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The Huron Expositor, 1957-12-06, Page 19
t aW e J 33u ,vf , 4a . r . I,. .• . }1 ,y, r ;q r WW ��„ ., ."" _, . ' 71 - :,r Yl, :.ro r, ;;. - A e ° k f e rl' m, r @ a cl, c. aim .a o. D, :. .. rR-^"� f ,�, %Q'AO W },y , . , y/ u2 s,, ��•'p� ,, ,� , rq d '.}�a , J eF.a.f�r:P'���'t:.An','r,'3aaY,Jl rrY. I.S.I ,ratY.d,. �Rl 'SIAV,-1F17(k, �MI�, ?ffI'!ry♦.!iJ.:,�n�' lkS.+. "l-9 �7, 'T,7"� P.ii,:',i� i'�..d W7•... �a !. 1.•, .�iw�.:.:.>'f � .. h S t k r" I i For' Christmas and" A:1'1.Thr9u9-;h the..Y.ear -who are not regular Subscribers to So that you and your family may enjoy all the reading pleasure which•'THE EXPOSITOR brings every week, we are making you a Special`Offer . an offer that saves you money As a resident of the community, you just can't afford to be without The Expositor,, with -its wealth of information, its ' up-to-the-minute town and farm news, its .editorials, its money -saving advertisements, its news of things in which you are interested — news of your friends, you church, your school, your • meetings. And as a special introductory offer, below is a Certificate which is worth 50 rents to a NEW SUBSCRIBER - if you act NOW! The Certificate represents two months' subscription to Th Huron Expositor if it is returned within 10 days, accompanied by $2.50 to cover a year's sub- scription. Imagine — a subscription to The Expositor until 1:959 for,only $2.50. Act now! You can't afford to delay! This offer is good only for NEW subscriptions addressed to residents) in Huron and Perth Counties Here Is All You Do .. , 1. Fill in the Certificate, 2. Forward to -The Huron Ex- positor, or bring in, together • with a remittance of $2.50. �.�� aa95' 3:' That's all . and every, y� witl�'�t 1�Uct°�Y week right into 1959, your A� Valle �t 1O copy of The Expositor sits, ,�° go forward to you. 50 as41a �gp k 0 a, g- _ °r TSF' V0 _01 a4Rp��on �O �2.5� Obex t°e �ctioe4 �rt0t� erE O Foy s�S C. pixy a e take tt+e �� • gena T'HE $. w t X < A e ' o otC ti , � a r� nix t.. urs. f b ttU> d?ug I Thu;:'t�h, ,uf co eJ is to yy «,��, ,11 -soon and prepare. to en 0 e.Q ?t .. 4r a F t. g 8 a �' gg& a-[ e„ a duet,► in souse of these suggested that 10o',9ne et t'r•s4G il= t+ a a' rtu�Sr o etv t y' ' G'. o, }ai dy g tea on sono a ays fe ltngk This.A. x�mo:: fexua<, > Be sure. to buy some Grade A 's 4vm , x 2' y Breaded Ta?)'...oY 4"r 1r ,tk�s ':dR. A�.��g Y e%�' §,c,<r, he p� a G,,I. e,�.„,�F�� PFS a,;f k�1 111x' a� s•aru�hi Rall', eggs, too., as you'll find' :. lr � ;rr 1 the kYieh so r11 ly att' o d ";s rA xcI I A1q ' y3%' + 2 V} J 'A 1 r akin daint,,.�rxy4�.3g, : ",ed,tp es 15 a's a.xnain coax c au .11ek�, a Flo u rte u'draN:a� �f. they're, ideal for making a Y Y i? �. '7"✓3'1., s q„'f Thle, ,:e0 -::u vl + ,5"dil A ,. qtr hors d'oeuvres and garnishes for '•; ;s�"�,'-<��;.,�a�, ,>,�y.�, :time of; the Year:. ., egg, and �,la, t#�� .5;��}. �'�0 your snack platters. GyiZ� aa� drYbread-e+outbot�atln 'gives 1 e"Y'ofi,;t� c„elm { X j �fa fE ...� crisp, olden surfaced a/ ; V4 1:1;0# pe e,`f':'Fh NP,r a ' -Eggs For Breakfast Branch ?y�� f '�: The sauce which . is easily in at}e °or eight,,. c0%0,4tlM w�d You'll find French toast quick H: ,•, µ ', y :+ "y •. y' .of cranbbm, sauce, can ed -.celery `<thick. ao a YO y� 6 s c 6 51 nI� at I aie yy; and easy to prepare for a crowd. T,u?f3;�.Y, fs ::'soup. and milk, is. the pe ect eom, Beat egg,q Jf�'rtls r, tg�lei a '�. 'I rt serving vitaminized apple juice s, y $',,� % ' r;YF%r �;:'?y element. Bread Turkey roquettes ,slightly: first then the French toast, with r r ' 3%yif y3wy :�� ' are a -main course, Suggestion, not : dry bread ; a tali 'I�r A Cg »y' '� onl with e e a cal, but with as, '!mixture cot iKoTQ#1�1 r L reirj butter and maple syrup, and either 3�r,�,�<: < Y Y pP T a broiled or baked bacon or sausa - �'” s 's yUg, much' taste ,delight a the first •nib-,', crumbs. Plc crtpcttet@s o1': a i . �, es, along with plenty of steaming ., ' � � :, �sY�,.. ble of the freshly ,toasted• bird: sheet , of waxen ; paper' ,":ilr aop�c�� coffee. 'H a„•: ,N sheet. and .let surfaces + je Breaded Turku Croquettes afiout r1 hour, Eggs For Dinner x• i, ,,. ' Yield -3 or 4 servings Heat sufficient shartenrhg' A1}t ”' x ys� 2 cups finely -chopped cold roast cooking (salad) oil to be'abou To help stretch ..the budget a r� t z x� x2 little, try Curried Eggs for dinner < °� turkey (or chicken) inch deep Fsy croquettes„ u rW� one .day soon. Follow your own 6 slices bacon hot fat, ttn4ttl golds t�itttug o e, W3ti recipe or do this: Make a cream i'<� ;4 3/4 cup coarse soft bread drain on absbrben paper Serge ,r sauce; season to taste with curry " crumbs -with a. sauce, made by blending; 3 powder and a little grated onion; .�.,;�, :=,�t•` 1 can (approximately 10 ozsJ I the .cranberry sauce and milk int° ,.r•� fold in drained canned or cooked cream of celery soup i the rma'inng, celery .soup and heat frozen peas and halves of hard- JAMES DONNELLY s/s teaspoon pepper ing the mixture. k ? cooked eggs. Allow 1V2 to 2 eggs Reeve of Goderich gy m. per person. Serve with a border - •f, of noodles or rice and pass crisp T/��,,,, s vegetable relishes or pickles. ql V l at has age to do KIPPEN :J _ e � F21 If you happen to have, the oven (' "' '�_� J?' r on, and some leftover cooked pota- Kippen W,1, Will Meet With bort mo Y +'a toes in the refrigerator, here's an Kippen ,East women's Institute Egg Casserole you can make fori. dinner. First, mix a cup of milk v'� hold their December meeti#g Age in a company spells eaperieaos. , �. With canned cream -style corn (20 on Wednesday, Dec, 11, at 2 p.m. Because HFC is backed by 79 yea& �Y Hostess is Mrs. Stewart Pepper, . • ea rience, you may borra* with con- . ounce), then. arrange cubed cooked pe Y y with Mrs. E. Whitehouse as co - potatoes, sliced had cooked eggs fidence. You get prompt attention, K (allow 1 or 2 per person), and -the hostess. esroll call will be answered repayment ter* tailored to your needs, corn in layers in a cesserole, by "Christmas cake ingredients, -� peace of mind about money matters. Do seasoning each layer with salt and and what country they come from." pepper. Sprinkle top with cracker as two generations have done. Bozrow crumbs and paprika and dot with The motto, "Christmas: what does "5 it mean to you?" will be given by with butter. Bake until browned and Miss Margaret McKay. Mrs. Jas. ' thoroughly heated (15 minutes at " 400 deg. F.). McNaughton will give i Christmas �'0.USEHOLD FINANC story. The children will then en- Eggs For Supper or Lunch tertain. A cash donation for the Eggs 'in sandwiches, omelets, Children's Shelter will be taken. r souffles, etc., are served often in Members will exchange gifts, the R. K. Fitch, Manager many Canadian homes, but here's cost not to exceed 50 cents. an easy egg dish you can bake Tree committee is Mrs. Ross, 35A West Street Telephone 1501 . right along with some of your Broadfoot and Mrs. William. Cald• GODERICH Christmas goodies. Bake potatoes well; Christmas treats., Mrs. Alex in the usual way, one for each McGregor. The history of the member of the, Family. When Stewart Pepper farm will be giv- i they're cooked, cut a slice off the en. (top of each and 'scoop out enough Those in charge of the lunch potato to make a hollow. Put in are: sandwiches and cookies, Mrs:, ' about a teaspoon of butter and John Sinclair, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. William- Bell and Miss Mar - some salt and pepper, then break tit an egg into the hollow and cover garet McKay; ice cream, Mrs. with cooked bacon pieces. Place William Kyle, Mrs, Campbell A COMPLETE I Eyre, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, Mrs. potatoes on a baking sheet and James McNaughton and Mrs. A. bake for 20 minutes in a moderate Glenn Slavin. n oven (350 deg. F.). Eggs itr,Hors D'oeuvres �IIInIIIIIiIIIIIIIIiIiiIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIiIIiIIIII�10111111Vlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111 TRUST SE'RV'�'CE' Stuffed eggs may well have been IN WESTERN ONTARIO the original hors d'oeuvres. In any �, �'� Call case, their popularity has never RAYE B. PATERSON, Trust O,{Jicer faded. Why not serve a tray bf 10 Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 assorted stuffed eggs at your next ZURICH For party? To make them, hard -cook med • Estate Planning and Wills Community Centre ;r Win or small eggs (which your • Real Estate Services guests will find easier to handle EVERY _ t Investment Management and Advisory than large ones), peel and cut Service crgss an in half. Remove the FRIDAY NIGHT • 43/4%a paid on Fixed Term Deposits. yolks and mix well with butter or salad dressing ' and seasoning—a • 3t/4% on savings —deposits may be mailed little dry mustard or lemon juice Dancing 10 - 1:30 Or Contact Any Office Of and a few drops of hot meat sauce g will add zest to the flavor. Fill Music by Melody Masters GUARANTY TRUST the whites with yolk mixture, us - r ing a pastry decorator if you have Sponsored by Zurich COMPANY OF CANADA one. Garnish each with a bit of Lions Club pimiento, gre'e'n pepper, parika, Toronto Montreal Ottawa • Ste. MaWindsor caviar, crisp bacon, parsley or Proceeds' for Children's Park Niagara Falls •Sudbury • Cult Ste Marie cress, or with a thin slice of black Calgary Vancouver or stuffed olive, raw carrot, gher- kin, etc. serve in tiny white or illllllllllllilllllllilllilllllllllllillillllhllillllllillilllllllllllililllllllilllllllillllillllillllllllllllllllllu &&' olored paper cupcake and watch The ihem disappear! _ _Eh For ,different -flavored stuffed eggs, add one of these to the yolk - mixture: anchovy, or other fish ..,r 11 paste, liver sausage, devilled ham, r 4 pate de fois Bras, minced chicken and almonds, or pickle relish. THRIFTK s" Eggs After Midnight FOR YOUR For a late night snack, especial- t © HOLIDAY ' ly good for you when the plans TABLE call for sleeping through breakfast, try one of the many variations of scrambled eggs. Add cooked ba - Stock Up at Seaforth Super Market con, chopped ham or other meat, onion, tomato, green pepper, chop- ped mushrooms, peas orcheese t the scrambled eggs while they'reo WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES WINTHROP FRESH and" CURED. MEATS _ Mr. Archie Campbell, of Guelph, visited his brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, on Saturday. Mr. Irwin Johnson, of Midland, and Mr. Mac Bolton, of O.A.C., "^ Guelph, attended the funeral of ''%"' their grandmother, Mrs. William Hereou find, an Outstanding Assortment of � Johnston, on Saturday. y Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Byermann,r of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Groceries and those special items that mean Wilson,, Ricky and Dennis, of Kit- s chener; Mr. and Mrs.' Alvin so much at the Festive Season ! 1 Schrnid,t, Albert and Christine, of r Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Shirray, of Preston; Mr. and Mrs. FRUIT CANDY NUTS v Albert Schmidt and Darleen, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Byerman, Paul, Karen and Special Canned Goods 3 Bruce, of Waterloo, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Christmas Cookies Holiday Foods r Byerman on Sunday. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Grant McGregor, of. Kippen (nee Gladys Baker), a recent bridal couple, were tender- ed a reception in the Town Hall on Christmas Mixed Candy at Special Prices Friday evening last, with the hall par eked for the event. They were w presented with a purse of money, : 9M honors going to Bev. Broadfoot. ' Desjardine orchestra furnished the music for the dance.,Mrs. J,, W. Bonthron left Tues- s SIE A F RTH - a Ii . t k Peters- burg, F a. where she is week for willPspend sETjl NO'N four month$ vacationing. M3 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee, of Galt, S U P E 'R ■r■ A 'rrE' V spent the weekend with the lat- f tel ,r I f�a •., 'IT�' R let's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Camp s fs 1,�: s f; + bell E re: "F,CENSWILLER Sit 3 f, The Woman's Association of;;' w GhiselhuCst tTnited .Glfiti eh r ati�W r'ht011� g ► � � t tis r M Phone 41 5>>+rf'h ed o've1 led onAhe r +13a oar, bake 't �,.•}I�z 1 � it. tall` , ,:•.�' .:; . , _. „a, .. ,;., . . „, .. .,; r..., . ,.•,.•„ -. .u, v a;�e �n ..tea i�l 'd _ ... , ,. r.. .., .ri,, ,5 . .,.. , ,,,. , ,. , ait .. 1,,. ,,,. >. : n .. r •,. t ,a r„ ., t: � r "� , r. t .4 ,! '1YA., , ufm„..r.. pp W1 ,.., 7. . , , a• .,.v,-. ^: 4 .; 1,.,o-rl�a: C +, •nt ;•.u.t,., It .f)(1.n i p t ,. , . , , .: .. ”. .. ., ..1 ,.• 8 b, ....r, n.,:, ,. , rc , , :, 1 e I r.? Z. a ., 1. 5.. Y,, „ . , , 1 : 1 ?.. .r ,. ,.. :: : . •. . ... .. ....a.- 1 . .:,. J .. ,. ><. t I .., 1 .i. / .i .. •, , r .:. ,, ,. , y .i,,.. . ,,, I M .. ,. !` ,,. 'r r,. ..., ,. , t, ,.: ,, v. .d � f,. ,, }. .. . Y '�,,_. , r , �. 7 u.:.. 4. :air,,.,,:rrY.,s..,,9,.';t,r:,.:Ld. air a-4ue„J,.:v, a.�.r.:,u.a?,. t. ..,..r<tt, Q>.x,�+.%' ,,,I,,., Ar,.- ,. ,,,t... ..1 +,nT .t. .L, .1 „t fn MI H: .. iv •1, n ,5,: