The Huron Expositor, 1957-09-06, Page 40. At Ne*., Low Cab Oates tons AND FOUND, • ETC„ per worth 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent ard •Wek IA Cent , 41,1p charge. each insertion.., 25 Ceuta Aaelr ngttee, initial and abbreviation Counts as one word. Tnk3, Ip Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, .dO cents per week Writs win. ):Ae direeted to a Box No., c/o The' Huron Expogitor, for 15 cents extra. Oteen cents. additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 Of date of final insertion. , a kArthfl. Ilday,Flages and Deaths inserted free of charge. etoi4,44.1,,,,,raie,,3 to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on aoolication. ' • Cawing Events BARN DANCE—Jim Griffin's new barn, !piles north of St. Marys, on the East Rider Road, ,;(2 mile from Motherwell, HaturdaY, September 7th, from 9 to 12. Door prize. Blue Ranger Orchestra. 4675-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -7 -room stucco house with hydro and town water; all newly decorated, with 4 -piece bath. Would accommOdate two small families. Immedi- ate possession. Phone 196-R. MRS. JAMES BARRON. 4675x2 Help Wanted - WOULD LIKE baby-sitting in evenings and week -ends. PHONE 1354. 4675-1 GIRL WANTED for part-time office work. Able to type. AMAY in writing to 13ox 651, HURON EXPOSITOR_ 4675xl. HELP WANTED—Girl to assist with general housework in Seaforth home, with all modern conveniences. To live in. Ap- ply Box 635, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4674x2 HELP WANTED Stenographer with shorthand and gen- eral knowledge of office work. Pleasant working conditions in modern office. Group insurance. etc. SEAFORTH SHOES LTD. Seaforth. Ont. 4675-tf APPLICATIONS will be received up to September 21, 1967. for Organist - Choir Leader (Hammond organ) for Egmondville United Church. Applicants must state qualifications and NOTICE to CREDITORS salary expected. Apalr: IVAN FORSYTH, R.R. 2. Kippen Chairman Music Committee For Rent FOR RENT IN HENSALL—Downstairs apartment, modern facilities: nicely deeor- ated ; two-piece bath; private entrance. Apply MRS. JAMES SMILLIE. Phone 122-J, Hensall. 4674-2 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1955 Dodge Regent, in good condition ; low mileage. PHONE 27. Seaforth. 4675-2 Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price lict 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples '31.00: Mail - Order Dept_ T - 73, NOVA - RUBBER CO., Box 91,1, Hamilton. Poultry FOR SALE -200 Maidstone Cross pul- lets still on ranee. GLEN Mc- NICH.OL. Phone 831 r 24, Seaforth. 4670-1 FOR SALE -200 Red Sussex pullets 0ks months old, starting to lay. MARTIN MURRAY. Phone 23 r 9, Dublin. 46770x1 FOR SALE -150 pullets, Swift's Sky - Hi layers. W.L. x R.I.R., five months old 'eying. JAMES LA_NDSBOROUGH, R.R. Seaforth. Phone 663 r 16. 4674x3 FOR SALE—Laying pullets, Leghorn pullets laying a large percentage 'Alarge eggs There is a spread of 23c difference between pullet and 'A' large eggs. These Pullets are 92.00 each. We are putting in 16.000 Kinber chicks this fall. This is a new Leghorn with the large egg size. For more information, write or phone. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM. R.R. 3. Seaforth, Phone 647 r 3. 4673x4 Notices To Creditors 4674-3 Wanted BY TRUSTEE IN THE MATTER OF The Bulk Sales Act, AND IN THE MATTER OF the sale in bulk by Harold Kendrick and Mabel. Kendrick of the Restaurant Basin canried on at the Superteat Service Sta- tion in the Town of Seaforth. WANTED--Stnall apartment at once. I TAKE NOTICE that Harold Kendrick Apply to Box 649. HURON EX_POSITOR. and ma. . Del Kendrick. formerly of the 4675-0 - I iown of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. • WANTED TO BUY—Used Annex in good condition. WILLIAM HOEGY. Phone 588-W, Seaforth. 4675-3 , WORK WANTED—Girl, 17, desires of - lice work. Has four years of high school I and knowledge of typing and bookkeep- ing. Apply Box 647, HURON EXPOSI- TOR- 4675x2 WANTED TO BUY—I will buy a low - p2 -iced Austin. State price. year and con- dition. Box 642, HURON EXPOSITOR- 4674-tf I OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c pound, 1 and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone collect 1483 J 4 or 1483 5 I. Gode- rich. 4670x8 DEAD STOCK—Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 tbs. total. Phone Col— lect: Seaforth 146. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll. 4675-13 WANTED --Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy. boar hogs. Call collect, BRUCE MAR- LATT, Atwaod. Phone 8 or 153, 4671-tf Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE A farm in Hay Township on 84 High- way, of 125 acres, of choice land, con- sisting of a 9 -room frame house with • modern kitchen with built-in cupboards. Has drilled well with hot and cold water an tap. Has two pressure systems with both hard and soft water on tat) through- out buildings. Has double garage, hen- house. pig pen. Ninety-five acres under cultivation; balance in bush and Pastore FOR SALE --Building 26x18 feet. timber ApplY frame: cheap. Apply to ROY LAWSON. URBAN DUCHARME, Phone 669 r 16. Seaforth. 4675x1 • Three miles west of Heneall. 46'74-tf have made a sale of the stock -in -trade and restaurant business and that 1 have been appointed trustee of the proceeds of the said sale under the provisions of the Bulk Sales Act, AND TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claims or demands against the said Harold Kendrick and Mabel Ken- drick must file proof of their claims with me on or before the 20th day of Septem- ber. 1957, after which date I will dis- tribute the proceeds of the sale having regard to those claims only which I shall have then received notice. DA tell; this 26th day of August A.D., 1937. DONALD LAN STEWART c/o McCONNELL & STEWART. Seaforth, Ontario_ 4674-3 For Sale FOR SALE—One barn. PHONE 61 r 4. Dublin. 6475x1 FOR SALE—Several used car radios. ROBERT D SCOTT. Phone 250-R, Sea - forth. 4675-1 Notices' FOR SALE—Man's brown suit. size 34. Can be seen at FLANNERY CLEANERS. Phone 87, Seaforth. 4673-1 FOR SALE—Coal and cement. Ask us for prices. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 r 13. Dublin. 4674x4 FOR SALE—Two-year-old Suffolk ram. ALInTER BROADFOOT. Phone 665 r 31, Seaforth. 4675x1 FOR SALE—Brand new Beatty washer. 3120. BORDEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 841 r 2. 4671-tf Notices FOR SALE—Calf, eight weeks old. Can bo seen any time after .5:30 p.m. Apply MRS. D. NETZKE. Phone 669 r 41, Sea - forth. 4675-1 ' FOR SALE—One young purebred Hol - PLAIN SEWING and alterations: re- stein cow, to freshen soon. GORDON pairs of men's and ladies' wear. MRS. C. s..KynoLos. R.R. 2. Seaforth, BROADFOOT, Jarvis St. 46784.1 4675-1 HOG FOR sporicc-Ontario nowt- , FOR SALE—Raymond sewing machine: went of Agriculture has placed Advance: bed and dresser: baby's steel crib. Rea - Registry hog No. 66L-496676, Terms, 32 aonably priced for quick sale. PHONE cash at time of service. JAMES E. 793-W. Seaforth. 4675x1 SLOAN, Lot 10. Con. 1. McKillop Twp. 4675x1 RADIO REPAIRS —* For all kinds of rad at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 4671-tf COMPLETE LAITNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vide. WEBB'S BILLIARDS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners di Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 41611-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS Prams*, courteous collection or all dead and disabled farm animals and hider Can collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 11, Bee, forth. Associated With Dfirlittit & Co., of Canada Ltd_ 4571.-tf , NOTICE FOR SALE—No. 1 Commercial Genesee wheat: cleaned and treated: 92.00 a besh- el. Apply W. J. FERGUSON, R.R. 1, Dublin Phone 45 r 19, Dublin 4673x3 FOR SALE—Full length Persian lamb coat_ size 38-40. only worn three times. A real bargain. Also light colored fur stole. Apply Box 650, HURON EXPOSI- TOR, soon as possible. 4675-1 HONEY FOR SALE—Now pouring Sep- tember honey with all the Fall vitamins. at 20c a pound in your ewe containers. WALLACE ROSS APALRIES, Seaforth. 4675-1 FOR SALE—A burgandy and grey chesterfield 101.12.e, with two chairs: in good condition. Priced at 850. PHONE 392 daring the day, and 241-M after 6 pm 4675x1 Cards of Thanks Twp. of nickel -smith I WISH TO THANK all my friends and neighbors for remembering me with cards. shitt 'Ititlieraraith iinzaving gifts and flowers while I was a patient in • Giinfrid Will, ha OPIii Nodnordin, Ind Victoria Hospital, Saturday 'aftettietifthp r& 1. to %nu. 4675x1 YN LILLICO Until further rietlig* no , 01 i thEsnirj, -Meek, 4671.4if • MR. JOSEPH ECKERT wishes to thank -his many friends and neighbors for cards, treats and flowers received while a patient in Scott Memorial and St. Joseph's Hos- pitals. Special thanks to Do. Stapleton and the nurses. 4675x1 WE WISH, express otir incere. to take this opportunity to dthanks hilid troPrecia- kd VAS . Alon to all these in WitithrOp and Seaforth its4kr district who in any 'assisted during nlit Otediee ihe recent 1ms end: bdreaveMent of a N•• "—qv' • -r°' erARLANE e U " ' c'd b flier. ilia uncle. , e0, DAV D D. , kfa ''''breWiir • . Anin EAVIIVX, *infante. Orkk,„/ •1' 1 6"ttl ' "APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING" , THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday, the thirteenth day of September, 1957, ht the hour of half past one o'clock in the afternoon, (local time) at the Court House. Goderich, On- tario. for the hearing of all parties in- terested in support ,of or opposing the following by-law. BY-LAW NO. 28, 19,57 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON TO REGU- LATE THE LOCATION OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS. WHEREAf, it is deemed to he nectssarj and desirab'e to regulate the location of buildings and structure's on land adjacent to certain county roads: AND WHEREAS, authority is granted Under Section 30(a) of The Highway Im-' provement Act as amended by Section 2 of The Highway Improvement Amendment Act 1954 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Municipal Board. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron enacts as follows: (11 No person shall erect any building or strueture, any part of which is locat- ed closer to the nearest limit of any of the County roads or parts of the County roads, hereinafter defined than: 25 feet where the road is 100 feet wide, 42 feet where the road is 66 feet wide, and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allow- ance than 75 feet. Soiriething to sell? Something' IOW, -to't 1h' 41. 0) No person shall erect or install gaso- line pumps: a) closer than 60 feet from the centre line of the original road allowance b; on a curve or the crest of a hill c on the tangent to a horizontal or vertieal curve where the sight distance is less than 800 feet in each direction. t3i The County roads or parts of county roads defined by this by-law are as follows: The entire county road system as defined in Schedule "A" of By -Law No. 23. 1954, same and except such parts of the County road system which lie within the limits of any Town, Vil- lage. or Police Village within the County of Huron. 44) The Corporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk. may give no- tice to the Owner or Occupant of any land reouiring him to remove or alter any building. or structure erected af- ter the passing of this By -Law that does not comply with sections 1 and 2 and each notice under this section shall be in writing and sent by reg- istered mail. addressed to the Owner or Occupant of the land. If the person to whom the notice is given. under section 4 above fails to comply with it within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Corpora- tion of the County of Huron may direct any officer, employee or agent of the' said Corporation to enter upon the land and do or cause to be done. whatever may be neemsary. to re- move or alter such buildintr or struc- ture mentioned in said notice. (51 161 Every person who violates any of the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 or fails to comply with the notice given under Section 4, shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction shall be liable to A penalty of not more than fifty dollars (950.00) for each offence and tbs continuance of the condition constituting an offence for each week after conviction, therefore. shall con- stitute a new offence. I This By -Law shall come into effect upon the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board_ Read a first. second and third time. and finally passed this 14th day of June, 1957. (Signed) A. H. ERSKINE Huron County Clerk. (Signed) HAROLD GOWDY Warden, County of Huron. 4675-2 Births - MASON—At Scott klemoZial,la'404.444 on September 2, to Mr. elm! LATdre...j;9rVdie Cloaon, Senforth, a dauffh:ke4!, PKETZ—At Sett Metnorint lioSpitei, on August 81. to Mr. and IV4a,„ MiltonlMetz, 1,. 3, Seaferth, a on,. „ - KOEHLER—At Galt to Mr, and Ere. Harvey Koehler# on. August, 39,. adugb- tsr. A eiter for the boys, . DONALDSON-41r, and MP. Radford Donaldson, of London, (nee' June Soundercock), are bonPY tn announce the birth of their twin sort at Victoria HoWital. .1.‘ondon, Taesdayk Sept, 3, 1957. Grandsons for Mrs. Aaule'Saun- , dercock, of Hensel!. HESS -e -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess, of Zurich, antionnee the birth, of their son, at South Huron Dietrict •Hospital, Exeter, Saturday. August 31, 1957. A brother for Larry and Gary. MoLARNON—At Scott Memorial Bowi- tul, on September 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MoLarnan. Cooksville, a daugh- ter. PRETTY—At Scott Memorial Restate', on August 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pret- ty. Seaforth. a son. Tuckersmith Council Meets Tuckersmith • Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday. Reeve Forsyth presided. The engineer's report On the Second Concession Municipal Drain was read to ratepayers present and provisionally adopted. The clerk was instructed to prepare a by-law on the same. Tender for construction of the Carter Drain was awarded to R. L. Beattie at tender price Of $2,- 875. Other bidders were; William Campbell, $3,660; John Inglis, $3,- 485. The reeve and clerk were auth- orized to apply for interim subsidy on road expenditure from January 1, 1957, to August 31, 1957. The engineer's certificate show- ed the McGregor drains completed and final payments will be made and interested ratepayers billed for the cost. Accounts passed included; side- walks, $34; Egmondville Water, $40.84; drains, $525.45; fire protec- tion, $112; -grants, $225; hospitaliza- tion, $1.53; roads, $10,795,01; post- age, $5; salary and allowanee, $232.16; Receiver General, $9.50. All members were present ex- cept Elgin Thompson, who is on vacation in the Western Provinces. One of the major attractions at the Quebec Winter Carnival is the unique ice cane race across two miles of ice floes. Famed Canadian poetess Pauline Johnson was the daughter of a Mohawk Indian Chief. OFF ME COAST of Newfoundland, an RCAF Neptune sweepi by a majestic but menacing mountain of ice which is one of hundreds threatening; Atlantic shipping this year, described as the "worst in recorded'- history" for ice. Reconnaissance flights like this one by aircraft of Maritime Command are helping to provide warning of berg' Which threaten the shipping lanes. . • Move To St. Marys, Family Is Honored A social evening, arranged by Brussels friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, who will move shortly to live in, St. Marys, was held Thursday night. Mr. Martin recently sold his bar- ber shop in Brussels and has taken over another one in St. Marys. George Elliott read a short ad- dress to the family and Calvin Krauter and Adrian McTaggart presented Mrs. Martin with . an electric fry pan; Mr.• Martin with some tools for his workshop col- lection; Susan with a bracelet, and William Jr., with a pen and pencil set. Earlier last week, Mrs. Martin was honored at a social gathering of the Young Women's Guild of Melville Presbyterian Church, at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Short - reed. Miss Jessie Little express- ed the regret of the group at Ins- ing Mrs. Martin, and presented her with a gift of china. Costs Increase, HOG PRODUCERS Exeter Paper - Bring out your Pen- of Ups Subscriptions FOUR Bacon Hogs to Sea - forth Fall Fair and re- ceive that extra price and good prize money in the T. Eaton Special. A few "musts" in this Class are as follows: - Must be on the grounds by 11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 19. - All hogs must dress between 140- 170 pounds. -Hogs to be sold by auction f.o.b. Stratford assembly yards. - Must be at least 10 pens com- peting. • In event of not sufficient pens, the Society will provide trucking facilities to Stratford. Seaforth Swine Committee 111111111111‘11111111111111111111111111111111111 McKILLOP School Fair THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th Special preparations are being made to ensure that this will be an outstanding Fair ! The Fair this year will be held at S.S.. No. 10, Winthrop Special Attractions —Interesting entertainment from each School Section in McKillop, including Scotch and Irish numbers. —Special Prizes for the Oldest Lady and the Old- est Gentleman on the ground& • Increased Prize Money for All Stock Classes and for the Baby Show BRODHAGEN BAND IN ATTENDANCE — Booth on the Grounds — FAIR NIGHT DANCE A special featigCthis eI� tikrep on :4nd ,:ittaetw.thryil'- ivittLibiail BOYD, President • , • • ;•, • , , . . , . ,„, , • v4,75 • • •' -••• "Rising ' costs in newsprint, metal and other material which go into the production of a weekly newspaper," is cited as the reason for the Exeter Times -Advocate finding it nec- essary to increase its subscrip- tion price. Effective SepteM- ber 3, a year's subscription to the Exeter weekly newspaper is $4.00 a year in Canada and $5.00 in the U.S.A., instead of the former price of $3.00 a year in Canada and $4.00 a year in U.S.A. Single copies of the Exeter newspaper will sell for 10 cents each, instead of the previous seven cents each. Many weekly newspa- pers, particularly in the Cen- tral Ontario region, have al- ready been raised to the high- er rates a 'year or more now. While numerous weekly papers that have been $2.50 a year have been advanced to $3.00 a year in Canada, The Exposi- tor is continuing at its present rate of $2.50 for the time being. at' DtscovERS AMERICA - Time YoU disarmed Qfd PENDAFLEX HANGING FOiDIRS 0 Millions of Pendaflex hanging folders are now in use, saving time and money in filing depart- ments everywhere. Many Users report 50% reduction in filing' costs. Pendaflex hanging fol- ders assure faster, easier, with fewer lost papers. - Let un install a trial dravier of PendefleX in your busiest file. If it "MI ali we claim, your money will be refunded. • - THE .110r6h Expositor Phone 41, E N SAVL ' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Price and Clifford, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Price and son, Eric, of Lindon, England, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Hotton. Mrs. Florenee Joynt spent last week holidaying with her .sister, Mrs. Laird Mickle, and family at Schade View. Mr. Michael Murphy has return- ed to his home in Clinton 0 -after spending the summer holidays with his friend, Kenneth Reichert Rev. and Mrs. Percy Ferguson. and family, of Montreal,- were guests last Tuesday With the Mickle family at the lake. Mr. 'and Mrs. H. W. Horton have returned after a delightful week's vacation spent at Bala -'arid' -Win- ona, near Niagara Falls. Nelson McClinchey spent a• cou- ple of days last week with Charles Mickle. at the pottage. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett, of Thamesford, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. St. McQueen. Bands from the RCAF Station, Centralia, Dashwood Citizens Band and Bannockburn Pipe Band' from Varna added some very stir- ring musie in the parade at the Ontario Bean Festival here Mon- day and also at the park, which was certainly enjoyed by the large number of spectators present. Miss Mary Ann Vanhorne has moved her beauty parlor into one of Harold Benthron's apartments on Main St. Open Season For Deer and Moose Open seasons for deer and moose in a number of parts of Ontario are announced by the Honourable Clare E. Mapledoram. The Minister stated that just as in forestry there is an allowable annual cut of trees which can be taken without prejudice to the forest, there is also an allowable annual harvest of moose. In spite of long seasons and permission to kill one moose regardless of sex or age, Ontario hunters were tak- ing far fewer moose than they might, and this Department hop- ed to see moose steaks in more refrigerators than ever before. It was announced that there would be open season for moose south of the French River. The list of zones and dates follow: Open Seasons For Moose 1. North -of Lake Superior and in Chapleau and Gogama Districts except for other zones listed, Oct. 1 - December 24. 2. Lake of the Woods area and region south of Sioux Lookout, Os- tober 15 - October 31 and Novem- ber 26 - December 24, for resi- dents of Ontario only. 3. Area of Sault Ste. Mirk, Sudbury and Swastika -Matheson - Timmins, open to residents %and non-residents from. October 15 to November 15 and to residents only from November 16 to December 24. 4. North Bay - Ternagaini, Octo- ber 19 to October 31 and Novem- ber 26 to December 7 for .resi- dents only. 5. Eastern portion of vrtainy, River District, October 15 to 00- tober 31, for residents only. Deer Hunting 6. North of the northernmost CNR line, October 1 to November 25, 7. North of Lake Superior, and from Kenora to the Qttebec der, October 15 to November 8. Rainy Riven DistridC .Octaber 22 to November 25. 9. Sault Ste. Marie to North Bay, north of French River, ,Nodeniber 1 to November 25. , 10. Manitoulin, regular Seas00, November 15 - November 25. gov. and arrow only, October /.9. vetnber 14. 11. parry Sound, -11althintoi‘i Hastings, Frontenac and Renfte* area, south of North Bay and_17t-: tawa, November 4 to erii 16. '12..Leeds, Grenville alittgat t.9* East of the'ltideau " her 4 to Noyember 7, s1t�tgtifl only. 13. Carlton County, West of. the Rideau River, Noveinber 4 to. No- vember 9. • The Territory of Alaska *tiepin - chased by the United States from, Russia in 1867 for $7 million. Mining, oil, inatitifaebmng, Con- struction ancifOreit itiddet ttqw ateinint for nearly hali olOashak ehentan's total , kriditettOW 4 NEWS Mrs. Emma Shepherd has re- turned to her apartment at the rear of the post office. Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her par- ents and family. Congratulations are in order for the fine showing of the Hensall Bantam team, who captured the Hensall trophy, donated by Gen- eral Coach. Bruce Horton was cap- tain of the team; John Masse and Howard Rannie were the pitchers, and Steve Kyle, catcher. John Masse, of Zurich, won the base- ball, autographed by 27 members of Detroit Tigers of the American League, for being the best player In the tournament. Sgt. Ronald McKinnon, of Sus - ex, has been posted. to Camp Borden, where he will be an in- structor. Mrs. McKinnon and son are staying with the fon:rises par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald -McKin- non. before taking up residence at Camp Borden in the near future. 1$44.14t,--dOCKENIG oRQMAR,TY.—The rresbyter#M Church manse, Mitchell, was Hie scene of a wedding MOndam, Aug 26; at seal o'clock, when EtIr Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., John E. HockingcrenlartY, !1.- caine the bride 4* Arthur ..T0 Smale, SOD • Of Po, and Mrs. belt J. Slimly, Staffa- The cer!,3- 'bony was performed, by Rev. G. Lamont. The bride wore a waltz -length gown of white crystal charm st0- ed,• on princess lines, -with ma ,teh- ing jacket. Her veil fell from a seed pearl headdress, and she car- ried a white Bible topped With roses, She was attended by Mrs_ John Miller, Staffa, as matron -of - honor, who wore shrimp net over taffeta with matching headdress, and carried a bouquet qf white chrysanthemums with pink rose- buds. John Miller, State, was, best man. For a wedding trip to Eastern. Ontario arid points in the Eastern, United States, the bride chose a taupe silk shantung dress, dark brown accessories, green topcoat and corsage of yellow roses. OD their return Mr. and Mrs. Smote will reside in Staffa. Logan Council Logan Council held its regular meeting with all members pres- ent, the reeve presiding. The min- utes of the previous regular meet- ing were read and adopted, and correspondence read. - • . Road accounts totalling $1,020.92 and general accounts amounting to $2,707.88, were ordered paid. The road superintendent reported $47,- 116.69 had been spent on township roads since January 1, 1957, and application is to be made for grant on the above amount. Notices were received that Branches D and H of the North- east Drain are out of repair, and James A. Howes, O.L.S., is to be notified to examine same and re- port back to council. Payments are to be called in on the Parrott and portions of the Northeast Drain, which have been recently repaired. The rates by-law for 1957 was finally passed, showing a total tax roll of $138,732.28. The meeting adjourned to meet again October 7, at 1 p.m. THANK YOU! To the People of Hensall and District for Your Generous Support of the Ontario Bean Festival Special thanks to Clarks' Bean Co., Montreal (for supplying beans and chili sauce), O'Keefe's Brewing Co. (for supplying trophies for horeshoe contest), Simpsons, London; Eatons, Toron- to; Reder's, florist Exeter; Silverwoods, London; General Coach, Hensall Merchants, and to all others who contributed. Hensall Kinsmen and Kinettes EVERYBODY WELCOME ! ANNUAL MEETING Huron Liberal Association (Provincial) SEPTEMBER 13th — 8:30 p.m. Zurich Community Centre Guest Speaker: FARQUHAR R. OLIVER Leader of the Opposition in Ontario "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" IVAN KALBFLEISCH W. G. COCHRANE President. Secretary. (Inserted by the Hurn Liberal Association) THE NEW oath the fhstest freezin action knovin! There's one big difference in freezers— the speed of freezing action. It ki this speed that locks in the natural never of foods. It te this • speed that cuts electricity costa. And the new Revco now brings you the fastest freezing action known in the industry. You'llvOant M set the amazing demonstra- tion that enables you to see as well as feel ,this geneaticatal Reirco advantage. We have • - thio freezes teat set up to shot 10 10 you—it takes just two minuteal The 1057 REVCO,FREEZER is b 'freezer you will lee anywhere! Co selection - a full 'range of styles a and budget. Get.Revco's Faster Freezing Ac.tion-..it eats no more for tlus.edded and ptoven nape- nonty. y far the most beautiful me in today and see our nd sizes to fit yOur needs •Cub° V' Rev P SPECIAL4.6-Special Price. in Stock at Sp oot co reezer now DUBLIN 'ELECTRIC Phone.14.. • H Dublin , • fa Y