The Huron Expositor, 1957-03-29, Page 419475 '.7t1 • aatiaSafa-sr- astir' " 'ds Inserted At New Low Cash Rates siVIE4 WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: • ., Ist Weelc . 1 Cent 2nd Week' Cent . Brd-Week lii Cent Minimum charge. each ineertion..,, 25 Cents , gad!, figure, initial and abbreviation..counts as one word. aiteht of Thunkv„ In Memoriam Notices, Cennrug Events -I cent . per word. Minimum. 'p ti.O. certr,s Per week. ktleat may be directed to a liox No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 15 cents extra. , tPert rents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid Within 10 :dawa of ,date of final insertion. .,. $0,4 Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. '''',:. etierr §oles. Notices 'to Creditors, Etc. -Rates ou application. Coming Events ,1)*, • e- WM/AGE SALE-Hensall Town Hall, m.Aturday, March 30 2 pm. Anyone wish- . , to donate articlee, please call 84, Hen- . ea.% oc leave at Hall Friday evening, ' March 29., 4653-1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1946 Chevrolet Sedan in excellent condition. ANDREW MOORE. Phone 647 r 31. 4653-1 FOB. SALE- Cheap for cash. 1954 Chev. Panel, in excellent condition; 1951 Chev. manel, in g,00d condition. J. C. CRICH. 4653x1 Help Wanted WANTED -Girl or middle-aged woman to keep house: 5 days weekly; Jive in or out. Apply A. WHETHAM. Phone 56 r 3, Dublin. 4653-2 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - Middle- aged woman to take eharge in Seaforth home with all modern convenienees, for family of two adults. Apply MRS. R. S. HAYS. 4653-1 ALERT DEALERS can averag,e a most interesting income with line of guaran- teed necessities. Even if you never sold a thing in your life. Write for full de- tails now. 1600 DELORIMER, Dept. 52, Station C, Montreal. 4653-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE- • 40 -acre farm, Lot 23, boundary Grey and MeKillop, east of Welton. Also good building for hen house. 24 x 40, matched lumber inside and out. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 45522 GRASS FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, about 40 to 60 acres tillable ; no build- ings Lot 2, HRS., Con. 5, Township of fuckersmith, being sold to settle estate ▪ Wrn. M. Sproat If not sold by 1st of April, will be rented for grass. Also S proat's Brickyard: We ars offering same f or sale, to be moved off farm. Will ▪ di by tender. RUSSELL li. SPROAT, EL WIN P. CHESNL'Y, Executors, Sea - forth. 465212 Wanted 0 WANTED TO BORROW -On farm, first mortgage. Box 608, HURON EXPOSI- T° R. 4653x1 W ANTED- • To rent in Seaforth, an' srianc nt or three rooms in home. cen- ,rally locatad. MISS LILLIAN FAULK- ,George St., Seaforth. Phone 23 layame. 46541 WANTED TO RENT .- Apartment or house in Sea forth four or five rooms. Apply to MRS. GEORGE ANDERSON. Phone 262-34, Seaforth. 461,3 -if WANTED -Girl wanted to live in, and WANTED , to assist with housework in Seaforth $1S00.00 First Mortgage on fifty -acre home. All modern conveniences includ- farm property with good buildings; (aas ing automatic washer dryer. Good wages. interest. Apply to Box 609 HURON EXPOSITOR. I McCONNELL & HAYS, 4653x1 Seaforth Ontario. 4653-2 Cards of Thanks WANTED All-around man for build ine truck bodies. Good house. Steady work. TIPPING MOTOR BODIES, Tottenham. 4652x2 EXPERIENCED Woodworking Machinist to understudy our wallroom foreman. Pleasant working conditions, good wages. absolutely steady employment, group in- surance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE CON1PANY, Ingersoll, 4653-2 HELP WANTED Fall or partime stenographer, with typ- ing and shorthand. Preferably experi- enced. Apply in writing to: BOX 605, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4652-2 for WANTED DOMESTIC HELP work in Scott Memorial Hospital. Apply to SUPERINTENDENT Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, Ont. 4653-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Elizabeth Moodie, late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are requir- ed to file the same with the undersigned solicitor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 8th day of April, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of whidi notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 19th day of March, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4652-3 Notices WOULD 'YOU LIKE to have your ashes. dirt or garbage taken away. CALL, 745-J, Seaforth. 4653x2 NOTICE -Fully experienced carpenter, now self-employed, wishes repair work of any kind. PETER MALCOLM. Phone 574-M. 1653-4 I WISH TO THANK all those who sent gifts, cards, flowers, etc., and visited me while a patient in Scott Memorial HosPi- tal; also the nurses and doctors for their kind attention. They are all appreciated. J, ROSS MUBDIE _ Personals PAIN OF RHEUMATISM. Sciatica, Lumbago. ran be helped by taking RUMA- CAPS. Recommended by thousands of thankful user.s. Ask your Druggist, 4653-1 HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samplee 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order, Dept. T - 73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box al, Hamilton. For Sale WE WISH TO THANK relativea, friend, and neighbors for acts of kindness, mes- sages of :sympathy and floral stributes dur- ing our recent bereavemett. Special thanks to Rev. 13, V. Workman and the Bonthron Funeral Horne, Hensel!, MR. SAM CUDMORE AND FAM1LY 4653x1 FOR SALE -Four -burner Propane gas 9t0ve; piping and installation included. PHONE 391. Seaferth. 4655xI FOR SALE -Martin Senour paints, BORDEN BROWN, R.R. 2 Seaforth, Phone 841 r 2. 4651-tf FOR SALE -One 50 -inch varnish grade door with frame, trim and hardware. J. C. CRICH. 4653x1 BRITISH KNIT NYLONS are guaran- tead to wear a DEFINITE tirne. BAR- BARA MILNER. Phone 393, Seaferth. WE WISH to extend to our Seaforth friends who were friends of the late Betty and Bob Kirkby, of Walton, our sincere thanks for flowers and messages received. Special thanks to Mr. Thomats, of Walton. and Dick Box, Seaforth, for services giv- en. MR. AND MRS. BEN WALKER, 4653-1 Brussels. WE WISH to exprese our thanks to the neighbors and fire department for their help that day and since our fire. I want to say that my barn burnt to the ground Wednesday morning, Mareh 20 and through my agent, Mr. Wilson Oke's efforts I had my cheque in my hands on Friday, March 22. MR. AND MRS. BORDEN RIEHL 4653x1 AND FAaMILY Auction Sales FOR SALE -Baled hay, well savc.d: aric a bale. .W1LF. McQUAID. Phone tt. 22, Dublin, 4611llki FOR SALE -A quantity of tirnothe seed 69.00 a bushel. Amply to ORVILLE WORKMAN. Kippen. 4631x3 FOR SALE -Man's iopcoat, vvorn twice; about size 40. Apply Box 607. HURON ':XPOSITOR, 4654x1 TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE -Apply LOU BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22, See - forth. 4651-4 FOR SALE- Rodney oats, power clean- ed. Apply JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth, 4653x3 FOR SALE -Used three-piece bathroom set in good condition. PHONE 211-w. 4632-3 FOR SALE --.Alfalfa and timothy hay, baled. Apply to NELSON RILEY. R.R. 2, Kippen. 4652-2 FOR SA LE- Orchard ernes seed a nd permanent pasture seed. Apply CARL DALTON. Phone 481-3. 4653x1 FOR SALE- -Rodney oats, timothy seed. flax seed and baled hay. JOHN W. THOMPSON, • R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 823 r 31. 4653-tf FOR SALE Quantity Simeoe seed oats, grown from registered seed. .10 H N A. SHEA. Phone 64 r 24, Dublin. 103:91 LAWN GRASS SEED, nursery mixture, anr sun and shade IL C. Downharn ?Jure- ry Co. ERIC MILNER. Phone 393. RADIO REPAIRS -- For all kinds of 4653-tf a radios. at 'TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. FOR SALE-Princese dresser and stand; opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone single daybed. scrul large eonaoleum rug. 347-R. 464aaf MRS. .ORVILLE DALE. Phone 571 be- tween q- 6 p.m. 465:1x1 • AUCTION SALE Auction Sales AUCTION Of Fenn Land, at W Lot 4, Con, 1. Township of McKillon, on No. 8 High- way, one mile west of Dublin, on, 111024- DAy, APRIL 1, 1957, at 1 p.m.: 50 acres of clay loam land, pippoaetily well drained. In grass at preheat time, but all workable land. Taxtms-10% (town, balance in 30 days. Of Livestock and Machinery. at Lot 5. Concession 4, Tuckersmith Township, 21s south and la; miles east of Seaforth, on FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, at 1 Pan.: CkTTIE Purebred Hereford bull ttlark Crik Chieftain, bred by Robert J• Grosch, Stratford, Ont 1; 1 purebred Here- ford row carrying second calf, to freshen lune '3: 1 Hereford and Holstein cow earrying second ealf, freshening May 8th; Ayrshire cow carrying second calf, to 'ashen June 13; Holstein cow 6 years old, fresh; Dual Purpose cow 6 years :ad. fresh; Holstein cow 4 years old, to freshen March IS; 2 Holstein heifers to freshen at time of sale, first calf; roan cow 1 years old springing; 1 milking goat (Arabian bred, first freshening; 3 Hereford year-olds. PIGS- -1 York sow carrying third lit- ter. bred January 9th to Landrace hog; 1 Landrace hog, 20 months old, proven quiet. IMPLEMENTS -Ford tractor, 600 ser- ies, with 433 hoursa 2 -furrow Dearborn tractor plow ; tractor mower with 6 -foot bar; MeCormiek-Deering tandem disc, 14 - elate.; ,Cardintil Skipper hay conveyor, No. 20, 28 foot; 1 -horse electric motor (new); Massey -Harris wagon with new rubber tires throughout and flat rack; Massey - Harris 13 -disc grain and fertilizer drill (nearly new); horse-drawn Cockshutt No. 3 siderake on rubber; Cockshutt manure spreader on rubirer ; la -ton Ford pickup truck, '54 model, Nith racks and tarpaulin, low mileage; Ebereol grain thrower, coin- nlete with pipcs and elbows; 2 sets of ,-section harrows with drawbar; 3 -drum :teel land roller; slush scraper; horse amiiler (nearly new); Fleury walking plow; large tarpaulin; Quebec heater. TERMS -Cash. ORVAL GREER,, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4652 - LAWNMOWER SERVICE -Sharpening, FOR SALE -Several used television sets, used washing machines and used refrig- ,rators. at special prizes. Apply DUBLIN F.LECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2. Dublin. 4619-tf repair and overhaul on all makes of mowers and engines. Repair and main- tenance of air-cooled engines. CROWN HARDWARE -797. 4652x4 • COMPLETE LAU NDETERIA in Sea - forth rend district and Dry Cleaning Ser -FOR SALE-. Rodney oats, timothy seed, vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER 'lax seed cob corn, baled hay. JOHN FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 843 r 31. 4650-16 4649-tf FOR SA.LE - .Garry oats. No. I Corn- mergial4-ncr aoxious weede : 92a1 vermina- (ion: power cleaned ; tr•ated : bageed ; 51.50 a bushel. PHONE 449 r 41, Sea - forth. 4633x1 NOTICE -Gravel, 511, top soil and cement gravel. Manure leading and lawns filled. Any kind of work with cat, trac- tor and trucks, by job or by hour. JACK 'MoLLW AIN or HARVEY M c LLW A rx. Seaforth. 1613 8 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tanks. cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given Without obligation. LOUIS BLAME, 11.11. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 ATTENTION, FARMERS - Prompt. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea- foetb. Associated with Darling dt Co., of Canada Ltd. 4649-tf Rug and Chesterfield SHAMPOOING We epecialize in rug nnd chesterfield shampooing. No foss -no muss. Estimates cheerfully given. No travel- ling expense. PHONE, STRATFORD 4190 4652-2 , .VVAtgRLOO , CATTla ItSEDING Aggii 40.'i till4'i;#4. Hate k,.,pliffotinintion r:aerffie ` ,,Oitl,ttone. .:W %Aft 4l. a in 'AsAecidtet ' — . tikeiClia ' elVfitada 6i,, ft arta ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. Ta Hwirel chairin stock at lag savings. D P,LIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4649-tt FOR SALE- Mixed seed grain, one- third Brant barley and Garry oat9; grown from registered seed. GEO. WHEAT. LEY. Phone 449 r 14, Seaforth. VENTILATING FANS for hat•ns, lama try houses, etc; automatic controls. Com- plete inatellation Fr estimatee call CROWN HARDWARE- 797. 4652.13 AUCTION SALE ESTATE LATE FREDERICK ECKERT A. W. Sillery, Solicitor for the Estate. Harold' JaCkson, Auctioneer. 4652-2 Of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 10, Concession 6, two miles south of Sea - forth, an the Kippen Road. on 'TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, at 1:30 p.m.: CATTLE -9 cows, Durhame and Here- fords: fresh and due to freshen in April _and Idea; 3 two-year-old Hereford heifers; 1 two-year-old Hereford steer: 5 year-old Hereford and Shorthorn heifers, 5 ort - horn calves; 2 Hereford calves; 1 Jersey calf; 1 farrow cow. HOGS -12 York chunks. HENS -240 Red an Sussex year-old hens. HAY and GRAIN -400 bales mixed hay; 10 tons loose hay; 500 bushels mix- ed grain. FOR SALE '36 Allie-Chalmers com- bine, fully equitreed, three years old ; No. 6 White thresher. 16 -foot elevate,- ; excel- lent condition. ARTHUR SIVIALE, Stalin. Ont. Pbone 48 r 10. Dublin. 4553-1 IMPLEMENTS -1952 Ford tractor, pul- ley, power take -off unit; Ford plow, weed hooks: Dearborn corn picker (like new); 2 farm wagons on rubber; one all -steel frame 16 -ft. hay rack; 12 -ft. corn box; Cockshutt spreader on rubber; Case side - rake (like new) ; 6 -foot Massey -Harris binder: 11 -run Massey -Harris drill; 13 - run McCormick drill; dump rake; 2 mow- ers: 1 -doom steel roller; 5 -section har- rows; Massey spreader on steel: Ce drophead hay loader; International hay loader; International 3 -section drag bar- rows; garden seuffler Gehl hammer mill; 90 -ft endless belt; 2 steel water troughs; Pig crate; 2 chicken feeders4.44nrire scales; fanning mull; hay fork ; 150 feet hay fork rope; colony house, 101012; coal brooder stove; ehovele; forks; 2 chicken shelters; steel wheelbarrow on rubber; cream separator; milk pails; milk stools; block and tackle: smatl tools; vise; an- vil; logging chains; other articles too numerous to mention; also 1902 three -ton Dodge truck with hydraulic lift, with racks. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES -Organ and stool; 5 -piece parlor suite; chest of draw- ers; dresser and washstand; extension table; 8 chairs: car radio; lamps; odd ,dishes: quantity sealers. No reserve; farm sold. Terms -Cash. NEIL HODGERT, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, „Clerk. 4652-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implern nts to be held at the premises, Lot 10, Con 7, Logan Township, laa mil,:s east of Willow Grove, off No. ZS Highway on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, at 1:30 p.m. consisting of: HORSES --1 bay mare, 6 years old; 1 grey mare, 12 years old. COWS -I red cow, 4 years old; 1 red cow, 5 years old; 1 black cow, 5 years old; 1 brindle cow, 6 years old; 1 roan 1.0,V, 8 years old; I black cow, 8 years old; I aged red cow, milking good. (sev- en of the cows listed above have fresh- ened sinee Dec. 25 and •have (=Ives at side.) CATTLE -2 yearling Durham heifers 600 lbs,; 4 Fall calves. PIGS -2 third -litter York sows, with litters; 1 second -litter York sow, due April '30; I third -litter York sow, bred again; I York hog, five months old; 5 York pigs, 180 tbs. ; 5 York chunks. POULTRY -180 Sussex X Hama hens; one 8 x 10 colony house. IMPLEMENTS -Case Model 'S' tractor. starter, lights and on rubber; 8 -foot Case spring tooth cultivator on rubber Fleury. - Bissell 3 -furrow plow on rubber; Cock- shutt 8 -ft. disc; Cockshutt No. 11 13 -disc grain and fertilizer drill; 2 -drum land roller; 6 -section of diamond harrows and stretcher; 6 -ft. Massey-liarris binder, good condition; 6-41. Deering mower; Oliver manure spreader on rubber; Cockshutt 4 - bar side delivery rake, new; International hay loader; Waterloo thresher; 100 -feet x 7 -inch drive belt: Fleury -Bissell rubber tired wagon and racks; 2 -row corn scuf- fler ; Fleury walking plow; Ebereol elec. tric hammer mill, 3 screens; Hinman milking machine, 2 single units; De Laval 600 -lbs. capacity cream separator and motor; Clinton fanning mill with motor; set of sleighs and flat rack. FEED -Approximately 10 tons of mixed grain approximately 15 tons of mixed hay. FARM -The farm, consisting of 100 acres of fairly well -drained clay loam, will be offered for sale, subject to,reserve bid if not previously sold. The buildings all of which are equipped with Hydro, are in good repair, include a .56 x 82 bank barn, some cement stabling, litter carrier and cement silo, 14 x 37: hen house, 20x 32, brick construction; implement shaft; 7 -room brick house, water pressure. Terms on the Real Estate will be an- nounced day of sale. Terms on the chat- tels are cash. No reserve, with the ex- ception of farm, JOFIN 1'. WOOD, Proprietor. Dennis 4: Wildfong, Auctioneer. A. W. Corby, Clerk. 4653-1 FOR SALEH -ereford-Durham cow six years old, due April 5; 100 balee second - cut alfalfa hay. Apply to NORMAN EGGERT. Phone Dublin 81 r 14. 4653x1 EX TEN SI V.1 CLEARING • PRIVATE SAI..F. ofhousehold effeete, consisting of oak dining roam extension table, 6 chairs, sideboard Indio cabinet; Iron bed, 4 ft. 6 itiches t dreeeer ; dressing table, stool, end table, all cream painted; wooden bed; dreeser ; Washstand, painted grey: bookcase; term k walnut round table, ore leaf drop ; chairs; kitchen stove With warming elneet: cupboards; •eiltirm triune elitrops sheet and book music ; :Ara* haat; ehairs ; lawn mower; garden tools; iron kettle; saw horse and bucksaw: crtaltba laet curtains; Ile dozen 2.l40ncht tile: linoleum rug, 0' X 0'; Otobdf 'articles, ,Will be on armlike( Wed- n:gdal aftertMdrei, or after 4t Vara ttnY, tittle, , t,1 09." 3,5e APIMintnieht. MISS IA JAN EAHX41N_EEkpapre St. SturoPt14, 460t4datrivie, g AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, lmnlements, Feed ana Gra(n. of the Estate of the late Hugh J. Doig at his former residence, at Lot No, 5 Concession 9, Colborne Township, 11/1 milee north of Crfelow and I mile west, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2n1, at 13 o'clock, sharp: , Au. and Mrs. Kork 149TWAr ',NOP hosts to their friends and relatiVes one evening recently, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie flarhurr0 have returned home from them honeymoon - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Houghteo, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Billie Smith, of London, is visit- ing with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan, of Egmondville. visited, with Mr. and Mrs Frank Allen on Tues- day evening. Mrs. Charlie Mills. of St. Ildarys, was a visitor with Mrs. M. Hough- ton on Monday night. Mr. and Whs. Eldon Allen at- tended the Children's Aid Society annual dinner meeting, in Stratford Tuesday evening. The Feed Mill Company have in - CATTLE- -57 Durham cows. bred; 17 Durham yearling calves; 3 Durham heif- ers in calf ; 8 steers, 2 years old; 1 steer 1 year 0)0 Purbred Aberdeen Angus bull rising - years old. I M P LEMENTS--M H. No, 60 10 -foot eombine (self propelled) with pick-up. aceur clean and elevator; M, -H, manure loader; 114.-11. root pulper; 1.31. W.D. 6 Diesel tractor; 1.14. 3 -furrow ace bottom plow Ion rubber) ;a 1.11. C tractor with hydraulic, P.T.O. and pulley ; 1.31. 7-69.. Power mower; I. H. two -row corn alantsr ; I.H. two-rown corn ecutlier; 1.11. back -fill blade; I.H. No. 6 hammer mill; I.H. No, 45 hay baler; I.H. double disc opener le -run fertiliaer• drill with power lift ton rubber); 1.13. No. 2 ensilage harvester; I.H. No. 3 ensilage forage blower with 35 feet of pipe; LH, P.R. corn picker: 1.11. pick-up plow frame; I.H. 10 -plate one-way disc; I.H. 13 -tooth stiff tooth cultivator with power lift; LH. 32plate tandem disc; LH. No. 400 manure spreader (on rubber); I.H. set of drag harrows: I.H. 4 -section spring tOnth culti- vator ; LH, No. 30 power corn eheller; LH. 1906 ta-ton pickup Ditch with 8 -foot box and etock rack ; 3. 750x16 truck tires and wheels; aluminum box wheelbarrow; Champion snow blower • Demmer power pothole aueer; K. & G, tri -speed power wagon unload& ; P.T.O. tractor pump; 00 feet 7 -inch endlese belt: 50 feet 6 -inch endlese belt; Jack -all jack ; SAW mandrill; ateel cable and pulley: 3 -drum steel roll- er; 2 heavy day -chains with cable: elec- tric fencer; Power cement mixer; 2 -wheel trailer; bag truck; JameawaY steel pig feeder: set of' 2,000-15. truck scales ; 32- fo,31 extension ladder; forks shovels; blacksmith's anvil, and numerous other articles, - GRAIN and VEED-Approximotely 600 bales mixed hay ; approximately 500 bush- els feed auto: airproximafely 100 butthels Ajax oats; approximately 150 bushels bur- ley; quantity of ebb corn. TERM S ---C witimAM omq, Adtrilmstfatot or the Estate, t(t.vard W laott, Auctitirreet 6 • $ • • • 6 j Teachers Wanted TEACIIT/INTED For S.S. No. 3, Hullett Township, in the Village of Constance. Modern school. Duties to conunence in September. Ap- ply, stating qualifications and salary ex- pected, to WALTER R scorr, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 4652-2 TEACHER WANTED Protestant ,teacher for S.S. No. 6. Mc- Killop, 21/2 miles east of Winthrop, Huron County. Duties to commence in Septem- ber. Approximately 30 pupils. Appli- cants to state qualifications, experience and salary expected. LESLIE J. PRYCE, Secretary -Treasurer. R.R. No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 4653-1 HENSALL_ Mr, Basil Edwards Fs a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in the interests of his health. a1le a.."01414.Wi$iit04 .001 ats ready ,-/O.vgamMailato tbe farmers; Foruin lige Mal^ Meeting . Th n last Meeting, of' the Farm. Forum for 'this seasork, was held at the home Of Mr..and.111.rs. Tom Laing. The flue.stionaire was coin- pleted an forWartled to the assoc• iation by. ti* secretary, Mrs. T. Laing. Several games of progres- sive euchre were played,' with priz- es won by Robert Laing for spe- cial; high prize for ladies, Olive Speare; high for 'men, Gerald Car- ey; consolation,' Tom Laing and Mrs. Carey. Lunch was served. . Doctor: "Your husband must have rest; here is a package of sleeping pills." Talkative wife: "When, do I give them to him?" Doctor: "You don't give them to him, you take them yourself." A wrestler had spent a long eve- ning with friends at the village inn. They showed him, a quick way home across the fields, forgetting that the local bull was loose. The bull attacked, but found it- self gripped by the horns and .lug- ged about the field until it Manag- ed to free itself and bolt. "Pity I had those last. two drinks," said the wrestler "I ought to have got that chap off his bike!" • A suburban chemist had been ad- vertising his patent • insect powder far and wide. One day a man dashed into the shop and said ex- citedly: "Give ne another, half a pound of your powder, quick. please." "Oh," remarked the chemist, as he proceeded to execute the or- der, "I'm glad you like the pow- der. Good, isn't it?" "Yes," replied the customer, "I have one cockroach very ill; if I give him another half a pound I think he might die," Property For Sale FOR SALE -Five -room cottage ' with insul brick siding, in Hensall ; three-piece bath; also small barn. WILSON AL- LAN. Phone' 58, Hensel), 4652x2 *, Poultry FOR SALE -1,000 pullets 15 weeks old, Rhode Island Reds; vaccinated for New- castle and Bronchitis. Roe Farm breed. A. TIMMERMAN, Phone 657 r 13, Sea - forth. 4653x1 BRAY CHICKS-Dayold, started. Pul- lets: Broilers. Wide choice, . including Ames In -Cross, Pilch White Rocks. Ag- ents; MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Bruce - field, Phones Clinton E.T. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-23; or JOHN PRIIIN, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, Phone 845 r 21. 4650-4 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER The following lands are offered for 'sale by tonder, namely: Part of Lot Number 25, in the First Concession of the Town- ship of Hibbert. being in the Village of St. Columban, 'renders must be in the hand of the undersigned on 'or before the 6th day of April, 1957, and Inc accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% of the amount thereof and the balance on cloVing. On th,e said lands there i said to be erected a one -storey frame dwelling and well located on No. 8 Highway. These lands are offered for sale to close the Estate of Joseph Patrick Roach. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, . Solicitor for the Administrator. 4653-2 Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR BRIDGE For Rent FOR RENT -Apartment for rent in Town of Seaforth. Amity to HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 474. 4653-1 FOR. RENT -Newly renovated two bed room apartment; heat and light sapplied. 46,53x1 J. C. CRICH. FOR RENT -Eight -room brick house, close to Hensall; newly decorated: hydro: also good garden. Available May 1st. PHONE HENSALL 35. 4653x2 BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffery were visited by relatives from Windsor over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore were visited by friends from Hen - 11 over-the—weekend. Mrs. Mary Manson and sister, Mrs. E. Erb, accompanied Mrs. Newell Geiger and son, John, to St. Jacobs one day. Mr. and Mrs. iloy Gingerich re- turned recently from Florida, where they spent part of the win- ter. - FOR RENT - Four - roomed apartment, furnished, electrically equipped. Heated; private bath and private entrance. Ap- ply to JAMES KELLY, George St. N. 4652x3 FOR RENT -Can- Pasture a number of young cattle by the month; lots of grass and water. Apply LLOYD MEDD, BR. 1, Clinton. Phone HU, 2-9836. 4652-2 FOR RENT -Pasture in Stanley, .000 acres more or less; level: drained; fenced to rotate cattle; shade; fresh water. Well located on paved highway. Phone mdrn- inge crib,: LONDON 27613. 4652-2 SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Township Clerk, Mr. E. P. Chesney, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ontario, will be received until 12:00 noon, APRIL 2, 1957 for the removal of the existing structure and the construction of a 30 -foot rein- forced concrete bridge at Lot 26, Con. IV- V (L.R.S.). Cement and reinforcing steel to be supplied In, the Townshiti. Births KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKenzie, of near Zurich, have m.oved into Mr. Ross Broadfoot's house on the Kippen Road. Mrs. Walker, of Peterboro, has been the guest of her brothers, Mr. Henry Ivison and Mrs. Wliliam Ivi- son. The flowers placed at the altar of St. Andrew's United: Church on Sunday were in memory of the late Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mrs. Dean Brown, of Grand l3end who has been A. patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, is convalescing at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau. Master Jimmy Kyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle, cele- brated his sixth birthday on Mon- day, March 18, when his grand- mother, Mrs. Kyle, of Clinton, and nine little friends were in. attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dalton, of Kincardine, have moved into Mr. Arnold Gackstetter's house on the Town Line, west of KiPpen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cornish and family, of Goderieh, visited Sun- day with the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Rev. Campbell Tavener, Grand Bend, was in charge of the service at St. Andrew's United Church. BAIRD-At Scott alemoriel Hospital, on March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird, R.R. 1, Beueeffeld a daughter. EICKMEYIaR--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on March 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Eickmeyer, Mitchel). a son. FLANNERY- • Mr. and Mrs, Pat Flannery of Strathroy (nee Nita Smith)„ announce the birth of their son at Strathroy Hos- pital. Friday, March 22, 1957. KING -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 23, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank King, Emnondville, a son. ROBERTS-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 21, to Mr. and Mra. James Roberts, Seaforth, a daughter. SNELL--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on IVIarch 25. to Mr. and Mrs. George Snell, Seaforth. a son. SIEMON-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon, R.R. 1, Bornholm, a son. STEPHENSON-At St, Louis Montfort Hosaatal, Ottawa, on March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephenson, a dough - ter -Carol. TAYLOR -Fred and Shirley iMoritgom- ary) Taylor are happy to announce the birth of a son ata Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. born March 12. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Seaforth, Ont. Plana and specifications May be seen at the Clerk's Office and at the office of the undersigned. A certified cheque for 104 of the con- tract bid met accompany each tender. Lowest or tiny tender not ueeessarity accepted B. M. ROSS, P. eng., , consul:genter, Gederich Ont, 44144 New TYPEWRITER SALES' AND SERVICE FOR SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Remington -Rand Agency • Standards • Portables • Electrics • Adders • Calculators • Paper Supplies ' • Rentals in stock Trained Serviceman - Prompt Repairs The Exeter Times -Advocate Phone 770 Collect EXETER - ONTARIO a Gravel and Trucking Bu,siness , In Town of Goderich, with Large Turnater Equipment includes Trucks, 'Gravel toadprs, Screening PlantGood Gravel Pit 1/9 -mile from town; Stock of Gravel, Sand and Stone; Large yard for stockpiling material in town. OFFIcE AND GARAGE EQUIPMENT Owing to circumstances, owner must sell. Reasonable for quick sale. D. H. GOLDTHORPE - Box .6-73...............-- -r7oder-ich Phone 795 HENSALL STORE HOURS Beginning April 1, 1957 • OPEN - FRIDAY EVENING until 9 o'clock • OPEN SATURDAY EVENING until '10 o'clock • OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY • CLOSED ALL DAY' MONDAY easesawe".........40.444wrowowlea.seworeawerorewserosaftweromeweamotesomareeworawalwas. 1 Notice TCUSTOMERSR MOVING As a result of the disastrous fire which destroyed our Seaforth Offices and Plant last week, we have leased and are now occupying accommodation in the Ontex Factory, recently vacated by Rosedale Plas- tics. Located at the southeast corner of the main factory on Market Street, we will carry a full line of Lumber and qupplies for our customers' convenience. Our Phone Number is 787 Ball -Macaulay Ltd. SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 HU 2-9514 f 1, is s COME IN! CASION: 'OP yvc • seeress te!, ‘..'4111111111 3,L) DRIVE OUT IN- ONE! 21 0.0figx_x/ PENDAFLEr hanging folders For faiter, easier, , mare efficient filing al a lower tail -,--try Fendafiex. No new cabinets needed — simple frame fits in file drawers! Fil- ing changes From laborious search- ingttoinstint reference. We 'WO Instal' a 4,101 draws, en o money. bock guotoorear-ll ere, ore nor few:401y. cortiliat 1. It'S NOT 1141010NITI0 TRE Huron Expositor Phone 41 '.• Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 CHEV. BEL A;RE SEDAN, POWER GLIDE, fully equipped 1956 CHEV. HARDTOP SEDAN fully equipped 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN fully equipPed 1956 FORD SEDAN fully equipped 1955 CHEV. POWER GLIDE SEDAN 1954 CHEV. DELUXE COACH fully equipped 2495 ,1953 CHEV. COACH 1095 1195 850 2395 1952 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 2195 1951 CHEV. SEDAN ° 1895 1995 1485 1395 1995 1953 MEV. ,1/2. -TON PICKUP 895 en days, On all Lite. 1954 CHEV. SEDAN 1950 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON ...... 750 1950 CHEV. SEDAN 750 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN 395 - Thum - 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1P51 MERCURY SEDAN fully equipped A Written Guarantee for 'MUSSEL ....... 796 375 1951 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICKUP Model "cars—Many other hitedelot to change tram , MOTORS BR-0ms ONTARIO PHONE Iga of eetter USed OPEN 1,11`ERY EVENING