HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-03-08, Page 5mislumountut,i‘vmo p ere A regular Hibbert•held in the 'l'owiiship Ball. Staffa, when the tender go 'P14A' etrOOtpg Co. ka*, 4cOptoin,for crushing and Aot*A?,901*104e.yg,00, of gravel An to township roads. at 66 cents ,per cubie yard. ', and 50 cents Per yard for stockpile in pit:: Farnaera may order lane gravel from the contractor at: 85 cents per cubic yard, • - The county Weed: inspector, F. RECEPTION 'for. and Mrs. David tivingstone FRIDAY; MARCH 8th Seaforth Community Centre Good Orchestra ,..,EVERYBQDY WELCQME Ecu, was t* 14140 *44014, col„14p14 the different kindsof weeds, an(i theposv.effemtit0methods ofokentrol;• ,-' --- • • 1 Tbe.,,oelerk was instructed - tft;!ad- vertise for tontlerSfor skewed C.oficretp -culgert;,18 feet by 8 feet by 44 :feet, to be erected at lot 20- 21, concession 14, the township to supply the cement and the steel. A by-law was passed to bire E. Harburn IS warble fly inspector at -90 eents-'Per hour and 10 eentS, per mile, and W. Harburn as as- sistant inspector ,at 2 cents per head per spray. A niembershiP fee for 1957 „was, paid to Scott Memorial Hospital. resolution was passed -to hold court of revision on the Big Muni- cipal Drain at 4 p.m. on April 1, and Roy Burchill was instructed to have by-laws printed and 'mailed to owners of lands on said drain. Road accountafor $1,137,53 and general orders for $43993 were paid: O.M.H.A. SEMI-FINAL$ -Tillsonlibrg vs.- , Seaforth Topnotch Juveniles THURSDAY NIGHT (March 7th) at 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION — 50 Cents and 25 Cents QUALITY 11I 1956 1956 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 2100.00 Radio; low mileage 1953 PONTIAC SE Deluxe; very clean 1250,00 1951 BUICK SEDAN 1125.00 1-954 CHEV. "BEL AIR' SEDAN 1450.00 Lovely condition MANY LOWER PRICED CARS AT GIVE- AWAY PRICES TO LOWER INVENTORY !, No Reasonable Offer Refused _ 1953 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICKUP 675.00 1953 G.M.C. 1/2-TONPICKUP 675.00 Seaforth Motors Chev. - Olds. Chev. Trucks Open evening's, 8 to 10 PHONE 541 Well, Lady Luckis es. far as our hockey team is conecrne.. 0W0.„01 out of -over 900 to . our',0411.11C but if we are eliminated now POO.,004v0K-W,4:,fm.Fsr.PP94:41.4 as our .ex- inpsevio 414:0 •.1g4 month have ;4940611.430:440,4.0 we were de- pending'9.xv.pl*off- games to soon take care of these, . . We are planing on iaving a hockey banquet at wbieh time 10ketk will' ''obe **mot ;. pm- i„444g.,„;;tiow .00 to,'.,,try 'amt. 'obtain well-known Perseus in tlie sports .World and try and sell- 100'lleitets at $5.O0 each,. which:' will be used to -pay 'for the 'jackets and • the costs el the, banetiet. I do not know if this is possible, but 'feel sure that all our fans -will not forgake us as soon as our season closes. If our response to' this project is satisfactory—and :we feel the „ general public still feels that Sea - forth islarge, enough to continue in 'Junior -"Ey;b0ekey—*e have plans for bringing in, wrestling- aid possibly a topnotch TV -radio show to raise funds to clear all obliga- tions arid raise additional funds to carry on minor hockey next sea- son. This program -depends entire- ly on our' fans. If they will support us by spending a few dollars to' help, we will continue. to work hard for sports in Selforth. If they feel two or three must spend several hundreds of their own money then it will be impossible to carry on any program for the financing of our sports picture. The following is •a financial statement of accounts 'as paid, At the end of the season we will give you an itemized statement 'of all accounts. as sodn as they are all Receipts to date $4,075.55 Gate receipts 142420 Turkey draw 547o:75 , Expenses to date last week $ 5,941.63 Travelling 46,00 Lunches 51.00 Advertising 390 Coaching 30.00 0.H.A. 5% gate 1092 W.O.A.A., 15% gate, minors 1896 $ 6,047.45 $ 6,10121 Balance overdrawn $ 53.76 WINCHELSEA Winchelsea euchre party was held in the sehool Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. I. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan as hosts. Prizes went to Mrs. K. Hern, lad- ies' high; Mrs. F. Walters, lone hands, and Emerson Penhale, men's high, . We are glad to report that Mrs. .•James Horne was able to be mov- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne's home the past week. The Winchelsea . Line and Sun- shine Line members of the W.M.S. and WA. had a 'very, successful quilting on Wednesday in the vil- lage. . Mr. Newton Clarke was in To- ronto for a couple of days at a business meeting, and Mrs. Clarke had Mrs. Hawkins, of Exeter, spend a 'couple of days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and Randy and Miss Donna Gilfillan, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan. ” Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veal and babe of Expter, visited on Sunday with 1Vir.-- and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. Mr. Harry Armstrong and Janice of near Hensall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey vis- ited on Sunday with Misses Dora and Beatrice and Mr. Charlie Del - bridge. 1 LAMPS! LAMPS LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS ! LAMPS! •SPECIAL CLEARANCE REDUCED FROM •- I 0 to 50 Come in to -clay and see our our outstanding Display. HUNDREDS OF LAMPS . OF - EVERY DESCRIPTION ! • BOX FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE • HOUSE FURNISHINGS — • FLOOR COVERINGS Westinghouse Appliances - • 1 SEAFORTH • Floor Sanding PHONE 43 LAMPS! 7t! Len. Flowered AnM*at 13el,ge an (By FltANICLINC. BRYAlkiq)Or:Girls versus the St. Marys Jun- Thethe Easter exams. m stand in the. way of eadva th-ntage of thSeaforthe gap is becoming narrower. gym. 41 resulted' esultgeadmein tahes20-0114 Only 20 days 14,, $ $ Juniors came up from a trail Of Spells 9 points, to tie the game. The fol - The basketball season eame to _lowing Monday the Seaforth Jun - an end this week. The Junior Girls" ine Girls were sadly defeated 17 made a final atteinpt m St. Marys 34 by tile St. Marys Junior Girls last Monday. The Members of the' in the. St. Marys gym. Senior Girlsteam went as a cheer -t otaellrine:g Fbowinhthegaemeens21ts ,thpes;m cer-. ing section. The boys' teams pro- erw also. tested that they should have gone 2P;aPties, in thG, Nixon,z5; M. Cooper, With total points in two games The league standings, al:the end to count, the Juniors unfortunately of the H.S.SA, series are: were not able to "rack up" en- Junior Boys Basketball augh baskets to take the lead. Games GameS Last Thursday the Seaforth Jun- Team; Lost Won . District Obituaries MISS NETTLE CAMERON HENSALL—Private funeral ser- vices for Miss Nettie Cameron, who passed away at the home of 'ier brother, R. J. Cameron, Wed- lesday morning, will be held from the Cameron residence Friday af- ternoon at 2 p.m. Rev. Donald Mac- Donald will officiate. Burial will be in Hensall Union Cemetery. In her 76th year, _Miss Cameron was born in Hensall and had been a resident of the village all her life. She was a member of Car- mel Presbyterian Church. Surviv- ing are two brothers, Robert J., Hensall, and Jack, of Guelph. MICHAEL C. McCAR'IllY LkTJBLIN.—Word has been receiv- ed here of the sudden death. at his home, 304 St. Johns Road, Toronto, on Thursday, February 28, of Michael C. McCarthy, in his 47th year. Born at Killaloe, he moved with his parents,- the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy, to Dublin. He attended St. Patrick's separate school and Dublin continuation school. He was employed in De- troit for several years, later go- ing to Toronlo, where he has re- sided for the past 25 years. He was married to Marjorie Cure, of Toronto, who survives, with one daughter, Joan; also five brothers, John and Lloyd, R.R. 1, Dublin; Tom, Toronto; Dan, Wind- sor; Matt, of Pontiac, Michigan; two sisters, Mrs. D. P. Monaghan (Kathleen), of Kitchener, and Mrs. Gordon Palin (Genevieve), Toron- to. Funeral services were held in Toronto on Monday. THOMAS LEEMING - WALTON. — Thomas Leeming passed away suddenly on Feb. 20 At his home at Walton in -his 70th year. He had been in failing health for ten years. Mr. Leeming was born in Mc- Killop Township, a son of the late Thomas Leeming and Catherine Doerr. He was a resident of Mc- Killop all his life until retiring to Walton eight years ago. He was a member of the Session of Walton United Church for 30 years. Thirty- two years ago.,he was married to Maud Morrison. Surviving besides his widow is a daughter (Kathleen), Mrs. Jim Clarke, Walton, and one son, Wil- liam, of McKillop, and five grand- children; one sister, Mrs°. Isabella Boyd, of McKillop; three brothers, Leonard and John, McKillop, and William, of Seaforth. The funeral was held on Friday, conducted by the Rev. W. M. Thomas, assisted by Rev. John Button, Tavistock, and Rev. Wm. Maines, Embro, in Walton United Church. The pallbearers were Members of the session: Edward Bryans, Clarence Martin, John Watson, George McArthur, Wm. Sholdice and Lloyd Porter, Hon- orary pallbearers were Geo. Dun- das, Herbert Kirkby, Silas John- ston and Martin Baan. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, Seaforth. PLAN DAY OF PRAYER Women's World Day of Prayer will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Mrs. Bruce W. Hall will be guest speaker. Dublin School News (By C. MOYLAN) Tickets were sold during the week, and Grade 12 held a party on Friday at which these tickets were drawn. Shirley Horan and Donald Moylan were the winners. The party commenced with some lively games of euchre, with Jean Byers and Donald Moylan the high scorers. As a finish, hot choco- late and cake was served, the prb- - oo ceeds of this party going to the Scarboro Missions. $ $ I am happy to) say that, my prophecy of a slump in February is wrong, for the reports for the month show an increase in the class averages, with Grade 12 hold- ing first place, Grade 11 second, and Grades 9 and 10 tied. $ $. Baseball is becoming interesting as Grades 9 and 10 go into the finals. Two games were played this week, one in French, the other in Latin. ,amps! LAMPS! ,,,141oM.11.11d \11'.:17,74,,1111":1PAA $ $ We are glad to welcome Ray Maloney, a former student, home. $ ,-011e.Stitilla of thc.wook • .Jean. do OkiliSO-io:fo.,,Itiy(hio:-‘.,besicles,f '0: 2adio.- ' - -4■--Mary 4 , • ,,,- ..". ...10--". ---•••••••.. aoan,a1' th ),.. ,.., ., OW 1.it,„ ,...'47,Al:',.%, Wingham 0 6 Clinton 3 3 Goderich 4 2 Seaforth 5 1 Senior Boys Basketball Goderich ' Clinton 2 Seaforth 5 Wingham 5 Junior Girls Basketball Seaforth 0 Goderich 2 Wingham 4 Clinton 6 • Senior Girls Basketball Wingham 1 5 Clinton o 2 , 4 Seaforth 4 2 Goderich 5 1 Team members and individual scores for the season: Junior Boys—H James, 71 pts.; D. Tremeer, 43; B. Binnendyk, 21; B. Reith, 15; R. Eyre, 13; B. Gov- enlock, 6; R. Uhler, 3; K.'Coleman, 2; L. Taylor, 1; J. Achilles, D. Achilles, F. Hunt. Senior Boys—R Scoins, 52 pts.; C. Kerr, 48; F. Bryans, 17; D. Riley, 14; K. Pethick, 10; M. Gulut- zen, 13; R. Millson. 8; J. Jacobi, 5;1 J. Boshart, 4; F. Flewitt, 1; V. Uhler. Junior Girls—F. Menhreere, 44 pts.; M. Papple, 28; G. Nixon, 17; M. Cooper, 13; S. Savauge, 4; F. Love, 2; V. Rakewich, M. Elliott, S. Doig, K Boshart, M, McLlwain, E. Christensen. Senior Girls—R. Sills. 29 pts.; R. Teall, 29; I. Lydiatt, 22; B. Mc- Farlane, 9; M. Ross, 7; A. Chris- tie, 5; J. Montgomery. Y. MeTag- gart, B. Siemon, S. Nott, N. Rey- nolds, B. Boyd, R. Crozier. $ $ - A series of public speaking con- tests will be starting in the inter- val after the exams. The best pub- lic sPeakers will be sent to . re- present each class in the public speaking competitions during as- semblies. The winners of these competitions will deliver a speech during "Open House." 6 4 1 1 6 4 2 0 $ $ Seaforth District High put on an excellent show at the Seed Fair as seen in the newspapers. Lawr- ence Taylor. Bob Fotheringham and Bill Van Den Hengel scored the highest points and won the "Best School Award" for the dis- trict. $ $ The Thursday night skating par- ty has been cancelled due to a hockey game. $ $ Assemblies A film of the University of West- ern Ontario was shown during last Friday's assembly. Earlier in the day an assembly was held to pre- sent Mr. Schemelfeske with a wed- ding gift, in the form of a smok- er's stand. • $ $ School Whispers Where were Maude and Calhoun Friday night? Did Donelda teach Doc how to dance? There is a "two-timing" Joan in our school. Who is the girl that faithfully meets the train every Friday night. Wabasso ' SHEETS and Pillowcases See Wabasso Anniversary Sheets This sheet is of durable heavy weight cotton, guaranteed for 7 years. Laundered ready for use. Double Bed Size • 81 x 100 Family Quality 81 x 100 Wabasso Percale 81 x 100 Pillowcases 4,50 Each 7,95 Pr. 9,95 Pr. 1.75 - 2.25 Large Dop1Jeec grTheousnecisarCitir pAainSt701-'patter new and different digs. Color are wiiit6: with Tourquoiio Yellow Green; Rese, Blue; Pink, Beige, Etc. Stocked in Three Price aroups 8.95 9.95 12.95 SUPER DUPONT HIGH BULK ORLON • CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS That Are Cashmere Soft and So Practical! GIRLS' SIZES 2 - 6X A complete range of colours in S.S. Pullovers and L.S. Cardigans. Pullovers 1.95 Cardigans 2.95 PRE - TEENS SIZE 8-14 Exciting new shades in the finest knit to match your skirt, in shrimp, champagne, yellow, pink, blue, white, red, etc. S.S. Pullovers 2.95 L.S. Cardigans 3.95 LADIES' ORLON SWEATERS — SIZE 14 - 40 20 colours to choose from! We feature Grandmere in this size range. This Orlon is the finest on the market. Guar-- anteed machine washable. PULLOVER5.95 L.S. CARDIGAN 6.95 STEWART BROS. McKillop Awards Bridge Contracts McKillop Township Council on Monday awarded contracts for the construction of five bridges and culverts as follows: Shea culvert, McLean -Foster, St, Marys, $1,847; Bosman culvert, McLean -Foster, St. Marys, $2,252; Coutts culvert, McLean -Foster. St, Marys, $2,767; Carron culvert, Ron- ald Saville, $1,179,40; Devereaux culvert, Ronald Saville, $1,276. The contract for spraying cattle went to Louis Maloney, R.R. 5, Seaforth, at 10c a head per spray. Inspector is Ken Stewart, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Joe Kerr, Wingham, was awarded a gravel contract at 64c a yard. USED TV BARGAINS 1-10" ADMIRAL $ 49.95 1-12" GENERAL ELECTRIC 79.95 1-17" ADMIRAL 99.95 1-17" SPARTON 99.95 1-21" GENERAL ELECTRIC 149.95 1-21" PHILLIPS 169.95 1-21" RCA VICTOR CONSOLE 199.95 (Three Months Guarantee) 1-8 Cu. Ft. FRIG 125.00 1—BEATTY WASHER 75.00 1—SIMPLICITY WASHER 50.00 '1—MAXWELL WASHER 40.00 ,1—BEACH RANGE: H.D 15.00. 1—NORTHERN ELECTRIC RADIO RECORD PLAYER 39.50 • Dennis Electri -Phone 47 OUR MOTTO OF "The Most Value For the FARMER'S DOLLAR" Still Applies TOPNOTCH 20% LAY CRUMBLES—$4.05 Cwt. or $80.00 per Ton Delivered TOPNOTCH CHICK STARTER CRUMBLES MEDICATED — $4.50 Cwt. Or $89.00 per Ton Delivered We can now Deliver All Feeds Bulk in 3 -Ton Lots at $4.00 per Ton Saving to you. FIELD SEEDS Have Arrived and we can save you money by placing your order today. Special on No. 1 Grimm Alfalfa — $27.00 per Bushel. PRICES ON ALL OTHER SEEDS COMPARES WITH OUR PRICE ON ALFALFA SEED GRAIN Commercial, Certified and Registered Seed Grain at attractive prices. Certified Rodney and Garry Oats 1.65 per Bushel .„f