* 1‘1414)41; doligh, roll 112111, cllt 111 1'omp4; ('11112111211, put 11 spoonful. or s12141)n4441 121)r11 PIIIPV (ini‘i 111111 )liire)i,tbe, et,lges lligetlfer and sI 111111 1 11114y:,-,111 111111e41. 1'0 111(11 fric:tsee, • • • The 1111.‘'..lila 1.7 ,iie.Ver heti hill 12O' 1211011 it istime to stoi). lie provided Ivith .flange 221111211 can he killed to a eorresponding flange of the adjoining tube, a rubher goslon beim.; 11141 Iwtwen the two, A ,1411110r bor 1,a -12e1 is to Ge provided at the in- ner 0101 of t11&' ,11,eve bearing up against of tilt, next 111.21., Ili '1111 111 Up t!10 1.1811)4e5, must lie done 1;)' di% ors, 22,11 Tubber )4141141'l i- mast Lit spie4,70,1 1)21.01(114 the e11(17: Of, the tiihes to florin 11 ti2214t 1111111, .1 PAP.; in. space is 11(114 forlinsit oround the t11110 al the joint. This space will he filled with a grout. 11 10114.4 4,10114011, The 4014141 of the 1212,4 al the joint, are further to ho fittel with fiange angles on the inside for the purpose of (..,1111hlieg ilreoli them should he ,101111.5 110 1.01111d to leak. 111 order 21) enable the conlractors to begin lining lie 1 11114,4 heforo the sovi ions aro -11111; all tha„ licro,,s the river, sone, of the tiihes may 114, provided 221111 141111,1w1Id41 1 44441) out the \valor 2211eit I lie 2111)4)5 nre living pumped out, 11 1nter4.st 'win 110 loll in the great inelortal:ing 111d its novel feature,. It 1:11,4 s 111) small tube to 044,4,1111111,11.12.44 19111. 117111 1"ing 1"° th of them 111 e bottom of a 11 1 1 44 a 111412 '412111121244111y niodurn 1'21 11 11.2ty (01)4111- 4444ring would 2(2 112111)12. o44, Plant With Many Uses, make a rough .s441.1 of doll], working 21 it 11 •it ns wi(11 4.1,1 toil or any 01,1111. ft\ tile 1p12(211, i 4- filwe hey 1111 1'.' 110)1,1 , s4,rls ',doffs, 1111,2 ihe 'a id or mullet n. ' from' (he jv4Ify 1)1 mague,2. is nunle, 1421.1 of Iiipior e11 11011 21112-2:1!, 11111,11 likol h' the 1111ir4,41.1 awl Mitt 141 he, very effieaciotis in vertaili Maladies. From the same maguey juiee the 0011 known i4s moth.% which is to the native 22.11111 heer is to din Corinna, ;11111 rlitiap red to 1 hi, French laborer, .1 siphonlid rpralit,v 122 paperi41 1 4-0 11111110 (1,1111 fibro of tiiis ))lant, • 6 • Zeitgeist r44 Noel 31:11wP1'er.) nin seryant awl 1 hring to mon NI'lloso spiritual eyes discern their brothers' T.110 pronnoin‘on flro of largo (reeds Tralp,tused to recreate the world again II141,1'4,1er Ow Mille 14,1111ers. 240V\41'4,11411 1)2,21 1)012111' to 111111 111114444 2-24011 Th, eounterthies or tyranny awl greed .11441 leashves 111,11 la civic discipline - I 1111141 the 21111 uf 111311 1.O (2041 when (last Heconies the seraent's Meat 1(1111 summer inallillost: rwriuliteousness, 142:11,e, paradise, 'Illoieui1t.its4ltlw iriloflove beneitlh the starry skies ‘; 1.t 14.4 111411 to make thy lire limns% Collie out the throng, Zeitgeist Is calling you. ,,.'1 .14,/ :.,%2414.11,4 11414e, • *; 1111 411 11014A Y1, .ot.'11 44•01./...:411.1111•000•01.Y.4 1 . 1,4,111 PAGE POU R -1' 11 BL.Y'I'Ii S'1'i\N1)f1R1)-O' rt)11a:1: 11TI1, 1906. JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTED, BLYTII, ONrr. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances meds to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates Ws offer every accommodation con• Blatant with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents oolleoted. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respect. fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS ; 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Business dards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Sue. caner to G. F. Blair, Office over Stan. Bard Bank, Brussels. Solioltor for Metro- politan Bank. 1 lIr)UDFOOP, HAYS dt BLAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eto. Offices -Those formerly occupiedAy Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderio6 W. Proudfoot, K.C, ; R. C. Hays, G, F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D.S,, D.D.S, Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over Jaynes Cult's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M,D,C,M. Physiolan and Surgeon. M,D.C.M., UnI. vereit' of TrinityCollege' M,D., Queen's University; Felow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor. oner for the County of Huron, Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 00 99 00 9 First -oleos Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, NOW OPEN FALL TERM IN TRF Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. Enter any time. Twenty teachers, one hundred and twenty typewriting machines, Unexcelled facilities for assisting graduates to positions. Write for new calendar. W. 9. SHAW, Principal. y onge & Gerrand Ste., Toronto, awias IMP 111111, /oorm� ••••••••••_. ..___- ILLON i N OL -STAY FENC! :'MINT 11. TIM Mkt, HiXOE IrTAY 1 Y hot hotAvery wholo�orll ``swan d4 .n4 Ih. Moab HUM n, bard Masi. II glue 1'w M,1.rirea. TUU tt.t.d f146oeum tzw-Hn ar.b)1 wa.tar. vanilla III O4w111 tI I WIAL PENCE CO LIMITRD, .v a.vaZ v�tia1iJ AGENT • J. G. IIIOSER & SON F. S. CTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable, Sales arranged tor at the office of THE STANDARD, Myth. -Subscribe for THE STANDARD. »i giuth ptnnhttrb, J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1906 People We Know. Mr, M. Cardiff, of Brussels, was in town on Tuesday, Hiss Tens Cutt WAS renewing old friendships in Brussels Inst week, Miss Winnie Kelly was renewing old friendships in Brussels Inst week. Mr. Ronald Sinclair, of Brussels, was a visitor in town last Friday night, ,Miss Minnie Moser returned this week from a delightful visit at Buffalo. Miss Alice Watson and Miss Angie Gasman were visitors at Brussels ol) Fair Day, Dr, Perdue V. S., and Mr. Jno, Watson attended the Clitfard Fair last week, Chief Westlake was in Dungannon on Friday, acting as special constable at their Fair, Mr, and Mrs. J. 13. Gardiner, of Clinton, are renewing old friend. ships in town, Mise Ella Metcalf has been on the sick list. We hope she will soon be fully recovered, Mr, Thos. McKenzie, of Clinton, made n business trip here on Wed- nesday of this week. Misses Mattie Barr and Annie Bell were takinh in the 'sights at Brussels Fair on Friday. Mr. J, Leslie Kerr spent a few days of last week visiting at the parental home in Brussels. Mr. A. I3. MaeDunsld, Barrister at Brussels, made a business trip to Blyth on Thursday of last week. Mr. Peter Case, of Ilensall, was a visitor with his nephew, Mr. G. F. McTaggart. 0. T. R, agent, this week. Mr. Robert Brown left last week for Wingham where lie will attend the Business College. Iiia many friends wish hint success. Rev, 4. D. Gischler, of of Zurich, a former pastor of the German Evangelical church in Hallett, called on 13lyth friends last week. Mr, Bert McCumntlris left last week for Listowel where he will be employed in a tailor shop in that town. We wish him success, Mr. D Ross McKay, of the Clinton News -Record staff, was in the village on Friday, He was on his way to attend the funeral of his mother In C,alross township, Mr, Albert and John Me.Tnvish, of Detroit, were here attending the funeral of the late Mrs, J, A, Ander son. The former is on the police force of that city. Miss Bella Wilson, who has been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred. liaggitt for the past few months returned to her home at Oakville on Monday. Mr. F. S. Scott, Clerk of Brussels, was in town on 'Tuesday attending the Voters' List Court for Morris township on behalf of' the Liberal party, He gays THE STANDARD a call, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Coombs and daughter, Miss Lily, returned to their home at Alpena, Mich., on Fri. day of last week, after an enjoyable visit at Mr. and Mrs. Jos, E. Coombs and other old friends in Blyth, Mr, A, M, Babb, of Teeswatnr, was in town at the bedside of his sister, Miss Agnes, who has been seriously ill at the home of her brother•in•law, Mr. Frank Metcalf, ller Inany friends will wish her a speedy recovery, • Mrs, Boht, Davidson, left for her home in Wisconsin on 'Thursday morning of last week after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cantelon, for several weeks,It is 20 years since she left herr hotmei..and is her first visit in that. time, she sees many changed since her youth. ful days, Londoeboro. Mrs Robert Morrell is visitint friends near Collingwood at present, A number from here attended tite lecture in Clinton Tuesday evening given by Rev, Dr. Medd, Rev, Mr. Hamilton, of Leamington, preached an excellent sermon in the Knox church here on Sunday last. Over 600 people gathered on Wednes• day evening of last week to hoar the lecture "From the barroom to the pulpit" given by Rev, Mr, Renton, of Toronto. It was ono of the best lectures ever given in this locality, The remains of the late Isaac Law. rence was laid to rest 0)) Thursday last, He was for many years a renider,t of this township and was a man hold in the very highest respect. He moved to Leamington a couple of years ago. He leaves one daughter, The body ware brought here for interment. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday, Oct, 1•Ith, when Itev. 11'1101411, Stlallntrtn, \liuuil I',ttt'rttt tho ,lletltodist Minister Itt liayt:old. will Ilt•ur t ,1,11111 loft take charge of the Ineetit,gr, at tete Iii I;uhett.,,a o'eloek in the morning and 7 in the Annie L'tlller evening, ile will also as ist in the singing. 011 the following 'Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, it fowl supper will be served in t ho church from 5 to 7 o'clock after tt•hfch a grand program will bo given consisting of the Clinton quartette and 1Vestlield quartette, reci- tations, readings, etc., also addresses by Rev. 11 r. Anderson, of Blyth ; Rev. \Ir. June:,, of Auburn, and .itev, \I r, Leckie, of I,oudesboro An excellent time is anticipated, East Wawanosh. The beef ring on titellyd Zine will soon be closed for this soasun. Jolla 11ot%•ard lett on ,Saturday morn ing for Niagara. Palle. Dante Rumor has it that Ito inity go to New York before returning. Hiss Annie Patterson who has heed confined to her heti for the (last month is not inlpro•inj as fast us For mato friends would wish, A number from hero took in the Temperance lecture given by Rev. \I r. Itanton ut Loudesboro on \Vedmesday evening of Inst week, IILi•Ttl SC1100L ltlsl'Olt r, The following is the report of 131y111 Public School for the mouth of Septeln• ber 1)tv, NO. 1. Seniors - Ella Taylor Annie Stuart Wilfred Weir Intermediates - Loon Scott ,Muriel Uhellew Andrew Coombs juniors - 'rens Edmeston Clare Smith Pearl Gibson Myrtle Morris Clara Copp Myrtle Phillips Eyre Stothers Emanuel Lyon 1)ot tie Cowan Verne Bennett Eric Anderson \Vesley Campbell Arthur Tandy n (;race Stewart ltuy Denholm 91illie,'I'oll JOHN 11.t T),r.v, DIY. No, 2. IV, Class - Archie Wells \lyrtlo Nicol Bernice Anderson Emma Leith Gladys Cut Lillie Wanless Willie Mains Sr. III. Class - Dorothy'Tiernay Laura Johnston Lizzie Lawrence Lillie IVetthtufsr Elmer Nivins Maggie Johnston James Hirons Leila Begley Walter Cumin Hazel Bennett Pearl Phterzer John Emigh Eva Mains Edgar Begley. Jas. \1cCornrnins Carman Auderaou Maggie, Carter Vests: Bell Stanley Chellew Willie Burling 0, F. 13arutuar, I)rv, No, 8, I1I. Class - Laura 11'ettlaufer Russell Glint.). Ella \Vettlaufer Rena Bradts n Doris Scott Sr. II, Class - Eva Henderson John Cowan Elva Fawcett \Ieryl Gerry George Sloan Fred Haught Rhoda Phillips \laws NI alai Redella McKenzie Alex. 13utler Annie Maines Norman Hultz'ntuer Creswell Anderson 0, Iiernaghait A111110 Itobert1;011 Gonion liul,zhauer T. 11cLaughlim Jr. II, Clnss- 11ary Potter Emma T1lman Willie \Vhito Leslie McElroy Central: tratford, Ont. This school Is recognized to bo one of the hest Commercial Schools In the Province, Our courses are thorough and up-to-date, We give a practical training and assist our graduates to good positions, It Is irpotislble for us to satisfy the demand made on u i for office help. Those interested In their own welfare should write for our free catalogue, Elliott & MoLaahlnn, Principals. ARM TO RENT. -Lot Number 15, Con, 13, Hnllett, 150 acres, known art the Kelly Farm, Is olPred for rent, Apply to W. IIRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. 8o SEALED TINDERS addretlsed to the undersigned, and ondored 'lender for Completion of Godertch Breakwater," will be received at this o111ce until Satur- day, October 20, 1006, Inclusively, for the completion of Breakwater at Godertch, Huron C.unty, Ontario, according to plan and 14p, c'IlcatIon to be seen at the Aim of .1, 0, Sing, E q., Resident E•rgl• neer, Confederation Lilo Building, Tnron• to, Oat, I1..1, Lunb, E q., Itsident hag'. neer, London, Ont,, on applic ttton to ttte Postmaster at G_rdprceh, and at the De- partment of Public Wet ks, O: Lawn, Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with the aotuul signatures 01 the tenderers. An accepted clique on a chartered hank, payable to the order of the honour. able the Minister of Public Works, for six thousand live hundred dollars ($13,1100,00), must accompany each tender, The cut qua will be forfeited If the party tendering de- cline the contract or fall to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned In ease of nonacceptance of tender. The department does not bind itself to aouept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED, GI;LINAS, Secretary. Department of Publlo Works, Ottawa, September 24, 1006. Newspapers Inserting this advertise. ment without authority from the Dopart• ment will not be paid for it. I1w. ,Ir. 11. ('las,. - lintii. 11;11 Ic r1; 1' rill ,1,IIIII�rl,r1 A114'1'18 'to11.lOI; 11'i11ie I'liil It,i1I til rtir �It 1:110. H. 11. (1gs-•- 11'1111l'I';t 111111 fled lilt.url (111:11111hliirit Daisy 1I asou Enna 1'11o1; Eddie NI ins \\ Ilfold .\ivies Elan 11;111' TII(01I snN, NO. I. Charlie Putter Iiltrt'ev Nivius \\'like Namur l'tutrl Hamm nrur Sr. I't 1, (,'lass- 1;1trl NIrElroy \lots 11o11urchie :\gn s l;rtrightull George 1?,uuu Elsie 11ol1zllatier 1,uelln Cook Nelles Anderson Carry Dempsey Amos .'tIld1C'w I ,hn butler Carry ,'Itns Alonzo Fluke.'. Jr. Pt. I. Class- \Iahel 11:11 11'ilsrns Rath Al chic McKenzie 11arwe,y .tlason Srewlu't (.'utvltli 1'11'(13' :1111S011 Susie 1.'a twcl' 1 11' 11110 liennedy Susie Phillips GIiiiItttl:NA MURRAY. 1411'!'),E.\IENTARV EXAMS. 'I'he follott'ing is tlln :'wolf of the sup- plementary examination held in Div. Ni., 3 for promotion from li. to 111. Class, Total ntru'ks, h;tu ; to pass, 325, C, Anderson 071 it t lex, Butler 026 F, 1-111ggit1 1365 John Cowan 013 I:, Henderson 057 ,Meryl terry 0111 '1', 11o.Lnughlin 356 R. \Icl(enzie 2(11 WI() 22)1 1.15 103 i',It'It I'',iIt'l'ett 855 A, Holi+rtsnll .1 nide Mains 1317 11, Kernaghan i. I'llilli1,. ;3,311 N, 1lultzhauer ;et), Sloan 0311 l;, Ifultzhturer tea►. - -- ANOTHER SUCCESS. East Huron Fair Has Fine Exhibits and Good Crowd, The annual Fair of East on %vas held in Brussels on Thursday and 1'ri• day and the 1)irtetors had certainly line weather. The Pili: %was a success every wily. 011'I'hursday evening an address %vas prevented ht' the Pillage Council to lion, \\'nt, .Patterson, who delivered rtrl a11111e58 10 11 large attoudanee. The Stratford .Military Laud was also prey• eat and enlivened the proceedings 1vit1) choice music. The new hall was well filled and is a great improvement on the (.•"(r "'(v'r. (y ♦� .rl'�'(y 't. '•. Y- IY •�.� <S fY `t1' 1'Y i✓ y W' • W.._ 71,7,w,... QAC'". •' (C •?� t 1 •j1! 4) �0`' Penman s High Grade Unshrinkable Underwear '0` �Ol o. 1�7 .01 �g1 BLY rJI ✓ t,) r/ �r vl- rrv.r� ,lY^( �cj�'v� yam, , <r�v✓ 1'Y r V, •!Y �, 2' • , • • ; • • . • ; • ' • 4'/ • 04'lr4`,!rb /1::f'1J�1;/•1►'�rth;� 4`et�h'e{�1a'4' 1',/0 is undoubtedly the best to be had. We complete range of qualities and sizes in Ladies' and Children's, Be sure and ask Pen -Angle Brand. have a Gents', for the Our Millinery is attracting well deserved notice, far and wide, We sial to produce the very daintiest and most dry • A fashionable headwcar, Call and see our stock wins )Q� Q2 before you buy. A. ANDERSON Another New Departure A short time ago we added to our stock a complete range of Gents' Furnishings, Etc. The success which has crowned our efforts has bn n more than wiw looked for. Now we wish to announce to the young men that we have added 'Tailor Made Clothing and invite you to call and see our styles in Made -to -Order Suits, Overcoats and Fancy Vests_�� Our' goods are made of the bast material, best workmanship, latest styles, strictly high class ,Incl sold at close prices, Perfect fit and satisfac. tion guaranteed, Our stock of Men's Underwear in Elastic Ribbed, Fancy Stripes and Natural Wools is complete from $1 to $3 per suit. We are agents for the Geo, A. Slater Shoe for ,iien and Women, and Empress Shoe for Women. Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases, W. H. KERR, SECRETARY -TREASURER OF FAIR. old one that had stool for molly years. On Friday the people began to corse in early and at, 12,01), headed by the Band, the crowd went to the grounds where Hon, \Verson formally o ettetl the Fair. The total tante re- ceipts were about $700 0)); Grand Stand $21 1)0, and Concert $110.00, snaking t he total 1eceiptsovor $1000,130, 'There were ahnnt 2000 entries in nil, the biggest ever known in the history of the hair, The races were well lilted and the truck was in excellent condition. In the 2.50 event P, Aulent's "Carrie A" took 1st money ; George 1I nldoon's "George 13," 2nd money'1uld lir, Beat- tie's eat•tie:s "Daisy Echo," from Kirktorl, 13rc1 money, Its the green race ;-1st, Pink• ne,y's''t,)neeu of \Voodcliffe." Sertfortll ; 2nd, Raunsa,y's ")clack Hal," Senfortlt ; ard, .Jack 0albrttith's "Topsy," Bros. scls. Roadsters over 1f hands, 1I. Zinn, Ovo, Hanna, G.'1'. 'l'nrrlbull. Roadsters under 1511 hands, Jas, Fer- guson, John 11cUlymom , Anderson St Dan brook, There were 11 entries in the Standard 131ink s )ecic.J for Roadsre.r9 owned 11nd driver) by farmer, 1st went to 1-i, Z,uu and 211d to Geo. goys. Ryrie's silver medal for hest Heavy - draught team was won by Geo. )crown, of \lnloswor't11. J(yrie's bronze medal for ben pen of sheep was won by It 1 Sanderson, of Hmvick, The pupils of i:tlhel Public ,School gave a fancy c1ri11 in front of the Grand Stand, In the evening a grand Concert wits given in the 'Town (tall to a ctro%vcled !'(luso, The talent was Hiss Irene Sheehan, resider; Eddie Pigott, humor- ous vocalist't Hartwell De,llille, bttri• tone; Miss Jean McLaughlin, accom- panist; Miss Mabel ;McDonald, High- land dancer"IIIc, McDonald, piper, and the Stratford Infantry Band. Tho Officers and .Directors of the Society have reason for congratulation on the success of the annual fall exhi- bition, The Tomb. At McArter's Ground Floor PHOTO GALLERY You can get anything you want in PHOTOS, ll� LATEST STYLES in stock, A new line of LARGE FRAMES and Easels added to our stock, LATEST ViEWS OP THE TOWN ON POST CARDS Life. Ize Work done in every style --perfect. Satlafaotlou guaranteed or no money wanted. Gut our prlcas for Viewing as this Is the proper season, (� T. B. AZcAR'1'EII - P!lOT0111Z1'!ST - BLYTH PIANOS AND ORGANS We have a number of first olass Pianos and Organs, finished spookily for exhi- bition purposes. W.. are oll'ering thou) beautiful Instruments at low priues and easy terms of payment. Every instrument guaranteed for 10 year*, We have several secondhand Organs which .vo offer at bargain prices, J. H. CHELLEW CIIUHUII N(r'1'E8, Miss Goodfellow, of India, %vas the speaker at the annual 'I'lankollerittg of the W. F. M. S. on Wednesday even- ing of this week, ** There will be no service in St, And- rew's church next Sunday evening, Oct, 14th, on account of there being anniversary services in the ,Methodist church that day. * Rev, Relit, 1[osking, of Warwick, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church hist Solidity morning a. d even- ing. llov. Mr, Anderson was primal). Ing anniversary services at Warwick. * ;k This Sunday Bev, \1',n, .1, Joilloffo, 13, C. L., of Clinton, will preach special sermons in 11)0 Methodist church, Rev, Joilloffo, is one of the strong men in the Methodist comfereuce so his ANlrnnsONt-in 1313't11, on Friday, Out, sermons will be of interest to all who 6111, Helen I)avinia McTavish, be. attend, The board is asking for an loved twire of J. A, Anderson, aged offering of $200,00, Special in Wile will G5 years, 5 mouthy and 10 days. be given at both services. • BLYT,t New Advortlsumentr, 0. T. It. -Single Fares F. Metcalf -Alarm Clocks. H. L, J'tcksou-Diatnouds, Barry Brown -Rags and Metal. S, 11. 0idloy-Hi ntson Ordered Mill- ing.g. Poplestone & Gardiner - The Big Clothiers. Elliott Business College -High Grade 'Training. Po )lestnne & Gardiner -Great. Dress Goods House. OLD HENS' WAlNT11133I:� We will pay the HIGHEST CASH I'ItiCES for live old hens, oleo spring chickens, ducks and all kinds► of poultry. Mention this paper, The Canada Poultry dt Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. OCTOBER i I TI I, i (j0G ' 11E BLYT11 STANDARD—PAGE Flvr., Poultry Wanted We want Dry Plaited Poultry In any quantity, for which we will pay the highest cash price. Also Butter and Eggs In any quantity. Grain auks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILL,AM & CO. OInsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. TI1ANKSOIVINU Day is a week from Thursday, QUITE a number from here attended the Feirs at I)ungennou and 13rus8el8 last Friday, Cur Flowers, Primroses, Palma, Flow- ering Bulbs, cheap this week,—Mats. SVM. CA.:ODELL. TUE celpenturs are still working at the C. 1'. it, station and tank, but the weather hits not been the best to work in, J. B. (LuinNIER, of Clinton, end his min ore ht work plastering rho now brick residence :of Frank Baiutou, on Queen street, this week. Jas. MOWN secured first prize in the .roadster OM ut 'Teeswater Fair last friday with his chestnut driver in a field of 15 entrieo. Ile also won third prize in the 2.40 race. 'rllu Voters' List Court for tho town- ohip of Morris was hold in Industry Hull, on Tuesday of this week, before J udeit Doyle. 22 nettles wore struck off the list mei t) names added. A IittnuT•tFut, Snots --Tho Lucknow Sentinel of last week speaks of 8 former Blyth boy as fellows:—Thomas Wat- son has removed his barber shop to 1118 Heat. promises in the Davison block, where he Imo one of the finest barber hhnps West of Toronto, It is certainly a beauty, have mode arrangements with F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, of Brussels, wlio oby thepetiole of this community can set their autos for Auction Sales nt Ill 11 STANDARD office without the bother of hunting up an Auctioneer, Mr. Scott is well known and is able to hell et top notch prices, Don't forgot chat Ws can set your data and have a Britt -Clams Auctioneer on hoed. The Ontario Government has ap- poiu(cd the following exports to exam- ine xamine into the horse industry in Ontario, and to commence work Tuesday of this week :--Dist rict No. 3. --Huron, Bruce, Grey. Commissioners—II, G. heed, V, N., Georgetown; 'Phomas Graham, Claremont, Thos. McMillen, Iteevn of Mullett, has been appointed Commis- sioner for District No, 5. We DoN''r PUBLISH GoHsrl'.—Oeca- sionally wo are, rebuked, fortunately only mildly, for,, not having published on item seta to us, or told us, for publi- cation, Should we print all tint is told us or comes to us through the until, we would be embroiled In legal fights at Iowa all the working days of the year. We try to give a good news service— our aim fs to print all the news—but our policy is to turn over to the gossips the lipreading of reports that only leave trouble and sorrow It. their trail. FOO SCno0L TEACIit:RN.—An luiport• ant regulation was issued by the Educe. tion Department recently regarding the senior hoteliers' examinations. It Is Il special provision affecting public school teachers and is tho result of represent.a• tions made 'o the depertnont lately by the Ontario Educational Associtttiou. Under the now rule teachers can take the senior courm0• in four parts nt differ.eft times, instend of in two parts, as heretofore, This ennble8 them to pro - pare ft, r the exanlr., without giving up their 01881308. Liable to Oversleep Yourself llid you ever awake In the morning and find yourself in bed when you should be at your work ? Aggravating isn't tt ? Dott't say that an alarm clock won't wake you, O i' :.Muitgetup Alarm Clock will wake you, if you are walteable at all, Cull in and see them, 1:1114 1E1OALF Jewelry and Stationery. HIGH•GRADE TRAINING PAYS sail that is Om kiwi the famous TORONTO, O2iT. glves to ICY modems. Recent Pilulent" )suva Maker pomitirnh at from $50 per mouth t•: $1000 per mann). It Is a v,l•II known feat that our rebonl tit the hr•i.t of its klad In Canada. This mouth le a splendid tllne to enter. All graduates get po.4ltlone. • The deroaud le nearly 20 times t.► e •ent't`, %Yr)',' $nitny ter n o,',.itltitool niltt4t111. E [, o'I"L', PR[NC'1' •I,. Corner Yogi s and .lexaaaor Streets. !masa m► s]' ►roxiia►:C► o ina.3 9r. i• THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTH? GOODS ON SALT; AT 110IRIIATH P11101113 FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE. Fine Furs 'Phis mouton we have a very handsome lett of ItuITs, Throws, Stoles and Coats on which we can give very Induc- ing prlcus. N New Fall Coats fA1 TAI N piofi A r Several of the lines we were sold out of are again re- placed and we again have a complete showing in all styles and shades in Ladles' and f;liil0's ,Mantles, The Tourist., Louse or Seal-FIttilug 500111 to be the utast popular this fall. Iran..... For a Good Black Dress Buy Priestley's Dress Goods. Nlnhest prices paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH,`/sags id'E an t.1 ► ti\—E%5'g , FRED A. LAWN, piano timer, expects to he in Blyth about, the lust of Novelle bar, o t DON'T forget HaroldHaroldJarv)'m , the noted tenor, will be hero on Wednesday, Nov. 18th, THE puhlir, schools will bo closed Thanksgiving and the day following, October 18 anti 19. 'Pitt: steatn shovel has finished the straightening of the river and is now at work on the hank alongside the road- bed to finish up their job, THE 0. P.. R. is now about 23 miles from Blyth nrld they are rapidly laying the track, so they should he nearing Blyth before the mei .•f October. TM: G. T. R. will issue tirst'chiss tickets at single ftie for Thanksgiving Day, good going on Wedtiesdayy of next week and return on Monday, Oct. 22nd, For further particulars see their adver- t isemcnt, P11R attendance at tho Blyth Public, School during September was very on. setisfactory, as the following will show : Total absence—Div. No. 1, 49 days; No, 2, 143 days ; No. 3,105 days ; No. 4, 178 days, Parents should not expect their children to succeed in school unless they mend them regularly. Tidy body of Win. Ivers a farmer from nenr Dungannon, was found Tues- day morning beside a culvert, opposite the farm of J. G. Hetherington, near Nile, During Monday night's storm while drit'ir,g horse from Goderich with a Ionil of lumber, the team either be- came frightened at tho sharp lighting or wont too near the edge of the culvert, end the driver and load.were thrown off the wagon,.the former being pinioned under the .lumber, Deceased is mar- ried and tine a family, 11'flson Ivers, Bayfield Road, is the only brother, Mrs. H, Herron, Sault Ste. Marie, is a sister. '1'o our friends who seek honor in Parliament and then in a few years are pee ed on to the Senate ata would liko thein to read the following little story that, they would stop and think what the people might say about thorn when they take a seat it. the Senate Chamber, A gentleman was recently showing his wife through the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa, The last of the places of interest visited was the Senate Cham- ber. ''Nov,''tsaid the husband, "I ate going to shpw you the Museum," Af- ter his wife.hed gazed for a long while at the solemn gathering. Shu pulled her husband by tho arm and said, "If a per. sen did not. know that 1411 theme wore efligies one. would almost think they were alive.", OBITUARY, --It is our sad duty to reco:'d the death of Helen Devinia Mc• 'ravish, beloved wife oG J, A, &nderson, our well-kuown citizen, who died on Friday mornieg; of last week about noon, at thll'hoe of 55 years, 5 months raid Ifidays. Ars, Anderson was horn in Bayfield hut the family 80011 moved to Blyth. In May 1877 she watt iniu'ried to her now bereft partner. Hy this marriage four children were born : Miss Amelia M.at home ; Mrs. (Res..) Aitehesnn, of Halhrite, Sask. ; Ilolet) C. and Frank at home. Deceased had been in poor health for the past few years with stomach trouble and had only been in bed about it month, Mrs, Anderson will be missed by all hor frii'nds and associates and by hor chil- dren as sin watt a true friend and a lov- ing wife end another. The funeral took place on Monday ltfterttoon from the family residence on Drummond street to the Union Canner), Rev, Dr. McLean conducting rho services at the house nod grave, Not only were those who know 1110 deceased lady Intimately there, but the citizens in general show- ed their sympathy by thronging the house, the sloresclosing during the fun- eral hour. Relatives from it distance were John McTavish, of Detroit, tt brother ; Albert Mc'1'evimh, of Detroit, it nephew ; and Arch, Galbraith, sr. and jr,, end the Minxes Galbraith, all of Ilnyfleld 1118m A nder .on watt on her way home Irotn Vernon, 13, C., when her mother diet', Many hohutifulflorid tributes were laid on the casket, LAST week Nicholas Cuming put. - chased the property of A. II, Plummer. Jori 'I', CAlt•11911 sold his wax harness stitching uutchine to Herbert Knox, of Auburn, last week, lite beautiful made its first epgeer - Ines on Tuesday evening of tl►is weak. May it not continue, THE annual county convention of the W. C. T, 11, was held at Hassall on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Wtu notice in the 'Toronto Dailies that 1t. Carter, son of W. A, Carter, is on the Executive Committee of the Ontario College of I'harrnncv loot Ball Club, Ho should fill the hill all right. READ, the editor's grumble: "Don't grumble if your paper is not always flush up to the high standard of your ideal, Charitably renumber that no editor is capable of getting up quite as good a paper ns you could yourself." Last Sunday morning Rev, Dr. Mc- Lean spoke on "Tho True Believer's Prayer" end at the close of the service the Sacrament of the Lor.Ps Supper was dispensed, In the evening Rev. J. A. Hamilton, 31. A., of Leamington, preached, THE news has reached hole that Miss Jessie Robertson, mister of Editor Rob- ertson, of the Godorich Signal, who disappeared so completely at Quebec some weeks ago, has been located at Buffalo, Hur state of mind has been by her poor health, When found she was employed with a china decorative firm, The girl will be token back to Godcrich, her home. DF.Ci1IONS RESPECTING NEWSPAi'I;RS. —We would like our renders to rend over this item so that they will bo clear on the newspaper law : (l) Any person or persons who takes a paper regularly from a post office, whether arldressed in his mune or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not, 18 responsible for payment. (2) 1f a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all ar- rears or the publisher may condom+ to mend it until payment is made, I1 Id then collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken or not. (3) 'I'I1n Courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office or removing; end leaving them uncalled for while subicrlption re• mains unpaid, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud, A TUG of WAIL,—Ono of those de. Iightful and interesting pictures that brings sunshine to on's home is entitled "A. 'fug of War," and has been selected by the Fancily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal as their annual gift to mule scribers this season. It is it beautiful gravure, 22x`29 inches, on the hest plate paper. It certainly is a gem worthy of the best place on the walls of any home. When one sees the picture and learns that it is given absolutely free to all who subscribe to that greet family weekly them' im no longer cense to won- der w'hy the Family herald and Week• ly Star hes five times the number of readers of any other weekly 111 the conn' try. Any person remitting one dollar for a year's subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal will get the picture free, and from the demand we learn you minor get your dollar in too quickly, "Tho Tug of War" is a high class production and would recessed n High price if sold in the stores, but it is reserved for Family Herold subscribers, to Five hoses " Lake of the Woods Milling Co. FLOUR K 1;1"r IN STOCK HERE, Blyth Flour ,Mills C. H. BEESE IN tho East i' lgi11 bye -election last Thurmilny David Marshall, Consurva- 11t e, won by a majority of 77 over 31r. Haight, AI)I)ItILNS AND PItl113F.NTA'i'ION.—'T11e (Cottage nreyer meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Hood, Sunshine, on Tues- day evening of last week, There was a very large attendance of friends and neighbors, At the close of the service conducted by Rev, 0. W. Rivers, Miss Iiood was called upon and Mrs, Kerr renal the following address and Miss 11, Russell ureiented her with it beautiful gold watch and guard :— Miss,1ANlar I -100l : I)r:Alt FRIEND,— It was with sincere regret that we learned motile little time ago of your intention to leave the neighborhood in which you and your mother have lived for 80 Tong a time, 11'e heti, been so accustomed to see you et church and in the homes of the vi- cinity' that we can scarcely realize that you are about to leave u.s. Wo the congregation of Sunshine Church have felt that 3%'O could not let you go with- out expressing in some way our appre- ciation of your life and labors amongst us, You have been so active in church work in all its branches that we feel we aro suffering 11 great loss in your re- moval. In the Sunday Srhnol, choir and prayer meetings you will be great- ly missed, You have indeed been in "labors abundant" and we trust the fruits of your service will be seen in futurednym, Wo it1,c glad that you aro not going very far from us and will hope to see you very often in our midst, We wish you to accept this watch as a Luken of our esteem cul l love f or you trusting that at; you use it y u will often think of your friends at Sunshine. We trust that you end your mother will be spared for many years to enjoy your new home and that you will al- ways find some work to do in the Nies- ter's vineyard until Ho calls you to the nobler service. Signed in behalf of the congregation and friends of Sunshine Alas, Jos. Ci.tazu, 11158 11 INN1L R,UssEL, Misr IIood ata:, completely taken by surprise but in a few chosen words thanked rho donors for the useful and beautiful gift, also for their always kindly spirit manifested toward ber. Miss flood end her mother will move to Blyth this week athero they will reside in the house lately purchased from Geo, ,Jackson, on Morris street. 'Pitt: STAN. HARD welcomes than to town, M Brussels. 'J'he tax rate in Brussels this year is 21 stills. Dr. Moore, of Listowel, was in town last wook. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, spent Sun- day in town. Gad, Backer leaves tlik week for Chatham, where he has secured a posi- tion, lied Adams, of Fordwich, was re- newing old friendships in town on Fair day. R, Crone, who wits at Fergus, has ro• slimed work for Geo, Stetnn as harness tanker, Robt„ Mrs, and Miss Hazel John- ston, of Winghtun, were in town on Friday. Mrs, R. 11eLauchlin, of Gorrie, and Mrs, Nott, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. Geo, Brown. George and Miss Zetta Ferguson, of Teeswater, wore renewing old friend- ships in town last week, R. Luatherdale captured the gold locket in the bowling competition and will no doubt wear it with correspond- ing dignity, Leslie Callan leaves town to assume n position in the store of It. A, Briscoe, of Oalt, We are sorry to httvo he and Mrs, Callan remove from Brussels but wish them well, Rev, Smyth, of Wiarton, a former pastor of the Methodist Church here 19 yours ago, was preaching anniversary services here last. Sunda', An enter- tainment was given Monday evening. Miss Nossio Kay and Miss Jessie Grant, of Winnipeg, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs, 'V, H. Kerr, left on blouda,y afternoon to visit with friends tat Guelph, Galt, Dundas and Toronto, (good progress is being made with the new Butter factory, the frame factory North of town has been taken down and the material is being utilized in the new factory being erected by Mr, Har- ris, It will be a commodious and up- to-date factory when completed. 0. A. C. World Famous. All roads lead to Guelph, tostifles President Ci•eehnnn of the 0. A. 0.., who 1'01)0113 11 111ndoo from 13oi bay, a young men from Mexico, an English student from Egypt, and two hidalgos from Spain Innong the freshmen in the big Agricultural College. Britons and Irishmen and other Europeans are well represented its usual, 1'110 ettemlancn is nitoeethor larger than last year, end the residence, which accommodates 185; is crowded, so that outside boarding is being sought ul- ready. CI00D CORN SIICLLI:It FOR Tic. A marvel of efficacy and pl'onlptlemi, a remedy that does cure corns and ,'arts. Its name Is Pul uatn's Corn Ex - rector Contains n0 acids, never pains, Loves lasting Satisfectio1, Insist 011 .Puulatu'e only. It's tho best, THE GREAT DRESS GOODS HOUSE he very mention of Dress Goods brings the Big Corner Store to your memory. This store has always carried a good re- putation for Dress Goods, and since taking over ,Mr. McKinnon's business the Dress Goods trade has been phenomenal. We handle the 1 Celebrated and World Renowned Kharanta Fabrics, made by George Carr & Co., of Bradford. Gretland & Co's. Heavy Cloths, of Manchester and Bradford. Motte and Delescluse French Dress Goods, of Roubaix, France. Dress Goods prices with us range from 2 5C per yard to $1.50. Big variety, isn't it ? OUR NEW JACKETS This has been a big season for Jackets. We have been compelled to re -purchase Jackets three times, such have been our big sales, but we have been successful in replacing our big sellers and adding the very latest at each buying. Our very long Black Jacket at $6 is exceptional. Our popular Black Jacket at $7,50 has been a bummer. Our favorite Black Jacket at $10 has been a repeater, and to -day we are in a posttion to discount any other Black Ja, ket shown in the trade at $10. At $12 we show you the best Black Jacket we can buy. Colored Jackets in Tweeds, Plain * and Fancy Cloths at $8.50, $9, $10. Our Jacket Cloths are thoroughly sponged and shrinken, giving our goods an advantage over many made up. Vfr ' I tl f Ik * Successors to McKINNON & CO. ************************** Children's Jackets, all new and nobby, for it e o s. P0 PLESTONE & CARDINER G R O C E R I E S BALL FRESH BREAKFAST FOODS Try our Teas, A special Japan Tea at 25c. Meats of different kinds. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, CAS1i FOIL 11U'I'TEIH AND EGGS, HIGHEST PRICES PAID. A. TAYLOR BLYTH ^+r r."—v1,,, r,^rY'`t" 'r✓ '<Y t>'-'<v `' < y", err r .' < "( ✓- < Hel LE• o Just a Few Hints on Ordered Clothing which will be of great interest to you SCJ First, buy it at home where it is made up right so it will 0 keep its shape and appearance, and where you can get to look 0 at the cloth you are buying. You can't tell any goods by a small sample, You see so many advertising Made -to -Order Clothing that don't really know what an ordered suit is, Sell- ( ing clothing off a mulch sample is a thing of the past, and r ) same ' whether getting. the in 0 ) 5 t Cyouare t then u are not just sure C 11C 11 r y e u f; f, as the sample or not, for its mostly all machine work made up by Jews who are going to send you the one on which they make the most money, It will be to your advantage to bear this in mind, Bay your clothing where you are sure to get satisfaction, If you need a Fall Suit or Overcoat come and see what we wilt show you and be convinced that you can do better at home in the Clothing lute than by picking cif samples and having it trade by Toronto Jews. Black and Blue Worsteds and Cheviots at any price to suit your pocket, all good guaran- teed. English Fancy Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds in endless variety, Dont forget our Gents' Furnishings, We 'can dress you from Hat to Shoes in the very latest at lowest prices. 10 • Popular Clothing House BLYTH 0)91 Q? 1 pl 0. 0 0 0 Q` 0 } 0 0 0 0 1.° 0 10 05 0 0 (gam} YO N 1' II" .11',!1'! -LI!; , i ,� :ill,•'. 'i ,7 11,10.• 1' i, 11 :I y • ! ! I I Vol , f \ ,11 :1 III "i1 • .111.j. „'ll I ''III ,1":,i ,1 1111 11111 ir , , 11'11. I ;I11`•111_ of ;1 II,'1:11 11,11' 1. I. li' 111•' I \ l I,' I.' alis• . „t r!. 'f ,1 • ' I l ..1 , I 11 t • 1 i 11, 71, 1-e of .11111•rt T, 1';Itri.;.. 11n11rr fill;, "i 'lralh I"I' r 'llml'!"i' of 1111.1i 1'. \I;u',h Eire, i,f \eft• , ,ILL ,Illor•i ii '1'11.,1 :1,111.•Ilt !,t' iii+• 7r; .eelt.l• 11• iu 7:i- behalf. III^::1:1, 1.1(011 ;" appoint It:i•-I' :I 1''11'-,, tall n , ;;+1,1'11; ; I;, II:1' ell ;11:,i Toppi, in onlion 1.'1'1,7, 'f!„• '141':1 i, if :H. I,' of physi"ialti o11 re ,al 1 anti.'• that th" tii'iieal 10,!.1. 1.1 it; Iarr,um 1111 ,. 1 Ian\ 'I nor t0, •y r; +'i•' • arse -t in lino fir -i 1::••:1 ul!ail, r of I;i ' 11 I'•rr_i!I.: 1IP' ,10;1,1 111a n'- .I i:! ale HOW MEN DRESSED THEN, Knickerbockers of New Yolk Woar the Dress of Their Grandfathers, \t It reeelit pel'lo,l dallee 111 NOW Yolk le ,+.jttt'•t; won, ,4111t, 1111,1 dries'', In rn I,} their f"rrfalhors 1}''f''re Ila' \VII•. '1'110 flock Ito:, Lu,, :111.1 110,' tan troll t.1'4, II:;llt .h11n';', 111111 11'IIite tt,,,'liiII!:, I11 !Hall\ e,'-'" , "I'I",111;11 e114I111111'; tree,' worn, It n",.led hist such a ).r:irili'nt r\Ilihi II"e to 1'tml'11,1-i '1' the ,;11'1",11.11 motif; "f tl,e ten' itt the per -eat tn'ri"d. The c';(ra=1 tint 1111' ,Illlpll,'11,'. rldllnl', ;Ir'! re 11 lin,`- of ;lit in Ili' r\rlllll ,ire„ ...nit. 117'111,' !'\ 1111. ''HtltI 1'"a 1\" 1 ii:luny :It:,! "I•l "lis\ 111 'ellli.rea,l l' 11;11,11'11!11', !1.101. 111`0,'1' he'll alt;titt'l III :Int' 111III'r til,' {1'o:'; 1 ,11 f:l•lll"11. I'\',r0 �illti _r,tt'!ttent, \1!It'tlier ;1 ;:.:1.1:, suit f '1' :I :1 �eali•1'e0,11' 1'111' 'III, !,!, I- tailored a; ;to 1'1:,1111'11;,1! 11'1,1'1'1 ,'I alt. 1, . :,11 )1..1111118, Ili !'11th', ,lire,'! 11,)1'111. torn won, Ill;;tt cell! 1I': cont with hr„u,l y1..\'', e"l fir. "Rabbeting'+ in Mexican Theatres, dmaacra P,T1.1ars tl:'• :uu<t +trlk:truly ,I,I,I i,f env - 'Ling a1; .1'11"'I' ,❑ ctrl \vho ha; 'lover bofu:'c liven : n far from hulur , • In \I='vire .. th,• x:1y !!:,, ,non "t'ul,h' r' •at Ib," \%, ,•11 :1•'1' t11"v x'1!1 put .'❑ ,!wit• I,ar+, srifid by lh Ir 1.4a1:;. t'!'k gut n p•Irtion! u• --11; 1'1. it opera ilai,s., wit 11 lit„y ! t!;r ; r•+p, r f 1 n; ,, :,I (;.v•• .,. ',il'1y at her until ell•, set t:r.,l. It scene- ,,'v,•r to eeenr to '! , n. t!i ,t it m;,v In' entl,.trr;+ ,1;1c for lb. Girl. indee,l, tlt"•y 111, 11:1 II 11; a ,'"111;11inlr It for \1, :,1' .In alt n ;ort 11;1 Ili'' theory that no; I" loo ;It a ::; 1; t + 'nip!) :l.:u ,!,' i; telt worth look In.; .1t :1:1,1 t'acy' „•rtainiy tin to tills tile,iry. For family Colds A reliable rough and cold cure should be always in the house ready for toe the moment die (ret symptoms appear. It is alwsys easier, cheaper and beau to check a co!J in the very beginning. It is safer, too. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, Il•; Lung Tonic, has been tested for thi:tv•three years, and lens of thousands of homes in Canada and the United States today are Irma without it. - A drsler writes: " Shiloh's Consumption Curl it wil.'+out doubt the heir remedy fur Cou;hs anJ Colds on the market. Once i,s'-f, my customru will buy nuother. -L. Epley, I\asiogaweya,Unt.” If it were nnything but the best %You'd this he so ? 'I ry it in your own family. If it does not cure, you get back all it cost you. We tike all the chances. Neither SIR CHAS. CLIFTON BROWN, Cured of Billious Headache by Bileans. Sir ('!lay, Clifton Ilrown, who tufa honed e"n,i111'i:thly in Canada, inl''r- \ ire" I fit Ili, 111.,11 (Kent I .1.,i"!1.nce, :1'1'1111l''Il 111.11 11' il,l,l Irnprd 11.1,' 1.71cat benefit (:'lila Itilr:uli. Ile said: "I 11:11, 1111 objr''t)''u lu "II -IA 1:nl' 171.17 1 (1'111111 1;1],';111, it tin,' III",h''i11,' f"I' 1111.1( ill 11ead:111W 111111 Ili•:e,livi' trouble g1.n c1,111\ 1 ,n111•1c41 fl',ilwn'Il• 1r„111 sill that hay,. ,\1.I' Irl 11;1.,1 did III,i so ihllll'lt I;o1r,l a, 1111r;ttt,. 1 In•Ile\e they al'(' a ;;,"ul Luing :11:,1 w or; 111” 111 5111 •cr,• r' In Hoist, la -1 frit' \v11r11. Sir Ih.1'1''; apt 11' 5 11 11111111 1 1:.,', ili!..:IIt,: ".1 good 111111 ." They tiro c,+It oonn,leil from [id lri\' 1"rpt'lode e. eller :111,! aro the Le,l lu•.,ii.I.. r''tit.11• 111,111111;1111,' for !I,';t,l;le!'t', drhlllll' ,dllLlmr y, Illdl,rsll'lll, le. I flet' al,u opet:l(I` :'elll!y 1111 the 11,110'!•, rll;'I:I_ roll,llien ion, pile•, correct female it rl' 11111 it inti 111111 ni!111(nt 1 11;lin; in the loin 1nu1 heariti! 41„n•n !,;lilt:• They tone III, the \d•Ii"le s.rstoiii ;Ili,! ellal,'e It to 111Iow off colds, r11i11itl,ltt,1tt, 1.1'', .11111,'lltl, ;111+1 pale bice.. 11'ullll•li :111,1 1'11'7: \1'i11 fill.. them a 1'erikild.' 111 1111, 1 t1 all druggists ;It :414' :1 b"e, , :' 1iu•t ,roe 1171.111 li t,'lpt '1f price from the i111ea11 ('o„ Toronto; li have: fol• ; 'J.5t), `,'old one ''ell 51;1!1111 fir .s;1!117,!,' 1,01. His Itis C1toie. 'I'il''ry Iva, molting \vild in the caller's manner, :o the 1:1111' at the ein111o,•in,'nt bureau 110,11 11•;1:. 1.,17!t'r startled when he ,o111 his ‘vont,. NO WASTE IN CANDY BUSINESS, Scrap Made Use of ---Seasoned Confec- tions Best, Thera is 111'1'1 similarity. he111'een Chi. l'1111111' 1,11,1111•ni ;Illd the lion business • the scrap is II+'t :t!illt1,11 to ,111 lo .1a oh,erl'rr 11 hu lulu tut plea 111al 1.;111411" Ina tNH1,1,1111t'1. 11111,1 11111'1' 111 ,land it lot of I", Ii,'rall•e ealldn'3 l''l ,1111' 1'1111, the tr,'uhtu 11 lc,tiputc anal 1,.,11•11,',1 IIttt Ili, '1111'11 11:1, laruuq. '1'111. big rand; milker; ship to their ii,"fats 7lt , 11,. !l,rttt the country at stated inll'r ii, m,u;illy of a their ;thud• cullle(lloll, 1111,1 all mit sold al the \1111';111"II I,i 111,' ittti'rl'al a1',' relur111,11 to 1111. 7a l''14 ;t, Srl';It+ .1s (Ile I'i1111I1' Ii 11111,110 all„I 1', 111111 'tiL:Ir in 111 Iltlte- ,l l'llct ilde 11, 1111111, 11 L; Hull' a 1111e,t hill I1/1' 1.:111111' 11111111.1' Of ).;,'lung the t iig;ll' 11111 ,If I Itt' scrap, It Is IIIItnl.,lh,e to 10„1'11 o1't'l' 11111 1'1111' 11' 1111 11 Ili original frill, 1111t if ('111l be Il;rd in ninny 1011{'s, hot' e\111111111!, 1111' Chief II,e t' 10111,'11 `111!1. e11"e11l;lit'; 111',' 11111 i, 111 imil;in', caramels and other e1tP\I'{' confections. It.'; 11 nli,tnken idea t!111t randy must he fresh to be ;_'oc,41. Ileo nlnnufletnr,'r 11•Ilu make; only for the Irad,' and con - 1111,, himself clllr110 to high 1.!:1;; choco- lates 111111 lrnllln,il, said 111:1) 1'a11,10 \til.n't fit to eat until it itt ! helm s";1 - slimed for at 11.11;1 7('11 Ilfl\'t, riff ill; 111111 11.1. - ;11:11 he is ..;_Ileal l lover of c,lll,ly,'''•pito the general helte that 110 cod!;, calf, 11'1' ills; 111011 II1'',•i' 111 1'11'1'1,; I'hnc'I;Ile about. a Iltutlt it heel r1. 1.11 1 111!, t !:I' I I I, Thi, /n1111 hli., 111) l)ntienee with Ih1'-:' x'110 a„t'rt I1111 Coloroll l'11 1111.1. 1, III 1' Sullen`;. Ilis nl'giilti'!i( is simple, r\s he 71111 it ; "\.•hat's; the use of pulling po!„rlt in candy \viten natural .Intl lun'nll 1.o!"r iltg matter ('lasts less" \\ he'll lint '})111111 111 1.i ',t rid fes \lulu (tl!i trc,) i.; ehrapel' "1 \';1111 I' ('ll"11;!1. .I 1.,,o!; " he illisorvinl. than ,rpllllll' "bait ;' or 1,!,1.1117' ,II.' slid• "It', the same 4111,v in my i,:'Sineis, i "Plain - 11'lil•c,v a; sill, lo' replied. (':111 1111'11 ullt (u,tlhrtll; in any shade 1'()ti "111 LI,'I. 1 41"11 r;ll'r 11 It i)t,r she van 11'.1111 I1*11111 the :4romi.st of I;,;d'4 green enoli „y1107, .111\• '1111 thing that looks grass (1, 1111. ilr r ltdie•t Vf it hlllltlllg 1'11111) rook will il",” 1111"1 loo it Nithotlt the 11iii 111 :1111' 111• "]1,:1!11•, 1 -" rIlrm(s hill Ilrl'e yr„ I "Anil if she ,lrinl; , Snlokl'y or ,11.x1? "I 11111•(' nn r I otilh,( 1.ulufi pure x•'1!11 these parr silver, so 1!11i1'11 1111' het tel'." foo(. ad0Ieatti 11111'11 1111.1' come 11';111,, "I,u'llir-; me! \l'1111t--" ar"1111,1 the randy business. Et, \\• of "I-p'ciall} desire that she he ver}' Iit'111 hues• ivitil they aro talking about .;11''11'. 011,1 in the habit of beating }lel' 11101 the milers have talon 11 foto 5 sol•• rnlplo,'rr ‘11t II .1 elnl,. 81111' Iii ('h 0f rhil,lla'n Ini:Onl'11 „y '•I' ,,,n 111,• 11'01•,!,,, 1 11111111•I ly made ill I. o.eriu(lulrer,ee in (ihellp "111 ,111,11, I 11';1111 a rampant, Allelic candies ;I1111 condemn the 1117 17' 11s. 1'll+•I'";ll'lll,r 11'IT111', 17!1,! 1 (';111 1)1'111111;1. •''Illi(' ('11111!1' 1/11'41110 "00,1 wit ;s dl'nuul41s an art• i;t these days, when flint have to ran h( d!,phlyi of 101.111 lural coloring to keep in the forefront of the !usiu,,s,---N. Y. 1 Sun, e • The Regulations of Demand. Everynler,'llallt who Lnmcs anythingat all ;than( his business fill his stork to the puhlie needs. Ho find; out bt• 011• 51.11%101M1111,1 experimentwhat the poo• you nor your dealer can lose. Isn't that r '1'111. !;tI\' al 111,, w;t., beg",ing fair? 25e. is the price. All dealers in medicine sellcow ra! In r,lilne"I 111.1' 11'11!1 III(' police 5'3 depat'tmellt. II 11. 741 i tt!•' explained Ilio Pallor. ".11- !"1\' Ise I,I -;11' Hui! Ili, ,I"1104tie I F1.e1: will 11,' in I['1. employ of my Ivife'a laud:er" !hi Igo, ShIIL Calling Up a Husband on the Telephone. th;'uta Ca:li•'a''s 1\'c'kly,) Cnlll:';,t a Lit b:rr,l up nul!:,'lonsly on 1/,‘.? telephoto" day .u:'1 ut4ht. has b,'t;t ru1011 1s �iII?N:I Vs not t•, Ir' all acl.nllah!o In;;• demeanor in a wife. The Jud ,e ad•1„11, how- ever, by way of l; rat uitou3 oh.;'.'Cvat;''.I. t!,i;: "i think that ora' taring it te1,•phun” ail wif,da rl II soak (lin family, hls house could enjoin a pers')n from roe- Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, - • Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ••t+ Where the Laundress Rubs, want, :uud then bend, his energies to keeping a little ahead of the demand, If Tido \Va,her''omen's .Talon of New I)rnn,- w1rl;. N..1., r''giiIre5 the faintly' to put ell 111111 delllall,l ti'tl'e 1.11111'ell' 111{'011,1 hL, 111,' vl„rhea 11) Snak on Sunday night, err that 11117,1 ill woad eollll111111111' flounder be - the work x011 he lighter on ,\lunday, 'float la Neon no o1•eri(, ,'k 111;,1 all 11111 er- ock Of the 'unlnloditio.; he handles. adver- Iising i; the valve which eft ihles Ilion 10 regulate the pressure upon Ili; Cileili- 1 ir'' 't f .supply. '1'111. store IV1I IIll novrr rids -mil -es is defivil'llt in the Illost (nerd• linl mechanical equipment nt fur 1111\ cow duet of a i11e(essf)r1 hnaines, The power 711 inertli-( demand at 11111 is available in the nex•;papet's, ••e tInti iusly sin.';::.; him up ,lav and nitiht upon uninit:ortunt ,natter; which he hiol to dd to the lois; Of sloop tiall r'-; to 1:1a o,ru;'••,nt and to bl; groat nnnny:ul„r. 1 :1TIN-1IID'S T,1NiMENT C'rl,, LIMiTI-:D. (lent=, --.1 customer of nor'; enroll 11 i',tilh a Ii'Iherf- ol, I in every 121 is It very 11311 ca'1e of distemper in a valnal'I`”' !filler, in I'_'d ;1 Thomson; 1 in 1'21 an. hors( by the use of 1IIN.\IIU's 1.1N1-,11•,,1• l') pd.„%vlt. x'Itil, smith l'l ll ' takes HENT. 1 premier p1a r with 1 in (wiry Sd, Yours truly, Smith ii likewise first and still more \'II,.1\i)Ii: hl;i:L'1: Ir„'rtil.lr, in I•:,linhmrgh, the proportion be• elm) +),t 1 in ,ill; lil'('WI1 tllllllhl'rS I in II„Ii1'rtson 1 in lit, '1'11111 n long 11',1\• "sof 1'4 II `tl'\v11l'1, I 111 ll•'l, ..lull I1' Campbell Iu1d Clark praetioally equal with n score of !'rink more, What is Your Name? (',triuisly enough, as you ma t' think it, in Scotland cellulin names art pieulilu' to (''1'11111 111 I;I:1-1i1'v: 1.1'71':,' 1:Int 11 iter -tori is a (';Inlpl,ell, ever} 129th a \Vilson, every 'I'LL• r„,eLtti"Is i!t IL;i! Itial Hardly Worth the Expense, i In Ititmice, \viten, every T211d man is 11'1 ! , 1'11. Mur'':"r e!iirJ'-. "n ',:!,i' it is still n (1nr,tiun, Igen \y'ith 1Itt' of the great family of Smith, that name , nmro elltllll�ln�tlr chauffeursP,'11el.lhl,r .1111 ''774 Hobert -am, (closely attended in 1111 Ile,, 11:,,, .I I'I "•I'd r 1. I tutu. eco; the prestige accruing (rola bola" 1117 t• I 1 r I, '111111;nn, Scott and ",t('wart.• y';I!' ;I_'', 1111. 11'1.11 111'x;,:; NH .1:1IL '�'1, '� ,C " 177)wr1 t; (11111• overshadowed ll ed for \•iulatin;. III, Spe1.d limit 1.4 really I I }• oven 1:102.It.,1 I'11lri,h 11'a• '•"nt1'•.,•1 '1f oil -t worth the fine thnl i; inll)n,,',i, I Su"I' nnnll; ns Nir'nll, I'IcmilIg 111111 LMWv, 1!''_I •' t!;;'idf'I' ell \!1:1''11: Joh /ft "1, '.+, , 4r ``1111111 111111 X111110 1'1111 11(1'1 0711 itttk< in \1.11 •n n (elle',. i Irlli x':ly iIi .lher'I,''ti, wit 11 Davidson (lose up, the 1 ! on fell. 111, 19113, 1'1'1 711"U I"I' ; imt' girl 15 generally willing 1,) Int'et figures respe,'tll'ily heing 1 fn '1i, , and Hwy 11;1; ,!1'ni1.11 !11 1t ti 1•.,111" on \i.111'7: hint half \vay, l.t. In forth SI,'lvltrt _just hosts 1'0ung a, I' .,. I; 1'11, et 11 , II' ti; 1l .r. --.,.-�` ' f•ir first I11;1('e. Smith beingthird I n ui)n„ 1, p� 0;t\' heliind. 1uy(rn('gS still mare rt1'olu• r�• "P .- , ;11•,•,.1 ;11'1 1•',li\I,';,Iii :11ti;'1,'11 Sinn nT� �llnt nr 1,',nizo.'1 I.in'llllld stayslies. 1'.'1'1'1'0 3:ird p'•I'•,:II there in a frills,'.'; 1'1'1'1'1' •Lala 11 Maed"n11111, every •ls;lll n \I:ti.ketizie. i, Ifir ,i; It"tinll ;,,1' I•''•I!'_' incill :,:`11 ,1;i,,' wl(V �wf�s V�V��V1 51111t11 .'(lads positively Illlroltllnntl at 1 i •m _;;,:1'1.11 '-1• •111!1' Ili% l''',i:, tel 270, In Ayr, (gain, Smith has most ('„nrl ,li .'.ppe ;. The seasons first cold „,...:1,,„„1,,, with 1 in so, Smith and may be slight—may yield Mn x,\'el! are inseparable in Dumfries, 1 \\ pearl being a fund third, to early treatment, but the 1 , ••• next cold will hang on 1 A Dream of Socialism. lOh(r'1171( "omnunnity 10:111 t.oulc hi* Weekly, mer; it will be more pay, troublesome, too. U n - •\11,1 lily :o;i,,ht the community store, .Ind community grub for one =•hurt (lay necessary to take chances ' il.' ;oat to th( family door; on that second one, Scott's ; r\lief wi'''n he got 40u10 ho "II' clown to eat, EniUlsion is a preventive 1 Ilut dm dining r oat ,'titch 1111(1 rang— Take icor It' 111141 to tale his community' sett as well as a cure, With the talking community gatlgg. (tt •1',1,1 • ',, is ;•-; r'cm;i 01 ,e a0d 2(1 1'11 fill •1.11,. i:'. 11.11Ir;. I';Itll'!. 111, i1,'n in rile at Biu i 1.e .t1t;ti7. tl Is '1111'! t1to 1111\ ..•1;1'1 of a y1,;11 11.1 "7 ❑ 1;,1;1i'+n, '1 II.' ' ,_„ 1'I t; .• ,•`11 nit a1 „t,'1 1••• t1;••'!i{;11 ,•,I 1'11. 111!11 !:I.1: ,l; \;,'\1' „i 11, 1•1/1111'.1 ,1r' (It IF;tct+'t' 1'11irii•h `•11"11111 L+ i `.,e ,•,. C'tl 17t•i,+'1' thy 1t111!-',)) N,•; I+III. , 11,71.1: • 1'.:1 '1'111 1'1'•11 11101 III;,', ("„t•' 1'' :h l for ,'t+i+11'1'1,1.1 p11. 1.. !,+ n t., .111er 1111 111,' ji!11.: ;it \!'Iyie t"1,1,':1; it, '. iitti't'1'•Illlg In !';Irl! Hiatt. nl a:I ,•':1:,o,1; h(r hank- III! VI' in l';11'_'Ir1111 1 i �nl(, Hh+' !.cad, I'1, li,l. , hall; ('Hitt -i- 1'.71 • .1 5,0111i, 1'111''11101' I11'7iutl;ll1('11` n!'1. 110111'_ :It• templed in ('11,1, with the 0hjet't of avoiding ['idled Stals interytntion, If I'ulnut is .filling, (here is sl ill hope that 15111.le Snnt uuly be spared a di511grteuble job. SCOTT'S E ���LSION when colds a bound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma• tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for fret sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. SOe, sod $1.00 • • . Alf 4ruggIsts It he wont upstairs for n Toot nu1)ore, But tlhe noise did his e1u'lldvnls nag, For a community crowd with o;ontnnln'Ity hi,'/.1', il:ld n'orlccil up a community jag; Si ;plow]] Ow stairs he rout s'trtlighttvay, .1s if he \\al.'. grea•sr'd Skids, But, hestumbled and fell, ere he got away, O'er a bunch of communlity. kids, So he s'ull;;ltt hon' c')utm'inlily telephone, .\n+l ler 1lmurnlnned Ili=, \vile thcroto, Ono \vor,l he ''slid, one \veru adotte— .\1t 1 that wits the word, "SlciddooI" SV) hitt 11''ife 1 wenit,.•thret'd (11111 they sought them out, A pine'' where in pence they'd 1)0, And he said: "Le community 1)oosteri 5alllnt— isolltion %sill do for mel" —Don'vo'r Itc publIcan. A TORONTO MAN TRIES Something New and is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. Mr. 0, N Defoe, :a Colborne street, Toron- to, nllyR: "1 have been a flut- terer from Dyspepsia for years, 1 have linen treated by doc- tors nod have taken ninny medicines with only- temporary relief, Since using I)r, Loon- Ihard'n Antl-1'111 1 cite t nnythlug the RR 111C as when n boy. I find they regulate both slonlneh and bowels, 11y Hid lino vigor has returned, so thit �11t, 11, N. llAlrO>9 any spirits are buoy - nut nod temper nor- mal, 1 give all (•peau to tttIR wonderful rem- edy—Dr, Leonhnrdt's Anti -('III,” All Dealers or Tho Wilson -Pyle Co„ Lhn- Itcd, Niagara .Palls, Ont, 601 Should Be Graded, There are, of course, unions of unskilled labor in ,'hien the men employed are fairly on on rrluity. Fix a Roily "511nt" of work rind they aro on the same footing, But In every trade ,worthy of being so culled It Is n clear Injustice, 111)1 the effl,'lent nod skill- ful and oho Ilsef(1('ll'llt 11114 111111 should bo pnld ellke, 1f the good men are pnld enough, the had men are pnld far tali much "for value received." ♦ 1 11. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere ♦•• Then lie Went. "No, T ilnve 110 business," said the cheerful idiot, "I just dropped in to kill a little time," '\\loll, thrall: you,” said (Ito laky Haul, "hut, really, 1' haven't it bit 1 want (tilled today,"— Cleveland Lender. Everyone Run Down depressed—with headaches, indigestion, constips• tion, boils, tumours, scrofula or other results of impure blood—can find speedy relief in Mlra Blood Tonle. It draws out the poison frorn the blood and tones up Romach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Pure, safe, palatable—contains the medicinal virtues of curative herbs Ivhich at in a natural manner on the sy tem. Price, $1 a -bottle -6 for $5. At drug-Pores—or from The Chemigti Co. of Canada, Limited; Hamilton—Toronto. Ile sure fo gel Ike genuine—ask for MARK n4GISTt:RED. 1 UNLIGHT OAP is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions, paraillILINSiantlialowsimama SUNLIGHT WAY OF WASHINO 1'I RS'I•,^1)ip the ;wide to 1'r ,1;1,111,1 Ina tub of lukewarm water, ,11.1,, it out "111 a IA.1,hl„',ud 1111,1 rub 1111. s all lightly over it, 11,: parti,.ular 'It to miss soapily, all over, 'HIEN roll It in a light roll, I.,y in ties tub tinder the wale,, ;loll go un the same way until addle rip, e, have the en, toms are toile I up. then Fa away for thirty minutes to one hour and let the "Sun- light” Sonp do its work. N f.X'I'.•- Alter 1L,: Tull lime nub 1hrclrtbet h l,i y out oil 4 ,v,t,h and the dirt will dr i1) out; 1:,111 Tile i,,nn'nl in - Not.: , ::1 t 'plat Ihc,Srau,q, but don't use uny snore soap; tl,,n'I s,:atl 0r 71 11 a seal don't wa,h lhrnith two cod, If the wafer ret: too dirty, lpoor a little out ar„I rr,h. If u streak is (card to wash, rub some more soap on it, and throw the piece back into the suds for a Lew minute;. LASTLY COMES THE RINSING, wthi, It i, to Le dun,: in lukewarm. wnte,, taking ap', ill rare t0 get all th,` Ili,ty suds ria ay, Then ,iris,; out and Ila114 Up to th y, For Woolens and Flan- nels 10110W,: - Shake the 111iclei fie,• flora du,l, Col a Ial,lct of SUNLIGiif SOAI' inti sl+,n•ing,, pour into a velli,' boiling water bold • li,k into a I,,tle r, 4411,11 ju•t lukewarm, work spool"', in the lather without rub• blew. S ;ti v e .,111 ,ttnly water without twisting oral I tn;e Ili r.,1101)1) u, 111•, relay; of lukewarm w,il r, S11'" -''a rut water willtnut twisting and bent in Ilia open air, rv'TI1e most delicate colors may be safely washed in the "Sun- light" way. 77..":14% ISSUE N 0. •11, 1906 PICTURE, POST CARDS 15 tor 10c; FA for file; 10) for 9(te; all dif- ferent ; '1110 fur $.1 nstsortl57; 1,000 onvuloput We null GO'; 1,00 foreign :ttaIups 25e. W. 1t, Adams, 101 'longe street, 'Toronto, Unt, Mrs, 11'In.slow's Soothing ttyrup should al. ways bo uso.I for chlldrun toot.ning, It e,loth.% the child, soothes thin genus, purrs w••$ colic. and is the bent remedy for llltu • rh teat ommom DR. LEROY'S 1=E1VIALE PILLS 1 safe, roe, and I,•II (t In u,l,nlhly rrgnle 'r. 7)o"•n !'Ills ti, 1. I no. 1:10i to 1'ruwc,4 Irover fifty )1.1,10, lou, ''i111.1 h,vsI,ittle r the pvi t d1•r lgln', I, and mm Kuar fit• 111,7 1,y I i -h,,, 'letup for r,• b' I rn enter. IM• n 71 ,11 p•'r ?..v of y 10411,5,-0,1y I•'rdlr 1. 1111 1„1111 of 11 e:• LID HOY PILI, CO„ Dox 42, Hamilton, Canals. $5,000 11) REWARD will be paid r nay 1/111.4011 wilt) proves that Sunlight mtp eon - Loins any Injurious chemical,/ or lel)' lupi of adulteration. Your Money Refunded by tho dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you llrtd uny eausu fur complaint. LEVER BROTHERS LiMITED, TORONTO 151 Getting Over a Difficulty. (front LlppincoIt'a,) An Instructor In n certain boy's' school is noted among his pupils for his difficult ex• mulmltion .questions, tine of the youthful students, after struggling over 11 particularly H111'11110114 11s1 of questions In geography, (lune nem) rip' following ,query. lvhlch cum- pletely stumped 111111; "Name twelve annuals ('f Ilio polar regions." The youngster scratched llls head, thought hard fur ninny minutes, and finally, snider the spell of ;t sudden inspiration, 41'r•ltof "Six seals and six polar beaks.,: The professor was so pleased with his pu- nil's 1Ii'\' paws that ho marked his paper 100 per cent, A Lawsuit is always' n boss to one party, and the lawyer isn't the one party. CUT OF li IMPERIAL" PUMPiNG WINDMILL Outfit \vhI'h won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF '1111; 11't)I(1,1) against -t American, British nod Canadian arnnulnrlurers, atter a two Months' thorough trial. .N1 ode by GOOLI), SIIAI'LEY 2J ?MIR Co. LIHITED, ' Brantford, Canada, Teach the Boy, Trach the buy; '1'11 be true to his \yor,l null work. '1'o Lice all ,Jifl'icultiei \\•lilt courage and ehrirfltlltes,, , 'I'o form no friendships that can bring him into degrading associations. To respect of log' pt'pla's C't)lll'IC'l IuIIS. re1','lenve It onto 'I'n lire a (lean life in thought and word 11, well ns in 41((,1. '1'11111 ('tion manliness always commands '.'Lilt the best Illines in life are not the-" 111t11 '111 he bought with money. That 111 colnluand he must first learn to obey, That there eon h( no eonlprnlniie be• tweet' honesty and dishonesty. That Ili,' 1•irl ties of punctuality and J) llill'llesi are excellent things to cult!. vale. 'I'ltut a gentleman is just what the word implies ---11 nmol who ii gentle in is' dealings with the opinions, feelings, 11nil weaknesses of 01 her people. ---Moth- er's JI;Igazitie. ••e Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is beat when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, Used Every Possible Effort, "Ts it n feet that, your anther-in•lnw threw herself out of the 1hird•etoroy win- dow and you did nothing to restrain her.' "Excuse tae, 1 trent to the first storey to catch her, but she had already passed,' ••* Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. First Thing in Order, Teacher---lohnny, if I give you 6 cents and Four brother 10 testa, what would that. make? ,Johnny—Trouble. District Agent Wanted To Secure Subscriptions on a Commission Basis. No one but' a LIVE Agent need apply. THE CANADA FIRST 'MAGAZINE, now in its second y(nr, is nn nil Can- ndinn ,II)N'I'i11.Y Magazine, Devoted to CANADI:IN SUI3JECTS• and SIIOItT STORIES. The magazine' of the Canadian !'reference League, Of interest to 111. \VE \\!A'N'[ litelt,sitrbseription, if youl•send your name in:now;for one year's subscription- tit, one dollar, we will mail you the magazine FREE for the bal- ance of this yam ; • Address, Canada, First Publishing --Co„ Room 19, 43 Scott Strect--TORONTO'''• Farmers and Dairymen When reu mutt. a Tub, -Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan Ask y fur trocier E. B. EDDY'5 FI . f': RE WARE ARTicus You will find they give you sale - faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist. on being supplied with EDDY'S every throb =1"• 1,-a .. Sunday 8c,i1 collo IN 11•,!: N A'1'1ONA I, 1,11SSON NO. 111 ()('1' '.I, Itll1U t,r Ili, "1'111 ,;t• 1111111, II.119. 1 'lilne;,:.'11 1. The ,1'1'1•,1111•. 1'1'I'I'I4r Lr 1.1,1.111. 1\-, 11 1S.I 11, .\ 1i11 Ili -t 11''11 -dent- Ili;u-'II as ;I man p1. 111_ Illi'. ,Illot!ler 1'111111111'. 4,1' 111.;1 1.11. 111'11 lei, 11'1111 .,',\.Int- 1111' .1111\1':I1•1l 11'01114.11.1 1,, ' 1 111,' 1..11:11111' li''- ill 1111' E11.1 11 11.11 til +1' 0,1;1"• 1\ 1111 111011.1'11 V 111 L" aI'-11'41' 1,f :hl' 1 1\ 11.•1:1111' 11111n. 11I hit. 111 i• \1 .1 krill!: I' r the ;It,-4.1Ilee 1'1 !nolo. Ili- -Ll'4'- Ili- +l'_.itt -, flow, Com. 'file ;Il.. -.I1.-, 11.1111-;1.1 :Ill 11'i1.' [hiisII;111,, Iter Illi -.I \Jilt, "1 1 II11-1, III- goods - ••'1 h.'\• \V err 11(4 1111 Ili- 1111111 ;1 101 .ell 11111 1,1.11111111., :111,1 0,1' 11111' 0111111\' 11.1111'11 IIP 10111 ;1- 1•.11111,11 ill 11';111111,'," '1'1'1' 11- ;11' 1!41' 1.1.1..1.,; ;111 1\1 }MVP lm'• .101- 1(4 (1 Id. 1 111'1-1 1'111 111,1, 1(1 II, 1111 11,1;1-411 e- 111 the -111,1:11;11 life. 1.111 110, 11111111!_ 11111 !11' 1111, 11111 1•1.• 1 1.11, ;111,1 111' 11.1- 1i '' 'I',: 111t11111g 0X- 1.1111 11- ;1 -11.1\;1id." I.., 1''1\1. 1.111111, 'I'111' Value 11 ;1 talent I,:- h"1'11 \;11'111!,1\' (.-t 1'41. 1111 i'Ii t 1111. 1(((•11 \alien -I\' (linlal'd, The 111• 11;11 111111, 3114.. the 1111111' ,,f a t.11 - n; • 1 -11 or 111 the 111.1 'I'4',tailiont 4)t `I,1II% It 11.1- liven estimated as Ill \v 11; i,IIr01, represent ;111 of those le,itliar gift- \,Ili,•h I;ed lin, "1\•111 us in \4001,1. -Tin 1.4. i, lint a single 11(111 1 '.iii' in human nature 111i,t(a1 lir.11t!1, 1114111 ll clearness, etliteatilll, 1411.,• g•, (.Ball in 1;1,1, time, money 11111( i; not ;1 talent. \\'e -hull find that \41) all have more 1;dont - 111;111 \V' 1111d sippo-ed. T1:'' p"wet' of .perch i, it talent, .flit: 11,1111 \' 11 d', _.10.1 (11441, is a talent. 11;'11.1-, feel, 1., 4.s, ears, 11(1111, tliilnl, al'I' .Ill talent,, 1;1141 3;I VI. 1114'111 141 11,, 001 101' 4111 1'41\111 01111,1 1111111 11111\•, 11111 111111 11'1! 111121111 Ii -1 (110111 111' 1111' 11 'Man' ''t11e1:e a 11,1 111' 111- glor1. .'1.l'-11101 at11'a'liVe• 11,-- i, :1 talent, 111ney is a talent; for it, 1 i_'ht 11-1. we Ore re,pon•ihl'. Ill (dot, 111 that w'4. hal\', 411;11. he 1.'0.:1•il1(1 :1s talents. 'ilii'' this i, .n, \1.r -1.1' 111;111 1111.1'1 1- 01 11111 111 1114' 111„1;11 11110 11;1, 1011 s1I1111. 1.111'11111. \\' .1 its"r' 111,4. Inilliounirl': I1n11 11'1. 141141 Ili, •1'V1.1'i' 11 1)110 1111. .1;11.1; 01 the 1;reel„ ;111.1 1:11111111, \v11'1 often 111.11 0i '1'1;11 :111;1111111(111; 1111(1 �k111. 1111,1 t1.nlllr11l herr;', ;11. -11100,1 11 the 111(4 Or 11'1111.11 11 11(11 lin; tlf 1111111'11\111.! them. To vide 11111111111 gilt, to 11i,l'-all, ill ' 11.111111' 1 l liIlproViii_ 1 1i1111, w, 111.1 111. 11 l4.,lil t!1"111 11111 ;1 -111;11'1' 1 11;. 'I'Ie'11 "Sur;lightlen\'. 11, V. \\'c 1111" Iti l' taught .1 11. -,.,II III plol111111n'-s, 1,1 . ut ;11141 !hided \\'r now' .11 the u.' 11!,.11 the -011001. 111;111(' ui 111'11' master's '141,,1 1'11.1 out o1 the three improved upon the ,trust committed to them, 'I'h'y v,l'rr 111 diligent, I_!I Llithllll, III they \11 th-111'1'd 11.N 1 I I t111'y 11rre\er'd 111 1111' w"I1,, 1.(1 ;hr\"-il•r4.(de11, 'T'h1,11 14111 .,1 114 -t Int• I11111 .11re'1'11. ( 111111• 114'1' - 1!' \lin 1'14'4.141- 111111'11 11'1111 (;1141 11111;t 11.,11r ;111 1111111.1/1.1.111 191 1111111 1114' \111111('. 1'. 111:4. 11 1111. aIle \41141 ('1'14'11', 11t 111 JAIL 11;(11. 1- 1'1'111111'('11. 1', I)i,'gcd 111 the earth --•.111i. is the ,.'uliar teulpt;ttion 1f the 1111111 \'111 hit; ,.ltd' ;111ility, x41(1 hesullenly retires it 1 s'r\'i.'r in w 111111 he e;umlt shine ; I;.! 1,111y a eau-pit'u'u- part"; but, al - :;;011.211 1;141 111114 111\4. gi4(11 to .1111' Intl ;tall ,;111;11 ilitil'., y't't the 1;111111 111a1 is '14,41 should not he buried. Hid hi, lord', iaore1 111. dill 1111 embezzle of .(T111111tler it. but he Iti.l it. \\•Intte\'er ahilit ie. leen I,,, -se-- :1{'1 not Ihl'ir',\teit; they. Orr 11111 sic\4;1'.I. ;1111 11111-1 give a1( necotnit. 111\4' sad to bury o11c's talent! II, Faithful service re\v;1'll(( (vs, 111• 1111 \vh!le tlli. 111) (111111111 refers 11) •I'1' (1111 cooling, \'('t there are many ,1)411111' ---in the great erist's of life, in 1111111', 1(1 trouhlt. 111(1 e.p'('11111y in 1111 111.11' of 110111111. 111,.\ 1111;; 111111 1'01 ,di \vas given for iliprIVom'nt. 1'enu'th-- 1'l1'i.t i; certain to endue. The time may s't'ns long, but let us not be 41•'eiv'ed--lie i; coaling again, I:eekuneth --- 11 will lie (1) personal, ('_t) exact, (3) impartial. 20, (Drought other fi4'1 1. The good servant was ready. 2. '1'11',' \vas 1111 king 11:41: he rendered n full n'eolnt. :1. Ile 1;141' juyfnlly. 4. (;niel:ly. ii. \1'ilhotit fem.; then' \1.n; no confusion, Ile kuoiv he \w4), ri3111, null he ((1111' with cuufi- dear', '.'hon delivervdst. Indo fur—lie- t'uiiziug that all he had belonged to his 0nl"t('1., "The more \4'o do for (loll, the more we aro indebted to him for making use of os and preparing 1111: for his ser- (itt'.'' 1 have giiuotl----Ito had put 101111 an effort. 'I'hli.t people w•ho fold their arms ;1111 tall: about trusting God \\'ill find, sooner or later, that land does not ht 11) the idler. 21.1 \Veil done --The ..ulster gives his (4111 1111(1 hearty approval. '.Thou good—lt i; possible to be good even in this sinful world, to be pure and upright \lith'''. 1'tIIlit'ul--1 lc had been tt'ne and trust- worthy in the performance of his duties. Faithfulness 1'1111101' than success was rewarded. (Mir n f('W things—:\t best we 1111 do but little for the i,oi'd here. :\ few things are given us, all of which w',' should use to (rod's glory. Euler over 111111\' things—"The faithful one is Waldo 1'11I0I' (14'01' 11 bagel- sphere. we (I,uslllltly see this illustrated in this life. Faithfulness in the smaller sphere ever Inds tout la'''ger sphere, to new activities,, to grander opportunities, to 11111'0 splt'ndid achievements. Joy of thy ].oi•d--\\'e are not only to have the joy of 11'114' Lord in us, but \•e are to enter 11,111 ,his ,joy. This is the reward of tho faithful. '22, Two talents --'.'his servant had been as faithful and successful as the ono who recei4'ed five talents. 23. \\'ell (111111— I he rewards were according 10 his nhility, ile 00111(1 not ,have handled or enjoyed more. 111. Unfaithfulness punished ('s, 24. 30), 24. T knew thee—No person really knows Christ who t.hltd:s 'llitn a hard master. An hard man—'..'his servant en- tertnin4 bard thoughts of his lord, Ile ....,...-,.._...�-_.......�....r... 111!1111• ili• 111'111:11;(1- ,Irl' -,deft'' ,In 1 its it ll(' I- (tifllt•ll!t 1 1 11;,1-(', T III• ,1'j\ant, r 111-,141,11 111 his 1011 w 1'011!, e„1111'- 111,11',1 11 (111 4 1,11-r- ,;:1.1 110,1' I 101,1 - 1., 1.4. 111'' 11:0111” 411 Ili- ,11111 ,1,00.11• I, Int. III! III= 11111• .1'1 114,'1; ';Lin', 111 11.,11 :1- :I 11 111 \I,1 -!,'r. ;ln.1 1 . 1 11,.11 1111 11,11 1 h1. 11!;11110 1.4 I'll .1' ..1111 1.1 .11: 1111111:., 1,011:''1 ill; 11111'^" III01 11:1.1 II 1I. \,I 'Ilii- w:l- 11,11 11,1' 1.110!1 41111' 1'''('4'141•,1 1110111 1111111' r.1.111 II" 11111 aitI'' : ;;,'I t '.It• 111.1 1.11- all 11111 1-;'1.11' 111111, 2:1, 1 11;1- :lir,li'l 111 -inner: ore ,Ill lid, Irur fir -1 I1:Irrilt- 11111' ;111'.11,1 111'11 1114.4 lei -11111'1',',1, I'''n,':111.4',1 1111, _11.1;111 In Ili.l'' 1111. 14111'1111 Ili- lord hal untn1-Ir11 1.111141'„111'1 it"t4 Irl(1 110 i 1.11/1/1 .1 •1;111(11(1 It1' I;;I- 11 11111!1' i'' 1.011 11, f.';I r, '1 Ilan 11,1-t 111141, 1111 n 1 R. \'.I 11" -' 1'1111- 1.1 11,1,1.1 "1 Ili- !1"'!1..1 V ;1'I 1 upri_htne-s, 241, \\'iel. I 1111'1 -111111(111 -''t'v;Int Ili- 001 -Irl' 0,,- leo! to 1.' til• 11111 t1'illl, '1'111. -1'1\alit 11:1,1 hoer,. I. I L'1. ;11111 Illtllt'nlltall;o, 2. 1 1171';11110!. Tile I'll' work he h:111 done, in .I 1_'114 to Mille the 111110"4, 11,1- -11' 11'.111 .• •';'.,' 1,1:111 \1',I-Ie,l. I, .I1. 141.1 .0,t' rt.,ii, 1 h:n',I th.111:•hl- .111,1 ,:ii l 01i'1111 hi, ul,l-tei', 'Thou t:nr'te•1 11ut 1 11;111e ',till tllolltll -halt 1110:1 Ir' 11141.4011, 27. 'J'holt oulhle,t --Tho (1,1 1! he I,n't4 \\ hat hi, 111:1 for 1.4' piled v, a, a ,,,deem 11411\' he-ltoiilll 11,144. n -,',I the 1;11• ((tit. t:oil iti,l,e,lls'tu 111 1110" 111.111' s :11141 tell; 11, 11'11;11 \c' "1ng111” 1', do. I?\eland 't- "I1,1111.0r-," I:, \ . I,itor11114', "in 1111).1 \11111) -11111,1 111 tn16,-, 110'1,011-e the I,:.III: had 1:111;00 1.efor1. 1114.111, (';1.1.. 11'1111 inter, -t 1111, \',1- His 11111,11, hada right to ex1eot a t''t ..aide profit ftlnl the labor= of his ,-ervant, 2S - The talent from hind - The unfaithful .4'rva0t i, not only rr- pl•ourhell 11y his iia -ter, 11111 10. i; ol''t 0- ii!T\. punished. 1 r it -e- \\dial he had 1';111• 111 1(1 a-'. t:iii' it unto him -111'1.1. 11 - another 1'1'\4:1'11 111 f:ithfnlnc--, The f,lil.11lul oar floc- the \fork left undone 1,v the IltlfailItfliI servant, a101 1'ee1'14r- the '1(111id (1111' 111111', -0. 2!1. 5111111 he given Thr one 1\'111) r"il. 1,t' has po\''r: and11hilitie- and nlake- roofl use 1f 111(.111, to 111111 -lull) be _14111 greater pose -1/16., "The ea 111'1111 11.1' 411 :111y faculty Iltl't'I'1l '' it; p111'1'1'. The oily \ill\ to cul:1'pe our -.here i, to fill to overflowing the 1411114.1' \ve :1c ill. 1'111' horizon \1'Ideo- as \\'4' t'lllll!l." Shall be inked n\Vay 1'1(111 Ilial 111;11 hath not, even that whiell 111 seenu'111 Io hove 11,010 4'111, lsl -111111 h,' 101:1'11 ;141':11', :111. 1•n11ruf!tnblr 1141 \v:t. 'a -I in• 11 41111', darkness, iner'fy beean-t' lie 4(11,1 ttnlu'ofitablc ;1111 idle mid 111101411 hi. talent. 1)111er (1nrl:n'"' Tho -1. (('hill (1111 to 111101' (111'1.,1 11.111 111. 4.11,1 100111 111, 101'” '111(1' p111i,11nrnl ll' t 11' \41,•1s'il \\'111 h' tt'TriWe and ltrrnnl, 1'111,\(7I(',\l, 1. Tit, 101'111; rrrrlwl. "!:errsyed I .4t' t:11'nts" Iv. 211), 'l:'rel'rd 1wn I:IIi'lll-' I1. 221. 'I:P'I'11't'l 1!11. 1111' lnlelll" (v, 'I1 Any gift from 10:1 wlIir11 ,11;1111, 111 A Luxury for the Lath. 'Royal Crown" Toilet Soup Only IOc. a rake, 3 cakes for 25c. AT 1)11004).11 AND "(AUR. Ivt(irw4uNt. 111111.. CAN. PACIFIC CO'S. BUSINLSS. v,'IIAT ',VA.S i)1':;i•: , 'r Tili: :..-DING IN L;nes ,:' Ont,:: 0 and \\'111 L"a.. —'4'..111'' :'t Ext 1{alt:::tl;, C'1 the 81,.:11---i:t'(.;'un 1,1 U11t�,,s, 'I, i''•4':. 1;' , .. 1 • • I ;r ,,,1,1,1( 1.1 :t.1- lit,'''1' 1_ lel 1111.11,1: no"' -1 1.' I .(ling (."I(1 ,III'! \I"':!I I:"•,1„ ~11' 11 '11,1- h.ln: 111," 1 , 'I i1'•il l'. '1.11.1114 .11111 1 1.1 I ell. r II. 1IJrl\.t ,!11ti1111- \t‘,14. It,l--1..l ,,!1111011/11.J 1111• 01 till' 11)1! 'Hill', 11111'- Ill 11111;1.'0, 11;4; Ind,•• I,1."I 14.111 ,Illi 4,1 I;,li!'.\,I� : 4\.1!11 "1 1,11 .`, 1.u.i,11.t1'. 14,011\1,14: It' -;'lin, \\,1- rl'0n, t,\.!11 -Irl t\ 11,11:, 11111' -'ti .:.Ili 11;11': .1'11,0 „ I;1,!ii!"11 1:.4 11.%,1.1 111.• 1 --Ile Irl 1 1.4-; ,''alt, I!,h,0It1111. -101'1( 0',1- .1 /411' 1 tet' ;10, ' 1 011-11'll,'11'.11 :1111 4'.illll1111. IIt "1 1111' f"11011 in" l,r,lll,•II 1141., ('(1111 -Joel- Ill 11 1 ,111,1 IJ, ;,"••1.,.,',I! 1117 130 lirt1n'il, \\','t horn TUl: JUV[INILE COURT Of DENVER I,l',;11111 "wall ht'ti'lI ,\11,11-i I.;l!t• IiII .1 "119111 J1111' l' ',ilio LJ- 1%ii'11'illel',1 I'I•'I' :'\l, 11-1.111 I'1 "1"11:1'1- 1.1';111'11, 01111 1\- r i.l'� tt ! i l \t .'-i N,'lLl410,11. into this institution the -11.11 it 01 htlln.ul 1111'.' 1.• (11'1''' ;Id( i'I",I ap111 "1111' Ila .o 11011 .11 111. 'ble's'1"1- ill ;I g''''ill, 11 1'10- '.1 dl'e1'llt 111\111 111 decent 111(1-, 1� ' ,I 111:111. '2""."""1111\4,1111- 11111,1..'1.1'1111.111 '1.f 441111 lien L', I.i11,l1'v, the "just 'judge," Ii:l i1,' (\,III •4III"\•iii_ III, is trying to 111;111,1 out of lien\cr. Lin - r .11'!11. Irl ;111"11tl,lll 1.1 1111' i"imrt. 1!m 111....i.10.01'1)111 �lPl loll., in 1111' Ilrtlbel' 114'1 •JI'1: 1 i:' III,'I',',i-r ''1 1114111', tell, 11(14\" ,1 11(4.!,, I,iid.c�' fonnd'4l Ili, ,Inv. I n11111,111 ' I''ll,tl'- ill Lr...., i',nitiii'- In:11l:- euile Court, the 1111-t 1'uuul:able n,'.IUt Ii:1. .I'( ";'''- 011.1 414.1"rl.l ,1111•llt 4'1 1111• 1 „1'- twit of it, 11141st iu the world, x41(1 oft I - - I 114144' 11 ,,\.„1"„111 new 01111 Illot t httttll,lit ; 1I. 1.4' -1'1.41. 1 111 \ '111' line.., i114.1- f 11' 11 1,' I!'1. -ell( Veal' ''11111' I'r41'lllle 11'1'111 4111'11111(1 11f (11;11111' \lith 4'11114( '•I'liulin,li-." 1 l 11I `furl' after story is giver_ of the .1111:0'- I ' I',! I t il' -1100'- ;1 1,11 _r 111,•1'1',1-r 1)1'11' 1114 i ill' 11'11 1111_ 14'1'1"'I 111 !111. 1!T\i"11- euconnlerr with the 111111 110', 01 U'u• I 1 1 11th 11 Iat11,,; all, ''"(tt', \\ 1' fin'! :l ;111!1"-t 1.11 10--11111• I1 Vele .(01'11. I humor, ! ('1111'11 1111'0\0' 11 revealing light on the pro\'Id. 1-,11= a01 l"I'Irlll,rtivi- rapidly 4.11• 1h11110l1t.; 111111 11114111\1'5 111 1'11111111'11. 11141'1: '1111011 1" 1111.11 1111' 01111 1111.11 01 1114' 1.11111^I'�' 11011 1111 14111lil11'Ile1' Id 111' '1„1!•'•11 •ell -11 r 11 1110 -111'.'1;11 _''11,'1';11 1111'1'1111' kill-,' lir (';11111 1!01111 1111 1111( 11'111.11 lit 1110 ! 1;4'111 III \1,11'"1l, 11101. 11 \\'0- 1111\ to 1.e11 itis- rill' 11 the 1.;1.1.', .\41111-I'1'1111.ne'nl Ill' 111.14.('1.41- 1 f the the t'lll!111'I'll 11'11141 lied, to tlt,'It' tl':Il'11r1',' "111.001'4 ',11411,11 -loci: 11111"11 :111;1101'1/' 1 and their1 1;1''nts 1111(1 the tnitll to the 114 ;In .11 111. 1111.111104 f r",IrulnL- Judge, of 11'41. 1111!11, It '1 ,11.11'-, N.. 11 I'• il,:i 1 1 1111- "1411 they begin 11 dell kiln thin}:- hit ',11,1..10.1.11 14'11 11n.1 b,,.•'! ,\1'1.11 i" I 1,1.1 by bit, he t'xlrl's.e. 1111 111),,41,, 11111; 1111• ! •111i1' 311111, bat 4 lll't.talldllig,' \\'Title; \II'. Steffens' "III: .i til' ;11111'11111 1, , 111. -,t 111'• .1.- .vl111latfllzl's \\'41 14 a (11'1!1'1', 11 11 kilt idle.-, 11111• f"1' t1'" 4'lll'Irill (".11' i„ 1„ ••'11- 1'1111es 111\1' he ,',11V 1111 C0-\' '1111111.1 141 11.111\"11 11'0111 11141" h, !1;114' :1- ,;1'1'!!:11• 414';1 ;111(1 11111 get 1.011'111, the Judge ('\- 1(;,11'1- 111011' 11';11'1',1111, .111 1 f \.1'':' 1,41:1- 1'l;lilll,: '11('1', shat w'it; a (.11,1!1('1', 'Ihat's I ;111' 111(4' flit,. troll! :111\' 'nrll!ni,llla", 'tet;tiu, Ilut 'taint 1-111::1.1 ,In,' ::nth. 11101, V' -u lake' 111('1' 'iii -111k1'' I, coli I'•1'(, '11'11'::1.• I,:1\ ' I'1'�L'4.!i4..1 11„101; 11 1111. '111011!11 1f •Ilu ll, ,tI, 1 f 1011,1 II'•, lifter 11''al;llP„'; t'I'llnes, gull �: - ti' 1'1111 01111 "I 11x• 11'„rr",!< 0 under -tend, fur the hill null t110 Judge,',:Ile-; ;11.1 dnit_ 11'!1 -,1111' 1('•ti d ltd,. 1111\' sol' llllll3. 1111ullgll till' kid; 1'('1'-, doe the (.4.11,11011v I tt 0..,..nn1 "f w'lll1 all the IIIIti3itttlg 'll'('1I111.1;lllrr-. 1„1111 -01,1 itt- i111'I'oi-e,' (11)1!1 `'11.;11„111'11 1 -\li', Steffenstleelat'li that till! ,111110' 1,, hii.::�ll,l ll ll 1, all \t'lll,'ll ('('11 :11.4- is ihn ideated' til I.W.I. (11 (114' g;ill., Ill litt'l'e -1 ,11 lid!' .'0to of li 11'1' r,'Ilt, p''!' au - t1 Iles, o,,,' (1'11(11' 1111'11 I- ;1 talent. No 1)'t1v'1', :Ind that lin' IIO\n lilt 1101 \V;llt 1111111, .\; ;1 111'1.1 ill'. f the' 111":11'1 -!Ills, nlan 11"0,41111'' 11 hi; �e1'rral llbility” (1-, to b' summoned b'ItlI' 111111; they (ilin4' ' Ilrrn:ll' hld. Sir \1 illi,,''' 1', von Ili 1.1). .\ ('11111''!dr] il-I:1'1l. "\\ Ila( talent; of 11111'11' 11\1'11 accord 1\'lll'll llll'y' 111'1' 111 ( 11:1, 1'e•..le et,'d 1 It til'tll:'!t e1 ;!'” "1!:1:'1• have I"" ”-\t 1111 'Vont, 1140," w';I, O•omhl' 11' want a(I\'i'e, ; H1' '1'1111110- r;. 'h;l!I!:l!:li'--, ills' llll;wt'r, "leisure and (:ell', ‘Voda, time "(1111' ilflvt'11111111, a bill• of about tell 1 .III !)JV 111 11r�11.0:I \'11''' I'I'e-1(11.1111 of Ill" 1111 truth. Lot lite-' bo 11''1I 11401 111111 Mors .tool: his head into the door of � .i;111pails, ;1111 1114' l'\-''nti4' t ounnitte1. Il;l- ;1:'loillle,l a, toll It\'- : `Il' \\illi;Illi Vali Horne. 1,11'1 ``tl'tillleella and 'tf"iltil i:1\';11, l:i,'b;!r11 It, .\i_4) 1:(1"11111(1 11. II -ler, \I, I',. til• 'I'llltli,l, Shai_►1!r--y and 1)x1.111 \ii' '4,11, yltir 'r14Vn" w'i1I be bright," II,The (01(1114 t''\yarlled, .Meter the rap- t tire, the resurrection 1111'1 the marriage supper, the r'\V11.11s to the servant, seem 111 be Tile next in 0111'1' (111111' XIV.. 11.) Men are not saved 11y w'orl:., nor r' w1111011 1'(111113' of \4'11.1,-, 11111 11111' 111(1111' !s' 114, "Il(hold, 1 '111111. Ilni'kly, and my 1.'\c;u'll is \'11111 me, to give 'woro' man a((ordiug as his \vork shall 111," Iyer, xxii. 12; 1111111, x4'11 27.) Some r'\,;u'll' of the faithful are. I. I't'ni-'. "\\'tell (lone, gold 111111 faith- ful .l'tv'anl" 1v, 2:1.1 \\'lien the Lord ,'unlos, "praise" shall equine 10 wu'h olio loon (loll 11. ('or, 1. 5. ., writer 11onu- 1il'ally say-. "The 'o ell done' of Je.u- ,'r,,0Its the 11111 of rho '1)411.', 'I'hont!h 111'11 w'hi-11',1(1 by the w11y to tilt' heart of his,f'aithfui ones. it, fall, pnhli' ut- terance 1, reserved for the day of glory, Ili'o111111111'('d t!II'tl II\' (;Ind (111 \Vll\'4 con- demned now by tined, ways only the .1111111 of t'Itei,t (111 guide lis ill( 11, or the 101.0 of ('hri-t''mkes n: happy in, or the faithful grave of ('Iil'i,t .''.lain n; in. ()11. In live for that day! '.'Ili': is faith, '.'Ihi, i, the 4111'1' opo. 'I'o'tmunit :111 10 hint, sur( that we 1114' 11'11 11:111.,11 in the plait which the l.m'd w'i!I approve, Ills o\wn word is his standard now and thele, ' I'uw'r, '''Thou .las( been I'aitlifnl over it few things, 1 will make the' 1.1111.1• over ninny thing;" (\'s 21, 2:1). This is not .y0iIolie 1101 actual. 11 is the Father's '21(01 pleasure that the lrnns- Iitled and ri-en saint. -hoild •11l1.0 with Christ the 111'11\'1) administration 1!f his I:ingdotu in 3(1''rning the world (1,11110 12 321. i-tiitllt 1u'opliesied, ":\ 111113 shall reign in righteousness, and pri'''es shall rule in judgment" I Isa. 32, 1). 1)1111- 11,1 declai'm', "Judgment twos giVt'n to elle saints the saints pnssess'd the king - 1111111" (I)an. 7. 221. .111 \1411 suffer will' Christ "shall reign with hien" (2 Tim. 2. 12'1,11411 wo1111'11pinIlse first resnrrv'1inlirill "shhill)(101;.1;0 with hint II thousand year." tov. 20, 111, hue not all have the slum' Iliac' in 1110 kingdtnl, there is "one uIory of the sun, and an- other glory of the moon, and nnollier ulory of the stars! and one star differ - Oh from another star in 3101.\1 (1 ('or, Li. .111, :l. I'1vasure, "1',11(', thou into the joy of thy Lord/" (V. 2,:i1, "Joy unveil lot ble Ind full of 31014y" (1 deet, 1, S1, 1'11 rt of 111( ioy testis promised was the ,joy of the Father's approval 1at(, 3, 17). 4, Profit, "Th(i talent, , ..givt' it. nn. to him which hath ten talent.. For 1111- 111 ('(•(1y one that hath shall he given" (vs, 2S, 211'). The price of having is m- ine.. in the' realm of the ilhysical, the mental, the spiritual and the financial, 4,. Take It Away. N. Y. Sun.) First Landlady -1)o you suffer souvenir fiends ? 1evon(I Landlady—Yes, some of boarders eat the food. from the the Judge's private roots. "'Is the Judge in?' In' asked. "'Yes,' said the .lodge. "'Is tl!i: him?' the 111y 0;11'11. "'les. 01y boy, 1'111 the .Imre.' ''\\'111, I'm Johnny Rosenbaum, and 11;111' do \\.11 to see you.' "'\'s? I'm 311(1 \'111I'1'l' 1'11111', 111111, but 111111 did y111 '111141' '\\'ell,' he s1Ii1, ''doe 11040111hai, he 114111 to rnnle down 11',11', 11nil I' '•1o'ipotl'' things on'(, .\4)d t "swipwl" .unn'thing. and he said 1 better come down her' and .ce you about it,' riglll, but what liave you come to Ole about it for?' "The tears (11i1.('0. '\\'(11,' 11' said, 'i ';One (101\11 here 11 I'll yuu 1'11 '4)l it out, unit never do it ugnin, .\41,1 1 thought I. better get lu'r1 before the 'op did, slue said the cop 'lid. (Mel' a kill 111111 swipe(, things, bill that you'll help 111 feller to ditch the s\'ipiu'.'" This is undoubtedly 111411 leading ntilg'.- Atm article of the !tomtit. No su'h con- slrt'tiVO treatment of the subject of ,juvenile (rime, its causes, and its cure, has appeared. in 01! Amt'ritan magazine. 111., Steffens \\•ill follow up this s',ndy with others, ealoail4y (illmtsittatin;;, of the same sihjjeet. ___Irsornetteumg s�tismooaii»i 0 G Necessi e$ Alii:c on the farm and in the town these four Ryrie articles come nearer to being necessities than luxuries : THERMOMETERS—Our full and reliable line ranges in price from 50c. to 22.50. FIELD GLASSES --Our high power "Ryrie Special," with 12 Lenses in Aluminum Mountings will be delivered I.1 you For SI 2.50, charges pr -paid. BAROMETERS --These may be had at from $5.00 to $50.00. Our Barometer book is yours for the asking. POCKET COMPASSES — Tested oncs—;1.0J to $3.50. Droh res rt festal card and wetrill send you fere, of charge our large illus. !rated catalogue. 1 7Ga, Olt. 4•P FATAL FOOTBALL. CAMERON PAUL IN I-1AD SKULL FRACTURED AND DIED, \Vas Playing in Scrimmage on the Uni- versity Campus—Second Year Stu- dent of School 1f Practical Science— II('nc \'ra5 in Arthur. Toronto Ile -patch Tile Iii' -t tnnlll;ill fatality of lu(' -';•4141 04'1arre, ye -t r - .1.1v afternoon. tiiiiI:'r -ad vireo'it-1:111'41-, on t 0 1'111\'; r -it 1' 4.n!npli-. w'11 '11 00;11• 4,111 I':linin. 141'11114• y'•llr: of 111'.1, ;1 -01.- on(I-\'ttll' .1,•11,,11 11 I'1';t'tl'.il -talent. 4(11- -1 badly injured that he died -only hall'- afterward, in 1111" Oen- era! Hospital. Thi. t'ollit.1 01111 -11,1.1111011 it 11'1ellllt' of the :I: 1111, 1';11111 (('11- 41 1110-1 1110 1111k1n_ ilily'r, 111d 1111- n can- didate for'\';u•-ity's first 114101, .\ prn'• live \';1s on with '\';11'-ity 1111d 0 seru11 to:int, and 1';111111 Il ity'd with the hitter 111-,'1'ihllinlge. I',xtriinti143 111111•,!1 after -041'0' 1114 -le, he complained of -t ren'(. feeling in th ' head, but wa- in - 11111".1 I,1 play 111 ;Ig,tin f1;' three 1(1i11 - 10e,, .\iter the gam,. w;t- 01•( r he (11111, .11 the gyne..;l-111;41, and while 111-4,:-- ing 141.1 4r4rrnl drlwsy -hell-. Ile w'es 1.t110.l4('tI to the General IIn.11itul, I1ilf on hone after his 11dnli--ion the injure,1 youth expired. The injury to 111' held i; said to base been ranted by a kick. I)e'eil.ld was it son of 1It', \\'ul. 1';01111, n farnn'r,1f .\0111111. Ont„ ;1111 n :nephew of Hon. .1. \C. St. John, Speaker t'f the OnL1•io Legislature, THIS POOL ROOM WANTED, Wheatley Folk Excited Over Attempt to Freeze It Out. \\'hoal11,y. 11(1, S,- -Ther' i, will' here 14(1' an 11 11 1'111.1 11 110111 l'1111111, uw'ne(.1, 11y Ih'I'itn1- \\'igl', the only one in 1114. tuwn,llip. An agitation t0 '11-( it was started .into lime ago, and the taw'n.11ip 0111111• ell was approached. Last fall the (outwit passed a 11y•law raising the 11- '1 ns' to $1(10, but when \\'iglr 11111011 flit' n license itt Ibis figure his applies, tion was r'fuaed. '.'hon he .11111(11 110 run the room without It lie's•', and 110 is now being prosecute!, ..•• Summer Boarder — 1)0 you have \•egetnhles from your own garden? Thiele Silas —No, T !mitr't got no gar- den to speak of, but T got the best can opener on the market b'gosh." Cold -proof Underwear Stanfield's Underwear is nta'1\' of long, silky, Nn''a So;t01 ("0(11 --the fittest in the «'ui 1(l fur Underwear. '1'1(e superior (plaljty of wool— together with the pe- culiar knit of the garments —give the greatest possible \vartnth with the least. weight. Stanfield'ls L nshrinkable Underwear comes in si,:cs to perfect;.; fit 411 figures. Every garment enaran- teed absolutely un.11riukable. t19 Ho',' It Iiur' ('011:''1' gives ;I . t:.!:i:I. 111 -lance 1f I11" i111;1r\" (141;1 .\1!il'1'1".111 111'ttt-11'1' iIV Ili' I',1'1,in_:'i;';:! '!i-11 Ile''-. An .\4)l• 1.:, :l;, t ire , the Frolic lie' ' .\li: '1'i",111 tee:I\, 144'4 .I 11 1"lI' 4 ear- ;1g" to ,.1111';!1• 1;1,11 1-11 rOL.",4,111-0I •1 ,111 11-' '1 11- _11 I; -!"'4)t in the ':I!4)• h,lll > II''11,4'I ", ,111(1 1„..1., ;111 1-,;•.v, 111',1.1 . 1 011 4'.`.l I'II-I\ r -!dol, 111 I:egellt .11•erl 111 J.011•1''IL Tho. overage t;:.,User of customer, in that -11111, dnr• lid'( tie. 11011111 !41st lei' I:ell, \4,1- hist one ;I '1,11 ,Intl tall' I"t;li 1111-1114.-- done 44;1, !,•(1111.1, .;',lin-'• than nollliu_; that i. to -,11, 1141 .1111'- al .111.:11111 411111' , 1 ,': ,11 10 1 fl,' 111,1100- ',1'11111 111 :1 ''1 1111;111 1,1' ',.0111 41111 -1'11. 'f he Il"du(.;- 1.f tl,1' firm in quo -lion ;111. -;11,1 t'1 1, ' dill; -n- ail\' _uliL ;tail it: exll(li"n,- aft ;'I. a -t rikill_ evideIn't' of til,. jt:-: suffering i r the unjust. 1011' 111;1111 4•.1111 11I'iIlk ttt'.1 1;1101.1• Il"II"11 I.' Ieililli ,11, 1\'1111,' ;moth, 1. ..len dlesl!'t 1, now Ile 11x, enough 111,1111 I.e .lo,' -4)'t 1111(10' anything. IYO!1IENS' NEfiLECT SUFFERING THE SURE PENALTY Cculth 'Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydia E. Pinkhum's Viegetable Compound. 11141 111011y 0u011111'11 111 ,4 04 !;110',\• 11'10 11141' 1(•1.1'111" tvell and strong? We tn'rv,I,ty the -:11111' story 'Iter and over " I Il.4 111,1 111•! well ; I ilia F1 Ohl all the time'," 111!'' t!iull likely you seal: the sante words yourself, and no (doubt von feel La (1'1111 14,1'1 I. Tile Dame tn11y 140 easily traced 1' scone derangement of the fe- male organs which manifests itself In depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, bearing -down trains, flatulency, nervous - nem, sic'plessncss or other female w'al:nest;, ';'hese 4ymp1((1119 are but w11'11iugH that there is danger ahead, and unl'G1 heeded n lifit of suffering or It serious operation is th0 inevitablo result. The never -failing remedy for all these svnit,tlnl1 is Lydia E. 1'inkht(m's Veg- etable Compound. Miss Clara 1i'auhten, (`11'11'0, writes; 11(:11' Mrs. i'ittl.h;in: "I or s(verni Fars 1 have Siifier'i with 0 female weakness which proved a serious Bruin (u my' lit,nlipmenh and ('au�htl; se\'ititV(r' h'tal,11(11(14,ing In'tyitng-strdowngt 14111; a general worn-out fooling, until 1 ro;Il1y 1111(1 no desire to live, I tried many me11icines, but did not get permanent relief until I tool: Lydia E. Pinl:nant's Vegetable Compound. in two months 1 was much 1111411, 1111(1 t1irun;;c', ami in flit, monl11s I 01111 well; 1F1,11110111114.4)1.1:(11, 1 itt 110tdist;' rt'onhle c]h:e1111rge, 111 1111111.11 1)11111. H0 1 lave ('V('1•y reason to praise the \''getable Compound, and 1 con - Ali r i( without equal for theills of women. her tw•entv•five years firs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. 1'inkha►n, has under her direction and since her decease, been advising .sick women free of charge. IIer advice is free and always helpful. Address; Lynn, Mae',. - ' of leauport, 1 I Rock, Church, Kingdom, 141;'1. \(1, 1(1.111: 1 1'or, \V ''1''- 1 141ir ;wit, till heat 1, 1411111• 1•, 1.11.01 T'11: 111' 111,.i-iftet•i'I1 111'41' 1-'11,11 \\ 1:1 :11111;11 • guard 111• Cowl,: lion .1, the t .tri -1 111' 1011'1' 1111 II',\I!; til. !- dill' \„It 411 (;1,11 :1111111'; 1 1411_. 1411 (.t1!t,11:, v. it II \1111,11 111• -;I'll, lid dint into 1111 u'1{th are led; 111- \14.1+1 111,1' Io\(' it)-larrll. L,! -111'11 In t'1"4.1\ .111_111' 1,1;41' 1',1,0," 1111, 11''1!1 14\ 111, glare; And -n+II Ile 4';111. "(IV 1'11111',11," 111,1 in Ili. '1111,111, (('llea'I't'1'r found, Ile 111;!1,,•: 1111-1' sold 111 love ttil,tllllll Who 1111s0 the path Ile 1 11,11: ill- 11,41 1111111.1, (heir mirk and ;line, \\'aide 1!11'4 :It Ili• '..;hand !,1111.1;1i11! "Tilt' Kingdom" of the,ir Cool. 'l'llu, noel; anti t:hnt'('h, and Iiingdonl stand In unity sublime ;old grand, \1'hile ages rise and fall; Soon shall the hiu3Iotn herr' begun Pass to the Father from the con, And Goll he all in all. - -'I', \\'at'.''n. 11,'atl}•, Ont, Prayer. 'thou living and (.111.1101 Spirit. who 110-1 +'"Idle l0 iL (:111'11 1111'11 fide 1111' 111' fence ;1011 111'111, w I. pray 111.11 'I'h}' i44\\'• e1' 111111' 114' Illallif'-14'1! 11) 111, Illi,'lllily, '(11111 kill/111'14 the \ccakne,s 11011 Vileness 11 (1111' hewed,. •1'101111 1:Itow'.t the It 'Tagil' of evil thought and habit too long har- bored ;111'1 indulged, [rile-, '1111,11succor us, unless 'Thou uphold us :1)111 fight strongly for 11-, Nye .hall be overcool,. ht' sin x1111 iia eternally, lint 'thou Ort n!nrciftll :1411 omnipotent it i- Th' 111,- 110,1 11) .;111.1 those 'who Ore perishing; 1'o1111• to 11s ;11111 strengthen 1!11' \1 Il l 1'1111 lint] 1141' feeble striving,. drive away our 11dtrrsari(', and hell) tis to lay hold of Thy .t rl'llgt It ;1111 cling 11 'thee contin- ually. Let the seeds of evil peri -h in (Illi !waits and lot the flower. and fruit, 1t rrl(IIie-, _row ;tial the 3111,4' -hall b' 'flti!t' eternally, -\1(lei. What Holiness. ll";1111'-, i- 1,0011', it utilizes :11111!11, 1,•'• 111:;"- the -,,n: and uneigize- Ilse whole !p.m, It 1- !1:1' fire :1411 11;1ler 111 the 101- ;:int 01- ;inI , :hinging vitt to their ftillr-.t W11'll- ll'. Ido -11"113111 1'I ail the part. (If ;I1( 11'.11•1,11,1 1,\ -'r tbathe "1''';111 -1 ait'1111111 el -!1.;1 Il II:11 I'' \4' 1' 111:11' 11" 1'Xile11d1.d in Inl',Ilg h„''h ., Ir\01ted \101111 to God. 11"j;: ,.-» is I , 1,..4.111• to 1111011, aim •,l'- 4',""! 44 ilk .roll, Thu- they be- :;,.. 1'' ',\ 0; .,I 1'-. 1•.111 V 111;111 \\'h', (1\1,'1! 1.111 in God. al.d t:Ir.1 Ili him. is all n; :;0' da! • J •, !'-e i- 0"1'. illnit, w'ltll'll mato.. 1111.,; 1,, -11111' 1,11\111'1' II _;I l)1 -t :111 "lei ,;L'1 for ;:3 3,10,1 ;1 pltlik careless -011!- (10111 111" in(01111'g flood and storm "f \1;,1i!'. lifting them up into Ile. -\((''t - 1' II;I\ ;111d mote"hold if the Lock of \\ it!otit holm'•--, ('111{4' ;!..0 a l.1.1hi-4.,l i-i"i; with it. w4 111" 11 I:!11(reElnIIll :111,1 \1'1'11-g;li1'i- nr11 toll, \\ Li( !I (4 11! -:;,4)1 ttnh:n'n!"d lite hottest. -loge: at 11111 some tlll11', raining 11k0 a Ilei! 11441111 1-011-1101 hall- frons the ttulga• 10" of 111'1 (;0-111,1 '411 ;111 011111141 10(1.1(1 :11;4111-' t'i1'i-t,-- 11'v. \\', 1i, \\11-111. S:nse of War With Soul. 1, w" w:11411 the 4'1111(11(.11 is 11111' own -ons, or in tLe live, of other-, 1111.11. Ore certain indications \'11ir11 tell u- Low the battle I, 3'11113 on at 1111' 1111.1, \\ ben the fie -h has the upper 11:11.1 11, dominance i- manifested in the c,11,l11ct It, appropriate "w'o'ks” appear, '11111 catalogue of sill, 0111('11 the 11i1 -tie -rt; 1111111 is not intended to bo exllttii'li1tl Illlt It Is t'I'II''.t'll(i111\'l' of t111,1' \41.'114.(1 1111 deslruelive forms of conduct into \vhi'II man is dra\\'11 by his fallen na- ture. It 4\'111 ll' noticed that 1111 work" of the flesh nue of four ren -.4.s; -ins of sensuality, sins of superstition, '4111- of temper, Sins of excess, The Silts of sensuality inelulle not only the (1411(111(1 nelsons. lint the unc1e:1i- II'.; 11id las'iviunsn'ss w'hirh 'xpr's; 1111111»('1\'1.. in 1Ile 111.0.11e jt'sl, the Int fn' look, the impure imagination. I'tir- hnls it would not be fru0 to ':1(y (hal, these sins 11'e 110lldlier 11111/1 others, 111 Only In' lint the..tore 1341111111' -ins of tem- per awl disposition are as bntofnl in tho sight of (:oil as thee. lint eortaimly there is no '1ns13 of sin whose Ilt'"'truct- t(' 'h;fact', i4 more Meal. 0 nl:lrk,'I in 1111' bo(1!I ' nl'!tnnisnl, 111)',1(. whi'•ll -t t the (11\11'. •tenlIl Inns de'1i1y 111 (1111. \'cry f1.:liu' .1411 (:1(11,1'', ,\ prayer fat. tell 111(.11. It prayer for ever, 11'1\'4 111(1'xv, or t1 he uttered in (''1;4' agony of snp- plientintt. is that of the l'''ll'uist , "r',•e- 111e in 1110 n elettn heart, O (;ods"• -1;01). ert lladtlnw, To -day's Troubles, Tt is always worth while to see the bright side of things. \\'e mostly have n. desire to grieve over shill 1(1111:, rind that, we start the habit in ('41•ly 'ltildhood clear' 1111111 the number 1f maxims that combined wisdom and comfort 1f the ntfrsery link produced. "\\'hal (iut't lie cured tilnsl ho (111111r - 0d," however in0nnlrovertiblc it may he. 114 cnln(\t'IIllh S1lu't11II iu its Ilppli(1111on, and the a(lmonition not to "itiak' mount- ains out of molehills" is lin' less easy to Knot lee that to preach. 1111'dly c'heer'ful on the free of it is the euennrllging 1110t1(1, "N'Ver mind, it will he all the same n hundred years ft'nut now," but for all that, it contains a germ of true philosophy. \\'e should be half- way toward equanimity if we could only realize how trivial and 110(0 transitory are ninny of the things which vex us to- day in all probability will have ceased to lie of account, PAGE Elcil r— I' 11E I3 LYT I STANDARD 1 rill, 11, 1906, 1Vran ' housewives think it cheaper to buy than to bake. '!'hat is because their baking isn't successful every time. 'Their failures run the cost up, Get Royal Household Flour and follow directions. The result will he light, whole- some bread or pastry every time. You pay a few cents more for Royal Household, buy those few cents 1 y purity. certainty and Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid. 155 Montreal, GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Single Fare for Hunters Going Oct. 9th to Nov. 6th a points In'Ire a amf oI a Matta - To all s m nt wa to Part Arthur. g p To Sault Ste Marie and Port Arthur via Northeru Nay. Ca. Tu (Georgian 13ey and Lake Superior points via N. N. Co. tTo points on N, N. Co. extra charge will be made for meals and bertha returning). To certain points In Quebec, Going Oct. 25th to Nov. 6th To I'enetang, Midland, Laketleld, all Points Severn to North I3ey, Argyle to Coboconk, Llndeayy to Ilallburtnn. All points Madawaska to Depot harbor. All points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Baye, Maganetowan River. Return Limit, Dec. 8th Single Fare for Thanksgiving Dag Going Oct. 17th and 18th, returning un - Monday, Oct. 2.2nd. Between all ata• tions in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mlr'h,, Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y. For tickets and full information pall on 0. E. McTaggart, Depot Ticket Agent, Blyth. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. SOUTH. NORTH. am pm am pm 0 40 3 13() Wingham 11 10 7 35 o •13 3 33 Wingham Jot, 11 00 7 25 6 52 3 44 Belgrave 10 50 7 13 7 06 3 50 Blyth 10 38 7 00 7 14 4 01 Londeaboro 10 30 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 0 35 8 05 4 30 Brucetleld 11 3d (1 19 8 16 4 47 Klppen 0 50 I) 11 8 22 4 5.2 Hensel! 9 44 6 05 8 133 3 03 Exeter 9 :w 5 54 8 46 5 13 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 211 Clandehoye 1) 09 5 34 9 05 5 34) Luo411 Crossing, U 03 5 30 9 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 '25 9 21 5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 9 21) 3 54 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 9 35 5 38 Hyde Park Crossing 8 26 5 02 0 37 6 00 Hyde Park .Jct, 8 24 5 00 9 45 0 10 London 8 15 4 511 Connections are made at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin• cardlne branch, Connections are made at Clinton for all statlona on the Buffalo and Goderloh branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto, Connections are made at Lacon Crossing for all statIons west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. This is the season when you will be needing sonic more . luff r We have just received an im- port order of staple lines, and also a consignment of GLASSWARE containing Cake Plates, Berry Dishes, Salad Bowls --choice for 15c each, We have a full stock of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets and Fancy China. SOO•SRO* JAMES CUTT Pretoria Block BLYTt% Wingham. The first coat of plaster has aural ae• plied to the now High School building, Up to the 29th of September over $5,U00 of the 19014 tOxes have been paid. Carroll I[ele, formerly of Wingham, is now Secretary to Jas. E, Thompson, Commissioner of Industries for the city of Toronto, we are pleased to see Postmaster Fisher able to be around town again. Ills numerous friends hope to see hits continue to improve in health. 11r. Hastings, Inspector of public buildings for the i)onninion Government was in town looking over \Vinghain's new postotlico building. He has given Contractor Cooper until the 15th of October to finish his work on the buil 1. ing. Captain !tock and his wife of the Salvation At my fare welled hast Sunday. 'I'Iley have been here 15 months; they have worked hard end faithfully. and their work has been successful, Under their efforts the Army took on new life. Their felloty•workers and the publie generally wish them success in their future work. By the London papers we notice that Rev, Wm. Lowe, formerly of Wing. hang, has just closed a successful year in tit. \luttlwll• s (,lurch, London. During the year there were 31 bee• tisms, 11 marriages, 10 burialr, 19 con• tirmed and lt; public celebrations of the Holy Communion ; $1,221.59 was raised '.3 for subscriptions, and $ld A., fur nlis• ;ionary purposes; $300 was paid on the debt and $150 interest,. The thunk offerings on the Sunday closing the !lector's first year were 182.87. The people of Wingham here shocked on Saturday morning, the 29th of Sept.., wheu the news spread around the town that James Jobb has been killed by being struck by the C. P. R. train going to 'l'eeswater, Mr. Jobb had been in town for the afternoon attend• ing the fair and was returning home about 11 o'clock in the evening and in going over the C. P. R. crossing on ,Josephine street he was struck by the engine of the late train. Ha was killed instantly. The engineer soft' the trig on the crossing, but was unable to stop the train in time to prevent the accident, The train was backed up to thecrossiltg and the remains of the unfortunate elan where lifted to the baggage car and conveyed to the baggage ronin at the C. P, R. He was cut about the head and his neck was broken. M r. Jobb w'as about fifty years of age and had resided for many years in Howick, near bake. let, but for some time had been work- ing for Mrs. Coupland in Turuberry, The horse and rig he was driving be• longed to .John \letcal( of '1'urnherry. The horse was somewhat injured and the rig considerably smashed, Corner Kennedy was notified and decided to hold an inquest and after the jury 11101 seen the remains the inquest was ad- journed. A CORDIAL INVITATION '10 DISEASE. This is an apt description of constipa. boat, It's an unnatural contlilion to begin with, and it's more, because it brings about blood deleriuratiun, later• (ares wir h reutlelyou sip; cent ible to iafeet Heats 1i'ea• .; 1,1 -aures acnaemia. Not so much a plrrg , • rlye:55 a lot Ural 811 11ul.rll to the 11 sty els is what you 110011, you get it In Dr, Hamilton's Pills which increase liver activity, restore the bowels to per- fect action and positively cure consti- pation and its attendant evils. Iasis, on having only Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25c per box at all dealers, Railway News along the Line, Evangelia Hawley, of Goderich. 1 ii filed a writ asking for a declnt'1(tiorl that the Guelph end Guderich Itailltay lav no right to expropriate harbor lot No 1u25, Goderich, or to proceed tvitlt arid. tration to determine the value of the land and for an inyuction to restrain them from proceeding. *** The trouble at Godericl, between Ile 0, P. It and the G.'1'. It, has been se - tled, The two railways appointed representatives who looked into the case, and J. W, Leonard, President of the G, and G Railway, announced that the Companies had found it was C. P. lie Property, and that the G. T. R. work on 1t would be stopped, ** The fifth span of the Maitland River It. It bridge at Guderich is in position, and the bridge builders are preparing to hoivt the sixth, so it looks as if the gravel trains will be passing over it within a month.—The iron bridge at the toot of Harbor Hill has been started My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish h; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair -food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " t!y hair used tabs very short. Dot at'Isr using Ayers !fair Yrs short Nsni it balm to brow, and WILL is fourtwu feaha 1051, ?hL ..oma a WW1�5dM result to 1'w attar blag almost w1tbOslaonnt an b."—H Ku. J. . Tlsaa, Vont att by 1. O. Ayer o... Leal. MAL arse wutaet.uwa et sAUAPAR,ttu. © PILLS, G� CREAM PECTORAL but is proceeding aloavll', Tho aorta side of Light lioii ti hill is having it nil e face put to 11 to retain the ground. The foundation aerie of Zhu C, P, R. freight sheds IS 11011' CUllljll(!l0 tsar! the Nllpel'• Structure %rill sour le stalt.el Mitt Ile round house is getting a good start, The management of the !Guelph and Godericl railway for some reason or other is not 80 anxious for the COW - pletion of the 1'01511 nt II11 earl\• 1111 e as they were some %reeks ago but this is not deterring them (runt carrying on the work as fast as they possibly ran The rails are now laid more then half way between (Milverton end alonktoe while the road has been double tied anti ballast, d nearly as far its the Elan! boundary, The second lift las been made nearly Its far west is \I illlnnl; 51111 work 15 g010g 011 at it rapid Dace under the management of .lir. Gibson, 1 110 C011tl•IICtOI•, tyho is 11)051 assiduous in his efforts to complete the contract as (sr HS the Maitland River bridge at , Goderich this fall. It is expected that the road will be opureted as ler as Milverton by 'i'hatik,,giying dal• which falls on the 18th of October, Su flu' as the roadbed is concerned the lentil is ready for traffic now but 1 ho govern - meta inspector will nut pass upon the Work 1111111 I,l111f01'llls 1111ye live!, el•1!Ilreil et the various stations, switches laid and the proper applilttices put in that are requisite for the safety of 1 lie public. The switches at 11ilvel•ton, however, are in the course of construction and car- penters are expected to put a platform around the nation shortly, V 81yth Council, The regular monthly meeting of 1[lyth Council was held in Industry !loll oil 1Vednesday afternoon of last week. The members present w'ere peeve Slolul, 005111. Potter, Court. Bradwin, Cuun, Johnston arid Coun. Milne. Minutes of last regular end special rneeti0gs were read and confirmed, On I0UtiDn of Coun. Brod win, st c- ooded by Coull. Potter, the following accounts were ordered to be paid :- 1lnuicipal World, supplies $ 1 30 Samuel 11' estlat,ke, salary for Sep- tember •10 50 John Main'+, banking sidewalksI) 30 John \Vey month, special con- stable 2 0) E. Livingston, elec:t•ie lights fur September, $39.00; less $14.11 for lights not burning. • • 25 113 John Mains, work 011 street •1 25 E. Livingston, water for streets, 111 1111 Geo, White, work on fair ground 12 Ou John Mains, 12 uu W, ,1, Andrew " " I4 (N Jos. Carter, 1, „ tl 1hi 'Tuuney, " `, 2 00 31. A. Pigott, use of scraper 2 00 J. A. McDonald, picking stones3 60 E. Livingston, lumber for float and 12 tanks of water..., 2 11;1 The bond of 55111001 \Vest lake, as titx collector, was ht d au the tulle end e1' cepted un motion of Coups. Johnstn, and Potter. Moved tit. Coun Potter, •eronded I, Pott li .,.,win, 'hill 't per 'amt. le I pit •,Ix, 5 11(11.1 :).,', I I 111'x, 111111)115111 111 late' In' Prepared c•, 11:10 g llle eeme.—C., 'Tied. lis •law No. 11, le 5 per cent iddi ion - el on unpaid taxes, wits rend this•, tinges end passed 01 motion of Conus. lived win and Potter. \loval1 by Coun. Potter, seconded lit Coun 14redw'ii, that 1.111' Clerk consul, the Pillage Selicltor ve Carriage !'race tory liy•law awl other metiers 1elti• ing to this Corpurn.lioie—Carried. ~loved by Count. 31 One, seconded ly Coun. Johnston, that the Clerk snbull the Side%v41k 135'•law to the Village So 1,eitor, respecting tools hou1lr rine used In the building 1 f gralulitllic se' walks. end (lull etii who the newel, 1 • to he cherged o and what disposition is to be merle of the tools, --Carrier, Couneil then adjourned on motion of Comte, Johnston (and Milne 1'r DOES CURE WO1tANIY 11,1,14, "I feel iI my dart'' writes .Iles Moil 11, 01 Frtserville, 10 let inn kn. w tlnit yalnetilnr'K 1)1'01'1011s to the chill of life 1 suffered more than 1 could tel Neighbors told Ino Forrozone wits ti only remedy and their advice was good, 1''errozone put a stop to to. pain and sickness, had a direct, action on my troubles flint relieves from the start, 1 safely passed the turn and now enjoy perfect health and rest. No womanly medicine can do better than 1''errozouo," Instant relief is found in I''errozone fol female weakness of every kind, 50c per box at all dealers, WHY BARNS TAKE FIRE. ?ilehltran Mon ,Advances Theories es to Committee. ,1. C. Nelson, a prominent fanner near Pontisc, 31 ick,, advances nn ex• planation fon' the destruction of so many by lightning, 11r. Nelson points our I.het newly•ent ,,. hay or grain gives offdanpnt.vy, until the hay of grain is thoroughly cured The luny or grain is piled in the horns aril allowed to cure there, The damp. nese rises to the roof raid as it dries out becomes a gab. until the hay i1• thoroughly cured ihie gas continues to generate and escape. During a stol'lli the zits iK escepiue from the barn, The air is heavilt charged with eleetrielty, which comes in contact with the gas, and the next instant the gas inside the harp is ex• plaint, the lightning following 11111 con ref', Mr, Nelson gityn a numler oI instances where barns wore suddenly found at mess of flames, all through tl. interior, during an 1.1outrienl storm, SICK 1iIIADAOI1111 (31It1;D. Sick headache is caused by the stow ach and by indigestion, Chamberlain's Stomach old Live►' 'tablets correct these disorders and effect a cure, Bs ttIrina these tablets as soon as the firs indication of the disease appears, t p at 111 cit may be worded off, For solo by all dealers, Chamberlai s Cough Rernedy Tho Children's Favorito •••01110:8••• Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, Thle remedy to fnnu,u+ for IIN curve ocor a largo part of 1 o cIcIllzr,l world.. It can ,aluaye upon, 1) canto, nn opium ur ,!her harmful drug wail may he given na rmuldenlly ton 1111) n1' to un slap ?rico 25 cts; Largo Size, 50 eta. 1V, (1, and Mrs. Strong, of 01 Ili', base n1 sed to Draw ford, where \II. Strong nikes die tnlSilin" of .1S;i;tnill ;hI ciente e'e it of Or; anizat c,ll for tl o 1:'1/11 N11 Inliicu Is. ,f. lig^ndlel 01' (;ederie.h tntt'oshil , hrollgllt it load of oats to (loth!' ich Ile other tiny, consisting of 7S hags eon- rltining '21 (1 bushels. 'l'Ine nutket cItii I Heys this is about the l,i'_;;i'st load he has ever ►yeiglierl. 11r, lietchen, editor of the Nortll• tv'strr larnwr, 11'innipeg, is inenti(u- d a; the rollling 1101003. \Iiuisler of ,1grirnirtive for 3i s1 itclew'nn, Ile t' a son of John Ketches, Jirucetiell, end .,1111e 11101.1! lIremnstt',ltes the fact chill ldnroni,lus are !nutlet to come to Ile front, Mrs, 11',Iilace,Clinton St.,'I'eesw'ater, hes sold her dtvelliig house to 31. 1'ar .rani 11'e uuder�tnncl 1l i prieu Iu II $11;000, This means quite a Sharp fid• vatIre 111 1'100 RS If 'S a l I 0 ta OIl(a lt cltutge,l hands a fest• yews eg1) at Seel) That however cannot lie said to hfivl been its 5'01 UP, CAUGIIT COLD ON TME C.P.R. A. E. Mumford tells how Psychine cured him after the Doctors gave him up "a It Is twelve years since Psychine cured me of galloping consumption." The speaker was Mr, A. E. Mumford, six feel tall, and looking just what he is a husky healthy farmer. He works his own farm near Mngnetawan, Ont. " 1 caught my cold working as a fireman on the C. P, R." he continued, " I had night sweats, chills and fever and fraquent• ly coughed up pieces of my lungs. I was sinking Inst and the doctors said there was no hope for me. Two months treat- ment of Psychine put me right on my feet and I have had no return of lung trouble since," If Mr. Mumford had started to take Psychine when he first caught cold he would have saved himself a lot of anxiety and suffering. Psychine cures all lung (roubles by killing the germs—the roots of the disease. PSYCHINE (Pronounced Si•keen) 50c. Per Bottle Larger else* S1 and 52—all druggists. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. .HEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The ,Standard . 81 00 '1.'111,Standerti and 1Veelcly Advei- tiser . 1 I15 I'he Stendlt'd arid Weekly Wit - (10;4 (111 I'he Standard and \\reehly Globe 1 (15, l'he Standard and blandly Herald find Weekly Situ' 1 711 'rile Standard and \\'eekly ,111ti1 grid Empire ,.. 1 (i;, 'L'ho Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Truss, .. . . 1 80 Tile *emboli and'I'w'oetu Week- ly San , ., 1 80 I'Ile Standard and llanlilton 'I'w'ice•a-woes Spectator..., 1 75 The Standard anti 'Toronto 1)aily 51111' 0.60 .... .,. 2 25 11I1! Standardand 'Toronto Daily News ,,, . 2 25 rhe Stanthu'd and Farmer's Advo - 01(10 '2 30 ['le8'altdard au1(l I)ai13, Adver- tiser . ... ... ..... ... „ , 2 60 I'h,! 5 ,uulard and Evening F'reo 2 75 I'he St;utdard and Toronto Daily 11'orld :2i 2j, The Stauda'd and Daily free Press . , , 11 5e nder(1 and I,.;ye11111i4 0101111 3 50 elle Siaudios] end I'3vening Mail 101d Empire 8 60 11110 Standard and Daily Mail and Empire,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 50 'fine Sta1(lal'd and Daily Globe, ,. 4 50 Send all yubeeriptions direct, to '11'1LE S'IANUAItl), IJLY'1'1I, ONT. 1 11rccrry to I se , t, :I.1L. 10111110~1.111•MOIONIMMMIIIIIMINIMIEW A GREAT BARGAIN INTO SS'iJB�SiCRI8ER15 �71.,Standard may have and tha j.)oronto Weekly Mail & Em sire for the balance of the year for Only 30 CENTS L. I 1;t:' The two papers to January 1st, 1908, for $ 1 .75 SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE Send all orders to [4 LESLIE KERR The Standard __...,r” Blyth ' t.5joi.'.;.w, 4',.i: I.410..1w..)31 ..).:Jw�t..J MOUS PEOPL BY FANNIE M. L CiTHROP Pbotegr.pb by DIxoe. Tomsk PROFESSOR GOLDWIN SMITH The Greatest Living Master of Style In "The Grange," a delightful, plait, brick house, half -concealed by tile network of vines that cover it, with a wide sweep of lawn and grounds filled with old tees—a whole city block in the heart of Toronto, hedged In by high walls—lives Canada's venerable author, Goldwin Smith, This greatest living master of style In the English language, as he bap been called, luta had a bust' life int his eighty -tape years, yet his own worda prove It has been a serene and peaceful one, "According to the Psalmist," he, says, 'If by reason of strength our years be fourscore, yet 1s their strength labor and sorrow,' (I I)u t I must say that while) I have found mine full of the first, I hey have been free trans the 8econ(l." Born In Reading, Englund, he was educated at Eton and Oxford, gradu- ating in 1845; two years later was elected a Fellow of University College, where 11e acted as tutor for some time, and though called to the bar, he never practiced. He was prominent lu the two commissions appointed to examine Into the condition of Oxford University which led to a number of salutary 1'cforms, In 1858 he was made Regius Professor of Modern History at Ox• for1, a post lie held for eight, years, During the Civil War in the United States he was a valiant champion of the Northern cause, and on his lecture tour in that country in 1804 he met everywhere enthusiastic and flattering receptions and received the degree of LL.D. from Brown University. In November, 1808, having resigned his chair at Oxford, he again visited the United States and accepted the professorship of history at the newly founded Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y„ where he lived for three year , On 1115 retirement he went to Canada, being still Professor Emeritus of Cor- nell, when) lie was extremely popular with the students who affectionately referred to him as "Goldie." ' In Canada, he soon found recognition and served In a number of post• Dons that gave him opportunity to render invaluable service to the cause of education and letters, 511(1 on all questions of vital political interest his vole° and hie pen were ever ready. A long list of books on History, roll• Won. national polities, philosophy and biography ho tins to 111s credit, yet a far greeter bulk of material remains In his constant contributions to tho newspapers and periodicals of his clay. A rare scholar, a master of style, a (:rent, thinker, it fearless iconoclast, an able champion, a tireless worker, Goldwin Smith has been a mighty Influence for good, wise' Lieeriellelu ,10101 thr 1'ull.ultut of C.Ilnla to OR 7111'1Voc, by N, t', N.ck, 4t the Utpartlutul of lrrlcslan.,