HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-07-05, Page 1. .1. X0 , lbk` , , . ,ft 'P.,51 11_­�A ; p'�., ,,4­.i&v� , i, _ Me h A), �g W & J� 161111191%, , ,, 1, I ,! " W%'A%']r� Fr�,,s ! g ,,,-- PV .. � U.,T!T""W r -� , , - " , 2 .0 � 11 .1. , 1'1,� —i ", " � - -�"4 41, V1111. , � I , - . �g li, 1 , OWR4 atk-o " " IV , "I" ,W�bw.. NY., �i', 17­37�,11' , , 1911 y 1, . 14 - 'I, ­Y,�Tp",., � .'. t� '' �, - �, , 1, i ,. , " - �" �,;- , I "I"i , , i.�ll _v � � "" , . ,,,.�.,_ sii�.1­0,�, ,�,,:, V'10� . - - ., �FW � ,.� 0 , PIIV,',�`, �! , . . I � � DAV -1 . " .:� ��N';, ��' .­­..­ ­_ Oi%;e�A�, ,,­ , , �­,-Fy.- '. - � , ,,� .. �1.,WIT* i '? 1! � *,.x, "., X., , 4 . , � "' ,�, ".. . ­ 1 � , ...... ;�. - 1.�.i . �p,o' " I �� - I , il 4:,,V , . ., % . Oil . , . , , ­ I I , - � . . . .� ,� �, , t��,,,Ntll'­M�5* 1W . I �, " , � � I - 0111� " . I ;. � I ��, . . . . . . . . I . - � - , . . .. .. "I . 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I �. , 'r i i,�; �� : " - � sl.,�,', � I I 'Jvp� W,7c.iA ­,., I"p. IR � , I V I I :. ,, j ;'.,�,; .., N I . . . �i� � I., I � � � "." , . .. .111. -11.1-1 . . , I ! , I I . .. I � , - _: L. 1, I'' , . 4k.= .. � � ��P Y�01 mj�m , , - �'� � i, , ­j,,�., 1�k . I � I �.. ," R I � � " � " .�Vigplo � � . - , % � I - � � .'f,'�;r"*�W4�l;,.1.7:"�,�,,��",--"I - - n :�:,;, , 1. 1 :41�& . i — I �- . . *J !3 , W I I , �� , '. . _.. 11. - . - � I � W. �':� -, " �4i , � �'��:*�; �, � I - I - I . 1, ­ --11 .... i I I , '� � ,. T -K ,v,7;A. - ,. - , , - . . 4111 ., 1 !W11 i . , 1, . '. i, 1 -4 � I . "7! ` ;;@�� 1; . . I I ,.::::, �.� ,­� ,. - , I . 4 1 .11 , : . .� , . '. ,. ., 4! i S'' . � I . %, I . .� .. . --t � 71 1�;01 f, 11 � -11 �4 , - , 11 �1* 1, ,., I , o , � , I � 11 11 - � I I . � _1 , I ­�'W,�,'�,! i .1 . � � . . a : 11, -i . ", I I .,,�. ,- � , ,4. I" .1 :1 � . , 1 , -,[ � -,,-s. L'Au ULVbJt, '�VUVA- '-W .i _11 . �11­ . -11".. , , 7I. � ��,� . :1 I I -10k:� - " -� -:,. " `�..,�...� ", i 1, ' G ." ... -.7!l-ii, z. ggg I , ha am 'raut"McIblih-, ;, I � I lil. thAt io . otw,4ez .,&1,144 ", - - . Installation last rr R, difteie be to . , � � , kontl;l of a -mod, ed. #%'�, � * I A t,-, . - ... , * ern , a,"MW.el-T111". . .4ay " wave, �c4riqer which caLL ukumzu aud ja-u 9% I � orlial, MA , - wMe spending an IS � ILI, X-r,ay machine 4d ierricidel- ' 'ppp th R . With his� parents, Mr. andiMtj�- I three, I -I it the same time-' ling of the hospital laundry, .,soon -Py�oj'p.'aAIT. . of ..O unit, rl . 1.0 I.- I - ba _ - , "The officers' 1 a . 'Jiv-,d �, n thdte re ATIPS Z ., ,�f to . c0inchey, Seaf9rt1k, - V mess, is a polace." to be upciertaken, are recent steps sm � . 0 b t - ': d, �Z` .1 ,,O I � t6m jr,.'�,� 11 A lipidt#& Garnet M I . .1 § I ' -011 the a%gie's" last trip uw , , in ;w constant. campaign to better tclux i4 'k- �a: rg urban hospital heal ,, A "veterain - of - rt monthe sor- , . . ' ' ' It, ,_ ' �, I in its present sepoof � vice with the Royal Canadian dOr Canadian command, much :, and -extend services Sqott ]Vlemor- h t ' ,I V m. AA paamtenan . IV 1two, rotating anode From 14 w .1 . .1 ce work was required, I ial Hospital offersAts commum . " I rjavy most of it spent aboar& Can- . I . lillZIN , � � al tube -4.1"' '.,d * ". � spot film device. chest x� I ., i A � � . ��� ada,,s ex -aircraft carrier HMCs Grant e.xplained, becausq. the ship - ,� Miss Valeria. T. Drope, hospit ##. a I 11 ' �1� � % �,Al . .."' ... ( � � " anode the * . a ". I 1� E . � M '5'04� I I u� l `ffl.110 " ,� . . I xagnifibent, Grant has been be- had to be refitted with g&ar it had ' superintendent, recently outlined Thf � r�qtatirlg allows - yl , , I hiad the scenes in more than one originally carried, and the ship's � features 61 the new $9,7.00 Picker techniciatL to"better expose diffli- the c s , " I �, N � q; ,,� IF V., 1. - * I 4 � 11 ,,, . . r - ' X-ray unit -features meaning little cult sh't"' - , the gastrointestinal the fa, , . oe, ., �',"944 , history -making event already. interior repainted in its original -,l 9' _. .q., _ W 41-i I 1�1! I I... � kafled, with the "Mikigie" - I ........ which may aid _e ,1141- the other device al- � Cost 1 . " � 1W. " Grant A . . to the layman, but . - ed alm e weed I colors, I` g1t)"A' `R' v ' t3 ­ .... ni, ';�t R111 Halifax Heavier work, such as remount- d lows s for inspec I i a 11 11%1�*Vl, - I I sho�, �"posure ... , "'r � ;-e." a , -1- "I in saving his life. . .11" I ,,, on April 14 when, she left TB Ass ia i provin" , 1 . ." q . Dinparing the new unit to the don, Of - bV I �� . , r`��.iill, , , ivy, ing.the guj�p and painting the car- pli,or fractured bone.s, ., .. , PM,Y,�A � *� ,t, C1 .t, .1 I ,,.'. . I - - I N, I .. I �� � * 11. I . to be returned to the Royal I � t X-rays, she said. $- she was on'loan to rier's exterior, was completed be one it replaced, Miss Drope likerk- or for. vhAl I &al gr t � �� ... l�'r , 41. %_"11.411­�,,, - . , from whom I aid the machine , - Canada. 3ffe returned on the HMCS fore leaving Halifax, he said. - Miss DrOpo' s linproVe Laondry, ,. , 1! `�A .`�.� _� . Z"� , , - avail*blo, for use "A ­­­ 1, � Improvements. soon to bb be N1 , - I , (7� , During the seven-day trip to . was at any time, ..., -, 0, , III I . . England, Granr recalled two dis- but added qndidlY'she hoped no - " , in the ho `tAR I d " i;. W i.; 44111 . , . . .� 1J. . I .. .". � I � . 11 one wolild show up at 3 A.m. to three' nio0em . m4ppir X1.1 �: � � . F �� tress signals answered by the, ,,: Tuckersmith 31" .� Al "I - CIngregation "Maggie", the. first to pick *,up a . � . have a sore thumb X-rayed ' Au at a cost of- $10,000, to�lrepl�a,-i--,�M!"-...-7,,,,".,,. ;31 :, " ,Jl`­1 � Duff . - -sent to Stratford dated equjpm�iif wbii* WA�r ARK � I . sick'*ea �­ ie . R i, 12 0�,'.. _Man from a German mer - - exposirms are I "­ Gener*1 Hospital to be read by a A- , 16 l. I Tile maii,underwerit , ed nearly $Q ye� ,:.ago,., ,,ip..�,,,3�, 'A�. 1 1 chant vessel. Urges Payment , �r�� �",_ffi, . 1. `iii6riths -6' " $, t I . . I , qualified- iiaologist. - I .. Arm,44, ... PiA5 1, Ho So c In I Evening surgery in the'Magnificent'§ hospi- . . Wit -bin. four . th .; A. " , I I .'' P . "'IrTF�-4.,." �,� -t op" - i""i . tal bay. Pe second call was radio- , . While an. a, Y, a bgpe*qg *,q,9.#3.,. ; � � ' iiat6ly "rea .X . Of Tax Arrearst., , I tending physician can laund, I 1. ... ed f,rom'a freighter that wag afire, . .- turned d" the develop- rough bare wa40, willbei'.P. "'. 1. 1, . . . i. ter It' F62111y but flames were put out before Tuckersmith Municipal C ,ouncil ed x-ray, a radiologist ,always and 'a floor W-0 in fbidiness.l 11 I - ' ... ,,Jr, I 11 rth checks the negative for more ob- the new _wash�r, ' extractor I : t', � the "Maggie" , arrived on the ­.. I Duff's tion Mc- met in the Town Hall, Seafoi I % � I ' f . ..- '.., li�,_,� , Church congrega one. , member scure findings. In an emergency, tumbler. I\ , .. 1�.j�,, Killop, held 9 social evening Fri- 11� Tuesday evening. All s ,Y�,,,l -i�,j�"� : - en, rUshecl to . . Ir- : I i . . While docking at Plymouth, x rays can be tak The washer boasts auto a c,� . ,;11� ."....­ ,�,�,,,�'i'>��.E���,'�i:�:��",.�i��i��,-.��.�,-.��� -dispense oxacciy, -,-1 .. ., . Stratford and results telephoned �1. day to honor Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Grant saw Mayflower II shortly were present and the ree-ve pre- , . :__ 3 ... Holden and sons prior to their before she -began her two -mouth ". W.H. i�, � sided. . controls which . �11.' . . . -X Joseph Hugill was paid the bal- back within an hour or two. enough water and/soap for th'q' - �.' moving to London. l ... �. . , ,a�a'. "". �," a, was voyage to the U.S. He said the ­..� ance of his contract for the pump ,� load. After three waah'ob I ­!,� .1 - - Dr. J. Semple, Egmondvill s just reached the :. ������l�i� 1 I +�.,.­ , �. �, vessel's mast ' : - house and * reservoir of the Eg lee rimes; the machine stdp�., -,, �� -.d , mondville lifted , " chairman for Three i __ __ __ , V.:5_ 1 : : 11 water system. Tota I AL �,, '. the evening. ' "Maggiels" f1iiight ,fw� � � � � �; :; I I level of the i ;:: : : I shown by Earl Mow $i—n'll ... : 11 ... I I i Senforth Bankery The wet wash is then , -to 'a " ., ,, - , films were.. -line, eyor which carries it tG thi�,�'� ��", . feet above the water J. A'. Victoria Street 'that cost of this item was $1,586.70. Ex- . conv " ��,," I . Spadd,6n, and Chris" Pryce sang deck, 70 IT WOULD BE pretty hard to convince Mr. and Mrs: "t W�rt, I I ­ . i, "I Most of what Grant consideq his in the act cost of the whole project has kactom'This will � remove ,most. , � - I two solos. most exciting trip to date was Hurricane Audrey was not a Seaforth� visitor over the weekend.. Mrs.' Stewart was alone ' hurrying outside found water from the wash, but leavo� , -­ � . ' sent but Fred J. "Snow, " Gordon Papple read the address, spent, surprisingly, btlow decks. residence early Saturday afternoon when she heaTd a crash, arid a not been, determined at pre . 'wn over on to ity Commission staff, will be /approximately $10,000. exactly enough for ironink. I � 11 �W_ I and"the presentation of a rocking In November, 1955, t e Magnifi- large maple tree had been blo p of the house. Public Util - I " ...... . here are p age to rbof, cornice and gables of the Council made note of the fact Blankets and other wash not re- - ,....4 chair was made by the other three , shown ulling the tree from the building. Dam . . � riterested p4rties may now quiring ironing will -be foriear,&4 .'i ,'... � `,� ' , _ . Stewards- George Wheatley, Geo. cent was bound for Scotland, when '. . (Photo by Phillips) that I Named Manager , ordered, to return to Halifax and building is estimated at $1,000. t'. . pay the $50 installation fee to the to the new tumbler for Arying. fi�.,�,;, . �6.�%,` . . .:-,. �'.�": I 1, 11 , . -�_ CaypboU and Ken Stewart. Rev. load the Queen's Own Rifles regit� 6 I . I treasurer. I Announcement was made this stallation of the equipment shoulil, .:' . I � an ' Mrs: -Holden fittingly replied. intent, who were destined to get no M 0 Reports on the Carter and Mc- ,week that Fred J. Snow, of the greatly reduce employee hojmg .' .""' ` I ­ � 4 '." . I � A social hour was spent and the closer to their planned destina- in ' 1, " -1 Donald municipal drains were i Toronto -Dominion Bank here, had spent laundrymg, Miss Di4 . 4eN 11 . . .I.." � ladies served lunch. tion of Suez than Halifax. I been named Maniger of that said. . At '.11 I scheduled to be read July 151 at . . 1�1.... 1. a The "Maggie" turned back to ,,. I. 9 p.m. bank's branch in Elmira. Mr. Snow The present.laundry has been . :, Robert W. Campbell moved H -salt Ppils Visit P. " " *-,.. ts - I i vote of thanks to those taking part Halifax and fought 8o-foo.t waves . .1'. . . V Treasurer's surety bond was re- who has been, accountant of the use'since the building was .. 1:1. , �� ... Rev. Holden. closed with ' , ,. lorigill"'All � '- , �­ and , R in : 29 , �� .1 , and -ILL newed with the General Assurance local branch since -1950, leaves for ally remode, ed 19, . . prayer. Following is the address: Alh,,� .'�':4,�L � . port. Grant' said all seamen I � I d premium of $20 or- his new post next week.'Mrs. Snow Minor repairs are now beinj 7 so ;, , Dear Rev. and Mrs. Holden and were confined to lower decks for and family Will leave when ac- made to the elevator following a. ,.., I,- , 1 �:1 I .:� . I . . Boys: It seems almost an impos- from�ale winds until just one day rite' Essay . o UK" . dered paid. . " - W E n Seaf Tour .. I their own safety.' . A granMof $200 was made to the i commodation in Elmira is arrang- tightening of s4fety regul,ationg, � , ­, !Z'.,! "! '. . . . : sibility that only two short years The carrier steamed into the Pupils of grades' 5, and 6 fro� finished product-. The finished were enjoyed, followed�by Brucefield Fire Departmeilt. ed. by the Department of Labor, 'Cost. ;,. w,l ... I � i ", . I � I ago we were strangers becoming s at 21 knots all the V ,mel isc 'Mr. Of up -dating the machine, abou �' , It I , . ,� acquainted. During this time you monster wave I Hensall Public School crowded furniture was viewed -in its pro- , . ious supper, Prizes for the the clerk was instructed to ap- Since coming to Senforth, ,tl ... . '.,N� " I way (her tdp speed- 116'.6bout 25 per setting, in living room, dining year's work were presented to ply for provincial grant under t4e Snw* has been active in many or- .$1,000, is borne by grants. , , �, . I 'I, , ,..,�� - I I � cohny fast friends, and knots), arrivmg in port with $10,- eagerly into The Huron Expositor Drivers of ad Meal- equip- I.. A lume made i room and kitchen displays. pupils by the teacher. Warble Fly Control Act. ganikatiops. He is a former he Improvementt,to sur I . - .* . . . . . . �..' � will be parting, you 000 damage to -her bow. "A front office Thursday * afternoPh After a brief visit to the Lions the cars. mothers of the pupils, I ­ I f although we and . Council said ratepayers in ar- of tfie Huyon ,6unty TB Associa- ment over the past few yeai�i� . . . . . . . . . , . I 1. �11. I will always be remembered. starboar4d compartment wag vfAited their turn to be shown Park, the group went to Mrs.. Mrs. F. Ellwo6d, Mrs. J. rears of' taxes failed to recognize tion, and is treasurer of the Sea- some paid for by the hospital, � i�­' . visited . ;o&.z'J.­, :1'_1. t You, Mr. Holden who word . , , � I, I squeezed so flat you couldn't even through the plant by Andrew Y. Haugh's home near Brucefield, 7101or, Mrs. C.-Wfikinson, Mrs. C. their responsibility to the' munici- forth Lions Club.. Interested in staff themselves, siand in maikid, t. ; ", 4, our schools' where our children get in the door" Grant recalled. MvLean , ' editor. where a recreational period of # H and Mrs. R. H. Middleton. pality, and should pay these debts music, be Is a ineiriber of the choir contrast to original appar . altus. ,,, . . . . . . . . .� A . I I - . . �;,P�ze - ___ .. 7 141" � : ..." _,"X - I friend — _ . of North , Room: ., � .1 learned to know ,you as a w- The 30 youngsters watched- with �.. I , . ,;�. : - promptly. , -side United Church, and . I ... Operat- ­ . , "' I;1stIng the countries he has vis , mg . , , ­ I ; :�, ":;, - ' I � � and advisor, gave guidance that ant'khymed off the follo . - ", I pass6d i6cluded: idumli, *Mr twb �'ears took part in the an- F , �y. -, � . " � W-, 1:.��- -. � they may trayel the road interest as staff members demon- Accounts -oar ears .ijb, the inedic I . ­', , ... I : �� : �� . - I of We iltn'gl' Irn Juan, Puerto Rico, Ber- 1 $70- E-mondville water, $1.128.12; nual musical "Crossroads" spon- I!, in the way God would wish. Yes, muda, E�n strated the setting of type, then SEAFORTH AIRMAN "';,GRADUATES; dra I I 0 ul purEhased a $1600 stdinless steel . , : .!,. gland, Scotland� Ireland, ­ .� i I e not only .a minister to ran several sheets of The Exposi- . ns, $2,069.52; fox bounty, _$4; .sored by the Seaforth Agric tural operating table, Its multiple .con- - . 1� . � you ar You showed Holland, Italy, France, Spain and tor through the press and folder. fire protection, $16; school deben- Society. For a number of years p rmit placing of the patient ,I' them, but a friend. s e cretary-tre a surer of the 4rols e I � _­�_ . . .1 I � I . us As individuals and as a com- Gibraltar. d he like to v I isit After inspecting other presses turn- WINS PARA - RESCUE WINGS tures, $3,241.39; advertising. $10.55; he was ral Society. in a variety of positions. .__ - � . I I Where woul commercial printing, each surety bond. *$20; -relief and sup- Agricultu An overhead no -shadow operdt-� :�_' Ili munity, our place in life and in next? Canada's west coast, he Ing out * Seaforth ��� , il P ent d with a linotype Leading Aircraftsman Kenneth than Army for three_years, and plementary allowance, $45; roads, Succeeding him on the I., . f God. Although we have missed thought, and �possibly the Far Fast, Pup was res e R. Hogg, of Seaforth, graduated enlisted in the RCAF in June, 1952. $6,760.30; salary and allowance, staff will be Robert AC . Wright, ing light, on a movable track, was ­� . e the -so slug bearing his own name. also provid6a by the medical staff, i 1� ,1 1. �. !", - your guidance and advic fety equipment $232.16; income tax, $9.50; ., , "Then I've seen it all," he quip- technician. bond who comes here from Uxbridge. .1 '.. � It %. I . �. past few' months, we have been Accompanied by their teacher, June 27 from a para -rescue course, as a sa 1. '1�1. 11 ped. . Mrs. Wallace Haugh the children He received his wings in a cere- Since then he has served with sev- cheques, $153.67; grants, $200.. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and two The former operating table now, . I I' �, - j� I � �g , J . ,able ,to carry on and hope we After completing his five-year ommand eral units throughout Canada. - Council adjourned to meet Aug. daughters, 8 and 13. win move . .1i I . . have measured up to your expec- hitch with the Navy, Grant is think- toured Seaforth Shoe; Ltd. and the mony at Tactical Air C . here shortly, first Ld arid,, �,', ". � __ . .. ... . . I - A, tations. : Ing about joining the Air Force. furniture plant of Jobn BoshArt & headquarters. Edmonton, with 17 Group Capt. H. G. Richards, 6, at 8 p.m. I simple operations in an adjoirW 1. 1, (' absence we all mar- Sons Ltd. . . other graduates. - acting air officer commanding '. room, seems hopelessly crude 'in . ..1. . ". - comparison with its rep,lace-� . . i:�' : �:,���!�""��"",.!�i��i�i�:ii�i�,�;, il N . ..::, ,,��;'!��."*,; � - velled at you Detter chance to settle down and n ing the graduation of the eighth i�i;��; ,�:!�... ment. Its white enamelled surface , 11 This. he feels, would offAr him a tour . � '��,,�1�1;.� ii!�:'��i . Ja During your, Mrs. Holden, Who , Pupils who took part in the LAC Hogg has been posted to TAC, presented the wings, Aiark- Pn'.,.��,.�,��, �,!il*% I . . ,. , � , t and vveze "A girl in every will be asked to write an essay Namao, Alberta, as part of a 11, 1��!�!;ii:i,:�"!.; : .,t catTied on gio faithfully Will I get married. ' telling what they, saw. Prizes 01.RCAF rescue unit. para -rescue class and 80th student .,;,�.,;_ � ': ", "i�ii' plagued operating room attendants r , - �, ?,1 ;i�:t;., �� . �(l alwayst,. on hand to help at every � I., I , port?" says Grant. "That's non- $5, $3 and $2 are being awarded by since the course was intioduced in �:�i:!*.; �:.i � possible *opportunity. Yes, you en- , " . He is the son or Robert Hogg ��'�:, .1 ... who had to scrub it down bofoie' 1, i� I Thl- di. 11A .. deared yourself to us ;ill with your sense., 4 -The Huron Expositor for the three I'., ,��, , and after each operation. , �' � I ,::;. s"In .' ' I ate Mrs, Hoig, �f Niagara the RCAF in June, 1944. .�::�j�,�T: ' ­ - best essays. Deadline for contest -and the 1, , "!��A . ,:, -� friendly personality, cheery I Falls and formerly of Seaforth. The 18 graduates are t �, 1,.'..�i. I , , :�".,ii repaiirt,� - '*i hello. rained - , : 1� turn, necessitated frequent . ". , try �.-­� .:.i ing. ` , �; ii"::%;*�:"'� . and ever -winning smile. entries is September 27, when stu- He is a brother of Mrs. Don Bright- to .parachute into open coun .."."', . �.:4:1;i�li�:i��.i�o y�!... ...:. ... . . ,;� �::.;:�:,.;� .. .... ,,�Zsl'i M­'i.,g'g - a boon by scrirb� . , . � I.. Wml*,"*."�,.i�i,� I I � dents will leave. copies of their .� or bush, to give first aid to I jur- I In0g;�'..',I.m considered You both will be long remem- Seaforth. I 1. .. .. ... : .,,�, ..."i, 1�11;. ., Also iii, Contest rall, o n -..,::�,:- ; � : I. . I I . I -laugh. - ed persons, to survive on the fruits .. . 11 - 1. 111, bers, and an aid to keeping the . .11 McKillop Girl. stories with Mrs LAC Hogg served'in the Cana �`�: :. i.::�, .... ...... l�.: 1111 Iffi.�-,�� , operatin . ,� ,..:. - ��� �; i bered in our community, and the d I I : I .'i�% , _,. ,g room spotless, are plas� .. � fmits of your labor for Christ will th , judges will be arranged.' . of the territory in which they � I._. . 1.4it'.i't .:. , 'I . '. 1: . - T,!,. �, k�' � tic tile walls, which cover old, .; 'i : I , .�, - I present themselves now and in Pupils taking part in Me tour may be down. ' ,.- : ­ I- ; �. f years to come, We know you are were: Tom Fisher, Sylvia Hen- ,�.. �. ... ;�:,;A:.%:!-!�i�i,:.�11 I I %'�.,'_� - - : .I.." :,�!';,­:'.,.,4; .... ...... !':­il;.;.;,;,, , , (heats De'a New Minister They also are trained in. the , painted plaster. . . " = �,.�:��.,,.,�lvv��'ll�,;�-..'�IX,��#�...�.,�i . '. I. I I k Schwalm, Donald ..... '$.&M�,:;.:-.,Kk I I ,'l _,­ Representing a total irivestmenj ' ': .,,, A , derson, Patsy ; . . rudiments of mountain climbing, ,... I . ,etic ._ l ;. W '� !� 111 .. I, I and enthusiastic, Ken- _.�,.. .,*N�1.11, � ,'I both energ , ...'.0-l?" .�.,:.:,:,:��jl'10:. .:; Perguson, Wayne- Ellwooa, . ".", �_, `:,_ ...;:.:.: of - $4,000, three sterilizing units oc;� '141 I ".., P - . ..... . � : , never thinking of yourself but al- the use of signal equipment and :: 1, '' ,:�q��.�:. , I . I :, * I _ .. , .. tupy an alcov6 adjoining thet'op- i�,; It procedures and I . . . ,00 ways of others as individuals and go neth Loraine, George Stasik, Keith Moves To , Duff's code, air search . : ; . ; .. I Elf , .1 \ I 121 Roszel, Marie Roszel, Jean Taylor, I . . . -tl, - I, vi w&-1 .:- .1 . t as a congregation. . . As Tractor Fall merell, to supply dropping techniques. . .., " ;, I P`_.,.:,..��51 orating area. An autoclavi with , I � , " Gary Lawrence, David Buchanan, Rev. William H. Sum I il� .�, � ��. !,"*'.i I .. �jj�. �,*i-.:* automatic heat control now I-evlaiut- . ... . - However, the time . for saying I " I . - �,�i� "I I ,�:,, es one whic I ant at- . . . . . . . � , I June Dolmage, Izk, escaped death Lyle Christian, Sharon McArthur, be inducted Friday as pastor of The,first 10 weeks of the course . :. 11 11 %i1j; farewell has come and We hope held in Edmonton, where . .: 1. �;�. � / ,: .1; �� h =d const . I .1 that you will'be able to make use by inches Monday when she leap- Robert McNaughton�-David Taylor, the Mcy,#Iop Charge, Mrs. Sum- were ... I .. ,�. �'... �.i:l,�i�l� tention, for ng dressings, I I 1sy Moir, Lin- merell and granddaughter, Wendy, students took preNrainary training . . ... 1:X 11�. !::! xiiiii:i : ; _:�� ":. � , , ,,. robes and similar articles. I . . . -air from a tractor as it Catherine Scane, Pa I "" . I ) 11 of this gift in your new home. ed in mid re busy Wednesday unpacking on the jump tower and received � :: ��:,;,:.­­'..-.--.�, Another unit provides hot -and .."', .. . Whenever it is used, it is hoped it rolled from a barn door and Plum- da j6hnston, Ruth Petty, Robert we ed into the ground lectures and theory. -Then Id sterilized water, while a:thii# I .:! \ 11 will recall to. mind your. stay at meted, 10 feet to the ground. Middleton, Ronald Beaton, Linda belongings as they settl CIO .1! / - The girl's father, Bill Dolmage, Noakes Ruth Anne Traquai . manse at Winthrop. they moved to Jasper. 220 miles I . sterilizes surgical instruments. . . ' I . i Duff's as one of pleaseind fruit R.R. 1, Londesboro, i szel, Billy Harburn, Popping out - from behind a west, where they trained at a In the, third floor delivery roont. , ,� fulnegs. I Id � I .. ' �.. Wilkinson,. Jack !"li . I -used airstrip in a valley �Ti.�:: d on the se om ,i .. i Chip- mountain of crates pile . .11 4 . is a McEachran delivery 'tabli� '. I Duff's congregatign wishes only to move the tractor, hitched to a Leonard. wering Rc�,qky :.. I � I'M � ... . I -16aded wagon, on the barn chase, Eric Mousseau, Roly Rum- manse porch, the minister appear- surrounded by to ;�i�:�:!-:i�.�& � ,::. .� ­�, donated by the Hospital Women?is, . � . " . the best for you in the clays ahead, hay !:::�!:i_�.i: I N . . . . . . . . � 1, , � ...". . . .4 ed tired, but proudly pointed out a Mourltains. � �.,�A, . �,; I Auxiliary. An operating light over machine, pel. �il�.,�,Z ,�,,;:,t'l..., : . . 4 so we say Godspeed and a bright floor, After backing the N .��_. �� mbers 6f Duff's Con- she put it in forward gear to move At Seaforth Shoes, superintend- handsome corner china cabinet , 'To win his wings. each man had I., � �1�1 the table was provided through an . future�Me . clear of the trip line but could not -ent Joe McCartney showed the and triligbt lamp already placed to make 10 parachute jumps, six I .,.",.,:�... -I... ::::, :::: ;�. : I .., I . . i . I gregation. I ire gifts into bpen country and four into ..,:! : ,'.�,.-.i1.. I I Atkinson Foundation grant. " I . , ""'.1; . disengage the clutch after doing children bow sbote patterns are in the living room. They z Cargill bush and heavily -timbered area. ,:Rf"'....�.-I.I... :1.1.1 In 1956 Scott Memorial Hopit4l, �!, .7 -7 . . ,�,..,,M,1 handled 1,023 in -patients. 393 out- I ,.,.� ��. � 11 -1p r� Before making any, jumps, the � �..,, . I ... 4 I OV�.- I designed, and how various parts of his congregation in the . polkii ro�i ' � - "T -he tractor rolled to the opeW which make up a shoe are assem- charge. � -:.,!- an, patients, 171 births and gave 1,126 . 11 , , . -year- nien went through an in-tensive , � -.1 � . .,...i..:� -rays, Surgical opera. ii I , barn door opposite the ramp and! bled and stitched. Wendy, I I .. . ,; �- free chest x the Surnmer1dirs n r ..: - who conducted the old granddaughter, was busy with physical -fitness program. � They , �'. I -4 - I . "I tions performed totalled 426. 1 , i ., Curb tervice fell, shearing ciff the connection. td Enos Boshart, when It w , . -.1 . the wagon as -it dropped. - . pupils through the Boshart factory, a balk She always spends the sum- learned techniques used t the average stay per '. � � " . in furniture mer months with them, Mr. Sum- li ng in timbered country, where Wi h ;� , . - by The girl %. j mper o patient now just under 10 days- I , Curb service will be featured jumped.'to the' ground showed them stages %M ften is left dangling 50 :::: 1 g .� I . . t/ ", local provincial ,police as of next without injury. the. tractor crash- construction from rough lumber to merell explained. . it was 14 days a few years ago- .1 . I ? ed, upside down a scant three feet _— His son, Bud, is casualty super- feet above ground, his parhehute the number of patient -days, ificlud. .14 . � I I Monday,'*hen the new on -the -spot . I � I �', visor for a group of i t4ngled In a tree, i!� : ing new.bbrn infants, totalled 9,513. . 1, ­11.1--l-I.- .., � . t 11 1. . summons goes into 'effect. The away. ' I WW`1,'p .. g,,.;ik� U$ Growing ,.'Learning controlled jumping al- . i�ii 1 the number of . , .1 " -i s will be avail- Damage to the machine consist, ...4, ..., ,,, companies in Toronto. Simply dividing ,,V.'�,, - new type summon .,,_ ;_11. �0'forme!�P. vital part of the train . � " ed of a cracked "radiator, bent ,:.r, ��11'1'��.`�:�., from a mutual interest of father patient days Uy 365 days, a claily %- able locally from Pr6vinci "N.".1" I al Con-, , . -JU11111- a the tar- ,.. A .� xle and crushed fenders. 0!��.�e',�:,�; 9,jilip�16, and son, Mr. Summerell enjoys lug ,or a -1 111155— average of 27 patients are in fli . ., ' 0 stables Ed'. Johnston arid Al, Shel- a 1- ;.;.".. !,-'.g*-� b a half mile might spend . . I l, :. . , -, who celebrated her 13th ...." wo4)dworking in his spare hours. hospital. Actually, unpredictable- ., , 1.� �,Is�� y ar ,­'� . don, as Well as- by Provincial Con- ' June �i�n,,w . . several 1,04"ys se ching through the bush : k i - .��1%1- Attesting to his skill are pea . . I I ,stable Hdlmgt�'Snell, of"the county birthday only the day before suf , . ig them to locate the wreckage of an air- �i _�. , p9riods frequently cause the i , fered minor scratches to the irides ',A�`,�"�,`�� pieces of furnitbre, amor I hospital to bed patients in the cot�, I , ­� I I , detaklintent, `� ', / t'�'Iffl__1*11, ��: craft spotted from the air, They 0 , I , result of hdr �narrow escape. _ a tall chest of drawers. ridors. it is sometimes necessary. ,::"",�-j 1. No. 6 District Inspector Frank as 2 . ..� 111*11 An intricately inlaid cedar chest besarned to "steer" the 'chutes to : i to tancel non -serious surgery five . . �,� � itoed 01R, , k I Scott said Friday 41X motorists Child is Scv : �t- ;! �sired landing spot. ,.�. hailed off the koad by officers in Condition of four-year-old, Brad- I :1 of 17th century design, Mr. Surnr the dc days ahead, because no beds -ate '�::.Zlll , it � 1rdayson, scalded Saturday ....... I i �11 � 1. . out among his Their trainjug of what to do once available,'Miss Drope said. 11� the district would; immediately be ley 11 I merell pointed furnishings as the work of his son, q1i the groutid also was complete. �,i"l handed a summons to appe ae upset a pail or ... .ill�.., ...... ... �, ,.. to tieing able to construct a h beds and, 1,2 1 "; 7��, 'j, %1-1 ,ar in morning when I � , whom he describes as a master clown bassinettes, thus qualifying for a., 0,,N � , . wa-ter.* over himself, is �if,.,�,',.,'�`.. , " . !�� I tourt, starting Monday. . , . 104bot raft without nails or ropes, � 50 -bed provincial hospital grant., I �-j "", "', - __F - i �1111­ ".. I � I'll ul'> %�.� I . . . � ,N�' , 111.1 I at inlay work. lq�,.Sip ch 'mpr6ved, Scott Memorial 111 ijii;'k&,.2,1� � I ,'This type ousummons has been mu I " '. . .nd to LNliff evacuation of injured I I ,��qj , , , " I 11 ' ,� - I 5 I 1, ,�, Paptor of the Cargill charge for I r , � area for Hospital reported Wednesday. I , ;', - �'rg .,,.� -t prsons. " � ` "" 'I in effect in the Toronto The accident: occurred 2bout noon I , I.. ,g� several yearsr, the minister is a �'--' ,11"T -� , i 1� , some months, but has not , yet been �, :, 11:!;111'1 Bruce �, . . . 4, � I 1 6 District Saturday at the Fialayson farm, IM": present chairman of the Seaforth Bowlers;. , .�",, � I . (Wall..;, i A used in. other areas. ,No. i I- ., -ly work following - I If i , 1 4, LRS', Tucker- 1 ,1�,�'..�. Prosbytery. Bar ,. embraces.1lid. Counties of H6ron, lot 22, concession � R� � 'on 9,an, Bu*114s Pulpil Name W* ' .� V'� 4 pFuce, Whtorloo, Wellington sinith. Bradley, son of Mr. and IM -1 g,,,�' " his ordingti found him in . ''. inners " ,r�11,,"i, I . .. Northern Ontairio i �� 1i ) ( � i Grey, I 11: 1111,11".1.", nining camp, j � . Mrs. Arthur lWayson, was play- "Y I �"!: " , I and Perth, , 11 Wents and cottag- fo,r B.C. Church Top bowleft it. luesday-8 touts, :,,11 , �.. k' Vatil Abw, pliee have copied the ing at the back of the house. His . and among res , '! N, � ka District. He has ., . I ney here were, f0t -the lhdlo� M ' ' - . R'b .4 1 t' I ' ift, in a little black mother had bought a pail of boil- I ers in- Musko rq�� , im inforina iqn , ow : - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington, . , " � ''. , _ ,61l � ..,b� ;, . � , , : �o I . as mailed Ing water, from the kitchen and .. : since served charges in Grey and C. WaIden' and, gs*j.S. V. Chrloak, ', ) � . *rth Main Street, recently re- '& '_ �1. .J -, , .;g , �. book. Thb Summons W - . I : ,� I t fifticl to gp- placed, it on the back steps ,pre- � 10 Bruce counties. , had been later. If'the'motbrig i Q ick to jest, the grey-haired dbivied a letter ,which � who tied W1 1,� Vint: 110 1, *1 )" " � - :: u points. Pof J4 — -, 'Spoti!, ,.`�i�� � Y, . pear, a Seeond gumthofts wa de paratory to scalding some chick ; M quipped, "Tell Ant to their son, Joseph Alclington, ,'% . ��!;4 � '' -fiber - en -s, Nyben in some manper the boy r. Summerell e� -wont to B.- w 04m4t wititin ,�'+.�!, ` �` A 2 " He dis- V Campbell RI,Oer, B.C., as a r _ __ , 6i, I . . ,",q Ai Tsonally '* an .. , ,,, . " li'vered pe I . t . , , I , e. 119 14� ", , '; ', 1, , <, f�� f4 them I'm not bald y t wifis PI , '', . :�, ., I I I Officials see several benefits in upset the, Pau. ,� , . I rest in. Seafortb Wt of work be had contributed I . . ), g, ,R- �, � .. 4 "O" R 9, the Pa. Rushed- to 5cott Memorial 1108� ... 1�. pl a eur in MeWs tPA4t-0 I ! . 11 I .. ining they were J 'd f ffities in St. Peter's I ,. . ,,,, I , _ I.., , , , the new system. it gate, I , "'. t� " an U�,,helnptl'a' I I . �, "I I , � Muir With ., , ) 1� U"Vio, ;thd wrest. I � � . .1 i .... � i,;,,.;)�, I � ht , sta of stily I ROG( C i I . o ­ " ;; - i " '. per work needed to Prepare and pital . here by Dr. P. L. Brady hi lijig � 6gra grkiifiged'-fior Sea- ed prepared meals MijIliAn oburch of that town, . LAC K ETH ' � C t".1 I �. 9 9 pten li�,\% naltiotiI ,over the weekend )vag . V, � . Other 1-b,'A*11�2�g "', Offiterd who, co, � . ' It .-. Arena - 10�4 ing the process of mov- - )VtItteii by Rev. C -1 d m to aid of *0e, X`Qdy. "t m1au, a summons. _ 4 , above in full parathutifig regilia, r666' 't, � -regarded as, serious. _�Lr­ night cooked dart anon T. D. , I 11;.M�N!l i", ��� �11, ,�I"11%,, iii "' �'�ii , , " , � �' 11�1� 1, I 0 , , ,�, t, N ,ep�.'P@ , , �,a I " , 11 I. �, , 11 L I - - L - " . "��:,�,,,�.,-i���,,�,i'�,,,"',',,�,,�,�,;��,, � ,, , . , , ,, ,,.,,� � . ��AL 1. 1, -1, �. �A � .9 1 :� , � I . � I I I � I I I � I :W , ", ,,, _,o h �­tkl.,; �. ._ *13 'A 'i* � 14lu 1 11 `�� - le - .I. , an 0 � '1' I I I ��� ��� 'Z M , � , I I I I I I usually spent many. hhurp deliver- . I . . r I �� ing summongda, win be frded for In �S"wilf,060101taL", -,'�,.'.;"­�,ki, ap Wee Abf ing. ,qctor L -1-h., the Vicar, the let- downed aircraft Ili anyi, terfain.. 'FoUbtill ty'b ho-Imer with fatc6 I i6 xWecou 1.1 9 I -11 9t ", ! .6 I "., trip sult ith 918h collar, at# do- : � 9 Vazi Id With a longing glance at a & 11 . Aid wbute to Mr, AldingtoWs I \ more pratitti*e- woft. Jim/ Flafitligg* )h 6f r�� 'a ,` (! & The an, oak pulpit guard and, heavily padaiod ju I - . Rbr.S�k­l I , " n6fits, He Is -- AWIW6) - - jihd WN" -13111y" oak Plank itop - a pile of wood iioh leting ., A the. joitiper On d tiop$ U, -heavily ti . �4& - I .. - rA Even lie t � M,r,q it Fl, A 111�� i i"All , � , _;or , ., rngrk- signed to Ptdteo , it � I . I 1111 grit6riAt 1* � RA ��',; "!5AZIAT'L, _M� , the pofbb An. - ______ - � . aid hb, � was. to be i� _. n fu . W - -6 An bush Idit-61 � ib `#1 N1 r$ULK .., ts bed I : . IV obar D 19 15 111 -7 � , %Wg#t_'.'P' . "M &,at country, LAC Hogg h - O� M - __ ­ - . t 01. ., - ­ - - � _ I dtdn?t Ithifik M bilb � lit Mllm � r , L 4, L� io-b,. , 4d, I i�!i -.t I'll, shop *661d bb Jib Of&" ''i 'L � �� � .. . . Wi I .,� �;�,,� .1 ii � - ;;; � ....... "I'll ,�,, �,,�ig i, ." M� 0* � , ��� �� . " ME Mam 11, , . . ,,�-� � �, � t.%j� MEN, 02 iff-M , fo.", , , Me .11 .. ,��` I., k'�,;, ,,',','K��!3%1�:j c, . � il� �, ''. 4 I. .1 I ". ...." �,: "', I ., " T q �, g" I...'il.—_.- ­­ -l .. I -.'I,. � . I ,� , � , � I , 1114116 , I OR , iq.j,� . 1pli' "i'm -1: , 4 ... i U i1n. �� lb�� , .. , ", � g 91116 I taoe, to I 10 't A �� - � . nitidtv ind glatta 2541 01� i t� thd Viol . . � !1 , aid, mon '. I 11 i � A") #,. 4 . .. , "' " , L " I ''.. � , . 1 ,�,,�,: 1,,,,� "'. -1 � I . lfl,-�,n .4. N ! h , g I IF ,i, � 11 W �. , 'L 14. �t �',O�Rl #-.�, � � , , � - ,r",4 , , , �, � , I i, ,,,,, , �,, i I "I'll, I "I'll ... ­­ -_..1.1_.,__ �. I N, 101 , I I " a A74V , ..-, 't, A , 160 � . 1 __ , ,� �� ,.. , � , I , _ " 0.'A1'­_W!W 1111-11- '. " 1, " ,k�,�,���ii�,.,,�,q��,��7'.�,.,;I,I,�", W, lo"a 6wa 110­%� P11 em _40� --...,-�-....--,t-tl��l"''�on"t.