The Huron Expositor, 1957-04-05, Page 4LdS At New Low dash Rates PALK WAIVED, LOST AND roulsfo, ETC- rev, Word: ist Week 1 Cent 2nd Week . 3t 'Cent ' ard Week if. Cent Minimum charge, each Insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and' abbreviation counts as one word, *ordo pf Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent pr word. Minimum, 4 60 cents per week. :pappirika may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Vafaaen cents additional will be charged U ado in above Flap are act paid within 10 da yo of date pf final insertion. Atlyths. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.. ctior, saiep. ploi... to &editors. Etc.—Rates on anglicition. Coming Events Lost and Found SPRING A.FTER NOON TEA—Sponsor- ed by the Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Church to be held at the Manse on May 15th. Further 'Particu- lars later. 4654-1 GODER1C.11 PAVILION --Cabaret danc- iag every Saturday night; Don Downs and his Orchestra throu,h April. Eastf.r Teen - Age Record Hop, Friday, APril 26, with Johnny Brent, disc jokey and 111.C. of CKIIX. Phone 675 or 419. 4654x4 For Rent FOR RENT—Five-room apartment on Victoria Street ; heated; separate bath. Available May 7 Apply to JOHN TREMEER, Seaforth. 4654x1 FOR RENT—Eight-room brick house, close to Hensall: newly decorated; hydro; also good garden. Available May 1st. PHONE HENSALL 35. 46532 FOR RENT — Four - roamed apartment. furnished, electrically equipped. Heated : private bath and private entranee. Ap- ply to JAMES. KELLY, George St, N. 4652x3 Personals WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica. Ltunbago, when RUMA- CAPS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with Price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples ,31.00. Mal - Order Dept. T -73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Notices wouen YOU LIKE to have your ashes, dirt or garbage taken away. CALL 745-J, Seaforth. 4653x2 NOTICE—Any youths found loitering in our backyard after dark will be picked up by pollee. STEWART McGREGOR. 4654x] NOTICE—Fully experienced carpenter, now self-employed, wishes repair work of any kind. PETER MALCOLM. Phone 574-M. 4653-4 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4654-tf LAWNMOWER SERVICE—Sharpening. repair and overhaul on all makes of snowere and engines. Repair and main- tenance of air-cooled engines. CROWN HARDWARE -797. 4612x4 PRIVATE TUITION given by young lady graduate, experienced tutor; all sub- jects in Junior Grades: English and His- tory all Senior Grades. Improvement in students' reaults assured. Apply Box 613. HURON EX,POsSITOR. 4654-2 , P.ENTAL SERVICE --We hinte the fol- lowing articles for rent: lawn roller, rotary tiller, lawn sweeper. 8 -foot pruner, compressed air sprayer, fertilizer spread- er, paint sprayer. floor polisher. CROWN HARDWARE -707. 4654-1 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- ford' and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4654-tf NOTICE—Gravel. fill, top soil and cement graveL Manure loading and lawns Mled. Any kind of work with cat, trac- tor and trucks by job or by hour. JACK MeLLWAIN or HARVEY 111cLLWAIN, Seaforth. 4653x8 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 Al I aNTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, Associated with Darling & Co., of Canadh Ltd. 4654-tf NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersm ith Dumping 'Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. from 1 to 6 pm., untn further notice E, P. CHESNEY, blerk. 4654-tf NOTICE Applications for the Position of garbage collector contractor for the Village of Hensel!. Applicants to use their own equipment and collect once a week. Ap- plications to be in the hands of the Clerk by April /3th, who will furnish all in- formatibn. J. A, PATERSON, Clerk. 4654-1 NOTICE Village of Hensall TO ALL DO'G OWNERS Al! dogs must be tied no from April 1st to October 3let. Also all dog owners must secure their dog tags before May 1st, or be liable to a fine. 3. A. PATERSON, Clerk, Village of Hensel!. 4664-2 Rug and SHAMPOOING , We; speCialize in rug . and chesterfield sbrinMooing. No fuss—no mune Esianates cheerfully gitien. No traVel- ling expense. MONE STRATFORD 4190 4652-2 WATERLOO 'EllttgEDING '6,01A:TION iM b1 Are MeV tisto�mittMiod 1n50taatlbn bite& dCuattle, et1100 Adadeiatfea I' . 40,4 7180 h 0,44;1** '4444 LOST—License Plate, 76479-B. Contact BOB BROADFOOT, Seaford, Phone 658 r 31. 4654-1 LOST --Hockey equipment between Sea - forth and Hensel]. Friday evenin Any- one knowing the q whereabouts, PHONE 651 r 4, Seaforth. 4654x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE --1946 Chevrolet Sedan in excellent condition, Has to be seen to he aPpreciattd. ANDREW MOORE. Phone 647 r 31. 4654-2 VERY CLEAN 19-50 Chev. Tudor, light blue. A tight and lively car in fine con- dition ; $650 or offer. Seen after 5:00 p.m. at OLDACRE Holland Apts., Dublin. 4654-1 Poultry BRAY CHICKS—For all markets. Pul- lets. Started. Broilers. Prompt ship- ment. Wide choice. Ask agents: MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield, Phones Clinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-23; or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. Seaforth, Phone 845 r 21. 4654-13 Property For ktle FOR SALE—Sixaroom frame house, bathroom and basement; newly painted; new furnace: one block from Main Street. May be seen Saturdays only by appoint- ment. Possession May 15th. Apply to H. G. MRIR. Phone 78, Dominion Bank Bldg, 4654-3 FOR SALE 50 -acre grass farm in McKillop Town- ship. Drilled well with windmill. All wprkable land and well drained. In grass at present time. This is one of the best fifty acres in the district. Also 100 acres of grass land in Tucker - smith. Number a other farms with buildings. HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth, 4654-1 For Sale FOR SALE—Colony house 10, x 14'. Apply at DALE PRODUCE. Seaforth, 4654-1 FOR SALE—Man's topcoat worn twice; about size 40. Apply Box 607, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4654-1 TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE—Apply LOU BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22. Sea - forth. 4651-4 lk FOR. SALE, Duck eggs 5 eents an egg. KENNETH PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13, Seaforth. 4654-1 FOR SALE—Rodney oats, power clean- ed. Andy JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16. Seaforth, 4653x3 FOR SALE — Martin Senour paints. BORDEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 841 r 2. 4654-tf FOR SALE—Due to health, Dale Pro- duee Grading business and equipment_ Ap- ply at residence, North Main St., Seaforth, after 7 p.m. 4654-1 WEEK-OLD Holstein calf for sale. Ap- ply at CHARLES SHERWOOD'S, Lot 12, Con, 13, McKillop Twp. Phone 831 r 33. 4554x1 FOR SALE -22 -foot MeGuiness house trailer, two rooms, completely furnished; reasonable PHONE Seaforth 239-W. 4654-1 FOR SALE—Two Shorthorn registered cows; also 4 range shelters. ROBERT GEMMELL, R.R. 2, Kippen, Phone 672 r 24, Seaforth, 4654x1 FOR SALE—Red clover seed; also. some baled straw and baled hay. Phone 850 r 32, Seafoi-th, WILLIAM DOLMAGE. 4654-1 BRMSH KNIT NYLONS are guaran- teed to wear a DEFINITE time. BAR- BARA MILNER, Phone 393, Seaforth. 4654-tf FOR SALE—Rodney oats, timothy seed, flax seed and baled hay. JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 833 r 31. 4654-tf LAWN GRASS SEED, nursery mixture, Mr sun and shade. H. C. Downham Nurs- ery Co. ERIC MILNER. Phone 397. 4&54.t ORDER your cut flowers for Easter "livery. Large mums, snapdragons, car- nations in all colors, Cala lilies and ros- ?S. WALLACE ROSS, agent for Mitchell Nurseries, 4654-1 ORDER your free]) flowers for Easter delivery. Potted plants, Easter li I lee, hydranges. potted mums, in all colora and glazeales, WALLACE ROSS, agent for Mitchell Nurseries. 4654-1 FOR SALE—Silorac vacuum cleaner with c,,rnplet,, set of attachments, re- conditioned, 560.00. See it at CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4654-1 FOR SALE ---Boy's navy blazer, size 16; girl's navy houndtooth check' coat, size IX: pink Wool shortie coat, size /6 or 18. Reasonable. All like new. PHONE 445-W, Seaforth, 4654-1 FOR SALE—Several used television gets, used washing machines and used refrig- erators,. at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4654-tf FOR SALE --A quantity of balerl oat straw at 23 cents a bale; also some good quality baled hay. Apply to ERVIN SIL- LERY, 11/4 east and 1 mile north of Brucefield. 4664x1 FOR SALE—Several used and recondi- tioned milking machines of various makea 'at Prargain prices. Distance no barrier. Phone or write IRVING KEYES, Glarnis, Ont. Tel. Paisley 114 r 4. 4652>al ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, 4654-tf VENTILATING FANS for barns, poul- try hove.% etc: automatic controls. Com- plete inetallation For estimates call CROWN HA13DWARE-707. 4652X8 FO/a SALE --National tin deluxe milk'. ins machine, used five Months, etill under gnarantee; Viking alt -electric cream Sep- arator (650 lbs. erapacite), used 5 months, still under guitrontee ; New Idea power reofver, only ea 80 acres, new conditiob; cement Miker 1 year old, good shape; 11 - foot steel, roller, COMPletelY eeethaule(14 Pao' bed AlittORT rtat, Wanted waNTEn---44.009.0o for five-year period on farm. Apply Box 611, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4654x2 WIDOW with two aehool-age children, requires steady employment. PHONE 563-J. 4654-1 YOUNG LADY, with office, store. recep- tionist experience, wants position. Any- thing considered. App. to Box 612. atm - ON EXPOSITOR. 4654-2 WANTED TO RENT — Apartment or houee in Seaforth four or five rooms. Apply to MRS. GEORGE ANDERSON. Phone 262-13. Seaforth. 46544F WANTED—Will take in 25 head cattle frol now until Spring. Will feed corn and hay. Also 18 acres plowed ground for rent. JACK 1110IVER. Phone 84 r 21. 4654x1 WANTED $1500.00 First Mortgage on fifty -acre farm property with good buildings; 6% interest. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth Ontario. 4653-2 - -- -- Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER For S.S. No. 9. McKillop. Enrolment 13 pupils. Duties to commence September 3. ATMly, stating dualifitations and sal- ary expected, to: WILLIAM J. DENNIS, Sec.-Treas., Walton, Ont. 4654-1 Help Wanted WANTED—Girl or middle-aged woman to keep house; 5 days weekly; live in or out. Apply A. WHETHAM. Phone 66 r 3, Dublin. 4653-2 DO YOU WANT to make money? Ev- en if you never sold before, write today, Get the facts, then make up your mind. 1600 DELORIMIER, Dept. 54, Station C, Montreal, 4654-1 URGENTLY WA_NTED—Girl or middle- aged woman to live in and to assist with housework in Seaforth home, equipped with all modern conveniences, including automatic washer and dryer; 3 school-age children. Permanent employment. Good wages. Liberal time off. Apply ee Box 614, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4654-2 EXPERIENCED Woodworking Machinist to understudy our millroom forernan. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment, group in- surance, etc. JAMES coe:e eumerrune COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4653-2 SALSMEN WANTED This ad is not a joke. You can make from 871. and up weekly by selling our name -plates made of cristal glass and metal, easy to read even in dark places because it reflects light. These articles come in different models and sell easily. Hurry, don't wait any longer. Start this very week. Just write for circulars and price list (wholesale). If you wish a sample made with your name on it, write to us NOW and enclose .50 to: ALBERTCO, 4692 Papineau, Montreal, Que. 4654-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the Town of Seaforth, on FRIDAY. APRIL 12th, at 1:30 p.m., on High Street: Nine -foot Kelvinator Frigidaire; four chrome kitchen chairs; kitchen extension table; buffet and chairs; tables; cup- boards; occasional chairs; 2 bedroom suites, complete; rug, 12x12; scatter mats; 2 wall racks; 1 full view mirror; folding bed, springs and mattress; modern desk; medicine cabinet; dishes; sealers; pictures; electric heater; several pairs drapes; Locomative -washer; new Propane gas stove with coal and wood annex, clear -view door; hot plate; 1515 tons hard coal: garden tools; almost new C.C.M. boy's bicycle; lawn mower; garden hose; lawn sprinkler; cooking utensils; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS --Cash. BILL AUSTIN. Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4654-2 AUCTIONSALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot 32, Con, 4, L.R.S., Tuckersmith Twp., 2% miles east of Brucefield. or 214 west of Egmondville, on Mill Road, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, at 12 o'clock sharp: CATTLE-43egistered Hereford bull, 4 years old; Registered Holstein cow 6 years old, fresh Jan. 1st (heifer calf); 1 Hol- stein cow 5 years old fresh 1 month (twin calves): 1 Holstein cow 4 Pterre old. fresh; I Holstein cow 3 years old, to freshen May 20; 1 Blue cow 6 years old, to freshen in June; 1 Regietered Dual - Purpose, 3 years old, milking: 1 Ihirhain cow 5 years old, fresh in December and rebred ; 2 Durhani cows 6 years old, fresh 1 month; 1 Durham cow 6 years old, due time of sale: 1 Jersey cow 3 years old, fresh 1 month; 1 Jersey cow 7 years old fresh 2 months; 1 Registered Hereford cow 6 years old, fresh 1 month (heifer calf) ; 1 Registered Hereford heifer 3 years old 1 Hereford cow 4 years old, due time of sale•, 3 Hereford cows 4 yrs. uld, fresh 42 months. rebred Mar. 5 & Feb. 27; 7 two-year-old steeni. 900 lbs.; 4 2 -year-old heifers, 700-800 130.; 10 Here- ford yearlings; 4 Fall calves; number young calves. PIGS --2 York sows, 3 litters, bred Jan. 30; 2 York sows, 1 litter, bred Feb. I and 18; 1 York hog 1 'year, old; 13 chunks. MACHINERY —. McCormick -Deering tractor, scullier and bean puller (hew in '51) ; McCorinick-Deering 'A' tractor ;.New Holland baler 76; Case 6-53. combine with motor and all attachments: 1947 Stude- baker 3 -ton truck' equipped for beets; new all -steel wagon with I6 -ft. rack; truck tire wagon, steel box; bale elevator; 81/2 ft. McCormick -Deering stiff tooth cultiva- tor; Massey -Harris drill; 7 -ft. McCormick - Deering power mower; Cockshutt 4 -bar side rake: 7 -ft. Case binder; 4 -section har- rows 3 -section drag lever harrows ; 9 -ft, 3drum steel roller; McDeering 3 -furrow ace bottom Mow; McCormick -Deering man- ure spreader: Case 10 -inch hammer mill; fanning mill • aluminum wheelbarrow • root pulper; 12 mills cans and strainer; two -wheel trailer with racks; Mayl Rath ) rein auger: bean cooker ; electric Pail; 32-13. extension 'ladder; electric fencer; Jackal] jack ; water trough: iron kettle; Poultry equipment, feeders, water'', drink - ere; 2.000-1b. scales: 200 -gallon gat drum with pump: work bench: 75 -ft, drive belt: Stewart electric clippers with laugh at- tachment. HAY, STRAW and GRAIN --Quantity of baled straw and hay; Rodney and Garry oats, suitable for seed. froustrioLo EFFECTSItledium size Quebec heater; enamel Beath range; en. mei topped table with drawers and bins; enamel utility cabinet: hot plate; 6 kit- chen chairs; studio couch. TEAMS-- Gash. No reserve; fares Bold. wallad'FIVZIrLaTotire-ti:,r: Er.. is. obetnti,,tql Wt. 4654-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received hy the under., signed up to and including May 16, 1957 for the inatallation of a heating system in Egmondville United Church. For further information, consult: WY HENDERSON, Chairman of the Board, R.R" 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4664-2 FOR SALE BY TENDER The following lands are offered. for sale by tender, namely: Part of Lot Number 2,5, in the First Concession of the Town- ship of Hibbert, being in tbe Village of St. Columban. Tenders must be in the hand of the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 1957, and be accompanied by it marked cheque for 10% of the amoant thereof and the balance on closing. On the said lands there is said to be erected a one -storey frame dwelling arid well located on No. 8 Highway. Thise lands are offered for sale to close the Estate of Joseph Patrick Roach. The highcst or any tender not necessarily accepted. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaford, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 4653-2 TENDER FOR. CON- STRUCTION OF BIG MUNICIPAL DRAIN Twp. of Tuckersmith Tenders for construction of the Big Municipal DraM, Township of Tucker - smith. will be received by the undersigned up to 760 pm., April 18, 1957. This work consists of 24,200 lineal feet of open drain (12,700 cu. yds. excavation). Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Marked cheque for 10% of the tender must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 4654-2 TENDER FOR CON- STRUCTION OF Mc- GREGOR DRAIN Twp. of Tuckersmith Tenders for construction of the Mc- Gregor Municipal Drain will be received by the undersigned up to 7:30 p.m. April 18, 1957. /This work consists of 5,680 lineal feet of tile drain, 3 catch basins, 1 field stone protection. 0 Plans and sbecifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Marked eheque for 10% of bid must accompany each tender. , Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 5. CHRSNEY, Clerk, 131t. No 4, Seaforth, Opt 4654-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS 1/4 THE ESTATE OF Elizabeth Moodie, late of the Village of Bracefield, in the County of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are requir ed to file the same with the undersigned solicitor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 8th day of April, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which' notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of March, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton. Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4652-3 Cards of Thanks I WISH TO TH.ANK my many friends and neighbors, Seaforth Fire Brigade and Dublin telephone operator for their quick services in our fire. THOMAS O'REILLY, 4654x1 R.R. 5, Seaford. I WISH TO THAR all.the neighbors and friends who sent—cards and treats while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks t( doctors of Seaforth Clinic and the nursing staff. 4654x1 ROBERT Me.FADZEAN I WISH TO THANK the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for the care I received while a Patient there, and to all those who sent gifts, cards and flowers and visited me. All was much appreciated.. 4654x1 .J. AITCHESON In Memoriam BELL—In loving memory of a dear husband and father. .1. L. Bell, who pass- ed away three years ago, April 6, 1954. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall; There is nothing left to answer But his picture --that is all. —Lovingly remembered by his Wife and two Sons. 4654x1 JOHNSTON—In loving memory of MY dear husband, Alton Johnston. who pass- ed away two years ago, April 5, 1955. What would I give to them his hami, His happy face to Flee, To hear his voice and see big smile, That meant so much to me. —Ever remembered by his wife, Ivy. 4654x1 Deaths DONNELLY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on April 3, 1957, Francis Don- nelly, of Hibbert Township, itt hie 74th year, after illness of one week. Hus- band of the late Gertrude Dalton; father of Cetherine, of Buffalo; Eugene. of Dublin; Gerald, of Dublin; Angela, of Buffalo; Mrs. Thomas Rennie, Strat- ford; Mrs. Morley Conn, of London Fergus, of Toronto and Albert, of Van- couver, B.C. The funeral will take place from his late residence, Lot 13, .Con. 4, Hibbert, on Saturdtiy, April 6, 1957, at 0:15 a.m., to St. Patrick's Church, ,Dublin, for Requiem High Mass at 9:30 a.m. Interment in St. Patrick'd Cemetery. WALKER --In Ottawa, on WedneadaY, March 27, Jane WalIcer widow of the /ate W. J Walker, formerlY of Seaforth, in her 98rd Year- Stittiethilli, Sell? StiMethin' g te‘ Plihrie',4.1., Se0OrtliC.- Mr. 'erg NefceIlar andriteisonsi, Garry and Paul;• of Seaforth;vit- wth Mr. and Mrs. Lin.Megel-, lar on SPIldaY. , 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allon, ,,ot mit chell, visited Friday with Ur. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Macintosh has returned to her home here, having spent sev- eral months in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsay 'vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sorensbn at Caorgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deichert and son visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing. • Mr, and Mss.William Binning and two sons, Riehard and Bobby, visited with Mt. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Keith and Ken, of Carlingford, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wal- lace on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, of Parkhill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Allen in Stratford. Mr. Frank Stagg visited Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg in Exeter. Mr. Ross Houghton, of Stratford, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton on Saturday. Mr. Norman Harburn and his bride are on a honeymoon trip to the States. Congratulations!, Mr, Alex Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner attended the Howitt and Rath wedding recep- tion at Blyth on Saturday. Sunday school wW reopen Sun- day,, April 7, at 1:30 p.m. ' BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell at- tended the golden wedding /anni- versary of their aunt and 'uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, of Windsor, last week. Mrs. Montag, of California, vis- ited her cousins, Mr. ,and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, for a few days. Mrs. Ben Keys returnedhome, having spent three weeks with her son, Gordon, at Camlachie. Misses Kathleen and Marie El- liott, Mrs, T. A. Duttgn and Mrs. Gordon Elliott attendell the Mous- seau tea at Bayfield of Helen 'Ed- ith Forrester, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cameron. Miss For- rester was married to Mr. Roy El- liott, of Varna, on Saturday. OBITUARIES SAMUEL DAYNHAM The death occurred in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tues- day evening of Samuel Baynham, of Crediton East, in his 90th year. He is survived by his wife, the former Emiline Smith; two sons, Russell, of Crediton, and Lawrence of Hensall, and four grandchildren. Resting at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter for funeral services Friday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will follow in Grand Bend cemetery. A Bible salesman came to a home and inquired of the lady if she had a Bible. Being very in- sulted she retorted. do you ,think me a heathen, and told the little girl to go get the Bible. When she brought it the woman opened it up and exclaimed: "Well, bless my soul. I am glad you called. Here are my glasses that I lost three years ago." Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -40 -acre farm. Lot 23, boundary Grey and McKillop. east of Walton. Also good building for hen house, 24 x 40, matched lumber inside and out. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4653x2 Births cutifrom—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Dougall 'Clutton Seaforth, a daughter. KNIGHT—At Clinton Public Flospital. on March 10, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Knight. of Hensel], a daughter. McKENZIE—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on March 31, to Mr. and "dirs. Kenneth McKenzie, Brucefield, s son. SAUDER—At St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, on March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. )daliclon Saucier, Zurich, a daughter -8 tbs. 14 oz. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. (41:HsisaStAdisinit4iitlint4v‘i.44tinr:,g40400!liewas: John Cower, SA.). Mr. and Mrs.' gmmersum Icyle and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright attended the Masons' PaStIllaSterfi banquet Wednesday evening in Tavisteck. Mr. and, Mrs. Orville Workman were host and hostess at a most pleasant evening April 1, when 35 neighbors and friends gathered to honor Mr. John L. Henderson, who - has sold his farm and has left Kippen to -reside in Exeter. Eight tables of euchre were in piay. Win- ners were: ladies, first, Mrs. Jack Dietz; consolation, Mrs. Rochus Faber; gents, high, Yohn Cooper, Sr.; eonsolation, Mr. Oud. A de- licious lunch was served, after which the presentation of a lanap was made by Mr. Robert Cooper and the address read by Mr. Alf. Moffatt. Mr. Henderson thanked everyone for their kindness, also thanked Mr. and Mrs. Workman for their hospitality, and a pleas- ant evening was spent in their home: Following is the address: As you know, we, your friends and neigh- bors, have gathered together to- night to enjoy a social hour or two with one of our number who has recently left the community. This party was arranged ,with some trepidation—trepidation 'that our guest of honor, Mr. John L. Hen- derson, might have been travel- ling about and not received his in- • DUBLIN Mrs. M. Schulman is visiting in Buffalo and New Yory City. Mrs. Fred Overdulve and son.. Hamilton, with Mrs. Mary Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bemm, Kit- chener, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Senn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, with Mrs. Jos- eph Carpenter_ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGrath, Mer- ton, with Miss Monica Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Mrs. Winnifred Rowland has re- turned to her home after spending the past three months with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rowland, in Oak- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Molyneaux, Chicago, with Mrs. Loretta Moly- neaux. \ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. Mr. Allan Butters, and' Mr. John Krauskopf, Foote's Bay, at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Loon, have returned to Seaforth to re- side. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogels, of Forest, have moved to the farm of the late Tom Cairns, in Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton have returned home after spend- ing two months in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane and Laurie Ann, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. William Lane. Mrs. E. Jordison has returned home after spending three months at Adair, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland, of Dublin, left Thursday for Boca Ratan, where they will attend a convention of the Great West Life Assurance Co. Mr. Holland is a representative of the company. "Don't smoke in bed. The ashes that drop may be your own!" CEMENT We have available at all times, Cement by the bag or truckload. CALL FOR QUOTATIONS W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. PHONE 32 HENSALL Men and Ladies NEWVE YOUR uit MADE -TO-MEASURE By "The House of Stone" • A large collection of newest materials from the world's leading mills. Imported from Italy. Scotland and England. Priced from $49,00 to $65.00 • Also Sport Jackets and Ivy League Jackets Separate Trousers and Skirt Agents: Mr. and Mrs, J. Hoelscher PHONE 367-W Residence: One block est of Library — Seaforth riiii-7"."1"."17-11"b" We Are in the Market For Fowl Will pick up free of charge ° Phone or write for prices Phone HU. 2-95651 CANADA PACKERS LIMITED ATT, FNTION! POULTRY FARMERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES.PAID Clinton — Ont. Yitattou, would have pe 040 a real, April lst hoax On all of uS, There are some among us ,tonight who have watched John eater our Community as a young man, eluegee'' his bride mgd estab- 441k a verY happy home for him- self. No doubt there are a lot of entertaining stories which could be told of his us and downs over the years. We all understand the decision you have mede to leave the land and take up residence else- where. It is our sincere wish that you will find many new friends and interests to abserb your en- ergies and capabilities, and that your, new way of life will be as satisfying and rewarding as pos- sible to you. While we regret your departure, our regret is tempered by the fact that you are leaving us new neigh- bors, and we wish, at this time, to extend a very hearty welconle to the Arnolds. We hope that their stay among us will he a long and remunerative one, and that they, too, will make many new friends to make life thoroughly enjoyable for them. It is desired that they will bear with our individual pe- culiarities until they learn what "gems" in the rough we are. As A token of our esteem of you, John, we have all gone together to get this gift as a memento of your life in Kippen and of your friends here. Our good wishes go along with this' lamp, and MISS, it light your life for haany a day. Mr. and IWM'Porand family, Comp Herden1 Mrs. LeIand So.h104 aaa CIAIACM I:far/Eaten- AO, anti .cart Schwalm Ofd amp. den, and Mr. and Um IfarOd Hanson, stratsord, 'virAted Sunday with Mrs. VieleP Schwahn, Mr. and Mrs. KWh Lindsay, Thamesville; Mr. and Mrs, JilD Morris and M. and Mrs. Knott, Goderich, visited Sunday with"Mt and Mrs. John IlkendersOn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and daugh- ter, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Replaced Shame Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and Dianne, London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. ' The Bible Study Class was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Heney Pfile Sunday evening andas well attended. This corning' Stinday the class will be held at Carmel Pres- byterian manse. The annual meeting of Hemel' Women's Institute will be held April 10 at 8:15 p.m, in the Legion Hall. Committee reports will be -presented, and the guest speaker will be Mr. Raye Paterson. Hos- tesses are Mrs. S. Roobol and Mrs. H. Faber, and program convener is Miss Greta Lammie. Overall cost of moving traffic now being /carried by bus in Can- ada is five or six cents a ton mile as compared with the current rail- way revenue of 11/2 cents per ton mile. MILK and CREAM PRODUCERS OF THIS AREA are invited to attend , OPEN HOUSE at — BLYTH CO-OP Wed., April 10th 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. See how Quality Blyth Brand Cheese and Butter are made in a plant co-operatively own- ed and controlled by 250 Farmers in this area. • Refreshment' • 'Door Prizes SarSsas..,..nar: CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW and WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH • and LADINA CLOVERS, BROME GRASS, ETC. Permanent Pasture Mixtures . . . Place Orders While Stock is Available We are quoting very attractive prices, and replacement orders would require higher retail prices. SEED GRAINS All varieties available in Registered No. 1; "Certified No. 1 and Com- mercial No. 1. Treated and Packed in New Jute OAT VARIETIES: Garry, Rodney, Simcoe and - Beaver; Registered and Conunermal Brant and, Montcalm Barley , High quality seeds will be in short supply this Spring. To be sure of your requirements, ORDER NOW! FERTIUZER • We'll Deliver To Your Farm AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are contracting for Malting Barley, 2. Registered Seed Oats. , HAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN • CLEANING PLANT Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bagged. Phone. us and arrange a date to clean and treat your requirements. W G. ,THOMPSON &'SON S LIMITED , Phone 32 Ilensall th