HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-12-06, Page 171•1 i i 1, 11 REDICA tr. W r STAPLETON 'hysician and SWgeen Pimp," 99- ? : Seatorth If no agsWe.I;. call JOI , A. GOKWILI BA,. 111 Pbys1eI and Surgeon D. Phones : Office 5-W Res. 5-3 • Seafor* JOHN C. GODDARD, MD: ,'Physician and Surgeon Phone 10 Bengali SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. MCMASTER, BA., M.D. ' Internest Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 • DR. E: MALKUS Telephone .26 EVENING$: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. VETERINARY TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M.,, V.S. W. R. Bryans, 12.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. • Phone 105 Seaforth LEGAL ' A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Offiee 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCQNNELL &. STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc P. D. McCONNELL D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 AUCTIONEERS OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist Phone 791 Seaforth- Eyes examined - Glasses Fitt:et MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Office Hours: Seafo, daily except •Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12:30 pan.; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m: (Above Hawkins' & Jacobi Hardware.) DENNIS and WILDFONG Auctioneers Graduates of Reisch American Scheel Qi Aliistaoaeering. Licensed in Huron, Perth acid Waterloo. Capable of handling all, types of sales -large or small. DON DENNIS, R.R. 1, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 1 TROY WILDFONG, R.R. 2, alton Phone Seaforth 831 r 5 ACCOUNTING A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - , Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p rr INSURANCE The McKILLOP MUTUAL . FIRE INSURANCE CO. .HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont SENATOR 17 jewels, unbreakable mainspring, shock- ' proofed, luxury expan- sion band 539.75 3 OFFICERS: President Wm. F. Alexander Walton Vice -Pres. - Robert Archibald Seaforth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A Reid, Seaforth DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leen. hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archi- bald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing Blyth; William S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; J E. Pepper, Brurefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr., Londes• boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. 000000000 Cf O 0 W. J. CLEARY O O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 -0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or. Day Calls - 335 0 O O ! 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O <' BOX o Funeral Service O R. S. BOR O O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Prompt andeareful attention 0 O Hospital Bed O 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS O O Phones: O 0 Res. 595-W Store 43 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O J. A. BURKE O O Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 4 O DUBLIN • ONT O O Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 • - G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Home C O Goderich St. W., Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE O 0 Adjustable hospital beds C 0 for rent O 0 FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 0 OCCASION O 0 Telephone: Day or Night 119 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Easy Credit .Ter _ x ,:101ff SAVAUGE'S Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH IN A FREE Sewing Machine in the BIG CHRISTMAS DRAW 15 BIG PRIZES No Contest - , No Questions To Answer NAMESWILL BE DRAWN ON DECEMBER 24 AT 6 P.M. Come in and Look Over the Famous "Brother" Line and get in on the Big Draw Phone Collect for FREE Home Demonstration (Trade-ins Accepted) BROTHER SEWING CENTRE 42 Wellington St. STRATFORD Tel. 1634 CLEAN 'CAW as a WHISTLE That's SUNHEAT FURNACE 0I1.I It ignite! quickly. Burns clean as a whistle, to give high heat ... and a warm, comfortable home. Get cledn-buming SUNHEAT soon. Phone today. MADE BY THE MAKERS OP. BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE ROSS SCOTT LIMITED Phones: 641 W 1, Seaforth HU. 2-3257, Clinton .y . 4' .. -,. .y .. 4 .. y... 4 .. y... y. y. w . '4 -- 4 .. v,. - y. 4 . ..Ar.nr A riI..WI "dfefrh``I A! i f,%4 re( Ai Itr , . Ili 1/41)\4 7L/ /"' WE HAVE COLORFUL TILE FLOORING TO SUIT ALL TASTES OR NEEDS • Come in ,To -day and Discuss, Your Remodelling Plans With Us! . This Winter, why not be Santa for the Family and the Home? . .From our complete stock of Horne. Building Materials, choose your needs to fix up that Recreation Room in the basement . . . or the New Kitchen Cupboards you've been thinking about . . New Flooring Material for Bath- room or Kitchen. See Our Hardy Stock of (HRISTt4AS TREES Large or Small Sizes, in Scotch Pine, Spruce and Balsalm Order early while °stock is complete Make Table Snowmen For Christmas Glamour You need: Knife or razor, snow- Glue or pin, sequins for eyes, balls of Stryrofoam (one for each mouth, etc., glue on tiny bell for snowman. one large ball for can- hat. Make collar of chain balls. dleholder). snowflakes of •Sty.Do- To make candleholder, c u t foam (one for each snowman), large ball in half. Hollow out cen- glue, toothpicks. colored cocktail tre to fit base of candle. Stiffen picks. wooden sticks (sucker sticks end of colored balls with piece of will do), sequins, tiny bells, balls, wooden stick, then push into base chain balls. coiled tinsel cord. for feet. Decorate with bells and To make the Snowman, fasten sequins. Decorate edge with col - star base to ball with toothpick. ored picks, coiled tinsel cord. BRODHAGEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. Chris. W. Leonhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt, Kim and Kathy were 'in Sarnia and Detroit for a few days. Mr. and' Mrs. Wilfred Suehring and Mrs. Ida Brunner, of Sebring- ville, and Mr. Calvin Diegel, of Waterloo Seminary, _visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Diegel. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and sons, of Stratford; Miss Beth Cole, of Rus- seldale; Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz and John, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraus, Ray- mond and Joanne, of Ruthven, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bennewies. The Women's Group of the Evan- gelical United Brethren Church, McKillop, held a bazaar at, the home .of Mrs. Arthur Nichol on Friday afternoon. "'raid Douglas, on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beuermann, was bap- 9laed after the service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church by Rev. E. 3. Fischer. The sponsors along KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited o.n Sunday with relatives in Clifford. Mr. Robert Cooper visited a few days with friends in Meaford. Mr. Stanley Jackson, "Jay -Bee Farms", Kippen, recently sold four . purebred registered' Hereford bred heifers to the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, to go to the Experimental Station in New Liskeard, Northern Ontario. This is the second lot of bred heifers the Department has bought from "Jay -Bee Farms" in the past year. Mr. Ken McLellan was the win- ner of a fruit cake in a draw at Dickert's store last week: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and daughters, of Hensall, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Young People's Meeting On Sunday the Young People held their meeting with an attend- ance of ten. An invitation was given from Chiseihurst Y.P. to attend the fireside meeting on December 16. David Cooper took the scripture; Marie Sinclair was pianist, and games Were held un- der the direction of Phyllis Los - tell. . A skating party of the Y.P. will be held in Hensall Arena in the near future. Rev. McMillan iofferecl a night's entertainment at his home in Ilderton the second week in January. • with the parents were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt. Members of the Farm Forum, who met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice on Monday evening, presented Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with a gift on the occasion of their 30th wedding an- niversary, on Saturday, Nov. 30th. Members of the Luther League attended a skating .party at Mil- verton on Wednesday evening, the guests of St. Paul's Luther League, Ellice. They also were guests of St. John's Lutheran Church League skating party at Waterloo recent- ly. The new 1958 automobile that is to be won by some lucky ticket holder on January 3, has arrived and is now on display in Hicks' Garage. This is in connection with the fund raising campaign that is sponsored by the Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce. Group Purchases Drapes Stewards of the Christian Home (married couples) met in the basement of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wurdell were in charge of devotions. Rev. Robert Rock, of Walkerton, was the guest speaker, the- topic being, "God in the Family Home." Drapes were purchased for the classroom an• kitchen by this group. Will Lay Break, Entry Charges VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAY Go CNR-the sure, the comfortable way. No matter where you're going, whether you're travelling solo or with your family -you can make your plans now! Snow -filled skies, or icy roads will make no difference -you'll get where you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip. Insure your holiday fun plans -by making your CNR, reservation now! Check too, the money -saving features of our Family Fare Plan. Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal for holiday giving! For tickets and information contact your local Canu ian National representative. Every year, more and more people who are going visiting over the Christmas ,Season go In county jail, following com- plaints of breaking and entering, are Robert Foote, 17, and Ralph Stanton, 18, both of Port Burwell. The youths are facing this charge in connection with five separate entries to cottages on Highway 21, north of St. Joseph. Owners of the cottages, Joseph Nakoneczny, London, Mrs. R. Gar- rett and Richard Sloan, Detroit, Theodore Laporte, Windsor, and William Bourne, Tavistock, report cash, shirts and food have been taken from their summer resi- dences. Although Christmas is the cele- bration of the birth of Jesus. the roots of the observance go deeply into the folklore of the Druids, Scandinavians, Romans and Egyp tians. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO E CAN HELP I' your motor vehicle is now uninsured, we would like to help you obtain your 1958 license plates. a One of the principal aims of Co-operators Insurance Association is to prevent accidents of all kinds -highways, home, farm. CIA is a joint-stock insurance company owned by United Co-operatives of Ontario, Ontario Credit Union League, Ontario Federation of Agriculture and other organizations and individuals. CIA PRESIDENT CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIA TION HEAD OFFICE : 30 BLOOR STREET WEST, TORONTO 1.1 VICE-PRESIDENT 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT ARTHUR BRIGGS Toronto, is a director of the Ontario Credit Union League D. E. STAUFFER Bright, is a director of United Co-opera- tives of Ontario LLOYD JASPER Mildmay, is immedi- ate Past President of the Ontario Federa- . tion of Agriculture Bali LI-mited Lumber - Lime - Cement - Tile - Brick .- PHONE 787 - SEAFORTH li! EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC.14th) Good going ani retuning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: Allenford $5.05 Guelph $2.05 Palmerston ....$3.55 Brampton .95 Hanover 4.60 Sarnia 6.85 Brussels 4.60 Harriston 4.00 Southampton.... 6.25 Chesley 5.05 Ingersoll 3.95 Stratford 5.503.65 Clinton 5.05 Kincardine ....6.20 Strathroy Elora - 2.60 Kitchener 2.60 Walkerton 4.85 Fergus 2.60 Listowel 3.80 Watford 6.05 Georgetown 1.30 Mitchell 4.20 Wingham 6.505.05 Goderich 5.30 Owen Sound ... 5.05 Wyoming Paisley 5.50 Corresponding fares from Intermediate Points Mea then Mother said, `Let'sgive them a call tonight'!" - Isn't there someone you'd like to call... right now-?, Telephone tonight* THE Emu. TELEPHONE COMPAN V' otwt*At *Long D tance bargain rates, --nights alter 6 and all tiny; S