The Huron Expositor, 1957-06-14, Page 44It SEAFORTi , ONT,,, JUNE 14, 195? IMP YOUR if } 4• I's Inserted At New Low Cash Rates $t%1,E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent and Week 9'a Cent 3rd Week 'r[ Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. cif Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events, -1 cent per word. Minimum, 6+0 cents per week. mppliriea may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. keeri cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dairy of date of final insertion. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. .'uption Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events HAM and STRAWBERRY SUPPER in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on June 18. Supper from 6-8; program to follow. Ad - Mission: adults 91.25: children 75c.4663x2 Poultry 0 -- BRAY CHICKS—For all markets, Pul- lets. Started. Broilers. Prompt ship- ment. Wide choice, Ask agent: MRS. 4LEX PATERSON, Brucefield- PhonesClinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-23. 4654-13 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1953 Studebaker with radio and overdrive: good tires. Excel- lent condition. PHONE 193-J, Seaforth. 4663x3 Lost and Found LOST OR STRAYED—From Lot 6, Con- cession 1, Tuckersmith, heifer, part Ayr- shire: about month old. KEITH KELLY. Phone 673 r 33, Seaforth. 4664x1 Notices NOTICE—C.W.L. Home Baking Sale. planned fur June 15. has been cancelled. 4664-1 NOTICE — We have a power mower. Will cut lawns this summer. Also take away Garbage each week. GORDON 3`40BEL, Phone 71-W. 4663x3 HAY BALING \Ve are prepared to da custom hay baling. Apply VET,LFNGA BROS. Phone 651 r 12, Seaforth. 4663x4 NOTICE—Fully experienced carpenter, now self-employed, wishes repair work of any kind. PETER MALCOLM. Phone 459-�V. 4659-18 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 4664-t f For Rent FOR RENT—One-room furnished apart- ment. Phone 160-M. ORVLLr.E OKE, Seaforth. 4664-t1 FOR RENT-- By the week, cabin truii- er1 sleeps four. Phone 160-119, ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth. 4661-tf FOR RENT ---Industrial space for light industry : 220 power; second floor; 1.300 ouare feet. Apply J. C. CRICH, Sea - forth, 4664x1 ROOMS TO RENT IN EGMONDVILLE ':u it middle-aged couple. Very reason- able. PHONE 22 on 670, 4664x' ;:0R RENT Modern five -room apart - with bath: self-contained. Oceu- -en:y July 1. Apply J. C. CRICH, Sea - forth. •i664x1 `Ii)USE FOR RENT near Kippen; all • tern conveniences. Apply LLOYD Kippen- No. 4 Highway. 4663x2 • i'01? RENT- A six -room house on East St. Available July 1. Apply 09 WILLIAM MASON. Phone 944 •, 4664x1 FOR RENT Three bedroom cottage, 14, mile; south of Rayfield. Hot water and refrigerator. First four weeks in .1 uly. .0.2. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4664x1 For Sale OR SALE- Feed oats and cob corn. !OWN THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31. Seaforth. 4664-1f FOR SAI -E -White linen maternity ,a •'.,rt. in good condition. PHONE 67-M. 4664-1 FOR SALE --Cedar posts and asphalt and steel roofing. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 11 r 2, Seaforth. 4664-tf FOR SALE—Twelve chunks, Phone 839 r 13. CORDON PAPPLE, Seaforth. 4664x1 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE One hundred and sixty-five foot front- age with extra lot-; seven rooms. All modern conveniences. Oil heating. Sit- uated on No. 4 Highway at Kippen. Apply: SAMUEL. CUD,MORE, Kippen- 4664x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR THE SALE OF STEEL TRUSS BRIDGE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1957 12 noon, EDT. For the steel bridge located on the old portion of Highway No. 21 at Bayfield Ont., crossing the Bayfield River. Span approximately 320 feet. Thesuccessful bidder to remove the structure at his own xpense and leave the site in a satisfactor,� condition. Speci- fications may be secured at the office of the undersigned. ' A certifiers cheque payable to the Cor- poration County of Huron for the full amount of the bid to be included with each tender. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL, County Engineer, County of Huron. Goderich, Ont. 4664-1 Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T - 73 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 4659-tf "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" Man! You're crazy! Thousands' peppy at 70. Ostrex FOR SALE -Two maternity dresses in Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. rood condition. Size 14 or 16. PHONE For rundown feeling many men. women 05 r +. 4664-1 'all "old". New "get -acquainted" size ONLY 60c. all druggists. 4664-1 FED CHESTERFIELD FOR SALE— COMPLLI'b LAUNDETERIA in Sea- Fair shape. Apply MRS, R. HERMAN - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- SON. Goderich St. West. Phone 160-1I, vice. Phone 303. ERIC MILNER Seaforth. 4661-1 FLOWERS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. FOR SALE—Axminster rug. 9x12; some 4664-tf poultry fencing; African Violets. Call at MISSES GRAY'S residence. Egmondville. SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL--Sep- tie tanks. cesspools. etc., pumped and cleaned withsanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BI,AKF R.R- 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 1664-1 I FOR SALE—Late cabbage planft 15c dozen : tuberous begonias and geraniums. 0 BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Your Garden Centre- Seaforth. 4664x1 FOR SALE—One fresh cow with calf. ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt. and 9 pigs six weeks old. NIC VAN courteouscollection of all dead and \ UGT. R.R. 1, Seaforth. Phone 849 r disabled farm animals and bides. Call 24. 4664x2 collect, ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 4664-tf NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Damping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. from 1 to 6 pm-, until further notice. FOR SALE—Genuine Frigidaire. stand- ard size; also Gerard-Heintzman piano and bench. Both in excellent condition. PHONE 24. 1664-1 FOR SALE—McCormick-Deering drop - head hay loader. Apply FRANK MUR- RAY. R.R. 2. Walton. Phone 45 r 6, Dublin, 4664x1 FOR SALE--Eight-piece dining room :vita in good condition. MRS. NELSON rtILEY, Phone 690 r 4, Hensall. 4664x2 FOR SALE—Rear spring tooth cultiva- E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. yr with scuttling attachment for three- point hitch hydraulic tractor. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16 Seaforth. 4664x1 FOR SALE --Lovely pink ankle -length formal dress; only worn twice. Size 16. • On excellent condition. Can be seen at MRS. GARNET DALRYMPLE'S. Eg- mtonelville, 4661x2 IFOR SALE -142 horse electric motor, For artificial insemination information ' 1.)uhle shaft: 1 glass showcase; 1 tom- o' service from all breeds of cattle, Phonel mercial refrigerator: 1 large desk. Ap- the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association I ply afternoons. ERIC \MILNER: Phone at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 393. 4664-1 and 9:30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost I FOR SALE—Several used television sets, 4664-tf used washing machines and used refrig- erators. at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ' ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4664-18 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" BY-LAW No. A.D. 1957-10 A By -Law to raise One Hundred Thousand Dollars to Aid in the Construction of Tile, Stone or Tim- ber Drains. The Council of the Township of Hul- lett. pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By -Law, borrow on the credit of the Cor- poration of the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole One Hundred Thousand Dollars as may be determined by the Council and may in manner here- inafter provided, Issue debentures of the Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so bor- rowed, with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the said Act. 2. That, subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of ,constructing a tile. stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution. direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not ex- ceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3, A special annual rate shall be im- posed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufacient for the payment of the principal and in - tercet as provided by the Act This By -Law read a first, aecond and third time and finally passed this third day of June, 1967. W. R. .JEWITT, Reeve GEO, W. COWAN, Clerk. NOTICE Corporation of the Township of Hullett TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true dopy of a By -taw pasted by the Connell pf the Townahip of Hullett on the third day of June, 1987, and all .petsons 4i'Y0 required to take notice that anyone. s8ho 'd'esites to apply to have the By -Lase' or pdy port thereof quashed must serve notice 'Of his application upon the Head or Clerk Of this Mdnicipality within 20 days After the date of the last pnbtidet1i0n of this tigti a end must make hi§ application to the npr tl'Court of Ontario teithifi one rMrith a rhe Band date ';This noose' A tjliribBhttl on the Shah .41.0 1i! 057,,, and the last litthliesitititt VAR t.. the TaViatieth day of June. 190. 4661-tf FOR SALE—Filter Queen health units and cleaners: also pin less clotheslines. For home demonstration or service, con- tact FILTER QUEEN STORE, Blyth. 4663,2 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4664-tf BUILDING FOR SALE—A good frame building, CV x 16', suitable for drive - shed or ben house: steel roof. Building on flat. Reasonable. Apply to WILBER KEYES. Phone 656 r 11, Seaforth. 4663-2 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood. 510.00 per load. approximately 21,(2 cords: mixed arid, 98.00 per load, approximately 21,a coni:. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDiE. Phone Clinton HU. 2-6605. 4658x10 FOR SALE—Several used and recondi- tioned milking machines of various makes at bargain prices. Distance no barrier. Phone or write IRVING KEYES,. Glamis, Ont. Tel. Paisley 114 r 4. 4652,41 FOR SALE—Electric stove, 999: re- frigerator, 999: bedroom suite with spring mattress, 975: 2 lawn mowers, S3 and $tn: Quebec heater and pipes, $10: or- gan: garden tools, $5: enamel top table. $5; wash tabs and stand. MRS. ROY GIBB. Eg,nondville. Phone 279. 4664-2 Wanted W ANTED—Summer employment on farm by youth. KEN MacLEOD, Eg- mondville. 4664x1 WANTED—A buck rake equipped with three-point hitch. PHONE 845 r 14. Sea- forth- 4664x2 MORTGAGE WANTED—Reliable fam- ily wants mortgage on farm- Write Box 628. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4663x2 WANTED—Highest cash prices Paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for re- moval prcoitptly. Mao wanted to buy. boar hogs. Can collect, BRUCE MAR- LATT, Atwood. Phone 8 or 158. 4664-tf DEAD STOCK WANTED. 'Ybmjtit remd9ii1 of dead er "eishble0 or ows unitary tracks, phone Alth1'ONE SONS, LIMI',CEf liiget5oll, Ontario. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED• UPHOLSTERER Or young man to learn this trade. Al- so one experienced woodworking machin- ist. We are expanding and need good men. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY Ingersoll. 4664-2 In Memoriam GRUM.METT—In fond and loving mem- ory of John Gruramett, who passed away June 16, 1956. "Time changes many things. But lore and memory ever clings." Dad and Mom, Brother Dan and Sis- ter Margaret. 4664,1 ELLIOTT—In loving memory of a dear father. James William Elliott. who died June 16, 1955. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell. Of the loss of one we loved 6o well: And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep- - Ever remembered by his wife. Mrs. J. Elliott. and Family. 4664-1 GRUMMETT—In loving memory of a dear friend, John Grummett, who pass- ed away one year ago, June 16, 1966. "Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance outlasts all." —Ever remembered and sadly missed— Jim. 4664x1 - Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT JAMES KIRKBY All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert James Kirkby, late of the Village of Walton, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 4th day of Mareh, 1957 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of July, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed, hewing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of June, 1957. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4664-3 Cards of Thanks MY SINCERE THANKS to those who sent cards, flowers, fruit and treats, and to all who visited me while a patient in the Hospital. 4664x1 HIRAM SHANNON I WOULD LIKE to thank everyone for the many kindnesses shown me while I was in the London hospital and since r.turning home. 4664x1 KENNETH SCOTT 1 WISH TO THANK Dr. Stapleton. and Dr. Oakes, the nursing staff of Scott Mem- orial Hospital and all those who sent cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 4664x1 MARY FRANCES LANE Births BUCHANAN—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on June 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. R.R. 1, Clinton, a son. HICKNELL—,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hicknell, RAI. 5, Seaforth, a son. KING --.Don and Mary Lou King are hap- py to announce the arrival of their ,son at St Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, on June 4. ]TING—Mr. and Mrs. Robert King wish to announce the birth of their son, on May 9,. 1957, in Alberni Hospital, British Columbia, weighing 8 tbs. 3 time. Deaths BRISTOW—In Egmondville, on Tuesday, June 11. Annie Maria Bristow, in her 91st year. LAING—In London, on Friday, June 7 Margaret Jane Scott, beloved widow of John C. Laign, Seaforth, in her 84th Year. Ham and Strawberry SUPPER St. Andrew's United Church KIPPEN • Friday, June 21st 6 – 8 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults $125 Children 75e Ontario Championship FIDDLER'S CONTEST Hensall Arena FRIDAY, JUNE 14th 8 p.m. For London Free Press Trophy and Hensall Chamber of Commerce Trophy $300.00 IN PRIZES — Square and Step -Dancing — The Biggest Old -Tide Jamboree in Ontario — Seats for 2,000. ADMISSION — 75c and 25c FARMERS! You Can't Beat This Value! CASE P.T.O. BALERS $1350.00 (With engine, slightly higher) Carload Purchasing Makes This Outstanding Value Possible Call Us Now While We Can Supply You The new Case P.T.O. Baler is designed especially as a low-cost machine to help the operator of the family size farm meet the ever increasing labor cost and at the same time to improve the quality of his hay, This lower cost baler, built for one-man operation, makes it profitable for the farmer with even a small acreage of hay to own his own baler. CASE RAKES AVAILABLE At. Attractive Prices RoWcliffe Motors Dodge De Soto Dodge Trucks Phone 261 : Seaforth �. 1 Case Farre Implements J-1J'.cmJe . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. HOOP, 4f 'Woodstock, and Russell Hedden, of St. Catharines, were weekend visi- tors with Mrs. Catherine Redden and family. ' In connection with the Women's. Institute picnic, scheduled for Mon- day, June 17, in case of rain the i picnic will be held at the local community centre. Mrs. Ethel Garatt, of Linden, Michigan, is a house guest this week with Mrs. James Bonthron. Mr. Rcger Venner spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. 'Nelson McClinchey visited re- cently with relatives at Pinker- ton. Mrs. Milton `Bann, of Winnipeg, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong and other relatives. Mrs. Trann is a Cousin of Mrs. Armstrong. Neighbors and friends met • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Adkins to compliment Miss Janice Neil, of Exeter, a bride of last Saturday, and presented her w.th a shower of gifts. A s3cial hour was spent playing, euchre. Miss Mary Buchanan, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. Lawrence Eyre. son of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, and Jim Baa nham, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Baynham, have successfully com- pleted their course in wireless telegraphy at the C.N.R. here and were both transferred to Guelph on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan were Surprise Shower For Bride -Elect A surprise shower for Miss Mav- is Bennewies, bride of this month, was given last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Bennewies. Mrs. Bennewies was assisted by Mrs. Eugene Dale, Guests from Seaforth, Clinton and Stratford were present. An address to Miss Bennewies was read by Mrs. Geo. Turney. 1n 'Ottawa Inv e� s.t a weelteil ''at- tending the Wedding of a• niece• of Mr. McEw'an'.s, At a reception held ,for Mr. and Mrs 8, Adkins at -Zurich Commun- ity Centre Saturday night, the cou- ple oople were presented with a purse of money. Norris's orchestra furn- ished music for the dance. One thousand dollar' damages were estimated to a ear driven by Ray McKenzie, of Hensall, Satur- day Morning, at 6:30 a.m., when 'he lost control while driving north Ion Main St., Exeter. The vehicle crashed into the corner of a truck f from London, which was parked i beside the Batik of Montreal, on whish was loaded a new vault. Ray, who wears glasses, said that , his glasses slipped down on his face and impaired his vision. The 1952 model car was a complete wreck. Chief Reg Taylor; Exeter, investigated. ' Provincial police at Goderich in- vestigated an accident on the Bay- field Road, which caused damages estimated at $250 to a car driven , by Eric Smale, of *Hensall. Eric and passengers were returning home from the General Coach ban- quet at Goderich Friday night, when a car pulled out in front of • him causing the accident. ' No one was injured. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen visit- ' ed on Sunday in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and family. I Mr, and Mrs. L. Sorsdahl, Alice ' and Connie were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond in Lon - I don on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and ',family, of Lindsay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs.1 Moor& Sr., who had been visiting !with friends, returned to her home here. Several members attended the 'Dedication Service in Caven Church, Exeter, Sunday morning. Mrs. Houghton and F. Stagg at- tended -'Flower and Bird Service lin Mitchell United Church, and al- so visited with Mr. and Mrs. .1. CROMARTY General. Workers Kemp and family, Entertain At Party Over 350 persons enjoyed a tur- key banquet given by General Coach Works of Canada, Ltd., Hen- sall. Friday at Goderich pavilion. Employees. their wives and friends attended the fete, which featured entertainment by plant employees. Providing the music were Gor- don Hodgert, with violin solos; Eugene Ducharme, guitar and vo- cal; Ed. Middleholtz with saxo- phone and vocal solos,, accompan- ied by Mr. Middleholtz, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman, ac- cordion and piano. Step dancers were Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Miss Greta Pfaff, Ken McKellar, Leon- ard Clark and Henry Adkins. Ladies present received a • cos- metic travelling bag. Prizes going to winners of a draw sponsored by the sports committee were: Jerry Hoffman, R.R. 3, Zurich, $50; Doug Whyte, Seaforth. $25; Mrs. Adella Regier, Zurich, $15. Proceeds of this draw will help support Hen- sall ball and hockey teams. Murray/ Baker. of Hensall, took the prize for selling most tickets— sixteen books. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace I were in Holstein on Thursday at - I tending the funeral of a friend. Thirty-fifth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Horton. McDou- I Bald were taken completely by surprise on Sunday when their family and friends met at their home to celebrate with them on the occasion of their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. They re- ceived several gifts, among them being three lawn chairs. A happy social time was enjoyed and all partook of •a sumptuous dinner served by their family. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. John Van Egmond Londesboro Hall Friday, June 21st Everybody •Welcome ! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BARN DANCE Monday, June 17 Art Finlayson's Barn 4th Concession of Tuckersmith Dancing to DON ROBERTSON AND, HIS CKNX - TV RANCH BOYS THANK YOU! We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patronage for the past five and one-half years. We hope you will continue to do the —same for the new owner, LLOYD CRAIG. DON and MABEL GRAY Brucefield — Ontario DEKALB PULLETS For Immediate Sale 14 and 15 Weeks of Age Vaccinated and Debeaked Cutting down on flock maintenance costs is the only way to beat the present low level egg prices. You can do this most effectively with DEKALB Laying Flocks because DEKALB Pullets— Mature earlier — Have a longer laying circle — Eat less, but are consistently hardy with low mortality rate — Replacement is necessary only every 18 months to 2 years to maintain steady high, production. — You can obtain these Healthy, Well -Raised Pullets at — MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Sesta th - Phone 647r 31 t ?t!d lt'r �, v�Jf l4q ar..l4 d1 V �t�_1^h • Isgian Hall, HENSALL EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 15th , 9 p.m., sharp ' Admission $2.50 — Entitles -to play Three Cards 14 Games for $10.00 a Game 1 Jackpot Game (share -the -wealth) $100.00 in 50 calls $5.00 added each week and 1 Number added until won. 25c PER CARD DOOR PRIZE $5.00 Sponsored by HENSALL BRANCH OF CANADIAN LEGION THANK YOU! Electors of Huron: To all those who as- sisted me in my cam- paign and supported me at the polls, I con- vey my sincere ap- preciation. I will continue to represent everyone in Huron constitu- ency in the future, the same as I have in the past. Elston Cardiff see' used far 1956 MONARCH HARDTOP 2,875.00 1956 CHEV. DELUXE COACH 2,075.00 1955 PLYMOUTH COACH 1,675.00 1954 BUICK SEDAN, Automatic Transmission 1,575.00 1954 DODGE SEDAN 1,375.00 1953 FORD SEDAN 1,275.00 Many lower priced cars to choose from No Reasonable Offer Refused at— SEAFORTH Chev. - Olds - Open evenings Phone 541 : MOTORS Chev. Trucks — 8 to 10 Seaforth eek CqCand yowl form an acquaintance you'll want- con{{,°1ue "THE MAN WHO'S 700 BUSY TO MAKE FRIENDS iS SELDOM TOO BUSY TO NEED THEM. WITHOUT BRAGGING, I THINK I'LL PROVE 10 BE JUST ABOUT AS INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING A FRIEND M YOU'VE MET IN A YEAR OF - YESTERDAYS, I'LL BE SEEING YOU IN THE ADS RUN BY—a---- t MRMERJ' OOi?PiRATIVE FCC STATION -FEED MI[ L COOP /3/9 x� `1'unein "Focus On the 1♦'a 6nti''', Man throng Fa, at 0.1: p.itti COIX 7P'l� Wingham 79 ,ar A .y a et 1.