The Huron Expositor, 1957-09-13, Page 4YS;TIT�ii. vfM+ti"'1n iG-1}, ou,, .spac r!AT"'<t >947 str, e Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates AI.E, WANTED, LOST AND 1F'OiJND, ETC. -- Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 43 Cent 3rd Week l,4 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. 0. of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 0 cents per week. :. ,;0:jpiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. :Oen cents additional will be charged if ado in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. ,Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. 'Coming Events FOWL SUPPER -- In Duff's Church, Walton, Wednesday, October 23rd. . 46263. FOWL SUPPER--Egmondville United Church, Wednesday, October 9th, Further announcements later. 4676-1 THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY are hold- ing their rummage sale, Saturday, October 28th. 4676-1 BARN DANCE -Jim Griffin's new barn. 5 miles north of St. Marys, on the East River Road, r. mile from Motherwell, Friday, September 13, from 9;30 to 1:30. Door prize. Blue Ranger Orchestra. 4676-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTED ---Girl for .part-time of- fice work; afternoons only. Some typing desirable. Possibility of full-time work. Apply Box 653, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4676-1 WANTED -Girl to assist with general housework in family with children, to live in; all modern conveniences. Good salary. Liberal time off. Private room. Good home for young girl. Box 654, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4676x2 HELP WANTED Stenographer with shorthand and gen- eral knowledge of office work. Pleasant working conditions in modern office. Group insurance, etc, SEAFORTH SHOES LTD. Seaforth, Ont. 4675-tf APPLICATIONS Lost and Found LOST --Off railroad tracks on Sept. 4th, 160 -foot rubber hose. Finder please re- tuxn and save.. trouble. ST1tW ART 110l - MA(,E. Phone 844 r 2, Seaforth. 4676x1 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1955 Dodge Regent. ip a1 condition; low mileage. PHONE 2 Seaforth. 4675-2 Poultry FOR SALE -400 Red Wyandotte cross eel'ets. starting to lay. HARTMAN HIIJ SSE R, Ekmondville. 4676x2 FOR SALE -100 New Hampshire and 0ussex pullets, started to lay. Apply to NORMAN LONG, Kippen. Phone Hen- sall 695 - 15. 4676-1 FOR SALE -150 pullets, Swift's Sky - Hi layers, W.L. x R.I.R.. five months old laying. JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. ,. Seaforth. Phone 665 r 16. 467445 FOlt SALE -Laying pullets, Leghorn pullets laying a large percentage 'A' large eggs There is a spread of 23c difference between pullet and 'A' large eggs. These ',Wets are 32.00 each. We are putting in 16,000 Rinber chicks this fall. This is a .new Leghorn with the large egg size. For more information, write c1 'hone. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM H.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3. 4673x4 For Sale FOR SALE -Two pups. will be received up to September 21, 1957, EARL RYAN, Seaforth. for Apply to 4676-1 OrganOrganist - Choir Leader PHOFOR SALE -Quantity of quart ist NE 83.1 r _ , Seaforth. (Hammond organ) for Egmondville United Church. Applicants must state qualifications and salary expected. Apply: IVAN FORSYTH, R.R. 2. Kippen Chairman Music Committee. 4674-3 Wanted AT1r,NTION, FARMERS - Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and bides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4675-tf WANTED --Small apartment at once. Apply to Box 649, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4675x2 WANTED TO BUY -Used Annex in good condition. WILLIAM HOEGY. Phone 58S -W, Seaforth. 4675-3 WORK WANTED -Girl, 17, desires of- fice work. Has four years of high school and knowledge of typing and •bookkeep- ing. Apply Box 647, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4675x2 WANTED TO BUY -I will buy a low- priced Austin. State price, year and con- dition. D. S. RYAN, Box 131, Seaforth. 4674-tf OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone collect 1483 J 4 or 1483.1 1, Code - rich. 4670x8 DEAD STOCK -Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 tbs. total. Phone col- lect: Seaforth 146. WILLIAM STONE SONS. LIMITED, Ingersoll. 4675-13 WANTED -Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hags. Call collect, BRUCE MAR- LATT, Att.; yod. Phone 8 or 138. 4675-tf Notices NOTICE -Custom whitewashing, barns, ben houses, etc. LOUIS MP/LONEY. Phone 64 r 10, Dublin. 4676x3 RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4675-tf BROTHER SEWING CENTRE - Ex- clusive distributors of world famous Brother sewing machine. For service or free home demonstration, write 42 Welling- ton St., Stratford, or phone 1634, Strat- ford. 4676x10 COMPLETE LAUNDETERiA In Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4675-tf FARMERS AND POULTRYMEN -Mr. Dean Williamson, of the Ventilation Divi- sion of Graham Metal Products, will be in Crown Hardware booth at the Seaforth Fall Fair to answer your questions about ventilation problems in your barn or poultry house. 4676x2 FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS or USED CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY contact Gti'rEN TRUCK' 'EQUIPMENT LIMITED 5461 Yonge Street, WILLOWDALE, ONT. NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 6 pm., until further notice E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4675-tt WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ' ASSOCIATION "Where Better ]#tins Are Deed" For artificial insemination information or service Prom all breeds of cattle, Phone GM :Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assaeiation at OLt TON T3ti. 2-3441, between 7:30 04$ 9:30 a,m We have all breeds avail - 3 d' -top qualiky at low chat. 4676 -til TN"G Sie".,Ne'21cot Lit*;] d• . sealers. 4676-1 FOR SALE -Coal and cement. Ask us for prices. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 r 13, Dublin. 4674x4 FOR SALE -Used Sunshine baby strol- ler., yellow. Cheap. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, :.u.hlin, 4676-1 FOR SALE--1'wo part -Hereford calves. Apply to STUART WILSON. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth, 4676-1 FOR SALE -Black mare, rising five years old: nicely marked and is good worker. JAMES SLOAN, Lot 10, Con. 7, McKillop• 4676x1 FOR SALE -Brand new Beatty washer, PFR -,..v BROWN, R.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 841 r 2. 4675-tf FOR SALE -Two used coal furnaces. suitable for church or school ; 1 small oil space heater. D. R. WOOD. Phone 23. 4676x1 NOW POURING delicious September honey: Amber, 20 cents; Golden, 22 cents; Clover. 25 cents, in your own containers. WALLACE ROSS APIARIIES,'Seaforth. 4676-1 FOR SALE -Purebred Landrace pigs. either sex. with or without papers. From stock with star litters at farmers' prices. JAMES EDWARD, Clinton. 4676-1 FOR SALE -Eight chunks, between SO and 100 pounds: 10 sows coming in this r'onth and also one boar. NICK VAN VUUGT, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 4676-1 FOR SALE -Boy's winter jacket with fur collar, size 14; also girl's station wagon coat, size 16; boy's gyan suit, size M. May be seen at FLANNERY CLEAN- ERS. 4676x1 FOR SALE -1956 30 -inch Westinghouse stove, fully automatic; 1954 Phillips 17 - inch TV set; also table. chairs, etc. Ap- ply Box 632, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4676x1 The Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co -Operative are holding their Fifth Annual Sale of FEEDER CATTLE - 2300 - at Wiarton on Thursday, Sept. 19, 1957 commencing at 10 a.m., D.S.T. All cattle sorted, graded, weighed and divided into truck load lots; 8 Hereford, 8 Shorthorn and 3 Aberdeen Angus bulls, eligible for 259 premium up to $60.00, will he offered for sale immediately after the commercial cattle are sold. T. STEWART COOPER Secretary Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co -Operative, Markdale, Ontario. 4676-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price Iict. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00: Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA - RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS BY TRUSTEE IN THE MATTER OF The Bulk Sales Act, AND JN THE MATTER OF the sale in hulk by Harold Kendrick and Mabel Kendrick of the Restaurant Business carried on at the Sopertest Service Sta- tion in the Town of Seaforth. TARE NOTICE that Harold Kendrick and Mabel Kendrick, formerly of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, have made a sale of the stock -in -trade and restaurant business and that I have been appointed trustee of the proceeds of the said sale under the provisions of the Bulk Sales Art. AND TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claims or demands against the said. Harold Kendrick and Mabel Ken- drick must 61e proof of their claims with me on er before the 20th day of Septem- ber, 1957, after which date I will dis- tribute the proceeds of the sale having regard to those elatnis only which I shall have then 'received notice. DATED this 23th stay'of August, A.D., 1957. DONALD IAN STEWART c q, ifleGONNELL ,& STEWART, Sealants, '1Ytttario: 4674-8 Notices "APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING" THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday, the thirteenth day of September, 1957, at the hour of half past one o'clock in the afternoon, (local time) at the Court House, eoderich, On- tario. for the hearing of all parties in- terested in support of or opposing the following by-law. BY-LAW NO. 28, 1957 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF 'rHE COUNTY OF HURON TO REGU- LATE THE LOCATION OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAN;' ADJACENT 'r0 COUNTY ROADS. WHEREAS, it is deemed to be necessary and desirable to regulate the location of buildings and structures on land adjacent to certain county roads; AND WHEREAS, authority is granted under Section 30(a) of The Highway Im- provement- Act as amended by Section 2 of The Highway Improvement Amendment Act 1954 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Municipal Board. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron enacts as follows: 31) No person shall erect any building or structure, any part of which is locat- ed closer to the nearest limit of any of the County roads or parts of the County roads, hereinafter defined than: 25 feet where the road is 100 feet wide, 42 feet where the road is 66 feet wide, and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allow- ance than 75 feet. 21 No person shall erect or install gaso- line pumrs: al closer than 60 feet from the centre line of the original road allowance b) on a curve or the crest of a hill c) on the tangent to a horizontal or vertical curve where the sight distance is less than 800 feet in each 'direction. (31 The County roads or parts of county roads defined by this by-law are as follows: The entire county road system as defined in Schedule "A" of By -Law No. 23, 1954, same and except such parts of the County road system which lie within the limits of any Town, Vil- lage, or Police Village within the County of Huron. (4) The Corporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk, may give no- tice to the Owner or Occupant of any land requiring him to remove or alter any building or structure erected af- ter the passing of this By -Law that does not comply with sections 1 and 2 and each notice und-r this section shall be in writing and sent by reg- istered mail, addressed to the Owner or Occupant of the land. (5) If the person to whom the notice is given. under section 4 above fails to' comply with it within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Corpora- tion of the County of Huron may direct any officer, employee or agent of the said Corporation to enter upon the land and do or cause to be done, ' whatever may be necessary, to re- move or alter such building or struc- ture mentioned in said notice. 16) Every person who violates any of the provisions of Sections 2° and 3 or fails to comply with the notice given under Section 4, shall be guilty of an offence. and on summary conviction shall be liahle to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars 1850.00) for each offence and the continuance of the condition constituting an offence' for each week after conviction, therefore, shall con- stitute a new offence. (71 This By -Law shall come into effect upon the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Read a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 14th day of June, 1957. (Signed) A. H. ERSKINE Huron County Clerk. (Signed) HAROLD GOWDY Warden. County of Huron, 4675-2 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE A farm in Hay Township on 84 High- way, of 125 acres, of choice land, con- sisting of a 9 -room frame house with modern kitchen with built-in cupboards. Has drilled well with hot and cold water on tap. Has two pressure systems with both hard and soft water on tap through- out buildings. Has double garage, hen- house, pig pen. Ninety-five acres under cultivation ; balance in bush and pasture. Apply URBAN DUCHARME, Three miles west of Hensall. 4675-tf Cards of Thanks WE WiSH TO THANK all who assisted at our fire Labor Day night. Special thanks to the Seaforth and Brucefield Fire Brigades and the neighbors who came the next day. Your kindness was much ap- preciated. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT GEMMELL 2676-1 Births BANNON -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bannon, Seaforth, a daughter. CAMPBELL -At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, August 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Bay- field. a son. DENNIS--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dennis, RR 1, Walton, a son. ELLIGSEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 9, to Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Elligsen, Int 2, Walton, a son. HIGGINS--Mr. and Mrs, John Higgins, of Hensall, formerly of Scotland. are hap- py to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday. September 7, 1957. KOSTENIUK-At Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday. September 2, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kosteniuk, R.R. 3, Wal- ton, a son. KYLE --Dave and Mildred (nee Follick) Kyle are happy to announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hospital. ,on Saturday September 7, 1957. A brother for Steve, Nancy and Gary, and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. George Fol - lick and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Sr., Hensall. MUSTARD -At Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, August 27, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Mustard, Brucefield, a son (brother for Stewart and Neil). SNOWDON -At Scott ,Memorial Hospital, on September $, to Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald ,Snowdon, Seaforth, a daughter.. t STAPLES -At Scott Memorial hospital, on September 9, to- Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Stfrples, St, Ooliidnbatl, a daugh- ter, nx,W „Cvn,RtiCz's!V Melvin Glanville Cut By Harvester Melville Glanville, RR 1,, Hen: sail, is in Scott Memorial Hospital; with severe lacerations received when he was run over by a forage harvester.. The accident occurred on the the farm of James Devereaux, east of Seaforth, on Monday, when Mr, Glanville, in some manner, fell from the tractor he was driving, in front of a forage harvester. At, tended by Dr. John A. Gorwill, he was rushed to hospital. District Girls Win At Western Several hundred girls from eight counties won honorable mention at Western Fair, London, on Monday for 4-H homemaking club pro- grams. Judging was in three groups: The first for those with 80 per cent proficiency, who have com- pleted six projects, and attended 75 per cent of club meetings; the second group for those with 70 per cent, completed four projects and attended 75 per cent of the meetings; third group for those with 60 per cent, completed four projects, and attended 60 per cent of the meetings. Results of those taking part from Huron County are as follows: First Group -Jean Broadfoct, Brucefield; Doreen Brock, Gran- ton; Marie Jarrott, Hensall. Second Group - Doris Brock, Granton; Shirley Simmons, Wrox- eter; Grace Routley, Exeter; Mary Skinner, Exeter. Third Group -Kathryn Anderson, Hensall; Mae Doubledee, Wroxe- ter; Marion Hunt, Seaforth; Grace Johns, Exeter. Inter -County Demonstrations and Skits -Huron: How to prepare your fabric for cutting, Exeter Club, Mrs. Howard Be11, Exeter. 4-H Home Garden Club -Huron: Cranbrook, Mrs. Glenn Huether, Brussels; Crediton, Mrs. Ed. Lam- port, Central 1A; McKillop, Mrs. Les Pryce, Dublin; Seaforth Dis- trict, Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Seaforth. A SMILE OR TWO Life: Respiration, Aspiration, Expiration. Young man to Registrar: "What do I pay for a marriage license?" Registrar: "Five dollars down and your entire salary for the rest of your life." "Now," asked the brigadier, af- ter his pep talk, "you in the front row; Why should ,a soldierabe will- ing to die for his country?" "Now yer talking, sorr. Indade, and why should he?" replied Pad- dy. The teacher was launching her young class on the mysteries of multiplication. "Now, George," she said, "what is seven times five?" George hung his head. She tried again. "Now, George, suppose I have five fives and you have two fives and we put them together, what do we have?" He brightened up, "A canasta." She was ah oid Irishwoman on her way back to Dublin. The Cus- toms man fished out a bottle of whiskey from its temporary sanc- tuary in a voluminous nightdress. "And what's this?" he demand- ed. "Shure, an' it's holy water," said she, clutching for it. The Customs man pulled out the cork and sniffed. "This is whis- key," he said, sternly. Up went the old woman's hands in amazement. "Glory be! A mir- acle!" she cried. Seaforth C- 54 ears Morrie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A1dingioil, well-known North Main Street resi- dents here, quietly celebrated the 54th anniversary of their wedding on Friday. Mari`ied_at Christ Church, Cose- ley, Straffordshire, England, in 1903, Mr. and Mrs. Aldington came to Canada in 1007. After success fully farming in Logan and Hib- bert, they retired to Seaforth in 1945. Mr. and Mrs. Aldington have two sons, Jack, of Varna, and Joseph, of Vancouver. Usborne Council Considers Drains In ' Township Usborne Council met in regular monthly session on Monday after- noon with Reeve Clayton. Smith presiding and Councillors Harold Hern, Hugh Love, Harold Hunter and George Frayne in attendance. Minutes of the last regular meet- ing, held August 12, were adopted as printed, ' on motion of Hunter and Frayne. A delegation from UsborneTown- ship School Area Board, Trustees Walter McBride and Harry Dou- gall, interviewed the council in regard to securing school moneys from the township throughout the year, rather than one lump sum at the end of the year. After con- siderable discussion, it was agreed that a delegation from the board should meet the council again at the next council meeting, in com- pany with, the local public school inspector. A report on the work of "A" Drain of the Down Municipal Drain by James A. Howes, O.L.S., was read for provisional adoption, the council deeming that the in- terested ratepayers had been giv- en sufficient notice. Moved by Hunter and seconded by Frayne, that the engineer's report on "A" Drain of the Down Drain be pro- visionally adopted. Date for the court of revision was set for Sept. ,7 at 3 p.m., on motion of Hern and Love. The reeve and clerk were authorized to sign the peti- 1 tion for a grant under the prodi- sions of the Provincial Aid to ;Drainage Act, on motion of Love and Frayne. The clerk Bas auth- orized to order the required tile and secure a ditching machine to do the work at the estimated cost, on motion of Hern and Hunter. Court of revision on Fifth Con - ,cession Drain (Stephen), By -Law 'No. 6, 1957. was opened, the reeve and council subscribing to the oath jof office, all ratepayers having been given due notice. There were no ;appeals presented on behalf of 'ratepayers. It was brought to the attention of the council that the total assessment on lands in Us - borne was incorrect, the correct to- tal being $752.10, instead of $752.35 and that the assessment on Side - road 10-11 was included in the to- tal for township roads. It was moved by Love and seconded by Hunter, that the total for lands be changed to $752.10, and that the 25 cents deducted from this amount be added to the assessment on Sideroad 15-16, and that the assess- ment of 4.15 on Sideroad 10-11, Huron County, be deducted from the total on township roads; that the court be closed and the by-law be finally passed as amended. Court of revision on the Scott Municipal Drain, (Hibbert) By -Law No. 7, 1957, was opened by the reeve and council subscribing to the oath of office, all interested ratepayers having been given due notice. There were no appeals presented on behalf of ratepayers. The court was closed and the by- law finally passed on motion of Hunter and Frayne. By -Law No. 8, 1957, Adoption of Assessment Roll made in 1956 for taxation purposes in 1957, was adopted at the total of $2,690,200, on motion of Frayne and Love. Levy By -Law No.' 9, 1957, pro- viding for levying and collection of all tax rates by December 14 and the imposition of a penalty of 2 per cent for non-payment, was finally passed on motion of Hern INTERESTED IN PROFITABLE PART - TIME TRAVEL - in-- SEAFORTH - WALTON AREA? If you have a car and are interested in working for a couple of hours or so each evening for the next two of three months, you will enjoy this profitable opportunity. The person we are thinking about has knowledge of the rural area about Sea - forth and Walton, and is one who is active and interested in talking to people. i For further information, write: Box 646 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth er,'n'm(t, v„a .t„r,N;2t ,,.1, }�'v'c�•vt't �r,i:; 1Vliss• Stella Robson and Miss I. Dowdell, of Toronto, were week- end eekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bas- il Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hamilton and Mervin, of Listowel, visited with Mrs. James Wright on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bill and Charles were in Toronto last Friday, attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Emily Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. E. Appleton and Mrs. Herbert Blatchford, of Exe- ter, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blen- heim, returned. home from vacation down the St. Lawrence Seaway to Cornwall, returning by Algonquin Park, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid and family _ at' Owen Sound. Mrs. James Wright and Mr. FrankWright, of Kippen, were in Williamston, Mich., last week at- tending the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. F. Berkley, who would have Read Address At Reception For Mr., Mrs. Williams During a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams at a gather- ing held in the Community' Centre, the following address was read: Dear Marilyn and Joe: It is with pleasure we, your friends and neighbors, are assembled here to- night, firstly, to welcome to our community Marilyn, whom Joe has chosen for his life partner. We all hope Marilyn will feel very much at home among us; we are not too bad when you get to know us; also to honor Joe, who has been our good friend and neigh- bor, always willing to do his part in lending a helping hand or tak- ing his part in social life. As you go to your new home in Kitchener, Marilyn in her teach- ing profession, and Joe in the bank- ing world,. -you will, no doubt, be using and looking at your many lovely gifts. Just to be sure you won't forget your friends and neighbors, we ask you to accept this purse of money. -Signed on behalf of your friends and neigh- bors: Jack Melady, Theo Melady, Bill Strong. (See story on Page 7) and Love. On motion of Love and Hern, the reeve and clerk were author- ized to sign the application to the Ontario Department of Highways for the interim road subsidy on a total expenditure of $25,120.69. Road superintendent's report was accepted and road accounts to a total voucher of $2,610.69 or- dered paid, on motion of Hern and Frayne. Treasurer reported receipt of $221.36 in accounts receivable from the road superintendent and re- ceipt of $1,111.62 'to general ac- count, balance of cash as of Aug. 30, $2,538.52. Grants of $100 each were made to the Kirkton Agricultural Society and the Exeter Agricultural So- ciety, on motion of Hunter and Love, From Stephen Township a com- plaint from Paul Pavkeje on the Essery drain, the maintenance of this drain being laid on the Town- ship of Usborne, council agreed that Councillor Hunter arrange to have the necessary repairs made to the 'Essery Drain on lot 7, con- cession 1, Stephen Township. Correspondence was considered by council and dealt with as fol- lows: Huron County Health Unit, report for 1956, filed; Bell Tele- phone Co., re application for in- creased rates, no action; Board of Transport Commissioners, re Bell Telephone hearing, no action; Na- tional Planning Conference, Van- couver, no action; Livestock Branch, re new dog tax and cattle, sheep and poultry protection act, filed. Payment of current accounts, amounting to a total of $4,618.62, was authorized on motion of Hern and Love. - Council agreed to hold the Octo- ber meeting on the first Monday, the 7th, as the regular date fell on Thanksgiving Day. attained her l00th birthdaylin Jan- uary, 1958, and had all her facul- ties until two weeks before her death. Mrs. Berkley had been a widow for 62 years. Mrs. Grace Harpole returned home last Friday from visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peacock, and family at Ottawa. Mrs. James Wright, Mrs. Orland Reichert and Mr. Frank Wright and Eleanor were in Mitchell on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Jessie Wright, formerly of Detroit. Orders for new seats for Hensall United Church have been placed with Mr. Adam Black, of Hensall, and will be ready the middle of December. New carpets will be ordered to cover the floor of the entire auditorium. Rev. Arthur McKim, minister of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, will be guest speaker at Chis- elhurst anniversary services Sept. 29, at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Mr. and ]]y�rs. Robert McLean had their guest last week, Mrs. T. Parlmer, of Clinton, formerly of Hensall. Leonard Arthur Prior, 21, of Woodstock, who is in critical con- dition in Woodstock Hospital fol- lowing an accident on. Tuesday when five others were killed, is a native of Hensall. His mother was the former Muriel Hoskins, of Hensall. Leonard was born in Hen- sall, and his father, Arthur Prior, was killed in World War II. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Davis, Mich- ael and Kay are returning home this Sunday following a two weeks' vacation in England. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean attended the funeral of their broth- er-in-law, Robert Norris, of Lon- don, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Jimmy and Debbie, of Dresden, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and family. Mrs. James W. Bonthron is spending this week with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Greer, of Loodon. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Mcllhargey, of Toledo, Ohio, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, have returned to their home. Don Brock and Charles Gracie, of the OAC., Guelph, spent the weekend with the forrner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock. Bill Brock spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, before resuming his studies at the OAC"onMonday. Bill, who has spent the summer employed by Dow Chemical Plant, of Sarnia, has just returned from the Western Provinces. While in Vancouver he had the pleasure of renewing acquaintances with Vir- ginia Kalmakoff, who accompanied him to the Coronation four years a go. The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary are holding a bazaar, bake sale and tea in the Legion Hall, Saturday, November 2. Entert5d.ns ' Gu, sts The Baby Band and M'issioia Band of Chiselhurst Church enter- tained the Women's Missionary So- ciety of the church at a gradua . tion ceremony, when the following children graduated from the Baby Band into the Mission Band: - Joyce Ferguson, R.gbtrt Kins- man, Donald Cole, Allan Sararas, Brian Chapple. Mrs. John Gleam presented certificates. Patricia Harris played a piano solo. Mrs. Robert Kinsman was pianist for the meeting. An enjoyable after- noon was spent. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. John Cairns visited last week with friends in Toronto and Oakville. Dr. and- Mrs. P. Fisher, of Gray► enhurst, spent the weekend with Mr. Fisher's sister, Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Guests with Miss Mary Gibson were: Mr. and Mrs. John Me- Murtrie, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muir and Miss N. Muir, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. Mrs. Bert Walters, Tuckersmith, returned home after having spent several weeks in the Western Prov- inces. Mrs. (Dr.) George Dodds, of Winnipeg, visited with her cousin, Mrs. H. Berry, last week. Mr. William McIntosh is a patient in Victorial Hospital, Lon- don, having undergone surgery. CROMARTY Mr. Jim Chapman, of Brampton,. called on his many friends here last week. Charlotte Battin, of Monkton, visited over the weekend with Alice Sorsdahl. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, accompan- ied by Mrs. Moore, has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoste visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Van De Wynkel at Merlin. Mr. Wilson Allen, of Northern Ontario, is visiting with his 'broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs_ Frank Allen. Carol Ann Dow visited for a few days with Laura Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, Mrs. Sarah Scott and Mrs. Horton NicDougald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelland at. Science Hill. Mr. Fletcher Watson, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs_ Lindsay McKellar. The people of this community were shocked to hear of the sud- den death of the late Neil McKel- lar, at Grenfell, Sask. The body arrived in Mitchell Wednesday_ Funeral service will be held Fri- 1day afternoon.' 111. Announcement Having disposed of our interest in Fina Ser- vice to Mr. Don Brightrall, we wish to ex- press appreciation for the co-operation and patronage extended us. On behalf of Mr. Brightrall, we seek a continuation of that same patronage. We Are Now Associated With McCaII - Frontenac Oil Co. Ltd. Texaco Petroleum Products and are providing wholesale service to Sea - forth district, with particular attention to the requirements of the farming community and of the home -owner requiring' fuel oil. WALDEN & BROADFOOT representing McCALL - FRONTENAC OIL CO. LTD. Texaco Petroleum Products PHONE 686-W SEAFORTH DRIVE OUT IN ONE! Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN automatic transmission, fully equipped 2050 1956 fully V. DELUXE SEDAN 2050 ed 1956 CHEV, STANDARD SEDAN 1950 1955 CHEV. COACH 1695 with V-8 Motor ... v 1395 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN 1495 fully equipped 1954 CHEV. SEDAN t 1953 CHEV. COACH 1095 1952 CHEV. SEDAN 895 We have a number of 1957 Pafltiaes and Chevrolets, fully equipped, from $2300 to $2609 ALSO A NUMBER OF OLDER CARS TRUCKS n 1953 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 750 A Written Guarantee for G0' days on all Late Model Cars --Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 73•X "The Rothe of Better Use4d Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING 4i,i ttu;.rl: 4 r ( , '6 1