HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-03-15, Page 5'4 Friday; March, 2pth 4;011411. 4`C[ARLEY'S AUNT" Sr. COL'UIVIBAN PARIS) H4LL ..Adults - 750 Children 50c : 'roduced by special arrangement • with Samuel' French, • • 5 ,o. E,U ,CH,l. Monday, Mach 18 In Lodge 'Rooms GOOD PRIZES • LUNCH Admission — 40 Cents r'S Mn 01041P.' )4i.91.0R9 fiver 09,:p9#91.90 ons di$pZ;�"`hl exucg sae pr;1.pes.',.as Pw . as $24595 foot a 940 e Pinner et MVAUGG'S, ' SVafdr ti 7g(A dvt;) Mr.. 444 ist'i'wcannbv and • .AM - tole, roil iMitoe,'Pait Credit; visited` with Miss Kathleen Stap],et9n Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Glenn 'were in, Clairenognt. ,• Mr. and Mrs; W, J, Stewart, of Toronto; vi.$iteft with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart,_ Mr. and Mrs, Jim Morrison, of Toronto, and Miss Mary Morri'sQii, ondon,,, with Mr; and Mrs. James Morris•On. Mrs, Thos_ Kelly and–Mrs. Jos. Carpenter, Blyth and Mr, Joe Car- penter, Chatham, With Miss Mon- ica, Byrne., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon, St. Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Louis Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacRae, of Parkhill, visited with M. and Mrs. Den MacRae. Mr. James Atkinson,. Brantford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. :George Coyne. Newlyweds' Honored A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eckert, recent 01 • i ; ?i ile'it aks attenfked0atr�xi i talationa' to the liappF rsl. AFkert e :'~crines .‘444.0t , ggrs M# • ,fan O'10015.ree, t'.tqn address Mr. til) "teeneyf presented couple with a p t'se w ' I 'arblii'n'S' oreheatra 500 %1; rilusie fer Ing, %anll 'a luaeb was Served lfy, the 'ladies•. kir charge. Dies -iia Tomtit* e On Sunday, March .10, Sister Floxenee ' O'Roikrke died etz SIE: Joseph's Cdnvent at Torgnto, 'after a•sbort illness. Requiem Mass was sung on Tuesday, March 12, at St. Joseph's. Convent, 69 Wellesley St., at 9:30 a.m. Interment took place at Mount Hope Cemetery. Surviv- ing 'are a brother, Mr. Patrick O'Rourke, of R.R. 1, Dubin and Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf,` Dublin. Attending .the funeral were Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery and Mr. and Mrs. James J. Krauskopf. HOME AND SCHOOL Seaforth Home and School will meet in the,Public Sc}jpol Tuesday at 8:15, wen excers from the operetta, "Romance of Cinderella" will be presented. 'cross Conaiela 3,0.00,000 tins of Quality fools are going this week at Fabalously Low ' .Be •• 444154. .......:............ CLARK'S FANCY SAVE 12c IGA APPLE JUICE 3 RIPE 'N RAGGED PEACHES JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS BRUNSWICK SARDINES 6 DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOOD 4 TOMATO JUICE PARAMOUNT FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON ENTER NOW! 48 -OZ. TINS 20 -OZ. TIN PINT TIN TINS 15-0Z. TINS 69c 27c 53c 55c 49c 3 48-TINSOz. 87, 73/4-0z. TIN IGA NEIGHBOUR CONTEST FREE A 1957 FORD EVERY ,6 WEEKS NOTHING .TO BUY — EASY TO ENTER ASK FOR YOUR FREE ENTRY BLANK TODAY Enter As Often As You Like ! YORK PEANUT BUTTER 16 -OZ. - JAR 39c ROBIN HOOD CAKE - MIXES New Family Size 35c MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAMS 1% -LB. TIN $'.69 DELICIOUS LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 2 1TINS 29C TABLERITE STEAK ROUND69' SIRLOIN lb. T-BONE WING TABLERITE BACK BACON 1 -LB. FLAT PKG. DAISY BRAND -RIND ON - 1 -LB. PKG. SIDE BACON 53c 63c SPECIAL INDIAN RIVER 4 GRAPEFRUIT.29c , Enter the Snoboy Contest! Draw Saturday Night for a CASE OF GRAPEFRUIT Watch London Free Press For Full Page Ad. Each Week CLEARY'S IGA MARKET 4�,5 I J dyiJJ 1' Aa del)F1t !u. • n 5Y (By FRANKLIN C. BRY • S) Unluckily, there are.only 13 days 1'eft until the Easter exams! Activities ' Practices and rehearsals for the annual Variety light Presented by Seaforth District High School, are Busing most of the extra curricula time. Here is the program ,for Friday night. The program cover design was done by\Neil Broad - foot: Boys' tumbling, directed by Mr. Dobson; F, Bryans, 13. Binnen- dyk, G. Cooper, D. Achilles, J. Lane, B. Hoegy, B. Flannigan, W. Jessome, M. Gulutzen, J. Achilles, P. Besse, R. Watson, J: Boshart, G. Burch, B. Wright. There will be a thrilling array of rolls,, headstands. headsprings, handsprings. dives, flips and pyra- mids. Duet by Joy Montgomery and Faye Ross, accompanied at the piano by Margaret Boyd; Pir- ate Dance, directed by Miss Tay- lor, accompanied by Jenny Morue, Ruth $ill's. Sally Nott, Ruth Croz- ier, Libby Habkirk, Ruth Teall, Barbara Boyd, Phyllis Lostell, Faye Love; decorations by John Scott; instrumental by Jenny Morue, the best classical music of the school; waltz. directed by Miss Taylor: A Christie, S. Sav- auge, J. Talbot, B. McFarlane, J. Perrie, A. Haekwell; decorations ';y Myrtle Knox, Beverly Stiller, Barbara Plumsteel; first class femininity and grace are guaran- teed in both dances; chorus, 10-C, s'upervised by Mr. Whiteley, ac- companied by Carolyn . Neil. This choir has ,proved itself in assemb- ly; "Utter Relaxation," a comedy in one act, directed by Mr. Cos- ford; cast: William Edmondson. K. Thompson; Amy Edmondson., M. MeLlwain; Emma Froswick, A. Hackwell; Ella ' maid).` M Clarke; Mr, Arthur Clement, C. Kerr; Joe McGraw, B. Snell. Un- fortunately nobody will 'relax dur- ing `this hilarious comedy. ' Tickets are available from any reputable student. time, 8:30 p.m. Adults 50c., children 25c—the mini- mum of cost for the maximum of entertainment, Students of the High School, Public School and Separate School will have free admission to the Friday afternoon presentation. The Seed Fair results have .been tabulated. There were 30 entries from district schools ih the Novice Class. Seaforth High School stu- dents placed as follows: Total 'Placing Points Bob Fotherin'gham .... 1 - 800 Bill Van Den Hengel 3 790 Ken Ryan _ 4 755 Bob Govenlock 6 723 Everett Hessels 7 716 Winston Powell 13 684 Jim Steffler 16 671' John Lane. 17 640 Bill Millson 22 639 John Hoggart 28 616 • There were • 32 entries from dis- trict schools in the Junior Class. Seaforth High School students plac- ed as follows: Total Placing Points Lawrence Taylor 1 860 Jack-Broadfoot 4 768 Gerald. Sloan. 5 699 Jerry Achilles 12 646 Barry Hoegy 15 633 Dennis Jewitt 25 588 Gary Cooper 32 513 The, school team was Lawrence Taylor, Bob Fotheringham, Bill Van 'Den Hengel. The trophies were • keel by Seaforth High. Lawrence 'p ylor wen the Junior ' Trophy, Bob Fotheringhalin won the Nov- ice Trophy. Awards' in each class were: first, $5; :second, $4; third, $3, and so on down the list. School Whispers. Gerald can't tell a reporter ,from a spy! Lawrence is a profession.i al car -barker! li ZION BUY your Dinnerware at SAV - AUG E'S March Sale. Choose from over 100 -patterns on display — all at exciting sale prices as low as $24.95 for a 94 -piece Dinner Set. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth—(Advt.). ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney vis- ited in Clinton Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams and family visited Mrs. B. Barker, Mit- chell, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bark- er on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shiller and Angela, Stratford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin recently. Mrs. Balfour is spendiryg a few days with Mr. and Mrs. • George Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson, Mit- chell. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, James Broughton. Atwood, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. • Dublin Plans - Toronto Reunion Plans are pretty well finalized for Dublin and district people to attend the gala St. Patrick's re- union near Toronto this Saturday. The reunion is sponsored by former Dublinites now living in Metropolitan Toronto, as a method of 'getting together 'once a year. Circulars have been sent out to those in other areas. such as Ham- ilton, London and Kitchener, and, of course, a special invitation to the folks at home in Dublin. Reports from Toronto show an increase in the number planning to go of 20 per cent more than last year, which was the first year, and a very successful one. Many persons plan to .make it a weekend' visit with their friends qr relatives in Toronto, but for those who can't stay away that long, a chartered bus has been arranged to leave Dublin approximately 3 p.m., and return after midnight. The following have already bought' their tickets, which admits them to the night club and a roast chicken dinner andjloor show: Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke, Mr: and Mrs. Gerald Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Looby, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Looby, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young, Mr. Matt Murray, Mr. Cec. Van Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan. Mr. Jer- ome Murray, Joan McLaughlin, Jerry Stapleton. Gordon Costello, Vincent Morrison, Mary Morrison, Toots Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, Mr, Norris and Mr. Earl Dick, who will supply music for dancing. CONSTANCE NEWS OF THE WEEK BUY your Dinnerware atq,SAV- AUGE'S March Sale. Choose from over 10Q patterns on display — all at exciting sale prices as lbw as $24.95 for a 94 -piece Dinner Set. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth.—(Advt.) A social was held Wednesday evening in the Sunday schoolroom of the church when the W.M.S. entertained the young people of Constance United Church. Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Mrs. R. MacGregor and Mrs. Ken Hulley, acting com- mittee, were responsible for the enjoyable evening, with Rev. T. White as chairman. The program consisted of a piano solo by Joyce Brown and a musical number by Dianna D:'e. .Tanice Jewitt and Judy li-mpsoa. accompanied by Laurel D ,le. F'rs. A. Baldwin. of Armens' ea,-- t`•e topic on. "How Much Aye You Worth?" Progres- sive crokinole was enjoyed. Prizes were won by: high, Mrs. George Hoggart and Ronnie Jewitt; low, Marjorie Hoggart and George Ad- dison. A delicious lunch was serv- ed and an enjoyable time spent. Several of the girls from here. with their leaders, Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. John , Broadfoot, attended the South Huron Achieve- ment Day for "Sleeping Gar- ments," in Seaforth District High School on Saturday. Misses Mar- ilyn Riley and Mary Broadfoot gave the topic on "How to prepare fabrics for cutting." They were highly commended on this topic. Sympathy gees out to Mr. and Mrs. David Livingston in the loss of Mrs. Livingston's mother, Mrs. Godfrey. who m't death due to an accident last Friday evening. Mr. Lyle Montgomery, of Inger- soll, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook (nee Joyce Buchanan), on the arrival of a baby girl. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mas- terman to the neighborhood. They have got settled in the new home. formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke. Miss Mary Whyte spent the Weekend with her parents, Mi•, f, 4.41 .a�., ai, fn._ `Ai,e14. ;e fe��'erlyShc?tr Q c Sl'r J e 4ins#e,a ilk' of lir :teak►,:+: 4T1 here #ot',su04041'- 14d: c40 'bad tee f urF 9e' Ira gates we wotll pave clean., our bean iall; Ohotipns We feel the Boys gatje the et' best, but all :the .,breaks wAre�. against them, and in ny sport yen mist: have a few tore. ka fo ,win: I -must say ,here,, I hav, nev-'. ep worked with a nicer group 0 boys,, and I can: tett' you they are. terribly disappointed at losimg the. seies. Well, we now, must continue with our plans to complete our oblige-: tions to all the boys who have played hockey this seasonrupder the Seaforth Athletic Association. This includes not only Juniors, but Juvenile, 'Midget and Bantam play- ers. Our plans, which, of course all depend on your continued support, are first to arrange a sports night. banquet, at which we are planning on having a couple of well-known hockey players or managers as speakers. We are planning on giv- ing the Juniors jackets at this time. To finance this program, tickets will be sold at $5.00 each. Ladies will be welcomed. • Each boy, on a minor team, will be given one ticket to sell, either to his parents orsome sport -minded person. The person buying the ticket will be responsible for the boy he purchased the ticket from' and must bring him to the,d'inner, be seated with him, and see he arrives home after the dinner. To make this plan a success, we must sell many extra tickets and these will be available at, Baldwin Hard- ware, Keating's Dug Store and Seaforth Motors. It will be im- possible for us to contact all our sports -minded friends, so please pick up 'your tickets and help make this banquet a success for the boys. We have been told by many that as soon as hockey is finished, ev- eryone will forget us. I cannot believe this, but the above plan will certainly show whether you are interested in helping us and the season successfully, and whe- ther you want us to plan for a bigger and better season next year. All accounts outstanding must be forwarded to Jim Murray at once, that we may know exactly what our financial position is and make plans to clear these as soon as possible. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Mary is attending Stratford Teachers' Col- lege and will be teaching at Guelph this week. Wedding bells rang Saturday for Miss Shirley Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stevens, who was united in marriage to Mr. Ron McLarnon, of Kippen. We ex- tend con'gratulations' to the young couple. Miss Janet MacGregor, Stratford Teachers' College, spent the week- end at her home and this week is teaching in Kitchener. Mr. W. Kerr, of McKillop. visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grim- oldby on Sunday. Mr. anxt Mrs. Chas. Wakefield and son, of London. visited with Mr. and Mrs, David Millson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Elaine visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, of Hanover. The young people of Constance United Church met Sunday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. The meeting opened with the Young People's Purpose, followed by a sing -song and hymn. Roll call was answered by twelve members. There will be a district banquet. in Belgrave April 10. Mrs. W. L. Whyte gave the Call to Wor- ship, followed by the Lord's Pray- er. A poem was read by Lawrence Taylor, and the scripture lesson was taken by Laurel Dale, follow- ed with prayer by John Jewitt. Garry Jewitt gave the topic, "Membership and. Responsibility in the Church." Mrs. Whyte led a discussion on the topic, A recre- ation period followed and lunch was served. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dale for the use of their home. - ' The Friendly Few Farm Forum met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Fol- lowing the discussion period, pro- gressive euchre was played, win- ners being: high, Mrs. Verne IYale and Verne Dale; low, Mrs. Frank Riley and Wm. Jewitt. The next forum will meet at the home of Mie, and Mrs. William Dale, 14_1 ..d�,.,,...E+•tr'._itu s, of ,,nti..+ t:Ii:; CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and family and Billie Houghton, all of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar on Sunday. We are pleased to • report Mr. 0. Walker, who,•is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, is doing as well as can be expected after his operation. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey Valerie Rolph and Mrs. Earl Rose and three daughters, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Laing and daughter, Lorraine, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson at Munro. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace entertained members of their fam- ily and friends Tuesday evening. Mrs. Grace Wren has returned to her home after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing and other friends. On the occasion of the 47th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, a family gath- ering was held Sunday at the home of their sop and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walt lace at Carlingford. A decorated anniversary cake graced the table. Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service was held in Staffa United Church with the ladies of Cromarty Pres- byterian Church joining with the Staffa congregation. Mrs, R. D, Sadler and Mrs. Ross Smale sang a duet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." They were accompanied by Mrs. R. Reid on the organ. Rev. S. Kerr, of Exeter, was guest speak- er, who gave an interesting ad- dress. W.M.S. Meets The Women's Missionary meet- ing was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. Moore. Olive Speare prissided and opened the meeting with a Call to Worship and also took charge of the devotions. The study book was read by Mrs. Ken McKellar, with Mrs. Jas. Scott taking part. The church in Indo- nesia and Malaya was the subject of discussion. A fine paper was prepared and read by Mrs. J. Scott. The topic was, "We Wor- ship What?" The Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs. Calder McKaig. Mrs. T. Laing presided for the business part of the pro- gram and dealt with matters of interest, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. T. L. Scott and the Lord's Prayer in unison. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar, Sea - forth, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid. Mr, and Mrs. John McEwing and family visited Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper and Bert and Carol, Tuck- ersmith. Miss Lois Roe, of Stratford Teachers' College. is teaching in Kitchener this week. Mrs. Watson Reid and baby, David, returned home from Scott Memofial Hospital last Wednes- day, Mrs. Laura Saundercock, of Londesboro, is helping out at the Reid home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bernard and family and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bernard, Brussels, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John McEwing and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yeattdle, of Kitchener, on Sunday. : Stewart New Spring Coa EXCITING - PASTEL TWEEDS and SOFT FLANNELS Beautiful All - Wool Tweed Spring Coats in Homespuns. B o u c les, Donegals and Fine Spft Flannels. You'll want to see our imps s - sive collection of full-length Coats i:i the new 1957 Spring styling. NEVER LOVELIER IN COL- OURS: AQUA. PINK, BEIGE, GREY AND BLUE. • In sizes from 91/:, to 201/2 and 10 to 18 NEVER BETTER VALUE 29.95. $Q.95 49.95 Pick Yours From Our Large Range SrTEWA'RT BROS. I.O.O. F. PAPER DRIVE Those wishing to have their papers and magazines col- lected, kindly call or leave at: HINH'S GARAGE BRODHAGEN E. HAASE ( WINTHROP ED. ANDREWS SEAFORTH VICTOR LEE SEAFORTH DAVID McLEAN SEAFORTH OTTO WALKER CROMARTY KYLE'S STORE KIPPEN ODDFELLOWS or REBEKAHS Your Papers go to buy wheel chairs, hospital beds and crutches. Anyone wishing to use same may do so. This is a good cause, so get behind the I.O.O.F, Paper Drive 100 per cent. PERSONALIZED Napkins — Coasters — Informals -- Stationery Order Them Through THE HURON EXPOSITOR We carry a full line of - BENJAMIN. MOORE PAINTS ALSO SUPER KEMTONE and KEM GLO Come in and see our BEACH and McCLARY RANGES ALSO McCLARY REFRIGERATORS WE HAVE "Easy" Washers .and Dryers Also 15 Cubic Foot Freezers in Stock at $ 315.00 Ask to see our new "Choremaster" Garden Tractors and Lawn Mowers. Machan Hardware Brussels Ont.