HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-10-18, Page 2N
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Since 1860 Serving the Community First
tr' SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning
McLean Bros., Publishers
Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year
United States (in advance) $3.50'a Year
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
by • Member of
Canadian Weekly
anadians Welcome Their
,Monday was truly an historic day
in Canada. It was fitting that on
the first occasion in which Canadians
generally could, ' through the med-
ium of television, share in the open-
ing of Parliament, the opening was
conducted by Elizabeth II, as Queen
of Canada.
It was a colorful event. Canadians
everywhere could share in the pomp
and ceremony and tradition which is
part of the opening of a new parlia-
ment. They could be proud of their
Queen, proud of her dignity, her
poise, and of the sense of responsi-
bility and knowledge with which she
approaches her task. That she has
an 'awareness of her great position
was emphasized as she spoke to the
nation Sunday evening. "There are
periods when life seems a small, dull
round, a petty business with no
point," she said, "and then suddenly
we are caught up in some great event
Worthwhile Classes
Announcement was made this
week that night classes would once
more be organized at the Seaforth
District High School.
This is not the first occasion that
night classes have been held here.
There are many who will recall the
benefits that flowed from a series of
classes held here some two or three
years ago. It is hoped that the class-
es proposed now will meet with equal
success, and that there will be a suf-
ficiently large enrolment to permit
the courses as proposed to be pro-
ceeded with.
which gives us a glimpse of the solid
and durable foundations of our ex-
The solid and durable foundations
are part of the tradition that sur-
rounds the monarchy as we know it.
Justice, individual freedoms, public
morality are among those founda-
tions of which the Queen spoke.
It was a fitting Thanksgiving Day
—an occasion when Canadianscould
share with each other not only the
benefits of a year passed; of a day
in which the weather was perfect;
but also the benefits which befall
each as a result of our system of life
as exemplified by the presence of the
Queen in Canada among her people.
A Deserved Reward
Regardless of their political stripe,
Canadians generally will share in the
pride that followed the award of the
1957 Nobel Peace to Hon. Lester B.
It was typical of Mr. Pearson, typi-
cal of the humility with which
through the years he has carried on
his search for peace, that he credited
the .,award as a tribute to Canada's
efforts on behalf of peace, rather
than to himself personally. It is
true Canada gave him the opportun-
ity, until recently, to apply his great
talents to that end. But it was his
personal qualities that did most in
bringing the award to Canada. It
must be a matter of great national
pride that Mr. Pearson, and through
him, Canada, has been recognized as
the foremost contributor to the
world's struggle for peace.
PAL !IIIli11!1!Iq
For 16 Nights, from 8 to 10 p.m., except. Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd
Commencing November 7th
The Seaforth District High School Board will offer the following proposed courses:
1. SEWING—Elementary Course: Selection of material, pattern alteration, shortcut,
making simple clothing.
2. COOKING—Advanced course.
3. WOODWORKING—Basic hand tools and how to use them.
4. TYPEWRITING—A beginner's course; drills, rhythmic exercises, touch system.
5. MOTOR MECHANICS—Fundamental studiesof the internal combustion engine,
ignition, transmission, differential, brakes, maintenance and minor repairs.
8. PUBLIC SPEAKING—Conduct of meetings, duties of chairman and officers, Par-
liamentary procedure, practice in speaking.
7. OIL PAINTING—An elementary course.
8. HOME NURSING AND FIRST AID—Care of sick, use of antiseptics and bandages.
FEES—$5.00 per person, payable on the opening night of the course, at which time
everyone will assemble in the Auditorium to meet class instructors.
NOTE: Registration must be made on a registration form. The courses given will
depend upon the number who register. In case of over -registration in any
course, applications will be accepted in order of registration. So, fill out this
form now and send it to L. P. PiitdSTEEL, Principal, Seaforth District High
I am interested in registering in Night Classes with
as first choice or as second choice.
Aitikr,SS.............. ..........................n
Tell plYi0';> 0Chaige end Runnier
Entered in C. U. Contest
Miss Marion Dales, employed at
RCAF Station, Clinton, is the en-
try of Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited in the current con-
test for Miss Credit Union. Her
picture appeared in the October
issue of the Ontario Credit Union
News. Photos of entrants from all
over Ontario aye being judged, and
winners will be crowned on Credit
Union Day,' October 17. — Clinton
News -Record.
to • give • earnest consideratiioi to
this -request, and' to provide the
room as a social gathering place,
with heat and light supplied. The
men no doubt are anxiously await-
ing- word from the Library Board
concerning their request. Weather
so far has been good, and nearly
every day there are ten or fifteen
men gathered in the park enjoy-
ing a chat' and a game of cards:—
Clinton News -Record.
Near 12,500 Mark At Museum
Total attendance at Huron Coun-
ty Pioneer Museum for this year
is nearing the 12,500 mark. With
a good break from the weather,
Curator J. H. Neil thinks there is
an excellent chance of hitting the
13,000 mark before the end of 1957.
Mrs. W. Butson, of Mitchell, was
the 12,000th visitor of the year,
the registry reveals. The new two-
storey addition to the museum has
been completed now. — Goderich
Signal -Star.
Hand Injured in Combine
Mr. Frank Marshall Ls a patient
in Clinton Hospital where he was
taken on Saturday afternoon fol-
lowing an unfortunate accident at
his farm. During the afternoon he
and his son, Robert, were combin-
ing red clover, and Mr. Marshall
was returning a handful of seed
to the combine when the straw
shredder struck his right sand,
mangling it badly. He was taken.
to Clinton Hospital for -treatment
and several stitches were required
to close cuts and abrasions. His
friends sincerely hope that no
permanent injury results from the
accident.—Blyth Standard.
Nurses To Have New Residence
Contract of construction of the
nurses' residence for South Huron
Hospital has been let to C. A. Mc-
Dowell, Centralia, it was announc-
ed by Ulric Snell, chairman of the
building committee, this week. The
residence will cost aproximately
$60,000, including furnishings, Mr.
Snell said. Construction is expect-
ed to start next week with the tar-
get date for completion set for
March, 1958. The 14 -bed residence
which has been, approved by the
Ontario Hospital Commission, will
be erected on the property for-
merly owned by Dr. E. S. Steiner.
The Steiner residence will be torn
down.—Exeter Times -Advocate.
Supports Oldsters Wish For Room
Clinton's senior citizens are get-
ting a boost from the members of
the Town Council, when they un-
animously supported a request by
a number of 'men for permission
to use one room in the basement
of the Public Library for playing
cards and meeting during rainy
and stormy weather. Councillors
have requested the Library Board
Student Minister Receives Award
Douglas Fry, son of Mrs. Nor-
man Fry, Wingham, who is com-
pleting his studies for the ministry
of the Presbyterian Church, and
who is the student minister at
Chesterville, in Eastern Ontario,
was recently selected as one of the
27 Ontario men to receive awards
from the Estral Fund of the East-
ern Star. The fund has been set
up to provide awards for religious
leadership. The award was made
at the meeting of the grand chap-
ter in the Royal York Hotel, To-
ronto, last month. Doug was pre-
sented with a cheque for $300.
Mrs. Morris°Swanson, worthy ma-
tron of the Wingham chapter, and
Mrs. Andy Lunn, associate matron,
were present at the meeting.—
Wingham Advance -Times.
Tradition Asphyxiated
Tradition withstood another on-
slaught in the council chambers
here Friday night. There was
great merriment among members
of council when Councillor Joe Al-
laire called time on Mayor John
Graham for puffing away at a
see -gar while council was in, full-
scale session. Councillor Allaire,
who knows from bitter experience
that members are not supposed to
smoke in regular session, charged
that favoritism was being shown.
"We'll all run for mayor!" jested
someone else as the town's chief
magistrate took another contented
puff, not realizing that his lighted
cigar was the cause of the mirth.
Said Councilor Allaire, who led
an earlier unsuccessful attempt to
have smoking allowed during reg-
ular council sessions, "We hate to
see smoke from the chair if we
are not allowed to light up, too."
Mayor Graham calmly replied
that he_ had no objection to mem-
bers smoking as long as no one
else was being imposed upon. He
said he still held the view that no
one should smoke during the of-
ficial business sessions; just in
committee. When he suddenly re-
alized that council had reverted
from a committee discussion to
regular session, he put his cigar
aside apologetically. — Goderich
Signal -Star.
"Prisoner, have you anything to
say before I pass sentence?"
"Well, nothing, except that it
takes very little to satisfy me."
Interesting items gleaned from
The Huron Expositor of 25, 50
and 75 years ago.
From The Huron Expositor
October 21, 1932
The large water tank to the rear
of the Town Hall has been getting
spruced up in earnest during the
past few days. It is being painted
by Mr. Sylvester Allen, the Public
Utility Commission's versatile
worker, and now boasts of a bril-
liant orange color. When all is
finished and the second coat has
come to rest, the orange will have
given away to a quieter aluminum
color. The tank, which was built
in 1922, has not been painted for a
number of years.
It was an enthusiastic crowd of
young Liberals that met in the
Town Hall, Seaforth, Monday eve-
ning. The meeting had been call-
ed by J. W. Beattie, Seaforth,
chairman of the South Huron. Lib-
eral Association, for the purpose
of forming a Young Liberal Asso-
ciation for Seaforth and district.
R. R. McKay was elected presi-
Mr. Robert Archibald, of Tuck-
ersmith, son of Reeve William
Archibald, was successful in win-
ning first place in the recent live-
stock (beef cattle) judging compe-
tition at the Western Fair. His
picture appeared in the current
issue of The Farmers' Advocate.
The -fine bank barn of Charles
Tyner, of Hullett Township, one
mile south of Summerhill, was
completely destroyed by fire with
the entire season's crop of hay and
grain, early Monday morning. Mr.
Tyner was putting down feed for
the stock from the hay mow, when
the lantern which he carried, ex-
ploded, ,setting fire to the contents
of the mow. With the assistance
of neighbors, who quickly came to
his assistance, all stock and im-
plements were successfully re-
moved from the building. The
loss, estimated at some thousands,
is partially covered by insurance.
The 70th anniversary of Turn-
er's United Church, Tuckersmith,
was observed on Sunday, when at
2:30 p.m. a service was conducted
by Rev. George Watts, of North
Street United Church, Goderich,
and at 7 p.m. by Rev. A. A.
Holmes, of Clinton. A feature of
the anniversary occasion was the
presence at the afternoon service
of four who were present atithe
opening services 70' years ago.
They were Francis Whiteley, Clin-
tolt; Mrs. James Snell, Hullett
Township; Thomas Bennett, Wing -
ham, and Mr: Robinson, Lucldiow.
$ $
From The Huron Expositor
October 18, 1907
Mr. F. Kettle has rented his
farm on the 2nd concession of Hul-
lett, opposite the one on which he
resides, ' to Mr. Prank Flannery,
for a term of five years, for about
$300 a yeatti It Is a first Blass
farm of 100 acres v(dtl>,; good build,
pigs.att A c 4,� a a
u, } t,?fit£:,;:
t! 1.
Toronto, Oet, 7, 1957.
Editor, The Huron Expositor:
Dear Sir: I notice a pair of
items in your "Farm Topics" and
"Huron County Federation News",
and between them they have
'sparked' this little letter. Num-
ber 1 deals with rodent depreda-
tion in the grain bin, while the
other quoted the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture as saying:
"When weeds spread from road-
sides to fields they cause crop
damage and loss of money to the
farmer"; also, "Webster defines a
weed as 'a plant out of place' and
many roadsides in Ontario pro-
-vides unfortunate examples of na-
ture gone wild."
At any rate, the above stories
made me hungry for further par-
ticulars and more light on' both
weeds and rodents. For example,
my trusty clipping -book intimates
that one of the philosophers (Sage
of Con prd) asked the question:
"What is a weed?" and answered
forthrightly: "A plant whose vir-
tues we have not yet discovered."
As to the rodent depredations,
in 1946 an FAO (Food and Agricul-
ture Organization) committee on
'Destruction of Food in Storage'
found that: "The annual loss in
stored foodstuffs caused by in-
sects, rodents and fungi is enor-
mous. This loss in cereals, pulses
and oil -seeds alone has been esti-
mated by experts to be 10 per cent
of production for the entire world,
or about 65,500,000 metric tons—
approximately the amount which
enters world trade annually.
I would like to measure the
above lost food tonnage, for the
average speedy reader, by re-
minding him that the 1,200,000,000
bushels of the major bread grain
(wheat) which entered the world
market in 1956, would be less than
half of the above 65,500,000 metric
But, when the above picture has
been pondered, the question I
would like the experts to answer
would run something like this:
"Supposing 'there were no weeds,
and no damage by insects, rodents
or fungi, what would happen to
prices in the day-by-day markets,
throughout the world?"
Mil Road, won the prize of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society, he
being the director who procured
the largest membership list.
Mr. John Kale, who has been a
resident of Seaforth for many
years, left Monday for Detroit,
where he has secured lucrative
employment, and where he pur-
poses making his future home.
Mr. Dave McCall, who has dos-
ed a three year's ,apprenticeship'
in the furniture, upholstering and
undertaking establishment of Mr.
R. Leatherdale & Son, of Brussels,
purposes going to Calgary to lo-
cate. Mr. McCall is an honest,
upright and steady going young
man, who will be sure to succeed.
Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, Wal-
ton, have moved into the new resi-
dence erected by them during the
past summer.
Robert Charters & Sons recent-
ly sold and shipped from Seaforth
on Monday a very pretty 17 -
months -old Shorthorn bull from
their herd, for which they receiv-
ed a good price. ,The purchaser
of this fine animal was Mr. Berth -
wick, of Thedford.
Mr. W. M. Govenlock, son of
Mr. Robert Govenlock, of Seaforth,
who has been a member of the
staff of the London Collegiate In-
stitute for several years, has ten-
dered his resignation and will ac-
cept a position in the head office
of the Northern Life Insurance
Company of London.
From The Huron Expositor
October 20, 1882
Thankful !
The week before Thanksgiving is
travelled over a thousand miles
through this wonderful Province
of Ontario I was up around the
new uranium mines and down
through the country around the
nation's capital where they were
getting ready to welcome the
Queen of Canada. Then. I came
along the shores of Lake Ontario,
following almost the same road-
way our ancestors travelled by
wagon and stage coach as they
journeyed from Montreal towards
their homesteads in Canada West.
It was a perfect autumn week.
The hardwoods were at their most
glorious color and time and time
again I thought of what a miracu-
lous sight it must have been to
the eyes of Jacques Cartier who
arrived in Canada for the first
time in the fall of the year. No
wonder he was dazzled by the
beauty of it all and no wonder he
returned to tell the King of France
that he had discovered a new won-
derland which would be well worth
Today this Canada is as great a
miracle as it ever was and as I
travelled homewards towards the
Thanksgiving turkey I found it in
my heart to be thankful that I live
in a country where nature is so
beautiful that it soothes the spirit
far far better than the most pow-
erful tranquillizing pill ever de-
veloped by science. I was grate-
ful that I live in a land where
cares and sorrow and pain are
smoothed away every time a man'
takes a minute to go out close to
nature and feel the beauty of his
F. of A. Attends
Protest Meet
I attended a protestmeeting
called by Theodore Parker at
Stratford last Thursday. It was
the 'protestin'gest' meeting I ever
attended; also the most disorder-
lyThe burning desire was to ob:
tain a vote on the directional pro-
gram now in force by order of the
Hog Producers Marketing Board,
under the authority of the Ontario
Farm Products Marketing Act.
This vote, can be obtained. if On-
tario hog producers present a suf-
ficiently large number of signa-
tures to a petition to the Farm
Products Marketing Board, who
then may request a vote of the
producers concerned.
One of the speakers suggested
that the lawyer retained by the
Hog Producers received a hand-
some fee'. I am quite sure that
the fee from the Hog Producers
was much less per hour than this
same lawyer receives in his pri-
vate practice. I am also quite
sure that the good living he en-
joys is largely due to the fact that
he belongs to a compulsory organ-
I have often heard farmers com-
plain of the high salaries that
school teachers enjoy at the mom-
ent. This again is largely due to
the fact that they belong to a
compulsory organization. The sec-
retary of the school board is oblig-
ed by law to deduct this fee from
the November cheque of each
teacher employed and forward it
direct to the treasurer of the
Teachers' Federation.
The other point of interest to
me was the very loud protests of
the truckers who were..present at
this meeting of hog producers.
What have truckers to lose by this
marketing plan. There will be
just as many hogs to transport
and they will have to be taken just
as far. Trucking is usually on a
load mile basis, so I see little loss
to the trucker.
There will be some saving in
transportation in the utilization of
larger trucks from assembly point
to plant. In thsi modern age, I
can see no reason why the farmer
Mr. Thomas Ward has sold his
house and lot on Goderich Street
to Mr. William Hammill, of Hul-
lett, for the sum of $575. Mr. Ham -
mill having sold his farm intends
coming to town to live. Mr. Ward
has leased another house.
Mr. W. Campbell, of Harpurhey,
had a narrow escape from being
smothered in a well in McKillop
one day last week. He was engag-
ed digging a well when the ac-
cumulation of foul gas nearly ov-
ercame him. Fortunately he was
removed in time to prevent ser-
ious consequences.
The Hallett butter factory last
week made its third sale for the
season at 24 cents. The first sale
was 22 cents and the second 21
cents. ?r
Mr: Noble Whitely, Tu 'Itrsmith,
has rented his farm of 100 acres,
being lot 27, concession 3, to Mr.
;IU1ichael Whitmore, his neighbor,
for $250 a year. Mr. Whitely in-
tends removing to Clinton to re-
M. Rdbert Black, who has act-
ed in, the capacity of head miller
in Ogilvie's mill in this town, has
removed to Ayr, Where he takes
the management of the Nt1hvale
Mills- in that village.
1 Mr and Mrs. Sohn Aiiehesbtt, of
Itokbofo, ' tVe nekt Ttiesdh r on
a fits ttl" 3 aa0 ter nisi€ lie ':
414461; , ft,S,> I
Cly r.(
1 s,
should be obliged to use a large
number of small trucks if large
ones can haul cheaper. After all,
the contractor supplies his men
with bulldozers, not shovels.
Winter shelter for beef cattle
should ensure protection from
cold winds and from falling snow;
and provide a dry bed on which
the animals can lie. Such elemen-
tary comforts can be provided by
a variety of structures, which
should be assessed from the stand-
point of adequacy of accommoda-
tion, ease of handling stock, cost
of construction and durability.
For many years the Canada De-
partment of Agriculture Experi-
mental Farm, Brandon, Man., has
obtained satisfactory results by
using an open front shed, with
single -boarded frame walls and a
straw -covered pole roof, for win-
tering the beef breeding herd. In
the winter of 1956-57, 34 cows win-
tered in this shed showed little
weight change during the winter-
ing period from November to
April. Onthe average they lost
11 pounds per bead in this period.
The corresponding., average,loss
for 21 'head wintered in a stan-
chion barn was 19 pounds per
head. In both groups the oldest
and the youngest cows showed the
greatest losses in weight .hese
figures shoal that the accommo-
dation provided by an open front
shed is quite satisfactory. •
He: "11 I had a million bucks
do you 'know where I'd be right
She: "You'd be on our honey-
home country, �l
I was grateful too to think that.
I had a home to return to. I.
thought of the four students who,
sit in the front row of one of my
classes at the University. Their'
eyes are bright and questioning,,.
and you can almost see them con-'
centrating to follow what I say
because English is a new language'
to them. They are Hungarians,
who fled from Communist tyranny"
to friendly Canada. But as I see
them sitting there in their tight-
fitting clothes (obviously gifts from
somebody who wasn't quite their
size) it suddenly wrenches at mY
heart that for them„ as yet, there
is no home to go to and I realize
that I am a lucky man because
there is a place I can call home.
And as I think about it, it comes
to me that I would not have this
home of mine if my own ancestors
had not done what these Hungar-
ian students are doing now. Like
the Hungarians, our forefathers
left their native heath to find new
opportunity and' freedom in a new
land. They were far from fam-
iliar scenes, from loved ones and
dear relations, and yet they were
the people who first started the
tradition of Thanksgiving.
What were they thankful for?
They praised GO because he had
given them the chance to work for
themselves, to build a home for the
generations to come, to develop a
great country and to seek a bet-
ter world.
Those chances—all of them—still
exist for every Canadian. That's,
why my Hungarian students came
to this land. If they can do it, so
can we.
And so my thoughts went as 1
travelled through this great coun-
try, with the countryside blazing
its message of cheer and faith and
hope from every hill and hollow.
Thankful? Well, I should say sol
When kidneys fa l to �,
remove excess aoido — — and wastes, back-
ache, tired feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodd'e
Kidney Pills stimu-
late kidneys to
normal duty. You
feel better—sleep
better, work better.
Get Dodd'a at any
drug store.
— 50
HEAD OFFICE — Exeter, Ont.„
E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R.. 1,
Science Hill.
Harry Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia
DIRECTORS—Martin Feeney, R.
R. 2, Dublin; Wm. A. Hamilton,
Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R.
1,'Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3,
AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne,
R.R. 1, Woodham; Claytoniarris,
Mitchell; Stanley ' Hocking, Mit-
SOLICITOR,— W. G. Cochrane,
thur Fraser, Exeter.
She needs an EXTRA phone
• in the kitchen!
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DO YQU? To order—call your
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• telephone business office. •'
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1,2 or 3 Years
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G Vnl�h ron, ,1i n a . �""�" • I 'atso t & Reid• 1 iaf or&
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