HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-08-02, Page 516 441 k 4 4 a Da9r0;,C.ottqp...*4 has been mdended to the end of further inforination« rilONE 171.W, Hensall orwrjt Pearl Bayiihaitn your Speneer' Corsetiere, , , I • SLaken Ont. ' . ' PA" h ,, , . • BfWPoviiion .Every ftidciy igh,t. Ken Wilbee's OrChesd.a. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON 'Thursday & Friday, Aug. 1 and 2 "HELL'S ISLAND" (Colour) John Payne --- Mari, Murphy (Two Cartapns), Saturday Only—August .3 — Double, Feature — °The STRANGER on HORSEBACK' (Colour) Joel McCrea -"THE GOLDEN MISTRESS' (Coltiur) John Agar --- Rosemary' Bowe (Cartoon) trth A4V 144 '3$0* #leW ending AWrO weeb ! hell.dAYSat the bogie , ef' her son, ittir:' 'Frank 1ViarshalLe*" V1k,§,, Barbara Patterson hqs re, turned tO her duties- at Stratford General HOSPital Utter hOlidaYing with, her EQ;Utter for the past three weeks; Vie* Cardiff, of Brussels, is visiting with Alexander' 'Oalittger at present,. Mr., John Hislop has rettirned home after visiting in the Western Provincesfor the past seven weeks. Rev, and 'Mrs.' W. M. Thomas left this week for a month's vaca- tion to Ottawa _with their son and daughter -M -law, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas, \Mr. Hugh Campbell has return- ed to the 1.5illage after an absence of two months convalescing with relatives. Mr.. Wallace Sholdice f and son, Bill„ of Toronto, were, visitors at the home :of Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald on Monday. Mr!„,Victor Uhler, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Uhler,. Winthrop and Walton played an exciting game of football in Wal- ton Park last Friday evening, With a sera% of 2-0 in favor of the Wal- ton boys. , Services in Duff's United Church, Walton, are being dispensed with during the month of August while the auditorium and the basement are being renovated. The WMS will entertain the Baby Band at the monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon at 1:30, Lunch will be served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. George Love and Tommy motored to Weston on Sun - Cay. Miss Faye Love returned With them after attending Metro- politan Figure Skating summer school for a month. Gaye Smalldon, of Elmira, and Wilma and Lois Jackson, of Sea - forth, are , holidaying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Smalldon. Mr. Carson Allen and son, of Guelph, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. George . Wells, of Port Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McKay and family, of Toron- to, were guests at the home of Mrs. Margaret Humphries Wednes-, day of last week. Miss Audrey McMichael is holi- daying with her aunt, Mrs. Etta Eyre, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hamlin, of Midland, spent the past week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet. Mr. Barry Hoegy and Mr. Mich- ael Gulutzen left on Thursday for Tillsonburg, where they will be employed for the next month. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, of Burford, spent last weekend at the home 'of Fred's parents, Clarence and Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, of Burford, were home for the week- end 'with Edna's parents, 'Mr. and s' '44;4 .4f," Sunday Midnfte and Monday August 4 and 5 "HUI(" (Colour) G. Montgomery --- Mona Freeman (Two Cartoons) Church 'Service, Sunday, Aug. 4 8:00 p.m.—RCAF Chaplain Tuesday & Wednesday, Aug. o &, "ATTACK" (Adult) lack Palance --- Eddie Albert (Two Cartoons) 'Thursday :& Friday, Aug. 8 & 9 ^"TRE PROUD AND PROFANE' (Adult) William Holden --- Deborah Ker (Cartoon) r Saturday & Monday, Aug. 10 & 12 "PARDNERS'' (Colour) Dean Martin --- Jerry. Lewis (Two Cartoons) Church Service, Sunday, August 11 8500 p.m.—RCAF Chaplain 'Box Office opens 7:30 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK MARVIN Bedroom Cooler 1. Powerful 8 -inch (an • 2. Underwriters apprord :3. Wire -mesh fan' guards A. White baked -enamel panel • , 5. Fits 24 to 42 inch windows 6. Guaranteed one year Nbw in Stock at Sfr nldnehaVe lot fpF. OlidaYs ap..4he East ',Coast .1` e.. ,t)ict 7 " • Ar."0.ti'94*P ' 1:;r0.3.4! 4,4044 it,ril 4e Itfine- mferniVfbrSekfbaWngltiel*E4Atir 1?..v1i4144/ ML Nelson Reid presided Aini pp. ened the !Meting praYer. Hymn 239, "0 ,Spiritirof the 14,44g God," was, s(140: and the scripb,ird' lesson read lay!Mrs..,Robert Mc- Michael., The 'yarious ePorts were giyen and bifsineSS discussed. IVIrs, Nelson' Reid read a-ppein entitled "If I Were Yen anal/au Were I." The topic was, given,bY Mrs. Geo. FoX. on "Poughts BY the Way." She also gave' an interesting ac - Count of a recent trip to the Sdtes. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 358, "jesus Call's Js O'er the Tdnitilt," A delicious lunch was served. SEAFORTH LTD. Thane WI Wets The July.meeting of the Women's Institute Was held in the Walton Community Hall on Thursday eve- ningwith thirty-nine ladies in at- tendance. The president, .1VIrs. Margaret Huinphries, opened the meeting with the . Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and "God Save the Queen." Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull gave the Minutes of, the June meeting and called the troll, which was answered 'with a dona- tion of a gift for the Children's Shelter in Gederich. The financial statement was pre- sented by Mrs. T. Dmadas. Cor- respondence was read and discuss- ed, including a letter regardihg Miss Shirley Patterson, who took over as home economist in Huron County this week. Miss Patter- son attended Macdonald Institute, Guelph, and was a 1957 graduate. As -Huron County's first full-time economist employed by the On- tario Department of Agriculture, Shirley will supervise the 24 Gar- den Clubs containing 275 members. She'll offer help and guidance to club leaders in connection with the present project and lay ground work for a larger program in the fall. The new economist takes ov- er Huron County clubs from Shir- ley Bullock, of Walkerton, who was in charge of the program in both Huron and Bruce. Miss Bullock now has Bruce only. She and Miss Patterson are the first provincial economists not to have duties cov- ering more than a single county. She invites Huron women to bring their homemaking problems to her. An office has been provided for her in the department bililding in Clinton and she'll make her home in that town. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald told of a bus trip which had been plan- ned by her and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, conveners of Agricultural and Can- adian Industries, to Goderich. The date chosen by the members was Thursday, August 22. Places the group will visit will include the Sheaffer Pen Co., Museum and the new Court House. A picnic dinner was planned. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. W. Roe motored to Stratford Monday evening to meet Mr. and Mrs. Les Patterson and Francis and Randy, of Kentville, Nova Scotia. They will be visiting in this community for the next week. Mrs. Patterson is a sister of Mrs. Roe. We are glad to hear'that Miss Loreen Roe has been able to re- turn home. She has spent the last two weeks in Wingham Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. White are taking their holidays in the month of August. There will be church and Sunday School held at the regular hours on Sunday, August 4. Rev. Mr. Moore will speak for the Bible Society.: • On- Sunday, August 11,, there will be no, church or Sunday School in Burns' Church. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Wil- liam Bell has not been feeling so well and hope she will regain her usual good health soon. �w4u»wiii SkArriftartP6W40,1414 !. :+1 of Ritthert $10,fa 00to,Otp Fullgrel,,'Oerviges were .414 tionr, 111v1-3; concesaicnite,!Ndiece he was 1?9i11 and farnae.441Aia' life- The Rev. SJ Kerr 'W,a„§ charge, ;1' Pallbearers were Herb MahaffY, Herb Walker, Kenneth McKellar, 'Lloyd Elliott, Allan Macppirgar and Norman Harburn. He died Sunday in South urow Hospital, Exeter, after a three- month ,illness. Educated at SS No. 6, Hibbert,„ the late 1Vir. Walker was Married in 1892 to Mar Y Ann Eliz,abetb:-Tuf- fia at Hensall Anglicah Chureh, rectory. She predeeeaSed him in 1949. He had been retired since 1945. For the past seven years IV had lived with his son, . Otto Walker, Cromarty. He is survived by two sons, Ott4; of Cromarty, and Carl, on1 the homestead; and by one daughter,. Mrs. Darrell (Irene) Parker, of Staffa. A brother, James D., 94, pasted' away in Calgary only six days be- fore. -Societies Meet The Burns' annual Baby Band and Mission _Band meeting was held in -No. 7 School Thursday af- ternoon with Mrs. John McEwing and Mrs. Les Reid in charge. Mrs. McEwing gave the opening pass- age, followed by the hymn, "Can a Little Child Like Me." Marie Riley gave a welcome reading, and Mrs. McEwing read from the Bible, St. Matthew 18:1.6 and St. Mark 10:13-16 and gave a prayer. Dianne 11.9e sang a solo. She was accompanied by `her sister, Lois Roe. Alex Mcgwing read Mission Band` verses. Joyce Roe and Con- nie Howatt took up the collection and Candice Bell read the offera- tory prayer. Donna Lyn Shobbrook accompanied by Myrtle Knox, sang a solo; Marsha Tebbutt gave a recitation. Mrs. Reid introduced Miss Shirley Hamilton, who show- ed pictures on her ,trip through Canada and the United States. Mrs. Reid read a story which was followed by the hymn, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesitg." Mrs. Reid gave the closing prayer. A short business meeting of the WMS was conducted by Mrs. White. 4; ..of ;.r., „,,,, ;r..4.:...i.:ili'l.,'',, :4n4,-..',",M;;#1,,:./Am; Mrs. Stewart Humphries was in charge of the second part of the meeting. The motto, "If we plant a character in our Institute it will blossom in the community," was taken by Mrs. H. Travis. Mrs. James Coutts demonstrated the starching and ironing of a frilly doily. A sing -song was enjoyed during the recreation period: Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Edward Dou- gan, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Douglas Fras- er and Mrs. Bert Johnston. Shower Honors Bride -Elect Here BURNS' "psultc* SSPICNIC e( Burn' nre 0601 told Leir annual nipple Monday night at Seafer0 1404s ine winners ofs the 0004 444' games werer as fellows,: 'Itageez. boys five and underi Ra/on •Riley, Gordon, Riley; five and under, Riven, it/Milling, 4.2411 Howatt; boys, seven ancl unnseA Ohn Racine; Rayinn• Riley; girls, seven and under, Joyce Roe, Connie Howatt; boys, 10 and un- der, Alex McEwing, Jimmy Col- lins; girls, 10 and under, Joyce Roe, Candice Bell; boya, 13 and glider, Alex 1VIeEwing, Melvin g.nox; girls, 13 and under; Maxie Riley, Gwen Fowler; youpg men, oug Riley, Joseph Babcock; young ladies, Noreen McEwing, Marie ItileY; married ladies' race, De- lores Howatt; married men's race, Watson Reid; kick the slipper, girls, Gwen Fowler; boys, Tommy Riley; ladies, Beryl Reld;nen, Watson Reid; youngest person pre- sent, David Reid; oldest person present, Mrs. Susie McEwing; clothespin relay, Elda Riley's team; egg relay, Noreen Mc- EWing's team. MRS. JOSEPH ATKINSON DUBLIN—Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, of Dublin, died in Scott Memorial, Hospital, Seaforth, Friday morn- ing following a lingering illness. She was formerly Catherine Am- elia Evans, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Evani; Beech- wood. Mr. Atkinson died in July, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson farmed in Hibbert township following their marriage 51 years ago until they moved to Dublin in 1944. . Mrs. Atkinson was a faithful member of St. Patrick's—Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, of the Catholic Women's League and of the Altar Society. She is survived by six daugh- ters and one son, Mrs. George (Anne) Coyne, Dublin; Mrs. Thos. (Mary) Flanagan, Toronto; Mrs. Janies (Helen) Morris, Seaforth; Mrs. Joseph (Teresa) Lang, St. Columban; Mrs. Cyril (Genevieve) Brown, Sebringville; Mrs. Jack (Margaret) Wallington, Hamilton; James Atkinson, Brantford; two sisters, Miss Nellie Evans, Clin- ton, and Mrs. Frank Nagle, Det- troit.. The body rested at the family home; Dublin, until Monday, when Requiem High Mass was celebrat- ed at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, at 9:30 a.m., by Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L. Rev. John Mc- Iver, 'S.F.M., Antigonish, N.S., and Rev. Father Donellon, Kinkora, were presented in the Sanctuary. The pallbearers were J o h n Coyne, Michael Doyle, James Doyle, Thomas Williams, Louis O'Reilly and Frank Cronin, Inter- ment took place in St. Columban cemetery. Among those at the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flanagan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson, Brantford; Theodore Doyle, Tottenham; Miss; Nellie Evans, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.' Cyril Brown, Sebrihgville. Miss 1Vlarion 'Dick, bride -elect of Saturday, was honored with a mis- cellaneous shower last Friday eve- ning at the home of Mrs. Louis Hemberger. During the evening bingo was enjoyed. Mrs. Hemberger brought in a nicely decorated basket laden with gifts and presented them to the bride -elect. Miss Dick thanked her many friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts, and invited everyone to visit her in her new home in Londe'''. Lunch was served. Youth In iu red In Bayfield Dive Emergency treatment was given a Kitchener boy Sunday by Dr. E. A. McMaster, ' Seaforth, after the lad dived and struck bottom in shallow, water at Bayfield. Bobbie Becker, 15, suffered back and neck injuries 'which left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. He was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, Dr. McMaster was summoned from his nearby cottage to admin- ister first aid. First taken to Clin- , ton Public Hospital, the lad was later removed to London. He is the grandson of Joseph Becker, Clinton. DALE REUNION The annual Dale reunion was held in Seaforth Lions Park Sun- day with approximately 90 mem- bers present. The results of the sports were as follows: peanut scramble for chil- dren under five; girls, seven and under, Bonnie Stewart, Elaine Dale; boys, seven and under, Ralph McAdam, Neil Dale; girls, 10 and under, Amy Stewart, Suz- anne Dale; boys, 10 and under, Freddie Tyndall, Billy Tyndall; three-legged race, Amy Stewart and lan Dale, Don Crozier and Bonnie Stewart; in the pond and on the banks, all ages, Clarence Dale;, relay, blowing bags, Mrs. Stewart Dale's team; married'lad- ies blowing balloons, Mrs. Reg Smith's team; married men eat- ing bananas, Don Dale and Frank Dale; dropping pennies in water, Mrs. 'Reg Smith; ladies driving nails, Mrs. John Taylor. A bounteous supper was enjoy- ed by all, after which the follow- ing prizes were given: oldest per- son present, Mrs. Adeline Connell, Clinton; youngest person present, 8 -months -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dale, Seaforth; person with birthday nearest May 1, John Tay- lor, Walton. M. McAdam presided over the business meeting. Executive chos- en for. 1958 was: president, Ken Stewart; first vice-president, Mrs. Verne Dale; second vice-president, Arnold Jamieson; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. A. Crozier; sports com- mittee, Don Dale, Ed. Dale, Jack Crozier, Doris Wilson; lunch com- mittee, Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. Agnes Dale, Mrs. William Ross, Mrs. M. McAdam. The 1958 reunion will be held the last Sunday in July in Seaforth Lions Park. ,.009301v,,* 1)091'.i.:RAcel,Cti, Wilma 44Cogp gana 4:39 and were as fOlni0 111400.0001,0? Denise . Marlene Storey; b�ys and irons rt,to eight, Alex 4p* 49 Ale"8 $.14114ey pog boys, 6„.,9 ararlO, obuSentri.;-!':Ge,„ ry Scott; girla and 44:4.497 thy Scott, Margaret WaileeP4,140Y4 11, 12 and 13, Freddie 'llonesult, Larry Gardiner; SrOtuag ladies nor., Larry Scott, • Margaret' Wallace; young. men, Hugh. 804,. • Larry Gardiner; s married • ladt6s,' • Ms. 'John Wallace, Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell; married men, ; Harold Cele - man; Wesley RusSell;, water -tie relay, Mervin Dow's team; an- imal game, Mrs.; T. Laing, Eldon Allen; tieing the tie, Tom SO% Ina Scott; balloon blowing, Donald Coleman; needle and thread, Gor- don Laing, Dorothy Taylor. All done ample justice at a well - laden table with around 75 pres- ent. Young Fisherman Lands Big Trout A moment he will long remem- ber came to young Andy Calder last week when he landed a speck- led trout which measured 161/2 inches in length, and weighed slightly more than two pounds. Like the good fisherman he is, be refused to even hint, as to the location of the water in which he made his catch. Seaforth Fair Seeks Best Cook Distinctive honors and awards await the district's best cook and best seamstress at Seaforth Fall Fair, Sept. 19-20, officials say. To• the Miss or Mrs. scoring most points in the baking, canning and dairy sections, a set of life- time aluminum, valued at $22, will be awarded. The lady compiling most points in the sewing and needlecraft sec- tion will receive the Simpson - Sears silver tray, valued at $16. The presentations will be made during the Thursday evening pro- gram, Sept. 19, at the Community Centre. At the same time the champions will receive further honors. The altiminuna ware has been donated by Baldwin Hard- ware, Seaforth. Many specials have been added to this year's prize list, fair offi- cials point mkt, and extend a wel- come to new exhibitors. Already the arts and crafts section is said to show signs of surpassing the previbue year's display. Th q Seaforth Junior Institute will again enter a hope chest competi- tion. Prize lists are available from Earl McSpadden, secretary. • , CROMARTY PICNIC k,The annual congregational and Sunday School picnic was held on Thursday at Mitchell with a good KIPPEN CONSTANCE Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Addison were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Teb- butt, of San Francisco, California; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tebbutt, of Long Beach, Cal.; Mrs. Will Teb- butt, Mrs. Vine Pickard and Mrs. Lillian Howard, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Tebbutt, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby spent Sunday at Port Albert visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. James At- wood, of Windsor, who are spend- ing holidays there. Mr. and Mrs. Borden. Brown -and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brigham and Mr. and Mrs. George Weis, of Hanover, and Miss Linda Weis returned with them for some holidays. Master David Medd returned home Friday after spending some holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, of Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hornick and family, of Chatham, spent holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hornick. Miss Lenore Brigham returned home to Cheslty after spending a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and family. Miss Suzanne Dale, spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong. Mrs. William Le Souder and in- fant son, of Stratford, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriarn Clarke, of Seaforth, are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke, whose son, Mark, is visit- ing Mrs. Clarke's „ sister, Mrs. Sheardown and Mr. Sheardown, of Esponala. Mr. and Mrs. James Medd and Mr. *Allan Finch visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Layton, of Exe- ter,on Sunday. Mr. Layton, who is in the hospital, is wished here by his many friends for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley returned home on Sunday after having spent holidays at Windsor, Leamington, Niagara Falls and points south. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reid and sons, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sanders. • Miss Ernestine White, of Toron- to, visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, David and Jimmy spent Sunday at Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dever, of British Columbia, were renewing old acquaintances on Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Dever for- merly lived° on the farm now own- ed by Mr. Luther Sanders and who mooed away from here to Saskatchewan in 1906 and now lives in British Columbia. Mrs. Mildred Couture, of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, Bri- tish*Columbia, is spending holidays with her cousin, Mrs. Walter Scott and Mr. Scott. Miss Bonnie Kyle and Miss Lois McLellan leave Sunday for a va- cation in Dearborn, Mich. Mr. Don Kyle is enjoying a holi- day on Manitoulin Island. Miss Hazel Slavin, who is at- tending summer school at the Uni- versity of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slavin. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell and family included: Mrs. Sarah Gray, Wallaceburg; Mrs. Robert Ballantyne and two children, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bond, Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Mcllroy, •of Erie Beach. Stratford Band Plays Concert Here An outstanding program of band music featured the concerti pre- sented Friday evening in Victoria Park by the Stratford CNR Band. While the attendance was not \large, those who were present were enthusiastic in. their appreciation of the program. The concert was arranged by Seaforth Highlanders Band. Con- sideration is being given to a re- peat performance, according to band officials. 1 MADE A GREAT USED CAR. BUY HERE! • 1956 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN (Radio) 1955 DODGE TWO -DOOR SUBURBAN 1955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN (Radio) 1955 CHEAT: TWO -DOOR SUBURBAN 1956 DODGE 1/2 -TON EXPRESS Used', Machinery rwo USED MODEL A6 CO1VIBINES—Engine driven. 01s1E,DSED FO,RAGE HARASTER---Complete with pick-up and Hb* efat$ Attachments, ft SEAPORT% ONT. Phone .267 Peach Patter To add variety to your winter desserts, why not freeze some peaches this year! Peaches freeze very well, although they may dis- color readily and so require quick, careful handling and some special treatment. An effective means to counteract, this darkening is using ascorbic a'cid-200 milligrans dis- solved in each cup of syrup is suf- ficient. When freezing, choose firm ripe peaches, blanche in boiling water one-half to one minute, then dip in cold water. Remove skins and pits, and slice fruit directly into syrup containers. FOP the syrup use a cold Moderately thin one made by adding one cup of sugar to one and one-half cups of water. Peach Long Cake 3 cups fresh sliced peaches (6 large peaches) 2 tablespoons of sugar Rice biscuit dough Topping: 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons flour. Sprinkle the two tablespoons sugar over prepared fruit; let stand. Prepare rich biscuit dough. Spread dough in a greeted 8" k 8" pan. Cover with sweetened fruit. Cream butter, add brown sugar and cream well together. Mend in four Until: the iiiiItture it ertinibly, tile Mintiire over 'level -160 ati' ivfr 4"00 deg.: Atka '45 initiates. Yield; 0 to 8 ,:" cs/_CO.I.OGY SEZ: $#001704 WORK SHIRTS AND. PANTS Save now on this pqmllar style of matching work slats and Pants at this ePeeler Price- Fast color American cot- ton tweeds in popular shades of forest green, airforce blue, grey and IchOki. All pre washable and fully sanforiz- ed. SHIRTS — 14% to 17 Collar TROUSERS -30 to 44 Waist 7.95 SET While They Last! MEN'S STRAW HATS At Half Price Choose from washable straws or cotton 'clresstsu hats in- grey, fawn and charcoal, in pinch front style. Sizes 63A to 71/2. Regular 1.95 to 3.95 Clearing at 93c to 198 STEWART B WINCHELSEA Miss Sandra Walters has gone to Chesley Lake for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hudson and Maureen. Winchelsea euchre club picnic was held Tuesday evening in Riv- erview Park, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family picnicked at Ipperwash on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock and Lynda, of London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and Judy, and on Sunday they all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks and Lori in Stratford. Mrs. W. Ft Batten, of Sarnia, vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and MM. C. Gilfillan and called on some or her Many friends. Warmth of winter's sun is et joyed by skiers in Lake -of -Bays area at the many resorts caterig to winter sport lovers from Deem* ber to February, Ottawa, Canada's capital, is one of the showplaces of the world and the "Mounties" in their brilliant red uniforms always prove a first- rate attraction at the Parliament Buildings. A UNITED BUYERS FOOD STORE • We Buy At the Right Prices • We Sell At the Right Prices BALANCE YOUR BUDGET WITH THE HELP OF THESE VALUES ! FANCY SAICO TUNA Solid White Meat CLOVER CREST PURE WHITE ,o,sttbiv "1„ WHAT'S NEEDE• 15 A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ON 'HOW TO CONDUCT A $CONVERSATION WITH A TRAFFIC COP./ See us for your. BINDER BALER TWINE SOCKEYE SALMON 7.0z., in 29c 2-1b., CtIIL 59c Fancy Red SUPER FEATURE! SAVE 15e CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE$1 09 Large 6 -Oz. • - 15c Off Jar. NATURE'S BEST CHOICE QUALITY TOMATO JUICE Large 48-0z, Tin SUPER FEATURE! AYLMER CORN 3 15 -Oz. Tins Choice Golden Cream Style SUPER FEFURE! Fancy Selected Quality "Rose" Brand PICKLES 16 -Oz. Jar Sweet Mixed. SUPER FEATURE! SHEDD'S TASTY SALAD DRESSING Large 32-0z, Jar Makes Good Salads Taste Better! LIQ U I D CERTO CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAMS SNYDER'S HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS !IRBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI HEINZ BABY FOODS 3 Tins NEW LOW COFFEE PRICES! "CHEERY MORN" 1 -ib, Bag Famous for its Delicious Flavour! "KREST" BRAND 1-1b, Bag A much better Coffee than one would expeet.atithispriee, All prices good Thurs., Frii,%a 4 FARM E CRS (V CO•OPEIZATIVE 4-y,sraez.,•gadAfiee PHON5 /3/9 •, rrrl rr • „, • ' ^ , frIti,,A;f:',41,1if, P44., ;