HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-10-04, Page 7Pt UEAD• OF E. Claytolnr Corlr lfh'�au Vice.Prresitdent: 'H-airry "Goatees. '?t.R i,, Centl:'aliti GRxr.,, iol 2,„a.b.iTrttoy1i4;i M'f.iin am B,na :DIRECTS-�MMaFe eY u AixR.R.mitcliel.;;• ,, AGENTR-Thos. G Ballantyne, $;R Woodham; Clayn Harris, Mitchell; -Stanley Hocking, Mit: ct%114 SOLICITOi ' W G. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY -TREASURER -Ar- thur eraser, Exeter,• tier GranQnt ria qtr' ChUreh,officiatedat lagmondville last *�, udi ay, whdle_ DIr -Semple preached anniversary se icesrm his chug hr . Mr. S.1t Whitmore, Mrs, Gladys; Wallis,. Mrs. William Wase' an Miss. Ethel Washington, .ef Ggde-: rich, were. ,visitorswith Mr. and Mrs, F. fRow.iisena on, Sunday• The'fdrst Sector dinner• ; was held in Ontario St, Church S'edneedey VETERANS CAB Under ..New Management RAY CHAMBERS,,, Prop. Passengers •Insured E 362 SEAFORTH 7i #tally;$ erOlaefiv Church on Sunday at >"ea.,In r' . Capacity' audiences listened to n Semple of Egn101 viue, ;at tbc` 1'United ::Cbur4 des aniiivers ;, Ary occasion last Sunday+ Pr. Sen i pie's g niorilinsn sect. was, "1 Happened ,in ,Palestine; It �u d Happen. Clinton," with scripture reading, uke 9 oin L:16-22, '401141i , the, evening his. subject was ` The' Present. Outlook Ear Rcligioii,". with scripture reading from Meat- thein 28:16-20,, and his text from Habakkuk 2 1, Special' prinsic was sul�Plied by the choir and the; guest soloist Vas Mrs. Richard Gownian, of Goderich, who sang two solos at each .service, .,Anthems sung Were °`While the Earth Renaaineth" by Maunder old "Blessed Be the NOtle of the Lord" by Maunder. 1111111 • SAFEST FOR YOUR CAR PERMA-FAL 100% Approved Ethylene Glycol WITH COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER There's not a safer anti -freeze in the whole wide world than PERMA-FILL. Made exclusively for Canadian Tire by the largest manufacturer of Ethylene Glycol, PERMA-FILL stands HEAT as well as COLD - gives complete all-weather security. PERMA-FILL gives more protection than you'll ever need - 100% Approved Ethylene -Glycol with special cooling Isys- tem conditioners to prevent rust, corrosion, clogging, and foaming. Harmless to gaskets and car finishes; actually lengthens radiator hose life and lubricates the water pump. Safe all the way down to ,62° below zero. Use with any thermostat - never needs testing - stays at full strength. Fill up now with PERMA-FILL GALLON QUART 2.79 .74 f4' it IGNITION SPRAY Spray this tough plastic coating on .your ignition system. Seal out rain and condensation; protect against stalling and hard starting. 6 -oz. bomb .89 ALL -WINTER PROTECTION POLAR BRAND Full Strength Regular Grade Ethylene Glycol - PRICED FOR BIG SAVINGS Full-strength Regular -Grade Eth'y'lene Glycol -at a bargain price. Special inhibitor's. guard against 'rust and corrosion. Permanent anti -freeze protection keeps your car safe all winter long. Equal to many of the best known brands selling at much higher -.prices. Sold only in sealed containers. GALLON •QUART 2.49 .67 Moto -Master "SUPER" ANTI -FR EE1E 'r, 1.99 GALLON cumin .54 Concentrated Methyl -Hyd- rate base - blended with special Corrosion and raft inhibitors; evaporation re- tarded. Allows efficient car heater operation. Put in anti -freeze now. ANTI -FREEZE TESTER Accurately tests all types of antl-freeze .55 THERMOSTATS- Original equipment quality; most popular cars. From 1.10 RADIATORi�HOSE-Heavy duty, cut to length or moulded. As low as FT. .44 GAS"•PLOW - Put into gas tank - Prevents gas-Hhe freeze -ups - .24 RAD.FLUSH - Removes rust and scale safely from clogged rad. - .39 RAD. SOLDER - Seals leaks permanently, prevents anti -f ' loss .39' FAN BELTS Save up to SO%. Original equipment quality. Most - - .79 to 2.30 .49 WATER PUMP LUBRICANT -- Stops squeaks. Add to anti -freeze - WATER PUMP EXCHANGE 4i:15• a R ,ifaee original ✓ ee:pment et / rico- that save Up to 40%. HEAVY DUTY HEATER HOSE MOTOR HEATER W' diem. Per ft. Oft" diem. Por ft. VI' diem. Per a. .16 7.10 17 6-voll reversible re- placement type. Long. .19 life. errs 1 1 .<• E.:( (. 4/1-' ,714; of EXTENSION LAMP SET 2541. 3.19 15-11, heavy weather- proof cable. Re- flector guard, hunt - la switch. STEERING WHEEL COVER .36 Takes the chip off the steering wheat MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL FRANCIS WHALING, seen fol- lowing their marriage in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin. The bride, the former Angela Rose Givlin, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin, Dublin, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Miehael Whaling, St. Pauls. For their honeymoon, the couple travelled to Montreal and Quebec. CHURCH GROUPS REPORT MEETINGS FIRST CHURCH WMS Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell presid- ed at the September meeting of the WMS Senior Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church last Tuesday afternoon and opened the meeting with the poem, "Something Over," followed by prayer. Mrs. J. MacTavish's group pre- sented a helpful program. Miss Hattie Murray read the scripture lesson. The hymns were chosen by Mrs. James Kerr and Mrs. J. J. Sclater. Miss M. Laidlaw received the offering, and Mrs. R. N. Dor- ranee sang a solo entitled, "The Peace That Jesus Gives Never Dies." The topic on "Formosa was ably taken by Mrs. J. B. Russell. Because Formosa is .the only com- munist -free part of China, the eyes and ears of the world are on it today. Mrs. Russell told of its early history, of the work among the leper and tubercolsis patients, and of the work done by the newly - formed church since the mission- aries were forced to leave in 1945. The Chinese Nationalists allowed the missionaries to take over the schools, and the young people there today are education hungry. She also told of• an elderly native Christian woman, Chivan, and her work . among the hill people. Through the influence of her teach- ing, sometimes when her life was endangered, there are now 4,000 aborigine belie vers and 12 new churches have been built by these people themselves without any sup- port from others. It is said, "when the church is finished it is always the best building in the village." Mrs. J. William Thompson gave interesting current. events, and al- so closedthe meeting with prayer. NORTHSIDE THANKOFFERING The fall thankoffering of the WMS of Northside United Church opened witha large attendance, with the local and community Mis- sionary Societies attending. Mrs. Clarence Walden opened the meeting with the poem, "We LADIES' GUILD St. Thomas' Anglican Church .is holding a RUMMAGE SALE In the Parish Hall - Saturday, Oct. 5th from 1 to 5 p.m. FRESH BAKED FOR TASTY EATING CLEARY'S I.G.A. SEAFORTH Eloniers Call?spbell, :of':, .angled znarria e+ rOWS eve Ar IVt4elilillan, s; Chan inCCnerrini r.. Andrew"s United Church; t- Saturday, Sept. at • 2' P.ud The bride:, is the daughter .of 14,• and Mrs RA/OMR :A,nderson,.. of ILR 2,: Hensall.; and the gro'oin s parents are Mr: and Mrs, Earl Cainpbell, Exeter. Standards of pink and white gladioli formed an attractive setting for the cere- mony. The bride was lovely in a bal- lerina length gown of white Chan tilly lace and net over taffeta :with (matching bolero. A beaded head- dress held her fingertip yell,and her bridal bouquet, was red aiid white roses. Mrs. Larry Cronyn, of Centra- lia, sister of the groom, was ma- tron of honor, gowned in turquoise lace and net, ballerina length, with matching ` headdress, and carried pink carnations and white roses. Ron Anderson, of Hensall, broth- er of the bride, was groomman. For the reception held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Anderson received wearing a dress of dove blue with corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. Campbell chose a gown in shades of brown with which she wore a ' corsage of yel- low rosebuds. For their wedding trip to Mani- toulin Island and points north, the bride wore a rust ensemble with accessories in black, and orchid corsage. The young couple will re- side near Exeter. ECKEL-FERG Thank Thee, Lord." Hymn 5771 HENSALL.-A charming autumn was sung. Mrs. J. Scott, presi- wedding was solemnized at the dent, welcomed the visitors and home of Mr. and Mrs. Blighton read Wilson McDonald's poem, "A Ferg, of Hensall, Saturday, Sept. Song of Colour," which was par- 21, at 2 p.m., when their daughter, titularly fitting at this time of Bernice Alice Ferg, became the racial trouble to the south of us. bride of Charles Edward Eckel, son The business was dealt with, and of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel, of on motion of Mrs. B. F. Christie RR 1, Varna. Rev. Charles D. Dan - and Mrs. W. Dundas, the minutes lel, minister of Hensall United were approved as read. :Church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. P. B. Moffat reported com- Tall standards of pink and white munity friendship calls of 99 home gladioli formed an attractive set - and 69 hospital. The Sectional ting for the ceremony. Miss Joyce meeting will be held in Winthrop Whittaker played traditional wed - October 9. Hymn. 579 was sung, ding finusic. followed by prayer by Mrs. W. I The bride, given in marriage by Dundas, with special prayer for her father, was lovely in a bailer - the Mission being held Sept. 29 to ina length dress of Guipure lace October 4. Mrs. Knight read the over net and satin, trimmed with scripture, St. John's Gospel, 14th seed pearls, and sequins. A cap chapter. - headdress of lace trimmed .with Interesting items of the United seed pearls and sequins held her Church were very ably given by fingertip veil, and she carried a Mrs. B. Hall. It is very interest- 'white Bible with lace trim, crested ing to note there were 238 student with red roses: ministers appointed to serve small Miss Geraldine Harburn, of Hen - communities, the majority in the Prairie Provinces. In regard to work among the In- dians, we are responsible for 22,- 100 Indian people. There are 56 missions, upon which are 43 day schools. There are nine ordained ministers and two WMS workers assisting 5,667 .Chinese people in 14 centres. Along with this work there are also so many other points of work. Coastal Missions have eight boats; 164,857 new people came to. Canada in 1956. The Unit- ed Church operated 15 hospitals in 1956. "The Sunday School in the Home by Mail and Air" serves 2,177 families. There are 5,500 children involved and 24 radio sta- tions use the programs. The av- erage givings were 723/4c per week' per family, and 684 new families were enrolled in 1956. The stu- dent missionaries enrolled 45 per cent of these. The offering was received by Mrs. B. F. Christie, Mrs. M. Ber- ger, Mrs. A. W. Sillery and Mrs. W. Dundas. Mrs. J. Scott offer- ed prayer. Mr. Bert Dennis, of Bethel United Church, favored with two violin selections, "Bless This House" and "Danny Boy," which were much enjoyed. Mrs. R. Fennell was called on to speak of Miss Roulston, the spe- cial speaker, who is a former Sea- forthite, and was here at Scott Memorial Hospital from 1928-44. All enjoyed Miss Roulston's talk very much, of her work among Canadian Indians. She had a num- ber of very interesting pictures, maps and Indian work on display. Mrs. Neil Bell favored with a solo, "Green Pastures," accom- panied by Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Talbot spoke very nicely of the guest speaker, Miss Roulston, and thanked her; also Mr. Glenn Dennis and Mrs. N. Bell for their contributing numbers. Hymn 241 was sung and bene- diction by Mrs. Scott brought the meeting to a close. Huron Farm News The resulting fine weather has aided the harvesting of beans. Some fall wheat is still to be plant- ed. Some heavy cattle are finding a market in the States at advan- tageous prices. There is still a SEAFO o pi,,; T. Pryde •ALL Tfr§§ i9I<".. CEMETERY MEH•.oRIA Ii►gtdries• are invited. Telephone •Ntt'mbers Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 Seafo" sall, as bridesmaid, chose a bal- lerina length dress of green Gui- pure lace and net over taffeta. She wore a green feather bandeau, and carried a nosegay of pink sweetheart roses and white pin- niochi. John Eckel, of RR 1, Varna, was his brother's groomsman. For the reception which follow- ed the ceremony, the bride's moth- er wore a gown of ice blue, and the groom's mother chose a cos- tume of navy blue. Both wore cor- sages of pink roses and Pinniochi. The bridal table centred a three -tiered wedding cake, flanked with red roses and pink and white tapers. For travelling on their wedding trip to points east, the bride wore a blue fleck tweed suit with acces- sories in black and white, and cor- sage of red roses. Guests were present from Lis- towel, Monkton and Hensall. The young couple will reside in Hensall. 1 DE VRIES-MEINEN Miss Ann Meinen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Berend Meinen, RR 2, St. Pauls, was married to Jacob de Vires, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sjoerd de Vries, Seaforth, in Trin- ity Anglican Church, Mitchell, with Rev. F. Tomkinson, rector of the church, and Rev. J. Overduin, of the Christian Reform Church, St. Thomas, officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length sat- in gown covered with white Chan- tilly lace, a beaded headdress and fingertip veil. She carried a bou- quet of red roses and white steph- anotis. Miss Frances Meinen, RR 2, St. Pauls, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, wearing a light blue taf- feta dress, matching bolero, and white headdress, and carrying a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. S. de Vries, Jr., Seaforth, broth- er -of the bridegroom, was best man. In the evening a wedding party was held at the Legion Hall, Mit- chell. For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride chose a light blue dress of crystalette, with matching bolero. When they return the couple will make their home in Sebringville. large number of good cattle yet to Guests at the wedding were from be marketed. Some new flocks of Hamilton, New Jersey, U.S.A., sheep are being established thisStratford, Seaforth and surround - fall. I ing district. L. it 91112oU oecCq tree! 'Rade 'Era sir's new Cheest Casserek Sedge. Send today CHEESE FESTIVAL • DA)Pky PARM6pn on eitisAbe gdar��8ir tsl�rer.f'of&irto SELLIN CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING! Storage Available We can handle your wet beans. E. L. Mickle Son. Phone 103 : "Hensall` BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL • DIRECTORY • MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 : Seaforth If no answer, call 59 JOHN A. GORWILL, BA., MD. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, BA., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 DR. E. MALKUS Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. VETERINARY TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL & S-TEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 AUCTIONEERS O7TOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist? Phone 791 Seaforth t: Eyes examined - Glasses Fitted'', MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH • .Office Hours:.:.. Seaforth, :i3edj;4 except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30,14a.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. -1230 ,pot;;;:. Thursday evenings by appointment: only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.-530. p.m. .(Above Hawkins' & Jacob's° Hardware.) ACCOUNTING A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343. Licensed Municipal Auditor. CHIROPRACTIC DENNIS and WILDFONG Auctioneers Graduates of Reisch American School of Auctioneering. Licensed in Huron, Perth and Waterloo. Capable of handling all types of sales -large or small. DON DENNIS, R.R. 1, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 ROY WILDFONG, R.R. 2, Walton Phone Seaforth 831 r 5 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic : - Foot Corrections, COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to :s. p.m.= INSURANCE The McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont: OFFICERS: President - Wm. F. Alexander Walton Vice -Pres. - Robert Archibald; Seaforth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3. L Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archly bald, Seaforth; John H. McEwingy Blyth; William S. Alexander, Wali';.;°`i ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; dg. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister'. Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr:, Londe% boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen,, Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. 00000000000 W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls - 335 0 O O 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOX o Funeral Service 0 R. S. ROX 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 o VrndiAltind careful attention 0 DospitaI 'Bed O 0 p'LOWEltS FOR :ALL 0 O OCCASIONS 0 0 ' ?hones: 0 0 Res. 59544' Store 43.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Ser'viice, O DUBLIN : ONT. O Night or Day Calls: O Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *00000000 O Faire 0 GoderiehA� O Asti LA'1 i Adjdl§tabie tor; O FLOW'E1 r" 0 Odd Telephenet tti' j5"