HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-07-05, Page 8tf.1 SUI, Rig940=, ONTa 415IX alize nes of tA'NCE owl% DwEaule 104;:pwY fire an4 liability cover, ,4below regular rates to 0*Orers. *formation, ask no. QN & REio 4. p.t - Proprietor 214" Seaforth ftsiiranOli. 8z Real Estate ALE James Street; oR, furnace, bathroom, garage. .•• Moderately priced, Nearly new, modern, two-bed- room, oil heated, Ph storey dwelling on East William St. WO R TH INVESTIGATING. POSSESSION ARRANGED. 2. Frame Dwelling, John Street, with all modern conveniences. Self-contained apartment rent- ed. Beautifully located. One of the better homes. A. In Egmondville, Frame Dwel- ling; Va acre of land; modern kitchen, furnace, bathroom; Seaforth water. Low taxes. Possession July 2 OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTED M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : Phone 214 ,bmoff."..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE All Passengers insured PHONES: CECIL DAVB 676 675 'f4.• •s• and FUEL OIL •Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth A.% ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Res, 540 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Church Notices Pixdallopglar#e• --.- Service at DIOS at Itif a.m.; Bethel, 1.130 Vavan, 200 p.m.—Rev. W. U. Somerell, Minister, Egmoadville United Church.—Dr. J. Semple, Minister; 11 a.m., sub- ject, "Is God On Your Visiting List?" 10 a.m., Church School and Minister's Bible Class; 11 a.ra., Nursery Class; 11:30 a.m., Junior Charch. "St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Warning Framer, 11 a.m3; Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m.'and the third Sunday of the month at 9 a.m.,; Sunday School every Sunday morn- ing at 10 a.m.—Rev. J. H. James, Rector. SS, 7., WHICERT The following are the promotions of S.S. No. 7, Hibbert: Grade 8 to 9—Mildred Howe, Wayne Coleman, Grade 6 to 7—Robert Munn, Car- ol Howe, Margaret Hoggarth, Ade- line Chappel, Marjorie Pfaff. Grade 5 to 6—Verlyn Miller, Ted Stoneman, Edith Coulson. Grade 4 to 5—Jim Dolson, Pa- tricia Harris, Peter Faircloth. Grade 3 to 4—Bonnie Dick. Grade 2 to 3—Wilma Miller, Nancy Faircloth, •Ruth Ann Cole- man. Grade 1 to 2—Bonnie Kerslake, Karen Sararas, Janice Wright. Dublin Institute Has June Meeting Mrs. Herbert Britton was hostess for the June meeting of the Dublin Women's Institute. Eighteen mem- bers and three visitors answered the roll call by naming a flower in bloom on your birthday. Mrs. John Nagle, the president, took the motto, "Eat all you can, and what you can't, can." Mrs. Harold Peth- ick gave household hints and Mrs. Reuben Aikens, current events.l 1 Miss Joan Britton sang two solos, playing her own accompaniment. A spelling match, enjoyed by all, concluded the meeting. Mrs. Wm, Smith offered her home for the next meeting, July 23. Lunch was served. AT promoted. • tram: • The fellewleg pupils have been Grade VIII to IX Hoocturs,--Bryarts, Phyllis; Mc- Cabe, Dianne; IVIcKay, Lila; Me - Lean, Pearn; Pass Sta40.4)(64mleraort, cal* Berger, WOO; AetkAakeu; Byer- ** Lar; CartOr,.10riene; Cor by, Nancy; ' nuip;- Larry (Ree.), De • Beer, Jacob; Dick 'Evelyn; Dinsmore, Robert; Elliott, Emily; Hubert, Davina (Rec.), Hugill, Karen ',0Aeq,47„.1;011tr; SennY; Miller, Brace; 04, Ponald; Patterson, John; "T -tier, Billy; Rowcliffe, Janet; Troutheck, Anne,: Wamsley, Wayne; WiRumsen. Pre - ben; Wright, Donald (Rec.).—J. 'W. Talbot, Principal, Grade VII to Grade VIII • Honours—Larnont, Ted; MeGon- lgle, Sandra; Muegge, Bob; Stew- art, Elizabeth; Talbot, Barbara. _ Pass Standing—Beuerman, Glo- ria (Rec.); Beuerman, Grace; Beuerman, Ron; Black, Ken; Brown, George; Calder, Andy; Christensen, Gerda; Clarke, Harry; Dennis, Dianne; Dick, Jim; Dick, Tom ; Drager, Betty ; Eaton, Aileen; Glew, Jim (Rec..); Gor- will, Nora; Hatcher, Laura; Hoels- cher, Bruce ; Hoggarth, Phil (Rec.); Holmes, Bill (Rec.); Hug - 111, Kelly, Peter; Marshall, Bill; MclAwain, Ken; MeNicholl, Sharon; Roberton, Joan; Scott, Mary; Stacey, Keith; Teal!, Bill.— Mrs: J. MacDonald, Teacher. Grade VI to Grade VII Honours—Akker, Benny; Camp- bell, Karl; Crich, Mary; McLean Kim; Muegge, Richard; Schnei der, Darrell. Pass Standing—Adams, Pauline Adair, Sharon; Butt, Linda; Car ter, Donald; Clarke, David; Clarke Elliott; - Connell, Clayton; Dale Bruce; 'Dale, David; Drager, Jac queline; DeVries, Sape; Fleming Lee; Glew, Connie; Hall, Craig Kirk, Dianne; Kling, Anne; Mac Donald, Marjorie; McNichol. Phyl is; Moore, Kendra; Pinder, Karen; Reeves, Meta; Sim, Ian; Taylor, Gloria.—D. Morton, Teacher. Grade V to Grade VI Honours—Atkinson, Connie; By- erman, Dianne; Charters, Kaye; Christensen, Kurt; Holland, Bar- bara; Sillery, Peter. Pass Standing—Berger, Nancy; Boshart, Mary Jean; Brat:Maw, Louise; Cardno, Kenneth; Carter, Emily; Clarke, Harold; Connell, Ellen;4-Dick, Joe; Eaton, Glen; Fel- kar, Leroy; Fischer, Keith (Rec.); Fraiser, Muriel; Hubert, Melvin (Rec.); Lane, Lynda; MacDonald, John; MacDonald, Linda; McL1- wain, Jim; Miller, Larraine; Mills, David; Mills, Douglas; Plumsteel, Bob; Powell, Linda; Shouldice lizabeth; Teall, Joan; Whiteley. icky.—Miss M. Turnbull. Teach - r. Grade IV to Grade V Honours — Black, Marilyn; El- ott, Helen; Hemberger, Marian; Kruse, George. Pass Standing—Adams, Yvonne (Rec.); Bennewies, Barry; Ben- newies, Jo -Anne; Butt, Brenda Campbell, Kerry; Cheoros, Bar- bara Ann; Chessell. Vickie; Chris- tensen, Karin; Cosford, Robert; de Boer, Carol (Rec.); Drager. Harvey (Rec.); Hildebrand. Ron- nie; Hugill, Sandra; Johnston. Jill; Kelland, Joyce; Lamont. Mary; MacDonald, David ; MacDonald, Patricia; MacLennan, Billie; Mc- Lean, Mary .Tenn; Marshall, John; Mennell, Bob (Rec.) ; Moore, Cheryl; Nixon, Lynn; Orren, Kim; Scott, Katie; Wallace, Judy; Wil- lumsen, June; Wright, Blaine; Wright, Douglas. — D. Widdis, Teacher. Grade HI to Grade IV Honours — Knetsche, Freddy; Longstaff, Barbara; Muegge. Judy; Snow, John; Stewart. Bryan. Pass Standing—Baldwin, Philip; Boshart, Billy; Brady, Bruce; Broome, Brian; Christensen, In - golf; Dinsmore, Shirley; Elliott. Marie; Gorwill, Ruth; Harvey, Ar- thur; Holland, John; Lamont. Sandy; Lemon, Jack; Little, Clar- ence; MacDonald, Marjorie; Mac- Lean, Murdo; Muir, Cheryl; Oke, Elaine; Rivers, Ann; Spittal, Paul; Watson, Bobby; Whitely, Jack.— Mrs. E. Ellis, Teacher. • Grade III to Grade IV Honours — Carter. Leslie; Dob- son, Christie; Sills, Darlene; Turn- bull,- Janet; Wilbee, Peter. Pass Standing — Gray, Gary; Habkirk, Brian; Matheson, Faye; McKILLOP BRANCH WMS Mrs. James Aitcheson entertain- ed McKillop affiliated WMS of ,First Church at the June meeting. Mrs. Helen McMillan opened the meeting with a poem, after which a hymn was sung. The Bible read- ing, Psalm 27, was read by Esther Hocking. Prayer was given by Mrs. Walter McClure. Mrs. Van Roojen, in her very able manner, gave an interesting talk on Holland. telling of the cus- toms and religion, and the fear e they had to live with during the war years, She also had a lot of interesting things to show the group. Mrs. John Carter and Mrs. Ed- gar Butt sang a well -rendered duet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." Mrs. J. F, Scott gave a report on the council meeting held in Run- neymede Church, Toronto. The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah benediction. A cup of tea was enjoyed by all. , • WRESTLING • SEAFORTH ARENA Friday, July 5th — Starting at 9 p.m. TV Stars from Maple Leaf Gardens g MAIN BOUT — Two Out of Three Falls One hour time limit. Whipper "Billy" Gene "The Terrible" WATSON vs. KINISKI Farmer Boy vs. Fred Aitkens (Will also sing) One Fall -30 -min. time limit Baron Gatoni vs. - Johnny Barron One Fall — 30 -minute time limit Referee — Al "Bunny" Dunlop • ,See this Exciting Exhibition of Skill & Science! ADMISSION: All Floor Seats, $1.1.50 — Regular Seats, $1.00 Children, under 12, 50c Advance Tickets at: SEAFORTH MOTORS — Phone 541 BALDWIN-HARDWARE — Phone 61 FOR SALE IN EGMONDVILLE Brick home on about 1 atre of land. Priced right for quick sale. John St.—Two-family, well rent- ed; priced to sell. Owner has oth- er interest. Goderich St West—This 3 Bed- room, one -floor Cottage, has every- thing. For Price and Terms, call: Apply te W. C. OKE Phone 458 1656 DODGE CRUSADER. SEDAN (heal()) 1955 DODGE TWO -DOOR SUBURBAN • 1955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN (Radio) 1054 BUICK IIARDTOP 1053 bonossgpAisT 1951 bbrodt, dit# totmt 056 tOjGO *a -TO*. EXplESS 1g404L'N1lAglIIllt • �N 4 USW `FtatAa'M ReakEtititilete With ihiOittdp ,and !ti4,4414:6 12 ONT. REctuTc •ifiniummmimminpoippopmo. SCHOOL WEDDINGS popw,DEvEREAux McCabe,' Ellen; Moore, Wendy; Powell, Pamela. Grade i‘r to Grade V Honours --Brady, Robbie; Free, Dianne; MacDonald, Bob; McLean, Susan; *Patterson, Allan; Ross, Brenda; ToWneend, Ivy, Pass Standing—Boshart, Paul; Snow, Susan; Snowdon, Mary Mn; Taylor, Ray; Wilson, Allan. -ars. J. DbussoF, Teacher. Gradel to Grade In .; 1 Henou'r,s ,...a., oshart, rare, llt;�,?; ford, Sally; ,drllbert, Wendy;„ gartla, 1141.4,44,.,MacLerinart4 ,5ii IVItte ggeri :Ling4—; Smith. ¥0 Pass ,,stol .Aciants, .' , ' '1 Be a ttiO,4110; Brugger, Frank;'Dairymp„ , nog, las ; FrY, W#M4Y;gild_el),Xe4P.$01; Hodgect,'3.13entus; 10.011,mg,': Re er; Mac1)9,. ` tg,"4-une.,,malg i ' Moira; gel..ea 14:4,0; ' ite.Og nty; Nietierso Ga. • 1.1coo 0112 my; Powell, •Bell xe- George; Smale,. 4tr' Sfaith, Ann; Southgate, ' Bifi'i; • Willis, Dwight.—Miss E..' Elder., Teacher. Grade I to Grade., ll Honours — Black, Bobby; De Boe•r, Susan; Gorwill, Joan; Mal- kus, Vida. Pass Standing — Adair, Doris; Ball. Joe; Bennewies, Roger; Bet- tger, David; Beuerman, Heather; Bray, Douglas; Chessel, Darlene; Christensen, Tony; David, Linda; Eaton, Breeda; Fischer, Brian; Fraiser, Jon; Govenlock, Weil; Hall, Brock; Hellinga, Billy; Hod- gert, Bryan; Kruse, Gene; Lane, Larry; Madter, Linda; McKellar, Garry; McLean, John; Miller, Deb- bie; Moore, Penny; Morey, Brian; Palmer, Gary; Sawchuk, Rebecca; Snow, Peter; Talbot, Sharon; Tay- lor, Bedford; Wilbee; Teddy; Wright, Carolyn.—Mrs. A. Mason, Teacher. Kindergarten to Grade I Baldwin, Steven; Bell, Carol; Bennewies, Danny; Borden, Don- ny; Box, Barbara; Brady, David; Carter, Stewart; Closson, Brenda; Dalrymple, Jim; Dennis, Brenda; Eisler, Cynthia; Elliott, Mary; Henderson, Karen; Lamont, Bruce; Little, Edna ; Legeza, Susan ; Loney, Wayne; McLean, Ken; Matheson, Glenda; Montgomery, Brian; Muegge, Leonard; Muir, Paul; Munro, Faye; Orren, Buddy; Palmer, Brian; Sawchuk, Lexy; Smith, Charlie; Smith, Stephen; Snowdon, Jim; Southgate, Paul; Townsend, Bonnie; Turnbull, Chris- tine; Waterworth, Jeanette; Wil - bee, Bruce; Wilson, Ruth Ann; Wipperfurth, Gunter.—Mrs. M. Bos- well, Teacher. OBITUARIES JAMES JEROME noyLg. Solemn High Mass was celebrat- ed in St. Raymond's Catholic Church, Detroit, for James 'Jer- ome Doyle, 59. who died there June 20. The brother "of Mrs. Frank Jordan and Mrs. Joseph Downey? Seaforth, he was the third 'sell: of the late Mr. and Mrs. MiChael Doyle. of Hibbert Township.' Bur- ial was in Mt. Olivet cemetery, De- troit: Graduating as a druggist short7 ly after the First War. Mr. Doyle followed ,that profession until his death. He attended St. Columban Separate' School. Seaforth District High School and graduated from Dublin High School. During the First War he train ed as a pilot, moving later to De- troit. Numerous floral tributes and spiritual offerings received attest- ed to the high regard in which the late Mr, .Doyle was held. He is survived by his wife, the former Dorcis Smith, of Detroit; three daughters, Sister Doris. De- troit; Sister Mary Ellen. Onigha, and Patricia, Detroit; one son, James. Detroit; three brothers, Patrick. Cleveland; Joseph, Dor- chester, and Gerald, Tuscon, and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Downey and Mrs. Frank Jordan, Seaforth, and Sister Francesca, Windsor. St. Michael's Boys' Choir, with Mr. Harold Armstrong at the Or- gan, created a happy musical 4W ground in St. John's Chapel. of the Cathedral, Torooto, • on Thursday, June 27, for the wedding of Mss A1ce Marie Devere'aux, daughter of Mrs.'Devereaux, of Toren* for- merly of Seaford', and the late Mr. Frank Devereanx, to M. Robert Jon Votter,' Toronto, son of' the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potter, Officiating at their wedding was e Rt. Rev. B. T. Kyte. 1Piven in marriage by her broth- ,, Mr, E. J. Devereaux, the bride W•ose a bouffant gown of romance l'Sue chiffon over taffeta in waltz- ngth, With it shef,wore a match- iiig fingertip veil gathered to a own of 'tiny blue flowers and •1 ce and edged with pearls.) and sjie carried a cascade 'hokquet of Briarcliffe roses witk' steph- neti'S. Devetc.Od of honor for her sister;Vore a waltz - length gown of orchid chiffotkover taffeta, 'her headdress, marching her gown/and her &Ors, a cas- cade bontiiiet of pale yellow car- nations. Mr. Harold Taylor attended the groom as best man. Ushering were Mr. Frank Devereaux, of Port Hope, the bride's brother, and Mr. Cecil Macpherson, Toronto, broth- er-in-law of the groom. A reception at the Boulevard Club followed. The bride's mother, Mrs. Devereaux, received t h e guests wearing a gown of dusky rose lace with a corsage of Johan- na Hill roses. She was assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. Macpher- son, wearing a pale pink brocaded silk dress with corsage of deep pink and mauve sweet peas. Following the reception the' bri- dal couple left on a honeymoon trip to the Gaspe, and on their re- turn they will make -their home in Toronto, EGMONDVILLE Mr. Roy Weiland and son, Ralph. and Mr. Don Finlayson, of Toron- to, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Weiland, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple were recently visited by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hey and Mr. and Mrs. James Balfour, of Thames Road; Mrs. Reg Clark, Glencoe, and Mrs. Houghton and Mr. Stagg, Crom- arty. Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom Sdotchmer, Jim and Lynn, also Miss Jill Web- er, of Guelph, visited over the weekend with the forraer's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scotch - mer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cook and family, Kingston, spent the week- end with Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland, the 'grandchildren remaining with Mr. and Mes. Weiland for a holiday. Mr. Robert Boyes, of Guelph. is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Robert Boyes, Sr. Teachers tome for the holidays 'indlude: Miss Laura McMillan, of Toronto; Miss Jessie Finlayson, of Lorne Park; Miss Alice Watson, London; Miss Margaret Grieve, Centralia, and Mrs. E. J. Weber, Mr. G. R. Keyes, of Windsor, visited his mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes. Mrs, Charlotte Lindsay is spend- ing a few days with friends at Constance. The Stephenson picnic was held on Ally 1 at Jowett's Grove, Bay- field. Egmondville Sunday School pic- nic, which was to be held Wednes- day evening at the Lions Park, was postponed because of rain. • ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher, of Kippen, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Irene, to James Henry Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jordan, of Portstewart, Northern Ireland, the marriage to take place at 2:00 o'clock Saturday, July 27, at Exe- ter. CONSTANCE NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Will Shepherd and daughter. Mrs. Dittman and friend, Mrs. Nelson, of Lynden, Washing. ton, and Mrs Blanche Cox. of Por- ter's Hill, visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. George Addison. Mr, John Whyte, of Oshawa, spent the holiday' weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs'. W. L. Whyte. Miss Muriel Dale, of Brampton, having finished a year of teaching, left Saturday morning for a trip to the west coast with 16 other teachers, and will travel through the United States. Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood and family, of Windsor, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann and family, of Wingham, al- so visited there on Sunday, Mr. Carl Lohse, of Elliot Lake, is home for a week. Miss Joyce Jewitt, Thorndale, having finished a year of teaching, is spending the next few weeks in Toronto at summer school. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Warren and Lynda and Helen, of London., spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Reid and sons, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Saunders. Congratulations are extended td Mr, and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke on the arrival of their chosen son, Mark William, on Friday, June 28. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Oke", of Ln - don, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson. Mr, and Mit. Russell Coleman, Mrs. Emmerson Coleman and chil- dren; of Seaforth, and Mrs. Myrtle Carlinehan, of •11hyrie, Michigan, visited, a day recentlY: With Mr. and Mtg. Ellwood Clarke. Mrs. Robert;Johnson and Britce, ot•Gratid Valley, spent g few days with her parentS, Mr.. and M. jairteg` Mee. .104 adhert. Went* P learbore Dent IthO 'Weekend .4 'aful r‘g; rahlt;;Vpuii,A who has spent a week with her parents, returned home with Mr. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong and MissBelle McCully spent Sun- day with Mrs. Peter Papineau, of Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke and Mark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins and fam- ily at Port Albert. Douglas Riley, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. Frank Riley, is spending the next few weeks at teacher's sum- mer school at 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMichael and Evelyn, of Goderich, spent Sat- urday with 'Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt at- tended a farewell presentation for Rev. and Mrs, George Watt; of Dungannon, at the United Church 'oil Sunday evening and also visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson spent .MondaY at the 'Caledonia Highland 'sports day at Embro. Messrs, Lyle and Glenn Mont- gomery, accompanied their sister, Joy, to Peterborougbr where she will spend the summer months att' Ledge. Cemetery 100 Year"' Old .31/140 observed decoration day •at Constance cemetery on Sunday afternontt on the occasion of it be - 100 years old. Rev. T. White conductedbdndudte, a SPeeial service for 'the occasion oa' told Why we •tift dead. Mrs, TOM 4ilen, of LefideabOrkled ther..three„ appropriate bynnut with .her'tte- nOrdialli 'after whiph a colle4i0ii VAS' taken t�. help toward initda." the •Centetery.--Mr, Wni. MI6, bo ith*'oily book regarding adenthitCread the.liiinuteS Of hea' hy ttlerS*00 learCagd.blid tilSO Friday on, a two week ',In r`trO Mr, WO iiirs., Steme•:,;,,f,,, , 4ptt to Manitoba and Saslcsteheyel, monton, ia visiting will, Mrs. Ufa. Mrs, W. E. Bridge** of ,Ed= Hills and' Mr. and lVirg GeOrge SMith. Mr. and Mrs. p, V. Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson., strong, of Sarnia, visited. with M. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarertee Arm - Mrs. Ed. and Mrs. Glen SweetiaMIA llierdith, Mrs. Joe NeW;Px!„all. of Columbus,' Ohio, spent the week- end with Mrs. Helen Draten. Miss Faye Love is attending Metropolitan summer figure skat- ing school in Weston. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Reid, of Hamilton, were., weekoll4 guests of Mr. Merton A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Ri.ly Rkitallimen and family, of Kitchener,, spenkpAhe weekend with Mrs. Etllen0Option, who returned with theniNI14-• Cpl. and Mrs. Kelso Adaris and Gerald, of RCAF Station; Winnipeg, are spending their holidays; with the fo'rmer's parents .antlysister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .4darns atilt Donelda. Mr. Basil F. Purcell, Of. TiT11- mins, is holidaying in Seafcirth. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Sharp and family left Sunday on a motor trip to the Western Provinhes. Mr. Robert Hogg, of Niagara Falls/was a holiday visitor at fhe home of his daughter and son. -in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Brightqll. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and daughter, of Sudbury, were Seaforth visitors on Tuesday. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Thompson left over the weekend on a trip to the 'West. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald are on a trip to Victoria, BC, Mrs. William Burns. of Trenton,' Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Legault and family, of Cambridge, Ohio, visited with Mrs. Jean For- tune.i Miss Donelda Adams left Sun- day by air for Timmins to attend the wedding of her friend, Miss Lulu Jean Kerr. Miss Margaret McIver, of Kit- chener. and Miss Josephine McIver of Toronto, 'Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver over the week- end. Miss Mary Crich and Miss Joan Teall left Wednesday for Kitchi- gami Camp on Lake Huron. Miss Susan McLean is spending a week in London, Mrs. Earl Bell has returned to her home here from Toronto for the summer months. Mr. Harold Whyte spent a few days this week at Port Carling. Mr. Doug Stewart, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A, Stewart. Mr. Ken Larone, Toronto; was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone. ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds', of Listowel; visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and family on Sunday. Miss Marie Lyddiatt, of Blyth, \spent Sunday with Miss Catherine Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart vis- ited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, of Owen Sound' Mr.Dick Eisler had the centre finger of his right hand injured while operating a machine at Sea - forth Shoes Ltd. last Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke and family, of Lapeer, Michigan, spent last week visiting relatives and friends in Seaforth. Mr. kind Mrs. Scott Coffin, of Toronto. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver while enroute to their cottage at Bayfield. Among those who have moved to their cottages are: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rowcliffe and family, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Gor- will and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hart and Miss Mabel Turnbull, Miss Alice Christie and Miss Sandra Savauge left last week for Wasaga Beach, where they have obtained summer employment, Miss Beth McEwing_ and Miss Marjorie McEwing have taken SPECIAL • forZ 444103,0:444,t 4t..41q. ete4. Miss Marx 'Proadteet 4;44.: Barbara Tayhir left 1.4St Tua Morning ter-Suudridge. misses Dorothy Iceys, Marion."go- uwain,. Audrey Rackwell and. tale-, (bei Engel' left on Ttieaday nt, tend, suinttiero school in Toront„ii, Miss pods JohnStoiii daUghter of Mr. and 1!/Irs, Harvey JOIlnatalk Clinton, left TtteSda,y, .;to a,tteu,. slimmer S.Ohool' tereOto #.4d tends teaching =Sip "jit: the 'fall.' Mr. Ken Thompson it. SP#Adi,i3g the sungmer MontlIS at Lake Ros- sean, *here hp -has obtairiedtutri- lier empipyment. Mr. Paul Melgaster-Ieft lastfeeit for White. Bear Caing,aema anti. Mrs, R. J. Lake and:Lisaio Te- 4'onto, are visiting with Mrs. Earl Bell. • Mrs. M. A. Heard and Hennicker, of Ilamilton,, spent the holiday with Mr. and IVIrs. Harold Whyte. 1;•-• • k 'airs. A. K. HarveY, of Torento, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. 1.4„,e)s):•130 rouitiorf visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus; T.44,T04, recently: Mr. and IVIrs. Dalton Malcolm, Iceith and Bruce'•atteridect the Ful,. lar reunion in Iditehekea Suedayi‘ , We „ are sorry to reoort Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, put jots ham' anit was taken to. StrAferd 49spita whio reored ten' ntitebo, 10,0§0 we„: wound; thfrfsindAllialds 14.411Cal,titeef aTnocirenA4t;, and Mrs, Merge Graltain and Mr. eavnedninMgr.s. George Pepper called on Mrs. j,arrnes, Malcolm Sunday • Nr: AncursAa*rence14 Bonnid.,and Lari•Y Visitedt his , 11/4ra. 13arker, at the of i).6 dUghter and son-in-law, Mr. arid Mts. Alvin WilyaMs, Bur- ford, on Sunday. WIr74and Mrs. Charles Roney and. sons' spent Sunday at the lake: ArIalcolm, on Tuesday. visMitresd', wRiothss her r dmoonth earn, d Br Mrs. rrjry, .REGENT THEATRE —SEAFORTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY , "THE MOUNTAIN " !SPENCER TRACY ROBERT WAGNER tense, exciting 'drama of personal conflict • through 'a perilous Journey to conquer treacherous icy slopes high in the .Alps, The character of a brave man can tower high above even the highest Mountain.. 4.1 MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY • "PORT AFRIQUE PIER' ANGELI PHIL CAREY Where danger strikes on every street! THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, "ROAD TO DENVER JOHN PAYNE MONA FREEMAN Coining — "THE MAGGIE" This -Store HAS THE "BEST, VALUES" IN SUMMER FOOTWEAR For Men, Ladies and Children, and also • "The • Best Values" in Work Boots and Rubber Boots for the Men and Boys, in this Town or any other Town. LET US PROVE IT ! ILLIS - SHOE_ STORE The "LITTLE" Store With the "BIG" Values — SEAFORTH STORE'HOUR,S--,Mon. to Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 6 pm.; Sat., 8:30 to 10 FREE PLASTIC PAIL with purchase of 's* ONE sGALLOtal or more PITTSBURGH PAINT Crown Hardware Phone 797 Seaforth Here at, WHITNEY'S yOU find an extensive selection of Modern Outdoor Furniture. Here is your opportunity to prep,are for host Summer weaqier! , All Summer Furniture R PIJIMAL and:10011340drggitVICE / Phone 1191 Rif. 65 , ;•• - •*forth•' , • . •• • kfl,,,q114, • • . . I) 1) ,'L