HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-11-01, Page 2Since 1x$60 Serving the community,Firet
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by
McLean Bros., Publishers
Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year
United States (in advance) $3.50 a Year
Authorised as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Member of
Canadian Weekly
','Wisdom in
There is wisdom in the decision of
the Ontario Government to call for
a vote next spring to determine the
degree of support that exists for the
present provincial hog marketing
scheme. Marking the ballots will be
the producers of hogs in Ontario.
Several expressions of opinion
have been sought since the market-
ing plan was first introduced, and
each has been the subject of serious
criticism by groups opposed to the
measure. A vote, conducted under
the auspices of the Department of
Agriculture, should eliminate this
criticism, regardless of whether it en-
dorses or opposes the present
There is probably no more difficult
task than that of determining on a
marketing plan which, on the one
hand seems destined to produce best
returns for the farmer, and on the
other, avoid a curtailment of the in-
dividual freedom of the farmer -
The very essence of the farmer's
life is freedom -freedom to do as he
pleases, when he pleases. He is his
own boss. And yet many of the
problems facing the farmer today
flow from the intemperate exercise
of that. freedom. Our economy today
is such that it is the rare person who
can successfully operate unto him-
self without regard to the commun-
ity in which he lives. `
There can be no criticism of a
measure of control being exercised
in the case of those producers who,
having agreed to a method of mar-
keting, may on occasions fail to live
up to the regulations which have
- --beep set out for the benefit of all.
Such producers seek the benefits of
Seeking Vote on Hog Marketing
co-operation but fail to abide by the
principals which co-operation impos-
es. That is why there are penalties
in co-operative marketing regula-
It is another thing, however, to
implement penalties in the case of
producers who are sincerely oppos-
ed to the principals of co-operative
marketing, and who refuse to sub-
scribe to marketing agreements.
True, the vote which is to be held
will not solve the problem of the op-
posing factions in the hog marketing
controversy. But it should indicate
the trend of producer sentiment and
thus be of value to the Government
in determining future policy. Cer-
tainly if there is but a bare major-
ity in favor of the present market-
ing scheme, there perhaps will be dif-
ficulty in justifying a continuation
of the obligatory aspects of the regu-
lations. On the other hand, if the
producers, by their vote, overwhelm-
ingly favor the plan, then it may well
Huron To Lose?
Reports in the daily press to the
effect that RCAF Station, Centralia,
may be closed are in keeping with
the announcement some time ago by
Defence Minister Pearkes, that radi-
cal changes will be made in the de-
fence budget. Huron, with two RCAF
establishments, is in a particularly
vulnerable position, and perhaps by
virtue of the money saved by a cur-
tailed RCAF budget, may be called
onto provide more than its share of
the cost of implementing the many
expensive election promises of the
new ''Government.
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Pass Gas Bylaw
Stanley Township Council passed
a by-law giving approval to the
budding of a pipeline in the town-
ownship by the Blue Water Oil and
Gas Ltd. The line will extend
from Elgin Porter's farm, 2 miles
east of Bayfield on the Huron
County road, to Clinton RCAF Sta-
tion. -Zurich Herald.
mated cost of $5,713. "This has
the effect Of throwing a bauabshefl
on our plans for ORA Junior "13"
hockey for this season,' said the
executive of Goderich Hockey
Booster Club in an "official state
ment after news of council's deci-
sion was received. The club ex-
ecutive which has filed an entry
in the OHA and has already sign-
ed nine players and made other
Older Generation Better? commitments, said that it now
tition which is
A kind of compesees no choice except to abandon
meeting with a lot of approval at its plans. It may be a .month be -
the Clinton Bowling Lanes is fore the floor repairs are coin -
bowling tourney between a teapleted and ice -making can be
all over 50 years of age, pitted started, said J. D. Smith, who
against one, whose members are submitted a report and recommen-
all under 50 years. The first such dations to Council on behalf of
competition to be held this season James F. Maclaren Associates,
was held last Saturday, and the Toronto firm of Consulting engin-
Oldsters proved themselves the eers. Council's view was more or
better team by totalling a major- !less summed up by Deputy. -Reeve
ity of 92 points over the Young- James Donnelly,. who said: We'd
sters.-Clinton News -Record. all like to help the Junior B's, but
we can't help them at the risk of
losing the floor."-Goderich Sig-
nal -Star.
Turnip Turnover
What is believed to be a record
for shipment was established this
weekend at Russell Dougherty's
rutabaga plant where from Thurs-
day noon until Saturday night,
3,750 bushels were shipped to the
Southern States, North and South
Carolina and some into "the New
York area, the latter point taking
the first shipment in three years.
Tremendously increased storage
facilities were put in use at the
plant last week upon their comple-
tion. -Blyth Standard.
Three Thousand Babies
Wage Increase
Wingham General Hospital staff
salaries were recently "placed un-
der the microscope" by the hospi-
tal board management committee
and at Thursday evening's meet
ing of the board it was stated by
R. a. Cousinschairman of the
interesting items gleaned :0'oA9
The Wren Expositor of 2S, 50
as 75 years ago,
From T1 a Huron ,Expositor
November 4, 1932
Last Saturday night, about dusk,
a car driven by J. J. Ralston, De-
troit, crashed into a truck driven
by Richard Sandford, Seaforth, on
the outskirts of town on the Eg-
,mondville Road. Apparently Sand
ford was attempting to make a
left hand turn into his driveway
just as Ralston, coming behind
him, tried to pass. Both vehicles
were extensively damage, but the.
drivers escaped with minor injur-
ies. Officer Lever tested the
brakes on the truck and found
them to be useless.
A small outbuilding to the rear
of T. G. Scott's store fell prey to
flames late Monday night and was
completely destroyed. The build-
ing had earlier in the evening
been turned over by Hallowe'en
celebrants. The fire was kept
from spreading by Constable Snell
and bakers from Crich's Bakery
next door. It was not found nec-
essary to call out the fire bri-
The first team game of those
scheduled for the coining season
at the bowling alley was played
Tuesday night when C. B. Stew -
management committee, that sev- art's team lost to that of es A.
eral increases in staff wages would !Barber. Dr. F. J. Bechely esA.
to be made. Mr. Cousins out-
lined the suggested increase which
his committee had advised. A max-
imum of $230 per month for reg -
When Miss Rosemary McGuire istered nurses who have been on
R.N., walked off duty at Alexandra the hospital staff for a certain per -
Marine and General Hospital' at iod of time will come into effect
at an early date, since the board
voiced their approval of a wage
hike of some $30 monthly for a
number of nurses in this category
at the hospital. The basic rate at
present for registered nurses
stands at $200. For graduate nurs-
es who are living out, an increase
f $20 per month was approved by
the management committee. The
"living out" increase will apply to
seven of the hospitaI's nurses. Sev-
eral of the male orderlies are to
receive wage increases ranging
from $5 to $10.-Wingham Ad-
vance -Times.
Rootin', Tootin', Shootin' Event
Lucan Police Chief Dennis At-
kins, who fired his revolver in an
attempt to restore order follow-
ing a fracas at a dance Friday
night, was given a unanimous vote
of confidence at a joint meeting
of village council and the arena
board Monday. Atkins reportedly
fired two shots to quieten a crowd
which gathered to watch a fight
between the chief and a patron
during a dance in honor of newly-
weds in Lucan arena. Resolution to
condone the chief's action was
made by Reeve Cecil Lewis and
was seconded by Irwin Scott,
chairman of the arena board,, at
a joint meeting Monday night.
Members agreed Chief Atkins was
justified in using his revolver in
the tense situation. According to
reports, Chief Atkins and Jim
Cronyn, RR 1, Clandeboye, tangled
while the officer was investigating
the breaking of four windows in
the men's lavatory. The chief
found himself surrounded by a
crowd of 50 people, apparently hos-
tile, and fired his revolver to get
order. -Exeter Times -Advocate.
7:30 a.m., on Wednesday of last
week she officially ended 39 years
of work associated with the nurs-
ing profession. Now retired after
nearly four decades of faithful ser-
vice in her chosen calling, Miss
McGuire looks back over the years
with satisfaction and says if she
were back at the starting point
once more she would do again ex-
actly what she has done. In her
time, she has nursed many thou-
sands of patients and has attend-
ed the births of nearly 3,000 babies.
-Goderich Signal -Star.
More Lit Up!
Extensions and improvements to
the electrical distribution and
street lighting systems in 1957 and
1958 will be undertaken by the
Blyth Hydro -Electric Commission,
George McNall, the chairman, has
announced. He said that the $4,-
500 expenditure, which has been
approved'by Ontario Hydro for this
work, will be financed from avail-
able funds and funds estimated to
become available. Commenting on
these plans, Mr. McNall stated
that they would help the local Com-
mission to provide improvedser-
vice and, at the same time, meet
the growing needs of the com-
munity. -Blyth Standard.
Wheel Pins Farmer
Mr. Joseph McCann, 34, of
3, Dashwood, was seriously in
ed on Saturday morning, Oct. 19,
when run over by his tractor. In
preparation for threshing in the
afternoon, he and his nephew were
drawing gravel on the barn bank.
He had left the tractor in gear
and unknowingly cranked it.
Starting up, it carried Mr. Mc-
Cann and part of the back door
with it, dropping some 10 feet to
the straw yard below. Fortunate-
ly the wagon broke free and re-
mained in the barn, but the big
tractor' wheel broke off and land-
ed on him, fracturing his left leg
between the knee and hip. He re-
ceived numerous cuts about the
head and right leg. -Zurich Her-
r -
Shifting, Whispering Sands
Although the dredge has been
operating at the mouth of the
Ausable river at Grand •Bend for
over a month, shifting` sand has
prevented progress, it was re-
ported this week. Dean Construc-
tion Co., Belleville, 'whish has the
contract for the job, has cleaned
the mouth out three times, but
storms continue to plug it 43 with
sand. This week, water lever was
so low two fishing boats were
'grounded in the mouth. The tug
of the dredging company has had
difficulty getting out. The firm
cannot dredge up the river until
it cleans out a path for, its barge
which dumps the silt into the lake.
Officials estimate the job can be
completed in two weeks once the
mouth is cleared. Exeter Times -
No Ice -No Dice
Town Council decided Tuesday
night to take immediate steps to
repair the arena floor at an esti-
District Representatives:
out ron, net -wall Watson & Reid, Seaforth
lished a new record last week at
the alley when he bowled a gaipe
for a total of 412, thereby winning
the fowl offered for the week.
Seaforth Lions Club annual Hal-
lowe'en frolic, as has "usually been
the case, ran into wef weather
Monday night, but despite the rain
over 1,000 people crowded the Pal-
ace Skating Rink throughout the
evening. Mrs. Charles Adams was
the winner of the new V-8 Ford
tudor sedan.
Miss Elinore Burrows, of Toron-
to University, and Mr. Arthur Bur-
rows, of Western University, spent
Sunday with their father, Dr. F.
J. Burrows.
WO/i1 < '1110 1Duro n EXtp00itUl' .
NONemb1' 3, 4002
Mr. Alex. Watt has sold his farm
,oa the 13th concession 0 f illett
to Nlr. Jenkins, who resides near
Clinton, for the sum of $8,050, This
farm contains 150 acres and is in
a f}rst-class state of cultivation.
r. Roderick Gray, of the first
concession of McKillop, showed us
a turnip a few days ago whicn
lays all other turnips in the shade,
It weighed, when dressed, eighteen
pounds, and with the tops, 25
pounds, and measured 311/2 inches
$ $
From The Huron Expositor
November 1, 1907
Mr. John Fortune, of the 3rd
concession of Tuckersmith, east of
Egmondville, this year sold the
hay produced from 12 acres of land
for $336. The bay was sold in the
barn and the purchaser had to re-
move it. Hay is as good as gold
this year.
Dr. Harburn, V.S., has purchas-
ed the residence on Main St, own-
ed and occupied by Mr. George
Stewart. This will be most con-
venient for the doctor, as it will
give him a residence adjoining his
Miss Alice Rattenbury, of Bruce -
field, had the misfortune to break
her collarbone one day last week,
by falling off a teeter on which
she was playing at school with
three other girls. She fell heavily
to the ground.
Messrs. Newton Rogerson, of
Constance, and James Davis and
William Harburn, of Hibbert, near
Staffa, lett Wednesday for Mus-
koka to engage in the hunt.
The cement foundation is com-
pleted for the new two-storey red
brick residence of Mr. Jas. Weir,
on Goderich St. East, Mr. Weir
having purchased a building site,
a portion of the grounds of Hill-
side. Mr. Joseph Keating has the
contract for the woodwork.
arim.ld, t 34
mut tiw s00 , lllaa,•S9W* e, las'
week' in April. z :
Mrs., Center, now of Brussels,
has been engaged as teacller for
the junior department of the pub,
Xie school here, at a: salary of $300
Per annum. Since 1';savifg here she
has be,en first assistant in ;Bras=
sell public school. and was io reg
celpt of a larger salary than she.
is to receive here, but for Personal;,
reasons she prefers the Seaforth-
engagement„ The teaching staff:
in the public school is now com-
plete for next year.
We are in the market for
Shelled Corn.
Check Our Prices Before Selling
We are wanting White Beans
E. L. Mickie Eit Son.
Phone 103
Good going and returning same Saturday only.
Allenford $5.05 Guelph $2.05 Palmerston ... $3.55
Brampton .95 Hanover 4.60 Sarnia 6.83
Brussels 4.60 Halrriston 4.00 Southampton ... 6.25
Chesley 5.05 Ingersoll 3.95 Stratford 3.65
Clinton 5.05 Kincardine .... 6.20 Strathroy 5.50
Elora 2.60 Kitchener 2.60 Walkerton 4.85
Fergus 2.60 Listowel 3.80 Watford 6.05
Georgetown 1.30 Mitchell 4.20 Wingham 5.05
Goderich 5.30 Owen Sound... 5,05 Wyoming 6.50
Paisley 5.50
Corresponding fares from Intermediate Points
Ta -6a
Winthrop Girls At
Friendship Rally
Twenty-two girls, with their lead-
ers, Mrs. E. Toll and Mrs. Gordon
Blanchard, attended the Huron
County World Friendship rally for
teen-age .girls, held in Clinton On-
tario Street Church on Sunday af-
ternoon, Oct. 20.
The CGIT, with their leaders,
Mrs. Toll and Mrs. Blanchard;
went on their Hallowe'en tour on
Monday evening. They called at
all the homes of the congregation'
and received a warm 'welcome.
They wish to express- their grati-
tude' to all for the wonderful re-
sponse. The donations were gen-,
erous-a good way of combining
fun with sharing. A special thanks,
is extended to the drivers, Mrs:
Ken Beattie, Wayne Dolmage, Art
Alexander, Ernie Toll and Mrs.
Blanchard. A social time at the
church closed the evening's fun
with pumpkin pie, cookies and
tiNDER today's economic conditions, what
you don't want from go ernlnens, or
can do without, will determine whether infla-
tion is to be halted.
In other words, it is up to the people of
Canada themselves to determine what sort of
future they will have.
Do your representatives in government at
all levels know what you don't want? Why not
write and tell them?
Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, born
in Manitoba of Icelandic stock, is
one ofthe feiv native Canadians
to' aide with the great Arctic ex -
i710 err w o
!'.fit. V '