HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-11-08, Page 4deem a 11, 'I .r t l ,4gd1; II SITOR, SEAFQRTl3,'$, 1957 ha ds Inserted At New Lqw Cash ' saes' WANTED, LOST AND FOUI!TII, ETC, — Per Word: 1st Week 1, Pent!. 2nd Week Penh 3rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion2fi cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. o5' Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 0 cents per week. thirties; MAY. be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. '1'ee4 cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. p rthe, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. ,jhUFt'ion Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events THE SILVER BAR Ranch Gang will be playing for dancing in the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every second Friday night, starting November 8. Admission 75c. 4684-1 RECEPTION AND DANCE, for Mr. and Mrs. Laird Finlayson (nee Ruby Parsons, Kippen), Legion Hall, Exeter, Friday, 'Nov. 8th. Desjardine orchestra. Every- body welcome. 4684-1 For Rent FOR RENT -5 -room apartment; heated: separate bath. Available December 1st. Apply to JOHN TREMEER, Phone 258-W. 4684x1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth- Phone 897-R. 4683-tf NOTICE—Guaranteed radio, TV repairs. We give satisfaction. R. D. SCOTT, Radio -TV Service, across from Commer- cial Hotel. 4683-tf BROTHER SEWING CENTRE — Ex- clusive distributors of world famous Brother sewing machine. For service or free home demonstration, write 42 Welling- ton St., Stratford, or phone 1634, Strat- ford. 4676x10 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4683-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation., LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4679x8 NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 6 p.m., until further notice. E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk. 4683-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Uaed" For artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:80 and 9 :30 a.m. We have all breeds avail - *le -top quality at low cost 4683-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST, 1957. TOWN OF SEAFORTH, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, 1951, and that I have posted uv at my office at the Town Hall, on the 1st day of November, 1957, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Mun- icipality at municipal electioins, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of November, 1957. DATED this 4th day of November, 1967. D. H. WILSON, Clerk of Seaforth. 4684-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet at the Court House, Goderich, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1957 at 2:00 p.m. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, day of October, 1967. All aeeounte, notices of deputations, etc.. should be in the hands of the County ALVIN W. SILLERY Clerk not later than Saturday, Novem- Seaforth, Ont., her 9, 1957. Solicitor for the Estate. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron. Wanted BOARDERS WANTED—We have ac- commodation available for elderly people wanting board and care. Apply Box 663, 4683-tf WANTED—A number of cattle to feed tor the winter. KEITH KELLY, Phone 073 r 33, Seaforth, after 6 p.m. 4684x1 WANTED TO BUY—Oats or mixed :rain. RUDOLPH MEDEMA, Poultry arra, Walton. Phone, after 8 p.m., 830 r 6, Seaforth. 4680x8 ATTENTION, FARMERS — 'Prompt. eurteous collection of all dead: and lisabled farm animals and hides. Call :ollect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 1I Sea. orth Associated with Darling & Co., of anode. Ltd. 4683-tf DEAD STOCK—Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks, Small charge made for animals under 500 tbs. total. Phone col-- .eet: Seaforth 146. .WILLIAM STONE 'ONS. LIMITED, Ingersoll. 4675-18 WANTED—Walnut trees for lobs. 7 set and up in length, free of limbs. 16" 'ad up in diameter, 16n from ground. Jood prices paid. Apply E. S. THOMP- SON, Mt. Brydges, Ont. Phone 21. 4683-3 W ANTED—Highest cash prices paid for ick, down or disabled cows and horses. end cows and horsee picked up for re- nval promptly. Also wanted to buy boar -hogs. Call collect. BRUCE MAR - 1,A 17, .Brussels. 4683-tf Help Wanted WANTED. --Clerk for grocery store. Ap- ely Box 669, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4684-1 EXPERIENCED FURNITURE Rubber and Polisher or conscientious young man to !cern Furniture Finishing. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, abso- Jtely steady employment, group insur- ance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE :OMPANY, Ingersoll. 4684-1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER Part time or full time. JOHN BOSHART & SONS LTD. Phone 397 — Seaforth 4684-1 Interested To Make Money To Secure Your Future? Get a jab that will keep you busy the year-round. Make up easily 550.00 to 575.00 a week, selling our -gift. boxes, cosmetics, household necessities,- tbnics. lttractive way to make money. Sales experience not essential FAMILEX Dept. 98. 1600 Delori.mier. Station C, Montreal, Que. 4684-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE -50 acres, 114 miles east of Kippen; 7 acres hardwood bush, 25 acres fall ploughed, balance in alfalfa and timothy. Main barn with attached strawshed over pig pen and henhouse. Good well, water in barn ; 8 -room house, 3 -piece bath, furnace, hardwood floors. ""S, WM. H. McLEAN, R.R, 2, Kionen, Ont. 4683x2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price lict. 6 samples 250; 24 sam- plea 51.00: Mail - Order Dept. T - 73, NOVA - RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS FISHER All persons having claims against the Estate of Louis Fisher, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of September, 1957, are hereby noti- fied to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. 466'-2 TREASURER'S SALE OE LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth ye County of Huron •'trq,�y . elt: virtue of n Warrant f ned be the Mit or of the Tawn• if Seato4tti, under bis fi and the seal "of the 5afdd''Cortldr*tion �j g date thg 25t1h day of ;Septtiddlber, t a1 Of lands leert bf 't'tfxes it'i the Toon of Seafoilth *in bh :held a the ITowh 'Hadi, Seaforth, at the hour of 8 cld b'oic ,hit the afternoon. cit the Gth day of yTbnuary, 1958; unless the taxes and aua 'aro satinet paid. dtfd@ i§ 'hereby #Sven the 1 t of tiRilIjon. Snit 1'0 attests bf taxes Was 1iidltetl til, 6•, Ontarld l Gaxbbtte ori $h0 de y 4df� ii�c ' ,,4057," rein.' d at iebilite# ?;'•'!s' gait' %ht i'FPit.`rjlf!'6. (1%el'i(E . this 95th day s this 23rd 4682-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SIDNEY AMOS 0. DOLMAGE Al) persons having claims against the Estate of Sidney Amos 0. Dolmage, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 14th day of October. 1057. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of November, 1957, after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day of October, 1957. McGONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, (Solicitors for the Estate. 4888-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of WiLLIAM JOSEPH ,DUFFY All persons having claims against the ''''state of William Joseph Duffy, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 10th day of February. 1957, are here- by notified to send my full particulars of their claims tohe Undersigned on or before the 22nd day sof November, 1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed haying regard ionly� to.solaims theta t'dbeiv'etl. DATED at ,Beafortlll, 4thie l0tti'r day of October, 1057. McCONNELt. Jli,'S71'EW'A11441. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors far the Estate. 4688-8 tele rua,NMv th;',we5a+l�ulYfdN*.4: kis w,w., For Sale FOR SALE -50 pigs seven weeks old. NICK VAN VUGT Phone 849 r 22 Sea - forth. '684-1 FOR SALE Purebred: Dorset ram. RUSSELL T. BOLTQN. ,, 'berm 840 r 41. Seaforth. 4684-2 FOR SALE -12 pigs ten weeks old. JOHN JANMAAT, 1111 2, Seaforth, 4684x1 FOR SALE�Holateia calf' one -week old. FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 669 r 33, Seaforth. 4684-1 FOR SALE—Landrace hog. five months old. FRANK FALCONER, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-9128. 4654x1 FOR SALE -50 White Rock pullets, ready to lay. GEORGE DIXON. Phone 584-J. 46844 FOR SALE—Turnips, pick your own. A bushel for the price of one, ,:Loc bushel. Bring containers. W. J. FINNICAN, Eg- mondville. 4684-1 FOR SALE—Woman's blue winter coat, size 12-14, in excellent condition. May be seen at FLANNERY'S CLEANERS. 4684x1 FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet in excel- lent condition. Apply B. H1LDEB.RAND.' Phone 66-W, Seaforth, 4684x1 FOR SALE—Quantity ducks, oven- ready. Place order now for delivery when required. GORDAN PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13, Seaforth. 4684-1 APPLES FOR SALE—Spy, Greening, Peewaukee, Baldwin, Russett, Sweets) Free delivery in town. FRED McCLY- MONT, one mile south of Varna. 4682x3 Gars For Sale i l FOR, ALE. --19.51 Dhevrolet Sedan, iia good condition. TOM WILBE'R,, Selafortb Phone 5994.1 46804 Tenders Wanted ,. County of Huron TENDER For 1/2, -Ton Pickup Truck Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the under- signed until 12 noon, November 20, 1957. Specification sheet and tender form may be . obtained from the County Engineer's Office, Court House, Goderich. All tenders to be submitted on official tender form. J. W. BRITNELL, County Engineer. 4684-1 In Memoriam SMITH—In loving memory of a dear FOR SALE --The best Oil in Canada; wife and mother, Mrs. Emmerson Smith, Stove Oil, 21 8/10c; Furnace Oil, 18 9/10c. who passed away suddenly one year ago, November 10, 1956. W M. M. HART. Phone 784, Seaforth. Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten. 4682-3 FOR SALE-4Pair of white figure skates, rite 4; only used. one year; priced at $5. Also pair boy's black hockey skates, sire - ; used two years. PHONE 657 r 11, Seaforth. 4684-1 PULLETS FOR SALE -300 Rhode Is- land and New Hampshire cross, laying aleut 70 per cent; $1.75 each. JONATHAN MCGILL. Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth. 4684-1 HONEY FOR SALE—Light amber, 35- 16. pail, 56.00: 70 -Ib. can, $12.50; Golden, -tb. pail, $1.90; Clover, 8 -lb pail, $2.25. Stock up for winter at these prices. WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES, Seaforth. . 4684-1 NEED A HAMMER MILL? See the new Papec; they're guaranteed to out perform all others. Available power take -off or belt driven. Also Woods elec- tric grinders and oat rollers. Local ag- ent, V. J. LANE, R.R. 5, Seaforth, Phone 46 r 12, Dublin. 4683,42 FOR SALE, CHEAP—Leaving town, 1948 Dodge, radio, turning signals; Ad- miral combination radio -automatic record player, plus 1 Hallicrafter 5 -tube ama- teur radio, 4 bands, with earphones. PHONE 231-M, Seaforth. 4684x1 FOR SALE—Choice Mac and Cortland apples at prices from 51.75 per bushel to 53,00 for choicest. Bring own containers.' We will also have Delicious and Spys a - ter October 10th. BLAKE BROS.' ORCH- ARDS, two corners north of Walton and 1 mile east. on 14th concession of Grey Township. New storage right at road- side. Open all hours, including week- ends. 4679x5 Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY and relatives of the late Bert Christensen wish to express their appreciation for the many acts Allif kind- nesses shown them during their recent bereavement, and particularly Rev. Bruce Hall and R. S. Box. 4684=1 I WISH TO THANK all those who re- membered me with cards and treats while I was a patient in .Scott Memorial Hos- pital, also the nut es and staff and Dr. Brady and Dr. McMaster. Everything was greatly appreciated. 4684-1 SANDRA DUNGEY I WISH TO THANK Drs. Malkus and Brady, the nurses and staff of Scott Mem- orial Hospital, friends and neighbors, rel- atives and Rev. McMillan, who visited me while at the hospital and since returning home. Many thanks for cards, treats and smokes. 4684x1 J. L. LOSTELL Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Auction; Sale of Household Effects ,in t.he' Town' of Seaforth, on Goderich Street West, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, at 1 p.m. Full line of Household Effects. Terms—Cash. MRS. MARGARET HAY, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4684-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of High Grade Holstein Wows and Heifers at Lot 14. Concession 2, Stanley Township,'- 1% miles west of Brucefield, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEM- BER 13th. at 1:30 pen.: 20 Holstein cows, fresh and due to freshen in November and December; 20 choice Holstein heifers, fresh and due in November and December; number of open Holstein heifers; several young calves. All cattle are TB tested and calfhood vaccinated. Sale will be held under cover. Temno—Cash. D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS, Props. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4684-1 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay and Grain, at Lot 42, Concession 4, East Wawanosh Township, 21/2 miles north of Blyth, on Highway, on FRIDAY, NO- VEMBER 15tH, at 12:30 p.m.: MACHINERY--Cockshutt Diesel 40 trac- tor in A-1 condition; Super A McCormick tractor,' fully equipped, with hydraulic; McCormick mower, plow• and muffler to fit above; Model A tractor; McCormick No. 2 corn harvester: McCormick 8 -foot tractor disc; Cockshutt 8 -plate one-way disc : McCormick 15 -disc power drill; Mas- sey -Harris 7 -foot binder; land roller; rlrophead hay loader; New Idea side rake; potato plow; 3 -section drag barrows; 5 - section diamond harrows; steel stone- hoat; 120 -foot and 75 -foot drive belts; New Idea manure spreader on rubber; Gehl 10 -inch hammer mill; fanning mill 2,000-1b. scales; 2 good rubber tired wag- ons: 16 -foot hay rack for grain or tur- nipe; 1/3 H:P. motor; 300 feet snow fence: i;on posts; cedar poets; quantity lumber And , planks ; barb wire; number barrels; ling truck; forks; shovels; chains; wheelbarrow ; ensilage cart. HAY and GRAIN -1800 bales mixed hay: 18 tone mixed loose hay: 1,000 bush- els mixed grain ; 600 bushels of Ajax outs. CATTLR--41 Durham and Holstein eowa, due Februaryand March; 4 Durh ,int steers and heifers, 1oar old • 4 spring p # ('AIVQa. TERMS ---Grain, hay and small machin - 037, cash. Other machinery, 60% dowh dhy of sale; retitaindei can be arranged 611 six months,' approved. 3oint notes at bank interest. 'WALTER MASON, Proprietof'. Harold .l achspn, AnggtfOce . 041'4 Ohiektteit; w rt a1)k• at It �'{ ' 1,88412 You left us quickly, your thoughts un- known, But you left a memory we are proud to own ; Though absent, you are ever near. Still loved and missed and ever dear, We cannot forget you, our loved one so dear, Your memory grows sweeter in one lonely year ; You cannot return, so our tears are in vain, But in Heaven we are hoping to meet you again. —Sadly missed by husband, Emmerson Smith, and Family. 4684x1 Births LANSINK—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lan - sink, Seaforth, a son. REGIER—,Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Regier, of Morrisburg, Ont., are proud to announce the arrival of their second daughter, born Friday, November 1, 1957, at Win- chester Memorial Hospital, -Winchester, Ont. SAVAUGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Savauge, Seaforth, a daughter—Brenda Lynn. SIM—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to .Mr. and Mrs. David Sim, Seaforth, a daughter. TRAVAGLIONE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Geovanni Travaglione, Seaforth, a daughter. WALSH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh, RR 1, Dublin, a daughter. WHEELHOUSE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Nov. 6, to Sgt. and Mrs. Frederick Wheelhouse, Seaforth, a son. WHITE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross White, RR 2, Ilderton, a daughter. Ron Mason To Play - For Ottawa Juniors Ron Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mason, Seaforth, -who played Junior `A' hockey for Pet- erboro last season, has been sign- ed by the Ottawa Junior 'A' Can- adiens. He will reside in Ottawa. The Canadiens will play two games against Russia in the near future, one in Montreal and one in Ottawa. Discuss Steps (Continued from Page 1) menttook place in an orderly and. fair fashion. The township, if it wished to control certain types of building construction, would be wise to consider a building bylaw. This would prevent, as an exam- ple, sheds being moved into cer- tain areas and being converted in- to shack -like residences. A build- ing by-law was essential to and complemented a planning propos- al. Concerning again the area which should be included in the proposal, Councillor Kellar suggested that perhaps a mile around., Seaforth would be sufficient. Reeve Scoins, on the other" band, said he felt that little development could be antici- pated in the west or north, as it was quite low lying; on the other hand, the east was such that de- velopment certainly could come about there. As the meeting concluded, the departmental spokesman summar- ized the steps that each of 'the municipalities would be required to take in order to set the scheme in motion. He urged that this be done as quickly as possible, and assured the representatives of the councils who were present, that the department would render every possible assistance in having the plan put in motion. Ads Pay Off, Lions Are Told Advertising made possible the fact that razor blades sell today for the same price as they sold for during the depression, despitevast- ly increased costs, Seaforth Lions were told Monday. The speaker was John J. Pocock, a representa- tive of the Gillette Company. Mr. Pocock said the Gillette Company .spends $15 million an- nually on advertising, and thus through volume was able to main- tain an attractive consumer price. The meeting was arranged by John Baldwin and Dr. Al. Black, and ,featured the "Look •Sha " rp quintet, including J. E. Keating, C. A. Barber, Al. Black, H. Jack- son and John Baldwin. Accompan- ist was Bob Spittal. Frolic chairman John Longataff reported fon" the frolic and said net proceeds would amount ' to. a ;;out $$0. Paid ; adtnissions Wet* g1IglLt y etc rthatl lOtli,.lhe said, Mrs Inez 11/1cEir n held .a•?:'al7ily; y dinner. op Sunday attended by relatives from London, Paisley, `Chesley, 'Port Elgin and Hensall. Mr- and. Mrs William Shupe and ;daughter, S4rann, returned 011 Thursday to Milwaukee, Wis., after ;spending twoweeks with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. ;links. ' Mrs. L. Simpson is spending two months with members of her fam- ily in Detroit. Mrs. Percy Graham is spending a week in Palmerston with rela- tives. Members of Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary will visit Eric Reid Red Cross Old Soldiers' Home in London Tuesday evening, Nov- ember 12, and will entertain with a bingo, social hour; and will pro- vide lunch. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family were Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Robin- son, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Michaluk, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara and Peter, of Belleville, spent the week end with Mrs. Violet Schwalm, Mrs. O'Hara and little son are re- maining for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson, Stratford, were' Sunday visitors with Mrs. Violet Schwalm. The November meeting of Hen- sall Women's Institute will be can- celled due to the fact that Elim- ville has invited them to be their guests on Wednesday, Nov. 13, the night of the regular meeting. At the.December meeting Zurich W.I. will be guests. Funeral of Debra Lowery Funeral services for Debra Low- ery, one -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery, Hensall, who passed away Sunday, Nov. 3, were held from the Bonthron Fun- eral Chapel on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Sur- viving are the baby's parents, two sisters and two brothers. Mrs. Ross Sararas is a patient in Clinton Hospital in the interests of her health. Mr. John Glenn is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in the interests of his health. Hensel] Legion Ladies Auxiliary sponsored a very successful baz- aar, bake sale and tea in the legion hall on Saturday with proceeds being most gratifying, Convenor of the fancy work was Mrs. L. Baynham; baking, Mrs. R. Tay- lor, sr.; produce, Mrs. Gordon Munn; lunch, Mrs. S: Rannie. To Hear of Work With Lepers The Rev, Eldon Davis, a Canad- ian Anglican priest, now, touring western Ontario, will be guest minister at St. Paul's Anglican church this Sunday at 10 a.m. Rev. Davis, who works among the lepers of India, says that the dread disease can be cured with anti -biotics. He forsees the elim- lination of leprosy in 25 years, pro- viding the disease does not set up reaction against sulphatrone. Mr. Davis, now on furlough, is super - intendant of the Leprosarium at Palampur in the Punjab. His home is in the foothills of the Himalayas. Only last year his doctor froze to death while crossing the passes. He has 110 lepers in his care, a drop in the bucket, considering the one million known lepers wander- ing in India today. Mrs. George Hamilton, Auburn, was the guest last Saturday with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Vernon, Lloyd and Orville Red- den, St. Catharines, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Hedden. Mrs. Mac Greer, of London, spent the weekend with her moth- er, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burtt, of Fredericton, N.B., is spending a week with their son, Mr. Earl Burtt, of Queensway Nursing Home. Mr. Fred Kennings is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Redden' and family in St. Catharines, and with his sister in Blind River. The Bible study held in Carmel Church Sunday evening was well attended. Rev. D. MacDonald was the speaker. Mrs. S. Loraine, of Hensall, was another lucky winner of a Christ- mas cake, valued at $7.50, drawn for at Thiel's Service Station on Monday of this week. Hensall WI have completed plans for their bazaar, bake sale and tea in the Legion rooms. This event will be held on. Saturday. Approximately 24 students from Grades 7 and 8 of Principal Robt. Reaburn's' room at Hensall public school, will appear on TV on "Memo To M'Lady Program," on CKNX-TV, Friday, Nov. 8. This show is from 3:15 to 4 p.m. The students will sing three numbers. Mrs. Phyllis Rogers, of Auburn, is music supervisor. Members of Hensall Legion Lad- ies' Auxiliary motored to Exeter Monday evening and were royally entertained by the Exeter Ladies' Auxiliary at a Hallowe'en party held in the Legion Hall. A delight- ful evening was spent and lunch- eon served. Mrs. Howard Smale, of Hensall, was the 'lucky winner of a beautiful blanket in a draw. Bride -Elect Presented Complimenting Miss Gladys Luker, bride -elect of this Satur- day, Mrs. John Baker was hostess for 20 relatives and friends at a miscellaneous presentation in• her honor. Varied colored balloons, streamers ' and autumn flowers formed attractive house deeora'. tions. Gladys was the recipient of many lovely gifts. The presentation address was read by Mrs. Baker and presentations made by Mrs. Bob Baker; Jt., aiid is Greta Pfaff. -Contests were 'enjoyed and l�tticileon se'tved. Legion,Sponors Hockey The Canadian Branch of _ l sail Legion, at their meeting Men- day,decid ed to ,Sponsor ,a P eeiiee haeltey tenni again this yearand eppbinted gen, Rannie ,manager of, the„tearer. iia tvelre flit lazed `fol' Reiitem-: ratite "• Vices t be, held at Cat'Yhei Ci tch Sithda�Y+ at'"11:15 ELM., proceeded with `a service at he ,..eenpiil'pikl at. ;IMP $4411e er>.,oft�.40`1 gbjdiLadies',rAUXidGl a'nBrotvfTS$ w? l maich in a\body to the church. Ten dollars was voted to Byron Sanitorium. Nominations w e,r e held. The December meeting will be a dinner meeting. Philip Mc- Kenzie, first vice-president, chair- ed the meeting. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, Lon- don, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson: Miss Mary Gordon, Godeerich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird. Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffith and family, Stratford, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie and family, St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. McKenzie's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie. Mr. and M•rs. John Rathwell, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell. Miss H. Black, Reg.N., Wing - ham, spent a few days with Miss- es Kathleen and Marie Elliott and Mrs. Bruce Menenary, Bayfield. Bazaar Large Success Brucefield United Church bazaar was held in the schoolroom of the church on Friday afternoon, when a large number of neighboring so- cieties attended. About $220 was realized. Social Evening Winthrop Feature A social evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bol- ton, McKillop, Tuesday evening, when the losers of a contest in the WA of Cavan Church, Winthrop, banqueted the winning side. Games and contests were enjoy- ed. Gordon Blanchard showed three interesting films, after which lunch was served. The group presented Mrs. R. K. McFarlane, a former member, with a remembrance gift. ala 'TAX BUT FOUR PER CENT OUTSTANDING Hensall Council heard, as unusual eeted and 'gravelling of the streets report 'at their regular moo hlY ties.'cotnmeneed. meeting Monday night. The report Council instructed the cleric to was given by the tax collector, j i/all Tticltersillith for $125 for re - A'. Paterson. Out of a total tax faln`ing, fees for services of ,the roll of $52,86S,05,only $2,546.74, or fire, brigade; Hay, $125; Hibbert, about 41/2 per cent, is still out- $75 Usborne, $75..1[. R..'Arnold standing. will be billed $50 for the services Reporting op street'work, Mt. 'of the'brigade at the fire at his Paterson told council that work `place on October 26. would start next week, according R, Reaburn, representing- the to county engineer. E. It. Davis Public Scheel Board, appeared be - reported on several stop signs that fore councilrequesting a light on had been torn out, and infornied the'Sc2ool„Jilt petty. He asked that council that these were being re a light be” placed there to operate placed. Snow fences are being er- with the street lights. The school board would bear all costs of this lighting service. Permission was granted. Tlie PUC were instructed to place a light at the corner of Nel- son and York Streets. A delegation from the Legion re- quested a rebate on their taxes, and council decided to look into the matter. , Talk Farm Policy McKillop SS 2 Farm Forum "National Farm Policy” was the topic discussed- by 28 farmers at' the first meeting of McKillop SS2 Farm Forum.- The group started the season with a meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mc- Clure. The forum thought the most fundamental problem was the cost price squeeze. The wealth of the country is being drained- away to the cities, and the rural popula- tion is following it as fast as jt could, the forum agreed. This is the rock over which our civiliza- tion has floundered. The forum thought that the towns should ,,reduce their costs and come down to the level of the farming communities, rather than try to get the rural group up to their level. The forum blamed the urban people for pricing this country out of overseas markets. Following the discussion, ;a' few games of cards were enjoyed.'Win- ners were: most points, Mrs. Wal- ter Scott and Wayne Dolmage; lone hands, Mrs. Nelson McClure and Secord McBrien; consolation, Mrs. Thos. McMillan and Arnold Campbell. Next week's discussion will be on "Farm Credit," and the meet- ing eeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. To Enlarge `°'Board Baird's ,Cemetery A special 'Meeting of Baird's Cemetery *ssgeiatjpn has been called by the direefers'.to consider the appointment of additional members to the board. Interested plot milers . have . b'eeft ` invite"d 'to the meeting, which is being held. in the Oddfellows'. Y3a11, Brucefield, on November 13. The cemetery, west of Bruce - field, has been in existence about 70; wears. ...Deaths ALEXANDER—In South Huron Hospital. Exeter, on Thursday, October 31, 1907. Agnes Jane Thorson, wife of William ' F, Alexander,'. in her 6915 year. FL7i;NN-tn, Toronto, on ;Monday, Nov. 4, Margaret' ?'creep, beloved wife of the late Dosninio, Flynn, in her 90th year. GASS-In Seaforth,,. on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Dedrah Lee Gass, dear: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gass, age 3 years. ommummoimir DRIVE OUT 1N ONE Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1957 FORDged CUnSpTOM LINE SEDAN 2250 1957 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR HARDTOP 2595 2595 power drive; fully equipped 1952 1957 CHEV." DELUXE SEDAN $2350 1952 full equipped, �a77JJ 1956 FORD TOMLINE SEDAN n automatic transmission, fully equipped 2050 3-1956 CHEV. DELUXE SEDANS 50 2110,0 automatic transmission, fully equipped- L 2-1956 PONTIAC SEDANS 21510 automatic transmissions, fully equipped 1954 CHEV. 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