HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-11-29, Page 41• SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 29, 19§-7 . tt` rr, tr, it A k y Inserted At New Low Cash Rates (ANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1 Cent 2nd Week Cent r8rd Week a Cent Minimum charge, each Insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. k t "Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. BlInimum, Cents per week. :tliluOies may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra ifteleit cents additional will be charged If ads in above class are not paid within 10 dal!s of date of .final insertion. B t1is, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. lijollon sales. Notice. to Creditors, Etc Rates on application. let 'Week Lost and Found LAST -1n Seaforth, IadY's Pigskin FEXPOSII'ltOR. leave at B°4687x1 HURON LOST --A medium size hound with white 1 EER.blue Pholne s 123 it, and brown Hensel]. GEO. 4687-1 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED stenographer as secre- tary to general manager of progressive 0nanufacturing company. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary desired W Box 676, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4687-1 EXPER1EN(IED furniture finisher -in- cluding hand rubbing, polishing. and 6pruying. if you are interested in ateudy employment under good working condi- tions, write us giving FULL details of age, work history, etc. All replies treat- ed confidentially. Box 673, HURON 6EX- POSITOR. WANTED A caretaker for Dublin P. Continuation School. Apply on or before Deeembr 2 to MRS. JOE DELANEY, Sec.-Treas. Dublin, Ont., R.R. 1 4687-1 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY until Christmas for every man anxious to make money by selling Familex sparkling gifts and drily necessities which will assure you a continuous growing income. Selling experience unnecessary. Dealers needed in your area. FAMILEX Dept. 101, 1600 Delorimier, Station C. Montreal, Que. 4687-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods 1. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price lict. 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples $1.00: Mail - Order Dept. T-73. NOVA - RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Wanted WANTED TO BUY -Oats or mixed grain. RUDOLPH MEDEMA. Poultry Farm, Walton. Phone, after 8 p.m., 830 r 6, Seaforth.. 4680x8 WANTED -Lady wishing good home and board in exchange for light house -I for the purpose of nominating Persons for keeping. Modern horrt.: all,, conveniences. the offices of Mayor, Reeve. six Council - Salary could be arranged if necessary. hors Public School Trustees and Public Box 675, HURON EXPOSITOR.Utility Comsi misoner. 4687x1 Notices COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S 13ILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria 'Ltd., Exeter. 4683-tf BROTHER SEWING CENTRE - Ex- clusive distributors of world famous Brother sewing machine. For service or free home demonstration, write 42 Welling- ton St., Stratford, or phone 163-J, Strat- .,rd. 4676x10 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tanks. cesspools. etc., pumped and 'leaned with sanitary modern equipment. 111 work guaranteed. Estimates given .vithout obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. I. Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4679x8 NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping around will be open on Wednesday and taturday afternoons, from 1 to 6 p.m., ntil further notice. FOR SALE-- Sherlock -Manning with bench: in good condition. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 1-11.1. 2-7063, Clinton. after 5 p.m. 4683-tf , SKOV, For Rent _ FOR RENT -Two -room apartment, on West William St., suitable for two peo- ple. PHONE 833 r 12, Seaforth. 4687-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -Six -room ranch style house, almost new; oil heat; excel- lent garage. In Dublin. Apply GERRY HOLLAND, Dublin. 4687-4 Used Cars For Sale _ FOR SALE -1951 Chevrolet Sedan, two- tone paint, turn signals, seat covers. On- ly 20,000 guaranteed miles. A one -owner car. Apply MRS. JANE A. COLEMAN. Dashwood. Phone 41 r 8. 4687-1 For Sale PIGS FOR SALE- TED VAN DYKE R.R. 8, Seaforth, Mill Road. •4687x1 • PIGS FOR SALE -Nine Yorkshire pita 7 weeks old. JIM BARRY. Phone 668 r 15. 4687 x 1 FOR SALE 00 BTU Coleman 'pare heater. in real good condition. PHONE SEAFORTH 669 r 2. 4687-1 FOR SALE- .-1 pair shin pads; 1 pair hockey gloves; 1 pair shoulder pads and 1 pair skates, size 8. in good condition. ('HONE 445-3. 4687x1 FOR SALE - Premium oil - regular prices. Quality and service at all tityea. WILLIAM M. HART. Fuel To Burn. 4685-3 piano. Phone KARL 4687x1 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination information •r service from all breeds of cattle. Phone be Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ,t CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 ,nd 9:50 a.m. We have all breeds avail- ble-top quality at low cost. • 4683-tf COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth The Court of Revision for the Assess- ment Roll of 1957 for the Town of Sea - forth. will meet in the Town Hall, Sea - forth, at 8 p.m., en Monday. December 1957 D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4685-3 NOMINATIONS Town of Seaforth A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the TOWN HALL. SEAFORTH on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1957 ATTENTION, FARMERS - Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd, 46654f DEAD STOCK -Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone col- lect: Seaforth 146. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll 4675-18 WANTED -Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses - Dead cows and horses picked tip for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar bogs. Call collect, BRUCE MAR- , LATT, Brussels. 4683-tf WANTED First mortgage of $2.000 on 2 -storey frame house in Seaforth, with furnace and bath. Interest 6%. Repayments to suit lender. Apply: r McCONNELL &.STEWART Barristers Seaforth. Ontario. TELEPHONE 174 4,686-2 II Notices PIANO TUNING- Thirty years experi- ence. GEORGE B. CLARKE. Phone 84. 4687x1 I NOTICE -Guaranteed radio, TV repairs We give satisfaction. R. D. scow. Radio -TV Service, across from Conan -1 Bial Hotel. 4633-tf RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. 1 opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347 -ii Nominations will be from 7 :30 p.m. to :30 p.m. If n poll be necessary, the same will be held at the following places on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1957 froth 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Polling Sub -Division No. 1 and 2, at Teall's Garage. Polling Sub -Division No. 3 and 4, at the Public Library. Polling Sub -Division No. 5 and 6, at M. E. Clarke's Garage, Seaforth. November 13. 1957. D. H. WILSON, Town Clerk. 4655-4 TREASURER'S SALE DF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron fo Wit: By virtue If a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth, under hie hand and the seal of the said Corporation hearing date the 25th day of September, vale of lands in arrears of taxes in the ['own of Seaforth will be held at the Town Hall, Seaforth, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 6th day 4683-tf ,f January, 1958. unless the taxes and -osis are sooner paid. VOTERS' LIST POSTING Township of Hullett I, George W. Cowan, Clerk of the Township of Hallett, in the County of Huron, declare that I have posted in my Office in Londesboro, the Voters' List for the year 1957, and 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law. Thislist was posted at my Office on the 19th day of October. 1957. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk. 46854 CLERK'S NOTICE Pf First Posting of Voters' List Township of McKillop NO'T'ICE is hereby gi',en that 1 have comtilut8 with Section 9 of The Voters' histo Act and that I have posted up at MY' office itt Lot 27. Concession 2, McKillop, on the 18th day of November, I957. the Hat of all persons entitled to vote in the said J9funicipalit8' at municipal elections. and that such list remain there for in- alteOffrin. .Elio I hereby call npon all voters to inens s' 144 bran ttdiate il1'oceeditt34a to have 031 . aecoribtR ear t4 r 'aI i setgd +i oY s#t rir �ifit`"' , ttAt'�" fug' apl?Nal iye�ifg 'f�ft5 ileeetaie 1i1557r tlltt ttitlt 'd3' bioethber, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October, 1957. and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 25th day t September, 1957. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. FOR SALE A number of taldcs card le and ...Quebec heater: earptnter's ..+w and hammer. HAROLD KENDRICK. 1687-1 FOR SALE --White Beatty washer. like new. Priced $45. MRS. J. WURM. East William St. Phone 373-W. Phone any time after 6 o'clock 4686-2 FOR SALE-. Set of farm sleighs in good condition ; also male 'Perrier pup, four months old. nicely marked. Phone 655 r 24, Seaforth. ORVILLE GREE.R. I087x] 4678-13 Notices To Creditors NEED A HAMMER MILL? See the new Papec; they're .guaranteed to out Perform all others. Available power take -off or belt driven. Also Woods elec- tric grinders and oat rollers. Local ag- cnt, V. J. LANE. R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 16 r 12. Dublin. 4687x2 •NOTICE to CREDITORS iN THE ESTATE OF BERT CHRISTENSEN 'Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Mr., Mrs. G. Follick Wed 50 Years, Mark Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Follick, prominent and highly respected residents of Hensall for 50 years, will observe their golden wedding anniversary next Wednesday. Their marriage of 50 years ago was solemnized in Hensall by the late Rev. S. M. Toll, of the Metho- dist Church. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc- Queen ,of Hensall. Mrs. Follick, the former Bea- trice McQueen, was born in Us - borne Township, and is a member of Hensall United Church and Wo- men's Missionary Society, and took an active part in church ac- tivities when health permitted. Mr. Follick, at the end of De- cember, will have completed 41 years as manager in Hensall of Wm, Rennie Seeds Ltd. He is at present an honorary elder of the Unitew Church, was a former el- der for 25 years, former member of the choir of the Methodist Church and United Church for 20 years, taught Bible Class for ap- proximately 20 years in the Metho- dist and United Church, and was active in the Young People's So- ciety:, .They have a family of two daughters, (Nora) Mrs. Willjiam Soldan, Hensall; (Mildred) Mrs. Dave Kyle, Hensall; eight grand- children and one great grandchild. of Household Effects, to be held in the Brussels Arena, on SATURDAY. DECEM- BER 7th. at 12:30 p.m., sharp: ' One ''-piece chesterfield suite by Kroeh- ler: 1 large living room mirror: 1 large sire space heater: 1 pair matched end tables t blonde) ; 1 coffee table (blonde) : 1 pair matching table lamps: 1 trilite lamp; 1 magazine rack ; 1 rug 9 x 12: 1 21 -inch Marconi TV and base: 2 pair flowered drapes: 2 vases: 1 walnut occa- sional chair: 1 kitchen stool: 1 card table: 1 hall tree: 1 modern dinette suite. blonde wood, 6 chairs. buffet and table las new): 1 buffet lamp: 1 Dominion 4 - burner electric stove: 1 9 cu. ft. Mar- quette refrigerator: 1 chrome breakfast suite, 2 chairs: 1 Admiral radio: 1 Que- bec heater: quantity of stovepipes: 1 Re- gina floor polisher: 1 electric tea kettle; 1 pop-up toaster: 1 Dominion washing machine: 1 gas lawn mower (1 year old), 4 cycle: 1 Hotpoint coal annex; 1 Con- tinental bed ibex springs and mattress) : 1 bedroom chair; 1 bathroom hamper: 1 baby convertible buggy like new : 1 bath- room vanity : 1 steel single bed, mattress nntl springs; 1 chiffonier: 1 child's rock` er : 1 complete 3 -piece bedroom suite blonde. with springs and spring -filled mat- trrss including Mr. and Mrs. Dresser and chest of drawers: 1 pair dresser lamps: quantity of books: 1 bedside table: 1 piece bedroom linoleum: 1 child's crib and mattress. blonde: 1 high chair; 1 child's rocker: dishes. curtainsfruit, hose, bed- ding, linens. and many other items usual to a modern household too numerous to mention. All persons having claims against the Estate of Bert Christensen, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of October, 1957, are hereby notified to- send them in to the under- signed on or bTore'-'the 16th day- of December, 1957, 'after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario, this 18th day of November, 1957. ALVTN W. SILLERY, Seaforth. Ont., Solicitor for Estate. 46864 Box Holders' Names Not Given Out Et, iii" not poll for as,t6i like the. nani of' ad- dress of ally alt Mittistr Ushtg a 1101181 Expositor noif`"N0t1'i• belt.. Please fila not alit us far ilii(5 infoi Ili labia. TERMS- Cash. Property sold. No re- Strve. D. A. WILLIS, Proprietor. _ -Leri • Rowland. Auctioneer. Robert Johnson, Clerk. 4687-2 Cards of Thanks 1 WOULD LIKE to thank all who sent cards and treats and visited me while I was sick at home and in the Hospital. Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital and Drs. Brady and Malkus have my sincere thanks. 4687-1 MRS. WILSON ALLAN I WISH TO EXPRESS my thanks and appreciation to the people of Hensall and district for cards and treats sent to me while a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff of the hospital, Dr. Goddard and Legion Ladies' Auxiliary of Hensall. My deepest gratitude. 4687-1 HERB REDDEN, Hensall EARL DICK Reeve of Hibbert HARLOCK jvwve mends Honor 11r., Mrs. Bisback " Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bisback were honored prior to moving ,to Kippen when some 60 friends and neighbors gathered in .the •O0`tige en, Mr, and Mrs. George Watt spent the weekend in Toronto attending the Winter Fair and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Watt. Misses Beth McEwing and Mar- jorie Pethick taught last week in Guelph. staying with their friend, Miss Carol Patton, Fergus, driv- ing back and forth each day. Miss Ida Leiper spent a holiday in Toronto attending the Winter Fair and enjoying the- Santa Claus parade. Misses Myrtle Knox, Shirley Knox and Noreen McEwing attend- ed the Toronto Fair last Friday, going with Seaforth High School. Around 6Q pupils from Third Form went. accompanied' by their teach- ers. The Burns and Londesboro YP met in the Sunday schoolroom on Sunday evening, with 34 present, A sing -song was enjoyed with a business session following. It was decided to have carol singing on Christmas Sunday 'night. Faith and Evangelism group was in charge of worship service. under the leadership of Pat Murch. Dis- cussion followed, and lunch and "Taps" brought the meeting to a close. WALTON MISSION BAND The November meeting of the Mission Band of Duff's United Church was held Sunday morning. The Call to Worship was given by Mrs. Art McCall from Psalm 145. verse 18, "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him," fol- lowed by a hymn with Mary Kirk- by as pianist. The scripture read- ing was taken from Ephesians- chapter 6, verses 1-4, and com- ments made on it. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Graeme Craig and adopted. T h e thankoffering envelopes were handed in. which were to be' used to help make community cent' tres in Japan, where smaller chil- dren stay when their mothers are away working. Next meeting will be the Christmas meeting. and the mite boxes are to be brought in. Gifts were brought in by mem- bers and went to make up kits to go to Toronto and be sent from there to overseas relief. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and bene- diction - TO ALL OUR NEIGHBORS, friends and relatives, we take this opportunity of expressing our sincere thanks for the lovely floral tributes and messages of sympathy in our recent sad bereavement: also to the superintendent and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Durst for a lovely solo. the pallbearers, flower - hearers. Box Funeral Home and to Dr. Corwin for his long and faithful service. and for the many other arts of kindness and assistance our grateful thanks. MRS. SAM TOWNSEND 4687x1 AND FAMILY - In Memoriam HIUSER--In loving memory of a dear mother and father, who passed away 11 years ago this month. Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain, And when our life's journey is ended. We know we shall meet them again. --Always remembered by daughter Mary and grandchildren Anne and Mar- lin. 4687-1 CAIRNS -In loving memory of a dear husband, John D. Cairns', who passed away two years ago. December 4. 1955. OBITUARIES Nothing but me -erica as we Tourney on, Longing for a smile from a loved one gone: None knows the depth of our deep re- gret, But we remember when others forget. --Lovingly rentembered by wife. Jeaif. 4687x1 Births ;Mall Friday evening. Kuchre was :played and dancing enjoyed dur- ing the evening. Tom Govenlock read the follow- ing address, and Mr. and Mrs. Bisback and family were present- ed with a chrome table: "We hope we didn't cause too much inconvenience when we ask- ed you to join\ us this evening, but we felt we could not let you leave our midst without gathering to say farewell. "It is with regret that we see your stay among us terminated, but then changes are necessary for the welfare and happiness of all. We'll always remember the cheer- ful smiles and gracious hospitality that greeted any of us whenever we dropped in for an evening, or for a few moments. It just won't seem right not to see four little smiling faces and four little pair of hands waving as one drives by the farm on the third concession. "Many of us will feel a sense of loss which will deepen as time goes on, just knowing that you, Grant and Mary, are not near, lending a helping hand. As the saying goes, 'Our loss is another's gain', is certainly true as far as the boys are concerned, for the change will mean more compan- ionship with Daddy, more family life, and we would not wish it oth- erwise for any of you. will not be long before you'll find new friends, neighbors, the boys new school chums, and once more feel at home. You are not going far, it is hoped you will of- ten be seen back in McKillop. "We will not say `Good-bye,' but only farewell, good luck and much happiness in your new home As a token of esteem and remem- brance of your stay among us, we ask you to accept this gift from your friends and neighbors.— Signed on behalf of your Friends and Neighbors." Mr. Bisback made a fitting re- ply of thanks. The farm, at present occupied by the Bisback family, has been pur- chased by Gerald Van den Hengel. MISS KATHERINE REYNOLDS Miss Katherine Reynolds passed away suddenly Wednesday morn- ing at the home of Gordon Rey- nolds, Huron Road West. Miss Rey- nolds had been in comparatively good health, and her passing was unexpected. She was in her 95th year. The deceased was a member of St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. Miss Reynolds is sur- vived by one brother, Frank of Tampa. Florida. • The body is resting at the 'W- J. Cleary Funeral Home. Requiem High Mass will be sung by Rev. E. P. Weber Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in St. James' Church, with inter- ment in Clinton R.C. cemetery. DONALD McDONALD The death occurred in Clinton about noon Wednesday of Donald McDonald, in his 94th year. Mr. McDonaldhad been in failing health for some time. Born in Tuckersmith, he was married in Usborne township to the former Mary R. Thompson. who predeceased him 26 years ago. He farmed in Hibbert town- ship for many years, retiring to Seaforth about 30 years ago. He is survived by a son, Roy, of Lon- don, and a daughter, Mrs. J. Car- roll. of Hamilton. A member of Northside United Church, funeral services will be conducted by his minister, Rev. Bruce Hall, at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Eg- mondville cemetery. H. D. CAMERON BEUERMANN-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital. on Nov. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beuermann, Seaforth, it son. LANE -At Scott Memorial Hospital. on Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. RR 5, Seaforth a soil. "Why is it hinportant not to lose your head in an attack?" asked the sergeant. And the recruit #nswered• "Be- cause it wouldn't lee nb tilaee to put, your -helinet,'y The death occurred Saturday. at his home in Clinton.. of Hugh D. Cameron, 78, after a lengthy ill-, ness. He was a retired carpenter, and former issuer of motor ve- hicle licenses. He had been a resi- dent of Clinton for 37 years. He was a member of the board of stewards of Wesley -Willis Church and a former member of the Clin- ton Library Board. A life-long Lib- eral, he had held various .offisces in the Liberal Association. Mr. Cameron was a native of Stanley township, the son of the late John Cameron and Janet Mc- Dairmid. He is survived by his wife, the former Jean Cochrane; by one son, John, Clinton; by five daugh- ters: Mrs. Glen Lockhart, Exeter; Mrs. Alex Addison and Mrs, Wm. Grigg. Clinton ; 'Mrs. Carmen Moon, Londesboro; Mrs. A. Lar- ocque, Montreal; by two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Henry. Hensall; Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, Brucefield. The body was at the Ball and Muteh funeral home. Clinton, where service was held at 2 p.m. Monday, with Rev. J. A. McKim, -Minister of Wesley -Willis United Church, in charge. Burial was in Baird's cemetery. Pallbearers were Harry Fuss, Bruce Walker, Robin cA11'st er JamesMcAllis- ter, cAlli -ter, Cleve Cochrane and Stanley Love. The fiowerbearers were six grandsons: Cameron Addison, Robert Addison,. W',,Iyhe Grigg iVtoott, Donald. ,1 iok11 t,1 x14 3l in a tdekhitrt; t f KIPPEN Mrs- William Deitz was the win- ner of a fruit cake in a draw 'at Dickert's store on Saturday night. Theannual Christmas turkey -hoot will be held at Kippen. Dec. 1. at 1 p,m, sharp. sponsored by Kippen Gun Club. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elgie en- tertained at their home Saturday evening. Nov. 23. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff. of St. Cathar- ines who were celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. Dur- ing the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff were presented with a hammered aluminum sandwich plate and Lazy Susan. Miss Alice Pfaff. of Exeter. read .the address. and Mr. Carter Holmes, of Stratford. made the presentation.. The evening was spent playing court whist. Guests were present from St. Catharines, Hamilton. Burlington, Hick son, Stratford and Exeter. Plan Peanut Drive Next Wednesday Seaforth Lions Club will hold their annual peanut drive on Wed- riesday evening. December 4, club officials announced this week. Members of the , club will call on Seaforth residents between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock Wednes- day evening. The peanuts and peanut confections they offer will thus be available for Christmas giving and Christmas festivities. Proceeds are for the club's wel- fare program. Last Sunday evening Mrs. Arn- old Westcott attended a special screening of the National Film Board's production of "The Scep- tre and the Mace." at the Towne Cinema in Toronto. The film, in color, was made during the recent visit of Her Ma- jesty the Queen to Canada for the opening of the 23rd Parliament. Mrs. Westcott and her son, Clair, of Scarborough, were guests of the National Film Board of Canada. NORMAN JONES Reeve of Hensall Damag estiinated at- $400, re- sultan Thursday night when a car driven .by Mrs. Marie Elson, of Clandeboye, and a truck driven by Roy Brock, of Hensall, collided at an intersection in Usborne Town- ship, OPP Constable Cecil Gib$. 'bons;. Exeter detachment, invest gated. Mrs Keith Lindsay and little daughter,' ' Pamela, of Napanee, arevisiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John' Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reid and Terry, of Kincardine, and Mrs. Phillips, of Lucknow; were Sunday guests with Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Miss Betty Mickle, Miss Helen Boyle and Mr. Milton Boyle, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs. Joe Helm and Jack, of Tiv- erton, and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincardine, spent ' Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Ali faintly. IYI Mr. and , Ir¢ Russ 'R IiedIen, Karen, Kaven l;: ntkl Keith, ' of . • St. Catharines; spent ' the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Redden and family. • - ,.--Lieut. and Mrs. G. H. Craven and son, Michael, of Dartsmouth,'N.S., are visiting with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Elgin Row- ciiffe. A 1955 Pontiac, owned by Leon L. Bedard, who lives on the, Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale on 21 Highway, was stolen in front of a residence at Drysdale Satur- day night at 10 p.m., and has not yet been recovered. Goderich • de- tachment are investigating: Orders Taken :for ,• ; • BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS or GENERAL CARPENTER WORK By hour or contract. Saws of any kind Sharpened'or Gummed. — Phone ,No. 663 r 31. Ed. Boyes - Egmondville WILLING WORKERS A meeting of the Willing Workers was held last Wednesday in the basement of Egmondville Church. It was opened with the Call to Worship- A hymn was sung and the scripture was taken from Mat- thew. A story was read by Mary Anne Forrest. The girls received their car In which to put their money, he prayer was led by Marlene Forbes, followed by Hymn 356- A duet was sung by Lois Tyndall and Anita Hillman. The roll call was answered with a verse containing "Hope". Six- teen girls were present. The min- utes of the-last'peeting were read and declared approved. Faye Blue and Marilyn Miller were appointed worship conveners for the next meeting. The Vesper Service is to be held on Dec. 15. The church calendars were dis- tributed to the girls to sell. The CGIT hymn was sung and recreation followed. The meeting closed with "Taps." Loses .Thumb In Farm Mishap While custom corn picking at the farm of Leopold Watt, RR 1; Blyth. early Saturday evening, Jack Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Ryan. Walton, suffered a ser- ious mishap. His glove became entangled in a gear on the corn picker. pulling his hand into the gear. Dr. E. Malkus was summoned and treated the victim at the scene. He was re- moved to Scott Memorial Hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate the thumb. Mr. Ryan was released from hospital Wednesday morning, and is resting at bis home in McKillop. WIN A TURKEY! You can try Twenty-five Times at the Lions Bingo — Bayfield Town Hall Friday, December 6th - 9 p.m. All for $2,00 Admission. Extra Cards, 25c each. One Special Game the "Twenty -Sixth" for the Share -the -Wealth Door Prize Tickets on Sale by Club and Ladies' Commiittee Proceeds for Boys' and Girls' Work We Thank Our Neighboring' Service Clubs for Their Courtesy BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB BAZAAR, BAKE SALE & TEA HENSALL United Church Saturday, Nov. 30 3 p.m. Sponsored by the W.A. of Chiselhurst United Church EUCHRE & DANCE Hensall Town Hall Friday, Dec. 6th at 8:30 p.m. NORRIS ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Kippen East W.I. Draw to be made for three-tier Christmas Cake Ladies, please bring sandwiches HOCKEY NOTICE! Industrial Hockey is Reorganizing for the 1957-58 Hockey Season Any group or organization in 'the town Or country , are welconie to join in the ' fun.'` Please have your representative at the meeting called for at 8 p.m., on Monday, December "2nd, at the Community Centre THE CORRECT MEA$URE OF A MAN IS -THE SIZE OF THE TROUBLE THAT GETS HIM DOWN While the demand has been outstanding, there are a few'who have not taken advant- age of this moneysaving opportunity. THERE IS STILL TIME ! The offer of a $5.00 Discount On All T -H -A -N -K -S To Our Many Customers who have taken advantage of our Special' Dairy and Beef CONCENTRATE DEAL, . DAIRY and BEEF CONCENTRATES ends Saturday Night, Nov. 30 HURRY ! ..HURRY ! HURRY ! FARMERS OOi2P1RA'E, —ECO STAT/ON•• E D MILL:COP �ceEp _, 13/9 Tune in "Focus On the Farm", Mon. through Fri., at' 6:35 p.m. CKNX-TV, Wingham • SEASON Free ---- D RAIN One ticket on each $1.00 purchase Tickets good for draw each Saturday Evening, November 30, to December 21, 1957 You must be present on Saturday evening draw Prizes on display one week in advance EACH TICKET GOES INTO THE POT FOR GRAND PRIZES Grand Prizes FIRST DRAW _ 1 Large Illuminated SECOND DRAW 1 TV Lamp THIRD DRAW 1 Small Wall Picture.' YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT FOR GRAND PRIZES Free Picture Gifts --- Appliances --- Toys See Our Displays ! SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERY ARTICLE Real Dollar Bargains on 1957. Frigidaire Appliances. We must make room for the '58 Models. — See Us and Save At — eric it 0 RICH' 1