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The Blyth Standard, 1906-08-16, Page 1
be tb VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1906. No. 2. AUBURN. Noris,—Miss Tenn Lenten! layer, of London visited her parents hero recent• ly....Rev, A, E, ,ones is enjoying a two weeks' vacation, Mr. Gordon Melanin, of Westfield, and Mr, E. 0, %V i I ford, of Blyth are supplying for him.... At the meeting of tho quarter- ly board recently the finances were found to be in good shape, and the cus- tomary appropriation was made for ministerial support, Mr, ,T. 11. Mc- Clinton was appointed representative to the district meeting....Ituv, Earnest Phillips, a Baptist minister recently from Engined, preached in tho Base lino Baptist church on Sunday after- noon. ...Construction on the C.P, R. has been curried on, after a fashion, ell summer, and things are nearer comple- tion than we believe the popular mind is aware of. About a week ago there were between 15,)00 and 20,000 square yards of earth to bo moved on the sta- tion ground, and for a short distanco east and west of it—no groat task ordin- arily, but the distance to bo hauled by wagons is about a mile and a half.... Mr, Charles Asquith, of Toronto, visit- or friends here recently. WINCHAM. LOCALS.—\Vinghnm defeated Luck - now at baseball last p'riday evening.... A large number took in the excursion to Detroit on Sat ludas, ...,Mr. Wm. Farquharson, of Port William, is visit- ing with relatives and old frionds in Wingham.... Mr. It. 1). Young, a for - mar well-known residentof in I►an , is calling on relatives and and old friends in town. Mr, Young is now in the custom's department at .Noeprtwa. It 18 15 years since he left Wingham and finds may changes and sees many new faces..., Mr, W. T. Pyle, formerly of Winghaln, has been appointed man- ager of the Northern bank at Stone- wall, Manitoba, .. , A dispute occurred last week between Contractor Nichol- son of town, and his namesake fr m Morris,al outvomelion, Somehoweho or other, during the warfare of words, the list of the Morris man wont off at a tangent. Unfortunately tunatoly our towns.ns . man's nose happened to be in the direct line, and hence there was a collision b e- teen a fist and a nose, Police Magis- trate Morton listened to the recital of the affair, and the owner of the fist The s0. andcosts,same Was assessed nose and the same fist aro not likely to corns so close together for some time to corne....Mr, H. Davis, collector of ens• toms, has received notice to vacate the building occupied by him as an office for over twenty years. This building will he used as a barber shop by Mr. R, Barret., Miss Little, milliner, will take Mr, Barret.'s present premises and Mr, R, Johnston will use the double More in tho McDonald block for his boot and shoe business.... Mr. John Howson, a nephew of Rev. W. G. How- son of this town, has just graduated with honors, from tho Manchester uni- versity, England, Ho is not yet 2l ,years old, and will be entitled to tho degree of aM.A.,in ono year more, with- out passing any further examinations, In the course of his graduation, he was queen's pprizetnan, and won two or three scholarships in addition, , CODER CI H. LAxwr.ETs,—Mayor 'Tilt has refused to sign the power by,law....'l'ho girders for the Maitland river bridge on the G. do (3, railway wore hoisted into posi- tion last week. This time the cross- beam to which the tackle for hoisting the north end was attached hold the weight of the girder all right and every- thing wont off without accident, 'J'he girders are 104 feet long and about 12 in depth and weigh 88 tons, The girders for the next span will be placed on an- other plan, being run out on false gird- ers. The steam shovel is now at work making a out in the hill below the light- house, A cement mixer has boon plac- ed on the embankment at. the foot of harbor hill and an excavation is being made for the foundation of a concrete retaining wall below the McIvor prop- erty....A pretty wedding took place at Brantford on August 2nd, when Miss Florence Roberts, daughter of J1rm, Walter Roberts, of that city, was mar- ried to Henri K, Jordan, organist of Brant avenue Methodist church, Brant - lord, formerly organist of Knox church, Godorich. The ceremony was conduct- ed by Rey, W, H, Hawey. After the CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Affiliated with Wingham Business College) Opens Sept. 3rd IN McKAY BLOCK THREE COURSES: Preparatory, Short Hand and Typewriting and Cemmercial GEORGE SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL ceremony Mr, and Mrs, Jordan left for a trip down the St. Lawrence. They will reside in Brantford on their re- turn, The groom's Goderich friends extend congrntulttious... ,Wednesday last the nuptials of Mr, John Lawson, of town, and Miss Clara Blanche Mc- (ba'rio, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ifector McQnnrrie, of Grey township, were quietly celebrated at tho horno of the bride's parents, near Brussels. The ceremony took place at seven o'clock, Rev. E. 1". Armstrong, officiating. Miss Gratse Lawson, sister of the goom, was bridesmaid, and the best elan was W. L. M cQua'riu, brother of the bride. Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present, lir, and Mrs. Lawson arrived in town on 'Thursday and have taken up their residence in the groom's house on Victoria street, Mr. Lawson has the congratulations of many friends, and their best wishes for himself and his bride. ..00.E H U LLETT. STAR CITY .-1110 following r:ferenen to Star City, Sask., which is pub lisped in pamphlet form, may be of in. wrest to many of our reactors, as this is thio place whore 1)r. L. Brigham, son of Mr. Win. Brigham, of L,ndesboro, is located ; "Star City ! The name is prophetic of trhat its present enterpris- ing business men hope to nntke it. That this is no idle boast the following facts, Its t0 1 location, , en cion its ' c rrolnc.ntH V and suitability to successful wheat raising, mixed fanning or ranching we trust we clearly establish, to all who have the good fortune of coming into possession of ono of these pamphlets, The village of Star City is situated on the Canadian Northern railway right in the centre of the now famous Carrot river valley district. Scarcely more than ono year old, it can boast of two general stores, ,two hfu'dwa'e stores, ono harnessmaker, one drug store, two implement warehouses, one but her shop, two livery stables, three real es- tate offices, two licensed hotels, one blacksmith's shop, one brickyard', ono painter and decorator, with the usual complement of carpenters, plesteret,s, etc. The professions are represented by ministers of two denominations, doctor, dentist, druggist, lawyer. The school trustees have in hand the erec- tion of a $1000 brick school house, Wo fancy we hear some who may read the above saying, "'I'Ilis dons not 111- terest us, its land we want to hear about." Hold on! Mr, Farmer, its you we want, and you we ore after. As a basis for inducing you to settle hero and a further valuation of the land, it is necessary to show that right here in the centro of the district you have a progressive town which can and will cater to your needs, not only bod- ily, but in 'natters religious and educa- tion also. Bearing the aforesaid re- marks in Mind, to be considered in sum- ming up, we will now discuss; In the first place the soil is of rich black loam with a clay subsoil, well watered, and sloping gently, making it ideal for wheat growing. The vegetation is abnndant, the pea vine and wild veitch abounding and growing to a groat height forming a most acceptable ad- dition to successful stock raistng, and if the abundance of wild fruits be any in- dication, fruit growing will yet bo a profitable industry in this district. Edible roots Ind vegetables of all kinds attain almost phenomenal growth, The Reneral appearance of the country with Its bluffs and stretches of open land, has been likened to a huge park in so much that it has deservedly earned the name •"'1'h° Garden of the West," The cli- mate is as fide as can be obtained any- where in the Dominion, shut in as the district is by ranges of hills and large timber tracks, we entirely escape the cold blizzard or the scorching winds so unendurable on the open prairie's of Manitoba, The crops in the past years have averaged for wheat as high as 40 to 50 bushels, and oats 75 to 100 bush- els ! • This year wheat was about 45 in- ches high and headed out about the let of July, Many who road this and are fortunate in possessing land may give the above but little hoed. But take a look at any trap with projected rail- ways or at the map on back of enve- lopes and you will find that this district is but 100 miles distant from Fort Churchill, Think of it, right at the doorway of the future seaport, in direct communication with British markets, a now established fact which has been the dream of the best financers interest- ed in tho devoloptnont of the groat Can• adlan west, What dons this mean to you with arable lands at their present low rate? It means in the near future increased land values unattainable or undreamed of In any place less fortun- ately situated, 'l'hen again by study- ing the projected railways you will find that in the course of a few years no part of this magnificent district can be further than eight or ton miles from a railway—again an increased value, Finally, to summarise wo offer; An enterprising commercial centre. A splendid railway service, Timber limits within easy access. A market for your dgrain, A. market for your farm pro' uce. To young mon starting out we would again point out the remarkably easy terms 011 which hand can bo ob- tained in this district, Como west to the beginning of new thins, where sue - cess and fortgtre is assyred," —Mr. J. A. Robinson, a well-known St. Thornas barrister, is dead, A Few " Becauses" Why we ask for and expect your perfume trade. BECAUSE our assortment places about every worth while sort before you for your choosing. BECAUSE what we haven't got we wouldn't care to sell you if we did have it. BECAUSE all our Perfume is PER- FUME. Even our lowest prices secure you true odors ---and you'll buy them for their own sake and not because of cheapness, BECAUS1E our standard of Perfume excellence Is purposely set high -- and what passes our inspection is very likely to Impress you with Its goodness. May we for these reasons hope for a chance to please you. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE QUALITY STORE Dr, \1I Jt MINS -BUS, DUNGANNON. Toors,—Tenders are being asked for the erection of the new cement side. walks.... Dr, Blake was a recent visit- or to our village. Mr, Charles Gar- vin, of St. Louis, is on a visit to his old house here Mr. Junes Whyard has returned from a trip to Detroit.... Miss Campbell, of London, is visiting Miss 011ie Crawford \f r. Wm. Reed, of Manitoulin Island is visiting old friends here. ...Mr. Wrn. Crawford is enjoying an outing in Now Ontario... .The West Wawanosh Piro Insurance directors met here last week....Misses Gladys and Margaret e Meddarevisitingin a Goderich.... Mr. George Anderson, of Lucknow, is buying apples in this vi. , t v Robinsonnd oirtity.. 1 0 , 1. W. t n family attended the summer school in Goderich last week.., .Mr, D. F, John- ston, of Owen Sound, is visiting at the home of Mr, Alex Pentland, Mrs. Johnston and daughter intend return- ing horno with hila in a few days We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Robin- son and family, of Pontiac, as citizens of our villlage, Mr. Robinson has gone into partnership with his brother Fred in the butcher business here. —Mr. George Finlayson, of the Mont- real lacrosse club, will be tried next Monday in the Toronto police court on a charge of aggravated assault on Mr, Charles Querrie, a member of the Te. cumsnh lacrosse club, The alleged as- sault took place during a game. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard $1 00 The Standard and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 20 The Standard and Northern Mess- enger . .. 1 25 The Standard and Simons' Maga- 1 40 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser .... 1 05 Tho Standard and Weekly Wit - 1 00 Tho1eStandard and Weekly Globo 1 06 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Tire Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire .. 1 75 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton '1'wice•a-week Spectator 1 76 The Standard tlndToronto Daily Star 2 26 The Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 25 Tito Standard and Terme Sun- day World 2 00 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate... a 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser ... 2 60 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World..,,,,,, ,,.. 825 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Spectator . 3 00 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Times.... 8 00 The Standard aid Daily Witness 8 00 The Standard and Daily Free Press , , .. 8 60 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mall and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Scientific American 8 60 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire, 4 (i0 The Standard and Daily ( lobe, , , 4 60 Wo cttn get you qtly newspaper or magazine pttblishod. Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, SEAFORTH. Donwws.—airs. Wm, Reidy has re- turned home from a visit with friends at Hamilton and Brantford The many friends of Mr, Wm. Westcott were shocked to hear of his very sud- den death, which occurred at his home on John street on Monday morning of last week. Mr, Wescott was a much respected and well known resident of Seaforth, having been a resident here for a number of years. Tho deceased who was in his 51st year, had not been in good health for about four years but during that time was always able to work unless for a few weeks at a time when he seemed a little worse than us- ual...,Orn 'Tuesday of last week, it pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr, 11. Hammett, when his dough• ter, Myrtle L,, was united to Mr. John 0. ,Murray, of Seaford', The eeremonv was performed by Rov. A. K. Birks, B.A. The bride wore a becoming gown of grey silk voile, with chiffon trimmings, and carried a boquet of white roses, The hrido'smaid, Miss Lillian Lockwood, of Preston, wore a pretty frock of blue silk voile. The groomsman was Mr, E. Murray, of Toronto, brother of the groom, and the wedding march was played by the brides sister, Miss Loilla Hammett, Mr, and Mrs, Murray will reside in Sea - forth, and have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future happi- ness, Mr. and Mrs, P. Kress, Miss Mabel and ;Master Wilbur Kress, of Preston, and the Misses Anna and Reta Hewitt, of Hamilton, were guests at the wedding. _The voters' list for tine town of Seaforth is now in the hands of the town clerk, and the total number of voters on the roll for 1906 is 839. 'Total number of persons °legible to serve on the jury, 2.10....Tho Corinthian foot- ball team will play here on Wednesday of next week. .—.01.. MORRIS. Foot u n RESIDENT DEAD,—On Aug- ust 8rd Mr, John Bosman, a respected resident of Wingham, passed to the quiet of the grave, Mr. Busman was born in Yorkshire, England in 1810, In 1851, when about 25 years of age he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Hart, who for the past 65 years, proved his faithful help -mato and companion, and will keenly feel her lonliness. The following year, 1852, Mr. and Mrs. Bos- man emigrated to Canada, and resided for a short time in Markham, and later, for a few years near London, Thirty- six years ago they purchased a farm in the township of Morris and resided here for a number of years. Seven years ago Mr, and Mrs. Bosman be- came citizens of Wingham, For the past year Mr, Bosman's health has been failing, but for short time before his death he was apparently better than usual, and on Wednesday previous to his death was quito lively and cheer- ful, Towards evening he took ill, and before morning dawned on Thursday his spirit bad taken its flight. Mr, Bosman was an honest straightforward man, an obliging neighbor, and was held in general esteem ; ho was a neem her of Wingham Methodist church, Besides his sorrowing; partner, there are three daughters and One H011. The daughters are—Mrs. Cahoe, of Austral- ia ; Mrs. Burgess, of Vancouver, and Mrs, Frank, of Manitoba, The only son is Mr, H, L. Bosman, ofT'urnborry. In political matters, Mr. Bosman was a staunch Conservative, The funeral took place on Saturday, Rov, W, G. Howson conducting the service. A largo number of former neighbors and acquaintances was present to pay tho last tribute of respect to the deceased, and show their sytnpathy with the bets eaved frionds, Norms, --A quiet wedding took place at tho Methodist parsonage Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when Miss Maggio, only daughter of Mr. Arthur Cantelon, became the wife of Mr, Edward Pollard, of Grey, The bride looked charming in tt dress of white organdie, trimmed with all over lace, Insertion and white taffotta silk ribbon with white chiffon hat to match, Before departing a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the entwining aux- iliary by the Brussels ladies in which thoy expressed themselves RS haying had a good time.... There was no ser- vice In Jackson's church on Sunday.. , . Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Clegg are enjoy- ing an outing at several of the local surnnror resorts, such as Goderich, Rayfiold Grand Bend.... Mrs, Thomas Bielby has returned home from a month's visit with Toronto friends.... Mr, Ab. McCall, who had his leg injur- ed at a barn raising, is improving nice• ly....The trustees of S,S. No, 9, cotn- manly known as Button's school, have engaged Miss Murdie, of McKillop township, as teacher, at the rate of 8825 for the balance of the year. , , . Mrs, John Manning has returned from the west, STOMACH TROUBLES N1s (SOI' STwaTtON. No one can reasonably Hope for good digestion when the bowels aro consti- pated. my. Oharles Baldwin, of Ed- wal'dsyiIIe, X11., says, " I suffered from chronic constipation and stomach troubles for several years, but thanks to • Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost cured." Why not got a package of those tablets and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists, —Subscribe for THE STANDARD, BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,250,000. IZeserve, $2,250,000. Total Assets, $29,000,000. J. TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $t and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. r J G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. ,tjL'`".1'rrr^'r".'f ,` C"{i'`-r''r' ;t-'. 1' • •',t'' 1 "`1"! "' ... Cleaning Time Our annual cleaning up time has come. All odds and ends of sum- mer goods have to move. We have gone carefully through our L. stock andp ut out all odds and .. ends, and it will be to your advan- tage to look through them. August is essentially a month for cleaning up stocks, which is about equal to saying it is a month of bargains and opportunities for the shrewd pur- chaser, and never did we have more special lines, worthy of your attention, than at the present. Come prepared to buy, because many a line is put on sale one day and is gone before the next. Heaps of goods on sale that are never advertised, not enough of them left for that, after the heavy season's selling that we have had, Dont fail to see our remnant counter. Everything marked at big reductions. _BLYT I_ WESTFIELD. EARLE—A tt.u.—A recent issue of the Wetaskiwin Times has the following reference to the marriage of a niece of Mr, Wm. McLarty ; " A joyous and happy event took place at the residence of Mr. Clark Hoover, Rosonroll, on Tuesday evening, June 20th, It was the occasion of the marriage of his mice, Miss Eleanor Edna 11, Auld, to Itov. James R. Earle, B.A'. Miss Auld had just, arrived from Winnipeg whore her parents reside, and where she had been an active Christian worker in con- nection with Maryland street Metho- dist church, Rov. J. R. Earle has just graduated from Wesley College, Win- nipeg, and was ordained at Edmonton on Sunday, .Tune 17th, He was sta- tioned at t'enhold by the recent confer- ence. The wedding ceremony was per- formed by Rov, R. E. Finlay, chair- man of rho district, in the midst of a largo number of guests, Many were the expressions of felicity tendered the young couple, tvho have gone to Pen - hold to reside," ........ LONDESBORO. I'rEsts,—Hullett council have chang- ed the date of their meeting from Aug- ust 27th to Friday, August 81st, at one o'clock p.m.,. ,The Londesboro Metho- dist Sunday school sent the following letter of sympathy to the widow of the late R. G. Webb :—Dear Friend,—Wo, the members of the Londesboro Metho- dist Sunday school cotnmitt.o desire to express to you and your family our sin- cere sympathy in this tho hour of your sad bereavement. God's ways are of- ten mysterious, and wo cannot under- stand why our brother was permitted to stiffer so long and so severely, yet we must remember that God is wise, and God is good and that Ho Booth all well. We, too, fool dull wo have lost a friend, His self'sacritieing labors and his influence amongst us as a Sun- day school will not soon be forgotten, We pray that God may give you strength to boar this trial, and that you may, under this heavy cloud, bo load to say "Thy will be done," Sign- ed on behalf of the Londesboro Sabbath school committee, \\rm, Lyon, Thomas Sampson, ...Mr, and Mrs. John Man- ning, of Woodstock, are visiting their parents here at present... , Mrs. Whit- ley and son, Percy, ale visiting rela- tives near Goderich Miss Ar Boll is the guest of friends in Brussels... , Miss Young took in the excursion to Sarnia, Miss Ada Stackhouse is the guest of relatives here— .Rev. Mr. Currie's brother is a visitor at the parsonage. . Mr. Robert Snell Sundayod in Goderich.... Miss Little entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening. —Advertise in TILE —Mr. James Graham, of Goderich township, met with an accident the other day and it was almost a miracle that he was not severely injured. He was working in the mow and in seine way slipped and fell to the floor be- neath, it distanco of about 26 feet, For- tunately there was some hay laying on the floor which softened the fall some- what and Mr. (Graham was but little the worse for the experience. This is not the first close call he has had, Some years ago he was engaged in sinking a well and when down some distance he had occasion to stoop when some bricks fell from the top of the well and just grazed his back, Had ho boon in on upright position ho would undoubtedly have been struck and suffered severe if not fatal injury, Bread and Butter Education Business houses have this past year, made TEN TI1\1ES as many demands upon us for young ladies and gentlemen who aro thoroughly grounded in business principles, as we had students to send WINGI;f4M BVSiNESS COLLEGE Affiliated with Clanton Business . . College . . • Opens Sept. 3rd. Drop a postal for information to GEO. SPOTTON, Pl'lnelpal . C1IAS[S WIFE ON WD[[L AND KILLS PIER Insane With Jealousy He Shoots Her Down and and Then Shoots Himself. Erie, Pa., Aug. 13.—Insane with jeal- ous rage, Edward J. Culnt, 45 years old, ohased his fleeing wife up the street on a bicycle this eyeing and shot her to death, then shot himself. IIe Iiea at a hospital in a serioua condition. Cubit drove his wife from her sister's._ home, where she had taken refuge, went and got a revolver and followed the two women, who were running away in fear of their lives. Culm and his wife were married three months ago and have quarreled almost constantly since. Relatives who were with the couple a great deal of the time say the man was jealous of her without any apparent reason. She was a widow when he married her, but had always been highly respected. Culm was employed at Sernmence Brothers' gun store in State street, awl Mrs, Sernmence, wife of , one of the members of tho firm, was a sister of Mrs. Cull% On Saturday night the :ouple quarreled at their home near Tenth and Raspberry streets, and filially Mrs. Calm went to the Semmence home and reminded all night, saying that she was afraid to stay in the house with her husband. On Sunday Culm went to the Sonntbnco home and fixed matters up with his wife and together they re- turned home. They quarreled again, and the wife went to the Sem►itelnce home and remained over night. his morning Culm came back and tried to patch matters up again and seemed to be succeeding. Late this afternoon Mrs. Semmence west out to the side- walk to talk to a friend who was pass- ing and left Culm and Ilia wife to- gether, A few momenta later loud words were heard in the room and Culm carte out in a rage, hurreelly jumped unto his bicycle and rode ' wsy. Mrs. Calm followed hint out of the house and ran to Mrs. Semmence try ing, " Ed is going after a revolver to kill me. Hurry and let's get over to town." Mrs, Semmence was alarmed also and the two women started on foot over town. Culm rode directly home end procured n revolver and then followed the two women, Ile rode up behind them and as he jumped from his wheel, he cried out: "Frances, if von won't live with me, you won't live with anyone else." As he spoke the words he shot her twice through the, hrenst, either bullet enough to hate unused death almost instantly. Cillo looked for a moment at his wife as she lay at Mrs, Sernmence's feet, as if to assure himself that he had mode a good job of it, and then deliberately turned the weapon upon himself and fired twice. Both shots took effect. The shote and the .screams of Mrs. Semmence brought people into the street and the ambulnnce and physi- cians were summoned. County Detec- tive Watson and Deputy Coroner Man- ley were called, and began an investi- gation at once. Culm has been ill for three years and under n doctor's care, but was able to work. It is thought by many that his mind may have become deranged by his trouble and the frequent quna- -cls of late and that he did not realize what he wns doing, Reports from the hospital are that he is just alive. RUIN FOLLOWS LOCUST PLAGUE. HAVOC BY LOCUSTS IN DISTRICTS OF HUNGARY CONTINUES. Fires and Steam Rollers—Various Means Used to Check Advance of Plague Have so Far Proven Ineffectual. Vienna, Aug. 13.—The devastation by myriads of locusts in the country in the neighborhod of Debreczin, Hungary, continues. They are sweeping through the land, eating every greet; thing they find in their path. The crops on (30;000 acres have already been consumed, so that the ground is still bare, and the auth- orities are helpless to stay the ad- vance of the insects, All sorts of desperate means are he- ing tried, without avail, to keep back the invading host. Fires have been lighted, but the locusts swarm into the flames until they are extinguished, and the survivors continue their march un- impeded. Twelve steam rollers are being used nt one place, and roller brooms are sweeping up the dead bodies of the crushed Insects, But no apparent pro- gress is made. The locusts cover the enrth in ninny pinces to the depth of gevernl inches, and def)' annihilation. To ninke matters (verse, a storm has carried elands of then[ over the River Theism, and they have devoured Arne- ticslly all the eorn which was standing in sheaves, What is left is worthless as animals refuse to touch it owing to its peculiar smell. The plague first appeared last year, when n force of 000 men was organized to destroy the Inrush, This year the position of affairs is much worse, rind ninny farmers are threatened with ruin. ZION DEBT. SCHEME TO FOUND IT AND ISSUE BONDS. Chicago, Aug, 13.—The first detailed statement of the indebtedness of Zion Society wag given to the investors at a meeting last night. The tables showed a total of nearly $5,000,000, which it Is proposed by Overseer W. G. Voliva to pay by funding the entire indebtedness for eighteen years, and to issue bonds bearing 6 per cent interest, The proposi- tion was accepted by an almost unanim- ous vote of the 850 nivestors present, there being but two dissenting votes. It is the purpose to relieve the present financial difficulties by a mortgage on the 4,000 acres of undivided land of the city, 'Twenty-five per cent. of the gross earnings of the city will be set aside for a sinking fund to pay off the principal indebtedness. 4-a► FIFTY MORE BABES. Another Attempt to Cut Out Criminal Instincts Wien a Knife, Philadelphia, Aug, 13,—The ,Society for the Protection of Children From Cruelty here Is now Mortally "laying the axe to trite'root," as far ad crime is concerned, by having all the children who conte into ite care operated upon for the rontovrtl of every tendency to evil. ' Fallowing the sneeesefui ol.swetions whibh were recently performed, live new Orations have just been ,performed and e dootors who did the work said to- day bhat they were quite satisfied that they would be egttnily strceesasful oneW, At the same time fifty children col- mittt'd to the society's care were ex. antinetl and within the next few (lays will also be operated upon for the erad- ication of criminal tendencies. One of the most fruitful causes of criminal predisposition, the doctors say, springs from astigmatism of the eye. It is as if there were a close connection between physical and enoral obliquity. The removal of the defect from the eye, will, the doctors say, also correct the moral crookedness. Curvature of the spine in children is another seed bed of crime, This, too, 3s one of the ailments for which Oil. dren are immediately treated when they enter the portals; of the children's society. THE LITHOGRAPHERS. BOTH SIDES DECLARE THEY CAN HOLD OUT A LONG TIME, New York, Aug, ]3,—President Steieh- er, of tine Employing Lithographers' As- sociation, against the members of which some 200,000 men are on strike, issued the following statement yesterday: "We are prepared to continue the fight against this strike for six months and, if necessary, for n year. I not greatly plea -sed by the attitude of 'our members, They are unanimously in favor of arbi- tration nerd the open shop. The union having refused to arbitrate, there was no other course left for us hut to declare the open shall," Cenernl President Hnrnilton, of the. Lithographers' international Protective Association of the United States and Canada, issued the following statement yesterday:, "We have fends enough for an eight months' fight and the amen are all stand- ing firm." 4. tr HURT IN RUNAWAY. FOUR YONKERS WOMEN ARE SERI- OUSLY INJURED. New York, Aug, ]3.—Four Yonkers woolen were severely injured last night when it trap in which they weer driving was overturned in a runaway in River. dale avenue, near Spalding Lane, the ]3ronx. The injured, all of whom were rendered unconscious, are: Mrs. Ellen Ellen Waterman, bad scalp wound, con- cussions and a broken collar bone; Mrs, Frances Rosenblum, left arra broken and right side and face and arttis badly la- cerated; Mrs. Jane Kcplers, right wrist broken, buck sprained and scalp lacer- ated; Miss Frances 'Tuttle, right leg in- jured, right eye almost torn from the socket, back badly bruised and the scalp torn, She had been dragged between a stone wall and the trap. At the hospitals where they were tnken it was said that the women we're ail in a very serious condition, especial- ly Miss Tuttle. The horse attached to the trap had been frightened by an automobile, LURED TO CANADA. Taken to Prince Albert, N, W, T,, and Authorities Are Giving Warning, Chicago, Aug, 13.—Ton young giro from Chicago are on their way to Prince Albert, Canada, in the charge of an unscrupulous woman from the Twen• ty-second street district, They believe that they are to be .entertained by her at her summer honie, They suppose that she is a woman of refinement and re- spectability, Some time been promised employment at extravagant wages. In reality they are being taken to a Canadian town where the proportion of mon to women is 1,000 to 1, The gide, most of whom are in their teens, have been recruited from various parts of the city. Their rail- road fere ,ni nounting to $48, has been paid. Some have even been providtal with wardrobes, They have been well supplied with spending money, Ohnrlos R. Svinning, 5844 ha Salle street, whose faultily is acquainted with one of the girls, said that alts was entirely unsophisticated nnd be- lieved that the woman was n real friend, who desired to give her a brief season at it pleasure resort. Mr. Svinning laid the matter before the Englewood police, who protdse(l to take the matter up. At tin sauna time he sent word to the Postmaster nt Prince Albert, notifying him of the facts, and asking hint to warn the authorities. BRITISH RECORD. GOOD GUNNERY IN MEDITERP-AN- EAN EXERCISES. Destroyer Bruiser Made Forty-six Hits Out of Sixty-four Rounds With Six- pounder—Six Out of Ten With Twelve -pounder. New York, Aug. 14.—A special cable to the Herald from London says: lie• markable scoring has been made in this year's firing exercise~; in the Mediter- ranean fleet. The destroyer Bruiser' from. her six pounder guns made forty- six bite out of sixty-four rounds and from her twelve -pounder guns sax hits out of tett rounds. '1 ie average for the six -pounder guns is 10.30 hits a gun, which cotuttitutes it record for this class of gun. The Bruis- er's scores are better than those snade by the destroyer Dragon, which 'w'as re- cently complimented by Vice -Admiral Lord Charles Beresford on her perform. ante. The [unifier Barham, in the heavy gun layers' test, nnnde forty-two bits out of fifty-eight rounds, the best gun's scores being eleven rounds ands eleven hits from a 4.7 -'inch gun. The next best score was ten rounds and ten hits. ._• THE WYLIE CASE. Boy Who Shot Girl Says He Didn't Know Gun Was Loaded. Guelph despatch: P. Wylie, the farts hand who shot little Mary A. Berdina Sw•uckhumrner, of Erin Township, is now in Guelph jail, having been brought from Acton to -day by High Constable lfcrriweuther. An inquest Was opened to -day and adjourned till 'Wednesday. The funeral of the victim was Held this afternoon, and was attended by practically the whole countryside. 'Wylie nnnintnins that the shooting was accidental, and seems to realize the gravity of the situation in which he is placed. He says he was not aware flint the gun was loaded, but Frank Swacic. halnnler, brother of the dead girl, states that he told Wylie on Thursday that it waft. Some of the circumstances appear to' favor the boy. He did not leave the scene of the shooting until the girl was dead, and he told her father what he had done. On the way to Acton he tolyl the driver who took him over `hot 11e had shot the Swackhnmrner girl, and that he lunch a postcard from his father asking him to meet him at Acton. The case is perplexing the pollee. It is Rented thnt malice can scarcely be established. •• COOLING OFF TWO KILLED BY FALLING FROM FIRE ESCAPES. New York, A ig. 13.—There was some relief this forenoon from the torrid wea- ther conditions which have prevailed here for three days. Further relief is expected by the wea• tier bureau by thunderstorms and lower temperatures tonight. Throughout Inst night every breathing spot in the city was crowded with sweltering humanity. The parks were packed . and many per. sons on the east side slept on fire ea - capes and even on the sidewalks, Men, women and children surrounded the pub - lie fountains during the night. Two pr.r. sons who were sleeping on fire escapee fell into the street and wore killed. A few prostrations from heat were re• ported early to -day. SHIRT -WAIST MAN IN EVIDENCE, Not Even Big Hotels Bar Him From Dining Room, Atlantic City, Aug. 13. --The hsirt waist man is again on deck. He invaded ho• tele, cafes, and swell Ibotrding•houses all hours to -day, and in face of the extreme heat, there was not a proprietor, as far as is known to -night, who wn.s cruel enough to say him nay. On the pronnen- ode, at noon, two out of every three men carried their coats slung across an arm or over one shoulder , Right into the dining -rooms of some of the big hotels they went in the stone fashion, and tho head waiters and proprietors, after a conference, decided to make no protest. TRAIN KILLS TWO NEGROES, Suspicion of Murder Brushed Away by Coroner, West Point, Gal, Aug, 1L—IL Otis Truett and Clarence Pattillo, negroes, run over and decapitated near here .by a train on the Atlanta & Wst Point Railroad early to -day. It wee supposed the negroes had been murdered and their bodies 'placed on the traok to hide the crime, but the Coroner decided the train killed the men. WOMEN ROBBED OF LIFE -BELTS. TERRIBLE SCENES AT SINKING OF EMIGRANT STEAMER. Crowded Boats Capsized—Captain Did Not Commit Suicide --Great Indigna- tion at His Cowardice After Wreck, Cartagena, Aug. 18,—The captain of the Italian steamer Sirio, which sank off Ilormiger's Island, causing terrible loss of life, did not commit suicide, as reported. Ile le here, but refused to say anything about the disaster, except that the rock on which his vessel struck id not charted. Popular rage continued to be centred on his alleged cowardice ni- ter the alennler struck, which is aelribcd to his over•colfidenee in his knowledge of the coast. A saloon passenger, who is a godson of ex -Queen Murgheritn, of Maly, soya he saw several woolen chug• ing to life -belts. in the water thumped with their fists by men until they wt re compelled to let go the belts and all were drowned. It Is officially announced that 1...48 Italians, 40 Spaniards, 14 Arabs, 10 Austrians, 0 Orientinls, 4 citizens of Argentina, 4 lbizalinns, 2 doiitene- gratls and 119 of unknown nationality were saved. -More than 200 of the dead have been brought here. It is stnled that there were three Americans among the drowned. 'Their names are not known. They were go- ing to South America. The Sirio is considered to be it total loss. A number of bodies of the drowned were buried today. 'Ten passengers died after being brought nsbore, The survivors are quartered in the theatres, hospitals, and clubs. Coulee Venteurine, a resident of Barcelona, who was n passenger with his funnily on the Sirio, succeeded in saving his three sons and nine other passengers. His daughter, who is 18 years old and nn expert swimmer, saved two chil- dren, whose parents are unknown. One family ,consisting of the father, mother, and six children, was drown- ed with the exception of the fntiler, who lost his reason. A fleet of trawlers providentially hap - pelted to be only about 100 yards away when Siro struck. Notwithstanding the great danger, the skippers of these boats came nt once to the rescue, jeopardizing their own safety and tint of their ves- sels. The survivors of the Sirio unite in praising the conduct of the captains of the trawlers, Joven Miguel and Vicente Menne, The former steamed close to the side of the sinking ship and took off 300. persons. The crew of the trawler attempts[ to sheer off, fearing that their boat would be sunk, whereupon the captain drew his revolver, levelled it nt his men and shouted: "As long as it is possible to tnke off another passenger we will not move," The deck of the Joven Miguel be- came so crowded with the terror strick- en survivors of the Sirio tint the skip- per was obliged in order to prevent his boat from capsizing, to force them down into the hold at the point of a revolver. The 'Vicente llicnno moved 200 persona and an old fisherman sailing a dingey alone saved 12. The roll call taken on shore shows that 385 persons from the Sirio are missing, but it is believed that a few were taken on board French and Ger- man steamers which continued their voyage after the Sirio sank, It is said that many of the first and second cabin passengers were drowned, their cabins being the first to go under water. Many heartrending incidents were re sated, A group of six children clamber- ed into the shrouds of the Sirio, where their mothers Were taken off by one of the trawlers, The Sirio sank before the children could be. rescued. The mothers, frantic with despair, watched their children as they were engulfed. The children uttered piercing shouts as they were drawn under the waves, It was with difficulty that the'wonen were restrained from jumping into the sett, A monk among the passengers was drowned while kneeling on the deck. The Attstrirtft Consnl at Rio de Janeiro jumped into the sen wearing a life belt. Iie then noticed a woman and child near him on the pohtt of going down. He gave up his belt to theta and tried to swim ashore. Ife was almost exhaust- ed when rescued by a fishing vessel. The body of a child brought ashore had around its neck n picture of the Madonna, and a young Italian who was drowned had clasped in his hand a pic- ture of his finnncee. Among the drown- ed is the Prior of the Benedictine Order with headquarters in London. DOMINION HERE. BRITISH BATTLESHIP WITH CANA- DIAN NAME AT HALIFAX, Captain Kingsmill, a Canadian, in Com- wand—Ship Will Be Illuminated and Will Be Thrown Open to the Public —Will Visit Other Ports. .A Halifax, N, S., despatch; The British battleship Dominion, Captain Kingsmill, Chester, Pa., Aug. 18,—With a smile of arat- arrived hero at 0 o'clock this morning studs, and' saying "Good -hyo," Joseph btellon, from 1'ortemouth after an uneventfulyoung man of Kerlin street, who was run. Tho ship left Spithead at 4 n. rr►, swimming wttln several comptualous in the on July 20th and met with rough wee- Delaware River, near Chester Ielsnd, sink ther the first few days. She conies to from ,view atter Edward Corson bad made thiel side of the Atlantic this time as herolo efforts to save bum, Mellon was et• the guest of Canada and her officers and tacked wlth cramps and shouted for assist. mon will be royally entertained. Dur- ance. Corson, being nearest to him, grabbed ing her stay of five days at Halifax A hint twine, and osch time narrowly escaped handsome silver loving cup will be pro-. being drowned hlmeelf, being pulled Into a seher e its czens, boat exhausted. Mellon's body was not re - en skipto wlllby bottthroitiwn open to the covered, Ho was unmarried and wee olerh public an Illuminated at night, special yet Thome Fennell's Hotel, preparations being trade for the latter. The i)onllnion will leave hero .nt 5 a,m. on the 11th, proceeding to Charlotte - town, where she will arrive on tho 12th, leaving there on the 14th for Ilay Clunl• curs, N, 13., wheer she will arrive on the 15th, sailing again on the 10th for Que. bee and retraining there until September 1st 4•• WOMEN WEEP AT MIRACLE, DEEPEST WELL. BE DRILLED AS TEST FOR GAS, IV ay Go Down Six Thousand Feet Into the Lower Sands—Special Steel Der. rick Has Been Built Outside Waynes- Cripple Throws Away His Crutches at burg, r Quebec Shrine, New Turk, :Hiss 11i.—;1 deaeatch frons Quebec, Aug. 13.—Over 5,000 pil- grims from Meerut parts of Canada and the United States visited the shrine it St. Anne do Benupre on [Sunday and Monday. On Saturday a party of some 'fifty American tourists who went to St, Anne de 13enupre were eye witnesses of n noir• cele performed in the basilica, They were in the middle aisle of the church, when they saw a cripple walk up the church aisle ulded by crntohes, lie knelt before the altar in prayer, and in a few .minutes was seen to get up, and walked nwny perfectly cured, leaving his crutches behind him, The person cured left without giving his name, but It appears from what could be learned that he had just fin- ished a nine clays' novena, and ,went to the church to rake his 'final supplica• tion, w•hieh ended in his cure. The Aanericana who saw the ntirnelo performed were so astonished and af- fected that the women of the party cried from emotion, DROWNS TO ESCAPE HEAT, Stoker of Celtic Plunges Overboard and Refuses Life Belt, Now York, Aug. 13.—Flreroont boat proved too much for I'ohn Irving, a stoker of the Celtic, of the White Star lino, which yes- terday completed' her voyage from Liverpool to this port. He sustained 1t until the voyage was ne,rly done, but on Saturday afternoon ho sought the surgeon of the vssel, Before be found hint there was a cry of ".Man overboard!" Promptly the Celtic was stopped and Ito buoys rued belts were tossed overboard. These were thrown near enough for •the wan to reach, but he did not seek to gait them, being apparently determined on self-destruc-. lieu. For a full hour a lifeboat searched for tho man, and when It returned empty handed Passengers learned that the man was a stoker, with p wife and two children living In Birkenhead, England, and depending upon hint for support. A subscription of eighteen pounds was raised for bis family. SUICIDE AT PARENTS' GRAVE. Girl Drinks Whiskey for Nerve, Then Carbolic Acid in Cemetery, I}allmore, Aug. I3,—,.Nies Lily Poke, :3 years of ago, committed suicide this aftot- noon, while seated within a short distance of try© grave of her father and mother In Loudon Park Cetnetery, She had gone to the cemetery from the home of her stater, Mrs. Frank Feldman, desplto tho Tatter's protests that the heat was too Intense. Her failure to return to dinner alarmed Mrs, Feldman, who hurried to the cemetery, reach- ing the place apparently just after MIs, Posko had taken an unusually strong so. lution of carbolic acid. Another bottle, ly- ng near by, bad contained whisky, and Mrs, heldman believed her sister took tho stimu- lant flt'al to give her sufficient courage to take the poison. Mra. Feldman says her eieter was n suf- ferer from heart trouble, and oho believes that despondency on account of her ill•honitb lied her to take the (awl dose. pUEL IN S2•nEET. One Man Shot, Twice, the Other Thrice, Both Dead. Chadwick, MO,, Aug. 13.—Charles Free man, a merchant here and at Garrison, and Robert Keene, 18 years old, fought a duel to the death with revolvers here. The shooting grew out of a suit brought by Freeman against Keene, charging an attack on his 15•year•old dltugltter, When the [nen met of the street Sunday they immediately drew their revolvers and began firing. Freeman was shot twice, one bullet penetrating the forehead and another the left breast near the heart, Keene was shot three times, once near the heart. :Both were dead when the spectators reached them, 4.0 HORSE PRONOUNCED INSANE, Animal Makes Disturbances at Night and Refuses to be Driven, 1Vuterbury, Conn., Aug, 13,—A work horse on the town farm, Pen Tllnlan by name, lens been pronounced incurably insane, having committed the equine indiscretions of trying to stand on its bead In vegetable gardens, bellowing open defiance to all proper night regula- tions, keeping persons awake, and tear- ing down its habitation, Veterinary surgeons' pronounce the cure one of rare equine aberration, "GOOD BY" TO WOULD-BE RESCUERS Drowning Man Watched Companions' Vain Effort to Save Him, 11tsburg to The Tribune says: 'I'o test the lower sands, which no well -drillers have ever reached, the 'Carnegie Steel the world for natural gas, It will be 11,000 feet deep, and it is expected t1) prove whether or not there is a great gas sand lying under the surface of this s terrilnry. 'J'his will bre more than 1,0013 feet deeper than the deepest well now in existence. In order to drill it, special steel derrick has Weil built. just Inside the town of Ilraynesl►urg, If it proves Successful a nnnnber of nth- tt's inty be drilled, Government geolo- gists are taking luuell interest in the undertaking, and will [vetch its progress with cure. AGREE TO ARBITRATE, International American Conference Rati- fies Project. Ilia de .lrulirrn, Aug, 13.—'Ills Inter- national American Conference at tri. day's session ilnlulinlnusly agreed upon n project providing for the arbitration of disputes between the countries reps"- sented. It ratifies the adherence' of the .lnmriean republics to the principle, of lubitrntion ted reconun('nlls that the Pan•Apierjean delegates to the pease conference, to he convened at The urneihe instructed o uppo, e.r- nlfl nr;btrnliol conventitons, Thert n votec'ion the project will l' token to -Morrow. DEATH AFTER GAMBLING ROW. Philadelphia Negro Fatally Wounded After Sunday Suburban Game, Cotesvllle, Pa„ Aug. 1:I.—Jasper Meredith. n negro nt Thirty-sixth end Ludlow street, I'hllndelpllln, Is In the loyal hospital suffer - Ing with a gunshot In the groin as a result of a gambling fracas 1n f!ernnrdtown, near here, tonight. Tho shot, which will prove falai, was fired by John Harvey, n Coats- villcs negro. Ile was five feet away when he pulled the trigger of a double-barrel breech -loading shotgun. The negroes find been gambling. Harvey won the money. and Meredith gave him a beating. Later 1tnrvey returned with a shot• gun and caught Meredith In the public road. Ihlrt'ey hos escaped the pollee. IN FAVOR OF CLEMENCY, Natal Government's New Poiicy Towards the Natives, 1'ietermnritzbel'g, :'mg. 13.-1t hay been decided to demobilize the [militia, provided that no untoward de VI' 101)- timnts occur. The ,ilidillot•n chief, Tilonko, has herr summoned to take his trial by card martial on n charge of treason, if he fulls to nppenr :t mobile column will visit his district, but the Government desire to avoid ntilitu•y operntbms in the south nml further saerifiee of life, believing tint ordinary methods will now suffice, They are in fnt•nr of clemency to• wards the natives who are twilling to surrender. INTERNATIONAL TEAMSTERS. ) Exciting Scene at Chicago Convention J Due to Division of Parties. Chicago, 111., Aug, 13.—The fourth an- nus- convention of the international Brotherhood of '1'enu►sters begin 10- is '. !'resident Shell and Albert ''oluig are leaders of the rive! factions in the organ - Thomas Martin, it lender of ill:. New York dr'leglllblit, lleeorllt' involved in an argument with sone. of Shen's follow - t(1.11111'. during which Jlnrtin tt•rts struck and Ile('untt' uucunseiuus, Eight cI the Nen' fork delegates were seated 1 n • d,t t', ♦•1 WINNING HAND IS FATAL. Player Who Makes Four in a Game of Pitch Drops Dead,, C'hie go, Aug. 113,—,Joint Alexander mer died suddenly in gambling bun=c just as he had won it stack of chips in a game of "setback." A party of five ens in the gnome and n snug arm repre- sented in chips w•ns hnulr'd oni the ti ►fes The meds [sere dealt and played ant, 15 the cards were counted Palmer remit it• ed: "High, low, jack and the game,' nn(1 he renched for the pile of chips, As he Ives drn ting the chips toward hint Ire fell upon the table and when raised in his chair he was found to be dead, .111•111. PANIC ON STEAMER, Ferry Boat Went Ashore in New York City, New Yolk, Aug,'13,-1Vitiin two hun- dred feet of the spot where the General Slicer)) disaster oceurred the ferryboat HIackensack, of tie College Point line, Ihetiween East IHltlt street, sort to Beach and College Point, went ashor( the foot of East 133rd street to•nl causing a gpnnic among. the passengers. They were taken off of the tugboat Wade, and tie ferry boat proceeded on her own sterna to 90th street ally. Haunted Him, (Exohange,) "Do you take any stook In dreams, Dir, Upp?" asked Miss Giggles. "Do I?" replied Adam Upp, tho bookkeon• or, "Why, somotimes . after We've taken stock nt the store I don't dream of an Mug for nolo."I , ,ls., j --31,1111'E an.r1111111011, Has Stood the Test Tho approval of thc public Is the final test of merit. This Is the reason !I CEYLON TEA Has the enormous sale of over 14,000,000 packets annually. Lead packets only. 40e, soc and 6oc per pound, HIGHEST AWARD ST, LOUIS, 1904, eleEtneffEEMEMBEHEinatliMt r3 ZEMEIEMSIMBEIEESESSEMAD The Rector's Daughter r elikilialIMININEEMEMilEttillSiff a II She shank back, averwhelned by his will go to the Pities," and he smiled malt. dark oyes (0111 pu:,siou:tte yards, 10111 114 eion4 s. if the m1;1: were torn front his face hely Farnham motioned to the ser - and he was rendered desperate, Seymour Pant:+ to tvilhlh•u11• nod eluted the dour, llrlforil„ uttering a low Cry like that of then rile put her hand on Seynwur Joel• 41 tiger, sprung upon flim wills clkmth ell ford's arm. fist. "Mr, Jl.lfurd." she soil', "let bygones But Guy had been watching him close. he bygones! '1'11 pretend that we --any ly, and stepping hack, seized the threat- of us ---do not know how matte15 st:Inl coling aril. With the shriek and fury would be timeless hypocrisy! Von know of n wild animal, Seymour wrenched it whether Lorrie Latimer would Marry y'ni free, and the next Mellott the two then willingly or not; you know what hold )14I'e lo('I ell 411 the Cloee embrace of aL 1'on ha VP 1/1'1'I' 1141'; 141111tevet' it glial' !le, deadly hale, lot it go! Ihdease her, and -and" -she Fur unoe Diana lost her presenee of foreed herself to adl1--"11'.4 11s part es mind, and ran toward the dour with an friends!' awful scream, tioynlnur laughed scornfully. Footsteps %vert heard In the hall, 01111 "Joy (Icer !slily I'nrnh;lel," he said, before she could reach the door it lens with 11 sneer, "I Aare you credit. fur i;0i'n- thrown open, and 0 crowd, it seemed, I'1' intuition, (live up Miss Latimer! No, rushed in! never! Illi, I understand quite well!' he went on, with en evil smile; "f and ('If:\I''I'1';Jt XXX. / to resists her that Lord 1\en(btle nmy ie. Not only had Diana's scream of ter. 4'1111 a his engagement with her, the (n• fur breuglit some of the Julies to the gageuten't which he broke as easily its ronin, but the earl himself, who had he broke that wvith my sister, which lie ,jest come downstairs, hobbled iii, and would break again if ice thought it suit• Gillet, the valet, and some of the Earn- ell his purpose. Nn! I refuse! Be loon serve nte brought up the rear, and good enough to permit 1110 to to lee my added to the throng, Lorrie wits in her leave," roost, and hall not heard the scream. As he spoke the door opened :uta Ler. "(treat heavens!" exclaimed Ludy ria entered, All ignorant of the ,iinfilnnd f'arnhanl, "What is the matter?" exciting scene duet was in progress, she Diana clung to her, grudging and pant- stopped and stared at the group of pale)• ing. faced people in astonishment, 1 he n' her "Those hyo --they will kill each glnnco fixed itself upon Seymour 'Mel. other!" she cried, ford, and she began to tremble, L(1(ly Fnrnhnm would have nit'unc141 1leforc she could speak the earl 001110 toward them, but the earl put his hand forward and took her hand; upon her aunt, 111111 gently but firmly "MY dear," he said, gravely, with a hell `her back, little quiver in his voice, "you have come "11ny1" he said, not loudly', but in n in the nick of time. 11-e won speaking voice of stern command not to be diso• of you,,, Ieyell, "Of -of ale," said Ionic, looking from (buy started and flung Seymour from one to the other, 011 lust of all at (buy, 1inl, then steed with folded arms, pule w1'ho stood with folded arms and eyes and breathing hard. fixed (mon on her. "What does this mean?" demanded the Yes, « said the earl, This morning earl, his eyes flashing, his noble face my son and Miss .Melford hove with - flushed with indignnlinn, "Is it poesi• drawn from the engagement between He that 0 son of mine should brawl Tike them-„ a common tnpst('r in a lady's house 9" Lorrie started and looked at Diann, Guy looktrl toward Lady Farnhllrli, who met her questioning glance with a "f'orgi10 ate, Lady Parnham!" he said, scornful defiant stnre, speaking with difficulty, "-They aro no longer betrothed to "But what (lora it mean?" said Lady each other, 11'e have now to speak a Farnham, advancing, word to you. My child;' and his voice Sey111010' )leIford had risen, •led grew gentle and protecting, "will , you stood pulling et is collar, which (sue tell its all whether 1t is your wish that hail torn attest. Ills face was Ii►'id with yolr engngenlent to lir, 1lelfo'd should passion,- and him lips trembled so that still continue." they could 5(11l(ell' forst the words that Seymour Melford opened his lips, but seemed to spring lila the cry of a wild the early held up his hand, beast to his lips, "Writ, mfr, Non might well isle my "lt means, Ludy Farnham, that this dean' child, by what right 1: address the num, this coward, has inriulted my sister, question to you. I. have no right but that 11 means that, having played the eaves• which belongs to a0 old smut whose dropper lust night, lin conies tits morn- heart has been touched by your swat ing to like nd1'a11111 of whet he had face and sad story. You have no father, overheard thud calmly proposes to de. your brother and sister are absent, you sort her." aro tinder the pr0teeti0n Of a lady who Lady Farnham looked from ally, is Iny oldest nod dearest friend; do you standing eet4!1.1t and motionless, to y►i-' record me tine right to ask you the (ees• ante who had fallen on al couch, and Salt tint -arc you still willing to harry this with her proud face bent downward. gentleman?" "is this true, Guy?" said Ludy Earn-. A 8010)1)11 silence had fallen upon the 11nut, group; the old man's voice deep and son - "1 withdraw from 111), engagement with oroils as a bell, seemed to slag Into all ll itis llelfurd, Jad1 Farnham," he sand, hearts, gravely. Seymour 11,1ford s harsh voice broke Diana rose. the silence, "And I with Lord Kendalr. " she said' ""I will speak," 11e said. "Lorrie, look ".fit "I would not merry hint if he were still ' me, \rill you tell ale that you will cost the beg. to Latehunl,instead of being 1111 as (.newtd a man?"e hearthat I ani a poor whet he is -a begged" "Yes, 11y father has root wit.11 heavy "A beggar!" echoed Seymour, a gleans lossesIris, my own money has gone vertu of triumphant malice flaslilug from his , When you pledged yourself to me, eyes, "Lord Lutclaul, you looked to its I was a rich man, the son of one richer to 44111.0 you front ruin impending over still, Will you desert me in the hour of your house,, Last night you heard that my trouble, Remember. Remember." 1'c had lost our stoney; that any fu.thter It was an artful appeal. It was irre• :and 1 were ruined! It is true. But sistible, we !nye this thought to console us, that \Ignite and trembling, Lorrie looked in our own downfall we 8111111 drag you from hint to the earl, and lastly at Guy, with us. Conic Diana!" and he turned And with what love and despair. 'Then toward the (loor, • - she put out her hand slowly, reeluotunt- 'I'ho earl stretched out his thin white ly, toward Seymour \lelford, hand and stopped hire with a gesture, "I do reinembor," she said, "My lord" Ono moment, l(1', Melford," 1111 said, -ted she turned to the earl -".1111., /11 -el- and Ids calm, judicial tones fell like the ford 0111110 to m,1' father's aid when he sound of n solemn bell on the harsh voice hits ill great trouble; it was too late of Seymour Nelfo•d; "the engagement to 0111'0 his life, but -but it saved his between my son and your sister is over, name and honor, It was then that 1 pro - No word more shall be spoken concern- liaised to be 11r, llelford's wife, and - ing it, You referred to that which a11(1 I ciuniot go bnck•now," We heard lust night; 'y'ou ,tell me'that I A groan broke from Guy's lips, and he and my house are ruined, So let it be, wont toward the window and turned \fill you let me tell you that in nn hour his back so that they might not 4400 his from now my lawyers shall have instruct•' face, tions to sell the whole of my property 'rho earl sighed, and that every penny of which we may "Then it is for the sake of honor end prove to be possessed 'Shull go toward gratitude, riot -love, .01)' child," ho'lsnid;" paying tle.de►t•Ise 0110 you! gently. 'l'lhen bending his gray eyeis on Seymour laughed maliciously. , . So)'ll lireMeiford's exultant time lie, said, ' "Y oft ;will only' aniic(mtte us, any lord, sternly,'.' :they Will' you -he base .enough lie said, scornfully; "sell•'y'otn'self up, or to accept this sncrifieei'•sir?" leave it to 1144 to sell you; it ig all the "Cao )'0lll tisk 1110?!' 110 sold, scornfully, same." "1fy lord, you have lost the gauze, You The earl bowed his lend with quiet, thought that having failed in getting got1'C dignity, our money, your son might fit lohst;.gain "(tomo, J)hnn," said Seythour, harsli. the woman ho condescends to love, Olt, ly, "this is no ►Ince for you or 100, or I know, I have known it ailalouge But 'orso I'd gone and, Idlled; risked your Lorrie. Go and tell her to get ready. 11'e she Is lruc to me still. True, itis.' life to save rnlnel" Londe started, and flushing )Timson, 1 "Is there all!' more of filly? 1f so, get looked from the earl to Guy, trills never I lu rough it quickly, in IIeaven/s name, moved. my man!" "Yes, 1111' dello," mill the old 1111111, with I "Yee, tiled''„ more!" said Levoriclo quirt dignity; "whet JIr,Melford mat's ;env had, ‘,10,11you come to 114 hold. Ir inn IneaSnre aecul:tl0 Ill' hip 111115)144! tat I theugiIt peed found out all, and Irl.,il!.i Idl1.1'II11111 I.i 1'llllll!d; 11111, 11(11.)1'Ifll' l,rl,, „wee e, ulHot Ife, hilt 1 learned et ending that, 1 -on belie If of m1' sun, i t L It 1011 I:1bl'i, lull) 1 I4arn,d Inure, 1111' (111Y --would La" pr1l•i11 for your howl hod," III, hc,itntwl, and looked fit for 111111." I'1'' 1,I 1. 1. l' ;:Iatitlll!,' !1111! ,!''4otloll 1111! tense 11,e"e41 to ieirrie'i 44!"11 111 Illi 1'lL'5 111 ;1 big Ilogr "11h, 1111' 101'11, 1114 101,1, out. I.., J, ,.,,,•, al•„11,111 1(1 1La: 1 1 ;1 l,1:'.I1, '1 '•1111,11, III/ Mit ('1'1', 1111' 1'!11111,' lir 'Mil 11%11'11111, 1:;:� 11/1'11 ,411:1t the ,1\(''t 1 liume "and flu not tremble; you an. Illltolle feel ;ll'r-way 1Ie: iH ales, her; 11.1 your friend:, 'Phut which honor a 14;1, 111,1':,' says cannot he, III:11 01', 114a1e!I I14i1 4,111=I.II'(Vit. nn'l 111'00'0, yen," "1111•)1!„ ll' -;lice l►•uln'nly, but Lever - "I will protcot her, my lord," rel head, Seymour, inlperiot.,l1, Ia111 with ,lu 1 e• ultunt ;0111 milicioI1 ;111!10 !t,' ,.li I, "Come, Lorrie, 14,1 ',yill relieve 1..1.1; Farnham of our tiresome" Lally I';irnhlun and Lady ('I,llup dn',v away from the fluor --oath were cryul, •_• and !Agile hail Ilial her thieve, on Ili, ars: to accompany Ilius, when the hrcnch window .11'115 gently null timidly opened, and It bent, enlucieted fl,.urs entered and stood leaning un its stick. Lady T':a'ulnlnl, whose usnall ' n'leer• nb!e nervee were etmined far beyend their endurance, uttered it cry el :oat in, and the fest; turning to reC illi' 0:111,0, ,lured al the intruder !n eilence, all ex- cepting 'eynlula' .\lclfnrll, upon %%lee l the 511114100 appearance of the fieeee, In•oiseiedu11•m !oohing ntdi4idunl 51',+lu.!.l to prodncc an effect like palsy, His fare, whirl it moment ago heel worn 1111 insolent, exultant smite, gr !',1• white said tel•ror-stricken, and he cettele eJ the back of a chair, .,till, however, holding Lorri0'5 arnh tightly. "Who is this?" demanded the earl, gravel~. Guy ,ca ren forward mechanically, "A roan 1 know, :sir," he said, dully. "i will take 101)1 away,," and he advent:• ed toward hint, ' But Leverick shook his head. "No, my lord," he said in his feeble voice; "1 didn't come to see you, blit -- but -sly good yowg lady there," and Ile pointed to Lorrie, "'lb see the!" said Lorrie, "1-1 cannot see you now, ll r, Leverick," "\u, Be!" said Seymour, harshly, "take the fellow aw;ay,,, His words had :t wonderful effect upon Leverick. '1'111 wan, haggard face serol• ed suddenly transformed, the hollow eves 11ppeured Its illumined by at threes fire, and 1e held out his fist so threaten. ing lei 110 cried hoareely: "Yes, take 111e nwa)'; take ole away, before f can tell the truth, eh, \h', Soy - mous?" "I-1 don't know Itis mull" stammer. ed Seymour :\lelford, 'Come, Lurri0!'' (buy stepped between him and the door. A presentiment of some dieelus• ure5 hull fallen upon Mini, .Stand aside!" almost shrieked Soy - Inoue ,\lelford, 'No, keep him," trial Leyerick, "My lord, and he held eat his 11:101 .(o)1':I il Guy appealingly, '.don't let hint go till I've toll you 011! That aunt i5 115 bed :t scoundrel 85 i.e made! 1Cerp 1001 quiet till 1'vo had my sc►.y, and then let hint clear himself df lie clot! My lord, Gut man bribed ale to spoil your race at (.'arilal. Oh, It was 1 put it in his head, 1Vith a cry of liter loathing she mach - 1 admit i1! I'm guilty -punish me; kill ed her 111111 from his, and shrank uwny Ise, if you like! -1 Lad 1t! 1t W115 sue froth 111111, and clung to the 01111, who put that balked you at the last jump, fry his arm round her and murmured grave lord, with the hltndkorelief, but lie --he- and lender words of pity and sympathy, paid ale to do it!" „The mine was the 11')leul Hose, my "It's a foul lie!" said Seymour. :\ sir lord," went on Leverick, "IIitd It bloke, lence fell upon his words, and all waited. but Mr, \lelford had sold out at the very "1 know nothing of this man! '1'11ii5 Inst moment -though tie lost Most of your plot, you 11101)11-" 1115 mond', but it was stoney well spent (buy looked at hint oniialionsly. he thought, little thinking that the aline "Ile silent," he said, in a low \oic,', would turn out all right after all, It did "o►'• even her preeetwe shall not protect turn out right, my lord;• but lite news you," and he glanced at Lorrie, 011)110 tau sudden for the pour old gentle - Then .he signed to Level'lek to go on, man, Iny lady's father, and it killed hint," "You won 11e ince, illy' lord, and that Lorrie covered her face with her kande, didn't .Satisfy Mr, 'lelford! No! 1'1 (To be continued.) proved myself rciidy to do flirty, work- t --'--.-.-.- -I was starving,' my lord, 1 lytta', in,llselI -and he found blacker still for ate, My lord, it wee 1 poisoned Gipsy before the Grand Ilace-" - Guy's face went white, and the sweat broke out upon his forehead. • "I did it, mtr lord, but its 1 i islcil t be saved, 1 didn't think of it till that 1114111 crane mid put it tete my head and bribed 'mc to do ft," "Lille!" gasped Seymour, l.:!'erick ground his teeth. "1 aan n lour, :tin I1 Is that your writing?" atmd he held out n slip of pa- per, ",See, lily lord; ,see, holies and gel!• denten, that's Itis writing, thought it's wrote crooked awl disguised like; it's thn•'lllstrlletio113 he gtt,ve 1110 how to get into the stables nod give the poi5on011 ball! to the lloi.se. There it ii -,how it 'Um l" (1113' came forward nn Itook the paper, A. glance w118 sufficient, 11'ithout a word, with his head sunk upon his breast, he stood and gazed from the man to Seymour Melford, "I'd never done such a 'thing as that before -nude -and it troubled me," Haid HIGHEST OF TROLLEY LINES, Leverick; the respiration breaking out ---- on his Ivan 11100. "I knew I should nev- er have any luck after It, and 1 hndn't! Everything went wrong with m01 Every drop of drink I took seemed to poison mel Perhaps it (lids lug I felt ns if I must get out of England or go mad! So 1 went to !lint -hits as -hall tempted me, Indies and gentlemen -nerd begged him to send me out o' the county; and he does it, o' course! No; he sneers and smiles at me, 11181 Saye he doest't know ate, says that the never met 1110 before and throws 1110 1) shilll►g, its if I seas a (log," Ile paused to wipe his lips and gather strength to go on, and' the group ex • changed glnihees of horror, But ! ey• moue still held barrio's arm, "I-1 h0te(1 hits always, my lord," continued' Leverick; "but I halted hitt still more from that moment, so 1 made up m1' mild that 1'd ruin ]him if I hung for it, I thought, 'to, myself that I'd come and tell ,you, snake a clean breast of it, but I hadn't the pluck, nerd so 1 (took to the drink worse timet hefore, and while I was trying to fight 'ngnitst it, and conte 1111(1 split 011' us bath) the cab knocked she down, end ---nail"- 1►e broke down. -"and yott-y 011 W'hosn %%favorite "No, 111y lllrll, Int ale go on! But %when 1 ,t -hell her, she told ale thiel s110 1105 to frill 1y 111111 - llult. lcllnhl!" and he puttee ''. a sllakimg timer ,It Seymour )II'I• ford, "I thought th 1411.5 etralge that -aril 05 -he she,nld etre (01' tiue' els 111111; said 1 NI a141Cd ler face 1411011 1 spoke 1 mar tenni, 'Them I sinew it 44;11 -4111 -111' cared for, toy lord, nnci 1 felt •ure teat he had leen at emelt dirty 11or1: to feet hold upon her. But 1 said no('- il;;s; 1 thought 114111 going to die, t•Iy hu i, hefure 1Iiu1 morning; they 1111 tl'tght so at the hospital. But I did toll 11141111 to dill I'd tried to help her and (11, a- 41414 !114 only (leatur0s 115 4041• li.l 1114 a gI;•)il 4111'11 or spoke a kind word ill lily 4;11• einee I woes horn! I got I0}.• ter, my lord, :1(111 then I: found my dear young Indy there 'ad left money for me. 1 loft the 'ospital, my lord, 0 n 1 event 1111111 111 the City, 1411 1)0411 a. great 111,111, things in 1113' time, ladies noel ;;Cil• Heinen, awl made some queer ncquuilt• lows. One of 'eel there in the city 1:11"w tilts fine gentlemen -knew. 1111 ;lhuut hint from being in the s;c11111e of - flee will: a man as carried on business for hint -n 111•, 11'1eeler"-Seynn,ur \lel• ford started -"end I got hint some drink and got hint to talk, and 1 retitle upon the iraek 1111 in n minute like-" "Enough of this!" broke in Seymour 'A1,1(4)11, 11•ith a sneer, ''This romance of the gutter may amuse 3.0I, but it lacy no interest for ate. Cone!" and he Ilttenlpted to draw Lorrie away; but she, remained as if rooted to the spat, her eyes fixed! upon Level•iek':r face, her hreotI coiling and going. "1t 14111 interest hint, presently, 111) loot!" said Leverick, grimly. "I set my friend on leis track, end 1. found' how he had got a held upon nt1' ,wet 1•omtg lady there. My lord, he'd persuaded her tatker-nn old elergymmn,( as knew no more of such things than a Indic! -to 111'1. hither -an old clergyman, 1144 know 14011111 o to piecee, 111111 thele, when the old gentleman stens rnin(%L, her 000045 .1n•l lends 111111 moue,•, and so gets Illy young lady to believe nm he'd leen her father's friend, and saved hint from ruin a rel-„ As if n, veil had been torn from Ileo fore the past, Lorrie saw it all, 'J'hoee long Conference:a between her poor deed father and !e1'nlntlr; the agony of mind the old man hail endured under the tor titre which Seymour hnd in cold blood, administered; she saw it nil, 01'0)')' mesh of the net he hail woven round her was revealed to ler, SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. Lig11!d' medicine advertised to cure and helve' disnrrler5 and emit. Iter coulpininis contain opint.es end are dangerous. \\lien a mother gives Baby's Own Tablets to her little ones she Inas guarantee of 11 (',overnnu'11t analyst that this medicine does not coitus enc particle of opiate or lhnrutfill drug, The prudent mother will appreciate that i0 Baby's Oen '.I'ubleIs there is absolute safety, :\n neeai!n11111 dose to the %Yell child trill keep. it well, -nod they prompt- ly cure the minor ailments of childhood when they come tnlexpectedly. Mrs, 0. Hamlin, Sl, .\dolphe, Que., gal's: "1 have t:-011 1311,~'5 Own '.I'n'lets for colic end bowel troubles, and find them safe and ,!seedy in their etre," Sold Ii' medicine dealers or b1' -1111111 at 23 cents n box from the 1)r, \Villinms' Medicine Co,, ]3rock• 1'ille, (?fit,, Keep tite 'J'nblets in the house, Electric Road Up the Slope of Mount Blanc to be Gradual, The summit of dont Blanc lies at nu altRude of 14,11SO feet. This great height has a considerable influence upon the conditions of construction of the elect'ie, lilies, especially as regards the bare - metric pressure and the temperature, It is found 111111 the speed must be limited, sc that the change is not too abrupt, as t11111 would be disapreeablo for the pas. stingers, '!'here is a fall of twenty-five degrees centigrade in the lemperntu•c from Payee, the starting point of the flue, to, the summit of the .mountain, The proper rate is about eight degrees 11n hour for the passengers, so that the ,speed has to be limited to 4,000 feet au hour for the climb, It will talus take about four hours. to to e'encl the to; of the mountain, That the Mott Blue electrie is . shortly to enter 'ups the phase of - cotlstruetlon is evident from the fact that tihe governulent has re cantly adopted the project of til, lln portal, general inspector of roads and OPERATION AVOIDED DISCOVER SECRET TUNNEL. Effort Made in London to Unearth Port - EXPERIENCE OF MISS MEKKLET land Mystery, She %'ns Told That en Operation Was I Landon pos;5e,4e:,, un the whole, 11 f:oft' Inevitable), how She Escaped It. slmre' of gloomy house.. Some 4,1 these 11'11111 a physir!al tell:♦ n woman suf• fusing with &?ions feminine trouble that an operation is necessary, the very tiluug,,1 the knife and the operut-ing till!" etri!:''s terror to her heart, and our ho:pitele are full of women coining fur just ruc11 operutious. illiff/Plapigrot /7ferf ley There are carie; where an operation i; the only reeuurre, but when one con - eiders the great number of cane; of menacing female troubles cured 1y Lydia 1'., Pinkhaml'44 Vegetable ('o„• Ipound after plysirians have advised operations, no woman l'bould submit to one without first trying the Vegetable Compound and u'ritng Mrs, I'inkham, Lynn, bur4,, for advice, which is free, Miss Margret Morklcy, of 275 Thirds Street, Milwaukee, Ills., writes: ')ear Mrs. l'inklal0; "1 osi of strength, extreme nervousness, sho•'lin1 plans through the pelvic organs I,I'ariegelown pains and cramps compelled IIIc to seek lllt'llclll L'itr'e, The dootor ilOes 1:1,1!:!(44 -nn woman:o mil said 1 had e l '::Elle t:' 011'!4 ami Itlr,'ration und:alvi+cd an o'ti'r•1'ile,l. To 11144 I etr'11gIy objected .111.1 ,1 '414114 to try 'Lydia 11, 1'inkh:lnl's \'e• L"'11!4"4'''IIIUI'lltel, The tilverati,l!quickly Motel, 011 :Ile had sympheus Ili;alder:Iced :1't'l 1 ern wee! more .trues, vii; goes and :"i•1 ' trou',1:'s are 44: lily on the Among Women. If the monthly '!.1';e :c1'•, very p:linful, fir too frequent .1:1 I o' ". ',siNe-if you have Dalin or swelling low 'town in the left side, 11•:'ritg•dmt40 velum, don't neglect yonr- eelf : !r; Lydia E. I'tnklaul's Vegetable soe,•,"i",•I, bridges, and has nwarded the contract for building to Couvrex S. Deraud. According to the Duportnl project the line is .to start from the station at huyet, o11 the Paris, Lyons & \Icditer- rane:u0 ]lniloail, 1111(1 will necend the southern slope of the mountain, as here (here is an easy grade. The highest vertical speed of tow climb will he 4,000 feet an hour, rind the grades of the road are not to exceed) 211 per cont. As to the curves the heist radius is 1110 fret, The usual gauge of one meter (30,37 inches) has been chosen 'in this ease, A narrow gauge cannot be used, seeing that the top of the ear is to lie nine feet above the rails and the cera have to he very steady, the wind on the mountain gives ns high a pressure as 200 pounds a square yard. The rails are to he thirty-five feet Wag and will weigh forty-five pounds a yard, Each rail will be laid upon twelve metallic ties, 0110 the rack for the Fps. t(:n) 1v111 he 111 1t1 111 the middle between the rails. 'L'he rack and pinion system will be needed in this case, as on mime of the Swiss mountain Conde, The length of the race; sections is 11,7 feet, and the reel: rail weight eighty-six pounds it yard. As to the road construction, it is found that this will be comparatively easy to carry out, as the track can be laid up the side of the mountain for the most part and only a fel' cuts or fills will Is. needed, The rend winds tip the (in►rosi• Iles of 1110 11101111h ill 011 1111 ease grade, • Front Fuyel it rises to the Col de Vega, from 401101e aline view is to he bail of the' %epee's of I1lol1essel and the Artie, The line turns :round the Pic des Hognes and rises to a point nbove the '!rule Ionsse, reaching the gIaeier region at an altitude of 11.1100 foot, According to the' 11103(ct, the train: will be made trip of 1111 ('110105) loeolnotive weighing fifteen tons, which wvill draw two passenger care of few toms cee1, These ears are to hold ('1ghll' passes;ger4 in 1111 said the whole train when fully loaded 14 to weigh thirty'five tons, The capacity of the locomotive is to be one hundred 111111 fifth' horse power. As it is proposed to have eight trains running on the line at once, some 1,200 horse power will be needed ,for the motors, or, allowing for the electrie healing, n10nt. 1,400 horse power must be fiirnished by the electric plant, The latter will be laid nut for an ultimate capacity of 3,0(01 horse power to provide for the sec- ond 440etion' •of the road running to the summit. ere fiery large, 111 feet, the larger the louse the gloomier very often its appear - mew, But "gloomy" 4401114 hen mild 1001,1 lu apply to whet, was Harcourt 'muse, the teen residence uforetinie of the dukes of Portland, in Cavendish :Ilma•e, 1ls aspect from Ile outside ty115 absolutely forbidding. But Ilare•uurt house has ceased to be, or, to be preciee, it bill lure ecaeed to be before many days hove passed. For 'the housebreak- ers are bit work upon it with pickax, spade and shovel and tie wrest side ,If ('u1'1111114 5(111111'0 1y 11 mass partly of 1I1(siglllly 1.11111s, Now, hou.ehreakMg in the ordinary woe' would not be considered an ideal occupation, It appears too dangerous -and far too dusty, 1311t 1l. has an 01.• casionnt e.xcilenl(nls fill the sante, One of theta has just arisen in the process of demolishing the tivo-renturl'•nld nor - court house, !fence it happens that!. (1110 housebreaker in London at all events le to•duy a proud nuan. For he has been . Ior claims to have been-"inler'iew,d" In the course of a fell' luaus b1' 11(1rly every reporter in London, And n•hr'? )Because he bps discovered lender the carriage drive in front of linrc'iurt breve what may or may not be part of a "m1'sterions'�'tlnrlel, t•'or the uta• !nen 1, le it explained ,the tunnel in gnes- liort nus! remain 11 ''mystery" and it Wit! continuo so until a brick wall wile!' seals no one end of it J1ns been broken down. 1t seems almost n pit,)' to spoil the pub - lie excitement that must attend the hronking down of this wall by remit- ing beforehand what will be found be- hind it. But already the show has been ,lien away, The di.c'overy, it is mail, of part of a tunnel points to the probe• bility of there ling 11 sulterrllnenn rose - age leading front Harcourt hohise to he ilaker street bnznnr, Further, that in this ens(' another step will have been taken toward estnhlishing the Drt,'e (1ni111 to the dukedom of Portland, The chief ground for these deductions would seem to be that in Harcourt below liver! 'the fifth :like of I'nrthind 1111(1 thatthis particular duke hada fancy for tunnels. Ile built a wonderful example- at Wel- heck and the remelts underground ball- room at the nl1 ',' was his creation, 1t is also nraued that. it 144 no s:reat distance from (':140nr1101 square to Bakst- sheet. akersheet, That is Intdniable, The dim - tnnee, in fact, is about half n toile, ]1st so far the length of the "tunnel" bron^!It to light is no more than about thirty- five feet. This, at any rote, is 101111 n representnli►'e gathered in conversation with the now famous housebreaker, The latter mentioned also that the passage was found under a (nal chute contain- ed n certain quantity of coal (lest end is about four feet wide. Certainly for a coal cellar the dimensions quoted are a trifle large. But the passage has yet to be proved hnlf n tnile long, And no- thing short of that 41'111 substantiate the linker street theory. The discovered 'null, it appears, is of brick, like the grim outer wall of the, mansion itself. and the well behind •.vhieh lies the solution of the mystery is on the south Bide of the carriage drive, i',w n melnnehuly mass of broken thither, stone, fragments of windows, gravel and debris, There seems no particular tea - eon why the agony should he prolonged. It 4411' suggested to the nlueh•interyiew- I'd housebreaker yesterday that 1'.e should at once proceed to break down the muted harrier and set the public mind :t rest, ' lint 1e seemed to be of those eontentpinti'e toilers who hold that it is idle to do to•day that which can be put off till to -morrow. London must R'ait. Harcourt house occupies -or rnth,lr occupied -the center of the west side of Cavendish square, Erected in 1712 1y Lord ldingley, it 1411s pnrclnsed niter 1)is death b1' the earl of Harcourt, 41110 had previously built a mansion ml the opposite side of the square and from, 101)0111 Harcourt house passed into the possession of the duke of Portland, 11 has been described as "one of the tenet singular pieces of architecture nhnnt the torn" and as resembling n convent rath- er thnn the resi(lenee of "11 man of fluid- ity," Another ntithnrity described tbo honer. as "dull. heavy 11114 drowsy -look- ing." n criticism which was certainly justified. The last occupier of Tlnrenurt 1)01tse was the marquis of I3rendalbnne end the property is owned by Lord How- ard De 1Volden, by whose orders the old building is being 1:1611.10.4.1. 110111, Wisdom's Whispers. Althoupersghon happiness exists In the open many pass It 'without notice, Tito doing of n good turn and the thinking of doing It aro vastly different propo- sitions, Some folk possess the faculty of nover un- derstanding tato force of a rebuke. Always allow a person to toll a story with- out Insisting on having 1t done In your• Tho lsatid of friendship may bo strengthened by the smut of honest toll, It Ibs ilonlitYy. the very richt who thing poverty means freedom from caro and responst- Ileo• ninny work with the hands while the heart is otherwise engaged. To attempt to go beyond your ,promIses Is not always a sato risk, Tito sueeesstul bargnhn involves the)' matting of something Iu the way of concession. Do whist you il►ny tho Ile Is sero to come back when It Is 'most unwelcome; More Sales Than Poetry. Il.inter-IIei gaol 1.ack•n•day. Critllcl:-Whitt are you sighing about? Illnler-011, 1 wish 1 could sell all tho poetry I write, Cr'ittlek-You do, Rimer, • you do. One Pious Editor Out West. (Plymouth, Ore, Revlow,) Candldates should- not disturb the editor on Sunday, .Illdltore need a tbanee to pray. simply can't get out without pl'aylag, e PAGE FOUR --THE 131.Y'I'H STAN DARD—Avuus'r 16TH, 1916, JAS. McMUROHIE BANKER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTI:i), BUM, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers ou their owe uotes, No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS et Current. Rates We oiler every accommodation con - Blatant with safe and uou:tervative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale, Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance oompaules, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS; 10 A.)t, to 0 P.M, Business dards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suc- cessor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank; PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eta. •Offloes-Those formerly occupied W. Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderioh, W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.D,S,, D,D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cult's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C,M, Physician and Surgeon. M,D,C.M,, Uni- versity of Trinity College; ht.D., Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. C. HAMILTON. Auctioneer and Valuator. Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Office, on Queen street, Blyth. Orders lett at THE b'rAN• DA RD office will receive prompt attention. FOR SALE. -Old newspapers, suitable for wrapping purposes, putting under carpets and on pantry shelves, for sale cheap. Apply at THE STANDARD otlloe, Blyth. 4tf 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n sketch end description may (pinkly ascertain our opinion freu whether au invention is probablyatentable. Communlca• Dons confidential. llandbook on Patents sent free, t !deet agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Manu dt Co. receive ;petal (mice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely lllnetrated weekly. Largest elr. culatton of any scientific Journal. Terms, 13 a year t four months, il. Bold by ail,newedealere, MUNN& Co.3eteroadway, New York Brom, (Ace, ll' -L F Bt., Washington, D. C. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KINGAND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, Use Printers' Ink --and— BUiLD UP YOUR BUSINESS •11re14111“ti• THE STANDARD ghe f:lgth fitanbatb. A. E. BRADWIN, Puar m it. TBR HMS STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, L a live toes' news- paper, and has It large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum In advance ; 81.50 will be charged J not so 'paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and cheaply executed. Correepondence of a newsy nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10, 1906 THE FRUIT CROP, Very favorable reports are coming in as to the prospects of our apple, pear and plum orchards In the vi- cinity and throughout the county of Huron generally. The yield will not be quite so heavy as was ex- pected in the spring, owing to the fulling off of a large quantity of im- mature fruit, but reducing the yield has had the effect of bringing out finer specimens, and it is expected that there will be a yery large per- centage of the fruit this fall that will class as No, 1. The apples especially are pal'tleul.trly free from scab and the destructive codling moth does not appear, so far, to have done much damage, As far as we have seen, the late winter varieties will not be heavy, such as bnldwins, spies, mann, etc., but the kings, Blenheim and other late fall variet- ies were never better and they will be the principal apples for shipment this fall. A notable feature of the fruit crop this year is the clean and healthy condition of the foliage of the trees and the consequent well- developed specimens. In former years the snow (Fameuse) tipples and Flemish beauty pears were so disfigured with scab spots that they could not be shipped, but this season they are well developed and many barrels will probably be sent away. This change must be attributed to the favorable climatic conditions of refreshing showers and plentiful sunshine, for very few of our or- chardists have sprayed the orchards, BELGIUM ENCOURAGER SAVING. France and I3elglum have this in common that the people of neither country care to emigrate, One reason in both cases is universal thrift, The United States consul. general, Major Church Howe, re- cently described how the tendency to save and live strictly within one's means has been encouraged by the Belgian government, The govern- ment, since the year 1850, has adopted and developed a financial system by which the very poorest in the country, whether native-born or foreigner, may get interest on his money and contract government life insurance or government annuities, It 1865, the National Savings bank was combined with the National Life Annuity fund, and on December 31st, 1903, the balance sheet of the National bank showed a deposit to the credit of this department of this department of $45,992,768, or about seven dollars a head of the total population, In Canada we have very good post office savings banks, but the trouble is that our succeeding governments do little or nothing to popularize them. In Bel. glum, among other menus, in order to encourage small savings by means of postage stamps oii the part of school children, farm laborers and others with little means, rural post- men curry,them the necessary forms for the purpose, So as to facilitate the ,withdrawal of small suras, post- men' may also make payments to persons living a long distance from the post'offlces, All postmasters and postal clerks are instructed by the government to trge the public to make`use .of the savings bunks and, to.this end, the postal officials are encouraged by a small, premium on the volume of deposits ,secured. How differe'nt:from the policy pursued in Canada, .where ;the depositor is met with th•6, utmost Indifference If noth- ing worse, In Belgium the rate of interest nl' deposits is fixed pt'riodi• ca!ly by the general management subject to the approval of the utinis- ter of finance. Every rive Vent's the government, may decide, un the ad- vice of the general management of the savings batik, that a bonus from the reserve may be distributed among depositors who have held their books at least a year, loney deposited may, at the request of the depositor, be cunverted Into Belgian govern- ment bonds at the current rete of exchange. The annuity fund of the govern. meat enables the people to insure for themselves, or for the benefit of others, life annuities that cannot be seized, and the payment of the capi- tal paid in to create such annuities to their heirs alter death. Any per- son of the age of 18 or more may make payments to the annuity fund fur himself or for the benefit of any others over six years of age, The minimum payment that may bo made to insure an annuity is one franc (twenty cents) and the smallest annuity paid by the fund is a franc, while the largest is twelve hundred francs, or $221,60 per annum. The annuities become payable at the end of each completed year from the age of fifty to sixty.tive, and when con- tra.ted it must be stipulated whether tit the age of fifty, fifty-five, sixty or sixty•flve years that the beneficiary desires the annuities to begin, For the benefit of the Canadian public, it may be stated that Belgian annu- ities may he contracted in two ways, first, by paying in the capital to be given up entirely to the fund with- out drawback after death ; and, second, by making the reserve that the capital, less three per cent for general expenses, shall be paid over to the heirs after the depth of the beneficiary. All annuities are per- sonal, unless constituted by the sav- ings of both husband and wife, in which case each receives half the annuity. The Belgian government also is. sues annuities to take effect'mnine- diately on payment of the necessary capital, but the minimum annuity that can be contracted fur in thnrt way is $2,40 per annum. Any per- son who depends upon his own work for his sustenance, and who, before the age stipulated for the payment of his annuity, heenmes unable to work, is allowed to draw at once an annuity calculated from the amount of the payments made up to the time of his becoming incapacitated. In the event of a beneficiary of an annuity dying after his annuity has' taken effect, without any means whatever other than his annuity and In a state of want, the government annuity fund allows a sum of twenty. five francs (five dollars) to defray funeral expenses, Almost any com- bination may be made by the bene- ficiaries who may contract for their annuities by paying in as little as twenty cents a month, but, no an- nuity greater than twelve hundred francs, or two hundred and forty dollars, may he contracted for, In connection with this government annuity fund' there is an insurance fund, which is also under govern- ment management and guarantee, Either straight life or endowment policies may be contracted for. The endowment policies may be made payable at t!:e end of ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years, or to come due at It certain age, and the insuring party must not be less than twenty-one, A thousand dollars Is the greatest amount any one can be insured fur, 'I1ie cessation of the payment of prernlurns, aftct' the first premium has been paid, does not In. validate the right to receive benefits in proportion to the amount of pre. utiutn paid. The Cluladibn govern• tnent might well study the Belgian system of savings bunks, annuities and life insurance and its methcds In detail, A CHEMICAL TRICK, Changing a While Pasteboard Cat late a Strived Thor. Whet' we happen to wltuess a pheuuweuou which seems to violate mauled laws we ure not likely to fur - get its cause If it be explulued to us. The followlug experiweut, which I de- vised for wy studeuts, helped them to uuderstuud as well as to remember soave chemical data: A white cat, utude of flexible paste- board and imprisoned in u glass jar, is shown to the audience. The lecturer announces that without opening the Jar or even touching it he will cause the cat to undergo a zoological us well as a chemical transformation. He takes the support of the Jut' and pushes it forward In full view et the studeuts. The cbauge occurs almost lustuutu• neously, . The cat takes a rich ot'uuge color ou which black transversal stripes rapidly palet themselves, The eat bus become a tiger. The whole transformation 1s pro- duced by emanatlous of hydrogen sul- phide, which is generated 1n the Jar itself without any visible apparatus. The eat has beeu previously coated with a solution of chloride of uutlmouy wherever the orange hue was to be produced and with a solution of basic acetate of lead wherever the black stripes were to appear. Both solutions are colorless. After the coated cut has been introduced in itis glass cage a small piece of pasteboard is placed under the wooden support eo as slight- ly to incline the jar forward, A. few decigrams of pulverized sulphide of iron folded lu a piece of blotting paper are deposited behind the cut on the elevated side of the bottom of the jar. Two or three cubic centimeters of di- luted sulphuric acid are dropped with a pipette on the opposite side, When the performer wishes the transforma- tion to take place he takes the wooden Aupport and pushes it forward as it he wanted everybody to see better what is going to happen, By so doing he suppresses the slight inclination which kept the Iron sulphide beyond the reach of the sulphuric acid. The gas is evolved, and the formation of the orange sulphide of antimony and black sulphide of lead takes place in a few seconds. -G. Michaud in Scleutifie American, MOVING iN PORTUGAL. It Takeo About Fifteen Winne* cut Flee Men For One Job. hIoving day In Portugal is a greater time of trouble than it Is even in this country. A traveler tells about It; "Vans are unknowu, the only means of wheeled transport being rough carts drawn by bullocks, these In turn prov- lug so ruinous to furniture that only kitchen utensils, iron stoves, bedsteads and other uuspollable articles are sent by them. For the rest, the goods are carried often for many miles by wo- rsen, only theheaviest things being taken by men, of whom four are em- ployed to take pianos, wardrobes and other heavy fut'ulture. They carry these on poles laid across their shoul- ders, to which they are tled by scarfs passing under the opposite arm. All lighter goods are taken by the women on their heads, Six (Ruing room chairs forth an ordinary load for one woman. "She carries these by placlug one au her head, to which chair the remaining flee are tied, forming a sort of cage around her. Previous to starting the woman gives herself a shake, the chairs vibrate around her, and, with her hands on her hips, she starts off at a conteut- ed jog trot, covering six miles perhaps In au hour and u half and considering herself fairly and sufficiently well paid with 12 cents or 10 cents for the return journey there and back again for a fresh load, For long distances only two Journeys are made In the day, "The women are nearly always bare- footed, except on the coldest days In winter, when they may perhaps wear sabots, but they often wear as many as fourteen or fifteen much gathered petit - coats of all colors and materials tied with a sash round the waist, the bunch thus formed upon the hips making a rest for the bunds. An the chitin nod glass are carried In blg round baskets oa the head and very rarely support- ed by the hand. About fifteen or six- teen women are generally employed In an ordinary move and four or five teen," The Whale's Mouth, The whale's mouth Is the largest institution of the kind In the artiwa, kingdom, being capable or containing over two hogsheads of water. The ,whale's throat, however, ,Is so small that an orange would scarcely pass through It, and he lives on the minute sea animals contained in the. water. Drawing in a large quantity, he strains it through his whalebone sieve, retain- ing the animal organisms it contains and throwing out the water through circular holes In his bead, Whales en- gaged in feeding ere said by whalers to. be "spouting." A Sure Thing. Stella-Dld you try to see whether be loved you with a dally? Bella -No; I counted with a three leaved clover, Clean bands are better than full ones In the sight of God,—Publlus Syrtis, _ -- 007,0000:01:01:0' r i 1, n ( ry <- ( ( t,' <r f "�b�01'-'0:0 <�,b�' Q 1e,00 0 A new lot of those desirable Grey Dress G-oods just arrived. They are the New Fall Patterns 0 0 are just the thing to please those 6 o who like swell oods, �Qj (off g0 c9 0 (co 0 o We have a large range of pGINGHAMS AND MUSLINS 1 0, ajust the goods for hot weather (t and are selling the 20c, 15c and : 810 o) o 1210 goods at 10c, 8c and 70. _.. a (Q) J. A. ANDERSON Q o I3LYTH 6:1 e 00:070/60, y(���`Jj�JJJ/r (((yyy��`\\\r`_T�^J'�-SJ r(/-,�J-��r�;��7'//(��,;�J�,--,(r��-tr'.(/(y/�.�� )...,, y..,�y,�/_�\_)(I-, r -,y.., r0 !�/.rlti•l > �.t.+E,?O ?oA,.. .,, „ _A. IA ,4 . 0 0. AiQ ?0 a4)Y//Otho �o�l.4,�0��0.� G R 0 C E R I E S+,,.ALL FRESH BREAKFAST FOODS Try our Teas, A special Japan Tea at 25c. Meats of different kinds, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, CASH FOR BUTTER ANI) EGGS, IIIGHEST PRICES PAID, A. TAYLOR BLYTH Poultry Wanted We pay the highest cash prices for poultry of all kinds -live or dressed. Write for prices and particulars. Mention thle paper. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. FEW 11'ILr, nseA1'a The torturing aches of corns, Be prepared -the only painless cure is Putnam's (Corn Extractor. Pifty yeat:s in use and absolutely guaranteed, —Messrs, Baker & ,1lorrisou's flour mill and elevator at Wallaceburg wore destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Baker & Morrison had only re- cently purchased the property from Mr. T, 13, West, and had fitted it up in good shape, The fire is supposed to have started from overheated grain. Loss about $10,000; partly covered by insurance, • OLD nl'6'LNDI'rrt (1AUO111'. Impossible to escape being cured if you apply Putnam's Corn Extractor to the worst corn on record, Painless, safe and costs only a quarter in any drug stole. Il II IIII�tlas..: / SSiiso 'i�t1��s�i ii:.:I ii r®�,a!►.!atm: '1:r�-:o0�! .�'.I �!>> -• LLON rN 6 E-STAFENCE PltntTv, With ordinary cars the Millon itINoa• STAY Pence will lids lifetime. Thousands aro now udur It. Mayo do nut dip our bond aim wp wires ars bunie doom illustrated Catuiogu. Iron — Invo a,teuta wenled, � IRE F IC Lr LI tri WIA[ PA II d CO„ LIMITED, •. irai wV 1 AQENT ” J. Q. MOSER & SON Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy 5 Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from gratefuleople. It has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results, It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It ons costs a quarter. Can you afford to tisk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW. NEW8 \VAN'rl;u,—It is our aim to give all the local news possible, and to that end we are always pleased to re- cuivo anything in the way of news items interesting to tho community generally from our subscribers and readers, Perhaps this week THE STAN - DA BD has little 1111ws 1'r'o111 your section ; you know of some good items no doubt, Perhaps we have no correspondent near you ; in that case YOU CAN lI EL1' US (b.!sides make the paper more inter- esting to ,yourself and friends by bring- ing such items t0 the (Alice. If we now have it correspondent near you, Ito or she, cannot always know all that tran- spires so YOU can still HELP US, Give us your name and we will send you all stationery, required; and your efforts will prove a mutual benefit, -- '1'11I; STANDARD. YOU are respectfully invited to call and inspect the very large consignment of Watches, Chains and Rings est received at surprisingly low prices by FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. LUMBER aid WOOD FOR SALE —0— We have all kinds of Build- ing Material and Wood for sale at reduced prices at • the Saw Mill on the 2nd con, of East Wawanosh. --o The VY, B, Tiompsorl Co. BLYTH, ONT. -Snbeeribe for Tnls STANDARD, Auuusr 16i'Ii, 1906 THE I31.Y'I'I-I STANDARD—PM E Fivf;, Our classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that title Is the best place in the province to obtain a Commercial Education or Shorthand 'Training. Students are entering exult week. Ail graduates poet good positions, Write now for catalogue. I:Illoct & JIuL.aehlcut, Principals. We have jnst received a lam quantity of the PLYMOUTH COB DAti E COS, BINDER TWINE Try any of their branch' and be con vineed that they are the best at the price. Wu want 100 Tubs of Dairy Butter weekly, for which we will pay the highest ::ash Arte?, Also EAge hi any quantity. MOMILL,AN & CO. Dinsley Street • Blyt TOWN TOPICS. —Blyth fair—September 180 and 19th, —The baseball team intend going to Brussels this afternoon, —hiss Sarah Tui nn, of Detroit, Is visiting with Blyth friends. —Miss Ida Gibbs spent a few days last week with Clinton friends, —Miss Eupheluia Steinhoff, of Toronto, is visiting at her honk hero, —Quite a number from here in- tend going west on the excursion Friday. —Miss Pearl Fawcett is spending a month with (;fiends in Laudon and Dorchester, —Twenty-five cents will get THE STANDARD for the balance of the present year. —Mr. C. A. HIowe is having a cc. meat walk built around his proper- ty on Dinsley street, —Mr, and Mrs. Dugald McKellar, of Strathroy, are visiting at the home of Mrs, Alex. McKellar. —Mrs, 10. E. Rarsall, of Uxbridge, is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Willows. -=An upea rneeting will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening to dis C11b9 C1111ruh union. —Mr. and Mrs, D. Spicer and daughter, May, of I3rantford, were visitors at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. A, DleNally, during the week, —Mr. and Mrs, Stephenson, of Cannington, were in the village last week. Mr, Stephenson was looking up a site for the erection of their new carriage factory, and also a lot to build a dwelling house on, —According to the 1900 amend- ment of the C.S.O. 1903, any muni clpality may pass a bylaw snaking a two-year term, instead of one as now, for members of councils, 'Phis would necessitate a sufficient num- ber of electors to petition the exist- ing council to pass such bylaw, The bylaw would then be submitted to the electors for approval. If a ma- jority were in favor of the two year term the council would finally pass the bylaw and the new net would be in force until repealed by a similar operation, rhere Is much to be said in favor of the two-year term. It at least would make the office more de• elrable and the administration more cconorulcal, WE INVITE every parent, young man or woman who is interested In any way In BUSINESS EDUCATION to write for a copy of our prospeetuP. It tolls you exactly what to do and why our students succeed so well, Write at once for it. Fall term opens Sep- tember 4th, Address: W, 11. Shaw, Principal. Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. 1 upwards apan► n,Darigri i r r mm ig A THE RIG -HT HOUSE A RELIAIii41 STOUP, WITH 1V0It'f'IIY GOODS ON SALE AT MI0U1:ItATIu P1110ES 1'011 r1ANIt AND FA11111 PaoIUUUtd, Pt,1 Priestley's New Fall r 1 V ri . Dress Goods . kVA fA kyji We carry a larger assortment of Dress Goods than ever before, Plain Clothes will be a strong feature this fall. Splendid variety in Priestley's Venetians, also in "Tweeds, We have a good selection in the lead- ing shades which are lights greys and blues, rAi I 1 in For a good dress buy FA1 Priestley's Dress Goods ;1 Highest prices paid for Farm Produce, E. BENDER, BLYTH nmE; —Miss Lizzie Brown is visiting friends in Drayton. —Mks Della (Tracey, of Wing - ham, is visiting friends here, —Miss Nellie Ilartnell, of' Detroit, is visiting old friends in IIIyth. ----,Mr. Fred Cooper, of CI'eemore, visited Blyth friends this week. —Mrs. W. J, Haines and son, of' Winglillm, are visiting in iMlyth and vicinity. —Miss .Tanet frndnock, of De- troit, is visiting at her home near the village, —Mr. W. J. Fyle left last Thurs- day on a four 'month's business trip to the west, —Mrs. S. II, Thompson and fam- ily, of Indlanna, are the guests of her sister, Mrs. Powell, —Miss Annie McCominins has re- turned from a (Ive weeks' visit with friends in Toronto and Whitby, —MI', J. J. McCaughey, a former proprietor of the Queen's hotel here, has bought Davis' livery in Clinton, —Mr, F. W. Tanner and Ninny returned to Toronto on Saturday af- ter it very pleasant holiday with his sister, Mrs, Powell. —The prize lists for Blyth fair are now ready for distribution. Any- one wishing one can obtain it by calling at TIIE STANDARD office,:or addressing Mr. A. E, Bradwin, sec- retary; BIyth. —A number from Blyth attended the lacrosse match at Clinton on Monday between Wingham and Sea - forth teams, The latter team won by a score of five goals to one, Mr, U. McKay played a good game for the winners. —The 'Godorlch Star says : "Chief Samuel Westlake, of Blyth, was in town yesterday, his mission being to mingle with the 21st fusiliers, He is an old member of the militia, a schooled) officer, and the Star was pleased to meet our former towns. Inas)." —At a largely, attended meeting of the quarterly board of the Dlonit;- ton circuit (24 members of the hoard present), complimentary remarks were made to the pastor, Rev. Wm. Pedal', formerly of Blyth, and to show their appreciation of his ser- vices, increased the salary $50 mak• ing'the stipend $850, also dons the board make provision for alt eon- nexional funds, —At a recent meeting of the rail. way commission, the question of rates over the Guelph•Goderich line was considered, Tho C.P.R. has asked the board to approve a stan- dard tariff of passenger rates, and this standard tariff rate would empower it to charge as much as 3i cents a mile. 'f'he ease is not settled, but it is understood that the chief traffic officer, Mr, Hlu'dwell, report- ed against this proposal, advising that the maximum rate be three cents a utile, as on other railways, and that it bo understood that this line is to be subject, with all oth- ers in the Dominion, to the general review of passenger.,rates which In railway commission circles is believ- ed to be Inevitable before Tong, An early decision may be expected. —Mrs. J, G, Einigh visited friends at Croswell during the week. —Mr. Matthew Morris, of Ottawa, is visiting at his hone in Mullett. —,Messrs, W. A. Carter and Benj. Mason took in the excursion to De- troit on Saturday. —The Wingham Times last week published a very creditable trade edition of the town. —Mies A, M. Gosman, the obliging assistant In the Blyth postofflce, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation, —lira. Thomas le, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Robert Cole, of' London, visited Mrs, W. A, Cole this week, —A number of the members of the Blyth court, C.O.F., attended di- vine service at Brussels on Sunday evening, —Twenty-five cents gets THE STANDARD tor the balance of this year. Subscribe now and get the biggest value, —Five rinks from the Clinton lawn bowling club paid a visit to the Blyth club on Tuesday, and the local green was formally opened in good style, This was the first match at bowls ever played in the village, —The annual summer races will take place on the fine driving park, BI'uBsels, on Wednesday and Thurs. day, August 22nd and 23rd, and will be better than ever. On the first day program will bo a 2,60, 2,22 and 2,19 trot or pace and a run- ning race, Second da,y, the ovents are :-2.50 trot, and a 2.27 and 2.15 pace and a run, $1460 in purses. Band in attendance, Don't miss the sport, BLYTH MARKETS. Blyth, August 15.—Wheat, 790 to 790. 13arley, 47o to 470. Peas, 70o to Roo. Oats, 390 to :i9o, Eggs, 14o to 150. Butter— Loose 18o to 19o' Tub 18o to 19o, Potatoeq, 40o to 45o, Hideo, 5c to 0o. Hay, $7.011 to $7 50. Lard. 12e to 140, Pork, $7,011 to $7.50, Flour, $2,25 to $2.40. Turkeys, 13o to 14o. Chickens, 90. Geese, 9o, Ducks; Kie. Fall Term Opens September kth In deciding to get a business education or shorthand training It Is wise to choose a school that is well-known for strictly high-grade work. Tho ELLIOTT TORONTO, RP"'n le well known as ono of the best commer- cial schools In existence. Its record this year has been most remarkable. None of our graduates are out of positions and the detnand for them Is about 20 times the supply. Write today for our magnificent catalogue. ' W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAIa, Corner Yunge and Alexander Streets. CORN ON HAND FOR SALE Blyth Flour Mills 0, H. BEESE A TRIBUTE TO GRASS, Portio Eulogy That Wits Pronounced h llenatur Iu alla, The folluwlug tribute to grass, writ- ten by the lute Seuatur Ingalls of Kau - sus, should be preserved: ".Mujestic, fruitful, woudrous plant; The corn triuwhhuut, that with the aid of luau hath made victorious proces- sion arrays the tufted plulu uud luta fuundutiuu fur the social excelleuce that Is and is to be. This glorluus plant, transmuted by the alchemy of i,od, suslalris the warrior In battle, 1 lie poet lu song and strengthens every- where the thousand units that work the purposes of lite. "Next in Importance to the divine prolusion of water, light and ulr, those three great physical fuels which ren- der existence possible, may be reek- oued the universal beneficence of grass. Exaggerated by tropical heats and vu- porn to the gigantic cone congested with Its saccharine secretion or dwarf- ed by polar rigors to the fibrous hair of northern solitudes, embracing be- tween these extreme the maize, with Its resolute pennons, the rice plant of southern swamps, the wheat, rye, bar- ley, oats and other cereals, no less than the bumbler verdure of the hill- side, pasture and prairie In the tem- perate zone, grass is the most widely distributed of all vegetable beings and Is at once the type of our life and the emblem of mortality, Lying in the sunshine among the buttercups and the dandelions of May, scarcely higher in Intelligence than the minute ten- ants of the mimic wilderness, our ear- liest recollections are of grass, and when the fitful fever is ended and the foolish wrangle of the market and the forum is closed grass heals over the scar which our descent into the bosom of the earth bus made, and the carpet of the Infant becomes the blanket of the dead. "Grass is the forgiveness of nature, her constant benediction. Fields tram- pled with battle, saturated with blood, torn with the ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass, and carnage Is forgotten. Streets abandoned by traffic become grass grown like rural lames and obliterated. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass Is Immortal, Beleaguered by the sullen hosts of winter, It withdraws into the impregnable fortress of Its subterranean vitality and emerges up- on the first solicitation of apring. Sown by the winds, by wandering birds, propagated by the subtle horticulture of the elements, which aro Its ministers and servants, it softens the rude out- line of the world. Its tenacious fibers hold the earth In Its place and prevent its soluble components from washing into the wasting sea, It invades the solitudes of deserts, climbs the inac- cessible slopes and forbidding pinna- cles of mountains, modifies climates and determines the history, character and destiny of the nations. Unobtru- sive and patient, it has Immortal vigor and aggression. Banlehed from the thoroughfare and the field, It bides its time to return, and when vigilance Is relaxed or the dynasty has perished it silently resumes the throne from which It has been expelled, but which It nev- er abrogates. It bears no blazonry of bloom to charm the senses with fra- grance or splendor, but Its homely hue Is more enchantlug than the lily or the rose, It yields no fruit In earth or air, and yet should Its harvest tall for a single year famine would depopulate the world." Anlwals"'falls, Though mostanimals possessa tall, either In the full or the incipient stage of growth, few of then) use It to the same extent as the kangaroo, the scor- pion, the horse and the giraffe, What was its destined use? That It was not destlued for ornament la shown by the fact that In certain vertebrae it is proved to be an extension of the verte- brat column. A satisfactory solution is to be found, I think, In the hypothe- sis that the tall In animals Is nothing else than the taproot of vegetables, -Which has become obsolete or useless owing to the fact that the living being has long since adopted another method of struggllug for existence, A Powerful Writer. The late Rufus E. Shapley, the bril- liant Philadelphia lawyer, wrote "Solid For Mulhooly," which had an immense success. Once at a dinner an editor congratulated Mr, Shapley warmly on "Solid For Mulhooly." The editor said It was powerfully written, Mr, Shap - ley replied: "Yes, I suppose I am a powerful writer, Tho other day I wrote a letter of condolence to the widow of an old friend, and I under- stand that the lady no sooner read ruy letter than, changing her black gown to a pink one, she went to a matinee," —Argonaut, Both, Prospered In Consequence. Father -In-law — Extravagance, ex- travngancel You osier me a fifteen cent cigar! When I was your age I couldn't afford anything better than a fiver! Son -In-law (who has just got a girl with a fortune)—Exactly; other- wise I could not afford anything better now myself,—Filegende Matter, There's nothing makes a man mad- der than to know he has trade a fool et himself after having hls own way about It, 25 CENTS if paid now, will get The tandard FOR THE Balance of 1906 1(.„t,.--.ry.., ..yy.w ^{✓”'<Y' ✓.,rY.. .^.;.• r /v/'<Y r. ' y" y" Y'+,y { {y. -,oaootyee$00: !00 oo, ooho p Popular Clothing House - BLYTH Q) • As we said before that our big clearing sale had to make room for : NEW FALL GOODS F Q Q which are now In stook and ready for your inspection, In the Made-to- order Clothing lino you will lind the newest patterns in Imported Tweeds and English Worsteds, some of the nicest sulthtgs ever show n in the county. Also Black and Blue Cheviots and Worsteds, which make up nice for fall. The Heady -to -wear Line comprises the very newest patterns in Sults and overcoats, and up.to-dato In style and finish, If you want a nice Covert Coat you cant beat the ane we are showing at $10. It's a dandy. .lust received a largo shipment of tho newest shapes In Soft and Stiff Hats which are strictly up-to-date. Boar in mind that anything you need In the Dente' Furnishing line we have it from hats to shoes. A lot of now shapes In the famous Greene Collars just added to our large stook and Ties to tic in them— aver was there a nicer range anywhere. Dont forgot that we are still In the Shoe business. Look into our window, the nicest lot of shoes you ever saw, the newest American lash. Wo also Intend to supply everybody In town with Rubbers, the best quality and lowest prices. tlo G Q 0, ,Ora IkleMO} WOIC_ IU,r 0 0 0>( 0 WON MOLEX 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• 0 Are You in Business For Business? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on pour lousiness and the WKres you sell, you would be apt to make theft, address as interest- ing as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, It is just the same with an advertisement in Tun STANDARD. You Lave the privilege of talking every reek to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to $20 if a city advertising expert were consult- ed—and do it free of charge, But bear in mind 4ha no man can get out as good an advertisement for your business as you oan. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about.it, The Standard, Blyth, Ont. Thr . nitotl States Postal 1).'n,l;•t:il!llt roundel air a lu'. of t!: if;w tllvin,ll,'r, iu 1linnmai.oli-, wile li.lt',' been doing. it ;,t11•1 ffir,' Lr,-ii.r.. ill the United SIatc, and Canada, It was a $111 game, ,2nd :1 gr -,It uany t'.laad•i.l :- lulve i.ccu I,11 .'n ill ! w i;, The ,c!Ieme was ;1 1 rry pin,i-it. lc ..r . The ronccru lalilll ;t .'I; t!,c \DLIII .\o,!.rir:ln I..Illd I p"• i'ie ;III 1 i`I' l!.e ,',rlllll r\ either throtr,h ne,Irii.lper advert ise• melt, or try direct terra-pon,ieneo, It i'epl'lwelltr:l it-e!f a. ,lea!in, lar'g'ely in furor land. bu;ineis prop. rtic;, and money lending, It wrote ,I Very sharia:; leiter to it; pro-pertive victim, printing out that a representative Iva; rrgnircrl in hiss district to show int;•ndin.4 p;u•cllas• er.3 t•ariou; proprrtlos ;unil to close trans- actions, .1!I expenses n'ere to be paid, there 11•.1. to be a salary of $II) per month providing the a ;rill so!,1 l(iI) :lore: 1rt'r month, and a commis -ion of 50 cents per a;'I'e on the r'i t 'I 31,'I'e ;Ilei);':ll'f►+t t') he no 4)uhnet. of lop.; to the man acting sror it in that. arr n.'niont, But there 43 more lo tell,'1'Ire point of the arrange• meat was thus stated: Of course, we cannot' trust yon to sell properties, which owners ihavc listed with us, until you (.1ilLully read over our course of instruction, and learn our methods. These instructions are in 1•! letssons. They teach you how to sell pro- perties awl riwc you a thorough knowl- eti(,,e of the real estate I111aileess. Thr applicant had to be taught, and the .,'.i Millers would time)! hint, the charge to be $20 for twelve lessons, or if the $20 could not he conveniently sp:lr• cel, the conlp,wy enoyl accept 11) Rowe and the remaining 10 could be sent out Of the :I;,ent': first month's salary rbc. But it all looked to be on the iq:►re to the loan seeking work, because didn't the company say: 11'e only .;end our hist num thbu enter our employ ;Intl Iwhu are will• ing to pay tis the small price we ask, which positively assures us that you actually oneall i)Ilsiness, :1s 11,1 man woiil pay out his money for this knowledge. utile:r he intended to devote his One to our business, Yon cannot hay this course of instructions of u5 for any sum !without r'uteiin; our employ. .1n+1 .so the ,•l0 rclllittiiiees carte in. They came from all quarters and in such yu:ultiti. = that the postal authorities be- gan to h:ll'e! n11;lpiclnils. From suspicion they proceeded to inycstig.ltinn, and are re l< followed. 'Thn it was speedily di,cowered that the company did no land business, or any other l:ind of business except set traps for lictilus, The Pres- ident of the company had five ,sten 4) r apllert elh2:iged in send int; out let lt'1',, and the .replies received 1'1111 far into the thousands. die ii 11)10 held for trial for the fraud. The amoral of this tale is .that people should be very wary about sending their cash to ,welter employment of any kind. Thee aro always plenty of Ilsunita waves tvlio .,eek to prey upon the pub- lic, and tlu'y do not heriitute to wear honest sheep;' clothing. \\'hen you are offered N,)litctlling for nothing, or an alluring chance, to play sharp on the public, think of the chap who offers the confiding fish a fat, juicy worn►—and of the hook which it conceal,. 1.• The nlnliny al linlsingfon'.s, uu import• :nit garrison city r,tu t}1e tltrlth side of the Cult of Finland, is 1)robably muco important a.; :111 indica tiuu of aha great danger that threatens the Mission (ov- crnnn'nt of force than its a revolution- ary stroke. 'J'he exact condition is not gut the moment clear, but it, is probable that local tyranny over the soldiers, a part of the !ellal'ul "iron hand" policy of the Unt•el'inlenl, 10(1 to the uprising, which appears to have been entirely a military one, the inhabitants of the city taking nu part in it, 'J'he fighting ap- pears to have been bloody, and but for the is istance of warships the loyal trumps would have had no chance of vic- tory. its it is, the fortress of Sve:tburg is said to be in the hands of the twain - The St. l'eter.shnrg authorities :ere rrporlt'd to be greatly alarmed, and well they may be; it' they cannot inlplic• illy rely on the troops, they 01111 hardly look on the prospect with In,tc11 confi- dence. A greater outbreak may come at and time and sweep them from the face of the earth, .a. Plea for the Alligator, (Springfield Republican.) 11 Is it shame that that noble animal, the American alligator, la being exterminated, Of course, our old friend, "pocket greed," 1n responsible. The demand for alligator leather crus ho met entirely by the tn ulu- facturere of tho bogus article and the result is that 280,000 real alligator )lades now dis- appear annually In the great maw of crn- moreo, The number of alligators In Louis- iana Is 30 per cent. less than twenty-five Years ago, Unless the alligators form a union and rogulato the output they aro doomed, CUT OF "IMPERIAL" PUMPING WINDMILL Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, atter a two months' thorough trial. Made by GOOLD, SIIAPLEY Sl PIUIR CO, LIMITED, lirantford, Canada. As Men Rate Him. As a general thing women rate a man where men rote him. Ile conies pretty meati' being judged in her mind by the attitude other then appear to take towards him. She knows that with men he is him- self, whereas, perhaps, she sees only an agreeable pose assumed to !vin her favor, Men have a (better opportunity of know - frig his real value or lack of worth than she can, Hence, she is likely to be little im- pressed by a !nun tvho gets the cold shoulder from hit brethren. She reasons that they have reasons for disliking hint which should influence her also, could she know them. And, on the other hand, the man who wins the respect and ad- miration of the then with whom he mingles has builded for himself a foun- dation for her respect and admiration. Of course, there is the jolly good fellow whom all men like, whether he ie worthy of respect or not. And also the shy recluse, whom few understand, and who, therefore, has few friends among his fellows. In these two examples a woman is guided by his own discernment, her intuition teaching her n finer discrim- ination thitn that made by the multitude. RAIK MARK AtsIsilli O. remedies sae all skin and blood diseases—Eczema, Salt Rheum, Sorsa, Pila, Constipation, Indigestion and other result, of impure blood. They cornett he cause and destroy the aril condition. Mira Ointment soothes awl heals agdiseased this. Mira Blood Tonri and Mira Ta lfts cleanse Ike blood and invianrale stomach, liver, kidneys and cometh, Ootment and Tablets, each 50c. Blood Tonics, $1. At drug -stores — or from Tho Chemiai Co, of Canada, limited, Hamilton. Toronto. Appreciative Newspaper Reader. A legacy which was probably unique was left recently by all Italian lady. tsllie bequeathed $3,000 to a newspaper " in recognition of my gratitude for having been so often entertained by it." Very few compliments reach most editors from their multitude of readers—lega- cies never. Yet a moment's thought would convince most newspaper renders of the blank in their daily pleasure which the absence of their favorite pa- per would create. The little boy's de- finition of an editor was hat "he was a man who knew the news before it hap- pened, and that he had free tickets tor the circus!" We hope, says tho Lon- don News, the example of the generous and thoughtful Italian lady will not be forgotten, and that the tireless activity of journalists will receive similar recog- nition in the future front grateful read- ers. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Money for Cattle, None for Babies. (New York Press.) Those college professors may not be so very far ahead of future leglelatlon, We spend through Waabington now $7,000,000 a year to developing plant life, but not a dol- lar to discover a preventive of pneumonia, In ten years the department of agriculture has expended nearly $50,000,000 In developing products of the sol, but there is no bureau with money for the development of tho more than 1,000,000 Infante every year. It le true that Dre. Wiley, Atwater and Bene- dict have done wonderful work, but within a limited sphere, In the preservation of In- fant life. While they have worried for a little money to carry on poutn cholera gone era million tree among swine. Professor Norton estimator that during tho next census parlod more than e,000,000 of Infanta under two years of ago munt succumb, yet the proper knowledge of preventable dlseasea th4a number could bo out In two. 4s� Why the Devil Laughs, How the devil must laugh this morning! Here is a groat people, proud of Its wealth, Its humanitarianism, Ito organized charities and Its 160,000 preachers—barring those on rwcatslon--'who aro at thle moment holding forth on the Golden Rule "or words to that effect," while that unfortunate young Syrian leper on .this Sunday morning Id lett upon a desolute West Virginian mouu. talnlide,'. rejected and shunned try all .hts kind, ittate dilates, courts, health boards, Populace, federal government, all panic stricken, helpless , antagonlitlo—a utero chuckle could not expreaa the feelings of tile.Satanln Majesty; It must be upronrloua, *ricking laughter. 4•o The fellow who ,flays, "I told you so,.. tlllwsys keeps it to himself until after it 1*a happened, QUEENS WED IN CRIMSON. In Days of the Tudors White Not Favor- ite Color for Brides. Few brides are aware that white nt• tire for nuptial eerenlonies is of cam• p;tratively modern origin. fellow wa.l the color adopted by the human women in the remote ages and even now pink is the color which fields favor with east- ern brides. In the middle ages and (luring the lien• aissnnre brides wore enInsnn, Most of the Plantagenet and Tudor queens were married in that vivid hue, which is still popular in parts of llritanny, !where the bride is usually dressed in crimson bra• made. it was \lnry Stuart who first rhanglv1 the color of the bridal garments, :1t her marriage with Francis 11, of genome in 1558, which look place not be. fore the nitn,r but before the great floors of Notre Dame, she was dressed in !white brocade with n train of pale blue Persian velvet six yards in length. This innovation caused a great stir in the fushionihle world at the tinea'. It wni not however, until quite the end of the, seventeenth century that pure tvhite, the color before that worn by royal wi- dows, became popular for bridal gar- tnen tt . ANOTHER WONDERFUL CASE Here is Something That Will Be Wel- come News to Many a Discouraged One, "For several years 1 have been troubled with gas ILround any heart, shortness of breath, my food did not digest properly, It turned sour in my stomach, causing me great distress; often, too, I had disagree - William H. Reed. able attacks of belch. Ina; gas and heartburn, and severe peens across the small of my 'back. "I tried I)r, Leon'hn•rdt's Anti•Pill and from the very first found relief. Anti -fill has indeed cured enc." Thin is the voluntary fatrttc'men.t of 1Vni. Ii, Reed, of 165 Queen street, King- ston, Ont All Dealers, or the Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Spartan Mother Squirrel, I ens snipe shooting in northwest Mis- souri this siring when two boys came along on their way home from town. The shooting wits not so good but that there was time to stop unl have a talk, and before we parted they had told the fol- lowing story: They had caught n grey squirrel and herr foto' young ones, in the usual 'way, by stopping up the hole in a hollow limb, "11'e wanted to raise the young ones and took the mother, so shod raise them; but when we got them home and put her in the box with the young ones, she killed every one of then(. Bit each one once through the heart. First she took Bold of a little girl squirrel, and she acted kind of as if site didn't like to kill it, being as it was a girl, so she dropped it and went and shelled another one, and it wets a 'he,' so slie killed it, and then the other 'he's,' nod then she killed the girl last,' "1%'hat did you do with the mother?" I asked, "Well, sir, after she treated her child- ren that way, we didn't want her, and we turned her loose,"— Forest and stream. • i Sunlight Soap is better than soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each r--- piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Sunlight Soap will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes, Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. • Lover 17rothors Limited, Toronto ►sf OFFICIAL TESTS OF HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS. Fourteen more cows and heifers have made records that have been accepted in the Rec- oil! of Merit. These tests aro all for the period of sevou days and were conducted under the supervision of the Ontario Agri- cultural College or the Enetnrn Ontario Dalry School. Tho amounts of inllk and butter fat aro actual; the amount of butter Is esll• muted from the fat by adding one-sixth. 1. lnka Sylvia DeKol (!.818), at Gy. 5111. 9d,; milk 42.5.12 lbs,; buttor Int 14. 91 lbs,; equivalent buttor 17.40 Ito. Owner, G. A. Gilroy, Glen Iluell, 2. Christmas Jennie (3008), at Gy. lin. 244.; milk 529.4 lbe.; butter fat 14.36 lbs.; equiva- lent buttor 16.75 lbs. Owner, Thomas David- son, Spring Valley, 3, Burkeyje DeKol (3295), at Sy. 2m, 1841; milk 404.1 lbs.; butter fat 13.62 Ito.; equiva- lent butter 15.89 lbs. Owner, A. D. Foster, Bloomfield, 4. Dirk° Pel (5908) at 3y. 10in. 28d.; milk 412.12 lbs.; butter fat 13.17 lbs.; equivalent butter 15,36 lbs, Owner, (I, A, Gilroy. 5. Gretchen Abbeberk DeKol t4477), at 3y. 114,; milk 401.1 lbs.; buttor fat, 1306 lbs.; equivalent buttor 15.27 lbs. Owner A. W. Da%'Idaon, Spring Valley. 6, Augusta Acme DeKol (4454), at 3y. 6m. 12d.; milk 459,06 lbs.; butter :at, 12.64 lbs.; oqulvnlent butter 14.74 lbs. Owner, A, C. Hallman, Breslau, 7. Junnita Sylvia 2nd (3921), at 4y. 6m. 16d.; milk 395,12 lbs.; butter tat 12,21 We.; equlva- len butter 14.27 lin, Owner G. A. Gilroy. 8, Daisy Pletertjo (3872), at 4y. lm. 2.34.; milk 397,2 lbs.; butter fat 12,19 lbs.; equiva- lent butter 14.22 lbs. Owner, A. D. Foster, 9, Pauline Iloilo 1)o Kol (3841), at 4y. Im, 84,; milk 333.1 lbs.; butter tut 11.63 lbs., equivalent butter 13.60 lbs. Owner, Thu, Davidson. 10, Emma Abbeberk DeKol (3842), at 3y. IOm. 24d.; milk 294.1) lbs.; butter fat 10.99 lbs.; equivalent butter 12.81 lbs. Owner, What. Davidson. 11, Gretchen of Evergreen (338411), at 3y. 8m, 214,; milk 338.9 lbs.; buttor fat 10.88 lbs.; equivalent butter 12,70 lbs, Owner, Thos. Davidson; 12. Roe1e'e wonder (48.15), at 3y. 4m. 214.; milk 399.5 lbs.; butter Aft 10.31 lbs.; equiva- lent buttor 12.03 lbs. Owner, A, C. Hallman. 13, Beauty Eugenie DeKol (4011), at 3y. 10m. 20d1; milk 371,31 lbs.; butter fat 10 lbs.; equivalent butter 11.67 lbs. Owner A, C. Hallman. 14. Minnie Evergreen (4637), at 2y. 8m. Id.; milk 244,2 ibe.; buttor fat 8.:"9 lbs.; equivalent buttor 9.67 lbs. Owner, Thos. Davidson, G. W. CI.FMONS, Sec, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. .40 Diving for a Wife. In many of the Greek islands diving for sponges forms a considerable part of the occupation of the inhabitants, The natives make a trade to gather these, and their income from this source is far from contemptible. In one of the islands a girl is not per- mitted to marry until she has brought up n certain number of sponges and giv- en proof of her skill by taking thein from Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows l a certain depth; but in some of the is- lands this eiistom is reversed, The fath- er of a marriageable daughter bestows her on the best diver among her suit- ors. He who can stay longest in the water and bring up the biggest cargo of sponges marries the maid.—Londno World, A Child's Sermon. On one occasion Harry and Eddie two little brothers, took it into their heads to have church. As Harry was the old- er of the two, he said; "I'll be the preacher and preach you a sermon." "Well," sand Eddie, "and I'll be the peo- ple." And so Harry began by announc- ing This text. "My brethren, my, text to. day is, 'Be kind.' ' There are some little texts in the Bible for little children, and thio is one of there. "Firstly—Be kind to father. Don't ba- ther him when he's busy. Don't make a noise when his head aches. Father 1►us to work hard and earn money, "Secondly—Be kind to mother. Don't mnke her tell you several times to do the same thing. Jay brethren, we ought to mind right off. "Thlrilly-13e kind to llitry, She is small and lance and can't talk plain. "Finally, my brethren, be kind to the cat. Amen." w•. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ♦-s. Kipling's Poetry. It there le anything In this world that le not worth cabling from England to America It is the "poetry" of Rudyard Kipling, By long application ono may learn that the subject of hia last effort Is the boor hear, but not what his opinion In regard to It Is, If Kipling could write poetry at all he might ba called a poet of unintelligible, like Brown - Ing, but as ho is neither pootrteal nor in- telligible the only single word In English which exactly oxpreseee the character of his nlloged versos le "rot." Why anybody should go to the expense of cabling 1t sones the oconn—unless Kipling himself bore the cancan—la a mystery. We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because itstands so em- phatically forperfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor- ingappetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, espedally to the nerves, ita action is dart of a medicine. ' Kari fe sejrtt It el sad IMaI•all thaniils. Why the Saloon Flourishes. (New York World.) For seventy-five days the doors of the San Francisco saloons, side doors Included, wera dosed. Liquor was fairly plentiful, but 1t wet to bo had only by bottleggors, The social attractions of rho saloon wore lacking. When finally the saloons were opened their proprietors were surprised to Bud their hopes of a golden harvest Illusory, Imo of them even doubted whether their receipts would "break eon" with their high license foos and rentals. Comparatively few men in San Francisco aeern to havo had tbo "liquor habit." It was not tho craving or drink that sent thorn into the saloons—and that will presentlyiroof lacaan alternative—botako them Loci? t there again normal, legitimate and proper desire or compunlon- ship and social relaxation. When temperance workers have mot that desire without preach - Ing or offensive patronage they will have gone n long way toward solving the drlitg problem. ♦a• Rabbit -Blooded Politicians, (Osborne,• Kan., Farmer.) It there is any rabbit blood in a man's syetem peptics will cause It to circulate. The man who Is a raging lion Its the business world, who ie not even afraid of his wits, widen he Is a candidate meek and lforrloffice. cottontail 113 something In the political germ that lots nboutloiron llons Int hooka, but nood, You everyday eead lite they aro all -fired scarce. Hero le a funny thing about tbo rabbit: Me things be le doing things up about right and that people aro not onto him, Every rabbit hon a ri.urk on b1m that can bo aeon two ranee. The fel- Iowa listen to his story and then laugh be- hind his balk about 'bid "being soared. But somehow or other about as many rah - bite land as lions. 4e• One of Royalty's Woes. How sorloue tie Prince of Wales' ill health may be will nover.be'known'utitll'he digs. The real state of ailing royalty is seldom ad - matted, and on Cbrletlan-Scientistprinelplo that is an advantage, if it does not aotuaib, individualism on a Ipereonage off such imag - portance as the King's only eon? How much bettor to Ignore the fact that prlooep are mortal, that illness can never beset them u for all the rut of the human race. ' It would be Impassible for royally to play HI worldly part were sickness and .Leath gioom- Ins over before Its ayes. Klnr and princes must always '"pretatnd" , they are in robust condition, Preparation of Salads. As n rule n salad conveys to the average English Mind merely a dish of cultivated plants, melt as lettuce, en- dive, cucundier, mustard, cress, onion or radish. Such excellent will vegetables ni sorrel, dandelion, wild clieol;v, shep- herd's purse, lady's smock, or even stone crop, all dignified by the name of wends are well known to our French neighbors as admirable ingredients of it Baled; but such plants, though grult•ing a•bundunt- ly in every grassy meadow, aro almost unknown its materials for it salad in this couptry, Dressed by the discreet ad- dition of sound olive oil and pure wine vinegar, no more teseellent adjunct to the cold dish can be suggested, The oil modifies and smooths this peculiar flav- ors of the juices of the plant, while the vinegar softens the tissues, renders (bean more digestible and gives an agreeable piquancy to the whole. The use of sal- ads prepared from tender plants by those who possess normal digestive powers is undoubtedly salutary and the constitu- ents of raw green vegetables contain salts which have a favorable effect upon the condition of the blood,—l.oielon Lan - I bought a horse ►vith a supposedly incurable ringbone for $30. Cured hint with $1,00 worth of JIINARIYS LINi- ?IIENT, and sold hint for $15,00, Profit on Liniment, $54.00, MOISE I)ERO,SCE, IIotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. Living Beyond One's Means, It is quite certain that a considerable per• centage of every lass In lIfo Is Ilvlrlg beyond Its Twins in the effort to make a display, keep an appearanco-uud climb Into the next higher class. This tendency le always exaggerated by tho higher wages and larger profits In a time �t Prosperity be by the hope It holds out of permanent improvement of condition, Every country noes$ the tonic of panic depression cow and then to take the conceit out of Its People and teach thein rnodoety, thrift and foresight, ♦a• Sunlight soap is better than other soaps, bat is best when need in the ennUgkt way. rosy B11alJght soap and allow dlraotieu. Defined, Knicker—What Is the political altuatlon? Rocker—You need it rubber wagon to see what Is the band wagon. And as a rule worthless people have the best dispositions. ISSUE NO. 33, 1906 MISCELLANEOUS, PICTURE POST CARDS 15 for IOe; GO for GOc; 100 for 80c; all dif- ferent; WO for l.9 assorted; 1.,000 envelopes Pk and Coe; 1,00 fertil n statute; 25c. W. R. Adams, 401 Tongs stroo, Toronto, Ont. Mre, Wtaslow's Soothing ttyrup should al- ways be used for children teething, It eooth•A the child, soothes the game, curve wise collo and lq the bat remedy for Diar- rhoea DR. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS A mare, aura aids reliable or tor. Tho.. 1111, bare too used for over fifty yeas., Bpd ! for the purpose designed, and am ghats& teed by 11. makers. goatees Array for Ieal,d circular. shoe 11.14 qt ho[ sr y null,.erurely tealad, ou rroiejt of pegs L1C ROT PILL CO,, Box 43, Hamilton, 0a6114a. Golden Age Ever Distant, livery country fixes upon some ,period et Its past history which It delights to call Ite "Golden Age," but It Is always some limo so remote that nothing I. known of it with certainty and around He myths and legends accumulate until all Its events are seen hroagh the glorifying Inteta of poetry and remove'. No ono has ever rho; coursce to say "we try," however touch he may realise fact that It le far better Phan any period which has gone before It, With the good he secs Interwluglod eo much evil, which he fancies to be IncwnlpattMe with the highest nrosperlty, that he hesitates to spook of It with much enthusiasts, DM by but know it In the Golden Ago so much lauded by tho poet and domancer, evil was far more rem- nant than it Is today and there was far less of what Is admirable to countorbalutce • $10—Atlantic City, Cape May—$10 Four seashore excursions via Lehigh Valley Railroad, July 20, August 3, IY, and 31. Tickets good 15 days, and only $10, round trip, from Suspeneion 13ridg<', Tickets allow stopover at Philadelphia, For tickets, further partkulurs, call oil or write Robt. 8. Lewis, Canadian I'aan- enger Agent, I0 King street eaet, To- ronto, Ont. 4•♦ The Young Housewife's Latest. (Youtb'e Companion.)• In the cooks absence rho young mistress of the house, undertook, with the help of a green waltresa, to got the Sunday luncheon. Tho duelled maid. who bad been struggling In the kitchen with a toffee machine that refused to work, contoased that she had forgotten to went] tho lettuce. "Well, never wind, Eliza. Go on with the coffee, and I'll do It," Bald the cousiderats mistress, "Where do you koap the soap?" Farmers and Dairymen When you roman a Tub, Pall Wash Basin or Milk Pan Ask yew inxer tar E. B. EDDY'S FIBRE WAREAaTICL" You will find they give you satis- faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time" be Short Line to Pittsburgh LAKE SNORE RAILWAY Tab FAMOUS "PITTSBURG LIMITED" Leaves Buffalo.. .. ....N.. w. .... • 10.00 a. rn. Arrived Pittsburg . n ... ,. • . ro r i, r 4.00 p, in. OTHI;it SP.LETf 1 'ID TRAIE 3 Leave BuHalo •• Iasi :we '], p, rt. 11.10p, a• "Arrive 1ltttaburg ,. w ...., s •.. 7.65m: p. ' 1U a.; thy, 'tbeervatios Can, Parlor Car,, ' .1Rfirill3aiCitg,'''" ', ' 13etolttag !'oto and Ladfee' Co44eLes. Quicker! Thu, Beit Service. .Q. 11. DA.LY, A. j. S]!SI R, Met Aral. G. P. A,, %a'1. Paos'r, Att., Buffalo, N. T. ' , Cleveland, Obit - .. -, Rt J. Lysel+yi Pla t.''i'Ilittr`!t / w FL T.C,• Linea, Chicago, Sunday School. INTKHHNATIONALI Ji1i 8ON NO. IX. AUGUST :al, 1900. The ltich Young fluter—Start( 1',;11.31 ('onuncntnry.--1, Jesus and the ruI1V' (vs.‘ 17-22.) 17. \Vas gone forth—From the house where he had blessed the ;v1iildrer1 (vs. 13-1 1.) 111' now starts again on his journey to ,lerusi)'w. faun. one running ----From this and pnrn111,1 neo counts we learn that this man was, (I) young, (2) rich, (3) a1 ruler- -probably of 11 synagogue and possibly it member of the Sanhedrin, (4) very moral (.I) humble --he fell at Jesus' feet, (11) in earnest -she (all0(! running, (7) anxious to learn—lie cattle as 1111 inquirer; but lie ❑'ns Ills() (1) self•rightemis, (2) ignorant concerning spiritual truth, (3) unwilling to give alp his earthly possessions and ►rurlllly prospects, (4) unwilling to trust all to (,.'twist. Kneeled—In this he was showing Jesus great respect and was recognizing hilt as a spiritual authority above the priest or rabbi, Master ---(Ir teacher. \\'dint shall l do, etc.—"11'lint act of sacrifi'e or phot penaulct'1' Ilia idea is that he must do something to purehas( eternal life. His questi(ll shows Hint he believes in n futilre stable; he was not n Snddncee. Eternal life— The divine life implanted in the soul by the holy ,Spirit, It begins in this Iife but will endure forever, 18, 1\'}1111 oili- est thou me gaud ---(Taoist did not say that he was not gond, or 11115 nut If the young m1111 called (Taoist "goad," the question Jesus asked would lead de- rectly, to his divinity. Why (10 you call bile good? 1)() you see n1' merely as at man, or arra you looking at lit as the 1(es ialll? Do you recognize ale as a di• vine tea(h(r, lvhuse teaching is eternally true, and are yell' willing thus to accept my instruction? None good but one --God is the only one who is absolutely an eternally gmod; Int ('hrist is tlod ;1101 therefore Christ is "good," in this 01)x0• lute and unlimited sense, I!1. '.I'he commanlluleets—:\(cording to lfalthell' Jesus said, "1f thou lilt enter into life, 1:(e.p the commandments." young elan asked Jesus which special or great commandment. he referred to. Jesus milled by enumerating the command. Tlents ill this verse. 1le referred only to the second table of the law, which relates to the duties of Inen to man. 20. Have 1 observed -11e was strictly moral and hall lived a good life nut- ws)rdly, Ile then asked (J1att, xix, 20) what he Tacked yet. Ile was conscious of a Zack in his spiritual Iife, and this gne?1i011 ►va8 a serious inquiry as to its cause. 21. Jesus loved hilt—'1'he Saviour was drawn toward daunt, Ile saw in the young Maus great possibilities, Sell.. girl'—.leyus struck right at the centre of the young maul's difficulty. Ile was ready to give all to dual but lIls ileo• perry; this Will the "one thing" ovt'r lrbie'h he was eballt to stumble and fall, .Sonic seem to think this command 14113 very difficult, but it has 00111e to manly others and they have stood the lest, Jt cane to the apostles, to Martin La- ther, to John 11'(sley, and, in fact, in one form or another, the same command' conies to every 10)1 sti:11s Thi; young ma ll'i, riches were his idol. Ile was asked to use his wealth for God and humanity, '1'rensure du heaven --Notice, 1, Heaven is the only place where genuine, aiding treasure is to he found, 2. The character of the treasure I+tll bo du harmony with the character of heaven. 3, The ()btuul• ing of this treasure is conditional upon tleomrse we pursue in this lvnrld,'lake tap the ('1'03,1-1h3 ready to take the re- proach that will naturally conte as a 1c• null of taking this Nurse, His friends 1t0uld call hint a fool, and perhaps op• pose hill) bitterly. Follow 1)10-111! Ins disciple. 22, 1 rent alway grieved—lir countenance fell 1111)) he ►went away aur. (rowful, Ile went alwny reluctantly, but ho event. 11. J(,sus' statement concerning, riches (vs. 23.27). 23. Iio11• '111(14114', 't1.'.—'!'hat is, they s.hnll enter with greet difficulty, '!'his is amply confirmed by experience. !!deli nen s:'Idonl become true Christians, "1t is diffi1Ilt, 1. Because they feel they have so much to give Hp. 2, Jtecnule of the tendency to trust in riche;, 3, 1le. cause riches are apt to engenLler pride dolt will not stoop to the humble service of God, 4. Became rich men ore opt to be allied. in business and socially with ;many 1►'ho are not CIII'istiruls, and it re- quires gent courage and faith to break nlwny. 5, Because in 11(111ly cities they will have to restore, ill-gotten riche,, to change their business or methods of bust- noss, and sources of gain, which are not truly Christian, 0. Because it is espe. chilly difficult to invitethem, to re:et1 then with the gospel message." ---!'clow bet. Kingdom of God—Kingdom of grace and glory,, 24. Trust in riches—Isere is the dal - gel', the place 11ilero 11111lly 11 rich 1)1:111 twill lose his soul, "Notice, 1, .triches can. not drive tawny anxiety. 2. They cannot purchase contentment. 3. They cannot buy friends. 4. They cannot lure sleep, IS. They cannot buy appreciation, l:et un illiterate 111111 inherit vast lwenitdl, and with it a valuable library, '.Clio books will be no more to liar than their value in dollars and cents. 0. They cannot bring back a' lost opportunity. 211, :I'hc eye of a needle -11 has been suggested that the needle's eye was n small gate, leading into the city, in (entice only for foot passengers, and that the clued could only squeeze through with the greatest difficulty, but "It Is now generally thought that the calling this small gate the 11cedle's eye is n modern custom, and not in use in the time of Christ," The proverb used by Christ was common in his day, and expressed not the difficulty, but the impossibility of entering the kingdom of heaven, while the heurt was trusting in riches or the 1l) regard irorldly prosp0rity ua a 411rri;lI 111;11'1: 0f f,l►',)' 11f I;rnl,' .Ileil.ie. 11')0 then eon he saved? --.11I men b1' nature share the ,,auto guilt and lute of the world. Ifo)• limy a rich maul ruler heaven? 1, It is 111141)1.44 Iliffienit, 2. It is impossible if in mind and heart he ci(ure.s to his weaItII, ;1. It becomes possible hw ;a tuiniele of divine grad'. -- Longe, 11a(y +tau, lino( not riches are 'eel:ing wealth as the rli(f goon. because they already trust in it. --Schaff. 27. 1\'1111 Well itis impossible-•-A(,0rd• ing to the power and ability of men this is inlpossibl,', 1,111 t;ad, by his power, is 11)14' to silo, a maul that even the things that allured hint told ;till lose their ellrri'linu to ilial. ''(Taoist Dan remove the diflieoltd's anal renew the heart." III. 11ewa'ds of following ('heist (1•a, '28.31), 28, ilave left 0111 ---'flied' boats and nos and fish nut) fethor Were el'I'1•y• thing at them, They might, indeed, leak fol al rewar)); for it 11a11 been promised. 1,111 lids temper 14 wrong, w) file us it Ants forth claims for our good deeds, as though we deserved the rewards al Christ's 1(n els, 11'hat pay docs n m1111 lies'1•t( for giving up a1 ,capper e1' pepper 001'11 fur a palace'(--.Incobtls. The little (halt n poor man lies is us 11110'11 Ids all as are the millions of the rich man, 29, That hath left house, etc. --111 the days of Jesus those who followed him were obliged, generally, 111 forsake J1011,10.111111 110111(, 111111 10 11 1 01111 111111. In ole' time it is not often required that w1' should literally leave them; but. it is always required that we lute them Tess than we do him, that we give 111) sill that is con. silentwith religion, 111111 that we h( re:ldy 10 give up 1111 when h( demands it. --Barnes. Ur wire --(knitted, and rightly 4o, in the revised ter -ion, her 111' sake —Leaving gill must not sluing from n desire for '(ward, but from devotion to Christ. And the gosp'I's--\\'hill' .10,115 distinguishes between himself and the gospel, yet he implies that lie and the gospel ere ins'parlWI, The gospel is the ''gond news., concerning Jr,tts. ''\\'ithont him the gospel would be nothing; ;till)• out the gospel 111011 ;could know nothing of hila."--Alorison. ;111, 111 hundredfold—There are few greater promises than this. "This is sy'nlbolical, 11)1(1 expresses an immeasur- able advaning(."--Lange. blouses, ele.— Not literally a h11nlreil houses, (t0., but he ubteins it hundredfold more of joy and setisfaetioI than he loses. ''!That was a barren rock now lwebuu'4 a gold mine." \1'1111 persecutions—That is, he must expect persecutions in this world, Eternal life-1\'lldel► ►till infinitely more than make u)► for all Christian's trials Imre. "here are ages enjoyment that n11 arithmetic ('4111 compile; oceans of plea. 5111', whose majestic billows rise from the depths of infinitude, and break on no shore!,1 —!)arid Phomas, 31. First shall at last—The lesson Intended to be taught here is thus those who occupy important positions and who appear to Is' first in labor ;1111 wisdom Fere may in the next world be forced to give place to others \vim hal 1.11 been of loss renown herr. (hod does not measure nle11 as we do. PIIAC'1'ICSh APPLICATIONS. Eternal Iife is (10(1 -given to Ulan, and 1101 inhabited by anything that nu111 clan do (110111. vi, 23.) "Master, all these have 1 observed from my youth" (v. 21).) Jer- ome say's the maul "lied," But he may have meant to be honest The crucial test in his Weis the cr11einl tc411 in the life of e1'1'I'y one w1)0 9l't'ks 0011'i lest. In the.4401'ds of Christ we have, I. I)ivine poverty. "Sell 11'batsoewer thou hest" (v. 21.) :1u(1rely -Murray says, "'.I'o the rich young; ruler poverty was but the path to perfection, The disciple is not above his poster, but every one who is perfected 4111111 be ns his Mister. Poverty was part of Clint mysterious discipline of self•deninl and suffering tluvugh whirl it became God to perfect the -faster. 11'hile lie 11')41 on earth poverty Was to he the murk of all those who would he always ys with Heil' master and wholy like their master. Ac- cording to the diversity of gifts and cis. cunl41talce9, and calling, the same spirit may be seen in apparently conflicting paths of life. 'There is it perfection which is sougth in the right possession end use of earthly g1)011s as the 'Master's stew- ard; there is also a perfection •which seeks even in external, things to be as the Master lllnlself wn4, 411111 in poverty to bear witness to the reality and siffi- elency of heavenly things," ]I1, 1)ivine promises, '''1111011 4Halt have treasure in 11011l'en" (r. 21). "One may exxshnnge earthly for heavenly riches, Ire may •(rnusnlnte the temporary and perishaj)'e goods of this world into im- perishable treasure," it is 58 id that n gentleman went 111(0 the office of it 1110'- ehnnt nal, seeing an unusual brightness in his face, staid: "What are you 111) to? Ilad same (40odaiews?" "\o, only think• ing( of lit little investment," "1 thought so; a good one, lett be hound." "1 bhink so; what would you say about one thou. ;sand per vela?" "Volt are raving." "Not a bit of .it, 811(1 the very lest security, n royal pledge.,, "Now 1 know you are crazy." ""Not a bit of it; lhls," wheel- ing around in his emir and laying Ins hnlyd on al ))aper, "is n cheelne for n)~oor missionary that Is sick and in need, The Scripture says '1fe that Intl pity on the poor lendebh to the Lord' (Pin, xwif, 11)), but 1 newer awakened to the; fact of what interest he pays until yesterdlly, when our preacher startled hue by saying ale had promised ten thousand. ])!neat. 'And every one that halls left houses or breth• ren, or lands, for my 11n1110's flake, slytbl receive an hundredfold and inherit eler• tial life..' This text was in my mind when you cane in, Not that 1 can Inv claim to the self•stlerifice the text Ind'. cotes, but, Illy gift to the poor is n luau to the .Lord., and shall revl•p n good My). Bend, because the Lorca las guaranteed it." ••* Our stock of workingmen's goods are the very best. Fancy dress shirts, 50 things of this world. 20, Astonished— and 75e. Summer underwear, 25e up,— Like all Jews, they had been accustomed 111. Kennedy, 24,0•James north. SAGE'S SHIELD. POOR LAIDLAW TO BE REMEMBER• ED BY HIS HEIRS, Plan is to Raise Sufficient Money to Pro. vide Him With an Annual Income of $1,500—A Wreck, Incapable of Physical Exertion, KAISER VETOES TRIAL, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein Saved From Humiliation, I�'rlin. Allg. 13.-.-'J'hc Emperor bun eser•ised his prerogative tend vetoed the applieat11111 for the triad of Dilke !;!'nest l;molt her, of Schleswig lolstcin, 11(11 Empress' brother, made 1(y a former maid of honor, Fraulein 1Iilewslui, who 11'I'u=ell the Dat, 111111 his ellnlborlain, New Patel(, :lug, P1..---'1'1' 11'1,'1 l 5:1,4'4; Major' t011 111111111'11t1a1, with Rating un- jHstly arrested her for the theft of sal• mod, jewels belonging to the late I'rin it is probable that an or he(ore Sep- tember 21 1)11e of 11(' Russell Sage legal. tees, Who is satisfied with the belplest of $25,000, will cull upon each of the other nephelws and nieces to eontl'illltc 10 a purse of $10,IH)0 to he presented to 1\'illianl 1I. I.aidhb;tw, the "human shield," who salted Mr. rage's life fifteen 1'1'111'!1 ago, '1111, heir, whose idelltlty has not been revealed, suggest'n that a round robin be ndllre.ssen to Mrs. Sage asking that ,sufficient part of the estate to yield n yearly illealln' of $1,5110 he set, aside for J.Iaid11i11''s Iwnefit, That, 1wou1il Mean n principal of $30,000 invested at five per cult. it is believed Mrs. Sage elwny.s has had strong sympathy for the loan who was indirectly the meals of ndlling fifteen years to her husband's Iife. in the event of refusal by Mrs. Sag', which is regarded 114 remote, the tn•enty'•file heirs will he asked to'1)n• tribute $400 ea;h to mal:e up a fund of $10,000. 1.1(i111au' is a ►wreck, incapable of physical exertion, without ossistanee, lie Ores with his hyo sisters in n little flat lit Ninety-second street and Ilr0ndwny. in clean' weather he is able to walk, leanings on the arm of 1'r friend, to the dl1.11g store col'110)', at Nineteenth street, where he meets a few old friends, 111111 0hnt4 with them for an holo', and then is assisted bark to his 11011111. 11e has a1 hundred and soventy•foir scars in his beck — evidence of that litany wounds received by hint When the cram( \n'u'ns dro11K'11 the bomb with which he intended to kill Russell Sage. Seventy of these lwollIlds affected super. (lelal muscles between the neck and the )lips, A TERRIBLE DEATH. DRAGGED UP AND DOWN ALONG SWITCHBACK, Accident Happened in Full ' View of Thousands of Pleasure -Seekers at Fort George—Victim a Young Lady of Nineteen, New \'ork, Aug. 13,-111 full view of thou,1auds of pleasure -seekers lit Fat George to•duy, a young woman was jolted oat of a car 011 a lofty switela- back railroad and her dress cateniug on the back of the car she was dragg''(1 to death tip and down the strep' incline's of the track. The' victim was Miss Katherine Jlosebroth, 1!) years of age, of this city. In the cur following ser• oral women fainted and others became hysterical ,and with grent difficulty W(1,0 restrained ' front jumping from the Cal r, !Miss llosebroth evidently was kill';) almost instantly. 1Ier skull lens crush. ed and almost every bone in her boliy wns broken. The proprietor of the 5lwitchbaelc was arrested. �.♦ UNDER DOT SUN. AWFUL END OF A SASKATCHEWAN SETTLER, Thrown From His Wagon Into a Wire Fence and Hung, Suspended Through- out Half the Day—Died Shortly After Rescue, North Baltleford, Aug, 13.-011 5111.111'• day lust at sail nccldint o(curred about three miles frau this town, when a re- cent settler, Mr. T. lintchet, was thrown out of his rig and sustained such. syr• 1011s. injuries that he died nn Sunday morning. The deeonsed left town on Saturday morning for his homestead fire utile out, 1111(1 it is presumed tlia1 his horse bolted and Hatchet was thrown with great violence through n 'w1rc fence, sticking half way. Ile hung there ail afternoon in the hot 51111, not being discovered) until `' o'clock at night, Jlis head was badly battered in end he was severely injured otherwise, and died n few hours haler, Ilntellet was aged 05 years, and leaves at widow 1111(1 three young children, MRS, MAYBRICI{ RETURNS, Refuses to Say Whether She Violated Ticket -of -Leave, New fork, Aug, 13.—ltrs. _Florence ,\Inybriek arrived here yesterday from Europe on La Cascogne, which docked at 8,30 o'clock. She was dollen on the passenger list ns Mune. F; Chaney, Iter maiden nate. None of the other pns9en- gers knew she was Mrs. 1ttybrick, A reporter, who had inet her before, recognized her, and she admitted her identity. "I hnve been abroad for three months," said Mrs. llnybrick, who scent- ed to be in excellent health. The reporter asked her if she had visited England, and thus violated her ticket•of•lea'e, thus placing herself liable to arrest, Mrs, Maybriek smiled and said: "Well, I have been abroad three months and it stands to reason that I did not remain in one place all than time." She would not, lolwever, admit that she had chanced the English authorities, She stated she would visit ►►'its► friends In this city for several days, and would then go to Washington... cess .\moth, of Schlessvig•ilolsttin, Fraulin Alil'wska ileclares she p0 w'ss($ proof, and sny's that her arrest at ('niru was illegal and nothing less than foreibbe abduction by Arabs hired 10. the chamberlain on behalf of the 1)17ke. ♦.♦ DELIBERATE MURDER. YOUTH PLUNGED KNIFE INTO TRAVELLING :SALESMAN. Boy, Apparently Crazed by Hunger, Crept Up Behind Unsuspecting Victim and Delivered Fatal Blow—In Hhans of the Police, New fork, Aug, I:1.--1\'16le eppau'rntl►' crazed by hunger, John Carle, n 1lonte• less youth, crept behind 11'11. C. Per - wily, a traveling salesman, who was walking through (Nest 2:1rd street to. day, and plunged at long knife into his bark. As Person fell Carle sprang upon 111111 ;boll began rifling his pockets, but ran away when a dozen passers. by rushed on hint, half a block nwuy he was captured by a policeman, to whom he surrendered the knife, saying, "Here's what's left of it.,, The blade hail been broken in half, leafing three iuehes in 1'earson's buck, !''arson Ives taken to the hospital, where it Inas found that he was 481111ly wounded. ELEVATOR FALLS. SEVEN PERSONS INJURED; SOME MAY DIE, ..ew Turk, Aug. I3.—Seven. persons were i:,jurcd, some of then) badly, by t1( falling of an elevator in a factory building at 107 ]Meeker str'e'et, early to. day, '!elle victims were employees of the factory who were on their way to work, The elevator was two floors above the bottom of the shaft when the steel cn• 11111 broke and the elevator dropped, :about x10) feet of the heavy cable crash. ed down on the cur breaking in its roof and inflicting 111010 serious injuries even than the fall itself, '1'u'o of the pnss'u• gers suffered fractures of the leg end several others were injured internally, It i$ not known wliethcr any will die. 'I'Ibo engineer of the building, John 1Ie. :Teague, who was running the elerulof, wits among the injured, but insisted up- on being carried on n stretcher to Hie boiler so that lie could take precautions against its explosion, • ♦.. DOWIE HURT. In Serious Condition From Fall Down Stairs at the Shiloh House, Chicago, Aug, 1 3.-,Jo1ul A),'xal Dowd' !let with n serious accident' in fulling down stairs in Shiloh (louse ;it /,ion City, Sllttn•day night, and it is re• ported he is now in al state which ;Mees the grea tel' II ppl'eJ1ension, News of the neeident leaked out yes' ler(lny when he failed to appear to preach to his congregation, but every attempt to gain information 111)0111 it from members of the Dottie household was fruitless. it is said that ])o11'ie was being ear. vied from an rapper story in his arm chair b1' two stalwart attendants, when one of this bearers stumbled 111111 fell, enrrying the First .1postle in ills chair with hint, \\'hen picked up Dowse wns unconscious. •.a TESTED BEFORE THE KING. New Type of Torpedo Boat Had Speed Trial at Cowes, London, Aug, 13. :1 new stype of tor- pedo Mont, built at Yarl'OR', for the :Admiralty, hnd its speed 11'1111 t)•d11y off ('owes before King Edwn111, His 'Ain - testy inspected the bout with Ilonr•,\d- mit•n! Fisher, and expressed his 4utisfnc• Hon, She represents a new departure in defence vessels, She is of shallow draught, rind Is pro. polled by a petrol motor. She is capa- ble of traveling (JO miles without re- charging her tanks, Tier weight is only eight tons, and she eon be easily convey. ed 11,v railroad, One idea of the de- sign seems to be to supply a torpedo boat, which, in ease of need, can be sent overland to nny port. EMPEROR OF THE SAHARA, A Little Friction Over Salaries With Aides•des-Camp, l'e'is, Aug. 13.—The Emperor of the Sahara. has 11nd a little difference with two of his ndie•de•cnnlp, who, refuse to deliver up the "archives" of the empire runless their arrears of salary are paid, The Emperor has applied to the Paris courts for tun order compel. Iing defendants to deliver up the 41nid archives, but. the 'application has been refused, .lar, Jatcgttes Lebnudy is declared ns having at present no residence either In' France or abroad, and for the pur- pose of application the address of his London solicitor was given, THE WEEK -END COTTAGE CRAZE, The Londoners Latest Social Fad—Farm Laborers Driven Out. The week end cottage 'raze Iias be. conte 80 Widespread that tlw Iluesli(1n is now really serious in the matter of houa• ingg of agricultural laborers. Cottage of• ler cottage in all sorts and conditions of decay has been taken away from the fano 1)+111(1 to be nulled over to the ten- der menses of the professional decora- tor with his brown wall paper, his rhint.z curtains and Ills newly manufaetar,411 antique furniture. :\ radius of 50 miles round London has become s0 much the prey of the week ender that in some villages laborers' families are forced to lite 111 barns bemuse of their inability to secure proper houses. '!'here is not en- terprise enough nn the part of laud• lords min formers to erect new dwellings, end even if this were the case it is doubtful if the week ender would care to lire in thele. 11'hr0. the %v(n1: ender re• quires sabot' all thins is n spider. haunted cottage with a thatched roof and all the drafts that it is possible to secure. 11' wants a rose covered cot• tag' by preference and a bilge full of snails 1111d slugs. !Without these accr4• sories there is nn country tone about the place, and for all of this the rent is something like $1 a�week, That is the usual four•1'1)1)111 ('o11111ry cottage tl.way front the train line, But week -end boos• 1111 doctored Iris hounds and he heised es norange to a higher plane. 111m on A lean asked me to g0 down recent- To thelaybuck o' the bootie donee ; n Bedford, And held hint a' nicht, an' at dawn o' and I drove over 011 a Sat )relay morning ly to his week end cottage i (; fully prepared to encounter the usual "Lat'Iord, Iatna him lack: stereotyped thing•tlatched roof, slugs, He's nuchteen pence an' oily maioot- snnils, moles, and rases, while his wife, lay, who would disdain menial ;work in town, I'll settle as I Dome back." was expected to be seen slaving away hard in the kitchen. Instead of this I was surprised to find a large country mansion quite llp to all the Elizabe- than traditions and in fart stilted to have been one of the 10,000 or more houses in which nuen Elizabeth spent a week. Elizabeth, you must k11041', was the most ubiquitous sleeper that ever inhabited county houses, This particular "cottage" 11'llich was actually furnished with Jacobean beds, bureaus and chairs was large enough to accommodate a party of 40 or ail) people, but it is used merely ns n Iweek•end resort, and is locked up without attendance from :1fonday to Friday, while in the winter, with the exception of Christmas week, it ie closed entirely.—'!'own and Country. The Good Samaritan, Free Jerusalem a traveller tuilc The laigll road to Jericho; It had un ill name and maty a cruik, 11 was lung and unco how. Oot 011111 the robbers„ an' fell on the man, An' knoekit bins on the held; Took a lwhauron they could lay their ha.n', An' left him nakit for deid, { 13y cam a ineenieter o' the kirk, ":\ sail. 1rlishaetel'!" he cried, "Fie, there's a bonny mornin's wnrk!" An' be sprang; to the ither aide. By caul line who gaed to the wrong kirk, Douce he trotted 'thing; "l'uir body!" he cried, and wi' a jerk, Alf o' his cuddy he sprang. He ran to the toady, an' turned it ower; "There's life in the 111111," he cried; Ile has Ila null W Stan' au' glower, Nor haud to the ither side, LIGHT FOR SCHOOL WORK. French Authorities Talce Care of Young Pupils' Eyes. French municipalities have been devot- ing attention to the light furnished for school work, and stalls are being tont out to give place to windows in many localities. Inci.1!eltally they have is - quested discussion in scientific bodies on the most convenient Tight for working inn school room, and Bonn ,the physi . ist, has written a paper which will in all likelihood be the guide in the work. Ile contends that at least a quantity of light igni'ull'nt to 50 eamile•powcr i$ necessary, !(ir111g general data, but the importance of his paper lies in the hugs gyration for measuring the nl11011111 of light arnilnble, end proves to be a method which may he employed any. where. 1t consi,!s in noting the light of al lo- cality by the action on n photographic paper, 11 hi(}1 ought 10 be deeper in color, as the light is the more brilliant. For this purpose sheets of paper treated with silver chloride n'1' employed; they are expna'd to the light for a given time -- all hour, for example—at the point where the light 1s most important. '!'hey are then compared with the stauidnrtl sample s of the saute pnpet'. Slidell has also been exposed for an hour 0 the a(tio1 of a light of 50 normal measured by the photometer. All the Wasilities where the test papers are darker t11a111 the standard paper should be ,judged suitable with reference the light; those tint are less so are unfavorable. The paper: in gnostinn, nfter having been fixed in the Ilypl4ulp!)ite bath. 11111y be cnll'et),I in n portfolio for reference in occasion. They will serve for the in- fol.Ilnaltion Of parents, professors, school directors, etc. Or. Bonn has been able to estimate the diminution of light re• suiting from trees planted or buildings newly constructed opposite the windows where work is ca rried on. A SOLDIER'S MEMORIAL, His Comrades Remember Him and the Cause of His Death. The grins humor of soldiers is not often displayed on tombstones, but (here, say's the London 'Tribune, is an inscrip- tion from the cemetery at Winchester, revealed on n walking tour in those peels: "In memory of Tlonlns T'hetcher, a grenadier in the North Regiment of Hants Militia, who died of a violent fever contracted by drinking small beer when hot, the 12th; of llny, 17134, aged 2(i years. "111 grateful remembrance of whose universal good will toward his comrades this Stone is placed here at their expense as a small testimony of their regard and concern, "Here sleeps in peace a Ifampshire grew ndier, Who caught his death by drinking cold small' beer, Soldiers, be wise, from his untimely fall, And when ye're hot drink strong or none at all. "This memorial being decayed, was restor'd by the Officers of the Garrison, A. D., 1781. ":11n honest soldier never is forgot. Whether he died by musket or by pot. Hants Militia ►when disembodied at Winchester on 20 April, 1802, in conse- quence of the original stone being de. stroyed." Sae 1)11e inair, neib ors—say Ilal! 51c word, 1Vi' hert nye arguing an' chill; "\\'ha is the neibor to ale, 0 Lord?" But "\Vha ata I neibor till?" —I3y George Macdonald. How to Pray. General Gordon made his prayers the real battle of life. More than once he said: "I had a hard hnlf•hour this morning hewing Agnlg in pieces before the Lord." Agng wns his old evil self, "catering for notice and praise!," Ills prayers were strivings for sanctification and character, Professor Smith, climbing the Weiss - horn, had nearly reached the summit, ►ellen the guide stood aside to let hint be first on the top. Exhilarated by the thought of the great view, but forgetful' of the high gale that was blowing on the other side of the rocks, he sprang eagerly u)) them, and stood erect to see the view, The guide pulled hint down— "On your knees, sir; you are not. safe there except on your knees," The sum- mits of life—of knowledge, of love, of success, are full of perils. "On your knees!" Use every one as an altar on which to devote yourselves anew to God, Be reverent, Ile courteous toward your heavenly Father, with devout atti- tude, closed eyes, and open heart. "Ir- reverence is always a mark of the vulgar and shallow nature." President Hopkins used to say that whoever refused to take thhe natural attitudes of prayer would in the end lose the spirit of prayed. Pray for what you really desire and need. Saying prayers is not praying. Praying cannot be used as a inere charm. Christ the Deliverer, Jews had the compassion of one who had come to deliver. For hint, leen were in bondage and endungeoned, Hud they needed light, air and liberty, 1t was n►1 age of cells. Rulers lived 111 the fort- ress, end from the banqueting table alight he heard sometimes, far down, the shriek. of a prisoner. Ilistury is full of the wrongs of prisoners. Wonderful that page of Dumas, 111111 most illuminating! 111 our youths we were eta ruled by the story of the woes of that youth. Help- less, the prisoner treat his gleed against the !!'alts„ (grown ('mole', he planned ways of escape. The 11101'11 he thought, the darker gr'ly the cell. One night he heard it tapping in the wall, Then lig learned that deliverance must come from !without. \Pith a loose piece of granite he dug out the mortar; one day he lifted 111( slab in a corner of the cell. At last, the cavity began to seem larger. 1\'hen a year had passed, a stranger used the slab as a door of entrance, His fellow was wise, and taught the imprisoned youth, 'Three years pns9ed,and every any increased his intellectual treasure, Then his deliverer died. 118 a prisoner, that he might live and escape, and with the secret, find the cave where his benefac- tor's wealth leas secreted, In talose days how wonderfully the story chinruled ns, No wits i)rilliancy has faded, being eclips. ed by the more wonderful story of Christ's deliwerunee. There is a house of moo's soul, Oft there is rebellion be- tween the farces of reason living in the upper story and the forces ruled by the master of the appetites, dwelling below. And now and then the soldiers of pas- sion ail appetite overrun the mansion, imprison conscience, bind reason, thrust faith and the angel of obedience into the dark cells and lock the doors,—]3y Dr. N. Dwight Hillis. Brief Lessons. You onnnot lead men to their possible good unless you have sonic faith in their present good. Tho things you can help need your work, and those who cannot will got along without your worry. Ile who carries a cup of cold water to it thirsty world finds its way leading beide the still waters. Many a loan thinks that the elimina- tion of the evil and the slaughter of leis personnl enemies is the sante tiling. Plenty of people do not look where they are going; but there art mighty few who will not go some day whore they are looking. PAGE Eicur--rHE J:3LYT11 S'1'ANDARD--Aut,u;T 16T1!, 1906, chEsR 12Y2c Prints to clear at 10c. Cotton Hose, worth from 12c to 20c per pair, your choice for 10c. Spools, 2 for 5c. R41 OA Ore I& 0:4 1074 ao 1lring us your )totter and Eggs. We have an order for Cdr tubs of Butter and IINMI dozen of Eggs weekly. \Ve pay each or trade. W. T. RIDDELL Gmerchant AUBURN GRAND TRUNK SYS EM TO THE FAIR TORONTO Aug. 27t4 to Sept. 814 $4.00 from Blyth going Aug. 27th to Sept. 8th. $2.95 truing Aug. 28th, 30th ; Sept. 1st, 5th, 7th' All tickets valid returning until September Ilth, 11KX3, Secure tickets at tl,'T,R. offices, O. E. McTaggart, Depot Ticket Agent, Illyth, .1. 1). McDonald, D. P.A,, Toronto. ••••••• ••••• •••••♦•• ••••• • • • ♦ • • ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS • • CANADIAN PACIFIC it i • • • • • • • • • RATES OF PASSAGE • •• • • • • • • ••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • 2•• • • • •• • •i•••••• ••••••• •••••••••• Cabin to Liverpool, $47.50 and upwards, accordingto steamer and accommodation. Round Trip Tickets at reduced rates, Second Cabin to Liverpool, $ ",r0; to London, $40, Round Trip Tick- ets at reduced rates 1aas Rates to Liverpool, London,Glasgow, Belfast, London- derry and •Queenstown,$►li0 , SAFE BOATS, FINE STATEROOMS AND COURTEOUS ATTENDANCE Call at THE STANDARD otlice or write for circular and rates. Al Et WIN TICKRT AGENT BLYTH GRAND TRUNK WNW TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGIIAM BRANCH. SOUTiI. NORTH. am pop am pm 0 40 3 :30 Wingham 11 10 7 35 fl 4:3 3 :L3 Wingham ,Jet, 11 OU 7 25 0 52 :1 44 ]3elgrave 10 50 7 13 7 00 :1 50 Blyth 10 38 7 00 7 14 4 01 Londesboro 10 8$) 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 (i 35 8 05 4 :111 Iirucefleld 11 58 0 10 ' 8 15 4 47 Klppen 9 50 0 11 8 22 4 52 Hensall Il 44 0 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 :30 5 51 8 40 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 2(1 Clandeboye 0 (19 5 :31 31 05 5 30 Lucan Crossing 11 05 5 :10 0 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25 0 21 5 40 llderton 8 45 5 15 o 20 5 51 Patrick ti 35 0 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 9 :37 0 (NI Hyde Park Jet. 8 24 9 45 0 10 London 8 15 5 07 5 Ire 5 00 4 50 Connections are niiule at Wing)tam for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin- cardine branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderlch branch, and all stationa from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. OUR WAY A place where good Groceries - are kept Is a good plane to buy --Groceries. - That seems reasonable and easy —to believe, Doesn't it? So It ls. --We oiler you your choice of our pick of the finest goods the world - produces. All the time. Nothing less. Nothing else. —And the beauty of it is you are .not asked to pay more than you - aro used to paying. That's the - -thought we would like to have remembered, and that's the ar• —ument that makes triers steady --hovers. —11E A 'i'RIER. •••••••• Highest cash price for IJutter anti Eggs, JAMES CUTT Pretoria Block BLYTH —Mr. 0, 0. Bleck, of 0oderich, has been appointed bailiff of the first divi- sion court in place of Mr, Thomas Gun- dry. —Mr. Edward Waddington, of Pe- trolea, a prominent oil producer, died ,Saturday evening es 1110 result of an accident, Mr. Waddington was cut- ting a caterpillar's nest off It branch on an apple tree in his garden, and by some means fell and injured his head. TiIE smote OF OAI.1. STONES They are simply dried bile, made up of crystalline constituents of that fluid, Very common is this disease among merchants, clergymen, shop girls and :hose of sedentary habits. Prevention consists in maintaining correct action of the liver and bowels, which is best accomplished by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No person using ibis medicine need fear call -stones, nor will they ever he bil- ious, Sound digestion, good appetite, a clear color will evi lence the health - giving properties of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which etre the safest and best for general family use. Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25c per box at all deal- ers. —Mr. Wm. Wood recently disposed Of his 100•itcre farm in the township of IJsborne, being lot 12, con. 4, to Mr. Wm. Ford, who hos been working the place for several years. The price paid was $13000. STOMACH IIEUICINE IS IISELF.`.S. Impossible to euro catarrh in the nose by dosing the stomach. Send the healing vapor of Caterrhozono after the germs and you at once accomplish good. Any case of catarrh is curable—all Oats necessary is to inhale Catarrh- ozone—You stop hawking, nostrils are cleared, throat is healed and freed of phlegm ; every vestige of the trouble is forever driven from the system, If you want permanent cure for catarrh, throat trouble and bronchitis, Catarrh - ozone ii a stand-by. Two sizes, 25e and SI at all dealers. —With a letter in his pocket from his sister, calling him home to Belle- ville, Ernest Fry, aged 20, was killed in the Grand Trunk yards at London on Saturday evening, He had been work- ing in Port Huron. While stealing a ride on the blind baggage he full oft the (platform, and the train passed over !lien, There was a companion with him on the platform, and a rumor of fool play is beilltr circulated. The than who was with Fry cannot be located, Fry died in the hospital a few hours later, AiKE YOU SUBJECT TO S•I'INF'NESS? Perhaps it is in the neck or shoulders. First thing is a good rub with Nervi - line. No more speedy remedy con be adopted, When applied to the muscles Nerviline gives them flexibility and vigor; inflammation, soreness and stiff• ness disappear, " Whether in the chest or throat, nothing can snrpass Nervi - line" writes 0, B. Denton, Lumber Merchant at. Oak Bay, N.B. " !tubbed, on at night, trouble is gone by morn- ing. I have proved Nerviline a great medicine." Everyone says the sante, and Nerviline always mukes good, 25e bottles sold everywhere. Is It Your Own Mair ? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result In a heavy growth of rich,thick,glossyhair! And we know you'll never be gray. " I think that Ayer's flair Vigor Is the most wonderful halrgrower that was aver made, I have used it ter some time and lean truth. fully saythat 1 aw greatly pleased with It. I cheerfully recommend It ss a splendid preps• Mon."— MIs• V. BaocE, Wayland, Mich, • by J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maas. Alio manufacturers •f fi %7 SARSAPARILLA, V ! S PILL& CHERRY PECTORAL. Now to Keep Kool Buy our Iron Beds, $3, Sanitary Mattress, $3, Good Wire Springi', $2.511, Wire Cots, $1,75. Japanese Matting, Verandah and Lawn Chairs, Settees, Etc. J, H, CHELLEW - BLYTH \Pith a warning blast of the horn, a man, u girl and un automobile whirled around a sharp curve and went spin- ning along the country road. On and on they raced, shooting peat rows of niuple and rliestnut trees daunting their glory of new leaves in the soft spring sunshine, slowing down to cross a little brook that wandered noisily between clumps of alder bushes, thea on uguin with the fresh spring wind rushing past their faces and the huge motor beneath there purrlug like glant cut. Coming suddenly upon a stretch of level pike, Billy Weston bent over the lever and let out the machine uuother notch. Eveu so able a driver as Billy could not speed a motor car and attend to anything else while he was doing it; so, realizing that he was lutent ou the long, straight road before him, Kath- erine Huston leaned back in her seat and studied the face beside her crit- ically. For the past two years—ever since be had formed the habit of flinging his "TBLL ME ABOUT Mtn," BEU DEMANDED. tempestuous heart at her feet In season aud out of seusou—Billy's clean shav- en, clear cut face land been to Miss Huston as the open page of a book. But this was not quite the same Billy from whom she bad parted. The book hnd appeared, so to speak, in a differ- ent edition. Her mind flew back to that parting scene—to Billy stuuding In the middle of the floor, big aud awkward aud al- together at her mercy. "But I love you so!" he bad pleaded humbly, "Can't you ever care just a little?" "No; I never can," she had replied Impatiently, "and I'm tired of beiug tagged around and gazed at and fuss- ed over all the time; it's tiresome. I wish you would go away," she had ended suddenly. Billy regarded her with miserable, unhappy eyes. "Of course, If you feel like that," he said huskily, "I do," she went on cruelly. "I wish you would go away so that I needn't ever see you. Some day you will meet some nice girl who will like you, and you will thank me for being so frank with you," she had ended magnani- mously, That had been six months ago, and now she was speeding to Mrs, Mon- telth's May party In Billy's motor—a sltuntlon of Mrs, Montelth's own de- vising, "I have asked Billy to pick you up on his way, remembering what great friends you two at'e," the note bad said. They breasted a long elope winding upward between ranks of maples and silver birches and slowed down to de- scend a bit of steep, twisting road. The "chug chug" of the motor grew fa inter, "13111y," said Mies Huston, "you have changed," "Yes," said Billy. "Have you found that nice girl I predicted for you?" Billy flushed, "Yes," he said. A sudden sense of desolation envel- oped Miss Huston. She drew her wI'ttps wore closely about her. It seemed no if without warning the clouds had swept across the smiling landscape and blotted dirt the warm spring sunshine, Blllyl She had al- ways felt sure of Billy, Then In a flesh alte understood. "Tell me about her," she demanded, leaning back in her seat and regarding him with amused, tolerant eyes, So Billy. was trying to wake her jNal'ua, Site laud read a story like it once— about a man who told the girl who had refused to merry him au Iwugi- uut;y tale of his engugeuneut to anoth- er girl, whereupon girl No, .1 bad burst Into teas and promptly thrown herself into the utnu'a otitis. Well, Billy would find Out site would not throw herself Into his urtus, Site would piny up to Ilius. Afterward— well, she might relent afterward, She had conte to regard Billy differently during the pest six months, "Billy"—her voice was reproachful— "nl'eu't you going to tell mer about bet ?" "I would If 1 knew how," said 13111y. "Is she pretty?" "She's beautiful." "Light or dark?" Billy turned a radiant ince to Lila companion. "Her hair Is dark—as (lark ns yours," hiss Huston smiled tolerantly. He was too honest, too transparent, to play so delicate n game. She opened her eyes on him under her 1lenvy Motor veil, "Of course you love her very dearly," she said lightly, 7'o her chagrin a hot flush dyed her Nee from brow to chin, 131IIy drew a tense breath. "I.ove lier! I cannot talk about 1t. It's like saying my prayers," he said reverently. Miss Huston leaned back ht her seat, Why had she never realized before how lovable Billy was? They sot In silence, their thoughts keeping time to the monstrous beat of the motor as the cur swung smoothly along the hard road. Billy spoke first. "She will be at Mrs, Monteith's," he said halt shyly. Of course she would. If the motor continued to tear along at Its preseut rate and they didn't land in a heap at the foot of one of the steep hills, she would be there in about halt an hour. Dear, clumsy Billy! She bad half a mlud to tell hitt) that she understood. His next move was more skillful. "I'm mighty grateful to you for put- ting me ou the right track," be went on retnlulscently. "If It hadn't becu for you— Great Scott," he broke ole, "what a fool I used to make of my- self! I don't wonder you had no use for rhe." 'That he should refer to the past so lightly piqued her. He needed to be taken down a little. "Why bother about the past when you are sure of the present?" she flushed back, "Why, indeed?" Billy was his cheer- ful, smiling self again. "Only I was no eud of a fool and I've always felt that I wanted to apol- ogize to you for routing around as I did. Though it was real enough to me —at least I thought so tlteu—aud I was terribly cut up when you threw we over," he went ou cheerfully, "and for a good while afterward, too." "And then?" "Oh, ttreu I met—Ler." Billy's voice was very gentle. He turned Impul- sively toward his companion. "When you see her," he said radiantly, "you will understand." A. shadow crossed Miss Huston's face. Of course the whole thing was only a rase of Billy's, but for a begin- ner bis part was remarkably well played. ' There was a little jolt as Billy less- ened speed; then the car swung smoothly into a wide shaded drive- way leading to a rambling old stoue house, A laughing, chattering crowd filled the wide porch—tea tables were being set in the old fashioned garden, but us Mrs, Monteith gathered her in u vigorous embrace ICutherine was con- scious of but two things—that at sight of them a sleuder, dark eyed girl had left one of the groups aud followed Mrs, Monteith to the wide stone steps, and that Billy bad cleared those steps two at a time and was holding the girl's bands as If he never meant to let them go. Mrs. Monteith smiled as her eyes followed Kather'lue's. "Of course be has told you all about it," she laughed. "Come, Billy, don't monopolize Miss Deering—you eugaged people are so selfish, Dou't you see I urn waiting to introduce Miss IIustou to your flaucee?" The Moot Vietatl Flab, The cod is the most useful fish in the world. As an article of food, whole- some and substantial, either fresh or salted and dried, It forms a valuable addition to the food resources of the world, and in this and other ways few members of the animal kingdom are more universally serviceable to man- kind. Enormously prolific (one fish pro- ducing 9,000,000 eggs) and widely dim• tributed, Its usefulness Is appreciated almost everywhere. The tongue is con- sidered a delicacy, the swimming bind - der fur'nislies Isinglass equal to that got from the sturgeon, while cod liver oil has a worldwide reputation as a medicine . and food in pulmonary and other wasting diseases, where its high- ly nutritive properties give it great value. The Norwegians give cods' !rends, mixed with marine pluuts, to their cows to Increase the yield of milk. The Icelanders give the hones to their cattle und in Kamchatka the dogs are fed on them, while in the icy wastes, destitute of trees, they are fre- quently dried and used as fuel.—Lou- dun Answers, Young Woman Assaulted, A despatch from Owen Sound on :Mondey says; This morning about eight o'clock as a gentleman was driving into town by the north gravel road he noticed the prostrate form of a young woman tinder the lower strand of a wire fence on the west side of Mill road, a street which intersects diagonally the former on the west hill near the outskirts of the town. Notifying the people residing in the vi- cinity, it was found that the young woman had evidently been 1 he victim of a vicious attack, She wits alive, but. unconscious, A mark over the eye in- dicated that a helty)blow had been struck, while finger marks on the ihrus t •nd It terribly swollen tonuuo showed that if tilt) blow had not rendered her unconscious the attempt to strangle had She With immediately recognized as Miss Louise Jones, the 21 -year-old daughter of Mr. Arthur W. donne, a mnr•ket gardener, who resides about 200 yards from where the young woman was discovered, Dr. I1. G, Murray was called and ordered the removal of the unconscious form to the genurul and marine hospital, County Crown Attorney Armstrong and Chief of Police McAuley were noti- fied, An investigation was immediate- ly commenced, and it was found that tho young woman was down town on Saturday evening and was neon by her brotltor. A citizen residing on the north gravel road within 50 yards of where she was found volunteered the state- ment that he had walked from town with Miss Jones as far as his gate, which is within la) feet of the mill road intersection. None of the (neigh- bors heard any outcry during the sight. 'rho police found an orange and a punt - sol on the crosaing, both of which the young woman was carrying when seen on her way house, There were also evidences oft a severe struggle, and the gloves which the victim had on her hands when discovered this morning were covered with blood, while the clothing indicated that It criminal as- sault had been attempted, This even- ing, while in a semiconscious condi- tion, by it nod or a shake of her head she would answer direct, questions, but tho answers given do not assist the police in any measure to get after the assailant or nssuilante, Miss Jones' absence from home dur• Ing the night created no apprehension, as frequently she spent the night as company for a lady friend in town whose dntie:a culled for night work, and it was supposed that, tin young woman hal remained in town for this reason. Unless unexpected cornplies(10ns arise the physicians expect that the vietirn will recover, though she Is suffering from 1Iiu shook and nll•uight uxposnre. The intense itching characteristic of salt, rheum and eczema is inshuntI' allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve, As :t euro for skin diseases this salvo is 11110 11111110(1, Por sale by all druggists, —Saturday night about 10 o'clock Miss Christ hum Gray, of Sarnia, while returning from 1Voodrowe bench by street cur, met with injuries which caused her death two hours litter in Sarnia hospital, She stepped off a mov- ing cru, and, striking the brick pave- ment, fractured her skull, 11NAdel! VO It a UN. 00 WN WOM1F:N, Prole the experience of Mr. Jelin Menke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone, "At times I was con - lined to my bed and couldn't do any work, I was run down in flush, lost strength, my aPpetite failed, my color was pellid, Weary and custdown, it seethed I couldn't cutch up, Forrozone started a now kind of life into 1113' blood, built me up, vitalized and str•onghoned 103' nerves, and finally cured my !cult and stminach pains." Ferrozone is a rebnilder that has special virtue in fe- male ailments, Sold everywhere in 60c boxes; try Ferrozone, —Mr. John Reid, formerly of Logan, who has. been an inmate of the London asylum, made his escape one day not long ago. He hunted up en old neigh- bor, Nit., S. Nicholson, of Mitchell, who took him in charge and drove him to Stratford and handed him over to the authorities there, —Mrs. John Fisher, wife of the clerk of North Easthope, died very suddenly last week while driving in a cab to Stratford hospital where she was to undergo an operation, Mrs. Fisher not been considered in a serious condi- tion, and it was only ou the morning of her death that she became worse, and it was decided to take her to Stratford. Are You in Business For Business? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering as address 0n your business and the wares you sell, you wound be apt to make that address as interest• ing as pnsailae, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, 11 is just the SIMS with an advertisement in THE STANDARI), You have the privilege of talking every peek to hundreds of people sad if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about there in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to f20 If a city gdvertisiug expert were consult- KI—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no man can get out its good an advertisement for your business u you can, You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargalai, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about it. The Standard, Blyth, Ont. .-•rte...----, ed-~( ' ` At McArter's Ground Floor PHOTO GALLERY You can get anything you want in PHOTOS. LATEST STYLES in stock, A new line of LARGE FRAMES and Easels added to our stock, LATEST VIEWS OF THE TOWN ON POST CARDS Lite -size Work done In every style—•perfect. Satisfaction guaranteed or no money wanted. Got our prices for Viewing as this Is the proper seasou. T. B. McARTER - PIIOTO 11I1'fIST - BLYTH CASH STORE 1 Boots and Shoes Fine and Coarse Shoes of all kinds, See our bargain counter, Gents' Furnishings A complete range always on hand, I-Iavc you seen our New Ties, Groceries A full and complete stock, LEADING PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, Billy s Ruse By Edith M. Doane Cupyrlxht, 141110, by P. C. Ea+tment \Pith a warning blast of the horn, a man, u girl and un automobile whirled around a sharp curve and went spin- ning along the country road. On and on they raced, shooting peat rows of niuple and rliestnut trees daunting their glory of new leaves in the soft spring sunshine, slowing down to cross a little brook that wandered noisily between clumps of alder bushes, thea on uguin with the fresh spring wind rushing past their faces and the huge motor beneath there purrlug like glant cut. Coming suddenly upon a stretch of level pike, Billy Weston bent over the lever and let out the machine uuother notch. Eveu so able a driver as Billy could not speed a motor car and attend to anything else while he was doing it; so, realizing that he was lutent ou the long, straight road before him, Kath- erine Huston leaned back in her seat and studied the face beside her crit- ically. For the past two years—ever since be had formed the habit of flinging his "TBLL ME ABOUT Mtn," BEU DEMANDED. tempestuous heart at her feet In season aud out of seusou—Billy's clean shav- en, clear cut face land been to Miss Huston as the open page of a book. But this was not quite the same Billy from whom she bad parted. The book hnd appeared, so to speak, in a differ- ent edition. Her mind flew back to that parting scene—to Billy stuuding In the middle of the floor, big aud awkward aud al- together at her mercy. "But I love you so!" he bad pleaded humbly, "Can't you ever care just a little?" "No; I never can," she had replied Impatiently, "and I'm tired of beiug tagged around and gazed at and fuss- ed over all the time; it's tiresome. I wish you would go away," she had ended suddenly. Billy regarded her with miserable, unhappy eyes. "Of course, If you feel like that," he said huskily, "I do," she went on cruelly. "I wish you would go away so that I needn't ever see you. Some day you will meet some nice girl who will like you, and you will thank me for being so frank with you," she had ended magnani- mously, That had been six months ago, and now she was speeding to Mrs, Mon- telth's May party In Billy's motor—a sltuntlon of Mrs, Montelth's own de- vising, "I have asked Billy to pick you up on his way, remembering what great friends you two at'e," the note bad said. They breasted a long elope winding upward between ranks of maples and silver birches and slowed down to de- scend a bit of steep, twisting road. The "chug chug" of the motor grew fa inter, "13111y," said Mies Huston, "you have changed," "Yes," said Billy. "Have you found that nice girl I predicted for you?" Billy flushed, "Yes," he said. A sudden sense of desolation envel- oped Miss Huston. She drew her wI'ttps wore closely about her. It seemed no if without warning the clouds had swept across the smiling landscape and blotted dirt the warm spring sunshine, Blllyl She had al- ways felt sure of Billy, Then In a flesh alte understood. "Tell me about her," she demanded, leaning back in her seat and regarding him with amused, tolerant eyes, So Billy. was trying to wake her jNal'ua, Site laud read a story like it once— about a man who told the girl who had refused to merry him au Iwugi- uut;y tale of his engugeuneut to anoth- er girl, whereupon girl No, .1 bad burst Into teas and promptly thrown herself into the utnu'a otitis. Well, Billy would find Out site would not throw herself Into his urtus, Site would piny up to Ilius. Afterward— well, she might relent afterward, She had conte to regard Billy differently during the pest six months, "Billy"—her voice was reproachful— "nl'eu't you going to tell mer about bet ?" "I would If 1 knew how," said 13111y. "Is she pretty?" "She's beautiful." "Light or dark?" Billy turned a radiant ince to Lila companion. "Her hair Is dark—as (lark ns yours," hiss Huston smiled tolerantly. He was too honest, too transparent, to play so delicate n game. She opened her eyes on him under her 1lenvy Motor veil, "Of course you love her very dearly," she said lightly, 7'o her chagrin a hot flush dyed her Nee from brow to chin, 131IIy drew a tense breath. "I.ove lier! I cannot talk about 1t. It's like saying my prayers," he said reverently. Miss Huston leaned back ht her seat, Why had she never realized before how lovable Billy was? They sot In silence, their thoughts keeping time to the monstrous beat of the motor as the cur swung smoothly along the hard road. Billy spoke first. "She will be at Mrs, Monteith's," he said halt shyly. Of course she would. If the motor continued to tear along at Its preseut rate and they didn't land in a heap at the foot of one of the steep hills, she would be there in about halt an hour. Dear, clumsy Billy! She bad half a mlud to tell hitt) that she understood. His next move was more skillful. "I'm mighty grateful to you for put- ting me ou the right track," be went on retnlulscently. "If It hadn't becu for you— Great Scott," he broke ole, "what a fool I used to make of my- self! I don't wonder you had no use for rhe." 'That he should refer to the past so lightly piqued her. He needed to be taken down a little. "Why bother about the past when you are sure of the present?" she flushed back, "Why, indeed?" Billy was his cheer- ful, smiling self again. "Only I was no eud of a fool and I've always felt that I wanted to apol- ogize to you for routing around as I did. Though it was real enough to me —at least I thought so tlteu—aud I was terribly cut up when you threw we over," he went ou cheerfully, "and for a good while afterward, too." "And then?" "Oh, ttreu I met—Ler." Billy's voice was very gentle. He turned Impul- sively toward his companion. "When you see her," he said radiantly, "you will understand." A. shadow crossed Miss Huston's face. Of course the whole thing was only a rase of Billy's, but for a begin- ner bis part was remarkably well played. ' There was a little jolt as Billy less- ened speed; then the car swung smoothly into a wide shaded drive- way leading to a rambling old stoue house, A laughing, chattering crowd filled the wide porch—tea tables were being set in the old fashioned garden, but us Mrs, Monteith gathered her in u vigorous embrace ICutherine was con- scious of but two things—that at sight of them a sleuder, dark eyed girl had left one of the groups aud followed Mrs, Monteith to the wide stone steps, and that Billy bad cleared those steps two at a time and was holding the girl's bands as If he never meant to let them go. Mrs. Monteith smiled as her eyes followed Kather'lue's. "Of course be has told you all about it," she laughed. "Come, Billy, don't monopolize Miss Deering—you eugaged people are so selfish, Dou't you see I urn waiting to introduce Miss IIustou to your flaucee?" The Moot Vietatl Flab, The cod is the most useful fish in the world. As an article of food, whole- some and substantial, either fresh or salted and dried, It forms a valuable addition to the food resources of the world, and in this and other ways few members of the animal kingdom are more universally serviceable to man- kind. Enormously prolific (one fish pro- ducing 9,000,000 eggs) and widely dim• tributed, Its usefulness Is appreciated almost everywhere. The tongue is con- sidered a delicacy, the swimming bind - der fur'nislies Isinglass equal to that got from the sturgeon, while cod liver oil has a worldwide reputation as a medicine . and food in pulmonary and other wasting diseases, where its high- ly nutritive properties give it great value. The Norwegians give cods' !rends, mixed with marine pluuts, to their cows to Increase the yield of milk. The Icelanders give the hones to their cattle und in Kamchatka the dogs are fed on them, while in the icy wastes, destitute of trees, they are fre- quently dried and used as fuel.—Lou- dun Answers, Young Woman Assaulted, A despatch from Owen Sound on :Mondey says; This morning about eight o'clock as a gentleman was driving into town by the north gravel road he noticed the prostrate form of a young woman tinder the lower strand of a wire fence on the west side of Mill road, a street which intersects diagonally the former on the west hill near the outskirts of the town. Notifying the people residing in the vi- cinity, it was found that the young woman had evidently been 1 he victim of a vicious attack, She wits alive, but. unconscious, A mark over the eye in- dicated that a helty)blow had been struck, while finger marks on the ihrus t •nd It terribly swollen tonuuo showed that if tilt) blow had not rendered her unconscious the attempt to strangle had She With immediately recognized as Miss Louise Jones, the 21 -year-old daughter of Mr. Arthur W. donne, a mnr•ket gardener, who resides about 200 yards from where the young woman was discovered, Dr. I1. G, Murray was called and ordered the removal of the unconscious form to the genurul and marine hospital, County Crown Attorney Armstrong and Chief of Police McAuley were noti- fied, An investigation was immediate- ly commenced, and it was found that tho young woman was down town on Saturday evening and was neon by her brotltor. A citizen residing on the north gravel road within 50 yards of where she was found volunteered the state- ment that he had walked from town with Miss Jones as far as his gate, which is within la) feet of the mill road intersection. None of the (neigh- bors heard any outcry during the sight. 'rho police found an orange and a punt - sol on the crosaing, both of which the young woman was carrying when seen on her way house, There were also evidences oft a severe struggle, and the gloves which the victim had on her hands when discovered this morning were covered with blood, while the clothing indicated that It criminal as- sault had been attempted, This even- ing, while in a semiconscious condi- tion, by it nod or a shake of her head she would answer direct, questions, but tho answers given do not assist the police in any measure to get after the assailant or nssuilante, Miss Jones' absence from home dur• Ing the night created no apprehension, as frequently she spent the night as company for a lady friend in town whose dntie:a culled for night work, and it was supposed that, tin young woman hal remained in town for this reason. Unless unexpected cornplies(10ns arise the physicians expect that the vietirn will recover, though she Is suffering from 1Iiu shook and nll•uight uxposnre. The intense itching characteristic of salt, rheum and eczema is inshuntI' allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve, As :t euro for skin diseases this salvo is 11110 11111110(1, Por sale by all druggists, —Saturday night about 10 o'clock Miss Christ hum Gray, of Sarnia, while returning from 1Voodrowe bench by street cur, met with injuries which caused her death two hours litter in Sarnia hospital, She stepped off a mov- ing cru, and, striking the brick pave- ment, fractured her skull, 11NAdel! VO It a UN. 00 WN WOM1F:N, Prole the experience of Mr. Jelin Menke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone, "At times I was con - lined to my bed and couldn't do any work, I was run down in flush, lost strength, my aPpetite failed, my color was pellid, Weary and custdown, it seethed I couldn't cutch up, Forrozone started a now kind of life into 1113' blood, built me up, vitalized and str•onghoned 103' nerves, and finally cured my !cult and stminach pains." Ferrozone is a rebnilder that has special virtue in fe- male ailments, Sold everywhere in 60c boxes; try Ferrozone, —Mr, Joint Reid, formerly of Logan, who has. been an inmate of the London asylum, made his escape one day not long ago. He hunted up en old neigh- bor, Nit., S. Nicholson, of Mitchell, who took him in charge and drove him to Stratford and handed him over to the authorities there, —Mrs. John Fisher, wife of the clerk of North Easthope, died very suddenly last week while driving in a cab to Stratford hospital where she was to undergo an operation, Mrs. Fisher not been considered in a serious condi- tion, and it was only ou the morning of her death that she became worse, and it was decided to take her to Stratford. Are You in Business For Business? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering as address 0n your business and the wares you sell, you wound be apt to make that address as interest• ing as pnsailae, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, 11 is just the SIMS with an advertisement in THE STANDARI), You have the privilege of talking every peek to hundreds of people sad if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about there in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to f20 If a city gdvertisiug expert were consult- KI—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no man can get out its good an advertisement for your business u you can, You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargalai, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about it. The Standard, Blyth, Ont. .-•rte...----, ed-~( ' ` At McArter's Ground Floor PHOTO GALLERY You can get anything you want in PHOTOS. LATEST STYLES in stock, A new line of LARGE FRAMES and Easels added to our stock, LATEST VIEWS OF THE TOWN ON POST CARDS Lite -size Work done In every style—•perfect. Satisfaction guaranteed or no money wanted. Got our prices for Viewing as this Is the proper seasou. T. B. McARTER - PIIOTO 11I1'fIST - BLYTH CASH STORE 1 Boots and Shoes Fine and Coarse Shoes of all kinds, See our bargain counter, Gents' Furnishings A complete range always on hand, I-Iavc you seen our New Ties, Groceries A full and complete stock, LEADING PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS,