HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-08-23, Page 4'Sk} lot Week, 1 Cent ft ldi.��`tk, 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts, as one word. rt'li(anks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events—1 cent per woo Minimum. r14,lt ; teepts Per week. • ea May to aitay be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 Cents extra. Fp, additional will be chanted if ads in above class are not paid within 10 .e `k ; ..,• �s of date of final insertion. yi 13 .aha)•, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. ',(y ',II600_ Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. --Rates on application. 1 4s Inserted At New -Lo* Cash Rates WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, "ETC. Per Word: • Coming Events rap • ,TILI,.L.O.B.A. EUCHRE DATES for the all'9,,e: October, 21, Ng'emher 13 and !eceatber BAKE SALE on September 7th, at 3 P.m., in the Orange Hall (farmer Salvation Army Hall). Auspices of the Building Committee of the Orange Hall. 4673-1 Lost and Found LOST—A small ledger. Finder apply Box 636, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4672x2 FOUND—A set of tools on McKillop road Apply to Box 638. HURON EX- POSITOR. 4673x1 LOST—In Seaforth, on Friday, on Main Street, near Elliott's Lunch, a pocket- book. Finder please contact JOHN RYAN, Dublin. 4673-1 For Rent FOR RENT—An upstairs apartment. three rooms and bath; heated. PHONE 668 r 2, Seaforth, 4672x2 FOR RENT—Upstairs 4 -room apart- ment, on East William St. Apply to JAMES T. SCOTT, Victoria St., or phone 350-R. 4671-3 FOR RENT — Beautiful four-bedroom house with hot water heater. Immediate possession. DR. E. A. McMASTER. 4673-1 FOR RENT—Five-room apartment, pri- vate bath: heated. Available September 1. DOUGLAS DALTON. Phone 320-M, Seaforth. 4673x1 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1953 Meteor Customline, fully equipped. Immaculate condition. G. N. TERRYBERRY, c/o O.P.P., Seaforth. 4673x1 Wanted WANTED—Office work for mornings. Eight years' experience. References. Ap. ply Box 641, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. WANTED—Girl. 17. desires- housework; live in, Experienced with children. PHONE 742. Seaforth. 4673x1 YOUNG WOMAN will look after chiI- dren while mother works. PHONE 6814 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. 4672x2 WORK WANTED—Young woman seeks situation as a general clerk; knowledge of bookkeeping, filing and typing. Apply Box 639, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4673x1 OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2c pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, ) phone collect 1483 J 4 or 1,483.3 1. 4Go x - WANTED—Highest cash prices paid for 'sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy. boar bogs. Call collect. BRUCE MAR- LATT, Atwood. Phone 8 or 153. 4671-tf Notices To Creditors NOTICE to' CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH McMIL- LAN SHANNON, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Widow. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 9th day of September, 1957, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. London, Ontario, Administrators with the Will Annexed by ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor, Seaforth, Ontario. 46724 Notices RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 247-R- 4671-tf COMPLETE LAUNDMrl•;RIA in -Sea- forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, I FERTILIZER FOR SALE — One and agent for Brady Cleaners & Ianndeteria three-quarter tons: 3-15-10; one ton: 2 - Ltd., Exeter. 12-10; one ton: 0-16-8: 480 lbs. Aeroprills : 4671-tf 1'4 tons land lime. Come, and take it away at $10 a ton less than market price. MARK SPROAT, R.R. 4, Seaforth (Brick- yard). 4673x2 • For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT—One' block from Main. Street. HARVEY Mc- LlWAIN. Seaforth. 4673-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTED—Capable housekeeper 'or adult family in Seaforth. All modern conveniences. Apply Box 640. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4673-1 Audio es AUCTION BALE.: Auction Sale ,.Househdl4:''Efie in •the Town of Seaafgri.l(, James Street,. on THUR'S.pay,' AUGUST 29th at 1.:30 p.m., :a. full line of Hapeejipld Effects, including 2 hedrggm suites:143411 rack ; chest of drawerstitsllelt, cgiiinet; 2 dining room tables 6', diming( soots chairs: china cabinet Bev( inn Machine, writing desk ; electric washing tltachine: coal oil stove; studio couchchairs ; lamps; crosscut saw; extension laiid:r: garden to(31, and other articles too numerous -to mention. Terms—Cash. MRS. T. OLIVER. Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4673-2 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the Village of Hensall. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28th HELP WANTED—Girl• to assist with general housework iq Seaforth home with at 1 o'clock: Electric washing machine; all modern conveniences. To live in. Ap-Coleman camp stove; studio couch; din• ply to Box 63:,, HURON EXPOSITOR. I ung room table and 6 chairs: drap-)'s,` 4672x2 I table; arm chairs; odd chairs; combina- tion writing desk and cabinet; rocking ' chairs : bureau,; sideboard: sewing ma- chine; cupboard: wardroBe; beds; springs and mattresses; small tables; radio ; dress - I ern; washstands; bedding; mats; dishes; Stenographer with shorthand and gen- kitchen utensils: hot plate; step ladder; eral knowledge of office work, Pleasant I coal; wood ; garden tools; lawn mower: working conditions in modern office.: block and tackle: wire stretcher, and Group • insurance, etc. numerous other articles. HELP WANTED Seaforth Shoes Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. 4672-2 PART-TIME NEED $300 IN THE NEXT 60 DAYS? If you have 2 to 3 hours daily spare time and a car—you can start at once making Extra Money Enrolling Motor Club Memberships in this locality (city or rural). No experience; training aids provided. Enquiries from women wel- comed. FULL-TIME Have you experience in direct selling such as Cookware, Flatware. Magazines, Books, Appliances, Insurance. etc.? We need experienced men for lucrative sales positions. Opportunity to qualify as Dis- trict Manager in this area. Reply by letter at once stating Part or Full Time to: MR. RISDILL. Box 817, London., Ont. 4673-1 Poultry FOR SALE -400 Red X Sussex pullets, Coveney's breed. starting to lay. JOHN HENDERSON. Phone 839 r 4. Seaforth. 4673x1 FOR SALE—Laying pullets, Leghorn pullets laying a large percentage 'A' large eggs TJiere is a spread of 23c difference between pullet and 'A' large eggs. These Pullets are 82.00 each. We 'are putting in 16.000 Einber chicks this fall. This is a new Leghorn with the large egg size. For more information, write or phone. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Phone 647 r 3. 4673x4 For Sale FOR SALE—Automatic Thor gladiron, nearly new. PHONE 149, Hensall. 4673-2 FOR SALE—Brand new Beatty washer. 1120. BORDEN BROWN. R.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 841 r 2. 4671-.tf FOR SALE—Grade X High School books in good condition. Phone 657 r 41, Sea - forth. MARIE SINCLAIR. 1673x1 FOR SALE—One Holstein and Durham cow, just freshened; also 2 calves. W. D. WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 33. Seaforth. 4673-1, BUNK BEDS in stock with spring - filled mattresses, at exceptional savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4672-3 FOR SALE—An oak extension d, iing- room table and four chairs. Will" sell separate; reasonably priced. L. FAULK- NER, Seaforth. Phone 23, daytime 4673x1 FOR SALE—No. 1 Commercial Genesee wheat ; cleaned and treated: $2.00 a bush- el. Apply W. J. FERGUSON, R.R. 1, Dublin Phone 45 r 19, Dublin 4673x3 FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, in good repair. Will sacrifice for quick sale. JAKE BROOME- Phone 1304. 4673x1 FOR SALE—Ventilating equipment for barns, poultry houses, etc.. fans, thermo- stats. complete installations. Free esti- mates. Call CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797, Seaforth. 4672x3 SMALL ENGINE SERVICE — Repairs and service on all makes of small gaso- line engines, Briggs, Stratton, Clinton, Johnson, etc. Parts on hand. AU re- pairs guaranteed. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797, Seaforth. 4672x8 ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt; courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and bides. Can collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4671-tf NOTICE Will the party Who borrowed 50 -foot drain cleaner from the 'Town Han to Clean sink drain,, please retttrn same, as others are waiting to use it. TOWN OF SEAFORT21 4673.1 • 4 , NOTICE of Tuckersmith Sownsbih of Tnekersmith Dumping Ground Will be open on Wednesday sad Saturday iifternobnS, .front 1 to 0 p.m., titttit farther notice. B. P. ati .SNEnt, Gert. 4871-tf ERLOQ,:. D ARTICLES FOR SALE—Frigaide 9.1 cu. ft., Cyclomatic defrost, 45 lb. con- stant freezer, practically new; dinette table, two chairs, vanity drawer, .double mirror. Other miscellaneous, ar('cles. Ap- ply 8 Winnipeg•Road, RCAF Station, Clin- ton. Phone HUnter 2-9967. 4673-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to and including Friday, August 30, 1957, for a caretaker for St. Patrick's School, Duplin. J. L. O'REILLY, Secretary, Dublin, Ont. 4673-2 TENDERS WANTED Township ' of McKillop Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be .received by the undersigned until 8 o'clock at. Carnegie Library, Seaforth• on Augudt `d3; 1957, for the supply and installation Of a heating system for the Township ,of MtKillolt Municipal Shed at W athrdls the eititrptnent to bet 05 err propane, With hot air circnlatars to hent hp tele 70 tie esu: if tl°edetlkary Coltrattt 3 ; , *ii*. l*iFe bV4 lttipt e rteel, „Se Kb cif Terms—Cash. MRS. JOHN B. FORREST, Proprietress. P. L. McNaughton, Clerk. Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4673-1 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, on . SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st at 1:30 pm., on James Street: 1 brass bed, springs and mattress; 1 dresser dining room suite; 6 chairs: 1 buffet; 3 small tables; kitchen stool; writing desk; sewing machine; settee chairs; rocking chair; floor lamp; rangette; odd dishes:; quantity quart sealers : 48 -foot extension ladder ; 100 -foot hose: hose reel; lawn mower; table saw: emery and motor; copper boiler: 2 -burner plate: pipe wrenches and other carpenter tools ; , 200 feet clothes line and pulleys; 12 -inch pul- leys; band floor polishers. Terms ---Cash. GILBERT BECHTEL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4673-2 Cards of Thanks MR, EARL TREFF'RY and family wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness shown during their recent sad bereavement. 4673-1 I WISH TO THANK my many friends for kindly remembering me with fruit, flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, for - the past three weeks. 4673-1 MRS. J. HOELSCHER DR. F. HARBURN and Evelyn wish to thank their neighbors and friends who were so kind in helping them and who remembered them in their 'bereavement, and to -the staff of Muir's Nursing Home. 4673x1 MR. ROSS HAMILTON and MR. AND MRS. G. A. WHITNEY wish to express their sincere appreciation to their many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown by them in so many ways follow- ing the death of a beloved wife and daughter. To the many friends who, by their assistance, their understanding and their presence, helped to ease the burden of grief, we wish to convey our heartfelt thanks. We especially thank the friends and neighbors and the ladies of Northside United Church for their kind assistance at the home during the time of the be- reavement. 4673x1 Births BROOME—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald •- Baooyte,,,Seaforth. a son. DE\fiEREAIIX—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. James Devereaux, RR 4, Seaforth, a sort. • DALTON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dal- ton, RR 2, Walton, a daughter. SCOTT—Amer and Myrtle Scott (nee Poole) are proud to announce the safe arrival of their son on August 17, at Victoria Hospital, London—Ronald El- mer. WALLINGTON—Jack and Margaret (nee Atkinson) Wallington happily announce the birth of their daughter, Marion Cecilia, at St- Joseph's Hospital, Hamil- ton, Ont., on August 4, 1957. A' sister for Stephen. ) Deaths HARBURN—In Seaforth, on Friday. Aug. 16, Fanny Pinder, beloved wife of Foster Barbara, in her 79th year. KIP'EN' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Forrest included: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lawson .and" Rennin, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bawer of. Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Briggs, Leonard and Dennis, Fiijit, ' Minh.; Miss Lorna Lavdson Gra.,nd Blanc, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. -Wal ter' O'Brien, Sharon and Michael, Staf€a; Mr.. Earl Treffry, Mr,' and Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Wayne and Ruth Ann, Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cud:nore, of Vancouver, are visiting with Mrs. Cudmore's brother and sister-in- -law, Mr.' and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, also a brother of Mr. Cudmore's; Mr. Sam Cudmore, and other rela- tives in the district. Mr. Donald Brock, of Winnipeg, who is touring Ontario and Que- bec, called on Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Hood on Friday. Miss Jean. Hyde, nurse -in -train- ing at Oshawa General Hospital, visited three days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman and Leslie, left Kippen by motor on Friday morning for a trip to, Calgary, Alta. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison, of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore, of Vancouver. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde were: Mr. and Mrs. William Helmath, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmath, Baden, and Mrs. Aaron Helmath, Baden. Master Bobby Gridzak and his is - ter, Judy, returned home after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler, West Monkton. Miss- Joyce Hood is holidaying two weeks in London with her cousin, Dianne Perkins. Mrs. Joe Ducharme and daugh- ter, of Dashwood, visited Wednes5 day with her mother, Mrs. James McClymont. Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle spent Wednesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood visit- ed Sunday with the former's broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and •Mrs. Perkins, of London. Sunday guests of Mr. Sam Cud - more included: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins, of near Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore, of London. Mr: and . Mrs. Elston Dowson visited on Sunday with his broth- er and sister, Mr. Lloyd and Miss Ella Dowson, of near Varna. Mrs. James • Campbell, Lynda and Dianne, of Sarnia, are visitors this week of Mrs. Campbell's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited Sunday with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love; of Caro, Mich.spent the weekend. with the latt,er's father, Mr. Robt' Cooper, also attended the Cooper picnic on . Sunday in Goderich park. - Mrs. 'Eddie McBride and her father, Mr. Robert Cooper, are Vis- iting a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro, Mich. Sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forrest and family in the passing of Mrs. Forrest's moth- er, the late Mrs. Earl Treffry, of Cromarty. There were two historic battles on the Plains of Abraham, the first won by the English forces, the sec- ond by the French forces. Saskatchewan's rivers, lakes and streams provide some of the fin- est sfishing in Western Canada, among 'which are lake trout, Northern pike and pickerel. The whole province of Alberta is an excellent hunting ground for ducks, geese and upland birds. Lat- er in the season, deer, moose, elk; bear and mountain goat are all fair game for the huntsman's rifle. Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed poatyaid in plain, sealed envelope with price net. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 41.00: Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER. CO., Box 91, Hamilton. NES o.Y fie sietwilnpemr 6oi7i'! Only Portable With MAGIC* MARGIN FLF,iOHl Bf-'-i'l IJ . ' ''e'Lorna Malone B is, daughter of Mrs. Fllva • i it , Seaforthk' y,'a `married Saturday to Egertoli•tntl,,;. say Fletcher, Toronto, son of M`rs. Fletcher, Gravenhurst, ,and. thelate W. A. Fletcher, in Northside '[What ;Ad Church, Seaforth, Rev 'Minis .carinichael and Rev. rice W. Hall officiated.. The bride was given in marriage bh r brother, Wayne guts. She wore a Helma of London original gown of white Swiss embroidery over yellow tulle designed with a V -neckline and dropped waistline. The skirt fell to a train. She wore a face veil and carried white or ids. Mrs. Thomas Crawford; Winni-' peg, was matron of honor;, and bridesmaids were Mrs. David Olive, Ottawa, and Ruth McQuir- ter, Midland. Attendants wore waltz -length gowns of white organ- fdy appliqued with yellow flowers. Junior bridesmaid, Ruth McQuir- ter, Midland, wore white organdy over yellow. William Bundy was groomsman and ushers were Murray Crawford, Toronto, Raplh Hall and William, - Waters , illiam,,Waters, Toronto. Mrs. James A. Stewart was or- ganist, and Irving Grey, of To- ronto, rendered two solos. The reception was held at The Little Inn, Bayfield, the bride's mother receiving, wearing an orch- id silk organza, figured chiffon hat with matching accessories, and a corsage of pink rosebuds. The groom's mother assisted, in cham- pagne rose crepe with -turquoise accessories and corsage 'of yellow and turquoise baby mums. WILLIAMS—MEDD Pink and white gladioli banked the altar of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Satur- day for the wedding of Marilyn Agnes Medd, Clinton, and Joseph Patrick Williams, of Kitchener. The 'bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Medd, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams, Seaforth. Rev. J. W. P. Graham officiated;: Mrs. Alice Stiles, Seaforth; was organist, and Miss. Julia Flanni- gan, Seaforth, was soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked radiant in a floor length gown of Chantilly lace ov- er net, long lily point sleeves with bouffant skirt. She wore a match- ing lace headdress, embroidered with sequins with shoulder -length veil, and carried a white prayer book crested with red roses. Miss Marjorie Medd, of London, was her sister maid of honor, in a ballerina length gown of pink crystalette charm with full skirt, and carried a bouquet of pink,car- nations. Bridesmaid was' Miss Anna Medd, of London, sister of the bride, wearing a gown identi- cal to the maid, of honor, in blue crystalette charm, and she car- ried blue carnations. Each wore matching feather pill -box hats. °' Miss Joan Williams, sister of the groom, was flower -girl in a floor - length gown of yellow pleated ny- lon, matching headdress, and car- ried a basket of mixed summer flowers. Mr. Ronald Williams, Kitchener, brother of -the groom, was grooms- man. Ushers wire Gordon Row- land, Windsor, and - Morris, Medd, Clinton, brother of the bride. A reception followed at the home of the bride. The bride's mother received in a navy sheer dress with matching accessories, while the groom's mother assisted in a mulberry dress with pink acces- sories. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride donned a powder blue linen sheath dress with blue and white accessories. On their return they will reside in Kit- chener. Guests attended from London„ Welland, . Walton, Niagara Falls, Brantford, Flint, Detroit, Windsor, Kitchener, Toronto, Grand Valley and Stayner. CROMARTY `Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Mar- garet Ann and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, Karen, Sharon and Catherine visited over tile. weekendwith Mr. and- Mrs. Harry Elliott in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. John Coates and Wit son, Kenneth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl do Sun- day. 'Mrs. Gertie Tuffin, of Mitchell, visited with Miss Olive Speare on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Colquhoun and family, of Acton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsay on Fri` daM� Ross Houghton and daughter Roberta, of Stratford,. spent a few days with Mrs: M. Houghton. Mr. William. Patrick, of Wyom- ing yoming called on friends on-' Monday. Miss Brenda Kerslake spent few holidays witlfher grandparents, Mr., arid Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. The members of the CGIT en- joyed a wiener roast on Monday evening and had as 'their guests the ,Roy's CGIT members. Is A Si BRUCEFIELD Mrs and Mrs. Leon.'Itusheall and chit .dn, of Trenton; are spending boll Os with Mrs. Ruslicall's pare entsjr,Mr. and Mrs..Moss Scott, -at then y+; cottage in Bayfield. • The"ladies of Tuckersmith held a shower for Miisi► Gladys Chap, Ono c%n theschool room of the dTliI3 & Friday, evening, Miss Eleanor McCartney and Mrs. Jas Mc aughton weiie m .charge of, the pr rain vM"rs 1101 eraofit lIeiii, M4Nattght ,ii afitl y Sitallne l g eontrlbu piafl6 snlotf acid fjs Util `Wi1ii gni' readlhg G` 1# ij ia(n r cel ±"dd ° ma)ly ' h sly +!h la rtn nrgfen' es tied o, dat{�o'yf, lid"ft>nr` ptG1 Inst fare, C RGId t dlt4 r, an A ex wl o?ada� w tb Ara a l s xn re$r!zaterx ;.Niel and �irs Edga��'�,����� .and Tell arm 'NAP , . 48004 we i`` at -11t-slit0 $1atLd,, ' and 1:'s 'JJioyd•e: rien� l in- &a anl, Sa;1q,,` of St, ;atarinesk peut'-t a weekend yp;tth M';'s Mlle erine Hedtlel ' and faniily r...u-.. 'I�fedden, ixtaahas been YaRatlonln g at St. Cathar'ines, returned, home wlth them.. Miss Maja Roohol, nurse tn: train- ing at Victoria Hospitli; orl`don,' ents.spent a few days with' uncle- par- ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ltifehyre, of Ottscwa, visited with tltetr.'son and daughter-in-law LAC George Lefebvre, Mrs. Lefebvre, $,ohhy and Ronnie, of Holmesvllle, this eek. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright and two sons, Alex and John; of Lorne Park, visited the former's mother, Mrs. James Wright, last weeps;,^a€nd also attended the Wright reunion in Seaforth. Mrs. W. B. Cross returned home last week after spending three weeks at Sauble Beach. Miss Betty Miekie and Miss Jean Corner; of Torohto spent the week end with the foriner's.-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family at Sande View. Mr. and Mrs. DOL►, Adams, of Sudbury, also Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson, of Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright recently. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobot accompanied by their nephew, Ron Gelderland, of Ridge - town, motored to, Three Rivers, 160 miles east of Montreal, Que.; for a two weeks' vacation: Miss Sharon Riley, of London, spent a few • days last week with Mr. and Dftrs. Laird Mickle and family at the lake. Mrs. James Wright and Mr. Frank Wright attended the funeral of Mrs. Wright's cousin, Miss Hat- tie Baker, in Mitchell last Week. Bingo Winners Legion bingo winners last Satur- day were: Charles Felkar, Sea - forth; Mrs. N. Buchanan (2); Mrs. W. R. Bell, Jerry Reid (2); Mrs. Mae McLellan; Harold Swartzen- truber; Paul Boa; Mrs. Sangster; To estimate the amount of stuff- ing that's needed for poultry or game, allow 1 cup of stuffing for. each pound of cleaned ready -to - cook bird. Meringues made with the pro=` portion of 1 egg white, 2 level tablespoons of granulated sugar and V2 teaspoon baking powder have a finer texture, larger vol- ume and taste wonderful. I MADE A GREAT USED CAR BUY HERE! Mrs. N Baird Bob` Bale , Sr., Clayton Sanders; 'fragk Sibiu er, Mitchell; jackpot' Fete ;Boshart,r Seaforth; Mrs. Jim Clark; Clay- ton .Sanders;door prize, Mrs. Wm.. Clement. r. E x. RE E fpr NT Yc8 S for Counter Check Books .tea Printed Gummed Tape MADE 5)' �{, FAPca,PAaDUCT 5 Styles for every business. Various colors and designs. Samples, suggestions and prices without obligation. UURON EXPOSITOR SF A FORTH 1Ba f'e wQ A t R��i . �*gid for Kr. acid Mrs. aclr' V haU., (nee Margaret ;IJayter) of •Uonaan Norris Qrek.gs44'a EVERYBODY 'WF1I,COM E ' Lakeview Casuist ANDE GR B ND OUR NEW' ORCHESTRAS: ARE TERRIFIC! Every WED, and $AT Night'' Bobby Downs and his OrchCstra Every FRIDAY Night Lionel Thornton and his Orchestra "MISS GRAND BEND" BEAUTY CONTEST. Labour Day Week -End Girls 18 years and''over — Sinple ENTER NOW! ' CASH •PRIZES!" Something to sell? Something to buy? Phone 41, Seafoith. ,TJyT'yTyTZT�;TyTs TyTyT�TyT�TyTyT FARMERS! Save Time and Work Bring your Grain in loose for Custom GRINDING, ROLLING and MIXING Save time op the farm and at the mill. TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 • a ry TZ TZ Ty Ty TZ Ty T �TyTy Seaforth /iIT J 1956 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN (Radio) 1955 DODGE TWO -DOOR SUBURBAN -1955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN (Radio) 1955 CHEV. TWO -DOOR SUBURBAN 1954 BUICK HARDTOP 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1956 DODGE 1/2 -TON EXPRESS Used Machinery ROWCLIFF 1 DC 4 CASE TRACTOR—Live P.T.O. and Hydraulic 1 1951 FORD TRACTOR RSSEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 267 THERE WILL 'B TARS` OVER SEAFORTH Friday,Aug. 30th When r 1957 at 9:00 p.m. ROWCL.IFFE *MOTORS Your J. I. Case Dealer CASEORA Starlite Re Presents At Lot 1, Concession 1, Hullett 2% MILES` WEST OF SEAFORTH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY • • You'll witness lively demonstrations with Case Tractors and a,variety of Implements which will make your farming easier and more profitable through every season. DOC- ------ Including r�I (Retail value. $125.00) :w REFRESHMENTS We'll Be Looking .For Yon - Plan Now to Attend x ; r y r • • 1 1 4 • • e r• ,I:4