HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-12-06, Page 12• nq P�. ?71 Cn' HE liftinoN, :TOR. S4AFORTH, ONT., DEC. 6, 1957 • At FEW rr•rr;ty-rrrrr.,r er er;1 r •'r... r:rr•_. \\ 144 '` But ALL MYu a„ IFT PROBLEMS WiMI Be Solved If Tau , ,Shop of THE HURON EXPOSITOR 1214-9. Top Quality Low Prices Guaranteed Tender --Large Selection Order Your Festive Poultry Early! Ask For Your Order .Blank CLEARY'S IGA MARKET tfp BRUCE end BCTrv- , Everyone likes a Gift Especially When It's U l0 I 1 Y I R CO UNITY MR. AND ;_ -.. GERARD JOIELN MAYMAN shown folion- ing their marriage at S `L Patrick's Church. Dublin, reside in a 1 Deep River. Ont- The bride, Joan Marguerite, is the daughter of Mr. avid Mrs Frank Evans, Dublin. • TyTyT�,TZTZTyTyTTyTZTyTyT1,TyTyT1TyTyTs„T�,,TyTyTy Our Motto Still Stands -- "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" FARMERS and POULTRYMEN - There is an abundance of excellent Ontario grains this year. Now is the time of year to plan your feeding program for the coming year. Bring your grains in bulk - have them balanced with other grains and con- centrates, and get better gains and production, with more profit! 20% Laying Crumbles 34% Hog Concentrate 20% Steer Fattener - 34% Cow Concentrate 36% Poultry Concentrate 35% Sow and Pig Concentrate NO 32% Beef Concentrate - - 24% Cow *Supplement - RIM $3.6 $4.60 $3.60 $3.90 $4.80 $5.05 $4.05 $3.55 These Prices are Per Cts.. with a Discount of 5e Per Cwt. Pick up at Mill. W E ALSO HAVE SPECIAL PRICES ON TRUCK LOAD LOTS OF ANY GRAIN DIRECT FRO1 GODERICU - ' INTO YOUR GRANARY For All Your Feeding and Farming Needs Consult: . 55, MRS. GORDON GREIG READS FORUMS IN HURON COUNTY;160 AT BANQUET Mrs, Gordon Greig, Wroxeter, States. He predicted a great fu-, was re-elected chairman of the tore for farm forums. and said': Huron County Farm Forams, at that they have influenced the! the annual meeting in Blyth Mem- rural people in becoming adapted orial Haft; Robert McMillan. Sea- to the "industrial revolution" that', forth_ Was named rice -president- is taking place in aagriculture_ a and Carl Hemingway. B usae1s, Charles Coolies. Belgrave. chair-: •• secretary -treasurer. _ man of the Huron County Co -1 The. erection of o*eficers, conduct- operative Insurance Ass eiation, ed by Douglas McNeill, RR 5, God- thanked the forums for support erich. president of the Huron Coon- of the CLA. He complimented! Ly Federation of Agriculture. saw HurntriCounty drivers on their ex -1 the following township directors cehent accident -free record in named' to the county eve:t Emir: towr- McNeil n the taunt aerat tion j reet- Mr--. Olive McCharles. L.n"v'�km w•:: U- Robert Yuill_ Brussels: Rta\se$.1 • Knight- Br'u seas: Robert McMi Ian. Seaforth: Eric Anderson. Lan- , desboro: Ted ? lis. Auburn: Bill Taylor. Be1,�Tave • Fred I�.iab tt a: u- ' z ' Donald McDonald, a former Sea-, Fl Exeter: Louis Jua.^�: te- ; FUNERALS tor: iJohn Soden Crediton: Earl • DONALD McDONALD fts�. forth r ident, dieri in• Clinton last ter_ than t 5n e:,�aaesday in his 94th year. Ho; 9g ore t. oh s p r srteda bd . c .d i• -en in failing health for some the evert. which �-s preceded by '." a banquet_ ?Jr: _ Greig reported lase. do the actvitie_ of the n-rov+ncial t Born in Tuckersmith township. organization of which she is the the was married in Osborne town- fi. t vice-chairman.-rhavice-chairman.$ ip.tca the former _ 'af ary R Thomp- Redg r SthwTa ass, . the faratisran. who Predeceased him twenty - department of CKNX. Win1atn, #-i; year` ago. He farmed several guest speaker. showed color 1 years in Hibbert township. retir-1 slide ret-ett y taken on a 'rip to i hug to Seaforth s me years ago_ , the Canadian n Wei and the U nited= a_ting are one son, Roy T., ¢1 Louon_ and a daughter. Mrs_ d.9 (Sadie) Carnall_ Hamilton_ He was a memlier of Northside United i • 1` PARTY ACCESSORIES PERSON- ALIZED % !TH NAME OR MONOGRAM COCKTAIL NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 A . In varied colors. with printing in Gold. Silver. Blue or Red. Box of 5(1 • Box of 100 $2.00 •$2.75 Monogrammed PLAYING CARDS 2 Decks $4.50 Cards of top . quality and distin- guished design_ In yellow with grey and blue with red, with lettering in gold or silver. Two Decks (Bridge or Canasta) Other Styles (2 Deeks) S3.7555 Triple Deeks (Samba) $6.50 Personalized Coasters In pink. yellow. dark green. brown. light blue and white. with printing "in contrast. LUNCHEON NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 The larger size in the same shades as the cocktail napkins. Box of 50 $2.00 Box of 100 $2.75 - CTan.reh. 1 Funeral services were conduct- R led by Rev. Bruce Fail at the G.; a- Wintncy Funeral Home On Sat -i llay At 2:W p.m. burial follow -1 • ed in E nonthille cemetery, with 1 !Albert Hud-. James Henderson, o - Robert Joynt, Glen Smith, Bernard; debrand and Lei) Hagan as l 1 ooe:e rens. SMISS KATUEEECE REYNOLDS Mise Katherine Reynolds died i soddauly last Wednesday at the bike of her nephew, Gordon Rey -1 tes. Battik Rcmd West Mise Reynolds had been in eompara- i 0"ve3•y good heath and her death was p cted a was in her 1 • sear_ Born in Fivill§§§tt township in 154ra,1 she was the daughter of the late Jatr,•Rey es and Katherine Mc- Getric_ She received ber early education at Firdgt stool. 1 1 A out tete,,yeass ago sate and Haer l' brother maw to Seaforth to re- . side_ Later, she went to lave withi Iher nephew.. She was a memo" i of S.- Janda' Corea, the (WL, t the Leagne of the Sacred Heart l mad the PrOtedesu of the Faith_ 1 Sorrrv't g is one mer, Frank., 1 d The .body ranted at the W. J Geary Faneral Horne, Seafor'th.1 !Requiem Ifigh Mass was sung by • ;Rev. E. P_ Weber ma Saturzlav at 19:30 a_an_ at SL Jaynes' 4 h ch_ Bura1 €oliraw'ed ire C B•-C- rOrsater . Pane -eras were Jena I Reynolds, Tom F ysaa, A. S a"'n0a- ha'an, Haber Reynolds, N_ Rey- nolds and Elgin Beans. MRS. WHAL411 JOHNSTON The death moored Thursday in Scott Memorial B^spital of Mrs_• WHIlierra Johnston, 84, of Me op 1 !tow -earls' _ Sim had been di in hos- piial for a week_ Mrs.. Johnston was a lifelong„, `. resident of MeKillop. Brae was the{ daeghler of the latae Mr_ and Mrs_ ;Solomon Shannon_ Her husband; :died ha 1949, and in recent: vs -Ars: :;he made ber hose with her son- in-law and dan`ghtsr, Mr_ and Mrs. Rzdseil Bolton. Deceased was a tnenaber of Cat= ° Ian United Murch, Wim+ aadd a reerm t'cf the Worneesi 1 ft ti nary 'c ety of the �. , Sire, -is • survived by one Frank Johnston, and one daugbt . Mts. Bu; (Edna), Belton, bath esf MeK llop; .Care grand hi - e and four t od . J The body rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Horne, Seaforth„ where service tins conducted - ? neday at 3:35 pita., w tdh Rev_ W. H.• Smmineael7„ of Winthrop, in urge. mad w -us in d- bank cemetery. Pallbearers Were byte enliey, GeoY`,ge; ate' ea1e�y, B raltd Bolt n, Lon Bolton, Clever and WM= Mlle. ' ,M,4.',. PNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 Seaforth, Ont. "The Most Value For the Fariner s Dollar" fiArflIF PARROTT ALTATLTITITITJT J TIT TIT I TIT1TITd,TisTj,T,I T,I Ty Reese of Morris Township and ALL THROUGH the YEAR The Whole Family Will Enjoy MAPLE LEAF DAIRY PRODUCTS There is no finer health. food than Maple Leaf Milk_ It supplies the fluid you need. More important, it Wives you ;he proteins. minerals and fats in their most easily digested form - and c ' y. Maple Leaf Milk is choeldul R.f vitamins. 100 for ....,......_ .....'.._............. 52.75 Personalized Matches 50 for $2.25 Choose from white and seven colors with contrasting print- ing rinting at 50 for 52.25 METALLICS 50 for $2.50 100 for $425 PERSONALIZED INFORMALS - 50 for $2050 For brief notes, these little stationery folders,. with writer's name imprinted, are smartly correct. And such a clever Christmas gift idea! 50 Informals (with Envelopes PERSONALIZED, LABELS $2,50 Complete with plastic dispenser; name and address on pressure - sensitive tape. Easy to use. Sticks anywhere 300 Labels and Dispenser 300 Labels without Dispenser $2.98 $2.75 HOSTESS PACK 100 Personalized Luncheon Napkins or Cocktail Napkins, in clear plastic box $3.00 GIFT DRUM Contains 50 Imprinted Matches, packed in clear plastic drum. Ready for mailing Glass and Foil $2.50 $2.75 TREASURE PACK 100 Personalized Cocktail Napkins and 44 Personalized Matches, attractivel ,= packaged in clear plastic box $5.00 EAF DAIR • • PERSONALIZED PENCILS 12 Quality Pencils, smartly gold stamped with full nalite three assorted colors " $1•25 s - The Huron Expositor Phone 41 Seaforth to. Jfa