HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-07-05, Page 5Save
Sa 45%
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1T 99 10.75
20:'90 12.9S
25,25 12.95-----
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20.00 13.95
26.25 1,5.45-----
550/ 16
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19.65 '11.45
Sa 45%
Aslef 9de to tire piled Mr fnsttrndtian
Yarbeless or Wkilaiveidii tMas available hi MM sizes at 3,00 ortra
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the Catl
�* sUred•.t
Mrs,. M
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was. 'fn.
,°l plcnie a see�ssfnl
The teancher. - Nie-. Rena .Cold
tt ae, Roggartb,'boys' 9ryto
ithfng q urim5 'Jun w'Min n e E
ryvthe 'boys, 13 to 15 Leslie F
a 'Coleman; Marrie(l
women Mrs,• . S I e G . (1 1 IaS
,many, children prese;pt, Jack Brintnell, 14I
Ru sail ., hp, .., . ate .: s
favor rs. Vert Riley; ter of cerem4laaes and Alders tak
The weathervian did not oung men, Ross Riley, Jack Cald- •. ;,:. x 2'_'
e a y ing part were: Tragsylvanua $.and : rT "
the.. d4y and the rain som .wh t; •. sY ,
well three-legged race, Ross Riley and G11 JT , 'Jack '$a eir►a , To
dampened the spirits of the' chll ! and Jack Caldwell; .button guess, to; _ Sharon Stxong t1Ardo. Drilxn-
dren. Notwithstanding the frequent Robert Munn; newspaper` Contest, . r r C' 6 I�,r�'
showers, the games were carried ,pond, Cheryl ].itt{e',. {,K Y, a
Mrs. Coleman's side; 'relay, L pup l u p'E"c
out according. to schedule. Mus1c. Mr dang.44g`'was provided fi! ` i
Riley's side. t e f1tF1 "A
by the Cirelp $ar.,44neb Gang; of SBVe•+'A't Lieait $3.902. t, � � RE OR;`
Races for all children=boys and Kitchener, },,rRO
DOLM'AGE •PICNIC Prize vfrimters in the draw were;'These'.y��Fx�`
girls, including the pre-school' chil-h
dren-were held% and many
prizes, -\T annual picnic of the Dolmage Reg Allen, Seaforth; Tom Chang, ressed �At; n " N � " al l
were given. ,to the wmners. ,mT The family gathered at .Goderich re` Seaforth;, Pieter Eckert, R.R. 1, t` 1�r�T 1° �+�4 �_:
three-legged race was most a cently, with 85. attending from Ki Dublin; Elaine -Rock, R.R. 1, '$oOR
rn: 4
tng, as ,well as the wheelbarrow.{chener, Detroit, $taffa, Cromarty, holm; Ronald Stacey, Mitchell;,. ,: „ 74>t" r tt ;,
race Tor boys. The. girls took part Kippen and Seaforth. Marie Rata, Milverton; Wayn@ �trr' S.t��j'v
in the stepping stone 'race. 9ne, After the ,picnic er, sports Beuermann Brodha en; Kathleen
very the,
feature was the ''events were held, with all chil- Ehgoetz, Sebringvme; Eli Dank
relay race for boys, with Jack dren under five receiving a prize. wardt, Kitchener•'Bill Harburn,
Bedard . and Henry Lansink cap-., Winners were: 6 to 8 years, Ken- StaHa. .
tains; girls, Cathie Eckert and ; neth Dolmage, Joyce Dolmage; 9 3c
Margaret Maloney, captains. The; , to '10 years, Lois McLachlan, Linda
winners were Hennie's and I aOhie's;' Boyce; girls 11 to 13, Eileen; Dol- Seaforth Horse • ; R }t
teams.mage, June Dolmage; boys, 11 to • 102 DRESSES TO CHOOSE'
For .the delicious feast the tables 13 years, Johnny Taylor, Jim D'ol- 'IS Double Wenner FROM
were so inviting they had to. be mage; young men's race, Neil . yi+*
removed to classrooms, thrown Dolmage, Leslie Dolmage; young A feature of the Dominion Day • SIZES FROM 9 TO 24%
o,pen for the occasion. All the chil- women's race, Eileen Dolmage, harness race meet in Goderich
dren. assembled and enjoyed theJune Dolmage; men's best colored' ,.
hest art of the, picnic.' Chocolate socks, Bill Boyce; girls, shoe was the double heat win of Vil- •FAMOUS MAKES
p loge Queen, owned by Clair Haney, • ONE' OF A KIND ONLY
milk and ick cream bars, added scramble, June. Dolmage, Eileen Seaforth, and driven by Scott
to the happy feast. Dolmage; boys' shoe scramble, Kerr, in a $200 2:30 class race, • ALL THIS SI AWON'S NEWEST `4,
A vote of thanks was given to , Ron Bertling; lady with largest Other entries from Seaforth area i, f 3tlz"
Mrs, Etue ,and the ladies by Cath- I waistline, Mrs. Robert McLachlan; included Jack Scott, owned by J.
erine Eckert and all responded lady with most articles in purse,' i
Wil -
with a - glad response. The chil- Mrs, Margaret Turnbull; boys 'and Campbell; Thunder Bay, is Wil-
son Oke, Seaforth, and Miss Bel Choose from glazed cottons, Eng-
dren then repaired to their homes I girls sewing on buttons, Mrs. Mar- ra
Air, by Joe Burns. fish broadcloths, "Wash 'n 'Near" w '! ° m ;n
after a very happy day, � garet Turnbull, . Jim Dolmage; ® , s
orange relay, Pauline` Dolmage's / fabrics, -gay prints, fine woven
WI PICNIC team; longest married couple, Mr. CROMAR"rY a eyelet materials. nylons, chantus$s and
The WI picnic, held June 26 at + and Mrs. Robert Dodds, McKil- Y;:, a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy lop;; lady's birthday June 30, June Mrs. William .Martin, of Exeter,
2P.Mr K
Doig was very successful. Dolmage; men's birthday, Norman and Mrs. May Green, of Calgary,
Race results were: five years Harburn; youngest child, Patty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
and under, Ricky McKenzie, Bar- Norris, seven months old daugh- Hamilton. Styles include sheath dresses, full {
skirt styles, sun dresses, Bolero
Ty Gordon; 6-8 years, Dianne Pap- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden vis- �
plc, Donny Papple; . 9-10 years, family coming the farthest, Mr. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew jacket dresses, classic button front h Q'��w,
Roba Doig, Donna Gordon; 11-13 and Mrs. Bruce Turner, Detroit; McLachlan. styles with half or full sleeves. {{!
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and And -
years, Elsie Doig, Roba Doig;' oldest person attending, Mr. Aus- Whatever the style you want we've srGN
young ladies, Sandra Doig; young tin Dolmage, Winthrop. rey and Mrs. Erma Seigner and got it, in the color of your choice. J „
men, Ken Coleman; wheelbarrow¢ Mary Lou, of Mitchell, visited with 'MN
race, seniors, Bruce and Ken Cole- S.S. 10, TUCKERSPITH Mrs. Houghton. Shop Till. Saturday � d
man; juniors, Grace Doig and S.S. No. 10, Thckersmith, held We are sorry to report Mr. Otto
Ricky McKenzie; crab walk, Don-; P Night at 10 m. fOx'°
' their school 'crit Sunday at Lions Walker as having to return to a g p'
nie Papple and Sandy Doig; neck- Park. Seaforth. Sports began with South Huron Hospital in Exeter, These Dresses
a baseball game with the women Mr. R. G. Speare visited with
tie race,Ken Papple and Mrs. Gar-'
dan Papple; thread the needle, winners over the men and chil- Miss Olive Speare over the week- Aad:
1VIrs. Wilfred Coleman and Bruce'
dren. end. On Sale At .fz
Coleman; kick the)" slipper, men, Pre-school age children all ran At the Ieague baseball playoffs
Gordon,,Papple; women, Mrs. San- I and received a chocolate bar; on Monday in Mitchell, Bob Mc-
dy Doig; boys, Ken Papple and girls, 6 to 9, Grace Riley, Mary Kellar had the misfortune to havt $9.,95
Doug Hugill; shoe, scramble, first, Plumb; boys. 6-9. Monty Plumb, his right arm fractured. He was
Wayne and Sandra Hugill; second, Bruce Drummond; girls, 9-14, rushed to Stratford Hospital where , z
Grace Riley, Eleanor Riley; boys, it was X-rayed and put in a cast. 0
Bruce and Linda Papple; adult
shoe scramble, first, Ken Papple 9-14, Donnie Pepper, Bryce Jacobi; .Bob will be off work for six or
and McIntosh Connolly; second, Papple;
young men's race; Jack Caldwell, eight weeks. STEWART
McIntosh and Marjorie Papple; Bob Ball; ladies' race, Mrs. J. Anniversary services were well
girls' slipper race, Eleanor Keys; Drummond, Lila MacKay; mens attended on Sunday. Rev. M. Me- l
pinning diaper on doll, women; Mrs. race, Ken MacKay, Jim Drum- Nab from Bluevale, was the guest
Earl Papple; men, Sandy ' Doig mond; wheelbarrow race, David speaker and preached very inter
and Graham Kerr; hit tomato; Brock and Bryce Jacobi, Bill esting sermons. Special music was
Workman and Bruce Drummond; provided by the choir and male
Mrs. Sandy Pepper, Ken Coleman;
coat relay and snatch relay, won three-legged race, Jack Caldwell quartette with Mrs. K. McKellar
by Sandy
and Bob Ball. Mr. and Mrs. James as accompanist.
a Cole team; broken car ' k
race, Bruce Coleman and Ken Pap- Drummond; pager plate throw. '8'Mrs. Lamond and the members `
pile (tied). Mrs. R. Ball, Bob Bell; coat race, of the CGIT motored to London on �V[ i
Following the games, the `lunch "Mr: and Mrs. James Drummond; Thursday to attend a play entitled, ANNOUNCE • �W •�00l,S -
committee served hamburgers and ladies' softball throw, Mrs. J. The Ten Commandments."1
hot dogs, tarts and ice cream Drummond; men's softball throw, Sunday Visitors -Mr, and Mrs. AT SEAFORTH CARNEGIE LIBRARY
cones, tea and freshie. All enjoy- Jack Moore; guessing jelly beans Harry Strang and family, of Exe-
ed themselves to the full, in jar„ Winston Workman; balloon ter, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. The following new books have ty's Mare, Saul; Hello, Mrs. Piggle+•
race, Bryce Jacobi. Scott and family; Mr. and Mrs. been received. at Seaforth Public Wiggle, McDonald; My Friend the.
S.S. NO. 4, HIBBERT The men proved the better at Neil Lamont, of London, Mr. and Atom, Honer; i itttlo Mauveuck
reading the newspaper over the Mrs. Kendrick of Exeter, Rev. and Library: Cow, Coates; Better Homes iia&
The annual school,picnic n S.S. women. Jack Caldwell's team Mrs. George Lamont and family Fiction -The Believers, Giles; Gardens Story Book; The ' Greg" :
No. 4, Hibbert, was held June 21
� proved, after a hard struggle, to and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLeod Taver in the West, Norris; The Family, Streatfie>d; Little' Reda
on the school grounds. The day
was delightful and all the school be the winner over Verne Alder- and family, of London, with Mr. Girl From thg Memos',! Club, Schoolhouse, Bailey,•; Wildlife Cam
dice's team. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond; Mr. Ford; Spiral Road, De Hartog; I era Man, Kij tf0t The Late Sprmt,,
and pre-school children were pies-. *After a delicious picnic supper, and Mrs. Murray Christie and fam- Have Loved, Sharpe; Sword and Fritz; Kevin, Chambers; Betsy„
ent. Bill Workman read an address to RY of Roys with Mr. and Mrs. Scalpel, Seifert; Substitute Doctor, Scott; A Holiday With Eric, Lem
There were races for all groups the teacher, and Mr. Brears and Frank Allen; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Seifert; There is a Season, Colver; hauser; Girls, Girl's, Girls, W4
and ages from preschool to Grade Donna Whitehouse presented him Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. John Port of Call, Reyburn; Lucky Lar- Secret For a Star, Bance; Littler
8. Various types of races were with a gift on behalf of the pupils. Wallace and family attended the ribee, Brand; The Guns of Nav- Rabbit, Schlemm; Jade• Arden Staff' '
won by the following: pre-school, Mr. Brears attends teachers' col- centennial service and visited with arone, McLain; Blue Camellea, Nurse, Hardy; Pony's Summer
Tom Burke; kick the shoe, Nelly' lege next fall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace; Mrs. Keyes; Our Glad, Warren; Scape- Stock, Wesley; Childcraft, 15 vdtb
Vogels; book race, Kenny Coyne;' BELL REUNION Grace Wren, of Seaforth, with Mrs. goat, Du Maurier; Bridal Array, umes.
shoe scramble, Cinth Vogels; pota- Grace Scott and Mr. and Mrs..Don- Cadell; Stopover Tokyo, Marquand;
to race, Mayr Loy Coyne; sack Riverview Park, Exeter, proved ald Scott. Case of the Lucky Loser, Gardner;
race, Jack Doyle; slow bicycle --an ideal spot for the annual reun- Teacher Presented High Trail, Whitinger; The Healing .t •
race, Don Coyne; relay race with ion of the Bell.clan with some 80 A social evening was spent at Touch, Gibbs; K. A. of Gifford Hibbert Council
Luella Moylan as captain, includ- members attending from Seaforth, No. 6 School Thursday evening. A Hillany, Wheatley; Three For the
ed Don Coyne, Jack Doyle, Billy Elimville, Thames Road, Exeter cafeteria luncheon was served at Chair, Stait; Wings of Night, Rad- •
Murray, Gordon Moylan, Sharon and Hensall. 7:30. The art and handicraft Of dall; Christie Classics, Christie; Sets 1' Rate
Burke, 'Mary Lou Coyne, Anne A full line of sports, directed by copper tooling was displayed, the Death To Slow Music, Nicols;
Shea, Mary Lou Murray, Gerry Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. H, Bell, work being done by the pupils. Three Beans, Totes; Lovers and At the regular meeting of Hib-
Malone and Kenny Coyne. Dodge were run off during the afternoon, A program of choruses by the Strangers Marshall 'Far, Far the cert Council a. -by-law was passe
Ball was won by Elaine Murray followed with a delicious picnic school; solos by Connie Sorsdahl, Mountain Peak, Masters; Tootville, setting the mill rates for 1957 as
and Sharon Burke. Prizes were `supper. Marlene Dow, Alex Scott and Car -Freedman; Silver Spoon, Gilbert; follows: county, 12 mills; town -
distributed to all. Officers for 1958 elected were: of Ann Dow; a monologue by Lau- Silver Chalice, Costain; Dead ship roads, 6 mills; general rate
Refreshments were served which president, Andrew Houston, Sea- ra Chappell; a play entitled Thane• for residential and farm proper -
On Time, Gregg; Homing, � ;
brought an enjoyable afternoon to forth; secretary, Dave McLean, "Wanted, A Housekeeper," and Nurse Howard's Assignment, Rob- ties; 2 mills; general rate for corn -
a close. Seaforth; table committee, Mr. races and sports comprised the ems; A Cup For Janet, Thorne; mercial. 42; P.V. Dublin, 4 mills„
Promotions announced by the and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Thames program. Beloved Stranger, Worley; Naked street lighting, 4 mills; general.
teacher, Mrs. Joseph Melady, were Road; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, ,A gilt was resented to the school rate, 2.91 mills; Public' y
as follows: Elimville; sorts, Mr, and Mrs. p Spur, Lawson; Knock and Wait School Area, No. 1, 14 mills; S:S •
P teacher, Mrs. Hocking, who is Awhile, Weekes; Fish the Strong
To Grade IX -Luella Moylan. Earl Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack leaving to take charge of another Waters, MacDonald. No. 8, 8.4 mills; S.S. No. 3, 74 .
Grade. VIII -,Jean Moylan. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. L. school. An address was read by mills; S.S. No. 4, 13 mills; S.S. i?ra
Grade VII -Don Coyne, Mary El- Schenk. Floyd Dow and the presentation of Non -Fiction - New Guide For 5, 12.5 mills; S.S. No. 6, 10 mills;
len Doyle. Seaforth Lions Park will be the a beautiful necklace and earrings Toastmaster, Prochnaw; Artist At S.S. No. 7, 82 Mills; Separates' .;
Grade VI -Mary Lou Coyne, Dil- setting for the 1958 reunion. to match was made by Alice War, Natural Way to Draw, La School Area, 9 +mills- Continuatiam'
ly Murray, Jack Doyle, Vincent a Walker on behalf of the pupils. Verendrye, Oho Oagie, Artist's School, 6 mills; Seaforth HS.I) r
KIPPEN Handbook, Comfort; -.Great Days 6.9 mills, and Mitchell H.S.D.,
Maloney. Mrs. Hocking gave a fitting re- in Canadian Sport Frances and mills. o,
Grade V -Betty Shea, Elaine ply. The best wishes of the com- f
Murray, Danny McMillan, Rose Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell spent munity go with her to her new the Crees, Shipley; Stay Alive All Tenders were opened for theli j
Doyle, the weekend at Chatham, guests school. Your Life, Peale; Animal Safari, pair of the McDonald drain,
Grade IV -Patsy Coyne. Dorothy of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Masterson. Neill; Logging With Paul Bunyan, Robert Nicholson & Son receivelS
Vogels, Cinth Vogels. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert Robins; The Training Question, the contract for $9,63; one other,
Grade III -Anne Shea, Gordon visited Sunday with relatives in EAST McKILLOP Fillmore; Canada, Bruchesi; 'Ov- tender from A." Eghoetz was for
Moylan, Sharon Burke, Billy Feen- Clifford. • er My Dead Body, Apie; Tales Re- $1,132. Court of revision on smelt
ey, Kenny Coyne, Mrs. Alice Cook and friend, of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Franks and told Under the Town Clock, Bor- drain was closed. as there west
Gail, of Preston, spent the week- tett; For Lowe of Martha, Winter; «I
Grade II -Mary Lou Murray, London, visited Sunday with Mrs. no appeals.
end, with Mr. and Mrs. William Age of Piracy, Caine;The F.B.I.
Gerry Malone, Nelly Vogels, Anne James McClymont. g � A grant of $110 was given tm ,x.
Malone. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and Koehler. Stories, Whitehead; Turn of the
the Mitchell Agricultural Society,
Mrs. Norman Eggert has return- Tide, Bryant; Bridge at Andam,
son, David, spent the Holiday week Eighty per cent of bridge contract'
S,S. 7, HIBBERT, PICNIC , ba Home ftom Hospital with her Michener Men and Power, Beav-
end with the latter's parents, Mr. � was paid to Looby Constructuii>v
baby daughter. erbrook; H.M.S. Fidelity, Julian;
Thursday afternoon, June 28, S. and Mrs. A. Parker. Mr, and Mrs. Manny Bennewies Ltd., and Lavis Contracting 6
S. No. 7, Hibbert, held their annual - Mr. Peter Gridzak returned Mission Completed, Embry; Lone was paid for part of gravel eon, +
picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth. The' home from Sudbury last week. and son, of Stratford, and Mr. and' ly Warrior, Oppenkerg; Witness to tract, making a'total of $9,7414
children went swimming, held'- St. Andrew's United,. Church Mrs. Aubrey McNichol and fam- Witchcraft, Wright; Ordeal Below
fly, of Blyth, visited on Sunday Zero, Bland; Arctic Trader Me- paid for road account, and genArtt)E
Me -
sports and enjoyed a bountiful Sunday School picnic will be held orders including'two, the dxainado
, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eg- Donald; The Incredible Ivan Kreu-
loans amounted to $6,997.27.
ed to Mrs. Clarence Coleman a$d all Bayfield- The congregation are gert- ger, Churchill; C. D. Life and
supper. Many thanks are extend July it at 3 p.m. in Jowett's Grove
Mrs. Percy Harris in making the invited. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scherbarth, of Times of Have, oberts; Building
Monkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. and Operating Modern Cars,
Seaforth Lineman
Charles Eggert. Maicfane, , >
Mr. Jerry Doerr had the misfor-
tune to cut his arm on `a piece of Juvenile Averts 'fid,:1dt
steel, requiring several stitches. Palomina Girl, Walton; Second '
Rev. Amacher, of Zurich, began Year Nurse, McCulloch; Cathy At A letter from A 5illery, Sedgy r,
- his duties as minister for McKie- Her Castle, Hall; Gentle of the Ir- Forth, to Bell6Te>tihorie oflici
lop E.V.B. Church on Sunday. Ser- on Hand, Sivaze; Brunk Watson of voiced High p asee'•.,: £or., liri+9iiS m+ hid
vices are to be conducted at 8:50 Beausejour, Edwards; Mexican George Sills, aa+ at'"�aeaforila, Yd�!1
a.m. for the months of July and Assignment; Jack Landen's Stor- cording to a, rert!etit' issue
Bell News,
August. les For Boys, Landon; We Chased '
a Rainbow, Reynolds; Circus Daze, Xr, 8111'' dio'b rod o fire�,yi,ii u,
N i F Rev, Amacher was a guest at ds
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Tuffin; Wonderful Time, Summers; Sillery"a :ga
Rock on Sunday. High Apple On the Tree; Horse s ara1 Wes, fig .; GiVing ;('fern;
-N ==` Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wesley and ;}A h
masters, Stamford; 'Cheicokeo, Boy,: a1? . , �$ ,a: 1s�e„�. �y'i.'�ie
baby, of RCAF, Trenton, were week. omeone To Cares Paschall; S,0',Sx.' gtruttd#070 >✓16 tliieVi
end visitors at the home of Mr. t Midnight,, Talnplipn' ; idle''` ,lit. l ie #, ' k S ,'' ape
(: •S. & W. V. Smith and Mrs-, Harold. Dietz. Rain Jo ''s Piflitzex` ..�oi��� dtt8 ,,Nir„ S" %r;?`� � �
SrE YIEEo SEAi+ORTA , 8?I " 1 " �..,,
Phone 792 fr Mr. bseph Roke>~t, Sr.; return Away, Molitgo'mery, .>5, yi ibe tb
ed nome from SCOtt Mumoi'1sl LenW: 'Old `.0 adze B ?ire r} :had alae Mae, „' 1 5
lice' 'taI Seafo�tii; lakt •raeek• after " '�' y ,� t"' � �
W' fk
,,, rp '�-� f A r i"�.• aiane�i �� hl LY .!." ,. 1 e ,LFJif.�w� i:� 'N �Y1S Im7 �,c5 ,I vi.
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,.,w..:.,, , �• , .:. .: 1. , ,. � ridih several wveeiks tip � r �•
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Your cost
Your cost
Your cost
Your cost
Reg, with
Reg. with
Reg. with
Reg. with
List Class "A"
et Class "A"
List Claw "W*
` `''pry F%• °` 7 rade�in
Peiin Trade-in
rice Trade-in
Price Trade -is
i8.8 143.49
----- --
----- -----
-� -----
. 13
3335 .95
- --
1T 99 10.75
20:'90 12.9S
25,25 12.95-----
----- -----
-- -----
20.00 13.95
26.25 1,5.45-----
550/ 16
lk2:2V 13.50
19.65 '11.45
32,20 14.95
27.50 13.95
28.85 15.95
28.85 17.9'8
23.85• 12.95
31:30 .. 15.45
32.85 11.45.
32.85 IOA49
32.50 15:98
760/ 15
3 .20 27.45
35.90 ,19.45
39.90 31.4'ti
_�:�..- --x
;3 .50 21.9$
_:_sem wg -
Aslef 9de to tire piled Mr fnsttrndtian
Yarbeless or Wkilaiveidii tMas available hi MM sizes at 3,00 ortra
S'f' :f
O,A �i
the Catl
�* sUred•.t
Mrs,. M
sited:. "
other r,
was. 'fn.
,°l plcnie a see�ssfnl
The teancher. - Nie-. Rena .Cold
tt ae, Roggartb,'boys' 9ryto
ithfng q urim5 'Jun w'Min n e E
ryvthe 'boys, 13 to 15 Leslie F
a 'Coleman; Marrie(l
women Mrs,• . S I e G . (1 1 IaS
,many, children prese;pt, Jack Brintnell, 14I
Ru sail ., hp, .., . ate .: s
favor rs. Vert Riley; ter of cerem4laaes and Alders tak
The weathervian did not oung men, Ross Riley, Jack Cald- •. ;,:. x 2'_'
e a y ing part were: Tragsylvanua $.and : rT "
the.. d4y and the rain som .wh t; •. sY ,
well three-legged race, Ross Riley and G11 JT , 'Jack '$a eir►a , To
dampened the spirits of the' chll ! and Jack Caldwell; .button guess, to; _ Sharon Stxong t1Ardo. Drilxn-
dren. Notwithstanding the frequent Robert Munn; newspaper` Contest, . r r C' 6 I�,r�'
showers, the games were carried ,pond, Cheryl ].itt{e',. {,K Y, a
Mrs. Coleman's side; 'relay, L pup l u p'E"c
out according. to schedule. Mus1c. Mr dang.44g`'was provided fi! ` i
Riley's side. t e f1tF1 "A
by the Cirelp $ar.,44neb Gang; of SBVe•+'A't Lieait $3.902. t, � � RE OR;`
Races for all children=boys and Kitchener, },,rRO
DOLM'AGE •PICNIC Prize vfrimters in the draw were;'These'.y��Fx�`
girls, including the pre-school' chil-h
dren-were held% and many
prizes, -\T annual picnic of the Dolmage Reg Allen, Seaforth; Tom Chang, ressed �At; n " N � " al l
were given. ,to the wmners. ,mT The family gathered at .Goderich re` Seaforth;, Pieter Eckert, R.R. 1, t` 1�r�T 1° �+�4 �_:
three-legged race was most a cently, with 85. attending from Ki Dublin; Elaine -Rock, R.R. 1, '$oOR
rn: 4
tng, as ,well as the wheelbarrow.{chener, Detroit, $taffa, Cromarty, holm; Ronald Stacey, Mitchell;,. ,: „ 74>t" r tt ;,
race Tor boys. The. girls took part Kippen and Seaforth. Marie Rata, Milverton; Wayn@ �trr' S.t��j'v
in the stepping stone 'race. 9ne, After the ,picnic er, sports Beuermann Brodha en; Kathleen
very the,
feature was the ''events were held, with all chil- Ehgoetz, Sebringvme; Eli Dank
relay race for boys, with Jack dren under five receiving a prize. wardt, Kitchener•'Bill Harburn,
Bedard . and Henry Lansink cap-., Winners were: 6 to 8 years, Ken- StaHa. .
tains; girls, Cathie Eckert and ; neth Dolmage, Joyce Dolmage; 9 3c
Margaret Maloney, captains. The; , to '10 years, Lois McLachlan, Linda
winners were Hennie's and I aOhie's;' Boyce; girls 11 to 13, Eileen; Dol- Seaforth Horse • ; R }t
teams.mage, June Dolmage; boys, 11 to • 102 DRESSES TO CHOOSE'
For .the delicious feast the tables 13 years, Johnny Taylor, Jim D'ol- 'IS Double Wenner FROM
were so inviting they had to. be mage; young men's race, Neil . yi+*
removed to classrooms, thrown Dolmage, Leslie Dolmage; young A feature of the Dominion Day • SIZES FROM 9 TO 24%
o,pen for the occasion. All the chil- women's race, Eileen Dolmage, harness race meet in Goderich
dren. assembled and enjoyed theJune Dolmage; men's best colored' ,.
hest art of the, picnic.' Chocolate socks, Bill Boyce; girls, shoe was the double heat win of Vil- •FAMOUS MAKES
p loge Queen, owned by Clair Haney, • ONE' OF A KIND ONLY
milk and ick cream bars, added scramble, June. Dolmage, Eileen Seaforth, and driven by Scott
to the happy feast. Dolmage; boys' shoe scramble, Kerr, in a $200 2:30 class race, • ALL THIS SI AWON'S NEWEST `4,
A vote of thanks was given to , Ron Bertling; lady with largest Other entries from Seaforth area i, f 3tlz"
Mrs, Etue ,and the ladies by Cath- I waistline, Mrs. Robert McLachlan; included Jack Scott, owned by J.
erine Eckert and all responded lady with most articles in purse,' i
Wil -
with a - glad response. The chil- Mrs, Margaret Turnbull; boys 'and Campbell; Thunder Bay, is Wil-
son Oke, Seaforth, and Miss Bel Choose from glazed cottons, Eng-
dren then repaired to their homes I girls sewing on buttons, Mrs. Mar- ra
Air, by Joe Burns. fish broadcloths, "Wash 'n 'Near" w '! ° m ;n
after a very happy day, � garet Turnbull, . Jim Dolmage; ® , s
orange relay, Pauline` Dolmage's / fabrics, -gay prints, fine woven
WI PICNIC team; longest married couple, Mr. CROMAR"rY a eyelet materials. nylons, chantus$s and
The WI picnic, held June 26 at + and Mrs. Robert Dodds, McKil- Y;:, a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy lop;; lady's birthday June 30, June Mrs. William .Martin, of Exeter,
2P.Mr K
Doig was very successful. Dolmage; men's birthday, Norman and Mrs. May Green, of Calgary,
Race results were: five years Harburn; youngest child, Patty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
and under, Ricky McKenzie, Bar- Norris, seven months old daugh- Hamilton. Styles include sheath dresses, full {
skirt styles, sun dresses, Bolero
Ty Gordon; 6-8 years, Dianne Pap- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden vis- �
plc, Donny Papple; . 9-10 years, family coming the farthest, Mr. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew jacket dresses, classic button front h Q'��w,
Roba Doig, Donna Gordon; 11-13 and Mrs. Bruce Turner, Detroit; McLachlan. styles with half or full sleeves. {{!
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and And -
years, Elsie Doig, Roba Doig;' oldest person attending, Mr. Aus- Whatever the style you want we've srGN
young ladies, Sandra Doig; young tin Dolmage, Winthrop. rey and Mrs. Erma Seigner and got it, in the color of your choice. J „
men, Ken Coleman; wheelbarrow¢ Mary Lou, of Mitchell, visited with 'MN
race, seniors, Bruce and Ken Cole- S.S. 10, TUCKERSPITH Mrs. Houghton. Shop Till. Saturday � d
man; juniors, Grace Doig and S.S. No. 10, Thckersmith, held We are sorry to report Mr. Otto
Ricky McKenzie; crab walk, Don-; P Night at 10 m. fOx'°
' their school 'crit Sunday at Lions Walker as having to return to a g p'
nie Papple and Sandy Doig; neck- Park. Seaforth. Sports began with South Huron Hospital in Exeter, These Dresses
a baseball game with the women Mr. R. G. Speare visited with
tie race,Ken Papple and Mrs. Gar-'
dan Papple; thread the needle, winners over the men and chil- Miss Olive Speare over the week- Aad:
1VIrs. Wilfred Coleman and Bruce'
dren. end. On Sale At .fz
Coleman; kick the)" slipper, men, Pre-school age children all ran At the Ieague baseball playoffs
Gordon,,Papple; women, Mrs. San- I and received a chocolate bar; on Monday in Mitchell, Bob Mc-
dy Doig; boys, Ken Papple and girls, 6 to 9, Grace Riley, Mary Kellar had the misfortune to havt $9.,95
Doug Hugill; shoe, scramble, first, Plumb; boys. 6-9. Monty Plumb, his right arm fractured. He was
Wayne and Sandra Hugill; second, Bruce Drummond; girls, 9-14, rushed to Stratford Hospital where , z
Grace Riley, Eleanor Riley; boys, it was X-rayed and put in a cast. 0
Bruce and Linda Papple; adult
shoe scramble, first, Ken Papple 9-14, Donnie Pepper, Bryce Jacobi; .Bob will be off work for six or
and McIntosh Connolly; second, Papple;
young men's race; Jack Caldwell, eight weeks. STEWART
McIntosh and Marjorie Papple; Bob Ball; ladies' race, Mrs. J. Anniversary services were well
girls' slipper race, Eleanor Keys; Drummond, Lila MacKay; mens attended on Sunday. Rev. M. Me- l
pinning diaper on doll, women; Mrs. race, Ken MacKay, Jim Drum- Nab from Bluevale, was the guest
Earl Papple; men, Sandy ' Doig mond; wheelbarrow race, David speaker and preached very inter
and Graham Kerr; hit tomato; Brock and Bryce Jacobi, Bill esting sermons. Special music was
Workman and Bruce Drummond; provided by the choir and male
Mrs. Sandy Pepper, Ken Coleman;
coat relay and snatch relay, won three-legged race, Jack Caldwell quartette with Mrs. K. McKellar
by Sandy
and Bob Ball. Mr. and Mrs. James as accompanist.
a Cole team; broken car ' k
race, Bruce Coleman and Ken Pap- Drummond; pager plate throw. '8'Mrs. Lamond and the members `
pile (tied). Mrs. R. Ball, Bob Bell; coat race, of the CGIT motored to London on �V[ i
Following the games, the `lunch "Mr: and Mrs. James Drummond; Thursday to attend a play entitled, ANNOUNCE • �W •�00l,S -
committee served hamburgers and ladies' softball throw, Mrs. J. The Ten Commandments."1
hot dogs, tarts and ice cream Drummond; men's softball throw, Sunday Visitors -Mr, and Mrs. AT SEAFORTH CARNEGIE LIBRARY
cones, tea and freshie. All enjoy- Jack Moore; guessing jelly beans Harry Strang and family, of Exe-
ed themselves to the full, in jar„ Winston Workman; balloon ter, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. The following new books have ty's Mare, Saul; Hello, Mrs. Piggle+•
race, Bryce Jacobi. Scott and family; Mr. and Mrs. been received. at Seaforth Public Wiggle, McDonald; My Friend the.
S.S. NO. 4, HIBBERT The men proved the better at Neil Lamont, of London, Mr. and Atom, Honer; i itttlo Mauveuck
reading the newspaper over the Mrs. Kendrick of Exeter, Rev. and Library: Cow, Coates; Better Homes iia&
The annual school,picnic n S.S. women. Jack Caldwell's team Mrs. George Lamont and family Fiction -The Believers, Giles; Gardens Story Book; The ' Greg" :
No. 4, Hibbert, was held June 21
� proved, after a hard struggle, to and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLeod Taver in the West, Norris; The Family, Streatfie>d; Little' Reda
on the school grounds. The day
was delightful and all the school be the winner over Verne Alder- and family, of London, with Mr. Girl From thg Memos',! Club, Schoolhouse, Bailey,•; Wildlife Cam
dice's team. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond; Mr. Ford; Spiral Road, De Hartog; I era Man, Kij tf0t The Late Sprmt,,
and pre-school children were pies-. *After a delicious picnic supper, and Mrs. Murray Christie and fam- Have Loved, Sharpe; Sword and Fritz; Kevin, Chambers; Betsy„
ent. Bill Workman read an address to RY of Roys with Mr. and Mrs. Scalpel, Seifert; Substitute Doctor, Scott; A Holiday With Eric, Lem
There were races for all groups the teacher, and Mr. Brears and Frank Allen; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Seifert; There is a Season, Colver; hauser; Girls, Girl's, Girls, W4
and ages from preschool to Grade Donna Whitehouse presented him Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. John Port of Call, Reyburn; Lucky Lar- Secret For a Star, Bance; Littler
8. Various types of races were with a gift on behalf of the pupils. Wallace and family attended the ribee, Brand; The Guns of Nav- Rabbit, Schlemm; Jade• Arden Staff' '
won by the following: pre-school, Mr. Brears attends teachers' col- centennial service and visited with arone, McLain; Blue Camellea, Nurse, Hardy; Pony's Summer
Tom Burke; kick the shoe, Nelly' lege next fall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace; Mrs. Keyes; Our Glad, Warren; Scape- Stock, Wesley; Childcraft, 15 vdtb
Vogels; book race, Kenny Coyne;' BELL REUNION Grace Wren, of Seaforth, with Mrs. goat, Du Maurier; Bridal Array, umes.
shoe scramble, Cinth Vogels; pota- Grace Scott and Mr. and Mrs..Don- Cadell; Stopover Tokyo, Marquand;
to race, Mayr Loy Coyne; sack Riverview Park, Exeter, proved ald Scott. Case of the Lucky Loser, Gardner;
race, Jack Doyle; slow bicycle --an ideal spot for the annual reun- Teacher Presented High Trail, Whitinger; The Healing .t •
race, Don Coyne; relay race with ion of the Bell.clan with some 80 A social evening was spent at Touch, Gibbs; K. A. of Gifford Hibbert Council
Luella Moylan as captain, includ- members attending from Seaforth, No. 6 School Thursday evening. A Hillany, Wheatley; Three For the
ed Don Coyne, Jack Doyle, Billy Elimville, Thames Road, Exeter cafeteria luncheon was served at Chair, Stait; Wings of Night, Rad- •
Murray, Gordon Moylan, Sharon and Hensall. 7:30. The art and handicraft Of dall; Christie Classics, Christie; Sets 1' Rate
Burke, 'Mary Lou Coyne, Anne A full line of sports, directed by copper tooling was displayed, the Death To Slow Music, Nicols;
Shea, Mary Lou Murray, Gerry Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. H, Bell, work being done by the pupils. Three Beans, Totes; Lovers and At the regular meeting of Hib-
Malone and Kenny Coyne. Dodge were run off during the afternoon, A program of choruses by the Strangers Marshall 'Far, Far the cert Council a. -by-law was passe
Ball was won by Elaine Murray followed with a delicious picnic school; solos by Connie Sorsdahl, Mountain Peak, Masters; Tootville, setting the mill rates for 1957 as
and Sharon Burke. Prizes were `supper. Marlene Dow, Alex Scott and Car -Freedman; Silver Spoon, Gilbert; follows: county, 12 mills; town -
distributed to all. Officers for 1958 elected were: of Ann Dow; a monologue by Lau- Silver Chalice, Costain; Dead ship roads, 6 mills; general rate
Refreshments were served which president, Andrew Houston, Sea- ra Chappell; a play entitled Thane• for residential and farm proper -
On Time, Gregg; Homing, � ;
brought an enjoyable afternoon to forth; secretary, Dave McLean, "Wanted, A Housekeeper," and Nurse Howard's Assignment, Rob- ties; 2 mills; general rate for corn -
a close. Seaforth; table committee, Mr. races and sports comprised the ems; A Cup For Janet, Thorne; mercial. 42; P.V. Dublin, 4 mills„
Promotions announced by the and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Thames program. Beloved Stranger, Worley; Naked street lighting, 4 mills; general.
teacher, Mrs. Joseph Melady, were Road; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, ,A gilt was resented to the school rate, 2.91 mills; Public' y
as follows: Elimville; sorts, Mr, and Mrs. p Spur, Lawson; Knock and Wait School Area, No. 1, 14 mills; S:S •
P teacher, Mrs. Hocking, who is Awhile, Weekes; Fish the Strong
To Grade IX -Luella Moylan. Earl Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack leaving to take charge of another Waters, MacDonald. No. 8, 8.4 mills; S.S. No. 3, 74 .
Grade. VIII -,Jean Moylan. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. L. school. An address was read by mills; S.S. No. 4, 13 mills; S.S. i?ra
Grade VII -Don Coyne, Mary El- Schenk. Floyd Dow and the presentation of Non -Fiction - New Guide For 5, 12.5 mills; S.S. No. 6, 10 mills;
len Doyle. Seaforth Lions Park will be the a beautiful necklace and earrings Toastmaster, Prochnaw; Artist At S.S. No. 7, 82 Mills; Separates' .;
Grade VI -Mary Lou Coyne, Dil- setting for the 1958 reunion. to match was made by Alice War, Natural Way to Draw, La School Area, 9 +mills- Continuatiam'
ly Murray, Jack Doyle, Vincent a Walker on behalf of the pupils. Verendrye, Oho Oagie, Artist's School, 6 mills; Seaforth HS.I) r
KIPPEN Handbook, Comfort; -.Great Days 6.9 mills, and Mitchell H.S.D.,
Maloney. Mrs. Hocking gave a fitting re- in Canadian Sport Frances and mills. o,
Grade V -Betty Shea, Elaine ply. The best wishes of the com- f
Murray, Danny McMillan, Rose Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell spent munity go with her to her new the Crees, Shipley; Stay Alive All Tenders were opened for theli j
Doyle, the weekend at Chatham, guests school. Your Life, Peale; Animal Safari, pair of the McDonald drain,
Grade IV -Patsy Coyne. Dorothy of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Masterson. Neill; Logging With Paul Bunyan, Robert Nicholson & Son receivelS
Vogels, Cinth Vogels. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert Robins; The Training Question, the contract for $9,63; one other,
Grade III -Anne Shea, Gordon visited Sunday with relatives in EAST McKILLOP Fillmore; Canada, Bruchesi; 'Ov- tender from A." Eghoetz was for
Moylan, Sharon Burke, Billy Feen- Clifford. • er My Dead Body, Apie; Tales Re- $1,132. Court of revision on smelt
ey, Kenny Coyne, Mrs. Alice Cook and friend, of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Franks and told Under the Town Clock, Bor- drain was closed. as there west
Gail, of Preston, spent the week- tett; For Lowe of Martha, Winter; «I
Grade II -Mary Lou Murray, London, visited Sunday with Mrs. no appeals.
end, with Mr. and Mrs. William Age of Piracy, Caine;The F.B.I.
Gerry Malone, Nelly Vogels, Anne James McClymont. g � A grant of $110 was given tm ,x.
Malone. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and Koehler. Stories, Whitehead; Turn of the
the Mitchell Agricultural Society,
Mrs. Norman Eggert has return- Tide, Bryant; Bridge at Andam,
son, David, spent the Holiday week Eighty per cent of bridge contract'
S,S. 7, HIBBERT, PICNIC , ba Home ftom Hospital with her Michener Men and Power, Beav-
end with the latter's parents, Mr. � was paid to Looby Constructuii>v
baby daughter. erbrook; H.M.S. Fidelity, Julian;
Thursday afternoon, June 28, S. and Mrs. A. Parker. Mr, and Mrs. Manny Bennewies Ltd., and Lavis Contracting 6
S. No. 7, Hibbert, held their annual - Mr. Peter Gridzak returned Mission Completed, Embry; Lone was paid for part of gravel eon, +
picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth. The' home from Sudbury last week. and son, of Stratford, and Mr. and' ly Warrior, Oppenkerg; Witness to tract, making a'total of $9,7414
children went swimming, held'- St. Andrew's United,. Church Mrs. Aubrey McNichol and fam- Witchcraft, Wright; Ordeal Below
fly, of Blyth, visited on Sunday Zero, Bland; Arctic Trader Me- paid for road account, and genArtt)E
Me -
sports and enjoyed a bountiful Sunday School picnic will be held orders including'two, the dxainado
, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eg- Donald; The Incredible Ivan Kreu-
loans amounted to $6,997.27.
ed to Mrs. Clarence Coleman a$d all Bayfield- The congregation are gert- ger, Churchill; C. D. Life and
supper. Many thanks are extend July it at 3 p.m. in Jowett's Grove
Mrs. Percy Harris in making the invited. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scherbarth, of Times of Have, oberts; Building
Monkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. and Operating Modern Cars,
Seaforth Lineman
Charles Eggert. Maicfane, , >
Mr. Jerry Doerr had the misfor-
tune to cut his arm on `a piece of Juvenile Averts 'fid,:1dt
steel, requiring several stitches. Palomina Girl, Walton; Second '
Rev. Amacher, of Zurich, began Year Nurse, McCulloch; Cathy At A letter from A 5illery, Sedgy r,
- his duties as minister for McKie- Her Castle, Hall; Gentle of the Ir- Forth, to Bell6Te>tihorie oflici
lop E.V.B. Church on Sunday. Ser- on Hand, Sivaze; Brunk Watson of voiced High p asee'•.,: £or., liri+9iiS m+ hid
vices are to be conducted at 8:50 Beausejour, Edwards; Mexican George Sills, aa+ at'"�aeaforila, Yd�!1
a.m. for the months of July and Assignment; Jack Landen's Stor- cording to a, rert!etit' issue
Bell News,
August. les For Boys, Landon; We Chased '
a Rainbow, Reynolds; Circus Daze, Xr, 8111'' dio'b rod o fire�,yi,ii u,
N i F Rev, Amacher was a guest at ds
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Tuffin; Wonderful Time, Summers; Sillery"a :ga
Rock on Sunday. High Apple On the Tree; Horse s ara1 Wes, fig .; GiVing ;('fern;
-N ==` Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wesley and ;}A h
masters, Stamford; 'Cheicokeo, Boy,: a1? . , �$ ,a: 1s�e„�. �y'i.'�ie
baby, of RCAF, Trenton, were week. omeone To Cares Paschall; S,0',Sx.' gtruttd#070 >✓16 tliieVi
end visitors at the home of Mr. t Midnight,, Talnplipn' ; idle''` ,lit. l ie #, ' k S ,'' ape
(: •S. & W. V. Smith and Mrs-, Harold. Dietz. Rain Jo ''s Piflitzex` ..�oi��� dtt8 ,,Nir„ S" %r;?`� � �
SrE YIEEo SEAi+ORTA , 8?I " 1 " �..,,
Phone 792 fr Mr. bseph Roke>~t, Sr.; return Away, Molitgo'mery, .>5, yi ibe tb
ed nome from SCOtt Mumoi'1sl LenW: 'Old `.0 adze B ?ire r} :had alae Mae, „' 1 5
lice' 'taI Seafo�tii; lakt •raeek• after " '�' y ,� t"' � �
W' fk
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