HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-10-11, Page 41 ti :s Inserted At New Low Cash Rates E; WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC., — Per Word; 1st Week , 1 Cent 2nd Week is Cent 8rd Week i/a Cent 4'� Minimum charge, each insertion25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. .13( !�o Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 'illi cents per week, Maydirected to a Box No.c/o The Huron Expositor, for :;ny be 1 t H n xpos 16 cents extra leen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 deye, of date of final insertion. 0,.'ldarriagea and Deaths inserted free of charge. action Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Ratee on application. • Coming Events • ''ith ANNUAL Christmas Bazaar of Bt. 'James' Church C.W.L. will be held on Saturday afternoon, December 7th. 4680-1 MIDNIGHT BARN DANCE — Sunday' midnight, October 13, 1957; dancing 12- a. a.m.; Jim Griffen's new barn, 5 miles mord] of St. Marys, on the East River Hoed, 1 mile from Motherwell. Door erize, 18 -pound turkey. Melody Ranch Boys. 4680-1 MRS. JAMES CARTER, R,R, No. 2, Seaforth, will demonstrate the making of a "Chocolate Cake" on "M'Lady", CKNX- TV, Thursday afternoon, October 10th, from 4:00 -4:30 p•m., D.S.T. 4680-1 DR. E. A. 'McMASTER, Seaforth, will be a guest on"•M'Lady", CKNX-TV, on Friday, October 11, to speak on the medi- cal topic, "Arthritis". This will be tele- vised from 4 :00 - 4 :30 p.m., D.S.T. 4680-1 RUMMAGE SALE—Under the auspices of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, at the Library on Saturday, October 26, at 2 p.m. Collections will be made on Friday afternoon, October 25. PHONE 484 or 27. 4680-1 Wanted WANTED TO RENT—Three or four bedroom house, PHONE 65, Hensall 4680-1 WANTED TO BUY—Oats or mixed grain. RUDOLPH MEDEMA, Poultry l'arm, Walton. Phone, after 8 p.m., 830 ✓ 6, Seaforth. 4680x8 ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4679-tf DEAD STOCK—Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 300 lbs, total. Phone col— lect: Seaforth 146. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll. 4675-13 WANTED—Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cowa and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, BRUCE MAR- LATT, Brussels. 4679-tf Used Cars For Sale FOR, SALE -1931 Chevrolet Sedan, in good condition. TOM WILBEE, Seaforth. Phone 599-J, 4680x1 Notices RADIt11. REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-1I-. 4679-tf NOTICE—Guaranteed radio, TV repairs. We giive satisfaction. R. D. SCOTT, Radio -TV Service, across from Commer- cial Hbtel, 4679-tf BR'OTHF.R SEWING CENTRE — Ex• elusive distributors of world famous Brother sewing machine. For service or free home demonstration, write 42 Welling- ton St, Stratford, or phone 1634, Strat- ford. 4676x10 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- forth eaforth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteri!a Ltd., Exeter. r9 4679-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels: ' --Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4679x8 A SERIES of Pre -Natal Classes will begin Tnesday, October 15, at 8 p.m., D.S.T., in the Health Unit Office, Scott Memorial Hospital These will be held at weekly intervals for 9 weeks. Those in- terested are invited to attend at the above time or phone the Public Health Nurse at Seaforth, 489-M, between 4 and 5 p.m. on October 15th. 4680-1 NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 6 p.m., until further notice. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4679-tf WATE',-4Uu 7.7 BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:80 e nd 9:30 a -m. We have all b'reede avail- Oble—top quality at low cost. 4679-tf TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth, uncial. hie hand andthe seal of the said Corporation besting date the 25th day of September, Mile . of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of ,Seaforth will be held at the Teem Hat), Seafortb, at the hoar of 8 o'clock in -the afternoon, On thie 6th day of January, 1968, finless the taxes and costlt are sooner paid. R0t2ee is hereby given that tiib' list o� land's for sale for arseara o4 ; 1• nvatl yuljlished Of The Ontario Gskettd alt 4t1i ::day Of October, 7:967 slid th t eon fA C. mild )ist Srfay be 'haad' 0t froth *idea. !'iiEAilUi a ! of oB, tbt arG*h ddb Poultry I'OR SALE—Red Rock pullets, laying. Apply LORNE LAWSON. Phone 841 r 23, Seaforth, 4680-? FOR SALE -100 Red pullets, (Scott's breed),starting to lay. ROSS GORDON. R.R. , Seaforth. Phone 849 r 21. 4680x1 400 SUSSEX RED PULLETS, five months old. W. D. WILSON, Brucefield Phone Seaforth 658 r 33. - 4680-1 FOR SALE -100 Rhode Island Red pul- lets, six months old. WILLIAM ROGER - SON, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Telephone Clin- ton, HU. 2-9245, 4680x1 Help Wanted WOMEN TO TRAIN as Beauty Coun- <elors, town or country. Excellent earn- ings and advancement. Contact MRS. "UTH M, GAISER, RR 2, Crediton, or ,hone 59 r 2. 4678x8 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER as cretary to general manager of progres- i e manufacturing company. Must have ood shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary desired, to Box 667, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4680-2 WANTED Part-time stenographer with typing and shorthand, preferably for mornings, ex- cept Saturday. Apply Box No. 660 EXPOSITOR OFFICE 4679-2 For Sale FOR SALE—Used Choremaster tractor with cultivator, in excellent condition. CROWN HARDWARE. 4680x1 FOR SALE -10 choice Hereford cattle, about 700 pounds, JOE MALONE, 64Dub- inr 8. 4080x_ For Rent FOR RENT--4-room furnished apart- ment, with modern conveniences. PHONE 27 r 14, Brussels. 4679-2 FOR RENT -5 -room heated apartment, modern conveniences. Phone 668 r 2 or 2324, Seaforth, IVY HENDERSON, e. ondvi m E l g tl 4680x1 FOR RENT ---In the, Village of Dublin, frame house with kitchen, dining room. living room, den, bathroom and 8 bed- rooms% hydro. Apply to MICHAEL B. MURRAY, R.R. 5, Seaforth, or call Dub- lin 64 r 19. 4680-8 Lost and Found RA0110—tin loving memory 'oP Harvey Racine who pasaed away two years ago, October 7. 1955. , Crim and peaceful he is sleeping, P weeteet „test that follows pain; ,,,s who loved him, sadly miss -him, But trust in God to meet again, Alwoye remembered by his toning. wife; and• meglbers of his family. 468114: Births ALEXANDER --At Scott Memorial Hos- pital. on October 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Alexander, R.R. 1, Hensall, a STRAYED from lint 29 Concession 6, daughter, McKillop, a Hereford yearling steer with CORLE'l'T—At Scott Memorial Hospital, tag in right ear, Anyone knowing the on October 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn whereabouts of this steer, please contact Corlett, R,R. 1, Walton, a son. ART ANDERSON. Phone 844 r 25. Sea- DUNCAN!--,Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon, forth, 4680-1 Duncan (nee June Murdock) announce the birth of their son, Robert Murdock, September 20, 1957, at Mercy Hospital, Farms For Sale Miami, Florida. LEFEBVRE—George and Betty Lefebvre (nee Kerr), of Holmesville, announce FARM FOR SALE -76 acres, Lot 14, the birth of their daughter, Lillian Concession 8, Tuckersmith; 7 -room frame Marie Vallarie, 9 lbs. 7 oz., in Clinton house, hydro and furnace; L-shaped barn i Public Hospital, on Wednesday, October 1957. A sister for Bobby and Ronny. 60x40; 7 acres �bush. � Phoe Seaforth 651. 9, ✓ 25. HARVEY McLARNnON. 4678-8 Name Winners Cards of Thanks ' Of Turkey Draw I WISH TO THANK Dr. Stapleton and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. neighbors and friends who visited me, and for cards and treats sent `while I was a patient there. 4680x1 WM. S. BROADFOOT IVY HENDERSON and family wish to express thanks and appreciation to all friends and neighbors and all who helped in any way. particularly the staff of the Hospital, Dr. Malkus and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney, during their recent sad bereavement 4680x1 I WISH TO THANK the doctors of the Clinic, nurses and staff of Scott Memor- ial Hospital, friends and neighbors who visited me and for cards, flowers •, and treats while I was a patient in hospital. f MRS. HELEN McCLURE 4680x1 1 WISH TO THANK the doctors of the Clinic and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, friends and neighbors who vis- ited me, and for cards and flowers- Spe- cial thanks to Rev. Davison and Mrs. /avison, 4680x1 NORMAN WALKER Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Holstein Cows and Heifers, at Lot 14, Concession 2, Stanley Township, 114 miles west of Brucefield, on T'UESDAY, FOR SALE—New bunk beds, maple, OCTOBER 15th, at 1 p.m., Standard spring -filled mattresses, 575.00, DUBLIN Time: ELECTRIC, " 4679-3 20 Holstein cows, fresh and due to FOR SALE—Two overcoats, in good freshen; 20 choice Holstein heifers, fresh condition. Apply Box 662, HURON EX- and due to freshen in November; 10 open POSITOR. 4680x1 Holstein heifers; number young calves. FOR SALE—Used sugar beet loader, in rood working condition. Apply VERNE ALDERDICE, Kippen. 4680-1 USED ROYAL Portable Typewriter, ',wet Deluxe: used very little. Original cost 5129, sacrifice. May be seen at THE ,IURON EXPOSITOR. 46788-3 1021 SALE—Cement, $1.15 a bag. Cash Ind quantity discounts allowed. SEA - FORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Phone 9. 4679-2 FOR SALE—Cob corn, well matured: !•:ailahle from picker. Order now. AL- -.N GINGERICH, RR 3, Zurich. 4680x2 FOR SALE—Coal space heater in good shape. Reason for selling. putting in oil. 'hone 4414, Seaforth. JOHN PRYCE. 4680x1 FOR SALE ---2 Holstein heifers, 1 grade, lue October 29; 1 registered, due Novem- ber 10. JAMES DRUMMOND, Lot 2, Con. 11. Phone Hensall 690. r 15. 4680x3 REAL BARGAIN—Brand new complete service for eight, International stainless .silverware, limed oak chest, lined with plush blue velvet and white satin. Pat- tern "Christiana". modern design, with ery plain qualities. Still packed in orig- inal carton A real steal. PHONE 681-J, anytime. 4678x4 You'll Hear Better The SONOTONE Way For free boolet, send this advertisement to Dept. S-1. REVELL HEARING SERVICE Box 1, London. 4677-7 FOR SALE—Choice Mac and Cortland apples at prices from $1.75 per bushel to $3.00 for choicest. Bring own containers. We will also have Delicious and Spys af- ter October 10th. BLAKE BROS.' ORCH- ARDS, two corners north of Walton and L, mile east, on 14th concession of Grey Township. New storage right at road- side. Open all hours, including week- ends. 4679x5 FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS or USED CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY contact GIFFEN TRUCK EQUIPMENT LIMITED 5461 Yonge Street, WILLOWDALE, ONT. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR CARETAKER ANT) OPERATOR HENSALL ARENA Tenders to be in the hands of the Secre- tary not later than October 16, 1957. Duties to continence on or before Novem- ber 1, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P, L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary -Treasurer, Hensall. 4678-8 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope -ith mire lict, 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples 61.00: Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of OSWALD WALKER All persons having claim; against the ?:state of Oswald Walker, late of the Vil- lage of Cromarty, it] the County of Perth. Gentleman, deceased, who ,died on the 28th day of July, 1957, are hereby notified to send in full tfhrtiehlarei"bf their^clainto to the infeef4igned otrbr .tfdfoye the 2stb day, bf Odthber, 10.67, atter prhicb date the. ad;et'b <l9in Tic dfeti'ihtffed, having regArd Mill, to claims Hien received. .DATED at Seaforth, this lot day of De>fabcr, 1957. 14TcCfi :WELL de S .ARZ 'Sated* tT �W%i soiioitatt s~br the Estate, 4600.8 All cattle are calfhood vaccinated. Sale will be held under cover. Terms—Cash. D'ARCY RATHWELL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4680-1 The Grey - Bruce - Huron Aberdeen An- gus Association are holding their Annual FALL SALE at the Walkerton Sales Arena on Thursday, October 17th at 2 p.m., E.D.S.T. The cattle carry some of the most popu- lar blood lines and will be inspected day of Sale The sires will ,be eligible for the Prem- iums of 20% up to $60.00. All are welcome. Catalogues on re- quest. THOMAS TODD, Lucknow - President RUSSELL BARCLAY, Tara - Secretary 4680-1 GREY -BRUCE Hereford Breeders' ;'ALL SALE to beheld in the Coliseum Fair Grounds Owen Sound October 18th — 1:30 p.m. 16 MALES and 10 FEMALES The males have been inspected and eligible for Government grant. 46801 COMPLTE DISPERSAL REGISTERED HEREFORDS INCLUDING TWO HERDS AND SIRES (Accredited and Vaccinated) Howard C. Wright, Cromarty Art Finlayson, Kippen Herd Sires --C, A. Larry Domino 48th; Del Zento Portage Plus — 10 cows, calf by sides; 10 bulls and heifers. Thursday, October 17th at 2 p.m., D.S.T. Sale at Finlayson's Farm, RR 3, Kippen. Auctioneer—W S. O'Neil. 4680x1 17th Annual Sale of Registered HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. 2 miles north-east of For- est; 28 miles north-east of Sarnia; 1/4 mile east of Highway No. 21 SATURDAY, OCT. 12th inanscorg 32 HEAD 15 Bulls, around 1 year old 17 .Bred Heifers, -- all,are bred to Bright A ixer 12 J HERD FULLY ACCREDITED BULLS BLOOD TESTED HEIFERS CALFEOOD • VV&THATED Ail are eligible • ; for American .Registration. tale at 2 p.ml. • Catalogue Mr' :Request. W. S., O'Neil, Auctioneer. Winners of the turkey draws, sponsored by Seaforth Lions Club, were: Mrs. Peter McIver and Mrs. Mutton, Seaforth, and James E. McQuaid, RR 5, Seaforth. The draws, which took place in Frank Kung's store Saturday night, were made by William Leyburn, James R. Scott and Miss McCullough, of Blyth. Hensall Council Reviews Progress Of Street Work Street reports were thetopic at Hensali Council Monday night, when all members were present. E. R. Davis reported that the grading of all gravel streets was underway, and suggested that a 'coat of gravel was needed on all of them. The dead wood is being remov- ed from the trees along the streets and stop signs are being erected. Mr. Davis also reported that the dishes had been returned to be village hall from the arena. e- garding the dump, Mr. Davis thought that the hours should be changed, so that the dump would be open in the afternoons, instead of in the evenings. Councillor G. Schwalm reported that a tree in front of C. Wilkin - son's residence was dead, and permission was given for its re- moval. I Permission was granted to the IOOF to bold their Hallowe'en par- ty in the Hall and also a dance the next night to help defray the costs. The lodge was represented before council by E. Munn. ' Clerk J. A. Paterson reported that 1957 taxes so far amount to $14,677.64. The clerk also stated that the county engineer said work would likely start on street ex- cavation in two weeks. In reviewing the voters' list, some changes were suggested by council. 1 Services of the former mechanic of the fire department were term- inated and a. by-law was prepared appointing Thomas Lavender . to this position. Correspondence read included: Department of Transport; Usborne Township assessment; Georgian Bay District Funeral Service As- sociation; Imperial Oil; Huron County Municipal Officers' Assoc- iation; Frank Cowan Company; Municipal World; Receiver Gen- eraI; County Magistrate; Mid - Western Ontario Development As- sociation; Fire Marshal; Ontario Provincial Police; Pedlar People Limited; Workmen's Compensa- tion; Ontario Treasury Depart- ment; South Huron District High School; Bell Telephone; Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs; Bell & Laughton—same considered and filed. Charges were worked out for that portion of public liability premium payable by the PUC and the Arena. The PUC waterworks will be charged $28.25 -and the Arena $65.60. Bills and accounts read and passed included: G. Hess, print- ing, $96.50; Pedlar People Limited, signs, $143.40; E. Fink, repairs to Halls $22.71; Hensall PUC, Hydro for Hall, $10.15; T. C. Joynt, crests for police, $9.25; Drysdale Hard- ware, supplies, $24.27; Flintkote Co., Colas, streets, $44.71; J. A. Paterson, premium on liability policy, $263.66; L. E. Hay, coal for Hall, $174.40; Bell Telephone, services, $19.45; E. Munn, labor, 'dump $2.50, streets $26; relief, $30; Receiver General, income tax, $3.50; E. R. Davis, salary, $213.16; C. Kipfer, postage, $5.00; J. A. Paterson, exchange 62c, tax adjustments $1.85; C. Reid, cart- age, $20,04; South Huron District High School, part rates, $2,384.53. Total?$3,495.70. ' WI NOTES Seaforth Women's ,Institute will hold their -regular meeting in the Seafo%'th District High School on Thursday •'event,, Ott. 2r at 8:30 o'clock, DST."' Mra. Mae Hille- brecht and Mrs. W. Leeming will be in, charge of the Meeting. 'Guest speaker is Miss Florence P. Eadie, from the Home Econ- omica -Department Branch, Toron- to. Miss Eadie will show pictures of her trip around the world. While at Ceylon she attended the ACWW Confetence. . In'at!tltl:es. who 'have been Inuits ed are. iiulslinf Waken, CranbrOok, Iliippeni and the Seaforth Senior Ins 'tithe, as well as others 1.0.001 err >>s° gi r. er% is l fro 3 lw`� . . . '..e.,;o,i 1 f' ��cxp•�: ,^ Lel Itl1 Illness; d Mrs,axd�d d peb5'4 o,t WOO, ., a114 oyd, Vernet an POTA 40401, Y o St,• Cat latiu s,; spent the °weeks�d 'With lfrs Ca ierine.• Redden and',famlly, Aii'an later; has keen con; flied to , her home with illess nv Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Real a id tamely, St. Marys, spent $}1}lda with Mr. and Mrs. 'raajg .Bean. Dr..1. J. Sidey; PreSt011t ;ai t1,713 King's College, "l%;ingstonl - ISTMva Scotia, was a guest at the" Queeps,- may Nursing Home Monday, when a group of friends met to Were -dine' him. The Toronto Chapter of the Alumni, of which Mr. E. Burt, is president, met with Dr. Sidey and discussed plans for the 1957-58 Class. Mr. William Smith, manager of General Coach Works of Canada, and party of officials from Mar- lette, Mich., returned from a hunt- ing expedition in Northern On- tario with three moose. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will meet for their October meeting on Monday, Oct. 14. Rally day services will be ob- served at Chiselhurst United Church Sunday, Oet. 13, at 2:30 p.m., with a combined service of Sunday School and church togeth-' er.. Special Thanksgiving services will be held Sunday, -Oct. 13, at 11 a.m.; in the United Church. Rev. C. D. Daniel for his 'sermon topic will speak on "How Do We Thank God?" The choir will render spe- cial music, and the church will be decorated accordingly. YPU Names Officers The first meeting of the Hensall- Chiselhurst Young People's Union for the year 1957-58 was held in the schoolroom of the United Church with President Nelson Me- Clinchey presiding, who also con- ducted the worship service which centred around "Missions and World Outreach." The fall Young People's rally is to be held Oct. 15 at James Street United Church, Exeter. The speaker will be Laton Ford, a member of Billy Graham's Surprise Visit Marks Anniversary Sixty friends and neighbors paid a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Keys Saturday evening fol- lowing their recent 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent playing novelty euchre, af- ••" ter which Mrs. Robert Doig read Neighbors Aid Kenzie presented the bride and Stricken Family Mrs. Wilson Allan, RR 4, Sea - forth, formerly of Hensall, is con- fined to her home suffering with a very painful injury to her 'foot. Mrs. Allan was gathering eggs in', the hay mow and while descending with the eggs in one hand and a fork in the other, had the misfor- tune to run the prong of the fork through her foot. She *as at- tended by Dr. E. A. McMaster, of Seaforth. Hensall Kinettes held a theatre party Tuesday evening with Exe- ter Kinettes to celebrate their first birthday. Winners of the two draws were Mrs. Ross Jinks and Mrs. Conrad McRoberts. Mrs. Ralph' Geuttner, past president of Exeter Kinettes, presented Mrs. John Heal, president of the Hen- sel' group, with a gift on Behalf of the Exeter club. In a story on Page, 3, the Clin- ton group realized $825 from their penny sale, not $750 as erroneous- ly reported if! that story. -, New Members Received Helen Margaret Goddard, Mary Jean Scane, Judith Ann Elder, Sharon Marie Elder, Douglas John Shirray, William George Ingram, Gregory Walter Spencer, Robert Ernest Mickle, Robert Jerry Drys- dale, Carolyn Joyce Smillie, Patri- cia Margaret Rowe, Barbara Di- anne Rannie and June Lorraine were received into membership of Hensall United Church Friday ev- ening at the preparatory service. They received their first commun- ion Sunday morning at the regular morning services. Rev. C. D. Dan- iel spoke on "Communion .Medi- tation," The choir sang an an- them, "Take Thou My Hand," un- der direction of Mr. Sam Rannie, with Miss Greta Lammie at the organ console. the following address, and Mrs. tiSading team, , . fastyea 's eMe0.rs 'Oro. ele(ted with' aoxne repjaCOm41j 61 as tfollaws: president,. i efsrnc , e-. G.bnchey , Ylee presiidrint, MISS: Gwen Spender; secretary', Mx s brie !Ijortari:,; treasurer, Mlss,May Ann Ranlpie; Convenegs, CblElBi k ellowship, Miss Geraldine P&rkti er;, Missionary,' Miss Nornw,a 4,Pass- 1 e; Citizenship, Charles 1Viickie recreation, 'Ken Kercher. Rev. C. D. Daniel showedR'fit; "Through 'the Looking Glass,". in connection with .improvements in the church. The next two meet- ings will be held on October 27 in Clinton, and on November 10 at Main Street United Church, Exe- ter. Suffers Foot Injury Aaron Jantzi and Mrs. Gordon Mc - groom of 25 years with a match- ing trilight lamp and table lamp: Dear Jean and Jim: Twenty- five years ago last 21st of Septem- ber is a day Jean and Jim will always remember; on that day a promise to each other they did make, and each have tried hard that promise not to break. Now, ;your neighbors and friends have gathered her tonight to see that you spend the next twenty-five years -right; we know you heard us coming and will be glad to see us go, but perhaps you will think back and laugh, when the time is passing slow. Jean baked lots for Jim and a lot of others too; Jim helped Jean and helped his neigh- bors. quite a few; they built a home together and raised a family three, in this good community their help was also free. We have all put our nickles in, and a few dimes too, and bought-• something we hope will be of use to you. It isn't the gift that matters, but the mem- ories it brings back to you, let's Sisk Jim for 'a speech, I'm through. `Signed on behalf of your friends and. neighbors. Mr. Keys made a fitting reply, and a delicious lunch was served. On leaving, everyone wished the bride and groom many more years of happily married life. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. M. Goodsell, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple this week. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires spent the weekend with Mrs. Squire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Sr. :Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, of Bluevale, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Mrs. L. Rushcall and children are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mrs. Rushcall willNeave shortly to, make her, home in Winnipeg. WA Meets The October meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held Tues- day afternoon in the Sunday School room. Mrs. L. Eyre led the devo- tions, opening with Hymn 354. The scripture reading was from the 17th chapter of St. John. Mrs. W. Scott gave the topic and closed this part of the meeting with Hymn 360. The president, Mrs. John Broad - foot, conducted the business. The Mary Stewart Collect was repeat ed and roll call was'answered with a Thanksgiving verse. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Har- vey Taylor and Mrs. Moffat re- ported for the manse committee. It was decided that the members of the WA would again, save Betty Crocker boxtojis (cereal as well as calve mixes), to be sent away be- fore November 30.,,,Group leaders were asked to appoint canvassers to „receive new subscriptions, as welt as renewals, _to The Huron Expositor. A , nuinber of handker-, chiefs ' were handed •in for the bazaar, which vtilll be held Friday• afternoon, Noverhber 1st. The meeting closed with the WA hymn and prayer, During the social hour, in charge of ,Group .} the 'following program , wa's!'i�resened. Mrs.' Davison, gave a �'eadutg on "Thanksgiving', anis' also "The - Diary of a Bible ]+o one,'ireax,," showing how the tead.-; ink of tae '»"ibi i`s,, being negleet-. ed. ,, lits. George, Ieiud soil. g .vie, alageo ���,,aAb,clsllYty'llo. • • Neighbors and friends of' Mr. and Mrs. Don Hulbert, of RR 3, Zurich, who suffered heavy losses in a recent windstorm, met in Zur- ich Community Centre Friday eve- ning to tender them . a benefit dance and to present them with a purse of money, containing $180, proceeds from the dance. A love- ly teddy bear, drawn for in a raf- fle and won by Mrs. Oesch, of Zurich, realized $19. Desjardine's orchestra furnished music for the dance gratis, and the hall was also donated gratis. Mr. Hulbert, who suffered two; fractures of his leg and has been in a body cast, is now able to get around a little with crutches. The affair was well attended. District Obituaries W. 11. McLEAN KIPPEN.—W.'H. McLean, "Rip - pen, passed away in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital Wednesday morning. He was taken to the hospital Tues- day evening with a heart condi- tion. In his 77th year, he was born in the Kippen area, where he! resided all his life. He was a member of Hensall Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his widow, the former Agnes McCloy; one son, Bernard Sandford, Kitchener, and two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Hay and Miss Jean McLean, Seaforth, Resting at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, public funeral ser- vice will be held Friday at 2:00 p.m. Service will be conducted by , Rev. Donald MacDonald, with in- terment in Hensall Union Ceme- tery. nyQne wishingto heave ,parkii gas stations or clitiivews paved, contact LAV1S CONTRACTING LIMITED CLINTON Phone . HU. 2-6694� NOiIEF OTORING PUBLIC The New Cities Service Station on Goderich Street in Seaforth is now open, and I look for- ward to serving all my friends.. GEORGE H. MILLER Lessee. Phone 149 Seaforth Need ter WIndows? 30 Aluminum Storm Windows - HA OF USED WOODEN WINDOWS 'and DOORS Received as trade-ins on Winter - Seal Aluminum Doors &i J Windows No charge for measuring your requirements '. CALL Jackson 0 Phone: , Warehouse 3W Residence 3J 11%U1UflhiIUIl Huron County's Finest Used Car, Market 1957 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN $2350 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN LLUU fully equipped 1495 1956 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN automatic transmission, fully equipped 2060 1952 DODGE SEDAN 795 1956 CHEV. 'DELUXE SEDAN 2150 /tutor/10c tr'aitso issionrffi$y equipped ,L 'J 2---19156 PONTIAC SEDAN , 2150 automatic transmisslon$dffuJly equipped Y 1,955 CHEV. COACH, 'M with V„6 Motor 1 SSi1 :1954 _CHEV, SEtIAN 1355 1951 FORD SEDAN 750 AISO A NUMBER OF OLDER, CARS TRUCKS 1949 DODGE f/t-TON PICKUP A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars—Many other Models to 3' choose from • *"gONE 73-X 01110 no C,Idietter ifs(zd Cars” 1�; OPEN EVERY EVENJ111G • -5 • • • r • v • •