HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-07-26, Page 4­4� �,�,'�;i` "4 ,� 1� , , ,11,1-1 ,�01­' "'�, , , 'I'j, �,��"�� - �,A, , , , � ,_ ", I ,, ­,.; ,el . ", ,Rlyt'.,�g�q r, �47, 111,4..".111ai, , ( ��. ��',!"*,�'V'R` , 111.;,.,�; , A,� ',�,f`�,.'11�,;kt,� !I, ��;Ts,l "', 1,� j, , ,��' Irl � �. ­�,�h.. ,11� �t;".",T�,,,',,'O�,7;'�'�'�--�l' ,':� '[��n ,� ... I.. Y ­ I I I I - - , "I - � 1�j"')� ,� * ��, I'll, �, , &�W��11, �, �V,, ", 'f,i�t, �:,Y,A-.�,�!�;&,'., ��:�,1,�ia���fi��!�A,",'�,��',,'�"l���, "I", , ,R-11,11--,-, ", )­�Wl­ ��,-,,,-.��,,�,,.�,�i,�,,,�f.qp"�,-Vl;j�,����;���� , 1�4!!� N,",.",,;�,,,,,� �-T-��,%,��4';��,� � , I ., �-,11,,Olufff� �",,�,44,w��,'�?,�.14,�� 111 . . I ��111­111.1;1 .. . ...... . 0111,�,­,-,�')`­. �, " , , "'. 'W"'g,", ?, . , �` �.","�,��i� 1;,11111W � . ,*:,� ;".,.,.,-,�,��,�,!,.�:,�..;���l,',,�l,k , " 11 li,t�7 1;."u, ,�,,��:,jv,;"�,"�,,�,���-'��,"�, ;�t-,;t , 'i�" �ijl�1,4��,, " , " �.X, � 1��0,4, , ""'I'g �; �;,t",f�� N ��#�,' 'I � �,! �! i � % , , �11` 7'� �� ,1,,Iz',,'�,l��,���'�,;"��"",�jI ` �,�i,'-,� "", ­' ��o -,, -1, � � , ."� � , ,T� 1�17,11 , IJAI,�,� - ." , . 'W" �t,i$o.,,jlij�,�;Vty , "N' , 1- ­­ I 11 I., , 11, ,�J, - - ""p, ,��q4�11%��,,��,,�,-";�t""���t�'I'lI 11,,N.k' '�, ­" ,� r 1411:.V_31111 .� �, .,,"�, ,T,,� , , , ­­'­� 1�1 11 4 I0 1� , , ., .�i ,'�, _ ',Ii��"":",��l)�il,'��'?,��tl���""',����,�4t�",%'��"7�,,��,,.,,;''�l;"il.1-,;4�)OI�,�,', ! "" 11.1 '117 .... � 1"�­ - -4 � � ", ­ ',, I ", , " , " 0, �, � � p 11 . �'11 , '�-, �'­!'. :� ,�-':,,�-Z, " " ��Ir, 911��,,�Ii �', �:�"?,� ­�,. "�t�:,.,;:,E��;��":�ill�,r�?'��,,�;!,��;�T',�,�,1- 1�;3`1�1f,�J!!,4: I-. - 1)� " 11 ... 1. " I ,�pl,�,'%'�Q��,�Ir��% �,IIVI�,ii � �­, " , , ", - ­ ­,-iij. , , �� � I:, . , , . 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I �,�,;;, S',',,� �'I; "��k'7�11 40 � 'I ", "�V. , " , , , , " " , ,,,, 1,� � - , 0: .Y, 'I-- , , , " �,� " I ,.I, . � , , . , �- I.,", 1.,,A� ...... . . � ...... .. ­ "' .. I � � ,;' p, , Rktl 1- ­ � , , . , ,,�r � I , * - " " . . I .1 1. ".. , '� 1 : , , :� I �;; ! "'.. ���- I" . ­ I � iil­ ­ ..., � I 11 ... - I , I I I - " I ", , �.U, ?4 ", g, � r,f; ,f� �� � I . . I- �: � , , 'A' 11 11 % 4,- ., � I V1 I . - , � I I., � -.�-:_�.;, , � `� : lg�,tl "rig -LD": " i,�,, . 11", �� : .1, ,�; ,.- 1_,�'01 .. .. .. .. .... 1.11,11, "i 0si " , , M c ,ill W, V , I , � ­­ �v, 0 Onfw":' �K�;,!� "Lo "'W ,. ,. �vl,,,�,,�,�,',, , I � il., .- , ATH,,�' , .,,,, - - I � �: .., I '' �, - .".- , � I . I ", . �0 1 I, , . :�' _ ; , , � - , � �;,,,��', . ­ � ­�,�. `;:�l,':,­­ �V:. , .. � ,,� . r��.,,', . I 1 V" � , "! f, 'f �. ,�, .,_ �41, I k ". 11, � I - - I I I � � I -IV , I 1! ''D . "' , 0, I _ P�� , , .11 ""�J�1,1� .1 I .. - ""I - 11 . " I.- I 401 14 - � .��': �'..i%:,;_ � �_ ­ . , lors. , , . 40 , , .1 '�# .. fit�-'a .. I � ]� I a �6 6 ms�. 900.5'. W40 tp �� ,'.,,�, `� 414Ak g� ; _ ,,, 4 ,,,,, � - --1 ,,"I'll" ­�� =Iq ... I — , ist ,P; or ­ I Douglas and Mr. And I Mrs Lin"311-1 las , C, � , " � : "' 'A'�,"'."', , ; �,�','.,! . I , , R- , 0 . . % , " V , 1-1 ��,�!","�1?91"11$���,'4.�.q�i��,,'ft���,,�e'.,,,',,I��",9=1,�'�-,-- - - I � �,�� �,.' ,,� I 1. s .4 ­ ­ . �� ��� 'i �,,. �1,,"p,$" z � � ',,%­�',',"�'O, , � , - . , -11,1', , - 11' . �,� ., �, ,�', �pay .9yre are visiting for. a few. ,,, L ' 1� , � I k 4 __ WE. "O I W$ I I �,,c,.�` It J I N e Emw-, 0 M V o I ' ... �!,��J, `4,� i __ .. 111.11 19 Plip,ils of, Miss OretA 'Lai J ;, go ;"e, � _ t jgd Y,Iry k(�,N� ;,.11 , 14�Z%IFI'� _,__ . ­ . I 11 ),.v _ � " " � .- ==�. � from Heiilsag An """'I"" d �n Michigan this week- , vie! 1� :, e, J9 ed , ,%O, Qk_B,T#ceAcJ%1 i�j, ­" 114 I � _'��': , dis*14, �reselit� uy�i t 10 'r, "I 'J,�, � As Inserted At New, Low Cash Rates � �. I .. 1. .... ­ � . I All_— I � ... . -xr. and Mrs. Paul Qorriveau a 41�� ,, � rriveau I � 1111 A . - ­ , so the'saWraii.prograni for Kid,- ", last , M, T 114". After 53 YNO rl$ - - , . d , , a. �'r , �0 A6, A, 1�14 �, . - ,. - �a , , , ',N���i"L��'it4,r�f',,��"g,���", jt', 1. ., ,. W. �5 ,e yiars'two � es" Stu a ,,,, ­,", t'�"O'R- Pix�r. -�,� .,�! After fifty-th br9th-, � 6 P4FW, heard over spent a few days with friend. at� - F10110 re ed -A 1.044-tim, � ,'76 i .., , , C� � , `:$ � , .; �rs, Fred C. kennifigs, of Helolsalj�ri VIX= fadiO. - . er, .. 0. , , ..��� I'll wk,nIX IT, I 0 - I.., �,�"",, �, ,,,UU, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: rq - I" Port Credit. . ,M.. � ­ , . 47(�3'1,' � k ` � - f� h 'tr 4,.,- � , � �' � ,t, Ist Week ........................ I cent I � IW,7& G P - , , * . �. - ,;,AQ.r,-q. ifflk _ ,noy;'Of �W4kft �� I and William J. Kenning5, of ReTM., , �1 , " � ­1,0,­� Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalryrhple . . � !" ', I � , ­ Neek .......... _ H -E N S. Al L N E I Fo)jowini ',I�e- the sele'eti .' - , , � �,:,�,,,, 3rd Week .............. Ons Pre" were in Hamilton on -Monday, % ton, vAsitcd-w,i.th-Jter'.m9ther ,4 . _ ,, X I .:::::::::: a ,Coe-att ' . . I . . Liston, Oregon, were repniteg ,there gepted: Piano duet, "Danse Pet- . Jr.. , ., , �,,';-,� Minimum r Mr, and Mrs,, D,qa Joynt left Sun- troit, visited recently with th-e I t, this month. ' � . ite " Lorraine, .Talbot and Mr. . and Mrs. Ste , asday 10' � �!�, �� �,��, I � ;1� ." clia ge, each insertion ... 26 Centio . ,W_ot Baird.; I � "".. I day to spend a week' � Joyce Orrin and Ge $e I - 1.1, Each figure, initia and abbreviation vounta as one wor& , � .aljd spent Sunday in Mr. and,Mr�. F_$ . jig6t,of To- � X vacation ter's. parents, Mr; And Mrs. 4I ;. The two 'brothers were bgrn and Roibil; Song, "All t1446 Bij s Are rontil, are visitm . ,�,�, aks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum 's brother- and wi�, Pech. �"' I I � d f , ,4�11 n, . I , , 0 �vjth;­W. g with the former Caro, Michigan, with Mrs.'Baird'p 04 - , " ] �7w,;viV 7 I �4� ,_ . Susanne Mrs. Vic Hargrea " ,,,, �� K .. ,raised in Hay Township on one of Here Again," ... t;4",,- per week. pt I ,KT, 11 . kannie; sister. Mrs. Love, Orrin and der- vei _.T1-.- , - Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Joynf, at Ovin- Mr. and Mrs. Robert a. -Cook John Campbell's set piano solo "The Jolly Roger " I " p I farms, Fred . N%f4i; ,;. �� , M my be directed to a Box No., c/o Tire Huron Expositor, for 16 cents extra. lehem, Pa. ald remained for a few holidays. , " . . , . and,,Carolyn have returned home his taproots on -his nAtive soil all F. arion JP�rter; recitation, "Rl' 4W .� �, . - 7__ ,F"'.!00,"� , n , "', � , . ' paid within 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller, of following their vacation spent at of ' . . , I . �q%, !" 'o IS additional will be charged if ads in above class are not . d- Mr. and Mrs. Simon McK 1, 1, , �. , ?;,,,` .. 1� � Zd, V.ir�-of date of final Insertion. .1 .his 76 years, while William 1�9 �V,oh Dad," -Deanna Forrest- . ,enzie �. �- " ,� �,� , � %Rlk�'.�' �� I Hamilton, spent the weekend wb Lions Head aod Bala. , received word on Sunday that a 1141t. I I. "; I solo, "'Minuet " Marlene Dig. , ,. I4 - L ". Al ,,, I , i�lw and Deaths Inserted free of charge. . I migrated to Saskatchewan to Piano . � �,, 11 Q I friend of Mr, McKenzie, St. Thqm- I � "I -,�L;Z,, :,',t, �4 , �,, Marriages the former's aunt, Nits. G. L. Jinks, Mrs. C. L. Jinks had the, fijea�- -homestead, and later to Oregon to nan; song ,,In ifi� MlddI6 61 thr, , R EC EFT1 0 N . - . 90,� : 1W. -Rates on application. I as, dropped dead while operating , . 1111, , '�� �, � Sales, Notices to Creditors. L on their way to, vacation for three sure last Sunday evenilig of �fa)k- search of a promised 4and. Wil- House," Grant Jones; piano solo, . � f l � ' ., � , I I 11 " weeks at Leamington. ing to her sister, Mrs. August Pet- li4m had no� seen his, ,brother "Sleighrid a binder on his farm on Saturday. - i &K 6v. 1 _Z. ON, I ­��.v, � "', 11 !,_.- . I 1,�, , ' . .,X, , ft . � P� i�',', I I . - . — I Mr. a,pd Mrs. Russell Hedden, of ersoh, of Rapid City, S.D.,, , ,wh ,I e !' Margaret . Porter; M Mended " MR. A- I � . I , I . ! ­ 0 Fred since he left Ontario in, 1904� 'recitation,t "Surprises," 'R . -r. and Mrs. ,McKenzie 4 . " *I t 11 - � I ), _ 'I."' St. Catharines, were weekend visi , , uth Ann the funeral on Tuesday, -( "; I , lo�e , J0 'It'. unt ,h � � � � 11", : - . , Coming Events Poultry, - called, up to inquire a -bout Mr. William failed to recognize his Coleman ; song, _"Co Your Mr. Barry Baldwin, of St. Thom- " �144JIA"f �,. _ 0,�i. I I'll 1, 1. � � r". __. - — tors with Mrs, Catherine Hedden Jinks, who is in South Hur6ir; A­Os- brothe)r )yhen they m . Blessings ,Instead of Sheep," Kath- a . s; Robert Turner,. Zurich; Mrs. 1"'11 ." - `gs NO 5, HIBBERT Cent 4,000 HEALTHY, well raised Deka)b , .., � �', � . ennial Cele- and family, on their way to spend pital, Exeter. Mrs. Jinks said the - arin Friday ngs at e ZOO u.m. . , Aunu#, :.2, ' I , I , I I � ilitqii�m- �� u8t 3. Bell ri pallets, debeaked, vaccinated tio , but Fred recognized him, R Roszel; piano duet, "�On the Percy Robinson and family, ,of - i� . I � . 9 and starting cago. reception was exceptionally 'good a . . Carousel," - Shirley Johnson and Aylmer and Mr . Blanche Bald- . '�, � I ,, � Continual entertainment all 'ahy Dance to lay. Immediate delivery. MOORE'S . , While visiting his brother, Fred S I i, in the evening, music by Howe and Bar- POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont and i1e.ry clear. " I I � , - Kennings visit�_d the MeNary D Marjorie Turner. Playing the toy win, of St. Thomas, wereaweekend. I ��'. � I I " .1 �., hurn orchestras. Admission 60c. Every- 4669-3 Bingo Winners , ", symilbo�y were: piano, 'Bob gidests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor SIRAIFORTH - - - I . . - I . __ ,. . Oregon, on Columbia IV : - one welcome all day. 4670-1 " I . Winners of tlle� Legion bingo Sat- I . R' er � be- . Community ' Centre. ., , - ------. - tween Oregon and Washington, nightingales, D1 I . ,;. . FOR SALF-20 Neuhauser Hi -Line urday were. Mrs. Bob Baker, Sr., Mickle; Violin, Keith Anderson; Hargreaves. - . I , _ S . ", ,�% I .. i, z 1, I . � ,, pullets, 5 months old; starting to lay. Ap- Paul Boa (2), Christina Wilkinson which creates a lake tanne ,,Fabgv and I , , �%','­ - _ ..F+ ero For Sale - � - -ply KEN STEWART, RR 6, Seaforth. Helpful, Hints - , . about5O miles Gwen Jones- tr Mr, and 'Mrs. William PateIrson, .. IN, *�r � ,,,, . yh6dy. W . OP I long behind a 7,600 . '01�4 11, 01 (2), Bob Baker, Sr. (2), Mrs. Or- I I foot dam, and I umpet; Ann'Mickle;, Of Montreal, and Mr. -and Mrs. A. I , . _Xe! . -,�_ 1, FOR SALE­--,Choiee building lot, three. 4.67 - Ville Smith, Mrs. Clarence Reid, C contains the highest single lift. quail,-' Eleanor Wr . .., a . . ight; cugkoos,- I ", T. Anderson and daughter, Ina, of � 1"�, � � . of an acre, in Egmondville; very ____ - Sim Roobol (2), Mrs. Roy Sm G�zkle Farquhar And Susanne Ran- roronto, spent 'the weelfind witli ,- =1 PHONE 551. ale ror New Owners' lock in the"world. He saw salmon 1, ... - ­ -_ .- 4670-1 WanWd (2), Mrs. Wes Verner. The door 1, . .. � - fish five feet in length going over me; castanets, Barbara Schwalm; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson and ' I FOR SALE -Land 'suitable for build- prize of $5.00 was won by Mrs, F the ladders at the dam, .1 sandblocks, Bonnie Poster; 'tri 'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paterson. FRESH- BAKED I - � ing. May be divided into four lots. Good WORK WANTED -Boy, 15, wants job Reichert. Of Rome ,Freezers 'itbq angle, PatsY Schwalm; . drum, -Miss Mary Allan underwent an . drainage. PHONE 317-J, Seaforth ARL . dl�ber interesting places�_he vis' Katharine ,Roszel. :,, - FOR TASTY EATMG I . I - on fapm. Experienced. Phone - C 0-1 Miss Amy Lammie, of London. A home froiezer filled'with .1 troe ' was Timberline Lodge, locat. I ­ operation on her eye in a London, 111. . 11 . . I I 467Ox3 BERGER, 338 Seaforth. . 467 and Mrs. Dickens, of Exeter, vzs- ed on the 6,0004bot Jine, of males- h ital last w6ek. We are glad , I ��, — ­ - OSP ­ I � ' - 11 � , WANIMD-White eggs. Will vay a ited with Miss Greta Lammie over en foods can mean more convem-, tic Mount Hood. Timberline L6dge ., i to.'teport she 1 i . ,,,� . ,� � , . P�eini COOPER. P.. ence In CROMARTY . "I For Rent ,u . I S improving. - - , - qt.t, Phone CLIFF I- the weekend. meal preparatich,* lultki- is famous for Oregonlir, winter' Miss Barbara Henderson, I I - I .. I I I ­ 1. I I FOR RENT -Four -room furnished apart� 4669-2 - Mks. Filmer Chappel and Miss Janet Henderson, Susan Haugh Mid I . - I �,r')x try Canada Packers, Clinton. . tious, affractive and varied,meals sports. He visited one ofthe larg Wiss , . . I �� Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto, is all year round; and a Areater Sav- est sawmills in P Anita Sorsdabl, accompanied by Susan Arnold�'Toronto, CGIT Girls . � ­ - I I .ent with sun porch. on James Street. vacationing at her home here . ortland, Oregon; . I OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/�c poun . i,e.t ing-of time, effort and money. toured a 'wa Mrs . 11 I ,_� I All modern conveniences. Available Aug- and dead cattle at value. If dead, Ph n Mr. Basil Edwards is a Pa x plant where they Vivi' Cameron Vivian, Miss. JQY are attending surumCr- I school at .. R. ijl ust 2. PHONE a7O-W, Senforth, or 27 at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RAN in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in However, this does ' not -bapPen manufacture caiidles; dug clams an and Miss Norma Harbuin, the camp, Goderich. I I It , . � , r 14, Brussels. 4670xI phone collect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. G the interests of his health. automatically when you become on the beach; picked blackeaps..in of Staffa, have left On a mQt(kr trip Mr. and Mrs.- Ray Mason, Wind- I - ___ - - - __ 11 I I � � i ts. rich. 467Ox8 the proud owner' of a home freez- the bush; s'aw the largest -tree 'in througb the Wester,n..P * � . i. FOR RENT -Two modern aliartmen Gordon Schwalm, village council- rOvInces. sor, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart - - avai able July 15 and August er . . . no, indeed, it requires Oregon -15 .. 1. .. �. t I 1, each with WANTOD-Highest cash Prices paid f lor, noticed a swarm of bees fly- feet'straight across and Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan and Knox, Sarnia, attended tVe Wilson , I 11 ... 11 11 . I ,,, hors or . y , � ..", .. I ! " t water ; tile re- - which landed i,g and good management On the fir n I.. I ." � I . � I I wo bedrooms, large living room, modern Aek, down or disabled cows and es. ing around his home thoughtful planning, selective bu - 300 feet higN. 'It was a Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar visrited reunio over the weekend. Mrs. , � � I- - 1,11 I floors throughout; full basements with -oval Promptly. Also wanted to ,tree. - with Mr. �and Mrs. Edgar Allen,� Lorne Wilson and'Mrs. 'flamilton., � �') kitchen ; fmir-piece bath; ho Dead cows and horses picked up for in his apple tree. He got in touch part of the'homemaker to attain A family reunion in his honor Mitchell. . . n , buy, I Separate laundry facilities. Private en- boar hogs. Call collect. BRUCE MAR- �'with George Smale,jof Hensall, an these benefits. . _�. . e 1� I - oA' trance. Reasonable rent. PHONE 82 r LATT, Atwood. Phone 8 or i53. � . Auburn. return�d hom. -with thern . I �,.� !apiarist here, who, set a bee hive - was,held at Washington PaTk,Ore' Mr. Harold Carey has returned for a few days. � . , 3, Dublin. 4668-tf I 4668-tf under the tree and left it for a During the- summer months gon. After the reunion he was the home from, Westminster Hospital, Mr. and Mrs., Claire Hall and 14t 41 — -1 ,11 _. — I few hours. The queen bee was many families buy a home freez- guest of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Rich- London, much improved in health Sons, Bill and Morris, of Yale' "t Help Wanted seen moving into the hive, follow- er in order to put away some of ards, in Veronia,'Ore., who helped- Mr:'G. E. Armstrong, of Weston: Michigan; and Mrs. Bruce Menen-' CLEARrS LG*A. 11 — For Sale ed by the -bees. Mr. Smale re- i the abundant fresh fruits and veg� fulfill'his lifelong desire to see the visited 'with -Mr. and ary, Bayfield, were guests of Miss, ' 1. , WANTED - Practical nume. PHONE etables for wintertime 6 � Mrs. Harold I SEAFORTH , , 89, Se.forth. 4670-2 FOR SALE - Three ­Piece chesterfi- moved the hive later, , atffig. "For Pacific Ocean. . . i Id . Carey. . , � "i �u n. PHONE 324-w. Miss Suzanne Kyle visited I I 11 ite, in good conditio I these new freezer, owners the. fol- William Kennings, who'was 78 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves and J, T& T jL T i, T j T.LT . . , last . 1 I �14 4670-1 week with her aunt and uncle, Mr �lowing hints on home freez.er man- in April this year, still has to meet familY have left for their.-homein . �!. ' I �',�3 5 LABORER WANTED FOR SALF-Brand new Beatty wash and Mrs. Allan Townshend and agement from the Consumer See- his sister, Mrs. Mary Gable, of Moose Jaw,- Sask., after visiting . . . - . 1 ,, BORDEN e . . . t ea- � - . 1 4120. BROWN R R. 2 s " family and her grandmothe u_ Uon, Canada Department of Agri- South River Ont who 1, t. forth. Phone 841 r 2. . . . I 0-tf Flossie Brock, Mitchell.-' ' I I .1 - e as not, Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing � I. 467 *iculture, may prove helpful. .The seen for 61 years. 10 relatives. �� Good man wanted ter farm or Silo con- and other t,,,� struction work, with mferen Apply 'home economists tell us that to Mr.,Kennings, 77 in August, re- Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, of ', ,�i - FOR SALF-Variety of used refrigera- Mr �Roy Kyle has returned after, , 11 ce' � tors. BOX FURNITURE. I get the best use out of a bilme turned to Hensall Thursday of this Sault Ste. Marie . , ! I � . P JONATHAN HUGILL . attepaing the Calgary Stampede. , � , vis . ited i�jth Mi. rq, IT hone 667 r 13, Scaforth. 4668-4 Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Kyle and'freezerlt is impoirta�nt to: week, and travelled over 6,000 and Mrs. Gordon Laing � 11 . 4665-tf . , ; , FOR SALE -Cement gravel. Call HAR- family attended the Merner reun- I Follow the directions of the miles on the round ArIp by'tiain. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin' �ewis, of . C I Al N'' il OLD JACKSON 474; or E. P. CHESNEY, ion at Bayfield on Sunday. manufacturer about the care Clarkson, visited with Mr. and I IX r I . -1�1' He was away a month, , . . , I 1 controls g I 1, 652 31. 4669-4 Miss Jean Lammie, Centralia, is,the freezer, setting the . I Mrs. James'Rpmsey. . I �11. ' ' I ; FOR SALF-Cedar Posts and sphalt spending her vacation with her this is necessary, and where to In and Mrs. Robert Laing and and steel roofing. BORDEN B aunt, Miss Greta Lammie. . We have been appointed - p, "I n place the food to be frozen, .r Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mffler,of Staffa, I .4 ; Pho e 841 k- 2, Seaforth.. ' I 1C% edit China , - - -1 a dealer M Applications are called for position 668-tf Miss Jean Noakes is vacation- Freeze not more than 25 to 30 . were at Muskoka. . . I e - I . its Secretary -Treasurer of thekay Muni- FOR SALr-MCCormick-Deering 74, t ing with her aunt, Mrs, Lee Sloim- pounds of . fresh. food at -one time, I Miss Olive Speare' attended ,.the for.. Canada Cern" nt,'and 'can offiw . I cipal Telephone System, to be hired on a binder. nearly new. PHONE i� r l., on and Christine, at Turnbull's. a, a raise the I 1, a . For Lemonade funeral of a cousin, Mrs. RhIph . Yearly basis. Applicants to tate quali- .Dublin �� fications and remuneration expected. 4670-3 ' Mr, Frank Wright, of Kippen, ac- temperature in the freezer and � Speare, in Harriston on Monday. — lengthen the freezing time. Food onade some 500 years ago, called A picnic in honor of Mr. and e.xcellent service, - 1� BEAT THE HEAT! If it's hot in your cOmpanied by his daughter, Elean- The Chinese, who invented lem- I Lowest or any application not neces- apartment or house, call DUBLIN ZLEC_ and, a good i . sarily accepted. Applications to be in the T�RIC, phone 70, Dublin. Specialists in or, visited last Week with Mr. and should be thoroughly frozen with- the le . Mrs. Howard Eves, of Moose�.Jaw, . hands of the Clerk of the Township of air-conditioning. Mrs Gordon Wright at Lorne Park. I in 24 hours. If it is found . mon "li-diung" ,meaning was held at Ipperwash Beach on ' , I I . 4668-4 neces-1"health to women". But men, and I I : Hay, Zurich, Ontario, by Wednesday, July — - Fran'k also is attending the Mason- I sary to freeze more than 25 to 30 Friday . stock at all 'ti I an. -TO nd I I women alike today have pet health Miss'Muriet Scott and Miss Mil- . . mes. � � 31st, 1957, at 6 :00 P HONEY R SALE -Cloves, honey I. le convention and, banquet being P d ithi 24 hours, have the tricks involving - the fresh I onion, dred Howe 'are home after Visitigg . 11 . . . I easurer. Township of Hay, your own containers at 25 cents a pou . held at Toronto. 0 nin a locker plant- If that golden fruit so rich in vital- friends at Ja�mestown, W.Y. , � I 'P H. W. BR6KENSMRE Place your order now. WALLACE ROSS freeniansgw[lonle . , . Clerk -Tr APIARIES , Seaforth. 4670-2 Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook spent� not p�sible, keep the extra ity-packing vitamin C. � . ' � the past week vacationing at Mllsollis.t in e refrigerator until Mr and,Mrs. Gordon Laing and - n " Zurich, Ontario. FOR SALEm-1 lounge chair blu . in Wasaga Beach and Lions Read. it can A popular television personality Lorr�ine Visited, with Mr. and Mrs. � 4669-2 very good �Eonciition; reasonable. ISO be put into the freezer. Isaid in a recent intoirview that his I . boy's Mazer, new, size 145. PHONE 44 - . John Jefferson, Munro. � . They, were accompanied home by . Have a system for budgeting favorite morning beverage is a cup I — I ra . - I N LINE FOREMAN 4670-1 their little granddaughter, Joan freezer space so that a variety Of 'of piping hot lemon juice and wa- . B I ' ntford. Twine , I ..., I POR SALF,-McClary refrigerator 7 flopkinson. frozen foods can be stored. Choose ter -"for toning up and tuning up." Combine first four ingredients, I .. . 4 Hay Municipal Telephone cubic foot. Reasonable- LESLIE 'MC- Patsy and Lynn Elliott, of BlYth, foods because the family . likes Seafarers have long used fresh Mix. well and cook-6ver medium - ' ` - I, � . . CLURE. Phone 320-W, Seaforth. I spent last week with their grand- them, not simply because they are lemon to stave off nautical queasi- heat until thickened. Remove fr . � I rices . System 4670-1 . ,G]n 0 See Us On Special P i " I . ,. I 0 ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck. plentiful or cheap; Avoid fillift b�igs�. Athletes in. action slake the* beat and stir in remaining ingredi- I . . .. ir . , d. but in . - ­ ''.. I . � � F R SALE ­Your choice of money -say. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook, Beth too great a portion of the spa.6 , thirst with fresh lemons and ac,_ ents. Serve warm or cold over' ' - , Applications are called for the roatticin ing electric refrigerators. Use e FO I of, Line reman of the Hay Municipal A-1 condition, and prized to sell. BOX and Kathy spent a pleasant week's with the first products.of the,sea- 1$ 9 and singers clear their throats cake, puddings or gingerbread. I , .... T*JephQne System. The duties to be fore. FURNfTURE. . 4670-2 holiday at Bala, Muskoka. son. with the fruit before stage eh- Yield: 11h'cups . . , We will be buying Wheat,, Oats, Barley and , man over line maintenance, re-construc- __ , - Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jackman, Have an orderly arrangement of trances. � tidn, new Construction. and maintenance FOR SALE -30 Pigs nine weeks old I — ­ BTowned. Butter Lemon Sauce. . n Centrals, and ail work connected with the , Linda, Nancy' and Danny, of De- foods in the freezer, storing 'frozen To the homemaker the fresh 1/4 cup butter or margarine I , � of'the Zurich, Dashwood and Grand Bend and 1 York sow due first of August; Mixed Grah during �harvest. at top priceg .1 York sow due 10th of September! JOE - xt — meat in another, baked foods in drums any time of year, particu- Salt and ground black pepper . I icival fruits and vegetables in one part, lemon is antidote 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice . -, I runirMg of the System. The Hay Mun- NOLAN, St. Columban. 4670 to menu dol- . Telephone system to Supply the ___ — . 4. trucks and equipment; foreman �to be FOR SALF_-Boy's 18-ineh bicycle out- Used Cars For Sale — another, etc. A freezer in. which larly during the midsummer. Ades . , .- , hired on a Yearly basis. grown by owner. In excellent condition. . the foods are systematically ar- of I . to taste. � . AW]ICants. jo state qualifications and PHONE 641 J 1, Seaforth, I - n ranged will ,generally hold man all kinds -from straight, pal,e, Brown butter or margarine. Stir OUR YEAR END IS. JULY 31st Yearly salary expected. Applications to — 4670-1 FOR SALF--1941 Chevrolet Car more pac _v gold, lemonade to lemon -fruited in fresh lemon juice, salt and . I I . I I good condition, Apply CALVIN HIELEN kages than One that is ades-are refreshing as a dip in ground black. Pepper to taste. . , be: in the hands of the Clerk of the Town- F04 SALE- -One 4 -burner electric RR 2, Walton. Phone Senforth ga r 2.' poorly organized. the surf to a heat jaded "audi- S - vegetables or We would appreciatpall acciounts bein . � abi of Ray by Wednesday. July alst, stove, heavy wiring; good. condition; $20. 467Ox2 erve 46ver fresh . I . g paid on ;1 . 127, at 6:46 p.m. Apply C. M. Smi,i,ji. Phone 47. . Label all packages with the ence". Fresh lemon juice tearned fish. '­ . . I . , . or - . 1. ., Lowest or any application not neces- 4670xl — name of the food, the­d2te frozen with fresh orange and strawberry Yield: -Sufficient Sauce for four " , . befor6 t.his ,date. � � sarily accepted. and many other details that will or raspberry juices makes a p ty servi gs. . . �. . - P ar n . .. FOR SALE -Combination hay mtk and ersonals . " I I I I �, be helpful when the food is to be punch par elegance. Fresh Lemon-PaPrilia Sauce -_ � I I grain tank, in good shape. Reasonable , 11 H W. 13ROKENSMRE rates for tmeking graln. — thawed or cooked. To aid, in find- - . . -unow . . . , _ . Apply MER. . Fresh Ilemom dessert sauces, 1/4 cup butter or margarine - I .1. � .. . � Clevk:Treasurer, Township Of HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). ing foods stored in the freezer, use smooth atid,tart, give flavor fillip . paprika ­ 'Am- M 0 ' .. Hay, TON KEYES� Phone 6:,' 56 r 11, Seaforth, mailed postpaid in Plain. sealed iinvelop� labels or strings of different . I I . , � Zurich, Ont�rio. 4669-2 FOR SALF-Garage, ii, x 7� with Price list. 6 samples 26c; 24 Sam- ' - cOl- to' pudd4ngs, cakes and 9mger- 2 tablespoons freshlemon, jui66. ,. - . � ,I, . �'. � high; brick siding: , PISS 111,00. Mail -Order DepL T-78 ors an the different kinds Of meat biead; fresh lemon b rbecue sauce OPN IL14 FEEDS � I Peak roof, er� ead NOVA -RUBBER Co., a . . . . Salt and ground[ Mi& pepper, , 1, ,./ , I ,� doors. Can be moved. Box 91, Hamilton. etc., and store small pare -QT' ED i ; I 4659.tf els to- is a novel '. .,,,. I I ... morizer - , - ��, - I . "I I -otices O'ROURKE. . 9 ette or large plas- of beef, pork, lamb 'or c , I '. " ; LEWTED "I. I 1,4 N Phone 37 r 9, u Ii ether in stockin -and piquant gla � to taste. 1. . , 1, I , . 4670xl SKINNY MEN, WOMEN I Gain 5 io tic bags. I hicken.; , Nelt butter or margarine in a �. I I I . . 11 I I , F07- YOUR custom combi - browned fresh lemon butter sauce saucepan. Stir in remaining in ' r . 1; RR �, k-,�g,..Phcme Folt S�L�hoft�h.rn�ow 6 �,..,, 15 lbs. New Dep, too. Try famous okr�� Keep an up-to-date inventory or glorifi e , c �ld, ORVILLE COOPER, I Tonic iTablets es the simple vegetable or gredients. I . quiet and right, fresh five days. Too for double results; new les: Phan 775 : . Serve over Vegetab 46 ... 1, 4670xl many cows only reason for selling. GOR- he0thy flesi* new vigor. Ostrex also ' stock sheet of Ahe contents of the fish dish broiled chicken or fish. I Seaforth , � DON ELLIOTT. Brucefield. Phone 641 ,rOV Se. O,r I aP etite due to lack of iron. I , �*l NOTICF--General borne repai ,et!s % n ` freezer making sure to . record These 'recipe ideas will add the Yield: . , I i* � rs, altera- 1, Seaforth. 4670 J F ted� size only 60c. At all foods � s they are Put in and tak . Suffi4ent sauce for four / . tions, additions, kitchen Urrangernerrts. " dmggists. - Ifit of fresh lemon to your sum. servings. T1T,LT,L­T,LT,tT1Tjj-Tj,T,LT �TjTjjj, Free estimati!a. - 4670-1 en out, I # I J JOHN L&NS1,N`K. Phone FOR SALE­�Gocdison grain thresher, � - ''I'll, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::— ---- :_ I — L � I 79, Senforth. mertime meals. .VLL . 11 � 4670-1 in good condition, with cutting box and — Keep the freezer full; empty lAmon and Orange Party Punch E_�� . . - I.. I grain elevator. Apply to A. 17mmER- space is wasteful. . I �----, � , I ___ ''I'll, , ", NOTICE--Custora swathing ith Self- MANN Cards of Thanks I cup sugar � . I ___ I � I ­­­iiii- . I I . . . Propelled swather; no grain t w . R,R 3, Kippen. Phone 657 r 13, Use, not save, the food in the 4 cups water . . . ,0 � I. ramped and Seaforth. 4670-1 - - . 7 1 straw left criss-crossed with heads on .- . freezer -the more rapid the turn- " � ' .�,",� top. BOB ALLAN, Brucefield. Phone I WOULD LIKE to take this opportun- 1% cups fresh lemon juice � I -1, Clinton HU. 2-9846. all tho OV - 114WIF 1, FOR SALE�-Several used arid recondi- fly to thank ho sent cards er of food the greater the econ- , 190 ,- ION 1 4070-2 tioned milking machines of various makes and Be w I . 6 cups fresh orange juice � .- , P, _S CL09' 101h � % . . t ba in Prices. Distance no barrier. treats and visited me while I was a only. I f . i . . .11 . . ANNUAL 0 r9a, 1 cup fresh raspberry or straw- . I � � . . 1� � ­ � , ,S, Glamis, 4670-1 M -M. JAMES AIKENHEAD I I 1, I L . I I � RADIO REPAIRS - For 11 kinds of 'Ph ne or write IRVING KEYF patient in St- -Joseph's Hospital, London. Defrost regularly and keep the : 4 radios, at TERRY'S RADI VICE, Ont. Tel. Paisley 114 r 4. berry juice* - . .1 I I I I 1.� — �. i � . I I :: I , . i,,;"i,1 Opposite Dickk House, San Phone freezer clean so that undesirable Fresh lemon and orange slices � . I I ; , I " - I 347-R. . 4652xll I WISH to express my thanks to those "cold, storage" odors will not de- for garnish I I :: �, �: " �� �6 ' ' � ' I. " k,4 "68 -ti who remembered we with cards, flowers', velop. � ,- : :: . I I ". FOR SALF­Cream separator with Slip gifts, treats and visits while a pati t in Fresh strawberries or raspber, � "I", I . � .. .1., . L... - clutch . I ", ,:� - �� 11 'i, for hydro. Can be seen at FRANK Victoria Hospital. also since r en Plan ahead, using . � Z I I . . 4 NOTFCY-Will do any kind of part- HAMILTON'S, Cromarty. eturning imagination ries for .garnish . . . .. � !! ;. I 1� -1�� , , I ,� , , ?.� time wark, like gardening, painting, Clean- borne. and ingenuity, watching for new � . I i, �,`,' I 1; i I , , . 11 " i I � 1�'A ing, up, taking away garbage, etc. call 4669x 4670xl JOYCE MUNN Fresh'mint for garnish. , , .. . an- � � � . � J. VERBENE, 745-J. 46&9x2 FOR -Fergus ideas and developments and re- , � _... � � . . I I . I " I I � Combine sugar with 2 cups of .1 � �;,� , �,.: : � — - early _____ ,t I - i .; 1��, , . I I I . - .. I . I . — new, 32x42, with new shredder and g tho-wat6k and 1/4 cup of the lemon �, .,� .1 I , ? , , XOTWE­-Custom, SALE thresher, n grain ' membering that almost anythiif �77 . , 11 ", . . . - . I , I— .1 I . Al swathing. and c0Tn- thr wer, and 130 feet of drive belt. Ap- commercially frozen can be froz- juice. Mix well and bring to boil- . I .. 6 ". , . . I .. ,� bining� two self-propelled go bines; In Memoriam en in a home freezer. ing point. Boil one minute. Add Com"IMMUlty C, n i Coro Ply to W. J. FERGUSON, R.R. 1, Dublin. also truck and augbr to deliv grain in Phone 45 r 19, — � R. 1, Cr 4668-3 . t . �', S,, BAYFIELD ., granary.. C. J. WA.LKFR, R.er . ­�, ., , e tre Ground ' , orn- CUDMORF-in ever I Observe the seven steps to sue- remaining water and cool. Stir in . I _: . ,. . , arty. Plione 12-13, Dublin our dear mother, Margar'etIng memory of ,, , 11 �� ,�.., . . , I I 1 .. . . . I I I , I .1 I , " � , , , `_ i MAGIC PANTRY -Let ug- �how Ann Cudmore cess in freezing foods. remaining fruit juices. Pqur into . . � . 4669x3 how to save money on Your food bud you who 1. Select only fresh foods 1. i __ .Memo jal Hospital. I "U� i get; Scot Passed away on JU17 26' 1932' i� i Ev's i I A As I I . ... . ..:" - .. ., �1' ,. ISO own your own t r of a punch bowl over ce. Float lem- , � , �,,` ,, . ,��,' 31 . COMPLETE LAUNDEIE A S deep freeze at I no I � " ;1" � � i I " , " , � � , ,, nore cost than You are now spending. 4670xl "I , , ; I Sea- -Daughters and Sons. high quality -the condition of a bn and Orange slices and fresh , ; I � , " forth and district and Dry Cl iiing r- For appointment, call SEAFORTH 0-W . , , ; . 'S " ; � vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS fo or EXETER 82. 4670xI food before freezing largely deter- strawberries or' raspberries over :,�, , . DA. , � agent. for Brady Cleaners & und ., VENNER-In — mines its quality when served. -the top, Garnish with fresh mint. I., , �`, ", I 41� . . , � I 11 y , ". Mrs. Will ner, who Passed I — late I loving meinory of the ._� , � , Ltd., Exeter. FOR SALE -10 -foot trailer ideal for ,am Ven 2. Prepare foods quickly , and Yield: Approx4mately three I I..'' 11 . . . . . 4668-tf camping or hunting. sleeps four. Equip. away July 23, 1962. carefullY. Follow reliable instruc- quarts. . .1 I . I � , � SANITARY SEWAGE DrSPOSAL­Sep­ ped with sink, ice box rangette, table. tions as outlined for cleaning, Cut- *To make raspberry or' straw . Plenty of storage spac� Wiredtfor 110 - BIG, DRAW ''at 11 p.m. f volt and 6 volt. Treasured thoughts of one so dear ting, blanching and , or. 20 FINE PIOZES' ,. tic tattlics, cesspools, etc., Pumped *12d Often brings a Silent tear ; packing. berry juice: . . Insulated with rock wool , .Crush berries and _ .. . � � * , � cleaue`& with Sanitary modern equipment- and alunifoil; running water (20 -gallon Thoughts return to scenes lonv Past, 3. -Package in odorless, tasteless, push throltigh a fine sieve. TRI-Li4gr! OILOOR LAMP TV LAMP � ��.. ., � . � , - All work guaranteed. Estimates given water tank). Weight loaded, 1200 pounds� Years roll on, but mem6rie$ last. moisture vapor resistant freezer Fresh Lemon Barbecue Sauce RLE I M� I 1. I I I LUNC , R COOLER without obligation. Lou's BLARK R -R- Pripe sum For information call SEA- ' . . Ic "OoK 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, BraitselL . , -Ever remembered bY Husband, Daugh- containers or wrapping to prevent . TABL9 31�" ' PA= BED LArdPS . . FORTH 80 after 7v00 D,m. V2 cup minced o ion_ . . , P� �­ IRONING/ BOARD , 4"6x24 ter, Son-in-Lstw and -Grandchildren. the food from drying out and to III - . - 0 BATmOft' SCALES ' BARREQUE , . 4670xl I I clove garlic minced FR&O '/COP EE PERCOLATOR W1JEElLBAgRo* %, ' I " ATTENTION.' FARMERS - Prompt, . 4670xl protect it from absorbing flavors. 2 tablespoons butter or mar- I STRA)i MON, I I V.TtAlFVQ. - SERVING'CART - , __ . A IV 2 LAWN , & I c us COD—On Or all dftd md — LXMONT­In loving memory of a dear. teeze luous at 0 degrees F, garine and salad oil ELITi,MR1 IKETtLE LAWN, ' o-kynx. BAR STOOL , I disabled farm animals and hidm Call IY beloved men, . A 627 TPR Hector j. CA -AT - EGG SERVMG SET .. �, - - 1. I I Auction S i�; or below as soon as Possible after 2 tablespoons brown sugar , R FISMNG TACKLE KIT . Collect, ED. ANDREWS, Sri r 11. Sea. Lam nt, son of Mrs. Lamont and the Iiackaging. If a delay is unavoid- I teaspoon salt � forth. Associated with Darling & Co.. ,of — late A,rchie Lamont killed in action at I . . ; Catindw Ltd. AUCTION SALE Verrieres, France, on July 25, 1944. able Place each package in the I tablespoon celery salt. TiAetg: 254-eeaftt4ach or, 5 for $1.00, available at Grounds on Night of F'relic .. 11 . I . "69-trf Of Household Effects, on SATURDAY, We little knew when ,We wok. that morn refrigerator as soon as it has been % teaspoon cayenne pepper 11. . , ' I � JULY 27th, at 2 o'clock *at the premises The sorro- the day would bring; sealed,. % teasgoon powdered drY mus4 ALSO, THREE VALUABLE GATE PRIZ I of Jack Pethiek, North 14ain Street, Sea� For the call was sudden. the shock ' I I . I . NOTICE forth: Fu nitore, bathroom get, Complete sev .re, S. Store frozen foods at, 0 deg. F. tar I ._­ - � I _ r., I , I _ . ''I � ES , - with ,,.,,, r To Part with one.we loved go deare. or below with as little variation in . .. I ­ I 1. I ., ­ _. , — , I.- . �� I I � I etc; also connections for water 1/3 cup fresh lemo' . '' 1- I -_ I �. . . " n- juice � ` k � I 7AI-0 HINgo., , ,'�' , ., '' - , Uink. terhperature as possible. FRE.9:40, �� . I 11 t Twp. of Tucketsmith JACK PETRICK, Proprietor. , Sometifties IMF hard -to unAerstand . .2 ta.blespoofi§ cider vinegar . .. I I � .. - .1� , I I .. , � WhY, Some thiAgS have to be, zen foods properly I tablespoon- horseradish sauce I , I I tatiGh :'1JC7-r1-jto- ;;; . � . lgar'old Jackson, Auctioneer. 6. Thaw fro . ]Vqr IQ � F.0 -.AiF,.$ .1 ". I. , 1. T&Wm�'hip of Tudke"talih loviniving But in His WisdOM Gbd has planned and use soon aft4of thawing, I cup watef. H"RUN I . .. � I 111� . . �"".L .�."�I�_ � " � I �11 12rdultdi will be open on Wedikeodar slid . . I .., 100 .1 .... . _ iia6ll' �'­.,;_. 1"'.1 ��,,�, - " . , GAME - I . ' - , J, ;1, � , ,,�:� " - GT, I . 4669x2 Beyond our power to see. - '7. Cook frozen foods carefully Saute onions And ,,garfic -m-' but� " �i­l _ ,7. :_ � ... I` - God gave ud airehkth to fight it, "I '�. . � I ____ according to dir6etions. Cooked te � " "1 Mer 'Go -Round' ". t� "',­i�l," �, ., I ". . r or,lftargli'tifi0, and oil until on� kYl . ,,,, 1". .1 � - , 1. ,; , And Courage& to bear the blow, . -;J. ,,, ;`B',�IA"`�, NO - � a I ;P01, v V. ', INAttifft3l aff,OM60i4 frWn , I , ft "4 $&. T"R 0', ' ' ' I , q I ifftil further noticei , . I . , . 11.1 I I � I . 1 4" ­ ". , . I . I , . "7 ": � , Meg Of Skill I . � . I .1 thawed meat and poultry in the lons, ate tfansparent. Add sug4f . nonate,4 by. � , . 1- , '- 4 .. �5" � I . � . lj)_ , — . , I , In ,ti ' , Tender's Wanted But what It meant to lose hum same way as fresh, Do not over- salt, , � I �, I 11 a P. CMNft MftL 4""f No one will ever knoiv. , And, §plees'. Mi% well. stir J�j I :, , ,, A fetidant i . �! ", � . I . co9k frozen vegetables, . . , -_ roist." *q, � . , ,. . I . 0 , - , P I �,;!,.' I I . I I I . ­-Sadir missed and ever remembe remaltiffig ingredient�-. Simmer 10 I - - 111'1`�11%1­'. -_ '._ " . ­. :, ? �L�,__­ , ­­.. , � . ONY R1DF,8 i,,,,',,,,,,. ,, 't I T - ,,",-, ,.,%,�­ �,,,;,t -'1.",,;...1 ---, ... - -_ I . 1�41 � 11� r. . ENDERS Mother, Brothers qnd Siaters. red by 41 to 15 minutes. Use to ba-rbecue� I , I 1-o .11 . , I -_ . _ , . _ � �', ,�. 1. I I . , .. ��.� , .. . I , � I , You poor mail!" said the . � W 0, .A I 1, �. t ., �. , ,� I � , . I - I " IPVL HEA � -FOR DUBLIN ' � I " . ,� - " , I . *T` ' �,�.,' � I � 1 I I . 46704 ,a kind i� - ! , ' ' : �. I I , , � it OTItM, tM'r _ _ , , , , �,,;. wo . LIC � . LL".., �, , 1XIDIN 0 JTI�UATJON SCHO(YL , I I i�,� � �.' � �!'.,, .". 41, � - -�",7,,,�,�r���l"-",i�1,A.iigu6 Torus) 7 O!'clock I C WATERLOO I beef,. lamb pork I i., , �4 . M , rb dy' "Hre'es a quarter. How Yield: 14' cups, .1 M " � GA ,; V: U.t I . ", " 111.� � � �', ",­, .. . I terrible to be lame." . 11 , � w-��,." I I .�-��)�:�, ."".." , L 11 I IG . li`red� Lemon Dessert saueg - , I ­_ � : , - I '"' . " I ,. " - . I - " 1AIN - �. *,11 .. ., I . "Yes . in,alam,,, � .1 I I t " I I I ". 1. 1. I �. _ . I . May be Atdnrk�4 froM B , ­ " f 1.11 �%. I 14 �77,':�,�;��-- � I =�� I . — , 001i � 1019 ­ 11 inbs . I , , !'��:. "' , -', � 0',."A", . , �'!�1�1 " � �,jr I Sp,aelaeations; Said the tramp. On tup-lsugar , , �%., * - -Boo � L "' �­1­11�'�11�.'. I ,�' ""'-J ' I � "It it gad ", 14 tabldspb6lis Corn . . .� . �;, t 1�, 1-1 *Jt�#L J6&:l A'#'*. VIA01", ,4, tMia,* Y6* ,Mlbney� et". 'Oubljn� � ­�� st w6w ,; 1�, % . I ! '11, .I - 117 1 1 1 � ,� " * � "I. ,.., - �111 I . . I � ! , � -�,,­ ­�,,I­ ­,',,:,;�,';%'�,� '�'_"­':%'.��,,), ST6*, 4t tAtv 04k,WafA6ipff4 O6 - "'Alif itia thi ik how much, worse - �, � .. � ,,.�,,'� v � � ,,, ",,, ,�,,,�,,Jt 1 -ii ,�",t,,ii6"*e� 'r.." , �` ' JL�YJ2,Q;F10(y1d;&,'Ahd)­?*t ,1 cup wAtor I . I �.. `� 1�� ­ I .... .."61 I I .1 lr�*16 'IL '00r"11019tdrey, 'tw' ldb . I ,�; ,. . 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