HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-08-30, Page 4rti SHOP YOUR w Ads Inserted At New Law Cash Rates E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word; • 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 'i Cent Srd Week % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents n Each fi6^ure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. em,ta per week. `-i ee.nay be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. eerb''ients additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 4400 of date of final insertion. • - ri q, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. ' ,dNpn Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc,—Rates on application. Coming Events EARN DANCE et Jim Griffin's new arm, >F. mile east of Motherwell, on Fri- 4ay. August S0. Dancing from 9:30 to .1100, to Wilfred Fink and his Blue Rang- ers: Door prize: wrought iron TV tea :service. 4674x1 ,BARN DANCE at Jim Griffin's new barn, % mile east of Motherwell, on Mon - 'day, September 2. Dancing from 10 to 1 o'clock, to Slim Boucher and the Golden Prairie Cowboys of CKNX-TV. 4674x1 For Rent FOR RENT 114 HENSALL—Downstairs apartment, modern facilities; nicely decor- ated; two-piece bath; private entrance. Apply MRS. JAMES SMILLIE. Phone 222-3, Hensall, 4674-2 Poultry FOR SALE -150 pullets, Swift's Sky. Hi layers, W.L. x R.I.R., five months old, laying. JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 16. 4674x3 FOR SALE—Laying pullets, Leghorn pullets laying a large percentage 'A' large eggs There is a spread of 23c difference !between pullet and 'A' large eggs. These pullets are 12.00 each. We are putting in 16,000 Kinber chicks this fall. This is a new Leghorn with the large egg size. For more information, write or phone. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3, 4673x4 Help Wanted 1 FOR SALE—Calf eight weeks old. Can be seen any time after 5:30 p.m. Apply MRS. D. NETZKE. Phone 669 r 41, Sea - forth. 4674-1 Lost and Found LAST—Sun glasses at Lions Park on Friday night. Reward. I3. O. FREE. Phone 366. 4674x1 For Sale FOR SALE—Boy's bicycle, in dition. Apply to KENNETH Phone 839 r 11. FartsQ r Sate FARM FQ-R; CALF A farm in Hay TgvFpahila on way, of 125 acres oilo:iCe land'" Con- sisting of a 9 -room, frame house .With modern kitchen with Intilbirac cupboards. Has drilled well with llot:`and `cold water on tap. Has two pressure- systems with both hard and sof4 NFateg.. ou tap throgrh- out buildings. Hatt fiquble ')garage, hen- house, pig pen. Ninet, y,five ,acres under cultivation : bola:ce .ln• be*'.and pasture. Apply URBAN DUCB:APMF, Three miles west of Hensall. 4674-tf Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, James Street, on good con- THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th PAPPI.E. at 1:00 p.m., a full 4674-1 line of Household Effects, including 2 bedroom suites; hall reek ; chest of drawers; kitchen cabinet: FOR SALE—Coal and cement. Ask us 2 dining room tables: 6 dining room for prices. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone chairs; china cabinet; sewing machine; 36 r 13, Dublin. 4674x4 writing desk: electric washing machine; coal oil stove: studio couch ; chairs: lamps; FOR SALE—Automatic Thor gladiron, ; crosscut saw ; extension ladder; garden nearly new. PHONE 149, Hensall. • tools, and other articles too numerous to 4673-2 mention. FOR SALE—One used toilet in good condition. Apply to Box 645, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4674x1 FOR SALE—Quebec beater in good con- dition, $5.00. MAX CARTER, Egmond- i ville. Phone 454, Seaforth. 4674x1 FOR SALE—Brand new Beatty washer, 1 5120. BORDEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 841 r 2. 4671-tf FOR SALE -3 good milk cows, young. hand -milked. E. UHLER, RR 3, Walton, three miles east of United Church. Phone 37 r 19, Brussels. 4674x1 BUNK BEDS in stock with spring - filled mattresses, at exceptional savings, DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4672-3 FOR SALE -15 pigs ten weeks old; 1 thoroughbred boar, with papers. NICK VAN VUGT. Phone 849 r 22, Seaforth- 4674-1 BEL? WANTED—Girl to assist with general housework in Seaforth home, with all modern conveniences. To live in- Ap- ply Box 635, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4674x2 EXPERIENCED Furniture Rubber and Polisher or young man to learn Furniture Finishing. Steady work. top wages, usual employee benefits. Write full particulars to Box 644, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4674-1 WANTED Three persons for light piecework, E: L. MICKLE & SON, Hensall — Phone 103 4674-1 APPLICATIONS will be received up to September 21, 1957, for .Organist - Choir Leader (Hammond organ) for Egmondville United Church. Applicants must state qualifications and salary. expected. Apply: IVAN FORSYTH, R.R. 2, Kippen yard). Chairman Music Committee, 4674-3 FOR SALE—Ne, 1 Commercial Genesee wheat: cleaned and treated; $2.00 a bush- el. Apply W. J. FERGUSON, R.R. 1, Dublin Phone 45 r 19, Dublin 4673x3 FOR SALE ---Ventilating equipment for barns, poultry houses, etc., fans, thermo- stats, complete installations. Free esti- mates. Call CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797, Seaforth. 4672x3 HONEY FOR SALE—Will be pouring September honey on Wednesday, Sept. 4. This is the honey for hay fever, and con- tains all fall vitamins. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. Seaforth. 4674-1 HONEY FOR SALE—Saturday will be the last day to have your containers filled with clover honey at 25 cents a pound. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. 4674-1 FOR SALE --A new•Zip-Grip clothesline with pulleys; coal heater; scythe; crosscut saw; large iron sugar kettle; garden hand cultivator; quantity of quart jars and half -gallons. PHONE 475-W. 4674x1 FERTILIZER FOR SALE — One and three-quarter tons: 3-15-10: one ton :2- 12-10; one ton: 0-16-8: 480 lbs. Aeroprills; 11r, tons land lime. Come and 'take it away at 110 a ton less than market price. , MARIE SPROAT, R.R. 4, Seaforth (Brick - 4673x2 Wanted WANTED—Girl, 17, desires housework - Live in. Experienced with children - PHONE 699 r 32, Hensall. 4674x1 WANTED TO BUY—I will buy a low- priced Austin. State price, year and con- dition- Box 642, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4674-tf Cards of Thanks I I WISH TO THANK all my friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, .London: 4674x1 FRED COOK I WISH TO THANK my many friends for kindly remembering me with fruit and flowers and cards and treats while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, 4674-1 MAE PARGETER • WORK WANTED—Youth would like' I WISH TO THANK Rev. Father Me - work in a store. Age 19; has good edu-. Cowell, Dr. McMaster, Dr. Malkus and the cation. Willing to work. Apply Box nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital 643, HURON EXPOSITOR. for their kindness and care given me 4674x1 while I was sick in the hospital. I also thank all who visited, me and sent cards OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2c pound, ' and treats. I also thank the C.W.L. and and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone - all whfy.,visited me and gave treats when at. once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, I returned home. Thank you. phone collect 1483 3 4 or 1483.71, Gode- MISS MARY O'REILLY, rich. 4670x8 4674x1 R.R. 5, Seaforth. WANTED—Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, BRUCE MAR- LATT, Atw,od. Phone 8 or 153. 4671-tf Notices BICYCLE REPAIRS--C.C,M. parts and accessories; 2 used boys' bicycles for sale, CHARLES PINDER, Seaforth. 4674x1 NOTICE—Would the party who borrow- ed a poultry debeaker 'please return. BILL HENDERSON. Phone 645 J 1, Seaforth. 4674-1 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 847-R. 4671-tf COMPLETE LAUNDJ6TERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice- WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4671-tf SMALL ENGINE SERVICE — Repairs and service on all makes, of amok gaso- line engines, Briggs, Stratton, Clinton, Johnson, etc, Parts on hand. All re- iairs guaranteed. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone, 797, Seaforth. 4672x3 ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Cs11 collect, ED: ANDREWS, 851 r' 11, Sea- forth. erforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 46714f NOTICE Twp. of Tuekersmith aliip• of Tucketnmitti D'itrnping Gill he open ori Wedrtasda7 rindSatard y afternoons, from 1 Mall t ,her notice.. t� ,f ' f f , E, P. atteg 7Ei , Clerk's;. • 401.-tf Terms—Cash- MRS. T. OLIVER, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E, P. Chesney, Clerk. 4673-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st at 1:30 pm„ on James Street: 1 brass. bed, springs and mattress: 1 dresser dining room suite; 6 chairs; 1 buffet; 3 small tables; kitchen stool; writing desk ; sewing m'whine; settee chairs; rocking chair; floor lamp; rangette; odd dishes: quantity quart sealers; 28 -foot extension ladder; 100 -foot hose; hose reel; lawn mower ; table saw; emery and motor ; copper boiler; 2 -burner plate; pipe wrenches and other carpenter tools- 200 feet clothes line and pulleys; 12 -inch pul- leys' hand floor polishers. Terms—Cash, GILBERT BECFrrEL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4673-2 Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES. (Rtthber Goods), {paned postpaid in .Plain, sealed enveippe withprice ilei. 6 samples 25C 24, amp,, pies 30.00; Mail - Order ,Dept. NOVA, Rt,ina, [ .Co. Box 91, Hatuillto;z,,l Notices To. Creditors NOTICE to:CREDITORS In the. Estate of ELIZABETH LAN SHANNON, Iate of the Teem Seaforth, Couqty of Huron, Widow. Creditors and others having . claims against the above estate are required to send particulars of such claims. 'to the undersigned Executor on or before the,. 9th day of September, 1957, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard- only to claims that ha then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY,'' London, Ontario, Administrators with the Will Annexed by ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor, Seafortb, Ontario. 1 4672-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS BY TRUSTEE 1N THE MATTER OF The Bulk Sales Act, AND IN THE MATTER OF the sale in bulk by Harold Kendrick and Mabel Kendrick of the Restaurant Business carried on at the Supertest Service Sta- tion in the Town of Seaforth. TAKE NOTICE that Harold Kendrick and Mabel Hendrick, formerly of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, have made a sale of the stock -in -trade and restaurant business and that I have been appointed trustee of the proceeds of the said sale under the provisiona of the Bulk Sales Act. ' AND TAKE NOTICE that all persona having any claims or ,demands against the said Harold Kendrick and Mabel Ken- drick must file proof of their claims with me on or before the 20th day of Septem- ber. I957,' after which date I will dis- tribute the proceeds of the sale having regard to those claims only which I shall have then received notice. DATED this 26th day of August, A.D.. 1957. DONALD IAN STEWART c/o McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario. ,674-3. THE NEW ugh the fastest freezing; action knovo!. FREEZEP %here's one big difference in freezers— the speed of freezing action. It is this speed that locks in the natural flavor of foods. It is this speed that cuts electricity costs. And the new Revco now brings you the fastest freezing action known in the industry. You'll want to see the amazing demonstra- tion' that enables you to see as well as feel this sensational Revco advantage. We have this freezer test set up to show it to you—it takes just two minutes! Get Revco's Faster Freezing Action—it costs no more for this added and proven supe- riority. • The 1957 REVCO FREEZER is by far the most beautiful freezer you will see anywhere! Come in today , and see our selection - a full range of styles and sizes to fit your needs and budget. SPECIAL Cubic Foot Revco Freezer now in stock at Special Price. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 70 Dublin DRESS UP YOUR CHILDREN FOR THE GIRLS: SKIRTS—All-wool pleated, plaid, re- versible skirts. All colours. Sizes 10-20. Special, only 12.95 Many other styles to choose from, in the new Tweeds and Cottons -3.95 to 8.95. PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS— In "Orlon", all colours; $3.95 - 5.95 BLOUSES—Cottons, Wools and Dac- rons. Sizes 12-20 2.49 - 4.95 Just Arrived—Best selection in Fall Hats, Coats and Dresses. All reasonably priced. FROM OUR COMPLETE STOCK FOR THE BOYS: SLACKS—In novelty patterns; all colours; sizes 26-36 • • $4.75 and up JEANS -Light blue, navy and sand; heavy weight. All sizes; 2.50 - 3.95 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS --- "I v y League" in all sizes; only • .: • 1.75 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS—In all pat- terns and colours . 2.95 - 5.95 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS -- Sizes. 26 - 34 only 3.75 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS — Sizes 3 - 44 7.50 - 14.50 ORLON PULLOVERS =-- Powder, red, mint only 5.95 SPECIALS IALS ON ALL OTHER A1t!rICL] S Too Numerous To 'Mention ! b • Maws LBYS; WEAR ervlVO$ at TJIllted Ctsii0. • allay nlo'nr� mg were largely a` ended, Rev. t, D. Daniel gave an inspiring discourse, and Mrs William Fuss sang . ' a pleasing Solo. , Mrs. Bill Wayne, Shirley and' Kenneth, of Hamilton, and Wit and Mrs. Doan. Perdue, nanny 'And, MI�p ael, of Camp Borden, have ,return- ed after Spending a weeks' with. Mrs Violet SChWalilil, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie and Ray Schwalm spent the week= end at Hamilton and Niagara Falls.. •Mrs, James W. Bonthrol return- ed home on Monday of this week after vacationing for the month of August with her sister, Mrs, Nor= man Peppier, at Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T: Berry, of Windsor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson on Saturday and spent the weekend at• Oak- wood, Grand Bend. Mr. Berry is manager of the' Windsor office of the Guaranty Trust Co. of Can- ada. • Ted Norminton, of Hensall, grade 13 student at South Huron District High School, Exeter, has been awarded a $100 scholarship in mathematics. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Norminton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and Bonnie have returned home from a vacation' at Sudbury, Elliot Lake and other points in Northern. On- tario. They also visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Peters, of Guelph. Mrs. Annie Logan is visiting friends in Windsor. Miss Elaine Keyes is visiting her grandmother„ Mrs. Keyes, Bruce - field. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bell are moving into a residence on the London Road, Highway 4 near Kippen. Mr. William Kerr, .of Barrie, is spending this week with his wife and family. Parks are always of interest to travellers and one of , the largest in Ontario, Algonquin Park, which covers 2,750 square miles, provides unlimited facilities for tourists. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to and including Friday, August 30. 1957, for a caretaker for St. Patrick's School, Dublin. J. L. O'REILLY, Secretary, Dublin,• -Ont, 4673-2 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Drainage Tender are ;Tenders , invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for construction of the Second Concession Drain, consisting of 1.060 lineal feet of closed drain ; 1 catch basin, 1 field stone protection. Tile will be supplied by the Township. All other requirements top be supplied by the contractor. Contractor to state earliest ystarting date Bond in form of marked cheque for 10% of tender price to accom- ''7iane each tender. Tenders - to be in the Clerk's hands by 9 p.m. (D.S.T.) on Sep- tember 3, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. . E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuekersmith. Seaforth, R.R. No. 4, 4674-1 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Drainage Tender Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuccersmith for the construction of the Carter Municipal Drain, consisting of 7.765 linealfeet, open drain (2.200 cu. yards). 585 lineal feet of closed drain, 5 catch basins and 1 junction box. Tile will be supplied by the Township; all other requirements by the contractor. Contractor to state earliest starting date. nand in form of marked eheque for 10% of tender price to accompany each tender. Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by 9 p.m. (D.S.T.), on September 3, 1957. Lowest or any' tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office - E.. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Tuekersmith, • Seaforth, . R.R. No. 4, 4674.1 Births MaeLEAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean, RR 1, Bornholm, a daughter.' McGRATII—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 26, to Mr. - and blra, Pat. McGrath,. Dublin, a son. PENNINGTON—At Scott Memorial , Hos- vital, on August 23, to : r, and Mrs. • James Pegningtdpb RR 8 Bruges. ''a eon. STAFFEN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Staffen, Seaforth, a- son., WHEATLEY—Erma and Dyke Wheatley are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter (Patricia Gail). Deaths- MoFARLANE-In Seaforth, on Tuesday, August 57; Robert Kay McFarlane, of Winthrop, in his 7$th year. II!IIIAIIII111nnft111141111111111111111111111 - FLANN-ERY CLEANERS Main Street r 'Seaforth 'Start the l school term frith a CLEAN SUIT Far pick -tip and delivery t' ON 97, Seaforth i:,, �laon IHt 0 It run. DetA It Nor t{ Ill 1 S t oxge.i ass *t4094414;164: h( lbws keel 'asslstL at tl ,e >rI *44094 G�•urep�; Gama keax �a for the Sltln mer• months, Ilse retu ed lioie The tocgion I4djees' 4ualha0'wBi: fovea "its fail meeting With a- •pot, luck. Slipper in the, Legion' Ball,: Tuesday,' Sept. Sr:rs. ':it«; `Tayloar, ;, aa'd Nil's. 1 . ;Taylor, jr., spent the past week in Detroit. Mr. and M1t. and W;•R, Miss PhyllDougall, Mriss flougall• enjoyed, Earle.' a tour of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Thousand Is- lands and Ottawa, returning home by way of Kawartha Lakes, Mrs. Myrtle Young, Of Toronto, has returned home after spending a week with her mother, Mr's. R. Taylor, Sr. Billy Shaddiek is holidaying this. week in Palmerston and Clinton. Rev.. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- guson, Roderick, -Judith, :Trevor and Jaines, of Montreal,, returned home Wednesday of 'this :week af- ter a delightful vacation .spent here. Last Friday they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Michael and Bobby. Thursday they were entertained" by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink at their suminer cottage at Point Clark. Tuesday of this week they were guests of Mr; and Mrs. L. Mickle and family 'at Schade View, and also were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy of Grand Bend. Mr. Ferguson was former' minister df Carmel Church here, and called on many former members -of the congregation, who were pleased to meet them again. K1PPEN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hulled• ,and ieith, of Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Dalton, Newton and Dennis, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Scott and family; of Seaforth, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Dalton. Dianne and Roy Dalton are holi- daying with Larsy Scott, of Sea - forth. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex MgBeath and Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnston re- turned home from a five-day trip to North Bay, the Soo, Michigan, and Port • Huron. Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Wahl; of Lis- towel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Ronald McKnight, of Galt, Who spent two weeks with his grand- parent's, Mr, and Mrs. Robert El- gie, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Moffatt, of Regina, are visiting the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moffatt, and other rela- tives. - Mr. and`1VIrs. Elgin Thompson left by ' motor Wednesday for a trip to Vancouver, Mr. Lloyd Thompson accompanying them to Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Elgie visited with'friends in Galt on Sun- day. Hold Barbecue About 80 people attended an op- en-air barbecue at Jerry Moffatt's farm, on the London Road, Wed- nesday evening; August 14. It was attended by hog growers and their wives from Seaforth, Hensall, Zur- ich and Kien. The barbeque was sponsored by Laird. Mickle & Sons, feed dealers of Hensall. The chickens were cooked by Al Mor- gan and John Manning, of London, who are district. representatives. of the - feed dealers. 'Mr, Morgan gave an address on feeding and management of pigs' with a film to illustrate. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND - THE LAST FLING ! DANCING! WED, - FRI. - SAT. - - Also — • Sunday Midnite Dance Sept. lst To the music of LIONEL THORNTON and his Orchestra — plus - Crowning of `MISS GRAND BEND' Beauty Queen for 1957-' Will be photographed by all leading newspapers and also CFPL, Lon- don; Channel 10. or r• p5 TH-URSDAY, SEPTENBE special preparations are being m, de to ensure this will be an outstanding -Fair ! The Fair this year will bes field at S.S. No., ,10 Winth`ro • WATCH' FOR PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK !.. FINAL ` MMIN-G MEET At Seaforth Lions Club Park SATURDAY, AUGUST -31st commencing at 2 p.m. A FULL PROGRAM OF BEGINNER, JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE, SENIOR AND ADULT • EVENTS,, INCLUDING RACES and NOVELTY RACES Beginners 9• and under' Junior 11 and under Intermediate 13 and under Senior 16 and under For further information, see - RON ENNIS. Swimming Supervisor At the Park ' Seed Wheat r • Fertilizer . • Fresh Cement • Top Quality Concentrates Fence Posts Steel - Cedar GY_C6EC G3 SEz: WIDEN A MAN BRAGS NE TAKES HIS HAT OFF TO NOBODY, ASK HIM HOW HE GETS HIS HAIR CUT #;-RM1RJ OOIJPINITIVE EGG STATION -FEED MILL `7t6ph,5,-t{_, /3/9 Tune in "Focus On the Farm", Mon. through Fit , at 6:35 CKNX - TV, Wingham - - Huron ; Cuu s Finest !sed - Car'- Market is 1956 FORD CUSTOIVILINE `SEDAN automatic transmission; fully,.;equipped 2 �� 1956 CHEV. DE1rUXE'"$EDA.4q 1 � fully equipped f , L 1955 CFTEV. COACH - With 11.8 Motet 1954 CHEV. II;L Alit SEDAN-",",, ;,. fully equipped 1953 CHEV. COAC11 ' CHEV, SEDAN 1495 1`195 895 1951 CHEV. SEDAN 4 /...; 1950 FORD SEDAN 550 TRt CKS 1953 CHEV. 1/2TON PICKUP 1.952 CHEV. 3l; -TOM .1'IC1CU`T' 1948 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY , A Written Guarantee • for CO days ,lin all Late Model Car—Many other Models td: choose from E'+t)'E iii' !'+tE11Tl1lifii' t; A iud to itt 1 wt, kl. •I' • • . M • 4 t