HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-12-27, Page 10k - ". t! j an Youkto VA9.140 A, YZ".�rAvd !W, 9 IN, " , , . x J W100 ^141 4 KA, NN"', ArlK. . RX, VFW: ft 0 '1#414 vespe d J., RM. W4, H -,'$1x sipVyide, in th I ___W - I _% all X 0JA of P*ff Is U14, Churph, o%,5Uixday., 21W # �T Ps t. Chrlsas VA all, Wffia j, v Nn gel-, 'Id "Pi'm", 4.tu _moruu;� igh gdl g, a_ A P.M boug"lis intkroetsed tffll ,a ry 91 P MR q r o 4 4U41 49AVFAXvi� 9.,ja, lights,. and ,hurgda with,,�,-'co orbo ray, qj SQ44 of SWO emu gis: _49,p� s.pp.pgt. 4a, 4 0 In all _W kill trees foirmod :,A Onq;,Mrs- � A Sunday �50001* CW_WtMA§ _tr two, Mt. , vir Nursins gr, 41 00 �Wif;,q` 44 -r _,.,orn.Mg Wor§hip ..a., si N & REID CoMiA.M.A01 570be; L30 p.M., mogit bg se in the• M wish to express sincere thank�st Eva q4g nfc., Rev, H. choir, Who took the at; ;r 'p#oes Cfey we} a croute Flor lar i7gj tjr A� turas.. for the many gifts, flowers, 444 clE,-Vastor. ter, entering: fturn the. reqt . of thp twance Real Estate j*eudn "y". P'44&6"qf� Off left U-9 Ja Aday, for cards throughout the year. All trch.-Wrii. 94*�U, Singing , the PrQ(:e,%§1QnaA T k 'th' 4 KA A001111440 Unite cut 4,*4 chrishi With Pq.1.#rs= .-ifhf I " ap M. A. REID, Prop, these. were greatly. appreciated hymn, '10 Come, All Ye F01twul", M&. 4vau. Hill And Mrs', ON zter, Rely, Bruce W. Hall, B.A,, 4"KAY"", Season's Greeting 0.11, S,T,M.*: - 10 a.m., Sunday Wit Miss, Audrey Ifac ell, at the 214 Seaforth kw t the �Viqxxeral. Seri MJ. s 5 day 4 ri C%M Church School in all departments; Organ. Mr, 04 Mrs. Mae. Chesney, and ift.- Neunia'Jackso -And `.Otd� o.o year,s The leader, Mrs.. Wm. Coultsi, It a.m. and 7 p.m., New daughttt,' of,Saraia�'-were g,,,t, 'Vesta 6org bs, of B�us�e.14, A nd. Services, conducted by the Mini- opened the service with the Call to of Mr.'Wflson Armstrong over' tKe Mr- Bill Stephenson,, of ToioiOio, 'flex At I Worship and prayer, after which week,�Xld, were Sunday guests of 'Tars. stet. A Blessed Chilstmas and W IrOrMen sus all joined in singing, - 0 , bank cemete�rl Happy New Year to all! aging, "0 Little, Mr, and Mrs.- Ross R.-. Town of Bethleliem." Jean WalteTs T iis M r SL Thoupas? Anglican Church.- M�js* 4jiord Dougall and Mr. Ro- M A tie Bickell, of To- Frank.Case,1.1), read the first Scripture lisson from aid Rennie,® an -to,, ia.a Christmas guest of'Mr. -w sse Mornin Ai 6UTorofito are. rozi g Prayer, 11 a.m.; Even- John 1:1-5, 0-14. "Glory In the Chris�mas guests 6f, Mr. and Air and'Mra.'g Smith in. Aul-: agte4 song, _4�:30 p.m.; Holy Communion Highest" was sung as in anthem, M. R', - Rennie s lett, A: MiLS 'AF the first Sunda* of the Month at by the choir, after which sec- � 11 - 11 a.m,, and the third Sunday of Mr. and. Robert Smith, s Miss Mr. Wm.SSG Sta- ond scripture passage was read by Mae Smith Robert M. tion, Centralia is, the ronto, is spend g the month at 9 a.m.; Sunday School h and Mr. r.j r 0 J Jean Bolger from Tiuke 1:25-35, 38, Smith s.out, Christmas 'with Mr holidays at her ho-aW.' parents, ?Xr.. ai every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. SEASON'S GREETINGS! -Rev. J. H, James, Rector. - 39. The Magnificat was. read 'by and Mrq. 664S, L. Smit.h! 1, A 1, vine. Rose Marie, Bolger. Anne $hort,� lett. Rev. Thomas• McQuaid, Of Tp - 15 ani .7 194rers:. WAK0, lies, VV. L. ZOUU J rIL7A t M91MOnUVILLM UUMM %,11ux'Lm--JJr. reed followed with the third chap- r. and, M.jrs. Harold Jackson, ronto, and . Mr. and Mrs., Joh J. The season ter, reading from Ltxke 2:1-1?,, spend with Mr. and of St. Thqmy�s, ai6r LEMON'S T Semple, Minister: McQuaid n of parties is with us; let us make Hymn 59, "Hark! the Herald An - AXI ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE WN Chri�tma� .116 '7 guests of her,: T TH, Phones: a few suggestion; morning subject, gels, Sing"" was sung., after which Mrs, HADDId smalldon, Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. Qt 7T. TR E 7"S Miss Sue f AmherAtbur'g, CECIL DAVE Phone 334 Res. 540 "Rules For. Giving a Party" (ac- prayer was bffere& by Rose Marie is spending the Nixon,'holidays with.. her Mr. Jack Dorrance, of St. Ca;Wl THU FRIDAY and SATURDAY cording to Jesus); Watchnight Ser- Bolger. The offering was receiv- parents, Mr: and Mr& Dale Nixon. armes; Mr. and Mrs.. J, X. BJ Main St. Seaforth vice, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 11:15 p.m. ed by Wayne McMichael, Ron En. Miss' Marion. Laudenbach, _ Brown and Stephen and Miss Joan' 66 FOR WH6M' THE BELL TOLLS 676 675 Ion Give at least part of the year's nis and Neil McGa'vin, with the don, is spending the Christmas GoFenlock, of Toronto; Mr. and ,- Ingri ...Ber an, end to God. Come to church. dedication prayer by the leader. holidays with her parents, Mr.- Mrs Nelson Govenlock and Mr. Garry Coopb.r d an. "Thou shalt remember all the WAY Victor Uhler read a very touch- and Mrs. Ludwig Laudenbach. and Mrs. H. Blaney and three, Parsmouutr7 I unites- two great SLtar� in the mighty Pi9turiza- which the Lord Thy God hath led ing story entitled, "The Gift.". This is daughters, of Waterford; Mrs. M. Miss Ruth Joynt, bf Toronto , Mr. atfoa',4 iie��irtiway's immortal thee." Church School, 10 a.m.; was followed with Hymn 598, spending Christmas week at Toronto, H. McKenzie, Oshawa; and Mrs, S. L. Phillips and Ron_ junior congregation, 11:30. See you "Away 'in a Manger. "The Page- home' here. in church Sunday. in Away of the Candles" was conduct- Miss Margaret Patrick, of To- and Mr. Stan Dorrance,- of Chat- MONDAY; TUESDAY and W9J)NESDAV,.!. ld ­ve ed by six girls during which soft ham, are Christmas Day guests music was played by the organist. of Mrs. Mae Dorraneg' and Mrs. OLKMiON2 DROP-, DUBLIN Girl I Shirley Bosman, president, EGMONDVILLE­ J. M. Govenlock. -the St. repA;ented the apostles; girl 2, Mrs. B. ;B. Stephenson has re- Bob Hopi Marilyn Maxwell The annual meeting of Anne Achilles, the. martyrs; girl Mr. William Weiland, Mrs.*Roy turned from a visit to Ottawa. pe Mary's Guild, of Dublin, was held 3, Marian Turnbull, the Christians- Weiland And- Don Finlaysdn visit- Mrs. Mooney and son, of Mas - H. the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. 'Th will be a Ma girls 4, Shirley Bulger, the Chris ed with their mother and grand- sey, are spending Christmas week ere Matinee on. New H. James in Seaforth. The offi- tian folk who have been forgotten mother, Mrs. H. Weiland, Sr., last with her mother, Mrs. F. S. sav- NOTICE- cers were re-elected for the com- by mankind; girl 5, Ruth Ritchie; week. L auge. Year's, Day. ing year: president, Mrs, Charles girl 6, Doris Smith. Mrs. Emily Redden,. of Winni- Mrs. Ethel Atkinson and Miss Friend; secretary-trea surer, Mrs. An anthem by the choir was Peg, spent a few days with Mr. Edna Smith, of Toronto, are Christ - Albert Rock; press reporter, Mrs. sung, after which all joined in the and Mrs. John Earle, Egniondville, mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Syd. EXPOSITOR WANT ADS RRING RES&LTS Phu,ne'41' Douglas Rarcho. ' closing hymn, "Silent Night." Rev. on her way from Ottawa to Cali- ndy Gemmell in Egmondvifle. A short Christmas programme W. M. Thomas thanke& the lead- .!ornia, where she had been visit- Mr. George Earle is spending Each of us in this organization, who h.9s followed a Christmas story by Mrs. _ers for the beautiful service they ing her di4ghtir and son-in-law Christmas in Ottawa with his, bro- Govier and Mrs. Jones. Several had prepared and all who helped and Mrs. Harry Earle, RCAF Sta- ther, Sgt. Harry Ehrle, and Mrs. selections of Christmas carols were in any way. The retiring leader, tion, Rockefiffe, Ottawa. Earle. had the pleasure of serving y6u Mr. and Mrs' Russell Erratt, of Mrs. A. Bethune will given by Mrs. Reuben Ahrens, on Mrs. Ted McCieath,, -present lead- spend ��''�MAC the mouth organ. Mr. Jones clOs- er, Affg; Wm. Coutts; assistants Stanley, were Sunday visitors with Christmas at , the home of her during the year, has much pleasure in ed the meeting with prayer and M! iss Rose Marie Bolger and Miss Mrs. Erratt's mother, Mrs. David, daughter, Mrs. Hulbert and Mr. lunch was served. Audrey Hackwell. The benediction Stephenson. Hulbert, of New Toronto. XS ir. extending our sincere good wishes at- was pSunday ronouncedby, the minister. Mand JlAs. Cairns, St. Thomas, 'Mr. M. Murray, of McKillop, is ETO School Concert spent Sunday with their. daughter a patient in Scott Memdrial Kos- andson-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; Frank pital, where he underwent an op- and this 3oyous Christmastime 1 FIRST The children of Duff's United Young and family. eration. . .1. PRESBYTERIAN Church Sunday School presented a Miss Jessie Finlayson and broth- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Van Dyke CHURCH splendid -Christmas program Wed- thers, Arthur inlays011, Wm., J. and three daughters, of the Mill nesday evening, when parents and., Finlayson and Lorne Finlayson, Fat- Road, Tuckprsmith,, have left on a B.EST WISHES Rev. D. Glenn Campbell friends turned out in large num- tended the funeral of their broth -,trip to Holland, where they will Mini bers, filling the basement 'to ca- =law, John Wesley is last last spend Cbriitmas with their fam- for H. A. Kempster pacity. at, Web4erville, Michigan. Wes, WALDEN & BROA-DFOOT Mr. Mart -in Baan, superintendent OrgAhist. and Choir Leader Miss Alice Watson, London, is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mason and of the Suiaday School, acted as the spending the Christmas holidays Ron are spending, Christmas in CO. LTD. chairman for the following pro- with her mother, THE IIEW Mich. W McCOLL - FRONTENAIG OIL 10 a.m.-Church School gram: Three recitations, CarolynMrs. J. S. Wat- Silverwood Y E. son. Mr. Ken Larone, Toronto, spent 11 A.M. Fraser, Mary Leeming, Neil Me- Mrs. Margaret Erratt spent Sun- the weekend with his parents, Mr. "PUTTING OUT• THE Donald; duet, "Too Fat For the day with her brother, Thus. Rob- and Mrs. E. Larone. more 'I THE Texaco Petroleum Products Chimney," by Graeme Craig and inqon, and Mr. and Mrs. El Mr. K. 1. McLean, of Elliot Lake, ;W LLIS SHOE. S John, Thamer; recitation "Santa Stephenson. Ont., is spending.Christina's with 4:30 P.M. Clans," by pupils of Walton Over 70 diplomas were handed his family he The Phone 686-W Seaforth 9 re. LIT!17411 Store With the "BIG" Values"- SEAFORTH 6HOW TO WALK IN THE School; solo,'. Glenna Houston; out 6' Sunday School scholars of Mr. and- Mrs, J. A. Murray are WAT91 pageant, "Now and Then"; two Eginondville United Church , at spending Christmas in Goderich, recitatives by Barbara Bryans and their annual Christmas concert. Dr. Delbert Smith and Miss Special Music at both Brenda Bewley; duet, Mary HP.1en, The diplomas represent perfect at- Dorothy Smith, of Hamilton; spent services. Buchanan and Nellie Baan; 91eci- tendance at Sunday School during the weekend at their home here. tatidn, Neil Williamson; presqnta- the yekt. The diplomas were pre - Miss Ruth Sins, of the University tion of memory awards by - Mr. sented by Dr. J. Semple and the of Western ' Ontario, -is spending -v Baan to Larry Falters and Mary Sunday School superintendent, Mr. holidays with her mother,. Mrs.. C. Bewley; song, "Poor Old Christmas Arthur Routledge. P. Sins. PEACE ON EARTH.! Dolls," primary class; piano sol6, evening was, The program for the evp Mr. Charles Durigey, of Water - Barbara Turnbull; recitation, Eric chadred by Dr. Semple and incluidT Ido, is spending the holidays at his' The steady flame of a Christ - Williamson; "The Way the Chimes:Opening ening song and recitations home here. mos candle brings all of use Rang," by Mrs. R. McMichael and the kindergarten class taught Mr. Ron, Scoins, University of closer to realizing that there by r . her class; solo, Linda Brians; by .; "The -Five Western Ontario, is spending holi- can'be peace on earth and good Mis. Ken Ritchie "God Save the Queen." t Symbols of Christmas" and wel- days with his parents; Reeve N. will toward only, to the t men. o Santa Claus 'arrived 'at the close come recitation by Mrs. M. Nott's Scoins and Mr �' S that man bows before S Coins. extent th -Xi of the program and distributed class;, two songs by Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bannon and the Light of the World. many gifts to the children, which Woods' class with Lynda Forbes family Are spending Christma's in had been placed tinder lighted as 'soloist, singing, "0 Little Town Guelph. Christmas tree. �'of Bethlehem." Senator' W. H. Golding has re - class presented a turned from Ottawa and is spend - Ron Eyre's 'M BRODHAGEN-, play, "Why Santa Claus Was Ar- ing the Christmas hol days at his SEA FORTH SUPER MARKET rested," with Marjorie Popple home here. r� SM. singing "Winter Wonderland" be- Mr. Floyd McPhee, Waterloo, Col- LEVI ECKENSWILLER Golden Wedding tween two of the acts. Marjorie lege, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. 'Diagel, Papple's class then presented a Mrs. Edith Russell' Brodliagep, observed their eta- candlelight drill. the Christmas- holida is spending Phone. 8 Seaforth- weddifla anniversary ­ 'm r A The Nativity scene was re-enact- boro." A family dinner was held ed by the classes of Miss Alice Mrs. E. W. Spurr, or Eureka, W14"M Dec. 12. in St. Peter's Lutheran -Church Watson, Mrs. Gordon McGonigle, N.S., is spending Christmas, with basement, with 43 in attendance Glen. Slavin and Bernard Nott. her daughter and son-in-law; Mr.. 1111"'We and the Ladies' Aid catering.:,The Music Was provided by a choir of and Mrs. A. Y. -McLean. bride's table was centred with a- senior girls, accompanied by Car- Mr. 01-411 of University three-tier wedding, cake and gold' olyn Neil. The program was coinm of Western Ontario, is spending Gold Z candles and doilies. Gol -�aud pleted with a -closing number by Christmas, wi white streamers and Yellow --and th his parents, Dr. the class of Mrs. Ed. Boyes, " bronze mums decorated the roomNow and Mrs. John A. Gorwill. . " In the evening a reception was Our Show is Over.Mr. Stanley Jackson attended the held in the Town Hall, Mitc4ell. Santa appeared and presented funeral of his uncle, the late Elizah candy and gifts to all,present. Harlton, of Grantan. Dancing was enjoyed to music- by Howard Pinder's orchestra,,, of Mitchell, and a'delicious lunch was rved. From our modern plant on Railway Street, all seA mock wedding was stage(( by A Roy Harris, Mrs. David Mattheton, MERRY CHRISTMAS Mrs. Jack Philips, Mrs. Kbith' of us at Seaforth Lumber Limited express our Bailey, Miss Jeanette Elliott,:,' all IS FORWARDED grandchildren. TO THE CUSTOMERS The couple were the recipients OF of many lovely gifts and cards of appreciation to all our friends and customers - �, -,0, -0 good wishes. Among them W4p a _&V V 21 -inch television set and teleVi$ion Or SEAFORTH lamp from the children and grAria- J for their loyalty and support during the year. children and a bouquet of br" STEDMAN e -and yellow mums e from the $c 'TO $1.00' STORE grandchildren, and a blanket f' 'A Seaforth'St. Peter's Ladies Aid of which PhSeaforth' Mrs. Diegel is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Diegel were qa;r- ried at Grace Lutheran Chu ch To One and All, We. Say 0 0 0 parsonage, Mitchell, by Rdv. BlorL del. The -attendants were Edith Heckman, now Mrs. Edith Ch" asei 11F of Detroit, and 'the late Willi' In 10 My Friends in Huron • a 0 Eisler. Mr. and Mils. Diegel ent their honeymoon of 50 years iigo in Detroit and other- ints At the, present time I trust my friends, will Diegel is the former -Emma Eisl�r, understand why I am unable to send iftdi- daughter of the late Mr. and Mks. John Eisler, nee Anna Kahle. qr. vidual Christmas messages or thank -you- S the Stara CBetfileh Diegel is the son of the late Mr. notes, o and Mrs. Louie Diegel, Brodhig. 9 P - ; lded inti en, nee Mary Puschelberg. They tb 'tile Amuger w1707 farmed in Logan Township far!40 years before retiring to B d-hfiff. To my Christmas, Greetings may I add thank- St., Seafofth adn Ildren "d five , q w. . jo41 V ond4,00ter RU �, fl� Thris 'Im em so Magi ­ . i I 'erl,the P;Yer P They have a family of six g*T8 rou and sincere appreciation for all, the Md. aesr,' shown Me.-dur-Ing these that,.,t, 0plrita m; 0, 41ru SEAF 0, UMBER LTD acid three buys: •Lfllian Mkil Frank Josling, Logan; 'Clad Mrs. Nelson Harris Hibbert; M14 la, Mrs. Norman Ahren Lo past m9uthig. 'w Ylr�: X4*0 It COAL BUILDING 9 Mildred Mrs. Bill Head, Torbn Jean Mrs. Jack Cross -an Lond Wilfred and Henry Ug'. MAY PMRY SOY AND. 33LU-99ING OF CHRISTMAS BE YOVI�8 I 0 "! 44,11 St., Seafofth adn Ildren "d five , q w. . jo41 V ond4,00ter RU �, fl� Thris 'Im em so Magi ­ . i I 'erl,the P;Yer P