The Seaforth Sun, 1901-06-07, Page 6FRAGFIANT
aperfoot liquid dentifrice, for the
eeth and Mouth•
Urge 'LIQUID sad POWDER, 75e '
Now slie soioomfrurp'
sozo.ONT214 25
,.....PoW ER2
, 4 - • .
;At all Shires, or by Mail •for the prima
7 ,
. , • •
Ou rid a Comrade Drugged
in a Saloon.
• San' Francisco, Cal., ;tune 1.-Sol-
•diers to the number of five or six
hundred indulged ih a riot last
aright, and wrecked one of the n3any
drinking places just outside the
Presidio Reservation..
There ;are many conflicting stories
as to tile origin of the trouble.
' The soldiers of tire 16tif Volunteer
Illifeentry weve Inaiatered out of the
service yesterday, and the men gh,
e'S their diselluirges and pay. Most
of, fthei men had several hundred dot-
/ars c•ourling to them and they did
coesiderable drinking In the Pre-
, sidlo resorts. .
A. man by the name of Morgan, of
the 46th, was founl unconscious in
the front of Mrs. Powets' soloon. Two
of aforgem's compartions took him to
camp for treatment. The doctor pro-
nounced it a, °nee where drugshad
been administered. The news spread
rapidly about the camp, and Of0011
there, were a dozen or more men run-
niag to Mra Powers' saloon. They de -
married reparation for the drngging
of their comrade, bat any knowledge
of tIete affair was denied. Two or
three men lounging about the place
sided In with the NVO/11 1111, and ordered
the -wailers from the premises. They
went bock for reinforcements, and
spread the report that, two of their
companions. Itad been killed in this
Mob, made up of members of the
45th ilea afith Regiments, then
rushed pell-mell through the taesidlo
gatee to the Saloon and entirely
wrecked the plaoe. •
The saloon caught fire from t1ie.
overturning lamps. One of the bar-
tenders was severely, beaten and cut.
-There were threats to lynch him,
when a squadron of cavalry, and a
'guard of sixty men from the 45t11
;arrived and rescued him.
The efforts of the cavalry and
guard to disperse the crowd were
futile until the flreolepartment turn-
od thehose upon them. This and the
; entire guard of the post, he1pe..4to
restore order. , •
A 'el tioiliVise,' pe1.911-'sold"-t..
1)04r ans
og.i he iers had
'.died from draPMrllquor preyed that
such was not •e case. Morgan, of
the 46th, was ie only man who it
is thought may have:been the victim
of 'a drug. , • • .
An investigation of the riot will he
made to -day by the police and mill-
imay, officials.
Hon. F. Laseelles, of Golden, B.C., a
Golden, 13. 0., JUilae 2. -The saddest
tragedy -that ever occurred in this
valley was the one which took place
at thc residence of the Hon. Frank
Lascelles, Thunder Hill, on the
morning- of Wednesday, May 29th,
when Mr. Lascelles, laboring under
the delusioiy that someone was out -
Side his houee wanting to force au
entrance, shot and inetrintly iiIled
his Chinese Gook. For some time past
he has been brooding over a fancied,
insult to him hi connection) with his
being,* called to give evidence in
'Magistrate Sbovil's court, in a dis-
pute oyer a horse, and, since that
time,he hoe been much unsettled. An
officer disarmed him, and plaited him
under arrest. On his arrival at
Golde,n an examination of Mr. Las -
celled -was made by Drs. Elliott and
Taylor, and certificate of insanity
signed by them, and a commitment
to the asylum at New Westminster
was Made.
Special interest is taken in this oc-
cerrenee, owing to the prominence
of Mr. Lascelles' family. Mr. Lascelles
holds the controlling interest in 'the
:Upper Columbia River Navigation
and Tramway Company, and is pos-
sessed of large private means.
$150,000 PAID: NO DIVORCE.
South African Cause Celebre WIlI
• Not Qome into Court.
London, Juno 2. -After all, London
is not to have the sensation of a
great Sooth African divoroe case,
about widen so muclt kas been heard
It, is understood that it has beam
privately settled.
It mey be remembered two du,ket,
an earl, a viscount and it baron were
mentioned at co-respondents. Whe-
ther theee gentlemen all combined
together and paid down so touch
money is uncertain, but at any rate
the sum of 130,000 (0150,000) has
been padel to either the husband or
the offended were. It is generally be -
bayed that Lord Roberts refused to
allow the husband to accept the
cheque, so the wife is now the happy
posisiessor of it.
As she •is it lady of very extrava-
gant tastes, it will come in very use -
fin to her. She possesses a fairly large
Income from her late father. She
pays £40 ($200) for dresses, rend
W00,00 them only once, so at this
rate £80,000 will not last very
Mr. Levi P. Williams was nominat-
ed for the Legislative Assembly by
the Conservatives • of Prince Ed-
ward CounItY.
• The Disciples' Conference has de-
cided that tile delliOnlinati011.111 col-
lege at St. Tholoas be removed to
Teronto and affiliated with Toron-
to 'University. ,
Black Eyes and Bruises Remedied.
I The Man Wlth the Bleck Eye p
ed the but in front of th d
mart to the pawnshop, passed
through the .door Willett BO mysteri-
°Italy• flew ()Pen before lam, and went
upstairs into a bare little front
31 Tema
Wtral not an artist's studio, judged
from app.earancest In fact, it resem-
bled 0 room in a cheap boarding house
=ore than anything else. It gave but
little promise,' A. few British, flags os-
tentatiouely adorned the walla and
'between the two windows was set it
bureau such as forms ;part of the
output of the average East Side in-
stalment furnishing house. Above
thice hung a large palette set with a
number of colorer.
A momecat later there bustled into
tlue room a short, stocky, gray-haired
soon, who looked at though he were
fully experienced In the woes and
griefs of hillumnitY, but not there-
fore moved to any degree of eympa-
thy. He noted the black eye 1,11
moment, and, without waiting for
any explanation, drew the victim
of the cable car acticlent over to the
light and carefully looked the bruise
" "What can you do for it ?" asked the
•Only a Matter of Paint.
1 "I cam paint it so the 'non who hit
you wouldn't notlee it if lac wee look-
ing for it,' said tile artist, "or I can
cure II for you if you can spare the
time. It will take me ten minutes
to paint it, and it will take about
four hours to- cure it. Take your
"We a case of hurry with me," said
the man with the bad eye, "so I'll
take the paint."
'A matter or perfect Indifference
to me,' said the painter of black eyes
as he took the palette down from the
wall. HD squeezed out it drop of white
paint from a tube, and then, selecting
a pigment already mixed that seemed
to be about ths right shade, he care-
fully added a small portion of color.
"There's a scraped place I'll have
to fix alai he said as he scanned
the surface he hod to decorate. "I'll
get that smoothed out now,"
` Whatever you do," said the 'vis-
itor, "be clean about it ; I dent want
aoy Infection in that scratch."
"Will you leave this to Inc,' said the
clti eye painter, irritably, and with
it trace of offended pride. "This
isn't the first case of this sort I've
handled, and yet every man that
comes In here seems] to think he's
the first manthat ever had it black
eye. There'll be nothing the matter
with 'nit job when. I get through
.with! it." ; • , ,
The Prellininarles.
Then he bronght out it small bottle
of flexible collodion, and with a small
brush carefully: coated the scraped
surfape. , •, • .
"That oo'vere be raw surface, and
events anytISRig' froin` reaching the
exposed blood vessels," he said. "The
stuff is antiseptic, too, and is a good
thing in itself. All you have to do is
to leave that there without.disturb-
ing it, and you'll never have any
Eirouble.", • •
By this time the collodion had hard
ened, forming a smooth artificial
skins It looked raw and angry, how -
ewer, and the flesh juet below the eye
was of deep purple, rapidly changing
to' a deep blank. •
"The skin under the eye Isn't
bruised or broken," said the painter,
as one who knows, "The only hurt
lei that on the cheek. The eye lin,s
blackened because of the congestion
of the neighboring blood vessels.
There's no danger in painting right
aver the skin svhere there is no
Te, with' it ‘Sinall brush', he began
laying the paint over the bruise with
long, sweeping strokes from the COT-
ner of the eye outward and dosvn-
ward. From time to time be stepped
back and carefully looked at the
other eYe,
"That one isn't turning also, Is it?"
asked the viethn.
"Not; at all," answered the artist.
"That eye wouldn.'t black nriless the
blow had landed on the bridge of the
nose. The congestion doesn't cross
the nose. I'm just comparing the col-
orist Its the color of the upper part
of the cheek that! I have to go by in
order to make it good job." ,
..N,..esaefaeasosoe' ?,8PagF
days, and at the end of that time the
000 eye is Well enough to leave alone un-
less it IS it pe•rticularlY bad case.
Phe miring 19 done with 0prePara-
tion that c10,0 be aPPiled by tile
et of of the had eye if he hag the pa -
Can Cure Black Eyes.
"A black eye MO be cured ref: the
tame if one has the knowledge,' Said
the smooth -shaven, little old Eng-
lishman. "All that is needed is
plenty hot water and perSever-
once, The alOt Avuter will relieve
the congestion and prevent the
black blood from gathering in the
small veins in the vicinity o'f the
eyes, Generally, however, a 'man is
too drunk to think of this or to
attend to it: rt is certainly a sad
tirlog the way the young men of
title town consume alcoholic liquors.
"There is only one thing about
tide busineas, though, that is sad-
dening,' he added reflectively, "and
that is the habit every wia.n has ef
referring to a bruised eye as n,
'bum lamp.' I have heard that foolish
and Inane expression so' often that
I could soak the men who invented
it in boiling oil. It is one of my
few crosses." ,
,Inet then a earwig woman who had
alighted from an automobile in front
opt the place hurried In, accompanied
by her maid, and began . to tell
thaough two thicknesses of veiling
the &tory of how she had been
struck by a cable car. 'lam old chap
listened bet edly and, rentarking
rather harehly, "I'll have that sign
up to-rnortow," ushered out the man
who had had the black eye. -New
York Telegraph. •
The Final Touch.
For a few seconds he worked in
silence, occasionally wiping tile paint
;downward in broad smudges with his
thumb. 'Phan, when he finished the
work to his satisfaction, he dipped a
bit of antisepltio cotton in a box of
'Powder and carefully, dabbed it over
the paint.
"Now, take it look at it kand 13;00 if it
Suits you," he, said. , -
Then the main in the chair fronted
the mirror and scanned Ills featnres
closely and carefully. He was fully
satisfied. He had entered the place
with an eye that could be seen to be
black three blocks away. Now only
a close inspeetion could show that
anything at all was the matter with
bis face. There soot a slight graze
'tale powder had not overcome, but
emly a cloae scrutiny cook] reveal
It. To all a.ppearanceff there was no-
thing whatever the matter with him.
"You are rather different from most
of those that come in here," said the
operator. "The.thing that makes me
leo tired that 3 vrawe.tco go down to
*he dock and jump off la the constant
effort every man makes to impress
me with the fact that the other fel-
low le unfit to be seen. They all
want to, telt just how it happened,
and I'm baying a sign mad d to put
here reading something ,after this
. •
• "'Remember the Eleventh Com-
anandment-Don't 'Pell Your Troubles.'
"It wonldn't do much good, though,
Ton can't keep them; from talking, es-
pecially if they've been drinking."
This little decorator of broken
faces has all sorts of clients. There
are inanY week- when he ranges
above a hundred dollars in fees for
painting black eyes and culaIng them.
One painting will last to or three
days, if the man 'under the paint
doesn't wash his fees too thoroughly.
Generally, though, the patnting is
done every second day for about six
aerta, ;Leo
Through the Kindness and
Persistence of a Friend.
An Every -Day Story That Wili Bring
Health and Happiness to Young
Girls Who Act Upon the, Ad-
vice Given.
(From the San, Orangeviile, Ont.)
In every part of Canada are to
be found grateful people who cheer -
1 ully aoknOwledge that the good
health they enjoy TO. dime to *helms
of Dr. WIlliaars' Pink Pills. In the
town of Orangeville there are
many well' people, among them belng
Miss lassie' Collins, an estimable
young- lady who ries/ides with her
mlother to, the 'east ward, Miss Coh
lIns' cure tilieugh th,S use or this
nrediciere svcie• reeently brought to
the attention of the aum, and a re-
porter .was sent to get th'e facts
from the young lady. Miss Collins
cheerflatly- accorded the interview,
andaher statement is .ghan practioal-
IY fin her olvn WOT(1$1: "Two year's
ago," !said etre, "I became so weak
th'itt I was forced to take to bed.
The illness name en gradually;
founa Myself much' run dOwn, suffer-
ed fawn headaches, and wae as pale
as it was possible for a living person
to ba 3 used several medicines, but
they did not help nie. Then I ccin-
totted a doctor, and he said that
I bad scarcely any blood, and that
my conclitiou wos one of danger.
Medicine did not seem to do me any
good, and I found myself growing
weaker. I reached, the stage where
my keart kept palpitating violently
all the time. The beadacfbee became
continuous, and my condition one
which words can scarcely describe. I
really despaired of getting better,
and :bathed the sight of medicine. I
ifild 'been conlimed to bed for about
two iinontiis when erre day a friend
called rind urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Plash- Pills. I told her I had
lost foith in all medicines, but she
VMS ;leper earthy- determined I should
try the pills, for she brouight nes
sabout halt a box she road beeo using
herself. I could not then do less than
toy the pille,, and when they were
used, I (mount say that I felt
much; better, I had more contidence
in the pills and got half a dozen.
boxee. Before these were gone
there, lwat no doubt that they were
vaPidlY restoring me to my; old-
thme health, fl 1 was 50011 able to
sit Cup and then be around, and oat. I
used; el all, eight or nine boxes, and
before Ore's*: were gone I felt as
though I had never had an ache or
pain in my life. That is what Dr.
Willie me' Piek Pills did for me and I
tlhink 1 wouLd be 'rely ungrateful it
I clad not add my testimony for the
benefit it may be to some other
young ;Owl."
Miss Collins' littera' should bring
hope to many thousands of oth,er
young girls who suffer as she did.
Those Who ere pole, lack appetite,
suffer from headache,and palpita-
tion ef the heart, dizziness, or a feel-
ing of constant weariness, will find
renewedhealth fund strength in the
Use bf a few boxes of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pals. able], by all dealers Or
sent by mail, paid, at 50 cents
a box or SIX boxes for 432.50, by rid
*easing the Dr. Willtains' Medicien
0o., aroekville, Ont.
What 1115 Mother Meant.
"'/ see now what my old mother
meant," said Mr. Newlywed, as he
toolt up it particularly soggy Piece
of hrse,d,
"What your nsother rnen,nt? echoed
115 ivife.
"Tes, what my mother meant,
When / used to find fault with the
010111 or the biscuits, she would
shako her bead prophetically, and
say: 'Never mind niv boy. You
moy see tile day when you will be
glad to get this.' "-Indianapolis Sun.
/4+4"1"f '1"1"I'+'1441.141-ii'aalel"1"14+
•;Here is a s' torY,,which is true -lit.
eraily true -and the paincipals fig.
tiring In the 'tale, are, or were,
prominent. Vanconveritee. 'One' is ft
weN-known Wi101esais meroliaat, the
other an equally 'well-known bank,
clerk. recently .,traneferred to, an ha;
terior branch: The ;Merchant' and
the bank clerk. .ware friends,' and
often when thdywould e'tay out It
little later thanritual the bank
clerk. who lived near English Bay,
merchant's roma Which was in
would rest his weary head in the
down -town hotel. Ono night rd-
oently there WOO 'Something, special
on aad the friendi were • out . to-
gether ;seeing about' it. 'The mer-
chant goi tired jest *when things
were ceasing fast, and wandered off
to hiss room about midniglit, leaving
the clerk the ;Ole of a convivial
party whom they had bumped Into
on their rounds. Our friend struck
his room all right, threw his clothes
over a chair,, and climbed into bed.
Along about 8 o'clock there came,
O rapping at 118 chamber door.
"Charliee-Charlie," came it voice,
• me int"
'Charlie listened a: whilei-tben re.
cognizing his friend's voice, slowly
got out of bed and opened the door.
It was his friend all right, and
with. "a peach."
"Just' went to lie down on your
lounge, old chap, till morning. Must
have sleep, yoo know --take the floor
11 7137, wul4
"0got paid the mer-
chant; and helping bis friend un-
dress, the two 'were soon snoozing
away together. -
About El o'clock In the morning the
bank clerk, who had been dreaming
for an hour that he nod been seven
'days in the middle of ,the Sahara
without a drop of. water, OVVOICO
Wit11 an awful ;thirst1-lis month
was erackea' and he was just going
to clknb out' of 'bed and bit the
pitcher, when he remitter] where' lie
There was a bar .clownetairs, and
his heart stopped tor a moment
when he realized' how nearly he had
come to spoiling that beautiful
thirst with water; when there were
untold gin -fizzes and things down
"Say Charlie," he arid, 'as he dug
his elbow into his frictid's ribs, "wake
np. Shouldn't you like a nice long
"The electric bell's broken," said his
friend sleepily.
"That's nothing. Go gat it inYeelf.
What'll you have-Colline?"
and the clerk got up.
He grabbed the first clotitee he
found and dressed., His friend heard
him mutter 'something about "losing
fleas every clay -clothes much too
big," but paid no attention.
He got &eased in a. sort of a way
after a while and blew in On the
bartender with a rush.
"Shake me up a long gin -fizz, old
chap," Its Raid, and put Ole hend in
iis trousers' OpekOt•
1115Thlgolgitentil°sittlitli' 1was 1;.ed'rldo't and
money which he drew out. c
"Change that order. Got more
money than I thought," Ile said. "I
sorest have made a raise Iasi; night.
Open a bottle of cold, cold Mho= and
pour et in it long glass,"
He got it and it 'frizzed as it went
down. '
"Now giveme two nlore; Charlie's;
upstairs -gut a thirst too."
The, two more were given and away
5"lwent.Iereyou are, old chap --drink for
the gods -wine, sparkling wine," he
.000g out ae he approached the bed.
• Charlie sat up; rubbed his eyes,
looked at the ',sine a,nd tooki 11 long
Ha wondered where the bank clerk
bad got his money. He was broke
the night before when he left him.
Ile dronk the rest, his friend cheer-
fally joining him, saying that he had
had one downstairs but would keep
company. ,
"Funny thing," he observed. "Broke
last night. Must have borrowed some-
where. Got money-ovealth--trousere
absolutely filled with riches," and he
Alhowed a handful of money.
"Well I'll be ---,Oosaid the mer-
chant slowly, a look of Icorror
spreading over bus face. "Isle wonder
you've got money to bny wine. Yonive
got on my pants 1" -Vancouver Pro-
vince. ,
How They Take hosses.
Human native has been illustrated
in countless ways in New York re-
oently. A man In 11 broker's office
who had been studying the tape for
a half hour suddenly straightened 013
and said without emotion : "I've drop-
ped $80,000 and am ruined." Then
he nonchalantly lighted it cigar and
walk -ed out. Another mon cried out :
' 'My God, I've lost $4,000. Think of
it," be shrieked hysterically, "$4,000.
What shall Ido; what shall I do ?"
Then he burst into tears ancl etag-
gored out, declaring that he would
goon(' get drank and forget the "rob-
bers," In a place where the custom-
ers are women, one of the anxious
met suddenly burst into tears and
exclaimed, " I'm ruined." Another one
at her side said: " Yes, but you've a
husband to support you. But I have
lost all and have no one to look to."
The first had to be earried from the
broker's office, while the second
walked Jauntily awayat's just it
51 11eg1011 01 Derv°. The person who in
the tape of defeat 00 1053 don grit
his teeth and stand up to the rack
le the one the workl likes to see. •A
whimperer never gets any Sympathy.
A jealous Wife's Revenge.
A Paris jury bes onee egain real.
firmed the jurisprudence which es-
tabllehes that a, jealous wife can
shoot down her ravel with impuoity.
Madame Marie Spitz, a woman of
13, fixed two r'evolver shota a,.6 Ma-
dame le Pollee, it wklow of 81, who
had estranged her husband's affec•
Mons. Then, thinking the shots fatal,
atm gave hetself up to the police.
A.ceording to the story told in court
by Madame le Pollee, the wife die.
played no jealousy so long as her
rival gave her money.
The Victim said to the jury: "I ask
yon to set 'this woman free. It she
soishee to kill me let her do sr."
They would doubtless have acquit-
ted her without this request. ,
Rev. F, Elliott Frs., kly and
' Strongly Endorses ,Dodds
• Kidney Pills.
The Greet Kidney Remedy Inspirer)
, Gratitude Wherever it Goes -No
• Aledicine so Highly Endorsed -
What a Minister of the UospsI has
to say About Dodd? e; Kidney Pills.
Riehmond MU, June 1. -(Special.) -
3. sensation was caused in tilts Lowe -
ship When it was .reported that Rev.
E. Elliott had publaslied a strong
letter in the paper's endorsing a
patent medicine. This happeneci some
little time ago, but the matter hue
not been forgotten. The medicine in
question was the fanrone Dodd s Kid-
ney Pills and Rev. Mr. Elliott le still
itt tlm receipt of frequent enquiries
alxin.t his experience with tilem.
To a renent questioner wile asked
him about Dodd 's Kidney Pills alas
Elliott was quite outspoken.
"I believe Dorld's Kidney Pills to be
an excellent remedy," ;mid he. " 3 NCO
no reason whatever why t should not
recarnmend them ; they have helped
me, and I believe. they • will help
others, If they were not a straitly
honest, meritorious, reliable care for
everything they :Ire chtimecl to be,
nothing Nocella be MOTO objectionable
or further from my thoughts than for
me to endorse them to anyone', insiell
less lend my name to a printea state-
ment. But as the facts stand I bold
by my former coarse, and shall
always be happy to recomme.ncl,Dockl's
Kidney Pills by, any means in my
The letter referred to in which Mr.
Eilliott endorses Dead's Kidney Pills
-was published In this paper some time
ago• It reads as follows :
"X feel it my duty to inform Yon
of the aereat benefit I boon derived
from using Dodds ' Kidney Pills. Last
A. Canary That Teaches Its Pei rows
"How inuell le tbat gray -hooded
,hiret in the largo cage there ?"
Tho questioa wae esti:ea or a Sixth
ian'TnrIrNadt:40.11alerwieni; ire4iirsultVs2h:rialgil'alile
• "Rale not for Sale," Were' the word
that followed the shrug, "Ile is a
prortssoe, a teacher of 'music. He
was graduated hi' Germany, then be-
caino 11, petfeasor, and' drew gray in
e er;yet
pre.* that a cuetomer • 'would br
willing to pay." ,
A look of intereoted inquiry caus-
ed the eld man to proceed.
"perhaps you do not understaud,
but that bloO has put the finishing
touches; on mOny a yoUng singer's
4°t5111a0e,00Tri earmirniess Gaerielmeuxift'ortlevtilielc't,ene-
neatly, they train these, birds clif fer-
eutly than we de 11000. • Callari0ei
like some other biped singers, may
do • very well simply with the voice
that nalmre liaS given them, bat to
do really exoellent work they must
be taught. Pint they are "cliop-
pers"; they Will spoil a gooa bar
by sending- it with a dinagreeabie
"chop1 chop ! chop!" He 11150 false
notes, or rests.
"But trainiug soon makes lam
asinoned of himself. Re is placed in
it Maga cage with a, prefessor, with
11 svise bird, who Is a good stager,
with 11 teacher of music, who dins
ccoreet notes into las ears for two
or three weeks, If he is OM III)T Pupil
he soon omit's his awkward rests",
corrects his false notencl ceases to
be a 'chopper." Then he is graanated
from the, and the professor
takes a new p11110,.
" The bird you ask about is such,
a teacher. If you should offer MEI
8150 for him I weulcl °wielder the
offor."-N. Y. Herald.
- ,
00 REWARD, $100.
spring in particular when suffering
from Lame Back, the pain and weak-
ness was so great I could hardly turn
or get oat of bed.' Knowing 11 all
came from disordered kidneys, I began
to use Doild's Kidney Pills and my
pain and lameness soon disappeared.
consider Dodds Kidney Pills 0 good
reliable medicine for the diseases for
which they are recononencled.
"When 3 hear people complain of
Lame Back or Rheumatism, / always
say, 'Why don't you take ;Dodd's Kid-
ney Pete 7' I wish to add that this
testimonial is entirely unsolicited and
only 'good will to men' would induce
Inc to allow myna= to be publiehed
in this connection. -.Rev. P. Elliott."
Dance of the Gitana.
The gypsy's .dance is fall of ha
mor, Oilier of Inonor than of pas-
elon ; passion indeed it 111 15111CS on
the purely animal side, and with a
sort of coldness even in frenzy. it
is capable of infinite variation ; it
is a drama, but a drama improViti-
ed on a given theme; and it
might go on inaefinitely, for It is
conditional only by the pantomilne,
which we know to have' widetimite.
A motion more or less, and it be-
Ocanes absceae or Innocent; it Is al-
ways on a doubtful verge. And thus
gains its extraordinary fascination.
I held my breath ais I watched the'
gypsy in the Seville dancing ball;
I felt myself swaying unconsciously
to the' rhythm of her body, or her
beckoning hands, of the glittering
smile that' came and went in her
eycs. I seemed to be drawn Into a
shining whirlpool, in which I tern.
ed, turned, hearing the buzz of the
venter settling over my head. The
,g'ultar buzzed, buzzed, in a prancing
rhythm, the gypsy coiled ;Omit the
floor, in her trailing dress, never
so mucli as showing her ankles, with
rapidity concentrated upon 11 -
self; her hands beckoned, reached
out, clutched, clutched delicately, liv-
id to her finger tips, her body
straightened, bent, the knees bent;
ancl straightened, the heele beat on
the floor, carrying her backwards
and mound; the toes pointed, paus-
ed, pointed, and the body dropped,
or rose into.immobilTty, £5 smiling,
significant pause of the w hole body,
Then the motion began again, 111000
vivid, more restrained, as if teated
by some unseen limits, OM if turning
upon itself in the vain desire of ea
cape, as if caught in its own toils.
--Arthur Symons in the Spectator.
Special Train to San Francisco
For Canadian delegates and all oth-
ers going to Epworth League Con-
vention, via Chicago and Northwest-
ern Railway, to leave Chicago, Tees -
day, Xuly 1159 p.m. Stops will
be mado at Denver, Colorado Spring's,
Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake,
passing en route the finest scenery
in the Rooky and Sierra Nevada,
Mountains, Through Pullman pal-
ace and tourist sleeping cars. Order
berths early, as party will be limit-
ed in number. Fare only $50 round
trip, With ehoice of routes returning.
Send stamp for illustrated itinerary
and map of San Francisco, to B. H.
Bennett, General Agent, 2 King;
street east, Toronto, Ont.
flow Nice.
"Charley, dear," said young Mrs.
Torkins, "I ern going to turn over a
nervo leaf." . •
"In what connection ?"
"Ian going to stop being; supersti-
tious. I have always disliked to begin
any -thing on Friday,"
"Yes. It is very silly of yon."
"Well, your arguments have con-
vinced me. You know that new dress I
woe talking to you about'?"
"Weil, I'm goinig to Start out and
buy the material on Friday, Just to
show 1'111 not afraid." ---New York
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative. Ilvemo Quinine Tablets. Al
druggists refund the money 11 11 falls to cure.
1.5c. W. W Grove's signature le on each box.
• Great A bve ntage.
Mrs. MacCall-How do yon like the
locatton of your new house ?
Mrs. Hiram Offen-Splendid. There's
O pollee station just aeross the street,
you know.
Mrs. MacCall-Ah. 1 You believe that
will keep burglart away, eh?
Mrs. Hiram Offen-No, but it will
keep our servant g011 from going
away. -Philadelphia Press. ,
Minarcl's Liniment is used by Phy-
Edelen& • . • " ,
The ocadoeo of 1115 p0550 will bs plssnod to
)eain (1101
ie lo at Isast ane drsads3 lisosso
that science has been able to cure in all its
wages and thto 11)5
iaut yi.s Cautaiftrii.,1111,. bileell's Catarrh
tutional disease, requires a consti
Clare Is the onlypositive cure now 1177 1?1
men 1, Hall's Oatarrli Cure is taken inteinally,
aeting' directly upon tho blood and 1111100116
surfaces el! the syst cm, thereby destroying the
fosi,iilaLlcui, el ii1y1ebiddilscila$2,11raivci.gt2schroat;
and assisting oaten in doing it% work. The
p e 5011111111 faill in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any rase 11101 11 fails to cure. Send for lin
of test menials.
Address, le J. CIXENEV CO., Toledo, 0.
fte-r Sold by Druggists. 750.
It Was Pathetic, But a Lie.
A day or two ago this pathetic
story went •the rounds of the pross
and stirred the better emotions of
the heart to an unwonted degree,:
"In Indianapolia two negroes were
engaged in cleaning the inside of a,
large steam boiler. While they were
at work steani was unintentionally
etornea into the boiler through an
impartect stopcock. Their only es-
cape was up a ladaer through a nal. -
row manhole n•t tho top of the boiler.
Both sprang for the ladder, but the
one w,ho reached it first, stepped
aside, saying: 'Yon go first, :rim,
yen nre marriecla. He ran up the lad-
der, pushed througlj the manhole as
quickly 11,5 possible, then turned and
helped Ins ,ionirade out. The first
man Ives badly but nal; dangerously
sealded, while the man who had step-
ped aside to give his friend the bet-
tor chance -because he was a mar-
ried inan-was terribly bisrned and
died within two hours. While he
waited for death he merle no com-
plaint, only said with heroic; simplic-
ity: "It was jim's right to go first.
He is married.'"
It is painful and humiliating to
have to take this all back, The cor-
respondent who wrote the touching
'tale admits that he concocted It. The
fact is the; men both rushed for the
manhole and got jammed in so that
exit wen inmossible. As each refused
g,ive way both perished. •
The enterprising correspondent
thought he would move the world by
relating things as they should have
been and not as they were. .
cure Diphtheria.
.1•011IN 131 Bourgi,reR.
French Tillage.
I know miN,A,Binz 1..INi3IENT, win
cure .Ciroup.
Cape Island. •
tim best rente(ly on earth.
d'OS.Elail A. SNOW.
Norway, Me.
Better Brought Up.
Before 'Willie K --'s cousin arrived
at his house bn it Short visit his
mother told him' to observe how
graceful and polite her manners
were, especially at table. When she
came Willie obeerved her with ad-
miring interest. One day his moth-
•ee laid: "Do you 550 )1000 nicely Iter -
the, conducts herself ?" Willie -
Yes, ma. "Don't you think her man-
ners are rather better than yours ?"
"Yee, nia, and I gares.S 3 know, why."
"Why, is it, my dear ?" "Probably
Bertha has beeo better brought up
than I have."
Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the
A heading Question.
Hobb-I put one hundred dollarin
the bank for my baby the other day
for his majority. ••
No13b-Thatice 'good. How long are
yo0 golag tlo keep it there, ?-Har-
per's 13a,zar.
Mina rd's Liniment. Lumberman's
Reason for Rejoicing.
Willis -You seem to have a good
opinion of the faith care.
, .Wallace -Well, wile,' shouldn't I? It
cured me of the patent medicine
habit. -Smart Set. '
Mies Tawkey--Really, now, Mr.
Rondo, do you find that poetry pays if,
Mr. Rendo-That question 'never
bothered me, I have found, hoWever,
that the editors don't, as a rule, ,
ISSUE NO 23 1901.
and people agree that 8cptt's
,sion of cod-liver oii is the best thing
to take for "don't feel well and
don't know why," especially, babies.
—they :like it—men and women
don't mincl it, but babies actually
enjoy it.
9c5o rot. !Frier takmrae nao Tny IT.010000 a regfiTOR
•ONTO.r4 11 INter
01 a
To up, t York 11 Make a
[Froni the whitetail Review.)
SO far the Dake •ancl Duelless 01
York's tour has proved a brilliant
success, their Royal Highnesses hoe-
ing been reeeived at oll stages of .
their JoUrney with 'the utmost en-
thusiasm, brought to It brilliant
eliMax at Melbourne, w here their
vveleome surpaseed .anything ever yet
accorded any public personages. It
it, eminently satisfactory to Great
Britain t0 find the future King end
• Me consort received in this manner,
for it bespeaks mach, and proves,
above all, the magnifieent loyalty of ,
Australia, of whicla however, there
wat 11OVOT a doubt. The Duke of York
has proved himself in every way
fitted to grace the artlaoue duties he
bat had to perform his hp_eolies lasing
tactful ani.1 to the point. He appeare
to have coaquorect completely that
nervousness which, unfortuaately,
most peoplo are aware, was at one
time 80 conspicuous in his tempera-
ment. A few years ago, it was pain-
ful to hear his Royal Highness utter
half a dozen sentences In public. That
lie owes much of the happier state
of things to the Duchess of Cornwall
and York Is true. She has been most
successful in inspiring him with cOn-
fidence in himself, and she certainly
me transformed his manners. As for
the Duchess of 'Yotlt herself, she is
born to rule, and ie never so happy,
ris when acting the part of a great
lady. She made a great success in
Dublin, end how she 10 evidently going
to conquer the colonies a much easier
task, by the way, 1 un her Irish con-
quest. As I stated shortly of ter the
death of the Queen, / have the best
reason for thinking that little Prince
Edward of York will in time be cre-
ated Prince of 'Wales This means
that there will be no change 1.11 the
titles of the Dnke of Cornwall and
York. That the Duke and Duchess'
second son will receive a title to comr
ruemorate his parents' visit to Arte -
trona' lo it certainty, and when the
Duke and Duchase return from their
mission the matter will be definitely
arranged„ for Minarkrs and take TI0
other. litil ii:(•
Ahihity ancl necessity dwell near
each other. -Pythagoras. •
Treated Free,
We have made dropsy and its
complications a specialty for
twenty years. Quick relief.
•Just;Texs317zt easnseas. 15001of
I° 4;5
treatment PRIM.
Of Dairy Varm, Cheese Factory and
Creamery, noleli Cows, Stock, Imple-
ments and }Mots.
There will be offered for sale by auction on
the premises, Bothwell, Ontario, on Tuesday.
the 18t11 June, 1901, at tvim o'clock, pm., by S,F.
Thomas, auctioneer:
That choice dairy farm, known as tho Both-
well Dairy property, comprising about 040
acres, with large fle,t class cheese factory and
creamery plant complete, boiler and engine
and other machinery, three houses, large baso
merit; barn, three large silos, extensive cow
and horse stables, granary and other buildings;
all in good condition.
This property adjoins the Town of Bothwell,
about midway between London and Detroit,
has csflon1 railway facilities and ia suitable
for pasture or cultivation, having plenty of
good water.
Also at the same time and place 90 geed
ranch cows, a number of good horses, a large
quantity of farming implements and other
The farm, cheese factory, creamery andl
fixed machinery will be offered in one parcel
and if not; sold en bloc will be offeretl in
Terms of sale for farm, cheese factory and
fixed machinery ton per 0501. 00 day of solo,
sufficient therewith to make one fourth within
thirty days, balance secured by mortgage on
the property payable by instalments with
interest all per con,.
For stock and implements, all amounts
under 320.00 cash, over that, Et months' credit
on approved joint notes.
This is a great opportunity of acquiring a
first class dairy farm on easy terms.
For further particulars apply to John El,
Pearce, Esqr., London, Ontario, thp auctioneer
or to
FRAHM A:. moonn,
Vendor's Solicitors,
London, Ont.
Dated l'ith May, Ion.
A 0110101)0' bettle guaranteed to cure worst;
case of hut • o bllok. caused by strain or kidney
troubles. Utiot kept by your druggist order
from WM. BROVVN, Proprietor,
Prices Tic, 310(11(1 91.00. Staten P. 0
thirty dollars acre, near Conneaut
Harbor. John a Graham, Butler, Pa.
earn twenty dollars weekly; no money
needed end work of supplying delicious teas
pleasant. Address, Marshall $c Ca,, London,
A BOON TO paroVgdsgiocgg?,11°L7
OVERWORKED aseaRaysWashinaCom-
pound. Perfectly harm
WOMENlees. Unequalled for lace curtains
end fine garments,asabsolutely no
rubbing is required. Wefurnish the recipe for
maIchIgItoat trifling cost at, home,also the romp e
for making a carpet cleaner that cleans carpet
without lifting, restoring the original color and
lavP0,1111raapnecrecleanAeir thaliedTacirwZ immankeirngora-
feebly. We send full directions how 10 01010
and use by mail on receipt of les each, or, the
three for 25c.
Monarch Supply Co., St. Catharines, Ont.
• Winorm, 10 miles from riarallton on two rail-
ways, 130 acne in alt, 30 of whish is in fruit,
mostly peaohes. Will be sold in ono parcel or
divided into lots of 16 to 20 acres to Butt pur-
chasers. 71115 10 a decided bargain Address
Jonathan Carpenter; P. 0. box 309, Winona,
Mrs. Winslow'e _Soothing Syrup should al.
ways be used for Children Teething. Itsoothe
use child, softens the gums, cures wind collo
and is the best remedy for Diarrhom Twenty
five Ponta a bottle ,