HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-07-19, Page 4114 • Ssl`ied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates 1. SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word;. t \ LA Week .. 1 Gent . • 2nd Week Celt ' 3rd Week yife Cent Minimum charge, each insertion.,. 5 Ciento Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts ae one word. tda 01 Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coating Events -.-1 cent net word. Minimum, r Q 4f3ats per week. Wni1ies may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Eimoaitor, for 15 ciente extra. teen cents additional will be charged if ads in above clasp are not Raid within 10 d148a of date of final insertion. irthe, Marriages and Deaths insatted free of charge. Aftiiation Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on aplfltcation. .1 Lost and Found' For Rent LOST --Child's large metal4troon col- , ored wagon. MRS 1311.2 B$Ll* Church St+, Seaforth. Phone 692. 4669-1 • Property For Sale .HOUSE FOR SALE --Good investment eropertY. Can be converted to duplex. Three-bedroom, large playroom, bathroom, liv,ing room, dining room. kitchen and den. Garage. Good basement. Oil heat- ing. FRED SNOW, Centre St. 4668-2 PROPERTY FOR SALE The only LOCAL SHOE REPAIR in Goderich. Apply at the Shop, 11 East St., Goderieh. John Weigand 4669x1 �-'Personals - ------ - HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), retailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with prioe list. 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 4659-t1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 947-R. 4668-tf POLLINATION SERVICE to the Farm- er. Be sure of a crop of clover seed this lag by contacting WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES for pollination service. 4669-1 NOTICE—Will do, any kind of part- time work, like gardening, painting, clean- ing up. taking away garbage, etc. Call .3. YERBENE, 745J. 4669x2 NOTICE—Custom swathing and com- bining; two self-propelled 90 combines : also truck and auger to deliver grain in granary. C. J. WALKER. RR. 1, Crom- arty. Phone 12.13, Dublin 4669x3 COMPLETE LAUND1.11.1-tIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4668 -ti SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL--SeD- tic tanks, cesspools, etc., Dumbed and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLASE, B.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 46x24 At i'r.NTION, FARMERS • — Prompt.. eciurteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & CO., of Canada Ltd. 4668-tf NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, from 1 to 6 1rm., antis further notice. E. P. CHESNEY, Clark. 4668-af WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulla Are Used" For artificial Insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle. Phone the Waterloo .Cattle Breeding i eaoefatioa at CLINTON HU. 2-3441. between 7:50 and 9:30 a.m. We have all breeds avafl- thle—top quality at low cost 4668-tf FUR RENT -4 -room downstairs apart- moat: • modern conveniences. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. Seaforth. 4660-tf FOR RENT- Upstairs 4 -room apartment on East William St. Apply JAMES Scorn. Victoria St., Sewforth. 4669x1 FOR RENT -- Five -room self-contnlned apartment with ventilation fan. Im- mediate possession. Apply .1. C. CR1CH, Sea forth. 4669x1 FOR RENT --.Upstairs apartment, furn- ished ur unfurnished. Private entrance. PHONE .577-W, Sea forth. 4669x1 FOR RENT --Two modern apartments. available July 15 and August., 1, each with two bedrooms, large living room. modern kitchen; four -piece bath; hot water; tile floors throughout; full basements with separate laundry facilities. Private en- trance. Reasonable rent. PHONE 82 r 3, Dublin, 46684f For Sale FOR SALE—Variety of used refrigera- tors, BOX FURNITURE, 4668-4 FOR SALE --Cement gravel. Call HAR- OLD JACKSON 174: or E. P. CHESNEY. 652 r 31, 4669-4 FOR SALE -25 good young pigs. JACK IIcIVER, St. Culurnban. Phone Dublin d9 r 21. 46698:1 FOR SALE—Cedar posts and asphalt and steel roofing. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4668-tf FOR SALE ---Eight good pigs. TED VAN DYKE. 9(111 Road, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 466931 FOR SALE—Counter size electric re- frigerator: special this week, 5185.00. DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 Dublin. 4668-2 FOR SALE—Case 9 -foot swather. Ap- ply to CHARLIE MERRILL. R.R. 1, Clin- ton. Phone HU. 2-9989. 466931 POR SALE—Reel type power mower: hand mower: gas range. just recondition- ed at the factory. All reasonably priced. SILLS' HARDWARE. 4669-1 BEAT THE HEAT! If it's hot in your Apartment or house, call DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, phone 70, Dublin. Specialists in air-conditioning. 4668-4 FOR SALE—Sixty pigs 60 to 80 il>r. Apply to NICK VAN VUGT. R.R, 1. Sea - forth. Phone 849 r 22. .1669x1 FOR SALE -30 pigs eight weeks old. and 1 York sow due first August. Apply JOE NOLAN, St. Columban. 466931 BARGAIN --Wringer rollers cut to size to fit your washer, 83.00. DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC. Phone 70, Dublin. 4663-2 —FOR SALE—Cream separator with slip clutch for hydro. Can be seen at FRANK HAMILTON'S,' Cromarty. 4669x FOR SALE—Massey-Hafris and Inter- national 7 -foot binders, in good condition. Apply HOWARD PRESZCATOR, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 13, Seaforth. 4668x2 FOR SALE—Fergus thresher, nearly new, 32342, with new shredder and grain• thrower. and 130 feet of drive belt. Ap- ply to W. J. FERGUSON, RR. 1, Dublin Phone 45 r 19. 4608-3 POR SALE—Power and hand mowers in stock. reduced 159- : also one used electric rotary mower at a special low price CROWN HARDWARE. 466;1-1 In Memoriam MARTIN --In loving memory- of William Martin, who passed away one year ago on July 18, 1966. Quickly and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all: Dear to memories than words can tell. The loss of a husband and father we loved so welL —Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family. 4669x1 If you'd rather be right... better buy VICTOR C- c� m rear; n n adding machines SUPER -ADDERS Choice of /0 -key o✓ full keyboards EXECUTIVE SUBTRACTORS Electric or Hand Operated 9 • Coitipact • Lightweight • Portable • Quiet Mtgimsis of users prove Victor Adding Machines are right for you, leo. Smooth, carefree service is just one of many reasons why you WM idle Victor Adding Machines better. Modest cost is another 6MItsOn. If you list, add and multiply, choosa,uictor,Super-,Adder. •Fo''probteirls that involve direct subtraction also, you'll want. rr'Vict°c E* utWO' Subtr ct tr `S> 'try ` both Modets,titoday. ��vns �yPOSITQR `.., lJ-T Help Wanted EXPERIENCED UPUOI.STEIRFIII or young man to learn this trade..� Also one experieppeed woodworking macAfnist and one ruitbe N (abet. We are buoy and need gugdPleaaani working condi- tions. good ` ee, absolutely steady em• ployment grafi insurance, ete. JAWS eoLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Inger4668-2. soil 1. LABQIER WANTED Good reran Wanted tor farm or ono con- struction work, with references. Apply, JONATHAN ' $UGILL Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth. 4665-tf • HELP WANTED 1'EMALE Experienced typist for part-time posi- tion in .Seaforth office. Apply Box 634 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4669-1 HELP WANTED Stenographer with shorthand and gen- eral knowledge of office work. Pleasant working conditions in modern office. Group insurance, etc. Seaforth Shoes Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. 4668-3 SECRETARY - TREASURER Applications are called for the position as 'lecretary-Treasurer of the Hay Muni- cipal Telephone System. to be hired on a yearly basis. Applicants to state quali- fications and remuneration expected. Lowest or any application not neces- sarily accepted. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk of the Township of Hay. Zurich, Ontario, by Wednesday, July 31st, 1957, at 6:00 p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. 4669-2 LINE FOREMAN Hay 11junicipal Telephone System Applications are called for the position of Line Foremen of the Hay Municipal Telephone System. The duties to he fore- man over line maintenance, reconstruc- tion, new construction, and maintenance of the Zurich. Dashwood and Grand Bend Centrals, and all work connected with the running of the System. The Hay Mun- icipal Telephone System to supply the trucks and equipment: foreman to be hired on a yearly basis. Applicants to state qualifications and yearly salary expected. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk of the Town- ship of Hay by Wednesday. July, 31st, 1957, at 6:00 p.m. Lowest or any application not neces- sarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay. Zurich, Ontario. 4669-2 Wanted WORK WANTED—Boy, 16, wants work for summer months. Will work on farm. Apply to RON BRADY, Coleman St, Sea - forth. 4669x1 WANTED—White eggs. Will pay a premium. Phone CLIFF COOPER. Poul- try Plant. Canada Packers, Clinton. 4669-2 WANTED—Highest cash prices paid for sick. down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval promptly. Also wanted to buy. boar hogs. Call collect. BRUCE, MAR- LATT, Atwood. Phone 8 or 153, 4668-tf Auction Sales - "`AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects. on SATURDAY, JULY 27th, at 2 o'clock, at the premises of Jack Pethick, North Main Street, Sea - forth: Furniture. bathroom set. complete with taps, etc: also connections for water tan k. JACK PETRICK, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4669x2 Poultry FOR SALE -v0 Red X Rock pullets, 8 months old. LOU ROWLAND. St. Colum - ban. Phone Dublin 22 r 13. 4669x1 FOR. SALE -200 Neuhauser Hi -Line pullets, 5 months old: starting to lay. Ap- ply KEN STEWART, R.R. 5, Seafortb. 4669-1 4,000 HEALTHY, well raised Dekalb pullets. debeaked, vaccinated and starting to lay. Immediate delivery. 11 OORE'S POULTRY FARM. RR. 3. Seaforth, Ont. 46694 PULLETS FOR SALE -250 Swift Hp - Line pullets and 120 Rock X Red pullets, five months old, laying and vaccinated. ROBERT McL,ACHLAN, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 651 r 13, Seaforth. 4669xI Births ADAIR—At Scott Memorial Hospital;• on July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. John Adair. Seaforth, a daughter. DALTON --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dalton, Seaforth. a son. GRUMMETT—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Job- 11, to Mr, and Mrs. George Grununett. RR. 4, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. JOHNSTON—At. Clinton Public Hospital, on July 13, to Mr. and hire. Harry Johnston. R.R. 1, Dublin a daughter. LOOMANS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Loomans, Dublin. a daughter. McKINDSEY—To James and Sheila Mo- Kindsey, a son, born July 17, 1917. Portage la Prairie. (Man.) General Hos- pital. YOUNG --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. John Young, 37 Edmonton fid., RCAF Station, Clin- ton, a Ron. Deaths HARRIS—At the Civic Hospital, Peter- boro, on Tuesday, July 9, 1957 Maria Wiltse, beloved wife of the late Oliver Harris and dear mother of Mrs. Archie Krieg (Iva), of Prostgn, in her 84th year. Rested at the H. K. Stager FufL eral Home,. Preston, Where the Rev. A. H. Pair, of Knox Presbyterian' ,Church, conducted the service on Friday, July 12, at 1:30 pm. Intertrfent in Brnsacht Cemeter3`. . Frons the seaport city of Mont- real to the open Atlantic Ocean is tiistenee of 1,000 miles. BRUCEFIELD Miss Nancy 4ustard and Miss Gaye . Elliott ,are attending sum- mer school. at G9derich United Church camp. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Griffith, of Stratford, spent Sunday with \,rel- atives. Master Orrin Baird injured his fingers. severely. Infection set in and Orrin had to be treated' for prevention of lockjaw, but vita are pleased to report he is better a aii1. ( The many friends of Master Bri- an Triebnet are sorry to learn he had to return to Clinton Hospital fog further treatment on his leg. Mrs. A. McQueen and Margaret are spending a few days in Lon- don with Mrs. L. Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allen, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Edgar Allen and Mary. Mr. Kenneth Scott, Robert Dal- rymple and Mel Graham 'attended the ball game in Detroit on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Stack- house and family, Wilton Grove, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mac Wilson over the weekend. Mrs, Stackhouse returned home with them. Misses Ellen and Ina Scott, Lon- don, are holidaying with their brothers, Messrs. Wm. and Ross Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKenzie visited with their son, Mr. Don McKenzie, and Mrs, McKenzie, at their cottage, Six Mile Lake, near Honey Harbour. Mr. Robert Mustard spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. Mustard has been transferred to the Royal Bank at Galt. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Mason, Wind- sor, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and other relatives over the' weekend. A very dignified lady brought a defective toaster to a hardware store. After examination, the re- pairman told her. "You have a short circuit here ma'am." "Then lengthen it for me, please," the lady said crisply. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby alit' Donna, of Blenheim, attended the McArthur reunion and spent 1VIon- day with Mr. and Mrs. I;arrySnell. Recent visitors with Mrs, Blatchford were Mr. and 111irs,, KO, Halliday and Mrs. Chester McDon- ald, all of Brampton. Miss Donna Reid, Owen Sound, has returned after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. A. Blatchford has returned from a pleasant vacation spent with her niece and nephew, Me. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, St. Marys. Miss Ruth Ann Traquair,of Hen- sall, Visited last week. with Mr. and Mrs. Slurry Snell. ' Mrr, and Mrs. E. Norminton and Ted are vacationing at their cot- tage at Turnbull's. Mr. William, Hyde, of Hensall, will be 93 years young on Tuesday,, J-uly 23. A veteran oldtime fiddler for many years and still going strong, in June this' year, at the lOntari{o Championship Fiddlers' contest here, won first prize in his class, adding to his credit 60 first Farm Management Groups On. Tour . Both North and South Huron Farm Management Associations planned field trips this week, with an 'eye to learning something from their neighbors. John Clark', farm economics ex- pert from OAC, was to accompany' each of the two bus trips. Wednesday, the South Huron group toured farms of Ed. Miller and Harry Dougall; Exeter; Ross Forrest, John Dietz and Bill Cole- man, Kippen. They began at 8:30 a.m., paused for lunch in Hensall and ended their day back in Exe- ter at 4':30 p.m. ' North Huron members are to participate Thursday in a similar tour. They leave Eddy's Restaur- ant, Blyth, at 8:30 a.m. by Exeter Coach Lines bus. Farms they plan i to visit are: Ed. Ball, Blyth; George Robertson and B e n Straughan. Goderich; Harry Dou- gall and Ed. Miller, Exeter. They will return to Blyth at 4:45 p.m. The tours are planned to fall between haying and harvesting operations. Westinghouse "Quality First" REFRIGERATORS 10.5 cubic foot • FROST -FREE • SELF -DEFROSTING Only 299.95 Low Down Payment Terms To Suit Dublin Electric Phone 70 • Dublin tario, addition to many other prizes. He expects to take part in contests in the ne,ar future. Mr. and. Mrs. Samuei Redden, of Crutnli41, visited this week with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and fam-- ily. Bill Shaddick is spending this week vacationing with his friend, Robert McKelvie, of Essex. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shephard, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Miss Rosemary Carter, of Clin- ton, has returned' .home after vis- iting with her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Redden. Mrs. William Brown, Bill and Carol are vacationing with Mrs. Brown's parents in Tavistock. FOLIMTAad SPECIALS AMOTWER NICE THING. ASOUT A 01514 OF ICE CREAM IS" THAT tT IS BONELESS/ 2tENTS A Bushel Stops Grain Insects For A Whole Year Spray Bins with HOWARD BIN' TREAT to kill in- s ects in cracks and crevices. Treat new grain with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER TREAT Mixes easily with new grain as it is bin- ned—protects it from grain insects for a whole year without affecting milling, feed or seed value. It costs about 2e a bushel to use BIN TREAT and GRAIN GUARD—less than it does to fumigate. Order, Your Coed Requirements for Summer Delivery COME IN; CASH IN: DRIVE OUT IN ONE! Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN . 2150 automatic transmission fully equipped 1956 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN fully equipped 1956 METEOR SEDAN , fully equipped 1955 CHEV. COACH 1695 with V-8 Motor 1496 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN fully equipped 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN fully erjuipped 2150 1795 1953 CHEV. COACH 1295 1195 A Written Guarantee for 60 daYS on all Late B R PHONE 73-X — 'Vile Home of *Otter ltIfed Cars" 1952 PLYMOUTH STATION 1951 CHEVI SEDAN 1950 'FORD SEDAN , 1953 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 1952 CHEV. 34 -TON PICKUP 1948 (Mt:V. SEDAN DELIVERY ,985 750 550 750 550 295 Model Cars-4any other Models to cheosefrom MOT THE HURON EXPOSITOR CAN SUPPLY YOUR EVERY PRINTING and OFFICE KED • TAGS LABELS BINDERS EGG TAGS POSTERS CHEQUES BOOKLETS RULED FORMS RUBBER STAMPS • RECEIPTS - STATEMENTS ORDER FORMS, CONTINUOUS FORMS COUNTER CHECK BOOKS INVOICES. ENVELOPES LETTERHEADS PERSONALIZED STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS FILING CABINETS CASH REGISTERS ADDING MACHINES FIRE and BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES • • Let Us Discuss Your Requirements With You THERE IS NO OBLIGATION! THE HURON EXPOSITOR ,Phone 41 Seaforth