HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-12-06, Page 20111 '11, Z, 490 0 N _R I 711."M T _2 f. v � 2 N "INS 4 INIG."U" IVENT 'N 0 � � .�q 'A ch 4o r jot $01t FAA ondville MOKillop cbarge.—ServI.C.P4 at b 'Mr. and M s IR R"09M ITIRAIT 100 ,,,MXWTERIJkN uff,S, at jo a.m�.Ile be,, -Ormp, a guest and gift vp Mxs�. 1pqii ap, �itp e� Rss N �Rurford, s0eat" t 4 59 cents, so Oa eli. IS IN th h114 J Cavan 2 .Qw A 0 L t Santa, a A MCH .1 URT. 16,,W Time. ',Mr. and Mks. Clarence DRfAr may diqUibute'a -pro la Wats of %oxy TIT, p ,sent ;t4 i , i M AST gpe, P and Mrs. David Ws everyone. KIRK DOUG, AS r Glenn Campbell 'i , w. itteg A& Minister. S 1 hot, f40. 0- of the�P two stars fu hi .4 Q,44 91 The blazin.4 forc It was sed in the white-hot Pentecostal Tabernacle. — Tues- rimd kr. and Mrs. Woodrow­­.er voted that the lustitu,�e wedoling 44raverSary. of. JWr. - andw of, an epJcA tor- IW4 11 day, 8 p.m., Bible Study and:, sponsor e rug mal Xrs., , X. H. McKengle. 1. A' Kempster Per, of Torontg',, were weekend the -dug eouppp, gaulst and Choir Leader Prayer; Thursday, 8 p.m., Y. F.S. guests at ft home of Mr. and Mrs. and the 4-R G#ls' Course on wool, V, an Robert ftith, George Dundas, Anyone i4tere, T4 d Mrs -cc :a Sunday: 10 a.m., Sunday School; sted hi taking the, spent. unday at •the htm MONDAY, W I 7, 4 am._.._Chureh School p of ].�SPAY adc., E N] ON SM , AND L 34 a.m. Morning Worship. and Miss Olene Dundas, of Kitchen- rug making- course is asked toliot- Mr. and Mrs. W. C� Ikemidtt in er, visited at her home oveT,`�he�ify Mrs. M. Humphries or M AURA 11 A.M. Communion Service; 7:30 p.m., Mrs, T. Ch4top. PETER FINCH "Y' Evangelistic Service. — Rev. H. weekend. Dundas. V- 17111E FINAL PROOF" Kendrick, Pastor. Barbara -Patter The remainder of the Airs. John Dorsey 'and Miss Kate 74�stlor-Y of behind the scenes, It a Patterson, Reg.N., 1 evening W d- illiams left on Wednesday for ,Authem "Cry Out an Northside United Chumb—Millii- of Kiticardine visited at her was spent in progressive. euchre Chicago, go, wbeye they witl spend. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald ners were as follows: ladieg,,bigh, I Mr. and A Shout .. .............. (Bliss) ster—Rev. Bruce W. Hall, &A., 'Ok win- month and. SAT"D home on Sunday. with 12 tables in play., Prize two 1IMPAY, FRIDAY B.D., S.T.M.: 10 a.m., Church zLrrive S regor M Boyd Driscoll; lone "IVAN WITHOUT -A S T A 4:30 P.M. School and Adult Bible Class; 11 A d home Friday after spend- s. Rober McG Mrs. I ta nd S, irfg 4 month with relatives in the Mrs, . , pent two de ronto, this, "HEARING IT AGAIN" a,,m., Morning Worship; sermon,Frafik Walters; low, "'Mrs. week Mr. M r1i I[IRIK DQUG1W JEANNIE G ra Provinces. RAIN- Weste 66 Mr. and Mrs. Les :Jinko and son Marshall; lone hands, Graeme Farmers' Co-operative, in the, 130ong I Ross McCall; gents, high -the Solo "My Task" "A Priority Point Of View"; WIN Barrie ing the annual meeting' of the The Auster Ke4 H. N. McLeod junior congregation, nursery for and Charles Shannon, of Toronto, C 4 toddlers; 7 p.m., Christmas candle aig' low, aid'," Royal York. Attention is directed to the r vinj Alvin McDoiL lighting� service presented by C.G. spent the weekend with Mr. 'and Des�r great 1 credit for the - T/Sgt. and Airs. J.', G. T4man, 'Mrs. John Shannon. Vesper Services for the Win- evening' success were 'the COM- L ter Sea LT.; .8: 15; Northside Youth Fel Lynn and Allan, ldft foj 0 Season at 4:30 P.M. lowship. GEORGE McCUTCHEON W.I. Family. Night their �new. mittee members, Mrs. Nelson home, in Stephenville, Nevdound,.' ing a families gathered in Walton Com- Egmondville United Church.—Dr. Reeve of Brussels Institute members and their. Marks and Mrs. Herb Travis. land, after visit t 6e home J. Semple, Minister: 11 a.m., White munity Hall on Thu of• Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. When it 11ornes to I Gift Service and the Sacrament of ', Thursday evening . Dr- Semple is attendingS Baptism; two choirs will lead thd to celebrate Family Night, " EGMONDVILL.E Mthe speit, in ce 'London in a Manger" and "Silent Ni Special service; selections, "Away this' week.' A AR", Annual Christmas Dublin which took the form of a pot -luck tial meetings of N.E.M. supper. A very hr Mr. and Mrs: G., R. Keyes, of Conference WARM hearty meal was Windsor, spent the weekend with Mrs.' ni Night. John Shearon, Ingersoll; Gifts will he presented to Fred High School News enjoyed by all, after which a short their mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyeg*. Miss Winaffred and Bert O'Neil, Victor Mission, Toronto; 7 p.m., meeting was held with Mrs. Mar- Mrs. J. Semple has been visit- London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ford BAZAAR Pageant by the Junior School, di- By R. FLANNERY garet Humphries in the chair, in for the Past week with her Dunn and family, of Tillsonbur tome,tib The minutes of the October meet- daughte" r and son-in-law, Mir. and spent last Wednesday with Mrs. IS,, �.S 0 ­ in the absence of the secretary,S Mrs, O. P. Parsons and family. M. Dunn on the occasion of her Birth of Jesus, a Pageant of the they are!' Two or three weeks be Sponsored by rested by Mrs. Alexander, "Thi Exams! What horrible things ing were read by Mrs. T. Dundas Seaforth C. W. L. Christ Child." Church School at for, the exams start the teacher Mrs. W. Turnbull.in Picton, and with relatives , at 90th birthday. ILL H TORE 10 a. in. Young People's Union at It was decideW E S' Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Eddicott Saturday close of evening service. tells you that it would be wise to to hold the Ddeember meeting a Mrs. J. S. Watson and Miss will be at home to their friends start a little extra studying, but week earlier, on Thursday evening, Alice Watson spent Sunday with and neighbors SaturdayafternoonAND SAVE MONEY i do you? Oh, - don't + +_ RED GROSS NO .7 , - 1 j— n wan tire out your brains before the answered,with a donation for shiit and evening on the occasion of TES Dec. 19. The roll call is to be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clerk, Muir DECEMBER 7th The regular meeting & Seaforth exams even start, and, anyway, ins, consisting of Christmas dain- kirk. their fifth wedding anniversary. The "LrITLE'v Store Wjdthe "BIG" Values SEAFORTH Dr, James Semple was in Lon- Mrs. J. Semple HAS beep visit - Red Cross will be held in the Lib- there is plenty of time. However, ties, fruit and candy. The com- on on Wednesday , in connection ing her daughter and ------- at 3 p.m. rary rooms Friday, December 6, time seems to go a little faster mittee to look after this nice , 1 3 p. in. ting with church business. Picton, Oat., also her son and fam- Separate School 'than usual, and one night you look is as follows: Mrs. Art Busby, Mrs. Mrs. •Hazel "Turnbull spent the ily in Kitchener. at the cal m Something to sell? Som calendar. What? The his- Ronald Bennett and Mrs. William weekend, with her daughter, Mrs. Petty Officer Jerry Meir, with Something tory exam is tomorrow! You rush Humphries. Members are requestHaPatrick, . c as to buy? Phone 41, Seaforth. and get your books and try and - Harry Patri k, in St Thom . Mrs. Meir and children, has -re- SUNDAY EVENINGS Hall find a quiet place in the house. By Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen- turned to H.M.C.S. Stadacona, Hal - son and fa this time you are in a real panic. rally and Mrs. David ifax, after spending a few days at, 120MOND'VI-LLE UNITED'. CHURCH, Where will you start? About ten OBITUARIES Stephenson visited with Mr. and with his father, Mr. H. G. Meir. !V', 41V • hours and forty pages of history Mrs, Clifford. Talbot, London, on Mrs. J. C. McLennan, who has Special Nativity Pageant: Large Cast I Monday evening. notes later, you decide it's time been a patient in Scott Memorial for school. On the way, you won- MRS. ELIZA J. DUNK Hospital for several weeks, is re- "THE BIRTH OF JESUS" 0 THE GIFT • der if you have everything straight. The death occurred in, London on HARLOCK covering and is expected to be able to return to her home this Did Napoleon really discover Am- November 26 of Eliza J. Dunn, in THEY WANT Miss Lorne Barry. and Miss week. Directed by Mrs. Alexander erica, and was the Czar of Russia her 70th year. The former Eliza J. Beth McEwing are this week Mr. Edwin P. Chesney was in, really the leader in the American Lemon, she was born at Born- Hymns of Charles Wesley, in recognition of the 250th anidlprsary •THE MOST Revolution? As You go into the practice teaching at Constance, un- Wingham Tuesday attending the birth — "The great hymn writer of all ages." - holm. For many years she has der the direction of the teacher, funeral of the late, Herbert Camp- of his school, you decide that next time resided in London. Miss Shirley Hamilton. bell. "Open every. doorway, and, above all, open every' he -art to, God" you are going to start studying at She is survived by her husband, The regular monthly meeting Of Mrs. A. Y. McLean spent * a AND I BULOVA least six weeks in advance. That's Hugh Dunn; a daughter, Hazel, Burns' Church WMS and' couple of days in Markham t 0 all for this week. You see, we are his writing our Christmas exams and Mrs. Parker, and two sons, Carl Aid was held last Thursday at the weel�. IBM e and John, all of. London, and a home of Mrs. Wm. Tre Miss Sheila McFadden,, Burling - we have history tomorrow. win, with brother, David Lemon, Seaforth. 30 adults and a r of chip with Miss number ton, spent the weekend wi Funeral services were held in dren present. Group 3 was In Davina Anderson, all We Specialize in Needham Memorial Chapel, Lon- charge of the program, under the Mr- and Mrs. David Lemon and USED� -HOCKEY EQUIPMENT • don, on Friday, conducted by Can- 1, 1 1 fol- adership of Mrs. Vesley Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Lemon were -CAN All Lines of on A- A. Trumper. Interment Dime bags were returned and a in London last week following the F lowed in Forest Lawn Memorial succeSsful Christmas auction was death of -Mr. Lemon's sister, Mrs. N FDR SALE f W.I. '. bracelet Gardens. AT .b d glant- held. Roll call was answered by 'Eliza J. Dunn. s :r1sern le, 17 INSURANCE MRS. JAMES SILLS each member bringing a small Hockey equipment. used by the former jewels, unbreakable Mrs. F. S. Brugger has return - Mainspring ed from Beloul, Mi BIG NEW COMPOSITE DWELLING The death occurred in Cleveland, article suitable, to be sent in a SSISSIPISPI, where Ohio, on October 14, of Mrs. James bale to Korea. Mrs. George Smith she has been visiting h6r d'augh- junior 'B', Team $49.50 POLICY -Mrs. Howard Cartmill and ' nd is for sale, Sills in her 87th year. She had and Mrs. George Carter were ask- ter, offers full fire and liability cover- been in failing health for- some' ed to bring in a slate of officer, F/L Cartmill.' Pants, Shoulder Pads, Shin Guards, EIV6W INGS age at 10% below regular rates to I years. for the next meeting. An enjoy- Miss V. Drope, Superintendent Pads.. home owners. Mrs. Sills was the eldest daugh- able lunch closed the meeting. Of Scott Memorial 'Hospital, and AT ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr, Lloyd Hoggarth, secretary, For full information, ask us. Golding, of Hibbert Township, were in London attending a con- WINCHELSEA ference, dealing with accounting Also,. complete set of Sweaters and Socks County of Perth, Ontario. WATSON. I nUIN & Imiril" Mr. and Mrs. Sills were married Master Gary Daymav, from near problems arising out of, the pro - M A. REID .- Proprietor in Mitchell about 64 years ago. Kippen, is visiting -for a week -or posed national health scheme. Apply to W. i TEALL ublin Insurance & Real Estate They lived in Mitchell a few years so with his grandparents, Mr. and Mr. and' Mrse_P. Hoover and �ard then moved to Clevelaild; Mrs. Bill Walters. family who have moved here1. Phone 214 Seaforth 'Ohio where they, have continued from iVindsor, are occupying the Mr. Fred Delbridge, of Ridge- residence on James St. which Mr. AT SEAFORTH MOTORS PRESIDENT C6 live. town, visited over the wqekend Now Mirada of THIN 1�1 Surviving Mrs, Sills are her husw' with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover has purchased from, Mr. THIN watch*de"V. band, James Sills; one daughter, Horace SDelbridge. F. J. Snow. 17 Jewels, unbreak. ' Miss Elveretta Sills, and on Miss Erma Wanless, Viroqua, mainspring, shocky J?rVQT1rrrQ .Elec rh*C e Mr. and Mrs. Bev Morgan and 'EXPOSITOR WANT ADS RPTvr- proofed available %4 brother, Senator W. H, Golding, of sou visited on Sunday with Wisconsin, visited Miss Mabel one 41 with charcoal d 1. 0 Seaforth. Mrs. Turnbull, Miss Ma 011LIL11 and Mor-gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. u $49.50 ELIZABETH HANNAH SMITH Newton Clarke. other relatives last week. Mrs. Helen Lane; wh)q was OP-. BABY SITTER? The death occurred in Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters and crated on recently in Scott, Mem- Call after an illness of some Danny and Gary, Dayman visited orial Hos pital, is progressing fav- SEND GREETINGS Call 545, months of Miss Elizabeth Hannah on Sunday in Farquhar with Mrs. orably. N6S WITH FLOWERS Smith. Miss Smith was born in. Walters' mother, Mrs. Clarke. Mr. Robert McGonigle has been Huron County October 10, 1868,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks and a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- at Christ -ma And State Your Needs the daughter of William and Sar- Lori, of Stratford, visited Sunday pital stline ah Jane Smith, both of whom,, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters Mi - JUST $1.00 passed away many years ago. She, and daughters. ss Debbie Miller, daughter o4 Mr, and Mrs. George Miller, un POJNSETTAS was well known in the Seaforth. Mr. Henry Delbridge, Of 11�xe' derwent an operation for aj�pen- Rates,: 25 cents an hour district, where she lived for a ter, visited on Sunday with Mr. AZAELAS Reserves Your Choi - dicitis at Scott Memorial Hospital Choice till midnight, and 50 time. and Mrs-. Horace Delbridge and last week. Till Christmas sons 9 POTTED MUMS DELUXE Miss Smith held responsible leg�i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore Mr. and Mrs, Clarence cents after., al positions in Toronto and Seattle,` Hawkins, have returned from Sault ' Ste. 0 curl* MUMS Washington, as well as in law., of Anderson, visited Sunday •with court retire the serious illness and TRICYCLES SAVAUGES work, Before her r Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and fam Marie, where they were called by ment she served as private secre-By. death of 9 ROSES Gifts - Fine China Overnight rates, $ tary for the federal judge for the'Mrs. Colin GilfUlan, Grant and W. Ahl�1051 Jewellery - 0 200 Mrs Dinsmore's mother, Mrs. A. DOLL Mrs. The late Mrs. Madill e CARNATIONS Western District of WashingtonBarbara Ann visited• Sunday even- was born in Seaforth, her parents SEAFORTH State. ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- being` the late Mr. and Mrs, Geo. CARRIAGES Memorial services were held in Donald, at'Staffa. Taylor. PLEASE ORDER EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Elliott Chapel of the Presbyterian: Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams We are'In a position to ace�pt�,orders to December 18th, for delivery Home, Evanston, November 29,, C.W.L. PLANS FOR BAZAAR Paul and Mack, of Mount Clem' on December 23-24.' We will also have a large' stock of Flowers - COMET with interment in the 'Home's ens, Mich., spent the A family lot in Memorial Park tem - . The regular American to choose from in our store. meeting of Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. monthly meL PEDAL AUTOS etery, Skokie, Illinois,_ the Catholic Women'stLeague was M McKellar. Ar held in the school room Tuesday �e',ty Officer James Wannop, of For Choice Flowers For All Occasions PHONE 77 I blue coal evening with 23 members present- Galt, 'war, a weekend visitor with The. president, Mrs. Mi Etue, OP- Mr. H. G. Meir. erred the meeting with -the League WILLIS DUNDAS Prayer. The secretary's re rt WT% RIGHOPFOIAR MA11 MARKET OLamplon St*ve and Fairnwe on ;.was given by miss M. Fortune, The author of the favo-rite chil- 1"IrTm"&Q A wd%wwxr 0 + l ...... r s report by Airs. J. dren's Christmas poem, ",'Twas Main at. Seaforth Phone 573 or 138 Oannon. The third vice-president, the Night BeforeChristmas " an rs. M. Williams, reported. nine eminent New York divinity' pro - MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FOR SALE boxes of clothing packed foi char- fessor, felt his creation was below ty. his dignity' and would not admit he, Read the Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime Correspondence was read by wrote it for 20 years.. Six -Room Frame on West Wil- mrs. J. Devereaux. Two new Town of Seaforth Ham Street, ybooks were purchased by the Eight Room Insul Brick, PEDALKARS on West librarian, Mrs. L. Rowland. The William St. visiting committee reported elev- LEMON"S TAXI Double House on John St.; well en visits made to the sick and shut- and PARCEL SERVICEMUSTANG To Elect Six Members of the rented. -ins. Arrangements were complet- All Pasamscers Insured 50 Acres in Hullett; no buildings. �ed for the annual bazaar, to be PHONES: CECIL , DAVE SAFETY 'Meld in the school on Saturday, Municipal Council Apply to Dec. 7. The mystery prize was 676 _675 ROCKERS won by Mrs.. W. M. Hart. The meeting adjourned, after Wm Ca OKE which lunch was served by Mrs.'. Phone 458 W. Hart and MTs. C. T. Sills. Toys. Range From WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1957 from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. I � I I SEAFORTH W.I. WILL MEET 1956 CH9V. DELIQXE, SEDAN 4.9 5 up �u 1, The regular meeting of the Sea- �,55 OLDSMOBILE '88� 0 forth Women's Institute will be 5a CHVV. SEDAN Polling Sub -Division No. 1 and 2: RNS meld in the Seaforth District High 1952 PONTIAC'SEDAX DELIVERY AT TEALLS GARAGE School on December 10 at 8:15 p.m. and FUEL" Dublin -Roll call will be answered by "A 1951 LINCOLN Christmas gift f would like to r6- . .1o. 11 'Wrn. M., Hart 1949 OLDS. SEDAN P�' 1 1949 CHEV. SEDAN tro Polling Sub -Division No. 3 and 4: This meeting, arranged by Mrs. Phone 7,84 1 � :. . . 9.1 .0i, 1.� No -WOM NO Vilfred Coleman and Mrs. H. 1948, Cts +'V; SEDAN AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY JINIC1101son, will beFarnily Might 'V�'TRUCK—With box and everyone is welcome. Motto of the meeting is "The gift without the giver is bare."' RCITRA TOR 6 -Division No. 5 ands There 0 Polling 96 H . CKE I *111 be a Christina's story on is 7, 0,_ thdre a Santa Clus?" rt Phofte7llo AT M. E. CLARKE'S GARAGE 8t, C61umban f t0 M� f Miss Catherine Campbell will ko fei t 9bow alide§ and d1grieribd her recent 10 OSE 'h shoes Of 0" v Seafort Ah 'Uhit6t, rqatio-e q,--. to WTt. 4 ;is eRe r , MO. pobs (ffelrellue 9't some o thi IrWe'. Pme nd Washin Oil. It Tpur P It Abaferg *ill' b6 on hand �6*t ffi�6 W' 'N !0 ti "t .. W..", 'C' 6fb " WAbrlie 41� A. qmy.r„v r � 41, V", M6 "W", . ..... 0 it tek 5l