HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-08-16, Page 77 AI
Following a ii*es d Ancients
sueceSAlallY' Or a4
XIII eXallibiallent 'et 'Seger,* Dui,
trict High Kehl*: Standings are:
1, 75 to 10O;2 to 74; 3, 61), to
65; Credit, Kin 59;
Boyd, Barbare' 1%1:4-Eng..00filp.
Cr., Eng. tat -a- fit. grotany
2, Lat. Aut.W. Let: 'Comp. Cr.,
Fr. Auth. 2,, Fr. Cemp. 2.
BroadfoOtt, C. ----Eng. Comp.
'Cr., Eng Lit:t.2, Hist P1'-, Botany
2, Zbolegy Cr. • ,
Bryans, Franklin E. -Zoology 2.
- .
Christie, Alice,..11E-Eng.
3, Eng. Lit. 3",;'llint.'Cr., Lat. Auth.
2, Lat. Comp:. Fr. Auth. 2, Fr.
Comp. 3.
Dale, 'Laurel r..,-Zoology/Cr.
Dearing, Donald,E.-,r-Eng. Comp.
Cr., Eng. 'Lit: Cr., Algebra 1;
Geometry 1, Trig.j',3„ Physics 1,
•Chemistry 1, Fr. Auth, Cr., Fr.
Cow w Cr.
Dinsmore, 11/il1iam-Algebra Cr.,
Geometry Cr,, Trig. 3, t901.43gY
C.,FIlYSica 2, Chefnistry L
p., Faye -Zoology Cr.
Engel, A. Isabe17-Zoolegy Cr.
Ennis; ltenald Comp.
,2, Eng„..Lit. Cr., Algebra 1, Geom-
etry 1, Trig. 1, Physics 1, "Chem-
istrY 1, Fr. Auth„ 2, Fr, Comp. 2.
Hemingway, Marion J. Eng.
Comp. 3, Eng, Lit. 3, Hist, Cr.,
Geolnetry 2, „Botany 1, Zoology 3,
Fir. Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. 2.
Heyink, Wilhelmina H.,Botany
MacGregor, Charles F. -Zoology
McEwing, Elizabeth S. Eng.
Comp, Cr., Eng, Lit. 2, Hist. Cr.,
Algebra Cr., Geometry 3,, Botany
This Business School can accom= cardine; R. Westbrook, Chartered
modate 30 students and each year Accountant office of Mr. A. M.
the desks are well filled. The fall Harper, 'C.A., Goderich; T. Goode,
term opens September 3, and reg- W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co., of Canada,
istrations are being accepted daily. Ltd., Goderich; R. ,Cook, Windsor
The following students have re- Salt Co., Goderich; E. Bell, Gener-
cently began work \ as secretaries, al Coach Works of Canada, Ltd.,
lbookkeepers, stenographers, and Hensall; N. Pentland,Unemploy-
typists: C. Anderson, Canadian ment Insurance Commission, Gode-
Naional Railways, London; L. rich; M. Orr, Bank of Montreal,
Lodge, John Labatt, Ltd., London; Groderich; M. Miller, RCAF School,
M. Andrew, Richards -Wilcox Mfg. Clinton; A. Drennan, Bank of Mont -
Co., London; B. Larder, London real, Goderich; R. Glazier, Clinton
Life Insurance Co; M. Martin, Community Credit Union Ltd., Clin-
Royal Trust Co:, London; D. Har- ton; M. Dales, RCAF School,Clin-
rison, law office of Ernest M. Lee, ton; H. Hicks, Massey -Harris Co.,
Q.C., Toronto; R. Gibbings, Pres- Londoo; R. Andrews, Victoria Hos-
ton-Noelting Ltd., Stratford; H. pital, London; M. Johnstone, Culli-
Campbell, Department of Agricul- gan Soft Water SerVice, Goderich;
tore, Walkerton; 0. Wilson, Circle C. Harris, Canada Packers Ltd.,
Bar Knitting .Company, Ltd., Kin- Clinton. -(Adv.).
• N•0 T C E
Town -Of Seaforth
All persons in the municipality owning
or harboring dogs must purchase 1957
Licenses for the same on or before July 31,
Licenses will be issued from the Treas-
urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the
Tax Collector, Harold Maloney.
. After that date summonses through the
Court will be issued to the owners or bar -
borers of dogs not having licenses.
All dogs must wear Tags!
1, Chemistry 34r. AO1h; Cr, Fr.
conga. 3. ,
AlleFailaoe,BerY1 Comp.
3, Ehg, Lit, Cr., Hist. 3, Betatiy 2,
Lat. Auth. Cr, Lat.. 'Comp, 2, Fr.
Autit. 3,, Fr- P0MIL
McGonigle, RobertG. - Eng.,
Comp.' Cr.,.,En. 14t. Cr,
Xel'ag$ort, Yvenne M. - Eng.
Comp. Cr., Eng, Lit Cr., Hist. 3,
Botany 8, Chemistry 2, Fr. Auth.
Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr.
MWson, D. Ross -Eng, Comp.
Cr.; Eng, Lit. Cr., Geometry Cr.,
Conip. Cr.
Montgomery, Joy E. -Zoology 3.
Morue, Jenny M. -Zoology Cr.
• Norris, J. R. Laird -Eng. Comp.
Cr„ Zoology 3, Fr. Comp. Cr.
, Nott, Sarah L.„, -Eng.. Comp. Cr.;
Cr.,Eng. Lit. algebra 3, Geome-
try 2, Trig. 1, Botany 1, Chem-
istry 3, Fr. Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp.
Pethick, D. Keith -Zoology 2.
Pethick, Marjorie J. - Eng.
Comp. Cr., Eng. Lit. 2, Hist. Cr.,
Botany 1, Zoology 2, Chemistry 2,
Fr. Auth. 3, Fr. Comp. 3.
Riley, Marilyn A. -Zoology 1.
Roberton, William- N. - Eng.
Comp. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr.
Scoins, Ronald G. -Eng. Comp.
3, Eng. Lit. Cr., Algebra 1, Geom-
etry 1, Trig. 1, Physics 1, Chemis-
try 1, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. Comp. 1.
Scott, Jean. M. -Eng., Comp. Cr.,
Eng. Lit. Cr., Geometry 3, Botany
1, Zoology 2, Chemistry 2, Fr.
Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr.
Sills, K. Ruth A. -Eng. Comp.
3, Eng. Lit. Cr., Hist. 3, Botany 2,
Zoology 3, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Comp.
2, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. Comp. 1.
Smith, June M. -Eng. Comp. Cr.,
Eng. Lit. 2, Hist. 3, Geometry 2,
Botany 1, Zoology 3, Chemistry 2,
Fr. Auth. 3, Fr. Comp. Cr.
Steffler, F'. Clem -Zoology 3.
Taylor, Lawrence H. -Zoology 3.
Teall, E. Ruth -Eng. Comp. 3,
Eng. Lit. 2, Hist. Cr., Botany 1,
Zoology 3, Chemistry Cr.
Thompson, Ken M. -Eng. Lit. 2,
Geometry Cr., Chemistry 2, Fr.
Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr.
Uhler, E. Victor - Eng. Comp.
Cr., Eng. Lit. 3, Zoology Cr.
ing their _recent marriage at. Egmondville United Church manse.
The bride was the former Margaret Catherine Hayter, of Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Upshall will reside in Hensall.
vV.Alipv*prY dArO,
1$14414i`O.:43#1e,:. ceM'et0
PeterkeiO4. '4Uly 24; Ie
Ogle pr Jo; ArtinT BuOup, Kent
rth, !MOP beligt. WitU,
her fel•a tOlyn,DeP of Years.. •
He (144 'soddenly at the home
of his 'daughter, Mrs. WijiamA„,
Danahy; n ReterborO, The form,
employee was the soon of
the late Mr. and litirs. Walter
Henry Siuldnrds,, of London, Eng-
land. His wife, Einina May Ed-
wards, died some years ago.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. John Coleman (Hilda), of
l3ailieboro; Mrs. William Danaby
(Laura), and a son. Hoy H. Sud-
dard, both of Peterborough, and
a brother, Percy Suddard, of St,
Catharines, Ont. -
Mr. Suddards was employed by
the CNR for 36 years and, retired
12 years ago. Educated in' Eng-
land, he spent the past 65 years
in Peterborough and was a Mem-
ber of the All Saints' Anglican
Mr. and Mrs. Bushie, of town,
attended- the funeral. ,
Howick Council roof, $3; Art Gibson, relief admini-
strator, $13.76; Wm. Marriner, re-
lief, $33.62; Water Safety Commit-
tee, grant, $100; H. Dane, postage,
$2; road account, transfer, $5,-
Howick Towhship Council held
their regular monthly session at
Gorrie. They voted a grant of
$100 to Howick Water Safety com-
The engineer's report on branch-
es A, B and C, of Henry Bolton
munic4pal drain, was read and
provisionally adopted. The clerk
was instructed to prepare the nec-
essary by-law and to make appli-
cation for provincial aid.
It was. decided that a stop sign
be placed at the intersection of
Patrick and Louisa Streets in
Fordwich village. A delegate was
chosen for the Ontario Municipal
Associatioti convention.
Accounts approved for payment
were: County of Huron; hospital-
ization, $40.50; fox bounty, $13; K.
A. Hammon.d & Co., office supplies,
$54.08; Harriston Review, printing,
$43.50; allowances, re Wm. A. Ben-
nett Drain: Leonard Hutton $11,
Carl Dinsmore $14, Archie Irwin
$92, Charles F. Finlay $22, Joe
Bennett $2, Bruce Bennett $2, Wm.
A. Bennett $182, Cliff Dodds $84,
Mac Newton $3; H. Gowdy, com-
missioner's „fees, Bennett DraM,
$150; Carl Willis, balance contract
and deposite, Bennett Drain, $1,-
304.00; J. H. Pollock, clerk's fees,,
$65; H. Lohr, repair Forwich shed
Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore
visited her mother, Mrs. Brodhag-
en, at the hospital in Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay and
family were recently visited by
friends from Ailsa Craig and Clin-
Mrs. Amos Gingerich helped at
the Gingerich opening on Satur-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Donald Turner, of Hamil-
ton, visited her sister, Mrs. Russel
Heard, and husband.
Mr. Elmer Oesch, of Paris, spent
a few days with his parents.
Mrs. Nancy Swartzentruber was
ill this week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Bert Beechen.
Mr. ,Ephriam. Gingerich was in
Millbank on Sunday taking divine
A number attended the Heimrich-
Haberer wedding in the Lutheran
Church, Zurich, on Saturday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Desch and
son, David, visited friends near
Seaforth recently.
Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Goderich
4 - BIG DAYS - 4
AUGUST 14 -15 - 16
• Over 20 Concessions
• 12 RIDES
Draw for $100 a Month For One Year
or $1,000 CASH'
Goderich Memorial Arena
Par - '
Morris Council
Morris Council mef in the Town-
ship Hall for their August meet-
ing with all the members present.
The minutes of the last meeting
and the meeting of July 31 were
read and adopted on motion of
Ross Duncan and Stewart Proc-
The following motions were car-
Moved by Ross Duncan, second-
ed by Walter Shortreed, that we
give a grant of $155 to the Bel -
grave Arena Board.
Water Shortreed and Gordon
Wilkinson: That the court of revi-
sion on the 1958 assessment roll
be held on September 3, at 10 a.m.
Walter Shortreed and Ross Dun-
can: That Addison Fraser be paid
$50 on his salary.
Native of Glasgow, Scotland, and
manager of the Royal Bank, Rip-
ley, for the past twenty years, un-
til his retirement two years ago,
John Willocks died at his summer
home at Poplar Beach, after suf-
fering a severe heart attack Fri-
day evening. He was in his 61st
year. His wife, the former Mar-
garet Armstrong, is from Seaforth.
The late Mr. Willocks succeeded
W. J. Ahearn, who retired to
Orangeville, following the transfer
of William Leonard, now retired
at Point Clark. Last August the
family moved to London. •
Mr. Willocks served in a num-
ber of capacities in the commun-
ity as well as on the Ripley Cen-
tennial committee. Last month he
returned to active service with the
bank, acting for R. E. Butler, who
was on vacation.
Prior to going to Ripley he serv-
ed a score of years in several On-
tario centres.
In 1937 he was married. Mrs.
Willocks survives along with two
daughters, Janet Mary and Sarah
Margaret, also a sister, Mrs. W.
L. Jardine, of Galt,. Interment was
in Galt cemetery.
Services were held in Hartney,
Manitoba, for Mrs. James Dun-
ning, the former Marguerite Pris-
cilla Morrison, who died there in
hospital July M. She was 85.
Mrs. Dunning was born on con-
cession 10, McKillop, on April 7,
1892. She was educated at Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute and Ot-
tawa Normal School. Her parents
were the late Mr. and Mrs. Fran-
cis Morrison. Her mother was the
former Jane Armstrong.
She was the last to survive of a
family of five brothers and four
sisters. Mrs. Bert Hemingway, of
Brussels, is a niece.
,After teaching in. Ontario for a
few years, Mrs. Dunning went td
Arcola, Sask., for a year, then to
Hartney in 1897, where she took
another teaching profession. In
1900 she married James Dunning,
a .farmer.
He retired in 1940 and they mov-
ed from the farm to 'Hartney,
where Mr. Dunning died in 1954.
A son, Kenneth, predeceased both
his parents in 1910.
Mrs. Dunning was a member of
the United Church, took an active
part in church work, and taught
Sunday school for many years.
She was first president of the Wo-
men*s Missionary Society there, an
office she held for nine years, and
was a life member.
Mrs. Dunning was keenly inter-
ested in people, especially young
people. Her home was always op-
en to ',all church and community
activities in the early days.
Her funeral was conducted by a
former pupil, the Rev. William
She is survived by a daughter,
Mrs. 0. Wood (Edith), Hartney;
and a granddaughter, Marion. In-
terment was in the family plot at
Riverside cemetery, Hartney.
Walter Shortreed and Stewart
Procter: That the application of
Frank Kirkby for a tile drain loan
be accepted.
Stewart Procter and Gordon
Wilkinson: That all unpaid drain
taxes that haven't been otherwise
arranged for, be added to the 1957
taxes with interest.
Stewart Procter and Gordon
Wilkinson: That the road bills
as presented by the road superin-
tendent be paid.
Walter Shortreed and Ross Dun-
can: That By -Law No. 13, 1957,
setting the township mil rate at
111/2 mills and the commercial rate
at 131/2 mills, be passed as read
the first, secon.d and third times.
Ross Duncan and Gordon Wilk-
insoo: That Stewart Procter be a
commissioner on the Wheeler
Walter Shortreed and Gordon
Wilkinson: That the meeting ad-
journ to meet again on Sept. 3,
at 10 a.m.
Accounts Passed
The following accounts were
paid: L. Vannan, grant to Bel -
grave Arena Board, $155; George
Martin, by-laws, Mustard, Wheel-
er and Hislop drains, $67.50; A.
Manning & Sons, Lamont Drain,
$6.98; Blyth Telephone System,
tolls, $7.30; Addison Fraser, ex-
penses $28.28, part salary $50; re-
lief atcount, $15; County of Hur-
on, indigent fees, $187.25; Amos C.
Martin, Nichol Drain, $2,407.12;
Glenn Coultes, fox bounty, $2; A.
Kitchen, fox bounty, $2; Jos. Smith,
fox bounty, $2; Louis Phelan, fox
bounty, $2; Russel Fear, fox boun-
ty, $2; Walter Shortreed, court of
revision on drains, $10; Gordon
Wilkinson, court of revision on
drain's, $10; Stewart Procter, court
of revision on drains, $10; Bailie
Parrott, court of revision on
drains, $10; James A. Howes,
Nichol and Wheeler Drains, $475.
Mr. Carson Allan and son,
of Guelph, were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somer-
ville and family.
Miss Clarissa Dodds, of Chicago,
is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Among the guests at the Norris -
Campbell wedding on Saturday
were: Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Camp-
bell, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs.
Berl Beaver, Cleveland.
Miss 'Dorothy Keys, who has
been attending summer school in
Toronto, has successfully passed
her teachers' training course and
will commence teaching in S.S. No.
7, Huliett, in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff and Mar-
jorie, of Cromarty, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Don 'McClure on
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley and
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane
spent a recent Sunday in Elora
and Fergus.
A Bible Vacation School was
held in Cavan Church, Winthrop,
during the week of July 29 to Aug.
2, with an enrolment of 55 chil-
dren. The kindergarten department
was under the leadership of Mrs.
W. Dodds, Merle Godkin and Diane
Bolton; the primary department
with Mrs. G. Smith, Edith Boyd
and Gloria Boyd; the juniors with
Mrs. T. Dolmage and Mrs. 0.
Cuthill; the seniors with Mrs. E.
Toll and Lois Ann Somerville. The
principal was Mrs. Toll.
The sessions were held each
morning from 9 to 12 o'clock. The
daily program included an open-
ing ceremonial as a group, after
which each_department went to
their different rooms for Bible
study, memory work, dramatiza-
tion, handcrafts, recreation, sing-
songs, etc.
Mrs. Gordon Blanchard gave
flannelgraph stories for three
mornings and Mrs. L. Dolniage
for one morning. For the mission
study, which was based on "Stor-
ies of Jesus For Children Every-
where," a film, "Sugar and Spice"
was shown by dordon Blanchard.
Each session closed with a wor-
ship serviie in the sanctuary. Lois
Ann Somerville was pianist and
led the sing -song.
In order to qualify for a cer-
tificate, the children were requir-
ed to attend four mornings. Cer-
tificates were presented, to fifty-
two pupils in recognitioh of atten-
dance and Pupil participation.
A picnic was held on Friday.
The closing program was held Fri-
day evening, when parents and
visitors were invited to hear a
short prOgram given by the chil-
dren lind their leaders on the
week's sthdy, and to see a fine
display of handicrafts. The school
cldsed with a worship service di-
reeted by Mrs. Toll. Mr. W. Dodds
moved a vote of thanks to the
leaders for the splendid services
given for the., children. A social
tithe folloWed in the Sunday schnet
room where the WA served refresh -
ThiS: $01(101 Was opeosereti,v
the chridien Eduentino Centuut,
re Are )3*Peirs'
. Plus Good
.iTnloadiing Vacant -CS'
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Coat Us On Prices Of: •
Timothy Seed, Red CI�veri
All Other Small Seeds
Phone 775 Seafortl
A lot of time in the kitchen can
be saved by keeping seasoned
bread crumbs on hand for coating
fish, poultry or croquettes for fry-
ing. To season combine 1 cup fine
dry bread crumbs with 1 teaspoon
salt and Vs teaspoon pepper. Blend
thoroughly and store in a small
• You, Too, Can Be
Sitting Pretty
When You Take a
And You Will Bn-
, joy Your Studies!
Enroll Now For the Fall Term
Clip the coupon below and mail to the College
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(Board is available 'at the Y.W.C.A. for $11.50)
Galt Business College
"Established 1897"
76 MAIN ST. •
Please send me complete information about your
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The most beautiful Peaches
that growl
Grant Fox
Phone49I Phone IS
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
AUGUST 13th and 14th
The National Association of Artificial
Breeders, an international organization,
came to Toronto, Ontario, for their annual
convention. So that our entire staff could
take advantage of this unusual opportunity
to attend this meeting, we closed down for
two days. We have not closed down for holi-
days for several years and do not expect to
do so this year.
An example of our holstein bulls:
Glenafton Benefactor, Ex and Extra
The only living txand Extra Holstein brill
For service or more information on all dtgoz
and beef breeds, call collect to
Clinton HU. '2 - 3441
nett600* i�arn,'
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