The Huron Expositor, 1957-09-06, Page 3• 7.11'''..54‘111,
'9,0r P Be/bet', Of Xptel.',
01...P iucky Witinet; Of t,11.4 )40190 of,
•'$105 at the Legpn. Ainr1, liens.411;
laid Saturday night,
Other winners were:.0 Mark;
Arthur Parker; Miss Sharon Ward,
kocefield (tied); Nirs„ L.Ellkftt,
Donglas Milian and W. „Nett
!Wed.); MrS. ROY Sinale; Mrs. G.
W, Nott; Mrs, William Snaale; Jim
Smale; Tom Brintnell; Mrs.
MeLellan; Mrs. Baird, 'Detroit;
Henry kdkins; Mrs. 0, Workthan;
Aft'S- A Seundereeck; Mrs. Doug
..Tenes and Mrs, Reyle (tied); Miss
Sharon Raird; Glenn Jacklin. The
45(k pre of $5. was Woil by Gus,
Veth, of Detroit.
Next Saturday the jackpot will
be worth $109 in 55 calls.
Under NeW Management
Passengers Insured
Something to sell? Something
'to buy? PhOne 41, Seaforth.
•0141419 'jtt4r1,
wtb'11,OR 1w: alg,k
' Mr. Oist C.I4re4g WO??
4911, Of $t,, 'a 4Po4tstim W4OX
OW MA 14,04ttqe0Mtlielt.. A.A0,
Iainer r,antlOWIFS,W WI*:
4rt14 AnderSOn,- Who has
been' visiting 'rerlatiVe,s apd-friends,'
in,lVilehigattl,,rettitned on laft.
week. • -
r.•00: ;los. Eisbau PoirOu
spent a day in Gederich last- week,
1V1v. and Mrs. Rent Faber and
•family were recent guests of lyit,
and Mrs. HWY Desch, Zuric'h.
Master Jith Hyle, sprt o:t iwr. and
Mrs. ',Emmerson Kyle, underwent
eye surgery on Wednesday of last
week in Victoria Hespital, London,
and is reported in §atisfactory eon-
The Misses Evelyn and Louise
Hyde, who have, spent the summer
months in Peterboro, returned to
their Acme on Labor 'Day,
Mrs. Russell Smith and daugh-
ter, Cheryl, of Detroit, spent a few
days visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Faber and family.
Mr. and Mrs: Blake Hyde, of
-Kitchener, accompanied by their
three daughters, were recent visi-
tors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde.
--.1'.'",',!":'''020.1T,'",V"i4AA‘,"A',-•'.', • ;'''""
17 ,
\,1 , A f „ A ,•• A, 0,1 , . z'ek
eoxp• NI% yor. ,re
";‘, in • •4,41110/1.
#00,,fOr .111,01.0444
1Vii;s4a R***
'N[ltC1104; ,1yj 1,10i.111114y',Iftiox,
P9011,y ttleatalvS fat:h0.r4.
40bert, Thamsoa.
iQa$Wi4a yeid, r.044 i0g.'
,0.0c.rxiiPAllieLl. by Mr. antlei
M. ppws'0,41;' Mrs, William %nor,
ajid r. Dbliert TiughsoP, viedtai
theiwierbiotbeo aGrenrpartY.
'1Viastet; Nit°
Alaunt aaltsd UgnuctS, ):14asrt.1*ecand'4,,,,rt:
•pier Monsseau.
Henson Shle Prices
Prices at Hensel" community
sale last Thursday were:
Weanling pigs, $13 to $16.85;
chunks, $17.25 to $22.10; feeders,
$25 to $31.50; sows, $85 to $110;
Holstein cows, $140 to $150;' Dur-
ham cows, $152 to $165; Holstein
calves, $14 to $18; Durham calves,
$25 'to $43,
Fat tows sold' up to $11.8$ a
cwt. There was a keen demand for
A total of 428 pigs and 75 head
of cattle and calves were sold.
with husband,
:tfo :� a,W46- 'Ladies''.0$00.4t
+19/44 Tha Sift, a cigarette, lighter
with the OrT Of4.140itgry \4n4;
ixTiOgll' she presfr
Oaote inSCP was presented
Ms. Aida Sinunons and "Ws: Al-
While in Minehead, England. Mrs.
Davis will address the *015110.:or's
section of the British Legion 11,1Ch
she ori Ily I started and'of
\whiel1 she was chairman ore
leaving England to take up, 'resi-
dence in Canada. Mrs. Davis will
speak on auxiliary work in Can-
Mrs. Davis regrets she will be
unable to attend the first fall Meet-
ing of the ''amriliary here Tuesday
night, Sept. 13, but stated that will
be the first meeting she has miss-
ed, since becoming a member of
the organization in 1952.
Mis. MildredSteinman, of Bright,
spent several days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dolmage.
Mr. David G McFarlane, Miss
Jean McFarlane, Mr. *nd Mrs,
Lloyd McFarlane, of Almonte, and
Mr. 'and Mrs. Allan Thompson, of
Carleton Place; Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Campbell, of Guelph; Rev. and
Mrs. H. E. Livingstone; Rev. and
Mrs. J. 'R. Holden and Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hawley, of London, at-
tended the funeral of the late R.
K. McFarlane.
•0. 1.47:10 at Le c411:0°' ereni4;' B4e1:4111,71 T:114, :444:9 79:a
4 x fl
Aurstigy folthwin$ VI•eht 00,4r'
00411.Y KiPfer.
liter 'and tal114,,,
ha,VeClAeeni 4 6
P.0a3ara f01,i 44
PO:attend the 'Kinsmen convention
• Mr. and VA's. Don Perghte and
atoily and" Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Schwalm and family, „of Camp,
13ordea, were visitors, WW1O'frs,
have taken up residjeinjnce iThand rtneer
honse they' purchased from Mrs.
John Forrest, in Hensel':
'Hensell Women's Institute will
open, its fall ^meting with a ,pot-
luck supper in the Legion Hall on
Wednesday, September 11, at 6:30
pm. Program conveners are Mrs.
WI Carlisle, Mrs. W. Aiehardson ;
hostesses, Mrs. E. Norminton and
Mrs. J. Horton. Kell ball will be
answered- by, "What to eat for
beauty and good temper."
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reichert and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper had a
trip around 'Ake Ontario last
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jewell, of
-Toronto, spent a few days last
week with Mrs. M. Higgerson and
Mr. Thomas McKenzie, of Lake-
side; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Alder-
son and family and Mrs. George
Graham visited Sunday with Mrs.
James Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney are
speuding a few days;with. Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Tubb.
Mrs. James Malcolm received
word on Monday that her cousin.
Mr. Wesley Pepper, had passed
away very suddenly ip London.
Mrs. B. Barker was moved from
Burford rest home to the Mitchell
rest home last week.
1Vlr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm,
Keith and Bruce spent a few days
at Toronto Exhibition and visited
Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Yeo and Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Hardin, Milton.
• Of all cars in its price
class, the Oldsmobile "88" offers
you more big -car features . . . more
big -car comfort. more -built-in
value. . . as staneWrd equipment!
It won't' cost you a fortune
to move up to a big7value 1488" . •
it's the lowest -priced Rocket Oldsmobile
and easily within your reach!
• •
" ••••••'',.
• -
r."." M:.%•:••:.•,,X:%::0%:•:::::•%,,kx*i:Mi:V:::(4Z,•:.*:•••• • "A'
o -1957 0
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of
Stratford, accompanied Mrs. Dins -
dale to her home on Sunday.
Wedding bells will soon be ring-
ing in Kippen.
Arkts;, J4,ch, Vp4k0,1;',xe.
Presentation. addre$s Was' read 1;vy
1,eatao . ci,EA and- TresetttatiiM,
made' lay CleorP WrleY, Nif.0 ,
orchestta provided )1111,sic Jr. the
wife and family.
Mr. and Mrs,. Carl Schwahrwand
family, Camp Darden; Mr, and
Mrs. Lee Schwalm and family,
Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs, Austin
Schwalm and family, Stratforci,and
Miss Arlene Hanson and Jerry
Hanson, Stratford, and friends at-
tended the Ontario Bean' Festival
here Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and
Bonnie spent the weekend in Peter-
Rey. D. MacDonald and Mrs.
MacDonald have returned home
from their vacation.
Bible Study Hour ,will be held
every Sunday evening, commenc-
ing this Sunday, Sept. 8, in Carmel
Church, at 7:30 pm.
Miss Margaret 'Jean McKenzie,
of Kippen, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rathwell, of
Toronto. were weekend (guests with
Mr. Rathwell's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rathwell,
Mrs. Thomas B. Baird spent a
few days with her brother and sis-
ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken -
head, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson spent
a few days in Stratford' with their
daughter, Mrs. Wally Bain.
Mrs. E. Turner, of Detroit, spent
a 'few days with Miss Marie El-
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson visited hi
Stratford on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wally, Bain..
• Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff. form-
erly of Cromarty, have rented the
residence of fhe late Joseph Mc-
Cully. We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Pfaff to the village.
Miss Janet Watson returned to
her school at Aylmer on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson
and family spent the weekend vis-
iting relatives in the States.
Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge and
daughter, Mary Ellen, who have
been holidaying with Mr. Burdge's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge
at. Grand Bend, returned to their
home in Colfourg.
Mr. C. Cormeau and family. of
Toronto, visited with her brother,
Mr. Paud Cormeau. over the week
Guests last week with Mr. and
Mrs. S. McKenzie were: Mr. and
Mgp _Mclienzie_St. Thomas;
Mr... and Mrs. Cliff Morrison and
of Rainy River. Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Morrison, Rolene and
Dale, Ear Falls, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Mary Dalrymple
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal-
rymple, Bonnie and Billie, attend.
ed the Dalrymple reunion at Lake-
side on Saturday.
Visitors this last week at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Leeming
were: Rev. and Mrs. J. W. But-
ton, Tavistock; Dr. and Mrs. E.
H. McGavin, Windsor. and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur McGavin, Reading,
Mrs. Russel Barrows spent last
week with her sister, Mrs. Verna
Riddel, Woodbridge. Sheila and
Lorraine Riddel returned home af-
ter holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Barbara Patterson. nurse -
in -training at Stratford General
Hospital for the past three years,
returned home on Thursday, hav-
ing completed her training there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens and
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas
left Monday morning by train for
Vancouver, California and many
other --places of interest.
Beverley Kirkby has returned
home to Burwash after spending
the summer with his uncle, Mr.
Charles Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull
spent last week with theit son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and 0Mrs.
Douglas Lawless, Simcoe.
Mr. David Hackwell, of Aylmer,
spent Labor Day weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hack -
Miss Ruth Ritchie visited with
relatives in Arva and London last
Miss Faye Love has returned
home after spending a month in
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich, of
Clinton, are residing with Bob
Stevens during the absence of Mr.
and Mrs: Stevens.
Miss Olene Dundas has returned
home after spending two months
at Wasaga Beach.
Rev. and! Mrs. W. M. Thomas
returned' home on Thursday after
vacationing with their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and! Mrs. Ian
Thomas, Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Armour Dundas,
of London, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Torrance Dundas on Sunday.
Mrs. Fern Patterson visited in
Toronto far several days last week
With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Church -
Miss Ruth Anne Ennis left on
Tuesday for Kitchener, where she
will begin training in Kitchener -
Waterloo Hospital,
David Kirkby, who has been em-
ployed at Stratford for the past
month, has returned home to his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Mr. Sam Houston has returned
to 'his home g Grandview, Man.,
Ater visiting with his sisters, Mrs.
Mrs. John Hislop and
Hold Jitney At Bowling Club
Hensel]. Bowling Club held a jit-
ney on the bowling lawn on Mon-
day, Sept, 2, with 12 players par-
ticipating. Winners were: first, W.
0. Goodwin, skip, William Brown,
lead, two wins plus 11; second,
John Henderson, skip, Hugh Love,
lead, two wins plus three; third,
James A. Paterson, skip, Lorne
Luker, lead, one win plus seven.
Toronto Mg,
• Gue
1rco, Lee 1)0tindt--TY:
EIIis IticLinto*, tar
'Augmented Band tU.04'.
TikeMay be obtained front SW4A$94'q; JweI1eS
St, Stratford; Ken ixassft, Dublin,. and GOrgegild.
ADMISSION; Adidts, $1.00 — Children, -under Ag yeS
The park at Stratford proved an
ideal location for the Schwalm
family reunion Sunday, Sept. 1,
with some 50 members of the fam-
ily present from St. Thomas, Ham-
ilton. Belleville, Aurora, Camp
Borden, Stratford, Hensall and
Kippen. A full line' of sports were
run off and dinner and supper
served picnic style.
Winners in the various events
were: Races, three and under,
Peter O'Hara; throwing ball, three
and under, Peter O'Hara; races,
five and under, Susan Schwalm;
seven and under, David Schwalm;
12 and under, Barbara Schwalm;
ladies' race, Mrs. Harold Hanson;
men's race,,Iim White; three-Teg-
ged race, Mrs. Lee Schwalm, Jer-
ry Hanson; wheelbarrow race,
Mrs. Harold Hanson, Bill Wayne;
sewing patch, Mrs, -Gordon
Schwalm; coming the farthest dis-
tance, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara
and Peter. Belleville; oldest person
present, Alfred Pfaff, Zurich;
youngest, Bobby White, Aurora;
largest family, Mrs. Vi ole t
Schwalm, Hensall.
A peanut .scramble and balloon
race concluded a most delightful
day. The 1958 reunion will be held
at Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray
and Louis Murray were in Cobourg
attending the Murray -Mulhall wed-
ding on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Pinnsonault,
of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McIver spent the weekend at Am-
Mr. and Mrs. James Montrose,
West Palm Beach, Florida, called
on friends during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaffney and
baby, Byron, visited Mr, and Mrs.
James Sloan.
Louis Kennedy, of Toronto, spent
the weekend with , Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Kennedy,
Rev. John Stapleton, C.S.B., of
Toronto, Mrs. Rita Stapleton, Col-
lingwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
McCann, Toledo, Ohio, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Kale.
Mrs. John Melady and Pat Mel-
ady, of Detroit, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Melady.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray and
family, of London, and Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Dennome and baby, of
Zurich, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid.
Mrs. Al Wood and' children, of
Detroit, spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Walsh.
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, of
Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rev. Robert Hymus, S.F.M., St.
Marys, visited with Mr, and Mrs.
William McIver.
For Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams
(nee Marilyn Medd)
Community Centre
Friday, Sept. 6th
— Everyone Welcome —
• •
014:,0,4'..,A., •
;W.* '
• when and where you want
Illustrated here is the Duro
"Little Giant" 15 gallon, ,
packaged system.'Only 25"
.high, 34" long and 15" deep,
this complete running water
system is compact enough to
install under a kitchen sink!
The system is engineered—in
true Duro style—to give many
years of trouble-free service
at the most economical prices.
We will be glad to give you a free estimate of
the cost of labour and materials. Phone or
come into our shop and see how really inex-
pensive running water the DURO way can be.
Seaforth, Ontario
* Formerly Empire. Frau Mf. Co. ;Jerked
Red & White Market
1835 -1957
One Hundred and Twenty -Second Anniversary
Rev. J. Semple, B.A., S.T.B., Th.D., Minister
Mrs. Greta MacLeod, Organist
Guest Minister:
Rev. Dr. Hunnisett
Supt. of Fred Victor, Mission, Toronto
*It IV
11 A.M.—"Jesus Of Nazareth Passeth By"
,AFTERNOON (3 - 5)
Open House. Tea will be served.
7:30 P.M.—"Soup, Soap and Salvation"
Music A.M.—"0 How Admirable Are Thy Dwel-
lings" Pears
Anthem—"I Was Glad" Walters
At the Evening Service all Musical Selections by the Famous
Harbouraires. Come Early!
8:30 p.m. — Fireside Hour
Refreshments by the Ladies
Visitors and friends cordially invited to see our improvements
to Church Property. Everybody welcOme.
10 A.M.
Re -opening Services of Church School arid
11 A.M.
- •
Dedication hi Grateful Memory .Of•
. late Mrs, :McMillan
"Thou Shalt Remember All-Ahc)/ttuy Which: :the 40
• • • ti.3:#& . .